#i am very insecure about how bad my art is but i want to improve in a positive community!!!
princesandpirates · 5 months
if i were to set up a beginner artists discord to share tips/tricks and hype each other up would anyone be interested 👉👈🥺
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
Thank you, younger me, for drawing so many things in which the lines were never quite right. It is quite literally the only reason I ever figured out how to get them right.
#And I imagine future me will have a very similar thing to say when I am them and they are no longer me.#original#something about zyr improved composition and speed hopefully#i keep wanting to use she pronouns for future me. probably bc that is what i do for past me sometimes.#but i really don't think I'm ever going to want she her pronouns again#I still don't get my lines exactly how I want them a lot of the time but I am at a point where I'm fairly confident I can#produce nearly anything I see in my head and capture the spirit of it in a way that makes me proud.#even if it takes a really really long time sometimes.#and although I don't think the art I made growing up was bad i love the phrase#' the road to good art is paved with bad art.' I think I saw it in a video by Bobby Chiu? idk.#and I like it because whenever I'm not sure about what I'm making and I get to insecure or perfectionist about it#*too insecure#I remember that if I want to get good at the thing I'm struggling with I'm going to have to do it poorly or just okay a bunch of times#and that doing this is my ticket to this skill I'm placing value on. also doesn't hurt that Im drawing things I love and I enjoy doing it#although at this point I really really should just sit down and study leg muscles for like a hundred years#it's one of the more longstanding blindspots of mine. that and literally everything that is not people.#as in locations animals objects scenery... did you know that most graphic novels have some or all of those things???#how homophobic that in order to show my characters experiencing such luxuries as plot action and context I couldn't just#drop them on a gradient and be done with it!#I've been drawing for like 20 years and only a couple years ago was i like... OH MY GOD I CAN'T DRAW A FUCKING TREE
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soraviie · 2 years
them as boyfriends.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━  masterlist
━ about: fluff  ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ previously posted on soraviii
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Conversations! I am extremely chill about it but still insistent
Conversations about stuff!
Doesn't even have to be like here's the top 10 reasons why Auguste Comte was a cunt but like overall
Why do you enjoy doing some things and why are these things his hobbies you know
Why he knows that some of his habits are bad but he can't seem to stop them and so on
I always think that Namjoon is very concerned about doing the Right Thing, you know, being an objectively good person within a subjectively impossible world he probably worries a lot about "oh, was this thing I said perhaps going to rub you off the long way", "is what I'm doing with my influence enough, is it right?" "oh, you said it was okay but could it be that when I did this you wish I didn't and so on"
Wants to do right by the people he loves so open, frequent communication he views as an opportunity to improve and be assured that he's not an ignorant tool
A multifaceted individual so you get to see all sides - cute and cuddly, shy and embarrassed, the hoe side
Does absolutely wake you up in the mornings like "get up, sucker, we're going somewhere, get up"
Often says he's bringing you to a little something and it could be anywhere between a specific tree in a park and a booked-out art gallery during the night
Tries to echolocate you if he's out and forgot to take his glasses
He's insecure that he can't cook so he probably cleans a lot
Probably has read an article about weaponized incompetency and therefore tries to split chores evenly and keep them regularly done
He's actually torn up he can't do most things he would want like - wait for you after work or walk along the river freely
So he puts the extra effort in all he gets - lazy mornings, eating brunch abroad etc.
I can for some reason imagine him slow driving a bike at night and you're walking beside
Why is he not giving you a lift? He's scared he'll crash and you'll be hurt
If you can drive and own a car he will indicate that he wants to be driven not by asking but by sitting in the seat and putting a seat belt on in front of your eyes
When on tour or working late nights sends you short videos of the animals he finds along the way (think of that Instagram video of him harassing a crab on the way home from work)
Deep morning voice! Lord!
Absolutely the one on the list to have sex to relieve pent-up anger
Sleeps shirtless
Just get like ear plugs or straight-up knock yourself out because I just know he snores like a whole ass truck
If he's in love, really, I mean truly in love you're straight up becoming immortalized in the songs
Like he assigns a symbol that he associated to you whether a specific flower or a word or a concept but it's a little thing that keeps mentioned throughout
If it's a private track will ask you to moan for it to be used in a track
On like one day in a year when you convince him to be lazy, for sure, sits and watches TV with like a passive-aggressive frown and munches on chips really loudly
It's not even a bad show it's just how his face looks then
When meeting your friends, has an awkward "smile and wave, boy, smile and wave" stance
Definitely plays up his hotness once in a while - sleazy smiles, and those bedroom eyes, there are two wolves within him, a romantic and a player
If you're walking through an art gallery, for sure talks about every single thing he sees
The way you're on his Instagram is by sharing the photos you take, through them he can see the man you fell in love with and he becomes giddy over it
So hear me out but when Yoongi is crushing he's like a boyfriend, when he's in a relationship he's like a married man with two kids and a mortgage
It's not that the spark is missing (guy can get you hot and bothered in a matter of seconds, you know what I'm saying) but it's literal comfort
Everything about him is comfort
He's like what men think men should be but so much better
E.g. fixes stuff - lamps, chairs, bulbs
Has plans on doing renovation
He never does it but he insists that when he gets the free time-!
"Next weekend."
"Yoon, you said it last weekend."
"Yeah, and eventually I'll do it. Consistency is key."
If he's home and you're there cooks meals 100%
For some reason, I always think he's really into cooking breakfast
It's more likely for him to cook breakfast than dinner because he would oftentimes order it in
Soft lighting in the apartment, no overhead lights
His type of touching is subtle
When you're watching say a movie, he doesn't lean into you wholly but like sits and keeps a hand slumped on your knee
Listen to this - fleeting hand holding
If you're keeping your hand on the table and he's near, he'll stroke your hand for 3 seconds take it away and repeat
Touches your pinky with his - it's like saying "hey"
Now hear me out, gossip
Jimin is for sure the no.1 gossiper but Yoongi is not too far behind himself
You're getting the freshest hottest brew about every single idol and producer he finds repulsive
Not too big of an outdoors guy but he'll do literally anything for you so if you want to go on like a few-day retreat, you sit him down and ask him:
"Is this something you want?"
"Yes -ㅅ-"
"Be honest! Are you really okay with going away this weekend and doing absolutely no work?"
"You'll be happy -ㅅ- yes -ㅅ-"
Hates it but you're happy so he's happy
I think he gets a little bit insecure about his partner not being to be able to do a lot of things so he spoils them a lot - trips and rest days and such
Is a hypocrite though
If you drink a lot of coffee nags the shit out of you only to drink seven cups himself
And here's the hill I'm going to die on - really strict when it comes to eating sweets before proper meals
He might be chill when you say you're not hungry, it sometimes happens you know, but will not! have it! for you to eat candy before dinner!
"What are you - my mom?" you sneer as he shOVES a pack of gummy worms into a deep, dark corner of a pantry where it most likely will never see the light of the sun ever again
"I'll call her," he warns, stirring whatever he was cooking that evening. "Don't test me."
Fights with him are rare and very diplomatic
He treasures you a lot so he takes a logical stance and flat out states "we both could say something hurtful, let's take a breather"
If you're in a foul mood and anNOYED at everything and itching for a fight, he'll cock an eyebrow and just say: "Is that really something you want to be spoken out there?"
Sometimes gets you cute plushies
You once walked in on him reading omegaverse fanfic and no, there is no backstory, nor an explanation given
Holds an incredibly harsh critique of snacks
Tastes a chip, hates it, discARDS the packet with a "d i s g u s t i n g"
You will absolutely hear a fuck ton of "back in my day" and "these are not Korean nuts, these are x nuts, they're no good"
Somehow I think he shits himself more before meeting your friends than parents???
Because he knows how to get along with older people but your friends who are convinced he's going to cheat on you, he's nothing but another over-inflated popstar stroking his ego? not a clue, he's a lost boy
He's so humble and helpful that, of course, he wins them over
Probably has driven your friends somewhere where they need to be, like a reception, probably offered his car for moving purposes (does anyone else help their friends move in and out of places?)
When on long car rides absolutely tries to gaslight you by saying the most impossible shit like:
"Of course, there is."
"There are no rivers in the Gobi desert!"
"But there are! Ancient people, how do you think they managed to travel all that distance? It's because they got to the river and that replenished them halfway."
Actually just wants to talk to you and this is an easy way to do so
dRUNK Yoongi just think about it and enjoy, he's so giggly and smiley and probably calls out for you with annoying frequency
Your nickname is an inside joke, many don't think it's cute at all but you know better and that's what's important
Gets irrationally shy even after dating you after a while, say, you're changing and he walks in, for some reason puts a hand in front of his eyes??
Definitely covers his body if you're checking him out
"Can we please have some respect? Some decorum?" he whines, neck flushing at an alarming speed
Annoys you a lot, he's the annoying boyfriend
Tells the most ridiculous things, like:
"______________, I was in the bathroom and I did this," flicks hair. "And wow, I'm just so handsome. You must be a very strong person indeed to be able to bear it every day."
His confidence is a Schrodinger's cat - half true, half - farce
Somedays he wakes up and doesn't feel it at all and hides away from you saying he's ugly right now
Please assure him a lot during that time
If you work too much he's the best remedy for that
Jin is wise and helps you see how your time is the most important thing, that you don't have to prove your existence to anyone and can occupy space without proving your worth over and over again
Conversations with him don't often delve into deep waters but at the same time you don't feel unheard because he listens very attentively even if he doesn't share these anxieties and concerns
Does, unfortunately, give you secondhand embarrassment quite often
Has and will wear ridiculous outfits that have people turning their heads around
You're trailing with him, hand in hand, head low and Jin's ears too are flaming like gasoline on fire but who is he to prohibit himself from indulging things
Most likely to want morning sex, I will not elaborate
He has a special soft smile for when he feels properly cared for and babied
Appreciates being given flowers, hair tugged behind the ear
He doesn't give a fuck what's a norm, it makes him feel nice, fuck you, he'll continue doing it
If you find fishing boring, sorry you'll have to put up with it
"I guess this will be our thorn, honey, you'll just have to endure this for love"
He takes no shit, not even from you but in return never, ever prohibits you from enjoying things
For example, diving into ice-cold water in a lake is not his idea of a fun time but if you enjoy it, he'll be by the side shivering with a towel and a thermos
Definitely, 100% rehearses meeting your parents and quizzes you on his
It is no surprise at all when you meet that both of you know just the right words, the right gestures
Jin loves his family and to be put in a conflict between you and them is a walking nightmare
So he does his best to avoid that
You often eat at very random places scattered throughout the town and sometimes out of it
One day it's a luxury five-star restaurant in a penthouse, the next you're sitting on a wobbly chair at a marketplace, eating a small vegetable or meat skewer from a plastic cup
But Jin always knows how to bring a good time, so both times are just perfect
Okay so if this makes sense but Hoseok is the type of boyfriend who wants you to improve
So he wouldn't be super clingy or overly protective or madly jealous but he shows his care by reminding you to do self-care
Like skincare routine, morning and night he's there to ask you if you did it
Or whether you ate well, why not, why are you neglecting care in your life
I don't see him as overly romantic like big-ass gestures but really consistent care from the start
Now hear me out and don't tussle, he partially views you as a responsibility and a project
He works hard, correct?
He's a strict teacher and absolutely works himself 100% for maximum improvement
And it's not like he's hovering over you like a helicopter parent, moulding you into a version of his liking I just think he wants you to be the person you really like
So obviously it depends on what your goals are but he's really quietly motivating you to do better for yourself
It may not sound most romantic but at its core he wants you to be happy and I think he realises that it doesn't always just means being loved by a close person
So he wants you to improve, feel better about yourself and feel better about the world in such a way
Because the world is a very dark place, it can't handle even more negativity
Kinky, 0 explanation iykyk
A hype man for sure
If you're ever feeling like you can't do something he'll convince you that at the very least there's not so much loss involved as you think
Handmade jewellery especially if he's been away for a long time
I imagine him sitting at a studio, taking like a 15-minute break and he's tinkering with beads, arranging them and stringing them into a bracelet tailored to your interests
Buys you clothes more than anything else say like a car or a house
He splurges reasonably
Though them triangle bags he had back in the day cost like 300 that's my whole rent homie
It's hard to read what he'd be like as a boyfriend but out of all most likely to feel like a friend with added stuff
Which isn't bad at all
I think he struggles between the view of love in the traditional sense he's been taught and interpreting it his own, more peculiar way
Buys subtly matching clothes
Has a private Instagram and definitely hypes you up there
If he's upset but not overtly mad, he'll lie in the bed and Complain using full VFX of Hobi sound effects
Somehow managed to friendzone you once
As an act of revenge, you did that as well and now has learnt his lesson
100% has inner demons but out of all is the most likely to not share it, above Yoongi, above all
He doesn't struggle with communication per se but struggles with understanding that he himself can have faults and he doesn't have to do everything alone
He holds people he loves in high standard hence why he's so insistent on self-care; on being the best you can be within your own eyes, so it makes complete sense that he holds himself up to the highest standard, cutting himself the least amount of slack
Makes you feel like you're the most hilarious person in the world but doesn't talk much at home
If you feel awkward at an event and pressured will leave immediately, I just have a sense about this
Has a knack for jealousy but the type to end with you being railed the entire night with his jaw clenched
I know we all like his cute side but he can be scary
He can be standoffish and sharp he just mostly chooses to not be
He chooses the high ground though that doesn't always mean he wants to take one
So if you have an ex he particularly loathes he will be near poisonous to that person
But lets it go because it's not about them, it's about you and you deserve his undivided attention
He needs assurance a lot because I think he's convinced himself you'll leave because honestly, it's a hard lifestyle to tolerate in a partner
Touchy but listen to this his favourite is not hugging you but leaning into you
Because it can be so variable
Like cutely leaning onto you whining at you at a full volume or pressing his nose in your cheek with a smirk
I have a feeling he'd enjoy it if you have some temper
He hates fights, absolutely abhors them, and probably has fights because he didn't voice something in the first place because he didn't want to fight
But if you're mad at someone else? If you're angry and getting heated and being bossy?
