#hugging and kissing strangers to heal them
remma-demma · 1 year
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Selene is 10x more sociable than N’eph
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montimer · 2 months
Deadpool x reader
Gn!reader,him gaining a crush on ya
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He tries not to believe it. Is there even a scenario where you would love him back?
He tries his best to push these feelings away. But he just can't help it, i mean why you gotta be so beautiful and kind to him and your voice, gosh- but the more he tries getting his mind off you the more it hurts. Especially if he goes to drink at a bar and gets so drunk he ends up with someone next to him in the morning.
So instead he lets his obsession grew.
Oh you're shopping? He just happens to be there too! Don't question it, he'll start yapping and drags you with himself.
He invites you over more than usual. You wanna watch a movie? Play games? If he wins he gets a kiss- whoa what,who said that?
He'll wanna have sleepovers. Throw pillow fights and no he won't sleep on the floor, make some space for him. Incase you don't tell him to sleep on the couch he'll totally not creepily stare at you as you sleep. Sure he'll fall asleep,,eventually.
He gives you tiny hints that he loves you. But of course you won't really catch them, after all he acts freaky with everyone.
And by flirting i mean, putting a hand around your shoulder. Telling you that you are gorgeous and calling you nicknames. Showing you a heart with his hands and so much more.
If you let him he would love to hug you every now and then. Tho his hugs get longer and longer the more you let him closer to you.
Speaking of which, he'll let you see his face and know more about his past only after a longer time.
But even then, when he took off his mask and expected a disgusted look or a mean comment, you just smiled at him and reassured that he is beautiful inside and out. Can you be any more charming? He just fall head over heals all over again.
You laugh at his jokes and think hes cool? He is wordless.
He will try to kiss you through his mask and will do it if you don't push him away. "Smooch me!"
Sometimes he stares at you with out noticing.
His room is full of stuff that you gifted to him and photos of you (where he got it? Oh don't worry about it..)
And if you happen to be a hero/etc, he will have a plush and other merch of you around.
He'll even give you a mini version of himself. To keep you safe he says.
He loves to be around you and is overly affectionate.
He squishez his eyes into a smile upon seeing you. He'll wave at you and everything.
He'll draw you silly pictures (mostly the two of you holding hands and being lovey-dovey)
He also leaves you flowers.
If you say nice things to him it'll blow his mind. By nice i mean stuff like "You are cute!" Or "You're the best!". Yeah you really think so? His heart feels like its beating stronger.
He speaks before thinking rather often. He lets his stranger thoughts out. Such thoughts like "You're so hot". He stares wide eyed at you after. Then comes the awkward laugh, just laugh with him please.
Anyways get used to it cuz he'll make your life a living hell, or maybe heaven?
He would ask you to move into an apartment with him, and he won't stop asking that question. Wouldn't it be less lonely and more fun to have a roommate?
He just can't come up with a way to confess..maybe the job will do it itself? No Yes,yes it will Wade don't worry.
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wolvietxt · 2 months
💭 thinking about …
𝖽𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗉𝗈𝗈𝗅 𝗌𝖿𝗐 𝖺𝗅𝗉𝗁𝖺𝖻𝖾𝗍!
pairing : deadpool x reader  warnings : groping (receiving from wade), yukio :3, mentions of reader being shorter than wade wc : 1.6k a/n : unedited, and i skipped out a few letters near the end😭
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𝓐 = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
very very affectionate! all over you, 24/7, whether it be hugs or kisses. he’s super affectionate to pretty much everyone, whether it’s reciprocated or not, so with a partner, i think things would be 10 times worse (for the better) 💞
𝓑 = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
pff you definitely went from friends to lovers! your landlord had dropped by to tell you that you had a new neighbour opposite you. you were very excited, and before you could even go over and say hello, he was already on your doorstep, box of cookies in hand. he told you his friend yukio made them. you invited him in, and soon became best buds pretty quick! he’s an extremely supportive friend, and while he can’t be there for you all of the time (because of missions and saving your entire timeline and stuff), he tries as hard as he can to! he’s an instant pick-me-up, his humour’s extremely comforting.
𝓒 = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
absolute lovebug! he’s all over you, and prefers that when he's in your presence he has at least a hand somewhere on you. he’s always creeping up on you, only to wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on the top of your head. you can expect a hand to be creeping up your shirt as he does so😭
𝓓 = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
settling down isn’t really on his mind at the moment, and he doesn’t expect that it’s on yours. if you ever mentioned it however, he’d be happy to hear you out! you practically live together as it is, so he’s all for you officially moving in! he’s surprisingly a pretty good cook, peter seems to have taught him a few things over time! as for cleaning, he’s not terrible, but he really fucking hates it, so it’s usually blind al who takes up most of the cleaning responsibilities in their apartment.
𝓔 = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
he’d probably be breaking up with you if you got hurt because of him, or if he fears he may be putting you in danger :( he’d just be gone when you woke up the next morning, with no warning or any way of reaching him afterward
𝓕 = fiancé(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
not a stranger to commitment, and not opposed to it in the slightest! the thought of marriage isn’t really on his mind, he’s satisfied with you as his girlfriend. it’s not like he doesn’t want to get married, but he can’t wrap his head around why. the only thing that would change is he’d be able to call you his wife (which he does anyways)😭 but if you wanted to get married he’d be happy to comply!! 
𝓖 = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
very very gentle physically! once he’s fully grasped the fact that your injuries do not heal within seconds, he treats you like you could break at any moment😭 emotionally… he’s working on it. sometimes his constant joking was at your expense, and occasionally hurt your feelings more than you’d like to admit :( but!! he’s learning to read the room, and he’s getting much better at it!
𝓗 = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
loooves hugs so much. you’re lucky you feel the same way because it would be horrible living with him if you didn’t😭he’s hugging you as much as he possibly can!! he thinks he has some kinda curse so he tells you he can only get any sleep if you’re nestled into his chest and his arms are wrapped tightly around your frame. he will always greet you with a hug before anything else!! he gives really good hugs too :3
𝓘 = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
he’s saying he loves you from your first day together! you’re walking back to your apartments after a cute day out and he casually blurts, ‘bye, love you!’ he looks embarrassed after, but it soon becomes an inside joke, and something he says to you regularly throughout your friendship! it was only until he whispered into your ear one lazy morning, ‘i’m in love with you’ did you realise the gravity of what he felt for you💞
𝓙 = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
doesn’t get jealous quick, but when he does it’s bad for whoever else is involved😭they are definitely being threatened by him!! his instincts are usually pretty good when it comes to stuff like that but yours are totally not. you can’t tell the difference to save your life between flirting and a good natured conversation, so his protectiveness can come in handy for you sometimes.
𝓚 = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
he kisses anywhere and everywhere on you :3 very often too! hmm i think he really likes it when you kiss him all over his face, although he probably won’t admit it.
𝓛 = little ones (how are they around children?)
very good around kids! he’s not usually the most patient man, but around kids it’s a whole other story!
𝓜 = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
mornings are spent waking up late because you were both up well into the early hours of the morning doing whatever you were doing. mornings are spent groggily showering together as he yaps on and on about god knows what. mornings are spent eating yesterday’s leftovers for breakfast as you giggle over whatever absurd story he’s telling you💞
𝓝 = night (how are nights spent with them?)
nights are spent cuddled up on the sofa mumbling incoherent sentences into his chest as you’re straddling him, while he’s bingeing his favourite show. you wanna sleep so bad, and he’s not stopping you, but you would much rather fall asleep nestled into him than alone in bed! plus, you love when he moves you around while you sleep :3
𝓞 = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he’s very open right from the get go! but it’s harder to teach him to take things seriously :( he jokes about a lot of the things that he goes through, you presume as a coping method, but it’s really not healthy. he’s open to changing though, and slowly does after spending more time with you!!
𝓟 = patience (how easily angered are they?)
his patience is typically very short with most people (the exception being you, kids, and yukio :3) and it doesn’t look like that’s gonna be changing anytime soon😭
𝓠 = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he tries so very hard but m’afraid he’s just not the best at it😭but that’s okay!! he has other strong suits! he remembers the very important things, but he could use some work remembering the little things too :) 
𝓡 = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
hmm i don’t think he really has a standout moment but if he had to pick one, he’d probably say when you said you loved him for the first time :3
𝓢 = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
sooo protective! he feels that you’re so fragile compared to him anyways, so he’d do his absolute best to protect you in every aspect he can! hmm as for you protecting him.. i think he’d like if you ever made an outward show of affection toward him when someone else was hitting on him in his suit. he finds it super hot :3
𝓣 = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he tries very very hard! sometimes the result of whatever he’s doing doesn’t exactly reflect that, that’s okay!! it’s the thought that counts! 
𝓤 = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
his self-deprecating jokes :(
𝓥 = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
unfortunately he’s really quite insecure about them, it breaks your heart to see that he can’t see himself the way you see him :(
𝓦 = whole (would they feel whole without you?)
no no no not at all! misses you so much when you’re away, even if it’s just for a short while, even when it’s just a day or two, your phone is always blowing up with his messages, he’s constantly checking on you, asking if you’re okay, when you’ll be free to call! it’s so comforting to know that there’s someone out there who cares for you as much as wade does.
𝓩 = zzz (what is a sleep habits of theirs?)
he is a very very active sleeper!! you can expect to be kicked in the night😭and probably hear him whispering something random as he’s rolling over, taking you with him. his dreams are so insane, you wouldn’t believe him if he wasn’t basically acting them out as he slept😭
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borathae · 2 months
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"Jimin has a hard time accepting that people don't want to hurt him. Something about you makes him ease up however and because of it, he asks you to cut his hair. You help him gladly of course."
Pairing: Jimin x f.Reader
Genre: slight Angst, Fluff, Hurt and Comfort
Warnings: Jimin has trauma, he's scared but she makes him feel at ease, like please give this man a hug, innocent skinship, also they're just friends currently but idkkk there is so much tension between them, god i'm going insane actually
Wordcount: 2.6k
a/n: i'm actually so sad :( also listen. the hug was inspired by the way Jimin hugs :( i fucking want a Mimi Hug no JOKE </3
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You are in the back garden, pruning the roses when someone suddenly steals the sunlight from you. It had once warmed your skin. The air feels chilly in the shadows all of a sudden.
You stop working, lifting your eyes at the person.
Jimin. Dressed in a long arm shirt and flowy pants, he walked through the grass barefoot and with his long hair tied back. The fabric of his shirt is striped in black and white. He is hiding his eyes behind a pair of dark sunglasses. 
“You’re in my sun”, you tease.
“The sun doesn’t belong to you”, he throws backs sassily.
“I’d still prefer it if I had sunlight.”
“Too bad. I’m here now.”
You scoff in amusement, straightening up by rolling your shoulders. Such bickering is normal between you and him and amuses you these days.
“Do you wanna help me?” you offer him your second pair of pruning scissors, which he declines with a shake of his head.
“I have a, uh, favour to ask of you.”
You are working on the rose as you talk to him. He watches your movements with his eyes just slightly zoned out. 
“What’s up?” 
“Okay so, don’t laugh at me, but I talked to Tae and he said that you’re really good at cutting hair.”
“Yeah, I am. Nobody in this family wants to trust me, but I’m so good at cutting hair, like so good.”
He scoffs in amusement, reaching out to play with a rose leaf mindlessly.
“Sure you are.”
“Mh-hm, I am. Why did you ask him?”
“It’s just, I was wondering, uh, if maybe you want to do my hair.”
You stop working, studying him in surprise. You didn’t expect such a request.
“Your hair?” you make sure
Jimin nods his head. 
“Sure, uh, yeah I can. Just...why me?”
“Because you’re good, I already told you. And because Tae can’t cut hair. He thinks that he can, but he is shit at it. Don’t tell him I said that.”
“I’m not better than a professional though. Wouldn’t a stylist be better than me?”
“No, uhm.” He shies away, touching his own neck in soothing. “I’m not ready to, uhm. It’s hard for me to have strangers touch me. I, I don’t know them and, and I… uhm, they could hurt me. Uhm, it’s hard, I guess.”
“Oh”, you realise, “gosh Jimin, I’m sorry that you feel this way. I understand your feelings and I’ll gladly cut your hair.”
“Thank you”, he whispers, “see you later then. In my wing. Bye.” 
And with that, he flees, keeping his head low in embarrassment. You know that it wasn’t easy for him to share his feelings right now. He is a lot like Yoongi in that regard. Although Jimin is definitely that way because he was never truly allowed to feel. In more sense than one. Not only was he forced to keep his emotions off, he was also punished for any show of emotion which didn’t benefit his abusers. Sharing his feelings equalled being hurt to him in his past. So of course he fled the second he did it. You are still so proud of him for sharing his feelings. It means that he is healing. 
