#i apologise to anyone who i offended with this and i have now changed it
fan-goddess · 7 months
Girlish Daydreams
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A/N: I am not a member of the Romani people, nor do I know anyone who is. This whole thing is based off limited research and other fics I’ve read about his character and his culture, which I have tried to keep as accurate as I possibly could. Google is known to be misleading in searches, so If I for instance get a name wrong or use a phrase incorrectly and I offend someone, tell me what it was so I can apologise and hopefully correct it as best as I can do. I want this to be a place where someone isn’t afraid of reaching out when I have made a mistake
Pairing: Abraham x reader
Summary: You’ve never seen Abraham as a husband, let alone a person worth thinking of. Yet his sudden new involvement in your life may have you thinking differently not just about him, but about everything you’ve ever thought about
The story Taglist: @omgbrcat @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @blue-serendipity @anjelicawrites @lexwolfhale
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Chapter One: A child’s dream
Chapter Two: A change of heart
Chapter Three: Before and now
Chapter Four: A new kind of promise
Chapter Five: Loving your husband
The Epilogue: Where’d all the time go…
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httpsleclerc · 11 months
Hi bestie :) it's me :) there's no prompt or anything but can I request George and Russell!reader (younger sister) always trying to spend time together whenever they can when it's during the season,, something like getting lunch/dinner or having movie nights?? Thank ya ✨🩷
big brother George im literally curled up in a ball on the floor pulling my hair out.
You giggled as you heard George groan as you flopped down on the couch beside him, you acted offended - How dare he be so offended at your, now often rare company, while it was his home race and he was home visiting his family; which included you, his annoying, yet admittedly lovable little sister.
You were 7 years younger than George, and had turned 18 earlier in the year, unfortunately, your birthday fell on the weekend of the Monaco Grand Prix, and your brother had missed out on all the festivities. He felt guiltier when your parents had told him that you didn't enjoy your birthday as much as they had thought you would, and when they asked you about it, you said that you just missed your brother. Since you had moved away to attend university, yours and Georges schedules never seemed to match up anymore, but since this was his home race, you decided it would be rude of you not to at least attempt to attend it.
"Don't act like you didn't miss me, Georgie," He hated that nickname, well, from anyone but you who called him by it. George smiled at you as you leant against him, the TV in front of you playing the newest Spider-Man movie on Netflix. "Are you nervous for your race?" You asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"Let's not talk about the race, we're just having a movie night," He changed the subject, he already spent enough time away from you due to racing, so he didn't want to spend the little time he had with you talking about it. "How's uni going?" George asked you, knowing that you were a bit stressed out by all of your upcoming assignments for a while.
"It's fine, I passed all my first semester classes, which I didn't think I would," You mumbled quietly, fidgeting with your hands. "it's just really stressful." You admitted. George frowned at your admission - He knew how smart you were, and he knew what you were capable off.
"I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress about it, okay? You don't need to be thinking about uni right now," You relaxed as you realised that your brother was capable of speaking sense, and you leaned into him as he put his arm around you, pulling you into his side. "I have missed you." George told you, although he wasn't lying, at this point he just wanted to see you smile - But apparently, his confession of sibling affection made you sleepy.
"Sorry, it was a long train journey this morning," You sleepily apologised, resting your head on your brothers chest as you found yourself getting more and more relaxed. George smiled, kissing the top of your head and continuing to watch the movie that played on the TV.
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conanssummerchild · 7 months
do i think the community characters are ableist:
this is based off of things in-show and just my personal opinions feel free to disagree tho
pierce: do i even have to say it. yes.
elroy: nah elroy is chill as fuck i literally love him
abed: no, i feel like he would ask a lot of rlly blunt questions tho and some ppl might feel offended
britta: i love britta but she would push someone elses wheelchair in public and be like "look! im helping a DIFFERENTLY ABLED PERSON"
annie: i feel like she would be accidentally ableist (as opposed to pierce) but apologise profusely when someone tells her shes being ableist
shirley: uhh idk actually i dont think she would actually say anything ableist and she would say "ooh thats not nice :(" if someone else did but then she would pity disabled ppl
chang: bro idfk correct me if im wrong but i think chang is the only one in the show whos actually literally never said anything ableist, like hes so unhinged atp that he doesnt even know or care
duncan: um, no? idk, the only thing we really know about duncan is hes british and hot for britta (same) but i dont recall him ever being ableist (again, correct me if im wrong) so im gonna give him the benefit of the doubt
troy: season one troy? probably, he probably said some shit and made fun of some autistic kids lets be real, but my son has had so much character developement and he would never now, like abed tho i feel like he might ask a lot of questions that could maybe be a bit invasive
jeff: jeff is so interesting bcs i dont actually think hes like naturally ableist, he thinks hes better than disabled ppl but not bcs theyre disabled just bcs he thinks hes better than everyone. however he is aware of ppls disabilities and if they piss him off he will probably use them against them which is not cool, thumbs down
the dean: oof im not sure abt this one i feel like he would try to be inclusive but not really get there and end up using offensive terms and stuff without meaning to and he would be supportive on paper but ehen someone disabled actually was. dis abled. he would be like "omg disabled ppl 😨😨" (IM NOT OVER HIM CALLING ABED PSYCHO OK STFU)
frankie: hmmm heres the thing about frankie she says abed 'doesnt know any better' and she calls her sister mentally retarded but she helped abed rlly well in the flashbacks episode instead of. yk. slapping him in the face and saying "you try to get him to do anything normal without abusing him" (FUCK YOU JEFF) so im not sure, but i would go with no probably
idk if i missed anyone but i would love to hear anyone eles thoughts on this
oh my fucking god i forgot about buzz hickey, yes he hates autistic ppl real, his existence is a hate crime
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AITA for changing my matching profile picture with my best friend/partner without asking?
I (16M) and my partner (16NB) often tag each other on tiktoks that we would like the other to see. They tag me in things more often than the opposite. They are autistic, and have hyperfixated on South Park/the creators/their other projects. They suggested matching South Park PFPs of two of the characters (I was very unfamiliar with them). I was very uncomfortable with this, both because I didn’t watch the show and I knew generally that people found it offensive, and because I had heard testimonies from Jewish people who had first hand experience with South Park leading to antisemitism from peers. I had and have no intention of making anyone uncomfortable or supporting any form of bigots. They watch the show, and told me that one of the creators is Jewish, and that the show explores themes that are taboo, but ultimately the message is that everyone is human. I reluctantly agreed to change my PFP to be South Park themed and matching, because I knew this is something they really wanted. Over the time that we had these, I felt very uncomfortable commenting/liking/interacting with people on or around the app because I don’t want to offend anyone. I suggested multiple different other matching PFPs, told them I didn’t like it and wanted my other one back, and told them I would change it back eventually (the old one was a picture that they drew for my birthday as a gift for me, so it was already related to them). A couple weeks after this happened, I changed it back without notifying them. I continued to interact with them on TikTok directly after the change. They sent me 20-25 screenshots of people talking about how inconsiderate it is to change a PFP without asking the person that you match, and that this was very emotionally dysregulating and I shouldn’t have done it, or I should have planned new matching ones beforehand so they wouldn’t feel abandoned. I apologised, and offered to match again/plan new matching ones for when they’re feeling less upset (they didn’t want to change the old matching one right now). I feel like I was justified for changing it and that I did tell them that I was doing it, and when I did suggest other things or say I would change it it was immediately shut down. They were feeling under the weather today, so maybe I should have waited until they were feeling better and notified them beforehand more closely? I don’t know. AITA
What are these acronyms?
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whynotjohnlock · 7 months
Hey, hope you're having a great day :D
Tw for self harm.
One thing I don't like about fics with self harm is that the doctor ends up feeling a bit overdramatic, and I want people not to make a big deal out of my problem and just assure me that they'll stuck with me
So can you please write a thing where the doctor discovers that the reader is self harming, and they just silently being over a first aid box to patch up the wounds while the reader is furiously apologising, then the doctor just looks up at us and is like "hey, don't apologize, I just want the best for you"
(I tried to follow your request as closely as possible, let me know if you need me to change something.)
A/N: Hey, I hope you're ok. I want you to know that whoever you are you are loved and special and unique. I hope if you need it you get help (to you anonymous, and anyone out there struggleling) because you deserve it. Here is some fullfy 11th doctor without drama.
Warning for people easily offended to not click keep reading. Your media consumption is not my responsibility.
The inside TARDIS was calm and peaceful, but not enough as to quiet the racing tanted emotions filling your soul and the voices urging you on.
You knew it was irrational to hurt yourself. You knew you shouldn't. But those thoughts did not stop the madness.
Perhaps some part of yourself believed you deserved what you did to yourself. There had been more than enough occasions that a mistake on your part had cost the lives of others. Traveling with the Doctor was not always fun.
Maybe you felt like little more than an ant compared to all the important people that surrounded you. The people you traveled with could handle so much. Rory had waited 2000 years for Amy. River has to live with the love of her life not knowing who she was half of the time. Amy had killed a version of herself to keep living with her boys. The doctor was feared and loved throughout the cosmos for his cleverness and ferocity. They were all so strong, and in that way so unlike you.
Perhaps another part of you believed they where better off without you. You didn't want to slow down such amazing people after all.
You didn't know what had brought you in the bathroom on your nees with a sharp small kitchen knife in hand, or why you felt numb to everything but the new scars on your hand, and you didn't care.
It felt so good. It felt good, and that was the only thing that mattered. Blood flowed out of skin freely, and you just didn't care.
That was until of course, the Doctor opened the door. You felt guilty, foolish and stupid as tears ran like rivers down your tattered form.
"Hey Y/N, I was wondering if-" the doctor froze in his tracks, eyes filled with understanding and pain.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" You gasped for metaphorical air in your drowning mind.
You experienced him to be angry. You expected the doctor would go full incoming storm and demand why you would be as weak as to be harmful to yourself. Fear flashed in your face and you prepared for the worst. Would he even want to travel with you anymore.
The doctor was, infact angry, but as soon as he read the terror in (Y/N)'s eyes he stopped himself from anger because he knew being outraged and loud would not help his precious companion.
