#i REALLY want her to be exactly as cold as she appears in the teasers so far. like
narwhalandchill · 9 months
it really is ruan mei time for real soon i am So hype to finally get her 🥰 and like. for her character too? i genuinely wasnt expecting this kinda like. actually somewhat unnerving (but based) coldness to her that the myriad celestia + her trailer ended up showing of her and i love love love how her ambition and view of the world and herself far surpasses just the generic wow pretty science lady deal that i was honestly expecting the writing to settle for. like shes soooo autism to me but also just actually insane scientist moment and i for one cannot Wait to personally excuse every single even slightly dubious deed ruan mei commits on her path towards the goal of literal fucking aeon-hood 🫡 its what she deserves
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little-peril-stories · 7 months
The Queen of Lies: Trust and Treachery
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Story Intro | Content Warnings | Mood Board | Vibey Song Lyrics | Ao3
Contents: police, lady whump (sort of, ish, not exactly but ????), guy whump, guns (drawn but not fired)
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Word count: 4100 || Approx reading time: 17 mins
Trust and Treachery
Teaser: “I’m serious. They’re still looking for her. Isn’t anyone going to talk about that? Or am I the only one who’s worried?”
The tales were told over endless cups of tea, as night fell and deepened to the blues and purples of midnight: Will’s time in prison, including details Bree herself had not heard and which made her eyes fill with tears; Bree’s side of the story, and how she had run away from Baden and taken Will with her; Colette’s summary of her time spent in a “safe place” about which she gave no further information; and Jamie Wardrew’s account of shutting down all Iustitia aecum operations and hiding out with the mostly silent other man, who was called Geoff. They had reunited with Colette once word got out that a thief had mysteriously escaped from prison—and posters with Will’s face on them appeared all over the city.
“You idiots should have skipped town fucking weeks ago,” Will said more than once, but there was no vehemence in his words. In fact, he was almost glowing. For most of the conversation, he twitched, bounced, and shifted in his seat, incapable of sitting still—except for his hand, which, despite how often he pulled it away to talk animatedly, always came back to rest upon Bree’s.
Now, his thumb stroked the back of her hand in a gentle, comforting rhythm. “You doing all right?” he murmured in her ear when the others were distracted.
Bree hummed a confirmation that she was, but exhaustion settled over her, brought on by the hours of talking and digging up of painful memories.
Oh—and the residual worries, of course, about when the inner circle of Iustitia aecum would come to their senses and throw her out. After all, what kind of woman would marry a man like Baden Hatchett? And how could she ever be trusted?
“You sure you’re okay?” Will asked.
“I’m just tired,” she told him, and he squeezed her hand.
“Don’t look so worried,” he said. “Everything’s okay.”
But alongside the joy of the reunion, a heaviness clung to the air, and when she glanced at the others, she found that they would not meet her gaze.
The next morning, waking in a bed that seemed emptier and colder than it should have, Bree found that Will was not beside her. She could hear him, though—one of several voices that drifted in from the kitchen, hushed and serious.
Frowning, she sat up, trying to catch what was being whispered into the stillness of the early morning.
“Gotta decide what to…”
“If we start up again…”
Bree slipped out of the bed, stifling a gasp at the bite of the cold floor against her bare feet. At the door, which Will had left ajar—had he snuck out, trying not to wake her?—she paused, nudging it slightly to let in more sound.
“I’m serious. They’re still looking for her. Isn’t anyone going to talk about that? Or am I the only one who’s worried?”
Dread, barbed and brutal, tore through Bree’s chest. They weren’t merely talking about IA business. They were talking about her.
“Colette,” Will’s voice said stiffly, his earlier elation gone, “she doesn’t want to go b—”
“Stop twisting my words. I didn’t say she wants to go back. But if they find her, they find us. You can’t tell me it didn’t cross your mind, too.”
“Okay, fine, it did, but—”
Bree closed her eyes. Was that the reason he’d held out so long before giving his name? Fear that her very presence would lead Baden right to him—and that she would buckle under pressure and reveal his name to the entire constabulary? Destroy everything he’d suffered so keenly to conceal with a single witless utterance?
“I mean,” Colette went on, “does anyone else really believe that mad constable’s just going to give up? He’s insane.”
Silence met her words.
“I didn���t think so.” How could she sound so fearless? How could her words be so calm, so steeped in cool, unshakeable logic? “I think you’d all better listen to me about this. Because I get it, we all want to get back to normal, get back to business, but as long as she’s around—”
The sound of a chair scraping against the floor made Bree jump. Furiously, Will snapped, “Don’t you even fucking think about saying what you’re about to say.”
“God, will you let me finish? I’m not arguing that we ditch her somewhere. She’s lovely. God knows how someone like her ended up with someone like him. And—just wait, for heaven’s sake! I’m not a monster. But we need a plan, and we need to make it now, because Hatchett wants you and her and as long as that’s true, we’re all in trouble.”
“She wouldn’t fuck us over like th—”
“Are you even listening? That’s not what I—”
Jamie’s quiet voice cut in. “Okay. Both of you. Shut up for a second.”
“Alpha, you know I’m right.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Will said, his voice acidic. Something warm flickered in Bree’s chest. Even with his brother speaking now, he was standing up for her. “We know. You’re always right. You’re so fucking smart—”
“Will!” Jamie snapped. “Shut the fuck up. Listen, for once.”
“You’re taking her side?”
“I’m not taking sides,” Jamie said tightly. “She—”
Too loudly—enough that if Bree hadn’t already been awake, she would have been jolted out of a dead sleep—Will said, “If you say she has to go, we’re about to have a big problem.”
“She has nowhere else to go,” he said. “Her parents are dead, too. And she can’t go back to Hatchett. She can’t. I’ll fucking die before I let that happen.”
Barely audible, some of the coldness faded from her voice, Colette said, “Oh, Will.”
Bree pressed her hands to her mouth, her heart trying to tear itself free of her very chest.
“And I—I—”
Neither his brother nor his friend interrupted, yet Will’s voice trailed off, the thought unfinished.
Geoff grunted, “You what?”
“I just can’t do that to her, all right?”
Did he mean it? Every word? He did, didn’t he? He wouldn’t let her go back to Baden, even if it meant going against the family he’d only just found again.
“Okay,” Jamie said. A mere breath after him, Colette said the same. “Okay. It’s not going to come to that. But let’s make a contingency plan, all right?”
Will mumbled, “The fuck is a contingency?”
“A just-in-case plan,” Colette said quietly.
“Just in case of what?”
Bree’s throat tightened again as Colette responded, “Just in case things go sideways. In case he catches up with her.” She paused. “With us.”
Jamie, from the sound of it, continued, but Bree silently pushed the door closed again and backed away on trembling legs. Her heart pounded as she went over the conversation—the argument—the inner circle of Iustitia aecum had just had about her.
For a few painful seconds, tears prickled behind her eyes. No matter where she went, she was never good enough. Breanna certainly hadn’t been. Now, it seemed that Bree was not, either—not for her own failings, but for the peril she brought in her wake.
She swallowed her tears and took a breath. So Colette and Jamie were wary. Weren’t they right to be? But Colette had said it herself—it wasn’t Bree she didn’t trust. It was Baden.
But Will trusted her. Even if the others were reserving their confidence for now, he had faith in her. And he was willing to go against the others to prove it.
So, there was only one thing to do. She was going to have to prove it, too. That she belonged here. The she was one of them. That she deserved every ounce of that hard-won faith.
Of course, proving herself to IA was easier said than done. Bree opted not to mention what she had overheard, and Will didn’t bring it up, either. In this, she was almost relieved; he was spared the unenviable task of admitting that he’d been talking about her when he thought she couldn’t hear, and she was spared the indignity of facing everyone else’s mistrust head-on. No, she decided, it was much better to carry on as if she were none the wiser, and do what she could to weave herself into the delicate IA web.
Evenings, she determined promptly, provided ripe opportunity to find common ground with the others—particularly Colette and Jamie, who seemed to be the ones who had filled the bookshelves until they bowed in the middle. It was when the fire burned hottest and brightest; when everyone gathered without speaking of gangs or thievery; when she could read amid the soothing sound of crackling embers. The threadbare chairs did not provide nearly enough room for everyone to fit, but sitting on the floor with her book made Bree feel like a child again. Will, pressed against her side, didn’t seem to mind, either, and that made it all the sweeter.
Tonight, in a move that made everyone else’s jaws drop, Will was thumbing through Romeo and Juliet, which Bree had finished reading. He wasn’t reading it in earnest, however.
“The hell does this all mean?” he asked, cackling to himself. “You trying to tell me any of this makes sense to you?”
Bree blinked herself out of her current book and looked up to meet his amused gaze and unimpressed smirk. “It’s an old story. Once you know what to expect, it makes sense.”
But Will just shook his head, dictating lines he found perplexing or droll. “‘Such comfort as do lusty young men feel…’” He burst into a laugh and, reading on, found another that had him howling. “‘An open-arse, thou a poperin pear…’ What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“You would find all the rude bits,” said Colette with a roll of her eyes.
“‘Some consequence,’” he went on, ignoring her save for a grin, “‘yet hanging in the stars, shall bitterly begin…’ Well, he sure sounds happy, doesn’t he? ‘Give me my Romeo, and when I shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars…’ No one else thinks that’s a weird thing to want? No? Just me? All right. ‘I have an ill-divining soul…’” He scoffed and pushed it away. “Why can’t he just write like a normal person?”
Shaking her head, Colette asked wryly, “That’s your expert literary opinion, is it?”
“Pretty sure you’d find most reasonable people would agree with me.”
“I rather think you’d find,” she shot back, “that most intelligent people would not.”
Will snatched a cushion right out from behind Jamie’s back, eliciting a surprised yelp, and threw it at her head, howling with laughter when it struck its target squarely.
And grunting a loud, “Ow!” when she hurled it back at him.
“Leave her alone,” Bree said, laughing, laying a hand on his arm to prevent him from launching another attack. “Maybe you should try reading it. Who knows? You might end up liking it.” She paused. “Though it is very sad.”
“Right. It’d take me a month just to get through the first chapter.”
“It has acts and scenes,” Bree said, pointing to the heading on the page. “Not chapters.”
“See? I’m already hopeless.” But he didn’t look hopeless or even terribly annoyed as he closed the book and peeked over at Bree’s. “Can’t believe you finished it in a few days. What are you reading now?”
Bree showed him the cover, and Colette, peering at it, too, piped up again. “Oh, you found my Ovid.” She heaved a long, dramatic sigh. “It’s nice to have another intellectual around for once.”
Biting her lip, Bree tried not to look too satisfied with this remark.
Will brandished the cushion again, prompting his brother to take it out of his hands and return it to its previous place, supporting his back. With his physical ammunition confiscated, Will merely said, “You’re fucking hilarious, Colette.”
“I just finished the story of Orpheus and Eurydice,” Bree said to her, talking over him.
Geoff and Jamie had been watching in silence, the former quite apathetic toward the topic of fine literature and the latter baffled that Will was engaging with it at all. Now, his long-suffering-elder-brother expression changed from faint amusement to outright hilarity when Will demanded with a groan, “What the hell kind of names are those, now?”
Rubbing his face, Jamie answered, “It’s a myth, Will. Ancient Greek.” He looked over at Bree almost apologetically. “I really tried, you know. He used to sneak away instead of going to school. You think this guy ever did anything he was told?”
Throwing his brother an obscene gesture, Will just asked, “What’s it about?”
Bree was about to answer, but Colette said, utterly straight-faced, “It’s about an idiot who can’t follow simple instructions.”
The group burst into gleeful laughter, celebrating how Will had set himself up for the joke. Bree took his hand.
“No, it isn’t,” she told him. “It’s about how love is sometimes stronger than reason.”
With another vulgar gesture at the others, Will leaned toward her and laid a kiss right on her lips. Bree blushed, but there were no huffs of disapproval, suspicious glares, or scandalized gasps. Instead, teasing whoops spread through the room.
“You give her one of those bite marks in front of me, and I’ll smother you in your sleep,” Colette said primly as the titters faded, and Jamie choked on his tea.
“Oh, shut up,” Will said, and even though even his face flooded as red as Bree’s, he nearly fell to the floor with laughter.
Maybe, Bree thought with a smile, winning over Iustitia aecum wouldn’t be as difficult as she thought.
“You know, I’ve never seen him care about any of Colette’s books before.”
Bree jumped and stifled a squeak at the sudden voice behind her. She’d offered to fetch some water from the well, and she’d been quietly humming to herself—certainly not expecting anyone to overhear her less-than-impressive musical talents—so the appearance of Will’s brother was not one she was prepared for.
“Sorry,” Jamie said, smiling a little ruefully upon seeing that she was startled. “I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
“It’s all right.” She resisted the urge to press a hand against her pounding heart, figuring she already seemed jumpy enough to his eyes—jumpy, silly, and in over her head. “I didn’t hear you walking up.”
Jamie’s laugh, to her ears, was sardonic and abrupt—almost uncomfortable. “Well. We’ve had some practice in being stealthy over the years.” He nodded at her arm, free of bandages now but still marred by an unsightly scab she suspected might leave a scar. “You need some help?”
 “Did Will send you?” she asked charily.
“No, actually.” He took the full bucket from her hand and replaced it with the empty one he had brought with him. “We can share the job. I’ll carry two back, you carry one.”
“Thank you,” she said, uncertain of where to go from there as she filled the last bucket. Was he going to be the one to confront her? Bring up Colette’s fears? Demand proof of her loyalty to the Iustitia aecum creed?
“Will didn’t send me after you,” Jamie said. “I wanted to say…” A strange look crossed his face—a happy one, but mixed with sadness, too, and perhaps even a touch of bemusement. “I’ve never heard Will…I don’t know, ask questions like that before. About books, I mean. Like he actually cared.”
A warm glow blossomed in Bree’s chest. “Really?”
“Definitely not.” He leaned against the side of the well, eyes fixed on the cloudy sky. “You know, I was… When we didn’t know what had happened to him, all I could do was hope we’d find him again. And I knew if we did, he might be different.” He laughed. “I didn’t think that this was the kind of different we’d be getting.”
Bree’s eyes burned with uninvited but admittedly gratified—and somewhat triumphant—tears. “Is that…” She swallowed. “That’s a good thing, right?”
He glanced at her now, seeming to notice the shine in her eyes, though he did not mention it. “I think so.”
Bree turned her face away for a moment to blink away the sting.
“You look familiar.”
Almost automatically, she said, “Well, maybe you saw me about town with Baden,” although now that he mentioned it, there was something about his face, hailing from a time long ago—more than just his striking resemblance to Will.
He clenched his jaw. “I can tell you for sure that I have never once been close enough to that fucker at any moment to see your face that well.” The flat hatred in his voice made a shiver run down her spine.
“Um…” Eager to move on from that thought, Bree said, “Perhaps before that? School, maybe?”
But he shook his head—the age difference was a bit too big, they determined, and he had likely already been working by the time she was in the schoolhouse, too poor for a governess.
“My maiden name is Cooper,” she said, thinking back and racking her brain for the answer, and as his expression changed to astonishment, the image struck her, too: a quiet boy with threadbare clothes, wind-chapped cheeks, and tired eyes—a boy she’d never seen again after a fateful winter’s day.
Or so she’d thought.
“James,” she gasped at the same time he said, “Cooper.”
“You worked for us!”
“Your dad’s a huge prick.”
Well, there was no denying that. “He was. He’s dead now.” She gazed at the man in front of her. Was it really him? The boy from that day?
The day her father had turned out all the servants, every single one—and one boy had fought back.
She hadn’t thought of him in years. It was painful to remember, those early days of her father’s broken business, his rage, his humiliation. That day in particular was one she preferred not to recall. All those people, thrown out in the bitter winter, hopeless and weeping and cold...
But a boy called James had tried so hard to stand up for them, shouting and railing, demanding some semblance of justice for the servants who were losing their livelihoods. As he always had, to everything and everyone, Silas Cooper had responded with violence—beat him and hurled him out, right into a snowdrift.
“He was horrible to you,” she whispered. “I’m—I’m so sorry—”
“You ran out,” he said, and she nodded. Bree had raced outside, determined to stay her father’s hand, and wound up with a handprint on her cheek. “I remember that. You…” He paused. “Thanks.”
Reeling at the revelation that her story and Will’s had been threaded together for so much longer than either of them had known, she pushed up her sleeves, close to sweating from exertion and awe. “I…I can’t believe it.”
“No,” Jamie said, equally stunned. “It’s a damn small world.”
They stared at one another a few moments more, Bree fitting his careworn face over the time-misted features of a sixteen-year-old boy with fire in his eyes—the same fire she had seen blazing in Will’s so many times before.
Suddenly, those eyes widened.
It took Bree a moment to realize that it was not Jamie calling to her—nor would that be the name he would use even if he was.
Gasping, Bree spun around, letting the bucket slip from her hands and spilling frigid water over her boots.
“Curt,” she whispered. The wonder of the moment, blazing hot and beautiful, vanished; every ounce of it sucked away, leaving nothing behind but cold, scouring dread.
He flew forward, so fast she only managed a panicked step backwards before he reached her. “It’s you.” Hands on her arms, pinching tightly. Eyes wide. Voice rasping. “God, Breanna—” Grip tight. Too tight. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“Please let go,” she said, half-dizzy. Frantic thoughts spilled through her mind, melting into the noisy, discordant symphony of Curt’s voice, rapid hoofbeats, and distant thunder. No. This can’t be. “I’m…”
But he was talking, clinging tight, talking, talking, talking, gesturing to the officers behind him. “Quick! Go get…” Not happening. This couldn’t be real. But he was holding her hand, lifting it, examining the scab on her arm. “Breanna, what happened to you?”
“Nothing!” He can’t be here. She tried to wrench herself free. She had to get free. Where was he sending that other constable? “Curt, you’re hurting me.”
Where’s Will?
What if—
“Don’t move!”
Bree froze her struggles, but the order was not for her.
“Who are you?” Curt demanded, his eyes on Jamie. “Breanna, is he with—is he with them? Is he keeping you here against your will?”
“No!” Bree tried again to pull away. Still, he wouldn’t let go. Why wouldn’t he let her go? “Curt, leave him. Please. He didn’t—”
“You’re hurt.” Curt’s voice was dark, his gaze flicking between her arm and Jamie’s frozen form. “That miserable bastard hurt you. The one who got out.”
“No,” she said. “Listen, please, Curt, he didn’t. He didn’t. Let me go, and—and—leave him, Curt, please. Please—”
But Curt was only half-listening, it seemed; he was no longer even looking at her, and when he spoke, he merely repeated, “He didn’t let you go and leave.” With his gaze trained on Jamie’s, he stared, slow recognition leaching into his face. Realizing he had seen those features before. Realizing who else that ruddy hair and those strangely hued eyes belonged to.
Forming his own twisted narrative from the face he saw before him and the cry for help he thought he’d heard.
He cursed softly, and Bree cried his name, desperate for him to look anywhere but at Jamie’s face.
“What did they do to you?” he hissed.
“You’re lying to me,” said Curt furiously. “Again. After everything. Aren’t you? That bastard is here somewhere. I know he is. Who is that—his bloody twin?” Finally, he looked back at her. “Where is he?”
Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look, don’t…
If she looked back at the townhouse, if she gave away the headquarters of Iustitia aecum, then it was all over—when it had barely even begun.
Don’t look back.
But she did.
She did, just in time to see a figure with red-brown hair fling open the door and start to run before a pair of brawny arms grabbed hold and yanked him out of sight.
Two furiously screamed names escaped before Will’s voice faded into strangled silence.
“Bree! Jamie! N—”
“That way,” Curt said, following her gaze. Following Will’s cry. One of his fellow constables hastened toward the townhouse, boots clicking maddeningly along the street.
And then he jerked his head toward Jamie and said, “Arrest him.”
Something shattered.
Perhaps it was the sound of Will’s voice being cut off. Perhaps it was the sight of that constable bolting toward the townhouse, all because her treacherous eyes could not do as they were told. Perhaps it was the cold fury in Curtis Lenton’s voice. Perhaps it was the way Jamie Wardrew did not move a muscle.
“No!” She thrashed against Curt’s grasp, and in his shock, he let go. “Curt, for the love of god, don’t do this, please!”
She made it three steps away from him before he captured her again.
“Why are you fighting me?” he asked as she pounded her fists against him. “Breanna—please! I’m here to help you! I’m going to get you away from these people!”
Tears, heavier and hotter and more painful than any she had ever shed in her life, blurred her vision. Her limbs trembled and, after a moment, gave out, for Curt did not listen. And he did not let go.
All the officers froze.
“There’s no one there,” Jamie said. His words were calm. He had not run, and he still did not, even as the third officer approached him with his revolver drawn. But his arms, held in the air, trembled.
For one of them had the sleeve pulled up—baring the Iustitia aecum sigil for the constables to see.
“You’re too late,” Jamie said. “They’re already gone. You won’t find anyone else.”
Lies, Bree thought dizzily. A distraction to confuse them? Slow them down?
“Who are you?” Curt snarled again. “Where is the thief who escaped?” To the one he’d sent to the townhouse, he repeated the order to go, and the man obeyed.
“Forget him. He’s gone.” Jamie looked away from Curt’s glare to stare into the barrel of the other constable’s gun. His gaze met Bree’s for only an instant when the man reached him and wrenched his hands behind his back. “I’m the one who’s in charge of Iustitia aecum. I’m the one you want.”
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the-rewatch-rewind · 2 years
New episode! Script below the break.
Hello and welcome back to the Rewatch Rewind! My name is Jane and this is the podcast where I count down my top 40 most rewatched movies. Today I will be discussing #36 on my list: Disney’s 2013 animated musical Frozen, directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, written by Jennifer Lee, from a story by Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee, and Shane Morris inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen”, and featuring the voice talents of Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, and Santino Fontana.
Frozen is the story of two royal sisters. The older, Elsa (voiced by Idina Menzel), has ice powers that she doesn’t know how to control. As a child, she accidentally injured her younger sister, Anna (voiced by Kristen Bell), who was healed by trolls but has no memory of Elsa’s powers. On Elsa’s coronation day, the palace gates are opened for the first time in years, and Anna meets Prince Hans of the Southern Isles (Santino Fontana) and is immediately smitten. But asking for Elsa’s blessing of their marriage leads to a fight that causes Elsa to unintentionally unleash her powers. Terrified, Elsa runs away, leaving the whole kingdom frozen. Anna goes after her and teams up with mountain man Kristoff (Jonathan Groff), his reindeer Sven, and a magical snowman created by Elsa named Olaf (Josh Gad) to bring back summer, and her sister.
I remember seeing teasers for this movie that made it look like it was about a snowman and a reindeer chasing each other around an ice rink, which seemed very boring. But my sister and I decided to give it a chance and see it in theaters. It had only been out for a couple of days, so we had vaguely heard that people seemed to be liking it, but we still didn’t really know what it was about, let alone how popular it would become. And I know I’m about 10 years too late with this advice, but I highly recommend experiencing Frozen for the first time in a crowded theater, before the hype, with no expectations, next to your sister with whom you have a close relationship. Truly one of my top 5 best cinematic experiences ever. I think I probably would still love this movie even if I’d been introduced to it in a less powerful way, but that first viewing has certainly impacted the way I feel about the movie to this day.
I still remember exactly how I felt when I heard and saw Let It Go for the first time. The song started and it was like, yes, good, an Idina Menzel number, I love Wicked, I’m here for this. And then that first “The cold never bothered me anyway” when she throws off her cloak gave me chills. My brain went, “Oh wow. This isn’t just a song, it’s a FEELING.” And it just. kept. escalating. as Elsa’s confidence grew and she could finally be herself for the very first time. By the end of the number, I was either in tears or too overwhelmed with emotion to even cry, I can’t remember which. Some kid a few rows behind us murmured, “Wow, she’s…way prettier than I thought.” And maybe I was just projecting the way I felt, but to me it sounded like the kid was really saying, “Something needs to be said here, but I can’t find the words.” It’s not that I’d never been moved by a musical number before, but this took it to the next level. And all of this is almost embarrassing for me to admit now, because Let It Go then became one of the most overplayed songs of all time and everyone got sick of it, but listen. It was overplayed for a reason. It’s an epic song, and Idina Menzel frickin kills it. I still stand by this.
