#i appreciate the 'spot the AI' posts but they ALL are just like
scurvgirl · 7 months
As someone who likes to reblog art and engage with it and commission it, dealing with AI generated images is fucking awful. This may sound selfish but I'm an adult, with an adult job and responsibilities and I am tired - I slack off on Tumblr and now I feel like I have to fucking sleuth through different images to determine "did a person make this?" And doesn't get easier! Even with all the "learn how to spot it!" Posts - I find it hard. I genuinely don't know at least 50% of the time if the image is AI generated, and that's on me, not any artist. I will continue to do it because I support actual artists, but shit, it is now effortful to engage with art on this website! Like no matter what, the artists are getting shafted because either their work is stolen, reposted, impersonated or just not even interacted with because there are folks like me who, if we can't tell if it's AI generated, won't interact with the image!
Look, if I reblog something made by AI, just let me know, I 100% did not detect it and I honestly do NOT want anything like that on my blog. This blog is for thirsting over fictional characters, nail polish, and inane rambling - not for AI.
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totheblood · 10 months
begging for rain. (two)
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󠁐# TWO; the more you break
PAIRING: ex!ellie williams x nextdoorneighbor!reader
SUMMARY: moving to a new town can be tough, especially as you are trying to hold everything in your life together. after you meet ellie, your life completely changes, but for the better? well that's still up in the air
WARNINGS: mentions of death, grief, related subjects; cursing, mentions of drinking/drugs, mentions of s*x,
A/N :new chapter yay!! okay so like i'm setting a lot of stuff up and i know that so annoying and frustrating but i really need to paint a picture of dynamics so i hope u enjoy. AI AUDIOS AT THE END ! please please please like and reblog/reply/send asks, comments, the whole nine yards… it is so appreciated!
The first day of school went okay.
Inside the hallways, students pushed past each other, sweaty bodies mixing and mingling into a tangled mess. Blue lockers were lined up against the walls, many of them open as students shoved heavy textbooks inside them from their backpacks. 
Ellie pushed past them like she was used to it, a ratty leather backpack hanging off her shoulder. Occasionally, she would look behind her to see if you were still following her. You always were. 
You didn’t quite know where you were going. You knew your locker number was tucked deep inside your bag and whenever Ellie stopped at her locker was when you were going to pull it out and ask her to show you where it is. However, you were now feeling like you were slightly stalking Ellie and there was some truth to her words. When Ellie stopped at her locker, Locker 2094, she looked at you for only a moment before she was undoing the built-in lock. 
“You know you can’t follow me all day,” she said dryly, lock clicking open and her locker door almost hitting you in the face. You decided it was time for you to get your locker number, pulling your bag to the front and unzipping the front pocket where your locker number and lock combination was written on a crumpled-up pink post-it note. 
“I’m not following you, Ellie,” You rolled your eyes, unraveling the post-it note, “I was just waiting for a good time to find this.”
“And what is that?” She gave you a weird look and shoved a textbook in her locker, then another. 
“My locker number,” You said simply, looking at the number and chuckling to yourself.
“What’s so funny?” She wasn’t looking at you anymore, just fishing around in her bag for anything she may have had to put in her locker. 
“This is my locker,” You patted the one right next to Ellie’s, right where you were standing to the left of her, “Locker 2093.”
Ellie chuckled dryly again, closing her locker and leaning up against it as she watched you struggle to put your lock combination in, “You’ve taken this stalker thing too far.”
With a click, it popped open, empty and barren. You opened your bag and shoved the one textbook you had inside your locker, a smile planted on your face, “Yes, I’ve just been so obsessed with you since I saw you for the first time yesterday that I called the school district and got my locker to be next to yours.”
“Aha! So you admit it!” Ellie laughed, picking at her fingernails as she looked around the hallways, looking for familiar faces. A group of them walked up, all laughing and talking with each other as they circled Ellie around your locker. 
“Hey, El,” a girl said, causing you to look up at her. She was pretty, too pretty. She had her black hair tied up in a ponytail, her skin was olive and slightly tanned, and she had some sun spots scattered across her face, pooling in a center near her nose. Next to her was a slightly taller and much paler girl with black hair cut right above her shoulder, the jagged and uneven edges indicating she cut it herself. Behind them, a much taller guy, with longer black hair and a kind face stood. He smiled at you, and you offered him a kind smile back. Be nice, you cursed, you’re here to make friends, you reminded yourself.
“Hey Dina,” Ellie smirked, leaning back against her locker and looking at the group, “I see your hair is already growing back, Cat,” Ellie reached forward to play with the edges of Cat’s hair before she swatted Ellie’s hands away from her and scoffed.
“You fucked up my hair and you know that,” Her tone of voice was playful at most, evidenced by the wide grin on her face. She was insanely pretty even with her hair all fucked up. You didn’t know why but it made your stomach churn. “Are you going to introduce us to your new friend, Ellie?”
Your eyes widened and darted to Ellie and then to the group, hoping embarrassment wasn’t written all over your face. 
“This is Y/n,” Ellie smiled at you, jumping slightly when you slammed your locker shut, “She’s my new neighbor and stalker.”
“Hey!” You rolled your eyes, a smile still on your face, “I am her neighbor, but I’m not a stalker.”
“Ellie’s just too full of herself. Ignore her,” The girl in the ponytail stepped a little closer and extended a hand, “I’m Dina.”
You shook her hand, mumbling a ‘nice to meet you’ before shifting awkwardly and retracting your hand. The guy in the back raised his hand slightly and smiled at you, “I’m Jesse.” 
“Nice to meet you, Jesse,” you then looked at the last girl waiting for her to introduce herself. When she didn’t speak, you took it upon yourself to ask, “And sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“It’s Cat,” she responded flatly. Her tone was a little icy, but you weren’t sure if you were just feeling insecure or she was actually trying to snub you. 
“Well, it’s nice to meet you,” a nervous breathy laugh fell from your lips and you tightened your grip on your backpack strings, “It sucks moving senior year so I’m glad to make some new friends.”
“Why did you move senior year?” Cat spoke up finally, “You’re not like a psycho bitch that got kicked out of her last school?” 
“C’mon, Cat!” Dina and Ellie chimed in at the same time in your defense. You were admittedly thrown off by the comment but, yet again, you made an excuse for her. Maybe she was just curious. Or maybe she wanted to protect herself and her friends. 
“What? I want to know,” she defended herself. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” you laughed, giving her a smile. Be nice, your head rang once again. “It’s a valid question. But, no, uh, my dad died and we couldn’t afford to live where we were living anymore.”
Her smug smile fell, and instead, it was laced with empathy or more importantly pity. You hated it. Your newfound ability to ruin the moment. A moment that was supposed to be sweet. A fresh start. Already, you had clouded the new with your past.
“I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to force you to say that or anything,” Cat apologized and it sounded genuine. It felt genuine. 
“It’s totally okay. I’m fine, I’m mostly over it anyways,” That was a bold lie. You were nowhere close to over it but you couldn’t help but want them to like you. To think you were totally normal and carrying no baggage. 
“No, it’s not okay,” Ellie spoke up again, shooting a glance to Cat, that made her scoff and roll her eyes. 
“I said I was sorry,” Cat shrugged, “What more do you want from me?” 
“Maybe don’t call people ‘psycho bitches’ when you first meet them,” Ellie stood up straighter, crossing her arms over her chest and Cat glanced at you again, colder this time. 
“You’re unbelievable, Ellie,” She was looking at Ellie again, shooting daggers at her. You were unsure what was going on so you glanced at Dina and Jesse for help. All Dina did was slightly shake her head, a subtle way of telling you to not get involved. 
“I’m unbelievable?”
“Yes! You’re unbelievable! Scolding me in front of people like I’m your fucking child or something,” Cat was getting irritated and it showed itself in her face. She had one of those faces that couldn’t hide what she was feeling.
“Then don’t act like a child,” Ellie said simply, causing Cat to let out a huff and turn around, push past Jesse, and leave the group. Ellie closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the locker, letting out a heavy sigh, “I should go after her. Can you guys help her to her first class?”
Dina nodded quickly before shooing Ellie off with her hand, “Go, go! It’s fine.” Ellie took one look at you and offered a smile that said ‘I’m sorry’. What she actually said was: “Meet me by my car at the end of the day. I’ll take you home.” 
With that Ellie disappeared into the sea of people until she was no longer in sight. 
“What was that?” you asked Dina and Jesse. 
“Trust me,” Dina looked at you, “You don’t want to know.”
Your first class was English with Mrs. Porter. She made you stand at the front of the classroom and introduce yourself. Jesse was in this class with you and when you were done giving a brief introduction to yourself he loudly clapped and cheered. The gesture made you smile and eased some of the tension you were feeling. 
A few people followed him, by cheering and offering you a high five as you moved back to your seat. Everyone seemed to be enamored by him. During class, people would send him notes on little Post-it notes, he would open them, laughing as he read them and wrote some messages back to them. It was subtle, but you could tell he opened up a room. 
At lunch you walked into the large cafeteria, looking around for a place to sit. You were sure you looked like a lost dog as you wandered around because a girl with long brunette hair walked up to you with a smile on her face. She was pretty and dressed in a button-up and plaid skirt. It felt too formal for school.
“Hey, you’re new, right?” She asked.
“Uh, yeah.”
“I’m Ingrid,” She looked you up and down, “do you need a place to sit?”
“Y/n!” your name was being called from a familiar voice, causing you to snap your head in that direction to see Ellie standing up and waving her hand in the air, “Come sit with us!”
“Oh, I’m just going to sit with,” You pointed to the table where Ellie was still standing and staring intently at you, “my friends.”
Ingrid’s smile fell as she shot a glance toward the table. You were obviously missing something. You turned to move towards the table before the girl gripped your arm firmly. 
“Wait, I didn’t catch your name,” That smile was back. 
“Y/n,” you told her.
“Y/n,” she repeated, “Pretty name.”
“Thanks,” you scratched the back of your neck, “Well, I’ll see you around.” You quickly rushed to the table, confused about the interaction once again. This place was fucking weird.
You sat down next to Ellie who was laughing at something Cat said. Cat’s eyes sparkled when she looked at Ellie. Brown and glossy as she laughed with Ellie, shaking her head. Her cheeks were slightly pink and she reached over to grab an apple slice out of Ellie’s lunchbox. When Ellie looked back at Cat her eyes didn’t sparkle in the same way that Cat’s did. They were verging on dull, but the corner of Ellie’s eyes still had wrinkles as she smiled. 
“Hey!” She grabbed the apple from Cat’s hand, “Get your own apples.” 
“Yours just taste better,” she giggled, smiling at you as you sat down, “Hey, how was your first day?”
She was being much nicer and her energy was much calmer. It was obvious she and Ellie had made up in the time from this morning to now, but you also had to wonder if Ellie told her to be nicer to you. 
“It’s going well,” You shrugged, pulling out the brown bag your mom had packed for you, “I’m still getting used to everything.” 
“You’ll get the hang of it,” Ellie commented, taking another bite of her apple, “Hey, what did Ingrid want?”
“Oh,” You looked over to Ingrid’s table where she was chatting and eating with a group of people, “She just asked me if I wanted to sit with her.”
Dina, who was sitting across from you, practically choked on her food as she laughed. Cat was also laughing to herself as she raised her eyebrows, and looked down at her food. Jesse had a small smile on his face as he took another chip from his bag and took a loud bite. The only person who wasn’t laughing was Ellie, who gave a brief glance at Ingrid’s table before looking back at you. 
“Am I missing something?” 
“No, it’s just,” Ellie started, taking a deep breath and wondering how much she wanted to explain, “be careful with her. She’s…”
“Friendly,” Dina finished Ellie’s sentence, a smirk on her face. Obviously, friendly didn’t mean friendly but you didn’t know what that meant. 
“Do you like girls?” Cat asked bluntly. 
“Cat,” Ellie warned again, making Cat drop what she was eating and roll her eyes. 
“We need to know if we want to warn her,” She stated simply. 
“Like romantically?” You asked, making everyone giggle again. You felt like you were missing a joke. 
“Yeah, romantically,” Cat answered. 
“Oh, yeah,” You looked around to see everyone’s reactions. You ignored the way Ellie’s cheeks tinged pink, “is that a… problem?”
“No,” Cat said flatly, her tone was cold again, “we all like girls.”
“Oh,” you said, taking out your sandwich from the ziplock bag and taking a bite. 
“Let’s just say that Ingrid has been friendly with all of us,” Dina said, throwing a piece of popcorn at Jesse, “including Jesse.”
“At this point, initiation into this group should require hooking up with Ingrid,” Cat laughed.
“No,” Ellie said almost too fast, causing Cat to give her a confused look, “I can’t deal with another person getting convinced that Ingrid wants to be in a relationship with them. Plus, I can see into her room from mine. What if I look over and see Ingrid’s tits.”
“Nothing you haven’t seen before,” Cat said bitterly. There was that tension again.
“Well, I don’t really think I want to be involved with anyone anyways,” you mentioned, taking another bite. 
“Why not?” Ellie questioned, eyes boring a hole into the side of your face. 
“It’s just too complicated,” You shrugged, taking a sip of your water, “I’m new and it’s hard enough making friends, I don’t need anything messing that up.”
Ellie swallowed hard, and took another bite of her apple, just nodding at what you said like she understood. 
“Well, now you have friends,” Dina spoke up, dissipating some of the tension. You took another bite, smiling with the food tucked into your cheeks. 
As the day ended you went back to your locker to collect your stuff, expecting Ellie to be at hers, but she wasn’t there. You paid no mind to it as you opened your locker. However, inside sat a note, a yellow Post-It note that looked like it had been crumpled up a few times. On it, it read: “Couldn’t stop looking at you all day. Hope this isn’t weird, you’re just so beautiful. I hope I can get the courage to say it to your face. - your secret admirer”
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Normally, this would have made you feel good about yourself. A random stranger thinks you are beautiful? Yea, that would boost anyone’s ego. Except this stranger knew your locker number and had admitted to watching you all day. A weird pit formed in the bottom of your stomach as you stuffed the note in your bag, knowing you would ruminate on it sometime later. Quickly, you packed up your stuff and made your way to the parking lot.
