#hope this made sense/answered your question!
sweetnans · 2 days
Stuck in the moment || Bakugo, K.
Pairing: fuckboy Bakugo/hopelessly romantic fem. reader
Trope: Enemies/friends to lovers.
summary: You made a mistake, a huge mistake. You fucked the most cocky, annoying, bastard, fuckboy you knew. Bakugo Katsuki. And that fact was against all your beliefs. Now, after the rumor (truth) spread like a pandemic virus in college you'll have to live with the stormy consequences of your acts and whatever trash was brought with it.
a/c: Hey, it's me again. Here we are in a new series I plan to continue. I really hope you enjoy it. I put my favorite man in action (bakugo) being a selfish bastard that you would love eventually and I couldn't help to put another "trope" I'm a sucker for (guardian/father figure Aizawa) I'm so sorry if that bothers you. Once again, I'm sorry if I misspelled something, English is not my first language. (Not proofread yet)
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Blame it on the ovulation process. You couldn't believe that you ended up making out (drunkly) and fucking the one and only Bakugo Katsuki.
Bakugo was a total pain in the ass back in UA high school, and after the big battle, when the doctor told him to cooperate after his heart injury and surgery, he changed for better. Well... better is a word to describe it.
He had the looks, he had the attitude, and now, in College UA, he found a way to get the chicks at his feet. Who knew he would be good at flirting and getting the female attention, putting aside his obnoxious and loud behavior?
In the other part, you knew better, but damn, now you felt bad, betrayed by your own hormones, doing the walk of shame to your room.
Bakugo Katsuki was a fucking legend in college, the major fuckboy, hoping from chick to chick and jeez that broke all your standards about boys, how did you even end up in his room?
Oh, that was a good question that you could answer. Fucking cosmopolitans made by Denki and Jirou, they wrecked all your senses and because the planets were aligned you ended ip tearing up all his clothes along with him grabbing every part of your body while eating your mouth. He was a good kisser though.
You slid your keys on the lock of your room door. Jirou was there in her bed, laying with Denki who was sound asleep.
"Girl," she sat in seconds at the sight of you, patting Denki's arm to wake him up.
"Don't," you told her, completely defeated. "I just wanna cry"
You couldn't stop the tears streaming down your face.
For you, giving Bakugo your body and an intimate moment wasn't something to be happy for. He wasn't in your to-do list compared to other girls that you knew were dying for a peak of him.
You believed in love, in the vulnerability that it brought alongside the happiness and the sappiness. You wanted to be loved and not be used. For you, Bakugo wasn't a trophy, he was a mistake.
"Just let it go." Jirou hugged you tightly. "Did he do something to you?"
"No, no," you cried in her shoulder, feeling her arms around your body and Denki cli ging in your back. "He was a complete gentleman,"
You hated yourself for reacting like that. The man gave you all of his stamina pounding himself into you, and he was almost romantic about it. You were a fool, not like you were catching feeling upon the act, not at all. You just didn't want to be one more of his long ass list.
You had a single rule. Don't sleep with people you don't have feelings for. You knew that for some people, it was easy not to get attached but for you, even if you didn't feel anything like sentimental after the act you ended up craving the affection and the tenderness that came up with a relationship.
You've slept with boyfriends in the past and you did good with friends with benefits because at least there was a friendship to cling on, in this case, you only knew Bakugo by name and because Denki, your bestfriend's and roommate's boyfriend hangout occasionally with his group.
"I'll avoid him," you told your friends. "And everything's going to be fine"
You dried your tears and excused yourself, gathering your belongings to go and take a shower. You could still feel his scent in your skin.
Walking to the common woman bathroom, you tried to block the memories in your mind, and it worked until you opened the door.
"Hey," the pink girl greeted while putting on make-up in front of the mirror. "Oh my god, I know you, you are the girl from the party last night, right?"
Mina Ashido, one of Bakugo closest friend.
"Yeah," you tried to smile, but you failed. God wasn't on your side today.
"Are you okay?" She asked worried.
What could have given you away? Oh, your swollen and red eyes for sure.
"Yeah, I'm just hungover." You tried to laugh her worry away, and when Jirou asked about the encounter, you told her that you wanted to believe that it worked. But you never fooled anyone.
"Me too" she said giggling.
Thank god she didn't push it.
"I'm going to shower, so see you later...?" You said, and it sounded like a plan, but you just wanted to be nice with her.
"Oh, before you go, do you have any tampons? My period just came early this month. I think it's a reaction after drinking a huge amount last night"
Hormones, you knew about that.
Shit, period? Did he wear any condoms? I mean, you had your anti-babies method and all, but what about STD?
"Hello? Calling from earth, " Mina waved his hand in front of your face and you regained consciousness.
"Shit, yeah, sorry, here." You led her your last tampon from your bag.
"Thank you so much," Mina said, grabbing all her things into her purse. "I will see you around"
That encounter only made things worse. Albeit you wanted to avoid the bastard you needed to find him to have the most embarrassing talk of all.
You knew Bakugo's sexual life like the palm of your hand. The rumors on campus spread like the Black Death in medieval Europe. You prayed that your name wouldn't appear on those rumors.
It was easy finding him among his friends, the red-headed enormous cinnamon roll, the tall one with the tape quirk, and, of course, Mina.
You approached slowly and tensed. The first one on seeing you was Mina, who was happy to see you again after you gave her your last tampon. She waved his hand in your direction, and you smiled at her, trying to dissipate your nerves.
The time has come.
"Hey, uhm, I need to talk to you." You twisted your hands nervously after patting his shoulder to gain his attention. He turned around, and when caught that it was you in front of him, he just glared at you from above, the sun at his back making you squint your eyes a little. "In private," you said to complete your previous sentence.
He wasn't even giving you the time of the day before he was almost laughing at your face.
"Sorry, princess, I don't do rebounds." he solidly huffed at you with a side smile and all.
Mina was the first one to scold him while his friends just whined at his behavior.
That damn motherfucker son of a bitch bastard.
Your face passed from being the normal shade of your foundation and skin to a different shade of red. How could he be such a cunt about it?
But you had your mouth, too.
"Oh no, don't worry, I haven't seen a dick as small as yours, and you think I want to repeat that shit show? Oh, please. I just wanted to check if you have any STD I have to be aware of"
You lied about his dick at least. The only truth was that you didn't want to repeat the act.
The boys that were hanging out with him turned around to hide the giggling mess they were, while Bakugo only grunted in response, clenching his fist beside his stiff body.
"Why? Is there a problem down there? Is it itching or falling off?" He squinted his eyes at you, trying vehemently to put you down with his words. You denied moving your head like you didn't care at all about his attitude. "I don't have any STD. You should have seen it yourself when you were sucking me off"
Well, that was something a few people around heard. Scratch the "Don't be part of the rumor" from the list.
"Yeah, I should've had, but I forgot to bring my magnifying glass with me, that's completely on me, not your fault that you weren't blessed with something as big as your fucking ego"
The hushed screams of his friends were the beat you needed to turn around and leave him hanging. He had a piercing mouth, and you were almost trembling from the exchange of words, and yet, you didn't have the answer that you expected. Was he clean or not? Bakugo was a trustworthy man? Jeez, what a fucker.
Again, for the second time of the day you made your own walk of shame to your room.
"And, what did he say?" Jirou was waiting for you while she gathered all her belongings (and Denki's) to her side of the room.
"He said he doesn't have STD but I don't know if I should trust him...the scene was pretty intense." You sat in your bed, and she looked at you incredulously.
"Intense, how?" She quirked a brow, and you just shrugged before telling her everything.
"You did what!?" Denki stomped through the door. He was obviously listening behind the door like an old woman.
You hid your face in between your hands, internally screaming exhausted because of your poor decisions. Why did you leave the party with him of all people?
"He just nipped under my skin, and I had to defend myself, that's all," you tried to excuse yourself.
"You know that encounter is going to be the gossip of the week, right?" Jirou tapped your head gaining your attention. "You can't run of it"
"Jeez, I know"
All the situation was escalating from bad to worse real quick.
"Okay, fine, let's chill for a sec," Denki interrupted. "I'll find out about Kacchan medical records and I'll let you know, don't worry about it"
That's a good friend.
"Yeah, Denki can take care of that while you..."
"While I what?" You took your face off your hands.
"You know the rumor is going to spread before monday, right? You have to talk to Aizawa before he knows all of it in the worst way"
Shit. You had completely forgotten about the man who was kind enough to take you under his wing and be your guardian.
This was about to get good.
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Let me know if you like it
taglist: @kiridagremiln @aefillor @screechingfangirlaf @chuugarettes @gold24fish @dreamcastgirl99 @andyetshewrote @budibbly @candiiee @linkfromskywardsword @galaneiaeris @fantasynerd05 @big-denki-energy @3thr3al @marsbars09 @whatswrong7 @scaranthropy
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storieswithvenus · 17 hours
I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense, but could I like request Spencer Reid x a bimbo! 2000s aesthetic reader? Like they’re such polar opposites but he’s just into her ya know?
I’ve just been craving it but I love the 2000s style like mcbling
Bookstore Conversations - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Hello! I absolutely love this idea, and could definitely see Spencer dating someone like that - so I hope I was able to put your idea into a decent enough story. Thank you for being my first requester! ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི
Meeting you in that bookstore was the best thing that could have ever happened to Spencer, the way your smile lit the room up when you finally found the vintage Vogue magazine you were looking for - he would never forget.
As he studied your outfit (more like checking you out), he realised just how attractive you were - wearing your low rise jeans, a belly button piercing with a playboy bunny dangling just above the button of your jeans, the leopard print crop top that barely covered anything, the way your breasts sat in your shirt and how amazing they looked, the massive platform flip flops which raised your height around 2 inches. He was absolutely smitten, and definitely staring at your cleavage for a creepy amount of time.
That’s why he made it his mission to speak to you, adjusting his coat slightly to make sure he looked tidy enough and slightly brushing his hair with his fingers, he strutted over towards you. Making his way over to you, just before he was about to open his mouth to speak to you - you walked away from him. You left him absolutely dumbfounded, his eyes following you over to the sofa that was hidden away at the back of the bookstore.
Sighing slightly (trying to get over the pure embarrassment he felt having the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen walked away from him) and collecting his thoughts on how he was actually going to speak to you, he saw you slightly laughing at something in the magazine in your hand. Quickly walking over to the sofa where you sat, sitting down beside you taking a glimpse at what you were laughing at - shoes.
