#hillnerd writing
headcanonsandmore · 1 month
Your specialty in fanfiction is exploring characters with quiet nobility/humbleness and letting them shine.
Awww, thank you! I do love characters with those qualities, it has to be said :)
Thanks for messaging!
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andromeda-grace · 1 year
The Devil You Know- Out Now!
My short story is out through D&T Publishing. You can get your copy here.
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Anya is a witch, serving as the village healer and midwife. She’s fiercely independent, but she isn’t a loner. She cares deeply for her community. I had so much fun writing those moments of friendship and camaraderie.
When women have meaningful work and friendships, I feel it makes their romantic relationships that much stronger.
Enjoy a haunting original fairytale for your next Halloween read! You can find my story here.
Tagging: @hillnerd-art @suffrajett
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delumineight · 11 months
heyyy after 10+ years of literally not thinking of HP at all I’ve accidentally reactivated my romione heart… I found you and you read fic! so I thought I’d shoot my shot on what I’m looking for specifically- just good, devastating post-battle fic, the “we’re both traumatized, but I love you so desperately” type of fic- I’ve found (refound) some of the more iconic longer fics, but wondering what’s new out there in the last few years?
i… i reactivated your romione heart? shut up i’m going to cry omg??? i am trying my BESTEST to find this but i also have two of these in my drafts… no clue when they’ll be finished… do you want a one-hot, a few chapters, or a longggg multi-chap? i can tell you rn mine will only be one-shots because i cannot carry a plot oops ! hopefully these should occupy you for a moment while i find more one-shots and/or finish writing my own (you people need to write more angsty post-war one shots please i beg).
waking up by @hillnerd, 15/? chapters, nearly 170k words, also an australia fic but it is unfinished and i personally haven’t read all of it yet but if hillnerd wrote it, i’m sure it’s great.
what winning looks like series by chanel19, there’s four works in here and they’re all multi-chapter and insanely long, combined 405k words, i haven’t read anything except the first one but i trust that the rest is just as good i promise i’d never rec something that i had any doubts about
waves by sm_jl, one-shot, 1.4k words, listen the first part has the angst you asked for and the second part has the post-war you asked for !!!, i’ll never make a rec list without a shell cottage fic and i am soooooo not sorry about that
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princesserica84 · 2 years
Happy New Year my friends!
Hey humans how is everyone doing?
I know I’ve been a little MIA for the last while. In May, I got an amazing job that I love. My career is my life and I am okay with that at this time. 
But I miss you all and have not forgotten that all of you played a part in getting me through the worst 2 years of my life. At first it was just the Harry Potter/Romione community but it slowly grew to a massive fandom family as you all slowly turned me into a giant geek, this family became my only source of happiness while I was alone in my apartment for a year. Even when I felt like I was drowning, you all kept me floating. Thank you so much. I can’t express it properly. 
There is no way I will be able to tag everyone but a huge shout out to the following people. Each of you supported me in different ways. Some of you simply messaged me and made sure I was okay, one of you invited me onto your podcast and changed everything (Santino)(seriously this is all his fault), one of you became my platonic soulmate who I could talk to about anything with literally no filter (Jess). Two of you started a fucking podcast with me (Jess/Megha). One of you was a strong support beam that talked to me everyday, asked if I was okay, called me when I was crying, made me blush, made me laugh, and talked to me about anything (HM). 
@knightandbooks @headcanonsandmore @infinitywizard1207 @vulpixserpens
@albusgellertalways @the-little-fox-in-the-box @divagonzo @thefandompixie @hillnerd
New podcast episodes coming soon now that I spent all my money on a new computer. Hopefully get around to writing some more too. 
I love you all. Thank you for saving my life. 
Happy new year!
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hillnerd · 5 years
How tall is Ron Weasley?
I originally posted this in a thread- but decided to make it its own post. 
 So I obsess over stuff like this way too much (why yes, I have a spreadsheet of all the heights of characters I care about… because I’m very sane… Yes…)
So I guess first let’s establish what are considered small and tall heights for average cis men & women, for these purposes:
Average height for a woman is around 5’4”- Under 5’3” is small, over 5’7” is tall
Average height for a man is around 5’9.5”- Over 5’11” is tall, under 5’7” is small
Most women reach their full height by age 14-15.
Men reach their full height by age 20, but are typically 92% close to their full height by age 17.
I think Hermione is around 5’5” and Ron is around 6’5”. ( I know 6′5″ sounds ridiculously tall- but hear me out! :) )
The main way I am concluding people’s heights is by using other character references that are specific to lock them in.
To get Hermione’s height I mainly rely on this scene from OOtP:
““You need more persuasion?” [Bellatrix] said, her chest rising and falling rapidly. “Very well - take the smallest one,” she ordered the Death Eaters beside her. “Let him watch while we torture the little girl. I’ll do it.
Harry felt the others close in around Ginny; he stepped sideways so that he was right in front of her, the prophecy held up to his chest.”
Ginny is described as ‘the smallest one’ when they’re all together- and they all seem to immeciately know that’s Ginny- so I picture Gin being between 5′0″ - 5′3″ - and for that height to look significantly shorter than the other girls there would need to be a fair few inches difference. I think Hermione’s hair definitely makes her height look taller.
Hermione’s never described as particularly tall or small- putting her height somewhere between 5’3” and 5’7”.
She probably has 2 inches of hair height, so I’d say she’s either 5’4” or 5’5”
So for Ron’s height- we know he’s tall (over 5’11”)-
but to get more specific we need to use Harry, James, Runcorn, The Twins, Charlie and Percy to establish heights:
Harry is not Taller than 6 ft.
““We don’t know who he is,” Hermione said, passing Harry several curly black hairs, “but he’s gone home with a dreadful nosebleed! Here, he’s pretty tall, you’ll need bigger robes… .” She pulled out a set of the old robes Kreacher had laundered for them, and Harry retired to take the potion and change.
Once the painful transformation was complete he was more than six feet tall and, from what he could tell from his well-muscled arms, powerfully built. He also had a beard. Stowing the Invisibility Cloak and his glasses inside his new robes, he rejoined the other two.
“Blimey, that’s scary,” said Ron, looking up at Harry, who now towered over him.”  -Deathly Hallows
When Harry polyjuices into Runcorn he goes up in height to over 6 ft tall, establishing that Harry is 6ft or shorter. This also establishes that Ron is used to being the one to tower over Harry.
Harry is between 5’7” and 6 feet tall
“At once, their features began to bubble and distort like hot wax. Hermione and Mundungus were shooting upward; Ron, Fred, and George were shrinking, their hair was darkening, Hermione’s and Fleur’s appearing to shoot backward into their skulls.” -Deathly Hallows
Harry is established as shorter than Ron Fred and George, but taller than Hermione and Mundungus (no mention of Fleur’s height difference.)
To ‘shoot upward’ in height, I’m imagining there would be about 4 inches at minimum of height increase. Hermione is between 5’3” and 5’7”- so with a ‘shoot up in height” this establishes Harry is between 5’7” and 6 feet exactly tall.
