#hunter's ask lounge ���️
hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
141 + the others reacting to sweetheart in tight pants or short-shorts that leave nothing to the imagination?
(The Krueger imagine)
141!Sweetheart is getting really comfortable around the boys, enough to wear shorts that look like underwear on her. She has embraced her past and new scars and now wants to wear whatever she wants around the people she loves (platonically?idk LMAO) although she whines about it being too tight around her hips, she wears the black spandex shorts that ride up way too much on her thighs and ass. Fat jiggling while she walks, hypnotizing the men she works with. Price bites into his cigar, Ghost spills his tea as Gaz and Soap choke on their breakfast. König had to shuffle down in his chair to hide his groin under the table, while Alex and Roach just freeze and stare. Horangi had to go... clean up, as he brushed past a lightheaded Rudy and a grinning Alejandro.
She smiles at them and says, "Good morning!' Like she always does, innocent to their hard gazes. But she knows.
She knows hunger when she sees it, and she likes to keep them starving for more.
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revasserium · 8 months
Hey, can I request zoro x reader (established relationship) where the Strawhats end up going to reader’s home island (unknown to anyone in the group aside from reader), and the reader is super nervous and refuses to leave the boat, so the crew goes out and walk around and they find a missing/wanted poster of the reader and find out she’s a run away princess that needed to be. Later they coke to find out that reader ran away cause her parents and the servants mistreated and was about to marry her off to a violent prince
opla requests are: open
lips on every cross
opla!zoro; 5,989 words; fem!reader, semi-established?? relationship, posessive!zoro, strawhat!reader, no "y/n", reader gets kidnapped, fluff and angst, very brief! mentions of past familial abuse and trauma, nicknames ("Princess"), slow-ish burn???, more plot than not
summary: zoro has never thought himself a holy man. but he'd kiss every cross if it meant finding his way back to you.
a/n: idk why every opla fic i write is like... more plot than i bargained for but here we are. literally, this fic was just supposed to be "zoro calls the reader 'princess'".
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01. when love arrives
(“Hey Princess —“)
The nickname starts, as almost all things do on the Going Merry, as a joke. And, as with most jokes made amongst the rag-tag crew, it sticks. He’d said it because he’s sure you’d mentioned your name once or twice already, but he’d been napping or eating and he didn’t feel like looking like an asshole right that moment.
The ribbon in your hair had caught the light in just the right way, pale pink satin — such a strange, soft color amidst the careening, careless ocean, and the word just… slipped.
“Why’dyou call her that?” Luffy asks, lounging back against the main mast as Zoro works through the umpteenth rep of single-armed pushups.
Zoro puffs out a breath and switches arms.
“Dunno. Seemed like it fit.”
Luffy slates you a long glance, blinking owlishly.
“Really? Eh — I guess… well, she is really pretty.”
Zoro only grunts, jumping up and stretching both arms over his head with a long, steady breath. His eyes flicker towards you as well, laughing with Nami on the foredeck, sipping on cocktails, Sanji probably simping somewhere nearby.
He thinks back to where they’d found you, hood pulled low over your eyes, the tell-tale signs of distress carved into every line of your body, from the curve of your spine to the bend of your shoulders.
Luffy hadn’t asked questions, so Zoro hadn’t either.
Curiosity, the fatal flaw that runs so sharp and obvious through the entirety of Luffy’s being, hasn’t always been rewarded well in Zoro’s experience. And he’s learned by now that “truth will out”, or so they say.
(“C’mon, Princess, I thought you said you could drink.”)
Caution, on the other hand, is Zoro’s oldest friend. You are cautious, if nothing else, and the first time he sees you relax in his presence, he wonders to himself if there’s a drug in this world strong enough to induce this feeling.
Later, he would learn that this is simply called falling in love.
He isn’t the only one who notices how you casually dip a silver fork or knife into every single drink before you take a sip, or that sometimes, you blurt out the word “no’ like a promise to yourself, and “sorry” like a plea for help.
And he’s spent long enough being a hunter to know what being hunted looks like. So he doesn’t ask, and you don’t answer, and somehow, you still manage to make yourself a home in the dark caverns of his chest, curling up there till he can’t count his heartbeats without it sounding like the shadow of your name on the midnight wind.
02. a study of light and dark
The drinking game starts off innocently enough (and don’t they always), but it takes half a round for the questions and subsequent answers to devolve into loud laughter and debauchery, delirium and debasement.
“Alright, alright —“ Sanji holds up a hand, tossing back his shot to raucous cheers, “worst thing you’ve done in a closet. Go —“
Zoro rolls his eyes and takes the shot, foregoing his answer. Nami simply grins, catlike, swirling her own drink around her glass.
“In your wildest dreams, cook,” she says before taking her shot as well. Sanji lets out a contemplative whistle, followed by a good-natured wink.
“Define worst, cause… I mean, I’ve puked in like… most of them back in Syrup Village,” Usopp says. Sanji only chuckles, shrugging.
“We’ll take it, we’ll take it.”
Luffy hums, frowning for a second before smacking a fist into his open palm, grinning, “I took a nap!”
Everyone laughs, helpless and buoyed up by the casual effervescence of a night like this — when the moon is dark and the stars are bright and thin wisps of silver clouds mar the sky like tendrils of lost daydreams, caught on the wrong side of sunset.
When the laughter settles down, everyone turns to you.
You purse your lips, feeling the weight of your answer pressing down on the tip of your tongue — I hid. And I waited. And I tried not to listen.
As the silence stretches on, Zoro leans forward and uncrosses his arms, reaching out to nudge a full shot glass towards you.
“Times up, Princess — drink,” and though there’s nothing soft or even forgiving in his voice, but you feel yourself relax as everyone boos and you take your shot.
The heat of Zoro’s gaze only lingers on your skin for a moment longer before he leans back again, that familiar almost-grin tugging lazily at his lips as he turns half-lidded eyes towards the rest of his crew.
(“Talk to me, Princess.”)
When you find him later, fumbling in the dark of the hallway just outside his room, you kiss him without saying “thank you” and he doesn’t question it when, pressed beneath him on the rough linen of his sheets, you ask to keep the lights on.
03. etymology
Princess — it’s a nice word, Zoro muses to himself. The light pop of the ‘p’ rolling into the warm, round ‘r’, thinning out into the sensual layering of the double ‘s’s, till you’re left with nothing but a hiss, a shadow, a memory.
It’s a regal word; a pretty word. Though its origins might be anything but.
From the Latin primus “first” and cept “catcher”, or so Robin had told him over the pages of an ancient book he hadn’t bothered to ask the name of, because Princes and Kings have always obtained their powers through taking, and never asking. Reaping, and never sowing.
Zoro thinks then that this, too, is a form conquest — you over him. The totality of your power stunning to behold, if only because he has to let you take it in the first place. And he does so willingly.
He wonders if you, too, are as multifaceted as his nickname for you — delicacy and desire wrapped around a darker something, lace laid over a knife’s unforgiving edge.
The first time he dares to kiss you, he feels you kissing him back, the sharp canines of your teeth catching on his lower lip, drawing out a soft grunt from him. You’d paused, and then you’d bitten down harder just to hear him gasp into your mouth.
He knew then, without ever having to ask, that you are.
04. tip of the iceberg
It is winter when they arrive — but then again, it is always winter here. Here, the cold runs so deep it drives frost crystals into the marrow of your bones. Here, the wind howls like a wounded animal and the night falls with a savage, carnal vengeance, all black velvet and a blood-tinted moon.
Here, the snow storms turn living, breathing heroes into song lyrics and poetry rhymes.
You inhale a single breath before turning and heading back below deck.
Zoro frowns, and at a single look from Luffy, he follows you beneath, only to find you rummaging around the kitchen, tugging a bottle of moonshine out from under the sink.
“Whoa,” Zoro says, reaching out to stop you from uncorking the bottle, an eyebrow raised. He doesn’t miss the way you shiver, “bit early, isn’t it?”
“Bit rich, coming from you,” you snap, eyes sharp, voice stinging.
Zoro only cocks his other eyebrow in tandem and pulls the bottle from your hands before turning and grabbing two glasses from the cupboard. He takes his time filling them both with ice, and then pouring a finger into each glass.
You don’t meet his eyes as you reach out for your glass, but he catches your wrist.
“A drink for an answer,” he says.
You pause, your lips pressed into a thin, white line. And he knows it’s unfair, to turn this game around on you, because he can tell from the hard set of your shoulders that this is so much more than a drinking game but if this is what it takes to get the truth — then so be it.
“Fine,” you say, glancing away, voice clipped.
You move to take a sip, but Zoro pushes down your hand again.
“No lying.”
You scoff, narrowing your eyes, “Obviously.”
He eases off, picking up his own glass and clinking it against yours before taking a light swig, “You know this place.”
This time, you’re the one who turns around with a cocked brow.
“Got a question in there somewhere?”
Zoro’s lips twitch, “Yes, or no.”
You sigh, tapping a finger against the edge of your cup, “Yes.”
Zoro hums, “Your turn.”
You chew on your lips before taking a sip, “Why do you care so much?”
Zoro ticks his tongue against his teeth, “Stupid question. Next.”
You huff, “That’s not how this game goes.”
Zoro swirls his glass before setting it down on the counter with a loud clack, “Because I care about you.”
You pause with your own drink halfway to your mouth and look up. Zoro doesn’t shy away from meeting your gaze and for a moment, time statics to a halt around you.
Then, Zoro sighs, unclenching his jaw as he attempts a lopsided smile.
“Hey, talk to me,” he reaches out to trail a finger along the high of your cheekbones, up to the shell of your ear.
The ‘please’ hangs silent in the air between you; the ‘Princess’ is implied.
And for the first time, he thinks he sees you flinch. He makes to pull back but you tug his hand forward, pressing your cheek against his palm.
“This island,” you say, finally, the tremor in your voice like a hairline fracture snaking through a porcelain vase, “it’s… well, it used to be… my home.”
05. the secret history
It is the most beautiful place any of them have ever been.
The castle is made entirely of ice, the cold winter sun refracting the light into a million and one unseen colors. Giant ice-carved sculptures dot the crystal-flower gardens, and it takes them all a few minutes to realize that the gorgeous, delicate blooms are made of glass, blown and shaped to mirror real-life snowflakes — each unique, glittering, and eternal.
“Dude… how long do you think all this took to make?” Usopp asks, his head turning as if on a swivel, his jaw hinging off his face in awe.
Robin sighs, “Too long, perhaps.”
Zoro stays quiet, and beside him, so does Nami.
You’d insisted on staying back, to guard the ship, you’d said. But the space you usually fill in the group hangs solid in the air, a gaping hole of lack when there should be none.
Luffy hums and he marches out in front of them, ever the dubious, fearless leader. Though most of the crew has now come to terms with the fact that “courage” and “sheer bull-headedness” are often two sides of the same coin for him.
It’s Sanji who pauses first, causing Chopper to ram into the back of his knees.
“Ouch! What’dyou do that f —”
“Look,” Sanji says, pointing at a poster pasted to the slick outer wall of the castle gates.
And they do, leaning in, crowding too close. Zoro grunts as Chopper jumps and scrambles up his back to peer over his shoulder at the face plastered on the dew-soaked poster, the words LOST PRINCESS: 120,000,000 FOR ANY INFORMATION THAT LEADS TO HER WHEREABOUTS printed in giant, familiar block letters along the bottom.
Beside him, Zoro can feel Nami swallowing. Hard.
“A hundred and twenty million berry…” she murmurs, her breath going shallow as they all stare, dumbfounded at the poster of what is unmistakably you.
You, with your exquisite features schooled into something like solemnity, your usually wind-swept hair twisted up into a tight braid across the crown of your head, a diadem of ice-white silver and light-cut jewels jutting up from your severe updo like so many broken teeth, sharp and unforgiving as stalagmites.
If none of them had known, it’d be impossible to reconcile you with this cold, distant portrait, your eyes rendered lifeless and dull by the depthless black ink.
Luffy, however, only blinks and turns to stare at Zoro.
“Did you know?”
Luffy continues to stare, “When I asked why you always call her ‘Princess’.”
Zoro sighs, turning his eyes back to the WANTED poster before shaking his head.
“No. Like I said… I thought it just… fit.”
06. eternal day
Zoro is itching to get back to the ship. There’s a fish-line sliver of worry tugging at the place behind his chest where his heart should be, and he knows implicitly that something is wrong.
“Don’t worry, she can take care of herself!” Luffy says, smiling bright, his confidence unwavering.
“No Luffy, Zoro’s right — someone should be with her. What if —” and here, Nami glances at Zoro before turning her attention back to Luffy, “— she might need the backup,” is what she finally settles with. And to Zoro’s great relief, Luffy agrees.
And then, to everyone’s horror, off in the distance, your voice rises over the wind in a blood-curdling scream.
07. endless night
By the time Zoro makes it back to the ship, you are already gone.
08. torn asunder
Gone, gone, gone. The word echoes like an ill-fated alarm bell, ringing through Zoro’s entire body as he catapults himself through the ship, slamming open every door, checking every nook, corner, and crevice. Signs of a struggle, that much is clear, scuffs on the freshly waxed planks of the aft deck, nail marks along the railings, and —
Zoro’s breath freezes in his chest.
A smear of blood that drips over the side of the ship, trailing down the ladder.
A flash of pale pink catches his eye.
Your satin hair ribbon lies abandoned on the wharfs’ boardwalk, the faintest splatter of red soaking its ends.
He picks it up between gentle fingers and tucks it deep into his pocket.
His vision blurs red as he thinks about the things your captors might’ve done to you before dragging you off. He’s seen you fight and it wouldn’t have been easy to bring you down.
And by the time the rest of the crew reach him, he’s already sprinting back towards the castle, his jaw set, his teeth gritted.
It takes the combined effort of Sanji, Luffy, and Robin to stop him from charging through the castle gates and tearing the whole place down.
“Runnin’ round like a headless chicken’s not gonna do her any good, mate,” Sanji says, a smoke already caught between his teeth. A pre-fight ritual of his.
Zoro jerks his arm out of Sanji’s grasp, stalking down the street with a huff.
Robin strolls after him, somehow keeping pace, looking unhurried as Zoro tamps down the blind urge to slash the entire island in half.
“We’ll find her,” Robin says, her voice level, even as her sharp eyes scan the white-specked horizon, the usually amused half-twist of her lips laid flat by worry, “and she’s stronger than you think.”
At this, Zoro whips around, “I know —” but he bites down the venom threatening to surge up the back of his throat with a sigh. Robin doesn’t flinch, and Zoro attempts a steadying breath before repeating himself in a slightly softer tone, “I know… I’m just…”
Robin nods, and Zoro is thankful that he doesn’t have to finish his sentence.
09. the tower and the throne
The cold greets you like a scorned lover— a spiteful, savage mistress. Tendrils of frost creep along the walls of your old bedroom to caress your cheeks. You shiver and wrap your arms around yourself, sitting on familiar satin sheets.
“Dinner is soon, darling,” your mother’s cool voice calls from outside your bedroom door, “and make yourself presentable — we’ve got guests.”
The sadistic lilt of her voice as she says the word ‘guests’ makes you jerk your head up, staring at the door as if you might be able to bore through the thick wood with nothing but your eyes. And, almost as if she can feel you staring, you hear your mother’s cold, tinkling laughter.
“Hurry now… I had your favorite dress put out for you. It should still fit — and we don’t want to keep them… waiting.”
The slow, sanguine pause before her last word makes you want to rip out your hair and scream into the wind till your voice gives out.
Instead, you push yourself up and reach for the dress laid out at the foot of your bed with shaking fingers.
The dress fits you like a second skin, the delicate lace trim barely sweeping the floor as you adjust the bodice, grimacing at your reflection in the large, floor-length mirror. It is as if the last ten months had never happened, as if you’d never escaped this terrifying hellscape of a winter wonderland. As if you’d simply dreamed every single sun-filled afternoon, every star-strewn night spent laughing and singing amongst your new-found crew.
Here, in the fragile glass reflection, you are once again a girl trapped behind her own ribcage, with a destiny carved into stone and ice, with no hope of summer in sight. You take a long breath and tighten the ribbons of your dress.
You are still and silent as the maid slips in through the door after a single knock and begins to twist up your hair. Tighter and tighter, till it sets your teeth on edge. When she pins the crown in place, it takes everything inside you not to fall apart, to shatter at the weight, the sight of it sitting on your head. You swallow as the maid dips her head and backs out of the room with a murmured dinner is served, Princess.
For the first time, you wince openly at her words.
10. waiting for the rain
The hall is just how you remembered it, huge and cavernous, gaping like the empty maw of some petrified monster, the ceiling hanging with so many cold, sparkling chandeliers, ice-carved statues jutting up from the floors like teeth.
You’re marched in like a show animal, the great marble doors swinging open before you as you step forward and feel your breath freeze in your chest.
There, strung up on a massive statue of some long-forgotten saint, is Zoro, cuts and bruises marring his already scarred and puckered torso. But he smirks as he sees you come in, his eyes bright as he spits a mouthful of blood onto the seemingly endless white floors. Around him, the rest of your crew sits, tied and slumped over in chairs like so many sleeping mannequins.
“Hey there, Princess. Just in time for dinner.”
You nearly wince at the raspiness in his voice, the faint trickle of blood that leaks out the corner of his mouth.
“Silence,” your father’s voice echoes out from the high-backed chair at the head of the ludicrously long table. You don’t have to see to know his face is as smooth as just-applied plaster. But Zoro only has eyes for you — and he continues to talk as if he hadn’t been interrupted.
“If you’d told us we’d be welcomed like this, we might’ve packed differently.”
You bite down on your bottom lip so hard you almost taste the metallic tang of blood.
“Our daughter has always been a skillful liar — though it’s a habit we tried to… rid her of in her youth. The lesson never seemed to have stuck.” Your mother this time. And now, you can see the muscle ticking in Zoro’s jaw as he scoffs.
“Really? And here I always thought she was shit at lying.”
You swallow down a whimper as the maid wordlessly leads you to the far end of the table, where Zoro is still tied. You drop into the seat between a snoring Luffy and an eerily still Nami, and it’s all you can do not to turn around and retch onto the silk embroidered rug.
“Be that as it may…” your mother’s voice drops a few degrees — an admirable feat, as her voice is usually just on the other side of frigid, “it’s bad luck to kill on the eve of a royal wedding.”
At this, Zoro’s head snaps around and you shrink back in your chair, your eyes fixed on your fists, clenched in your lap.
“Mother,” you grind out, finally forcing your head up so as to meet her piercing, blizzard-bright gaze, “I’ve told you, I’ve no intention of getting married. At least not to the mongrel you’ve decided to set me up with.”
You spit out the last sentence, trying to remember all the snark, all the confidence that’d built up inside you over the past weeks and months. Away from this dreaded castle and on the sun-soaked bow of the Going Merry, it was the first time you’d begun to discover who you are — the things you liked, the ways of life that you yearned for.
Your father slams a hand on the table at the same moment that Zoro lets out a bark of laughter.
“Damn, Princess — you never told me you could bite.”
And, to your horror and perhaps deep-seated pleasure, a blush works its way into your cheeks at Zoro’s words. Your eyes snap towards him, catching his gaze as he smirks at you. And even though his shirt is slashed, his sword hilts hanging woefully empty at this hip, his hands twisted painfully behind him on the statue, he still manages an easy, condescending air.
You seize at this tiny tendril of normalcy as you force a wane smile.
“I might be persuaded to do more than that… if you ask nicely.”
Zoro’s snicker is drowned out by your mother’s sharp gasp. But you don’t look away, holding Zoro’s gaze for as long as you dare — in it, you find an entire abyss of barely concealed rage (and is that… amusement?), his entire body straining against the shackles that hold him. Then, his eyes slip from you to a point just over your shoulder.
It’s then that you realize: Luffy’s not snoring anymore.
11. to reap and to sow
You’re never quite certain of how the Merry’s crew seems to always just wriggle out of frankly gruesome and untimely deaths, but here you are, racing for the docks like your lives depended on it. Because, well, it kind of does.
“Remind me —” you shout between pants, one hand clutched firmly in Zoro’s, the other doing its best to lift the ridiculous dinner dress they’d put you in — a confection of lace and tulle, the bodice laced with pale pink satin ribbon, “how the hell did you guys manage to trick my parents into thinking you’d eaten the spiked food?”
Sanji flashes you a toothy grin, “Ah love… you know how it is — ask us no questions, and we’ll tell you no lies!”
Luffy, however, whoops as he launches himself from a pair of solid brick buildings, catapulting himself over your sprinting crew.
“We just — pretended to eat! I mean — I did kinda actually eat a bit — but — it wasn’t that bad!”