“Can you believe this? They picked pointed-toe boots, the cutest shoe, how stupid is that?” Your voice filled with anger as you looked at him and pointed towards the article. Staring at you completely shocked with your question with no answer, you huff slightly, “Please tell me you don’t wear these shoes”. Spencer’s jaw drops a little at your statement, does he really look as if he would wear that? “No, I don’t wear them”, he answers you in a slightly confused tone, finally you look at him and you finally realise who you are speaking to.
“Oh my god!! You’re a man?” your eyes widening and your voice filled with a high tone. Spencer chokes on his saliva a little, looking down at the clothing he is wearing and looking back up at you. “I thought you were a woman, you know with the hair?” You say trying to justify your original opinion on the boy, giving your hand out for him to shake. Spencer looks down at your hand before looking back up to your face to see it covered with a massive smile.
And in that moment, he knew he had to have you, the way your eyes closed slightly and the way your dimples were on full show. Placing his hand in yours to shake, “I’m Spencer, you?”. Shaking his hand (probably too aggressively), “Oh! I’m Y/N!”, your voice is full with joy as you still continue to shake his hand probably 10 seconds more than you should’ve needed to. Pulling your hand away from his, you stand up and grab the magazine before turning back to Spencer, “Would you like to come meet my dog?” Your question made him smile, standing up to follow behind you as you both made your way to the door of the bookstore.
“Excuse me! Ma’am, you have to pay for that magazine!” the owner of the store shouts after you. Immediately freezing in your spot, you turn back and run towards the counter, pulling out your credit card (which was weirdly in your shirt), and paying for the magazine.
Standing at the door, Spencer was just watching you with such admiration. He already knew that he had to ask you to be his girlfriend soon, and now that he was already going to meet your dog, now he just had to figure out a way to ask you out to dinner.
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aphroditelovesu · 15 hours
Heyyy babe, its my first Yandere romantic request since we are in Valentine’s Day week! So my request is:
[💙] + [20] with Percy Jackson with gender neutral demigod darling.
That’s ir, byeee! Happy Valentine’s Day 💌💘
[💙] - ''I know I deserve all your hate and despise but... Please don't ignore me or leave me, I really can't live without you.’’
[20] - ''I would do anything for you, even cross the abyss of death and return just to hold you again."
❝ 🌊 — lady l: Happy Valentine's Day, babe!! ❤️ Hope you like this!! Forgive me for any mistakes. :)
❝tw: death, betrayal and mild anguish.
❝🌊pairing: yandere!percy jackson x gender neutral!reader.
❝word count: 925.
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The smell of blood mixed with ash was the only thing you could smell as you slowly regained consciousness.
The screams had long since ceased. You weren't sure what had happened, you just remembered monsters? A Minotaur, perhaps, but your mind was blank and dazed when you regained consciousness.
When your eyes finally adjusted to the dim light, you found your boyfriend's face, Percy's.
When he noticed that you had woken up, Percy smiled in relief and you noticed that there were tears of relief running down his slightly tanned face.
"W-What happened?" Your voice was no louder than a whisper.
Percy caressed your face and, for some reason, your body shivered. A shiver of fear, you noticed.
He seemed to notice as a frown formed on his brow. And there was no answer to your question.
"Percy?" You tried once more but Percy just sighed deeply.
"They are dead." That's all he said.
"What?" You struggled to connect the dots, your mind still reeling from what had been inflicted on you. With a heavy sigh, you asked, "Who?"
Percy pursed his lips, squeezing your arm lightly. You flinched at the sudden pain. Why was it hurting so much? What had happened?
"Our friends." There was a slight disgust in his voice when he said the word 'friends' but you didn't notice it due to the shock going through your body.
Dead. Your friends. They were dead...
"H-How did this happen?" You mumbled, your eyes filling with tears. The sight of your almost overflowing eyes left him distressed and hurt.
Percy hated when you cried.
"Shh... It's going to be okay..." He murmured, caressing your face gently, his bloody fingertips staining your skin even more than it already was.
"What happened? W-Why can't I remember anything?" You asked, tears finally streaming down your blood stained face.
Percy knew you wouldn't take the news well but he didn't want to lie to you. Lies ruin relationships and the last thing he wanted was to ruin his relationship with you.
No more than he already did when he decided to betray his friends for you. He felt slightly guilty but... It was for you and he would do anything for you.
Percy took a deep breath, his gaze wavering as he struggled to find the right words. His heart was beating fast, and he knew the truth was something you needed to hear, even if it was painful.
"It was the Minotaur" He began, his voice low and heavy with regret, "we were fighting him. You were injured... Badly. I… I made a choice." He hesitated, his eyes filling with a mixture of guilt and determination.
"What choice?" You whispered, feeling a sense of desperation rise in your chest. Fear and confusion were intertwined, and you desperately needed answers.
Percy closed his eyes for a moment, as if trying to muster up his courage, "I knew we couldn't win if we all fought together. So, I made a deal with the Minotaur. I... I betrayed our friends to save you. They died so you could live."
The silence that followed was deafening. Percy's words hung in the air, heavy and full of implications. You felt an icy cold spread through your body, and the tears finally fell freely, mixing with the blood and dirt on your face.
"You... You did what?" Your voice was full of disbelief and pain. ''They died because of me?''
Percy held your face more firmly, his eyes boring into yours. "I couldn't lose you." He said, voice steady despite the tears that also threatened to escape his eyes. "I know it's hard to accept, but I would do it all again if I had to. I don't care what it means to me, as long as you're alive."
You shook your head, your mind spinning at the revelation. "How could you... Percy, they were our friends! How could you do this?"
The pain in Percy's eyes intensified, but he didn't back away. "I would do anything for you, even cross the abyss of death and return just to hold you again." He whispered, his voice breaking with emotion. "I know this doesn't erase what happened, but it was the only way I could find to make sure you survived."
You felt an overwhelming despair wash over you. "Then I'd rather be dead." You whispered, and Percy's eyes widened. He grabbed your shoulders tightly, and it hurt a little.
"Don't say that." He pleaded, voice desperate. "I know I deserve all your hate and contempt, but...Please don't ignore me or leave me. I really can't live without you."
Percy's words cut deep, leaving a mixture of gratitude and anger in his heart. You didn't know how to process it all. The loss of your friends, Percy's betrayal, your own survival. Everything felt like a nightmare you couldn't wake up from.
As Percy continued to caress your face, you realized that, despite everything, he was there. He had made a horrible choice, but he was on your side. And it was a place he would never leave.
With one last shuddering breath, you closed your eyes, allowing the tears to fall freely, knowing that, somehow, you would need to find a way to rebuild your lives, from the ashes of what had been destroyed. Percy kissed your lips softly and you knew there was no going back.
You would never leave him. He would make sure of that.
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brandyllyn · 2 days
Silk from their soul (11)
The Ghoul / Cooper Howard x f!reader [no use of y/n]
Rated: Explicit (PIV, choking) Words: 2.2k Summary: Hidey-Hole
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
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Were you supposed to look him in the eye now?
You’d fallen into a deep sleep almost immediately after that earth-shattering orgasm and woken on the ground by yourself, a pack under your head for a pillow while he sat a few feet away and watched the wasteland. He hadn’t commented on the events of the night before, just given you a sly grin and asked you to put on something for breakfast since you’d slept through your watch.
Never mind he didn’t wake you for it.
You finally seem to be heading north, towards the mountains. You have a vague memory of traveling through here before.
“Do you think it’s better to try to find the old road or just head up?”
He’s walking a few feet ahead of you and doesn’t stop when he answers. “Lotta raiders on the roads, we’ll be better off cross-country.”
That made sense. It was a perfectly normal thing to say. Just two people walking companionably together.
It was going to drive you bonkers.
“Hey Cowboy,” you shout, taking a few running steps to catch up with him. He turns as you fall into step, his blank look almost making you falter. But you steel yourself and give him a winning smile. “Do we need to talk? Or not talk, maybe, but acknowledge? What happened?”
“You mean when I had my fingers in your cunt?”
Well, okay, that was one way of putting it.
“Don’t figure there’s much to talk about. You liked it?”
“Yes,” you say quickly.
“Wanna do it again?”
Your spluttering question puts a grin on his face and he makes a show of looking around. You’re in what used to be some sort of rest stop, several different buildings still mostly standing.
“Well, I wasn’t thinking right this minute but a fella could be convinced-”
A roar rends the air between you and you both freeze. You wait for him to verify what you really hope isn’t true.
Your heart drops. Scanning the horizon you try to pick out what he is seeing. “I thought they were further east than this?”
“You wanna be the one to tell him he needs to go home?”
They’re a rumble, almost like thunder, shaking you to your core. “Is that it?”
He’s got your arm in one hand, dragging you towards a run down building. There’s no door, and the interior is half filled with dirt. “Inside.”
“Inside what?”
The Cowboy gestures towards the ground, at a hole you had barely noticed. With his other hand he unslings his rifle, checking the chamber with a practiced flip. The hole itself is not big, large enough to crawl into on your hands and knees and extending back God only knew how far.
“What if something is in there?”
“You can lose a toe to a rad roach or your head to a deathclaw, sweetheart. I know which I would pick.”
He’s posted at the door, squinting off into the distance and you suddenly realize he intends for you to go in there alone.
“What are you going to do?”
“Hold it off,” he shrugs, “try to lead it away.”
“Can it smell us?”
You grab his arm, pulling him into the house with you, “Can it smell us?”
“No, but it can see your ass just fine so-”
“Feet first,” you shove him at the hole. He glares but does so, sliding in without comment until you can’t see him any longer. His hat sits dejectedly by the entrance and you try to decide if you can pick it up when an earth-shattering roar splits the air. 
Well, nothing seems to have bitten him. 
You throw him your pack and then slide in feet first next to him, pushing with your hands against the fallen rocks and dirt. He reaches out a hand to help and between you you manage to shimmy down a few feet - maybe four in total from the entrance to the top of your head.
It’s not so tight you can’t move, can’t put a little space between you, but it’s difficult. You feel the arms he’s laying on move, a hand coming up to cover the shoulder dug into the dirt, and then he’s shifting you both until you’re lying beneath him.
