canisalbus · 6 months
May I offer you a mental picture of a canine I see frequently at work? They are a white potato of a chihuahua, not super overweight but definitely well fed. Always very clean, his father is very kind and doting on him and sometimes he wears a tiny jacket if it is too cold. This little gentleman who never barks at strangers and likes to flirt with the ladies recently got his certification as a Medical Alert Dog, which makes me smile when I see him.
Oh he sounds like a dapper little man, doing such important job too.
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
In response to the post I found of yours about Moreos guy, how do you think he would feel about the new Cookies and Cream Oreos that actually exist and are selling like crazy?
I don't think I'm qualified or capable of speaking on behalf of the Moreos guy, but I assume he wouldn't be too pleased about it
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So I recently heard about some apparently thing that the publishers are doing to prevent any rewrites of the cannon material for Warriors. I just wanted to know if you've heard anything about it?
I have heard of it, though admittedly I’ve been trying not to think about it too much. I’m in the throes of a pretty bad depressive episode at the moment, so I feel, as much as I want to properly address it, if I give it too much attention, it’ll consume me.
That being said… If Harper Collins come after me, they can kiss my ass.
Not only is OFND so far removed from canon that I’ve heard a ton of people call it a fully original story, but fucking Warriors itself draws heavy inspiration from another cat-based series- Tailchaser’s Song. In addition to that, the publishers are actively trying to kill their fandom, which is quite literally the only thing keeping the series alive at this point. They have no leg to stand on, not only due to the status of my work, but also because I’m not being compensated or paid for said work.
OFND is safe. I’ve done my research.
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princessmuk · 1 year
The google ai thing just popped on my dash. I know i saw the thing come up about a week or something ago and it is set to be off by default. They might be testing how many people turn it on or something? I am pulling my work off when i get a chance though.
Hi! I am going to clear up some minsinfo on the OG post when I have the time, but for now let me just answer this ask!
This feature is a part of Google Labs and is currently opt-in. The worry was that it might eventually become opt-out, but currently that is not the case.
I still encourage switching to a different service for docs and such, for reasons more than this latest AI thing, but I also want to be clear about exactly what this feature is. Definitely look into the feature yourself!!
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ryetaran · 2 years
No lie she inspired something similar that i am slowly working on because that is a cool concept and i would 100% listen to anything you have that just ends up existing more xD i am one who loves Things People Make
Aww, hell yea!! I hope whatever project that is, is going well for ya!
I’m one day hoping to push myself a bit more to actually post about my ocs instead of just hoarding the info in my head lol 😂
and thank ya for being one who loves things people make 💜💜
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simsofheritagehills · 10 months
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"Good heavens, what is that woman wearing.. her legs are exposed! What are these people wearing... where have I gone?! What kind of a place is this.." a man in suspenders was muttering to himself in horror as he looked on at the larger group of sims. Hibiscus raised his eyebrows in curiosity.
"Are you alright?" Hibi asked as he approached, glancing over the man's shoulder at the raw berry he saw standing just off to the side, looking as skittish as a wild bunny. He would need to speak to her next.
The spooked man jerked and then turned to look at him, his eyes widening to the size of saucers, before giving Hibiscus a once over.. then a twice over... and a thrice over. "G-good sir, you are pink!" the man squeaked.
"I am. As I told the boy Oscar, I'm from a save where this is normal. And so is that girl over there," he said, pointing over the other man's shoulder towards the raw berry. Evidently, the man had already seen her, because he just shook his head, refusing to look at the pure white berry girl behind him. Hibiscus had a feeling this man was going to be a bit more difficult than some of the others.
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eyesxxyou · 2 months
𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖑 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖆 🏴‍☠️🐚
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| viii. eight | soulless dreams
🐚・・・pirate!Hobie x mute!siren!reader.
𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔱: mentions of self-harm. slightly obsessive behavior. nudity. slightly suggestive but nothing crazy.
↳ ❝ you knew that if you could dream you would dream of Hobie ❞
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It is said that sirens do not dream. That, to dream, one must have a soul. It is said that sirens eat the souls of people so that maybe – just maybe – they could steal their dreams for themselves and know what it means to truly be human.
You’ve never had a dream in your life and you always wondered if it meant you didn't have a soul. You tried to feel it, your soul, or the lack of it. You wondered if the emptiness you felt within the cage of your chest was where your soul was meant to rest. You wanted to cut yourself open, wanted to search for it between your organs that always seemed to slosh around uncomfortably. Would you find it nestled between your heart and your lungs? Or would you find the cavity where some higher power meant to place one.
For many years, you wandered the endless seas in search for your soul under every rock and within every human trinket. And by fate, you had been harpooned through the shoulder by a royal navy ship and brought abord. You were shoved into a cage and days later, you were rescued by the most beautiful human you had ever placed your eyes upon. You knew it the moment you saw him that you had found your soul. 
That empty space in your chest had all at once been filled with admiration and a devout dedication to this pirate. You owed him your life and you were more than willing to give it to him even if he didn't seem to like you much.
But you knew that if you could dream you would dream of Hobie. 
You awoke curled up in the sand, your body unfurling from its fetal position to stretch your limbs. You blinked once, twice, the fluttering of your long lashes casting the sand from your eyes. A great yawn erupted from you as you sat up and looked around. Most were still sleeping in their drunken stupor, others were groaning and grumbling about the “damned sun in their eyes”. But among all of them, Hobie was nowhere to be found.