He just ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But he often has ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he's in tune with his sensual side
Speaking of sensual, reads the most toe-curling, filthy romance books in his free time
I'm talking like casually sipping coffee and calmly listing through like a BDSM orgy
He's the type to try everything once, within reasons
Often when talking has a soft, whiny voice and holds a part of your body rubbing circles there
I can't imagine his flirty nature not getting him in trouble at some point
But he makes his commitment known in very intense ways
Like gripping your jaw, making eye contact and saying something along that he can't even sleep without you, you're in his bloodstream
Kind of corny but manages to make it sexy because it's Park Jimin
He wants to know everything about you - what you're thinking, why you're thinking it, what made you to be who you are now and who you want to be tomorrow
Desires to make eye contact
Steals more of your clothes than you do his
Drunk, kind of out of it dancing to slow, sexy songs is a MUST for him
In a way there are two parts to being loved by him which are very representative of his sides - one is cute and cuddly, wanting you to be happy, like an idealized version of kids being in love and the other one is hungry
He wants you in and out, if you're not his in the understanding that he knows you best, that he can please you physically and please you mentally by giving you comfort, he's not happy
Sentimental, probably secretly keeps tokens of yours from the beginning of the relationship
Has a copy of all your childhood pics, argue with a wall
The one true no. 1 gossiper, he knows everything about everyone like your workplace for example
He knows why exactly that co-worker of yours left for a two-week vacation and the reason is salacious as all hell while you could be sitting there - "I have a coworker by that name?"
If you're out and he sees someone being rude, will viOLATE them
His sense of humour could make a person suicidal fr
But unlike some, he uses his inside voice
Has things that annoy him in your relationship but I don't think he says it unless it's really bad
He lets small grudges pass hoping to preserve the balance
Because only the mere thought of you leaving terrifies him
Once Jimin ties himself to someone, genuinely, he doesn't want to let them go for nothing
If you're away for a long time, let's say going abroad or really busy with work, his emotions get the best of him and he gets quite upset
But he hides it and frankly somewhat succeeds
But you can also tell when you return home that he was missing you like crazy
He needs to be pampered then, reassured that everything's fine
Does everything you want even if it's not what he would usually do
If you feel like driving for a while to stare at the moon, he absolutely would
Seduces you over and over again
Partially I think the reason he changes up his behaviour so much is to make sure he's keeping you on your toes and you wouldn't leave
It's lowkey a phobia of his
It's so obvious he's dating you
You can just see the Love
Also if he would just stop glARING at strangers for bREATHING your direction, that would be great
Reminds you to do a lot of things but also needs those reminders as well
Often so tired he forgets to do basic things so you have to wrangle him to take a shower or brush his teeth before bed because he really works himself very hard :(
If you're on your phone when it's time to sleep will yANK it away like a mOTHER
Love to him means sticking together - always
Oh, you're expecting an explanation?
You're not getting any :)
Very soft
Also very weird
Being his partner means being his interpreter at times
You two have probably developed a language of your consisting chiefly of sounds
Sends you a shit ton of selfies
Mostly stupid and often blurry
He's a blurry sort of guy
Has sent a selfie taken from underneath his nostril
You could be sitting at work and he sends you a wet, shirtless selfie
Cause he's a menace
Big enthusiast of having soft lights as well
It makes the atmosphere feel more intimate
Everything is about intimacy when he's with you
Emotional, spiritual, physical
Where Jimin is in love with love, Taehyung loves romance
So big, classic, romantic gestures are a part of the Kim course
Date nights are unavoidable even let's say you're in two different countries he'll find a way
Sometimes by spontaneously flying out, sometimes by arranging the most ridiculous zoom call known to man
Like the camera placed where you would sit across the table with a restaurant dinner in front
Buys you lingerie, jewellery and fancy clothes
Teases you about loving him
"Ah, ______________ your passion for me makes a guy shy."
Cue to you sitting like -_-
Cause by now you're tiRED
I imagine he does get on your nerves a lot but by weaponizing all of that infamous charm at this point you're convinced he could get away with breaching the Geneva conventions
Always looks at you like he's done absolutely NO WRONG
Even if it happened like 3 seconds ago
Gatekeeps you in a way
He wants you all to himself and he's afraid if you don't like his friends, you might end up not liking him as well
Really values your opinion of him
Has gone to a fortune teller to ask how your future would look like
When you're going through a tough time, he "lends" you his angel
Misses you like crazy when you're apart
And sometimes even when you're here
If he's miraculously drunk, you're not getting him off you
Fucking Clingatron 3000 over here practically treats you as a plushie when you go to sleep
If you're the more reserved type, he's simply over the moon trying to make you flustered
And if you're really cuddly, he invites it eagerly and joyously
Jump atop of him and he'll laugh head thrown back onto the bed
Absolutely the type to find you being angry quite cute, with the exception that you're not so mad you're breaking up with him
This is of course really annoying because what if you want to establish dOMINANCE
Well good luck with that
He'll just smooch you to pacifism
Is lowkey always horny
Has kinks but I do not have the strength to think about them
Every week attempts to cook a fancy meal which ends up being an inedible concoction tasting like an armpit sweat
Promises to not do it again but lo and behold next week!
Watches a lot of movies with you
Watches you if you're out
Really zones out when you're ordering or simply waiting for something
If you're both at home plays soft music in the background so he could pull you into dance at any time
Fresh flowers whenever the old ones wilt down :(
Brings you to a lot of hipster cafes late in the evening
Quite often says the most inappropriate shit at absolutely the wrong place and time
For example, you're about to throw the bins out and he casually lets it slide -
"What if we tried for a baby right now?"
Smiles at his phone when texting you
Recalling back to the finding you cute when angry, definitely smiles and chuckles to himself if you're being huffy and complaining about work or what some dumbass did today
Begs you to share food
The type to bump into you playfully when walking
If he's going to bed, you're going to bed (can't sleep without his plushie)
Increasingly ridiculous nicknames - honey, babe, dearest, flower, sweet bean, rice cake, jujubii (warps it to sound more cuter version of jujube)
Eats up every capitalized love celebration ever invented - white day, rose day, his own made - "our first kiss day"
Really sentimental in that way
I think he wants love to feel more like a movie than it necessarily is so tries his hardest to make that dream a reality
It is often and with an honestly worrying frequency that you think there is nothing but mii music behind those eyes
Zones out a lot
Stops mid-sentences
Sometimes forgets to listen when you're ranting
It's because he feels safe with you
He feels that he doesn't have to make perfect sense so his mind wanders a lot because he's very relaxed when with you
The type of guy who holds your legs crossed in his lap, one hand caressing your calf when watching a movie
Speaking of movies, yes, you probably have a whole list of tv shows to watch together
(which he absolutely cheats by squeezing in extra screen time)
But you know what he absolutely does
Plays the most horrible otome games known to man
I'm talking about the horse dating simulator, every and all butler romances in the app store
At first, it's just to make fun of it
But then naturally gets really competitive and complains quite hard if the butler he's supposed to be romancing doesn't like him
"Why are men so hard to please?" he growls, fingers gripping the phone so hard the knuckles are white. "I spent 45 diamonds on this dress and "okay" is all YOU CAN SAY?!"
Though you started the game together, he's the one to finish them because it's just slightly hard to develop a romantic interest in an anime pigeon for you but not for Jungkook
Does as he's told when it comes to chores - washing dishes, cleaning, laundry, does it all eagerly
If you're messy, nags you but doesn't go as hard as, for example, Hoseok
Before you stop by his apartment, 100% tried to make it more "palatable" for you
Meaning, shOVES those 7 mattresses of his lying around into a closet or something
Whilst he's pouring a glass of wine you hear a crash come from somewhere
"What's that??" you ask and he sweats, absolutely shits himself
"Nothing," he replies, voice squeaky
"Didn't sound like nothing..."
"...dON't even worry about it."
If he has to take out the bins and your high-heeled shoes are the only thing available, he'll be strutting down to the garbage like a Victoria's Secret model
Has switched those LED lights to red to try and dance sexily in front of you only to bump his crotch into the corner of a closet
You're 90% of his impulse control so if you're gone, expect to see him with one eyebrow upon returning
Has cried at least once about thinking how much he loves you
Turns up his hotness just to see what happens
Is HIGHKEY ready to go at any given point
Even if he's dead tired, he's like "just a quick, lazy sesh, okay 🥺🥺🥺"
If you're scolding him also does this 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Finds it absolutely hilarious and endearing if you're bossy
Obeys whilst giggling all throughout
Your ass is a source of comfort for him, it's not your ass it's OUR ass once you're with him
If you're close with your family, probably the one most likely to spend a lot of time with them (of course, only with you there cause he cannot handle that tension A L O N E)
When you first brought him to meet the fam, anytime you tried to leave he would look at you with a smile on his lips but wide panicked eyes, hissing:
"do nOT leAVE me"
"I need to go to the bathroom..."
"Hold it! for the love of gOD hOLD iT."
After a while, he's a bit more chill, the type to be brought along to every camping trip and cookout
Is probably used for labour by your relatives
No, does not send you memes, he's breaking the Gen Z stereotype as he's not attached to the hip with his phone
Makes a conscious effort to spend enough time with you
He can be weaponized to kill bugs, shoo away birds, glare threateningly at strangers
Gently wrestles you for fun
Really enjoys it if you take care of him, like put hair oil in his hair, massage his shoulders, cream his hands etc.
Doesn't like spending a lot of time hanging around somewhere so he whines in your ear
"Are you going to be done soon?"
"We just got here. I need to buy a new shirt."
"You have plenty at home and they all look great on you. Let's just go eat. There's online shopping for a reason."
Gets jealous a lot but never gets angry at you and quickly lets it go
Mostly pouts and fusses if he thinks you're being too friendly with someone
Sometimes utilizes you as weights whilst working out
Like makes you lay on top of him when he's doing push-ups
Adores if you try to manhandle him only to then show you how it's really done by taking a hold of your legs and hoisting you around his waist
You have had a talk about whether he'd choose Namjoon over you and the results of that debate were relayed to Namjoon himself who just looks at you both with a frown that says "what the hell are both of you on"
Gets lowkey combative if you have bad habits that impact your health like smoking, too much drinking, or not eating regularly
Health to him is very important in spite of you pointing out the hypocrisy of it
As he often fails to take proper care of himself
But he tries so he wants you to try your best as well
Makes a secret tattoo about you
Like your favourite flower, or a favourite thing
Similar to how Namjoon immortalizes you in a way, but on his flesh
Sings around the house but is too shy to give you concerts
Sneaks you into the studio, however, for you to express your opinion
Sneaks you into a lot of places
Like an afterparty or a press conference
A member will see you and wonder out loud:
"I think I saw _____ walking by."
"You're just getting old, seeing things," Jungkook replies trying not to seem too guilty
You can absolutely tell if he has a surprise planned for you
"Jungkook, are you planning to bring me on a secret date?"
"0.0 no 0.0"
If you're mercilessly destroying him at a game, he threatens to cry
Would get upset at you for something he dreamt
Glares at you over coffee cup:
"You said you liked Yoongi better than me."
"In a dream you Dumbo," you roll your eyes. "I'm literally making you breakfast."
He answers with a vague hum, then turns up his nose, all offended:
"Said you liked his hip thrust more."
Wants to adopt more dogs, so you'll have someone to keep you company when he's on tour :( and so that they could protect you in case of home invasion or stalkers
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 9 months
♡Weekly Chronicles♡
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Hey babes! I've missed you guysss I am so happy I had an amazing trip it was so nice. I went to a convention in Maryland for 5 days it was so nice. I definitely left with a lot of knowledge so many amazing people spoke at the lectures<3 and I'm sorry I missed the weekly affirmations for this week.
I applied for all my classes for next semester before my trip. I’m low-key excited about the classes I have coming up. Lot of different courses since I'm almost done with my major required classes now I need to fill the rest of my credits with electives. I have an art class next semester just for fun. I can't wait to meet the people in my classes. I have to take this math class I am not excited for at all I hate math lol so every time I update you girliesss on this class I'll probably be complaining lol.
Interacting with different people this past week has been very good for me mentally. It brought me back to pre-quarantine Khadija who was such a big extrovert. After covid, I started to have mild social anxiety so this was needed. I dealt with a little insecurities while on my trip interacting with so many beautiful women I started to doubt my looks comparison is the thief of joy, I practiced a lot of the methods my therapist recommended like canceling one negative thought with two positive thoughts. I realized I was all in my head for no reason. I love watching Leo Skepi when I am feeling this way he always gets me together. I highly recommend him if you are dealing with a lack of discipline, self-confidence, or just need someone to get you together with tough love he is that guyyy. Side noteee I missed my antidepressant dose twice in a row because of traveling back to New York and it low-key made me hazy like it was super weird but I took it today. 
While I was away I ate super bad! The event was an African-focused event so the food there wasn’t healthy at all. I was going to stick to my diet while on my trip but I decided I'm on a trip let me relax and I don't regret it at all. But I am seeing the consequences of my food choices now I am soooo bloated lol. So I am starting a cleanse tomorrow for the next 14 days I already prepped my ginger shot for the morning I want to flush my system out completely going into the new year. I don't recommend cleanses especially to my babes that have dealt with ED’s always consult your doctors before starting anything. I just do what works for me. 
Now that I am back I can get back to being consistent with my Italian, pilates, and weight lifting. I was so sad I could not lift I feel like I'm low-key obsessed with lifting lol it feels so good and I've been seeing results, especially in my lower body. While I was gone I didn't have any time to do my hobbies they had us in lectures and events constantly. I practiced my Italian once which I'm happy about. I plan on starting jewelry making next week I'm super excited it was one of my favorite hobbies when I was in middle school. I used to make earrings and bracelets. 
♡Plans For The Weekend♡
My birthday is Sunday, December 31st! I am turning 21 yay! I am super excited I don't have anything planned for my birthday. I am going to have a mini celebration with my family and watch the ball drop my siblings bought me presents so I'm excited to open everything. I'm starting my cleanse so I'll be working out and taking good care of my body internally and externally so I'll be off social media this weekend and focused on my mental and physical health. I plan on creating my vision board and listing my goals this year. My dad is ordering my camera I used to have a YouTube channel but I took a break to work on my self-improvement journey I do plan on getting back on my YouTube grind soon lol so look out for that coming out in 2024! 
