#how many of these tags can i add i've never really used tumblr that much
relencomp · 1 year
Listen Here. Yeah, You. I Have Something To Tell You.
I need to talk about the book I’m writing so badly but everyone I know is asleep or dead(?) and I hear Tumblr is cool about writing and stuff.
it’s got lesbians and big guns and magic and shenanigans.
I hear that sells like hot cakes here. Come take a bite.
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zepskies · 1 month
What Does "Supporting Writers" Mean? ✍️
Apparently it's Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day! To all my fellow writers, I truly appreciate you for bringing me joy, making me smile on rough days, and giving me my weekly/daily dose of escapism and warm fuzzies. (Shoutouts to you personally below.) 💓💓
But what does it mean "practically" to appreciate your favorite writers, especially on Tumblr?
For example, I know some fanfic authors are starting to block "serial likers": people who'll go through someone's entire masterlist and hit the "like" button on 20-something stories without commenting or basic reblogging.
While I think blocking them is extreme, I understand the authors' frustrations. I've actually been asked if I'll ever leave Tumblr, since many of them have dropped off over the past few months, or even the past few years.
I'm still here for two very important reasons:
I love to write about my favorite characters. I write primarily because I love it, not just for the kudos.
I'm friggin' blessed to have a lot of friends and lovely readers on here and Ao3 who support me immensely on my writing and on this blog in general. I love and appreciate each and every one of you! Which is why I do my best to reply to your comments and reblogs. 💖💖
Of course, there are many reasons why a writer might take a break or stop writing entirely, but one of those reasons is also why the #supportwriters tag exists...
And why you'll see us include banners like this on our posts:
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(Credits: cafekitsune, me, inklore)
That being said, here's my own rule of thumb on how I try to support my fellow writers when I read something I enjoy:
If I "liked" something, it means I had the time to read a story all the way through and I enjoyed it! (Or I'm bookmarking it for later in the day lol)
If I have the time to read it, I have the time to leave a comment on what I liked the most about it.
If I have the time to write out a comment (anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes), I typically put that comment in a reblog -- maybe even add a gif or two for ✨razzle dazzle.✨ That way I can share it with the rest of my followers, so they can see it and hopefully enjoy it too...
Why? Because Tumblr isn't TikTok or IG. Reblogging is the best way to help a post gain traction on Tumblr. The algorithm doesn't care much about likes.
But on a more human level, supporting writers is just the basic thing of -- if you enjoyed something you read (that a writer shared for free), just let them know what you liked about it.
Remember that there's a person behind the content you enjoy. They might have been working on that story for weeks or months, or even years before they got the courage to post it.
They might really be putting themselves out there, writing about a topic or subject matter that they're not sure people will even like or engage with.
Maybe they're exploring something new, like a character or trope they've never written before.
Maybe they're expressing part of themselves that they haven't even told another living soul.
Maybe they just wanted to write something fun and smutty or angsty or fluffy and want to share the escapism with you.
Whether they've been writing for years or are just starting out, any and all is valid.
For me, as a writer and a reader, supporting my fellow writers often means supporting my friends. And 9 times out of 10, the way we became friends was by leaving feedback on their work and asking them questions, or responding to their awesome feedback on mine.
If you want a little jumpstart on how to leave feedback, whether encouraging or constructive, here's an awesome post about it (not mine).
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Shoutout to some of my favorite writers 💞:
(In no particular order)
@waynes-multiverse @luci-in-trenchcoats @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @thatonewriter15 @rizlowwritessortof
@waywardxwords @tofics @kaleldobrev @deanbrainrotwritings @deanwritings
@jawritter @deanwinchesterswitch @justagirlinafandomworld @ravengirl94 @waywardxwords
@spnbabe67 @deanwanddamons @ejlovespie @kittenofdoomage @venus-haze
@talltalesandbedtimestories @sam-is-my-safe-word @jacklesbrainworms @artyandink @princessmisery666 (I just starting reading your stories, but I'm continuing with Samnesia soon!) -- and I'm sure many more! 💋
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austim · 4 months
I might be biased because I've been using tumblr for over 10 years and never understood the point of pinterest and the like, but I really don't see why people would look elsewhere for gifs when tumblr already has many years' worth of gifs on here straight from the source to use for stimboards.
If you're new to stimboard-making or haven't been able to find/source gifs very well, I suggest trying:
searching "[insert theme/colour/item/etc here] stim" or "[insert whatever] stimboard" directly in tumblr's search bar. Sort by photo posts only if you'd like. The results should mostly be stim gifs related to whatever you're looking for.
searching for specific terms on stim blogs instead. Most of us keep our gifs and stimboards well-tagged, and our blogs are a great way to find gifs from blogs/posts that have been deleted and won't show up in a standard tumblr search.
follow other stim blogs, especially ones that actually make gifs or at least go out of their way to source the gifs they use in stimboards, so you always have a stream of new gifs to see and even use in your stimboards. Especially try to follow blogs that source from tumblr, not pinterest.
and if you really can't find the perfect gif, try looking up a video of what you need on YouTube or Instagram or the like instead, then make it a gif and post it here (with video source link) and add to stimblr's library of gifs. You can use ezgif.com to make gifs easily.
if you do still happen to search for gifs on pinterest, see if the repost has a source to a tumblr blog. You might be able to use the original higher quality version of the gif rather than the reposted one. You should still link your source to the original post and not the repost if you do.
using non-social media sites to find gifs like tenor, giphy, or imgur, which I find usually still has sources more often than pinterest that you can link back to, especially in the event the gif was posted to somewhere other than tumblr or pinterest.
And if you have any questions, want some tips or don't know how to make/source gifs, just ask. Most of us are really passionate about stimming and stimmy content which is why we care so much about sourcing gifs properly. I promise we're all super nice to anyone who asks for help and have already written numerous guides and posts like this before.
Also, reverse image search is your friend 📷
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davycoquette · 2 months
Thank you for the tag, @drchenquill!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
I always call it a hobby, but almost always prefixed with some form of, "greatest," "most important," or "favorite." I think way of life fits a helluva lot better. I've been writing since I can remember.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
The journal one. I have like 900 I'm actively writing in at this very moment.
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
Cormac McCarthy. The love I have for my shitty characters. The agonizing unignorable need to put words on paper or screen.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
The singing one. I am not ashamed of my writing, but I have been taught to be ashamed of my singing lmfao. Which is weird and dumb because singing isn't something I go around telling people I can do decently - I don't tell people, "Oh, I sing," or, "I'm a singer." So, I have nothing to prove on that front, yet... I don't think I could make a peep of noise if someone said, "Sing me a song." Meanwhile, even when my writing's not at it's best, I'm like, "Yeah, I'm a writer. Here's some shit I wrote that isn't good. Sometimes I write good stuff, though."
