#i did have to yell about the mages after learning about the. oh i do not remember how it's spelled. the maesters? asoiaf's one university
notquiteaghost · 7 months
isaac, infodumping at length to me about asoiaf: and further north is the wall, and behind the wall are the others, and they can turn corpses into mindless soldiers and they want to kill everyone–
me, interrupting: i want to know absolutely everything about them. i want the books to be about them. what is their deal i am obsessed
isaac: ah. well. so that's basically all we know,
me: incredibly rude of grrm but okay. tell me more about the targaryens then i guess
me, later, infodumping about the witcher: okay so the way magic works is weird because no one but the dwarves and gnomes are native to this dimension & humans have only been here a millenia and a half & they have to kinda cheat to use magic–
isaac, interrupting: wait they're not native to this dimension?
me: yeah they're possibly from earth, which is somewhere else. the continent has these weird big spire things that are in some way connected to other dimensions. elves arrived in ships tho
isaac: what. what. i need so much more information holy shit what do you mean the humans killed almost all the elves if they basically only just got there
me: well. see. yknow how asoiaf wont answer my others questions?
isaac: dammit. rude. tell me about the mages then, i guess
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avocado-writing · 6 months
For the bg3 requests how about the companions realizing they love tav in the middle of a battle(love your work!!!)
partner piece to this!
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realises when he sees you cut down someone in battle to save him.
you don’t think twice about beheading the cultist, or shooting them full of a magic missile, or stabbing them in the guts from the shadows - whatever you do is equally wonderful.
his eyes go wide as he watches you make the killing blow. warm blood spatters on his face and, when you shout to ask if he’s alright, his heart does a funny little dance in his chest.
he’s alright. he’s the most alright that he’s ever been, actually
kisses you suddenly, the taste of the kill dancing between your lips, and stares at you very sincerely.
“I love you.” then back to the battle before you can press it any further.
if you’re a spell caster, he falls for you because of your capability using magic. you have a knack for it he finds delightful.
the twirl of your hands, soft speaking as you recite verbal components, all of it - it’s all perfect.
he stares at you, distracted for a moment, and then gets a club in the side of the head and is catapulted back to battle.
if you’re not a mage then it’s when you do something he taught you, silencing an enemy wizard by cutting them off when you realise a somatic component. you shoot him a thumbs up and he feels his whole face go bright red.
you listen to him. you care about him. and he loves you.
you’re fighting back-to-back, fending off enemies as they charge towards you, yelling out directions for the other one to be watching.
“wyll! big guy on your left!”
he turns and stabs, running through an orc, and hears you laugh from the exhilaration of battle.
he realises then how much he loves you, how he’d never have any other life than this heart-pounding, blood-pumping excitement with you; and he’d do anything to keep you safe.
there’s no time for him to confess right now… but he does reach behind himself to give your free hand a little squeeze with his. just so you know. just so he can come back to it and confess later.
raging, so it’s less her thinking through it and more a series of realisations which come to her all at once.
you: fighting. you: protecting. you: protecting her. you: capable. you: loveable.
oh, it all slips into place. she can’t do anything about it right now because her axe is buried in the face of an ogre, but after the battle when she’s calmed down she seeks you out.
is a bit awkward about it, finds reasons to be near you, but you manage to work out what it is she is desperate to say.
give her a kiss, and she squeals with excitement. she thinks you’re just perfect!
ahh, lae’zel. would she fall for you at any other time?
has always watched your form in battle but there’s something about today, this fight. she can’t keep her eyes off of you.
you are flawless. perfect. dispatching enemies with ease.
she realises she feels not just fondness for you, but love. something she did not believe that she’d ever experience.
she is a little distracted and gets hit, but that just makes her focus back on the battle. you check in with her afterwards and she brushes you off, stomping away to go and mull her feelings over.
is… scared to confess to you. may do it one day. not today.
runs over to heal you during a battle, your wounds are great, but you shake her off:
”you’re in far worse condition than me! heal yourself first!”
she realises how hurt she is for the first time. she sort of learned to deal with the pain as she was raised sharran, but… you’re the one who’s taken notice of her. nobody has ever done that.
suddenly she is overwhelmed with feelings for you. she’d been soft for you before, but now she is overwhelmed with emotion.
she does heal herself, and then you - luxuriating in the feel of your skin under her hands.
he’s already fond of you, but the thing that really gets him is during one particular battle.
you’re fighting and he can see you’re doing your best to protect something behind you from your assailants. during a moment when an enemy is down he sees what’s behind you: a baby boar, terrified.
not the most pleasant creature, covered in mud and squealing, but you still are attempting to shield it from the battle, and when the fight is over he sees you use magic to talk to it and calm it down, check it over for wounds.
he realises how smitten he is with you in that moment. how much you care. you are perfect, and he wants to spend his life with you.
probably falls for you during an act of violence, a particularly bloody kill.
you show no mercy to your opponent, opening them from throat to navel, eyes bright as you see them bleed out.
you are an angel of death, vicious and proud. you smile at your kill and minthara finds herself smiling too.
charming. you are charming, and that’s all there is too it. she smiles through the rest of the battle at the thought of you.
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 1 month
TWST with an Ubuyashiki Child reader (Part 2)
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Crowley: "Welcome to Night Raven College, child!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... Night Raven College?"
Crowley: "Yes, yes. Now come with me, we must hurry back to the ceremony. Everyone is waiting for you-."
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "I do not understand. May you please elaborate more, sir?"
Crowley: "Oh? Very well then. I shall elaborate more, for I am gracious! ... Ahem!"
• Crowley cleared his throat as you walked alongside him to reach the ceremony.
Crowley: "You, dear prodigy, are enrolled into this school to learn about magic."
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "...Magic?"
Crowley: "Yes. Those who are selected by the Ebony Carriage are fortunate to enroll here! Young mages such as yourself are to be trained and taught how to hone your magical skills to full mastery! The Dark Mirror orients you to a dormitory specialized in each category for your type of magic!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... What is the Ebony Carriage?"
Crowley: "The Ebony Carriage is the horse drawn carriage that escorted you here."
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... I do not remember a carriage. Why did it bring me here despite me not possessing any magic?"
Crowley: "No magic? That's absurd! You don't have to be nervous on an important occasion such as this. I am sure you'll do just fine!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "But I--"
Crowley: "Ah! We have arrived!"
• Crowley was quick to interrupt you now that you've reached your destination. You hear voices behind two doors. You peeked through the tiny gap of the doors as the headmage tightened Grim's restraints and see hooded figures and a floating... Piece of metal?
??????: "Now where could the headmage be?"
?????: "Think he had a stomachache?"
????: "Ditched us maybe?"
??????: "Yawn... This is tiring. Can't this stupid ceremony go any faster?"
???: "Ugh... You always say that."
Crowley: "NOT AT ALL!! I've found the last one and brought them back!"
• Crowley slammed through the doors, startling a few students. He then pushed you toward an old and intricately designed mirror. Instead of seeing your reflection, a scowling face appeared in the mirror's surface. You stared at the face, and it stares back.
Dark Mirror: "State thy name."
Crowley: "Ahem! Go on, take off your hood and say your full name."
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "...And if I won't?"
Crowley: "Then this ceremony will go on much longer. You wouldn't want to keep everybody waiting now, would you?"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "....."
• The silence dragged longer and the students in room began groaning, yawning, and complaining.
Random Student A: "..Ughh! I can't take this anymore 😮‍💨!"
Random Student B: "I'm so sleepy 🥱..."
Random Student C: "At this point, we'll be behind schedule for the entrance exam 😓..."
Random Student D: "What entrance exam 😒?"
Random Student C: "The NRC entrance exam? I heard that you'll need to pass it after orientation 🤨?"
Random Student D: "There is no entrance exam, you bum 🙄."
Random Student C: "Wait, seriously?! I just wasted my time studying then 😨?!"
Random Student E: "Yeah! We haven't got all night 🤬!"
Crowley: "Quiet down, students, quiet down!"
?????: "Oh no... Are they scared? Nervous?"
????: "I am so glad I'm not this normie lol."
??????: "What in the Great Sevens is taking so long?"
• The crowd of students started yelling while you're just standing there... What would father do? What would mother do? What would your siblings do? What would they do in this situation?
• .........What would you do?
• Although your expressionless face never faltered, your hands hesitantly lifted the hood of your robe, revealing your youthful appearance and void of emotion eyes. Although your mind is panicked with a thousand worries, you say your name in a calm manner.
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... Ubuyashiki! Reader..."
• The hooded students whispered among themselves, mostly regarding the fact that you are a child.
Random Student C: "Woah... Is that a child 😧?"
Random Student D: "Oh no, it's a dwarf. Yeah, of course it's a child, duh 🙄."
Random Student A: "Oh shit. I just yelled at a kid 😨."
Random Student E: "We're totally gonna get an earful from the headmage after this... Do you think he heard me 😰?"
Random Student B: "Ch-chill, guys. Just chill out, it's just a kid 🫢..."
?????: "Wow! They look so young, you guys!"
???: "We can see that, Kalim."
????: "Great. Another pompous shortstack."
????: "Oh? And what magic does this child possess to be enrolled here?"
????: "Never thought I'd live to see the day where Azul plots to scam a kid."
Azul: "How preposterous, Idia. I would never do that! And I'd never scam anyone, mind you!"
Idia: "Yeah, yeah. Whatevs."
• The mirror was surprised and looked at you intensely. After a few seconds the mirror said...
Dark Mirror: "Thy soul is....... Empty."
Crowd of Students and Crowley: "WHAT?!"
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The Dead Men meet M/n – Skulduggery Pleasant x Kid!Male!Reader
It got longer than I expected. When you are so deep into the Story, that you don't realize how much you've already written... TvT
WARNING!: Abusive adults, mention of murder, mention of being hurt, blood x gore AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!! It takes place in the Mevolent War... Skulduggery Pleasant was still alive in this Oneshot !
M/n was all alone in a village. He ran away from the burning house, his parents left him in. His Stepmother and biological Father hated him so much that they wanted to burn him to death. His only hope was that his Godfather will find him soon. Until then he just had to survive.
His Mother said that his Godfather was a good man and he will set everything in motion as soon as she was gone, to find M/n. She knew that his Father cheated on her, that he would run away with his new Lover and M/n. If he wanted to or not.
Even though M/n was only 5 years of age, he could remember a lot of things already. He remembered the way back to the village he lived in for 2 years and he finally escaped and returned here. He lived in the dumpsters of the villagers, but he couldn’t care less.
Did M/n know about Magic ? Of course he did. His Mother showed him her Necromancy and his Father hurt him with fire. He was the one who set the building on fire, to kill M/n. Did M/n already have a taken name ? No. He didn’t find the right one yet. Does M/n have Magic ? Yes he does. Elemental Magic. But he doesn’t want his Father’s Magic. He wants his Mother’s.
What the boy didn’t know yet, was that there was a war in motion. Kill or be killed was the motto right now. All he wanted was to find his Godfather... He learned soon enough that it was war.
He lived 2 weeks in the dumpsters, oblivious to the war that’s been happening, until a mage set the dumpsters on fire, close to M/n. He yelped and stared at the mage.
“Oh, you will be fun to kill.”, the mage said darkly, grinning sinisterly.
M/n gulped and looked frantically for a way to escape. He soon saw the walls and calculated, then he stared at the mage again and jumped from the right wall to the left, higher and higher, until he was on top of the roof. The evil mage cursed and tried to follow. M/n instantly started to run away on the roofs, jumping from one roof to the other, until he had no more left to jump on.