There, Ellie was leaning against her car, phone in hand. She was so focused on what she was typing that she didn’t even notice you walking up to her. 
“Hey, ready to go?” You spoke, causing her to look up and smile at you. 
“Yeah,” She shrugged, before pausing a moment, green eyes scanning your face, “what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
You let out a nervous laugh as you shook your head.
“What? I’m fine.”
“You look weird.”
“Thank you?”
“Not like that,” she stopped you, putting her hands up, ”You just look upset but I don’t know you that well so I could be wrong.”
“You are wrong,” you grumbled, heading to the passenger side and hopping in the car. Ellie just scoffed, rolled her eyes, and got in the driver's seat. 
“Well fuck me for caring then,” she mumbled to herself, starting the engine.
“It’s not-” you stopped yourself, taking a deep breath, “It’s just been a long day, I’m sorry if I was rude. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
She paused for a moment as if you had said something wrong, then she looked at you, green eyes scanning your face once more. She looked shocked, surprised almost. It was all so confusing.
“It’s fine, I’m just being an asshole,” She laughed, turning back to the road and putting the car in reverse, “My day was long too.”
“Want to talk about it?” 
“It’s,” She turned down the music so she could speak, “Cat.”
“Are you guys a thing?” You crossed your hands in your lap and absentmindedly played with your fingers.
“It’s complicated,” she sighed, heading out onto the open road, “Kind of, but it’s not really official.”
“I can’t commit.”
“Oh,” you looked over at her and watched her nose scrunch slightly like she was uncomfortable with the conversation, “I could sense the tension today.”
“She’s just…” Ellie made a weird movement with her head, “like that.”
“Why can’t you commit?”
“We’ve had our issues in the past,” Ellie shrugged, “at the end of the day I just can’t trust her and I can’t date someone I don’t trust.”
“You guys just seem so close,” you mentioned eyes drifting to the road again, the trees, and all the storefronts you had yet to explore. 
“We are, and she’s a good friend,” Ellie coughed, “a little protective, but good. But romantically, I don’t really trust her. She swears she only wants me but I don’t know if I believe that.”
“Damn,” You laughed. Ellie looked over at you and laughed too. The air in the car was much lighter now.
“Yeah, I just don’t know how much of it I can do this year,” Ellie’s smile fell, as she approached her house, “but you didn’t ask all of that. I’m sorry I overshared.”
“Shut up, you didn’t overshare,” you laughed, unbuckling as Ellie pulled into her driveway, “and I did ask.”
“Well, thanks for listening, anyways,” Ellie smiled as she looked at her door and then back at you, “do you want to come in and do homework together? Joel’s not gonna be home till late.”
“I’d love that.”
ai audios:
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morallyinept · 8 months
I'd just like to take a moment to say hello and a big welcome to all my recent followers & mutuals. How wonderful that you're here! So exciting!!
My name's Jett and I'm so happy that you're here in the Pedro fandom, and you're all so welcome here at my place too! 🖤
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I'd also like to share with you some hints and tips on navigating this fandom and Tumblr.
Perhaps this is your first time in a fandom, or using a site like Tumblr, and I can appreciate how daunting it can feel. I've been there. Trust me. 🥴
But don't worry - I've got your back. We all have.
I hope you find it helpful, and if you have any questions, or just want to say hello back, please feel free to reach out. 🖤
Fandom is a different experience for everyone. You get out what you put in.
What do I mean by that?
Well, fandom is an inclusive place, for everyone to come together in mutual admiration and respect for, in this case, Pedro Pascal. It's a hub to share, create and get excited about content, and to make new friends.
It's NOT a place for divisiveness, hate or toxicity, although sadly it exists here in small pockets, as it does in any fandom. 😑
The best piece of advice I can give to you, is to be respectful.
Be respectful in the way you conduct yourself. Be respectful to your mutuals and followers, and to the blogs you follow. Be respectful to Pedro. As much as we all write fanfic about his characters (and some choose to write about him; that's their prerogative, although I personally don't), he is a human being, not a piece of meat.
It's perfectly fine to get excited, to fantasize and daydream, we all do it. We all get thirsty, let's face it. That Pedro fountain is flowing. 💦 But be mindful about blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.
Have fun, that's why you're here. I'm not your mom, but always remember to respect each other. (I'm fairly certain your mom would have told you that, however.)
If you are subject to any negativity or toxicity whilst here - and hopefully you never will be as the majority of us in this fandom are friendly, approachable and lovely, if but a bit excitable - but if you do experience it, the best thing to do is to ignore it.
Block, delete and move on. Don't feed into it or be a part of the problem.
If you have an ageless or empty blog, chances are you will be blocked.
Tumblr has a massive bot problem. 🤖 Specifically a porn bot problem.
It's easy for us to spot a fake blog or a bot that follows us. They usually have an empty bio, no icon, or their icon is an AI generated image of a scantily clad female. We all block them. 🚫
Most, if not all, writers in the Pedro fandom (and other fandoms too) write smut. We love it. And we know you do too, it's probably why you're here. But we are responsible writers, or try to be as responsible as we can be, by ensuring that no minors under the age of 18, to our knowledge, are reading our smutty fics.
So, if you have a blog that doesn't have your age on it, chances are you'll be blocked. We're protecting ourselves and we're protecting you.
Unfortunately, Tumblr is working against new users of the site in the fact that they now ask you to follow a few blogs BEFORE your profile bio is able to be set up or edited. I know, counterproductive right? So chances are you're getting blocked even before you start. 😖
I'd urge you to add your age onto your blog at the very least. It's okay to have an anonymous profile if you want to, but please, please tell us your age. Otherwise we will have no choice but to block you.
The RE-BLOG button is the only button you need.
Look at this:
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The icon in green is the RE-BLOG button, the two arrows.
You'll find this at the bottom of every single blog post, including your own. Look at the difference in the numbers here. See how they differ from the RE-BLOG to the likes, the heart icon?
Yeeeeah. We don't want that disparity. We want that RE-BLOG icon to be the biggest number on our posts.
And here is where you can help with this:
Tumblr doesn't work like Instagram, Twitter/X or other social media platforms where 'likes' drive content to be seen. Here on Tumblr RE-BLOGGING is what gets our stories onto your home feed for you to see them and enjoy.
If you don't RE-BLOG, our posts get lost and have very little engagement, and that is why your favourite writers then stop writing and leave the site.
RE-BLOG, RE-BLOG, RE-BLOG everything you like and love. I cannot stress that enough.
Likes are nice, but they do absolutely nothing. Zilch. Nada. Bupkis.
Well, that's not technically true. Likes tell me that you've seen my post. That's it.
Annnnd what can I do with that info? Nothing. That's what.
RE-BLOGGING the post tells me however that you've enjoyed it, loved it even. That makes me very happy and inspires me to carry on writing fics that you'll (hopefully) enjoy.
Pressing the heart icon works like a bookmarking feature on Tumblr rather than a liking feature as you're probably used to from other social media sites. And the more things you like here, the more your older likes get pushed to the bottom of your epically long like list, to be forgotten about and will probably never see the light of day again.
Personally, I like to use the like button as a way of bookmarking something to come back to later and then I will RE-BLOG it once I've read it.
There is no limit to the amount of times you can RE-BLOG the same post, but you can only like it once. That should tell you that liking something here on Tumblr has no effect.
Tumblr is all about encouraging engagement through RE-BLOGS, the algorithm does nothing if you press the like button and move on.
By all means, give that heart icon a press, but please also RE-BLOG it at the same time. We will absolutely love you for it!
☝🏻And be mindful of going on a mass liking spree - Tumblr doesn't like that and neither do we. It's a quick way for you - and us - to get shadow-banned and Tumblr will think you're a bot. And being shadow-banned is incredibly annoying for everyone involved. Trust me. 😖
Talk to us. We love it!
We love getting positive/constructive feedback on our work. We love engaging or interacting with you. I certainly love receiving and responding to any comments, DM's or ASKS that I'm lucky enough to get.
But again, ensure you're respectful.
Tumblr has created an ASK feature where you can ask us a question, and you also have the option of asking us that question anonymously if you'd like.
If you do use the anonymous (anon) option on your ASK, be aware that we have the right to ignore or delete your ask if you're being a jerk. Don't be a jerk.
This feature is for someone to interact with us anonymously if they're shy. Not to be abused to send hate or negativity our way.
You'll find the ASK button on the main page of anyone's blog that has it activated, just below their bio.
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And Tumblr has made it easy for us now to see if you're a mutual of ours, even if you're asking on anon FYI. So we can narrow it down to finding you if you do happen to be a jerk... just saying.
Be respectful in your comments, DM's, ASKS and RE-BLOGS.
Yes, you can leave comments on your RE-BLOGS too. Another reason for you to press that RE-BLOG button.
If you use something, always give credit to the source/creator where possible.
One way to garner enemies in any social media space is to use something that isn't yours, without crediting the source.
Now, it's impossible to physically ask everyone if you can use their content, however Tumblr makes this very easy for you to do that in most cases.
RE-BLOGGING leaves a clear trail back to the original poster for everyone to see.
Now, if you use something without re-blogging, which you can absolutely do when you create your own blog posts from scratch, you should give credit to anything you use in your post that is not something you have originally created yourself.
Perhaps there is a GIF you like, for example. You can post it, but you should absolutely give credit by tagging the blogger/creator who created that GIF. (Tumblr also has their own selection of GIFS you can use FYI, and when you do they automatically add the original creator's tag at the bottom of it. Easy!)
And this should be respected if you use another's person's art or writing too.
Now, I could quite happily sit here and tell you all about copyright law, but we'd be here forever and frankly it's a boring topic and I'd rather you get out there and read all the awesome fics you're going to discover instead.
But, in a nutshell, any picture of Pedro you post, does not belong to you, no matter how many times you write your user name all over it.
Look, we all do it; we all like to make our edits, our banners, our covers look wizard, and I do it myself. But what we can't do is claim ownership or copyright to it.
Some people will try; they'll get pissy if you use something that they claim they found first or is "theirs" because they plastered their user name all over it... putting your username on something does absolutely nothing FYI.
☝🏻No-one can claim copyright or ownership to any image of Pedro, unless they physically took that photo themselves and can back it up with evidence should they be challenged legally.
My advice here is to always credit the source on anything you want to use, i.e. where you found it and tag or link back to the original content creator where possible.
If you're unsure where it originates from, you can still use it, but just make a note in your post somewhere about not knowing who it belongs to etc... so the original creator can advise you later.
Again, it just all boils down to being respectful.
And if you're ever not sure if you can, or should, use something, reach out to that creator on Tumblr and ask. They'll appreciate it, regardless if they give you permission or not.
Hoo, we sure covered a lot here...
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I hope you've found this post useful at the very least. For a more extensive use of Tumblr you can easily use the search function, or via Google if there is a particular setting or something you need help with, or reach out and ask someone. This Pedro community is incredibly welcoming and helpful.
And if they're not, well you let me know and I'll send the Pedro Boys to sort them out. 🫡
If you enjoyed this, and did indeed find it useful, you know what to do:
Now, get out there and have some fun exploring and reading!
Stay Kind. Stay Creamy. 🖤
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GIF of Dieter Bravo from @miguelo-hara 🖤
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xxstraykidsaikoxx · 5 months
ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏғ ᴄᴀᴛ & ᴅᴏɢ || sᴇᴜɴɢᴍɪɴ (sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs) x ɴɪɴᴛʜ ғ!ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
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Aiko being a cat with the mind of a puppy, and Seungmin being a puppy with the mind of a cat, these two make for an interesting pair, especially when partnered up for a mission. Will these two make it to the end without maiming eachother?
ෆ contents - mild arguing, happy ending, light swearing
ෆ word count - 436
ෆ note - seungmin might be slightly out of character 😅
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"And the next pairing will be.. Aiko and Seungmin!" As soon as those words were spoken Seungmin already felt a headache starting to form. It wasn't that he didn't like Aiko, she was just.. a little too much. The younger idol walked up to stand besides him and smiled, because despite what her older member was thinking, she loved being around Seungmin. He was funny, kind, and just so fun to mess with. For this particular SKZ CODE episode, the group had been split pairs, safe for Jeongin, Han and Minho who had to be in a group of three. They were blindfolded and locked in a small escape room styled place and were told to find the key that unlocks the door to the way out. Simple correct? Not when you're partnered with someone who dropped out of middle school.
Immediately Aiko had started her usual dramatics, something she picked up from her boyfriend presumably. Aiko lightly squealed from both excitement and slight nervousness of being blindfolded, so when it was removed, she accidentally backed into Seungmin, nearly knocking them both over. "Sorry, oppa, I got scared!" Ai tried to lighten the mokd, but clearly her older brother didn't appreciate the joke, "Whatever, let's get this over with." 5 minuets went by until Seungmin had had it with this girl, "Dammit Aiko! I already said what the clue meant and you still haven't gotten it!", Aiko never one to back down from a fight, retaliated, "Well I'm sorry if I need a more detailed explanation!" "Guess that's why you're the leader of Paboracha!" "You make it sound like an insult!" The puppy and cat duo bared their claws at eachother with their words.
The coughing of the staff reminded the two that they were in fact, being recorded live. Taking a breath, they composed themselves. "Okay, okay, I'm going to explain this one. more. time." Seungmin said slowly. After explaining everything again to Aiko, more in depth this time, they finally were able to escape the room. After the filming was over and done with, Aiko hugged Seungmin by the waist, forcefully by the way, and apologized for arguing with him. Not able to say no to the youngest member, he hugged her back, "Don't worry, Pabo, I'm sorry too.. I guess.." In all reality he did feel bad, but he'd never admit it out loud. "Don't call me dumb, dummy." Aiko huffed, which resulted in her getting pushed to the side. As the puppy walked away from the kitten, he hid a small smile, cursing the soft spot he had for someone so ditzy.