Looking back on my other thoughts as I watched Frozen unfold for the first time shows me just how much amatonormativity – the idea that everyone wants and needs a long-term monogamous romantic partner – had affected me. I still thought I was straight, although my standard justification of “I’m not into dating yet but I’m sure I will be when I’m older” was feeling less and less valid, as I was then 23 years old. Anyway, I distinctly remember, during Love Is an Open Door, which is the song that Hans and Anna sing to each other soon after they meet, that my sister and I turned to each other and whispered, “I ship it.” And then Kristoff got thrown into the story, and I was conflicted, because I really liked Anna with him, too. I started thinking maybe Elsa would end up with Hans. And then Elsa wounded Anna’s heart with her ice, which only an act of true love could heal, and it did not even occur to me that that could be anything other than a romantic kiss. I thought Kristoff would bring her back to Hans, she would kiss him but it wouldn’t do anything, and that’s when she’d realize her true love was actually Kristoff. But while I was expecting things to not work out between Anna and Hans, I was NOT expecting Hans to be cruel, so his “Oh Anna, if only there was someone out there who loved you” was shocking and devastating. I thought the scene when Olaf rescues her and explains that “some people are worth melting for” was beautiful – the snowman was far less obnoxious than I’d been anticipating – but even then it never occurred to me that Anna would be cured by anything other than kissing Kristoff. And then. Fighting the blizzard and the ice spreading through her body, almost reunited with her romantic true love, Anna sees Hans draw a sword against Elsa. I’m sure if I’d been able to think clearly in that moment, I would have finally figured out what was coming, but all I could do was gape at the screen as Anna changed course and saved her sister instead. And with hindsight, duh, that was the act of true love, but for a second or two I legitimately thought she was now permanently frozen. And, like, here’s the thing. I’ve loved Disney movies as long as I can remember, so I’m not trying to insult them. But the studio that made Snow White and Sleeping Beauty and The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast and Enchanted had so thoroughly convinced me that when you need love to break a spell, it must be romantic and almost always involves a kiss, that I couldn’t even imagine that a Disney film would ever treat saving a family member’s life as powerful enough for that. But Frozen did. Frozen went there. While I was sitting next to my wonderful sister, one of the most important people to me, this movie showed me that it’s okay for sisterly love to be the most powerful thing in your life. So at that point I definitely cried.
As far back as I can remember, the overemphasis on romance in movies has bothered me, but until then I thought I just had to accept it. Falling in romantic love was a universal human experience, so everyone said; naturally people wanted to tell stories about it. Obviously I’d seen movies, even Disney movies like Mary Poppins and Emperor’s New Groove, that didn’t have love stories before. But a Disney PRINCESS movie, that HAD romantic love, but showed a character actively CHOOSING a non-romantic loved one over a romantic one, and saving herself in the process??? That was mind-blowing. Even though I didn’t know I was aroace at the time, I knew I loved that message. So as my sister and I left the theater, we could not praise this movie enough, and for weeks and months afterward, I couldn’t get this story out of my head, and I didn’t want to. I saw it two more times in theaters, for a total of 3 views in 2013, and then bought the DVD as soon as it was released. The following Halloween I dressed as Elsa, along with thousands of girls 15 to 20 years younger than me. I ended up watching Frozen eight times in 2014. But then…I stopped watching it for a while.
Part of that was just because watching a movie 11 times in a little over a year is a lot, even for me, so I needed a break. But another part of it was people started really hating on this movie, and it got to me. Some of the criticism was legitimate – like, no, we really didn’t need another animated musical about white royalty, and yes, there are several plot holes – but a lot of it boiled down to: this thing is overwhelmingly popular and therefore it’s cool and edgy to say it’s bad. But I bought it. I felt embarrassed by my initial enthusiasm. I was way too old to be obsessing over a movie like this the way I had done in my early teens. Normally I don’t have much trouble loving the movies I love unapologetically, but normally the movies I love are old or obscure enough that the internet isn’t filled with hot takes about why it’s bad to love them. I still enjoyed listening to the songs, and I still defended it when I heard it disparaged in person, but after my 8 viewings in 2014 I didn’t watch Frozen again until 2019. And I only watched it then because Frozen II was coming out and I wanted to refresh myself on the first one before I saw the sequel. I was kind of expecting that viewing to convince me once and for all that I had gotten over it, but I had the complete opposite experience. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of that rewatch. I was reminded that I really do genuinely love and enjoy this movie, and I wished I hadn’t let the haters convince me otherwise. So I watched it once each in 2020, 2021, and 2022, which was partly because of the Disney watching project I did with my brother – we watched through all the animated Disney movies in order in 2020, and then we re-watched the ones we’d ranked in the top 10 in 2022 – yes, we decided Frozen is a top 10 Disney animated film, and no I will not apologize for that.
I think a big reason why I let myself get temporarily talked out of loving Frozen is because I couldn’t articulate what I really loved about it at the time, so I thought that meant I didn’t actually love it. But now that I know I’m aroace, it makes perfect sense. As I mentioned before, even at the time, I knew that seeing a character choose familial love over romantic love in a matter of life and death meant a lot to me, though I didn’t know the extent of it. And I related to Elsa and Let It Go spoke to me, but it took me a long time to recognize the extent of that too. As someone who has struggled with depression, I initially saw Elsa’s self-imposed isolation to try to protect people that ended up hurting them as an allegory for that disease, which I still think it is to a certain extent. Depression dulls all emotions and tricks one’s brain into thinking others would be better off without them, and that describes some of what Elsa is going through. But there’s also the aspect of hiding a part of herself that she knew she wouldn’t be accepted for, and finally breaking away from that to live as her true self, that a lot of LGBTQIA+ people relate to, which I didn’t recognize in myself at the time – and now I wonder if another reason I stepped away from the movie for a while was a subconscious fear of facing my own queerness. I know a lot of people see Elsa as a lesbian, which seemed to be confirmed by a couple of brief moments in Frozen II. While I would argue that it’s not quite canon yet, I wouldn’t mind if Frozen III makes it so – provided the story of Frozen III actually makes sense, unlike whatever the heck Frozen II is supposed to be about. What I’m trying to say is I don’t want to dismiss the Elsa is a lesbian theory, but to me she feels very aroace. She doesn’t seem at all interested in finding a partner, she just wants to hang out in her mountain ice palace by herself, which sounds pretty awesome even though I still don’t understand how she was going to be able to feed herself up there. Also, at the end of the first movie, she seems very surprised to learn that she has the capacity to thaw what she’s frozen by allowing herself to feel love. Elsa has been suppressing all of her emotions because she knows that her ice powers are harder to control when she feels things, which is again similar to depression. But seeing this through an aroace lens of constantly feeling like you’re incapable of the “correct” kind of love, I could see an aroace Elsa being aware of love as a thawing force, but thinking it had to be romantic love and that she was therefore doomed. So seeing Anna using their sisterly love to heal her frozen heart showed Elsa that the type of love she could feel was powerful enough, and that was all she needed to bring back summer. Like most of my aroace headcanons, I’m pretty sure this wasn’t quite what the filmmakers actually intended, but it works and it’s beautiful.
 Whether Elsa is intentional queer representation or not, even the straight romantic relationship in Frozen is unusual for a Disney movie. Anna and Kristoff’s rocky start leading to eventual feelings is nothing new, of course, but the way they leave it (at least at the end of the first movie, which I like to pretend is the end of the story because, again, the sequel makes no sense) is very sweet. They’re not officially dating, let alone engaged or married, but Anna presents Kristoff with a new sled, and he’s so excited that he exclaims, “I could kiss you!” And then he backs off and asks her permission and they only kiss after they both agree that they want to. This may not seem like much, but in a culture that tends to romanticize spontaneity and persistent pursuit at the expense of consent, especially in fairytales, it’s so wonderful to see asking for consent encouraged in such an adorable way here.
I think a big part of what makes Frozen work is that it’s all about subverting expectations. Before the movie came out, they set expectations that the snowman and the reindeer would be annoying, and then Olaf and Sven both turned out to be sweet and genuinely funny. Then at the beginning it makes you think it’s going to be a typical fairytale romance, but it turns out the prince is the actual villain. Plot twist villains are pretty common in this Disney era, and I’m not sure even I would consider Hans the best instance of that trope, but I do love the way the Duke of Weselton is established as a decoy villain, and that he’s voiced by Alan Tudyk, who had just voiced the plot twist villain in Wreck-It Ralph. At first I felt like the Hans reveal was a little too out of nowhere, but there are a few delightfully subtle clues that I completely missed initially, like how he sings about “finding his own place” when he’s pretending to be singing about Anna, or how he’s clearly calculating a way to incapacitate Elsa while making it look like he’s saving her. I would have liked a few more clues, but I also think it’s good to portray that red flags can be hard to spot. And then on top of that there’s the unexpected challenge to the amatonormative idea that romance is the most important and powerful form of love. It was all so completely different from what I was expecting, in the best possible way.
Clearly this movie appeals to people who are not aroace, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the most popular children’s movie of the decade is so focused on platonic love. A lot more kids can relate to familial love than to romantic love. And Frozen proves that you don’t have to eliminate romance from a story entirely to emphasize other types of love. When Anna falls in love with Kristoff, that doesn’t make her relationship with him the only one that matters, or even the one that matters the most, and that’s a message that we don’t get from nearly enough stories. A big fear that many aromantic people share is that all of our friends will eventually abandon us for romantic partners, due to the prevalence of the message that one’s romantic partner should be one’s number one focus at all times. Personally I’ve been fortunate enough to find people who value friendship as much as I do, and therefore want to maintain close platonic relationships whether they’re in romantic relationships or not, and I’m very grateful for all of them. But I know not all aros are as fortunate in that respect. So that’s why I keep emphasizing how awesome it is that in Frozen not only is one of the main characters potentially aroace, but the other main character who is not still chooses to save herself with platonic love instead of romantic love. Encouraging people to cultivate non-romantic relationships benefits everyone, not just aros, because putting too much pressure on one relationship to fulfill all or even most of one’s social needs is unsustainable, and often dangerous. When Hans meets Anna, he correctly observes that she’s lonely and desperate for love, and he hopes to manipulate her by filling that entire void himself. But he ultimately fails because, while Anna does desire romance, she wants to reconnect with her sister even more. Even though Elsa has shut her out for years, as soon as she reveals her powers Anna understands that her sister has been in just as much pain as she has. Instead of festering resentment, Anna is filled with empathy and compassion, which allows her to save herself, her sister, and the kingdom. We need more heroes like Anna. And while it may be overrated, overhyped, and a little underdeveloped, in terms of emphasizing the power of non-romantic love, we need more stories like Frozen.
Thank you for listening to me attempt to express my love for this movie. I still don’t feel like I’ve done it justice, which I suspect will become more and more of a problem as I continue to work my way up this list. If you want to hear about more movies that I love enthusiastically, remember to follow or subscribe on your podcast platform of choice, and leave a rating or review if you feel like it. This episode is coming out during Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, so I hope any of you out there who are or think you might be on the aromantic spectrum are feeling particularly appreciated and accepted. And if you’re not aro-spec yourself, maybe reach out to any aromantic friends you have and tell them you value them. And if you don’t know of any aros in your life, just reach out to any friend and tell them you care about them. Let’s spread lots of good non-romantic feelings this week! And the next time you get the urge to tell a single friend they need a romantic partner: don’t.
Next week I’ll be talking about another movie musical that I’ve watched 15 times, although that one is not animated and is decidedly not geared toward children. As always, I will leave you with a quote from that next movie: “And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times.”
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jungwooforever · 2 years
Promise, you’ll come back to me. (TEASER)
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Paring : Yuta x fem reader
Genre : Yuta works at a Host club, yutas a vampire because im a sucker for that shit more to come 🙏🏼
Warnings : SMUT duh, cursing, alcohol consumption, blood (duh yutas a vampire)
Summary : After breaking off your two year long relationship with your ex, your best friend Karina decides you need to have fun again. Drink, flirt with guys, and get back in the dating scene. But her idea of a good time is a little different than yours. Leaving you at a booth with a handsome stranger for an hour, despite him being a host, something seems different about him. But what exactly.
Word Count : TBD
Authors note: This is still a huge work in progress so please bare with me. I will not let you down. I don’t know how long i’m going to make it but i’m aiming for 5k because i’m low key invested in this. There’s so much to put into this plot, i know it sounds bizarre but trust me it’s gonna be fire.
UPDATE : Hey guys! Im currently at 3k for the fic!! Honestly i’m loving the way it’s going so far so bare with me. Im hoping to have it soon!!! Thank you for all the likes and reposts i’m honestly so shocked at how many people are interested in this fic I APPRECIATE YOU GUYS TYYY!!
“Is this your first time?” The man across from you asks. Pouring your second drink with such attention you couldn’t help but watch his hands. His black hair falling to frame his face as he slightly leans his head down “I’m sorry what was that?” You said shyly avoiding his eyes looking up to you opting to look into your lap. “Is this your first time at a Host Club?” He repeated in such a sweet tone you’d think he had practiced it a million times. It really didn’t fit his appearance. He wore an all black suit, but removed the blazer when you both sat down, and had the first two buttons of his white shirt undone showing you just a peak of his collar bones when he moved his shoulders. “Ah, yeah it is. My friend convinced me to come. She said it’s a fun way to get to know people.” You turned your attention back to his face finally looking up to meet his gaze. You didn’t really examine his face until now, he had dark eyes almost black, his lips where perfectly shaped, you couldn’t help but wonder what he kissed like. And he had such a strong yet feminine build. Wide shoulders with a small waist, he didn’t seem real. He handed you the drink with both hands making sure not to spill any. “Oh thank you.” Taking the tall glass and shaking yourself out of your own thoughts. “Of course, a beautiful girl like you deserves to enjoy herself. Where did you say you were from?” He said pouring himself a glass the same he did you. You could feel your cheeks warm up, of course they were. It was his job to make you feel special. “I was born in Osaka but I moved to Tokyo three years ago for work.” You took a sip of the drink it tasted just as expensive as it looked. “Oh really? I was born there too. I haven’t been there in so long, I truly miss it“ His voice almost sounded a little sad but he quickly adjusted his tone. “Let’s go back together one day.” he said with a smile. “Wow it’s only our first time meeting and you already wish to see me again.” You couldn’t help playing along with his game. “How could I not, a women as perfect as you deserves to be taken wherever she desires.” You know it’s just his job, you paid for him to treat you like this, but no matter how many times you tell yourself, you can’t help but feel butterflies in your stomach. He saw your cheeks heating up at his compliment, his signal to place his hand atop yours. Chills shot down your spin, it’s been so long since you’ve had a romantic experience with a man. But that’s not what caught the attention, why were his hands so cold?
OHHHHHHHH okay this is just the teaser. Still perfecting this plot because who doesn’t want vampire host club yuta what the fuck anyways i hope u enjoyed 🙏🏼😈
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so get this. I was gonna roll around in Tombstone related fluff today - but no, no - this post came across my dash so Now We Are Gonna Discuss the Carnal Consumption of Meat as it appears on That Show Supernatural.  YEAH BUDDIES!
(also my sincere apologies to OP of the inspiration post who innocently tagged it with “lunch date!”  because I am about to go Elsewhere, cursedly).
Let’s all go meat man, after the cut!
This analysis centers primarily on 5x14 Bloody Valentine.  The title of course is a semi-homage to a 3D Slasher Film Jensen starred in circa 2009. 
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Which I will be renting soon I guess.  ,[<- parasocial panda GET BACK IN YOUR ENCLOSURE]
Also Its Really Fun that the trailer for Said Cinema ends with “nothing says date movie like a 3-D ride to hell” [are you also thinking of Cas pulling Dean out of hell, or are you normal?]  ***unironically the teaser for 5x14 is -
First date.
They then eat each other.  Literally they eat each others flesh.  They also do it while dirty talking about it.  SPN IS A SHOW 
ALICE Ugh! I've been so alone. So empty...
RUSSEL I know. Me too.
ALICE I want you, Russel---All of you... inside me...
[they both take bites out of each other, Alice chewing on a piece of Russel's flesh]
****Remember this detail, as it is important.
ANYWAY, it’s truly Cursed that not only are we doing an homage to this 3-D Jensen Horror Date Flick but also this episode is specifically centered on Valentine’s Day.  The day honoring romance and love Now Coopted by Hallmark, everyone, that is the day spn writers chose to introduce us to 
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Sir Horseman of THE Biblical Apocalypse Famine. 
Canonically, we are aware that the show is drawing from the book of Revelations in its depiction of the Four Horsemen.  Here’s what it says about Famine -
"When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.”
-Revelations 6:5
Famine holds scales (used to weigh out grain in times of food scarcity).  Spn’s depiction is represented as hunger, a bottomless pit of need.  It consumes souls (demon and human alike).  
Cas describes Famine a little more poetically:
"And then will come Famine riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty... "
"... and great will be the Horseman's hunger, for he is hunger. "
"His hunger will seep out and poison the air. "
***Consider a prior season in which we are introduced to the Seven Deadly Sins.  Which are the sins associated with hunger?
and Lust.
***this is also important
Back to the episode.  Case cold open, and we find out that Alice was a Nice Girl.  In that she didnt drink, smoke or
have premarital sex.
***So Alice’s hunger for the sin of Lust caused her to succumb to it; and her demise was presented as Gluttony (literally eating her partner’s flesh). HMM
Famine’s presence is affecting the town, and Cas is not immune.
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And when did you start eating?
Exactly. My hunger-- it's a clue, actually.
***They lay it out a little more in case you missed it ->
I thought famine meant starvation, like as in, you know, food.
Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something--Sex, attention, drugs, love...
***this is so important.  but of course because its spn and our textual narrators are generally unreliable (even in a Ben Edlund episode, yes I know)
we get a red herring
Right. The cherub made them crave love, and then Famine came, and made them rabid for it.
***but that’s not accurate.  they didn’t get married or become obsessed with each other (remember the cursed coin in 4x08 Wishful Thinking and the unconditional love wish? not what happened here). they had premarital sex.  they did the thing Alice considers wrong, and dark, and sinful.  and then they ate each others’ flesh.
Okay, but what about you? I mean, since when do angels secretly hunger for White Castle?
It's my vessel-- Jimmy. His, uh, appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effect
***mad lad Jimmy Novak’s hunger is for...red meat?  He is starving for red meat?  You are telling me that the Novaks, red blooded conservative religious midwestern Novaks, ate RED MEAT SO SPARINGLY that Jimmy Novak was LITERALLY starving for it?!?!  No way.  Absolutely no way.  This is a man who was such a religious zealot he STUCK HIS HAND IN BOILING WATER and accepted an angel of the lord into his own body but his secret hunger was for fucking ground beef?
give me a damn break.
to me this is an absolute coverup.  Because Cas’s burger consumption is not related one iota to his vessel Jimmy Novak.
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it is a representation of Cas falling.  Cas’s cravings for meat represent his growing (and very much prohibited) feelings for...humanity (Dean Winchester), and they are presenting as Gluttony in the form of his downing more and more copious amounts of red meat.  
SERIOUSLY, consider this - at one point the depiction is so desperately carnal that he is eating raw ground beef with his bare hands. It is fucking uncomfortable.  and it is SUPPOSED to be.  Famine stirs up hunger for the prohibited.  For the sinful. That which we are starving for but do not believe we can ever have, so we lust and we lust and we LUST after it, but should we allow ourselves even just a taste of what we have been ravenously craving, we binge it until we ourselves disappear into the oblivion of our own sinful, dark desires.
Since You Want More Examples of why this cant possibly be hunger for Cheeseburgers and Cheeseburgers alone, Consider Famine’s effect on Dean.  Remember his doctor kink?
**when its revealed that Doctor Corman has succumbed to Famine’s poison by drinking himself to death, Dean - very uncharacteristically by the way - reacts by saying out loud
DEAN Thanks. Crap! I really kind of liked this guy.
***please note that Doctor Corman says the following to Dean in the prior scene they have together -
DR. CORMAN [to Dean]
Agent Marley, you just can't stay away.
****was that a flirtation?
***Also, Dean doesn’t want to go out and chase tail for Valentines Day.   
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I mean, what do you always call it-- Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?
Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year.
So you're not into bars full of lonely women?
Nah, I guess not. [takes a sip of his beer] Ahh. What?
That's when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.
***oh look we are relating things to eating again.  sex/lust to gluttony.  hmmm hmmm hmmm
ANYHOW -  *takes deep breath*
 this is also the Episode Where This Scene Lives
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oh and speaking of jacting joices, this is also the Dean Notices Cupids Crotch Episode.
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frAckles, I am once again asking why you only permit celestial beings to hug you from behi-[gunshots]
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but Dean isn’t hungry.  Why? Famine has the explanation, and we get it after Dean immediately runs inside after Cas heads in to complete his portion of their plan barely giving him any time to do so because he misses him that much.
I disagree. [Famine moves closer to Dean and touches him] Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex.
Oh, you're so full of crap.
Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! 
***not Dean making all of those homophobic/homoerotic jokes every time he’s in danger or feeing uncomfortable; not that, that can’t possibly be what Famine is referencing, right?
I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. 
***not THIS parallel:
You're a mystery. I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel, except… It's cloaked in shame
You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. 
***not the motions of performative heterosexuality!!
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***Dean’s not hungry because in his heart he truly believes that he can’t actually have what he hungers for.  That Thing Which This Episode Overtly but Also Very Clearly Made Obvious.  It’s an angel riding shotgun [I did Do That and I am Not Sorry], eating a burger in the front seat of the impala.  But, I’ve deviated from the meat of this essay [gunshots] [this time just for the bad joke].
there’s Exists another episode in which a man ravenously consumes red meat; eventually succumbing to eating raw beef with his bare hands in the season prior to this one.  
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Yes Supernatural the Show That Brought Us Not One But Two Scenes of Persons Carnally Consuming Red Meat With Their Bare Hands.  
This episode is a MOTW - the man in question is a rougaru - a monster that starts out as human but due to some specific genetic disorder (hmmm hmmm hmm crack in THE chassis hmmm hmmm) soon begins to be extremely hungry - “for everything, but eventually long pig.” AKA human flesh. 
Wanna know the kicker?  
Episode’s called Metamorphosis.
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(GIF by jackttwist)
I’ll see myself out.
[DOUBLE BONUS for extra credit:
if you really wanna wild out, go watch the scene of Jack the rougaru looking at himself in the mirror in 4x04 - and then meander on over to 7x01 and check out God!stiel looking in the mirror as the leviathans writhe inside him over there. It’s worth the walk.]
***oh and @lilac-void​ im tagging you in this one because in exchange for your KIND creator content nomination I guess I will respond by cursing you with an Honorary tag in this, a Meat Meta.  you’re welcome slash I'm sorry XO [but seriously thank you again for your kindness and appreciation; it really motivated me to sit down and get moving on making more content <3]
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veniteme · 4 years
Hunting for Gems
season preview
ash island x reader
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When Ash Island is forced to participate as a producer for the latest season of Show Me the Money, he knows it won't be easy. But when his partner is you, a rising producer from H1GHR, maybe it won't be as bad as he thought.
2k words
As you stand before the door to the waiting room, heart thudding loudly in your chest, you think back to when the KIFF boys were in your studio eating cake a week ago.
“What am I supposed to do?” you slap Rohan’s arm vigorously as you panic. “How am I supposed to act around him?” The rest of the boys had already left, allowing you to freak out in relative privacy.
You’ve been an avid fan of Ash Island since his days on High School Rapper 2. Once he started releasing music, your infatuation with him only increased. When Jay informed you that you’d be working with him for the entire season of Show Me the Money, your brain immediately worked itself into a frenzy. On one hand, you were excited to meet someone whose music you loved. On the other, how were you expected to function properly next to him with the entire world watching through a camera?
“Okay, first thing you need to do,” Rohan starts, “is stop hitting me! You may be weak, but if you hit me enough it starts to sting okay? And second, just be normal? Act how you usually do.” He makes it sound so easy, as if you won’t die on the spot the moment the two of you make eye contact.
“That is under the assumption that I am able to think with him sitting next to me. And alright, let’s say I am actually capable of saying more than two words in his presence, what if he doesn’t like me? What if he thinks I’m weird or annoying?” You’ll be crushed if this person that you’ve admired for so long decides he doesnt like you.
“Then he’d be a good judge of character?” You hit Rohan even harder. “Ow! Relax, I was just kidding. Look, I’ve known the guy for a couple years now, and he has no right to call someone else weird. Plus, he’s one of the chillest guys I know. You’ll be fine. From what I’ve seen recently, the only time you need to be worried is when the cameras are on.”
“What do you mean?”
While you stood outside the door, Ash is inside, staring nervously at the production crew setting up the cameras. Unlike you, he is not nervous about the two of you meeting. He’s worked with countless artists, featured on so many songs, he is used to interacting with people he didn’t know. What actually scares him is having to be a functioning human being in front of all these cameras.
He’s never done a such a big production like this, never seen so many cameras all pointed at him, capturing his every move. Thinking about all the eyes that will be watching him through that lens gives him anxiety. Normally, he’d be drinking right now to take off a bit of the edge. However, he doesn't think that would help with this cold bad boy image he is already starting to have. On top of being a jerk, the public will then think he was an alcoholic.
