#i can finally be myself 🤞🏻
taintedcigs · 1 year
me having the worst day of my life knowing when i go home i can finally be myself and have a mental breakdown bc nobody knows how bad it is getting for me🤞🏻
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trulyobscurity · 1 year
Been trying for an hour and a half to put my niece to bed but she was crying because she ‘doesn’t know how to’ so now I have to play the entire soundtrack to Sing 2 to help her sleep properly😅
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bellaxgiornata · 10 months
Teasing some holiday fic banners I made in the hopes to motivate myself to actually write them all. I can't promise they will all come to fruition or that some might not get altered as I go, but I will say Matt Murdock's is about half-written now! And I think I finally like these banners after lots of tweaking. Fingers crossed I can deliver on them all now...🤞🏻
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canirove · 8 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 20
Author's note: Sorry to everyone who got mad at Val (and me 😅) after reading the previous chapter 🫣 But you have to read this one and what is coming! This story is 35 chapters long (34+epilogue), and we still have good and cute things happening, and maybe another drama 🫣 But it will be worth it, I promise! 🤞🏻 I also struggled a lot writing this chapter and I've edited many times these past few months and even yesterday because I wasn't happy with it, so I hope it doesn't disappoint 🫣
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He is kissing me. Ferran is kissing me again, and I'm not freaking out or stopping him. I'm letting myself go, I'm…
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" a woman says after bumping against us. "Are you ok?"
"I'm… I…" I say, looking from Ferran to her and back at him. "I need to get out of here" I blurt out.
"Val, wait" he says, trying to hold my hand.
"I… I have to go" I say, taking a step back and not letting him touch me. 
"Please, Ferran. Let me go."
"At least tell me where you are going."
"Outside. I feel too hot and a bit dizzy, I need some fresh air."
"If you aren't feeling well I am going with you."
"No!" I say, raising my voice and making some of the people around us look at me. "I want to be alone. I need to be alone."
"Val, I'm sorry. I just… I…"
But I don't hear anything else he says. I'm already walking away, bumping into people who are dancing, pushing them while trying to find one of the doors, the music getting louder and louder, my heart beating faster and faster. I can't believe I let Ferran kiss me again. That I… that I…
"Valeria, stop!" 
"Marc?" I say when I look up at the owner of the hand that is grabbing my arm.
"I've been calling after you. What happened?"
"I need to get out of here."
"Valeria, are you ok? You look…"
"Ok, ok. Come with me."
"I want to be alone, Marc. Why can't you understand it?" I cry, freeing myself from his grip and starting to walk away. Though I don't know where I am going.
"Valeria, this way."
"Don't touch me!"
"I won't touch you" Marc says, lifting his hands. "But let me walk you outside."
"And then you will leave me alone" I say, wiping away my tears.
"And then I will leave you alone" he repeats. "Now come with me."
"Finally" I whisper when we make it outside, taking deep breaths as I stand in the middle of the garden. It is a chilly night and I could definitely use a jacket, but I don't care. 
"Valeria, are you going to tell me what happened?" Marc asks me.
"I thought I told you to leave me alone."
"I saw you arguing with Ferran. Is everything ok? Did he do something?"
"Marc, I want to be alone."
"I can't do that when you are like this, Valeria."
"Yes, you can!" I say, turning around to look at him. "And stop calling me Valeria!"
"But… but that is your name" he says with a confused look.
"And I don't like people calling me like that! It's Val! Val! Only my teachers and my mum call me Valeria. Them and you for whatever the reason." 
"I… I didn't know you didn't like it."
"Of course you didn't!" I say, raising my voice. "Because you knew nothing about me and still don't!"
"Valeria… I mean, Val. Calm down, please."
"I don't want to calm down!"
"You are making a scene, Valeria. And this is my wedding."
"And this is my wedding" I say, making fun of him. "It is always you, Marc. You, you, you."
"What… what are you talking about?"
"You don't care about anyone but you! We were together for a fucking decade and you never gave a shit about me!"
"It was always let's hang out with your friends from uni, let's go on holidays to the places you like, let's watch the movies you enjoy, let's move to the flat you prefer… You never asked me what I wanted to do, what I liked, what I needed, how I felt! You probably don't know my favourite colour or my favourite food" I laugh.
"Pink and… pasta?" he says.
"Pink and pasta? Are you fucking kidding me, Marc?"
"I… I don't know."
"Exactly, you don't know! Because you only care about yourself! You are a selfish prick!"
"Valeria, there is no need to insult me."
"Don't call me Valeria!" I yell. 
"I'm sorry, I…”
"I am so glad I broke up with you, Marc. So glad! Getting rid of you has been the best decision of my life, because it finally made me free! Free to be who I really am and to meet someone who truly sees me. Someone who listens to me when I'm  rambling about something I like but also when I'm feeling vulnerable, who makes me feel like I can trust him and open up to him. Someone who makes me laugh, who comforts me when I'm feeling down and gives me the push I need to keep improving and do better, to not give up, to follow my dreams. Someone who makes me feel things I thought impossible  because he has bothered to learn how a woman's body works, who cares about me in a way no one has ever done before. Someone who actually loves me for who I am."
"Someone like Ferran" Marc says.
"Ferran? I’m not talking about Ferran" I snort.
