#honestly almost commendable
the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Various Creepypastas x Reader who sleeps in weird spaces
3/5 of the prizes for @reivelmin !!
Post contains: Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Hoodie, Masky, Ticci Toby, Liu, and Bloody Painter!
I actually dont think I've written for Helen before?? I know I havent written for Liu yet so heres to hoping my takes and hcs are accurate!
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When he first catches you in the closet sleeping nearly standing straight up he nearly yelps. You made the stoic eyeless Jack, the man who rarely flinches or jumps at anything, jolt. Naturally he wakes you up and asks why you're in there, but no answer really satisfies him. He tries to drag you to bed and for the night everything is.. normal. But this will be far from the last time he finds you sleeping in an odd place, seemingly unbothered. He eventually asks if theres something going on with you, even dumbly asking if theres something wrong with the bed.. but alas, nothing. You just.. sleep like that.. he often drags you into bed so you dont get sore or fall over
He thinks you're pranking him, and of course he starts cracking up. He commends you for getting him good, only for his laughter to die down when he realizes that you are in fact asleep while curled in a cabinet. For a moment he thinks you.. died.. or worse was murdered and stuffed into the odd place. He nearly rips you out of the space before you finally crack an eye open. Please dont scare him like that again, he does not take abandonment well even if the scenario is someone possibly dying. Once the shock is over with and he grows more used to it, the humor he originally found in it returns.. it almost turns into a game of where hes going to find you next and what position you're going to be in.. he does not bother to take you to bed and if theres room hes going to squeeze in with you wherever you are
Hes probably done that at least once, he sometimes watches you in your sleep on the occasion that you actually fall asleep in a normal place (bed, couch, ect) and he kind of slumps into the corner he was sulking in. Though you... certainly one up him when he catches you sleeping on top of the fridge! If you're in a hard to reach place or really deep into it he leaves you be without attempting to get you out. Eventually he kind of just accepts that this is something you do and completely leaves you alone unless you're in the way of something. More likely to wake you up than moving you out of the way, though... you've probably gotten jumpscared by him simply standing there waiting for you to wake up
Very similar to Masky but I do think Hoodie would take you to bed so you dont get sick (floors are cold, people!) Or getting a knot somewhere in your muscles. Partly because he will likely be too busy with his work to tend to you, partly also because he can be stern when it comes to your health. Theres no ifs ands or buts, hes taking you to bed and hes going to keep you there! Hes a big dude too, he'll hold you in place next to him if he has to
He gets it, honestly. If it's like a security or a comfort thing or just out of impulse he gets it. You might find him sleeping in ungodly positions when he crashes at your place, or sleeping under the bed. He has used a chair as a blanket before. He might feel inclined to try to one up you, actually. All fun and games of course! He also does not carry you to bed, and similar to LJ he might just join you if theres room! Just be warned when sleeping around him he might draw on your face or something.. definitely takes your phone so he can take pictures of you to make fun of you later
For a minute he doesnt realize exactly what's going on. He might actually pick your stuffed animal up and give it back to you and shut the door of the closet before ripping it open as he stares at you. Gently shakes your shoulder to wake you up, and while he might have to get a little harsh to actually get you awake hes apologizing for waking you up. So so so many questions. Why are you doing that? Why dont you come to bed? Will not take no for an answer. He wants answers, if there are any. After you offer an explanation hes a lot more understanding about it although still very.. confused. Are you not worried about falling over in your sleep? Or even just waking up uncomfortable...? That aside how do you even.. sleep standing up like that, and how long were you like that..? He just.. accepts it
Very neutral about it, but he does entertain you with questions when he catches you awake in the morning. It doesnt matter where you sleep, hes not going to disturb you unless you get in his way. But considering hes claimed a corner in your home for himself and his belongings, you don't have to worry about that! Despite claiming to not mind all that much you still seem to wake up in bed despite falling asleep under it. He'll never admit to moving you, but theres no other person who could have done it.. he also wont ever say it but he does sometimes want you to lay next to him
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the humans having le romantic candlelit dinner with their S/O, only to have them randomly caress their face/hold their hand while talking?
(GFL/Genshin Impact) Kalina, Angelia, Helianthus, Ayaka, Lisa, Ei, Xinyan, Shenhe, Yelan, and Candace having a romantic dinner with their S/O
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Personally, Kalina thinks the candles are cheesy as hell, but it's the thought that counts!
As she's talking about something amusing that happened while she was with the Commander, S/O's hand suddenly brushes across her cheek.
Kalina completely freezes up. Her cheeks heat up rapidly but allows S/O's hand to remain.
(Kalina) "Uh...! S-Sorry, you messed my up my train of thought, heh..."
She giggles and playfully leans into their hand.
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Angelia isn't one to care about grandiose displays, but a candlelit dinner? That had to be commended at least.
She's in the middle of regaling S/O about some of her more amusing missions, until S/O's hand brushes across her prosthetic.
Angelia couldn't feel anything, but she knew the loving intention was there.
(Angelia) "...Dumbass, you know I can't feel anything there already."
Angelia is blushing madly while her other hand squeezes S/O's, feeling the warmth around it.
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Helianthus finds the romantic gesture touching. (she's squealing about it on the inside.)
She's enjoying the atmosphere and the meal S/O prepared and chatting about nothing in particular.
Her entire body stiffens when S/O gently wipes off a crumb on her cheek, their hand staying after the fact.
(Helianthus) "A-Ah...S/O?...Hm, don't pull away."
She quickly relaxes into their touch, her own hand keeping S/O's from moving.
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Ayaka's heart is about to burst from her chest seeing the table S/O prepared.
She is giggling almost the entire time with glee. Honestly, she's about ready to ask S/O to marry her on the spot.
Doubly so when S/O reaches for her face, gently holding it.
(Ayaka) "S/O...If I may be selfish for just a moment?"
Ayaka takes their hand off, only to kiss the top of their fingers, and put their hand back onto her cheek, keeping it there tightly.
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Oh, Lisa absolutely loves the candle dinner.
Now this was how you captured a woman's heart properly.
Lisa's smile grew bigger, feeling their hand brush across her cheek.
(Lisa) "My, how daring, S/O.~ I like it."
Lisa winked at S/O as her head tilted to rest further into their hand, feeling the softness of their palm.
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Ei is quite confused at the setup of the candles on their dinner table.
Was this a ritual? She hadn't seen this before, so probably not? After finding out it was exclusively for her, Ei gives a soft smile.
Her eyes widen in surprise when S/O's hands reach for hers.
(Ei) "Ah...If you wished to hold my hands, you can ask to do so."
Ei happily takes their hand with a firm yet loving hold and continues to tell S/O a lighthearted story from her past.
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Xinyan's words get caught in her throat as she sees the elaborate setup just for her.
She quickly accepts the dinner and sits down across from S/O, the volume of her voice echoing in the room as she gets more and more excited.
Her entertaining story screeches to a halt when S/O's hand gently brushes against her cheek, making Xinyan freeze.
(Xinyan) "H-Hey now! Why did you have to go and make me lose my train of thought...?"
Xinyan pouts a little, but does not move to shove their hand away, instead she subtly moved closer into their palm.
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Shenhe's eyes blink in surprise at the candles. At first she thinks the dinner is an exorcism until S/O explains.
Nodding in stoic affirmation, she sits down and thanks S/O for the meal.
Shenhe asked S/O what the purpose of a candlelit dinner was, and instead of a verbal answer, S/O's hands held her face with a loving caress.
(Shenhe) "...This does not answer my question."
Her curious expression makes S/O laugh before explaining it was simply because they loved her. Now, she understands.
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Yelan was impressed by the fancy dinner.
It was a little too gaudy for her personal taste, but hey, no complaints from her!
Yelan was simply telling S/O about her day before she felt their hand grasp hers and hold it tightly, the loving gesture making her hum in delight.
(Yelan) "You really know how to pull the heartstrings, don't you S/O?"
Yelan lets out a beautiful chuckle before holding S/O's hand just as tightly back.
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Candace usually doesn't care exactly what she eats, since being in the desert, you ate what you could get.
But seeing the table so lovingly put together by S/O, complete with candles, it was hard to say no.
She is about to thank S/O before they extended their hand on top of hers, letting it rest comfortably there.
(Candace) "Next time you wish to have dinner like this, please allow me to help. And...Thank you, my love."
Candace closes her eyes and moves to sit next to S/O, letting their hands intertwine as she rests her head against their shoulder.
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koolades-world · 4 months
Can you do a funny chaotic fanfic about before MC left the exchange program(the first year), MC decided it would be funny to put a whoopie cushion on one part of the couch and also on the chair at Lucifer’s desk and had the other six brothers have Lucifer sit on the part of the couch that has the whoopie cushion on it and record it then send it to them
They also ask for the brothers to wait outside Lucifer’s room to hear his reaction to the second whoopie cushion and send it to them as well 💀
hi!! haha this is hilarious, of course
enjoy :)
Operation Whoopie Cushion
"Mc, you're crazy." Belphie giggled as he took his place on the sofa, draping himself over the end.
"Honestly, this is one of your best ideas yet. While I would've preferred something more suited to dealing with his wicked personality, I have to say, I commend you." Satan covered his growing grin with his hand.
You'd let the anti-Lucifer league and the other brothers know about your little plan to prank Lucifer. Your excuse for having Lucifer in the room in order to capture this priceless moment on video was that you wanted to unveil your latest knitting project to all of the brothers at the same time. You knew Lucifer would never turn up the chance to see you proud of yourself, so of course he would show up to the unofficial house meeting. While they were waiting for you, and recording him sitting on the whoopie cushion, you would sneak one onto his office chair.
The plan was foolproof, (which was definitely not true) and you were very confident it would go well (you were not). But, you couldn't deny how funny the end result would be and you had to go through with it. Once you text that you were ready to show your project, Lucifer text that he'd be down shortly. It was time to enact phase one of the plan.
You tucked the whoopie cushion underneath a large fluffy blanket on the couch and let Beel know to direct Lucifer to that spot specifically. Levi was in charge of recording the first video since it would just look like he was playing some sort of game, and didn't actually care that Lucifer had entered the room. While they did that, you made your way up to Lucifer's office. What you didn't account for was that you might run into Lucifer on the way up.
"Mc. What are you doing here?" He stopped in front of you.
"Hey Luci! Just on my way to get my project." You nervously hid the second whoopie cushion in your jacket.
"Excellent. I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labor. I'm sure you did a wonderful job." He patted your shoulder and continued past you. As you looked back, he made eye contact with you and gave you a small smile. It almost made you not want to go through with the plan. Almost.
To enact phase two, you would have to sneak into Lucifer's office, and place it onto his chair. Since there was no convenient blanket to hide it under, you had to use a simple color changing spell you'd been practicing to make the color match the chair. Once that was done, Asmo would record from outside his office door and when Lucifer inevitably burst out, angry, he could just pretend he was on a Devilgram live.
You nervously cracked the door to Lucifer's office and snuck your way over to his chair. You had to be quick, since it wouldn't be long before Lucifer sat on the first whoopie cushion. You knelt down and placed the pink cushion onto his chair. After muttering the spell, you were delighted when it turned the desired color. You snuck out and back to your room, celebrating your victory. You passed Asmo on the way to your room to actually get your completed knitting project, who gave you a dazzling smile. Not long after, you heard the sound of the cushion going off and the sound of the other brothers laughing. You hurriedly fetched your project and, again passed Lucifer in the same spot in the hall as before. He looked more upset than he did last time, and did no more than nod at you as he passed. You continued back to the living room.
"Hey guys. I'm assuming everything went as planned?" You could barely suppress the smile growing on your face.
"Of course. It went just as planned." Satan beckoned you to sit in the now vacant seat that Lucifer had briefly sat in.
"Perfect, now we just wait." You set the bag containing your project down on the floor and plopped down in the seat. You didn't want to get too cozy, but you ended up almost snuggling with Satan. That didn't last long when Lucifer stormed back down the stairs, holding the whoopie cushion between two of his fingers, extended way out in front of him, like he was holding something disgusting and didn't want it close to him. Lucifer stared at you intently with unwavering eye contact. You knew the jig was up.
"So... you wanna see my project?" You point to the bag with a sheepish grin on your face.
In less than an hour later, you were strung up for who knows how long next to a very angry Satan, and a half asleep Belphie. You still thought it was worth it, because Levi and Asmo had shown you the videos and you agreed that that was priceless. Another win for the anti-Lucifer league!
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 7 months
First Date
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: none at all fr fr except idk first date jitters???
Genre: fluff central
Summary: Your first real date with your former fake boyfriend; "I'm just scared of what you think // You make me nervous so I really can't eat" ~ First Date by Blink 182
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A/N: This is technically part 2 to Nervous but order is arbitrary fr
The following Friday Bucky is at your apartment just before 7 o'clock trying to convince himself to knock on your door. He knows he has to because you otherwise won't come out and that would be awful because even if every muscle in his body is tensing up at the thought of this actually happening he does really want to take you out. The only problem is that standing in your hallway it feels like a dream he had long given up on is coming to fruition and he's starting to wonder if maybe he's not ready for this. It's too late for that now though, he's meant to pick you up in 2 minutes and he'd rather lose his other arm than upset you by canceling last minute no matter how anxious he is.
"If she didn't want this. She wouldn't have agreed." Bucky tells himself, steeling his nerves. He raises his fist and raps on the door far more confidently than he's feeling at 6:59:37. He knows because he checked his watch. Barely a minute goes by before you swing open the door with a soft smile.
"You're right on time. Hi Bucky." You say. Bucky freezes up as he takes you in. You're wearing a crop top and faux leather pants with a matching jacket. Bucky told you casual dress was fine so you wanted something cute but practical. Bucky can feel his brain short circuit as he looks at you. Just compliment her! 
"Punctuality- matters. We should get going." He says instead of anything charming. The sentences come out chopping and strained and he almost outwardly cringes at himself.
"Alright, well lead the way James." You say, pointedly ignoring the tense undertone in his words. You're not sure what that was about but you can't imagine drawing attention to it will help. Bucky nods and walks you down to his car where he opens your door and lets you in before he jogs over to the driver seat and slides in. It only takes another moment before he's pulling out of your parking lot and cruising down the streets.
The ride there is pretty quiet, which is fine. You're trying to guess where he's taking you anyway because he refuses to tell you. It's not until you see the big neon sign as he turns into a parking lot that you finally crack it though and you can't help but chuckle quietly as he parks the car. It's been such a long time since you've been to one of these.
"Bowling?" You smile at him.
"I've heard how boring you find regular dinner dates." Bucky shrugs. It's true you much prefer activity dates, but you're curious how he'd know that already. He gets out of the car and rushes over to your side to open the door for you. The two of you head inside and get set up with a lane and a pair of bowling shoes. You both are quick to grab bowling balls and start the game. You're always down for some friendly competition and honestly, it'll be nice to do something you haven't in a while.
A few rounds in though makes you painfully aware of how little Bucky has said since picking you up and it's starting to get to you. If you get excited over a strike or point out the score he'll offer a little smile and maybe a couple of words but he's not actually conversing with you. When you commend a particularly good round on his end he just nods a 'thanks'. Not to mention he's hardly looking at you which isn't a big deal exactly but in combination with the lack of talking it feels very awkward. Especially for a first date. Who bowls in silence?! About halfway through, you stand up before Bucky takes his roll.
"I'm going to get some food. Do you want anything?" You ask him.
"Oh! Let me get it. What do you want?" Bucky puts down his bowling ball and jogs over to his jacket draped over one of the chairs.
"A slice of pizza and some lemonade." You say.
"On it." He nods dropping the jacket and walking over to the food counter. You sigh to yourself as you plop back in your seat to wait for him. You can't understand why he's being so quiet but this date really can't continue this way. When Bucky returns with your food and drink he hands them to you quickly. You barely mutter thank you before he goes back to his jacket, presumably to put his wallet back in the pocket he fished it out from.
"You know Bucky, you've barely said anything to me all night. I've been on some pretty awkward first dates before but never ones where my date avoids looking at me." You stand and walk over to where Bucky is now lining up his roll.
"I'm not avoiding looking at you." Bucky says. 
"If this has been your idea of being present with a date you are more out of touch than I thought James." You muse. Bucky sighs and turns to you, finally looking at you properly. He's silent for a moment, just looking at you before he speaks again.
"You know when you talk to people you look at them so intently. It's like you could uncover their every secret in the time it takes them to finish whatever sentence they're saying."
"Is that why you wouldn't look at me?" You ask.
"I'm already terrified of saying the wrong thing. When I look at you it feels as though you can hear my every nervous thought. As if you'll-" Bucky's words seem to get stuck in his throat as his brows knit together.
"As if I'll what?" You prompt.
"Be able to see me the way I see myself." He mutters.
"You- don't want me to see you the way you see yourself?" You frown.
"It wouldn't end well if you did." He shakes his head.
"Well, why don't you let me decide how I see you? And in the meantime, you should just- be yourself. Trust me you're way worse off if you don't speak to me the entire night than whatever you're so scared of." You tell him. "Right now your worst crime is sucking at bowling."
"Hey! I'm doin pretty well."
"I mean I'm beating you pretty bad so-" you walk back over to your seat where you'd left your pizza.
"You're distracting." He mutters.
"I'm distracting?! You've been avoiding me in all ways but physical Bucky. How could I possibly be distracting?" You ask.
"How many times are you going to make me say how nervous you make me?"
"I dunno, how many times would it take for you to stop being so nervous?"
"More than is reasonable for you to say."
"You'd be surprised how far I'm willing to go actually." You tell him, taking a bite of your pizza. "I just want you to relax Bucky." You say before you drop your pizza plate back on the chair.
"Easier said than done." He muses.
"I'm sure. I mean up until a week ago I thought you hated me- so there's a learning curve for us both. But you can't expect me to not get to know you. We're on a date I mean-"
"I know." He mutters quietly, though you can't hear him as you keep rambling.
"Dates typically involve a lot of getting to know people. You're lucky we're not complete strangers-"
"I know." He tries again but you're still going.
"Otherwise I wouldn't even bother with this I would just never see you again but I like you and I want this to go somewhere but you have to try, and sometimes that's gonna mean stepping out of your comfort zone and if you can't do that-" Bucky grabs you by your shoulders and yanks you towards him until your bodies are flush, his head tilting down and connecting your lips. Your eyes widen for a moment before closing, surrendering to his kiss. It's strong, unyielding, so much like him and finally, for the first time since you got here you get a glimpse of the man you're familiar with. When he pulls away your eyes flutter open.
