#hopefully my father hasn’t found it
Maybe it’s just me but I read a LOT of the Forgotten Realms AD&D sourcebooks in my youth, because my father had a pristine collection of first and second editions which I wasn’t allowed to touch on 🔪 pain of death. When he left the house, I would climb up atop his desk and pull them down from the high shelf, read them, and then replace them in perfect order… forbidden knowledge 😈
I was basically raised on AD&D lore lol so yeah there’s a lot bobbing around in my brain getting fished out for fanfic purposes. The sheer amount of Easter eggs and rare lore shoved into BG3 is giving me such life 🥰
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mystic-writings · 2 months
ink on skin | daryl dixon
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PAIRING — daryl dixon x fem!soulmate!reader
REQUEST — anon — hello! could you do an angsty story with daryl dixon? fem reader please <3 
SUMMARY — daryl gave up on the concept of soulmates long ago, even with the words marked on his wrist. and then he found you.
WARNINGS — canon-typical scenarios, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, soulmate au
WORD COUNT — 3,573
NOTES — this was supposed to be part of a really long collection of prompt drabbles from years ago but i found it in my docs and turned it into something a lot longer <3 it’s not the best (i couldn't for the life of me work out a good ending), but i think this might be one of my faves i’ve written bc of how poetic the first few paragraphs are 
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Daryl gave up on the concept of soulmates long before the world ended. He gave up on it when he was just a boy, when his mother died and his father stopped showing love. When he was told by his peers, his brother, his father, that no one would ever want him to stay with them, because he just wouldn’t be wanted by anyone. 
He grew to loathe the words on his wrist from a very young age. He did everything he could to cover them — makeup he stole from his aunt, long-sleeved shirts, bracelets, you name it. He’d even gotten used to not glancing at the ink scribed on his left wrist, making sure that no matter what, his eyes never fell on them. 
But even when he hated the words that sat there, waiting to be spoken by someone who cared, someone who wanted him, he couldn’t deny the countless nights he spent awake, tracing each letter and imagining what his soulmate’s voice sounded like. How would they say those three little words? What would they look like? When would he meet them? 
Daryl missed the feeling of being wanted. He only ever felt it when he was with his mother, when he was a young boy who didn’t know anything but that the sky was blue and soulmates were real and his father was mean. He hasn’t felt wanted — truly wanted — for a long, long time, not even when he found the group. 
Over time, with the loathing came the forgetting of the words marked on his wrist. By the time the world ended, Daryl had almost completely abandoned the reality of having a soulmate, and he rarely ever thought about it. In fact, he felt some relief in the fact that the world had ended. The chances of him finding ‘the one’ had lowered significantly now that most of the population was undead, and he had no reason to worry about being better for someone just to make it seem like he was worth loving anymore. 
For almost three years, he lived with the relief of likely not having a soulmate anymore. 
Today was an ordinary day, especially for the Alexandrians. At least, it seemed like an ordinary day. The sun was shining, people were milling around, crops were growing. But underneath the surface was something that no one wanted to address. Fear. 
Negan was beginning his wrath on the community that could barely keep itself alive. He demanded supplies, and he demanded a lot of them. So, half of Daryl’s people had gone out on runs to look for stuff. Food, clothes, medicine, whatever they could bring back. Daryl was among that group, taking a car as opposed to his motorbike and going to a high school with Carol.
At first, he volunteered to go alone, but she reasoned with him. It was too big of an area for him to cover on his own, she said. He could get hurt, or worse. And it was Carol, how could he deny her? She was his best friend, after all. So, Daryl drove in silence, Carol in the passenger seat, staring curiously at him. 
The feeling of her eyes on his annoyed him to no end, and eventually, the archer caved. 
“There somethin’ on my face or wha’?”
“Nothing,” Carol chirped. “Just… thinking.” 
“‘Bout wha’?” Daryl asked, sparing a glance at the woman. 
Carol shrugged, eyeing her friend. “About those words, on your arm.” 
Daryl tensed, shifting his posture to hopefully hide them from Carol’s view. “And?”
“Well, they’re not gone, for one.” She stated, a lilt in her voice. “And they’re… interesting first words for a soulmate, don’t you think?”
“How am I supposed ta know? I ain’t never seen anyone else’s tattoos. And it ain’t like I got a good chance of meetin’ ‘em, with all this shit goin’ on.” Daryl grumbled, watching Carol shrug and avert her gaze, looking ahead at the road. 
“Just saying… I wouldn’t give up hope, Daryl.” 
How would Carol know whether or not he should give up hope? Sure, she’d been the person closest to him aside from Rick, but even she knew nothing about his soulmate. Hell, he was still trying to figure out how she knew exactly what words marked his wrist. Still, he shook the thoughts from his head and continued the drive in silence, as though nothing had been spoken between the pair. 
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Somehow, the high school Daryl and Carol had arrived at seemed to be completely abandoned. 
There were no walkers roaming around outside the grounds, most of the windows were intact, and the parking lot was practically void of cars. It was a small town, but from what Daryl could remember of the high schools they’d driven past or looted during their time at the prison, he figured most high schools in small towns — like this one, in particular — would’ve been turned into aid camps for refugees. 
Even with no signs of life, Carol and Daryl kept their weapons up as they entered through the main doors. 
Flashlight beams swept over every inch of the school, and it became clear as to why there were no walkers. Rotting bodies littered the linoleum floors, dried blood splattered over tile and wall and metal lockers. A stench that the pair had, unfortunately, gotten used to, permeated the air, filling their guts with a permanent feeling of nausea. 
The first place they’d found was the nurse’s office, and while there wasn’t much in the way of medicines, there were supplies that Alexandria was lacking. Gauze, tension wraps, bandaids, generic over the counter medicines like ibuprofen and Gravol. Whatever was left, Carol loaded into the backpack she’d brought, filling it to the brim with what they found. 
“Cafeteria should be this way,” she nodded down the hall, flashlight sweeping across the path before they exited. 
Passing by empty classroom after empty classroom, Daryl said, “Migh’ need some of this stuff for later, when the kids get older, ya know? Be good for ‘em to learn.” 
“Yeah, it would be,” Carol nodded, eyes landing on a set of double doors to her right. “Maybe we’ll come back for all that stuff later.” 
Daryl grunted in affirmation, about to push the cafeteria door open with his shoulder. He paused as a loud thump echoed down the hall. His eyes flashed, followed by the beam of his flashlight, landing on a singular closed door, a plastic chair propped under the handle. 
“Leave it,” Carol advised. “It’s just a walker.” 
Daryl nodded, but his eyes lingered on the door for a moment. Deciding to leave it be, he pushed the cafeteria door open, finding it empty yet again. The pair crossed the large area to the hot table, where they could already see some canned goods lying about on the tables. 
“If there were people here,” Carol began, “why wouldn’t they have taken the food with them when they left?”
“Why’s that matter?” Daryl asked, propping his crossbow against the wall and pulling out his knife. He knelt by the door to the kitchen, putting his flashlight down and wedging the blade between the frame. “‘S more for us, ‘s all that matters. Don’ gotta question everythin’,” 
Carol said nothing, keeping her flashlight trained on the door for Daryl to use as extra light. 
After prying open the door, the pair used a cart to transport the mounds of large, sealed canned goods. With Carol pulling and Daryl pushing, they’d made quick work of the first two trips they needed to make, loading their trunk as best as they were able. 
On their way out of the third and final trip, Carol held the cafeteria door open as Daryl pushed the half-full cart, stopping abruptly as the door started to swing shut behind him. 
“What? What is it?”
“I hear somethin’,” Daryl muttered, straining his ears to listen for the noise again. He listened for what felt like decades, and just when he thought he was going crazy, he heard it again. “There,”
“What? I didn’t hear anything,” Carol said. 
“Nah, I heard it. Comin’ from this way,” he gestured down the part of the hall they hadn’t bothered exploring. Slowly, focused entirely on identifying the noise, Daryl crept down the hall, a confused Carol following him. 
Just as he’d been passing the room with the chair blocking the door, Daryl heard two sounds: a dull thunk, and a hiccuping cry. He stopped, turning to the door that had drawn his attention before. 
“Daryl, it’s just a walker,” Carol insisted. “Let’s go, we got what we need.” 
The archer didn’t listen, footfalls nearly silent against the linoleum as he approached the door, knife raised. In quick motions, Daryl pulled the chair from the door, sending it down the hall with a resounding screech, grabbing at the handle and pulling it open. The hinges squeaked as he peered within the dark, small room — a supply closet, he’d discerned from the cleaning products lining the shelves. All sense of danger left him when he wasn’t met with a walker, but instead a girl, her body half-laying, half-sitting, propped against the wall. 
Daryl’s eyes widened, taking in her form. She was covered head to toe in dirt and grime, save for the clear tear tracks down her cheeks and neck. Her hair was matted, and the side of her calf, just above the ankle, was wrapped in dirtied bandages. Her only protection was a small knife, covered in dried blood, the handle of which rested in her limp hand. 
“Holy shit,” Daryl blurted, catching the attention of Carol, but barely gaining acknowledgement from the girl before him. 
Carol, peeking over Daryl’s shoulder, moved first. She darted around the archer’s broad frame, kneeling down at the girl’s calf. Peeling the bandage from her skin, Carol sighed in relief, finding a deep gash where she feared there might have been a bite mark. “She’s hurt,” Carol remarked, moving closer to search for a pulse. “And barely alive.” 
“Go bring the cart out, I’ll carry her out,” Daryl’s eyes never left the girl’s form as Carol left. Carefully, he scooped the girl into his arms, relief flooding him when a weak, protesting groan fell from her chapped lips.
There was no telling how long she’d been stuck in that closet, without food or water, simply left to die. And based on the chair propped against the door… it had been intentional. 
Daryl carried her to the car with ease, having Carol assist him as he laid you across the back seat, taking the time to make sure she would be secure as they drove. After confirming that everything was packed into the trunk, Daryl peeled out of the school parking lot, the drive back to Alexandria being much shorter than the one to the school. 
The sun was setting when the car passed the gates, and from there, things passed in a flurry of motion. Daryl carried the girl to the infirmary himself, watching Tara and Denise move about hastily to heal this mystery woman. 
“What happened to her?” Denise asked, cutting the bandage from her ankle. 
“Dunno,” Daryl huffed. “Found her like tha’. Musta been trapped for a while. Few days without water, at least.”
Denise only nodded, working to clean the wound and stitch it. She barely had the focus to think about the wound itself, how deep it was and the likelihood of infection setting in. Tara worked at cleaning the girl’s skin, inserting an IV into her hand like she’d been taught. 
The sun had set by the time they were done, the girl changed into new clothes and her skin cleaned of grime. Tara had been sitting by her side when Daryl came back to the infirmary, after going to the Grimes home to eat something and give as much information as he could to Rick and Michonne. 
“How’s she doin’?”
“As good as she can,” Tara smiled awkwardly. “I don’t think she’ll be waking up anytime soon, she’s like— super dehydrated. It’s been an hour and I’ve had to change the bag thingy twice already.”
Daryl grunted in acknowledgement, pulling up a chair on the other side of the girl’s bedside. He didn’t know much about her — or anything, really, not even her name — but even with her chapped lips and sickly look, he thought she was beautiful. And he also knew that whoever had left her in that closet had done so on purpose. He figured it might have been because of her injury, but it was cruel no matter which way he tried to paint it. 
He just hoped she’d be okay when she woke up. 
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It took the mystery girl three days to wake up. Managing her health at a time where there weren’t any real supplies to use had been difficult, and it took all of Denise’s focus to make sure she had enough fluids. 
Waking up in an unfamiliar, oddly clean, room, on a bed, with no stench of rotting bodies wafting through the air was confusing, terrifying, and oddly comforting. 
Your body woke with a jolt, eyes snapping open like you’d woken from a nightmare of sorts. There was movement to your right, and you jumped back from it, frantic eyes finding a blonde girl attempting to calm you without touching you as best as she was able. 
“Hey, hey, you’re okay, you’re safe.” She’d said, stressing the last word. “One of our guys found you in a supply closet and brought you here. He— He said you were half dead.” 
Pure fear and confusion kept your mouth shut. The girl kept talking, asking questions, but you couldn’t bring yourself to respond to any of it. The pain in your leg hadn’t been of any help, pulsing and throbbing with every slight movement. 
By the time she’d realized you weren’t going to respond, she sighed and moved over to the kitchen to your right. When she came back, she placed some food and a tall glass of water on the bedside table, backing away slowly as she spoke. “I’m Denise. The man who found you, Daryl, is on his way to see you. Maybe you’ll feel more comfortable talking to him?”
The idea of speaking to anyone, even the man you vaguely remember before passing out due to dehydration, made your stomach roll. Still, you picked up the plate, gratefully digging into the food you were given. Drinking the water, you relished the feeling of it sliding down your throat. Water was something you hadn’t had in what felt like years, and you’d be damned if you didn’t cherish what you’d been given. 
As you finished up, the door creaked open, and your body stiffened. You watched a burly, reserved man step inside, his movements hesitant. You watched Denise approach, whispering something to him — likely about you. Presuming this was Daryl, you willed yourself to relax, even as you pulled your knees tight to your chest, arms locked around them. 
You watched him approach the bedside, standing awkwardly beside you as you looked into his eyes. Strikingly blue, surprisingly soft. 
“Hey. Ya alright?” He asked. His voice was rough, southern accent awfully thick. But his words sounded soft, somehow. Small. Like he was trying not to frighten you. 
All you could manage was a nod. He huffed, nodding back, clearly somewhat relieved that you were at least communicating somehow. You kept your eyes on him, tracing every inch of his face and his clothes. It was clear to you, though you were unsure of how, that he must’ve been built for this world. Daryl seemed out of place in this clean, crisp, white room, and when you pictured him in the woods, he seemed to blend right in. 
After a moment, he turned and went back to talk to Denise. They spoke in hushed whispers, and you thought back to the exchange you’d just had. Your mind had been reeling, so caught up in the entire situation, that the words Daryl had spoken didn’t register. And neither did the tingling across the inside of your wrist. 
Pulling down the sleeve of your shirt, your fingers grazed at the skin where the words you’d been waiting your whole life for the right person to say used to be. With wide eyes, you found the words gone, replaced by a slight scar of where they had once been inscribed. It was surreal, and definitely not the time. 
“Hey,” Daryl called out as he came to stand beside you again, voice still soft despite its natural roughness. “Doc said ya can leave if ya want. I know ya don’t know me, but if ya want… ya can stay with me. I got a cot ya can sleep on, if yer okay with tha’,” 
You mustered up a small smile, nodding at the man before you — your soulmate. You’d been wishing to find him your entire life, but with the world ending, you put that aspiration aside. You certainly hadn’t expected to find him when you were at the brink of death, trapped by the selfish people you’d once considered family. 
Carefully, you slipped out from the blankets, stumbling as you put weight on your injured leg. Luckily, Daryl caught you, wrapping an arm around your waist as the other guided your arm to rest around his neck. Wordlessly, you watched his cheeks flush red as he shifted his weight before you began walking. 
It was painful, getting to the house he lived in. Not because of your leg, but because of the proximity. Along with the fact that you couldn’t bring yourself to speak a single word, not even to him. 
As you settled into the large basement room he’d taken, he told you more about the community, about his people. The ones who lived here — Rick, Michonne, Carl, and Judith — were family to him. The others were the same, but they all lived in different homes. He laid out the cot as you sat on the bed, watching intently as his voice reverberated around the room, rattling your heart in your chest. 
“I know ya don’t talk much,” he huffed, rooting through a bag of his and pulling something out. “But ya can write, right?”
You nodded, watching a smile play on his lips as he handed you a notepad and pen. 
“Can ya tell me yer name, at least? So we can call ya somethin’ that ain’t jus’ ‘girl’?”
Smiling, you wrote out your name and handed the paper back to him. Your smile widened when you heard him say your name, meeting his eyes as he looked back up at you. 
“Ya can talk, right?” You nodded. 
Daryl nodded, leaving the pen and paper with you, just in case. “‘M gonna go find Rick, tell him yer stayin’ with me fer now. Alright?”
The thought of Daryl leaving you, of being alone, in an unfamiliar place, with no light aside from the window at the very top of the wall, shocked the fear back into you. As he turned, heading for the door that led to the stairs, your breath caught in your throat. As quickly as you were able, you reached out, grabbing the man’s wrist and pulling him back to face you. 
“Please, don’t leave.” You whispered, voice gravelly and strained. It surprised even you, eyes widening as you met Daryl’s gaze. But his carried a certain fear as his eyes tore from your own, locking onto the wrist you’d caught. 
Following his line of sight, your heart stuttered, watching the ink on his arm begin to fade into his skin, into the same imprinted scar of words that you had. 
“Yer…” he breathed, eyes filling with tears.
“Yeah,” you whispered, eyes watering, watching him as his eyes remained on his wrist. “Your soulmate.” 
Daryl pulled his wrist from your delicate hold, his mind on overdrive. He’d thought it ironic, that the apocalypse had only pushed him closer to his soulmate instead of further apart. And now, the words he’d been desperate to cover throughout his life were finally gone, and the woman that the universe decided was meant for him was sitting on his bed, saved from the cusp of death because of him. All because he couldn’t take his mind off the closet with the chair blocking the door. 
His hand came to his wrist, rubbing at the skin that was no longer tainted with words he thought would never be spoken. And despite all of the fear Daryl carried with him over the years, the gratefulness he had for the apocalypse and the relief that he’d never have to let down his soulmate when they saw that he wasn’t good enough for them, he felt none of it when he looked at you. 
All he could feel was happy. Relief, not that the world had ended, but that you were safe and healthy. 
And, all of a sudden, meeting your eyes, Daryl was okay with the idea of having a soulmate. All the words that had been spat his way growing up, all the times he was desperate to pretend like he didn’t have a soulmate didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was you. 
It would take time for Daryl to feel like he deserved you, he knew that. But you were here, and you were alive. That was enough for now.
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Forever taglist: @mazerunnerrose @theboldandthebootyful @miraclesoflove @heliads
Daryl Dixon taglist: @katrina765 @hp-hogwartsexpress @ellablossom @alexxavicry @avabh12 (open!)
taglist form here!
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coralinnii · 2 years
Being Reincarnated into a New World as the Bad Guy feat: Floyd genre: humor, budding romance note: set in the same universe as previous works (Azul’s and Jade’s ver specifically), no pronouns were used, villain/ess!reader is not a merfolk, 1.6k word count, use of non-canon family name (I’ve officially adopted you),
My wifi is on the fritz again so going online hasn’t been easy but hopefully I can get it working again soon. I’ve been hiding in cafes but my wallet isn’t appreciative because I don’t like going into a cafe and not order anything T_T. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy our number 1 crazy eel boi
Series masterlist
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You’re contemplating your life choices as you wonder what on Earth you did to deserve this. You can’t remember what happened that brought you into this world you once thought fictional but you were aware of how you’re probably gonna leave this world if the story stays in its original path.