You resist the urge to pinch your nose bridge at the nonchalance with which Luffy is talking about consuming poisoned food, but you’ve only got two hands and both are equally occupied at the moment. You settle for an exasperated sigh.
“That was — really stupid! — What if — they’d — poisoned the food — with something — other than — sleeping medicine?!” you ask, forcing air into your lungs as finally, you all round the bend onto the bustling pier, the Going Merry’s unmistakable shape silhouetted against the misty horizon.
“We can talk when — we’re all back — on the ship!” Nami calls as she sprints passed you, reaching out a hand for Luffy, who’s elongated arm grabs her and slings her onto the deck of the ship. You barely have a second to breathe before Zoro’s arm loops around your waist and you’re being pulled tight into his side.
His breath is hot against your collarbone as he smirks, “Hold on tight, Princess.”
It’s all you can do to listen as you’re suddenly whipped through the air like a doll on a drunken marionette’s string. A bright peal of Luffy-tinted laughter later, you thud onto the deck of the Going Merry, the breath knocked clean from your lungs as the world spins and spins. You’d expected to hit solid wood, or maybe even the railing or the mast but —
Zoro groans beneath you, and it takes you a long second to realize that he’d cushioned your fall, your bodies pressed chest to chest, hip to hip, your arms still wrapped around his shoulders, his still steady around your waist.
“O-oh! Sorry —” you try to pull away but Zoro’s grip on you only tightens.
You freeze as he blinks up at you, eyes slightly narrowed.
“Crown’s crooked,” Zoro finally says, that tell-tale smirk twisting the edge of his lips as his gaze flickers upwards. Your hand jumps to the crown, somehow still clipped into your now disheveled hair, lopping to one side as the braids start to come loose. You purse your lips.
“I never liked it anyway…” You make to tug it out but Zoro reaches up to right it, though he lets his hand linger as he falls along the side of your face.
“Nah, looks good on you.” His voice is so low, and suddenly, air is such a language that you’re certain you’d forgotten how to speak. Slowly, he pushes up till you’re both sitting, you still pressed against him and him still pressed against you. Distantly, you can hear shouting, Usopp’s voice raised high over the wind as the Merry careens out of port and towards the open sea.
But strangely, no one makes to pull you away from him, or him from you.
“I should’ve told you guys…” you say, eyes casting down as you rest your palms against his chest. Beneath it, you can feel his heart — pounding, pounding, pounding. There’s a light sheen of sweat glimmering on his honeyed skin as you swallow, looking back up even as he chuckles.
“Sure, but we should’ve asked.”
You bite your lips, “I think you did.”
Zoro grins, shrugging as he helps you up, somehow managing to keep his arm slipped around your waist.
“Well. Should’ve asked better, then.”
12. lost stars
It takes you a while to tell them the story — the real story, the whole story. And there’s drinking involved, but it’s mostly just you clutching at your half-filled glass, Zoro’s knee pressed comfortingly against yours, even though his eyes are closed, his head leaned back, his arms crossed loosely over his chest.
You tell them about the dark underbelly of royalty that everyone knows but no one wants to talk about — the blood and teeth beneath the silk and silver. You tell them about being raised a bargaining chip, of being sold and promised like a prized heifer on auction day.
You tell them about the moonless nights when the only thing you had to keep you company was the cold, about the “lessons” your mother would teach you, about how the maids would be instructed to hide the bruises just so, about the Prince who you were set to marry and the rumors that plagued his castle —
“They say that he’d take the prettiest girls from the surrounding town as his maids and that none of them ever walked out of his castle again,” you say. The moonshine burns on its way down your throat as you finish your drink.
Wordlessly, Zoro reaches over to pluck the glass from your hand and set it on the table. It’s only then that you realize your fingers are white and trembling.
“Did he hurt you?”
Zoro’s voice is not loud, but everyone turns to look at him. You shake your head, clasping your hands in your lap.
“No. I only ever… met him once, at a dinner party. It was after that that I… ran away.”
Zoro hums, leaning back again, “Good.”
Across the room, Sanji blows out a series of smoke rings and frowns.
“Were you about to offer to hunt him down?” Robin asks, sounding amused.
Zoro shrugs, “Wouldn’t have offered — would’ve just done it.”
“He sounds like the kinda guy we should hunt down anyway, no?” Luffy asks, cocking his head as he looks back at you, “I mean, I’m glad he never hurt you but… he’s still hurting people!”
“Luffy’s got a point,” Sanji says, stubbing out his cigarette.
“For once, I agree with Sanji,” Nami says.
There’s a light squabble during which Sanji makes an aggrieved noise and Nami rolls her eyes, and then everyone is laughing and chatting and more drinks are being poured. Next to you, Zoro reaches out to wrap his arm around your waist again. It’s something he’s been doing more lately, and you can’t honestly say that you mind it much at all.
“We don’t have to,” he says, leaning forward, almost as if to brush his lips by your ear, “if… if you don’t want to.”
You shiver at the base rumble of his voice, at the way his eyes are so warm and full of some uncertain promise.
“No, I… I do want to. It’s just…”
Zoro’s fingers trace small, absent-minded circles into the skin of your waist and you fight down another shiver.
“I don’t plan on letting you get kidnapped again, Princess.”
Your gaze snaps up to meet Zoro’s, and there’s a faint smile kissing the line of his lips. And suddenly, the lightness of his touch doesn’t feel so thoughtless as heat curls out from the place where his palm meets your skin, radiating out till you’re breathless with it.
“Never liked people trying to take what��s mine.”
And the dark possessiveness with which he says mine leaves little room for interpretation, even as you lick your lips and try to think of something witty to say.
“I don’t remember agreeing to be yours.”
It’s the best you can come up with; Zoro’s only response is a soft, contemplative grunt.
“What’s that saying? ‘Actions speak louder than words’?” he flashes you a satisfied grin as you narrow your eyes at him, swatting at his chest as he laughs.
“I meant it though,” he says, a moment later, as the rest of the crew all chatter around you, “about calling it off if you don’t want to. But…” he reaches up a free hand to tug a strand of your hair free from the ponytail it’s tied up in.
“Figured you might sleep better at night knowing he’s gone.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t been aware you were holding, your whole body softening as you lean into him, pressing your palms to his chest as he looks at you.
“Yeah… I think I might. And… like you said… it’s not like I’m gonna get kidnapped again.”
You smile, letting your eyes flicker down to Zoro’s lips. His smile is pleased and just a little jagged as he tugs you up by the hand and the pair of you slip from the room.
Above deck, the sun is setting, and the warm, slanted light casts the entire ship in a glaze of gold that looks almost gilded. You lean against the railings, closing your eyes and letting the warmth of the sun seep into your skin, chasing away the chill that’d been lingering at your fingertips since you’d all made your spectacular escape from your home island.
You feel rather than hear Zoro join you. You take your time breathing in the salty tang of the humid sea air before opening your eyes and slating him a side-long look.
“Thank you,” you say.
“For what?”
“For coming after me.”
Zoro scoffs, turning away from the roiling waves to lean back against the railings, his head cocked as he looks you over.
“Like I said… I don’t like it when people try to take what’s mine.”
But this time, you laugh, nodding, “So you’ve said. But still… thanks.”
Zoro closes his eyes, seemingly enjoying the last vestiges of the setting sun as it sinks ever-lower along the horizon. Then, he opens one eye to peer at you.
“Though I’ve been meaning to ask —”
“What’s this about doing more than biting… if asked about it nicely enough?”
You try to duck your head but Zoro catches your chin in his fingers.
“I — I just… knew it would piss off my mother if she —”
“Mm, sounded like more than that to me.”
Your breath hitches as Zoro’s thumb traces a rough line along your bottom lip.
“How about… I show you?” and the offer is barely out of your mouth before Zoro is kissing you, his mouth seeking out yours with a soft groan that betrays all the lightness in his touch as he trails his free hand down your arm to pull hard at your waist.
And it’s not the first time you’ve kissed. It’s not even the first time a kiss with Zoro has become more than just a kiss, though you’d always been careful before to make sure that he knew (though thinking back, it might’ve just been an ill-fated attempt at lying to yourself) that the pleasure shared between bodies was just that — pleasure and bodies.
But this — this kiss becomes, and becomes.
It becomes breath and heartbeats, pleasure and heat. It becomes truth and promises and the tantalizing taste of fairy-tale endings.
“Yes Princess?”
You hiss as his teeth grazes along your pulse point and your fingers fist in his hair.
“Y’know…” your voice comes out as nothing more than a soft pant as Zoro tugs you over to one of the reclining chairs beneath the orange trees and pulls you over his hips, “I’ve never liked being called that but…”
“But?” his thumbs inch beneath the material of your shirt, circling your hipbones as he smirks up at you.
“I don’t mind it when it’s you.”
Zoro’s grin goes wide and wolfish. Above him, the first stars spark into being as the sun finally sinks beyond the far horizon. For a second, his smile softens as he reaches up to toy with the end of the pale pink ribbon in your hair. Then, he gives it a single, solid tug, and your hair falls open around your shoulders, tumbling down in waves.
Zoro leans up to press a light kiss to the blood-stained satin before letting it flutter off in the wind, twisting into the rapidly darkening night.
“Good… cause I ain’t about to let anyone else call you that either.”
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idilarila · 9 months
Twisted wonderland boys when you turn into a baby!
Sooo, let’s say that in alchemy class something went wrong and you got transformed into a toddler, how would they take care of you?
Leona: -At first Leona refused to take care of you because he already had enough with Cheka without having to take care of you now. -However, seeing how calm you were, he let you approach him little by little. -Little to say, Leona used you more as a stuffed animal than anything else, but look the positive side, he fed you perfectly (a lot of meat, Sorry if you happen to be vegetarian or vegan 😭) and he didn't leave you alone.
Trey: -Trey has younger brothers, so he knows exactly how to deal with you. -You make him very tender since you remind him of his little sister/brother, and at the same time Trey can't help but think about what it would be like to have a child with you in the future. -He cooked you a lots of sweets, from macaroons (sorry if I wrote it wrong 😭🖐🏻) to strawberry cakes, chocolate… -So Your tummy ended up hurting and he felt very guilty.
-But he made sure you brushed your teeth after eating!
Idia: -Panic. -Literally the only kid he knows how to deal with is Ortho, so when he sees you he gets very nervous. -Don't get him wrong, he finds you the most adorable and tender, but he just doesn't know what to do or say. -In the end the one who ends up taking care of you is Ortho while Idia plays her video games 5m away in his room. -Together with Ortho you played hide and seek for a couple of hours until finally the teachers found a potion to return you to your normal state.
Rook: -LOVES so much the idea of being able to see you this small and adorable look. -It's simple -He didn't leave you for a moment, a little more and you guys would even to shit together LMAO -He laughed when he saw you chasing the squirrels in Pomefiore's garden, he thought you were deadly adorable -He couldn't help but think about what it would feel like to raise your future children together, he definitely already has a whole life planned with you, it's inevitable, our favorite hunter unexpectedly became a prey for love <3
-It makes Malleus laugh how your little being looks at his horns with eyes full of curiosity. -He put you on his shoulders and carried you all the time, letting you touch his horns as much as you want, you can be proud, that is a privilege that he only grants to you because you are his beloved human <333 -He took you to see the gargoyles with him, honestly he is another one who took you everywhere with him. -Everything must be said and it is that he had to ask Lilia for a little advice because he controls more of the subject, although it was not too much since as we already know Malleus also participated in raising Silver and because of this he has a little experience
-Jade is a very busy person without a doubt, after all he is the one who is in charge more than anything of managing the monstro lounge and of following Azul’s "orders" together with Floyd, however, he is capable of get organized enough to be able to take care of your infant self -He finds it very funny and tender to see your innocence from when you were little. -He certainly doesn't let you be with other students, especially Floyd, since it's not difficult for anyone to guess how that would end… Although he also does it because deep down he would be very jealous if someone stole your attention -He put a mushroom on your head 🕴
I hope you all liked it, stay safe and healthy! <333
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targaryen-dynasty · 6 months
Modern!Aemond Targaryen x female!Reader
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WARNINGS: SEXUAL CONTENT—MINORS DNI; p in v, kitchen sex, choking, teasing, slight praise kink, slight breeding kink, modern au
WORDS: 1.7 K
NOTES: based on this request. Thank you so much, @chattylurker!
❗️𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
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The melody you hum is barely audible to anyone but you as you cut through the red bell pepper, preparing thin slices. It’s a bit of a daunting task with how much wine you’ve drunk prior, and you’d love to swap places with Aemond instead. He’s lounging on the sofa, a sleepy Vhagar nestled up against him with her head in his lap, watching a show about cars being tuned and raced against each other. 
It appears he’s just as tipsy as you are, a slight stagger in his steps as he rises from his seat coaxed by your soft melody, and makes his way over to you. A lazy smile is draped over his chiseled lips, staring you down like a hunter does its prey. 
You act unfazed at that because he could have come to help you sooner, but you still bite your bottom lip as he leans the weight of his body against your back. His scent immediately fills your nostrils, just as intoxicating as the warmth emanating from him. 
“What’s cooking?” he drawls, bringing his hands to your waist. 
You chuckle at his approach, and cut another piece of the bell pepper. “Just making some oven roasted vegetables.”
Aemond hums, and proceeds to rub his hands over your sides. His nose drags against the side of your face, inhaling your scent and making it impossible for you to focus on the task at hand. 
Bringing a slice of bell pepper up to his lips for him to eat, you hope to distract him just a bit so you can finish the slicing. “Did you know your brother proposed to Floris today?” you ask, chuckling as you hear the content chewing right next to your ear. “Hel called today while you were at work and told me.” 
Swallowing, he quickly grabs another piece before you can swat his hand away, and stuffs it into his mouth. “He did?” he mumbles around the vegetables he’s been chewing, licking his lips and grinning. One of his hands leaves your waist and trails down to wrap around your thigh. 
“My big brother finally got down on one knee, huh?” he says amusedly, squeezing your thigh. “And what did she say?”
You slightly push your hips back against him, and shoot him a warning glance as his hand travels lower. “Of course she said yes,” you reply. “I called her immediately. And apparently, they plan to get married in Highgarden.”
The glare makes him chuckle, and his hand moves back up to wrap around your waist instead, using both to pull your lower body against him, your hips pressed together now. “Highgarden? That’s cute.”
Both his arms band around your body now, and you fully abandon the cutting board the moment one hand comes up to cup your breast. Your breathing turns heavier at his actions, although you try to act unfazed again to continue cutting the rest of the vegetables. There’s a bit of a silence between you, and, while Aemond gently squeezes your breast, he seems to be deep in thought. 
“So… Do you actually like me?” he asks, pressing his lips to the sensitive spot right behind your ear. 
His question makes you roll your eyes, and prompts you to look at him from over your shoulder. “We have been together for seven years, Aemond. We’re getting married next year. What the hell do you think?”
The grip on your waist and breast tightens but is far from being uncomfortable, just enough to keep you standing where you are, tightly pressed against him. As he feels your hips push back against him again, he smirks and presses a kiss to the crook of your neck. 
His voice is much more breathy and husky when he speaks again, “good point.” A quick, sloppy kiss finds the spot beneath your ear, allowing him to nibble on your earlobe in the following. 
You giggle softly at that, and try to stop your body from reacting to his proximity. You feel his hot breath against your neck and his warm body completely enveloping yours. It makes your stomach churn, in a good way. You’re still tipsy, feeling yourself relax into him more and more. “You’re distracting me, Aem.”
He lets his hand slide down your body, one finding your ass to grope it and the other coming to rest just shy above your mound of venus. Kissing your neck again, his breath comes out even warmer than before. “You are so distracted by a little kiss?”
Snorting, you’re not able to deny it, especially because you’re so distracted by his touches. You want to shove him away to finish the cooking, but also want to hug him to keep him even closer. With your breathing growing labored, your body reacts to yours being pressed against each other like that. 
Warmth spreads in the pit of your belly, and you can’t help but moan as his fingers trail a little bit lower. “Shut up…” you try to keep your composure, wanting your voice to remain tough, but to no avail. There’s a tremble audible in it. 
Aemond clearly knows how much he turns you on, and can’t resist the urge to tease you. He chuckles, and proceeds to cup your clothed pussy. A little smirk spreads across his lips, his grip not wavering once. “Make me,” he whispers. 
The heat inside of you builds up faster the longer you stay in that position. You thought you could hold it back, but at this point it’s just impossible. You’re tipsy, the alcohol just makes it worse. He has you right where he wants you, and you know that. Your cheeks are hot, and your body trembles under his hands. 
You push the cutting board and vegetables aside to clear the countertop in front of you, and Aemond takes that as his cue to flat on the counter. “Didn’t think you’d be such a tease today,” you gulped, the words accompanied by a gasp as he yanks down your leggings and thong. 
Scrambling for hold, you plant your palms flatly on the surface, supporting yourself as you feel the tip of his cock prod against your entrance. You’ve been wet enough to make it easy for him to push inside in one, swift thrust, filling you right to the brim. 
There’s no need for him to give you time to adjust to his size, having had him in the morning already. The pace he sets up isn’t as reckless as his usual pounding, given the position and his legs being slightly bent at the knees. 
His cock drives deeper and deeper, coaxing moans and whines to tumble over your lips, and where the cutting of bell peppers could’ve been heard before, it’s now replaced by the sounds of skin slapping against skin, his strained grunts and your moans. 
“So sensitive,” he grunts, pounding into your needy cunt. The tip of his cock repeatedly brushes your sweet spot, pushing high enough to knock the air out of your lungs and make you lose yourself.
His hand comes up to clasp around your throat. He applies just a bit of pressure, merely meaning to hold you upright and steady to make it easier for him to use you to his liking. His lips press to the side of your face again, and, apart from his heavy breathing fanning over your hot skin, you also hear him mumbling praises. 
Heat builds in your belly as his balls slap against your sensitive bud, sending shivers up your spine and you straight into a frenzy. 
“Who needs dinner when I can have this perfect pussy?” he rambles, speaking more to himself than you. 
Aemond digs his fingers into your hip and pulls you back against him with each thrust, meeting his cock halfway. 
“Gods, I… I–”
“You’re gonna cum for me already, baby?” he rasps into your ear. 
With his hand now applying a good bit of pressure to your throat and his heavy balls slapping against your clit, you feel yourself getting lightheaded as your release washes over you suddenly. 
Your walls flutter and spasm around him, arousal leaking from around his thick girth and soaking his gray sweatpants. Grinding back against him, you ride out your high in rhythm with his thrusts as he fucks you through it. 
Each rut of his hips makes your eyes journey to the ceiling. There are hiccuped breaths spilling from your mouth, and you can’t do more than to hold onto the countertop, bracing yourself for his relentless pounding. 
“That’s, fuck, that’s it, mhh,” he hums, the relief in his voice audible.  
With a stutter of his hips and a raspy groan escaping his throat, his cock eventually spills deep inside of you, coating your walls. He pounds it into you with deliberately slow thrusts, the last spurts of his warm release filling you to the brim.
Only as both your aftershocks slowly subside does he move, pressing a trail of kisses from your ear down to your shoulder. His hand slides from your hip underneath your shirt, pulling it up slightly to cup your breast. 
With a low whisper, he sighs. “Can’t wait to marry you.” He kisses your shoulder once more before moving his lips up to your ear, and he can’t help but grind his hips against yours, his cock growing flaccid again. You mewl at that, pushing back against him. “And I can’t wait to put a baby in you.”
At his words, your body feels hot all over. The thought of him getting you pregnant makes your knees buckle, and you feel like you’ll explode at any given moment. 
Your head tips back against his shoulder, and you breathe in quickly before replying, your voice trembling and husky. “Neither can I.”
Hands letting go of the counter, you push him back enough to get him to pull out of you, allowing you to turn around to face him. Your hands move to the seam of his black t-shirt, pulling it over his head. Marveling at his alabaster skin, and the slight imprint of his muscles, following them with your index finger, you look up at him through batted eyelashes. “I’m gonna stop taking the pill soon.”
That seems to stir something in him, and before you can say something else, he grabs your body to throw you over his shoulder. The fit of giggles that erupts dies as soon as you hear his words and note the direction in which he’s walking, immediately replaced by anticipation and excitement. 
“I wonder how soon I can get you pregnant.” 
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General Taglist: @belladonnasorcerer @valeskafics @connorsui @arcielee @watercolorskyy @black-dread @darylandbethfanforever9 @croatianprincess @snowystark @moonlightfoxx @melsunshine @urmomsgirlfriend1 @fan-goddess @at-a-rax-ia @tsujifreya @nothingqueens @ashovertheriver @bbgmonsay @doublesparrows @thetaygaryen @wintrr13 @winter-soldier-101 @thought--bubble @multyfangirl @dixie-elocin @zaldritzosrose @userhotd @delulumhaggy @wolfdressedinlace
Aemond taglist: @persephonerinyes @dr-aegon @schniiipsel
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ohdeersthings · 2 years
Soft as Clouds
Neteyam x F!Reader
Summary: You weren't well known in the clan, and when you become friends with Tuk, no one believes her.
