#hunter deserves a good cry ok
frauleinfunf · 2 years
Dadrius Day 2: Apologies
Darius really didn't want to have this conversation.
There were plenty of reasons he didn't like remembering his time as a Coven Head. All the typical backstabbing and sometimes front stabbing was enough to churn most witches' stomaches.
But beyond that, he didn't like the person he was back then. So paranoid, so vicious, so cruel. True, it's not like most of the other Coven Heads were much better.
Most, anyway.
Ignoring it, though, wasn't going to make things easier for him. Even beyond the Deamonne family and his own late mentor holding him and themselves to higher standards than that, trying to push down his guilt only made it more forceful. Darius had wronged Hunter, and every single sign of trauma from that child was a reminder of it. He knew a conversation would only be the beginning of his road to his forgiveness. Hunter spent too much of his childhood trying to predict and navigate the volatile emotions of adults to not immediately offer up a forgiveness he didn't really mean. It would come up again and again as Hunter progressed in his therapy and slowly learned how to parse out his own feelings. But after what happened at the store yesterday, it needed to happen.
So, he steeled himself, and quietly knocked on Hunter's door. He heard a distracted "Open" and slowly crept in.
Aside from a small number of trinkets and a stack of books, the former guest room looked much the same it did before Hunter moved in. After a lifetime of military style quarters, he was still overwhelmed by the idea of choosing bedsheets and posters and wallpaper. So instead, Darius slowly introduced things they were able to salvage from the castle, while also occasionally sneaking in a small gift or two in with them.
The boy in question was sitting up and reluctantly placing a bookmark in the tome he'd been reading. Darius took a seat by the desk nearby.
"What's up?" he asked.
Darius took a deep breath. "I want to talk to you about yesterday."
Hunter's eyes started darting everywhere but Darius. "What's there to talk about?" he asked. "You wanted to get me a coat, I freaked out, you said sorry, we went home."
"I know I apologized yesterday, but it didn't feel like enough. I think we need to at least to talk about our time at the castle."
"Whaaaat?" Hunter laughed nervously, putting his hand behind his head. "We don't have to. We can talk about anything else. You know what Flapjack brought in this morning?"
"Hunter." Darius said, firmly. "I know this is hard for you. But I want you to know that you have done nothing wrong. May I please tell you what I wanted to say?"
Hunter went quiet and fidgeted with his hands. Whenever he did that, he still looked like the same scared little kid Belos had first brought to the castle all those years ago. A year ago, Darius had thought there was no longer anything in common between that kid and the Golden Guard.
Hunter continued to look down at his hands, but nodded.
"I...did wrong by you back then." Darius said. "When you first came to the castle, I couldn't shake how you were the spitting image of the last Golden Guard. I had no way of knowing what Belos had been doing, but I had suspicions."
Hunter's shoulders hunched, but he gave Darius no indication of stopping.
"Belos noticed my reaction, and wanted me to know I was powerless to stop him from doing whatever he pleased with you. And that made me so angry. And I couldn't understand how you could keep defending him. I told myself that is was better for you if I kept my distance, but...."
And here it was, what he'd been afraid to acknowledge for eight years.
"That wasn't any reason to behave the way I did. I knew what Belos was doing, I could've chosen not to contribute to it. But I just couldn't understand why someone who looked like my mentor wouldn't act like him. It was an unfair and unkind way to look at it, but it's still the way I saw it. Like I said yesterday, I took my anger at the situation out on you, and for that I am so, so sorry."
Hunter finally looked up, and his eyes were wet with tears.
Normally, Darius was careful when it came to touching Hunter. Between his sensory issues and most of his previous experience with physical contact being violence, it was still a lot for Hunter to take in.
Now, however, he gave into instincts and protectively wrapped his arms around Hunter. Hunter, in return, hugged back as he cried into Darius' shirt.
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iloveundertaesooomuch · 9 months
Some advice from AU Calebs!
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Heck yeah I did it! Finally i finished ONE of the HUNDREDS AU crossover ideas I have in my head!! Crossovers are fun guys!! (I apologise for a bad english in advance. Writing this it a rush.)
"It's ok to ask for help." (A Reverse Of Feathers And Mud by @jess-the-vampire)
I couldn't make a crossover meme without the legend. Sorry, not sorry. He is such a sad lad but tries to stay positive and be happy for his family uydfykudsutsudskudsluds (*dies*). I have to admitt, Caleb's dad energy is too strong for me to handle without wanting a hug him. No wonder! He was THE grandpa for centuries straight without a break. At least Caleb gets his whole family together in the end. Comics with him and either Hunter and Philip or Luz and Eda make me run in cirles around the room aaaa.
"You are not a burden." (Brother's Keeper by @idoodlestuffsometimes)
Damn, you definetly created one of the darkest AU in the fandom. Each time I re-read AU related posts I scream my lungs out because it is so angsty and so great. I am genuinely scared of your Belos ngl, because.. this man didnt loose anything and he still proceeds to do all that stuff. Enconter with him has 0 survival rate.
POOR CALEB! At least in the world of memes he had an opportunity to flee the captivity twice (the bald head and the car). This man had no moment of mental rest for centuries oh my God. One of my friends wants to fight his brother personally to protec Caleb at all cost sksksk. Well, at least Hunter will always have an actually loving relative! And if the happy ending is going to be canon, I think the future looks great, especially knowing how much pain all your characters go through currently. (And I think both Caleb and Hunter would need the "you are not a burdain" affirmations. At least some form of support in their situation.)
You said in the latest ask-answer that BK!Caleb was supposed to have white streaks in his hair so I attempted to add them. Hope they look fine! Colors for the outfit I got from Belos, so they would match, I guess???
"Murder is okay." (Loose Strings by @oldmanpip)
My bro, brother, friend... Despite you being not to involved on the discord server, my brain is still rotting with your great awesome AUs. And I know you know that. Your Caleb is really loose in all sences of that word and I love that. Wonder if your AUs will ever be available to the public. Because oh boy oh boy they deserve to be recognised. (Loose Caleb is such a conservative grandpa who never did anything wrong, wdym?)
"Your feelings matter." (Pip In Time by @celestialscribbler)
Honestly? Man, your comic is the reason I got invested in Witteclaw couple at all. Even if the "Pip in time" is not their story, but you wrote their teen romance so sweetly. Those two melted my heart... I scream each time I re-read your comic for 100th time. Just WOAH my brain goes brrr! And Caleb as a character is also written really really well. I love him so much. He is such good brother but MAN HE NEEDS A BREAK FROM BEING AN ADULT! BOY! Insirt crying and heart emojis here.
(PS: hope you still care about your health!)
My thoughts:
I have been drawing this for more than a month I think? And the only reason for that is my university. I hope to actually get an ADHD diagnosis because something is clearly wrong with me. But thats not the point.
There are so many ideas in my head. Goofy and not. The only problem is that I have less and less ability to do what I want lately. I wish I could bring them all to life, but at the same I dont know if anyone will be interested. Would AU crossovers look too self-indulgent? Or nah? Idk. (Just Grimwalker-Isle already has so much potential for stupid ridiculous fun I am runnin on coffee juice.)
Litteraly my mind is plagued with different fun plots and possibilities I am going crazy. But I also have A TON of WIPs that I need to finish. Perhaps I will attempt to manage everything at once, but, no promises.
Wish me luck on my exams!
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writing-reaper · 2 years
Bad Batch Reacts…
To Falling in Love
(A short Valentine’s Day special)
Note: Two posts nearly back to back?! Impossible! Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope this is tooth rottingly sweet enough to satisfy. I wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day! If you’re spending it alone like me: make sure you take the day to appreciate yourself! Either way, this day is about love so be sure to share it with everyone around you!