You got up and stood to your feet. You figured you’d go for a quick swim before the ship departed for sea again. You haven't had the chance to swim often these days, being injured. But Hobie and his crew had been taking great care of you and your shoulder was healing up nicely. You tried not to think about it, how once you were healed you’d be made to leave. How could you leave? Leave him? Leave all the friends you’ve made.
You walked into the sea that welcomed you with open arms and warm waters. The only mother you have ever known. She had birthed you, from seafoam and salty mist, and adorned you with pearls and made you beautiful. She made you empty, made you incomplete, but she made you beautiful.
You swim briskly, with your head still above the water in search of your beloved you weren't quite sure felt just the same. Your eyes scanned the beaches and it wasn't long before you found him in the secluded cover you had been in the night before lamenting over what he had done to you.
Hobie was standing in the water, bare of any clothes which he had left on a rock on shore. He had covered himself in oils made from fruits and flowers of the island, smelling of sweet peaches and lovely hibiscus. He stood with his back turned to you, the subtle curve of his spine leading up to broad shoulders. He turned but he didn't see you. He was lean, slender but built.
He could have easily been a siren himself with his unshakable beauty. He could seduce just as well as one. With his eyes and his lips and his lovely adornments.
You felt your face flush with blood at the thought of swimming over and touching him, helping him rub oil into his back, over his chest. The scars in his skin from being stabbed, shot – a long, hard life. You wanted to kiss them, his scars, heal them with your adoration, like using gold to fix a broken pot and make it hold again.
You watched him, you head just barely above water. In a daze, you hadn't noticed Hobie had turned in your direction. He noticed your head peeking over the water, milky eyes staring, daydreaming of a world where you had the confidence, the voice, to ask to help him bathe, to worship him.
Hobie chuckled softly, snapping you out of your lovesick daze. “Ya wanna get ma back fo’ me, pearl?” He meant it as a joke but as you poked your head up further and began approaching closer, Hobie choked and backed away. “‘M jus’ jokin’, luv.”
Flustered and embarrassed by your own eagerness to be near him even in his most vulnerable state, you tucked away under the water and swam away in your humiliation holding your cheeks that burned.
Hobie didn't hold it against you. He laughed about it on the ship as they sailed away on the island and gently chuckled with you as if you were any other member of the crew. You moved your head to look at him, your cheeks heating with the rush of blood to your face. Even the fins of your ears were tinted pink.
Hobie was kinder to you than he was before, in the beginning of your strained relationship. Everyone spoke of how Hobie was starting to return to his usual, carefree self. Yes, he was kinder but he was still an ever elusive character in your lonely life, never fully letting you get too close, always maintaining distance, never letting the two of you touch.
You sat on deck with your oranges, watching the sun set slowly over the horizon. Hobie was ordering people around, preparing them for their first night back at sea and you watched in admiration. He was cast in golden light, his necklaces and rings glinting under the fading sun. You sank your teeth into an orange and hoped that maybe he’d look at you, come sit with you, talk to you.
Instead, Gwen came and blocked your view of him. “Hey, you mind if I sit with you?” She looked down at you, smiling with a lopsided grin.
You liked Gwen, Miles, and Pavitr. They all treated you kindly, accepted you as one of them without a hitch, more than the others. They were young. They knew little of beasts and monsters. All they knew, in their innocent youth, was of sweet kindness. You adored them. They were your friends, whatever that may mean to you.
You glanced around at Hobie who caught your gaze from just a moment, looking at you with something softer than before. But a crew member distracted him and he turned away from you. You could hear him murmured under his breath, but could not discern what it might have been. You nodded and shuffled to the side to make space with her on the stairs leading up to the forecastle.
The two of you sat in silence for a long while. You are your oranges, licking your sticky lips, watching Hobie while you did so. Gwen fidgeted beside you with fingers twirling her half-shaved head and shifting eyes. She looked as if she meant to ask you something but didn't know how, didn't know if she even should.
It took her many more minutes to say anything, working up the courage to ask what was on her mind. She came out with it in a quick babble. “Do you like Hobie?” She was sure to be quiet so as to not capture the attention of anyone around you, especially not Hobie himself. “I mean…the way me and Miles like each other.” She added on to differentiate platonic “like” from romantic “like”.
You slowly ate the rest of your orange and swallowed it with an obvious bulge in your throat. You nodded slowly and turned your face away, your cheeks hot and stinging, maybe from the sugar of the orange, maybe from the thought of Hobie being close to you. ‘Me no think he like me.’ You signed.
“I don't think that's quite true.” Gwen saw the way he interacted with you, the way he reeled from your touch not from disgust or hatred but from fear. Fear you might find out what he hides beneath that shell of his, fear that you might peel away his skin and find his soul already displayed for your taking, fear that he may already be willing to give it to you if you so asked.
“He's different now.” More accepting of his circumstances. He did not fight his life like it was not his own as much. “I think he likes you. He just isn't sure he knows it, I think.” Gwen looked at Hobie who stood talking to Miles, offering firm pats on the shoulder. He always took a liking to Miles, saw a lot of himself in the young boy.
