#honestly like 8 or 9 pm but then it takes me like 3-4 hours to be ready to sleep
harper · 1 year
I mostly mean like if you had a fairly uneventful day and could get in bed as soon as you wanted after taking care of any home responsibilities. I also don’t mean going to sleep necessarily, just getting in bed to relax and unwind. Tag how much time you usually take between getting in bed and actually falling asleep!
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Hi. I know you've talked a lot about the jikook number theory, and I MAY have found something? Emphasis on the MAY because I was bored and my delulu mind became active for a little while(sorry, not sorry🙇‍♀️).
Anyway, I stumbled onto a k-army's post on twt, according to which, one of the posts made by JM on June 15th at 23:23 about waiting for 2 more hours, meaning the 16th, means it would be 1108 since still with you was released(5th June,2023).
Now, as I said I was bored and it was past midnight here so I checked and it wasn't 1108 days since SWY. 1108 days from that date would me 18th of June, 2023, the day JK posted two selcas on weverse.
But I did find a couple of coincidences and I maybe totally out of my mind, but hear me out for a sec!
1. JM's post on the 15th was at 23:23 KST. It contained something about waiting for just 2 more hours. Which would mean 1:23 KST. (Reference to the infamous 123 jikook theory)
2. JK's selcas on the 18th of June marks 1108 days since still with you and it was posted at 11:39 KST. The numbers are a combination of various things. 11, their speculated anniversary month, 13 JM's birthday and both of their fav number and even JK's birthday can be found.
Was I so bored that I just overanalysed it? Was it all just a coincidence?
I'd honestly love to know your thoughts as well!
Ok, @beardedcolorduck so let's see where we are with this.
JK's Weverse post was posted 18 June 2023 11:39 am KST or 17 June 2023 7:39 pm or 19:39 LA time.
Still with you was released on 4 June 2020 or on June 5 2020.
See, there is a question mark regarding the date of release, or more like difference I am assuming that arises from the difference in time zones.
In any case I can't explain this:
When I share this link the date that shows is 4 June 2020.
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When I go into the link the date that shows is 5 June 2020.
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I can't explain it, maybe you guys know why (seeing that both of them are me writing from the same IP address in Australia).
Anyway, I digress.
If we count the days from 4 June 2020 to 17 June 2023 or from 5 June 2020 to 18 June 2023 (see, I'm assuming that the differences are due to the time zones) we get this:
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It works.
Interesting indeed.
Another coincidence do you think?
So yeah, not JM's post, but JK's post the one landing 1108 days after Still with you.
As for the numbers working otherwise, let's see what we can get.
If we look at the date alone as 17.6.23 we get 1+7=8 and 6+2+3=11
7:39 gives us 7+3+9=19
The next one is a bit far fetched I think, but then, again, I'm not taking this all too seriously (just to clarify - there are numbers that I do, this specific calculation I don't).
With the 19:39 we ate the 1+9=10 and we have the 3+9=12 bring that down to a one digit which will be 1+3=3
Now to your first insight.
JM's 23:23 post telling us to wait another 2 hours. I have to tell you that on the day that one puzzled me. I thought maybe something was coming, an announcement maybe. And when that didn't come I was baffled as to what was JM telling us. Was he waiting a couple of hours for JK to wake up? But then why mention it? JM is very precise as to what he mentions. Super calculated. There is always meaning behind it, even if we don't understand what that meaning is.
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His 23:23 comment: Let's hold on for 2 hours. Just 2 hours.
Very specific, and repeating the 2 hours.
What you are suggesting is very interesting, you know?
23:23 plus 2 hours will bring us to 01:23, which is definitely giving us the 123.
The whole thing with the 123 theory is that we think we know where it originated (might have meant something to them way before but that's the first time it's mentioned) - Festa 2014 JM's profile Just one day MV at 1:23 min. represents him best. JK was by his side while filling out that profile. Since then we have had song recommendations ending at 1:23 min., posts timed at 12:30 or 1:23 am, posts on January 23rd etc. We know there is very possibly something going on with that sequence of numbers, but what it is exactly or more so, what it means to them exactly, we don't know.
Anyway, 123 is a very interesting result, and I definitley wouldn't put it past JM that this is what he was aiming for.
Another path with the numbers is:
1:23 16.6
We have the 1 from the time.
If we take the 2+3+1+6+6=18
You end up with:
Or the simpler path:
1:23 is just that: 123
And the date: 16.6 which easily is 1+6+6=13
123 and 13
I'm sure there is something I'm missing. Him repeating the 2 hours twice kind of makes me think maybe he was aiming for 3:23 am, but I can't seem to get the math mathing. Or maybe it is? Not sure how legitimate this one is with Karmy, but I'll put it out there anyway:
3:23 16.6.2023
Like I said, no idea if this is legitimate mathing, but it's fun and the numbers work.
End of the day, I have zero idea what JM was aiming for. All I am sure of is that he doesn't waste words with his posts, and he was clearly hinting to something.
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mrsaguapapi · 1 year
Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7  Ch 8  Ch 9  Ch 10
Chapter 11
Every Stitch
The Vibe:
Donovan - Season of the Witch (Official Audio)
What time is it?
I check my phone and it's 7:55 pm "Fuck" I curse at myself. I decided a couple of hours ago to give up on trying to read my mother's books until I met up with Steven later. Instead, I took some time to relax and watched some Netflix... I may have eaten 2 slices of week-old pizza too
I grab an oversized Vegeta t-shirt and half-tuck it into a pair of jeans. Quickly I scan myself in the mirror putting my braids half up in a bun and wiping away any pizza crust from my face. I slide on a pair of sneakers, grab my sling ring and open a portal to their place. I take the two books in one hand, a bottle of wine in the other, and step through closing the portal behind me.
Steven was in his little kitchen cooking something on the stove, wearing an apron and a pair of dark jeans. That was it no shirt, no shoes; it was quite the sight. His dark curly hair fell nicely on the side of his face, sometimes I forget how fine they are.
I drop the books on his bed and walk up to him, "What's for dinner love?" I ask
"Matzah Ball soup" he smiles," Here, set the table you're just in time." I do as he says and grab a couple of plates and utensils. After setting the table I have a seat while Steven serves our plates and takes the seat next to me. "Eat up," he says
I take a bite and almost cry, "Steven this is amazing."
"Thank you" he blushes," It's not as good as I remember; we used to make this with our Mother and brother. Brings good memories." he smiles, "Alright fill me in, the old fashion way. Your Memory Transference gives us a headache, besides I like hearing your voice."
I can't help but smile, he's incredibly sweet. For the next 20 min, I fill him in on what I can, leaving out all the parts involving Namor and the Talokans. I won't go into too much detail as I'm still processing but I give him all the important bits.
"Are you okay? You seem out of it." Steven placed his hand on mine
I sigh, "I will be you know? Got a lot to process. I left out a few details of the trauma." I laugh "Um I also kind of met someone. It's REALLY complicated and new, nothing's labeled officially I think? I don't know." I laugh nervously, "He's honestly quite sweet, I'd tell you more but I would be breaking a pretty important promise."
"That was extremely vague" He laughs, "But I'm happy for you"
"So tell me about Layla?" I ask
"Not much to tell. Marc called her and asked if she wanted to get dinner with us and talk. She agreed, so hopefully, all goes well. We're nervous"
"Don't be, you'll be fine. Bring her flowers it'll help break the tension."
"I don't know, I don't think she like flowers" he begins
"Let me stop you there young Padawan. Women love flowers. We don't say anything because we don't want to have to ask for them. That's like rule number one"
"Duly Noted" he laughs "thank you, Mills."
"No problem" I smile," Steven I don't think I can focus on anything until you put a shirt on."
He laughs at me and nods his head. I get up and clear the table while Steven grabs a shirt to put on and looks at the books on the bed, "So are these them?"
"Yes," I say walking over to him, "I can only make out certain words, makes no sense to me"
Steven inspects both books, looking at the bind and the pages trying to read the writing, "I'm honestly lost too. It's all gibberish."
"That's because it's written in the elder gods' native tongue," Khonshu says appearing from nowhere scaring both of us.
"A little warning next time bird brain?" Steven responds
"Hello child, made up your mind about my offer," Khonshu asks, I roll my eyes and look at Steven
"Oi bird man, you know she's not here for that." Steven says, "Can you help with the books or not?"
"This is what I get for picking a defected avatar," he whispers to himself. He points his staff at the books, "That's the book of Oshtur, goddess of truth, justice, and cosmic order. The other one looks like the book of Ayesha, the Rain Queen of Balobedu, a former sorceress supreme. These have been lost for centuries, where did you find them?"
"My mother had them in Wakanda."
"Who's your mother girl?"
"Apparently former Queen Ororo of Wakanda"
"The lost Windrider?" he asks shocked, "She's your mother?"
I clear my throat a little uncomfy "Yea seems so. I'm assuming by your reaction you were a fan" I chuckle awkwardly
"Something like that. It's beginning to make sense why she has these books and why you can see me. Your bloodline is closely connected to Oshtur, Steven you may know her as Ma'at" Khonshu says
I have a seat on the bed, "Who is Oshtur, and connected how?"
"Read it yourself," Khonshu says with an attitude
"We can't," I say matching his energy
He shakes his head and holds out his staff, "Grab on" Hesitantly I do as he says and Steven follows. I feel a rush of energy travel through my body giving me a headrush.
We quickly remove our hands from the staff, "What the hell was that?" I ask
"I just gave you the power of, Allspeak now you can communicate and read in all languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's dialects, alien languages, etc. You should have no problem reading those books. Now I shall take my leave." And like that he was gone.
"Allspeak? No way", Steven whispers to himself
"Geez, he was in a mood." I snicker and grab the books, "Grab the wine and sit, we got some reading to do" I take my shoes off and crawl up to the head of the bed.
Steven pours himself a glass and hands me the bottle. In return, I give him a book and we begin to read.
For the last few hours, I've been reading about the goddess Oshtur. She is- was?-one of the primordial gods. I am unclear if she is alive or dead.
Can a primordial god die?
Oshtur had a fascination with the realms beyond Earth; so much so that she took to the heavens to travel the stars. During her exploration, Oshtur met a being named Hoggoth, the last survivor of an ancient mystic race.
Okay slay
They learned a great deal from one another, and when Oshtur was ready to move on, Hoggoth offered to go with her. The two eventually traveled back to Earth, where Oshtur cared for the development of mankind.
One day, she observed three children at play, and their joy caused her to shed a single tear. A child of her own emerged from that tear, and Oshtur named him Agamotto.
Agamotto loved to learn, and the two were quite happy together. Agamotto grew into a great teacher and sorcerer, who loved humanity as much as his mother. They eventually joined with Hoggoth to become a mystical trinity known as the Vishanti, and Agamotto encouraged the study of magic in humanity through his writings in the Book of the Vishanti.
Agamotto became the first Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth. He occasionally tried to choose a successor but to no avail. With no luck in his search, he held a battle between all of Earth's mightiest mages to determine the next Sorcerer Supreme. In the end, Ayesha a mighty sorceress from the Kingdom of Balobedu emerged as the champion. She served as Sorcerer Supreme for nearly 4000 years.
Ayesha now the protector of Earth was gifted with the control of Nature and Oshturs Power. Oshturs power is most frequently invoked for spells of strength, providing some power to make an existing spell even more powerful or to strengthen the magician casting it. Ayesha's gifts were passed to her descendants, all women with white hair and powerful magic potential.
I dramatically close the book, "Ayesha is my ancestor."
"I know. At the end of her book, there is a detailed family tree, that I'm assuming your ancestors kept up with. You're the last name here." Steven points at my name and hands me the book, "Outside of that there are all kinds of spells and abilities unlocked by your ancestors: Curative healing, flight, chaos magic, etc. I think your bloodline was blessed with generational bestowment of power. This book is a dummies guide for your potential powers."
"The journal that was bound to my wrist is just like this. Weird, how on some innate part of me I had the urge to document my gifts just like my ancestors."
"You need to add your findings to this book, there are blank pages meant for you"
"Yea, I suppose so." I put the books down and rub my head "So I know my family's origin story and now I have the cheat codes to my power. You'd think I'd be satisfied, but now I find myself grieving for parents I never knew and a past I have forgotten. Somehow it feels all connected."
"I'm sorry love, is there anything I can do?" Steven asks
"No hun, you've done quite enough. Thank you for your help tonight." I check my phone and see it's well past 2 am "I should go" I give Steven a big hug
"I'll see ya soon?" he asks, "Might need you to talk us off the ledge if things go wrong with Layla." he chuckles
I stand up and begin to open a portal "You are so dramatic," I laugh grabbing my books," And yes, of course, call or text me whenever okay?"
"Of course." He waves at me as I step through to my bedroom closing the portal behind me. 
I lay in bed thinking about what my next move is. I need to take a trip to Bleeker street tomorrow; with the Darkhold's connection to my mother and now my bloodlines ties to the Sorcerer supremes, it's the right time to loop in Strange & Wong. Maybe they can help with my memory, but considering what happened with peter I have my reservations. Also, 
Who is Agatha? How does she play into this? 
Leaving all of my questions behind, I pull my phone out and begin to scroll through Tik Tok and unwind from the day. Right before I put my phone down to go to sleep, I receive a text from bucky
3:12 am
Hey, Can we talk? I'd really like to see you.
I turn the sound off, put my phone face down on the nightstand, and lay back, "Nope. That's a future me problem."
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solartape · 2 years
Number 1 romance scenario? sharing earphones of course.
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A special One-shot
The metro train, the most oddly comforting place you go to on your bad days, you just got into a heated argument with your siblings and decided to cool down, you thought this would be a quiet 3 am trip around the city but I really wasn't going to be.
You hop on the train and take the quietest car, luck was on your side as you see that no one was in it and it was all for you, you take a deep breath as you sit down and put your headphones in to keep your self entertained as you collect your thoughts, you close your eyes, you almost fell asleep till you heard someone sit beside you, "There are a bunch of free seats and this person really decided to sit next to me" you thought. You open your eyes to see a orange blond, he looked like he was going to pass out, huge eye bags and his hair looked messy, you honestly felt bad but he was quite handsome. You've had many train crushes but he was different, his presences felt comforting and more approachable than the others, you felt him slowly leaning on your shoulder, you didn't move away feeling the need to let him sleep on your shoulder from how tired he must feel. He was now quietly snoring but the loud speakers of the train announcer kept breaking his sleep so you played your sleep playlist and put one of your earphones on his vacant ear, you felt him tense up a bit but he eased up when he started listening.
"Finally my 13 hour shift is over". Today might be one of Thoma's worst days he has ever experienced, for one four of his co-workers asked him if he could take their one hour shifts if his 9 hours wasn't bad enough, secondly got a text from his landlord that he had raised his rent because one day ago he talked to his girlfriend that made him jealous and causing him to break up with his girlfriend, third of all he lost his charger in the office just because his charger looked like someone else's and they probably have it now, and last but not least he broke his earphones earlier this morning. He hopped on the train and looked for the car with the least people, that's where he found you, he thought you were asleep so he just took a seat beside you, he felt his eyes get heavy, he wanted to wake up but it was to late he was already drifting of to sleep, he thought that you would move away but you didn't so he silently fell asleep on your shoulder but the loud speakers kept waking him up, he cursed to himself for breaking his earphones but that thought was cut short as he felt you put one of your earphones on his ear, he felt comforted in a way, he felt at peace after everything that happened today, then he heard you whisper "What's your stop? I'll wake you up when we get there" he mumbled where his stop was and blacked out from exhaustion.