Just when he thinks he'll burst from nerves, you decide to walk through the door, a welcome distraction from all the thoughts running through his head.
The first thing you see as you walk in is the production crew. All you are filming today are some short interviews to introduce the producer teams. They’ll be airing it as a teaser for the new season. You bow your head in greeting to the staff as you head to your seat. And that’s when you see him.
The two of you make eye contact, both looking up at the same time. And then you freeze; your brain short-circuits and for a second, all you can do is stare. Ash Island, the guy whose songs take up a good chunk of your playlist, is sitting there, right in front of you.
You break out of your stupor when you hear his voice. “Hey, what’s up?” he says casually. And you realize you’re being incredibly rude to someone who is older and a senior in the industry.
“Hello! I’m Saf. I’m a producer for H1GHR Music,” you introduce yourself officially.  
He chuckles a bit. “Yeah, I know. We’ve seen each other at the H1GHR-Ambition parties.”
“Right,” you say nervously. And you guys had met before, but you didn’t think he’d remember. He was always across the room or on the opposite end of the table, so you two never really interacted. In fact, this is the first time you’ve heard his voice, and not through a song on your phone.  
“So did you want to sit down?” he asks. You’ve just been standing in front of him for a while.  
“Oh!” you immediately take a seat. Now what are you supposed to say? Thankfully, he decides to fill the silence.
“You're friends with Rohan right?” he asks. Not really who you’re thinking about at the moment, but you'll take it.
“Yeah, I am. We're in the same crew,” you explain. “Why, did he say something about me?” you ask, feigning nonchalance. If Rohan said anything remotely embarrassing about you to Ash Island, you were ready to kill him.  
“Oh no, I just remembered him drunk-dialing me last night to wish me luck on the show.” You laughed, making a comment about how dumb Rohan was sometimes. And that’s how the rest of your conversation went until you started shooting, sharing dumb stories about your mutual friend.
The two are seated side-by-side in front of the camera. Ash Island is looking quite stiff and uncomfortable, while Saf has an easy smile on her face.
Please introduce yourselves.
After a glance at Ash Island, Saf begins her introduction with a bow.
Saf: Hello, everyone. My name is Saf, I’m a producer for H1GHR Music.
Following her lead, it seems Ash Island takes his first breath since the camera started rolling.
Ash Island: Hi, guys. I’m Ash Island from Ambition Musik.
Did you two know each other before the show?
Saf: Well, of course I don’t think there’s anyone interested in Korean hip hop right now that doesn’t know Ash Island. But we’ve also seen each other in passing at events and parties and such. This is my first time really talking to him though.
As she talks, Ash Island appears to loosen up just the slightest. He directs his gaze to Saf when he speaks.
Ash Island: [to Saf] You… can just call me Ash.
Saf looks at him in surprise, her cheeks just the slightest shade darker, undetectable to most.
“WHY DID THEY EDIT IT LIKE THAT?” Rohan’s obnoxious laughter in the background is only furthering your agitation.
“Come on,” Rohan lets out between spurts of laughter. “That had nothing to do with the editing. Don’t tell me that wasn’t exactly how it felt when he looked at you.”
Unable to refute his claim, all you say is “Whatever.”
“Did they have to put in the romantic background music and CGI cherry blossoms though?” you complain.
Ignoring your best friend’s following fit of laughter, you begrudgingly hit play once again.
“Duuuuude I didn’t realize you were so smooth!”
“Our Bition Baby is all grown up!”
“You can just call me Ash,” Changmo repeats in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“What are you guys talking about?” Ash asks, only slightly annoyed that his labelmates had interrupted his studio time. He wasn’t making much progress today anyway.
“Did you not watch the Show Me previews last night?” Hash Swan asks.
“No, I thought I’d avoid the embarrassment of seeing myself on national TV,” Ash replies. He was there when it happened, he didn’t need reminders of how awkward he was on camera.
“Alright, you have to watch this,” Leellamarz says, pulling up the reposted video on Youtube.
You guys are the youngest producer team in the history of the show. Do you feel pressured by this fact?
Saf: [to Ash] Do you want me to answer this one?
He looks at her and nods wordlessly. She smiles at him in return before addressing the camera.
Saf: Of course, working next to such big names and artists can be quite intimidating. But I think as long as we put out work that we can be proud of, I will be satisfied.
Saf: But I would appreciate it if the viewers would look kindly upon us as it is our first time on this show. I’m kind of a wimp; I think I’d be pretty hurt if I saw we were receiving hate comments.
Saf’s smile indicates she’s only joking, and the production team can be heard laughing behind camera.
Ash: I doubt anyone in their right mind would send you hate.
Saf: Why not?
Ash: All you do is sit and smile and release music. What could anyone possibly say about you?
Saf: …I’ll take that as a compliment.
Ash: It was one.
“I hope you know that if you break her heart,” Changmo starts, “I’m petitioning to kick you out of the company. I am NOT risking losing an invite to AOMG-H1GHR parties because of you.”
Ash rolls his eyes. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, dude. Glad to know you have so much faith in me. But also, chill out. I haven’t even done anything yet.”
“Yet? So you are planning on making a move?” Hash Swan questions. Ash sighs. Why are these guys reading so much into everything he says?
“No, I am not making a move, I barely know her,” Ash refutes. “She’s just a producer that I will be working with for the next couple months.” That day was the first time he’d ever talked to you. There is no reason to get excited about anything just yet, even if he does think you have a nice smile.
“Come on, Ash. She’s not just a producer,” Leellamarz points out. Ash is a bit wary of where he’s going with this-
“She’s a very cute producer.” -and rightfully so. Ash really can’t catch a break with these guys. They all burst out laughing, and Changmo gives Leella a high-five.
“Whatever,” Ash mutters. “Why the sudden interest in my love life anyway?”
“Wow, you’re not even gonna try and deny that you think she’s cute?” Hash asks. This guy is way too observant.
“I have eyes. How am I supposed to not think she’s cute?” Ash says bluntly.
“You know, contrary to what you may believe, not everybody has to find her cute,” Changmo says, mostly just to tease him. “Maybe she’s just not my type,” he shrugs.
“Yeah, that’s because she’s actually nice,” Ash retorts. “And we all know that isn’t your type.”
“That’s never been your type either, Ash, so why the sudden change of heart?” Leella asks.
“Maybe I’m looking for a change of pace,” Ash says with a noncommittal shrug. This is all hypothetical anyway. It’s not like he’s planning on asking you out or anything. He just thinks you’re cute, there is no reason for the guys to make such a big deal out of it.
“Yeah, well be careful. You’re going to make some very scary people mad if you mess around with her,” Changmo warns.
“Please, the H1GHR guys are like literally the nicest guys on the planet. I think I’m safe,” Ash says.
“That’s not who I’d be worried about if I were you.”
a/n: let me know what you think!! was the official show part too short? are there parts that sound weird/awkward? first time writing full fics so i'm always open to feedback!
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taehyungs-perm · 4 years
midnight love - ch.2
midnight love collab w @jimins-filter
jimin x reader; superhero au; childhood best friends to lovers au; ceo, billionaire philanthropist, playboy!jimin
genre: angst; lowkey funny; eventual smut 
summary: playboy park jimin comes back to seoul city after disappearing for six years; too much has changed, especially you. living out your nights as nyx, seoul city’s dark knight, is a secret you’ve kept for as long as jimin’s disappeared. but what happens when a new hero named eros comes into town just as park jimin shows up at your front door...
chapter 1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Sixty-six, sixty-seven, sixty-eight, Jimin counted in his mind, pulling himself up to the bar. His muscles tightened with every pull and he let out a groan as he finally finished his last rep. He wiped the sweat off his brow, panting as he dropped from the pull up bar. Grabbing the towel hanging from the hook, he wiped the dripping sweat off of his body as he made his way to the bench to retrieve his water bottle. Distantly he heard the doors of the gym open with an unmistakable creak, but he paid no mind as he chugged the water, appreciating the cool liquid against his throat.
“Long time no see,” he heard a familiar deep voice echo through the room.
Jimin quickly whirred around to see who entered the gym. It was Kim Taehyung, his childhood best friend and most trusted advisor (and on most occasions, his drinking buddy). Jimin immediately broke into a smile, his eyes squinting, at the familiar sight of Tae’s curls and his expensive fashion taste. He ran to his friend, ready to engulf him in a koala hug.
“Taehyung!” Jimin embraced his friend, feeling the most happy he’s been in the while.
“Jimin, this is Gucci! Take a shower first,” Tae said, attempting to push Jimin away, laughing all at the same time. He ruffled Jimin’s soft black hair affectionately. “I see you’ve grown a little.” 
“Shut up. I could still beat up your ass.” Jimin jokes, batting Tae’s hand away.
“No doubt,” Tae said, inspecting Jimin’s abs with a raised eyebrow. “Wherever you’ve disappeared to in the last six years has prepared you for an apocalypse.”
“On a serious note, thank you Taehyung. For taking care of Park Enterprises while I was away.”
“Of course man. Park Enterprises is everything to me, to you, to your family. I would do everything in my power to keep it going.”
“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.”
“But I suspect you didn’t call me here just to say thanks.” Taehyung said, sliding his hands into the pockets of his brown trousers.
“Well I was hoping to see you at my party a few days before, but…” Jimin trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Not all of us can be playboys, Park. Some of us got jobs. Some of us have to do your job.” Taehyung smirked.
“I’m turning over a new leaf, Taehyung.”
“Good one,” Taehyung laughed.
“I’m being serious. I need your help.” Jimin said solemnly.
“What sort of help?”
“You still design suits?”
“Of course. The other day I designed a 3 piece velvet suit complete with a waistcoat—”
Jimin chuckled nervously, “I’m not talking about that kind of suit.”
Taehyung wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion, “Jimin, what exactly are you planning?”
“Seoul needs my help.”
“Your help? As Park Jimin, CEO of Park Enterprises?”
“No, Seoul needs my help as someone else.”
Taehyung sat down on the workout bench slowly, trying to piece together the full meaning of what Jimin wanted, “You’re not a vigilante.”
“I could be. And I don’t want to think of myself as some lawless criminal.”
“But that’s exactly what you would be Jimin! You’re not seriously thinking about putting on some jumpsuit and beating up random people!”
“I’m not going to be beating up random people. I’m taking care of the people of Seoul. That’s what Nyx is doing and the city loves her!”
“One vigilante is enough. Seoul doesn’t need someone else running against the law.”
Jimn paused, “I just...think this city needs some help.”
“What? You don’t think Nyx is doing enough?”
“I think Nyx is one person against an entire corrupt city. She needs help.”
“What if she doesn’t want it?”
“It doesn't matter what she wants. It’s about what the city needs.” 
“From whom does she need help from exactly?”
“Eros? As in the god of love?” Taehyung questioned, cracking a smile.
“Shut up man. The dude’s a beast with his arrows and shit.”
“I assume this is what you’re training for? What you have been training for?”
Jimin crossed his arms and nodded, “It wasn’t my intention at first I guess. But once I left Seoul I realized what a mess it was, how it was infested to the brim with criminals and dangers. I want to save Seoul. I want to be a hero but I don’t want anyone I love to get hurt so I have to keep my identity a secret.”
Taehyung went silent for a few minutes before breaking the silence, “Told ______ about your little plan?”
“Fuck no. She would lose her mind. I just got on her good side, I’m not about to mess it all up.”
“How did you manage to get on her good side already? Last time I talked to her she was pissed as hell at you.”
Jimin smirked, “Guess it was that classic Park charm.”
“You do know she has a boyfriend?” Taehyung looked at Jimin with apprehension.
“I know.” was all Jimin said. He didn’t want to add the tiny, embarrassing detail that she told him when he was about to kiss her. 
“That’s rough buddy.” 
“Have you met the guy?” Jimin asked with a jealous tone.
Taehyung nodded, “He’s really cool. And he’s really good for ______.”
“Is that your not-so-subtle way of telling me to fuck off?”
“I’m just saying man, you’ve been gone a long time. People change. ______’s changed. You had your chance back in college, but you were too busy caring about your fuckboy reputation. Just be her friend, it’s what she really needs and it's what you really need.”
“I hate when you're right.”
Taehyung stood up and patted Jimin’s arm comfortingly, “So, tell me a little about what kind of suit you’re looking for.”
Jimin smiled then led Taehyung over to his workshop desk with various blueprints, “I need something functional yet fast. I need to be protected but be able to move quickly. Something made out of carbon fiber?”
Taehyung scanned the blueprints, different designs of suits that were in shades of black and red. Taehyung rubbed his chin in thought, “When do you need this by?”
“This weekend?” Jimin asked hopefully.
“I can make that work, but you gotta do something for me in return.”
“What is it? I'll do anything.”
“You gotta show up at your fucking job.” Taehyung said smiling as he rolled up the blueprint, tucking them at his side.
“Taehyung, thank you. I mean it.” Jimin said, earnestly.
Taehyung winked at him as he opened the gym doors and left. 
True to his word, Jimin showed up to work bright and early. As he walked into Park Enterprises, he swore he saw a few of the employees fall out of their chair at the sight of him alive and well. That, and the fact that he showed up to work for once. He opened the door to his office and saw that it remained relatively untouched. One wall was taken up with floor-to-ceiling windows while another was decorated with an array of sleek black cabinets.Jimin made his way to the big, glass desk in the middle of the room and logged onto his computer (he couldn't believe his account hadn’t been deleted after all these years). It had been far too long. He didn’t even know where to start but he decided maybe going through his overflowing inbox was a beginning. After staring at his computer screen for what felt like hours, Jimin’s attention was caught by the sound of his office door opening. He was completely shocked at the figure in his doorway. 
“Yoongi-ssi?” Jimin quickly bowed, remembering his formalities and the respect he had for his mentor. He was after all the one who had taken Jimin under his wing and trained him, taught him what real fear was.  Jimin was taken aback at Yoongi’s appearance; he had only seen Yoongi wearing the traditional hanbok yet here he was in a full beige three piece suit, handkerchief and all. 
Yoongi walked over cooly with his hands in his pocket, a clear demeanor of confidence, “Nice office you got here Jimin. I see why you left.”
A spark of nervousness flew through Jimin’s body, “I wasn’t aware you were stopping by or that you were even in the city,” he replied levelly.
Yoongi slowly sat in Jimin’s chair, crossing his legs, “I just came to see the city you’ve talked so much about. I wanted to see how you are doing. Adjusting well, I presume?” His voice had a tone of sarcasm layered underneath it, but that was typical of Yoongi.
Jimin decided to play along with his game, his steely gaze locked on to Yoongi,  “Yes, I’ve missed my city and my home. It’s good to be back.”
“I hope you haven’t returned to old habits.” Yoongi looked at Jimin with a glint in his eyes, a sly smile playing on his lips. 
Under normal circumstances, Jimin would’ve buckled under Yoongi’s intense stare. But he’d spent the better part of the last six years under Yoongi’s guidance, and he was well trained from not shying away from his old mentor.“Of course not Yoongi-ssi.” Jimin replied coolly.
“Lying is not tolerable in our mantra, if you recall.” Yoongi said sternly.
Jimin’s face flared in embarrassment, “I’m sorry, Yoongi-ssi. I wouldn’t count it as old habits to be honest. One night of fun is hardly an indicator of me going back to the old days.”
“I guess. So, with the knowledge and training you’ve been given, what exactly is your plan?”
Jimin’s entire body went stiff. As much as he respected his mentor, there was something off about his behavior: the way that he just suddenly appeared in Seoul, in Jimin’s office. Yoongi had always been a bit standoffish but never cold towards his mentees; something strange was going on. Jimin needed to figure out why Yoongi was really in Seoul
.Ignoring Yoongi’s question, Jimin cleared his throat, “Yoongi-ssi, what are you really doing here in Seoul?”
Yoongi smirked at his pupil’s clear avoidance of his own question, “Nothing really, some sightseeing, some investing. There is some great property here in Seoul.”
Jimin egged him on further, “Are you thinking about purchasing an apartment or..”
“Perhaps. Maybe some buildings as well. I’ll have to do some more research.”
Jimin narrowed his eyebrows, confused. Yoongi had never expressed any interest in buying property in Seoul before, not once in the six years Jimin knew him. 
“Why?” Jimin asked lightly, trying not to tip Yoongi off of his suspicions.
Yoongi picked up a pen laying on Jimin’s desk. He twirled it around in his fingers and spoke nonchalantly, “Just diversifying my income.”
Suddenly Yoongi’s phone started to ring. Yoongi pulled his phone out of his inside coat pocket and stood up, “I have to take this. But it was nice seeing you Jimin. I hope we can sit down and have a proper chat later.” 
Jimin bowed again at his mentor as Yoongi left his office. The moment the door closed, Jimin sat down and exhaled a deep breath. What was Yoongi-ssi doing here? Why is he investing property in Seoul?
When Jimin returned to his empty apartment that night, the last thing he wanted to do was be alone. For a moment, he thought about calling ______. But after his last encounter with you, he thought it best to give you space. Instead, he dialed Namjoon to tell him to come over (and to bring food as well).
When the elevator doors clicked open, Jimin saw Namjoon stride over to him, holding a bag full of Korean takeout. Namjoon was wearing his regular attire: an oversized jacket with a cap nestled on his soft brown hair. He smiled as he saw Jimin, a deep dimple forming on both cheeks.
“How was the first day of work?” Namjoon said, plopping down on the couch across from Jimin.
“Sucked ass. I have literally no idea what I’m doing. How the fuck have you and Taehyung been doing this for six years?” Jimin said, laying his head back on the couch. 
“I ask myself that question everyday,” Namjoon laughed as he began taking out plastic containers of food.
Namjoon handed a pair of chopsticks to Jimin and pushed a container towards him, “Eat. You’ve had a long day.”
Jimin smiled at his friend and began to eat the bowl of japchae in front of him, “Have you talked to Taehyung?”
Namjoon nodded, “I think he’s honestly trying to wrap his head around it still but he’s working on your suit and it’s coming along pretty well.”
“You’ve seen it?”
“Just the rough model of it but it looks great so far.”
“I can’t believe that he agreed to it.” Jimin said, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“I can’t believe you convinced me.” Namjoon added, taking a bite of rice.
“Honestly I thought you were going to be way harder to get on my side.”
“I mean as much as I hate the idea of you going out and doing vigilante shit, you’re right. This city needs all the help it can get and Nyx can’t do it alone.”
“Speaking of Nyx, who is she?”
“No one knows.”
“You’re telling me no one knows anything about her? She’s been active almost six years and no one has found out anything about her?”
“She keeps a low profile. The only thing I could tell you, which really isn’t a secret, is that she works with SCPD.”
Jimin leaned forward, interested, “Who does she work with specifically? She can’t be coordinating with the entire police force.” 
“I believe she works with Detective Jin. But I’m not 100% sure. I can do some research on it and let you know.”
“Thanks man. Another weird thing happened today, Yoongi-ssi came by my office.”
“Your mentor from that weird ninja group?” Namjoon’s voice had a tone of clear sarcasm.
Jimin corrected him, “The League of Shadows, but yes.”
“That’s my question too. He said some bullshit about buying property or something, but I don’t believe him. Hey, could you do me a favor and look into which properties he’s bought or is going to purchase?”
Namjoon nodded, “You think he’s up to something?”
“I’m not sure yet but something weird is definitely going on.”
“I'll look into it and the Nyx stuff. You got the computers set up in the basement, right?”
Jimin nodded, “I’ll text you the passcode but it's on B4 in Park Enterprises.”
“I don’t trust him,” Namjoon said, rubbing his chin in thought.
“Yoongi-ssi?” Jimin asked, confused. 
Namjoon nodded, “That entire League of Shadows business is just so….suspicious.”
“I mean, it is called the League of Shadows for a reason. We work in the shadows.” Jimin chuckled.
“I don’t ask you too many questions about your time away Jimin, but you’ve changed. A lot”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“I haven’t decided yet. But I just know the old Jimin wouldn’t have turned his back on his friends for six years.”
“I told you Namjoon, I couldn’t call anyone.”
“But why? You’ve never told me why. ‘Couldn’t’ implies it was out of your control. So doesn’t it make you question why you couldn’t call anyone?”
“It’s for protection.”
“Who’s? Yours? Mine? The League’s?” Namjoon said, a bit annoyed.
Jimin went silent. He hadn’t really questioned who’s protection his silence was for. Yoongi-ssi made it clear from the moment Jimin stepped into the dojo that there were two rules: obey the mantra and swear to secrecy. But why? Did the League have something to hide? Did Yoongi have something to hide?
Namjoon flipped on the news as Jimin simmered in his thoughts. The headlines blared ‘JUST IN: BANK ROBBERY AT SEOUL UNITED’. Jimin and Namjoon exchanged weary glances, worry sinking into their stomachs.
You pushed through the revolving doors of her parents’ building. You hated going here, you could almost taste the despair in the air. Too many memories of missing out on hangouts with friends, missing recitals and performances all because your parents were too busy to take you. Good thing you weren’t here to see them. You saw them exclusively on Sundays; you couldn’t handle anymore than that. You tried to get past the front desk but of course you heard the familiar shriek, “Ms. ______, welcome!”
You gripped your leather messenger bag tightly, trying to control your anger, “Hello”
“Are you here to see your parents? I’m afraid they are both in meetings curr-”
You cut off the secretary, “I’m not here to see them. Just here to meet a friend.”
“Oh, alright. Have a nice day then.”
“Thank you. Also, please don’t tell my parents that I was here. I wouldn’t want to bother them with this.”
The secretary nodded and you quickly walked to the elevators, hitting the down arrow a couple of times impatiently. The elevator doors opened with a ding and you hopped in, pressing the B8 button. After a few seconds and a feeling of weightlessness, the doors re-opened and you stepped out, heading down the same path you had been going down for the past six years.
You walked up to the familiar cubicle and saw a figure with unmistakable tousled black hair focused on the computer screen in front of him, his tattooed hands flying across the keyboard . When you peered a little closer to see what he was working on, it became evident he was fully immersed in a PVP video game. You sneaked up behind him, getting as close as you could without alerting him.
“Hey Jungkook,” you whispered, giving him a little push.
Jungkook immediately jolted in his seat, clutching his shirt where his heart would be. “Never do that again, you scared me!”
He swiveled around to face you, while you were silently laughing at his reaction. He clearly didn’t expect your presence.
“You’re here! I didn’t know you were coming,” Jungkook pushed up his glasses that had been knocked awry by his jump and adjusted his tie nervously. You couldn't help but smile at his shy behavior.
“What’d you expect?” you chuckled, you would be lying if you said you didn’t have a soft spot for Jungkook. “I texted you this morning that I would swing by lunch to see if the tr-”
Jungkook nodded excitedly, “Yes, yes of course. I have it ready.” He pulled open his desk drawer and handed you a handheld remote. 
He pointed to the disc, “This is the tracker. First thing,  just pick up one stack of bills, scan it using this remote and a digital marker will be recorded. Once you are trying to actually track the bills, just click the button on the remote. It will connect to the maps on your phone via bluetooth and allow you to track where the money is physically going.”
You turned over the small remote in your hand, analyzing the careful craftsmanship, “This is amazing Jungkook. You’re a genius.”
A light blush bloomed over Jungkook’s cheeks, “Oh, really it’s nothing. I just was messing around with some stuff and it ended up coming together well.”
“Thank you so much,” you smiled, ruffling his already messy hair.
Jungkook nodded, “Just be careful out there.”
You winked at him, “Nyx always is.”
With that, you raced to your car, driving to your apartment as fast as possible. You needed to get the tracker on the bills before anything else happened. After a quick change into your Nyx outfit and grabbing your motorbike, you were on your way to Seoul United.You found Detective Jin’s team surrounding the bank. After speaking with the officer in charge, you were able to get access to the vault and place the necessary tracker. You zoomed back to your apartment, trying to get out of there as quick as possible. Nyx worked in the nighttime; daytime excursions were a risk to your identity. In the evening, you tried to focus on the case files pulled up on your laptop, but an unmistakable feeling of anxiety was creeping up your neck, like something horrible was just about to happen. Then, as if right on cue, your phone pinged with a text from Detective Kim. 
DK: Seoul United has just been robbed. 
You: What? When?
DK: 5 mins ago
You: I’ll be right over
You threw on your Nyx outfit and raced on your bike over to Seoul United Bank. Already there were police cars and news vans surrounding the area. It was hard to see anything past the blue and red sirens and the constant flashes of the journalists’ cameras. You managed to make your way into the bank, finding Detective Kim standing in the entryway. He was talking with someone on his team, his hands on his hips, clearly exasperated. You cleared your throat and Detective Kim turned around.
“Nyx,” he said, seeing your arrival. You simply gave him a two-fingered salute, before following him into the empty bank vault. It was a big, metallic thing with a complicated lock pad on the front. Although the inside of the vault was void of the thousands stacks of cash, there were stray dollar bills littering the floor.
