#i am 98% joking about making out
thisisnotjuli · 2 months
what if instead I said. che gente argiblr que viva cerca de caba. a alguien le pinta ir a tomar unas birras and maybe make out. jaja jk. unless..... no no I'm kidding. unless....... ;)
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katz-chow · 8 months
deranged!reader & her task force (katz's version)
me & ur mother @moongreenlight are genuinely insane. this is basically us if it even care 😞
a/n: fem!reader all military names fake, processes fake; mostly it'd be classified, not just not done...well we wouldn't know for sure. medical shit also real. i’m in both of those fields irl. no i am not a swifty
clinically insane reader doesn’t rampage kill. art has many mediums; regular people choose acrylics, watercolor, culinary, pottery…reader chooses murder. it’s a meticulous process that depends on the person, it’s slow, drawn out. which makes her a great torturer. thing is, she was part of SEAL team tango-8 but focused more on SARC stuff (search and rescue). she knows her way around a suture kit—and, fortunately, surgical instruments.
laswell knew reader for two reasons: odd separation orders and her confirmed kill count. there was barely anything documented about her medical discharge which was weird because 98% of the military is just paperwork (a fucking pain btw). only thing noted was “medically discharged” and “0% disability”. her confirmed kill count? 43. happy to be back in uniform, she skips around the hallways to price, giving him a giant hug and a kiss on the cheek, whispering threats in his ear. “if you ever discharge me, i’ll dip you in concrete to be my custom statue.” a sickeningly sweet smile follows. as he furrows his brows in confusion and bit of horror.
soap tries really hard to like her and he really does. she's so sweet and always tries to include him in things and bakes him cakes and always somehow includes almonds, joking how it's actually just cyanide. soap laughs until he sees her have actual cyanide in the kitchen, carefully dropping it into the batter with an eyedropper. then a tsp of almond extract. it wasn't enough to hurt or kill anyone, but it scared him
he told ghost and ghost goes and investigates. then he sees reader one night, cleaning her instruments, different mallets, scissors, blades and knife handles etc. and they are pristine...not surgically pristine but definitely floor grade. he continues to watch her at 2100, without fail, and cleans her surgical instruments. until he sees her missing from her barracks from her open curtains. he goes and finds her carefully dressing a man like a buck. she sees him and smiles at him beckoning him closer. after he puts an end to that, with cuts and bruises, he goes and tattles to price. reader crying in the prison about how much she'll "miss her uniform" price and laswell speak about it and they finally know what the fuck us going on. they send her out on the field.
its just gaz, a few recruits, and reader in a safehouse. they've captured one prisoner, a soldier of the pmc against them. he's tied to a chair and after gaz runs over his psychological warfare in him. gaz fails and tiredly beckons for reader to come in. he finds her staring dead straight ahead, looking like she was falling asleep with her eyes wide open. he slowly calls out her name, no response. he calls again, same outcome. he taps her on her shoulder and her eyes fall into a "normal" state and smiles brightly at him, "my turns?!" gaz films it, the blood, the slow agony-per laswell and price's request reader starts to skin the soldier. starting with just a silly little joke about cuticles and then it goes higher and higher, the piece of skin never tearing. it's superficial, it barely draws blood. "does that hurt? don't worry, i'll help!" she blows cold air onto the exposed skin, drying out his flesh slowly while the blood keeps it from fully drying. gaz gulps, the camcorder on a tripod next to him. "it's okay, you're not going to die. and if you do...i'll make use of you, no waste! promise! gaz, can you pass me the kerrison rongeur, please?" gaz scrambles around in her kit, metal and metal clinking together in the heavy duty box. "the fucking hole puncher, gaz." she screams at him, causing him to jump. he finds the long, gun-like instrument, its blade pokes and punches together. he hands it to her, the work end first. she yanks it from him, nails scratching his hand in frustration, but that same smile on her face. she takes small chunks of flesh from the man, blood gushing and pools. she digs dipper until she hits an artery, blood splattering over them all. "the mosquito! give the fucking mosquito." she screams as the man in front of them bleeds out. she launches for it in her box and clamps down. the man half awake. gaz's chest heaves up and down, his face in shock and fearful freeze. reader storms out, face falls flat, no more smile, no brows furrowed, just a dead stare in front of her. "pieces of shit, human bodies are."
laswell pulls out any psych eval documents she can find. she finds exactly one set of documents: your medical discharge. price shows ghost and they stare at the replaying video on his monitor. the image of a wide, blank-eyed reader, hair and face dripping with crimson blood, a small clamp clicked to close an artery. they keep her. soap is the one who finds your bloody kit left in your barracks. chunks of flesh, blood, bone... and other bioburden seemingly never there at all. the shiny chromium finish looking as if they were never used at all. reader who failed out of medical school because of the lack of moral and ethics her professors and physcians saw in her. they banned her from residency.
"can i...have him..? please?" "why would you want an execution order? aren't you an interrogator?" "i want to see the peristalsis!" "the fucking what?" "how his intestines move in his body and squirm around like snakes!!!" she dissects the man in a way only a careful surgeon could. doyen clamps closed off certain sections as she sits and animates the movement on her ipad. the man inhales and exhales evenly, a bandage over his throat, eyes wide and dry from the lack of tears.
soap, as empathetic as he is, sees reader in chow, sitting by herself as she stares dead ahead, mind clouded in thoughts. her arms moves a bit, twiddling her thumbs under the table. he sits down across from her, her gaze staring pass him, face unreadable and almost bored looking. "you alright bonnie?" reader's face smiles, her eyes still dead and still as they lag behind the smile she puts on. her eyes squint. "yeah! why?" "twiddling your thumbs there, anxious about your second mission?" she puts her cupped together hands onto the tabletop. her hands unclasp. she twirls the severed thumbs around. "just a lot on my mind, yeah..."
"can i have it?" reader asks when she sees gaz's shiny teeth.
reader takes interrogations very seriously, taking souvenirs for herself. a finger carefully dried out, teeth, an ear, hair, vital organs in formaldehyde, eyes into earrings, tendons as rings and bracelets.
she gave price a birthday present which included a human heart, dried and shrunk in a glass displayed case. "made it myself", she says. "...on your own time, my love?" "yes, never company time!" his birthday is not public imformation.
ghost was missing a pow. he asks reader. "where is he?" "who?" "the prisoner..." "i let him go." "why the fuck would you do that?" "i'm going hunting, do you want to join? we can dress him in the field!"
"i got you flowers, ghost, for your mother's grave." "how the fuck do you know about that?" "you told me!" "i fucking didn't! now tell me who the fuck told you that shit?!" "you did, don't be silly. you told me over a glass of scotch...or many glasses actually!" she giggles as he slams her against the wall.
price wakes up one night, the spine-chilling feeling of a pair of eyes stalking him. he picks up the gun from his nightstand, clicking off the safety. he blinks a bit, vision clearing and seeing a figure in the shadowy corner. "go back to sle-" her body is slammed against the wall, gun to her head. "go to bed, price." "what...are you doing here?" price breathes out, trying to steady his racing heart, popping the gun back to safety. "wanted a piece of your hair."
gaz finds reader in his room after work one day, reader sweeping his house. he changed the locks within a week, locking all external doors and windows. reader leaves him breakfast every morning still. he trashes it after the cyanide incident. he wakes up to reader with a plate of eggs and toast over his bed. "please eat it and don't waste food :("
the task force lives their day to day lives with the feeling of impending doom, paranoia, and a feeling of dread washing over them all at once whenever they catch a glimpse of you. they beg price to remove you, but price would rather not be covered in cement while still alive.
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melinoelliones · 1 year
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Imma probably do this with a few of the SDS’s characters but imma start with my man <3 If you have any requests drop them in my inbox or comment!! 
Our opinions may be different so don’t jump me LMAO! There are x Fem Reader and X GN Reader
This has been queued for Saturday the 3rd of June n I’ve never done this queue thing before so I pray it works. I am currently super sick from con so bare with me ya’ll.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Meliodas is veryyy touchy feely as we know so he defo wants to be close to you. Probably wraps you up in a blanket and holds you as close to him as physically possible. Wants to make sure you are comfy and feelin okay. Covers you with kisses and tells you how well you did and he’s proud of you. If you’re not too tired he’d defo run you a bath and help bathe you, making sure to be super gentle with you.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favourite body part on himself is probably his torso and above. He’s got an impressive set of muscles so I can see him showin em off now and then. Probably loves to show you how easily he can move you wink wink
His favourite body part of yours would be chest, ass and thighs. We all know he’s a titty person but I know for a FACT he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to have his head between your thighs.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I wanna say he’d love to see it on that pretty face of yours along with in your mouth. Seeing it drip down the sides of your mouth as you attempt to take every drop.
I also think on your breasts, seeing it run down them is a sight he’d never want to forget.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Barely a secret but he loves to fuck you in public, especially in risky places. Like during rush hour at the Boar Hat he slips you into the closet downstairs, or he’ll have you standing behind the bar while he eats you out on his knees, you struggling to take orders as he does it. Defo likes to play with you under the table at the Sins meeting too, 98% sure everyone knows what he’s doing but acts oblivious. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
You was his first and vice versa. He defo knows what he’s doing and is always down for experimenting.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Reverse cowgirl is one of them, he loves to see himself sliding in and out of you along with your ass
Us riding him, he’s a tits guy so having them bounce in his face while you’re taking him all in is like a 2 in one. Bonus points if he gets one in his mouth, he loves to suck on them while you struggle to keep going.
Doggy, especially after a rough day. He wants nothing more than to see how you moan and tear up as he pounds into you with absolutely zero remorse. Seeing how you desperately cry out for him to be rougher with you is a sight to see
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Helloooo its Meliodas we are talking about. It wouldn’t be Meli if he didn’t crack a joke here and there. Loves to make you laugh regardless so if he can while fucking you why wouldn’t he?