This week's little journal entrieee a lot happened this week and I'm excited to see what this new year brings babesss. Comment your plans this weekend and how did your week go?
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wraithsoutlaws · 1 year
Then & Now the (x: perfect drug) edition:
Inspired by the fandom to look back and celebrate the boys' journey as well as my own in terms of vp.
March 2021, ps4.
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I never created Dagger with the intention to ship him with anyone, but by the time I got here on his file it felt strangely natural. He was still a very fresh oc but things began to click immediately and genuinely felt like it was meant to be. The development of him as a character began to happen side by side with this silly little ship and both ended up becoming really personal and special to me.
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It's hard getting decent shots on ps4 with anyone. It's especially hard when it's a minor npc with extremely limited screen time available! You have no idea how many times I went back and played these two quests trying to get something interesting. Honestly I'm really grateful for my time on ps4 not only because it helps me appreciate what I can do now a little more, but I think a lot of my growth happened here, stretching the limited resources I had available.
July 2021, ps4
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Learning how to work within the confines of totally vanilla photomode, getting creative with base game poses and skipping time to find the best natural light, etc. I'm still proud of these pictures, they capture an intimacy that I think is really special, and at the time were some of my favorites I'd ever taken, and even now I can note the growth between these and the first ones I'd taken.
April 2022, laptop
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The first pictures taken on my laptop and my first time posing them with AMM/setting up a scene. I might like to retake these some day. I'm more critical of them than I am of my ps4 pics tbh but they're still an important part of my journey. Over time I noticed red lighting had become my comfort zone, or more specifically, a crutch! So I've tried really hard since then to improve on that and push myself in different directions.
February 2023
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It took me almost a year to feel comfortable enough with posing to attempt some goddam kisses. I'm still not very good at these but at least I improved in other ways. Honestly, I struggle with these two at times because they aren't your typical outwardly loving, cute couple, and I'm usually very strict with myself to keep them as in character as I can. That can make it hard to think of couples poses/ideas, both cute and spicy, but. they can be lovebirds as a treat.
May 2023
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Only recently have I begun to feel a strong sense of style in my own work. Playing with lighting and scenes, and trying to jam as much personality as I can into these slice of life pictures is really important to me and is one of my favorite parts of doing this. They can be sweet together but it's important you see the other side of that (the blood, the knives, drugs, etc. Also Dagger resting his ashtray on Dum Dum is one of my personal favorite quirks). I really try to put a lot of their life into pictures like this. I want to convey all the parts of who they are together, even if nobody else notices.
June/July 2023
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Its pretty hard to articulate how important these two have become for me over the last couple years. I've been playing this game since release and haven't had this sort of steady inspiration or creativity for years. Even on the bad days, just thinking about them is enough to get me through as silly as it sounds. I've grown so much not only in VP but my own art (something I had all but entirely abandoned until I picked up this game). They've provided an outlet I've been searching for for a very long time, and I'm really grateful for that. It's kinda wild looking back at where it started, and seeing how far it's come. Sometimes I still struggle with my perception/the worth of my work but I can't deny the happiness its brought me either.
Including a couple other character ship pics under the cut c:
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I'm always a little insecure about my ship pics specifically, I'm very bad at comparing myself with others! But I put a lot of love into these and I can see the improvement when I look at them over time. Regardless of anything, they were all made with lots of love and I hope that comes across.
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goddamnwebcomics · 5 months
Yeah. It's basically why I'm thinking of lessening my inputs in some art communities. So many of the people in Discord alone are very touchy when it comes to receiving criticism over webcomics and even art. 
The last server I was on banned me for basically talking about how the owner of a server's art piece would probably improve if they go back and finish it. All I got was a response that amounted to "shut the fuck up! Let the artist do what they want" with the artist/owner pointing up to it in agreement when they were the ones who asked for an opinion. Always treating me like I'm a negative user and a whale (basically meaning a person who consumes a lot of media and treating it like it's a part of the conversation). 
Generally speaking, webcomic servers are just terrible places. Like all of them just run on echo chamber energy. Sure you can say that about social media sites, but forums and especially Discord servers have it worse to me. Like the times I keep getting vague answers on comics that seemingly have no directions and all the artist does it post sarcastically smug emojis over the questions while saying things like "that's an interesting idea" or "Ooo! Maybe. Guess you got to keep reading". No real engagement. Just garbage responses.
Or one time when I tried to ask a simple question about a flaw in a character or even story that I didn't like how it was written, and the author spent time divulging their character's bio and how story writing works without actually engaging with me and answering what I just asked. Acting like I didn't read or understood the story/intentions. You know, before blocking me on almost all accounts. Furaffinity, Twitter, Tumblr, ect. ect. Just a waste of time, especially mine.
That's one of the things you're wrong about, GW dude. It doesn't matter if they're a big shot or not. As long as an artist/person has AN AUDIENCE they're all the same. Just borderline insecure and most times arrogant people who really have a specific audience in mind that will take the good and the bad, not say anything about either, and put users down if they didn't like what they said.
That is unfortunate and irritating to hear and I don't know if it's the internet that caused this or does popularity really go into people's heads. This reminds me of the anon who came here like a month ago to tell me to critique Marvel movies instead of webcomics. I think they might have been a webcomic artist who comes from that exact mindset. These people also need an example of what a negative person is. Go on Twitter, and I am not naming names but certain users who spend their whole timeline shitting on shit. Those people give me the idea they are very hard to be around. Likely nicest thing they can say about something is "looks like shit lmao". I know you've critiqued me as well and I don't get the idea you're inherently a negative person. I do take everything you say to heart and if I say something stupid you're not afraid of saying it to my face. You don't go on twitter or some grassy forum to crop my statement and go "THIS PERSON IS CLUELESS! FUCK HIM!". That's being a dick. I guess the inability to handle criticism is just something that's very common in indie scene, like gaining an audience is the worst possible thing that could happen to you as a creator. I don't think you should give up. Webcomics already have a ruined reputation and it's not the fault of webcomic critics but the webcomic creators for being so shallow, self-centered and pardon my french, fucking delusional.
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mcalhenwrites · 5 months
I've been thinking a lot about how hard I am on myself when it comes to a lot of things, particularly writing. I'm figuring out that it takes me longer to learn something. I've always been rather ashamed that so many people much younger than me are better writers and have more knowledge than I do, and I know that I never went to college (this isn't necessarily a bad thing being debt-free). I learned most of my education through willpower, because I had a father who constantly sabotaged my education. My dad refused to buy a lot of the supplies I needed (down to even pencil and paper, but this was especially true for school projects where he felt the teacher was wrong to make him buy 25 cent poster board) and tore me down when I pointed out that he spelled something wrong. He'd go on rants about how university kids were coming into his workplace and knowing jack shit, so college is a waste and I shouldn't go, it makes you STUPID actually! There's more, but it's just down to his own insecurities. He wants to be the smartest person in the room, but his boasting tends to make people roll their eyes or feel uncomfortable. I know I never wanted to be like that, but maybe between being torn down and feeling self-conscious about ever acting like an idiot who thinks he's the smartest person around, I went too far into "I'm really stupid and terrible"? I don't know. That kind of self-flagellation isn't the good kind of kink. :P (Not really into that as a kink either! Haha.) I've worked hard to the point of not always thinking about self-care. I pushed myself a lot - still do in many ways. I have disabilities I should be more thoughtful of. Somehow, I managed to reach a point in my writing where I wasn't as bad as I thought? It's okay not to make great art. I've felt a lot of pressure to be good at it so I can have an income instead of staying broke all the time. Right now, I'm starting to see that I don't make bad art, I can make money on it, but also... yeah, I do need to keep doing my best. I may have to work a little harder than other people to be good at anything. And that's okay. I don't deserve to die. I am allowed to live and create. I think moving out-of-state where I have no family nearby has been good for my self-worth. I've only been here for 4.5 months, it was a rough start, but... I'm beginning to see where I'm improving in confidence, in assertiveness, etc. My stories are worth telling. They're filled with pain, a lot of it very personal to me, but... I hope they can help others. Even if they're bestsellers. :P
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drakulateeth · 2 years
As a femme fatale, you must have mastered the art of always saying less than necessary. I'm also trying to master that, because I often feel like I say a bit more than I should and tend to regret it afterwards, so I was wondering if you had any advice on how to avoid saying too much both in general and in a specific situation (like how do I stop myself in the situation from that kind of behavior).
Hi dear,
Thank you for your ask <3
To be honest with you, my brand doesn’t align much with mystery. But I have gone through an oversharing phase that made me view life differently and last March I set out a goal for myself that I would not say more than necessary at all times, so I will share with you what has been working for me so far.
Starting point
First off all you need to know when you tend to overshare and when you tend to not talk at all. Then you can decide on what causes you to react like that, and what you think the appropriate reaction should be. And then you can create a war map on predictable situations.
I actually like talking to people and bonding like that, so it isn’t necessarily something I want to change, but I have decided that I do not want everyone’s feedback on everything, and that I don’t want to prove myself for the sake of proving that I am doing x, meeting with y, working on z. So I do think it is necessary for you to have some degree of awareness as to when and why you overshare. Being aware of the situation is the first step into improving it.
What to do when the situation arises!
Speak slower. Learned that trick from the days that my teachers would ask me something I wasn’t very sure about, speak slowly with a low tone. It appears like you’re in full control while also giving yourself some room to think. Take some deep breaths while talking if you tend to overshare and speak fast, not only do you exhaust yourself but other people as well. Just slow down.
Do a quick estimation of the situation, do you not know what to do with yourself so you just drown the other person in words? Do you feel awkward? Why? You need to know on what topics do you not want to give your input and on which ones you would not mind elaborating on. This is the most difficult part to manage, but give yourself some time, say 3 weeks of data gathering, do you can understand where you stand on.
And finally, keep the topics light. I know small talk isn’t that appealing and that people online hate it, but it isn’t the devil they make it, if you know how to socialize adequately it will not be that challenging (if not, acknowledging the situation is the first step in improvement) Maybe I am too busy and self centered because I don’t care to get really deep on all discussions, but that’s a part of myself I’ve made peace with (I don’t particularly enjoy being vulnerable in front of other people, so when someone shows all their vulnerabilities and insecurities unprovoked, it makes me respect them less and also adds them to my can take advantage of category) Discuss about things you have in common, movies, weekend plans, work, commute, weather, history, politics, whatever doesn’t leave you feeling bad after talking someone’s ear off.
As I mentioned previously this is a work in progress for me too, but I hope this could help. You will have to strategize according to your own needs and environment, but you can start by taking my opinion into consideration. If there was a one size fits all solution, believe me I would have found it by now.
For now speak slowly on a lower pitch and keep your topics light.
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Happy hunting my maneaters,
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kart0 · 2 years
meds update plus rant: day 20
almost 3 weeks guys ! I'm doing it !! I need to schedule an appointment cuz I only have 10 pills left oof
hmm...folks, not gonna lie... these few days have been tough.. I started becoming more and more frustrated cuz I felt like they weren't working ( days 16-18 ) and my mom also asked me a few days ago "so... Dani... have you been feeling better ?" in which I replied "nope" and she asked "do you feel any different at all ?" and also again "nope"
btw it's not PMS lmao I swear
and then I got even more upset that, maybe I might just be undiagnosed with adhd ? cuz I'm still struggling with doing tasks, procrastinating, forgetting stuff, getting overwhelmed easily, getting angry easily. I had to change my bed sheets and I really started crying. I am so tired.. and it's hard to change the sheets cuz of my mattress and the shape of my bed and also I have to fold and put the comforter a certain way and its not exactly a simple and fast task and it can mess up the sheets and make everything look and feel wonky and... like fr I am not exaggerating... and then also I just. started going on a spiral yet again :(
I feel so insecure and I just wanna cry all the time. because I'm so tired. I keep forgetting or procrastinating to fix my sleep schedule. it's 2am rn...
I feel horrible with my appearance, I hate my face and my body, I hate everything about how I look. and I feel very ugly all the time, I'm too self conscious and too self aware of my surroundings and I can't never relax... don't slouch, don't show your teeth when speaking or smiling, don't move your head too much, don't touch your hair, don't stand this way it makes you look weird. I'm exhausted, why can't I just accept how I look...
I feel dumb, and untalented. I feel lazy, and stupid, because I keep seeing people around me succeed and I can never do that. yes I am fucking envious of people. no I do not wish them bad things but all I can think about is.. that could've been me if I had tried harder. if I had tried enough. if I forced myself to do it.
and it's taking such a toll on me rn I feel stupid and dumb and lime a failure.
I'm frustrated cuz I can't improve my artstyle either, nor my poses or composition. my art is so repetitive and unoriginal, and uncreative. predictable. forgettable.
n also, no one fucking interacts with me on twitter and I don't blame them cuz I never post art, not interact with them, and all I ever do is cry and vent like a fucking loser. who wants to read this shit anyways. but what makes it worse is that I'm currently at my peak, I have never had this much followers ever. and I know it doesn't mean worth but I can't seem to change this mindset
which makes me feel like such an imposter... how can I have this many followers when I don't post shit. when my art is shit. when I am a shit person. why are they following me, I don't deserve anything. and now it's even more pressure I want them to be happy I want them to not see how much of a loser I really am.
and I just. I don't know. I could do such great things. I know I have the talent. I know I am smart. but why can't I just be better, use my time more wisely, and improve myself. I am such a waste. that's how I feel most of the time, I'm wasting myself, wasting my time, my parents money. I'm so tired of being stupid and not doing what I have to do just cuz I don't want to do it.
it's a bad bad bad day and week. I guess this is the confirmation that the meds aren't working, or haven't started working yet. I just want to die
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nj-in · 2 months
yeah so 😛
tbh this is a (very fucking long holy shit) kinda silly vent post cause I don’t feel like eating but I also haven’t even eaten since lunch and it’s 10 at night
honestly it’s kinda cringe and partially ranting about my shitty art don’t read if you don’t want to ig
I think I’m a workaholic and it’s probably not healthy but I need something to do all the time. I’m a writer/artist, and I’m constantly working and shit just for fun but I’m not sure if it’s worth it if my efforts aren’t recognized or even seen by others.
