#i also wore a white mask to tie it all together to be like the heron hehe đŸ˜·
kittyeekcube · 6 months
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i saw the boy and the heron on opening day!! it was such a beautiful and profound film, i highly recommend seeing it in theaters!! đŸ„°đŸ©”âœš
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msfcatlover · 6 months
Moonbeam Cass (Reverse Robins)
As Duke's successor, Cass will of course be iterating on his design. Normally, this would've taken a lot longer to put together (as you've probably noticed, they tend to be multi-day designing marathons.) However, I had a stroke of inspiration last night that I absolutely love, and everything else came together very quickly after that, so let's start the ball rolling with Moonbeam's new helmet...
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...a gold-mesh saber mask! Cass wraps the top in cream-colored fabric, so that it's an off-white helmet with a gold mesh bubble in front of her face. She also wears a white neck gaiter under it to further conceal her identity, even when the light does hit the mesh just right for someone to see through it.
I feel like Cass would go back to the demi-cuirass, but she'd change it up; now it's a cream-colored leather piece worn over the brassy/golden chainmail tunic, which obviously goes very well with the new mesh mask.
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(This, but in off-white & without the tie. Its job is a little extra protection and displaying Moonbeam's symbol. On a meta level, it also helps visually break things up & keep them interesting.)
The Moonbeam symbol is still an iridescent white circle, but Cass's version is definitely ringed in gold.
The chainmail tunic hangs just past her knees, but splits into multiple panels (3-6, though I'm sure some people would draw it as individual strands, which while not practical, is a hell of a look that I absolutely support!) at the tops of her thighs.
Cass actually wears 2 utility belts, in that complete-fantasy way where they hang at a diagonal to form an X at hip-height. You know, the kind that would just fall off if anyone really tried to wear them that way, but looks so cool in character design?
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(I'm so annoyed that I can't find a reference image for this, so here's a super-quick mockup thrown together in GIMP. Thanks to the base maker for saving me here.)
The undersuit Cass wears is white, but is only really visible on her legs; the chainmail is full-sleeve (fitted, rather than hanging loose.) It looks like she's wearing lightly padded white leggings, though they are, of course, made of the most flexible stab- & tear-resistant fabric Bruce could get his hands on.
Continuing down, Cass wears sturdy brown motorcycle boots, probably with a little pocket or two, under the same greaves she briefly wore in Red Robin (2009), but the greaves are the same golden as her mask.
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(These boots but maybe a little taller, an example of pockets, and the awesome costume she wore for all of one single issue and then we never saw it again.)
Bouncing back up real quick, I'd give Cass her Orphan pauldrons, specifically this iteration of them where it looks like they have a little gold moon on them, but with a cream background instead of black.
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(I want to say she has tiny matching elbow pads worn over the chainmail sleeves, though that's another detail I feel would disappear fast if anyone actually had to draw this costume for a comic. Possibly for good reason, I worry they might be just a little bit too much.)
Finally, Cass's costume is topped off with a pair of gauntlets; the metal is once again that creamy-white (this time with gold edging) and the leather base matches her boots perfectly.
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(Source 1, Source 2. You'd be surprised how long I looked to find a style I actually liked for this costume.)
The Moonbeam circle that Duke wore on the back of his hand is now inlaid at the center of Cass's palm, and is rigged to actually work as a flash-weapon if she needs it to. This helps her pretend that Moonbeam still has Duke's powers, acts as a last-resort surprise in a pinch, and I'd like you to imagine her holding out her hand to help someone with a shimmering, inviting glow lighting up her palm.
(I also want you to imagine her standing next to Shadow!Steph, since they're basically a matched set. I was not actively working to have their costumes compliment eachother, since that wasn't the in-universe plan when Cass took up the mantle, but I think they'd compliment eachother nicely.)
That's all for this one. Thank you for your time.
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sweetbillwriting · 5 months
The Finer Things
Mask On, Mask Off - Part 4
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Description: Ines lives a modest life in Brooklyn but has a secret, a valuable painting. Out of nowhere Vincent De Gramont appears and wants to help her sell it. He welcomes her into a life of luxury the question is just why?
Characters: Vincent De Garmont, The Marquis, From John Wick 4.
Setting: This story is set in my own universe, so not exactly the John Wick universe.
Warnings: 18+, prejudice and stereotypical thinking about nationalities, mentions about sex, mentions about prostitution.
She was at The Louvre. She would go to an event at The Louvre. Ines looked at the impressive glass pyramid outside of the museum with Vincent next to her. The car had just dropped them off and she wasn't prepared for the event being at the world’s most famous art museum. Christ, the Mona Lisa was hanging there!
She looked around with big eyes while Vincent showed their invitation for the guard. There were rich, well dressed people everywhere. The men in formal wear and the women in sleek dresses, showing off stereotypical Parisian curves, in other words, not many curves at all. Even if Ines was dressed up she felt like a stain on white silk. All the women looked perfect in high heels and smooth hair but it was also one more detail that stood out. All of them wore masks, extravagant masks fitting for a masquerade party in the 1800th century.
She had known she wouldn't fit in but had believed she would feel more okay with it but now didn't feel as sure. Without saying anything the Marquis took her hand and pulled her into a corner, hidden by a pillar. Ines looked at him curiously while he stretched out his hand. In it was a red mask, decorated with rhinestones in a similar color.
“I thought you would have a red dress,” he said, not as an excuse, more as it was just annoying facts. Ines looked at the mask.
“Will everyone have these sort of masks? Is it a orgy party or something?” She asked while putting the mask against her face. Vincent didn't say anything, just put on his own extravagant mask in black but with peacock feathers and gold glitter.
“Why is your mask so much prettier than mine?” Whined Ines and looked at her own mask again.
“Because I let a designer do it. I didn't have time to get one for you. I didn't know I would have a date for the night.”
Ines looked up at him from her mask, meeting his green eyes surrounded by the colorful feathers.
“Date?” Said Ines as a reflex.
“Yes. They call a guest a date in the invitation so you're my date.”
The Marquis didn’t give away any emotions so Ines accepted his answer.
“Should I help you with that one?” He nodded towards her mask and Ines took up it towards her face again. Vincent walked around her to tie it around her head, making a perfect bow with the red ribbon but it wasn't anything Ines noticed, how he put energy to make it completely symmetrical.
“When we are inside I will let you mingle,” said Vincent bluntly and fixed his cufflinks.
“Okay,” said Ines with a nod, she knew how to mingle.
“And I will be
 around,” continued Vincent. Ines looked up at him with furrowed brows.
“Around? You mean we will not go together?”
“I promise you, having a tall, handsome, well dressed man like me by your side will not make rich men talk to you. It's better if you mingle alone, tell them about your painting
 Maybe you can flirt a little?” He said the last part carefully, like he had encouraged her to prostitution. Ines smirked and looked down on her feet. It was noticeable he hadn't understood how her Friday nights used to look. She was an expert at flirting, how else would you get free stuff?
“Okay. That's fine. But can I call if there is something?”
Vincent looked down at her again and as a symbolic gesture he opened his jacket, showing off his phone in the inner pocket, but also a gun sticking up from the waistband of his suit pants.
“I will answer.”
It came natural for Ines to mingle around with people and even if she was nervous at first, walking around among all the rich fine people she relaxed quickly. Behind the mask she could be someone else and instead feeling like the stupid American girl, she felt exotic and sexy. There were many curious eyes on her.
She told people about her painting, flirted and received business cards. She felt pleased with herself when she called Vincent. She hadn't seen him all night but if she was honest, when she was her flirty self he would just be in the way.
“Already done? Someone interested?” He said calmly. Ines stood in a corner outside the ladies restroom talking with The Marquis on the phone. She was a little tipsy on champagne and leaned against the wall. She couldn't understand how these rich people could drink so much without seeming affected.
“I have twelve business cards
” she said, pleased. Vincent cleared his throat.
“What? Isn't that good?” Ines said disappointed.
“No it's good
” The Marquis sounded weirdly detached and Ines felt the nerves come up again.
“Can we meet where the car dropped us off?” He asked.
“So we should leave now? I really thought it would be an orgy,” she joked but didn't get a reaction from Vincent.
“Just meet me, now.”
Ines had a weird feeling while walking out to Vincent. There was something that felt off. It was everything from his mood, the gun but also the fact she hadn't seen him all night. It felt like he was hiding something.
He stood by the black car without his mask, Ines took off hers too and walked up to him with quick steps. He looked irritated, with pursed lips and his hands deep in his pockets.
“Are you seriously irritated with me for something? I just did what you told me to do!” She said annoyed and crossed her arms. Vincent looked her up and down and she could see his hands move in his pants pockets. He cleared his throat and seemed to examine her face.
“Just let’s go home
” he muttered and opened the door for her. Ines rolled her eyes and jumped in. It felt like she could never do anything right. It had felt so promising in the beginning of the night.
In the hotel she walked to her room and pulled off the uncomfortable dress and put on a big t-shirt. She was ready to go to bed. She had nothing to do, no good company and was also tired by all the champagne she had been drinking but when she had just crawled down under the cover a light knock could be heard against her door.
“Come in,” she said just so Vincent would understand he could actually open the door and walk in and he did. He wore just his slacks and the suit shirt, his suspenders hanging on his hips. He had a glass in his hand and looked at her softly.
“I'm sorry for my bad mood
“Did I do something wrong?” Asked Ines carefully and played with the cover.
“No, no
 It was just something else
” he said with a sigh. To Ines surprise he suddenly sat down on the side of her bed and placed his glass on her night stand. They weren't even three feet from each other. If she leaned forward she would have been able to look down his shirt, see his smooth chest but Vincent's usually proper manner made her feel weird about it.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She said softly. Maybe he had things he needed to talk with a friend about but didn't have any friends? He gave her a look. He looked intoxicated and she wondered what the amber liquid in his glass was. The Marquis licked his lips and with some hesitation he leaned towards her and kissed her lips softly. Ines had seen it happen, his smooth but doubtful movement and felt her pulse go up at once. He actually kissed her. His lips were soft and plump and he tasted strong of the spirit. He opened his eyes slowly, they were obviously affected by alcohol but maybe something more. Ines couldn't tell.
“Do it again
” she whispered. Vincent laid his hand on her neck and with his thumb on her jugular, he pushed her face up towards his. He kissed her again, more determined this time and it made Ines moan into his mouth. He continued kissing her and a sneaky tongue pushed in between her lips. Even if she got exactly what she had wanted she wasn't pleased and stood up on her knees to be able to deepen their kisses even more. She moved his hand down from her neck to her waist where the thin cotton t-shirt was the only barrier between his hand and her naked body. With a hard grip around her waist he pulled her close to his body and leaned back on his elbow. The kisses heated fast and his hand moved up so his thumb dragged on the underside of her breast. To be close to Vincent was too amazing and Ines couldn't stop the giggle from jumping out from her full lips.
“And you said you weren't interested at all
” she teased and looked at Vincent's intoxicated eyes. For a moment she thought he would smile but it turned to a painful grimace and he shoved her away softly but determinedly.
“Of course you were forced to talk
” he muttered and stood up. Ines looked at him confused but it turned to anger fast.
“What do you mean with that? What? You come into my room and push your tongue into my mouth but think I should just be quiet??” She said upset and got a hard gaze from Vincent back. He snatched up his glass from the night stand and then turned to the door.
“Forget this happened.”
He chugged the last of the spirit in his glass and put it down on the stand again before walking to the door.
“C'est juste une jolie fille
 Ne dĂ©truis pas tout pour une chatte
He muttered for himself. Ines looked at him upset, she was sure he had said something bad about her and without thinking she threw a pillow in his head. His perfect hair got ruined by his neck and he stopped in his steps.
“Did you just throw a pillow in my head?” He said through his teeth and turned around slowly. Ines felt a knot in her stomach when she saw his killer look. This was not the man she had been with this last week.
“No?” she swallowed hard and sank down on the mattress.
The Marquis stood and looked at her with dark eyes before walking up to her slowly. Ines felt panic spread in her body, would he hit her?
“Up!” He exclaimed when he stood by the bed. Ines looked down at the cover and swallowed hard but then did as he said. She was too afraid to find out what would happen if she didn't do what he said. She stood just in front of him. Even if she wasn't that short she felt tiny when she stood in front of him. He had his arms crossed and she could see the veins trying to push out from his skin.
“I should
 Punish you for your behavior
” he threw his head back and groaned loudly. In a fast movement he attacked her lips with his, so hard it felt like she would fall. Ines just kissed back with a beating heart. She let her emotions guide her now and just let it happen. Her otherwise questioning self would have asked what he actually wanted but his kisses were too passionate to stop just to ask such a question.
Vincent sat down on the bed and with a hand on the back of her thigh he prompted her to straddle his lap. She just followed his directions and let herself disappear into his bubble where it tasted like spirits and spearmint and smelled like floral perfume and vanilla. She was used to men smelling bad or wearing too strong cologne but he smelled of the scents she herself liked.
Vincent threaded his fingers through her hair and with a light pull he got her to lean back.
“Yes I am interested. Okay? But I can't be. I can't. So now you must help me end this. Prove I can trust you,” he said slowly, like he explained something to a child.
Ines leaned back even more and looked between his eyes. She didn't understand but also knew she never would. Vincent let her go and doubtfully she stood up and let him do the same.
Vincent cleared his throat, fixed his hair and his clothes. It looked like he thought he could get back into his hard shell just by fixing his appearance but Ines looked at him differently now. There was something softer, more insecure behind his hard exterior. He wasn't as well polished as he tried to seem.
Vincent walked to the door and turned around and looked at her with big eyes.
“Good night.”
“Good night
” she answered while playing with her fingers in front of her. She wished he could stay, sleep close to her and maybe show more of his soft self but he had asked her to keep away and she would respect that. It was obviously important for him, even if she couldn't understand what a make out session with her would harm.
The next morning Ines did everything to be ready to meet Vincent again. He had visited her dreams that night, with naked skin, soft kisses and an open heart. It felt like her own heart was trying to escape when she woke up with a sweaty neck and another moisture between her legs. She wanted him so badly and she needed to find out why he couldn't just let her come close.
She did her make up to perfection, in that natural, modest way he seemed to like and then looked through the clothes he had got her. She had a tight pencil skirt and a lavender colored silky blouse. It would do, even if it would have been a better outfit with heels. She left her feet bare just like he always did and tippy toed out from her bedroom. The big window in the room connecting all of the suite’s rooms welcomed her out with bright sunlight and she felt it gave her power to try to come close to Vincent, talk to him in a real, intimate way. She looked around in the suite but realized quickly that it was empty. He wasn't there. Ines looked in through the doorframe to his bedroom where the bed already was made and none of his things were on show. She thought for a second that he maybe had left her but knew he wouldn't. She knew him that well now, he wouldn't just leave.
She accepted that he once again had left and ordered up some breakfast. She didn't have a problem activating herself either and planned to go to the library and flirt with European tourists in hotel bars. Just because she wanted The Marquis she could still entertain herself. By lunch she left the suite to take the elevator down. She could see the other guard standing outside of the room they had the painting in, otherwise the corridor was empty.
“Excuse me, do you know where Vin
 The Marquis is?” She asked him out of curiosity. He looked at her with a weird look before answering.
“Juste derriùre toi.”
Ines looked at him confused but also a bit annoyed, if he could understand her, he must be able to speak English?
“Right behind you, he said.”
It was Vincent's voice, just behind her and that made her jump. As a reflex she turned around and hit his chest.
“Don't scare me like that!”
Vincent looked between her face and the spot she had hit with furrowed brows.
“Sorry, just a reflex,” she said, embarrassed and looked at him with blushing cheeks. She looked at him up and down where he stood in his camel colored three piece suit and perfect hair. He was so beautiful and the burgundy colored shirt made his green eyes pop. Vincent nodded a little and turned to the door to the suite. Ines didn't react to him being alone because she just admired his looks. The full lips, high cheekbones, his jaw
 But what was that? Something red was smeared on his jawline and her heart stopped because it looked like the perfect shade of red lipstick but it wasn't lipstick. It was blood.
“Is that blood?” She walked closer to see better and Vincent gave her a wide eyed look. He looked stressed for a moment before he looked away.
“Where?” He dragged his hand over his neck.
“Here, let me,” she said and wet her thumb with her tongue before trying to rub the spot away.
“It's from a close shave, right?” She said with a smile and looked deep in his eyes. Vincent looked back at her, letting her wipe away the blood with her saliva. They look deeply in each other's eyes, much deeper than they had before. Something happened right then and there between them none of them had expected. Ines understood it wasn't his blood, Vincent's could see she didn't care whose blood it was. He nodded as an answer to her question even if the answer didn't matter.
Ines sucked her thumb clean while Vincent looked at her with big eyes. He cleared his throat awkwardly before taking her hand in his and opening the door to the suite.
“I met a person interested in your painting
” he said softly while leading her in through the door. Ines felt her pulse go up from his warm hand but also the memory of him watching her suck her thumb. She knew he was up to no good but she didn't care. He was a bad man, just like Faith had said but she had never cared about that.
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anonymouscomrade · 7 months
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this is the finished mask that i posted about earlier, with the red paint touched up and evened out, a coat of sealer applied, and the old thin elastic headband that was attached with hot glue replaced with a stronger elastic band attached with actual stitching. note that my skill level at sewing hovers somewhere around "can successfully push a needle and thread through fabric without sticking his own finger approximately six out of every ten tries" so the stitching is super jank and isn't good by any means, but the mask held for my entire shift at work so it worked enough for that at least. my "costume" was extremely thrown-together at the last minute because i didn't even plan to do anything for halloween until like 48 hours beforehand so aside from the mask i wore my oldest pants, the most worn and threadbare hoodie i own, and a solid color t-shirt. not super accurate, but at least not something terribly out of place. if i'd had more time maybe i could have gotten my hands on a prop machete or knife or something to carry around to add to the look but whatever, it was fine for being so last-minute
various reactions i got at work:
like five different people thought i was Michael Myers, which makes some sense because Jason doesn't have much in the way of hair while mine hasn't seen scissors in months, but Michael Myers' mask is solid white and covers his whole head. it took a few movies but Jason's most iconic look is the hockey mask with red chevrons. totally different guy
one guy walked up to me and said "hey, Freddy!" with all the confidence in the world. it was still early enough in the shift that i was still trying to stay dedicated to the bit and maintaining Jason's silence so i just gave him a nod. Freddy's the one with a striped sweater, a fedora, and knife glove, and kills people in their dreams, and also he talks a lot. Jason has the hockey mask, kills people in the waking world, and doesn't talk pretty much ever. again, completely different guy
at least nobody thought i was Leatherface, even though my physique is definitely closer to his than Jason's. for those keeping score, Leatherface wears a tie and an apron, and someone else's face like a mask over his, and kills people with a chainsaw because he's also a cannibal. i haven't seen a Friday the 13th from start to finish in a long while but i'm pretty sure Jason doesn't eat people and might not actually need to eat at all because he's undead
one guy took one look at me and wanted a picture of me standing there menacingly in front of the meat counter. that was fun
i think the best reaction i got all day was the older guy who saw me and did a full-on hands on head, knees knocking, fingernail biting cartoon scaredy routine like something out of Luigi's Mansion
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apollo-gate · 1 year
Hello author! How do the ROs normally dress up? Can you share pictures of what they wear? It's okay if you don't, so don't worry! Just that a visual help sometimes help me better understand how you want your characters to look like!
I can do that. (No pictures sorry.)
if you want their alias gear ask that in a separate ask ill do it. And if you want jewelry I can do that too.
Here is what they wear. This is what I visualize when I write them in a normal setting. Not in battle or when they are at their job.
Alice tends to wear tans and greys colors. She likes to wear a trenchcoat over her clothes. Now her clothes are more combat suited. Like combat boots and cargo paints. Her shirts will be plain normal shirts. Alice likes to blend in. Be forgettable.
Helena wears black and white colors. Her overall style is athletic wear. So sneakers (high tops). She likes the freedom of movement. So leggings and an athletic skirt. (Sometimes together sometimes separately.) Her tops can vary from crop tops to the occasional baggy shirt. She also loves to wear a flat-brim baseball hat. Her clothes are the latest in fashion and stand out.
Lisa wears primarily white with red as the accent color. As Lisa is in her wolf form she wears a jumpsuit that can change when she changes. But when she is in her human form she likes to wear a more casual look. So long sleeve shirts and dark jeans with a variety of boots to shoes. Her clothes are quite plain but she wears them well.
Becca wears white with pink. (The pink is very light) When not at school she wears business casual. So button up shirts and blouses in dress pants or skirts. She wears stilettos and dress shoes. (Prefers the heels.) Wears a glove on her right hand it is a black leather glove.
Daniella wears shades of blue. The style is a mix so ill just say what it is. Wears a blouse or frilly tops with a cropped jacket. And wears jeans to a cute skirt. sneakers to wedges.
Vanessa wears black and gold. She wears sundresses and athletic wear (tank tops and running pants. She wears flip-flops and ankle-strap heels. The sneakers would be converses when she works out. Always has sunglasses. (Either on or on top of the head.)
Azalea wears mint green with black. Azalea's outfit is a leather and mesh ensemble. Where their upper chest is it is mesh so visible. On their lower half, they have a metal claw-like cage that is similar to a corset. Their legs have slits where the skin is visible. This is on her upper thigh and calf. Their arms are exposed from Their elbows down. Azalea does not wear shoes as their scales protect their feet. (Don't worry they are not hard. Quite smooth) Wears are gem-covered vail changes daily as that shows her wealth to the Thrallenas.
Kent wears all black. Wears a full suit. No tie. Outside, he will wear the same outfit without the suit coat with his sleeves rolled up. Also wears a full respirator mask but can have a variant where his eyes are visible. Sheos will be from sneakers to dress shoes.
Naamah wears all reds and black. Wears revealing dresses made from silk where her Midriffis is exposed and her legs are also exposed. Wears flats but prefers not as she likes to feel the ground on her feet. If she wore other clothes it would be Crop tops and skinny jeans.
Blaze wears greens and blacks. Wears hoodies and jeans and also wears tank tops and short sleeve shirts. Always wears his running shoes. Has a half mask to cover his face.
Zero: Wears a yellow-gold and black shock-resistant jumpsuit. He has his entire body covered beside his face. Has a pair of goggles around his neck. His hands are covered by a very tight pair of gloves that give the illusion of cybernetics.
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saikichii12 · 18 days
Photography - Photo book
I started this project off by choosing something really personal and troubling to me. I've dealt with self-image issues since I was a kid, and it's still hard to brush off. Everyday I wake up and find myself wondering why I was born with this face and body. So, I took that experience and used it to express negative body image through a series of photos in hope’s of sharing my journey to those going through the same. As mentioned, I want to show how we are in a constant and never-ending run to unattainable perfection. Perfection is beauty, and anything else is imperfection, making imperfection non-desirable. If we know the end-goal is impossible, then why do we still crave for a dead end? Whether it's by wearing layers of makeup, putting up a fake persona to fit in, or ruining your food habits, we all suffer in our own way while trying to change under our own harsh judgement. Throughout my project, I decided to use clear tape and place it all over my face. The light hitting the tape reflects off the rest and creates a sense of distortion and blurriness. This distortion is how I see myself - unrecognizable and unattractive to others. Similarly, I took a few mirror pictures to add some level of infinity. You can see reflections of myself, showing how I constantly criticize my flaws, as it leaves me to wonder who is the person in the mirror. Also, using a white mask, I put makeup over it, and wore it during my shots. In those photographs, I emphasized the dependance of makeup. We hide ourselves under layers of fabricated realities to feel pretty, but ultimately come out looking unrecognizable and unnatural. Furthermore, going deeper into makeup’s influence in our daily lives, I put food and makeup together to create that sense of need. Referencing one of the photographs that helped me start off this project, I put red lipstick on a fork. I then took a series of shots of me about to eat it to present how I consume makeup on a daily basis like many other girls to feel attractive. And lastly, I decided to add my own written poem in the photo book. It was a spontaneous decision, but I feel that my words add more of a personal touch. The poem conveys my lack of self-love and my path to self-destruction. All these details tie the knots, and bring the idea of self-worth and body-image together to communicate how I’ve felt my whole life since I was a little girl.