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I will die on this hill but I think he keeps himself trimmed pretty good! He ain’t naked or anything but keeps it nice. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Depends. Most of the time he’s superrrr intimate, showering you will kisses and sweet talking you. But other times not so much but there is a BALANCE!! He will always show you a sweet side though, even during the roughest of sessions.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He can defo jack off to just the thought of you alone. I don’t wanna say its often as he’s around you 24/7 and would prefer to do it with you/in you than alone, but if he’s super pent up then aye, gotta do what ya gotta do. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink for sure. Dude wants nothing more than to breed you, to fill you up to the brim and see you pregnant. The thought of you holding his child is one that sits in his mind constantly.
Dumbification, fucking you till you can’t even form a thought in your mind. The only thing you can do is cry out for more of him. 
Restraints, this is pretty canon anyway but yeah. He loves to be tied up while you get full control to do whatever you please with his body, wether that be for his satisfaction or yours he does not care as long as you’re happy. He also likes to tie you up and watch your body twitch as he plays with you.
Somnophilia, he thinks you look so pretty and innocent while you sleep. On more than one occasion he has defo eaten you out whilst you slept, waking you up with the mother of all orgasms. When he’s come home late from being with the sins he has used your body to help him relieve some stress. ALL 100% CONSENSUAL BETWEEN YOU TWO! 
Uniforms, he loves to fuck you in your Boar Hat uniform. He designed it so of course yours is a tiny bit smaller than the others, along with extra openings for easy access. He has several different versions of the uniform so you get to test them all.
Breast fucking for sureeeee. He loves your tits, so having his cock between them is a dream come true.
Also the thought of being seen turns him on to the MAX! Having people see how good he fucks you and how he makes you feel. 
L = Location (favourite places to do they do)
He loves anywhere in the Boar Hat; over the tables, on the counter, against the door. Eating you out on the tables or counter is his favourite pastime. He also loves the bedroom, your face full of pillow n tears while he rams into you, loves it. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You, just you. Anything you do honestly.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
I feel like he’s down for almost anything but doesn’t want anything to do with like knives or blood. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers to give than receive but he loves to receive. Would give anything to have you sit on his face after a long day, he’d gladly eat you out while you tell him all about it. You are his favourite meal.
“What’s up, why the long face? Come sit on my face while you tell me”
He likes to receive too but it’s not a necessity, seeing you attempt to make him feel good is a major turn on though. You on your knees, his cock down your throat with tears in your eyes, he adores it. He gives you all the praise as you suck him off. 
“Look at you, you're doing such a good job”, he’d coo as he’d stroke the side of your face whilst deepthroating him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
All of the above. 
Sometimes he’ll be super rough, demon mark showing and all while he pounds into you to the point where you’re almost drooling. No thoughts in your mind, only his name ringing through. Dirty talk all the way.
Other times he’s super slow and intimate, taking his time so you can enjoy every feeling, every movement. Smothering you in love bites and comments as he pulls in and out of you.
During quickies it's a mix of both.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
HE LIVESSSS FOR A QUICKIE! Especially since the sins are always on the go, they need to be able to do it anywhere and FAST. I wanna say y'all have them several times a week, he’s always up for em. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is the definition of risk taker. The sins are coming back and there's like 5 minutes till they get back? Okay lets fuck right here on this table before they make it. Oh the King is coming downstairs? Let's have a quickie before he gets here. Like he does not CAREEEEEEE! 
He also loves to experiment. Anything you wanna try he will do and if he has an idea he will always bring it up to you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Demon Kings first born, dude has stamina for days. He could go like 4 rounds without breakin a sweat. You are his weakness though so sometimes he won’t last very long in you, like if you’re begging and whining out for him.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He has toys for you, for when he is gone and can’t bring you. He also loves to edge you with a vibrator then take over. He lets you have free reign when it comes to toys for him, whatever you want him to try he’s open. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh he’s a teaser! Sometimes he can be super mean and leave you for a considerable amount of time until you lose your orgasm before going back. But only sometimes, regardless he does love to see you beg for him to let you come or beg for him to touch you and make you feel good.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He isn’t super loud unless like you’re sucking him off, he defo whimpers and whines a little when you do it, a few hisses and curses too.
He loves when you’re super loud though, he wants everyone to know how well he fucks you. He legit does not care who can hear as long as they can hear. Wants to hear you moan out his name through the tavern.
The sins hate it but then they invested in soundproof walls LMAO. 
W = Wild card (a random dirty headcanon for the character)
Okay this one is kinda random and i’m 50/50 on it but he wants to see Ban fuck you. He wants to watch it. Watch how Ban attempts to outdo him but knows he could never as you shoot him a wink or a moan he knows is fake. That or a threesome with you and Ban. He’d take front to see your pretty little face while Ban takes back.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Meli is big, don’t care what anyone says. He is girthy and veiny. Maybe not super long but trust me, the girth alone will have you on cloud 9. Let's say 6/7 inches ish.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Crazy high. Ya’ll are defo fucking almost everyday, wether that be quickies or long sessions, its pretty much everyday. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He will always wait for you to be in a deep sleep before even thinking about passing out. He will hold you close to him on his chest until he hears your soft snores, gives you a kiss on the top of your head and THEN falls asleep. He can’t sleep unless he knows you feel safe and comfortable.
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firethekitty · 7 months
Ranking Every Wolfwood!!
happy wolfwood wednesday! i've ranked every wolfwood and it very quickly got out of hand and turned into more of a character analysis/meta. it was really fun and helped me better understand why i love this guy so much!
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yes, really!
i hope you guys enjoy and that my autistic rambling makes sense!
1. trimax wolfwood. yeah he’s perfect. nothing else to say. god bless
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while i can’t fit everything i love about him into one post, just know that i’ve written almost 30,000 words in wolfwood (and vash) character studies. so when i say “i like trimax wolfwood” that really means “i am fucking obsessed with trimax wolfwood”.
he’s the perfect mix of silly and heartbreaking, funny and serious, annoying like an older brother, deeply kind, so so painfully human; and a PERFECT foil to vash. simply phenomenal writing.
my only complaint would be that his tits are not on display like they are in the 1998 anime. but i can appreciate the subtly, so this doesn’t detract from his otherwise flawless score.
2. 98 wolfwood. omg hiiiii hehe twirling my hair ohh he’s so handsome what an absolutely beautiful design for him. his nose, his spider-esque shape, his TITS…… they even kept his little whiskers!
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on top of an amazing design, he’s a very good balance of silly, irritable, playfully annoying, and serious! he fits pre-trimax wolfwood to a T!
but, as trimax progressed…
he’s cool. too cool. he has too much pull. wolfwood should NOT have swag. genuinely it is imperative to his character that he is, and i say this as lovingly as possible, a fucking loser with no friends.
wolfwood is a deeply traumatized man. he isn’t nearly as charming as we, the audience, thinks he is. no one laughs at his jokes, his insults are crude and immature, he embarrasses himself in front of literal children…
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god, he is so painfully awkward. and who wouldn’t be in his situation? to have your childhood stolen and forced to grow up as a weapon? not allowed to interact casually with anyone else during the most important developmental stage of your life?
he's just not suave like tri98 wolfwood is. so, while 98 wolfwood is an excellent character, he doesn’t entirely read “wolfwood” to me. similar to how 98 vash is good on his own, but he’s just not “vash”. this is, of course, the result of making an anime out of a manga that wasn’t even 30% finished at the time. while i don’t understand the reasoning behind this, i know that nightow desperately needed the funds the anime brought in, as well as the motivation to keep making trimax, so i have to simply make peace with the dated characterizations tri98 has.
but don’t get me started on the milly situation. really a godawful writing decision, idk who approved that mess.
3. tristamp wolfwood. he is so bullyable. he’s like a sopping wet cat. absolute fucking dweeb.
i debated this for a long time—whether i should rank tristamp wolfwood above tri98 wolfwood. and i asked myself, do i love tri98 wolfwood because he’s a good character and is similar to trimax wolfwood? does he even remind me of trimax wolfwood at all? well, not really, he’s very clearly based on pre-trimax, just like tri98 vash is.
ultimately i decided i do genuinely just prefer tri98 wolfwood, but i felt the need to defend tristamp wolfwood because i see a lot of fair criticisms but also really dumb discourse throughout the fandom about him. so here’s my attempt at trying to address these:
so, there are some things i really enjoy about him and some things i really dislike; and, unlike vash, most of these criticisms are not a result of time/pacing issues. they’re easily fixable.
like, for the love of god he NEEDS to get sillier. they got the loser part down, but he’s a bit too overtly sad in tristamp. i think he will be more like his trimax self in season 2, but wolfwood’s humor is in-part a coping mechanism and important to his character. he’s an older brother! he’s fucking annoying! he thinks he's funny when he isn't! we do get a little bit of this with him and meryl, when he's tormenting her at the campfire, and that’s what i want to see more of. even if he’s playing it up, he should be working on getting their guards down, convincing them he isn't going to betray them.
since tristamp takes place in a weird prequel sort of canon, i get that he would look/act younger than he is in trimax. i think he was modeled after the teenage wolfwood we see in the flashback scenes of him training for the eye of michael, where he’s noticeably less outgoing and more reserved.
however, this doesn’t change the fact that he WAS silly as a kid in trimax, before his “teenage angst phase” (hate to call it that when it’s more like a “realizing he’s going to die by the gun and not being able to do anything about it” phase). but he’s still a lot quieter and reserved in tristamp as a kid, so i think we really need to find a good balance here in the trigun adaptations.
another example of an easily fixable issue—i really hate how they did the “vash sees how kind wolfwood is” scene, in which wolfwood gives money/snacks to children. in tristamp, wolfwood already knows the kid is zazie, which tells us absolutely nothing about his character. this scene is almost entirely worthless, only good for reminding vash that he should eat, which gives tristamp its own not-as-good hospital yuri scene.
and, so, about the elephant in the room… i don’t think he was whitewashed. let me try to explain my thought process.
tristamp, as far as i can tell, doesn’t seem to be taking any inspiration from tri98, whose wolfwood is very explicitly a brown man. trimax wolfwood i feel is a bit more ambiguous in his skin tone, which alternates between dark screentones and completely uncolored pretty much at solid 50/50 odds. just fairly inconsistent overall, even on the official manga covers.
but this doesn’t mean wolfwood is white in tristamp, and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his aquiline nose. the notorious scenes of him in the suns, looking white as a fucking sheet, shows us how a 3D environment can diminish a character’s silhouette and distinctive features.
compare this to scenes of wolfwood in a dim environment, or to the 2D scenes of child wolfwood and livio that i can't include bc i'm only allowed 10 pics. he looks MUCH better, much darker than vash, and as they both should appear in such lighting. it just doesn't add up—he should be much darker in strong light if they followed the same color values:
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SO, even though i feel like all of this is more of a technical issue rather than malicious whitewashing, that doesn’t mean i think it’s acceptable. it looks fucking awful, and the lighting system needs major improvement to work with darker skin tones.
and, like, at the end of the day, wolfwood isn’t canonically latino, and he doesn't really have a consistent skin tone either. it’s a great headcanon, one i partially share, but it’s not canon. the only ethnicity that could technically be considered somewhat canon is japanese, as wolfwood was based off a japanese singer named tortoise matsumoto. you can see this resemblance best in early trigun!