(This is already getting depressing lol)
Oh yeah main point: I’m either mentally exhausted or I’m just weird cause of my eating habits. Like, why tf am I already full after eating 2 bites of my meal?? Even I can tell that I should be able to finish it all if people around me can too.
Art as well (connecting to the workaholic point above). I’m always doing art, and when I really do feel like it, I can literally just spend hours, no eating, drinking water or other shit, and just draw. But like, I’m not really a big artist. Yes, sometimes people see my work, and are probably like ‘That’s cool 🤷’ but does that mean it’s good or what babe 😔
Art for me, I spend a lot of my time on it and stuff, so when my shitty 20 minute doodles do better than my other works, it kinda sucks, knowing that I get more recognition for my quick things than the other things that I spend more time on.
There’s also like insecurities and stuff I have about my stuff, since there are so many people better than me at art, and some of them have been doing it for a shorter period of time and are just way better than I am. Like, I know some kinds of comparison are just unhealthy (making you feel bad about yourself and doubting your worth and your ability ) but I think it’s kinda becoming a problem for me.
Some people learn quicker, and I am not one of them tbh. It’s great if you can become a good artist within a short amount of time, but I guess I’m just salty about how I suck at art and stuff compared to others 💀
like, I wish that I could be someone memorable, not like a bug you saw once and killed then forgot about. For another post, I talked about my phobia (being forgotten), and it kinda resonates here but not at the same time.
if my stuff doesn’t leave an impact, how am I supposed to know if you remember it or not? If my work isn’t worth remembering, it means that I need to improve, or that I need to just get some balls and grow up, which is relevant to this point 😛
If you saw my art or one of my posts, then just forgot about it and never remembered again, doesn’t that mean I’m just some random person on the internet? I know you’d die normally without knowing if I’m alive or not, and I respect that.
I’m not memorable, I’m not special, I’m not even that good at art tbh.
I just hope that I can at least try be someone to be remembered, to have someone know I at least existed, even if nobody else cares. And I hope my dumb eating problems and my workaholic brain and my mental health is chiller in the future idk.
thank you a lot for taking the time listening to me talk. Really. I love you and I hope you have a great life, even if this is the only post you’ve ever seen from me ❤️
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strrgrrrlz · 3 months
My Goals goals for the month (Kind of).
As I started to write on the last post, which was an official journal entry, I decided to create a little list of goals to achieve this month. I guess the pourpose could be an incentive to keep writing, but in all honesty, I've been ating to get out of this mental slump I've been in for such a long time, so I hope this can help me to feel better.
On the "Self Improvement" area:
Create a good routine that works for me and is not crazy
Elaborating on that: Just like most people who decides to improve themselves and their lives, we set up goals that sounds great but turns out to be unachiveable. waking up at 5 is impossible since I have college classes at night, so I woul usually go to bed at midnight, the sleep would be awful. I also can't compromise on super scheduled routines, because I live with my family so I don't have a lot of control over my enviroment all the time.
So, I want my routine to be, basically, Wake up at a reasonable early time (like 7), wash my face, get ready for the day, make a little coffee and study my management material. Then I take a break to have breakfast with my mom, then I'll go back if I have something to finish. Then I'll do house stuff, help my mom, IDK, work on our little project. By 3:30 I'll start getting ready for my classes, then go to college etc etc.
Journal, Journal, journal.
This is why this blog was made for. I need, desperately, to make sense of it all. Jokes aside, I need to write for my mental health. Just get things out, nothing crazy, just a safe space for me to talk and make it look cute.
No need to elaborate on that one
Improve my confidence, and my behaviour
I don't believe I have always been like this. I was a confident kid, like a very confident one, but the other kids did everything they could to put me down, and they won. I became a very sensitive, very insecure and isolated teenager, I am better now, but honestly, adult life has been hard. I feel like I have grown a little thick skin, but I'm definetly not at my best, and sometimes I feel like I am at my worst, because no matter how much you grow, at a certain point the level of difficulty of life gets higher, and you realize you really don't know a thing.
I have a feeling my recent bad behaviour will fade a little as I work on myself. A lot of my problems internally reflects on the way I act and I hate that, so I want to change.
learn more, but actually learn more
I don't want to be someone who's online all the time doing nothing all day long and being a brainless zombie. I want to LEARN things, Languages, history, art, things, actual things, not just stuff. Pick up on reading again. Becoming excited about things and not just resenting people and situations.
On the study field:
Read more than what is asked from me
Study more at home
Be more upfoward when it comes to group projects
I think that's it so far
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cyndavilachase · 4 years
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I’m Looking Forward Now 💖Thank you and good bye
So, it’s been a little over a week since Steven Universe Future ended… 
I’ve been hesitant to write this, honestly, but I’m tired of holding myself back from properly expressing myself in fear of appearing overly invested in the media I consume, even in private. Writing helps me organize my thoughts and feelings, and I feel like these thoughts in particular may resonate with many, so I want to share them. I want to talk about what Steven Universe has done for me personally, both as an artist, and as a person.
I’ve been around since the day the first episode of the original series aired. I actually remember when Steven Universe was just a logo on Wikipedia’s “List of Upcoming Cartoon Network Shows” list, back when I was a freshman in high school. It piqued my interest, but when commercials finally dropped for it, I thought it was going to be bad because of the way marketing handled introducing Steven as a likeable character. There was still something about it that made me want to give it a chance though, so I went online and watched the pilot before the first episode's release. I was hooked immediately. I knew I was going to love it, and I did. I fell so absolutely in love with Steven as a character, and the world that he and the gems lived in. I became obsessed. I was always so excited for new episodes to come out. Little did I know what else it would do for me as I went through my adolescence alongside it.
As the show progressed, it was evident that what I wanted out of a western animated childrens’ cartoon was finally coming into fruition: this show was becoming serialized. There was continuity, there was plot, there was character development-- it was getting deep. It was pushing the groundwork that Adventure Time laid out even further (thank you, Adventure Time).  
I will give credit where credit is due: earlier western childrens’ cartoons I grew up with like Hey Arnold, and Rugrats, among others, also touched on heavy topics, but Steven Universe was able to take similar ideas (and even more complex ones, concerning mental health and relationships) and expand on them outside of contained episodes and/or short arcs. These themes, which were a part of the show’s overarching story, spanned across its entirety. Continuity was rampant. 
What did this mean? It meant kids cartoons didn’t have to be silly and fun all the time and characters weren’t just actors playing a part in 11-minute skits. Steven and the gems would remember things that happened to them, and it affected them and how they would function and play a part in their story. This was a huge deal to me as a teenager. I always wanted the cartoons I grew up with featuring kid characters to feel more. In my own work, I often felt discouraged when combining a fun, cutesy western art style with themes as dark or layered as anime would cover. I always thought it had to be one or the other because an audience wouldn’t take a combination of the two seriously enough, based on discussions I had with classmates, friends, and online analysis I read at the time. Steven Universe proved to me otherwise. This show was opening the door for future cartoons exploring in-depth, adult concepts. I felt so seen as a kid, and was inspired to stick with what I love doing.
I was actually very worried about the show’s survival. It was in fact immensely underrated and the fandom was miniscule. Then in 2014, JailBreak dropped, and it’s popularity exploded. Part of it was because of the complex plot and the themes it was covering like I mentioned, but also because of its representation. 
I remember when fandom theorized that Garnet was a fusion due to grand, tragic reasons. Turns out, she’s simply a metaphor for a very loving w|w relationship. This was huge. I cannot stress how important it is that we continue to normalize healthy canon queer relationships in childens’ media, and Steven Universe finally was the first to do that proper. Introducing these themes offers the chance for a kid to sit there and ask themselves, “Why is this demonized by so many people?” I asked myself exactly that. Ruby and Sapphire were my cartoon LGBT rep. They were the first LGBT couple I ever ecstatically drew fanart of. I was dealing with a lot of internalized homophobia at the time, and they showed me that I was allowed to love women and feel normal about it. The process of overcoming this was a long one, but they played a part in my very first steps into becoming comfortable with my sexuality. I could go on and on about it’s representation in general-- how it breaks the mold when it comes to showcasing a diverse set of characters in design, in casting, and in breaking gender roles. It’s focus on love and empathy. Steven himself is a big boy, but he's the protagonist, and the show never once makes fun of his weight, or any other bigger characters for that matter. It wasn’t hard to see why the fandom had grown so large.
Fandom was always a joy for me. It was a hobby I picked up when I was in middle school, like many of us here did. I would always cater my experience to fun, and fun only. I only started getting more deeply involved in SU’s fandom when I had just turned into an adult. During the summer of 2016, between my first and second year of college, I drew for the show almost every day non-stop when the Summer of Steven event was going on and posted them online. This was a form of practice for me in order to become not just more comfortable with experimenting with my art, but also to meet new artists, make new friends, and learn to interact with strangers without fear. I dealt with a ton of anxiety when I was in high school. When I was a senior applying to art school for animation, I decided I was going to overcome that anxiety. I made plans to take baby steps to improve myself over the course of my 4 years of college. Joining the fandom, while unforeseen, was definitely a part of that process. I started feeling more confident in sharing my ideas, even if they were fan-made. I fell in love with storyboarding after that summer, when I took my first storyboarding class, and genuinely felt like I was actually getting somewhere with all of this. I remember finally coming to a point in my classes where I could pitch and not feel hopelessly insecure about it. I was opening up more to my friends and peers. 
But this process, unfortunately, came to a screeching halt. 
My life completely, utterly crumbled under me in the Fall of 2017 due to a series of blows in my personal life that happened in the span of just a couple weeks. My mental health and sense of identity were completely destroyed. All of that confidence I had worked for-- completely ruined. I was alone. I nearly died. My stay at college was extended to 4 and half years, instead of the 4 I had intended. I lost my love for animation-- making it, and watching it. I could no longer watch Steven Universe with the same love I had for it beforehand. It’s a terrible thing, trying to give your attention to something you don’t love anymore, and wanting so desperately to love again. I dropped so many things I loved in my life, including the fandom.
Healing was a long and complicated road. I continued to watch the show all the way up until Change Your Mind aired in the beginning of 2019, and while I still felt empty, that was definitely a turning point for me with it’s encapsulation of self-love. I was hoping James Baxter would get to work on Steven Universe since he guest-animated on Adventure Time, and it was incredible seeing that wish actually come true. The movie came out and while I enjoyed it and thought highly of it, I was still having issues letting myself genuinely love things again, old and new. It was especially difficult because cartoons were my solace as a kid, when things got rough at home. I remember feeling sad because the show ended, and not getting the chance to love it again like I used to while it was still going.
By the time Steven Universe Future was announced, I was finally coming around. I was genuinely starting to feel excitement for art and animation again. I wasn’t expecting there to be a whole new epilogue series, but happily ever after, there we were! Prickly Pear aired, and the implications it left in terms of where the story was going did it. I was finally ready to let myself take the dive back into fandom in January of this year. My art blew up, something I wasn’t expecting considering my 2-year hiatus. Following this, I was invited into a discord server containing some of the biggest writers, artists, editors, and analysts in the fandom. I had no idea there were so many talented people in the fandom, some already with degrees, some getting their degrees-- creating stuff for it on the side just for fun. The amount of passion and productivity level here is insane, and so is the amount of discussion that has come out of it.
I didn’t realize it at first, but it was actually helping me gain back the courage to share ideas. I lost my confidence in pitching while I was taking the time to heal, and graduating meant there would no longer be a classroom setting I could practice in. This group helped immensely. 
I have made so many friends through this wonderful series, and I have so many fond memories talking to like-minded creatives, getting feedback and a myriad of sources for inspiration, as well as all of the memes and jokes and weekly theorizations that came about as we all waited on the edges of our seats for episodes to air. I needed this so badly, I needed to get back in touch with my roots, when I would go absolutely hog-wild over a cartoon I loved with people who loved it as much I did. Future has been a blessing for me in this way. I graduated feeling like I was back at square-one, but now I feel like I’m on my way again.
It’s 2020 and while I’m doing great right now, I am honestly still recovering from the total exhaustion that followed after graduating a few months ago, and finally leaving the campus where my life fell apart behind. Needless to say, watching Future was like looking into a mirror. Watching one of my favorite characters of all time-- one that grew up with me-- go through so many of the same things I went through not too long ago was absolutely insane to watch unfold. It’s such an important thing too, to show a character go through the process of breaking down over trauma and all the nasty things that come with it, and to have them go on the road to healing. Steven got that therapy. He wasn’t blamed. The gems were called out. The finale was everything I could have ever hoped for. The catharsis I experienced watching it was out of this world.
As I continue my own healing journey, I will always look up to the storyboard artists, revisionists, and designers that I have been following over these past 7 years, as well as the new ones introduced in Future. It's been such a joy watching these artists release their promo art for episodes, talk about their experiences working on the show, and post the work they've done for it alongside episodes airing.
Thank you Rebecca Sugar, the Crewniverse, and the fans, for making this such a truly wonderful and unique experience. Thank you for reminding me that I am, and always will be, an artist, a cartoonist, and a fan. Thank you, my followers, for the overwhelmingly positive response to my artwork. I have had so much fun interacting and discussing the show with you all again over these past few months. Steven Universe and it’s fandom will always have a special place in my heart, and it will always be a classic that I will return to for comfort and inspiration for decades to come. I am sad that the cartoon renaissance is over, but so many doors have been opened thanks to this show. I am so, so excited to see what this show will inspire in the future, and I hope one day I get the opportunity to be a part of that. 
Goodbye Steven, thank you for everything. I wish you healing, and I wish Rebecca and the team a well-deserved rest. ♥️
-Cynthia D.