We had the same stop what a coincidence, you heard him quietly snore, you decided to lean against him, you saw his ID
Thoma 00** 23*** - Floor 4 IT department - ID number 420971 Kamisato Enterprise
You saw his phone number and save it to your phone just in case, you felt him cry in his sleeping, you registered that he maybe had a bad day and you just made his entire night better, searched for some emergency pen and paper to write your number. You hum the song playing as you close your eyes while leaning on him.
So you are probably reading this when you get home so here 00**75*** there's my number if you need someone to talk to and also my name is YN I probably live a few buildings from you cause we had the same stop. just go to **** café if you want to find me, but I'm only there around 8 am to 3 pm :)..
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When will I get my train crush anyways chapter eight will probably come out in 3-4 days maybe earlier so compensating with oneshots, anyways thanks for reading this <3
( s.masterlist )
( taglist: @minyoungieee @artemfication @raely-study @mayasshitposts @melodyyamino @racoonlvr )
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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1. When are you usually online?  I tend to be online during certain hours when I work, and later at night. (Think like... 9-10 pm EST) I don’t get on much because my son takes up the majority of my time and attention. 
2. What verses are you involved in outside of this page? Aside from tumblr rp, I rp on discord. I don’t really have other muses that I write in public anywhere... Though, I do have other muses. 
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve? Letting threads become miles long with replies. Especially if each reply is only like one or two lines and you never cut it... (Not cutting here or there is totally fine, and I don’t mind cutting threads for my partner, but to never do it... oof) Aside from that, it’s when people assume everything about my muse. Like, yes, she’s a woman who isn’t very good at physical combat... But that doesn’t make her weak or stupid, for example. 
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses? Motherly types, for sure. Also women with serious tempers. Or sunshiney girls. 
5. Are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice? I dunno if people wouldn’t notice it, but I try to be pretty nuanced in how I write Bells. She’s a person, after all, and I want to write her as being contradictory and even hypocritical sometimes. Not everything she does will make sense, even to her, and I like writing that sort of thing.
6. What are your favorite RP trends? Relationships, honestly! Not even just romantic ones. (Though I’m a huge sucker for some soulmate threads...) I love the newer trends of pre-established relationships gaining popularity, in particular. Pre establishing stuff isn’t bad, and it can make writing things so much easier!
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone? I tend to approach, either through an IM or a meme or even a starter call, and try to come up with ideas of how our muses could interact. Usually it’s just throwing out information about my muse (She tends to act this way when x happens, etc) but sometimes I have actual concrete plots in mind. 
8. How do you feel about duplicates? Considering I’m an OC-only rper for the most part... I don’t have strong feelings. If I were to write a canon, I think duplicates could be fun! Though, I can’t say how my anxiety would react to all that.
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying? Jesus, for a long time. I came to tumblr in 2012, but I was RPing before that. I think since like 2008? So it’s been a while. 
10. Is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t? I want to write with SO many muses, listing them all would honestly take up too much space here. There’s Asmodeus (From Obey Me!), I want to write with Rengoku (KNY), Recovery Girl (BNHA), and so many more. 
Tagged by: @tacitusauxilium​ (I saw that you said long-haired muses gotta do it... so here I am!)
Tagging: Take it from me! I’d love to learn about you!
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hongism · 3 years
9:42 pm - s. mingi
↣ pairing: mingi x gn!reader ↣ genre: fluff ↣ wc: 1.0k ↣ for anonymous: situation 8 + sentence 4 with mingi please and thank you <3 ↣ warnings: none
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the bag hanging from your shoulder is beginning to press a bit too deeply into your skin, leaving an angry red mark in your flesh even through the protection of your shirt. working for six hours without end on a hellish shift at the same restaurant you’ve been at for three years.
three years of the same brand of hell all for some minimum wage pay that keeps you alive and going just fine. normally, you at least get a break through your shift, some time off your feet and not moving around without rest, but today was a different case. your coworker called out sick at the last minute, your manager couldn’t get anyone to cover her shift, and you were abandoned to work the floor on your own for the whole of those six long hours. your feet hurt something awful thanks to all that rushing around and the walk home to your apartment, but honestly that all takes a backseat to what you know is waiting for you there.
aka the dingy and small apartment with windows that are in desperate need of a deep clean. decently sized, enough to house two people and a fat orange cat comfortably at least, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“hey, i’m home,” you say as you push into your home.
“hi angel.”
you have to crane your neck just a hair to greet the person waiting inside, a smile already on your lips before your gaze even settles on mingi’s face, but that’s perfectly fine. just hearing his voice is more than enough for you.
“how was work?”
“busy. long. painful. think i’m gonna need to ice my feet for two weeks to recover,” you huff, stepping out of your sneakers and leaving them beside the door as you close it behind you. mingi gives a cute and crooked smile. he takes the bag off your shoulders without a word, and the sudden lift of pressure on your body draws a relieved sigh from your lips. you rub blindly at the spot where the strap was cruelly digging into your skin.
“say the word and it’s yours, y/n,” mingi says after placing your bag on the simple set of hooks he put up not too long ago. a little side project he thought would be good for both of you. and carl, of course, because one of his favorite cat toys hangs down from one of the hooks for the cat to play with when mingi isn’t entertaining him.
“a cup of coffee would be nice.” it’s late, probably too late for coffee of all things, but you pride yourself on the ability to not get strung out on caffeine even if you have it late in the day. if anything, it’ll just make you more drowsy and you’ll be curled up in bed with mingi within an hour.
“i’ll make you some while you change?” mingi offers. he’s already midway to the kitchen, drifting away from you with the same calm smile from before. you often joke about how much of a domestic housewife he is, especially when he does things like this for you, but on days like these? where you don’t know if you can take even a few more steps to the bedroom? you welcome every compassionate gesture and offer for help. that’s what is on your mind as you make your way to the bedroom; mingi’s endless compassion and genuine interest in helping you after long days like these. it’s something that eats away at the edge of your thoughts still — are you being too much, is he sure he wants to help, do you do enough in return, does he wish you did more for him, all those unending questions that you find yourself asking on bad days.
you give a shaky exhale to the room before you, catching movement in the corner of your vision as carl comes to greet you too.
“he’s too good for this world, carl.”
“talking to the cat again?”
“hm?” you startle a little at the sound of mingi’s sudden intrusion, midway through stripping your shirt off when he appears in the doorway. “you don’t fool me, min, i overhear you talking to carl every morning.”
“hey, i ask if he’s hungry! that’s different than gossiping about me to our cat.” mingi pushes his lip out and pouts a little. that damn pout gets you every time. “coffee’s on the counter.”
“thank you, baby.” you step a bit closer to him, taking his hand between your palms and tracing over his soft cheeks with a gentle smile painting your lips. you thumb over his pout without saying anything for a couple seconds. it’s a moment of peace and tranquility for the both of you. time to just stand and admire each other, speaking a silent language between each other and drinking in the intoxicating presence of the other’s form. “cute,” you exhale at last.
mingi twists enough to kiss the side of your hand, then reaches up to tangle his fingers through yours.
“wanna take a bath together after your coffee?”
“don’t threaten me with a good time,” you laugh under your breath. “i’ll drink my coffee in the bath. let me go get it going. you’ve done more than enough for me already, baby.”
“you know i always wanna do more, angel. but i’ll go talk to carl behind your back while you’re doing that!” mingi pulls back and points a long finger at your face, though his tone is hardly serious in the slightest and you can’t help but to smile at his words.
“i love you,” you singsong over your shoulder as you head off to the bathroom.
“i love you too, angel. and carl. even if you two talk about me behind my back.”
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creatingnikki · 3 years
What 2020 has taught me
1. Those things that seem like content for sci fi or pure fiction are actually things that can happen. To the entire world. Like a pandemic. And to you. Like a seizure.
2. Everyone is sad. Everyone is struggling. In different ways and in different measures. Makes no one special. But you still get to feel sad for yourself and be compassionate towards others. But it's also okay to draw boundaries because you're everyone too. Remember, not special? You're sad and trying to deal with it too.
3. Every job you have will not add value to your life. It will not teach you new things or give you people you'll want to stay in touch with. Sometimes some jobs will only be a season of your life. Even if the season lasts for over a year. It's okay.
4. You know how you thought picking a college and picking a major and picking your first job and picking a specific industry were all the career decisions you had to make? Yeah, no. It's never a one time thing. You could have a job as a marketing strategist for two years and then want nothing to do with it. And then you'll have to make another decision and work towards it. So I'd like to call it moves. It's like chess. You always have to make a move. And it always has to be strategic, yes. But the truth is in your 20s it probably won't. Even if you try. And as long as you're trying, you'll be fine.
5. You may have different sorts of friends like the one you only talk to about kdrama with or the one you met when you went book shopping alone and the friendship is all about books really. That's normal. But irrespective of why and how you became friends with them, if you consider them a friend then there has to be this basic sense of care, respect and empathy for each other. I don't care what people want to say. If you're faced with the worst trauma of your life, the least your friends can do is check up on you regularly. On text. And if they don't even do that then guess what? They aren't friends. They are acquaintances. Social media and quick promises make everyone seem like your friend. But they are not. They are just nice people who will be nice to you for specific periods and then wander away like you are a speck of dust floating in their journey.
6. You speak a lot and write and you express yourself and you’re emotionally mature but oh my god. You still hold in so much. You’ve known that at a subconscious level and over the last year people - experts - have told you that. You have also realized that you make your pain and sadness about pettier things because dealing with them, admitting about them, sharing that with your friends, is easier. You do that so that you don’t have to deal with the real stuff. Because it’s so damn painful. And you don’t know how to do it. Yet. Acknowledging is the first step anyway right? I know you’re confused about how exactly to let go of all this pain and sadness and feel lighter, and you know that talking to people really isn’t the solution, but I also know you’re smart enough to figure it out. 
7. Talking about being smart...you know you’re different than others. Better. Special. Smarter. None of these are the right words. And you never voiced this out until this year because you knew it would make you come across as narcissistic. Some would say it’s because you’re an INFJ. But my mother once said that this may be the first time we are consciously living life but our souls are old and so our instinct and the things we know but can’t explain are because this isn’t the first time for our souls. The connections we feel with certain people, the reason we are so different from our siblings who grew up in the exact same environment with the exact same opportunities, our sense of right and wrong...it’s all because our souls learn and grow with each time and that’s why we are who we are. I think that’s probably how I can explain what I have always felt. That I am living in a different universe than everybody but I have to pretend to be in this one and dumb my emotions and thoughts down. Maybe that’s because my soul has lived through thousands of years while most around me are living their 100th life. Or maybe I’m just narcissistic, who knows?
8. You shift between talking in first person and second person but that’s because that’s how you think in your head and talk to yourself and live your life. You ask yourself things and you accuse yourself of things and you apologize to yourself and you comfort yourself. I think that seeps into your writing and the changing of the voices. 
9. You always genuinely thought that you’d not be afraid of dying. And then what happened this October proved you shockingly wrong. I know it’s not so much being afraid of dying but the unbearable pain of knowing what that would mean to your family. So you have to be more prudent and less reckless with your life and the choices you make. 
10. Regret is not something that plagued you but this year the realisation and pain of giving away your favourite books from your own personal collection to people you care about as a show of affection and them turning out to be ass holes or losers has hit you so hard. So, yes. No more of that shit. I really fucking want my copy of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower back. UGH. With the childhood picture of me inside it! 
11. Sleeping at 5 am in the morning stops being fun or romanticised when you realise just how much harm it does to your body and mind. Literally every single disease and disorder can be traced back to a shitty fucking sleep schedule. It’s not just the hours you sleep but also the quality of sleep and the time you sleep at. So yes sleeping for 8 hours is healthy but not if that 8 hours is from 5 am to 12 pm. ‘Not a morning person’ is just another construct of capitalism and you don’t realise how many industries profit from having you believe that and staying up late or all night. Entertainment. Food. Alcohol. Pharma. Biologically and naturally you are a bloody morning person. And you don’t need 3 cups of coffee to begin your day or your phone notifications to get you to open your eyes and brain to wake up. 
12. Sometimes you really have to stop taking people so seriously. I know the idea of treating people as casual friends or entertainment makes you want to fight that concept but you know what? Some people like Pineapple are ever only going to be good for that. No matter how much they ‘grow and change’. So keep them in the background for whenever you want some entertainment or drama. But please don’t clear up your busy schedule to meet them or send them gifts on their birthday. 
13. If you don’t have the fruit juice or green juice within half an hour of making it then you are losing out on its most optimum health benefits. Or when you remove the white stringy stuff from oranges. That’s where all the actual nutrients are.
14. I am privileged and so are most of the people I interact with. The global pandemic has been hell for a lot of people around the world. Health wise. Financially. Losing people they care about. But I was blessed enough to be safe at home and have a job that I could smoothly do from home and not have a pay cut or 4-hour long Zoom meetings. So honestly when my friends tell me 2020 has been bad I have to stop and ask them why? Yes, the crippling uncertainty and anxiety is not something that can be undermined. But most people I know had very great positive life-changing milestones this year like moving away to another country for college or taking their first solo trip or getting married. So I have to ask them. Because I am not going to agree that everybody’s 2020 and pandemic narrative is the same. 
15. Money gets spent really quickly. When I left my job earlier this year because of personal issues, I thought I had enough savings to last me a year. Full disclosure - I mean to last my personal expenses because I live with my parents. But it didn’t even last me 3 months. And so to use money wisely and buy things that provide utility than instant gratification is something to follow. Also buying one pair of really expensive but quality shoes is better than buying 5 pairs of affordable but low quality shoes that will have a very short life and force you to buy more. I know that higher price doesn’t always mean better quality but sometimes it does. And as an adult now I want to do the whole quality > quantity thing even with things and not just people. 
16. Everyone in their 20s went through a crisis of what they should do with their lives and their careers and it’s not unique to the 21st century and the challenges of today. Whether it was Vincent Van Gogh in the 19th century or Sylvia Plath in the 20th, every single person, as brilliant as them went through the torture of making these decisions and living with their consequences. You may think I picked wrong examples for they both killed themselves but you know what? They were the people who really want to live more than anyone. They knew what life meant. And maybe if mental health help was more accessible back then their lives would be longer and more peaceful. 
17. Telling people everything is overrated. You don’t have to talk about every single thing that’s on your mind or that’s going on in your life. The good and the bad and the mediocre. You have to be mindful about how much of yourself you’re giving away. 
18. Re-watch Suits when people at work feel intimidating because the confidence + negotiation tactics that they show can actually work irl cos at the end of the day no matter in what position you’re dealing with people who have emotions and fears and insecurities and desires. You understand how to leverage that nobody can get the better of you. 
19. You belong to yourself. No matter how much you love someone or how much they have done for you or how much you owe them - you belong to yourself. You can’t live your life for someone else. Everyone belongs to themselves first. No relationship, no promise, no circumstance should make you feel like you have to give up your life and make it all about them. If and when the time comes to die for them, go ahead. Take a bullet. Donate that kidney. Write them in your will. But live your life for yourself. And let them live theirs. 