"I know, y/n. You're right. I'm sorry for being so awkward." Bucky says and you shake your head.
"You don't have to apologize. I just want tonight to go well." You say softly.
"So do I! So much so that I-"
"That you're too scared to talk to me?" You chuckle.
"It- sounds silly when you put it like that." He muses.
"It's okay. As frustrating as the silence is I think it's cute that you're so..."
"Insecure?" He scoffs.
"I was going to say shy." You roll your eyes with a laugh. "I don't think it's insecure to care about what you say to a date, but I do think you worry far too much. You're not under evaluation." You say.
"I'll- try to relax." He says.
"Great, now hurry up and roll your ball so I can wipe the floor with your cute ass." You smile.
"Oh-ho-ho don't get too confident there sweetness. Relaxing means I'm definitely going to beat you." Bucky says.
"I mean you can tryyyyy but I'd keep those expectations low if I were you. I'm currently doing way better than you."
"We're barely halfway through the game, you're counting your chickens too soon." He smiles sweetly.
"You're talking a lot for someone who still hasn't finished his turn." You shrug. Bucky shoots you an incredulous look that has you laughing as he walks over to the lane to roll for his turn. Now, if you can keep him this relaxed for the rest of the night then this date is going to be every bit as amazing as you could hope for. Even on the off chance he beats you at bowling.
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devildomditzy · 1 year
Aaah!!!!! I’m so excited for this!!!! Would it be alright if I requested “I need you beside me.” ❤️‍🩹🥺 for Mammon? I love all your work, and I can’t wait to see everything that comes out of this event!!!!
Thank you very much ❤️ I hope I make you cry a lil
(this one got way too long)
TW for gore, spoilers for lesson 16
Also should have mentioned - ooc mammon bc i want to see him get angry
Things changed after that day. As much as you hate to admit it, seeing your lifeless, cold, dead body in your best friend’s arms really does fuck with you.
You became fearful, jumping at loud noises and avoiding the attic. A simple hand laid on your shoulder could provoke the most blood curdling scream, and necklaces were out of the question. If you felt even the lightest of touches around your throat, you’d panic into fight or flight mode.
And it wasn’t just you that changed. No, every brother personality’s shifted ever so slightly, and while you made a point not to mention it, you can’t say you were that fond of their new…‘quirks’ so to speak.
They became softer, too afraid to set you off into a spiral of memories that’s hard to come back from. They made sure you were never alone, a trait that while comforting, was becoming extremely bothersome. They watched you, ever present like hawks just to be sure you were still alive, you were still breathing, you were still with them. And even more so, they watched Belphie.
You’re trying to be nice, fuck, you’re really trying your best. Now that the news that you’re Lilith’s descendant has washed over, Belphie has taken a new, rather innocent interest in you. When he smiles that sweet, gentle smile at you, asking if you want to take a nap together, all you can see if his twisted, self righteous smirk, his lips upturned in laughter as he squeezed all the life out of you, crushing your windpipe and slashing a large, deep, sickening gash along your chest, reaching down to your stomach. It might have not happened to this version of you, but since Barbatos merged the times lines, it might as well have. You have all the memories, all the burning feelings, all the swelling pain. And now you had to learn to live with that.
Progress was being made, you told yourself, in order to keep spirits up, not letting yourself wander in your head too much. Hey, just last week you stopped crying when he was in the same room! You could tell it made Beel happy to see you two interact. He’d try to offer to sit in on movies and naps to get you two acclimated to each other, but you just couldn’t . It’s not only your mentality holding you back, there was a physical force stopping you form getting any closer. Quite literally whenever the opportunity would arise, Mammon would grab your wrist in a vice grip, pulling you behind him and answering for you.
“They’re not interested in anything that has to do with ya.”
His body language screamed protection, and the gaze he shot the youngest reminded everyone he’s the second most powerful avatar. Honestly, you were thankful for it. You didn’t want to hurt Beel’s feelings, but the thought of being in a room with Belphie without Mammon made you want to throw up.
Group activities have been attempted. Family movie nights were once again ago, but the second born made sure the two of you were the farthest possible distance from his younger brother while still being able to see the screen. The atmosphere always awkward, intense, suffocating. You noticed Belphegor’s gaze reach you a few times, a small smile on his lips.
It was almost unbearable, if not for Mammon.
It once was rare that you felt Mammon’s aura become dark and foreboding, so rare that it took so long for you to see his demon form, the first time being at the ball Diavolo held. It was the first time you’d seen one of them like that and your brain didn’t scream in fear. Hell, he was the only brother who hadn’t tried to kill you. The amount of restraint he usually had was commendable.
That was all out the window now.
Mammon stared across the room at his brother, eyes throwing a wordless threat towards him.
“Dontcha wanna watch the movie Belphie? Ya keep starin’ at them yer gonna lose the plot.”
You’ve never heard him so emotionless.
So cold.
So threatening.
Unsurprisingly though, the youngest had decided he had enough of your protector.
“You don’t own them, Mammon”, Belphie grumbled under his breath.
“What did ya just say?”, Mammon shot back, his voice laced with venom, daring Belphie to answer him.
“I said you don’t own them!” The seventh born raised his voice now, tone matching Mammon’s in a lethal contest. “I said I was sorry! I’m trying to make up for lost time, but I can’t if you keep being their guard dog! We’ve barely seen them all week!”
The rest of the room stayed surprisingly quiet at first, simply observing the exchange in anticipation, waiting to see who would make the first move, if any move at all.
“Make up for lost time? Ya wanna make up for lost time when you almost made us loose them for good?”, you notice Mammon begin to clench and unclench his fists in what you have come to learn is an attempt to calm down.
“Ya better shut yer mouth before I shut it for ya. Permanently.”
This was going to break bad any second.
“How about I choke ya out till I cave your throat in? Slit ya down the front until you’re bleedin’ out and cryin’ for mercy, huh? How’s about I make you feel like they did, kiddo?”
Your eyes widen and shoot towards the only source you know who could stop this. As if waiting for your cue, Lucifer stands up and puts a hand to Mammon’s shoulder.
He leans in and whispers something harsh, quietly so the others can’t hear but loud enough for you to take in.
“Enough. Mammon, I understand your anger, but I will not allow anymore deaths on this property.”
When the second born does not seem to back down, he continues,
“Don’t you think they’ve seen enough carnage?”, he gestures towards you, and the action makes Mammon falter.
“Now, take them back to their room and calm down. If this happens again, I won’t be so forgiving.”
Mammon hangs his head, making his expression unreadable to you, huffing out shaky breaths before wordlessly grabbing your shoulder and ushering you out of the room.
You now find yourself seated on your bed, watching him pace relentlessly. He’s talking to himself under his breath, but you’ve never been good at reading lips. Usually between the two of you there’s never a dull moment, never a lull of silence. Right now though, you’ve got it. And it’s scaring you.
“Mammon?”, you question cautiously, trying to get his attention. You can tell he heard you by the way he jolts, but chooses to ignore you to continue his circling.
“Mammon, please?”
He stops, back facing you. At least he’s listening.
“I…”you struggle to find the right words. “I really appreciate you looking out for me.”
With that, he finally turns to face you, cobalt and golden irises finally locking onto yours. He looks pissed, but you can tell he’s trying to calm down for your sake.
“And I really appreciate you hanging out with me all the time…but, I don’t want that to get in the way of the relationship you have with your brothers.”
“Nuh Uh. No no no no no, nope. Don’t blame that idiot’s actions on yerself,” he sighs, grabbing you by the shoulders.
He kneels down now, meeting you at eye level.
“Listen, okay? And listen good cause I’m only gonna say this once. Our family’s problems shoulda never became yer own, got it? None of this is yer fault. Just…you were kinda… how should I put it…wrong place wrong time?”
“So you’re saying it would have been better if I wasn’t picked as an exchange student?”
“NO!”, he winces once realizing how loud that came out, with a speed that needed to cut off that line of thinking any further.
“But you guys have killed humans before? You even talked about eating them, and I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, but Beel definitely has, so why do you care about me? All of this started because you have to protect me, you’re honor bound and pact bound. If you didn’t feel the need to protect me so…so strongly, you would have never been mad at Belphie. Hell, you probably would have felt the same way about me too.”
You drop your gaze, unable to look at him now. The tears that pin prick your lash line threaten to pour over and fall down your cheeks. You become surprised as a hand comes up and wipes them away.
“Fuck, you’re an idiot, ya know that? Sometimes you can be a bigger idiot then me, and that’s sayin’ sumthin’”.
You head shoots up to angrily glare at him only to find him giving you the most sincere look you’ve ever seen on his face.
“You comin’ here didn’t change anything. Belphie woulda done anythin’ possible to kill the human exchange student if it was you, or any other schmuck. An I woulda had to look out for them, too.”
You ponder it for a moment letting his words sink into your skin. It sounds logical, you know that, but you still can’t help but blame yourself. He can almost see right through you.
“But, I don’t want any other schmuck, got it? You’re my human and I’m your first man. Ya know what that means?”
“It means I have to give you my undivided attention or you’ll throw a hissy fit?”
“Wha- Hey! No!”, He tried to look mad, but how can he when you giggle so brightly.
“It means you’re mine, idiot. There is no one else because no one else could even compete with ya. Of course I’m gonna protect ya. I can’t go loosing ya”, you can hear him choke on his words a bit before continuing, “not again.”
You reach out and wrap your arms around him, pulling him into your chest and holding on as tight as you could, almost for dear life. He lifts his head of unruly white hair to look up at you.
“I need ya beside me.”
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tinietaehyun · 8 months
Sanguine Lover
[Vampire!Soobin x Researcher!researcher] [Mystic Trail Series]
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Pairing: Vampire!Soobin x Researcher!Reader
Genre(s): Fantasy, dark fantasy, angst, fluff, friends to lovers, comedy.
Contains: Profanity, bickering, dialogue-heavy, mentions of injury, blood, blood loss, self-inflicted suffering, deprivation, some mature themes.
Summary: You peer at your fellow researcher with slight suspicion. “Are you…okay?” He hums trying to avoid any eye contact with you. Sighing, you say, “You’re pale. Paler than usual I mean. Have you eaten? Had anything to drink?”
Soobin freezes, “What?” You scoff, “Blood, I mean?” The man seems to pale even more impossibly, “You know?” You start laughing, “Doesn’t everyone know?” You realise he’s not laughing with you. You murmur awkwardly, “Wait, is it not obvious?” Soobin murmurs, “It’s not supposed to be, yeah.” “Oh.”
“With that being said, I hope you get settled in. This place is full of surprises, discoveries and much more! If you need any help, don’t be afraid to approach my office, alright?” The supervisor for this particular facility gleams brightly at you ending her long but sweet speech easing you into your transfer here. She was indeed extra happy.
You had to commend yourself honestly, you already scored a point with how much nicer this facility’s supervisor is compared to your previous facility (he was a piece of shit!) Thus, upon applying for a transfer, you were incredibly overjoyed to leave that pit of hell and come here to start fresh.
Here this research facility was responsible for numerous areas of research and study in relation to the mythological and supernatural. It was well reputed and known to produce outstanding findings. Hearing all this had made you extremely excited to start working here. You murmur at your supervisor, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” She cheerily waves.
With that you put on your ID card and and begin walking towards your assigned room. You peer at the sleek white walls with the tiny bolts in the walls. Your eyes glance through the various glass panels of the doors you pass by seeing chambers and various rooms where accomplished researchers and scholars write and type away. You promptly scan in at your workspace and the door slides open automatically making your brows raise.
You walk in to be greeted by the various judgemental stares of your soon to be colleagues. Your hands sweatily grip the strap of your bag. Refraining from shuddering, you tentatively walk in and walks around finding a place to sit amongst the sea of laptops, computers and tables. You’re in awe of the various shelves of books and archives at the back of the room. The sheer scale of everything so far had surpassed your expectations. Excitement was building up within you; you had hoped to develop yourself more and become a more accomplished scholar.
Your eyes widen as you finally spot a nice nook and hope to keep to yourself here until you gain some courage to socialise with the other people here. From what it looks like most of these people also liked to keep to themselves with the way you note the ever so right boundaries of personal space and the quietness of the room being so resounding, that you could hear an ant walking.
You turn the corner and to your surprise you spot a lanky figure sat at the end of the table. At first you’re almost startled but it appears he becomes more startled of you when you turn the corner. “Oh-!” You stammer, peering closely at him.
The male had ebony locks of hair sprawled over his forehead and dark piercing eyes. His gaze was a mixture of surprise and annoyance contrasting his sharp eye shape. His perfect nose bridge glistens under the bright white lighting and not to mention his rose-petal lips, so perfectly luscious.
“Excuse me?” He cuts in timidly. You stiffen. Oh shit! You were caught staring at this fine man. He was just ever so pretty! His features were sharp and enticing, accompanied with the low timbre of voice, ever so slightly husky but soft toned. Oh, he was checking off all the right boxes! You murmur awkwardly, “Ah sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was wondering, is it alright to sit here? Not next to you I mean; across.”
He hesitates for a moment; even the way his bottom lip forms a subtle pout makes you want to squeal. How adorable! You didn’t know there’d be anyone worth looking at here in this lab! A cute colleague, this just made things all the better. He mumbles going back to his work, “Sure.” You settle down two chairs away from him and begin to slide out your laptop and begin to work.
Peering around, you notice the casual hum of the air conditioning and the serious expressions of those around you. People were much more put together and less social here. Perhaps that was a benefit in its own right. You find your gaze peering back to the male beside you and to your surprise he’s staring back at you. Flushed, he suddenly averts his gaze and your eyes widen feeling your own face warm up.
You decide to take a chance and hum, “May I ask what you’re working on? If that’s okay?” He peers up at you startled and he murmurs, “Oh, uh…well I’m currently looking at a thesis on the elves physiological responses to danger.”
Your brow arch and you quirk, “Oh! Yes, I studied elves as part of my main dissertation. The physiological responses are rather fascinating.” He peers at you for a moment, “Ah, yes. Elves are relatively new for me, in terms of subject field. I’m more knowledgeable on…vampires, sirens and griffins.”
You nod impressed, “Ah, now that we’re talking, how about introductions? Hi, I’m y/n. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve just transferred from the Seoul facility.” He stiffens slightly, “Oh…that facility isn’t all that great. I’m not surprised you got out of there.”
You grin, “Why? You have experience with that miserable place?” He shudders making you chuckle, “Ah, believe me. It was a terrible experience for me there. Here….it’s better. Much better.” He seems to have a particular gleam in his eyes, suggesting that he’s been through something there. It makes you intrigued but you refrain from pushing forward, so early on.
“Oh right, my turn. My name is…Soobin. I’ve worked at this facility for over a year. Yeah…I guess that’s it. I do research, I suppose.” You hum awkwardly, “Nice to meet you. I hope I’m not annoying you or anything. You seemed immersed in your work.” He places a hand on the back of his neck, “Oh that…don’t worry. I always seem lost in thought. It’s a habit of mine. I overwork sometimes to keep my mind off…things.”
You hum in agreement, “I suppose being productive is the best way to stimulate the mind. Nothing wrong with that. Best not to bottle things up always though.” He releases a curt chuckle, “Ah…right, right. Of course.” The air becomes silent again as you both have nothing to continue the conversation with.
To be honest, you were just glad you could begin to get to know this handsome guy! For once you managed to keep your social ineptness to the side and make a move (albeit very small!). You both resume working on your individual tasks with the occasional glances over and awkward smiles exchanged.
You peer at his flawless skin- pale in colour almost like porcelain but flesh. Was he naturally this pale? I suppose you’d seen people like this before. It contrasted his raven hair significantly. Surely…he looked too perfect. Almost inhumanely so. You’d heard of a few places beginning to take on the more humanoid supernatural beings as part of a inclusivity scheme. Perhaps…? As you continue to peer at him he abruptly stands up rushing out taking his bag with him. What just happened?
You look at his empty seat with a confused expression. He’d left his laptop open and the rest of his stuff here. That meant he’d be coming back right? He was already pale, maybe you should check on him? With a moment of hesitation, you stand up and walk out of the double doors with a worried expression coating your features. You walk around the hallway attempting to find him before you hear some clatter right at the end of the hallway. With that, you curiously walk over.
The end of the hallway encompasses a metal stairway leading up to the next floor and you timidly peek over. Your eyes widen at the sight before you. Soobin tilts his head back as he squeezes the life out of what seems to be a blood bag. His eyes darker than before and his lips stained with blood. His fingers squeeze on the thick lining of the bag trying to get every last drop. Your eyes scan his fangs that glimmer under the light.
Immediately you twist yourself around and walk back quickly down the hallway into your assigned work room and back into your seat. Stunned, that’s what you could describe your feelings as. You’ve always been interested in vampire, watched a lot of media related to vampires. Vampirism was something that had always intrigued you but somehow you never pursued it as a line of study. Perhaps because elves had caught your eye around the second year of your degree.
This was insane! Your fellow colleague was a vampire. A gorgeous one at that! He didn’t seem to act like one act all, then again you didn’t want to make assumptions. You’d never met one before, you only knew them to be rather alluring, seductive even. They could pass as humans easily without detection in most cases.
As you type away thrilled at this new prospect, you spot Soobin approaching with a disgruntled expression. He sits back done nonchalant but with a hint of dissatisfaction on his features. You ponder; was he drinking human blood? He peers at you for a moment before resuming his work. Staring at him, you hum, “Are you okay, Soobin? You kinda rushed-“ “Yeah, yeah. No need to worry. I just thought I needed to throw up, I’ve been feeling kinda nauseous recently. Perhaps need to change up my health habits.” He curtly cuts in.
Perhaps it’s best not to talk to him about it. Maybe that’s why everyone in this facility kept to themselves. You frown, you hope that they weren’t isolating him. He seemed so nice? Your eyes are drawn back to Soobin. He is indeed handsome, even his look of concentration is endearing.
Upon this realisation, it had made you more excited to come into work each day. You alternated between working on your laptop filling out reports, helping senior researchers or being in the lab for majority of the time- testing samples. A week passes as you and Soobin chatter and wave at each other whenever you pass by. He seemed to be rather reserved.
The other scholars seemed to treat him as normal. Huh, it must just be common knowledge here. You observe Soobin assisting another researcher with a sample and can’t help but admire how dashing he looks in his white lab coat. Sighing you huff to yourself, “What a pretty boy..”