You finish garden work and take a quick shower. Knowing Jimin, he meant the evening hours when he said “later” so you don’t feel too stressed about going to him. 
After the shower, you have early dinner with Yoongi and Jungkook where you tell them that you will cut Jimin’s hair later and they show their expected surprise. When you tell them his reasons however, they react with empathy. They leave for a hunt after dinner, needing their own vampiric meals. You kiss each of them on their lips and wish them a good hunt, then you make your way upstairs to Jimin’s wing. 
He always keeps his doors locked because he feels safer this way, resulting in you having to ring his doorbell.
All of you have doorbells installed, which makes it a lot easier to visit each other. It was Taehyung’s idea and Yoongi had to be the one to install them. He did it gladly, gloating about how easy it was once it was done.
Jimin opens the door after the first ring. He is in different clothes and judging by the slight pearls of sweat on his forehead, he has been dancing. 
“Is it a good time?” you ask him.
“Yes. Come in.”
You step out of your house shoes once inside, while Jimin locks the door.
“Were you dancing?”
“That’s nice. How’s the studio?”
“Good. I love the natural light in it.”
“It’s already dark though.”
“For you, yes. Not for me. The moonlight is better than sunlight”, he says and hurries past you, “wait in the living room. I need to shower.”
“Alright, will do.”
Jimin’s living room was once a guest bedroom. The one you stayed in during your first night at the estate to be more exact. Yes, That Night where Taehyung had actually planned on eating you before you, unknowingly, managed to change his mind. 
The room once smelled of oakwood and myrrh, but smells like orange blossoms and clean wood these days. The walls changed out of their outdated grey coat into a cherry red dress. White ceilings and a decorated voute seem to practically glow next to the red and the ivory curtains give even more lightness to the otherwise warm-coloured room. The furniture is antique, but in perfect condition and throughout the room, Jimin placed vases with fresh flowers. He isn’t afraid to show his sensitive side these days. It reflects in how delicate the decorations in his wing feel.
You lie down on his sofa. Its red pillows swaddle you, inviting you to close your eyes for a while. It is so comfortable here. 
You probably would have dozed off for a post-dinner nap if Jimin hadn’t woken you again. His steps are quiet normally, but the floorboards creaked under his weight as he walked to you.
You sit up, “I’m awake.”
“Sure”, Jimin says sarcastically, eyeing the deep dent you left in his throw pillow, “just so you know, that pillow is a hundred years old and the stitching is delicate.”
“Huh? Hm?” You look at the pillow, smoothing it out. “Sorry. Nothing happened, I swear.”
“Don’t sweat it. Can we start? I wanna get it over with”, he says and leaves the room again.
With a grieving heart – a nap sounded so good – you leave the comfortable couch to follow him. 
You find him in his bathroom, sitting by the powder table in only his towel. The silver scar on his back contrasts against his black tattoos. He is tracing the entrance point of the scar on his chest mindlessly, but lifts his eyes when he senses your presence. His hand lowers, the self-disgust disappearing from his eyes. He shifts in embarrassment, clearing his throat.
Knowing him, he wants you to ignore his scar. He can’t stand it when people mention it. It is already awful enough that he has to look at it each time he undresses. 
“Anything in particular you wanna get?” you ask him as you close in on him.
“Just shave it there and give it texture on top”, Jimin says, lifting up his hair to show you his neck.
“So undercut with some length on top?”
“Yeah. It’s hot and I need air.”
“Right? It’s so hot lately. This summer is insane”, you agree, picking up the shaver, “should we go with the setting you have on?” 
“Yes. But make sure the fade is good.”
“I will, don’t worry. Is it okay for me to touch you?” 
Jimin glances at you. Surprise and gratefulness. He can’t keep up eye contact, lowering his eyes at the table as he nods his head. 
With his consent, you touch his hair. You run your fingers through it, eyeing his hands. They ball to fists at the first contact, tightening with such strength that his knuckles pale. He is scared.
“Did you practice choreography?” you ask him in hopes of distracting him.
“No I.” He clears his tightened throat. “I guess I just danced.”
“That’s nice too. I’ll shave it to up there. Is that alright?”
Jimin inspects the point you show him and nods his head. You pick up the shaver and turn it on. Jimin moves his head away when you put it close to him, flinches and moves back again.
“Sorry”, he whispers, glancing at you in embarrassment.
“Don’t apologise. Did you change your mind?” 
“Alright. Want a break?”
He shakes his head silently.
“Alright. Just tell me if you need it”, you say and put the shaver against his neck.
Jimin is tense during the first couple of shaves, but relaxes soon when his traumatized mind realizes that you genuinely don’t want him harm. He even opens his fists and begins playing with his bracelets mindlessly. Only around his ears, a certain stiffness returns to him and his eyes ghost over the shaver fearfully. 
So you give him a break, soothing him by tracing his ears softly. 
“Gotta clean you up”, you tell him even though both of you know that this was just an excuse to mask the gesture of comfort you give him. If you didn’t mask it, Jimin would get way too embarrassed however. 
He is tense at first. His eyes switch between your hands, your face and the shaver you put aside. 
You reach the spot right behind his ear where the harder point of his shell blends into the softness of his lobe. You rub it slowly. Jimin’s lids flutter, his head sways back just once before he fixes it again.
Another rub of the same spot and Jimin’s head rolls back again, lids closing halfway as goosebumps cover his skin. Yet another rub and he breathes so deeply that his chest lifts and sinks visibly, eyes closing for just a second before he forces them open again.
He straightens up, glancing at you in embarrassment. You act oblivious for his sake, giving his shoulders an innocent rub.
“There we go. Now you’re clean. I’ll continue.”
“Yeah. Okay”, he whispers, staring at you in the reflection of the mirror. He can’t truly make sense of the emotions in his chest and what they mean. He also can’t stop them and so he stares.
Jimin doesn’t flinch away anymore when the shaver touches him. You can finish the shaving without any more obstacles. He even stays calm when you shave him around his other ear. Only for a split second his neck tensed up, but relaxed within a breath because he felt safe more than he does troubled in your presence. 
You place the shaver on the table and use a fluffy brush to sweep away any stray hair. The sensation sends shivers down his spine. He tries to cover them up as best as possible.
“Do you like the fade?” 
“Yes. It’s, uhm, it’s what I wanted”, he speaks quietly, looking at himself with sparkling eyes. He doesn’t even notice that he is gazing, too mesmerised his new look has him. 
“Nice. That’s good to hear. I’ll just do the texturing and then you’re done.”
“Yes. Thank you.”
His words are honest, bringing a smile to your lips.
“Of course.” You pick up the scissors, showing them to him. “I’ll use these.”
You give him time to observe the potential danger. He nods his head in consent. You begin. He doesn’t tense because you gave him the opportunity to prepare. 
“Your hair is fun to work with. You’ve got so much of it.”
“Thanks. It’s hot during summer.”
“I can imagine. Should I take some length too?”
“Yes, please.”
You can finish the cut with no obstacles, moving on to the last step instantly. You clean him and then style him with a light mousse. He lets you with gratefulness in his eyes. Truly, he can’t stop looking at you. It is as if something about you has him captured. You don’t notice his eyes on you because you take your job as his hair stylist way too seriously and are blind to anything but his hair.
“There we go. Now you’re done. How do you like it?” you ask, finally meeting his eyes. For but a moment, your breath hitches. He never looked at you like this before. “Uh..”
Jimin clears his throat and shifts his eyes away. The air is charged between you and him, but neither tries to talk about it.
You take a step back. Jimin looks at himself for a while. His expression is stoic and if you didn’t know him better, you would think that he hates the haircut. In the end however, a small smile hushes over his lips and he nods his head.
“I like it.” 
You smile proudly.
“I’m happy to hear that.”
He shimmies on the chair awkwardly, touching his new undercut.
“You can, uhm, leave now if you want to.”
“How about we clean up and then show Tae your new style?” you suggest because you know he doesn’t actually want you to leave, but thinks that you already want to.
“Yes. Okay.” He turns away to hide the giddy smile. “Do you think we can get him to watch a movie with us?”
“I think that he’ll be the one to suggest it.”
Jimin laughs. You laugh with him.
“Yeah, that actually sounds like him”, he agrees. 
“I bet he wants to watch one of his boring French movies.”
“They’re not boring, you just have no taste.”
You laugh, “no I do. His movies are like five hours long. That’s way too long.” 
“Don’t tell him that.”
“Oh honey, I do. He knows and teases me for it.” 
You and Jimin share laughter. Your eyes meet. The tension in the air is almost suffocating.
His smile drops. 
You stop laughing, feeling tight in your chest for but a second, “what’s wrong?” 
Jimin stands up and turns to you so he can close the distance.
You instinctively take a step back, but Jimin still pulls you close.
He hugs you. 
Jimin hugs as if he is overcome with adoration. Jimin hugs as if he needed the other for his survival. Jimin hugs as if he thanks the universe for the other’s presence. He doesn’t hug often, but when he does, it is spilling over with his honest adoration.
You didn’t expect it right now, but can’t deny that it melts you. He has one arm around your waist strongly and cradles the back of your head with his other hand, while his cheek rests on your shoulder with his face hidden in your neck. You can even see from the reflection in the mirror that he has his eyes closed. He hugs just like him. With his entire heart and soul. 
You hug him back with just as much tenderness, rubbing his back slowly. Goosebumps follow your touch. He melts into your embrace. 
“What’s that for?” you ask him quietly.
You chuckle, “do you like it that much?”
He nods his head and gives you a squeeze.
“Thank you”, he whispers. 
You know that he doesn’t only speak of the haircut. That he thanks you for giving him the space and time he needed to realise that the haircut won’t end in pain for him. You smile fondly, squeezing him back.
“Of course. You can always come to me for help.”
“I will.” He holds you so close and breathes your name. Nothing else follows. Just your name. Said with just as much heart and soul as his hug carries.
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gay-dorito-dust · 15 days
I have been thinking about this for a while
Reader that got sucked into the portal came back, stanley is overjoyed and is slowly healing from the guilt, ford and the others are very happy for them...
If weirdmageddon still happen and stanley has to lose his memory to defeat bill, how would reader react?
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You knew it needed to be done but that didn’t make it hurt less to see the man you loved, the man you had spend thirty unfair years away from, look at you like a stranger as you pulled away from the one sided hug.
‘Stanley.’ You whispered in hopes that it would elicit some familiarity within him, but nothing his eyes were still confused and dazed as they were five minutes ago, which only proved in breaking your heart further as a broken sob broke from your lips as you burrowed your face into his shoulder. Stanley didn’t know who you were or what you were to him but he couldn’t let someone as gorgeous/handsome as you cry into his shoulder without at least trying to give you comfort by awkwardly patting you on the back.
‘His mind has been completely wiped y/n.’ Ford began as he could feel his own heart break at the sight of two lovers who were separated unfairly, brought back together, only to be separated once again by means of memory wiping one of them to save an entire town. He couldn’t imagine what you were going through as you had only came back from the portal not even a couple of days ago, it wasn’t fair on you and he knew it but before making the deal with Bill, Stanley made Ford promise to look after you and the twins should anything happen to him during the whole ordeal.
‘He doesn’t remember us…’ he then trailed off as it seemed that his words only made you tighten your grasp on Stanley, who’s tightened in return as he glared as his twin brother, though that major fact was lost on him, as to Stanley he might as week be falling at his own mirrored reflection more so then an actual relative.
‘Hey! Stop making the pretty person cry harder than they already are!’ Stan barks as he rubs his hand up and down your back before his face softens as he whispers to you, ‘someone as pretty as you shouldn’t cry for no one.’ This only made you sob even harder as this was one of the very first things that Stanley ever said to you after your breakup with your douche of an ex. It was also the first time you knew that this man would become incredibly special to you, even if he did do stuff that annoyed you, but you couldn’t help but love Stanley for who he was; a loveable man with a big heart forced to mask it thanks in due to his crappy fathers influence.
You didn’t know if you’d ever get your Stanley back, the Stanley that whenever you were annoyed with him would kiss your face until you smiled, the Stanley that would swipe money form people with deep pockets just to spoil you with it later for an impromptu date night, the Stanley you loved even when he had a mullet and looking good with it too; However you were determined to get him back in any means possible, you didn’t want to go through the remainder of your life without him ever again, you already did that and it was the most horrible thing you’ve experienced.