He hugged Y/N. The Doctor clasped his arm around his troubled companion until his fingerteps where white and Y/N dropped the knife onto the bathroom floor.
You kept on saying the same words over and over like a broken record. "I'm sor- Im sorr- m' so'y" the violent shudders of sadness made your speech nearly incoherent.
"Shhhh. It's going to be ok. I'm going to clean up your wounds now, ok?"
You nodded numbly.
Quietly and sadly, the Doctor pulled out some bandages, gauze and Alien bottle of wound cleaner.
You continued to keep sobbing, incapable of words or anything else for that matter.
The doctor was very careful to not react in a way that would scare Y/N. He contacted to patch up his friend and sit next to them in silence, because he understood without words what was going on in his companion's head.
He had been there himself not to long after the Timewar and the loss of his children.
After the blood flow was stopped the doctor picked up his companion, gentle as to not reopen any wounds. He walked out of the bathroom and laid you out on the bed the TARDIS materialized for you. It was only then you slowed the tears down your face.
Softly, the Timelord spoke, "Y/N, do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really."
"That's ok. We don't have to talk now. You can tell me everything later or whenever you want. There is no pressure or guilt in the feelings you have or the things you have done. I'm not angry. I just want what's best for you."
The Doctor continued when he was met with silence. "You are an amazing person Y/N. You don't deserve to be in pain. You are not unimportant. I haven't meet anyone unimportant in 900 years of traveling. You are worth more than gold and diamonds and whatever things humans use for currency in your time period."
The doctor started to trace his fingers in southing circles on Y/N's back. "We all have issues. I'm not going to yell at you. I have issues too, and I'm sill grieving from the loss of my people."
"I just want you to come to me if you ever think about this sort of thing, because I will support you until my bones fade and my two hearts stop beating; that's not an overdramatic statement, that's just how I feel."
"I know you probably want me to shut up now, so I will. I'm going to go get you some (Favorite snack) and put on (favorite show that's not doctor who)" The doctor started to leave to go make Y/N's favorite comfort food, a hand grabbed his open palm, preventing him from leaving.
Y/N's voice was muddled in the covers but it was till clear what the words were. "Stay."
The doctor's eyes softened at this and layed down on the bead with them. Dispute finding out today about the mental challenges his friend was going through, the Doctor was hopeful. In his 900 years adventureing he had seen thousands of miracles and one of the greatest he had ever witnessed was you.
The Doctor knew you would figure out whatever was troubling you eventually. And when you fell asleep in his arms he made a promise, just like the promise he made when he chose the name doctor, unspoken and unbreakable:
"Whatever it takes I will Help Y/N unti they are ok. Not because Y/N is broken, but because they deserve kindness after everything they have given to this universe and to me."
When Y/N was ready to talk, they would. For now cuddling in one another's arms was everything the both of them needed.
Together, warmly and safely with one another, they were happy.
And for that wonderful afternoon, that was enough.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Can i ask for a Ateez reaction to someone unintentionally making the reader insecure about the scars on their face.
ateez reactions to someone pointing out the scars on their s/o's face
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genre: reactions; angst, hurt / comfort
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request <3
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honestly, hongjoong would be furious. because how dare they, unintentionally or not, even point out something they have no idea could be so personal. as always, he keeps his cool, even if he can't fathom the thoughtlessness behind the other person's actions. he will give you some reassurance by telling you how gorgeous you look that night and make you feel like those negative comments don't even matter.
seonghwa knows what it's like to want to hide because of insecurities and he was not going to let you be overcome with such feelings. he made you feel like royalty and there was no one that would get in the way of that purpose for him. if someone ever pointed out your facial scars, he would pull them to the side and calmly but sternly put them straight. no one is getting away with stuff like that.
yunho is a carefree guy but he's also super protective of you when it comes to this type of stuff. he'll come to your side immediately and make a snide comment about the other person, whether they mean to upset you or not. "why don't you go and brush your teeth" or "come back to us when you've sorted out your hairline." you know, petty stuff like that. and it makes you laugh and forget about your insecurities, so it does the trick!
he's quiet with his support but supportive nonetheless. he'll whisk you away in his arms and distract you with other things. compliments you profusely to the point where it's embarrassing. you reassure him it's okay he can tell by how withdrawn you have become that you're starting to feel insecure. will glare daggers from across the room at the person who upset you.
oh well all know san is gonna call them out straight away, there and then. he tends to act on impulse and his emotions get the better of him. and while he might apologise for this tendency in certain situations, when he is defending his partner, he feels there are no apologies that need to be made. he'll demand an apology from them before making sure you were ok. he definitely gets caught up in the heat of the moment and he's probably more offended than you.
similar to yunho, mingi's first instinct is to make you forget about the other person's comments by simply making fun of them instead. he won't do it to their face though. he would just be whispering in your ear for the rest of the night like "why are you paying attention to them when you look sexy af and they look like they got their outfit second-hand off of ebay." you guys decide that making fun and judging other people is much more enjoyable than anything else going on that night.
wooyoung doesn't even notice the unintentional comments being made at first until he sees how your expression changes; your smile falling and your head lowering with discouragement. then he's conflicted: does he punch the person in the face for making you feel this way, or does he comfort you? he chooses the latter because starting unnecessary drama isn't his thing but it's safe to say that person is in his bad books now. enter a very passive-aggressive wooyoung.
jongho don't need to threaten anyone or anything. people both respect him and fear him too much for any funny business to occur. as soon as he clocks that someone has made you feel uncomfortable, all he has to do is look them dead in the eye and they fold, immediately apologising and removing themselves from the situation. the power he holds. no one would dare do anything to upset his soulmate ever again, that's for sure.
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fizzyxcustard · 9 months
Personal Post (and apologies)
I'm going to post some personal feelings and thoughts here, so if you're not interested in that, then please skip.
First off, I want to apologise to anyone I've offended. Now, you might be wondering why I'm starting off with that statement of apology. The truth is that I've had a very bad couple of years mentally, and I'm not using this as an excuse for any bad/negative behaviour, but more for you to maybe understand my thought patterns. I know that I've come off as toxic to some people; I stand up and admit to that. I have. My behaviour has no doubt been hard to deal with, and because of this, I've lost friends. And it's mainly to those people I wish to apologise. Whether they'll actually see this post or not, I don't know, but I hope they will. And that goes for anyone else that I may have upset without realising. This post is calling myself out.
A lot of my negative behaviour has come from very destructive thought patterns, which revolve around never feeling good enough and not fitting in. I play the comparison game constantly, and to the point that I sometimes dread coming online to Tumblr. Because I know my mind will begin to churn and tell me that I'm not a good enough person, I'm not funny enough, talented enough...just not good enough in any way at all. And it's because of this that I've pushed people away from me because of the fear of rejection through my own comparisons to other people. These thoughts have even affected the way I see myself with my family, so it's not just online friends. It's in almost everything I do.
I wouldn't normally post anything this personal on Facebook, but on Tumblr I feel that my anonymity helps me to remain a bit more shadowed from criticism and harsh words. I can only think of a couple of people from Tumblr who I've met in person.
So this post is me apologising to anyone I've ever hurt, been cold with, been standoffish with, been snappy with. Again, I know that this isn't an excuse for negative behaviour and toxicity, but I'm trying to change my ways. Whenever I feel that wave of anxiety rip through me because the negative comments in my brain are becoming so loud, I now take a step back to recalibrate. I'm consciously giving my rational mind more room to step in and take control. I'll admit that it's fucking hard, but I am trying with every last ounce of my being to become a better person.
For a while I considered leaving Tumblr, but that would mean stepping away from doing the very thing I love, which is writing and sharing with you. But the need for external validation to feed my ego and turn down the deafening volume of the negative voice was getting too much. My rational mind has had to take the reins again and fight to be heard over all the commotion of self doubt. For some time I've even developed people-pleasing ways which has later led to resentment, and again, negative outbursts.
I know I need to work on this cripplingly low self-esteem, build myself up and also be completely authentic and not people please. Don't get me wrong, I do try and be as generous and kind as I can, but sometimes it's wound up compromising my own state of mind, and I must try and work on this, too.
This post is me being open, raw and vulnerable. All I can do is apologise again, and whatever comes of this post, I will accept gladly.
I hope I can usher in a time of more confidence, more happiness, and maybe more friendships which are unburdened by my negativity.
If you've made it this far, well done, and thanks for coming to my TedTalk. :) <3
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11cleyvaart · 3 months
How do you even get the idea that the chief is trans, not every character has to be that way.
Okay so I've been looking at this anon ask for a day now, trying to understand if you're not being a jerk or something. But I hope you are having a good day hating things tbh.
But I do have three things that point me in the direction that he is. I hate to go MatPat on a show but I do already in my spare time so...also if this offends anyone I apologise in advance.
Everyone has different body shapes to fit or match themselves. So don't take this into offence that all body shapes equal the same because they don't. They're are plenty of different cases where this doesn't always work. So please don't let me make anyone feel shame about themselves. This is just my observation of a cartoon character and not real people.
1. The first and most obvious is the hips. Quimby has much larger hip structure than Gadget's when we see the skeletal view.
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As compared to Gadget who has much slender hip structure. Granted he is half machine but the hips in Gadget are more male.
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2. Now the second are the finger lengths. This is up for debate but usually men tend to have longer ring fingers on both hands. Whereas women have equal lengths of ring and index fingers.
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I know, I'm the person who will look at everything in a scene because that's just me but for most of his 3D model he has same length fingers, as opposed to Gadget in the show who does have a longer ring finger slightly.
3. The shoulders. Quimby has rounded shoulder compared to Gadget who has broad straight shoulders.
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Which also tie back into hips, as hips to shoulder ratio plays apart of a persons skeleton. I don't have the rigging model for the characters but the best I can do is side comparison. Here we see that Gadget has that male structure of wide shoulders and slim hips. Whereas Quimby has larger hips to shoulders.
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We could also go as far as do the waist line to elbow but I won't go that far. Although Gadget does have difference in where his bellybutton to elbow meets compared to Quimby's.