He approaches you as you write up the report for your colleague. “You done?” You peer at his expression. He seemed even more impossibly pale; tired even. Nodding you murmur, “Yeah, just got to get it photocopied. You?” He hums, “Yeah, it was a fascinating griffin sample. Soyeon will be doing the write up.” You nod in response as your brows furrow, “Are you okay, you’ve been off today?”
He stiffens as he peers at you without a word. Soobin mutters, “I’m fine. I’ve barely been getting sleep.” You had to refrain from interrupting. Did vampires really need sleep to function? You swear you read one article insisting that it wasn’t vital for them? You mumble, “Oh? You thinking about anything?” Soobin shakes his head giving you a small smile, “Ah, I guess. Got…a lot on my mind lately. Lots of…thoughts.”
Sighing, “I feel that feeling for sure. I’m here to talk you know? You have my number saved right?” He nods giving you an embarrassed expression. A small laugh escapes your lips, “You’re so endearing.” Soobin scoffs removing his lab coat as you remove yours, “I’m not endearing.” Chuckling, you hum, “Oh? But everything you seem to do suggests otherwise. It’s odd actually.”
“What’s odd?” He enquires with a huff. You shake your head with a smile; you didn’t want to push him to reveal himself. Soobin would probably tell you when he felt ready.
As you hang up the lab coat, you yelp as another researcher shoves past you and you stumble into Soobin. He places his hands on your arms to steady you and your nostrils fill with the scent of his addictive cologne. You mutter, “Fucking hell, people here are rude.”
Soobin is stiff as he hold you and you peer up wide eyed, “Hey? Soobin? I’m steady now.” He removes his arms in a flash and murmurs a small ‘Ah sorry.’ Goodness, he looked sickly now. What was happening to him? “Hey let’s grab some fresh air.” You walk ahead and he timidly follows you. You both reach an open area of the facility filled to the brim with plants and access to the breeze.
Soobin inhales deeply as if trying to keep himself under control. Your eyes widen, “Soobin? Your hands are shaking?” You rush over with concern lacing your visage. “A-Ah that.” Has he not had blood in a few days? But you saw him drinking blood on your first day?
You peer at your fellow researcher with slight suspicion. “Are you…okay?” He hums trying to avoid any eye contact with you. Sighing, you say, “You’re pale. Paler than usual I mean. Have you eaten? Had anything to drink?”
At this point you were going to rip the bandage off. You had to get to the bottom of this! Soobin freezes, “What?” You scoff, “Blood, I mean?” The man seems to pale even more impossibly, “You know?” You start laughing at his question, “Doesn’t everyone know?” A moment of silence passes. You realise he’s not laughing with you. You murmur awkwardly, “Wait, is it not obvious?” Soobin murmurs, “It’s not supposed to be, yeah.” You release an, “Oh.”
So it was not how you envisioned it. You thought everyone knew. You even had various theories in your head how he worked here. Clearly not- everything you thought went out the window! You awkwardly stammer, “Oh- I’m sorry. Was that insensitive of me? I thought everyone knew.” He darkly gazes at you. “How did you know?” His tone lowers drastically sending a shiver through you. Murmuring, you reply, “Okay, I’m gonna be transparent with you. On my first day, when we were in the library, you suddenly ran out right? I was concerned so I followed you out and…” Soobin sharply cuts in, “What. Did. You. See?”
Stiffly you respond, “What you’re thinking is what I saw. To be specific you drinking blood.” Soobin’s stare pierces into you; it was a sharp contrast to his usual soft nature. You tentatively mumble, “Sorry. I really am. I hadn’t expected to stumble upon that.”
“You acted so nonchalant about it? You treated me the same afterwards? Why? Are you planning to use me for your research? Are you luring me to become a test subject?” He snaps; annoyance painting his face.
His words cut into you and you realise the depths of his words. “Soobin I- I would never? You’re my colleague, no, more than that a friend!” He bitterly laughs, “A friend? That’s what they all say. They see nothing more than a specimen for their next paper. An abnormality.”
“Soobin? Who’s they? What are you talking about?” He peers at you in silence observing your concern and worry. He mutters, “Never mind. Just some past memories.”
You find your bottom lip trembling, “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to force you to tell me, I also thought everyone here knew. I didn’t want to treat you differently.” Soobin peers at you sighing, “Now that I realise it, I think you’re a bit too kind-hearted and slow to take advantage of me.”
Damn right you were. Wait- slow? You scoff, “Did you just call me stupid?” Soobin scoffs back, “Not stupid, slow. There’s a difference. You lack perception-“ Gawking at him, you yelp, “Uh? Excuse me, no one in this entire facility knows what you are- but my hunch was right! I think I’m plenty perceptive-“
Soobin snorts, “Our facility’s supervisor knows! She let me in and allows me to leave the lab as I please.” You raise a brow, “To feed?” Soobin grunts, “Yeah, to feed.”
He glares crossing his arms, “Anyway, don’t tell anyone. Otherwise…” You smirk, “Otherwise what? You can’t do shit. But yes, don’t worry I won’t tell anyone. I swear on my life.” Soobin rolls his eyes; his lips form a slight pout. “Are we okay now? I like hanging out with you. Having lunch together, working in the lab together. Don’t you?” You question frowning. Soobin huffs as he reluctantly murmurs, “You…you have no self preservation do you? Being friends with…me.”
“Do you not want me to?” Soobin hesitates, “I… I do. I’ve been lonely for a long time.”
Soobin murmurs, “I have a hard time trusting humans. The last facility I worked in, I was included as part of a inclusivity programme. Had a formal introduction and everything. It started off great but soon enough, I found out half of the people were avoiding me, the other half were just purely obsessive; like I was some sort of test subject. Some so called friends that I had there, attempted to use me for their thesis. With that, I left.”
You question, “Your last straw?” He hums, “You could say that. It’s not everything, just a gist of what I experienced.” You mumble, “Not surprised there’s such shitty people there. I worked there after all. A bunch of prissy white coat losers with no heart.” He snorts, “Accurate enough.”
“I’m sorry you had a bad time there. Is here any better?” He nods, “People here just keep to themselves. I also specifically requested to not let my identity be known.” You nod; that was understandable. “Sorry, for snapping at you earlier. It was just unexpected,” he mutters. You smile, “It’s okay. We’re good now?” He nods curtly.
An awkward silence passes but it’s less tense than before. You murmur, “I don’t want to be intrusive, but you keep leaving frequently. You look nauseous? Is…is it anything to do with…?” Soobin stiffens, “Right. Well, I guess there’s no point in trying to hide it anymore. You won’t be afraid of me right?” You shake your head.
“So…it’s my thirst. The need for blood.” You nod slowly, “Yes? What about it?” He hums hesitantly, “Well, I’ve been drinking animal blood from delivered blood bags. As deplorable as they taste, they’re enough to sustain me. Or so I thought.”Your brow raises, “You thought?”
“My health’s been on the decline ever since I switched over to animal blood. As much as vampire can get accustomed to animal blood…” Your mind whirrs and clicks, “You’re still reliant on human blood to be healthy.”
He nods quietly. “So…obviously my cravings have been getting worse. I even considered getting human blood bags but they’re insanely expensive.” You quirk, “Haven’t you lived for awhile? Shouldn’t you have amassed some wealth?” A vampire who’s not ridiculously rich, who’d have thought?
“I’m a young vampire and you’re right but the blood bags I want- I don’t want to take from the hospital, those are for transfusions. The ones I want are from a separate and underground business entirely.” You take a few moments to process his words before a stupidly bright smirk graces your face, “So what you’re saying is you want ethically sourced human blood at a good price?”
“Wipe that damn smirk off your face,” he huffs. “What’s so funny about that anyway?” You snicker, “It’s super sweet actually. You don’t want to hurt humans? You’re so caring!”
The young man peers at you with glimmering eyes and a frustrated expression- that of a toddler who just got their candy taken away. “You’re so mean,” he comments making you burst out laughing. He mutters to himself, “Constantly tempting me…and now this.”
You stiffen, “Soobin?” He huffs, “What? You want the raw truth, no?” You go quiet. He huffs, “You constantly being around me whilst my cravings are increasing, is just so…god…all my instincts drive me wild.” A shiver runs through your body as the rasp to his voice. “I just want to…” he sighs. “I don’t want to lose control but I don’t want to go back to feeding on random people. Your scent too…it’s fucking frustrating,” he vents startling you at his sudden profanity. Damn him and how attractive he was!
“It’s affecting your health,” you affirm. “I know. I’ll figure it out. Don’t worry.” You roll your eyes groaning, “I swear it’s always ‘I’m fine’ and ‘don’t worry’ with you. You can talk to me and rely on me, Soobin!” He snorts, “What’s talking going to do about my cravings?” You pause for a moment and find your mind churning with various thoughts.
“Well…as a temporary solution…I’ve got an idea?” You blurt. Soobin deadpans at you, “Do you now, y/n? Let’s hear it, genius.”
Quietly you murmur, “You…could feed on..me?” Were you insane? Perhaps. In your eyes was it budget friendly and ethical (well you were offering first!)? On the one hand, you always wondered what it felt like to be bitten. Not that anyone should know that, of course.
Intense silence ensues with him looking at you with an expression of utter blankness. Embarrassment floods your face. “Did…I say something wrong?” He continues to stare at you with an expression reflecting both concern and confusion. “Are you…are you one of those types…?”
You stare at him blankly, “What do you mean?…”He flushes, “Are you into that kinda thing? Being bitten? Blood?” You feel the colour from your face drain in sheer embarrassment, “Oh.” “Is that a yes?” You snap, “No!”
You do suppose there was a reason why you had watched so much vampire media whilst growing up. “I just wanted to help,” You murmur stiffly. “By giving me your blood? Do you do that for everyone so casually?”
You proclaim in denial, “Well, no I don’t really meet vampires on a daily basis.” He stares blankly at you before he smiles almost as if he’s holding himself back from laughing. “I would think you wouldn’t. You want to give me your blood? Like…for free?” You hum with a mischievous tone, “I mean if you want me to charge you for it, I’d be happy to start naming prices-“
“No, no. Actually no need-“ he stammers making you cackle.
What an odd conversation. You hum, “I do mean it, you know. If you keep going at this rate, it’s gonna become fatal for you. You’re already on the brink. I’d also not rather you encounter blood lust.” He scoffs, “I maybe a young vampire, but I am not a new-born.” You hum, “I’ve studied enough to know what happens when vampires are deprived.” He remains silent.
Soobin’s mind blazes in thoughts before he finally responds, “In relation to your offer, I’ll have to decline.” You hum in surprise, “What? Why?”
“I know my health is on the line, but I can’t bring myself to do it. You…drinking from you feels wrong. You have a good heart y/n. I don’t want to take advantage of that, or put you at risk.” His tone is laced with a genuine gratefulness as he meets your gaze with a soft smile.
A sadness covers his face and he murmurs, “Anyway, I’ll be off. I’ll drink one of my sachets to satiate me for now. Don’t worry your pretty head about it, okay?” He walks past you in a hurry after giving you a small tap on your shoulder. You stand there frowning as your heart flutters. You suppose there’s not much else you could do. With that, you return back to your work space.
A few more days pass and you begin to grow more concerned about Soobin’s condition. A colleague murmurs, “Where’s Soobin? Did he take a day off? I remember yesterday he threw up. Is he alright?” You stiffen. He threw up? He didn’t tell you. Did he not come to work today? With that you press his name on your phone and call him in a panicked flurry. Indeed, he had missed out on work today. He explains how he felt particularly terrible today.
“This isn’t okay, Soobin. I’m being serious. You need human blood. You cannot be picky. Even if just a little,” You murmur. “I’m just going through a tough phase. I’m talking to a potential supplier, I’ll get the blood bags sorted soon. I’m sure of it,” he sighs weakly. You murmur tentatively, “My offer is still on the table.” Soobin’s breath hitches, “Don’t.”
The phone call resumes as the topic gets brushed aside. He comes into work the next day looking as if he got back from a vicious battle. You observe him throughout the morning; he’s excusing himself more often- what you assume is to feed.
You find yourself walking towards his usual spot he retreats to. Soobin is hunched over sinking his fangs into the crushed blood bag. The delirious slurping tells you all you need to know. He was on the brink of blood lust. You were worried; what if he hurt himself…or others?
His dark ebony eyes snap to meet yours and he rips his fangs away from the bag and he snaps, “What are you doing? Go back.” He eyes gaze over you as his breath hitches in his throat. His hands tremble and your heart rate shoots up. “It’s best if you l-leave, y/n. Listen to me,” he shakily heaves out. He was holding back.
You boldly step closer and you snap, “Look at yourself, Soobin! Look at your state, tell me you’re not suffering at the hands of your own stubbornness!” You step closer and he flinches, “Don’t- I’m warning you y/n. Stay out of my business.”
“It hurts me to see you like this, Soobin. Let me help you, if it be just this once! You need to become stable! What if you fucking hurt other people?” He snarls lowly, “Keep it down! Do you want the entire facility here?”
“Stop being so fucking stubborn and indulge yourself for fucking once,” you argue ferociously. “You don’t know how hard it is to control myself right now, you standing there in front of me with your sweet blood pumping through your vessels. The temptation-” he rasps.
“Look at yourself, Soobin. Just this once. Let me help you out. I care about you, I want to help you-“ He snaps, “You can h-help me by leaving.” You flinch at his harshness and his eyes soften and he sighs, “I- listen. I don’t want to hurt you, y/n. Please.” His voice cracks. Your feet stay planted to the ground, “This once. Then I’ll help you look, for other sources. Promise.” Soobin’s eyes churn with a mixture of emotions and his fangs glisten. His mouth waters peering at you in such close proximity.
Soobin shakily straightens up walking towards you and you shiver seeing his intense gaze. His tall frame peers down at yours and he lowly murmurs, “You’re just as stubborn as me.” His breaths are shaky as he suddenly places a hand on your neck, “So tempting…I…you’re making it hard to r-resist. Say you want to leave, I’m giving you a chance, my restraint is snapping by the second.” You peer into his abyssal eyes, “I’m not leaving Soobin. Don’t worry, I’m okay with this.”
His fingers push aside your collar and he leans in making you turn left with your eyes closed. He murmurs against your neck clearly enveloped with the scent of your blood, “Oh…heavens, I- in so long…” You grip onto his shirt. Soobin breathlessly hums, “I-I’ll be gentle, I’ll be…” and with that his fangs pierce into the side of your neck near the base. He suckles at your neck; a whimper leaves your lips.
Then a yelp leaves your lips and you hiss lowly as pain floods your senses. You weren’t surprised at the sheer pain but rather how it wasn’t going away. You had heard about the various properties of vampiric bites aside from turning someone of course.
You grip onto his tighter and utter out, “Fuck-“ he wraps his other arm around your waist as he feels you stumbling back; it’s an intimate position leaving you nothing short of breathless. Soon enough you feel a tingling against your skin, something hazy grips your mind like a vice. Something telling you to tilt your head back and allow yourself to give in. It feels good, pleasant. Soobin gulps and slurps against your neck and you feel the world become blurry and blabber out, “S-Soobin- I feel… light-headed.” He doesn’t stop and panic sets in as you tap his back, “Soobin! Soobin-!”
He grunts and his eyes widen in horror as he gently part way from your neck. He peers at the trickle of blood and the puncture wounds on your neck. Mortified with himself he utters, “God…I- I’m sorry. Shit-“ Your blood stains his chin and lips. He gently sits you down and leans you against the wall; his expression is solemn. Does he think he’s a monster? You tiredly peer up at him with a comforting smile. His eyes glaze over, “Stop that. I already feel so guilty I…”
You close your eyes trying to compose yourself. The tingling sensation on your neck from his bite sends shivers through your body. You hear footsteps running away and you open one eye to find Soobin sprinting down the hall. You’re stunned; he just up and left you here? No way. The fuck? Was he overwhelmed?
You close your eyes once more and release a long sigh. You place your hand on your wound; thankfully the bleeding had stopped quickly. You grimace as the dried blood stains your fingers. A few sanguine coloured drops had gotten onto your shirt.
Suddenly, footsteps approach and your brows arch in surprise. Soobin rushes over carrying a small first aid box. You snort as he crouches beside you and he starts unravelling a cotton pad and several items. You weakly murmur, “I’m-“ He hushes, “Shut it. Not a word out of you.”
You smile at him fatigued and he peers at you with a frown, “I was a bit rough. I’m sorry.” You notice his eyes full of life and his body as active as ever; you blood indeed was nourishing. His skin seemed to have a new glow to it.
He continues to patch your neck up in a discreet manner making sure it wouldn’t appear over your collar. You watch him as offer you a bottle of water and you gulp it down gratefully. Soobin peers into your eyes and you do the same back. His proximity was incredibly close as his hand still lingers over the cotton pad on your neck, “Thank you. I need to say thank you. I feel a lot better,” he articulates calmly. Guilt laces his face and you release a chuckle, “Don’t feel bad, I’m glad you’re okay for now.” Soobin peers at you with a heartfelt expression, “I…you’re so kind.”
“Complimenting me are we? That’s new.” He scoffs rolling his eyes and you grin, “Oh come on, see. I’m fine. Look at me.” Soobin’s eyes meet yours and you feel your heart skip, his gaze is intense. “You make me go insane, I swear,” he murmurs before he suddenly presses his lips against yours. Your eyes widen as you place your hand on his cheek. His hand covers your hand intertwining his fingers against yours cupping his cheek. His fangs caress your lips lightly. His soft petal lips move against yours, his tongue brushing your bottom lip ever so slightly before pulling away just as quick as he started.
Both of you peer at each other breathlessly and wide eyed. An imbecilic grin forms on your lips and he scoffs, “Wipe that grin off your stupid face.” You tease, “Stupid face? But you just pressed your lips to this face.” He scoffs, “That- that was-“ “A thank you? Or have you been dying to do that?” You mischievously hum. Soobin softly glares at you, “You’re a pain you know that.” He goes quiet before saying, “That kiss…I- I’m sorry. It was the wrong time, you’ve already been bitten. I-“
“Oh shut up,” you huff. He scoffs, “Rude.” You roll your eyes, “You’ve said too many apologies.” Soobin frowns, “Well, I feel terrible inside.” You cup his cheeks and coo catching him off guard, “Soobin, Soobin, oh what am I going to do with you?” Soobin muffles, “I’m a vampire, yet this is how you treat me.”