Sure the portal and the multiverse you’ve traveled and became notoriously wanted in -Stanley would be proud- has hardened you but one thing remained true, Stanley was your weakness, your Achilles heel as he was your soulmate through and through. So if there was anyway to getting his memories back you’d do it no matter what, no matter how long it took because all you wanted was your Stanley back, and you will get him back.
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a-sip-of-milo · 1 year
Need a reason to live?
Recently, I made four polls with eleven reasons to live in each. Most of those reasons were given to me by people who have also been suicidal in the past, and I decided to compile them into one long list (plus some) for anyone who needs it to come back to when they're out of reasons to keep going.
⚠️ Disclaimer: Please do not turn this into one of those "ALWAYS REBLOG IF YOU SEE" posts. Thank you. ⚠️
Your furry companion(s) (this means pets and friends who are furries <3)
Your friends
Your family
Those who look up to you
To reconnect with someone you haven't seen in a while
Your headmates (specific to those who are apart of systems)
There's someone who isn't around anymore who would want you to keep going
To eventually be a mentor to someone
To make sure your animals never have to sleep alone
To fall in love
Your partner
To meet your online friends/mutuals
To tell your mentor/the people who raised you with kindness that you made it
To see someone close to you through their final days
To make it big enough to eventually provide for those you care about
Your FP (personality disorder specific)
Group photos with your (found) family and friends
To help your friends do the same
The friends you've yet to meet
A promise you made to someone special
Acts of kindness
To be there when someone needs you
To see someone smile because of you
To make a stranger's day a little brighter
To hand out compliments to those who need it
To make the world a little bit better before you go
To treat the people around you the way you wish you'd been treated
To be the one person in someone's life who is there unconditionally.
To help someone you love to quit an addiction
To do charitable deeds
Hugs from someone you trust
Kisses from a partner, close friend or pet
Cuddles when it's cold/lonely
To laugh until your stomach hurts
Forehead touches
To hold someone so tight that they're wheezing
Doting on people when they're feeling down
To make the people around you laugh
That new game/movie/show/book/album/etc. that you’ve been waiting for
Telling everyone and anyone who will listen about your special interest/hyperfixations
To share creations that aren't appreciated enough
To save up for something that would make life more bearable
To finally complete a collection
Projects would be left unfinished
To travel
To complete a project you've been working on for a long period of time
Projects you've yet to come up with
To start participating in special interests you've had to put on hold
To laugh at the creations you made when you were younger and less experienced
Those who consume your work would never get to see another creation of yours
Spite (because I think spite deserves Its own section:))
To stick it to your abusers
To prove your younger self wrong
To prove the people around you wrong
To prove your younger self right
To prove the people around you right
To spit on the grave of someone who hurt you
As a big 'fuck you' to the world and everyone in it who tried to silence you
To outlive your enemies
To do something that you've never been allowed to do (get a piercing, tattoo, cut or dye your hair, etc.)
To show off your success to the people who doubted you
To make sure whoever hurt you doesn't win
You've got a milestone of some kind that you'd like to reach before you go
To see your (future) children reach a milestone of their own
To see a birthday you never thought you'd make it to
To graduate from school
To see your wounds from self-harm heal
To experience old age
To get married
To recover from your eating disorder
To experience independence
To start/complete your transition
To go on your first date
To get your first job
To adopt a child and give them the life that they deserve
To rescue a pet and give them a home
To purchase your first car
To rent/purchase your first house/apartment
To have your first child
To lose your virginity
To experience the joy of knowing you escaped/got through a bad situation
To eventually publish your own book/art piece/etc.
To finally get diagnosed with something important
So if nothing else, you can still say you survived
You have a bucket list you'd like to complete
To live because you want to, not because others want you to
Comfort drinks with someone you love
You wrote a letter to yourself that you can't open until a certain date/birthday
Those rare and valuable pieces of media with good representation of a minority/marginalised group.
To read through past conversations with people and cringe/laugh/cry.
All the different foods you've yet to try
To see the world become more accommodating to those who need it
To watch the seasons change
To celebrate the holidays
For those days where you do feel okay, perhaps even good
To eventually replace the stuff in your closet with things that represent who you are now
To read back on journals and diaries you made when you were younger
If you are not in a place where any of these help, that's more than okay as well. It will be here if and when you ever need it. Being suicidal can be extremely lonely and scary and we all deal with it in different ways.
If you have your own reason and you feel comfortable sharing it with me, let me know via asks or DM and it will be added as soon as I can 💞
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aemondapologistfrfr · 1 month
Command Me 2/2
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knight!benji blackwood x strong!fem!reader
Part One
Summary: The following days after Brandon’s death your emotions are all over the place. You make a confession and a plea to Benji who will do anything to see you happy. 
Warnings: 18+ mentions of death and murder, swearing, oral(f receiving), fingering, p in v, breeding kink, preg!reader for a bit but no birth scene, face riding, nipple play, smutty and sweet, time jumps bc i can, 2% angsty in the beginning 
Authors Note: finishing up @chainsawsangel request, they deserve a happy ending fr
Word Count: 3.1k
Two days after Brandon’s death
I sit in my chambers with Benji at my side and my mother in front of me silently talking to me. I nod my head not taking in any of her words as Jace eyes me from the hearth. Benji rests his hand on mine and I look down and smile up to him. I turn my head back to my mother as I feel a tear slip down my cheek. 
“My sweet girl.” she coos pulling me into a hug. I don’t even know why I’m so emotional. I asked Benji to do this and I loathed Brandon. I’m just never good when it comes to dealing with The Stranger. My mother rocks me as I let my tears flow and I sniffle and sit back. 
“The silent sisters said he’s ready to be buried.” Jace speaks up and I see him looking over me and Benji. “I don’t see why you insist on waiting and letting his body sit.” 
“We all mourn in our own ways.” Benji says from my side. 
“Mm, the ever faithful protector. Where were you when this happened then?” Jace walks over to the chairs. 
“Outside of my chambers. He’s sworn to me.” I say through my teeth. 
“That’s enough.” our mother stands. “His funeral will be held tomorrow and then we can begin to heal and move forward. Jace, come.” she nods her head along with her to the door. 
I relax back into the couch curling up within myself as Benjis hand grabs mine. I sigh and pull my hand away wrapping it around my legs. My feelings are everywhere right now and everyone is expecting me to act a certain way and I’m just feeling overwhelmed. 
“What’s wrong?” his words hushed as I turn to him and take in his furrowed brow. 
“I think I need to be alone.” I nod my head to him and he offers me a sad smile before slipping out of my chambers. 
I rush to my wardrobe and start sliding on my riding gear. I pull my boots on and I’m in the tunnels in an instant. I can’t stand to be in this castle a second longer. I race down the stairs and slip out the side of the Keep closest to the pits. From there I stitch my way through the city streets avoiding the guards. Relief pours through me as I start up the incline. I hear my dragons distinct rumbling and he’s coming up from the pits by the time I step foot in the dome. 
“Let’s disappear for a while.” I hum patting his snout. I begin to mount and as I secure my last clip Benji runs through the doors. 
“Princess wait, please,” he reaches up to me and my dragon jogs past him and shoots us into the sky. 
We cast a shadow over the city and my dragon offers them a fearsome cry. We swoop low to the buildings and then glide over the Blackwater. He drags his claws into the water encasing us in a mist. The sun kisses my face and dries my tears as we continue further from the city. We loop back around and enter the Kings Wood through the back hoping to go unnoticed offering us a couple hours of reprieve. 
My dragon starts a small fire for us before we curl around it. He brings his wing to canopy over me and I look up and admire his scales. I run my fingers against them as he chuffs and coos. We lay in silence and watch the sun start to dip under the trees. I feel a deep grumble come from my dragon and I’m on my feet in seconds. I quickly mount my dragon and we’re in the skies but not before I can see the hurt express across Benjis face. We land on the coast and the only sound is the waves crashing. 
“I killed my husband.” I look up at the moon. 
I kick off my boots and make quick work of the rest of my clothing. My dragon watches me curiously as I begin to step into the Bay. I dip my head under and swim out further. I hear my dragon offer low chuffs as I float near the sands. 
“Get back on this shore.” Benjis voice is muffled by the water in my ears. 
“No.” I sigh as I turn myself to float further away from the shore.
“Then I’m coming out there.” I hear him enter the Bay. His hand wraps around my arm and I look up to him. “What’s wrong, Princess?” he brushes my wet hair off of my face as I continue to float. 
“I’m sullied, I’ve sullied you, I’m a liar, and I’ve killed my husband.” I sigh and dip my head beneath the waves. Benji pulls me up and starts to carry me back to shore as I hold onto him. 
“You didn’t kill him, I did.” he sits us down on the sands. 
“Why did you kill him?” my voice barely audible as I try not to shiver at the breeze against my skin.
“You asked me to.” his eyes slide to mine. 
“Do you remember my wedding night?” I see him ball his fists. “You told me you would kill him in that very moment. Why did you want to?” I tilt my head studying him. 
“I was mad and frustrated with him. He treated you so poorly and kicked you out of his chambers after. He knew-“ he shakes his head sighing. “He knew, as well as everyone else in that castle, that I wanted you, that I still want you. He would tease you in front of me like some toy I could never have, but you’re not a toy. You’re smart and fearless and a bit reckless. You are to be Queen and should be treated as such.” his eyes finally meet my watery ones and I sniffle pulling him towards me. I can’t contain the small gasps that leave my mouth at the cool touch of his metal armor on my bare body. 
“I want to marry you, Benji. You take such good care of me.” I whisper as I burrow into his neck. His hands stay firmly on my waist as his fingers dig in. 
“We can’t.” he shakes his head. “I’m a knight and your sworn protector.” his voice strained as I stretch to unclip his armor. 
“You were a Lord before.” I hum lifting off his chest piece. “Lord Benjicot Blackwood of Raventree Hall. They call you Bloody Ben for all the accomplishments you achieved for my mother.” I take off his last piece while his fingers are still pressed firmly into my hips. 
“Y/n,” his voice wrecked. 
“Wed me, rule with me. Please Benji, I don’t want anyone else.” my hands start to pull up his shirt. 
“People will talk.” he grunts as I start to unlace his trousers. 
“Let them.” I kiss his neck. “Must I beg you to wed me?” I slip my hand beneath his trousers. 
“You will never have to beg me for anything.” his lips crash into mine and his hands finally begin to roam upon my exposed skin. He lays me on my back and places kisses down my torso before dipping his head between my thighs. 
“Benji,” I cry out as he offers me teasing licks. He chuckles against me before lashing at me with his tongue. My head falls back into the sand while whimpers cascade from my mouth. He holds me against his face as my legs begin to shake while coaxing pleasure from my body.  I arch off the sand as the coil snaps and my legs close around him. 
“Gods look at you in the moonlight.” he kisses up my body before capturing my lips. I gasp into his mouth as I feel his fingers slide through my sensitive core. He dips a finger in and chuckles against my mouth. He slips a second finger in and starts a slow lazy pace as I squirm beneath him. 
“Do you like the way I make you feel?” he asks curling his fingers pulling a moan from me. 
“Yes,” I mewl rocking my hips on his fingers. 
“You look so beautiful like this.” he starts to push his finger into me faster and I can’t contain the sounds coming out of me. “Come for me, Princess.” he murmurs into my neck before sinking his teeth into me. 
“Benji fuck,” I cling to him as I pulse around his ever moving fingers. “I need you in me, please,” my nails dig into his back. 
“You really want to marry me?” his voice low as he kneels up to push down his trousers. 
“I do,” I nod my head ignoring my ragged breathing.
“Do you want to have my children?” he slowly strokes himself and I open my legs wider for him. 
“Yes, Benji please,” I reach out to him.
“I’m going to fill you until my seed is seeping out of you and I’ll keep fucking and filling you until you’re swollen.” my body shudders at his words as he spreads my thighs. His tip slides around my wetness before he pushes into me. He rolls his hips into me and moans begin falling from my mouth. 
“So good, Benji fuck,” I whine as I feel my pleasure begin to wash through me. He leans down and kisses me fiercely as he pounds his hips into mine. I cling around him and I feel my stomach start to tighten. His thrusts get sloppier the more high pitched my whines are. He bursts inside me as my toes curl while I contract around him. 
“Taking it all so well,” he rasps as he continues to push his hips into mine. He dips down and licks across my lips. I open my mouth letting his tongue coax small gasps and moans from me. “When these fill with milk I’ll be tempted not to even let you leave our chambers.” he chuckles rolling my nipples. 
“Benji,” I move my hips and he pushes into me deeper. He shushes me as he continues to roll his hips into me. I writhe beneath him as he litters kisses and bites across my chest. I start to feel him harden the more he pumps into me. He brings a finger down to swirl against my bud and I come undone as he begins to start pushing into me. 
