#his parents are rich and bought them a house so she had her own house at 21
Ugh I messed up and forgot plans with my friend and when she texted me and asked if I was coming I didn’t see it for hours and texted back sorry and I forgot and I’m trying to reschedule plans and she’s being short and has ignored my last text for a day now
And it’s like. I have nothing more to say but it’s annoying that she’s mad at me when I try so hard to be a good friend and I do nice good things for her frequently so it’s just like. Shut up and get over this minor mistake and get yourself together
#my thoughts#she’s not having a good time right now#having a rough time mentally#and I try to help#but there’s nothing I can do#and I make ONE mistake#and she’s mad#she makes mistakes OFTEN#and I forgive and get over it#very fast#never get mad at her#she’s exhausting#I love her and she’s my best friend but I she’s almost always doing bad mentally#and I absorb those feelings if I’m too much around it#so I gotta take care of myself#and I understand that having things doesn’t make mental illness go away#but I wish she would take some time to appreciate what she has#instead of complaining all the time about everything#she’s in a loving relationship with a very nice man (they’re engaged)#his parents are rich and bought them a house so she had her own house at 21#she graduated college and has a nice job (it’s nursing which actually does suck I know but it pays well and she likes it much of the time)#she has multiple lovely pets#she could afford to travel and wants to but never does!!!! she is the one stopping herself!!!#and then has the audacity to complain about it!!!#but all she ever wants to do is find things about these to complain about#she never acknowledges all the things she is lucky to have#and has achieved that many other people do not#her life has so many good things but she dwells on the past and doesn’t do anything to help herself#she skips her medicine regularly even though SHE KNOWS it is horrible for her mental health#I can’t be worrying about her and taking care of her all the time
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zeldasnotes · 4 days
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︎This post is about how Ive seen different natal & synastry placements manifest in real life situations. This doesnt mean if you have any of these aspects you will be the same or experience the same. The whole chart has to be taken into consideration.
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🍯 My friend with Groom conjunct Sun and Juno in the 1st house had 3 people propose to her before she turned 20. Men proposed to her after knowing her for like a month. It was so crazy to see. I hate the term ”wifey material” but she defintiely was.
︎🐝 One of the most blessed person Ive met in my life have Bless and Fortuna conjunct his Sun. Never worked a day in his life, born to a rich and powerful family, extremely popular and well liked. And you cant even hate him bc hes genuinely kind.
🍯 I had a friend in high school who had issues with people making fake accounts of her. She have Lilith in the 11th house and Pluto in the 10th house.
🐝 This was said to me by a man with Venus in Leo when we talked about styling yourself less before going outside when in a relationship ”When my wife goes out alone or with friends she still represents me so she needs to look good” it was just such a Leo Venus thing to say.😂
🍯 Most people Ive met with a Nessus conjunction to a personal planet also had a Chiron conjunction in their chart. Because with abuse comes pain.
🐝 Also almost everyone I met with Nessus conjunct personal planets looked very different from their siblings which lead to some abusive comments from their own families.
🍯 A guy wanted me to touch his belly during naughty time and I was like what? Looked up his chart and he is a Virgo Mars(virgo rules the stomach)🥲
🐝 My friend with Swindle(8690) conjunct Mercury knows every loophole in the world when it comes to getting money or benefiting from stuff. If she gets a rash or something just randomly she will take a photo and email it to the latest onlinestore she bought a cream or something on and say it was after using their cream & get money back. She will also always say atleast one thing is missing from the package she orders and get money back.
🍯 My youngest sister have Moon conjunct Saturn in the 1st house and people always expect her to be the parent or responsible person. People ask her to stand up for them and our parents expect her to take care of our other siblings without realizing that shes a kid herself.
🐝 The most sex obsessed person Ive ever met had Venus, Eros & Lilith in the 8th house.
🍯 The two biggest 🍆 Ive ever seen both had Mars conjunct Jupiter in their natal chart.
🐝 The oldest virgin I know have Saturn in the 8th house. She refuses to ”do it” for the sake of having done it and she takes sex very seriously which is considered rare these days.
🍯 The three most well liked women Ive ever met all have Venus conjunct Mars. One is a Libra Sun, the other a Libra Moon and the 3rd is a Libra Rising. All of them have Venus in an angular house.
🐝 I know two siblings who both have Saturn in the 2nd house and they grew up in a very poor household. One of them is super afraid of being poor and is a highincome earner who only spends money on what she absolutely needs. The other is piss poor and will spend money the second she gets it bc its so imprinted in her brain that shes not supposed to have money. Siblings often have the same placements but you could never guess bc they handle it differently.
🍯 I know a guy who works as a security guard and oh how he looks like one. He got Pluto conjunct his Ascendant 0° conjunction and he is HUGE and everywhere he go he looks like he is the owner of the place. He looks exactly like The Rock.
🐝 A girl i know whos mother dislikes her a lot have the exact same placements as her mother. She reminds her mother of herself. Both her and her mother are Lilith 4th housers and are both passing down the generational trauma of being black sheeps and victimizing their daughters.
🍯 My little sister looks exactly like Lola the fish in the movie Shark Tale. She looks so much like a sirene so I checked her chart: Sirene(1009) conjunct Jupiter(her chart ruler) and conjunct her Sun and Venus.😳
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🐝 I checked the synastry with me and my 💖favorite lover💖 aka the best sex I ever had. Mars conjunct Mars + his Sun, Moon & Venus in my 8th house.
🐝 In the composite chart with the guy who broke my heart REALLY bad. He crushed me. Composite Moon 8th house Square Saturn. Messed up my self esteem real bad.
🐝 A guy who used to always give me compliments for my voice have his Venus in my 2nd house and his Mars in my 3rd.
🐝 When I had composite Capricorn Venus & Moon with a guy it felt like a business relationship. We had like a strict routine and did the same thing everytime we met. We acted like a married couple even tho we were like 13.
🐝 The most scared Ive ever been of a person was two guys with their Dejanira conjunct my Ascendant, their Venus on my Ascendant & their Lilith conjunct my Moon. (They are born the same day) They DESPISED me and were obsessed with me at the same time.
🐝 My Valentine(447) is conjunct the Sun of the love of my life.
🐝 When I was like 13 my then ”bestfriend” went behind my back with my boyfriend and guess what? Her Nemesis(128) conjunct my Venus and her Sun & Mars in my 12th house. And yeah we are going to talk about the bad part of the 12th house no matter if the astropolice like it or not. I always had a weird feeling about her but I ignored it, which is typical for the 12th house.
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©️ 2024 Zeldas Notes All Rights Reserved
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cupid-styles · 2 months
golf (sugar daddy h)
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word count: 1.3k
content warnings: spicy but no smut, dirty talk, degradation, exhibitionism if you squint
sugar daddy h masterlist | main masterlist
talk to me
. . .
Mia doesn't care about golf. 
Not once in her life has she ever thought it was a fascinating sport. There are some sports, like hockey or baseball, that, at the very least, seem hot, if not a little attractive, but golf isn't one of those. 
And of course, Harry loves to golf.
It's nothing against him, really. If she's being honest, in her eyes, golf is a rich man's sport. Since they started seeing each other months ago, Harry has always made it a point to go golfing at least once a week. He has a membership to a country club nearby and either goes by himself, with his friends, or takes business partners there, where they spend the day drinking and hitting balls and whatever else wealthy people do at country clubs.
Mia wouldn't know because she's never gone and, quite frankly, she never wants to go. 
She adores Harry. She really, truly does, but being a frequent attender of the country club to play such a silly, boring sport just serves as another class barrier between them. Harry grew up going to golf camp, for crying out loud! Mia spent her summers working at the local ice cream shop, where she got paid $7 an hour to get yelled at by angry parents because she was only allowed to let their kids taste three flavors before they had to buy something.
So when Harry asks if she wants to spend her Saturday golfing with him at the club, she tries to come up with a million excuses as to why she can't. But because he's him, and he has a pretty face and a soothing voice and he threw in the prospect of spoiling her with a massage at the spa after they finished their game, she can't find it in her to say no. 
Harry has a business dinner the night before so Mia sleeps at her own place, which she's kind of surprised with, to be honest. (She anticipated him asking her to stay over so she didn't have a chance to get out of it.) Even despite the text he sent her at 11:40 pm to let her know that he got home safely (that's basically 2 am in Harry time), he shows up to her house in his golf clothes at 9 am on the dot, breakfast and coffee in hand. 
Mia has to physically drag herself out of bed to let him in, a scowl on her face, even though he went out of his way to go to her favorite bagel shop. 
"Morning, grumpy," he greets cheekily, smushing a kiss to her cheek. He doesn't even bother toeing his shoes off like he normally does, instead giving her bum a soft pat when she turns back around, "We have reservations at the club for 10, so you should go get dressed. You can eat in the car."
"Are you sure you want me to go?" Mia asks, and Harry has to ignore the slight hopefulness to her tone, "I've never even played golf before, I don't think I'll be very good—"
"It's not about being good, honey, I just want to spend the day with you. Show you off, y'know?" he leans forward to press a kiss to her temple before ducking down to catch her ear. "Now be good and go get dressed."
He doesn't catch the narrowing of her eyes as she reluctantly heads back to her bedroom, where she grabs the stupid golf outfit he insisted on buying her for this very occasion. She told him she was fine with wearing leggings and a tee-shirt, but he explained to her that there was a certain etiquette that came with golf, which included clothing. (Like Mia said, it's a rich man's sport.) So he bought her a short little skirt and a workout top and, if she's being frank, she's not sure if it's not more for him than it is for the game itself. 
She tried it on a few days ago when he brought it over and she batted at his chest when she saw the length of the skirt on her — unlike those trendy workout skorts that had spandex shorts underneath, the pleats of the one Harry purchased barely went down to the tops of her thighs. With a grumble, she said she'd just wear boyshorts to make sure no one "saw the goods."
But now that she's getting dressed for their golf day, she thinks she has a better idea. 
. . . 
Mia sucks at golf.
Harry keeps trying to encourage her and help her, but they're on hole 8 of 18, and she's exhausted. It's warm, she's sweaty, and Harry's beating her ass in the game. (What else would you expect from someone who spent their summer vacations playing every day?) 
"You got this, baby," he says, giving her waist a small squeeze as they approach hole nine. She rolls her eyes from behind her sunglasses, rolling out her wrist in an effort to get rid of the cramps. "Do you still need me to help you?"
Just as she's about to say yes, she remembers the impulsive decision she made this morning. And she realizes she knows exactly how to get this game to end. 
"Actually, I think I can do it," she replies with a smile, jumping out from the golf cart. "Will you just stand behind me and make sure I'm doing it right?"
Harry's pleasantly surprised but nods his head, a zip of enthusiasm firing through his chest. He follows her out and stands with his hands on his hips as she sets herself up, trying to find her stance. 
Per Harry's instructions, she leans over just slightly, a small bend in her knees. And that's when he sees it. 
She's not wearing anything underneath her skirt. 
"Mia," he growls, ambling towards her to cover her from behind, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
"Um, I think it's called teeing off? That's what you said, anyway—"
"Not that," he mutters, a protective hand squeezing her hip. He glances around them to make sure no one's watching them as his fingers dance down to the hem of her skirt, gently pulling it down. "Why aren't you wearing any underwear, Mia?"
"Ohhhh, that?" she asks, turning in his grasp. "I must've forgotten them. I'm sorry."
She has a look of false innocence on her face, her eyes rounded slightly and her lips pouted as if she was truly making a genuine apology. He's seething — he wants nothing more than to bend her over his knee and issue loud, harsh smacks to her ass, but he thinks she would like that too much. 
"You're such a fucking slut." he mumbles angrily, his jaw clenching. He grabs the golf club from her hand and uses his other to yank her back in the direction of the golf cart, a surprised yelp sounding from her mouth. "Are you that much of a brat that you've been walking around with your pussy out all day?"
She shrugs nonchalantly as she climbs into the golf cart. Harry rolls his eyes and shifts the key into the ignition, starting the machine back up. 
"Guess you'll just have to take me home, then," Mia replies with a sigh. Harry snorts and shakes his head. 