He took a deep breath and jumped down. His ankle made a loud cracking sound, M/n covered his mouth, hissed softly and continued to run. What he didn’t know was that he ran into the battlefield.
-With ???-
They fought against 12 enemies at once. Two of them were already down, so only 5 of them were still fully fighting. Two of them were badly injured, one of the two, who just blocked punch after punch, was badly injured, while the fifth one was running low on bullets. So in total there were three injured people, and two less injured people that still stood their ground and fought, while two were already down.
Who were they ? The Dead Men.
Anton had his gun out and shot, but had to sadly realize soon that the bullets weren’t enough to safe them. Ghastly and Skulduggery fought back on back. Hopeless and Dexter Vex blocked attacks, but couldn’t get any punches at the enemy either. Erskine and Saracen Rue were down. Erskine’s dominant arm was broken and Saracen had no more bullets to shoot, his adept Magic was useless in a fight like this and he had a stabbed right shoulder, it bled badly.
“ANTON ! THE GIST !”, Hopeless yelled.
Anton hesitated, worried, he might kill one of his Team members.
“For God’s sake ! DO IT SHUDDER !”, Erskine yelled in pain.
Hopeless and Dexter came to Anton’s side and gave him protection, while Anton ripped his shirt open and let the Gist out. It made quick work of their enemies. Ripping apart one after the other.
As they were all finished off, Anton pulled it back inside his chest and lost his balance for a second. Ghastly, Hopeless and Skulduggery were badly wounded and needed treatment as soon as possible, Erskine needed his bone snapped back in place and a bandage, Saracen needed someone to get the bullet out of his shoulder and then a bandage, Anton only needed a few small stitches and Dexter only needed a bandage on his left leg, which had a deep, bleeding cut.
They panted.
“Do you think we can make it back to...our camp ? All our medicine is there and the bandages..”, Saracen asked the rest of his Team.
“We will have no other choice, but to make it back.”, Skulduggery voiced.
The rest nodded at his statement and started to walk back, as they heard quick footsteps, they stopped dead in their tracks, weapons pulled out already.
-With M/n-
He was running as fast as he could, scared shitless. He needed help, or at least a place to hide at for a while ! He wasn’t looking where he was running, he looked around wildly, for any threats and then had his eyes closed, tears running down his face. He didn’t want to die...
Suddenly he tripped over a root of a tree, he yelped and fell, hands in front of himself, to catch himself. He hit the ground harshly and his knee was bleeding.
“Oww...”, he sobbed out.
He tried to get up, but his knee and ankle hurt so bad that he fell again. He sobbed now.
“No, no, no ! Let me get up ! Please !”, he begged his hurting body.
He tried again and stood, but as he took his first step again, he fell down again. He sobbed harder. He will never get away from that psycho mage like this !
Suddenly there were feet in front of M/n’s face and the boy’s blood ran cold.
“P-please don’t hurt me ! I didn’t do anything ! I don’t wanna die !”, the boy pleaded.
“Hey, hey... Calm down, kid. What happened ? Why are you here ?”, the person, which turned out to be a male, asked.
M/n sobbed and carefully looked up, seeing a face covered in scars. M/n looked at him in awe, but also in slight fear.
“I-I was just hiding in an alleyway in the dumpsters as some man wanted to kill me. I ran for my life. I swear I didn’t do anything wrong !”, M/n loudly said.
“You are a stray kid ?”, the man asked in shock.
“M-my Stepmother and Father wanted to burn me alive, not that long ago. I found my way back to the village I used to live in. Mommy said, before she died, that my Godfather would be here and do anything he can to find me. She said he was a nice man. I don’t know where he lives, nor do I know his name. I was just hoping he might find me.”, he explained.
“You do know that we have a war, yes child ?”, another man asked.
M/n looked up and behind the scar faced man. He saw very injured men there. He tried to get up again, hissing in pain as he did so.
“I didn’t know until that man tried to fry me near the dumpsters. I am surprised that I survived for two weeks then... You are all hurt...”, M/n said.
The men looked at one another.
“We were just on our way to our camp.”, the man with golden eyes said.
M/n shook his head and pointed at Hopeless.
“He won’t be able to make it with his injuries. His head is bleeding strongly, his arms have deep cuts and could already have an infection and one of his feet is badly bruised. He might die soon.”, the boy said.
“How would you know that, child ?”, another male asked.
“I had so many injuries myself that I know what might kill you soon and what not. Let me help. I had to bandage myself and my Mother so many times, that I know what I’m doing.”
“We have everything at our camp...”, another male informed M/n.
“Ever tried leaves and stuff ? I know what I’m doing. You don’t need bandages.”, the boy said and then already ran off, with his own injured leg.
The men shrugged and waited for the boy.
“Someone of you, start a fire ! I need to heat up the ingredients for the medicine !”, M/n yelled.
Anton and Dexter decided to do that. They collected wood and then started a small fire. Hopeless was starting to sweat.
“The boy was right. Hopeless wouldn’t have made it...”, Ghastly informed the rest.
Hopeless nodded.
“I thought I might make it...”, he said.
Soon the boy returned and looked at Hopeless.
“I knew it. Alright Sir, I need you to lay down and take deep, steady breaths. Do not sit up, do not talk, do not close your eyes. Understood ?”, M/n asked.
“Yes, understood.”
Hopeless did as M/n told him. The boy threw herbs into a small pot he found close by and stirred it with a skinned and washed stick.
“What are your names by the way ?”, M/n asked after a long while of stirring in dead silence.
“The one with the scars on his face, is Ghastly Bespoke. I am Skulduggery Pleasant. The male with the golden eyes is Erskine Ravel. The male that you want to help is Hopeless. The guy with the blonde hair is Dexter Vex.”
“I’m Anton Shudder.”, Anton introduced with a gruff voice.
“And I am Saracen Rue.”, introduced Saracen himself.
The boy nodded.
“Nice to meet you all. I have no taken name yet.”, the boy said.
The mages stared at M/n in shock.
“What ? You thought I find these names normal ? They are taken names. I know you are mages. My Mom and Father were mages too. My Stepmom was an adept mage...she possessed the power to control your mind for a short while.”
M/n continued to stir the pot with melted herbs for a while longer, then he took off his shirt and ripped it into two pieces, wrapped them around his hands and took the pot off of the fire. He went with the pot to the nearby lake and put the pot’s bottom in there. The water hissed and smoke rose up. After the pot was cooled down, he came back and put his finger in there, to see if it was still too hot. It wasn’t and with that he unwrapped his ripped shirt pieces from his hands, folded them open again and ripped one of the halves into half of it again.
He then put one of the freshly ripped pieces into the herb soup and let it soak. As that soaked, he went to the lake again and wettened his other freshly ripped half. After he returned the other half was soaked, he took it out again and got close to Hopeless. He cleaned the head wound and then softly dabbed the herbs on his wound. Hopeless hissed, but didn’t do anything else.
“These herbs will heal him in no time. I know what I used. It healed my Mother in a matter of minutes.”, M/n explained.
Then he took care of the rest of Hopeless’ wounds. As he was done bandaging his wounds with the washed clean big leaves, he looked at the rest.
“You too or no ?”
Skulduggery let Ghastly go next. He had a badly injured arm and right leg. M/n did his Magic and then pulled Skulduggery aside. His face was injured, his left hand, right shoulder and right leg. His back also got some damage. As he had his wounds covered in the herbs’ balm and leaves, M/n took Erskine next.
“You have a broken arm.”, M/n stated.
“Yes...I doubt you can heal that.”, Erskine said.
“Nonsense. This herb balm can heal anything and everything. But we have to crack it back in and bandage it, so it won’t reconnect wrongly... Wait here. I will collect some things.”
M/n got up and jogged off. After a few more minutes he returned, soaking wet, with sticks, something that worked as a rope, more big leaves and seaweed...
He came back and sat down next to Erskine again, carefully took his broken arm and then looked at him.
“It will hurt like hell when I snap it back in place. I need someone to hold your arm in place then.”, M/n warned.
“I will do it.”, Anton said and kneeled beside M/n.
M/n nodded.
“Whatever you do, NEVER let his arm go. Okay ?”
Anton nodded. Then M/n took a deep breath and...
“AAAAAAAHHH !!”, Erskine screamed in pain.
M/n held Erskin’s arm in position and then looked at Anton.
“Hold it like that and don’t change the position.”, M/n explained.
Anton nodded and they swapped. M/n quickly took the sticks he collected and measured Erskin’s arm with them, then he bundled them together with the rope looking thing. He then braided the big leaves into the bottom of the frame and stabilized it with seaweed. Then he measured the distance between Erskine’s neck and broken arm. He bound another rope working plant into the frame, but this time the front. The Dead Men soon enough understood that it was supposed to help Erskine to hold his arm in place.
Then he got out a pocket knife and cut off the ruined sleeve of Erskin’s shirt, to get to his injured arm. He carefully pulled out the cloth from under Erskine’s arm. Then he smeared the balm on the arm and on the leaves of the self made sling. He picked the sling up and carefully, with Anton’s help, slid the broken arm in. It fit perfectly. Then M/n hung it around Erskine’s neck and it stayed in perfect position.
“Th-thank you...”, the male said, still in pain.
M/n turned to Saracen and saw his shoulder.
“Come here, we operate.”, the boy said.
Saracen carefully sat down and straight. M/n cut off the ruined sleeve and took a closer look at his shoulder. He made a small sound and looked at it worried.
“That went deep...Let me get something real quick.”
M/n whooshed away and came back with two small, stable sticks. He skinned them and washed them too and then stared at the wound again.
“This will hurt...”
“Just go for it...”, Saracen said with gritted teeth, already awaiting the pain.
M/n carefully inserted the two small wooden, clean sticks and found the bullet quickly. He widened the sticks, making the wound bleed more and Saracen hiss slightly. Then M/n got a hold of the bullet and carefully pulled it out, which made Saracen take sharp breaths and stomp his foot.
“Almost out, Mister Rue...”, M/n said.
“Saracen is just fine, kid.”, he replied.
M/n nodded and then had the bullet out. He cleaned the wound and then smeared the herb balm on it again, then he used some leaves and bandaged it. After that he took care of Dexter and Anton.
“Just wait for a bit and then your wounds should all be healed. Besides Mr. Ravel’s. His broken arm will be healed in an hour or two.”, M/n informed them.
They thanked him and then M/n took care of his own ankle and knee. He took it off after five minutes and smiled as everything was gone.
“The more often you use it, the quicker it heals you.”, he explained to them as they just stared.
Suddenly a voice yelled.
“Come on, little kid ! Come out, come out wherever you are~!”
M/n’s eyes widened in fear. The same mage from before. He looked at the tree next to The Dead Men and quickly climbed it and hid in the crown of it.
Skulduggery and the others stood, ready to kill. The mage appeared and quickly lost his sinister smile as he saw The Dead Men.
“H-hello there...”, he stuttered out.
Anton loaded his gun and aimed it at the mage’s head.
“Any last words ?”, he asked.
“I-I’m just looking for my Son !”
“I hate liars.”, Anton snarled.
The mage shrunk into himself and whimpered.
“I have family..”
He rolled his eyes.
“Almost all of us have a family, no war was ever merciful to spare family members.”, Anton deadpanned and then pulled the trigger, shooting the mage in the head.