“Squeezing me so good.” his fingers dig into my sides as he makes my hips meet his. I wrap my legs around his waist and cry out as his hips snap into me. I feel my high approaching again and Benjis thrusts become more erratic. As he starts to fill me again I come crying out his name. He pulls out and looks down with pleasure glazed eyes. 
“Look at you dipping with my seed.” he slides two fingers around and starts pumping it back into me. My hips jerk at his touch as my legs shake. 
“Benji,” my voice cracks as his tongue licks against my bud. “I’m gunna-“ a cry tears from my throat as I come again with my eyes rolling back. 
“You’re perfect.” he hums laying down in the sand next to me. 
Six months after wedding 
I walk down the main steps of the Keep with Benji hovering around me keeping both hands on me at all times. Once we make it to the bottom I huff and bat his hands away. I should’ve know that since he was overbearing as my sworn protector he would be so much worse as I’m carrying his child. 
“You’re lucky I didn’t carry you down the stairs.” he says bringing a hand to my lower back and holding my arm with the other. 
“Benji I’m not going to break.” I sigh. “I just want to go for a walk around the grounds.” I pout looking up at him. 
“We are going for a walk.” he hums leading me out of the main doors. 
“I don’t need your hands guiding my every step.” I try not to snap. 
“I just want to help you and touch you. My beautiful wife.” he coos sliding a hand to my swollen bump. “Men need to know you’re mine.” his voice low.
“They know I’m yours, husband.” I look up to him and place my hand over his on my stomach. 
“I still see the way men look at you. Makes me want to take you in front of them.” he dips down to my ear. 
“Benji,” I breathe out. 
“Spread these beautiful thighs of yours and lick you until you cry.” his arms pull me closer. “And then-“ 
“Benji, please,” I mewl feeling my wetness pool between my legs. 
“Look at you all worked up.” he chuckles gazing down at me. “You wanted to go on a walk not come, so let’s go.” I follow after him with pink cheeks. I wrap my arm around his as he leads us through the gardens. 
“What else would you do?” I whisper and he turns to me with a smirk. 
“It might be too scandalous for the gardens.” his lips brush against my ear. 
“Tell me.” I whine breathlessly. 
“Let’s go back to our chambers.” I nod tugging him back to the main doors. 
Once we’re sealed in our chambers he starts to unlace my dress before sliding it down my body. He groans kneading the tender flesh of my breasts. I let out soft whimpers as he ghosts across my nipples. He pulls the slip off of me and brings his hands to my bump while pressing his lips against mine. I pull up on his shirt and he pulls it off and is stepping out of his trousers a moment later. I sigh feeling his skin on mine and his hands caressing my body. 
“Benji,” I whine against his lips as his fingers trail over my slit. 
“Yes, Princess?” his fingers spread into my wetness and swirl over my sensitive bud. 
“I’m gunna come,” I cling onto his arms getting lost in him.
“I just started touching you.” he chuckles speeding up his fingers. 
“Benji please,” I whine as my body goes taught coming undone. 
“Someone’s sensitive today.” he purrs backing me to the bed. “Sit on my face.” he lays out on the bed pulling me to him. 
“I’ll suffocate you.” my cheeks heat. 
“Then I’ll die happy. Let’s go.” he helps me straddle his face. He licks a long stripe up my center and my whole body trembles. My legs start to shake as I lean my head back letting the whimpers trickle out. I grind against his face as my pleasure starts to wash through me. He holds me closer as his tongue slips through my wetness before pushing into me. 
“Benji, it’s too much I’m gunna-“ I squeeze my legs around his face as he laps up my release. His tongue continues to lick sending aftershocks through me. He helps me off of him and lays me next to him on my back. 
“I just wanna keep making you come, my beautiful wife.” he kisses against my chest while trailing a hand down to my core. His tongue circles nipple and I squeeze my thighs shut before he can even reach my wetness. He chuckles against my nipple and I melt beneath him. He pulls his other hand up from my thighs and brings it to my neglected breast. He kneads into me softly as I mewl above him. 
“Yes,” I pant breathlessly holding him against me. His teeth graze against my peak while his fingers roll my other and I come undone. 
“I know you can give me more.” he purrs slipping his hand down to my core. 
Four years after wedding
I hold tightly to my daughter who’s clipped against me. My dragon soars through the clouds as she giggles wildly in my arms. Her baby dragon flies next to us crying out. I was absolutely terrified to bring her with on dragon back the first time but my dragon was calm and accommodating. As we land in the pits her dragon comes bounding in stumbling on his lengthy legs. We slide down off the side and I unclip her so she can run over to her dragon hugging him tightly. 
“She may steal your title for youngest dragon rider.” Benji kisses me before pulling me into a hug. 
“Her dragon has grown quite fast.” we look at our daughter playing with her dragon. “Did she show you which one she picked out?” I turn to him with a smile and he shakes his head no.
“Let’s go show daddy which egg you picked out for the babe.” I kneel down holding my arms out for her. She runs into my arms and I scoop her up. 
We travel down the incline and turn into the hot room where they house the clutches. Our daughter wiggles out of my arms before grabbing Benjis hand and dragging him to the back wall. 
“He’s gunna have this red one.” she lays her little palm on the egg. 
“He?” Benji turns to me with a smile. 
“She’s decided she’s having a brother.” I smile rubbing my bump. 
Just under five years after the wedding
“If the family tradition keeps up like this your grandchildren will come out on dragonback.” my mother chuckles next to me bouncing my son on her hip as we watch my daughter fly around the courtyard a couple moons shy of five. 
“Did you hear that his is already spitting fire.” I sigh brushing his hair back. 
“I wouldn’t expect anything else.” she smiles to me. “I’m happy to see you content.” 
“I am.” I smile as Benji scoops up our daughter before jogging over to us. My mother hands off my son to me before sweeping out of the courtyard. 
“My perfect family.” he showers all of us with kisses before pulling us into a hug. 
masterlist 🔌 
i’ve been neglecting the His Wife mini series but this def got the ball rolling again for me 
taglist ✍️ 
@clarityisnofun @callsignwidow @gabriella-aesthetic @llynx7 @violetiss3lfish @ka1afbr @akiko-oo @papichulo120627 @lizzylovebooks280501 @thatgirl101blog @ashovertheriver @zanygot7straykidsbonk @hueanhdang @malfoycassimalfoy @april-notthemonth69 @anaviieiraaa @p45510n4f4shin0n
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The Arcana HCs: M6 get temporary amnesia
~ the sequel >:3. for headcanon purposes, the scenario remains the same: your beloved slipped on a cobblestone and hit their head. they retain basic functioning but don't remember you, and need a week of healing to recover ~
Here is what he knows: he woke up with 0 recollection of what happened and how he got here, and an irresistible stranger is treating him like he's worthy of love and taking care of him
He's about to break his own record for how quickly he can fall in love. He doesn't know when last someone treated him this well
You, on the other hand, can feel your heart cracking slightly every time you interact with him
The adoration in his eyes when he looks at you is missing the settled confidence of a secure relationship. He's desperate for your affection, but beneath the neediness is a deep unease
You've become accustomed to a Julian that doesn't ask constantly for a kiss because he knows you'll always give him one. This one asks, takes, and then winces like he expects to be shut out
The afternoon three days in when he tearfully tried to pack up with nowhere to go so he couldn't burden you didn't help at all
Tripping over himself to dote on you however he can, partly out of love, but mostly to convince you he's worth keeping around
Might laugh at his own misery when his memories return
You've gotten all kinds of looks from them over the course of your relationship, but this is the first time they've ever looked ... wary
Grateful for your help, sure, appreciative for the lodging and food and care, of course, and plenty friendly
And completely, entirely distrustful
He doesn't know you. He doesn't know your motives. He doesn't know what you want. Even after observing you enough to realize that you really are acting out of love, you still terrify him
Because their own traitorous heart is rioting to let down every wall and ignore every instinctive guard to be close to you again, to be themself around you, even to give of themself to you
Faust's ongoing confusion and the effects of your bonded hearts serve to both ground and unsettle him, even after learning why
They aren't mean at all - if anything, they act like a close friend - but they sleep separately from you, avoid general touch, and get antsy after sharing a space with you for longer than a couple hours
You know his memories are back when he's suddenly pulling you into a hug, so grateful that you could love him like he's loved you
She knows she's missing memories and she's not happy about it
Yes, you woke her up, and yes, she can tell that she can trust you, and yes, she's excited at the possibility of finally having found her person. However -
She is apparently a COUNTESS and that is not something to take lightly. Clearly, there is a lot of work to do. As eager as she is to bond with you, she expects you to prove yourself worthy of it
Fill her in on her job. Assist her with whatever proves challenging with her regular work. Tell her what she needs to know to succeed
And don't push her boundaries. She's stressed and will ice you out
Even as she's frustrated with her dependence on someone she doesn't know, she's quietly relieved for your companionship and support. She'd much rather have you than nobody
So tell her about yourself. Use your shared meal times to answer her questions, let her interview you until she does know you well enough to be at ease around you
Slightly embarrassed about her behavior when her memories return. She'll apologize for it by spoiling you nonstop
There's no nice way to put it. He's terrified of you at first
When he first opens his eyes, he's injured enough to make fighting difficult, he's in a hut in the middle of nowhere, and his only source of information is the person who brought him here - you
For all he knows, you could have been the person who hurt him enough to trap him, you could be keeping him captive for your own entertainment, you could be lying to him about who he is
Something in his gut tells him it's been done to him before
But as another day or two passes, he quickly realizes you're an exception. He knows how to observe and read people, and you truly care about him. He still hates touch, though
He doesn't know what madness possessed you to feel that way, but he doesn't take your feelings and actions lightly either
You're about to be on the receiving end of a scary amount of unquestioning loyalty, without the stability of a trusting, secure relationship to temper it
So relieved when his memories come back. He's a whole new level of trusting with you now that he knows what you'd do for him
It's gut wrenching to watch your partner for life open her eyes and the first words out of her mouth be "hey cutie, what's your name?"
Somehow, it's even worse when her response to your crestfallen face is to pull you into a hug, warm and comforting and yet distant with the politeness of trying to help a stranger
As soon as she starts asking questions and you tell her what happened, she's determined to make things right
That's okay if she doesn't remember, you're here to tell her! Not to mention how excited she is to find out that she's already bagged the attractive stranger who's been showing her so much love
So full of wide-eyed wonder for the life you two had built together. Tell her everything, show her your daily routines, share the inside jokes, take her to your favorite date spots
Still not comfortable with physical affection beyond cheek kisses
Flirts with you nonstop anyways. You're strung between her optimism, her clear affection for you, her relational distance from you, and the knowledge that it isn't what it was. It's sweet agony
Covers you in kisses while she sobs when her memories return
A. Pain. In. The. Ass - Neck.
The thing that makes the life he has with you so wonderful now is the fact that he shares it with you. You make him want to be a better person. You make a bedroll safer than a suite
But when he doesn't remember you? Everything about the life you've built together is distasteful to him at first
What do you mean, you don't own a house? He's this much of a grown up and still living the nomadic lifestyle of his early twenties?
Sure, you're cute, and the part of him deep down that craves and appreciates your love keeps drawing him back to you, but he'd always thought he'd end up with someone rich and powerful
You're just a journeyman. The magic is cool, but still - really?
Keeps trying to wander off and make reckless, selfish decisions and handing the responsibility to you. If you didn't want him to blow your budget on caviar, why'd you give him the coin purse?
Gets so uncomfortable with the conscience he has around you
Doesn't have many words when his memories return. He just wants to hold you tight and apologize until he can make up for it all
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hypnoneghoul · 2 months
Sundown: Chapter 14
WC: 2,7K
Relationship: SwissAlps
Tags: AU; Cowboy!Swiss x Barmaid!Mountain, Transfeminine Mountain, Fluff, Wedding!!!
Swiss’ hands shake as he slides the ring down Mounty’s finger, but it’s okay; so do hers. They giggle quietly at each other when it takes a small eternity for Swiss’ ring to end up on his finger, but soon enough it’s done.
Playlist here. / Chapter 1 here or on AO3.
Read chapter 14 under the cut or on AO3.
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When Mounty’s leg is healed and Swiss’ stitches are out—a few weeks after the scariest day of them all—the real countdown begins; it’s all pure chaos and days blurring together.
One day, though, Swiss and Mounty wake up in the morning tangled together and realize it’s the day.
They kiss about it and giggle into each other’s mouths, so happy and yet still unable to fully grasp what really is going to happen in a few hours.