Description: After the Bad Batch has known you for a while, they’ve slowly come to realize that they’ve fallen for you.
Warnings: fluff, curses, and more fluff
When Crosshair realized he fell in love, it hit him hard.
Denial, denial, denial.
You’re his friend, and a good one.
Too good apparently.
It started with the little things:
When his sarcasm turned from cynical to humorous,
He no longer distastefully glared your way,
He became more patient,
When you messed up your aim he helped you adjust instead of simply criticizing you,
He wanted to use his humor to make you laugh,
He let you closer,
He opened up more to you,
Your smile drew him in,
His glaring eyes would soften at the sight of you,
He skipped lunch just to see you when you were sick,
And one drunken night, he told you just how much you meant to him.
Even though he was drunk, he remembered word for word what he said and those tears that fell from your eyes as you graced him with a smile he’d never seen.
Then, his heart would begin to race.
He was suddenly self conscious about the little things: his breath, his sweat, his smell.
When it finally hit him that he was in love with you, a piece of that hard exterior chipped and Crosshair fell into a panic, trying to repair it.
He gave you the cold shoulder once again.
If you came to close he’d scare you off with a glare before it would soften as soon as you turned your back.
He’d skip meals if it meant avoiding you and this scary vulnerability he felt.
When he overheard you crying to Hunter about his behavior, he realized this disrepair would never go away.
Maybe he should’ve realized long ago that this vulnerability was ok, even if you rejected him he knew your love was unconditional, but he was just so afraid he’d lose you.
But Crosshair quickly recognized that blocking you out to repair his walls was also causing you harm.
He knew what he had to do.
He was a soldier, he shouldn’t be this afraid.
Crosshair would allow his mind to succumb to a fantasy before he took any action.
It was after Hunter scolded him he realized he needed to act soon, if not now.
Crosshair waited till the early morning, when he knew you’d be awake, to tell you everything.
You at least deserved that.
Fear strikes through his heart once more when that door opens, but he knew he had to do this.
“I need to talk to you.”
When Wrecker falls in love, he succumbs himself to the blissful feeling.
He’ll spend every moment he can around you
He’d follow you to the ends of the world if it were possible.
It took him a while to realize he had fallen in love with you, though he had taken notice of just how much more attractive you’d become the longer he knew you.
He’d become more and more protective with time, and more and more playful.
Wrecker would try to share food and treats with you despite his usual gluttony.
In fact, his brothers would realize before he did that he was head over heels for you.
If you expressed even the slightest annoyance of foot pain or leg pain he’d offer to carry you.
He’d spend every spare second he had on you or assisting you or simply thinking about you.
He’d try to impress you with feats of his strength,
He even offered you Lula for a night after you confessed to having some bad dreams.
However, he still didn’t realize that his feelings for you were no longer platonic.
That was until he did.
It was when the two of you were watching a holofilm when he finally realized what was happening.
You fell asleep on top of him and suddenly his whole face felt hot and all his attention went to you.
His heart was racing as he made his best attempt to be as still as a rock.
Despite being with you all night, he couldn’t fall asleep and couldn’t bring himself to get up and move you.
The first person he tells is Crosshair, technically he rants to Lula first, but she’s not exactly the best at giving advice.
Wrecker didn’t know how to tell you, but he wanted to tell you as soon as possible.
He took some of Crosshair’s advice, but then opted to confide in his other three brother’s who were just as unsurprised as Crosshair at the news.
Wrecker takes all the advice he could get before he pays you a visit.
“I uh… I have something to tell you.”
Tech realizes quickly, surprised and confused by the changes in his heartbeat.
At first he thought he was sick when his face would get warm and his heartbeat would increase significantly.
However, that wouldn’t make any sense seeing as it only happened when he was around you or thinking about you.
It was easy to conclude this simple solution:
Tech had fallen in love with you.
It wasn’t hard to believe.
Tech found you rather charming.
You were a passionate and curious character, traits Tech admired.
Just to see if this theory was, in fact, true he began a series of tests.
These tests involved:
Standing or sitting close to one another,
Physical touch with the other person (including, but not limited to, the brushing of skin or an admittedly awkward hug),
Flirting (or, at least, his best attempt),
And, finally, a distraction test.
The results of each test relayed the same conclusion: Tech was in love with you.
But was he brave enough to tell you?
Probably not.
Tech would end up taking a similar course of action as Crosshair.
He’d isolate himself, but not to repair his walls.
Rather, Tech wanted to do his research as quietly as possible.
He avoided you, without trying to seem like he was avoiding you, in order to ensure his confession runs smoothly.
In fact, his first written confession was two pages long.
And, while he was certain you’d understand, he wanted to ensure his point wasn’t lost and that point was simple:
He is in love with you.
Tech waits for the right time before knocking at your door.
He’d studied typical romantic customs and revised what he’d say too many times to count just to ensure this moment went smoothly.
He waits at your door, flowers in hand.
“It has come to my attention that I have developed a deep romantic attraction to you. If you find you share my affections, then I hope you will allow me to utilize my research and follow the proper customs as I ask you to join me on a date this evening.”
While Hunter didn’t realize right away that he had fallen in love with you, he still realized quite quickly after.
He had always found your company enjoyable and admired many of your traits.
However, it wasn’t until he realized just how much comfort you brought him that he had fallen in love with you.
He admired you as a person, as well as your work ethic, but he never thought his feelings for you were ever more than platonic.
It wasn’t until one rowdy night at 79’s when he realized just how attracted to you he really was.
Normally, the bright lights, music, and heavy smell of alcohol would become to much for him in the short hour or two they were at the clone bar.
But today?
Today you were with them.
You and that sweet perfume you wore around the base, but never on missions.
You’d explained it to him before, and he remembered clearly, about how you didn’t want to wear it in case the smell ever began to bug him.
It was crazy just how drawn he was to that sweet smell now,
Perhaps just simply because that scent lead to you and that sweet smile and loving eyes.
It was the longest they’d ever been at the bar, Tech made that fact very well known on their way back to base.
Hunter realized just how grounded he was when he was around you.
It wasn’t the first time he relied on your familiar and sweet scent to stabilize his senses, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
Hunter knew he had fallen for you, but what he hadn’t realized was just how hard he fell for you.
At least, he didn’t realize before he had absent mindedly followed your scent across base and to your small office space.
The worst lie he’d ever told left his lips before he quickly left, completely embarrassed for doing something so silly.
His feelings for you felt unreal at times, his senses lulling him into a day dream simply because you passed by or sent him a smile.
Hunter could never bring it upon himself to avoid you, already starved for affection and comfort as a soldier.
But now, he had you.
Originally, Hunter didn’t plan on confessing to you.
It wasn’t until he found you were also falling for him that he thought it could be a good idea.
So, at the end of a mission on a serene planet, he’d pluck a flower from the ground and tuck it in your hair.
“I’d normally try plucking the petals, but I know it’d be easier to ask you myself…”
Echo had become significantly more in-tune to his emotions since his release from the Techno Union.
So when he fell in love with you, he knew the moment his face warmed and his heart skipped a beat.
You were one of the only people who ever brought him this kind of warmth, but even so, his insecurities slapped him with a forbidding cold.
Echo was happy to accept the fact he was in love with you.
The only problem?
He could never accept the possibility that you could love him the way he loved you.
It simply seemed impossible that your unconditional platonic love could turn into an unconditional romantic love; not when you could do better.
Echo would keep his feelings to himself for a while, preferring to enjoy your love in the safest way possible: as your friend.
The Batch had encouraged him numerous times to confess his feelings to you, but he was as stubborn as an old bantha.
It wasn’t until a deep, heartfelt conversation with Rex that Echo realized just how much he had to lose if he didn’t at least tell you.