“Both hands free now,” he grunts, pulling his pistol from its holster and laying it just past your head. Sure, he can see now but all you can see is his chest and dark concrete. He’s crouched over you, shifting upwards so his elbows are by your head, his knees on each side of your hips. You both stay silent as the ground shakes.
Shit, what if this hidey-hole collapses?
Another roar and you clutch at him out of instinct, burying your face into his chest. How close is it? Can it reach you? You try to slip further down but your feet hit more rock. 
Well, at least there’s nothing living in here.
Another roar, this time maybe slightly farther away. The Cowboy lets out a breath and shifts down so he can look you in the eye.
“I think it might have seen us, sounds like it’s hunting.”
His voice is barely over a whisper and you answer in the same low tone. “How long will it look?”
“Hour? Maybe two? Depends on if something else grabs his attention.” He glances down and seems to suddenly realize the position you’re in. A slow grin moves over his face and he shifts one foot between yours, kicking your legs apart and settling his hips down until they’re flush to yours.
“Seems like we might have a fair bit of time to pass.”
Your eyes widen in shock even as he pushes his half-hard cock against you. He looks pleased as punch about the fact. “You can’t mean to-”
“I do, and I will - unless you’re about to tell me no. That what’s on your mind, sweetheart?”
You consider it for only a moment before shaking your head. “No. I mean… yes.”
He tilts his head and licks his lips. “Well that’s about clear as mud.”
“I want you,” you finally settle on, getting a warm feeling when he gives you a genuine smile in return.
“No kissing, right?” he confirms, fingers playing with the strap of your dress. You nod silently, too afraid of what will happen now if you try to speak. It’s enough for him, slipping his hand beneath the fabric and twisting it down until it’s shoved under your breast.
“Well ain’t that a sight.”
His mouth feels like a brand, lips hot with a dry, almost raspy tongue laving against your skin. You should stop this, should tell him this isn’t right. It wasn’t right last night either but you didn’t care then and you can’t make yourself care now. It feels amazing and when he pulls your nipple between his lips there’s no thought left but how good he’s making you feel.
You groan, fingers digging into the rough skin on the back of his neck. He bites down, maybe a little too hard, and you nearly arch the both of you into the ceiling. 
“Thata girl,” he mumbles, fingers working at the other side of your dress until he’s got it pulled down too. You help as best you can, shimmying the straps down and then letting him push it to your waist. He rubs his face against you for a moment, pressing your breasts to his cheeks before turning and sucking your other nipple between his lips.
It’s too much and a harsh cry leaves you before you can stop it. There is an answering bellow from the deathclaw a half second later and suddenly a hand clamps over your mouth. The leather smells of blood and bile and you recoil.
“Shh, sweetheart,” he whispers, “if you can’t be quiet we’re going to have to stop.” One knee pressed at yours, pushing them further apart so he can hitch your thigh up on his hip. “And that sure would be waste of all this here attraction.”
You jerk at his hand, pulling it from your mouth then yank at the fingers of the glove. He understands immediately, using his teeth to pull first one, then the other off.  Staring directly into your eyes he covers your mouth with one palm, fingers digging into your cheek.
“Quiet as a church mouse,” he warns before ducking back down and nibbling at your breast. His other hand is on your thigh, pushing the skirt of the dress up slow enough you can tell he’s waiting for you to stop him.
You don’t, spreading your legs wider instead and shifting so he can cup his hand over your panties. It’s his turn to groan, albeit quieter than you had, fingers jerking at the cotton and twisting so he can slip against you.
“Ah, darlin’, you’re fucking soaked.” His accent is coming thicker somehow, laying over you like a blanket. His fingers toy between your thighs before pushing further, flicking over your clit.
It’s a good thing he’s got a hand over your mouth because you can’t hold back the noise you make. Suddenly he’s gone and you want to protest. You’ll beg, you’ll promise him anything, just…
He’s jerking at his belt and in your befuddled state it takes a minute to realize what he’s doing. But then you’re there with him, unzipping his pants and pushing them down far enough that his cock can spring free. It’s even hotter than the rest of him, enough to make you wonder if he’ll burn as you take him into your hand. He thrusts into your palm before knocking it away, guiding himself towards your center.
You try to brace yourself, try to relax into what you know is coming. But you can’t help the small muffled cry, or the way your eyes widen when he shoves himself into you. Your body goes rigid and his eyes meet yours, rounded with shock.
“Oh darlin’,” he mutters, his grip on your jaw relaxing slightly. He’s wide, almost impossibly so, even barely inside you can feel the stretch. “You sure about this?”
You nod, gripping his waist and trying to adjust your legs to take him easier. He watches you this time, easing forward in short movements a quarter inch at a time. Your slick eases the way and he finally seats himself, hips flush to yours.
It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, every twitch of him hard and hot inside of you. It’s scorching, almost uncomfortably so, but you can’t get enough. Soon the pain fades and you clutch your knees to his hips, arching your back to take him deeper. He growls when you do, tilting his head to bite against your neck.
It’s not gentle, not slow and rocking like you imagined it might be. No, it’s one hand over your mouth while he fucks you into the floor. You can feel his panting breath against your skin, hear the scrape of his knees on stone, smell the lingering scent of the chem he takes.
He arches over you, stilling suddenly and you feel a surge of disappointment. You knew it was likely this was how it would go - every bit of your education had been centered around your partner’s pleasure. Yet after last night you can’t help but feel like you’ve missed out, that this could have been so much better. He’d taken his time then, had seemed to enjoy getting you off.
“Not a peep,” he says lowly, eyes fixed somewhere over your head. You listen, so caught up in what was happening you had entirely missed the shuffling footsteps not ten feet away. Whatever it was was heavy, the ground rumbling beneath you.
Not thinking twice, you arch your back so you can tilt your head, trying to see what is happening. The movement causes the Cowboy to slip deeper inside of you and he hisses. The hand on your mouth goes to your throat, almost slamming you back to the floor and holding you there while he glares down at you. 
He hadn’t finished after all.
The warning look is all you get before he begins to move again - the new angle punching something delicious inside of you. It’s too slow, not enough to come, but you can feel it building even as the monster in the room roars. He fucks you like that until the deathclaw leaves - slow, almost angry thrusts that make your entire body rock. By the time he speeds up you can feel tears at the corners of your eyes, your hands clawing against his back.
“Please,” you whisper, eyes pleading, “please.”
He glances over your head then leans down, lips next to your ear. “You wanna come for me, darlin’? Squeeze that little pussy around my cock til I fill you up?” He snarls at the last word, shaking his head slightly and adjusting just a fraction.
It’s enough, you come with a strangled cry that he cuts off with a fist around your throat. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced, the edges of your vision going black as your body shudders beneath his. You hear him curse, feel him move, and then he splashes across your stomach and thighs.
It takes a moment for his grip to loosen, for him to let you take a gasping gulp of air and blink up at him with wide eyes. He looks just as dumbstruck, his lips parted and you can see his pink tongue run along his lower teeth. He leans down slowly, his eyes dropping to your lips…
You turn away.
☢ ☢ ☢
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ebodebo · 7 hours
summary: jason todd "red hood" is on the hunt for the director and his accomplice, blueprint, gotham's most notourious art theives.
pairing: jason todd "red hood" x art thief "blueprint!" reader
a/n: HELLO let me start by saying that ik the director is already a thing, so i'm not claiming to have come up with the name! i just thought it fit well with this character. also, jason might be a little ooc, BUT it's okay bc he's still eating. ALSO i'm pretty new to the fandom, so plz go easy on me if i missed some details, or if it's not completely accurate. i tried my best. with that said, i hope you all enjoy!
word count: 2.5k+
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Chasing The Mask
A heavy dew settles over the city, along with a light fall of freezing rain. It would almost be calming if you didn't know it was Gotham. One of the most crime-ridden cities in the world. Full of crooks and villains alike. 
Among the haze of rain and sleet, a vigilante sits perched on the top of one of the city's most renowned museums, The Metropolitan. The Red Hood, so he calls himself. While most nights he goes out into the night by himself, to his dismay, tonight he is accompanied by his heroine brother, Nightwing.
The Metropolitan is filled with some of the most exquisite pieces of art made by some highly famed artists, from Van Gogh to Basquiet. It is home to a most priceless collection, indeed. 
Of course, with such valuable pieces, the museum has been the target of numerous theft attempts, and tonight is no exception. 
"You didn't have to come," Red Hood snarkily says as he leans against the red brick encasing the rooftop exit door. 
"Just trynna' help out." The honesty in his voice makes Red Hood roll his eyes. He doesn't necessarily hate Nightwing but he thinks he's too smug for his own good. An entitled, know-it-all. But they are brothers, after all. So, there is a sense of undeniable care there. 
"I've got it taken care of." Red Hood counters, crossing his arms. His tone is almost defensive. Does Nightwing believe he can't catch a simple art thief? Like he's some kind of amateur?
"Is that right?" Nightwing questions, crossing his arms, too.
"Yes." Defensive, again. 
"Because, last time I checked, The Director and Blueprint are still running around Gotham." Nightwing accused. 
"Way to state the obvious, Dick." Red Hood enunciated his name. Dick was used to Hood using his name as a homonym, often. 
"I'm waiting." Hood finally answered his question after the insult. Nightwing let out a light laugh. "For what exactly?" He pushes, uncrossing his arms and walking over to the brick wall Hood was leaning on. 
"An opportunity," Hood stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "Jesus Christ, Jason." Nightwing pulled his hand up to wipe across his face, which was covered by a simple black domino mask. 
"This is exactly why I didn't want you to come, Dick." Hood sighed deeply. "Talk too much." He finished, uncrossing his arms.
"Sorry, I have-" Nightwing started, but Hood quickly interrupted.
"Wait, shut up," Hood stated, putting his pointer finger in the air.
"You're really starting to piss me off." Nightwing exhales, anger simmering off his body. 
"Dick, I'm serious," Hood says, turning his head to look around the roof. "You hear that?" He questions.
"Hear wha-?"
"Boys." Hood and Nightwing quickly turn to see Blueprint emerging behind the bricked rooftop door they were leaning on. 
"Blueprint," they simultaneously say. "What are you two doing here?" you ask, tilting your head. Nightwing is quick to respond. "We could ask you the same thing."
"A woman never reveals her secrets." You chirp, pointing your finger at both of them. You walk closer to them, smiling. "It's actually good to see you both." 