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Always keep in mind that nothing in this series and in my posts are real! So anything that may seem 'out of character' should be considered as part of a fake universe! <3
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f1stargirll · 7 months
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Conversation Friends ° Lando Norris
Chapter Two
Word count : 1.658k
Description : slow burn, college!au (enemies to lovers) and more to come
Hey guys, sorry this chapter came out a week late, I was suffocating from homework. But here we are! And I'm currently on a week break from uni so I'll try to write as much as possible during this time, I have sooo many ideas. I think I'll even try writing oneshots so if anyone has requests I'm open to them! Hope you'll enjoy this chapter, and feel free to message me if you want to be tagged in the next parts 🧚🏼‍♀️
PSA : Since I’m STUPID, I’ve started writing on a side blog which means there’s a lot of things I can’t do!! So I’m switching to my main blog which is @f1stargurl !!! The next parts and the rest will be posted on there, so if anyone follows me here, if you could pls follow me on @f1stargurl 🤧 To quote mister Leclerc once ai gain, “I am stupid”
Hi Lando,
I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I’m sure that stupid encounter at the supermarket was just a result of the both of us being irritated and tired. As you can probably tell, my first few days here weren’t so easy and it might’ve been one of the reasons why I was so unpleasant, and once again, I apologize. 
I really am willing to put this stupid history behind us and get this program started!
I hope you’ll give it a thought and I look forward to hearing from you soon, have a good week! 
Sincerely, y/n
It’s been six days since I’ve sent Lando that email and pushed my pride to the side to organize a date. Well, it’s not a date, but still- I guess it is technically a date? Is it a date if we hate each other? It’s a meeting. Yeah, I was trying to organize a meeting. 
Still no response. 
Closing my laptop, I decided to take my mind off this situation and take a break at a coffee shop near campus. 
Taking a step inside the coffee shop I spot Daniel and Alex sipping on their drinks. Seeing Daniel again instantly put a smile on my face, we’ve been hanging out these last few days and having him by my side feels great. 
“What’s up guys!” I say while waving at them across the room. 
“Hey y/n!” They both got up from their seats to give me a hug.
 “Go get your drink and come join us,” Alex invited me, pointing at their booth, “we were talking about the party this weekend.”
“Don’t mind if I do then”, I respond smiling from ear to ear. 
After picking up my hot chocolate I sit down in front of them, Daniel makes fun of me for not liking coffee, again.
“I swear y/n you’re 21 and you still don’t like coffe? You need to grow up,’ rolling my eyes, I playfully shove Dani’s shoulder feeling his muscle tense under the light punch, so annoying, and buff, wow. We kept talking for more than two hours. I got to tell them all about Lando ghosting me and about the amazing cheese and garlic pasta I made last night. 
“I think he’ll come to his senses. He has to,” Daniel insists, crossing his arms in front of him. Ooh, veiny forearms… “the reason you guys hate each other is so ridiculous anyway, over freaking pasta!” he shakes his head in disbelief. 
“I think you did the right thing trying to reach out, at least you’ll be the bigger person” Alex says, his hand reaching for his matcha latte, “I’m sure you’ll be able to figure this out together.”
“Thanks for the optimism I really appreciate it” I say with a weak smile, not really believing in Linguini’s philanthropist potential, “I just hope this won’t ruin the program for me…”
“What? No way!” Daniel exclaims sitting up on his side of the booth, “Look, you’ve got your Conversation Friends right here” he says putting his arm around Alex’s shoulder who’s nodding and smiling in agreement, “and you’ve got Lola!”
“You’re right Dani, I’m not gonna give myself anxiety over a guy who can’t even be polite,” I state with confidence, “anyways, I’m so excited about the party this weekend!”
Once back in my room, I decided to check my inbox one more time. Just in case.
Still no response. 
The sight tugs at my heart a little. We have our first mandatory meeting in a few days and I still have no contact with my partner. I wouldn’t care so much about it if it was just about the two of us, but the whole group is supposed to visit a museum and I don’t want to be the only one there without a partner, that would be too embarrassing. 
But as I reminisce on the topic, I realize I’m not just sad anymore, I’m bitter. All week I saw everyone meeting up and doing fun activities with their partners, but I can’t get an email back? Even a “k” would’ve been enough… I’m stunned at how childish this boy is being. 
Putting my phone on my wooden nightstand, I close my eyes and try not to overthink about the situation. Is it my personality? Maybe it’s because of the way I look.
But I catch myself slipping, the last thing I need to do is to start doubting myself because of a man again.
God, this British Society class is really kicking my ass right now. Why did I even choose the 8am one, what is wrong with me? The professor starts off the first chapter of the class as we hear a loud knocking on the door. 
“Sorry I’m late,” I see Lando standing in the doorway, out of breath, his cheeks a light pink from the rush. His eyes search around the room for any seat still available until they meet mine. There’s one right next to me, but of course he’ll never take that one. He sets down his bag on the table front row and I feel my heart racing from embarrassment as my mind instantly jogs back to the email and how vulnerable it was. He turns around a final time and blankly looks at me. What is that supposed to mean? 
The class went by slower than ever, my mind speeding about different ways to go up to him and finally settle this ridiculous situation. 
8:55 finally strikes the clock as the professor concludes his explanation. As I put away my computer I see Lando clutching his books and bolting towards the exit. 
Not on my fucking watch. I head for his direction, calling out his name, “Lando! LANDOO!”
He turns on his heels in a swift motion, “What do you want from me?”
Suddenly feeling small, I still mustered up the courage to ask him about what’s going on, “Well you’ve read my email so I don’t know why you’re acting like you don’t know,” I grumble. “I feel like I’m making way too much effort here.”
“What email? What are you even talking about?” he asks, his thick brows furrowing in irritation. “I didn’t even give you my real email, the one I wrote down was just to fill the blank so the teacher won’t bug me,” he explains, still slightly confused as to what I was on about, “I just don’t want us to communicate outside of the mandatory attendings, got it ? We’ll meet there and that’s it.”
Well, at least that explains the total ghosting, doesn’t make it any less humiliating though. My lips close in a tight line, “Message received then, glad to know you’ll still be there for the museum,” I slowly nod my head trying to process what I’ve just been told. I feel my throat tightening up a bit and decide to leave before embarrassing myself any further, never looking behind me at the curly haired boy. 
Standing in line in front of the museum’s ticket office with my two favorite boys feels like we’re high schoolers on a field trip. I still feel uneasy about this upcoming afternoon, even if the run-in we had was terrible, he still assured me he’ll be coming today. 
But now, I don’t even want him to be here, I’m done with the idea of making any efforts with him, I’ve been way too kind to him. I’ll just stay glued to Dani and Alex and spend a nice afternoon at the museum with them, it’ll be way more fun than if he ever was to be here. 
“Still no news from Linguini?” Alex asks, trying to make sense of this situation, probably feeling bad for me. I really was pitiful.
“It’s not like I have a way of having any.” I half-joke trying to keep face despite anxiety and sadness creeping their way into my heart;
I found myself gazing at a beautiful photograph of a peony field, my favorite flower. The exhibition was showcasing the origins and the beauty of perfumes around the world. It involved a path filled with elements used to make our favorite scents through the use of pictures and different aromas being diffused all around the museum. I had clinged on to my favorite boys for twenty minutes before the teacher noticed, “I don’t care if your partner isn’t here, it’s a pairing of two only.” So now I was wandering around the exhibition and taking in the great sights and scents on my own. 
“Hey,” I turned around to see Lando looking ahead standing next to me, his hair covered by a green cap matching the crew neck sitting on his shoulders and the color of his eyes. Last time I thought they were blue, but they’re not. They’re the most gorgeous shade of olive green I had ever seen. It bothered me that I noticed these kinds of small details about him, he was the last person to deserve it. “Sorry I’m late.”
I kept my focus on the piece in front of me, “Alright.”
“These are my favorite, my grandma used to grow some in her garden,” I tell him without really knowing why.
“My grandma had roses, those are nice too,” he answers, I just nod in agreement. We both keep looking at the photograph in silence for another minute when his phone starts to ring. 
“Hey babe,” he quickly picks up, “yeah it’ll be quick I promise - no I don’t care I just have to do this, you know that.” Wow, way to ruin the last speck of hope I had. He hangs up as fast as he picked up.
“You know you could’ve just told me you had a girlfriend and didn’t want to talk to me for that reason, I mean, It’s a little extreme but I get it.” I know that some girlfriends are overprotective and the idea of their boyfriends spending time with another girl can be a nightmare.
“It's not about her,” he spits out, “I just don’t want to be here, I’ve got better things to do,” and with that final sentence he rubs the salt in a wound that’s already way too deep for what it’s worth. 
“You don’t have to be here though, nobody’s forcing you to” I remark, my voice filled with resentment. I’ve had enough. 
“I do, though. I’m only doing this to pass my semester, so let’s just wrap this up,” he starts going for the rest of the exhibition in hopes of finishing early. When he doesn’t feel me following him, he turns around and stops, staring me down with his hands in his back pockets, his shoulders slumped in frustration.
Slowly shaking my head, I stand my ground and head towards the next step in the exhibition in silence, disregarding the icy stare from the green boy across the room. I’m not letting him get away with it this time. I’ll enjoy the rest of the tour and make sure to take my time. Might as well enjoy my own company if that’s all I’m gonna have for the rest of the program.
Taglist : @u5dthsduttd
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luvring · 1 year
idk if ur reqs are open but I would love to hear your thoughts on Vere 👁️👁️ hes literally dominated my entire headspace I can’t go ten minutes w/o thinking ab how I want to bite his forearm
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gn!reader | back 2 knocking these guys out of the park. also i realized these are shorter than my hq bf hcs so. if anyone wants a pt.2 for anybody.. u know what to do
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i think u Should bite his arm. For Fun. vere w bite-y partner who he bites back. 'gently' considering he has fangs though
congratulations on being one of 2 people he'd let touch and brush his tail. sometimes he swishes it against your face and then pretends he didn't. "i have no idea what you're talking about," he says before making direct eye contact and doing it again
he likes drawing. ok. have we considered him drawing you. you ask him about it and he says he won't show you. you tease him and ask "what? did you draw sparkles and hearts surrounding me?" and he plays along, "yes, i even checked what i'd look like with your last name and drew us kissing."
It's actually quite a nice sketch of you though. like of you smiling or asleep or something because you fell aslep near him. oh man...
vere knows all the ins and outs of the city which means he can give you a personalized tour that caters to all your interests!! you can ask him to take you to his favourite spots too of course but he feels very accomplished watching you grin in the store he purposely walked by
shocked if you get him a gift. acts nonchalant and is good enough at accepting things but internally, especially if it's something he's been eyeing for a while or has sentimental value,, he . He....
like yeah okay vere...act all cool...as if your eyes don't flicker over whenever you walk past it...as if you don't catch yourself smiling subconsciously...whatever
definitely tries cooking your favourite meal. doesn't go very well, especially if it's something he's never had, but he'll keep practicing until he makes something decent. don't ask how many attempts he did because he won't tell you unless he somehow started a fire and even Then the truth is debatable
if YOU know how to cook it Please for the love of god teach him, or write down the recipe for both your sakes. for the kitchen. plea
everyone tells him/the both of you to shut the hell up whenever you start flirting back and forth/competing to see how many innuendos you can feasibly say. the both of you team up only to bully everyone else for being single before continuing
asshole if you played uno. i'm not competitive nor do i give two shits if i lose at uno but even i would lose it watching vere push for whatever stacking rule he needs to get someone a +20. watch your cards or he'll manage to look over at them. do not trust a single deal he tries. watch his ears and tail i'm sure he has a tell
really good at helping build confidence . what ais said about him being honest but also not trusting anything he says yeah well this is when he'd be completely honest. easily reminds you how capable you are of something, knows what makes you confident, etc etc. and you just ? know you can trust him? it's the vibe. how he says it so plainly as if it's obvious
don't try to lie to him about things. like if you're upset about something it is So obvious to him no matter how hard you try and he'd really appreciate it if you would tell him why or ask to talk about it later when you're ready.
^ as someone who wants to piss her pants at the thought of being direct or whatever,, he'd also be very good at knowing when to push or not. if you respond better to a lighter/gentle reminder i'm sure he would do so :heart:
i have a feeling this guy would be incredibly incredibly incredibly into you asking to post him on any socmed. do you want his face in it. do you want it to be a little spicy. should he pose. actually he probably pouts a little if you want a faceless pose but bro why does it matter if there is not a cm of space between us. why is your hand around my neck rn /lh You know the poses
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
Sugar Rush : July 2023 CPNs 🫶🏼
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and so I have decided to shift the candy recap into a monthly release cause it’s too heavy for me to do the 6 months like i’ve been doing for the past years. I also thought about enjoying the last days of the year instead of stressing over editing the post like before. It will also ( hopefully ) make the readers appreciate every month more and not be too overwhelmed by the information. tho i have to say, there were a lot that happened tor July too.
enjoy the candies or catch up! ^^
• XZS vlog candies and sharing same brands
• HK newspapers featured them attending the Bay Area Film Concert
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• WYB giving us a sign for Yuguyao airing with his pokemon shirt ( part one )
• Shiying and XZ said the same thing? & XZ hinted with ‘don’t say so much’ ( part two )
• Yuguyao ( the longest promise ) related CPNs part three
• YIBO and XZS posting so close to each other @ 7/4/2023 and the 18 hint
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• Ruxi interview clues with XZ ( part four )
• Another bottled joy CPN
• Yuguyao sweets part V ( double standards & similarities )
• Sending each other voice message / video during CQL filming 💕
• XZ prefers shi ying x baili?