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
I mean... in the literal sense, sure. A story looks different from the eyes of a character. By the same token, it helps me "understand" when people make choices I've not personally made. I think, for this reason, it's important to write about characters with different belief systems than we have - to write about them as sympathetic people with complex emotions. Not just to villainize or cathartically punish them, but to explore why people do the things they do and what life events might drive them in that direction. But cathartic character murder has its time and place, and who am I suggest what others write? Y'all do y'all.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
I have not used LiveJournal since I was a teen - is it still a thing people use??? That sounds nostalgic and fun. Not sure what FFN is; something to do with fanfiction? I only write original fiction, so that rules it out if so. AO3 is very cool, but the interface isn't my favorite. Also fanfic-heavy, so I never know if I've got a place there. Tumblr always freaked me right the fuck out, but the Writeblr community has proven to be my favorite writing community I've discovered online. And in a very short timespan, I might add!
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
I do not use AO3 but wordcounts can never be high enough 😎
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
Probably too many to count. Little House on the Prairie A Separate Peace The Road Fight Club (recently rewatching this was humbling because it showed me how much of my writerly personality seems to be inspired by the way it rearranged my brain chemicals) Bullet Train (I fucken love this movie) Lawn Dogs Box of Moonlight Harold and Maude (book & movie) Pride and Prejudice (book & movie)
9. What’s the highest compliment you’ve ever been given, and have you been given it?
I've received some absolute banger compliments, and I don't want to dismiss any in favor of others. My favorite compliments are often ...questions? Just things that let me know people really did read, absorb, and are interested in things I wrote. Also, my love language is when people think about me of their own volition. So, any time people come to me apropos of nothing or say "this reminds me of you/your characters/your writing, I giggle and kick my feet and do a lil' happy dance.
10. What defines your writing style?
Gritty, casual. If it was art, it'd be the kind with the sketchlines still visible. Deep, silly. Visceral, I hope.
Taglist and blank template under the cut!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
9. What’s the highest compliment you’ve ever been given, and have you been given it?
10. What defines your writing style?
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edennill · 2 months
If Tolkien characters had Tumblr blogs part 2:
part 1
url: waitingtothewind
pfp: drawing of a fictional crush in pastel colours (babygirl fulfills her royal duty to exercise patronage over artists by comissioning reams of fanart lol)
bio: ✧˖・* princess finduilas of nargothrond :) ✧˖・* 47 ✧˖・* poetry appreciator ✧˖・* romantic at heart ✧˖・* girl of many fandoms ✧˖・* favourite animal: doggos ✧˖・* favourite food: strawberry juice ✧˖・* and if I had a voice that could make mountains melt I would walk over stars just to see how it felt ✧˖・*
title: ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
has a very pink custom theme with a fancy font. runs a fandom/aesthetic blog and stays clear of discourse. writes really good meta that is quite popular and poems that get notes in the single digits. doesn't really know how to deal with anon hate. participates in every tag game she comes across.
url: keeps changing it between @molelol and @twilitdark because he likes small animals, but wants to sound edgy.
pfp: keeps changing it between a baby mole and the kind of very dark photo where you can't really see what it's supposed to be.
bio: M / not a minor
title: the dark under the trees
guards his personal info incredibly closely (a good practice, but how much of it is due to his father having been so controlling that he learned secrecy early on is up for discussion). rarely posts, mostly reblogs photos and shitposts. vaguely vents about his idril/tuor/gondolin/treason problems. when he gets into discussions with people he can be uncomfortably fierce, has sent anon hate on occasion.
url: craftingsilver
pfp: red eight pointed star (default variation, not technically fëanorian) on yellow background
bio: older/younger than you think | look I've seen the Trees that's enough | Noldorin jewelsmith | male
title: time and soul, wrought and tempered
mostly posts and reblogs crafting tiktoks and tips, sometimes adds a dash of science, philosophy or something personal. has made a resolution to filter out any posts pertaining to his family on his dashboard and keeps to it almost till the end. shows a strong sense of humour and has gathered quite a following.
url: celebrin-does-things
pfp: blurred photo of her with her back to the camera
bio: 500s - architect, wife and mother - everyone is welcome
title: "ammë, there's winter in my boots"
started off as a miscellaneous blog, but shifted to being mostly about Eärendil's shenanigans. she vaguely vents about maeglin/gondolin/cousin's treason sometimes, but still comes off as way more laid back than irl. hardly used her tumblr before her son was born and still treats it mostly as a place to document things he has said + a way to talk with like three treasured mutuals. the architect part in bio is mostly a ruse because she has only ever completed one or two projects but can hardly reveal she's a princess, can she? (before the fall of nargothrond if she got on tumblr it was to nag Finduilas to remove her personal info from bio hah)
@eri-pl, this is in part because you asked (a while ago, sorry), though I'm afraid I don't have much to say about all your suggestions. I prefer not to get into Sauron's headspace actually, but the idea of him having access to social media is horrifying lol. And Pharazon has all the worst characteristics of Reddit atheists, non-ironic modern white supremacists and racist trolls rolled into one with the added horror of the new unsavoury state cult. Míriel is not allowed a sim card🙁😬
also I'm just now realising I tagged a compatriot in something I wrote at 3 am so if you have time stamps on you now know my messed up sleep schedule and if you don't I've just told you lol but never mind.
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captainsophiestark · 4 months
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So something crazy happened this week - I hit 1.5k followers! 🥳
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Genuinely thank you all so much for following me and supporting my writing. When I first joined Tumblr, I truly never could've dreamed how wonderful the community, friends, and fandom I've found would be. I love you all so much!
I've never done a follower celebration before, but I really wanted to do one for this milestone, so here we are! It's D&D themed, but no knowledge of D&D is required to join in the fun.
Our 1.5k follower campaign is going to be running from today, May 29th, to Wednesday, June 6th. During that time, feel free to send me as many things off the list below as you like! Interacting with people on here is one of my absolute favorite parts of Tumblr, so feel free to come into my ask box as many times as you like 😄
I'll be tagging all posts for this celebration as #Sophie's 1.5k Follower Campaign. You don't have to follow me to participate, but it would be greatly appreciated. Without further ado, here are the actions you can take during this campaign:
Zone of Truth - Send me an ask with a game, like KMK/FMK, Would You Rather, or anything else you can think of!