"Wish we could say the same." Hood finally speaks. His words are gruff and gray. You rapidly turn your head towards him. It felt weird seeing him like this. Not even thirty minutes ago, you were lying in the sanctity of his warm, cozy bed in a post-orgasmic haze. It wasn't like you and him were dating, but you had met his family and shared a specific intimacy that wasn't common to either of you. 
It was a complicated situation. You knew he was Red Hood, but he had no idea you were Blueprint. You liked him, sure, but this was strictly business. There were no feelings involved. 
"Blue?" Hood questioned, tilting his head to the side in confusion.
You shake your head, absolving you of your thoughts. "Would love to stay and chat, boys, but I have some paintings to tend to." Thanks to The Director, you swivel on your heel to head toward the rooftop exit door that's been propped open. 
"That won't be happening today," Nightwing spoke, pulling out his slick-black Escrima Sticks. 
You let out a smug laugh. "And I suppose you two are going to stop me?" You crossed your arms over your chest, tilting your head. 
"That's the plan," Hood said, pulling out his weaponry, which was tucked nicely in his jacket. 
You gave a nice, wide smile before pressing the button on the small metal capsule of a lead-lined smoke grenade that had been concealed in your hand, throwing it in front of them, unleashing a cloud of smoke that covered your being as you made your getaway.
"Bye-bye, batboys." You yelled to them as you sprinted to the ajar exit door and entered the museum's stairwell.
"Fuck." Hood says through coughs as the smoke forces its way deep into his lungs. Even with smoke filling his lungs, he's still quick to spring into action, following you inside the museum, with Nightwing following hot on his trail, coughing as well.
You flew down the steps. Skipping three, even four, steps at of time. When you turned around after you got inside, they weren't even behind you, still coughing and heaving on the smoke. It was a damn shame Jason was so tall because once you scaled the second staircase, you turned to see Jason beginning the second one. Your eyes widened under your mask at how swift he was. You turned and continued sprinting as fast as your legs could go.
You could faintly hear Hood and Nightwing yell at you to stop, but you pursued down the flights downstairs, reaching the last set of stairs. 
You scrambled up as Hood came unexpectedly close and almost grabbed your arm, but you managed to escape his grasp, holding the handle of the main door and slipping inside, slamming it in his face. You breathed a sigh of relief as your legs carried you over to where The Director AKA your dad was standing, holding an authentic Da Vinci portrait. 
"Nice job, Blue." Your dad remarked, referring to the diversion you created with the bats so he could slyly take the precious art without them interfering. Though slamming the door did make an excellent barrier, you had forgotten to arm the system back, so Hood and Nightwing forcefully pushed the door open. 
"You didn't arm the door system back?" Your dad hissed, looking down at you.
"I-shit." You cursed, turning to see Hood and Nightwing standing only a few feet from where you and your dad stood. 
"You really think you're going to get away with this?" Nightwing cockily questions, stretching his arms down with his sticks in each hand. 
The Director let out a deep, guttural laugh, causing you to spin your head to face him. "Don't you see? I already have," he declared, showing the painting in his hand.
"We could still take you out." Hood points out, his eyes on The Director, as his hand slides to reach for a gadget on his signature utility belt. Though, he couldn't feel anything. Did he seriously forget to bring it?
"How are you going to do that, Hood?" The Director challenged. "Don't have that shiny belt on, do you?" He questioned, gesturing to his waist.
Hood glanced at Nightwing. "You forgot your belt?" Nightwing questioned, disbelief coating his voice.
"I could have sworn-" Hood says before shaking the rest of the sentence off. "Whatever. I don't need it." He assures, assuming a fighting position.
It was honestly true. Hood was an incredible fighter. Watching him fight was astonishing. He could move his body in ways you didn't even know were humanly possible. But, you did not want to fight him. You just wanted to appease your father by helping obtain the painting, so you could all get the hell out of there.
"Get them." Your father demanded, looking down at you. You hesitated, looking up at your father. "Did you hear me? Get them." His words came out harsher than the first, showing his agitation. 
"Come on, Blue, we won't go that hard on you." Hood snarkily remarked, and you reached for his belt wrapped around your waist. You felt a weird sense of guilt as you covertly pulled out a Batarang.
"You just gonna stand there or-" Hood starts but is interrupted by the Batarang swinging right near the side of his head. 
"I actually think I'd like to play, Red." You mischievously say, running towards Nightwing, catching him a little off guard, and extending your leg to kick him in the stomach, pushing him back, as he holds his stomach.
"Come on, Red. I won't bite." You say, making your way over to him while Nightwing is still down. You let out a powerful punch, but he's quick to move his head to the side, dodging it. 
"Actually, I think you might." He says, grabbing your extended arm and twisting it so your body turns in the other direction. 
Nightwing makes his way up. "Well, that was easier than expected." He said, wiping his hands together.
"Because I did all of the work." Hood chimed, still with your arm twisted behind your back. Their banter made for a good distraction so that you could reach into the utility belt Jason mistakenly left at your house and grabbed a stun gun. 
You turned quickly, letting go of contact with him, as Hood talked, and pressed the tazer to his forearm. Although clothed, the powerful current still hit his skin, making him drop to the floor, convulsing.
"Wanna have some fun, Grayson?" You sarcastically ask as you step closer to him. He swings his sticks in front of him in a criss-crossed pattern. 
You take his silence as an answer. "I knew you were always the boring one." You sigh, holding up the stun gun.
"That's a bat-belt." Nightwing states casually, looking over at Hood, whose body is hunched over on the ground, still convulsing. 
"Aren't you just a genius? You sneered, carefully watching him. 
"How the hell did you get bat-belt?" Nightwing gruffly questions, eyeing your hand with the stun gun. You narrow your eyes at him. "Like I said before, a woman never reveals her secrets." You quickly move towards him, though he's not so off guard. Not like Hood was. 
However, unlike a taser, a stun gun does not shoot any projectiles, and it has to be held against a body or skin to do any damage. Nightwing was standing a few feet from you so the stun gun would do you no good. 
But, you don't even get a chance to use it because he's quick to knock the stun gun out of your hand and uses his stick to hit across the museum, a ways from any of you. 
"Ah, I get it," Nightwing says, letting his sticks rest on his side. You tilt your head to the side. "Get what?" You shouldn't be indulging him. You should be kicking his ass, but with Hood down, Nightwing wasn't going to be so much work. Plus, in between fighting them, your dad had slipped away, leaving you to do the damage control. 
"You got it from Jason, right? Well, stole." He dragged out the last word. 
"It's not really stealing if he leaves it in my apartment. Is it?" You retort smugly.
"Of course he did." As he finishes his sentence, you realize you two have been talking for a while. Well, in hindsight, in normal conversation, no, but this is supposed to be a fight, not a catch-up. Wait, I haven't heard Hood? Upon this epiphany, you turn to see an empty spot where Hood laid.
"Where-where did he go?" You stutter, deciphering when he could have left and how you didn't hear him.
"Oh, Jason?" Nightwing starts. "He left a while ago—once you turned around, actually." He coolly says this, sliding his sticks back on through the straps on the back of his suit.
This was a diversion, and you were stupid enough to fall for it. Shit, your dad is going to be so pis-
"Got em'," You hear Hood's voice echo off the walls as he walks in with your father, ropes tied around his hands and ankles, painting in hand. He handed him off to Nightwing as he placed the art back in its place.
You and Hood watched as Nightwing dragged him through the exit door you all came in through.
"So, heard you stole from me?" Hood tuts, shifting closer to you. 
"Like I said to your brother, it's not stealing if you leave it in my apartment." You retaliate, your throat drying as he moves closer.
"It's still mine." He's now standing right in front of you. You feel flustered at the proximity but cannot let it show. He would never let you live it down. 
"And I want it back," he casually says, his hands ghosting over your waist, housing the belt in question.
You look straight up at him. "Take it then." You swear you could hear him inhale deeply at your suggestive words, but you don't ask. 
His hands wander to the belt, hanging a little low on you. You swear he holds his fingers on the front part just to tease you, and if that was the goal, fuck, did he succeed. But you wouldn't tell him that. His ego is already huge. His fingers leave the front portion of the belt and continue dragging slowly along the sides until he reaches the back to unclasp it, and pull it off of you.
Once he steps back, you release a breath you didn't even know you were holding. "I would leave now." He suggests, wrapping the belt around his own waist. "You know, before the police get here."
"Okay." You felt like he had just put you under a spell. You are willingly agreeing with him. He can sense this, too, and smirks under his mask at your cooperation. 
"Night, Blue." He says as he turns to the rooftop top exit door, pushing it slightly.
"Goodnight, Red." You say, releasing a sigh of relief once he steps outside the door.
"Oh my God." You say to yourself. "That was-" You pause, taking a deep breath. "Do I like Red Hood?" You question, thinking. "No. Definitely not. It was nothing." You lie to yourself. You had only ever slept with the guy, so it just had to be the undeniable sexual tension between you two. That’s all. Right?
You thank God when you push open the rooftop door that Hood isn't hovering behind the door, listening to you essentially try to deny, and fail, expressing your feelings for him.
It is so nice for Hood that stairwells offer a safe place during storms, but they also offer space for a secret spot, just like the one Hood implemented into the walls of The Metropoliton some years ago.
He used to hide from criminals chasing him through the museum, which happened quite frequently, but now he was using it to simply make sure you left okay. But who knew it would double as a way to hear about your secret love confession? Certainly not him. 
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taglist: @artemis-b-writes @sceletaflores @yuenity @starsofang
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saphronethaleph · 3 days
Finn swallowed.
“Are we ready?” he asked. “Are you sure this is going to work?”
Maz looked up from the assemblage of comm gear she’d patched together, one of her lenses retracting, then they all swayed slightly as the Falcon did a three-sixty spin.
“Careful with the old girl!” Lando shouted, from the dorsal turret.
Chewbacca shouted something back from the cockpit.
“It’ll be fine, so long as Chewie keeps the violent manoeuvring to a minimum!” Maz snapped.
The sound of rapid firing guns pulsed up the turret access ways, as both Lando and Rose fired out a cascade of laserbolts from their respective turrets at TIE fighters following them.
“Aaaaa!” C-3P0 yelped. “Mister Chewbacca, please don’t do things like that!”
Another roar in Shyriiwook sounded in reply.