So yes, there is some evidence that points to Quimby as Trans. But that doesn't diminish his character nor does it change him. It actually wouldn't be a bad thing if the show had done that in the date of 2015, as well as be revolutionary. But it doesn't mean that all Quimby would be just Trans and only about it, but rather as a showcase of acceptance as others in the show acknowledge him for who he is. And that he can seemingly have a romantic relationship with others as seen with his interactions with Gadget and their shared bond in the 2015 show.
So I hope you anon feel better about people just enjoying a show and just having their own Headcanons.
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outsidereveries · 1 year
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— bang chan, ive situation
ik i added pic of ot8 skz but since there are questions about them about this.. yeah
disclaimer: in this situation i understand bang chan completely and i don’t really understand what’s the whole issue behind it. however, i’m not taking any sides, so i’m neutral.
why bang chan expressed his opinion: honestly, i felt he spit it out and it wasn’t intentional to harm anyone, but he was honest with you, stays (and the rest of the community). it’s his opinion.
what were the intentions for this: it’s all because of the upbringing. i mean възпитание he was aware that the generations change more or less but honestly he’s just curious why they don’t have the manners he has. i think chan was genuine.
who he meant with these words: maybe someone who is hardworking to the extent they’re workaholic? it feels that it’s general and not towards someone specific.
what he feels towards all of this: this might be suprising to all of you, but i’m not suprised by this. honestly, he feels positive that he brang awareness about this lack of manners in some way. chan was aware of that his words will probably be misinterpreted in the end because of the lack of everyone’s mindset, so i think he just said “at least i tried”.
why he apologised: as i said earlier, he just spit it out. it’s not forced “sorry”, it’s genuine, he didn’t mean to do any harm. he said his opinion, his truth and chan just wants the newer generations to at least respect each other and say/wave for “hello”.
what was jype founder’s reaction: honestly, he expected to act in this way. you know, because of the relevance his group has, skz’s popularity, etc etc, he just thinks bang chan acted as he should no matter if chan wanted to say this or not
bang chan’s feelings towards ive (as a group): honestly.. uh.. i don’t think he thinks positive things for all of the girls. i think he matches with some of them just fine but something seems fishy, because i think bang chan has false impressions at least to one of the ive girls that can be shown as (from ive) stubborn, controlling, materialistic and etc.. their collegial work in the future will probably go okay if they happen to have any but bang chan doesn’t think fondly for all of ive in my cards’ opinion and he might shut himself for it even in front of them.
was bang chan offended at ive: not fully? i think he had someone else in mind who better aligns with this. maybe one/two girl/s but i don’t know, it really feels it’s general and not specific. but yeah, he might meant also someone in ive in this opinion of his.
did ive meant to be disrespectful at stray kids: some of them do, others no. i think the answer itself is divided.
and now.. the longer questions
(were ive overwhelmed with the drama?)
yujin: her? overwhelmed? she agrees with him! she thinks chan is acting rebellious for this and deep inside she might love it, but she won’t admit it, but overall no.
gaeul: uhhhhhh… she’s indecisive about it. i think she’s trying to stay as neutral as possible, but overall, i feel she’s fine with this.
rei: she also thinks that it’s brave from bang chan to do this. rei would like to learn his perspective about it.
wonyoung: yeah, she was.
liz: she might be also overwhelmed about this tbh but i think she thinks in this way because of stubbornness
lesseo: she though about it and i feel she’s fine with the situation as long as it doesn’t impact ive/lesseo personally.
(skz’s thoughts on the drama)
lee know: basically, “even the bad talks are still publicity for stray kids”
changbin: he might’ve felt emotional at the peak of the drama, but it’s positive. he’s optimistic.
hyunjin: also positive. he probably has similsr mindset as lee know.
han: he was afraid that it might happen similar situation as hyunjin’s. he just love skz too much, so i feel it was a turning point for han.
felix: definitely in more negative way than han because he still thinks about it. felix is probably worried that bang chan will sabotage himself to the way skz will be cancelled somehow.
seungmin: he knows it’s conscious, so he’s fine with the drama.
in: either this is a new beginning to him or he’s kind of neutral about it.
(ive’s opinion about the haters towards the situation)
yujin: she thinks they doesn’t have stable opinion.
gaeul: her self-esteem might be low because of them. i think she’s overwhelmed because of them and it’s like she gave up?
rei: the energy is similar as gaeul’s.
wonyoung: she’s aware of their opinions and she’s fine with it. we give, they also give.
liz: the energy is similar as gaeul and rei’s.
lesseo: she’s chill about them and doesn’t care.
(ive’s opinion about the k-netizens’ opinions)
yujin: she tries to think positively of it and tries to accept them.
gaeul: she has similar mindset as yujin with the difference there is optimism for new beginning.
rei: oof.. her self-esteem is lower because of them too. apparently she has similar opinion as what she thinks of the haters about the situation.
wonyoung: she’s reflecting on them, so i think she accepts them and she’s learning many more from them.
liz: she tries to be chill with it but she might think they’re just haters, so i think she’s just thinking pessimistic.
lesseo: it’s their choice, so she really doesn’t care.
(bang chan’s thoughts on…)
yujin: she’s someone with much potential who is yet to blossom.
gaeul: someone who has the impact to change everything. bang chan might feel she has the potential to bring awareness for at least some things.
rei: doesn’t want to share
wonyoung: uh.. i have two theories.
very busy person who wants to get to know better. he also thinks she’s also yet to blossom
workaholic who wants only to work in the sphere she’s in just to be in power. he also thinks she’s lacking self-care and he might be worried for her
nothing in between
liz: he might know something about her mental health. he might be worried for her well-being, because i see he’s thinking she’s overwhelming and great at the same time.
lesseo: bang chan might want to get to know her better. their age difference might be the problem, and i think the intentions behind it are completely friendly and it doesn’t involve any feelings love-wise.
(ive’s thoughts on bang chan)
yujin: did something happen to them that she’s feeling sad? disappointed? i think it’s not about the drama..
gaeul: she might’ve feel offended bc of the drama
rei: she’s feeling chaos bc of the drama, so.. i’ll leave blank here.
wonyoung: she thinks positively of him but in some way she might be divagating her real thoughts on him
liz: she might isolate herself about her real thoughts of him. perhaps, she might be afraid to know him better?
lesseo: blank. her thoughts has recently changed.
(ive's thoughts on skz)
yujin: she likes them. she might be casual fan.
gaeul: uh, she might not get along with them well. did something happen that made her character clashing with (someone/some people of) skz?
rei: blank. she might be afraid of knowing them better. she might have hard time to face something about them.
wonyoung: her thoughts are unstable.
liz: positive, actually. she might be a fan
lesseo: also positive. she might be stay/also a fan
(skz's opinion about ive's scandals as a whole)
chan: neutral, i guess. i feel he thinks that this is the way ive has to pay in some way about their fame
lee know: "it's hard for them."
changbin: "this is the way they have to blossom.."
hyunjin: (pretends to be suprised)
han: his opinion is changing currently
felix: his thoughts are unstable
seungmin: "they're rebelsss we love theeem"
in: he thinks it's fair (but for ive to shine)
(skz's opinion about ive's popularity in south korea)
chan: quite confusing to their wave, but open towards it and accepting their fame
lee know: he is chill bc they deserves it
changbin: he's examining their popularity, lol; he's doing this for good purposes
hyunjin: posiitve, he loves it
han: he thinks it's rigged :| :| (idk in what way)
felix: his thoughts are currently changing
seungmin: doesn't want us to know
in: chill about it, he thinks they know how to entertain
(skz's opinion about ive's popularity worldwide)
chan: for some reason, he feels it's unfair. maybe ive deserve more to him?
lee know: doesn't want us to know
changbin: positive, they deserve it
hyunjin: uncertain.
han: i assume he doesn't want to share
felix: his opinion is unstable
seungmin: same as hyunjin/felix
in: "chaos" (positively)
uh.. yeah
sorry for being late late
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ziachisims · 1 year
Have you ever thought that the black hair colour just wasn't black enough?
If so, I've got an easy solution for you!
DISCLAIMER! I don't mean to be hateful or rude towards anyone. Everyone is free to do as they please with their own content (as long as it complies with EA:s TOS). The original black colour just doesn't fit my taste, that's all. I made this tutorial because I thought that there might be others who share my opinion but who might not know how to change the colour. With that said, I'd like to apologise in advance if this hurts or offends anyone.
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Art by Alex Espino.
The hair shown above was made by Kiara Zurk.
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Let's begin!
You'll need:
- Sims 4 Studio
- A photo editing program (e.g. Photoshop, Photopea, Gimp)
1) Open the hair you want to edit in Sims 4 Studio (double click on the package file).
2) Export the blue-black texture as a PNG and save it somewhere that's easy to access.
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3) Open the PNG you just saved in your editing program of choice. I'll be using Photopea for this tutorial.
4) Add a 'Black & White' adjustment layer.
5) Add a 'Brightness/Contrast' adjustment layer and bring it all the way down to -150 or whatever you prefer.
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6) Optional! You can flatten the image into one layer by right-clicking on any of the layers and then click on 'Flatten Image'. I personally don't bother though.
7) Save as a PNG and import it back into Sims 4 Studio. Save the package file.
That's it! Now you've got yourself a true black hair colour.
Important! If you use a Reshade preset, you need to take into account the way that preset changes colours, lighting etc. in the game. If you use a preset that darkens the colours, the hair colour might look odd if you adjusted the brightness exactly the way I did in this tutorial.
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Now I'll leave you to it. Happy Simming!
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simmer-rhi · 9 months
Jingle Bell Goth
Part 9
Soundtrack: Carol of the Bells by Peter J. Wilhousky, John Williams
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"Bella," Cornelia called across the table again, "This fish is overdone."
"Well, Cornelia, since I was working on preparing two individual grand meals due to a last minute menu change, unfortunately I wasn't able to give either dish the care and attention I would usually. The turkey is dry too, if that makes you feel any better."
Bella's voice had gotten louder as she spoke. Anyone who knew Bella well would recognise the signs, it was time to end the conversation, or risk her wrath.