“I'm not sure how it would work between a human and a siren but Hobie’s never been one to follow the rules, I guess.” She shrugged. You looked human enough, beautifully inhuman but your anatomy was close. You could kiss, you could hold, you could love. “I think it could work. Doesn't hurt to try.”
You listened to her words carefully and nipped at your bottom lip with your fanged teeth. Your eyes lingered on Hobie, still, your fingers tingled with the desire to touch and caress. Your innocent love for him, so tender. You wanted to hold him. You wanted him to find his soul within you too. You wanted him to dream of you.
You could not perform siren mating rituals even if you wanted to. For sirens, singing was the source of everything and to attract a mate, sirens would sing their most beautiful songs to each other. You were born wrong, your throat slit in the womb of the sea, cursing you to a life forever alone.
You lowered your gaze with disappointment and touched carefully at your hair to soothe yourself. You tried not to think of your brokenness, your soullessness. The sea had made you incomplete. You were meant to be human. You were meant to dream. You were meant to have a soul.
The next night, you sat outside of Hobie's cabin, waiting for him to retire for the night. In your hands, you held a small gift for him, fiddling with them to make them look presentable in your palms.
“Pearl.” Hobie had known you would return to his door at night the moment he apologized to you and for the first time, he didn't mind it. He saw that you held something in your hands, close to your chest, and knelt down beside you. “Whatcha go’ there?”
You pouted softly, shy to show him what you had so meticulously collected for him. Slowly, you opened your hand to him and showed him a few black pearls you had meticulously and delicately taken from a few clams while you were swimming beneath the boat. You were sure to only choose the most perfect ones for him and to thank the clams for their pearls.
Hobie took them carefully from your soft palms. “They’re beautiful, pearly.” He murmured softly, examining them for any flaw. There were none, not even a warp in the surface.
‘For you.’
“For me?” Hobie sat down beside you with the pearls in his palms. His eyes were soft, his calloused hands were softer. You looked at him and imagined a world where you’d have the courage to place your hand upon his cheek and him do the same to you. “Yer quite sweet, pearl. Thank ya.”
Hobie took your hand and gently placed his lips up on the ridge of your knuckles. It was the most intimate he’s ever been with you. The first time he's ever voluntarily touched you in ages. You felt your heart soar, beating against the cage of your chest so hard you thought it might tear through. You face was hot, you felt lightheaded. You smiled.
That night, when he left you — this time, offering you pillows and a blanket — you fell into a slumber full of fanciful dreams of Hobie and you, dancing together under the moonlight.
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𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱: @lovelyygirl8 @humungus-mythology-geek @shutingstar @pixieofthesun @hobiesbf @gayaristocrat
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ramayantika · 7 days
Parvati (mystery academia)
Black. black. Stillness and dissolution. Nothingness is draped in shades of black which now surrounds you. This darkness however is not heavy. It surrounds you like a gentle mist, and there is a shower of large hibiscus flowers donning the darkest shade of red, like blood.
The chiming sound of anklets wake you up at night. A slow whisper rings in your ears. 'Wake up.' You lie wide awake. Your heart thuds in your chest, but the wake up call never recedes. Wake up from which sleep? There is no answer replying you.
Your mother sends you to light the incense sticks. By routine, you circle the sticks twice around the images of the gods. A jasmine flower falls on your hand, and for the first time, the eyes of the goddess bore into yours.
You sleep soundly. The wake up call of a feminine voice repeats once again. Your subconscious steals you into a dream. A room of mirrors welcome you and there is a sound of distant laughter outside the mirror. It is sweet and lively.
You stand in front of the mirrors. Seven mirrors and seven pieces, each a fragmented image until you peer closely. A woman stands behind you, tall and graceful with her hand raised in a blessing. The pearl stud on her nose shines like a mirror and you remember only the large gold nose ring.
'Wake up.' A warm hand caresses your head. Golden glow surrounds her hand. Your eyes are dazzled and you squint hard. Slumber takes you again in a comfortable embrace, but your soul has never been this aware, as if arising from a long slumber.
'Mother,' you call out. A soft hand caresses your head and some velvety fabric touches your cheek. It reminds you of a distant but loved maternal touch, and you feel like a child again. You are safed and loved.
A large serpent coils around your body. Its hood sits on the top of your head like a crown. Atop its hood lies a lotus. The serpent must terrify you, but there is a sweet smell of sandalwood, a shower of kadamba blossoms, and red gulal sprinkled in the air.
A woman dances in abandon. There is grace, there is desire, there is passion and there is liberation in the air around her, and in her being. It is electrifying. The beautiful queen-like woman transforms into a beacon of darkness, and red fades in your vision. A loud howl alerts your ears and loud thudding sounds of a drum beckon you closer. Black. You faint.
Nine women surround you. Each woman wears a different coloured saree. Some look motherly, some look youthful, and some look terrifying -- every shade of life taking its existence in their bodies.
A flash of lightening and your body jerks open. The serpent from your dreams coils around you tighter. A trident manifests beside you. Your hands touch the weapon and electricity fizzles through your body.
It is dark again. In pitch darkness, a lady in red and white, decked in gold and long flowing hair manifests herself in front of you. 'You have woken up then.' The serpent from your dreams has followed your path and hisses in agreement. It understands human language, some strange way of nature to show her power, the power of the divine feminine, Her. The serpent looks at you. There is humanity in its eyes. What a curious play of Prakriti!