Ron Fred and George are taller, and most likely have more general girth than Harry. The shrinking they do could be in girth or tallness- it’s not clear. Harry being slight is mentioned in that scene as well:
““Well, none of us really fancy it, Harry,” said Fred earnestly.“Imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as specky, scrawny gits forever.” —Deathly Hallows
Harry is the same height as James- and James is ‘tall.’
“[The Potters] had not drawn the curtains; [Voldemort] saw them quite clearly in their little sitting room, the tall black-haired man in his glasses, making puffs of colored smoke erupt from his wand for the amusement of the small black-haired boy in his blue pajamas.” -Deathly Hallows
“James was exactly the same height as Harry. He was wearing the clothes in which he had died, and his hair was untidy and ruffled, and his glasses were a little lopsided, like Mr. Weasley’s.” -Deathly Hallows
Harry must be tall then, as James is described as tall by Harry (when it’s from his perspective) and Voldemort (when it’s from his perspective.)  James is referred to as tall throughout the series as well.
So Harry is around 5’11” +/- to be considered ‘tall’- and to be under six feet
So establishing Harry as around 5’11” by the end of Deathly Hallows- we can infer the heights of the Weasleys. Fred George and Ron are all established as taller than Harry at the beginning of Deathly Hallows when they polyjuice and have to shrink to be his size. Fred George and Charlie are described as stockier Weasleys who are all shorter than Ron and Percy:
“Charlie was built like the twins, shorter and stockier than Percy and Ron, who were both long and lanky. He had a broad, good-natured face, which was weather-beaten and so freckly that he looked almost tanned; his arms were muscular, and one of them had a large, shiny burn on it.” ‘Goblet of Fire
“Charlie approached, running his hand slightly ruefully over his new, brutally short haircut. He was shorter than Ron, thickset, with a number of burns and scratches up his muscley arms.” -Deathly Hallows
The twins are over 5′11″
The twins are wider than Harry, and it can be assumed somewhat taller than Harry - so they are over 5’11” at least- for their heights to diminish noticeably with polyjuice, they probably are a few inches taller- so they’re around 6’0” to 6′1″- they are built stockier and shorter than Ron and Percy- so I think that means that Ron and Percy probably have a good 2-3 inches on the twins.
Putting Ron and Percy between 6’3” and 6’5”.
So! I think Ron is definitely taller than Percy (not because it’s established in the books, but just my own personal preference), so he’s either 6’4” or 6’5”.
I did a lineup of them a while back- note hermione is in heels with her hair up, so it adds some height:
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more art can be found @hillyminne
Then I have my personal reasons for choosing these heights:
So for the twins to be tall, but also ‘shorter and stockier Weasleys’- that means they must be pretty in proportion. I picture the Weasley boys as all being very in proportion so they don’t read as all that tall until you get up near them- Ron took the longest to fill out as he was the tallest- so he read as a string bean for a long time. (Very 7 Brides for 7 Brothers inspired for me, as I remember them all being Gingers and the girls going ‘They’re all as tall as church steeples!’)
My husband’s large (both in number and height) family is like that- everyone are between 5′10″ and 6′7″ except a few of the gals- I’m 5′1′ so I look like a child next to them all, and my husband is 6′2″. :P  
I have a soft spot for big height differences- So I choose a big one between Ron and Hermione.
Real-life Examples:
Eliza Dushku and Rick Fox
Hozier and Saoirse Ronan
Armie Hammer and Alicia Vikander in Man from UNCLE (6′5″ and 5’5”.)
(and that movie also shows Henry Cavill as looking short and stocky compared to the tall Armie Hammer (much like I picture the twins/Charlie to be by comparison.)
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narukoibito · 4 years
worthy of love anyway
A gift for @hillnerd / @hillyminne for all the amazing Harry Potter quarantine activities and for being just a kind, wonderful person!
Summary: The image of his own reflection caused a burst of desperate desire in his heart. The shiny badges and trophies. Proof that he was as cool as Bill, as brave as Charlie, as funny as the twins, as smart as Percy, as beloved as Ginny. He fell asleep fitfully as resentment burned in his gut as he remembered Harry’s flippant dismissal. What’s interesting about that?
Ron Weasley, the sixth son, in six scenes.
FF.net | AO3
Note: Lyrics from "Three" by Sleeping at Last. It screamed "Ron" to me from the very first listen. This is my first Ron-centric story. I hope it does him justice.
i. Maybe I've done enough, / And your golden child grew up. / Maybe this trophy isn't real love, / And with or without it I'm good enough.
"Look at me!" Ron said, his voice filled with awe. He only saw himself in the mirror — but instead of his skinny, gangly self, his reflection was taller, fitter than Charlie, and handsomer than Bill! There was an air of confidence to his reflection, whose Head Boy badge and Quidditch Captain badge glinted cheerfully, almost as brilliantly as the House and Quidditch Cups he carried with ease. Older, cooler, happier Ron gave him a wink.
"Can you see your family standing around you?" Harry answered with excitement.
"No — I'm alone — but I'm different —" Ron explained what he saw, glee bubbling up inside him. He desperately drank in the sight of himself, of everything he had ever wanted. But he tore his eyes away from the mirror to look at Harry, wanting to gauge his reaction. "Do you think this mirror shows the future?"
"How can it? All my family are dead." The hurt and pain that shined in Harry's eyes made Ron falter. "Let me have another look —"
"You had it to yourself all last night," he protested. "Give me a bit more time."
"You're only holding the Quidditch Cup, what's interesting about that?"
Only? Pressure built up in Ron's chest.
"I want to see my parents."
"Don't push me —" Ron was surprised by Harry's hard shove, but was even more taken aback by his burning look.
The noise in the hall immediately disrupted the conversation. Ron quickly dragged away Harry, who seemed reluctant to leave. Even after they returned to Gryffindor tower, Harry seemed angry, which confused Ron and fueled his frustration. He burrowed deeper into his bed and drew his blankets closer, holding tight to the image of what he hoped would be his future.
The image of his own reflection caused a burst of desperate desire in his heart. The shiny badges and trophies. Proof that he was as cool as Bill, as brave as Charlie, as funny as the twins, as smart as Percy, as beloved as Ginny. He fell asleep fitfully as resentment burned in his gut as he remembered Harry's flippant dismissal.
What's interesting about that?
But when the morning light crept in and woke Ron from his deep slumber, the resentment had faded away, leaving only a resounding hunger. After a hearty breakfast, he was ready to enjoy the rest of his holiday with Harry.
Harry, on the other hand, seemed distant and detached. For the second day in a row, he pushed his food around on his plate as he stared unseeing at the eggs, the burning hunger in his eyes not matching his appetite.
"You're not eating anything," Ron said, but Harry shook his head at Ron's attempt to add food to his plate. He couldn't help but glance at the empty spot beside him, wondering what Hermione would have said to get Harry to eat.