After a little while Mounty goes down to the bar to prepare some light breakfast and Swiss packs his stuff, planning on going to Rain, Dewdrop, and Phantom’s place later to get ready there, leaving their space for Mounty.
He can’t find his bolo tie, though—of course—so he jumps down the stairs and calls out to his girl, “Momo, have you seen my…”
Swiss doesn’t finish his question, getting distracted by the presence of the tallest man he’s ever seen in his entire life. He’s just there, standing by the bar and talking with Mounty. They both turn, hearing Swiss’ voice.
“Good morning,” he says with reservation, even though Mounty is completely at ease; obviously comfortable with the man.
“Good morning,” the stranger replies, “I'm Earth, Mountain’s father.”
Swiss’ jaw drops.
“Oh, you–her…her father, I–uhm, good–good morning…sir,” he stammers out.
“You said that already,” Earth chuckles and Mounty hides her smile with a hand. “Indeed it is.”
Swiss now understands where his girl got her height and sense of humor from. He completely forgot Mounty had talked about him and mentioned inviting him to their wedding.
He jumps off the last step he’s been lingering on and makes his way to the bar, albeit keeping a safe distance from the huge man.
“I think you scared him, dad,” Mounty gets on her tiptoes to whisper into her father’s ear over the counter, but it’s still loud enough so Swiss can hear it.
“No, no, hah, I–” The cowboy blushes. “Nice to meet you.”
“Pleasure is all mine,” Earth nods with a gentle—but still a bit scary—smile and turns a chair for Swiss to sit on. He obliges, of course. And buttons up his shirt. “I've heard you saved my so–daughter's life.”
Mounty doesn’t seem bothered by the tiny slip up, so Swiss ignores it. He can see Earth is supportive and loving, and that it was an honest mistake, probably an effect of all the years he did indeed see Mounty as his son. Swiss learned that little errors like this don’t matter when someone really cares for the other person.
 “Me? I–I guess you could say so…sir, but–”
The cowboy yelps in surprise when Earth suddenly throws his arms around him and hugs him tightly. Out of the corner of his eye he can see Mounty holding herself back from bursting out laughing.
“Thank you.” Her dad finally pulls away. “Mountain didn’t tell me much, but I’m grateful you were here to protect her when I couldn’t.”
Swiss looks down on his feet, a wave of guilt washing over him; Mounty wouldn’t be in danger in the first place if it weren’t for him, after all, but the next thing Earth says snaps him out of it and fills him with something that almost feels like pride.
“I can see in both your eyes how much you love each other. I have no doubt you will make her happy, son.”
If Swiss tears up a little, nobody mentions it. He swallows through the lump in his throat and nods with a smile, finally looking Earth in the eye properly. “Thank you.”
Mounty decides it’s time for a distraction, so she brings out food for the three of them.
“So…have you seen my tie?” Swiss asks again as he takes the plates from her and Mounty smirks, taking it out from under the counter. The cowboy furrows his brows, confused as to what it’s doing there but then he remembers last week—when he was trying his suit on—and blushes bright red. He silently begs any god that will listen that his soon-to-be father in law doesn’t connect the dots. “Thanks, sweetheart…”
After the incredibly awkward breakfast, Mounty’s dad decides to go for a walk to kill some time before the wedding and Aurora comes knocking on Mounty’s door with two boxes of beauty products under her arms just when Swiss is about to leave. He helps her with the cargo and then gets shooed out of the saloon and waved goodbye by the two giggling women.
He doesn’t go straight to his groomsmen’s house, though, as planned. He goes to the stables, to Monty, first.
The mare is happy to see him—as always—and Swiss thinks she can sense his happiness and excitement as she seems to mirror it. He leans against her and talks to her quietly; an old habit they have been cultivating since Monty was a foal.
“What are you doing in here?” Swiss gets interrupted at some point, hearing Dewdrop behind him. “Not planning on leaving Mounty at the altar, are you?”
“Oh, I ain’t going anywhere, don’t ya worry,” he chuckles. “Just thinking. Trying to…comprehend it all.”
Dewdrop nods, understanding.
“And talking to this ol’ chick. She’s the one who’s been with me through it all.”
The other man hums in acknowledgement and gives Monty a pat.
“This reminds me of something from a few months ago,” he says after a moment of silence. He’s right, Swiss doesn’t miss the parallel. “Look how far you’ve come.”
“I wouldn’t be here if not for you, you know that?” Swiss finally looks at Dewdrop. His eyes are glassy, but there’s a smile on his face and the other can see genuine gratitude in his expression. “I would be long gone if you hadn’t stopped me that day and I would be convinced I was doing you all a favor. Especially Mounty.” 
“I hope you can see now how wrong you were.”
“I do. And I ain't ever again gonna even think about leaving her.”
“Atta boy.” Dewdrop mirrors his smile and claps a hand over his shoulder. “Now come on, let’s make you presentable for your girl.”
Swiss laughs, pats his mare’s neck and lets Dewdrop lead him to his house.
In the meantime, the girls are having the time of their life in the saloon. By the time Cumulus arrives with Mounty’s wedding dress two hours later, Aurora has already done her makeup and hair.
Weeks ago, when the tailoress had asked Mounty what she wanted from her wedding dress, she only said two words.
The tailoress didn't have much time so they decided to make it rather simple, but special and very Mounty nonetheless. Now when she is putting it on, Mounty realizes she could not have dreamed up a better dress for her wedding than what Cumulus came up with.
Also because of how little time there was, Mounty told her bridesmaids to just wear something green instead of dooming Cumulus to sleepless nights spent working on matching dresses for them all. Swiss said the same to his groomsmen and for himself decided to get Cumulus to tailor a suit that's been waiting in her workshop rather than to make something entirely new. It's not about clothes, after all, especially not for Swiss. All he wants is his girl to be happy and he never doubted Cumulus’ ability to make Mounty the happiest bride with her work.
“How are you feeling?” the tailoress asks as she finishes tying the corset of the dress up.
“Lussy, this is–I’ve no words, it’s so beautiful,” Mounty mutters, looking herself over in the mirror. She can barely recognize herself; in a good way. For the first time in what feels like forever the barmaid sees a beautiful woman in the mirror and there’s no nagging voice in the back of her head telling her otherwise.
“I’m so happy you like it, my dear,” Cumulus chuckles, “but how are you feeling, really? About all of this? There must be a lot of emotion, let it out.”
Mounty sighs. There is a lot of emotion, indeed, but it’s not so easy to put it into words. She tries her best, “I never thought I’d find someone who…who’d take me seriously. I didn’t ever expect anyone to see me as a real woman and love me as one, too. This is more than a dream come true and Swiss is…he’s a lot of things and he might not be perfect but he’s perfect for me. Makes me feel whole, you know?”
“I know,” the tailoress—and Mounty’s maid of honor—agrees. “I’m very happy for you, Mounty.”
The bride grins and can’t help but throw her arms around the other woman and hug her tightly; as a thanks for everything.
“Careful now,” Cumulus laughs, “let’s not crease your dress before Swiss can get his hands on you. Though I must admit I’m a little scared for it, because he will want to rip it right off you when he sees you, my dear.”
Mounty pulls away and can’t help but giggle. It’s contagious so they end up laughing so hard they can’t breathe as they joke about Swiss and how the bride has him wrapped right around her little finger.
Cumulus was chosen by Mounty to be her maid of honor with Aurora, Cirrus and Mist—Mounty’s cousin that traveled with Earth—as the remaining bridesmaids, while Rain, Dewdrop and Phantom are Swiss’ groomsmen. He and Mounty gave Phantom a choice whether they wanted to be one of Mounty’s bridesmaids or Swiss’ groomsmen and they chose the latter, wanting to make the number on both sides even.
Albeit, to most guests it still won’t seem even.
They decided to get married in the groove. Mounty has always loved that place, it’s where Swiss proposed—or rather tried, the first time—and it’s simply beautiful. It was clear to both of them it had to be there. And considering it’s August, the weather would be perfect for an afternoon wedding out in the open.
Setting it all up took some time; they put tons of chairs around the trees and a carpet for Mounty to walk on down to the altar made of a few short steps and a platform with a floral archway. A similar passage was put at the entrance—this one with a curtain so Mounty could be unseen before its time for her to walk through it. Behind it all, on the edge of the groove there’s a tent for the reception party with a wooden floor that took the longest to make. They also built little stables with hay and water for people that wanted to come on their horses; many indeed did.
When the clock in Sundown strikes three, it all begins.
Dewdrop, Rain, and Phantom go first, standing in a neat line on the left side of the officiant already waiting there, but one step down. Then come the bridesmaids—Cumulus, Cirrus, Aurora, and Mist—and line up on the right. Swiss takes a few more deep breaths and walks out after them to wait for his girl at the top. It feels both like a second and an hour as the space is filled out with overlapping murmurs of the guests.
But then it all goes quiet.
Everyone stands up and Swiss feels his heart in his throat.
His knees nearly give out when Mounty walks out from behind the trees with Earth by her side and a pretty bouquet in her hands. They begin to make their way to the altar and Swiss’ eyes sting; he tips his hat downwards to hide the wet shine in them.
“Dude, are you crying already?” Phantom teases quietly. Indeed, he is. Already.
“Yeah, just…just look at her,” Swiss chuckles. Phantom does look over and they can’t deny Mounty looks absolutely divine. Her dress is long and puffy with layers upon layers of tulle; the top part of it a simple off-shoulder corset with a sweetheart neckline—how on point. It’s all pure white, just as the veil that’s cascading down over the bride's let down amber hair down to the very ground, but there are green applications scattered all over it. As Mounty gets closer everyone sees they are patches of leaves with tiny red flowers amongst them.
“She’s a goddess,” Swiss whispers wetly and no one would dare disagree with that.
Mounty smiles brightly as she and her father cross the remaining distance to where her future is waiting; she hugs Earth before he goes to take his spot in one of the front chairs and turns to Swiss. She takes that last step but her foot catches on the edge of the platform through her dress and she sways; falling right into Swiss’ arms.
“Careful, sweetheart,” he chuckles, looking deep into her fresh-grass-green eyes. Mounty blushes, regaining her footing, and stands proudly in her spot. Cumulus runs up to her quickly to smooth down her veil and the back of her dress and when she nods at the officiant it all begins.
They made it.
Neither Swiss nor Mounty will remember the next twenty minutes—they’re not even listening to the officiant, staring at each other and smiling like two teenagers in love instead. Only when it’s time for them to speak—for their vows—do they snap out of it. Well, not fully, of course.
“Mounty, love of my life,” Swiss begins. “You know I ain’t much good with words, so I’ll just say what…comes to mind. We haven’t known each other that long, but you already know me better than anyone else ever had; better than I know myself. You looked at me once and your kindness and beauty captivated me and I can’t imagine my life without you now. I was lost and you found me and I can never repay you for that, for all you’ve done for me. But I’ll try, I’ll do my damn best to give you a better life than you’ve dreamed of. If you’ll let me.”
Mounty chuckles, nodding with a grin and glistening eyes.
“Swiss, my darling, you gave me something I doubted I could ever have. You made me feel loved and important and now I wake up every day with the knowledge that I’m someone’s. That I’m yours and I couldn’t imagine it being different, now. You filled the empty spaces in my heart and soul I didn’t even know were there. I look forward to waking up next to you and facing the world for the next tens of years and more. You also gave me something to worry about and I do think you may have to work on that aspect.”
This time all the guests laugh with them.
Swiss tries to be discreet when he wipes the tears from his eyes, but he’s not doing a very good job of it. Neither is Mounty, even though she’s more graceful when she pats them away with a corner of a napkin.
The bride looks back at Cirrus as it’s time for them to exchange rings and she brings them out; just two simple golden bands. They decided they needed nothing but a symbol; their love alone already made them richer than any jewelry could ever be a proof of. 
Swiss’ hands shake as he slides the ring down Mounty’s finger, but it’s okay; so do hers. They giggle quietly at each other when it takes a small eternity for Swiss’ ring to end up on his finger, but soon enough it’s done.
They made it.
“You may now kiss the bride,” the officiant announces and the world goes quiet.
Swiss grins as he throws his hat away before wrapping his arms all around Mounty and dipping her so low the ends of her hair touch the ground. The guests cheer loudly, but neither the cowboy nor his wife pay them any mind as they kiss; it’s just them despite the crowd, just like the first time.
And the sun that shines upon them through the treetops is the missing best woman.
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look at the beautiful art by @arkeusruin!!!