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faeriejukyung · 4 years
True Beauty’s Gaping Mother Wound
*disclaimer*: I understand that all the listed traits are things which are often very common in Asian households, and it may seem that rather than being concerning, these are just a part of Asian culture. That is why, I feel that it’s necessary for me to make it clear that I am, in fact, Asian (Indian to be specific), and parental abuse is something that is extremely normalized here. As someone who has experienced it firsthand, I want to say that just because something is common/normal, doesn’t necessarily mean that it is correct. If you or anyone you know is in a situation like that, it’s very very important to speak out. And it’s not your fault, i know it’s easier to believe that way but it’s really not. We deserve to be in a loving environment, regardless of what culture we are born in.
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Throughout the drama, Jukyung’s mother shows many traits of an abusive mother. I have been able to outline 4 of them. I don’t mean to write her off as an evil character,, because overall she is well intentioned, and just like any other mom, she does love Jukyung. This is shown in episode 8 too, where she shows remorse for her actions. That however, doesn’t justify her abusive behavioral patterns in any way. Because we can see how badly it affects Jukyung, her self esteem and her overall view of herself.
Act 1: “I’m going to kill you today and go to jail” -- Physical Violence.
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Throughout the series, we see Jukyung's mother being very violent. But one scene which particularly stood out to me was the scene where she finds out about Jukyung's dad getting scammed. (in episode 1). While it is true that her dad caused a huge financial loss to the family, and anyone would feel angry in a situation like that, it is also true that there is never a good reason to physically abuse someone.
After hearing the news, Jukyung's mom is overcome by anger. It's completely okay to feel frustrated, but the way she violently jumped at her husband, clearly intentioned to hurt him, and the way she needed to be held back by juyoung and heekyung highlights her abusive nature. And this isn't a one time thing where she momentarily lost control of herself. She constantly shows similar behavioural traits throughout the drama.
In the scene where we see Jukyung's mom and dad together properly for the first time, their relationship dynamic is established. He's meekly massaging her shoulders while she orders him around. Their is an obvious power imbalance in the relationship, and the way Jukyung's dad cowers in fear around Jukyung's mom is a proof of that.
Act 2: "Why would you kill my precious son?" -- Conditional Love.
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We see examples of Jukyung’s Mom’s conditional love in the kdrama AND in the webtoon. Conditional love is when a parent or a parental figure makes their child compete for love. They withhold their affection until the kid acts in ways that are desirable to them, and if the kid fails to do so, the parent often punishers them through different methods. This is their way of maintaining control over their children.
Jukyung’s Mom’s conditional love manifests itself in the form of favoritism towards her eldest daughter Heekyung, who’s not only conventionally beautiful but also very smart and has a high paying job, and towards her youngest child and only son, Juyoung, who is also written to be very attractive. Both Juyoung and Heekyung have gifts that Jukyung does not posses -- beauty and brains. The conditions that are established in order to attain their mother’s affection are getting good grades at school, and being conventionally attractive, which is why Jukyung often gets the shorter end of the stick
In the scene where we are first meet Heekyung is the drama, their mom’s affection towards her is very evident.
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This is shown in the webtoon too.
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She displays this favoritism towards Juyoung too, and even more so. In episode 1 where Jukyung tries makeup for the first time, and gets ridiculed by him for doing a bad job at it, she naturally feels angry and yells at him, “do you want to die?!”, but instead of telling Juyoung to stop, their mother yells at Jukyung for yelling at Juyoung (”why would you kill my precious son? why?”). It’s already very evident that Juyoung has picked up the habit of constantly taunting Jukyung for her face from his mom. In the webtoon, when Jukyung decides that she wants to pursue makeup arts and asks for her mom’s support and fees for academy, her mom flat-out refuses, saying that they don’t have enough money. However as we find out later, money wasn’t the problem, because she had enough money to send Juyoung to a cram school for acting.
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I find it hard to believe that any good parent would constantly compare their children and pit them against each other like this. In the webtoon and the kdrama, it is made clear that Juyoung doesn’t have particularly good grades either, but he doesn’t have to face his mother’s wrath by the virtue of being good looking. Jukyung on the other hand, does not have any redeeming qualities.
Act 3: “I’m going to throw all your makeup away” --Excessive Anger.
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Another sign of parental abuse is display of excessive anger. It’s usually used as an intimidation tactic to keep the child in line. Sometimes, it can simply happen because they lose control of themselves. Either way, parents who get angry more often than what is supposed to be normal, and hurt their children (physically or verbally) in the midst of their anger, repeatedly, are abusive. I feel like I don’t even need to elaborate on this one. Jukyung’s Mom is angry during half of her scenes. And the way she acts upon that anger crosses the limit too. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to express your the way you feel, but the way Jukyung’s Mom does it, is extremely unhealthy and hurtful to others around her. Whether she’s jumping on Jukyung’s dad or talking down on Im Jukyung, she’s very inconsiderate of how her anger affects others. She almost always expresses herself in an extremely volatile way.
Jukyung described makeup as a hopeful light opening up a new life for her. There’s even a whole music segment of her discovering the powers of makeup, characterized by pastel and bubblegum tones, and the segment has a magical feel to it. Suffice to say that makeup brought an almost magical kind of hope and optimism to her life. In episode 6, Jukyung's Mom goes to her school to get her report card. When she sees her low grades, she gets so angry that she threatens to throw away her makeup, without once considering why Jukyung is so attached to it. In my eyes, she's actually very similar to Soojin's dad who also uses intimidation and physical violence to keep his daughter in line. If we put the same background music for the scenes where we see Jukyung's Mom threatening her, as the ones where Soojin's dad abuses her, they'd practically be identical. The only difference is that the show often plays Jukyung's Mom's behavior as a joke.
In episode 7, after seeing that Jukyung didn't improve as much as she wanted her to, she actually threw away all her makeup. Even though Jukyung did try, and did improve, it still wasn't enough for her mom. Jukyung's restlessness after not seeing her makeup on her table was palpable through the screen. Finding out that her mother threw all her makeup away sort became her breaking point. We see her yell at her mother and express her feelings for the first time.
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I think it's important to note that Jukyung, who's already finds it very tough to reach out to her courageous side, was inspired by this incident to stand up to her mom, to express her outrage. Saying that makeup meant a lot to her is an understatement.
Act 4: "What's the point of looking beautiful with all that makeup on if you're ugly underneath?" -- Verbal Abuse.
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We all get into arguments with our parents from time to time, and I’m sure we’ve all been yelled at by them at some point. Verbal abuse however, is not something that is normal, and the two shouldn’t be confused. A parent who constantly humiliates their child, yells and screams at them, talks down on them is in simple terms, an abuser. 
In episode 1, when Jukyung tries makeup on for the first time and goes to school, she gets ridiculed by her bullies and her classmates. Crestfallen, she returns back home after school and goes to her mother for reassurance. Instead of providing that, her mother ridicules her even more and calls her makeup “Ghost Makeup”. This is something abusers often do. Under the guise of teasing the victim, they often attack the victim’s self esteem, appearance etc, to make them feel insecure and to maintain their position of power over them. Jukyung’s mother isn’t very different from those bullies who told Jukyung that she was ugly and made her feel like she could never amount to anything. 
Another example that irks me a lot is from episode 3, when Jukyung’s Mom is chewing her out for being late, and suddenly the conversation turns to cosmetics and makeup. This is also one of the traits of verbal abuse. Instead of arguments surrounding the basic issue, they branch out and turn into character assassination. Her mom accuses Jukyung of wasting all her time on makeup instead of studying, even when Jukyung clarifies that she got late because she missed her bus, not because she was out buying cosmetics. But her mom doesn't listen and says to her, “What’s the point of looking beautiful with all that makeup on when you’re still ugly underneath?” 
Jukyung’s face after hearing her own mother say that was heartbreaking. Unfortunately, this type of mother-daughter relationship dynamic isn’t something  that is rare. Mothers frequently project their own insecurities on their daughters and put them down. Jukyung’s Mother’s behavior explains her self esteem issues, it gives an insight about where her insecurities really stem from. Sometimes our abuser’s thoughts and image of us start maligning our own self image. Frequently hearing them tell us that we are worthless, and that no one will ever marry us or love us, makes us believe that we are in fact, worthless and incapable of being loved unless we change something about ourselves. We frequently get an insight into how Jukyung thinks of herself throughout the drama. 
“It’s not my fault that I was born dumb” (In episode 7, after finding out that her mother threw away her makeup.)
“You know that I’m messed up” (In episode 2, referring to her face, while asking Lee Suho to keep her bare face a secret)
The drama is yet to end so I don’t want to completely write Jukyung’s Mother off as an abuser. I hope she becomes a better mom in the show, I really do. Because Jukyung deserves a loving mother. And Jukyung's mom does in fact have a few redeeming qualities, however, simply love and caring isn’t enough, you need mutual respect, reassurance and effort in each every relationship. We know that Jukyung’s mother is also often labelled as an ugly woman, and she believes that she could only get by through studying well. (“It’s going to be okay as long as you study well” - episode 1). In a world where a woman either has to a exceptionally beautiful to be considered worthy, or be exceptionally intelligent and professional lest she isn’t blessed by beauty, it’s very easy to internalize self hatred and direct it on to other individuals (especially if those individuals are your children). That is why i genuinely find myself rooting for Jukyung’s mother and hoping for a character development arc -- because i understand where she comes from, and because i can empathize with her. 
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fiore-rosewood9 · 3 years
♫FrUk :D
Thank you for the ask, I will send a few songs that remind me of fruk, a whole playlist if you may, not only one song. I also touch a few of triggering topics as I explain the nations's personalities and relationships with one another so I apologize in advance if I upset/trigger someone and will put my trigger here - Warning - mentions of abuse, alcoholism, s*exual trauma. Under the explanation there is a playlist of songs that make me think of Ukfr/Fruk, so if anyone gets upset you can feel free to skip my general headcanons about fruk/ukfr relationship dynamics. There are too many songs that make me think of different characters or ships but I collected the ones that make me think the most of them.
I know the original song is by Lady gaga but this version is too sweet and cheesy for me so I chose the rock cover by the group Halestorm since I prefer it, it sounds more genuine and rough and kinda makes me think of the dynamic that ukfr/fruk has, that some people present is as just the enemies to lovers trope or them just fighting which is.....simply unhealthy????? Fruk is much more than that and I wish people would stop seeing it as a two dimensional thing, yeah they do argue on a lot of things and it is not the healthiest dynamic however it does work in my mind because they stick through thin and thick and that requires effort and true love since a lot of people nowdays do not take time to know the other person, they just jump into marriage and have a few divorces and just argue over everything and then separate, fruk is an off and on thing where they break and make. This kind of dedication is hard to find in today's couples. I know they're fictional characters and no one really cares but I practice my psychology skills and my knowledge of people around me, and I sometimes see people with similar or almost the same characters as fictional characters, they may not have all of their hobbies but they do act the same way. And certain pairs, no offence, just make me want to gag my self due to history with bad and toxic fans but if I look at it subjectivly and never encountered mean fans from a certain ship, I would say that they ship simply doesn't work. No ship bashing but as far as I know, people with this kind of personality from this ship that I dislike, and get upset when seeing fan art of, simply just do not get along and had a hard time divorcing, it is not only unhealthy and unbalanced, it is downright abusive because both partners seek control and to have the upper hand and this is not...what romance is about???? It is about two people taking care of each other, understanding personal space and boundaries, lifting each other up and yeah, they will argue a lot, sometimes for small things, sometimes for bigger things, but generally the point of romantic relationships is not someone using you, or abusing you financially and generally being better or bigger than you. This breeds insecurity and jealousy in the other partner and makes them feel inadequate. Usually such problems are not talked over and one of the partners acts passive agressive which is what ultimaltly leads to said divorce. So yeah, people can go away with their (BUT IT IS CUTE, IT IS SO FUCKING CUTE) pairing because real life pairings and how humans communicate and develop friendships and relationships isn't based on what your mind conciders and doesn't concider cute and there are lots of factors on whether relationship will ever happen like common interests, type personality, etc and just block me so I will never hear from them and their childish mindset ever again, which is why I blocked certain tumbrl fan art hetalia accounts who produce art of a pairing I (dislike) lowkey hate, for historical reasons, for manga reasons, for toxic fans who bullied me and made me go on 3 hiatuses reason and ultimatly in real life experience and psychology and how humans and the human mind works and what is healthy and unhealthy reason. Why should I support something where certain people have been hateful towards me and these same people that act like these characters and I know in my life are on bad terms in real life? Why shouldn't I just move on to something more realistic and more healthy, that I have seen that works with humans I know first hand? I am not a clinical psychologist and I have no power or saying in this but I had to write thesis and read books by psycholgists and analyze them in high school and my first year of Uni, in order to pass the year and I have also read reccomended books by a psychologist I went to because I wanted an advice on how to deal with my anxiety and talking to people, because my condition is extremely severe but I honestly feel stuck and try to improve but also feel confused, I sometimes feel like I am not doing enough to
self improve as a human. I sometimes come off as too cold or overly bitter and angry without intending to, and it sucks.
Francis is a really manipulative person and Matthew picked up that from him while part of Alfred's agression doesn't only come from confidence in his own abilities but the fact that England him self is an overly agressive person and is very dominant or at least used to be for a very long time, now he is more mild to keep his gentleman persona but he does suffer from severe anger issues which he hides while Alfred is prone to breaking things and screaming, Arthur is more prone to being rude, sarcastic and generally mean before he loses it. Matthew and Francis do not engage in fight if they can avoid it which is why sometimes people call them cowardly I think? And Matthew is a bit prone to being a codependent people pleaser as far as I see and he seems to have severe anxiety issues. Francis albeit charismatic and beautiful, is deep down in his core lonely.