Anton’s hand was pulled back from the force of the gun’s shot and the mage’s head flew back, blood spurted out and the body fell to the floor. Skulduggery looked up to where M/n was hiding.
“Come down kid. We will keep an eye on you as long as your Godfather didn’t find you yet.”, he said.
“Promise ?”, M/n asked.
“You are most safe with us, kiddo !”, Dexter assured with a smile.
M/n slowly climbed down from the tree and looked at them, mustered them carefully.
“Are you sure you can watch a child, in a war ?”, he asked.
“We can. Trust us, child.”, Hopeless assured.
“Hmmm...okay then.”, M/n said shrugging his shoulders.
“You trust us ?”, Saracen asked.
“Not one bit. Hell, I just met you guys ! But I need protection, otherwise I might end up dead, so why not ? If you plan to kill me, I at least tried. No matter what I would choose, I will surely die on my own and you are a better choice for now.”
The Dead Men looked at one another and then nodded.
“Okay then. Follow us and you are sleeping with Saracen in one tent.”, Ghastly said.
With that M/n followed them.
“Are you alright with being called kid ?”, Erskine asked after the silence got too much for him.
“Not really, but I don’t have a taken name yet, so I have to deal with it.”
“Any preference maybe ?”
“....boy....buddy, bud....and little fox. I liked them because Mom gave me those nicknames and kid and child remind me of my Father and Stepmother... I HATE these words...”
“Little fox ?”, Ghastly asked confused.
“Yeah ! I am pretty smart for a five year old. I was smart with 2 years of age. I already learnt walking and talking properly at that age. And I experimented on herbs to find out what I would need to make a healing balm. I modified it with three years of age and that was one of the reasons Mom called me a little fox. With three years of my age, Mommy died and I was forced to go with my abusive Father and his new flame. When they tried to burn me in a house to death, I escaped and came back here. I have good memory I suppose.”
The Dead Men stared at him in shock. Only five years old...
“Seems like your Father was...”, Dexter hesitated.
“Unfaithful to my Mom ? He was. She knew and she asked someone she knew very well to be my Godfather. She knew he would pull something on her. I couldn’t safe her in time, but she said that my Godfather knew and as soon as she is gone, he will come looking for me.”
“Huh...So we just have to wait until he finds you.”, Saracen said.
“If he is still alive, yes...”
Soon enough they were at their camp and M/n was in awe.
“You have a wooden house here too !”, he exclaimed.
“Ah...it is in terrible condition and doesn’t belong to us.”, Ghastly informed the boy.
M/n scoffed and then left.
“Little Fox ?! Where are you going ?!”, Dexter called after him in worry.
“You will see. Take a rest for the balm to work quicker.”, M/n replied.
They were worried, but obeyed. Anton stayed awake the longest, wanted to keep an eye on M/n....but he fell asleep too.
M/n had more than elemental Magic to his use. He made some trees fall and cut them to shapes, then he brought them over to the run down house and fixed the damage it took. He always looked at the sleeping men and then continued when they were still sleeping. As he was with his abusive Father, he was forced to repair the house often, because he damaged it with a raging fit, made him clean up his own blood etcetera. M/n was used to it and this was a piece of cake for him.
He opened the door and saw that the house was still in very good shape from the inside. He grabbed all the stuff from the camp and put it into the house. He then woke up Hopeless and told him to wash himself. He did so, his wounds were fully gone.
“That is very useful, Fox.”, Hopeless praised.
“Thanks, but I need your help.”
“What is it ?”
“Can you go to the village with Anton and Dexter and get some furniture ? Trust me, it is worth it.”
Hopeless looked at M/n skeptical, but sighed and nodded. The kid helped them once already, he is doing it again, probably. Hopeless woke up Dexter with Anton, told them to wash themselves and then they were off with new clothes on. M/n watched the others rest, then crafted a big sleigh for the three to carry the rest back.
After a few hours, they returned with boxes.
“We have to go back to get the rest.”, Hopeless explained.
Hopeless dropped 2 big boxes, Dexter 5 smaller ones and Anton one big box. M/n nodded and gave Anton a piece of plant rope in the hand. He looked at the kid confused.
“I made you a little backup tool.”, M/n explained and pointed at the self crafted sleigh.
The three males smiled at him and then left with it. M/n opened the boxes and carried inside the furniture pieces. One was a couch, coffee table, table, and the five other packages held silverware, dishes, cups and tools to craft with.
M/n took out the hammer and started to put the table together, that only had nails. Then he took the screwdriver and wrench and screwed the couch together. He stacked the boxes with kitchen utensils next to the front door, so they won’t be in the way. Then he put together the coffee table. He always looked at the blueprints so he won’t fuck it up.
As he was done with the coffee table, the three men returned with a full sleigh.
“Fox ?”, Hopeless whisper called.
M/n stood up and left the house.
“I’m in here. Get the boxes inside, if you can’t get some inside, just bring the contents of them inside and pile them, separated, for each furniture. Don’t forget the blueprints.”
They did as told and then got the next load.
M/n had to find out that most of the stuff was kitchen apartment, so he started with the stove, which was gas. The blueprints simplified it for him, thankfully. Then he started with the sink. He saw the pipe, he had to connect the sink with for later, so he started to put everything together and then connected everything together.
When M/n moved with his abusive Father to his new Lover, M/n was forced to repair any damage that was there and he had to built in and out sinks and faucets. His childhood with his Father was Hell, but now it came in handy. Doesn’t mean he thanked that fucker. As a five year old M/n shouldn’t know any of that as much as he does. He should have been a child, that played with toys and was worry free.
After he finished that, he built together the cabinet that belonged to the faucet and sink. When he finished with that he started with the cupboards and got 3 big ones done as the three returned. They piled everything in again and Hopeless grew worried for M/n.
“Fox...take a break.”, he said to M/n.
“Nonsense ! I’m fine, Hopeless.”, he said smiling and went to the next cabinet for the kitchen.
Hopeless sighed and left again with the other two, to get the last few bits.
As they returned again, M/n was done with the kitchen and two closets for the living room. He sat on the couch, taking a small break. Hopeless was in awe that M/n was so fast and actually got a whole kitchen done already. The kid had his eyes closed and took calming breaths, but he was not asleep.
“Was that all ?”, the five year old asked.
“I have to go back and get a few more things, but Dexter and Anton will stay behind. They will help you.”
M/n looked at them then and nodded slowly.
“Okay. Take care of yourself, Hopeless.”
“Of course. You too, little Fox.”
M/n smiled.
“No promises. Putting together furniture is a pain sometimes...”
Hopeless chuckled and then left. He needed the sleigh again, but set Anton and Dexter on M/n to find out how he knows all of this stuff. He shouldn’t know any of that at such a young age, or at least he shouldn’t put furniture together at all !
M/n sighed and got up.
“I rested for a few minutes, I should be able to continue.”
Dexter nodded and Anton looked at M/n skeptically.
“How do you even know any of this ?”, Anton asked.
“Abusive adults... When they are too lazy to do something themselves, they forced me to do it. Comes in handy now, but that doesn’t mean that I am thanking them. I know I should be acting more like a five year old, but how am I supposed to ? I never had a proper childhood. I don’t know how being a child works anymore. Just how to be useful and productive.”, M/n explained and then went back to work.
Dexter frowned at that and looked at Anton, who looked at Dexter. That was unhealthy and not just abusive. They treated M/n like their personal slave, that was torture. Abuse is long off the hook, this was torture.
“Mr. Shudder, can you put one of the beds together ? Mr. Vex, can you put together a closet for a bedroom ?”, M/n asked.
“Our first name is just fine, little Fox ! And sure we can !”, Dexter said happily.
M/n nodded softly and then opened the next box. It owned a small cabinet for the living room. He pulled the contents out and sat down on the floor, looking at the instructions on the blueprint, then sorted everything, got the tools needed and started to put it together quickly. Anton and Dexter frowned at that. The kid seemed exhausted, but refused to show any symptoms of it.
They carried two big heavy boxes up the stairs and saw that it had more than eight rooms. Good. They took the first room and then they started to unpack everything, then sorted and then started to build everything together.
-Time skip-
Hopeless took a lot of time to come back. He looked for stuff for Ghastly to work with, some holders for guns, small wardrobe bars, candles, hygienic stuff, toiletries, food, drinks, bed stuff and much more.
When he returned all three of them were sitting on the couch, the boxes were empty and everything was in the house.
“I got the Bathroom and other necessities.”, Hopeless informed.
They looked at him and nodded. Hopeless brought in the Bathroom stuff first and the three of them dragged it all to the last empty room and built in the bathroom. M/n connected the faucets, sink, toilet, bathtub and shower, while Dexter and Anton built the two cabinets together.
After an hour they were done and sat back down. Hopeless organized the rest. He put the candles at places where they are easy to see and grab from, put more kitchen utensils in the cupboards, cabinets and drawers, put up the wardrobe bars, then he put food and drinks in the fridge and more. After he put the hygienic stuff and toiletries into the Bathroom cabinets, he returned to the other three.
“Where is Ghastly’s room ? Do we have extra rooms ?”, he asked.
“Yeah, there are some, in the far back, upstairs.”, M/n answered.
“Okay, thank you.”
With that he dragged the rest of the stuff upstairs and installed a whole tailor room in one of the empty ones. After he was done, he left the room and sat down on the couch too, huffing. He even put together two armchairs.
“Are we done ?”, Anton asked.
“We are. I have nothing more.”, Hopeless answered.
M/n smiled and then fell asleep.
“He was tired...”, Dexter mumbled as he saw M/n out cold.
“What did you find out ?”, Hopeless asked.
“His Father and Stepmother were abusive and tortured...Fox. They forced him to do what they want and when they were too lazy to built or repair something, they made him do it.”, Anton answered.
Hopeless was shocked into silence.
“He was probably forced to take care of his own and his biological Mother’s wounds too, because that man didn’t.”, Dexter whispered out.
“Holy shit...”
Then M/n woke up again and jumped up, full of energy, which worried the other three a bit. No one is so quickly full of energy again...
“Let’s wake the others, tell them to wash themselves and get them in here. We didn’t put all our effort in this, so they continue to sleep outside in the cold and muddy nature. It is supposed to rain for 4 days straight.”, M/n said.
They stared at him in awe. He knew the weather too.
Then he went out and hit the cleaned metal pot with a thick stick, making loud noises, that woke them all up rudely.
“Wake up ! Get cleaned ! Get your bodies inside after you are clean !”, M/n said excitedly.
They all got up groggily and grumbled as they went to the small pond to wash themselves. After a while Erskine could be heard.
M/n smiled brightly and giggled. Hopeless, Anton and Dexter stared at M/n, as he giggled, with wide eyes.
“Awww ! That giggle was so CUTE !”, Dexter fanboyed.
M/n blushed and looked at the ground.
“Hey, you don’t have to hide from us. You are still a kid, so act however you want.”, Anton told M/n calmly.
M/n nodded softly and then entered the house again. Soon enough the rest of The Dead Men came back, freshly washed and wearing new clothes.
“So...where is inside ?”, Erskine asked.
“The house. Little Fox fixed it. And we collected furniture and utensils.”, Hopeless answered.
They stared at them with gaped open mouths.
“Just look for yourselves.”, Anton sighed and entered the house again.
“By the way it will be pouring weather for four days straight.”, Dexter informed the others.
“From where do you know ?”, Ghastly asked.
“Little Fox.”
With that they entered the house and were in awe of how cozy and welcoming it looked.