You looked up at Detective Kim, annoyed, “I thought you had your team here.”
He signed, rubbing his forehead, “I did. They were here all night.”
“Then, how did this happen?” you asked suspiciously.
“I don’t know.” He paused then spoke slowly, “I wasn’t here. It was just my team.”
You pursed your lips, thinking about the situation. You stood up, scanning the empty vault, before looking directly at Detective Kim’s eye “Whoever robbed this bank was tipped off. You have a mole in your team.”
“Excuse me?” Detective Kim’s jaw dropped.
“This wasn’t a coincidence Detective. Whoever robbed this bank knew about our plan. There is no way this should have happened if your team was actually prepared. Either your team is incompetent or there’s a mole.” 
“There has to be another explanation.”
“I suggest you thoroughly re-evaluate your team.” you looked at him levelly.
Jin hesitated for a moment, “Fine.”
“There’s only two major banks left in Seoul.” you said, walking around the vault to see if there were any clues left behind.
“Seoul Credit Union and Republic of Korea Trust Corporation.” Jin said, flipping through his notepad.
You said nothing in response, but kept walking back to the end of the vault where a glint of red caught your eye. You moved closer and found a card stuck between one of the tables and the wall. You pulled it and recognized it immediately; it was the card you found in the folder Detective Kim gave you a few nights ago. The blood-red smile stared back at you in mockery.
You turned to show Detective Kim the card, “Same card,”
Detective Kim nodded in agreement, taking the card from your gloved hand and studying it. “It appears so. I guess this means the robberies are done by the same team.”
“Any leads with the ink?” you asked, remembering the conversation you had with Detective Kim that one night regarding the ink of the smiley face on the card. 
“Nothing of interest came up,” Detective Kim said, shrugging, not exactly meeting your eye.“
What’s your plan?”
“Same thing I guess. But with a smaller team.”
You nodded, picking up one of the stray dollar bills scattered on the floor.
Jin looked at you, “What’s your plan?”
“Unlike you, I was prepared.” Pulling out the tracker Jungkook made for you out of your pocket, you scanned the dollar bill with the tracker. After a few seconds, your phone began to beep. Immediately, a maps app pulled up with the word “TRACKING” flashing. After a moment, the location popped up: 14-5, Donam 1-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul.
“I put a tracker on the bills earlier today.” you showed your phone to Jin, “This is where the money is currently.”
“I’m not going to do anything. Just a reconnaissance mission. Observe and I’ll tell you what I find.”
Jin sighed a breath of relief, “I’ll keep you posted on my side as well.”
You nodded, and quickly left the bank, heading to the location on your phone. 
Jimin walked into the basement of Park Enterprises, his steps echoing through the concrete room. He felt a sense of nostalgia walking through these halls. Back when Namjoon, Y/N, and Jimin were younger they would run around here, playing hide-and-seek and tag, while his father would work diligently upstairs. Now, Jimin walked down these halls with a different purpose, while his father laid six feet under, never to breathe again.
Jimin slowed his pace when he came near a metallic door and entered the passcode in the keypad to the side. The door opened with a defined clang and he saw Namjoon clicking away on a keyboard in front of several computer screens. The screens were filled with an array of statistics, new articles, and property reports.
“What’s up?” Jimin asked, leaning on the headrest of Namjoon’s chair. 
“So I was doing some research into what we spoke about the other day,” Namjoon started, clicking away from an article.
“Did you find anything about Nyx?” Jimin asked excitedly.
Namjoon slowly turned his head, looking at Jimin above his shoulder, “Um, no. I was thinking the Yoongi stuff was more important.”
“Right,” Jimin said, trying to hide his disappointment.
“Anyways, I got ahold of some of the listings Yoongi is looking into, but he’s actually only bought one apartment building so far.”
“It’s actually not too far from here.”
“I can go check it out tonight. See if there’s anything weird about the building, or inside of it.”
“Did Taehyung finish your suit?” Jimin nodded, walking to the end of the room where a black panel lay embedded in the wall. Jimin pressed his hand against the scanner to unlock the panel. It moved to the side, revealing a sleek, black suit with red accents made of carbon fiber. Next to the suit, was a titanium black bow and arrow encased in a clear case.
Jimin stripped of his clothes and stepped into the suit. It fit seamlessly, providing him with protection as well as the ability to move around stealthily. He pushed the eye mask against his face and threw his hood over, casting a dark shadow over his face.
“Address?” Jimin called out as he put on the quiver and adjusted the strap so that it lay comfortably on his body.
“14-5, Donam 1-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul,” Namjoon said reading off the computer screen.
Jimin nodded, punching the address into his phone. He bid Namjoon a goodbye before exiting the building and heading to the garage. He summoned his car to him by pressing a button on his keys. The car came to him in a flash, a sleek black car with the state-of-the-art weapons attached to it and a computer interface at his disposal. Not to mention, the seat heaters feel amazing. Jimin hopped in the car, determined to solve this mystery and figure out what Yoongi was up to.
After 15 minutes of driving, you finally arrived at your location. It was a tall, red brick building that was supposedly an apartment complex, according to Google. You stashed your bike a block away from the building, hiding it in an alleyway. There was a fire escape leading to the roof of the apartment building, perfect for preliminary surveillance. You made your way to the roof of the building and perched on a ledge, scanning the terrain. You could hear drunken shouts and laughter from below, but you didn’t see anyone entering or exiting the building.
On the roof itself, there were a few camp chairs with old glass bottles and plastic cups littering the floor. There was also a door which you presumed led inside of the building as well as a water tower a few feet from you. You were a bit frustrated by the lack of places to hide on the roof, but you’ve dealt with worse.
You studied the layout of the building. It would be useless to walk through each floor in hopes of accidentally stumbling upon a room full of bank vault cash. You racked your brain for a better solution before deciding you should call your team to help you locate the most probable floor that the cash could be on.
“Hey,” you said, pressing the button on your earpiece to talk.
Jungkook excitedly answered, “______! I mean, Nyx!”
“What’s up?” Sana asked, much more calmly.
“I’m at the address. Pretty sure it’s an apartment building, judging by the layout, but I have no idea where the money could be. Maybe there’s some sort of hidden room or basement where all this money could be stored. Can you guys pull up the specs of the building?”
“You got it,” Sana said, clicking away on her keyboard.
You waited patiently for a moment before you heard something, a light clank sound. You immediately ducked behind the water tower, highly alert. You could feel your heart beating very fast. Could it be the person behind the blood-red smiley face card?
“Someone’s here,” you whispered softly into your earpiece.
“Who?” Jungkook and Sana asked.
“Not sure.”
“Be careful,” Sana cautioned.
You turned off your earpiece so you could hear what the intruder was doing. You heard soft footsteps crunching on the gravel. You tried to peer around the water tower to see but it was pitch black, too difficult to make out clear movement. You saw a figure moving, you squinted trying to see better. You almost felt scared for a second. You shook yourself out of it. C'mon you’re Nyx. You’ve faced off the mob for crying out loud. Whoever it is, whatever it is, you can handle it
You gripped your pronged knife, unsheathing it, getting in battle stance. You peered once more to see any movement, trying to get the upper hand on whoever this mysterious person was. Part of you thought it might be a random civilian, just wandering off but your instincts told you otherwise. Based on the movements of this mystery person, the soft footsteps and indiscernible breathing, this was clearly someone who knew what they were doing.  You looked over, trying to see any motion in the darkness but when you squinted, you couldn't see anything. You sighed turning your head back around to find an arrow pointed right at your forehead. 
Your eyes immediately went to the beholder of the arrow. A man, you guessed, his face was covered by a large hood but you could make out that he was wearing an eye mask. Another vigilante? Another villain? Was he the one behind the bank robberies?
He was good, good enough to sneak up on you. You forced yourself to calm down, and you gripped your knives tighter trying to formulate a plan. Fighting him straight up wasn’t the smartest move, not yet. You needed some answers first. Keep him busy while he’s talking then attack. Distraction was always the best mode of offense.  
“Who are you?” you asked, not taking your eyes off of the man and the arrow pointed at you.
 “So curious,” he murmured, titling his head to the side. His grip on the bow never wavered.
If anything his answer made you more furious rather than the fact that he was holding a literal arrow to your face. Stay calm Nyx. 
“New in town?” you said, mind racing.
“Not really.” His voice was soft and melodic, almost like he was teasing you. “I’ve never seen you before.” you strengthened your stance, preparing to attack.
“Maybe you have. Maybe you’re just not observant enough.” He said with a chuckle. Then for a moment, his bow wavered. Bingo. You immediately launched a kick at his arm, momentarily surprising him, causing him to drop both his bow and arrow. You twisted his arm so that it was no longer directed towards you, switching places and forcing him against the water tower as you pushed one of your knives against his throat. The man’s adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped at the prospect of getting his throat slashed at any moment.
It was now your turn to torment him.
“Relax cupid I won’t hurt you. Yet.” Your eyes narrowed. “Now tell me, who are you?”
“Now where’s the fun in that?” He smirked. With his free hand, the man turned away your knife holding hand and swiftly kicked your feet out from under you. But you’ve had years of experience and saw this coming. At the last minute, you rolled over so that he was now trapped under you. You had your knees planted on either side of his narrow waist with one arm pinning down his hands. Your knife had clattered away during this, so you decided to press your forearm against his throat.
The man chuckled, sending shivers up your spine, “Usually the girl knows my name before she’s on top of me,”
You pressed your forearm down even harder, “You’re quite obnoxious, you know that?”
“I think you mean charming,” he choked out, struggling to breathe.
“Let me clear something up for you. I have Detective Kim Seokjin on speed dial. It would be so easy for me to simply tie you up and hand you to the Seoul City Police. But perhaps, if you cooperated and gave me some information, we could work something out.” You had no intentions of making a deal with this possible criminal but this was a tactic that always worked in the past. 
“Eros,” he gasped out. “My name’s Eros.”
Intrigued at this outburst, you lessened the pressure against his throat. Funny. A name of a greek god. Like yours. 
“Eros,” you repeated. “The Greek god of love. What an odd name for a villain.”
“Vigilante,” he corrected. You could see his eyes more clearly now, a dangerous obsidian color. 
“Vigilante, is that right?” you mused,  “Sounds like some bullshit a lowlife criminal would say.”
“I’m being serious. But of course that would mean you would have to trust me.” His voice became low and sultry. There was something familiar about him, about his voice, his mannerisms but you couldn't place it. 
“Fine. Be honest. Why are you here?” 
“I’m following a lead.”
“From who? About what?”
“C’mon darling. Do you really think I would give up all my information to someone I don’t even know?”
“I guess you’ll just have to trust me.” you said repeating his own words back to him.
“Maybe we can start by you getting off of me. Don’t get me wrong darling, I would love for this to continue, just under different circumstances maybe.” He whispered, sending shivers up your spine.
Immediately your face flushed. You quickly got up and offered a hand to Eros. He stood up and grabbed his bow and arrow that had clattered away during your fight, walking to the ledge.
“I’m here because I have suspicions about someone I don’t trust. He owns this building, recently purchased and I want to know why. But I’m guessing since you're here too, you have a lead you're following.” He turns to face you, “which makes me think , maybe we are on the same side.”
“Maybe, but I still have no idea who you are. I can’t blindly trust you.” 
“Nyx, if I wanted to take you down, I would have already. Now why don’t you tell me what you’re doing here.”
He had a point, you thought. He was strong, you had felt his rock hard abs and strong muscles when you were on top of him (you were only noting it just in case you had to take him head on, no other reason of course). Eros could definitely put up a good fight; he could possibly take you down. Right now, your instincts were to trust him, see what information he had, and possibly work together. 
You sighed, “I’m here because of a lead Detective Kim gave me.”
You saw his lips turn into a smirk, “Close with Detective Kim?” 
You continued on, rolling your eyes at his unprofessional banter,“Anyways, I’m following a lead from the robberies.”
“The bank robberies?”
You nodded, “There was a connection between all of the recent bank robberies. I found this card at two of the robberies” 
You handed him the card that had the smiley face drawn on it with the blood-like ink. The very one that had plagued your dreams and brought upon many sleepless nights. Whoever was behind the bank robberies were obviously very confident that they would get away with it, especially since they left behind a mark of theirs. Now you just had to find out who.
You studied Eros’s expression carefully when you handed him the card and you saw his eyes widen at the sight of the card, a flash of recognition. “I’ve seen this symbol before, I just can’t remember where,”
You eyed him uneasily. Was he just lying to you or was he being serious? Regardless, Eros knew something about the bank robberies, which was suspicious on some level. 
Eros caught your gaze and spoke in an easy tone, “I promise I’ll look into this and remember where I saw this.”You nodded, feeling a wave of security and gratefulness rush over you. The nagging voice in the back of your head was getting harder to ignore though: Why were you already so trusting of this man you have never met before? 
Eros chuckled softly, “Guess I’m gonna need your phone number.”
You paused for a moment, once again ignoring his overly flirty comments before remembering. You pulled out a burner phone lodged in one of your pant pockets. You had used it in a prior mission and forgot to give it back to Jungkook. You tossed the phone to Eros who caught it with ease. 
“You call me. No need to exchange numbers.”
“You’re killing me, darling.” Eros said, safely storing the phone away. 
You ignored him and continued with what you knew about the bank robberies, “I placed a tracker on the bills and I tracked it to this apartment.”
 “The money is here?”
“Who owns this building?”
“My mentor...” Eros said hesitantly.
“Your mentor?” 
“Yeah. But why would the money come here? Unless he knows about it?”
“Do you think he could be behind the robberies?”
Eros shook his head, “I highly doubt it. He was always preaching about not getting attached to the material world.”
“Here’s the plan, granted you don’t try to surprise attack me in the middle of it. I’ll pull up the specs of the building and we can see what’s here and what’s not.”
Eros nodded, “We should split up, cover more ground.”
“No way. I don’t trust you. What if you find the money and take it all?”
“I mean I wouldn’t, but if you really just wanted to spend some more time with me, then all you had to do was ask, darling.” Eros said, smirking at you. 
“Just keep your eyes peeled,” You said, shaking your head and scoffing. 
You pulled up your phone and found a message from Jungkook, an attachment for the blueprints of the building. You clicked on the attachment and glanced through the drawings. 
“Okay, so it looks like there are apartments on every floor except the basement and the 8th floor.” You announced. “Although I’m not sure why the 8th floor doesn’t have any apartments.”
“Let’s head there first then.” Eros said hurriedly. 
You swiftly picked the lock on the door on the roof and headed down the dimly lit metal staircase. The chipping paint on the wall stated “18th Floor.” It was going to be a bit of a walk; the elevators were too much of a risk for civilians to encounter you. Eros tried to make conversation asking about your past endeavors but you were in no mood to be friendly with someone you didn’t know. Once you reached the 8th floor and opened the door, you found yourself in a completely empty room. You unsheathed your knife while Eros steadied his bow as you both scanned the room, looking for potential threats. 
“Nothing,” Eros said with a tone of disappointment. 
“Why would this room be empty?” you said, utterly confused. 
“Well, my mentor just bought this building so maybe he has plans for this room. I dunno, this is all very weird. We should hurry up to the basement though. We don’t wanna get caught.”
You nodded in agreement and went back into the stairwell with Eros following behind. It didn’t take long to reach the basement but once you both were battle ready, you slowly opened the door to the basement. Your eyes widened in shock. The basement had been transformed into some underground factory, machinery everywhere, metal tables, and boxes piled high. 
“What the fuck?” Eros muttered under his breath as he gripped his bow tighter. 
You walked around analyzing what was laid out in front of you. You headed to the pile of boxes stacked on the furthest wall. You sliced open the box that was about your eye level using your pronged knife. Purple powder started to spill out of the box and you could see some clear plastic peeking through. Confused and curious, you cut through the tape of the box to properly examine its contents.
“Holy shit.” you whispered, your voice echoing through the room. 
Eros jogged over to where you were, “What? What happened?”
He peered over your shoulder and inhaled sharply. Laid right in front of you was a box with packets of packaged purple powder. You looked around the room again, seeing the machinery and tools in a new light. This building was holding an illegal drug factory. 
author’s note: the long awaited ch 2!! it took awhile bc of school, exams, and also thinking through the plot. anyways hope you all enjoy and lmk if u would like to be added to the tag list :)
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Stormy Weather
Part One
Summary: Stormy weather came to Gotham. Roman and reader have their hands full.
Warning: Roman deals with issue..mention of knife use, blood
Note: Collage with peach suit? Photos and putting together with new phone...woo! Also if you were awesome and read the teaser, its been edited a bit...thank you...enjoy!
This takes plac after Steps Forward
You balanced your phone on shoulder. “Come on pick up. Comon’ Roman.” You absently, said. You were annoyed to your bones. Not at him but at how your day was already shaping up.
“Baby,” His raspy voice purred into your ear. “Are you alright?”
You smiled. “I am.” You said through practically gritted teeth. You walked away from the distributor, as he laid out the bolts. “The fabric distributor was late, he just showed up. I am only now looking them over.” You sighed and blew some hair that had fallen into your eyes. “And I still have to get back and work on Edward’s new piece.”
“Fuck, Edward and come home to me.”
Your heart leapt, you were still wrapping your head around that. The idea of coming home to Roman.
“I want to, but I should get some work on it. He just increased what he was willing to pay for it. so I should get some work done on it.”
“Ah, well yeah let’s not rankle him. Want me to have the chef bring some left overs up for later?”
“That would be nice.”
Shuffling sounds filled your ear. “Zsaz, tell the chef he needs to bring Y/N’s portion upstairs tonight.”
A huge smile spread across face as you heard a however muffled Roman, telling Zsasz to make sure your dinner would be taken care of.
“Now?” You heard him in the distant say.
“Yeah. He’ll keep.”
You realized then that Roman had possibly answered your call in the middle of. You pressed your lips together.
Despite what him possibly entirely good reason for what he was doing you felt bad.
“Baby, come to club when you’re done mmmokay?”
“I will try.” Honesty and your time was always the best way to approach it.
You heard a flicker of a sigh. “If not then I’ll see you in the penthouse.”
“Yes, perfect.”
“Till then.” You knew then, he was defintely in the middle of things when you had called.
“Till then.”
So many colorful bolts of fabric were laid before you. You ran your fingertips over them. You smiled at all the different feelS and textures.
These bolts would give you the opportunity to expand on feelings and even seasons of pieces. You were pleased. You just wished he had been on time.
Roman, hung up with you and tucked his phone away. Straightening his gloves once again. Turning, the wind was knocked out of him as Tony Rosa rammed him and he body bounced on the cold concrete. Blinking, he was looking up at the rafters, seeing stars twinkling in front of his eyes.
He barely, gathered himself when Tony’s beefy hand connected, which he mostly dodged. At the last minute some of his cheek took some of it. Tony groaned as his fist hit the concrete beside him.
Without thinking he rolled and reaching for he grasped one of his knives which he easily flicked open and jammed it into Tony’s upper arm by his shoulder. The man howled and crumbled on pain.
Getting up, Roman kicked him in the side. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
The man grumbled.
“Someone hold this fuck up, I want him to see me when I talk to him.” Zsasz came back then and a few came over to help.
He took his knife out of Tony’s arm and blood poured from the wound. “Look you had fucked up. I was going to talk to you maybe land a few punches, then let you get back to work. But we had to talk. But look at you now!” He snarled.
The man whimpered a please.
Roman continued. “We would not have fucking killed you.” Roman rocked his head from side to side.
The man sputtered, Roman could see fear blossoming in his eyes.
“Now fuck you!” He snarled. He slammed down his knife into his shoulder. Looking at Zsasz, he smirled. “Make him fuckiny suffer and then disappear.”
He turned on a heal, winded and still feeling out sorts he was relieved to have weak link gone from the men who worked for him.
“I fucked up.” Tony croaked behind him.
He stopped and barely turned. “I don’t care.” He cleared the cold warehouse and as he began to scream.
“Take me home.” He said as he slid into the back of the rolls.
Before heading back to your studio, you seriously debated just going home. Something itched, some pulled at you to do so. That mostly like was just because now calling the penthouse home was wonderful.
A whole new dynamic and even level of intimacy grew between you. But you really should get some work done, if you focused, you could get a lot done and head over. That is exactly what you would do.
You ordered your tea, which you seriously needed, after how early you had awoken and it had been all for not since the distributor had arrived so late. Your saving grace that morning, was Roman had to be up early for his first meeting too.
As you looked up at the sky, the heat of the morning was lessening yet there was the feel of a storm brewing. Maybe the first thunderstorm of the season. The clouds certainly were churning between being gray and big puffy white ones. Hopefully, you’d be back at your studio before any of it decided to happen.
You would grab on of those yummy croissants to nibble on while enjoying the tea, you mused as you walked into the coffee shop.
“Mrs. Sionis? Mrs. Sionis?”
You stood off to the side waiting. When you heard, Mrs. Sionis your ears pricked up. You looked over at the barista confused.
“Tea and croissant?”
You went over. “But I’m not Mrs. Sionis,” you looked around. “We’re only dating.”
“Oh! Well umm, sorry here anyway.” Said, the otherwise very bored looking barista.
“Alright.” You smiled, shaking your head.
Once outside, you actually giggled on the way back to the penthouse. Mrs. Roman Sionis, Y/N Sionis, you imagined and giggled again then bit into your croissant.
“Doesn’t sound bad.” You said aloud but once again you giggled. It reminded you of the days when you were little imagining fairy tale weddings and your prince charming.
Before sliding in the door to your studio, you leaned happily against.
Your fairytale prince you mused, you thought back to how Roman looked this morning, despite the incredibly early hour and after such a late night. He looked sharp in that peach suit. So sharp, so handsome as the two of you talked over breakfast and his little teasing kiss before you had left. It still gave you butterflies.
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He shed, the peach jacket as he remembered what you said. You had been right. It was dirty now, his lips wrinkled in disgust.
Grabbing a wash cloth, he examined his cheek over the sink. Turning on the faucet, he began to wash it. His cheek was swollen.
After several curses, it was clean and shouldn’t scar but he was angry. No one had better try and mess with him tonight.
“Where the fuck is she?” He snarled when Zsasz came back to the table with a few of the guys and you were not with them.
Something irked him. You were not answering your phone.
“She wasn’t there or at least not answering the doorbell.” Zsasz, scratched the back of his head. “Or the pounding on the door.”
Roman shook his head. “Something is up.” He pressed his lips together. “You stay here in case there are any new developments. And I need you to leave fast.”
Getting up, he unbuttoned his suit jacket. The club was closed for the night and the customers were gone.
“You tell her, no damn small talk. She doesn’t need to chat with you or steal some cake from the kitchen. Tell her to come right upstairs, when she finally comes home.”
“Sure thing boss.”
When you awoke, your croissant was squished under your cheek, instinctively you threw it away. Startled you realized your tea had spilt. What the hell happened, your head pounded. You barely remembered coming over to your easel to finish your snack.
Your eyes finally focused on a note.
We know where you work, you bitch of Sionis. Others may love you. We don’t. Watch yourself.
You were barely halfway through reading it when you began to shake and cry. You looked around. Nothing else looked disturbed. Snatching away note, you stuffed it into your pocket. Getting up, you sat back down holding your head.
Blinking, you looked over at the clock near you, it was after four in the morning. They had drugged you good. Reaching into your pocket, you found your phone gone. You couldn’t call Roman. Swallowing and breathing deeply you got up. It was better this time, turning to leave you stepped on something. You looked down and saw it was your phone. Oh, this was horrible.
Getting in a cab, you told them where to take you. When you went to pay, you found the note again but luckily in your other pocket you still had your wallet. You paid, and looking around you went over to the side entrance.
You winced as the thunder clapped loudly above. Glancing skyward, you watched the lightning, streak across sky.
The club had been closed for an hour. As you made your way to the elevator, you saw Zsasz asleep in a chair. Was Roman worried. Making your way over, you soon stepped into the elevator. Soon, walking in you stopped first to gather yourself, you were feeling woozy again but also to pull off your boots. Every sound would echo in the other wise silent penthouse. Looking down the hall toward the bedroom you two shared was eerily cold and appeared even more silent then the rest of the penthouse.
He had not gone to bed. Of course he wouldn’t. You had failed to show up to the club and you had not certainly not just gone up here straight away and fall asleep. You were surprised, you didn’t find him pacing.
As you walked by the one column, ghosts of you and him being cute and flirty popped in your head. The day had started so differently. Now, you knew people hated you and you had been drugged. Fear continued uncoil in your stomach.
Lightning brightened the entire sitting area, long with the rest of Gotham. Moments later as the thunder rumbled in, you shivered as it felt like the storm was directly above the building.