While he wouldn’t quite panic, he wouldn’t know what to do when it came down to confessing to you.
He tried once, but you were just too perfect in that moment for him to ruin it with these feelings of love he had that felt forbidden.
Unfortunately for Echo, he never truly got the chance to confess on his own.
He wasn’t sure who told you, or if you’d just simply figured it out on your own, but the look of joy on your face when he confirmed that he was, in fact, in love with you made him not care in the slightest who told on him.
“I love you, cyare. And I don’t think I could ever stop.”
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crimeronan · 1 month
OH. thought: while hes knocked out, THATS when luz comes back. because it would be horrifying for both of them.
luz rushes to the owl house right after killing belos and she walks in and hunter cant be roused and she FREAKS OUT. eda barely manages to calm her down with "hooty gave him sleeping nettles." and luz responds ".. AFTER THAT MUCH ALCOHOL?? IS THAT SAFE??" and eda is suddenly Disliking the fact that dead people can watch her commit crimes, Apparently.
meanwhile hunter is pleading with dream luz to stay with him, and then he just hears, in luzs voice, "hunter, hunter you need to wake up.. its ok.. i'm right here with you" and he knows it isnt dream luz. and he is so devastated because he knows she wont be there, but theres another part of him thats so heartbroken and desperate hes going to listen to her immediately. even if its not her.
and then, begrudgingly he wakes up. for a split second hes in so much pain cause hes still in the cabin so shes still dead, but.. luz is holding him and covered in belos goop and blood and looking like that and shes all "omg hi hunter!! :3 💓💓💓💞💞💖💖❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷"
i think hunter immediately deserves to burst into the most tears ever over this. just spend an hour, at least, crying uncontrollably while luz tries to console him. and they also deserve AT LEAST 48 hours in a luz protective light bubble where no one can bother them ever.
god, i just wrote a fic where hunter has a godawful dream and wakes up alone, but 1) this is the alternate good ending instead and 2) if it goes down like it does in the fic, i STILL want luz to come back shortly after hunter wakes up. because by that point he's gone from being in pain to being angry & luz shows up in titan form covered in gore like "hi <3" and hunter is like oh i'm still sleeping nettles dreaming. fine. Fine. what terrible things does my subconscious have to say to me this time
and luz just grabs him and holds him and is like "i'm sorry, i'm sorry i couldn't come sooner, i love you, it's okay" and hunter is like. this is the worst thing you could do to me. but okay. okay i can pretend
he starts to realize it's real within an hour but he's scared to acknowledge that, because if he's Wrong, then believing it's real is the fastest way to make the bubble pop. but eventually he comes around. probably after amity yells at him again.
and then yeah. absolutely he's just going to spend some time crying uncontrollably and refusing to let go of her. and then spend 48 hours in a light bubble where no one can bother them ever
amity feels incredibly fucking weird about witnessing all this and is like "umm okay i don't think i should see you this vulnerable so i can.... go...."
while luz is like "wait. amity blight. you have my allegiance 5eva. can i die for you too."
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kihteyu · 9 months
Help I love Dadrius so much cause you just know he would absolutely spoil Hunter
Hunter growing up in an abusive and unloving environment, forced to believe that the only way he could ever receive any scraps of acknowledgement from his authority figure was if he was “perfect” and did his job well
Meanwhile, he moves in with Darius and it’s the complete opposite environment. He gets used to random shows of affection for no other reason than because Darius wants to show him love. He never has to skip meals or try and horde food because Darius makes sure he always gets enough to eat. He learns that it’s ok to cry in front of Darius because instead of a harsh reprimand for showing weakness, he would get a hug and a kiss to soothe him
One of Darius’ main love languages is gift giving so it’s not rare for Hunter to get cool new stuff. When he was at the castle, he’d only been allowed the bare necessities to survive. Occasionally he was allowed to get something for himself but he was under the impression that personal wants being fulfilled were not only rare, but had to be earned. Meanwhile, if Hunter shows even the most minuscule of interest in a new book or stuffed animal or anything else, Darius makes sure to get it for him the very next day.
Just thinking about Hunter getting to live out the rest of his childhood with an actually good parental figure is so emotional for me. He deserves to be happy!!!
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
The owl house spoilers: For the future (Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
I'm a lunter shipper so I'm going to look through this episode with lunter goggles on.
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Jealous Hunter is everything.
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They doing this shit on purpose cause they know how strong Lunter is.
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I know he deserves this shit, but I feel pity for him. Plus I want him at full power. He deserves to die at full power.
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All hail Queen Boscha. I feel so stupid but I didn't realize that was kikimora till luz realized it. God I'm such an idiot. I knew they were bad but I couldn't figure out why. I honestly forgot about Kimora and assumed she was dead.
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Grumpy boy! Damn he's hurting soooo bad.
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Lunter crumbs. Luz being the only one who can tell something is wrong. And how she right away is about to literally about to get up to go to him.
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Awwww poor baby. Camila is best mama. The whole wanting to be understood is stupid. But over all I like their talk. Hate luz's palisman. Such a cop out but at least it's not a stupid bat. Also luz looks so pretty!!!!!
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Lunter crumbs! Lunter looking like a battle couple! New pic for my next lunter playlist.
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This pic had me crying no lie. This is the true family. Not the stupid Nocedas siblings bullshit. Just add Camila( maybe vee. She's not my favorite but I'll deal) and it will be complete.
Overall the episode is ok. Animation good. Wish their was less huntlow bullshit, less crap about canon ships. Love luz. Love hunter. Love Boscha. Love Boschamity. Willow's whole thing was stupid. Wish their was fucking backstory for Caleb and Evelyn. LOVE Philip! Love eda king, Lilith and Hooty. Love what the collector did. Beautiful. Wish the isles looked like that actually. Love Matt and Gus. Hate luz's palisman but it's better than a fucking bat. Found it hilarious and feel horrible vindication that Luz, Hunter and almost everyone else looks so much more beautiful and Amity looks more ugly animation wise. Love king and I just want to keep him safe and God damn it let Eda king and luz reunite already! Overall ok episode. Some of it was worth the hype the rest trash and kinda happy that the next episode is going to be a while.
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
Hey howdy hey!
I see you are starting to write fics for trigun! I just started watching the newer anime and a bit of the old as well and it’s great! Vash is my favorite! He’s adorable!
I was wondering if you would do headcanons on what he would look for in a partner or s/o? Not body wise cuz I don’t think he would just anyone on that, but maybe personality wise? Would they be bubbly and goofy or dark and mysterious? Can totally be bender neutral for everyone to enjoy! And if you wanna do both New Vash and OG Vash that’s fine too! I’m ok with whichever or both 😊😊
If that’s not something you feel comfortable doing that’s totally fine and I completely understand! Thank you very much and I really enjoy your fics so far! I hope you continue to do more!!
I see your og Vash vs new Vash and raise you the additional Manga Vash.
MaxVash- Manga Vash
AniVash- ogAnime Vash
StamVash- Tristamp Vash
***For those reading in the future, this is written 3 sub episodes into Tristamp. If anything is inaccurate, it's cuz I haven't seen it yet. No one has. I can't wait to get to know him though.
**Technically spoilers for the manga. Not end fight stuff, but like, final wrap up chapter stuff.
What Vash looks for in an s/o
Overall, Kindness has to be the #1 thing in all 3 Vash's books. His s/o must be kind to everything and everyone wherever possible. Children, Elderly, adults, and even animals all deserve the same respect in his eyes. As much as he would prefer them to be a pacifist like himself, as long as you're not like, straight up murdering in front of him (spiders or otherwise), he should be fine. a kill in the past, or previously working as a bounty hunter or assassin etc, is forgiven, "just no more killing okay?"