I think that part of his pervertedness, shocking people with his s*xual humour and all of this sex obsession comes from trauma in his childhood and dressing like a girl. I wouldn't explain what the trauma in question was since it is not canon but I do headcanon that he had s*xual trauma and it is partly why Hungary dressed like a guy. I don't know if this is legit, it is bias from reading too much japanese fan comics relating to hetalia or just general history of humans and how they treated consent and what is moral today, wasn't amoral or against the law a few centuries ago, but I have seen artists touch on it. I think both Arthur and Francis suffer from neglect and they weren't particularly good fathers, in fact no country is, the whole FACE family is dysfunctional and while I love all of them, I kinda pity them. I think Rome was a bit discriminatory mostly towards France and never towards his other children while Arthur had to constantly prove him self and was bullied by his brothers. While other nations have suffered from trauma too (I headcanon that Prussia was burnt on stake and people threw rocks at him due to his albinism and being left handed) something similar happened to Arthur, who I headcanon that he was burnt for being a witch and Francis went a few times through the guillotine, or Arthur still having a bullet scar on his arm from the American revolution or Francis having nightmares from that day where Jeanne was burnt and waking up in his own sweat. Arthur also must suffer from workholism and alcoholism, judging by how much he works and goes to pubs to drink. Everyone chooses their own poison and how to cope with life and many use unhealthy coping mechanisms, hell, even I used unhealthy coping mechanisms a lot in the past and I am not proud of them, in fact, I try to improve.
I can talk about their history and how it relates to their mental health and what scars they have for hours but I would bore you. You came for a song and I am probably boring you so I apologize for writting a lot of words, in advance. I basically think that fruk/ukfr is the ultimate ship for many reasons because they click, I do ship spuk/engita/asakiku and many other things but fruk/ukfr is kinda like butter and bread, it is a great combination. I never said it is 100 percent healthy, however their relationship makes psychological sense and their personalities click. I know people like to present arthur as this dumb tsundere man that blushes and says baka, or he is this garbage rat dad that no one likes or francis is presented or at least used to be this perverted sex machine that touched other countries inappropriatly or at least the 2012-2015 fans saw him this way and while he still has the reputation of a pervert, what many young people in the fandom see as disgusting, I just see as an overly lonely man that just happens to have high libido and copes with it by having casual sex and just has a sex humour, the same way some people have fart jokes humour or darker, more cursed humour, I am really glad that fans mostly left off this whole - Francis is a r**ist and will grope you, in the past, because honestly r**e is not joke and as a character he clearly understands consent and boundaries and I don't think someone like him would do such a thing. Also Greece and Turkey have even higher libido than him and sleep around more, yet he is the ''pervert'', I don't get it??????????? but fruk is just so much more than opposites attract, they have a lot in common so I can't say they're full opposites, no one is truly. I have heard people ask why does anyone ship fruk when it is just opposites attract/enemies to lovers trope and I am honestly confused, because that is extremely rough generalization to say the least, it is like saying - All men/women are the same, it is simply wrong/uncorrect. I think they ''married'' five times - The Treaty of Paris (1657) formed an alliance against Spain. The Anglo-French Alliance (1716–31) formed another alliance against Spain. The Anglo-French blockade of the Río de la Plata (1845-1850). The Anglo-French joint invasion of Qing Dynasty (1856–1860). And the last one which is their official marriage The Entente Cordiale (1904) fought together in both World Wars. As far as I remember Francis tried to marry Arthur but he refused and why he refused is up for subjective opinion but I must write a whole thesis on why Fruk/ukfr works so well and people are not here for that, they're here for the music and I will provide. I also always saw Francis as the more gentle and more submissive partner, I just love to see him drawn in frilly beautiful dresses with bows and stuff and Arthur as the more dominant, I mean as a country he was a powerhouse during the 1600s-1800s and used to be a punkrocker, usually rockers are mentally tough and that man is extremely cunning and witty so...people drawing him as this useless baka uwu overly feminine anorexic boy that looks more like a tween rather than a 23 year old guy just assasinated his character in my opinion and it disturbs me but I am just some awkward human on the internet and no one values my opinion anyway because this is the internet and many people nowdays love to have hot takes and try to gain followers through clickbait stuff which sometimes goes out of control and everything just seems more fake and shallow to me, the more old I get.Okay that was my silly rant no one asked about but I feel really passionate about hetalia and Fruk/Ukfr. Anyway, I apologize again for my long rant and going all over the place, please enjoy this playlist
1 - Halestorm - Bad romance - rock cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll4NJs3NBIU
2 - Queen - Somebody to love - lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj69iA_goIk
3 - ABBA - Voulez vous - (I know everyone chooses Waterloo and while waterloo is a fruk theme, I think Voulez vous works too) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwcgMVXuBJc
4 - London beat - I've been thinking about you - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixBryyQSrD8
5 - Santana - Smooth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Whgn_iE5uc
6 - George Michael - Careless whisper - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izGwDsrQ1eQ
7 - Robbie Williams - Feel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy4mXZN1Zzk
8 - Michael Buble - Feeling good - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edwsf-8F3sI
9 - Edith Piaf - La vie en rose - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFzViYkZAz4
10 - Chopin - Marriage d'amour (Spring waltz) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFJ7kDva7JE
11 - Vanessa Carlton - A thousand miles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERw2LuU6Jj8
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mako-yaki · 4 years
hi! i saw your requests were open so can i please request a oneshot for sakusa with a crush on the reader who is his childhood best friend?? and like the reader is very sarcastic towards him and is very into art so when she starts to get more successful sakusa gets jealous and gets scared that she might leave him??
⁕ Since Forever ⁕
« Sakusa Kiyoomi x Reader »
In which Sakusa can only hide his feelings for so long.
Word count: 1454
Hi anon! My first post ahh. I hope you like it and I hope this meets your expectations. I feel like it’s all over the place and I don’t think I nailed the reader being sarcastic part, my apologies. ): I’m working on how to improve writing that. Other than that, I hope this is alright. Thanks for requesting! Sorry for taking so long too.
Sakusa Kiyoomi has kept one secret to himself for years, but as time passes, the secret is forcing itself out of him, and slowly, he doesn’t even try to stop it anymore.
When you showed him your phone with an opened email, he felt his heart sink once again; how many times has this happened? He doesn’t even want to count it anymore. It was an offer from one of the best Art schools in the world, and to add on to that, the said school is the one that you’ve been dreaming of going since you were five. He had always known about how talented you are when it comes to art, but with the thought of being separated from you for four whole years, especially with your dream school being on the other side of the world, he could practically feel his heart shatter.
“Omi!” When you approached him, he had to tell himself to calm the hell down. “Yes, (Y/N)?” Get your act together, Sakusa Kiyoomi. When you reached him, you gave him a brief hug and grabbed onto his wrist, pulling him to the closest bench at the park you were at. His eyes were on you the whole time, admiring your signature angelic smile, while you started to speak about your passion, Art. He could never get tired of hearing you talk about Art, which is something that you love deeply.
“Oh, and I’m declining the offer.”
His entire being froze. What did you just say?
“I know what’s on your mind, Mr. Clean. But in case you haven’t absorbed what I just told you, I’m declining the offer. To answer your questions that you don’t have to ask because I know you that well; one, it’s because it’s too far. I know that it’s a stupid reason but I don’t want to leave my family and friends behind. Especially you. You’re my pillar of strength. Two, I’ll be alone there, and you and I both know that I-” What happened next came so fast, you didn’t even have a single second to react; a pair of strong arms enveloped you into a tight, warm embrace, while a low voice muttered out, “thank freaking goodness.” It was a simple phrase, but you could feel the relief radiating off of him. “Hey, we promised that we won’t leave each other behind, right? I know that you’ll keep your promise, and I’ll never break mine so don’t worry.”
A week had passed, and everything was fine until a rainy day, and Sakusa knew that something was going to happen. And he was right.
With the number of people surrounding you right now, Sakusa knows just what’s going on. You’re not a celebrity, no, but with your art pieces getting more and more recognition as time passes, alongside the fact that as you get more and more supporters, he knows that you’ll get busier coming up with more captivating pieces as your love for the subject grows bigger as the days pass. However, that’s also when his insecurities hit him. Hard. What if you get so busy that you have no more time for him? What if you start distancing yourself from him and eventually leave him?
When he sees and hears your supporters complimenting your works, another wave of insecurities hit him, harder this time around. He’s happy for you, he truly is. But he has never been the best at words, so he says the same thing every time you show him something that you come up with, “it’s great. I love it. Keep up the good work.” Are you sick of hearing the exact words every time you present to him a new piece of art that you took days and nights to come up with? Probably. Are you expecting him to show more appreciation for your work? Possibly. Maybe he isn’t the best friend that you want. Perhaps you need someone less boring and stoic. Stop thinking of things like that, she isn’t this shallow. She loves you the way you are… just not the way you love her.
Or so he thought.
Snapping out of his trance, he locked eyes with you while you bid goodbye to your supporters and made your way to him. As he listened to you narrate to him the conversations you just had, he did the usual; he listened to you, nodding occasionally to let you know that he wasn’t just hearing you speak, he was hearkening to you. I want to be like them too. I want to joke around with you and tell you how proud I am of you. “Omiii, what’s wrong?”
There was a long pause. You knew that something has been bothering him for the longest time but you didn’t want to force it out of him, plus you couldn’t figure out what issue he was facing. But with how out of it he had been looking for the past few weeks, you had to get the answer out of him. You’ve been worried about him, and you want him to share what has been concerning him. “Are you.. perhaps jealous of something? Or maybe someone?” You tried to lighten up his mood with a small joke, but as soon as the ‘j’ word left your mouth, you could visibly see his mood turning sourer, so you decided to stop teasing him.
“Talk to me, please.” Your voice was laced with care and worry.
Would you have expected what came next? Absolutely not. “Please don’t leave me.” You almost didn’t hear it since he voiced it out so softly, but thankfully, you did. Silence filled the air, as you stood completely still, taking in what he had just told you. Moments passed before you finally heard his voice again. “I can’t express my thoughts well, (Y/N). Seeing so many people come up to you and tell you what I’ve been wanting to tell you for years makes me feel like complete crap.” “Kiyoomi.” He didn’t know what came to him, but for once, he let his thoughts spill. “I’m so incredibly proud of all that you’ve achieved from doing what you love, (Y/N). To be on this journey with you every step of the way and seeing you overcome these obstacles from way back then to now, the amount of pride and joy that I feel is something that I’ll never be able to describe.” Tears welled up in his black orbs, nevertheless, he didn’t stop voicing out his thoughts. He had to, there was no turning back. “The fear that you’re going to leave me for someone better always haunts me, and truth to be told, I’m terrified of that thought, because that’s my biggest nightmare. I’m also in love with you, but I understand that you don’t feel the same way.” Crap, I didn’t mean to say that.
“Sakusa Kiyoomi.” You weren’t fazed by that last line at all, and he was shocked, to say the least. He rubbed his eyes and sniffled, looking straight into yours. “I’m not going to leave you. I made a promise, and I’ll keep it. Thank you for that little speech, I appreciate it a lot, and I know that it took you a lot of courage to tell me all that too,” you took a step towards him so that you’re right in front of him. Taking his large, warm hands in yours, you flashed an enthralling beam up at him. “Oh, if I haven’t mentioned this already; you don’t have to be jealous of anyone. I know what the true meaning of your words are, even if you don’t directly say them.” There was a small smile on his face, although you couldn't see it.
“I’m in love with you too, best friend.”
I hope you like it. 💗 
Do give me your opinions, good or bad!
Sending love and support.
- El.
199 notes · View notes
botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Whoopsie King Rhoam’s a dick but I gotta flesh him out so
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Read Part 1 here!
Part 2
If you’re on mobile, and tumblr hates this post, follow along on this google doc!
Rules/overview this rewrite in the beginning of Part 1
‘sup ya beautiful bastards it’s time to gush about the process of storytelling and writing as we fix up the fix it fic so let’s just jump into it
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A quick recap of Part 2, and I swear this recap is faster than the recap last time: Chapter 3 of Age of Calamity opens with a more substantial scene the beginning points of Revali’s character, and contrasting the old position that Link and eggbot have, so that their later changes in this chapter (well, at least for Link in this chapter) are more pronounced. We edited a bit of the dialogue to make Revali’s intentions make a bit more sense, while also putting some little foreshadowing points with some camera tricks for the Hollow Champions. The Hollow Champions can now speak, which means their potential for being used to bring out the flaws or bitter aspects of each character is more readily available further into the story. And of course, we’ve introduced the main antagonist of Astor, and coupling his presence and dynamic with Zelda’s insecurities. While his intentions of needing Zelda for something is clear, his motivations and backstory remain a mystery as of yet, the only true clue we have so far being some sort of connection to eggbot. 
I didn’t get any big asks or comments about Part 2 so I’m going to assume that it was mostly well received (although I will note that I promise I’m going to flesh out Revali to be more than he has been presented as of yet, this is just the very very start of this development don’t you worry your feather loving butts) that being said, you should totally critique me or give me your opinions or comments. I’d love to hear them! Although, keep in mind that I am restraining my rewrite to the guidelines already said, so don’t get mad at me for not killing off all the Champions or something. Thaaat’s a rewrite for another time. So yeah if you reblog you get a little kiss from me because believe it or not I spent a lot of time trying to rewrite an entire storyline while keeping it’s tone and integrity intact. So thanks much <3
Okie dokie then chaps! Let us finally delve into Urbosa lesbian vibes, a zest of Zelink angst, rants about pacing, and a couple tablespoons of Astor backstory, all starting in the latest stage of Chapter 3: The Road Home, Besieged 
So right of the bat, big problem here. This Chapter follows directly after the events of Korok Forest, so you assume that maybe “The Road Home” refers to the team, going home, back to the castle, to tell King Rhoam what’s up. But...that’s apparently not the case. 
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So this entire stage, firstly, it brushes over any scenes where Zelda, Link or the other Champions might talk to King Rhoam about the Master Sword, or the Deku Tree, or...hmm what else happened last stage that might be interesting to see—oh yEAH HOW ABOUT that mysterious magic guy that tried to kill Zelda and was going off about the future and stuff?? That guy that wielded a bunch of dark magic and malice looking stuff and, uh yeah, you’d think it might be important and interesting to see the King’s take on was is essentially a wanted traitor to the crown who may or may not be leading the entire movement for the Calamity’s uprising. But nope, no one asks questions, no one says anything or has interesting conversations that reveal stuff about the plot. It's just….just all about Zelda and ooooOOooo she can’t awaken her powers oh no what’s a gal to do!