A small smile tugged on your lips, when you spotted him sitting near the huge picture window. Relief filled you. The lightning that came again illuminated but then brought him back into the darkness of the night.
“There you are you.” You kept your tone light, airy and damn as even as you could manage.
The rumble of thunder, made you wince in once again. It sounded like some giant trying to break in and steal you away from your prince.
He looked away from the window and his eyes moved till they met yours. The lightning, stretched its slender fingers across the sky once more. It allowed you to see the sharp features of your Roman, though now you saw the smudge a bruise on one cheek, the sight of it made your stomach lurch.
“Oh Roman.” You cried, had they gone after him too.
“Where the fuck have you been?”
The tears came again, you didn’t care. “Roman please,” His name, your voice was a cry it was barely coherent. You did what your entire being needed, begged you to do. Despite some resistance at first, which then turned into his arms wrapping around you, making you feel safe since you woke up against your easel. You met his eyes. “Someone drugged me.” Your voice shook, and you nestled into the crook of his shoulder. You sighed as you did, breathing him in deeply.
You felt though as his entire body went rigid, you could feel as he looked at the crumbled note.
“Those fucking animals.” He barked, and after a few breaths. His voice still angry though it had managed to take a softer edge in a way only he could pull off. “My poor baby, daddy is here and will take of you.” You felt a brief kiss on your head before he settled back. You knew you’d have to move soon. He would want to get moving, to see if he could follow any leads, talk to his allies, that were actually loyal.
You also knew that he actually, enjoyed taking care of you and right now you needed that more then a solution at that moment.
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @queenofgotham800 @brookisbi @peachthatdrinkslemonade @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @starwarsslytherin @proffesionalclown @chogisss @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @blondekel77 @saphic-susperia @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight @lemairepstuff @generallj
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Company Chapter 3: Imbolc
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Moodboard made by Kim <3
Peter and Oberon find warmth with each other. Another Fae has different plans.
Warnings for this chapter: Fluff, smut and angst, magic and folklore, mischief, masturbation, anal (fingering), hand job, rather vanilla sex tbh? it’s full of love, then regrets and a scene that could be compared to how victims respond after rape (and the next chapter that will release on Ostara will likely contain actual dub-/noncon so please continue with care), Mysterio is here to fuck shit up.
Go to the Masterpost for all the teaser poems and chapters! Read Company - Chapter 3: Imbolc on AO3 —————————————————————————————- Here it is! Chapter 3! The next one will be posted on Ostara, March 21st. Thank you for reading it, if you do! I hope you enjoy!!! <3 - Lien
The Fae haunts Peter. His thoughts, his dreams- both day and night. Oberon’s smile and intense gaze follow Peter through life. He catches himself yearning to hear the man’s laughter, to feel his fingers curl in Peter’s neck as he did when he took off Peter’s coat. Sometimes, Peter imagines how he would whisper, laying next to him in bed. How his soft lips and stubble would contrast themselves on the shell of Peter’s ear. He can only guess the words the Fae would tell him, but part of him wonders what his name would sound like from Oberon’s tongue. “Peter…” The young man gasps as he shakily thrusts up into his hand, spilling over his lower abdomen. His muscles tense and his lips part to let out a strained noise in a half-assed attempt to hold back his ecstatic experience. Wave upon wave of pleasure floods over him until his body and member slack. Peter pants, eyes closed, and whispers the Fae’s name in reply to his imagination. “Oberon-” Peter knows he shouldn’t be thinking of Oberon like this. The more he gives in to his growing infatuation with the Fae, the more likely he is to slip up and give himself to the man fully. He can’t help the small voice in the back of his head, wondering how bad it would be to spend eternity with Oberon. Would it be bad at all?
… When Imbolc finally arrived, Peter took the first train to the woods. Maybe he’s a little eager, but he simply can’t wait to see Oberon again. He scrolls through his phone, smiling at some silly photos of May he took last week and setting one as his lock screen. She’s alive again because of the Fae- because of Oberon. And all the man wants is company. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, Peter thinks. If it’s company he wants, it’s company he’ll get. With the snow gone, Peter more confidently finds his way through the woods. He’s still not exactly sure where to go, but at least the direction he’s taking feels like it makes more sense. “Oberon?” Peter uses his hands to help his voice carry further. “You here?” “Why, aren’t you cute.” Peter’s back straightens and he turns, startled, at the voice behind him. A man with slightly longer, pushed back, dirty blond hair grins down at him from a large branch. His short, trimmed beard enunciates his jawline and he has large eyes, almost comically so. They glow dim, just like Oberon’s. Fae. Bad news. Peter swallows and presses his lips on top of each other, breathing in through his nose. “Says a strange man sitting in a tree by himself in the middle of the woods,” he replies calm and collected. The Fae chuckles darkly, causing a shiver to run down Peter’s spine. The man hops off the branch and lands effortlessly. “Hmm,” the Fae hums. “If it is strange I am here in the woods by myself, then why is it not odd you are here?” “I’m looking for someone,” Peter answers earnestly. “A friend who goes by Oberon.” Suddenly, Peter’s blood seems to freeze, locking him in place as the Fae stalks closer until he is right in front of Peter. He looks down, locking Peter’s eyes with his. The Fae grins and leans in, nearly letting their noses touch. “You may call me Oberon, then.” The man’s breath is cold on Peter’s face and the young man blinks in an attempt to fight a sudden drowsiness that washes over him. “I’ll be your friend.” The Fae’s gaze holds him in place and momentarily, Peter wonders if the beauty of the being’s bright blue eyes are the cause of this sleepiness. He is using magic on Peter and only now does it become painfully obvious what Oberon could have done to him from the start, but never did. “I don’t think I should-” As quickly as the Fae got hold of him, he lets Peter go again. He looks to his side cautiously and when Peter blinks, the Fae is gone. “Puck,” a familiar voice speaks. Immediately, a smile grows on Peter’s face. He pivots and the Fae seems surprised by how Peter beams. “Oberon, hey!” Peter holds himself back. Part of him wants to fall into the Fae’s embrace straight away, but as much as his feelings for the man have rooted and grown, he’s not sure Oberon has gone through the same. “Who were you talking to?” Oberon inquires curiously. Peter cocks his head and frowns. With an uncertain pout, he looks around him. “Nobody- eh, myself, I guess? I tend to do that.” … “What’s that?” Oberon creeps over Peter’s shoulder, staring at the device in Peter’s hand. The young man is seated on the soft pillows of Oberon’s cabin. Peter grins. “With my aunt back at work, she started making money again.” He holds up his phone to proudly show it to Oberon. “She gave me this phone for Christmas!” The Fae frowns slightly and shuffles to sit down next to Peter, who sucks in a breath at how close the man is to him. “Phone…” Oberon repeats, lost in thought. “It looks fragile.” “Well,” Peter chuckles. “I wouldn’t throw or toss it. I don’t want it to break- these things are expensive.” “Huh.” Oberon cocks an eyebrow. There’s a curious glimmer in his eyes as he stares at Peter’s fingers caressing the screen. “May I… May I see it?” “You are seeing it, aren’t you?” Peter smirks. Oberon scoffs and gestures at the phone. “From up close, please?” “Since you asked so nicely,” Peter says theatrically, wanting to hand Oberon the device. However, he quickly pulls back. “There’s metal in this.” “I can handle it, remember?” Oberon says with an encouraging nod. “I am Iron Man.” “Right- right,” Peter chuckles at the silly nickname and passes the phone to the Fae. The man turns and twists it in his hands, studying it intently. His eyes squeeze to slits in an attempt to look into the charger hole. “Press the button on the screen,” Peter instructs. Oberon looks up at him confused, but does as told. The screen lights up and a photo of Peter and May together appears. Oberon gasps in awe. “Who is that?” “M-“ Peter stops himself, nearly saying her name. “My aunt.” “The one I helped?” Peter nods. “She seems nice.” “She’s the nicest.” “Not I?” Oberon jokes, causing Peter to scoff a soft laugh. “Don’t make me choose.” Oberon perks up at that, eyes wide and glimmering, mouth open in a wide smile. “So, you think I am nice?” “I- I don’t mind spending time with you.” Peter looks away into the fire, blushing profusely and silently swearing at himself for feeling it crawl up to his ears. Oberon stays quiet, but Peter can practically hear him grinning. The Fae settles flush next to him as they both stare at the flames. “I think you are nice too,” Oberon speaks softly. He slowly raises his hand to give the phone back to Peter. Instead of taking it, Peter curls his fingers around Oberon’s and presses the home screen again. Oberon seems surprised by Peter’s actions, but watches intrigued as Peter swipes up, opening the camera without unlocking his phone. Oberon gasps when he is met with his own moving image on screen. “It is a mirror?” Oberon moves the phone closer to his face with Peter’s hands still on top of his. “A camera.” “For… Photos?” The Fae looks at Peter with a cocked head. The young man smiles and nods. “Correct,” he replies with a posh accent. “And videos too. Here-” Peter takes the phone out of Oberon’s hands and angles it so they are both in shot. His thumb hovers over the button on screen. “Cheese!” Right as Peter presses the button, Oberon turns to him with a frown. “Cheese?” Click. “What does that have to do with pictures?” Peter snorts and looks down at his phone to open his album. Oberon’s captured face is pricelessly confused, but Peter understands where it came from. “I- I’m not actually sure,” Peter chuckles. “I think it has to do with the word itself? Like, you kind of smile when you say it?” “I smile when I say cheese because it reminds me of its lovely taste.” Only then Oberon notices the photo on Peter’s screen. “Oh, that one is not particularly flattering,” he deadpans as he leans in to look at himself. “Can we tear it?” “Let’s not rip up my phone.” Peter smiles. “I’ll delete it.” “Just because I cannot lie, does not mean I cannot tell when others do,” Oberon says smugly. Peter hides his phone, but his eyes shimmer mischievously. “We could also just try again?” “Yes, let’s do that,” Peter says, already promising to himself that that photo will be his home screen. Peter unlocks his phone and raises his arm to angle it right again. His breath hitches when he feels Oberon press himself against Peter, to fit in the frame better. The Fae’s breath is warm in his neck and Peter nearly forgets what they were doing. He smiles awkwardly, but it turns into a genuine laugh when Oberon pokes his side slightly and exclaims: “CHEESE!” … “So, which one of these are edible?” Peter asks as he pulls at the leaves of a bush, nodding at the berries resting at the base of the twigs. “For starters, that one leads to an eternal nap, so I would advise against it,” Oberon states dryly. Peter immediately lets go of the plant and stands up straight again. They had decided, since Peter can’t actually eat food that Oberon offers him, to go foraging. That way, Peter can collect his own food. It’s been around five hours since Peter had arrived at the cottage and their conversations were as interesting and comfortable as they could be. Peter really loves his time with Oberon. “How about that one?” Peter sheepishly points at another bush with darker berries. Oberon smirks and saunters towards it, taking exactly one berry off of it and tossing it into his mouth. He chews and swallows. “Good pick.” He picks another few berries and eats them. Peter can only stare at Oberon’s bobbing Adam’s apple. After a few bites, Oberon cocks an eyebrow. “Are you alright, Puck? The berries are safe.” Peter blinks and steps towards the bush, but Oberon doesn’t move. Instead, he moves to angle a branch so that the berries are easier to pick for Peter. The young man fills his hand with berries and gratefully pulls his arm back from the bush. Two got squashed in his greedy attempt to fit as many as possible in his hands, but they still look edible. Peter takes his free hand and tastes a single piece. It’s a little sour, but incredibly tasty. He immediately perks up and tosses another three in his mouth, not noticing Oberon’s intense stare on him. Peter’s next bite is a little too eager. To prevent the berry from falling out, he clenches his teeth. However, the berry wasn’t in Peter’s mouth all the way, so it squashes and starts dripping down his chin. “Shit-” Peter exclaims as he makes a cup of his hands to catch the juice dripping down. “Here,” Oberon says quickly. “Allow me-” The Fae raises his hand and steps closer until their breaths mingle. Peter can’t move as Oberon’s thumb finds his jaw and wipes away the juice. He looks up at the man with big eyes, jaw slacked as his mind races. Oberon, seemingly reluctantly, takes his hand back but Peter stops him by dropping the berries he still had to the ground and grabbing hold of the Fae’s wrist. His mouth is dry, regardless of the juicy fruit he just ate. He feels like he’s not breathing, but judging by the fact that he can feel his heart thump in his head and that he sees his chest rising and falling rapidly from his peripheral vision, he’s still taking in oxygen. “Puck?” Oberon whispers. “Are you-” “I think there’s still some left on my lips,” Peter replies breathlessly. It is a bold move, but one he was definitely willing to make after so many more hours of talking and getting to know the man better. “My hands are already sticky.” Oberon licks his lips, eyes strained on Peter’s plump ones. Peter absentmindedly mimics Oberon’s actions. “Only one way to get rid of it then…” Oberon scoffs softly at Peter’s directness. The corner of his mouth curls up as he leans in, closing his eyes. Peter’s and Oberon’s noses brush together and Peter can’t help but close his eyes as well, relishing in the feeling of Oberon’s heat flush against him and his breath mingling with the Fae’s. He gasps softly when he feels a tongue flick against his lips, but the Fae remains distanced in a way that drives Peter mad with want. “I can only imagine how sweet you would taste,” Oberon mutters. “Don’t imagine anymore…” Peter’s order soon turns into a plea. “Please.” “Since when are you so loose? So relaxed? Why would you let me steal a kiss from y-” Peter lets out a strained noise at Oberon’s indecision on what to do, now knowing damn well the Fae wants exactly the same Peter wants. He boldly leans in, immediately opening his mouth so Oberon can push his surprised moan into him. Where Peter took initiative, Oberon now takes the lead. Peter lets himself be guided into the kiss, letting go of Oberon’s hand, so it can find its way into Peter’s hair. After a little bit, Peter pulls back slightly and scoffs a quiet laugh, still not opening his eyes. “Maybe your spells are finally working.” … The door to Oberon’s cabin gets blown wide open as he and Peter are glued to each other, breathing rapidly and tugging at their clothes. The Fae lifts Peter effortlessly, kicks the door shut and pushes the young man up against it. His hips grind into Peter’s crotch and the human whimpers at the friction against his clothed cock. “O-Oberon-” he begs. “More- more, please-” The Fae immediately moves his lips to Peter’s neck to suckle on it. He grins against Peter’s skin when a certain spot has Peter buck his hips involuntarily. Oberon sucks at it a little harsher, drawing the most delicious sounds from Peter. “More-” “I will give you all- everything- all of it.” Oberon’s mutters are nearly incoherent as he ravishes down Peter’s neck, pulling at the hoodie until he can reach Peter’s collar bone. He grazes his teeth past it and pushes his hips up against Peter’s crotch again. “Yes, yes, please-” Oberon carries Peter over to the pillow pile on the floor and sits down with Peter still on top of him. The young man’s eyes flutter open to stare straight into Oberon’s. They glow brighter than they did before. Peter immediately pushes in to kiss him again, rolling his hips into Oberon’s and moaning with every sting of stimulation on his aching clothed cock. The Fae pushes his hips up invitingly as he pulls his head back to take off his shirt. Peter stares, nearly drools, at the beautifully toned chest. “Your turn,” Oberon chuckles darkly. Peter follows the Fae’s lead and undresses his upper body. When Peter’s head is hidden in his dress shirt as he awkwardly pulls it over his head, there’s a sudden intense, wet suckle on his left nipple. “A-ah!” Peter exclaims, twitching under Oberon’s attention. The Fae’s large hands keep Peter in place. He wants to get rid of his shirt asap, but now that he can’t see, the sensations of Oberon’s tongue circling his sensitive bud are all the more overwhelming. When he’s free, Peter throws the shirt away from him and moves his hands into Oberon’s hair to anchor himself. The roll of his hips into Oberon’s crotch is steady now, but both men are ready for more. Peter feels like he’s floating as the Fae turns them both around until he’s pinning Peter on the floor. He rubs their clothed crotches together and all Peter can do is take whatever is given him. “Can I-” Oberon gasps as he sucks possessive marks on Peter’s chest. “M-May I-” “Fuck me-” Peter orders. “Please, I need you-” “Oh, Dandelion,” Oberon moans, tugging at Peter’s pants. “Sweet Chamomile, Bluebell, Primrose…” Each flower nickname is paired with a kiss or a mark or the scraping of teeth over Peter’s skin. His head spins and his eyes roll back as he tries to buck up into Oberon. He can’t close his mouth anymore. All he can do is gasp and moan and attempt to catch Oberon’s lips with his before the Fae moves back to ravish Peter’s neck again. “Clover, Columbine, Sunflower-” When all clothes have been discarded and both men are grinding into each other naked, Oberon’s voice rumbles through the cottage. “Puck-” Peter smiles at how much that particular name takes him out of it. “Parker.” Oberon freezes at Peter’s last name. He pulls back, wide-eyed until he can look at Peter properly. Both of them pant, hips still gently rolling into each other as a soft reminder they’re still going. “What?” The Fae whispers. “Puck isn’t a sexy name, is it,” Peter chuckles, bringing his hands up to trace patterns on his chest with his index finger. He gasps quietly when he brushes past his nipples. “You already know my last name…” Peter half-closes his eyes and licks his lips in an attempt to seduce Oberon to continue. “Use it.” “Parker…” The word gently falls from Oberon’s lips and Peter can feel that same tug at his heart as he did last time. It feels amazing. “Parker,” Oberon repeats, seemingly feeling pleasure from simply saying it as well. “Parker-Parker-Parker-“ Sparks seem to fly from Oberon’s eyes and he growls, moving in to eat Peter up again. Peter is unsure what is happening, but it feels absolutely heavenly. Is it Fae magic? Oberon isn’t in pain, like he said he would be if he broke his promise, so it’s not Oberon using magic directly on him. Maybe Peter feels the unwritten rules of the Fae; rules no one can go around. Not even promises. Oberon might not have Peter’s full name, but through this, part of Peter wonders if he is already bound to him. In all honesty, he couldn’t even mind it if he tried. It feels too good. The sensation is everything; an overwhelming pleasure that makes Peter yearn for more. Earlier, Peter wondered if it would be bad to be bound. But if it feels like this, he is certain that it’s not bad at all. Not with someone as sweet and caring and loving and giving as Oberon. Peter gets brought back to reality by Oberon snapping his finger. The young man blinks dreamily and smiles up at the Fae. “Are you with me?” Oberon checks and Peter nods. “Feels so good-” The Fae grins but it soon fades when Peter cheekily cocks an eyebrow. “However, I do believe I told you to fuck me,” Peter says cheekily. Oberon scoffs a laugh and leans back until he’s up straight again. “Proof of autonomy, right there,” he chuckles as he brings one hand down to circle Peter’s hole. Peter immediately pushes down and lets out a soft whine. “Make me yours-” he gasps. Oberon licks one long stripe from Peter’s right nipple over his collar bone, up to his neck and jaw. “You already are, my flower.” Oberon’s voice is dark and Peter can’t help a high pitched sigh escape his throat. “Are you alright with Oberon?” Peter double checks. “From your lips, always,” the Fae smirks, still teasing around Peter’s entrance. “Anything else, my king?” Peter jokes, referencing the fact that the character is king of the Fae. Oberon freezes at that, causing Peter to open his eyes. “Too much?” Peter ponders out loud. Oberon licks his lips and swallows, seemingly regaining his composure. The Fae then pushes in without warning, curling his finger. Peter’s surprised the glide comes so easily. Like he is already lubed up. Magic, he guesses. He doesn’t really want to think more of it and the ecstasy already makes him forget what just happened. When Peter’s body complies and follows without protest, it doesn’t take long for a second finger to be added. And then a third. Peter is fucking himself on Oberon’s fingers while the man searches for the spot that will make Peter scream. Soon enough, he finds it. Though, after brushing past it once and earning the most delectable noise from Peter, he pulls his fingers back. Before Peter can whine about the lack of touch, the fingers are replaced by Oberon’s stiff cock. “Wasps-” Peter chuckles at the characteristic swear coming from the Fae. “You’re so tight, Parker. So tight.” Oberon bottoms out and stops moving, allowing Peter to get adjusted to the Fae’s girth. Peter, however, is so ready to be fucked, he doesn’t really want to wait anymore. He reaches his, up until now jelly and motionless, arms up until his fingers wrap around Oberon’s shoulders. He then starts pulling and smiles when Oberon lets himself be guided. The Fae’s eyes are closed, like he’s trying to concentrate. It makes him a lot more compliant, which Peter uses to his advantage. Peter keeps pulling and turning until Oberon is laying down and Peter is sitting on top of him. The young man’s hands rest on the Fae’s chest. “Your turn,” Peter whispers, repeating what Oberon said earlier, as he leans down to obscenely lick at Oberon’s perched nipples. He wets them up nicely and moves back enough so his index fingers and thumbs get enough space to start rolling the nipples between them. Oberon chokes back a moan. His entire body is tense. It’s only now that Peter notices Oberon’s arms are spread, fists clenched and… Is that magic in his closed palms? “Are you alright?” Peter inquires. Oberon nods, simply and aggressively. “Holding back-” he chokes out. “What are you holding back?” Peter’s question is paired with a first, slow and gentle roll of his hips. Oberon sucks in a breath and Peter stares curiously at the sparks, brightening in the Fae’s hands. “Magic. My- m-” “Is that magic dangerous to me?” Something about that question thrilled Peter. The only thing that actually frightens him right now is the idea Oberon might want to stop. And also the fact that he may or may not have fallen in love with the man below him. “No,” Oberon groans. “J-Just magic-” he pauses to react to Peter slowly lifting himself up his cock, only to lower himself again and slightly wiggle his hips when he bottoms out. Peter’s curiosity grows by the second, just as his need to get both Oberon and himself off. “What kind?” The words roll off Peter’s tongue, low and alluring. “Illusions- I think I- I can make them be illusions.” Peter isn’t sure what Oberon means with that exactly, but the reply surely piqued his interest. He picks up the pace riding the Fae, reveling in how Oberon falls apart below him. The magic in Oberon’s hands intensifies and it is now Peter’s sole mission to have the man let go for him. Peter leans in and kisses Oberon on the lips, so soft and gentle. “Oberon,” Peter whispers as he sits up straight again, slowly but surely turning his rolling into bouncing. “Open your eyes.” The Fae obeys and moans at the sight of Peter’s body on top of him. In a reflex, the man starts fucking up into Peter in tune with Peter’s bouncing. “O-oh, yes!” Peter exclaims. “I- I wanna see it, Oberon. Y-your magic. Let it out-“ Oberon’s eyes roll back as he loses tension in his fingers. Blues and purples shoot from his hands, surrounding the two lovers with an endless galaxy. Peter gasps surprised, staring at the infinity around them. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. When he looks down at Oberon again, whose eyes still glow and flicker, he notices even the ground has turned to stars below them. He grins as he picks up the pace again. “Never thought I’d get to fuck in space,” he chuckles, riding Oberon feverishly. “Or y’know, get fucked by a Fae.” “You,” Oberon sighs with a smile. “You talk too much.” Now that Oberon doesn’t have to hold anything back anymore, he quickly turns them around like they were before. His hands, still sparking with magic, cup Peter’s cheeks and he brings them together in a hungry kiss. He has once again taken the lead and is now thrusting into Peter, chasing his high. One hand swiftly finds its way down between them. Peter moans into Oberon’s mouth when the Fae’s fingers curl around his shaft to pump him at the same pace as Oberon’s hips move against him. They’re wet and sticky with magic lube and precum and the sounds their crashing bodies make are downright porn-worthy. “Parkeeer…” The Fae groans. “O-Oberon,” Peter replies breathlessly. Their pace is relentless now, bodies tensed and nearing release. “Stark,” the Fae says, causing Peter’s eyes to shoot open when he feels another tug at his heart. The Fae looks down at him with a panting half-smile. “If I get to call you Parker, you get to call me Stark.” Last names. Peter’s entire body shakes and trembles as the edge is ever so close. He’s on fire, surrounded by moons and stars and milky ways and Oberon- Stark, right there with him, above him, making him see even more stars. “S-Stark-” he whispers. Around him, the scene intensifies and Oberon’s eyes glow even brighter. “Yes, that’s it, my sweet, my flower, my Parker-” Peter squeezes his eyes shut. “So close-” Peter isn’t sure if Oberon means himself or Peter, but either way, he’s right. “Wanna cum,” he gasps, biting into Oberon’s lower lip slightly. “Go on then, show me your beauty,” Oberon encourages, moving to sit up a little straighter and parting their faces from each other. Peter instinctively tries to move up along with Oberon, so he can keep their lips locked, but Oberon pushes him back down. The Fae’s thrusts are more calculated now, angled exactly where Peter needs him to go. His last free hand shifts to gently roll Peter’s balls while his other still pumps the young man’s shaft feverishly. “Stark!” Peter’s body thrashes and he cums, spilling himself all over Oberon’s hand and his own belly. He clenches down on the Fae’s cock and smiles deliriously when he milks Stark, the feeling of his insides being coated white adding another surge of pride and pleasure to his high. “Oh, flower,” Stark sighs, nearly dropping himself on top of Peter. “You were so good, so sweet.” Peter’s eyes are already closed, Oberon’s cock still sheathed inside of him. “Hmm…” Stark/Oberon shifts until they are both laying on their sides, bodies still flush together. “Will you sleep for me tonight?” Peter nods absentmindedly, still grinning ear to ear and basking in the afterglow. The smile brightens slightly when he feels Oberon’s lips press a soft kiss on his nose. “I will be here in the morning. Take your rest. I’ll hold you.” Peter drifts to sleep to the soft humming of the Fae’s voice. Not bad, he thinks before losing himself to slumber. Not bad at all. … A chilly breeze hits Peter’s face. His lips curl up and he turns, feeling around for Oberon. For Stark. His smile fades when the haze of just waking up fades and he notices just how cold the room actually is. His hand ends up on the cool flooring. Oberon isn’t there. Peter opens his eyes and sucks in some air when he notices there is snow. Inside. He quickly moves to sit upright, pulling the blankets up to keep himself warm, and he looks around. Oberon sits by the opened door, hands folded together in front of his mouth. He’s hunched up and his expression is stern. Tight. Worry settles in Peter’s stomach. “O-Oberon?” He isn’t sure if he should be saying the Fae’s actual name now. Oberon doesn’t look up. “Get dressed.” “Is something wrong?” Peter’s browns curl together. “Get. Dressed.” Peter remains seated, frozen in place and at a loss for words. When Peter still doesn’t move, Oberon finally turns his face to stare Peter down. “Do as you’re told.” “Excuse me?” The young man’s eyes go wide with surprise. Who does this man think he is? “You’re leaving,” Oberon says with a shaky voice. “Now.” He looks away again. “Get dressed.” The world around Peter collapses. Everything they had been through together, everything that had happened… Is over? “I don’t understand-” “Do not make me get over there and force you.” Peter immediately stands and grabs his clothes, feeling his tears threatening to spill. The only word going through is head right now is why. Why would Oberon do this? Why is he suddenly so different? Why does Peter have to leave so suddenly? Why is this happening? Once Peter is dressed, he grabs his phone from where it’s resting against a pillow. The screen doesn’t light up. Great; his new phone is dead too. He stares at his reflection in the dark screen. His cheeks are red and his eyes puffed. He blinks and then the tears fall. “Puck.” Peter gasps and looks up at the Fae who now stands. An odd glow now radiates from the middle of his chest. The man’s expression is pained, like he’s holding back. “You are no longer indebted to me. You are to go home and forget about us. Do not come back to these woods. Ever.” “You,” Peter pushes out through gritted teeth, his sadness slowly making place for anger. “You got what you wanted, didn’t you?” Oberon doesn’t speak. The only response Peter gets to his accusation is the twitch over Oberon’s upper lip. “You manipulated me enough to have sex with me and now you’re dropping me.” The Fae looks away and takes hold of the door, gesturing to outside. “Leave,” Oberon orders. “Please.” Peter is confused at how the Fae’s voice cracks, as if he actually cares about Peter. “Unbelievable,” the young man breathes. “I can’t believe I fell for this. For you!” “LEAVE!” The Fae’s aggression reverbs through the cottage, making it even colder than it already was. Peter’s jaw trembles as his tears now freely glide down his cheeks. Peter runs. Past the pots and pans at the cooking area, past the herbs hanging from the ceiling, past Oberon, through the door. The second he sets foot outside, he hears the door being thrown shut, but when he turns around he finds the cabin has disappeared entirely. It’s gone. And now Peter is alone in the woods. He shakes violently, dropping to his knees and sobbing. Part of him hopes that wherever Oberon is, that he can hear him wail. … When Peter arrives home, he plugs in his phone and heads to the shower. He feverishly washes himself, scrubbing his body and hating how he can still feel the Fae’s touch lingering on his skin. He wants it gone. Wants the Fae gone. He sobs under the stream, knowing damn well that he will never be able to get rid of the sensation of disgust. After an hour of letting his tears disappear in the drain, he turns off the tap, broken and drained- empty and dulled. He drops himself on his bed and simply lays there. He won’t be able to sleep anyways. … Peter is startled back to reality by his buzzing phone. The alarm he had set for the morning after Oberon went off, now that the battery was fully charged again. He swallows and grabs his phone, snoozing his alarm. He wants to put the phone away, but notices something is off. He unlocks it and the notification that caught his guard now fully pops up. Recording ended due to empty battery. Confused, yet curious, Peter opens his album to check which recording the notification meant. He blinks a few times when he spots the right one. Two hours and forty-two minutes. When did that happen? He selects it and starts the recording, not entirely unsurprised to be met by Oberon’s face, extremely close to the camera. The sight stings him. “Oh, this is a video right?” Oberon’s voice asks from the phone’s speakers. “Right. Well, hello, future Puck, I am going to show you something.” The Fae turns the camera to show a peacefully sleeping Peter. The camera moves closer to Peter and he can hear a bit of shuffling. He guesses Oberon went to lay down next to Peter. “Do you see your face?” Oberon’s voice is toned down and soft, now that he’s so close to Peter’s sleeping form. Peter watches what Oberon means, already feeling the tears sting in his eyes again. “You wear no mask now…” A hand appears from the corner of the screen to move a few of Peter’s curls out of the way. His fingers caress Peter’s cheek, causing an unwelcome shiver to run down Peter’s real spine. “You are at peace like this. So wonderful, so beautiful…” The Fae sighs content. “I could watch you like this for hours, you know?” “I know.” Peter is startled to hear himself talk in the video. In his sleep. Oberon chuckles. “Oh, do you?” “Mhm.” “Tell me, Puck, what is your favorite season?” “Spring.” “Well, aren’t you lucky that’s right around the corner.” Peter wants to throw his phone to the other side of the room. Oberon is having a conversation with him that he doesn’t remember having. Because he was asleep. It makes him feel uneasy and wonder what else the Fae asked him. “Think you can do some math right now? That ought to be fun to make you try.” The Peter in the video doesn’t reply, so Oberon simply continues. “Puck, what is two plus two?” “Four,” Peter replies promptly. “Easy.” “Alright how about twenty-one times forty-eight?” It’s quiet for a few seconds, but Peter replies still. “One thousand and eight.” “I honestly would not know how to check if it is correct, but I would surely assume you are correct.” Oberon asks Peter some more insignificant questions before falling silent again, simply looking at Peter. It seems he forgot he was filming Peter as the phone is quickly put away in a standing position. Peter guesses this was the spot he found his phone in, looking out over the entire cottage. Peter scrolls ahead in the video, not wanting to watch Oberon play with Peter’s hair for one and a half hours. Peter plays the video at normal speed again when he spots Oberon standing up. He shuffles around the room and speaks softly. “I will be out back to collect some more berries. Will you be alright, my love?” The name is a punch in the gut for Peter and he pulls at his hair. He doesn’t know why he’s still watching, but part of him wonders if whatever made Oberon change his mind like that so suddenly has been caught on camera. “Be fine,” Peter in the video mumbles bluntly. “Love you, bye.” A wide, surprised smile spreads on Oberon’s face and he walks out, mumbling something to himself. Again, nothing happens for half an hour, when suddenly… “Here you are…” A familiar voice speaks. A stranger saunters into Oberon’s cottage. Peter feels like he’s seen him somewhere before, but he can’t recall where. His eyes glow blue, like Oberon’s and when he reaches Peter, he squats down. “Didn’t expect someone as delectable as you to spend time with our heir.” Heir…? Peter’s skin crawls when the man’s hand traces down his bare body, curiously lifting the blankets and grinning wide at his findings. Peter instinctively clutches his sheets, covering himself more. He feels even more disgusted now. “Oh, aren’t you spent…” His eyes darken and his smirk turns ever so evil. “Used.” “Was so good,” the Peter in the video says. The man perks up surprised. “You speak in your slumber?” “Mm…” “Oh, what a nice turn of events…” The man’s hand cups Peter’s face. “Does the prince know your name?” Prince- “No- yes. A little.” “A little? How does that work?” “Last name.” “Oh, like so. Well then, sweet thing, what is your last name?” “Parker.” Peter feels the tug at his heart again. No, is all he can think. Don’t say more. “And then, if you’ll indulge me… What is your first name?” “Your voice is silenced in eclipse, no more words fall from your lips-” Oberon rushes in and reaches his hand forward at Peter, quieting him immediately. The second the spell has settled on Peter, Oberon’s eyes widen and he freezes before he collapses clutching his chest and letting out an agonized groan. Peter stirs, but the other Fae waves his hand once. “Do not wake ‘til morning comes, Parker, I have plans for you.” The man turns back to Oberon and scoffs a laugh. “I can spell him all I want, I have no promises to break. Unlike you, cousin.” Oberon gasps as he trembles, the area where he clutched his chest now glows blue like his eyes. Like Peter had seen the morning after. Oberon broke his promise and now had to deal with the consequences- the pain. He broke his promise; to protect Peter. “Why are you here,” Oberon seethes. “Why, I was quite intrigued to find this beautiful specimen in the woods yesterday. Searching for Oberon. I suppose that is you?” The man laughs condescendingly. “And you are not even king yet.” He turns back to Peter. “Pathetic… You didn’t even take his name.” “Step away from him.” “I will not. You have not claimed him, so I will.” “Mysterio-“ Oberon threatens, squaring up. His hands turn to ice like they had done when he almost spelled Flash. Snow is brought through the opened door by a wind Oberon conjures up. “Leave Puck alone.” “Oh!” Mysterio exclaims. “You call him Puck? And he calls you Oberon. How disgustingly sweet.” His expression drops. “I’m going to hurl.” “He’s not yours to take, leave us!” The snow in the cottage thickens as Oberon’s skin pales more with anger and cold magic. “Iron Man, do not tell me you love him.” Oberon’s jaw tightens at Mysterio’s condescending tone. “Oh, you love him.” Mysterio confirms to himself. “Well, then I’ll certainly enjoy taking him for myself.” “I will not let you!” Peter doesn’t understand why Oberon doesn’t just force the man out of his home. “You will, cousin.” Mysterio stands upright and circles Peter like a hawk, waiting for the right moment to take his prey. “For if you do not, I will tell all of Winter Court of the human you bedded. The human you want. The human you did not trick. The human who is not yours, for you do not have his name.” “You would not,” Oberon breathes. “All the Fae will come for him then. I won’t be able to protect him.” “That is what you are worried about?” Mysterio scoffs. “Not that your father will revoke your title and pass the throne to me for your dishonorable and disappointing behavior?” “I do not want to be a king like my father. The title means nothing to me.” “Then why not pass it to me?” “And leave you in charge of all of Winter Court? I’d rather eat my own two feet.” “Rude, much,” Mysterio says faux-offended. “Tell you what. I’m giving you one chance to redeem yourself.” “What will you have me do.” “Claim him.” “No,” Oberon immediately counters, taking two steps forward. Desperation seeps off every word. “No, please, do not make me do this.” “You choose, Oberon,” Mysterio taunts. “You either take his name and keep your honor, or you will lose your title to me and all of Winter Court will be scouring these woods to use him the way you would not.” He cocks his head and grins. “And I will be first in line. Your boy will certainly look lovely at my feet, having no choice but to worship me for all eternity.” “You disgust me,” Oberon seethes. Though, his magic loses power as his shoulders start hanging. “And you me, cousin.” Mysterio then steps over Peter’s body as he casually makes his way to the door, past Oberon. He places his hand on Oberon’s shoulder and pats twice. “Make our court proud.” Mysterio then leaves Oberon and Peter alone in the cottage- in the cold. Oberon’s sad eyes find Peter’s figure and after a minute of visibly holding in his tears he manages to shuffle towards Peter. A soft sob escapes his throat as he lays down next to Peter again, fixing his hair where Mysterio had undone it. The new light emitting from Oberon’s chest now lights up both of their faces. The Fae waves his hand over Peter’s face to undo the spell he had put on him. He then sniffs and the Peter watching the video cries along with him. “Oh, Puck, my flower,” Oberon mumbles through his tears. “I do not wish to lose you. I want to keep you.” “Keep me,” sleeping Peter replies softly. Oberon swallows and closes his eyes. “I can’t.” “Keep me,” Peter repeats. “No.” Oberon is sobbing quietly now. His shoulders shake with every intake of breath. “No.” The Fae presses his lips together and swallows. “I love you too much to keep you.” “Love you too, bye.” Oberon can’t help but scoff a quiet laugh through his tears. Peter is still asleep. Whatever he says is steered on by his subconscious. It’s quiet for a few minutes, but Peter can’t get himself to stop the video. He watches as all possible emotions in existence pass over Oberon’s face. “Puck,” Oberon asks suddenly. Peter holds his breath, anticipating the question. “What is your name?” Peter stares breathlessly at the screen, but when the Peter in the video opens his mouth to speak, Oberon swiftly covers it. “No. No, I do not want it.” He averts his gaze. “I should not have asked to begin with, I am sorry.” “It’s okay,” sleeping Peter answers, probably only responding to the I am sorry part, not actually aware of what it was attached to. “It is not.” It’s quiet again for a little bit. Peter notices the video is almost at its end. He wonders if anything else will be said before his phone’s battery died. In the last thirty seconds, Oberon speaks once more. “I have decided to let you go, flower.” Oberon’s words are shaky. “You deserve your freedom more than I deserve anything else.” Peter is sobbing now, so painfully aware of the things he had accused Oberon of when he left the cottage. “You will never see me again after this, so I want- I want you to have this… To have mine.” Peter frowns through his tears. His…? His what? “My name…” Peter’s eyes widen and he sits up straight in his bed. Is Oberon giving him the one thing they would never share? “My name is-” Peter stares at a black screen as the video and audio cut right when Oberon was about to say his name. After five solid minutes of being frozen in place, something in his mind finally clicks. He has to go back. Back to the woods, back to Oberon. Stat. Straight away. Pronto. Immediately. Now. … Peter runs as fast as his legs can carry him. The ground in the woods is treacherous and uneven, but he can’t get himself to slow down. The wind cuts the skin on his face and his quick breath condenses in front of his mouth. “OBERON!” His screams carry far. “OBERON, COME TO ME!” He nearly trips, causing him to stop running altogether. “OBERON, PLEASE!” he cries out. “PLEASE!” Peter wants to protect Oberon the way he had protected May. Mysterio hadn’t given Oberon this third option; to let Peter leave. It was a risk Oberon had taken in an attempt to go around Mysterio’s threat, since in both, Peter’s freedom would be taken. The Fae was presented with two choices: claim the name or don’t and suffer the consequences. Thing is, Oberon did not claim Peter’s name. That means Mysterio will still tell all of Winter Court about Peter. Oberon will lose the throne and be shunned from his people forever. That is why Peter is here. Oberon has to take his name. He simply has to. And now, Peter is more than ready to give it to him. The Fae had sent Peter away to protect him from being taken, but there is nothing he wants more right now then to be taken. By no one other than- “OBERON!” It’s no use. Peter has been walking for hours now, searching the woods for any sign of the Fae. Or any Fae for that matter. He assumes they would’ve already found him by now, but they are nowhere to be seen. He unlocks his phone and swears when he realizes what day it is. The human world and the Fae world are parallel to each other and they only really mingle on the actual Pagan celebrations. It’s no longer Imbolc. The veil is back. Peter couldn’t find any fairy circles or other signs of passage to their realm in his desperate attempt to locate Oberon, which means there is no way he can find the Fae before the next time Oberon and he were supposed to meet. Ostara. March 21st. Defeated, Peter falls to his knees on the forest floor, clutching his phone against his chest and crying without tears. He had none left. Peter inwardly has to tell himself that he is going to have to go home… And that he is about to face the longest one and half months of his life…
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peeterparkr · 5 years
limits of desire⤳t.h.
chapter one: set the date.
So, after that photoshoot, I decided to get back on my shit. I’m re-uploading it, editing it and changing a few things. Yes, I’ve posted this fic before but I feel like I’ve grown as a writer and it’s a fic with so much more potential. 
summary: Tom has a new life and he bumps into y/n who definitely isn’t into him. 
pairing: fuckboy!tom holland x reader
warnings: alcohol mention, swearing
word count: 4k
btw I’m afraid I’ll disappoint so tell me what you think
next chapter
series masterlist
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October 2016.
October is the best time of the year for some people, particularly for students who’re on the verge of trying not to collapse. Cold weather, but not too cold, orange leaves on the floor accentuating the aesthetic we’re all thriving to have, outfits that include the best fashion possible, the basic but seasonal favourite pumpkin lattes, excuses to drink tea just by the window, watching horror movies and blaming them for not being able to sleep.
Halloween was just around the corner, two days away to be exact.  Sadly, exams were also around the corner. However, that particular combination gave the perfect excuse to the students of every university in London to get drunk to forget all their troubles while being dressed as completely different strangers, meaning it gave them the amazing opportunity to throw parties all around just to hook up with equally drunk beings. 
And it gave Tom the perfect excuse to play his favourite new game, too. Tom Holland, of course, was not going to waste the opportunity on dressing up as his new favourite women-magnet, his Spider-Man costume and his oh-so-charming smile. Him and Harrison were enjoying themselves at one of the parties that were thrown around town, the third party of the week, to be more exact. Thanks, Andrew Jacobs who had been kind enough to invite them. The parties from university students had been the best for Tom, whose popularity had increased after appearing on Civil War, and of course, after being cast as Spider-Man. He’d use that popularity to his advantage, and of course, he had been really busy each night. A new girl each night. 
He wasn’t always like that but the moment he saw that many girls were dying to be with him, he decided he simply liked that. It had started on a party with several girls gushing up to meet him, and after having a no so nice breakup, a rebound had been nice. But suddenly that rebound turned into more rebounds and so his life as a new casanova started. Being wanted was something nice, and he was definitely liking it so far. He came up with a rule, never the same girl twice in a week, and nothing more than a one night stand. The rule was simple, and he could easily follow it because, oh they were raining. Tom couldn’t complain, as if he would.
He had had a little too many shots that night, and after making out with a chick dressed as a character from Stranger Things, he decided it was time to gather on the first girl he had bumped into, two days before in yet another Halloween party. He knew he would score with her easily after he told her he had to go back to shoot Spider-Man homecoming. Her face had lit up and her room number had been written on a napkin, which Tom had saved for his own convenience, and he knew that night was the night, he was just across the room where she lived, so he might as well give it a try. So he just needed to look out for her, he expected her to be already in her room, waiting for him. She had told him she’d be dressed as a sexy nurse, and hell he would not pass up that opportunity.
He was going to go to the dorms to meet up with her,  they were just across the street, so as he walked out of the party there were many students on the street dressed up for Halloween, some of them were just laughing and spilling their drinks, most of them were making out. Tom laughed, amused at the situation, seeing that he had actually already gotten some of those girls numbers. He giggled to himself as he stared at the paper where the blurred writing was placed on. He walked in confidently to the dorms humming a song to himself as he kept looking for the room.
“246….246…And here it is,” he smirked as he reached for the key Rachel, the sexy nurse had given to him, he opened the bedroom door, the lights were off, and a girl was sitting on the desk, with headphones on, and head laying down on her book.
“Hello, hello, Rachel, Rachel?” He whispered as he smirked. He walked over and he reached her to kiss her neck, with his Spider-Man mask covering half his face  “Hey, hey, I’m here, baby,” he said in between kisses. 
She suddenly moved as she woke up turning her sight to him, she started to scream the moment she looked at him, he screamed back at her. 
“Bloody hell! Who are you? What the hell is going on?” She yelled. At that moment, Tom realized he had fucked up. The girl wasn’t Rachel. 
She grabbed the book on her desk and slammed it against Tom’s face, and then she reached over to her night table which had a bottle of perfume on it. She started spraying it at his face, spraying it entirely on his mouth, causing Tom to scream even more and stumble back to fall on her bed. He coughed from the perfume. 
“Ouch! My nose, my mouth! fu-” Tom yelled as he covered his face. “I can’t -blagh, ugh my-” he coughed. “Ugh.”
Her screaming didn’t cease. He took off the mask, as he looked at her, trying to cover himself. He stood back up and motioned her to calm down. She kept screaming. 
“You’re not-you’re not Rachel!” Tom yelled.
“Of course not! She’s my roommate!” The girl yelled at him. “How did you even get here?”
“She gave me the key!” Tom answered as he reached for his nose, and then lifted the key up to show her. 
“So that automatically made you think you can kiss her roommate’s neck?” 
“She said you wouldn’t be here! She said you’d probably be studying somewhere in the library because you’re a nerd!”
“I’m not a nerd!” The girl grabbed the pillow and threw it at Tom angrily.
“What the heck? What was that?” Tom asked, and she glanced over at the pillow and frowned. “No, the other..the gosh, my nose! What’s that taste?”
“One hundred years of solitude by Gabriel García Márquez,” the girl answered. “And… Chanel n°5”
Tom covered his nose as he stared at her, and finally, let out a chuckle.
4 minutes later, he had his head held back in the common room, where there were some students drinking coffee, or some others were studying, she made him tilt his head forward. “Are-are you sure this-”
“Shut-” She made him pinch his nostrils together to stop the bleeding.
“Ugh, next time I’ll see who I’m getting in bed with,” he said.
“And that would be so hard, wouldn’t it?” she rolled her eyes as she stood up and poured herself some coffee and then handed him a glass of water.
“Should be more careful, yes,” Tom conceited. “So, what’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Please,” she rolled her eyes at him, sitting back down beside him. “Don’t even try it.”
“What?” Tom faked innocence. “What could I possibly be trying?” He chuckled as he gave her an ironic smile, pressing the ice against his nose.
“Yeah, I know all about you, Tom Holland.” She crossed her arms watching him.
“You do, now?” Tom smirked, as he stopped pressing his nostrils. “Wikipedia doesn’t say all the truth, you know?” 
“Don’t, you’ll start bleeding,” she ordered and placed his hand back on his nose. “But I do, I know everything about you, I know exactly who you are.”
“You’re a fan?” He asked as he slid closer to her, making her roll her eyes.
“You’ve slept with half my floor,” she sentenced. 
“Well, could’ve slept with more, but you don’t seem interested and well, your roommate wasn’t where she was supposed to be,” Tom chuckled.
“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes. “Rachel did tell me about you, and how excited she was Spider-Man was coming to the party, which honestly, I don’t see the deal with it.”
“Ah, but I am Spider-Man, and who wouldn’t want to be with Spider-Man?” He raised an eyebrow. “Shit, your book did hurt me.”
“Great, that’ll teach you on not kissing random girls without their consent..”
“Hey, hey, you can’t blame me,” Tom teased with a laugh. “Your roommate, she was dressed as a nurse today, and well… you’re not, I mean she was …she was showing way more skin than you.”
“I’m a decent girl,” she nudged him.
“A very feisty one,” Tom giggled. “So, now, please, you say you know me.”
“Yeah, you’re an actor who suddenly got his career launched and now, obviously uses that to sleep with women, but in reality, you’re actually pretty lonely and you’re using your fame to get back for all those years when you were rejected. You’re overwhelmed by all the attention.”
Tom stared at her, she could’ve left by now, yet she hadn’t. “Uh…huh, yeah that ain’t me,” Tom rolled his eyes but then gave her a small innocent smile. “I’m a nice boy.”
“Of course you are,” she threw her head back. “You’re the worst type of players, you’re one of them” she laughed at his confused expression. “You’re the kind who actually falls in love, don’t you?”
Tom bit his lip with a smirk, she did have him all figured out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You play the nice boy who falls in love, and gives off that prince charming vibe, and then in the morning you leave, saying you won’t be able to have your heart broken by them, and making them feel guilty as if they had used you instead of them.”
“I do get my heartbroken,” he defended himself.
“All of this is new right? All the attention, and you can’t get enough, bet you were the skinny weird kid.”
“Getting too personal, are we?” Tom frowned.
“I’ve got my loads of guys like you.” She shrugged. “Know all your games.”
“Really? With actors?” Tom laughed in disbelief.
The girl stared at him as she shook her head. “No, but with kids who suddenly got shredded, and suddenly found out they were attractive.”
“Am I attractive?” Tom blinked bashfully at her. She turned herself completely to him, as she watched him curiously as she sipped her coffee, taking in his features.
“Not really my type, no,” She snickered.
“Yet you’ve said you’ve had a load of guys like me,” he gave her the cockiest of smirks.
“None of them were Tom Holland,” she winked at him.
“Exactly, none of them were Spider-Man,” Tom pointed out as he winked at her.