You were a nameless mob character who was caught in the crossfire of your imbecile brother. During a party, your brother started bragging about your father who was a famous knight and started a knight training program after being given the title of baron, which grabbed the attention of the dangerous son of a marquis family, the Floyd Leech. Since then, the merman would suddenly visit your home to curiously watch the training while your brother continues to brag and even starts talking about how close he is to the notorious Leech family son who, while not the heir, was in line to inherit a great bit of land and some “business assets” from his father.
Your younger brother didn’t think that associating yourself with a family of suspicious background was too bad…until a rival of the Leech family invaded their home and proceeded to interrogate your family for information on the Leech household. Obviously knowing nothing, the rival family ended you and your mother’s future in anger. Your father, heartbroken and weakened by the lost of his beloved and one of his children, collapsed and became bedridden.
Still, you couldn’t hate your brother no matter how foolish he was, especially when he begged Floyd in tears to avenge his family, only to be ignored by the eel merman. “How is it my problem?” He cruelly said as he dismissed your brother to deal with his broken family.
You grew cautious, wary of people associated with the Leech household and any other noblemen that aligned themselves with them, which included the Golden Count Ashengrotto with his new partner, and that family that recently arranged an engagement with the Leech family heir with their only child.
You also taught your younger brother to learn when to hold his tongue, your family’s business is your own and avoid excessively bragging to others as it lures unpleasant leeches (he thought you meant metaphorically).
Then you explicitly told him not to interact with anyone from the Leech family, especially Floyd. You were willing to smack him over the head to get that warning across, telling him, “To him, we’re just toys. Not friends”
This was a clear solution, just don’t meet Floyd…or Jade…and have anything to do with that crazy eel family and your future is secured. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Then one day, at a party…
The night was going well. Your younger brother found a clique of his own to interact with so you didn’t have to worry about catching the attention of a certain someone. Although, while you saw Jade mingling with the crowd, you haven’t seen even the shadow of the other Leech which worries you somewhat. However, you chose to let your guard down to enjoy the ambiance of the party. You deserve to have some fun too.
Some time has passed and soon you felt your body growing tired of all the socialising. You wandered around alone to find a secluded room to rest while contemplating whether you should call it a night. Typically you stay behind until your brother was ready to leave together as to keep a watchful eye over him. But since he’s been on his best behaviour, you wondered if you’re really needed. But then, voices then disrupted your train of thought as you heard someone speaking from the other side of the closed doors of the room you were occupying.
“If you need some time to rest, Sir Leech. I suggest one of these rooms my master has prepared” someone whom you assumed to be a servant spoke but that’s not what concerned you. Did he say Leech?!
A mental battle was going in your head as you assess your situation. Which Leech was it? (Does that matter?) Should you stay? (No!) How would you get out?? (!!)
You looked around in panic as you prayed for maybe a door to a conjoining room, maybe a bathroom to hide in until he leaves. You then looked to the balcony and without a second thought, pulled the doors open. You were on the second floor which wasn’t too bad. The balcony faced the back of the house towards the back garden which meant no one should be there to witness you climbing down. You’ve seen enough parkour videos that you figured you could come of this unscathed.
But the logical part of your brain is pulling you back, telling you that this absolutely reckless, stupid really. You can imagine your dumb brother doing this but your parents urge you to be the level-headed one of the two of you (which you like to argue on, why do you have to be the responsible one?).
But before your senses could come to you, you heard the knobs of the room door shaking, and you decided that you only live once.
So jumping, it is.
Without looking down (in fear of your nerves winning), you leapt off the railings of the balcony and braced for impact. Your clothes flutter loudly in the air as you try to push the fabric from your eyes to watch your landing. But instead of the marbled flooring, you were met with a pair of surprised heterocromatic eyes.
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Floyd was sighing in irritation as schools of bottom feeders noblemen rushed over to him and his brother (mainly his brother) in hopes to find themselves in good graces with the Leech household. Jade may have a better facade going but Floyd was having a harder time not to snarl and squeeze the living souls out of these suck ups. In this pompous tank, no one was worth his attention. So, Floyd figured he could kill some time away from the mindless minnows and walk towards the backyard of the mansion, maybe chill out in a tree until his brother finds him.
In no imagination he had thought of for today did he expect to see something - or someone - flying down towards him in a mass of fabric fluttering in the wind. With quick reflexes, the ocean-haired man raised his arms and swiftly caught your waist through the mess of your clothing but momentum still won against the two of you as Floyd fell backwards with you, crashing onto the ground rather unceremoniously. His anger building quickly, Floyd raised his head about to take a good look at the crazy human he’s about to squeeze. But like how quickly his anger started, it immediately extinguished when he did take a good look at you.
He saw you, a flushing mess slightly shaking from your reckless decision to literally take a plunge off the second floor. Your hair in a disarray from the wind and likely the landing as well. And your eyes that Floyd found himself watching in intrigue as a swirling range of emotion was evident in your expressive face. Most visually present was your look of fearful realization.
Floyd Leech. Out of the billions of people you could ever meet, you ended up bumping…ah no crashing into the most unpredictably violent man in this world. Granted, you’re glad you survived your frankly dumb behavior but to be saved by the man that would be your future downfall was just proof that the world was messing with you for sh*ts and giggles.
“Hey you” you let out a small shriek as you hear Floyd call out to you slowly, reminding you of a shark slowly swimming its way to you for a meal, though really what difference is there? “What’s your nam-“
In an act of reckless desperation (your second one already), you didn’t let Floyd finish his question as you rolled over to the side, twisting your body out from the merman’s grip. Disregarding your absolute messy appearance, you sprinted your way away from Floyd who was still on the ground, rounding the corner of the manor to dash towards your carriage. You’ll tell a servant to inform your brother of your early departure later. You just needed to disappear from the menace’s sight immediately.
Though there was no real hurry as the menace in question chose not to pursue as he preferred to watch you flee in such a cute manner, entertained by the way you sped off like a prey in chase.
“Floyd, are you alright?” a familiar voice called out to him from above to which he then recognised and looked up to see his brother on the second floor balcony, the same general area you appeared from, immediately understanding where you came from.
Huh, you just got more interesting.
Floyd ignored his brother’s concern and asked a question back, “Hey Jade, you got any idea who that flying fishie was?”
The Marquis heir, who noticed the opened balcony doors, managed to glimpse upon the fascinating human who not only took a chance at jumping off the second floor, but also managed to intrigue his brother enough to escape his grasp…for now.
“I cannot be certain but I believe that was the first born of the Linni family. The youngest child is still here if you would like a chat with him” Jade oh so generously offered his knowledge to his brother, knowing full well that Floyd has started itching to sink into something fun. And what kind of brother would he be to interfere in his brother’s joy?
Floyd grinned, his sharp teeth visually showing. He got back onto his feet and with one more look towards the path you fled to, walked the other way, back into the manor and towards the party area where he was giddy to have a chat with your brother. You can flee for now, Floyd loves a worthwhile chase.
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Buck & Eddie:  Parallels of Chris’ 3 Parents
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Chris has three parents; his father is Eddie, his mother is Shannon and his dad is Buck and they all love him!
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While I was watching and live blogging during episode 7x1, I was listening to the conversation Buck had with Chris but when I heard Buck explain to him that his mother died, I realized Chris’ response about how she left him and Eddie was very important because IIRC, up to that point, the show had never let Chris express the fact that Shannon left them.  I always believed she said goodbye to him before she left them in El Paso because she put him in the bed with Eddie and when Eddie woke up, he asked where she was, Chris replied, “She’s gone”.  Granted he was maybe 5 years old at the time but he remembered he asked Santa for Eddie to come back when he was 5 years old too, so it’s not farfetched.
(Hopefully Chris' storyline will continue and not be sidelined for multiple reasons but mainly because Eddie and Chris are still healing and also because I've been hoping that Chris would have his own storyline that's not directly connected to Eddie and Buck. Eddie's Chris' father and Buck's currently his legal guardian but the pain of losing a parent is something Chris has experienced all on his own. IIRC, Chimney is the only other person who lost their mother and it would be great if they're allowed to talk about it the same way he talked with Denny about his dad in 6x13. I'm so happy Chris finally has his own storyline and I've written several fanfics about it in my "Bad Cop vs. Good Cop Parent" series. Chris is not 7 years old anymore and dealing with his mother's death is something the character will have to deal with for the rest of his life.)
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Additionally, their conversation reminded me of several other conversations Chris had with Eddie and Buck over the years and all of them revolved around the three of them leaving and Chris asking for them to come back.
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IMO, Buck being the one to mention Shannon’s death was partially for the new viewers but it was also for those current viewers who’ve continued to consistently deny Buck’s place in Chris’ life as his second dad for the past six years (related post linked here).  If 9-1-1 wasn’t trying to make a point with the scene of Chris and Buck talking with Eddie standing outside of his bedroom door listening then they could have let Eddie say it.  The comment would have been just as effective and it still would have alerted those who are part of the new GA that he’s Chris’ biological father and Shannon is his biological mother but she’s deceased.
Since TM, the OG -showrunner is back, it appears he wants all of the GA, both old and new to fully understand Buck is Chris’ parent too.  Reminder, Buck, May, and Chris all have two dads (post linked here).  May told Bobby in 5x16, she had two dads and in 6x11, while they were at the hospital and Buck was in a coma, she explained for the first time in CANON that Buck is Bobby’s found son and Bobby responded, “He’s a good kid”.
It’s evident Chris has viewed Buck as a parental figure in his life since season 3, especially after the Tsunami but in 3x10 it became more apparent when he asked Buck if he could spend Christmas with him.  He’s been looking for Buck as his other parent for a while (related post linked here) but apparently, Buck still hasn’t realized his role in Chris’ life.  Based solely on the colors of Chris’ shirt (related post linked here) and Buck’s “looking for answers” uniform (related post linked here) it appears Eddie’s the one who will have to tell Buck how important he is to Chris and to him.  He tried during the will reveal but it seems like Buck thinks he’s just Chris' legal guardian in the event of Eddie's death, not Chris' other dad.
Back to the regularly scheduled program of Season 7 Episode 1…
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Now there was a lot that happened in 7x1 and the scenes with Eddie and Chris, Buck and Chris and Eddie, Chris then Shannon were all important.  By now it’s likely everyone noticed Buck, Eddie and Shannon all sat in the same spot on Chris’ bed with Chris in the room but the emphasis was put on Buck because not only was he in the room; he sat on the bed with Chris.  When Eddie and Shannon were in the room with Chris, he was sitting in the chair.  Therefore, the question is, why would the show have Buck sitting on the bed when he could have sat in the chair since him and Chris were the only two in the room?
The answer appears to be they were making a point regarding Chris’ three parents, i.e., Eddie, Shannon and Buck!
The sections below include the three times Eddie, Shannon and Buck left Chris along with the three times he asked for them to come back. (Please note: the scenes below are listed in date order not episode order.)
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In 3x15, while Eddie was trapped in the well during one of his flashbacks, Eddie remembered a conversation he had with Chris from 2017 before they moved to L.A.  He asked him if he missed him while he was gone and Chris replied that he missed him all the time.  Also, after Eddie asked him if he wanted to take a trip with him and Chris replied he did then he explained he was never going to leave him again.
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In 2x10, it was 2018 and Chris told Eddie while he was in Afghanistan, he asked Santa for him to come back but it’s important to note that he told him about it after Eddie and Buck took Chris to visit Santa. 
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Chris asked for Eddie to come back first then when Shannon left, he asked Santa when they were in L.A. for his mother to come back but he asked for that to happen while Buck and Eddie were there with him.
Here are two important reminders.
First this is the same episode that Eddie told Shannon he forgave her but he didn’t trust her even though he told Buck he could have his back any day in 2x1.
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Second, it’s the episode where the elf told Buck that he and Eddie had an adorable son.
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In 4x8, it was 2021 and Chris ran away to Buck’s loft after Eddie told him he was dating again.  During their conversation, Chris explained that he wished he could forget because people leave, not just his mom and when they do, he misses them.  Buck reassured him and explained it’s hard when people leave but they always come back (not Shannon because she’s deceased) but everyone else like Isabel, Carla and Chris’ friends would eventually come back.  This was during the pandemic and at the end of their conversation, Chris asked him if he promised and he replied that he wasn’t going anywhere.
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In 6x11, it was 2023 and after Buck was struck by lightning and DIED with Eddie being the one to revive him, Buck was in the hospital and Chris insisted Carla take him there even though he knew children weren’t allowed in the ICU.  Eddie explained it but Chris said, “I need to see Buck, I have to talk to him.” 
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Eddie snuck him into the room and while he was in there, Chris asked Buck to come back the same way he asked Eddie and Shannon to return but reminder, Chris asked Buck to return himself he didn’t ask Santa for Buck to come back.
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 Why is this important?
It’s important because when Chris asked Santa for Eddie to return, he was probably 5 years old and he was 7 years old when he asked Santa for Shannon to return.  But in 2024, Chris is 13 years old, he told Eddie in 6x4 that he’s not a baby anymore, therefore, he’s old enough to speak for himself and he can ask for the things he wants like who he wants to be his other parent.
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In 7x1, fast forward to 2024, after Eddie learned Chris had become a player since he was dating five or six girls at the same time, he asked Buck to talk to him because he’s a reformed player.  When Buck did, Chris explained all the girls were special and he likes to keep things loose 🙃.  After Buck explained they wouldn’t think he was a nice guy (related post about the word “nice” linked here) if he made them all believe they were special, Chris asked, “Does it matter?” and Buck replied, “Why would you ask that?  Does it matter?”  Chris said because “They just end up leaving anyway” then Buck asked him why he would say that and Chris responded, his mom left and even though they loved her, she left anyway.
Eddie, Shannon and Buck left
Eddie left to serve in the Army not long after they learned Shannon was pregnant and him and Shannon got married but he returned for Chris’ birth.  After he was honorably discharged, Shannon asked him if they could leave Texas and take a road trip to California but he asked for some time.  When he woke up the next day, she left him a note that said she needed time too.  It’s obvious she told Chris she was leaving because she put him in bed with Eddie and when Eddie asked him where Shannon was, Chris replied, “She’s gone”.
Buck left too but it was because he died but two years before he was struck by lightning, he told Chris he wasn’t going anywhere.  Reminder, before they left El Paso, Eddie promised Chris he wasn’t going to leave him again, Shannon wrote Chris a letter that said she loved him even if it was from a far and Buck promised Chris he wasn’t going anywhere.
Chris asked for all three of them to come back
While Shannon and Chris were still in El Paso and Eddie was in Afghanistan (Chris was probably 4 or 5 years old then), Chris asked Santa for Eddie to come back.  Then after Shannon left them and Eddie and Chris moved to L.A., Chris was 7 years old and he asked Santa to find Shannon so she could come back.  But when Chris was 12 years old and Buck had been struck by lightning and died, Chris didn’t ask Santa, he insisted Carla take him to the hospital so he could talk to Buck himself.  After Eddie snuck him into the ICU room, he asked Buck to come back with Eddie in the room.
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Side note: Hen was in the room too and since I’ve always believed her, Bobby and Chimney know Buck and Eddie are in love and that they’ve been co-parenting Chris (related posts linked here and here), I figured her response to Eddie sneaking Chris into the ICU was for the GA.  Her initial reaction was one of shock but she’s seen Eddie, Buck and Chris hangout before (in 2x4) also she was part of the conversation Eddie had with Chimney in 6x4 about Chris skipping his science club meetings.  Reminder, Eddie turned around and asked Buck if he knew anything about it and he said he didn’t but I think he did.  Also, in 6x8, Hen was in the fire truck with Buck, Eddie, Chimney and Bobby when they were talking about Chris’ crush, so she knows.
Both Shannon and Buck died but Eddie brought Buck back after doing chest compressions on him and while Buck was in a coma, Chris asked him to come back from wherever he was. 
The show made a bold statement regarding Buck’s place in Chris’ life as a coparent with Eddie along with the fact that they’ll be two dads raising their son together but it’s up to the GA to pick up on it.  Everyone who watched the episode should have understood that Buck is one of Chris’ three parents and of course there will be some who’ll continue to deny it and they’ll claim Buck and Eddie are just best friends who coparent a child but that’s not accurate.  They’re in love with each other and the show is trying to help those people who haven’t figured it out yet that Buck and Eddie will become a romantic couple otherwise, there wouldn’t have been a need for the scenes in 7x1 with Eddie, Shannon, Buck and Chris to have been filmed the way they were.
Will Buck and Eddie become a CANON couple before the end of season 7?  Only the showrunner’s writers and producers know the answer to that question.
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drunknillawafer · 2 months
right down the line: zuko x firebender!reader
You grew up close to the Royal Family due to your father's position as a General, but you ran away from home after the agni kai against your best friend. Now, you're just trying to do your part in ending the 100-year war.
hellooo so this is my first official published fic that i will keep up! hopefully you guys like it, let me know! this is set in book 1 ep 10 in the Jet episode! i do not own Avatar or these characters! okayy enjoyyy >.<
Part 2
All I can see for miles is shades of crimson and orange. We’re so close to home, it almost feels like I’ve returned.
I’m standing in the trees near Jet and The Duke, peering down at twenty Fire Nation soldiers and their camp, waiting for the right moment to attack. The plan was to keep an eye out and alert Jet if anything could be of use to us. I hold onto my swords in anticipation.
“We’ve been here all morning, what if we don’t get a shot?” The Duke asked.
“Relax, we will.” Jet replied in his infamous cool manner. He was so sure we would score big this time and have one of the greatest victories thus far. I didn’t see the point, it seemed like your average solider platoon. But maybe he was right. He hasn’t let me down yet.
I met Jet when I was 13 and freshly ran away from home. I had left everything that could resemble Fire Nation in my room and took only my closest valuables. With one bag over my shoulder and a week of struggling to find food, the cool leader crossed my path in a forest not too far from where we’re standing now.
“Are you lost?” Jet questioned me.
“No, I’m hungry.” It was true. I hadn’t eaten for so long because I didn’t know how to find food. My family’s position in society meant I usually had servants dressing me, brushing my hair, and finding my food for me. It’s not something that crossed my mind when I left in a rageful fury.
“What’s your name?” He replied.
“You’re a kid. Don’t you have parents to feed you?”
“You’re a kid too, don’t you?”
And that was that. I had passed Jet’s mysterious test and he invited me into his little world of lost children who were strong, brave, and alone. I was lucky to have found them when I did.
Three years later, the same cool leader has me standing in the trees like a predator waiting to catch its prey. That’s when I hear it. The voice of a teenage boy.