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kkusuka · 3 years
(i had to repost lol- it wasn’t showing up on my page)
this the request: part 3 of thiccy gf hcs ??? with kuroo, terushima, sakusa, and daichi and/or atsumu đŸ„șđŸ‘‰đŸœđŸ‘ˆđŸœ i must be fed
i understand your need for them
and as a member of the thunder-thigh committee, i am happy to write about my fellow sexy women! (another 4:56 am ramble i refuse to delete)
part one
part 2 <3
i mixed this with this ask ;  Pt. 3 of the thicc af gf with Aone, Osamu, Kyotani, Daichi, Kuguri, and Terushima plz? đŸ„ș
this got wayyyyyyyyy long
4, 685 words. my finger slipped?
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Kuroo tetsuro
this guy has been trying to get you since first year
he’s that dedicated
and you didn’t even notice, he was just a flirty friend who helped you with science
(even when he would practically put you in his lap while he went over things)
lo and behold, he finally got his chance during the third year culture festival
yeah as in he waited a whole three years for this
Eh, once again, had a whole pan to make you see him as your great future husband, aka the haunted house (a good excuse to have you hold onto him)
He has to give it to class 2-4, the did a damn good job, it was scary
Long story short you fell on top of him, boobs in face hands-on ass
Mans actually asked you to be his girlfriend right there, groping you and murmuring between your boobs. (he wouldn't have gotten up if the next group wasn’t approaching.)
From then on he’d literally do anything for the ass
He’s a big simp and we all know it.
Like When you wear shorts he has to ‘pull them down’ aka feel you up while pulling the hem of your shorts down ever so slightly.
Or when he gets on a knee right behind you to ‘tie his shoe’, but the school shoes have no laces.
He could be a bit more creative and he wanted to look under your skirt.
When he wants to cut the bull shit he’ll just lift the back of your skirt and rub around for a but, to hell with all the other kids in the hallway.
(did I mention that he puts things on the highest shelves so he can walk up behind you and practically dry hump you.)
Speaking of simp nation
You can't really wear anything without setting him off
Shorts drive him absolutely nuts, it's insane. But it isn't his fault that most of your shorts are spandex that cut off right at the beginning of your thighs, it's like a homemade booty lifter. He just can’t help but wanting to cop a feel.
Or the color red in general. It is ridiculous, the guy rips everything when he tries to take it off too. So that stunning red cocktail dress with the lace-up sides was not unwearable, and you only had it on for like 2 hours. And that was only because it was a friend's 18th birthday party you were both invited to.
(thanks to kuroo not letting you out of his arms you both were late and left early.)
((in his defense you looked like a full course meal and it was giving him severe blue balls, and he’s only seen you for a few minutes))
Halloween, you know. the one night you could dress up as anything. any you decide to go as a cat-girl in a maid costume. And you expected him to just take that sitting down? Hell no. the red thigh highs AND the corset middle? You're lucky it lasted as long as it did.
That my dear was bravery. His color. A cat. And a short skirt. With thigh highs!
And so, he did what he did all those other times, dragged you to sit on his lap, and opening your thighs, and like a good girl you’ll let him
If you could already tell, he gives no shits to whos watching, let ‘em see (they really never do but you get the point)
He’s also a prime thigh groper, especially when he wants to keep your legs open, he also loves thigh hic
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Terushima Yuji
Another shower-offer
You were already he's so why can't he let everyone know?
Speaking of you being his, he doesn't tell people how you guys don’t together, with good reason considering you practically beat him up
Not really but that’s what he calls it, basically he tried to get with one of your friends at a party.
She just happens to not be interested in men and has a wonderful girlfriend, so she was uncomfortable but couldn't tell him to leave her alone
So you took fate into your own hands, literally, you stole Fate from class 3-2’s drink and poured it on him before slapping him and telling him about how he was a pig.
And he fell in love, you looked like an angel, a really hot angel, it didn't help you were in a white dress either
And from then on he literally once or twice, got on his knees for you, asking to give him a chance.
Honestly, it got annoying, so you just agreed to make it go away. It did, but you also gained a perv of a boyfriend who has an insatiable love for your lower half
He’s a simple creature, do take caution of his fragile being
So that means all those times you bend over in front of him he was slowly cracking and trying to figure out where the nearest storage closet is.
He thought he was having heart palpitations when he saw you in the damn dress again, apparently, he didn't see all of it. Specifically the v-neck top, and the fact it only went to the end of your ass. Needless to say, he made sure to walk behind you on every staircase that you went on
Another set off is yoga legging, like the lululemon ones, that people wear all the time. They fit you great, really really great. They were supposed to work out in them???? Why were they so skin-tight????? And he also figured out that you wore things because of them. Instant nut.
How you ask, simple.
One time he saw your underwear line through the pants and he pointed them out, they did make it seem like your ass was super soft so he saw his chance and took it.
So the next time you wore them and he didn't see the lines he was like ??????
And thus began the “Yuji hunt for lineless underwear” and he found the thongs
And you received the fucking of your life soon after.
Oh! And there’s any time you go to the beach. Literally every time.
No cap.
The first time was when you wore a red one-piece and he practically went feral. It wasn't really a one-piece if it was see-through and had the lowest neckline on the planet.
Everyone was looking at you.
He practically fucked you on the beach but held off until you got back to the hotel room.
He’s way more forward when he wants to fuck, if you could imagine. He’ll just walk up to you and tell you he wants to get some, like right now.
If you can even ignore him, he’ll throw an arm around your waist and grope around your legs, all the way to the apex.
It is also not below him to try and get you off while still wearing underwear that he will be taking after.
(i didn't say anything about his stash off orgasm ruined underwear? My bad.)
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
Going beyond the fact he even has a girlfriend, y’know considering, but the fact that no one knew who you were until you showed up at nationals to cheer him on
(atsumu was even starting to think that you didn't exist and that poor kiyoomi just imagined you up, so can imagine his shock when you ran up to said boy after they won)
The whole dating thing wasn't the shocking part; it was the fact that you looked like you walked off of the Milan runway.
And you were wearing leggings and sakusa's jacket, all of a sudden everyone was interested in how that happened
It was a kind of a boring story, someone had spilled coffee in a shop that you both happen to be in
And he watched you offer the man the same disinfectant wipes that he uses!
And in the most sakusa way possible he followed you out of the shop and tried to talk to you.
An exchange of numbers and many awkward conversations (and boners) later, you were a couple.
Back to that hug, like the many others, he's let you have, it’s all just to feel how soft you were
But poor touch -starved sakusa doesn't know what to do with any of these pent up feelings.
And he has a loooooooot of them.
Multiple occasions have shaped the poor germ-boy into the horny-tornado he has become
so he’s not really into what you’re wearing, it’s more about what you’re doing
like when you wore the mask he bought you to one of his games, and you wore one of his alternate uniforms, but the kicker was how you stayed away from everyone and didn’t let a single person near you (or his shirt)
or when you helped him clean his dorm when he was doing his weekly deep clean
or when the two of you washed the dishes while trying to do one of those “try not to sing” challenges
(is it normal to get a boner when your girlfriend helps you clean? no?)
but, as much as he tries to remain emotionless on the subject, there are multiple exceptions to the “it’s not what she wears” whole thing
Like that violet puffy skirt, you wore to a study fate, the one with the white sweater? That one, the same one that he could see your panties, from anywhere he sat. and Every time you got up you would have to smooth it down to make the creases go down, but it was only ever really giving him a good idea about the shape of your ass.
(if he sees you in that skirt again he’s just going to fuck you in it)
The lesser-known horny-inducer, since he made you take it off within the first five minutes, was a dress! What kind of dress? A neon yellow see-through mesh dress. The bottom wasn’t what got him though, it was the fact that your white bra was clearly seen under the mesh top. Or maybe it was the way the skirt made your waist look super small, and how your hips looked so round and squeezable.
Yeah, no one else could experience you in that.
Not to sound like this, but sakusa is still averse to touch
That goes out the window when he wants to dance the devil's tango with you.
Mr. His way or no way shows up,  he does it every so slightly different
If it’s just the two of you, he’ll put a hand on your shoulder and he’ll push you to your knees. And he’ll pet your head and tell you what’s about to happen and advise you to listen like a good girl.
But in the instance you are in the presence of others, he’ll stand behind you and bring you super close to him, ass to dick. (maybe he’ll grind into you a bit, just to convince you to follow him) and he’ll throw a few words in about how much of a bitch in heat you are for getting turned on in front of all of these people.
It’s best to just do what he wants before he makes you cum in your underwear.
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Daichi Sawamura
oh my
you guys are the power thigh couple
powerful and defined mixed with soft and pillowy
In Fact, that’s literally how the two of you met, thanks to Tanaka and Nishinoya of course.
(let’s just pretend karasuno has a cheer squad, and you just happened to be the captain of said team)
So basically you were doing a favor for the student council, and you were supposed to ask how many third years, managers included, were on each team and each club in the school
Easy! Turns out not so much. You were still in your cheer practice uniform, which was the shortest spandex ever made, and a Karasuno school t-shirt that was ever so slightly too tight.
Anyway, you make it to the gym and open the door, and the little one, Yachi, saw you and literally screamed. (she was right by the door), and that alerted everyone else in the gym, which led to the bald boy and his short companion pushing you further into the gym.
But in the better sense, it did gain the attention of the captain! Just the exact moment he was in front of you someone pushed; your back and within a second, in some miracle like way, you both ended up on the floor and he ended up planked on top of you with a leg between your spread thighs.
Almost kissing nonetheless.
Then, like the gentleman he was, he got off and asked you if you alright and kneeled down and let you use his shoulder to try and stand back up.
You did get up, for a split second, Daichi still kneeling letting you use him as a step stool when a certain red-head was flung right into you and you went toppling forward.
Onto Daichi.
Onto Daichi's face.
Your thighs around his head.
His hands-on your ass.
Hand in his hair.  
He could sit there forever, you were frozen, everyone else was frozen.
You eventually climbed off and asked how many third years there were. But he just sat there, his hands hadn’t moved either, luckily Suga answered and you were on your way.
And Daichi still didn’t move, after that incident, you had begun to see him everywhere, and eventually, he just cut the shit and asked you out.
Daddy Daichi likes seeing you in literally anything from sweatshirts to lingerie.
His favorite was the brown buttoned pencil skirt and the white blouse, that you wore to a date. You were kind of overdressed for the ramen shop and after a walk, but he didn't even care. He was so thrown off by how turned on he was he couldn't speak in full sentences.
An example:
“Yeah, the food here is- boob, I-I mean great, not boob, great, yes, great.”
The second.
Was a bathrobe.
Can you see where I'm going with that? Simply you look hot.
His favorite part of the night was ripping it off of you.
And like the first time you met, he had his head in your thighs <3
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Atsumu Miya
You met poor atsumu at a party.
He tried to shoot his shot, y’know he sees a cute lady he’s just gotta try and show you what you could be getting
he had it all planned, he was going to walk up behind you and run his hands over your delicious curves and ask you if you were in need of any help
he doesn’t take into account that a having a random guy just start groping you and pressing himself behind a girl was panic-inducing
so when he dropped your waist, you freaked out and may or may not have punched him in the dick
while he was in a. world of pain you age to figure out what the hell had just happened to you
then you noticed him on the floor, and when he noticed you looking at him he put this forced cocky smirk on and gave you a “how you doing”
You took pity on the poor creature and helped him up and got him some ice, then conversed with him for the majority of the rest of the night.
And he just hasn't left you alone since
(and, you learned this far later, that he went so far to tell Sakusa and Kageyama all about you and how amazing you are, and has even sent them- more than one- picture
But in other news, he’s very horny
So really all that means is he always has his hands on you
Like during practice breaks when you're allowed to come down and talk to him for a bit, give him some things, but it normally just consists of him sitting on the bench and you standing in front of him.
While his hands rest on your hips and his face is shoved into the valley between your breasts, and he just sits and listens to you as you brush a hand through his hair.
Or sometimes, if he had been having a rough time, he’ll just have his hands under your skirt and he’ll feel around for a bit while grumbling about how people cant hit his sets
But for being the possessive bastard he is, he sure likes letting you wear all those outfits
Like the booty shorts and tank top, you wore to bring them food during the summer training camp. That same camp that the two of you disappeared at and he came back looking like he had won the lottery.
Or the cute little red dress you wore to your anniversary date? The one that made him have a hard-on the entire time you were at dinner. He knows the waiter remembers, he also bets the waiter remembers seeing him fucking you in the car when his shift was over.
And that time you wore his jersey to bed and sent him a picture of it. It was such a good picture that he made it his lock screen for everyone to see.
He just likes looking at you tbh.
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Aone Takanobu
you guys didn’t meet in some weird perverted way, it was actually really cute!
Not to sound creepy but he knew that you were in the garden club because you sat right in front of him in class
And since he didn't talk to anyone else in that class he was just content with listening, and so there he was
Standing outside of the garden club door holding his withering basil plant. Lost.
Lucky for him you were walking down the hallway and greeted him, looking all pretty and cute
You did help him realize that he was overwatering the basil and within a few weeks, it was back to life!
From that first time on, he came to the club room with you twice a week and walked home with you, just listening to all the random plant facts that you had harbored in your mind.
Eventually, with the help of the team, he asked you out, and you hugged him and said yes, and that was the beginning of the “oh god, y/n is way softer than I thought”
So he really just tries to be near you or be touching you at all times  
(i am also a firm believer that he likes to slow dance to classical music in your living room)
Like during lunch periods when you sit next to him and the second you finish eating hell push you to lean against him
And he’ll rub small circles on your hips and give you small innocent gropes
Or how he hugs your waist when you're doing literally anything, and he puts his head on top of your head while swaying
I can also tell you that Aone is a good singer
So he hums to you (I'm uwuing over my own headcanon lol)
He also really likes just running his hands along your body, so he likes when you wear the one-piece dresses so he has smooth sailing down your body
As a man of little words, he clearly has a more physical approach to getting you on the horny train
What I am trying to get at is that more often than not he literally just picks you up and carries you away.
Of course, that leaves you to come back to whatever you were doing.
That is after the cuddles and after sex ‘conversations’ about the dumbest things
Basically, he likes to hear you talk and he really likes being near.
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Osamu Miya
He knew who you were
With a brother like atsumu, who never shuts up about you, it's hard not to
(Osamu is pretty sure atsumu had a picture of you next to his pillow. ew)
Anyway, the two of you just happened to share the same lunch block, and it also just happens to be the only period block that he was alone
No teammates and no especially close that he could hang out with
That meant he could either study or eat
Had he chose to eat, only to be met with the fact that atsumu had drained both of their lunch accounts for his flavor of the week
Poor baby stood there for a while just processing what was the worst news of his life
When you, a true angel among the evil, said that you would graciously pay for his food so that he didn't outlook so sad anymore
If he wasn’t holding an armful of onigiri he would have fallen on his knees and begged to whatever god was out there to let him keep you
But he settled for thanking you and spending the entire period with you, he even offered to share (for the first time in his life)
You complimented him on his flavor choice and he decided to keep you
He made sure to share his recipes with you and you tried to do the same
And somehow that evolved into you guys going on dates, much to atsumu’s distaste, and you guys were totally hitting it off
Osamu was your official biggest fan, he loved everything you do
But that means he wants to stay your biggest fan, and he knows that you’re pretty well known for boys thinking not so innocent things about you
Again being brothers with atsumu gave him this little sadistic streak
He lets you wear all of the revealing outfits and the bikinis, all for everyone to see
Everyone to see what belongs to him
Like at suna’s party he let you wear a black mini-skirt and a white off the shoulder long sleeved flowy shirt.
You looked good, and all the guys staring at you proved that point tenfold. Three guys had come up to you and tried to get you to go upstairs with them. And it was almost immediately shut down when they noticed the act you were sitting on your boyfriend.
Speaking of, he almost always has you in his lap.
Aww, cute! Not, he like grinding you down on him, that's also why he likes having you wear skirts, easy access to your ass, also a nice way to ensure that he could get more than a few gropes in when he wants
No, it's definitely the way he made you wear thigh highs to school one day and the shortest skirt you owned (like a school skirt) and walked behind you the entire day.
And he just reached behind you and lifted your skirt for the whole hallway to see, but mostly for him
He waists no time when he wants to fuck, he’ll just walk up to and open your legs while making out with either you or your neck.
And yes he has done that in front of atsumu
Who was warned to stay out of their room for a while.
Not to mention all those times he convince you to go to school with no underwear on just for the fun of it
(I didn't tell you this but those off the shoulder mini dresses drive him wild. On graduation day he pulled into a closet and had his way with you. I mean he did say that if you wore that dress he was going to do it, buuuuuut y’know
.. yolo)
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Kyotani Kentaro
We all know he’s a fighter, which means he gets hurt a lot, which in turn makes him a frequent face in the nurse's office
And who happens to be the nurse's niece? You of course!
And right after school, when your aunt takes her break and leaves you to take care of the office alone
Right after school is also when Kyotani always comes in.
(it’s not like he knew that you would be there alone, and that meant that you had to deal with him and heal him up. And it also is not like he started the fight so he could come here and see you. No not that)
Who am I kidding it was like that.
It was totally like that.
Your hands were just so soft when they put the bandages on and you have to bend down to get the wrapping.
He had a crush, that's what iwaizumi said, and after googling what the symptoms of a crush were he was sure
So with the help of the third years, aka Oikawa just having Iwaizumi repeat what he wanted to say, they had a plan
And the next time he was in the office he asked if you wanted to see a movie with him, it was so cute and he looked so shy
It would have been perfect if after five seconds he tried to take it back, you still went on the date with him though
He was happy.
Angry boy likes hugs
And yes he does, no objections
So when he’s upset he’ll make these grabby hands at you and have you come over and stand with him
He shoves his chin on your shoulder and his hands squeezing your waist and you’ll rock back and forth until he calms down.
He’s also very aware of what you wear
Like how your skirt perfectly frames your legs. How the socks you wear make your legs look 10x longer, and make you look like you’re walking like a model.
Or the dark blue leggings you wore with his alternate jersey and you were cheering for him!
But nothing and I mean NOTHING gets him better than when you wear spandex shorts and one of his shirts. He goes feral every time.
This man is the CEO of picking you up and placing you on his lap, straddle style, and just going ham on you
Not to mention that sometimes when he’s really tired he’ll have you just sitting on his lap while he plays with your thighs
(he also likes playing with your waist and stomach, but he doesn't realize that he’s talking out loud so you can hear all of the “so soft”’s he lets out.
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You were one of Mika's close friends so you were always just kind of around
It was a little get together that Daishou threw that really made you two close
It was a weird drinking game of sorts, and it had these teams, and you were out as a pair!
Somehow throughout the game, you guys got side-tracked and just ended up talking to each other the rest of the night
Eventually, you were convinced to go on a double date and the rest was history
He didn't even pay attention to what you wore that much until he heard a few rando kids in the locker room talking about it.
And that’s when he started thinking about just who he was dating
He first realized how round your ass was. Is it normal to look that good in leggings? No one else has ever looked that good to him. With that came his obsession with just touching your butt. He just grabs it or he’ll stop you from walking and palm it. Or he’ll rub circles into it.
(it's cute how intrigued he is by your butt)
Then came his obsession with your thighs. Mostly the way that they spread out when you sit. He didn't even understand why they were just so mesmerizing. They were so squishy too. He likes how they look in his hands-
Lastly was the waist thing. You aren't even sure what it is. He just likes putting his hands on your waist. Like a prom picture. Sometimes he’ll squeeze or run his hands along your sides. But he’s mostly stationary.
He also has this habit of just opening your legs and laying on your stomach.
He is just so into how soft you are.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
hole in the wall
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In a party for the ages, Shouto comes across a room with hole in the wall that has him coming back for more.
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, PWP, cult activity, drug mention, alcohol consumption, glory hole, cursing, degradation, praise, possessive jealous!shouto, stuck in the wall, spanking, overstim, bruising, bleeding, breeding
word count: 7,831
a/n: read the fucking warnings bro, im tired, I hate formatting, here’s to finally writing what I wanna write! also, this is for a lovely bnharem collab that kept getting pushed back... make sure to read the intro to understand my story! anyways, gloryholes is peak anonymous sex and I just,,, if thats the only way imma get to suck shoutos cock, I will. I had something else to say... I forgot. oH THIS IS WRITTEN IN A NEW STLYE-ISH??? porn from shoutos pov!!!
Traditionally, when people think of the connection between heroes and cults, they expect that the heroes eradicate the cults, not that the heroes are a part of a cult.
It was somewhat ironic that a group of people who advocated for public safety, for the wellbeing of every citizen of the country - the world - would demand compensation in areas that didn't involve financial compensation. Heroes saved the day countless amounts of times, but when they needed... help at night because they've been so busy saving the world, there needed to be compensation.
It had shocked nearly everyone within the hero community when none other than Yaoyorozu Momo brought them a solution. For nothing more than loyalty to saving the day, all heroes granted the benefit of joining the Savior of Eight Million, an
 organization brought forth by the prodigious hero. It had shocked the hero community at first that the once thought of a modern-day princess, putting together a wicked group that served the beastly needs of heroes, was almost laughable. But as time passed, as trials tested the organization (cult), the more heroes realized how lucky they were that it was Yaoyorozu who created this.
The Yaoyorozus, in all their riches and connections, made this group untouchable.
Police were bought off, apprehended, silenced.
Heroes with the savior complex were put down.
Villains were never believed.
The Savior of Eight Million held ties with the greatest, the most esteemed people in the world. The parties were unworldly, dripping with diamonds and gold, the sweet smell of champagne barely drowning out the bitter acidic and burning plastic smell of the drugs used vicariously at their gatherings. All heroes joined, politicians and celebrities fought to get in, and commoners wished they could be the servants of the night, whether that meant they would be serving food, drinks, or drugs, or allowing the heroes to do what this was all started for: to fuck them.
Of course, it didn't help that each commoner was paid for their service, discretion, and loyalty. Those who attempted to give away the secrets of the nights were always taken care of, and every gathering after someone tried to snitch, there was always a complaint that a sex slave just wasn't good enough.
Yaoyorozu Momo was a sweet girl, a helpful woman. She was a hero.
Heroes far and wide grovel at her feet in thanks, and even more surprisingly, even her old class supported this. Oh, how great life was when you were the most significant, greatest, and most untouchable cult in history.
To Todoroki Shouto, well, he didn't really have an opinion on this all, not really at least.
The cult - the organization, was created to help out heroes such as himself live comfortably while having such a busy lifestyle. His sex drive had never been that high, with his twenty-fifth birthday approaching, he could count on his two hands the number of times he'd been attended to with the help of the organization within the past five years.
Yes, two years after debuting as heroes, Momo had approached the graduate class with her plan. Todoroki Shouto could never deny a friend, especially not someone as smart and intentional as Yaoyorozu Momo. He had been one of the first - if not the first - voice to approve of her project.