"You fucking wish," he says. She blinks at him. "No, baby. I'm gonna take you into one of those private bathrooms, edge you until you're crying, and then we're gonna finish this game."
Mia's eyes widen, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as he drives over a bump in the road. 
"Good thing I brought that nifty little remote control vibrator with me," he continues with a smirk. "Had a feeling you'd be a fuckin' brat today."
Mia doesn't know if she's ever regretted something so much before.
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madebyrolo · 4 months
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Pouge Princess
Rafe Cameron x reader
Rafe takes an interest in y/n as she’s working in her family’s food truck. Over the years Rafe has came just to see her but she doesn’t know that.
*not proof read or edited
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
Y/n was a pouge, she lived on that side of the Island. She wasn’t exactly like how the stereotype describe them. though. She was in a somewhat happy family, kitchen table bills, well mannered and cared about her education. Her parents tried giving her the best they could and they tried to bring themself up and it was working.
Whenever they threw small party’s they would invite almost everyone, they loved their food and the family. Her family owned a small food truck in the figure 8 area. It was a drive but it was a smark marketing move they made. The tourists were a big part and the rich money hungry local families. They never really cooked or did any happy family matter thing. They had maids or butlers to do it and money to burn, so when it would come to their dinner or lunch they bought.
They made the best tacos in the whole island as a lot would say. They grew their own ingredients to make the sals, toppings, fruit. Her uncle working in a butcher shop who helped them buy fresh meat at a discounted price, an aunt who made their homemade juices/water and tortillas. Their whole family helped them with the business like saving up for the food truck and all working togther splitting profits.
Y/n worked some after school and weekend shifts. That was her way of getting her allowance of $30 a week. To a kook they would see that as cruel but for her that seemed reasonable. She saved and saved since she was 13 to buy an old 2000a Honda crv, her parents helped her obviously but she was able to pay for it 70% herself. It wasn’t the prettiest, it had some rust on the ends and it had about 107,349 miles on it but it was perfect for a starter car, and the gas was good. She got it when she was 15 and spent nights cruising and exploring the island with her friend John B, Jj, Pope and Kiara before John B got the Twinkie.
They met in elementary school but they finally formed as a group in junior high. When they hung out it was practically everyday. In school they would have lunch but then go straight to John’s bs house. Jj was the pothead of the group so when he got his money he spent not on weed, lighters, grinders and rolling paper. Sometimes he would ask y/n parents to pick up shifts for when he was running low on money. He wasn’t the smartest with money but “weed was his outlet” she tried not to scold him and let him be him. Pope was the straight A student, he was smarter than anyone she knew including herself. He was wise and had somewhat good judgment. Kiara the born kook yet chose the pouge life, she had a fiery personalit, and was a environmentalist. She was a nice sweet soul although doesn’t make the best decisions. And John b, the group leader. He was wise in his way, street smart and a strong independent. He had some walls up but he was nicest one out of all of them.
Y/n had her little shifts at the food truck weekend mornings and sometimes after school when it was in session. In the summer she would work longer hours due to the higher population and popularity due to the tourist. She didn’t mind, she made good money especially with tips. The older look men would leave $5 minimum and as well the boys around her age. The tourist $5 max because one it’s good food and two she was y/n. It was no lie y/n was pretty, the pouges, kooks and tourist knew it, she did too. She wasnt too cocky but if she knew she could get a bigger tip she would do it. It was sad to see some of the dude actually take it seriously but a hustle a hustle. She had her fans, Topper and Rafe being some of them. Topper loved the food and Rafe loved the view.
Since it was summer time y/n would work in a bathroom suit top and denim shorts, sometimes with a shirt but working in the small metal truck with a girl on 24/7 with the outer banks heat made it hot quick. Sure they had fans but they only did so much. Today was Saturday around 12:30pm, it was the busy and hottest time of day. Luckily Jj picked up a shift today helping her with the grill. They’ve made at least 3pounds of meat already and it hasn’t even hit dinner time. As a duo they make great tips. They older adult thinks he the one actually seasoning and stripping the meat even though it was pre marinated the night before which gives it the taste people like. The younger girls thinking he’s a hot blond boy wearing nothing but a white fitted tank top with his chain dangling when he would reach down giving them their food, tipping way more money then their parents gave them.
It hit 2:00 it was slowly dying down. They were able to turn off 1 grill out of the 3 and able to chill out. They were finally able to talk one on one and kept telling small things they noticed customers do like one kid studdering when they saw jj and an old lady struggling to count out her and the sweetest kid helping. They’re favorite is when the mom yelled at a poor girl for tipping $10 but not cause jj was hot just because she didn’t understand money. They were giggling away when their 2 “favorite” customers showed up.
“Welcome to Sunburn Siesta, what can I get you” y/n asked as she grab her notepad.
“Can I get a 5 carne asada tacos and a watermelon aqua fresca please” Topper said in the most adorable English accent making y/n smile a bit.
“Lemme get 5 shrimp tacos and a coke” Rafe said grabbing his black card out his wallet while staring at the boy at the grill. She takes the card swiping it and handing it back.
“It’ll be out in 5 minutes I’ll call your names.” Y/n tells them. As jj is cooking the meats, y/n heats up the tortillas and prepares the plates. She sets the drinks on the counter letting them know they can grab them.
They boys are good tippers and as much as jj wants to spit in their food he makes sure to make it to perfection. After a couple minutes the plates are ready and she calls their name.
“Topper and Rafe your order is ready!” She shouts placing it on the counter. Topper gets up from the picnic table early excited for his tacos.
“Oh my god y/n these smell and look absolutely delicious.” Topper complimented
“Thank you and enjoy topper” she gave him a genuine smile. Even though the pouges hate him he was by far her favorite costumer. He came for the food and the food only. He never once did a mean thing to y/n, he loves her family cause of the damn tacos.
They sat eating for 30 minutes and every so often y/n would catch Rafes looking at her. She continued taking and making orders switching with Jj so he’s not stuck behind the grill trying to ignoring the daggers she felt from the boy. After an hour they finally got up and Rafe got up to put their tip in the jar. He got at the counter and jj was on the register.
“Rafe what would you like” he said trying to be a good worker.
“Can I get y/n.” He asked sternly.
Y/n heard and came from the grill
“Yes rafe what would you like” she asked
“I just have your tip” he said with a small grin that looked actually meaningful.
“Yea put in the jar” she smiled knowing he’s always done that.
“No this is your tip.” He said getting closer to the girl. Y/n bent down grabbing it with her cleavage obviously being the only thing in Rafe eye sight. She grabs it and noticed it was a $50 bill and her eye lite up.
“Oh Rafe that’s too much..” she said softly to him. He was flustered just from what he saw. He may be the towns playboy but it sure as hell got him nervous knowing they were y/ns.
“Uh yeah no it’s right. You deserve it” he said with cheek a red making embarrassed eye contact.
“Oh Rafe thank you. This is so sweet! Here have a fruit cup for free” she said going over grabbing one of their home grown fruit.
“Thanks y/n” he said with a smile still blushing.
Topper soon comes up putting cash in the tip jar “there you go jj” he said with a playful smirk.
“$6 you really shouldn’t have” he said sarcastically with a hand over his heart.
“The $5 is for y/n, you can take the dollar.” He told him and walked away both rolling their eyes.
“I should get going. Thanks for the food it was great.” Rafe turned to y/n after the other boys interaction.
“Yea, start giving you discounts for now on Cameron.” She waved bye and he started walking away. “You’re my new favorite customer!” She yelled at him from afar.
He turned around and gave her a big wave smiling to himself. Oh boy he was in love.
Y/n fully unrolled the bill about to put it in her purse until she saw a small piece of paper fall out. She pick it up and saw it has writing
“𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 *********
𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦
𝘛𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 :)
Y/n put in in her purse smiling and blushing. She stood there thinking about how she was just asked out in a date by the most wanted boy on the side of the island. As a pouge too. Jj snapped her out of thought as she got ready to prepared food for the customers. She was finishing her shift in a happy smiling mood. Jj noticed and didn’t ask but if he did y/n obviously wouldn’t have told him who knows what would happen if he found out she was friends with the enemies.
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
pt.2 with the date ?
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shxtodxroki · 9 months
Summary: Tsumiki and Megumi are too sick on Halloween to trick-or-treat (and are understandably devastated) so you and Satoru team up to give them the most perfect, exciting Halloween night you possibly can in order to cheer them up.
Flufftober Day 2 Prompt: Family, Friends, Loved Ones
Warnings: Reader is considered a parent (not biologically) to Tsumiki and Megumi, so I would recommend not reading this if that makes you uncomfortable! Also idk if this needs a warning but Gojo (and subsequently reader) are pretty rich and have a super fancy house
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Check out my full Flufftober masterlist here!
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The sound of a pitiful, sad sneeze draws your attention to the young girl sitting beside you on the couch, your heart squeezing at the crestfallen expression painted so clearly across her face as she snuggles further into your side. One glance towards your other child, begrudgingly wrapped up in your husband’s arms as he sits atop his lap, tells you that he’s just as disappointed about how this evening has turned out, and you desperately find yourself wishing that you could push tonight's internationally celebrated holiday back just a few days so that your precious children could celebrate alongside their peers.
Poor Megumi and Tsumiki had, unfortunately, fallen very sick the day before Halloween, leaving both of them heartbreakingly out of commission for trick-or-treating and forced to spend the spookiest day of the year stuck inside, cuddled up to their parents as they nursed their poor, sickly bodies. Satoru had been almost as devastated as the kids when he realized their fate, knowing just how much this tradition meant to both of them (and having been looking forward to sneaking a few handfuls from their candy stashes as “parent tax” to satiate his undeniable sweet tooth) as the two of you desperately tried to come up with a last-minute plan to salvage as much of the holiday as you could for your beloved children.
Unfortunately, it seems that the last-minute plan the two of you came up with is a bit of a dud, as while both kids tried to enjoy the movie you had turned on for them (The Nightmare Before Christmas, their favorite Halloween movie) and the candy you had bought especially for them (catered to each of their tastes and favorites), you could both easily see that their hearts weren’t in it, and they were still feeling down about having to miss out on such an exciting holiday celebration. You were itching to come up with a new idea, some way to lift their spirits and give them the truly wonderful Halloween the two deserved even from the comfort of your own home.
After a few minutes of stewing anxiously in your own head with no success as you pretend to watch the movie, you eventually shoot your husband a glance of concern as you pick up the half-empty popcorn bowl on the table and rise to your feet, gently removing yourself from Tsumiki’s hold as your husband did the same with your other child.
“You two keep enjoying the movie, the two of us are gonna go warm up some more popcorn for you!” You try to keep your voice light and cheerful as your husband hits both kids with his best, most authentic enthusiastic grin, and both kids attempt to give you small smiles in return, though it's clear you’re all just dancing around one another in a masquerade of happiness with your pitiful attempts to hide your feelings. Still, you make your way to the kitchen as nonchalantly as you can, with Satoru following close behind you as you begin speaking to one another in hushed voices the moment you’re certain the children can’t hear or see you.
“Satoru, this isn’t working at all. We have to come up with something else, I hate seeing the two of them so heartbroken.” Your eyes plead with him for a solution to this problem, your heart aching at the sight of your babies unable to participate in the typical annual holiday fun of Halloween night. The pout on your husband’s face makes it clear he feels just the same, his hand coming up to card through his hair as you both rack your brains for ideas.
“I know, I know. I just…. I dunno what will make them happy. We already bought them all the candy they could possibly ask for…” He mumbles, thinking to himself. Satoru’s mind always went to sweets first, but because it was Halloween, you had hoped that buying the kids all their favorite sweet treats would help mitigate the loss of the trick-or-treating experience at least somewhat. You could see now, though, that the candy was no match for the experience itself (despite the kids’ attempts to be grateful for what the two of you had done and to not seem upset). 
Your thoughts are brought to a sudden, screeching halt by a sharp gasp from your husband, his face suddenly lighting up with a bright, genuine grin you've come to both love and dread. You hold your breath hopefully as you wait to see if he has an answer, some way to fix this lackluster Halloween and raise your childrens’ spirits.