Back in the common room, Ron tried to coax Harry out of his mood, offering to play chess or Exploding Snap. But Harry simply stared listlessly at the fire, his knees drawn toward him, looking cold and alone. Ron thought back to why he was here rather than back at the Burrow. He thought of the curt, unfeeling letter from Harry's relatives. He thought of the mixture of shock and painful hope on Harry's face at the embarrassing jumper his mum sent.
"I know what you're thinking about, Harry — that mirror. Don't go back tonight."
"Why not?"
"I dunno, I've just got a bad feeling about it — "
Harry shook his head, reckless determination radiating from his body. 
Ron fiddled his new jumper, poking a finger through the yarn to make a small hole. Maybe Ron couldn't be what the mirror showed him to be. Maybe Ron couldn't replace the things that Harry saw. But at least he could try to be there for Harry.
ii. Maybe I've done enough, / Finally catching up. / For the first time I see an image of my brokenness, / Utterly worthy of love.
This was going to be the worst Christmas ever. He pressed his face further into his pillow, trying to will away the holiday. Bill and Fleur had been trying to engage him in some pre-Christmas cheer, but all Ron could think about was what today was like for Harry and Hermione. Were they shivering by a small fire and a tin of beans, looking ragged and worn? Or were they looking far better than when he left, determined, happier, complete without him?
He flopped over in the bed onto his side and wrapped his arm around himself.
It was still early if he was right about the amount of light parting the darkness through the window, and no one else in the cottage was stirring. He considered trying to sleep but knew it was useless. When he closed his eyes, it was like he could see her, running towards him, large tears streaming down her pale face, her hands reaching up to hold onto him. Him wrenching his arm away, wanting nothing more than to see the hurt and rejection shine in her eyes — for her to feel just a modicum of the pain he had felt those weeks — years, watching her put Harry first. Just like everyone else.
Ron! Hermione had cried, begging him to stay.
He felt sick to his stomach now, remembering the fury, the wicked satisfaction of being able to hurt her. He never wanted to hurt her, but he always seemed to. He had left, abandoning her and Harry and everything he had stood for in one fell swoop. The moment he had flung off the locket and Disapparated, all of those awful feelings had lifted, and in their stead, horror, dread, and guilt took hold.
Immediately, he tried to go back. The campsite was deserted, and he had felt ridiculously left behind.
Maybe they're better off without you, he thought morosely. Hermione would cry, and Harry would be there for her. They would comfort each other over what a prat he was, the weakest link, unable to handle the hunger, the hopelessness, the Horcrux.
Ron curled his hand into a fist. He had to go back, he had to make amends, he had to do what he had set out to do, perhaps had always prepared to do, the moment he pushed open that compartment door on the Hogwarts Express where the boy with untidy hair sat alone in second-hand clothes like him.
He closed his eyes.
He missed her.
He started at the sound of her voice, scared it had been his imagination, but he knew it was her. Hermione. Her voice was coming from the direction of…his pocket? Then he heard her again.
"…broke his wand…"
Ron fumbled out of bed, pulling out the Deluminator, which he carried everywhere. It looked exactly the same, but he heard her. He was sure of it. Hope bloomed in his chest for the first time since he left. He clicked the Deluminator, and the light went out from his room, only for a ball of bluish light to appear outside the window. It pulsed, beckoning him.
This was it.
He changed as quickly as he could, shoving his maroon pajamas and other things into his rucksack. Anticipation buzzed under his skin as he hurried out to the garden where he knew the little ball of light would be waiting for him. The light snow flurried around him as the hovering ball led him behind the shed. When they were hidden from view, it floated toward him and went straight to his chest, into his heart. It pulsed, achingly hot inside him, flooding him with memories of Hermione fussing over his homework, dancing with him at the wedding, lying Petrified on the hospital bed, brushing her lips against his cheek before tryouts, holding his hand at Grimmauld Place.
And Ron just knew what he was supposed to do; he knew the ball would take him where he needed to go.
He disappeared with a loud crack.
iii. Maybe I've done enough / And I finally see myself / Through the eyes of no one else. / It's so exhausting on this silver screen / Where I play the role of anyone but me.
His forehead stung from where the stupid badge hit him, but he barely noticed over the swell of emotion in his chest. Harry swept past him, up the stairs.
Ron stood motionless until there was no other sound in the empty common room aside from the occasional crack or hiss from the fire before he leaned over and picked up the lime green monstrosity. His fingers curled over the blaring words, POTTER REALLY STINKS.
He was feeling more and more like he had made a mistake. But why didn't Harry get it? If he had put his name in the Goblet, why hadn't he done it with him? The Goblet probably would have chosen Harry over him anyway — everyone always did. But they would have done it together. It would have given Ron just a sliver of hope, to have had just the chance of some of the endless glory of his best friend.
You might even have a scar now, if you're lucky… That's what you want, isn't it?
He sunk into the couch, staring at the fire. Unbidden, he remembered watching Harry all those years ago, when he had found the Mirror of Erised.
The guilt that had been lurking settled at the pit of his stomach, which had felt hollow for days. Hadn't he promised himself that he would be there for Harry? Didn't Ron know best of all everything that Harry didn't have? The way Harry had pressed his hand against the mirror.
You're only holding the Quidditch Cup, what's interesting about that?
Bitterness surged up, pressing against the guilt.
Ron had pushed aside his feelings then, hadn't he? He had put being Harry's friend first. He has always done that because — because Harry was his best friend. 
He just wished that Harry would try to do the same for him.
iv. And I finally see myself / Unabridged and overwhelmed, / A mess of a story I'm ashamed to tell. / But I'm slowly learning how to break this spell, / And I finally see myself.
The bark was rough against his palm as he leaned against a tree for a moment. His muscles ached from the damp, miserable cold. He had been wandering around for hours, staring hard into the darkness, waiting, willing for Hermione or Harry to appear. What he would give to hear her say his name again.
He told time by how long it took for his hands to go numb, and he would have to remember to recast a warming charm. Maybe he should rest at the base of the tree and try again in the morning.
Just as he was about to lie down, silvery light caught his eye. When the corporal doe materialized, Ron nearly yelped out in surprise. But the cry died in his throat at the sight of Harry emerging out of thin air, with a look of wonder and hunger. What was Harry doing casting his Patronus? Instinctually, he followed Harry, who followed the doe deeper and deeper into the thick forest. 
Without prompt, Harry broke out into a run. He was so quick, Ron worried he would lose him to the shadows. He stopped when the forest opened up to a clearing. But the silvery light of the doe had vanished, leaving only darkness. He strained his eyes, trying to find Harry.
Suddenly, a blue light appeared, revealing Harry and a small lake before him. Ron's breath caught in his throat, but somehow he felt compelled to stay quiet. Harry raised his wand, and Ron pressed himself against a tree, his heart clamoring loudly against his ribs. Harry spun around and knelt to the ground, the light from his wand reflecting on the black ice before him. He leaned forward, nearly pressing his face against the pool. After a few moments, he rose and began to pace.