However, the fifth-anniversary gathering (it was not a party) was finally here. Two months ago, the first round of reminders came around in the form of a beautifully handwritten card by their fearless yet kind leader. Shouto wondered if she really had handwritten each and every card, or if she had created it with her quirk - while he wasn't that heavily involved, he was not ignorant to the numbers of the cult, group, organization.
The letter had been kind, inviting, and so fleeting it made Shouto feel like he needed more from one of his most missed and trusted friend. Still, there would be time to catch up with everyone, no use in pushing now.
Grabbing his phone, Shouto typed in Momo's contact name into the search bar, tongue swiping his lower lip while he typed in his message and sent it. He had never been one for these parties. Too often, there were just too over-the-top. The festivities and friends were fun, but having to fight the impossible crowds for a moment of peace kept him from attending.
A truly mundane member.
But this was different after all, it wasn't every day that they celebrated five great years of service.
I'll be going, Yayorozu.
Two months went by before Shouto had even realized it.
In those two months, he had received a formal invitation with a day and time. 
2X28, OCTOBER 23
Of course, the lack of an address is a precaution for keeping their organization out of the limelight should they be betrayed. Events of all shapes and sizes were always planned by the upper board of the organization. Only a specific few knew the place where the night would befall, and the rest of the members would be brought to the festivities by a chauffeur provided by the Yaoyorozu's. Getting to and from the party was always stressfree, no matter what befell that night, their safety of getting home was still safe.
The invitation was tucked away into the inside pocket of his jacket, it was his ticket to getting into the party, and it was best to not leave it behind. 
With the invitation now securely placed into his jacket, the smooth inflexible material stiff against his chest, Shouto stared into the mirror he stood before.
An elegant full-length mirror reflected his image to him, and truth be told, he was impressed with his presentation.
A charcoal grey Italian suit trimmed glinting silver nearly gleamed against the white light; the jacket was undone, exposing the white-collared long-sleeved shirt underneath. Typically, Shouto was a tie man, but the sleek black tie he was to wear lay hanging on the hanger, the first few buttons of the shirt undone. It highlighted his toned chest, the few pale scars on his chest just visible enough on his exposed skin to look like it was intensional. He looked good.
His fingers touched his hair, the once long style had been cut in a recent fight with a villain. It hadn't mattered much to Shouto, and in fact, the sudden haircut had spiked his overall ratings. It was short now, just long enough for his fingers to graze through the locks. It was slicked back, the swirl of red and white mixing and strands of red falling into his sight.
“Todoroki-sama, the car is here.”
Shouto didn't bother turning to the attendee, his gaze taking him in one last time.
"I'll be there."
His footsteps were quiet in the hallway, his waxed shiny black shoes gleaming in his hands as he walked to the front room. He slipped on the tight shoes and looked up to his servant, who stood at the front door with a patterned, black mask.
Nodding, he grabbed the mask and slipped it inside of his jacket as well.
A kitsune.
"Safe journey."
"I'll be back tonight."
And into the car, he went, the warm smell of leather and spices filling the backseat of the self-driving car. Shouto relaxed against the black leather, his eyes staring at the road while he slipped the mask out from his jacket. There was no reason to don the mask while stepping out of the house, being caught with it at his home always smelled trouble. 
In the car's silence, his fingers rested onto his lap, his lips set into a firm line while his thoughts lingered to what was to come at this party. 
The last time Bakugou and Midoriya hosted anything, it had ended with an overall disaster. Thankfully then it had been for their agency's founding party and not something dealing with the organization. But before he could muster the will to seek out further information on the private event, he realized that the car was already pulling into the large mansion where the event was being held.
People emerged from the cars before his own, the sleek masks donning on their faces, keeping their identities from unwanted eyes. The covers were specially made by none other than Yaoyorozu with the assistance of Hatsume Mei to ensure that those who wore it would be unrecognizable unless they were within a certain radius.
A small puff of air escaped Shouto's lips as his car pulled up to the unloading zone, and his strong fingers slipped on the mask before the car door opened. With the confidence and power, only those who worked as a top-ranked hero had Shouto emerged from the car immediately greeted by the entrance staff. 
With his hands moving to button his jacket, he nodded his head when receiving information on what to expect upon entering. Shouto felt like he nodded forever while making his way up the entrance of the event, his hand reluctantly offering his phone and wallet over and receiving a ticket for retrieving it. Of course, the ticket came the bundle of condoms.
An eyebrow arched under the mask, and Shouto couldn't help the amused smirk that befell his lips as he pocketed the condoms.
The fuckers made this a sex party.
Why they even bothered to deny that they were a cult was beyond him at this point.
But as the grand doors opened, Shouto couldn't help but tense at the room's mixing aroma.
The sweet smell of champagne bubbled in his nose, wafting in powerfully with the perfumes secreting from every person in the room. If it had been his first time at an event like this, Shouto would have missed the undertone of burning plastic in the air. His eyes followed a civilian dressed up in a zebra zentai bodysuit holding a silver powder with most definitely not cocaine to who looked like the Prime Minister since he had his mask on.
Rolling his eyes, Shouto walked further into the room, ignoring the offers of drugs and alcohol as he carried on. 
"Todoroki, my man! You made it!" came the loud and energetic voice of Kaminari Denki.
It shouldn't have shocked Shouto to immediately be swarmed with who looked like Kirishima (who wore a mask resembling a bear) and Kaminari (who had his mouse resembling mask resting on around his neck), who by the smell at least, were not sober.
"You're the last one to show up, dude! We almost thought you were gonna flake!" Kirishima added, his hand coming to land on Shouto's shoulder, his lips perked into a broad smile. "Everyone else decided to join the orgy room a few minutes ago, but this guy here—" he made a pointed jab at Kaminari's chest. "Was causing a large enough disturbance that we were kicked out."
"Bro, it's not my fault that those dummy civilians can't handle a few jolts of pain!"
"You literally electrocuted everyone in that orgy and left everyone unable to speak for a solid minute, bro!"
"Everyone else is here?" Shouto interrupted rather impressed to here that even Mineta was invited to this party - or maybe he had snuck in - choosing to ignore the mention of an orgy room.
Typical cult things, he reminded himself.
"Yeah, Denki and I don't have to go in tomorrow, so we pre-gamed at his place before coming. Sero did too, but after a few minutes of talking with some trapeze girl, they went into a room and well
" Kirishima trailed off, letting Shouto put two and two together. "Mina is flirting with the crown prince, Yaomomo and Jirou are in the orgy room, Bakugou and Midoriya seem to be micromanaging everything—"
"Those two need sex the most out of the entire class! Have you ever seen a bigger work pole up anyone's asses than in those two?!" Kaminari groaned, his fingers roughly rubbing the skin of his face, and Shouto laughed softly in agreement. It was somewhat ironic that their virgin classmates were the ones who organized and put together a sex party.
"I can't begin to imagine Midoriya having sex. Although that man is basically becoming sex on legs," Kaminari continued to gripe, Shouto grunting softly in thanks when Kirishima handed him a cup filled to the near brim with a copper liquid that burned smoothly down his throat. Shouto grimaced as he managed to down the entire thing. "I can see Bakugou just blowing a hole into the wall and fucking it and considering that sex. Ain't nobody normal who can — OH MY GOD!"
Shouto looked at his friend with nearing annoyance; however, the alcohol already taking a humming effect over his body made the annoyance slip easily.
"Bro, you're gonna get us kicked out of this party, and that's gonna be the shittiest thing!" Kirishima groaned while Kaminari spazzed with what seemed to be the biggest lightbulb of an idea.
"The hoes — the holes! For the glory!" Kaminari slurred with how fast he was speaking, his hands fisting into both Shouto's and Kirishima's jackets, his yellow eyes burning bright in his excitement.
Shouto tried to keep his annoyance down, and the itch to rip Kaminari's iron grip from his shoulder.
"I don't know what you're talking about—" Kirishima tried again, his hand resting on Kaminari's ribcage to steady him. 
"Ei, the gloryholes!"
Shouto numbing mind searched the banks of his memory to figure out where that word came from and why it sounded vaguely familiar.
"Oh, fuck," came Kirishima's strained approval, and Shouto looked at his two friends who were grinning pervertedly at each other.
"What's that?" Shouto asked, his lips buzzing slightly as the alcohol was fully absorbed into his bloodstream, and somehow the smell of sex filled his nose, and the noises of unadulterated carnal lust filled his ears.
"Oh man, Todoroki, if you don't know," Kaminari trailed off, his lips pinched into an elfish smirk, and electricity coming off his hair in his evident excitement. "Just trust me, you gotta experience this shit!"
Shouto wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that thrummed merrily in his veins or the knowing glint in his friend's eyes that whispered to him to find out just what it was, but he felt his head nod without his full awareness. The feeling of their hands on his upper shoulder felt fuzzy as they took him away, intent heavy in every step they took.
He could barely take in the passing rooms as they went, the aerial artists, the sex rooms, the orgy rooms. There were so many rooms designated for just about every kink imaginable that even the stoic Shouto felt his cheeks flaring in embarrassment. With each passing step and opened room, the smell of sex, pheromones, and lust grew in Shouto's nose; the more the sticky sweet moans and screams of the cult members clung to his skin.
For a hero that was never too hot or too cold without his own ministrations, his skin was feeling feverishly hot with cold feet when they finally stopped in front of the only closed door in the hallway.
"Welcome!" came a cheery voice, Shouto blinked, and a woman appeared from nowhere.
She wore a powder blue ava tea dress; it was elegant, sleek, yet too old-school for an event such as this one. Shouto immediately assumed that she was not partaking in the sexual activities, but was instead acting as a hostess of sorts.
"Just you three patrons tonight?" she asked, her head tilting to the side and Kirishima speaking up in agreement for the group of three. "Good, good. We do have enough openings for the three of you, most people haven't found our little
 hole in the wall, if you would," she took a moment to giggle joyfully, her gloved fingers pressing to her ruby red lips and Shouto fought the urge to walk away. "So please, feel free to look around and stay as long as you want!"
Her words were light and breezy, but still, there was rising suspicion and tension in Shouto's spine at her small quip.
With an innocuous smile and a glint in her eyes, she opened the door with a gentle, "have fun," and Shouto's friends ushered him in.
His initial reaction? What. The. Fuck?!
The room they entered was large and spacious, or well, at the very least, Shouto assumed it would have been if it wasn't for the obviously installed maze of walls. But with every wall, there was a collage of pictures. Faces of women, men, humans, mutants, everything you could think of plastered above a hole. Curiously enough, the images above one hole were of the same person.
His eyes swept the room, and he saw a few spots already taken, men with their pants and underwear dropped to their knees pressing up against the wall so that their noses were smushed to the makeshift walls.
Shouto blinked.
Gloryholes? Pictures of random people?
Were they fucking ghosts?
"This is paradise!" Kaminari groaned in pleasure, his arms spacing out as if he had come with fantastic news. "These normies always look at you so weirdly when you fuck at orgies, here
 you get the nut and don't have to have them staring at you!"
Shouto stared as his electricity wielding friend approached a hole that adorned photos of a girl with hooded eyes and a tongue piercing. He dropped his bottoms before sticking his hardening cock into the waiting hole with two raps of his fist. At this point, Shouto wasn't sure if what he had drunk was actually alcohol now. 
"These aren't dead people, are they?" Shouto couldn't keep himself from asking, his palms sweating while Kirishima laughed deeply in his chest.
"Not at all, man, it's real people, I promise! Pick your hole and have fun!" Kirishima encouraged, placing a solid pat on Shouto's shoulder before approaching a hole with a picture of a girl with bright eyes and a bright smile.
Nodding numbly to himself at this point, Shouto meandered the different walls, his eyes absorbing the various pictures on the walls.
But he fell on the spot with a picture so vivating that drew him in. The chasms of your eyes defiant yet shy, a smile that called him in, and lips that looked supple and strong.
He stood no chance in defying the itching, burning need to follow suit of every other person in this room. Shouto approached the hole, his fingers pulling at his belt, quickly lowering his charcoal grey slacks and black boxer briefs. He stared into your pictured eyes, mesmerized by them, and grasped onto his hardening cock.
A soft shudder invaded his skin as he pressed his cock through the awaiting hole, the skin of his heated cock scraping against the hole, making him strangle a grunt in his throat. But when the wet heat of your mouth enveloped his cock past the hole in the wall, Shouto's face nearly crashed against the wall.
Shouto wasn't sure what to have expected, but he had summed up that this was some over-glorified handjob, a vigorous clumsy jackoff he could have done himself. But he did not expect, in any sense of what this was, to be met with warm, wet lips and a tongue that pressed underneath the head of his cock.
A guttural noise slipped past his lips, and Shouto's palms pressed against the wall, his head spinning dizzyingly from the sensation.
Shouto's breathing was erratic, his cock hardening more, twitching within your mouth as he felt your head begin to bob against his length at a slow, leisurely pace. 
His hips thrust toward the wall, his vision spinning from what this heightened sensation of what he always thought to be a mundane act. Shouto's slacks were too far up his thighs; however, the fabric spread to his max despite his attempt to lower down. He wanted to get closer to the wall, get whoever you were past this wall to take in his entire cock without an issue, so mindlessly, instinctively, he shoved the slacks further down, grunting with relieved pleasure at being able to spread out further, at getting closer to you.
"Holy shit," Shouto grunted, his forehead pressing against the cold wall, undoubtedly crinkling the paper of your photos. His hips came forward, hitting the wall dividing him and you with low, vibrating thuds, and you let him, allowed him to keep his rutting hips at the pace they were. You took him in as if it was nothing, the smooth skin of your lips gliding against his throbbing length, your tongue running alongside the bottom of his cock, tracing the veins of his skin, twisting against the sensitive skin, providing new sensations and shivers.
Shouto knew immediately that you were letting him fuck your mouth however he saw fit.
He felt you moan around him, a long, deep, undeniable noise that somehow drifted through the hole, vibrated against his cock, and could be felt against his curling toes. The sound and sensations were proving to be effective, a pooling heat building in his balls, simmering up and down his spine and neck. How he wished to grab you by the back of your head and drive his cock down your throat without mercy.
Snarling in the back of his throat, suddenly fueled by the image of fucking you, the thought of you on your knees, tears built in your bright eyes and tears rolling down your cheeks feeding him. And as if you knew what he wanted, Shouto's knees near bucked out when your mouth took him in even further, the soft choking noise, the feeling of his cock pressing against the back of your throat sending his fingers digging into the wall.
He drilled in faster, grateful for your ability to keep up, the feeling of his cock pressing down the back of your throat sending his jaw flying open, curses and praises spilling past his lips with every inch you took him further down your throat. The area of his cock unable to be taken in your mouth was surrounded by your fingers — by god, what fucking fingers you had — warm and robust, they held his skin, sliding effortlessly against the spit lubricated skin.
"You can hear me right, whore?" Shouto growled against the wall, the hot air of his breath almost fogging the area he was standing in. Somehow, he heard the choked noise of agreement, the bobbing head vigorously nodding, sending you into a sputtering choke from the awkward angle. But Shouto liked hearing you choke, liked hearing the needy tone in your whining agreement, and he swore he was feeling his heartbeat in his balls. "You're not here entirely on your own will, are you? Came here for money, to suck some rich mans' cock?" His hips stammered when you sucked your cheeks in around his length, his eyes rolling in the break of his concentration, his blood pumping in his hormone pumped euphoria. "I want you to fucking choke on my cock, you hear that? Take me all the way in, don't be scared, I know you probably don't see much cock, but I promise if you can handle me, you'll never want other cock, slut. Take me all, and I promise you, you won't regret it."
A hiccuped breath came from your side of the wall, and Shouto almost wanted to simply burn the wall down to claim you for all his need and glory, someone with a mouth as gifted as yours definitely needed to be fucked correctly. Still, his hips reigned down, slamming against the wall so that the thuds of his impeding hips were heard softly in the other areas. 
And you? Behind the wall?
He could feel the weight of your head pressing forward, the feeling of his length sliding further and further down your throat. The pulsing of his cock ridiculously stilled with the restrained muscles of your throat, and the almost excessive drool and spit that dripped from his length with your choking movements.
More, he wanted more, he needed more.
"Fuck, slut, you're taking me so fucking well. You almost have me entirely in your mouth," Shouto growled, an inch or so of his cock still not entirely in your mouth, but not letting your tight fist work his cock. "Don't give up, take me all, I know a whore like you who shows up to be a sex slave can take my cock."
A whine (was that a horny or a frustrated whine?) emitted from the wall, and with a strained noise, Shouto felt your wet, hot lips make contact with the base of his cock as he continued to drill into you. Spluttering groans poured from his throat, the feeling of your hot cavern and resisting throat, sending him over the edge.
"Yes," Shouto gasped, the smell of sex, electricity, and barely burning walls simmering in his nose. "Fuck, yes, just like that."
Shouto could feel his nerves being shot out, the feeling of the compliant mouth keeping him pumping into the hole, his fingers digging further and further into the wall into it cracked and crumbled, his grip trying to keep his shaking legs from giving out, to break through the wall to get to you. He was almost there, so close, but needed to get over the hill. And then Shouto was swallowed completely when his slamming his stopped, he could feel your lip press to his skin hidden by the hole. He had no doubt that it must have been sorely uncomfortable for you, yet you were doing it to the point where he was fumbling for words, fumbling to keep his head on straight as your tongue wrapped around his cock, massaging the skin. Fuck, fuck, "Fuck!"
His head dropped back with the shooting electricity in his blood, sweat dripping from his temple and you, the stranger behind the wall, gave one vicious, strong suck, your mouth only surrounding the head of his cock, your wet tongue flicking the slit on his head, and he was spilling over.
Hot, thick, heavy ropes of white cum spurted from his cock and Shouto shuddered, his shaking breath echoing in his ears, and he could still feel your tongue moving, coaxing out the finality of his orgasm, teeth scraping against his sensitive cock just enough to have him seeing stars.
But the giggle that erupted in your throat was well noticed by Shouto, and he grunted in slight annoyance. Pulling away, a soft, almost unwanted pop echoed on the other side of the wall.
Shouto watched as his spit and cum covered cock pulled back to his side of the wall, and he grunted unwillingly. His forehead still rested against the wall, and he looked up to his left side with a disgruntled noise to see that he did, in fact, scorch his fingertips into the wall.
As he tucked himself back into his underwear and slacks, Shouto's blissed-out eyes fell onto the hole where your hand was perched out of it, your pinky the only finger visible.
"Pinky promise you'll come back later?" your raspy voice asked, and Shouto wondered if that was how you usually sounded or if it was from what happened.
"As long as you promise to do something like that again," Shouto smirked, his pink taking yours anyways.
He could promise that to the hole in the wall.
Shouto slips out the door and is immediately greeted with a bummed out Kaminari and a profusely apologizing Kirishima. He later finds out that Kaminari let out yet another round of voltage of electricity (he's banned from fucking anyone that can't absorb his quirk without damaging themselves), and that Kirishima in his blissed-out state accidentally went into his unbreakable mode and tore a hole into the wall. Shouto didn't bother telling them of the scorched walls and left with his friends.
It only felt like a few minutes before Shouto found himself outside the same closed door of the room with gloryholes. The alcohol had long since been burned from his system, he is practically positive that you managed to suck it out from his bloodstream.
For the past two hours, he had been around the mansion, aiding Kirishima in his objective to keep Kaminari from accidentally killing a sexual partner. It had been for the best, Shouto believed. He was no prude and definitely didn't hate indulging in the occasional orgies - especially at parties like this. But for some reason, as strangers attempted to shed him from his clothes, lips, and fingers roaming his scarred, heated skin, he thought of you and only you.
Your tantalizing mouth and fingers.
He had exited the orgy room faster than All Might at his peak. 
He was strangely obsessed with a stranger, a person who was no more than someone past a hole in the wall. Who knew if your picture was what you looked like, but he sure hoped it was.
But when Mina had appeared out of nowhere, her perfectly manicured fingers pressing against Kirishima's chest as she emerged from behind him. She was, obviously, one of the few easily discernable members of the cult. 
"So, the crown prince does not know how to use his dick, and I am disappointed in men all over again!" Mina pouted, but her usual sly grin was back on her face before Shouto could ask if she needed help scouting potential 'dick appointments' as she so fondly calls them.
This was where things got strange in that Kirishima pointed out that Mina should just fuck a woman to teach men how to fuck women properly. Kaminari filled Shouto in with a horribly done stage whisper that the two of them had fucked before and that despite the experience of any man, Mina was never truly satisfied. 
"Alright, student Kirishima," Mina had thrust her finger into Kirishima's chest. "Follow me to the hole-y wall and watch the master do her job!"
Once more, Shouto was outside the door, the woman seemingly materialized from thin air in her same powder blue ava tea party dress and ruby red smile. 
"Welcome back! For four patrons this time?" the woman gleefully smiled, her gloved fingers clasping below her chin.
"For one, actually," Mina spoke up first, "I'm teaching these boys—"
"I've actually never had a problem," Shouto spoke up, his calm and collected gaze unwaveringly met the hostess despite the chilling horror and embarrassment of his words that crawled up his spine. At the same time, Mina looked up him and down with a small, small smirk. "I'll be taking a spot."
"Ho ho, well, excuse me," Mina giggled, turning back to the hostess with a brightness to her stance. "Two spots then. I have boys to teach!"
"Of course!" the hostess spoke unaffectedly by the group's dynamics. "Please enjoy yourselves! This part is a special treat for you lovely patrons, don't forget to be mindful of our poor angels stuck in the wall!"
The door opened, and in the group of four walked in.
If Shouto had been taken by surprise the first time, he was beyond belief the second time he entered this same room. His first time coming, there had only been those beautiful glory holes, but this time? There were no material holes.
Where the holes used to be, there were only large holes where the person assigned to the area was now presented to the public.
Asses curved to the sky, asses pointed to the ground. Cocks leaking, limp, and red with overstimulation, cunts soaked, throbbing, and swollen with overuse. It was indeed as if these individuals had been stuck in a wall, and Shouto already felt his cock twitch in his carnal lust and need to see just how you were positioned. How he prayed that you were at your spot, laying on your stomach, ass hanging out to the world waiting for his cock to claim you, waiting for him to ruin you. He wanted to feel your liquid lust drip from your cunt, splashing and trailing down your inner thigh.
Shouto didn't bother saying goodbye to his friends, the smell of sex, and his own lust switching his brain onto a one-track mindset with the growing need to get to you immediately. 
And almost to his raging hormonal anger, he came to the aisle where you were parked, and while his heart hammered with the growing pleasure to see your ass hanging in the air, your thighs pressed to the wall, his vision turned red at the sight of some no-named man rutting his ugly cock between your dry folds.
In no time flat, Shouto was behind the man, his hand fisting into the collar of the man's shirt and tearing him away from him.
"Mine." he all but growled, his aura darkening while he glared at the red-faced idiot who attempted to cover himself up in the act of running away.
It didn't matter that what Shouto did was probably entirely rude and could result in him getting thrown out, you were his, and no way was someone going to fuck you when he was there. The weirded out gazes that fell upon him temporarily did nothing to Shouto, his focus back onto your squirming bottom, no doubt weirded out by the sudden lack of contact.
But with a sigh, his fingers combing the few falling free strands of hair out of his face, Shouto stood centimeters from your shifting thighs, watching you continue squirming until he finally moved. His hands pressed against your supple, smooth ass, enjoying the way you fit against his hands perfectly. 
He stepped forward, allowing the bulge of his strained cock to press against the top of your ass — the perfect height for him. Shouto leaned forward, his forehead once more pressing against the cold wall, his eyes taking in the still visible scorch marks he had left behind and chuckled deep in his throat.