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and i really need to defend his nose!!! a lot of people say he lost his nose but he didn’t!! i promise it’s there!!! another victim of his 3D model, you can only see his nose from the side or in the 2D frame after he gets his shit wrecked. see how clearly he has a very well-defined nose when he’s hand-drawn? this is what i mean when i say a 3D environment can drastically alter a character’s important features, as much as i otherwise adore the animation for this show.
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also, if you think nightow would let studio orange get away with not including his nose, you got another thing coming.
in conclusion, while i think tristamp wolfwood is a great start, he’s just not quite there yet. but i have immense faith that the next time we see him, he’ll look and act a lot more like he does in trimax!
i know this is true, because there are already some shots in tristamp where i’m just like. oh yeah. there he is. that’s wolfwood. there's the guy i love so much
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well, that was long! this was really fun to write and i
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oh jesus christ what the hell is that thing
4. badlands rumble wolfwood. ah, now here’s a great example of overt whitewashing. no lighting excuses this time, just blatant colorism.
even if he wasn’t ghostly white, there's just something about his design that makes me viscerally uncomfortable and i can’t pinpoint what it is exactly. he’s just so… angular. he has no scruff, no kitty cat mouth, his eyes are very oddly shaped, almost no eyebrows... i just really hate looking at him!
his ONLY saving grace is how mentally ill he acts in this movie. and his tits. otherwise i don’t really have much to say about him!
ok, now we’re done! and here’s a handy wolfwood chart i made to summarize everything.
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really hope this was fun to read and if people liked this i'd be glad to write a vash version or other characters!! happy woowoo wednesday :)
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rabnerd28 · 2 months
Watching Cats (2019) DvD Commentary
Thoughts as I watch:
Tom is literally basing this entire movie on the one time he saw Cats in 1981 when he was 8 years old
He called the movie a coming of age film about Victoria meeting characters that effect her and that Tugger represents the sin of lust (yes I am laughing)
He said abandoned three times in a row to describe Grizabella
Tom made up the thing about Grizabella used to be with Macavity happened because he wanted to cut out the idea that she was a prostitute
Has Bustopher eat trash because he thought that's what cats would be more interested in
The pause in Bustopher Jones when he says to gather the cats is a meta joke about the cats actually being people
The food was CGI
"Sees the implication of his unchecked appetites" in reference to Victoria and Bustopher Jones
Hooper brought his niece and nephew to set to play on the Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer set
He keeps insisting that there is a learning and growing arc for Victoria, but I have no idea what he's talking about
He has barely talked about the characters as actual characters and mostly just talks about how great it is to work with famous celebrity number five or how they're symbolical. I think he's making things up at this point
He added the love story because he thought Misto trying to figure out how to be a magician was a good parallel with Victoria's story of finding herself
Originally the first barge scene was longer with a lot of improv from James and Rebel as Growltiger went on
"Robbie Fairchild is brilliant" that is the only thing Tom said that makes sense
This man really said "women can be the god of cats in 2019"
Judie and Ian were the ones to decide that Gus and Old D had a thing...well at least they followed the pattern of cats actors making weird decisions for their characters
I've come to the conclusion that Tom chose his cast based on which famous actors he's always wanted to work with
Tom has no idea how to describe choreography...just like how he has no idea how to film it
Giving Victoria a solo to sing was ALW's idea
He thinks the call and response of Beautiful Ghosts and Memory is brilliant and doesn't understand how he fucked that up
They almost cut "Moments of Hapiness"
He keeps talking about how great this film is for women, but where is Demeter sir!
He didn't know that it's Jellylorum that sings Gus' song and because Ian couldn't tell what the relationship between the two was he cut out her singing it for him
He talks about the advantage of mixing the CGI with the practical clothing, and I'm like, you know what would be even better? No CGI!
I don't know who's playing Bomba, but she was the first person to be cast in Cats
He said that he thinks Macavity works better as a solo and it didn't need to be a duet...I have never felt more like murder in my whole life
Taylor Swifts dad gave him the idea for the catnip
He likes the idea of Macavity being evil yet still plays by the rules...why?
He's talking about the changes from the musical to Mr Mistoffelees, and boy is he not bringing up that Tugger is the one that sings the number
Talks about community like there was any in this movie
This man has no idea who Jemima/Sillabub is, does he?
He finally mentioned Mette Towley as Cassandra at least. Recognize that she's the best character in this film goddamit!
Apparently Munkustrap was supposed to be learning about leading this whole film...wat
Apparently he watched the 98 film several times while writing the script...and yet this movie is straight
I'm not watching the commentary for the end credits. Fuck I hate this man
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brooooswriting · 6 months
98 with carol danvers please! this is my first request ever and also english is not my first language, so i'm sorry for any mistakes. so, i'm just imagining how cute it would be for carol to meet reader's family and be sooo nervous about it. i think she would try to please everyone and would need a lot of reassurance because of her insecurities. i'm sorry this is too lame, please ignore if you don't like it. anyway, i love you writing and thank you for sharing your stories here!!
98. My family likes you more than me
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You and Carol have been dating for a while now, about a year and a half but she had been in space a lot of that time. She had taken you with her whenever you could which was a lot less than she had hoped. And it also made meeting your family hard.
But now Carol has decided to settle down a little you finally had the time to do so. So you thought the monthly family meeting was the perfect opportunity. “Monthly family meetings” sounds way more formal than it actually was but it has always been fun to confuse people with it. Your girlfriend was also confused when she first heard the name.
“Are you sure? I can just stay here and we can watch a movie later” Carol said, looking at you as you got dressed.
“Carol, love, by now my family thinks I made you up. Like you’re my imaginary friend” you laughed as you turned around to look at her. “If you really really don’t wanna come you don’t have to, but I’d be very happy if you do come along. They’re gonna love you.” You carefully stroked her cheek with your thumb in a reassuringly manner.
“Well, maybe I am your imaginary friend and I am trying to save you from the embarrassment of your family knowing” she joked but you could see that she was insecure so you only chuckled a bit.
“Come along please? They’ll like you, I just know that”
“How do you know that?”
“Because you’re the first person that makes me really happy and they can see that. So you have nothing to worry about” so, maybe you lied a bit. Your family could be quite annoying and rude but they still liked to see you happy and Carol made you happier than ever.
“Alright, let’s go before we’re late” she said as she grabbed the flowers and the bottle of wine she got for today. You squealed happily and pulled her into a passionate kiss, your hands cupping her cheeks. Her unoccupied hand found your waist to pull your body closer to hers, sighing happily before abruptly pulling away. “No, no. If we keep going I’ll never leave this house and neither will you” she grinned.
You got in the car and made your way towards your parents house, it was a 50 minute drive in which you tried to reassure Carol. “Alright, we’re here. Are you ready?” You asked her, your hand finding hers.
“As ready as I’ll be” it was kinda cute, how she wasn’t nervous when she was fighting against aliens or gods but meeting your family scared the poor girl more than anything. Your family was known to have quite some money and influence which wasn’t really helpful but truth be told your family didn’t act like it. All of you would rather sit in jogging trousers or pjs than in a suit/dress at a fancy party.
You took the blonde by the hand and searched for the key you still had to their house. Carol marveled at the house, it was way different than what she expected. Instead of a new mansion she was met with an old, still big, country house. “This is such a beautiful house” she told you as you finally found your keys.
“Thanks love” you quickly kissed her cheek before unlocking the door and entering. “We are here and I brought my imaginary friend” you called out. Immediately after Carol could hear at least 6 different kinds of footsteps running towards you.
“Oh honey” your mother said and fell into your arms, nearly throwing you to the floor. “I’ve missed you so much” she exclaimed making you laugh a bit.
“Mom, it’s been two months” due to work you hadn’t been able to attend the last family meeting. “But I missed you too” you added to make her happy. She pulled away giving you the opportunity to hug your dad and your brother, to then say hi to your “niece”.
“So this is Carol huh? It’s so great to finally meet you” and with that your mother also threw herself into carols arms, who was more than confused. The blondes family has never been really nice or affectionate, the kree weren’t either and fury, well he loved her but affection also wasn’t his. After a moment of confusion, which your mom didn’t even notice, your girlfriend hugged her back. “I’m y/m/n but you can call me mom if you want” your mother said as she pulled away.
“I’m Carol, it’s great to meet you. All of you” she gave your father and brothers her hand before crouching down to greet the other person. “You must be Hannah. It’s great to meet you. Here, I got this for you” with that she pulled out some gummy bears that you normally always gifted the small girl.
“Thank you” she mumbled and took the gummy bears before running to her mother.
“Oh and I got this for you” she handed your mother the flowers, your father the wine. With a smile your parents thanked her before ushering you further into the house. You were immediately sat down at the big dinner table, you and Carol between one of your brother and your family friend.
“Care, this is Sandra and her daughter Hannah, you’ve already met her outside. They’re family friends and by now family” you introduced before introducing your brothers girlfriends.
After a big family meal, Carol was pulled into the living room by an overly excited Hannah and your youngest brother, who was still older than you, who wanted to team up with her. “Alright, so let’s do teams and then let the games begin” your father called out and everybody started cheering.