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sofasoap · 6 months
At the barbers
Pairing: John Price x F!Medic! Reader (call sign : Chameleon)
Summary: Part of @glitterypirateduck's John Price "O, Captain! Challenge" prompt used : 92: Giving Price a haircut and/or shave
Warning: T-M rating.
A/N: as mention previously in my Little secret series, Reader is from immigrant/non-Caucasian background. I know nothing about military. Thank you @mini-metal for giving me few suggestions and few ideas! *hugs*
Part of the Memory in a Fragrance series Part of Little secret series
Master list
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“Would you mind giving me a hand here please?” John struggled as he tried to lift his injured arm to trim his beard. 
You sighed. “I am only good with surgical knives and scissors.” You took the trimmer off his hand and gently pushed his arm down. “Why not go to a barber?” 
“.... I am not quite comfortable with someone holding a blade to my neck.” 
“And you are comfortable with ME doing it?” you cocked an eyebrow. 
He hummed. “That’s because you are my wife. I trust you with all my life.” he pressed a kiss into your forehead. Wrapping his good arm around you as you sink into his embrace. 
“Well I am flattered by the great Captain Price trusting me with a knife to his throat.” you giggled, “But I really wouldn’t trust myself to trim my own dead ends off, let alone take a risk of destroying your luscious mutton chop.” You could almost feel him rolling his eyes as he mumbled something incoherent.
“How about one of the boys helping you?”
“I don’t trust them either.” he rumbled. “I trust them with my life.. But I wouldn’t trust them NOT destroying my beard. I already heard them plotting to shave my beard off in my sleep a few times.” 
You couldn't help but laugh. “ Well… We gotta think of something. Can’t let you leave your hair and beard go until your arms heal….” 
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The strong leathery, lavender and cedarwood, faint hint of cigar smell hits you as soon as the two of you walk into the shop. The old radio playing some jazz music in the background, the old barber sitting on the wooden stool, reading the newspaper. It brings you distant memories. One of those rare happier moments when you were younger…. 
John finally agreed after a bit of coaxing from you to get his hair and beard done by the professional instead of you trying your luck. 
“I will go with you, how about that? And maybe I can learn a few tricks and tips from the professional?” you suggested. 
The barber waved to your husband to sit down on the chair after you explained to him what needs to be done. He was more than happy to teach you how to help John to maintain his pride and joy. 
Price couldn’t hold back his smile as he saw how focused and concentrated you are, pouting and wrinkling your nose as you listened to the barber explaining each step and how to use the tools. It helps to distract him from some strangers working so closely to him with sharp apparatus. The barber even handed over the scissors a few times for you to try out. 
“Stop moving, you are laughing too much.” you mumbled as you tried to trim the extra long strains around the edge of his jaw. “I don’t think you want me to accidentally take a chunk out of your beard, and have the boys laugh at you at work.” “I could always shave all my beard off.” “Oh so you changed your mind? You're definitely going to give them a heart attack and give me a heart break if you do that. So…  Never.” you laughed as you handed the scissors back to the barber. 
“You get to see Lieutenant John Price?” 
“As much as you were a handsome young man back then,I would rather keep that memory in the photos.” You pointed out as you sat back down, letting the professional get back to work. 
You observe your husband’s side profile with a faint smile on your face as the barber finishes off the rest of the trimming and hair cut. Even after years of marriage, you still have a hard time believing, this handsome man is your husband. 
The moment you set your eyes on him, you didn’t think you had much of a chance. The ranks, the personality, the background…. Everything. 
But he chose you. 
“I choose you? I should be thankful you chose me, my love.” he whispered into your ear one night after you confessed your insecurity. Nuzzling his face into your neck. “For bearing my temper…my imperfections.” 
“What do you think?” he looked at your eyes through the mirror as the barber dust the rest of the beard and hair off his shoulder, seeking for approval. 
Moving yourself to stand in front of him, you gently lay your hand on his face, tilting it to the left, and to the right, and finally, giving him a kiss on the lip, enjoying the smell of the aftershave.
“Handsome. And the best mutton chop I have ever seen.”
“You sound like you have seen quite a few in your life.” he chuckled as thank and paid the barber for his service.
“Maybe, maybe not.” you teased him as you wrap your arm around him. “But it’s definitely the mutton chop that always gives me a good time.” you could see his cheek redden under the beard. “Now, it’s not so scary is it? Having someone else to trim your beard for you.” 
“If you come with me again next time.” he squeezed your hand fondly.
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“Oh what, you mean we missed out a chance of trying to shave his beard off?” “And You will get your mohawk shaved off too if you do that, MacTavish.” 
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Thank you @glitterypirateduck for hosting another wonderful event!!!! *hug*
Tag list: @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world
@homicidal-slvt @mini-metal
@okayyadriana @deadbranch @cumikering @siilvan
@random-thot-generator @random0lover @devcica @nrdmssgs @glitterypirateduck @mmyrrhh
@mistydeyes, @groguspicklejar @roosterr
@gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot, @writeforfandoms @whydoilikewhump @tapioca-marzipan @alypink, @liyanahelena, @phoenixhalliwell
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chocolatecake47 · 1 month
I want Rayla to eat breakfast in bed and take long showers and sing into a hairbrush and get compliments from strangers.
I want her to experience crips bedsheets, pajamas hot out of the dryer, fresh warm cookies with a glass of milk, and soaps and perfumes that smell like the woods and seashells and cherry blossoms and lavender.
I want her to embrace her girly side and do her hair in a new way and wear a dress for no reason other than just because she wants to. I want her to look in the mirror and feel pretty.
I want her to read the exact type of romance novel that makes her happy-cry, curled up in an oversized chair with lots of fluffy pillows and a crackling fire nearby.
i want her to feel the spring breeze whooshing in her hair, the summer sun shining on her face, the autumn leaves crunching under her feet, the cozy hugged feeling of wrapping herself in a blanket in the winter cold.
I want her to spar with and joke with Soren. I want him to take her around town and show her all his favorite spots.
I want her to bake and play and laugh with Ezran. I want her to sing him to sleep and tell him stories of the silver grove and kiss him softly on the forehead.
I want her to listen to Callum rambling all excited about something with a fond smile on her face and warmth in her heart. I want her to complain to him about stupid things and tease him. I want her to curl up against him and watch him draw, talk to him about everything and anything, and feel his arms around her in the middle of the night and the gentle kisses being pressed against her cheek when he wakes up. I want them to lay and watch the stars twinkling until they get sleepy.
I want her to fiddle with her phoenix feather bracelet out of habit and smile down at her wrist every time she catches herself doing that.
I want her to hum under her breath and have good cries when she needs them and take deep breaths that fill her lungs and open up to her boys about things that hurt her and things that make her happy and lose her breath from giggling so hard. Keep letting her silly and happy side come out.
I want her to twirl barefoot in the grass under the moon.
I want her to heal. Remember she's loved after all the time she's spent alone.
I want her to finally be able to dance like no one's watching.
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elsecrytt · 1 month
masochist gojo. gojo who's in love with pain, so much that it feels like pleasure, he can barely distinguish between the two anymore.
gojo who's so starved for touch. who's had an infinite space between himself and the whole world for so long, for so many years, every day in and day out.
gojo who's survived off glancing presses when a barista hands him a coffee, the rare hug from his students (who are mostly orphans) that he can't bring himself to decline.
gojo who craves more but can't bring himself to accept it except in fleeting moments with strangers or students.
his hands that long to be held. he wants it so bad that he teases a cursed spirit, laces his fingers with its own, right before he utterly crushes the being in battle, untouchable all over again.
gojo whose skin is hungry for someone else's. he hasn't felt the warmth of a hand in his own in so long. not since - since his youth.
gojo who sometimes wishes he could get hit. who sees the impact of curse techniques on his infinity and feels a wild, strange desire for them to go straight through and strike him.
he imagines it, vividly, being impaled by a long spear (inverted spear) that goes straight through him. how it would lance his flesh so cleanly.
being struck so hard, across the face, in the stomach, enough to knock the wind out of him.
enough to feel it with his whole body.
gojo who wants to be touched so bad he doesn't even care if it hurts anymore. infinity couldn't protect him from geto's betrayal.
gojo who keeps infinity up not because he doesn't want to get hit, but because he's terrified of what he might do when it happens.
gojo who got hard whenever geto sparred with him. he still doesn't know if it was because of geto, or because he had no infinity back then, no way to block the strikes.
he dreams of his youth. bruises littering his pale, pretty form like kisses, proof that he was human, there, that there was someone who could reach him.
dark purple things that turned pretty colors as they healed. he remembers pressing into them, relishing the hurt, feeling like he was getting hit (touched, reached, connected) all over again.
nothing ever touches him again. not like that. not like anything.
he never feels it. he never feels anything.
satoru gojo who wants, so very very badly, to feel something.
pain is a choice for him, always a choice. he alone has the privilege of deciding whether or not anything can touch him.
he could try to let more strangers touch him. one night stands, discreet arrangements. he had a pretty face and a body to match. there was no shortage of willing partners.
he lets them touch him, lets them hurt him. lets them drool over his body and use it at their leisure. they tell him he's beautiful, and he believes them.
white hair, blue eyes, sprawled out with a lean, unmarred body full of bare flesh for them to bite and scratch and bruise. he finds people who will do it, do it hard, fuck him up until he's lost entirely in the feeling of being touched, having someone against him, with him, above him.
it makes him feel like a piece of meat. it makes him feel good.
or he thinks it does, anyways.
sometimes, when he's gone particularly long without sleep, when his partner has gone particularly hard, he gets a real rush.
heart racing out of his chest. a cold sweat that overwhelms him. breaths coming in labored gasps. he can heal himself, he's physically fine, so this must all be in his head.
he acknowledges that information, distantly, like it's not happening to him. it doesn't help.
it feels like part of his body has been ripped away from him, something vital and important, and it's about to get up and run away.
always, always, it happens when his partner is no longer touching him. when he lays alone in the sheets, by his own volition, because of course these partners are not meant to be attachments.
love is not a privilege, though, not for the strongest sorcerer. it's a curse.
it's the only curse which infinity cannot protect him from.
so gojo stays untouchable. distant.
but the hunger doesn't go away. never.
he likes to imagine that suguru swallowed this one last curse before he died. something sweet and bitter, like losses at the arcade, sunny days at the beach, walking together with shoko, nanami, haibara.
but even suguru couldn't have absorbed this curse. it's in his bones, deep, longing and wanting even after he's dead and gone.
gojo is hungry. he is so, so hungry. and he has nothing to eat that will not leave him just as empty as before.
touch-starved. love-starved. pain-craving.
if someone could hurt him then it wouldn't matter that he was terrified of attachment. they could latch onto him, into his heart, under his skin. bury themselves in his chest like they belonged.
they could kill a hundred and twelve people and it wouldn't matter, because he wouldn't be able to kill them.
gojo is hungry, so hungry.
please feed him.
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wangxianficfinder · 4 months
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Fic Finder
May 29th
1. Hi, I’m looking for a fic in which lan zhan and wei ying are in a relationship. They argue a lot but every argument ends with wei ying jumping in bed with lan zhan and hugging him from behind to resolve it until one day they have a really serious argument and Wei ying doesn’t come to resolve it first. They might have broken up as well, and lan zhan realized wei ying constantly made effort to resolve the arguments first and lan zhan never did.
2. Hello hello!! I have two requests this time
A) In this fic Wei Ying is the God of the Underworld. Infact everybody is a God here. And Wei Ying has a town or city built in his domain for the souls of the dead and I think the Wens lived there. Also the other Gods considered him a pariah. I remember this one scene where he comes up or goes down the stairs from heaven which leads to the Underworld after a conference with the Gods.
B) I remember only one scene from this fic. It was during the Wen Indoctrination where after Wei Ying was sent to the cell with the Dog he acts dead and Lan Wangji and Jiang Wanyin are heartbroken. But actually Wen Qing just helped Wei Ying's heart rate to slow down to convince Wen Chao of his death. I think Wei Ying wakes up right there after a few minutes or so. @yilinglaobunny
FOUND! there will come soft rains by infinite (recursion) (Not Rated, 14k, WangXian, Gods & Goddesses, Hades/Persephone AU)
FOUND! 🔒💖 the universe would turn to a mighty stranger by RavenclawLoki (T, 11k, wangxian, Angst, Eventual Fluff, Some mentions of blood, it looks like someone is dead but!!, it is okay, everything is going to be okay i promise, First Kiss, Canon Divergence, Wwx and lwj know they’re in love, They just don’t know the other loves them back, Everyone Lives AU, Hurt WWX, Hurt LWJ)
3. Hi I'm trying to find a fic where lan zhan and jiang cheng are repeatingly kidnapping it wei ying from each other
FOUND? Wei Wuxian’s Kidnapping Back and Forth Farce (Starring Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji) by misscam (M, 5k, wangxian, JC & WWX, Humor, Switching)
4. Hello, I’m looking for a specific fic that takes place post canon. Basically it’s a short fic where Lan Zhan goes out to travel for something and while he’s gone someone upsets Wei Ying, so to get back at him Wei Ying pretends to have sex super loudly every night. Lan Zhan hears about it and rushes back and hides in the room to find out what’s going on. I think they slept together after but I don’t remember well. I read it a few years ago and all can’t find it since.