"I'm sorry to tell you, you're turkey is actually dry most years!" Cornelia laughed. "We should probably all just have the fish next year, and then you can give it your undivided attention." Cornelia went back to her meal, pleased to have solved this conundrum on Bella's behalf.
"You are not invited to spend Winterfest Day with us next year Cornelia, so there won't be any fish to worry about, at least not on my table. Next year you'll be paying your chef quadruple time to cook your Winterfest meal, instead of walking all over your door-mat of a daughter in law!"
The whole room went quiet. Siobhan made an excuse to leave the room and make a phonecall. Suddenly she was really missing her family.
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After a moment, Michael cleared his throat. "I'm disappointed in you, Cassandra. You're being very rude towards my guest here. She's doing her best to be friendly, the least you can do is answer her questions politely."
And with that, Bella exploded. "Don't you dare speak to my daughter like that. Your "girlfriend" was a nasty school bully who made Cassandra's life hell before she finally graduated. LAST YEAR."
"Oh my watcher," Michael groaned. It was all falling into place. Siobhan couldn't be much older than 18... he was horrified. "I'm so sorry Cass, everyone... I think it would be best if I took Siobhan home."
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As Bella cleared the dinner table, Cornelia approached her. "Bella, could we talk, please."
"Sure." Bella was calm now, after getting frustrations off her chest... And maybe a little bit embarrassed by her outburst? Well, at least her next therapy session should be interesting.
"I apologise if I have offended you, Bella. I know my constructive criticism isn't always well received... It's just my perfectionist and snob traits talking. The dinner was lovely."
Bella sighed. "Cornelia, I know you believe that your son could have done better than me, but we've been married for nearly twenty years now, our daughter is nearly an adult herself, and you still have not accepted me as part of your family, or treated me with an ounce of respect, even once. This is my home, and you have no right to speak to me like that in it."
Cornelia was shocked. Her own mother-in-law, Gunther's mother, had been a dragon - was she just like her?
"Thank you, Bella, that was very honest of you. I have never meant to make you feel that way. I have the utmost respect for you, to be truthful. You are a very capable woman, your children adore you, as does my son. You juggle your career, a family, your charity work. I'm envious, in fact. I always wanted to be a career woman myself..."
Bella was touched. The two women spoke more, and negotiated a truce. Next year, Cornelia is bringing her own fish.
Start - Previous
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asukamood · 1 year
Previous part
First part
You know, I’ve noticed that I’ve never really made Nightmare properly ask Dream out in the Sweammare mini-series so there we go.
I apologise for any… weird phrasing or so during your reading, I haven’t written in a good month and my brain has been completely fried by exams. Also somehow this came out as a sick fic???
Warnings: Homophobia (Heavily implied with execution), past violence and strong language
Synopsis: “Dream was in the middle of changing the towel on Nightmare’s forehead when said man finally deemed the wait enough and called him. He turned toward him as he squeezed the tissue in his hands over a bucket, water escaping from it and dropping inside. He glanced at him sideways. “What is it?”
“I’ve… been meaning to tell you something.” He watched as confusion spread on Dream’s features.
“Alright… what is it?” Nightmare marked a pause.
“I love you.””
The villagers now know not to try anything fishy on Dream, that was out of the way at least. However there was still one big problem. How the hell was he going to ask Dream out?
That question had made him stay up all night yesterday (albeit he always stays up) and has been haunting him since then. When he was out with Dream running some errands, he was thinking about it. When he was absently writing a fanfiction about him killing the villagers in a gory way with blood and organs everywhere, he was thinking about it. When he was eating lunch with Dream, he was also thinking about it.
Due to what happened before, he was very reluctant to confess or to be the first one to do so at least. He stared at the man who has been living rent free in his mind as he began preparing dinner, pretty much devouring him with his eyes.
That timeline was different, he knew that. Dream wasn’t acting like he did the last time so he probably wouldn’t have the same reaction as the last one did to his confession. Still, he couldn’t help the anxiety clenching at his chest like a vulture. But at the same time, he knew that if he didn’t do it, Dream wouldn’t either.
He liked to think that despite all that time away from each other, he knew the other better than anyone else could ever dream of (hah). But, funnily enough, this timeline’s Dream was even more predictable than his original Dream, and the fact Dream would rather die than confess first was so obvious that it was physically painful.
So he’ll have to endure some more anxiety it seems.
“Nightmare?” His friend snapped his fingers in front of his eyes, successfully tearing him out of his thoughts. “Have you been listening to me?” His hands folded into fists as they were put on his hips, a questioning look on his face.
God, he was so pretty.
It only made him want to keep him for himself more than he already wanted to.
“No, I was too busy grieving over that cup castle I took a few hours to make.” As if to enhance his pain about this event, he gestured toward the corpse of the monument spread out unceremoniously on the floor, some cups having yet to stop rolling. “The worst thing is that you did this. How could you? What has it ever done to you?”
Not the least impressed, Dream rolled his eyes as he turned away to stir up the content of the pot. “I didn’t mean to destroy it but if it did, then you probably deserved it.”
An offended gasp escaped Nightmare as he dramatically put his hand over his heart. “I beg your pardon? I didn’t do anything wrong, how dare you!”
“Didn’t do anything wrong.” Dream repeated, closing the pot again as it continued boiling. “As if I would believe that, you have the look of someone who stole a cookie jar from the founder of a company and got away with it by distracting them with the sudden arrival of birds.”
Nightmare raised a questioning eyebrow. “That… is strangely specific.” He noticed the obvious way Dream was avoiding to look at him. “Have you done that before Dream?”
“… Listen, it was an accident.” Two seconds of silence passed before Nightmare’s body started to rock with chuckles. Another moment passed before he fell off his chair, holding his stomach because of how much he was laughing.
“HOW DO YOU DO THAT ON ACCIDENT?” He asked between breaths, having trouble looking at him.
A few hours. A few hours and he would tell him for sure.
Then, he'll be truly his and his alone.
"Hey Dream." Nightmare called out eventually, his head resting on Dream's lap. Dream looked away from his thriller novel, his attention turning toward his friend. "I'm bored."
"..." He went back to his reading.
A pout was drawn on Nightmare's face as he suddenly sat up, knocking the book out of Dream's hands. The latter blinked in surprise, his hands extended as if he were still holding the covers of the literary piece, but it was too late.
Dream turned his head just in time to see a piece of a cape disappearing around a corner.
"Nightmare!" Dream shouted, jumping onto his feet. "Come back here, you jerk!" He sprinted after the other, his irritation evident. A maniacal giggle was heard in the halls of the tiny house.
That little…
That game of cat and mouse lasted a good hour in which Dream practically lost his voice because of how much he was screaming. Eventually though, Nightmare let the other catch up to him and gave him back his stolen book.
The other sucked in a big breath as he snatched the book from him, glaring at him with flushed cheeks. “That was unnecessary and childish, we’re 18 already Night, you have to stop pulling those sorts of things.”
“Where is the fun in that?” Ah fuck, he was so pretty blushing like that. “Besides, you know you love it!” Nightmare smiled stiffly, an uncomfortable feeling surrounding his brain as goosebumps spread on his skin. What the fuck is that again? It feels familiar but he can’t recall what it was.
Dream scoffed, rolling his eyes at him, not quite noticing his discomfort. “As if! Enough of this childish nonsense, let’s just go to sleep already, I’m tired.”
“You’re already tired?” Nightmare raised an eyebrow before glancing at the clock at the wall. “It’s like, 8 pm-“
The other shrugged, letting out a soft yawn afterward. “Fatigue does not have a set schedule, I’ll be going to sleep anyway.”
“Yeah I guess that’s fair, I’ll stay up a bit more if you don’t mind.” Dream nodded in acknowledgement as he stepped into their common room.
“Do as you wish, try not to sleep too late though.”
A grin spread across his face. “Of course.”
He didn’t say from whose perspective the conception of ‘late’ was, which meant that he could stay up as long as he would like.
The uneasiness grew before he realized it.
Nightmare felt horrible.
Well, that wasn’t really unexpected but today he felt even worse.
His lungs felt like they had been set on fire as he heaved for air desperately, thrashing around his sticky blankets. His lungs weren’t the only thing that had been set ablaze, his brain had been too, which was a huge contrast to how cold his entire body felt at the moment.
His head was also ringing and he just wanted to tell the annoying buzzing to shut the hell up but he knew that it would be pointless anyway, nothing was ever that easy. He tried to focus on the numbers displayed on the clock but it only made his eyes burn like the rest of his limbs so he gave up pretty quickly.
He was so tempted to move over to his Dream but he couldn’t get himself to move a single muscle, it fucking hurt. A groan escaped him as he let his head fall on the pillow below him.
He didn’t know how much time had passed but the moment he refocused on his surroundings, he heard Dream’s distant voice calling out to him.
“…mare? … okay?” The other words sounded like gibberish to him, the other’s voice seeming to waver. He did hope that he wasn’t going deaf again, the last time it happened, he definitely wasn’t having a good time.
From the corner of his blurry vision, he noticed a sort of figure coming closer before hovering over him. He felt a cool hand rest on his forehead and he sighed, leaning against it. That cold felt good.
“Ah!… not good… burning.” An entire sentence couldn’t be heard. “… back, okay?” Before Nightmare could try to figure out just what the other was trying to tell him, the hand on his forehead retreated as the figure stepped away, footsteps accompanying the movement.
Nightmare tried to go after him but he just ended up back on square one and lying in bed. As the footsteps started to come closer again, black dots suddenly invaded his vision before hiding everything and sending him into unconsciousness again.
When Nightmare opened his eyes again, he was no longer on his bed but Dream’s. A cool towel had been neatly folded and placed on his forehead in order to make his temperature go down a bit, it felt nice.
He turned a bit and ended up staring at the owner of that bed. He had brought a chair to the side of the bed and was currently busy finishing up the book the sick man had stolen from him the night prior, it seemed like he hadn’t noticed him being awake yet, which just gave him even more time to admire him.
Ah right, he was supposed to confess today.
No wonder he felt so sick.