All 3 have to quintuple check that you're 1,000% okay with living a life where you can never ever settle down. You'll always be on the run, never staying in one place, and unable to make many real friends. You'll essentially only have each other. So many people have turned against these boys, and they want to know you completely understand what this life will be giving you. 
General personality isn't necessarily a barrier to him. He can get along with basically anyone. They obviously have to treat him kindly, be respectful, and be able to handle his goofy antics in stride. From playing with the neighborhood kids, to partying at the local bar, they gotta keep up. They don't have to participate, but knowing that that's where Vash spends a lot of his time without being upset about it is important.
They also have to be able to handle the trauma these boys have stuffed in them. Not to be his therapist, but let him cry about the shit in his past, losing his friends, etc and then never bring it up unless he asks. 
I think AniVash would enjoy the contrast of someone scruffy, rough, and a little edgy, because they can keep him grounded, and see angles he can't. He's very stubborn, so sometimes someone who can knock him out of his rooted ways of thinking would be relatively healthy for him. 
StamVash, however, would prefer someone bubbly and big into self care, because he kind of seems stuck in his own pity party, and needs someone to pull him out. He needs to see the good that he's done where he has so far. 
MaxVash would want someone to hold him and unapologetically wants someone to take care of him. By the end of the Manga, He's so tired, even though he can't show it. He's been searching for his brother, he has used up all of his power, and he's at the end of his life. He's been fighting for so long, and even after he's essentially saved the planet, he still has a gigantic bounty in his head.
Bounty hunters and the Space military are still after him for what happened at the end of the manga. Even the Insurance girls- I'm sorry, Reporter girls are after him to get the scoop for their TV series! He just wants to sleep. He's tired of being on the run because he has to, and he wants someone to take care of him now. 
In reality though, MaxVash would never really admit to that. He also wants to show you off to his friends. The group of you Him, Milly, Meryl and Livio can just go to a bar, get drunk, and have a good time. Maybe even with Knives joining them, and no one giving two shits about his bounty. 
AniVash would want someone to keep him company. His journey is full of a lot more travel, and he seems like he just needs someone to play cards with, chess, and have intellectual conversations with. And, not that you'd be playing therapist by any means, but he wants someone to talk about his time before July. Sort out some thoughts, and have an outside opinion.
StamVash seems like he needs someone who will simply stick by him, no matter what. In the third episode, he didn't even hesitate when he was told to leave. Just picked up his bag that happened to be at his feet in the wreckage and left. I think at this point yes looking for companionship, and someone to actually live in his world with him. Someone who shares his efforts in stopping Knives from taking the plants from humans, and doesn't have to hide anything from.
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
The Magnus Archives Listen-Through
Season 2 Episodes 54-58
✐‘the only correct assumption I made about Gertrude was that she probably liked tea’ is the funniest line ever, and a legacy I will always aspire to hahaha
✐Ew, the pest control episode. Like the idea of ‘flesh hives’ is one of those fears I can’t get out of my head
✐Jane Prentiss is dead? Sure? You’re absolutely sure? You’re 100% totally I swear on Martin’s life SURE????
✐Poor Jon needs SLEEP
✐oh hey Buffy is back!
✐ok Trevor Vampire Hunter, whatever
✐‘I need to have some words with Martin’ OH NO
✐oh that’s a lot of yelling
✐Like JON give him a break, he just needed money, you know how the economy is
✐Why is this transcript labelled Not!Sasha???
✐I thought she was just being threatened or something
✐lol the photos of Sasha and her ‘boyfriend’ all look like stock photos that’s way too funny
✐Ew cannibal story nope nope nope
✐Jon quit stalking Tim and Martin challenge
✐How do these characters have such a hold on me already, I would die for every single one of them
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ok but can we PLEASE talk about the future seen in watching & dreaming????
first of all: dana terrace is doing gods work out there. queer, latina, black, and trans kids will be able to see themselves in her characters and i think that is really beautiful. fuck disney for cancelling the show x100000
secondly: STOP IT BECAUSE ITS LITERALLY THE CUTEST THING EVER. i will admit at first i was VERY against huntlow but now i straight up love them, they're so perfect for each otherrrr!! also my boy hunter finally got some sleep, his eyebags are gone (hunter x sleep best ship)
also THE MATCHING FLAPJACK TATTOOS??? too cute i might (read: definitely will) cry
i LOVE how everyone was so supportive of luz!!! they all gathered together and threw a quinceañera (or should i say KING-ceañera) for her bc she missed it helping them rebuild the boiling isles... they r so cute!!
also everyone's futures are SO PERFECT. the designs are GOLD and they all got to do what the wanted to do (willow with flyer derby, gus with human studies, hunter studying wild magic and carving palismen, luz doing literally everything)
here is a comprehensive list of what the hexsquad + parental figures are doing in the future:
- hunter is carving palismen with edas parents and the bat queen. he also has a new blue-jay palisman and her name is waffles and i love her very very much
- willow is a pro flyer derby player
- flapjack..... i think we all know what happened to flapjack
- lillith is an architect and is helping to rebuild hexside (she also still has a personal vendetta against flora desplora) + she can go harpy mode!!!
- hooty is still and forever will always be just hooty and i love that.
- amity is making abomination tech with her dad and has an AMAZING new look
- mattholomule finally grew a moustache
- principal bump is now a gardener. good for him he deserves a break
- alador is a good person now and has figured out a way to get rid of coven sigils. he's also gay for darius i think (FUCK odalia bro!!!)
- darius is... idk what darius is. basically he's now hunters full ass father and is also gay for alador
- raine is helping to conduct research on the new sigil removing process but more importantly is OFFICIALLY BACK TOGETHER WITH EDA
- gus is now directing a human exchange program at a school for wild magic (!!!) and has a SICK new look
- quite possibly the best of all, eda is the headmaster of the school!!! she also has a captain hook-style hook for an arm and i think that is wonderful. she also FINALLY learned how to do the staff spin from season 1
- vee is still amazing and has a new look, also i'm seriously hoping she's with the human who worked at the gravesfield museum and did tarot because they would be SO CUTE
- luz reigns supreme as the queen of doing literally everything and has about 10 different majors at her college. she also has eyeliner skills that i am seriously jealous of
and HOW COULD I FORGET. king now has glyph magic???? he's getting powerful as fuck apparently so now luz gets to learn a whole new glyph system while she's at college
anyways final thoughts are: this episode was a masterpiece esp considering what dana was working with only having three episodes to fill. and of course, say it with me now:
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Analysis because I’m bored
I’d do a venndiagram thing but it won’t fit everything so you get a confusing list instead
Zuko from Avatar. Hunter from Owl House. Leo from Rise. Tommy from DSMP.
What do they have in common?
a frikcin lot, actually
16 y/old boy
Trauma city baybee
Has cried on screen at least once 
Self-sacrificial tendencies (some more prominent than others)
Mental health in the gutter
What’s a therapist
Magic exists
Angst magnets both in canon and in the fandom
Can Not catch a break ever
They all have siblings
Dumbass. Every single one of them. They’ve all done really stupid things.