Roll Initiative - Roll some dice and send me a character from the list at the bottom of this post, along with the numbers you rolled! I have prompt lists left over from my Year of Fic planning, and I'll put your character and your dice rolls togeter to write a corresponding headcanon (or possibly longer fic, if the inspiration really strikes!). Roll one of the following, some of the following, or all of the following: 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, and 1d20. You can roll with real dice or by typing "roll dice" into google! Please specificy if you have a strong preference between a romantic or platonic fic.
Nat 20 (2 left) - Send me a character I write for and a request, and I'll write you a oneshot! My time's a little limited right now, so I'm capping these at 3 total requests. In the immortal words of Brian Murphy, "Roll three Nat 20s in a row!". If you want to also roll a d20 and send me the result, I'll add a dialogue prompt corresponding with the number you rolled to the request. Please specificy if you have a strong preference between romanitc and platonic fic.
Perception Check - I have a good amount of writing queued up for my Year of Fic and a few other projects, so send me this for a sneak peek of works to come! If you want to include a few fandoms or characters you'd most like to see included in the sneak peek, feel free to do that! Just no promises that I'll have something including them to show you
Behind the DM Screen - Send me the title of an existing fic of mine, along with specific questions if you have them, and I'll give you a little info on the process of creating the fic!
Free Action - Come into my ask box and chat with me! About fandoms, cute pet pitcures, or whatever else! Anons are welcome as usual, and if you feel like you want to be recognized without coming off anon, then you can claim an emoji and use it as a signature on your asks, so I know who you are! As of now, 🥰 emoji is the only one taken
Thank you again to every single one of you who's here with me now, from the beginning of this blog or from earlier today! I'm so happy to have you here and as a part of the party!
Writing Request Character Options:
Bridgerton: Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Eloise Bridgerton
Crescent City: Tristan Flynn, Ithan Holstrom, Lidia Cervos
DC: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd
Marvel: Grant Ward, Jack Thompson, Daniel Sousa, Angie Martinelli, Harley Keener, Pietro Maximoff
*Riordanverse: Luke Castellan, Thalia Grace, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Jason Grace
Star Trek: Jim Kirk
Star Wars: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala
Top Gun: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Natasha "Phoenix" Trace
The Vampire Diaries: Mason Lockwood, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore, Enzo St. John, Kai Parker, Caroline Forbes, Matt Donovan
*All characters in the Riordanverse are going to be book-based, since that's what I know best, and will be written as their ages at the end of Heroes of Olympus or older for requests involving romance
Tagging a few mutuals who I've absolutely loved getting to this point with 🥰 thank you guys for being such a wonderful part of my experience in this place!
@ghostofskywalker @bandshirts-andbooks @trekkingaroundasgard @arttheclown-coveredinblood @flowers-and-fichte @everyhazyday @dawn-petrichor-world @space-helen @ro-is-struggling @writeroutoftime @shadowdaddies @hawaiianpizzaenjoyer
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tarysande · 1 year
On Grief. And On Friendship. On Memory. And Love.
When my grandmother died, we didn't have a traditional funeral. We didn't wear black. We didn't sit around, solemn and silent. We told stories. We ate food she would have liked and drank Bailey's with cream. We got to do it together, of course, and we got to cry and hug and mourn and laugh and sing.
I'm sure all of us have heard some version of the phrase "online friendships aren't REAL friendships." I know I have. I've never understood it, either. For me, in all my neurodiverse glory, online friendships are often MORE REAL. Where else can you meet people and immediately jump into all the things you have in common? All the shared loves and hates and hyperfixations? Where else can you just bypass small-talk and, as Anne of Green Gables would say, find bosom friends so quickly? I've met so many online.
I honestly don't remember when I met Sara/@dearophelia. When I look through my tags, I know it's been at least seven years. I'm certain it's been longer because she definitely had username changes. And I am total shit at remembering username changes. More than once, I've told myself I should keep a spreadsheet. I'm pretty sure I've known her almost as long as I've been on tumblr, and that's more than a decade.
When Sara got sick, I finally used that tumblr function that notifies you whenever a blog updates. I wasn't around tumblr as regularly, but I didn't want to miss anything Sara might say. I hoped that one day I'd get the notification that everything was clear, she was in remission.
I didn't. Today, I got what will be the final notification from her blog--@vhenadahls sharing the information that Sara passed away. That there wouldn't be anymore updates. No more reblogs. No more snarky comments in the tags or gushing comments in the tags.
If this were a room and everyone who loved Sara, who enjoyed her fanfic (with or without knowing the woman behind it!), who has listened to her playlists, who played ME3 multiplayer with her, who was in any way touched by her in a way that brought their lives joy, it would be so full. We would all have stories to share. We'd all have memories to relive.
This room would be decorated with labradorite and pink and fat birbs and cats. There would be so much music--Taylor Swift and Halsey and Florence and the Machine and Hozier and so many many others. There would be a million fabulous selfies on the walls of Sara's huge smile and her vulnerability and her bravery. There would be gaming knickknacks and D&D dice and tarot decks and crystals and magic and books on every surface. All her faves would be represented. And it would still only brush the surface of how vibrant she was and how deeply and enthusiastically she loved what she loved.
If this were a room where we could also add all the characters she created, whose stories so many of us loved ... well, it would have to be awfully big. Sara wrote a lot of stories for a lot of fandoms.
And if this were a room where we and her characters were gathered, but we opened the doors for all the characters and stories that Sara helped inspire, helped grow, encouraged and enabled, well, I know a whole lot of my characters and stories would be here, too. I'm sure I decided to create Rose Trevelyan because of some conversation Sara and I had where I was imagining Rose Vakarian-Shepard grown up.
Sara, I'm really sorry I didn't get to finish the Vakarian-Shepard stories before you left. Most writers write for themselves, sure, but often they also write for specific readers. Sara was always one of mine, but I don't think she knew it. I lived for her gushing tag-comments. I loved when she was always so quick to jump in with prompts.
I'm honored that I was someone with whom Sara shared her original fic work. (She also once shared an absolutely horrifying scene with Garrus and Shepard's clones that she cut from Nora's story because it was just TOO AWFUL. In fact, she shared it with me BECAUSE IT WAS SO AWFUL and she knew I'd appreciate it.) In my heart of hearts, I wanted Sara to finish that original story and publish it. I wanted us to be part of each other's group of writer-friends (you know, you always see them thanking each other in their books). Hell, I wanted to have a small press at some point just SO I could publish Sara's stories. I believed in her THAT MUCH.
I love Sara's stories. I love her playlists. I love her blog, with its hodgepodge of interests and loves. I love her imagination and creativity and attention to detail. I love that I can still visit that mind by reading the bounty of work she left behind.
I mean, she made me wholeheartedly buy into a relationship between Shepard's mom and ZAEED.