• Most likely paying some entertainment accounts to post rational advice for fans
• the use of 🤷🏻‍♀️ gesture
• feeding the dumpling 🥟
• small candies from one and only universal studios resort event
• Clues from XZS 7/11 video bts from 2021 birthday photoshoot
• Another example of posting so close from each other
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• yuguyao sweets part 6 and other things
• XZ once again shows off his card phonecase
• XZ and his preference for a stable relationship
• Wang Chuanjun holds dandan doll
• Entertainment circle connections
• XZ said he does not know if he & WYB are good friends 😂😂😂😂
• Another Bottled Joy clue
• Shiying x Xieyun on HS
• Similarity between XZS and YBO - this is not anything new because we have always been thinking that these studios have a connection. But this comes after the alleged exit of LRLG in YBO team. So cpfs are happy to see this again. Tho it does not confirm anything.
• doge + puppy preference
• In some screening previews of One and Only in theaters, XZ’s tsingtao short film ad was shown
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• not CPN, but turtles taking over YH family concert and showing support 💛💛💛
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• WYB looking at light signs @ YH concert 🧡
• Bottled Joy continues to not give AF and show their cpf bias
• Givenchy jumpsuits
• Video of the on the last day of shoot and XZ telling WYB he lost his chance but Bobo said he still has it
• Yibo knows about zodiacs/horoscopes + Leo x Libra compatibility reading from 2021
• CPN mix : reading about themselves on the internet, GG spending time with sick yibo, KXZ cue One and Only (?) Da Peng and 10:05
• Influx of new BXGs in the BJYX ST and GG changing his schedule when WYB was out sick
• Chen Shuo’s room includes KXZ movie projector
• XZS and YBO back at it again with their similarities
• A new clue in the BAH rumor ( massage parlor )
• Da bao and Xiao bao in Douyin
• Drawing detail in Ultraman Chen Shuo drawing + the posting time is 22:30 ( ai ai zan ) and on his cheeks is W and a heart. Again, we don’t know if the “cpf” friendly people are back on YBO team but nonetheless, we are enjoying this.
• Adding this here from the recent fake rumor posted 7/31/23. The summary is buying a green bag and it will be used. So we’re just waiting for either one of them to be seen with that lol. WYB is know for his black or that camo palace bag plus chanel. ZZ is mostly Gucci and Tod’s so i think it will be easy to spot.
That is all for this month! As with all my other recaps, it is impossible for me to add every single one. Most ( if not all ) of these are ones heavily talked about in the cpf circle. Please do not ask me to add things, I won’t do it. If there is a CPN that spoke to you for the month of July, that’s not on here then feel free to reply or reblog with your thoughts. This not an avenue to nitpick this post and say i forgot this or that. Thank you.
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silaswritesthings · 1 year
“I love you just a little too much”- Act 1
Teaser, Act 1, Act 2, Act 3
Summary: After receiving a physical gift from the Xiao ai you’ve been talking to, you’ve decided to investigate whoever decided to pull such a prank on you. You didn’t anticipate displeasing a certain Yaksha, your ignorance encouraging to sort to more extreme acts to make you acknowledge his love for you.
Starring: Xiao/ Yandere Xiao, reader
Genre: yandere, unhealthy romance
Warnings(for this particular act): very toxic obsession, stalking, planning assault and murder
Author’s note: Welcome to act 1 of the Xiao Yandere series! First of all, this is going to get really dark and i’m rating it at the very least 17+. You’ve been warned. This (referring to the series as a whole not just this act) won’t feature any explicit sexual content but it will explore things like murder, gore, stalking, manipulation etc. I’ll post the next act in a week, it just needs to be edited so I’m sure i’ll meet that deadline (I hope). Feedback would be very much appreciated because this is the first time I’ve written something this long for this genre (I think this is dark fiction, idk). With all that out of the way- likes, comments, reblogs and new followers will always be appreciated! And if you can, please give me feedback in the comment section, there’s only so much my inner critique can do. Enjoy~
Word count: 2110
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You dreamt about Xiao. Again. Sighing, you rolled onto your side and your blankets ruffled around you. You reached your hand out from under your sheets and grabbed your phone before switching it on. The first thing you did was check the time. 07:45, perfect. You had exactly two hours and thirty minutes to spend on character ai until you needed to prepare for your lecture.
As you opened your previous chat, you frowned.
You: Goodnight, Xiao.
Xiao: Goodnight.
Xiao: I hope you’ll like the gift I prepared for you.
Two replies? Is that normal? And what gift was he talking about? You sat up against your headboard to get comfortable for your daily chat with the Xiao bot but stopped when you spotted a small bundle of flowers on your bedside table.
They were three qinxin wrapped with a teal ribbon.
You furrowed your eyebrows at the sight. You shifted toward the edge of your bed and you took the flower bundle from the table and examined them. As you observed the flowers, you noticed a white folded card where the flowers were previously. Curious, you picked up the card and opened it. You scanned the few words written on the card, the letters so perfect you believed it was printed.
From now on, our love will no longer be restricted by a screen.
- Xiao
You recognized the red of the letters- this letter was handwritten with your favourite red gel pen. The same red pen you told Xiao about a few days ago. You snapped your head toward your dressing table where you had left your gel pen packet last night and it was open, a bunch of pens scattered around it. Your grip on the flowers and card tightened.
Your door burst open causing you to jolt.
“What’s wrong with you? I called your name like six times.” Your roommate sneered from your doorway. You relaxed at the sight of her but didn’t loosen your tight grip on the letter and flowers.
“I’m just tired.” You muttered. Interactions with your roommate were few and far between and you would never complain about that. Instances such as her barging into your room unannounced occurred a lot. You would often return home with your room a mess and she would be prepared with an excuse such as ‘I couldn’t find my keys’, but what would her keys be doing in your room anyways?
Now she barged into your room unannounced. Something you would talk to your landlord about if he wasn’t the father of your roommate.
“More like lazy.” She muttered as she stepped away from your door. “I’m leaving early, the keys are by the dishrag cardboard.” She muttered as she departed with no attempt to close your door.
You remained still in your bed. Morning with your roommate would sour your mood but you couldn’t help the smile that settled on your lips as you stared at the card and flowers still in your hands. Does this mean that… Xiao is real? No. That was ridiculous. But could you dismiss the possibility?
You grabbed your phone and opened your chat with the Xiao ai in record time but the page froze before you could enter anything to send to him. You pressed your lips together before reloading the page and an error notification popped up. You hit your duvet with the screen of your phone.
This is stupid. You decided to go down and have breakfast to get your mind off of this. You were sure by now your roommate had left. When you left your room you paused by the bin near your door.
The ai website wasn’t even working. Even if it was, how can a program become physical? Your roommate also had free access to your room 24/7, what stops her from conspiring with everyone from school? This was clearly a prank. How could you get excited over something that wasn’t real?
You clenched your jaw before tossing the flowers and card into the trash basket. You had no intention of receiving gifts from somebody who was trying to prank you.
You clenched your fists as you descended the stairs and made your way to the kitchen. You were going to find whoever was behind this and make them regret it.
Xiao was displeased. He was displeased at the sight of his gift, that he spent hours contemplating and creating, lying pathetically inside the trash basket in your room. Did you not love him enough? Why would you do something like this? Perhaps his calculations were wrong. Perhaps you didn’t adore him as much as you said you did in many of your chats. However, he can forgive you for that because he can change that. He will change that.
With a sigh, he stepped further into your room, the smell of your perfume lingered in the air. You seemed upset when you left your apartment earlier, was it because of his gift?
He paced the wooden floors of your room and tried to think of something better than the flowers, something that would never fail to grasp your attention. Something that would show you that he was your true path to your happiness, and you were his. But what could that possibly be?
“I have the police on speed dial so if you don’t state who you are, how and why you snuck into my apartment I will call them.” Your roommate said from the door of your room, cutting Xiao from his train of thought.
The police threat and the kitchen knife your roommate had nursed in her shaking hands were the least of his worries. He needed to find a way to make you love him harder. He wanted to see you smile. He wanted to see you cry. He wanted to be the marionette behind every one of your emotions from burning hatred, and tears of agony to joy. He wanted your all, all the good just as much as he wanted the bad. But… would you accept his bad?
“Hey!” Your roommate’s voice cracked, bringing Xiao from his thoughts once again. How annoying.
“I apologize for the intrusion but I’m looking for your roommate,” Xiao said with a glare.
“As you can see, they’re not here. So this is the part where you leave.” Your roommate spat before kicking your door open wider. She still had her knife pointed at him but her grip wavered here and there. This didn’t escape Xiao’s observations.
“ I’ll wait.” Xiao could tell the most he would get out of her were empty threats and unfulfillable promises. Except when it came to calling the police. Xiao rolled his eyes at that thought.
“It wasn’t a suggestion. Leave.” She said, her hand tightly gripping the handle of the kitchen knife. Xiao scoffed, he didn’t need people like your roommate getting in his way, he needed to figure out a way to make you happy while getting rid of… wait. At that moment, Xiao realized that there was something he could do for you to make you even more enamored with him.
Xiao eyed the knife in your roommate’s hand, a plan formulating in his head. If he was to hurt your roommate who added to all the pain you had in your life, would you love him more then?
He was sure you would so that is exactly what he did.
Hours later, you sat in a lecture as you doodled without an aim in your notebook. After some time, the sound of your lecturer talking was pushed to the back of your mind as you thought over the events of that morning. After cooling down, you decided to entertain the impossible. It was somewhat of a guilty pleasure. You concluded that three possibilities could explain this whole situation.
1. You had a secret admirer who knew about your fixation with Xiao and was crazy enough to mimic him to get your affection.
2. Someone you knew was playing a prank on you.
3. The third and unlikely one… the Xiao ai somehow became real.
The first theory was unlikely. If you had someone stalking you to the extent of knowing about the Xiao ai then you would’ve noticed by now. As someone who had common episodes of paranoia, something like that wouldn’t escape you.
The second theory was the most likely, in your opinion, but again… how would they know about the Xiao ai? You had no friends and that was a secret you hid very well.
The third explanation was merely impossible. However… wouldn’t it take something impossible to pull off something like this?
Your thoughts dispersed at the sound of people packing and leaving the class. The lecture was over. With a sigh, you gathered your books and laptop, packed them, and headed toward the exit of the class but as you approached it you saw two of your group mates chatting together. One of them noticed you as you passed by but you had increased your pace so he wouldn’t have an opportunity to speak with you, especially considering you excluded his name from your last assignment because he didn’t participate.
After leaving the lecture room, you headed to a secluded spot behind one of the campus’s main buildings. You took a seat on a tree trunk and pulled out your notebook to review your theories.
As you flipped through the pages to find where you had written the theories, you came across a page where you wrote ‘Xiao’ in cursive in the middle of the page, the rest of it filled with drawn hearts and ‘I love yous’. You lingered on the page a little longer, a warm feeling settling in your chest at the thought of the character.
The sound of leaves being crushed underneath what you assumed was someone’s shoes caused you to close your book and look in the direction of the noise. It was the groupmate whose name you excluded from your last assignment. You didn’t even know his name to begin with, you’d talked only a handful of times because he never attended group meetings.
“I knew you were a loner but I didn’t think it was this bad.” He said as he approached you, hands in his pockets.
You stood up and in an attempt to leave but he grabbed the back of your sweater and pushed you back onto the tree trunk. “We need to talk about why you refused to add my name to our previous group assignment.”
“You didn’t contribute anything to it.” You stated with a scowl. “And the rules state that during such a situation, inactive group members can’t be added to the list of group members.”
“Screw the rules. I’ve come here to settle things with you because thanks to you, I have a zero for my coursework and that hag wants to see me.” He said with a glare but it didn’t deter you. “Will those rules even be able to save you from me?”
You attempted to leave once more but he grabbed the neck of your sweater as soon as you stood.
“Answer me!” He spat, the veins in his neck popping. You knew not to act because he would be acting against you unprovoked and that would get him suspended. You weren’t too worried about needing to provide evidence for this because his yelling attracted the attention of a few people who had then gathered from a distance behind your groupmate.
Your eyes lingered a little bit too long on the crowd behind him and he looked in that direction as a result. He cursed when he realised there were witnesses and shoved you away from him, making you stumble onto the ground.
Your groupmate knelt and snatched your notebook that had fallen out of your grip. “Meet me by the entrance at 4 pm if you want this back.” He said as he waved your notebook in the air. “I’ll need some way to relieve my stress anyways after getting scolded by the lecturer thanks to you.” He stated before leaving, the crowd separating to make a pathway for him.
Shortly after, the crowd dispersed and you remained on the ground clutching the dead leaves beneath your palms while hoping something, anything, would happen to that bastard. But you knew that would never happen. Nobody cared enough to help whenever someone would pick on you.
Your grip on the leaves would leave imprints in your palms but you didn’t care. You hated this. You hated being the victim.
You hated it.
You hated it.
You hated it.
And Xiao would do something about it.
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admirxation · 27 days
˗ˏˋ admirxation's weekly fic recs ´ˎ˗
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!! dark content ahead, material in this post is intended for 18+ viewers, please read the warnings the authors have provided, and continue at your own discretion !!