Warning: Straight up Flufff
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When you were growing up, you found yourself wanting to linger in the background more than insert yourself into the everyday activities of those your age. Like now, you were currently lounging in a tree, eyes facing up at the clouds as they moved by at their own pace.
You were a gatherer for the clan, not that anyone knew. You would rise before the sun to go out and gather the sweetest, most bountiful food your clan had ever tasted, leaving it in the baskets by the main fire circle. The fruits were always plump and juicy, herbs and spices nicely placed in pouches for easy access.
You wanted to begin early to end early, opting to stay out of sight of others. Now, some knew of you, the elders for example always took a small notice on how you were much more reserved than others your age. Your parents of course knew you, but you were a failure of a child in their eyes. At your age you should've been chosen for a mate, or made a mark on the clan in some positive way, but you didn't, so they turned their attention to your more 'promising' younger siblings.
You never cared, preferring your more modest lifestyle of peaceful serenity.
"Whoa! What are you doing up there?"
But Great Mother had other plans for you.
You gazed over the side of the branch you were currently laying on, brushing your hair that had fallen into your eyes away, spotting a young girl in the forest floor below you.
This was not just any girl, oh no, this was Tuktirey, Toruk Maktos youngest child.
You let a small smile slip on your face as you slowly began a decent, swift and agile, like that of a cat.
You knelt infront of her, your eyes meeting hers that were still so full of child like wonder, "what are you doing here small one?" Tuk giggled, looking side to side as if looking for something, or someone.
"I was following my brothers, but I guess I got lost," Extending a hand to Tuk, "Well, let us get you home then," her small fingers wrapped around yours and you both began your walk, going back down the path you had made from the times you ventured out here.
Tuk couldn't help but wonder why she had never seen you before, yet she thought you were very beautiful. The aura that surrounded you was so soft and peaceful, it made her feel instantly safe.
"Why do you come out here, it's very far from home? Are you a hunter or a gatherer? Your hair is very pretty, can you do mine like that? Wait! What's your name?" Tuk rambled out, skipping beside you. A chuckle escaped your lips, you liked Tuk, she was very silly.
You stopped and knelt down beside her, her yellow eyes stared into your soft green eyes and she couldn't help but think you held the forest in your eyes, "My name is (Y/n), I much prefer to gather, and I think your hair is fine just the way it is, simply because it's yours,"
You couldn't help but boop her nose, her nose scrunched as she let out a laugh. You smiled, "now, what is your name?" Tuk felt like you already knew, but she puffed out her chest proud, "My name is Tuktirey, but you can call me Tuk!"
"Such a pretty name," you gasped, standing up and resuming your walk to the village. Tuk swung your intertwined hands back and forth, both of you finding comfort in eachother.
When you had finally happened upon the village, you could hear everyone in a state of panic. Tuk groaned, her ears pinned back, "I think they realized I was gone," you knelt beside her, both of you hidden just out of sight with the plants, "then maybe you should appear,"
Tuk hugged you, you wrapped your arms around her to return the embrace. "Will I see you again?" She asked, pulling away enough to see your face.
"Of course, I quite like you," you smiled, slowly giving her a nudge to the panicked clan members.
When Tuk had emerged out of the brush, the panicked cries turned into one's of relief and joy. Many ran over to embrace her, but by this point you had already vanished without a trace.
"Tuk! Where were you, we were worried sick!" Jake exclaimed, sweeping his youngest into his arms and giving her a extra tight hug. "I tried to follow Neteyam and Lo'ak but I got lost, but it's okay!" Tuk laughed, "I found (Y/n) and she helped me get home!"
Jake and Neytiri exchanged a look, as did some of the other clan members. Your name was no familiar, almost positive there was no one in the village who has that name.
"Tuk, what are you talking about?" Neytiri wondered, taking her child from her mate and settling her on the ground in front of her, "There is no one named (Y/n) in the village," Neytiri began to examine Tuk for a head injury, but Tuk pulled her head away in annoyance, "I know what happened, (Y/n) helped me, she's right,"
But when Tuk turned around to where you had been, you were gone, "she was right here," Tuk cried, but her parents chalked it up to fatigue from being lost all day.
"Come, you must eat and rest," Neytiri pulled Tuk along by the hand, which Tuk did almost sulkly, glancing back one more time to see you emerge and give her a wink before disappearing behind everyone's backs. Tuk grinned, now happily walking with her Mom.
Weeks had passed and Tuk now snuck off any chance she had to find you, sometimes waking up early to join you on your gathering. You were like another big sister to her, you were so soft and gentle with her, it almost reminded her of her own mother. You would show her the best places to gather fruit and herbs, show her how to move silently through the forest so not to disturb it.
In return, Tuk gave you simple companionship. You always thought it was fun being alone, but Tuk gave you a shining light of what having someone around could be like.
When Tuk would return from wherever you two had disappeared to, she would tell her family all about it, now causing Jake and Neytiri to worry that she was making up stories to make herself feel important like her siblings.
"Ma Jake, I'm beginning to worry about Tuk," Neytiri spoke one day when she watched her youngest venture off into the brush before she could stop her, "it is not safe out there but yet she continues to go, we must stop her," Jake could only hum in agreement.
"What's the name of the person she speaks of? (Y/n)? Are we sure she's not a person in the clan?" Jake questioned, Neytiri feeling her shoulders sag in exhaustion cause she had asked any gatherer, hunter or healer she could think of and no one knew about you.
"Maybe we should send Neteyam with her one day? Make sure she's really safe? See what he can find out?" Neytiri fired off question after question, Jake taking her hands into his as he calmed her down, "That's sounds like a great idea, if there's anyone who can find out it's him, come, let's find him,"
They both set off to find their eldest, who they were sure was going to throw a fit hearing about their plan.
Tuk panted, running up to a clearing where she saw you relaxing by a small pond, toes and feet floating in the clear water. "I'm here! What are we going to do today?" Tuk skipped over, taking a seat next to you as your turned your gaze to her, a smile coating your face.
"What would you like to do?" You asked, Tuks face scrunched up in thought before asking you, "Could we go for a swim next to the waterfall?" You thought about it, before nodding. It was very close to the village, but you were looking forward to spending time with Tuk.
"Awesome!" She cheered, pulling you up off the ground and began the walk, with you giggling behind her.
The water had been very liberating of any stress or thoughts that plagued you. You sighed in bliss, leaning back to float in the water as your eyes gazed up at the clouds, the soft white making you forget everything.
Tuk had jumped in, splashing you and causing a laugh to erupt from your stomach as you flipped over, watching the young girl giggle and continue to splash you with water.
You began a water assault back, both of you not even paying attention to how loud you were being which caught the attention of Neteyam nearby who had been searching for Tuk under the instructions of their parents.
"Tuk!" He called, walking into the rocky terrain that held the waterfall where he saw Tuk soaked and wading waist deep in the water, her breath heavy as though she ran for miles, yet a smile plastered her lips.
You were no where to be seen, ducking under the water to find a rock that had caught your eye.
"Tuk, it's time to come home, let's go," he helped her out of the water, not noticing you surface up to your shoulders in the shade of a tree that grew on the nearby bank.
Your hair had rested on your face a little and your shoulders, the shade making your eyes almost glow as you analyzed Neteyam. He was your age, currently training to be the next clan leader and yet here he was, fetching his sister.
Tuk through a glance over her shoulder to see you in the shade, throwing up a quick wave goodbye and taking off in front of her brother.
Neteyam had caught her look and couldn't help but turn back, catching a quick sight of you.
A beautiful, young woman who was lounging in the water covered by shade. Your eyes are what caught his attention the most, but just as quick as he'd seen you, the next second he blinked in shock before opening them to find you gone, the water only rippling from where he saw you, well, where he thought he saw you.
Neteyam was now becoming a quick believer of Tuk's stories.
Now that Neteyam had caught a glimpse of you, he started to see you everywhere. Although, it was out of the corner of his eyes, because when he would turn to see you, your figure was gone, the place he had seen you now empty or void of anyone or anything.
He had told his parents that he didn't see anyone with Tuk, but that was only because he feared how crazy he would sound. Seeing someone who wasn't entirely there and then them being gone the next second. They'd send him straight to the Sky People for evaluation.
Neteyam had followed Tuk out of the hut one late afternoon, Tuk turning to him confused since he has never followed her before, "What are you doing?" Neteyam just smiled, playing an act to follow his parents instructions, "Well, I've missed hanging out with my favorite littlest sister," he roughed up Tuks hair, causing her to hiss and push his hand away, "so I figured we could spend the rest of the day together,"
Tuk glanced sideways towards the path, a bit unsure about how you'd reac to Neteyam coming along, "I don't know, you probably wouldn't be up for it," Neteyam raised an eyebrow, his thoughts consumed on what a child would be doing that he himself couldn't or wouldn't wanna do, especially so late in the afternoon.
"Well, if you're sure," Tuk grinned, taking off down the path faster than Neteyam had expected, "Tuk! Wait for me!"
You had been lounging in a tree again, this time basking in the setting sun's glow. You felt so warm, the lights rays bringing a sense of belonging to your being.
"(Y/n)!" Tuk exclaimed, running into sight as you glanced down at her, your lips showing your usual soft smile that you saved for her.
"Neteyam is following me, come on let's hurry!" Tuk tried to rush you, but you only laughed, "Why are we hiding from your brother?" Tuk felt her cheeks puff up in annoyance, "Come on (Y/n)! I don't want him to find you!" It wasn't often Tuk would throw a childish fit with you, so you knew this must be important to her.
You quickly climbed down, taking her hand and pulling her out of sight just in time for Neteyam to come around the corner. He stopped and took a quick look around, running a hand through his braids aggravated. "Come on Tuk! Mom and Dad don't want you out here by yourself,"
Neteyam continued on through, running right past where you two hid in a flower bush before emerging a minute after he disappeared.
Tuk laughed but quickly stopped when she saw your disappointed face, "I'm sorry," she mumbled, kicking the dirt with her ears pinned down.
"Let's walk and talk," you took her by the shoulder softly, "Is there a reason you keep running away from your family? I understand you want to be friends, but surely I'm not worth worrying your family over?"
You led her down a path as Eclipse began to set in, the forest coming to life with lights and sounds. "Well, I thought you might want to be kept alone, like how you were before we became friends," Tuk answered, but you knew better, "but?" You pushed, Tuk groaning before replying.
"Well, Neteyam has his hunting parties and future clan leader responsibilities, Kiri has healing and grandma, Lo'ak and Spuder go on treks through the forest, I just wanted something that was mine for a while," while a bit childish, you could see what she meant. It was nice to have something all your own, even if it wasn't necessarily yours to keep or own.
Tuk kept her eyes trained on the ground in front of her, hands rubbing together embarrassed. Tuk thought that you would be upset with her, but she was shocked when she felt your hand rub soothing circles on her back as you continued to walk together.
"Do not feel bad, sometimes we wish for things that cannot always be, but if it makes you feel better, you will always be my first and best friend," Tuk felt giddy knowing that you felt the same as she did. You truly were a big sister to her.
"I think it's time we returned for the night," you told her, Tuk nodded, feeling a little tired. "Come," you picked her up, her arms wrapped around your neck and head rested on her shoulder.
You smelled of flowers and mist, a calming scent that soon had Tuk drift off to sleep. Which means she couldn't return to her parents on her own, meaning you had to face the leaders of the clan.
Entering the village, you took notice that many had already gone to dinner, leaving a clear path straight to the leaders tent, where you could hear inside Jake Sully, the Olo'eyktan and Neytri, his mate and Tuks mother frantically asking Neteyam where Tuk was.
You held Tuk up with one arm, softly clearing your throat to make your presence known as you lift the drape, all three coming to a freeze as they saw you, a stranger, with Tuk fast asleep in your arms.
You dipped your head in greeting, eyes over looking the two males and straight to the female who quickly walked to you with fear and concern for her baby. "She is alright, just sleeping," you whispered, not wanting to wake up Tuk as Neytiri gently slipped her from you.
Neytiri nodded a head in thanks, though her eyes held confusion. Your eyes slipped over Jake Sullys form, a small gesture of hello from another head nod before you allowed your eyes to stay trained on Neteyams shocked yellow.
'She is real,' is all Neteyam could think as you both played a stare game, you breaking it off with a soft smile before disappearing. He found the sudden ability to move, dashing to the drape only to pull it back and find you gone, like a phantom.
"I think, that's (Y/n)" Jake mumbled, his mind wracking to find any sense of familiarity of you, but found none. Neytiri felt a small rumble from Tuk, glancing down at the small girl to find her awake and giggling softly, "Told you she was real,"
Neteyam couldn't get you out of his head, now actively looking for you, but you weren't anywhere to be found. Tuk had told him all about you, and this time he listened, but she wouldn't tell him where you go.
"(Y/n) doesn't like to be sought after, you can only find her when she wants you to find her," Tuk laughed like it was the most simplest thing in the world, but it just made Neteyam frustrated.
He knew so little about you but felt a strange need to be near you, hear your soft voice again and find out more. Call it a crush, infatuation or even obsession, he just wanted to see you again, even if for a last time.
It was only when he took a stroll through the brush on a warm afternoon, that he found you. Only you were laying patch off soft moss, eye shut as you looked at piece with the world.
The world itself seemed to be happening around you, each breath you took was like a breeze from Eywa herself. Insects and small animals passed you by, as if you were just one with them.
Neteyam had approached you slowly, footsteps light as he observed your face. It was beautiful in his eyes, your soft lashes caressing your cheeks, lips parted ever so slightly with each breath you took in. Your hair seemed to flow around you in the vast green foliage.
He was too lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice you open your eyes and look back at him. Your green eyes traced his features as well, taking in the rough yet handsome face he was gifted with. He truly was his mother's child.
When he saw your green eyes staring back at him, he fell back from his squat in shock. You softly hummed, a smile so small but just for him.
"What are you looking at?" He coughed, his face feeling warm from your stare.
You sat up slowly, his eyes glancing at how your body was bending, hair falling over your cheeks to frame your face.
Eywa help his sinful thoughts.
"Oh you know," you drawled, "The clouds,"
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glitter-epoch · 6 months
your zayne hand fic was just sooo hot thank you for the food!!! this anon is wondering if you could do a spicy xavier fic as well, with maybe the prompt… darkness or black out? THANK YOU
nsfw, 18+ only, mdni!
OF COURSE. screamed when i saw this in my inbox. thank you for the kind words i’m so glad you like it!!! 
fem!reader | 4.7k words smut under the cut, 18+ ONLY mdni!!! do NOT!!!
. . .
warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, light evol heresy switch xavier if you squint maaaybe. kiiind of.
. . .
you’re stepping out of the shower when the lights go out.
they heave like a car that’s just run out of gas, the wires in the walls giving a pathetic, zappy little hhhh before fizzling out.
you step forward too far, the darkness and the icy air of the mostly granite bathroom startling you. a scream escapes you as you scamper forward, trying not to trip. your fingertips meet smooth stone.
as you grip the sink in the dark, embarrassed by your own outburst, your phone blinks to life on the counter. for a moment, the bathroom is illuminated. fog is receding on the mirror and on your phone’s screen as all of the warm air in the room is sucked out, replaced with wintry breezes that leak in from outside as the heat system in your apartment dies.
shivering, you pick up the phone. it's xavier.
“is your power out?” you sigh, putting him on speaker. he lives one floor above you; maybe his is fine.
“yes. was that you screaming?”
he echoes off the walls. his voice is raspy and fond, the way it always is when-
“were you asleep just now?” you ask. “it’s not even 7 o’clock.”
“yes,” xavier yawns. “it’s winter now, so it gets dark outside early. are you okay?”
“no, i almost broke my legs.” 
xavier pauses, and you realize he’s probably about to ask if you’re serious.
“…do you mean it-“
“no, sorry, i’m just kidding.“
you glance around the bathroom, shaking like a wet dog in a storm. and there is, you realize, a storm outside; rattling the hedges in the courtyard below and splattering the technicolor billboards of linkon beyond. that’s what cut the power.
your clothes are folded on the toilet seat; a soft pair of sweatpants and one of the deepspace hunters’ crewnecks- too big for work, too comfy not to lounge in. but you’re thinking of other things. 
your hair drips water onto the tile like a clock ticking, the neighbor’s wind chimes are casting shadows on the wall, and lighting is striking in the distance.
you swallow an embarrassingly large lump of anxiety in your throat.
“xavier?” you prod. he’s been patiently quiet until now.
“i’m here.”
you almost smile at how sweet he is.
“this is ridiculous, i’m really sorry…”
he waits another patient second more.
“do you want me to come to you?” he asks. 
there’s a knock on the door. you flinch, nearly knocking the phone off the counter.
“is that you?” you exclaim.
“i came downstairs when you stopped responding. i’m glad i’m at the right door, though. i can’t see.”
. . .
xaiver comes with a flashlight. “i thought this might make you feel safer.”
he’s wearing the one crewneck- white, with the detailing on the bottom- all that really matters is it looks cozy. he’s clearly brushed his hair since waking up, but it’s already piecing together on his forehead and over his ears like it usually does; silvery-blonde sections looking just as soft as he is. his hair and his palms and the column of his throat seem to shine a little bit, like he’s bioluminescent from the inside. maybe it’s his evol. in truth, you’re probably just imagining it. he’s xavier; everything about him is a little off-kilter and mezmerizing.
he presents the flashlight to you as he shuts your front door behind him and peers around. “wow. it really is dark.” 
his eyes are wide; glossy spheres that catch the slivers of remaining light in your apartment. you try not to stare. 
“thank you,” you grin, a little embarassed. 
flipping the switch on the flashlight is useless; the battery is dead.
in the dim moonlight filtering through your front room’s blinds, you see his porcelain face go a little crooked; he grins and frowns at the same time, lopsided.
“of course,” he hums.
you thank him again anyways (warmed that he thought to bring it) and try to lead him to the closet, feeling along the walls. “i should have candles in the closet.”
xavier follows you, albeit, not close behind, like he’s trying to stay out of sight.
“are you hiding?” you quip, although your heart has started to pump with more effort in your chest. 
“no,” he says from behind you. “i’m trying not to bump into you. you scare easily.” he’s quiet for a moment. “clearly.”
you turn over your shoulder, scowling at his vaguely silver outline. “i do not. quit stalking; just walk with me.”
you’ve been stopped for long enough in the darkest stretch of the hallway that xavier’s on you, then; he bumps into you on accident, a good head-and-a-half taller. his chest and the insides of his biceps are warm as he politely slides two hands up your shoulders and clamps down on them. you suck in a breath and he steadies you.
“see?” he mocks softly. 
xavier removes his right hand from your shoulder but seems to keep the other one in place, like he’s worried you’re going to knock into the wall (you might). he lifts his palm up to you- which is large enough to take up the area of your face- and a golden light blooms from the center line on his skin, extending slowly to his fingers. 
once your face is lit up, the corners of his lips quirk up the tiniest bit; his eyes go soft.
there are only so many things you could say: i’m not jumpy, you touched me. i’m not jumpy, i’m in love with you. 
none would save you any dignity, so you just swallow a shaky breath and complain, “you could’ve done that when you got here.”
“i thought the flashlight would be more thoughtful.”
his frame and his warmth hover beside you like a heat lamp as you walk. he smells good; like soap, and expensive fabric softener, which is ridiculous, because you’re certain if you asked him what fabric softener he used, he would reply, “why would i need that? isn’t fabric already soft?”
you come to the doorknob. “okay. back up.”
he does. the air behind you becomes significantly colder as you pull open the door to the closet.
thunder cracks outside as if its splitting the sky in two. you flinch, yanking on the door, heart in your throat; the vacuum cleaner tips over, falls out, bounces off your head.
“ow,” you hiss, clapping a shaking hand to your forehead. 
xavier returns; his chin near the top of your head as he seems to shield you from the rest of the (unfavorably) dark corridor, sticking his arm into the closet to prevent any other heavy stowed items from landing on you. the light in his palm has gone out. 
“are you okay?” xavier worries, almost certainly suspecting your mood is going to be more bruised than your head.
thunder cracks again in succession, three times, like the beating of some hellish drum. a scream escapes you. you duck, actually duck- and xavier loses you in the dark of the closet. he feels around for a moment until he finds your forearm and pulls gently.
“oh my god,” you pant. “sorry, sorry-”
“you’re really afraid of thunderstorms, aren’t you?” he asks softly; perhaps partially to tease you, but with xavier, it’s hard to tell. he’s so blunt and open-booked that nothing and everything sounds like a judgement when he delivers it.
you nod, unable to do anything else at this point. “apparently.”