All this time, with the Deluminator light inside him, Ron's primary concern had been to find Harry and Hermione again. It had taken his entire focus. But now, with Harry just a few feet away from him, suddenly all the fears and doubts began to fester again. The apology looming in the recesses of his mind sounded trite. What would they say? Would they even want to see him again? The cruel words he had said to them before he left rang in his head like a bell.
What if it was too late?
A sharp cracking sound jolted Ron from his reverie. He looked up, wide-eyed, to see that Harry had stripped down to his pants and was placing his wand on the ground. He couldn't…
Ron leapt up from his spot just as Harry jumped into the lake. Harry sputtered for a moment, his breath coming out in broken gusts of white. A chill ran down Ron's spine when he spotted an ominous glint around Harry's neck. Harry took one deep breath and vanished beneath the black depths.
Harry didn't reappear.
The locket, Ron realized with swelling panic. The locket must have made him do it.
He scrambled from his hiding spot to where his friend had just disappeared — movement catching his eye, but all thoughts scattering from his mind.
The dark waters reflected his pale, drawn face back at him, his blue eyes gleaming with rising fear as the seconds ticked away without Harry resurfacing. Not the face of a hero, not his brothers' or his sister's, not the glowing one in the Mirror. But the only one that could save Harry now.
The reflection's expression changed, becoming brazen and determined. Ron bit back a swear and dove into the icy waters.
v. Now I only want what's real, / To let my heart feel what it feels. / Gold, silver, or bronze hold no value here, / Where work and rest are equally revered.
The weight of the gold felt heavy and yet was lighter than he had imagined. Not that he had ever imagined this, he thought as his finger traced over the green ribbon. He looked up from the medal, out into the lake, the waves shimmering back at him. The breeze brushed against his neatly trimmed hair.
Ron wasn't sure what he was supposed to be feeling. The way people looked at him now was different, but he didn't feel any different. Was this how Harry had always felt?
"Hey." The wind carried Hermione's soft voice to him, and he turned. She was looking up at him, smiling despite the line of worry between her brows. An identical First Order of Merlin glinted from her chest. "What are you doing here?"
He shrugged, watching as she joined him on the rock. The smell of whatever potion she'd put in her hair made his lips curl up. "Wanted a moment away," he said, stretching his arms behind his head. He casually let one rest behind her, giving her something to lean on if she wanted. "I'm too famous for my own good."
She huffed in amusement before they lapsed into a comfortable silence. There was the sound of the lake, the leaves rustling in the breeze, and the murmur of everyone closer to the castle behind them.
"What are you going to do now?" she asked finally.
"I don't know," Ron admitted, watching her face drop. He swallowed nervously and fiddled with the tie Hermione had knotted too tightly. "I was thinking…of going to Australia with you. If you want."
Her eyes shined brightly, even as her face screwed up. She looked beautiful with the sunlight streaming through her hair.
"Yeah?" she asked in a small voice.
"Yeah," he said, pushing some of her soft, fuzzy hair from her face. "I'd even fly in an aero - thingy whatsit that Harry was talking about the other day."
"Aero-plane," she enunciated, swatting his hand away, sighed — not in disdain, as he had imagined months ago — but with amused affection. "And I already told you that it doesn't make sense to go that way."
She then launched into a long-winded explanation of the challenges of Apparation across long distances, bodies of water, and the complications of international Apparation customs. 
Sometimes he still couldn't believe it.
Least loved, always…
He shook the words away and smiled gently at Hermione.
"Come on," he said, interrupting her as she began discussing the pros and cons of Portkeys by taking her hand in his, lacing their fingers the way he had dreamt of since his fourth year. He looked over his shoulder at his family, where he saw Ginny practically shielding Harry from nosy strangers trying to get a closer look. His heart ached at the obvious absence there, and he squeezed her hand. "Let's join the others. I'm starved."
"Honestly, Ron!" she huffed predictably. "We ate just before the ceremony."
"Carrying this thing around my neck takes a lot of energy." He laughed.
vi. I only want what's real. / I set aside the highlight reel, / And leave my greatest failures on display with an asterisk, / Worthy of love anyway.
He stared hard at the mirror, his tongue caught between his teeth as he carefully adjusted his ginger hair with a comb. The damn butterflies in his stomach wouldn't stop fluttering.
"You look good, dearie," the mirror said in a cheery voice.
Ron eyed his reflection skeptically, but it only gave him a wink.
"You do," Harry confirmed from the door.
"Yeah?" Ron asked, pulling at his new and fitted robes. 
"At least this time it doesn't have lace."
"Har har," Ron said, but he smiled now at his reflection. Midnight blue was Hermione's favorite color. "Do you think I should have a smudge of dirt on my face, for old time's sake?"
"If you want her to kill you."
They were laughing when Ginny popped her head in, arching an eyebrow at her brother and boyfriend. "Time to take your places." She gave Harry a long look of appreciation. "You clean up nice, Potter."
"I'm the one getting married today," Ron grumbled, lightly elbowing Harry, who had flushed a deep red. Harry flashed him a sheepish grin, but Ginny stepped closer. Ron bristled under her critical gaze, but she suddenly pulled him into a hard embrace, forcing him to bend downward awkwardly. All that Quidditch training was making her way too strong.
"Oi! Watch the hair!"
"You look great," she said fiercely, hiding her face in his shoulder in a way that reminded him of when she was twelve. And just like that she was pulling away with a bright smirk on her face. "Though I still think the puce looked better on you."
He scowled as she skittered out the door.
"Better be quick before Mum comes to get you!"
"Come on," Harry said, patting him on the back. "Big day."
"Yeah," Ron said, his face already starting to ache from smiling.
He took one last glance in the mirror.
He'd never looked happier in his life.
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warriorlid14 · 4 years
Last Line Tag Game
Well, I know that @hillnerd tagged me for this ages ago, but I can’t find the post, SO. New thread: Post the last line of a fic you’re working on.
“He silently begged the pain to stop, silently begged death to claim him. But eventually, it was sleep that did.“
Thanks for the tag! Tagging @vivithefolle @ballerinaroy @windschildfanfictionwriter and anyone else who hasn’t been tagged and wants to do it. 
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acnelli · 2 years
Nelli's Birthday Recs
All credit for this lovely idea goes to @lumosatnight. It's my Birthday today and I want to share some quality stories with you to enjoy. Especially, in those last two years fanfiction and fandom in general became a safe haven for me. A very welcome escape from reality and overall joy in general. So thank you for this 💛
Just like Lani, I'll introduce 12 stories and authors (for each day in July leading up to my Birthday). Except for one, they're all Ron-centric (no surprises there but you probably follow me for that exact reason, so...I guess it's fine ;)). I can only encourage you to read these stories as well as checking out their writer profiles for more.
And I'll never get tired of saying this: Leave Kudos & comments if you enjoyed reading a story. No matter how old the story is, no matter how many Kudos and comments there are already, your comment will make a writer happy. Always (imagine this in a Severus Snape/Alan Rickman voice)!