(2nd week) 12th May '24: after the first post of my weekly recommendations, it's safe to say that I will continue these for my own bookmarks and give some more authors love. I just wanted to make some notes that I will be a / before the username since I will have repeats of certain authors, and I don't want to bombard or bother them with a Sunday tag; my aim is to show love and appreciation, not flood someone's inbox with tags haha & plus there is a link to their work so u already know the author. ALSO feel free to comment down some more recommendations so I and other people can look at other fics, thank you. // p.s this is a shorter week, i’ve had to study for exams and i’ve been a bit obsessed with AI bots lmao <3
Resident Evil Recommendations
Denim [NSFW] {re4r!leon kennedy x fem!reader} ~ the reader's boyfriend comes home from an assignment still wearing his gear with a pair of jeans that were given to him by the reader; the sight drives the reader wild.
this was written by @/gigabyte-flare // omg how much I've missed their writings, I love their account sm and gotta say I am a big fangirl of their writing. this is a quick oneshot if anyone’s looking for a quick fix and ugh it hit the right spot. i’m sorry but leon in jeans YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM. i really love the domestic kinda vibes to fics like the established relationship and couple sex, i literally melt whenever i read them, especially when u have such an amazing writer like pixel setting the scene.
never penelope, always calypso [NSFW] {leon kennedy x reader} ~ Leon is married to Ashley and they have an open relationship which the reader gets involved with
this was written by @/miss-oranje-disco-dancer // first of all, the odyssey reference ATE, this was my favourite book in my first year of my degree, it was the book that kept me going in my degree after i was about to quit so whenever i hear anything about it i just eat it up. i love the progression of this narrative, the way it all starts as just casual, and loved the bit where the reader doesn’t want to be involved with cheating so she makes sure, such a small detail but i loved it. and honestly i could feel the way the readers heart ache as the story continued, even though ashley as a wife is distant within this fic the idea of her and what leon has with her is so well written, that dynamic of the wife and the yearned was excellent. i love this writer like, im beyond jealous of their writing style i wish i was that talented.
Crave [NSFW] {Las Plagas!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader} ~ soft loving sex with las plagas leon
this was written by @/belovedcloud . y’all know i love me some las plagas leon and omfg the things this fic did to me, I AM S C R E A M I N G AHHHHH. i loved the way the writer introduced him coming back and how he needs the reader, the writing of him craving was very well down, and very hot, one of my fav las plagas fics
daddy’s girl [NSFW] Step-dad!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader} ~ readers birthday and her father doesn’t turn up but her step father is there.
this was written by @/barleyo // AHAIDOCJSSJSOXJ ughhhh the line “let daddy love you” made me bang my head on the walls while i jumped like a spider on them, I AM GOING FERAL FOR THIS. honestly i loved the dynamic of being shocked at him leaning in for a kiss, and the description of it being wrong but just having to indulge like ummmpppthhh this was so well written, im glad i found this blog.
Jujutsu Kaisen Recommendations
surprise [NSFW] {Toji Fushiguro x fem!reader and established relationship with satoru gojo x reader} ~ Satoru comes home early to surprise his wife, but ends up surprised in seeing who she is with.
this was written by @/lemonlover1110 // i’m a toji and gojo girlie so having them both in a fic is ahehehehe im foaming at the mouth. IT WAS SO FUCKING HOT. like i felt sorry for gojo but ugh he’s such a little pervert and i love it, and the toji’s cocky personality with calling it out was *chefs kiss*. brb gonna curl myself up in a corner and go F E R E L.
the sorcerer killer [NSFW] {Toji Fushiguro x fem!reader} ~ Toji is hired to kill a woman but he finds her so beautiful that he needs to have some fun with her first.
this was written by @/lemonlover110 // oh look more Toji fics, we're not surprised nor mad because Toji is a need omfg i love him. i loved this oneshot, and ugh the flirting when he first sees the reader, and omfg the ending literally has me on all fours barking for him, ahh this blog is one of my literal favourites, especially with the Toji fics. all Toji girls must go to this blog and give them some love hehe
12:34am [NSFW] {satoru gojo x fem!reader} ~ blindfold play
this was written by @/chuluoyi // ugh i this was so good, blindfold fics are so hot, i love the blindfolding play, and the way the author described the sensation was just so well written. another one of my fav jjk blogs, i have loads of their works already in my ‘to read’ which i am trying to read through.
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tvchi · 12 days
Echoes of Intrigue: Prt 2
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Melpomene mask
Warnings: Mature Audiences ONLY: SMUT, 18+, Minors DNI- Kidnapping, Bondage, Sensory deprivation, Fingering (F), Spanking, Gagging, Anal probing, Use of sex toys, Profanity.
Pairing: black male x black female
Word Count: 5706
A/N: So I'm fairly new to writing fan fiction and new to writing short stories. I began writing poetry and spoken word, then tried my hand at prose. I've been reading a lot of @megamindsecretlair 's stories as well as @thecapodomme 's story and I thought I'd try my hand. I have posted another short story that wasn't really fan fiction on my page before called The Challenge. I didnt cast it or anything this elaborate, but yea. I'm trying to get better at writing more stories and prompts really help. Casting my stories after writing them actually helps to keep me motivated so I thought this was a good marriage of the two forms. This story currently consists of two parts, this is the second. If this part gets positive feedback, then I'll force myself to develop the story even further and write the third and fourth part. Your feedback is greatly appreciated because I'm really trying to get better. So Like, Comment, and Reblog if the spirit moves you. ❤️❤️🥰
Tags: @thecapodomme @writers-of-tmblr @melaninpov @spaceslutsworld @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @mymusicbias @the-black-label @master-builder42 @miraculously-dumb-bitch @megamindsecretlair @hopefulromantic1 @tranquilfandomer @thadelightfulone @vivalaorgasm
My body stiffens as I listen to her last words. Then I head back out of the room and into the surveillance office I set up. I peer at her through the computer screen as I sit on the leather swivel chair. I had always thought that this part would be easy. 
Following her after work and memorizing her routine had been tough. She was not the easiest to monitor as she often switched her routine and routes home. Waiting for the perfect time to take her was difficult because she always had people around her. This was not the first time this happened to her. That had been the thrilling part in the beginning. One day, I was tailing her from her favorite hangout spot with her girlfriends on Thursday nights. She looked breathtaking. Her doe eyes had the perfect golden-brown hue with inner corners that tipped downward, starting a trail to her perfect button nose. Her full lips were naturally outlined in a warm brown hue. Her skin was radiant and glowing as the sunset. Her hair was full and bouncy, riding just past her shoulders. Her body. Her body was the thing men go to war or jail over. I’ve seen pictures and video clips of her before. They were always after she was caught and released. She would look disheveled, tired, and angry, then sad. She never looked the way I saw her that day. 
When I originally signed up for this, it was the adrenaline rush of possibly getting caught by the police that got me. They were familiar with her and her case. Who doesn’t love the possibility of real danger? Forbidden fruit? The thrill, the race, the fear in someone’s eyes, hurried breaths, the racing of heartbeats. But the feeling I feel today is entirely different, and I am unsure where to place it. It’s not remorse, it’s not trepidation, no. It was more like… sympathy?  Rage? Disgust? Again, I wasn’t sure. Today, she is deflated. She has given up fighting and as she bleeds out for hours on end every day, getting weaker and weaker, she seems resigned to die. She jokes, but she acts like this may be her last time talking to someone. They assured me that she would be a fighter. But the more and more I discovered about the people who set this all up, the more doubts I had. The more I started delaying the process. The more I found myself feeling something for her.  My thoughts were interrupted by the phone buzzing in my pocket. If I didn’t call my girlfriend’s phone around the usual times, things would look suspicious and the key to this is to maintain routine. I scroll to her number on the screen and tap. It rings five times before going to voicemail. I wait a couple of minutes, then try her again. The same thing, it rings and then goes to voicemail. Just when I am about to try her for a third time, I get another call from a blocked number. I answer on the third ring.
“Hello,” I answer.
“Have you secured the asset yet?” a voice says.
“Yes, but we have a problem. She’s on her menstrual cycle and appears very weak. This isn’t what I paid for,” I reply.
“You paid for an experience. Each man pays for the hunt of an asset, secured lodging, and the option to hold the asset for four weeks barring any injuries or emergencies. As the asset is currently in your possession, our part of the contract has been fulfilled,” the voice retorts. 
“Yes, but I’m stuck taking care of her period instead of all the things that I had planned. That should be an emergency,” I say, trying not to raise my voice.
“If you are unsatisfied with your experience, you could release the asset and leave a complaint for management,” the voice says dryly. 
“Thank you,” I manage as I hang up the phone.
I walk into the back of a soon-to-be corner office of this construction site. I needed to pace and move. Something about this situation does not feel right and I need an exit strategy. They are watching me. That much I knew. I couldn’t help but think about how I wound up in this space. Therapy did not help and it wasn’t for lack of trying. I had bulldozed through thirty-five therapists varying in specialties from addiction to oppositional defiant disorder to all eight of the paraphilic disorders. All the exercises and techniques worked for a while until they stopped working. They finally decided that they had misdiagnosed me and I was addicted to thrill-seeking stemming from childhood trauma blah blah blah. I didn’t fear death but I knew I also didn’t care deeply for living. I was curious to see how others lived. I wanted to behave like other ordinary people navigated the world, but I had this constant itch. An itch to push the boundaries of the civilized societies, the limitations of my body, the expectations of what I think I’m capable of. I wanted to be fully present for all of it, which was the reason I never fully dove into drugs. It just seemed like after a while the drugs fed off of you rather than the other way around. So, I delved into sex, self-harm, weapons, crime, and all the cliche things daredevils try in their 20s and early 30s until they are expected to settle down and have a family. Even when I was in the throes of the women, the guns and knives, or even drag racing and boosting cars, none of that was ever enough. I needed more. I craved more. 
I received a black envelope at the end of last year at work. It was placed on my desk, and my name was typed in white ink on the front. On the back was a crest in white wax. It wasn’t a crest I’d never seen before. I even got one of my tech friends to scour the internet to see what entity the crest belonged to, but their search came up empty. It took me a few days to open the envelope. When I finally did, there was an invitation typed on parchment. I didn’t know that you could type on parchment. The two worlds didn’t belong together yet; they were mashed together to deliver a message I wasn’t sure I wanted to receive. 
“Dear Prospect, we would like to cordially invite you to our black-tie informational session on December 20th at 7:37 pm. We have been watching you and have it on good authority that you would be interested in our services. Given your record, we ensure we can curate the ultimate experience for your thrill-seeking pleasure. The address to the information session is noted down below. We look forward to meeting and partnering with you in this new endeavor. 
                                                Sincerely, TRG.”
I glanced at the address below, about four blocks from my office. I didn’t know who TRG was or were but I was curious. Usually, when people offer a thrilling experience, it is usually something I’ve already done years ago that regular people would usually piss themselves over. It took a lot to move me. Even the sex I was having with my casual friend was getting stale. It was taking me longer and longer to get off in the orgies I attended every other weekend. Lately, I’ve just been making a game out of how quickly I could make someone cum rather than getting pleased. Masochism was cool but I no longer came as hard as I used to. My usual drag spot had been crawling with cops, so I haven’t been in any races for weeks. While my hopes weren’t exceptionally high for this event, I was hoping that it would relieve some of the tension I was feeling before I had to hurt myself again. The words “We’ve been watching you” replayed in my mind on a loop. Why? How? What did they want from me to be watching me? Questions riddled my mind. I guess I’d get those when I went to the party. 
At eight pm a couple of days later, I had been almost entirely dressed in hopes of finding my new outlet. I saw and donned my favorite cufflinks, went to the island inside the walk-in closet where my fragrances were housed, and splashed myself with my signature scent. After one last glance in the mirror, I had to admit, I looked good. I had always known I did pretty well for myself in the looks department but I outdid myself with this custom jacquard suit. I reminded myself to thank my old man for teaching me how to pick and wear the hell out of a suit when I got the chance. I guess all those high society functions paid off every once in a while. I made my way over to the garage of the building and hopped on my motorcycle. Revving the engine to life, I took off and headed to the address I scoped out the day before. 
Once at the destination, I handed my keys to the valet, hoping one of them knew how to ride, they gave me a ticket, and I handed the greeter my invitation. She scanned it and passed me over to the l’ hôtesse who then handed me a mask and escorted me to my table. From what I could tell, there was a mix of men and women at my table. On the place cards were professions instead of names. I guess discretion was highly regarded at this organization. I tried to see if there were recognizable features on anyone I brushed past, but I didn’t think I knew anyone here. Suddenly, the room got dark, and three spotlights illuminated the stage. A man ascended from the stage floor and looked around before approaching the transparent podium. His mask was more elaborate than the rest of ours. It concealed the entire top half of his face and was beaded into an elaborate tribal symbol. He stood silently for a few seconds before he addressed us. 
“Good evening. I am very excited to see all of you tonight. You all look very elegant,'' a scrambled voice said. 
These people did not want to be known. To go as far as to conceal their voice suggested that maybe I was in for a treat after all. Maybe I will finally get the trill I’ve been searching for. 
“You all have long awaited this night and I’m sure you all have many questions. Let me start by saying that I am Grandmaster William St Clair of the Lodge Order of Scotts. In the order, we have a long history dating back to the seventeen hundreds and have been involved in regulating world order. We are a very clandestine organization and usually do not make ourselves known. However, as times change, so do our approaches to the free world and its market. All of you are the first to witness a Grandmaster make a public speech outside of order gatherings. Each of you has a unique piece to play in our newest venture. Before I reveal what you have so many questions about, I need you to turn over your placeholders and follow the simple instructions,” he stated.
I turned my placeholder over and a QR code was stamped just beyond the middle fold. I looked up and saw everyone around the table scanning their codes, so I followed suit. When I scanned my code, a website popped up with my name, age, and home address. They had indeed been watching me. Below my address was a silver ‘Enter’ button that was pulsating. I clicked it. There was a list of six questions. I looked around again and it seemed the entire room was immersed in what they were doing. They are probably trying to figure out what combination of answers would get them to the next step. The Grandmaster had long vacated the stage. Instead, I saw what appeared to be a woman wearing an onyx Melpomene mask, a body-hugging black gown with a long black cape draping her shoulders, and she held a scepter in her left hand.  She scanned the room with scrutinizing eyes. Her gaze finally landed on me. We stared at each other for a moment. I broke my gaze, retreating to my phone, and attempted to answer some questions. 