The youthful woman who giggles as sweet as sugar, beware, she is wild and untamed. You may desire to claim her for yourself, but she shall not. She is the Mother of the Universe, manifesting in different forms. The little girls with pigtails who sweetly handed over her ladoo too is her, and so is the frail old lady in your neighbourhood. She is everywhere.
Nobody knows how did those vile men die, but justice was served. The wise old woman whispers about the devi serving justice, a feat these strong and burly policemen who claim to be the protectors of the common public, and the 'fair' judiciary had failed to achieve. 'I saw the devi drink their blood. Their severed heads served as her garlands. It is true.' The rest of the crowd roll their eyes at the rambling woman.
The final night. Loud sounds of the drums make your heart beat thud in excitement. Women march ahead, their foreheads adorned with red vermilion. Little children dance their way to the river as vehicles carry the idols of the goddess to the river. There is a huge crowd, each person chanting the name of the goddess. Amidst the humungous crowd, there is a call that makes you turn your head towards the sky. A golden glow forms against the dark clouds of the night, and there she is.
The cosmos manifests in her. Adorned with the stars and galaxies, she stands tall and large in the skies, her large doe-like eyes looking at her children with love and affection. She is jagat janani after all. Her trident manifests in her arms and she solemnly swears to protect her children from every harm. Jai devi! Jai maa durga!
'It isn't a dream. You have reached out to me, just like I. A mother want her children around her. Remember, you and me, we all are one.'
taglist: @jukti-torko-golpo @krishna-priyatama @krsnaradhika @krishakamal @ma-douce-souffrance @prettykittytanjiro @krishna-sangini @thegleamingmoon @kaal-naagin @chaliyaaa @desigurlie @inexhaustible-sources-of-magic @ramcharantitties @houseofbreadpakoda @swayamev @rhysaka @aesthetic-aryavartik @ahamasmiyodhah @vishnavishivaa
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divababes · 4 months
2024 hot girl summer:
In this post:
Hot girl summer moodboard
Summer glow up checklist
Hot girl summer moodboard:
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Hot girl summer glow up checklist:
It's time to refresh your look babes! Here's your guide to becoming the hottest girl for your hot girl summer...
1. Hair ♡
Highlights or a new haircut are perfect ways to change up your look for the summer:
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2. Tanning ♡
Tanning is an essential for hot girl summer ♡ It's not only a perfect summer activity, but it also looks amazing on you! Don't forget your sunscreen ♡
3. Get your nails done ♡
You need a new set of nails for the summer, of course! My favorite nails for summer are pink nails (obviously), and tropical designs, like hibiscus flowers.
4. Shopping ♡
It's time to go shopping pookie! Summer is always the perfect excuse to get new clothes lol
Here are some ideas of stores for your summer shopping:
Thrift stores ♡
Victoria's secret
5. New makeup routine ♡
This summer, try changing up your makeup routine. Summer is all about bronzy, glowy makeup, colorful blush, and glossy lips. For example, try a different lip gloss shade, like Hot cherry by Fenty, or XOXO by Tower 28.
6. Summer scent ♡
You're gonna need a delicious, iconic scent for hot girl summer, of course. Here are some of my favorite summer perfume scents:
Sol de janeiro Brazilian crush 62
Victoria's secret Coconut passion
Victoria's secret Aqua kiss
Bath & body works Fiji sunshine
Hawaiian tropic body mists
Sol de janeiro's summer body mists line is also perfect for a signature summer scent ♡
Here are some other summer scented products (that aren't perfumes/body mists)
Tree hut Tropic glow body scrub, ect.
Hawaiian tropic sunscreens/lotions are all tropical scented
Vaseline's Cocoa butter scented products are also an amazing scent for summer
That's it babes! Now you're ready for hot girl summer! ♡
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queen--of--shadows · 2 years
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Reader shows Azriel his scars are as beautiful as he is. 
Warnings: mentions of childhood abuse
Word Count: 1,664
Notes: Thank you again @cityofidek for this sweet fluffy request! I hope you all enjoy 🫶🏼 Your comments/feedback are always so appreciated! Xx
Thanks to the increased intensity of Cassian’s morning workouts, your aching feet begged to be closer to the fireplace, so you inched down the couch and flexed your toes against the delicious heat. The plush chenille throw you had engrossed yourself with over the past few nights was almost done, but your tired eyes and sore hands needed a break.
You had been down in the Library for hours, cozying up next to the warmth of the fire and embroidering along the edge of the massive piece you began weeks ago: a garden of lush, blooming flowers against the soft, pink blanket—peonies, winter roses, tulips, twirling vines of jasmine, snapdragons, summer hibiscus, all in bright colored threads and accented with tiny sparkling beads. You came here often—a comforting, quiet refuge from the bustling life upstairs.
You don’t know how or when you dozed off, jolting awoke to the scent of sun-kissed cedar and fresh morning mist. Scrambling to sit up, you immediately recognized who it belonged to.
Azriel’s deep, low chuckle had you quickly rubbing the exhaustion out of your eyes.
