#high volume low calorie
wieiad-princess · 1 month
HIGH volume LOW cal meal idea ✨
just made this! it will serve as my brunch 😊
trader joe's cauliflower "fried rice", 4x egg whites, and some broccoli!
been doing super well lately and very happy to keep going!
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mars-ipan · 1 month
eating bananas and peanut butter bc i have no goddamn appetite but still need to get some protein in today <3
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stawberryana · 1 year
Lmao I just learned how to make a MASSIVE bowl of oat for only 93 - 159 calories
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fitness-0 · 19 days
 Ultimate Guide to High Volume Low Calorie Meals: Eat More, Weigh Less
Learn about high volume low calorie meals designed to help you eat more while losing weight. Featuring nutrient-dense ingredients and rich flavors, these satisfying meals allow you to enjoy generous portions without the extra calories. Perfect for anyone aiming to maintain a healthy diet without feeling deprived, these recipes make it easy to eat well and stay full.
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secretstime · 1 year
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fruitl0v3r · 2 months
stopped r3stricting too low for me to handle, after a few days of trial and error i found the lowest amount of calories I can eat without b1nging
use bowls!!!!!!
when you get food to eat from the kitchen, LEAVE THE KITCHEN IMMEDIATELY. if you stay there, you will have easy access to food without being able to digest what you already ate.
log all the food you plan to eat a day in advance
only eat meals/snacks at specific times
make a window for when you can eat
stopped buying my major trigger food (i still buy some trigger foods, but not my main one, which was goldfish btw)
buy lots of low c4l, high volume + high protein foods
make sure that there is always lots of low c4l fruit on hand at all times bc they are super filling, delicious, + can tie you over between meals (strawberries r a great example)
in the early stages of going b1nge free, i still really wanted to b1nge at times but just ate fruit to stop the urge. i no longer have these thoughts anymore!! like i never really think of binging
i do think another factor that has helped me is posting my food logs on here. i feel like i would disappoint ppl if my food logs were just me b1nging, so in a way, they hold me accountable. it’s like “i cant binge knowing that ballet-sk1nny-r3xxie-needtolose10kg will see it”, but maybe that’s just me always feeling the pressure to be viewed as “perfect”
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feederandfeedee · 2 months
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POV the hot, popular bitch from high school still dresses like she’s 125lbs, meanwhile the button on her shorts is threatening to pop the minute she downs another white claw and she has no idea that her bfs’ a closeted feeder who’s been taking advantage of her alcohol consumption by running her to every drive thru that’s open at 2am after getting she gets hammered off of her low calorie beverages that do nothing to stop her belly from inching further and further out in front of her because of the sheer volume of greasy slop she unknowingly passes through her lips after getting blackout drunk- all of which is facilitated by her sneaky feeder bf who posts pictures of her looking like this to Reddit forums filled with fat admirers that encourage him to keep sabotaging the gorgeous pigs waistline.
Im hot and bothered y’all 🥵
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justwater4meeee · 2 days
hi! im overweight (*cries*) and was wondering if you had any tips on how to restrict without binging? also what r good exercises? i love ur blog!!
its totally okay, hey we all start somewhere, at least you are doing something great for your health. <3
I would highly recommend eating low calorie high volume, that way you can stay very full with just a few calories, if you are restricting right now I would say do like a 900 calories per day (it can be a lot, but since you are in the high part 'sorry I really don't mean to be mean' it will be easier for you to lose and will prevent a binge)
when you eat in volume it can be very easy to feel full more often, but your body will get way less calories than binging in high caloric food.
example, if you are a sweet tooth person, there are yogurts that have m&m's, each of them are 80 calories, if you binge in the entire pack that brings 4 it would be only 320 calories. but if you binge in m&m's alone it would be over 500 calories or so...
if you are a salty person you could slice 2 cucumbers and add some Tajín or lime and the entire thing would be 110 calories for the entire thing.
if you eat both of them (sweet and salty) it would be 430 calories, and you would feel full and it's lower than what it could be 1k+
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
One thing I wish more people understood is that a calorie is not a real thing, it's a unit of measure. Calories are just a measure of how much energy a human body can obtain from digesting a food.
I've seen people talk about calories as if they're a contaminent, like mercury in fish or something. As if "zero calories" is both healthy and humanly possible.