FOUND? 🔒 The Sweetest Morsel to the Mouth That Ever Was Cooked in Hell by Silvarbelle (E, 14k, WangXian)
5. Hi! There was this Wangxian fic where Lan Zhan got cursed and pushed Wei Ying away because he didn't recognize him and Wei Ying got badly hurt. Wen Qing was alive she made some sort of a healing bubble around Wei Ying for him to heal. I clearly remember she identified Wei Ying as her brother and asked Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen to keep Lan Zhan away from him. Lan Zhan was distraught after the curse wore off. Along with Sizhui and the others. Thank you!
FOUND? Brothers, Brothers-in-Law and Husbands by xxxMiaHikarixxx (G, 7k, WangXian, XiCheng, Lan Zhan accidentally hurts Wei Ying, Injured wei ying, Wen Qing is alive, protective Lans, protective Cheng, for once both Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng are good, Wedding, Protective Wen siblings, Jingyi and Yuan are best boys)
6. Hi, I remember there being a fic but can't seem to find it : where the juniors end up in the past or a different universe where they see JGY and other cultivators in a meeting and one of JL or LY throw a weapon most probably a dagger killing JGY which makes LXC unhappy, hostile and maybe a little shocked but when he makes a move towards the juniors WangXian appear and WY tells/warns him from doing so. I remember I read it on ao3 but don't recall the chapter count apologises for the vague details but this is all that I remember so something with a similar premise or any help would be appreciated.
FOUND? A Blast from the Past by NightSky07 (G, 8k, WangXian, LCC/JC, JYL/JZX, WIP, Time Travel Fix-It, WWX Needs a Hug, JYL gives it to him, juniors time travel, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Protective LWJ, Protective LSZ, BAMF WWX, The Junior Ensemble Love WWX, Junior Ensemble Shenanigans, YLLZ WWX, Past WWX meets future WWX, Confused JC)
7. Need help in finding a fic where a modern day girl gets transmigrated into the MDZS universe and she uses her phone to make maps and helps with the war from the shadows but she gets caught by Lan Xichen. I think Lan Xichen fell in love with her but not sure as the fic was in progress. Please help
FOUND? i told you when i came i was a stranger by Caramelized (M, 50k, OFC/LXC, minor WangXian, Isekai, Transmigration, Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Amateur cartography, Butterfly Effect, Sunshot Campaign, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, No Golden Core Transfer, Dimension Travel, Politics, LXC the politician, Self-Insert, Foreknowledge, Angst with a Happy Ending)
8. hi there I'm looking for a fic where's wei Ying deleted himself from existing I think and there was some kind of flower that represent that and Jiang Cheng and lan wangji are trying to save him, I'm sorry I'm not so got at writing in English I hope you understand ❤❤❤❤❤
FOUND? Remember by Amona (T, 59k, JC & WWX, WangXian, WIP, Canon Divergence, Mentions of Suicide, Self-Sacrifice, Erasing oneself from history, by WWX, forget WWX, colored souls, because it's pretty, Sword Spirits, JC has to take crash courses, But he'll do it for his brother, Major Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con)
FOUND? missed by ilip13 (T, 5k, WangXian, JC & WWX, JYL & WWX, Canon Divergence, But also, Modern with Magic, Reincarnation, Temporary Character Death, Sort Of, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love, Mention of canon-typical violence, Not time travel but timeline manipulation, Not nonlinear storytelling but the opposite of linear storytelling)
9. Hiya,
Looking for a modern fic where LWJ is constantly being mean to WWX, whose constantly trying to befriend him. Eventually wwx has a whole breakdown about it, and he mentions how LWJ is an asshole to him for no reason. There’s a scene mentioning wwx baking cookies for him and he thought Lwj threw it out but in reality it is revealed in the end by Lwj himself that he ate it (although he was allergic to it) and WWX says something along the lines of that’s why you missed class that Monday. Turns out LWJ just struggles with communication. I think they are neighbors or roommates I can’t remember. Hopefully someone can help.
Thank you!!
FOUND? A Marriage Story by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 38k, wangxian, NMJ/LXC, married wangxian, but there are some complications, because it’s marriage, Sex is complicated, Angst and Pining, Pining while fucking, Mature elements, Mutual Pining, HEA, Arranged Marriage, Sort Of, Misunderstandings, of epic proportions, One True Pairing, Good Sibling JC, Good Parent YZY, Fluff and Angst, in that order, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Everyone Loves WWX, Angst and Hurt/Comfort) or if not this one, by this author
10. I am looking for a canon era (not modern) fic where Lan Wangji was kidnapped as a child and I think he was raised in a brothel. He grows up and curses himself to be hideous so that the men who frequent the brothel don’t try to touch him. Eventually true love breaks the curse (like, WWX loves him regardless of his appearance) and I think Wangji happily reconciles with Xichen.
FOUND! Turn Left by kianspo (M, 204k, WangXian, NieLan, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Friends to Lovers, eventually, references to child sexual abuse, not main characters, Neurodivergent LWJ, Slow Build, Lán Family Feels, specifically, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, lwj-centric, Twin Jades of Lán Dynamics, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Angst with Happy Ending)
11. It's been some time since the last FF I've asked but here we go again :'D I'd like to find a fic that had WangXian traveling together and LWJ's back/scars were bothering him and it worsened because of cold weather? Most likely the fic was post canon. There might have been a bath house or a hot spring involved there somewhere
Yes, LWJ knew he was traveling with WWX. No, he didn't get more scars.
did lan zhan not know it was wei ying travelling with him, and did he get more scars as time went on?
12. Hi, I would love some help locating a fic. I can't really remember a lot of the main plot since it has been a while since I read it. I believe it is a post-canon fic, but Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had to go back to the Burial Mounds, and Wei Wuxian had to unbury his original body that was buried in the blood pool. I think. I also think that for Wei Wuxian's original body to survive, he had to wear a bracelet of some sort. I don't remember, or maybe I am confused by two different fics.
13. For the fic finder!! TIA!!
This may be a scene from a long fic but I’m not sure. Wwx is possessed by something more than resentful energy- it’s an ancient demon who wants to destroy the world. Wwx seals himself inside the cold pond cave and puts up a barrier- I guess prepared to stay there forever? Lwj somehow gets in there to stay with him, and has conversations with the demon. The demon is extremely strong, throws him around and hurts him a little. His brother and uncle are pacing outside the barrier demanding he come out. The elders want to execute wwx which is why lwj is in the cave in the first place.
It’s canon setting but I can’t remember the time line- war? No war? Wwx and lwj aren’t together yet though. I remember this fic being pretty good- I’d love to reread it!
FOUND!🔒 Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 110k, wangxian, angst, fluff, captivity, creepy WRH, no non-con, dreamsharing, politics, people making the best decisions they can, epic length, mythical creature WWX, canon-typical violence, dark, happy ending)
14. hello!! thank you for all the work you do. i've been trying to find a fic in my bookmarks/ searching for it but i just can't seem to find it unfortunately. i remember it to be an arranged marriage au? where lwj and wwx loved each other very much but upon learning that wei wuxian's tail colour (or species) meant he would not settle, miscommunication happens and just angst. it is a happy ending though, because i think that another person tells lwj that wei changze's tail colour/species meant that wwx would be loyal to him? sorry if this is too broad, thank you!
FOUND? what you have tamed by lianhua_lianzi, Senforza (E, 94k, WangXian, Animal Traits, misunderstandings (not the romcom kind that can be resolved in a 5min convo), Courting Rituals, Pining, Lan family dynamics, Drama, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Arranged Marriage, Wangxian break up but get back together, Eventual Happy Ending, vague biological essentialism (animal species have different mating preferences), Canon Typical Alcohol Usage, Implied Mpreg, Unresolved Sexual Tension, unintentional and eventually resolved "gaslighting", Dragon LWJ, Fox WWWX)
15. Hello! I am searching for a fic I read that I think was multiple short installments in a series on ao3. It was a war au where Wangji had presented as some kind of dragon and he was in charge of the Lan clan. Wuxian was a thief or mercenary. They had met as children and Wangji imprinted on Wuxian, but they parted ways then. They meet again on the battlefield and Wangji pulls Wuxian into his tent and is like “bathe him!” I think Wangji put a silver collar on Wuxian that Wuxian couldn’t remove on his own. There were dom/sub undertones. Any clue?
FOUND!🔒 Have him stripped, bathed, and brought to my tent by KizuKatana (E, 30k, WangXian, Dark LWJ, A/B/O, Huli-Jing WWX, powerplay/powerdynamic, dubcon (due to power dynamics), Overstimulation, Edging, Biting, Scenting, Possessiveness, LWJ Has a Big Dick, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, warlord, Emperor LWJ, civilian (sort of) captive (also sort of) WWX, dragon sex magic, Not traditional Chinese emperor history fully alternate reality of immortal creatures)
16. HI, thanks for all your amazing work!! You rock!! Sorry to bother, but I hope I can get an answer!! I'm looking for a story were in the future, in space, Wei Wuxian is kidnapped everyone believes him dead and is used by Jin Guangshan and I think Xue Yang to try to destroy others. I think he has an implant that has prevented him from escaping but he manages to plant bombs and asks Lan Zhan to kill him when he finds him!! Please help!! be well!! @monicaop21
FOUND! Stars bring us apart (Stars pull us together) by Sixlayerhouse (sixlayerhouse) (E, 124k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, (Vaguely) Star Trek AU, Canon-Typical Violence, Psychological Trauma, PTSD, Body modifications, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Recovery, married!wangxian)
17. Hi, I need some help looking for a fic on ao3 I was SO SURE I had bookmarked, but apparently not. The fic is Jingyi-centric and features a drunk jingyi trying to hit on Jin Ling's uncles at a bar, I'm fairly certain Jingyi is college age and the fic mentions sizhui and wangxian near the end. It was marked as complete, and I think it was a one-shot. Sorry if it's a bit vague, but it's been a while and I'm starting to think I just made it up if it hasn't been deleted. Thank you in advance! @angrymarconi
FOUND!🔒UILF by bosgood (T, 3k, JC/NHS, LSZ & NHS, JC & JL, NHS & the juniors, ONE-SIDED LJY/NHS and LJY/NHS/JC, and mention of ONE-SIDED LJY/WWX/LWJ, LJY has the UNREQUITED hots for JL's various uncles OK, unrequited, nothing happens!, featuring reactions ranging from laughing one's ass off to fully dying inside, Humor, I love the fics where LJY and/or OYZZ is like damn JL's uncle is fine, so this is my contribution to the genre, Modern, College, Established Relationship, WWX & LWJ are LSZ's parents, JL Has a Lot of Uncles, canon-typical junior shenanigans)
18. Hey! There’s this thread fic I read a while ago, I believe it’s a “Bikini Armor” au? It’s where Knight!Lwj is meets another fellow knight (Wwx) on the road, but Wwx’s armor is magical? Basically it only visibly covers his privates and part of his chest, the rest is magic. I remember it was a punishment by Madam Yu, and that Lwj finds out when the armor breaks.
FOUND? His Knight in Shining Armour by celerydragon (E, 23k, WangXian, dead dove do not eat, Curses, Sexual Abuse, Child Abuse, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Slut Shaming, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX, yu furen sucks, protective lwj, Hurt/Comfort, Anal Sex, Dirty Talk, mild dirty talk, Biting, Outdoor Sex)
19. Hello!
I’m looking for a fix where Wei Ying is gorgeous and coveted by everyone. The junior quartet often have to run interference because he doesn’t realize it. I think an innkeeper’s brother lusts after him too. One of his admirers decides to capture and assault him. Thankfully, Wei Ying is able to use ghosts to overpower him. Eventually, Lan Zhan comes and rescues him. Please help me find this fic! Thank you very much!