And I do mean that quite literally, this entire stage is all centered around two scenes with Zelda. The first, an admittedly narratively important scene of Zelda having a quick flashback about eggbot after he sings her a song, but it lasts for five seconds. And the second, being a pep talk with Urbosa as Link eats rocks in the background. For the majority of this stage, it’s all focused on Zelda, and pacing wise, it does virtually nothing to progress the narrative/plot forward.
And on paper, there’s nothing wrong with that! Hell, people read entire fanfictions dedicated to character development and relationships that have absolutely no external plot. Having a scene dedicated to just character development is completely fine, it’s something that’s pretty common and even encouraged to an extent. The problem arises when you remember that this is a story being told through the medium of a video game. 
Now, I am going to try and  breeze by this because, similar to Age of Calamity, I have to also construct this post with pacing that keeps my audience engaged, while progressing with my core narrative and story. But I highly encourage you to watch through this video by hello future me (On Writing: How to Master Pacing) because a lot of what I know about this I’ve picked up from his videos, and if you’re a writer or just someone who thinks storytelling is cool, it’s a great guide to the art of pacing.
Anyhow. There are two levels of pacing within a story. There is the small type of pacing, like for the structure of a singular scene. And there is the pacing of the overall core narrative, how the larger beats of the entire story is revealed. Good pacing for your core narrative is about whether the reader feels like they are getting closer to the big thing, the big climax or answer or promise of satisfaction. The smaller type of pacing, for your singular scenes, focuses on that timing between how close you get to achieving new information, this refers to  your slow and fast pacing, tension versus rapid action.  
So, overall the rule of thumb is: the amount of time you invest into your smaller scenes, even put together, that must correlate with a big enough payoff in the core narrative. That’s what good pacing is. (And that’s why people make stuff like the Three Act Structure to help visualize this pacing process but obviously other forms of pacing guidelines exist like the Five and Seven Act Structures but that’s too complicated for this Nintendo Game anyhow that’s just some educational flavour for ya to impress your highschool English Teacher I guess) 
So knowing that, the question now is: Does The Road Home, Besieged contribute good pacing to the story? This is going to be my excuse for changing up other later scenes in the game, so when I mention pacing and narrative again, remember this. The time spent playing for thirty minutes, minimum, in the game, to only be paid off by two lines of character development isn’t good pacing. So the answer is “no.” 
Delving as long an amount of time as thirty minutes, means that pretty much everytime a stage is complete, you must introduce new substantial progress to your story. A game like this just doesn’t have time to waste it’s valuable cutscenes on character development alone. There’s an even further wrench in the issue when you consider you also need to account for sidequests, so you could really be forcing your player to go through hours of gametime before you introduce new details in the story. 
Obviously it’s not always gonna be cut and dry like that—sometimes you have to account for how enjoyable the gameplay is, and sometimes the amount of character development offsets any lack of narrative development—but for the majority of stages I’m gonna change, they all suffer this pacing problem. In a game that's entire story hinges on these cutscenes, bad pacing is just something it doesn’t have time for.
Anyhow anyhow anyhow, I got to get my dose of serotonin by talking about pacing writing structure and stuff and blah blah, so now I shall grace you with the changes that address these problems that would theoretically lead to vast improvement. I gave you this reasoning and backstory to writing because I am making hella changes, to hopefully make the experience more “poggers,” which is something the cool kids say these days if you didn’t know. 
Firstly, timeline wise this stage is gonna take place directly after the Korok Forest battle. The gang is returning home from the battle, with Link, the new wielder of the Master Sword, along with this new information regarding a certain Astor character. 
We open the same way it does in game, focusing on Zelda’s face, before the frame is suddenly blocked by the pommel of the Master Sword. A wordless way to express how the sudden revelation of Link being the hero has forced its way into Zelda’s mind, great use of camera Koei Tecmo 10 outta 10
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Now I don’t want to immediately jump into Zelda’s “oh poor me I can’t awaken my powers” dialogue because—and this is something even Breath of the Wild is guilty of—This game seems to forget that there are other characters besides Zelda. It’s marketed towards kids, sure, but I assure you that kids playing this game have a longer attention span than 2 minutes. You don’t need to keep reminding the audience every single scene about how Zelda is anxious about her powers. It gets redundant, you waste the audience’s time, and therefore you waste your own time, because you could have been using that precious screen time to develop some other thing further.  So anyhow, goes a bit like this. 
Zelda’s walking, the Master Sword comes into frame. Zelda looks down at the ground but keeps walking, but you can tell from her expression that she’s troubled. Don’t need to waste time on dialogue for her here, show don’t tell, we need to make the most of the scene here. Camera is still on Zelda, but the focus blurs shifts from Zelda to the Champions behind her. We can start with Mipha, I don’t have my heart set heavily on any specific dialogue, but I want her to say something along the lines of “how proud she is of Link” and what an honor it will be to fight by the side of not just her dear friend, but also someone selected by the goddess to be the hero. Subtextually, I want her to say this in a tone that suggests that she doubts the need for her to be here at all. She’ll say something like “He’s grown so…” glances up at Link who's just walking ahead, “...so much stronger than I could ever imagine. [Something Something] His power has grown so much over the course of a few days, more than I have achieved in a lifetime.” She looks down, but she still has a sweet smile. 
Now I’m doing this because I want to develop further this plot line of “getting stronger” that Age of Calamity sets up but never does anything with. Remember how in Chapter 2, Mipha asks Daruk to train with her to get stronger? I really like the possibilities of this arc with Mipha as it can not only parallel with her feelings for Link, but also make her character better as an individual. Mipha wants to get stronger so that she can protect Link, but now she thinks that Link’s already growing stronger to an extent that she might not be needed. She’s not jealous of Link, nor does she wish him to be weaker, she simply wants to be more than she already is. This is literally echoing her words that she left her father, about how leaving the Domain and experiencing new challenges would be “good for her.” So I wanna run with it. The dialogue here establishes Mipha’s motivation to grow stronger, almost equivalent to a rivalry of sorts. 
So after Mipha says this, Revali scoffs and butts in. Again, I’m not too set on any particular dialogue here, just something like “Hmph! Well, I don’t know about that. Seems to me all that’s happened is some magic sword gave the knight an ego boost. Blade’s only as strong as the little Hylian who wields it, and—based on my own extended experience and professional observations of course—I’ve yet to see this ‘stronger’ boy that you speak of.” Another camera pan to Link a ways in front of them. “If you ask me, hero or no, that knight is still exactly the same as I first met him.”
Revali places a wing on his chest dramatically. “Perhaps if you’re truly keen on seeing growth in skill and strength, Mipha, you’d do well to—”
“Flattering of an offer as that may be, Revali,” Urbosa interjects, “But I think Mipha might find it difficult to observe growth from one of the shortest Rito in Hyrule.”
Cue laughter from others or snickering or something. We just need some banter to add a bit more flavour to the characters. Revali can do a little huff and cross his wings or flip his scarf or something. But then Urbosa continues. 
“Although...he is right about one thing.” Urbosa looks straight ahead. “A sword does not alter a hand, just as strength does not alter character.” She puts a hand on Mipha’s shoulder. “Grow as he might, there is no doubt in my mind that he is the same boy as he’s always been.” Urbosa looks up in the direction of Zelda. “Whether you realize it or not.”
Ok so, scene’s not done yet, BUT quick gush on the dialogue flow here. I’m trying to establish parallels in these character perspectives based on the flow of conversation. We started with Mipha who, like I said, wished to grow stronger along with Link. This flows into Revali who also has a similar parallel as he wishes to grow above Link’s shadow. But the distinction between Mipha and Revali is that Mipha think’s Link’s strength is earned, and Revali thinks he cheated, gaining authority through a magic sword, and not through merit and skill. Thus, leading to Revali’s perspective of Link being exactly the same as he’s always been, he believes the sword doesn’t change anything. Urbosa then speaks, because she thinks exactly the same thing. However, her distinction is that Link is the same as he’s always been: a determined young boy earned his place and cares for his friends. Then she looks to Zelda who, as we know, will develop a perspective that contradicts this. So you get it? This scene is like 20 seconds long but it already mirrors nearly all the character parallels and perspective, that’s why the flow of dialogue is important. And I know half of you probably think these kinds of details are a stretch but I promise you it’s not, just look at any movie or show ever and I guarantee you can find similar stuff there too. Ok moving on moving on— 
Urbosa looks up at Zelda, comments her, “He’s the same boy, whether you realize it or not” piece of dialogue. Camera shifts back to Zelda and Link, who, idk if I mentioned this, but in the scene there’s enough distance between the Champions and Zelda and Link that the Champions can speak without the other two listening. So they didn’t hear any of this. 
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So the camera is back on Zelda, and now we can get her “How can I…..If I am unable to awaken my inner power….” line. Eggbot senses her sadness, does his little cheer up dance, Zelda gets a flashback.
One small change I wanna make to this flashback: Instead of just a baby Zelda going “nighty-night” I want there to ALSO be a figure in the background behind eggbot wearing a silk royal blue dress. And said woman has blonde hair and she’s by the table back there. We don’t have to show her face or anything because Nintendo hates that. Just place the woman somewhere in the back somewhere
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Also possibly you could add the shadow of another figure by the doorway, maybe? It would serve good continuity purposes for the plot points that I’m telling, but that part is not as necessary. I just need at least the woman there. 
Then Zelda is like “I remember you” to eggbot and all that and blah blah… Now, instead of Impa offscreen just yelling “enemy ahead!” I just want it to be a full on ambush. Not like a major one, but just enough where the group is surprised a bit. Maybe on the cliffs above, a lizalfo throws a boomerang, or a bokoblin shoots and arrow, or even just throws a rock. I don’t really care. I just need this to happen because…
As soon as this danger is presented, Link turns around to grab Zelda’s hand and they start running again. And he can like use his body to try and shield her a bit, I need it to parallel how he acted during Chapter 1 on the road to the Royal Tech Lab. However, this parallel has one important distinction because…
Zelda rips he grip from Link’s after a moment. “You don’t need to coddle me!” She says, or something along those lines. “Y-You...You’re the hero aren’t you! I’m perfectly fine, you don’t need to spend your precious time playing babysitter to me.” In the distance, a horde of monsters is beginning to form. Zelda looks between the monsters and Link’s Master Sword, her expression unreadable. “Well? Just...just go do what you need to do.” Link hesitates, looking between her, and the approaching monsters. Zelda speaks more sternly now, “Go!” So Link, not one to disregard an order from the Princess, gives one last look to Zelda before setting off towards the monsters. Maybe Zelda can take a deep breath to steady herself after he leaves, but as soon as Link unsheathes his sword, the metal glistening in the setting sunlight, it cuts immediately to gameplay. Start battle. 
For essays’ purposes this is the part where I explain why this is better than the original. So here’s my reasoning:
Uhhh, it just is. :3
Ok but seriously, I’ve already talked a tone about why the pacing and dialogue flow is better than the original. But also this scene doesn’t just say “Ooo Zelda is sad about her powers,” because that’s not interesting. Like I said, it’s redundant information. What is interesting is see how characters deal with that internal conflict and how it affects their relationships. AKA Zelda’s relationship with Link, who now basically embodies the success that she’s been working so hard towards but never achieved, is deteriorating a bit. I wanted to get that sense of the Zelda that we see in Breath of the Wild because all things considered, they should be roughly the same character.
So that’s that, you fight the battle, the Hollows show up a bit, so insert “dark evil Champion” dialogue because if you’re gonna use the evil clone trope might as well use it to the fullest. Then you fight the Talus and hurray horrah the day is saved. 
Then we have that iconic Urbosa motherly pep talk to Zelda as Link eats rocks in the background. Now honestly, I’m not that big a fan of the first half of the dialogue, so I wanna change it into something more interesting. But the rest of the beats and camera work go roughly the same. 
Zelda: “Link is...so much stronger now”
Urbosa: “‘And yet I have not.’ I presume that’s what you’re thinking, hmm?”
Zelda: “Well it’s true, isn’t it? More and more, monsters have been appearing around Hyrule. It is a sign that the Calamity draws near. So...there isn’t much time. And still, no sign of my power awakening.”
Urbosa: *sighs* “Little bird…”
Zelda cuts her off, in an attempt to change topics: “Why do you call me that?”
Urbosa: “Hmm?”
Zelda: “Little bird...I feel like I’ve heard it before. Why do you call me that?”
Urbosa, after a beat looks off in the distance or something: “A long time ago, my dear friend would call me to the palace, or perhaps invite herself over to mine, [she chuckles] ...and she would talk with me all day, and ask me to gaze upon her little bird with her. Her dearest daughter...a princess”
Zelda: “You mean my…”
Urbosa just smiles with a soft nod: “Back then, times were a bit different. The destiny that you have was still upon the Queen, who worked day and night to refine her powers and fulfill her destiny. In just a few short years, I went from being friends with a Queen, to friends with the destined sealer of the Calamity.”
Another pause, before Urbosa speaks again: “But...she was still the same woman I had grown with. Still the same loving mother who spoke about her little bird with joy. She had not changed one bit.”
Urbosa: “Even when your mother passed, her loving smile was there until the very end. She always loved you—believed in you, Zelda. She had great hope, great faith that her daughter would grow into the beacon of light Hyrule needed. That even with her gone, you would spread your wings and fly, because you were just that amazing to her.” *Urbosa puts her hands on Zelda’s shoulders.*
Urbosa: “Destiny did not change your mother’s love, just as it does not change Link’s courage, or your value.” *the camera can pan to Link eating rocks now*
Urbosa looks directly at Zelda now: “Look how hard we’ve all worked to get this far, how hard you have worked to get here. While we may grow in strength, in that regard, we’re all one in the same.”
Zelda: “...I….well…”
Urbosa: “What did the Great Deku Tree say? There is no need to fret princess.”
Urbosa: “Our faith, Link’s, your mother’s, it’s all as strong as ever. And everyday, with every moment that you travel towards your destiny, it just grows. It is always with us. So believe in that, have hope, yet, little bird.” *Eggbot can scurry up and make cute noises here next to Zelda*
Urbosa: “I know, you are where you need to be. You must accept that too.”
Zelda: “...”