Sara was one of the constants in my online life over the last decade. Even if we hadn't chatted for a while, I always knew we could pick up again like no time had passed (thanks, ADHD). As I write this, there's a little chat circle on the bottom right of my tumblr screen with her avatar in it and I can't bear the thought of hitting that X button and never seeing it pop up again.
Sara struggled and loved and fought and overcame and breathed and was brave. Not just in the past few years, when she was sick. As long as I knew her. And she didn't let anything stop her. She snarled in the face of it all and wrote stories so beautiful they broke my heart and then pieced it back together again in the same paragraph.
I miss her. I will always miss her. But I'm so happy I got to know her as long as I did. She'll live on in my memories, in my stories, in the characters she helped inspire. She'll live on every time I look at my favorite tarot deck--she was the first person I yelled at when I bought it--and when I see fat birbs and cute-maybe-evil cats. And if that's not REAL friendship, real love, I don't know what is.
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victoriaspriing · 9 months
2023 writing gif-making round up
Rules (adapted for fic, gifs, art, etc.): Share what you made this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you made or just the projects you're most excited about.
I was tagged by @swearphil! thank you sm renee <33
Hii!! so 2024 is right around the corner, happy new year yayay. Actually, if I think too much about it I think I'll start crying cause like what do you mean we're less than 42 hours from staring a new year?!! 2023 doesn't feel real tbh time in general doesn't feel real but yeah anyways I'll save that convo for another time. I'm here today to reflect on all the gifsets I've made throughout this year, which let me add, has been A LOT. I'm going to start by sharing some fun stats (yes renee I'm copying you <33), and then I'll do a fun top 5 of my fave gifsets, and to finish it off I'd also like to use this to shout out some of my fave people and creators on this hellsite cause you all made my 2023 so much better and I love you all for that <333
fun statistics:
In total I made 61 gifsets in 2023
57 are heartstopper (not surprised)
3 are 911 lone star (mostly tarlos)
1 are dan and phil
In august I made 20 gifsets, which are the most gifsets I've made in a month this year
In may I made 1 gifset, which is the month I made less gifsets this year
6 of the gifsets are song lyrics edits
3 of the gifsets are heartstopper comic edits
31 of the gifsets are scenes from heartstopper
6 of the gifsets are heartstopper compilations from s1 and s2
top 5 gifsets from 2023 (in no particular order)
that one dnp gifset: I think most people know that I was and still am a big dan and phil fan, and that I spent most of my teenage years obsessing over them and giffing them and only them. Well, they went on hiatus and they stopped having a big impact on my life util they decided to come back and ruin my life again (in a good way). This gifset was the first time I giffed them since like idk 2019/2020, and it does mean a lot to me :') it's not really about the concept and the coloring, I chose this one to be apart of my top 5 for sentimental reasons, and I think that's valid.
give your friendships the magic you would give a romance: once again, sentimental reasons. when I read this quote on loveless it just spoke to me in so many levels. One of the things I love the most about heartstopper is the importance they give to friendship and I just had to make something that highlighted that and I think it turned out super good.
I think nellie loves him: well, now I think I snapped with this one akdhjahak I just love it so much. the coloring.. the heartstopper tv scenes with the heartstopper comic scenes, like chef's kiss, just perfect. of course this is not an original idea so I'd love to thank @rose-nobles for inspiring this gifset <33
mr. ajayi loves museum dates with his grumpy bf: and just like that we are back to sentimental reasons ahdhkas. well, this was one of the first gifsets I made when season two came out and it blew up. I've never had that many notes on a gifset, and honestly I think it's well deserved cause the coloring is good and I had finally just figured out how to sharpen gifs, so yeah love that for me.
I'm bi actually: I had so much fun making this one. the amount of bi coded elements and colors I included on this, I WAS ON A MISSION. the fact I made the font wobbly hsjgdjaka, I love love this gifset.
a little shout out to my faves (I hope you all have an amazing 2024)
@swearphil ☆ @barrowsteeth ☆ @narliee ☆ @cafecdramin ☆ @heroeddiemunson ☆ @nelsonnicholas ☆ @curlyhairedprince ☆ @wylanvannecks ☆ @aimeegbbs ☆ @indimlights ☆ @jelloandsugar ☆ @perrieedwards ☆ @imogen-heaney ☆ @thatwasthenightthingschanged ☆ @klinejack ☆ @birthdaysentiment ☆ @seeleybooth ☆ @sonseulsoleil ☆ @taraolssons ☆ @immortals-malec ☆ @parissquads ☆ @rose-nobles ☆ @itwasmagic ☆ @perccyjackson ☆ @naomismcpherson ☆ @neverfindmegone ☆ @charlieisverybored
Okay I think that's it, I'm so sorry if I missed someone. I'm also tagging everyone that wants to do this, just say I tagged you in it <33
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k-fangirledits · 4 months
APPRECIATION POST ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ(*/ω\*)
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Special Shout Out To My DOAK aka Diary of a Wimpy Kid PEOPLE
I appreciate all of you so much! Thank you again for noticing the posts and just interacting with my blog in general. It's been a few years since I've made gifs and have been active here and the fact that y'all still use my gifs in your RP's or your fanfictions or your headcannons etc. that just absolutely blows my mind that you still interact with my blog somehow even though I hadn't posted in a couple to a few years!
I am so so so grateful to see how many stories my gifs have been chosen to be put into and I will actually take the time to go back and read them once I find them and book mark them! I am just mind-blown that y'all are still able to search gifs and mine still pop up!
It seems silly but I really have such bad imposter syndrome with anything and everything I do and it takes me a while to process everything and to be able to do posts like this.
Also yes I went through my activity list within the passed couple of weeks for this year (2024) to be able to make sure I got everyone tagged. In a different post I will be going through all the gif sets and making another appreciation post to those of you that have supported and interacted all of the DOAK gif sets and posts that I have made over the years. You guys are all so flipping awesome and I can't believe I still get interactions on gif sets I made YEARS AGO to this very day! It's so crazy how active this fandom still is but I am so proud that it's still active!
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If you guys want more gifs or want to be included in taglists for future gif sets of anyone in DOAK as the characters (or cast) or anyone else (in general) let me know. I do take requests for fanfictions, role plays, etc. whatever you need gif images for I'll do it. It might just take me a bit of time but I will always make sure I get to it.
You all have made my absolute year just for interacting with my small little blog so it does make me absolutely sentimental. You are appreciated even if you think it was just a small or automatic thing to like or reblog or comment etc. I just wanted to show y'all how much I appreciate every single one of you.
Now before I go, I gotta get through all the other fandoms as well that have been interacting with my blog since I decided that this week is gonna be my appreciation week for everyone that has interacted with my blog since I began to become more regularly active again.