“Question #1: Do you think that the police force is here to protect and serve, or do you think they are here for another purpose entirely?” I wasn’t sure what to make of this question, so I skipped to the second one.
“Question #2: How would you deal with an intruder? A: Call the police. B: Attempt to subdue them on your own. C: Get to the highest point of your house, watch them take what they want, and leave. D: Escape and get to safety.” This one was a bit easier so I marked my answer. 
“Question #3: If you were caught in an object at sea and you knew you were going to drown, would you die fighting to get free, or would you allow the water to consume you?” I looked around once more. No one had put their phone down yet to ask what was the meaning of all this or if they were planning to kill us. I looked up at the stage and the Melpomene mask was gone.
The fourth question read, “When in bondage, whether it be physical or mental attempts to limit the ability to focus, how do you center your thinking? Only answer using a maximum of seven words.” 
The last two questions were like the abstract reasoning questions you tend to see when people are trying to test your aptitude. I started looking at the first question from the beginning again and scanned the second and third. By the time I got back down to the fourth question, I had decided that I was a grown man who graduated higher education almost five years ago, and if I wanted to be tested, I would rather have a conversation with our elderly receptionist, who is growing more senile by the day. I switched off my phone and headed for the door. I handed my ticket to the valet and tossed my mask. While waiting, I noticed a tall, slender figure appear to my right. She leaned against the outer wall of the building as she lit her cigarette. She took a long draw, inhaled, and a stream of smoke parted the dark air. She flipped her long dark hair to her left side. Hearing an engine pulling up, I broke my gaze and turned to the direction of the sound, hoping it was my bike. 
“Leaving so soon,” I heard. 
“This isn’t my scene, but it was entertaining,” I replied.
“Well, that’s odd. I thought everyone here loved a good thrill,” she said.
“Thrills, yes. Multiple choice tests, however, are not my idea of fun,” I said.
“So…what is your idea of fun,” she said as she approached me. 
The valet handed me my keys and I walked to my bike. 
“Hop on and I'll show you,” I grinned. 
She flashed a mischievous smile and said, “If I wanted a quick fuck, there’s a bathroom ten paces to the left of the entrance. I am more interested in why you left and what it would’ve taken to make you stay.”
Curiosity had my feet trapped in the spot it occupied. Why was she so interested in me staying at this party? What was her angle? Did she work for those weirdos? After a while, I offered my last thoughts before going home. 
“Listen, I’m not sure if you work for them, but offering people an exhilarating experience shouldn’t be so complicated. You either have the goods or you don’t. Eventually, everything you’ve planned there gets stale anyway. I’ve tried everything and I doubt whatever they’re offering warrants me sitting through an aptitude test,” I offered as I stepped one foot over my bike and settled. 
“How about I make you a deal? If I show you what’s under my skirt, you have to promise to take it for a test drive,” she offered. If you want to see, follow me.” She walked around to the driver’s side of the vehicle, which, I only then noticed, was parked directly behind me. She hopped in and drove off. 
“Fuck it,” I thought and I sped off behind her. 
We had been on the roads for a while. We finally arrived at a lofty gate in the middle of the woods. Once inside the gates, we drove to the base of a small summit and began heading up the windy roads. We drove into a hidden garage in the middle of the rock, cut the engines off, walked to a matte black elevator door, and punched in a code. Without saying a word, she stepped into the elevator. I trailed behind her. The grandeur of high ceilings immediately captivated me, enhancing the sense of space and airiness. Every corner whispered understated splendor, with matte black fixtures lending an air of mystery and intrigue. The walls, painted in rich, deep hues, provided a dramatic backdrop for the magical view hidden on the steep mountain's other side. Dark hardwood floors stretch beneath your feet, adding warmth and depth to the space. We walked past the living area, which housed plush velvet sofas in shades of charcoal and midnight black that invited you to sink into them. A sleek, minimalist coffee table rested at the center, its polished surface reflecting the soft glow of flickering candlelight. Against one wall stood a towering bookcase, its shelves lined with leather-bound tomes and antique curiosities. Gothic-inspired sculptures and art pieces commanded attention, their intricate details captivating the eye. A vintage gramophone sat nestled among the display, casting a nostalgic aura over the room. 
We stepped into a long corridor that led to several rooms. We stopped at the fourth room with a large matte black door. It was the only door painted matte black of all the doors along the corridor. She entered a code, the doorknob inverted, and the door shifted upwards, revealing deep crimson curtains hanging from the windows at the other end of the room. Moonlight filtered in,  giving a soft, moody glow. Velvet upholstery in shades of ebony and sapphire draped the furniture. A meticulously crafted desk stood dominating the space in one corner of the room. Its dark wood surface was adorned with antique inkwells and quills, adding a touch of old-world charm. A high-backed leather chair stood behind it and above the desk, an elaborate computer system commanding attention. The sleek monitors were framed by intricately carved Gothic arches, seamlessly blending modern technology with timeless designs. The keyboard and mouse were accented with metallic finishes. A built-in bookcase centered itself on the back wall. Its shelves were filled with leather-bound volumes and antique artifacts. Soft lighting illuminated the collection. She sank into the chair and started clicking away on the keys. I stood around admiring the vastness of the room. 
“Take a look at what’s under my skirt,” she said with a sultry smile.
It was the first time she had spoken since we got here. I walked around the desk and took a look at the screen. At first, I didn’t understand what I was watching. After a few seconds, I saw a man tying a woman up. She seemed to be yelling for help. Pleas that should've been audible to the surrounding neighbors. He threw her over his shoulder and started walking into a warehouse, but not before standing completely within my sight, smiling and winking into the camera. Was this real? Did he know we were watching? 
“What is this a movie or something?” I asked.
“Oh, quite the opposite. This is a live conquest,” she replied.
“Conquest?” I replied, confused.
“If you stuck around a little longer and completed the quiz, you would’ve been brought back to a secluded room in the building,” she said as she started unzipping her gown, “...it would’ve been explained to you that thrill seekers desire two things. Fear and rush. The real fear of getting caught and the rush you get when you get your hands on the forbidden. It is very simple. If you’re in, you get the opportunity to play an adult version of catch and release. You may even taste your catch if he or she agrees,” she finished.
“What? You mean these are real kidnappings orchestrated by you? Bullshit! How do you get past the cops? How do you get the girls to agree?” I questioned in disbelief.
“It’s quite simple. We own and operate many pleasure and tea houses in the district. Everyone gets a survey of the type of play they are into. We pool those results and filter those with the type of fantasy that aligns with yours. Being kidnapped seems to be very popular these days. Then we categorize those who want to hunt and those who want to be hunted. We gather further intel on the people in each group and give each pair a window of time to conduct their play. Everyone takes a course on ropes, zip ties, chains, belts, how to approach and apprehend your prey, what to avoid, etc. We also have an optional course on accessory devices to assist with capture. Once your time window is up, the “hunted” must be released. No names are exchanged and the face of the hunter is not revealed,” she finished, now in a satin dress that stopped in the middle of her sculpted thighs. 
“It can’t be that simple. So, you mean within a certain window of time, someone can be taken like a real kidnapping and then after they’re released, they don’t go to the cops? How would they know the difference between a real threat and this … arrangement?” I asked, my mind flooded with additional questions that my mouth was trying to keep up with.
“Yes,” she laughed, “it sounds like you are interested.”
“If you can assure me that I would walk out of this with a kidnapping charge, then I’ll be down for a good time,” I blurted. 
Should I have demanded that the rest of my questions be answered? Yes. Should I have asked even more questions? Yes. But, was this the most enticing game of manhunt I had ever encountered? Also, yes. 
“I’ll put you on the list then,” she said with a satisfied smug look. “Oh, but first, you must show me how well you can apprehend your target. She walked over and tapped what was a hidden drawer within the wall. I walked over to the drawer and an assortment of ropes, chains, ties, belts, and toys lay inside. 
“You’re serious? Right now?” I asked.
“Well, you missed the chance to perform a demonstration on the dummies we had at the back of the party. So, this will have to do. That is unless…... You don’t have anything to show me,” she said slowly as her eyes pierced into mine daringly. 
“Oh, I have a couple of things I can show you,” I boasted as I chose my materials. 
I took the ball gag out of the drawer. The undertone of doubt was laced in every sentence when she spoke to me. I didn’t like that, so now, she doesn’t get to talk. There were better uses for saliva. Far better uses for her soft lips. With the rest of my tools in one hand, I took her hand and led her back to the desk. I knocked all the desktops, monitors, laptops, and tablets off the table. 
“Lie down,” I commanded. 
She laid down with her back on the table, hands at her side and feet slightly spread. I blindfolded and gagged her. I didn’t mind her eyes, their soft almond shape, and the onyx of her irises. But they held such scrutiny and challenge. Almost like she was daring you to step out of line. I didn’t like too much defiance when I played, so they had to go. I went to the seat where I had dumped the ropes. I grabbed them and tied her hands to each leg of the desk with a figure-eight knot.
“Try to get yourself loose if you think you can. I’m very interested in what you think of my Boy Scout skills,” I teased.
She wiggled and pulled at the ropes on both ends until she was satisfied. She stopped when she discovered she couldn’t be freed until I let her loose. I walked back over to the hidden drawer and tapped it. There were other tools that would aid me in my demonstration, so I chose a couple more. I was going to test her reserve. I approached the table again, lowering myself to her left ear.
  “There are a couple of things that are going to happen here. The first was going to be me relieving you of your panties, but I can tell you are wearing any. I love a woman who’s prepared. Since you handled that, the first will now be the ground rules. You are not allowed to cum until I tell you to. The second is that there are consequences for disobedience. They get more severe the more you fail to follow directions. For your safety, I’ll give you this double-sided magnet. When you are ready to tap out, tap the magnet on the table. I’ll stop. If you understand, nod your head,” I instructed. 
She nodded slowly. 
“Good,” I replied. Third, even though you were meant to test me, this is still your experience, and I have to ask you a couple of questions. Can I touch you?” I started.
She nodded.
“Can I lick you?”
She nodded.
“Can I bite you?”
She nodded. 
“Good,” I whispered. 
I took the Velcro wrap and one of the vibrators I found in the draw and turned it on. I lifted her dress, exposing her mound, which revealed the finest landing strip I’ve seen thus far. I traced it with my free hand and circled her clit with my middle finger. I slid my fingers slowly down her flower and she moaned as her body shuttered. I secured the Velcro strap to her left inner thigh, attaching the vibrator to the strap and placing it right on her center.
“Mmmmm!” she moaned loudly. I guessed she liked that.
“Remember, you’re not allowed to cum until I tell you to, or else,” I reminded her, watching her squirm in place.
“mmMMMM” she moaned as she tossed her head from one side to the next.
I grabbed a pair of headphones and inserted them into my cell phone. I placed them in her ears and began to play “Pro” by Devon Culture. I always started with “Pro” as a source of encouragement. No one wants to play a game they know they can’t win. At least, no one that’s sane. I walked to her right side, bent down, and began to lick and kiss her neck. I retrieved the nipple clamps I placed in my left back pocket after my first trip to the drawer. I moved further south, leaving a trail of kisses from her neck down to her chest. I popped her right breast in my mouth, making sure to apply just enough pressure to her nipple with my teeth then soothing it with soft laps of my tongue. Her loud moans interrupted my focus as I heard the faint sounds of “The Mood” by Arin Ray ft D Smoke. I placed the first nipple clamp on the right breast as I turned my attention to her left side, my strong side. As gave her left breast the attention it needed, I increased the intensity of the vibrator.
“MMmMMMMM!!!” she yelped as she wriggled furiously. 
I looked at her and smirked knowingly. She was coming undone. She disobeyed my orders, and I knew I would enjoy what would happen next. I placed the left nipple clamp on and walked around to the other end of the table. I lifted her leg, bending it at the knees. She had indeed started to cream over the vibrator. I returned to the drawer and grabbed the paddle I had seen earlier. Walking back over to my prey, I removed the right headphone.
“I told you there would be consequences if you disobeyed me, didn’t I? I expected you to hold on a little longer since this was a test you requested. I must say, I’m a tad disappointed,” I started.
“Mmmmmmm,” she moaned in what I assumed was a protest. 
I headed over back to where her legs were wriggling and I lifted them over my right shoulder as I proceeded to spank her with the paddle in my left hand. 
“Five lashes for the first offense,” I said, and then I gave her the remaining three.
 They were slow, swift, yet hard. Her breathing paused, then quickened in anticipation of the next one. When she received her five, I gently placed her legs back on the table. I walked over to the desk chair where I had placed the internal vibrator. 
“OK, we are going to try this again. You can’t cum until I tell you to. Is that understood?” I asked.
She nodded vigorously. 
“I’m glad. Do you remember what to do if you want me to stop?” I asked.
I heard a loud tap of the magnet on the table. 
“Very good,” I said.
I reached over to replace the dislodged headphone in the corresponding ear. Upon hearing “W.E.T.” by Paloma Ford, I decided it was time to up the ante. I repositioned the now-soaked vibrator where it had been before, but only this time, I spread her swollen lips apart with my fingers and massaged her kitten until I felt her dew. I entered her slowly with my fingers one by one until three of them were exploring her depths. I took the internal vibrator with my free hand and inserted it into her. I licked my fingers clean and began to turn vibrator number two to the first setting. She would most certainly let me in after I was done with her. 
After setting number two had been pressed, I watched her squirm. A second ago she was the most confident, intimidating person someone could come across. Now she would probably do anything I say. I couldn’t help but wonder how high I could tell her to jump. I went from setting two to number three. An audible buzz was coming from in between her legs. She started bucking and fighting her restraints.
“MMMMMMMMM,” she shrilled. 