With the right lab equipment, you could separate out the fat, sugar, protien, fiber, vitamins, salt, etc. in a food and look at them, weigh them, measure them, poke them a stick. These are real things that actually exist. You can't separate out the calories. You find out how many calories are in a serving by doing math about how an average human digestive system processes the components of a food.
A "low calorie" food is just a food that you get less energy from. That's all it is. It isn't nessecarily healthier, it doesn't nessecarily have more nutrients. It certainly isn't more "pure" or "clean". It's just a less efficient fuel, that's all.
Vegetable oil and refined sugar are high calorie because our bodies can wring an absurd amount of energy from them. They're less healthy than other foods because they have fewer nutrients in them, not because they're "full of" evil calories.
This one poor youtuber I watch has to explain that her "healthy" foods are intensely calorie-rich because she physically cannot eat large volumes. She's got to be efficient. That doesn't make it a good approach for someone who wants the feeling of teeth crunching on a snack all day and night. Celery is ideal for the latter, but woe to the idiot who thinks eating mostly celery is going to make them healthy. You need fuel, people! Celery is an adult pacifier for people who can't stop clenching their jaw while they write. (It's me. I'm people.)
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siuilsalak · 1 month
Y’all need Ana grocery list help? I live to serve! If you want any other categories just drop an ask and I’ll get right on it!
Grain (these are higher cal bc the nature of grains, they’re good to use as a base since if included in 3 meals a day, it should add up to less than 400cals)
Couscous- one half cup(DRY!) is 90 cals, and it doubles in size when cooked. Good grain to fluff up a meal in case you need to eat in front of others! (100g=112 cals + 4g protein)
Soba- “buckwheat noodles” if you’re not in an area that sells Asian products, 1 calorie per gram, good alternative to pasta by 30+ cals +5g protein
Boiled lentils- amazing protein too, I personally really like lentils because of the low cal and extremely low cost! 100g=116 calories + 10g protein.
Turkey breast- less than 1 cal a gram, per 100 grams and 97 cals + 24g protein. People say it dries out easily but if you just follow.. the instructions on the package.. oh well
Spicy black bean patties: listen. They’re good ok! I personally LOVE them, microwave them or dry fry and it’s a great breakfast. (100g=164 cals+ 15g protein)
Ham: if you don’t buy the fancy ass honey ham spiral cut then it’s not expensive either! (100g=139cals+22g protein) also who the hell is eating 100g of ham. Cmon. Put the fork down and drink some water, or have that be your one meal
Vegetables (contrary to popular belief, some vegetables are worse than others!)
Japanese sweet potato- 264 cals per 200 grams (100g= 132cals) steam it and rejoice since you discovered a 132 cal meal, I can hardly make it through one! They’re very sweet when fully cooked so they also work in making you feel sick if you keep eating.. just in case :))
Asparagus- steamed asparagus is one of my favorite foods just for taste, it was here before the Ed and it’ll stay forever amen. 100g is 20 calories, great for volume eating especially since when steamed it expands and looks like a whooole lot more
Cucumber- 100g=15cals. “sometimes you need to eat an entire cucumber?” that’s normalized now! Low suspicion high volume ana meal. Slice it up and add lemon juice and salt (5g lemon juice= 1cal, salt=0)
Romaine lettuce- 100g=17 calories. alongside couscous and cucumber you can make a giant bowl for less than 150cals.
Cherry tomatoes: 100g=25 calories. I honestly don’t eat this one very often because they’re so easy to put in your mouth and forget about, slice them up to add to something instead of using them as a snack.
Fruits (don’t come for me I hate blueberries.. there I said it.. they’re so weird texturally!!!)
Honeydew- once again one of my favorite foods outside the ed. It’s so sweet and soft, plus since it’s called honeydew nobody thinks you have an Ed when you’re chowing down on this supposedly sugary melon! 100g=36 calories, but tbh I probably eat 300g whenever I get my hands on it.
Watermelon- an alternative for honeydew in this case, 6 less calories per 100g, but less fun :/ tajin on watermelon is banger though! (Tajin=0 cals)
Apple- edtumblr staple and for a reason! apples can help suppress appetite because they are high in fiber and water, which can make you feel full. (100g=52 calories)
Pears- high in pectin fiber, pears can slow digestion and keep you feeling satisfied for longer! (100g=57 calories)
Drinks (I don’t think that “drinking your calories” is bad! But since that seems to be a super popular take here I’m gonna avoid anything like that!)