4 hours later, after a lot of games, a lot of screaming and a lot of laughing you were finally back in your car. You loved your family, but they could be a lot. A happy sigh left your mouth as you looked to the drivers seat where Carol sat, her hand on your thigh as she drove back home. “Do you think they liked me?” She asked, still insecure making you chuckle a bit before taking her hand from your thigh to press a soft kiss to the back of it.
“My family liked you more than me, babe. They argued on whose team you’d be, nobody wanted me” you laughed at the memory. It was a whole family fight who could team up with your talented girlfriend, while not one person asked you.
“Well, I mean I am pretty awesome” both of you smiled brightly at her words. The confident Carol was back at it. She stopped at a red light giving you the opportunity to lean over and press a passionate kiss to her lips.
“Thank you for coming with me, I know they can be a lot” you told her as you pulled back slightly. She was quick to pull you back and kiss you another time.
“It was my pleasure. Now let’s get home, I believe that the person from the loser team owes the person from the winner team something” her smirk made you blush as the light turned green.
All the insecurities for nothing.
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livingbrother · 2 months
LO and it's portrayal of S/A
A rant by someone who just finished EP. 98 and is incredibly furious
Cw: Mentions of S/A, it's effects, too much swearing, ED mention, personal stuff that happened to yours truly, lots of other stuff too, just no idea what to tag it as
Don't read this if you're not mentally doing well, I don't want you getting hurt because of my post, I love you, feel better soon
Boy. Oh fucking boy. I just got through episode 98 of this shit show and, I'll just say, I am beyond furious. Livid, in fact.
For context, I am a survivor or sexual abuse and mental abuse, I have dealt with those who act sort of like Apollo, I was never raped, but I was molested as a child. I, as a survivor, feel nothing but rage at how Rachel portrayed Apollo being a rapist. The way he acts is incredibly unrealistic for an abuser, as somebody who dealt with two abusers with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (I'm not saying everyone who has NPD are villains, I'm just saying what I went through), I see what Rachel was trying, but oh so tragically failed, to do. He tried to control, manipulate, and gaslight Persephone. Only for none of it to work, that's not how ANY of it fucking works!
About her realizing she was raped, um. Excuse me? A lot of victims don't realize they were raped or abused until like, months or years later. I'm glad for the ones who instantly realized it, good for them. Given Persephone's personality and experience with the world, she wouldn't have known it was rape because she's not accustomed to dating and sexual culture. On top of that, she isn't really seen actually distressed when she remembers, oh, and lets not forget that she WAS FUCKING FINE WITH TOUCH AND PHYSICAL FLIRTING DAYS AFTER HER ASSAULT. Let me remind you that I have been through this thing myself, you do not just omg I was just assaulted! time to go let someone touch me! Nonono, you spend years jumping when people touch you, years of moving when someone tries to grab your shoulder, years of pushing someone's hand off your arm, years screaming when you get a hug. And then, maybe from flashbacks, maybe from googling things, you discover you were molested! And then it alllllll makes sense. I understand if she became hypersexual, cause same, but that usually doesn't set in until a good long while.
I also hate how Apollo is written, he should have stayed as a shitty ex boyfriend or whatever the fuck Rachel was gonna make him, he just comes across as a cartoonish villain than an abuser. The man just fucking rubs his hands together and fucking goes I'll get you next time my pretty! I fucking HATE his writing so goddamn much. I understand wanting to make him pushy, egotistical, and insecure, they're some of the hallmarks of the pushy nice guy she was going for. But when it comes to him being abusive, it's like watching a bad joke. Rapists don't usually, you know, CATCH FEELINGS FOR THEIR VICTIM (correct me if I'm wrong), unless it's to lure them back in to hurt them again. She made him so obviously evil it hurts, abusers don't usually act that way, they put on a pretty smile, act kind, and behind closed doors, act shitty. I respect 97-98 for getting that part right, but too many times, too many fucking times Rachel has gotten that wrong. I have dealt with this myself, my mother did this exact thing, she even put on the pretty smile for me so even I, somebody who knew he was being tormented, questioned whether or not I was being abused! We never see this with Persephone! We never see her getting gaslit with this, she never questions her reality! She knows everything that's going on for sure! I know what Rachel was aiming for, and she failed miserably!
God, on top of this, we never really get to see Persephone's PTSD unless the story fuckin says Apollo's here! She's never really fucking affected by her rape, we don't see her jump from touches, refuse sexual advanced from Hades, yeah, sure, we see her afraid of camera flashes, but that's about it!!!!!!!! She never really experiences the effects of s/a! I developed an ED and agoraphobia from my abuse! Where the fuck is that?! That would have been a lot more fucking interesting than the slop we fucking got!
I know I've missed some things, but I need to calm down before I pop a blood vessel. I might revisit this post when I'm less angry, I just needed to rant.
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zukkaoru · 2 months
Hi, same anon as before haha, could you ever make a post about visually impaired/blind dazai?
ooo yes i do love the idea of dazai being blind in one eye/otherwise visually impaired. personally i am biased towards him having a prosthetic eye but this is just because of an inside joke with my sister sfdgfhj anyway have some thoughts (specifically based off dazai being blind in one eye/having one prosthetic eye):
for a while, ranpo is the only one in the ada who knows bc dazai is very good at hiding it. they don't say anything bc it's not their business, but they do try to make sure they either approach dazai on his left or make their footsteps loud enough that dazai can clearly hear them coming
yosano is second to figure it out bc she's a doctor. but she only catches on to the fact that dazai is somehow visually impaired and doesn't figure out the specifics until later
kunikida figures it out after a case where dazai gets injured bc the attacker came at him on his blind side and there was too much other commotion going on for him to hear them approach
obviously he's like why would you not tell me this!!!! it's KIND OF IMPORTANT!!!!!
dazai brushes it off like "haha i just forget everyone else has two working eyes :P" but really he. didn't want to expose any weaknesses to the agency members until he knew they could be trusted
after that it's treated sort of like an open secret at the ada. no one really talks about it, but yosano, ranpo, and kuni all do their best to cover dazai's blind side whenever they can. even if 98% of the time he doesn't need it
for a while, junichirou, kenji, atsushi, and kyouka have no idea. bc no one ever talks about it, the older ada members sort of. just. forget the younger ones would have no way of knowing.
so probably they find out when dazai makes some dumb joke about it. and they're all like HELLO????? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ONLY HAVE ONE FUNCTIONING EYE!?
chuuya ofc knows and has known since they were like fifteen. they also always did their best to cover dazai's blind side when they worked with him (this i think is canon to some extent,, a lot of official art has chuuya on dazai's blind side during their pm days when his eye was bandaged)
most of the rest of the mafia had no idea what was wrong with dazai's eye (or if there even was anything wrong with it) but also,, no one was going to just ask. mori is the only other person in the pm who knows what happened
dazai likes to joke that he and kunikida have "one working eye total between the two of them" bc kunikida's eyesight is pretty bad without his glasses
most of the agency members walk loud enough that dazai can hear them coming so he isn't caught off guard regardless of which direction they approach from. the one exception to this is kyouka. she has scared him on multiple occasions by approaching from the right. once she realizes what the issue is, she does her best to approach from the left
ranpo does occasionally try to bribe her to sneak up on dazai bc they think it's funny to see him try to mask his surprise. she may have given in once or twice. but only because they promised to buy her crepes.
nikolai & dazai visually impaired worsties,,
^^ they both make jokes about it all the time, bouncing back and forth off each other. everyone around them is annoyed and no one thinks it's funny at all but neither of them care
okay this got longer than i was planning so i'll end here but. yes <3
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Bayverse hotrod w gn human reader who literally melts if he ever flirts w them in french???
The entire movie I just wanted- no NEEDED for him to call me either mademoiselle or monsieur whilst he flirt w me cause damn I'd honestly be so flustered to even say a coherent sentence
OMG OMG OMG, WE ARE ALIKE FR FR. I am a big big BIG bayverse!HotRod lover, i simple love all Hot Rod's but him, you are right my friend! French is jsut sooo, you can't go wrong with flirting with it. Anyways, Here is you request. Enjoy :)
Pairing: Bayverse!HotRod x GN!Human
Warning: french(I know you some ppl dont like the french), fluff,
The bot leaned into the window your desk sat in front of, perfectly situated so he could keep you company why you worked. Your fingers caught typing on your laptop, the seven tabs keeping you from talking with your dearly beloved french bot. You peeked up over the laptop, watching as his optics scanned the room for the 500th time over the years, you glanced back down at your screen but looking back up to see him now staring at you. 
“You know not a single one of these pieces are as beautiful as you, mademoiselle/monsieur.” 
You looked away, you had no words, all of a sudden the air felt hot. Your collared shirt was starting to get tight around your neck, your hands were starting to get sweaty, and the tab you were looking at wasn’t making any sense. You got up and turned the fan towards you, standing in front of it. Maybe it was just summer air, especially being in Europe, in an old ass castle, that doesn’t even have good ac. 
“Quoi, fondant comme du chocolat, ma chérie.” 
“What, melting like chocolate, My darling.” 
The room was getting hotter, how on fucking earth was it doing that, your hand came up to the first few buttons on your shirt, Undoing them and then moving down to grab the fabric in a pinch and pulling away and then back again, in a attempt to cool your skin. Why did he decide today is the day, he knows exactly what he's doing after all. He made the connection, you melting to french and flirting. Sometimes he could be so evil.
His optics scanned you from the window, watching you do everything in your power to cool down, from fanning yourself with a magazine, to standing in front of the fan to also holding a fresh out of the fridge water bottle to the back of your neck. Even in the middle of a heat wave summer, and sweating your own personal pool, you still looked gorgeous to him. 
You turned to go back to our desk, sitting down and pressing a few buttons to light it up. You couldn’t tell if you were hot because of the 98 degree weather or if you really were melting because of him, but either way you didn’t care. He was flirting with you, arm perched on the bottom window, leaned in and resting his helm back. 
“Alright, Hot Rod, Tell me what happened again.” 