It wasn’t even funny but he ended up chuckling anyway, bringing Dream’s attention to him.
“You’re awake.” Dream said, closing his book and putting it on the nearby nightstand. After he did that, he brought the chair closer to the bed and leaned over the other, studying his face. “How are you feeling?”
Like I want to kiss you.
“Like shit.” Dream hummed, feeling the towel on his head.
“No wonder, I’ve checked your temperature and you were dangerously close to 40°C. I almost had to get you to the hospital.” Nightmare audibly gagged, a disgusted expression painted on his face.
“Yuck.” The other shook his head in approval.
“I know but thankfully we avoided that.” Dream turned away and brought a cup to Nightmare’s face. The latter raised an eyebrow, his pupils' attention switching from Dream to the cup.
“Medecine. Don’t make that face, I know that you don’t like the flavor of it but it’s necessary for you to finish it.” The other hissed, putting distance between him and the streaming cup Dream was handing him.
He sighed in exasperation, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. “Don’t force me to make you drink that. You’re an adult, Nightmare.”
“Doesn’t make it taste better.” He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “And I’ll be fine, I don’t need it.”
“…” He started staring at him wordlessly.
“… You know just staring into my soul isn’t going to change my mind about that right?” He kept on going. “Dream?” A blink. “Are you seriously ignoring me now?” He looked away from him, still without saying anything.
“Oh my- FINE!” Nightmare snapped eventually, grabbing the cup and shoving the contents down his throat. His nose scrunched in displeasure as the taste invaded his mouth but he kept quiet about it, a smile materializing on Dream’s face.
“See, it wasn’t that hard.” The sick man glared at him, flipping him off verbally. He dismissed his comment with the back of his hand as he stood up, taking the cup back. “I’m gonna be washing that and getting lunch then, I’ll be back.”
“I hope you stub your toe on the way for making me do that 🖕”
“I’m ignoring you.”
Dream was in the middle of changing the towel on Nightmare’s forehead when said man finally deemed the wait enough and called him. He turned toward him as he squeezed the tissue in his hands over a bucket, water escaping from it and dropping inside. He glanced at him sideways. “What is it?”
“I’ve… been meaning to tell you something.” He watched as confusion spread on Dream’s features.
“Alright… what did you want to say?” Nightmare marked a pause.
“I love you.”
The other’s eyes widened as he froze, his hands letting go of the towel in his hands. It fell in the water, ripples and waves disturbing the water’s surface as droplets painted the walls of the bucket.
Dream’s mouth opened as he turned to him, several emotions pushing one another in his eyes. He stuttered inaudible words that he didn’t even seem to understand himself. “You… what?”
“I love you.” He repeated, looking as serious as ever. He didn’t let it show but the sheer amount of anxiety he was feeling made him want to throw up, he clearly did not miss that fear of rejection.
His lips quivered a few more seconds before Dream laughed nervously, finally able to look away from the other as he picked the towel back up. “You don’t know what you’re saying.” He said, looking like he was more trying to convince himself than Nightmare. “It’s the illness making you say random stuff. Yeah, that must be it.”
At this point, he had squeezed out the last droplets of water out of the poor tissue he was almost tearing but he had stopped paying attention to it long ago, merely repeating the action like a robot.
Nightmare frowned, leaning toward Dream and brushing the top of his hand with his fingers. The other didn’t try to push him away. “Dream, I’m serious. I’ve been repressing those feelings for a while now but I’m done doing that. You make me happy and I want to be with you, it’s as simple as that.”
He was about to continue until Dream shook his head, a sort of pained expression on his face. “Nightmare…”
His eyes focused on his face as he spoke, contrasting with the way Dream was avoiding looking at him. “You know that I…” He shook his head. “We can’t be together, not like that.”
His heart dropped. “Why?”
“Because if somebody were to find out— Hell, if they even figure out that you said that and I didn’t… report anything then we would both be executed!” He exclaimed, frowning as if the image of them both tied up to burning wood was already engraved in his mind.
Nightmare inched closer to the other, the hand on the other’s brushing past his knuckles to grip his wrist. “I know that but I’m willing to try anyway, if it means being with you I don’t mind—“
“No!” Dream shouted, making him flinch. He pulled his hand back from Nightmare’s, finally looking in his direction. “We can’t—“ He bit his lip before sucking in a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. “We can’t take the risk.”
“No, listen to me this time, Nightmare. We can’t. If we’re caught, I would lose you and we wouldn’t be able to do anythin—“
“DREAM.” He yelled, gripping his shoulders. That effectively got him to shut up, not expecting that. “Calm down alright? Take deep breaths.”
He listened, still looking like he had seen Death itself waiting at his doorstep. “Good, now listen carefully. They won’t find out and even if they do…” Nightmare’s eyes darkened as he reminisced about that woman he stabbed a few months ago. “They won’t do anything.”
“How… can you be so sure about that?” Nightmare merely smiled, hugging the other.
“Just trust me, okay?”
“… Alright, but let go of me, I don’t want to catch your cold.”
“Dude fuck off, why did you have to ruin the moment? Also hug me back I’m freezing.”
“You’re literally burning.”
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virgo-dream · 2 years
A hole appeared in the heart of the Dreaming.
Dreams, nightmares and other residents gathered around the crater, horrified and in awe of something they’d only seen before when the last vortex appeared. It couldn’t be another one, not so soon.
The hole appeared after one of Dream’s visits to the New Inn. He’d been on a pretty good mood for the past couple of months, having restored the Dreaming to its former glory. Things with his siblings were mostly in order, and he was becoming a little less shut in. Listening to others and being more open to change was difficult, but it was an effort worth making. Seeing his subjects happy brought a warm feeling inside that he wasn’t sure he remembered. Being loved, not feared. However, the sunshine would not last for long.
“There’s no recorded evidence of this phenomena, my Lord.” Lucienne hated not being able to bring Morpheus a solution. She had a hypothesis about what might have caused the crater, but wouldn’t dare say it out loud. It could make things worse. “…do you think… Desire, perhaps?”
“They wouldn’t be so foolish as to cross me. Not for a long time. The answer lies somewhere else.” The words felt heavy on his tongue, tiring to speak aloud. Whatever could be causing this, it made him feel helpless.
“My Lord, you must forgive me, but…”
Morpheus couldn’t help but frown at her tone. The shadow of his cruelty still lingered around the edges of his mercurial behaviour. “There’s no need to apologise for speaking your mind. Please, go ahead.”
“…if the solution to this issue is not presenting itself through what we already know… maybe it’s time to search inwards for an answer.”
“…hm. That is… something to be considered.”
“…often times, the most difficult solutions to find are the ones hiding in plain sight, my Lord.”
“Very well.” Morpheus stood, fixing the collar of his coat and reaching for the pouch of sand on his pocket. “Please resume your research through the texts in the library. I shall ask for an outside opinion.”
Lucienne raised her eyebrows, and a spark of hope lit up inside her. “…might I ask who, my Lord?”
“Someone less short sighted than myself.”
It wasn’t common for Hob Gadling to spend his Saturday evenings in, but in that particular November day, the cold had gotten the best of him. He was wearing his snuggliest sweaters, wrapped around his warmest blanket, with a mug of tea in hands as he settled in bed to read.
The sound of knocking on his bedroom door nearly made him spill the tea on himself. At least he’d be warmer, right?
“…Hob Gadling, may I come in?”
Ah, of course.
When Dream began visiting Hob more often, he thought it would be a good idea to invite his friend to come to his flat too. There they’d have more privacy, more time to talk. There was a selfishness to it too, not wanting to share Dream’s presence with anyone else. Not risk the interruption of a colleague or the possibility of another bright creative mind stealing Dream’s attention from him.
Inviting Dream to visit him at his home came with an interesting perk: he’d just show up. At the flat. In the flat. Hob would blink and an empty chair would be filled by his stranger. Look up at a reflective surface to find him looking for a book he certainly had a hand in inspiring right behind him, and, on one very particular occasion, Dream seemed to gather his form from the shadow of Hob’s jacket that was hanging from a hook on his bedroom door. That had been a strange night, one they spent in silence as a shapeless Dream tried to gather himself back into what Hob now knew was just one of the many faces his stranger wore.
Hob stood from the bed, setting his tea aside on the bedside table, rushing towards the door. He might have wanted to seem upset, but it was impossible. Not when those Crystal clear blue eyes seemed to be asking for a friendly shoulder. “My friend, I remember asking you to use the door.”
Dream’s brows furrowed, seeming almost offended that Hob would question his actions. He did use the door, just not the right one. “I did. Is this not what you meant?”
“—nevermind, I should have been more specific. To what to do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“I am aware of what you meant. This is not the front door, but… I was afraid you might not answer.”
Hob didn’t know Dream to be one to hesitate, or admit that he was wrong. The look in his eyes made Hob’s chest tighten with worry, and suddenly the door debacle felt silly in comparison. Now, he hoped he hadn’t driven Dream away. “…is something wrong, my friend?”
Dream took a long moment to answer, standing awkwardly at Hob’s bedroom door. He looked vulnerable. Whatever it was, it must have taken quite a lot of trust for him to come over. “…I was hoping you could help me. It is matter of utmost importance to myself and the Dreaming alike. If you’re amenable.”
“Of course! Anything you need, Dream.” Hob didn’t mean to sound so eager, but the idea of being able to help his friend with his cosmic scale responsibilities made him feel like he was finally giving back to Dream for the life he’d been allowed to live. “I’ll get you a cup of tea, alright? It will get that frown right off your pretty face—”
“I would much prefer to stay here.”
“…at the door?”
“In the bedroom, Robert Gadling. Where is warmer. I am perfectly capable of noticing the humane needs of your form. While it doesn’t affect me, it is clear that the temperature is inadequate for you.”
Smug bastard, that’s what he is. And while Dream sounds offended, the little smirk on his lips tells Hob he’s very much enjoying being a prick. Hob shakes his head, unable to keep himself from smiling. “Alright, come in then. I’ll share my blanket with you.”