Water- Drinking a glass of hot water before meals can help settle the stomach and can help you feel fuller longer, taking a sip of water between each bite also helps reduce overall calorie intake since you’re consuming more! Remember to check out water weight though!! Don’t think you gained 5lb overnight of fat I promise that’s not how it works babe
Green Tea- calorie-free, contains antioxidants, and has been shown to help with appetite control( possibly due to compounds like catechins..?) I prefer jasmine oolong at about 500mL a day (0 cals)
Black Coffee- Low in calories and rich in antioxidants, black coffee can temporarily suppress appetite, partly due to its caffeine content. Nasty asf though. Also calories change by type so please check yours personally 🙇‍♀️
Vegetable Broth- A warm, low-calorie broth can be filling due to its volume, helping curb hunger!! (Great value vegetable broth is 4cals for 100mL)
Sparkling Water- Carbonated water adds a sense of fullness due to the bubbles, and can be a satisfying low-calorie option. Also haha it tickles your mouth ! I buy seltzer and then put it in soda cans so people don’t think I’m andorexick
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blatantlynotokay · 4 months
Mealspo / wieiad 695 Calories
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I fast for 18 hours everyday and all this food is eaten from 1:00pm - 5:00pm. This food is high volume. It keeps me so full throughout the day.
Also not pictured I take Vital Proteins Collagen (70cal) to make my hair and skin not affected by Low Cal restriction. Also Mary Ruth’s has helped my hair not fall out. Also the rainbow on my table it’s because of my window cling film lol.
I am pro recovery. Block don’t report.
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strawbewiemilk · 26 days
How to Lose Weight Fast: My Tips and Tricks
Hey everyone!
If you're looking to lose weight quickly, I've got some tips and tricks that have worked wonders for me. My approach focuses on reducing portion sizes and doing minimal workouts, like walking. Here's how you can get started:
1. Portion Control
Measure Your Food: Use measuring cups and a kitchen scale to keep track of your portions. It's easy to eat more than you think!
Small Plates: Eat your meals on smaller plates. This simple trick can help reduce your portion sizes without making you feel deprived.
Mindful Eating: Pay attention to what you're eating. Eat slowly and savor each bite, which can help you feel full with less food.
2. Walk, Walk, Walk
Set a Daily Goal: Aim to walk at least 10,000 steps each day. Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that can burn calories and improve your overall health.
Break It Up: If walking 10k steps at once feels daunting, break it up throughout the day. Take short walks after meals or during breaks.
Make It Enjoyable: Listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks to make your walks more enjoyable. Explore new routes to keep things interesting.
3. Stay Hydrated
Drink Water Before Meals: Drinking a glass of water before eating can help you feel fuller and reduce your food intake.
Carry a Water Bottle: Always have a water bottle with you to stay hydrated throughout the day. Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger.
4. Plan Your Meals
Pre-portion Snacks: Divide snacks into small, individual portions to avoid overeating.
Prepare Ahead: Plan and prep your meals in advance. This can help you stick to your portion sizes and avoid the temptation of unhealthy options.
5. Intermittent Fasting
Choose a Window: Consider trying intermittent fasting, where you eat all your meals within a specific time window (like 8 hours) and fast for the remaining 16 hours. This can help reduce overall calorie intake.
6. Healthy Swaps
Low-Calorie Options: Replace high-calorie foods with lower-calorie alternatives. For example, swap regular pasta with zucchini noodles or cauliflower rice.
High Volume, Low Cal: Focus on foods that are high in volume but low in calories, like vegetables and lean proteins. They can fill you up without adding too many calories.
7. Accountability
Track Your Progress: Keep a journal of your food intake, exercise, and weight loss progress. This can help you stay on track and make necessary adjustments.
Find a Buddy: Having a friend or online community to share your journey with can provide motivation and support.
Remember, losing weight fast requires dedication and commitment. It's important to find what works best for you and to prioritize your health. If you have any questions or need more tips, feel free to ask!
Stay strong and keep going!