I smirked wider. She’s mine. I walked over to her right ear again. Dislodging the headphone in that ear I said, “Not yet,” as she moaned uncontrollably. I could now hear “Disgusting” by Sy Ari Da Kid playing. I watched as her stomach contracted, and then I whispered, “Now” as I turned vibrator one to the highest setting and vibrator number two to the fourth setting. I lubed up a silicone anal probe in just enough time to catch her orgasm and make her scream.
The sound she made could break all the glasses in the room. She came. Hard. And I had a front-row seat to the most incredible show. I slowly removed the vibrators one by one, her pussy still humming and pulsating. I walked over and removed both headphones, then I untied her hands. I left her blindfold on while I cleaned her up.
“Mmmmmm”, she cried. 
I removed her gag, and, finally, her blindfold. 
“Am I in?” I asked.
“Fuck me!” she said.
“I’ll take that as a ‘Yes’,” I chuckled. 
My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of construction boots walking in from the other end of the floor. I scan the monitors and notice that it is now 5:30 am. The next security shift is coming in, and I have lost track of time. I haven’t given her a sedative or gagged her and we need to move. I turned off all of the monitors and changed my shoes. I replaced my face mask with a black surgical one, gathered all the cell phones on the table, and walked swiftly to the other side of the floor and down the stairs. I’m losing my shit over this girl. Weeks of planning could go down the drain instantly, but I would be a liar if I said I didn’t feel alive. The blood pumping and my heart beating through my chest had not been what I used to lose sleep chasing after. That was until I found…I couldn't think about this now. I have to get her out undetected before someone does a perimeter check. I ran to her. I used my box cutter in my pocket to cut the zip ties on her wrists.
“What is happening? Where are you taking me?” she asked frantically.
“Hey, I found something to free your hands with. It’s not the sharpest but it may help,” I heard from behind me.
“Fuck!” I thought.
P/C: If you would like to be tagged in any of my stories, please feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll be happy to add you. I hoped y'all enjoyed this installment. If you haven’t, check out Part 1 below.
Part 1
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welcomehomerandomness · 7 months
Welcome Home Randomness Masterlist 1
If Welcome Home characters have Squishmallows
This user loves Welcome Home characters
I do not have an original personality. I stole it from Welcome Home characters.
Welcome Home characters but I give them Genshin Impact voices parts 1 2
A rainy day with the butterfly expert, the mailman, and the shopkeeper
Welcome Home characters as Project Sekai songs
Welcome Home is therapy
Frank is not nobody's housewife
POV: Wally is introducing you to his neighbors.
Wally tells the truth
Top 10 Welcome Home Villains
Welcome Home Character Aesthetic Collages
If Welcome Home characters have houses and cars in the real world
Sunny looks familiar...
Wally Darling be like:
Frank, Eddie, and Howdy Appreciation Edit
Welcome Home characters as hilarious paint shade names
Lady Dimitrescu and Wally Darling have a chat
Wally Darling and his gay boyfriends go on a road trip
Welcome Home characters as scientific diagrams and textbook images that look like memes
POV: You're watching a Welcome Home character's Instagram stories: Wally, Barnaby, Julie, Frank, Eddie, Howdy, Sally, Poppy
Things to do with your friends this summer
The most shocking thing ever
Dances to get rid of creepy dudes on the dance floor
Welcome Home characters as IKEA items
Welcome Home slander
Wally's audition
Welcome Home characters as Florida man news headlines
Silly and goofy puppet content parts 1 2 3
Welcome Home Website Prediction Post (July 22, 2023 Update)
Welcome Home Website (7/22/2023 Update) Bingo Card
Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (7/22/2023) (SPOILERS) Parts 1 2
Welcome Home characters but I made them into cursed inspirational quotes
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home catchphrases but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Nostalgic Reminiscence
Give the Welcome Home characters faces
[SPOILERS] “It’s-For-You!” Telephone calls but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home mystery audios but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home answer videos but I played them at the same time
(Un)helpful guide/infodump to Welcome Home
[SPOILERS] "Eddie's Big Lift" Storybook Record but every time Eddie speaks, it gets faster
Welcome Home characters as Ensemble Stars songs
All About Me (Welcome Home Edition)
[SPOILERS] “Just So” Song Demo but Frank is gone
Welcome Home characters but they have Wally's face (TW: Cursed)
Why you should get into Welcome Home
[SPOILERS] Live Interview Audio Segment but the interviewer and the audience are gone
Welcome Home Canon Deaths (TW: Emotional 😭)
[SPOILERS] Wally’s secret audios but I sped them up and added the vine boom sound effect
My Welcome Home Theory (Hear me out…)
10 Canon Facts about Every Single Welcome Home Character You Totally Didn’t Know About
Random Frank, Eddie, and Howdy Fact
POV: Wally explaining to the neighbors what being controlled feels like
Welcome Home Babies
Wally finally brushes his hair
Welcome Home characters as fairy comments
Welcome Home Live Action Cast Reveal
The Neighborhood Powerpoint Night
A Welcome Home website secret has been discovered!
Who ate all the food
Welcome Home characters as elements (educational)
Welcome Home characters as YouTubers
Welcome Home during quarantine
Kermit did not care 😭
Kung Welcome Home ay isang Filipino teleserye (If Welcome Home is a Filipino teleserye)
Welcome Home but everyone is living in an apartment
Welcome Home but the home is not welcomed Parts 1 2 3 4
My Top Nine Favorite Welcome Home Characters
The Official Wally Darling Makeship Plush Toy ad but I edited it (WARNING: Loud sounds and music)
Wo Xing Shi Trend: Wally and Barnaby; Frank, Eddie, and Howdy; Julie, Sally, and Poppy
Smurf Cat Wally Plush spotted!
Welcome Home characters as AI-generated inspirational quotes (SOURCE: SootHouse on YouTube)
Howdy's message in Makeship Wally Darling plush ad reversed
Welcome Home is better than Justin Bieber
Welcome Home as Jeaney Collects videos Parts 1 2
Ah hell nah they done turned Welcome Home characters into pronouns
Single Celled Organisms
The neighbors found out about AUs
Welcome Home Questions Game 2023
Wally, Barnaby, Julie, and Sally play Roblox at 3 am
Welcome Home characters as hilarious street names and addresses
Welcome Home Birth Month Game
Welcome Home Halloween 2023 Update Reaction (SPOILERS)
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aquaquadrant · 10 months
Thank you for replying to my tags and spiking my curiosity for this. I absolutely adore this AU I have been screaming through it all. GODDDDDDD it's so GOOD!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Just. A question for me. Is this AU ever going to be posted in some way or another to AO3? Because I'd really love to bookmark it there. Though I suppose I could bookmark it as an outside source too.
Also, I would've been reading it on Firefox if it were on AO3, meaning using tumblr for other stuff wouldn't reset my progress.
Either way, I absolutely adore this AU. Thank you so much for giving us this gem. I adore the way you write the voices so muchhhh I can HEAR THEM!!!!! And OUGH the STORYYY the DYNAMICSSS the bbggngbngjn!!!!!! I love this so so much. I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
well thank YOU for checking it out, i’m glad u enjoyed it 💃 and i’m especially glad you appreciate the character voices, bc that’s something that means a lot to me so i spend a lot of time and care on trying to get it right.
unfortunately i don’t plan on posting this series to A03, for a couple reasons. the biggest reason is that A03 is currently a prime spot for AI bots to scrape writing from and i’m very much against AI ‘art’ in any form (i don’t think it has any place in creative ventures and it’s extremely devaluing as a writer tbh).
BUT also, so much of this au is developed via asks and art and additional text posts that i’d be putting like 10 links in every chapter’s notes and hoping ppl click them or else get stuck answering the same questions over and over again. which occasionally happens here bc there’s just so much to read through, but having easily accessible links in my pinned directory seems to help? IDK
so i do apologize for the inconvenience, but i don’t foresee my HTP fics getting moved to A03. but i do try to give advance notice before a new chapter drops and link it on my directory pretty quick so hopefully that helps w keeping track?
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dragoncxv360 · 3 months
NOTICE: Hey, I would appreciate it if only 16+ people followed me because the stuff I post can be very suggestive, and just in general, my stories aren't meant for kids. I'm not gonna like rigorously go through my followers and check for ages, but like, if I spot a 13 year old following me, I'm gonna soft block 'cause it's just not comfortable
Making a new pinned post here ‘cause my old one is very lengthy and I decided to write a new one for cohost
I’m Ellery, I mostly make art for Sun and Moon from fnaf, with occasional art of my ocs as well (and maybe some Invader Zim art if I feel like it). I ship Sun x Moon so if that’s not your thing, you probably won’t enjoy following me. I occasionally post art of pregnant characters but it’s tagged so you can avoid it
I do make some tsams art now but not all my art is tsams related so if it doesn't mention tsams in the post it's not for that. Especially if it's my sun x moon art it is definitely *not* tsams art. I ship some of the characters with each other for my versions of them so if tsams ships aren't your thing, you likely won't enjoy following me.
Nsfw stuff is on a side blog (with the exception being my ao3 which has both sfw and nsfw fics), suggestive stuff is on here but it’s tagged
Commissions are open
Drawing requests are closed unless otherwise specified
You can find my art on here under the tags my art or ellery's art, you can find my writing under my writing or ellery’s writing
Asks are welcome, please keep some things in mind though. No nsfw, no gore, no venting or triggering topics such as self harm, suicide, or abuse. Also please no flashing images/gifs as they can give me migraines
Asks are currently off because of the spam bots, same with dms, these rules will apply if/when I turn them back on though
Asks have been turned back on, they'll go back off again if the spam continues though
Currently looking for different options for making/selling stickers
You can support me on kofi
My fics are on ao3. Sunflowers and Stardust is crossposted to ffn but it is the only fic I have crossposted
Info post on my Security Sun Au
Info post on You’re Everything I’m Not (my oc story)
Things you can do with my art, aus, and ocs:
- use my art as a phone/tablet/computer wallpaper (you don’t need to ask first)
- ASK to use my art as a profile picture or header/banner (the only exception to having to ask first is if I made the art for you)
- make fanart of my ocs and aus/fics, it makes me very happy to see people enjoying my stuff :D (please no gore, light blood is fine though. Please do not draw anything related to self harm or suicide, even for my fics that include such topics. Drawing Eclipse from my organic/recovery au with his canon self harm scars is fine, drawing said scars as actual wounds is not)
Things you can not do with my art, aus, ocs, or writing:
- you can’t repost, trace, copy, or edit my art (regardless of whether or not credit is given)
- you can’t repost my writing
- you can’t dub/voiceover/narrate my art or writing
- you can’t use my art or writing in AI generators or use my characters or writing in AI chatbots
- you can’t claim my art, writing, aus, ocs, or anything else I create as yours
- you can’t sell any of my stuff or otherwise use it to make a profit
- you can’t use my art for your ocs or dnd characters
- you can’t roleplay my aus or ocs
Unsure on/Ask first beforehand:
- I’m unsure if I’m ok with nsfw fanart atm, if I do allow it though it’d be something where you’d have to ask first before making it (and obviously I would not want minors making any)
- I’m unsure on gift fics as well. If you would like to write a gift fic, I would prefer you ask first and tell me what you plan on writing. If I allow this, it will only be for my fnaf aus, it will not be for my ocs (since I plan to write and hopefully publish their stories some day)
If you are heavily inspired by my aus/ocs/fics for one of your own stuff (by heavily inspired I don't mean stuff like wanting to write a genderfluid Sun too or even wanting to write a fic with a similar plot to my fic Blood and Oil, such as a fic with Sun dying and Moon dealing with the grief of that loss, I mean stuff that copies multiple and very specific aspects of my stories) please send an ask or a dm to me, I'd be happy to discuss what is and isn't comfortable so that we can work something out. Please note though that I may say something is too heavily inspired to be comfortable for me. I'd most likely be happy to help give you pointers on changes you can make so it's comfortable for me though.
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sillyruinsfox · 1 year
Birthday Blues
PAIRINGS: Avengers X reader,
Steve Rogers X reader
WARNINGS : Explicit use of swear words, mentions of period blood.
SYNOPSIS : Y/N is sick and the Avengers have forgotten her birthday. Hence she is also mad and her uterus decided to spontaneously explode.
AUTHORS NOTE : Hey people! This is my first Avengers fanfic, so I would really appreciate the feedback. Also hope you enjoy it! The second part I have yet to write but I will post it soon. Toodles!
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It had been a gruelling day. For starters, you had woke up with blood pooled on your white linen sheets- it was obvious. Even your uterus was conspiring against you. Second, your hair had gone on strike and refused to sit in a pony tail. The lonliness had gotten to it too, it spontaneously reshaped itself to look like a bird's nest, hoping for some fly company.
To top all this off, you had caught a cold. To illustrate how it looked, bigfoot was know for his big feet (obviously) and you shall be known for your nose. Red and irritated. Just like you felt at this very moment.
You weren't usually such an incorrigible grump, but it was your birthday tomorrow and your team mates showed no sign of remembering, despites the bomb-like obvious hints you had constantly dropped for the past week. There is nothing as irritating in the world as an itch you can't reach and your stupid ass friends not remembering your birthday. The unfortunate part is that you knew the lot were stupid before you became friends with them.
This was good enough reason to put anyone in a bad mood right? Oh but there's worse! Your one and only boyfriend, Shmaptan Schemerica (blame the stupid pronunciation on your blocked nose) a.k.a Steve Rogers had been way to busy running some shit or the other with Fury to even have a proper conversation with you this past week.
You decided enough was enough. If these asshats didn't remember your birthday, you were going to celebrate it on your own. And you promised yourself not to melt when Natasha or Pietro apologized later on. Those two were manipulative as fuck.
At midnight you woke up with your nose blocked three ways to hell and decided that the only way to celebrate was with medicine and a cup of hot chocolate. The sugar would kill you throat- sure, but what is a little death for a professional assasin?