"What? Then who are you talking about?"
"I… I…" I've fucked up. The alcohol in my system has made me talk too much. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
"She's talking about the guy she's leaving me for."
"Ferran" I gasp when I see him standing behind Marc.
"What… You… I'm lost."
"Val and I broke up this summer because she met someone else. Because she fell in love with someone else, the person she was talking about" Ferran explains.
"Then why are you here together?" Marc asks him, looking more and more confused by the second.
"Because they aren't ready to be official yet and she didn't want to come alone. Because she didn't want your wife to make fun of her and bully her like she's been doing for years."
"Isabel isn't like that."
"She is a bitch, Marc. She's always been" I say. "But you've never noticed because, again, you never gave a shit about me."
"I loved you, Valeria."
"You have no idea about how truly loving someone feels like, Marc."
"And you do?" he chuckles. "With this guy you are dating now?"
"I do."
"Then why were you kissing your ex, uh? If you love him so much, why were you kissing Ferran?"
"That’s my fault" he says. "You saw us arguing because I kissed her without her consent. Because I still have feelings for her, because I still love her, because I wish it was me the one her heart belonged to" Ferran says, his eyes fixed on me while saying all that. 
"Oh, Marc, there you are!" Isabel says, walking towards us. "What is going on? Why are you three out here? And why are you crying?"
"Oh, I'm not crying" I say, quickly wiping away a tear. "I drank more than I'm used to and… well, you know. I'm not the biggest fan of puking."
"You are disgusting, Valeria."
"Likewise" I smile.
"Marc! She just insulted me!" Isabel cries.
"And so did you, Isabel" he says.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Let's go inside."
"What? She insulted me! Aren't you going to do anything?"
"Yes, go inside. It is our wedding day, remember? Let's go" Marc says, grabbing Isabel by the arm and dragging her back into the party while she keeps protesting.
"Looks like he finally grew some balls" Ferran chuckles.
"Better late than never" I sigh. "Ferran, I…" I say after a few seconds in the most awkward silence ever. "What you said…"
"What I said is what I feel, yes. I've fallen in love with you, Val. But I didn't mean to, I promise."
"I don't think that's how falling in love works. Meaning to do it and it happening, you know?"
"Yeah, true" he says with a sad smile. "What I wanted to say is that… It just happened. When Pedri first showed me photos of you and then introduced us, I thought you were really hot, but just that. And then as I got to know you… you know" he shrugs. "But I promise you I've never wanted anything bad to happen between you and him. When I've kissed you it's been because I've lost control, because I'm weak. Not because I want to start drama and make you break up. That's never been my intention. Ever. You two love each other, and I love you both, and even if sometimes seeing you together hurts… I want you to be happy."
"We have to tell Pedri, tho. I can't lie to him, I have to tell him what happened tonight. What I.. us did."
"He… he knows."
"Not about today's kiss, of course. But he knows about my feelings for you."
"He knows?"
"Since when?" I ask, raising my voice more and more with each question.
"He always suspected something was going on, and after kissing you at the school I told him everything."
"He's known since then? I can't fucking believe it!" I laugh. 
"We thought that not telling you was the best" Ferran shrugs.
"Well, you thought wrong."
"Val… Val, hey, where are you going?"
"To bed" I say as I walk away. "My head is killing me."
"Do you want me to accompany you?"
"I want to be alone."
"Alone, Ferran. Can't you men understand that word today or what?" 
"I'm sorry, I just… Ok. Good night" he says after I give him my most murderous look, my head literally feeling like it is about to explode. 
"To your place?"
Those are the only words Ferran and I share during our drive back home. And before that, the few more we shared weren't the friendliest.
The moment I got back into my room after our argument I went straight to bed. I just wanted to sleep and forget about everything that had happened. About what I had done, about Pedri lying to me.  
And I managed to do it, because when I woke up, Ferran was snoring next to me and I didn't remember hearing him walk in.
After getting changed I left the room to have breakfast. Some of the other guests gave me pitiful looks, probably because they knew my footballer boyfriend and I had had an argument during my ex boyfriend's wedding. But I didn't care. I just wanted to be alone, and I managed to do it since everyone else I knew was still sleeping.
On my way back to my room I got a few more pitiful looks, but no one bothered me. 
"Ferran" I say, closing the room's door behind me.
"I thought you had left."
"Without my things?"
"Yeah… You are right" he says, running a hand through his wet hair. He had just come out from the shower and was only wearing a towel around his hips.
"Can you please put some clothes on? I want to leave, and the sooner the better."
"Yes, of course. But I would like to eat something first if that's ok."
"Yeah, yeah. Just be quick, please. I need to get out of this place."
"I will be, I promise" he says before running into the bathroom.
Once he left to have breakfast and I was alone again, I broke down. 
I can't remember the last time I cried like that, my whole body shaking with each sob, my throat hurting that much. But I needed to let it all out. My anger, my guilt... Everything.
When Ferran came back I was a human ball laying in our bed, too tired to move or do anything else.
"Val! Val, are you ok? Val, what happened? Please talk to me! Val!" 
"I want to go home" I murmur.
"Val, you can't go anywhere like this."
"Home" I repeat.
"If they see you like this…"
"I don't give a fuck about them! I just want to go home!" I say, starting to cry again.