“Every time I come down here, I find you asleep over your work,” he said softly with a tsk, head propped up against his fist and one long leg crossed over the other. He was leaning back casually on the couch opposite the one you were just sprawled out on.
“I have no idea when I fell asleep,” you mumbled, gathering and folding up your work. “The fire had me feeling so cozy,” you giggled in a still-sleepy daze, extending your hands against the heat.
And immediately regretting it.
A muscle flickered in his jaw as Azriel averted his gaze towards the back of the small reading corner, where the blaze from the hearth couldn’t reach. The cool darkness was no doubt inviting him and his shadows to hide. At parties and gatherings, he always avoided the fire, his scars running deeper than the surface of his skin. Azriel’s childhood was traumatic and painful, and you knew how he felt about his hands, so you hurriedly changed the subject.
“What are you doing up so late?”
A dumb question to ask. Azriel was always out on long missions and odd hours, working tirelessly to defend and protect his Court; it was one of the things you admired so much about him.
He didn’t meet your eyes when he responded, still facing the dark that beckoned him, his shadows swirling imperceptibly faster around him to create a soft, shielding cocoon. “I just got back from dealing with Devlon and his cronies.” Forearms braced against his muscled thighs, he looked down at the palms of his hands, picking underneath his nails. Something deep in you stirred at the distant, harsh tone of his voice, and before you could think, you crossed the small distance to where he sat on the old, worn leather couch.
“Is everything okay?”
Another dumb question—you cringed, wanting to shrivel up and disappear knowing you were making the situation worse, let alone provide any comfort.
Azriel kept his eyes locked on his hands as if he was alone and you were no longer sitting mere inches from him. His silky dark hair, tousled from his flight home, was long enough to hang in front of his brow, almost covering his eyes.
“Sometimes…I remember how much sin I’ve committed with these hands. How many people they’ve hurt, how much pain they’ve inflicted.”
You didn’t move, didn’t dare to.
“Sometimes, when I think about it, I hate it. I hate myself. I hate these grotesque hands that cause so much suffering,” he breathed, a cool, icy rage lacing his voice, barely above a whisper.
Your mouth dried out. Unsure how to respond to the sudden morsel of truth and pain and despair the Shadowsinger had just revealed to you, you remained frozen where you sat.
You and Azriel had been friends for a few years since you moved into the House of Wind and began working in the library under Clotho. During your first months, you joined the Valkyries in training, where you met Azriel, and the two of you quickly became friends. Or at least you considered him a friend, ignoring the crush you developed on him when you first laid eyes on the unbearably handsome Illyrian. His quiet, calming presence had you often gravitating toward him, whether it was at parties, during training, or family dinners—your seat at the table next to him was always reserved.
You hadn’t been able to sleep properly for months after Nesta told you about his past—many years ago when you mustered the courage to ask about his hands.
The same hands he was now speaking of, ashamed of the brutal burn marks that littered his skin.
Heavy silence filled the air between you, interrupted only by the crackling of the burning wood.
“Azriel…” You choked on his name, grabbing one of his hands, solid and sturdy and warm. He looked down at your hands against his, then finally lifted those burning hazel eyes to meet yours. He went utterly still, awaiting your words.
“Azriel, that’s not true. You do what you have to for a reason. Those people hurt others and deserve what comes for them. If it weren’t you, it would’ve been someone else.” You kept your voice strong and steady, and didn’t look away from his intense gaze as you continued. “These are the same hands that have been training me, strong and skilled, and the same ones that bring me tea late at night when I’m working down here. The hands that carry and play with Nyx, loving and kind. The hands that lift up those around you when they’re down.”
Azriel was breathing unsteadily as he said, “No…look. Look at how beautiful your hands are against mine. They’re hideous,” he scoffed, shutting his eyes as he turned his head back to the darkness, clutching his fingers tightly around yours. Azriel’s vulnerability had you trembling as you reached up to cup his face and gently turned him back towards you. “Your hands are beautiful, too, Az. These scars don’t define you,” you assured, tracing your thumb softly along the length of his scars.
Maybe your words weren’t enough.
Not enough to undo 500 years of ache and rage that found their home in the intricate swirls of bumps and grooves atop his perfect hands.
A smile tugged on your lips as an idea popped into your head. “Here, maybe I can help…I want you to see what I see.”
You didn’t miss the incredulous look on Azriel’s face as you shot up and began ruffling through the drawers of the large oak desk in your self-claimed reading nook, digging out a small pouch and scurrying back to a very confused male. “What are you doing?” he asked, assessing the pouch in your hands with his arms crossed over his broad, muscular chest.
“Give me your hands,” you demanded playfully, reaching out with one hand and holding your supplies behind your back with the other. Concern and confusion sparked in those golden-hazel eyes. Azriel reluctantly uncrossed his arms and placed his hands in yours, palms facing up.
You flipped his right hand over and got to work—carefully trimming down the rough, dry cuticles, cleaning the flaking specks of blood from around and underneath his nails, and filing them down.
Nausea roiled against your gut as your mind flipped through the faces of Illyrians you met in the past, wondering whose blood Azriel had to scrub off before coming home.
You swallowed down the thought and worked silently, fully aware of his gaze fixed on you.