“you’re shaking,” he comments- and you are, like a- “you’re like a little dog.”
you scowl at him, having thought it yourself but assumed he would be kind enough not to say it out loud.
“what, like the little rabid white ones with crust around their eyes? how dare you?” you huff, turning your head, but he’s still holding you; one big hand on the small of your back now, warm as a heating pad.
“okay,” xavier sighs, and his grin is audible. “let’s go.”
his hands glow like lanterns all the way to the den.
. . . 
you wake up and even the moon has darkened.
storm clouds form a thick and heavy blanket over the sky, snuffing out any light from the cosmos. the den and even your distant kitchen are completely dark, the furniture forming only the vaguest lines in your sight. there are lines on your face, almost certainly, you think; forcing your head and neck up like a cobra, your torso and the front of your thighs glued to something warm and mostly solid. you press your fingers to your face and find indents in your cheek and across your eyelid from where your face was smushed into whatever is beneath you.
xavier. it’s xavier. 
his face is perfectly serene, the smooth and pearlescent slopes of his cheeks and browbones perfectly still and almost visible in the dark. but his lips aren’t parted and his arms are slightly stiff; if he’s asleep, it’s only partially. 
you flinch, just barely, shocked at his presence there more than anything. it comes back to you in small blinks; yes, you had laid down with him, he’d insisted. no it’s not weird. of course i don’t mind. it’s a little ridiculous for you to act like you’ve never fallen asleep on me before (true). and at some point, you’d both wriggled into this position; with your entire body draped over him, blanket on the floor, both of you hot as irons. 
in his light-sleep, xavier seems to feel you jolt. one hand comes to the back of your head and pulls you down, depositing your face into the crook of his shoulder. he’s laying on his back, fitted perfectly into the corner of the sofa; he’s all encompassing.
“no,” xavier demands, albeit gently. “go back to sleep.”
his voice vibrates against your cheek. you’re tired, sluggish, your limbs are heavy; but your heart thumps in your chest, something almost like panic rising in your throat. certainly he knows what this looks like, knows how it feels- you’re completely twisted around each other.
“xavier,” you argue.
“you were happy,” he rasps, lifting his arms up. he wraps them completely around your head, sealing you in. the weight of his biceps are heavy on you; you knew he was strong, obviously, but he really is…strong. his chest is carved beneath you. “you were happy when you were asleep. so do it again.”
“you just want to go back to sleep,” is your reply.
xavier shifts, and one hand drifts down to the middle of your back. he pulls you into him and squeezes, like he’s stretching. you inhale deeply as your face drifts closer to his collarbones, exposed as his sweatshirt is pulled in every direction by your sprawling weight. your mouth falls open as he holds you, deliberately tight, now; you’re sure of it. he’s practically using you like a stress-ball.
he feels your breath on his neck and his eyes flutter open slowly, fingers twitching to a stop.
“what are you doing?” he chirps.
you could smack him. “what are you doing?”
the thunder returns before anyone can answer, like it senses you’re awake. xavier responds instantly, plucking a fallen blanket off the ground and draping it over both of your heads. in breaths, you’re locked into one another; in a world under the quilt. 
you peer up at him in the complete blackness, feeling his breath on your nose.
“better?” xavier asks.
the sound is surprisingly resonant; he’s ridiculously close.
you feel around his chest and arms, trying to find his head. he inhales, choppily, but doesn’t stop you.
“you are doing something…” he murmurs. his body responds to you, shoulders rising slightly as your fingers dance over them.
“i’m just trying to find your face,” you retort (doing something).
xavier takes your hand and presses it to his cheek. “here.”
you gulp. what are you supposed to do now?
it’s quiet for a moment, rain ricocheting gently off the windows of your apartment. the thunder is distant for a few breaths, rolling far away but seemingly making its way back, like engineered waves slowly picking up speed in a wave pool.
xavier’s heart is always slow, so slow that it sometimes worries you. but his breath is not; the movement of his hands is fast. if he’s not nervous- he’s at least worked up.
thunder cracks. before you can jump or blink or even breathe, he pulls the blanket even further over your heads and reaches for the small of your back, dragging your body up until the top of your head presses into his chin.
you let him, allowing your head to drop onto his chest, unsure of what else to do and not quite able to think of anything else to do as his hands roam around under your sweatshirt; exploring the slopes and ridges of your back and spine.
“your heartbeat is so fast,” xavier murmurs, but his voice is far-away, too; his hands are greedy as he searches for something on the plane of your skin- knots, nerves. soft things, for himself. “you aren’t this afraid of a storm.”
“no,” you cave, essentially coming clean. “what are you trying to do?”
he stills, hands still under your shirt. “are you uncomfortable?”
“no,” you blurt. “no.”
you’re almost certain he smiles; his breath is soft and quiet for a moment. “then can i keep going?”
you pause, nervous. “keep going with what?”
his chest is suspended for a moment. he doesn’t answer. 
in the silence, you’re just barely emboldened enough to whisper it, though you’re not entirely sure what his plan is: “keep going.”
the storm seems to be on his side as a low, rumbling roll of thunder passes by your window, lightning following- for the shortest second, you can see his face; lips swollen with sleep, and parted, his eyes closed. 
your trembling returns for a myriad of reasons. this propels xavier to wrap an arm around your waist and sit up, taking you with him; your knees are forced to bend, thighs spread out on either side of him. you straddle his lap, the blanket slipping off your head.
xavier’s eyes flutter open slowly, ever sleepy. his hair splays around him, lighter than the rest of the room. his expression is almost a smile, dazed and determined, and his eyes seem to light up as they rove over the mere outline of your face in the dark. “i’ll distract you,” he says, sliding his palms onto your knees.
he waits, hands heavy. 
“what are you…” you begin.
oh. he wants you to sit.
you do; he’s hard under you, and he inhales. 
“xavier…” you whisper, uncertain not of your own desire, but his. “i didn’t think you…you never-”
“i never what?” he says, swiping your hair off one side of your neck. “your hair is still wet.” his fingers tangle in the damp strands at the top of your spine, roving up to the top of your head. “are you cold?”
“n-no,” you manage. 
xavier leans forward, his lips close to your neck- then he stops, looks up at you. his eyes are practically the only things visible in the room; but he seems to be able to see you quite well.
“can you see in the dark, or something?” you pant. he doesn’t answer. instead:
“you want me,” he remarks, quiet. 
“you want me,” you retort, instantly defensive; this doesn’t feel real.
xavier- tall and lithe and hard under you, clawing to keep you close to him- blushes still, his cheeks almost red. he smiles, almost, pupils as big as saucers.
“you do want me,” he answers for you, nodding as his lips latch onto your neck.
it’s a ploy. you inhale, stretching your back for him; so naturally, his hands drift to lift up your sweatshirt, then glide up your waist, up to your ribs. he swipes his thumbs over the skin there, and gasps slightly when he finds nothing there; no bra under your hoodie.
“i’m sorry,” you whisper, for no real reason, but you’re not thinking straight. 
xavier doesn’t even ordain you with a response to something so stupid. he just reaches higher, palms your breasts, both of you inhaling as your nipples pebble under him. 
“i can see you,” xavier whispers, his lips on the shell of your ear. “i can see far in the dark. but you can barely see anything…”
you feel feverish; hot and dizzy and unable to take a full breath and xavier pushes your sweatshirt up to you neck, urging you to slip it off.
“do you want to?” he asks, breathless.
you’re the one who ignores a stupid comment this time, slipping off the hoodie. wet strands of hair fall over your shoulders and face, tangling over xavier’s fingers and dangling in front of his eyes. 
he stares at you through the dark, eyes languidly darting all over your naked body; like he doesn’t know what to do first, like he’s astonished that you’re something he’s really looking at.
xavier looks up at you, practically drooling. “is this still okay?”
“are you kidding me?”
he responds with something low, a primal and somehow still grateful sound from the back of his throat, and leans forward to catch your breasts with his mouth. his teeth graze over your nipple, his lips finding it a moment later; it slips in and out of his mouth, slick from the wetness of his mouth.
you inhale to hide a moan, sinking lower into his lap; grinding over his length unintentionally. xavier’s mouth drops off of you, and he inhales deeply; trying to get back to you, to keep working at your breasts, but he can’t.
“d-don’t,” he murmurs, “don’t.”
you wonder if you’ve really made him uncomfortable. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean-”
“it’s not you,” he replies. “i can’t- if you keep-”
you inhale, body barely moving, and even this is too much for him. xavier completely leans back from you and tears his own shirt off; light hair splaying around his head as the shirt lands on the floor. he pushes you back slightly, until your thighs are resting on his thighs, away from his lap.
he tugs at the waistband of your sweatpants. “do you want to keep these on?”
and he’s sincere, waiting for you so patiently, despite the slack in his jaw and the glaze over his eyes. you come onto your knees, sitting up enough to push the pants down to your shins; he reaches behind you and pulls them all the way off.
he takes you in again, in nothing but your panties, like he isn’t sure if he’s really awake- despite being the one to instigate this encounter in the first place.
instigator, you think. it’s the perfect term to describe him. 
after a moment of polite gawking, he pulls on your waist like a handlebar; drags you back to him so you’re sitting with your thighs spread and balanced on either heel. as evil as he secretly is, he watches you as he brings his fingers to your panties; running his knuckles along the clothed surface of your core before pulling the fabric aside.
you gasp; one hand covering your mouth. he smiles sweetly. thunder follows.
“see?” he says, pawing innocently at your folds before running the back of his hand over the bundle of nerves there; quick to drag them slowly down again, and up again, over and over. “you needed something to distract you.”
you’re looking down, trying to see what’s happening; his face is somewhat visible, as it has been, but his hands and your thighs are not. 
xavier tests one finger at the base of your cunt; to see what you’ll do, how wet you are. his mouth falls open.
you’re not sure if he’s making fun of you or if he’s just shocked; but more likely than not, it’s the latter, because his eyes are big as dimes when he looks up at you, reclined against the arm of the sofa, with you on top of him.
you’re trying to remember when you got into such a compromising position. 
“can i?” he amends himself. “do you want me to?”
you almost can’t answer, so you nod, and a moment later, manage, “yes, p-please.”
‘please’ seems to set him off. his middle finger slips inside of you easily, meeting no friction. at first, you try to watch; feeling his wrist moving up and down as he pumps inside of you. then he adds a second finger and you don’t even try to look anymore, letting your head fall back.
you feel his eyes on you as you do this, pressure building in your lower belly. 
“does this feel good?” he asks, all sincerity.
“s-so good.”
“look,” he whispers.
there’s a warmth in you before you do, but even then, you can’t guess what you’re about to see- a light, faintly glowing, illuminating the thin flesh around your pelvic bones and fading out over your navel. his hand, inside you; glowing.
“xavier!” you scold. 
for a moment, he changes nothing; he watches the light wax and wane as his fingers move inside you, and you watch it, too- despite your immense humiliation- both of your mouths hung open. you aren’t sure if you’re about to curl in on yourself from embarassment or pleasure, but xavier must see the strangled expression on your face, because the light goes out.
“you get embarassed so easily,” xavier remarks, leaning forward with one hand still inside you. he uses the other to brush your damp hair out of your face, and runs the pad of his thumb over the lines on your cheeks and eyelid; places where your face was smushed into his sweater. “look at me. do you see me?” 
“k-kind of.”
he smiles, movements never slowing. you squirm in his lap, vying for more despite his steady pace. 
“i think about you,” xavier murmurs into your neck. “everyday. all the time. there’s nothing you could do that i wouldn’t want you for. don’t you see?”
you nod, emboldened by his words, thinking that you should thank him but too busy thinking about other, more immediate things.
as you’re squirming in his lap, you push forward, finally; sit on the hard length of his cock. his fingrers curl inside you and you whine.
xavier hisses and exhales. he looks up at you; the marble of his eyes shining in the dark.
“do you…” you pant, struggle. “do you want to…”
xavier nods. he keeps nodding, at first, and doesn’t even say anything- he sits up to wrap and arm around your waist and he’s still nodding. then:
“yes,” he murmurs into your ear. “i didn’t-”
you grind onto him again. his fingers leave you, steadying himself with that now unoccupied hand. 
“…w-want- god- please, don’t…”
so you wait, feeling guilty again, but of course, he doesn’t mean do nothing- you realize moments later, he’s just begging you to slow down.
“i didn’t want to ask,” xavier continues throatily, gently lifting you off of him to roll down the waistband of his own sweatpants. “i didn’t want you to think i’d be disappointed if you said no.”
you smile at him, sick at how sweet he is. “i want to. please.”
he’s kissing you as he finally kicks off his sweatpants- you feel him buck his hips up as only his underwear remains. maybe, if you could see anything, you would have lingered in this moment a little longer. but you’re barely any help as he kicks those off, too; uses his own strength to hold your hips in the air over him, not setting you down.
“are you sure?” xavier pants.
“i am extremely sure.”
he inhales shakily and leans forward to press you to his chest, adjusting himself under you; then he sets you down, lowers you onto his cock. 
both of you gasp; you inhale so sharply it stings. you can’t see him, can’t see anything but his blown-out pupils- but you’re full, completely, as he takes your hips in his hands and asks:
“are you tired?”
his voice is trembling, but not desperate; he’s trying not to buck up into you, you’re sure. 
you can’t lie, so all you do is nod. your entire body buzzes, your head swims; you are exhausted, but you do want him.
xavier nods, pressing a kiss to the plane between your breasts. “that’s okay. just relax.”
and he is ridiculous for saying this, because then, he begins to move you himself; sliding you up an down on his length, slowly and gracefully at first- until you moan over him, and he seems to crack, bouncing you up and down to his liking.
“x-xavier…” you whine, but he’s relentless. 
your hands landing on his chest as you droop forward only egg him on. he presses one hand flat to your back, forcing you to collapse onto him, then goes back to moving your hips. he’s pounding into you, his breath and his voice strangled and fast in your ear, but his heart still beats slowly in his chest- the rhythm of it is intoxicating to you. you listen, one ear pressed into the space between his collarbones: 1…2…3…
you realize, now, that the slow heartbeat is just what’s providing his inhuman stamina: he’s anything but calm. 
“you don’t know…” xavier murmurs, rocking in and out of you, sounding very far away. “you don’t even know…”
“know what?” you manage. 
“how much i think about you. how much i want you- you don’t…”
he sits up suddenly, your head draping over his shoulder, and continues to move you up and down; hot inside you. your legs are practically numb. the coil in your stomach tightens and releases, threatening to unfurl; you’re not sure how long it’s been. your head falls back and xavier catches it, pausing to press kisses to the column of your throat. you squirm, now settled onto his lap again; cock still inside you. 
xavier grabs your hips and seems to be restraining himself from holding you still.
“if you do that, i can’t- i’ll-”
you know what he’s going to say, so you keep doing it. xavier latches on to your neck with his mouth as you grind on top of him, exhausted, but it’s enough. one of his arms is still looped around your waist, squeezing the flesh of your hip. the other draws tracks through your hair, and stops to grab a fistful at the top of your head; you moan, but he doesn’t release you- clearly not knowing his own strength, how tightly he’s gripping you. 
that’s it for you; the sensation low in your belly blooms as his cock twitches inside you.
he bites down on your shoulder when he cums. not nearly hard enough to hurt (he would never), but it’s so unbridled and unexpected that you come undone on top of him moments later; allowing him to squeeze you to him and pull you both back to lay flat on the sofa.
for a moment, there is only quiet rain and heavy breathing. xavier lifts his hand to pluck the hair out of your face again, running his fingers over those same lines on your cheeks that he must be able to see through the dark- how unfair, it is, that he’s been able to see practically the whole time, and you’ve been nearly blind.
a clap of thunder bursts somewhere in the distance. you’re busy panting, pawing around for xavier’s face in the dark.
“see? you’re not even thinking about the thunder anymore,” he breathes. “you must have had a good distraction.” and then, both endeared and confused, he asks, “what are you looking for?”
“i’m trying to find your head so i can smack you.”
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chaos-in-deepspace · 3 months
L&DS Boys: Pool Day | Fluff
Ngl I wrote this in less than an hour and a half. Been chilling in the pool a lot these days and needed to write something for it. Now I want y'all to make sure and read Zayne's part and pay special attention to it, okay? Listen to what he says. I'm serious guys, listen to Zayne.
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♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+. ♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Warnings: N/A ♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Pairings: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader
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The cool water lapped at your skin as you sank your entire body into it. A sigh of relief escaped you as you instantly felt better. The summer had just started and already it had been record high temperatures. Thankfully your apartment complex had a nice pool, and since it was one of your rare days off you took advantage, silently thanking the world that your apartment had mainly elderly and hunters so today nobody else was at the pool.
To make matters even better, you managed to drag your sleepy neighbor out with you. You had promised him pool snacks and the new lounge floats you had gotten. Unlike the inflatable ones, these were fabric of sorts and you just knew they’d feel absolutely amazing the moment you two got into the pool.
“Are you ready?” Xavier asked, placing a hand on the small of your back. You let out a small yelp, not used to him being able to touch your skin so easily like this. You looked over at Xavier in his own swim clothes, almost wanting to blush. Of course this man would be the one who chose a speedo over something else.
Still, you began climbing up onto one of the two floats you had. Your body dipped into the water below you and kept you cool and you let out a content sigh. You watched Xavier follow suit, getting comfortable. The lounge float was just as comfortable as you had come to expect and you were living for it.
You put on your sunglasses as you relaxed and turned to Xavier, “Hey Xav?” You called out, making the blonde man hum next to you, “If I fall asleep, you have to promise to wake me up.” You said, knowing you were playing a risky game at the moment.
“Only if you promise to wake me as well.” Xavier said and you could hear the small yawn he let out. You rolled over to your stomach and realized this position was even better.
“Xavier, if I fall asleep and you fall asleep then we’re screwed. Someone needs to be responsible.” You comment with a light chuckle. You watched Xavier paddle his float over to you. He hooked his leg over part of your float and grabbed your hand, making it rest on his own.
“If we stick together like this and keep talking, then we have a better chance at staying awake.” He noted. Well he certainly was right, and being this close to Xavier was certainly a treat. You could ogle the plains and valleys of his well sculpted body perfectly like this.
Sadly it seemed you two forgot one very important fact…how you two always managed to pass out during naps while talking. You don’t even know when you fell asleep, or how long you were passed out. All you know is when you woke up you looked at Xavier. His pale skin was currently a bright red as he laid on his back, sunglasses on and you knew you were screwed.
You didn’t even need to see your back to know you were burned. Your skin felt hot and uncomfortable and if you could see it you’d notice just how angry it looked. You went to poke Xavier, flinching to yourself when you saw the spot on his cheek you poked turn white then back to red.
Xavier groaned as he opened his eyes and turned to look at you. Even with his sleepy vision he could see your current condition. He let out a gasp, going to sit up and forgetting he was on a float as he crashed into the water below him.
You couldn’t help but laugh as he came up, shaking some water from his hair. Without his sunglasses you could see the sunburn went around his eyes, “Xavier…we fucked up.” You said after a moment.
“I can…see that.” He said, looking over your back then down to his chest, “We should head indoors.” He said, going to grab your hand gently. You got off of your float and Xavier grabbed both of them in one arm while still holding your hand. You followed him to his apartment and you noticed how he had a serious look on his face as he forced you through the corridors of the complex. Your complaints about leaving a wet trail from the floats and your body went unheard.
You had to admit the moment you got into his cool apartment you felt a bit better. Xavier finally let go of your hand and dragged the floats to his bathroom, probably to let them dry in the shower. “Sit down on the couch, but be careful.” Xavier said, his calm voice echoing through the apartment.
You had no idea what had gotten into him, but you did just as instructed. You winced as you sat down, your sunburned ass stinging with the smallest movements. When Xavier came back, he was holding a large tub of something.
“Lay on your stomach.” He said and you were still confused as you did just that. He walked behind you and soon you let out a long, drawn out groan of relief. The item in his hand was a cream or sorts and was cool. It soothed your irritated skin as he gently began massaging it into your skin.
“What’s that…?” You groaned, knowing it was familiar but you were still tired from your nap and couldn’t think properly.
“It’s some aloe. I had some just in case.” He said, his small laugh was like music to your ears, “I apologize, you’re burned because I couldn’t keep my promise.”
You hummed and looked back at him as he began working the aloe into the back of your thighs, “We both failed, Xavier. Maybe if you kiss it better it’ll heal for me.” You joked. You hadn’t expected Xavier’s cool lips to press on your burned shoulders. It did feel nice as you melted into it, his lips trailing gentle kisses over the worst burns. He then continued to put the aloe over all those areas as well.
“You’re probably more burned than I am anyways. Did you even use sunscreen?” You comment after a few moments of silence. You had made sure to put some on before heading to the pool, but after hours of the sun even the sunblock wouldn’t be able to keep up without being reapplied liberally.