“I have the perfect idea.” He brags as his bright blue eyes light up with joy, peering past the kitchen entrance to glance at the nearly full bowl of candy sitting by the children on the couch. “Why don’t we let them trick-or-treat in here?”
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The two of you had gotten lucky, it had only taken about half an hour for Satoru to set everything up while you kept the kids distracted with the movie, wanting to surprise them with an idea that you prayed would work in boosting their spirits. You don’t mention a word of your plan until Satoru has everything set up, biting back the hopeful grin on your face as you watch him run down the stairs and stumble to a stop in front of the children. Their confused faces, accompanied by soft sniffles and sneezes, cause your heart to clench for what feels like the hundredth time this evening, hoping and praying that this is what they need right now.
“I need you two to go get your costumes on right now!” He exclaims once he comes to a stop, sporting a genuinely enthusiastic grin. “Y/n and I have a surprise for you!”
The kids glance at one other, seemingly hesitantly hopeful at his words, as he pulls out the hangers holding each of their costumes from behind his back. You both knew that one of the biggest disappointments they had faced when getting sick was the fact that they were unable to wear and show off the costumes they had been so excited for, and you can see the way their eyes instantly light up as they're told that they'll get to wear them after all. The genuine smiles that brighten their faces as they rush to him to grab the costumes nearly cause your eyes to water, feeling so incredibly thankful that you had found a way to make this up to them after all.
“Now, obviously we can’t take you guys trick-or-treating outside, since we can’t let you spread your cooties around to anyone else.” Satoru teases the kids, as Tsumiki giggles at his remarks. “But…. luckily for the two of you, I happen to have a huge house and plenty of extra candy, so why don’t you just trick-or-treat in here?”
You can see the confusion on the childrens’ faces at the offer, so you jump in as your husband wraps an arm around your waist and lets you explain the new plan for the evening. “We were thinking we could put this giant house to good use, so that the two of you can still trick-or-treat! Satoru and I can pretend to be people handing out candy, and you two can go through the hallways and trick-or-treat from us!” You smile softly at them as you speak, hoping they’ll be excited about this idea as you lean in to your husband’s warmth beside you to avoid the anxious habit of picking at your nails. “I know it’s not the same as actual trick-or-treating, but we still want to give you guys the best night possible even if you’re stuck inside, so what do you say?”
For a second, the room is silent, and you feel your heart plummet into your stomach as the children stare at you with expressions you can’t begin to decipher. When they run up to hug the two of you, however, your fears are immediately relinquished and you pull the two into a warm embrace. “Sounds like fun!” Tsumiki grins as her small arms attempt to wrap around you and Satoru simultaneously, sounding brighter and more full of energy than she has ever since she first fell ill.
Megumi’s always been quieter and more reserved than his sister, but you can see the small, genuine smile he wears on his face as well as he joins in on the family hug. “Thank you guys for doing this for us.” He mumbles, burying his face into your chest for a moment as you pat his head gently.
After taking a moment to enjoy this embrace from your two children, Satoru sends them off to their rooms to change into their costumes as you lean in to press a soft peck to his cheek, attempting to convey how thankful you are to him for saving the night for all for of you. “You’re so smart sometimes, babe. You really have a way with those two.”
You know your praise will go straight to his ego, and his prideful smirk only confirms that, but you can let him have the boost just this once. He manages to sneak in one small, quick kiss to your lips as the two of you make your way up the stairs, momentarily hidden away from the prying eyes of your children as you prepare for a long and busy evening. “What can I say, baby? I've been telling you, I’m the greatest man you’ll ever meet.”
Before you can begin to chastise him for his cockiness you hear the small pitter-patter of your children running up the stairs, and the two of you give each other one last loving glance as you make your way down to the end of the hallway and split off to enter into two of the many unoccupied rooms of your home. Satoru already has small collections of candy set up in each room, ready to hand out when your children come knocking, and you feel like you can finally breathe easy as you hear the soft sound of knocking echo from the other side of your door. 
The rest of the evening is filled with smiles, candy and a chorus of “trick-or-treat”s from your two adorably dressed babies, sending you and Satoru flying throughout the house as you answer each door over and over until they’re finally satisfied with the amount of candy they’ve each amassed in their pillow-cases. When the chaos has finally settled and the two are sat down on the living room floor, participating in the classic tradition of candy trading (alongside Satoru, using some spare candy of his own he had bought and hidden from the two in your shared closed) you set the spare candy aside for a later date, before returning to the couch to watch the three of them with a fond gaze.
Their trading continues for some time, as Tsumiki clammers for anything with peanut butter in it while Megumi opts for any of the fruity or sour candies, and your husband just takes whatever sugar he can weasel out of the kids (despite the fact that he bought the candy himself, and could’ve chosen whatever he wanted to keep. And once the three are finally finished exchanging for their desired candy, you decide to let the kids enjoy as much of their Halloween loot as they’d like just for tonight, knowing that they probably won’t eat much anyways considering their poor health and weak stomachs.
It doesn’t take long after that for both children to wind up passed out on the floor, intense sugar crashes and the realization of the amount of energy they spent throughout the evening crashing down onto them all at once and knocking them out cold as they snore softly. Satoru takes this moment of quiet as his chance to finally cuddle up to you, sneaking up to join you on the couch and pulling you into his side as he makes quick work of peppering kisses along your neck.
“I’d say this was a pretty successful Halloween after all, wouldn’t you, beautiful?” He asks with a cheeky grin, clearly listening for more praise for his efforts and ideas. Though, for once, you don’t roll your eyes or push your husband away as a result of your cheeky antics. Just this once, you’re willing to allow him to be just a bit cocky, turning your head so his lips meet yours instead of your neck in a quick sneak attack before tucking your head into the crook of his neck. 
“Yeah, you did an amazing job Toru. Really.” You nod happily, thankful that the two of you had found a way to brighten up the day for the sake of the kids. “You could tell they had an absolute blast….. Though I’m pretty sure they’ll be sore tomorrow morning if they sleep on the floor like that, so we should probably get them to bed.”
Rather than heeding your advice, however, Satoru pulls away from you for only a moment as he picks up your children one at a time, moving them carefully as if they’re made of glass as he’s unusually careful not to wake them. He rests little Megumi next to you, his head immediately falling into your lap as Tsumiki’s head rests on your husband’s. And once the children are settled, he quickly makes his way back to you, leaning back to let you rest your head on his chest and snuggle up to him as well. “I think I like this a lot better, actually.” He grins, content as he snuggles with his three favorite people in the universe. 
“Happy Halloween, love.” You mumble, ghosting your lips over his jaw in a feather-light kiss before allowing your eyes to drift closed as you find yourself completely at peace in his warm, soothing hold. “I love you.”
And Satoru has an absolutely foolish, lovestruck grin on his face as he watches you fall asleep alongside your children, holding you close to his heart as he kisses your head in return and allows his own eyes to flutter closed with a heart full of love for all three of you. “I love you more, baby. Happy Halloween.”
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Request - Anonymous said: hello! for flufftober, please consider writing something for gojou (jjk), saeyoung (mysme) or keigo (bnha) ):
Anonymous said: after what happened, i need something of satoru gojou for your flufftober, would you mind writing something for him???
A/N: Y’all I have essentially been fixated on this man ALONE (plus a tiiiiny bit of Rengoku from KNY here and there but that’ll come later lol) for over a month at this point lol so I knew I was gonna write about him from the moment I started planning this event, but I was happy to see so many requests for him as well! Literally the first two requests I got for this event were both for Gojo which made me very happy lol :] Also
After what’s happened recently, I definitely agree that some fluffy Gojo was necessary :( I was so distraught when I saw what happened on TikTok, I got home from school and literally cried lol but now I am in denial and convincing myself that he is actually fine and definitely not dead! 😃🙃 Plus it’s just been devastating to me to know what’s happening to Megumi and their whole little family rn too, so I’ve just been in need of some cute family bonding to ease the pain :’) I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it, I look forward to posting for the rest of Flufftober and my requests are currently open right now, so feel free to send any requests you may have my way! :)
Taglist: @flufftober
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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youngcreatorlady · 3 months
mickey milkovich rich bitch headcanons
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song rec for fic:
Warnings:Terry Milkovich
A/N: hii. I kinda might have sort of quit writing? I don't know anymore,but right now I'm not writing anything unless it's requested!
Pairing: Mickey Milkovich x reader, a tiny bit of Mandy Milkovich x reader
requested? By Anonymous,May I please request headcanons for mickey from Shameless about him having a Northside girlfriend? She kinda of ditzy(but smart in her own way) and she's sweet and posting his bail(her parents are rich or she got inheritance or whatever) whenever he's gets arrested for assaulting whoever is flirting with her. Also she's cool with Fiona and always gives her and Debbie her old clothes whenever she goes shopping. Ps she's always invited Fiona and V to go shopping"
Headcannons under the cut
× You and Micky met through Mandy,having met Mandy at school,and bonded through having shitty families.
× Mandy brought you by the house,and unsurprisingly Mickey hated you immedietly. The way your hair was so damn shiny, the way your clothes fit you oh so perfectly,and the way your jewelry fitted your personality so well.
× He only ever figured out your home situation when he heard you late on night,talking with Mandy after a particularly hard fight with your parents,and after that you two were stuck together at the hip
× The first time you agreed to go out with Mickey,you two went for a walk and talked,not very romantic i know,but I feel like Mickey would much rather take a walk with you then be stuck in a stuffy restaurant where he had to dress all fancy.
× When you were walking with him,and a guy comes up to you and flirts,you not realizing,thinking he was just being nice and basic waving off all his advances,so naturally Mickey beats the shit out of him.
× When you posted his bail,you immedietlg scolded him for getting blood on your new skirt,to which he apologized with butterfly kisses and play fights.
× All of the times you went shopping,he always hated going,but would go anyways,because you were going,and he always wanted you near him.
× When youd buy a new perfume,if he hated the smell,you never wore it again,due to him mostly just smelling you 24/7 when you guys cuddled.
× I feel like when he first heard you were giving Debbie your clothes,he'd complain,he'd bitch,he'd be flabbergasted as to why you wanted to give away clothes. He never had that connection with them,so he never understood how you did.
× Then you two were in bed,he never wanted to actually do anything,with you,surprisingly he was okay with waiting,and just spending hours talking.
× Once you guys actually did it,he was so loving afterwards,massaging your legs so you weren't sore,pressing kisses to your sweaty body,and helping you shower when you could barely stand.
× The first time you ever met Terry he mistaked you for his dead wife,and Mickey immedietly dropped in,protecting you and beating the shit out of his father.
× Surprisingly,when Terry wasn't a drunk Jerkoff (so barely ever) you two actually got somewhat along. He reminded you of your dad,which,made you immedietly want to curl up and cry.
× Before you and Mickey got together,you always hung out with Mandy,sharing everything,a lot of people thought you two were gay,to which you immedietly said no,and that you were straight. You and Mandy might have flirted a little,but it was all friendly,and never actually meant.
× Of course that all stopped the minute you got with Mickey
×Mickey dreamed about getting the hell out of Southside, and thankfully,you had the money to help with that.
× You two bought a little house outside of the city.
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fortisfilia · 2 months
Promised Part 17 - Tom Riddle x reader
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Info: This is a rewrite of a story I've posted on my old account years ago. If it sounds familiar, that might be why :)
Summary: In this story, Tom didn't grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader's sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Warnings: none, finally
Word count: 1.3k
Masterpost | Masterlist | Part 16
Part 17 - Epilogue
The year after the incident at the chapel in Ramsbury went by very uneventfully compared to your last year at Hogwarts and the weeks after, even though so much was changing. Boring was certainly not the right word to describe it. Everyone involved had wished for a bit of peace and was more than happy to live a quiet life for a bit.
Marvolo’s body had been buried appropriately. A small bribe had been enough to make the Mediwizard who had examined him confirm that he had died naturally, of old age. He had been right after all, they must have really been a bunch of quacks in St. Mungos.