20. Twenty three was a challenging year. When it started you claimed the age 23 sounds boring and insignificant. Guess it proved you wrong. It hurt so much now. But that only means you’ll look back on it later and see how it added so much wisdom and resilience to your being. It doesn’t mean that it makes all the bad things that happened to you okay. Or that you should be grateful to them. Fuck no. It means that you should be kinder to yourself because at the end of the day, your mind and body find it in themselves to deal with whatever is thrown their way. They have your back. It’s time you learn to sit straight. 
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
YOUR SERIES FOR THE THINGS YOU THINK HAIKYU BOYS WOULD SAY IS SO GOOD!! Do you write for Tsukishima? Cuz if yes I would really like to know what you think he would say...
thank you, thank you 🥺💖
*sigh* highkey wanting to avoid tsukishima stuff bc i don’t wanna fall deeper into a simp hole
but i guess i’ll do it 🙄 thank fucking god you asked for this bc honestly i was going a little crazy bc i fucking love him so much god fucking damnit
for my sake, y’all are married and you’re a photographer
“mmm, stop poking me.” (7:00 am)
“Hey, i said stop touching.”
“what time is it?”
“No i don’t have practice today... i have school.”
“Not until tonight, so let me sleep.”
“Come back here, i don’t need breakfast right now.”
“Hey i might be slim but i will throw you back in bed if you don’t come back.”
“Wake me up again in like an hour.”
“Mmm, i said wake me up not smother me in kisses.” (8:20 am)
“What’s for breakfast.”
“I’m in the mood for some coffee and a shortcake.”
“What do you mean that’s not breakfast.”
“You may be my spouse but you cannot deny me shortcake.”
“If you forbid shortcake then a want divorce.”
“If you made me pick, i would want a divorce, because it’s like making you pick between me or [your favorite dessert] it’s just evil.”
“I’m not gonna kiss you unless we go get shortcake....”
*motherfucker has such a fucking mood when he wakes up. ESPECIALLY WHEN HE DOESNT GET WHAT HE WANTS. he’s baby but he’s also a bitch*
“have you seen my glasses? i cant see.”
“if you don’t give them to me i’m gonna make you read the menu outloud to me like a crazy person”
“ready for go? i’m starting to get hungry.” (9:00 am)
“are you not going to hold my hand?”
“fine if you get hit by a bike or a car, it’s not my problem.”
“hey actually it will be my problem because i married you, now hold my hand or else i’ll the one pushing you.”
“i’m not an asshole.”
“i’m ordering two cakes, i’m not giving you any of you don’t order for yourself.”
*you don’t order for yourself and just kinda fiddle w his jacket*
“Can i get three strawberry shortcakes and two black coffees, one iced please.”
“Nope you’re not getting the third one.”
*proceeds to eat the two and fiddles with the third*
“Have it, i’d be a waste if you didn’t eat it.”
*if you don’t eat it he will get both physically and mentally upset*
*very much loves seeing you munch down on his favorite dessert*
“Can we go now? I need to study for a test before class.” (10:30 am)
“you’re gonna get hit by a bike, get closer.”
“I wanna get our rings cleaned, their looking a little dirty.”
“So what if it’s only been a year, you know i don’t take it off unless it’s for a match, then i wear the flimsy black one.”
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*the ring he gave you was his grandmothers so he’s always fiddling with it when he holds your hand*
“I’m sitting next to you while you edit your pictures, so you can’t complain.” (11:00 am)
*very distracted when he studies because he keeps glancing at you with your tongue out a little while you edit*
*will pinch your tongue*
“It belongs in your mouth.”
*WILL BLUSH OF YOU RESPOND, “so does yours” he will malfunction and flick you’re forehead*
“can you make me a snack?”
“dino crackers will do.”
“hey, don’t make fun of me, you always eat these too. now pass me my crackers.”
“Are you gonna stay alone like a weirdo or are you gonna walk to me the station” (1:00 pm)
“Hurry up and give me a kiss before it’s your fault i miss the train.”
“If you don’t let me go i’m just gonna kiss you again.”
“Idiot let go, i’m gonna be late because of you.”
“Give me another one, you gotta reach for it tho.”
*will laugh in your face before bending down to kissing the tip of your nose*
“Don’t get yourself kidnapped on the way home.”
“What are you doing here? You brought me lunch?” (3:00 pm)
*friends starts asking him who you are*
“My spouse, now stop staring.”
*proceeds to grab your left hand with his to low key show of your rings*
“Let’s go, i’m hungry.”
“Thank you for the food... it was good, could have had less...”
*can’t figure out what to say because it was actually really good but he won’t tell you*
“Could have had less love, that’s what.”
“Stop giggling at me.”
“Hey give me back my-”
*you always take his glasses off before you kiss him, don’t know how he hasn’t caught on yet*
“That was... okay.” (4:00 pm)
“You brought me a shortcake?”
“Wow you do love me.”
“I knew a married you for a reason.”
“You want some?”
“Say ah, no i’m gonna feed you now shut up.”
“Come with me to class, they don’t mind if you’re quiet.”
*will fiddle with your hands when you sit next to him*
*holds your thigh under the desk*
“Stop taking pictures of me.”
“I want coffee again, do you wanna walk to the café?” (6:00 pm)
“I’m hungry again... What? I’m a big boy, leave me alone.”
“Hey if you can reach my hand i’ll buy you a cat.”
*puts his 6’6 wingspans arm up in the air, mind you his hand would probably be up to 6’10*
*Takes pictures of you at the cat café so he can see which one is your favorite for future reference*
“No you couldn’t reach, i’m not getting you a cat”
*fucking liar has been planing on getting u a cat for a good while*
“Just go order the stuff and we’ll head home.” (7:00 pm)
“Sit on the couch with me, we’ll watch a movie.”
*puts on the good dinosaur*
“What? Shut up, it’s a good movie”
“What, no- I’m not crying- you are.”
*flicks your nose*
“See you’re crying too”
“I’m not a bully, you’re a bully.”
“Shut up or i’ll kiss you.”
*will kiss you anyway*
*it doesn’t seem like it but he isn’t a forceful kisser, very soft, long and hot kisses are his go to.*
“I’m gonna shower again, school stressed me out.”
“Take a bath with me” (9:30 pm)
*in the bath his knees are usually always out so he can just hold you while you sit in front of him*
*becomes very soft at night especially when it’s just alone time with you*
*starts kissing your hair, will lightly tease you by massaging your neck and then slowly wrapping his fingers around your neck so he can push your chin up to look at him and he kisses you*
“i know i should say it more but i love you and i know you love me too, and i would trade that for an endless supply of shortcake.”
“See i’m not always a jerk.”
*in bed, he’s the small spoon bc he wants to listen to your heartbeat*
*needs skin to skin contact so his hands are always under your shirt (his shirt) roaming around your back*
“Stop squirming.”
*if you can’t sleep, this man will fuck you to sleep. doesn’t matter what fucking time it is, he gets annoyed and ask why you didn’t tell him sooner so he can fuck you so good*
“Go to sleep or i’ll sleep in the spare”
*lies he hates sleeping alone*
*also... records your reacton while he’s fucking you bc you’re never in front of the camera so he wants you to know how you feel*
*kisses your forehead and then falls asleep to the sound of your breathing*
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non-stop-imagines · 3 years
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The Man with the Metal Arm (Part 13)
Here’s Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Black!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Cute, slightly suggestive, mention of ex, plot thickens
A/N: Heeyyyy, how y'all doin?? 😎 I know it’s been more than a while since I have written, and I apolagize for that. School, as always, got me all the way fucked up, luckily summer courses have started which are shorter and (for me) all online soooo. Also my 21st b-day is coming 🥳 so you know I’m excited for that. Anyway, I started writing this like half way through TFATWS bc Bucky with personality was good inspiration. Anyway, hope y’all enjoy. Love you all!💛❤️💛❤️💛
Man with the Metal Arm TAGS LIST: @storibambino @cutiepiemimi13 @this-chan @elaindeereads @letsshamelessqueen-m @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @shakzer00 @lahjatheblackbrat
UNIVERSAL TAGS LIST: @beautifulwisdom2001 @thottio @jetaimeamore @mixedfandxms @here-for-your-bullshit
Requests are Closed, if you want to be added to the tags list for this series or wrting with Bucky in general, just ask.
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A couple weeks later you find yourself moving around your place, picking up dishes here, wiping off a surface there, moving to the music of your 60s Playlist that played to the lone earphone in your right ear. Louise was taking a nap in her room and has been since 4 that afternoon. It was now 6 pm. Were you gonna regret it later when all she'll want to do is play or watch a movie or dance to music at 11 pm? Possibly. But right now all you know is that the house was quiet, everyone you know and love are safe, and tomorrow was one of the few Saturdays you had off and all you were planning to do was watch TV in either the comfy pajamas you own or in your underwear. You still had to choose, and maybe you could just have Peter watch Lou. If so you should text him now. Your thoughts began to drift, wondering if May would be there to help Peter, wondering if you could plan some sort of day out with her and Imani soon, but the thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when you hear a knock at the door. You quickly move over to look out the peephole, swiftly pulling back to open the door when you see that it's Bucky.
"Hey, how are you doing today?" Bucky chuckles as you jump into his arms, squeezing his neck in a tight hug. "Woah there, we just talked last night."
"Yeah, but I haven't had affectionate contact, or any physical contact for that matter, from the man that I love for 3 weeks. I'm touch starved, you can’t blame me.” You speak into his neck, taking hefty sniffs of the cologne you love so much and rubbing your face on his few day old stubble. Bucky continues to hold onto your clinging body as he takes a few steps inside your place to close the door.
“Fine, I guess. Where’s Louise?” Bucky sets you down and lightly pulls at a few coils that stuck out of your pulled back puff as you continue to rub at the stubble that adorned his face and study his tired eyes. He always looked tired, even if he had a full night's sleep.
“Taking a nap.” He cocks an eyebrow at your word with unsaid concern. “I know she’ll be up all night, but I’ve gotten so much done.” You whine, gesturing to the kitchen. That doesn’t stop Bucky from looking around the entrance and the living room, which is currently slightly cluttered with Lou’s toys and coloring apparatuses. “I know, I’m not working as fast as I should be, I may have taken a couple short naps here and there.” Bucky just sighs and gives you a lingering peck on the forehead before moving around you to start picking up toys.
“What are you doing for dinner?” Bucky stands and turns to look at you, stretching and groaning as he does.
“I ordered pizza.” You smile, rubbing his jaw as you head back to the kitchen.
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Right as Bucky closed the door after accepting the pizza from the delivery person, almost as if it was staged, a small voice came from the door of Lou’s room.
“Do we get pi- BUCKY!” The little girl with her hair still askew, sprints to Bucky and clings onto his right leg.
“Woah there, Puff. Let me set this down first.” You watch through the pass-through from the kitchen as Bucky limps over to the living room table. “What is it with you and your mom and clinging to me today.” A squealing giggle is earned from his comment before he finally sets the pizza down, swiftly picking up Lou in return and swinging her around.
“Is Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam coming, too?” Lou runs her little hands through Bucky’s hair as Bucky’s eyes met yours before he made a choice decision.
“Uh, no. I thought it could just be you, me and your mom.” Lou’s hands stop what they’re doing and Bucky watches as tears well up in her eyes. The next moment consisted of a hard toddler yank to Bucky’s hair, that had you running in to pull her off of him and setting her on the ground.
“What in the world, was that?” Your voice was stern, but it wasn’t a yell, and it definitely held your four year old’s attention.
“I want to see Uncle Sam and Uncle Steve.” Lou inexpertly crosses her arms and scrunches her face. The attitude doesn’t go fully unchecked when you change your stance to match hers, shifting your weight to one side and crossing your arms, but instead your face sported a cocked eyebrow.
“Fix your tone, little girl.” Silence rests between the two of you, with Bucky standing off to the side, not knowing what to do. “Now,” you squat down at first to meet your daughter's eyeline, but when your knees begin to fail on you, you go for a straight kneel before you continue. “I know you like when Steve and Sam come around. They are a lot of fun aren’t they?” Your question receives a small head nod which allows you to continue. “Your Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam love you very much, but they can’t always be here. I will see if they can come over soon, but you cannot do this again. When you want something, you ask nicely, and if you can’t have what you want right now, what you just did is a no-no. Now apologize to Bucky for pulling his hair.”
“Sorry Bucky.” Lou’s voice trembles as she walks over to Bucky. He picks her up onto his hip and hugs her close after using his unoccupied hand to help you up off the ground.
“Hey, kiddo. It’s okay. I’m fine.” Bucky’s calm voice soothes her before the crying even starts.
“Hey, let me take her. Can you go get some plates?” Bucky nods and hands Louise off, but fluffs her hair once before he goes to get the plates. “I love you, babygirl. So much.” You bring her close to kiss and take a whiff of her scent that honestly hasn’t changed since she was born. “You want some pizza?” Lou nods lightly so you set her down on the couch and head back the kitchen to get everyone something to drink, right as Bucky comes back with the plates. “Show Bucky what piece you want.”
A couple hours later, two empty pizza boxes laid empty on the table and a tired four year old layed asleep with her head on Bucky’s thigh and her feet occasionally kicking you. “Thirteen hours of labor and this is the thanks I get.” You grumble under your breath after receiving one last kick before standing up to clean the dinner dishes. You take one last look at Bucky and his loving gaze on your daughter before heading back to the kitchen. As you put the cups in the sink you laugh at the devious thankfulness you have for your daughter's temper tantrum and crying earlier because that never fails to knock her out and hopefully her circadian rhythm will take over.
“I’m gonna go put her down.” You jump out of your thoughts when you hear Bucky’s voice behind you at the entrance of the kitchen. “Oh, sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. I was just, in my head.” You shake the water off your hands and turn around. “Uh, yeah. Go ahead and put her down, if you don’t mind.”
“No, not at all. Uh, do you want me to wrap her hair?” He gently adjusts her on his hip, freezing when she shifted in her sleep.
“Nah, not necessary. It might wake her up, and I don’t want her to wake up. I might regret this choice later but right now, I don’t care.” You finish your spiel with your lightly bubble covered hand against the counter behind you. Bucky just slowly nods and heads back to your daughter’s bedroom.
Fifteen minutes later, you found yourself in your room, quietly making out with your boyfriend. He sat on the foot of your bed, hands gripping your ass as your tongues fervently danced together. Once the moment to come up for air came, you took that opportunity to push Bucky back onto the bed, and then sent a welcomed attack on his lips that had him pulling you closer than what would be considered humanly possible. After some time, his lips moved down to your neck, the scratch of his facial hair sending goosebumps all over your body.
“Ah, James…” The words quietly drip from your mouth, and the vibration from his chuckled response causes you to moan quietly.
“Oh, it’s James now. Okay.” His right hand begin to trail up and down your torso, gently lifting your shirt until its finally up over your head. He flips the two of you over and sits back on his heels to get a look at you. “Say my name again. Please.” His voice is deep, sultry, and you watch as he slowly gets up from the bed and move to the foot of the bed, lightly griping your leggings.
“James.” Your words start Bucky’s removal of you pants, hooded eyes keeping your gaze on his, but after a few seconds the removal stops.