"I'm back, my precious whore, I bet you missed me," Shouto spoke through the wall, hoping that you would respond back to him. He thought he could hear an agreeing sound on the other side of the wall, another layer of muffled, and he wondered if maybe you had been gagged. The thought made him exhale slowly, his hips strained from rutting against you, but against his belief, your ass ground against his hardening cock, sending waves of pleasure through him. "You did miss me, huh?"
His calloused fingers moved from your supple ass to the outsides of your thighs, feather-soft touches skimming your skin, leaving behind trails of goosebumps and twitching nerves. Shouto's gaze remained hard on your body, watching how you completely stilled when he found his fingers against the inner part of your thigh and just shy of the excessive heat that was radiating from your cunt.
And he leaned down, his lips pressing against the curve of your ass, his eyes partially hooded when he felt you relax against his hold. But the relaxed position you held quickly erased the moment his teeth sunk into your skin, and his finger pressed against your swollen clit. 
Immediately, your body arched, a weak attempt to buck out of his hold while he heard a muffled cry from the other end of the wall. But Shouto was a hero, he was some with extreme control over his body, and as his tongue moved to soothe your throbbing ass, one finger continued to delicately dance against your clit, while the other shifted over to your softly beating cunt. 
Shouto groaned against your skin, his pants feeling too tight, the material of his underwear too hot and stiff for how strained his cock was right now, yet it was nothing to the feeling of your tight, wet, hot cunt. In and out, he pumped his finger, curling the long digit against your puffy spongey walls, the thumb on your clit circulating in slow, intentional figure-eights until you were pathetically rising and falling against his finger, a garbled whine for more barely audible through the wall. He chuckled at the feeling of your inner walls forcible clenching against his intruding finger, and he rewarded you with a second finger.
"Doesn't this feel good?" Shouto groaned, his body straightening back up so that he was flushed against your ass, his forehead resting on the wall, and his now free hand slowly grinding your ass against his crotch.
He watched you with the intensity of a predator stalking their prey, his mouth twitching into a smirk when your toes curled with a sudden drag of his fingers over a ribbed area of your core. Growling in need, Shouto's hips slammed into you, mindlessly fucking you even with his clothes on. His fingers doubled in speed and intensity until the rapid clenching of your walls was unignorable around his fingers.
His forearms ached slightly with his continued fingering, his thumb almost stiff as he continued to assault your clit, but with the arching of your back, the stuttering of your hips as an impeding orgasm was growing bigger and stronger. Shouto barely registered the sight of his own hand rising and falling heavily onto your ass, the sound of the spank echoing loudly, but that had pushed you over the edge.
A loud mewl sounded from the wall, your legs trembling entirely uncontrollably against Shouto, who still drove his hard crotch into your soaked cunt. He didn't care if you were to wet the expensive suit, his mind now solely on the fact that he needs to claim you, needs to sink his cock all the way in, and make sure you were bruised for days to come. 
Wasting no time, Shouto sheds off his pants and his underwear, letting them fall to the floor with a soft thud before aligning his already hard and swollen cock head to your clenching, sopping cunt. Shouto nearly shivers as he grips his fingers into your ass, his eyes mesmerized with how your flesh molds to his grasp, moving and shifting accordingly. With only a moan as a warning, Shouto wasted no time in pressing his cock to your cunt, and thrusting in with a single, sharp thrust.
If he had thought your cunt was tight with just your fingers, if he had thought the instance where you had vacuumed your mouth while sucking him off was tight, he was in a world of surprises when he came through from entering you. Your cunt was hot and oh so fucking tight around him, milking him dry of all and any precum that he had gathered at his swollen slit. Your inner walls flutter around him, intensely and quickly trying to adjust to the monstrous thickness that he was, and he could hear the pained panting pleasure of you through the wall, and he almost lost it at the keen whine on your tongue.
He shifted, moving his hips just so slight as to regain what little sanity he had left to ensure that you were thoroughly and roughly fucked. 
"Fuck," Shouto moaned, his fingers digging bruises into your skin, his skin feeling sticky and sweaty as he felt you continue trembling beneath him. "For a fucking whore, you have a really tight cunt. I bet you wished I had used fucking lube, huh?"
Shouto took a tentative thrust into you, his legs quivering at the feeling of the way your cunt gripped his cock, making it almost impossible for him to move as he did. "Should've made your pussy wetter then," he spoke in a near whisper to the wall, unsure if you had heard him as he began his conquest in fucking you.
With his fingers gripping your hips, he enjoys the way you bruise against his hold, almost as much as he enjoys the way the wall rocks with every slam of his brutal hips.
The sounds of his cock slamming into your sopping cunt send loud, wet noises ringing in his ears, sending a few other nearby patrons to turn their heads to look at him - to look at him in his conquest of claiming you as his. It only fueled him on, and he picked up his pace until there was a medley of sounds: his thighs crashing against your ass, the squelching of your wet cunt against his thick cock, and your thighs slapping the wall. 
Shouto growled at the feeling of your cunt stretching for him, the tremble of your legs, the way your feet twisted and curled against his knees, almost as if in a silent beg to get him impossibly closer, to make him fuck you impossibly faster, harder. 
His gorging fingers break your skin, and Shouto delights in the painful, garbled scream from your side of the wall. Your body is weak against him, yet he can still feel your hips jutting against his rutting hips, your body desperately trying to keep up with his insane speed and lust.
And when his hand presses to your lower back and the other right above your crotch so that he can raise you higher, the new angle of penetration sends Shouto fumbling for strength. It's then he can feel the head of his cock pressing against your cervix, your toes digging into his skin as he continues to pound away at your cervix, and he takes the rolling shrieks and moans from your mouth like a good thing. 
"Such a good fucking whore, I never found many of you who enjoyed when I literally rearranged their guts," Shouto huffed, his fingers tweaking and yanking at your clit until you were shaking in his arms. "You're enjoying this so much, I bet you wanted this the entire time after I left, didn't you? You wanted my cock in your pussy, I wanted to have my seed pumped into you until everyone knows that you're mine. You'd look so pretty pregnant with my babies, your stomach swollen, and your tits just fucking leaking milk for our children, huh?"
It's then that your cunt around his cock becomes a vice grip, and Shouto shudders at the feeling of your orgasm rocking through you, your pathetic keens barely audible in his blood rushing ears. And he continues, Shouto could feel the familiar sensation of his nerves being shot out, the feeling of your cunt desperately trying to milk him of his seed and worth as you grew limper in his arms, his fingers raking raised lines against your ass, forever marking himself against you, his grip trying to keep his shaking legs from giving out, his mind solidifying over the need to somehow appear where you were now so he could fuck you with no restraint. He thought of your crossed eye gaze, the possible spit pouring from your mouth as you took his every drop of seed greedily into your cunt. He imagined seeing your eyes spilling with tears, seeing your fingers rip into the fabric as he fucked you with no restraint, and with his imagination, he lost himself.
Shouto continued to blindly ram his cock into your cunt, a savage, insane last attempt to spill himself into you, fumbling to keep his head on straight as your cunt pathetically clenched against his hammering cock, finally sending his left hand to the wall, fire bursting from his palm as finally his orgasm tears through him. Shit, shit, "Shit!"
Shouto's temples are damp with sweat, and his vision swims with his overwhelming desire for you and the need to get to your room without destroying the wall to completion.
He picks up his pants and underwear, quickly fixing himself up so that he's almost remorse in the way that he can't appreciate watching his cum spill from your cunt, but the lack of you on his cock is enough to have him zipping up his pants and racing to where the hostess appears.
She doesn't stand a chance when both fire and ice bite against her neck.
"How do I get into the rooms?"
After being caught flirting with whoever you had pinky promised, you had been gagged. It wasn't a bad thing per se, that man had been the last person to visit you when the room was still functioning as glory holes. With the new stuck in the wall theme, it only invited men and women to be aggressive, and a part of you guiltily and ashamedly enjoyed how rough they would get in there attempt to hear you against the gag.
But you couldn't help the flutter in your cunt and in your heart when the familiar voice of the pinky promise man sounded through the wall. Right now, however, your body felt wholly and thoroughly used. Every inch of your asscheeks and cunt was abused, but the orgasm that came with his fucking was otherwordly. 
There was still nothing to prevent the shameful clog in your throat when he abandoned you after a single orgasm, but then again, you didn't expect the door to your cubicle to be thrown open, and a man stood there with a black kitsune mask. You wondered who it was, but there was the distinctive, infamous red and split white hair behind the cover, and you whimpered at the sudden shame at being caught like this by a Pro Hero you absolutely adored. 
The mask was torn from his face, the door closing behind him, and you were ripped back into the tight cubicle, pressed flush against his chest as he sealed off the hole with his ice. You were speechless as his obviously hard cock pressed against your diaphragm, and you trembled upon hearing the zipper of his pants coming down.
And the voice of one Todoroki Shouto sent shivers down your spine, reigniting the flame in your cunt.
"I got to fuck your mouth and your cunt through other people's rules, I think it's about time I get to fuck you however I see fit."
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tsumuniri · 3 years
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━━━ Atsumu Miya is a free-loader. Living inside his twin brother's home as if it was his, he would bring home girls and annoy Osamu most of the time. Y/N L/N is quite the opposite apparently because she's a virgin loser. Being the popular anonymous BL mangaka known as Yamazaki, she stays in the homey abode of her parents and watches boys from afar for references (not for admiration sadly).
Now what will happen if fate decided to tie these two idiots together and made them live across each other in one apartment?
。m.list ❯❯ ┃next
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DO YOU GET NERVOUS to the point you wouldn't be surprised that you already took a shit, not pee, but discharge the residue on your pants? That's how a certain H/C-haired female felt as she sat across the table with her editor on the other side. It was only a figurative speech, though; if she took it literally, Y/N would gladly dig her own grave and plan her funeral up to what kind of horrid gown she'd be wearing in her casket.
It wasn't your fault to be this anxious. You've been doing this type of gig for almost five years, yet you couldn't help but tremble slightly on your seat as you noiselessly wait for the male editor to enlighten you with comments in regards to this unreleased chapter. You hate having to go through this type of initiation, but hey, you love your job nevertheless.
"Great work today, L/N-san. You accurately followed my advice when it comes to the panels. As expected from your skills and experiences in the field." Akihito remarked, pushing up his glasses with his thumb and closing the original copy of the printed manuscript.
You now had the ability to breathe as you draw out a deep sigh of relief. "Well, thank the gods for that! When you criticized the paneling of this chap two days ago, I panicked a bit and had to rearrange them all." You rambled on and began to ravish the food on your tray to satisfy your empty stomach. It was a bit difficult to comprehend your words due to the continuous eating of the delicious french fries. However, your editor somewhat understood you in the end.
Akihito watched you chowed down on the poor potato snack and shook his head from the ridiculous spectacle of your hungry state. "You're the infamous Yamazaki, but you asked me to meet up with you in a place like this?" He panned out.
"What do you mean? And didn't I tell you not to say my pen name out loud? What if people might hear you!"
"Y/N, we're in McDonald's." Your editor frowned, gesturing around the place full of children with a nudge of his thumb. With the sudden dilemma of your hidden identity, he cocked a brow and turned his head to glance at the screaming little monsters chasing each other on the matted floor. It was clear to him that these youngsters didn't pay any mind to their talk.
"We took the table by the playground. I don't think kids of their age would know someone who makes picture books of men sucking-".
"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! STOP!" You cut him off right before he could finish his ambiguous statement. You took a bite on the fry you were holding and dipped it in the blob of ketchup on the tissue paper. "I chose this fast-food resto because the atmosphere in this place is loud. I don't want someone to hear you nor see the material you're reading." You licked the salt off your fingers once you finished eating your fries.
His slanted eyes squinted in suspicion as his onyx irises surveyed your get-up from head to toe. Your patterned sock-covered feet nestled on black Adidas slippers as you had plaid trousers that seemed to look like matching pajama pants of a clothing set. The white shirt with the oppai logo you wore made up for your lacking asset. However, the best feature of this apparel you came up with was the unusual pair of large rimmed shades covering your eyes. "It seemed like you do know how to act natural, Y/N..." Akihito trailed, deciding not to ridicule the outfit you chose to wore for their meeting since he knew you were in a hurry to meet the deadline.
Your eyes glanced at the watch wrapped around your wrist and realized the current time. "I better get going. My mom would kill me if I didn't do the groceries. Thank you for today, Akihito!" You pushed yourself off the table, sitting up from the cushioned seat then bowing towards the male.
The brunette also stood up for courtesy's sake, softly smiling at you in gratification. "Thank you for your hard work as well, L/N-san. I'll make sure to send out a copy of the weekly magazine as soon it releases to the public. Your international fans will definitely enjoy this chapter once the global publishing company releases the translated magazine." He assured.
"Well, I'm happy to hear that everyone gets to enjoy my works! I'll see you soon, Akihito." You gave him a lazy grin as you turned your back and left for your pending chore.
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"That man sure bought a lot of cleaning products." You thought out loud as you recalled the fascinating scene of a fellow shopper with a basket full of cleaning merchandise. You couldn't pinpoint his looks since the guy was wearing a face mask. But from his athletic build and large hooded eyes that made the other shoppers distance themselves away, you had a feeling he's good-looking. It wouldn't be surprising if he already has a girlfriend.
Or a boyfriend if he likes bananas over tacos.
Your little bubble of thoughts soon popped as you stood outside the gate of your household, staring at the moving boxes stacked on the grassy floor of your mother's garden. 'Now, what are they up to?' You mused, having a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach from the cardboard packages.
You hoisted up the two paper bags full of groceries against your chest and pulled the gate open. "Mom! Dad! I'm Home!" You greeted out, walking past the boxes and almost tripping on one of them. Your left arm had lifted the groceries with difficulty as you used your other hand to twist the doorknob of the front door.
The spruce door was pushed open by your right arm. As you took a step inside, your ears caught a pitched bark from the end of the hallway. A smile fixed on your lips once the familiar energetic sound registered in your mind.
"Kazu!" A short-coated corgi ran out from one of the doorways as it continued to bark and jump from the excitement of its owner arriving back at home. Its fluffy butt waddled with every step it took with its soft paws— bouncing a couple of times once you called out its name.
You smiled from ear to ear, "You miss me, boy?" You cooed, slipping out of your slippers and setting the bags of groceries on the hall table by the door. The dog barked softly and looked up at you with his beady eyes, wagging his tail and letting out another bark in reply. You would've played with this cute bunch that the gods have blessed you with, but the questions about the boxes haven't stopped galling you for answers.
"Where's mom and dad, Kazu?"
Kazu tilted his head and barked as if the corgi understood what you were trying to tell him. The dog turned around and darted over to the staircase leading upstairs. 'Maybe that's why they didn't hear me.' You thought to yourself and followed your dog over to the flight of stairs. The fluffy puppy used his time in climbing up the steps, but you decided to scoop the dog up in your arms and carry him midway due to how hard of a time the corgi's having.
You gently placed Kazu back on the floor after you both reached upstairs. Your brows furrowed together as you caught the sight of the two pieces of luggage outside your bedroom door. If your gut was telling you before that something grave might happen, it was screaming at you now that something will. "Mom?" You called out for your mother, needing an explanation for what the hell her parents are doing to her room.
Finally, the said person peeked her head out from the doorway of your room. "Y/N, dear! Welcome back!" She smiled and waved her hand to beckon you over to her side.
"Since you're finally here, your father and I have some great news for you!"
You eyed your mother, suspicious by the way she's acting, but you still heeded her command and took hesitant steps in the direction of your bedroom. "What's happening, mom? Why are you guys in my r-" You weren't able to finish your sentence as you find yourself in an almost empty bedroom with your father sealing a box with packaging tape.
The middle-aged man looked up from what he was doing and beamed once he saw his daughter walked inside the room, "My lovely girl! Great timing! Help your old pal in bringing your stuff outside the house." He hummed.
You didn't know what to say— you already had an idea of what the old couple was about to do, but you don't want to believe it. Your wide eyes shifted between your mother and father, "Don't... Don't tell me that..." You stammered as you were in disbelief from the current event playing right in front of you.
"We're kicking you out, Y/N!"
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## and this is the first fic that i posted here on tumblr! though, i already published it in wp as well LMAO. i hope you enjoyed reading the prologue :'>
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charlie-pippin-faraday · 3 years
Critiquing the HOA prom and dance outfits, Part 2
Boys, it’s your turn, I have come to judge your suits. I’m gonna go through the prom and dance suits of all 5 boys one by one and critique them and give my opinion.
Season 1 Prom: the classic black tux
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I mean, there’s nothing else to say about this one. The plain, classic black tux. No frills, no nothing. He looks really good, and I like it, but it’s nothing special.
Masked Ball: the multi-colored tie
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This is fine. The masked ball is less formal than prom, which is evident by the guys all wearing suits rather than tuxes. Fabian got a little color in this one; the tie is blue and red, and the suit jacket isn’t black, it looks to be some shade of charcoal gray. It looks good, he looks good, but it’s just fine, it’s not anything special
TOR Prom: the blue velvet bowtie
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Any and all previous sins are forgiven because of the blue velvet bowtie. I’m pretty sure the suit is blue, and he’s topped it off with a blue velvet bowtie and it looks great. Getting a bunch of color in there, and looking fancy with that special bowtie. Not too much, but he’s definitely not going all plain and boring, there was thought put into this. Love it.
Season 1 Prom: the black and white tux
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Mick gets MAJOR points for being the literal only guy who looked like he went out of his way to match his date for any of the three dances. He could’ve been happy with the plain black tux, but no, he added the little white scarf thing to be an accent and to match Mara’s black and white dress. It coordinates AND it makes his tux look better. I have no complaints with this, this is very nice.
Season 1 Prom: the classic black tux
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Jerome and Fabian wore the same plain black tux to season 1 prom. Which is like, fine. Nothing special. You can tell he’s got some kind of subtle dot pattern on his vest which is nice. But this is definitely slightly too big for him.
Masked Ball: the red and blue suit
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Someone finally decided to go for some real color, thank god. You can’t accuse him of being boring here. Red tie, red vest, navy blue shirt. He’s making a statement and I like it. Also, this is the ONLY suit that ANY of the 5 boys wear that has a pocket square, I’m pretty sure, so automatic points for that. Jerome is actively trying to look good in these suits and I appreciate it.
TOR Prom: the red tie and white scarf
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Does he look good? Yes. Does he match Joy? Not in the slightest. But I like this look. Very classy and sophisticated, which cannot be said for some of the others at the TOR prom, but we’ll save that for later. The scarf is certainly a fashion Choice, but it works, ‘cause it’s him, and he’s certainly not afraid to wear scarves and such and try to be a little posh. Red is also a good color for him, and I love the bowtie. This is a good look.
Season 1 Prom: the all-black no-tie suit
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I have conflicting feelings about this suit. On the one hand, all-black is stylish and classy, and I know he was trying his best to be suave. On the other hand, not only is he not wearing any sort of tie, he’s got his top couple buttons unbuttoned and flared open, which is certainly a style Choice. I can’t decide whether I like this or not. At least the shirt underneath is a collared shirt and it looks like he’s at least attempting to look fancy and formal, even if it kind of looks like he threw it together at the last second.
Masked Ball: the blue-green shirt and striped tie
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This is Alfie’s best suit, mainly because this is the only time he wore an actual suit. He looks well put-together, and I’m not exactly sure the tie matches the shirt, but I appreciate some actual color. I wish he would’ve worn an actual suit again, it fits him well and makes him look very nice.
TOR Prom: the navy blue t-shirt????????
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Lazy!!! Alfie, this is a t-shirt!!!! And it’s navy blue!!!! It doesn’t match your suit jacket OR Willow’s dress!!!! I am...incredibly disappointed. Now, I can hear all of you saying that this is basically the same as the season 1 prom suit, but it’s NOT! That one was at least a collared shirt!! It was at least black on black! It at least looked like he made some kind of effort! This one just looks like he threw on a suit jacket and called it a day. They had such a big missed opportunity with Alfie. He’s a bold and fun guy, and they could’ve given him a colored suit! Like, imagine like an all-red suit!! That’s really fun and it even would have matched Willow!! You did my mans dirty here :(
Masked Ball: the purple suit
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This is the suit I see in my sweetest of sweet dreams. I think about this suit night and day. He looks incredibly good in this suit, and frankly it’s embarrassing how much I enjoy him in this suit. For me, it ruined every single other thing he ever wore. Nothing can live up to this suit. I can’t properly express in words how good he looks in purple, this is his color, and he never ever wore purple again, not one time, which is a SHAME. Anyway, I love this suit, so fucking much. He looks good, he looks hot, this is the best outfit he or any of the boys ever wore. I’ll never shut up about this suit. 1000/10.Â đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°
TOR Prom: *deep sigh*
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Eddie this is a fucking travesty. You are much too attractive for this. For as good and as amazing as the purple suit is, this is the opposite of that. You look INCREDIBLY good in a suit! Like, so good it makes me feel like I gotta fan myself like a Victorian lady!! You didn’t even have to try that hard! All you needed was a plain old suit, that’s how low the bar is!! But no. You had to go suit jacket and t-shirt. It’s at least all black, but like. Eddie. EDDIE. You had so much potential and you went with THIS I’m gonna cry.
In conclusion: Overall, their suits are mainly middle of the road, with a few really good ones and a couple that were just awful. You can tell when they tried and when they didn’t. And there’s certainly not a lot of color, and definitely not a lot of warm colors, a lot of cool tones once again. More color would have been nice. But that feels like too much to ask; we gotta focus on no t-shirts, apparently.
My personal favorite is, obviously, Eddie’s purple suit. Tag your fave (or least fave) in the tags below!
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babypandawrites · 3 years
Allies, Pt. 8
The Deserter
Pairing: Sokka x F Reader Warnings: Burn Injury  Word Count: 3,300 Summary: As usual, things do not go as planned. Lesson learned, going to a Fire Nation festival should always be tucked into the bad idea folder. 
-Navigation- | -Allies Masterlist- | -Atla Masterlist- 
Taglist: @boomeraangin​​
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Eyes wide, Y/n snatched one of the pages hanging from the notice board before the others could see it. It was a wanted poster of her. It wasn’t the first time the Fire Nation put one of these out for her, but that didn’t make it any less alarming! She balled up the page as Katara approached the notice board, and shoved it into her pocket.  Grimacing, she moved to stand next to the girl. None of them saw that, right? “This should give us a good idea of what’s around here.” Katara noted, as she looked over the board.  “See if you can find a menu, I’m starving.”  The two girls ignored Sokka, as Aang rushed up to the board. He pointed to a colorful flyer that had been hung up. “I bet we’ll find something to eat here! The Fire Days Festival. Fire Nation cultural exhibits
 jugglers, benders, magicians. This’d be a great place for me to study some real firebenders!”  Looking at her friend, her eyebrows furrowed together. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Aang.”  Sokka pointed to something on another side of the board. “Yeah, you might wanna rethink that. Look at this.”  Y/n walked over to see it was a wanted poster of Aang, the boy soon joining as well. There was also one for ‘The Blue Spirit’- That being the masked person who ended up being Zuko- and a white haired man.  “Hey, a poster of me!” “A wanted poster. This is bad.”  Aang took the wanted poster off the board as Katara walked over to look at it.  “I think we better keep moving.”  “I have to learn firebending at some point, and this could be my only chance to watch a master up close.”  Katara looked at the ground, thinking for a short moment. “I guess we could check it out.” “What!? You want to walk into a Fire Nation town where they’re all fired up with all their, you know, fire?”  Crossing her arms over her chest, Y/n looked between Katara and Aang. “I’m gonna have to agree with Sokka on this one, this is a terrible idea.”  “We’ll wear disguises and if it looks like trouble, we’ll leave.” Katara suggested, as her and Aang walked over to Appa.  Sokka breathed out a sigh. “Yeah, because we always leave before we get into trouble.” 