This is not sorted by ship at all. So, scroll through the whole list, please. Pairings: Romione, Rarry, Kron, Perciver, and a selection of many different pairings from the microfics I recommended.
Holidate by @accio-broom [M, Ron x Hermione, WIP]
Fed up with being single for the holidays, two close friends agree to be each other's platonic plus ones all year long. But will they catch real feelings along the way?
This story updates on every major holiday and finishes on Christmas 2022. If this isn't the coolest idea?
My Microfic May 2022 by @curlyy-hair-dont-care [various ratings and pairings]
Her submissions to @microficmay 2022 were such a delight to read and I was looking forward everyday to read one of these lovely stories.
The Romione, Blairon, and Marthur fics were my favs but all of them are great.
A Perfect Birthday Morning by @hillnerd [M, Ron x Hermione, 1k+]
Ron's 34th Birthday.
Hilly isn't just one of my favorite artists ( @hillnerd-art) but also a great writer. She also organized hangouts during the panini which were such a life saver, especially in 2020.
A Muggle Cliché by @cescalr [T, Ron x Harry, 8k+]
Harry Potter. The squib son of James and Lily Potter. The nephew of Sirius Black.
Ron is never going to hear the end of this from the twins, he realises, with great despair. In his defence, Harry Potter should be dead.
I can't stress enough how great of a concept this is and how well-written this story is, especially how Harry is written.
what you know about love (i got what you need) by @playitaagain [M, Ron x Harry, 6k+]
Ron shows Harry that it's okay to seek comfort, to have someone hold you. He allows Harry the space to cry while showing him how much love can be found in another person's nonjudgmental support.
Five time Ron initiates comforting Harry and one time Harry seeks out comfort.
Beautiful story with the 5 + 1 prompt. (Just as a FYI, I still get notification for this story on the @harryronfest blog almost every day :)).
Treacle Treat by @orange-peony [E, Ron x Harry, 30k+]
Fred's funeral turns out to be quite lovely, Harry thinks, in spite of how heartbroken they all feel. Everyone says something nice or funny about Fred, trying to remember the good moments. Harry can’t get the words out, but Ron is by his side, the back of his hand pressed against Harry’s, his eyebrows scrunched up as he sobs quietly.
“Stay,” Ron whispers after dinner, when everyone gets ready for bed, pale faces looking empty and wiped out. “Don’t go back to Grimmauld Place. Stay here, Harry. Please…”
Harry nods, then follows Ron upstairs, to the room where they’ve spent countless summer evenings, chatting in bed with a laugh and a cheeky grin on their faces.
They lie in the dark in silence this time, and Harry feels so cold.
So much angst, so much smut, so much love. So much of peony's beautiful writing.
A Heart So Colourful by @lumosatnight [E, Ron x Viktor, 1k+]
Rita Skeeter’s article dropped on Tuesday afternoon. By Wednesday morning, it was posted all over Hogwarts. Not even Filch’s personal quarters had been overlooked (though why a student would risk sneaking in there, Merlin only knew). By Thursday, even the professors were talking about it. By Friday, the Minister, himself, was Flooing his associates across the pond.
Viktor Krum was gay, and he had asked Ronald Weasley to the Yule Ball.
This is so cute and a really lovely idea. Also shout out to Lani for getting me into writing again with microficmay.
Perfect Strangers by @adenei [T, Ron x Hermione, 5k+]
Ron Weasley is just like any other University student: he attends his classes, plays for the football team, and spends much of his spare time working at the coffee shop that's owned by his best mate's parents. What will happen when an ordinary shift brings in a new customer?
I might have mentioned that I love Coffee Shop AUs right? This here also comes with a Jily lives bonus and adenei's amazing writing.
In Which Landon Is Accidentally Observant, and Peters Misses Quidditch for No Good Reason at All by @constitutionalweasleymonarchy [T, Percy x Oliver, 3k+]
The arguments between Percy Weasley and Oliver Wood are so legendary, a mere glare is enough to clear out the dormitory. The problem is, Landon and Peters live here, too.
(A 7th year Perciver from the POV of their dormmates.)
Usually, I recommend A Counterpoint to Working Lunches by RGF but this story made me laugh so much and I was absolutely delighted about the new ship name she came up with for Perciver.
Right Here, Right Now by @cheesyficwriter [M, Ron x Hermione, 1k+]
Ron and Hermione share a tender moment under the stars during the summer following the Battle.
This was written for the @romioneficfest 2021! As every story written for this lovely fest, cheesy's story warmed me from the inside out when I first read it.
The Handyman by @reallybeth9 [M, Ron x Hermione, 2k+]
She gave me another one of those tight-lipped smiles, and I realized that I desperately wanted to see what one of her real smiles looked like.
“It’s nice,” she said. “Or it will be once it’s decorated.”
I wanted to ask her if she could help me decorate it but I held my tongue, knowing that it would be an inappropriate thing to ask.
Smutty goodness with a twist but you have to see for yourself.
The Quiet by @be11atrixthestrange [T, Ron x Hermione, 1k+]
A father/son shopping trip turns into an understated moment of bonding.
This story will not just make your Romione shipper heart happy but you'll also find yourself shipping an entirely new pairing. My personal headcanons about Hugo's character were also shaped by this story. And Dad!Ron is always a treat, isn't it?
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WIP Game!!
I was tagged by @theroomofreq, thank you very much!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!
I don’t really have a lot (or a wip folder I’m just a savage that saves everything to my desktop) but here we go:
Champagne Problems
Plants (let’s garden together)
Bread (let’s bake together)
Molly and her grandbabies
James was falling
Becca blinked
Willow wedding? CS
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this, but also @petalstofish @hillnerd @annabtg @constancezin @liiilyevans @foreverginevra @constitutionalweasleymonarchy
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adenei · 3 years
Hi I'm looking for more Harry Potter writers to read that write a bit of everything? Canon compliant romance and Gen (so mix of Romione, drastoria, jily,Scorose,et but also minor characters or missing moments) do you have any recs?)
Hi there anon!
Another canon-compliant reader! Yay! It makes me so happy to find others who love canon-compliant pairings as much as me!
I wish I had a long list of writers who write multiple ships, but I've found that most stick to one or two pairings when writing.
@jenoramaca @hillnerd and @constitutionalweasleymonarchy are three authors that come to mind that do a lot of canon-compliant stuff that is varied. And I've done a lot of dabbling in several ships though I stick mainly to Romione and Jily.
Have you checked out the @chudleycanonficfest archives? We had over 60 stories with all types of canon complaint stories from many different authors there, so I'd encourage you to check that out too! Definitely use that to find more authors (who were all amazing!) who write canon-compliant!
I hope this helps, and happy searching! I know it can be hard sometimes, but it's out there!
Happy Monday :)
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headcanonsandmore · 1 year
For the WIP ask :D
7. What are the main emotions of this wip?
8. What are the vibes/aesthetics of this wip?
9. What are the genres of this wip?
14. Where will the wip start?
15. What do you like about this wip?
The WIP in question is my "Glad All Over (Cake By The Ocean)" fic.