“Again.” You do as told and he continues, slowly pulling at leggings with help from you shimmying. This repeating continued until your pants are finally off, but a small detail that Bucky didn't pay attention to was how your words began to slur together and fade off, and how your shimmies became less vigorous, so by the time Bucky had removed his own shirt and pants, all he saw when he looked up was you asleep, head fallen to the side and a small amount of drool already escaping from your mouth. “She did seem pretty tired.” Bucky goes into the top right drawer of dresser to get one of your big night shirts then reaching into the adjacent drawer filled with his own items that he brings over whenever he stays the night for a pair of pajama pants. He pulls on your night shirt for you and tries his best to tie on your scarf before finally climbing into bed next to you, pulling you into his body before finally falling asleep.
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Lou’s little feet pad along the wooden floor, first to your side of the bed to attempt to wake you up, but when the effort led to a fruitless reward, she moves over to where Bucky was laying.
"Bucky." Lou begins to shake at his back which was currently facing her direction, and once she sees him stir slightly she continues. "Bucky, wake up Bucky." She climbs into the bed and sits on her tucked under legs and starts to play with his hair again. He got a rather drastic hair cut a week ago, and she's just been trying to familiarize herself with the style. The light touch of her fingers and the sing-songy way say repeated his name eventually had him awake enough to flip over and look at her.
"What's up, Puff?" He wraps an arm around her as she pushes the Rouge hairs on his forehead out of his face.
"I'm hungry." Her focus still on Bucky’s forehead.
"What time is it?" Bucky tries his hardest to stall fully getting out of bed, but deep down he knew it was a frivolous effort.
"Time for breakfast." She now begins to lightly tap out a beat on Bucky's head, so he answers quickly to get it to stop.
"Okay, okay. Go turn on something for us to watch. I'll be out there in a second." The child immediately leaped of the bed and ran to the living room, giving Bucky room to look at his phone on his night stand for the time. 6:00 am. He slowly makes his way out of the bed, pulling on his shirt that was still sprawled out on the floor and heads out to the kitchen to start breakfast, but not before giving you a light peck on the forehead.
Your internal alarm clock had you stretching and reaching for your phone at 8:45 am. It just so happened that as you scrolled through your notifications, eyeing texts from Imani and Sherry about their dates with Steve and Sam respectively, you nose catches a whiff a heavenly smelling breakfast, and the equally heavenly sound of both Louise’s and Bucky’s laughter from outside your bedroom door. So after going through and responding to said texts, you get up and pull some shorts on under your nightshirt and head out to the kitchen.
"Hi, mommy! Me and Bucky are making breakfast." Lou's little head pops out from around Bucky’s torso. “He let me pour the waffle dough.”
“It’s called batter, Puff.” Bucky turns his head to smile at you. “Morning.”
“Morning.” You walk over and lightly kiss his lips then look over his shoulder to see the waffle iron closed and steaming. “Be careful, baby.” You feel your child’s, now daunting, curls, and watch them bounce as she nods to display that she was listening.
“Hey, we should go on a date tonight.” You blink from behind the refrigerator door, watching as Bucky unknowingly lifts Lou off of the step stool and moves the waffle iron next to the sink but back toward the backsplash.
“Uh… okay. Where did this come from?” You grab orange juice from the fridge and close the door, reaching in the upper cabinets to grab cups.
“It would be a redo of our first date.” You totally forgot the night was cut short due to Louise being sick. The part of the date that had occurred was nice, and having him there to help you was also great, but it did suck that a whole portion of the night had to be cut.
“Oh yeah. Well, uhh, if you have something in mind, I just have to see if I can get someone to babysit at such short notice.” You finally sit down at the table with your plate filled with a waffle, a couple pieces of bacon and some eggs.
“Well, I can tell you that Imani and your other friend, uh-ah-Sherry, yeah, they won’t be available.” You look up from scrolling through you phone with a playfully cocked eyebrow.
“And you know this how?” You take a bite of waffle, eagerly awaiting his answer.
“Well, Sam is still trying to woo Sherry, and apparently,” He raises his hands in defense before continuing. “Apparently, Imani has been keeping Steve very busy.” You nearly choke on the waffle your were chewing on trying to stifle your laugh, but the noise and the subject at hand earned your daughters attention from the living room.
"Do I get to see Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam today?!" Her question came out as an excited squealing as she whipped her head back to look at you two.
"Uh, no, babygirl. Not today, but you might be able to hang out with Peter. How does that sound?” You watch as a bright smile spreads across your daughters face and her curls begin to bounce as she hops up from her spot at the coffee table.
“Peter! Yay Peter! My boyfriend!” You and Bucky both stop and look at each other, stifling your laughs.
“You like Peter, huh?” You finish your text asking Peter of he’s free to babysit tonight, and take another bite of waffle.
“Yeah, he’s my bestfriend!” You nod, still holding in a chuckle as Louise smiles brightly.
At that moment you receive a text back from Peter:
Peter Parker (Babysitter):
I would love to watch Louise tonight! I just have some homework to do that I can do while I watch her. But is it ok if I come over there to watch her? May has a date tonight.
Perfect, now you don't have to take Lou there then come back and you can just leave from your place instead. You answered Peter confirming plans and then look back up at Bucky. "Wait, where exactly are we going? I haven't seen you make any reservations recently." You finally place your phone down to finish your breakfast.
"We won't need them." He just give you a toothy grin as he gets up from his seat to clean up his spot. Then you watch him with your signature cocked eyebrow as he comes around to give you a kiss on your scarved hair. "Always so skeptical."
"Fine then Mr. 'I Got This', what should I wear to this date that you got all planned out?" You get up from your spot to clean your dishes and Bucky heads to the living room to say bye to Louise. He thinks for a second before answering.
"Remember the outfit you wore when we took Louise to the giant Toys R Us? The outfit with the cardigan and the jeans?" You nod from your spot as you continue cleaning dishes. "Something like that, kinda casual."
"Well, thank you for being so specific." He nods and finally gets to Louise, whose focus was being held by Saturday morning cartoons, in this case it was Looney Toons.
"Hey, Puff. I'm heading out but I'll be back tonight to take your Mommy out, okay?" He picks her up so she could be at eyeline with him.
"Okay. Where are you taking her?" Lou's hands wander back to Bucky's hair, the little hands rubbing at the short hair bringing Bucky a sort of peace.
"It's a surprise. But I'll tell you all about it right after, promise." Lou nods at Bucky's words then gives him a kiss on the cheek goodbye, that being Bucky's cue to set her back down. "Alright, I'll be back to pick you up around 7, alright?" Bucky's keys jingle as he pulls his shoes back on.
"Okie dokie, love you." You speak to him from the sink thought the pass through.
"Love you too. Both of you." And with these words he leaves, leaving a hopeful feeling for tonight's festivities.
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It was now 6:30, and you were still stationed in the bathroom, a bit past starting your make up.
"Ms. Y/L/N, can Louise have some ice cream? She keeps asking and I just wanted to check." Peter pops his head into the bathroom. "You look very nice by the way."
"Thank you, Peter. Um, has she eaten all of her dinner yet?" You go back to dusting some shimmery maroon eyeshadow along your eyelid.
"Well, it looks like it, but I have an odd suspicion that she hid her broccoli." Peter responds, still only having his head poked into the bathroom, holding onto the door frame.
"She would do that." You sigh, giving your eyes and hand a break. "Lightly grill her to make sure she did eat her broccoli. If she did actually eat her broccoli, then yeah she can have ice cream. 2 scoops."
"And if she didn't eat the broccoli?" Peter's face contorted to a questioning expression.
"Hold out on he a bit. She'll crack and eat the vegetables. Then you can give her some. Have you had anything to eat? Dinner or anything?" You go back to swiping on eyeshadow, now a deeper brown color.
"I got a small pack of powdered donuts before I got here, but I really haven't had anything since lunch." You stop again watch look at him, chuckling as he begins to cower under your gaze.
"Peter, go eat some food. Fridge is open to you, okay? I don't want you starving while you're over here." You take glances back at him using the mirror, smirking at the smile growing on his face.
"Okay, I will. Thank you Ms. Y/L/N." Peter's head finally disappears from the door frame and you hear the boy questioning your four year old, knowing either way he will most likely just give her ice cream.
Eventually 6:30 became 6:55 and you found yourself fixing little bits of your appearance in your full length mirror, checking out your outfit, which comprised of a dark brown cardigan, a basic flowy white t-shirt, leggings and black calf high boots. "This is gonna have to be casual enough." Just as you speak to yourself in the mirror, you faintly here the knock at the door and Peter letting Bucky in.
"Hey, Peter. Thanks for watching Louise tonight." Bucky keeps his attention on Peter as he limps over to the couch with a squealing four year old clung to his leg.
"Oh, it's no problem at all. I love watching her." They both look towards your room when you ask for a couple more minutes then go back to their conversation. "Um, I actually have a question for you, if you don't mind?"
"Kid, I am not helping you with your history homework again. Don't you have the inter-" Bucky begins to rant before being cutoff by a now more nervous Peter.
"No, I actually was wondering if you could help me with this girl at school. You know getting her to notice me." Bucky just cocks a curious eyebrow at him and he continues. "Well, when you and Ms. Y/L/N started dating you weren't t-the most approachable, ya know,"
"Thin ice, kid." Bucky has now put some of his attention into helping Louise color a page in her coloring book.
"S-sorry, it's just, I was wondering, well, hoping you had some pointers to help me talk to her." Bucky hadn't noticed until now that Peter has moved to the other end of the couch which wasn't far from where he sat but the increased distance was noticeable, so be took a breath and gave his advice.
"Don't overthink it, and stay relaxed. That's really all the advice I can give because Louise is the only reason I got the opportunity to talk to Y/N. So, yeah…" Bucky's eyebrows furrow when he sees Peter frantically typing into his phone, about to ask what it was, that was until you exclaim your emergence from your room.
"Ta-da! This casual enough?" You hold out your arms and quickly step to turned around, displaying not only your outfit, but your dangly "diamond" earrings, and your hair, currently in its natural form but done up a bit.
"Perfect. Absolutely perfect." Bucky walks over to you with his arms open and give you a light kiss while gently pulling you towards him by your upper arms. While he was coming towards you, you got a glance of his outfit, dark jeans, burgundy quarter sleeve henley, and leather jacket, a common combination for him that he wore so we'll.
"Well you look great too. Shall we get going?" You go over to the pass though to grab your purse and then the living room to give Louise one last kiss. "Be good for Peter. Love you, babydoll."
"Yes ma'am, love you too mommy." She grabs your face with her little hands to pull you in for another kiss, and then goes back to coloring. "Thank you again Peter. We should be back around 11:30."
"Okay. Bye Ms. Y/L/N. Bye uh- Mr- B- uh…" Peter frantically looks back and forth between the two of you, and you just stifle a laugh and look towards Bucky.
"It's just Bucky kid. We've been over this." He leads you out the door by the small of your back. "Have fun you two." Finally, you and Bucky were out the door and off to the mystery date location.
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"So you having fun?" Bucky asks as you two sway back and forth, slow dancing to the music of an acoustic guitar being played on the stage of a small amphitheater-like area decorated for a date night event.
"Who knew eating a box of pizza in the car and then slow dancing in Central Park would be so romantic.?" You lift your head from Bucky's chest to scan his face, admiring how soft he looks in the light glow of the twinkle lights above. "I like your hair like this." You run your finger up and though his short hair, scratching his scalp and eliciting a deep groan from him.
"You did that on purpose." A mischievous grin grows on his face as his grip tightens slightly around your waist, one hand beings to slip down to grip your butt. "I will not hesitate to bring you back to the car. You owe me from last night anyway." You playfully hit his arms, making him laugh then go to kiss your nose.
"I was tired. You can't blame me, blame my severely messed up circadian rhythm." You giggle your last few words due to the tickle of Bucky's stubble on your neck as he begins to sprinkle kisses up and down.
"You smell good. You always smell good." His kissed being to move along your jaw.
"You have never smelled me after a 12 hour shift, huh?" Bucky's lips finally reach yours, starting with light pecks and ending with deep passionate kisses boarding on inappropriate frenching.
"Woah there, I'm sure you could take this party somewhere more private. Thinking about it, you weren't one to be very modest were you?" That voice. You know that voice. You hate that voice. No, it can't be.
"Trevor." Is all you say, not looking to the man standing a few feet from you and Bucky, seeming to be with someone.
"You know this guy?" You can tell by his voice that Bucky was on edge, hugging you close to him and turning you away.
"Unfortunately. Bucky, this is my uh- ex-husband."
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
Day 1 ◑; l.mk
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summary; what its like to have mark lee as your college boyfriend for a whole month :3
5k words
+Day 1, Monday, 6:00 AM
You let out a whine when you hear the alarm ring from Mark's phone. You hit his chest repeatedly, eyes still closed, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. 
"Switch it off~" you whine, cuddling closer to his chest, pulling his arm around you to cover your ears from the blaring sound. 
Mark opened his eyes but soon squinted at the bright light. He rubbed his eyes harshly, leaning up a little to turn off the noisy sound. 
He looked down at you, a lazy smile plastered on his lips. Quickly, Mark leaned down to press his lips against your forehead. 
"I'll go shower first, I’ll wake you up when I’m done, okay?" 
You didn't reply, instead, you turn around to continue sleeping, hugging the pillows this time. Mark couldn't help but laugh at how cute you were. Shaking his head, he removed the arm that you were holding and got up to get ready for the first day of the final year in college. 
Almost an hour later, you were seated down on the chair, facing the mirror as you applied make up on your face.  
Once Mark saw you place the mascara back in place, "done?"
You nodded at your boyfriend and grabbed your bag that was laying on the bed.  
"Let's go," you mouthed, reaching out to hold Mark's hand. 
You thanked god every day that college was only walking distance from your place. You didn't need to wake up too early and you won't be too late if you overslept. 
 +Day 2, Tuesday, 12:59 PM
You stared at your lecturer, your cheeks resting against your palm. You gave up on taking down notes– you had the whole lecture recorded anyways. 
Finally, after 2 hours of non-stop accounting, the lecturer dismissed the class. 
You fished out your phone after packing all your things quickly. 
You: babe
You: are you done?
Usually, your boyfriend would reply to you instantly, but this time, he was taking some time. You pouted a little but continued to leave class. 
Once you walked through the door, you saw Mark leaning against the locker, waiting for you. When he finally saw you, a grin spread across his lips. 
"Mark!" you squealed, running up to your cute boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his torso, mark squeezed you against his chest.
"Hi, babe," he leaned down to press his lips on your cold cheeks. Mark reached to grab your hand in his, he was surprised at how cold your hand were. "Your hands are so cold!" he gasped, his hands rubbing over yours to warm yours up.
"I just got out of an air-conditioned room, dummy," you giggled. You tugged at his hand, "Lets goooo~" you whined, "I’m hungry."
Mark and you met a little more than a year ago through mutual friends. The first time both of you met, you barely noticed Mark. He was so quiet. Too quiet. 
But Mark noticed you ever since you walked through the cafe's door. He was usually a noisy guy– someone who enjoyed laughing and smiling at everything. But once he saw you, he didn't want to embarrass himself and opted to be silent the whole night.
You were so pretty. So kind, and so carefree. He liked you. The next day, he forced Jaehyun to give him your number. 
Ever since then, both of you instantly clicked and he finally asked you to be his girlfriend– something he's so thankful for. He wouldn't know what he would be doing without you. 