“I know we’d be shot down if you didn’t, you don’t have to rub it in!”
“As for how long it’ll work…” Maz added, glancing at the code cylinders. “You’ve definitely got a minute. Maybe two. What do you think the chances are of three?”
R2 whistled.
“Three is possible,” Maz agreed. “But I think the biggest question is one I can’t answer, Finn. Are you ready?”
Finn took a deep breath.
Everyone was depending on him. The whole Resistance was out there, fighting to buy him time, as the defences of Exegol spat fire up at them and as dozens of TIE fighters tried to pin them down.
Poe and BB-8 were very specifically flying cover for the Falcon, but everyone was out there.
“Let’s do it,” he said, picking up the headset, and Maz flicked three switches.
“I don’t know what you think of me,” Finn began. “I don’t know who you know me as, but… I’m pretty sure you know who I am. You’ve heard me described as FN-2187. As a member of the Resistance. As a traitor. A stormtrooper. A sanitation worker… as a failure.”
He paused.
“Maybe that’s true,” he said. “Maybe all of it’s true. I don’t know. But there’s something more important than that – something I learned from a friend. From the first friend I ever made-”
One of the sublight engines crackled and died, then Rose shouted something and Chewbacca slewed the ship away from the rest of a volley of laserbolts. Only the first few hit home, straining the shields but not overwhelming them, then Lando called advice and R2 rolled over to do something to the fuel pump.
Finn didn’t hear any of it.
“Because I am not a slave,” he said. “I’m a person, and my name is Finn. And – and I’d never really realized that before. I was a stormtrooper, and stormtroopers have been the face of the Empire, of the First Order, for decades – but we’ve always been used! We’re taken to fight, trained from childhood, and that’s wrong, and we’re made to think it’s the only way things can be – that we don’t even deserve names, just numbers.”
The shaking of the Falcon made him nearly fall out of his chair, and Maz steadied him. “The only jobs of a stormtrooper are to scare people into obeying, and to kill, and to die! The people who make us don’t care about us, they don’t care about what we do, anyone who hesitates gets reconditioned and you’re not allowed to leave. We’re made as slaves, as they try to force us to be clones, even though the original clones wanted more than anything else to be individuals. To be people. And – and, ask yourself, what do you want? What would you do with your life?”
The words were pouring out of him now, and Finn didn’t know if they made any sense. If they’d do what he wanted, what he dearly and truly hoped.
“I’m not sorry I left, because I deserve more with my life than a code,” he said. “And so do you. I have a name, and so should you. I was just a little different and they wanted to destroy me, and they’d do the same to you. They didn’t care about me, and they don’t care about you…but they care about me now. They recognize me now. They know who I am, now. And everything they’ve built depends on your willingness to be content with nothing. With obedience. With slavery. With being replaceable and anonymous.”
Maz waved at him, and Finn saw that the displays were flashing in what looked a much more urgent way.
“Listen to me, brothers, sisters!” he pleaded. “You deserve to be more! I am a person, and my name is Finn – and you are people too. I want to know your names.”
The next hit sent the Falcon rolling through a complete spin like a top, throwing Finn out of his seat, and the mixed-up pile of comm equipment flew out of place. Some of the cables snapped, parts of it caught fire, and electrical arcs snapped out into the rest of the main room.
Some of the lights went out.
“What the hell was that?” Lando shouted.
“Torpedo!” Rose replied, from the ventral turret. “I nailed it just before it hit us!”
R2 rolled calmly into the room and doused the flaming equipment with his fire extinguisher, putting out the flames, and Finn patted out some of the ones on his clothes.
“Did it work?” he asked. “Maz – did it work?”
“I don’t know, Finn, but you did all you could,” she replied. “Quickly – to the cockpit. My boyfriend could do with another pair of hands!”
“Got it,” Finn decided.
It took him only a few seconds to reach the cockpit, and he used the time to swap out earpieces.
“Poe?” he asked. “How are we doing?”
“You certainly got their attention, Finn!” Poe replied. “Half the fleet is firing at you, specifically! Chewie’s a damn good pilot, I’ll tell you that much – so far he’s dodged more than a dozen turbolaser shots! They’re using the main batteries on you, too!”
“Great, really good to know that’s happening,” Finn said, wincing. “What happens if one of them hits us?”
“Well, good news is, you’ll probably never realize it,” Poe said, then his X-wing rolled past the Falcon and did a weird kind of inverted flip before firing behind them. “That’s two more down!”
“What do you need me to do, Chewie?” Finn asked.
Chewbacca waved over at one of the banks of switches with a mumble, and Finn saw that the whole power system was straining badly to keep up with the demands being placed on it by everything that was going on.
He diverted some power from the front screens, sharing it out to everything else that needed attention, then one of the Star Destroyers closest to the superlaser refit facility blew up.
“Whoa!” he said. “What was that?”
“Don’t know, Finn!” Poe called. “I don’t think we did that!”
“Boys, listen to this!” Maz instructed, then their commlinks crackled.
“-destruction of the Forceful was a warning!” an Imperial officer said, in harsh tones. “Any attempt by Stormtroopers to launch a mutiny will be met with overwhelming force! This is your only warning!”
“That’s the First Order Allegiant General,” Maz told them.
“Well, if this doesn’t work, we can ram the Falcon down his throat!” Rose suggested. “What ship’s he on?”
A moment later, one of the other First Order Star Destroyers opened fire.
On a fellow Star Destroyer.
“This is KL-1138!” a man’s voice called out, over the same frequency. “I am a person, and my name is Kyle! Everything Finn has said is right!”
“I am Brell!” another voice declared, this time a woman. “Starting now, I am not a slave!”
The comm frequencies began to dissolve into overlapping shouts, and Finn felt like slumping over backwards.
They’d done it. Somehow-
It wasn’t a mystery. It wasn’t an unknown.
It wasn’t even something he’d done, mostly.
He’d just reminded them all. They were people.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
So iv been thinking which is dangerous
What would happen if the reader was forced to kneel to another alpha? Like maybe back at the institute or some random alpha grabbed the back of her neck and forced her to kneel? What would it feel like?
I know it's very unlikely to happen, but I'm just imagining like a scenario where Dr. Keller and the boys find like old tapes from the institute, and one of them is an Alpha physically forcing reader to kneel, like maybe she tried to talk back or something? Does it have a prickly feeling when being scruffed? Or is it painful? Do they feel anything?
I mean, it is unlikely since reader hasn't been around an alpha since the time she presented and the time she gets picked up from the institute by the CIA.
Scruffing is not a good thing, and it can be very damaging to an omega. It's not something to take lightly and if something like that had happened to the reader, well, Price would definitely be using those resources to track down an alpha and have a little "chat" with them. Scruffing can happen while kneeling either accidentally or purposefully (then it's not really kneeling it's just scruffing).
Scruffing is uncomfortable and can be painful at first. (I mean, someone grabbing the back of your neck forcefully is gonna hurt.) That discomfort or pain can last as long as the alpha wants it to. Sometimes it might be for the entire time the omega is being scruffed, or it might fade quickly depending on what the end goal is of the alpha. Scruffing for something like control or calming an omega, obviously it's not going to last very long as they get put into sort of a trance-like state (sort of like kneeling but far more vulnerable and manipulatable.) From there they can be sort of controlled by an alpha, not like mind control type stuff, but if they need to forget something that's happened or an alpha wants them to agree to do something, they're not going to be able to say no. I think you can see where that's going...
Omegas won't really remember much of what happened after they were scruffed. They'll remember being scruffed but then it's kind of just a blank spot in their memory. That, of course, can be quite unsettling and distressing for the omega and that's why it's seen (by good alphas) as a sort of last resort and rarely gets used unless absolutely necessary.
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scionshtola · 2 months
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11. Despite everything, is it still you? Has the core of who they are as a person remained true through everything, or have they been changed by what they’ve experienced and learned, for better or worse? (x)
There have been quite a few ups and downs in the six or so years since Corisande left their home for Eorzea and ended up joining the Scions. They've changed for the better in some ways--learned more about the world, expanded their horizons exactly as they always wanted; and for the worse in others--more reluctant than ever to burden others with their problems. But they are still the same at their core: a warm, kindhearted bun who wants to help others, learn about the world, and can be found, more often than not, wandering the nearest woods with their oldest friend.
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werebutch · 3 months
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@eucyon Oh my god tumblr ate your ask I’m so lucky I screenshotted. So mad I have to type again . Thank you so much for dis question it’s so fun and made me really think to be honest ^__^ ILYSMMMM this is long but it’s too fun
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This is Lynx’s most popular album, Conspiracy Theories. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have a pic of lynx as the cover even if it’s silly. I really like rabbit imagery in music anyways though so I think it’s nice. I was inspired by Alice In Chains album covers and also fleshwater’s ‘we’re not here to be loved’. I tried to find a way to make it more 'gritty' but I couldn’t unfortunately 😭 I like how the title looks, like they just got a label maker and smacked it on..heheh
I imagine that this album is about relationship anxiety, betrayal, resentment, anti social tendencies, infidelity, and aliens. Probably not little green men, maybe more like the thing kind of fleshy imagery. Definitely appealing to atlas and scotch in different ways. Tool’s Undertow is a good example (off the top of my head..) of the sound I’m thinking of, so… prog? Or at least heavily inspired. I’m bad with genres heheh
im currently trying to either become okay with roadkill's name, or decide on a new one.. so im not making any album covers for them yet lol but i will post when i do..
I think roadkill would take a lot of inspo from their fave band so their style is probably heavily influenced by Lynx. Scotch adds a lot of sampling, distortion, whatever..idk I don’t make music.. and atlas is a big fan of slow tempo and bass. think its important to note that atlas doesnt play bass like a bassist in this album, he plays it more like a guitarist. kind of. hope that makes sense. I’ve always been really torn about roadkill’s genre, it’s been everywhere and tends to change. scotch and atlas’ styles would be vastly different if they were solo, so I think that’s why i am so indecisive . I think I just have to keep reminding myself that they’re in a band together, so styles would be mixed.
