#i am keeping my temper. i'm not getting pissed. i'm not doing it. if i ever get an offer from somewhere else i want to leave on my terma
jazeswhbhaven · 3 days
An Unsightly Guy | React | Spoilers
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It's Day 7 and 8 lovelies!!! And boy do we have some great content ahead especially in day 8 lol
It seems though the momentum on this event has slowed down and I think it's mostly due to the fact that it's so drawn out and so far there's nothing really "exciting" happening.
But that seems to be the case with these events like the hype is high the first two to three days and after it's like s p l o o t.
I think if this was a Amy only event and the card had an adore mode people would be more excited about it.
But that's just my ramblings forgive me.
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So we're back with Sitri being on his BS when seeing Amy at any given moment lol But before this they were just staring at each other quietly again like my favorite gif that ya'll often see.
but if i'm being honestly Sitri and I have the same brain cell here because I can't stand other's hot ass breath on me even if it doesn't smell bad because why??? are??? you this damn close???
So Amy ofc tells Sitri that he's breathing like that because he's hurt. Fair but this man don't give a shit lol
He goes over to him to access the damage I assume because it turns out even though the forest is torn up there's more angel bodies dead than devil bodies. They remained victorious.
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I love how Amy's subordinates are always worried about him and it shows solidarity for their leader. But yeah Sitri also has this thing about him where he shows care for everyone else except the person he dislikes this being Amy.
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That's from him being up in Hades. I swear to ya'll it is. That snooty ass attitude rubbed off so badly Sitri can't help but reflect that back into the universe
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the height difference, how the sprites are close to each other, Amy being a foul mouth demon that he is...I really can't get away from my cxc ship bullshit ever when they do things like this lol
I do however like that Amy is a punk. Just mouthing off and cursing any time he can.
that's why Astra likes to provoke him too
But Sitri just simply tells him to stop bitching because the pain is proof that he's alive. So Amy takes this opportunity to one up on this moment because of what happened a few days ago
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first of all, Amy is adorable. I just wanna tap his booba and tell him he's doing great.
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Sitri gets pissed off though because it's the exact same thing he told him when he arrived a few days back when he had to save that devil boy from his commando unit. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he had this one coming. An eye for an eye basically and Amy came and showed out.
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So a couple things about this.
Remember what they said about him here, not usually being foul-mouthed and foul-tempered for a bit. You'll see where I'm getting at later.
Second. This is the pronoun thing I was referring to, which now has me thinking that maybe Sitri didn't mean "her" on day 6 and that was possibly just a mistake on the translating/writing part.
Though I am still wondering what incident caused him to be very angry back then where he had to smack himself back to reality to keep from focusing on it.
And while this little interaction is going on, the devils around them are gossiping about how Sitri and Amy always found time to fight each other even in situations like this.
But I think they forgot the part where Sitri can fucking hear them lmaooo because he was quietly stewing in annoyance by the entire thing, so much he had to think about when he and Amy first met.
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So this was centuries ago, and it's wild because I'm like wait it's been that long for them holy shit my life is fleeting because to me a decade blinking by is so long.
A bit of lore about Satan btw, this was a time where he barely had an army, so it must have been he first came into power as a king. (we really need that backstory honestly) And went around scouting for willing participants even neighboring countries.
They also bring up that devils who saw him traveling around decided to join because they loved his energy.
When I think about this it's wild that Satan had to foot for his own army. This leads me to believe Gehenna was low due to the amount of deaths, or perhaps something happened with the previous king that caused this.
Either way, the babes did his thing and now he's got more than enough helping him during the battles. Picturing him recruiting folks though is cute because I imagine he's a great motivational speaker or just "hey join me btw" and it just works.
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So the instructors didn't even notice Sitri because well in their defense they hadn't seen him yet. So of course they see this pretty, "slender" looking devil show up with his hair all nice and pushed back and is just like "aye so???"
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He introduces himself and then that's when everyone starts acting accordingly and seeing him as a superior. But I mean that's why he was nice about it anyway because to him, they should be wary of someone they hadn't seen before and Gehenna needs that type of energy.
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So now that we're in day 8 there's a few things I wanted to point out. One of them being the breadcrumb here that Hades had a fully formed solid military. That means...Leviathan is either the same age as Satan or a bit older, or he is younger than him but he's just better efficient with managing devils with his strict ass.
Sitri though see's Satan's army as an advantage. Because the Gehenna devils are flexible and free but also disciplined. That leads me to believe that it's only really fear and power that Leviathan uses to make sure that everyone in his military doesn't fuck things over. It makes sense, given Levi doesn't really have a carefree personality. There's too much trauma in there for him to break down that wall.
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So while Sitri was daydreaming about his plans for leading Satan's army...someone...i think we know who fucking spits in his direction...
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Now the reason he's pulling this face again is because he stepped into the spit. And I'm sitting here like ?????? I get it.
Again, like imagine just minding your business and someone just hacks a fucking loogie on the ground and you step in it. With your good shoes at that.
I'd be so disgusted like??? IRL bodily functions even my own gross me out easily so I apologize if anyone ever feels offended by me having strong opinion's about things we can't help. It's just me ya'll I live in pain constantly due to this.
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Yup, it was Amy ya'll lmao big surprise.
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So the reason Amy wasn't reading the room here, is because he felt like he didn't need to due to his status as a solider and being recently done with training. He was really good at what he does, so he felt anything else was not worth paying attention to.
Including spitting in the direction of your superior.
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Now remember when I told ya'll to keep in mind that they said Amy wasn't usually foul mouth or foul tempered?
Then what the hell is this? Lmao
I get it, people change and well devils ain't got nothin' but time so perhaps Amy did mellow out with age and he was much younger here so that "I don't need to listen or do jack shit that ain't got to do with Satan" was very heavy. So ofcourse he'd pick a fight with everyone else.
But them expect Sitri to deal with it because he was nice to everyone?
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Nah. He about that life.
He pretty much said "fuck you" without actually saying it and spat ON Amy. Mind you, Amy didn't even spit on him directly just in his walking path.
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That goddamn fucking smirk I'm going to lovingly kick his ass because Levi PLS
You're telling me he literally took this man, molded him into a Levi clone and sent him back out like that in Gehenna? I feel this is deliberate lmao "You sent me someone and gave me work to do so here you go here's your present <3"
Imagine all of the ass kicking Satan had to do in order to fix that attitude? Phew...I bet he was like "Again?"
now ya'll know why Cain is always on that everyone is stupid to me energy because look who he takes after?
I just find it hilarious that Sitri took that personally, because Levi would take that personally. If fact Levi wouldn't even spit on Amy back he'd just fucking hang him for being disgusting LOL
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i couldn't resist.
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So with Amy it was on sight, because trust, if someone spat on my face I'd be swinging too because clearly you want to disrespect me
Like ya'll think about it?
All he did was just spit on the ground and Sitri wasn't paying attention and stepped in it. He didn't spit directly on him.
small story time but it reminds me of a story i was told that i ripped up a boy's classwork in kindergarten because he tore my page on the corner as a "joke". i legit took his page and ripped it up. apparently i was on demon mode lmao
But now we're really starting to see the meat and potatoes of their dynamic. Sitri actually started it and ran with it. He saw the spit as disrespect and intentional when Amy sees it as "this dude fucking spit on me now we have beef"
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So they're having this little interaction of Amy trying to punch Sitri, and because Sitri's ability to hear his heart and his muscles swell before he makes the movement he can dodge him without problem. But Amy is robust and not clumsy so he doesn't do the comical falling forward thing most of us see in cartoons.
Sitri is annoyed though because he sees the potential in Amy and his talent, he simply just doesn't like that attitude and sees it as a problem.
This is definitely Levi vibes.
So the next time Amy goes for him, he actually trips him so he falls. And it ends there.
Mannnnnnnnn this is a whole trip and a half. Like imagine if Sitri would have just simply ignored the spit and just dismissed Amy's bad attitude? I wonder if that would of even helped or if Amy would have done something to annoy Sitri later that would start the same beef regardless.
Centuries old beef because someone stepped in spit.
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i want to go home
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Rollo: I hope you die and have your soul burn in hell.
MC: *has scared the shit out of him when they hid under his bed and pulled his leg*
MC: Come on now. I won't do it again.
Rollo: Stay away from me, you vile creature.
MC: *laughs*
Rollo: *sigh* I will never understand what the Bell of Solace has seen from you.
MC: I bet it's my pure, untainted soul.
Rollo: ...
Rollo: *pulls out a knife*
MC: Ayo- Where did that come from?
Rollo: From the wrath deep within me.
MC: ...
MC: *runs*
Rollo: Come back here!
The vice president: *chuckles* How could you make the president lose his temper every single time?
MC: I don't know. I'm just being a good~ behaving student~. I don't really see why he's getting mad at me.
Rollo: *who's literally standing next to them* *side glare*
The secretary: *trying his hardest not to laugh*
The vice president: Mr. President, please try not to kill them.
Rollo: Hmph.
The secretary: Anyway, MC? I heard your friends from NRC are coming over.
MC: Yeah. They will be trying to take me out of here.
The secretary: Eh? You're still trying?
MC: *who indeed tried to get out of Noble Bell College but the Bell of Solace would bring them back no matter what* Yes.
The vice president: I hope it works this time.
Rollo: It should. I'm getting tired of dealing with this vile creature.
MC: Wha- Are you still mad at me? Pookie bear- No. Not the knife.
The vice and the secretary: *laughing*
Ace: Alright. Here's the plan. We're driving out of here.
Deuce: And we'll see if the bell can keep up.
MC: I'll treat you to a fancy restaurant if this works.
Ace: Bitch. You don't have money.
Epel: *laughs*
MC: I mean the Mostro Lounge, you little shit.
Epel: Let's go now- Eh? What's Rollo doing there?
MC: Yo! Rollo! You're here to see me off?
Rollo: *rolls his eyes*
MC: Yeah. He's here to see it fail.
Ace: Have you been pissing him off?
MC: Yes.
Rollo: Your escape plan failed. Again.
MC: Yup. But I'm just wondering.
MC: Why am I in your arms?
Rollo: *drops them*
MC: Ow... Ouch... My back...
Rollo: *stifles his laugh*
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sophie-hatter-jenkins · 2 months
Written for @jilymicrofics using August prompt no. 26
James and Lily react very differently to teenage Harry's new body art!
890 words, rated T (though I'm being very cautious there, it's probably really Gen)
Read below, or on AO3
“Harry James Potter!” Lily Potter stopped dead in the doorway to her seventeen year old son’s bedroom. “What the hell is that?”
Harry scrabbled into the t-shirt he’d just snagged from his wardrobe and spun around to face his mother. “What is what?” he asked, brows pinched in a convincing imitation of confusion.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Harry!” Lily replied sharply. “I know what I saw.”
Quick as a flash, Harry shifted gears. “Then why are you asking?”
Lily’s eyes narrowed. “If you don’t cut the attitude, we’re going to have a serious problem here.”
“Actually, the problem is that you didn’t knock before barging into my room,” Harry shrugged. “Perhaps we ought to discuss your lack of respect for my privacy?”
“That is NOT the point, Harry!” Lily struggled to keep her temper under control. “We need to talk about this.” 
“No, we don’t,” Harry told her, flatly. “I’m of age now. It’s none of your business.”
“I think you’ll find it’s very much my business while you live under my roof!”
“Really? What happened to ‘my body, my rules’?” countered Harry.
“Harry, that is enough!” she snapped back.
Unsurprisingly, the rising volume of their discussion drew James from his study. “What’s going on?” he enquired. 
“Your son,” she told him, “has got himself a tattoo!”
James’s eyes widened. “Have you really? What did you get? Where is it?” 
“James!” Lily admonished him, though she was silently cursing herself for not anticipating his response.
James’s hazel eyes radiated innocence. “What? I’m only showing a fatherly interest!” He almost managed not to smile as gestured towards Harry. “Well, come on then - show me!”