“Who organized all these rooms and built all of it up ?”, Skulduggery asked.
“Little Fox did most of the work, because we collected everything. Dexter and I helped later on and lastly did Hopeless his own finishing touches.”, Anton told him.
“Little Fox already knows how to build furniture and how to connected pipes with faucets and stuff ?”, Saracen asked in shock.
“Abusive Father and Stepmother, forced him to know all this already.”, Dexter informed softly.
They were in shock.
“He also has no idea how to be a child.”, Anton added.
“Well then, we will help him !”, Erskine voiced.
All The Dead Men agreed to that. ‘Operation showing Little Fox how to be a child’ was set in motion.
I am planning a part 2 ! But this Chapter is so fricking long already. T-T
Masterlist HERE !
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rainypixarcinemahorse · 9 months
When gray said that he killed them all like a wolf.
Another star wars inspiration this time is from episode 2 attack of the clones when anakin returns with shmi's death body and talks about it with padme at the garage.
Gray went back home to his and juvia's house at the amefurashi village with really sad but angry face which concerns juvia, which she starts to think something he has done.
Then at the living room when gray was fixing something, juvia came in and brought him some food in case of cheering him up.
"Hey gray sama, juvia brought you something to cheer you up." Said juvia as she showed him a tray of food which include steak,mash potato, corns, apple slices, veggies, "gray style" fruit sandwiches and a glass of white milk.
But gray did not answer and he remains silent.
"Is gray sama hungry ?, if you're not hungry yet then juvia will put it on the table in case you want to eat it if gray sama is hungry now, juvia will eat the fruit sandwiches for gray sama since gray sama doesn't like eating a food that looks like your face. You see gray sama always hungry when juvia makes something when you're busy." Said juvia while she still holds the tray.
"Just put it on the table, i'm not ready to eat yet. And I Should have broke, life is much simpler when you fixing things. I'm good at fixing things. I always was. But.. i couldn't" Said gray as he fixes something while juvia puts the food on the table.
"Couldn't what gray sama?" Asked juvia
Then he finally looks at her. "Why'd he have to die? Why couldn't i save him? I know i could have. Said gray stressfully when he walks away through the door.
"Well gray sama sometimes there are things you couldn't get fixed, gray sama maybe a powerful ice wizard but you're not all that powerful." Said juvia concernly
"Well i should be! Someday i will be. I will be the most powerful wizard ever!" Said gray argued back at juvia.
"I promised you, i'll be learning to stop people from dying." Said gray gaspingly.
"Gray sama..." said juvia who became even more concern and worried of what gray just said.
"It's all gramps fault! Because he seperates all of us after the whole tartaros war, he thinks he's jealous of us now! It's like he's trying to holding us back!" Yelled gray angrily as he throws the wrench away which deeply shocks juvia in the process.
"What's wrong gray sama? What is gray sama talking about? Why do gray sama blamed the master for disbanding us? It's not his fault you know." Said juvia as she tries to protest to gray.
Then gray took a deep breath then let out a shook but a choked sob.
"I.. i killed them. I killed them all. They're dead. Every single one of them." Said gray tremblingly and with his eyes starts to tear up.
"And not just the men...but the women... and the children too..!" Said gray as he begins to tear up when he looks at juvia again.
"They're like wolves! And i slaugthered all of them like a ravenous wolf! Hate them! I hate them ALL!" Yelled gray emotionally as his face filled with tears and he begins to sob uncontrollably.
"Oh gray sama..."Said juvia quietly shocked.
Then he sits down on the floor and curled himself up as he continues to sob. Then juvia sits down as well trying to comfort him.
"Gray sama...Is gray sama still thinks about your father again?" Asked juvia worriedly, but gray does not annswer again as he does not like when someone not or sometimes juvia talks about the death of his loved ones.
"Well to be honest gray sama..to being angry isn't to be human. If gray sama has something wrong or when you're not feeling right you can always tells juvia, not telling her in an raged or emotional way." Said juvia whilst she stroked gray's shoulder.
"I'm a mage... an ice mage. I know i'm better than this." Said gray as he tried to subsides his sobs.
"There, there it's okay. Juvia promised everything will be okay. When fairy tail is together again someday, juvia sure we'll figure it out." Said juvia as she hugs gray and strokes the hairs on his nape.
Note : it's takes place after the tartaros arc and before the avatar arc. I would imagine if gray still have moments of PTSD after the traumatizing battle against his father silver as well him and natsu's battle against mard geer and he would tell juvia about this feeling for her.
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remidyal · 2 years
Lunacy Cut Content - Two of Aelwyn's Memories from Chapter 31
A couple of the memories from Chapter 31 that got cut! I'm going to hold others back because the reason I decided to cut them in particular still applies, but these mostly got cut because I liked the flow better with the ones that made it. The first is still background canon for the fic, though - not that Adaine knows it, but that it happened:
First, one that takes place at an age in between the infant Adaine and the 8-year-old Adaine we see in the spar:
Adaine found herself in Aelwyn's room, in their since-burned-down house in Solace. That didn't really tell her much about when this was; they had moved from Fallinel before she could really remember.
There was a tiny knock at the doorframe, and Aelwyn's memory tilted her head up and away from the Elementary Enchantment book she was, spotting Adaine at the entryway, and oh god had she ever been that small? It was harder to believe herself walking around like that than it had been to see herself as an infant; there were very few pictures of Adaine in the house, and so she hadn't seen herself at that age much.
"I got a cantrip working." Adaine declared, proudly, and Aelwyn sat up with interest. If Adaine was judging her own age correctly, she was somehow seven years old in that tiny body, and she was about to tell Aelwyn about her first successful cantrip, Message.
Aelwyn, to Adaine's surprise, was actually interested, closing her book and sitting up with some excitement. Adaine didn't really remember this conversation that closely, though she must have had it. "Oh? Which one? Mage hand? Minor Illusion? Six is a little late to be getting your first one, but I'm sure they'll be happy with one of those." Something useful, she felt Aelwyn hope. For Adaine's sake, something useful.
Adaine saw herself shake her tiny head. "Nope!" And then.. this couldn't be right. She was pointing out, and she RECOGNIZED the spell but she didn't think she had ever CAST it, and certainly not at six. The spellbook she'd learned cantrips from hadn't even had this in it! "..Think it makes it easier to see what people are gonna do. It'll be good for weapons, right?" Adaine said proudly, after the True Strike was cast.
"I.." Aelwyn was lost for words, but in her mind was a desperation. This was maybe the least useful thing Adaine could have landed on; even something like Firebolt would have been more respectable. Their parents were going to be furious, and.. and she couldn't hide it from them. She'd have to tell. "Why did you decide on that one, then?" She asked, desperately.
"…It was the one that seemed right to me when I looked at it?" Adaine seemed confused by her sister's lack of happiness, but Aelwyn was just despondant, knowing that she was going to have to tell mother and father that Adaine's first cantrip was True Strike of all things.
…Why didn't Adaine remember this at all? Aelwyn's memory had, attached but in less detail, a conversation with their mother and father about it, and then a spell Aelwyn didn't know at the time being placed onto her sister, and Adaine struggling to learn another "first" cantrip for over a year after that.
And another, focused on Adaine seeing something she REALLY doesn't want to:
Another flash of light. Adaine found herself in what might be the most disorienting bit of memory she'd found so far, because instead of just seeing herself, she was seeing all of her friends aside from herself, a position she'd been in for much of the last year and change. Though she was a few inches taller than normal, of course.
She realized just where and when this memory of Aelwyn's had to be right as she felt herself yelling out. "I came here to fuck!" with a burning sensation of booze down her throat.
Alarming enough on its own, but then she looked back at her friends, and instead of the usual warm feeling of being around them…
Oh. Right. Maybe that was what attraction felt like? This was deeply uncomfortable, and it had been bad enough when she just knew Aelwyn was making out with Fabian, but now she knew that Fabian wasn't Aelwyn's initial first choice, as she looked at RIZ of all people, and then FIG and Adaine didn't need to think of Fig or Riz like that at all… And also her sister actually hadn't started making out with her friend just to piss her off, because her sister just made out with people while having no idea who they were, because she could tell Aelwyn had no clue that these were her friends. That somehow made it worse, not better.
Oh nope nope nope Aelwyn was snorting SOMETHING off Fabian's chest and…
Adaine managed to push herself out of that memory. She definitely didn't need to see anything from there.
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mochiwrites · 3 years
some scarian medieval au or smth
the last thing grian expects to hear at the early dawn of the morning is some random guy yelling. well — maybe it’s more accurate to say that grian is surprised by what he’s yelling. if he could count the number of times he’s been woken up by some yelling at him on his hands, he uh. wouldn’t be able to. because he doesn’t have enough fingers for that, even if he used his toes too.
disgruntled by the yelling from down below, grian gets out of bed. he grabs his wand and robe, pulling it on. he has to look presentable after all, even if he did just roll out of bed.
taking a glance in the mirror hanging on his wall, he nods to himself before sticking his head out of the window. his eyes focus down below him, where a man clad in armor stands. he’s got his hands cupped around his mouth, and his face seems to brighten with a smile as soon as his eyes meet grian’s. “HELLO!” the stranger yells and gods above why is he yelling? “YOU MUST HAVE DEFEATED THE DRAGON FOR ME! HOW RESPECTABLE AND STRANGELY BENEVOLENT!”
well, this is a first. normally people are yelling at him about “punishment” and “retribution”. never a dragon.
still, there’s no reason for his volume. grian switches hands so he can keep a grip on his wand and rest his arm on his windowsill. he raises an unimpressed eyebrow as he stares the man down, “dude you don’t need to shout, I can hear you just fine. now what’s this about a dragon?”
the stranger blinks, before he’s pushing his hands right back up to his mouth and, “IF YOU CAN HEAR ME THEN WHY AM I SHOUTI—“ he cuts himself off, “oh.”
grian snorts. “anyways, why are you here? another one of the council’s attempts at dealing with me?” he questions, curious. after the first time, he would’ve thought that the council had learned to leave him be.
the stranger almost looks a bit sheepish, dropping his hands and pressing the pads of his pointer fingers together. “wellll, according to my books there was supposed to be a dragon up here and I was sorta shooting for a bit of a promotion so if you could kindly let him know I need to vanquish him that would be greeeaaaat…”
“you — wait what sort of tower do you think this is?” he thinks a dragon is here? perhaps grian should count his blessings (though far and few between they may be) and be grateful he won’t be dealing with a fight first thing in the morning.
“is this not versopherus the amethyst dragon’s stomping grounds?” is the reply. grian watches him tilt his head, eyebrows scrunching together in thought as he scratches his chin. “something tells me I took a right when I shoulda taken a left…”
he resists the urge to face palm. “oh my gods are all you knights lacking brain cells? this isn’t the amethyst dragon’s tower at all! that’s in the west, this is my mage tower, in the east.”
the armored man’s eyes light up with recognition, and he claps his fist against his palm. “ohhhh! your mage tower! a pause. “wasn’t this tower abandoned?”
he can’t be serious, can he? there’s no way not a single soul hasn’t heard of grian and his tower. does this guy live under a rock or something? “you clearly have no idea who I am, do you?” he asks, just for good measure.
“hmmmmm.” the stranger stares at him, long and hard. his face is knitted in a fierce look of concentration and grian almost winces. “nope! your face isn’t ringing any bells!”
grian doesn’t resist his face palm this time. “I’m grian? the midnight wizard? you’ve stumbled upon the tower of the void? surely you must know the name!” he exclaims, almost exasperated.