A part of me is like.. I think roadkill’s first album would be reminiscent of faith no more’s ‘the real thing’, or even some of Primus' stuff in some sense, plus similarities to Lynx and influences of industrial. i know thats a lot of random descriptions. I kinda think of (here’s a goofy genre for ya) sludge metal bands’ instrumental style, not necessarily vocal style... its hard to describe a band that doesnt exist. LMFAO
right now im thinking about 'the pot' by tool as a close example of roadkill.. im having a hard time finding artists that match scotch's vocal range even remotely. also doesnt help that the bands im basing this off of like tool and FNM dont exactly...fit into genres very neatly. roadkill and lynx wouldnt either. HAH. i just know it wouldnt be that high quality but definitely obvious theres a lot of passion in it. i mean this is just an album made by guys who dontknow what theyre doing. like at all. lol
Roadkill’s sound changes quite a bit their next album when seraph is involved. It becomes a lot more ummmm I guess palatable to more people? I don’t exactly know what I mean by that. Ok. LOL. I’ll think about it.. but this is around when Scotch realizes he wants this to be his job. Having Seraph helps A LOT with building a more dedicated and bigger audience, since they’re the one most willing to make changes. Plus they’re in art school, I feel like they’d have connections. So I guess roadkill would sell out in a way.
if you asked me this question a year ago i would have had a completely different answer. i wouldve probably said roadkill is pop punk or garage rock or something. i have trouble fitting scotch and atlas into a genre together. it fits scotch just fine and i think he would enjoy it, but its not roadkill.. also ive been thinking of stylizing roadkill as rdkill.. lmk wat u think.. im unsure about the name is generalHAHA. i know this is a lot so dont feel pressured to reply to everything LMAO im just thinking out loud. and drawing connections between genres that completely do not make sense. peace and LOVE<3
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Adventure Poll!
Previous Poll
Though plagued with many questions about today, what nags at your mind most is the person you left behind. In the strangeness of the fae realm you hadn't really noticed too much about them; thoughts and details had been slippery. Now though, thinking back, your memories solidify. Long, lithe limbs covered in pale birch-like bark, bright amber eyes with no irises. You remember a laurel of branches crowning their head, and hair like willow vines. You can't say you know much about denizens of fey realms... but maybe they were some kind of dryad?
You glance down at your wrist, remembering their crushing strength. The bruise left behind by their long fingers is darkening into an odd shape. You squint in the flickering light, and move over to the fireside for a better look. Mottled purple and brownish-yellows are blooming on your skin, but buried beneath them is something else. Your brow furrows as you twist your arm around. There's something like... a tattoo? It looks like a thorny vine wrapped around your wrist like a bracelet.
More questions spring to mind. You remember the emphasis of their words, how carefully they held your gaze when they grabbed your wrist. Who were they? What had they put on your wrist? Unbidden the image of them standing in front of the threshold peeking over their shoulder at you comes to mind. You're sure they had been smiling. You didn't see their mouth, but you can feel it in your bones somehow.
As your thoughts swirl around this topic, you suddenly notice that little heartbeat in your mind has... changed? There's no way for you to know how you know this, but it feels as though that tiny presence has... lifted its head to look at you? You have the distinct impression of being watched, but the sense isn't sinister. It feels more like someone heard a familiar name from across the room and is searching for the speaker. Upon this realization the feeling changes to something else: a beckoning.
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sylvies-kablooie · 7 months
I agree!! This season has so many open ends and there’s no way they will close them all up next episode.
I saw someone say they chose plot over characterization and that seems to be true
it could very well be a strategic, long haul move to incorporate some of these characters- like renslayer or brad- into future marvel content.
the problem is i’m not really interested in future marvel content! there are a few characters i keep up with but i’m not interested in noticing every tiny detail about every film like i used to be, which i mostly chalk up to just being really really busy these days. but it is overwhelming to think, aw man do i have to have seen the 5 most recent series, 7 newest films, etc to know what’s going on in this new installment I want to watch?
and let’s be honest- some characters within the vast cinematic universe are just going to appeal to certain people more than others. having to play mental chess to figure out where each of the hundreds of characters are to figure out what the one dude you love is doing is a Lot.
i also prefer a storyline contained within one show/movie because the next person who gets to write the script could take all of your blorbo’s character development and turn it into a punchline.
but there is also the possibility that these characters won’t be built upon in future installments because every other show/movie has equally interesting side characters and developing them all would be impossible. you get a spin-off show for your specific fave? they will incorporate more side characters for you to get curious about. etc etc. u see what I’m saying? we’d need infinite time!
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For dating game: Donna Noble for a non Mash option from something I'm pretty sure I've seen you reblog stuff from, BJ, and Klinger
I can't believe I got 2 Donnas for this game and neither were the MASH one haha. And yes I AM a Doctor Who fan but like with Twin Peaks I'm only a shallow fake one because I only feel really passionate about RTD era :( sowwy again. I'm 0 for 2 today. But at least I didn't skip MASH s1-3 AND I didn't skip the 9th Doctor AND I read Laura's diary + Dale Cooper's tapes. So now everyone has to give me a little headpat and forgive me and say they're not mad at me thank you <3
Donna Noble
I couldn’t handle Donna QwQ I couldn’t match her energy it’s very sad :( I feel like I would do the exact opposite of what the Doctor did for her in terms of bringing out her most amazing qualities. And I do really try to highlight and praise the qualities of people in my life!! I just don’t know if I could help her reach her full potential. Which sounds like one of those weird therapy-talk approaches to relationships but unfortunately sometimes when you really admire someone you actually do start thinking about things like “am I supporting her journey effectively” and all that. But this is just a date right so it can just be a casual thing. I feel like Donna is someone with whom I could straight up be like Hey so I was never socialized properly and your last relationship ended comically terribly so do you want to like try practicing dating with each other? I think it could be fun! And then eventually she could move on to find happiness with Mr. Temple :)�� 
Wait actually sorry quick tangent if Donna doesn’t remember the Doctor what does she think happened to her fiance from way back when. Does she. Does she remember the giant alien spider or. Hang on--
BJ Hunnicutt
BJ Hunnicutt is the human equivalent of Disneyland. Everybody in the entire nation is absolutely obsessively feral over it it’s sooo beautiful it’s sooo fun you just HAVE to experience it it’s a quintessential expression of the American dream blah blah blah. But I will never attend this overpriced (constantly borrowing money) and overcrowded (too much competition from the rest of Mashblr) theme park. I do not care for its fastpass system (willingness to cheat on his partner) or its uninspiring coaster design (anger issues), and I am further offended to hear of the constant introduction of cost-cutting measures that harm visitor experience (growth of mustache). Not even the prospect of purchasing a fully functioning Cogsworth clock (chance to join the Punnihawk polycule) is enough to tempt me. It’s not happening. I am going to Dollywood (Maxwell Klinger).
Maxie my beautiful girl Maxie whomst is so very adored by me
My wife my kitten my sweet snuggly wuggly good time gal. My Dollywood. Know that I love and adore Maxwell for eternity <3
BUT. I must love her from afar because I couldn’t in good conscience waste her time when I figure there must be a more compatible match out there, ya know? Like, I know hardly anything about baseball and I wear the same clothes every day and I don’t eat red meat so I can’t even share those beloved hotdogs. Max deserves the Best as I’m sure we all agree, and we know he wants a serious long term partnership. I want the same thing, so I know that such a lifelong, committed relationship should be with someone who finds themself more easily compatible with Max’s tastes and interests.  
On an unrelated note, Charles sure seemed to get super into baseball in War For All Seasons, huh? :) And we know he cares a lot about his clothes, as we see him hiring a personal tailor at least once! :) And he was surprisingly eager to get to share in Max’s hotdog delivery in The Grim Reaper, too! :) So many random fun facts in this world \^w^/
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sherlock-is-ace · 1 year
#midnight thoughts before going to bed (feel free to ignore)#but today i realized two major things about myself and my mental illness#1. i was reminded that when you have an anxiety disorder your body has a hard time telling the difference between anxiety and excitement#and suddenly my whole life made sense lol#the amount of times i didn't do something that i really wanted to do because it caused me MAJOR anxiety#and it was probably excitement actually but my body went into full fight or flight mode#and 2. i realized that my masking is actually causing me physical pain#like this is of course of i am actually autistic. i still feel like i can't say i am cause i have no right you know?#but objectively i'm like 98% sure i have autism#ANYWAYS masking is usually just forcing eye contact or not stiming in public (as much)#but today i realized that when i hear loud noises or too many at the same time my instinct is to cover my ears#but i don't because that's ''weird'' or will make people ask questions that i don't really know how to answer#so i don't cover my ears i just sit through it in actual pain and hope for the best#and the worst part of this is that when i say ''masking in public'' i mean in my own damn home#because of my mom and the fact that she doesn't believe i have issues#i think it's my fault tho i shouldn't have mentioned my self diagnosis while we were watcing the good doctor (and later attorney woo)#because those two are her only reference for what autism is/looks like and i'm not like that#i mean for the most part... the good doctor was the reason i realize i might be autistic#and woo's struggle with revolving doors hit a bit too close to my heart lol#but anyways...#i need to deal with my out of control anxiety#and i'm pretty sure i am autistic...#those are the conclusions of this post lol#angel talks#personal
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yennefer · 1 year
hello, I just wondered if you had thought about changing your blog away from a HP theme? given JKR and the terf problem, if its better not to give it as much of a platform .