With a sly grin at his mother, Harry slipped the t-shirt off again and turned around, displaying an intricate line drawing of a dragon that twisted down his left shoulder blade. “It’s a Hungarian Horntail.”
“Oh Harry,” she sighed. “What on earth possessed you?”
Harry looked a bit sheepish. “Erm… Ginny said she thought it would look good.”
“Ginny said…” Lily paused as she tried to wrap her head around this new bombshell. “Harry, you went and got a tattoo because a girl told you to? Of all the idiotic, irresponsible…. James, help me out here!”
“I’m hardly in any position to criticise, am I?” laughed James, lifting his shirt to flash the tattoo that sprawled across his ribs - a bouquet of lilies entwined around their wedding date, just above Harry’s name and his date of birth.
“That’s different!” spluttered Lily. “That means something. You didn’t get it on a whim because a girl said so!”
“No,” he conceded. “But I got the first one on a whim because me and my mates got pissed one night and thought it would be a laugh, which is arguably worse.”
Harry’s eyes lit up, ever eager for stories of his father’s juvenile misbehaviour. “Really? You never told me that.”
“Yeah. The one on my arm,” James explained, referring to the words Mischief Managed that wrapped around his bicep, bordered by a trail of paw and hoof prints. “I was the same age as you are now. Me, Sirius, Remus and Peter all got the same one. Your Nanna hit the roof when she saw it.”
“I can understand why,” muttered Lily.
“I seem to remember you telling me it was sexy the first time you saw it.” James’s lips twitched with amusement and Lily felt her cheeks colour at the memory of exactly what had happened immediately after her then-boyfriend had showed her his new tattoo.
Harry, as sharp as ever, did not miss the double standard. “So you like Dad’s tattoos, but there’s something wrong with mine? You know how ridiculous that is, right?”
Lily was forced to concede that he had a point. “I’m sorry, darling,” she sighed. “It’s just that you’ll always be my baby boy, and I want to protect you. I hate to think of you doing something you’ll regret.”
“But I don’t regret it!” Harry replied, hotly. “How do you know that I ever will?”
Lily held up her hands, placating him. “I don’t. And I don’t think your father has ever regretted any of his.“ 
“Nope,” James confirmed. 
“Then what’s the problem?” Harry hauled his t-shirt back on, clearly frustrated. “I really love it, you know. The dragon was Ginny’s idea, but I’ve wanted a tattoo for ages. I didn’t get it on a whim.”
“Harry, I think you’re perfect just as you are,” she explained, “and the idea of you changing anything about yourself feels uncomfortable to me. But I know that you’re old enough to make your own choices, and despite the impression I just gave you, I do respect that.”
Harry shuffled his feet awkwardly. “Thanks, Mum.”
“For what it’s worth, I do think that it’s a beautiful drawing.” In lieu of an olive branch, Lily held out her arms, and her son obliged her with a hug. “So. What did Ginny think?”
Pink spots formed on Harry’s cheeks. He shoved his hand through his hair, and the familiarity of the gesture, so very like his father, made Lily’s heart swell. “She… um… she liked it.” 
James wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at his son. “Oh, I bet she did.”
Harry flushed an even deeper shade of pink. “Dad!”
Lily laughed. ��I like that girl. She has good taste.”
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esamastation · 11 months
Part fifty-eight of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: forty-seven forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-fix, fifty-seven
The first day with Tseng as his babysitter begins easily enough. They have breakfast, they have tea, Tseng has impeccable manners, and even compliments the tea… There's no weird comments, no pointed looks, and when Sephiroth gets ready to train, Tseng says nothing, just follows him outside to watch.
And then he watches. He watches Sephiroth very closely. He watches every movement like he's looking for flaws. Sephiroth feels like he's being graded, like this is a test and every move he makes is being scored on a damn point scale!
Who could concentrate on cultivation like this?!
"Do you have to?" Sephiroth asks irritably.
"I am not doing anything," Tseng says mildly as if he's not just standing there, staring.
Giving him an unimpressed look, Sephiroth rests one hand on his hip. "Reno and Rude managed to observe without being in my face about it - can't you do the same?"
"If the result is the same, why does it matter which way I go about my observation?" Tseng asks. "I will still be observing, and you will still be aware of it."
"Yeah, but I wouldn't have to see your face doing it," Sephiroth says, annoyed. 
"Inability to handle public pressure seems an odd quality for someone so… famous."
The guy is actually trying to piss him off. Sephiroth realises this with a mixture of incredulity and awe. Tseng is actually trying to make him, Sephiroth, the Big Bad with one psychotic episode already behind him, lose his temper. Does the guy have no survival instincts, or is this some kind of test?
Probably a test. The Turks are far too practical for it to be the other thing. And that makes it a little less annoying and far more worrisome.
"What do you want, Tseng?" Sephiroth asks slowly. "Do you want me to lose control?"
Tseng blinks at him, his face like a fine-featured mask. "Are you going to?"
Annoying. "Keep this up and I might."
"Very well," Tseng says and fucking settles down to wait.
Sephiroth suppresses the urge to tap his foot at the man and instead takes a step back mentally. It's another manipulation tactic, and it's not even subtle. Tseng is doing some corporate middle manager psychology bullshit, establishing authority through perceived roles in the corporate ladder.
I'm the observer and the judge. You are on trial. Now perform for me.
Ugh, it gives him the worst kind of flashbacks for Shen Yuan's family life. Did not miss that part of it one bit! But now that he knows what's up…
Sephiroth smiles at Tseng - who of course doesn't so much as blink in return, but Sephiroth can sense how he goes on guard.
You want to play office politics, sir? You picked the wrong Peak Lord.
"Very well," Sephiroth says pleasantly. "Then you can help me with this."
That makes Tseng actually react. "I'm sorry?"
"Your job here isn't just to observe me, is it? It's also to get me back to my duties promptly, right?" Sephiroth says and smiles a little wider. "That will occur much faster with your help."
Tseng hesitates, clearly sensing the trap.
"Unless you want my report to eventually include a section explaining how I could've, surely, returned to work faster, if only I had the cooperation of my coworker."
Tseng's eyes are narrow. "We are not coworkers."
"We work for the same company, don't we? In different branches, perhaps, but still within the same corporate structure - within the same department, even. Ultimately, aren't our goals within Shinra the same?" Sephiroth purrs, putting all his smug villainy into it. "Surely we should be working together."
Now, Tseng could still decline. If this was your usual corporate politics, maybe he would've. But there's not much Tseng can actually gain in the attempt of putting Sephiroth down, seeing as they really are in very different fields within the company. So there's a different motive for his posturing. Question is, when given different avenues to pursue, which will tilt the scales? The original goal, whatever it was, or a new opportunity and all its potential gains?
What's the worth of an indebted Sephiroth to Tseng?
"Very well," Tseng finally says and steps forward, adjusting his gloves as he does. He's suspicious, more so than before, but there's a crack, an opening, in his hard outer shell. "What can I do for you?"
Sephiroth smiles a little wider. Seems like what his Da-ge used to say is true after all. Ultimately, all successful company men are opportunists. 
"Tell me, Tseng - do you use Materia?" Sephiroth asks.
"... I do, yes," Tseng says slowly. "Though I wouldn't call myself an expert, especially in the face of a SOLDIER."
Well, isn't that a surprise. Humility. "Do you have any you particularly favour?" Sephiroth asks interestedly.
Tseng hesitates, just looking at him for a moment. "I tend to carry at least a Sense and a Barrier with me."
Information and defence. "Fitting," Sephiroth hums, looking him up and down. "Using Materia, you have a pool of MP," he says. "Correct?"
"... Yes, obviously I do," Tseng agrees slowly, even more on edge now. "What of it?"
Sephiroth's eyes wander up his face - and to the red dot adorning the space between his brows. 
In PIDW many cultivators marked their upper dantian. Shen Qingqiu did too, when he felt like it, with a little red line. It was where Luo Binghe's Demon Seal rested too, marking his connection and curse from the heavens. What such markings mean tends to vary with the setting and what rules, traditions and myths were in play. But usually they mark someone as especially enlightened.
Why Tseng has a mark on his forehead, Sephiroth has no idea. He's pretty sure it wasn't ever fully explained or explored, like a lot of other things about Wutai. It's very clearly deliberately applied, and it means something. 
Sephiroth hums to himself, as the Turk braces himself for a battle he doesn't even know is already over.
"Tell me, Tseng," he says and smiles, "Do you know where the MP resides in your body?" 
Get Shizun'd, part two.
This was brought to you by fever and a good nap.
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kurosstuff · 4 months
What aboutttt protective!bunny!lute x soft!bunny!female!reader ✨
Like ppl look down on the relationship cuz why would 2 "weak" bunny's be together. Lute's angry that she's prey because she has so many traits of a predator, like strength, protectiveness, and aggressiveness. So she is always trying to prove to the reader that she is enough to protect them, so reader doesn't leave her for a predator and so she always feels safe.
God lute would be pissed just throwing a tantrum. Her a bunny? He'll no-
Warning(s): fighting, Lute being lute, idk it's fluff, slight angst?
Bunny!lute x Bunny!F!reader: perfect mates
Sighing, you looked out the window, yet another courter outside your cabin confessing to you- like it is everyday. A predator courting a prey.
"My darling bunny~ I swear if you pick me I will protect you with my whole life~"
The wolf declared. On their knees, arms stretched out, fully expecting you to jump into them in awe touched.
"Not happening," staring deadpan uninterested as you gave the answer to the wolf as always. "I'm happily mated to Lute." Your ear twitched in hopes she's near- your beloved mate should be near soon. Should-
A laugh cut you off. The wolf covered their mouth once they heard who tou were mated to. Sighing you heard the same phrases you always heard 'another bunny? How could you be protected?' Whats so odd about having a mate of the same kind as you?
Never heard complaints with two predators but. Two preys? Mated? Oh that's wrong apparently.
"Now what the fuck. Are you doing?' A new voice called from behind you the familiar thumping from her foot. Signaling to you- Lute is pissed "flirt with my mate? Insult her? Insult me? Do you KNOW who the fuck I am?" Walking to the window her spear in hand
You sighed, knowing the exact outcome that's about to happen. Like all other times. With a blink, Lute jumped from the window, cursing up a storm challenging the wolf to a battle - who foolishly accepted. Turning, you went inside, not wanting to see yet another blood bath. Of your mate wining as always.
It didn't take long for Lute to come back inside. Her bloodied weapon thrown to the side as she rushed to you- "I'm fine, my mate," you whispered, watching her snarling ears twitching in irritating. If you didn't know she was a bunny- you'd assume she was a predator herself.
Like your first meeting. Her in her armor you assumed she was a wolf from how she behaved as ironic as you rethink now. "Your my mate. Who gives a damn what we are? She scuffed pacing around the room cleaning up the blood on her. Knowing how ir bugs you- after all you did just repaint the walls and redecorate after.. another fighting incident
"Your MY mate. I can keep you safe. Happy. No one else can! No one can keep up with my fucking speed!" She yelled out barking in rage
"Lute," you spoke, interrupting her rant, knowing if you didn't know she wouldn't have stopped. She'd continue the rest of the day. Getting more mad. More temper tantrums as all the other times before instead of getting angrier. She sighed sitting on the couch covering her face with her hands her ears drooping. "..my mate.. please.. what's going on?" You whispered softly following her close but keeping their distance
"I'm your mate.. bur. I'm a poor excuse of one. No one takes us seriously! If I wasn't a fucking bunny of all things. Maybe, " she sighed, trailing off for a moment to recollect her thoughts "maybe if I was another prey they would like.. I don't fucking know like a fucking deer. Those are acceptable." She snarled out sighing looking up at you sadly "I want to be the best mate for you. Who you'd want-"
"But you are," you cut off, cradling her face smiling "your everything I ever wanted in a mate.. and more. Your caring. Protective. Kind. Considerate all the things that make up a wonderful mate. That's you" you spoke softly
Holding her close as you could kissing her softly- you hummed smiling hearing the familiar thump. Not the same as the ones when she's mad. The thumps when she's happy - when she gets so unbelievably overwhelmed with herself, she thumps to show her gratitude. "I love you. I will only ever choose you. No other prey or predator will ever catch my eye. They can try, and they will. But you have my eyes. My heart. Everything.' You spoke softly, seeing her smile softly. "There's my girl ~"
With a deep, she sighed, grumbled, laying against your chest "..same here" she huffed out hiding in your neck her tail wagging happily smiling you held her- knowing that's the closest to her speaking of her feelings to much outwardly. Spoken allowed. Much less let you hear her.