Ever since, 5 months ago, Mark has never failed to always meet you before lunch. It wasn't always, though. The both of you were taking different courses, hence both your timetable are different. But there were times where both of you would have lunch at the same time.
Luckily, this year, both of you have 3 lunch breaks together out of 5 days.
"What do you feel like eating?" Mark asks you, scanning the noisy room. 
It was 1 PM, so there weren't so many people in the canteen. It was usually only at noon then, both of you would have trouble trying to find seats.
You hummed, "Chinese?" 
 +Day 3, Wednesday, 5:08 PM
A grin formed on your lips when you saw Mark waiting for you after your last class. 
Running up to him, “Hiiiii~ Mark,” you giggled. 
Mark simply chuckled at you, his hands going up to your hair to pat your head softly.
“Did you wait long?” you asked as the both of you started walking home. 
He shook his head no. “Ah right!” Mark exclaimed as you looked at him with raised eyebrows. He suddenly pulled a black hair tie from his wrist, “you forgot to take this from me after lunch,” he told you, passing you your hair tie.
“Oh,” you grabbed your hair tie from him, thanking him by pressing your lips on his cheek. 
 +Day 4, Thursday, 8:34 AM
"Mark, I swear to god, it's only 4 days in–" you stop in your tracks to shut the door before turning around to face your boyfriend, "and I’m late." 
It was that day. The day where Mark started class late that day but you started at 8 but ended when his class started. 
Mark would occasionally wake up early just to send you to class. It was the least he could do for his favourite person.
Mark chuckled at how you were struggling to carry your bag. He reached out to grab your bag from you, and swing it over his shoulders as you mumbled out an incoherent 'thank you'.
"Well, thank god, you have me," Mark joked, as he started walking, you following soon after. You laughed at his words, but soon choked on the bread you were munching on. Mark patted your back, "Jeez, eat slowly, girl." 
You let out a loud cough then cleared your throat. "Fourth day in, and I almost died."
+Day 7, Friday, 3:07 PM 
“IT’S FRIDAY, BABY!” you yelled out with all your might, eyes closed, both arms stretched out.
Mark laughed at you but quickly covered your mouth with his hand, still giggling at you. “Stop! You’re embarrassing the both of us!” he laughed, grabbing your hand to drag you from the annoyed stares people were giving you. 
+Day 6, Saturday, 10:05 AM
You woke up at 10 am, no blaring sounds of the alarm clock. A small satisfied small formed on your lips. You turned in Mark's arms, hand going up to his warm cheek. 
"Markkk~" you murmured. "wake up..." 
Your boyfriend let out a soft whine, shifting with you in his arms. A huff left your lips when he squeezed you tighter in his arms and pulled you upon his chest. 
"Ah, Mark! Come on, wake upppp you poopoo head~" you squeezed his cheek softly. "We can't waste the day!!"
Mark whined and pulled away from you, turning away from you to lie on the other side, facing the window. You huffed, getting up to a sitting position, squeezing mark’s squishy arm, tugging on it multiple times. 
“Baaabe~ 5 more minutes, okay?” the cute boy mumbled into his pillow, pulling his arm away from your hold. 
You squint your eyes at your boyfriend. Letting out a long exhale, you got out of bed to make breakfast for the both of you. “I’m making breakfast so meet me in the kitchen in 15, okay?” you told mark, who simply hummed at your words. 
Honestly, you weren’t a very good cook, but for the sake of survival, you could make a simple toast and eggs. You quickly made toast and cook the eggs, then filling the table with Nutella, butter and strawberry jam. 
20 minutes later, Mark came in the kitchen with tousled hair, round gold glasses perched on his nose, eyes barely open and his pants hanging low on his hips. 
“Hi,” he mumbled, yawning quickly after.
Your right hand was holding a plate filled with toasts, while your left was holding a plate of scrambled eggs. You look up at your boyfriend, smiling at him, you quickly pressed your lips to his jaw before going to the small table to place your food. 
“Come, Mark! Breakfast’s ready.”
+Day 7, Sunday, 9:58 PM
Mark and you could be different at times. Mark was the hardworking type. He would finish whatever homework his lecturer gave, he would go through his notes that he had written down during lecture and would usually spend his Sunday studying. 
Meanwhile, you preferred not to do any homework because you think it was the biggest waste of time. It’s one day before the weekday, why would you study when you will be studying the following day anyway?
“Hey, Mark?” you called from the couch you were sitting on. 
Mark hummed, however, his eyes were glued onto his messy notes. 
“Will you follow me go get ice cream?” you asked your boyfriend, a glint of hope in your eyes because you could predict his answer whenever you ask a simple question. 
“I’m busy, sweet,” you mouthed the exact time when he said those words. You rolled your eyes. 
“But, Mark, I’m seriously craving for ice cream right now,” you whined with a pout. 
When he didn’t reply, you got down from the couch to sit next to the boy, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your cheek on his shoulder. 
“Please, Mark~~”
The reason you were so clingy was because Mark didn’t spare you a glance the whole day, which upsets you a little because you forgot how he was like every Sunday.
“we’ll go after I’m done with this, okay baby?” he whispered, pressing his lips near your ear, still not looking at you. 
Let’s just say you’re not getting your ice cream today.
+Day 8, Monday, 7:15 AM 
“I am going to fucking kill myself,” you mumbled to yourself as you put on mascara. 
Mark could only chuckle at you from the bed. 
+Day 9, Tuesday, 7:04 PM
Mark and you were lying on your shared bed, holding hands in the middle of the bed as Mark talked about his day.  You laughed when he told a funny story that happened in class earlier
It was moments like this where you realise you loved Mark the most. Simply talking about things that happened throughout the day. 
“What happened today, babe?” Mark asked after he finished telling you everything he wanted to tell you. 
“Well, we have a project to do,” you sighed, “something I forgot we had in college,” you said sarcastically with a roll of your eyes.
“Group project?” 
“Mhm,” you hummed, “I’m partnered with Jaemin. It’s a duo project.”
“I see.” 
Silence suddenly filled the air. Comfortable silence. Both of you appreciating each other’s presence. 
“Do you wanna know something?” he asked you, turning his head to look at you. 
“A girl confessed to me today.”
Your heartbeat started to pick up. 
“Who?” you asked.
You had thoughts that Mark would leave you for someone else before. Maybe not Mark, but you leaving him for someone else and that scared you a lot. You loved Mark with your whole heart and you have never thought of him being with someone that isn’t you. 
“You don’t know her,” he mumbled, “she’s from my class.”
You felt him squeeze your hand.
You pursed your lips, “What did she say?”
“She told me she liked me.”
You pulled your hand away from your boyfriend’s hold and turned to face him, “And what did you tell her?”
“I had a girlfriend and I wasn’t interested,” he explained with wide eyes. 
+Day 10, Wednesday, 3:38 PM 
You: hi b
You: I’m coming back late tody! 
You: don’t wait for me 
Mark Pee: okok
Mark Pee: where are you going?
You: jaemin’s place ): for project
Mark Pee: okk
Mark Pee: do you want me to fetch you from his place?
You: yes, please! 
You: I’ll text you when I’m done! Love u
+Day 11, Thursday, 11:02 AM 
“Ah, fuck!” you cursed, biting your lips in annoyance. You turned to look at your boyfriend, “Mark, I’m not getting lunch today.” 
He raised his eyebrows in confusion at you. The both of you were already queuing up for food, and now you’re not eating?
“I forgot to bring my money today,” you explained with a pout.
When you got home from Jaemin’s place yesterday, you immediately passed out after taking a cold shower. You forgot to grab some cash from your piggy bank today, where you usually kept some cash.
Mark quickly fished out his wallet and pulled out a 5 dollar bill and handed it to you. 
You pushed his hand away, “Mark, it’s fine.”
He shook his head, “its fine, you’re hungry, right?”
You tip-toed to press your lips against his cheek, “I owe you frozen yoghurt after school.”
+Day 12, Friday, 2:34 PM
Marker: where r u?
You: oh shit I forgot to tell you
You: I’m with jae again!! 
You: for the project
Marker: oh 
Marker: why didn’t you tell me earlier haha
You: sorry ):
You: were you waiting for me?
Marker: yeah haha but it’s okay, I’m going home now
You: oh, sorry Markie ): I’ll come back early to make it up to you okay?
Marker: I’ll wait for you (: 
+Day 13, Saturday, 11:18 AM
Mark continued to ignore you, despite the way you were hanging around him, trying to hold his hand to stop him from moving around, but it didn’t work. 
Yesterday when you had come home really late, despite the promise you made with Mark. When Jaemin and you finished the project yesterday, Jaemin had asked you to stay a little longer at his place to Mario Kart. Forgetting that you had promise Mark just a few hours ago, you stayed at his place until almost midnight and never told Mark. 
He was furious when you came back home. 
Once you walked through the door with a grin on your face, Mark quickly lashed out at you. 
“What happened to coming home early, y/n?” Mark asked angrily, hands crossed against his chest.
Mark only called you by your name when he was being completely serious. 
“It’s almost midnight and you’re only coming back home now?” he questioned you again with his hands placed on his hips this time. You could only keep quiet and keep your head down. “Do you know how dangerous it is for a girl to go home alone at this timing?”
You bit your lips, looking down at your feet, “I didn’t walk home alone… Jaemin sent me…”
Mark could feel his heart shatter when you spoke his name. It hurt him.
“Right,” he mumbled, turning around to go back to bed. 
You followed your boyfriend to your shared room, putting your bag on the chair, quickly changing to his clothes then slipping next to Mark who had his back face you. 
You wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your front against his back. “Mark.” You kissed his bare shoulder, “Are you mad?”
You let out a sigh when he ignored you, “I love you.” You whispered, pressing a long kiss on his shoulder then another on his neck. “I really do.”
When you woke up this morning, you were shocked to see your boyfriend giving you the silent treatment. 
You sent him a pout when he sat down on the couch without uttering a single word. You waddled up to your boyfriend, quickly sitting on what’s yours— his lap. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you brought your face closer to his, noticing his flushed cheeks.
“Are you still angry at me?” you asked him, you leaned closer, nose touching, “hm?” this time you quickly pressed your lips on his, “are you?”
Mark parted his lips, hands going up to hold your hips, “don’t tease.”
+Day 14, Sunday, 8:07 AM
“Who’s that?” Mark groan at the non-stop vibrations of your phone. 
You turned around in Mark’s arms, grabbing your phone to see who was texting you this morning. 
“It’s Jaemin,” you replied, voice still hoarse. “He wants to meet me to finish up the project.”
“No,” Mark immediately replied, pulling you back into his chest, chin resting on the top of your head. “You can meet him tomorrow, I wanna spend time with my baby.”
You closed your eyes as you smile against Mark’s chest, “I like that.”
+Day 15, Monday, 7.39 AM
“Babe!” Mark whispered harshly, shaking you by your arm, “wake up!”
You turned around, pushing his hand away, “I don’t have class today.”
Mark raised his eyebrows, confused, “you don’t?”
You shook your head, opening your eyes a little, hands going up to hold Mark’s cheeks against your hand, “I don’t. My lecturer cancelled class today.”
He sent you a sweet smile, “Okay. Go back to sleep, babe.”
Mark leaned down to kiss your head quickly before standing up to leave, but you reached out to hold his wrist, stopping him from leaving you. 
“What time do you end class today?” 
“4 pm.” 
When Mark walked down the steps, he was surprised to see you waiting for him outside of school, sitting on the bench with a pout on your lips, waiting for your boyfriend. 
Mark speed up his pace to go to you.
“Babe!” he called, “what are you doing here?” a huge grin plastered on his face. 
“You’re always waiting for me, so I decided to do the same!” you told your boyfriend. 
Mark cooed at you, placing his water bottle under his armpits as he reached out to squish your cheeks between his fingers, “you’re so cute y/n.”
You let out a whine, pulling away from his harsh grip, “let’s go.”
Before you could walk away, Mark holds you back by gripping your hand. You raised your eyebrows at your boyfriend.
“I’m craving for ice cream,” he told you cheekily.
+Day 16, Tuesday, 4:35 PM
You dip your spoon into the mango flavoured ice-cream, bringing it into your mouth, savouring the sweet taste. 
“Mark, it’s your third time we’ve eaten ice cream after class this week. Are you not tired of it?” you asked the boy who was sitting opposite of you. 
“Nope,” he shook his head with a small smile as he looked up at you, “never with my favourite girl.”
Blushing, you scoop some ice cream into your spoon and forcefully pushed it between Mark’s lips as his eyes glistened with happiness.
+Day 17, Wednesday, 11:18 AM
Mark had his laptop perched on his lap, his round glasses sitting on his nose while his eyes were trained on the computer. 
Meanwhile, you were sitting on the floor, laptop on your right while papers filled the coffee table. Your hair was tied into a messy bun—a very ugly messy bun. You scratched your hair in frustration and let out a long exhausted sigh. 
Mark had his eyes on you for a while now, he noticed how frustrated you were. And there were times where things like this happen—where you get too stressed over school and would overthink. 
“You okay there, babe?” Mark asked quietly, leaning a little towards you. He hesitated on placing his hand on your shoulder—he opted not to. 
You turn around to look at your boyfriend, tears brimming your eyes, nose rosy. You quickly shook your head no. 
“Oh, honey.”
Mark quickly put his laptop away and took a seat next to you, immediately pulling you into his arms. Once you snuggled against his neck, tears started pouring out of your eyes. Mark wasn’t very good at comforting and you knew that.
He simply patted your back softly, placing soft kisses on your hair repeatedly. 
Once you pulled away from his neck with a sniffle, Mark smiled at you, “better?”
You nodded, rubbing your nose, you looked up at him with a teary gaze, “can you help me with this?” 
Despite both of you learning different things in school, that didn’t stop both of you from helping each other.
“Of course, angel.”
And Mark explained to you what you didn’t understand. It took you some time to understand him, but Mark was always patient with you. 
Once you finally got it, he pressed a kiss on your temple, “you’re so smart, babe.”
+Day 18, Thursday, 4:34 PM
You waited for Mark outside of school, excited to tell him about how well you did for your presentation earlier. But Mark hasn’t come out after an hour.
The both of you were supposed to end at the same time today, but why isn’t he coming?
You fished out your phone to send your boyfriend a text, 
You: helo where are you ):
You: im waiting for you outside 
Unfortunately for you, he didn’t reply. To make things worse, it started raining heavily from where you were. Luckily you were waiting for him under a shelter.
With a sigh, you decided to scroll through Instagram while waiting for your boyfriend. Your eyes widened in curiosity when you noticed Mark had posted something on his Insta Story. Curious, you clicked on his profile to see a video of a girl sitting in front of him in a café. 
You were pissed. Mark could’ve told you that he would be out with someone else that day—but he didn’t. 
You thought of replying to his story but you didn’t, wanting to be the mature one in the relationship. 
Just as you were about to leave, you heard someone call your name. Turning around, your eyes widened and a smile appeared on your lips when you noticed Jaemin running towards you. 
“What are you doing here?” Jaemin asked you, “do you have an umbrella?”
You shook your head while jutting your lips out.
“Come. I’ll send you home,” he told you with a sweet smile. You opened your mouth, ready to reject his offer, but before you could, Jaemin had already held your hand, pulling you under the umbrella with him.