Sitting up in your chair and looking through your tabs, You wanted him to continue the story, you know the one about the lady who hit him with a polo mallet. He lifted his head and nodded. 
“Yes, Yes, I still forget you weren’t there.” 
You nodded, typing on your computer. His story was detailed, pointing out exact moments he thought you’d enjoy. At some point he was so into this story he was waving his hands around in a frenzy explaining it. His jokes were funny, funny enough to stop you from typing and move a hand to facepalm while laughing. Your laugh, he loved it, If he could he would make you laugh all the time just to hear it. When you looked up from laughing you could see his optics staring at you, almost like a puppy and you had his treats, his treats being your laugh, your existence, your everything. 
“Do that again, it’s quite cute, Mademoiselle/Monsieur.” 
You melted, hands stopped typing as you got up from your desk. It’s getting hot again, extremely hot, too hot. You decided you’d do the only thing you know how, kiss him to shut up. You might die if he keeps that up, and you weren’t trying to do that. You walked over to him, placing your hand on his elbow. He watched intently before moving, the hand on his elbow lifted when you saw he was attempting to move. Fixing his posture before gently grabbing your hand with his servo and bringing it up to his lips for a kiss. 
“I’ll tone it down Mademoiselle/Monsieur, can’t have you melting just yet.” 
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Stampede Wolfwood got Metaphorically Isekai'd (No This is Not a Shitpost)
Oh my god if this winds up being part of my legacy I'll probably cry.
So. Everyone who's watched the new show knows that Wolfwood is introduced by getting hit by Meryl's van in the middle of the desert where he is literally the only thing to get hit for miles around. What an entrance. Welcome to the team buddy.
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Stampede Episode 4. At an above view, the van has spun, unfortunately sending the trailer back part crashing directly into Wolfwood. He is starfished face-first into it, rather comically. End ID.]
It's funny as heck, but, since I am deranged, I'm gonna try and convince you that this is not only an isekai joke, but that the basic premise of an isekai actually applies fairly well to Stampede Wolfwood in the first season... but then a lot of the standard tropes are made into notable and tragic subversions. Also please note I have never actually watched an isekai anime so maybe take all this with a grain of salt. Or several. (Also isekai is a really broad genre. I'm talking specifically about the tropiest things to come out of it - please don't take what I'm about to discuss as representative of the entire genre!)
In the manga, and I believe in the 98 anime as well, Wolfwood is spotted by Vash while him and the insurance girls are travelling on a bus. He is out in the middle of the desert, and so thirsty and exhausted he's initially mistaken for dead. Vash and the girls manage to cause enough of a ruckus that he is literally saved (which echoes the influence they, but especially Vash, will have on him later on), and they all end up on the bus as him and Vash become acquainted - the start of their companionship, and the start of their journey together (being quite literally on a moving vehicle). In the 23 anime, it all seems set up to give us the same intro: there is a vehicle, Wolfwood is clearly exhausted from trekking through the desert, Meryl and Vash are there... and then, suddenly -
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[ID: Two screenshots from Trigun Stampede Episode 4. In the first, Wolfwood is walking with Punisher across the sand with a bright blue sky background. He does not see the van coming into sharp focus on a direct path towards him. In the second, Meryl, in the driver's seat, looks out with a shocked expression. Roberto's hand has reached over to grab the wheel. End ID.]
Pfft. Sorry I had to rewatch this to get the screenshots and I swear it does not get any less funny. Anyways, Wolfwood gets hit instead of getting rescued, but the end result is the same - he ends up in the vehicle and his journey with them begins.
So. Why the difference?
Well, I can only really speculate, and honestly it was probably just for the humour of it, but I do have another (deranged) suggestion.
See, Wolfwood in the manga is a little different from Stampede's Wolfwood - he's a lot friendlier for one (though no less trying to scam people), and he's got a little bit more self-made purpose (protecting and providing for the orphanage), even if he still lacks true agency. Stampede Wolfwood, by contrast, is a lot more aimless. He's on constant survival mode, which makes him a lot more openly abrasive right from the get-go, more cavalier about his own life (smokes way more than in the manga, takes bullets when there's actually no reason to), and a lot less in control of his outward persona (there have been many observations I've seen on how he's not the best at holding back his emotions - imo I don't think manga Wolfwood is especially good at that either, but in Stampede, it's really obvious).
Stampede Wolfwood also plays up his "monstrousness" a lot more in front of people, which is probably the most significant difference to me. Manga Wolfwood... doesn't exactly try to hide it, but he tends to take a "well, somebody had to do what needed to get done" attitude, like a kind of tired "I know there's no going back and I know I've turned into a monster. This is all I know how to be now. Somebody has to make the hard calls." But he feels shame about it all the same - look at how he puts his sunglasses on whenever he's about to do something he finds reprehensible (well, except the Ninelives fight... but no one was around to witness him there). It's made pretty explicit later that the glasses are a way for him to say "don't look at me. don't see what I've become".
Meanwhile, Stampede Wolfwood never takes the glasses off. He's much more upfront about the threat he poses - calling out Vash for not watching his back, outright saying he could've shot him - not a smart move when trying to earn someone's trust. His teasing, when he does it, isn't quite as playful, and has a bit of a bite to it. It's almost like he wants to be hated; like he's torn between justifying the necessity of his actions and convincing others that he is just as much of a monster as he feels.
I really think the key differences have a lot to do with their respective situations. Wolfwood in the manga... he got out, for a bit. He couldn't go back to the orphanage, but for at least a little bit, he wasn't under the Eye of Michael's thumb, he did get to meet people outside of missions and travel a bit, and was acting on his own intent... until he ended up pulled back into it because of Knives. Stampede Wolfwood has been under their control since he was taken from the orphanage. Everyone he loves is a hostage. He's taken on the name of his weapon and has known nothing else except this world of darkness - there's very little to imply he's travelled or spoken to anyone without it being for some mission. He's under consistent surveillance.
This "babysitting" mission, then, is something very different from his usual. It's not an assassination. Even more so, it's putting him in close contact with people who are not part of the world that he inhabits, the only one he's known since he was taken, which kickstarts significant changes in his life. You could even say he's been... transported to a different world than the one he'd lived in up to this point...
Enter Truck-kun. Or, rather, Van-kun.
Alright, so what is an isekai? Essentially, it's a wide-ranging genre where the protagonist gets transported or reincarnated to another world (usually regular world -> fantasy/sci-fi world), and typically involves an ordinary person becoming important/powerful in this new world - the genre is, a lot of the time, a mix of power fantasy and wish fulfillment.
Obviously, there is no literal transporting to another world here; it is still very much the same world (I'll bring up why this is important later.) But it's notable that Wolfwood remains very much the outlier in their group - he does not blend in, and his methods and approach are very different to that of the rest, who do not come from the same "world" as him. It's the start of a pretty drastic change in situation for him. It's why I really wish there were more episodes showing his dynamic with the group before it all went to hell - I bet he was so awkward.
The next thing I want to mention is that if you thought I was going to be arguing that there is a standard isekai parallel here... well I lied to you. A lot of the common tropes actually get subverted in kinda heartbreaking ways.
Usually the protagonist of an isekai (not always, but often) is some kind of chosen one. They are able to excel in situations that others cannot, and it's usually because they bring some kind of skill or knowledge from their old life that the people in the new world, obviously, don't. They tend to become ultra powerful, well able to take on any of their challenges in this new world, with advantages others don't have.
This doesn't sound like anything to do with Wolfwood after being hit by Meryl's van. But it sure sounds an awful lot like him after being taken by the Eye of Michael.
He is transferred from his comparatively normal life to one straight out of a sci-fi horror. He's a chosen "Child of Blessing", ranked "S+". He was able to survive grievous harm and experimentation, "excelling" where most other hapless kids did not. What did he bring with him from his old life that none of the people in his new life seem to have that allowed him to survive in the way he did? Well... he had something to protect didn't he? That's how he continues to struggle on. This is far from the sentiment shared by people like Conrad and Legato.
And so Wolfwood becomes ultra powerful - his body is fast, strong and resilient; he's efficient and good at what he's been trained to do. But this is far from anything he wanted. The power fantasy is subverted. Wolfwood is powerful enough to handle pretty much any threat that's thrown at him... but all it does is isolate and alienate him, and make him feel like a monster. Another aspect of isekai is that freedom one gets from being able to start over and become someone closer to their ideal self in a new setting - that's the wish fulfillment part. Well, Wolfwood has never been further from free, or less like the person he wishes to be. He hates everything he has become, but can't get out. Unable to change his situation, and increasingly jaded and disillusioned, Wolfwood takes on the moniker of "Punisher" and gives up on his old self. "Wolfwood" has effectively died.
Other than "transfer" isekai, there is also another kind - the "reincarnation" isekai. I'm not going to even touch bringing up the premise of reincarnation with a guy who carries around a giant cross on his back as I am far from qualified (knowing very little about Christianity at all), but I think it's worth noting that Wolfwood's arc (in all iterations) has much to do with his ever-present conflict with Vash over morality, but also just as much about his struggle to reconcile the person he was with the person he was forced to become, and if there is such a thing as forgiveness or redemption for him.
If "Wolfwood" has died before the story started, then he is "reincarnated" over the course of the story as he slowly starts to find himself again, with the kickstarting impetus being him getting hit by Meryl's van.
The changes don't start instantly. He wakes and things seem relatively normal - the plan is working, there's someone obviously suspicious of him - all stuff he's probably very used to. And then Vash goes and completely blindsides him.
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Stampede Episode 4. A close up of Vash's face in the dim lighting, with eyes softened and a smile. End ID.]
"I can see it in his eyes."
Okay, so we all kinda giggle a little bit here because who the hell says that to some sketchy guy wearing dark sunglasses in a dark cave-like area when you've only just met, but I really want to stress that this is probably the first truly positive interaction Wolfwood has had in years... and I think Vash is well aware of that.
Wolfwood starts the transition from darkness to light... quite literally.