“I’ll be fine, I just need a nap.” He said, his large hands finishing their massage on all the pieces of skin you were burned. You slowly sat up, but Xavier went to push you back down, “And so do you. But first you need water.” He commented.
You smiled over at him and grabbed hold of his hand as he tried leaving, “Not so fast. We need to take care of your burns.” This time he didn't stop you as you sat back up. You saw the jar next to you and looked back at him. “Lay on your back, I’ll put some aloe on you.”
“That’s not necessary.” Xavier tried to protest with a pout, but you weren't having it.
“Xavie baby.” You said, calling him a nickname that always got him to blush, “Let me take care of you. Come on.” You said, motioning for him to do as you said. He let out a sigh and finally laid down.
You smiled, looking down at him as you covered your hands in the green goop. Today might’ve had a few failures, but being able to rub down Xavier’s body was almost a reward in itself. You then saw Xavier look off to the side then back to you.
“Perhaps if you kiss it better it’ll help them heal faster.” He said, using your words against you. You chuckled as you leaned down, kissing his cheeks before he grabbed your face. You were confused as he brought you in for a proper kiss.
“It hurts the most here.” He said after parting, running his thumb over his own lip. You chuckled, pressing another kiss there.
“Then it looks like I’ll have you pay extra attention to it.” You said, then kissed him again. Perhaps the sunburns weren’t that bad if this was the aftermath.
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Why Zayne never used the pool at his luxury apartments was beyond you. There were never any children running around, and oftentimes during the weekdays people were at work and couldn’t relax over there. That meant on your days off, it was just the two of you and a very nice and well kept pool. Yet whenever you brought it up, he would always say if you wanted to go he would, but he’s not planning on going by himself anytime soon.
So as soon as summer hit and the heatwave was at an alltime high already, you were dragging Zayne towards the elevator to head down to the pool. Your excitement was evident as Zayne adjusted the pool bag he had prepared. It was a large side bag and you were certain he kept a little bit of everything in there.
When the elevator hit the bottom level, you grabbed hold of his hand and began literally dragging him, “Come now, the pool won’t be going anywhere.” Zayne tried to assure you, but you weren't having none of that.
“The pool might remain, but every second spent dawdling is a second wasted.” You comment, “Time leaves us constantly so we need to catch up.”
He sighed and shook his head. As soon as you left the air conditioned building it was already sweltering hot. You could almost feel sweat clinging to your skin as you made your way to one of the pool chairs. Zayne had already opened the umbrella and laid towels down for the two of you.
Meanwhile you stripped off your pool cover and were about to run straight into the water. As soon as Zayne noticed your movements, he thought fast. Two large hands cupped under your armpits as he brought you up like a naughty cat trying to sneak off. You laid limp in his grasp as you processed what happened.
You slowly turned to him with a pout, “Zayne, what the ever loving fuck?”
“Eloquent with your speech as usual.” He teased as he went to set you down under the umbrella covered chair, “Aren’t you forgetting an important step?” He asked and you sighed with an eye roll.
“Nope.” You popped the ‘p’ as you looked away from the man.
“Perhaps I should remind you that sunscreen is necessary. I agreed to come to the pool if you made an effort to protect your skin.” He said and you groaned, “I’m sure you’re aware that a light skin tone only has a natural 4-5 spf, while skin with higher melanin has the max of 13.5 spf. That means no matter your skin tone, you still need to protect your skin.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, “Oh please keep talking about medical things with me, Zayne.” You joked and he shook his head.
“Your skin is the largest and one of the most important organs of your body, please treat it with the respect it deserves.” He said, grabbing the sunblock he had brought with him, “Now come here, I’ll help you apply it.”
“I can do it myself.” You protested, but he was already putting some of the cream into his hands. He looked up at you from his prescription sunglasses.
“I’m sure you could.” He said, “However I need to make sure you're covered properly and with enough product it’ll do its job.” He explained with an almost smile on his face. You rolled your eyes before opening your arms up so he could properly get you covered.
You glanced at the bottle and almost choked on your spit, “SPF 100? Isn’t that overkill?” You asked with an incredulous expression.
“Not at all, however we will need to reapply it after about an hour and a half since we’ll be swimming. I’ll make sure to set a timer.” He said and you once again groaned…that was until his hands were on you.
He had purposefully cooled his own hands as he began massaging the product into your arms, chest, stomach, and legs. His hands glided over your body respectfully as he made sure you were properly covered, eventually having you turn around so he could apply it to your back. You jumped when his frigid hands pressed on the back of your neck.
“H-Hey!” You whined and he just chuckled.
“My apologies, I’m just being thorough.” He explained as he worked on your back now. Once your body was covered you turned back to face him. You hadn’t expected his large hands to cup your face as he smeared some of the sunscreen there. Your hands went to wrap around his wrists as you tried backing away, but his grip was firm, “Stop fighting, unless you want a sunburned nose.” He scolded.
You finally huffed and relaxed into his touch. You were startled when he left your face, only to come back and press something over your lips. You opened your eyes and noticed he had a lip balm, one that also had some spf in it. You smacked your lips, noticing how it tasted sweet.
“Better?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, but.” You said and he hummed. You tugged him over to you, placing a kiss on his lips. He didn’t fight it, leaning in as your lips met his in a short and cute kiss. “You needed some chapstick too…”
“I appreciate you helping me put it on.” He said with an amused huff.
“Can I swim now?” You suddenly asked after buttering him up; already you were getting up. He gripped your waist and dragged you back down.
“Wait twenty minutes after applying sunblock before being exposed to the UV rays.” He said and now you just knew he hated you. You looked at him with pouty eyes and he just smiled at you, “Would you like to help me apply sunblock to help pass the time?”
Now you perked up at that offer, your hands already twitching as you nodded your head. He took off his own cover up and exposed his chest and you had to fight the urge to lick your lips at the sight. How he managed to be in shape while overworking himself was a mystery, but damn were you grateful for it.
You put some sunblock into your hands, running them over Zayne’s chest first and oh my goodness how were you going to be able to survive this. You could feel every single muscle of his as you massaged it in, looking up at him from time to time as you tried to remain focused.
Your heart was beating out of your chest as you realized how much you wished you weren’t out in public right now so you could squeeze his chest. You remained professional though and applied the sunblock liberally, and were almost disappointed when it all ended. Still, you both were now covered and you looked over at Zayne’s phone. He had already set a time and it said you had fifteen minutes before you could jump into the pool.
“Zayne, do we have to be a stickler for sunblock rules?” You asked after another five minutes. He looked over at you curiously.
“Are you asking me as your boyfriend, or as your doctor?” He asked and you huffed, rolling on your stomach on the towel.
“I hope you know imma spend the next hour and a half in that pool and I’m dragging you in there the entire time.” You said and he chuckled as he went to his bag and grabbed two drinks. There were two cans of milk tea and when he handed one to you, you noticed how cold it was. You sighed and opened it up, taking a sip, “But I guess this isn’t too bad.” You comment looking at the water.
“My top priority is your safety, however perhaps we can break a few rules. I’ll let you get in five minutes early.” Zayne said, clicking on his phone’s timer. You looked over and noticed you had six minutes left. Your eyes widened as you realized what he said.
You handed him your drink and as soon as the timer had a ‘five’ on it, you were running into the water.
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“Fuck you, pufferfish.” You said, shoving the purple haired man out of the way, “I’m getting in first!” You cried out, your feet hitting the hot cement outside of his personal pool. The man in question was right behind you as he went and grabbed hold of you.
His grip on your wrist had you dragging behind him, “Tough luck, pearl, but the pool is mine.” He said, gaining the lead in his mad dash to the water.
This all started when you had been lounging at Rafayel’s home, realizing just how hot it was. His air conditioner was working, sure, but it was still balmy since you were right by the beach. Sweat clung uncomfortably to your skin as you had glanced over at the artist.
“Rafayel, it’s too humid.” You complained and Rafayel looked over at you. You could see the sweat dripping down his neck so clearly he was in a similar situation as you. He seemed to think something over quickly and then smiled.
“Perhaps I could take a break.” He mused, “I do have a pool out there. That should help with the current situation.” He said and you hummed. The thought of spending the day in a private pool was so nice. You had swam in his pool before, it had a tanning ledge, a hot tub with a small waterfall that bled into the pool, and several pool lounges. He had everything you could ask for really, which was to be expected.
“Let’s do it. I’ll grab some drinks.” You said, hopping off the couch and running to the kitchen. Rafayel called out for you, but you didn't hear him as you raced to his fridge. An assortment of soda and juices were stocked thanks to your insistence he have other things than just coffee and water.
You went for the apple juice, deciding it would be refreshing enough for a day like this. Rafayel had some tumblers that would keep it ice cold while you were outside. As you stood back up you bumped into Rafayel’s chest. You spun to look at him in surprise, “Uh need something?” You murmured.
“I asked if you had a swimsuit.” He chuckled and you realized that you didn’t have one at his place. You groaned and looked at him with a pouty face.
“No…” You mumbled and he shook his head.
“That’s fine, I bought you a few just in case. I’ll grab them for you.” Well isn't he being nice and accommodating. Something was up. Your eyes narrowed as you followed him. He went to his closet and that’s when you discovered the swimsuit line up he had.
They were either very promiscuous, or downright ridiculous. He looked between you and the suits and you groaned. You grabbed a pair with rubber ducks decorating it and looked at him, “You sir, are an asshole.” You said, heading to his bathroom.
“I did nothing wrong.” He said, a hand over his heart as you closed the door and quickly got changed. When you came out you choked on your spit. Standing in front of you was Rafayel, with a matching swimsuit.
“I fucking hate you.” You laughed, realizing now why he had gone through the trouble of getting these swimsuits. It was so you guys could match at his pool, “Wait, so if I had gone for the revealing one…?” You trailed off.
“It’s too late for that now, pearl.” He teased, “But I’ll have you know they make very flashy male swimsuits nowadays, in several different styles.” So the ones he showed you…damn you regret your decision. Still, seeing him in something ridiculous like that was enough to make you less bitter.
“Fine, whatever, let’s just get to the pool.” You said, walking out with Rafayel following you, then you said the most childish thing of the day, “Last one in's a rotten egg!” You then began booking it.
You forgot that the two of you combined was a bad case of competitiveness. It led you to the now, where you both were playing dirty to get into the cool pool. You were screaming at one another, attempting to trip or thwart the other.
As soon as you were at the edge, Rafayel yanked you back. You hooked your ankle around his to hold him in place. However this caught both of you off balance. Next thing you knew, the cool water was enveloping the two of you. You looked at Rafayel under the water with wide eyes as you two realized what had happened.
You broke through the water and began laughing immediately. Rafayel soon emerged as well, grabbing onto your shoulders and pouting, “You dropped me into the water.” He whined and you were still laughing.
“I dropped us into the water.” You corrected him. He couldn’t help the smile on his face at the confession.
“Ya, I guess you did.” He huffed before using his weight to push you down. You could hear his voice clearly despite being under water, “But that doesn’t mean I can let you go without punishment, my dear bodyguard.”
You went to scream but you knew your lungs would fill up. Rafayel then dunked his head under the water and swam closer to you. He took his hands over your eyes, covering them and you felt a soft peck on your lips.
Suddenly you could breathe underwater and you chuckled at his antics. He took his hands away as he looked at you with eyes swimming with mischief.
“You’re the absolute worst, fish.” You said, dragging him closer to you. You pressed another kiss on his lips, and you loved how red his cheeks and ears got.
“How am I the worst? You’re supposed to protect me, yet you let me fall in the water.” He complained, but his arms were wrapping around you as he said so. His nose nuzzled against your own as he held onto you.
“Oh how cruel of me to put the fish back into water. I’m just the worst.” You said with a sigh, “Now come on, I want to soak in the sunshine.” You began tugging him to the surface of the water. Despite his pouting, he allowed you to drag him up.
You went over to the tanning ledge, laying on your stomach and relaxed. “Need sunglasses?” Rafayel said, swimming next to you and splashing you with the water.
“Do you have some?” You asked and he shrugged before his eyes furrowed.
“Hey…how are your feet?” He asked and you looked confused. You sat up and looked to see if you had managed to get a cut on your foot at some point. You didn’t see anything as you turned back to him.
“They’re fine…why?” You asked.
“Good…think you could run and get us sunglasses then? They should be near the front.” He said with a smirk, knowing he got you.
This time you would admit, you did push him into the water…well more like kicked him. He was the one asking for it though as he let out a shrill scream before the large splash of water filled your ears. You regretted nothing.
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Did y'all hear what Zayne said? Apply sunblock 20 minutes before being exposed to UV rays, no matter what skin color you got. Reapply every 1 - 2 hours as well if you're going to be swimming or sweating a lot (or as directed by the bottle). Your skin is a large and important organ of your body so take care of it you guys!
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gloomwitchwrites · 7 months
What Are We (4 of 4)
John "Soap" MacTavish x Female Reader
Content & Warnings: light angst, brief mention of alcohol, possessive Soap, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected piv (wrap it up irl)
Word Count: 942
A/N: Part of the Imagines & What If Series
Always deflecting the question, you push John for an answer.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // what are we masterlist
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John is not an angry drunk. Nor is he a sloppy one.
In fact, John is exceptionally gifted in holding his alcohol. But what John is after a few drinks can only be described as mischievous. He loves pushing at the right buttons, teasing until you’re hot with carefully concealed embarrassment, constantly touching, constantly grabbing until you’re playfully smacking at his hands.
John loves riling you up. He does it on purpose. He pushes until the gentleness becomes quiet discontent, until your tone becomes argumentative, only for John to kiss you, and then fuck you until you shut up and forget all about it in the first place.
While it’s a game between the two of you, you’re not particularly feeling it tonight. Right now, you’re slightly irritated, uninterested in all of his advances. It’s not because you’re no longer attracted to him, but because you have a task before you.
Your friends all the say the same thing. To confront John and ask him what this is between the two of you. You and he are always together, always a pair, and yet there has been no solid commitment. Whenever it’s brought up, he’s usually the one to quickly dismiss it, especially in a group setting. In the beginning you thought nothing of it, but now, after months together, you need an answer.
John lounges on the couch, legs spread, one arm draped over the back of the sofa. His eyelids are soft, almost closed. The arm not resting on the back of the sofa is in his lap. John’s large hand rubs up and down his covered thigh.
“Come here,” he murmurs, indicating where you should sit with a soft tap of his palm.
You’d give anything to slide into his lap. To wrap your arms around his neck and forget the world for a bit.
But your heart is beating wildly in your chest, the anxious need to ask him a fiery thing.
“What are we, John?” you whisper, glancing up to his face, seeking an answer.
The playful smile on his face drops slightly. John slowly rubs up his thigh and back down again before lightly squeezing. “Come here,” he repeats. “We can talk while you’re in my lap.”
If you go to him, the two of you will not talk.
“No,” you reply, crossing your arms over your chest.
The playful demeanor melts away, replaced with that of a hunter. John leans forward, forearms resting on his knees. He holds this position for a moment, staring at you intently. With an exaggerated unhurriedness, John stands and then strides forward into your space. There is no chance for you to step away from him or to give yourself room to breathe.
John is right there, grabbing the back of your neck, hauling you into a passionate kiss that rips your resolve from your throat. You open for him, and he enters, claiming and kissing and tasting until your fingers dig into the front of his soft, cotton t-shirt.
When he breaks the kiss, the wetness between your thighs is stark and unforgiving.
“You need to answer my question,” you murmur, some of that strength returning.
“Do you think you’re not mine?” he asks, tone serious.
“No. Just—you never admit what we are. You always brush it off, especially in front of others.”
John frowns, his thumb rubbing across your cheek. “They don’t need to know what this is. This is just between us.”
You shake your head. “I understand but that’s not what I’m asking.”
John’s hold on the back of your neck strengthens. He draws you even closer, just until the tips of your noses are touching. “Then let me show you.”
He closes the distance, and you melt completely, forming to him as you always do. With one arm snaking around your waist, John guides you over to the sofa. You’re so wrapped up in him that his abrupt breaking leaves you momentarily dazed. It’s brief. A flash. And then you’re bent over, knees sinking into the cushion, arms and hands digging into the sofa’s armrest.
You don’t even get the question out before he’s shoved up your skirt, pushes your underwear aside, and places his mouth on your pussy. His tongue swirls and tastes, expertly moving up and down and then stopping to tease your clit.
Everything clenches. Everything shakes. And it isn’t until your small death appears suddenly that you realize how good John is with your body. He sucks and sucks on your clit until your voice goes hoarse.
Then, you’re yanked flush against him, his chest pressing into your back, John’s hand wrapped around the front of your throat. You feel his hand between your bodies opening up the front of his jeans and shoving them down enough for his cock to slide between your thighs.
You whimper and push back on him.
“You’re mine, love,” he murmurs into your ear.
The head of his cock presses against your entrance. It hovers there before sinking in. John groans as your fingers find his skin, digging in.
“Your cunt is mine,” he growls, retreating a bit before thrusting forward harshly, completely burying himself inside you.
The hand at your throat twists a bit, forcing you to look at him.
“Your lips are mine,” he says just before kissing you, his lips meeting yours as he rolls his hips.
His other hand reaches between your legs to play with your clit. It’s over. You’re done. You will give him anything.
“Everything about you belongs to me,” he whispers against your mouth. John’s thrusts increase in pace. “And I am all yours.”
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666 @36namey @wrathofcats @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @pertinentpostmortem @berarenado @saoirse06 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @thewulf @hayleybarnesx @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos @enarien @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project @burn1ngw00d @enfppuff @heeheehoohoohahahihi
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heirloomgem · 2 months
In which Jinwoo can be sly in ways he didn’t expect just for her
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Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except for my characters and plot. I’ve taken inspiration from Momo Art's comic.
Warning: Cockro- I’m not even going to say it. Sly Jinwoo😭
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Y/n is Jinwoo’s childhood friend. He has met her since they moved right next to their apartment. 
If Jinwoo were asked to describe Y/n, he would describe her as a mountain. Unmoved by anything, steady and strong, mentally and emotionally. 
She has been a mountain for both Jinwoo and Jinah. Despite losing their parents under different circumstances, she has been there for them, in good and bad times.
She’s a strong woman, Jinwoo thought.
She has given him strength when he thought he couldn’t go on and to his sister, a mother figure to lean on.
She’s also kind. 
Growing up with a kind family, who has been kind to them when they needed help, it's no surprise she grew into such a beautiful person.
She has also been a constant in Jinwoo’s life. Even though at one point, Jinwoo thought of her as a stubborn and reckless person. 
He still remembers when he was still called the weakest hunter, the lowest in his rank.
One moment he was being insulted after a raid for getting injured before a blurred figure passed him. The next, he saw Y/n harshly grabbing the hunter’s shirt, snarling and swearing to the point even a sailor would be embarrassed. She almost choked the poor guy as well.
She had come on her own, carrying his lunch which he had forgotten when she saw how Jinwoo was being mistreated. This made her snap and charge recklessly, not even bothering that the guy was a hunter.
Soon, a scream of anguish erupted throughout the area as the man crouched down, holding his family jewels. Y/n kicked the guy in the nuts when he tried to pry and cursed at her.
The surrounding people and Jinwoo instinctually clutch their private area, trembling and paling at the sight. The guy was on his knees, mouth foaming and twitching.
Needless to say, it was chaotic after. Y/n was on the verge of being charged with assault if it weren’t for people stepping out and telling their grievances to the officer about the man. This guy has been insulting and assaulting people, especially female hunters. 
In the end, the case was dismissed and forgotten. The guy, whose balls are still in pain, was fired as a hunter and got charged instead.
It was also the first time Y/n learned that a cute and timid animal can be scary. She trembled when Jinwoo scolded her with a cold close-eyed smile once they got home.
Y/n remembered her auntie being an ice queen with a scary smile whenever she got angry at Jinwoo's father. She guesses blood doesn’t lie, like mother like son.
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Y/n is strong however there are times when she’s not. 
Whether to laugh or question the universe, Jinwoo couldn’t help but choose the former when he recall such a moment.
It was a normal day for the three of them and a rare day off for Jinwoo. He had a few days off to rest before he could participate again since he got injured from his last raid.
It might have been because of the summer heat, causing everything to feel humid when that thing came out.
Jinwoo, y/n, and his sister were lounging in the living room, relaxing when Y/n felt something crawling at her legs. Long spiny and hairy legs were felt on her skin.
Y/n breath shallowed and her body turned cold from the foreboding feeling. Lifting her head, two small black beady eyes stared back at her.
A piercing shriek echoed in the living room, shocking both siblings. 
Quickly looking at Y/n, Y/n stood up so fast she stumbled over and started thrashing around, causing it to fly overhead. (y/n refuses to say its name).