Sometimes they are in absolutely misery and sometimes they are just incredibly funny for no reason
High key dramatic 
“Most people find me annoying at first” they piss off a lot of people and can be kinda obnoxious 
Strange creatures exist
Distinct color
Almost fell to their death in a very dramatic scene 
But wait, there’s more:
No mom at all
Literally none
Silly goofy guys <3
Blonde (look ik Leo only had hair for 1 episode and it was evil but let me have this)
Really wants attention/validation and does some stupid stuff to get it (ok Zuko probably does too but it’s a little less?? Obvious?? Idk)
America exists 
They live in a comedy world (aside from the angst) and it Shows
Starts out silly goofy and then turns into angst (Avatar was kinda angsty from the beginning)
Knows a few words of Spanish (which is more than Zuko knows considering Spanish doesn’t exist in his world)
Don’t wanna flex but they’ve never been possessed (rip Hunter)
Doesn’t travel between realms (fantasy vs the real world but with some magic involved)
Does not attend school at all and shows no interest in doing so
Has a normal vocabulary (doesn’t use nerd words as much as Hunter)
Face visible from their first appearance 
Has fist-fought people and will again
Fshshs this one is not very long
They can wield magic powers
Has a large support group of people who love them (oof Tommy)
Has at least one good parental figure (oof Tommy)
Recovery! Hopeful endings! :) (oof tommy) 
When they almost fell to their death they were saved by a loved one (oof tommy)
Big brother moment (at least one younger sibling) 
Very protective over younger siblings (adopted or not)
American accents
human (look hunter’s a clone of a human I’m counting it)
They like girls (probably straight)
Manipulated by one of the most powerful character in their world
Experienced abuse and is very clearly traumatized by it 
Not very good at acting like they’re totally fine and not at all mentally ill
Trauma is actually addressed in canon (Fshshs rip Leo) 
Goes off into the wilderness alone for a while and comes back disheveled, distressed, and generally not vibing
Can go places without being immediately ostracized due to being an actual turtle (Rip Leo)
Can’t lie to save their lives
Actually exists in other worlds besides just like…. New York
But of course, who would I be if I just stopped there??
fully blonde
Has had multiple panic attacks on screen
Dog person (hunter likes wolves and tommy does too)
Finds out rather abruptly that their abuser doesn’t care about them and has a mental breakdown over it
Friends are all very very traumatized
Would cry at being accepted into a family (Hunter did and you can’t tell me Tommy wouldn’t bc he really badly wants a family) 
People tend to dislike them a lot despite them not really deserving it? (Like yeah they’re a little obnoxious at times but it’s not that big of a deal)
Their animal friends always die :(((
Worrying suicidal/semi-suicidal behavior?? (Hunter was digging his own grave ok I know it was kinda played for humor but that’s messed up. I don’t even need to mention Tommy boy was fully and canonically suicidal)
Spend most of their time in another realm being somewhat? Aware of another realm but no one really going there until much later
LGBTQ rep in canon (not them specifically tho)
“Aw, they’re finally heali- oop, nope, there’s another buttload of trauma”
Uses two swords at once
Very good sword fighter also
Tends to kinda jump into things without thinking even though they’re smart and can strategize well but somehow it works out for them in ways it really shouldn’t 
Is occasionally the voice of reason while everyone else is being dumb
Feels weak and powerless next to their super-powerful awesome sibling(s)
Main parental figure is a short Asian man with grey hair that is very powerful but tends to act silly. Also they don’t like utilizing their incredible fighting skills unless necessary bc of their Tragic Past (TM)
Your second priority is your loved ones. Your first priority should always be committing to the bit
Humor coping mechanism 
Makes stupid decisions for the funni
Really loves their older brother who gives them a lot of guidance (to the point of almost being a parental figure)
They have a main mentor/parental/familial figure that they really love and that loves them in return but their relationship is somewhat strained due to the mentor figure’s poor mental health causing them to inadvertently hurt them
Make silly noises heehoo
Some angst but mostly funni
They have heartbreaking angst and then straight back to crack levels of comedy
Can be very overconfident in their abilities, especially when it comes to smooth-talking/scamming people
Trapped in a prison with an unbeatable foe and basically beaten to death 
They only escaped because of magic previously thought impossible 
Angst in a dark void heehoo
Younger brother energy
Antagonizes a lot of people
Allowed to swear
Upset someone who loves them because they didn’t seem to be taking a situation seriously and it ended up with a lot of hurt from both parties 
Father figure is the leader of an oppressive regime 
Raised from birth to believe said regime is good and helping people
Good heart under it all
Redemption arc when they figure out they’re on the wrong side (takes a while because they don’t want to think ill of their father figure even though they’re blatantly abusive)
Mental breakdown moment when they realize- was in denial for a long time before that point
Visible scars caused by abuser
Gets a new, actually nice parental figure
Big brother of their friend group 
Socially awkward 
Changes outfits throughout the show to show their character growth and development
Has some moments of empathy with protagonists before actual redemption arc
Not actually the protagonist/ main focus (look, Tommy and Leo are very much main characters)
Adopted 12 y/o younger brother who is very powerful and they are very protective over him 
Little brothers’ eyes glow blue when they use their powers
theater nerds 
Red guys
Lashes out at people who care about him 
Born naturally (as far as we know)
One-on-one duels don’t work out so great for them
They have been Everywhere. Almost every large event involves them somehow
100% actually human 
Sometimes uses swords, sometimes other stuff
Don’t do great wandering in the wilderness on their own
Talks to themselves/random animals when stressed
Anger issues anger issues anger issues
Jerk with a heart of gold (real) 
Has canonically committed many crimes and doesn’t feel guilt about most of them (some of the worse ones that really hurt people they do feel bad for tho)
They commit arson and it’s not ideal
Falls into a minor villain arc right when it seemed like they were going to get better, then realizes this isn’t who they are and confronts the person encouraging them to be violent/cruel
Artificially created by a dramatic being with a gold horned mask and nefarious plans centered around genocide and conquest
Obsessed with a science fiction franchise and dresses up as characters from it
Is shown to enjoy wearing animal costumes once and then it’s never brought up again (Leo’s unicorn onesie and Hunter’s split-second Flapjack costume)
Trauma surrounding possession
Knows a little bit of Spanish 
Acts confident and smug and cocky when in battle mode but is actually insecure and sad
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anyway that’s all thanks for reading
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saturn-sends-hugs · 2 years
starting with episode seven:
First off, RIYO!!! SHE ABSOLUTELY SLAYED, the way she literally went to 79’s (also AAAA 79S!!!) specifically so she could actually talk to the clones is so so important, she is incredible
Slip was so wonderful, the parallels of him at 79s and then running through Coruscant while scared for his life were very painful tho (also his number was ct-0409 and that’s literally irrelevant but like COME ON ITS ONE NUMBER OFF I COULDN’T NOT NOTICE THAT)
Bail Organa!!! He’s here and he’s so so good!!
REXXXXX!!!!!!!!!! Omg when I heard his voice on the comm I FREAKED out and then he had his silly little disguise again and that was so so sweet
The sniper clone that Rampart sent after them was so sad to see, it reminds me of how Cody’s chip clearly wore off, but he still believes he did certain things of his own volition (i.e. “We make our own choices. And we have to live with them too.”). It seems like a lot of clones don’t know what exactly they’re fighting for anymore, and the empire is just not helping at all ofc
Ok and uh… now episode eight… these are just gonna be mostly episode thoughts cause the whole Echo thing,,, that deserves its own post
Starting off, still not over that beginning. Echo IMMEDIATELY getting not just multiple lines, but lines about his TRAUMA, and he’s actually OPENING UP ABOUT IT TO OMEGA???!???!??? “I… don’t enjoy solitude.” LIKE???? OMG??? The pain, the absolute agony, that line has me in a death grip and you bet ur ass that’s ending up in a fic sometime bhskshsjsjksks
His conversation there with Omega makes me think he’d already decided here. When Omega asks if the batch rescuing him is what made him join them, he says, “This is where I fit, where I was needed.” He seems like he already knows that’s changed now
okoKOK, OMEGAS. PONCHO. OMEGAS PONCHO OMGGGSJBSJSBSJSKSLLS SHE WAS SO SO ADORABLE!!! I’ve loved seeing her in situations without the batch, it’s nice to be reminded of how determined she always is even without her brothers right next to her :) (also, really liked how this episode didn’t take her out of the action, but removed her from the fighting so the rest of them could kinda breathe without the story focusing solely on her here)
We had a lot of very long Echo shots + lines during the mission, and that immediately scared me. Rex and his conversation here has me wondering though. Because it seems like either he already talked to Rex about it, since Rex seems to be almost bringing Echo up to speed on what exactly he’s doing, or that Echo is at least really solidifying his decision here, because after Rex’s line of “Help’s hard to come by these days,” Echo looks down and just thinks for a good long time, even after Wrecker calls down to them.