Almost all of Wolfwood's defining scenes are in the darkness of night, in contrast to the brightly lit desert in the day - think of when he moves away from the fire to speak to Zazie at the end of his intro episode, and assassinates the EoM traitor at the beginning of episode 6. In episode 5, we also get this:
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[ID: Two screenshots from Trigun Stampede Episode 5. In the first, Rollo has Vash pinned to a metal wall by his neck. The sun can be seen between the two of them. In the second, Rollo lies dead on the ground. It is now night, and Vash stands over him, head low. Wolfwood stands a distance away. End ID.]
As Vash tries to speak to Rollo, to talk him down, the sun, though setting, is bright and illuminates both their faces. This all comes crashing down, literally, as Wolfwood takes the shot. Rollo falls, the sun stops shining on him, and by the time they all reach his body, night has fallen and the world is in darkness. The light goes out for Rollo... and in Wolfwood's eyes, for him too. He shot out of mercy, after all. He's living a nightmare he sees no escape from nor feels deserving of escaping from - worse, he feels as though he's a part of that darker setting, dragging it into their journey along with him.
However, we've established the lens of the "reincarnation" isekai for the purposes of this analysis, and along with that usually comes a way to compensate or reconcile for missed opportunities or mistakes made in the past by becoming something closer to one's own original ideal - sometimes this can even be a literal starting over, by being reborn into one's own younger self. And that's the importance of what Vash says to Wolfwood in episode 4 - he sees the potential in Wolfwood; the old self he thought had "died" a long time ago. Vash knows he's not the person he's been made to become and encourages him - not to do as Vash does, but to do as Wolfwood actually wants to do but thought for the longest time as hopeless. After all, what is a blank ticket if not a second chance or a new lease on life?
On the sand steamer in episode 6, the scene starts off in daylight once again, but after Wolfwood realizes the new assailant is Livio and we see their backstory, the snap back to the present scene is at night, and the scene darkens as the situation becomes more dire... and as Wolfwood comes to the conclusion that he will have to kill his brother.
But as Zazie's bug, or "eye", gets shot by Vash deflecting what would have been a fatal blow to Livio... suddenly, Wolfwood is free to act without the EoM's ever present surveillance. This is a serious step to severing the binds to that old life, and, as Wolfwood ultimately does not want any harm to come to Livio, he finds another way. And the sky starts to lighten again.
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Stampede Episode 7. A close up of Livio's face with a distant, pensive expression. A wisp of smoke trails underneath as the pinkish hue of the sunrise is seen in the background. End ID.]
Of course, while this does succeed in waking him, it doesn't actually save him. But it is enough that Wolfwood decides to try letting a little bit of hope back in - to acclimate, even if just a little, to Vash's ideals, or his "world". Wolfwood's wish, to protect the orphanage, is (temporarily) fulfilled - in broad daylight, and without the death he'd been so accustomed to in his old "world". While he outwardly denies it, angrily telling Vash that he is no longer "Wolfwood" and instead merely "the Punisher", that "I'm not like you", the episode's title card, which appears directly after this exchange, does not agree.
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Stampede Episode 7. A black background with white text; the title card for the episode that reads "#07 Wolfwood". End ID.]
He's more himself than he's been in a long time.
In that sense, going back to my insane original premise, we can say that he was isekai'd once by transfer, turning him into someone else... then isekai'd again by reincarnation after he thought his old self dead, helping him to start on the path to finding that younger self and that hope he thought he'd lost. It's a double subversion, in a way, as the first is far from wish fulfillment, and the latter is actually a restoration - a realization that as he slowly starts to transition to the light, he actually never left this world at all when he was changed against his will. He's not a monster of the dark. He still has a place in this lighter world.
Heartwarming, in a way, but also kind of heartbreaking, as if he hasn't truly left this world then there are still consequences.
Wolfwood, after this, still has to complete his contract. He didn't actually get out.
And Vash, for all that he appears to be someone "not like" Wolfwood, is actually far more similar than he'd initially suspected - Vash, too, came from darkness. The Big Fall happened at night. And even as Wolfwood's world grows lighter, Vash's grows ever darker as what he has tried to stave off bleeds into the light, culminating in the events of July, which take place entirely at night, and are truly Vash's darkest hours. Rather than Vash being some naïve creature of a lighter world that Wolfwood cannot reach, he is instead another person from darkness who is struggling for the light all his own.
Because of course, there is no "lighter world" or "darker world". No true "travel" between the two. Just one world that is both at once. And what one finds in it is dependent on what one chooses to read into their circumstances. A kinder, brighter world isn't something they can simply get isekai'd to. It's something these characters have to struggle to make a reality - it's what Vash does, it's what Meryl takes a stand for, it's what Wolfwood, deep down, wants to believe is possible. Hope is something you build yourself, etc.
Anyways, I can't believe I just wrote all that. I think I'm losing my mind. If you came out of this going, "Story, what the hell are you talking about?" then... well. Me too. Thanks for reading anyways!
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Okay, these are some of my opinions after finishing both Trigun 98 and Trigun Stampede:
Tri98 Vash’s pervier moments were annoying and I liked Tristamp Vash better in that regard. Not bashing, it’s just not for me. My biggest complaint with this is in ep. 6 with Elizabeth and the otherwise very sad backstory reveal for both of them. I feel like having Vash follow her like a dog for most of the episode kind of took away from that, but whatever.
Tristamp Wolfwood is openly a bastard. He knows it, I know it, you know it, etc. Tri98 Wolfwood is also a bastard, but he’s a charming bastard - or at least trying to be.
Getting to see an/the origin of Derringer Meryl in Tristamp is heartbreaking and wonderful. Seeing Tri98 do her cape flare of derringers was deranged and so fun.
Both Wolfwood’s early introductions being strangers saying that he’s a well prepared dead man (“That is one heck of a well prepared dead guy.” in Tri98 and “He’s not long for this world” “At least he’s prepared - the dead man’s got his own tombstone.” in Tristamp) is killing me (and it’s very on the nose…mean).
It’s interesting that Gosef is much more person-sized, but otherwise unchanged in Tristamp. I want to see what they do with Gray the Ninelives.
I do like the slow reveal of Vash’s prosthetic and it’s gun in Tri98.
Wolfwood’s confessional is ridiculous, 10/10, love that he always immediately tries to con people, good for him.
Meryl takes soooo long to accept that Vash is actually Vash in Tri98 and even though it made me impatient I get it. She suffers all the time lmao.
Tristamp Zazie is so much more interesting to me. More fleshed out motivations, cooler design, more gender, some body horror eldritch being vibes, just a lot more fun for me as a viewer.
However, I generally liked the Gung-Ho-Guns and Tristamp barely had them at all. Also, I expected to see Midvalley more ngl, with how much I’ve seen people talk about him.
Legato my beloathed. He’s more interesting in Tri98, but he’s pretty flat and unsympathetic in Tristamp so far. Maybe we’ll get more of his manga backstory in season 2. He’s such a good antagonist and I’m fucked up about it.
Millions Knives is a good antagonist in both versions, but Tri98 builds up this mysterious mastermind persona while Tristamp makes him more immediately sympathetic and humanizes his motivations to an extent while also firmly establishing him as an incredibly violent, single-minded character. It’s made clear so much earlier what drives him. Still very fucked up solution and execution, but that’s the point.
Millywood shippers: I get it
Vashwood shippers: I also get it
Meryl is still forever and always aroace to me, but I get Vashmeryl to an extent and wish you all the best in your shipping endeavors.
Honestly all four of them are very shippable in a lot of different ways, so good for them.
I liked Milly a lot as a character, love her dynamic with Wolfwood.
They all feel so fucking young in Tristamp. I know I’ve joked that Roberto unexpectedly got custody of three college students, but they’re so baby. Tri98 has Wolfwood and Meryl in their mid-to-late twenties, they’re more experienced and you can tell.
And now, by the power vested in me by finishing both series, I am going to talk my shit once again.
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madstronaut · 3 months
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The gif system in this post, regarding the feudal alignments within fandom?
Every member of a given fandom identifies with at least 1 of the 10 gifs listed.
The meaning of each gif is subject to interpretation to some degree.
My reblog was meant to be funny, but the more I look at the thread the more surprised I am at the amount of truth I see in it. Tumblr is a strange and beautiful place.
for you @deadbranch my chrome queen
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I have prepared to flex my worthless and expensive af haha jk or am i dual anthropology and [redacted] degrees to conduct a completely subjective, PhD-level ethnographic study of branchy's gifset curation, please observe:
Exhibit A: writers and their sixth sense when they intuit me, refreshing and revisiting their blog daily to check for updates to that one-shot/fic/novel/12-part-apocalypse-opera (not even joking about that last one).
alternately, those weird fuckers who send in creepy boundary-crossing anon asks. i love to hate them but they're kind of an essential part of tumblr
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Exhibit B: im convinced some blogs out there have excel spreadsheet JIRA queuebot steampunkesque contraptions running their shit because i have no idea how they make (and KEEP TO) regularly scheduled high quality posts??? a schedule??? on this HELLSITE? tumblr i love you i dont mean that on mondays
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Exhibit C: antis. no further comments.
i freely block antiblogs and and any that are brimming with negativity/hate
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Exhibit D: me, fanfic, and ao3, most days. no further comments
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Exhibit E: me, my imagination, and my fictional harem of blorbos, most nights. no further comments as well.
Also basically 98% of tumblr as is widely known
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Exhibit F: the caption speaks for itself. on tumblr exist still many bubbles of thought, ideology, poiesis, and praxis that go on as if impenetrable and untouched by a well-known phenomenon called Reality (also known as IRL, going outside, touching grass, etc.)