“never heard of ya! it’s nice to meet you though, the name’s sir scar of the hermits!” the knight — scar, says.
he stares in disbelief, mouth open like a fish. this man… has no idea who he is? that’s… a first. he shakes his head, ignoring his thoughts for now. “well, if that’s all you’ll be needing, I have work to get back to.” grian pulls away from the window.
“ah, wait wait wait!”
he stops, frowning. turning back to the window, “what?”
“you said the dragon was in the west right? which means you know where it is?” scar questions, and grian already knows where this is going.
“no. absolutely not.” he refutes, frown deepening. he has no interest in traveling with some hero obsessed knight. not at all. granted, grian has no interest in being around anyone, really.
“awww, please? it’d really help me out a lot and you’d get out of your stuffy tower! it’s a win-win!” scar pleads.
“my tower is perfectly fine, thank you very much! and now I’ll decline you just for the tower comment!” grian turns his back to the window, walking away from it.
“I’m sorry for calling your tower stuffy. please help me!”
“no! now scram!”
“oh please great mage! we could save many lives!”
“my answer is still no.”
“please grian!”
the wizard’s eye twitches. this guy is so persistent! it’s a little infuriating, honestly. and grian snaps very easily. he marches to the window and throws his hands up. “fine, fine! I’ll show you the way, but that’s it!”
scar’s green eyes shine brilliantly with joy as he pumps a fist up to the sky with a cheer. “yes!”
grian sighs, massaging his temple. what is he getting himself into?
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styx1an · 3 years
A Chat about Chat
A short fic about how Chat came to be a singular being, written by yours truly. By all means, this isn’t canon, it’s just my interpretation of things.
Word count: 1,863
Fandom: RTGame, Miitopia (NGL I’m a little displeased with how I wrote the ending, but oh well!)
You know, there is this odd sense of irony in knowing how terrified Chat was of Magical John when they aren’t even human nor a singular being in the first place. Wait, so you didn’t know? Of how they became such a being in the first place? (They chuckle.) Then I suppose that means I’ll have to tell you their story. Well then, shall we begin the tale of Chat? (You see the twinkle in their eyes. They must’ve been waiting a while to be able to do this.)
> You nod. You’ve been waiting a while to understand Chat’s origins. Tonight, like many others, belongs to the storyteller.
> You shake your head. No thanks, you think you’re too tired. Dawn shall rise anew soon, and you will not waste your time with tall tales.
(They nod, pleased with your decision.) Then I shall begin to relay their tale.
Our tale begins in the vast lands known as Twitch, a domain that belongs to another, a far crueler being whose tale is for another time. It is a place where one is free to express their opinions and whatnot (as long as it suits the many whims of its Amazonian overlords, of course), and many are versed in the easy to learn, but difficult to master art of gaming. Many such masters have gained a large following, and even if they do not possess such skill, more often than not their humor and charisma paves the way to fame.
One example of the latter would be RTGame, a man of sizable repute. Aside from the frankly ridiculous story of the origin of his moniker, he is also known for doing some… questionable things for the sake of entertainment. There are still tales of his quest in the bathtub along with Gilbert (yes, the very same Gilbert on the quest to defeat The Darker Lord Khadgar!), the night of the Painted Wall’s Communion, the birth of Mr. Compost- But my dear, we are here for one of his lesser-known exploits, one that would change the world as we know it.
> You lean closer to the campfire, watching the storyteller with a renewed interest. Where does the tale lead? Where does it end? You need to know.
> It’s getting even later. You think some rest will be needed before tomorrow’s travels begin. Perhaps the rest of the story can wait another time?
It was a dark and stormy night. The then-Dark Lord Von Karma had just been unleashed upon the land, and I Want Die set along the path of salvation with his fellow party members, Mr. Bean the Warrior, Goofy the Thief, and Mint the Horse. He was pleased with the ease with which they vanquished monsters and saved (literal) faces, but the lack of actual conversation within the party had begun to get to him. Mr. Bean had nothing to offer other than a simple “Bean!” every now and then, and Goofy terrified him with all the “hyuck!” and talks of absolving the world’s many sins. Mint is a horse and therefore cannot participate in a verbal conversation unless you happen to understand what her neighs meant. She also happens to be the most normal member of the party, strangely enough.
Either way, I Want Die longed for a proper conversation.
And God took notice.
It was inevitable. The fourth party member was always going to join, whether he wanted one or not. It shouldn’t be notable in any way whatsoever, yet here I am regaling this tale to you.
It is not how Chat had come to join the party that I wanted to explain, but rather how they came to be.
Do you remember the man I had called RTGame? I hope you had not thought of him as irrelevant to our tale, as he is the patron saint of I Want Die’s adventures. Surely you know of the vast armory that belongs to the party? The various delicacies fed to the team? All his work. Along with his followers’ contributions, of course.
Chat was what he called his followers, the ones who watched his various endeavors as he traveled across the land of Twitch. Oftentimes the crowd would conversate with him (hence their name), offering jokes and sardonic commentary whenever he did anything remotely comedic. Other times, RT would have to tell them off for being such a rowdy bunch- the usual group of thousands could never keep quiet for long.
It happened that Chat witnessed I Want Die’s pilgrimage along with RTGame. They all looked upon him with a jolly sense of humor (after all, their master is well-versed in the art of comedy), some wondering where his travels will bring him. The others who knew how it would all end kept silent at the behest of RTGame. Either way, every single one of them was enjoying the show he had put on for them. 
And came the time to summon the fourth member.
As per usual, RTGame withdrew into his workshop, closing the curtains around him so no curious onlooker could see inside. But that did not stop Chat from yelling their predictions and demands.
“EDGEWORTH” one cried.
Another begged for a certain “End Mii!”
“69420toesucker just subscribed for 5 months!”
RTGame smiled at them. He wasn’t surprised at all at their reactions, rather it was something he had hoped would happen.
“Alright then Chat,” he said, “here they are!”
His pale, thin hands reached out to open the curtains-
And unveiled a faceless, empty husk of a being. 
Under any other circumstances, Chat would’ve rioted, demanded justice against the irony of sending a faceless doll to retrieve the faces of others. But they had no time.
Almost in an instant, the skies darkened. Clouds swirled up above with vibrant shades of violet, cobalt, magenta. Bright blue lightning strikes a tree and dissolves it into dust. Somewhere distant, something roars. The air feels thick- something magical, something electric is positively buzzing. Magic truly is in the air.
And thunder strikes once again. 
The crowd is gone.
Silence fell. All that is left is the master and the doll, no longer an empty husk.
> You look up to the storyteller, their eyes reflecting the blazing flames. You have a feeling that you know how this ends, but you’d rather have them confirm it first.
> You’re sleepy. As tempting as it is to continue listening to their story, you must admit that the very idea of slumber is even more tantalizing.
RTGame had managed to do exactly what he wanted. Chat’s consciousness, placed inside of a single, physical being. A puppet controlled by a hivemind would not be very easy to control, yes. But the idea intrigued him. And wouldn’t it be better than having a large gaggle of people constantly behind him, watching his every move? It could help I Want Die on his journey too.
So it is settled. It happened that one of the members of his temple had just crafted a rather nice puppet, in case RT needed one. And he did come to use it. It does look a little plain, as both body and head are painted in the same shade of bright white. However, the face was not white like how it was in the beginning, but a disturbingly pitch-black space. No, that’s not the right word.
Rather, it was like a void had formed. That’s also not the right phrase to describe it either, as there were drops of ichor dripping down onto the ground, dissolving the once green grass. But I digress. 
Chat broke the silence that had fallen between them, wailing as a cacophony of noises and emotions spilled out. Despite what RT had done to them, they were still determined to voice their opinions. Quite in character, really. 
“I'M ON TV!!!”
“bazingabanana just gifted 5 subs!”
“that’s kinda meta”
As their voices grew louder, ichor kept pouring out of the void. As expected, RT thought to himself. He still needs to act fast. So with a quick snap, he fastened a wooden mask the temple-goer made; the same shade of white, a pair of beady black eyes almost as dark and soulless as the void, bright purple ears. 
The yelling and complaining didn’t stop of course. Still, as their voices were muffled by the mask, it was an arguably better experience than the previous ear-splitting wails. And it was less deadly too. Ichor had stopped dripping down onto the grass, which meant that the constant sizzling would finally stop.
Now, one last thing.
RT stared into Chat’s eyes.
This in itself wouldn’t have been quite a remarkable action had it been anyone else, but it’s Chat that we are talking about. The very sensation of doing something as simple as gazing into a hivemind’s many souls wasn’t anything ordinary, either.
It felt like you had just plunged one of your hands into ice-cold water in the middle of winter and not only are you freezing, you’re scared and you don’t know whether you’d come out in one piece.
They all stared back. Thousands and thousands looked upon RT, all different yet whispering the same things, each claiming to be an individual yet virtually nothing distinctive belongs to them. A true hivemind. It’s exactly what he wanted, but he wondered if perhaps other troubles would arise.
He let himself go from their gazes. It asks too much of him.
“Alright then, Chat. Ready?”
A gaggle of voices reply, sounding their agreements.
“OK then!”
I Want Die finally opened the inn door, after convincing himself that he’d like this new friend. That this one would be neither an anime villain, a comedy star or a horse. Someone with actual rational thoughts and words to speak.
In front of the door stood a short figure, clad in a purple mage’s robes. Their pitch-black eyes looked at I Want Die, and a chorus of voices came from their permanent smile:
“Hi, I’m Chat!”
And I Want Die wondered if he had forgotten to cross off ‘hivemind’ off his list of potential party members.
Chat’s introduction ends here, of course. But not their tale. The journey was far from over in fact. The party had yet to meet the Royal Court, witnessed the court’s love affair, or get kidnapped by the Dark Lord Von Karma. Even the party wasn’t complete, as it was only the first party I Want Die would encounter in his tale of redemption.
And it’s not the only story either. You haven’t heard of Magical John’s past life, or how Cupcake isn’t as pure as she seems. Gilbert’s fear of the kitchen. How Jefferson came to be, and Obama’s past life with Mr. Bean.
But I’m afraid I must stop here, for it is late already, is it not? Our journey must continue tomorrow. Let us rest. Goodnight, may the stars shine for you. (They head off into their tent, leaving you alone with the flickering embers of a dying fire.)
> You bid the storyteller goodnight. Perhaps they’ll tell you another one of their stories, underneath the moonlight once more.
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barbex · 3 years
6. Fugitive
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You know, I wanted to write something else and then this happened
For @18daysoffenders​, a scene with Anders being angry that his friends ignored him for years.
EDIT: Heads up! I changed the ending. It’s been bugging me all night, it was bad. So now I changed it. It’s a 100% more sad now. Sorry.
Warning: sad ending
They’re calling for him. It’s Hawke’s voice, and Merrill’s. He ducks into an alley to get away from them. The air is heavy with the dust from the chantry explosion, it works in his favour now as he hides from his friends. His former friends. They’re not his friends anymore, not after what he did. 
Anders recognises where he is and, with a few more turns, he reaches the gap in the city wall that leads to a set of old stairs, down the cliffs of Kirkwall. He has taken freed mages down here before. So young they were, slipping on the rickety, unfamiliar stairs, and tiring so quickly. He often wondered what had become of these young people, pale from never having seen the sun and hardly equipped to survive outside of the Gallow’s walls. Fugitives they were. Just like him now. 