oh my GOD i might make a separate post just about this and other Echo stuff but UM???? When he just took control of the venator, diverted the power, MANNED THE CANONS AND MANAGED TO SHOOT DOWN THE SHIPS HEADED FOR THEM, and then activated the engines to make it harder for the stormtroopers??? Dude???? He can just do all of that?? By himself??? No wonder he wants to fight the Empire, HE COULD LITERALLY BE SO POWERFUL
And ofc, I felt so bad for Omega afterwards when she said “I don’t understand. We did the right thing.” :((((((
here we go
tagging @phis-writing since u wanted my thoughts lol
first off, Hunters line here. “Wherever you end up, remember what I said.” …wHAT??? WHAT DID YOU SAY I NEED TO KNOW SIR WHAT
omega slowly realizing omg ow
“Best of luck, Echo” ow ow ow omg ow help this is where i started crying
Echo looks so sad trying to tell Omega why he’s leaving, and I get why he didn’t tell her before no matter how long his mind had been made up for, but omg, that hurt so bad. “I’m going where i’m needed.” yup yup there it is, that parallels his lines from the start ow
and tHEN. she hUGS HIM. i can’t hANDLE THIS OMG that was so important
damn it im watching it again while writing this and the music has me sobbing again i cANT, him watching the marauder fly off and then OMEGA HUGGING LULA i actually can’t
I knew Echo was going to leave. Logically, I knew it was going to happen and that it was his best option, he wants to fight the Empire and save his brothers, and that’s just not something the rest of the batch wants to take the risk for. I knew he was leaving, and even though I definitely tried to see every possible way he wouldn’t, I don’t mind it.
Don’t get me wrong, I hate that it might mean he’s getting way less screen time, and I kinda hate that he’s not gonna be there to spur the batch into action anymore, but for his sake I am so so glad he went with Rex. His entire life he’s grown up surrounded by brothers, and the batch has proven time and time again how differently they feel about that. Now, Echos just been sitting back for way too long, and I honestly love the way they had him leave.
There was no fighting, there was no long argument where he said the batch was wrong for not fighting the Empire. He knew they wanted different things, and everyone fully supported him in his decision to step away. He left because that’s where he was needed, to fight for his other family. (Not to mention he would be an INCREDIBLE benefit to Rex like did u SEE WHAT HE DID ON THAT VENATOR??? HE TOOK THAT THING DOWN SINGLE HANDEDLY)
I think it makes complete sense that his loyalty and his drive would lead him to join the rebellion, and I’m so incredibly hopeful it means we’ll get a Rex and Echo episode, probably with Riyo too, I’m SO excited
I’m also really hoping Omega will keep thinking of him and what she saw in the senate. Right now it seems like she’s getting more and more interested in standing up to the empire, and I’m interested to see if she’ll eventually bring it up with the batch? I’m not sure she’d convince them to join the rebellion, but I really hope her drive for justice/revenge doesn’t stop here, she’s angry and she deserves to fight for whatever she believes. Echo taught her too much for her not to.
The hood thing is, he’s coming back :)
(right filoni right please please omg tell me he’s coming back pLEASE)
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chasingfictions · 2 years
Nat is Buffy coded and Misty is spike coded. Nat is just a girl trying to do the best she can, and Misty is the monster that would do anything for her. Every time Nat rejects Misty she is reminded of the monster she is. Every time Nat accepts her, Misty feels like maybe she isn’t a monster after all. Thinking about them for too long makes me want to cry
STOP IT RIGHT NOW. ok bc literally the spuffy mistynat continuum is about being freak4freak . i also think it's about monstrosity from nat's side of things too. nat is the one of the survivors who is the Most realistic about what happened she's kind of the only one having a normal response to what they did. to what she specifically did. nat as the hunter. nat understanding herself to be a monster and it's not that she doesnt think she's one it's just that the crushing reality of that is too much for her. but misty is so matter of fact about everything misty is free of shame. like misty has self hatred but she doesnt have shame. and nat embracing the monster in misty is her also saying well maybe i dont have to feel awful all the time maybe i can just be. literally you do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting!!!!!!!! you only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
which is also what it is for buffy!!!!!!!!! buffy's shame at being the slayer buffy's shame at being made of the same thing as monsters of being like monsters. and then you have spike and faith as narrative parallels who are both like no being this specific kind of monster is my favorite thing to be. this is a good thing to be. you can be a good thing to be. buffy's shame at caring for, loving, wanting spike being about what it says about her. buffy accepting that she loves spike, wants spike, directly correlating to moments where she is allowing herself to live more easily in the world. buffy telling spike: "i do want you" when she's breaking up with him. she is accepting the want and she's also saying i need to find a way to be alive. i deserve to want to be alive. buffy telling spike "i love you" as they destroy the hellmouth as they change the slayer cycle, as she refuses to die again, instead makes the world a place where she can keep living, where she says okay a body like mine gets to live. a person like me gets to live.
misty spending all season trying to keep natalie alive. helping her find travis because she knows nat needs it to feel whole and she wants to keep her safe as she does it. leading nat away from travis' body before theyre arrested. snorting the coke for her. kidnapping jessica to keep her friends safe and we know natalie is the person she means most by that.
spike saving buffy's life again and again. trying to. "i did save you. not when it counted of course but after that. every night after that. every night i save you." catching her in once more with feeling. "life's not a song. life isnt bliss life is just this it's living . you have to go on living. so one of us is living." buffy telling spike that being with him makes things easier. spike trying to get buffy to accept her darkness and her desire because he thinks she genuinely needs to, that it will make her happy, that it will set her free. buffy seeking out spike when she wants to feel okay. "i can be alone with you here" . the flooded back porch scene. "the only person i can stand to be around is a neutered vampire who cheats at kitten poker." "i just wanna feel." buffy going to his crypt again and again. sun sets and she appears.
natalie seeking out misty. natalie being suspicious of misty so she stalks her and breaks into her house, but when misty gives her the first bit of proof that it wasnt her, nat just sticks around. nat trusts her. nat seeks misty out and stays with her again and again and again. nat complains about spending time with misty and then keeps seeking out misty to spend more time with her and she always seems so happy when they do. do you see. DO YOU SEE.
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darkmatter-nebula · 1 year
Colli will save Hunter from the detention pit by taking his place, which Hunter never forgave himself and spent several hours crying, it looked like a scene from a Mexican soap opera and Colli then left because director Bump only left the break because Colli doesn't do anything and just changed his place
Good morning! Thanks for the request!
Drabble: Innocent Little Starboy
"No... that's... that's terrible! Colli is innocent, for Titan's Sake! He hasn't done anything wrong! He doesn't deserve to be in the Detention Pit..." A certain young Grimwalker was heartbroken as Colli practically sacrificed himself for him.
Hunter didn't do anything wrong either, but a misunderstanding led to the Hexside staff to believe that he was responsible for a prank with a very disgusting smelling potion. The blonde boy was crying his eyes out as he was thinking about Colli.
The small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold took Hunter's place. Colli was just as protective of Hunter as Hunter was of him. What the former Golden Guard didn't know was, that Colli wasn't in the Detention Pit.