You release his face and chuckle, “Yes, yes, so big and scary.” He deadpans unamused at your remark.
He seems to not be pushing you away so you hum suddenly feeling bold, “…you’re not in a relationship right? I’d assume not.”
“Am I that unloveable?” He questions. You scoff, “Oh come on-“ He chuckles with a soft smile, “I’m kidding. Now you know how I feel. But I’m not. Why?”
You deadpan, “Why? You’re asking why? Can you not tell?” He peers at you, “Well- I have an idea of what you’re implying.”
“I think you’re just oblivious,” you quirk. He scoffs, “I’m not.”
“I’m not in a relationship either,” you hum. Soobin playfully smiles at you, “Poor human, doomed to die alone?” You glare, “Idiot, do I have to embarrass myself further?” Soobin hums coyly, “Yes, that’d be preferable.”
You gather up all the courage you have and blurt out, “Go out with me, Soobin.” You add on rapidly, “Please. No pressure of course.” He peers at you with wide twinkling eyes before his lips break out into an adorable smile. Soobin hums, “You have no self preservation if you were to date me.”
“I think we established that when I literally gave you my blood, no? Or when you kissed me?” You hum and he flushes in embarrassment. He clears his throat, “You have no idea how much I want to.”
You glare, “Hit me with the ‘but’ and ‘if’ then.” He chuckles with a saddened expression, “If you’re constantly around me, what about my cravings? You blood was just…” he reminisces, “so good.”
You hum, “You said you found a potential supplier, right?” He nods, “He said he’d get back to me by the end of this week.” You murmur, “We’ll see how that goes. If not, I’ll help you out. We can try explaining to our supervisor, no? She must have some connections.” He groans, “I suppose she’s too cheery for her own good. She must have some dark connections. I’m not sure though.” You snort, “I’ve thought about that too you know. We’ll see.”
He ponders to himself, you lean forward with a teasing smile, “What are you overthinking about now?” Soobin peers at you with a smile; his dimples prominently at display. How adorable! You place a finger on his dimple and he scoffs. You giggle, “Oh you’re so cute.”
His eyes glimmer before he grips your wrist making your eyes widen and he pulls you forward pressing his lips against yours once more. A muffled yelp escapes and you relax into the kiss as he moves his lips against yours passionately His lips were ever so soft as they merged with yours intimately and he parts from you with a coy smirk. “Was that adorable enough for you?”
Oh how you craved for more. You hum, “Pretty romantic if you ask me.” He rolls his eyes, “Menace.” “I’m not the one with fangs,” you grin.
He raises a brow, “I hope you know with being around me. I might ask for another bite.” You hum, “Is that supposed to intimidate me? Frankly, go for it. It felt good.” Shit, being too honest is never good. Ah, fuck.
His lips form a devious smile, “Oh so you are one of those types…” He helps you to stand up.
You groan, “No I’m not!”
Soobin hums playfully, “Quite the freak aren’t you? Wonder what else your mind up there has in store?”
You whine, “Soobin…I-“ He cackles making your heart warm. This was the first time you’d seen him truly laugh with genuine joy in his features. What a wonderful sound.
Perhaps, some encounters with the supernatural weren’t all bad, hm? Perhaps some were even pretty good.
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creatingnikki · 4 months
as a hopeless romantic and with the heart of a poet you may think that it's inevitable to get over it — this heartbreak, this pain. if someone mattered to you this much, if everything with them meant so much, then how can you go on living without them? but there's nothing commendable about yearning for a love years later that could never manifest into something healthy, long term, and mutual in your life. unrequited love? one sided love? the one that got away? an almost lover? yeah at someone you gotta have to stop romanticizing that. you don't want material for shayari. what you want is to eventually move on and meet someone else and have a fulfilling and meaningful life because that's what is commendable. that's what is beautiful and that's what is poetic. a life well lived. a life well loved. not being hung up on one person or the idea of that person. the way our brains are wired is that you cannot really keep drowning in the memory of someone for over a year. if you decide to move on and let go at some point and go out there and meet other people, you will find someone who will make your heart smile again and whose jokes you will find funny and who will make you want to risk getting hurt again. it's honestly inevitable. so don't let them lie to you. don't let them make you believe that you have to live, if you are a romantic, if you have truly loved, as someone who never moves on. that doesn't make your love for that person any grander. it only makes your life less meaningful and more miserable. sadness can become a habit especially when it's sadness in love, or rather sadness in the lack of love. you can fall in love with that kind of sadness. you can glorify it. you can get so attached to it that you'd rather keep it than attempt at happiness in love again. don't be that person. love and let go and love yet again. the poetry is in that.
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uplatterme · 1 year
a/n: im putting the warnings first this time because the writing style is a bit different. also, it really isn’t clear what actually happened to sohreh so this whole thing is just a fun interpretation is all.
cw: violence, murder, dark content (this is insane, like actually. please read with caution) | sub!zandik, zandik!dottore, gender-neutral terms and pronouns but reader has a cock, exhibitionism, semi-public sex
Journal Entry No. XX (Recorded on: ??-??-??)
—Written By: (Dastur Sohreh)
These reports seemed to have been stained heavily with bodily fluids. Certain words are unreadable.
—The team consisted of renowned students of the Akademiya, including; Sohreh, Zandik, XXXX, and XXXX. This team was led by Sage Shanarma and Senior ▇▇.
Each one had brought something new to the plate, despite not getting along at first due to different views on the decisions that the team followed. Notably, from Zandik, whose suggestions seemed to be far too dangerous to even try, that was immediately shut down without even a second thought.
However, Senior ▇▇ always heard him out and always stood by his side whenever there were arguments. Rumors spread throughout the team about their supposed relationship.
Being scholars of the Akademiya meant that we should always rely on facts rather than meaningless accusations. Once I told them of this, the gossip was never brought up.
▇▇ was kind to everyone, even to me. They would always assist me whenever I had trouble walking because of the heat.
I had an ominous feeling that someone was glaring at me from behind whenever I was helped, but when I turned around, there was no one but the forest itself.
Perhaps, it was just my anxiety acting up from feeling as if I wasn’t contributing much to the group. ▇▇ reassured me I was doing just fine.
—I trusted ▇▇’s words about Zandik. I once found myself exploring the jungle with him and even though the start of our expedition proved that we had nothing in common, he opened up interesting topics to discuss, ranging from plants and animals to the current evolution models.
I found myself being taken aback by him, the way he spoke showed off his clearly high intellect. His appearance is also quite attractive. I sometimes matched my gaze with him intentionally and he would return it with a smile that made my heart flutter.
Unfortunately, I grew distant from Senior as I relied on this information to them. They said encouraging words about Zandik and I’s relationship but their eyes looked saddened, almost empty the longer I observed them.
They never approached me after that and the only time they would talk to me is if I approached them first.
Maybe it was true that there was a past relationship between Zandik and Senior ▇▇? If there was, it didn’t seem to matter to Zandik anymore as he agreed when I suggested that we should go on a picnic tonight.
The picnic was lovely but I couldn’t get the feeling off my back that someone was watching us together.
The next writings are written with blood, the writing is shaky and incomprehensible as if it was written with pure desperation.
You let out an amused sigh, taking your pen out from the drawer under your stable.
“Such a shame, Sohreh. You didn’t even get to finish this note. Should I help you out?”
You tapped the pen on the table, wondering where to start.
You commended your patience at the time. Seeing Zandik with someone else and not doing anything about it? You honestly couldn’t believe it.
It was obvious that he didn’t like the attention he was receiving. That’s what you told yourself, at least. You couldn’t figure out what it was that he was using Sohreh for.
Then again, he was never the one to just simply spit out answers without a price.
There wasn’t exactly a label between you two. So perhaps you shouldn’t even be jealous to begin with. 
Oh, please.
The expedition was going far too smooth for your liking anyways.
The violent and loud mechanic noises rang in your ears. There were screams all coming from the team, wondering what it is that they should do.
Yet, out of all the horrified faces on each of them, one stood out.
A face of shock that soon turned into a gleeful one, excited for something new. Knowledge, that would soon quench his thirst at the moment.
He was truly an eccentric one. 
You smiled as he took a step forward, and eventually, those slow steps hastened, running to the ruin guard instead of backing away.
The scholar beside you, however, still hadn’t reacted. Sohreh’s shaking. The poor thing was terrified, legs giving up and failing to notice the ruin guard eyeing her way.
You could pull her away in time if you wanted to. There was enough time to keep her out of harm’s way.
If only she listened to those rumors.
The ruin guard had attacked Sohreh, her body flopping to the floor. The sound of bones breaking stood out from the screaming and metallic noises.
You clap your hands together, gaining the attention of everyone.
“Zandik’s trying to fix the problem right now. Everyone, focus on your surroundings, don’t make unnecessary movements that’ll trigger more reactions.” You directed, ignoring the groaning of the woman below your knees.
Suffice to say, each one was horrified. There were minor injuries that the others had gotten but nothing severe. You could see how grateful they were that they didn’t end up like Sohreh, who was now laying on the ground, in dire need of medical treatment.
In the end, these scholars only valued themselves.
“Senior? What should we do?” One of them had asked, bearing a pathetic look on their face, avoiding the gruesome state of the body placed on a picnic blanket that somebody had found.
“We will return at once.”
Zandik stepped in front of you, not agreeing with that choice.
“Should we not bring this machine back to the Akademiya? I can guarantee that this can prove to be useful in different ways! It’s the first we’ve seen of this kind.” He enthusiastically said.
The others did not appeal to that thought.
It seemed that these scholars did not value the life that was slowly withering away next to them, choosing to argue instead of seeking the medical attention that Sohreh clearly needed.
“Are you insane? That thing cannot be brought back to the Akademiya! It will spur chaos with the sages!”
“And you have seen my prowess, have you not? I was the only one with the slightest clue on how to keep it dormant while you stood there like cowards!” Zandik angrily shouted back, biting his teeth together.
This silenced the arguing. He was right and everyone knew that. Without his help, who knew what else could have happened instead?
You sighed at the useless bickering. The priorities of these people were laughable.
“We’ll have to hear from the Sages, Zandik,” You reassured.
“Meanwhile, as Sohreh cannot travel. I’m requesting everyone to seek help from the Akademiya, a healer preferably, or anyone that you could reach out to as quickly as you can.”
“Well, aren’t you just as mischievous as before?” Zandik stated, no longer keeping his thoughts as everyone besides you two had left to get assistance.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
“Is that how you want to take this conversation?” He huffed, walking towards you—no, walking towards Sohreh.
He examined her body, guts almost slipping out of her torso, her right leg dislocated. Her blood seeped to the picinic blanket that they had used during their date.
It was honestly a miracle that she was still breathing at this point.
And almost as if she could hear your thoughts. Sohreh’s eyes opened, directly facing Zandik.
“Z-Zandik?” She mustered out, coughing and spitting out blood from her throat.
“It’s alright, I’ve taken care of the ruin guard.”
“Of course, you would have… You’re the only capable one here.” She joked.
You stayed quiet, listening in on the conversation. You doubted she even knew that you were here.
“Are you…going to help me out?” She asked and Zandik only answered with that picture-perfect smile that he always wore when he wanted something.
The man fixed her hair, moving them away from her eyes.
“Show me.” He said.
Zandik’s right hand went for her throat, pressing deep. Her vocal cords getting too damaged for her to even scream.
She flailed her arms around, trying to escape the scholar’s grip. Sohreh was confused by the man’s new behavior. She was mouthing out several words that fell silent.
Her reactions were quite beautiful. Sohreh had always been expressive, putting everything on her sleeve. It would make sense that he wanted a better view when he finally ended this whole thing.
It was then that she decided that she couldn’t escape from this man alone. She needed someone, anyone to help her. Her eyes scouted the empty forest when she saw a familiar hair color.
“S-Senior!” She choked out, her voice hoarse and ruined.
“Zandik.” Once he heard his name being called out, he stopped.
He stared at you, those eyes that only focused on him. Oh, how grateful he was that you two were the only ones here.
Zandik dropped the woman without a care, her whole body trembling from barely escaping death. She was glad that you had intervened before it was too late.
“You shouldn’t use your dainty hands for something like this, Zandik.” You cooed and got up from your seat, approaching him.
You took his hands, bringing them to your lips, kissing them softly.
Sohreh couldn’t believe what was happening right in front of her eyes. Dainty? He had almost killed her and yet you were treating him as if he was porcelain?
“I missed this. Don’t you also?” You tilted your head as you asked him, Zandik blushing deep from your affection.
“Of course.”
“Why don’t you prove it?”
Sohreh watched in pure agony, she could barely move and even if she did, she wouldn’t get far. The pain was too much to bear to even try. Her wounds grinded against the rocky and dirty ground whenever she breathed too hard.
She could hear her organs slushing as if they were jelly. She didn’t know if it was because the whole thing made her senses more aware or if it was like that in reality.
The worse part was that you and Zandik didn’t pay any attention to her. As if you two were already set that she would die in her state, as if she was a dying cockroach that lay beneath your feet.
“You don’t know how insufferable it was holding myself back, Zandik.” You said, trailing kisses on his chest.
“To think you’d be so touchy with someone else. You really are a slut, aren’t you?” You spat out before biting his skin, your teeth going so deep that blood dripped down to his stomach.
God, Zandik could have finished right then and there.
“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to.” He apologized, face pouting as he said.
You chuckled at his expression. “You liar, I know you liked the attention.”
“I only like attention when it’s coming from you.” He refuted, snugging his head to your chest.
“Yeah? How could I be sure about that?”
He unbuttoned his pants, showing off everything to you. “Look at what you’ve done. Already so wet for you. I’m your slut, not anybody else’s.”
“Ah, Zandik. You know just the right words to say.” You laughed.
He grinded himself on your leg, rubbing his groin as he stared into your eyes. Lewd noises slipped out of his throat, missing how you took care of him. You pat his head and immediately, you received a whimper from Zandik.
You enjoyed the noises that Zandik made, huffs and breaths of your name as he pleasured himself with your body, begging for more.
Unfortunately, that was hindered by a scream from Sohreh whose throat you were sure would render her to never speak again. Not that it mattered, since there was no way she would be coming out of this forest alive.
You held onto Zandik’s thigh, stilling him in disappointment. “As much as I do love hearing you scream for mercy, I’m busy right now.”
She glared at you, obviously wanting to curse you out.
“However, you do remember that we’re not the only ones in this forest. I hear tigers have pretty good hearing. Ah, but you probably already knew that, being a student of Amurta and all.”
Once you reminded her, you could see fear strike in her eyes. To think she would be afraid of tigers more than you. How stupid really.
Zandik placed his ass on your lap, wanting your eyes on him.
“Need you.” He said.
“I’m sure you can do it by yourself now, no?” You answered, a flustered Zandik coughed, remembering the last time he tried to ride you.
Carefully and slowly, Zandik placed the tip of your cock near his entrance. He grit his teeth together, already feeling your warmth inside him when you’re still not all the way in.
An idea formed in your head. 
“Love, can you face the other way?” You asked him.
Zandik couldn’t believe that you’d only tell him this right now when he’s almost done taking in your whole length. 
Well, he could, being mean to him was your forte and he enjoyed every part of it.
He rolled his eyes back from taking you out, feeling empty.
Zandik’s back is now faced against you. You could see his hole open up as he inserted your cock inside of him.
“I’m feeling nice, Sohreh. So, I’ll give you a lesson on how to properly use Zandik.”
Zandik bounced against your thighs, moaning each time he slapped skin with you. “Haah~” 
“I’ve rammed into him so many times and he’s still just as sensitive. Isn’t he great?”
Zandik whined in agreement, hearing you praise and show him off to someone else extremely turning him on.
Sohreh could only look in horror, seeing the man he admired of, moving like an animal in heat, desperate for his senior’s cock.
“See here, if you give him a slight spank.” You continued, slapping the side of his ass as gently as you were able to.
Zandik yelped, cum leaking out of his cock.
He faced down lower, gasping for air as he could feel another orgasm coming.
“P-Please–! Let me–ah!”! He pleaded your name asking for permission, which you were proud to give.
His entire body shuddered as he came, cum splattering everywhere, even to the half-dead person on the ground.
“You did so good, Zandik.”
“T-Thank you…!” He squeaked out.
Sohreh wanted to vomit, you two were insane. If the Akademiya had access to this information then—!
Her hands searched for the notepad in her pockets. With no other option, she used the blood leaking out excessively from her body.
“What are you doing?”
Sohreh tried to hide away the evidence but it was stolen quickly. 
“You really are amazing. To think you’re still alive right now, even when I purposely let you get hit by that ruin guard.”
She stared in confusion. This whole thing…was your fault?
“Oh, don’t blame this on me. You were the one who went after Zandik. I’d say this makes us even, doesn’t it?”
Your hand reached for her neck, matching the bruises that Zandik had left earlier.
You squeezed hard, Sohreh losing the strength to even fight back. 
Realizing that you had gone too far, you snapped out of your daze, quickly apologizing to Zandik.
“Sorry! Did you have business with her still?”
Zandik swallowed the lump in his throat, amazed at how your muscles flexed when you strangled the body.
He could feel himself getting hard again, everything you do really, sent a rushing thrill to his spine.
“C-Could you do that to me?”
You slammed yourself into Zandik’s walls, the scholar moaning in pleasure as his back laid down on the corpse which was now used as a cushion as he pleasantly received your thrusts.
The body turned into a mess as you continued pounding in him roughly and as quickly as you can, knowing that you two had only so much time before someone else got here.
“M-More! More!” Zandik begged, his head rolling back from the intense sensations.
“As you wish, love.”
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midnigtartist · 2 months
Writing scenes I’m to lazy to draw. Enjoy
“And what is kith'rak?”
Dotty bounds along at Lae’zel heel not unlike a pup chasing an offered treat, clinging to their githyanki friends every word as shes barraged with questions. Quite honestly her pursuit of knowledge is not only commendable but shared. A rare opportunity, to interview a denizen of the Astral Sea, Gale is itching to ask her a thousand questions of his own.
For her, decidedly, prickly nature Lae’zel seems to take the teifings hounding in stride. “Dragons knights in service of our Queen. You saw them as my kin pursed the ghaik ship. To wield a kith'rak’s silver sword is my life’s purpose.”