On a hill outside of the town, Aang told Appa and Momo to hide, only one of the animals being successful in the feat. Y/n giggled watching Appa attempt to hide behind a small bush, he was truly adorable.  “Ready disguises!”  At Aang’s words, Y/n, Sokka and Katara pulled the hoods of the cloaks they wore over their heads. Aang had pulled the top of his shirt over his head in a completely ineffective disguise. He grinned at the three, as Sokka crossed his arms over his chest. Katara and Y/n laughed at the silliness of it.  “It’s like you’re a whole different person.” Sokka spoke sarcastically.  Aang started to lead the way down the hill. “Let’s go!”  The group walked down to the main square of the town, it was full of people. Several of the people enjoying the festival wore colorful masks.  “I think we need some new disguises.”  Sokka looked at his sister, somewhat annoyed. “Where are we gonna get masks like that?”  Nudging him gently in the side, Y/n nodded her head over to a stand a few feet away from them- It was selling masks.  “Get your genu-ine Fire Festival masks here!”  “That was surprisingly easy.”  Each of them had gotten masks to wear- Sokka wore one with a happy expression on it and Aang wore one with a sad expression. Looking between the two, Katara and Y/n took the masks off the boys and switched them, matching their masks with their moods. Walking further into the town square, Aang pointed ahead.  “Hey, there’s some food.”  “Finally!” Sokka rushed up to the food stand. “What do you have?”  The food merchant grabbed a small bag, steam came from it. “Flaming fire flakes! Best in town.” Sokka grabbed the bag from him. “I’ll take ‘em!” He stuffed them into his mouth, but quickly started to scream and huff, steam blowing from his mouth. He partially removed his mask to cool his tongue. “Aaaaah! Hot! Hot!”  Katara crossed her arms. “Flaming fire flakes, hot? What do you know.”  Y/n snickered. “Never would have guessed that.”  Aang looked off to the side, and started to walk away. “Hey, look at this.”  The three followed after him, stopping near a puppet stage. The audience in front of the stage was composed of children. The curtain in front of the stage drew open, and a puppet of the Fire Lord appeared. The children cheered.  “Don’t worry loyal citizens! No one can surprise the Fire Lord!”  Behind the Fire Lord puppet, a puppet of an earthbender rose up, with a rock ready to strike the other puppet. The children in the crowd cried out warnings. The Fire Lord puppet suddenly turned around and torched the earthbender puppet with a gout of flames. As the children cheered at the display, the group turned away from the performance, and followed Aang as he led them to another area.  “Aang, hold on! Where are we going?” Katara questioned as they walked.  “I don’t know, but there’s a big crowd so it must be good.”  “Knowing the Fire Nation, it’s probably an execution.”  Y/n furrowed her eyebrows together under her mask. “The Fire Nation doesn’t hold public executions..” She mumbled to herself, following after her friends to get a better look at the stage.  A firebending performer stood on the stage, manipulating flames for the crowd's delight. He extinguished the fire and produced a small flock of white birds that flew off the stage.  Aang partially took off his mask, watching the birds fly away. He turned back to the stage, a large smile plastered onto his face. “I gotta learn that trick!”  “Thank you! For my next trick I need a volunteer from the audience!” Aang’s hand shot up in the air. “Oh! Oh! Me! Me!”  Sokka looked at him. “What do you think you’re doing?”  “I want to get a closer look.”  Y/n’s arms crossed over her chest. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”  “It’s better that we don’t attract any attention to ourselves.”  The performer pointed at Katara, after she finished speaking. “How about you, little lady?”  She backed away, shaking her head. “Uh
”  “Awww, she’s shy. Leeet’s give her some encouragement, folks!”  Someone in the audience pushed Katara to the edge of the stage, where the performer grabs onto her and hauls her up.  “Awww! That could’a been me.”  The performer ushered Katara to the center of the stage, sitting her on the chair that had been brought out. “This next trick is called ‘Taming the Dragon’. You will be my captured princess!”  He used a maroon ribbon to tie her to the chair, before beginning to bend a huge fire comet from the fires that stood atop the pillars of the stage. He looped it close to Katara then moved it back away. He controlled it by a flame rope that connected to his hand.  “Don’t worry, young maiden. I will tame this fiery beast!” He continued to control the fire comet. “It’s too strong, I can’t hold it!” “We gotta help her!” There was a hint of panic in Aang’s voice.  “No, we don’t want to make a scene!” Sokka tried to stop him.  “Yeah- Aang, it’s just a performance-”  “The rope, it’s breaking!”  The rope the performer was using to control the comet broke, the flames charging at Katara. She cringed and cried out. Aang airbended himself up, Sokka, Y/n and another man failing to restrain him. He dropped down in front of Katara, and created a whirlwind that dissipated the comet in a shower of confetti.  The performer looked at Aang. “Hey, you tryin’ to upstage me, kid?”  The crowd started to ‘boo’ Aang, and as he did a little dance to amuse them, Sokka and Y/n hopped up onto the stage to untie Katara.  “Hey! That kid’s the Avatar!” Someone shouted from the crowd. This caught the attention of three Fire Nation guards, who started to weave through the crowd to get to the stage.  “I think it’s time to go.” Sokka said, as the group removed their masks.  “Follow me! I can git ya outta here!” The man who tried to help stop Aang before called out to them. He stood near a broken wall at the back of the stage, waving them over to it.  “There they are!” One of the guards shouted as they got to the stage. They ran through the broken wall, and once they were through the man threw a smoke bomb at the guards to obscure their view. The group ran through squares and alleys, the man who helped accompany them. A guard pointed at them, as they passed him.  “Over there!”  “I’m calling Appa!” Aang got out his bison whistle and blew into it, as a group of guards started to pursue them.  “I hope he can really hear that bison whistle!” Sokka commented.  “This way!” The man turned into an alleyway, that was a dead end. “Okay! Not this way!”  They turned to leave, but the exit was blocked by guards. The man threw another smoke bomb at the guards, allowing the group to run past them. They ran into another alley, but it was also a dead end.  “Appa! Down here!” Aang called to the bison as he arrived just in time. Appa landed between the group and the guards and hit his tail against the ground, blowing the guards out of the alley.  They all got up onto Appa and took off. The man who had helped them used a bomb like object to set off fireworks that had been in the alley. He removed his hood as they flew away.  “Nice touch setting off the fireworks.” Aang commented, watching the fireworks go off.  Sokka looked at the man, impressed. “You seem to really know your explosives.”  “I’m familiar.” He turned to face them.  “You’re a Fire Nation soldier!”  “Was. My names Chey.” 
The group settled around a campfire that night. Chey was speaking with them.  “I serve a man. More than a man really, he’s a myth, but he’s real, a living legend, Jeong Jeong the Deserter. He was a Fire Nation general, or wait, was he an admiral?”  Sokka looked at the man blankly. “He was very high ranked, we get it.”  “Yeah! Way up there! But he couldn’t take the madness any more. He’s the first person to ever leave the army- and live. I’m the second, but you don’t get to be a legend for that. That’s okay though. Jeong Jeong’s a firebending genius. Some say he’s mad- But he’s not! He’s enlightened.”  “You mean there’s a firebender out here who’s not with the Fire Lord?” Aang stood up, excited. “We’ve gotta go see him! He can train me!”  “We’re not gonna go find some crazy firebender!”  Chey stood up. “He’s not crazy! He’s a genius! And he’s the perfect person to train the Avatar! That’s why I followed you into the festival.”  Sokka also stood up. “Look, thanks for the help, but we’re leaving for the North Pole in the morning.”  Aang furrowed his eyebrows together. “Sokka, this could be my only chance to meet a firebending master who would actually be willing to teach me.”  “It can’t hurt just to talk to him.” Katara said, standing up.  “That’s what you said about going to the festival! Why doesnt anyone ever listen to me?!” Sokka turned to look at Y/n, who has yet to speak. “Come on, Y/n, you’re with me, right?”  She was silent for a moment, thinking. “Well
 Aang does need to learn Firebending eventually
 Hmmm..” She shrugged her shoulders.  Groaning in frustration, Sokka turned to stalk away from the group, but stops having nearly run into a spear. Suddenly, they were all surrounded by men wearing straw hats and armor, each of them wielding a spear.  “Don’t move!”  They were led through the forest by the rebel men, after a long time walking, they came across a small shack that had been settled at the bottom of a hill.  “Go on. He sees you only.” The man who’d Y/n had learned the name of was Lin Yi, spoke to Chey.  “Oh that’s okay, we can chat later.”  “Is that where Jeong Jeong is? I need to talk to him right away.” Aang tried to walk towards the shack, but was stopped by a spear shaft blocking his path.  “No! You wait there.” Lin Yi pushed Chey forward roughly. “Go now!”  “Don’t worry! Everything’ll be fine. He’s a great man, great man!” Chey walked down to Jeong Jeong’s hut.
Y/n had fallen asleep during the wait and in the morning had learned Jeong Jeong agreed to teach Aang firebending. She sat on the ground outside, doing some stretches while listening in on the lesson between Jeong Jeong and Aang.  “Widen your stance. Wider! Bend your knees. Now, concentrate. Good, good!”  “Wait! What do I do now?”  She glanced over to see that Jeong Jeong had begun walking away.  “Silence! Talking is not concentrating! Look at your friend,” He pointed at Katara. “Is she talking? What about her?” Then he pointed at Y/n, before pointing at Sokka. “Even that oaf knows to concentrate on what he’s doing.”  “Hey!” Snickering, Y/n went back to focusing on her stretches.  Aang breathed out a sigh. “But what am I concentrating on?”  “Feel the heat of the sun. It is the greatest source of fire. Yet, it is in complete balance with nature!” “So when do I get to make some fire?”  “Concentrate!”  Katara, Y/n and Sokka all laughed a bit as Aang tried to concentrate, feigning innocence when he turned to look at them all. 
“This is the worst firebending instruction ever. All he does is leave me alone for hours to concentrate or breath.” Aang complained, as he held a leaf with a small hole burned in the center in his hand.  “I’m sure there’s a good reason.”  Y/n nodded in agreement with Katara. “There most likely is. Jeong Jeong is a Master, he’s bound to know what he’s talking about.”  “But I’m ready to do so much more.” His face lit up when an idea came to mind. Widening his stance, he began to take in deep breaths. The leaf he held started to smoke, before suddenly bursting into flames. With the leaf disintegrating, Aang was left holding a fireball in his hand. “I did it! I made fire!”  Katara took a few steps closer. “Aang, that’s great, but you should take it slow.”  Eyebrows furrowing together, Y/n once again nodded in agreement with the girl. “Yeah, this doesn’t seem like a good idea, Aang.”  The flame got bigger, in reaction to Aang’s annoyance with their comments.  “Careful!”  Aang regained control and reduced the flame to its former size, but he nearly fell into the river doing so.  “Now that’s firebending!” He shot a whip of flames into the distance, before beginning to juggle the ball of flame happily.  Y/n took a few steps back. “Aang, you should stop.”  “Yeah, you’ll hurt yourself!”  She was about to tell Katara to get back, but was a bit too late. Aang created a circle of fire around himself, pushing it outwards. The flames burned Katara’s hands, when she raised them to protect her face. Crying out in pain, she crumpled to her knees.  “Katara!” Aang and Y/n shouted in unison, rushing over to her. The latter kneeling down next to the waterbender.  “Katara, I’m so sorry.”  Sokka rushed over. “Katara, what’s wrong?!” He looked at Aang, clearly upset. “What did you do?”  Aang held his hands up in defense. “It was an accident! I was
 Katara, I’m so-” He got cut off, from Sokka tackling him to the ground.  “I told you we shouldn’t mess around with this! Look at what you did! You burned my sister!”  Katara got up, and ran away. Getting up herself, Y/n rushed to grab her bag, before running after the girl. 
“Katara?” Y/n tentatively approached the girl, as she sat at the riverbank her hands dunked into the water. “I have some salve that should help your burns
” Trailing off, she watched in shock as Katara’s hands glowed underneath the water. They glowing stopped as she lifted her hands from the water, the burns on her hands now gone.  “That
 also works.”  “You have healing abilities.” The two turned to see Jeong Jeong approaching them from behind. “The great benders of the water tribe sometimes have this ability.” The man took a seat next to Katara. “I’ve always wished I were blessed like you- free from this burning curse.”  “But you’re a great master. You have powers I’ll never know.”  “Water brings healing and life. But fire brings only destruction and pain. It forced those of us burdened with its care to walk a razor’s edge between humanity and savagery. Eventually, we are torn apart.”  Suddenly, the water in front of them is blasted with gouts of flame. Jeong Jeong stood quickly, taking a defensive stance before breaking the flames that threatened to hit him, Y/n and Katara. Fire Nation riverboats floated across the water towards them.  “Go get your friends and flee! Do not come back here or you will all be destroyed. Hurry!”  Y/n helped Katara off the ground, before the two ran back in the direction of Jeong Jeong’s hut, where Sokka and Aang should be. They ran up to Sokka, where he was preparing Appa to leave. He turned to look at them, worry written onto his features.  “Katara! Are you all right?”  “I’m fine, we’ve got to get out of here. Where’s Aang?”  Sokka pointed his thumb in the direction of Jeong Jeong’s hut, turning to Y/n when Katara ran down to it.  “What’s going on?”  She tossed her bag up onto Appa’s saddle. “The Fire Nation found us. Jeong Jeong is dealing with them right now but honestly I’m not sure how long that will last. We should leave and fast.”  “Right.” He nodded in affirmation, before raising an eyebrow. “What did you do to help Katara?”  “I was going to give her some of the salve I have for burns but, turns out she didn’t need it.”  “What do you mea-”  “Come on!” He got cut off by Katara, as she ran over and clambered up onto Appa.  Once the three were all up on Appa’s saddle, they went and got Aang, before leaving.  “Aang, you’re burned.” Katara said, once they were up in the air. His sleeve was torn, burn marks covering his skin. “Let me help you.” She opened her water container, before wrapping some of the water around her hand. It started to glow, as she placed it over Aang’s wounds. After a moment of concentration, she pulled her hand away and the wound was healed.  “Wow! That’s good water.”  Sokka looked at her confused. “When did you learn how to do that?”  She offered a shrug. “I guess I always knew.”  “Oh
 well then thanks for all the first aid over the years. Like when I fell into the grease briar bramble and that time I had two fish hooks in my thumb!”  Y/n let out a snicker. “Two?”  “He tried to get the first fish hook out with another fish hook.”  “Wow.”  “Oh, and the time that big snake bit me! Thanks for healing that up. That was great. Really helpful.” He continued, as they flew into the distance.
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cinn-crose · 3 years
Sway with me. [part 1]
As Rosa entered the ballroom, she expected her and Artem to have a great time; why would she be jealous this fast? [pairing: Artem + MC]
also psst psst a hint of sub artem + angst
When marimba rhythms start to play,
Dance with me, make me sway.
Rosa entered the ballroom, her gown swaying slowly. Hidden identities behind masquerade masks, yet she could easily recognize the people in the ball.
A man was taking photos; he wore a suit, and his hair is tinted a golden orange. "Luke, obviously," she whispered, sighing. "He still took his photography camera with him..."
Another man sipped from a glass of wine; his white, silky hair was rather messy. Rosa noticed the pair of glasses in his suit pocket. "You can't wear your glasses over your masquerade mask, obviously, Vyn." The image of Vyn wearing his glasses over a masquerade mask made her giggle softly.
Another man wearing a suit seemed to be teasing a group of people. His voice was rather loud, and he kept laughing loudly. "Marius, same as always.." she rolled her eyes, heading to the food bar.
She picked up a small plate filled with cheese of different types, paired with biscuits and chocolate. Rosa wasn't the type to crave expensive food, but this time, it was an exception.
"Madame." A deep voice spoke behind her, his warm breath against her skin. In surprise, she gasped, her eyes widening.
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore,
Hold me close, sway me more.
"Artem!" Rosa said, her voice hinting that she is reprimanding him. "You just like surprising people, don't you." She knew how much Artem loved suddenly appearing behind her, making her jump, and sometimes even drop files she carried, or books she was reading.
"Rosa, you should.. wear this." Artem handed her a soft silk masquerade mask, a red feather sticking out of the left side. "It's a masquerade, afterall."
Artem wore an expensive retailed suit; He also wore a black masquerade mask, complimenting his dark suit. His tie clip looks polished and even more expensive. Artem adjusted his tie, looking away from her. "What? Is there something on my face?"
"Yes.." Rosa replied, getting closer to Artem's cheek.
Like a flower bending in the breeze,
Bend with me, sway with ease.
Now, Artem expected a kiss from the woman. He closed his eyes, smiling. As Rosa noticed such, she smirked. "Yes, there is something on your face." She pretended to wipe something off his face.
"Oh, ah—" Artem stuttered, a tint of pink on his cheeks; he seemed quite embarrassed. "Why, what were you expecting me to do?" Rosa spoke up, raising an eyebrow.
When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me, sway with me.
"N-Nothing. Anyways," He sighed, fixing his tie. "I'd like to invite you to the wine section of this ball." Confused, Rosa looked at Artem. "But your alcohol toleration—?"
"No need to worry about that. Besides, a client is looking for us," Artem looked at his watch, holding out a hand for her.
"Shall we go, m'lady?"
MC graciously accepts his hand, allowing him to lead her to the other side of the ballroom.
"Let me introduce you to our client," Artem starts, stopping infront of a woman. She seemed young, an age or two younger than the attorney; she wore a dress that exaggerates her neck and shoulders, paired with high heels. "This is Selena, a representative from the Pax group." Rosa smiled at her, taking a wine glass from the table. "I am MC, a lawyer from the Themis Law Firm," she introduced herself, pouring a serving of wine for herself and Artem.
Other dancers may be on the floor,
Dear, but my eyes will see only you.
"I know you; you defended Marius Von Hagen on court, yes?" Selena asks, looking at Rosa, then at Artem; his attention was on the younger attorney. "..my alcohol tolerance is low," he whispered, fixing his tie. "I don-"
"MC!" Luke came running to the small group, giggling to himself. "They have a toast section! There are so many spreads and-"
"If you want to," Selena immediately said, clearing her throat; Luke and Rosa's attention diverted to the woman. "you two can go to the bread section, I have something to discuss with Artem."
"Oh?" Artem looked back at Selena, putting down the glass of wine Rosa gave him. "If so, my partner here needs to listen as well," he continued in a low, serious voice.
Selena could only sigh, crossing her arms. "It's a personal matter, Artem. Besides—"
"'Mr. Wing' would be a more appropriate way to address me," Artem cut her off, noticing something suspicious. "You're.. not even an acquaintance, Selena. If anything, you are our client." Artem forced himself to be cold, shocking both Luke and Rosa.
Only you have that magic technique;
When we sway, I go weak!
"..If you can excuse us, um-" Luke looked back at his friend, clearing his throat. "We're going to the bread section. Right, MC?" He smiled awkwardly, avoiding Artem's gaze.
The younger lawyer could only nod, looking back at Artem. "We- we have to go. Bye!" Rosa walked away fast, following Luke. "It.. seems like Artem and his client will argue, that's why I wanted to bring you away from the chaos," he whispered, heading to another section of the ballroom.
"Let's stay here for now," Luke said, fixing her masquerade mask. "Marius is busy with talking to some businessmen." To prove his statement, he pointed at Marius, who seemed bored as two men in suits spoke to him.
"Well, seems like he's bored," Rosa commented. "Marius isn't the type to talk about business matters, especially at balls like this."
As time went on, Luke and her danced together, ate snacks together, and participated in card games, yet they were careful on how much they would bet. This whole time, Rosa wished to have done all these activities with Artem; she watched the whole time as Artem and Selena talked, and Artem kept looking flushed, his cheeks constantly tinted with pink.
I can hear the sounds of violins,
Long before it begins.
Now, Rosa was getting jealous. She wanted to know what the two were talking about; afterall, that's her task as Artem's partner, to know any business consults Artem deals with.
She waited until Luke was distracted by Marius, listening to them as they debated on the best spread for toast. MC carefully walked over to Artem and Selena, trying not to make it seem obvious.
Make me thrill as only you know how,
Sway me smooth, sway me now.
"A- And, well, I deal with missing person cases," Artem stuttered, looking down. "Good boy. And your partner, what does she deal with?"
She realized that Artem was too focused on Selena and her little remarks, making him accidentally spill information related to the Themis Law Firm; she noticed how drawn he was to her compliments, as well as the little touches Selena would do.
He's drunk again, isn't he.. Rosa thought to herself, noticing how Artem acted sweet and dazed all of a sudden, resulting in him not collecting his thoughts properly.
Rosa cleared her voice, the two people looking back at her. Artem put his wine glass down, his cheeks quite red, now. "Oh- MC!" Selena laughed nervously, looking back at Artem. "I.. have to go, now-" Quickly, Selena walked away, walking towards a small group of men wearing black clothes.
"Artem, you're intoxicated," his partner says, sighing. "I heard your conversation with this.. 'client' of yours. Did you give out information?"
"I- I didn't!" Artem said in a hurry, frowning. Rosa could only raise her eyebrow in doubt. "Oh, really? Then why did Luke overhear Selena talking to a bunch of men who are apparently interested in milking out information from the Themis law firm?"
".." Artem could not respond; he fixed his tie, clearing his throat.
[time skip alleluia]
The ball is finally over. Marius agreed to take Luke home, while Vyn stayed longer, for he had to investigate a small matter.
"Why don't you stay at my apartment for tonight?" Artem approached Rosa who was sitting on a couch by herself. "Alright; but let's.. discuss certain matters."
The two attorneys finally reached Artem's home. Their voices were quite strained after hours of arguing; it was surprising, really, how Artem didn't crash the car.
"You didn't know she was flirting with you?!" She said loudly, yet she minded the tone of her voice. "Artem, you gave out information from the Stellis Law Firm!"
"Shut!" Artem yelled back, opening the door to his home, grumbling. "Besides, it's.. very late at night. There is no use to arguing."
Rosa changed to the clothes she had packed earlier before arriving at the ball; she asked Artem to keep the packed clothes in his car. In the meantime, Artem removed his vest and coat, still wearing the white long-sleeved polo, paired with a tie.
She sat down on Artem's bed, waiting for his arrival. The woman had to share the bed with Artem; afterall, he lived alone. She ran downstairs, heading to the kitchen. Rosa planned to wash her face first before heading to bed.
"Artem, do you have spare towels?" Rosa asked, peeking through the kitchen. She watched as Artem cut an apple and put it on a ceramic bowl. "On the very bottom drawer, Rosa," Artem replied, adjusting the heat of the stove.
She ran back upstairs, walking over to the bottom drawer of Artem's nightstand.
MC gasped— she realized she opened the wrong drawer. She should've opened the drawer of the bathroom, or perhaps the storage room. When she opened the bottom drawer of Artem's nightstand, Rosa found rather.. questionable items Artem owns.
part 2 here!
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wcmi-22 · 3 years
The Bizarre encounter at the Bazaar
By Allison Blossom
Alice had often loved to go the marketplace when she was to buy groceries for the week but, today was rather different. She had heard from her friend, Jasmine, that there was a rare Bazaar full of spices, exotic foods and many more exciting things they had to offer at the Bazaar. As always, Alice’s curiosity got the better of her and quickly asked for directions and decided to go that same fateful Saturday. On that same day, she had planned to meet with Belle at Tiana’s new bakery once she was done looking around at the exotic new surroundings. Yet, once Saturday did roll through, Alice suddenly had regret to her decision to follow her curiosity again because now she was,
“Lost!” She said to herself angerly as she tried to pass through the different narrow ways “I am completely and utterly lost!”
