#how to manage the lifestyle
indiadiries · 1 year
The Management of Life
Nowadays everyone is so busy in his life and work he has no time to spend for himself, Due to his busy schedules but the main course is that we have to make some changes for ourselves. If we do not we will lose all the things one day. So balance should be there, if we do work it should be work only, if we come home after work it should be home only. In saying it’s looking very easy but it is…
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bitchesgetriches · 19 days
How to Avoid Lifestyle Inflation … and When to Embrace It
A strange thing happens every time my income increases. My life magically gets… easier, better, and happier.
Getting my very first raise at work made it easier for me to pay off my student loans ahead of schedule. That meant the money I used to spend on student loans could instead be spent on making my life more comfortable. And that meant moving out of the house I rented with six roommates and finally buying decent food.
Getting a job that cut out my daily commute allowed me to spend more time doing things I love instead of impotently cursing the traffic. I could get drinks with friends after work, or go to the climbing gym, both of which cost money. Or, for free, I could stand by the highway yelling “SUCKERS!” at passing commuters at 5:30 p.m. every day!
And getting a new job at almost double my previous salary meant I could afford things I previously thought would take years of saving. Plane tickets to a friend’s destination wedding in Mexico. Drywall for my unfinished basement. Eating at a shmancy restaurant without checking the menu for prices.
If all of this sounds suspiciously like lifestyle inflation, that’s because it is! And yet I feel no guilt over inflating my lifestyle from time to time when my income significantly increases.
This is generally considered a cardinal sin of personal finance. It’s right up there with buying lattes or taking the name of Dave Ramsey in vain. So let’s unpack that.
Keep reading.
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soovyclub · 1 year
10 Steps to Lower Your BMI and Promote Healthy Weight Loss A step-by-step guide on how to healthily lower your body mass index (BMI) as an effective way to lose weight, speed up your metabolism, and improve your overall health. https://www.soovy.club/blog/how-to-lose-weight-ways-to-boost-metabolism-tips-to-reduce-bmi
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schneiderenjoyer · 2 months
Regulus was THIS close to attaining the ultimate enlightenment of peak mathematics and I love that for her
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monster42069 · 5 months
Schizotypal PD is basically a disorder reliant on stress management and environmental factors being managed and coped with, so it’s hard for me to understand why it’s talked about differently than disorders like Cluster B. No, it will never go away and doesn’t need to because if the Schizotypal person decides to take control of their life and reach out for help through the discomfort, stays on the right track, or was blessed into a wonderful environment that supports their needs and quirks, they’ll be fine. It’s much like the Autism Spectrum in that regard.
Our sanity and growth depends a lot on our general QOL going well to be able to keep up in managing troublesome symptoms that cause social regression or distress. The worse the anxiety or low mood, the more disconnection and mixing of reality. Or it’ll be a negative perception, negative beliefs, negative magical thinking, negative illusions, etc.
Our entire perception of reality, belief systems, obsessions, magical thinking, illusions, quasi-psychosis and transient psychosis, the way we perceive ourselves, ability to organize speech and thoughts, to mask, and more- Those are traits that change depending on our stress levels and how often we manage stable moods.
& it’s rough because this world is not kind to clinical schizotypy, and it’s not built how most of us feel it should be. We struggle with understanding others, and they struggle with understanding us. We struggle to understand each other. Environmental factors aren’t easy to make better when all of this is happening, and especially when it can’t be diagnosed until someone is 18 without any subclinical or pediatric disorders to take its place…
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devilsskettle · 11 months
things i’m trying to do for my life to be better summer 2023 edition —
-> exercise 3x a week at least
-> eat protein
-> find easy recipes with few ingredients so i’ll actually be consistent about cooking actual meals for myself
-> less caffeine: no caffeine on non-work days or after 3 pm
-> habit stacking
-> no phone in the morning (admittedly a challenge because it helps my brain wake up but at what cost)
-> california sober
-> read Something
-> fruit
-> hydrate
-> being consistent about doing the dishes + laundry
-> slowly but surely getting my room together in a way that is fit for human habitation
-> i am a body before i am a mind so i need to prioritize my physical needs
-> traveling as much as i can afford to
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basuralindo · 23 days
*invents spam filter that sets people's phones on fire the second they send me an unsolicited nutrition article*
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gh-0-stcup · 3 months
The weirdest take I've seen on Reddit is that the show made John Winchester a worse father in the later seasons than he was initially. That the worst he did early on was being a bit distant and training his sons from a young age. And of course, that stuff wasn't that bad because it was necessary to keep them safe.