Thank you again loves... and I hope you have a wonderful time of day or night that you see this post. Also please never be a stranger, I am always willing to make new friends online. It's kinda hard in young adulthood to figure out how to make friends ngl... but yeah, comment, dm, like, reblog, etc. I would like to interact with y'all too only if you're comfortable with that though, and if you're not that's okay and hope you aren't too weirded out by my extremely sentimental appreciation post towards y'all.
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Taglist from 2024 Activity Notes as early as March
Likes & Interactions Taglist:
@luluartpop | @studiotriggerfan397 | @elevatorkissesxoxo | @loadeddiperdrummer | @crystical33 | @shaybot12 | @some-good-juju | @alexkorn | @slayerfxx | @rejectedbat | @chillbaby666 | @1h3yad0r3m8m8 | @rodrickruleslmao | @riddlbot | @avvidarkfem | @heffleyzzn
Reblogs Taglist:
@loadeddiperdrummer | @heffleyzzn
Added to Blogs Taglist:
@ch9rm thanks for adding my gif to your headcannon blog post! I'm happy that out of all the gifs on tumblr you decided mine was like good enough to add into the post. it seems silly and small but it does mean a lot. also oof, the NSFW part... I DIED. NGL, agh! definitely seems on brand for Rodrick!
@myobsessionishockstetter thanks for adding my gif of rodrick to your post from a few months back! I know there's a lot of gif creators out there that honestly can probably make better quality images- anyways, just wanted to say that I appreciate the fact you were able to find use for my image in your blog post! love the meme images you have there lol because it's so true. How did he never pull any of the hottest girls or anyone in general in the movies. The world may never know. like he is too attractive to not have pulled anyone but I guess movie writers needed to keep those things outta the storyline since it is all about Greg and not Rodrick... but still! other family/kids movies have an attractive older brother that was able to pull a lot of people in general and somehow still make it family/kid friendly.
@solaceofacube thanks for adding my gif of Rodrick to your blog post a while back ago. I haven't played the game, but from the image of the character that was added to the post that you reblogged a while back ago I mean it's an uncanny resemblance in my opinion. DOAK Devon Bostick/Rodrick Heffley definitely would be a great Andrew Graves! I can't unsee it!
@takenbypeter I commented on your story but honestly, since I am doing an appreciation post for everyone that has actively somehow interacted with my gif images and blog in general this year, I just wanted to thank you again for adding my gif to your prompt story/imagine! It's so flippin' good every time I read it! Also, yes I tend to go back and re-read it at times, it's just a masterpiece. SO CUTE AND THE FEELS! AGH I LOVE IT!
@lydiaxdd thanks for adding the drummer gif to your blog post that I made! ahaha I don't blame you for wanting to date anyone that looks like Devon Bostick/Rodrick Heffley. He is extremely attractive!
@cxsmiclore Thanks for adding my gif of Rodrick to your fanfics taglist! it's just really cool to see which images people tend to prefer of Rodrick for certain blogs and things of that sort.
@minawritesfanfic I know I commented on your story already as well but just wanted to say thanks again for adding my gif into your fanfic! I am in the middle of reading part 1 since things got a bit hectic while trying to read up on everything, and when I left the app it refreshed on me. But I really am excited to see what all leads up to Part 5 of Backyard Boy.
BONUS: Here is the masterlist to all of my TMR Gif Sets if y'all want to request any of the 3 movies for me to add, let me know and I will scrape some time to do that. Thank you again so much for all the support on the blog and these gifs. Y'all are awesome!
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flowersforbucky · 27 days
Do you have any general advice for someone who wants to post their writing but is scared to? I write a lot. But I have never posted on tumblr or anywhere else. I don't know why but I'm so nervous to.
had to add a keep reading link because i ended up rambling way more than i originally intended to 😅 sorry if this isn't helpful or isn't the kind of answer you were looking for but here's a summary of my experience with writing/posting on tumblr and some general tips -
i completely understand being nervous. i feel nervous every time i post my writing. i'm always worried that people won't like it, that it'll flop, etc. when i first tried posting bucky fanfiction about 5 years ago, and when i posted eddie munson fanfiction a couple years ago, just about everything i posted performed really poorly. i had a couple pieces that did alright but for the most part, just about everything flopped. and it was very discouraging, i would let it get to me too much for sure - i'd wonder how other people got their work to get so many notes so easily when nothing i did seemed to help.
so when i started writing/posting for bucky again a few months ago i was really nervous, since i hadn't had much luck in the past. i decided to give it a shot anyway, and told myself that i'm doing this for fun, and if people like what i put out then great, and if not then i wouldn't let it get to me because at the end of the day i'm doing this for myself, because i want to.
everything i've posted for bucky the last few months has surpassed my expectations, truthfully. i don't really know why all of my one-shots have performed so much better this time around than when i first tried to write for him back in 2019 - maybe my writing has improved? maybe i'm just getting lucky and posting at the right times? maybe it's the fact that i write more smut than i used to and the fandom seems to love that? maybe a little bit of all of those things? i'm not 100% sure, but i'm happy to give you some tips that i think work for me, at least.
also disclaimer i definitely don't think i've been doing this long enough or am a "big enough" writer within this community to even be giving advice LMAO but since you asked!!
i usually post on wednesday or friday evenings and i've had good interaction on both of those days, however fridays have been the best and i think i will be sticking to friday evening posts for the most part in the future
i usually post between 7:00 - 10:00 pm eastern time, most often around 9:00 pm - if the time you post doesn't seem to work well, try a different time with the next post
tags tags tags! add the most relevant tags first, and avoid adding tags that are irrelevant. so when i post for bucky i add tags such as the following: bucky barnes x reader, bucky x reader, bucky barnes, bucky barnes x you, bucky barnes smut, etc
write a brief summary for the piece that will draw people in but not give tooooo much away. also always give appropriate warnings
use the "keep reading" feature. to be completely honest, if someone posts something that's 500+ words and they don't use the keep reading feature, i'm instantly going to get annoyed that it's clogging up the feed and scroll past it lol. i personally like to insert the "keep reading" link a couple paragraphs into my fic so that people can read the first tiny bit of it and (hopefully) be interested enough to click the link and keep reading.
don't be afraid to reach out to other writers in your fandom and initiate friendships. i know this can be super intimidating because they usually already have mutuals that they are close with but what's the worst that can happen with trying? most people here love making new friends/mutuals and want to be supportive of new writers, though i know it doesn't always feel like that. not everyone that i've followed/interacted with has followed me back but a lot have!
tease snippets of upcoming fics before posting them (and make sure to add a bunch of tags so more people see) to help people get excited, draw in new followers, etc. pick a few lines of dialogue, or a specific paragraph or whatever, that you're particularly proud of and screenshot/copy & paste it and post it and basically say hey here's a snippet of an upcoming fic! i don't always do this but i like to on occasion
lastly, and this piece of advice won't necessarily help your writing perform well notes wise, but i think it's important to remember: write and post what YOU want to write and post. this is a hobby, this is supposed to be fun, and you are not getting paid for this. if you don't want to write smut, DON'T write it just because it's popular and you feel like you have to. if you don't want to write reader inserts and prefer OCs, then write an OC. if you prefer writing one-shots and drabbles over multi-part series, then write one-shots and drabbles! of course readers are going to have their preferences and that's fine, i have my preferences when it comes to reading fanfiction as well, but it's not your job to appeal to every reader out there. it's your job to enjoy this hobby as much as you can and write things that you're proud of.