At first, the thought about going to the Bazaar was quite exciting but then suddenly, Alice realized what time it was and realized how long it would take her to find the market but, miss tea with Belle. And Alice would just feel awful if she missed tea with Belle, so halfway through her journey, Alice decided to turn back and try to find the bakery. Of course, it was a little difficult with the crowds coming through the streets around her. Seeing a way through the back streets, Alice decided that was where she needed to go and went for it. Though Alice knew she was no familiar with he back streets of Wonderland, yet she figured if she could figure out her way to and through Wonderland when she was a child, she could do this too. But she was so wrong! This was a lot different than when she was child!
For starters, this was nothing like Tulgey Wood, this was the streets of Wonderland which can often lead to twists and turns for such a quaint town. Plus, she had never gone the back way of any town before. Now the only, similarity she had with both of her experiences was that she was

“Lost!” Alice repeated herself angerly. She sighed for a moment and then turned a corner to find herself on another back street. She looked around and at the paper to see if she could find at least the number or street name of Tiana’s Bakery. As she looked at the sheet of paper, suddenly, she bumps into something or rather someone in front of her. To her shock it was a man in a rather nice tailored black suit, wearing nice black shoes and a black-red cape. The strangest thing about this man was that he wore a white mask on the side of his face which matched his white tie and his white gloves.
“Well, well, well!” He says as he stares at her intensely with a sly grin across his face “ It appears there’s a little songbird in the alley that has lost her way!”
“Oh, excuse me, sir” Alice said in a whisper “ I was just going to...”
Suddenly, another figure comes from behind the masked man. Unlike his fellow compatriot, this man had crazy hair that almost resembles a used chimney sweep after being left in the rain. He worse just a dress shirt and tight black pants with black commando boots. Like his friend, he also took notice of Alice and starred intensively with a sly grin on his face.
“She looks rather lovely to be a songbird, Erik!” the man said.
“Please gentleman, I really must be going!” Alice said softly but assertively.
“Where are you going? How old are you? Do you live around here?” Erik questioned flirtatiously.
“Please leave me alone!” Alice said even more assertive.
“See Erik, your mask scares all the girls.” Said his compatriot.
“So, what, Jareth. I think she is cuter when she is scared too. Don’t you?”- Erik responded.
The other man looks at Alice and smiles with a devilish grin.
“You might be right,” Jareth said “ but, still she would most likely want to have a cup of tea with me instead!”
“Well, lets let her decide then!” -Erik stated,
As the men got closer to Alice, Alice tried to back away slowly. She could feel her heart pound out of her chest and felt she was trapped in a most horrible and awkward situation. Suddenly, Alice felt a hand behind her shoulder and before she could comprehend, she hears a familiar voice.
“There you are Cricket! Sorry I’m late!”
Alice soon looks up and sees that it is none other than the mad hatter known around Wonderland as Reginald Theophilus the Third.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you all morning.” Reginald states to her.
Though Alice was never fond of Reginald or even ever had a liking to him in the first place. So normally she would feel even more anxious with him in the room. Maybe it was her fear or maybe it was the fact that now he was someone she knew, and he was her friend now but, somehow Alice felt safer with him at this moment.
“Hey pal, get lost!” Jareth said angerly.
“ Yes, please refrain from the lady if you don’t mind!” Erik stated aggressively.
Suddenly, Reginald began to smile, close his eyes and laugh a little chortle in sustain.
“Actually, gentlemen!” He stated. “I do mind and frankly if you don’t mind stepping away from the lady and I, that would be great!”
Before the men could snarl or even make a rude comment, Reginald shot a glare at them that shook them to their very cores. Alice has only seen this stare being used on a aggressive grizzly bear when they once visited the Wonderland zoo but, even then it scared the bear and maybe even Alice.
The men shocked and angry left back into the building and closed the door behind them.
Alice then lets out a breath of relief from the danger she was in.
“Don’t be too hard on those fellows.” Reginald said “They really are nice guys. Just a bit lost and broken hearted. And maybe a little insane.”
Alice smiled and giggled a little at the statement.
“So, whereto, Cricket? I’ll be your escort for this evening!” Reginald asked.
Now, once again, normally Alice would never want to be in the same room with Reginald but, with the encounter she just had, she decides to take him on his offer.
“I’m just heading to Tiana’s bakery.” She explains.
“Well then shall we!” Reginald says gesturing for her to link into his arm with her arm. She graciously took the gesture, and they began to walk.
As they walked suddenly, Reginald hears a separate set of footsteps, and he glances behind him to see that it was his old “friends” coming back to them with a few friends of their own. He soon leans to Alice as they walk and says to her in a whisper,
“Don’t be alarmed but we are being followed!”
Alice then looks behind a little and sees the same men along with some different scoundrels as well walking a few feet away. She gasps and looks back to Reginald as they kept walking.
“Just keep acting normal and I’ll get us to safety. “He whispered.
Alice did as she was told and kept facing the front as they walked.
Soon the men began to walk faster as did Reginald and Alice.
“This way!” Reginald says turning Alice and himself at a corner and gliding faster to escape the roughens. As they went faster, fear crept in Alice’s heart, and she could wonder if they could possibly escape or even defend themselves from their impending doom. Suddenly, as they kept moving even faster Alice saw that they were heading straight for a dead end.
Reginald smiled, released his arm from Alice’s arm, held Alice’s waist tight and told her “Hold on!”
Alice held him close, and Reginald reached into his side pocket quickly, grabbed a handful of glittery dust, and tossed it in the air to hit both him and Alice. Suddenly, to Alice’s surprise, the couple began to shoot up and fly high through the air above the ally.
“Now, straighten your legs and start walking!” Reginald instructed as he held Alice’s hands while being behind her. Alice did as she was instructed and saw that they were walking in midair! As they walked, with Alice walking in front of Reginald and Reginald behind Alice holding her hands and walking with her, Alice took notice of the things below her. She was amazed to see the farmer’s market along with the town square where it looked like there was festival taking place where the people were dancing together.
“See! Not so bad is it!” he joked.
As they kept walking, Alice became more and more relaxed with the movement. It was as if she hadn’t left the ground in the first place.
“You are a natural!” he commented.
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Alice smiled at him and then kept looking out until finally Tiana’s Bakery was in view. There they walked until they go to the ledge of the bakery windows and top floor door. Reginald then placed her back down gently to the wooden floor as he stepped down on the wooden ledge. Only their hands were still linked together.
“I’ll be sure to lure them away but, wait a bit before going out again!” He instructed gently. Alice had no words and only had a big smile on her face. The only thing she could confirm she understood his instruction was to say “K!”
Reginald smiled as he released her hand and said to her “That’s my girl!” he said before hoping down quickly, shocking Alice to running to the ledge. She saw that down below he was just fine and had gotten down safely before going through the crowd once more before disappearing in the crowd.
Meanwhile, downstairs, Belle and three of the now human sisters of Ariel waited patiently for Alice. Each of them looked at the clock and their watches and wondered to themselves, where is Alice. Suddenly, Tiana came running through the shop and to Charlotte’s table and whispered in her ear something vitally important.
“WHAT?!” she exclaimed.
Soon the sisters and Belle ran up the stairs and found Alice alone near the windows.
“Oh, Alice are you alright?!” Belle asked as she grabbed her hands.
“Are you brain damaged?!” One sister wearing an orange dress asked.
“Or broken?!” Another sister wearing a magenta dress asked.
“CAN YOU STILL HEAR US!” the third sister wearing a red dress shouted.
“I AM FINE!” Alice shouted kindly “YOU DON’T NEED TO SHOUT!”
“Oops sorry.” The third sister said.
“Still, Alice” Belle says “we heard you floated down to the balcony! Is this true?!”
Alice’s eyes grew wide “So that really did happen!” she said in shock.
Eventually, the five women went to their seats, had some tea and talk about what happened to Alice.
“I can’t believe it, Alice!” Belle said.
“I know Reginald just swooped down and saved me!” Alice said excitedly.
“Yeah, but you were also careless too!” Attina stated
“What do you mean?” Alice asked as she sipped her tea.
“The mad hatter is a heart break, and you’re just falling for it! I mean what if he set it up to look like he saved you?!” she said, and all the women murmured in agreement with each other.
Alice took a deep breath then said, “I know, reg and he would never do something that deceitful to me!”
“Are you even listening to yourself, Alice?” Asked Aquata “You’re actually defending that crazy mercury headed weirdo!”
“Well... I..” but before Alice could say anything, Ariel’s third sister, Artista, spoke.
“Plus, not to mention how weird he looks! I mean why on earth would you defend someone who looks the way he does?!”
“Um... Well
” Alice started to say but then all the women except Belle started ragging on Reginald one by one.
“He’s like a walking crayon!” Aquata said
“Crayon? More like a fashion nightmare!” Arista said.
“Plus, you could do so much better than a milliner , Alice! I mean he might just be poor as a homeless man!” Attina said dignified.
Soon as they kept discriminating Reginald, Alice’s blood began to boil and suddenly, she shouts in a stern tone “THAT’S ENOUGH!”
Alice then saw that not only were the girls staring at her but, the whole bakery was as well. She then picked herself up and said with a gentle voice “Excuse me!” and leaves out the door of the bakery.
“What got into her?” Arista asked.
“Maybe hormones?” Aquata said.
“Who knows!” Attina said and they all giggled until they were interrupted by Belle’s throaty cough.
“Isn’t it obvious ladies.” She says as she sips her tea.
“Um, no? What?” Arista asks.
“She’s in love!” Belle says and puts all the snickering former mermaids in their place, silently I may add.
She then excuses herself with a smile and leaves
The End.
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todourouki · 4 years
Misery Business | K. Bakugou
a one shot
✰ SUMMARY the one where you didn’t mean to take the hothead away from his girlfriend, but you did anyway. It was nothing personal, you just knew that Bakugou Katsuki deserved way better than what he was settling for.
PAIRING Taken/Pro-Hero!Bakugou & Fem!Reader
WARNINGS explicit language, mentions of cheating, cheating lol, suggestive language, angst, and some fluff at the end bc I cannot end my fics in a bad way I am weak sorry!
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You were not a home wrecker.
At least, you wouldn’t say that to your own face.
You knew that the crush you had on Bakugou was wrong. You know that no matter how it is that you put it, or however strong your feelings are, or even however long you’ve even had feelings— liking a guy in a relationship was a huge no-no.
You weren’t the kind of girl to go around liking a girl’s boyfriend, though. It’s not like your feelings magically appeared out of thin air and now you’re stuck falling inlove with a guy that finds solitude in someone else— no, you aren’t like that.
Your feelings for Bakugou are much more complex, to say the least.
It all started in high school, when just the mere thought of the boy brought butterflies to your stomach with how strong and courageous he was. From his attractive face, to his blunt and explosive personality, you always found yourself admiring him when given the chance.
All of that went to shit when he decided to finally give one of the girls that were always fawning over him a chance during the beginning of your third year attending Yuuei Academy.
It was like you had gotten punched in the face, and now it feels like you’re just purposely getting stabbing in the heart every time you did as much as look at them.
That definitely explains why you’re sulking at your table during a school dance with a scowl on your face so you don’t have to see the happy couple waltz around the cafeteria floor.
All the top Pro-Heroes were assigned to attend the dance as academy alumni in order to ensure the safety of the students (as well as make sure students even decided to show up). You, being one of the top five heroes, were ordered to show up with no complaints.
The song currently playing finally changed from a low-tempo song to a much higher one, and with that, you decided to make that your imaginary queue to take a walk around the school’s building before returning to the large decorated area.
Your heel-clad feet dragged you all the way across the gymnasium, sending kids smiles if they were in your way and simply telling them that you were “getting some fresh air before the real fun starts.”
The doors slammed shut, and the solitude of the hallways engulfed in dark hues reflected against your strained eyes in a way that made you have to physically restrain your hand from harshly rubbing at it in order to make sure your make up stood intact.
The halls reminded you of a younger you (and by younger, you mean two years. you’re only 20 and already have the mind of some old hag) that used to run through these halls with a mini little green skirt and an imagination you wish you could still understand.
They also reminded you of the blond boy inside. Especially the room you stood in front of right now.
Almost as if it was second nature, your body made its way to Class 1-A: the place where it all began, the place where you met your closest friends, and the place where you fell inlove.
Opening the door, the lights turned on to reveal a classroom almost identical to the one you walked into every day four years ago. The desks were positioned the same, the posters remained in the same spot, and even the words on the chalkboard seemed oddly familiar.
The room reeked of new paint and textbook papers, and the only thing you really wanted to smell was the designer perfume clinging helplessly to your body so the odors of a high school class don’t even think twice about sticking to you.
Your body walked towards your old desk, Seat 12, the dress you wore clinging to your body as you pulled the chair out and nostalgically sat down. You were a first year all over again, and the thought made you laugh.
You looked embarrassing your first year— as embarrassing as someone who looks like you now can get. From the hideously overheated hair, to the emo phase you still seemed to sort of be stuck in, the world seemed too easy no matter what bullshit was going on the minute you sat down at that desk.
That explained how you felt now— no matter how much your heart yearned to be in the hands of Bakugou, the minute the cold sturdiness of the chair touched your warm body, all of that disappeared. For once, nothing in the world mattered. More precisely, Bakugou didn’t matter.
“Tch, I knew you’d be in here.” Annnddd there goes that.
Your eyes widened, now staring at a smirking blond wearing a black and white tux instead of the chalkboard you once zoned out on.
His arms were crossed against his muscular chest, and the muscles outlined the button up shirt in a way that should just be downright illegal. His face was gleaming with mischief, slowly walking his way over to the empty desk directly next to yours, taking a seat, and positioning his body in a lazy manner with his legs propped up against the table. Just like before.
“You know, this brings back a lot of shitty memories.” He grunted, stretching his arms behind his head and lolling his head to face you.
You nodded in response, glancing your head up to look at the lights in a way to move the gears in your brain to say something. Literally the same thing you used to do during Midnight’s long, tedious classes.
“Yea, a bunch of ones I’d much rather forget.” You said, looking over at him and watching as his eyes stared directly at the window you always found him staring out of when he wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone in class.
“Always hearing your annoying ass mumble and suck your teeth used to really piss me off.” His words were masked with seriousness, trying to hide the playful smirk on his lips you identified much too quickly. With that, a scoff left your lips and you crossed your arms.
“Nobody said anything about the pencil you insisted on tapping for hours straight.” Your jab back made him chuckle, looking back at you with vermillion eyes that made you lose all sense of feelings.
Your breath caught in your throat, and you always forgot what it was like to look at anything before you looked into his eyes. That’s how scary it was— how intimidating it was to be under his presence. His eyes captured you, holding you hostage and probably never letting you go.
“At least we didn’t sit next to each other during our third year,” he began, placing a hand loosely around his tie as he continued to look at you in your eyes, “I don’t think I would have ever focused with the humming you did to the same damn song every day.”
“Yeah, instead of me though, you ended up sitting with your future wife.”
Stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID.
It was like word vomit, the snarky tone slipping through your lips as if it was trying its hardest to come off in a jokingly manner, only ending up appearing as sarcastic as possible. It was like the words fell from your tongue quicker than you could punch your own esophagus.
Bakugou stood quiet for a moment, staring at you and knitting his eyebrows together as if deep in thought. Your eyes ended up leading you back to the words Relief Fund written messily against the green chalkboard to save your embarrassment.
You didn’t see the frown itching across Bakugou’s lips.
“We aren’t married, ya know. I don’t know why people decided to start that rumor.” He said, a sigh passing by his lips to quiet his tone as if he was scared his girlfriend was around to hear it.
“Might as well marry her. You’re not really the kind of guy that dates just to date.” Your words struck hesitantly in the room in a timid yet informative voice, and Bakugou watched the board as well so that you were both avoiding each other’s gaze.
“Yeah well I’m not sure, marriage is a big deal.” Bakugou was muttering, and the tone of his voice made you crane your neck over to where he was seated as you stood quiet.
What were you, someone who was basically inlove with him, supposed to say that?
You both stood in silence for a few seconds, the words in your throat itching to escape as the remnants of memories you both had both in class and just together in general filled your vision.
“I always hated this seat because I knew it meant that I would always be the person you would argue with.” You began, closing your eyes and releasing a strained scoff from your glossed lips.
You didn’t know what you were doing, or what you were talking about, but as the moon danced across the pale boy’s face and the music in the cafeteria continued to gently ring through the halls, the only thing you were thinking about doing was speaking more than you ever have.
“Morning after morning, I grew used to your loud voice and extremely hostile—” “HAH? I was NOT—”
You sent him a glare, immediately cutting him off and proceeding your weird speech that just couldn’t let anything go.
“Anyways, morning after morning, I ended up looking forward to the words you decided to call me and yell at me about for the day. It’s like, if it didn’t happen,” your arms moved in an animated way, catching Katsuki’s full attention as he looked on to your rant, “I felt like my day wasn’t really an actual day, ya know?
The one thing you loved appreciated most about Bakugou was his ability to listen. And when you say listen, you mean just listen. His ears were perked up in your direction, shoes turned towards you and eyes watching your movements like a hawk.
“And then—” you gulped, pausing for a second in order to think your words though. It was always now or never to you, the drama giving you a sense of hope against a man like that.
It’s either I bring it up now, or I never get to speak my peace, and I refuse to be one of those people showing up to the wedding yelling ‘I oppose.’
“And then it was here that I realized I was the biggest idiot alive by feeling the way I felt about this one person.” You said, eyes glaring at the wall in front of you blankly as you cowered behind the whisps of your lashes.
Bakugou said nothing, but from the corner of you eye, you could see him staring at the side of your face with an expression you had never really see on him.
“I spent years pining after some dumbass that didn’t even see the genuine interest I had in him.” Your words were like alcohol, and Bakugou was too busy drinking them all in to fully acknowledge what you were talking about.
“I watched him give in to this one girl though,” a lightbulb when off in the boy’s head and for once, he felt like the idiot in the room, “a girl that doesn’t even care for him.”
“Y/N..” Bakugou growled, almost as if he was threatening you and warning you to tread on light waters.
If there was one thing he ever respected about you though, it was that you were never scared of him.
Your eyes snapped towards him, a scowl on your face as you began to feel anger bubbling up in your stomach from the way he tried to shut you up. You were finally speaking your peace and he’s too much of a coward to let you finish?
“You know, I thought the first red flag of her trying to change his attitude was enough. I thought that maybe, just maybe, after her telling him that being number one hero wasn’t really tangible, he’d have some common fucking sense and see what everyone else sees.” Your words were like venom, your eyes not leaving his as you huffed in your seat.
“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” Bakugou’s voice was low and angry, laced with anger as he stared at you just as intensely as you stared at him. Your expression never faltered, and instead, you turned your entire body around in the chair to fully face him with arms across your chest.
“I know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about,” you taunted, your anger only rising in value, “and so the fuck do you, Bakugou.”
“You know she doesn’t give a fuck about you and you know very fucking well she’s only with you because you’re Bakugou Katsuki!”
His name slipping off your tongue brought shivers to his spine as he sat up in his seat and glared at you with the tip of his ears painting themselves a light red hue.
He was angry— not necessarily at you, but at the fact that he was getting called out for something like this. He was getting called out for finally being with a girl and was getting shit for it from someone he saw as a best friend.
“You don’t know shit— you don’t even fucking know her.” His voice began to get louder, the bass in his voice causing your heart to vibrate as you shocked both you and him by slamming a hand against the desk in frustration.
“For God’s sake, Katsuki open your fucking eyes!” You only used his first name when your emotions were high, and that made the man’s hands shake in anger as he watched your outburst.
“She forgot your anniversary! She doesn’t make you your favorite food— fuck she doesn’t even kiss you unless there’s a shitty camera around!” You stood up, stomping your feet and watching as he stood up quickly after you and scowled over at your angry face.
“She doesn’t care enough to remember shit that you don’t like which is why you always end up at stupid shit like this and she doesn’t even care to meet your friends!” Your voice was now loud, the music of the cafeteria being long forgotten as you huffed over at him and slammed a finger into his chest at every syllable you spoke.
“You want to know what I think about her, Bakugou? Bestfriend to bestfriend?” The words bestfriend seethed through your lips like venom as your finger dug itself into the middle of his pecks. He said nothing, waiting for you to continue as his hands balled into fists along his sides.
“I think that you’re such a fucking pussy, you can’t fathom being with someone who doesn’t worship the ground you walk on the way she does.” You growled, narrowing your eyes at his angry expression as you took a step closer to him threateningly.
“I think you hate the fact that I’m right— the fact that she blatantly uses you and doesn’t give a fuck about you, and you hate the fact that I know you so well enough to know that—”
Before the last few letters of the words could slip through your lips, a warm hand slammed against your fingers and snatched it into his grasp as he began to huff in anger. The caramel smell only increased, and you could sense his quirk begin to flare the abnormal heat in his hands up every second.
“You don’t know shit,” he growled, his voice raising as he began to yell at you in your face, “you don’t know shit about me!”
“Are you shitting me?!” You exclaimed, grabbing at the hand that grasped yours with a grip so tight Bakugou had to glance at it quickly before reverting his eyes back to yours.
“I’ve known every little fucking thing about you since we were fifteen!” You yelled, tears threatening to spill down your eyes as the anger inside you finally erupted in a way you couldn’t control.
“Nobody asked you to be so invested in my fucking life anyway!” He retaliated, his voice booming through the room as you stared at him incredulously.
“I was so fucking invested in you because I’m fucking inlove with you, you idiot!”
Your voice silenced the room, the grip he had on your hand tightening as he stared at you with shocked eyes yet the same familiar scowl you were used to. Your expression never faltered the way his eyes did when he heard you, though. You stood your ground.
“It’s so annoying seeing the guy you are inlove with be so unhappy in a relationship because he feels as if he has no one else.” Your voice began to quiet down, a tear slipping down your eye as Bakugou watched you with a slightly softened face.
The hand gripping yours loosened a bit, still gripping it to his chest as he wrapped all his fingers around your bracelet covered wrist.
“It’s so annoying watching you try to force someone else to fall inlove with you, when I’ve been inlove with you for free for years. It hurts watching you try to force yourself to be inlove with a girl you know you don’t want to be with. It just fucking hurts Bakugou, so fucking bad.”
There was a crack in your voice that Bakugou knew all too well from the restless nights you’d spend together, and it didn’t take much for him to engulf your frame into a tight hug as he rested his head against yours. You dived into his chest, the familiar warmth wrapping around you in a way that made a few more tears slip from your eyes. You didn’t make a noise, but he knew that you were hurting.
Neither of you said anything, only holding each other until you removed yourself from him and wiped the tears off your face before he could see the evident streams marking your cheeks. He stared at you silently, as if he was contemplating something.
With timid eyes, he watched you fix the straps of your dress to find something to play with under his gaze. The silence was deafening, and was an unusual characteristic for the boy who always had something to say.
“You know she hates me, that’s why you never bring her around me.” You said, a tone of blankness carrying your voice through the room as your tears dried up and was replaced by the anger haunting your heart once again.
“No she doesn’t, she just feels like we’re too close.” Bakugou retorted, sighing and taking a seat on the chair he once occupied. You followed suit, leaning against the back of your own seat as you faced his body.
“Back in high school, I never told you this, but her and I argued in the bathroom once.” You informed, dryly chuckling as you watched his face contort with confusion.