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Exhibit G: hot people who post random face reveals. STOP TITILLATING ME (yes, I had to google how to properly spell titillating)
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Exhibit H: the elder blogs. they post softly but carry big stick. they are the unspoken glue of their fandom communities. their fic/art/headcanon/etc. posts spawn a thousand more. thou shalt not speak a bad word against them. and yes, many of them are POC, so this gif pulls double duty, well chosen branchy my queen. and fuck i wish i could pull off hoops that big, anyway i digress
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Exhibit I: smut writers. they are brazen. they are shameless. they are worshipped and adored. this is the aftermath of their posting after causing tens of thousands of simultaneous la petite morts as the french say (is it la or le idfk and im too lazy/sleepy to google it rn). absolute fucking bloodbath
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Exhibit J: people who post their personal/professional/something-nal drama and air it out by tagging the larger fandom tags they're in, drawing in completely uninvolved (and often uninformed) people and getting these randos to do their dirty work for them
alternately, people who have zero interest or affiliation with said fandoms and their drama but gleefully follow along using the tags (nooooo i havent done that stop looking at me)
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I would like add one more if you don't mind:
Exhibit K: cozy, safe, well-curated, moderated, well-established boundaried corners of fandom and generally lovely spaces like yours <3 and many of my other moots' blogs as well
also, catblogs
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popfizzles · 1 year
Hey Hey!! Was just wondering if you had any tips for getting started on tumblr - also love your stuff :D
okay so first of all thank you for the compliment. now on to the long ass post of me analyzing tumblr for you
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first tip: your dash (short for dashboard, the main body of the site, what you see when you first open the site) will 98% be posts from you and people you follow. if you do not reblog or post things, other people's dashboards will be empty, and the posts will never reach other people. this is why everyone advocates for reblogging posts! tumblr may be a broken mess of a hellsite but its the single most functional site when it comes to keeping the algorithm away. nowadays there is a for-you tab, and blazed posts (posts people pay to show up on other dashboards), but when you first log in to the tumblr dashboard, the majority of posts you see are because THE PEOPLE YOU FOLLOW put them there for you to look at. so do not hesitate to reblog things. if you have a specialized aesthetic or a themed blog, make a sideblog dedicated to reblogging random bullshit you like. here on tumblr, WE are the algorithm. we all have to do our part.
second tip: tumblr is super fandom-oriented. this is the fandom site. original works do not get as much traction here compared to already popular content. if your plan is to make it big as a comic artist or an author, I suggest you build an audience first, doing fanworks of things you like. once you've found a niche and a supportive following for yourself, its okay to branch out and introduce your own original content. subject your followers to your own blorbos, force them to look at your special little guys. from what i've seen, once people are used to your content, a majority will be more accepting to learning about your ocs. i know for a fact that i have gotten people into fandoms they have not followed me for. it becomes a community moment--OUR hyperfixation. but, i suggest starting by finding a place in a fandom community first, and getting your foot in the door.
third tip: please for the love of god, use tags correctly. like i said before, there is extremely little algorithm here. putting your posts into popular, vague tags does not work, it just makes people frustrated. when i search a tag on tumblr, i should ONLY see posts regarding that tag. the search function barely works as it is. if a character is not mentioned on the post, do NOT put their name in the tags. you're just bloating the tag with unrelated shit and drowning out the actual content. and you do not want to be that guy. extra point for the third tip: it's considered more polite to add comments in the tags than in the body of the post. people on tumblr like to read tags for compliments or silly comments :) its like finding a nice treat that was hidden. full sentences in the tags are a-okay and encouraged!
fourth tip: don't get discouraged when your works that you've spent hours upon hours on get ignored, and the shitty joke post you made at 4 AM blows up with thousands of notes. that just happens here. sorry.
good luck sorry for the long post <3
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ian-galagher · 3 months
weekly tag wednesday! &lt;3
hello friends and welcome to another tag game. lets dive in!
- thanks @creepkinginc for the tag 🤗🧡💚
how is your day going?
it's been alright! doing a ton of chores while hanging out with friends 🤗🧡💚💙
are you okay?
yeah I'm pretty good 🤗🧡
what is your favourite shade of your favourite colour?
that thing the sun does with orange when it sets, I like that 🤗🧡
are you single?
are you happy about that?
SO unhappy 🙄 leave me alone Gale! (that was a joke about Gale from Baldur's Gate 3 who, for some unknown reason, thinks we're in a relationship. I myself am still very much asexual and very happy about that)
what age do you feel in your brain?
sometimes I'm 12, sometimes 98, there is no in between
do you feel like the good times are behind you or ahead of you?
behind me (that sounded so sad, I'm mostly thinking about visiting South Africa and how I might never do that again but you never know!)
do you have a best friend?
yeah I do 🤗🧡💚
did you have a childhood pet?
I had the sweetest Russian hamster 🤗🧡
do you sing or whistle around the house?
yeah I do!
do you light candles or incense?
I don't really like the smell of incense but candles are alright!
are you busy Friday night?
always, if you mean talking to my friends on the internet
if you were a circus performer which act would you be in?
something with animals so I fear I'd be out of a job fast 😂 I would soon start up a business with the fortune teller scammer and we'd make... a fortune 🤗🧡💚
what is your favourite outfit?
jeans + something warm like a hoodie or a sweater
what's the last thing you created?
new Africa words
what is your favourite fic or book of all time?
just the one?! there's so many! there was this one fic that stayed with me over the years about a boy finding this old church with a window that looked out into another world. he climbed through and met a kelpie, a beautiful black horse. it was an amazing story.
what are you looking forward to?
writing, bg3ing...
what can put you immediately in a better mood?
same as Nosho, music! (also Nosho) 🤗🧡💚
do you like hugs?
from friends, yes!
what is something you wish people understood about you?
that noise can irritate me greatly and that my noise canceling earbuds are everything to me.
tagging a few lovely people! 🤗🧡 @spacerockwriting @dynamic-power @transmurderbug @mybrainismelted @transmickey @stocious @juliakayyy @jrooc @look-i-love-u @energievie @deathclassic @lee-ow @francesrose3
and everyone else who sees this! 🤗🧡
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cloveroctobers · 2 months
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A/N: alright, alright you caught me! I may or may not have a crush on Stella and thought it was only fair to write a little something since I am binge-watching after all—currently finishing up season six as I write this! In short: Yes we love Stellaride over here but this one specifically is for my wlw, you’re welcome!
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE + I’m using: 6. “I am going to have a magical picnic and you can’t do anything to stop it!” “Yeah, but the bugs can.” + 16. “Your beauty outshines all the flowers.” “Are you sure? The flowers are really pretty this year.” 
WARNINGS: reader is a southern plant/earth lover, this is what it’s like to see Stella crushing but unsure, + written in MY version of HC’s/note form.
᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘
Strawberries require well drained soil, they must be placed on a gradual slope, and receive full sunlight in order to experience successful growth.
That’s something your grandfather first told you, once you were old enough to get into farming.
It’s never left your mind even with his passing and you always had the best eye when it came to picking produce.
Granted, picking that particular item in a mini mart in the city might not be the best choice but Stella made sure to put the red berry on the list.
She wanted the best snacks or else she would leave you hanging on this outing—just like she ditched her second date with the guy from 98–to be with you.
Stella can’t help but to catch a glimpse of you at the end of one aisle, you’re by the freezers now and you’re standing on your tippy toes, teal silk shirt raising above your fitted jeans and revealing tatted skin as you grab a beverage.
The height difference is something she has to get used to and often caught her mind thinking about whenever you were face to face and she would have to play it off as her being tired instead of daydreaming about what your lips would feel like.
“You ready, Stella star?” Your hip is bumping against hers before you carry on towards the registers.
It’s your own personal nickname for her and it has a cuteness to it with your contrast of a southern twang. However when each of you are out fighting fires, you on squad and her on her truck 81, she has to learn how not to miss it as much, as you go forth with using her last name like everyone else.
The man at the register jokes, “You ladies buying the whole store?”
You rack your red nails against the counter, “hm…you sell lottery tickets? My friend here is feeling lucky.”
“I mean, with a babe like you, who wouldn’t be?” He winks at you while Stella raises her brows with a cross of her arms.
He rings up two tickets before continuing with the rest of the items.
You and Stella are grabbing the bags before you say one last thing, “also it’s mango season so you may want to step it up with your mangoes since yours are rottin’ in the back, the last thing you want is for the insects to spread to the rest of the underwhelming products. Now, that’ll be all! You have a good one.”
Stella winks at the man for good measure who scowls at the both of you on your exit.
“His store is crappy anyway.” Stella sasses as the both of you load up her car some more, “There’s a way better one downtown, closer to lake shore.”
“Noted for next time.”
“Ohhh, look at you already thinking about spending more time with little ‘ol fabulous me?” Stella places a hand on her chest dramatically while she makes her way over to the driver’s side.
You smile as you open the passenger side, “what can I say? Maybe I just can’t get enough of you, Stella-Star.” Before climbing into the vehicle, leaving the dark haired woman to be impressed at your charm while also feeling her cheeks warm.
The drive to lake shore drive is full of Chicago’s vibrant buildings and singing along to the radio while you both smoothly move along with the traffic.
The ride felt shorter than it was, like time often felt between the two of you when you had the chance to have it.
Stella was definitely in her head about this, wondering if it was a date and knew chatting about it (unwillingly) with Otis and Joe was a lost cause so she chose to hit up your shared girl friends to see if you gave them any insight.
Gabby and Sylvie were 1000% sure it was a date—although they claim you didn’t say or gave much away when you causally brought it up. Stella even went as far to pick Cap and Tony’s brain before Severide could get a whiff and tease her about how awkward she was being.
Kelly was actually the first one to pinpoint that Stella was “drooling” over you and kept pushing for Stella to just go for it.
He would hint at things and then act like he wasn’t and that left Stella thinking maybe he was trying to set her up! to make a fool outta herself but she believed Kelly wouldn’t trick her like that, especially if this had the potential to be serious.
He had her back and she had his…they were good friends like that.
So when you approached after an extremely long shift with this idea, Stella almost collapsed to her knees.
The both of you rarely had alone time together, it was always in group settings but when you did share conversations privately—Stella felt something shift between you two recently and she was still trying to pinpoint when exactly that happened.
See…there she was being too much in her head about it!
“We should have brought some bikes out here,” Stella comments as she carries her portion of bags, glancing at the chicagoans who flew by on the biking path.
You shrug, “here’s the thing…I never could get that down.”
“What?!”” Stella is shocked, “aren’t you from the south? Don’t tell me you ran or walked everywhere with those roads? Or wait…rode horses?”