At least he knows how to survive in the wild. He should be able to find a place to hide for the night in the forest under the Sundermount. And then... somewhere. Nevarra, maybe.
At the bottom of the stairs, he looks back at Kirkwall. A cloud of dust still hangs over the city. Never again will the towers of the chantry loom over Hightown and he can’t find it in his heart to regret it. No more compromise. No more peace keeping. They may hate him now, the mages, the people of Kirkwall, his friends. They can all hate him now, it won’t touch him. He hardened his soul for this weeks ago.
He walks fast on the old paths, leaving the city behind. At a copse of trees, he turns into the forest, leaving the path. This isn’t his first time of running away, he learned the hard way not to stay on well trampled paths. He steps carefully around patches of flowers and soft grass, anything that keeps the memories of foot prints. 
He’s been a fugitive before, he can be a fugitive again. It’s not like he lived in a life of luxury lately. Except for those nights at Fenris’ mansion. He wants to push those memories away, the warmth, the closeness, the gentleness. He doesn’t need those memories, he’s on his own now. Alone. He doesn’t need this anymore. 
It’s harder at night. He had the sun before, the gentle wind carrying the scent of the sea and wildflowers to him. That was nice. Now it’s dark, the wind has died down and the cave he hides in is cold and wet. He can’t sleep. He’d forgotten how loud nature is at night. 
He must have fallen asleep though at some point because he wakes to the stars shining. With one moon bright in the sky, it’s surprisingly light outside and Anders decides to walk again. As long as it’s not raining, he should keep going. Adjusting his pack on his back, he grabs his staff and steps out of the cave. 
His breath gets stuck in his throat. This has not been his plan. He shouldn’t have found him so quickly. “Fenris.” He can’t look at him, he can’t think of what he gave up. Anders looks at the staff in his hand and leans it against the rocks. “What do you want?”
“What do I want?” Fenris closes the distance between them and glares at him. “I want to know why you did it.”
“It? You have to be more specific.” It hurts to be like this. This mean. As if they never whispered loving words to each other. As if they didn’t cling to each other, saying how much they needed the other. 
“You know what I mean.”
“Do I, Fenris?” Oh, it feels good to yell into the night like this. “I honestly don’t. Freed mages? Exploding chantry? Whatever could you mean? I’ve only been talking about the abuse of mages for what, five, six, seven years? None of you took me seriously, not even you, I was well aware.”
“That’s why you pushed me away?”
“It wasn’t your fight. You told me many times.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Really? How did you mean it?” The sound of his own voice carries into the night, vicious and angry. It’s his own pain he lays onto Fenris, he’s well aware of it but for a moment it feels good to let go like this.
Fenris looks at him, his eyes glowing pale in the darkness. Like two stars in their own sky. “I just wanted to be happy.” 
“I know. We all do. But some things are bigger than happiness.” 
“You gave it all up. For an idea. You gave me up.” 
Anders laughs out bitterly. “As if I ever had you.”
Fenris looks startled. “But you did.”
Anders shakes his head. “No, I didn’t. I was... convenient for you. And I ate up the attention you gave me like a starving man. It doesn’t matter. I always expect too much, want too much.” He straightens his back and looks up at the moon. If only the pain in his chest would go away. “Are you here to kill me?”
“Then I’m gonna keep going.” He grabs his staff and walks. His vision swims from tears in his eyes.
“Anders, wait.” 
Anders stops, leaning his weight on his staff. “Don’t make this more difficult than it is. For a while, we were happy. That’s a wonderful memory, keep it that way.”
“But what if I also wanted more?” Fenris' voice is almost too quiet to hear.
“You didn’t even listen!” Anders whirls around to him. “None of you did. This was my life! For years I tried everything, for years I talked about the abuse, and my best friends didn’t even listen.” He takes a shaky breath, fighting against the tears. “It was the most important thing in my life and my friends made jokes about it. And the man I loved forbade me to talk about it. There could never be anything more. You didn’t even listen.”
Anders turns back on the path and walks, one foot in front of the other. At first he doesn’t notice that Fenris is following him, the elf’s steps silent on the mossy ground. Anders stops and turns around. 
“What do you want now?”
Fenris looks anywhere but at Anders’ face, wringing his hands. “You called me the man you love.”
Anders’ chest wants to crush in on itself. “We can’t help our feelings.”
“What if I love you too?”
Anders digs his teeth into his lip to stop himself from screaming. “This isn’t one of Varric’s romance novels. Love isn’t a solution to differences.”
“But I —”
“I know!” It’s almost a scream. Not the scream he holds back, but almost. “I know it hurts. I know it feels unfair. I know —” he presses his fist against his chest. “I know exactly how it feels.” 
Fenris just stares at him. He looks so hurt, so confused. The urge to hug him and tell him that everything is going to be fine is like a physical force that Anders can barely resist. He wraps his arms around himself to keep himself away. “I know how you feel. It will fade, you’ll get over it.”
At last, Fenris explodes. “How can you just say that? Was it all nothing to you? Just a warm bed at night, a simple fuck? Was that all?”
“And to you? Don’t act like you poured your heart out for me.” Anders has to turn around, turn away from the hurt in Fenris’ eyes. “I loved you, I wanted to share everything with you. But you never let me in. You hate everything I stand for. I couldn’t talk about my worries, I couldn’t talk about the pale children I sent out on this very path here, who didn’t even know how to survive. I couldn’t talk about the young mage who smiled at me one week and the next his smile was gone forever. You didn’t want to hear it. You didn’t want to know about my life.”
Anders drops his staff and whirls around, fire burning in the palms of his hands. “But this is me. I’m a mage, and now I am a criminal and a fugitive. Your life and my life have nothing in common anymore. Maybe we never did.” 
The flames reflect in Fenris’ wide eyes and he holds them up a bit longer. “Go. Go back to the life you’ve built. The life of a free man, enjoy that. You’ll find someone new, someone you can talk to. Someone you want to listen to.” 
The fires die down and all of his strength seems to die with them. Anders picks up his staff and leans his weight on it. “Maker be with you, Fenris. Don’t let the world push you down.” He turns away before he can see Fenris’ expression and forces his feet to walk. 
For a moment of desperate hope, he thinks Fenris follows him, but it’s only the noise of some rodent scurrying across the path. His vision blurs as he keeps walking. One step after another.
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jangmi-latte · 3 years
Hi Chii! This is for the TWST ANNIVERSARY, and scenario format is fine. Main focus line is Silver: “You want to study together? You work really hard.” Next character is Riddle: “Have you been to the library yet? You should definitely stop at least once sometime. There are a lot of books you’d fine useful there.” Oof, that was a lot, and hopefully I did this right, if not I can always resend it if you’d like! ~🍒cherry nonnie
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╰──➢   “ You want to study together? You work really hard. ”
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❥ cherry nonnie, is everything alright? you’ve been making me smile from your asks but i understood you on your first ask <3. may our waiters, silver & riddle rosehearts, treat you with this anniversary special dessert!
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“Oh, hello there.”
He greeted you with a gentle smile; no it wasn’t Silver, it was his father. You-- a young-second year no older than seventeen -- bowed at the older mage in a sign of respect. 
“Good afternoon, Mr. Vanrouge! I assume Silver already told you about my arrival?”
“Of course he did,” tittered the old fae as he let you in. “He surprisingly woke up earlier than he usually does.” Lilia led you towards the lounge of their shared home within the Valley of Thorns. 
“Oh, one more thing--” he opened the door to the lounge, “--avoid the second floor for now. Malleus is still asleep. We wouldn’t want to disturb him. Though, I trust you and Silver to keep it down with whatever you two plan to do today.”
You nodded, going inside after thanking him. Your eyes scanned the room in wonder. The Valley of Thorns’ common interior design always held dark colors. The only exception is when one of the home’s residents is light-colored, y’know? Like, tousled silver hair scattered on the couch arm, maybe even a white turtleneck hugging his figure, his aurora-colored eyes closed for the world not to see, and his pinkish lips slightly open while soft even breaths blew out. 
And Lilia said he woke up early, yes?
“Silver,” you whispered out, looking over the door while folding your lips and looking back at the young man on the couch. “Silver,” you called out louder, nudging the said man until he groaned and opened his eyes.
As his eyes came to view, you leaned forward, waving at him with a closed-lip smile. “Good morning-- or should I say afternoon?” you giggled. Silver blinked, and blinked, and blinked. His brain slowly processed what happened until he recognized your face. Jolting up into a sitting position he rubbed his eyes as he muttered, “I fell asleep...again?” 
“Nothing I’m not used to. But I’m glad you actually waited for me.”
You sat on the windowsill across from him, and while you looked at the horses at the nearby stable, you heard him shuffling from where he sat. Still looking a tad bit drowsy, he watched as you swung your legs back and forth. “I wanted to ask for some help. You’re the only one who I can approach since, well, you’re the only one I’m closed with. I also believe you’re great at teaching.”
Confused, Silver stood up from the couch and stood beside you on the window, “You’re saying?”
“I want to study with you when it comes to horseback riding. I really need to ace my exam,” you said, gulping as you watched one of the horses run around freely. You were never confident around horses. Not that they scare you, it’s just because of their boisterous behavior. They can kick and probably trample over you if you don’t handle them properly. 
“You want to study together?” Silver mumbled, glancing at you while you nervously glanced at the horses. 
“If it’s no trouble, Silv. I just really need some help.” Your eyes met his. He could sense your determination despite the worry and nervousness in your system. He doesn’t doubt his horseback riding skills, yet he knew himself that he has more training to do. Maybe, both of you can learn something new together. 
“Alright,” he agreed, “Let’s head to the stables.”
The height of the horses baffled you. Horses are no stranger to the Valley of Thorns yet you never actually got a chance to come near one considering you never even needed to. Each horse held their own distinctive color; white, brown, black, spotted, and there was even one with a long white mane and a thick tail. It was beautiful. 
Silver caught sight of you staring at one of the attractive horses their stable owned. It was his horse. “Do you want to ride Cloud?” His hand caressed the horse’s snout -- the mammal exhaled as a response to the touch.
“Cloud?” you repeated, reaching out to gently touch her soft mane. “She’s so beautiful...”
“She’s a rare Gypsy Vanner. A gift from father when I first rode a horse. You could say she’s become a friend of mine,” Silver shared, and while you listened, a smile stretched on your lips. “Then you must really be fond of her,” you said.
“We grew up together, so to say.” Silver cleared his throat and opened the stable door, his hand tightly held the reigns as he let Cloud out of the stable. The way she lightly neighed, her little shakes of relief, and the way she nudged Silver made you giggle yet feel weary. What if she doesn’t like you? What if she ran too fast? 
“Don’t be scared. She doesn’t hurt anyone,” Silver reassured as he adjusted the saddle. “Anyways, what is your exam about?” You followed him towards the equestrian facility (the place where horses are trained), walking beside him as you eyed Cloud. 
“Just basic horseback riding training. Cantering, galloping, trotting…” you explained. Not that hard, yes? You don’t need to have Cloud jump over bars or make her do tricks. Just basic running techniques to pass your exam. Silver, is no doubt, surprised. It’s really simple. But what if you held another horse? 
He hummed, letting Cloud stand steadily, he reached out for your hand and led it towards the horse. “It’s important that the horse knows you. They need to trust you in order to listen to you. I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did before.” Your hand felt Cloud’s soft fur around her neck. It exhaled in delight, signifying that she knows you and would most likely trust you. 
“What did you do?”