Seeing it, Jinah didn’t hesitate and screamed at the top of her lungs, joining her noona. (Jinah refuses to name the thing as well.) Immediately, taking cover.
Jinwoo stood up also when, suddenly, he found it hard to breathe.
Y/n had rammed into him and put her arms around him. If it were any other situation, Jinwoo would have enjoyed it. However, with how hard Y/n is gripping him, he’s sure he would die from this instead of the monsters he always faced.
Y/n called his name and he looked behind. 
With teary eyes, she pleaded, “Jinwoo, please kill it .” 
Jinwoo's lips twitched, feeling his ears burn and his cheeks flush. It’s illegal to look so cute while saying such disturbing words, he thought. Both things don’t match at all.
His sister screamed at him, this time without any reservation as it flew near her. This snapped Jinwoo from his dazed.
Jinwoo complained under his breath at his sister before he got to work but with difficulty as y/n clung to him. Yelling and hugging him tighter, when it got too close to them, his sister was not helping at all as she also screamed the whole time.
Can’t say he didn’t enjoy the whole fiasco though. Just recalling Y/n hugging him made him giddy and energetic for the next few days even if he started working again. The whole time they raid a dungeon, a silly smile stayed on his lips even when he got injured.
The other hunters couldn't help but secretly doubt that he might have finally lost it.
Now as an S-rank, witnessing such a similar event and feeling his darling’s arms around him as she clung for dear life. Jinwoo thoroughly enjoyed this bizarre situation. 
With only his pants on and shirtless, Jinwoo just finished taking a bath when all the chaos occurred and he found himself being tackled.
That thing was flying all over the place, crawling and stopping at a place before flying again.
This time, Jinwoo took his time to kill it.  Completely enjoying having his darling arms around him. 
Immersed with his darling, it didn’t even bother Jinwoo when his sister almost fainted from fright when it got too close to her.
Without his shirt, Jinwoo directly felt her body, Y/n skin is so soft compared to his and so warm. He could even feel his darling's brea-,Jinwoo cough, quickly interrupting his thoughts. He felt his cheeks blushing.
However once Jinwoo finished the job, he felt his darling’s arms swiftly disappear as she ran away from the bug’s corpse that Jinwoo was about to dispose of.
Jinwoo quickly missed his darlings embrace. Unfortunately, he can’t complain since he hasn’t confessed nor are they in a relationship yet.
He could only wait for such a situation again but it's so rare and only when it's summer do these critters come out.
Throwing the bug into the trash can along with the paper he used, that’s when an idea hit Jinwoo.
For a long moment, he eyed the corpse before him.
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It wasn’t long before such a situation occurred again and again. Every time, it just so happens that Y/n is in their apartment and it just so happens that Jinwoo is there. It also just so happens that thing appeared even though it's already the beginning of autumn.
Patting his darling's head, Jinwoo comforted and openly hugged her as she trembled in fear.
 Jinwoo thought, it couldn’t be helped since his darling may be strong but there are times when she’s also weak especially when it comes to it. 
He still found it cute no matter what.
Meanwhile, his sister, who has been sitting on the couch, throughout the whole thing, looks at him incredulously. 
Jinah had been suspicious of that accursed thing when it started appearing every time her noona came to visit and, conveniently, her brother was always there.
Her suspicion grew stronger when it never once approached her at all. One time when she decided that it was safe, Jinah observed it and realized that that thing had become her brother’s shadow soldier.
She saw purple highlights on its body similar to her brother's other soldiers. And her brother shamelessly used it to scare her noona nonstop so he could hug her to his heart's content
Jinah had half the mind to shout at her brother when her brother glanced at her.
Smirking before putting a finger in front of his lips, a gesture for her to stay silent before he went back to comforting his darling.
Jinah screamed in her heart in disbelief ‘What a sly sadistic evil man!’
She couldn't decide whether she should pray for her future sister-in-law from that thing or from her brother.
A/n: Thank you for reading. Please don’t hesitate to tell me what you think of sly Jinwoo.
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Igris: He felt tormented whether he should praise his liege or feel pity for their Lady's suffering.
Meanwhile the other shadows…
Beru: “As expected of our liege!”
Bellion: "Quite clever, my liege."
Other soldiers: Just happily cheering for their king without a thought.
{All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author}
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The Yandere Student Council 
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You just needed to get your schedule officialized. Having gained special permissions to take a desired course you needed the student council’s collective stamps of approval to proceed. Normally all you would need to do was slip in the necessary documents. But something seems to keep happening to yours and it just works better for you to do it in person. Thus begins you’re journey of getting the obsessed student council’s approval.
The first one you go to is the one with the easiest access –the Secretary. Gill Hunter has an absolute poker face when his boyfriend isn’t around. So you’re pleasantly surprised when he’s actually willing to hear you out. Keeping his amber eyes on you he listens to your plea for his stamp, seemingly not reacting at all he promises to help you—for a price. You have to step in for him and his boyfriend from time to time. He says it's just a week as he demands you shadow him for the day. Calling to you in his monotone voice to join him in the student council lounge. Don’t bother bringing up you’re friends or your desire to eat your lunch alone. Even as the week comes to an end and you get your stamp he has you working closely with both him and his boyfriend very closely as an honorary assistant.
“Most if not all schedules go through me, you don’t want your schedule being messed up again. Do you?”
The next one is Gill’s beloved–the Historian. June Frimroar is a different kind of person you need to get a stamp from. Where Gill strings you along with his stone-cold face and hardly hidden intentions, June will do the exact opposite. With a smile that flirts with scheming and altruism, he’ll ask for the most innocent kind of help. Only to somehow become something far more intimate and demanding of you in the first place. How else would simply taking notes during student council meetings lead to you smushed in a locker with the historian and his boyfriend? Or how you’ll be forced to help undress June whose hands inexplicably might be sprained? He’s an enigma to loosely associate with trouble, easily put off by how kind he is to you and your friends as you start spending more time with him and the rest of the student council. Certainly, those rumors of him crippling classmates for fun are far from true, right?
“Don’t you trust me, (Y/n)? Just listen to me and I’m sure everything will work out…even if that blackmail situation with your friend is completely separate.”
Like clockwork, you fall into being the student council’s lackey suddenly trusted with helping the seemingly overwhelmed Treasurer. Min Su is an odd fellow who’s been dignified a living legend with his accounting possibilities; rumored to casually be hired by the government a couple of times. So it's odd that he suddenly must have you spending your club hours documenting receipts. He’s so apologetic and jumpy that you don’t feel right questioning him. So it's normal that he has a fierce blush on his face as you take the records from his hand. Or the little noises of excitement pleasure he seems to have when you lean over him to admire his speed as he’s calculating the books. He’s likely to forget that you needed to get his stamp until you off-handedly mention how you’re going to miss him when you get that stamp.
“Oh, you wanted that? I-I’m happy to give it to you, n-no problem! But you’ll still visit me right?”
At this point, your presence is much more normalized in the student council quarters, and naturally, the Sergeant of Arms or more well known as the student council’s hype man is happy to welcome you. Popular beyond belief Roman Ferris arguably has the largest fan and friend base in the entire council. Knowing everything about everyone he already knows what you’re asking for and he’s cheekily telling you he’s already prepared how you’re going to get it. If you thought Gill was forward then you’d be mistaken Roman straight-up demands every weekend that you come with him on a date. Movies, restaurants, ice cream, trips to the park, he’s doing it all with you. Demanding you dress up for these ‘definitely not dates’, hold his hand while you walk, and smile at him only him when you pose for the camera. It's odd how he knows your every like and dislike, always ordering for you and smiling ominously when you ask. But he’s definitely not giving you this stamp if you suddenly stop coming to his dates hangouts, even if he promised he would. It’d be bad if the whole student body considered you a harlot for playing with the golden boy’s feelings. So just smile while you eat your favorites and keep your mouth sealed about your suspicions.
“Don’t worry about it babe, I already know just how you like it! Don’t worry how I know~ You’re so cute when you're well-fed!”
Practically cemented to your unwritten obligation the Vice President is well aware of what you’re after. Spencer Lyle will wait until the end of the day mindlessly stamping your document as he scrambles through his hefty pile of paperwork. Bags under his eyes and his lids dropping dangerously you figure you’ll help him, already familiar with the kind of work he was doing anyway. He thanks you when you eventually wake him up and from then on something sinister a friendship is born. Suddenly he’s coming up to you in your classes, during lunches keeping you talking casually as he leads you to the student council room. You were going there anyway, right? He’s just the perfect friend for you. Great at warding off bullying fans or teachers that get a little too snippy, he becomes your go-to friend. Not too popular but well-respected feared by the student body; totally perfect for relying on him to be relatable. Completely complacent with letting him into your life and it feels so normal now that he rings your dorm bell for an early morning. You know him so well so it's natural he does the same.
“Hey, you ready to go cupcake? Bags under my eyes? Yeah, I was up all night protecting you doing council stuff, you know how I work.”
Last but certainly not least the Student Council President: Lucoa Grander the college’s prodigy cryptid. Known to be a living genius and prominent underground business personality it seems only natural that he gets such a powerful, prestigious position. He is such a celebrity you go to Spencer to deliver your schedule confirmation only to receive a disappointing answer. Apparently, the president’s only willing to stamp yours personally, and thus your witchhunt for the illusive president begins. Searching high and low, stringing on his fan base’s own timeline and the other council members’ accounts you try to find him. But after a while, you give up fully prepared to abandon your desired course to have the blue-haired pierced-up president mysteriously showing up. He greets you so casually, sitting next to you as he asks mundane questions. When you finally ask for his stamp he gives it to you…on a major condition. 
“We’ve been looking to widen our ranks and I’ve we’ve been keeping a close eye on you. And we’re thinking of making you an honorary member–it's a new position to diversify our team. You’ll get your stamp this way and we get you our beloved a new member that’s fair enough isn’t it?”
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
hot tub
pairing: jenna ortega x reader
summary: in which you experience jenna's impatience for the first time
warnings: smut, 18+ (minors DNI), public sex, fingering
word count: 1700+
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Jenna's lips were on your neck, kissing and sucking, while her hands were running along the skin of your waist, fingers dipping down every few seconds to play with the hem of your shorts or pushing upward to brush along the underside of your breasts. 
"Please," she pleaded, and you giggled at the feel of the word against you as she hadn't bothered to pull away, trying to stay as close as possible. "Let me at least finger you." 
You groaned at her suggestion, and whimpered as her pinky glided beneath the waistband of your panties, but pushed at her shoulders lightly anyway, forcing her to part from you. "We can't, baby," you said for what seemed to be the millionth time in the past ten minutes. "We told the others we'd meet them at the hot tub."
Jenna frowned, and then her frown turned into a pout, her bottom lip jutting out and her eyes widening. Normally, it would've worked, and you would've happily allowed her to do whatever she wanted to you, but you knew that if the two of you didn't join the others soon, then they would come drag you out of the room. 
You shook your head. "Later," you promised. "After we're done. Then, you'll have all the time in the world to anything you want." She didn't let up on the puppy-dog eyes, so you wrapped your arms around her shoulders and pulled her close, your lips against her ear as you whispered, "Anything. You. Want." You felt her shiver beneath you, and you pressed a quick kiss to the skin between her jaw and her ear before unraveling yourself from her and stepping back. "But first, we have to meet our friends."
She threw her head back and sighed heavily. "Fine," she groaned. She looked back at you. "But can you wear that one set? The red one?"
"The red one?" you repeated, surprised. The bikini in question was probably one of the skimpiest things you owned, and you only had it because Jenna had bought it for you. The bottoms were practically just string with a tiny piece of fabric that barely covered anything, and the top was the same thing with two triangles to cover your chest. 
Jenna smirked at your reaction. "Yup," she said. "The red one."
You narrowed your eyes at her, a bit suspicious, but agreed to wear it anyway. You slipped into it quickly, changing while facing the wall because you knew that your girlfriend would have no self control if she caught a glimpse of your boobs, and then threw a large t-shirt on over it. When you turned around, Jenna was ready and grinning like the Cheshire Cat. 
"Ready?" she asked. 
* * *
Your castmates were all already in the hot tub when the two of you arrived. They greeted you with cheers and shouts and the raising of beers. 
"Sorry for the late entrance," you said as you set your towel on a nearby lounge chair. "This one"--you pointed toward Jenna--"couldn't figure out which bathing suit to wear," you lied. You heard her huff from beside you but paid no attention to it. It wasn't like you were about to tell your friends the real reason you were late. 
Jenna pushed her shorts down her legs and then climbed into the hot tub, sitting beside Hunter, who handed her a beer from the nearby cooler. She accepted it gratefully, popping the can open immediately and sipping from it as she watched you. 
You were a bit slower to join the rest, suddenly feeling a bit insecure about your choice in bikini. But, you thought, too late to go back now. You pulled your shirt off and when you deemed yourself ready, you glanced up to find everyone's eyes wide and on you. Jenna's were hungry.
"Damn!" Emma called out from where she sat emerged in the water. "You look good, Y/N!"
"Yeah, like holy shit," Joy agreed. 
Georgie whistled softly, to which Jenna smacked him lightly on the back of his head, and Hunter giggled. "Who knew you were hiding all of that beneath the Nevermore uniform," he said. 
You rolled your eyes and shook your head playfully before completing the circle in the hot tub, sliding into place between Jenna and Emma and thanking Hunter when he handed you your own beer. 
The six of you fell into easy conversation as you drank. However, the topic eventually took a hard dive into the world of relationships. Hunter talked about his husband, Emma and Joy spoke about how they were enjoying the single life, and then the question came.
"Didn't you have a crush on Y/N when filming first started, Georgie?" Hunter asked, clearly drunker than the rest of you. You raised an eyebrow, glancing toward the man in question.
Georgie chuckled and hung his head a little. "Guilty," he admitted. He looked up at you with a toothy-grin and said, "Obviously not anymore, though." He pointed at Jenna. "That one's got you under wraps, anyways."
You laughed softly but cut yourself off when you felt a hand on your thigh. When you looked at her, Jenna was sending a murderous glare Georgie's way, but he didn't seem to notice, simply rambling on about something else that had the other's captivated.
"Are you jealous?" you teased in a whisper. Your answer came in the form of Jenna's hand rising along your skin until her thumb could dip down and press against your clothed clit with the perfect amount of pressure to make your hips buck. The water around you lapped slightly, but no one batted an eye. "Jenna," you hissed beneath your breath. She pulled away and you sighed in relief, but then she was slipping beneath your bottoms, her skin against yours.
You had never been more thankful for the bubbles that the jets created.
"What do you think, Y/N?" Emma asked suddenly, and you looked to her, trying to ignore the feeling of Jenna's hand in your bikini, simply just resting above where you knew she wanted to be.  
"About what?" You hadn't been listening, had stopped the moment Jena touched you. 
Hunter answered. "Who's the most attractive member of the cast?" 
"Well, obviously I think it's--Jenna!" Your girlfriend's name tumbled from your lips as a squeak as she suddenly pushed a finger inside you, curling it. You glared at her, but she wasn't looking at you. She was staring ahead nonchalantly, sipping at her beer with a smirk. 
"She's biased!" Joy interjected. "I think it's..." She led into a conversation that the others found interesting, and you thanked the heavens that they were no longer speaking to you. 
Suddenly, Jenna was moving, thrusting her finger slowly in and out of you. You bit hard on your bottom lip to keep from crying out, pleasure flowing through your veins, and your girlfriend seemed to find it amusing. She leaned toward you, pressing her lips to your ear, and said, "I'm gonna make you cum, and then we're going to go back to the room and I'm gonna fuck you until you can't walk."
You exhaled hard and nodded, whimpering lowly when she inserted another finger. She picked up her pace a bit but was careful not to go too fast so that the rest wouldn't notice what was happening. You fought back the urge to roll your hips or throw your head back, instead pretending to pay attention to the conversation at hand. 
A minute passed, then two, and you were dying. It was becoming harder and harder for you to keep quiet and still, and Jenna wasn't helping as her thumb circled your clit in quick circles. You were half-tempted to just get up and drag Jenna to the room, but then your saving grace came. 
"I'm gettin' sleepy," Hunter slurred. 
"Should we go up?" Joy asked, glancing around the hot tub. Hunter, Georgie, and Emma all nodded, and you were about to say, "Fucking finally," but Jenna spoke for the both of you.
"I think Y/N and I are gonna hang back a little," she said nonchalantly, her movements never ceasing. "We got here later, anyway."
The others shrugged, nodded, thought nothing of her response, and climbed out, wrapping their towels around themselves and then disappearing. It was just you and Jenna, alone, and you were quick to climb into her lap, her fingers slipping out of you in favor of gripping onto your waist. 
"You're the worst," you seethed before you pressed your lips to hers in a bruising kiss, sucking on her bottom lip and reveling in the way she groaned. You felt as she pushed your bottoms to the side, using the new angle to immediately thrust two fingers into you. You moaned at the stretch, and she began a brutal pace. "Fuck," you whined. 
"You feel so good around my fingers, baby," she said, dipping her head down to suck dark marks into your neck. "So wet, so tight, all mine." 
You rolled your hips in time with her thrusts, the water lapping around your body and spilling over the edges of the hot tub. "Shit," you cursed when you felt her teeth sink into your skin. "So good. Your fingers are so perfect."
Jenna hummed against you. "You love them, don't you?" She sped up, and you squeaked, feeling that familiar coil begin to tighten in your stomach. "Are you gonna cum on my fingers, baby? I can feel you squeezing me."
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you moaned out. 
"I want you to cum for me, Y/N." Her thumb was against your clit, her lips were against your neck, her fingers were curling against that rough spot inside you. "Come on, baby. Cum for me."
The words sent you over the edge, and your back arched as you orgasmed around her, a broken moan falling from your lips. She sighed happily against you while you continued to roll your hips, riding out your orgasm.
"Jesus Christ," you mumbled once you caught your breath. Jenna slipped out of you gently, brought her hand to your cheek and pulled you into a soft kiss. When you pulled away, you rolled your eyes at her. "You're so impatient," you said.
She giggled. "I can't help it!" She stood up, your legs instinctively wrapping themselves around her waist and her hands falling to rest beneath your thighs. "Now, I believe you said I get to do anything I want after we saw our friends..."
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
Tbh the way you write Krueger gives me sugar daddy / obsessive vibes (not that I can complain). I love the idea of him being so obsessed to please sweetheart in any way she wants (personally I HC him as a service top switch, specially w the way you write him). But if you’re ever up to it I’d love some Krueger drabble (or ghost or könig bc they’re yummy too)
You are so right with him being a service top 👏 ugh he would so eat her out until she passes out. Round after round, with his big ass hands clamped around her thighs and his thick tongue flicking against her overworked clit. AUGH he would cum so quickly because of her taste and moans. He would cum just from eating her out 💀💀
And he 10000000%% is obsessive with Sweetheart. He only thinks about Sweetheart 25/8 and all he wants to do is please her. He calls her "My little Goddess" for a reason ✨️ just touching her is a blessing to him. Touching her hand, he would crumble right then and there. He would do anything and EVERYTHING for this woman. He wants-- NEEDS-- to be around her all the time, or he will go INSANE. He's also pretty possessive with her. But Sweetheart shut that shit down, so he's only just a little teehee🤭 but yeah he becomes quite jealous when people talk to her. Don't touch her because you will lose a hand. And if you make a move? Oh, you're gonna end up either on a t-shirt or on a milk carton.
(I can go on and on with Krueger about being an obsessive freak with Sweets HAHA)
And hönk omg sugar daddy Krueger makes me want to fold😭 she wouldn't even ask him to be a sugar daddy, he would just do it himself. He LOVES spoiling her, even though she doesn't ask for it, he does it anyway. And of course she's thankful for it, she's not a brat. But that makes him buy MORE SHIT FOR HER
It's a cycle:
• Krueger buys something for Sweets
• Sweets yells at him
• Sweets says thank you and smiles
• Krueger gets the happy juice in his brain
And then it starts over 💀
He's even bought her an apartment close to his, but she wanted to stay in her old family home, so he said "okay. I'll just live closer to you" and she's like-- w h a t 🧍‍♀️
And OH he would so buy toys for her. Like vibrators. He bought one that he could control from afar and that was such a fun day LOL When he's not around, like on a mission, he made a mold out of his cock for her 💀 and yk... she uses it sometimes HWHEHSHES Krueger asked her to send a video of her using it and she does. She was so embarrassed and shy when she did it. Wearing one of Krueger's shirts and ONLY his shirt-- and her hair out (he loves seeing her hair down) and she's on the bed with the toy and she lubes it up, cause it's fucking huge. AND IT HAS A SUCTION CUP LOL so she just slaps on the bed frame and rubs it on her slit.