7. What are the main emotions of this wip?
Probably joy and love.
8. What are the vibes/aesthetics of this wip?
Relaxation, queer joy, celebration of love (in all its form) in a small town, and soft summer warmth.
9. What are the genres of this wip?
AU, friends-to-lovers, small town scenario, romantic fluff, rom-com, mutual pining, and their-love-is-requited-they're-just-idiots.
14. Where will the wip start?
The WIP starts on a beach in a small town in Cornwall, and -with a few exceptions- will largely stay in that small town.
15. What do you like about this wip?
I like the relaxed, chill vibe and the lack of an intense storyline. It's more character-focused and I can write it slowly over time. Also, Tegan and Nyssa are cute to write about in whatever scenario.
Thanks for the asks, Hilly!
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andromeda-grace · 1 year
The Devil You Know-Completed Work
This is a novella I've been submitting the last few months and should have some exciting news in October!
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Genre: Fairytale, Romance, Horror
Anya has built a quiet life for herself, trusted as the village healer as long as she keeps her magic hidden. All of that changes when a strange traveler arrives at her doorstep. The man looks human, but Anya senses an old and powerful magic within him.
Intrigued, she allows Owen inside. He claims to have been an apprentice to a witch, and Anya, despite her suspicions, finds him to be a kindred spirit. They begin a romance, both finding comfort in one another.
Their peace is broken when a family comes to Anya in crisis. Their child has been cursed, and is transforming into a monster. Desperate to save the boy, Anya asks Owen for help. He can grant her the power to break the spell, but it requires blood and forbidden rites. Knowing that she can’t break the curse alone, Anya faces a choice with deadly consequences. 
What it's got:
We get to explore Anya's daily life and the relationships she's built in the village. Everyone knows she's a witch, but they turn a blind eye because she listens and cares for them. I like seeing women engaging in meaningful work, with fully developed lives outside of their romances.
On the romance side, our love interest, Owen, was a treat to write. He has a tragic backstory with a soft exterior. He's vulnerable and upfront with his emotions.
I'm going to try out taglists for the very first time, so if you are interested in news for this story, please let me know in the comments!
Tagging folks to share, won't be added to a taglist unless you ask:
@hillnerd-art @deanwax @innocenthedgehog @aalinaaaaaa @druidx @starknstarwars @frankensteinshimbo @scribe-of-stories @athenswrites @starrbeez @sam-glade
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romioneficfest · 3 years
Romione FicFest 2021 - Kickoff Post
Good evening/afternoon/morning to everyone. Welcome to the FicFest 2021.
This year has a few additional upgrades including....
Gmail address for submitting all fics
Our own collection for Ao3
and currently working on headers and other décor as well as an updated FAQ. (This one is the one from Last year so working on a new update for it.)
If anyone needs audio in addition to alt-text for any graphics, please let me know so I can figure a way out to add it as well. But if no one does, then I’m not putting in the additional time which can be spent on other things.
This isn’t a sign-up kind of fest but a prompt one. Since so many lovely people submitted prompts - across 4 entry points! - there will be plenty to choose from for writers. There’s various tropes & genres, settings and situations, and prompt words/ideas/items.
Day 1 prompting starts tomorrow @ 6pm GMT.  Link to World Clock.
Pick 1 from the daily list. If you wish to incorporate more, more power to you. If there is something not on the list you want to write, there is a Free Day prompt going up sometime. Use it if there isn’t anything else you like.
Write it how you will - from the trope busting genre to using an object in an unusual way - heck, even take a prompt and crack it like Mary Wollstonecraft’s headstone - that’s fine for me. I love seeing the creativity in action.
For those who don’t speak English as a first language:
By all means, submit your work in English - but it doesn’t have to be perfect. No one (gives side-eyes to all entrants!) will hold it against you for not speaking perfect English (and if they do, they have to deal with me.)
Want to write 50 entries? Send them all in. The more the merrier. Only have time for one? That’s great too. I take any and all entries - if they are under 1500 words. (Though if it was like last year and an entry is over such, it will still be posted but not entered into the voting for the prize(s).) 
Only 2 things are exempt:
No Infidelity for the main couple. ‘Tis my squick - and my fest - so that’s my rule. It doesn’t mean anyone else isn’t open for such - but not Ron & Hermione. This is a fest for them, after all.
No bashing. Criticism is OK but not bashing. 
Also, like last year, I will submit at least one. It will be labeled and ineligible for voting consideration. I win because I get to read the entries first.
While they aren’t required, it does make for a more pleasant reading experience. If anyone needs a beta and doesn’t have one (or their normal one is busy) email/IM/DM me and I will post a need - and if no one reaches out, I will pinch-hit as a beta for you - and make note of it in the author’s notes for transparency.
Any rating is fine - from G to NC-35. I am the final arbiter on ratings & if I think that it’s rated too low, I will bump it up - or add tag warnings for it. Not everyone wants to read lemon citrus works or not safe for work items so active and ongoing consent is mandatory.
Also, if someone has a trigger warning they need me to keep in mind for any entries - no matter how embarrassing or strange you think they are - please let me know. Really. No judgment on my part on what is a trigger. No, I won’t ask why, either. That’s not my business. Your comfort for this fest is my business. That’s why Anonymous stays open.
Submission forms:
This year I have the email address up and running
[email protected] as well as the collection point on Ao3 up and going. But submitting it on the Tumblr form - and me doing the legwork - is there as well. If you email it in, it doesn’t have to be in Ao3 html markup. I have a script on Google Docs I use for that - and check it before entry. But if you do, it saves me much time on validation of the coding.
The less time I work on coding means more time for other stuff.
Back-stage administration:
All behind the scenes items are open for inspection so anyone saying I have my scaly talons on the voting/nudging anything will see that isn’t my objective. I win because A) I get to read these works first! and B) I get to watch healthy drama unfolding.
If there are any criticisms, I gladly accept them. I won’t bite if you put your name to your criticism and will take it in consideration. I have some amazing Romione writers who have already reached out to help the behind the scenes administration for this fest whom will help if there are any ethical or moral concerns. Come in blasting on anonymous and.... well, that never goes well. There’s ample rusted chainmail in my caverns from those who tried and failed. I have zero qualms blocking via IP address. So, please, be civil & cordial.
Yes, there will be voting again this year. I will, once again, put up a grand prize. While @hillnerd​ is too busy being amazing for art, I will find another suitable prize for the winner - and some prizes for the top 4. What they will be.... remains to be seen. Yes, this goes for everyone - including those internationally (I have my ways!)
I’m finishing up the links, updating headers, and other goodies. Stay tuned for further updates.
And if you want to turn on notifications, that’s brilliant too.
Sincerely from the bottom of my stone primed scaly talons,
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owlswithfins · 4 years
Writer Interview
Thanks for the tag @bunny-bopper!