Silver looked away embarrassed, he vaguely remembers the day like it was just yesterday. How could he forget the fact a horse nearly sent him flying just because he rode it immediately without even acknowledging the fact it’s a wild horse. Thanks to the Great Seven, Lilia and Malleus were there to calm the horse down and grab him before he got severely injured.
“It’s nothing… Come, I’ll help you up.”
Oh, to be aware of one’s touches must be quite a delight to both parties. You hooked your left foot around the stirrup while Silver held your hand as support while you lifted yourself up the horse’s saddle. Once you’re sat, he immediately kept Cloud steady as he looked up at you. “You good?”
You nodded, smiling down at the horse. “Good girl,” you cooed. 
Silver looked at the path ahead of you, he wondered --  should he ride behind you or hold the reins until you got the hang of it? You’re still a beginner and he could either lead you properly by riding along or just standing by. When he was young, Lilia would ride behind him on the horse and he would just learn by watching him handle the reins.
Think, Silver, think.
“Are you getting up? I really don’t trust myself with the horse when you let me handle her alone…”
There’s the answer.
And now he’s behind you with his hands on yours as you both hold the reins. Cloud was trotting on the dirt as gently as Silver ordered her to do. Though with your obliviousness -- more of just being focused on his guide -- you failed to notice the fact that the young man behind you is enjoying your company.
You would squeal out loud if Cloud decided to go faster or tightly hold onto his hand and lean on his chest if you felt like falling off. It was hard not to find you adorable. And yet you’re still determined to learn. Back in NRC, he, Riddle, and Sebek would often yell at each other if one decides to flop. It’s not easy to handle horses, and yet you’re here handling Cloud well. Someday, you’ll ride another horse with confidence and just by yourself.
He tried to hop off the horse and let you handle Cloud on your own, maybe you aren’t the slickest or the fastest of learners, but you sure could control a horse now. Silver’s instincts were just as fast as he trained himself to be, almost running by your side when Cloud gets too excited with running.
He stayed so alert.
Hell, he didn’t even doze off in a while. 
“You work hard,” he praised you after you were able to halt the horse’s running smoothly. Both of you sharing a grin before proceeding with the next course. Hours and hours of practice, and you’re learning.
Lilia even forgot what in the living fuck he was boiling as he stared outside at the both of you. “Now, Silver didn’t tell me he had a little date.”
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╰──➢   “ Have you been to the library yet? You should definitely stop at least once sometime. There are a lot of books you’d fine useful there ”
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“I thought you would know the way around the Rose Kingdom since you live here,” Cater teased as he looked out the window of the train he and Riddle sat in. The younger boy scoffed and crossed his arms.
“I barely go out of my home. I’m even surprised you know the place more than I do. I know the area but not how to go there.” Riddle sighed, looking down at the phone on his lap once he heard it ring from a message.
A message from you.
That’s right; the only reason Riddle is heading somewhere with Cater was that you offered to visit a historical museum with him. The purpose of this little trip was for you to learn something in terms of magical history. Where’s the fun in just sitting down and reading in your bedroom when you can experience the said history hands-on?
Cater was there to accompany Riddle throughout the journey and would most likely explore his own way while you two converse about whatever question and lesson you had in mind. You knew Riddle was one of the top students in his school. You also knew he wouldn’t refuse an opportunity for him to teach you something he knows. 
When the train stopped, both students went off and down the museum just a few blocks away from the station. In front of the said museum was what Cater called: Riddle’s date. No, it was, in no way, a date. It was a simple study session. “Just in time, as always.” You stood up from the bench you were sitting on and met the two guys halfway. Cater had waved at you while Riddle looked at the exterior design of the museum.
It was a museum dedicated to the Queen of Hearts.
Riddle has been there a couple of times already. He has learned to love the place; though it's been a few years since he last visited. 
"I'll leave you two here. There's a mall near this place and I wanna look around. See ya, Riddle, y/n!" Cater waved as he walked away. Riddle’s eyes moved back to you, watching as you looked at the museum, "Let's head in!"
You thought, again, thought, that the museum would be bustling with people left and right considering how popular it was in the Rose Kingdom. However, the moment you entered its walls, there were only around fifteen to twenty-five people inside — for the most part, you were in the main lobby. 
"What are your concerns about?" Riddle began as he looked up at the huge statue of the Queen of Hearts situated in the middle of the lobby. Astonish were thee as you read the description of the queen. 
'The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. 'Off with his head!' she said, without even looking around.'
"She was very powerful, indeed," he said whilst he looked at the decoy of the queen's crown situated in a case. "Those who looked at her, or even heard her name, are terrified."
"What magic does she hold?" you asked, circling the statue as Riddle followed behind. 
"She holds great physical strength. As you can see—" Riddle pointed at the statue, "—she was big. Though some would label her as fat due to what Alice said, but in our school, she was mighty. I do wonder how she was able to grow so strong." He walked ahead of you and towards a painting. In that painting held the Queen of Hearts while she played croquet.
"Not only that. She aced in croquet and she ruled over her kingdom for how long. You could say she held authority no one could handle. Not even her own guards and husband." 
As he spoke, your legs brought you over the hallways that held marvelous paintings of the queen. He was just by your side the whole time. "You did say you were in a dorm that's named after her, yes?" you asked, looking over at him.
Riddle nodded. "The statue you saw in the main hall was the same statue that's near our school's entrance. It's only proper for her to be standing there. She is one of the Great Seven after all."
"And you're the dorm leader in that dorm. You also have her rules applied to your very dorm. Tell me, Riddle. Do you admire her?" You both stood in front of another glass case. This time, holding the Queen of Hearts' sceptre. A heart with a gold staff, not even a single speck of withering is shown. It looked so expensive and very antique. 
Riddle was quiet after you asked the question. Looking at him, you noticed how he stared at the queen's sceptre. Just above that sceptre was another painting of the queen, it was her on her throne with a villainous smirk on her face. It sent shivers down your spine.
"I do."
You faced Riddle once again. He had a serious expression on his face as he faced you. "She's the reason why I became the dorm leader that I am today. It was by my own choice to follow her rules and her doings. Not only for myself but for the sake of my dorm."
His voice held the authority of a dorm leader you never got to hear — considering as you go to different schools. You don't know how he is as a dorm leader, but judging by how he looked at the queen's painting, it's enough to convince you that he, Riddle Rosehearts…
Is the King of Heartslabyul.
The glass case that held the sceptre had a small hole — big enough to fit a hand or two — with a note above: 'Touch with precaution'. With a little bit of hesitation, you reached out and touched the sceptre. Warmth seeped through his hand as Riddle, too, reached out to touch the sceptre only for it to land on your hand. You both froze, staring at each other in surprise. It was he who pulled away first, cheeks painted as red as the hallway's walls. 
"H-Have you been to the library yet? We should definitely stop at least once sometime." He coughed out, looking away from you. "There are a lot of books you’d find useful there. Didn't you say you wanted to know more about the queen's history based on your topic for your exam?"
And he walked ahead. 
Your hand slowly moved to your chest after you let go of the sceptre. Looking down to your feet as you chuckled to yourself. Folding your lips as you covered your mouth and looked back at Riddle's walking figure. 
The Queen— well, King — of Hearts may have a temperament. But he sure can be admirable at times when needed… 
"Are you coming or not?"
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© jangmi-latte, all rights reserved. Happy to Serve!
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #200
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Wow, what a milestone, huh? It feels like only yesterday we were building Mash. Didn't even know you could grab multiple fighting styles back then. We were also one person back then. Things change. Things change even faster when you have magic eyes that let you bend anything you can see, so let's hurry up and build Asagami Fujino already. She is a Quandrix Sorcerer to tear apart anything she lays eyes on, as well as expand her field of vision beyond what her eyes can see. Dangerous combination, that.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: In the dark of the night, evil will find you! (If Rasputin ever become a playable character I am really going to regret using that one here.)
Wait, what's that...
Race and Background
No surprises here, Fujino is a Variant Human, because normal humans can't tear people apart with their mind. That means she gets +1 Dexterity and Charisma, as well as proficiency with Perception (kind of her deal) and the Tough feat. HP isn't just how much body you have to get hurt, it's also how badly getting hurt affects you. Fujino's deadened sense of pain means she can take hits and keep going, purely due to the fact that she doesn't realize she should stop. That means you're getting an extra 2 HP each level.
Fujino is a schoolgirl, so the closest thing we have is the Cloistered Scholar background. That gives you History and Nature proficiency.
Ability Scores
Your highest score should be Charisma. Your magic eyes are an innate part of you, and it's really easy to be frightening when you can tear a bridge down around you. Second highest should be Constitution, for the reasons we outlined in your background feat. Your Dexterity should probably be pretty high, you fight in clothing, and you fought against Shiki for more than five seconds without dying. That's impressive. Your Intelligence isn't that bad, though you're still going through school. We aren't dumping Strength, it's alright, but we are dumping Wisdom. You have a hard time feeling yourself and feeling connected to other people.
Class Levels
You're a Sorcerer, giving you proficiency with Constitution and Charisma saves, as well as proficiency with the Intimidation and Arcana skills. You've got magic implanted in your face, and again, bridge. As a Sorcerer, you can cast spells using your Charisma. Blade Ward deadens your senses further, giving you resistance to physical damage types for a round. Mending lets you twist a small item back together, instead of tearing it apart. Sword Burst is a short range bending... sorta. Force damage is hard to quantify. But it's free, so that's nice. You can also Shape Water to bend liquids to your will. For first level spells, Mage Armor helps you not die, and Magic Missile lets you shoot little bursts of twistiness that'll never miss. You also join the school of Quandrix, which gives you the starting gift of the spells Guidance and Guiding Bolt. They aren't super in character, but they're free, so suck it up. More Importantly, you learn Functions of Probability, helping you bend luck in your favor. When you cast a leveled spell targeting a creature, you can add an effect to a nearby creature (yourself included). A Diminishing Function forces a wisdom save (DC 8 + Chr mod + proficiency), and if it fails it subtracts 1d6 from the next attack roll it makes this round. Turns out swordfighting is hard when your sword is a corkscrew. Alternatively, a Supplemental Function lets a creature add a d6 to an attack or save made in the next round. This part is less believable, but if you're creative I'm sure it'll look good.
Second level sorcerers are a Font of Magic, giving you sorcery points equal to your level per long rest. You can turn them into slots, or turn slots into points. Eventually you can do other things. Also, you can cast Thunderwave now. It destroys objects, you destroy objects, it's a match made in heaven.
Now that you're a third level sorcerer, you can make your spells truly your own thanks to Metamagic! If you cast a Heightened spell, one creature in its effect has disadvantage on their save against it. If you cast an Empowered spell, you can re-roll a couple damage dice. Tearing people in half is generally hard to avoid, and kind of damaging. You can also bend the air itself by casting Dust Devil, creating a Medium sized tornado, dealing damage to creatures nearby and pushing them around. It'll even pick up dust and make things hard to see, though that's kind of a drawback for you.
Use your very first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Charisma. Kind of a spell-based build, to be honest. Speaking of, Mage Hand probably doesn't have much tearing force behind it, but it's free. You can also cast Shatter for more indiscriminate destruction.
Fifth level sorcerers gain third level spells like Clairvoyance! Now you can see a bird's eye view of the battlefield, tearing your way through it like, well, you.