After cleaning up both hands, a flicker of your magic summoned a hot towel, steaming with eucalyptus and mint oil. Azriel didn’t say a word as you wrapped his massive hands in the towel, squeezing them together. You took a corner and gently cleaned his nails and fingers before finally pulling out a small bottle of lavender lotion, massaging his hands with your nimble, skilled fingers.
“All done,” you declared with a broad smile and tilt of your head, pleased with your work.
But as you looked up at his unreadable expression, a knot formed in your stomach and a sudden heaviness crushed against your chest. Had you overstepped?
You held your breath as Azriel studied his fingers, flexing and contracting his hands in the deep orange glow of the dimming fire.
Cool relief washed over you when he finally whispered, “Thank you.”
He grabbed your hands and placed a sweet, tender kiss on the back of each, hesitating for a beat to assess your reaction before pulling you in for a hug. You had never seen such a display of affection from the Spymaster, but knew that deep down, he craved this kind of love and intimacy. You wrapped yourself around him, hoping he would finally see what you saw in him—his beauty that shined through even the darkest of his shadows.
“Thank you,” he whispered again against your neck.  
He pulled back but didn’t let go of your hands, his shadows now enveloping you both as the rest of the Library faded away into velvety darkness.
“Let’s go,” he said, standing up tall with his magnificent wings spread proudly behind him, reaching an arm out for you.
“Where?” you asked as you stood, realizing you would follow the beautiful male to the ends of the world if it meant you could make him feel even an ounce of the love you had for him.
“Anywhere.” Azriel pulled you into him for another warm embrace. “I can’t waste a fresh manicure,” he teased with a wink.
Surprise and delight bubbled up inside you. “It’s a date,” you chimed, wrapping your arms around his neck and planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
“It’s a date,” he laughed, echoing your words as he scooped you up with his beautiful, strong hands.
taglist: @cute-baby-ducks @brekkershadowsinger @iangelofmusic @j-pendragonx @foggypeanutmongeroaf @luckypersonmentality @eddiesbixch696 @davinaclaire16 @lexie1o9 @thewarriormoon @halfmeltedcandles @cartoonnerdgirl @wrensical003 @abigailrose98 @cafe-inaaa @moonlightazriel @caosfanblr @redbleedingrose @lovebookie123 @sarahstone217 @minetticatinwonderland @jtargs @bookish-dream @blurredlamplight @rellik181 @simplywitchy @his-sweet-nightmare @theravenphoenix26 @icantthinkofanythingplease @sebby-staan @brooke3132 @azriels-angels @mrs-azriel @sparklymiraclecheesecake @cityofidek @dreambeliever13 @atlascorriganlovescookies @fo-cus @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @elenas-safe-spot @dreambeliever13 @mysticalcheescakemiracle @sarahstone217
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hoperays-song · 1 month
Named Businesses/Brands in the Sing Franchise: Sing 2
In a recent rewatch of the movies, I tried to find all the named businesses and brands that are in the movies for world building sake (minus bands and entertainment acts cause thats a different list). So here is, in semi chronological order, all the ones that appear in the second movie! There should be minimal overlap between the lists as I only included old ones if we learned new info. Anyways, I'll try to finish the shorts soon!
New Moon Theatre - The new rebranding of the old Moon Theatre, including a name change!
Dusty’s - I did mention it last time but the color scheme has now changed from orange to green.
Sun’s Up! FM - A radio station seen on a billboard when Suki is in taxi. Also seen advertising on Redshore’s main strip.
Drama Club - An organization advertising on the street the taxi drives down.
Canal Promenade - The riverwalk and canal area that Buster falls into.
Antiques -  A business along the Canal Promenade.
Laundry Service - A business along the Canal Promenade. Funnily enough, it is also seen later advertising in Vacation Newspaper.
Gophers & Associates - A law or real estate group advertising along the Canal Promenade.
Tanning Lotion - A product advertising along the Canal Promenade. Also seen advertising on Redshore’s main strip.
Lounge - An establishment along the Canal Promenade.
Bee Rich - The magazine Eddie was featured on on Buster’s coffee table. I'm not kidding, that's the name.
Rick’s Club - The club Ash performed at.
Pop Soda - Also has returned but now we know it has a lime flavour! That’s my second favourite soda flavor so it gets a shoutout. 
Stage Left - A brand of storage for stage props and band equipment we see at Rick’s. We later see it at Crystal Theatre.
Safe Travels LTD - A travel company seen advertising behind the Canal Promenade and the Bus Station. It is then seen throughout Redshore.
Redshore City Bus - A bus line that seems to run from Calatonia to Redshore, though it is likely to have lines to other major cities nearby.
Critter Deli - A deli in front of the Bus Station.
Ginny’s Chips - A type of chips shaped like smiley faces.
Chips Potato - A type of chips in Mrs. Crawly’s supply box.
Babilonia - A hotel/casino on Redshore’s main strip.
Catty’s Bar - A bar on Redshore’s main strip.
Zeus - A hotel/casino on Redshore’s main strip.
PawJack - A hotel/casino on the Redshore strip,  it has several advertising billboards.
Raincow - A hotel/casino on the Redshore strip, it has several advertising billboards.
Atlas -  A hotel/casino on the Redshore strip, it has several advertising billboards.
Sand-Witches - A sandwich chain advertising on the Raincow billboards.
FireRock - A hotel/casino on the Redshore strip,  it has several advertising billboards.