No hate just want your take on it
okay i'm finally back from work so i can answer this...
i just want to preface this first by saying that i am not a jkr apologist by any means. i think her opinions about trans people are wrong, disgusting, and very harmful. there's a problem within the harry potter fandom where people get very defensive about still enjoying harry potter to the point where they try to explain or defend jkr because they feel they have to. i'm not one of those people. and i've honestly been let down by cast members who feel like just because she created a world they grew to love, and because they might otherwise like her as a person, that she deserves the benefit of the doubt or some kind of compassion. she doesn't. not when her words can lead to real-life consequences and harm. not when she's proven herself to be a giant hypocrite. how do you write a story where your main characters are looked at as lesser than because of who they are (whether that's harry being a half-blood, hagrid being half-giant, hermione being muggleborn, house elves being treated like slaves, etc.) by the villains, and turn right around and do EXACTLY the same thing? and it makes it so, so much worse because she has such a giant platform and has a lot more influence than, say, the rick riordan or stephanie meyers of the world (for example).
now i will say that harry potter holds a special significance to me, as it was the series that got me into reading. i went to see all the movies the day they came out, i waited at barnes & nobles for the new book releases... my original harry potter books are so worn out from me reading them that they've literally fallen apart. i've spent money on five different book sets and a hell of a lot of merch. my dad will never let me down getting upset with him because he decided he would rather spend money on building our movie room instead of taking me the wizarding world of harry potter the summer it opened (i ended up going two summers after anyway). there were points in my life where i read nothing but harry potter. i just re-read the books over and over again. i've watched all the movies countless times that i can recite the lines verbatim. i say all this to say that i'm a huge harry potter fan. and i will always have a lot of love for the series and the movies.
that being said, it's hard to reconcile being a fan of her work and not being a fan of her. i used to reread the entire series every year or two. it just felt like coming home. but i haven't reread them since the news broke and i don't think i ever will. i also stopped buying all harry potter related merch. for me, it's enough that i don't support her financially in any way. it's enough that i'm mindful when i do watch or engage with the world she created, i am mindful that it's based off a work by a person who held bigoted views and those views certainly influenced certain things in her work. i think that's enough that i don't try in any way to defend or make excuses for some of those things. however, i realize that this is not enough for some people and they would rather not engage with the fandom (and by extension me, or my blog) at all. and they absolutely have that right. i'm not here to tell anyone how they should feel.
as for my blog, tbh, i don't post that much about hp anymore. the fandom has pretty much died out on here, and that's in large part to jkr being a terf. i don't necessarily think that posting hp is giving it a platform, especially when i am not a big blog by any means. i do hope that if someone does decide to watch the movies or read the books because of my blog (doubtful lol), that they are aware of the fact they're engaging with a work created by an author with bigoted views. my blog is also multi-fandom and always has been. i stopped giffing so i don’t create content for it anymore either. as for whether i'll change urls or stop posting about hp entirely, the answer to the first part is probably and as for the second... i really don't know yet myself sorry.
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suguae · 10 days
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જsynopsis. If it was a dream, then he would never want to wake up.
જpairings. Z. Toji x F. Reader
જcontents. Mention of self harm, weight loss, mild smut.
Final part.
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“Y/n…” He whispered. 
Megumi, with his chubby cheeks flushed with excitement and his bright eyes sparkling with joy, ran towards you with arms outstretched. His tiny feet pattered quickly across the wooden floor, and his soft, tousled hair bounced with each enthusiastic step. When he reached you, he wrapped his small arms around your legs, squeezing you tightly in a deep warm embrace.
"You come back!" he exclaimed with a mix of relief and happiness in his voice. His words tugged at your heartstrings, and you could feel tears brimming in your eyes. The pure, unfiltered love and innocence in his voice overwhelmed you.
"Y/n," Toji repeated, his voice more certain this time, though it still carried the weight of his remorse. "I... I didn't think I'd ever get to see you again." His eyes softened as they met yours, searching for any sign of the forgiveness he was too afraid to ask for.
You took a step closer, the child clinging to you with an unspoken trust that seemed to break down the barriers Toji had built around his heart. "It's been a long time, Toji," you said gently, your voice carrying a mix of warmth and caution. "A lot has changed."
Toji was content, but his heart still swelled with emotion. One thing he couldn't ignore was the drastic change in your appearance: your body was thinner than before you left, and the bags under your eyes were impossible to miss. He sighed quietly as you spoke to Megumi, who nestled comfortably in your arms.
"Daddy missed you a lot, he was crying sometimes," Megumi said, his small voice full of sincerity as he nuzzled closer to you. You smiled gently at his words before looking up at Toji, your eyes meeting his with a mix of affection and concern. 
You both knew that you needed to clear things up, but with Megumi excitedly being all over you, it was impossible. “Will you come home with us?” Megumi asked, causing you to look back down at him.
“Yeah…” you whispered, your voice soft and tinged with emotion. Megumi's eyes lit up with joy, and he hugged you tightly. You glanced back at Toji, who gave you a small, hopeful smile. Despite the changes and the unspoken words between you, there was a sense of relief in the air. For now, being together was enough.
With Megumi pulling you around the house to show you his new toys, you noticed Toji hovering nearby with a soft smile glued on his face. Seeing the effect you had on Megumi made his heart swell with pride and affection.
“Now we can watch a movie?” Megumi asked, throwing his body onto the couch with a cheeky smile plastered on his face. You couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. “Sure, we can watch a movie,” you replied, your smile mirroring his.
As Megumi nestled closer, resting his head on your lap, he whispered, “You stay here forever with me and papa…” His words were filled with innocence and a longing for permanence. You smiled tenderly, brushing his hair soothingly as his eyes drifted closed, succumbing to sleep.
Toji's gaze lingered on you, his eyes burning with emotion as he watched the interaction between you and Megumi. The warmth of your presence, the familiarity of your bond with their son, it all served as a healing balm to him. The sight of you back here with him, it felt like a salve on old wounds, like a promise of better days ahead.
But beneath the surface, there lingered a question, unspoken yet palpable: Were you going to stay forever? It was a question that hung in the air, heavy with uncertainty and hope, waiting for an answer that only time would reveal.
"Toji, I wanna give it another chance…” you sigh, feeling the weight of your words as they hung in the air. You threw your head back, a mix of uncertainty and hope swirling within you. “But I don’t wanna mess it up.”
Turning to look at him, you found Toji already staring back, his expression a mix of understanding and anticipation. “I’ve been through a lot of stuff that changed me mentally," you continued, your voice soft with vulnerability. "I mean, what if I’m not enough for you?”
Toji reached out, gently taking your hand in his. “You are more than enough,” he said, his voice filled with sincerity. “We've both been through our share of ups and downs, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. We can work through whatever comes our way, together.”
"And how are you so sure?" you asked, your voice trembling with emotion as tears welled up in your eyes.
"Because," Toji replied, his hands reaching up to gently cup your cheeks, his touch warm and reassuring, "I love you, and I don't want to let you slip away so easily, again."
After so long, he had finally said it. "I love you." Those words, so simple yet so meaningful, meant everything to you. Coming from Toji, they carried even more weight, knowing how it was never easy for him to express his feelings so openly.
His words washed over you, carrying with them a sense of sincerity and devotion that you couldn't ignore. As he wiped away the small tear that slipped down your cheek, you felt a wave of relief wash over you. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of his love, you knew that maybe, just maybe, everything would be okay.
You couldn't help but notice the small promise ring wrapped around his finger—the one you gave him, the one he never wore because he was too busy wearing his old wedding band. But here he was, wearing the promise ring now.
The sight filled you with a mixture of surprise and warmth. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about his commitment to you, about his willingness to let go of the past and embrace the present with you.
As you looked at the ring, a smile tugged at the corners of your lips, and you reached out to take his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers with his. "You still have it..." you murmured, your fingers gently tracing the ring on his finger. “Why would I not?” Toji replied, his eyes filled with sincerity and love.
"We can't change the past," you said softly, meeting his gaze with a mixture of sadness and determination. "But we can choose how to move forward from here."
Toji couldn't believe his luck. Here you were, back in his bedroom, with his clothes on, fresh from the shower. It felt surreal, like a dream he never thought would come true.
As he watched you, a sense of gratitude washed over him, mingled with a hint of disbelief. The past had been filled with so much pain and uncertainty, but now, in this moment, there was only the soft glow of the lamplight and the comforting presence of you beside him.
With Megumi peacefully sleeping in his own room, the house was quiet, save for the soft hum of the night outside. It was a moment of stillness, of peace, that Toji knew he would cherish forever.
As he moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around you in a tender embrace, he whispered  "I love you, and I was a fool for letting you go," Your heart swelled at his words, hearing the vulnerability and honesty in his voice. It was a confession you had longed to hear, a validation of the love that had never truly faded, despite the distance and the pain.
"I love you too, but it was best for me to leave. You needed to heal," you replied softly, your voice filled with a mix of love and sadness.
Toji's expression softened as he listened to your words, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I know," he murmured, his hand reaching out to gently brush away the tears that fell down your cheeks. "And I'm sorry for everything you had to go through because of me."
You shook your head, leaning into his touch. "It wasn't your fault," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "We both needed time apart to find ourselves again. And now, here we are, together."
Toji's eyes traced every feature on your face, filled with admiration and longing. Leaning in, he pressed a small, tender kiss on your pink, plump lips. The kiss was filled with longing and desire, a silent expression of the love that had never truly faded.
Pulling away, he looked into your eyes, his gaze filled with affection and a hint of uncertainty. But before he could say anything, you leaned in again, your lips meeting his in a passionate embrace. The world around you faded away as your bodies pressed against each other, the sensation of his lips moving against yours sending shivers down your spine.
His body hovered over yours, the cushion beneath you sinking as you melted into each other's embrace. In that moment, there was only the two of you, lost in the heat of the moment and the intensity of your love. 
Toji's hands made their way under the shirt you wore, gently sliding it off you, revealing your bare breasts. His eyes wandered over your exposed skin, filled with desire and longing. But then his gaze landed on your wrist, something he hadn't noticed before due to the coverage of your shirt.
"Toji..." you whispered, your voice filled with apprehension.
His heart felt heavy as he saw the burn marks on your wrist, a painful reminder of the struggles you had faced in his absence. Guilt gnawed at him as he realized the depth of your pain, the scars left behind by wounds he couldn't even begin to imagine.
"I'm so sorry," he murmured, his voice choked with emotion as he reached out to gently trace the marks with his fingertips. "I never knew..."
You nodded, tears welling up in your eyes as you looked at him, seeing the regret and sorrow reflected in his gaze. You caressed his cheeks, your touch gentle and reassuring. "I'm better," you reminded him softly, wanting to ease the weight of his guilt.
You leaned in to kiss him, the urgency and intensity of your desire evident in the messy, passionate embrace. Your tongues danced together, a symphony of longing and love as you lost yourselves in each other's embrace.
You tugged at the waistband of his sweatpants, a silent invitation for him to slide them off. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern. You eagerly nodded, your desire evident in the way your eyes met his with unwavering determination. There was no doubt in your mind—you wanted this, needed this, more than anything.
With a small smile, Toji reached down, slowly sliding off his sweatpants, revealing his cock. The air between you crackled with anticipation as he moved closer, his body now fully exposed to your hungry gaze.
As he hovered over you, his eyes filled with love and desire, you felt a rush of excitement course through you. In this moment, there was no room for doubt or hesitation, only the raw, unbridled passion that consumed you both.