"Ok, fine… Let me finish packing everything and take it to the car. It will give you some time to wash your face and… you know."
"Whatever" I reply.
And now here we are. Parking in front of my place while I try not to cry again, surprised that I still have some tears left. 
"Val…" Ferran says, stopping the car. "I'm sorry."
But I ignore him. I just open the door and move to the boot to pick up my things.
"Val, are you seriously going to give me the silent treatment? Ok, fine" he chuckles when I don't reply. "I'm gonna tell Pedri about everything that has happened. So don't get mad at me if he texts you before you say something to him like the last time. And you aren't talking to me. Got it" he sighs. "Just take care, Val."
"Val… He's here. Again. And he says he isn't going anywhere until you talk to him."
"Then I hope he's waiting in a comfortable chair."
"Val…" Silvia sighs, closing the door of my room and sitting in the bed next to me. "Don't be like this. You need to talk about what happened and fix things." 
"What if this can't be fixed? What if talking only makes things worse? Just look at the way I snapped at you, Silvia."
"Everything can be fixed. It won't be nice, but it can. So c'mon, Val" she says, grabbing my arm and lifting me up. "Time to make up with your boyfriend."
"Hello, Val" Pedri says.
"Don't you want to sit down?"
"No" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Is this gonna be your attitude?" he asks after a few seconds in silence.
"I don't know what you mean" I shrug.
"It's been days since the wedding, Val. Days I've spent calling you and texting you, you always ignoring me. And now that I'm here to talk in person and fix things, this is how you behave?"
"What did you expect, that I would jump into your arms as if nothing had happened?"
"No, but…"
"Pedri, I'm angry at me and with you. This is me being angry. Because in case you've forgotten, I kissed your best friend and you've been lying to me for months! Months!"
"I know."
"Do you? Really?"
"Yes, I do, Val" he says, meeting my eyes again. "But we thought it was the right thing to do. We thought that if we didn't tell you anything, it wouldn't make things awkward between the three of us and that it would be easier for Ferran to move on. We thought that if we acted normal and as if nothing wasn't happening, it would just go away. And then I…"
“Then you what?”
“I didn’t want you to know because I was afraid you would leave me.”
“What? I laugh.
“When I first told Ferran about you, he asked me if he could hit on you if things didn’t work out between us. He was just teasing me and being annoying, but after he met you in person I saw the way he looked at you and I knew… I knew he liked you.”
“And that’s why you always were so uncomfortable when he was around.”
“Yeah…” he sighs. “And then, when the accident at the Camp Nou happened and everyone thought you were dating, I got so insecure… Because everyone was saying that you looked perfect together. Fans were supporting your relationship since the beginning, something we both know won’t happen to us the day we make it official. And your mum was desperate to meet him, already planning the wedding in her head. Then he kissed you, he told me that he had fallen in love with you and I… I feared that you would see everything that people were talking about and realize that being with me wasn't worth it, that it was too much and that with him things would be easier. I thought that after the kiss, if you found out he had feelings for you, you would realize he was better than me and break up with me to be with him.”
“So you didn’t tell me because you were insecure about my feelings for you? Really, Pedro?”
“Yes” he sighs again. “I know it is stupid, but… I don’t know. I thought it was the right thing to do.”
"Well, you thought wrong, because it only made things worse. If you had told me about how you felt since the beginning, the three of us could have talked about it and avoided going through all this mess. But you didn’t, and that only made Ferran fall harder for me, making him find the guts to kiss me. And then, when I noticed that something was different with him, it made things awkward between us because I didn't know how to behave around him, hurting our friendship. And all that led us to him kissing me again, to me letting him do it and kissing him back. I kissed him, Pedri."
"Yes, you did. But I know it meant nothing to you, that you were drunk and instantly regretted it."
"But it still happened!" I say, not being able to contain my tears anymore. "Didn't it bother you? Like, at all? You just told me you felt insecure because of him!”
“When Ferran told me I did get angry and we argued, but I'm not insecure anymore. Because I know that you love me, Val. That you want to be with me and have no feelings for him, that the kiss was just a mistake.”
“A mistake, yes. One I can't forgive myself for. One that makes me be angry at myself for doing it and at you for not telling me about Ferran's feelings. A mistake that is hurting him, and us, and everything is wrong, and a mess and…"
"Val, hey…"
"No! Don't touch me!" I say, taking a step back when he tries to hug me. 
"I… I need time."
"I need time, Pedri. Time to let go of this anger and forgive myself and you too."
"Are you… Are you breaking up with me?"
"I just need time."
"You didn't answer me, Val."
"I… No, I'm not breaking up with you. I love you. And because I do, I need to fix this. But on my own."
"Ok" he whispers.
"Pedri, listen" I say, closing the space between us and cupping his face to make him look at me, his sad eyes breaking my heart. "I love you."
"I love you too. I do, Val. And I'm sorry I fucked up, I just… I didn't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you."
"And you won't" I say, wiping away a tear from his cheek. "But right now we need some time on our own to focus on ourselves. Both of us. You are about to start the new season and I the new year at the school. That's what matters now. And when we are ready, we will see each other again."
"I hope so."
"We will, Pedri. I promise you."
"I love you, Val" he whispers, resting his forehead on mine.
"I love you too" I whisper back, hoping this is the right choice and that I am not making the biggest mistake of my life.