I crouch down to focus on the noise and see the rustling in the bushes near the Fire Nation camp we’re getting ready to bust. A boy in blue appears, looking backwards to his friends in an annoyed tone. Just as I spot him, he spots the soldiers in black and red.
“This is it.” I tell Jet. He nods and whistles his command to the Freedom Fighters, sending us off to our mission.
I come down from the trees and land on my feet, quickly inspecting my environment. Taking out two of my swords, I spot the boy in blue preparing an attack for a Fire Nation soldier who will surely beat him. His stance is all wrong, I can’t believe he’s actually attempting this.
I use both of my swords and dig them into the ground, launching my feet forward and off the dirt floor, kicking the soldier in the abdomen and out of balance. He falls over with the wind knocked out of him.
“Hey! He was mine!” The boy in blue exasperated.
“No, he wasn’t.” I snarked at him. This is the fun part of being with the Freedom Fighters, winning.
After a few minutes, the soldiers scurry off like rats when the lights turn on. They go in every direction, disappearing into the autumn-colored forest.
“We did it!” I celebrate. For a moment, I catch my breath and put my swords back into their sheaths.
The trio of strangers gather together and start walking toward us.
“Who are you guys?” The youngest with a blue arrow on his head spoke first.
“I’m Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters.” The leader introduces the members one by one, leaving me for last. “And this is Y/N. She’s my right-hand.” He graces.
I wave at the trio, taking them in as they process the new information they’ve just been handed. It’s a Water Tribe pair with another boy in orange. His clothes were strange, when was the last time someone wore Air Nomad clothes like his? I wondered. I had briefly seen the girl bend water, but it was impossible for the boy to be an air bender. The Fire Nation made sure of that.
“Let’s loot!” Jet interrupts my thoughts, and the rebels cheer in agreement. Looting time.
I focus on a tent to begin raiding the soldiers' bags and belongings. If we’re lucky, the group can score something to help us in our efforts—a map, a plan, a supply shipment—anything to take the empire down.
As I go through my first bag, the boy in blue enters the tent. I look up at his glare and stare him right in the eye.
He crosses his arms and gloats, “Just so you know, I could have handled that. But thanks for your help.”
“Didn’t look like that from where I was standing.” I shrugged and shifted my focus back onto the bag. I flip it upside down so the contents come spilling out.
“And where were you standing by the way? You guys came out of nowhere!” Clearly, he wasn’t going to let my swoop-in go.
“We were in the trees, been staking out all morning.” Nothing of importance in the first bag so I move onto the next one, opening the top and letting the soldier’s belongings fall on the floor for me to inspect. “Until you,” I point at his chest, “came along and made the perfect distraction. It should be me thanking you.”
A balled-up messenger hawk message comes out of the bag. I can tell from its design that it comes from the Admiral, lucky me. Ignoring the boy in front of me, I open the letter and read the writing.
The Avatar has returned. From now on, any information must be reported to Admiral Zhao. The Banished Prince is to be ignored.
The Banished Prince. My finger grazes the ink.
“One day she’s going to try and overthrow me, I swear.” Zuko confesses as he lunges forward with his sword. I dodge his attempt at an offense and strike back.
“Even if she does, you and I can take her.” I reply. My mind is focused on the sparring round, but Zuko seems to be somewhere else. He’s not taking any of my bait to back him into a corner.
“You’d help me fight?” His demeaner softens and I know this is the moment I can use to win. I use the gymnastics I was forced to learn to my advantage and gain the higher ground on a bench near the turtle duck pond. His sword falls out of his hand as I send my blade toward him, making sure to not seriously hurt him. Zuko holds his hands up in defeat. I win this round.
“Duh, it’s kind of my throne now too. I’ve grown fond of it.” I hold one hand to my heart, feigning admiration for the title.
The Prince and I grew up together. Learning fire-bending at the same academy, attending snobby important society gatherings, and now practicing sword-fighting at the Royal Palace’s turtle duck pond. We became halves of one whole. If the cosmic forces upon us gave me the mind, it gave Zuko the heart. And together, we felt complete.
“One day I’ll have to be Fire Lord.” He solemnly said.
“One day. But for now, just focus on beating me! Round 4?”
I take a deep breath in and push the memory away. Time makes it easy. The boy in blue waiting for my response to the messenger hawk letter makes it even easier.
“It’s nothing, just old information.” I crumble the paper into a ball once again and throw it with the rest of the useless items I’ve gone through so far. “Do you want to come to the hideout?” I change the subject.
“You guys have a hideout?” His eyes widen in amusement.
“Yes, but maybe I should know your name before I let you go up there.”
“It’s Sokka.” He answers. “And you?”
“Y/N.” I hold my hand out so he can shake it, and he does. When his hand touches mine, a pit forms in my gut. I got the feeling I’d be knowing him for a long time. “Well, Sokka, follow me.”
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cocteaucherry · 6 months
trials and tribulations .3
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summary- falling in love with your sworn enemy was not something you planned.
cws- p&p au/ bridgerton au, inaccurate use of regency language, 18+, misogyny, sexual tension, future smut in later chapters, slow slow burn, LENGTHY descriptions, ooc Suguru, suguru x f!reader, talks of f!masturbation , not proofread
a/n- awkward silence when I up and left for 22 days with no explanation, I’ll touch more on that in a later post but for now enjoy!
taglist @mandysfanfics, @ti-mame, @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer
The rain belted on the glass as you stood on the other side watching as the world washed away.
You felt as if you needed a cold bath, something to wash the prints of Suguru Geto’s touch off your clothes, your hands graced over the areas where his touch lingered.
Why did you feel deprived of his touch? Why did you need his touch?
“Miss l/n I’m sorry to interrupt-“
He was caught off guard by your small yelp, you had to be more attentive in this house
“Sorry Ijichi! I get lost in thought a lot.” You bowed in apology before he also returned one.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve been more gentle with my approach.” He cleared his throat with a small smile, “It’s getting rather late and the rain hasn’t stopped.. we would offer you a carriage home but the roads have been washed out.”
“I guess I’ll wait for the rain.. or I’ll try to walk.” You shrugged contemplating your options, you really didn’t want to walk especially in this weather.
“Actually, Mr. Gojo has offered you to stay in a spare room for the evening.. we wouldn’t want you catching a cold.”
You smiled before letting out a small laugh, “I’m very grateful.. but I don’t want my mother and father to worry.”
“We assure you that your parents won’t be worried, I’m sure they’d be more upset with us for letting you walk home in this.”
Your eyebrow rose as you crossed your arms, “Forgive me for asking, I know he’s ill at the moment but will I ever get to see him during this visit?” The request came out rather timidly to your dismay but it made Ijichi sweat nonetheless.
“Well-uhm- you see Mr. Gojo wouldn’t want you to get sick as well.” Ijichi was definitely not great under pressure, you noted.
You uncrossed your arms nodding your head, “alright then, I will happily stay in a room until the rain stops.”
“Then you may follow me.”
Your head was spinning with questions, why would Ijichi possibly lie abt Gojo? Why would Gojo invite you knowing he was ill? Your heart ached in your chest, Geto's actions being the one to cause it.
Your stomach dropped and your blood ran cold, if the roads were washed out that means Geto couldn’t get back as well? Was he also going to stay?
You shook your head pushing the thoughts away. Hopefully you’d only encounter him one more time tonight.
“Suguruuu~ are you listening?”
Suguru was snapped out of thought, he stood before Gojo’s bed, the white haired man staring at him with a sick grin. “Yes… I am.” He mumbled, pushing strands of rain soaked hair out of his face.
“Y’know, for a man who’s supposedly sick you seem rather energetic .”
Satoru smirked, leaning his head back, “I’m just plagued and riddled with sickness Sugu, and it seems you are too..” he pointed a finger wagging it teasingly.
The raven haired male stared blankly at him, crossing his arms, “I’m perfectly fine Satoru, please get some rest or die of pneumonia.” He turned on his heel, preparing to exit, “I’m going home-“
“Yeeesh about thattt- I’m afraid you’re not going home anytime soon, roads washed out.”
Geto froze a vein appearing above his eyebrow, “Am I supposed to stay here for the night?”
“With her yes, maybe if you’re lucky she’ll give you a kind ‘goodnight’” Satoru hummed, staring out the window to see the tumultuous rain belt down.
“Not planning on it, Satoru,” Suguru mumbled, stepping out of the room.
The rain wasn’t letting up anytime soon.
You found yourself wandering the halls, the occasional strike of lightning helping to guide your way.
You admired the classic oil paintings that adorned the ornate halls smiling to yourself when you found a portrait of a familiar face.
hair as pure as snow with a slightly rounder face and those blue eyes that seemed to bore into your soul.
Although just like usual he was never alone, always accompanied by what seemed to be his shadow.
Dark hair that was shorter with those intense amber eyes.
“Thought you went home miss l/n”
this man truly was a shadow.
You turned to the voice of Suguru Geto, but he looked more undone. Hair slightly wet as it fell past his back some strands stuck to his forehead.
“How come you’re always near or behind him?” You ignored his question pointing your head to the portrait, footsteps echoed as he stood next to you. “How come you never answered my question?”
“Why would I answer you? Why should I?” You spun to face him as he avoided eye contact with you, “You never give me a reason to answer kindly.” You scoffed as you walked impossibly closer to him, Geto’s heart skipped a few beats as he finally made eye contact with your gaze.
He cleared his throat trying to regain his stance (control), “Satoru and I have been together for…awhile, while we both are wealthy, his family is significantly stronger.”
“So that makes you his equal, even possibly a scapegoat.” You stepped back, your eyes quickly shifting to his hand that twitched at your movement.
A grin appeared on his face, “Quite the opposite, I help save his ass on multiple occasions. He’s not the best at keeping his head straight.. or keeping his pants on.”
You choked on your saliva at the sudden mention which caused him to chuckle from his throat, “What? I know a forward woman as yourself isn’t taboo to the mention of sex? Satoru excels at that.”
You felt a blush creep under your skin, “What makes you think that?”
“The way your face visibly became uncomfortable told me that,” his eyes drifted quickly up and down your frame, “I can tell when a woman is.. how do I say this? Frustrated?”
“Frustrated?!-“ you yelled out but quickly covered your mouth to whisper it, “I’m frustrated because you- you’re!-“ you stuttered angrily, scolding yourself for not having a better comeback.
“Maybe you should try exploring your own body first before going after someone like Satoru, just a suggestion,” Geto said, turning on his foot to walk down the darkened hallway.
You had almost forgotten it was raining during the conversation, the soft patter of rain filling your ear drums as you try to reconcile what just occurred.
You weren’t sexually frustrated, You weren’t sexually frustrated,
You repeated in your head as you buried yourself into the pillows of the way too extravagant bed, “ridiculous, he doesn’t know anything..” you mumbled clasping your hands close to your chest.
You tried to force yourself to drift off to sleep but your head began to pound and your body became warm, the handprints he left on your waist, they still left an excruciatingly burning linger. The way his hair framed his face annoyed you.
His avoidant stare annoyed you. His soft voice annoyed you, his strong hands annoyed you. His sly smirk, His perfect teeth, the way his fingers graced your breasts.
His last words echoed in your head broken by your lust “Explore, body”
You were taught otherwise in your life, should you?
You felt your hands drift towards your panties playing with the hem, would you really touch yourself out of Suguru Geto’s words?
You let out a frustrated groan, you couldn’t let him win.
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hi! i see that you are accepting request for aegon <3 can you write some angsty hurt/comfort with aegon who loves his wife but after their marriage, she is not pregnant yet and his mother keeps telling him to take a second wife maybe like the rumors about her being barren and he needs heir etc if that is possible thank you!! :)
Keep Driving
Request: can you write some angsty hurt/comfort with aegon who loves his wife but after their marriage, she is not pregnant yet and his mother keeps telling him to take a second wife maybe like the rumors about her being barren and he needs heir etc if that is possible thank you!! :)
Hi! I really like this request, but honestly I found it kinda hard to write. I apologize if Aegon is out of character, I gave this request a shot but I’m not that confident in it. Hopefully this is what you were looking for. Hope you enjoy it!
(Warnings: swearing, mentions of adultery, Targaryen customs, vague allusions to sex, let me know if i missed anything)
Aegon grumbled as he walked back to your chambers, trying to shake off his Mother’s words. 
Whispers could be heard throughout the castle of your supposed infertility. It was no secret that Aegon was a wanton person, so it was expected that within the first month or two of your marriage, a pregnancy would be announced. 
After a year, there was still no baby announcement, and people were beginning to talk. 
House Targaryen had enough unstable claims to the Crown already, and it certainly didn’t need a rogue Princess unable to deliver on her duties. This was a sentiment Alicent agreed with, knowing the importance of making sure her children’s claims were foolproof and ironclad. It was nothing she had against you personally. Quite the opposite, actually. She loved the kind of person her son developed into around you. 
But if you couldn’t deliver an heir, you wouldn’t be able to fulfill your duties. Not being able to do your duties meant you weren’t fit to be married to the Prince. 
As Aegon walked back to your shared chambers, he couldn’t help but ponder his Mother’s words. They wouldn’t escape his mind, and he figured you’d ask what he was summoned for. It was best to have a prepared answer. 
“You’d really have me annul my marriage?” Aegon had asked his Mother, tired of speaking on the topic. “Who would marry her now, after I’ve had her?”
Aegon found the entire conversation preposterous. His Mother had berated him on his lifestyle and customs, begging him to settle down. Now that he was finally married and with a woman he genuinely loved—a woman who actively changed him for the better—he was now expected to give her up?
Alicent had frowned, giving him a look of sympathy. 
“While I care for the Princess, her well-being is not your responsibility after an annulment. She would return home, and her family would be compensated. She is well off, she will find another match who will accept her despite her struggles.”
“I care for her well-being,” Aegon retorted, anger written all over his face. “I will not cast her aside for some dried up old and decrepit Lord!”
“She hasn’t given you an heir!” Alicent shouted, making Aegon flinch back. 
Aegon watched his Mother with tears in his eyes, willing them not to fall. He seethed silently, clenching his fist at his aides. Alicent sighed, taking a seat in her chair as she pressed the heels of her palms into her eyes. 
“I want the best for you, my son,” she finally said, speaking much calmer now. “I want you to know the joy that is having children of your own. I know you love her. I love her, too. But it is vital that she bears you a son, and it seems that she cannot do it.”
“You’re not even giving her a chance!”
Alicent gave him a look that silenced him, picking at the skin around her thumb nail as she spoke.
“She has had a year, Aegon. The Maester has tried all that he can, and has confided in me that there is not much else he can recommend. You’re the eldest son of your Father. You have to be the one who continues the bloodline.”
“And what of Aemond? Does any of the duty fall on him, or is it just me?” Aegon asked, desperately trying to come up with solutions that wouldn’t result in having to let you go. 
“He is expected to marry and have heirs, just as you are. But he is not the eldest son, he cannot take on this duty. It is yours and yours alone, and it must be done…whether the Princess is a part of that or not.”
Aegon clenched his jaw, speaking quietly through gritted teeth. “I don’t know how many more ways I can say this before you understand. I will not give her up. I won’t.” 
Alicent leaned into the back of her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose. It took everything in her not to scream. She would never be able to convince Aegon to cast you aside, not with his belligerent—but albeit, admirable—love for you.
“Perhaps there is another solution,” she finally said, settling her hands in her lap. “You’re a Targaryen. It is not unheard of for the men of House Targaryen to take a second wife.”
“Listen to me,” she pleaded, and Aegon reluctantly remained silent. “I am doing all I can to come up with a solution that allows you to keep her. If she cannot provide you with an heir, a second wife could.”
Aegon winced at her words, feeling his shoulders slump at the possibility he may have to make into a reality. “It will break her heart. You expect me to go back to my wife and tell her that she is not enough? That I will have to be unfaithful?”
“I expect you to make the difficult decisions as the leader of your House. I am not asking you to love this woman, or dote on her, as unfair as that may be to her. But she will be well compensated, and free to do as she wishes as long as she first provides you with a child. She would be your wife in name alone. You do not have to treat her as such.”
Aegon shook his head, turning for the door. “I cannot discuss this any longer, Mother. I will speak to my wife. We can speak of this later, when the idea of being unfaithful to her doesn’t make me want to find comfort on the floor of a Flea Bottom tavern.”
It shocked them both that the idea of a second wife deeply unsettled Aegon. 
Before you, the prospect wouldn’t have made him bat an eye. It may have even delighted him. Being faithful was not a priority he kept high on his list. But now that he had you, the thought of hurting you like that was unfathomable. 
It was a betrayal. 
There was no other way to put it. And as he made it to the door of your chambers, he was begging the Gods he didn’t even believe in that they’d help him find the words to make you understand. 
To make you know just how much he loved you, and how he wished he could change your circumstances. 
Begrudgingly, he opened the door to your chambers, stepping in. He was greeted by an empty room, and a still made bed. He looked around in confusion, before stepping back out the door to find a guard. 
“Where’s the Princess?”
“She was escorted to the Godswood an hour ago, My Prince.”
Aegon furrowed his brows at the guards' words. 
You weren’t a very religious person. You had that in common. Not only that, you were raised in the light of the Seven. The Godswood—while not a place of worship for the Old Gods anymore—still held that connotation. Why would you be there?
Aegon nodded, turning in the direction of the Godswood. He felt like his heart was in his throat as he thought through all the ways he could try and explain to you what his Mother had asked of him. He continuously surprised himself, shocked by just how much he cared about you and didn’t want to see you hurt. 
When he reached the Godswood, he found you sitting at the base of the Weirwood tree. He approached quietly, offering you a hand once he reached you. 
“What are you doing here, darling?”
You sighed, accepting his hand as he helped lift you up. “I’ve already tried the Sept this week. Perhaps the Old Gods are more interested in answering my prayers than the New.” 
Aegon kept your hand in his, squeezing it tight as he led you back to your chambers. “I didn’t realize you were so devout.”
“I’m not,” you murmured, letting him guide you. “But I’ll try anything at this point.”
Aegon had a sense he knew what you were talking about, not saying anything until you reached your shared chambers. Silently, he opened the door, letting you in. You immediately retreated to your bed, sitting on the end of it.
You sighed, casting your gaze to the floor. “What did your Mother summon you for?”
Aegon didn’t want to answer. He knew you already knew, but you asked anyway. It would only hurt you more by answering. Still, he wanted to know your thoughts. It troubled him that you’d try something as desperate as begging the Gods. 
“Why did you go to the Godswood? What were you praying for?”
“You know.”
Aegon let out a sigh, coming to sit next to you. “I do. But I want you to tell me.”
“Only if you tell me what your Mother said. I know it was about me,” you mumbled, fiddling with your hands in your lap. 
Without a word, Aegon reached over taking your hand in his. He gave you a small smile, pressing a kiss into your hair. You could feel a pit settle in your stomach as you squeezed his hand. 