Dotty nods along eagerly with her explanation, swaying up into Lae’zel space to slip her arm around the other’s. Its hardly been a few hours in each other’s company and both Shadowheartand himself have already been on the receiving end of that particular motion. With Gale’s arm lock firmly in her grasp, deceptively firm grip. He’s not yet sure if she’s just the tactile type or merely unsteady on her feet, though he’d wager its the former. Regardless, the hand on her bicep causes Lae’zel to jerk swiftly away.
Her head cocks sharply to one side. “Do you intend to grapple me, istik?” She snaps.
Dotty cocks her head back in confusion. “Have you never walked arm in arm with someone before?”
“Why would you wish impede your target in such an inefficient way? Twisting the arm behind the back would be a much sounder tactic”
“Oh no its not fighting thing.” Dotty explains. “Its a polite thing. For when you’re walking with a lady. You link arms so you can walk and chat. You know like, with friends. Or a sweetheart.”
Lae’zel fixes her with a look as steely as the blade at her back. Dotty sighs.
“I think I might be explaining this poorly,, maybe it would just be easier to show you” she casts her gaze around for a moment before it settles on him at the rear. “Gale dear, you’re gentlemanly enough. Come help me show Lae’zel what I mean”
Her smile drips with a laugh the seems constantly at risk of spilling over, despite their bleak circumstances. His own lips quirk up at the absurdity of the, well, demand more then request.
“Had you told me, as I was plummeting from a mind flayers ship at terminal velocity, almost certain to face me premature doom dashed across a cliffside, that I would later be giving etiquette lessons to a githyanki, I cannot fathom my response.” But strange needs in strange times. He takes a step forward, inclining his head slightly as he does. “Consider me at your disposal.”
“Really?” Shadowheart cuts in, tone both bewildered and annoyed. “We’re going to waste precious time on this?”
Dotty dismisses the question with a sharp flick of the wrist. “Hush. It’s important for Lae’zel to learn this um, “custom”. That was the word, yes? Custom?”
She talks with her hands, he’s noticed All graceful rolling of her wrists and delicately poised fingers. Gale wonders if she’s undertaken any arcane training. Certainly her sharp and guilefully motions would lend themselves to weave manipulation.
“Now Lae’zel-“ Dotty turns her attention back to the stone faced warrior. “When you’re walking with a lady, it’s expected that the gentleman offer his arm like so-“
His cue. Gale straightens his back and offers the crook of his elbow with, perhaps a bit more flourish then conceivably needed, but then, what’s a demonstration with out a bit of flare? Its seems to delight Dotty, if nothing else, for him to play the part so readily.
She clasps her hands over her chest. “Perfect! Yes exactly like that. And then the lady would position herself like this-“
She steps lightly up to his side, resting well manicured talons in the crook of his elbow. “And then you walk like this.”
He follows her lead as she guilds them a handful steps towards Lae’zel, her other hand coming to rest on his bicep as the walk in measured, almost swaying steps.
“You see? It’s easy. In this case you would be the gentleman and I would be the lady but we can switch if you want. I don’t mind.” She adds.
“Enough.” Lae’zel rolls her eyes “If I allow you to cling to me will you cease with this with pointless explanation?”
“Very well then.” Despite her sharp tone, she looks a tad embarrassed as she offers up a limp elbow.
Dotty bounces on the balls of her feet, giving Gale’s arm one quick squeeze before skipping over and linking her arm with Lae’zel instead, hand curling up to hold her at the shoulder.
“Thank you.”
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hcdragonwrites · 11 months
River (Jttw-Monkeybuisness)
Ok I wrote another thing for @jttw-monkeybusiness there art inspires me and makes my brain itch and honestly I love Sophie to death so here you go!
And yes I suck at naming things when they are snippets of stuff I just usually name it what it’s about.
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‘Getting water should be easy’ Sophie thought.
However it seemed that whatever gods were watching their trek today through China must have been bored and made this their entertainment for the evening.
Force the girl Buddha had plucked out of time to get water. Well it was unfair to assume it was the Buddha but whatever magical force actually had pulled her out of her time? Well that being was a massive dick. Sophie strained her arm, feeling the sway of the tree branch she clung to bobbed under her weight.
The banks of this river were steep as Trip and the group were making their way through mountains. The steep sides slide right into the dark water, rushing by in silent swirls of black- and offering no safe place for any traveler to easily reach it. The tree branch that Sophie now climbed upon, hung low enough off the steep riverbank, almost kissing the water with its bark. Moss had begun to grow from its limbs from the constant moisture. It offered Sophie a perfect opportunity.
She had both legs and arm hooked around the branch as it swayed, one free hand straining forward and dipping the water skins into the dark flow.
Jesus it’s freezing, she thought as her fingers dipped beneath the black current. Must be a runoff from a snow melt… If she fell into it she would be soaked and cold to the bone. Sophie shook herself, scattering that intrusive thought.
‘Only two more skins to go…’. She yanked the first one up, muscles burning. She lay flat, stomach hugging the branch and trying not to slip. Sophie wasn’t the most athletic person but she wasn’t a pushover either. Getting water was something she could do. Maybe she couldn’t fight Gods and humble the heavens like Wukong. Maybe she couldn’t breathe underwater and spear demons like Sandy.
Pigsy- well he was a fighter but mostly she had seen him run either away from a fight, pick a fight with Wukong, or fight to run towards women. Most of the time those women were demons in disguise that Wukong warned about. Sandy and her had a betting game going on silently between themselves as to which women were women and which were demons that wanted to devour Trip or herself. Mostly Trip but sometimes she would be mentioned.
So far the score was tipping in Sandy’s favor(who guessed mostly that the women they ran into were real women)- but only because the last village they had been in had been plagued by a child devouring rat demon. It was a morbid kind of way to make light of a situation that just kept recurring as Pisgy never learned.
Tripitaka even had his own abilities to commend, if some of those abilities didn’t translate over to combat. Staying still, meditating, being able to see the good in everyone - Sophie could hear Wukong now, thoroughly ripping into Trip for that belief- those were all traits that helped.
Sophie- a Girl out of time- was determined to have her own uses.
And if that was just doing minimal tasks then she would be GRAND at them!
She uncorked the last water skin and dipped it beneath the water as twilight began to descend into the gorge. The water turned black by the lack of light made Sophie’s stomach twist just a bit. There’s nothing in the water Sophie- nothing at all.
Her reassurances fell short. She had seen too much of demons and gods and magical mojo to really believe that nothing was staring up at her.
What happened next was a factor of several things. The first of those things we can lay blame at the feet of one Monkey King.
Sun Wukong had been given the task of collecting some fresh meat for the stew Trip was preparing and had sent Wukong to find some. The meat was mostly for Sophie and the rest but Trip would also partake. Being a Buddhist he usually kept to a strict vegetarian diet of noodles and soups. However, even he understood that on the road the pilgrims did not have much choice in diet.
So Wukong had gone, easily catching several rabbits and a large goose from further down the river. After his return and depositing them at Pigsys feet to be cleaned and prepped, Wukong was disappointed in the lack of praise. Usually bringing in a haul of food would give him some thanks- however the person that usually did the thanking was … missing.
“Where is the Reader?” Wukong demanded, arms crossing and tail lashing in annoyance.
Pigsy looked up at him from beneath bushy eyebrows. “Sophie,” Pigsy drawled, taking the first rabbit and cutting it clean of its pelt, “went to fill the water skins.”
“Alone? No one thought to go with her?” Wukong made a scoffing noise. Between her and the Monk there had been too many occasions where a demon had taken them as bait to lure out the infamous Monkey King. Didn’t she know by now that she couldn’t just wander off?
“She is not a Child, Brother.” Sandy interjected. The great water demon was sitting cross legged at the fire, stirring the pot. As Pigsy quickly and methodically cleaned the animals, Sandy was just as quick in adding them to the stew. The aroma was already becoming tantalizing. “She wanted a task and was given one. You know she does not like to be idle when there are things to do.”
“I wasn’t saying idleness was the correct answer.” Wukong picked at an invisible dust mote on his sleeve and flicked it away. He was feigning boredom when in reality he felt an itch under his fur. It was his responsibility to keep the mortals safe on this quest.
That included Trip and Sophie. The monk was easy to keep in one place, unless there were people that kept begging for help. Which - happened more than Wukong would care to admit.Sophie was … not so easily manageable.
That stupid women wanted to be as helpful as possible. Whether that be fetching supplies in town, carrying messages for the monk, or even tending to Yulong, she was always trying to keep busy. Which wouldn’t have been a problem for the Monkey King if it didn’t make his fur itch terribly so.
The itching would only go away after he knew she hadn’t gotten eaten by some wannabe river god.
“She needs to wait until I am back. Then she could have asked me for my help and I would have obliged.”
“I think the monkey likes Sophie.” Pigsy mock stage whispered, earning a murderous glare from Wukong. Pigsy flinched back, rubbing at the phantom pain on his head from the last time he had egged Wukong on a bit too much.
“She is only down by the river.” Sandy peacefully interjected before Wukong to react to Pigsys tone. “Just past the bend- I made sure she knew not to go farther.”
At least Sandy knew how danger inclined the mortals in their group were.
Wukong turned and left the camp, walking to the river not far off. The women wasn’t too far away to warrant an escort- she had learned from the last couple of times of almost being devoured or snatched up to not wander so far- but his fur wouldn’t lie flat on his shoulders. It itched terribly so. The sooner he could see her, the sooner the itching would go away.
As he came around the bend he saw her. Sophie was clinging to a tree that looked like it could be swept away into the river at any moment, legs hugging the branch as one hand dipped into the water. Her hair hung down, almost skimming the black surface. Wukongs fur stopped itching and he smoothed it down. Since no one but he was near Sophie to see, and she being too occupied by the river to even notice, he decided to indulge himself and stared openly.
When she had first joined their pilgrimage he had been pissed. Another human to take care of, to babysit, to feed was not what Sun Wukong, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, had signed up for. If he was being honest with himself, none of this pilgrimage was what Wukong had voluntarily signed up for.
Sophie was strange to boot. Fair of skin, eyes and hair, she looked like a spirit from some heavenly court. However she did not act like any women in the Jade Emperor's Palace, because on one of the more ridiculous of their days where The monk had almost been married to a demon queen and Wukong had to break through and kill a little too much, Sophie had let loose a string of curses that were so foreign and colorful that the Monkey King had been momentarily shaken from his indifference at her to turn and inquire to what those phrases even meant.
It had been the start to something Wukong would never admit openly to. It had grown since that day as he learned that, while she may look pretty, she was no women in courtly garb or village outpost. She had a sharp mind, always asking questions and trying to figure out the why and the how of everything. Why did Wukong have a staff that could shrink and be tucked in his ear? Where had Wukong learned to shapeshifter? How had he been able to master duplicating himself with just a bit of fur and spit?
Sophie was open about questions of herself- where she had come from, what she had done before (something about being an artist) and why she looked the way she did (this last bit was rude on Wukongs part and had had the monk use the circlet around his brow as a reprimand. ‘We don’t ask why they look a certain way Wukong," he had said. The Monkey king had not meant it rudley- more or less he just wanted to know where in the world other people like her existed - that looked like her.)
She didn’t like blood so that was a bit of a downside. But an upside was she wasn’t afraid to go toe to toe when the Monk was being so incredibly and unreasonably unfair in his punishments. Wukong didn’t kill too much. Just enough.
Wukong hadn’t had anyone stick up for him like that.
So Sun Wukong decided to play- though no one else would see it as such. Tormenting and teasing and egging and goading were usually not considered human equivalencies of play. On Flower Fruit Mountain those had been the height of games and pastimes. Finding the little things that would itch someone’s skin, that could in turn get right beneath the armor of good words and embarrass the person enough to stumble out of their rehearsed facade and reveal the true self was a specialty of the Monkey Kings. He had done so with all the attendants in Heaven, with all the would-be demon conquerors that marched onto his doorstep. Dig at something long enough and you will find what makes them tick
So Wukong poked at Sophie’s person. He took things from her bag when bored and kept them away (it wasn’t hard and he didn’t have to even make himself bigger to do so). Wukong would try and goad her into playing pranks with him, sometimes even dragging her halfway through one before letting her know that it was a prank. He would answer her questions, insult her intelligence by calling her stupid women, and challenge her on her moral standings. He did everything in the monkey fashion that would be considered teasing and mildly bullying to figure out who she was.
He didn’t realize till it was too late that this had become more than a game to him. He was enjoying this.
Wukong didn’t get to watch her openly. Pigsy would think him infatuated with her and then he would become insufferable. That couldn’t happen. So Wukong would steal glimpses, brush shoulders, take hidden moments like when Sophie had turned to him, eyes shining and bright, and had begged to be lifted up so she could pet a few monkeys perched within a tree. Wukong could still feel the weight of her on his arm, the smell of her. She had been so enamored with the monkeys above that he didn’t have to worry. He could watch her without disguise.
Like he was now. Her face was screwed up in concentration, lip between her teeth as she corked the water skin and swung it onto the bank. She may be a weak mortal but she had good aim. Sophie placed the last one in the water, blue eyes glittering in the twilight. He would have to teach her how to properly hang. She was so limited in movement on that branch, clinging to it like a cat. It was improper and she could still easily slip into the water and be lost. It was a good thing Wukong was here then.
So it was, in part, the Monkey Kings fault for what happened next. And in part, Sophie’s mind is at fault. Wukong was as silent as a tiger, walking up and onto the tree without a sound. And as he was silent and watching, Sophie’s mind was loud and preoccupied.
She only had one more skin to fill but her mind wouldn’t let go of the thought of there being some beast or creature watching her. Waiting for her. It was just like the irrational fear children get when they swim into the deep part of a swimming pool- that somehow someway a shark would come from the clear cemented depths and devour them.
Only- this wasn’t a clear swimming pool. And this wasn’t some childhood fear anymore. Sophie had seen Tripataka almost go underwater from a river monsters grasping hands. If it hadn’t been for Sandy at that time, the monk would have drowned. She shivered. The sooner she got back to camp and away from the spooky dark water and the night, the better.
“There!” She felt the weight was sufficient enough and quickly corked the water skin. Sophie could get down now, off this tree and back into the warm and comforting light of the fire. Maybe she could ask Wukong for another of his stories- well histories as he called them. He was good at telling stories- if they were centered around himself. She went to throw the water skin, already calming down—
Glowing eyes watching her from above. Something human shaped in the foliage—
“Fucking shit!”
Panic set in and instinct. She flinched back, dropping the skin—
And slipping headfirst into the water. The cold shocked her body, screaming for her to get UP GET OUT DANGER- and she kicked back to the surface, spluttering. The current however was stronger than she thought and was already yanking her down to begin with. Her clothes were a weight that the water happily tugged down, mangling it with the current.
Something shot out and grabbed her around the middle and pulled.
OH GODS THERE IS A WATER DEMON THATS IN HERE! Sophie swung out, flailing wildly to get free. Her hands hit something but it was like hitting stone. She would not end up as someone’s meal or bride or servant or anything else. The thing that had a grip on her didn’t let go. But it didn’t haul her under- it hauled her up. As she breached the surface, she spat water from between her lips, her hair blocking her face.
She breathed in just enough air to start threatening.
“WHOEVER OR WHATEVER YOU ARE, JUST KNOW IF YOU EAT ME YOU WILL REGRET IT.” Sophie breathed in more air so she could get louder- if she was loud enough maybe Sandy or Pigsy would hear. If Wukong was back he would definitely hear her. She had to fight until she could get enough air in her lungs to holler louder. She swung again, connecting to what felt like a face- but it was like runing her hand into a brick wall. “I HAVE A FRIEND WHOS THE BEST MONKEY IN THE WHOLE WORLD WHO WILL SKIN YOU—“
Another hand caught her wrist, holding away. Sophie would just have to swing her free hand around and —
“Stop fucking flailing women you will bring the whole branch back into the river !” The person hissed and Sophie paused. She pulled the wet hair out of her face with her free hand.
The Monkey King was holding her close, one arm wrapped around her middle and the other holding one of her previously flailing wrists. His eyes were narrowed to angry yellow slits.
“You idiot who else would it be ?” His face was wet from where Sophie must have obviously punched him and splashed water at him.
“What are you doing out here- I thought-“
“I came to fetch you since you were taking so long and everyone was worrying about you.” He adjusted his grip, and hopped off the branch and back onto solid earth. “Then you had to go and dunk yourself into the river like a fool and I had to fish you out. I was also able to get the water skin you almost lost. ” He held up the skin, tossing it onto the bank.
“I didn’t dunk myself in the river !” Sophie pushed off of Wukong and he let her go, crossing his arms. “If you weren’t spookily hiding in the branches with your glowing eyes I wouldn’t have panicked and lost my grip!”
“I can’t believe you hit me…”
“Of course I would hit you! I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOU!” Sophie shouted.
“You should know me enough by now that I’m not like every other gripping demon out there!”
“Wukong how would I know when I’m half drowning in the water and I can’t see you?!” Sophie countered. He rolled his eyes, collecting the cast off water skins she had thrown onto the bank, grumbling about mortals and being blind.
“What were you doing?”
Wukong didn’t reply to her, his tail twitching agitatedly. Sophie looked down at herself. She was drenched from head to bare foot in water. Her skin was already starting to break out in goosebumps as the sun sank behind the mountains, casting the gorge into shadow.
“Why were you hiding in the branches?” Sophie pressed, collecting her shoes and holding them in hand. She would have to be careful walking back not to step on anything. Putting her shoes on now would only get them wet from her pant legs being sodden. Wet shoes were also not fun to walk in and they had a long trek tomorrow. Trip wanted to get to the next monastery and have as he liked to call it “an honest meal” which mostly consisted of mushrooms, noodles and broth. Trip was a vegetarian by nature but on the journey he did at times have to make sacrifices.
“Again I wasn’t hiding. The great Sun Wukong doesn’t hide.” Wukong replied, combing his wet fur back into place. “I was coming to fetch you and bring you back for supper. It’s not my fault you didn’t hear me.”
“Did you call out to me?”
“I was making enough noise a deaf and blind beggar could have heard me!” Wukong patted his pant leg where the majority of the water had gotten onto him. It wasn’t as bad as the full drenching Sophie had taken.
Sophie could smell the lie even as Wukong ignored her angry glower.
“Bull-bull s-shit!” She challenged but it came out between chattering teeth. Fuck it got cold fast.
Wukong paused in his own musings, hands pausing in inspecting himself and turned. He peered up into Sophie’s face, so close that he was almost nose to nose. The Monkey King looked at her eyes, down to her lips, then across the rest of her.
“Um… Wukong?”