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djarins-cyare · 7 months
The WIP poll results are in!
And the winner is…
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✨ Guns n’ Angst!!! ✨
Thank you to all 199 (!) of you who voted because omg that’s so many people and I’m blown away by this level of interaction 😭😭
As a reward, I’ll tell you a little bit more about the winner…
So this is a smutty angsty piece based on the ‘5 of this and 1 of that’ plot structure. The essence of it is 5 firsts and 1 last.
To See A Thousand Things
“Nothing can be sadder or more profound than to see a thousand things for the first and last time” —Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
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EPILOGUE: Life is simple, people are complicated.
I don’t want to give too much away, hence you’re just getting the chapter titles and that teeny tiny sneak peek for now 😝
I will say that with each chapter, what starts as casual gradually transforms into something else, something neither of you are prepared to admit to or remotely ready to deal with (cue angst).
Timeline-wise, it spans all we’ve seen on our screens so far and more. We begin about a year before season 1… chapters 2 and 3 occur after s1e8… chapter 4 happens halfway through season 2… and chapter 5 takes place after season 2 has finished. Chapter 6 then happens just before s3e1… and the epilogue is after the final episode of season 3.
I should add that I cannot write tragedies, I simply don’t have it in me, so that’s why this has an epilogue. Although it’s laden with angst, I’m ending it with hope.
Also, the inspiration for chapter 6 of this fic comes from @immarocketman’s phenomenal digital painting of Din getting head but looking oh so devastated at the same time (he knowwws it’s the last time 😭).
It’s been in the works since back then (November last year), but it’s taking a while to get right. Generally, I find both smut and angst the hardest things to write, so I’ve really set myself a challenge here. But the fact that it won this poll has bolstered me big time, and I now have new motivation to work on getting it finished.
So thank you once again everyone! 🙏🏻
Hopefully I won’t keep you waiting too long! 🤞🏻
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sketch-guardian · 28 days
Never again trying to request or ask something on another tumblr account that isn’t this one 😞
I was looking at this one account and this character was honestly so cool and I was like “woah, I want him to be my dad” so I like asked if they did child reader stuff but then I looked at their request rules one more time. THEY DIDNT DO UNDERAGE STUFF, IM SO EMBARRASSED. I SEJT ANOTHER ASK FRANTICALLY APOLOGISING AND I DONT THINK I CAN LIVE IT DOWN.
sorry for caps lock btw!! It’s very fun 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
You know, at first since Tumblr notifications only show me the start of asks, I read "never again trying to request-" and I was already thinking the worst😳like oh god, what did I do to mess up so badly?🙈Then I read the rest and breathed a sigh of relief🤣Anyway, I'm sure you'll be able to get through such moment eventually!✨Those are small oversights that can happen and I doubt the author of that account will take it out on you for so little, trust me☺I've made a fool of myself before several times, I'm very awkward both online and in reality, but over time I learned to laugh about such mishaps😂Still, I'm happy you feel comfortable sending asks here💕you flatter me and thank you again for your kindness💜I'm sorry if I'm taking a day or two to reply to asks🙈but I'm still trying to finish the New exchange students' true celestial forms sketch, I apologize for being slow😭I promise I'll reply though😥since I just need to start shading the drawing🤞🏻Now, to vary the headcanons a bit, I chose a different race for each OC, inserting half-angel MC for Remiel as you requested😌(I'm glad you like Remiel by the way and don't worry about your writing✨). Also considering you mentioned child reader stuff earlier, I assumed you meant platonic headcanons with child MC, I hope I didn't misinterpret🙈:
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Demya would be curious at the sight of half-orc child MC, having never seen an orc in her entire life, however she would feel admiration towards their race as they are prone to fighting, they would remind her in a certain sense of her own race (fauxsaeva) and she would like to discover more curiosities through half-orc child MC. Demya would coo over half-orc child MC's tusks, finding them adorable and would compare them with her thicker and pointer fangs, perfect for tearing meat, she would also be curious to see how half-orc child MC eats, so Demya would often share her snacks with them, only treats though, because her main and perhaps sometimes bloody meals could be too much for half-orc child MC. Furthermore, Demya would love to play fight with half-orc child MC, as they are quite powerful and resistant for their age, that way she wouldn't necessarily have to worry about risking harming them accidentally
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Domnra wouldn't be too surprised by a cambion child MC, it's not that rare for a demon and a human to fall in love, hell he's seen it happen several times, both in Devildom and on Earth despite himself, so it would be logical to finally see, at least once, a demon half-breed appear. Domnra would feel some kind of connection to cambion child MC, both for their demonic side, a trait they would have in common, and in a certain sense for their feeling in half, given that his soul was literally split in half and then shared by two beings, i.e. Domnra and Mobim, while child MC is half-human and half-demon. Therefore Domnra would defend cambion child MC if someone bothered them regarding their lineage and would help cambion child MC to get more in tune with their demonic side, in short to control it. Mobim would sense cambion child MC's nature, but honestly for the little curse child MC could be anything and it would accept them either way, because that's what true family is supposed to do. In the end Mobim and cambion child MC would become good friends/sibilings
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Azul would be genuinely surprised at the sight of a half-fae child MC, with features and appearance similar to those of a nymph or a fairy, aware that it's a rather rare and difficult race to come across, therefore he would show enthusiasm at the sight of them and probably he would ask half-fae child MC some questions, especially to check if some of their powers are similar or not. Considering that half-fae child MC would probably be very attached to nature, Azul would take them to lie down in some flowery meadows, a habit of when Azul was still an angel, while his familiars, blue morpho butterflies, would flutter around them, as if they were in a classic Disney movie. Azul would also let half-fae child MC experiment with painting, making nice portraits of each other, after all he would find their fae traits inspiring. Azul would try to find out if half-fae child MC had the ability of imposing their will and controlling other people by obtaining their names, because no matter how convenient and fun it might sound, it would still be a problem if such thing happened, so Azul would use himself as an example of bad influence, meaning that half-fae child MC should't try to mimic the bullshit or pranks he pulls off (but in his heart, Azul would be proud-)