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bunniis-w0rld · 5 months
a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight
why do u think omad works? cuz ur cutting out the cals from your other 2 meals and snacks. calorie deficit
keto? you get fuller on fats quicker and youre cutting out carbs. calorie deficit
vegeterian? youre cutting out fatty meats, fish, a lot of junk food that isnt vegetarian. calorie deficit
fruit based vegan? literally no fat, and all very low calorie high volume food. calorie deficit
carnivore? protein and fats are very filling, you end up eating less and cutting out lots of food groups. calorie deficit
intermittent fasting? you have less time to snack and are cutting out extra calories from that window. calorie deficit
no sugar? cutting out literally all junk food. calorie deficit
the point is, everyone out there at the moment is trying to sell you a new fad diet promising youll lose 30 lbs like magic but the truth is the only reason they work is because youre in a calorie deficit
you could eat 1000 cals of fruit or 1000 cals of mcdonalds fries a day, and youd still lose weight because youre in a deficit. thats not to say you wont feel better eating the fruit, its more filling and contains more vitamins etc. but the point is you will be in a calorie deficit and still losing weight either way
there is no magic secret trick to weight loss, there is nothing complicated about it. you eat less than you burn you will lose weight
stop buying into fads and overcomplicating things. its really that simple
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orangeicee · 7 months
♡ Underrated Safe Foods ♡
Hii!! Since my last underrated safe food post blew up so much I thought I’d make a part two to these!
These r gonna be a lot more specific, as I’ll mention a lot of brands here (I’m in the US btw, pretty much all of these can be found at publix)
Quest protein chips - starting strong w these cause oh my god. They have around 20g of protein, 4g net carbs, and 140 cals per bag. The best part is, I cannot lie when I say these are actually SO MUCH better than any greasy calorie dense chip brand. My fav flavor is the chili lime, but there’s also loaded nacho, and the flavoring is so accurate on both!!!!/!!/ get these guys please
Enlighten bars (Sea Salt Caramel) - do you guys like ice cream bars? Do you also like them for only 80 cals?/?/? Yeah. There’s no catch like “it’s actually just frozen breast milk” or sum shit. I have no idea what they put in those things but man are they good, I wouldn’t even care if it was actually frozen breast milk
Raspberries - now you might be thinking “wdym those aren’t underrated everybody has fruit as a safe food” but nobody ever mentions the nutrients. Specifically FIBER. People always ignore fiber in their wl journey but it’s so important. Raspberries are a perfect fiber rich low cal food that you guys NEED to get on.
Kimchi - if you’re not familiar, kimchi (김치) is a korean food which is basically fermented cabbage in liek a sauce…i don’t know what the sauce is iforgot. But anyway, since it centers around cabbage, I think it’s no surprise that these are an amazing low cal option. And the best part is, the fermentation process produces a ton of healthy gut bacteria. It’s a lil bit sour so I personally don’t like it, but my friend does, and maybe that’s why he’s 15 lbs lighter than me
Egg whites - eggs themselves are amazing for wl, but you can enjoy them for a fraction of the cals. Most of the protein is in the whites anyway, so egg whites are genuinely one of the best sources of protein while also being extremely low cal. If you want, you can make your eggs with just one full egg and then mostly egg whites, and I like to sprinkle a little bit of feta in there so life doesn’t suck
Microwaved fiber one brownies - a little bit specific, but why eat your fiber brownie when it’s dryer than this pu-
when you can microwave it for a lil bit, add sum whipped cream (don’t come for me it’s high volume so it’s not actually that many cals) and have basically a hot fudge brownie for under 100 cals. You deserve to feel something every once in a while, and though it might not be the same, the brain fog from fasting will probably hinder your ability to tell the difference
That’s all!! If you guys have any more questions feel free to ask. Hopefully this list will help you diversify your diet, because I can imagine biting into your 3rd cucumber of the day just makes you sad.
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fitness-0 · 2 months
 Delicious High Volume Low Calorie Meals for Weight Management
Explore this image featuring high volume low calorie meals that are perfect for weight management. These nutrient-rich, satisfying dishes are designed to keep you full while maintaining a low calorie count. Ideal for anyone seeking tasty and healthy meal options that support a balanced diet.
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secretstime · 1 year
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