“Hm, guess not,” she chuckled. “I’ll try to get your game, you probably first play the shy guy, probably, no, it depends on the girl, you’re an actor so you see what works with each girl, but bet you tell all of them that you’ve met RDJ,” she watched him carefully, as he ran a hand through his hair. “Ah you do that with the hair, and then give, there you are! The puppy eyes,” she smiled pleased with herself, as Tom’s eyes widened. “You lick your lips and always raise your arms to show out your muscles, huh?”
Tom felt naked with her, she knew what he was doing. “I mean,” Tom puffed his chest. “All guys… do that.”
“Could be, but okay, you probably talk about your time on set, and how you are so excited to be playing such an iconic role that Spider-Man is.”
Tom blinked as she kept talking, she was pulling her hair back in a ponytail, and she had her eyes lightly covered by dark circles, probably from all the late-night studying. He felt like such an idiot as he was getting his imagination go wild. 
“Hm, it is an iconic role,” he defended himself, coughing, as he ignored his cheeks going red.
“Yeah, gotta give that to you, I’m a Marvel fan, so yeah, you did a good job so far, I mean we’ve only seen you in Civil War and I guess that was decent,” she shrugged, trying to sound as careless as she could. “But, we are not talking about that.”
Tom felt his confidence back on track: if she was a marvel fan he could easily use that in his favour. She was definitely a girl he would love to score with, maybe it was a tough task, but he was determined. It was interesting, he knew that with this girl his usual flirting style wouldn’t work. Yeah, she wouldn’t fall for the nice boy vibe so maybe the whole douchebag style could work on her. Or maybe not. He could play the guy who doesn’t actually want anything with her and then make her beg. 
But it couldn’t work either.
“So, you like Marvel?” He asked her. 
“I love marvel,” she admitted. 
“Who’s your favourite superhero?” He pushed. 
She didn’t answer and turned away to drink her coffee, cheeks getting red. 
“Noooo!” Tom couldn’t believe it. “is it Spider-Man?” He laughed as she rolled her eyes.
“But I’ve liked him since younger,” she defended herself. “Look, Peter Parker is such a great character because he’s a smart broke boy from Queens, he is so real and Spider-Man, you never know who could be under the mask, and he just tries his best! He is so pure, and he just wants to save people because he is a good person, you know? No one rewards him, he just truly wants to help…And I’m so, wow… I love him. ”
Tom nodded in agreement, as he bit his lip giggling. She turned to him and nudged him.
“Woah, no, I meant the character,” she rolled her eyes. “Don’t get your hopes up.”
“C’mon, wouldn’t someone like you be interested to hook up with Spider-Man?” Tom asked again. “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. You could write about that.” 
She laughed as she shook her head. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” she stared at him. “You’re actually hitting on me? After all I’ve said to you?”
“No, I’m not,” Tom smirked as he watched her. “You see I’ve got you all figured out as well.”
“Oh,” she scoffed. “Do tell me, please.” 
“You’re a future writer, you’re studying literature or something, right? Top of your class, are we?” Tom inquired. “I bet you’ve read hundreds of books and you like writing poems in your free time.”
She bit her lip as she looked away. Tom snapped his fingers.
“Bingo!” Tom cheered. “You’re the typical girl who is different than any other girl, who brings all that bullshit of not caring and always has this sense of being mysterious and that’s why she judges other girls for being at parties.”
She shook her head as she stuck her tongue out. “Wrong. I’m a feminist, I wanna be a journalist or a writer, I don’t judge other people, I believe that we’re all allowed to party, I’m not a mystery, I’m an open book, I do care, a lot, about a lot of things I just happen not to care about you, and I’m not at a party tonight because I have a big exam coming tomorrow, in fact, I should be studying right now.” 
“You were a prodigy child, weren’t you?” Tom concluded.
“I wouldn’t say-“
“You were, you probably were part of the school newspaper,” Tom interrupted her and chuckled. “But hey, you’ve got class, you’re a refined girl. You basically are the reincarnation of elegance.”
“Refined, elegance, huh?” The girl giggled, taking a chance to stare into his eyes, only for him to notice hers. They were really pretty. In every possible way she was beautiful, but she was smart and that made her way out of his league. Maybe if he tried to play the guy who wasn’t understood.
“Yes, I mean, you did spray me with Channel NO°5,” he laughed.
“It’s pronounced Chanel,” she corrected him, making him feel a fire igniting. He gave her a corny smile.
“So you’re smart, elegant, you like superheroes and on top of that,…you’re pretty? You’re the whole deal,” Tom admitted, she shrugged as she blushed. And he almost had her wrapped around his finger, even if she kept giving him the cold look, he could be sure that she was into him. “What’s your flaw? That’s it! you’re boring!”
And he screwed it up.
“Excuse me?” The girl frowned offended, as she stood up. He realized it then, she was actually making it hard for him, she was giving him a chance to try. And he had blown it up. “Goodnight, Holland, good luck with that nose.”
“No, wait, I’m joking! I’m joking,” Tom called out for her and pulled her back from her arm, receiving a stern look from her. “I was kidding you don’t seem like the boring type.”
“I’m not,” she agreed. “I actually have an amazing sense of humour.”
“Ah, do you now?” Tom laughed. “Okay, let me start over.”
“Honestly, I have to sleep or read,” she said, and Tom chuckled.
“Really? And why haven’t you left already?” Tom inquired as he slid closer and trying to lean against her, but she stood up walked over to the other couch. Tom fell flat on the sofa as he scowled.
“Oh, I assumed you were going to look out for my roommate and I really don’t want to be near my room when that happens, so please just stay on her side of the room and don’t touch any of my stuff,” she warned him.
“Ah, I won’t sleep with her,” Tom answered.
“You won’t?” The girl rolled her eyes, and she picked up her book. “Well, your problem.”
“I wanna stay here and talk to you,” Tom declared as he stood up to look out for food in the room, he was sobering up and he had become extremely hungry. He realized there was a box of cookies so he plopped back on the couch, throwing them into his mouth.
“Told you it won’t work with me,” she said as she had her eyes glued on her book.
“I know that,” Tom walked over and sat on the armrest of the couch. “You haven’t got the look.”
The girl frowned as she looked up at him, closing her book. “The look?”
“Uh-huh, the doggy bowl look,” Tom took her by the chin and she slapped his hand off, making Tom giggle.
“Did you just call me a dog?”
“It’s a theory.”
“Do all fuckboys have theories?” The girl rolled her eyes as she changed back to the original sofa, Tom followed her.
“We do, we go to a course, just like all of you different girls go to that class where they tell you how to destroy a man’s feelings.”
“Oh, I graduated with honours from that class,” she smirked playfully.
“So you do have a sense of humour,” Tom laughed. “Well m’lady that course is paying off.”
“Glad it did,” she poked him. “So what’s that theory?”
“You see when a girl actually likes a guy, she has a look. It’s her tell, like…. poker!”
“Yeah, and it’s exactly the same face a dog makes when you put down the bowl!”
“You’re disgusting,” she told him. Some other girls had walked into the common room and started whispering to each other, as they giggled while watching Tom, he winked at them causing them to blush and snicker.
“See? See that look?” Tom pointed when they left. “You don’t have the look.”
“You’re crazy,” she roared standing up, picking her book.
Tom chuckled watching her, “I’m honest, I like honesty, I think it’s the best quality.”
She started to walk away but stopped to turn around and glare at him.
“Oh, so you want me to be honest with you?” She crossed her arms with her book in her hands.
“Go on,” he smirked. “Destroy me, why can’t I physically  appeal to you?”
“Your nose is bent,” she pointed to her own nose, and wrinkled it. “it drops down at the bottom, a feature accentuated by the thinness of your lips, you have tiny eyes and they are way too far apart, your eyebrows look weird, and your hair… huh, your hair ain’t that bad but it won’t cover your bent nose,” she poked his nose. “And you are so desperate for attention from being so lonely that you validate yourself by having sport like meaningless, insatiable sex with insecure girls like Rachel who only want to be with you so they can say they slept with a celebrity,” she started to walk away. “and you’re right, I don’t have the look, I’d never have sex with someone like you.”
She walked away from the common room and Tom grinned following her.
“Wow!” He said with excitement as he ran after. “That was amazing!”
“What?” She scowled.
“The honesty, the feisty being it was even better than the sex without uh, the crying you know?”
“Huh, funny it did feel pretty good,” she chuckled as she turned confused to the boy who actually seemed pleased with himself.
“It was incredible,” Tom agreed. “No one’s ever been that honest with me.”
“That’s what friends are for,” she winked at him.
“So you know my name, what’s yours?” He asked her.
“Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N,” she chuckled as they arrived at her dorm.
“Ya know,” Tom looked at her. “Give me your number.” Y/N stared at him with a frown. “I won’t try anything I genuinely want to be friends with you.”
“I just destroyed you as a person,” y/n scoffed.
“Sounds like an ideal friend,” he grinned as he handed his phone over. She hesitated but ended up giving it to him, he tried to steal her phone from her hands. “Now I’ll give you mine so you know who’s texting.”
She unlocked it and she gave it to him, he added himself and took a silly selfie to add it to his contact.
“Goodnight,” y/n said, as he reached up for her chin, making her look at up. “Your hand is clammy.”
“I can see through your blouse,” he snapped with arrogance.
“I’m wearing a hoodie, so no, you can’t,” she informed him.
“I hate you,” he joked, she ended up laughing before opening her bedroom door, to reveal a very drunk Rachel, laying down on her bed.
“He-eeey Tom!” she sat up the moment she heard the door open, her voice sounded particularly dizzy. “Can you…” her talking was dragged. “Can you like… show me your set pictures with Chris Evans… and hic, R… D…J?”
Y/N sighed as she patted him on the back. “All yours, Parker.” Y/N left with a smirk.
Tom blinked watching the woman, whose cleavage was showing a bit more than desired. “Tommy?”
Tom watched the girl puke on a nearby trash can and Tom wrinkled his nose. “Get some sleep, Rachel.” He closed the door before running after Y/N. “Hey, where you heading to?”
Y/N frowned as she watched him. “I am a nerd, so I’m heading to the campus library to read.”
“Huh, but aren’t you hungry? It’s on me.” Tom looked at her as she watched him with hesitation. “Not as a date.”
“Well, what in this world is open at 4 am?” She laughed.“But yeah, haven’t eaten anything since the morning. Whatcha have in mind, Spidey?”
“I know this milkshake place.”
Tom smirked, no he hadn’t scored with a girl that night, but he had gotten something better. The best friend he could ever ask for.
next chapter
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i stole this tag list from another fic tell me if you don’t wanna be tagged lol sorry
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lgcalex · 3 years
∘⡊ ☾ ˚⊹Now Loading⊹ — Kim Alex: Updated Profile
ooc note:
so, as i said the other day, this is just a small post showing sort of an update on alex with how he is now compared to when he first joined the company. whether it's changes to his personality or even connections and even his deepest inner thoughts (maybe lol). me being the lazy person that i am, these will all be just listed in bullet form because in my mind that's "easier" than making this into some long paragraph post.
the updates:
when first joining the company, alex could care less about debuting and even didn't care much for his training. now, he's come to realize that he actually does want to debut and doesn't find the idea of being an idol that unbearable. he finally started realizing this during his star quality portion for Future Dreams ( see this solo here for that moment ) of course we have to thank Kim Hyuncheol, Park Jeongan, Lee Iseul, and Roe Kangdae for helping him realize this 100% as well ( see this here where he gets called out for his bs which was 100% deserved ). he was also super confident in his own body at the time ( still is actually but he doesn't brag as much now. don't get me wrong, he would upload gym photos of himself if he could lol ).
many may not have known this ( in character or ooc ) but he was once a university student (doesn't seem like a dummy like him would even be a student right? lol), however, when he began filming for Future Dreams he decided to drop out and put a pause on his studies ( see this solo here ). the decision to do this wasn't really something he had thought that he would ever do, especially since he never imagined the day would come where he actually wanted to take being a trainee seriously, but it wasn't a hard decision to make. he figures that if he fails at debuting through the show then he can just return to his studies.
in the beginning, he would take on things such as Date Lottery or even auditioned for one of lgc's opportunities to do one of their OST's for Cram School S1 ( too lazy to find this ), and he only would do such things because "it will gain me publicity and help me debut sooner so i can win this bet". though, after filming for his first CF with Royal Canin ( he's always had a soft spot for animals tbh ) he realized that he actually didn't mind being on shows for the enjoyment of it rather than just doing it 'because'. there was one point where he was a guest on The Kim Family and claimed he only was doing it for the publicity, though he actually did it because he wanted to see what acting was like. now he's someone who will sign up for shows such as Masterchef Legacy because he actually wants to and not just to gain a few fans from it all.
he used to hate things like vlive shows, he just didn't like the idea of being live and having to fake some smile or laugh. now, he doesn't mind them at all and has even appeared on a couple vlive shows such as Hot Spot, did the vlive for his Favorite Fall Recipe, he did the Q&A with fans, and recently was on Jaesun's EAT WITH JAE. ( notice how these are all mainly about food... ) i don't ever see him having his own vlive show, maybe in the future it's a possibility, but he sure doesn't mind at least guest starring on some shows every now and then.
something that hasn't changed is his love for his car and that probably will never change no matter how much time passes. Stella ( yes, he named his car ) is still his pride and joy but so is his Pomsky Luna ( she's now known ooc atm as the little matchmaker who caused Alex and Ichika to end up in a pond at the park. Ichika is the only female that Luna even likes which surprised Alex because puppy doesn't like other females and will usually growl at them unless they're family or close friends of Alex. )
his hate for things like aegyo is still the same. that probably won't ever change really. during one of the missions for Future Dreams he was sort of forced to do aegyo while meeting with fans and he's still cringing over that.
nothing has changed about his workout habits really. he still goes to the gym and has the usual workout routine he does, along with still eating healthy (because gotta keep them abs in check just in case the company ever makes him show abs again like in his teaser for Future Dreams).
the relationships/connections:
first, let's start off with the reason why he used to be cautious about relationships or even feeling something towards others in a romantic way. for those that truly know him, you know that he had an ex back in the states that he loved at the time and put his all into that relationship with her, that is until she told him that she wanted to not only see him but others on the side as well. you also know that he ended up telling her more or less to f off. ( /claps for him/ ) because of this his heart basically froze over and the word 'love' didn't even exist in his dictionary. afterwards, any kind of 'relationship' he had wasn't exactly something he really even put his all into anymore and just sort of dated here and there out of boredom ( he has a few exes because of this ).
now on to the reason why he had trust issues even more with letting people in past the walls he had built up. he felt betrayed due to seeing that ex of his with someone he thought was his best friend. basically, boy broke the 'bro code' and alex started having a harder time trusting even those who wanted to be his friend and he became closed off/distant with others that he didn't trust fully.
fast forward to more recent times, he's grown quite a bit and has started to slowly let others in a bit more. he's made some new friends within legacy that he actually does seem to care for, even if he won't admit it out loud but he does. he's also started catching feelings for a specific person ( /cough/ ichika ) but if you've been sort of keeping up with that, or even haven't, well they're both in denial but improving little by little. lol
his family has always been the number one priority in his life, and always will be no matter what. even now he still does get embarrassed by his sister Mia quite a bit, though he still loves her and it's just always been the sort of sibling relationship where she embarrasses him and he acts like he's bothered by it ( he's a faker tbh ).
his cousins, Jueun and Hyunbin, are still two of the family members who he will always be protective of, even if he does tend to mess with them just for the hell of it at times.
before, when meeting new people, alex would be cold and very distant (he still sort of is but not as much anymore). now he's less cautious with those he's meeting for the first time but he still does keep that bit of distance until someone has gained his trust fully. those that he's been friends/aquaintances with for a few years he's super close with and will still tease/mess with them occasionally for shits and giggles or whatever.
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lostparker · 5 years
usually cuts and bruises not heartbreak sobs p.p oneshot
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: When Peter Parker arrives at your window at 3.45 am you were expecting it to be just another night of taking care of him after one of his nightly patrols. However, broken hearts are a little harder to patch up.
Warnings: cheating, angst, pretty sure that's it.
Words: 1.5k
A/N: hi, so after my teaser for my first attempt at writing something for Peter Parker (or writing anything for Tumblr really) it’s finally time for the full fic. thank you so much to everyone for wanting to read this, it means the world to me. feedback again would be appreciated but to be honest I’m still prepared for this to be an absolute flop :/
also let me know if you want to be tagged in future stuff. I don’t have a permanent tag list but I might make on, so if you want to be on it pls tell me. also I take requests and they’re open at the moment so fire some my way.
You jolted awake from your scrunched up position on the bed after hearing the sound of forceful knocking at your window. With your brain still a little hazy from sleep you closed the lid of your laptop which had been balanced on the side of your bed and you’d fallen asleep watching some Netflix series which was still playing quietly. Rolling off the bed and landing on the floor with a soft thud you turned slightly in order to let your eyes catch the clock on your side table. 3.45am.
You went over to the window a little cautiously at first because your sleepy brain was confused as to who the hell would be banging on it at 3.45 in the morning. However, apprehension disappeared when your eyes focused and you saw who it was, and the state he was in. You unhooked the latch and pushed it open completely, with perhaps a little bit more force than necessary. The open window let in more than the chill of the night time air. It let in Peter.
He stood upright in front of you only for a moment, a complete mess of stained cheeks and tugged at curls before practically collapsing at your feet. You dropped down with the intention of attempting to at least try and get him away from the window and onto the bed. However, that proved more difficult than you’d hoped. He was limp and heaving sobs were starting to crash through his crumpled figure.
“Peter… Peter, come on. Peter, please stand up. Please come on. We can talk about whatever it is. Peter. Please. Come on, I just need you to stand up.”
This hadn’t been the first time Peter Parker had arrived at your window in a wrecked state. Although it was usually from nighttime patrols and there were usually cuts and bruises, not heartbreak sobs. This time was very different. He hadn’t been beaten up by bad guys. He’d been completely emotionally destroyed and you wanted nothing more than to get him onto your bed, away from bitter November air flowing through your window and find out who had done this to your best friend.
You tried again to pull him from the floor, your arms screaming in protest because of the dead weight of Peters body. He was a lot heavier than he looked. You’d hoped your soft tone might have helped to quell his sobs but if anything they’d only gotten worse. Your words had such a minimal effect that they might as well have just disappeared out the window.
“Peter, please can you at least come away from the window I can shut it?”
There was now a tone of desperation that laced through your voice, mainly because your bare legs only clad in sleep shorts had begun to numb from the chill blasting through the open space. You tugged at him one final time, with as much force as you could muster. It was a last attempt to pull him out of his head and into your arms. Out of whatever had got him into such a state. The action wasn’t a complete fail because he got to his knees and slid forward enough for you to shut the window but not far enough to pull him onto the bed. At least now he was inside you could check him over.
Wordlessly you took his still shaking figure into your arms and his head made a home resting on your lap. His tears caused salty puddles to appear on your thighs, dampening the thin material of your sleep shorts. You checked over him as best you could for any cuts or scrapes (despite doubting there would be any) and satisfied that you found none you decided it wouldn’t hurt to stay in the position you were in on the floor. You didn’t try and get him to talk. You didn’t try and get him to move. You just sat there, rubbing small circles over his back as he cried into you. For the moment, that was enough, just being there for him, supporting him even when you didn’t know what had happened. Even when you both let tiredness consume you and fell asleep in each other's arms on the hardwood floor.
Peter woke up with a sore back, sore head and sore heart. When he lifted his head from your lap, he was able to look at your body slumped in the most uncomfortable position against the wall. You looked exhausted but you were still there for him. He didn’t deserve you. He pulled himself away from you, over to the mirror which he realised had been a mistake the second he took in his disheveled appearance. Bloodshot eyes and wild matted hair. Wow. He really was a mess. He couldn't look at himself any longer. The evidence of what he’d just gone through still etched into his features, so he took his eyes off the mirror and fixed them back on you.
He didn’t think twice about picking you up in his arms and placing you on the bed, covering your body with a blanket. You were cold from the floor and the draughty room. He left enough room for himself to lay down, knowing he owed you a massive explanation when you woke up. For now, he just wanted to rest. He felt so guilty for what he’d already put you through. He pulled you into his arms, resting your head on his chest while his arms encircled your torso. Now that he was fully awake, and aware of what he’d done earlier in the night he couldn’t help the way his mind beat itself up.
Deep down he’d known it was wrong and that you’d probably be fast asleep. The last thing you needed was him rocking up at your window in the early hours of the morning in such a complete state. But he’d had nowhere else to go and if he was being honest with himself, he’d needed you. You were Peter Parker’s lifeline. It’s what you’d always been to him since the beginning of your friendship. You were his person that felt like home. The one person that no matter what happened he could turn to. Which is what he’d really needed.
He needed the one person who would never hurt him like he’d just been hurt. Peter had been through everything, fistfights with bad guys, broken bones the even the almost end of the world. But nothing, nothing compared to the pain he’d felt in his chest upon discovering he was being cheated on. What was worse was that you’d warned him and he’d got angry at you for it. Which then only increased the amount of guilt and tears that he bought to your window.
He hadn’t wanted to admit that he’ known. Known deep down that he’d made the wrong decision with her and that you’d done the right thing when you’d tried to warn him. Tried to get him to see that all she would do was hurt him. He’d ended up exactly where you’d said he’d end up. Hurt. She’d never been right for him and regrettably, he’d been too naive to see it. Too blinded by love, if that even was what it was. He wasn’t even sure anymore. All he’d known was that it was over and you’d been the only person in the whole world that he’d wanted to turn to. No matter how selfish it was.
He knew you’d never say anything to him while he was like this. You weren’t the type of friend to say ‘I told you so’, because that didn’t ever help anyone. With that he managed to fall back asleep, the scent of your shampoo helping him relax and drift off. He prayed you’d still be in his arms in the morning. Hoping that holding you might help mend his broken heart. It was selfish and stupid but it’s all he wanted to do.
When the sunlight hit your eyelids and you began to wake up you realised you were no longer on the hardwood floor but on a much more comfortable surface. Your bed? Yes but no…Wait a second, were you on Peter’s chest? Yes, yes you were. You’d woken up completely in his arms, him snoring lightly and still looking like a total mess. You looked at the boy who’d turned to you in his most broken state and sighted, more to yourself than to him.
Part of you had always thought there could be a flicker between the two of you. A flicker of more than just friendship and the fact that you’d remained single for the majority of the time the two of you had been friends was confirmation enough that you were harboring something for him. If only Peter hadn’t been so clueless. But waking up on his chest with the memories of the night before flooding through your mind you knew it wasn’t right. You knew it wasn’t right to let yourself fall any further for him. Especially not now. The cliché of it all. You wouldn’t let know. Instead, you decided to lay back down and enjoy the feeling of being in his arms. Both your hearts were broken and hurt, but it wasn’t the time to use each other to fix them.
@danicarosaline @charismas-world @@gabriella-superwholock-universe @yourpotatotwiceremooved @mutuallynotmutual @ctrlyouthmendes  @tomshufflepuff @bloomingyou-th @pepprmintyy @marveley 
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eagles-translated · 5 years
Eagles S2 Teaser Trailer breakdown
Thought I’d do a quick breakdown of the teaser trailer that just dropped because we’ve been starved for content for so long lmao
This post got a little long so I added a keep reading button for those of you who are interested in checking it out. Enjoy and feel free to reblog this post with your own ideas and impressions of the trailer! 🥅🏒
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The song playing in the background of the trailer is Say We’re Sorry by Loving Caliber, which is about a broken relationship between two people that are both hurting from each other’s actions:
🎵 We hurt each other’s feelings on and on 🎵 
The chorus is about how the people in this relationship should apologize to each other:
🎵 I guess that we should say we're sorry 🎵
It’s pretty safe to assume that the song is hinting at Felicia and Ludde’s relationship, which fell apart at the end of season 1 when it was revealed that Ludde had (unknowingly) hooked up with Felicia’s best friend Amie at a party a few weeks prior to Ludde getting back together with Felicia. 
They’d also had problems in their relationship before (this is where the “on and on” part of the lyric fits in), such as when Ludde let his friends talk about how Felicia was in bed or the argument they had after Ludde got into a fight with Elias. 
Felicia’s feelings were obviously hurt by this and while I can’t exactly name any situations where Felicia hurt Ludde (maybe because they don’t exist lmao) we know that he himself was hurt when he was apart from her after they’d fought. In episode 6 during the Halloween party, Ludde is pretty depressed because of what had happened with Felicia before.
The song lyrics that are actually featured in the trailer, however, are these four lines which are the intro to the song:
🎵 It's silent now, we don't say a word We're just looking at each other Tears in our eyes from the words we said Yeah, it kinda broke my heart 🎵
They fit very well with what is going on in the trailer - there are no spoken lines as all the characters are silent and only exchanging looks. We see Ludde looking around a classroom and Amie looking behind her, most likely at Ludde:
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There’s also a scene where we see Ludde chasing after Felicia (?) in the hallways and her turning around to look at him in anger. 