On the way home, Jaemin and you couldn’t stop laughing at each other’s jokes. The both of you were so bright on a gloomy day. Jaemin suggested the both of you stayed indoors for a while, which you agreed to. 
Both of you stayed in a café that Jaemin had suggested. Both of you spent hours in the café laughing at jokes and trying different cakes. 
When you reached home with Jaemin, you were ready to put your key in the hole, the door was opened by Mark. An angry Mark. 
“What are you doing here?” Mark asked Jaemin with a sharp glare, pulling you towards his side. 
“Ah, Mark, Jaemin sent me home because it was raining,” you explained, looking up at Mark.
Mark turned to you angrily, “why didn’t you—”
“Anyways, Jaemin, thank you for sending me home. I owe you one,” you quickly hugged Jaemin. 
Jaemin chuckled, “anything for you, y/n.”
+Day 19, Friday, 12:48 PM
“Are you really going to fucking act this way?” you asked Mark angrily, hands placed on your hips. 
Mark rolled his eyes as he walked away from you, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You followed him, annoyed at how he was avoiding you, “stop walking around when I’m talking to you!” 
He stopped in his tracks and faced you, frustration spread all across his face. 
“Why are you acting this way, Mark?” you asked him again, “you act like this every time I hang out with Jaemin.”
Mark took a deep breath, looking at anything but you, “maybe I don’t like you hanging out with Jaemin.”
You scoffed at your boyfriend’s words, “you know, yesterday wouldn’t have happened if you told me you were going out with someone.”
He kept quiet this time, he wasn’t sure what to say. Mark looked at you before walking away from you again. 
“Fine! Just leave like at times like this! Just like you always do!” you yelled out at him, “so childish,” you mumbled under your breath. 
+Day 20, Saturday, 8:56 PM
“Fucking Mark Lee,” you cursed, “always being childish over something small,” you rambled on, throwing the pan in the sink loudly, “why is he even my fucking boyfriend? Why did I even accept him?”
When you woke up today, Mark was gone. You didn’t think much about it, but when Mark wasn’t home after 3 pm, you started getting annoyed. You woke up at 8 am today, meaning he had left even before you had woken up. 
The moment you checked his Insta Story, he had left to hang out with the same girl 2 days ago. 
“Did he think I would get jealous over that dumb girl?” you scoffed, scrubbing the dishes roughly, “he thought wrong.”
At first, you didn’t think much about it, but after a few hours, you started stalking the girl’s account and constantly checked if Mark had uploaded anything on his Insta Story. 
“I hate Mark. He’s so good at making me feel like shit.”
Just as you said that, you heard the front door slam. You took a deep breath before approaching Mark. 
You went up to him, stopping him with your small figure, “Where were you?” you asked. 
“What are you? My mom?” he rolled his eyes. “I was with someone.”
Mark walked past you but you stopped him again as he let out an annoyed sigh. 
He turned around in exasperation, “Naeun.”
You crossed your arms, “since when did you both get close, huh?” you asked. 
“Since she told me she liked me.”
+Day 21, Sunday, 10:09 PM
Today, Mark didn’t go out. You didn’t either. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about what Mark had said yesterday. So mark went out with someone who had feelings for him.
Does she know Mark has a girlfriend? Will Mark like her back? Will Mark leave you? Has Mark fallen out of love?
You broke out of a daze when you felt something nudge your hand. You looked up at Mark who was looking down at you. 
“Huh?” you asked, stunned. 
He nodded his chin towards the bowl he was holding, “Eat,” he told you. You raised your eyebrows at him. He looked away, clearing his throat, “you haven’t eaten anything the whole day.”
You looked down at the bowl. Mark had made fried rice with a messy egg laid on top. A small smile spread across your lips.
He still cares. 
You gripped the bowl in your hand, “thank you.”
+Day 22, Monday, 7:37 PM
“Hey,” Mark nudged your shoulder, “do you want anything?” 
“What are you getting?” you asked, however, your eyes were fixed on your laptop as your lips bit on the string of your—Mark’s hoodie. 
You frown, shaking your head, “No, I’m good.”
The smell of fish & chips hit your nose, as you immediately looked up to see where the smell was coming from. Your eyes landed on Mark who had his plate of food sited on his lap. 
You lick your lips at the sight and smell of the delicious food. Mark squint his eyes mischievously at you. 
“Mark,” you called, “can I have some?” you asked, looking up at your boyfriend with a glint of hope in your eyes. 
Your boyfriend didn’t hesitate to cut up a piece and dip it in the sauce and feed you. You looked up at your boyfriend with a cute smile while munching on the delicious food as you went back to focus on your work. 
20 minutes later, instead of Mark eating, he was feeding you instead. 
“I thought you didn’t want any,” Mark grumbled while placing the fork between your lips. 
You looked up at Mark playfully, sending him a cheeky smile, “it’s really good.”
“Really?” Mark feigned confusion, “I never tried it,” he said plainly with a straight face. 
You pursed your lips and grabbed the cutleries from his hold, cutting a piece of the fish and bringing up to his lips. Mark's hands went up to your wrist to help you feed him as he ate with gusto. 
+Day 23, Tuesday, 5:17 PM
“Babe, I’m gonna meet Naeun, are you going to be okay?” Mark asked you, taking off his top, searching for a clean shirt. 
You bit your lip. Naeun was the reason both of you had a big fight the other day. Why is Mark still going out with her? Furthermore, she had a crush on your boyfriend, you were afraid if she would steal your man away from you. 
Mark jumped on the bed as he leaned towards you, “you okay?”
You looked down at him and sent him a fake smile. “I’m fine. What time are you coming back?” you asked softly, looking at away from Mark and directing your attention to your phone.
Mark suddenly grabbed your hands, pressing a kiss against it, as you looked at him in shock. “Baby,” he said, “if you don’t like me hanging out with Naeun, you can tell me,” he told you. 
You kept quiet. 
“Do you like me going out with Naeun?” he asked once more. 
Both of you have never gotten jealous before, and you didn’t want to break that. 
You shook your head, “you can go out with her,” you told him with a nod, your attention going back to your phone. 
Whatever you said was the opposite of what you were feeling. You didn’t want Mark to go out with her at all. You didn’t like the idea of someone else going out with your person. 
Mark sighed, “Don’t lie to me.”
You finally put your phone down and faced your boyfriend, “fine.” You sighed, “I don’t like the both of you going out together.”
“Why not?” he questioned, holding back a smile. 
You wanted to roll your eyes. He was doing this on purpose. 
“I…I don’t want you to fall out of love with me,” you whispered, “I don’t want to see you leave me and love someone else.”
Mark sent you a sweet smile, “you don’t have to worry because that will never happen.” 
+Day 24, Wednesday, 1:55 PM
“Done?” Mark questions, you nodded. “Let’s go.”
He passed you your bag, while he grabs his own. “I’ll send you to class.” 
You raised your eyebrows at his words, “isn’t your class at the other end of the building?”
Both of you shared your timetable with each other at the start of the year, and you knew where his class were at. 
“It’s okay,” he sent you a sweet smile, “I’ll make it in time.”
+Day 25, Thursday, 11:08 AM
“Hi, Mark,” Naeun waved at Mark sending him a flirty smile while tucking her hair behind her ear. “Who is this?” she asked, looking at you. 
You wanted to roll your eyes at the glare she was sending you. 
“She’s my girlfriend. I told you about her,” Mark stated, his arms wrapping around your waist protectively. 
“Ah,” Naeun gasped softly. “well, um, I was thinking if you want to go out today? I got an extra ticket for—” 
Mark frowned, “I can’t, I’m hanging out with my girl today. Sorry, Naeun!” 
Right after saying that, both you and Mark walked away, with you giggling next to him. 
+Day 26, Friday, 10:00 AM
You: Markie!!!!!
Markie Pooh: what do you want bitch ass
You: rude!!
You: I need to borrow your sweater ;;
Markie Pooh: ): why
Markie Pooh: it’s my fav sweater babey ):
You: its so cold in this room ):
You: I’m literally freezing rn
Markie Pooh: argh fine
Markie Pooh: you’re so spoiled wtf
Markie Pooh: what room r u in bby
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qui-02 · 4 years
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Note:Ok! Hello hope you are doing well! Thanks for requesting again I hope you like it @violetarks !Ok this ended longer than expected so I am going to do a part 2 with momo and Todoroki hope you don’t mind the wait.P.S this seems so familiar but I just can’t remember where or when it happened or if this is still continuing. 🤡 lmaoooo 😂
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When you started going to school in the mornings he would notice your eye bags from all the nights you couldn’t sleep. He also noticeed that you were relying on green tea or in any other sources that contained caffeine like Monster energy drinks to get through the tough day. Since he has a soft spot for you he would ask “what are those grey things under your eyes dumass!?”
The first day you told him “ooo don’t worry I just stayed all night long looking for Yarichin bitclub and I finally found it so I decided to watch it for the amazing opening , guess I got lost on the time.”Then the other days that this happened you would brush it off every day telling him “I am ok I just couldn’t sleep last night” and continued your new daily rutine. You just didn’t want to bring him into your own problems and overall you didn’t want to bother him,Since he was already busy with school and stuff.
When this continued for several weeks and close to months and he noticed that you were closed to zombie like in the tough insurance training and you weren’t as energetic and overall you he SANPED.
“Ok idiot you are sleeping in my dorm tonight!” You where shocked that he was so straight forward with what he just said. “ But Tsuki I am alright I don’t have to go to sleep to your dorm, I will be alright don’t worry about me.” The blond boy wasn’t going to fall for your cheap old lie that you have been saying for a couple of weeks now.
The day came to an end and you where chilling with the girls in the common room when they all said that it was late and they were going to bed. You all said goodnight when suddenly Bakugo appeared and dragged you to his room and locked the door. “ Tsuki what are you doing?” He just stared at you and then he said “ I am helping you sleep dumbass, what else would be doing?”
You turned the lights off and said good night to your lovely boyfriend. He looks so cute when he is sleeping. You were admiring his features and then soon you found yourself sleeping.
You woke up you thought that you had slept around 8 ours and it was time to get up and get ready for school. You tilted your head too see the time and it was 12:03 AM you were disappointed you went to bed at 9 pm you had only slept 3 hours! You stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes but for you it felt like years.
“ Can’t sleep idiot?” a sleepy voice said. “ Hmm... wait Tsuki how did you now? Did I wake you up I am so sorry baby.” Bakugo sensed that you were awake “ I just new that you were awake,ok” he asked questions about what you usually do when you wake up at night. “ I usually try to fall back asleep but it seem impossible to do that, so I just talk to my friends on discord until I fall back to sleep from the tiredness.”
Bakugo wanting you to fall back to sleep he activated his explosive quirk and heated his hands just a tiny bit and placed them on your tummy. It felt so nice and warm to have his hands warming you up. Then he did something that he would be extremely ashamed if anyone found out. He started cuddling you your back was pressed against his build chest. That is a side of him that only you can get to see. He also started humming a sweet lullaby to help you.
You felt so warm and special, soon your eyes were closing. When you opened your eyes again you saw light coming from the window. You did it! You sleept through the night like a normal high school student! He heard little snores from your sleeping boyfriend. Gosh he looked so damm cute that you managed to get out of his grip and grasp your phone to take a cute picture of him. You were definitely making that your phone wallpaper. You also noticed that you had 50+ notifications from your friends. You where definitely reading that later to catch up with the discord chat.
When Bakugo woke up you booth got ready for school. The weekend came and Your sweet ass boyfriend had bought you one of those cute animal plushies that you put them on the microwave so they are nice and warm when you go to bed. He just tossed that seal plushy into your dorm room. When you opened the doorm you saw the plushie. You new exactly from who that came from. You went and look the giver of the gift, when you found him you gave a big bear hug and a lil kiss on his cheek. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING IDIOT!!?” You just laughed and answer “thanks for the present I love it!” He blushed which was a beautiful sight “Whatever.”
BONUS: “sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no?böKù🌸Wâ🧚ÿARiçHiñ🙈BįCChī😾ńO😩oSû👅Dà🎉yooooo!” You loved that intro so much that you couldn’t stop singing it even though the lyrics were dirtier that the own WAP themselves. “Y/N AS A CLASS REPRESENTATIVE I ASK YOU TO PLEASE STOP SINGING THIS VULGAR SONG” then your boyfriend came and joined the conversation “YES DUMBASS I HAVE TO AGREE WITH 4 EYES ON THIS PLEASE STOP I CANNOT GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD” Your boyfriend said in a very angry voice. You were laughing your ass of at this.
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This amazing boyfriend that you have dear reader noticed at the moment you first started drinking Monater energy drinks . Like he new that you lectured Denki on why he should stop drinking them if he wanted to have a long and healthy life free of diabetes type 2 and stuff. He looked at you and at the drink in shock , “ O this don’t worry babe I just feel tiered so I asked Denki for one don’t worry it’s just 1 drink.” He believed you he thought she just sleep bad for 1 night that’s all.
Then you weren’t paying attention to class nor hero training he got very worried for you. Or you were basically falling asleep in all the free time you had just like Aizawa sensei. You were using the day to nap for a while. Basically he noticed that your whole routine had turned upside down. You drank green tea like it was no tomorrow you sometimes did in secret because we all now that caffeine kept you going.
He went to goggle to see if he could figure out something for his tiered S/O. Since we all now that he isn’t the smartest he left that aside for a while. You told him that you were heading to bed and Kirishima did the same.
The clock hit 2:38 AM you were wide awake, you tossed and turned trying to fall back asleep. You soon gave up so you started watching complications of Nikocado Avacado and Orrin fighting because the night was long and honestly that hopeless couple mad you laugh so hard. You could spend hours just watching them fighting because it was so funny 🤣.
Your boyfriend couldn’t sleep either thinking about you. So he decided to go and chek on you and see if you were sleeping but he new that you were wide awake because his boyfriend instinct told him that. When he opened your dorm he saw the bright and white light of your computer, you where also holding back a big ass laugh so you wouldn’t wake anyone else for some reason.
You noticed you boyfriend that was standing in you dorm room half asleep. You feel really bad for him because you had worried him so much to the point he had to come and check on you like he was your parent. “Kiri baby what are you doing here?” He opens his mouth and stared talking “ Pebble you should be sleeping, let’s go down stairs and make some tea to help you sleep ok?” He ended that sentence with a big yawn.
You guys went downstairs and got yourself a nice cup of warm chamomile tea. He hoped that would help you fall asleep. “Is the tea good pebble?” He said with a sleepy voice you didn’t answer for a while you were admiring his red hair that was down, you didn’t get to see that sight very often. “Ooo sorry,yes yes it’s really nice thank you bub” you finish your tea and headed to kirishima manly room.
You both settled down on the comfortable bed. Kirishima proceeded and cuddled you. Your chest was pressed on his chest and he had his chin on top of your head. Before you tried to fall back asleep he gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead.
“Rise and shine” your lovely boyfriend said in a happy and cheerful tone! You opened your eyes and saw the red haired boy smiling at you. “Morning bub I slep well thanks to you, so thank you for the help!” “No problem pebble I am glad I could help!”
You both got ready for school and stuff. Kirishima is the type of boyfriend that buys you cute gifts because he thinks it is manly and most importantly because he thinks that you would like them. So this time your gift was a 14 pound weight blanket that was a lovely grey color.