The predators can try to court either of you. But you both knew they'd fail. Especially if they could see how you both stared at one another. How only you and her excited at a time the second you locked eyes. She hummed closing her eyes smiling. She truly loved you- and she's glad to hesr you state the same.
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vinziel · 7 months
Jealous Bitch! Floyd x Male Reader
A/N: GASP. A non John Dory x Male reader one-shot? Extraordinary.
"I am deeply offended right now" You said, Floyd response with "It's true. You are a VERY jealous person babe" Floyd teased "I am not" You deny the allegation "Uh huh sure" Floyd says "I'll prove I don't get jealous easily!" You say confidently, Floyd raises an eyebrow "And how'll you do that?" He questions "Well how about this, we'll be going out together tonight and I won't show jealousy whenever someone flirts with you. If I win I get an apology for thinking I was a jealous person in the first place and you have to do the dishes for a week" You say crossing your arms, Floyd chuckles "Alright then, but if I win, you admit to me in public that your a jealous person and you have to do the dishes for a week" Floyd says "Deal!" You say, as you both shake hands.
After preparing you two went out, walking to a nearby club, you both walked inside the bar and seated besides a wall, the night was going well so far, no one was trying to flirt with your boyfriend therefore you didn't have to feel jealous, until a drunk man came to Floyd and started to talk to him, the convo was innocent enough at first, when the man started to blatantly flirt with Floyd "So what does it take to take a sexy man like you in my bed" The man chuckles, you kept your cool, not wanting to lose this bet you two made, but then with a smug face Floyd flirted back! "it'll take a lot, but I say this guy in front of me isn't so bad~" Floyd flirted, you tried to keep your cool, you knew Floyd wouldn't cheat on you but you still get jealous when other men flirted with him.
"Excuse me, I'll be going to the bathroom" You say standing up, going to the bathroom to calm yourself, you always felt a bit insecure about yourself since you saw that Floyd was a bit famous and had lots of fans, especially since he looked hot, so you always see other people flirting with him and it makes you feel insecure, you feel like maybe Floyd will replace you someday if the right man flirts with him, so you try to prevent anyone from flirting with him.
You went out to the bathroom to see Floyd not only had one man flirting with him but two! You grit your teeth, keeling yourself calm, as you sat down back next to Floyd, it's like you weren't even there because the men kept on flirting with Floyd still. "Ready to admit defeat?" Floyd says looking at you with a smug face "Not in the slightest" You were pissed but determined to win the challenge, as you spoke through gritted teeth. Throughout the night men came by and tried to flirt with Floyd and Floyd would flirt back for a while before telling the man to leave. You were increasingly getting more and more fustrated.
"Ok enough!" You say loudly but not enough to disturb anyone else, you then pushed the two men currently flirting with Floyd, as you took Floyd's arm and started to drag him to the exit, you spoke to the men trying to be calm "He has a boyfriend" You say, as the two drunk men laugh "No way he'd fall for someone like you!" One of the men says, this broke the camel's back, you've been pissed this whole evening, you punched one of the men, as now you and the two men start to rumble, you were obviously getting your assed kick, because it was a 1v2, until Floyd and some security guards stopped the fight, Floyd was walking you home, helping you walk, you had a couple of bruises and a black eye.
Once home, Floyd began to treat your bruises and black eye, you wince, Floyd apologized and says "I'm waiting" he says in a teasing voice, waiting for you to do your part of the bet, you sigh "I'm a jealous person" You admit, Floyd chuckles slightly, saying "at least you admit it, you shouldn't have gotten so worked up" "They were flirting with you what else was I supposed to do. I've been holding my temper all night, and when they started to insult me it really hit a sore spot so I just punched them." You reply. Floyd gives you a reassuring smile "Look you don't have to be insecure. I would never leave you or cheat on you. Ok? You're beautiful and I love you. Also I'm sorry for flirting back with some of the men, I know I crossed a line with that one" He says giving you a light kiss on the cheek, which makes you slightly blush "it's alright and thanks I needed to hear that" You say, Floyd replies back with "It's no problem at all and also..I hope you're ready for the dishes" You groan, forgetting about the other end.
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paviastrashyrings · 8 months
can i request a horropedia x reader with the “rude to everyone but loving to their partner” trope? (reader is the rude one)🫶🏻 male reader if possible
More of the lovely Nerdy Nerd? How could i possibly say no. Thank you for your submission and it is absolutely my pleasure to serve you. (side note: could not be more on the nail for how i am irl)
Without further ado, dear readers, lets get into another dream with Horropedia.
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You were...rough around the edges, so to speak. Uncaring and cold towards most people.
If someone touched you, you'd snap at them. If someone came at you with an attitude, you'd match it.
Everyone associated with you was used to your foul mouth and bad mood.
Except one person, of course.
He had never understood why everyone spoke so poorly of your behavior until he witnessed first hand how "grouchy" you were with others.
"Hes not so bad." he'd try to defend you, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile.
"Dude he literally insulted me to my face because I bumped into him." one coworker recalls, angered by the mere memory.
It wasnt like you were trying to be mean, people just dont have spatial awareness.
They were right there.
Nothing pushed them into you.
They didn't even trip.
They just were dumb and didn't look where they were going. That's on them.
He would listen to you recall your side of the story, your tone soft and even because it was him.
"We really gotta work on your...people skills." he hums, but in complete honesty he was impressed how you were so able to stand your ground.
One day, someone decided to really push their luck. Yapping about how annoying "that weirdo, horropedia or whatever that guys name is" was.
Safe to say you were pissed, and he was in their direct vicinity too.
once you noticed that he was RIGHT THERE being spoken ill about?
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" you spat with malice, turning around so fast people would assume you were facing them the whole time.
You went off of them, until Joshua stepped in, equally shocked but also mildly amused by the expression on the culprits face.
"woah hey, no need to get angry." There was full and ardent need to get angry, they just insulted him to his face and he was just gonna take that? hell no, not on your damn watch.
He turns around and politely apologizes to the culprit, "So sorry about that, hes trying to work on his temper.."
He guides you away, still secretly impressed by your anger. Nobody really ever defended him like that, especially in front of a whole establishment full of people.
"I mean seriously can you believe them? Talking shit about you like that in front of you?" you'd start almost as soon as the culprit was out of earshot, just to keep him happy. You wouldn't have cared if they had heard you, you already spat so much profanity in their direction anyways.
"You know it happens all the time, I'm not exactly a stranger to it." which you couldn't understand. How does he tolerate such blatant disrespect, I mean sure he's a little strange and nerdy but that doesn't hurt anyone.
"Yeah but you don't deserve that, you didn't even do anything." you'd murmur, looking away. You look like a scolded dog, which he thought was adorable.
What he didn't remark on was the clear difference in how you spoke to others and how you spoke to him.
you were still frustrated, temper still on high, and yet you held back profanity and sulked instead of snapping at him.
He definitely noticed though, you were so sweet to him that it was hard not to notice.
He'll let you off for just this once, but the next time he catches you he'll have to scold you properly.
He won't admit that he's enjoying the special treatment, he's happy you care about him so much.
but maybe tone it down a little?
Only sometimes though
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Well, this one was very fun to write. Thank you once again, dear readers, your support and kind words mean the world. We will dream once again, come find me soon <3. signed, yours forever Moon.
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rreskk · 11 months
Dear ol' Trev
I'm experimenting with heavier topics, like smut. So if you're sensitive to the subject of "BDSM", don't read! I'll be answering requests soon enough, thank you for being patient :)
Summary: Trevor was untamed and aggressive. There was only one way to force him out of that toxic mentality.
TW: -heavy smut (BDSM) -Violence (Death threats)
Pairings: Dom!Fem reader/ Trevor Philips
Word count: 2971
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For the past three days, he has been unrightfully slaughtering every flaw he deceives, and the judgement has been clashed onto you. So for the past three days, you’ve been verbally insulted with every fibre of his body. Reason complied? Unknown. You haven’t recalled doing anything wrong, or anything to cause this spike of anger. Alas, you have been nothing but idle for the past days. He hasn’t made the effort to conversate, fuck, treat you with dignity. Ever since he came home from Los Santos, he’s been ugly and obscene.
You’ve tried to argue against this sudden aggression, challenging his authority, and it would get physical. Right now, he was more than physical. You had lost your temper and called him every name under the sun and he was provoked beyond belief. His face was red, eyes filled with angry tears, fists clenched as his nails would pierce the skin underneath. Trevor stood an arms-length away from you, his eyes burning daggers into yours.
“Say that again.” His voice hoarsely demanded.
“You heard me.”
“You little shit.” Trevor croaked, his vexation becoming hostile.
You raised an eyebrow, “What’s the problem? I don’t see a lie.”
His lips twitched into a snarl and he grabbed the collar of your shirt, threatening to toy you around. His neck and arm veins were pulsing. You wondered if he strained anymore, they may burst.
“Keep your mouth shut. You’re pissing me off, big time.”
“You’ve been pissing me off for the last 72 hours.”
“You don’t say?” He cruelly hissed, “And you repay that by insulting me, [y/n]? You think it’s funny abusing dear ol’ Trev?”
“Cut that creepy shit out. You’re disgusting – “
“Ohhh… Complaints, complaints, complaints. You always FUCKING complain.”
“Maybe you should take the fucking hint and MAN UP!” You shouted in his face, “The moment your revolting scent arrived at my door after a week of no calls or texts, you had the audacity to operate and belittle me? Like what? I was some slave? Oh yeah, what a lovely man dear ol’ Trev is. What a lovely cunt!”
“Just get out, seriously – “
Trevor pushed you back violently as he threw his arm over the dining table, all the plates and clutter falling onto the floor with a big crash. You glared at him after finding your balance.  He maintained that deep scowl, eyes not leaving yours as it went silence, only the background noise of glass crunching under his work boots.
“How fucking dare you.” You heaved, the energy you have left slowly running out.
“You gonna complain again, sugar?” Trevor tongued as you saw the strands of his saliva spit with vemon.
“Get the fuck out of my house.”
“I know you,” He continued, “You wouldn’t last a week without me.”
“Me? Really? Please! That’s utter bullshit.”
“Yeah… Really.” At this point, Trevor was breathing down on you, his arms locking you against the wall behind. He began to smirk at how trapped you were. He enjoyed seeing you covered in his shadow with that nasty look in your eye.
You tried to lean away, despite his nudges. His hands began leaving achy bruises on your wrists, them cruel fingers spreading his disease while you avoided the discourse of his intoxicating breath. It smelt like death. Your throat numbed at the inhale of his mucky scent, and before you knew it, he lowered his head and began to combatively whisper slander in your ear.
“I ain’t leaving, prick. I am not leaving this place until it’s fuckin’. You hear me?” His hot breath antagonising your neck.
“Get off me, Trevor.”
“No, I think you like it.”
“You fucking pervert!”
His voice rumbled, “Mmm… Maybe I am. Maybe I’m just a burden, a pervert, a creep. Maybe I just wanna bash your fuckin’ head in? What do you think about that, baby? Sounds good?”
You striked his cheek suddenly, his frame falling back at the impact. Trevor held his cheek with a disturbed expression, his eyes wide. Your hand stung with succession as you gave him a gnarly grin.
“I think that’s a great idea, Trevor,” You said, approaching him, “Maybe I should bash your fucking head in,” Your left hand rapidly grasped his jaw before he could fight back, “And you’ll definitely enjoy it.”