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Zuri would be intrigued from a biological point of view by half-siren child MC, wanting to understand how such a union could have happened, given the significantly different anatomy, however she would do research on her own rather than asking half-siren child MC personally, after all Zuri wouldn't know their family situation or conception, it could be a sensitive topic. Zuri would also note that half-siren child MC would be a sea variant siren and not an air one similar to an harpy. Zuri would make sure to get either a small pool or a large water case in which half-siren child MC could swim to their heart's content and stay hydrated, perhaps also adding decorationd such as algae, pearls, shells and corals, to make ambience more pleasant and aquarium like. Zuri would aid half-siren child MC in taking care of their skin by moisturizing their scattered fish scales and help them use their powers responsibly, such as their siren song ability, similar to Zuri's hypnosis
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Odon is an ancient eldritch abomination, so much so that they don't exactly remember the circumstances of their birth or creation, so they have experienced many events during the course of their long life, however Odon would have to admit that it would be the first time they have ever encountered a half-eldritch, especially so young, so it would be a new pleasant experience for Odon to meet half-eldritch child MC and possibly become friends. Odon would find interesting that a human would even consider having a child with a eldritch horror, since they aren't exactly known for their friendliness, helpfulness, or parenting skills, in general it's not recommended for humans to deal with such entities, so Odon would find delightful knowing that there are other eldritch beings tame enough to consider forming such unions, at least they hope. Half-eldritch child MC wouldn't have to fear showing their eldritch side to Odon, because it would have no effect on them, moreover Odon would be able to worry less about their own form being seen, because as a half-eldritch, if child MC were to see Odon's face under their bangs, perhaps they would just get nausea or a headache. Odon would be a good mentor for half-eldritch child MC, teaching them how to control their most abominable side, they would allow half-eldritch child MC to have a friend with whom they can be their true self, after all Odon knows what it means to be alone
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Remiel would be aware of how rare it is to find half-angels like herself, since the Celestial Council usually does not approve such sins of creation and depending on whether or not those half-breed children disturb balance, they are mostly simply repudiated or directly abandoned to die to their fate, therefore at the sight of half-angel child MC, Remiel would be a little surprised and at the same time she would feel a certain bond with them on a deeper level, a soft of kinship. At the beginning probably both half-angel child MC and Remiel would analyze each other in silence with a curious gaze, tilting their heads from side to side like a lost puppy, over time though, considering that half-angel child MC has most likely suffered discrimination due to their heritage as well, they would quickly grow attached to Remiel and take shelter under her much larger feathery wings. During her long existence, Remiel has become numb to certain things, such as mocks or taunts, believing them to be true from a logical point of view, however half-angel child MC's case would be different from her situation and the angel of death would like them to feel safe for once, because it would be what they deserve. Being somber yet blunt, Remiel would have no problem softly explaining to upset conservative angels that since balance allowed half-angel child MC to be born, they have the right to exist. Remiel would help half-angel child MC with cleansing and preening their wings, taking care of their feathers with tender and soothing touch, in the meantime half-angel child MC would help Remiel understanding emotions better, perhaps the angel of death could even teach them to fly if they wished to learn, holding half-angel child MC by the hand, to prevent them from falling, Remiel wouldn't let that happen
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Nathaniel would be aware that there are different races and that crossbreeding can occasionally occur, however he would be surprised and intrigued by the compatibility between a human and a dragon, which would apparently result in draconic bloodline and half-dragon child MC's birth. Nathaniel would find dragons fascinating creatures, thinking of them as wise, honorable and free, therefore he would show interest in half-dragon child MC's dragon traits, such as wings, tail or horns, taking care they do not get hurt during the day, since they could be cumbersome while moving around, Nathaniel would also apply some herbal creams to half-dragon child MC's skin in the areas where their scales begin, such as cheeks or arms, to avoid skin irritation or dryness. One of the times Nathaniel would actually be caught off guard would be if half-dragon child MC, depending on their powers, risked burning, electrifying, or freezing his face off during a sneeze, which would then surprisingly make Nathaniel laugh
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Uriel at the beginning, as a warrior angel serving the Celestial Realm, would be skeptical in believing in other deities, given that god (Father) is the only entity who she has always served and praised together with other angels, therefore she might not immediately believe demigod child MC, she would need proof of them being the offspring of a deity and a human, but once obtained, Uriel would be astonished, because it would go against what she was taught to believe. Once she comes to terms with the half-divine nature of child MC, Uriel would like to test demigod child MC's skills, their resilience and would be quite amazed and proud of what they are capable of accomplish. Uriel would then teach demigod child MC that with great power comes great responsibility and that they should only use their powers to seek justice and fight for the innocent. Moreover Uriel wouldn't tell demigod child MC, but due to her strict education and discipline, she might find the relationship between human and deity sacrilegious, still Uriel would try to overcome her prejudices for demigod child MC's sake
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lily-loves-struniolos · 8 months
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don’t be such a brat .
warning : umm smut!! If you don’tike this DNI!!
things to know : first time writing so lmk how I did
Who? : Matt x Reader🤍
You were just waking up around 12 after staying up all night with matt arguing like usal.