Fuck, and Krueger is just watching it like it's the last thing on earth. He is so FUCKING HARD and he wants to be there and fuck her himself. He hears her little whimper when the toy prods her hole. Sweet's is bent on the bed and holding a pillow, her eyebrows knitted and tears already springing in her eyes. Omg that makes Krueger go FERALLL
And once she backs her thick ass back into it, she squeals so loudly and starts to twitch. "Fuck... I think I just came..." GIRL I THINK KRUEGER JUST CAME WHEN YOU SAID THAT WTF-- she starts to grind on it, as much as she can fit, and starts to bounce on it. Her moans and whimpers flow through the speaker of his phone and other soldiers are just frozen and turned on, and are scared to shit to tell him that everyone can hear what's playing on his phone 💀(he honestly doesnt give a shit, hes too engrossed on the video) and Graves comes over, pissed at Krueger because it's extremely distracting whatever is on his phone. Graves was about to speak until he saw Sweetheart fucking herself on the biggest dildo he has ever seen. He has never seen her moan and whimper like that-- like gurl where has this side been?? And he just stands there with his eyes big and mouth gaping. His dick twitches in his pants and he feels light-headed. The fucking wet sounds of her stretched pussy and her low babbles and her bottom half jiggling with every bounce is straight torture for the both of them.
"Fuuucckkkk Krueger, if this is the size of your actual fucking cock I don't think I can take it..." Sweetheart whimpers out. Graves is like- SORRY WHAT
THAT BIG THING IS A MOLD OF KRUEGER'S COCK??? It's literally making a small bulge in her stomach when she sits up and it's not even in all the fucking way. Krueger growls, his knee bouncing like CRAZZYY "You'll take it, baby. You will." He mumbles to himself. Omg he's so turned on its making him unstable.
She goes faster, the bed frame creaking with her backing up on it. She gets louder and her thighs start shaking so damn much. "Cumming... Cumming!" She bites the pillow hard as her pussy creams around the dildo. She makes such a mess on the bed frame omg (Krueger and Graves wanted to lick it all clean) and she's breathing heavily, trying to calm herself down. Once she does, she gets up to get her phone, they can see that she's a bit sweaty and eyes teary and low. She wipes her face and she sighs before speaking. "I can't believe I did this. Fuck I'm still shaking. Just-- be safe Krueger." And the video ends. The silence is THICCKKKK AFTERWARDS LMAO
But I am making a smut fic between Krueger and Sweetheart, so keep an eye out for that!
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wishluc · 1 year
Can I request a yandre blade and kafka silently in a tug of war for the readers attention (btw the reader is a stellaron hunter being chill like silver wolf)
I adore them Ahhhhh Blade's characterisation is based purely off my impression of him :O
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With Kafka seated so close to you, you were surprised that nobody had contacted the authorities yet. The three of you were treated like any other customer in the quaint restaurant, despite your companions having their faces plastered all over Starskiff Haven, and you had yet to be approached by furious soldiers or, if your luck had finally run out, the General himself.
Though you think that if anyone were to attempt to apprehend Kafka, it would make for quite the spectacle. You can already picture the unconcerned expression she'd have, her lips still smiling, her gaze piercing, and her form completely relaxed, and the words she would say to the poor fool—laced with just a hint of mock surprise—before making her way out of the building. At least they'd be alive; if Blade were to get involved...well, you were just glad that his unsettling presence was enough to ward off any justice-driven warrior.
Starwatcher Avenue was gorgeous, without a doubt. In the short time you had been there, you had fallen in love with the bustling streets and the lovely cuisine, though most of your days so far were spent hidden away and waiting for Blade. Despite this, you were really looking forward to leave the Flagship, the anxiety that followed you with being associated with two wanted criminals too much to bear. At least back on your ship, you could easily evade the authorities sent after the Stellaron Hunters.
Kafka, however, was clearly in no rush. She lounged around most of the time, sometimes taking you out for a meal or to go shopping, and appeared to have no worries regarding her status. Even though Blade had regrouped with you, she was still insistent on staying, attempting to placate your troubled heart with sweet, whispered promises and firm assurances. Today's trip was also her way of proving to you that you were in no danger, and you almost believed her.
But you recently realized that living in constant fear of being arrested was nothing compared to the troubles awaiting you. It could be much worse. It could be staying with Blade.
You could...manage, with Kafka. She was unpredictable, at times, but you could rest assured that she'd never put you in harm's way. She never told you what she was planning, forcing you to rely on her cunning words, but you were familiar enough with her by now to know what she expected, and how to appease her. You could play into her desires, smile at her clever quips and lean into her possessive hold, and she would find delight in it all, even though she was aware of your intentions. She liked your little schemes, though it was no use plotting against her—Kafka was always a step ahead, always prepared to pull you back to her side and remind you of just who she was.
Blade, however, was a complete enigma to you.
You weren't very familiar with the other Hunter, having spent most of your time being lugged around by Kafka, but even the little time you spent with him had already convinced you that there was something frightening about him. You think it might be his dark eyes, seemingly seeing through your every action, which, coupled with his habit of staring at you, never failed to unnerve you. Your first encounter with him, too, left you shaking—you'd never forget the sensation of cool metal pressing against your skin, his sharp gaze locked on you with the slightest curl of his lips. You could never tell what he wanted from you.
He had smiled at you when you were tasked with wrapping new bandages around his hand shortly after his escape, and asked if you came all the way to the Xianzhou Luofu just to see him (You remember the sound of his laughter when you turned to look at Kafka in response, and you remember how something inside you stirred at the mesmerising sight). But he had yet to pull you into his arms, or smother you with affectionate words and thinly veiled threats, and you weren't quite sure what to make of him. You could only hope that his interest in you was short lived—it was tiring enough to keep Kafka placated.
"Open up, darling," Kafka's smooth voice breaks you out of your trance.
She holds a silver spoon out, a small piece of the pudding she ordered balancing carefully on it. You quickly obey, letting her feed you despite the shame that lingered when you notice Blade's curious gaze directed at you.
"Why aren't you that well behaved for me?" You freeze at Blade's remark, the dessert in your mouth suddenly tasting like sand.
Kafka chuckles, putting down the spoon in favor for placing her hand on your cheek. She gently directs you to face Blade, the man regarding you with blatant fascination.
"Why, Bladie?" Kafka's gloved fingers trace your bottom lip, "Are you jealous?"
"You're always so stiff around me," he muses, "but here you are, acting as the perfect pet for her."
"That's because we are well acquainted," you catch a wicked glint In Kafka's eyes, "It's not an act," she taps at your cheek, "is it?"
You shake your head silently, and Kafka's smile widens. Blade's displeasure is obvious in the slight frown on his face and the glare focused at where Kafka's touching you, and you start to regret picking sides.
"How cruel."
You lean back into your seat, suddenly feeling suffocated by the tense air that enveloped the table. For a moment, you swear you catch the slightest twitch of Blade's lips, but you're immediately distracted by Kafka's displeased frown.
You clear your throat in an attempt to dissipate the tension, "When will we be returning?"
"We still have matters to conclude here," Blade informs you.
Your heart sinks, but you try your hardest to hide your disappointment, "I thought we were only here for..." You glance at him, "for Blade?"
Kafka's hand had found its way to your thigh while your attention was elsewhere, her fingers splayed over your clothes, "We need to wait for the Express crew, my dear. You can be patient a little while longer, no?"
You nod, and watch as she takes a bite of the pudding for herself, the spoon in her mouth for a moment too long before she placed it down again. You turn to look outside the window instead, not wanting to meet her gaze after that display, and instead catch sight of a familiar tall figure. Around him are multiple guards in uniform, and you can already see passersby begin to whisper amongst themselves while surveying the scene. You're reminded of the posters drawn in red ink, and the fate awaiting you if you get caught. They'd want to interrogate you, wouldn't they? To your side, Kafka stands up, carefully placing her coat over her shoulders before glancing down at you with her hand outstretched. A part of you wishes you could be as composed as her by everything, but her lack of concern came from a place of confidence, in her own ability and Elios' plan. You have neither—all you can trust in is your companions. You take her hand and get up, forcing yourself to hide your growing fear. Kafka strolls out of the exit, and you follow suit, making your way out of the building and back into the streets of Starwatcher Avenue. You don't look back to see where Blade is, assuming he had disappeared into the crowd already.
As the usual protocol in situations like this, you separate from Kafka (She has insisted, before, that you never leave her side regardless of the circumstances, but you know better than to comply), and start to find your own way back to your hideout, but as you make your way down the large staircase, a hand brushes against the small of your back and a figure appears beside you. If he noticed the way you stiffened up at his touch, Blade didn't comment on it, simply falling into step with you, as though he was always there.
"This way," he instructs, moving you towards an inconspicuous alleyway between some stalls. You don't want to follow him, but with the looming threat behind you, you can't afford to attract any more attention to yourself, so you let his hand rest on you and follow his lead.
"Don't be afraid," he whispers, lips brushing against your ear, "nobody uses this path. This way, we'll have plenty of time to get...acquainted"
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Omg I loved the Lin Kuei brothers and Reader having a cat but I have an even funnier idea:
Reader can turn into a cat and back into a human whenever she wants (and maybe the brothers are like “oh my god she’s adorable” or something fluffy like that) Maybe even slight NSFW?? I swear one of them has a kink for kitty reader and I bet it’s Bi-Han
Sorry I had an interview for a job at a cat shelter so I’m on a kitty fix right now🤣🤣🤣
Kitty’s got Claws
Yip notes: Alright Professor McGonagall
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Cat! Afab reader
Warnings‼️: You are naked when you switch so it might get suggestive at the end but overall fluff
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You’re an odd one. Really odd.
Ever since Bi-Han took you in and saved you from freezing to death there were suspicions about you. Not bad suspicions like you were a spy or anything. No, it was more about your behavior. It’s not fully human if that makes sense. You have an aura of primal intent and attitude with you. Almost like a cat…hmm.
You worked like a hunter which Tomas caught onto. You were stealthy and quiet. You would accidentally scare other clansmen because you walked into a room without making any noise. It didn’t make it any better that you had this resting angry face. You had this intense glare that made others feel like you were judging their souls.
Your face changed only when any of the brothers came around. Suddenly you seemed like the friendliest being ever.
The moment Tomas steps into the same room as you your eyes would grow wide. Some even said your pupils dilate. Some theorized that maybe you were in love with him. A person’s pupils dilate when they see someone they love. But then when you would see Kuai Liang you were clinging onto him. Now everyone thought you were in love with Kuai Liang, some even saying you were in love with both brothers. Ohh scandalous.
Then there was your reaction to Bi-Han. You were grateful that he let you into the Lin Kuei. He gave you shelter, warmth, and food, of course you’re gonna be drawn to him. Though at the same time, you kept your distance. You don’t like to spar with him or have him touch you. You reacted negatively to his cold touch. You must really hate the cold which is strange for someone who has…
Yes, you are a human woman, but…there is more to you. You can transform yourself into an animal. Based on some of your actions and behavior it’s clear you are a cat. But nobody knew that fact about you. That’s okay, you didn’t mind. You’re a cat you don’t care.
You would stay in human form all the time to prevent others from finding out your secret but the truth is…being a human is hard. It sucks. You have responsibilities all the time. If you’re gonna live with the Lin Kuei you must have a purpose. Sometimes you just want to be a sleeping cat without any responsibilities. No one likes to disturb a sleeping cat. So once in a while, you transform into your other form and lounge around in that form. You’ll find a hiding spot where no one will find you and sleep away.
You might just do that now. Just don’t let Bi-Han catch you.
Bi-Han was searching high and low for you. He had a task for you yet you were nowhere to be found. He was questioning why this happens so often with you. When he asked you where you were you would tell him somewhere. No place in specific, you were just somewhere.
He went looking in the kitchen area to see if maybe you were eating something. Nope, you weren’t there, or so he thought. He was about to walk out until his eyes caught something. There was a weird blob on top of the cabinets in the corner. His mind could not comprehend what it was, but he could see that it seemed fuzzy.
He walked over to it and observed it for a little longer. He just couldn’t figure out what it was. He began knocking on the cabinets to try to see if the vibrations would make it move. And it worked! A head popped up with its ears pointed high up. A tail swung down and curled a little to show that it was displeased. Oh by the Elder gods, it’s just a cat.
Well, it’s actually you but Bi-Han doesn’t know that yet.
You stood up from your position, stretching your body into a perfect arch. You looked around to see what disturbed you. When you looked down you saw your grandmaster staring up at you, a mixture of confusion and irritation painted on his face. You stared back at him with your pupils going wide then back to split when you realized the situation.
Bi-Han had a feeling that this was not the first time he had met this cat. The eyes felt familiar. The color of the fur seemed familiar as well. His mind was working overtime trying to process how a cat got into the temple. He began blaming you in his head because this cat resembled you. He thought you snuck it in somehow.
His thoughts were interrupted when you decided to make a break for it. You ran on top of the cabinets until you got to the end of them. You leaped off and landed on your feet. You booked it out of the kitchen and you heard Bi-Han yelling after you. A game of cat and mouse was initiated except you were the mouse and Bi-Han was the cat. How ironic.
Bi-Han was hot on your tail. You were using all your kitty muscles to rocket you across the hallways. You would slide while your claws scratched against the wood before you continued running. Bi-Han had to dodge other clansmen who were in the way. You could hear them being scolded by him.
“Who let this cat in?!”
You didn’t know where to go. You couldn’t run in circles until Bi-Han grew tired. You would be the first to slow down and he would catch you. You couldn’t risk that. The only place you thought of running to was your room.
You bolted, happy to see you left the door slightly ajar. You rushed in and tried to shut the door but your body couldn’t make it close fully. You had to hide. You ran under your bed and transformed back into your human form. Soon after, Bi-Han came bursting in. His eyes scanned the room for any movement. He started looking in your closet, under your clothes pile, under your sheets. No sign of a cat. This whole time you were watching his feet move around your room. Your heart was going crazy as he got closer to you.
The only other place he could check was under your bed. He got down on his knees and looked under. He wasn’t expecting to find you hiding under there.
“Wha-what, wait, where is the cat?” He asked.
Your eyes shifted before answering, “What cat?”
“Don’t play dumb. I saw the cat run into your room. I know it’s—where are your clothes?”
He noticed you were without clothes. Like you were full-on naked. His mind went through another processing moment that was as slow as connecting to the internet back in the day. There are too many weird coincidences going on. He might have a theory on what’s going on.
You watched as his eyes narrowed before he said something, “You better become a cat again right now or I swear to—”
Kuai Liang and Tomas were curious to know why Bi-Han told them to meet him in his office. He said it was urgent but also very stupid. They thought he got an injury that was due to something dumb and that’s why they had to come quickly. They didn’t expect to find him holding a cat in his arms and immediately trying to pass it to them.
“Brother, where did you find that cat?” Kuai Liang asked a reasonable question.
“Aww, look at this little cutie.” And Tomas asked no questions.
Tomas immediately grabbed you and held you in his arms. He was gentle with you despite being a rough, muscular man. He began scratching behind your ears and you started purring. He could feel you rumbling against his chest. You looked up at him and could see his wide smile. There was so much joy in his eyes you could practically see the serotonin flowing into his brain. You lifted your paws up and started tapping on his face with your precious beans. All Tomas could feel was your soft fur tickling his face. Not a bit of claw was present.
Kuai Liang saw Bi-Han glaring at Tomas for not taking this seriously even though he hadn’t explained the situation to them.
“When did we get a cat?” Kuai Liang asked his question a little louder which alerted Bi-Han.
“We have had this cat longer than we realized.”
“So this cat snuck in?”
They still weren’t getting the issue. Bi-Han took you away from Tomas which made him pout a little. He placed you on the ground and pointed you to go behind the desk.
Just before both the brothers walked in, Bi-Han had you come in as a human first. You transformed which left your clothes on the floor. He organized your clothes so you could go back to being a human in seconds without being naked. He needed Kuai Liang and Tomas to see your power.
You went behind his desk and shimmied into your laid-out clothes. You transformed back into your human form before standing up. Kuai Liang and Tomas were rightfully shocked. Tomas was looking down at his hands as he took in the fact that he was petting you the whole time. A blush crept onto his face. This information was weird to intake.
You transformed back into a cat and leaped onto Bi-Han’s desk. He was about to tell you to get off but Kuai Liang picked you up before his brother could scold you. You succumbed to the warmth he was emitting. Unlike Tomas where you were purposely keeping his attention on you, you wanted to relax with Kuai Liang. He was warm like a heated blanket. With the way he was holding you, it became a weighted heated blanket.
“What is the issue then?”
Bi-Han was baffled at his brother’s question, “The issue? Look at her.” He pointed his finger right in your face which prompted you to swipe at him.
“Yes, I can see that she is a cat. But that doesn’t change that she is part of the Lin Kuei. She is a good member. This cat form is not a negative. We could use her to our advantage. Just think about it.” Kuai Liang raised you up to Bi-Han’s face.
You watched as the gears turned in his head. Yeah, what really was the issue? He wasn’t even thinking about kicking you out. Kuai Liang made a good point that they could use this form to their advantage. You could sneak into places and gain information since everyone would think you were a regular cat. Fine, maybe he was being rash again.
“I see your point. I guess there is no issue.” Bi-Han tried to be nicer by petting the top of your head.
You didn’t like his cold hand on you but you tried to be nice. Though your ears and tail gave away your true feelings. Your ears were like airplane wings as they went to the side and your tail curled again. Kuai Liang pulled you away since he could see you were not enjoying yourself. He placed his hand on top of your head to warm you up.
“But stop hiding from me so you can take a nap.”
That was a nasty noise you made to Bi-Han.
The clan grew to understand your power. And of course, no one truly cared so Bi-Han was just being dramatic. The only difference was that you were walking around as a cat more. And boy, were Kuai Liang and Tomas loving it.
They didn’t share this information with Bi-Han but they found you incredibly adorable. You had the softest fur and the cutest toe beans. Careful, they might squeeze you to death.
You were always begging Tomas for his attention. He could be eating and you would leap onto the table so you could bang your head against his arm. He would have no choice but to pet you. He can’t resist your cuteness. He would place you on his lap so he could feed you salmon slices. That’s when you could show off those scary canines of yours. Ooo ain’t you a vicious predator.
You liked playing with Kuai Liang since he lets you mess around with his kusarigama. He’d wave the rope in front of you and watch your head follow it before lunging towards it. He wouldn’t normally do this with a cat because of the kunai at the end but you aren’t just a cat. You have a big brain even if this form is small. He liked watching you slide against the wooden floors before scurrying to catch the rope. You would get rewarded for your hard work, don’t worry. You get bits of duck to nibble on as he petted down your fur.
But Bi-Han, yeah no. He doesn’t treat you any different but when you are a cat he doesn’t bother to interact with you. Yeah, you’re not big on him petting you especially because he’s too rough sometimes. But the least he could do was throw down a slice of ham for you.
You’re deprived of his affection. You started to believe he had something against cats but there was little evidence supporting that belief. If you couldn’t beg for the affection, you might as well hunt for it.
Four times out of the week you would sneak into Kuai Liang’s or Tomas’ room to sleep with them…NOT IN THAT WAY NASTY!
You would go in your cat form and snuggle up against them. If you went into Tomas’ he would cuddle you like you were a plush toy. You would not be let go until sunrise. That man likes having a cuddle buddy. When you go to Kuai Liang you are usually using him as a personal heater. He doesn’t cuddle you like Tomas but he does have you rest near him. Sometimes you are on his chest, purring away until you pass out. Sometimes he pets you until he falls asleep. On rare occasions he keeps you on his pillow and you rest your kitty head on his forehead.
That’s all fun and relaxing and you would never give that up. But you decided that might be the best time to get Bi-Han’s attention. He would be too tired to deal with you. He would have to accept you into his bed. And since this night you were feeling too hot to fall asleep, you thought it would be the best time to execute your plan.
You transformed into your cat form and brought along your favorite blanket. You marched through the dark hallways, dragging your blanket along. When you got to Bi-Han’s door you began to bang your head on it. That was how you usually woke the others up. It did wake him up but he didn’t want to get up. He knew it was you out there. He’s not going to open that door.
You stopped banging once your head started to hurt. You switched gears and decided to cry for him.
Bi-Han heard your meows. They continued for a long, long time. Meow, miau, m’yau, with a little creeeeeuuu in the mix. This was torturous, how is he gonna fall asleep now? He couldn’t deal with it. He got out of his bed and marched over to the door. He opened it and was about to yell at you to shut up but you were already making your way in. You passed his legs with your blanket grazing his ankle. He tried shutting the door to catch the blanket and make you stop but he was a second too late. You heard him groan as you leaped onto his bed.
“No, no, no, you get out of my bed right now.” He was about to grab you but you smacked him.