Dream sat next to Hob on the bed, legs crossed over the blankets that Hob very much preferred to hide underneath. While he was trying his best to focus, it was nearly impossible to take a glance at Hob every now and then, with his brown hair falling loosely around his face and his elbow propped up on the pillow, holding up his head and smushing his cheek with his calloused palm.
Hob cleared his throat, snapping Dream’s wandering mind back into the waking. “…so, what is this problem so difficult you had to bring it to the most brilliant mind in the Waking World?”
Dream’s lips curled into the faintest ghost of a smirk, but it was very much there, and he knew better than to try and hide his amusement at Hob’s particular brand of humour. “…a crater has appeared in the heart of the Dreaming.”
Hob quickly sat up, brows furrowing in clear worry. Dream had told him, at length, of Desire’s plotting over the millennia to cause Dream’s demise. “…a crater? Like when Rose—“
Dream lifted a hand, interrupting Hob’s anxious rambling before it could disturb his thoughts even more than it already had. “No. Similar in appearance, but not the same. There will not be another dream vortex for at least another generation. This is… something else. Lucienne suggested the solution to this issue might be hidden in plain sight.”
“Did she say anything else? Maybe something less riddler and more direct instruction?”
Finally, it came time for the part he’d come to Hob for assistance. “…me and the Dreaming are one and the same. Lucienne suggested I should… perhaps, look inward for insight.”
Hob lifted his brows in surprise, going silent for a bit. He seemed to be scrambling for an answer, before his lips curled into what seemed like a very pleased smile. “Dream.”
“Yes, Hob?”
“Are you taking enjoyment from my plight, Robert Gadling? Must I to seek counsel elsewhere?”
Hob was quite enjoying himself, it seemed, but he did his best to hold back his laughter, pulling the ever so serious but kind demeanour he saved for his students in his lectures. “Morpheus. Tell me again where the crater is located.”
“In the heart of the Dreaming.”
“Alright. A crater in the heart of the Dreaming. Now, tell me another word for crater.”
“…there are many words synonymous to crater in the English language.”
Hob rolled his eyes, but even in that, he was incredibly endearing. “I’m looking for one word specifically. Come on duck, it’s half the mark.”
Dream didn’t like being treated like a clueless apprentice, but he did like challenges, and something inside him did backflips when Hob called him duck. “…I suppose hole could be a substitute in this particular instance.”
“Yes! Yes, Dream! You’re getting closer.” Hob’s hands ran through his brown hair, and now he was very much in his teaching energy. How one could be so intelligent and so… endearing, was beyond Dream’s understanding. “A hole in the heart of the Dreaming.”
“Yes, Hob. I believe this has been an established piece of information for quite a while.”
“—Morpheus, the answer is hidden in plain sight. You and the Dreaming, one and the same.”
“Robert, speak your mind this instant or I’ll be left no choice but to scour your brain for it.” Dream wasn’t sure what had overcome him. If shame, anger or nervousness, the amount of time spent in his corporeal form getting to him. Hob was startled for a moment, eyes wide and mouth gaping open. Dream was quick to reach for Hob’s hands, holding them firmly. “I’m sorry, Hob. I didn’t mean—”
“It’s alright, no need to worry duck.” Hob smiled. Most importantly, he didn’t let go of Dream’s hands. Again, something was doing backflips and somersaults inside his very corporeal body. “Morpheus, it’s a metaphor. A hole in the heart of the Dreaming means there’s a hole… in your heart, figuratively speaking. I guess figurative takes literal form in your realm, as do dreams.”
It was Dream’s turn to be surprised. He was right in choosing Hob to help him figure out this particular mystery, but was not expecting to have a truth unveiled that he wouldn’t be able to look away from. He was quick to let go of Hob’s hands, break the physical bond that was creating a direct line to his metaphorical heart. It was aching. Bad. “…a hole, in my heart?”
“It’s more common than you think.” Hob’s expression was so gentle, eyes so filled with understanding, that when he took Dream’s hands back in his, it felt like the utmost relief that their bond was not so easily broken. “Lucienne did well, telling you to look inwards. Heartache is something that can get real nasty real quick.”
“…heartache.” Dream repeated it to himself, as if getting used to the bittersweet taste of longing. Yes, that was exactly what it was. Heartache.
“…but it’s good that we’ve got that figured out. Now, we just need to find a way to fill it.”
“…to fill the hole in my heart?” Bold of Hob to assume it would be possible. So, so bold of him to think that if Dream did act on his desires, the whole universe wouldn’t crumble to bits and pieces.
“Well, yes, Dream. You might be a brooding, self-righteous, prideful prick. But you are deserving of love. And certainly, whoever it is your heart aches for, would be lucky to be able to give it to you.”
Dream saw in Hob’s face a smile he did not miss seeing. A self-deprecating, sad smile he’d worn in 1889 when Dream was too hard headed to accept his own shortcomings, his suffocating loneliness. He looked down at their hands, linked together, and squeezed gently, before letting his eyes fall prey to Hob’s gaze once again. “…I shouldn’t be so lucky as to receive the affections of the one who would be able to… complete the emptiness I’m plagued by. It would disturb the balance of all that is good, having them descend to my level. My previous attachments have ended rather catastrophically, Hob. If… if this crater has appeared now, I cannot anticipate what would happen if—”
If you broke my heart like I broke yours.
Hob shook his head, disbelief at Dream’s words. He knew of the responsibilities of the Endless, but the universe they lived in couldn’t possibly be so cruel as to leave love out of Dream’s cards. “There you go with the self righteous bullshit again. Who do you have a crush on, capital G-O-D?”
Hob looked at Dream with so much kindness it hurt. It felt like the crater would make its way through, like a well sharpened sword cutting trough the flesh of the enemy. Dream would allow Hob to slay him over and over if it pleased him. “He wouldn’t be worthy of you, that’s for sure. Whoever the bastard is, I hope you introduce me so I can have the shovel talk. Might even ask your sister over to help.”
“…it would be useless.” Dream knew better than to indulge himself. He knew better than to hope for love. Hope for happiness. He knew better, his body ached and tried to anchor him in his rules and believes. His heart, however, longed for affection. To be whole again. “He seems quite sure no shovels shall ever cross his path.”
“Oh, really? So he is immortal. The shovel will need to be something else, then. A magical artefact? Can I use the Ruby? Just this once? I promise I won’t do the bastard any harm—“
“Come on, duck. It’s half the mark.”
Hob’s eyes widened in surprise once again, and Dream could notice, even in the dimly lit room, the redness of Hob’s cheeks, flushing up to the tips of his ears. It made Dream smile. A true smile, saved only for Hob’s eyes. “…it’s a metaphor, isn’t it?”
The seconds stretched into hours, and a billion thoughts rushed through his mind. Hob would be his ruin, he was certain of it. His, and of a thousand universes were they to cross paths in any capacity of existence. Dream could die and live again a thousand times over, and Hob Gadling would always be the end of him.
But then again, in his endlessness, endings are always new beginnings. So he would, just this once, allow himself to be selfish again.
“It is.”
When their lips finally crashed, after 600 years of longing, Dream felt like he’d really been reborn. Hob kissed him gently, with both hands cupping his cheeks carefully as if he was made of the finest glass, a holy object of adoration. His arms were strong but careful in bringing Dream close, holding him under the covers, showering him with kisses and tangling their legs together, whispering sweet nothings into the ear of the King of Dreams that would certainly inspire many creations to come. In the end, they’d spent hours and hours together, holding each other, admiring the beauty of love finally found, finally accepted.
The Dreaming now had a beautiful hill, where its residents gathered atop to watch an even more beautiful sunset.
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faroreswinds · 2 years
I’m sure sending you an ask off anon will probably get me put on a list of some kind but fuck it, I’ve already got one unhinged stalker, what’s another one in the mix lmao, and i want to make it extremely clear that I support you in this.
Like it really says something that these stannies absolutely do not quit after four damn years of the same thing. Doesn’t matter how factual you are (correctly citing art history in its original intent and context, canon game dialogue and timelines, interviews, etc), how polite you are, how straightforward you and others are because none of that matters at all to these chumps. This is a straight up gamergate-style sealioning campaign that in the end isn’t really about edelgard at all—she’s just the convenient platform for these people to expound their insane maximalist fandom-as-politics viewpoint that has irreparably damaged houses’ reputation for fans and has conflated videogame communities as a testing ground for in-group loyalty metrics.
Aside from what you and others have already said, it’s telling that they always follow a set script: Church Evil and Fascist, Edelgard Revolutionary and Morally Good, alongside truly reprehensible weaponisation of identity politics and socjus buzzwords. It’s not enough to assert that Edelgard is a pure lesbian hero (biphobia what), it must mean that by diametrically opposing her, Dimitri has to be evil, straight (but when they grudgingly acknowledge his queerness, it’s then asserting that said queerness can only exist within him being repressed and tamping it down because of evil Faerghian misogynist politics, never mind that Adrestia is the biggest misogynist of the continent lol), and singularly obsessed with targeting what she represents; Rhea, the chief architect of all that is evil in Fódlan and directly responsible for its misogyny, homophobia, and whatever else alongside with lobbing assertions of her being a “groomer” (which anyone with half a brain cell not dedicated to being chronically online know is now a popular right-wing argot used to directly target the lgbt community with truly heinous accusations equating them to paedophilia), among other things.
Only extreme statements and buzzwords for the characters, all the time: Edelgard as a hero, Dimitri and Rhea as representatives of ontological evil that Edelgard must defeat with extreme prejudice.