He always wants to pick a fight just because I went out in my nice silky dress. And a guy was looking at me so what ? yeah we’re dating but I don’t care for that guy.
I scream into my pillow and get up throwing my phone back on the bed and going to brush my teeth.
I hear my phone start to buzz I go check “ Matt‼️” it says I roll my eyes declining it
I get done brushing my teeth to go and get cereal from the kitchen my phone is blow up by Matt .
I sighed calling him back “ Y/N why have you been ignoring me?” He says , “ I’m sorry I just woke up . “ I huffed and rolled my eyes.
“Listen I’m sorry about last night ok. I want to hang out with you today. “ He says , “ yeah whatever matt “ I hang up and start getting ready.
and hour or so passed and I hear keys unlocking my door I start to walk out of my room to see who it could possibly be.
I peek around the corner to see matt. i walk around to where he can see me “ matt why ar-“ I’m cut off as his lips slam into mine.
he picks me up and takes me back to my bed room. “ what you think you I’m letting you get away with being a brat ?” His head tilted I had nothing to say but whimpering from his hand exploring me.
I whimper at the loss of his touch “ on your knees. “ he demands I nod getting on my knees the cold floor sent chills down my back
“Let’s see how much of this dick you can take.” He pulls his pants and boxers down with his cock sprung out hitting his stomach.
I swear I felt drool off my lip “what baby use your words..” I could js see the grin on his face “please..” I mumbled out before he shoves his cock in my mouth
“ mm fuckkk “ he moaned I can feel him all the way in back of my throat “ oh baby imma fuck you till you cant walk “ I could cum just at the things he says i whimper
“Yeah you like that you little brat” he pulls out and grabs my throat kissing me passionately. Then pushing me down on the bed.
He flips me over I’m in doggy style ass up. He slaps my ass as I can feel his fingers explore my entrance finally his fingers slip in “ MATT ..”
“ mhmm Ik I make you feel so good sweetheart” as we’re moaning he starts jerking himself off .. “ mm I need you “ I say
“Yeah what do you need talk to me” he said in an angered tone. “your .. dick” I whimper out I can feel him put the tip at my entrance pumping deep in me.
“ oh .. m-my god..” I can hardly speak “ mm your so big..” I try areach back trying to push him back so I can adjust“ oh no sweetheart .. take this dick like the brat you are” He huffed, I was so close I couldn’t take him anymore “don’t you cum. “ he demands I obey I’m a moaning mess.
he grabs my arms making my face hit the mattress “ MATT I CANT..” I’m yelling “ you js can’t keep your hands to yourself baby” I can feel myself tightening around him. “ please let me cum “ I moan “ go ahead baby cum on my dick” he says, and at that I cum shortly after I feel Matt’s dick twitch then he collapse down next to me I look over at him “ I might want to be a brat more often “ he turns to kiss me giggling a little.
I get the clothes off the floor to give to him he grabs me in by my waist kissing my forehead as we turn on a movie drifting asleep.
UHHH IM SORRY BUT IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR DOM MATT😋🤞🏻 I hope you enjoyed this lmk if you want me to write more maybe I will in the future
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tailsbeth-writes · 5 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Thanks for the tag @taste-thewaste!
Are you named after anyone?
My first name (Taylor) is inspired by the singer Taylor Dayne, my mum gave birth on a Sunday when the radio chart show was on. I was actually the first Taylor born at that hospital 😎
When was the last time you cried?
Two days ago, actually because of laughing so hard which is a nice change!
Do you have kids?
Nope, unless we count my book cause it is basically my baby. 🥹📚
What sports do you play/have you played?
I used to play field hockey in high school. I was a regular at my swimming pool until the 24 hour gym finally opened. 🏑🏊🏻‍♀️
Do you use sarcasm?
Me? Sarcastic? Never!
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their clothes or accessories probably, finding something I can compliment someone on is actually kind of handy if my anxiety is particularly bad.
What’s your eye color?
Blue 🔵
Scary movies or happy endings comedies?
Honestly just whatever I'm in the mood for, I really like both! 🎭
Any talents?
Writing, I'd hope? I was longlisted for a Penguin Book's competition & 4 years later I'm still in shock. I'm also an excellent baker! 🍰
Where were you born?
Techinically Melrose, Scotland (that's where the local hospital is) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, nail art, baking, crafts (I love air dry clay and paper crafts, I make Xmas cards every year) and travelling. I'd also probably count planning trips and holidays for my friends, I'm very good at finding good deals and I weirdly enjoy organising stuff 😅
Do you have any pets?