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ollydee · 7 months
PAID GIG -- Seeking Book Cover Artist for NA Queer Speculative Romance Duology
I AM ABLE TO PAY: $200 - $300 upfront and I will also obvs include your info --- you will get your own bio and can link whatever you want right by my bio and my links in the back of the book
What I'd really like to do is help out someone at the beginning of their career, as I am someone at the beginning of mine. I could totally go on fiverr, but I'd rather source from the fam. There are so many talented artists here and this website's done a lot for me in terms of developing my own craft and making connections. So here we are!
Here is the back cover synopsis of book one:
In every generation since the first cataclysmic use of the weapon, there has been a human designated the “Knight of Sol II.” The Knight’s job is to house the weapon’s activation switch within their body. In the event of another war between Earth II and alien homeworld Drune, the King Admiral must kill the Knight in order to extract the switch and use it. This arrangement — so it is hoped — ensures that the weapon will never be used lightly. Drew is the current Squire, next in line to be the Knight. It is a great honor. He’s terrified. Eighty years since the end of the war, the Emni — local, alien inhabitants of Drune — have finally achieved a long-sought goal: an exchange program, in which an Emni student is sent abroad to Earth II, where they will study amongst humans. Brave and blunt Riis is chosen as that envoy of exchange. His mission is complex, but laid out in simple terms: Make them like you. Speak the truth. Maybe they’ll stop killing us. Riis only really succeeds at getting Drew to like him. Which adds a whole new level of “complicated” to a relationship that never had a hope of being simple.
How to Apply: REBLOG this with your four BEST PIECES and tag it 'portfolio'
Like, your four BEST pieces that MOST CLOSELY fit the genre. Depending on how many people I get I might do a round two with more specific shit but yeah. If we vibe and I love your work we will move on into the sunset of making money and working together yaaaay
Have any questions? Inbox me for sure, I'd be thrilled to answer anything.
I would like to forge a long-term working relationship with an illustrator based on 1. me paying them and 2. them making art for my books and 3. not just for this, but potentially for future books if we really vibe and your style vibes with my next story. I average about 200,000 words a year (which for me means at minimum three books) and now that I've finally decided to bite the bullet and start publishing, there WILL be more work and you WILL get more exposure. I will also obvs be able to pay more and more each book if we do well.
Also --- anyone who is interested in reading an excerpt to get a feel for the work, pm me with your email address. I will gladly send over a pdf of the first chapter, and I of course will not share your email publicly.
Even if you are not interested, please reblog in case one of your followers is! Thank you so much tumblr fam <3
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thebumblebeesystem · 1 year
I've gotta say, I really like Tumblr so far. You're a good bunch of people here. Even if Twitter does come back from this whole mess... I'm staying.
I'd still post some things there, if that were the case, but I'd be primarily here. For now though, I don't feel right taking up peoples' rate limit. I'd rather they be able to use it to find where their friends went. That's all I use it for. I search the people I follow for the word tumblr, scroll and add people for as long as it lets me.
I like no character limit. I like up to 30 images instead of 4. I like how people talk in tags. I like how much more active it is here. I've never woken up to 50+ notifications before.
I like that I don't have to censor words. Not because I wanna be a jerk with them, but because I can never remember which words I'm not supposed to say and what I'm supposed to change them to. I like that I don't have to say m*ds or crimes instead of mods or unalive instead of kill. The amount of times I've gotten auto-reported on Facebook because I didn't censor words like panic attack or eating disorder while speaking openly about my mental health... 😣
Anyway. I do miss some people on Twitter who haven't come here. And I'm sad about seeing so many friendships broken for so many people. So it's not all fun and games. But I'm glad I came here.
Edit: Ironic that I forgot to say how much I love being able to edit posts, haha.
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zeltqz · 1 year
niyaaaa do u have any tips for people who wanna get into fic writing? 👀
i don’t really get how the whole posting format for fics works on here tbh 😭 and like your info area it’s so cool
YEAH OFC!! btw dm me your username so i can follow and support you <3
tip 1- the posting format isnt that hard to get used to actually its just you create a tumblr text post and then copy and paste your fic onto it, add the tags and stuff then post it. if you want to add banners, headers and stuff to make it look better then go ahead, just add images to the text post
tip 2- the info area is the same as above, just add pictures of your choice etc to the text post, add your information, name, age, fav things etc and then to link posts to your post, highlight where u want the link to go, then copy the link of the post u want linked then press the hyperlink that looks like two chains linked together when you highlight the text if that makes sense? sounds like a lot but its rlly not i promise haha
tip 3- always type your fics on other apps like word or google docs since they have an auto save feature!! i dont reccomend typing your fics on tumblr since one if the app crashes, it doesn't automatically save your work so everything you wrote will get deleted (some versions of tumblr do have autosave, my laptop has it but my phone and iPad doesn't, so i dont rely on it)
tip 4- idk if you want tips on actual fic writing or just how to get your fics onto tumblr but ill help you with that anyway. with me when i write fics i always imagine it out in my head. theres some of my fics where i just went with the flow and wrote wgatever came to mind and those are the fics i hate the most because they dont rlly make sense to me. theyre always so random and it just seems rushed and bad.
i picture my fics like a scene in my head and whatever i want the character to do, think, say or feel i write that shit down asap. i use other online sources to help get more descriptive like the emotion theasurus <- honestly one of my favourite things to use ever, they have so much body language to use for every emotion in the damn book
dialogue is also something i find difficult. i've improved i personally feel like but its still hard for me especially if im writing a new character. i never want to make the character seem OOC so i do lots of research before hand. i normally use the wiki to read up on a characters personality.