Morfin wasn’t to be found anywhere. Gaunt Manor had been empty, apart from the two house elves, when Tom and you had gone there. He must have apparated to the manor after Nagini had attacked him, however. A great amount of Galleons and some potions were missing when his chambers were searched. Hokey and Scrook wouldn’t tell anyone what they had seen - they were still loyal to their Masters. They didn’t want to be freed either, even begged not to be given proper clothes. So Tom gave them to Hepbzibah Smith, an old witch who was known to be an avid collector of magical antiquities and was looking for elves to serve her.
Since Morfin wasn’t there to inherit any of Marvolo’s riches, they were passed down to Tom directly. He owned Gaunt Manor now, as well as the mountains of Galleons that were locked up in the Gaunt’s vaults at Gringotts. While Gaunt Manor had been tempting to pack your bags and move into, neither of you fancied the thought. The house was linked to countless haunting memories for Tom and despite its enormous size, it was way too cold and rigid for your liking - too stark a reminder of the Gaunts themselves. 
So Tom sold it to a wealthy family, muggles as far as you were aware, which must have made Marvolo turn over in his grave one last time.
Tom bought a house in your home town shortly after, smaller yet still as boastful as you had expected it to be. It even had a telephone installed, which you didn’t mention to him after you had given him a look when you had seen it, to which he had just shrugged and rolled his eyes. 
You didn’t move in with him immediately, as your parents didn’t allow you to leave your home unmarried. They allowed you to visit him, though, and you did so as often as possible. 
Life had gone on as it always did and you had gotten a job right after school. The Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers had reached out after they had seen your grades and had received a letter from Professor Slughorn. They had asked if you wanted to be trained to become a Potions Master, which was an honour, not many witches and wizards were granted with. It hadn’t taken long for you to accept, so you were in close contact with one of their tutors, a witch by the name of Guiliana Toffana.
Tom had taken on a desk job for the Ministry, which paid well even if it wasn’t the most exciting work to do. He had plans though, wanted to work himself to the top one day. And for all you knew, there was no one stopping him from doing so.
Camille had started working as an assistant at Ollivander’s Wand Shop in Diagon Alley. The year had been hard to bypass for her, as she wasn’t able to see Ben as often. They sent each other owls almost daily and the only thing you worried about was that none of you were in Hogwarts anymore to help Ben out with Herbology. Tom had suggested that your little sister Elsie could help him study, as she had started her first year and had been sorted into Gryffindor. 
On 1st July 1946, one year and one day after your almost-wedding, Tom invited you over to his house. You would have lied if you had said you weren’t expecting it. And he met your expectations by getting down on one knee. He asked you to marry him again, 366 days after he had done so the first time. And your answer was different now.
Just a few weeks later - you would never have thought it possible to organise a wedding so quickly, well, what a bit of pocket money can do - the big day had come.
It couldn’t have been more different from the day in Ramsbury. Your whole family, even the distant aunts and cousins, as well as all of your friends had been invited. Everyone gathered in a small castle north of the Peckforton Hills in Cheshire, where the ceremony and subsequent celebrations were to take place. Even muggles would have described the place as magical. Its old walls and lush, green lawn inside the courtyard reminded you of Hogwarts a lot. 
You wore an elegant white dress, not Mother’s, but one you had picked out yourself. One last look into the mirror before the ceremony would begin and, you even had to admit to yourself, you had never looked better. 
Father had to help to calm you down before you entered the chapel with him. Walking down the aisle with the music playing and all eyes fixated on you was scarier than fighting the Gaunts had been. But Father was there by your side, leading you up to the altar safely.
And the moment you spotted Tom waiting for you there, all nerves were soothed. He bit his lip while you approached him slowly, his eyes wandering up and down your figure. A smile, one that even reached his eyes, formed on his face and didn’t seem to leave after he had taken in the sight. 
Ben, his best man, stood behind him, and only watched Camille, your maid of honour, from the side as tears of joy ran down her face.
The officiant’s speech got drowned out by your thoughts, as you lost yourself in Tom’s eyes, standing face to face with him in front of all of the guests. The way he looked back at you, deeply but still collected, sent your mind drifting.
Love surely wasn’t like it was described inside a book, no, but when the people involved were honest and trusting, it could turn out to be even better than words were able to ever describe it. You both had changed so much since you had gotten close. And you were going to change with every day that you would spend together. There was much work to be done still, many compromises to be made and a lot of healing yet to start. But you were sure that with an open heart and a tiny bit of luck, you were going to make it. And you couldn’t wait. 
Time had passed by so quickly until now and it would pass by equally as fast from now on. Every day was just another grain of sand falling down the hourglass that was life. But now that every grain had Tom in it, they seemed to drop differently. Happier, more meaningful and full of expectation for what’s to come. Every grain was to be cherished and the two of you promised that to each other when you both said the words. “I do.”
The end. 
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Masterpost | Masterlist
Tags: @ariachaos @daardyrnitta
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diyakkul · 5 months
bc I'm bored and I miss them ♡ (diyakkul on AO3) warning for spoilers ahead??
First thing first: Neteyam and Lo'ak are half latinos!! And they perfectly speak Spanish (Lo'ak has a bit of an accent and Neytiri blames Jake's horrible/broken Spanish he had to learn to speak with Mo'at);
Neytiri never wanted Neteyam and Lo'ak to become actors because she didn't want the media to target them as 'nepo babies' due to her past fame;
Neytiri's choice to stop her actress career was solely hers after marrying Jake— he wanted her to continue;
Neteyam's first acting role was playing a tree in an elementary school musical recital;
Lo'ak was the first one to sign himself as an extra to start his acting career and dragged Neteyam with him;
Jake and Neytiri found out their sons were acting as extras while watching a movie on Netflix:
"Hey, doesn't that guy look like Neteyam?" Asked Jake as they were cuddling on the couch. "That guy is Neteyam!" Neytiri shouted after pausing the movie and studying the guy up close.
Their theatre club teacher was the first person they called when James Cameron sent them the script for Pandora;
Neteyam and Lo'ak bought their 'villa' together;
For Lo'ak was love at first sight when he saw Tsireya sitting in the script reading room;
Tsireya used to be a child model and did a few commercials when she was younger;
Tsireya and Ao'nung grew up together since Tonowari and Ronal are best friends;
Rotxo was already their friend since they attended the same high school for 'rich kids';
Ao'nung is the nepo kid par excellence, his first acting role was in one of Tonowari's movies as his own son, and doesn't care about being called a nepo baby;
Tonowari = Dwayne Johnson/The Rock btw;
Ao'nung *stared* at Neteyam throughout the first reading meeting but was so shy and overawed by his beauty that he forgot to say 'hi' back (the rest is history);
Neteyam was glad he had to switch roles with Lo'ak until he realized his character (Rai'uk) had too many scenes with Ao'nung's (Sahné);
After the switch roles news, Tsireya had to listen to Ao'nung's two-hour-long cheer in their usual nightly FaceTime call (Rotxo pretended to be sleeping);
Lo'ak and Spider used to challenge themselves in 'illegal golf cart racing' between a studio and another until James Cameron caught them;
Rotxo and Kiri had their very first kiss in his dressing room in the middle of the first season recording and had been dating ever since secretly;
Rotxo and Kiri used to share secret notes between one take and another;
Neteyam has never accepted roles in musical movies because he thinks he isn't good enough but he occasionally shares song covers on Instagram;
Among the cast, Tsireya is the one who shares the most moments/photo dumps;
Ao'nung had a secret account just to follow Neteyam before opening his own Instagram account;
Neteyam and Rotxo always read fans' tweets together;
Spider's podcast had to be a joke but too many people started following him, so he went with it;
Kiri will more likely end her acting career after the last season of Pandora because she wants to travel the world and do environmental volunteering work with Grace;
Neteyam sometimes thinks about accepting modeling offers;
Ao'nung's Instagram explore page: South Pacific landscapes, RPG games, Neteyam, surfing stuff;
Ao'nung's house is so big that Neteyam didn't meet his boyfriend's parents until two months after they went back together (Tonowari once opened the door for him and Neteyam couldn't stop praising him for his movies, Ao'nung had to drag him away + he met Ao'nung's mother in the middle of the night while he and Ao'nung were making a late night snack in the kitchen);
Neteyam and Ao'nung's housekeeper are partners in crime;
Neteyam and Ao'nung moved close to Lo'ak and Neteyam's old villa since Tsireya moved in with Lo'ak to be neighborhoods;
Ao'nung felt so betrayed by Rotxo after learning he had actually been dating Kiri for all those years he didn't speak to him for two weeks straight (Neteyam had to intervene);
Neteyam and Ao'nung sometimes like to share cute videos about their daily life or do Instagram lives together;
TMI (+18): Rai'uk and Sahné were switch;
Every time rumors about Lo'ak and Tsireya breaking up spread around the internet, they post a story thumbing their noses;
Neteyam will become a director;
Ao'nung will join the cast of a highly successful action movie after a long hiatus after Pandora's fourth season: it will become a franchise, and Ao'nung'll live off that success.
Lo'ak will still do back-and-forth between horror and action movies;
Tsireya will slowly retire from Hollywood's spotlight after founding a cosmetic and haircare brand that will be a worldwide success (girl boss, she actually will make more money than Lo'ak);
Rotxo will eventually join Kiri in her environmental volunteering work around the world, and they will found two sea animal rescue centers: the first in Awa'atlu and the second in California;
Lo'ak and Tsireya are going to have two twins: Raul, a boy, and Lani, a girl;
Neteyam and Ao'nung will be more than happy to just be the funny gay uncles and will adopt two dogs, a French bulldog named Rainé (after Rai'uk and Sahné's ship name, Ao'nung's choice) and a beagle named Coco (Neteyam wanted to call him Cacao but 'caca' is still the only thing Ao'nung knows in Spanish and laughed too much);
Kiri and Rotxo were fine being the rich uncle&aunt couple until Kiri found out she was pregnant in one of their trips to Awa'atlu, they'll end up having a girl named Raina.
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jeonsblackgf-writes · 6 months
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summary: she saw him for who he truly was, and that’s all he never wanted
pairing: Rafe Cameron x black!reader/OC
AN: no use of YN. Rafe isn’t a murdering psychopath
GENESIS HATED ALCOHOL AND ANYTHING DRUG RELATED. It was never her thing, vowing to never pick up a cup or abuse anything because she just genuinely hated the thought of it. So she opted for weed, spending part of her weekly allowance to buy some. She always bought enough weed to last her until she ran out, which was always around a week. She sometimes shared with her friends too which was another reason why she ran so quick, but she never minded. They were her friends after all.
Her family was known around OBX to have “old money” as people would say. she was a kook, born and raised Atlanta, Georgia. They had just moved to Outer Banks around 3 years ago and she immediately started community college. Her family owned a few businesses in outer banks as well as a few other places across the states. Her parents also operated and owned The island Club. She was an african american, spanish speaking trust fund baby who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth from the day she was born. But she never looked at herself as that. She was just a girl from the rich side of the water who never had problems with anyone, and smoked weed everyday with her friends. Very few kooks got accepted by pogues. Sarah and Genesis were fortunate of the few. Pogue life made Genesis look at where she came from as boring. She loved her parents, and she always thanked them for giving her and her 3 year old sister a life of privilege, but she knew there was more to life than just putting up a show for a bunch of snobby rich people who think that people less than them are nothing short of insignificant. Her friends made life worth living, bonding over their disdain for kooks and their love for weed.
Genesis was minding her business, smoking a wood she had rolled up with her friends at a keggar in the boneyard the first time she was noticed by rafe, his family basically had owned figure 8. Her parents knew where she was and allowed her to go as long as she came back at a reasonable time. She wore a simple outfit that worked with her aesthetic. He had been wearing a collar shirt with the first half of the buttons loose, mindlessly listening to his friend Topper talk his head off, probably about nothing. The pair locked eyes, him never taking his eyes off her of as he took a sip of his drink. High as hell, Genesis wrote it off as her imagining things. No way rafe was staring at her. They never had any interaction before because her and sarah had JUST started hanging out and she had never been over her house. Rafe staring was something she wasn’t use too, especially when he wouldn’t stop looking so shamelessly. She hadn’t heard good things about him. Her friends told her about the things him, Topper and Kelce would do to them. Nonetheless, she never judged anybody because that just wasn’t the type of person she is. She shook the thought of her outta her head and focused on having a good time with her friends. She was always told to stay away from Rafe Cameron, because he’ll break your heart, fuck you and leave, never to talk to you again.