“My Mother is under the impression that I should annul our marriage,” he finally said, quickly retracting when your face fell. “I told her to piss off, if that wasn’t obvious.”
“Maybe she’s right,” you mumbled.
“What?” He asked, turning you to face him. “You think I should have our marriage annulled?”
He let go of your hand, pulling away like you had burned him. You gave him a desperate look as he turned away from you, laying your hand on his arm. He still wouldn’t look at you, focusing his gaze in his lap as you tried to pull him to face you. 
“Of course not, Aegon. I love you, you know that. But what if she’s right? You need an heir, and I haven’t given you one. I’m sure she’s thought of someone else for you by now.”
“I don’t give a shit about an heir,” he finally said, meeting your gaze. “I give a shit about you. Children or not, I’m happy with you. Is children something you desire?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know, I haven’t given much thought to it. But I’d like to at least have the option. I knew marrying you that I would have children, and I figured I would grow to love the prospect. I never thought I wouldn’t be able to have children at all.”
“You don’t know if that’s true, darling. We haven’t been trying that long. It takes time, it’s not all on your shoulders.”
You sighed, frustrated with yourself. “Do you want children?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I never put much thought into it either, at least before you. Never really had the desire for them. But I do like the idea of a little one with your eyes.”
“And your hair,” you mumbled, face crumbling as you raised a hand to tuck his hair behind his ear. 
“I’ve been praying for it, Aegon. Every day. I want this for you, I want it for us.”
Aegon sighed, pulling you into his chest as you felt the tears well up in your eyes. You couldn’t stop them from falling, balling the back of his shirt in your fist as you clutched him. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, gently swaying you back and forth. 
“There’s more,” he mumbled into hair as he pressed a chaste kiss to the top of your head. “When Mother summoned me, she asked something else.”
You hummed into his chest, bracing yourself for his words. You could feel him sigh, taking a deep breath. 
“Rather than an annulment, she proposed that in the tradition of my House…I take a second wife.”
You winced at his words, shutting your eyes tight as you breathed him in. “Any woman in particular?”
“No,” he mumbled, running a hand up and down your back. “Just that she would be my wife in name alone, that I don’t have to treat her as such. She’d bear an heir, and then be free to do as she wishes.”
“Sounds unfair.”
 “That’s what Mother said.” Aegon chuckled, nodding. “Is this what you want? Do you think it’s a good idea?”
You finally pushed yourself up from his chest, meeting his eyes. “Of course I don’t want this. You’re all I want. And I don’t want to share you. But if it means I’m still your wife, then maybe it’s our best option.”
Aegon huffed, frustrated with the prospect. He held your gaze, before finally shaking his head, a determined look on his face. 
You furrowed your brows in confusion. “No?”
“No,” he reaffirmed. “I won’t hurt you like that. I made a vow to you on our wedding day, and I won’t break it.”
You shook your head, sighing. “Aegon, we haven’t solved anything. You still need an heir—”
“Fuck having an heir. If my Mother wants one, she’ll have to find one herself. If I want a child, I’ll have one with you. My wife.”
“And what if I can’t have one?” You asked, not willing to let it go. “I can’t allow that, I won’t do that to you or your Mother. I have to do my duty somehow.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying we keep trying. But if nothing happens, you’re going to let your Mother find you a second wife.”
“Listen to me, love,” you said, grabbing his hand in yours. “Your Mother is right. I don’t like it, but she is. You need an heir. If this woman can do that for you, and that’s all she is for us, then that’s just what we have to do. Maybe it’s for the best, in a way. I’ve been praying to the Gods for a solution. Maybe this is it.”
Aegon shook his head defiantly, pouting. You smiled softly, cupping his cheek in your palm. He leaned into your touch, humming. 
“I don’t like this.”
You nodded, agreeing. “I don’t, either. But what other choice do we have?”
Aegon groaned, grabbing your wrist before placing a kiss into your palm. “Alright…alright. I trust you. If you say this is how we do it, this is how we do it.”
“This is how we do it.”
“But not yet,” he added. 
You raised a brow. “Not yet?”
“Not yet,” he mused, his usual smirk finally gracing his face once again. “You said it yourself, it’s the solution if nothing happens. We’ve still got plenty of time to make it happen. What do you say, darling? Want to keep trying?”
He moved his hands down to squeeze your waist, pulling you closer. You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he pulled you to rest on top of him. 
“Let’s keep trying.”
A/N - Hi! I don’t love this outcome, but hopefully you enjoyed it. I kinda struggled with this request, but I liked it so I gave it a shot.
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justcallmefox89 · 9 months
Gale and the Gith: Chapter Six - The Importance of Vegetables
X'aa'nath stands up for Astarion and opens up to Gale.
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“Astarion, how is the rat diet going?”
Gale bites back a smirk at Wyll’s question.
Astarion pins the warlock with a long-suffering glare.  “It may soon come to an end if you don’t -”
A small, perfectly round thundercloud forms directly over Wyll, promptly dousing him with frigid rainwater.  Astarion sneers at Wyll, delicately skirting around the rapidly forming puddle on the ground as he saunters towards his tent.  Out of the corner of his eye Gale spots X’aa’nath sporting a self-satisfied smile.
“Was that truly necessary?” Wyll asks, stepping out from under the cloud and wiping the water from his face.
X’aa’nath flicks his wrist, conjuring a small gust of air that gently blows the raincloud back over Wyll.  “Leave the elf alone,” he says quietly, marching past the warlock without sparing him a glance.
Odd, the insistence he has on continuing to refer to Astarion as an elf, even though we all now know he is much more than that.
Gale shakes off that errant thought and offers Wyll a small smile.  “At least he didn’t threaten to kill you this time?”
“Thank Helm for small mercies,” the warlock replies, shaking his head.  Water droplets fly in every direction, spattering Gale and an unsuspecting Karlach.
“Oi!” the tiefling exclaims, surprised by the cold touch of the water that quickly turns to steam on her skin.
Wyll flashes her an apologetic smile before returning his attention to Gale.  “I didn’t realize he and Astarion had become… close.”
Gale frowns, uncomfortable with Wyll’s insinuating tone. 
“I don’t think it’s like that,” Karlach says before the wizard can formulate a response. 
The two men glance at each other, then back to her, waiting for her to elaborate.
“It’s just… Astarion’s the first one Soldier found after the nautiloid crashed.  I think he feels a little protective of him.”  She shrugs.  “Wyll being ‘the Blade of the Frontiers’ probably doesn’t help either.”
Wyll winces as he digs a dry shirt out of his pack.  “I didn’t make the best first impression on him, did I?”
“Storming into camp that first night and attempting to kill Karlach probably wasn’t the best way to win his friendship, no,” Gale acknowledges with a slight smile.  It had taken the whole camp, minus Astarion, several long, tension filled minutes to convince X’aa’nath not incinerate Wyll after he threatened Karlach.  It took the collective group another two hours to convince the stubborn gith to allow the tadpoled warlock to join their party.  Even now, several days and just as many battles later, X’aa’nath only acknowledges the man with hostiles glares and frighteningly aggressive gith noises.
“Ah.  Well, my father always did say that anything good is worth waiting for. Hopefully this proves true of our sorcerer’s friendship,” Wyll says with a good-natured smile.
Karlach chuckles and slaps Wyll on the back.  “Wouldn’t count on it.  He fucking hates you.  You should probably just be happy he hasn’t tried to kill you in your sleep.”
Gale tries, unsuccessfully, to stifle his laughter at Karlach’s remark and Wyll’s crestfallen expression.  “I’ll just go uh, check on him shall I?  Then I’ll start on our dinner.”
I glare at the carrot in front of me as I chop it up, fuming and imagining the smug warlock’s stupid face as I do.
How dare he?  The elf may not be particularly brave, or even that intelligent, but that does not give that devil-bound pact chaser the right to mock him.
I toss another carrot on the cutting board.  Snk, snk, snk.  My dagger is moving fast, nearly as fast as my thoughts.
I tire of him.  Tonight after everyone else is asleep –
“Tsk’va!”  Startled, I narrowly avoid slicing off the tip of my finger.
“Oh!  Oh good heavens!  Are you alright?” 
Gale’s voice sends my already tumultuous thoughts into further turmoil and my heartbeat treacherously quickens. 
“Hm.  I am fine.  Begone, wizard,” I snap, trying to shoo him away.
“Are you truly alright?  I didn’t mean to… what on earth are you doing?” Gale asking, taking in the large bowls filled with chopped vegetables sitting on the ground in front of me.
“I wished to stab the warlock, but you would have interfered.  So I stabbed the vegetables instead,” I reply, proud of my restraint.
“But why?”
“Did I not just explain this to you, istik?  I chopped the vegetables because you would have been displeased if I chopped the warlock into little bits.”
Gale settles down on the ground next to me with a small grunt.  “May I ask a few questions for clarification purposes?”
I scowl and roll my eyes, positioning another carrot on my cutting board.  “If you must.”
“Well, first, why are you so antagonistic towards Wyll?”
I pause my chopping and squint at him, certain I’ve misheard him.  “Is your memory poor because you are elderly or are you merely simple, istik?  Just because the rest of you are content to pretend that he wasn’t hunting Karlach mere days ago doesn’t mean that I am.”
Gale clenches his jaw in annoyance.  “My memory is flawless, and for your information thirty-six is nowhere near elderly in this plane.  Wyll was misled by Mizora and Karlach has forgiven him, don’t you think you should as well?”
I stare at him.  “So you are not elderly, but idiotic then?  Why do you all insist on placing such trust in someone who sold his soul for power?  Who obeys a devil’s commands without question?”
“He stood against Mizora to keep Karlach safe, and he’s paid the price for it,” the wizard says quietly.  “Surely that’s proof enough that he is a good man.”
“Did he do it out of the goodness of his heart or because Karlach had allies ready to skewer him if he so much as laid a hand on her?” I challenge.
“I choose to believe he did so because he knew it was the right thing to do.”
Stupid, stupid man.  Trusting in others is what gets you killed.
My chest tightens uncomfortably at the thought of Gale dying.  I frown, unsettled by the foreign feeling. 
“Is there something else that bothers you about Wyll?” Gale prods, taking advantage of my silence.
“He lied about his eye,” I mutter.
“I’m going to need you to expand on that statement.”
“He false eye is a sending stone.  I questioned him, and he denied it.  I am not stupid, Gale.  I know a sending stone when I see one.  And now that we know about Mizora, I assume it’s a leash of sorts so that she can keep close watch over him.” 
“In all fairness, Wyll doesn’t owe you any explanations about such personal things as his false eye,” Gale says reasonably.  “But I think that will be a subject that you and I shall have to agree to disagree on.  Is there anything else?”
I busy myself wiping down my dagger with a clean rag, refusing to meet his eyes.  I am aware that my third grievance is quite illogical, and as such, I am hesitant to give voice to it.  “I do not like the way he speaks to Astarion,” I finally mumble.
Gale sits quietly, allowing me to gather my thoughts.
“Astarion is not a creature, not… not some monster for him to hunt.  Astarion is one of us.”  I grip the fabric of my robe in my hands, clenching and unclenching my fists.  “I do not like it when Wyll speaks to him as if he is other.  As if he is less than because he is a vampire’s spawn. He is one of us. He belongs.”
My hands begin to cramp, my claws punching small holes in the thin fabric of my clothing.  I feel like I’ve been dunked under water; my blood roars in my ears and my breathing is rapid and shallow.  Large, warm hands settle over my own, and agile fingers gently disentangle my cramped fingers from my clothing.  Soft skin glides against my callouses, making me shiver as Gale silently hold my hands in his. 
He waits to speak until my breathing has calmed.  “It reminds you of where you were younger, doesn’t it?”
I glance up at him, startled.  “What did kin tell you?” I ask suspiciously.
“Enough,” Gale admits with a rueful smile.  “I don’t believe Wyll’s teasing is malicious, but I’ll speak to him about it.”
“Hm.”  I bow my head in thanks, unable to articulate the words while he still holds my hands in his.
“One last question, if you’ll indulge me?”
I nod.
“Why the vegetables?”
I stare at him, uncomprehending. 
“X’aa’nath, there are no less than four training dummies in this camp.  If you wanted to stab something other than Wyll you could have taken your frustration out on one of them.  Why the vegetables?”
“You’re making the evening meal,” I reply simply.
Gale nods.  “That still doesn’t answer my question.”
“You always use vegetables when you make the evening meal,” I say slowly.
“You did this for me?”  Gale’s full lips tip up into a grin and a sudden urge to close the distance between us nearly overtakes me.
“What? No!”  I shake my head, my face rapidly heating up.  “It was a logical conclusion.  I was thinking about you and remembered you had mentioned you wished to prepare this evening’s meal.  You always use vegetables, ergo; I vented my frustration upon the unsuspecting produce and saved you the trouble of having to chop them.  You are welcome.”
“You were thinking of me?” Gale asks, his voice low and husky. 
Yes.  No.  Constantly.    
Realizing my inadvertent admission I quickly spring to my feet.  “I must go," I blurt out awkwardly.
Gale watches X’aa’nath nearly sprint away to the safety of his tent, diving inside and out of Gale’s line of sight. 
I was thinking about you…
The gith’s words echo in his mind, sending a small thrill up his spine.
“I think of you too,” Gale murmurs softly. 
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captain039 · 11 months
Souls coming together
Ascended Vampire Duke!Astarion x human!reader
(Intertwined with a mortal continuation read part one here)
Warnings: Olden times, age gap, lots of feels, angst, working through trauma, tension, sexual, oral f-receiving, marriage, Astarions trauma and issues, body shaming, harassment, anxiety’s and depression, lotta issues xD,
(Should I make a Wyll story like this?)
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The social season was continuing on, lords and lady’s were finding their matches and spending quality time with their matches as their bonds strengthened, or depleted. Seems this season was up and down for most of the lady’s, whatever was in the air was toxic.
You’d had a total of five dances with the duke after his ‘proposal’ you felt like he was still a mystery though. You knew of his confliction though, his vampirism, his emotional side, his non-talkative side, his dick head side and you still knew nothing. He thankfully hasn’t given you any midnight visits in your room again, though the only time you spent together was dinner or at a party. At dinner he would put on a perfect act, smile and speak about his trades and life that you felt like he made up. When asked about his parents you felt his anxiety’s like your own, before he’d cover it with a story you didn’t believe one bit. You hated his perfect act, not when you’ve seen him so broken and he’s seen you so broken, maybe it’d all been for naught.
There was yet another party tonight, you hated it even more now you were dancing with the duke. People would whisper about you, they never said anything nice. They’d say you were just looking for attention, that you were just another bed warmer, seeking high company because you looked the way you did. It all hurt, their words stung you like bees. You weren’t right for the duke, not in looks, personality, anything really, you were opposites. When the duke would initiate a dance you disliked it, hated how the people talked, the older lady’s whispering, giggling or glaring. You would stare at his chest or the floor, you’d try to focus on his scent, his coolness, but it never worked. The whispers felt like loud laughter and snarky comments echoing in your mind, their looks were enough to send you to your knees had you not been held up, and all the while you felt like the duke never noticed, or didn’t care, after all he was ‘stuck with you’.
This party felt worse than the rest, it was clear now who was getting with who, what matches worked and what ones didn’t, gossip flying around like flys to food. Your family had suffered also, whispers about them led your mother to be embarrassed and ashamed while your father tried to hold it all together and talk such gossip away, but lady’s were lady’s.
You stood by Jen and Karlach sipping the sparkling fruit juice that was on the table. You didn’t see or sense the duke tonight and for some reason you felt happy about it, relieved. Jen and Karlach were talking while you simply listened before you saw Duke Ravengard coming over.
“Lady’s” he greeted with a smile, the omega lady Lila on his arms smiling also.
“Duke Ravengard” Jen bowed respectfully as did Karlach before he looked to you. You smiled at the couple, greeting them also.
“So has there been a proposal yet?” Jen said cheekily with a slight smirk making the poor omega flush embarrassed and Wyll chuckle nervously.
“Not yet” he said.
“Soon hopefully” Lady Lila said and you nodded smiling, but found a bittersweet jealousy lodged in your mind.
“I was just coming over if you’d like a dance, Lady Y/n, Duke Ancunin doesn’t seem to be here” Wyll said with a frown glancing over the crowd.
“Oh, no that’s highly inappropriate-“ you nodded to Lady Lila who smiled brightly shaking her head.
“Nonsense I do not mind, besides I need a drink” she said as she let Wylls arm go and pushed his hand out to you.
“Be my guest” she chuckled and you gulped, but nodded. You to the dukes hand feeling the familiar warmth. A country song began to play and the dance was more upbeat than the last as you began. You felt the stared the murmurs, going in a circle you heard some of their words.
“Stealing an already taken duke? Gods”
“Who does she think she is?”
“Like the duke would ever willingly dance with her, her family probably paid him”
“Looking like that? Most certainly had some agreement”
“Thought she was warming Duke Ancunin bed”
You stopped when the comments became too much, tears in your eyes as you rushed out the home, Duke Ravengard calling to you.
You ran into the gardens and sobbed, leaning against the small garden shed. You cried softly hanging your head in shame.
“Lady-“ you heard Duke Ravengard and looked up seeing him. He spotted you and you took off again, gods why was he out here?
“Gods go away!” You said as he followed you a frown on his face.
“Can’t you hear them?!” You snapped as he looked to you.
“It was a simple dance” he said and you scoffed.
“Duke Ravengard” you felt your body shudder at the sound of your vampire mate, he wore a black and red suit with silver embroidery.
“Duke Ancunin” Wyll nodded.
“Is something the matter?” Duke Ancunin looked to you as you spoke and you sighed.
“Alone again in the garden with two men! Truely I will be more to talk about, please, just go” you said sagging. Duke Ravengard nodded with a sad look on his face and left while your vampire mate stayed.
“What has happened?” He asked walking closer making you tense.
“Did you not hear a word I just said?” You asked.
“I did, however you are in distress, your scent is like rotten cakes and you’re trembling” he said glancing over you as he stood in front of you.
“Now, tell me what happened” he said eyes gazing at you. You cursed him silently and looked away, praying nobody would come.
“Silly womanly things you shouldn’t concern yourself with” you huffed arms crossing and resting by your stomach. He took a small breath, like he was sniffing.
“You’re not on your cycle or due” he said and you felt your cheeks burn.
“You don’t know that!” You said embarrassed.
“I would smell your slick, the change in your scent” he grinned lightly and you glared.
“That doesn’t matter, that’s not what I’m talking about either! Gods!” You groaned almost wanting to stomp your foot.
“You’re a man, a wealthy man you have no worries, now please leave before someone comes and decides to gossip more!” You huffed feeling your shoulders sag.
“What are they speaking about? You?” He asked head tilted and you stared at him, was he interested? Now?!