Soda - A drink that has a new lime hibiscus flavour that was advertising on Raincow’s billboard.
Eclips Gagaming - A business on the Crystal Square bus stop, seemingly an arcade of sorts. 
O4A Fashion - A fashion brand advertising on a billboard next to a Loopee sign.
Karaoke Party Club - A business on the Crystal Square bus stop.
Money Exchange - A business on the Crystal Square bus stop.
Dony’s - A business on the Crystal Square bus stop seemingly associated with the Atlas casino/hotel.
KeyLight - A business on the Crystal Square bus stop seemingly associated with with the Atlas casino/hotel.
PNJ Agency - Another building behind Crystal Tower.
Crystal Entertainment - The entertainment company owned by Jimmy Crystal.
Crystal Tower - The seemingly main offices of Crystal Entertainment.
Mist - A cleaning product seen in the supply closet the troupe hides in.
bog - Another building behind Crystal Tower.
Hot News - A news station heavily focusing on gossip and celebrity culture owned by Crystal Entertainment.
Crystal Tower Hotel - A luxury hotel heavily featuring an indoor water park along with several restaurants and stores that is owned by Crystal Entertainment.
Ice Cream Paradise - An ice cream store in Crystal Hotel’s main lobby.
Donuts - A donuts and pastry shop inside Crystal Hotel’s main lobby.
Cherry Blossom - An establishment inside Crystal Hotel’s main lobby.
Tea Salon - Seemingly a tea parlor and spa in Crystal Hotel’s main lobby.
Crystal Tower Theatre - The theatre that is within Crystal Tower Hotel. It has a minimum of six stages. Out of this world was located on said sixth stage.
Lift-Bub - A construction equipment brand used by Crystal Theatre.
Redshore News - A newspaper used during the hunt for Clay Calloway.
Rock News - A newspaper used during the hunt for Clay Calloway.
Facilisi - A fashion magazine displayed in the costume and design studio.
Scene - A fashion magazine displayed in the costume and design studio.
Cars - A newspaper the tech crew frog is reading during rehearsal that is entirely about cars.
Vacation -  A newspaper the tech crew frog is reading during rehearsal that is entirely about vacations and only costs a dollar a year to get. Guys, this dude is like constantly reading these. I’m starting to think he doesn’t like his job.
Sylvia’s Bakery - A cake and coffee shop advertising in Vacation Newspaper.
Air Sun One - A airline advertising in Vacation Newspaper
Marock - A music store near the Crystal Hotel.
Eclips - A hotel/casino near the Crystal Hotel.
Newshore - A hotel/casino near the Crystal Hotel.
TV underdog - A TV studio near the Crystal Hotel.
Royalty Rental Cars - The rental place Mrs. Crawly got the red car from that specializes in luxury vehicles.
Loopee - The shop where Johnny buys his new skateboard, though we also see it advertise on the main strip as well.
StarTV Channel - A tv channel seemingly about celebrities that is advertising in the square where Nooshy is performing.
Digital Seeds - A company/brand that is advertising in the square where Nooshy is performing.
Canyon Cafe - The cafe that Johnny and Nooshy got to to discuss the training contract. It has a vintage western style.
Lunch Paris - A brand on one of Porsha’s shopping bags.
Alfonso’s Ice Cream - Alfonso’s ice cream truck that he has seemingly been running since he was a kid, which is super cool cause I knew a kid to do the same thing.
Raadio - The brand of speaker that Nooshy has.
Fruity Juicy - The food truck behind Alfonso’s that serves smoothies.
Sweet Jazz Cafe - A cafe near Crystal Hotel.
Community Food Service - The organization that the gang are working with during their parole.
Lantani Car Rental - A rental spot right across from the garage. 
WOAW - A brand that Porsha has a shopping bag for in her bedroom.
Flowers - An establishment along the road Jimmy is driven down to get to the theatre.
Orion - An establishment along the road Jimmy is driven down to get to the theatre.
Deckard Inc - An establishment along the road Jimmy is driven down to get to the theatre.
Beckaro’n Hotel - An establishment along the road Jimmy is driven down to get to the theatre.
Xendary - An establishment along the road Jimmy is driven down to get to the theatre.
Boom Vinyl Records - A records store right behind the Crystal Square bus stop.
Tattoo Shop - An establishment advertising on a billboard seen along Redshore’s main strip.
XEND - An establishment seen along Redshore’s main strip.
The Majestic Palace Theatre - Apparently a famous theatre and hotel combo, commonly shortened to ‘The Majestic’.
The Majestic Palace - The hotel side of the Majestic Palace Theatre.
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I mean, the good news about it is the fact that they seem only to be interested in people that are trying to actually title things with "Warriors" so having it called Old Faces New Dawn is like... I don't think they'd have a reason to come after you at all. It's a super cool concept too and when I can reign my attention in (It's like hunting flies with a butterfly net) I'm just like oof neat stuff I appreciate you.