“I’m so high right now, how many woods has it been?” Genesis asked, leaning against JJ, as he passed her the wood. He shrugged his shoulders, embracing her as she leaned into him. If it were any other person, they would’ve gotten pushed off immediately, but Genesis was soft, she had a delicate aura to her, but not too much to make her seem weak. She got active a few times in defense of her friends because of kooks picking with them. JJ made a mental note to himself to never get her angry, wanting to avoid the other end of her rage.
There was a community college in town that Genesis went to, opting to finish there to get a nursing degree before heading to nursing school. It had been her passion to help others since she was a little kid. Since community colleges typically last for two years, she can officially say she was going into her last year. Now she wanted to spend the summer with her friends before her life was consumed of studying and, senior seminars.
“That’s the 4th one you’ve rolled up and we’ve only been here an hour Ge.” Sarah told her friend, watching in slight shock as the older girl before her opened her small backpack and pulled out a huge bag of weed and another backwood. She smiled at Sarah as she continued to roll another one, an even thicker one this time with 3x the weed. Her fresh french tips were used as an aid to keep the weed in tact. She threw her bohemian braids over her shoulder and got to work as her friends watched
“Woahhh, how much are you planning on smoking?” John B asked, leaning up from the log he was leaning on, Sarah no longer leaning on him as she leaned up too. Genesis smiled, knowing once she light it her friends will smoke again. She didn’t say anything, only passed the blunt to him as a way to shut him up. He happily obliged and took a long drag from the wood.
“I’m loving you all over again. You always have the best dope.” JJ sighed dramatically, in a playful manner, putting his hand over his heart as he slumped into her embrace, watching as she pulled the smoke through her nose and blew it back out through her mouth. Genesis chuckled and pushed his head away playfully, not paying any mind to his words because that’s how their relationship was; playful, but she knew he looked at her as a sister as she looked at him as a brother.
While everyone bickered in their small group, Genesis’ eyes fell upon the blond haired boy just feet away from her, leaning on a large bark just in the other side of the boneyard, Topper now drowned out completely as they locked eyes one again. She sent him a small smile, watching as sent he one back with a small wave. Genesis was the first to look away, her chest beating fast. She knew better, and she wasn’t going to let herself go down that hole.
“Hey hey… eyes over here. He’s a menace! I wouldn’t get caught up with him if I were you.” Kie voiced, playfully snapping her fingers in front of Genesis’ face, taking her out of her trance. She took one last look at Rafe, before turning to Kie, luckily a couple beside him were arguing so she opted to use that as an excuse. Everyone knew Genesis was never the type to listen to orders anyway.
“He doesn’t seem that bad…” She mumbled, putting the roach to the last to finished blunts in a small bag in her purse. She had enough of rolling, and smoking for tonight. She was high enough to say she was high. Pope nudged her and gave her a smile once she looked at him, to watch she returned.
“Anybody mind getting me some more beer?” A slightly drunk JJ asked, as he flimsily held up his hand, holding his cup. Genesis sighed and snatched the cup outta his hand, dreading walking over to the keggar, where Rafe and his posse were hanging out at. Part of her agreeing to get JJ more beer was because so Rafe would notice her, but she made sure not to make it obvious. Another reason was because she just knew nobody else was going to do it and she couldn’t say no to JJ at times, but she was going to make sure this was his last cup.
She took a deep breathe and start making her way to where the beer was, ignoring the thank you’s and cheers from JJ as she moved further and further away from the group. As she looked around, she noticed that more and more people were starting to show up, and that always lead to something bad because someone always had to start something first. Right now her focus was getting her drunk friend more booze and going back to her designated spot.
Once she made, she started to work on filling the cup, rafe just a few feet away from her. He had taken his eyes off her a while ago, going back to his own world of friends. He hadn’t noticed her again until she came by that keggar to get something to drink. Before he knew it, his legs were carrying him over there, his eyes never leaving the unknown goddess before him, trying to get her before she walked away. He watched as she waited patiently for the beer to come out, as it was almost gone. She looked around mindlessly before her eyes landed on Rafe, them going wide as she watched him approach her with a undefined smile on his face. She didn’t know him like that so she wasn’t sure what the smile meant. She tried her best to keep her composure as he gotten closer, eventually he was barely an arms length away from her, wanting to be close but not too close to where it would scare her.
“Need some help with that?” She heard a voice behind her, in the midst of her struggle to tilt that large silver contain because of its contents almost being empty. She turned around to find Rafe Cameron, almost towering over her, with a smirk on his face. He was handsome no doubt, and he knew it too. It was something he always used to his advantage. She tried not to stare so hard but ultimately failed once she seen the smirk on his face grow.
“Oh—uh yea, please. It’s kinda heavy and I hate the smell of beer on my fingers.” She spoke nervously, stepping back and handing him the cup so that he can finish filling the cup of for her.
“Not much of a drinker huh princess?” Rafe asked, finishing up the cup and handing it to her. She took it, giving him a small thank you before answering his question. He gaze was strong, filled with intent, but she didn’t k ow which kind of intent. She knows her friends will come looking for trouble once they find out the two of them are talking, despite her conversing with someone with the same amount of wealth as her, but she was always told she was a pogue at heart, despite her status economically.
“Oh i don’t drink. Don’t really enjoy the after effects. I’ll stick to the weed.” She chuckled, shivering. As the sun started to set, it started to get chillier and now she wished she had brought an extra jacket, but Rafe noticed she was cold and quickly engulfed her in a spare jacket he brought. People around them watched the exchange, even her friends, who were whispered amongst themselves. She knew it was only a matter of time before one of them got fed up, and marched over to where they were.
Genesis thanked him for the jacket as she put her arms in, holding the cup of beer in each hand as she put the other in the jacket sleeves. He was nice, that was the first thing that took her by surprise. They he quickly offered up his jacket when she showed even the smallest bit of her being cold. Something was telling her to hurry and go back to her friends before they come and start trouble, but another part of her wanted to stay.
“I’m Rafe. Rafe Cameron.” He introduced, holding a hand out for her to shake. He had a ring on his pinky finger, as she examined it, wanting to make sure it wasn’t a joke. Hesitantly, she took his hand in her, surprised by the softness of it but she didn’t show it. Rafe gave a firm grip on her hand, never once breaking eye contact until they both shook. She maintained eye contact, letting him know she wasn’t shy by any means. He had a hefty reputation on the island, whether that he girls, his family, or just him acting like a complete asshole to pogues.
If he didn’t make it obvious before, it damn sure was now. He wanted her, in every way possible. He was a patient man, never one to push himself upon a girl. He wanted her to come to him willingly, but that doesn’t mean he was gonna stop popping up. His mind was clouded with cocaine, and it was taking everything in him not to sneak off to do another line, but he knew she didn’t like that. He knew her before she knew him. Genesis was a closed off female, but never shied away having a good time. She always hung out with those god awful pogues just like Sarah but he wasn’t in the liberty to say anything. He knew her disdain for alcohol and drugs, Sarah spoke about her a lot, always good things. She was rare, and he wanted to be part of her life, but he came with baggage, heavy baggage. He didn’t want to run anybody away.
“Genesis St. James.” She responded, smiling at him. Rafe gave her a cheeky smile. He knew exactly who she was. He had heard about her family, probably the wealthiest family in Figure 8. She was one to hang out with Pogue’s like his sister Sarah so he never saw her. She was just as beautiful as he thought she was. Skin like no other, body like no other. Face like no other. It almost made him wonder what else was like no other.
Before he could respond, John B, and JJ were all marching towards the pair. Topper and Kelce, who were just in the back ground, immediately moved up in Defense of the claimed “Kook King”. Genesis turned around and ran towards her friends, standing in front of the to try and stop them but as they moved foward, she moved back with them, trying not to get them to go up to the three behind her. She glanced behind her and watched as Rafe smirked, crossing his arms, waiting for them.
“Pope, stop them!!!” She pleaded as she ran towards the little area she once were. Pope shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to do because he wasn’t a person to pick fights nor try and stop them. Once John B and JJ made their mind on something, that was it. “We were just talking!”
“You know what they say, Gotta protect our own.” He replied with a cheeky smile , not taking his eyes off the scene in front of him. She glared at him turning around to run to the scene.
Everyone had noticed now. Pogue vs Kook. Everyone knew how it was between the boys but nobody dared to stop them. She frantically ran back over to the boys, stepping in the middle of them. trying to push John B and JJ back but it didn’t work as they stood their ground, unmoving. She looked around, watching in desperation as everyone had their eyes on the train wreck that was about to unfold in front of their eyes.
“Please don’t do this! We were just talking! He didn’t do anything! You don’t even gotta do all this shit. Y’all stay causing a fucking SCENE!” She snapped, looking at her friends. Everyone was looking at them, waiting for the next move. If anybody made the first punch, the entire boneyard is going to be a shit show. Her chest was heaving up and down quickly, trying to regulate her breathing.
“You better listen to the pretty lady. Isn’t it past your bed time right now pogue?”
Rafe’s words was all it took. JJ pushed Genesis out of the way and landed a heavy punch on his face, making her fall on a sharp piece of wood and cut her arm. She looked down in shock as her hand was now covered in blood, and the chaos around her started. They were throwing punches left and right, as everyone cheered for both sides. Rafe watched as she cut herself, catching him off guard for a second which gave JJ the perfect opportunity to sucker punch him in the face.
Genesis marched over to Pope, yanking him by his shirt, blood nearly dripping down here arm at this point but the adrenaline was rushing thru her so she didn’t feel a thing. Her eyes were fierce and filled with rage.
“Go stop the fight! Now!!” She gritted angrily, tightening her grip on his shirt. With wide eyes, Pope frantically nodded his head, rushing over there once he was let go as Kie and Sarah tended to the wound on Genesis’ arm. The blood wouldn’t stop, so Sarah ripped the bottom of her shirt and tied it around the hole, to keep more blood from coming out. She watched as pope grabbed JJ and pushed him back, and fought between Topper and John B to separate the two angry boys.
As the fight died down, everyone started to leave, Genesis looked around for Rafe, wanting to say sorry on her friends behalf since she knew they weren’t going to do it. Both John B and JJ walked back over with scratches and messed up clothes along with bruises and cut up legs. She wanted to punch them so bad right now, but the pain in her arm was starting to show up and now all she wanted to do was go home and lay down. She knew if she didn’t go to see her mom (who was a doctor luckily), she was going to pass out.
John B was the first to approach, about to open his mouth but a tired Genesis stopped him with her arm that wasn’t injured, her hand quickly creating space between them. The boneyard now almost empty, she looked past his shoulder as she watched Topper and Kelce help Rafe back to the car they came in, Rafe making sure to take another look at her. She gave him an apologetic smile and turned her attention towards her friend. She was barely able to get a conversation out of him before they started becoming over protective.
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t go across BOTH OF YALL HEADS!”
Both John B and JJ groaned, moving their faces away from Genesis. Her words falling dead in their ears.
“Of all the people to talk to, Rafe, really Ge, him? You’re even wearing his fucking jacket! God!” JJ spat, glaring at the all black ranger rover that just pulled off. Genesis looked down and noticed she very much still had on his jacket. She made a mental note to give it to him once she saw him again. That gave her an excuse to go and see him at Tannyhill.
“She got hurt because of you JJ. You pushed her. Stop being an ass for once and think about your friend who you injured because your an egotistical asshole.” Kie snapped. She didn’t like the eldest Cameron sibling either, but no matter how much she didn’t want Genesis talking to him. She was grown, and Genesis got hurt because of her two other childish ass best friends. That was her main focus as of right now.