“You care now?” You blurted before you instantly regretted it and saw hurt flash across his face.
“Astar- Duke Ancunin please leave” you said gesturing to the exit as he narrowed his eyes.
“Why must you be so stubborn?” He tsked and you glared.
“Why must you be such an asshole?” You put your hands on your hips and gave him a look. He kept your gaze and you almost cracked till he chuckled lightly.
“Cheeky little pup” he said and you felt your cheeks go hot again.
“Perhaps we should talk tonight, after this party?” He said a new seriousness in his tone, an unknown look in his face also.
“I- alright” you sighed.
“After the party how?” You asked confused and he smiled.
“A late night visit” he simply said beginning to walk away leaving you with your mouth hung open.
Next part ->
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fxckadoodledoomunson · 10 months
Repercussion |One-Shot|
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Summary: Your stepsister is always seeking male attention. But when she flirts with Eddie, repercussions occur after someone tries to put her in her place.
Warning: swearing, angst to fluff, Al makes an appearance, blood, groping.
Out of all men in Hawkins, why did your mother have to marry the mayor of Hawkins? Answer…money.
Thankfully, you had already moved out by the time your mother remarried.
You had decided to move to Forest Hills with your father. He didn’t earn much from his job, but he was happy, especially as he worked with your neighbour, Wayne, who lived with his nephew and your crush, Eddie. One of the benefits of living with your father was, not only having a great vegetable garden, thanks to your father using electro-culture, but you also got to see your crush, as he gave you lifts to school, although you were too shy to initiate a conversation with him, especially if he was picking up someone else from the Hellfire club. Another bonus living with your father was that you had your own room, so you didn’t have to share a room with your stepsister, Kimberley.
You didn’t spend much time with her, but when you did, she would constantly flirt with guys, even the ones who are already taken.
One time, you went out for a meal with your mother and stepfamily, as well as the Harringtons.
All through the meal, Kimberley kept batting her eyelashes at Steve, and constantly flirted with him.
Whenever he tried to talk to you about similar interests, she would interrupt by letting out an obnoxious laugh, before continuing to flirt with him, which made you roll your eyes, and him uncomfortable.
Another time, during cheer practice, she kept showing off in front of the basketball team, especially Jason. She even kept flirting with him, whilst feeling his biceps in front of his girlfriend, Chrissy.
You only found out about it when you met the head cheerleader one day to lend her your notes for English class.
Often, you two would interact.
You knew that Chrissy was a sweetheart, but there had been times that she had needed to rant. You were happy to listen to her, especially as you both bonded over having a shitty mothers. But that day, it was Kimberley who got to her. “I don’t want to do it,” she began to rant. “But if she keeps it up, I’ll have no choice but to kick her off the squad. She’s not only flirting with my boyfriend, but she’s also distracting the other guys, and preventing us from practicing.”
You were glad that you never passed a cheer tryout, otherwise you would’ve had to witness the embarrassment of seeing your stepsister constantly showing up the rest of the squad.
“I’ll talk to her,” you assured Chrissy. “I can’t promise anything, but hopefully it’ll make her think twice.”
You didn’t think that she would get worse, but you were proofed wrong. A day or so later, you were coming back from dropping off some vegetables to your mother’s elderly neighbour when you spotted a familiar van.
“Why’s Eddie here?” You quietly asked yourself. “I hope something hasn’t happened to dad.”
You quickly crossed the street, when you witnessed Kimberley coming out of the house.
“Oh, Eddie,” she exclaimed with an obnoxious smile on her face. “I’m so glad that you’re here. It just won’t start.”
“Please tell me she’s not…” you began to groan to yourself.
Suddenly, Kimberley noticed you, and started putting on a fake sweet voice, as she greeted you, “Oh hey sis!”
You wanted to gag at the sound of her voice, but when Eddie turned around, and greeted you whilst smiling, you couldn’t help but wave at him. However, you noticed that it wasn’t his usual happy smile, but a weak smile.
“She called me to ask if I could check her car,” Eddie explained. You wondered how she managed to get his number.
You were going inside to put the vegetables away when Kimberley called out, “Fetch me a drink on your way through.”
You huffed as you stopped to turn and asked her, “What’s the magic word?”
Instead of saying please, she hissed, “Now.”
Before going inside, you asked Eddie if he wanted a drink too. He nodded, as he replied, “Thanks.”
You turned and went inside, unaware that Eddie took a quick glance at you before focusing on the car, while Kimberley was twirling her hair, as she tried to grab his attention.
You were walking to the kitchen when you saw your mother lying on the couch, gossiping with her friend on the phone. You decided to not greet her, as she probably wouldn’t have taken notice of you anyway.
After putting the vegetables in the refrigerator, you started grabbing a couple of cans of cola from the counter, heading back outside when you witnessed Kimberley leaning close to Eddie, who was too busy checking the car to notice. You watched her flirting with him and attempting to feel his bicep underneath his Dio shirt, as he tried to evade her. You couldn’t help but feel jealous, but also at the same time, you didn’t want Eddie being treated like a piece of meat.
Abruptly, you cleared your throat, gaining their attention.
“There’s cough drops inside,” Kimberley sharply said.
“Actually, I need a word with you about something,” you replied. “Girls stuff.”
“Oh,” she exclaimed. She turned to Eddie and said in a high pitched voice, “I’ll be back.”
She winked at him, as she giggled before following you back into the house. You turned to find Eddie sigh with relief as he continued to check the car.
After you went inside, she began to ask, “So, what is it? Need advice on fashion?Because no offence, but you need a new wardrobe, and maybe use make-“
“What’s your intentions with Eddie?” You interrupted.
“Yes, did you really ask him here to fix your car, or did you want more male attention?”
Kimberley gasped, feeling offended. “There’s nothing wrong with getting male attention.”
“There is if it’s going to affect people’s relationships. Steve’s an exception, as he’s still single. But, I mean, there’s Chrissy’s boyfriend, Jason. If you’re not careful, Chrissy will kick you off the squad-“
“For what?!”
“Let’s see…for flirting with him in front of her, and for showing up the rest of the cheerleaders-“
“Oh please!” She cackled.
“Look! One of these days, your attention seeking will get you in trouble.”
There was a moment of silence, as you both glared at each other. You had hoped that she would think about you said, and not keep seeking attention. But instead, she scoffed, “Oh my god…you like Eddie. That’s why you’re telling me this, isn’t it?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but Kimberley beat you to it. “You’re jealous.”
“Jealousy’s got nothing to do with it,” you quickly told her. It was half a truth. On one hand, you were a little jealous, but on the other hand, you didn’t want Eddie being used for someone else’s gain. “He’s my neighbour, not to mention that his uncle’s my dad’s friend,” you told her. “And the last thing I want is for him to get hurt-“
Suddenly, Kimberley stalked towards you, and snatched the cans out of your hands, evilly smirking.
“Relax, I’m not gonna date him,” she spat. “I just wanna score free weed.”
As Kimberley stomped out of the house, you silently gasped, feeling more angry at your stepsister.
“I won’t let you do that to him, missy,” you growled, as you followed her.
You stepped out of the house, not acknowledging your mother, as you caught Kimberley flirting with Eddie whilst touching him up.
You were about to say something when you witnessed something unexpected…
“Will you stop it?!” Eddie yelled, as he moved away from a petrified Kimberley.
You stood there, astonished at the sight of Eddie putting her in her place.
“Just because I’m a freak to everyone, doesn’t mean that I’m also a fucking plaything!”
You glanced at him with concern, as you were about to speak when he abruptly turned around and got in his van. After starting up his vehicle, Eddie reversed out of the driveway, before speeding off.
You turned to a trembling Kimberley, asking her, “Kim…are you-?”
You winced, as Kimberley started wailing. She swiftly turned around and ran inside, calling for her father.
As soon as you got back to Forest Hills, you went to check on Eddie. You knocked on his front door, but there was no answer. You called his name, whilst knocking again.
When he still didn’t respond, you ran to the other end of the trailer, and called out again, as you knocked on the back door. You were about to knock on his window when you heard music playing from his room. Only it wasn’t metal music, but Chicago blues.
The only time he would play was when…
“Oh shit,” you muttered, realising what day it was.
You remembered that it was the day his mother, Elizabeth died. He never told you that. You only heard it from a conversation between your father and Wayne.
You were unsure about whether or not to knock again, or just leave him be when you suddenly noticed a truck approaching the trailer. You knew that it wasn’t Wayne’s, but you weren’t sure who it belonged to.
As soon as the owner of the truck came out, you thought that he looked familiar. “Hey there!” The older man greeted you, before asking, “Is Wayne home?”
“I think he’s out,” you replied, as you noticed a plastic bag in his hand. “Are you a friend?”
The man chuckled, before replying, as he stuck his hand out, “No, I’m his brother, Al.”
The more you looked at him, the more you thought of how much Eddie looked like him. However, from what you’ve heard, Al wasn’t a good man. You crossed your arms, not wanting to shake his hand.
Taking the hint, Al lowered his hand, as he asked, “I take it Eddie’s in? I just-“
Al had stopped talking, as the music stopped playing and the back door swung open, making you jump.
A teary eyed Eddie stepped out, with anger in his face. “What do you want?!” He angrily asked his father.
“Can’t a man see his son-?” Al began to ask, whilst chuckling when Eddie yelled, as he stomped towards the older man, “What?! The son you keep fucking abandoning?! Why did you have to come back, and today of all days?! Got some more shitty schemes for me to get caught in?!”
“I wanted to see you,” Al calmly replied, as he lifted the heavy plastic bag. “And I thought I can cook us some spaghetti, and maybe talk-“
“Fuck your spaghetti! And fuck you!” Eddie shouted, as he smacked the bag out of his father’s hand, breaking a jar and couple of beer bottles. “You’re not welcome here!”
You swiftly ran, as Eddie continued to scold his father. You then grabbed Eddie’s arm, begging him to calm down when he abruptly pushed you out of the way, causing you fall to the ground.
You heard a gruffly voice call your name, as you winced, trying to sit yourself up when you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders. You turned to find Wayne squatting down beside you, steadying you. “Let me see your hand,” he told you, whilst gently grabbing your bloodied hand with small shards of glass sticking out.
Eddie’s face softened, realising what he had done. “Take her inside,” he heard his uncle say. Doing what Wayne had instructed, Eddie, along with his uncle, lifted you up to your feet, before Eddie took you inside, whilst gently taking your arm, while Wayne told his brother to leave.
After Wayne had plucked out the shards of glass and cleaned your hand at the dining table, he started bandaging it up, making sure that it wasn’t too tight for you, while Eddie was sitting on the couch, chewing on his fingernails, feeling guilty of pushing you out of the way.
“All done,” Wayne said, finishing up your bandage.
You thanked him, as he took the bowl off the table, emptying it in the sink. Suddenly, you heard Eddie sniffle.
“I’m sorry,” you heard him whimper, causing you to turn to see tears running down his cheeks.
Wayne sympathetically glanced at him, as Eddie covered his face with his hands, sobbing uncontrollably when you slowly got up and cautiously walked towards him, before kneeling in front of him.
He continued to sob, repeating his apology, claiming that it was his fault when you gently grabbed on his wrists, lowering his hands down, revealing his puffy eyes.
“Listen to me,” you softly said. “It wasn’t your fault-“
“It was!” Eddie sobbed. “I was so angry, and-“
“And you’re missing your mum, right?”
Eddie’s face softened. You two weren’t close, so he was unsure how you knew about his mother. Wayne was sure that you must’ve overheard his conversation with your father about Eddie and his mother.
“You’re missing your mum, and you just wanted to remember her in your own way today. And I guess it didn’t help with your dad coming, and also with what happened with Kimberley, did it?”
Eddie silently gazed at you, when Wayne asked, “What happened with Kimberley?”
Eddie was about to confess to yelling at her when you said, “Just being her usual annoying self. Nothing to worry about.”
Eddie gaped, hearing you cover for him.
Wayne hummed, before announcing, whilst checking his watch, “Well, I’ll make dinner, before I get to work. How about I… make your mom’s favourite?”
Eddie turned to his uncle and nodded, thanking him. Wayne then asked you if you wanted to join them.
You turned to Eddie, who nodded at you, hinting at you to join them. “Yes please,” you replied to Wayne, as you shifted your attention back to him. “Do you need a hand?”
Suddenly, Eddie lightly chuckled, making you turn to him, as he asked, “You’ve just suffered an injury and you still want to help?”
“I’m sure there’s something I can do,” you retorted, as you got to your feet, and abruptly planted a kiss on his forehead, which left him shell shocked. You turned around, and scrunched up your face, realising what you had done.
During dinner, you and Eddie were silent, even when Wayne tried holding a conversation with you both. You gazed awkwardly at Eddie, as he looked down at his plate. But as soon as he lifted his head up, you quickly looked down at yours. Eddie sighed, as he looked at you, thinking about the kiss you gave him earlier. After Wayne went to work, the two of you just stayed in the trailer in silence. You sat on the couch, twiddling your thumbs, as you watched Eddie grab his packet of Camel’s from the kitchen counter and stood in the back doorway, lighting up his cigarette.
You watched him take a couple of puffs, figuring what to say. I’m sorry for kissing you, you thought of what to say. Well, for kissing your forehead…No, maybe not go straight to it…Maybe-
“Hey!” You heard Eddie speak, prompting you sit upright.
“Yes?” Your voice cracked.
You thought he was going to ask you to leave, but instead, he asked, as he walked back to the kitchen, “Do you want something to drink?”
You wanted to say something, but you hesitated for a moment, before quickly getting up on your feet, as you told him, deciding to leave him be, “Uh..Actually, I should be going home. I don’t want to bother-“
“Stay,” Eddie interjected, as you felt his hand grabbing your uninjured hand, prompting you to turn to face him.
“You…You want me to stay?” You meekly asked, receiving a nod from him.
“To be honest, I don’t wanna be on my own, especially if my dad comes back.”
There was a moment of silence, before you suggested, “Well, why don’t we go back to mine? You can bring that record you were playing earlier with you, if you want to.”
Eddie silently gazed at you for a few seconds, before replying, “Give me a minute?”
You nodded, as he turned around and jogged to his room.
All through the evening, you and Eddie were in sitting on your living room floor, silently listening to his Muddy Waters record.
You continued to listen when you heard Eddie call your name.
“Yes?” You asked.
Eddie was staring at your floor, before shifting his attention to you, asking, “How…did you know about…my mom?”
You sighed, before explaining, “I…overheard my dad and Wayne talking the other day. Wayne wanted a day off today, but their boss wouldn’t let him, as they were short staffed.”
Eddie remembered that Wayne mentioned it before after he suggested to his uncle that they could do something for his mother.
“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on them,” you told him, you nervously gazed at him. “I don’t want you to think I was a creep or something.”
Eddie silently gazed back at you, before giving you a smile, replying, “It’s okay, I know you’re not.”
You smiled back with relief, as you both continued to listen to the record when the telephone rang.
“I better get that,” you said, as you got up and walked towards the telephone on the wall. “It might be my dad.”
After picking up, you answered, “Hello?”
“Hi Honey, it’s me.”
It was your mother.
You rolled your eyes, as she continued to speak, “Just letting you know that we’re all going out for a meal at Enzo’s at eight, so don’t be late.”
“Actually, I’ve already eaten, so…”
“Your sister’s still upset about what happened earlier with that Munson boy, and she needed cheering up-”
“Wait, sorry,” you interrupted, squeezing your eyes shut, feeling your blood boiling. “She’s upset because of Eddie?!”
“Yes, and she needed-“
“So, you’re basically just rewarding her for groping him and making him uncomfortable!”
Eddie watched you attentively, as you scoffed, while you were hearing your mother scolding you.
“How can you be so hateful towards your sister? Think how she feels-?!”
“Firstly, she’s my stepsister, as in, not blood related,” you interjected. “Secondly, how about you think about how Eddie must’ve felt being treated like a piece of meat?!”
Eddie gaped, hearing you defending him.
“Just because you married for money, doesn’t mean that your husband and his daughter get special treatment-!”
Before you could say anymore, you were cut off by your mother.
You angrily slammed the phone into the receiver, as you shut your eyes and turned around, growling. You then opened your eyes, realising that Eddie was standing in front of you.
“You okay?” Eddie asked, as he slowly approached you.
You scoffed, before replying, “Well, let’s just say, I think I just got myself disowned by my mother.”
“All because of Kimberley?”
There was a moment of silence, before Eddie spoke up, “I better go and apologise to her.”
“What?” You exclaimed. “Why?! You’ve done nothing wrong. She’s the one who groped you.”
“But nothing! I warned her, I fucking warned her! I told her if she wasn’t careful, her attention seeking would get her in trouble.”
You went to sit on the sofa, as you continued to rant, “She even confessed that she just wanted to score free weed from you, and I couldn’t bear to let her use someone I really like for her personal gain-“
“Wait!” Eddie interjected, as he sat down next to you. “You…like me?”
You smacked your palm into your forehead, realising that you had blurted out your feelings for Eddie.
As you lowered your head, avoiding his gaze, you mumbled, as you shut your eyes, “This wasn’t how I wanted you to find out.”
You took a deep breath, before confessing, “Although we’re not close and don’t talk often, I do like you…but I do understand that you don’t like me back, so, I’m not expecting-“
You stopped talking as you heard the sofa squeak, as Eddie got up. You were expecting him to grab his record and leave. Instead, you a kiss planted on your forehead. You opened your eyes, finding Eddie kneeling in front of you, smiling.
You watched him get up with your eyebrows furrowed, as he held out his hand, asking you, “Wanna dance?”
“What?” You asked, feeling confused.
“Do you wanna dance?”
You gazed at him and nodded, as you took his hand. He then pulled you close, as you both slow danced.
You rested your head against his chest, as you continued to dance when you heard Eddie say softly, “You know…I should’ve known that you liked me after you kissed me.”
You furrowed your brows, as you mumbled, “I only kissed your forehead.”
Eddie chuckled, accidentally squeezing your injured hand, making wince.
“Sorry,” Eddie profusely apologised.
“It’s okay,” you replied when Eddie lifted your hand and kissed your knuckle, making you giggle.
He then lowered your hand, as he asked, “Can I kiss you?”
You silently nodded, smiling, prompting him to give you a tender kiss on the lips, before he wrapped his arms around you, as you both continued to slow dance.
All through the night, the two of you talked until you both fell asleep on the sofa.
As for Kimberley, you and Chrissy made her, not only apologise to Eddie for groping him and to the fellow cheerleaders for wasting their time, but also confess to her father and your mother about Eddie, if she wanted to stay on the squad.