Just off the top of my head here's what we get from season 1 alone. Dean being traumatized by John's treatment of him following the shtriga attack. John disowning Sam for going to college. John refusing to pick up his phone when Dean is literally dying. John physically intimidating Sam during an argument - one that started simply because Sam refused to go along with whatever John said to do without asking questions. Dean having to physically get between the two of them and having to physically pull them apart before they attacked each other.
There's a load of other stuff from the first 3 seasons as well. If anything, the show took a stronger stance regarding John's terrible parenting in those seasons than any of the later ones. The longer John was dead, the fonder the boys became of him.
#john was shown as controlling and emotionally abusive#he created a cult like family environment and isolated his children far beyond what was warranted for their lifestyle#he turned dean against sam to further isolate sam when he wanted to do something else with his life as a way to control him#ellen and bobby act as foils to refute the argument that what john did was necessary or unavoidable due to his trauma#both were hunters with similar backstories to john who managed to be better parents#dean himself had some choice words to say about john's parenting in season 3#and tbh i don't know how anybody can say john ever hitting his kids is unthinkable#after the fight between him and sam in dead man's blood#john is VERY quick to use physical intimidation against sam and neither boys seem at all surprised by the reaction#and i'm sorry but that is very much not an acceptable way for a father to approach his son - no matter how old the son is#yeah their childhood wasn't full of them cowering from their dad who beats them daily for kicks#but i don't know how anybody can watch s1 and firmly say that john would never even dreamt of decking one of his boys for mouthing off#the way sam and dean speak about their father is incredibly similar to all the men i've known who were hit by their dads#but who don't see it as abuse but as something that made them behave properly#the spn reddit is weirdly huge on minimizing john's abuse and it's soo uncomfy#because the emotional abuse was pretty severe and clearly traumatic to both boys#and the way fans who interpret physical abuse as having occurred are put down as just having read to much fanfic#or wanting to make john a monster with zero textual support#is fucked to me#like look at the show#look at the way john interacts with sam when they argue#look at the way the boys argue with each other#look at the way dean argues with other people#spn#anti john winchester#john winchester's a+ parenting
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umilily · 3 months
i really am the definition of wasted potential.
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
i make this post like once a month at this point but it very much does bug me how "getting healthy" is framed as lifestyle choices that are both inaccessible to a large number of people for various reasons as well as simply physical impossibilities for another large number of people for more various reasons
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fastlane-freedom · 9 months
Master Your Finances: 10 Proven Strategies for Financial Freedom
Financial success is a dream that many people aspire to achieve. Whether it’s the desire to retire comfortably, provide for your family, or simply enjoy a worry-free life, mastering your finances is essential. But achieving financial freedom is not a matter of luck; it requires careful planning, discipline, and the implementation of proven strategies. In this blog, we will explore ten strategies…
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this-should-do · 11 months
#genuinely think if i dont get therapy and medical transition soon i might actually kill myself#life is too fucking much and i cant take this shit anymore#its unfair that i got unlucky in the genetic draw and got sruck with the stupidest most feminine body in the world#and that being fat when i live the exact same lifestyle as thin people makes kt easier to tell that im born female#and that even if i do all the working out in the world its not gonan fucking chnage the way my body looks and manages its distribution#and that i have the face and mouth of every single fat comedy side character or fat villain#and that ive lived my whole life hearing about how pretty and wonderful i look and how i look like my grandmother#and that im short and have almost all my weight below my torso so i look like the worlds largest pear#and that i have a naturally soft demeanor that offsets every ounce of effort i pht into my looks to be more masc#and that i dont want to dress in baggy or sporty clothes and i dont have the budget to purchase those things even if i got desperate#or that i get overheated too easily to use layers and that i cant mentally handle being overheated#and its not fair that i cant for the life of me get my voice to cknsistantly be lower so i sound more maaculine#its not fucking fair#i cant fucking do this anymore#but im so fucking