Lol, sincerely thank you!! I hope that Tumblr gets the links working again so OFND is easier to maneuver and consume ^^’ I totally understand that it’s pretty hefty
But rest assured, that regardless of what Harper Collins tries to pull, OFND is safe and is not going anywhere! ^^
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princessmuk · 1 year
Me again! I have a day off so i moved to libre office because im not familiar with non microsoft stuff and i was not expecting the niceness of the program! Thank u for posting what u use i never would have known where to start without something to bounce off! C:
Hi! I'm glad you like Libre Office, I am still getting used to not being on Docs, but I think it's a great program. I'm glad I could help :)
0 notes
ryetaran · 2 years
May i see or hear or read more about your glass demon oc whom i have fallen in love with for a long time and am now able to ask about owo
Of course! I’m still surprised people are interested in/remember Delgora ehehe
I... don’t know if I ever wrote up a proper blurb somewhere online about them but I’d best describe them as creature that is in Customer Service mode 90% of their life,, they are biting their tongue! and will be gossiping about it later!!
They are also not as clever as they think themself to be lol
Hence their predicament of getting literally shattered
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Also enjoy this storyboard-sketch Delgora of them once again causing people to pinch the bridge of their nose in annoyance
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simsofheritagehills · 10 months
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"Okay, gather around everyone! It's time to have our first, uh... town meeting! I guess!" Hibiscus called everyone over, and smiled when they actually did as he asked. He knew what he was doing, but he hadn't had a lot of practice being the leader of... well.. anything. He never had the option to do student government.
"So, you all know the basics of why we're here. What all has the Watcher told you?" Hibiscus asked.
Some of them spoke up, but the ones that didn't nodded to confirm what the others were saying. Basically, they all knew about as much as he did; they were there to found a save game together, as a Build a City Challenge. They were all supposed to have been a legacy founder of some kind, but then the Watcher sent them to do each of their separate legacies... here instead.
"We're all on the same page, then. The Watcher told me that much, too, but she told me that since I was supposed to be a politician in my legacy, I'm the mayor. It wasn't exactly a democracy, though, so, uh. All in favor of following the watcher's plan, raise your hand?"
Everyone except Hibiscus raised their hand. The blond man sitting across from Hibi grinned, and shrugged. "I don't know about any of these others, but I know I'm not fit to lead, so who am I to disagree with the Watcher?"
"Okay, thanks. Now... I feel like we should actually get to know each other, so starting with me, let's introduce ourselves. We'll say our names, what our legacies were supposed to be, and anything else relevant. As I said, I'll go first.."
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wafflefries13 · 1 month
Twisted Teas
I don’t know a lot about tea, only that I usually like it iced and sweet, a casualty of growing up in the south. But I’ve been wanting to learn more about it, especially blends. I found this cool website, Adagio Teas, that have a bunch of fan made fandom blends for a ton of different books, movies, video games, and tv shows (#notsponsored). So I thought I would try my hand at making teas for the Twisted Wonderland cast. I tried to go off vibes, color schemes, and their favorite food. Hopefully my train of thought makes sense. If anyone wants to actually try any of these let me know how they taste. 
Adagio Teas: Signature Blend
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Wild Strawberry 
Summer rose
Extra scoop: Rose hips 
Dewy cherry
Fiery cinnamon spice 
Vanilla oolong 
Extra scoop: Cherry 
Green rooibos blueberry 
White blueberry
Kentucky whisky 
Extra scoop: Blueberries 
Passion Fruit 
Pomegranate grove 
Extra scoop: Orange peels 
Cocomint green 
Assam melody 
Pu-erh hazelberry 
Extra scoop: Cocoa nibs 
Pu-erh dante 
Tiger eye 
Turmeric bliss 
Extra scoop: Marigold flowers 
Ceylon sonata 
Extra scoop: Safflower 
Lapsang souchong 
White pear 
Almond Oolong 
Extra scoop: Ginger root 
Earl gray lavender 
Black cherry 
Chocolate truffle 
Extra scoop: Lavender flower 
Forest berries 
Almond oolong 
Toasted mate 
Extra scoop: Raspberry leaves 
Autumn mist green 
Oriental spice 
Extra scoop: Cloves 
White eternal spring 
White tropics 
Coconut grove pouchong 
Extra scoop: Coconut 
Cinnamon rooibos chai 
Masala chai 
Mango melange 
Extra scoop: Aniseed 
Cherry green 
Rooibos jasmine 
Extra scoop: Cornflower 
Assam melody 
Earl gray bravo 
Extra scoop: Lemon verbena 
Spiced apple chai 
Candy apple 
Rooibos vanilla chai 
Extra scoop: Apple pieces 
Maple cream oolong 
Almond cardamom cake 
Honeybush banana nut 
Extra scoop: Cocoa nibs 
Chocolate chip 
Extra scoop: Candycane 
Earl gray moonlight 
Black cherry 
White chai 
Extra scoop: Cherry 
Forest berries 
Pu-erh hazelberry 
Almond oolong 
Extra scoop: Lemon balm 
Green chai 
Chili lime green 
Extra scoop: Lemon peels 
Dragon fruit dream 
Citron green 
Extra scoop: Hibiscus flowers 
Earl gray bravo 
Extra scoop: Pink peppercorn 
Irish breakfast 
Extra scoop: Raspberry leaves 
Vanilla oolong 
Extra scoop: Apricots 
Masala chai 
Fiery cinnamon spice 
Spiced mate 
Extra scoop: Cardamom seeds 
Green rooibos key west 
Citron green 
Extra scoop: Lemon peel
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