“The fuck? –“ He whinged when you grabbed his neck and jaw.
“What’s the matter? It’s not nice being treated like a dog, isn’t it?” Your other hand jolted forwards, hitting his cheek again where a small cry of pain left his lips.
“Fuckin’ stop!”
“You are going to pick up every shard of glass on this very floor. If you don’t, I’m kicking your ass goodbye. You got that?” You shouted in his flushed face.
Trevor threw your hands off, a look of disgust painting his face. He studied you up and down, a sense of uncertainty behind those unstable eyes.
“You’re taking the shitting piss, [y/n]. I’m not doing that.” He mocked.
“You are.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Really?” You licked your teeth, “I think you are.”
He sent you a hefty glare, “The fuck are you playing?”
“You want to play?”
“What? – “
“Okay, Trevor. If you really wanna play.” Within a second, Trevor felt his trousers being torn off as he cried out in surprise. His hands automatically covered his bulge but you slapped them away, your fists threatening to interrogate his crotch.
“[y/n], fuck off!” He demanded, fighting against your hands.
“No, I think you like it.” You reflected his words from before, smirking.
“Stop! – “ His voice wobbled with vulnerability. He bellowed forwards and tried to pull his trousers up until his underwear was confiscated as well. Trevor gritted his teeth, seeing you enjoy the struggle he was going through when his cock was on display. He noticed you were grinning at his exposure, feeling fragile and insecure, “C’mon – this ain’t funny. Fuck off!”
“Awh…” You teased and allowed him to scatter, his trousers clumsily being buckled up again. He did not look happy. Trevor’s nostrils flared as he stared at you with raw fury.
“You think this is funny?” He shouted, “You’re a fuckin’ cunt!”
“You always liked showing yourself off. What’s so bad about it now?” You questioned, smirking up at him.
Trevor stumbled backwards, his feet stomping on the shards of glass that he littered. One piece made a crunching sound from under his foot. He gazed up to see if you had noticed, biting his lip when you stared heavily; watching his every move like a vulture feasting on it’s future prey, the impulsive climax barely containing itself.
His lips snarled when you spoke again, “I heard it – you heard it.”
“I ain’t cleaning.” He responded, crossing his arms.
“Why not?”
“Because I ain’t. You can’t make me.”
“Oh, okay.” You hummed and dismissed the conversation, turning your back.
Trevor smirked when he thought you backed away from the argument. He uncrossed his arms and whistled, singing your name as he placed his foot over a broken frame of you and him. Once he had gained your attention, Trevor licked his lips and pressed down, breaking the picture even more – clearing wanting a strong reaction, as he found it enjoyable.
You felt something stab your gut when he pathetically destroyed the only good picture of you both. And he smiled after it broke. It made you distressed, furious, hated. He stood there carefree, his belt still loose from your stunt beforehand, making him look like a golden stud. A golden stud you wanted to hammer.
“Whoops.” He winked, rotating away from the living room before a hard-hitting hand clenched his shoulder, launching him backwards and onto the rumble of glass. Trevor cried out, his skin scratched and prickled by the mess he made.
You stood over him and stared down; no sign of pleasure nor happiness. He cursed your name as he tried to stand up from the pile of shards but your foot sent him flying down again. It crushed his lower stomach, his breathing becoming unhinged and erratic. Extending weight onto your foot, his hands wrapped around your ankle, begging for you to get off.
“Fuckin’ get off!” He pled repeatedly.
Of course, it didn’t convince you. Your foot dug into his torso until he was threatening to lose his ability to breathe. Waiting for the moment Trevor’s eyes would portray the seconds left of his near-death experience, you released the pressure, and he frantically crawled to his knees, wailing for some air. He mercilessly wailed, believing he was on the road to death by your strangulation.
“Why are you crying?” You degraded, grabbing his hair and forcing his knees to kneel against the glassy carpet.
Trevor panted. His head being forced to look up, staring directly towards your thighs. He didn’t say anything but whined when you’d occasionally tug his hair, trying to pressure some rise out of him.
“C’mon… You’re feeling shameful now, aren’t you?”
He shook his head, still being stubborn.
“You like being on your hands and knees, Trevor?”
He whined again.
“Why don’t you get the fuck up?” You smirked.
“I hate you,” He finally mewled, “I’ll kill you!”
“Get the fuck up then.”
Trevor struggled, trying to use his weak arms but you only pushed him back down with a laugh.
“[y/n]!” He snapped.
Your fingers tickled his scalp, falling down his back, reaching the hem of his trousers as he remained on his all fours, having a hard time keeping balance due to the amount of scratches and impaled glass in his skin. Nonetheless, your fingers tickled him. Trevor felt his trousers being pulled down again, and he dropped his head, whispering profound insults that definitely included the words “evil”, “witch”, and “bitch.” But you didn’t care. You waited until his ass was exposed and his cock dangling between his legs. He was shaky, unsure of what you’re about to do. He wanted to stand up, but your grip on him only tightened and his knees were too weak. Did he beg you to stop? No. So you only made it harder for him.
Very hard.
“Fuck… The fuck you doing to me?” Trevor murmured in pain.
“If you wanna ruin my home, you can be ruined with it.” You said before kicking your shoe against his exposed cock, making him jump and cry out in agony.
“You like that?” His whole arousal was being beaten with your shoe again, the repetitive kicks destructing Trevor’s last ounce of his aggression.
“FUCK – I HATE YOU! – “ He’d cry, tears oozing down his red cheeks as you kicked him from behind again.
“You deserve so much more hate,” You huffed – his cock and balls being left swollen and bruised, “I’m giving you the bare minimum of it. You should thank me, Trevor.”
It ended with his face crazing against the glass-scattered floor, his cheek embedding deep wounds as he wails from the pain of his genitals being physically abused. He attempted to cover his cock but you slapped his hands away, kicking him one last time before giving him a minor break.
He collapsed, body sprawled out.
The glass was ignored now. You stepped over him, your shadow overcasting the menacing danger of your touch. Trevor, with his eyes closed, felt the shade and spoke through his condition, his voice crackled and fable – like an emotional child begging for some hugs after a traumatic nightmare.
“I’m not thanking… I’m not! Not thanking – you! Kick me again, I fuckin’ dare you! I’m never – FUCK!” You obeyed his request and pressed the soul of your shore against his manhood, crushing until it went numb.
“You never give up, baby…”
He whimpered with is nose stuffed in the carpet floor.
“Wish you’d last this long in bed.” You ended.
Trevor’s head jerked up at the mention of you judging his struggle to hold. He gritted his teeth and aimed to spit, unsuccessfully watching the saliva reach barely half way as you just watched with a frown. A piece of clammy drool fell from his lips, dropping onto the floor, along with his tears.
“And what was that for, huh?”
“Fuck you.”
“Sensitive topic?”
You grabbed his waist and forced him to his knees again. Trevor tried to resist but fell into your hands, murmuring complaints about the pain. He winced, trying to face you. But yet again, he failed. And he was beyond angered at his power being taken away.
“This is not FUCKIN’ funny, baby,” He whinged, “I hate you so much sometimes.”
“Sometimes?” You grinned.
“Mm, shut the fuck up…”
“C’mon. Admit it.”
“I said; shut the fuck up!”
“Fucking man up, Trevor. You’re on the floor with your cock fucked and your knees asleep – what are you gonna do? Encourage me to enjoy this more?” You caressed the back of his neck.
“Keep on going…” He whispered, almost quiet enough for you to miss.
“Keep going.”
A small smirk twitched and you crouched down, Trevor hesitantly putting his chin on your knee as he looked at you with an angry but lustful stare. He tried to lean closer, wanting a kiss, but he was refused and grunted when you dropped his head onto the floor again. He hit the floor and cursed your name menacingly.
“Fuck you, baby! I want you!”
“You wanted this, Trev?”
“Shut the fuck up and kill me already! Just end my life, make me cry!” He protested with desperation.
“You’re gonna be a man and last long for me?”
He nodded his head, “I wanna last long for you.”
“And you’re going to apologise? – “
“[y/n]! Please, just help me already!” Trevor complained and returned to his knees and hands, his dick burning red.
You laughed and shook your head with a small grin. Now that he was vulnerable and eager for your touch, it made it easier to gain a reaction. Your knee pressed against his backside and you forced him up, his back grinding against your thigh. Trevor closed his eyes as he felt your arms wrap around him, the skin-contact trailing from his stomach, closer to his arousal. He twitched with excitement, his hair mangled and skin tattered with oozing blood.
“So good for me, baby.” You praised and hugged his cock with your cold hands, massaging the tip and roughly mishandling the length to ensure your power is still prominent.
His whole body shook at your touch and he groaned when you demanded him to keep his hands away. It took some courage to follow your authorities, but it was worth it when you began stroking him, caressing his sore skin.
“Yes…” Trevor breathed, “Yes… Yes, that’s right.”
“You wanna be rubbed like the pervert that you are?”
“I’m a fuckin’… God! Yes!”
“Tell me how bad you want it, Trevor.”
He struggled to speak, “I – I… Oh, fuck… M’yeah. C’mon… Fuckin’ faster! Now! – “ Then he paused, dread clogging his throat when you clenched his cock.
“You want to continue being a little fucker?” You hissed in his ear.
“No… No, ma,” Trevor felt it get tighter as he whimpered, “I’m your fucker… I’m your pervert, God!”
“Say my name.”
“Prefer me being in charge, baby?” You giggled, not used to seeing him so submissive.
“I love being treated like a rape toy, mommy!” And he had lost the plot, so emerged in his attraction.
You rubbed him harder and faster, your lips pressing down his neck as he was moaning frantically. From the way he was so stiff and hot, it was clear he had been holding a semi for a long, long time. It made you smirk. Trevor was so pathetic. He made it harder for himself – just so he could feel some pleasure in the end.
“I’m gonna cum – “
“What did I say?” Your lips moved against his skin.
“I – “ Trevor rolled his eyes back and dramatically growled, his hips jerking and cock twitching.
“Don’t cum yet.”
He panted, “Fuck you… Fuck you… Fuck you, I love you!”
“Easy. Concentrate on me, baby.”
“All for you, ma. All for you!”
“You’re so hard, sugar.” You held his body weight so he was forced to deal with you edging him. Even though he was erratic and fierce, you managed to keep him in check and he remained huddled in your arms, his cock being molested by your hands.
“I’m gonna fuckin’ cum!” He sobbed.
“You’re such a slut, Trevor.”
“Ohhh… Fuuuck!” His words mingled for so long that it would crack. Then it went silent before his body spazzed, his dick delivering a huge load of cum that squirted onto the floor that was stained with damp tears, blood, glass.
He had silently cried through the orgasm. You looked at Trevor, his face scrunched and tongue hanging out like a dog. You had overstimulated him too much that climaxing had become a huge revolution, almost as though he transported through time.
“All good, baby?” You asked.
It took a few seconds before he nodded.
“You sore?”
He nodded again, chest heaving in and out.
“Good boy…” You kissed his cheek.
“You’re killing me,” Trevor airily slurred, “You almost killed me.”
“I know.”
“Fuck… Fuck! Fuck you… That was so hot…”
“You gonna clean up now?”
“[y/n]!” He whined tiredly, “You punished me enough, baby…”
You’d smirk, “Fine. You’ve proven how much of a baby you are. I wouldn’t want to cross the line and over exhaust you.”
“Fuck you.”
“And stop insulting me. Who’s house are you in?”
“So treat this place with respect, and me.” You warned.
Trevor gave you a playful glare before nodding, “Fuckin’ fine…”
“Now stand up. You reek.”
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The brooch he had used to play a game with her should now keep her safe? A thought that she despised.
Maybe I'm a little pissed that MC is so chill with him.. like.. fight him..be as mean as you are with Rafayel
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He had instructed her to put the brooch on whenever she entered the N109 zone. To protect her, to ward off danger and to keep dodgy characters away from her.
As if she would listen to him.