“You're cold.” Wukong tapped his own lips, and pointed out the raised goose flesh on her arms. “Blue lips and bumps mean cold” His voice was much softer now. “Stupid women.”
He stepped back, hands crossing over his chest again. He looked her up and down then demanded “Take that off.”
“Excuse me?!”
“I’ll turn around, just take off your wet shirt!” Wukong shouted back. “You have those dry … er, shorts right?”
“Yes back in my bag.”
Wukong nodded once.
“Good. Take off your shirt.” He turned around, good to his word.
Sophie did so- shivering as the cold air clung to her skin. The cloth was heavy with water and she sighed. It wouldn’t be dry until well into tomorrow- she would be forced to wear her ‘otherworldly’ clothing. It was fine by her but if they stopped by a village it also meant she would have to wait outside. Sophie had learned the last time that walking into a village with odd clothes could be one of several different reactions, all mostly negative and involving the villagers calling her a demon or witch. Or throwing rocks at her. As she peeled herself free from the sodden clothing the night air kissed her skin and sent her teeth chattering harder. “D-done.”
Wukong hadn’t turned around but he had divested himself of his own robed shirt, holding it out and behind himself. Sophie tried not to stare at his back too long.
“Put it on.” It was kindness Sophie wasn’t expecting. Wukong, the last time he had given her his shirt to wear, had been an order from Tripataka. She had to wash her clothes after a heavy rainstorm had her falling in mud. Of course she had had no spare tops- they all needed to be washed from the travel smell and the dirt. So Trip had ordered Wukong to give up his shirt. It hadn’t been willing kindness but Sophie had still taken it as that.
But this? This was unexpected. Sophie opened her mouth to reply when Wukong continued, “I can’t believe I’m going to have to wash it again of your stink.”
Well so much for kindness. Sophie thought. First the monkey had scared her into the river. Then he had rescued her and blamed her for falling in? All because she couldn’t hear him? She didn’t believe that- not for a second. Great Sage Equal to Heaven Sun Wukong had not been walking loudly. He hadn’t even tried to call out to her to get her attention. What had he been doing when he was on the branch? How long had he been there?
Well, Sophie thought, I should be more aware of my surroundings- or at least not let my mind run away with the rest of my senses.
Though in all fairness if Wukong had wanted to sneak up on her, she would never have known. He was too quiet for his own good and it played into how well he could slip frogs into Pigsys blanket roll.
Sophie shrugged the shirt up and over her head, feeling the residual warmth from Wukong already transferring to her skin.
“At least you won’t get sick and worry the Monk.” Wukong said. Sophie tapped his shoulder and he turned. Without asking, he grabbed her sodden shirt and held it out in front of him.
He may have caused her to fall in. He may have been trying to scare her or something else. But he had pulled her out of the river. He had given her his shirt- free of an order. Sophie was beginning to read the guilt through his actions. Whatever Wukong had meant to do- he hadn’t meant to do that.
“…. Thank you Wukong.”
He grunted, holding Sophie’s shirt in one hand like someone would hold a gross bug.
“What would you do without me? You are completely incapable of keeping yourself safe. Too weak to fight, and too uncoordinated to even balance properly. What were you doing using only one arm for the water? You should have hooked your legs over the trunk instead. ” Wukong walked only a pace ahead of Sophie, slowing whenever she winced over the ground. At least the ground was only slightly rocky here.
“Maybe I wouldn’t fall in rivers because the person that is so worried about my safety didn’t just scare me half to death.” She shot and Wukong merely grinned wider.
“ It seems you forget how to say ‘You are Welcome Wukong’ ! It was just a dip in the water and I was right there to keep you from drowning.”
“Uh huh.”
“ It was needed.” He sniffed the drenched clothing and grimaced, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “You did stink.”
“Oh hahaha let me laugh it up- not like there’s soap and a bathtub waiting at every spot we stop.” Sophie rubbed her arms, pulling her hair back from her face to tuck behind her ears. “You stink too when you come back from slaughtering half a hoard of demons ya know?”
“I take care of myself. Unlike you.”
“I thought you were some river monster coming to drown me and eat my bones you ass.” Sophie tilted her head and squeezed some water off the edges of her hair. She was going to need a brush, the bits of hair already curling and tangling together. “Lurking in the shadows above me is not a way to reassure a girl you aren’t there to devour them.”
“All the more reason,” Wukong crowed, “Not to go without an escort. If you are going to go anywhere, you have to take me with you. You are in a King's care after all. It reflects badly upon my own standing as King and guardian of this pilgrimage if you end up between the teeth of some demon. Mortals like you and the Monk should know this by now.”
“Sandy knew where I was.”
“And look at the good that did you.”
There was no popping Sun Wukongs bubble of pride- he had already wrapped this story up as a great rescue of some kind. He didn’t grin about it, but Sophie could see he was indifferent to the chaos he had caused her. She wished she could throw him sometimes. Maybe he would think twice about scaring her if she could dunk him in a river.
“…stupid monkey.”
Wukong turned at that, grinning now with all teeth. The game was afoot now in full force and he felt it.
“What we’re you saying as I pulled you up? Something like “A friend whos the best monkey in the world?’”
“If he really was the best he wouldn’t have half drowned me.” Sophie pointed out, sniffing. They were nearing the fire, and the smell of Sandy’s stew was enough to make her stomach give an audible gurgle.
“I didn’t.” Wukong corrected, helping her over a bit of prickly thorn bushes without being promoted. Maybe he did feel a smidge guilty then. He usually had to be begged to assist - or ordered by Trip. “ You slipped. It’s not my fault you can’t hear or see, stupid women.”
“Keep telling yourself that Wukong. Maybe you’ll make it true.”
As Sophie entered the camp she was bombarded from all sides by the concern of her fellow pilgrims. Sandy rose from the fire- a bowl of stew already being shoved in her hands. Pigsy threatened and yelled at Wukong enough that both of them started to get into a spat. Tripitaka had to stand, to command them to stop before it escalated from mere name calling to physical fighting. Trip then held out Sophie’s bag and she gratefully took it and dipped behind a bit of greenery several paces beyond to change out of her drenched pants and into the comfy pajama shorts and a comfy hoodie. When she came back Pigsy was still growling out threats while a disinterested Wukong cleaned his nails. He looked up briefly at her then away.
“When we reach the next village we will grab you a spare.” Tripitaka spoke around a bowl of noodles. He had opted just for noodles tonight, leaving the meat to the rest of the group. His smile was kind and apologetic. “Sophie you will probably have to wait outside the village till we can get you a replacement.”
She nodded. She could risk going into the village with her regular attire on but … being chastised and poked at by the villagers was not a pleasant experience. Once was enough for her.
“When you guys go into the village could you ask for some healing balm- or maybe a big hat?” Sophie looked to Sandy. “The sun is really starting to burn my skin and I only have so much left of my other world stuff.” Trying to describe the items in her bag at times left different reactions from the group- or more questions. Sophie didn’t want to answer those questions at the moment, hungry and cold.
Sandy nodded, passing a bowl to Wukong on her right. “I will ask for you, Sophie.”
As the group dug into their suppers and then settled for the night, Sophie was glad the fire was banked high. The chill was being chased from her bones and, even if the ground wasn’t comfortable, she looked on the bright side. She hadn’t been eaten. As Wukong took the first watch and Pigsy already was snoring, Sophie closed her eyes—
And woke to the stars still shining in her face as something bumped beside her head. She startled up, blinking out the sleep that clung.
“Shhh.” Wukong was crouched beside her, his tail being the culprit of what woke her up. His face looked tired with sleep, the scowl deeper and more furious. He shoved something into Sophie’s lap. She looked down. They were new clothes- a robbed top and pants.
“If you tell the Monk I stole it, I will give you a thorough washing in the river.” Wukong hissed, pulling at Sophie’s bag and rummaging through the contents. Well there he goes again, just digging through my stuff. It didn’t bother her anymore since Wukong rarely kept any of the items of hers he pocketed. He pulled out the coin string, taking some of the bronze rings. “I’m taking some of these so it looks like I bought them. Got it ?”
“So you are feeling guilty for startling me into the water.” Wukong opened his mouth, to argue, to plead his case that no he was not feeling guilty he was Sun Wukong and he did not feel guilt, when Sophie smiled up at him and laid back down.
“It’s ok. Your secret is safe with me-“ she grogely replied, laying back down and curling over the clothes. Sophie patted the ground beside her. “Your watch is over right?”
“Yes.” His head was cocked to the side, like a dog confused.
“Good. Get some sleep.” Sophie closed her eyes. She didn’t hear him move off but she knew he had settled just a bit away from her.
“And Wukong?”
A grunt from behind her- already settling into his spot, back to her.
“Thanks. I forgive you for almost drowning me.”
“I didn’t drown you.”
“I’ll take that as ‘your welcome’.”
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arminsfavoritepookie · 7 months
Something about professor Nanami.. 🙏🏾
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You step into his office, well past the hour when the final bell rings, carrying your latest essay for review. He's had a long, wearisome day, and it's evident in his rumpled demeanor: his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, spectacles teetering on the edge of his nose, hair slightly tousled as if he's been ruffling through it more than usual. You sink into the comfort of a plush chair, your heartbeat racing as he leans in from behind to examine your work on the computer screen. The quiet stretches for a heartbeat, until he breaks it with his evaluation.
“Decent work”, his voice murmurs in a low baritone, so close that the soft patter of his breath grazes your ear. Yet, he's too engrossed in the contents of your work, brows drawn together in deep concentration, sporadic groans marking his immersion. The taut silence grips the room again when his arm reaches out, your gaze following the network of veins crisscrossing over to the mouse to scroll further. His unexpected proximity triggers your breath to hitch, introducing a dose of quiet, intense tension that cloaks the room.
“Just decent?” The query escapes your lips, your breath hitching slightly as you grapple with the meagerness of his praise. You look at him again - this intellectual behemoth, your professor. His hand, lithe and sure, pushes his glasses up. You'd never registered just how hot he is until now.
“Don't misunderstand me”, he retorts, his voice unyielding. “Your work is solid but I know you can do better.” You barely notice the insistence in his tone as your gaze fixates on the plush curve of his lips - so disarmingly soft amidst his rigid countenance.
Your eyes eventually find their way back to his, yet he is slightly closer this time, his stare is almost unnerving in its intensity. “You need to focus”, he murmurs, his jaw clenching ever so slightly as he wrestles with frustration, or perhaps another emotion you couldn't quite put your finger on. Stop getting so distracted. Holding yourself back.”
With an urgency previously absent, his hand is again thrust into his mane of blonde hair. His appeal almost desperate, “Instead of settling for fleeting praise, imagine how it'd feel to reap a harvest of resounding commendations.”
The tranquil silence descends upon the room once more. The tangible tension so vibrant, you could almost touch it.
His retreat is swift, too swift; he undoes the noose of his tie around his throat in a haste that's verging on desperate. “Is that all you've prepared for me?” His voice - it has this unfamiliar rasp to it. He's sounding not like his usual eloquent self but rather more edgy, unsteady.
“I- um have I upset you, sir?”
His eyes close in a slow blink, a distressed sigh seeping through his clenched teeth. The way the strident reality of his stress unfolds before you sends an unexpected tremble up your spine, coiling a heat deep in your abdomen. You snap your thighs shut, discomforted and thrillingly confused by your own reaction.
“Upset? No” he manages, catching his breath and attempting to refocus. “Not upset. Quite the opposite”
All of a sudden, you find yourself hastily gathering your belongings - your laptop and bag. In truth, you're a bit confused by his comment, and honestly, you're not sure you even want to understand it. You're about to rise from your chair when his voice cuts through your hurried thoughts, “I thought I asked is that all you have?”
You attempt to reply, “Well, no, but—“
His interjection is sharp, cutting your sentence short as he re-enters your personal bubble. His scent engulfs you - fresh and posh. “Then why are you in such a hurry to leave?”
“Let's discuss what needs improving and any gaps in your comprehension. Don’t run away until you got what you came here for”
112 notes · View notes
orenjae · 2 years
GAM3BO1 (wonwoo)
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pairing : gamer!wonwoo x fem!reader genre : romance, (slight) fluff, pining!au, gamer!au word count : 3415
You can’t exactly remember the exact moment you realized that you were already catching feelings for user onewoo#1015.
Uhuh, you read that right.
onewoo#1015 — his username on the FPS game you’re currently obsessed with playing these days. So obsessed that you can no longer stop yourself from playing that game that there came a time where you got teamed up with this particular guy having a god-tier level of skills when it comes to playing.
The next thing you knew, the both of you were playing a couple of rounds for hours until the two of you became a duo playing that game.
helianthus#6199 : hey, i was wondering if you have discord?
onewoo#1015 : yep, i have.
onewoo#1015 : what’s yours? wait, let me add you.
helianthus#6199 : orenjies#9169
That’s where it all started—from talking about  game obsessions and other random stuff about yourselves into deep conversations. Weeks turned into months and the both of you became a solid duo in playing that game, acing every round together.
“You really are good with this, huh?” you told him with a hint of amazement in your voice.
His skills when it comes to gaming were pretty much remarkable and of course, commendable. With the level of his skills, he could actually be a professional gamer at that point.
“I’ve been dedicating my whole life into this…” he replied over the call, letting out a small chuckle.
The both of you were on Discord, mainly using it for comms whenever the both of you are on game. But lately, there has been some deep talks going on between the two of you as you’ve grown fond of each other after playing for quite some time now.
“Yah, really?”
“Aish, stop being so serious all the time.” He laughed.
You swore his laugh sounded so heavenly that you thought your heart almost dropped when you heard it. Even his deep voice matches the way he laughs. onewoo#1015 cleared his throat before speaking once again. 
“But on a more serious note, I’ve been really trying to get into the pro scene…”
“With skills like yours, I highly doubt that wouldn’t be impossible.”
He let out another sexy chuckle. Yup, real sexy one. The both of you were playing one round, open mic. You honestly find it more fun to play that game with someone while going through some little chats about yourselves. 
“You’re pretty good yourself too, I should say.”
Blood started rushing upwards to your cheeks, making it blush. You admit that you were no good at this game when you started playing it. However, after playing with him countless times already, you could say that you learned a lot from him somehow—game wise.
“Stop flattering me, onewoo! I might just get better than you.”
The both of you came into an agreement that there wouldn’t be any disclosure of real names between the two of you. Ever since you met him, you’ve only known and addressed him using his game user ID. Him being onewoo#1015 and you as helianthus#6199, or helianthus as he would simply call you.
“Hmm?” You hummed as you tried to aim for the target to get the kill to which you swiftly succeeded. “Ha!”
“We’ve been playing for months now, right?” He asked out of the blue, making your brows furrow in confusion.
“Yup, what about it?”
“Uh…” he uttered, obviously struggling to find the right words to say to you. “Shit, how do I say this uh…”
It made you chuckle a bit, hearing him say that. He sounded so frustrated by the sound of his voice and the way he said it, growing your curiosity bit by bit.
“Say what?”
“It’s just that…”
A smile slowly crept into your face. What is he so shy about? Wondering, you start to realize that this was actually the first time he’s been like this towards you.
 “Hey, it’s alright. You can tell me.”
A deep sigh was heard on the other line.
“Perhaps, do you want to meet?” He finally asked, letting out a huge amount of air that has been trapped in his lungs.
And that kids, is how user onewoo#1015 attempted to make the first move to you. You can’t stop yourself from blushing the moment he asked you. How can you not? You’re totally crushing on him, for goodness sake. You wouldn’t spend a lot of time playing with him if you didn’t have the hots for him.
“Ahhh, jinjja!”
Your hands were cold, that’s for sure. Not to mention, shaking at the same time. It’s summer and yet you’re feeling like the first snowdrop will fall anytime soon. You took a deep breath before pulling the door of the café open, slipping inside.
Clutching your phone close to your chest, your eyes began to wander across the whole room to find a seemingly familiar face that you meticulously examined on the avatar of his game profile.
Twirling around, your head automatically turned towards the familiar voice coming from behind. Your eyes widened a bit as you caught sight of him.
There he was standing before you. User onewoo#1015 is one hell of a hottie. It was as if your eyes glimmered the moment you saw him in front of you. 
“Y-You’re onewoo?”
He nodded his head as a boyish smile crossed his charming face, causing his eyes to narrow slightly. You almost swore to the heavens, your heart started to race wildly by just seeing him smile.
“Shall we sit?” He asked, scratching the back of his neck as he led you towards a vacant table near the corner. The two of you had always found it comfortable to sit right where you could watch people from the window as they pass by.
“I really do think your name has woo in it…” you spoke, breaking the silence between the two of you. One thing you noticed about this cold-looking guy, he’s shy in person. 
A small smile crossed his face as he fixed his specs, sliding it up. 
“I’m Wonwoo…” he says, extending his hand for a shake. “Jeon Wonwoo. Sorry I forgot to introduce.”
He looked so shy as he lowered his head slightly, hiding his embarrassment with a sheepish smile. His cuteness made you chuckle. Despite the icy aura his features give off, you start to realize that maybe it was just all a façade. 
“Nice to finally know your name, Wonwoo-ssi.”
“Drop the formalities. We’re just around the same age.” He chuckled. “How about yours? I assume you love sunflowers…”
Now that piqued your interest. His lips curved into a mischievous smile. Letting out a small smile in return, you nodded your head as a response.
“It’s Y/N,” you said, eyes meeting with his. And for the first time, you felt your heart skip a beat. Oh, no.
“H-How did you know I love sunflowers?”
“I’m taking a pre-medical course so scientific names aren’t foreign to me.”
Your mouth instantly formed into the shape of an O. It’s the first time you heard about that and you can’t believe that after months of talking, the both of you haven’t talked about that yet.
“Oh, god. I can’t believe we haven’t talked about this one. You too?” You asked with excitement filling your voice. 
His right brow raised a bit as his eyes began to question.
“What do you mean? You are too?”
You nodded, smiling. Now, this is getting more interesting. For months, you’ve found out a lot of similarities between the two of you—you both can’t eat seafood. But one thing the two of you had in common was your love for cats and now this.
After meeting with him that day, you learned so much about Wonwoo. There’s no doubt how the both of you got into this situation. You became, not just playmates in the game, but also study buddies the moment you both learned you’re under the same program while going to two different universities. Nevertheless, that didn’t become an issue for the both of you to study together.
“Are you done with pharmacology already?” He asked you, removing his round glasses to rest his eyes a bit from reading too much.