FOUND! Cotton Wool by incendir (M, 34k, wangxian, LJY/OMC, JL/LSZ, JC & WWX)
20. So I've lost a fic again, and I need your help once more!
So the premise of the fic was that lwj did enact that fantasy of taking wwx in the library when they were young, only after lwj internally freaks out and runs off to his brother for punishment because "xiongzhang I took someone by force 😢 I'm horrible"
I don't remember how exactly they got there but lxc gets lwj and wwx to talk, intending for wwx to decide how lwj should be punished as the wronged party. Except wwx somehow comes to the conclusion of "Let me f*ck (fuck) Lan zhan! 😠 he took me, so now I should take him!"
Things end happily but that's all I remember. Please help me! (And before anyone asks, no I'm not mixing it up with the Teapot Plot)
FOUND! My Boyfriend Is So Talented by Xiao_Zhang (E, WangXIan, Underage, Rape/Non-Con, Canon Divergence, Mutual Pining, Sex, LWJ gives in to his lust, Teenage Wangxian, Fluff and Smut, Rape/Non-con Elements, Humor, Romantic Comedy, Misunderstandings)
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zumicho · 3 months
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cw: language, mention of sex
— [ slight timeskip ]
approaching the podium, you spot your roommates waiting in the front row, having walked before you—faces lit up with pride. the dean hands you your degree, and you grasp it, feeling its weight, curtly waving at the camera before running off the stage to your friends.
“WE DID IT BITCH!!!!” tanaka’s hollering as bokuto envelops you in a firm hug, kiyoko’s makeup is streaming down her face, noya’s doing cartwheels. they hand you a yearbook; you laugh at the memory—running your thumb over the same area and feeling.. a lump? as you peel back the edge, there’s a light tap to your shoulder. intervened, you turn around.
“h— iwa?” that’s a face you haven’t seen in a bit.
his focus is on his shoes, clearly nervous. his hands disappear into the pockets of his slacks. “hi.” he’s says, stiff. the best part of graduation is the suits, you thirst. whore.
“it’s nice to see y—“
“I was really pissed. not to mention how much I liked you. but that’s no excuse for not giving you a chance to explain. so I’m sorry.” he finally makes eye contact. “also for interrupting you just now.”
“I’m sorry too.” you smile.
he mirrors your expression. “don’t call me iwa ever again.”
“okay.” you elbow him.
he feigns hurt, wincing dramatically. “welcome back, champ.”
“it’s nice to be back.”
from afar, akaashi watches your exchange. he’s known her for less than a year but looks at her like it’s been a lifetime - he thinks to himself. he’s completely and utterly oblivious that he looks at you the exact same way.
haji side-hugs you a goodbye, and keiji walks up to you. in a suit. yummy. “I must've been in the injury zone last time we argued, because you left me breathless." you cringe.
“is that supposed to be a pickup line? a med student pickup line?” you gape at him in disbelief.
he just smirks, the kind that makes you wanna rip it off his pretty face. “you’re like a sports injury: challenging at first, but with the right approach, I know we can heal together."
“quit it.” you kick his ankle playfully. “what’s your point?”
“I didn’t mean to bother you. I just need directions and a chaperone to the nearest cat cafe, is all.”
entertaining him this time, you quip: “what makes you think I’m the right person to ask?”
“it was worth a try.” he shrugs. “you read my letter yet?” akaashi taps the corner of the yearbook clutched to your chest with his pointer finger. peeling back the paper, you find a sticky note folded up diagonally - the same color as the one he left on the table. he holds the book for you as you unstick it open.
we never had sex.
you kissed me and I let you. that’s it.
maybe YOU’RE just ignorant and insensitive,
ms. graduate (woo congrats).
— insufferable
author’s note: 😭 second 😭 to 😭 last 😭 ep 😭
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@needtoloveoutloud @rory-cakes @minaluvu @tenjikusstuff4 @cherrypieyourface @strawberrygloom1 @bows4life @dreamsofnaughtiness @suitstars @vivianne666 @this-is-me-lolol @kettlepop @giocriedpower @literaleftist @yuminako @kagtobis @wolffmaiden @gsyche @fllavviiaa @guitarstringed-scars @hibernatinghamster @ryuverse @muyyie @gra-eae @phoenix-eclipses @cnnmairoll @neuviloved @reneny @elliott0o0 @girlkissersco @aliensstolemyheart
bolded didn’t tag
😭 lyrics 😭 that 😭 inspired 😭 the 😭 title 😭 we’re 😭 nearing 😭 the 😭 end 😭
most of the music i recommended is nothing i listen to on the regular .. with some exceptions, but UGH IS THIS SONG PERF FOR THEM
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I cannot let this show go without writing my goodbyes... Deep Night Final EP
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Deep night was everything and more. It was a show that was made with insane love, thought and care and it fucking shows. That loves shines through the screen and it is GUARANTEED to warm your cold dead heart. Cheewin has always made his shows a bit more grounded, a bit more queer, a bit more real. Since YYY you can just tell there's someone in the crew that understands queer experience and this was it again. The good parts, the sad parts, the struggle without exploting it for pity. It showcased confusion and acceptance and love and love and love. So many different kinds of love.
Wela and Khemtid
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These two developed so beautifully, from people who misunderstood eachother, to people who felt attracted to each other but still didn't get it, to people who listened, apologized, leaned on, supported, loved, cared for eachother. Khemtid's enchantment with wela blossomed after they fought about Wela's job, he realized that acceptance was the better route to take and he just worked hard to get it right, to make up for it, to help. Wela at the same time tried so hard as well to understand Khem's feelings, making it easier for them to reach the middle ground. He worked so hard with Khem to keep the club afloat, he was never mean to his coworkers, he carried the whole world on his back and still stood proud. They went from strangers to these two adorable dorks who hold hands and smile while kissing. I'm sorry but Khemtid smiling like he just won the world while giving his injured bboyfriend a handjob at the back of the club made my heart burn. That's complicity and partnership and mischief and intimacy. They stand on equal ground and that's so meaningful to me.
Then we have these three dorks
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The true rivals to lovers. I talked about this in my previous Deep Night post but it was brilliant. Their storyline developed so subtly and naturally I cried last week. The way Japan and Ken's love bloomed out of love for Seiji... like it's not that they're just dating Seiji, they're dating eachother and that comes from a trust that developed from and understanding, that grew from care into desire. Last week's episode showing Japan as the center of his fantasy showed that, Japan is also attracted to Ken, and Ken's heart has melted for Japan as well, unknowingly. The talk they had was so necessary, so respectful and rooted on concern and an actual attempt to build something that left no one out. Seriously the way they're sitting in the end, with Ken brushing Japans hand, the way Japan held Ken's hand and brought him into the hug to welcome him, to shelter him. I love that it wasn't fetishized. (Because we've tackeled threesomes before in other shows but not romantic love) I love them, they love each other, this is healing.
Freya and Meiji
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They are EVERYTHING. Honestly the role of women, specifically queer women in queer spaces has been overlooked for way too long. They take on the role of caring, protecting and supporting the whole club, the boys themselves and themselves. The fact that Freya's character was divorced and was constantly under attack from her ex-husbands family now existing with a same-sex partner was so complex yet beautifuly handled. Meiji was not just some random chic they threw in to gay it up, she was important to Freya, she helped at the club, she wasn't much around but when she was on screen she was Freya's rock. The talk on age... bro that shook me to the bone. Media is so focused on youth their questioning was so valid and so painful to watch... but it healed. Fuck I'm crying watching this. Everyone deserves to be loved by THEMSELVES.
Khem and Freya
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gET TF OUT I WANT TO BE ALONE this mother-son relationship was amazing. Both characters grew so much out of love for each other I want to swallow a shotgun. The was it was alway Freya trying to gain Khemtids approval was so heartbreaking, and watching Khemtid LEARN to accept and love his mom, accept and love the club, accept and love the role they play... fuck. FUCK FUCK FUCK
Also we cannot forget Dai
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I don't even have words to explain how great this character was. Outfits on point, personality strong and unmoving, loud and authentic and accepted and part of everything and capable and necessary and just EVERYTHING. And the fact that Dai was perceived as a potential love interest for Freya without it being a joke or mockery was gold. Apart from that, all of these characters and storylines are interwoven in a net of complexity, social norms, real struggles but also real coping mechanisms. I also want to LOUDLY RECOGNIZE the work put into it, as they all worked hard to actually get on stage and perform acrobatics like their characters. There was just so much attention to detail and to making things right I want to cry just thinking about it. Please please please if you havent... Watch it. It may not be revolutionary but it's perfect to me. Deep night is a very queer show that decided to open a lot of wounds just to let them heal properly. THANK YOU DEEP NIGHT. I expected nothing from you and you're now part of me.
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meowlod · 11 months
focalors in the 4.2 archon quest does something to me. that VOICE is so pretty. the OUTFIT. shes so mother.
i would let her destroy me, make me a mess, do stuff to me and i wouldn‘t mind. please continue.
shes definitely a titty grabber. likes to randomly grab your breasts from behind and squish them like a toy.
i think she would be a great cuddle partner, like, she would give you a thousand of warm cuddles. burying and resting her face into the crook of your neck and have her soft arms wrapped around your body as you both lie under the blankets. she wants to keep you warm and comfy so you wont get sick.
oh and shes a big teaser, definitely. basically teases you about everything possible until you get super embarrassed from all of it. and that woman wouldn‘t stop!! no she will not, until you actually want her to stop, then she‘ll respect you and stop, of course.
if she used to battle and fight, then she would teach you on how to use a sword. she is always being careful to not wound you. and if she does, she will just simply heal you or get you bandages.
talks about furina sometimes whenever you both are sitting somewhere, or laying down on a bed.
and when she dies, she wants you to take care of furina. comfort her at any time whenever shes in a sad mood, get her favourite desserts, give her cheek kisses, dance with her, go to her tea parties, etc. make her happy, and focalors would be proud of you.
but you also have to stay close to furina whenever shes in a bad mood. if you went out somewhere without telling her, especially at night, she'll think that you are starting to dislike and leave her, or that you got kidnapped, making her panic. if you come back, the first thing she always does is run up to you and hug you tightly, asking you where you went, and why you didn't tell her that you went out. its best to tell her the truth, or she will ignore you for a day.
but she cant ignore you for long, because she can be a pretty clingy person. slowly crawling into the bed you're sleeping in, quietly wrapping her arms around your body and slowly starting to cuddle you, mumbling to herself about stuff such as “am i too annoying for them?“ or “i'm sorry if i did something you didn't like.“, hoping you wouldn't wake up and hear her talking bad about herself.
furina will randomly pin you to any wall to jokingly flirt with you. if you flirt back, she'll have a red face for the rest of the day! it can be outside, inside, to the bed, to the grass…seriously, everywhere.
if you buy her gifts, especially with desserts inside them, she'll buy you a gift aswell, but a bigger, and a more expensive one.
LOVES to teach you to dance a waltz or help you sing. if you suck at any of those, she will gladly help you because you are someone she deeply cares and trusts.
if you're sad, she comes running up to you with your favourite food, plushies, etc. to comfort you and have you smiling again. she hates seeing you sad, and doesn't want you to go through the stuff she did.
too shy to ask you out on a date, but will pull an all nighter to practice words and flirty pick up lines to say to you. if you're the first one to ask her out on a date, she'll get mostly flustered but will be happy, jumping into your arms and giving you thousand of kisses.
if you guys are together, she's extra clingy and could be a little jealous if a man or a woman stares at you. you're her partner, of course you should be paying attention to her! if you look back at the stranger, she will wrap her arm around your waist and glare at the stranger who was looking at you, silently telling them that you're hers, and shes yours.
animal lover! if she sees a cat or a dog anywhere, she pulls you along and walks towards the little animal and will pet it, feed it, caress it, etc. if you're a animal lover aswell, expect a lot of animal plushies in the house and furina bringing a random cat inside.
if you kiss furina in public infront of everyone, she would push you away and laugh like nothing happened. but if you're somewhere private, hidden, or in a back alley with her, she'll kiss you with alot of passion like she was starving for that kiss.
cake lover. please buy her cake anytime! it can be chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or anything. she will even demand you to get her a cake when she feels like it. or you both just cook a cake together.
can't cook, but is still learning! loves to make sweets, and sometimes asks you for help. if you can't cook aswell, then…expect alot of flour or a whole mess in the kitchen. you both have to clean everything up if you guys are finished with baking or cooking. she can also make YOU clean everything, just to piss you a little off. but she will help a little bit, don't worry.
listens to your problems in life, and talks to you about her problems aswell. you both deeply care for each other, and she trusts you enough to talk about her secrets and stuff she never wanted to mention because of her insecurity.
makes you sit on her lap while you both play games or watch a movie on the tv.
and furina absolutely loves piggy rides.
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