When it was the weekend he came into your room with the blanket. You let him into your room and asked “bub why do you have that blanket?” He placed it down on your bed “since you have trouble sleeping I thought that this might help pebble.” You rushed to him and gave him a hug and a sweet kiss on the lips “thank you so much Kirishima you are the best! Also I love the gift.” Then you spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other.
BONUS: Kaminari soon found out about your heavy present. He thought why not yeet that heavy ass planet to Bakugo and make a run for your lives. Being the idiot you are you said “sure why not” Let’s just say you got a very mad Bakugo with neck pain and Iida scolding you and Kaminari and of course the rest of the Bakusquad laughing their ass off.
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neoheros · 4 years
how would haikyuu boys handle spending the night together? feat. kuroo tetsuro, akaashi keiji, tsukishima kei
kuroo tetsuro
the first time you and kuroo spent the night together was a wednesday evening when you didn’t even plan on staying over
his parents left town for the day and it was a better time than any other to have you spend the afternoon
you were still both in your uniforms and with the school day you just had, it was safe to say that you deserved to lay on top of him on the couch while your hands are in his hair
you were tired from school and he was tired from practice
you barely even spoke to each other that afternoon, all you remember was him offering to take a nap with you in his bed and you being too sleepy to decline
you changed into one of his sweatshirts and a pair of shorts and when he saw you he just 🥺
kuroo: are we really that tired tho 👉👈
you, blinking: yes
the nap was so deep and peaceful that the only reason you woke up from it was because of the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway
that’s when you realize that you’ve actually spent the night and the bright light that’s been annoying your eyes for the past 2 minutes was the sun rising
you shift from your place but kuroo’s right grip on your waist only worsened as he pulled you closer to his chest
“stop moving so much,” he mumbles groggily, refusing to open his eyes as he snuggles against your shoulder blade
you panic, “kuroo we’re gonna be late,”
he takes a while to respond but you feel him nod softly against your skin, “we can skip first period,”
then you hear the front door open, your heart racing because kuroo clearly doesn’t have any plans on getting up soon
you try your best to push him away from you but the more you do the more his tightening his grip, too tired to open his eyes
you, panicking: if you don’t wake up now i’m breaking up with you
kuroo, mumbling: hmm we’ll get back together it’s okay
he’s pressing quick kisses against your shoulder and you almost swoon over the infatuated look he had on
“we should do this more often,” kuroo says, his voice quiet and you’re debating with yourself if he’s choosing not to hear his parents downstairs
you shift, “i know, i like this too, but your parents are home and i don’t want their first impression of me to be like this,”
he finally opens his eyes and lets go of the grip he had on you, you jump out of bed, hearing the footsteps from the stairs
“tetsu, are you awake yet?” his mom’s voice blared as she knocked on his door
you wanted to laugh as the panic set on your boyfriend’s face but you found yourself frozen still when you realize that this meant trouble if she found you in there
“kuroo, i swear to god, i will not let this be the first time your mom meets me,” you tell him in a hushed tone, quickly picking up your clothes
“yup!” he shouts back, and the first thing he could do when the doorknob twisted was shove you in his open closet
you yelp at the suddenness but you held the door closed as your pressed against his clothes in extreme tightness
“you’ll be late,” his mom says, entering his room
kuroo nods, “i’m actually skipping first period, my head hurts,”
there’s sweat on his forehead and his mom crosses her arms with a look
“fine,” she says, sighing, “your dad and i are going grocery shopping this morning so make sure to lock up before you go back to bed.”
kuroo lets out a breath of relief, walking his mom out the door and he shuffles to lock it before opening the closet to a rather agitated you
kuroo: i mean hey at least now we can have the morning in peace 😌
you, throwing a pillow at him: i hate you
kuroo, pulling you back in bed: hmm we’ll drive by starbucks before heading to school
you: i hate you less
tsukishima kei
first of all, sleeping with him is one thing and waking up next to him is another
he’s so stiff and on guard the whole time that you’d think he’s physically repulsed by the idea of you being beside him all night
you: i can take the floor, it’s really not a big deal
tsukki: are you kidding i’m not letting you sleep on the floor
you: wait aw 🥺
tsukki: at least take the couch
you can tell he’s anxious with the whole thing and you curse yourself for thinking it was a good enough time for the both of you to have a sleepover
but he’s just been away a lot from all the volleyball tournaments and it’s been so long since the two of you hung out that when he asked if you wanted to stay over you couldn’t say no
so now you’re left awkwardly sitting on his bed at 11 pm after the two of you finished a movie with nothing else to do
he eyes you down, you’re wearing one of his shirts which were obviously too big and a pair of sweats that you brought along
he glances at his watch, a faint pink on his face as he avoids your gaze
you: wait are you shy like are you actually
tsukki: hey remember when you offered to sleep on the floor
the two of you decide to just let tiredness take over you when you feel like it so you spend the next two hours in each other’s arms as you both scroll through tiktok
his nerves have calm down but you still feel the faint racing of his heart when you laugh from a video you see
you, internally: 🥺👉👈
but then you realize that hours have passed and neither of you are still tired enough to seriously lay down next to each other and try to sleep
tsukishima: do you want to go out for a drive?
you: it’s 3 am
tsukishima: ?
you: i like the way you think
he hands you an extra hoodie of his because it’s cold outside and he absolutely refuses to drive unless you put your seatbelt on
so it’s 3 am and the two of you are at a starbucks drivethru ordering too much caffeine for people who’re trying to fall asleep
you both end up chilling in their parking lot all morning just scrolling through twitter or tiktok and sometimes you’d feel him glance up at you from his phone but you decide not to mention it
you: why don’t we spend time like this more often
tsukishima: i honestly think you’ll find me boring if we hang out for more than an hour :/
you, soft: it actually takes less than an hour 🥺
before the two of you realize it you’ve fallen asleep in his car at a starbucks with the windows down and the 1975 blaring in the radio
you wake up first from the sunlight and you won’t deny the way your heart skipped a beat when you noticed how tsukki took off his hoodie to put on your thighs
you take off his glasses from his face, giving him a quick peck on the forehead before making sure he was comfortable and warm in his seat
he must’ve been tired and you really hope that you didn’t wake him up when you left the car to order more coffee for the both of you
akaashi keiji
he’s asleep by 10 pm and he’ll wake up at 8 just like he’s used to because he’s the most perfect boy in the world with the most perfect sleep schedule
you know of this fact and it bugs you cause sometimes you just really wanna facetime him at 3 am or reference him tiktoks that you found funny that day
so when he offered you a chance to stay over you were kinda on the rocks about it
you: yknow i sleep at 4 am right
akaashi: ... by choice?
you: at this point my body just shuts down when it wants to
akaashi, alarmed: oh
regardless of this fact, you could never turn down akaashi, it was like hard wired in your brain to never ever decline him and can you really blame yourself he’s 🥺
he insisted to stay up with you instead of you trying to fall asleep next to him at 9 pm but you just couldn’t put him through that
you put down your phone and even if it did feel odd to close your eyes without the sun rising, the sudden embrace by your boyfriend immediately made you forget about everything else
sleeping next to akaashi is utter heaven
he’s got his hand over your waist and his scent just envelops you in a non overpowering way
his fingers trail under your shirt and you shiver at how gentle they are
akaashi, under his breath: thank you for doing this
you, ready to risk it all: due to personal reasons i will be passing away ❤️
he places a quick kiss on your forehead before letting go of you and turning to his side
you felt like asking him back to you but you knew how tired he must’ve been so you don’t budge
you’re left staring at his room’s ceiling and you don’t know how long you did that but the next time you checked your phone it was already 1 am in the morning
you, internally: it’s like a talent omfg
aside from the fact that you’re close to tears as you think about how you stared at a ceiling for 3 hours straight because you didn’t want to go to sleep that much you stop fighting the inevitable
you prop yourself up on his headboard, careful not to wake him up beside you and start to go through what you usually do most nights
you’re so caught up on the tiktoks that you barely notice akaashi stirring from beside you before pulling the comforter over his head
he’s awake at this point and the silly grin on his face can’t be fought as he looks at you so indebted in what you watched
he leans against your shoulder, tired eyes and all whilst stifling back a yawn
you, sleepy: sorry for waking you
akaashi, just as sleepy: that’s ok, i like this better
the two of you spend the rest of the morning against each other on his headboard as you scroll through the contents of your phone
once akaashi realizes that you’ve fallen asleep, he gently pushes you back down on the pillows and your hands immediately make their way to embrace him
he will 100% take pictures before getting himself comfortable next to you, a soft smile on his face as he snuggles against your neck
akaashi, turning off his alarms: we can sleep in tomorrow
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lysmune · 3 years
You spend your day with Beelzebub, your night with Belphegor.
For the twins’ 2021 birthday. Fluff. Cute stuff for once. Time and memos. Attic Sandwich.
i: 8:00AM
      A tangerine sticky note on the fridge. He recognises that handwriting anywhere.
     ‘Happy birthday, Beel! There’s cake on the top shelf of the fridge and everything on the third shelf is yours. I hope you like the food, and here’s to a fulfilling breakfast.’
     It ends with a few hearts and a smiley face, and it makes him grin. He opens the fridge to find an array of delights: rice balls stuffed with salmon; pastrami (He thinks that’s what they’re called) sandwiches piled high; Madam Scream’s macarons; a generous bowl of cold noodles, whose toppings have been neatly packed into individual lunch boxes, and the chocolate roll cake that tops it all, stuffed to the brim with chocolate cream and decorated with fresh strawberries.
     All of this must’ve taken hours of preparation, and he smiles, touched by the amount of care, by the fact that you’ve thought of him.
     In return, he sits down and slowly, taking his time, savours all the food you’ve cooked for him.
ii: 9:00 AM
     Dressed in a new top and cargo pants, you kiss his cheek and wish him happy birthday in greeting before he responds by nuzzling your neck, arms wrapping around you, picking you up with ease and spinning you in a small circle.
     “Thanks for the breakfast,” he beams as he settles you down on your feet, though he never quite lets you go, pecking the edge of your lips quickly. “Going anywhere special?”
     You grin. “Anywhere you want today, Beel.”
iii: 1:00 PM
     Wherever he goes, you follow, hand in hand as you both stroll through Devildom with amicable chatter and many, many stops. The homeware stores are what catch his attention and he leads you into them pretty frequently, perusing the blankets, the plushies, the pyjamas, particularly fixated on the bear-patterned ones.
     “They’re for Belphie,” he clarifies, and he asks for your opinion, asks if you find anything that his twin might adore. It’s the lapis-dyed blanket, soft to the touch and patterned with polar bears and dots, that you pick out and Beel, without a second thought, without a question, purchases it. He apologises for dragging you through the process, but you squeeze his hand tighter in reassurance.
     “You’re sweet, Beel,” and he blushes crimson to the tips of his ears, smiling gently before he presses his lips to your cheek.
     With a slight tug, he pulls the both of you into the fluorescent-lit streets and you realise that he isn’t walking as fast as usual when he drops to your side.
iv: 3:00 PM
     “You’re not hungry, Beel?” you ask as he pops open a soda and he cocks his head to the side. “You didn’t eat lunch.”
     Oh. Now that I think about it. He supposes he hasn’t, which is just as surprising to him as it is to you; he’s never skipped a meal, not even by accident. He should be famished, on all accounts, but he’s strangely full. Maybe it’s because he’s had his sights wholly on you the entire day.
     “Do you want me to make you something?” you ask, to which he shakes his head, extending his hand out instead. You take it and he, making sure to be careful, pulls you to him, and he watches your brow crease with worry. “You okay?”
     “I’m okay,” he assures. This close, he smells you, sweet and honeyed, and he finds himself eyeing your lips. “Can I ...?”
     Laughter spills, then, “Of course.”
     Leaning forward, he captures you in a kiss, his hands resting on your waist while you clasp yours behind his neck. Orange on the tip of his tongue, the taste of bittersweet chocolate and coffee, and you, and it’s enough to make him feel a little warmer, a little light headed. For a moment, he pulls away to let you breathe before he returns for a second one, this time a little rougher, fingers hovering up and down your sides. He hums into your mouth, delighted as you tug and card through his hair, and he has to remind himself to be softer when he holds you closer, bodies flushed, bereft of distance.
     He lets himself linger when he breaks it off, your swollen lips barely touching his, your forehead against his as you let your palms rest on his chest, cheeks dusted red, the heat of it all near unbearable. So beautiful and he can’t help but kiss you again, light and brief this time, before he loosens his grip on you.
     “I like you,” he finds himself confessing as he gazes at you, raising his hand to your cheek. “I like you a lot.”
     “I like you, too, Beel,” you reply as you thumb a peck into his palm, pressing closer.
     ”I’m glad,” he replies, his voice soft, the sound of his heart loud in his ear. “I feel full whenever I'm with you, and you always make me really happy.”
v: 4:00 PM
     A pillow covered in white fluff with a pair of bear ears sewn onto two of the tips and a pompom for a tail, a violet sticky note tacked atop its head. Belphegor wants to laugh at the gift you’ve left for him, but he squeezes it to his chest instead, cuddling it.
     The stitch work isn’t perfect, he can tell. Ears lopsided, frayed bits of thread, meandering seams, and when the odd, perfect sew catches his eye, he’s sure it’s Asmo’s handiwork, not yours; he chuckles at the thought.
     Plucking the note, he leans back against his bed and reads it.
     ‘Hey, Belphie, happy birthday! I’m not the best at sewing, but I hope you like the bear pillow. Here’s to even sweeter dreams.’
     A heart and a few stars scrawled at the end, Belphegor can’t help but smile before he sticks your note on the wall beside him.
vi: 6:00 PM
     With a plate of today’s dinner in your hand, you knock on the twins’ door, calling out to him before you take a step back. You’re surprised when he greets you almost immediately, something he doesn’t do that often, considering his sleeping habits.
     “Took you long enough,” he huffs as he grabs your hand and leads you into the room.
     “I was grabbing you dinner,” you point out, setting the plate down on the table beside his armchair. “Did I miss something?”
     He shakes his head, a mischievous smile curving his lips. “Nope, I just wanted to see you.”
     Leaning forward, he presses a quick kiss onto the top of your cheekbone before he sinks into the chair, dragging it closer as motioning for you to sit on his bed, reaching for his meal once he’s settled.
     “Did you have a good day with Beel?” he asks, eyes sparkling once he takes in the sight of sushi before him; you chuckle. Sure it’d been a little pricey, like most human world foods that Akuzon stocks, but you figure you could always make an exception for his birthday.
     “I did,” you answer as he stuffs an ebi nigiri into his mouth, chewing.
     He swallows, then, “Good, then you’re mine for the rest of the night, yes?”
     He hums in approval. “Great. Give me a minute and we can have a little fun.”
vii: 8:00 PM
     Belphegor ends up taking longer than you anticipated, though you’re not complaining, seeing as he’s striking up conversation most of time, whether that be about your outing with Beelzebub today or how you’re feeling, in general.
     “Did Beel give you his gift?” you ask while he places the plate back onto the table.
     “Yep,” he confirms. Lacing his fingers with yours, he leads you towards the staircase, turning back to flash you lazy, cheeky grin. “Your gift was just as cute, though.”