“Hey, we didn’t mean for you to get hurt. Honestly when we seen him shake your hand we kinda flipped, but we’re sorry.” John B apologized, nudging a quiet JJ as he started off at the beach with a glare on his face, mumbling a small “sorry”. They both were bruised, cuts all over their faces, sand in their hair.
Genesis sighed for the thousandth time that night, her high officially gone away, “It’s fine, I’m about to head home. I’ll see you guys later.”
She hugged everyone, John B and JJ included, giving JJ a small kiss on a cheek as a way of saying he was forgiven. He smiled at her, giving her hand a small squeeze before letting go. She knew she couldn’t stay mad for long, JJ was only doing what he felt was right, and she couldn’t fault him for trying to protect her. Genesis walked towards her car, hopping in and drove the distance home in silence. Rafe weighed heavy on her mind, and she never got a change to apologize properly on her friends behalf, but that was a conversation for another day.
AN: how was the first chapter? It sort of has a slow burn but I promise they get better as the chapters go on.
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bangficsx · 9 months
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summary : An illicit affair between you and your sister's fiancé ends up being one of the hottest love affair of your life. What will you do when you both find yourselves in situations where you can't have each other? After many many years when you find yourself in his life suddenly again he comes with something you thought you could never have, would you be able to accept it?
pairing : jungkook x y/n
genre : forbidden love, smut, cheating, separation, reconciliation, widowed and divorced, family, fluff, angst.
Your family and the Jeons had arrived to the house by the lake for a weekend to spend together. And you knew that a lot of drama was awaiting you all. Both of the families were the definition of rich people being annoying.
They had brought their household helps together and now at the dining table it was an unannounced battle between who had a better cook. When your mother said the chicken tasted good, Mrs Jeon would rave about the pork that her cook made. Your cheeks had starting to hurt from trying to suppress your laugh.
"When are you going to have children? I better make some investments if it's going to be soon" Your father suddenly pops up the question to which your sister Dahyun gapes at him.
"What is surprising about this? Man and wife should discuss this before marriage. Are you going to wait or do it immediately and if you're going to wait then for how long? If you want to wait long then you should freeze your eggs." He points at them with his chin, your sister and his fiancè.
"Appa you know I never wait for a good thing. That's why I agreed to marry Jungkook immediately." She says with her usual wicked smile.
"Then I should buy that land I was telling you about. It will sell in billions when your child gets into college."
You look at Jungkook, he seems disinterested in the whole conversation. You think about it a lot if he even wants to marry your sister by his own will. He doesn't seems to have any feelings towards her. His gaze doesn't even indicates a physical attraction, she is an appealing woman and that you cannot deny.
"Jungkook show them the gifts that you bought for them after dinner." Mrs Jeon says trying to brag about it. You know they must be expensive gifts. It's been an endless cycle of giving and receiving ever since your sister's engagement two months ago.
When you are done eating, the whole family moves to the hall where you all sit on the sofa while Jungkook brings two paper bags in his hand.
"Abeoji since you're the oldest I should present your gift first." He opens a fancy looking set of wine glasses and a bottle of wine, must be something really rare it seems by the looks of it.
"You've got taste, son" your dad remarks holding the box in his hands and carefully examining it for authenticity.
"Eomoni for you" He gave a box with two bottles of perfume to her and she politely accepted it with a smile not commenting upon it.
"For to be Mrs Jeon" Your sister pulled the box from his hand and opened it to find a pair of diamond earrings. She stood up and kissed his cheek lightly as thanks. It was all a show in front of the elders. You knew it better than anyone else they didn't touch pinky fingers in private let alone come anywhere near each other's faces. Yet somehow your sister was expecting Jungkook to make a move on her tonight as they were going to sleep in one room. It was like everyone gave them permission to have sex even though they weren't married, so there was nothing to worry about for them.
"Sister in law this special one for you" Dahyun threw an irritated look at you as he offered a paper bag to you. You opened it to find a chanel bag inside.
"Oh my god. I can't accept this. This is completely unnecessary." You become uncomfortable with the gift. You couldn't accept this kindness even after being a legal part of this family for years now.
You weren't the birth daughter of Mr and Mrs Eun, your parents were their distant relatives. When they both had relinquished you after having six daughters and no sons they took you in and adopted you. They treated you like their own daughter but you could never forget your humble origins. You were too scared of being thrown away once again like you never mattered.
They were nothing like your own parents who never even bothered to pay for your education or look after you when you were sick. They were poor and yet were ready to have more children to get a boychild. That son they believed would liberate them from perpetual poverty. Anyways your life changed for the better when you came to live with the Euns. You expected yourself to help around the house but they only wanted you to get education in a field of your choice and build a career. All this was unbearable to their own daughter who hated you until her very core and never considered you a sister till date. She hated the idea having to share her inheritance with you neither did she like her parents doting on you for your academic achievements.
Her only way for social advancement and respectful life was to marry rich. After various failed attempts of getting into an idol company she made peace with her fate of being unemployed and decided to get married. Your parents managed to set her up with one of the richest family's elder son, Jeon Jungkook, next in line to inherit chairmanship of his father's company. His brother being a complete nuisance he was their only hope to keep the business alive.
Everyone knew about you, it had been news when they adopted you and hence you couldn't accept to deserve rich people treatment from strangers.
Therefore it made you uneasy to get such an expensive gift from your to be brother in law. You would never buy such things for yourself even though your parents insisted, you mostly tried to sustain yourself on your own meagre income since turning into an adult. Your sister despised you having expensive stuff anyways and would try to destroy them somehow or instead give you trouble about it.
"I specially got it for you" He said to you and you decided to just take it. Even though you could never see yourself using it. Maybe you could just give it to Dahyun later. But if he finds out he would feel bad.
"Thank you so much" You said with a tiny smile.
The fathers talked about stocks and funds while the ladies talked about some wedding preparations you were not interested in. Jungkook's brother excused himself to his room by saying he was tired. Now the only people sitting quietly were you and Jungkook. You both glanced at each other from time to time.
There was a jug of water kept on the table with four glasses around it, you thought about something to do with yourself which wasn't looking at your phone and you leaned forward to get a glass of water. At the same time Jungkook stretched his hand to hold the jug too, his eyes moved from his phone when he realised how your fingers grazed each other's.
"Let me do it" You said picking up the jug and filling water in the glasses. You left one for him on the table and picked up the other.
"Jungkook I'll be in the room" Your trail of thoughts derailed when your sister spoke catching Jungkook's attention. He just nodded looking at her before looking at the phone screen again. She heaved a silent sigh before going upstairs.
About fifteen minutes pass when Mrs Jeon spoke up after noticing no change in Jungkook's position.
"You should go upstairs. It's rude to let her be alone up there. Be a man." He stood up pushing his phone into his pocket and walked with heavy steps, putting more force in each step then required.
"Eomoni can I go to my room now?" You ask not knowing if it would be impolite for you to leave when they were still sitting there.
"Sure dear, you must be tired. Me and Mrs Jeon will just talk a little more about our upcoming non-profit event." You quickly fled yourself from the surroundings you didn't exactly feel like you belonged in.
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monstersandmaw · 7 months
Whuff, folks, this is a really really long one!! I hope you enjoy it - it kicked my butt and had to be re-written after I got 3k words in and got bogged down with backstory. 
(For reference, if this were a commission, at 12k words it'd be £120. You can read it now for $5/£4.50! You can also read all my back catalogue of Patreon stories too when you sign up. Browse my masterlist for free though here.)
Orcs came out pretty high on the 'favourite monsters' poll over on Patreon, so I went with two, and a satyr because I like sassy satyrs... 
Content: arranged marriage, strained parental relationship for the reader, gender and body neutral reader, childhood friends to lovers, some light D/s play, culturally accepted polyamory, consensual polyamory, penetrative sex, oral sex, a plug, and a lot of fluff because it's me. Wordcount: 12k (!) 
Final note: a 'scop' is the Old English/Anglo-Saxon word for a bard. I gave the reader's people Rohirrim/Anglo-Saxon vibes for this. 
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“You’re giving me deja-vu summoning me over to you like that, mother,” you said with a wry drawl in your voice as you sauntered over to one of the two wooden thrones at the far end of the longhouse at her request, and warily eyed the sheaf of paper held casually between her first two fingers. “Last time you looked at me like that, I was twelve and I ended up fostered with the Mountain Clan for six years. Where are you planning on sending me this time?”
You'd meant it for a joke, but the look in her eyes immediately kindled a churning worry in the pit of your stomach when you spotted it, and your expression fell.
“It wasn’t so bad in the end, was it?” she said archly, one eyebrow rising. “You still write to the warchief’s son on a monthly basis like a lovesick minstrel, though I’m honestly surprised those beasts can fathom out the alphabet.”
Actually, most orcs knew two alphabets: the Trade Tongue, and their own runic language.
This barbed back-and-forth with the Lady of the Hold was nothing new for you though as her often-overlooked, middle child of three, and you took it in your stride, though the insult to Vorstag’s people cut deep. In your time fostering with them, you’d come to love the orcs for their passion and overt love of life — to love one in particular — but no matter how fondly you talked of your time with them, your own people didn’t seem able to get past the orcs’ belligerent reputation or the myriad stereotypes perpetuated about them in the cities, where there were far fewer of them.
Ignoring your mother’s comment about your continuing contact with your adoptive clan, you came to a halt in front of her and stood there, one hip cocked to the side, idly tapping your wooden flute against your thigh. You’d been practising in one of the shadowy corners of the longhouse until she’d called you over to join her. Her eyes flickered to it momentarily before returning to your face, and she sighed.
The Lady of the Hold was an intimidating woman and it was hard to affect calm in front of her, even with your stage-training as a musician and a scop from Widsith before you’d left to live with the orcs. Now, regarding you from her throne, your mother wore clothes of rich silk and fine wool befitting a queen, with thick fur trimmings around her neck, and her ears and throat and hands dripped with glinting gold jewellery bought and paid for by the fine war horses your people bred and raised for the royal stables and noble houses. Even if her attire hadn’t matched that of a queen, her hard glare would have made any monarch quaver. Many people whispered that while the jarl and his wife technically ruled together, it was your mother who truly governed the territory.
She certainly still governed your life well into adulthood.
“I have here a proposal from the Plains Clan…” she said, indicating the paper held at arm’s length between her first two fingers, like it was a spell that might go off any second.
“Oh?” You tried to look casual, but something about it made you uneasy. Her answer to the Plains Clan’s proposal would concern you in some way, you had no doubt. Not least because you spoke orcish like one born into an orcish clan, and you had connections to the Mountain Clan, who were on good terms with their plains neighbours.
Just the thought of those connections made your heart ache: memories of the orc who had made your teenage years in the mountains a dream instead of the nightmare it might have been; who had grown into adulthood with you in lockstep to become your best friend; who had given you your first, exhilarating ride on a warg; who had shared your first kiss at the Winter’s Heart feast, and more besides when you were both older.
“Mn,” she hummed, standing regally and pacing back and forth on the wooden dais in the way she did when she had a problem that was yet unresolved. That did nothing to settle you, but you waited her out. “They have proposed something which I never thought they would to a human: marriage.”
“To you?” you blurted in surprise. “But they know humans don’t mate with more than one other — not formally, at least,” you amended since you knew of at least three people in the settlement who were very happily in a relationship with each other, though they weren’t married in the eyes of the Faith. Not that the Faith had much reach out here, so far from its seat in the royal capital.
“No, not to me, you fool,” she scoffed, irritated at your assumption and, no doubt, at your casual use of the orcish term ‘mate’ instead of marriage. “To one of my children, and since you are the only one unmarried and unpromised, it will have to be you.”
“Married? Me?”
Read the whole thing right now on Patreon for just $5!
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bruciemilf · 1 year
re: the jaime/jason thing
Paco would love Jason so much either that or he'd absolutely hate him and be suspicious from the beginning. either one. Brenda, i think, would like Jason well enough, but I think she'd get along better with Jason's siblings than Jason himself (im thinking Duke, Tim, or Cass). Traci, Jaime's ex, would want Jaime to be happy, even if thats not with her.