“I told her that her pretty little face and fucked up manipulation wasn’t going to keep you around in the long run.” You stood quiet after letting him know, gulping some saliva down as you averted your gaze from his body to your painted nails. “Guess I was wrong.”
Bakugou didn’t know what to do. There were many things the man was capable of: he could destroy any villain in his way, was braver than any other fucking half assed hero out there, was smart as fuck, and could manage a relationship as well as being a top pro-hero because that’s just who he was.
What he couldn’t do, though, was fully digest the situation in front of him.
He bit his lip, running a hand across his face in frustration and staring meekly at your face. You couldn’t help but admire his frame as you did before. He was strong, well-built, smelled good, had great posture— there was nothing wrong with him. It was almost surreal.
“We’ve been dating for like two years.” Bakugou’s low voice broke the silence as he stared deep into your now glazed over eyes. You didn’t break the contact, hands rested against each side of the seat as you watched him speak.
“I’ve been dating her for two years and yet...” His words were lost, almost sounding as if he was hesitating the very same way you were earlier. You said nothing though, knowing he would stop expressing himself if you had opened your mouth.
“And yet I can’t help but imagine she was someone else.”
It was like every word he said was the last glass of water, and you drank it up against your skin in a way that brought goosebumps to his. You furrowed your eyebrows, silently signaling for him to continue.
“I never told you this,” he mocked your voice, his scowl still resting against his soft face, “but there was a time where I thought about what it would be like if we were a shitty thing.”
Everyone always assumed Bakugou and you would end up together. Whether it be from watching you both pin are each other relentlessly, to watching you fawn over him, and from just watching your interactions with one another— it almost seemed destined for you two to work out. Keyword: almost.
“Shitty Hair and Dunce-Face tell me all the fucking time that I’m an idiot for choosing this girl over you.” He scoffed, and you couldn’t help but feel your stomach tingle at the use of the name ‘this girl’ for his own girlfriend. “It’s not like I wanted to, you were always my first option.”
You stood quiet. The last sentence was lower than the others and sounded way more vulnerable. You couldn’t help but gape at him, repeating it in your brain as if they was the last words you’d ever hear again. You were always my first option.
Maybe it was the buzz you felt from the energy within the room, maybe you were drunk on adrenaline, or maybe you were just being a fucking dumbass, but the way your feet moved you from your seat to the desk he was sitting at was something you just couldn’t stop in time.
Bakugou hasn’t said anything beyond what he just finished as he watched you gently push his body away and hop up onto the desk. Your body was now inches away from his as you watched him shyly. You were always so obnoxiously close to him, so why is it that his stomach was throwing fireballs at his insides now?
“You deserve better, Katsu..” You lowly began, fiddling with the rings on your fingers as you glanced over at his body through your dark eyelashes. “Does she take care of you?”
Your words hit him in the chest and he couldn’t find it within himself to look away from you. He wasn’t sure what it was, or how you were doing it, but he was entranced by your every word and it was scaring the shit out of him. He found himself shaking his head, eyes never leaving yours as the scowl in his face began to soften.
“You’re a strong man, Katsu,” the way his nickname slipped from your lips nearly made him melt, the unfamiliar feelings he was so used to suppressing caused his head to jumble around and process your words, “you need someone who takes care of you the right way.”
You watched him, a hand lifting towards his head and running itself through his soft yet spikey hair. Bakugou always claimed he hated it when you played with his hair since that was something he thought no one was close enough to be able to touch, but he always seemed to lean into you unknowingly.
His chair scooted closer to the table, your legs now in between his lazily opened ones and his body aching to go closer into your touch.
“What are you suggesting?” His dark voice questioned, eyes staring at you as the once softened expression transformed into another of a slowly rising mischievous smirk. You were sure you were breathing earlier, but now? Not so much.
“Are you suggesting that I need someone else to take care of me?” His words hit you hard, your body facing whiplash from all the sudden changes of emotion.
You looked down shyly, trying to find the confidence you once had that was now lost in the gush of your flustered moment, yet Bakugou’s calloused, warm hand then reached up to your chin to perk it up to face his now standing body.
“Are you saying that you should be the one taking care of me?” He asked, staring at your eyes with more intensity than you were fully even prepared for. Your eyes dug into his as the feeling of his hands on your chin caused your brain to short circuit for a moment.
“You said it yourself, I’m a strong man.” You could feel the confidence drip from his words as you bit your left cheek to keep from whimpering at the intensity laced within the empty classroom. “I need someone to take care of me the right way, and I don’t think this girl is doing it Y/N.”
The use of your name caused you to tug your bottom lip between your teeth and blush behind his words. You didn’t miss the way his eyes quickly zipped from your eyes to your mouth, and back to your eyes once again. His body was now towering over your seated one, looking down at you as if you were the only person in the world at this moment.
Bakugou was out of it, to say the least. Usually he felt as if he had control over situations like this, but even with towering over your frame and his hand gripping your chin, he felt as if you were in complete control of the situation. He knew that his current girlfriend was probably coming to look for him, and he knew that everything was inevitable and he was simply just prolonging it.
That didn’t stop him from sliding his hand across your neck to grip the back of it and pull your face in towards him.
A kiss was the last thing you were expecting, and you would have gasped if his lips weren’t putting you in such a trance. It was like everything had stopped, time stopped, the dance stopped, everything was just on a hiatus.
His tongue danced against yours in a way that made you whimper lowly into his touch. His hands explored your body, rubbing against you in exasperated motions as you reciprocated by rubbing your hands across his chest, shoulders, and waist. It was like you were both doing the last thing you’d do before the world came to an end.
His lips moved feverishly across your own as tilted your head upwards to get a more comfortable position. A warm yet equally rough hand snaked it’s way back onto your neck and gripped your throat with such possession, you felt a tingle reach your lower half.
The intensity of the make out was one that put every other sound to shame as the room was filled with nothing but the small whimpers coming from either of you and the sound of your lips smacking against his. It was like a dream, and Bakugou couldn’t control himself any longer as he groaned into your touch.
It wasn’t until a gasp broke the seductive silence within the room, as well as pushed the two of you apart only to see his girlfriend staring at the two of you with wide eyes and a fizzy drink in both of her hands., that you realized something.
Shit just got really fucking complicated.
back to masterlist
I wanna have an angsty kiss moment with bakugou
>:( damnit anyways yeah like, reblog, comment, follow! thanks for reading! don’t forget to send some requests in <3
- heilly
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
"I promise to fix your ties in the morning and kiss you when you come home."
Warnings: Death, violence and blood.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Words: 2k
Summary: Newlyweds meet tragedy and disaster.
(Wow, okay so this made me so super emotional. Quick note: Italics refers to the past. Sorry in advance :( )
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 You could hear the destruction of your home. The falling stone walls and the dust that sputtered out from under it. For years, you have stared at the paintings and wandered Hogwarts to admire the absolute beauty it omitted. It was your home, the place you grew up, the place you learned how to become something only dreams could portray, the place you fell in love with Fred Weasley. But now, you could smell the metallic scent of blood and could hear the electricity that spits out after venomous spells were casted. You could feel drips of blood run down your chin from the nasty cut you had gotten after you had fallen. You could feel the blisters and the soreness of your muscles from holding up your wand. Your voice was hoarse and, if you could, you’d drop to the floor in exhaustion. But you stood defiantly, wand in front of you. A man in a mask faced you as you breathed heavily, your mind sharp.
“Reducto!” You yelled, blasting the wall behind him into pieces, trying to frighten him. He dodged it, snapping his wand at you.
“Crucio!” He spit back. It narrowly missed as you continued to duel bravely. “Stupefy!” You countered, hitting him square in the chest; knocking him backward into the crumbling wall. He laid on the floor as you caught your breath before turning and flicking your wand to avoid another spell that was thrown at you. 
Destruction. You could see the bodies of men, women, and children strewn on the floor. You bit back a sob as you continued to fight for Good, against evil, against the Death Eaters who saw nothing but blood. Fred. Fred. Fred. All you could focus on was staying alive so you could get back to Fred. Fred. The man you so desperately loved. The man you married last night before the war had approached on your doorstep. 
Outside the shell cottage, you wore a simple white dress that Fleur had graciously lent you. She braided your hair and placed a kind hand on your shoulder.
“You look zo bo-tiful, Y/N.” 
“Thank you, Fleur,”
The bedroom door pushed open, as Molly peeked in. She gasped and held her hand to her mouth in silent tears. You smiled and reached out to hug her, rubbing her back.
“I’m so happy,” Molly cried, holding you closer, “You, I.” She sobbed, wiping her face.
“Molly,” you asked, “Will you and Arthur walk me down the aisle?” Your question seemed to make her cry even harder as she nodded her head as quickly as she could. Your parents had passed earlier this year, captured by Death Eaters and killed for information on the whereabouts of Harry Potter. But, Molly was just as much your mother and you wanted nothing more than for her to give you a way to her son. Arthur peeked his head in, seeing his crying wife and smiled, wrinkles indented near his eyes. 
“Arthur, Dear. Y/N would like us to walk her down the aisle.”
Arthur smiled even harder, and agreed whilst giving Molly a handkerchief, “It would be my honor.” Before Molly could let out another cry, she dabbed her eyes.
“Not to interrupt,” Bill said from outside the door, “But we’re ready for you.” 
Only a few chairs were outside on the beach, Molly held your hand as you walked down the cliff and down to the water. There was no music, there didn’t need to be for this to be the most perfect wedding. Ginny and Charlie sat, looking back at you with grins on their faces. Tonks and Remus also managed to make it, Tonks hair was a simple colour of blue. Bill and Fleur quickly took their seats to watch you, arm in arm, walking down with Arthur and Molly. Just across from you, stood the love of your life. He had worn simple slacks and a dress shirt with a colourful bow tie. His brother, who stood with his hands behind his back whispered how lucky a man Fred was. He knew. He watched you with happy tears in his eyes. You sent him a wink which made him chuckle and shake his head. Your feet hit soft, cool sand and you continued until you were in front of your soon to be husband. Arthur and Molly kissed your cheek and sat. Molly immediately gripped her husband’s arm, crying into her already moist handkerchief. 
You joined hands with Fred.“You look dashing,” you whispered.
“As do you, sweetheart,” Fred said honestly, barely believing you were there in his arms, ready to become fully his. 
“Are you ready to get married?”
“I was born ready.” You two turned to Kingsley Shacklebolt who officiated your wedding. 
You could barely hear what he was saying over the constant pounding of your heart. But, you could hear him announce the vows. 
Fred turned, exhaling in blissful happiness.“Y/N, I promise to be the husband you deserve. I promise my heart and myself to you. I promise, together, we will make a living and continue to love each other even when we argue about silly things such as how to properly pronounce ‘bludger.’ And, most importantly, I promise to love you for as long as you’ll let me.” You laughed through the tears you seemed to have forgotten were there and cleared your throat.
“Fred. I promise to be your partner, I promise to always love you with open arms. I promise my present and my future with you. I promise to fix your ties in the morning and kiss you when you come home. I promise not to get too angry when you accidentally set our living room on fire. I promise to make you a cup of tea when you’re stressed or a cup of whiskey if you’re really stressed. I promise to wake up next to you and fall asleep next to you every day. I promise I will be yours.”
Fred smiled and turned to George who passed him the rings. Fred held your hand delicately and placed the ring on your finger as you did the same to him. Shacklebolt waved his wand over your joined hands and again over your heads, raining stars, and sparks around you. You leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss on your husband’s lips. You could hear the hollers and applause from your new family as you turned and smiled ear to ear at them. George pointed his wand to the sky and set off fireworks that sprinkled on the small crowd. 
“I love you, Mrs. Weasley,” Fred said, holding you in his arms.
“And I love you, Mr. Weasley.”
You could feel the ring on your finger as you continued to aim spells at people, dodging and jumping as you made your way through Hogwarts. Violence, fighting, dueling and killing continued until Voldemort had made his devastating announcement calling Harry Potter to him, calling Harry to sacrifice himself in order to save his classmates. Then, the halls became silent. You cursed yourself for being so far away and sprinted towards the Great Hall where most of the injured laid. Before you could reach there, you saw a young boy on the ground, spitting and coughing to prevent the dust and debris from going into his lungs. You searched him over for injuries, he must have not been older than thirteen as he still wore his Ravenclaw tie. You threw his arm over your shoulder and limped fastly.  Your legs carried you and the boy, ignoring the exhausting soreness of the war until you reached the Great Hall. You found Madame Pomfrey who took him in her arms and began to tend to him. You sucked in a deep breath as you called out, “Fred?” No one answered. You looked at the crumbling walls of the Great Hall and the torn House banners until you spotted a family of redheads. You grinned and ran towards them. 
“Fred!” You called, reaching your arm out. But before you could reach them, you felt an arm slip around your waist, tugging you backward.
“Y/N, stop.” You heard Bill, Fred’s older brother, say in your ear, “You don’t want to see this.” Immediately confusion gripped your throat as you peered closer. The Weasley family was huddled around something, someone. Someone lying on a stretcher, you could barely make out his shoes. No. You could see a hand that drooped lifelessly on the floor. A wedding ring. A ring you had just slipped onto him yesterday. You fought Bill’s grip, leading you towards the man who was lying there. A man. A man. Fred. Fred Weasley was lying there. You could see his hair that you had tousled this morning. You could see his lips that were slightly parted and cracked. 
“No.” You gasped, breaking away from Bill’s grasp and rushing over to the Weasley’s. You had just noticed they were crying, all of them. You pushed between them, making sparse eye contact with your husband’s twin. His face was twisted in pain. You shifted your gaze from him down to Fred. Bill had approached you from behind and attempted to hold you still. You let out a cry, no. A scream. You screamed. Maybe it was silent, or maybe it was glass shattering. You couldn’t hear anything. You howled in agony as you gripped Bill’s arm, falling slowly to the ground, your knees hitting the floor. All your sadness, your anguish and your suffering let out in long screams. 
Denial. It wasn’t him. It couldn’t be. You had just had tea with him this morning, you had just kissed his lips before you two separated to fight. You inhaled salty tears that stung your lungs as you cried out again in utter pain. The Weasley family watched you in pity and in sadness as you reached and gripped Fred’s hand and held his cheek. The sounds of your screams made them flinch, but you could barely control yourself. Your husband laid there, a vacant look in his eyes. 
“No.” you sobbed, holding his hand tightly to your chest, your rings touching together. “No!” You pressed your head to his chest, wishing to hear a heartbeat. Nothing. You reached up and brushed the rubble and dust out of Fred’s hair, whispering and crying to yourself. 
Harry Potter watched you from afar. Watched a grieving wife cry over her husband because of him. You always hand in hand with Fred, giving Harry advice or witty comments. Harry had never seen a couple more utterly in love and felt a wave of realization hit him. He couldn’t let more people die. He couldn’t bear to see more people die because of him, more people grieve because of him. George kneeled next to you, pulling your lifeless body in his arms as you hugged tightly. He blocked out the screams you let out in his ear and held you tighter. 
Somehow, you lifted yourself from Fred’s body. Feeling nothing but the need for vengeance and justice. As the war continued and Harry fought Voldemort, you lifted your wand and cast spells with anger in your heart. You dueled death eater after death eater, tired to the bones until you couldn’t fight anymore. A blast knocked you into a pillar, rendering you close to death. You felt strong arms lift you up, your eyes drifted to a similar red hair, similar face. It must’ve been Fred. In your last moments, you felt yourself slip away, looking up at your love’s face. Fred’s face. You felt safe, ready to leave with your husband, the love of your life after the battle had taken both of you. Your eyes drew closed as you wheezed and cuddled closer to the arms that held you. George, who had actually  picked you up, placed you gently next to his twin. There you laid, newlyweds, hands touching with glistening rings.    
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
The Angel, Chapter One: Intel {Flip Zimmerman x biker!Reader}
Chapter One: “Intel”
series summary. The Angels are the newest biker gang in town, looking to dethrone the current high-riders, The Sharks, a notoriously violent gang. Fresh off the Klan case, Detective Flip Zimmerman and his new partner, Detective Ron Stallworth, are tasked with finding out more information about this new gang. After a passionate affair behind the bar with a mysterious woman calling herself Siren, Flip discovers that perhaps he’s a bit closer to this investigation than he originally counted on. Can he manage to use this newly-recruited ally to not only take down The Sharks before they strike again, but perhaps use it to benefit his lonesome personal life as well? Find out all this and more in “The Angel”!
chapter summary. Flip and Ron head over to Ace’s, a local bar in Colorado Springs to gather intel on The Angels, the newest biker gang in town. The young detective gets more than he bargained for when he meets and beds a mystery woman named Siren. Except ‘Siren’ ends up being the last person Flip expected to get intimate with and now, he’s entangled in this case, both professionally and personally.
table of contents. Intel (NSFW) * Saint Siren Turned  Sharks Intercepted Epilogue
(a * indicates where you are in the table of contents)
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author’s notes: hello, hello! saw a few bikers as I was driving on the highway, and my mind decided that I wanted to write a multi-chap fic about flip with a biker gang reader love interest. I love exploring the whole ‘flip with an independent/dom fem reader’ trope. so, here I am, designating an entire ten chapters to it.
**this multi-chap will have 5 parts total (4 ‘story’ chapters and an epilogue). due to the shorter number of chapters/parts, expect each to be longer, usually between 4-6k words.
word count: 6.1k 
warnings: smut. heavy flirting. swearing. a generous amount of dirty talk. degradation. oral sex. reader smokes. use of the term ‘pig’ to describe the police.
(possible) tw’s: tobacco use (as is canon for flip’s character). public sex.
my taglist peeps: @frank-and-honey @shygirl268​ (if you’d like to be added to my taglist, the link to the google form is HERE or on the top of my masterlist. I’m also willing to do a series-specific taglist if enough people are interested!)
“Alright, everyone. Rumor has it that there’s a new biker gang in town, called ‘The Angels’.” Chief Bridges says. “We gotta be on top of this, make sure they’re not the violent type.”
Flip rubs his chin, stroking his beard as he listens to the limited intel the department has on this new group. 
“I’m putting Zimmerman and Stallworth on this one. You’re gonna hang out at some of the local watering holes, see if you can gather some more information on this new group.”
His eyebrows raise and he looks over at his partner. “C’mon Chief, don’t you think our talents could be used elsewhere? It’s just an intel mission, a beat cop could do it.”
“This is incredibly important, Zimmerman, and I only trust my top talent to do the job right.” Bridges crosses his arms, staring daggers at the dark-haired detective. “It’ll be a quick job, I’m sure. No more than a week’s time. Now, get over yourself and do the damn job.”
He huffs softly, nodding as he looks away. “Sure thing, Chief.”
“You’ll head to Ace’s tonight, since that’s where they’re said to hang the most. Meeting dismissed.”
Everyone piles out of the small conference room and back out into the bullpen. Flip lights a cigarette as he sits down at his desk and continues typing up a report from last week’s home invasion-robbery. 
Ron sets the ‘Angels’ file down on his desk a few minutes later, sighing as he sits on the edge.
“What are you thinkin’ about this case, Flip?”
“I just wanna get it over with, rookie.” He leans back in his chair, shrugging and taking a drag. “I think it’s nothing to worry about, since they haven’t done anything yet, but the Chief wants us to check it out so I guess we have to.”
Ron nods.
“Well, we’ll head over to Ace’s after work. Hopefully we’ll find something and then we can get back to finding the Sharks.”
The Sharks were the biggest gang in Colorado Springs, spreading violence and dominating the northern part of town. But, all of them wore masks or helmets with masks, so no one’s been able to identify any of them. 
Flip hums, stubbing the cigarette butt out in the mug on his desktop.
Before he knows it, the clock hand lands on 6, and everyone starts packing up. Flip gets up and puts his freshly-typed reports on the Chief’s desk before heading over to Ron’s desk. 
“You ready to go, rookie?” He asks, hopping up on his partner’s desk.  “I need a fuckin’ beer.”
Ron laughs, shaking his head as he stands up and both men walk back to get the mics and listening equipment together. Flip clips the lauve to his white undershirt, then re-buttons his signature buffalo plaid flannel. 
They head out and hop into Flip’s pickup truck. He pulls away from the station and heads down the freeway towards Ace’s while Ron sets up all the audio equipment in the front seat. 
The parking lot of Ace’s is almost full when the two detective’s pull in, and when Flip puts the truck in park, he immediately catches sight of a series of bikes parked at the front. 
“They’re here.” He says in a low voice, nodding over to the bikes.  “I’m gonna go check the jackets to make sure.”
Flip casually gets out from the cab and walks over. He sees one of the jackets draped over the seats with the words ‘The Angels’ and a logo on the back. 
“Yup,” He says to Ron through the window of his truck. “It’s them.”
Ron’s eyes widen slightly. “Well then, get in there, partner. See what you can find.”
He chuckles, sticking a cigarette between his teeth and flicking his lighter on as he walks into the bar. His eyes scan the room, looking for biker-like characters, but his attention is quickly drawn to a certain young woman sitting at the bar. 
She’s not much younger than himself, if Flip had to guess, and her subtle smile was infectious. Flip was absolutely taken with her, but he maintained his cool, approaching the bar. 
“Hey, Earl.” He says, leaning against the bar.  “Get me a Miller, would you?”
“Sure thing.” The bartender nods, giving Flip a handshake before heading over to the beer fridge. 
You can’t help but look over at the handsome man that’s leaning against the bar. His eyes move over to you, and yours dart away quickly. He smirks, and when you look back over, he gives you a quick wink.
Your cheeks warm as you and the handsome stranger make eyes at each other. You’ve only been in town for a little while, and you’ve certainly never seen someone like him around before. 
Once the bartender hands him the dark brown bottle, mister tall, dark and handsome casually makes his way over to where you’re seated. His presence is intimidating in itself, patrons suddenly hushing their voices as he stands behind you.
“Like what you see?” He asks in a low voice, smirking. You chuckle.
“Perhaps, although you don’t have much competition. The human eye is naturally drawn to the most appealing sight in the room and quite frankly, I’m so damn tired of looking at old white men. You were the reprieve.”
“Mmhmm.” Flip laughs, sitting down next to you at the bar, pulling out a cigarette and holding it between his teeth as he flicks his lighter on. “I’m impressed at your ability to spin such a convenient story for your obvious ogling.”
“Don’t act so innocent, prettyboy. Your eyes were not keeping to themselves either.”
You huff softly, taking a drink, the smoke from his latest drag clouding the space between you.
 “Perhaps.” He retorts, taking a sip of his beer before looking over at you. “What’s your name?”
“Oh, I bet you’d like to know.” You hum softly. “You can call me Siren.”
His eyebrows furrow.  “Siren, really? What, is that a nickname or something?”
“Something, yes.”
He’s intrigued by your mysterious and closed-off presence, your casual yet extremely confident demeanor. God, how he’d love to make you crumble on his cock, scream his name and beg him for release.
The thought has him stirring in his Levi’s.
“Phillip.” He says after a beat of silence, taking a drag off his cigarette. “In case you were wondering.”
Back in the truck, Ron shakes his head. “Did you really just use your own name, Zimmerman?”
Flip realizes his slight mistake, mentally kicking himself for not having an alias name already prepared.
Your finger swirls around the rim of the whisky glass. “I wasn’t.”
His eyebrows raise for a moment. He liked this game you’re playing with him, in fact, he loves it. 
Finally, a woman giving him the thrill of the chase, making him work for it.
“Are you new in town, Miss Siren? I think I would remember seeing someone like you around here before.”
You nod silently. “Got here a few weeks ago. I’ve got some business to take care of, y’know, tie up some loose ends and such. Then I’ll be out of here.”
“What’s the rush in getting out of here? You don’t like it?”