Let’s also point out the fact that in a true debate—because they’re not really debating at all and I say this as a professional debater myself who has won medals for this shit and trained youth teams in my country—the onus on the opposing side has to accept neutral statements from their counterparts. They cannot seriously say that their statements on Edelgard must be taken as fact while simultaneously discounting yours as fiction, because at best that would obviously be called out as ad hoc attempt to muddy the waters; at worst, blatantly trying to control the debate solely with their own parameters as the only acceptable ones, and thus openly attempting to silence dissenting opinions. If they really want to try to convince others that they’re really presenting legitimate debate, they cannot seriously pretend that their actions support that claim when they:
Approach you first and then continue to hound you
Constantly repeat themselves in an attempt to wear you down and confuse you, which is absolutely something that can be penalised in formal debate
Get offended and then accuse you of abuse when you firmly disagree with them and draw boundaries
Let’s also not forget the fact that their actions as a community absolutely do constitute harassment when they’ve been caught gloating about running moonlitboar off tumblr, the revelation that they keep a list of Edelgard critics to monitor them, forcing vas to apologise for expressing negative opinions about Edelgard (note how Rhea gets called so much bad shit but you don’t see Rhea fans calling for her haters’ blood), and even prompting YouTubers to change entire videos to avoid backlash, if not to simply stay in their good graces (and milk them for views and ad cash)
Aside from absolutely garbage essentialist Pure Lesbian Women are from Venus, Evil Repressed Hettie Obsessed Men are from Mars viewpoints, it’s truly mind boggling that they’ve bought into the belief that f/f is somehow purer and “less problematic” than m/m solely because they’ve decided that the heavy mlm moments for the Lions must point to their inherent moral degeneracy, which I would again like to remind them that that is actually homophobic; hell, I’ve seen quite a few using fujoshi as an insult. Let me take the time to explain that fujoshi and mlm fandom in Asia (explained by Asian fans themselves!) has always been seen as a symptom of mostly women fans being disgusting and “rotten,” and that their interest in mlm relationships is not only a betrayal of their gender (and ofc fujoshi as an insult in the west is a popular argument with terfs), but a sign that they’re degenerate and that something is deeply wrong with them.
Never mind that across the world, ff in media has sadly mostly been used as porn fodder for straight, misogynist men, because lesbian sex titillates them while gay sex repulses them. Utena is the outlier in a sea of garbage and said ff garbage is mostly shown as porn anyways. Gengoroh Tagame, a popular gay mangaka, has spoken about how female fans of mlm in japan are often big supporters of lgbt rights. Let’s not even get into the fact that the demographics of most edelgard spaces (like r/edelgard) are of straight men.
I also really despise how they’ve discovered “antisemitic” as a new buzzword. I’m Jewish. I loathe how most people only seem to care about opposing antisemitism when it’s in a videogame or movie, instead of in real life when we get hatecrimed. But it’d be remiss of me not to mention the way my blood boils when edelstans seriously repeat church slander of the nabateans being fake humans, evil reptilians wearing human skins as a disguise for them to manipulate the world from the shadows and using a fake, evil religion as their cover (not to mention how they describe the tenets of said religion as evil and conveniently forge and misrepresent its texts to make it look worse…where have i seen that before), who impede societal development to keep themselves on top, and, as the cherry on the shit cake, as miserly hoarders who keep monumental wealth to themselves and refuse to use it to help others.
Really makes you think then that it doesn’t take much for them to admit they see the Nabatean genocide as a positive, that its completion is necessary for edelgard to succeed (even if they hem and haw about what they think would happen to byleth, Seteth, and flayn), and borrowing from blatant irl genocide denial rhetoric saying that the agarthans (who are literal moustache twirling evil villains) were the original inhabitants who actually got genocided by the nasty coloniser lizards and that their retribution is absolutely justified and understandable. I laugh to think what their though process will be like if they even play the jugdral games.
And finally, since it bears mentioning, they should keep byleths name out of their fucking mouths. As a huge self admitted Byleth stan, seeing them whinge and whine and bitch and moan about poor Edelgard getting criticised really grinds my gears when the last four years has been seeing me constantly trying to navigate a fandom space that relentlessly shits on byleth and says they ruin the games and are nothing but player pandering or when people fucking celebrated the scene of shez killing them in hopes. Edelstans don’t get to try and use them as a prop to prove how edelgard is so good to them (and is so pure as a whole) when we have quantifiable data showing that Byleth smiles the most in verdant wind, has an incredibly strong character arc in azure moon, and that for THREE ROUTES OUT OF FOUR in houses (two if you count hopes scenarios when they’re kept alive) they always end up opposing her, because that is their actual character. Let’s talk about how r/byleth is mostly populated by r/edelgard fans who mostly post porn of fem byleth but have admitted to actually hating her, but liking the fact that she’s got big tits and can be used for yuri fanservice. Or let’s talk about feh: all their alts so far show their loyalty and closeness TO THE NABATEANS. And fuck it, I’m of the opinion that actually the devs’ edelgard bias is what ruined byleth and what made them silent. Because when they’re separated from houses (and thus not in her immediate focus), they fucking shine!!!
Tldr: hi raxis, what’s good!!
Addendum: edelgard has the most 3h alts in feh, cipher card art showing her naked and/or with suggestive costumes, is the most attached to the avatar characters in 3h/hopes/feh of her roster, is named first in the dlc for 3h in engage, has the tea set paired with hreslveg blend, ETC. if that’s not obv favouritism by an obv mostly male dev team, then, well…
Hey, how are you? Hope things are well!
When thinking about that exchange from the other day, @butwhatifidothis had an excellent post that put into words more eloquently than I could about issue:
Tumblr media
They are right - I never mentioned it myself because my brain didn't quite go there, but many of the arguments were basically "this character would do this hypothetically", which is nothing more than mere headcanon.
Full disclosure, but I am not a professional debater. I am not even trained. Back in school I famously hated debates because I always felt they relied on twisting facts rather than empirical data. I liked data, that's why I went into the Sciences.
The only debating in Science is whether your results are accurate and if your method is indisputable. Is this ethical? What are we basing our ethnics off of? Proper science doesn't care about your opinions, or how bad so and so was back in the 1700s. Science - and Math - liked numbers, and numbers are cold and inflexible.
So I must admit that debating (not discussions, but debating) do tend to make me nervous at times. I like to learn, and to be challenged on how I view the world. But debating is not a skill I am honestly good at. I can lost track of the original point. I can get discombobulated by the lexicon and factoids when they are rapid fired at me.
That's why I engage in them. It's practice. If I don't do it, I will never get better.
And my untrained eyes could see that this debate... was not really a debate, but a shake-down. I was curious to see where it would go.
If anyone else finds this in this situation, here is my unprofessional advice:
Do not insult or use language that could be misconstrued as aggressive. Remain polite and sincere. Remaining polite does not mean agreeing to everything they say. But, instead of saying something like "You are wrong!" re-word it as "I don't agree with your view" or "I do not believe that is correct".
Do not let yourself be bullied. If this means you wish to disengage, just disengage. Make it comfortable for yourself. In my case, I was comfortable to keep going, but that may not be true for you. They make take this as a win, but you aren't being graded on this and this isn't politics. It's video game stuff.
Use only facts, do not use headcanons or opinions. This makes it harder for the other person to fight you, because you are remaining neutral. If you wish to discuss or bring up something that is not based on text, be sure to make it clear.
Call out when they twist your words. One user claimed that I had once used their name in my post. I never did, so I asked them where I had said that. It forces the other user, if they wish to respond, to either acknowledge they made a mistake, or they risk making themselves look like liars.
Never take it personally. They don't really know you. They are just bored and angry.
Always try to get them to think. This one I am still trying to master. When they make a claim, ask them why they think that. Why are they drawing that conclusion? What if they thought about it this way? If they are regurgitating whatever they have heard from others, they may get tripped up by this. This does run the risk of irritating the other person, but I find it is a helpful tool to both learn and to challenge your opponent to explaining themselves better.
This is the hardest one of all. Do not lose sight of the topic. It is not uncommon for these discussions to go a million different directions. If you lose sight, you may end up on a path you don't want to be on. Stay on topic. I'm still working on this too.
It's really cool that you are a trained debater. If you have any other further advice, or if my advice is terrible, I would love to hear it!
Ultimately, I think many of these types of fans just want to use whatever buzzwords and language they can to not only guilt the other party into bending a knee to their opinions, but to also shame anyone who likes another fictional character.
It's really a shame that other fans feel the need to go to such lengths over someone who is not real.
But per your addenhem, it is true that Edelgard gets a lot of love and attention from IS. She is popular. She doesn't need someone to come sweeping in defending her fictional honor.
Poor Claude really gets the shortest end of the stick in all this. This guy doesn't even have the same number of alts as Dimitri in FEH.
The sexuality stuff confuses me the most. Perhaps it is because my particular sexuality makes up 1% of the population, but I usually don't see why it is such a big deal when it comes to FE. FE doesn't make statements about sexuality. It is not try to teach about sexuality. It is not trying to push an agenda of any kind except the Make Money Agenda.
This weird vilifying fans of who likes mlm content, often framed as disgusting straight fujos who fetishize men. I find this an odd statement. From my point of view, anything that has any sort of sex is fetishizing, period. Straight, gay, whatever.
Well, regardless, thank you for the nice ask. I hope I could give is an answer that gives it justice. :)
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hidden-poet · 6 months
Vera knocks on Harry's home office door with shaky hands. Her stomach twisted in knots over what she was about to do. But she has to do it, she reminds herself. She needed a win with Harry as of late. He was getting more and more testy with her. She knew he would kick her and her son out for good if she didn't deliver.
Besides, there was nothing in the stars that says the young girl had to end up with Harry. Vera would be satisfied with a few dates. Harry might even be what the young girl wants. After all he is a multi-millionaire.
"Come in" he calls in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Yes, what is it?" Harry doesn't even bother to look up from his computer as Vera nears.
"Coffee break?" She asks, "I know a neat place on high st" "No, I don't want a cup of coffee" his eyes never stray from the screen, talking to her as if she wasn't really there.
"That girl I was telling you about is there today. I could introduce you" "She sounded too much like a dream. I think you are  disillusioned from you consistent string of failures these past few years"
This venom at least earned her a glance. "Nothing I said was a lie"
He stares at her with questioning eyes. He was curious if not a little bit hopeful. Either way it got him to bite.
"One more chance. If this isn't it- if she isn't it- we're done"
She nods her head but it doesn't mean anything. She would beg on her knees to stay in the comfort he provided.
"Go get hunter, and change into something more presentable" he demands as he finishes up his email.