stuck reliant on ym fucking parents for mo ey that ill never get the help i need#and working as a teacher will never result in the money itll take to get the help i need#and it feels like even if i could get transition when i get a job itll be too risky with clowns like desantis#SPECIALLY as a teacher#i cant fucking look into a fucking mirror without wanting to cry and take a knife to every slab of meat that i ditn want on my body#and every day that im home im sruck hiding in my room so that i dont risk running inti my moyher and making her angry by existing#and having to affirm to her that im her little girl and be called by a name that isnt mine and pronouns that make me want to stab my ears#and be told by her that i just think im trans becuz im traumatized and dont want peole to think im attractive so they wont try to get close#to me becuz they wont know what i am when i dont even want to have sex and she says im just making that up to#my mental health is in shambles and has been for fucking months and its only getting worse#i want out#i want out so fucking bad#im tired of being jealous of my own fucking shadow becuz it looks like more of a man to me
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tardis--dreams · 1 year
What I always fail to consider when I create my absolutely realistic to-do lists and plans is the fact that I'm just. So so tired
#either i am a giant cry baby or there is something wrong with me#(in this house we ignore chronic lack of sleep and other unhealthy lifestyle decisions and questionable dietary choices and habits#that has absolutely nothing to do with my feeling of utter exhaustion#this feeling of malaise is completely beyond my control#no but fr i think i would feel 90% better had i slept 1 more hour last night#idk how i survived the first 3 months of this year where i was getting 3 hours on average#i had at least 4.5 hours last night and i feel like dying lmao#had to lie back down this morning after finishing my preparation for the seminar and doing some yoga because i felt like passing out#but i went to class and it was actually okay today and i didn't faint and i even contributed something#amazing#(i mean we were forced to say something but i did say more than the bare minimum so i think that's an absolute win)#uh anyway i need to work for 2 hours and then study korean and do my homework and realistically that's gonna take 4 hours at least#and i need to prepare for my seminar on Thursday which realistically also takes at least 4-5 hours because I'm so fucking slow#and technically i need to work and catch up with my other 2 courses which would require 2 hours a day#and i need to write my stupid term paper from last semester but i haven't even found a topic yet and i need to prepare my stupid#presentation for one seminar and then start working on the term paper for that as well and then start working on the term paper for my#other seminar and then#I'm just way too overwhelmed lol- idk how people manage life. i feel like a rotten corpse all the time and don't even do anything#i need to clean and do laundry and take out the trash and do the dishes and do laundry and write emails and#i just wanna sleep ahahah#ok I'll stop complaining now. I know how much other people do all the time and my workload is nothing in comparison.#i just like to be dramatic#void screams
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lilly-white · 2 years
this is the first true mandatory weekend I made myself take, away from the computer like 90% of the time, and i swear how fucked in the head do you have to be to not trust yourself like this, like...... i feel like my boss (me) is holding the employee (also me) at gunpoint like “YES. STAY IN THE GODDAMN GARDEN DOING YOUR GODDAMN GARDENING. DON’T OPEN YOUR PRO GMAIL BITCH. DON’T DO IT. DO NOT SHOEHORN IN “A LITTLE BIT OF WORK”. NO!!!!” and the Employee-me is twitching at that Gmail icon on her phone like an alcoholic looking at a bottle of whiskey
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naomiosakas · 2 years
Hey. Different anon, but about the guy in Iga’s box. He’s from img right? Do you know if she’s going to sign with them? I’m so excited for the prospect of Iga getting proper reps and management
hey, sorry, I couldn't answer earlier and then I got distracted by roger's retirement :/
yes, that was jules mercier from img I believe, im not sure if she's going to sign with them tho; but if she does so, it is the right moment
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dgtcreative2024 · 21 days
At the point when a Very rich person chooses to show you HOW TO Bring in Cash! "Quit LOOKIN
At the point when I clear up for individuals that it is important to look for our own way with our own assets, they let me know that what I'm talking about doesn't matter to everybody that not every person can be autonomous or business people. What is odd different is that what they are doing doesn't check out, depending exclusively on work hunting, fundamentally, on the grounds that as far as anyone knows they have no other decision, I find it extremely dangerous to have just a single kind of revenue.
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