Secretly, she firmly believed that there was some kind of transmitter hidden in the brooch. All too often Sylus knew where she was, what exactly she was doing and what had happened. She was surprised that he hadn't mentioned this immediately when he handed it over, as he usually didn't bother to hide the fact that he was watching her. Her curses and her anger when she found out were his amusement.
Up to this point, however, neither the twins nor Mephisto had turned up - a fact that led her to conclude that she was getting better at avoiding his watchful eye. Not that she needed his protection anyway. With each visit to the zone, she managed to blend in better and get the information she needed. Sylus would vehemently disagree, arguing that her visits almost always ended in a brawl brought on by her hot temper.
But Sylus basically contradicted everything she said. That didn't change the fact that she was fine on her own.
"You're not wearing your brooch, sweety," he addressed her the moment he stepped round the corner of the house, "how am I supposed to protect you if you can't even follow the simplest of instructions?"
"Not at all," was her snappy reply, one sentence from him enough to make the blood boil in her veins, "I'll be fine."
"I saw that the last time you raided my medicine cabinet and smeared blood all over my expensive furniture."
Slowly, step by step, he moved towards her, coming to a stop far too close. Of course.
"You're exaggerating Sylus. As usual."
Instead of taking a step back, she crossed her arms in front of her chest and blinked up at him, teeth clenched.
But he didn't respond to her words in any way, instead pressing his index finger against her chest, just above her heart: "This is exactly where it should be. My brooch."
Before his grin could spread any further across his face, she slapped his hand away, eyes glittering with anger.
But this only made Sylus laugh: "Get your claws back in, kitten. I'm only here to stand by your side in this dangerous place."
"You're here to get on my nerves," she flung back and turned away abruptly.
"Weren't you just going the other way?" His eyebrow shot up in amusement.
"Not if you're there," she stomped off defiantly. If he wouldn't leave her alone, she would just come back another day.
"Such stubbornness doesn't go well with your pretty face, sweety," Sylus called after her, earning him an outstretched middle finger.
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nekassvariigs · 2 years
Doflamingo x reader encounter
(I hate this flashy bastard so much but he lives in my head rent free)
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cw: Sfw so no worries here, hateful flirting, one sided interest, mentions of a certain someone wink wonk.
You noticed a large crowd gathering in the casino you frequented the massive amount of cheering and boatloads of girly screams only told you someone had an easily abusable ego.
"Young master you can't.." you walked right past him, his radiant feather coat was an eye sore on its own not to mention the way he held the women by her wrists licking over her neck, she clearly seemed to enjoy it but was ashamed of it in such a public place.
You couldn't see it but behind his glasses the certain dark figure which passed him crossed his eye in an instant. He whistled as you walked past. "Come join us." you knew the comment was directed at you, each girl that surrounded him seemed to glare daggers in the back of your skull for catching his attention so quickly especially since they've tried their hardest to look the best, their fake eyelashes, the hair extensions, fake tans, everything.
''Piss off." you smiled looking over your shoulder his sinister smile grew upon seeing your pretty face.
''She's got a bad temper." with a low whistle as he imitated being burnt with his hands everyone around you only looked a little bothered by this.
You don't know why you humored this idiot, but the way he was pissing you off with only a sentence was enough for you to give him a middle finger as you walked away from his taunts, your hips swaying with each step.
His heart dropped a beat watching your equally flashy exit, the smile on his face grew, laughter erupted loudly from him. Oh what a thrill.
He wasn't one to get denied so easily especially with all the call girls he had. They surely kept going back for something. So seeing you walk off with such sass only tickled the urge in his head to fuck with you more.
In a near moment he was walking behind you, brushing off every girl from his arms the long coat he wore dropping feathers every now and then.
"Come on, what's with the sour face?'' he smiled catcalling you as his long frame started catching up to you.
''Fuck do you care? Go catch one of your bitches." you chuckled taking out a packet of cigarettes from your pants, striking the lighter that hid inside the box, your lips were bothered with the white filter.
''I'm clearly chasing her, she's not in a good mood now is she." he smirked, the shit eating grin on his face as he leaned himself over you increased, his flashy red glasses eye level with your face, you had to look up at him.
You clearly ignored him with a quick statement. "What are you a giraffe, move your lanky ass." Smoke trailed from your lips as you took a long drag waiting for the cunt to move.
"If you're into those, I am." he smirked rising his glasses up a bit so his eyes showed, only for a brief moment.
With a little interest you chuckled blowing smoke in his face which he clearly didn't like, his face scrunching up from the pricking smoke.
"I don't have time to keep stroking your ego." you moved past him, his hand wrapped around yours quickly.
''Then you'll have the time to stroke something else?'' he chuckled lightly with his famous shit eating grin, his hand guiding yours over his open shirt.
He pressed your hand over his abs slowly trailing it over each muscle, you watched tanned skin slip past your fingers, your red nail polish seemed to clash well with the tone of his skin. You smiled a little at the thought.
His ego grew a little more inflated seeing a positive reaction from you.
"See, you want me." he teased.
"The only thing I'd want is for you to fuck off." you smiled looking right up at him as you pulled your hand away form his chest, his smirk deflating in a pissed scowl which he quickly retracted back to his regular smirk, your eyes no longer were on him, yet you were still staring him right tin the face.
The rush of dopamine that hit his head was like a drug, behind his glasses his eyes carefully examined your face, the quick glance you gave at his lips made him only lean in your face more.
"Wanna kiss me already?'' he chuckled, his breath tickling your face a little.
You took the smoking cigarette away from your lips, holding it between your fingers, you reached to gently slap his face a couple of times. "You wish."
You smiled proudly, the smoke disappearing in his blonde hair he stopped complaining for a bit, the red glass sitting in it's white frames seemed a little transparent, there was a light light blush near the rims that sat on his cheeks.
''I better go before you catch feelings." you stuck the cigarette in his mouth watching him grip it with his lips he pressed your wrist against his mouth lolling his tongue over it.
''I'll see you in a bit then." he smirked watching you pull away with confidence, you turned on your heel disappearing though the door, a familiar presence greeted you, the way he pulled you in with his golden hook, his lips pressing against yours in a rather passionate kiss, the large cigar in his hand that flipped him off through the closing crack in the door only made Doflamingo more eager to try to encounter you more often. He took long drags from your cigarette your lipstick gently staining the very middle of his lips.
His girls were really mad that day occupying him the entire night as they tried to get rid of the stain over his mouth with no success.
Meanwhile you were enjoying an expensive dinner with the man before you, his slicked back hair fell a little over the large scar on his face as he asked you about your encounter with the pompous prick.
''We exchanged a few words, he's pretty cocky,and not in a good way." you wiped your wrist with a wet towel, his cold eyes scanning your actions gave him an idea of what might have happened.
''We'll worry about that later." He puffed his cigar, tiny drops of sand landing on the tablecloth before him.
You offered him your hand seeing that he was eyeing the door in a rather protective manner.
His eyes dropped down to your hand, the cigar lingering between his his teeth, the wait was rather silent for his touch until the moment he cupped your hand in his , thumb stroking over your knuckles you smiled back at him continuing your evening in his undivided attention.
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Two-faced pt 2
Characters; Tenjiku
Genre: Fluff (F)
Toman reacts to : s/o with a double life.
warnings: Reader is a menace to society pt2
Requested by: @sousheiswag
Summary: gang leader!s/o that hides the fact that she Is a True menace and a gang leader to anyone.
characters: Izana, Ran Haitani and Rindou Haitani
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Hiding something like 2nd life was exhausting. Like honestly how did you even find the energy to do it?
Your boyfriend's clingy, stupid, and always had to give you a heart attack one way or another, even if he doesn't admit it. He was up your ass every other day and making you angry half the time. Which made you so happy that you had ...creative outlet
It honestly took a load off caving someone's faces in after a big fight you had said, boyfriend. Sometimes you needed something to end up in flames and someone's ugly sobbing to get your anger out.
It was always a big plus that the people you were kicking the shit out of weren't the innocent bystanders but other gang douches that broke your territory rules or tried to take over your said territory.
But today you were running behind schedule some gang decided to pull some shit the day of some important day your boyfriend invited you . So you had to stop in the middle of getting ready to go deal with them.
you were kinda pissed, while you were hot the temp for that day was even higher and it made you cranky. So the douches got the death of a lifetime.
Izana Kurokawa
Izana was fucking worried, he went to your apartment to check on you because you hadn't called him like you promised you would. Your room looked like it had been ransacked if he was being honest, but he knew that the mess was a part of getting ready to go out.
what really made alarm bells ring in his head was the ugly boot footprints all over your home, he thought you had been kidnapped. While he usually said anything about your shoe preferences these seemed to be all over certain parts of your parents. It's where you keep all your valuables...kept is more like it since these places were empty/ ransacked.
Izana let out a huff and gritted his teeth.
'unbelievable' He thought as he walked out of your apartment.
'I'm so fucking late!!!'
well, you say that but you didn't seem to stop shoving s scum bag's face into the floor.
"you seem to like being on your knees for a girl huh? you must make someone happy." you said trying to alleviate your bad temper.
"oh but who am I kidding, you get no bitches do ya!" You grunt as you knee the guy in the face. "You'd be lucky with just a hello!"
"If it weren't for you I'd be with my boyfriend but noooo. Y-you just couldn't shut the fuck up and leave me be!"
The sound of bones breaking was clearly heard by you as you curb stomp the idiot who dared to cross paths with you. You can't help but remember a time not so long ago when it bothered you. But you were most certainly more bothered by your current predicaments because you didn't notice someone coming up behind you trying to confirm it's really you.
"DO you know how fucking long it takes to get a date with that asshole?! A lot! I worked really hard and you ruined it!"
"I could be sipping a (insert drink) with him right now! or watching a fucking movie?! Now I'll have to wait til his dumbass schedule opens up for another one bitch!"
Ran Haitani
See you rather die than admit to Ran that you were a leader of the gang. To give that man satisfaction would be a stain on your pride. So you obviously decided you would deal with the way you love.
Fighting was not one of them.
Physiological warfare of course.
So no Ran didn't catch you exactly fighting but in a particular scene. To him, it looked like you were ambushed or being harassed by a gang. When they looked at him in fear he just assumed it was because of him.
Turns out it was the opposite situation, he had no idea that you had told this daddy's man that his daddy knew what he was doing in his free time.
You had just exposed him for being a fraud rich boy wannabe gang leader just cosplaying, causing his fear to become real as his gang was ruthless and cutthroat.
"Now. do you want me to tell certain interested parties about this orr?" your paused before continuing, "you know you have a really pretty dad ya know? He really looks like my friend's type too, maybe you'll have a new step-mommy."
" You think your empty threats-"
"Empty? who said they were?" You grab his face and squeeze it with a force to bruise his face. "watch your tone with me little bitch boy, or you won't like the consequences ."
The look on the man's face when registered Ran's oncoming figure was hilarious. You would probably laughed if you weren't caught red-handed doing something."
"Heyyy Ran~"
"Is this what was keeping you late?"
"hmm~? what do you mean?"
"This dude bothering you?"
"Oooh, no we were just having a spirited conversation and we finally finished. "
The look on Ran's face was unreadable but after a minute he nodded.
"alright you little bitch, do what I told you or else," you whispered to the man behind him and walked to Ran who had extended his hand to you to hold.
So ran didn't find out till after rumors had spread that he was someone's dog and bitch.
Rindou Haitani
Rindou finding out that you were in a gang was actually pretty easy if you asked him (you never denied it or tried to hide it) . But if you asked yourself, you couldn't have been more obvious with him. In your relationship with Rindou you pride yourself with being honest with him and having a clear and open line of communication with each other.
you literally had just gone to the bathroom at this cafe that you and Rindou decided to have a date at and suddenly Taiju Shiba was in your seat trying to "conduct business'" with Rindou. You smirk as you approach the table before stealing a kiss from Rindou and placing yourself onto his lap.