She does as he asks, and soon she is bulking her son into harry car. He brought one especially to put a baby seat in. He wasn't going to put a child in his expensive sports car
"Is he in?" Harry asks as he slips his sunglasses on and shifts the car into drive. "Yes" Vera replies, blueing herself in. "Correctly?" "Yes, harry"
He takes off out of the garage, and out of his gate. His knuckles turn white from his grip around the steering wheel. Vera never lies. She has also never promised so much before either.
His nerves were almost shot by the time they reached the small cafe. By the time they entered his nerves were gone.
He doesn't see the promise land at first glance. Instead, a middle age woman hard with years.
Fuck, fuck, where is she. Vera begins to panic as she struggles to find the young women who normally served behind the counter. Harry begins to scoff and turn back out.
"Wait a second" she implores, gripping his arm. She looks frantically, just catching a familiar head of brown hair in the back corner.
In excitement she yells out to her. Waving frantically.
Anyone else would have retracted from the over execration, but the women smiled a kind smile and followed the couple to the counter. She gently presses on her co-workers shoulder to let her know that she would take over.
"Did you want to go in your break? I'll take over if you want" her voice was light and soft as she talks to her co-worker, who returns the polite voice.
"Hi, Vera. How are you going today?" Harry watches her with keen eyes. She was off to a good start.
"Daisy! This is Harry. He is the CEO of the Nexus company".
She smiles at him and he feels as if it froze him. His heart stoped, fingers flexed and stilled, his eyes stayed on her.
"Hello" she greets warmly.
He thought about this moment for years. Imaged how it would play out in any given scenario but now that it was in front of him the only thing his brain was fuck.
He nods back unable to respond and she looks away shyly. oh, god. Now he has offended her. He has upset the mother of his children within second of their encounter. No, stop.
He wanted to apologise and introduce himself properly but her attention was now on the baby on his mothers hip.
"Hi, handsome. Look how big you've gotten. Do you want a biscuit?" She coons at him, a natural womanly glow was upon her. Harry's dick was hard.
"Alrighty" she said cheerfully now that the biscuit was distributed into small hands, "just your usual frappe?"
"Yes, thanks"
Attentive, Harry thought.
"Anything else?" Dear god, she was too shy to directly ask him and it played havoc on his put together composure.
"Harry?" Vera asks instead. "I'll have a small flat white, thank you, daisy" her name felt like butter dripping down his lips.
"Ok, so that'll be  $8.50.
Harry reaches for his wallet to pay like every other time, pulling out a $10 note and handing it to her.
"Thank you" Good manners, pretty, pleasant, clean. Plus that little something extra that sparked Harry's fire.
Harry could have proposed on the spot . Instead he left. Without his coffee, he leaves the cafe almost running to his car. She would only be a disappointment, he reminds himself. You can never have her, she doesn't exists.
But still, he allows himself a small glimmer of hope, he had never experienced before. She could be the one. He puts his seat belt on, knowing that he would return to the cafe again to see her.
Vera was fuming when she reached home. She calls for him through the house, only to find him standing aimlessly in the living room.
"Harry! Harry! I need money for the taxi!" He stares at her blankly before he takes hunter off her hip, placing the baby on his own and walks out to the waiting car.
Vera runs to the door after him, watching closely as he walk up to the taxi door with a uncharacteristic smile. She knew he wasn't really there. Trapped in his own head again. Normally it didn't bother Vera, but normally he never included hunter in his delusion.
"How much?" Harry asks. The man Answers and harry uses his spare hand to dig through his pocket, all while keeping a tight hold on hunter.
"Where's the car? I'll have to call a tow truck" The man looks puzzled at him. That did not match the story that the lady was seething about in the back seat.
"You'll have to ask her" he takes the out stretched money and harry Taps the top of the car to
Vera watches as he talks to the baby while walking back up to the house. Tickling him under the chin and pinching his cheek.
She reaches for her baby but it is not given. "Harry!" "You are never to do that again. If something happens you call me. I don't want a strange man ever picking up my son and wife again. Do you hear me?"
She looks at him, wondering if he had finally had a psychotic break. Did she push him too far today? Still, he had her baby on his hip so she had to play alone until the episode was over.
"Yes, I am sorry" she says robotically, reaching for her son again. Still he is denied.
Harry bounces along the room with a unbothered hunter. The baby hands go out to grab harry face but he pulls back out of reach, instead picking up a plush toy and waving it for the child.
"I'll buy you a new car. You can't be driving around in that unreliable piece of shit"
Vera didn't have a licence, but it was an imaginary conversation anyway.
"Ok. I have to feed hunter" she tries again but harry bounces away.
"He's fine. We'll order in tonight. You must be feeling frazzled after your ordeal today"
"Harry, please" she begs.
He was openly delusional. Vera had never seen him like this before. Normally, his eyes were closed and he discouraged open role play. He was a dangerous man sane. Who knows what he was lucid.
Sensing his mother's distress, hunter began to wail and squirm. Harry tries to sh him, but knew it wasn't his place. It was a mothers job.
"Here, take him" he passes hunter back and Vera clings him to her chest. For a second his eyes return back to normal and Vera believes the scene is over for him. But yet, he continues.
"I have work to finish up. Any problems come find me" He steps forward, wrapping his arms around her and her child, giving them both a kiss before going up stairs.
Two hours later and Vera finally allows herself to relax. It was over, harry was back to normal. She let out a sigh of relief when he yells at her to leave him alone through a locked door.
His wife didn't prepare dinner. Vera ordered it in. He knew the difference.
She prepared for bed with the thought it was over.   But it was quickly replaced by the sound of his voice coated in the honey that he saved for his wife.
"Hey. What are you doing in here?" Dread filled her as he came up to embrace her from behind. He nestles his head into her.
"I am sorry about the car today. I should have checked it before letting you drive" She remains frozen in place. "But you need to understand what you did was stupid. If something goes wrong, I'll sort it".
She wonders if he had his eyes closed.
"I know you didn't want to bother me. But it's my job to take care of our family. Not yours. I am going to withdraw your allowance for this week. It'll be good for you and the kids to stay a home for the week any way. Give me piece of mind while I am at the office"
She tried to move out of his space. To get away and break the fantasy, but his hold tightens.
"I know- I know- the kids have things. But you'll just have to explain to them that mommy doesn't run things. I'll take the older ones to school but you'll have to cancel things for the younger ones, and any after school programs".
Vera was not playing this game. Silence filled the room
"I love you very much" he said after a moment.
Silence again.
"Come on, darling. Let's go to bed"
Harry leads her to the master bedroom. At least he avoided looking at her so he can't be as bad as he was this afternoon. She follows his weakly, her eyes catching the light of his walk-in wardrobe. Only half of it was used for his clothes. He left the other side clear. Certain that his lover was soon to come and fill the other side.
Was that what he was looking at for another episode to be triggered?
She didn't put in much thought into it as she shut her brain off as soon as her back hit the mattress.
Harry made love to her in a steady, forceful pace.  He talked to her between kisses but she only made out a few phrases; "Stupid girl waiting on the side of the road" "Could have been hurt" "What if-" "Stupid, fucking girl" "Oh, my Daisy"
A week later and things had returned to normal. Harry barely spoke to her. Only opening his mouth to say something nasty to her. He didn't acknowledge hunter. Vera was glad they were no longer part of his day dream. It was thin ice. If the scene didn't go to plan, harry had the tendency to get violent. Which was fine for herself. At the end of it was always financial compensation. But if he touched her son for not playing puppet. She would kill him.
She needed a scape goat. Harry was getting more desperate. It came down to daisy or her son.
Harry arrives home from work, going straight to the source of noise in his home. He was expecting to yell at Vera. A man needs his peace after a long days work. He was not expecting her. He almost drops his brief case at the sight of her in his kitchen.
"Oh hello again" she greets, a kind smile on her face as she places her dishes where she could without disrupting the original plates.
"What are you going in my house?" He demands. He felt the same way he did the first time; frozen and powerless.
She shuffles, pulling her plate to her chest as if she had been caught.
"Oh, Um, didn't Mary tell you? I am the new renter for your spare room" she awkwardly shifts her weight to her right side, her eyes going down to the ground.
What feels like a lighten bolt smashed through the ice surrounding him.
The hen enters the foxes den.
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blogauroragloryme · 1 year
Pei Ming Vs Pei Su (Perspective or generation gap?)
I think this might contain some spoilers?
Ok. This is my first time actually writing something which might come across as a non popular opinion for some ,so please bare with me. My ideas are not to hurt someone or their sentiments.
Ok so actually this is something I came across when I re read TGCF. I have always found it funny that Pei Ming is described as a womanizer who loves to pamper women,spend time with them and who in an overall sense has a soft spot for them , while on the other hand he doesn't hold them in a very high light. Like he has his opinions that I might dare enough to say are rather traditionalist like how a women should know how to work in the kitchen (His opinion about Banyue) , disliking women with a strong personality (like Xuan ji: This made me seriously astonished that he still had an affair despite his general opinion) and some more instances lightly sprinkled here and there etc etc.
Now comes his ancestor Pei Su. Pei Su I don't know what his exact relationship with Banyue his ,but it can be clearly seen that compared to his ancestor he has a much more positive opinion towards women(now again we don't get to see him interacting with other females but still) ,he doesn't particularly believe in that traditional manner of what a women should and shouldn't do ,and he doesn't feel embarrassed to be rescued by Banyue when undergoing his banishment.
These small instances show a difference in perspective or is it the generation gap that has changed the opinion of Pei Ming and Pei Su ,I'm not sure ,but I'm curious to know.
Now later on we see that Pei Ming who doesnt believe in being aided by women ,but actually gets rescued twice and that also with a person with whom he shares a past (in not his conventional romantic manner) and infront of whom he is awkward and doesn't show that pride demeanour is actually quite funny and a welcoming change. I don't know what MXTX was trying to show through this exchange. Perhaps a change that will come eventually on how women are viewed or what,but overall I don't have any problem with Pei Ming. He is a funny person,can be caring and concerning in his own hilarious way haha...
Lastly I would just conclude that I might be thinking too much and making my own assumptions here about the two,but I hope this didn't come out offending for anyone here.If it did I'm apologising in advance!
I will definitely like to rant mor
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