You let out a small groan, trying to release all your stress and frustrations about that goddamn subject. You shook your head and gave him a sad smile.
“Almost. You?”
He stared at you. No response, no anything. He just sat there and stared at you, making you wonder if you have something weird on your face. Your forehead creases as you question him using your eyes. 
“Can we just take a break and play a round or two?” 
How can you say no? Closing your books, the both of you plopped yourselves in front of the television as Wonwoo turned the console on. What’s supposed to be just one round turned into three before the both of you went back to studying.
“Want me to help you study?” He asked in the middle of your study sesh, causing you to divert your eyes from the thick textbook you’re reading.
Wonwoo had already closed his textbook and tucked his handouts in his bag. You figured he was already done reviewing, also the reason why he’s offering some help.
“Is it okay? I’m kinda struggling with the calculations…” you shyly replied.
One thing about you, you hate mathematics. And who said there’s no math in pharmacy school? With all these dose calculations you have to deal with, you started to doubt. But for someone who likes to read and study like Wonwoo, sure everything seems basic.
He lets out a chuckle before snatching your handouts away from you.
“Aish, let me help you with that!”
“You just want me to finish studying so that we can play after…” you pouted, playfully rolling your eyes at him.
He paused to look at you, his eyes meeting yours. There’s something about the way he looks at you that doesn’t fail to take your breath away.
“Glad you’re aware.” He said before getting the scientific calculator from you and started reading out problems from the handout.
Another good thing about Jeon Wonwoo, he basically knows a lot of stuff. Some people say intelligence is sexy and you couldn’t agree more. You became so engrossed with dose calculations when Wonwoo started helping you out with it. The next thing you knew, he was already done teaching you and just letting you solve the problems on your own with the method he just taught you. Wonwoo was just sitting there beside you, checking how you solve the problems one by one.
“Thank you for helping me out!”
Wonwoo shrugged, lips curved into a smirk. You swore you wouldn’t be able to finish those problems without his help.
“What are friends for?” 
Yup, friends. Felt like a reality check on your part but he was just stating the truth. As a matter of fact, you have a lot to thank Wonwoo about.
“Let me carry your bag…” he suddenly said, trying to get your tote bag from you. “You look tired.”
You gave him a glare. 
“Why? I can manage.”
Rolling his eyes a bit, Wonwoo swiftly snatched your tote bag away from you. You could only sigh in defeat as he hung the straps on his shoulder, lips curving into a playful smirk. He winked at you before turning his back to walk, leaving you dumbfounded.
Did he just?
“What the hell was that?” 
You placed your arms on your waist and asked. The question alone got him walking back to you.
“What the hell was what?”
“Did you just wink at me?”
He leaned in closer. Both your faces were only a few inches away, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. You could almost smell his perfume and his minty breath the moment he spoke.
“So what if I did?”
Wonwoo flashed a smile before he stepped back, starting to walk again. You stood frozen on that spot. Lately you have been noticing him doing stuff that you find really odd of him. It’s not something he would do but he’s been acting strangely clingy these days.
“Are you coming?” He asked as he looked back at you, getting you back on your senses.
But Wonwoo is Wonwoo. He may seem unpredictable at times but one thing for sure, he doesn’t fail to make your heart skip everytime he does things.
Senior year in college surely is hard as it seemed at first. A challenging one, you should say. From doing research papers, going through internships and answering loads and loads of quizzes and exams. It has been a hell of a year. All the sleepless nights and sudden breakdowns totally paid off the moment you stood in front of the full-length mirror. A proud smile crossed your face upon seeing your reflection, finally wearing your graduation toga. 
“Y/N-ah, are you ready?”
You heard your mom ask from downstairs. Quickly gathering the rest of your stuff, you sling your bag on your shoulders before going out of your room. The moment you went down, you were welcomed by your mother’s hug.
“Aigoo, look at my daughter…” she mumbled with tears forming in the corner of her eyes. “I’m so proud of you!”
“Eh, eomma. Don’t cry!”
“Ah, by the way! Wonwoo’s here.”
Your heart skipped upon the mention of his name. Not that the feeling is foreign. You’re kind of getting used to it nowadays. The thought of Wonwoo waiting for you in the living area made you march your way towards where he is. You found him silently sitting on the couch as he patiently waited for you.
He instantly turned his head to look at you, eyes immediately meeting yours. He had his hair brushed up while looking undeniably dashing even if he’s just wearing a semi-formal fit.
He stopped for a while and looked at you—seemingly mesmerized. Your cheeks started to heat up with the way he looked at you. It was if his eyes were all glued up to you. Trying to break the awkward silence between the two of you, you cleared your throat.
“Sorry. It’s just that you look beautiful.” Wonwoo told you as he put up a shy boyish smile while scratching the back of his head.
You let out a small chuckle, trying to hide your rosy cheeks.
“Thank you?”
As promised, Wonwoo was there at your graduation ceremony and days from now, it’ll be his turn. The both of you promised to be there at each other’s graduation.
“Oh, before I forget…” he turned to get the bouquet of flowers sitting on the couch next to where he was sitting earlier before handing it to you. “Congratulations on your graduation!”
You start to wonder how come you didn’t notice the set of sunflowers sitting next to him. But he just did give you flowers, making your knees weak. You almost teared up the moment you received the flowers from him. It was your first time to ever receive one and to think it was Wonwoo who did it first.
“Thank you. Oh my god, these are beautiful!”
“Look at you two! Why don’t you two take a photo together?” Your mom chirped in, coming out from nowhere while holding a polaroid camera in her hand.
The both of you stood there as your mother tried to take a photo. After what seemed like a lot of hesitations, you felt Wonwoo’s arms snake around your waist as he gently pulled you closer. You and Wonwoo posed for a photo taken by your mother, to which you silently prayed to turn out real nice.
“Will you be there at my graduation?” He asks you as he walks with you towards the car.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
A smile crossed his face as he held your free hand with his. Butterflies began to swarm across your stomach as you felt light jolts of electricity running through your spine with just a single touch. He stopped on his tracks causing you to do the same and faced to look at you. He stared deeply into your eyes as a smile slowly crept into his face.
“I’m so proud of you…” he whispered as he leaned in a bit.
His eyes were drawing yours to look at them as if they were meaning to tell you something. 
“You know I could’ve done it if it weren’t for you. So, thank you…” 
“Are you seriously thanking me? It was all you who made it, silly.” He chuckled, touching the tip of your nose with his point finger. 
Your family decided to throw a graduation party for you. Your mom pretty much invited a couple of relatives and close friends. Of course, Wonwoo is there. There’s no way he wouldn’t be. The both of you were sitting on the swing on the front porch of your house, telling random stories to each other.
“Don’t you want to go inside?” Wonwoo asked.
“It’s pretty crowded there.”
“Right…” he muttered under his breath. “You’re claustrophobic, how could I forget?”
A small chuckle slipped through your mouth. Wonwoo may seem cold because of his icy aura, but no. If anything, he’s the most sensitive and thoughtful person you have ever known. He could be a bit introverted at times but you could see how he’s trying to open up with you.
“Thank you for the flowers, by the way,” you told him after remembering how happy you were to receive those beautiful sunflowers from him. “I loved it, really.”
“I’m glad you loved it…” he replied with a proud smile forming on his lips. “I woke up early just to get them. They run out pretty fast these days. And seriously, who starts a ceremony that early?!”
That made you laugh. You exhaled and looked up at the stars.
“You really didn’t have to but you still did anyway.” 
You were thankful to have him there with you. Not just right at the moment but in your life. You couldn’t imagine what life would be if you didn’t bump into him in that game. It has always been your what-if—if you didn’t get teamed up with him.
“You know I’d do anything for you.”
The same butterflies you used to feel whenever you’re with him were right there once again. The both of you went silent after that as your mind tried to process the words which came out from him just now. You can’t stop your blood from rushing into your cheeks. After contemplating for a bit, you hesitantly looked at him.
“W-What do you mean?”
Wonwoo looked back at you, suddenly feeling the same electricity that you felt earlier.
“You know what…” he began to say. “No matter how hard I try to come up with the right words to say, it’s just now that I realized that there isn’t really a perfect way to say this.”
“Say what?”
“I like you.” He said, looking straight in your eyes. “I really like you.”
Wonwoo. The great Jeon Wonwoo is… confessing. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. The only thing you could ever focus on was him and the wild beating of your heart.
“I know I’m being too risky for saying this and might seem fast but I just wanted to let you know. You don’t have to feel the same way. It’s alright if you can’t recip—”
I don’t know about you but some people say that the best way to make someone shut up is to kiss them. Well, you’re one of those people who believed in that saying and so you took their advice.
“It might not seem like it, but you do talk a lot sometimes, Jeon Wonwoo.”
“You kissed me…”
Wonwoo, still left in the daze, stared at you in disbelief.
“So what if I did?” You flashed him a playful smile.
“That was my first kiss!”
“Mine either!” You rebutted then paused when you realized something. “Wait, that was your first?!”
Your eyes immediately widened upon that realization. But you can’t help but feel proud of yourself for being the first lucky girl to claim his lips. 
“So what if it is?”
You smirked at him.
“Let me make sure the last one would still be coming from me…” you replied, leaving him all red.
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bonefall · 8 months
Are you keeping Hallowflight's and Ivypool's odd friendship they had going on in the DF as apprentices? I know the Erin's forgot about it after the great battle, but honestly thought it was kinda sweet how they became friends in literal cat hell and how Hallow tried to comfort Ivy after she perma-killed Ant. I just thought it was neat and something unique.
I see Hallowflight, after the BOTTE, as really wanting to distance himself from the friends he made there.
With his new Honor Title and this almost immediately legendary story, he went from an outcast loser to suddenly being a hero. His bully Mossyfoot died, and his other bully Troutstream changed her tune. Cats wanted to know him, calling him brave and commending his turnaround.
But that's not the case in the other Clans. ShadowClan outright exiled Redwillow, with the other two being killed in the fight. WindClan is furious at their trainees, and ThunderClan has the guy that almost snapped his son's neck.
Hallowflight's life got better because of his time there, but everyone else is worse off, and associating with them hurts his own shiny new reputation.
And like... that isn't something he's proud of. He knows better than anyone that ALL of them got pulled into the DF because they were angry, lonely, looking for meaning. Almost everyone who was a hard ideologue (Thornclaw, Whiskernose, Ratscar) DIED fighting for those ideas.
And yet, still, he is willing to stay quiet about Dodderheart, Shredbloom, and everyone else, only exchanging an awkward nod at Gatherings, not offering himself as a counterexample in their defense.
If they want to think he's a coward... so be it.
But of all the DF trainees, he's definitely closest to Ivypool, and I think he's willing to throw an endorsement of Harespring once he's out of his Dishonor Title and acting as deputy. He simply won't endanger his own reputation; Hallowflight has a family to consider.
(And then he loses two of his kids to the Impostor anyway, on both sides of the conflict, and Harelight's view of him is forever damaged... so, see how well neutrality worked out in the end.)
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Hey there. Big fan of your work friend. Could I get Loona, Verosika, Octavia and Stella (give or take characters if you want) accidently finding out their S/O has a twin brother via mistaken identity. Thank you and keep up the good work!
Discovering their S/O has a twin brother by mistaken identity
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Youd be in the I.M.P office, you and Millie chatting away about the job you'd just handled.
It was a good job, in and out without issue, sweet and simple, Millie commending you on keeping up with her.
And it'd be as you chatted over your coffee, that The office door swung open, and in walked Loona.
You immediately broke into a smile, however when you walked forwards, trying to greet her. "Hey babe, how was the-"
You were holted from your greeting by the girl growling, practically snarling at you before stomping off, almost barrelling past you.
You stood there bewildered, flinching when the girl slammed the breakrooms door shut behind her.
"Looks like your in the doghouse." Millie snickered, patting you on the shoulder, giving you a less then helpful. "Good luck."
So, with a sigh and after steeling your nerve, you walked into the Den of the beast.
Loona was rather angrily making herself some coffee. So, stepping in, you began awkwardly. "Uhhh... hey honey. How was your break?" You asked, but in reality her 'break' had taken up most of the morning, the girl wanting to stop by a market that popped up not far from the office.
The girl just angrily sipped her coffee, clearly pissed.
So, never the man of words, you went for the direct approach. "Ummm... did I do something wrong sweetie?" You asked, really laying on the sweet talk.
Loona instantly perked up, and you had to dodge her coffee cup as she briskly hurled it at you.
"Something wrong?! Are you fucking mental?!" She barked at you. Huffing, the girl appearing almost feral.
She marched up to you, your form almost bending over backwards as she stood over you, wearing an anxious grin as she glared into your eyes.
"You ditch me for work, then when I find you at the market, you fucking freak out on me!"
At that you... well, you were confused, your face showing as much. Stepping back a little, you told her. "Uuuuh, babe, I didn't go to the market. I was working."
At that Loona scowled even harsher, barking out. "Do you think I'm an idiot! I saw you. You were standing there in a leather outfit and when I came up behind you to surprise you, you freaked out, screaming at me, calling me a crazy bitch!" She growled.
"Uh, sweet pea, he wasn't at the market." Millie suddenly chimed in, the girl having watched you the entire time.
"The Hell do you mean?" Loona snapped.
The two of them quickly breaking into an argument, Millie assuring her you were with her the entire time.
While Loona was positive she saw you.
Then it clicked.
You groaned, covering your face with your hands. "Fuuuuuuck..." You groaned.
Loona and Millie paused, turning towards you.
With another groan, you turned to Loona. "Let me guess. When you found me I was wearing mostly leather, if not only leather?"
Loona paused before nodding, still looking confused. So, with another sigh, you told her simply. "That wasn't me loona. It was close. But not me..."
Loona tilted her head in that adorable way you loved, asking you. "What do you mean?"
So, you told her. "It wasn't me. It was my Twin brother."
At that both of them perked right up, clearly curious. So, before getting bombarded with questions, you whipped out your phone showing one of the only pics you had of the teo of you.
It was a pic of you in your teens, your brother, dressed in his Deva outfit stood besides you, giving you the finger.
At that, Loona blushed, the girl awkwardly scratching her cheek. "Why didn't you tell me you had a twin?" She asked, crossing her arms.
You sighed, "Honestly? I kinda forgot."
"Ah'got a dozen siblin's an I remember all 'ah them." Millie shimed in, helpful as ever.
You glared at her for a second before sighing. "Me and him haven't exactly been... on good terms." You finished, turning away and rubbing your arm. "We lived very different lives and, well, haven't really spoken since we were teens."
At that, seeing you clearly upset, Loona came up to you, holding you to her chest as she hugged you, tail curling around you.
"Well... I guess I'm sorry for going off on you." Loona told you, the girl never having been good with emotional stuff.
You for your part just chuckled, patting her forearm, telling her. "Nah, it's fine, I probably should of told you."
You finished tenderly, turning back to her.
The two of you spent a tender moment together, likely moments from kissing when Millie suddenly began chowing on some popcorn, and when you turned, deadpanning, before the girl told you.
"Oh no, please keep goin, this is great." She told you, aaaand that just about killed the mood, you just grabbing your S/Os hand.
You took her out of the room and once out of sight of all, you'd full on knock her feet out from under her, dipping her down and locking her into a passionate kiss.
Breaking the kiss, you asked her simply. "You wanna ditch work early. We could get a few bottles and grab some terrible fast food?"
Loona shaking off her blush smirked telling you through a toothy grin. "Hell Yeah~"
And so, standing her back up, the two of you ran out of the office, hand in hand, running off into the sunset.
That or a bottle shop. Either way, you were happy.
Youd be sitting at the penthouse bar, listening to some of Your S/O's music samples.
You often listened to her early drafts for her new est tracks, always giving your honest opionin of her demo's.
And it'd be as you sat there, scribbling notes on the newest track you were listening too, that you were suddenly spun around, face to face with a seriously upset Succubus.
This was not the first time you'd been in such a situation, and now came the part where you had to figure out if she was mad at you, or merely had a bad day and needed some... Stress relief~
But after removing a headphone, and hearing her ask. "What the HELL!"
You realised it was the former.
"Uh, what's wrong?" You asked, completely caught off guard.
"Whats wrong?! WHATS WRONG?!" She snapped. "I see you at work and you just blow me off?! The Hell is wrong with you?!"
At that you... sat there for several moments, before sighing. "Baby. Sweetie. Love of my life. That... wasn't me." You finished simply.
Verosika, cocking a brow, asked deadpan. "Do you think I'm stupid?"
At that, you sighed, pulling out your phone, you showed her the photos of you and your Twin brother. The both of you almost identical in every way.
"He grew up to be a fashion deva. And bitchy one at that. He was a real piece shit then, and I doubt he's changed much since then."
At that Verosika released a little humm, scratching her cheek. "Oh... sorry about that." To which you just chuckled, pulling her close, before sharing a kiss.
Breaking the kiss, Verosika asked you playfully, "Why didn't you ever tell me you had a twin?"
So you just chuckled, telling her. "Well, he's his own person. He went off to work in fashion, while I... well, I was busy with you lovely ladies~" you purred, cupping a particularly delightful part of her body.
Verosika just giggled, straddling your lap before asking coyly, "Well, I'm sure I could find a way to make it up to you~" she purred, knowing full well you didn't hold any sorta grudge.
So, with a chuckle, you trailed kisses down her neck, you picking her up and carrying her up to your bedroom, the Succubus happily 'apologising' over and over and over. Long into the night~
You hopped out of your limousine with pep in your step, practically jumping up the steps before letting yourself in.
You were a regular at the palace being Octavias S/O, so you felt comfortable enough to just go on in.
Youd navigate the halls easily, knowing the way to Octavias room like the back of your hand.
But, upon entering the chamber, you found her room empty. So, you began your journey to track your love down.
First was the family kitchen.
Then a tea room you often spent your time in together.
Nope, not there either.
Then you checked the Library. And what do ya know.
You found her perusing the shelves, the girl had her father's love of books, something you adored about her.
So, with a grin, you waltzed up to the girl, leaning against the bookshelf, asking her playfully. "Come here often?"
You were expecting a witty retort or a playful scoff. But instead, you simply got a scowl, the girl turning and stomping off.
You were a little shocked at that, so chasing after her, feeling very confused. "Sweetie, what's wrong, have I done something?" You asked, genuinely unsure.
At that Octavia froze.