"Hi baby, whose this date crasher?" you question him playing dumb. You knew Taiju very well.
"This is_"Rindou began before being interrupted by Taiju
" I don't think it any of your business'."
A laugh escapes your throat and you smile at him.
"Well I know you don't think at all. But seeing as you interrupted MY date with MY boyfriend.. it is my business. "
" No one has taught you to speak when your spoke-"
" Unlike your shitty ass, poor of excuse of a way of treating your "family" you don't get to talk to me that way. Or did you forget your manners when your parents died Dog." You spoke with poison in your veins, you hated every single cell of that loser. For the way that he treats your friend and her brother but also the way he handles things.
Taiju blood boils and he begins to try to "disciple" you but before he or Rindou could even react, your men quickly disabled Tajiu and pinned him to the table. With his face shoved into the dirty café floor , you motion to your men to pick the loser up. Blood ran down his nose and forehead, his cheeks stung from your full force slaps to the point were he almost didn't feel them.
" Now, just this once I'll let you off easy okay girlie? Because i know of a couple of interested parties that would like to shoot another one those videos. "
His face drained of color as he remembers Haikai's significant other torment and the humiliation's he went through because of them.
"good you realize who I'm speaking of. Hears what we are going to do. Your going to leave me and my boyfriend to our date. These lovely men are going to beat you to inch of your life then leave you for dead in some random river while recording everything and maybe just maybe that video will end up in Koko's or haikai's lovely s/o hands. And you will spend every waking moment wondering when either of them is going to strike."
Rindou had chills for weeks after that. He processed the event slowly as he clearly remembered the fear in Taiju's face. The fact that you could be so cold and ruthless but the next second be so warm to him blew his mind.
He would do the same thing of course but he needs time to process. But in the meantime you two go on a lot of uninterrupted dates.
Hajime Kokonoi
Kokonoi values information, money and luxury.
But there was a fourth thing he valued with his grubby greedy hands the most and that was you. You had everything he valued and loved all wrapped into one. You somehow knew information that it would have taken him a lot of time and money. You had "strange" and "random" friendships with some questionable people, connections he knew where in HIS world.
so he didn't have evidence to back up his claims but in his 4 million heart he knew that you were at least involved into his world but just didn't know how much. He knew you either deep enough to be an information gatherer of a spy but he didn't think you were a gang leader.
Day and night he would undirectedly tell you to leave that world behind and that he would take care of you but you never acknowledge his underlying message.
But he realized how strong you were when a gang he was working on merging another gang to tenjiku only to realize that group had disbanded and joined another gang.
Oh He knew, you think he would forget getting his ass beat by you??
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night-market-if · 11 months
Stop making excuses, I get the fact that it is your game and all but you should remain neutral, it's like you make the game only for people who feel sorry for a guy that betrayed and stabbed the damn mc and don't like people who are pissed. It's your game you created it so you can do whatever the hell you want with it but you released it to the public you can't expect everyone to feel what you feel and have the same opinion as you about a controversial character, grow up.
Oh, crap. I forgot, anon. I'm so sorry. I completely forgot that I am supposed to not share what I feel about my own work or have an opinion on, as you said, my game. I forget that when you create something for the rest of the world to enjoy (at their own choosing) you have to become nameless and voiceless.
I also forgot that if I don't agree with something someone says, I'm supposed to shut up and not have thoughts or feelings about it because only readers are allowed to have thoughts and feelings on things. My mistake for forgetting that I'm supposed to write and create and spend hours of my life doing all this for your enjoyment and then when someone doesn't enjoy it, I'm supposed to smile. Thank you so much for reminding me, anon.
I wasn't aware that I was expecting everyone to feel the same way I did either. I'll examine that and remember now that everyone elses thought and feelings are valid but my own. And I should completely not state my concern over people wanting me to write violence to a character that is abused. Because, as well always know, fiction never is supposed to be a discourse. I will from here on out remember that despite this being something I live and breathe and have passion for, I'll need to temper my passion and keep it to myself because as a content creator, we are only here to provide services for others and if we disagree, we need to grow up. And in no way do I feel like your "grow up" comment also applies to you since you seem to be upset that I don't agree with you.
Anon, I thank you. I forgot that I am faceless, thoughtless, and need to just pump out a million words in a year to everyone elses standards. Your anonymous comment on the internet with no name attached behind it has for sure made me see the error of my ways.
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dia-souls · 1 year
🥀 Subayui fanfic 🥀
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Pairing : Subaru 🗡️ and Yui🌸
Author: Admin Ava
Genre: Romance, Cute, Fluffy, good ending
TW: Nightmare, servant abusing, childhood Nightmare
Admin's Note: I wanted to write a moment where Subaru not only shows how much he improved mentally because of Yui help also physically help him relieve some of his trauma.
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🥀 A Night Just for Us 🥀
Sounds of feet pounding against leaves on the ground.
*Crunch! Crunch!*
Butler: Quickly! We must return him to the manor before Lord Karlheinz returns!
Maid: Young master Subaru, please come back here! You'll get in trouble if you don't return to the castle! ...not to mention his mother will probably go mad once she realizes he's missing... .
Young Subaru makes a sharp left turn, sliding under a sort of bramble bushes. Wincing in pain, a few needles gab into his skin.
Subaru: Leave me alone! I refuse to go back to that hellhole! My father is dammed for all I care!
Subaru picks up speed, he levitates off the group and flys into a forest of tall trees.
Maid: Damnit, we lost him! No, what do we do?! If we don't find him before Master returns, ....he'll have our heads on a pole!
Butler: Calm yourselves! There is no need for us to panic, remember he ran into the forest without thinking. He doesn't know how to navigate it unlike the two of us. It's only a matter of time before he either gets too scared or famished. All we have to do is wait for him to come to us.
Maid: Are you sure that he will come to fruition? Master Subaru is as hotheaded as he is stubborn. With a temper like his, there is no telling how long he can stay in there.
Butler: I'm positive, after all, he's a spoiled pampered brat who hasn't stepped out of the manor in years. Can't even tell the difference between day and night let alone make it too far on his own. He's naive, gullible, defiant, and incapable of keeping himself safe. It's only a matter of patience. Come, while he's looking for a way out, we'll gather the familiars to aid us in our search.
Maid: If you're sure, hopefully, that brat doesn't get us in any trouble. I'd hate to deal with the demented bitch of mother he has. Lady Christa, we'll surely bring hell upon us all if her son isn't found.
The servants leave, heading back to the castle.
*Time skip*
Subaru floats in the air as his eyes survey the surrounding area.
Subaru: Ha...it looks like I finally got rid of those guys. Good riddance, I hope that bastard gives them hell once they return. Serves them right for trying to bring me back to that place.... .
Subaru looks down, his eyes clouded with sleep and resentment as he clutches his hands into tight fists.
Subaru: ..I'll never go back...I'd rather die than put up with that place again...
Subaru floats down to the ground, landing on a pile of brown leaves. A loud breeze rushes past the young boy making him shiver. Immediately he rubbed his arms to create some friction to warm him up.
Subaru: Ahcoo! Ugh, I should've brought a jacket before I left, well it's too late to go back now. Those guys are already back at the castle gathering reinforcements. I'll be dammed if they find me, better keep moving.
Subaru continues on his way, more cold air pushing past him violently almost making him fall. His nose begins to leak like a Fossette as specks of ice try to form on his arms
Subaru: *sniff* Why is it so cold?! Tch, now even the elements are trying to piss me off. Screw them, I ain't stopping for anyone or anything. The farther am away from those lousy servants, judgmental aristocrats, assholes of a father and.....
Subaru looked down sorrowfully, his chest tightening as he stared at the wet dirty sticking against his boots.
Subaru: Mother... She'll probably lose her mind once she notices I'm not home.... who can blame her though, no one should be burdened with the sight of my hideous face. Not even her... I wonder where I'll go from here. I don't have any money, there is no one around who won't report me back to my father once they catch me. Maybe I can stay here in the forest. If I go far enough then no one will be able to find me. I'll be all alone without communication for miles. Just how I want it to be... .
Subaru continues his walk deeper into the heart of the forest.
*Time Skip*
Subaru eyes droop slightly, blinking rapidly to keep himself from falling over
Subaru: *Yawn* How long have I been walking for... It feels like it's been hours. I think I've gotten far enough from the castle, I should find a place to sleep... .
Subaru finds a spot under a tree to rest. Sitting on the ground, bundling himself up for warmth as he slowly begins to shut his eyes.
*Squeak , Squeak *
Subaru's eyes immediately shoot open as the sounds of squeaks in the distance pull him out of his tired state. Making him stand to run.
Subaru: I spoke too soon! I need to get out of here!
Subaru hightails it into the forest, turning left to right, up and down, over and under, in and out trying to get the familiars off his trail. Sweat drips from his brow as his heavy breathing leaves his lunges in cold clear puffs.
Subaru: Ha...G-Gotta keep ha...ha...moving! Can't s-stop...now!
Subaru pushes forward despite his trouble breathing, at that moment forgets he doesn't need air to breathe but is unable to think clearly as his mind tells him to just keep running.
*Crunch! Crunch!*
Butler: Over there! The familiars have found his scent by the forest river. We need to hurry before he escapes us!
Maid: Let's split up so we can cut him off! I'll head East and you take West!
The two servants nod as they take off in different directions with a familiar alongside them.
*Swish Swish*
Subaru's ears perk up once he hears the sound of water in the distance. His feet pounding against the dirt, noticing how he could barely hear the familiars anymore.
Subaru: Looks like I lost those rodents. If I can just make it to the river, I can make them lose my scent! I need to hurry before they catch up!
Subaru could hear the water more clearer making him run even faster. However as he ran, his mudded boot got caught on an uprooted branch. Tripping him harshly to the ground as he face-planted into the wet ground.
Subaru: Ahh! ... Ow.. shit what the... I fell over... I need to keep moving before... Ack!
Subaru winced in pain as a sharp object jabbed into his back.
Maid: Not so fast Young Master, we can't let you reach farther beyond this point.
Butler: Your behavior has been absolutely horrendous and completely unacceptable for a future prince. Your father will be hearing about this, you'll be brought back to the castle this instant. Grab his arms to make sure he doesn't try to get away.
The servant's hands start reaching down to Subaru as he struggles to break away. Their shadows clouded his vision.
Subaru: No I refuse to go back! I don't want to return back to that hell! Don't touch me! I won't go back! I won't go back! LET ME GO!!!!"
*Dream End*
Subaru wakes up in a panic, his breathing heavy as his vocal cords strain from his hysteric screech. His eyes darted around the room like a bat out of hell, gathering his surroundings before realizing it was just a nightmare.
Subaru: Fuck...bnot again... no no no... why does this keep happening to me...
Subaru puts his hand over his face, his breathing still harsh but now mixed with the sounds of soft sobbing as tears trickle down his face onto his pajama pants.
In Yui's room during the first few hours before sunrise.
Yui: *Stretches* Mm! Ok, I think that's enough studying for tonight. I should start preparing to head to bed.
Yui raises herself off her chair, stretching her arms high above her head, working out the kinks in her wrist and shoulders.
Yui: Ahh~ That felt good, perhaps I should get something to drink before going to bed. It's been a while since everyone turned in for the night so I shouldn't be bothered.
With a smile on her face, Yui closes her workbook before placing it in her school satchel. Grabbing a pair of winter pajamas, she made her way to the bathroom to prepare for slumber.
*Time Skip*
Yui appears from the steamy bathroom with a damped towel around her neck. Her wet locks loosely stick to her face as she attempts to dry her curls.
Yui: *Yawn* Mm...I'm so sleepy, I can't believe I dosed off in the tube, hopefully, these wrinkles will go away before tomorrow night. Anyway, I should head to the kitchen pronto before someone decides they want a midnight snack...
Yui shivered to recall previous nights when she was at the receiving end of someone's meal because she decided to step out of her room without checking if the coast was clear. Not like it mattered too much since the boys liked to infiltrate her room whenever they pleased.