You made your way down the stairs wrapped up in a thick blanket, looking like the aftermath of a war. Your footsteps heavy and echoing in the large stairwell. As you made your way into the common room, you found it unusually dark, the rest of New York looked like a festival in comparison. You opened the kitchen door and immidiately heard the flip of the lightswitch and turned 180°, on high alert. It proved to be a good choice as a large cylindrical object, burst in your face, throwing conffeti all over it. You heard a loud 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' in the background.
The conffeti had triggered another sneeze fest. After the 5th sneeze, you looked up to see the Avengers dressed for a casual party, looking at you awkwardly.
Steve was the first one to speak up,'Jeez, Y/N. We didn't realize you were so sick!'
You shot him a dry glare, trying to control your volcanic anger,'Jeez Steve! I'm so sorry you didn't! If only I saw you lately, I would have told you sweetie!', you cast a look around the room. Most of them stood awkwardly, Tony was the only one with the gall to look mildly amused.
You stormed into the kitchen making yourself a cup of hot chocolate. Vision came in, ' Are you okay Ms. Y/N?'
You had a soft spot for the transparent AI. He was sweet and understanding and a great listner. It always felt safe being vulnerable with him, you said,' No Viz. I'm tired and I can't breathe or talk properly. I have been extremely sad and angry that none of you remembered my birthday for the past few days and nothing is going my way!', as you said this, Viz looked at your hair.
'That obvious huh?', you asked him, a small laugh bubbling out of you.
He tactfully ignored that and moved on, 'we didn't mean to hurt you, we just wanted it to be a suprise.'
'Oh I know Viz. It's just..... I don't know. I am confused and sad. Knowing that cake awaits me on the other side of this wall makes me a little happier. Can we go to the cake?'
Vision smiled and swept his hand as if to tell you to go first. As you entered the common room again, Steve came rushing.
He placed a hand on you cheek and said in an extremely apologetic manner,' I'm so sorry babaycakes. I should have come up to check on you.'
You almost melted, but your ego decided to wage forntal attack, ' You've had a piece of my cake honeybuns and you know that it's not baby sized and I hope the actual cake you got me right now isn't either!'
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luvring · 10 months
Niaaaa //wailing, heaving, rolling around on the floor
I cannot stress enough how much I adore your works and love rereading all of them from time to time
Am here to ask if you have any more touchstarved hcs,, or thoughts,, im dying over here
Literally starved for content
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gn!reader | REG!!! //waving both hands, jumping up and down giggling. Thank U. this is an honour and incredible compliment. scary bc my old works are...old... but Thank u. U mean the world 2 Me. i didn't thoroughly check what hcs i've already said so sorry there's repeats orz
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i'm not saying the LIs would all go to the barbie movie but if someone does make art of that please let me know and tag me especially if it has the i am kenough shirt
they ruined my life saying kuras doesn't eat how is he going to join my girl dinners now. /j but i'll continue to believe he can appreciate how good a meal looks! & he can still sit with you and try to get his hands on your favourite meals for you to enjoy :-)
that thing where they do push-ups and kiss you when they come down with...leander was the first one i thought of tbh. but if you aren't able to lie underneath him he'd just ask for the same amount once he's done!
leander doing the thing he did in the prologue where he took his glove off with his teeth every so often just to see your reaction. like if you react in an amusing flustered staring at him kind of way. i couldn't relate personally (lying) (liar) (huge lie)
i'm sorry for my leander bias but if one of his favourite things is MASQUERADES and we don't see him at a MASQUERADE well it's so joever like him in a suit and mask and showing off how he knows how to fit in because of his past and also he can waltz now or something I'm dizzy i can't breathe
ais using 0.5 camera on people while they're caught off guard. him asking you to take a video of the fight For him because he's going to be part of it. vere selfie folder. mhin 5 followers no icon no posts gc lurker.
mhin would stick to enough of a routine that they'd have a specific spot to sit at different places,,, like a cafe or the library or bus... corner. it's one of the corners. and when someone's taken the spot they're thrown off then have to walk around for a new one (not happy about this) but take it back once they leave. you spend enough time together and they start keeping the spot next to them open for you
^ also they'd always order the exact same thing at restaurants. wouldn't like going to a new place because now they have to find a new default order. just like me fr
is no one going to talk about the idea that vere doesn't like snow because he's chained outside and it's cold . to be fair it could Totally be for a less sad reason like how it gets his Fur Wet (valid) but i've been thinking about that possible angst
also his gloves are just. like. ? odd. inverse drawing gloves. claws... but why only the 3 fingers.... btw his outfit means a constant thigh holding opportunity
kuras and mhin having long conversations about alchemy and sharing their findings with each other ;; mhin at some point getting just a Little excited about something and kuras choosing not to comment on it but being happy to see them let their walls down a little ;; o(-(
ais coming into your room and wordlessly lying next to you in bed and when asked if he needs something he says no? with a smile. he was just feeling lonely and wanted to find you
saying "you look like you can't swim" or "you are an odd individual" to any and all of them . something about it is amusing to me
if you celebrate christmas or like the idea of kissing underneath some mistletoe,, i think it's a good thought that you hold one over your head and wait for a kiss Or that Some of the LIs would Definitely do that themselves.
who do you guys think has the saddest birthday celebration (/no celebration at all.) who's relating to girls who spend their birthday alone and crying and be honest with me
rambling but i just want to say kuras's monster form looks sick as FUCK and i'm so excited for it. it looks like whatever left the scar on his hand seems to be there.. in his monster form...? i thought it was a claw but the positioning is under/through the hand so like??. do i have to bring up the significance of that if true
also is his outfit (minus his jacket)...like a jumpsuit... or can i just not tell because of his three (?) belts. that's not how you wear belts btw /lh. and is the sheer part Part of the top or is he wearing something sheer underneath the white. his sleeves are also sheer but the neckline means his shoulders are out . take off ur jacket
also mhin !! i want to know how big they get and if the transformation is sickening to watch and if they're still aware of everything around them and !!! THERE IS A SPINE(?) COMING OUT FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SILHOUETTE THAT I NEED TO SEE NOW! & i'm assuming the senobium is Shit so even if we do get in there and get 'help' there would be another shitty price to pay. possible bad ending...??
scenes with all their monster forms where you're asked if you're scared and you say no / yes but you care about them and they falter because they didn't expect that
true good ending is everyone meeting at the wet wick and making a toast and laughing and saying this truly was our touchstarved before the credits roll
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szynkaaa · 7 months
What are your thoughts when you see mutuals of yours using AI in their binds? I'm not defending afb at all, I think what they did and their attitude is vile, but why don't a lot of binders on instagram hold the same attitude towards AI and programs like midjourney? From my understanding, it's the same concept. It's still theft. These programs steal from artists without permission for the AI database. I've even seen someone using AI to edit a piece (avendell's art from grayscale to colored), which is as horrible as editing someone's typeset. I guess I'm just frustrated as an artist when I see such pretty books only to find out AI was used in the endpapers or dustjacket, and then see their friends cheering them on in the comments :/ It is so harmful to the art community, yet I feel like I can't speak up because many binders support it. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this though as a fellow artist
Hi! This is a very interesting ask and something I have been pondering for some time now but never really had the chance to put into words, so I will try me best to do it here :)
Disclaimer: those are my thoughts and observations about AI being used in book binds since I started binding almost 6 months ago. Please keep in mind this is just how * I * personally have decided to deal with my mutual using AI for their binds. I am not telling anyone that they should do or feel the same way as I do, each person has their own way to handle it. 
Short answer: Have spoken up about this before, which you can find in a post here and also on my IG story, there is a highlight called “no AI”. This is mostly from when I first started binding. I think my tone there is a bit more aggressive because there were just a lot of penned-up frustrations LOL, but most of the things I said there I still stand by them. 
Long answer under cut:
I’m an artist and have been drawing for 13 years now, and mostly hang out in the creative / artist sphere of the fandom sides online. Most artists do not support AI, and it has been incredibly frustrating to see how AI has just made life so much harder, from getting accused of using AI even though no AI is used, to seeing companies hiring artists who have also made a switch to AI and also support it, to Etsy sellers selling AI art on mugs and what not. 
I was in the exact same spot as you when I was doing my social media research on how to get started with bookbinding, and spent a lot of time scrolling through other binders instagram accounts to see what they have made. I am in awe of what they can make because like every craft, it takes money and time and practice to get really good at it and I have seen so so so so many pretty books, but then also quite shocked at how most binders view on AI art differs so much from the art community. AI is used for typesets and endpapers and dust jacket, and scrolling through the comment sections, there was no one speaking out against AI art (or some did and got snarky replies or comments were straight deleted). This did discourage me at first from taking up a new hobby and being an active part of the community. I should add here though that no one has to make their hobby public and post everything they make. Personally, for me, I don’t have any IRL friends to talk about bookbinding or, and I’m also an introvert, so meeting and making new friends online to chat about hobbies is the best way for me to go. Also I just like sharing my work, I’ve put so many hours and time into it, why shouldn’t I get to show it off. 
In the end, I have decided to make a book-binding account and be part of the fun and honestly, I don’t regret it. Everyone is super welcoming and will help you with any questions you have, I have made many great new friends and exchanged a few binds with people from across the pond. 
And yes, some of those friends and mutual binders use AI for their book binds, I’ve had discussions with them about it, where everyone gave their input and thoughts on the topic in a respectful, mature, and civil conversation. Opinions are split on the topic in the binding community, this is what I have observed and gathered from my binding journey so far: 
some people don’t know much about AI art or how it works, hence they decide not to touch it. 
Some didn’t know how AI worked, dabbled with it, read up on and decided not to use it anymore. 
Some have done extensive research on it with arguments from both artists and tech side, and then made a decision based on that 
Some see MJ as another tool like Canva to make graphics or whatever for your bind. 
Many binders use AI for their binds, because no money is made from it. It is (mostly) personal use, either for themselves or to gift away to friends.
One should always be transparent about whether MJ (midjourney) was used in their binds or not, to give people the choice to decide if they want to interact and support something with something that uses AI or not
Not all artists reply DM requests for permission to use their art for personal binds, or the art style / concept they have in their mind exists, so they resort to MJ as a quick solution
Not everyone has the money to commission artists, and especially for commissioned book binds, the prices for commercial art are not something everyone can afford.
The gist I got from the instagram binders (I don’t want to muddle them with AFB binders), is that they will try to use artist’s art with permission as much as they can, but roadblocks like the ones mentioned above happen and make them resort to MJ
Some artists do no want to be associated with AI at all so when they see that binders have used MJ for their binds before, they will not permit them to use their art
Some artists have spoken out against AI and talked with binders about the AI, but still take commissions / collab / trade with binders that have MJ works on their account 
I see more artists permitting binders to use their art for binds than rejecting the request even though some of those binders used MJ in their binds. I do believe that most artists do a quick social media check and see what exactly their work is being used for before answering
Some binders are not fully active on IG anymore because they see so many AI being used 
Many binders are still supporting artists in different ways such as subscribing to their patreon, donating to their ko-fi, buy their merch, share their art etc.
If given the chance, many binders would also love to collaborate with artists on a bind together - I’ve had several reach out to me and express their interest in collaborating together which I think is great. 
About Avendell’s art being colored via AI: there is one known binder on IG that edits art without artist’s permission and we all do not like them LMFAO. All the binders I have hang out and spoken to respect artist’s boundaries and would not use their art or edit it without their permission. 
The points above-mentioned are not me trying to justify and defend the binders that use MJ/AI, it is just me listing up my observations and things I have read and heard from binders that use AI.
I can’t fault artists for charging xxx amount for commissions because they have to make a living and pay bills too, but you also can’t condemn binders for not having the spare funds to commission artists because they also have bills to pay and groceries to buy. 
So on the one hand, if I put myself in the binder's shoes, I do understand the appeal of MJ and understand to a certain extent why they use MJ for their personal works, no money is made etc etc etc. On the other hand, it’s AI/MJ and as an artist myself it is frustrating to see AI on my dashboard and until there is a more ethical way to use AI, the law has updated on the usage and the artists whose work were used to train the machines without their consent, I will not support AI. 
AI art aside; binding books - especially a whole fanfic from scratch - requires so many other skills and labors put into making a book that also takes a long time and money invested to get better at. There is so much love and creativity put into a bind, and it amazes me what people can come up with that you most likely will never see in any mass production because it is a one-of-a-kind book. There are binders who have spent money purchasing stock image and font license for their personal binds, and will make sure they are respecting fanfic authors wishes and boundaries. For that, they have my admiration and respect and support and I am very happy to be still part of the community. I don’t think I need to get into how disrespectful the AFB Admin’s tone is in the overall post on top of them seemingly flipping off every one that is trying to have a civil conversation on the topic of sharing typesets without permission, editing art and straight up hold a best-copy-contest  in a “”Private”” group that accepts pretty much any application and has over 6k members. 
I don’t support AI, but I am very grateful that I have been welcomed very openly into a new community even though I have expressed freely in my public instagram account and on discord servers my disdain for AI. If I see my friends and mutual doing a bind where MJ is used, I simply don’t interact with the post, will not comment and share it in my stories, and move on. I personally don’t have the energy to comment and educate binders in comment sections for using MJ. I am friends with binders that use MJ, despite our different views on it, I have also blocked binders on insta because I do not agree with some of the things they said about AI and artists. And if binders do not want to interact with me because I don’t wanna support binds with AI - or artists do not want to talk to me anymore because I am friends and mutuals with MJ users, that’s fine too. I don't wanna get too caught up in the us (artist) against AI war, I wanna enjoy my new hobby and make pretty books.
I have been trying to incorporate more art that I draw myself into my binds and sharing WIPs and timelapses of the process, and I do hope that in some way this may help other binders also want to give digital art a go. 
At the end of the day, it’s up to each individual both binders and artists how they wanna deal with MJ being used on binds and how they are gonna interact with it. I’ve decided for myself that I do not want to let my view completely stop me from enjoying what has been a wonderful community experience so far.
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