Bianca Reyes would adore Jason, and would try at every opportunity to feed him "proper" food. No shade to Alfred, but he's a rich person butler, not quite in tune with the normal folks. When Jason visits, he'll try to help out in the kitchen, and learn her recipes with her, but she'll try (to no avail) to kick him out because he is a guest. He'll end up helping out anyway, but Jaime will just sit at the counter and watch, a stupid smile on his face, which is good because it means Jaime won't mess anything up (unless asked to help with something) but also shows Bianca how much he really does love Jason.
Alberto Reyes would be a little more wary of Jason, since there are mob problems in El Paso that are decently prevalent in Jaime's original solo run and Alberto got caught in the middle of them, which led to his leg injury that causes him to need a cane. However, Jason is good at working on cars, and Alberto owns an auto shop, and the more Jason is around and wants to help out in the shop, the more invested Jaime gets in helping his father out with the business. And anyone who is that good at working on a car and makes his son happy is alright in Alberto's book. It helps that should Jaime get into any trouble, Jason (and the rest of the Red Hood gang) would be there to help.
Milagro likes Jason. He's like the big brother she never had.... Milagro also canonically likes Guy Gardner so i think that bodes well for her vibing with Jason. Jason also totally bribed her into liking him faster with some homemade cookies and a cool knife that she's not supposed to let her parents or Jaime see.
(sorry this was a really long ask! i just know ive seen stuff about jaime interacting with the wayne family but not jason interacting with jaimes family, who i love very much)
PLS! I'm familiar with Jaime's family from the trailer alone, but the ' they don't get out much' tells me everything I need to know.
Jason watches these people be so tight knit and open and playful and he's like WHATS THE FUCKING PROTOCOL?
The Waynes are clawing and fighting their way towards something just like this, of course, but they've never wanted something softly.
Honestly, I love that Jaime's dad (i think) called Batman a fascist? Which just makes me smile, because Brenda DEMANDS Jason brings his family over for a house warming dinner (Jason might have bought them a house...Maybe)
Imagine Jason squeezing Jaime's hand to keep from laughing as Alberto goes on a SCATHING RANT abt batman, arm around Bruce's shoulder as they're having drinks (Tequila for him and apple juice for Bruce)
Also, I love to imagine Paco saw 6'5 Jason standing next to his very much not 6'5 best friend, and the first thing he did was send jaime the hamster eating a banana meme
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gnomeniche · 2 years
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[hitting them with the humanization beam]
i know i’ve humanized them before but i wanted to actually make some cleaner and colored pics of them! also human/normal world au stuff beneath the cut if you want it (even tho these humanizations are not au-exclusive. i use them wherever i want).
yellow owns the house. roy, his rich, neglectful producer dad, let him have it to get him out of his hair.
he lets the other two live with him for free because he’s lonely. which would be a red flag from anyone who wasn’t as genuinely nice as yellow. he’s SO jazzed to have new friends but the other two are staying there because they are broke as hell. eventually they all end up friends anyway.
yellow is the youngest one and still in college (roy is paying for it), and the other two are around the same age and have been graduated for a few years now. red was a film major, duck was a business major (with extremely okay grades), and yellow is studying programming and struggling. not bc he’s bad at it! he just has unmedicated adhd, but that means he’s been there for a few years longer than he thinks he should have been. it frustrates him.
even though red and duck are graduated they are ALSO struggling. red wants to work on children’s television but he is Bad at networking because he can’t seem to do social scenarios correctly. duck is trying to get some kind of job but he’s bad at adapting to new situations so he can’t hold one down. don’t worry guys you’ll get there eventually. but right now red makes weird experimental youtube shorts and duck is trying to do something online as a side hustle. maybe he has a blog or something where he posts his very dramatic and very bad opinions. for 8000 a month he will stop. he almost gets into crypto except yellow and red slowly and patiently explain why it’s bad.
“what about the teachers?” lesley is a work friend of roy’s and used to own the house until he bought it off her. she shows up from time to time just to see how things are going and she always brings one of her weirdo friends with her and it always ends in disaster. but she herself gets along with the trio okay. maybe she just brings her weirdo friends over because she thinks it’s funny. she MIGHT be yellow’s biomom but she’ll never tell.
segueing into family situations from that. yellow never knew his mom and only had roy but has been very neglected by him; roy pays for whatever he needs, but he otherwise doesn’t care very much about his son or give any kind of love. red has a family but they don’t really like him and he knows the family business would crush his soul so he’s out on his own. duck didn’t know his parents and was a foster kid who just kind of aged out of the system.
duck ended up at the same high school as red one year and they used to smoke weed together after class. try and keep up maaaaate. red does not remember this but duck thinks this makes red his best friend. it is pure coincidence that they ended up as housemates. once red remembers this he is mortified that his embarrassing teen self might have been duck’s gay awakening.
they are all neurodivergent. yellow knows he’s autistic but doesn’t know he has adhd. red knows he’s probably neurodivergent but doesn’t want to get diagnosed bc he thinks what is the point at this point. duck thinks he’s neurotypical.
yellow is bi with transmasc swag (he/him). red is nonbinary (he/they) and likes men. duck is a cis man (he/him) but he’s also extremely gay.
edit 10/16: more au thoughts
edit 10/17: weird things yellow has done in his life
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chsims · 6 months
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The Villafane Family 🤍
Amelia (53) grew up on her parents' farm who had a large winery and were super rich, she has a sister who moved at a young age to study in another country and always felt alone, luckily she had a best friend Hebert (58 ) who was his neighbor and they were always close, they just didn't imagine that one day they would get married. They lived on Amélia's parents' farm after getting married and after a few years she discovered her first pregnancy at 27 she was expecting her first son Theo (26), her firstborn who nowadays is a big real estate agent in the local town. After Theo was born they bought a big house in Brindleton Bay and Theo grew up in a warm neighborhood, surrounded by children and people who loved them. At 29 Amélia discovered her second pregnancy, Aisha (24) the middle daughter who now has her own house and dedicates her time studying to become a great investor. At 42, to everyone's surprise, Amelia discovered her third pregnancy, which was unplanned and much less expected. Alice (11) grows up and lives with her parents in the same house where Theo and Aisha grew up and spent their childhood. Every end of the year they have a tradition of returning to the farm left by their grandparents to spend the winter holidays and celebrate with their family.
Theo was made by the talented @rhdweauni0 I just modified it to my style. Thank you so much 🤍
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nightingalestarchaser · 11 months
● Desiderata
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Pairings: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem!Reader and a little bit of Daemon Targaryen x Fem!Reader because oh boy is this self indulgent. 
Word Count: 1.7k
Content Warnings: Some strong language, flirtations with incest, heavy implications with annoyance at heavy implications because I contain multitudes, rich people being terrible, this is an inherently shitty world to live in that's just canon, I'm having fun with it.
A/N: As stated above, this is wholly self indulgent. Just me living out my dreams and fanatasies through these gorgeous barbie dolls. If you do enjoy it, I will be amazed and overjoyed ♡
Tagging: my lovely friend @sylas-the-grim ♡
She knows her fate.
Always has, always will. It is not something to be avoided easily. Reminders are everywhere, pressing in around her.
And yet Rhaenyra does not care about her own fate.
That is why she loves her.
Rhaenyra flouted the rules like she was born to break them. In a way, she was. Had there been the most miniscule of changes to her body upon her arrival into the world, life would be simple. Men would not fret.
But that is what men do, they fret. And tut. Mutter about 'the way of things'.
She loves it when Rhaenyra imitates them to make her laugh. The way the princess will furrow her brow, lower her chin, and mutter ridiculous nonsense, commiting wholeheartedly to her slander. She laughs so much at times that she thinks she will die. Her breath will escape her body, and laughter will block the air from seeping back in.
She does not care, she would die happily. Better Rhaenyra steal her breath than the Stranger.
Rhaenyra who is so content to flout her fate. She will be an eternal princess once her brother comes along. A toss of a coin, and one can be a God among men or a vessel for to carry them. A princess has more freedom than a queen, Rhaenyra says often, particularly after visiting her mother.
A freedom they put to good use. Without Rhaenyra that freedom would be impossible, she knows it. Loves the princess more for it. In a past life, she had been just another girl, a girl with a good name nonetheless, but not good enough to live the life she does.
Pieces were moved on a chessboard, and she found herself living in the most famous keep in the land, with a princess as a best friend, confidante, and..something more.
They don't define it, youth allows them to avoid such delineations. They enjoy each other, that is what matters. She is an honorary dragon, Rhaenyra tells her. In spirit, if not blood.
It cannot endure indefinitely, they know that. The knowledge of their fates spurs them to make the most of what they have. Rhaenyra has more freedom as a princess, but even she cannot escape her fate forever.
Nor can she, becoming ensconced in royal life merely enables more eligible matches, further growth for her house.
They are young, beautiful and highly desirable, there is only one fate for them and nothing will stand in the way.
More time is bought, Rhaenyra is granted her eternal princess title when her brother is brought into the world, and the gaze of the world shifts to him. His parents display him proudly, Rhaenyra by their side as the doting sister.
She laughs when Rhaenyra complains of a sore jaw from her rictus grin. Teases the princess that kisses are to be withheld to allow her time to heal, a lie proved to be as such quickly.
Gods, how she loved to kiss Rhaenyra, to have Rhaenyra kiss her. It was so different to her experiences with the boys she would use to kill time and experiment with. Rhaenyra didn't fumble awkwardly, long desperately for her body while being terrified of her sexuality. Nor did she grope and pinch and groan like an alley cat in heat.
Rhaenyra knew exactly what she was doing, and if she didn't she was an expert at masking her ignorance. It was never perfect, they had not yet had been allowed the time and experience to perfect their abilities after all, but it was always satisfying, always left her wanting more.
She was not the only one who so desired the princess, far from it. It did not bother her to see boys gaze longingly at Rhaenyra, boys who would look away when she caught their eye. Nor did it bother her to see men gaze longingly at her princess. They could offer Rhaenyra that which she never could, yet her bed was the one rarely without the princess laying in it of a moonlit evening.
Criston Cole amused her. For a knight to be the one who needed rescuing was ridiculous, nonsensical, and endlessly entertaining to witness. He looked at Rhaenyra as though he were a puppy longing at a treat it had been denied, treated her as though she were a delicate flower.
Daemon Targaryen fascinated her. He too was a knight, though he certainly did not need to be rescued. He looked at Rhaenyra in every way he should not, and he did not treat her like a delicate flower. He looked at her, too. She would often feel a warmth spread through her body as she stood in the throne room, the source of it inevitably the gaze of the Dragonknight.
As much as she and Rhaenyra prided themselves for their wits, their intelligence, and their creativity, even they were not immune to the pull of gossip and fervent whispers about men.
They laughed about boys, trading stories of their disappointmenting encounters. They expounded about men, laying under the shade of the Weirwood.
Rhaenyra would fill her in on how Cole had still made no attempt to break free of his chivalry. She asked why Rhaenyra would even wish for such an attempt. Rhaenyra teased her that virtues and vices beyond silver hair and fiery temperaments could be appealing.
Silver hair and a fiery temperament were what she craved, she would not apologise for her desires. She understood why Rhaenyra wished for Cole to break free from his honor, it had been spoken of many times. Nestled amongst their discussions of history and art, their walks in the gardens, their nights laying in bed whispering and lazily touching each other, unhurried.
Cole was merely a chance for experimentation. How could Rhaenyra possibly know if her future husband truly satisfied her if she had no other experience of a man with which to compare him? It was a sound theory, one she did not disagree with. If one's husband is going to be dissatisfactory, one has the right to know, just as they would need to know if he was more than satisfactory.
From their time spent with other ladies in the court, she and Rhaenyra had learned the difference between a satisfied wife and a lonely widow without even the right to the title.
Rhaenyra was determined that Cole would be the comparison, making elaborate plans and schemes. She found it quite amusing and sweet, watching the princess formulate her seduction technique. Cole struck her as the kind of a man who enjoyed torturing himself in the name of honour, but she wished Rhaenyra good fortune in her endeavour.
As for her own comparison..she did not feel she particularly needed one. She knew Rhaenyra satisfied her, without needing another to test the strength of her desires. Rhaenyra had learned what made her tick, what made her laugh, cry out, scream, moan, plead, and beg.