Name(s): AO3: OwlsWithFins, Tumblr: @gwen-cheers-me-up & @owlswithfins
Fandom(s): Harry Potter & BBC Merlin
Where you post: AO3 and Tumblr
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): Wishful Thinking (Ron/Harry & Ginny/Hermione, 4k)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos): Earning His Forgiveness (James Potter/Severus Snape, 42k)
Favourite story you wrote: Not Really Here (Severus/Remus, 53k)
Fic you were nervous to post: Hahaha when am I not nervous to post??? :))))
How do you choose your titles? They’re usually based on a relevant line from the fic
Do you outline? I mentally write random snippets of dialogue and build up to and past them, but outlining for me is the quickest way to ensure a fic never gets finished (if I’ve already done all the brainstorming, why even write it? the story is right there!!!)
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I’m 84k words into a new Severus-centric draft that starts in Harry’s fifth year. It’ll be my first Severitus fic and I am h y p e d about it
AO3 stats (for 2020)
Amount of works posted: 6
Total word count: 71,191
Longest fic: Not Really Here (Severus/Remus, 53k)
Shortest fic: Warm Enough (Merlin & Gwen, 1k)
Fic with the most kudos: Not Really Here
Fic with the most bookmarks: Not Really Here
Fic with the most comment threads: Not Really Here
Total amount of kudos: 1947
Total amount of bookmarks: 533
Total amount of comment threads: 205
Fandoms written for: Harry Potter and BBC Merlin
Fandom events you’ve written for: SnapeBang
Pairings written for: HP - Severus/Remus, BBC Merlin - Gwaine/Merlin, Lancelot & Merlin, Gwen & Merlin, Merlin & Morgana
Favorite fic you’ve written this year: Merlin’s Favourite (4k)
Goals for next year: I’d like to finished the first draft of my Severitus fic by the end of January (and start posting soon after!) and participate in Merlin Bingo and the Camelove2021 fest
Not sure who’s done this yet but tagging: @arthurandmerlin @la-topolina @thatawfulsnapeboy @humanveil @hillnerd and anyone else who wants to!
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puppyduckster · 4 years
Ron Weasley and the Yule Ball
1. Before I begin this post, I know that I haven’t done many Harry Potter posts lately. My blog is now primarily a multi fandom blog, but I figured I’d make a Harry Potter/Ron Weasley post again for old time’s sake. :)
2. I will not be defending Ron’s actual actions during the Yule Ball. In this case he was 100% in the wrong.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way. I’ll explain how it’s unfair to use Ron’s(admittedly rude and inconsiderate behavior) against him for the entire series and in a way make it an anti Romione argument.
I think the thing people most forget about this whole incident is that Ron was fourteen here. I don’t like using the age argument in a lot of cases(for example I don’t think James and Sirius being fifteen excuses their actions in SWM and Hermione being only seventeen when she attacks Ron with the canaries excuses her actions. It’s one thing to be upset, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to physically(or magically) take your anger out on someone.), but in this case I’ll make an exception, because while I am not justifying his behavior, as a former fourteen year old, I have a bit more understanding for how fourteen year olds act sometimes.
The truth is that fourteen year olds can be nightmares. I know because I’ve been fourteen and although I’m not a guy, I promise you that girls are not immune from this either. I’ve said and done things that make me want to jump out of a window when I look back at my behavior. But you want to know something? I’ve grown up and I’ve learned from my mistakes. I’m getting better at controlling my temper and being more pleasant and Ron Weasley went through that same positive change too. Neither of us are perfect, but we’re learning from our mistakes and that’s not something anybody should be actively shamed for.
The second thing is that Ron learns his lesson here and he learns it quickly. He’s a jerk to Hermione for the night, it’s implied that he and Hermione apologize and work things out, and from what I can tell Ron doesn’t really go back to his active jealously. He’s not exactly happy with Hermione writing letters to Krum in Book Five, but he doesn’t make a big deal out of it either and although being cold and distant to Hermione in Book Six was not commendable either, you could argue that it’s a vast improvement from outright confronting her like he did in Book Four(although I agree that he didn’t have to go to the extreme that he did.) 
The third and final thing is that Ron is overall a good friend and a good person and a few ugly stains on the sweater shouldn’t be enough to taint his character. He opens up his home to Harry, he defends Hermione, he’s hardworking when it comes down to it, and while he might stumble a few times, it shouldn’t take away from the fact that he’s overall a genuinely sweet and caring person and that is how he should be remembered. I have a lot more examples of Ron being an amazing friend and person but I can’t make the post too long so I’ll just recommend you check out  some of these awesome blogs: @headcanonsandmore @hillnerd @vivithefolle because they can do a  better job at explaining it than I do. :)
At the end of the day, it’s one thing to criticize Ron’s behavior during the Yule Ball and see that he does end up improving, but it’s another thing to use this Incident to taint his overall character arc.
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hillnerd · 6 years
Do you have any headcanons on what would have happened if hermione said yes when Ron asked her to the Yule ball?
Sorry this one took so long. I just was not immediately able to sit down and think this out. I was just stumped for a while. :P  In this scenario she would have to have not been asked out by Nev or Krum yet- leaving her wide open for Ron’s ask. 
The Yule Ball was quick approaching, and no one had asked Hermione as a date yet. She wasn’t entirely surprised, as she’d not exactly garnered a lot of attention like other girls. She was no Fleur Delacour. She did her best to not let this bother her, though. She was quite busy with her studies, thank you very much. That’s what they were all in school for! Not romance, and definitely not some silly ball.
Dinner had been a lonely affair, with both Harry and Ron missing. It was just as well, she was still getting used to her new teeth and was a bit sloppier than usual as she ate her meal. She hadn’t ever indulged in much of the shallower things in life, but couldn’t help running her tongue over her now very even teeth and feel a satisfied smile warm her all the way to the common room.
She found Ron and Harry sitting by the fireplace with Ginny, both looking rather glum.
“Why weren’t you two at dinner?”
“They’ve both been turned down by the girls they asked to the Yule Ball.”
“Thanks a bunch, Ginny,” said Ron sourly.
“All the good-looking one taken, Ron?” said Hermione loftily, thinking back to his comments about avoiding going to the ball with a troll. “Eloise Midgen starting to look quite pretty now, is she? Well I’m sure you’ll find someone somewhere who’ll have you.”
Ron didn’t give a retort. Instead gave her a long hard look, as if working out some sort of problem, before his eyebrows lifted into his fringe.
“Hermione… You’re a girl!”
“Oh well spotted!” She wanted to punch him. She really did. Right on his long freckled nose.
“Well– you can come to the ball with one of us!”
Hermione wasn’t sure how to react. She had, in her most private of thoughts, hoped she’d get to go to the ball with someone. She had considered putting forth the idea to Ron, but didn’t dare do the humiliating task herself. For once she had wanted one of those silly traditional boy-girl teenage moments for herself- and to be asked out by a boy–  but now, presented like this, it felt a bit hollow.
“I… I suppose that makes sense… Who would go with who?” she said, looking between Harry and Ron. She wanted Ron to chose her, and bit her lip in to hold herself back from impatiently claiming Ron for herself.