Zelda gives a solemn nod: “Thank you, Urbosa.”
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So that’s that scene! Don’t let the length fool you, it’s technically even shorter than the original scene in Age of Calamity. So why is it, in my opinion, better? Because for one, we actually get an insight into Zelda’s mom and Urbosa’s relationship, something that was PROMISED To us but never given and I’m still a bit salty about it. Anyhow, in addition to just getting some lore details, that relationship between the Queen and Urbosa is important for this scene because, just like Urbosa spells out, it’s in direct parallel with Link and Zelda. 
Before the Queen suddenly got sick and died, she was destined to seal the Calamity. But she didn’t let that destiny change her, she was still the same loving mother to the end. Now that is something that Zelda needs to realize about Link, as his newly acquired destiny doesn’t change who he was before, the knight who cares for her and wishes to protect her. Zelda needs to realize he’s the same and that she can still trust and confide in him. Hence, that’s why this mom backstory is in this scene and not somewhere else, because it serves to the narrative but also more impactfully to the character development. 
The dialogue could probably be polished a bit more but come on, not half bad for an improvement yeah? So that concludes Chapter—
SIKE we’re not done yet. We still have to move into the entire point of this stage, the road home, to the castle. 
So, badabing badaboom, I’m adding an entirely new scene from scratch right here at the end, because it is VITAL that I set up something new about the story, as a sort of clincher. So anyhow 
Zelda is alone with her father, let’s set it in the royal library (Intact, not ruined, of course) because we don’t see enough of that location and it’s really cool. So Zelda is briefing her dad about the events in Korok Forest and on the journey back home. I know I always gush about cinematography but it can’t be fully appreciated since I’m….writing,,, this, BUT I think it might be fun if the side shots of Zelda have her background be some bookcases of the library, maybe half bookcases and the other half the ornate walls. Then the background for the King’s shots is the full symmetry of the elegant staircases.
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[And if you needed the specific reasoning for that, because it makes camera shots more fun. Like when Zelda says something that aids in her scholarly side, the camera angle can change slightly where the bookcases take up more of the frame, and then when the King’s will takes more power, then the book cases can be angled a bit more out of frame. And then the symmetry of the King by the staircase is a way to show his higher power dynamic to her, and contrasts well with Zelda’s shots since the bookcases are dark and the stone is lighter, so on a meta level is also makes it easier for the audience to understand where they are. Shot composition is fun ok, and that’s not even getting into color theory (Thinks about Baby Driver and LaLaLand....even videogames like Undertale and Hollow Knight have such wonderful shot composition and use of color theory hhhhh love it)]
Ok so Zelda’s briefing the King in the library, she’s standing while he’s sitting at a desk. There’s maybe two or four Royal Guards on the staircase entrances, but for the most part, they’re alone. You can tell that this meeting between them has been going on for a bit now, as from Zelda’s dialogue, she’s retelling events midway through the story. 
The King is flipping through some paperwork, not really looking Zelda in the eyes. She continues speaking. 
“And so...with the malice cleared and the monsters being dealt with, Link and I made our way into the heart of Korok Forest.”
The King hums a response, flipping through another page. “And this is when Link pulled out the Sword that Seals the Darkness then, I presume.”
Zelda paused, as of thinking of how to phrase her next words. “Not exactly. I...we both encountered someone beforehand. A man, with a pale face, and dark hair and robes, and he had the power to control malice, using a strange object in one of his hands.” 
Rhoam stops writing in his journal or whatever. He doesn’t look up, but the sudden stop he makes is obvious. Zelda notices, but continues. 
“He talked about...the Calamity, and my birthday...destiny, and the future….I’m not quite sure I can remember his intentions word for word. But he did introduce himself as—“
“Astor…” Zelda and the King say simultaneously. The King has fully perked up now, looking at Zelda. She’s pleased to see a reaction from him. The King rises from his chair, and starts pacing a bit, stroking his beard thoughtfully like the asshole he is. 
“So you know him then? This Astor man? Who is he, father? What does he—“
“Were you alright? Did he hurt you, or mention anything else?”
Zelda pauses for a moment before shaking her head, as if the concern he was expressing was uncharacteristic. “N-No. No, I’m fine, and Link was there. During the battle, as Link fought him off, that was when the sword was pulled. Then Astor fled, or...” Zelda pauses for a beat, “retreated...he expressed his wish to speak with me again.”
Another beat of silence, as Rhoam gets up, hands clasped behind his back. “He used to work at this very palace.” The shot is now directly on Rhoams back, as he faces a bookcase, although it’s clear that he’s just deep in thought, and not just staring at books. Rhoam is in third column of the shot (he’s to the right, not in the center) 
“A trusted advisor. Someone gifted with foresight, who many years ago, had first predicted the coming Calamity.” Cut to shot of Rhoams face, the camera being by the bookcase, so that we see Rhoam’s expression and Zelda’s.
“In truth, I thought him dead. For the last time I saw him alive—truly, truly alive—was ten long years ago...” The shot goes back to the original establishing shot, of Rhoam facing away from the camera, towards the bookcase, he’s standing to the right, hands still clasped behind his back.
“...when your mother still graced this earth.”
From left frame, a younger Astor walks up and stands beside Rhoam. He runs his fingers along the books. Rhoam looks to his left, as if he is seeing Astor. Camera cuts to Astor’s right, as if looking at him from Rhoam’s perspective. He continues brushing his fingers against the spines of the books, before he finds the one he’s looking for. Pulling it out, he opens the book, flipping through its pages, before giving a genuine smile. Cut back to wide angle behind them. With the book, Astor starts walking back out left frame, but this time the camera follows him. Filter fade to a memory tint as the camera pans right to left
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[when the camera fades fully into the Astor memory, the figures can have that silhouetted effect like you see in botw. Cause I know Nintendo hates making new character models for some reason.] 
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So if it wasn’t clear already, even though the memory filter doesn’t come immediately, Astor isn’t actually there, but it’s just a flashback. I’m a sucker for merges, which is something this game and botw NEVER do which bugs me because there are so many creative ways you could introduce flashbacks without just doing “ooOooOoo fade to sepia filter and then oooOOooOOO we fade back to reality and no time has passed.” I apologize if my explanation of the camera doesn’t make sense as it’s hard without much visual aid, but hopefully it makes sense so far. Anyhow! Let’s continue.
We’re now fully immersed in this memory, but King Rhoam’s voice still narrates overhead. 
Astor brings the book to one of the desks in the library, where a woman sits writing something onto paper. News flash, it’s the queen. Astor hands her the book and starts speaking about something, although you can tell the tone of their conversation is light, almost akin to Zelda rambling about Sheikah Technology. The Queen laughs about something unheard, as Astor continues ranting about something, his hands moving to like a professor giving a lecture. 
Rhoam Narration: “When he had first predicted the Calamity, things were much more hopefully for our kingdom. As although his foresight granted him only glimpses and fragments of a future, he was almost certain that with the Guardians, and the strength of your mother’s power, our victory would be absolute.”
Scene changes to the Queen walking down a corridor, Astor is leaning against the wall by a window. 
Rhoam Narration: “He and your mother would often work together tirelessly to study the ancient arts, to make the most of the powers given by the goddess.”
The Queen has walked up to Astor now. She crouches down and gestures to her left, the side not yet seen by the camera.
Rhoam Narration: “In fact…”
The camera changes to focus to where the Queen was looking towards—a young Zelda, crouched behind her mother’s dress, stares up at Astor. 
Rhoam Narration: “I would not be surprised if you found within yourself, a memory of such.”
I would prefer if you could see the expressions of Astor (giving Zelda not a smile, but not really a frown or anything rude either) and young Zelda. But I guess it can also just be silhouettes too cause again, Nintendo hates giving us younger character models outside of first person POV stuff. Anyhow. 
The scene fades, the light from the window dimming as everything darkens.
Rhoam Narration: “I often times wish we could go back to such a time, when victory and pride swam in every corner of this castle.  But of course…”
The scene brightens again, although not as bright as before. It’s the exact same corridor with the large window, but now it’s raining. A young Zelda stands alone in front of it, looking outside.
Rhoam Narration: “Such a time did end…”
We now cut to a new scene, King Rhoam is walking down a hall, the camera’s perspective is of a bird’s eye view, like we’re peering in from outside a window. We can see the shadow of Astor chasing after him, as he starts speaking frantically about something, not quite, but almost to the point of shouts. 
Rhoam Narration: “After your mother died, the visions of the future shifted drastically. No longer was there glimpses of rolling fields and shimmering skies, but instead, of rubble, red earth, and death.”
You can now more clearly hear the words coming out of Astor’s mouth. He is telling something about failure, and souls, and the Calamity to the King’s ear. He’s still walking forward.
Rhoam Narration: “He was adamant that our demise was now coming faster than ever, and that without your mother, we were doomed. That even you, should you take up your mother’s mantle, could not save everyone.”
Astor: “I’m telling you Your Majesty, if you go down this path, there is no going back.”
King Rhoam: “There is no other choice, we are moving forward.”
Astor: “I don’t think you quite understand the true gravity of the fate you’re choosing for yourself. It is a guarantee that you, me, and countless others shall die.”
King Rhoam: “I don’t want to hear it.”
Astor: “And of course, there are a multitude of possibilities, but the end result is the same.”
Astor: “Do you have a preference, perhaps? Crushed by rubble? Suffocation under ash?”
Rhoam’s tone is deadly: “Stop.”
Astor: “I’ve seen fire too. I’m not yet quite sure the exact circumstances that lead to flame appearing and spreading so quickly, but rest assured that if you—”
King Rhoam: “Stop.” 
Astor: “If you saddle someone else with this duty I am absolutely certain that you and I will—” 
King Rhoam, voice not shouting, but still with a booming intensity: “Just like you were so certain of our victory 10 years ago?”
Astor’s face darkens. He’s silent for a moment, collecting his words before practically spitting the first articulation: “...That, future, was the one that would come to be if Her Majesty was alive. If you’re so unsatisfied with my departed wisdom you can go ahead and flail around with destiny alone. You think I choose for these events to happen? You think I lie when I saw I want what’s best for this kingdom—”
King Rhoam: “What’s best for you.”
An ugly pause.
King Rhoam: “It is decided, Seer. It’s time you accept this. My wife is dead. That is the truth. Thus the role of sealing the Calamity shall pass to my daughter. She will work to awaken her own ability. It will be her duty to save us.”
Astor half laughs: “A child?! Surely you don’t need the supernatural to see how foolish that is.”
King Rhoam’s voice is even more stern: “You are living proof that the future is not absolute. Therefore I...must place all belief in her ability.”
The King walks away, leaving Astor alone. Weirdly, he smiles. Perhaps to mask some other emotion.  
After another moment, Astor yells to the King: “I’ll fix this! Alone if I must!” He’s chuckling as he shakes his head. “Your useless faith may cost many lives, but even so mark my words, I will fix this.”
The King looks back, but says nothing, his expression unreadable. He continues forward, leaving Astor alone chuckling, or perhaps something in between chuckling and crying to himself.  
Rhoam Narration: “We haven’t spoken since that day. I simply left him to his devices. If he was so determined to find another way to stop the Calamity, then who was I to stop him. I doubt my word could have swayed his mind regardless.
We’re now looking at a room, the camera is just by the doorway, looking at an office, circular and domed. It’s stone brick walls are covered in parchment and ripped books, covered in symbols and frantic writing. An old Sheikah tapestry hangs crudely on the left wall, and the window on the right seems to tint grey, or even a deepest crimson. Centerframe, is the back of Astor, robe hanging just above the paper ridden floor. He is flipping through something on his desk. 
Rhoam Narration: “Fixated as he was on the perfect future that you mother might have led, I still had hope that with time, he might still assist you with your destiny one day.”
The camera slowly comes closer to Astor. We can see more clearly the type of stuff that sprawls the papers and books and diagrams across his office. Some depict stars and constellations, and even a few notes on Ancient Technology, although in a noticeably cleaner font. However, as the camera moves close and closer to Astor, the papers and books depict only one clear topic: the aura of death that comes only with necromancy. 
Rhoam Narration: “It seems…”
Astor finally reacts to whatever he was doing on his desk. You don’t see his eyes, but as he fully turns around to face the camera, you see his smile, along with him holding a dark orb of unknown energy. It hovers in his hand. 
Rhoam Narration: “...I was mistaken.” 
The camera cuts to a wide angle, looking at Astor from behind a stack of books on his desk. The stack of books on Astor’s desk brighten in color (from the memory dull filter), until the scene fully fades back into the Royal Library. The camera is now focused on a similar stack of books on the desk behind Zelda, where Rhoam was working before. 
Zelda is still looking at her father, who is still turned away. Now, he turns back around to face her.
“He had disappeared completely one day, so it was my understanding that whatever he was working on killed him. However, if he is truly back as you say…”
Rhoam walks closer to Zelda, close enough that he might have put a hand on her shoulder, but his arms stay behind his back.
“It is in your utmost interest to prove him wrong. I know not what he plans on doing, but it would be wise to stop him before he does.”
Rhoam turns away now, pacing back to the otherside of the desk. “But, your more important priority is unlocking your powers, understand? Now more than ever, is not the time to get distracted.”
Zelda, taking this all in, takes a deep breath. She then nods at him. “I understand...Father.”
After a moment, the King makes a motion as if to dismiss her. She starts to walk away, her thoughts churning in her head, heart thumping to the same beat as her echoing footsteps. Suddenly, Rhoam calls, 
“Zelda.” It’s not a question, but the tone is asked like one.
She turns back, looking at him, expectantly. Rhoam only stares at her, an uncharacteristic moment of uncertainty for him. The words he wants to form seem stuck in his throat, until finally, he lets out a quiet breathe through his nose, before simply saying:
“You must.”
Zelda can only frown, her shoulder’s slumping slightly, as she ducks her head and leaves.
- - - - - - 
And that’s that! That’s the complete end of Chapter 3. So tune in next time for Chapter 4, including a new slight but important story changes, Yiga husbands, and shocking turns of events.
Edit: I forgot that posts with link’s dont show up in tag results so a rb is appreciated :p
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