Your lips curl up into a small smirk. “If I didn’t know any better, it almost sounds like you’re sad to hear that I’ll be leavin’ soon, prettyboy.”
He huffs softly in amusement, although his liking of your nickname for him is much greater than he anticipated or would ever admit aloud.  “No, nothing like that. Just curious, is all.”
“I’m more of a city girl. All this fresh mountain air makes me sick.” You quip, smiling softly. “I like the polluted smell of New York much better.”
Flip laughs. “Oh, a city slicker. Yuck.”
Now it’s your turn to laugh. He’s kinda cool.
“What, Colorado Springs isn’t enough to convert you, or at least open your mind to the idea?”
He takes one final long drag before crushing the butt out in the ashtray on the bar.
Your eyes linger on his seated figure for a moment before turning your attention back directly in front of you.
“Well, now that I’ve met some more of the locals, I’m thinkin’ about it a little more.”
His voice lowers an octave as he leans in a bit closer, one of his large calloused hands now resting on your denim-covered thigh. You shiver slightly beneath his touch, the smell of cigarette smoke and freshly-chopped lumber intoxicating as it ensnares your senses.
“I think you’d like it out here, if you gave it a shot. We’ve got a few things New York can’t offer.”
You’re biting your lip as his husky voice rasps in your ear, his close proximity thickening the tension between you. You haven’t been this rattled by a man in a long time, and damn, it feels good.
“Oh really? And what is that, besides trees and grass, hm?”
His chuckle makes you squirm in your seat.
“Men. Real men. Not the city pussies that gel their hair up all fancy and can’t get a speck of dirt on themselves without throwin’ a damn fit. I mean...”
“Big,” He leans a bit closer.  “Strong,” Closer. “Men.”
His lips are practically on top of your ear now, hot breath tickling your eardrum. He smirks. “And that’s all you’ve ever really wanted, isn’t it, slick? A big strong man to take care of you, protect you...satisfy your every whim and desire.”
You can barely see straight, vision blinded by the sheer lust rolling off his tongue. He’s so damn cocky, a real alpha male type, and you were eating it up. You couldn’t wait to break him.
“I’ll have to see it to believe it, prettyboy.” You say, voice unwavering as you turn to look him directly in the eyes with a small smirk tugging at the corner of your lip.  “So why don’t you go ahead and prove it, hm? I’d like to see you try.”
His jaw clenches along with his fists, body turning lurching forward slightly to the edge of the chair, now fully facing your side. 
“You’re walking an awfully thin line with that trap of yours, slick. I’d watch yourself, ‘cause the folks out here won’t hesitate, like city folk do, to make an example outta brats like you.”
Your eyes don’t leave his as you lean forward a bit, challenging him right back. “Lotta big talk from you this evening, prettyboy, but no action has come to match these claims. All bark, no bite, just like everyone else in this town.”
Flip is hard as a fucking rock, erection urgently pressing against the seam of his Levi’s, but he can’t even focus on that right now. You work him up like no one else ever has before, and he’s not about to let you just leave with the last word. No, he’ll have the last word tonight if it fucking kills him.
“You wanna see some fuckin’ bite, slick?” He growls, standing up and grabbing hold of your jaw, keeping a firm grip on it. “Talk to me like that again and see what happens.”
You grin deviously, wrapping your hand around his wrist, holding it as you remove your jaw from his grip.
“Heard it all before and nobody’s gotten me just yet. You’re no different, prettyboy.”
A twenty is thrown on the tabletop and then you’re leaving.
His blood is boiling, cock twitching with excitement as he lets you walk out of the bar, letting you think you can get away with this. Then, as soon as you’re outside, he strides across the room, flings the door open, and grabs your arm.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
He walks you to the side alley and pins you to the bricks, body caging yours in. You’re breathless and defenseless against him as his wiry whiskers tickle the side of your neck. His legs spread out and his large hands grip your hips as he scoops down, grinding his arousal against your ass with one long, rough stroke.
The denim-trapped bulge presses incessantly against your backside when he stills and lights up a smoke behind you, taking a brief drag, exhaling through his nose.
“Y’know, I work hard all damn day, seven days a week, bust my fuckin’ ass to get shit done.” He stands up again, kicking your ankle so your legs spread open. You gasp softly at his brazen moves, which only fuels his arousal. “I come here to kick back a few beers and have a few cigarettes, relax, unwind
 His hands yank your jeans down your hips suddenly, then one curls around to cup your clothed mound, lifting up against you.
“But instead of that, now, I have to bring you out here and fuck some goddamn manners into your bratty cunt before I can go back in to finish my beer.”
You can barely formulate words at the moment, his every move dripping with pure power and unwavering dominance. You’re absolutely taken by him, but that doesn’t mean you won’t fulfill your own agenda. 
Let him think he’s the boss, that he’s got you wrapped around his finger. It’ll only wreck him harder in the end.
The small jingle of his belt buckle being undone brings you back to reality, as well as his fingers swiping over your clit through the material of your panties. He pulls away for a moment, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, yanking them down far enough so that he can pull his length out. 
Luckily, due to his massive body size and the fact that you’re in a dark alleyway behind a dumpster, nothing is too exposed in case someone happens to come by and see the little show about to unfold.
Your panties are torn down your legs quickly and his digits swipe through your warmth. He smirks when he feels how wet you are.
“Now I can call you slick for two reasons.” He chuckles darkly into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. “I knew you liked this, dirty girl. Bet you’ve been wet all night since I came into the bar.”
His fingers trace over your clit, pressure on and off with his lazy circles, and within seconds he’s got you gyrating against him. Then, suddenly, he pulls away and steps back, hand on your shoulder. He flips you around quickly so that you’re facing him, then forces you back against the wall, flicking his abandoned cigarette away onto the black pavement.
“Why’d you turn me around?” You ask nonchalantly.
He smears some of your fresh arousal onto the tip of his cock, moving it around over his girthy length while his fingers force themselves into your mouth, grabbing and pressing on your tongue.
“I decided that I wanna ruin your disobedient little mouth first. On your knees, use my boots as padding if you need.”
Your legs close and you cross them at the ankle, leaning back against the brick wall freely, arms crossed over your chest. His eyebrows raise and he pulls his fingers out of your mouth.
“Did you not hear me or something?” Flip asks, voice low. “On your damn knees, slick, or I’ll put you there myself.”
Silence. You don’t move a muscle, watching the frustration fester. He leans in suddenly, face real close.
“I’m gonna give you one last chance to do as I say before I force you down.”
His hand wraps in your prettily-done hair, holding the roots just above scalp-level, yanking harshly. He steps back a bit quickly as you cry out, hand on your shoulder, pushing you down as the shock and pain weakens your knees. 
Your knees rest on his work boots and his impressive arousal is lip-level, now. He loosens his grip on your hair ever so slightly, still holding you firmly as he rubs his head over your cherry red lips.
“Don’t make me take this from you too, slick.” He warns.
You offer him a cheeky, close-mouthed smile, batting your eyelashes teasingly. He snarls, pulling your hair again, and when you yelp in pain, he pushes his hips forward. His cock forces itself into your mouth and your eyes widen, choking immediately at the sudden intrusion. 
Flip’s head falls back and his eyes squeeze shut as your throat contracts around his length. He holds your head, keeping your mouth wrapped around him, and he gives you a quick look of concern, breaking character for a moment. 
Once you give him a quick wink and small smile, indicating that everything’s okay, he draws back before pushing forward again. He establishes a consistent back-and-forth rhythm, grunting softly with each thrust of his hips. You’re taking him so well, better than anyone before. Your choking and gagging has essentially ceased within the first minute or so, the quickest recovery Flip has ever experienced.
Look, he knows he’s got a nice cock, there’s no denying it, especially when he’s got women chanting it in his ear on a weekly basis. It’s long and girthy with a slight upward curve that gives him the ability to hit the g-spot almost every time. Plus, he knows how to use it properly.
But, women often have trouble taking him or making him feel good with oral sex because he’s always concerned that he’s genuinely hurting them. A lot of women are also very intimidated by his size, which doesn’t help him in feeling okay about it. 
You, however, didn’t say a word, give it a concerned look, or hesitate even a bit when he put you on your knees. You’re something else.
He groans, fucking your mouth even harder, hands on the sides of your head. Your eyes are watering and tears have already begun spilling down your cheeks, but you’re not complaining in the slightest. He looks so incredible like this, restrain and composure slipping as the pleasure begins to consume him.
You do your best to establish a bit of suction on his length, and when a guttural growl emerges from above you, you know you’ve done it. His hips lose their rhythm soon after, cock throbbing in your mouth, meaning he’s close. 
He’s panting heavily, spine curling as he fucks your mouth harder, shuddering every once and a while from the sheer amounts of lust coursing through his veins. 
Just before his release, he forces himself to pull away, a strangled groan of agony rumbling through his chest as his shaft bobs angrily at the lost orgasm. 
You catch your breath for a moment, but that moment is brief because within thirty seconds, he’s got his hand wrapped around your jaw.
” He takes a second to compose himself. “Stand up, turn around, take your panties off and spread your fucking legs.”
This time, much to his surprise, you obey, getting into position with little resistance. He smirks, giving your ass a quick swat before rubbing his head through your folds.
“Mmm, shit, you got wetter just from having your face fucked?”
His chin digs into your shoulder as he lines himself up with your entrance. He pushes in quickly with a long, low groan, then settles inside of you to allow for an adjustment period. 
Your eyes go wide and you whimper, walls stretching out to accommodate the large intrusion. Soon, you move your hips a bit, looking over your shoulder.
“You can m-move.”
Flip nods, drawing back before pressing his hips forward again, sighing through his nose as he picks up a steady thrusting rhythm.
“Fuck you’ve got a good little cunt, wrapped around me so goddamn tight.” He growls in your ear, mouth lazily kissing and nipping at your neck.
The burn of being stretched out subsides soon after he begins, replaced with copious amounts of pleasure, jaw slacked as your body jolts back and forth with each powerful movement.
“I can feel you clenching around me, slut...I know you like this. I wanna hear you fucking admit it.” He breathes. “Tell me how good I’m making you--fuck--feel. Tell me how much better my cock feels fucking you than any--goddamnit--other f-fuckin’ city slicker’s cock.”
When he doesn’t get a response, his pace suddenly quickens a bit and one of his hands comes up to wrap around your throat, squeezing experimentally.  “Say it, slick, admit it!”
“Y-You, you feel...okay.”
You smirk, eyes squeezing shut when he brushes against a particularly sensitive spot inside you.
Flip huffs. “You’re a fucking brat--god fucking damnit.”
He snarls, hand closing tighter around your neck, lips right up against your ear.
“I’m gonna fuckin’ destroy you, slick. I’m gonna fuck your tight cunt so hard and stuff you so fucking full of my cum, make it run down your fucking thighs when you go home. You’re gonna have to walk into your fuckin’ house with my cum leaking out of you like the dirty slut you are.”
A loud whine comes from your lips, goosebumps spreading like wildfire over your skin at his words. You’re close already, the anticipation and sensations too much to hold off much longer.
“I know you’re lying, slick, I know you love this fucking cock, and I know you’re close. Say it, say it and I’ll make you cum so fucking hard you can’t see straight for the rest of the night.”
He growls into your ear, panting heavily.
“All you gotta do is--shit--say it and I’ll give you what you want, what we both know you want.”
Your walls clench and pulse around his shaft, preparing for your approaching orgasm. But, even though the temptation is sweet, you hold out.
“Eh, I’ve h-had better. You’re really--oh--not t-that big, prettyboy.”
His reaction is exactly what you were looking for, hips thrusting impossibly quick as his hands grab your wrists and pin your hands behind your back. Part of him liked this, being called ‘small’ and being taunted, although he’d never admit it to anyone.
“It’s your fucking loss, slick.”
“Oh, is it?” You smirk, adjusting your hips subtly until you find the right spot, crying out softly as you teeter on the edge of orgasm. “I don’t t-think so--fuck!”
“NO! Goddamnit, f-fuck...NO!” He tries to stop your climax, but it’s too late, you’re already there.
“Y-Yes, fuck...yes!”
You’re trembling as you ride out your intense high, his hips pumping you into a delicious overstimulation.
Your release gushes out around him and Flip feels his own climax rapidly approaching, hips starting to lose their rhythm.
Flip’s absolutely pissed that you made yourself cum, allowing his frustration to fuel his thrusts. His teeth sink into the muscle on the curve of your neck, drilling into you as hard as he can manage.
He snarls against your skin.
“You’re a fucking d-dirty, filthy--yeah, so fuckin’ tight--naughty brat! O-Oh fuck, shit, gonna--fuck goddamnit--cum
“Are you gonna cum? Fill me up, prettyboy?”
You clench around him one more time, bringing him over the edge. 
“Oh f-fuck, yes, gonna--unnhh!”
Being fully prepared to bury his load deep inside you, fill you up, it took him by great surprise when you suddenly pulled him out of you. His eyes fly open and a choked cry leaves his lips.
He roars, load erupting out onto the bricks and alleyway pavement instead of inside you. His hips rut forward instinctively as he rides out his high, groaning against your skin.
You smirk, slipping out from beneath his grip, pulling your panties back up over your hips. He’s still panting and recovering from his climax, hands spread on the cool brick of the building, eyes catching sight of his seed dripping down the wall as he redresses.
Before you walk away, you run a hand through his silky black mane. You give it a gentle tug, earning a low growl from the handsome man.
“Told ya, no one’s gotten me yet and no one ever will.” You pat his cheek, giving him a soft smile. “Have a good rest of your night, prettyboy.”
You’re quickly overtaken, within the first few steps of walking back towards the front entrance, by a large set of hands. Flip turns you around in his arms and crashes his lips on yours, pulling you close to him.
At first, you’re taken by surprise, but that lasts for only a few seconds before you melt into his touch, melding your lips with his. He pulls away a minute later, a big smug smirk stretched across his face.
“Good night, slick.”
He walks back towards the side door, lighting a cigarette on his way, leaving you frozen in suspension for a moment. Every inch of your skin, every fiber of your being, is buzzing. You find yourself unable to wipe the small smile off your face as you walk back towards the front of the bar.
You look through the window of the bar as you slip your leather jacket on, then your helmet before swinging your leg over your bike. The engine rumbles, ground quaking beneath it as you pull out of the parking lot and onto the freeway, wind whipping around your body as you disappear into the cool Colorado night.
Flip is drunk on you as he pays for his drinks and stubs his cigarette out in the plastic ashtray on the bar. The damn bastard’s essentially grinning and giggling with joy as he walks back out to his truck, or at least ‘grinning and giggling’ by Flip’s standards, which pretty much just means a small smile.
It’s quickly wiped from his face when he sees Ron in the passenger seat. He hadn’t even thought about the fact that Ron was listening the whole time, and he can only hope that his partner took the headphones off before anything too explicit happened.
He hops up into the cab and immediately, Ron begins chuckling to himself. 
“Oh, shut up.”
He says, frowning as he backs out of the parking lot.
“I hope you took the headphones off.”
“So, did you find out anything about The Angels?”
Ron asks, snickering.
“Or did you focus on learning more about the inside of her mouth?”
Flip growls under his breath, rolling his eyes.
“Can it, rookie. We’ll go back tomorrow. And, for the record, I cased the joint when I walked in, and there were no bikers in sight. No one that seemed the type, y’know?”
“Well, the bikes were there. They had to be there, right?”
His jaw clenches, kicking himself for losing focus. Although, he doesn’t exactly regret anything he did with you, he just wishes he had worked the case a bit beforehand. 
“They should’ve been there, but I’m telling you, there was no one.”
Ron gives him a look and Flip shakes his head.
“Look, I know what it looks like, but I’m serious. I cased the joint when I went in, and there was no one even close to the basic look of a biker gang.”
His partner sighs.
“I know, and I trust you, Zimmerman. We’ll go back tomorrow, like you said. We should go a bit earlier, maybe try and catch these bikers coming to the bar.”
Flip nods as he pulls back into the station, sighing when he puts the truck in park.
“Alright, let’s go report to the Chief.”
The Next Day
It’s another long ass day at the station, although there was a bit of excitement when the Chief went out to his squad car and found the window busted out.
Everyone chuckled to themselves as he flipped his shit, almost as if he’d temporarily forgotten that he was a police chief. 
Flip and Ron went out to lunch at the local diner, discussing the ‘Angels’ case, and of course Flip’s back-alley hookup last night, much to the detective’s dismay. 
He just resorted to sucking down as many cigarettes as he could while Ron fired off questions, hoping the nicotine buzz would get him through this all quicker. It didn’t.
Finally, with the Chief’s approval, Ron and Flip head out at five to Ace’s in hopes of spotting The Angels as they come to the bar.
Luckily, when they reach the bar, there are no motorcycles in sight. Flip backs the truck into a spot facing where the motorcycles were last night, putting it in park before lighting up a smoke. He and Ron pass the time with some casual chit-chat before the telltale rumble of motorcycle engines.
The first bike comes into view, the leader no doubt, and slowly rolls up to the front of the bar, foot planting on the pavement. There’s something so oddly familiar about this leader to Flip, the way they move, their demeanor in general, but he thinks little of it, determined to actually focus on the case this time. 
Once the whole gang has pulled up, Flip grabs his notepad and a pencil, ready to write down the names on their jackets while Ron pulls out his camera. The bikers' engines all shut off almost simultaneously, pavement settling back into the dirt as they all dismount their bikes. 
Flip looks at all the names on their jackets, each beginning with ‘Saint’, writing all five of them down before pausing when he reaches the leader’s jacket. It read ‘Saint Siren’, glitter-infused stitching catching in the evening sunset. 
No, it can’t be.
Saint Siren reaches up to pull their helmet off, and when they do, Flip is stunned into utter and total silence. It’s you...you’re Saint Siren. 
You're the leader of ‘The Angels’.
Ron’s snapping a bunch of pictures as the rest of the gang takes their helmets off, revealing the women beneath each. Both detectives were surprised to see that ‘The Angels’ were all women, considering the general ‘man-ness’ of biker gangs.
Your hair flutters in the gentle breeze as you hang your helmet on the handlebar of your bike, reaching into your jacket pocket for a cigarette and lighter, hand shielding the flame from the gentle breeze. 
Flip faintly hears his partner say, but he doesn’t process it, too focused on the reality hitting.
“Zimmerman!” Ron says, shaking his partner’s arm.
“What’s the matter with you?”
His eyes dart over to Ron, a serious expression etched on his face.
“That’s her. That’s the girl from last night.”
His eyes widen in disbelief. “Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m fuckin’ sure!” He snarls. “I only spent all night with her. I’m not that shallow, rookie.”
Ron stifles a laugh. “Uh huh. Well, now we understand why no one could ever figure out who this gang was. No one would ever suspect women to be bikers, much less in a biker gang.”
Your jacket is taken off and draped neatly over the seat of your bike, and Flip quickly tosses his notebook on the dash, clipping the lauve to his undershirt with a sense of urgency. His face is steadily turning redder the more he thinks about it, and Ron can almost see the smoke coming from his ears. He’d be whistling like a damn tea kettle if that were true. 
“What are you gonna do when you get in there? Remember what the Chief wants, intel only.”
Flip huffs, buttoning his flannel back up before flicking on the microphone set on the front seat, tapping the top of the machine. “I know how to do my damn job, I know what Chief said. Just be sure to listen and write the important stuff down.”
He hops down, the heels of his work boots reverberating off the pavement as he walks, more like storms, into the bar.
Earl, the bartender, greets him, but he’s already closing in on you. He doesn’t even hesitate, just walking right up to the table you’re sitting at and putting his hand on the top.
“Can I speak with you a minute?” He says in the calmest voice he can muster at this point, staring daggers at you, teeth gritted. “Please?”
All the girls look up at him, then back over at you, awaiting your answer. You stub out the cigarette between your lips before gesturing for Gladys to scoot out of the booth. She does, and you slide out, standing in front of the familiar man.
“Lead the way, Flip.”
He spins around on his heel, then stops, stomach dropping. How do you know that name?
You giggle to yourself as you walk by and out to the alley. He’s hot on your tail, slamming the door shut behind him, bounding down the stairs.
“I figured it out pretty quickly.” You say, twirling your hair as you lean back against the wall, arms crossed in front of you. “After I saw the mic clipped to your undershirt last night. Looked through the yellow pages this morning and found the contact information for one Detective Phillip Zimmerman of the Colorado Springs Police Department. There’s only one other man by the name of Phillip living in this town, and he’s the guy down at the gas station.”
“Could’ve been a fake name.”
Your lips curl up into a smirk. “Yeah, coulda been a fake name, I guess. But I saw the way you reacted when you said it, looked like you wanted to kick yourself in the nutsack. The mic on your shirt tied it all together, and then when I did some surveillance on the station, I saw you.”
Flip isn’t sure if he’s more nervous or impressed by your ability to observe and fact-find. 
“I’m not the only one that hid my true identity last night, Saint Siren. Nor are you the only one that did surveillance today.” He growls, standing in front of you. “You’re one of the ‘Angels’, the leader, in fact.”
Your face is unchanging, still wearing a neutral expression, before a small smirk tugs at your lips.
“Congratulations, Detective. I’m a little surprised you didn’t put two-and-two together last night when you read the name on my jacket.”
His eyes widen, which makes you laugh. Had your name really been on the jacket that he’d seen, and he just missed it?
“Saw you not so discreetly snooping around the bikes before you came in last night. You ought to check your surroundings a little more thoroughly before ‘casually’ sauntering by the bikes and leaning over to read the jackets...someone might see you.”
You laugh quietly, shoving your hands into your jean pockets.
He’s pissed, you can tell, but there’s also a sense of respect buried deep within his gaze, and perhaps there’s even a bit of desire mixed in, too.
Suddenly, an idea pops into his head, and the rage suddenly melts away. He could use this to his advantage.
“Join me.”
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you look up at him. “You’re kidding.”
“No, I’m not. Think about it, it’s beneficial for both of us. You want to knock the Sharks on their asses and kick ‘em outta town, and I want to stop them from taking over the whole town. We both get what we want.”
You just burst out into laughter.  “You’re a funny guy, Detective, thinking I’d ever even consider becoming an informant. Ha! Sure, I hate the Sharks and I wanna kick ‘em out, but I don’t need the pig’s help for that.”
His jaw clenches. 
“You’re trying to turn her now, Zimmerman? What the hell are you thinking? INTEL, Zimmerman, we’re here for ANGELS INTEL, not the Sharks.”
He shakes off his partner’s words, staring deep into your eyes.
“You know this is a good idea, I know you do, slick. All we need are some names. It’ll be quick work, and in return, we’ll help you get rid of them and stay off your ass after they’re gone, as long as you don’t start or engage in any violent altercations.” 
“Man, you gotta stop. You can’t make promises like that without the Chief’s approval. C’mon, Zimmerman, get outta there!”
“I’m not falling for that bullshit, and I’m not becoming a pig, even if it’s only for a few weeks.” You say, pushing off the wall and standing up straight. “G’night, Detective.”
Flip quickly grabs you before you can even take a step back towards the door, holding your arms as he steps up behind you.
“I never say things I don’t mean, and I never make promises I can’t keep, slick.”
He grabs one of his business cards out from his wallet, teasingly sliding it in your back pocket, giving your ass a quick squeeze.  “In case you change your mind.”
Your skin has erupted in goosebumps as you walk back into the bar, overly conscious of the business card tucked into your back pocket, gently poking your bottom with each stride.
As you sit with your crew, drinking and chatting the night away, you can’t stop thinking about this proposal. 
The thought of being an informant scares you.  The thought of turning on the Sharks scares you.
What scares you the most, though?
You’re ready to get to work.
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