You snorted, “I never was much of a horse girl either since my ass and thighs always ended up hurting afterwards AND i watched one kick the jelly out of my Grammy! Call me traumatized from that point on. I left those things to my gramps and brothers to deal with while I spent time with the chickens and cows.”
“And the yams and green beans.” Stella jokes while you walk side by side, scoping out a good spot of greenery.
Pointing up ahead at a hill like portion that had a great view of the water and also the buildings behind you, ending up being the winner as the both of you headed towards the incline.
“I have you know that my family has won competitions for the best veggies! And if my Grammy was here, she’d show off her mountain of photos to you.” You’re stretching out some blankets, one of them being a incredibly soft birthday gift from Brett who claimed that she purchased it from a Portuguese woman who handmade it at the market.
“I’m not arguing with ya there,” Stella raises her hands in surrender, “you country folk are built different…can’t exactly say better but different!”
You scoff with a shake of your head, “you city slickers.”
Stella laughs to herself as you make yourself comfortable, sitting crossed legged before pulling a full on woven basket from behind you.
“Where the heck did you hide that?”
“Can’t reveal all my secrets can I?” You grin, happy that you could surprise her, “I am going to have a magical picnic and you can’t do anything to stop it!”
A picnic on lake shore was not entirely what Stella was expecting…honestly she had no clue what this day entailed besides the fact that all she needed was good snacks to be all in.
She’s getting ready to sit across from you but not without saying, “yeah, but the bugs can.”
“Don’t tell me thee Stella-Star is an afraid of a little green friend.”
“That ain’t no friend of mine,” Stella’s face is scrunched up as she watched the grasshopper get comfy on her portion of the blanket, “…can you uh—get it?”
You laugh, “really?” As you lean forward, holding out a bottle of water so the insect can crawl onto before you lead it elsewhere, “there. Nobody was harmed and everyone is safe.”
“You’re lucky I like you, otherwise I would have stomped its ass out,” Stella huffs as she plops down now staring at the bottle you used, “also that one is yours.”
“Understood,” you laugh once more before opening up the basket to reveal it contents, leaving Stella further impressed as she peeks inside.
It’s such a good day in Chicago, little birds chirping along, the spin on the bike wheels in the distance could still be heard up on the slope, while the wind brushes by from the lake and the sunlight still shined bright although the city’s buildings were as tall as they could be.
There’s a brief silence as you dive into the snacks and take turns from the jug that contained a berry lemonade you actually made, before falling into natural chatter.
It felt right being here with each other and it’s something you already knew that you would want to do again.
You never doubted that.
The sunlight was behind Stella whereas it shined over you. The both of you found that each of you were a beautiful sight to witness and Stella was just glad she chose to wear her hair back into a ponytail since the spring wind picked up every so often.
Soon you’re laying side by side now, just a inch of space in between your heads but close enough to feel the warmth from each other and for you to smell the amber, Tonka, and plum that radiates from her frame.
“You smell good, girl.” You comment, pulling yourself from zoning out while making Stella pry open her eyes.
The way you’re peering up at her, almost makes her choke on her own air. “Thanks,” she manages to wheeze out, “I picked it out myself!”
Stella knows she sounds silly but you find amusement in her pride nonetheless.
So she attempts to clean up, arm cradling the back of her head as a smirk appears on her lips at her next best idea with the compliment flying out of her lips, “Your beauty outshines all the flowers.”
There’s barely a daisy embedded in the grass somewhere up ahead but it’s the first thing that comes out of her pretty pouty lips.
You squint up at her as you question, “Are you sure? The flowers are really pretty this year.” 
You would know better than her with what’s in season and what not but something tells Stella, just by the way you break your stare that you may have some flaws you’re not too proud to speak about and that alone makes Stella frown a bit.
Before she can register what she’s doing, her fingers are reaching for your jaw, pulling your attention back to her’s, “are you kidding?! I’m damn sure and as corny as this is going to sound: you’d be my first flower I’d pick out of any garden. Anybody would and that’s because I said so! My word means a lot ya know?”
Your eyes shine like water but you don’t hold back a snort, “is does huh? Well I guess I have no choice but to believe you then.”
Stella’s chewing on her bottom lip now because there’s something in the air that’s telling her to just plant one on you.
“Stop me at any time,” she starts with a deep inhale, catching your eyes briefly on her mouth.
The corner’s of your mouth lift as you whisper, “do your worst, Stella-star.”
And with her lips on yours, you exhale as Stella breathes you in. Both hands are cupping your face as your lips move together in perfect unison and your hands shift from grasping her shoulder then down to her waist.
She’s watching your face in complete bliss when she decides to pull away but not fully, “was that okay?” She says against your lips.
“More than okay,” you nod at her with a beam before moving forward with another, “and I don’t think I said i was finished.”
Which leads into a full makeout session, and that’s something Stella is usually down for—especially if she’s had some drinks in her system but without the alcohol—she wouldn’t mind being drunk on you.
She’s on top of you now, and it quickly becomes a challenge of who gets to hold that position for the longest, erupting laughter between you two and Stella decides to cave once you both knock forehead’s.
You’re both panting now but there’s still laughter in your lungs and Stella is staring up at you adoringly, rubbing her head, while you caress the shape of her mouth, “what?” You quiz.
“You taste sweeter than I imagined.”
You smile, “so you thought about me in that way? I guess that means you really like me.”
“I couldn’t tell if you liked me!” Stella ran one hand over the top of her hair, clearly frustrated.
You snicker, “I thought I was pretty open with my flirtations but…I really like you too.”
And that’s all that matters to Stella as she’s pulling your face right back to hers.
Strawberries require well drained soil, they must be placed on a gradual slope, and receive full sunlight in order to experience successful growth.
᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘
Continue with my spring anthology prompts here.
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promptful · 2 years
Hurt no comfort 👀??
Hurt No Comfort Dialogue
yikers there's a lot of warnings. heed them. do not add. you are responsible for the media you consume.
WARNINGS: Forced imprisonment. Cheating. Amnesia. Implied murder. Death. Possible implied toxic relationship. Injuries. Breaking up. Cigarettes. Self-destructive tendencies. Alcoholism. Wowie. 
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1) “I trusted you.” 
2)“I’m sorry… who are you?” 
3) “Were we friends?” 
4)“Do you even love me?”
5) “What are we now?” 
6) “Damn you.” 
7) “No feelings involved.” 
8) “I never loved you, anyway.” 
9) “You’re nothing but a deceitful bastard!” 
10) “I don’t know you.” 
11) “Erase me from your memory.” 
12) “Understand that I don’t care to know you.” 
13) “Trust you? Hilarious. Tell another joke.” 
14) “Step away from them!” 
15) “I loved you.” 
16) “You broke my heart.” 
17) “Really? You’re cheating on me?” 
18) “You liar.” 
19) “Give one damn reason to not walk out that door!” 
20) “I’m broken. And I don’t intend on being fixed.” 
21) “Naïve little thing, aren’t you?” 
22) “I thought you loved me.” 
23) “If I have to pick me or you, I’m picking you.” 
24) “Take this and run.” 
25) “Forget about me. It’s for the best.” 
26) “They want us to separate. I’m sorry.” 
27) “We’re terrible together.” 
28) “I thought that I could learn to love you.” 
29) “Did our love mean anything?”
30) “I just want what’s best for you.” 
31) “Liar. Don’t even try.” 
32) “I know I won’t make it.” 
33) “Tonight is the last one.” 
34) “Pretend for one minute that we’re in love, and then kiss me. One last time.” 
35) “I’m keeping you safe.” 
36) “You’re hurting me.” 
37) “This is killing me.” 
38) “This is safe?” 
39) “Feelings make things complicated.” 
40) “They’re dead.” 
41) “I can’t find them.” 
42) “What did you do with them?” 
43) “You’re shaking.”
44) “I can’t breathe.” 
45) “This isn’t home anymore.” 
46) “I’m running away.” 
47) “I can’t take this.” 
48) “Don’t… don’t leave me.” 
49) “I can’t lose you too.” 
50) “Everyone is hurting me. Can’t you see?” 
51) “I’d burn the world for you.” 
52) “You never cared about me.” 
53) “Promise me this.” 
54) “I can’t stand how you’re fighting this alone.” 
55) “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
56) “Were you going to keep this a secret the whole time?” 
57) “I thought we didn’t keep secrets.” 
58) “I’m feeling a lot less like your spouse, and more of a convenient thing.” 
59) “Look at me, tell me that you love me.” 
60) “There’s only so much I can take.” 
61) “You’re leaving, again.” 
62) “I’m not who you think I am.” 
63) “You can’t fix me.” 
64) “I can’t pretend that things are okay anymore.” 
66) “Don’t come back here again.” 
67) “I’m changing my locks.” 
68) “Give me my things, and then I’m gone.” 
69) “You’ve changed.” 
70) “I don’t like who you’ve become.” 
71) “Stop believing in them.” 
72) “Do you really think that I don’t know?” 
73) “This marriage is pointless.” 
74) “I want a divorce.” 
75) “I hate you.” 
76) “You’re nothing to me.” 
77) “I’m going to sleep on the couch.” 
78) “We need a break.” 
79) “Don’t come looking for me.” 
80) “You need to get yourself together, or there’s no more us.” 
81) “It takes two to make a marriage work, you know.” 
82) “I don’t want to talk to you.” 
83) “Leave me alone.” 
84) “Papers are on the table.” 
85) “Give me your ring.” 
86) “I just want to go home.” 
87) “You’re scaring me.” 
88) “Don’t go to bed angry.” 
89) “Are you hurt?” 
90) “Is that blood?” 
91) “What happened to you?” 
92) “Who hurt you?” 
93) “You’re limping.” 
94) “Sit down. Now.” 
95) “Why aren’t you sleeping anymore?” 
96) “Where do you go during the night?” 
97) “Do you think I don’t feel you slipping out of bed?” 
98) “Show me.” 
99) “I refuse to just sit back and watch you be hurt!” 
100) “You’re killing yourself little by little.” 
101) “Put down the bottle.” 
102) “Don’t light that cigarette.” 
103) “We’re breaking up.” 
104) “You hurt them. Why?” 
105) “They did nothing to you!” 
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