“You can come with me,” Ron said with a smile, not seeming to see the significance of this at all. Did he not care at all?
“Who says I want to go with you?” she let out. “Just because you finally realized I’m a girl, doesn’t mean I now owe you a date!”
“You can go with Harry if you like,” he said, brows furrowing as he looked between them. Harry was looking on with wide eyes and holding up his hands as he usually did when he sensed tension between them.
“It’s just the principal of it,” Hermione said, crossing her arms. “One person asks another out, not… not just randomly assigning a girl to be a date out of convenience to whoever is sitting there.”
Ron sat there looking at her for a moment looking like he might begin arguing, but he surprised her by smiling at her.
“Okay okay, Hermione Granger, will you, a girl, go with me, a boy, to the ball. That do? Will you come now?”
She could feel her cheeks begin to flush.
“Well… Well alright then. Since you asked properly.”
“Great!” he said with an easy smile. “I can go with Hermione, and Ginny you can go with Harry.”
Ginny blushed down to her roots, and looked away from them all.
“Alright then? We all have dates?” Ron asked the group.
They all nodded.
It wasn’t the ask Hermione would have wanted or planned on- but she had been asked out to a ball, and it had been Ron who did it.
Balls were just about the most barmy thing Ron could think of. Everyone had to spend loads on dress robes, a bunch of teens had to ask each other out on dates, and then they’d have to dance in front of everyone else. It sounded like just about the worst time in the world. At least he had a date, though. And it was Hermione, so he didn’t have to make smalltalk with some random girl or have an ugly date. He’d have a pretty date who quite liked. That worked out better than he could have hoped.
She and Ginny had scarpered off after a long snowball fight, saying they needed three hours to get ready for the ball. Three hours seemed an awfully long time to just put on a dress- but Ron probably should have spent more time himself, now that he looked at his own depressing robes. He’d tried a severing charm on the frills- but it didn’t do much to make the robes look less awful.
He glumly sat in a chair waiting for Hermione, when Ginny walked down the stairs looking very nice. She was wearing some old robes of Mum’s though, so even though they were dated, they weren’t as worn and crap as his own.
He hadn’t really meant to do it, but he’d paired Ginny up on a date with her crush pretty well, actually. Ginny was going to make out of this ball better off than most of the teens.
“You look nice,” Harry told Ginny, and she went scarlet but thanked him. Harry then turned to Ron. “Want us to wait with you for Hermione?”
“Naw, meet you down at the ball in a bit.” Ron wanted to put off people seeing his awful robes as long as possible.
The common room wasn’t much better since it was crowded- but at least it was just fellow Gryffindors. The common room was a wash of colors, instead of the usual black robes, and someone with floaty blue robes was standing awfully close to him.
“Ready to go down?”
He looked up and saw the robes were Hermione’s. She was always pretty, but right now she was looking girlish and pretty in a way he’d never seen before. She was standing tall, smiling down at him with an air of confidence and he found his mouth had gone dry. A few people in the common room were staring at her as well, but Ron had to smile, because she wasn’t any of their dates. She was his date.
“Yeah, let’s go down!” he said with enthusiasm. Thoughts of his own tattered robes were quite replaced having her at his side like this. She looked like one of the women from a fairy tale book. Her hair was sleek, which he didn’t like as much, but other than that she was a vision, really.
“You look…” Beautiful. Gorgeous. Pretty. “Really good.”
“Thank you,” she smiled prettily at him.
Ron felt a sort of jittery energy taking hold of him. There was nothing to be nervous about, as it was just Hermione. Maybe he was just hungry.
“Sorry about… About my robes and all… You look great, and I–” Ron couldn’t finish his sentence.
“You look fine,” she said, though they both knew it was a lie. “Maybe I can transfigure it a bit? I’m not great with these sorts of spells, but Parvarti and Lavender helped me a bit taking in my robes and I think I remember the spells.”
“Uh, alright then.”
She did a few spells, and it made his robes look less tattered, then she did a color switching spell to make the robes all the same dark navy color. It helped hide the horrible design of it having it be dark like this.
“Brilliant!” he smiled, doing his best to look at it all in the hallway they were in.
“I know you don’t like maroon,” she said with a shrug.
“I’m glad I can look better for you,” he said, then wanted to curse as his ears burned.
The Entrance Hall was packed with students waiting for the doors to the ball to be thrown open, but they found Harry and Ginny quick enough. Hermione was quite pleased to she and Harry were actually talking on their own. Ginny had always been rather tongue tied around Harry due to her crush, but perhaps she could make headway on that tonight.
They both made surprised smiles at Ron’s changed robes, which made Hermione happy, but not nearly as happy as the chuffed look on Ron’s face.
They entered the ball, and a ton of people started looking at them. At first she thought it might be because they were with Harry, or because Ron’s eyes were quite striking when he wore blue, but surprisingly a lot of people were staring at her agog.
“Do I have something in my teeth?” she asked Ron.
“Wha?” he looked closely. “No.”
“A lot of people were looking at me.”
“It’s because you look so… fancy” Ron said, before turning pink for about the third time that evening and looking away from her. She was sure she was almost as pink as they found a table.
Ron had never been so awkward around Hermione in his life. He couldn’t seem to get out a conversation with her. Maybe it was because she looked so un-Hermione-ish. She didn’t have her usual wild curls bouncing about her face, and was wearing robes that clung to her and very much made it clear she was a girl. There was no ignoring that now.
Food was what he needed. Lots of food and butterbeer. The slightly polite stilted conversation began to relax as the two of them ate and people watched together, and by the end of the meal the two of them were at ease with each other again.
The Weird Sisters came out, and Harry and the other Champions took to the dance floor with their dates. After a moment other couples began to join them. Other couple from their table made their way to dance as well, leaving just Ron.
Hermione was looking nervously at the dance floor, but hadn’t said anything.
“Would you like to–” he said, nodding to the dance floor.
She smiled. “Only if you want to.”
In truth Ron had little interest in slow dancing, but it wouldn’t do to tell her that. Plus it seemed a shame to have her sitting it out when she had gone to all that trouble to look so elegant.
“Yeah. Yeah, let’s have a dance.”
The slow dance gave way to some fast ones, and Ron found he liked dancing with Hermione much more than he he’d ever anticipated. He even spotted Harry dancing a lot with Ginny, which was probably one of the more awkward things he’d witnessed.
The evening went on- and by the end of it they were all flushed and happy, and made their way to bed.
Harry and Ginny went up their respective dorms, leaving Ron and Hermione downstairs next to the fire.
“I had a good time,” Hermione said with a bright smile.
“Yeah, me too!” Ron was happy to say.
“Well, goodnight,” Hermione said, standing on her tiptoes and giving Ron a quick peck on the cheek, before scuttling up to her dormitory.
His stomach swooped and spent a good ten minutes standing there. He was surprised. Maybe dances weren’t as barmy as he’d thought. With that he went to bed, dreams a bit full of floaty periwinkle fabric, twinkling brown eyes and bright smiles.
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