Yui turned into the corridor that led into the kitchen, halting her movements when she hear the tap running.
Yui: Ha...guess I spoke too soon. I wonder who could be up at this time? It's probably just Shu-san getting something to drink so he can return back to his rest. Or maybe it's Reiji, he does have a habit of staying up late to work on his experiments. He really should get some more rest.
Cautiously, Yui tipped to the Kitchen door, opening it ever so slightly to avoid alarming the person inside.
Yui's face scrunched up, cringing at the sound the door made once she opened it. Planting her back against the wall, listening out for any movement.
Yui: (Shoot! Why did it have to be so loud, please don't come out here!)
Yui breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the tap water still-
Subaru: Your not slick dumbass, I could sense your presence even before you came downstairs. Stop lurking like Weirdo and get in here already.
Yui jumped a little once she heard Subaru sleep sleep-ridden voice call out to her. Out of all people, why was he up so late she wondered as she entered the kitchen
Yui: "Subaru? What are you up at this-"
Yui ceased her speech for a second as she took in Subaru's appearance. He looked disheveled; his white locks were damped with what seemed to be sweat that had leaked down to his neck and back. Deep-seated under his bloodshot eyes were dark eye bags that resembled that of his other brother. The expression he wore was that of someone desperate for sleep but couldn't or refused to close their eyes. Immediately, Yui rushed to the youngest vamp, cupping his pale cheeks in her small hands
Yui: Subaru what happened?! You look like you just ran a marathon! Are you alright? Here sit down and I'll get you something to drink!
Subaru slapped Yui's hand away with force, a purple bruise beginning to form on the skin. Yui looked up at Subaru shocked and a little frightened from his sudden actions. He turned his face away, refusing to look at her, but Yui could clearly see the crazed look in his eyes as he gripped his hand
Subaru: Don't...Don't touch me...I'm fine alright. Grab your water and head back upstairs, before Reiji wakes up and yells at the both of us... .
Yui face soured into a hurt expression. Her mind ran with pessimistic thoughts of what could be going on with Subaru. Her instincts act without thought as Yui gets closer to Subaru.
Yui: Subaru...are you alright? Y-You seem frantic and distraught. I know you said not to touch you and head off to bed but...I can't leave you in the state you're in.
Subaru: And just what the hell do you know about the state I'm in huh?!
Yui: W-What? Well I just assumed that-
Subaru: Ha, there you go assuming everything you know because you think you know every little thing going on in my fucking head don't you?!
Yui: Wait, no that's not what I meant! What I was trying to say is that you look a little sickle and I wanted to know if everything was ok.
Subaru: Didn't I just tell you I was fine?! I'm ok so there's nothing to get your panties in a twist about. Just had a rough night's sleep that's all! Now stop pestering me and go back to sleep! Or do I have to personally tuck you in by shoving your comforter up your neck?!"
Yui stepped back as Subaru shouted at her. Her heart wrenched a little at the harshness of his words. Still, she could see that something was very much wrong with him. Despite his threats, she stood her ground
Yui: Maybe you're right Subaru... .
Subaru: Hmph, finally you realized that.
Yui: I'm not finished. Maybe you are right about me assuming everything about you. Sometimes I think I know you better than you actually do because of all the time we spent together. I consistently wonder what goes on in that mind of yours. Some days I can figure you out to a T, others, it's like I don't know who you are. It's frustrating not understanding how a person feels because then I don't know if I'm able to help or if they even want my help in the first place... .
Subaru stayed silent.
Yui: However, when it comes to you, I want to know everything. I want to know every thought running through your head no matter how important or minor they are. I want to know your emotions to understand you better as a person. For you to believe in me to tell me how you feel even when you think it doesn't matter. To share your pain and burdens with me so you no longer have to bear all that weight on your own. I can tell that right now something happened to make you this frenzy. I won't force you to talk to me if you don't want to. Just, please, reassure me that you're ok.
Subaru looked down as Yui spoke, only looking up when she backed away to give him some space. He still remains silent. Yui gave him a sad smile
Yui: You must be tired so I won't keep you from rest. I should probably head off to bed as well. I hope you have a nice sleep Subaru. Sweet dreams.
Yui took a glass of water, chugging it down before turning around to head back upstairs
Subaru: Wait, don't...don't leave. Look, I'm sorry for hitting you, I didn't mean to hurt you I was just... on edge about being touched... .
Yui turned back to him.
Yui: Do you mind if I ask why? I know you are not comfortable with too much physical affection but what made you so antsy tonight?
Subaru: ... I had a nightmare. I know it probably sounds childish, but honestly, the whole thing in itself was full of childish behavior.
Yui: What was the nightmare about?
Subaru: It was...back a long time ago. I was a young child, maybe around 10. I was running away from the Castle, probably fed up with the place, and wanted to get the hell out of there. Two servants were chasing me, trying to bring me back to that prison. I was able to evade them in the forest if only for a while, until familiars started to track me down which made me start running again. I kept running until I heard a stream of water in the distance. I thought maybe if I went there I would be able to finally escape. I was wrong, my dumbass tripped over a damn branch that sent me flying onto my stomach. I tried to get up those two were able to catch up and restrain me. The dream ended with them trying to bring me back and me, desperately wishing they would get their hands off of me... .
Yui listened attentively, her face trying its best to keep face but slowly, it morphed into a sad frown with small tears welling in the corner of her eyes. Once he finished, Yui stepped closer, raising her arms insinuating if she could hug him.
Subaru: Go ahead.
Without thought, Yui pulled Subaru into a tight embrace, pulling his body close to hers as her hands cascaded up and down the small of his back
Yui: I'm so sorry you had to go through something that horrific. I can't imagine what it was like for a young child to be on the run, fearing for their life wanted that small sliver of freedom. It must've been so hard on you...What did they do once they caught you?
Subaru let himself sink into Yui's embrace, breathing in the cherry blossom scent in her hair, letting him calm down just a little as he nuzzled his face in her blonde tresses
Subaru: I don't remember much, what I do is my mother being absolutely hysterical about my disappearance. She gave me a good slap in the face after shouting at me. I don't even think I felt pain when she did it. I was used to her outbursts so it shouldn't have been anything, but... when I was sent to my room... I remember slumping on the floor and just crying like a baby.
Subaru closed his eyes, his ears filled with sorrowful cries of the girl in his arms. He knew the moment he told her she would ball out of sadness for him. Despite of depressing it was, it made him feel less alone. It felt good to have someone who couldn't share in his pain but also make him feel less of it.
Subaru: Hey...look I'm ok. Back then all I wanted to do was escape the hell I was unfortunately birthed in. I was surrounded by people who either hated my guts or just wanted to use me for their gain. Fucking bastards, sucking up to my father all the time that they forget about their dignity. I'd always thought that during that time, I'd have no one who'd stand up or look out for me. I never choose loneliness. It chose me, and I thought it would stick with me for the longest time. Then you showed up, listen to my problems, and annoyed the crap out of me while also making me feel like the most important person in the world. Even now when I'm being a brat not wanting to share how I feel, you still stick with me. I can't thank you enough for that Yui.
Hot tears streamed down her face as she looked at Subaru. He chuckled wiping them as he pressed his forehead against her
Yui: *sniff* I-I'm so sorry for crying b-but, I'm so proud of you. I remember back when we first met, how you would keep all your emotions inside and refuse to let yourself feel anything but anger. But now, you've grown so much! The transformation is amazing to witness, I couldn't be any more prouder of you. I'm glad I could help you appreciate yourself more. I'll always be there whenever you need me Subaru. You know how much I love you right?"
Subaru grinned softly at Yui, pressing a peck on the top of her cupid's bow.
Subaru: You practically tell me every day. Not that I mind of course. I wouldn't be able to make it this far without you constantly being by my side. I'm not religious and still think the concept of God is stupid, but I pray that we are always together. After all, a King needs his Queen, doesn't he?
Yui nodded her head vigorously, tightly embracing Subaru again, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Yui: Of course he does, just as much as she needs her King.
The two of them spent a couple of minutes, enjoying the silence of the early morning night in each other embraces.
Subaru: Come on, it's about to be morning and I'd rather not burn to a crisp in the sunlight. Let's head off to bed.
Yui: *Yawn* Yeah not to mention we have school too. Would you like to sleep with me tonight?
Subaru smirked, grabbing Yui from under her legs, carrying her to her bedroom
Subaru: As if you had to ask.
*Yui Room*
Subaru placed Yui in her bed, soon following along, wrapping his arms around her waist. Nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck. As Yui silently breathed in his chest, Subaru whispered in her ear.
Subaru: Goodnight my beautiful Queen, see you in our dreams.
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hinatastinygiant · 11 months
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2 | Pirate's Gold
Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Pirate's Treasure Masterlist
The next morning, you wake up to a person hovering over you. You try to sit up, but as you do, you hit your head against theirs.
"Ow! What the..."
"Who the hell are you?!" a blonde man yells, rubbing his forehead.
"Who am I? Who are you?!" you scoff. "You're in my tent!"
"What the hell are you doing here?" he asks, ignoring you.
You grumble as you sit up and repeat your question. "Who are you?!"
"I'm Captain Katsuki Bakugou, and this is my island," he responds, still kneeling over you.
Shit, you mutter in your head. This is definitely not how you wanted to meet this guy. All you know about him is that he's ruthless and hot-tempered, probably a result of losing his ship, crew, and no way off this place.
"Okay, Captain," you say as you attempt to sit up in the cramped tent. "Do you think we could both step out of my tent and talk where there's a bit more room since this is your island?"
"You're not going anywhere!" he then shouts over you.
"What?!" You are completely dumbfounded.
"Get out!" he screams. "Now!"
"But that's what I just-"
"Out, I said!" he yells once more.
You sigh and reluctantly step outside. Once there, you turn to him and try to explain.
"Look, I'm not trying to steal your island or anything. I'm an archaeologist looking for-"
"Pirate treasure," he finishes.
"Well, yes," you mutter, realizing this was not going the way you wanted it to.
"Take your poor excuse for a boat and get the hell off my island."
"Get the hell off my island!" he repeats, becoming nastier by the second.
"And if I refuse?" you question him.
"Then I will keep you as my captive," he sneers.
You pause for a moment and think.
"There is no way I'm leaving this island," you tell him.
"Fine. Then you'll be my prisoner until you agree."
He grabs your wrist and leads you through the jungle. You follow him, not having a choice, and notice him staring at the knife attached to your hip. "Give it to me," he finally stops, holding out his hand.
"You're joking," you chuckle.
"If I were, you'd be dead already."
"Oh, wow, aren't we the big, strong captain," you mock him.
"Give me the damn knife," he repeats.
You glare at him. You hate giving up your only weapon, but it doesn't seem like you have a choice. You unbuckle your knife and reluctantly give it to him. He then continues to drag you through the jungle.
After what seems like ages, he guides you to a nasty shipwreck. You look around at the decaying remains, noticing how strange it is. It's almost as if he took the entire thing apart, piece by piece, and rebuilt it again to fit his needs. How long has this captain been here?
He drags you onto the ship and throws you into a cell. "Behave yourself," he growls, locking the door.
"So you're just going to leave me here?" you call out.
"I don't plan on sitting here all day wasting my time watching you," he grumbles.
"Really? You've got some big date tonight or something?" you tease him.
He scowls at you. "Shut the fuck up. I've got better things to do than to sit here and watch you. The rest is not your business."
"You're all alone here, aren't you?"
"That's none of your concern," he scoffs.
"You have been for a while," you continue. "But why?"
"Why is any of this your business?" he questions you.
"Can't you leave? You could have taken my boat and ditched me here..."
"You're a real smart ass, aren't you?" he says.
"Look, Captain, I'm just trying to make conversation. You could at least tell me why I'm stuck here," you complain.
Pissed off, the captain unlocks your cell and grabs you by your arms. He pushes you back against the opposing wall so hard he knocks the air out of your lungs.