     You chuckle out a ‘thank you’ before be whisks you right up the stairs and onto the loft of their room. It’s a shared space, Beelzebub’s half filled with racks of snacks, a copper coloured speaker beside it along with a misplaced dumbbell or two, while Belphegor’s is dotted with blankets and throws, puffed up pillows encircling the telescope that claims centrepiece.
     He seats himself at the far right corner, pulling you down with him, snuggling up to you after he drapes a blanket across your forms. Glancing up, you watch the painted stars across his ceiling dance through the drapery, shifting like sun sparked azurite, violet streaking the slow moving celestial bodies. “How beautiful.”
     Belphegor hums in agreement before you hear a switch click shut. In an instant, everything is brighter, the night sky coming to life above you in golden glimmers as you let out a sigh of wonder. He laughs beside you, tugging you closer until your side hits his, and he rests his head on your shoulder.
     Carding your fingers through his hair, you wonder if this is enough for him, that just being there is what he wants. As if he noticing your worry, he says, “Thank you for being here, really.”
     You smile at his words, pushing a few locks behind his ear. “It’s your birthday, Belphie. I’ll stay the whole night if that’s what you want.”
     “I want a lot more than that,” he whispers and, before you can even think of a reply, he presses his lips against yours, hands cupping your cheek as you clasp yours behind his neck. He tastes like mint, clean and peppery, the smell of shampoo lingering in the air when he pulls apart after his tongue skims yours for a brief, teasing moment. He gives you no time to catch your bearings, trailing kisses down the column of your neck, suckling and playfully biting, leaving you love marks that you’re sure are going to show tomorrow. “Can I be a little bit more selfish?”
     “Yes,” you sigh out and his smile crescents into you skin.
v: 2:00 AM
     “Sleep here tonight,” he states. It isn’t a question, it’s an order, one that you comply to with nod of your head and, as if on cue, you yawn. He laughs, taking your hand in his before he sweeps you to your feet. “Tired?”
     “Just a little,” you assure, though Belphegor’s not quite as convinced. “I can still stay up.”
     With a shake of a head, he’s tugging you down the staircase, making sure that he’s not rushing his steps. “You’re really not that good of a liar,” he points out and you offer him a lopsided frown, bleary-eyed, shoulders hunched over.
     Honestly, it’s really not surprising that you’re tired. Beel sent him a picture of the monstrous feast you’d cooked up and he’s sure that must’ve taken at least half a day; then there’s the pillow you made for him, which probably took a lot of trial and error. Today, he suspects, has exhausted the last reserves of your energy and, while he’s happy that you’re willing to push yourself for him, he’d rather you get some rest.
     Leading you to the bed, he watches in amusement as you flop onto the mattress, clearly fatigued while he sits at the edge, arms crossed over his head. “Thought you said you weren’t tired.”
     “I’m - oh,” and he follows your gaze to the sticky note he’s taped onto the wall; your sticky note. He catches the blush that starts to creep across your cheeks, head quirking to the side. “Oh.”
     “I just had to keep it. It’s from you, after all,” he professes and your gaze softens, and it warms him inside out. “I like you; I like everything about you.”
     You sit up, pressing a quick peck to the edge of his lips. “I like you, too,” and he lets the words settle into him, skin tingling with goosebumps.
     He allows you to pull him with you when you lay back down into the bed and you let out a laugh. He simply sighs, turning his back against the wall to face you, wrapping an arm around your waist, bringing you in closer.
     Your arms slip under his to rest at the back of his shoulders. “Stay here?”
     “Where else would I go?”      You chuckle. “That’s true,” you manage as you snuggle against him, burying your head into his chest. The sight of you, so vulnerable and so trusting of him, makes his breath hitch in his throat, makes him feel a little lighted, and he presses a kiss onto the crown of your head.
     “Good night.”
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Bakugo, Todoroki, and Shinso quarantining w black s/o
Bakugo x Todoroki x black!reader x Shinso
TW: Swearing, refers to sexual activities at the end of each of them
Note: Yes, I did do most of this stuff in quarantine. [And they're aged up as always]
He honestly feels like he's losing his shit
And he probably would if he did have you with him
You guys are staying up all night and watching Wild n Out, Basic to Bougie, 90 Day Fiance, all that shit
And of course Bad Girls Club
He claims he hates 90 Day Fiance and BGC, but he stays watching that shit, even if he has the remote or youre on his phone
His sleep schedule is fucked up
And by fucked up, I mean its a few hours past the old man's bed time
He goes to bed at 1 am now instead of 9 pm
But still wakes up at 9 am
He took a leave on hero work because of covid
He loves his job almost as much as he loves you (aw💖)
But hes not gonna risk his health for it
"Fuck all that bullshit, as much as I love my job, I'm staying my ass in this house. And you are too. I'll be damned if you catch it, especially if its from me."
Yall only go out once a week
He could minimize it to once every other week, but he tried that and it almost drove him crazy
There aren't any exceptions unless there's an emergency
Makes you wear gloves and use a reusable mask that he washes as soon as yall get home
And you get mostly essentials but he'll ask you if you want candy or anything and he'll buy a big box of brownie mix if you like brownies just to hold you over for a while
Also stocks up on meds like pain killers and allergy pills
No fucks given, he will hit up different stores for toilet paper
Hes gonna experiment with cooking more now that he has time
Writes down all the recipes that work out
Youre his taste tester so you best believe you bouta be eatin good 😌
If you want your hair done he'll order it online unless yall are already out
Hes gonna make sure that you're eating good and feeling okay because these are tough times 🥺
But hes gonna do it in his own way and act like he's not concerned
"Hey idiot, do you wanna pass out? You haven't been drinking water today, I can tell. I'm getting you a full cup, you better drink it all."
"You haven't eaten anything today, I'm making you dinner."
"Your hair is dry, come here so I can help you put oil on it. I keep telling you to take care of it, ill laught at you if you go bald." He wont
Also has you work out with him do you can stay in shape
Every other day, anywhere (except in public because hes not about to get sick), at anytime
It goes 50/50
Sometimes its just because hes in the mood
Other times hes feeling really soft and wants to show you that he loves you
All in all its a mixture of Bakugo losing his shit and loving you all in one
He's pretty chill about it
Just super bored
Starts watching BGC, binges Basic to Bougie and 90 Day Fiance
Oddly enough he really enjoys watching Love & Hip Hop????
He finds it interesting
Especially likes Cardis season because its funny and hella memes came out of it
Don't get me wrong tho I aint a Cardi stan but you gotta admit that she's mad funny im a barb at heart tho
His crackhead really comes out over quarantine
He'll start referencing random ass memes
Hes mostly on leave for hero work unless they really need him
In that case he wears a mask and gloves out
When he gets home the first thing he does is reference BGC
And thats how you know he's home
Goes to bed at like 1:30 - 2 am
Only because he doesn't want to be passed out if he's needed for hero duties
Goes out every other week
Mainly for basic essentials, but if you want a little extra he'll buy it
Anything else he'll buy online
Also goes to other stores to buy more toilet paper
Figured out that hes really good at crochets
So if you want your hair done he'll order any crochets you want off Amazon and do them for you
Takes care of you and makes sure your doing well all together
"Did you eat today baby?"
"How much water have you had today?"
"Have you been putting oil on your hair?"
Lotsss of cold soba
But he cooks a few other things so that its not the same thing 24/7
Asks Fuyumi for help when he doesn't know how to cook something super well
If you're the type to go to bed hella late, he'll make sure you sleep a full 8 hours
Even if you wake up after 5 he'll ask you to take a nap with him
Has you work out with him every now and then so you can both stay healthy
Not too much libido
He didn't get in the mood like that even before quarantine
Its not every other day like Bakugo though
More like twice a week
Anymore than that and it'll probably be because you needed it rather than him
If its after a mission it'll be slower just so he can show you how much he loves and appreciates you for being someone he can come home to and just being you
If its more spontaneous he'll be slightly rough but still a pretty slow
But it's a lot of crackhead Todoroki and soft Todoroki
He's doing fine
Just more bored than usual
I feel like Shinso likes cartoons so hes rewatching a bunch of childhood cartoons
Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Regular Show, all that good shit
Lotsss of cartoon quotes
Yall are having a pillow fight and he grabs 2 pillows and claps you?
"Cheatin ass bitch."
"Street rules, man." (Regular Show quote for those who don't know)
Please sing the bacon pancake song (Adventure Time) with him while yall make breakfast
He'll be so happy
If you do something stupid hes gonna do a lemon grab (Adventure time) quote
On leave for hero work
Really doesn't care about getting himself sick unless he gets super sick or dies
But hes not about to get you sick
He'd genuinely rather get himself sick and die than get you sick
Yall go out twice a week
Once to get essentials and another just to get out
I feel like shinso is a decent cook so he'll cook for you
Write down recipes that you like
Also gets some off the internet
Works better with natural hair than braids and crochets
So he'll do slick backs for you and maybe give you a ponytail or something if you ask but he'd rather do 100% natural just because hes better at it and he likes natural black hair
Can also do half wigs
Takes care of you more than himself
So you have to take care of each other
"Did you drink water today, Doll?"
"I did, did you?"
"Did you eat today?"
"No, and you haven't either. What should we eat for lunch?"
"You havent been putting oil on you hair. Do you want me to help you, kitty?"
Small work out sessions
Maybe like 15 min a day
Full body tho because hes too lazy to split up days
Does to bed at like 4 - 6 am
Mostly just watching YouTube and binging cartoons and eating
Insomnia Cookies? (If you dont know, its a cookie place that delivers till 3 am and theyre so good-)
Yall gain back any weight you burned off from exercising earlier that day
Pizza, cookies, chicken nuggets, fries, fried chicken, etc.
Basically just a constant sleep over
Libido to the max
Once or twice a day
Nothing public because germs
Normally rough
But every now and then he'll get soft and just tell you how much he loves you and appreciates you
His aftercare for times like that consists of a bubble bath, lots of hugs, food and cartoons😌
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fairestwriting · 3 years
 30 questions tag game!
(that i got tagged in by @wolken-himmel , thanks so much uvu <3)
1. Name: lis
2. Gender: male
3. Star Sign: leo
4. Height: ... 163 cm / 5′4ish yeah
5. Time: 2 pm as im doing this!
6. Birthday: july 23!
7. Favourite band: who knowssss honestly i dont listen to a lot of bands nowadays.
8. Favourite solo artist: changes all the time but right now its probably eve
9. Song stuck in my head: maneater by nelly furtado fhvmvkdjkg
10. Last movie: probably black swan
11. Last show: i dont really watch shows so!
12. When I created this blog: sometime around march 2021
13. What I post: twst writing mainly, debates on “very important” questions occasionally, sometimes my followers just bully me (and i let them)
14. Last thing I googled: some chemistry stuff idk i dont remember
15. Other blogs: linked in my pinned!
16. Do I get asks: yes!! a lot- i try my best to reply to em but sometimes i miss a couple
17. Why I chose my URL: WELL. i wanted to make a twst writing blog and i couldnt decide on what to name it, so i asked my friend and they suggested basing it off my favorite um in the game so. here we are
18. Following: 377 people
19. Followers: getting Close to 1000
20. Average hours of sleep: 6-8 hours
21. Instruments: bass guitar
22. Lucky number: ..i dont know actually? i like 39 can i say its 39
23. What am I wearing right now: jeans, shirt and zip up hoodie
24. Dream job: cringe but ive always wanted to be a novelist. i have some interest in teaching too
25. Favourite food: yakisoba, fruits and pastries (croissants mostly)
27. Nationality: brazilian *sighs*
28. Favourite song: changes all the time, right now maybe rain and petra
29. Last book I read: gone girl by gillian flynn
30. Top three fictional worlds I'd like to live in: just take me to a stress free slice of life anime high school or something
i dont rly tag people directly as you know but, if you wanna do this feel free to just say i tagged you!
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stubbychaos · 4 years
30 questions
I was tagged by @datmando for this (hi yes ily my fellow clown <333)
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
1. Name/Nickname: Amber (I wish I had a cool nickname but I really don’t </3) Just call me clown at this point lol.
2. Gender: female, she/her
3. Star sign: Cancer
4. Height: 5′3 (Where my short gang at😞✌️)
5. Time: 9:30 PM
6. Birthday: July 3rd :)
7. Favorite bands: Muse, Pink Floyd (One of my all time faves), Nine Inch Nails, No Doubt, Queen, Coheed and Cambria, Radiohead, The Cure, System of a Down, The Smiths.
8. Favorite solo artists: Hozier (obviously lmao), Selena, Zack Hemsey, Lorde, Billy Idol, FKA twigs, AURORA, James Vincent McMorrow. Idk if it counts, but most of what I listen to when writing is composers such as Hans Zimmer, Ramin Djawadi, Junkie XL, Marco Beltrami, John Williams and obviously 👀👀 Ludwig Goransson (Troopers still haunts me every time I write any future action scene in a fic lmao)
9. Song stuck in your head: Down The Burning Ropes-James Vincent McMorrow :( Along with Rose Golden by Kid Cudi
10. Last movie: How The Grinch Stole Christmas (Pls don’t judge this movie is iconic lmaooo)
11. Last show: Schitt’s Creek
12. When I did create this blog: This specific blog, I want to say I created around January or early February, but didn’t get more comfortable posting until later March
13. What I post: Mostly Mandalorian/Star Wars content, plus other movies and shows that I’m interested in :)
14. Last thing I googled: Best sleeping position for lower back pain </333 lmao
15. Other blogs: My main is @jake-chillinhaal even tho it’s been inactive for a while lmao
16. Do i get asks: I do and I love the random asks that I get!!! Whether it be about my writing or just life in general :)
17. Why i chose my url: So like, I love Grogu so much and he is both stubby and chaotic, right?!! I too am stubby and sometimes chaotic so I feel like stubbychaos was only fitting!!
18. Following: Around 300
19. Followers: I haven’t checked in a while, but I think the last time I did, it was around 500?
20. Average hours of sleep: I would give it a solid 5 hours lmao
21. Lucky number: 87
22. Instruments: I know basic piano and that’s it lol
23. What I’m wearing: An oversized hoodie and leggings
24. Dream job: ASL Interpreter or teacher
25. Dream trip: I was actually supposed to take a trip up north to Canada this year and obviously it didn’t happen bc of Covid :( other than that, I would love to visit New Zealand or Alaska.
26. Favorite food: I love Italian food but I’m pretty sure that’s only because I like carbs lmao. I’m usually not that picky when it comes to food, as long as there’s no meat in it.
27. Nationality: Idk man I’m so white😭😭 I’m sure there’s some German and Italian in there somewhere lol.
28. Favorite song: It’s honestly a tie between Breathe by Pink Floyd bc I literally have lyrics from that song tattooed on my body lmfao, or Burn by The Cure because The Crow is one of my favorite movies ever, and I love The Cure!
29. Last book: Red White and Royal Blue💀💀
30. Top 3 fictional universes I wanna live in: Obviously Star Wars, probably Lord of the Rings, and I’m not too sure what else tbh, maybe some Victorian novel where a hot ass dude would be scandalized by seeing my ankles bc I have nothing else going for me lmao
No pressure tags: @hdlynn @aerynwrites @maybege @absurdthirst @clydesducktape @princessxkenobi @tangledlove27 @anxiety-riddled-mando @prettylittlegoldfish @littlevodika (And anyone else that would like to do this!! Please feel free :)
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