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The following lyric “tears in our eyes from the words we said” is emphasized when we see Ludde on the verge of tears after this hallway shot, where he probably regrets how he treated Felicia and the things he said to her back in season 1. He might also be sad because he tried to apologize to Felicia for what he did, but got rejected. In that scenario he could be crying over the words he said in the hallway that weren’t enough and made Felicia angry instead.
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As for how Felicia is feeling about it, she seems to instead be hiding her sadness and either masking it with anger (like with Ludde) or with a stone-cold expression, like the case is when we see her walking through the halls and her classmates are watching her. There are a lot of eyes on Felicia since the whole school probably knows both her best friend and boyfriend betrayed her, but (again) nobody is saying anything.
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The trailer finishes with the lyric “yeah, it kinda broke my heart” which is how both of them are feeling, except Felicia seems to be done with having her heart broken over and over again. We can see that in how she won’t take Ludde back and the look in her eyes on the photo above - she seems way more confident and independent than she did back in the first season. 
Right before Felicia is walking through the hallway there’s a brief shot of her (?) talking to Jack, the new character that seems to be a potential love interest for Felicia and a new obstacle between her and Ludde. I’m not 100% sure if he’s gonna be a love interest, but I’d say it’s likely due to 1) the way he looks at her here and 2) it makes sense that a new guy would be introduced right after Felicia and Ludde are broken up.
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Jack does seem way older than Ludde and I doubt that his character is supposed to be a teenager - he looks a lot more mature from what we’ve seen.
This could be intentional, since Felicia might be done with Ludde’s childishness throughout season 1 in which he would always end up hurting her feelings. That, or she’s looking to rebel against her father even more? Mats was against Felicia dating Ludde and he might be even more against her dating someone much older.
The other shots I haven’t mentioned are a few hockey scenes (since duh, the show is all about hockey):
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It’s a little hard to see who this is (in the words of Amie, tHeY aLL LoOk tHe sAMe!!) but I’m assuming it’s Elias. After the shot of Ludde running after Felicia, the next two shots are of Elias (probably?) and the screenshot above says NKT Arena Karlskrona in the background which is a multi-purpose sporting arena in Karlskrona.
Elias had decided to change to the Karlskrona team in the season 1 finale but we were unsure if he actually went through with it due to what happened to Felicia. The gear is different than the red Eagles hockey shirts, so I’d say it’s either Elias playing for the Karlskrona team or just a Karlskrona teammate. However - this next shot makes me doubt that a little.
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Elias is in a gym (I’m guessing) and right before the shot changes,he lunges forward. It looks like he’s hitting a punching bag. Which makes a lot of sense - he does get angry easily and might be using it as some sort of aggression release or it’s simply just part of his workout routine.
The part that stood out to me though was the giant Eagle behind him - the symbol for the Oskarshamn hockey team. If he did leave team Eagles for Karlskrona, why is he in a gym with their eagle icon on the wall?
My best guess is that he is in the Karlskrona team, but perhaps had a match against Eagles in Oskarshamn. There was a similar storyline in season 1 where Eagles had a “derby” (definition: a sports match between two rival teams from the same area) against the Tingsryd hockey team.
It’s also possible that Elias came back to Eagles to be closer to his sister - we also need his character at the same place as everybody else since he sort of was a part of the whole Amie/Ludde drama. 
Elias and Amie did have a chemistry that seemed to be leading somewhere before the season 1 cliffhanger. Fans of the show also really want them to get together. There wasn’t a single shot of them together in this teaser trailer but I believe that could be the Eagles team trying to keep it secret and make the audience unsure if it ever will happen. We might see more when the full trailer drops.
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This seems to be Elias fighting with someone else (?) at a party. I’m not sure since this shot was really sudden and dark, but it wouldn’t be a complete shot in the dark to say it’s Elias. He has anger issues and got into fights with Ludde last season, even losing his temper one time during hockey practice and flying at Ludde. 
Now as for the other guy... I don’t know why Tobias keeps popping into my head. Maybe it’s the shirt. Tobias appeared in season 1, episode 2 and was introduced as Ludde’s friend who was in the school band with Ludde’s older brother Andreas.
I don’t know, I might be completely wrong about this one so I’d love to hear what you guys think.
There’s one last shot I haven’t mentioned yet, of Klara nervously looking around a room with a glass (of alcohol?) in her hand. 
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She seems to be at a party but unlike her party girl persona in season 1, she is now unsure and alone. She’s mostly covered up which goes against how she used to dress for parties (her mother even commented on how her shirt showed too much skin before the dinner party with Mats and Leila). 
Klara’s actress mentioned in an interview that we might change our perception of Klara’s character in season 2, so I assume we’ll feel bad for her now that she’s lost her friends and that she’ll get some kind of “mini” redemption arc.
I’ve watched this trailer so many times now that I’m out of things to say, but please send me asks/messages if you’d like to discuss more! I’m sure there are tons of things I’ve missed or haven’t thought of.
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tetrakys · 5 years
I totally agree with the other anon that Ethan was the one the destroyed princess Vladimir garden because when the mc was about to die HE WAS THE ONLY ONE SMILING WHILE EVERYONE WAS WORRIED mannn i was like THAT BITCH i think he is just like Vladimir (cold,heartless,lonely) also let me add PSYCHO real quick and because of that my friends I’M IN LOVE WITH HIM and also he may be the fourth to be released because of the sequence that they reveled the LI’s
Because you guys kept sending me asks about this garden situation, I caved and watched a few videos. I have opinions that I am going to share, so it's spoilers from now on, you all are warned.
First of all I am completely bummed by the fact that not only MC is not turned into a vampire, but she basically becomes the LI's personal food, which is exactly what I didn't want to happen. She literally gets called Chalice. On the other hand I also have to admit that being turned into a vampire just for urgency to prevent her death wouldn't have been nice either. This is a serious decision that she must make willingly. This also explains why Eloise is so pale in her sprite, she's basically anemic for the constant blood loss 😑
This pretty much covers the negatives of the game for me, because everithing else I liked a lot.
The atmosphere, music and sounds were really cool, this might be the first game I play with audio on.
I like how the vampires interact with each other, there are some interesting dynamics, some seem to can't stand each other at all. Makes me wonder why they are all living together.
Eloise is cool, I like her personality, she's not a weak doll. Growing up in the orphanage made her a kick-ass woman and I look forward to see her in many situations.
I personally don't care at all about customisation, I am only sad for the people who were looking forward to it. On the other hand not all hope is lost, this is only the beta, it could very well be that the complete game has an avatar system like Eldarya or Ikemen Vampire. BV makes money with events and clothes, I don't see them dropping this lucrative ball completely.
About the guys:
Vladimir is not at all what I expected when I first saw his sprite and I'm happy about it, I thought he was going to be too meek. I forsee myself getting the bad ending right away because my instinct is to fight him :P but I think I understood the kind of answers you need to pick, they are all very similar just in a slightly different tone. You need to stand up for yourself but at the same time be well-mannered.
Beliath: he's more selfish than I expected but I am intrigued, he is also a teaser of not only MC but Vladimir too. I can't comment much because I haven't seen his chapter.
Ethan: well my boy we saw very little of you, but he sounded to me less psycho than I thought he would be. Still, it wasn't much to base an opinion on. One interesting detail is that when he saw Eloise hurt he commented that she was too hurt to either be turned into a vampire or for him to cure her. It makes me think he may be a doctor/medic/healer/scholar of some kind.
Aaron: he says he's not the same vampire as all the rest. The moment he appears wolves start howling and he laughs and comments that wolves are not dangerous. I see right through you Aaron. I did it the first moment I laid my eyes on you. Other than this, he's level-headed, hot and totally Valkyon 2.0. I can't wait for him to take us like the wild werewolf beast he really is.
Raphael: he's sweet and caring and I want to protect him from the world. He feels like he's going to be MC's only friend for a while.
Ivan: less tsundere than I thought he would be, his bad temper seems to depend only on the fact that he's struggling to adjust to his life as a vampire. He didn't want to push Eloise and tried to catch her. I also understand the cape now, probably he's more sensitive to the light.
About the garden: I've only watched Vladimir's route so I don't know if this happens also in Beliath's (I guess not?) but I am not sure it was any of the guys' fault. We know that other "things" may lurk into the wood. Also I don't see why any of the main6 would do this. The culprit must have some deep grudge against Vladimir, or maybe acted out of jealousy because he was picked by Eloise. And this brings me to the point that interests me the most: the game cared to point out right away that Eloise was born in the mansion. Why? Why is this important? She must have some connection with the place, and maybe there is someone/something else inhabiting it. When did the vapires first moved in? Someone commented they had worked hard to make the place a safe home for them. Did they get rid of Eloise's parents? Who btw where both historians, interesting detail. These are the main questions I have on my mind at the moment.
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astralaffairs · 5 years
freedom of the press 04 || thomas jefferson || TEASER
hey loves!! this is only the very surface of what I have in store for part 4 -- the story gets both softer and steamier, and that’s all i’ll say on the matter. it’s a bit self-indulgent, but self-indulgence was the whole reason i started writing this.
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Y/N spent the following days, the next weeks, focusing on herself. She was letting herself get distracted, and with that, distracted by precisely the person she was supposed to be focusing on. It felt ironic, really, but she wasn't amused.
She spent time tapping her sources from and around the campaign trail, trying to establish a connection with other politicians who had been identified as potential candidates for the election, trying to expand her network beyond her small corner of the policy scene. ("The policy scene" was much bigger than she'd thought.)
She reached out to think tanks, to analysts, economists -- she was getting a little off track, but basically, she talked to everyone with no link to the name "Jefferson," despite the precise nature of her assignment.
Her stab at freedom from the now-former Secretary of State was to little avail. While he was the foundation of his campaign, there was enough else going on surrounding the election that she could dance around confronting him.
Yet, not for as long as she'd have liked.
She was knee-deep into finding the perfect person to cold call at Brookings when the crucial blow came.
"Y/N!" Her boss's perpetually peppy voice rang through the hall toward her office, and our fatigued heroine looked up with a brow raised. Ashley stopped in the doorway, appearingly elated. "Guess what?"
Her eyes flashed with crazed excitement, and Y/N almost didn't want to ask what. It felt very much like a trick question.
In response to Y/N's expectant stare, silent and unmoving, Ashley sighed and entered. "You should be a lot more excited when I come running down to your office with a 'guess what,' y'know."
She sighed. "Oh, no! I'm so sorry! What ever exciting news could I be missing out on at this very moment?" Her contrived enthusiasm reeked of sarcasm, but Ashley's spirits were too high to be quashed, and she only rolled her eyes in response.
"So, you've been covering the Jefferson campaign for months, right?" Apparently, she was ignoring the less-than-thrilled response. Y/N nodded. "And you were out in front of it before anyone else was, right? You know more than anyone else about his platform and history."
Grudgingly, she nodded again. "I suppose so." She was equally unexcited to claim to know Thomas Jefferson's past better than anyone else.
"And, he's projected to be the Republican frontrunner."
"The debates haven't even started, everything could change in a night," Y/N pointed out. "You know that."
"You're right, the debates haven't started." Y/N was clearly missing something. Ashley seemed to be unreasonably thrilled about the lack of pre-existing clash between the candidates. She raised a brow, and Ashley appeared to be holding back a squeal with how she was grinning. "But, the debates are only a few days from now, so, I called in an old contact from NBC, and of course, they'd heard of you--" She paused for dramatic emphasis, but the anticipation wasn't exactly killing Y/N, "And... since the Washington Post is co-sponsoring the event, they want to have you as one of the moderators for the first round of debates!"
With that, Y/N was struck silent. "They...?" She could only gape for a moment, and Ashley nodded excitedly.
"Mm-hmm. It's against precedent, but since you've become the most prominent and consistent reporter covering Jefferson the past few months, they think your input would be invaluable."
"But what about my live commentary?" she asked, still dumbstruck. Everything in her was telling her this was a bad idea; she needed to protest her way out. "I won't be able to provide as good of coverage of the debates if I'm not taking notes and writing during them. It'll hurt my articles. This is too big of an event not to write for."
She knew she was rambling, but Ashley only let out a sigh, as though Y/N was being absolutely ridiculous. "Oh, come on. Your commentary's more valuable on the spot if it can be used to grill the candidates and get Jefferson to talk."
"'Get Jefferson to talk'? This is a debate, not an interrogation." She blinked, visibly put-off. "Besides, it's not like I'd be controlling the floor. I wouldn't be doing much good anyway, and it really wouldn't get me much notice." She paused a moment, trying to gauge Ashley's reaction, and swallowed. "I think I should stick to my own territory."
"Y/N." Her tone was firm now. "This is the biggest opportunity you're going to get for people to notice you as a political journalist. It wasn't easy to get you this position, and besides, you're perfectly equipped for it. You've spent hundreds of hours by now researching the issues, contacting think tanks for different perspectives on them, contrasting Jefferson with the other candidates, and..." She took a thoughtful pause. "And I can't even scratch the surface of what you've been spending all this time on. If anyone should be moderating, it should be you. This isn't the time for cold feet."
Ashley had begun monologuing, and Y/N knew right there that there was no getting out of this job. It's not about getting cold feet, though, Y/N thought, I can do it, easily. What Ashley didn't know, though, was that there was more there.
The growing pause following her boss's speech was heavy with expectation, and finally, Y/N sighed, knowing she didn't actually have a choice in the matter if she cared to keep her job.
"Fine. Should I book myself a hotel in Detroit?"
"Don't bother. It'll come out of company funds; it's the least we can do."
She sighed, turning back to her computer, closing the tab she'd just opened. "Michigan, here I come."
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softscottlang · 6 years
Finding Our Forever Part 1 (Tom Holland)
[Foster Dad!Tom x Foster Mom!Reader (established)]
Warning: Foster Homes?? idk if that’s a warning.
Summary: Sophia and Mason show up at the Holland household and are starting to adjust to the new home, 
Word Count: 2.5k 
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The air was cold when the small car pulled up to a small house, Mason and Sophia looked at each other. They were both used to being thrown around from home to home, but that didn’t mean they were used to the feeling. The bubbling anxiety the Mason never talked about. The heat that Sophia felt rising to her head from frustration, never being spoken of.
“Ready?” Mason’s voice carried over the several inches to where his sister was sitting. She was staring down at her feet. A look of anger displayed clearly through her features.
“Do we have a choice?” Her voice came out rough. Sophia was tired of moving. She was tired of feeling unwanted. Mason felt the same way, he just didn’t know how to admit it.
“Maybe this is it.”
Sophia stared at her feet still. She remembered looking at them five years ago, they were smaller. They held up her body that was more hopeful. Now they were big kid feet, one’s that she would use every time she walked from yet another failed home.
“You say that every time Mason.” Her voice came out softer this time.
“I know.” Mason said before a knock on the window was signaling that it was time for them to get out of the car.
The house was modest, but bigger than other places that the twins had lived at. There was a soft brown door that was encased by the clean porch. There were two cars in the drive way, both ones that an average married couple would have.
Sophia was holding onto her suitcase with both hands, while Mason was carrying his in one hand and his spare hand was shoved in his pocket. The feeling that they were experiencing was numbness. They weren’t sad nor happy, they just felt nothing.
The feet of the ten-year-olds ponded on the pavement before they were standing at the door. Sophia looked to Mason with a solemn expression, not sure if she should ring the door bell or wait for Sarah to do it.
Meanwhile, you watched as your husband paced the room. His hands were pulling at his hair in nervousness. You had decided to become foster parents after seeing the number of children that were in the system. It was jaw dropping to see the high count, so you both talked for months about how to help before deciding on becoming foster parents.
“What if we aren’t good parents to them?” Tom’s hands were shaking as he pulled them away from his curled hair. Your stomach was flipping while you were watching him become unhinged. You did your best to keep the feeling to yourself, trying not to worry the man before you. “What if they don’t like us? Or we aren’t good role mod-?”
“Tom!” Your voice demanded his to stop. His eyes were big with worry and fear, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. You walk over to him and grasp his arms lovingly, making eye contact with him. “We’re going to be great parents, no matter who is about to walk through that door. We will love them and take care of them.”
Tom nodded to you and quickly pulled you into his arms, hugging you close to his body. You were the thing that soothed him whenever he was becoming unhinged. You were his anchor in a way, and he was yours when you needed it.
“You’re right my love, but you know this isn’t going to be easy.” Tom said with his face in your hair, muffling the sound that came out of his mouth.
“Of course, it’s not.” You say into the hug he gave you. Embracing all the feelings that were over coming you. The anxiety that was bubbling in your stomach made you grasp the fabric wrapped around his torso. “They need us, they need someone.”
You both stood there, embracing each other before there was a sudden bell sound. You both jumped a little before realizing that it was the doorbell that had interrupted your moment. The nerves began to build in your body and manifest itself into shaking hands.
You hurried over to the door, careful not to touch the door knob. It was realizing that once you opened that door, your life was going to change. Whether or not it would change for the better, you wouldn’t be able to take this decision back.
You hesitated, and you felt awful for it.
Tom took your hand in his and reached for the handle, he felt the same thing that you did. He felt the scared knots that were in his chest, but he gave you a nod and opened the door.
When he opened the door, you saw a woman standing behind two children, both holding a bag that seemed too small to be carrying all the possessions of a ten-year-old. It made your stomach drop but you made sure that the smile on your face stayed in place.
“Mr. and Mrs. Holland, this is Sophia and Mason Smith.” The lady you knew to be Sarah said to you and your husband.
The little boy was looking down at his feet and played with something in his pocket. His curly hair was obviously brushed but looked as if it hadn’t had a cut in several months. He had freckles that decorated his button nose. He was wearing a gray shirt with colorful stains and a pair of khaki shorts that looked like they hadn’t been washed in weeks.
The girl on the other hand was wearing a pair of ripped up jeans that obviously hadn’t been bought that way and a plain yellow shirt that was wrinkled. Her curly black hair was matted and frizzy, an obvious result from sleeping on wet hair without brushing it. She was looking past you with her deep brown eyes, into the house, obviously not interested in this part of the household movements.
“Well, we’re Tom and Y/N. We’re excited for you guys to be here.” Tom says while putting a hand on your back, intended to be for support. “Why don’t you guys come on in?”
You lead the twins and Sarah in before seeing that she and Tom were engaging in conversation about the twins so you took it upon yourself to show them their new house.
“So, this is the living room.” You say while giving them a tour of the house, until you were about to reach the hallway with the bedrooms in it. Tom joined you just before, standing behind them and leaning against the hallway wall.
You pointed to a room on your right and gestured to the one exactly next to it. The rooms had a conjoined bathroom for the twins to share.
“Sophia gets this room and Mason gets the one down the hall.” Sophia and Mason stood still after you had told them about where their rooms are. They shared a confused and conflicted look that made you look to Tom questioningly. “Is everything alright loves?”
“We’ve never had our own rooms.” Sophia’s voice came out reflecting no emotion, but her face was turned down, obviously sad.
“Well you guys don’t have to sleep separately for the first few nights. I understand how hard it is to be in a new place with strangers.” Tom said while bending down to eye level with the twins. “But the rules say you guys have to have different bedrooms.”
“A lot of people broke that rule then. We usually get the small room away from everyone. Sometimes there’s only one bed and a window.” Sophia quipped back to the brunette man. Her arms crossed against her chest in a sassy way. She obviously didn’t understand the severity of that statement.
“Well the Hollands are different.” Tom made a point to say this with no humor in his voice.
The air was uncomfortable for a moment before Sophia scoffed a ‘sure’ and trudged into the room you had assigned her to.
You watched as Tom put a careful hand on Mason’s shoulder and lead him down to his room. You watched after them, it was something that seemed unreal, there were two other human beings that you were now responsible for living in your house.
You walked into Sophia’s room to see her sitting on the perfectly made bed with a book in her hand and her suitcase laying open on the duvet. There wasn’t much in there
“What book are you reading hun?”  You ask quietly from just inside the doorway, not trying to push the dark-haired girl too far.
“It’s none of your business.” Her voice was monotoned, showing that she left no room for humor.
“Oh, I’m sorry for asking.” You made sure to not let any emotion of anger or sadness seep into your words.
“No you’re not.” Sophia still had yet to look up from the book that she held in her hands. “They’re never sorry…” Her voice trailed off and her head hung low. She didn’t want to carry on the conversation and you could tell from the tone in her voice.
“Sophia, I’m going to check on your brother.” You say when you see Tom appear in the doorway and lean his head towards were Mason’s was. Obviously seeing the saddened look on your face and trying to relieve you of that feeling. “Call for me if you need anything.”
You walked from Sophia’s room to where her twin brother was unpacking his things. He was carefully placing each torn and dirty clothing item into the dresser that you and Tom had put in there for him. It was almost as if it was ceremonial for the green-eyed boy.
You watched him with great interest until you say that underneath all of the clothes, there was broken crayons, un sharpened and dull pencils along with the several pieces of paper that were colored on. It looked pretty from where you were, but the alluring nature of the pastel colors drew you closer.
“Those are really pretty Mason; do you draw a lot?” You say before picking up a few pieces of paper. He nodded but kept his head down. His focus was on his hands, which had tiny marks littering his palms. “You like it then, yeah?”
“Yeah…” It was the first time you had heard him speak for himself. His sister normally did the talking for the two of them. You gave him a small smile before you examined the art work in your hands.
It was two well drawn people, one was a girl with curly hair and the other with- a boy with green eyes. They were holding hands while there was a blurry abundance of color surrounding them, looking like constant motion. It was beautiful and meaningful.
“That one’s me and Sophia. We’re never in the same place to get a good picture of it, but we have each other,” His voice was like a little pillow, soft but supported. “and that’s enough for me.”
You heart was pulled for the dark-haired boy in front of you. He was content with the life he had, but he wasn’t happy where he was and that was something you
“You’ll have more in this life Mason, I promise you.” Your words came out softly, trying not to take away from the serious moment.
“…Are we having dinner soon?” Mason said to you. He was looking at his hands again, the hands that were littered in little scratches and scars.
“Of course love, I’ll go start it now.” You say before exciting the room and started towards the kitchen, trying to get a meal out to these more than likely, hungry children.
Once you had finished and called everyone in for dinner, Sophia was the first to speak before the food was served.
“You guys it dinner together?” Sophia’s voice was still in the same tone as before. “And you want us to eat with you?” She was referring to the four place setting you had put on the table.
The fact that the younger girl felt that she needed to ask that was something that was very sad and heart wrenching,
“You’re part of the family now Sophia, of course you guys are eating with us.” Tom says, laughing at the girl’s question.
While dinner was quiet, it soon became a comfortable silence. One that you didn’t feel needed to be filled with small talk. Once you were done, you and Tom picked up the dishes and cleaned them together. You help small talk of what you were going to do for the next few weeks with the twins before school started now that you knew some of what they were interested in.
Once you had finished, you both walked back out to the dinning room where Mason was drawling on paper with his almost gone pencil that made indents from being chewed on. His focus was purely on the piece of art that he was creating.
You walked towards the living room and saw Sophia staring at something.
“That’s Spider-man!” Sophia said as she points to the poster that was framed on the wall. Tom smiled and nodded his head while you watched the small girl exclaim in wonder.
“Yeah! Do you like him?” You watched as your husband stood away from the curly haired girl but still close enough that they were within reaching distance of each other.
“Yeah! He’s my favorite super hero, after Spider-Gwen of course!” The hardened attitude that the young girl carried was slowly slipping away from her. Her eyes were slowly being to be filled with something you hadn’t seen on her yet.
“Well, did you know that I play Spider-man?” Tom said with a boyish smirk on his face, obviously showing off for the new comer.
“No way, Andrew Garfield is Spider-man.” Sophia said with her arms crossed and
“Oh yeah?” Tom responded before pulling his phone out of his pocket and opened a video from his camera roll. It was easy to guess that it was a video of him as Spider-man, but the interesting part came when the video finish and Sophia started screaming.
“I’m staying at Peter Parker’s house! This crazy!” She started jumping around and flailing her arms around. “Mace, did you hear me? THE Peter Parker!”
“How does it feel to meet your favorite superhero Sophia?” Tom said with a sassy grin on his face. Sophia’s head whipped over to him very quickly, her rare smile still ever so present.
“I thought you said you played Spider-MAN not Spider-GWEN.” Sophia bursted out into laughter almost immediately after causing Tom to give her a shocked look and feigned being hurt. She playfully pushed him and started to dart towards her room.
Tom looked at you after she had gone out of sight. He had a smile on his face and you both had the same thought running through your minds.
That maybe, just maybe, this was going to work.
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