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A/N – I know this is a day late, depression has been rough this week, and the amount of details in here had me pulling my hair out. This is entirely back story for my OC, very minimal Lucifer. Also, barely proofread, but I needed to get it out of my drafts so I don’t delete the whole thing and my account. Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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CW: language, I think? Also, the phrases and her mom's accent are Scots. Hopefully, the page I used to reference it was accurate
Chapter 6
My History
Caelwen’s eyes snapped open at the sound of birds. She hadn’t heard birds, real birds, in centuries. Propping herself up with her hands, she looked around to find the source of the sound; perhaps Lucifer had made a chirping rubber duck? But instead of the dark reds, pinks and blacks of the fallen angel’s workshop, she saw trees full of green leaves and patches of yellow flowers scattered in the tall grass around her. This couldn’t be hell, so where was she?
The last thing Caelwen remembered was Lucifer above her, casting the spell to break the seal Adam had placed on her. What the fuck happened?
"Hullo! Hou'r ye?” A voice sounded behind Caelwen. The brunette spun around into a crouch to face the stranger with her fists raised. Taking in the woman before her now, Caelwen’s shoulders slumped in disbelief. There stood her mother, wavy light blonde hair tied back with a leather cord and warm brown eyes shining, just the way she looked the last time Caelwen saw her.
Caelwen dropped to her knees fully, making no effort to stop the tears beginning to stream down her face.
“Well? Hou’r ye, love? Been awhile, hasn’t it?” The mother’s smile was bright as she walked closer to kneel next to her daughter. “I’m so happy to see ye, though, the circumstances aren’t ideal” she spoke in a whisper and wiped away her daughter’s tears.
Caelwen’s eyes darted over her mother’s face, taking it in before launching herself into the older woman’s arms. Caelwen squeezed her mother tight, terrified she’d disappear, and sobbed loudly. The last time she had seen her mother, the woman was being dragged off by angry villagers while Caelwen had hid inside a hollowed out tree.
“Now now, wee one, enough of that – we don’t have much time. There’s some things I need to tell ye.” Caelwen pulled away slightly, looking up at her mother in confusion. “You’re sleeping, love. Breaking that seal did a number on your mind and soul, you would’ve died if not for Lucifer’s magic being stronger than your father’s!” She said with a half laugh.
Caelwen raised a hand to her chest, remembering the burning pain from before she passed out. She looked to her mother, opening and closing her mouth a few times, too used to not having a voice to remember what it felt like to use it. “W-what, what do you-,” Caelwen coughed a few times, her throat dry.
Oh! Here, drink. It’ll help.” Her mother handed Caelwen a small pouch filled with water.
Taking a few eager gulps and wiping the couple drops that escaped from her chin, Caelwen tried to speak again. “What do you mean ‘we don’t have much time’? What’s going on?” Her voice was hoarse and quiet.
“Well, ye can’t stay here forever! That man, Lucifer, is losing his mind over you. Ye’ve been asleep for a week, Cae’. Poor thing hasn’t been away from your side for more than a few hours. Ye found a good one, better than I did a’ least!” The blonde woman chuckled while brushing Caelwen’s hair away from her face.
The younger girl blushed at the talk of Lucifer; even though he had told her she hadn’t misread the signs, it was still so odd to hear he had been caring for her. “Do you mean Adam? Is that what we need to talk about?”
“Aye. With you being fully intact now, it’s time ye know everything. Adam and I met not long after me ma and da passed, sweating sickness, and I was doin’ my best to maintain the house. I’d had gentlemen coming around for weeks, but Adam was so charming. He told me he was a knight for the king, didn’t know he meant God at the time o’course, only found that out when I had you! He’d been so kind, told me he’d marry me once he was released from service. When I told him I was carrying you, he got so angry – told me to take something, anything to get rid’a ye and then left. I couldn’t bear to do it, so I started running. After the first few months, I couldn’t hide ye. People started to notice the bump. And that I was alone. They all thought I was a harlot, then a witch, I was barely able to find food and shelter before I’d be shunned. And then I had ye, and you were so perfect! But, ye had these wee little nubs on your back. And after your first year, they’d grown and had feathers; that’s when I realized your da wasn’t human, he’d been the only man I’d laid with so I knew it'd been him.” Caelwen’s mother paused, a sad smile on her face.
Caelwen looked puzzled for a moment, acknowledging what her mother had said. “I don’t remember having wings until a few weeks after you died. How could I have had them when I was a baby?”
The older woman chuckled slightly, “I’m getting to that. When you started toddling around, I couldn’t hide them in a swaddle and a child from a village we passed through saw them. Thankfully, her parents thought she was dreaming. I started looking for ways to hide them and remembered something my ma had taught me. My ma was a witch, but a clever one, no one ever knew except me when she told me as she died. She’d always told me before I knew what she’d meant, that healer women always had the best books. The next village we reached, I found a healer and asked if she knew of a book that might help. She only helped when I told her who my ma was and what I truly needed, and thankfully, I kept the secret well. She also helped me with the seal we used, but she’d tied the seal to my life, so once I died, so too did the seal.”
“And that’s why they only showed up after you died. And grandmother being a witch, explains why Adam believed you bewitched him, everyone back then believed it ran in the family.” Caelwen laid back, staring up at the blue sky before her as she thought over everything she had learned.
“Aye, but there’s one more thing. Your great-great grandmother made a deal with a demon that all of the daughters in her line would honor him and spread his name in exchange for protection from evil men. If we ever failed to uphold our end, we’d all suffer for eternity. But if the demon ever allowed harm to befall her line, that daughter would gain abilities to aid her in the depths of hell. That’s why you were able to survive so long with half of you sealed off, the demons deal took effect when Adam hurt you.” The older woman looked off into the distance as Caelwen sat up, processing everything she had learned.
“What about you, though? Men killed you, so why didn’t you survive in hell?”
“Before they could try me as a witch, one of the farmer’s wives had given me a drink with mandrake. I died before the men could do anything, and I didn’t stand much of a chance when I landed in hell.” Caelwen’s mother had a sad smile on her face - she never should have trusted that woman.
The two sat in silence for a few minutes, taking in everything around them and enjoying each other’s presence.
There was one more mystery for Caelwen, though. “How are you here then? If you’ve already died in hell, how are you here telling me all of this? Even if it is a dream, I couldn’t possibly have any of this information in my subconscious.”
“A deal I made before I died in hell, so that when you made it down here I’d be able to tell you everything I never had a chance to while alive.” The older woman paused, looking at the sky. Then, as if getting a signal, she nodded and turned to Caelwen. “We’re out of time love, you need to start trying to wake up. Come here,” she held her arms out to her daughter.
Wrapping her arms around her mother, Caelwen held her tight, not ready to leave the warm embrace. Her mother pulled away, brushing loose hairs away from Caelwen’s face, then cupping her cheek. Brown eyes gazed into green, “A love ye, Cae. Be safe, please, and kick yer father’s arse for me?”
Caelwen leaned into her mother’s hand, closing her eyes and laughing slightly. “I think I can do that. I love you too.”
When the Nephilim reopened her eyes, her mother was gone, and so was the field. Now surrounded by the inky blackness of her mind, Caelwen crossed her legs and tried to focus on waking up.
~In Hell~
“I’m sorry Charlie, I can’t come today… yes she’s still not awake… I know, but I-…” Lucifer was pacing the floor of his room, shrinking into himself as he spoke to his daughter. He hated to disappoint her, again, but Caelwen could wake up at any time, and he wanted to be with her when she did. Sure, it had been over a week now, and the doctor he'd sworn to secrecy had said it may take a while still, but what if it didn’t and he wasn’t here?!
“You’re right. I’m sorry, Charlie. I’ll- I’ll be there in an hour, okay?... Yeah, see you soon.” Lucifer ended the call before walking closer to his bed. He looked down at Caelwen’s prone form, her hair splayed around her peaceful face. Grabbing her limp hand, Lucifer squeezed it, whispering, “I’ll be back tonight. Can’t keep letting Charlie down, right? Heh…” He laughed awkwardly, releasing Caelwen’s hand and darting out the door before he could change his mind.
Later that night, Lucifer returned home, drained. He loved helping Charlie and bonding, but dealing with the sinners of the hotel was far from enjoyable. Lucifer walked into his room, removing his coat and vest and rolling up his sleeves. He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up while briefly glancing towards his bed and then moving towards his bathroom.
Entering the bathroom, Lucifer looked at his reflection, releasing a heavy sigh. He closed his eyes and hung his head for a moment before his brain finally caught up with him. Lucifer’s eyes sprung open, and he threw open the bathroom door to look at his bed. There was Caelwen sitting up in the bed, green eyes glittering as she tried to hide her laughter behind a hand.
Calewen had stared at Lucifer as he walked into the bathroom, wondering if he had noticed her. She had been awake for a couple hours, long enough to mull over all the information she had learned and stretch out the stiffness in her joints.
“You’re awake? How- uh, how are you feeling? Any pain?” Lucifer questioned the Nephilim in his bed. When she shook her head, he let his shoulders relax. “Did it… have you tried to talk? To see if it worked?” Lucifer nervously fiddled with his fingers as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.
Caelwen cleared her throat slightly, “It worked. Thank you, Lucifer!” She smiled brightly at the fallen angel before her. “And thank you for taking care of me while I recovered, I’m sorry to have worried you.”
Lucifer smiled tiredly, “I’m just happy you’re okay. And that it worked!”
Noticing the bags under her companions eyes, Caelwen pat the bed and started to rise, “We can talk more in the morning, you look like you could use some sleep. I’ll head to the guest room, it’ll be nice to stretch my legs!”
Before she could swing her legs over the side of the bed, Lucifer was pushing her back down. “No! No, stay, please! I can go sleep somewhere else, no need for you to push yourself!”
Caelwen looked at Lucifer’s panicked face, raising a brow and grabbing his hands that held her shoulders down. Lucifer, realizing what he had done and the position they were in, jumped off the bed, half tripping over his feet as he backed away towards the door.
A quick, high-pitched goodnight was the last thing Caelwen heard before Lucifer had disappeared in a puff of red smoke.
A/N – I’m stopping here for a few reasons, but mostly because this chapter has kicked my butt and I hate it. Sorry it’s a bit shorter than normal, but this took like 2 days to write. Next chapter will be a bit more of like fleshing out the relationship.
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Has it ever occurred to you that since Gwen hasn’t had a mother figure for the majority of her life and from the beginning of ATSV its kinda shown she’s been craving that type of guidance or even affection when she sees Jess for the first time, do you think that once the dust is settled between her and Miles and she finally gets to properly introduce herself to his parents, do you think that Rio can not replace Gwen’s mother but atleast fill in that gap in some way where she’s able to get some of the guidance she’s been looking for. Idk I just feel like the dynamic between the two could be interesting once they both get along with each other, hopefully this makes sense to answer.
Ohh this is interesting.
Now, hope you don't mind, but Gwen and Jess situation is something I wanted to talk about for a while, so, I will use your comment to talk about this.
I will do the Rio part too, but knowing myself, there is a chance that would end in a second post because I talk too much.
Let's go!
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Now, do I think is this a joke? Yes, but I also think Gwen means it.
And look, this is not to say that you necessarily need to have two parents to raise a kid, I personally believe that one parent, if they provide the necessary attention and care to the child or children, could be an amazing parent and not let their kids feel like they are missing anything.
However, as discussed on this post, I mentioned why while George isn't a bad dad, sadly he is not the best parent for Gwen.
And here I also discussed why Gwen's mental health is a bit of a mess.
But to not sent people to do homework, let's give the cliff-notes version.
George is trying to be a good father, however between his job and his refusal to understand nuance, he has accidentally pushed Gwen away; even if maybe this could have been resolved if she talked to him in a normal situation, the fact that he did what he did in the beginning shows she was scared for a reason.
So that means Gwen has a gaping hole in what a role model and parent should be, since she needs more support. Of couse her Spidey identity is important to her (in fact she leans too much into it,) and having no one to help her on that complicated path doesn't make the situation any easier.
Enters Jessica Drew.
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You know I found extremely telling that when Gwen sees Miguel, she is cracking jokes and not really taking his professionalism crap seriously; yet when Jess comes kicking ass with her motorcycle and she looks at her like she has seen the light.
Perhaps it had to do with her realizing this failed artist is more problematic than she expected, or the fact that Miguel was quickly disposed of by something she saw from a mile away; while Jess came putting the bad guy on a grinder and maneuvering a bike like nobody's business. Needless to say, Gwen is DEFINITELY impressed.
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Once again, this plays almost like this is a dream come true for Gwen.
She hides it well for most of the movie as well as the previous one, but the reality is that underneath that cool exterior, this is a teenage mess with so much angst she is giving my teen self a run for their money.
Just like she craves companionship in the form of Miles as well as other spiders, she probably wants someone who can tell her everything is going to be okay or what they should do. Again, we may forget sometimes, especially with superhero movies where protagonists need to be competent despite their age most of the time; but Gwen is 16, 17 at the most; and has been handling this stress and turmoil for at least 3 years. That's a lot.
Top it with her dad not being able to emotionally support her, and the fact that she wants a mom becomes less a possible commentary about not nuclear families, and more of a likely possibility because the first 20 minutes of the movie gave us LOTS of material to show how mess up this is.
I think is a testament to the situation that she doesn't default to Peter B or Noir in the first movie, nor Miguel; she only seems to be interested in learning from someone when she sees Jess.
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Is funny, but is also very painful to hear for me, as if you ask me she said it completely straight, and this just shows how much help she needs.
Granted Gwen said that accidentally and probably wouldn't have said it if thought about it first, but the fact that it slipped says a lot.
She desperately wants someone like Jess in her life, and to top it off, she probably wants that person as a maternal figure; probably someone to ask about techniques for defeating baddies and also who could talk about feelings without this person defaulting to work as a copy mechanism.
Feel free to call me crazy for getting so work up about a joke, but if I am honest other interactions really make me sell this idea for me.
Now let's talk Jess.
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Literally what other reaction she was going to have.
We really never hear a definitive answer to the question, but I also think Jess didn't think too hard about it for a reason.
I am planning to go through some scenes of Gwen and Jess to dig deeper into their mentor/not-mom situation, but let's start with this.
Do I think Jess should have adopted Gwen? No, not at all.
Look I am a sucker for found family and adoption tropes, and I would had love nothing more than for Jess to give one dirty look at Gwen's dad, tell her she would be there for her, and take her away to a good home. That is not what happened, and I don't blame her.
She is on her way to having her own kid, she needs to be spider-woman and to top it all off, she seems to be kind of a second in command in a really big operation, where your boss is your friend who is also way too into his job and she probably is still there partially to make sure Miguel doesn't completely lose it. She has a lot on her plate as it is, adopting a traumatized teenager is a lot of work that shouldn't really be her job.
Do I think that means she has no responsibilities to Gwen? No, not really.
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And this is largely why.
Okay, I will try to not go over every moment with them, as this is more about explaining their situation than a deep dive of every instance of their relationship, but this is a good kicker for the situation.
Jess immediately takes an interest in Gwen for the organization, now while I can understand that she based this purely on her abilities, I think a part of it was the comment Gwen made earlier. I think she sees in her someone who needs a steady hand and some support.
As a mentor.
This is going a bit ahead on the post, but let's establish that 1) This exists, and 2) Jessica got that idea EXTREMELY quick all things considered.
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Here is where the responsibility part actually kicks in.
No, Jess doesn't have any responsibility to Mother Gwen in any way, regardless if Gwen needs one or not (she does,) but the moment she not only started to argue for her to have a spot in the organization, to take her in when the things in her universe technically imploded (which they are marginally responsible considering they came to clean this means and they only did it thanks to Gwen,) She implicitly accepted to look after her.
Okay here is where we need to talk a bit about tropes.
When you have protagonists that are teens or kids with powers, is inevitable that they will need to deal with dangerous stuff that no sane adult would let a real kid do, but is fiction so you kind of have to suck it.
This is a trope that I found kind of lazy even when I was part of the age demographic; which is why stuff like The Owl House with Eda was refreshing.
She was also a Mentor who was also not very responsible as a guardian, but she ended up growing into one, and even if she failed to protect her apprentice, she did try her damnest to do it.
Jess is not Eda, and she doesn't need to be, except that this story has proven to be aware that they are still teens.
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Jess clearly recognizes this isn't fair for Gwen. We also see something like this in the first movie, with Peter B worried about Miles can or can't handle, while still letting them do stuff you wouldn't catch me letting my little sister get away with; they know that there are somethings someone at that age shouldn't just be handling on their own.
And Jess isn't exactly ice-cold about Gwen.
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Jess took interest in Gwen's potential quickly, she looked after her, and quickly went to try to calm her down and support her during a very high tense and stressful moment. Even here is Gwen the one who ultimately moves away, not Jess, proving she could had try to stay close to ensure she was okay.
And this is something that shows that it kind of sticks.
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While considerably harsher here than in her introduction scene, Jess is showing that despite her annoyance with Gwen, she still likes her. She never thought her relationship with Miles shouldn't be a reason not to have her on the team; she trusted a mission in the universe despite that, and also calls Gwen her star pupil, which I don't was sarcasm.
She also gives her an hour to fix this, which even if not much, is more than she could have given her.
I am not saying that Jess didn't look after Gwen, or didn't care about her beyond what she could do for the organization, however, it wasn't what Gwen needed.
Let's circle back to responsibility,
Jess is aware of what happened with her dad, she knows what Gwen lost, and she can probably imagine that a kid that lost her identity and her world like that on just one night can't be doing okay; yet nothing shows me she ever did anything about it.
Here is the thing, Jess doesn't need to be Gwen's mom, but she can't just insist to have her and be her mentor, and don't think about checking on her in something other than her kicking-ass abilities. Even if she doesn't want to deal with it, she should have either seen how to make her father see reason, or lock her in the room with the spider-man psych.
Considering how things go in this movie, neither thing happens.
And it feels more painfully obvious when you see how much Gwen tries to appeal to her emotionally.
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In a vaccum, none of these are a big deal, but the more I think about it the more heartbreaking this is for me to watch.
This is why I find these to be such a big deal: Gwen doesn't like to do emotional shit.
I know, I probably repeated that more times than I can count; but let that sink in contrast to what's going on.
After Peter died, she decided to not have any friends because she couldn't deal with the grief, with Miles only getting past that rule because they are both spiders plus chemistry. And even then, when you see Miles asking if she is going to talk to her dad, she decided to crack a joke and brush the idea as swiftly as possible.
When her dad tells her about the break in the spider-woman case, she tries to brush it off with false enthusiasm at first, and then when she gives a more honest response is more out of bubbling annoyance that truly her trusting him with something.
She isn't baring her heart open in these moments though, let's not have it twisted; however, she is trying to use emotion as a way to appeal to Jess, which is not her first move with most people in general. Even when she is not actively giving her an in-depth explanation, in each of those moments she is giving the emotional context as to why this is so hard.
"You never got too close to someone?" -> "This person is important to me and this is hard for me, wasn't it for you?"