Still, there was no escaping her fate. She would be married one day to a man chosen for her. If she was lucky, he would be handsome, kind, charming, intelligent, fun, and witty. With the grace of the Gods, he would possess at least two of her desired features.
She could not possibly predict if he would be able to satisfy her. There would be no way of knowing until their wedding night, when it was too late to turn back. She may not have felt the need for a comparison, but she was curious to understand the fuss about fucking a man.
The ladies at court were so frustratingly vague when it came to the subject. It could be alluded to, implied, but never explicitly spoken of. They all had husbands, some had secret lovers, and yet they still would not speak of the topic with more than a few coy words.
Was it good? Bad? Joyous? Dull?
To hide something under a veil made it more desirable, and she and Rhaenyra were determined to lift that veil. They satisfied each other, brought each great pleasure, but they had a curiosity they needed to be sated.
How would the hard edges of a man's body feel compared to the soft lines of each other's? Would a man's hand touch them more roughly? Would he take the time they took with one other to bring each of them to the highest peaks? Would he lay with them afterwards, gently touching and whispering and laughing?
Rhaenyra did not let her lack of progress with Cole slow her determination. She merely rattled the shackles of his willpower harder.
She looked elsewhere to have her curiosity satisfied. There were men she knew would be more than willing to assist her in her research, though those were exactly the men she did not want.
The man who would give her answers would present them to her freely, she knew. Only once she had struck first, he would never give her the satisfaction of initiation.
She chooses a feast as the setting for her test. With all the wine, food, music and revelry nobody will even notice her machinations. Well, Rhaenyra will notice. That thought had crossed her mind and spurred her forward. The princess is busy trying to detach a knight from his honour while she is looking for a knight to detach her from her own.
Her plan sparks to life with ease, a coy glance here, a hint of a smile there. Her attire has been chosen carefully, to allow her to be noticed. She had planned to approach him, after her dance with a man who did not move her as easily as the music did.
He defies her expectations, approaches her first. The man she had danced with is cast aside, she has an opportunity to dance with another dragon and she gladly takes it.
He knows exactly what she is doing, he tells her.
They move in a slow circle, her eyes looking up at him as she tells him that what she is doing is clearly appealing to him.
He does not disagree.
They wrap an arm around each other, his around her waist, hers around his back.
He asks how she feels about betraying her dragon. She says that dragons do not need to fight each other. They could live in harmony, if they chose to.
They stop moving, gazes locked together, bodies pressed close. He looks across the room, to where his niece is so desperately vying for the attention of an undeserving man.
She follows his gaze, he looks back at her.
She thanks him for the dance, her eyes focused on Rhaenyra.
He asks if she truly believes dragons can exist together harmoniously.
She looks back to him, a smile on her lips. Her hand gestures to one of the many black banners around the great hall, the three headed dragon emblazoned upon it.
It is an inherent truth, she tells him.
P.S: As you have seen, I do not have the reader in this story marked as a particular character. As with my other stories, descriptions of 'her' have been kept as vague as possible so that 'She' may inhabit many forms. However, it occurred to me as I wrote this that, as I have played around with the lore, mainly by keeping Aemma alive, I have invited the possibility for the 'She' in this story to be Alicent. I am not opposed to this, I am a huge fan of Alicent and her dynamic with Rhaenyra. I would prefer to write a story about them using both their names explicitly, but I do enjoy the thought that one of the many forms of 'She' here is Alicent ♡
PPS: Rhaenyra in this story is clearly younger than the Rhaenyra in the gif above but Emma D'Arcy in that moment has me on my knees so I had to use it.
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Movie Night
Summary: Danny, Sam, and Tucker have a movie night at Sam's house on a rare night off from Danny being grounded.
It takes a while, but things do start to mellow out after another couple weeks.  Danny eventually catches up on homework, and now he’s back to only sort-of failing instead of actually failing.  His parents let up on the grounding a little bit, and he’s allowed to spend time at Sam’s house and Tucker’s house sometimes, though nowhere else yet.  He settles into a ghost fighting routine with Jazz and they both work up a rhythm that works well.  (Danny does most of the physical fighting and Jazz does a lot of background strategizing and overlooking of the fight that makes things run way smoother.)
Eventually, he does seem to improve his reputation at least back to where it was pre-Freakshow.  Especially when Jazz manages to make it known he was part of the reason Freakshow was captured and all of the valuables returned.
Unfortunately, the one person it doesn’t seem to have any effect on is Sam, which is really inconvenient given that she’s kind of the point of all this.  Danny can’t blame her, though.  He hasn’t had a chance to talk to her directly as Phantom, and he doesn’t want to just ambush her at school one day, that would be the opposite of helpful.  So Sam’s only one-to-one interaction with him continues to be “that time he tried to kill me by dropping me several stories to the ground.”  Honestly, her being suspicious is probably the logical choice.
He tries hard not to be thinking about that when he’s with her as Danny Fenton, though.  Compartmentalizing can actually be very helpful.  Prevents him from screaming in frustration every time she goes off on a rant about how everyone’s being fooled by that Invis-o-bill idiot again.  (Could she at least not use that stupid name?)
And this week isn’t going to have anything to do with Phantom at all, because the three of them are going to hang out in Sam’s basement with a lineup of scary movies and enough popcorn to put them into a food coma.  (Sam’s three favorite horror movie icons are going to be fighting each other in an upcoming movie, so they’re rewatching all of the old ones first at Sam’s insistence.)
Danny got special permission to go from his parents on account of his improved grades and good behavior, meaning things almost feel normal as he walks up to Sam’s house and knocks on the door.
Sam pulls it open a second later, a bright grin already on her face.  “Danny, finally!  Come on!”  She grabs his wrist and yanks him into the house before Danny can say anything, and pulls him past her parents without letting him get out so much as a hello.
Tucker’s already waiting in the basement when they get down there, and gives Danny a wave in a break from shaking a truly ridiculous amount of salt onto his giant tub of popcorn.
“Yours is on the left,” he says, nodding at one of the three tubs.  “Sam’s has the vegan butter.”
“Thanks Tuck,” he says, picking it up and heading over to his usual movie chair as Sam grabs her own popcorn tub and does the same.
“This is going to be the greatest movie ever,” Sam says, a grin lighting up her face as she turns the giant movie screen on.  “Plus I already bought us tickets, I cannot wait to see it on Friday.”
“I thought ticket sales didn’t open until Monday,” Tucker says as he finally sits down, apparently done taking years off his life with the amount of salt he’s using.
“There’s still a couple advantages to being filthy rich,” Sam says.  “We have three reserved seats right in the middle of the theatre.  I decided to cheat just this once.”
Danny snorts.  “Figures you’d break for horror movies.”
“Hey, I’m not breaking anything.  This is a one-time thing,” Sam says very seriously.
“Sure,” Danny says, giving her a teasing smile.
“I mean it!”
“I think Danny’s just telling you to get off your high horse,” Tucker says with a smile of his own.  “So much for hating being rich, huh?”
“We’re just teasing, Sam,” Danny says, nudging her in the side.  “You know we’re gonna love having those seats too.”
Sam gives him a not-very-serious-glare, and then starts grinning again as she turns back to start the first movie.
“Honestly, I wouldn’t care either way,” she says.  “I don’t think anything could ruin this week for me.”
Danny smiles at her for a second, enjoying the image of her being so happy.  He settles back into his own chair and tosses a first handful of popcorn into his mouth.  Horror movies may not actually scare him much anymore, but Sam loves them enough that it’s incredibly easy to care, if only just for her sake.
Tucker still hides his head between his hands at a couple points, but he sticks it out through the whole movie, which is impressive enough for him.
“God,” Sam says, leaning back with a grin after the credits finally roll.  “It’s still good.  Isn’t it still good Danny?”
“It’s still good,” Danny agrees with a fond smile.
“Speak for yourself,” Tucker mutters, from his clenched up position in his own chair.
“Well I hope you’re ready for more tomorrow night!” Sam says with a grin at him.
Tucker gives her a look.  “You’re both so lucky that you’re my only friends.”
“Aww, he loves us,” Danny says.
“He does,” Sam says, putting a hand to her chest as if moved.  “Isn’t it so sweet, Danny?”
“It is, Sam, it really is.”
“I hate you both.”
“Inclined not to believe you,” Danny says with a grin.
Tucker rolls his eyes and sits up.  “Please, I would totally be sitting out on this if it wasn’t the only thing outside of school your parents were letting you do with us.”
“Somehow, still inclined not to believe you.”
Tucker crosses his arms with an annoyed huff, meaning Danny is totally right.
“Tell you what, you can bring a cooldown movie tomorrow night,” Sam says.  “That way we can all stay longer and you don’t have to go home terrified.”
“Except I still do tonight,” Tucker says.
“Not much I can do about that, you didn’t bring another movie.”
“I’ll walk home with you, Tuck,” Danny says, standing.
Tucker gives him a curious look.  “Do you have time to do that and still make curfew?  I thought you’re parents were being really strict about that.”
“I have my ways,” Danny says.  “See you at school tomorrow, Sam.”
“See ya!” Sam calls.  “Don’t let my parents yell at you on the way out!”
“That’s easier said than done,” Danny mutters, but they both head up the steps anyway.
They do actually make it out without any yelling, though they don’t manage to avoid a couple glares.
Tucker turns to him as they start the walk towards his house.  “I am glad your parents are letting up on you a bit, though,” he says.  “Especially considering you being gone wasn’t actually your fault.”
Danny nods, though he doesn’t really want to talk about it.  “Yeah, I don’t think they can really stay mad for too long.  I think it’s also pretty clear to them that I learned my lesson, which helps.”
“Your lesson about not getting kidnapped?” Tucker asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Still not gonna tell them, but thanks, Tucker.”
“Still don’t understand why, but alright.  I won’t push.”
“Thank you,” Danny says, and he means it.  “I do think the whole experience has thoroughly ruined circuses for me, though.”
“You and Sam both,” Tucker says.  “Though I think maybe part of that was Invis-o-bill’s fault.”
Danny winces and doesn’t say anything.
“Hey, you okay?” Tucker asks, clearly noticing.
“Fine,” Danny lies.  “Look, we’re here.”
He gestures at Tucker’s house just a couple houses down.
Tucker keeps looking at him as they walk.
“I’m not gonna push,” he says again as they reach his house, turning to face Danny.  “Just know that offer to tell me anything is still open.”
Danny looks at him, chewing on his lip.  “Hey,” he says quietly.  “You know I’d never want to hurt you guys, right?”
Tucker blinks.  “Uh, yeah, duh.  Was that in question?”
Danny huffs a laugh.  “No.”
Tucker looks at him another second.  “Danny,” he says.  “You know what happened wasn’t your fault, right?  I mean, how would that even work?”
And it’s funny, because he does know that, mostly.  Sure, the issue with Sam is tangled up in guilt and worry and other complicated feelings, but when it comes to actually being gone those weeks, he does know it’s not his fault.  He means it when he says that to Jazz.
But now, looking at Tucker, that stupid long-familiar voice creeps up in the back of his head: He wouldn’t be saying that if he knew.
Danny shakes his head, mostly to tell his brain to knock it off.
“I know,” he says to Tucker.  “I just… I hate that you guys were so scared for me.  I don’t want to worry you.”
“Dude,” Tucker says.  “You’re our best friend, that’s our job when you get hurt.”
“It’s not like that’s new,” Danny points out.  “Dash shoves me into lockers all the time.”
“Dash doesn’t kidnap you and hold you hostage for several weeks,” Tucker says.  “Little bit of a difference there.  And for the record, I get worried when Dash messes with you too.”
Danny shakes his head.  “It’s really not a big deal,” he mutters.  “I’m fine.”
“Danny,” Tucker says.  “Please stop lying to me.”
Danny looks down.  “No.”
They both stand there in silence for a couple seconds.
“I have to go,” Danny says finally.  “Curfew.  I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Tucker agrees quietly.
Danny waits until Tucker goes back inside to slip down a side alleyway, transform, and fly home.
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