With a passionate intensity, Toji thrust into you, his movements filled with love and urgency. As he kissed your scars tenderly, each touch was a silent declaration of his love and devotion.
With each thrust, you felt the weight of his love pressing into you, a reminder that you were not alone, that he was here with you, sharing in every moment of pleasure and intimacy.
Your soft moans filled his ears, your voice whispering his name like a prayer. "Ah, Toji..." The sound of your pleasure sent a shiver down his spine, his heart fluttering with a mixture of desire and disbelief.
He had dreamed of this moment, of having you here in his arms, but now that it was real, it was more than he could have ever imagined. The intimacy between you was a testament to the depth of your connection, a bond that had endured despite the trials and tribulations you had faced.
As his lips moved over your skin, tracing the marks left behind by your past pain, you felt a sense of healing wash over you. In his embrace, you found solace and reassurance, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, stronger than ever before.
That night, after the heat of passion had cooled and the world outside faded into darkness, Toji held you tightly in his arms as you both drifted off to sleep. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you again, the fear of being apart from you once more haunting his thoughts.
With you nestled against his chest, he felt a sense of peace wash over him, a reassurance that as long as you were here, everything would be alright. He held you close, wanting to savor every moment, every breath, knowing that tomorrow wasn't promised.
As he listened to the steady rhythm of your breathing, he whispered “I love you”. In this moment, there was only the two of you, wrapped in each other's embrace, finding solace and comfort in the warmth of your love.
Toji's heart sank as he woke up to find no sight of you beside him. For a moment, panic gripped him as he feared that you might have left. But then, to his relief, he heard laughter echoing from the kitchen, the sound of your voice mingling with Megumi's.
As Toji stood from a distance, watching you and Megumi messily making pancakes together, a warm feeling spread through his chest. Megumi sat on the counter, attempting to mix the batter while you smiled, taking pictures, your laughter filling the room.
Toji couldn't help but smile to himself as he watched you, wearing his shirt that barely reached your mid-thigh, with flour messily in your hair, likely due to Megumi's enthusiastic mixing. The sight of you, so carefree and nurturing with his own child, stirred something deep within Toji.
It was a moment of realization for him, a moment when he knew with certainty that he wanted to have his own children with you. Seeing you act so motherly towards Megumi filled him with a sense of longing and anticipation for the future. He imagined how wonderful it would be to have a family of his own, to see you as the mother of his children, to share in the joys and challenges of parenthood together.
"Daddy!" Megumi's excited voice rang out, and Toji couldn't help but smile as he watched his son.
You turned to Toji, your face lighting up with a radiant smile that seemed to glow like an angel to him. "Good morning, sleepyhead," you greeted him affectionately as he approached, your warmth wrapping around him like a comforting embrace.
Toji's arm instinctively wrapped around your waist as he leaned in to leave a gentle kiss on your shoulder. In that moment, surrounded by the love of his family, he felt a sense of contentment and gratitude wash over him.
As he looked at you and Megumi, he knew that this was where he belonged, with the two of you by his side. And as he savored the warmth of your embrace and the love that filled the room, he couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man in the world.
"DAD! SHE'S WALKING!" Megumi exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement. Your eyes glistened with tears of joy as your beautiful daughter took her first steps towards you.
Toji felt his heart warm at the sight, a sense of pride and love swelling within him. He quickly took out his phone to record the moment, just as he had done when Megumi had started walking.
As he watched his daughter take those tentative steps, her tiny hands reaching out for support, Toji felt a sense of wonder and awe. In that moment, he realized how much his life had changed, how much richer and fuller it had become with you and his children in it.
As his daughter finally reached you, her face lighting up with a smile that mirrored your own, Toji knew that this was a moment he would cherish forever. And as he wrapped his arms around you and his children, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the family he had been blessed with.
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taglist. @maliakealoha @dreamlessnight @mikyapixie @slowlyswimmingmoon @needsleep3000 @blueberryblood11 @ryumurin @adreamingpendulum @aechmea01 @r0ckst4rjk @wr4inn @khaleesihavilliard @sidelnes @nxxun-blog @imnotabot28 @my1guilty1pleasures @ssc7514 @mob1lecatcher @little-duck @i2innie @that-goth-bisexual @kt-willson @swanyie @painted-hills @lunamoons-posts @thekidscallmebosss @furrynightthing @zoemaelol @mochii-13 @mellowarcadefun @kitkatmochi @pega7sus @mitsuki123sstuff @4-gojo @milkm4nz @meandmyhomieshateshibuya @kidd3ath @chadychadyy2k @iamtheunkown @0range-juiceee @kxllanxtdoor @moonchildlv @mimisxs @venus1224idkpleaze @batw1ngz @gothifiedrei @asceluffy @rhialazyreader @burningwiitches
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bluejutdae · 3 months
best friend Stray Kids saving you (or being saved by you) from a bad date | Chan x you
this will become a series, I’ll make a scenario like this for all the members. Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
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genre: romance, friends to lovers
warnings: asshole guy who thinks sex is required in exchange of a dinner
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“I’m sorry but I really have to go, it’s a family emergency. But I’ll call you.” This guy is really pissing you off, but he’s tall and pretty muscular and the vibes you got from him during the (luckily short) date make you uncomfortable.
“Are you really using this lazy excuse? I invited you to dinner, I’m gonna pay, so the least you could do is to put it out there!” You blink in disbelief, he really is a creepy guy. Chan is on his way though, so the thought comforts you a little. You reach into your bag and grab a few bills and, as you place them on the table, you give the guy a sarcastic smile. “I can pay for my own dinner.”
Grabbing your jacket you turn your back to him, ready to leave, but the asshole grabs you by your arm and yanks you towards him. You don’t have the time to do anything because a hand is suddenly around the guy’s wrist like a vice.
“Let her go immediately or I’m going to break your arm.” You’ve never heard Chan talking with such ice in his voice and a shiver runs along your spine.
“Fuck you both. I should have known you were a frigid bitch!” the guy lets you go and raises his free hand in surrender. Before letting him go, Chan looks at you for the first time since his arrival. “Are you okay?” You nod, confused. You thought your crush for Chan was long gone, but if the butterflies in your stomach are any indication, your crush is alive and burning.
Not even 5 minutes later, in a cab with Chan sitting next to you, you catch the end of your best friend’s sentence: “…can’t believe that asshole!”
“You know what’s funny? He called me a ‘frigid bitch’. Isn’t that a bizarre insult? What does it even mean?” Now that you’re with Chan, you’re calm and not scared anymore.
You hear him laughing, shaking his head. “Like anything that came out of his mouth made any sense… but really, are you okay?” You nod again. You’re not scared, you’re not uncomfortable, but something in your chest trembles at the idea of parting with Chan. “Can you stay over tonight?”, you ask quietly.
When you close the door, the atmosphere is uncommonly quiet and tense. Did you make Chan uncomfortable? Did he have other plans? Is he annoyed with you for always needing him? As all those thoughts run across your head, he slips out of his shoes and goes straight to the kitchen, feeling at home in your small apartment. “Can I steal some ramen? I didn’t have the time to eat a proper dinner.” In lieu of an affirmative answer, you wash your hands and start preparing a quick dinner for Chan. “I’m sorry I hijacked your night, Channie.”
“What are you talking about? My plans involved ramen at the dorms and hearing Hyunjin and Jisung screaming against the tv. They started a new drama”, he explains watching you moving around the kitchen. He loves to look at you while you’re busy, while you’re too occupied with something else to notice him studying you, watching you with love in his eyes. Tonight was once again proof you only saw him as a friend and nothing more: otherwise you wouldn’t have gone on a date, right?
You spent ages crushing over him, but once you were sure he felt nothing for you, you tried (in vain, apparently) to get over him.
You place a steaming bowl of food in front of him and sit at the table, looking at him.
“No more lame dates. No, you know what? No more dates.”
“You let a couple of bad guys ruin your search for true love?”
Well, he’s not gonna complain, but he also doesn’t want a bad experience to scar your hopes for romance. “Nah, they’re not worth it. My perfect match is not interested in me anyway.”
Fuck, you shouldn’t have said something like that, now he’s gonna ask questions.
“Perfect march, uh?”
You wave your hand, almost slapping away the topic. “Eat your food, Chan.”
“I thought you told me everything,” he pouts and you’re a weak weak person, how can you be tough in front of his pout?
“There is someone I like, I liked him for a while but it’s unreciprocated, so there’s no point in talking about him.”
“Then he’s dumb. Tell me his name?”
“You kinda know him, so I’d rather not… you know, don’t wanna make it weird.” Chan looks at you with a weird something in his eyes you can’t really understand, but for the sake of your secret you let it slide.
The movie has been on for at least an hour but neither of you is really watching it. You’re cuddled on the couch, Chan’s head on your lap and your fingers slowly playing with his hair. It’s one of his favorite cuddling positions, and you love it cause you have the chance to watch him without being noticed.
“I wish you’d tell me who he is.”
You freeze in surprise, fingers stilling on his head.
“No wait, listen for a second.” He sits now, and bites his lip. “We’ve always told pretty much everything, but there are things I haven’t told you either. So I will tell you something secret about me if you tell me who he is.”
“Why do you wanna know?”
He’s quick to get on his feet, walking on the small carpet in front of the tv. “Because I wanna know who’s this dumb guy who is not in love with you. What’s not to love? He’s lucky enough you are interested in him, something I’d give an arm for, and he’s not on his knees worshiping you?” He then freezes, like something hit him and trains his eyes on the floor. “Forget what I said”.
What did he say? Are you drunk and incapable of understanding or Chan just said he’d give an arm to have you interested in him? Something swells into your chest and you decide to be bold for once.
“Do you like me, Chan?”
He stills his pacing, gaze still trained to the floor, and nods carefully.
“It’s you.”
“The guy I like, it’s you.”
He’s gonna have a sore neck tomorrow, considering the speed in which he raises his head.
“Me?” You nod, with a hopeful smile on your lips.
“I was convinced you felt nothing for me…”
You don’t know which one of you moved first, and it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you’re kissing, now. You have his wet, soft and pillowy lips on yours, his tongue asking to be let in your mouth, your hands holding the other tight, almost to make sure this is real and you’re not going to vanish any seconds now.
“We’re such a clichè” he says on your lips, laughing cutely.
“Maybe. But I like it anyway.”
If being a clichè is what brought you two finally together, then so be it.
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