Principal Bump, and the entire staff, knew that the kindhearted eternal little boy was the most well behaved kid at Hexside. He would never cause mischief. Colli was in Bump's office, where he explained that Hunter was innocent.
"I believe you, Colli. Your big brother is innocent and, therefore, is not going to be punished!" Bump declared. "Thank you so much, Sir!" Colli had a relieved smile on his adorable multi-colored face. He immediately floated into Hunter's direction.
Hunter was sitting in front of the Detention Pit. He felt defeated. He felt as if he had failed his beloved little brother. "Hunter, it's ok. I'm here." Upon hearing Colli's lovely voice, Hunter turned around and wrapped his arms around him.
"Oh, thank Titan! You're alright!" Hunter showered his greatest treasure with lots of soft and loving brotherly kisses. Colli intertwined his fingers with Hunter's, while Hunter pressed with infinite tenderness his forehead against Colli's.
"I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!" Hunter whispered as some kind of mantra. The immortal celestial boy meant the world to him, and he would never forgive himself if something happened to Colli.
The End
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pinkplatiploo · 2 years
Here’s my thoughts while watching transcribed:
Rat! Oh it’s a possum
He cried oh oh
Luz has a switch ok
Oh I’m thinking the leaks were real waiiittt I’m confused. We’ll see ig
Bro the witch trail
Slay Gus slay
Ew Jacob or what’s his face. “WhY aRe u ClaPpIng” get a grip bro like idk
code??? Did I hear that right? Code to travel???
oh puzzle. The thing mkay
The video diaries are from when she was a kid
Luz hates the SAT. Based luz
Oh no luzura
The glyphs are doing stuff ooooooo
The leaks. Were real. Shit
Why is the animation so good Belos doesn’t deserve it
Ok I’m literally speechless
Flapjack. My chest actually hurts omg
Also hunter yesss
Im shaking
Oh he’s drowning oh what’s happening it’s cutting out—
Oh what. What. There’s a thinggggg
Oh no the leaks were real. Flapjackkkkkkkkkk you better notttt
luz stop blaming yourself
For flapjack.
I’m glad we get to see them go into the portal
Camila is going!!! Yes
The hat. The hat
What. What was thatttttt
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And this is part 3 bestie 🤗💚 @larabiatasstuff
When you got home, your father and his men arrived shortly after, he didn't find any evidence of the vampire, and he wasn't in the best mood. "I give you one simple job and you couldn't carry that out, your useless!" "Its not my fault the ground broke beneath my feet!" "Why didn't you do what you were sent to do?!" "Well maybe I didn't want to do it!" The tent falls silent for a moment, you feared what your father would say back. "What did you say? You didnt want to get that vampire!" "All I wanted was some semblance of a bond with you, that's why I took this on! But why should I kidnap an innocent vampire to make you happy?" "Innocent?! No vampire is innocent! They are all blood sucking heartless creatures who dont understand reason! They all deserve to burn!" "Why?! Because you say so? This war is all because of you and the fact that you hate anyone and anything that's diffrent to you! I've had enough father! I cant do this anymore!"
"Excuse me?" "I'm not going to be a hunter, I'm not going to carry on with your little errands you send me on, I dont want to be like this, like you!" "Well good luck with that! It seems you cant do anything, even walk with that foot of yours! And even when your foot is all better, who is going to take you in hmm? We are the only humans around and now because of the way you just spoke to me, you will no longer be welcome hear! I will show you the little mercy I have, and allow you to stay until you can walk. But as soon as that day comes....you are banished from hear, and from this moment forward...I have no daughter!" He storms out of the tent leaving you to cry your heart out, how could he do this to his own daughter? He truly was a cruel man, a real monster. You manage to go back to your tent at the far end of the camp, away from everyone else, you had a walking stick to support yourself on, but it was still painful when you walked. It was the dead of night and all the other men were in the centre of the camp all enjoying drinks and having a laugh, so you were completely on your own.
You sat down on your bed in the big and spacious tent, and buried your face in your hands as more waves of tears flowed through you, but a noise stops you in your tracks. It's the noise of your tent door pulling to the side, and out of nowhere, you get a very unexpected visitor. "V-Valek?! What are you doing hear?! Its too dangerous, you have to go!" But he doesn't fight, he doesn't answer you, he just looks at you. "What are you looking at? Valek please you have to go" He kneels down infront of you, wipes away some tears from your cheek and gently pulls you in for a hug. You didn't realise how starved of touch you were, and how much you needed this right now, you instinctively hug him back just as tightly, crying on his shoulder from all the pain you had experienced, you were pleased to see him again, and so happy that you were able to feel something happy for once.
"Y/N, I heard what your father said in the tent, please listen to me when I say this. He is wrong about you, he doesn't deserve you as a daughter, you shouldn't waist tears over him" "Your right, I know your right. It's not just him though, I crying because this still hurts. And I dont have anything that can help with the pain" you say pointing down to your foot. "What if I was to help you?" "What do you mean?" "Do you remember when i told you I had many abilities? Well one of then was healing saliva, remeber?" "Oh Valek, no that's ok. You've already done enough for me, you saved me in the cave, you've come back to see me-" "And now I wish to help you Y/N, it pains me to see you hurt this way. Please? Let me help you" Your still a little weary of all of this, and a tear runs down your cheek again. "What's wrong?" "Its just....I'm not used to this" "Used to what?" ".....someone caring about me, thinking about what I need. I'm not used to it..." "Well, that's about to change Y/N...now just hold still for me"
He carefully lifts your foot, it's just around the ankle where the pain and swelling is, he gives you a smile before he presses his lips to the tender skin. It stings at first, but the more he does it, the less painful it is, until its practically numb, which was a welcome change to the stinging pain you had before. The swelling had gone down and it felt a lot better, but it was still too painful to walk on. "Thank you Valek, I dont know how I can repay you for this" "I know how you can, I wish to talk to you again tomorow night, if you'll have me" "Aren't you worried you'll be seen? It's the human hunters camp, it's like being in the lions den" "I dont care, I wish to be around you, help you get better....and know you..." He was being so sweet, you knew your father was wrong about vampires, especially when it came to Valek. You agreed and that's exactly what he did, every night from then on, he would sneak onto the camp and spend time with you in your tent, away from anyone else. As your father had told the hunters about you being banished, noone was to go near you, and you were happy with that, because it meant you and Valek would be away from danger. During these nights, Valek would continue to help ease your pain, both on your ankle and emotionally, and you ended up feeling very close to him, so much so that being around him was all you ever wanted.
One night about a week later, your foot was all better, and Valek had come by the tent as usual. "Oh my dear Y/N, your all better!" "And it's all thanks to you Valek, if it wasn't for you I don't know what I would do" "Well you would be bedridden a lot longer due to-" "I don't mean that you idiot!" You both laugh at your little comment. "I mean if I had never met you...my life would have been so difffent, and it wouldnt be half as wonderful as it is now" He gives you a warm smile as he walks up to you, looking into your eyes with those piercing blue windows to his soul. His hands delicately strokes your cheek, and he leans in close to you, slowly and gently pressing his lips onto yours, the feeling of his soft inviting lips were like magic against yours, you had never been kissed like this before, it felt like you were weightless as he held you in his arms, and yours wrapped around his shoulders, deepening this already incredibly passionate kiss. You couldn't stop looking into his eyes when you both pulled away, he was so beautiful. "Come with me Y/N" "What?" "Leave this place and come to stay with me. I'll keep you safe, make you feel wanted, show you the love you deserve" "Are you sure? What about the other vampires? How would they feel about a human amongst them?" "You think your the first? Many humans have lived amongst us over the years, many of the other vampires have human mates and love them dearly. Come with me, and I can give you anything you desire...." "You....I desire you Valek" "And my beautiful treasure....my heart is yours"
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Later that evening, Valek was waiting at the edge of the forest for you while you collected your things. You got everything you could need and put it on your horse, walking it over to your fathers tent. "Its a shame you weren't the daughter I'd hoped you would be. The perfect vampire hunter" "I would rather be a strong independent woman with her own mind, than a hunter under your command" "Then that's your choice...leave, and never come back" You climb onto your horse and are about to turn and leave, just as your father says something to you. "Unless....you beg for forgiveness. Then I may consider allowing you back" "I would beg for death before I begged to be within metres of your cruel and heartless soul again. Remember that..." And with that, you trot out of the camp and on through the night. Its another half an hour until you reach the edge of the forest where Valek is waiting for you. "Are you alright my treasure?" "Yes, I'm better than alright. I'm finaly free" "Come down for a moment my treasure, I wish to show you something" he gives you his hand as you climb off your horse, and he leads you to a cliff edge, showing the land infront of you with the moon and stars shining like diamonds above you.