"Look here, you stupid, worthless bitch," he snarls at you. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but I'm not falling for it. If you want to leave this place, then shut your damn mouth and say so. I'd be more than happy to let you go if you promise you'll pack your shit and never come back."
"Or, we could go on a treasure hunt together," you suggest.
"No," he snaps.
"Why not? You could use my help, and I need you to tell me what's going on here," you try to persuade him.
"I don't need your help," he scoffs.
"You obviously do. You've been stuck here for years. Let me help you."
Without responding, the captain lets go of you arms and walks out of your cell, locking it behind himself. "You'll be staying in here," he tells you. "And I swear, if you make any annoying sounds, I'll kill you."
"Fine," you respond.
As the captain turns to walk away, you notice something strange. A necklace hanging around his neck. There's a key dangling from the chain.
"What if I have to use the bathroom?"
"Don't," he calls back.
"You can't mean..."
"Use the bucket," he says, pointing to a rusted pot next to you.
"Gross," you mumble.
"You could always say you're ready to get off my island."
"No way," you reply, rolling your eyes.
"Good luck then," he scoffs as he walks off the ship.
"Yeah, yeah," you mumble as he leaves.
☠ ☠ ☠
When it starts getting dark, the captain finally returns. You sit up from where you had been slumped in a corner and glare at him. "Are you done trying to scare me now?"
"I haven't even begun," he smirks at you.
"Look, Captain," you start to reason with him. "We both know you need me. Otherwise, why would you have brought me here in the first place? Just admit it, and I'll help you."
"Do you ever shut up?" he grumbles as he bends down to the small slit at the bottom of the door. You watch him curiously as he slides an apple through the slot.
"There's your dinner," he says, standing back up.
Gross, you think to yourself. You've got no idea what kind of diseases this floor has, and you're supposed to eat off it?
"Are you serious? That's all?"
"What's the matter, princess? Afraid of a little dirt?" he sneers.
"Not if the dirt is clean," you scoff.
"You can eat or not. Doesn't bother me."
"How am I supposed to know it's safe to eat?"
"It's an apple," he snaps. "What do you think I'm going to do, poison it? Don't be ridiculous."
"I don't trust you."
"That's the only smart thing you've said all day."
You stare down at the apple. "Fine," you relent. "I'll eat it. But if I die, I swear I'll haunt your ass."
"Don't threaten me, you damn intruder," he then snarls before leaving the room.
Taglist: @nemisimp @boopjuice
Pirate's Treasure Masterlist
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loserchildhotpants · 1 month
I'm 5, my father is exhausted by my disabilities, and is in the house, but disappears from my view. I don't see him, he doesn't speak to me. My only sign that he cares about me is that he draws me perfectly rendered Loony Tunes shorts on my napkins, which I find in my lunchbox every day at school. The kids at school are so jealous. I think that even though I seem to annoy him, he must love me still, so I'll keep trying to be good for him.
I'm 8, my father doesn't smile anymore, I can't remember if he ever did, he doesn't draw things for me anymore, but I hug him when he comes in the door after work even though he never hugs me back, and I pour his wine for him because I think it will please him. He doesn't stay in view for longer than it takes him to finish his dinner and wine.
I'm 9, my father's temper is a red-hot, violent animal that I feel prowling around the house at all hours. I am scared, all the time. He sometimes makes vague comments alluding to that he'd like to hurt me, if he knew he could get away with it. I make myself smaller.
I'm 10, my father tells me my art style is cheap and immature, and if I don't learn to use references, I'll never improve, and anyway, I'll never be as good as my friends or sibling.
I'm 11, my father tells me often that I need to lose weight, and I can't be wearing those sundresses (my mother picked them out, I thought they looked pretty, but I guess not).
I'm 11, my father scares my sibling and me so much, after a sit down with my mother about what to do if she ever 'goes missing,' my sibling teaches me what to do if my father ever comes upstairs to kill us both. My sibling is 16 years old. They're prepared to die to protect me long enough to escape that house, if it ever comes to that. I'm grateful.
I'm 12, my father snorts derisively at the assertion that I'm really *just* friends with Kevin, Joe, Chris, and David. He tells me that I'm 'not the kind of girl a good man would marry.'
I'm 13, my father shows me all the love and affection I've ever wanted from him, then drops me entirely after 9 months of that because he was only showering me with attention to piss off and confuse my mother.
It occurs to me then that he knows how to be a dad to me, he knows what I want and need from him, he just chooses not to be my dad, because he doesn't like me.
I'm 14, my father gives me an analogy about a man that comes home everyday to a wife that hits him in the head with a frying pan and he asks me 'who has the problem,' in the story. I say, 'the man.' He's baffled, and asks me why in the world that would be my answer, and I ask, 'well... why is a man continuously returning to a place where he gets hit in the head with a frying pan? He's clearly unwanted there, I mean... how many times does he need to be hit in the head before he takes the hint?' -- he storms away from me, visibly irritated.
I do not realize at that time that I've not sympathized with him where he wanted me to.
I'm 14, my father puts down two bottles of wine and takes off on his motorcycle in the middle of the night, Christmas Eve. I don't remember if he returned by the next day or not. I was angry with him. I don't remember if I was angry he returned, or angry he left.
I'm 15, but I turn 16 at midnight, my father remains silent and stoic as I disclose what details I can manage to verbalize about my CSA. He never says anything to me about it. I think he doesn't believe me, and my mother later tells me just as much. She will go on to remind me of this throughout my life, especially when I wound her pride. It hurts each time.
I'm 16, my father tells my relatives at Christmas dinner something along the lines of that I'm 'easy,' I always have been, what with all 'those boys,' I've always kept around me. I look to my mother with tears in my eyes, silently beseeching her to do or say something, anything in my defense, but she begs me to please just stay quiet. I do.
I'm 16, my father tells me he would have beaten me throughout my life, had he known my mother wouldn't have left him for it. I realize I was right to feel so unsafe all these years - I wasn't imagining his desire for violence against me, that desire to harm me was so powerful, it was another resident in the home. That silent animal did prowl around me.
I'm 16, my father physically intimidates me for daring to presume it was okay to crack his bedroom door open in the night, because our elderly dog wanted to sleep at the foot of his and my mother's bed. I stand toe-to-toe with him, but I cry and shake as soon as he stomps back to his room.
I'm 17, my father's birthday arrives, and I write him a heartfelt letter about how I would love to see him draw again, and I hope my gift of sketching pencils and a leather bound sketchbook will encourage him to return to his greatest passions. He puts a potted plant on top of the sketchbook and never uses it, my card is somewhere in the garbage.
I'm 17, my father, after being prompted to reassure me that he really does love me, instead tells me he hates me and has always hated me. We are in public, with several other people. My mother tells me to not make a scene and to please just finish my dinner.
I'm 17, my father rambles about his perpetual victimhood. I tell him I don't want to speak to him anymore. Ever. We don't need to. We don't need to do this, and I don't want to. I tell him he's hurt me more than my childhood molester ever could have. He looks gutted, he cries and asks me, 'how could you say that to me?' and I tell him, 'because you were supposed to love me.' He asks to hug me, but I don't let him.
I'm 18, my father leaves without saying goodbye to me, despite me leaving a note for him to please give me a chance to say goodbye before he leaves. I don't know why I thought he would. I'm still disappointed he doesn't.
I'm 23, my father saves a holiday from being absolutely ruined by my mother's narcissistic tantrum. I tell him that she tells me often that he's never believed me about the CSA. He assures me he always has believed me, but I don't know. I don't know. We hug before I leave. I don't know how I feel about it. I don't know.
I'm 24, my father sometimes sends me shit I don't need or ask for in the mail, I tell him to stop. I wonder if this is another attempt at one-upping my mother. I don't want him to send me shit. I'm not asking for it. I don't need his help or his attention, I don't want it. He backs off a bit.
I'm 25, my father calls me maybe once a year, I think it's mostly to check I'm still alive and to pretend to his side of the family that he knows anything about what's going on with his children, because they ask, and he never has any information. I give him an annual rundown of my achievements, so he can tell my aunts and uncles and cousins that I'm still out there, doing things, I guess.
I'm 26, my father insists on getting into a political debate with me on the phone that quickly devolves into shouting, because we are morally antithetical to one another. He wants to play 'Devil's advocate,' and I tell him, 'the Devil doesn't need an advocate, and if he did, he wouldn't choose you.' I hang up on him and don't speak to him for two more years.
I'm 28, my father calls me twice in the same year. It's fine. We're civil.
I'm 29, my father calls me maybe four times in the same year. At some point, he asks me what he ought to do, because he agreed to see my mother for a dinner, which he didn't want to do, but she loudly cornered him at a relative's funeral, and he felt pressured to accept. I tell him honestly that he shouldn't go, that she hasn't changed, she's still toxic, she's still awful, and he doesn't owe her anything anymore.
I tell him that for the safety of his own emotional well-being, he should construct a polite text message and tell her that he's sorry for the late notice, but he won't be able to make that dinner.
He seems really relieved to have someone tell him that. He seems surprised that I ever noticed he was mistreated by her.
I don't mention that he also mistreated her, because that's not the conversation that we were having right then. I can hold compassion in more than one place, which is not a skill he taught me, not a skill my mother taught me either, and was not an inherent trait about me.
I learned it on my own, on purpose.
The calls are still few and far between, but more pleasant; we avoid inflammatory subjects, I don't ask questions I don't want the answers to, we build a little bit of rapport. It's fine.
I'm 30, my father sends a birthday gift to my husband (who he's always been awful to), later in the year, he compliments my nature photography. He has begun mailing me things again-- harmless things, really. Things I even like to receive in the mail. I'm a bit of a family historian, and he sends me an authentic copy of the New York Post from 1974 with articles relevant to his personal history, which I know next to nothing about. He's friendly.
I'm 30, my father is calling and texting a bit more frequently, and I speak to him today.
Today, I tell him he's being very compassionate for taking care of his ailing mother when she never took care of him, that this is gracious of him, and I don't mean to applaud martyrdom or anything, but his bandwidth of sympathy for her is commendable, and she's lucky to have him there to take care of her in these late years, even if she's a bit too senile, and was always naturally a bit too cold to ever appreciate it, even when she wasn't senile.
I guess he feels seen.
I joke with him, I make him laugh, we chat, and it's fine. It's nice, even. When we commiserate about how similar my mother (who we are both No Contact with) and his mother are, and how the Devil we know is so much easier to seek out in the world than what we don't know we don't know; I tell him I'm sorry he made such a long investment in a woman that ultimately reminds him so much of his mother, but that if it's any consolation, both his kids turned out pretty funny.
He tells me that my sibling and I are the only good thing to come out of his horrendous marriage, and I don't know that he's ever said anything so kind about me or my sibling before.
When I get off the phone with my father, I'm 30 still, and he's still my father and not my dad, I still don't have a dad, I still wish I did, and I'm not exactly feeling nostalgic, but wistful in a very strange way, and bereft in an even stranger way.
I have trouble crying, historically, but I feel like I might. I don't know why.
He's a cat that sits just out of reach.
Sometimes we orbit the perimeter of what I need and want from him, but I'm scared of him, and I don't think he likes me, still. I don't know if I've made him proud, and I don't want to ask, because I won't believe him if he says he is, and I don't want the answer to matter to me anyway.
He's still a stranger. I know him a little bit, though. Could I have known him anymore than I do? Or was he always going to remain out of reach, this way? I don't know him because he didn't want me to know him. Does he want me to know him now? Is he a safe person to know?
Now that I'm an adult that evidently holds compassion for him, does he feel now that it's safe to connect to me, to show me affection?
What part of this do I mourn? If I get too close, will he swipe at me?
He's a street cat that was kicked and beaten and burned his entire life, and it didn't make him gentle. It didn't make him kind. No one taught him how to be gentle or kind. Whatever peace he's achieved, it's been against the odds.
I used to be angry with him, but I'm not much anymore. I'd be lying if I said I didn't hold an ounce of resentment, but the past is just that, and there's nothing to do about it now.
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