Spining around, you were met with a pissed off Owlet. "What?!" She asked, extremely pissed. "Oh, so did you just forget yesterday when you acted like a fucking creep?!"
At that, you were confused. You hadn't even seen her yesterday. "What do you mean?" You asked, taken aback, she'd never acted like this before.
"Yesterday. At the party? I came up to you and you started acting like a total creep, calling me all kinds of names, asking if I wanted to 'get out of there' or to, 'take me bavk to your place'." She finished, clearly both angry and upset.
You stood there for several moments before you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Let me guess, I was wearing all green, and stunk of odour le Toilet?" You asked her, cocking your jaw.
Octavia seemed a little taken aback, eyes narrowing before she nodded.
At that you clenched your Fists, grumbling to yourself harshly. And after grumbling for a while, you sighed, shaking your head.
"That bastard!" crossing your arms, you told her, "That... wasn't me. That was my twin brother."
Octavia was shocked, but she also wasn't completely convinced, staring at you before asking simply. "If you have a Twin, why didn't you tell me before now?"
At that you deadpanned, cocking a brow. "Ocatavia." You began curtly. "My father had three wives just in the year I was born alone! And each of them had kids. Not to mention his mistresses, If I listed off every sibling I have, we'd be here all week."
After that you looked away, sighing. "Besides me and him... he haven't been close since... well, ever. We dont talk, and when we do, we fight. Been fighting all our lives and... the bastard probably knew who you were..."
You scowled, clenching your Fists. "I'm gonna kill that bastard!"
At that Octavia moved in, cupping your face, as she pulled you close.
She just held you for a moment, pressing her head to your own, helping you calm down with the gentle act. After several moments of silence, you'd release a heavy sigh, reaching out and pulling her to your chest, kissing her shoulder.
"I love you Octavia, you know that. Your really the best part about me."
She chuckled, nuzzling into you, before leaning back, telling you. "I love you too... and you don't need to kill him." She added, hoping to calm you down.
You chuckled, pressing your forehead to her own, and after several seconds of silence you told her abruptly. "I'm gonna kick his ass though."
At that she burst into a giggling fit, playfully swatting your shoulder.
Youd giggle in turn, pulling her close before you shared a tender kiss, holding each other close.
It was during a gala, Stella having drinks with some of her companions, the lot of them sharing a laugh at on of their rivals latest blunder.
And it'd be as she shared a chuckle, that she'd spot you walking out of the corner of her eye.
Perking right up, she'd excuse herself, eagerly chasing after you.
And after a few moments of searching, she found you standing in a small group of demons.
It was odd, especially since they were all women of lower borne status from you, and based on the way you were all laughing, you were being quite funny. The woman cocking a brow, unsure of why you were hanging about the tramps.
Regardless, she was happy to see you.
She was always happy to see you, especially as you did have some buisness to attend to and stella was nothing if buisness punctual.
Wondering up to you, she'd pat your shoulder, the lady wearing her usual grin as you froze.
Turning around, you instantly perked up, and with a suave little grin, you greeted her. "Well Hello beautiful, what can I do for you?"
Stella just scoffed at your antics, cocking her hip and waving a hand. "Yes, Yes Darling, we'll do all the fornication you'd like later, for now we have to discuss the consolidation of our finances."
You perked up at that, Stella quickly going on to explain what she was planning.
As she stood there, explaining to you the importance of the move and how you should act now. You just stood there and nodded your head, the lady Avian going on and lay it all out.
After she'd finish, she'd stand there, you just standing across from her, smiling like an idiot.
And just when she began questioning your intelligence, she heard you say. "Hello Darling."
But much to her confusion, it... didn't come from your mouth.
Then, suddenly, a martini glass was shoved before her face. The glass was held by a hand. And following the hand she found an Arm. And following it up to the the shoulder she find... you.
Her head snapped to you. Then to, well, you as well.
She froze, staring at you as you stepped forwards, standing beside the other you.
She looked between the two of you, head snapping from one to the other several times.
To that, you chuckled, sipping your drink before asking her simply. "What's wrong darling?"
Stella just stared at you moment longer, before squawking out. "What the Hell is going on?!"
You both broke into laughter, before you moved forwards, intending on holding her, but was stopped by the Avian, Stella clearly unable to tell if you were her (Y/N).
To which you'd chuckle, leaning in a whispering the colour and type of lingerie she'd worn your first night together.
So, clearing her throat she agreed that you were in fact Her S/O, to which she'd then ask who your duplicate was.
To which you'd tell her. "Well, he's my Twin Brother. Did you not know I had a twin?" You'd ask, genuinely surprised she hadn't know.
It's not like your family tree was some sorta secret.
Stella hummed, tapping her foot in thought. She hadn't really thought about that.
But she'd be disturbed when your twin asked, "will we still be fornicating?" To which she blushed, you snapping to your twin.
Turning back to her, you burst into laughter, moving forwards and hugging her, covering her blushing face.
After that, the three of you would get to talking, you and your twin teasing each other, arguing on who was better looking. That'd also be when you showed her the slight differences between the two of you, allowing Stella to gage which was which.
Your twin teasing Stella occasionally before you had to step in, threatening you could still kick his ass, your twin lightening up.
By the end of the Gala, you'd be heading home, Saying farewell to your brother, the man running off, likely to get under some Noble girls tail, which was typical for him.
Stella wrapped around one of your arms As you walked away, she'd asked you playfully if you had any other surprises for her.
To which you'd lean in, telling her in a husky voice, you could probably think of something.
And that's how you ended uo walking home, Stella's face flushed after having met your Twin Brother, heading home to Prove you were her S/O in the best way you could imagine~
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beaker1636 · 3 months
Donors Wanted Part 2 - Chris Motionless
taglist: @ladyveronikawrites @yournecessaryevil @talialovesmiw @cookiesupplier @bloody-delusion-expert @dominuslunae @jilliemiw86 @thechickwiththecamera @tearfallpixie
AN: I know this one is slightly boring compared to the first but I am trying to establish a bit of context and background... I promise it will heat up eventually :)
“Well, what do you want to know?” I ask him, looking over at him as he sits on my bed next to me, keeping an eye on me.  We both lock eyes a couple times but I try not to let it show that this intimidates me, makes me feel a little anxious every time this happens. 
“I think right now it is more important that you ask me what you want to know about me, this process, whatever you want to know.  I want you to feel comfortable about this all, comfortable with me because we are going to be spending a decent chunk of time together,” Chris says.  His eyes watching me closely, why I am not too sure honestly.
“I mean yeah I have some questions.  Everyone kind of rushes me into this without much explanation, which I understand given how rough you looked but yeah.  I guess just how does this whole thing work honestly?” I ask, still laying back against my pillows, feeling exhausted but that is probably a given with him drinking my blood just a little bit ago.
“Do you mean like how we meet up or the whole thing?  For how we decide when we both just stay in communication and decide when works best for each of us once a week is usually the minimum but typically twice in a week span.  Typically it would be here just so after if you’re feeling weak you are somewhat comfortable but you normally would not feel this exhausted and drained, this time is only this bad because I had to take more than I typically would have because of how weak and sick I was.  I promise you that usually I can control myself better, I just couldn’t this time with how bad I was. As for the process, you select the location on the website and then it’ll match the person with someone in need, or it’ll add you to a holding list until someone needs help.  There are several other clans that work with us across the country that use the same website which is why we have the location question in the application process,” he answers honestly, his eyes still watching me as he speaks.
I feel slightly intimidated having him watching me like this, I am not even totally sure why it is bothering me so much but it is.  It is almost like I can feel the power he holds as the leader, if that makes any sense.  I nod slightly, thinking of another question.
“Why? Why go to all this trouble when you could easily just overpower someone every time you are hungry and be done with it? Does it cause you trouble with other vampires who don’t agree with what you do?” I ask, genuinely curious about all of this.  I quickly cover another yawn with my hand as I start to chew on another cracker.
“I must say I am not used to getting this many questions, it is refreshing.  Having someone who is interested in it all rather than just the donation process.  The reason why we do it is simple, we don’t want to hurt anyone, to kill anyone, unless it absolutely winds up necessary. We do it this way because we feel strongly about that, it still sucks that we have to hurt someone to feed but we at least aren’t killing anyone, and unlike popular belief after the whole Twilight thing we unfortunately can’t rely on animal blood.   And yes, there are other clans and rogues that disagree with what we do, but it has never been a problem of anyone coming after us or anything.” He answers, and while I probably shouldn’t believe him given what he is, part of me does.  Maybe it is just because of how tired I am or something but despite feeling like I shouldn’t trust him I somehow want to.
“That’s why you got so sick, because you could have gone and just drank from someone but you refused to because you didn’t want to hurt anyone…. That’s honestly commendable.  Stupid because you weren’t taking care of yourself but commendable,” I say softly.  Realizing what I just said and flushing slightly.  I probably shouldn’t have called a vampire who could easily off me stupid.
Chris just laughs, genuinely laughs at my words, making a small smile form on my own face.
“You know, not many people would dare call a clan leader stupid.  But you aren’t totally wrong, in some ways it probably is stupid of me to do, but I feel strongly about what we do, what I do.” I can still see the amused look on his face after he finishes speaking. 
“Sorry you’ll learn pretty quick. I don't have a filter and suck at thinking before I speak, so I will word vomit things like that by accident more than once,” I admit sheepishly, a little smile of my own on my face after hearing him laugh.
“It’s refreshing, someone that will tell me like it is.  Usually people try to sugarcoat what they think or say what they think I will want to hear because of what I am, because I am the leader of the clan.  Any other questions?” He asks, his whole demeanor different now, it almost feels like he has let his guard down a little bit and it’s nice.  Honestly, happiness looks good on him.
“I, I don’t think so.  Not as of now anyways but I’m sure I will have more in eventually.  You can ask about me too, you know,” I offer with a smile.  Slowly working my way through my crackers, knowing it is for the best even though I really do not want to eat them.
“Well, can I ask why? You don’t strike me as the usual type of people who sign up to do this?” He asks, I can tell he genuinely wants to know.
“Oh Sierra had to talk me into it, I was very skeptical about it at first and almost didn’t believe her at all that this was an actual thing.  I only agreed because when she said that this person genuinely would have died and I saw her actual concern on her face, and I, well I enjoy helping people so I said fine.  And then when they brought you and I was still unsure, seeing how much they all cared about you and seeing how much you genuinely needed it convinced me.  That’s why I do pediatric nursing, I like knowing I am helping children and families.” I say, shrugging like it's no big deal.
“I think that’s awesome, in a way we aren’t as much alike as what it shows are we?” He asks, giving me another smile while also moving to pull my blanket over me when he noticed I shivered.
“I guess not, we just do so in our own ways… hey Chris, can I ask you another question and you can say no if you don’t want to answer,” I ask, no longer feeling scared of him but rather, enjoying his presence and watching how he responds to me. There is something about him that keeps drawing me in, making me interested in knowing more about him, in seeing what makes him tick. When he nods I know that it is okay to ask, even if it's personal and I know he might not like my question and I am okay with that.
“Was there a specific moment that changed your mind and made you turn towards this type of system or were you always into this? You, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I am just curious about what makes you well, you,” I say, hoping he doesn’t take my question the wrong way.  I don’t want to make him uncomfortable or anything, I just want to know what makes him tick.
“There was something that happened, that kind of turned me towards this.  I, I don’t talk about it with anyone but it… I hurt someone I grew really close to and it changed a lot of how I viewed my lifestyle at the time.  It was many many years ago and led me to develop this system.  It was a lot harder back in the day to set up these donor relationships and everything but luckily the internet became a thing and really helped us out with this,” he answers.  I notice how he looks away while talking about all of this, I can tell that whatever it was that happened was a hard moment in his life for him and it makes me regret asking it.  Without thinking about it I reach over, my hand settling over one of his for a moment, wanting to comfort him. 
He looks down at our hands for a moment, I can’t tell if it is because he is wanting to move, if I made him uncomfortable, or if he enjoyed it but he never made a move to pull his hand out from underneath mine, so I took it as okay.  We both sit there quietly for a moment, neither of us making an effort to break the silence, neither of us caring about it as we sat there together.  Somehow it was like we both were kind of stuck, enjoying the touch and comfort of the moment.
“Why did you choose nursing specifically? Did you have one who impacted you a lot in a positive way as a child or did you just think it was the right thing for you?” Chris asks quietly, still looking down at our hands and no longer at me.
“There is a reason actually, my brother had multiple life saving surgeries as a child, I spent lots of time watching the nurses help save him and take care of him, and got to see things they did for other children to comfort them in the pediatric ICU while he was there.  As I got older I never forgot the care and compassion they had for him and other children so when it was time to decide what I wanted to do in college and everything it was just the natural choice.  I love children and I want to help them so it just fits.  And now I do that for work, working in the pediatric ICU and getting to comfort, take care of, and help children everyday and I love it.” I answered, a little embarrassed that I rambled slightly, but Chris didn’t seem to care, he was now watching me speak again.  If I didn’t know any better I would say there is almost a look of admiration on his face as I share my story.
We both sit there in silence again, the exhaustion really starting to hit me harder now. I try to fight it but I am struggling, but I also am enjoying this time with him, getting to know each other.  I don’t want to let it go but I know I will have too soon.
“Hey, don’t fight it.  Go to sleep, I’ll sit here with you until you fall asleep okay?” Chris says, moving to brush some hair from my face again with a soft smile.
I try to fight it but it becomes almost too much, I eventually fall asleep laying in my bed, my hand still covering his as we both sit there in the quiet.  I feel more peaceful falling asleep tonight than I have in a long time… and that honestly scares me a little bit.
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
Destiny could I ask your honest opinion ? What is it that you like about Tom Holland and what is that you may or may not dislike about him? Thanks
Hey Anon! 👋🏾
Thanks for your ask! This is a very interesting one since I don't get this type of question often lol... 😅 So, thank you for this! I LOVE asks that make me think. I assume this is for Confession Sunday?? I'll label it as such just in case. First off, you should know that I'm ALWAYS 100% honest here on my blog....even if I think it will get me in trouble lol. 👀 So, if you ask me something, I'm going to give you my genuine, straight-forward answer. In answer to your question.....
Wow...where do I even begin? I will try to just make this in a list format so that it doesn't get too verbose lol. 😅
What I LOVE About Tom
His kindness 🥰 He is very kind-hearted, and it shows!
His philanthropy and how he tries to help others with his charity work (TBT). He's always thinking about others and wanting to do more, which is very commendable.
He has a big heart! ❤️
Everyone speaks so highly of him and says what a great person he is... I LOVE that. 🥰
I LOVE how he treats Zendaya and is so supportive of her. He seems like such a lovely boyfriend to her. He also seems incredibly romantic too. 🥰
I love love love Tom's charismatic and charming nature....he's so funny! Even when he's not trying to be lol 😅
Superficially, I think Tom is so cute...He's an attractive guy!
I love his floppy curly hair! I love it when it's long...But it's nice short as well... lol. 😅
I love his cheeky grin lol ....especially when he knows he's said something kind of naughty lol
I like how hard-working Tom is in Hollywood. He seems to have a great work ethic, and you never hear anything bad about him on set or about him from other co-stars who have worked with him. I like that!
I love how talented Tom is! He's very talented....very physically talented and hard-working... I would love to see more of his dancing training as well!
I love how close Tom is to his family members. You can tell he really cherishes his family and being close-knit with them.
I love how great of an actor Tom is. He has a great way of being able to make you feel his pain and express a lot through his eyes, even if he isn't saying anything.
I LOVE his friendship with Zendaya. I know we always talk about their love, but I think it's important to really focus on their friendship, because that's actually something that I don't see in a too many other Hollywood couples today.... Two people who are genuinely CLOSE FRIENDS with each other. Tom and Zendaya are special in that regard. 🥰
What I Dislike About Tom...
I can't really say that I "dislike" anything about Tom honestly? I think "dislike" is a strong word? I LOVE more about Tom than I "dislike", I'll just say that lol.
If there were things that I wish I could change, it would probably be these few things...
Sometimes, I can tell that the stress of this industry has taken a toll on him over the years... 😔 How he was back in 2017 when he was still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in this industry is somewhat different from how he is now in 2024. I mean, it's fine, because we all grow up and mature, and whatnot. But what I mean is that sometimes it feels as though fame has taken a toll on him, and his heart isn't really into it that much anymore. I see it sometimes in how he takes pictures with some fans, or how he has reacted when someone is in his personal space. 😔 It's sad to me to see that his level of fame has affected him in that way (even he has admitted that he isn't really too much of a fan of that aspect of fame, and Zendaya has helped him to be a bit more gracious towards fans)..... I almost wish that he were a little LESS famous?? That way, he wouldn't have to deal with those aspects as much. I can tell it stresses him out and makes him a bit crabby. Just something I've noticed. Again, it could just be me reading too much into things, but part of me kind of wishes that his level of fame were a little LOWER. Not everyone deals with large amounts of fame all that easily. 😔 It just seems like it's hard for him sometimes, and I hate to see that. He's a VERY nice guy and is always respectful of fans, but at times I can see what he means when he says that he can have a "short fuse" lol.... I think Tom would be just fine being an actor but not having the level of fame that he has. I really do think he would prefer to just act and not be clamored down the street lol, or followed by paparazzi asking him questions about his relationships, or have people invading his privacy, or having to always stop while out in public, etc. That can get tiring! This is what I mean by, I kind of wish he were not AS famous and recognizable. It's because I think it would be less stressful on him.
I hate how everyone wants to keep Tom in a Spider-Man box, and I would love to see him one day venture out from the ComicBook films, and really show people what he's really capable of. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Tom as Spiderman, and always will! 🥰 But I think because he's been filming the Spiderman character for almost a decade now, I feel like people (especially critics🙄) have sort of put him in a box.... He's so much MORE than Spiderman to me. He's done other work that has expanded his filmography and really shown his acting range, but I feel like some people just ignore this.
I want to see Tom pick some slightly better scripts/films in the future. 🫣 He's already said that he's going to be more selective in the future going forward. I don't think there's been anything necessarily wrong with his prior films (like some fans have had issues with), but I KNOW what he's capable of, and I would love to see him working with some other great directors and actors like he did in the past. I also think that for him, he shouldn't be afraid to take some non-lead roles every once in a while either. I know he's a "leading man", but I don't see anything wrong with doing more ensemble films...especially if the director is great, and the cast he's working with is great. I think he excels in them. 😊 TDATT, Infinity War, The Current War, In the Heart of the Sea, etc.
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