Yes - one rescue kitty. She's called Blue, she's a tuxedo cat and has resting bitch face, likes being held like a baby but not admitting it. 💙
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
Dream job?
A full time writer, but also I happen to have an interview for a youth work role next month and while it wasn't something I ever saw myself doing, I'd love to get it. It would be part time so I could still work on my book baby but with more stability. Here's hoping! 🤞🏻
(apologies if any of you have been tagged already) @heysweetheart-writes @candyspandemonium @firenati0n @onthewaytosomewhere @myheartalivewrites @blairwaldcrf @run-for-chamo-miles @littlemisskittentoes @priincebutt @callumsmitchells @duchessdepolignaca03 @itsmaybitheway @fraudulentzodiac @littlespoonevan @leaves-of-laurelin
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bellaxgiornata · 2 months
If I get the chance today I'm going to finally just update The Devil at Your Window. I had no idea its been April since the last update!! I've only got the little baby boy today, so it's dependent on if he naps well and I can accomplish other things (like getting a nap in myself). Fingers crossed for more black suit stray cat Matty appreciation today 🤞🏻
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cortmac1989 · 3 days
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Hey everyone so I had my interview this morning! It went on for an hour and I’d say out of the entire hour it went really good! Good things came out of it and I threw myself at the District Manager and gave her all I got! At the very end after I shook her hand I said “I want to prove to you, the managers and everyone here that I can step up and be a great salon manager!” She said “I have confidence that you can do this!” I will know on Monday or Tuesday when my store manager is back from vacation because he has the final say!! I really hope I get this!! 🤞🏻🙏🏻
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plague-of-insomnia · 9 months
Happy 2024…
Hey all. I’m not doing a end of year round up because I don’t feel like I accomplished much in 2023, and it’ll just remind me of how much I had hoped to do but wasn’t able to.
I still have my queue paused and am still on a kind of hiatus. Probably will restart the queue in 2024.
I do plan to continue updating In/Exhale, for the like 2 people who care about that series, getting season 2 fully posted on AO3 and beginning s3. I’m also hoping I can get the ebook for that season out this year at long last, and I’ve started working on S4, though it may be a long time until that is ready to see the light of day.
I hope to finish Synch and the Promise AU in 2024. I also will hopefully update WDH/Suicide Candy, but right now I can’t say how much or soon.
I have plenty more I hope to do in terms of writing projects and translations but that’s all I’m gonna mention for now, because I don’t wanna get hope up prematurely.
I’m still dealing with the effects of one of the worst mood episodes I’ve ever dealt with in my life, that’s been going on for ~4 months, and that on top of my physical symptoms. So I can’t make any hard and fast promises, even to myself.
I am hoping 2024 will finally be better than the last 4 years. 🤞🏻
Thanks to those of you who have continued to support me and my work and best of luck in 2024.
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studentbyday · 11 months
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gaaaahhhh totally not me freaking out about next week (week 9/12??? how are we already at week 9?!?!? i am so not ready for the mudslide that is the end of semester 😫😫😫) and all that will need to be done. 😫 how do you deal with overwhelm/plan realistically? i find that the more anxious or overwhelmed i inevitably, eventually become, the less able i am to plan reasonably even though that's precisely when i most need it 😣😅 i suppose a good first step would be to take some deep breaths and not let my anxious brain run away from me...breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. 😔🧘🏻‍♀️ i have control over my mind. 🧘🏻‍♀️🙏🏻😌
read and took notes on 1 review article for paper
notes on 1.5 psyc ch (still got 1.5 left to go! 😣)
set up bujo for next week and did i manage to completely forget about another discussion assignment due this tuesday??? why, yes ofc i did... 😣🤦🏻‍♀️
made a timeline for the rest of the semester including finals so hopefully i can catch up to where i wanna be and stay sane as i end this semester 🤞🏻
got some fresh air and walked for 1+ h 😌
tmr i think i can see about easing myself back into physio exercises... 🤞🏻🙌🏻
🎶 clay - grace vanderwaal / étude op. 25 no. 1 "aeolian harp" - chopin
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melis-writes · 8 months
Writing update! Sheesh, I haven't done one of these for a while and yes, I hate myself lmao. 😭
A couple of reasons why I haven't been able to get Chapter 3 of Blood Money out yet and onto my other writing:
Writer's block. Plain and simple, I can't believe this hit me but at the same time I can. I've been writing fics on the daily for 2 years straight. I guess it was bound to come, but hilariously so came when I was trying to avoid it the most by lowering the amount of fics I'm actively working on. 🫠🥺
Life. Life in general has just been busy lately, especially work. Relieving off of mental stress after a long day takes up so much time and a lot out of me. It makes me struggle to find inspiration/motivation to write and I hate feeling like I'm forcing myself to write. I'm also in a committed relationship now too. ❤️
Hobbies. Being able to focus and spend time doing my other hobbies just as much as writing is important to me too. I've really missed being able to spend a chunk of my time on video games so I've gone back to do that. 🤞🏻
What now?
I'm wrapping up the last bits of Blood Money's rough draft for Chapter 3. After that, I'll re-write it like I always do, edit, and then post! But I know the REAL question is what comes after Blood Money's chapter update? THE OTHER WOMAN, OF COURSE!! I'm sure we're all ready to see Marina and Michael finally come together for the first time, so that's something very exciting to look forward to!