You freaking smacked him! The smack could be heard as you reeled your paw back to strike again. He tried going in again but your little fists of fury were too fast.
“You stop that right now. I am your grandmaster, you should not be treating me like this.” For a man so high and might he sure was losing poorly to you.
You gave him one more smack and he finally backed off. He stared at you as you prepped his bed. You were kneading his bed.
Yeah! Make those biscuits! Screw letting Bi-Han sleep you gotta make biscuits!
“Why do you want to sleep on my bed tonight? I thought you hated being cold.”
You couldn’t give him a response because you’re a cat who is not named Salem. You started licking your paws and rubbing them against your ears to give him the idea that you were hotter tonight. You needed him to keep you cool.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t believe he was dealing with this at midnight. His body yelled at him to get back into bed and sleep. He was too tired so he decided to give you half of his bed. Only for tonight! In the morning you better get out. He sighed before climbing back into bed.
“Fine, you win. But stay on your side. Do not think about changing back into a human while I am asleep. I better wake up to you with cat ears and a tail or else you will be punished.” He warned you.
The moment he laid down you walked over to him and curled up next to him. He would push you away but it’s no use. You would come back. So instead he wrapped his arm around your curled-up body and tried to fall asleep.
Mission accomplished: You got your grandmaster’s attention. Now give him hell.
The morning sun rose to the blue sky and shined its light into Bi-Han’s room. He was awoken and tried to recall everything that happened the night prior. All he could remember was your high-pitched whines and you falling asleep in his bed.
His hand went to find your small body. He expected to feel your soft fur but was instead met with your soft skin. He froze, not sure if he should yell or keep quiet. He was really hoping his hand was near your stomach cause if his hand is on your boob or thigh he was gonna freak out in multiple ways.
His head slowly turned towards you and he was shocked to find you still had cat ears and a tail. You absolute smartass. You never told him that you could become a catgirl. You could be a cat. You could be a girl. You could be both! At least his hand was not on an intimate part of your body.
Technically, you listened to what he said. You still have your ears and tail. The issue was that you were in human form and were naked…in his bed…it looks wrong if you didn’t catch that.
He tried to pull his arm away from you but you clung onto him. Your nails were digging into his arm like you were afraid to lose him. You were still asleep, you weren’t doing this on purpose. Bi-Han wanted to yell at you to wake up and put clothes on but he knew that would bring too much attention. Even if he woke you up he didn’t want to confront you about this. That’s just awkward.
Bi-Han decided to wait it out. He waited for you to wake up and he pretended to be asleep. You woke up and thought your little plan failed. You didn’t want to stick around until he woke up. You turned back into your cat form, grabbed your blanket, and scurried out of there. Bi-Han let out a sigh of relief before getting ready. Though he wasn’t fully there in his head.
Bi-Han’s mind was in other places. See, when he saw you with your ears and tail that might have woken something else inside of him. He can’t figure it out fully but from what he has gather, he is feeling more attracted to you. Well, not that he wasn’t before you are a beautiful woman. But you being in his bed with your cute ears out and your tail all curled, alright well damn he might invite you in more. Actually, he might want to have you around more in general. That’s if his brothers will allow it.
This might not have been the first time you pulled off this trick. Bi-Han sure got a kink, I MEAN, kick out of it.
Yap notes: Sorry for not posting last two days. I went out the other day and yesterday my depression kicked my butt. I almost didn’t write today cause one of my wounds opened up again but I said it don’t make a difference. I can’t keep starving y’all. Adiós!
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lririx · 2 months
hii!! if ur still taking reqs, may i kindly humbly respectfully ask for some fools gold x hunter reader? like, probably insane, bloodthirsty, maybe a cunt too cuz lowkey, we kinda need more mean and/or hunter y/ns n i rlly like ur demi x lady D write up <333
but bein frfrfr we need someone to match FG's freak and i will stand on this hill till someone hits me with a shovel or something. enewayz!!! yeah, that is all, ty!!
much loves ❤️💖💘💞💘💞💝💖💘💞💝❤️
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Fool's Gold, one of the most brutal hunters in the Manor. No one thought there would be anyone worse than him. But they were wrong.
You came to the Manor. An even crazier hunter. A complete psychopath.
Your first interaction with Norton wasn't the best. He acted arrogant towards you implying how good of a hunter he is.
You didn't like him. So you decided to show him who's going to be the top hunter from now on.
In your first match no one thought you'd win. But you won. With a four kill.
Everyone was surprised. Norton hated you however. Well you did take the tile and the glory he had.
Because of this you two turned into enemies. Every day in the Manor was chaotic.
You two insulted eachother every day.
One day Keigan had to cover Robbie's ears because of all the thing you were saying to eachother.
One time you and Norton ended up together on duo hunters.
You started to steal eachothers downs.
Teamwork? What's that? You two sabotaged eachother instead of helping eachother.
Some survivors could run away because of this but not for long. Most of them needed up spraining their ankles when they saw you two dash towards them at full speed.
You two ended up completely breaking one of the buildings in Eversleeping Town when you were racing to down Aesop.
Then you just started to fight and argue with eachother.
While you were shouting your lungs off Fiona got the crowbar and slowly opened the dungeon. Then the last five remaining survivors escaped which made you lose but neither of you cared since you were so annoyed with eachother.
Both of you were prohibited from attending any matches for two weeks.
This went on for quite some time. Your attitudes towards eachother got even worse.
Mary was finally done with your shenanigans. No one had peace because of you two.
She dragged both of you to the lounge and threatened you to fix your problems or else. Then she left and locked the door.
There was an awkward silence between you two but Norton broke it with saying how it was your fault that you ended up in this situation.
This caused you to snap back at him and you two started arguing for a while until both of you were tired of it.
You decided to make a deal. A deal to not try and murder eachother. To only compete with rank levels and to not disturb the others.
This was the first time both of you agreed on cooperating with eachother.
Your relationship wasn't any different at first. In fact you didn't talk to eachother that much since you didn't banter anymore.
It was nice at first. The Manor was quiet and you had time to relax. But after a while it felt like something was missing.
You should be grateful that Norton doesn't bother you anymore. Norton should be grateful that you don't sabotage his matches anymore.
But it didn't feel right.
Why couldn't he take his eyes off of you? Why did he feel excited everytime you won a match?
That bloodthirsty expression of yours.
That sadistic look on your face.
Those crazy laughs you blurt out during matches.
Why couldn't he get these thoughts out of his mind?
One day you were frustrated because Servias kept tricking you in the match which caused you to lose.
You heard someone knock on your door.
“Are you in there?” Asked Norton.
“Piss off.” You hissed at him.
He ignored what you said and let himself in your room.
“I told you to p-” He threw a bar of chocolate at your face.
“Eat up.” He said. “It'll make you forget how badly you lost.”
You threw a pillow at him and he just laughed and threw himself on your bed.
“What do you want?” You asked him.
“Nothing just thinking how embarrassed you must be feeling right now.” He said as he grinned widely.
“Is that a new ni-” You shoved a piece of chocolate in his mouth to shut him up.
After that your relationship was…weird?
You didn't act like life long enemies. Instead you were like close friends who bickered all the time.
If you were under the weather he'd grab you and not let go until you begged him to.
If he wasn't feeling well you would go and make jokes until he laughed.
Both of you had your pride so you didn't let the other person win that easily either.
This made you become closer with eachother. Close to the point where he'd come to spend time with you if he had nightmares. Close to the point where you would let him hold you if the thoughts of your past wandered through your mind.
All of these had led to today.
You have a duo hunters match with Norton.
Both of you were pretty excited since you can cooperate with eachother quite well and have a fun time in the match.
The match went on smoothly but there were times you'd mess up. I mean the way Norton timed his skills so perfectly to prevent a rescue.
The way he psychotically dashed towards survivors.
The way you sometimes caught him gazing at your direction.
All of these made you distracted.
There were only three people left. You were chasing Evelyn when Norton accidentally dashed infront of you which caused you to trip and fall.
“Watch where you're going dumbass.” He snickered and offered his hand to help you get up.
“YOU watch where you're going.” You scoff. “And stop following me would you?”
“Who said I was following you?”
“Why do I see you everywhere then?”
“Maybe because you're so fond of me that your eyes find me all the time.” His grin grew wide.
“Don't flatter yourself. It's you who can't spend an hour without me.” You try not to blush.
“I think you're talking about yourself love.”
“Don't make me do something I'll regret.”
“What are you going to do? Come on show me wh-”
You grab his face and kiss him so quickly that he doesn't process what happened for a minute.
You're screaming on the inside. What did you just do? Why did you do that? He's probably so pissed right now.
You try to pull away but he grabs the back of your head and deepens the kiss. He doesn't want to let go and neither do you.
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aynavaano · 4 months
The Cuddle pile
The Bad Batch x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 2.5k
You and your boys are on shore leave and you spend it like you always do, at your home, a tiny flat on Coruscant. You all lounge on the sofa watching a holomovie with varying states of interest. The last missions have been especially rough and when you finally get to relax you start feeling a bit unwell. Your boys notice and take good care of you.
This is a quick completely self-indulgent comfort fic I mainly wrote for myself but sharing is caring so I hope some of you enjoy it too. Reader is in an established relationship with all four of the original Batch members (sorry Echo stans) This is mostly comforting fluff that I wrote on an evening when I was feeling down but there is a hint of smut delivered by Crosshair (oral f receiving) and a bit of grabby hands from the rest. This is maybe not my best work but the target audience was met (me, I was the target audience) also no beta on this one, we die like our hope for Techs return. NO CLONECEST
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The holomovie flickers on the screen, casting shifting shadows across the dimly lit living room of your tiny apartment when a sense of fatigue begins to settle over you. The last few missions have taken their toll, leaving you drained, both physically and mentally. You shift uncomfortably on the sofa, trying to ignore the growing unease in your stomach.
Hunter is the first to notice your discomfort. He glances over at you, concern etched in his features.
"You alright cyar’ika ?" he asks, his voice tinged with worry.
You muster a weak smile and shrug, not wanting to alarm the others.
"Just feeling a bit off, that's all," you reply, hoping it is nothing serious.
Tech, turns his attention away from his datapad, looking up at you and Hunter, who pulled you onto his chest, where you nestled your head against him.
"What's happening?" he inquires, having heard only half of the conversation, his brows furrowed in confusion.
Hunter's gaze remains fixed on you as he explains.
"She’s not feeling well."
Tech's eyes widened in understanding before he turns to you.
"Would you like some tea? Maybe a hot water bottle?" he offers, already getting up to fetch the supplies.
Grateful for the offer, you nod eagerly.
"That sounds perfect, thanks, Tech," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
Wrecker, always happy to carry you around, pipes up from his spot on the sofa.
"You wanna go lie down mesh’la? Want me to put you to bed? Or a hot bath?" he suggests, his concern evident in his voice.
You nod again, feeling touched by their care and concern.
"Yeah, bed sounds great," you murmur and wiggle yourself out of Hunters embrace.
With a gentleness that only you experience with him, Wrecker scoops you up in his arms, effortlessly carrying you to your bedroom. The familiar comfort of the bed envelopes you as Wrecker lays you down gently, tucking the blankets around you with love and care.
It is a huge soft bed fitting all five of you, that you acquired after your relationship with the squad had evolved into something more serious and you all began to spend your shore leave together in your home.
Nestling around in the bed, you feel the weariness creeping in, your muscles aching with every movement. Summoning the last of your energy, you turn to him and murmur.
"Wrecker, could you grab the weighted blanket for me? I think it should be in the reading nook."
Wrecker smiles softly.
"Sure thing," he replies before bounding out into the living room in search of the coveted blanket.
Moments later, Tech enters the room, a steaming cup of your favorite tea in one hand and a hot water bottle in the other. He sets them down on the bedside table before turning to you, concern etched in his features.
"Need anything else?" he asks, his voice soft.
You hesitated for a moment before mustering up the courage to ask.
"Would you mind staying with me?" Your voice is barely above a whisper, filled with vulnerability.
Tech's response is immediate. With a small smile, he nods.
"Of course, I'm happy to, if that makes you feel better," he says, his eyes warm with affection.
Quickly, Tech strips off his shirt, knowing you like to feel the warmth of his skin against yours and settles into the bed behind you, letting you rest against his chest.
Just then, Crosshair pops into the room, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
"Heard you wanted a weighted blanket," he quips, his eyes dancing with amusement as he walks over towards you discarding the toothpick from his lips.
Before you can respond, Crosshair sheds his shirt just like Tech did and joins you on the bed, settling beside you with a playful smirk. With exaggerated movements, he drapes himself over you, mimicking the sensation of a weighted blanket.
You can’t help but laugh at his antics, feeling the tension melting away with each chuckle.
"Yeah, much better," you reply, a genuine smile gracing your lips as you snuggle deeper into the warmth of your makeshift blanket called Crosshair, stealing a kiss while you’re at it.
When Wrecker returns with the weighted blanket in hand, carrying it as it weighs nothing while you always struggle to pick it up, his eyes widen in excitement at the sight of the cozy cuddle pile forming on the bed.
"Didn’t know that was the plan! I wanna join too!" he declares with childlike enthusiasm, his grin stretching from ear to ear.
You chuckle warmly, patting the space beside you to indicate where he should settle. "Come on, big guy, plenty of room for you," you encourage, your voice filled with affection.
With a gleeful whoop, Wrecker wastes no time shedding his shirt and sweatpants, leaving him clad only in his boxers. Before jumping into the bed he calls out to Hunter, who is still in the living room, his voice echoing through the small flat.
"Hey Hunt, get over here unless you wanna be left out!"
You hear the holomovie going silent and moments later Hunter enters the room, drawn by Wrecker's summons, where he is greeted by the heartwarming sight of you all intertwined in a mass of limbs and cuddles. You are nestled in the middle, with Tech on one side and Crosshair on the other, their arms wrapped around you protectively.
A soft smile tugs at Hunter's lips as he quickly strips down to his boxers and approaches the bed, his heart swelling with affection for your connection.
Climbing onto the bed, he moves with a gentle grace, his movements speaking volumes of the love he holds for you. When he reaches your side, he leans in, pressing a tender kiss to your lips, his touch conveying a depth of emotion beyond words.
Settling between your thighs, Hunter envelops you in his embrace, his hand reaching up to you, finding its way under your shirt and softly caressing your belly.
"I'm sorry I ruined the evening," you murmur, feeling a pang of guilt for disrupting the movie night.
Tech shakes his head.
"I didn't want to watch that movie anyway," he quips, offering you a reassuring smile.
Hunter's response is filled with warmth as he squeezes your hand gently.
"Spending the evening cuddled up with you in bed isn't exactly my definition of ruined," he says, his voice soft and sincere.
You can’t help but giggle at their reassurances, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders.
"You always take such good care of me, I already feel a bit better," you admit, grateful for their understanding and support.
“Just like you always take care of us mesh’la” Wrecker adds, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I’d know a way to make you feel even better”
Crosshair's smirk catches your attention, and you raise an eyebrow in curiosity at his suggestive comment, knowing all too well what he is up to, it’s Crosshair after all, but you decide to play along.
"Oh really?," you chuckle, catching his mischievous smirk.
"And what way might that be to make me feel even better?"
His smirk widens into a grin as he leans in closer.
"Well, let's just say I have a few ideas in mind," he teases, his tone suggestive yet playful before kissing you softly.
"Alright, Cross, surprise me," you say kissing him back, this time allowing his tongue to explore your mouth.
“Move over Hunter and let me put that position to good use, seems like you won’t”
Crosshair's playful command draws a collective chuckle from the group as Hunter obediently shifts from between your thighs, making room for Crosshair to take his place. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he settles in, his eyes not leaving yours.
He begins kissing your thighs softly and when he looks up at you, seeking confirmation, you meet his gaze with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. With a subtle nod, you silently give him permission to proceed, your heart racing.
With practiced ease, Crosshair slides your panties off, his touch feather-light yet electrifying against your skin.
“Would you mind helping her Hunter?” he hisses towards his brother.
Hunter, who’s been busy kissing and nibbling on your neck, moves to assist you, gently helping you out of your shirt with a tender caress, lovingly fondling your bare breasts as soon as they are free, his touch a soothing balm against the lingering ache of fatigue.
Crosshair's touch is different today, not intense and demanding, but gentle and tender as he begins to kiss his way down your belly. Positioned between your parted legs, his eyes burn with an intensity that betrays his soft touch, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs with feather-light kisses.
When he finally reaches your pussy and begins to kiss along your slick folds, his tongue licking long strokes from your entrance up to your clit, a low moan escapes your lips, the sensation sending shivers of pleasure racing down your spine.
Each languid stroke, each delicate flick of his tongue, is met with a chorus of sighs and gasps as he teases you, his movements slow and deliberate, worshiping you in a way so different to how he normally does with you.
When he feels you are wet and relaxed enough, he parts your swollen lips with a gentle push of his fingers, his touch igniting a wildfire of sensation that consumes your senses.
He slowly slides two fingers inside you and begins thrusting in and out, drawing lewd sounds from your lips.
“Thats it cyar’ika, let go, let me take care of you”
The way he stretches your walls and the vibration of his voice against your core makes you arch off the mattress, pushing yourself further onto his fingers. He intuitively responds, deepening his thrusts and curling his fingers up, seeking out your most sensitive spot.
Meanwhile, Hunter's lips find yours in a sloppy kiss, his touch tender yet hungry, as he explores the depths of your mouth with his tongue, muffling the moans and gasps Crosshair draws from you. His hands roam your body with a fervent hunger, tracing lazy circles across your skin, worshipping your body with every caress.
Beside you, Wrecker and Tech lavish attention on your breasts, their touch gentle yet firm as they take care of you.
Wrecker's fingers tease and torment your nipples, his touch sending jolts of electricity racing through your body, while Tech's skilled hands explore the contours of your breasts with a tender precision that leaves you trembling with need.
With the attention of all four of them and Crosshairs touch growing more urgent, his movements more insistent, you feel yourself teetering on the edge of oblivion, your body writhing with a desperate need for release.
“I’m …m…close,” you whimper between Hunters kisses.
You hear a few grunts and gasps around you as they watch you squirming under Crosshairs touch, eyes closed, back arched and your face blissfully flushed in the perfect shade of pink.
“Be a good girl and come for me”
Then he closes his lips around your throbbing clit, his tongue swirling around your sensitive bud with just the right amount of pressure and you feel yourself teetering on the edge, your body writhing with a desperate need for release. Each flick of his tongue, each gentle suckle of his lips, brings you closer, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you surrendered yourself completely.
With a final thrust of his fingers up towards that extra sweet spot, he pushes you over the edge, the tension snaps, your mind goes blissfully blank and you reach out grabbing a fistful of his hair, desperate for something to hold on to, while you ride out your high on his fingers.
His name falls from your lips like a prayer as you surrender yourself to the blissful oblivion of the orgasm he’s given you. He carefully draws his fingers from your core planting a few soft kisses on your thighs to let you enjoy the last waves of your climax without overstimulating you.
When you slowly come down from your high, still panting against Hunters chest, Crosshair rises from his position between your legs, his face glistening with the remnants of your juices. He tenderly wipes away the traces of your arousal with the back of his hand before leaning in to press a soft kiss against your lips. His touch is gentle, his lips conveying a depth of emotion that he can hardly express with words.
“You feel better, riduur?” he whispers in your ear so quiet the others can’t hear it, he thinks, but Hunter hears everything, not that he needed to hear it, he knows how his little brother feels, how madly in love he is with you.
“Much better” you hum, kissing him.
You catch sight of his arousal straining against his sweatpants, and you reach out to palm him through the fabric. But he stops you with a gentle hand, a soft smile gracing his lips as he shakes his head.
"This was just for you," he murmurs, his voice a tender whisper against your skin.
"I wanted to make you feel better, and that's enough for me tonight."
His words wash over you like a soothing balm, filling you with a warmth that transcends the physical. As Crosshair leans in to press a tender kiss against your lips, his gaze softens with affection and love.
"But I'll gladly take you up on that offer when you’re better and you've rested," he whispers, his voice a gentle murmur against your skin.
You nod in understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the depth of his care and devotion.
Tech shifts over to make room for Crosshair beside you, and as the five of you settle into the comforting embrace of each other, a sense of peace washes over you like a gentle tide. In the quiet stillness of your home, surrounded by the warmth and love of your boys, you feel yourself drifting off to sleep, lulled by the rhythmic rise and fall of their breathing and Crosshairs soothing heartbeat against your cheek.
Only Tech remains awake for a while longer, his fingers tapping away on his datapad with a quiet diligence. But soon, even he succumbs to the pull of slumber, slipping off his goggles and nestling into the warmth and comfort of the cuddle pile.
cyar’ika - darling/beloved
mesh’la - beautiful
riduur - wife
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