"But my gut says-" -> "I know this looks bad, and I can't explain how, but this isn't right, trust me."
"Tell him he is wrong!" -> I don't really need to explain this one, do it?
She continuously looks up to Jess to hear her out, and to understand what she is going through; she sees her and expects someone who can connect with her on that level and care about it.
But that's not what Jess does, because she is not her mom, she is her mentor.
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For the most part, when Gwen tries to appeal to Jess emotionally speaking, Jessica shuts that idea down fast.
Now, I am going to preface this by clarifying that in real life, a mentor would probably check emotionally on the kid they are mentoring if only for the fact that when you are in charge of a kid, you should look after them. Fiction however is another ballpark, and technically speaking, a mentor shouldn't need to be doing something that is the job of the family.
A good mentor would probably understand their apprentice position and listen, since regardless of your years of experience, you can't just underestimate people or you will inevitably be surpassed. However, Jess isn't trying to be anything like that; she wants to teach Gwen her way, and her way says that emotions are kind of on the way. So regardless if it isn't what Gwen needs, she will insist on that.
I think there can be a way to accept emotions but also don't let them cloud your decisions, yet again, Jess is not interested in that, and I Gwen actually have normal, supportive parents (or even just one,) I wouldn't be so hung up about this. But she doesn't and Jess knows this.
Superhero or not, Gwen is just a teen, and shouldn't need to be living this, especially because I freaking doubt this is a canon event or something; with the resources they have, and the people they have on board, I can't believe there isn't a way they could have talk to Captain Stacy and made him see reason.
But they didn't, because they are more worried about spider-man duties than whatever is going on to the person under the mask, and for them, this is just what comes with the territory so you have the suck it up. Even if this is perfectly avoidable once you think of it.
That's something that I had been thinking about a lot while doing my post on the organization as well as the one with Gwen falling in Mumbatthan. The spiders are stronger together, and in general working as a team gives them not only better chances at saving people, but also helping with the stress they have and being there for each other. That isn't the goal of the organization though.
Miguel's mission is to preserve the canon and to put people from other dimensions back into their respective ones, anything else is probably secondary to him. Sure, if someone asks for help from another Spider I don't think he would stand in the way; except if it is a canon event, which in that case, he will probably say to people to suck it up.
The pain they have, the trauma they are suffering, while being together helps it was never the end goal to help with that, and there is no regard in avoiding said pain. This is a job first and foremost, which is the attitude Jess has.
Gwen is not her kid, or even a young student, she is a coworker; one that she needs to guide a bit, but her subordinate at the end of the day.
Sometimes the waters get muddier, on both sides if I am honest.
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I will touch a bit on other scenes, but I wanted to bring up this one in particular because there is something that feels a bit more mother-daughter than it probably has any right to show.
Now I will be the first to admit this may be a me thing, I can be very formal in real life and that goes double with people who are older than me and in a position of power over me, the only exception to that rule is my current boss because he is the mythical creature of being a manager who remembers employees are people too.
Gwen is not like that, she jokes and doesn't give too much of a shit regardless if you are Miguel or a bad guy. However there is something in the way Gwen acts that feels she wouldn't be phrasing stuff like this if it was Miguel on the other side; again, back to her using emotion as a first resource rather than as a lashing effect of her anger.
Jess, while being kind of no-nonsense overall, is also not the most formal, because this is the spider society and Miguel had the bad luck to be the only straight-laced one while everybody else tries to be a comedian for the most part. But there is a way that she talks to Gwen that for me feels kind of like her not fully keeping this professional either.
I can't fully put it into words, so feel free to not make seriously on this one, but there is something about the way Jess is commenting on the situation that reminds me more of a mom than any of my bosses.
Then we have scenes like this.
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I am sorry but this part really first like is a discussion between mother and daughter, even with contexts the way the scene delivers gives that energy.
This isn't exactly wrong by itself, nor is it truly that surprising. The boss I mentioned before had also mentioned off-topic that me and my other coworker (who is a couple of years older than me,) are almost like his kids, and we share an age range. However he doesn't try to parent us really, and even if some of the comments are very much 'now listen to me kids' he quickly remembers we are adults and would drop topics or decisions we made that I know wouldn't be his reaction has been one of the kids that are actually kids.
It probably has more to do with the way they talk and see people younger than them that any parental feelings, and none of this is really inappropriate.
Nonetheless, the fact that Gwen craves that motherly bond makes these interactions hurt all the more for me.
Gwen may not be under the illusion that Jess is her mom, but she's subconsciously looking up to her, and the fact that Jess acts like this, even if by accident, just feels into that mentality. The mentality Gwen has that maybe Jess will listen this time, that she will take into account her feelings and her opinion in her decisions; but she continues to not do that.
For the most part.
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Is a bit hard to see with the resolution I have, but when Gwen is kicking and screaming while been taken by the machine, Jess's gaze goes in another direction.
I am sorry if this is feeling repetitive, I know this post is a long one (which is funny how this post created another 2 just so those topics wouldn't be here.)
What I am trying to say with all of this, is despite Jess' insistence this is just work, that Gwen is just her pupil and she can only do so much; Jess continues to have a soft stop for Gwen that let's her get away with things. Is kind of ironic how Miguel said Gwen was a liability for her feelings for Miles, yet couldn't even consider how feelings in general would get in the way, considering Jess assigned this mission to Gwen (which then she fumbled the bag and led to the Spot becoming an actual menace,) give her a second chance, and then apparently let her go.
(It is possible she is looking for where Gwen is going to tell Miguel, but I doubt it.)
I fully believe that by the third film, Jess will probably end up either switching sides or just letting Gwen do what she wants, and even if is the first scenario I think it would be via Gwen that happens.
But to wrap things up, if Captain Stacy is not enough as a parent for Gwen because he can't do that role properly, Jess isn't good enough as a parent for Gwen because she doesn't want that role, regardless of if she sometimes kind of acts like it.
I think their relationship is fascinating, and I would love to explore more of this connection in some way; if only because the complicated nature of it makes it all the more interesting for me, but in a nutshell, is this:
Jess: I wanted an apprentice, you wanted a mom. Gwen: Well I guess we are both disappointed.
(Sorry I couldn't help myself, OOF I wish I could draw well enough for this.)
Now, with my thoughts on Rio, I could probably put them on this post because is not that long, but it will probably feel off with all this commentary I had been making, so it would be in another one.
If you got this far, congrats on your patience, and thank you for reading!
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commenter2 · 8 months
"Welcome to Heaven" review
Time for a change of scenery and to learn more about Heaven. Spoilers.
Nice to see Vaggie told the truth instead of attempting to lie. I am curious, would that have even worked on Charlie? Does Charlie have a power to tell if people are lying to her, since her father is the “father of lies”?
That was sweet of Vaggie, but there is a lining of “Vaggie sacrifices more for the relationship” idea in my Charlie/Vaggie trailer breakdown here. LUCKILY there hasn’t been much of that as I expected in this season. At least we’ll find out how Vaggie lost her Exorcist title.
CHAGGIE KISS! Wait why’d she kiss her on the eyepatch? Also I’m NOW just wondering if Vaggie DOES still have her left eye, but is covering it up Japanese anime style cause it contains a great Exorcist power?
Here’s Cherri Bomb making an “explosi.. eh I’m not going to finish that lame joke. I do like the new Australian accent they gave her.
I’m not liking where this is going. I feel like this is going to result in a situation like in the pilot where Angel and co. embarrass Charlie’s goal in front of everyone in Heaven. I mean (spoilers based on the HH S1 trailer) something is going to make the next Extermination happen, but I hope it’s something else.
You really should have told the others to behave themselves before leaving Charlie.
A new portrait of Charlie and her parents in the background. It’s hard to make out, so hopefully someone posts a proper version of it soon.
Charlie casually throwing Vaggie through portal XD.
(Pen sees Cherri) knew this was coming here we go. Bet Pen X Cherri shippers are going to enjoy that moment.
Anyone else think the eye symbol at Heaven’s gate is also a reference to the Sheikah Eye from Legend of Zelda?
Saint Peter? With her last name being Morningstar, you think he would realize she is Lucifer’s daughter.
Charlie Morningbreakfast
Cursing is allowed in Heaven. Interesting to know, you think there will be a gag for when someone curses, everyone else covers their ears “Harry Potter Musicals” style?
So angels can take on different forms. Also was it just me or did the old angel’s bird form look like Stella a bit? I did have this theory that touched on the idea of how after fallen angels went to Hell, they would evolve to become different from what those in Heaven look like and create subspecies, and it looks that is true.
The angel finally has a name, Sera. Oh she may sound nice now but wait till we see her evil side! Right there she says, “you are gifted to be here”, life if she wasn’t Lucifer’s daughter she would have been really rude to Charlie.
Even though she says she is the highest of the Seraphim (the highest rank in Heaven’s hierarchy if pic of said topic are any indication) I feel like there is going to be a moral Heaven thing where every angel is treated equal. I thought I bring this up now cause when Sera reveals herself as a villain, I hope later on she becomes an antagonist (replacing Adam) who fights against Charlie’s redemption plan but will have trouble when other Seraphim’s and Archangels side with Charlie.
Sounds like Emily is the Charlie of Heaven XD.
Got some interesting designs like a Hellhound looking creature with hooves and that…thing she is next to. There is also someone that looks a lot like Vaggie but with no mouth, who “COINCIDENLY” has a close eye where Vaggie has an eyepatch.
I think that was a FNAF/Chuck E Cheese mascot band refence there.
MOLLY HOLY CRAP! Looks like we found the motivation to get Angel to redeem himself! I was going to wonder why she was spider looking creature when you think Heaven only has people in human/cute animal like forms, till I saw that crab looking angelic being in the same scene. Also on the bottom right, I think that’s a Sara Bellum from PPG reference.
Again. Sera being rude, though Emily sounds very ally like.
Vaggie being jealous XD
LUTE? Wait does this mean Adam is wearing a mask/helmet/whatever too? I bet he’s fugly under it XD.
Damn the Amazon Prime pause button. It keeps making the video skip ahead instead of doing its job!
OKAY HUGE REVEAL THERE! HOW COME NO ONE ELSE KNOW ABOUT THE EXTERMINATONS? Do the archangels at least know? Either way this could actually be good but I’ll get into that later.
Okay so Sera seems to be one of those “doing bad to do good” kind of characters as she just wants to protect Heaven, explains why she looked so sad in Charlie’s story, but I feel like she will have prejudices too. It also sounds like Adam was the sole person who came up with the Exterminations.
FINALLY confirmation of Vaggie being a former Exorcist! :D… Wait… Oh crap! :(
ADAM GAVE VAGGIE HER NAME! CALLED IT!! https://www.tumblr.com/commenter2/718141081445957632/odd-theory-but-do-you-think-vaggie-got-her-name?source=share
That was a hellborn child! I had suspicions that Exorcist also killed Hellborn demons during the Exterminations (Viv did once say they kill anything that wasn’t indoors) but still its more shocking than knowing it was a correct fact.
I do like that the Extermination scene is a flashback and not taking place in the finale like I predicted.
Also as messed up as what happened to Vaggie, losing her eye and wings (more on that later) at least it led to her instantly meeting Charlie. Hey they are wearing their pilot outfits :D
At least we can look forward to a Vaggie vs. Lute fight in the future.
Since it was shown that Lute was able to wound Vaggie when she was still an angel, my idea from my “Overture” review of the dead Exorcist being killed by one of its own is a little stronger now. I still think someone else like the threat impersonating Lilith did it, but I'm still keeping that as a possibility until we learn more.
If the first human soul to arrive in Heaven doesn’t know what qualifies to get into Heaven, then Charlie redemption plan deserves a chance. It also makes me curious on what the other angels think qualifies. Also again how would Angel be any different than having Adam there.
WAIT WHAT ABOUT ABEL? He was murdered by his brother long before Adam died, what happened to him after he died?
See I told you we’d get another pilot situation, though at least it’s better than last time as Angel did resist for a time. Heck Husk and Sir Pentious should also be considered proof of being able to redeem since Pen was being nice to a degree and Husk was actually trying to help Angel.
Seriously, Adam has been cursing up a storm, yet you react to when Charlie does it? Maybe like us they were just surprised that she can curse, given how good she is.
Looks like I was wrong about the situation leading to pilot vibes. GOOD! Also great to see Angel stand up to Val.
Now that we know that Val’s shirt are his wings, it makes the scene of Niffty ripping a piece off hilarious XD.
This seems enough proof to me that someone can be redeemed, don’t try and change the subject Adam.
So no angelic being in that room properly knows how judging a soul works? While odd, I wonder if this is a result of after what happened to Lucifer, maybe soon after others got sent to Hell for minor things and eventually no one dared to question or go against God’s (or whoever else’s) judgment and now they are at this point where they don’t recall things or fear becoming a fallen angel like Lucifer. I’m (semi) counting this as another one of my ideas coming true, as I did bring the idea of Heaven not knowing how to loosen the restrictions to getting into Heaven.
Though a bit understandable from Charlie’s POV and thankfully she got lucky there, her ranting to Heaven is another time where Charlie should have taken up at least SOME of Vaggie’s words.
So glad to see Adam’s ego and stupidity finally leading to some good for the heroes, as it will be interesting to see how parts of Heaven will react to learning about the Exterminations.
Trailer screen shot. At least I’m glad that Sera isn’t what I thought she was going to be like.
Oh don’t phrase it like that Charlie! You’re making my “Lilith wants to destroy Heaven” theory sound like it could happen :(
Again when looking at that statue of Sera, she looks like Stella. Also if I’m right the other creature is Emily, who I guess can take on the form of a unicorn.
Aww crap Adam revealed Vaggie’s secret. I know I brought up the idea of Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship being tested, but I just meant personality wise not this, mostly cause I though Charlie already knew. Then again Charlie can be an idiot at times. Hopefully Charlie can be mature about this and thinking back to the trailer, the two do loving sing to each other, heck looks like Vaggie gets her wings back. So yeah, I’m guessing that they will be fine and their relationship will be stronger than ever.
Seriously Sera, after what you see your going to still allow Adam to do the Extermination. Then again she might not have a choice here. This is quickly confirmed with Sera expressing the “Angels scared of suffering the same fate as Lucifer” idea I brought up. Also obviously we need something to continue the series.
So Sera and Emily ARE mother and daughter, I was starting to wonder. Actually speaking of family and thinking back to “Queen Bee”, Bee brought up the question of how fallen angels and such are related, I wonder how related Lucifer and Sera are. Could Charlie and Emily be cousins? If they are, then Vaggie won’t have to worry about Charlie leaving her XD.
At least Charlie has her first angelic ally. I wonder if what Sera said and Emily clenching her fist IS foreshadowing her fate? If my idea of her being able to transform into a horse comes true, what if her demon horse form takes on the form of the horse at the end of the Spindlehorse credits.
Aw man we’re not going to see how Charlie feel about this or more importantly,
Whew that was intense near the end. We got to see Heaven and learned some big things about it like the residents such as Molly being there or how angels have NO IDEA how judging a soul works. Then there was a big reveal that no one before the events here even knew about the Exterminations, that was a great twist if not a bit odd.
It was also great to learn more about Vaggie’s now confirmed past and be introduced to Emily and how she agrees with Charlie’s thoughts instead, making the argument less one sided. It was also funny seeing how she and Charlie got along so well which led to Vaggie being jealous at one point. Hopefully for her, Emily and Charlie turn out to be cousins.
It was nice having Cherri be in the episode, even if she almost led to Angel doing bad things and getting Charlie in trouble again. Speaking of which, it was GREAT to see that Angel HAS changed since joining Charlie. Hopefully if he learns that Molly is there, a great cameo BTW, he will amp that up to 11.
I also personally liked how stupid Adam looked in it, and now that people know the truth about Exterminations, I think it could lead to him being demoted (both related to Heaven's hierarchy and as a main antagonist in the series) and my idea of Charlie being the “chosen one” to save everyone from a great threat or the idea I have for what season 2 could be about.
The only downsides were that this was kind of the expected outcome given the episode’s place. Maybe if this was the 2nd to last episode and the finale was an hour long, it could have helped but I’m not complaining.
It was also a bummer that we didn’t see more of how Charlie feels about discovering Vaggie was an angel. At least the S1 trailer makes it clear that thing between them will be fine in the end.
The things about no one knowing about the Exterminations, or what the qualifications to get into Heaven really are, but I’m not complaining. This is actually a perfect excuse for my season finale epilogue idea where after the Extermination, Heaven agrees with Charlie and they need to rework or explore the qualifications required to get into Heaven, and Charlie plans on having a big say in it so that more people can get into Heaven whether it be after they die or through her hotel. Of course some people of Hell and Heaven will be against Charlie’s ideas, so Charlie will have to go through a multi-season storyline where she needs to keep convincing more and more powerful people that this would be a good thing, eventually having to convince God himself. All the while evil forces will try and progress its/their agenda, leading to big fights.
Now we wait for the season finale.
As always let me know your thoughts about the episode.
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sirianasims · 10 months
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Insurrection - Part 2
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While my parents were obviously very upset at the time, my brother was excited and wanted to go. The strangers, his uncle and grandmother, would take him with them when they returned to Sixam. Until then, my mother would teach them about her new technology.
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The next few days, before they left, the rest of us tried to spend as much time with my brother as possible.
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I admit that I was angry with him at first. I felt that he was abandoning me. Who was now going to help me with homework and make me laugh when I had a rough day at school?
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Luckily, we managed to make up before he left. And I could see why he wanted to go – it was both an obligation and an adventure to him.
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My father also had a heart-to-heart with my brother, the last night before he left for Sixam. It was a warm night and I could hear them outside my open window.
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I know my father and brother both consider themselves true father and son, despite my brother’s origins. I hope spending time with his biological father on Sixam hasn’t changed that.
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When the Sixams left, my dear brother left with them. I knew that it could take years before he would be able to travel back and visit us, especially if the wormhole technology never worked.
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Trying to overcome the sadness of my brother leaving, my mother threw herself into her work. Sometimes I would barely see her for days, because she would stay late at the lab every day.
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We now know that it was worth it, that she finally managed to secure a communication link, so we can get updates from my brother every few months, but she still hasn’t succeeded in establishing travel, and my brother is too busy to leave Sixam for a year or two just to visit.
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My father tried to compensate for my mother’s constant working by spending more time with me.
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But my father’s job was also very demanding, and I often spent my afternoons alone.
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Most days, I only had Maggie for company.
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But she was more than enough.
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It’s not that I didn’t have friends, I had good friends at school, but I couldn’t exactly schedule playdates every single day.
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One day, when I was alone at the playground, I saw a stray cat. She was limping and very dirty, and would not let me get near her, but I wanted to help her.
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I spent the entire day trying to befriend her, and she finally let me pick her up so we could take her to the vet.