"You are no longer confined to that camp anymore, the world is all hear for you to see, to explore, anything you wish is yours. Before I take you to the castle, is there anything you wish to do?" Your feeling so happy inside and smiling from ear to ear, that you cant get any words out, but you know exactly what you want to do. You turn to him and pull him in for a passionate kiss, the emotions you were feeling and the soft feel of his lips and tounge were everything you could ever want to feel right now, and you could tell he was feeling the same way. He lifts you up and presses you against the tree, kissing your neck and holding your hips as he grinds against you. Your hands pull his black jacket away, then his black shirt revealing his muscular pale chest before you, and he does the same, pulling your shirt off of you, then his lips find the soft warm skin of your breasts. He feels so good against your skin, it made you shiver with anticipation as he kisses and licks anywhere he can.
He pulls you away from the tree as he sits himself on the enormous boulder, having you on his lap, then his hand slides into your trousers, pulling them away from you so now you were completely naked. You unzip his trousers and pull them down too, releasing his rock hard cock. His lips find yours again in a passionate embrace as you position yourself on top of him, and slowly slide down over his cock. "Oh my beautiful treasure, you feel so good" "You do to Valek" He starts moving your hips back and forth against his groin, making you feel amazing as he f#cks you over and over. The feeling is so intense that one hand grabs and leaves scratch marks along his back, and the other is making a fist in his dark thick wavy hair, desperate to hold onto him as your orgasm pulses through you. It's like a wave of electric pleasure flowing through you, it even leaves you week and shaking against him as he hold you, slowly coming down from your high just like he is. "I've wanted to be with you for so long Y/N, this was an amazing experience we've shared" "I couldn't agree more Valek, I needed you so much" You both let out a breathed laugh before sharing another kiss, with the moon and the stars shining around you, making the whole moment as beautiful as you could have ever wished.
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fumifooms · 2 years
I’m disappointed in the Chainsaw Man fandom. I can’t believe I have to embarrass myself by being the first one to say it. How can the world do this to me.
So like. Wouldn’t it be kinda interesting, wouldn’t it be kinda neat, to ship Asa and Haruka and see where it goes…
Ok so I’ve been holding it back for a few weeks. The first thing that drew my eye to this ship concept is that he was* pretending to be Chainsaw Man, so that gives Asa incentives to interact with him and from there a lot of fun scenarios can happen. Hruka’s personality is just being flamboyant and lying about himself to seem cooler, being a cold bitch as an authority figure and also being pathetic and cringefail. He’s just a highschooler that’s a hardcore Chainsaw Man fanboy and wants to be liked and respected and cooler but is just… A dumb teen. C’monnn he’s flamboyant and she wants to be invisible. He thinks he’s hot shit and she just wants to dig herself a hole to hide in. He’s the powerless & pathetic one that seems well-adjusted and she’s the messy war machine!! All I’m saying is that I like Haruka and I think harukasa would be funny and cute and maybe even heartfelt. Give me an Haruka character arc, canon, please, I beg. If you want more of my thoughts on him, here’s a post of mine theorizing!
WHICH. He *is* some level of smart, don’t get me wrong. He’s good at assessing situations and forming plans, as seen as how he directed people in the Aquarium crisis. The fact he freaked out after a couple days is fair, so did everyone else and not even Yoshida or Chainsaw Man were able to find any way out. Let the guy cry for his life. Anyways- so he’s kinda smart, plus he’s student council president so he’s supposed to have his shit together, AND he’s obsessed with a devil who’s a devil hunter. He’s the devil hunter club’s leader. I would not be surprised at all if as the page below implies Haruka would sus out Asa having a devil contract or even straight up being a horsemen. Famine’s on his team, who knows at this point.
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So that’s even more fun scenarios harukasa can sprout!!! Also imo after how he talked to her at the Aquarium I don’t think Asa would feel very guilty over transforming him into a weapon… At first anyways, then she learns how much of a sad lonely loser he is and her heart is taken from then on. Just think about it!! The “oh mighty” devil hunting club president who’s actually pretty loser and his -surprise!- badass devil girlfriend who will protect him and carry him bridal style through the guts of a devil he got too close to and that she killed for him. You can sprinkle in so many flavors!! Do they bond over feeling lonely and outcast and stupid? Is there a lot of tension and dislike??! Is it chainsaw man superfan vs hater?! Does she lowkey crave his validation as her club president?! 
Putting the rest under a cut for space reasons but give this a chance please maybe… I am incoherent and desperate and us Haruka fans are so rare
Wow, look at this compilation of Haruka being love interest material!! /hj
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Also he called her attagirl… Idk that’s just a fun pet name I think Asa would love it in general. Makes her feel competent and appreciated
Hehe look at him trying to make a grand introduction and getting interrupted, he’s so pissed and petulant 💕he prob feels powerless in his life in general and tries to compensate with his meager social status tbh
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They even have a lil’ heart to heart!! Oh to be curled up in foetal position against the wall as your love interest is laying on the floor waiting for death in misery and all your walls of secrets and illusions of grandeur come down. There isn’t any sense of propriety or pretense left here.
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All that I’m saying is that Denji is great but also Asa deserves a boyfriend that will be scared shitless of her devil form. Or actively want to kill her. Also his hair looks stupid.
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I mean….. I MEAN…….
Ok if I’ve not sold you on the aesthetic just think: wouldn’t it be funny. Imagine in an AU where Haruka hasn’t revealed he isn’t Chainsaw Man, Yoru is like “Ok whatever, your thing with Denji isn’t progressing with the plan, what if you try getting close to Chainsaw Man instead? Seduce him!” And the irony is ofc that she’s leaving Denji for a fake Chainsaw Man AND OH HOW GLORIOUS THAT WOULD BE. When the charade is blown and Haruka isn’t Chainsaw Man, maybe like he confesses it to her in a vulnerable moment when they officially become a couple, and then Yoru immediately turns him into a weapon even if Asa had started to like him. Or! Love triangle with Denji that’d be so funny. Maybe Haruka takes an interest in her once he sees her powers, wants to investigate or smth! 
Haruka is just a funny little guy that’s even more loser than Asa and Denji because he’s actually powerless and I want him to get into dangerous shit and freak out and then try to save face & look cool anyways, start having white hairs from stress at the age of 20 bc he can’t handle any of this shit and yet. He’s a clown for liking Asa but also I think it’d be a cute clown where he’d let himself be sillier and less important and whatever. Anyways!!!!! Fumi out, enjoy the food for thought 🤡
Asaden is becoming canon so I want to drive the car in a wild other & new direction! I don’t care about the tragic incredible well-written narrative!! Give me the crackship that somehow works!!
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