for example i'll use ran for this since he's like 99% of my account lmao. in the wiki, he's described as "naturally whimsical toward others which makes him inscrutable" though ran doesnt have many scenes in the manga (which i hate bc i love him sm) its impossible to actually write him down to a tee so i use that naturally whimsical description to make him playful, charismatic, carefree etc, going off what little information i have with him.
getting a characters personality down is what can make or break a dialogue. for me when im reading a fic of a character and their dialogue is so OOC it puts me off and i dont even wanna read. so i apply my same fic icks to myself and think if I don't like seeing this and that in a fic, why would I incorporate those in my fics and have ppl get put off it if they have the same fic icks as me?
hope that makes sense!!
tip 5- dont rush yourself at all. i used to rush a few of my fics and i just ended up hating it so much after and fought bck the urge to delete them so many times but then i'd see people's comments and realise i was being too harsh on myself. i'd keep them up but i'd just hate seeing them get attention.
rushing only makes you hate your work and the quality of your work will decline if you are not in the right headspace.
thats also why i have the don't rush me thing in my rules because not only is it annoying to see people constantly asking for updates, it also makes me mad because i know i'll just put out a piece of garbage if i did rush.
also another tip don't give yourself deadlines!! if you know your writing consistency can be a little sloppy, don't tell your followers that you're going to upload every so and so day. if something happens and you miss the deadline, you'll feel bad and rush something out and most times out of ten, a rushed fic doesn't do well. so take your time and don't rush.
tip 6- dont listen to what other people say or feel obligated to write something you don't wanna. establish your boundaries!! for example, from day one i started this blog i said im accepting requests but i will not write anything to do with non-con, incest or minors. i made sure that was out there so i wouldn't feel uncomforable writing anything i wasn't comfy with.
there are people on this app that may like your writing and request you to write something for them. you are not obligated to write anything for anyone! don't feel like you have to just because they asked nicely.
if you want to accept requests you can im not saying you shouldn't, im saying don't feel like you have to. you always have a choice. its your blog.
tip 7- remember this isn't a job. you're allowed to take breaks, allowed to have a personal life. don't feel like you need to be updating every day. i used to think i was obligated to be uploading consistently at least every week because i was obsesssed with engagement and seeing peoples comments and was scared if i took a break ppl will unfollow. now i honestly don't care. i'm not active as much as i used to because of school and that's fine! if ppl want to leave, let them. don't feel like you're forced to keep being active in order to keep your follower count stable.
tip 8- this app can get really toxic sometimes. luckily enough i've only had one toxic anon in my inbox and i've been on this app for a year. some people have so many, some ppl get harrassed etc. if that happens to you just be prepared since there's no actual way to find out who's behind anons. you can turn off your anon options which means if ppl want to inbox you something then their account will be showing. some people arent comfortable with that and that's fine! i keep mine on because i want people to feel comfortable on my page.
just remember though if you ever feel like this app is getting overwhelming take breaks! for the sake of your mental health take breaks. i know so many writers on here that took breaks and came back healthier and stronger.
i feel like this tip goes for social media in general. as much as i love social media im aware how unhealthy it is. breaks are so important for you. remember that.
i can't think of anymore tips right now but if i have some more i will edit the post and add it on.
if u have anymore questions about the tumblr posting format dm me and ill help you out :))
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So I was in the Jonsa tag because I'm slowly getting back onto my Jonsa bullshit and this popped up as one of the latest posts:
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And then I see the ever-so smart tags of someone else when reblogging said post:
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To be fair, this op and reblogger didn't tag this post as Jonsa and obviously Tumblr is at it again with their algorithm but I found the content of said post and the assertion that Jonsas are "idiots" and "delusional" to be utterly fascinating.
For one, when the show was airing its final season, I never ever saw any Jonsas claim that it was Emilia's fault that Jonsa didn't get an HEA together at the end. Not in the circles I traveled. That's a ludicrous claim. Emilia had no investment on what Jon's or Sansa's endings would be, together or not.
What Emilia did change however that many have been (correctly) critical of was the dialogue in the throne room scene before Jon 🗡️ Dany. Rather than let everyone see exactly who Dany was, who she had become, she asked D&D to add in the lines of the whole "I couldn't count to twenty" bit. She admitted as much in an interview, stating that she wanted fans to remember who Dany was in the beginning of the show, and D&D obliged. That's a major problem, whether you're a fan of Dany or not, especially if you're a fan. That negated Dany's dark turn completely and her entire arc as a character. It negated why she chose to take such actions and the true ending that she deserved. While I respect Emilia as an actress and as a human being, she was wrong to ask D&D to do that. She's not a writer and/or showrunner. She should never have had that part added in because season 1 and season 2 Dany even was not who season 8 Dany was (or even season 7 or season 6 or season 5). That is the only thing I've seen Jonsas (and other sections of the fandom) be rightly critical of.
The "delusions" and "idiocy" I see coming from some of the Dany stans, though, is truly confounding to the rest of us. "Dany was never supposed to go dark!" "It was bad writing!" "Even Emilia knows!" "That's not how it goes in the books!"
Dany was always supposed to go dark. That's the entire point of her story. Go back and watch the show again. It's always been there. They have always framed her actions as just when really they were anything but. They've always shown the darkness waiting inside her to be unleashed. She was always going to be the final boss in the end.
While the last season was not most people's favorites and things were rushed & mistakes were made, Dany going dark in general is not bad writing. It's actually good writing because it closes up what they've been setting up for her since season 1 (mind you GRRM was involved in writing episodes of the show from seasons 1-4 so even if his books end differently, that part of Dany's darkness is still in there, just saying).
Emilia has self-admittedly blurred the line between herself and her character for some time now. And it's understandable. She played the character for 10 years (another example of an actor I can think of sharing this sort of blurring approach is Jensen Ackles with Dean Winchester after 15 years of him playing that character) and she underwent some intense and dangerous health issues during that time that thankfully she survived and was able to heal from. She has talked about drawing strength from the character during these times and she naturally is protective of the character for all of those reasons. But even she has stated that now when she looks back, she sees where the show was leading Dany all alone. She may have her own thoughts on why the dark turn happened when it did but again, she is not a writer, producer, or director. She also defers to the work D&D did despite being honest about her emotional reactions to Dany's ending when she first read it and afterwards.