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The cat had no chip or ear tattoo, and when no one came forward to claim her, my parents decided that I could keep her. I named her Winky.
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Seeing how the veterinarian expertly diagnosed her problems and treated her while being kind and respectful made me realise that this is what I want to do with my life as well.
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My parents tell me that I would play vet constantly, and bring home any animal I found. I was allowed to keep smaller birds and a couple of mice while nursing them back to health, but my parents helped me take any stray cats and dogs to the shelter, or I would have had an entire zoo.
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A few years later, one of our neighbours had to move into a retirement home, and had to find a new home for her old dog, Milo. I had often been walking him for her, and she wanted me to have him. This time, my parents did not object.
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Animals are what keeps me going, my reason to be courageous, kind, and disciplined. These are the qualities I will bring to Foxbury.
Thank youoooo99999ggggrrrrr;;;;;;;;33333333333
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“Winky, seriously? Thanks for helping, but this is a very important letter.”
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Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope this essay gives you a better idea of the passion I bring to everything I do, and that I will bring to the field of veterinary medicine.
I look forward to speaking with you again in the future – hopefully as a student at your esteemed institution.
Sincerely, Eric Fyres-Munch Duchelli Asphalt Abode Newcrest
beginning / previous / next
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Couldn't one of the recoms have volunteered as a foster family and somehow manipulated the system so that Spider would end up in their care? Imagine Ja/Fike becoming a foster parent and one day Quaricth shows up at the door for dinner lol
Oh my god I love this idea. Truthfully the thought never crossed my mind. They’d have to be really strategic about who they choose because just from my understanding of things it’s really uncommon for single men to be allowed to become foster parents so that would rule out Ja in my fic. Fike is married with two kids who are younger then Spider so he’d be a good choice on paper but the thing is he’s then implicating his wife if they get caught and putting a big risk on his family. And while Quaritch asks a lot of his team risking their families and potentially leading to them having their children taken away just like him is something he’d never even think to ask of them.
But if they could lower the risk by having someone on the inside who could mess with the files to say Spider was in a different home then “loss” all information about Fike once Spider is sent there then I could see this happening. Maybe the team even takes it upon themselves to do this and Quaritch doesn’t even know about it until he shows up for dinner. I imagine this all happened when Spider in around 10-12 so imagine middle school age Spider, it’s his first day in his new home. His new foster parents have been really nice- thought his foster father is a little too nice and seems why to excited to have him there. His foster siblings are around half his age but they’re both sweet and ask him a lot of questions. When it’s time for dinner Spider tucks himself into the table when there’s a knock on the door. Fike goes to open it. It seems they’d be having a guest for dinner. He hears the stranger’s voice, deep and gruff with a bit of a southern accent. It stirs something up in the back of his mind but he ignores it, too focused on the mashed potatoes in front of him.
Then the stranger stops short of fully entering the kitchen. “Miles,” he calls stunned
Spider looks at him equally surprised, “dad?” Before Spider can even process what’s happening Quaritch has him in a bear hug. He’s kissing his hair, mumbling, “my boy. My boy. My precious boy,” sounding on the verge of tears. Spider just freezes, not knowing what to do with himself.
Since Spider is younger he has a little less animosity towards Quaritch. He knows his dad was on the other side of the war but Norm still hasn’t found the right way to give Spider all the details and so he thinks Quaritch was kinda like Jake without the redemption arc. Just a grunt following orders. He has no clue that his father was actually the commanding officer. He also doesn’t exactly know why he’s not supposed to be around his dad. He knew his dad went to jail for a year but doesn’t know what for and he’s been told his dad is dangerous and that he should stay away from. But this guy? The guy hugging him like a life line who’s ready to cry from how overjoyed and relieved he is? Spider couldn’t imagine this guy being dangerous.
Spider is still stunned as Quaritch pulls away. His dad cups his face, looking at him with a soft smile. He just stares at him for a moment drinking in his son’s image, occasionally stroking his hair. Fike and his wife are smiling at the surprise reunion. Spider is the first to speak, “dad,” the word feels so strange on his tongue. Quaritch’s eyes light up when he’s called. “How are you here?”
Quaritch’s brow furrows slightly, “that I don’t know,” he looks up to his subordinate, “what did you do?” Spider looks up to his latest foster father and realizes immediately that he must be his father’s friend.
Fike explains everything ending with saying, “little Miles will have to stay here but you can come see him whenever you want. Hopefully now that you know he’s safe you can focus on other things. Like re-appealing your court case to get back custody.”
The whole conversation is pissing Spider off. They’re talking about him like he’s not even there. Like he’s an object to be won. “Hey! I’m right here! What about what I want! What if I don’t want to go with you!”
Quaritch is shocked, “I’m your dad. Why wouldn’t y’a want to come home with me?”
“I don’t even know you! I barely even remember you!”
Spider can see the devastation on his father’s face and it makes him feel a little bad. Quaritch recovers then sadly pats Spider’s cheek. “That’s fair. And I’m sure this is a lot for you. So how about you think about what y’a want. I’d appreciate it if you consider givin’ me a chance. Because I want to know you. A day hasn’t gone by where I didn’t miss y’a like crazy and wished for us to be a family again. But I get it. I haven’t been a part of your life and because of that your life has been mighty hard. So whatever you want to do…” Quaritch then goes to leave but before walking out he says, “I love you son.”
Quaritch decides to immediately get the ball rolling on regaining custody now that he knows his son is in good hands. He gets a better lawyer the next morning who puts a case together by noon. By the end of day they’ve got a date to petition the court. Their argument is that since Quaritch’s court order therapist Max Patel is a friend of his arch enemy Jake Sully then all of Dr.Patel’s conclusions on Quaritch should be thrown out and he should be granted a new unbiased therapist to judge whether he’s mentally fit to be a parent.
Spider thinks about all of this for days eventually deciding to give his dad a chance. Quaritch shows up as soon as Fike tells him Spider’s decision. It’s awkward at first. Spider doesn’t know what to say but then decides, screw it, and blatantly asks, “why are you dangerous?”
Quaritch just laughs, “that’s what they told y’a? I ended up in jail for attackin’ your mama’s killer.”
That changes Spider’s whole perspective. His dad was avenging his mom’s murder. How could that be bad?
So they talk. Quaritch gives Spider a sugar coated version of events to win his son over. Spider doesn’t immediately warm up to his dad. It takes weeks of Quaritch coming by every day for Spider to slowly start to let his defensives down. His dad is alway just so excited to see him. He takes interest in everything Spider does. He patiently helps him with his homework and is really encouraging when the problems make Spider feel like he’s stupid. It makes him think that maybe living with his dad would be pretty nice.
It takes nearly a year of court hearings and therapy sessions and mental assessments and then more court hearings but eventually Quaritch gets his parental rights reinstated. Spider is thrilled with the news but doesn’t immediately get to go home. First they have supervised visitations (they’re both laughing there asses off over this) when those go well they move up to unsupervised visitation, then a weekend stay and then finally they have one last court hearing where 11-13 year old Spider is asked if he wants to live with his father. “Yes,” he says with a smile and zero hesitation. The judge gives Quaritch full custody. Father and son hug each other tight all of team Deja Blue there to celebrate.
Cut to the start of the new school year. Spider and his dad had had a truly epic summer. Dad had taken him on a two week trip to Disney world right after their court case. All summer long they went on camping trips, had beach days, went to the zoo, and museums and loads of other local attractions. They went to the movies almost every week. And dad loved to watch Spider at the skate park. Spider had never imagined his life could be so good. He confidently strides into his new school- an expensive secular private school. There he meets Kiri, Lo’ak and Neteyam who quickly become his best friends. Of course over the semester the truth of all the terrible things his father has done comes out and Spider is devastated. Loads of family drama ensues all culminating on Quaritch going on a redemption arc for his son’s sake.
Anyway I got really carried away with this lol. I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for the question 💞
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drunknillawafer · 2 months
right down the line: zuko x firebender!reader | part 3
You grew up close to the Royal Family due to your father's position as a General, but you ran away from home after the agni kai against your best friend. Now, you've joined the Gaang and plan on doing your part in ending the 100-year war.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5
hiii here is part 3! hopefully you guys like it, i'm still getting used to writing a fic and keeping it published... rmr to like/reblog/comment if u like it, it's like feedback >.< again i do not own these characters or the atla universe this is simply fan fiction! about 2331 words btww
“You don’t actually believe any of this stuff, do you?” Sokka painfully reminds me of his disapproving attitude about my belief in fortune tellers.
We were walking through the forest when we ran into an eerie man. He knew about the future. He had given us an umbrella because a psychic told him to and then it started to rain. It was weird.
Katara and I took one look at each other and immediately agreed. We have to go see this lady.
Events like these would be odd to anyone else, like Jet. But to Aang, it’s pretty common. It must be his tie to the spirit realm, magic gravitates toward him.
After a few weeks of joining the group and abandoning my post with the Freedom Fighters, I had learned a lot of things about the people who stumbled upon that Fire Nation camp and changed the trajectory of my plans. Katara and Sokka are siblings from the Southern Water Tribe, and Aang is an airbender from… a while ago. He was frozen in the ice for one hundred years when Katara found him. They’re amazing. I can see why Zuko hasn’t caught up to them yet.
But I also don’t want to know what Zuko would do to Aang if he did catch up, or what I’d do if he did.
I don’t know my place in this group yet, or if I should tell them I’m a fire-bender, but for now, we’re standing in front of a circular red door at the strange village the eerie man told us to go to.
Apparently, Aunt Wu has been waiting for us.
“Kind of, it’s nice to know.” I reply to Sokka’s sour question.
I’ve been thinking about what to ask the psychic. I didn’t want to spoil the fun, like ask if we would win this war or if I’ll ever come home. I decided I would keep it light, like Katara. Ask about love.
When we enter, a little girl in a pink robe and two buns on the side of her head greets us.
“I’m Meng and I’m Aunt Wu’s assistant.” She introduces herself. She motions towards the pillows on the right for us to sit down. It’s a small yellow waiting room with red lights, green accents, and a wooden floor. Cozy. “Would you guys like some tea or bean curd puffs?” She offers.
“I’ll try a puff!” Sokka perked up. Meng leaves the room to retrieve the goods and we are left alone, sitting on the soft cushions.
“You don’t believe in fortune telling, Sokka?” Aang asks.
“I don’t need some psychic to tell me about the future. I’m worried about right now.” He shrugs.
I roll my eyes. “Sokka’s a skeptic.”
Before he can reply to my dig, Meng returns with the curd puffs and tea. She sets it down in on the floor front of Aang, making sure he can see her favor toward him. “Enjoy!” Meng blushes and scurries away.
Sokka drags the tray away from an unbothered Aang, “Don’t mind if I do.”
I’d gotten used to Katara and Aang, they were fairly easy to travel with. But it was Sokka who bothered me. He was unlike anyone I’d ever met before. His jokes, I’ll admit were a little funny, but he can be so stubborn sometimes. He didn’t even think Katara was right when she said to put up the tarp on the tent. She was totally right, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to rain! Or how he was complaining on the entire walk here.
But then he’ll take the fishing job for us when we’re out of money. I mean, He did get us sick for being out in the storm, but it’s the thought that counts, right? The same reason he can be frustrating is the same reason he saved the village: he won’t listen to anyone when his mind set.
He’s true and noble, really. It’s admiring. I shake my head. He’s a conundrum.
An older woman wearing a floor-length yellow robe walks in from the backroom. This must be Aunt Wu. “Welcome! Who wants to go first?” she gleefully asks.
I look at everyone, but no one speaks up. After a moment of silence, I raise my hand. “I’ll go.”
“Perfect, follow me!” Aunt Wu guides me to the hallway which leads to her workspace. She opens the door to let me in first and I’m greeted by dim lights and a small fireplace in the middle of the room. There are sitting cushions and lit candles on the floor, near a decorative stand with a bowl. A closer look and I see small and medium sized bones at the very top.
“This is my method. You choose a bone, throw it in a fire. The fire makes cracks in the bones, and I read the cracks. The bones never lie.” She explains. “Go ahead.” I grab a random bone and throw it in the fire, per her instructions, and watch as the flames engulf the calcium.
We sit down in front of the fire as we patiently wait for the cracks to start forming. Aunt Wu is focused on the fortune while I look around the room, pretending I’m not waiting for a prediction.
“Do you have any questions?” She asks.
“I don’t know, I mean. You can just tell me what the bones say.” I chicken out from my original plan.
By now, there are a few cracks in my chosen bone. Aunt Wu burrows her eyebrows and leans forward. “I see you falling in love with a warrior.” She pauses. “His mother figure left his life early, when he was just a little boy. He is an excellent swordsman, and an even better friend.”
“You can see all of that from a bunch of cracks?” I question, deflecting from the fortune.
“Yes, you’ll take part in a great battle with this love of yours.” She goes on. “Remember to look in friendship.” Friendship.
“I will,” I nod. “Thank you, Aunt Wu.” I get up from my pillow and bow to her as a gesture of goodbye. I wonder if she knew what I wanted to ask.
When I exit the room through the door, I’m greeted by a flustered Sokka.
“Spying on me?” I ask him, fighting a smile on my face.
“No, I was just – going to the bathroom!” He spoke. Quickly, he marched to the restrooms beyond Aunt Wu’s door. O-kay.
I walk back to the waiting room and tell Katara to go in after me. She jumps up from her seat in a giddy excitement and heads toward the back room.
I sit next to Aang on the soft pillows and search for the curd puffs. Sokka made them look so good.
“So, what do you think she’s going to ask?” Aang says as he hands me the snack.
“Probably about love, you know. Who she’s going to marry. If he’s gonna be tall.” I stuff the curd puff into my mouth and let the savory taste absorb my mind. These are good.
“Yeah, haha, right. Well…I’ll be right back.” He stands up. “I gotta go to the bathroom!” Apparently, everyone needs to right now. But it’s the first stop we’ve made in about an hour, so.
“Say hi to Sokka for me.” I watch as he hurries away. A few seconds later, the boy in blue returns.
I hold a puff in my hand and point at the delicious snack for emphasis. “Hey, these are great.”
He sits next to me and grabs one for himself, eating it in one bite. He seems to be in thought. “Are you okay?” I poke.
“Yeah, I’m great.”
When we leave Aunt Wu’s, Sokka’s walking next to me as Katara and Aang lead the way.
We reach the center of town when Katara asks, “What happened to the sky?” The citizens are staring upward, murmuring to themselves.
A man standing nearby overhears her question. “Every year, Aunt Wu reads the clouds and tells us the fate of our village.”
“Can you believe this guy?” Sokka looks at me in disbelief. “Now the clouds?”
Another villager, a woman, continues the man’s explanation. “She’s going to tell us if the volcano will remain dormant.” She points to the mountain behind her.
Do they actually let Aunt Wu tell them if the volcano is going to erupt? How?
“Do you actually let Aunt Wu tell you if the volcano is going to erupt? How?” Sokka asks the man. Took the question right out of my brain.
“She’s coming, hush!” Katara shushes her brother.
Aunt Wu walks right in the middle of the crowd as they make way for her, clapping and cheering. She begins to list the shape of the clouds, followed by a prediction of the town. Good harvest, twins are having a good year, and the volcano will not erupt the town.  
“She’s been right for twenty years, maybe that’s a sign she can be trusted.” I nudge Sokka with my elbow. He rolls his eyes in annoyance, I’ve been bought like the rest of them.
Katara and Aang are swept away with the current of cheers and idolization for Aunt Wu. Though, it seems like since we got here Aang’s head has been anywhere else but, on the psychic, and her predictions.
“Right…” A suddenly serious Sokka pulls me away from the crowd to the side where we are separated from the group. “Just in case she ends up, being right, I want to let you know that… uh…” He lets the seconds fly by.
“Spit it out.”
“I like you.” He lets out.
“And I know you’re not really like open to people in general,” He continues. “It’s been a few weeks and I hardly know about your life before the Freedom Fighters.” Sokka pauses to read my face. “But I like you. Ever since I first saw you.”
I haven’t really shared anything about myself to them, true. I don’t think about him in that way, false.
It was the morning after.
Fire Lord Ozai ordered his best General, my father, and his family, me, to attend a Royal Agni Kai. They didn’t happen much but when they did, it was required for all the important people of the Fire Lord’s inner circle and their families to attend. Some twisted tradition.
When I arrived in the sea of crimson clothes and serious faces, I believed I was going to witness an agni kai between Zuko’s Uncle Iroh and his brother. Who else could it be? But I was wrong. I saw Iroh in the audience, and it felt like a thousand pounds had been rested on my chest. I wouldn’t believe what I had to endure next. What Zuko had to experience.
I would see Fire Lord Ozai’s fire-bending with my own two eyes, but it would be in an agni kai against my best friend, his son.
Now, I’m locking myself in my room in defiance. I don’t want to have anything to do with my father if he’d let me see the cruelty up close and personal. Rage wouldn’t begin to describe the feeling bubbling in my throat.
I wasn’t sure if I should go see Zuko, if his injuries are unsafe for visitors. I’d regret it as soon as the servant brought the letter the prince had sent to me.
As I close the door to my chambers behind the maid, I open the note for the sign of anything relieving.
Father banished me. I must go find the Avatar, so I’m leaving on a ship. Uncle is coming. I don’t know when I’ll see you again, so I wanted to let you know that I was hoping we could be more than friends. But I can’t focus on that right now. I must find the Avatar to restore my honor and come home.
I re-read the note three times before understanding what it is that he’s telling me. I feel two opposite feelings.
The bubble in my throat is slowly forming into a ball of tears, ready to pour out at any minute. He’s gone. He’s mutilated by his own father and then sent away. I hate him, I hate the Fire Lord. For everything he’s taken away from me.
On the other end of the spectrum are butterflies. The ones I’d been pushing down for the past year about Zuko. I didn’t want to ruin what we have or change it. We were nice as we were. I guess he was feeling it too.
But it’s too late. There’s no more time to sit and wonder if a boy likes you back. It’s not about that anymore. It’s about finally ending this war and stopping the Fire Nation.  
“So, what do you think?” Sokka looks at me, searching for an indication in my eyes.
“I…” struggle to find the words, “like you too.” I let out a small laugh after my confession. “But I can’t. Not right now... I just want to think about it a little longer. Is that okay?” It’s my turn to look at him and hope I didn’t ruin everything.
But Sokka’s kind. “No of course not. I understand. I just thought you should know. I’ll be here, yaknow, if you change your mind.” He flashes that grand smile at me.
“I’ll be sure to find you when I do.”
I don’t want to ruin anything by being too late, but I’m not sure if I should go in this direction. I’m figuring things out with my newfound friends. They don’t even know I’m a fire bender. Would Sokka feel the same if he knew I was from the Fire Nation? I don’t want to know the answer.
Still, it was nice to know he liked me back. I could revel in that a bit.
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