I cannot forget all of you nor do I want to. Of course as you all may know, I'm no longer taking fic ideas for Mafia Wife, at least not until I post the second chapter. Then, I'll make a reminder post again to allow the floodgates of asks to come in so we can see what everyone wants Gabriella and Sonny to get up to! It's going to take twice as long for me to write Chapter 2 of Mafia Wife because I need to sort through the immense list of suggestions I've received over these past few months. I want to incorporate as many of everyone's ideas into chapters as possible, so I'll have to comb through those. I'll make lots of update posts, trust me. 😝💗
That's that! Stay tuned!!
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piskinkk · 4 months
i’m actually so hopeful and excited. My GPA is perfect (i hope i don’t jinx it). I did well on all of my finals. I might be a part time student next semester because i only have 6 more classes.
i feel so successful, without any narcissism. I just feel proud of myself. I feel like i finally have a shot at something good and promising.
i’m gonna do everything possible in every class, to get into the Smiths Business school. I just have to get in.
i’m so glad i went to MC. yeah it’s lame sometimes, and i don’t have friends, but it’s ok. i finally feel comfortable with my school.
and yeah, i have been feeling very out of place at MC, because most people are not very ambitious or smart - most ppl here don’t care about academics.
but at least i’m getting such smooth, good experience for free. i know i can succeed without a degree. i know i can make a career even if i don’t get into smiths. i know i can be successful even with a degree at a shitty school.
but i just so so so want to go to smiths.
and i will 🤞🏻
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bulimiawasme · 2 months
After three days of being stuck all the way across the country I'm finally going home 🥲 I haven't eaten a meal in days ive walked 8+ miles a day for the last few days and in two more days I can finally weigh myself again 🤞🏻
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awaitingfall · 2 months
Crazy how it only took me 3 days to gain back the same amount of weight that took me 2 weeks to lose 😮‍💨 I really shouldn’t have smoked yesterday cuz I instantly got the munchies and started eating too late into the afternoon. I also ate almost an entire package of Tate’s cookies on our picnic we went on yesterday, AND my bf talked me into getting gelato on Saturday and we both ate too much of that 😭 I gotta be better on my period. I even told myself I’d regret all these choices when the day to finally weigh again came, but then I told myself “it’s the last day before I start my routine again, I deserve a treat” 🥲 I wish I had thought harder about the consequences.
So now my goal for this week is to get back to 133, and then if that goal is reached, my next goal will be 131 by the end of next week. AND THEN HOPEFULLY by the end of August/beginning of September I’ll be somewhere in the mid-120’s 🤞🏻
I had called out sick from work this past Thursday and the other girls ended up having to leave early anyways because there wasn’t enough work to do, I’m hoping there will be something for us to do today. OH! Speaking of work, I went to the mall on Friday with my mom to help her pick out a new pair of glasses and I mentioned to the girl that was helping us that I used to be the lab tech at the other glasses place in the mall and she offered me part-time work there cuz she ended up being the sales manager. I thought at first she was just saying that to be nice, but then she said it again as we were leaving. So that’s really cool I have a back up/side gig option if I feel like money is getting a little tight. I do miss working closer to home, but if I quit my current job that I really wanted to get back, then I’d only be working part-time and that definitely wouldn’t be enough money coming in. Maybe I can see about working part-time in the winter? Friday-Sunday, especially since I don’t do anything on the weekends in the winter time. I’ll just hustle a little to save up for a house and a trip to Japan (finally) 😌
My bf and I have been considering moving to Japan temporarily, especially with the way the US been actin’ up lately. He at least has some sort of an in, though, cuz the company he works for is a Sake brewery with their main headquarters in Japan, so he could tell them he’s interested in working for the main brewery and spending time there and they’d probably send him in a heartbeat. They like that shit. One of their requirements for the job was to be interested in Japan and Japanese culture. So they’d probably be so excited to hear that one of the American employees wants to experience life over there. Only thing is, idk if they’d also send me. I highly doubt it, so I’d have to come up with my own visa. I could get a student visa. I’ve been trying to learn Japanese since 2016 when I took elementary Japanese in college, but it’s been a struggle trying to self study since then. I know basics, but the speaking part is difficult for me because I have no one to practice with so I stutter and take way too long to think of the sentences before I try to speak. Just doesn’t flow naturally. So studying in Japan would be a great opportunity to get better. Only problem is I wouldn’t be bringing in any money 🥲 so idk. Plus we have our cat that we need to consider cuz I also don’t want to put her under so much stress traveling so far and long like that. Plus they have that animal quarantine and all her documents have to be sent over super far in advance. So yeah, it’s just a lot to take care of. It wouldn’t be as stressful if we didn’t have her, but our life wouldn’t be the same without her so I’m, grateful for my Chichi baby 🥹💕
(I can hear my bf playing one of those YouTube live Coffee shop jazz videos upstairs while he’s drinking his morning coffee lol he used to make fun of me for playing that as background noise in the morning, but he’s come to enjoy it now)
Okay! Today will be a great day! I already started on the right path by waking up at 5, then meditating, exercising, showering, and journaling. Now I’ve gotta feed my cat, feed myself, and get ready for a good day at work 😤
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