"That's now how it goes in the books!" This is probably the most common argument point many Dany stans make that just causes me to repeatedly roll my eyes. This is the show, not the books. Two different universes essentially. Did you not realize the show was adapted from the books? Do you know what adapted means? Do you know that adaptations happen because a story is being transferred from one medium to another? Did the Twilight, Harry Potter, and Hunger Games films all follow the books to the last letter? No. Why? Because they were adapted from a written medium to a visual medium. This has been happening since your parents were toddlers. And did you not notice how there was no Lady Stoneheart or Val or Dacey Mormont or Harry Hardyng or Young Griff? Did you notice how it was Sansa that married Ramsay and not Jeyne? At what point were you going to realize that the show was going to go its own route? Should they have changed the names to Jansa Jark, Son Show, and Myra Jark in order to get your attention? Nanerys Margaryen perhaps? Jyrion Nannister? Black Beetle? Come on now 🤡
I will never understand why people refuse to see what's right in front of them, even when their fave is saying it. And yet they call Jonsas delusional. Okay, then.
Then again:
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"Sansa Stark will die screaming"...okay, then.
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miasiegert · 7 months
CATS Suncoast Broadway Dinner Theatre - Hudson, FL (with Pics)
Thanks to Suncoast Broadway Dinner Theatre for renting our set and having us for the past two weeks in the Junkyard. It's always a delight working with Chaz, and we got to know an incredible cast and crew. I'm not sure how many hashtags I can use so I am going to include the cast list here for pics that arrive since all of you are so talented at Tumblr (the cast is so intrigued by Superfans, btw!)
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We had many challenges with a dinner theatre because the stage is very small in order to accommodate tables. As well, actors serve patrons so I needed to design an outfit to protect the costumes and suspend disbelief. And from patron reactions, we've been told this is one of the best openings, if not the best opening, and the best show/costume the theatre has had to date and hoped we'd be back, which was very, very kind of them.
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Pouncival, played by Isaiah Mayhew
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Electra (u/s Bombalurina) played by Rachel Knowles (so sorry for the bad photo quality--she's stunning!)
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Misto played by Kory Randles
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Pounce, and these two randos, what losers. :P
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Mungojerrie/Macavity split track, played by Andre Spathelf-Sanders and yeah, this jerk who keeps showing up. I adore the whole cast to bits truly but we're planning on cosplaying Green Lantern together and he was the first to get my "Archer" references in the make up classes. If it's ever of interest, I'm happy to sometime talk about my make up classes and what to do when there are "mistakes" with what I call the Bob Ross Method.
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Demeter by Iraya Catalina is making an argument that maybe all Demeters need to be Filipino because she slays!
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Jennyanydots and her incredibly supportive husband. She was one of the most delightful people to work with, hilarious, fun, loving, amazing hugs, and just a joy. I've never had a Jenny almost refuse to take the Gumbie suit off (which is a huge compliment). What a joy.
David was the make up designer for all of the designs except Bombalurina's, and I taught about 5-hours of make up classes.
The magic of an incredible LED screen came into play as there were cool effects, such as a first person POV of a cat going to the junkyard (bringing YOU into the show) and the sky changing with the hours of the day, the moon, everything. The lighting designer Dalton Hamilton was wonderful and provided the following photographs. All costumes designed/created by David and myself (The Costume Asylum/Siegert Creative):
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I am going to try to get some rehearsal pics and one of the funniest bloopers ever but I hope this is a nice start. Happy Sunday, I'm happy to be home, but I miss these kitties so much already!
Apologies if I missed tagging anyone, y'all know I'm really trying with Tumblr very hard. Oh! Rhagan Carter (Rumpleteazer) is the Dance Captain! Knew I forgot something.
Also... is there a way I can add text when I add a bunch of pics at once to name the actors? I cannot for the life of me figure out how. I keep clicking in between photos and hit return and nothing!
Each passing day, I become more and more of that "how do you do fellow young people" meme, I swear.
If there's anything specific you'd like to know, feel free to ask or comments in general. Not sure how long it'll take to get back because I got 2 hours of sleep last night, flew in, and today is a "fuck it, let's order dominos" day. ... but... ordering dominos... is hard. moving is hard. falling down the stairs... easier than anticipated. 0/10 do not recommend.
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vaspider · 1 year
See, there's the thing "spider"- its not your place or your job or anything but your annoying fucking hobby to report me being on tumblr! My existence in the jumblr tag isnt harassment and I will not be leaving! People can block me but if I have to remake again youre annoying them not me! I have a macro. You need to block the tag "oxford comma forever" and move the fuck on! I keep replying to you cause YOU keep it going. Be the supposed adult you lie about being, sweatie 😘
Directly interacting with people who have blocked you is harassment. Creating a blog with my name to impersonate me (like you're doing now) is harassment. And you know that, because you're doing it to try to upset me. You've said as much to me and to other people. The fact that I find it tiresome and not upsetting in the least seems to really get to you, because you keep returning over and over to try to bother me and my partners. Sending my kid's name and an address I haven't lived at for half a decade and comments about the Father's Day posts on my FB to us as, what? Proof that you're the one digging around in my Facebook obsessively to try to doxx me and my family? ... o... okay, sure? And you think that makes you the mature adult?
Like... okay?? Good job, you've proven you're a gross creeper who can't just leave people alone?
If you would simply not interact directly with the people who have told you that they don't want to interact with you, we wouldn't know you exist. I don't follow the Jumblr tag; I don't go into tags pretty much at all and never have. I read my dashboard and almost never anything else. I find out about your new blogs when you interact directly with one of my friends or with me, and then, yeah, I report you, and I block the blog, because, to be clear:
That's what I'm supposed to do.
If you just... left alone the people who have told you "I don't want talk to you," we would never find out about your next blog. Every single one of your blogs I've personally reported to Tumblr Staff is because you've directly interacted with someone who blocked you and told you in so many words to never contact them again, and either that person explicitly asked me to add that interaction to the ongoing ticket that I have open, or that person was me.
I don't care if you're on Tumblr. I really, really, really don't. None of us care that you're on Tumblr. You are a deflated tube man of a human being, and we don't care about you.
What I care about for exactly as long as it takes me to report a blog and roll my eyes is that you are obsessively harassing people I care about.
So, yep, I'm going to keep being the adult: I'm going to report this, too, and block this, too, and move on with my life. And the next time you directly interact with me or those friends who have previously blocked you, I'll repeat the process.
I suggest you move on, too. There is nothing to be gained for you here. You can't hurt me, you can't upset me. Nothing you say to me is novel or painful; it only reveals your own insecurities. Why are you obsessed with the idea of "another man sleeping with your wife," for example? You keep using it as an insult, which doesn't say anything about me, about my daughter's dad, about my partners... but it does say a lot about you. Why are you obsessed with the genitals and sexual habits of people who you've never met and will never meet? Why are you obsessed with what I call myself? Why are you obsessed with my pronouns, my political affiliations, my age? You keep trying to misgender people, to insult me based on my age or my weight... and, like.
It's just... pathetic. I really just feel very sad for you and how very empty your life must be.
This behavior is just... sad.
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