At sixth level it's about time you started bending the earth to your will. You can Velocity Shift nearby creatures if they start their turn or move within 30' of you. If they fail a charisma save you can shove them to any other point within 30' of you. You can react this way 30' per long rest. Twist debris at people and watch them scatter, it's fun. To help with that, you can also cast Erupting Earth, bending the ground in a 20' cube. This forces dex saves on creatures in the cube, dealing damage and making the area difficult terrain until it's cleaned up.
Seventh level sorcerers get fourth level spells like Stoneskin for even more deadened senses. Now you resist physical damage without having to waste your action every turn. It does use your concentration, but it lasts an hour.
Another ASI! Max out your Charisma for super special eyes. You can also Control Water to create truly damaging whirlpools. There's other options, but whirlpools! Who'd want anything else?
Oh hey, I found something you might want else. It's fifth level spell Bigby's Hand! You can grab people and play with them like a stress ball. Technically there isn't a twisting option, but a Grasping Hand is probably the best you'll do. It'll grapple a huge or smaller creature, and if it successfully does so you can Crush it as a bonus action for damage.
Another Metamagic option! Technically these spells are all just you looking at things, so grab Subtle Spell so you don't have to yell out all your attack names. You can also Mold Earth. It's not that powerful, but it's free twisting. You also get Telekinesis! Again, no "twisting" in the rules, but it's strong enough to lift an object of 1000 pounds, and fine enough to open a door. Their heads should be popping off here.
Sixth level spells! Here are the big boys of the spell world. If you twist anything enough, eventually it'll Disintegrate, dealing plenty of force damage and leaving behind a mess you can't even revive. A little too clean for Fujino, but it's destructive enough.
ASI time. Bump up Constitution for a thicker skin and more HP. HP changes retroactively, so you get an extra 12 HP here.
Did you know turning into rotini is painful? Your enemies certainly know that, thanks to Power Word Pain. If a charmable creature has 100 HP or less, their speed drops to 10', and it gets disadvantage on all attacks, checks, and saves, aside from constitution saves. If it tries to cast a spell, it'll be wasted if it can't pass a constitution save. The target stays in pain forever until it can pass a constitution save.
Cool, so fun thing about these Multi Class Subclasses! As long as you're the correct level, you can take any one feature they have each time you hit the appropriate level in your main class. Since the highest requirement is 14, we're taking Quantum Tunneling now, and we'll pop back to the other one later. Your senses permanently deaden, giving you complete resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. You can also bend your way through any physical objects, as long as you're willing to deal with a halved movement speed and 1d10 damage each square you move. You also have to end your turn in an empty spot. Playing to character this should leave a huge hole behind you, but maybe you're conscientious? You weren't raised in a barn, after all.
Your eighth level spell is Earthquake. Now no structure in your view is safe from your destructive powers. Tear open the earth, shatter structures, and interrupt concentration, there's nothing you can't do!
Bump up your Dexterity this ASI. Not getting hit is still pretty useful, even if you can't feel it.
Remember when I said turning into rotini hurts? I was wrong. Actually, it kills you. Please grab Power Word Kill to reflect these changes. You have become death, destroyer of mages. You also learn how to cast Distant Spells, doubling your spell's range. Your range should be "anywhere in sight", so this is a step in the right direction.
Okay, I guess we'll grab Null Equation. Once per turn you can twist up a creature you damaged. If they fail a constitution save, they get disadvantage on strength and dexterity saves, and they only deal half damage with weapon attacks, all for a round. You can do this Proficiency times per long rest. Again, real hard to hit people when your femurs are spring shaped.
Use your last ASI for more Constitution for more HP and better concentration.
We've finally done it, we've made a pure sorcerer build! It's time to finally learn the dark secret of the Sorcerer capstone. What feature could be so powerful we've completely avoided it for 200 builds? It's Sorcerous Restoration. You get 4 sorcery points per short rest. It's not good. Sorry.
Pros and Cons
You're good at dealing damage, and your most powerful spells deal Force damage, which almost nothing blocks against. That means you're consistent and deadly, a solid combination.
You're so good at damage that it isn't just limited to creatures. Use telekinesis, mold earth, and shatter to tear apart structures that are getting in your way. Walls? Torn down. Steel Beams? Melted. Bridges? Falling down.
Despite spending your entire time in a class with the worst hit dice imaginable, you're pretty tough to kill, with just over 200 HP, a decent AC for a spellcaster, and permanent resistance to physical damage types. To make things worse for fighters, it's also a pain to get near you, since you can tear up the area around you and shunt melee fighters away as a reaction.
While you do have magic missile, a lot of your spells deal damage in wide areas, so your party might have words with you about using earthquake one too many times.
While you're good at tearing things up, that's just about all your magic can do. There's the occasional Clairvoyance and some defensive spells, but by and large you're either dealing damage or doing nothing.
Despite your great physical defense, you struggle a bit more against other damage types. If you end up fighting someone who can turn their knife into psychic damage, you might have a problem on your hands.
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5lazarus · 3 years
The Domestics
Alistair runs into an older elven woman on the battlements, watching the children play in the Skyhold courtyard below. They get to talking: isn't it nice that the mages get to keep their children now? Then, in the course of the conversation, Alistair figures it out. Alistair says, “I always wondered. What my life would’ve been like, if she could’ve kept me. I always kinda knew she didn’t have a choice. King’s bastards are the king’s, not whoever carried them. If she were a servant and if I’d end up in the kitchens or, better yet, the dairy. I really like cheese. But if she were a mage, I guess we never had any of that. Unless she ran away.” Read on Archive of Our Own here.
It’s snowing at Skyhold, which delays Alistair’s plans by a day. Anora cuts him loose, locking herself in the ambassador’s heated room with her furs, and he wishes he could change into less fine clothes and join the children in their snowball fight, or wander into the kitchens and see if he can sweet-talk the cook into giving him something hot and sweet to drink. He’s king, so he could ask for all the chocolate in Seheron, and doubtless the Inquisition would try to give it to him.
He walks the battlements so less people will see him and watches the battle in the courtyard below. The Inquisitor’s children seem to have made common cause with the servants’ kids against the visiting nobility; honestly it’s just a relief to see that it isn’t human against elf. Alistair, a tad self-conscious, touches his right ear. An older elf is watching them, smiling. Alistair wonders if she’s the mother of one of them below.
“Which one’s yours?” Alistair asks.
The woman says, “I’m only watching them for the Inquisitor. I’m their guard.” She’s got short black hair, threaded with silver, but her eyes are lively enough. She’s wearing green robes with a bit of Dalish-looking embroidery at the ends of her sleeves. She’s got an Orlesian accent, too. He didn’t know the Inquisition was working with elves from Orlais, didn’t Anora tell him to keep an eye out for Ambassador Briala’s livery?
“Oh.” He shouldn’t feel awkward, but he blushes anyway. He stares at the woman’s feet, toes poking out of those foot wraps, and wonders how on earth she’s not freezing. Alistair’s got a coat of heavy wool, trimmed in fur.
The woman notices he’s staring and says, matter-of-fact, “My circulatory system is different than yours. We conserve heat more efficiently than your people. Besides, I’m a mage. It’s easy to keep warm.”
That has him a bit miffed. Of course he knows elves are biologically different than humans; they can still breed, though. He’s evidence of that. He doesn’t feel the cold as intensely as the others at court, and he knows why. The servants at the palace can tell, even if he passes, for the most part. Eamon and Tegan talk all the time about how much he looks like his father, how much he looks like Cailan, but he’s seen enough portraits of them both to know how he differs.
Alistair says, again, “Oh. Cool. I’m half, you know.” It’s not that he’s discouraged from talking about it, but it’s never been something to advertise. Those with eyes to see it don’t need to be told, but right Alistair feels like he needs to justify himself, with the way she’s looking at him. Skyhold has had him wrong-footed; Leliana has been distant and he is finding it harder and harder to slip away from the King. Anora tells him that’s part of adulthood. He’s not so sure.
The woman says, “I know.”
Alistair folds his arms. “Really? Because I didn’t. What’s your name, by the way?”
The elf smiles sadly. “Fiona. I used to travel with the Grey Wardens, when I was young.”
Alistair says, “Really? The Grey Wardens don’t really let people leave. Unless, you know, you point out that yet another civil war is going to break out if they don’t let you put your ass back on the throne. What was your excuse?”
Fiona says, “I had a baby. It’s hard to keep a nursery going in the Deep Roads. The darkspawn get jealous.”
“Oh. Can’t be having that, they’re crabby enough as it is. Though I heard of a Warden who brought his cat into the Deep Roads too, scratched out the eyes of a hurlock apparently. You’re lucky, most of us can’t have kids. I can’t. Probably.” He thinks about his own natural daughter with Tabris and blushes at the lie, rubbing at the back of his head. It’s for her own good and the good of the realm he hasn’t brought her to court. It’s not an excuse, it’s a reason, and Morrigan has the spare heir anyway, if Anora can’t figure something out.
Fiona says, “I suppose it’s luck. The Circle took him away from me, and gave him back to his father.” She sounds wistful. “But under the Inquisition, the mages keep their children. It’s a different world now. There’s no going back.”
He thinks to himself, I’m not so sure—the disastrous plans for the Hinterlands, the riots in Denerim, the failure of the embassy in the Brecilian forest. He thought after the Blight, with this new alliance between elves, dwarves, and men, there would be no going back. Anora tells him it’s a struggle for the future and that reform doesn’t come in a day, perhaps not even their lifetime: sometimes they need to settle for establishing the groundwork for the next person to rule, like Maric did for them. But of course, Anora’s never had her cousin kidnapped and brutalized, or her father sold into slavery. That sort of perspective changes things.
Alistair says, “Really?” He scratches his head. “I look at things in Ferelden and wonder how things can stay so stagnant, and then you look at Orlais and how they’re eating themselves alive. And Orzammar, of course, which is basically a living fossil. People don’t like change. They’d prefer for things to stay the same, or even go back to how they were a generation ago.” He is surprised at the bitterness in his voice.
Fiona cocks her head and looks at him curiously. She says, “You’re too young to be talking like that. You must understand it comes in seasons—we flourish in spring and reap our harvest in summer, and then prepare for and suffer through the conservative reaction in winter. Sometimes it’s a harsh winter, and many do not survive. But then there is always the spring. You lived in Ferelden, you should know—from the Night Elves who freed your people from the Orlesian occupation to Clan Alerion securing the boundaries of the Hinterlands now, things have changed. You just need to…riot every so often, to make sure no one gets complacent.” She grins.
It’s nice to talk politics with someone who doesn’t know who he is, who thinks he’s just another wealthy Ferelden currying favor with the Inquisition, not a king staring down the religious cult that just carved itself a city-state at the border of his realm. Below the children are yelling. A couple of them are using magic to freeze the snowballs, and they’re having a fierce debate, interspersed with throwing said ice balls, on whether that’s fair.
Alistair says, “Then I hope you’re right. I hope the mages and the Inquisition’s made enough of a, er, spring, to shake things up. It’s good for these kids to stay with their families, I hated what the Circle did. I didn’t know my mother, growing up. Would’ve avoided a lot of angst if I’d gotten to meet her.” He thinks about Morrigan and her awful mom, and then Goldanna flashes through his mind. Ashamed, he pushes the thought away. “Or maybe it would’ve made it worse! Hard to say, I certainly don’t know!” He smiles at the woman brightly.
Fiona says, “It might have made it worse, since she was an elf. Your life would’ve looked very different, even in Ferelden.”
His heart stops. Surely she doesn’t know who he is. That could be awkward, considering what he’s been saying. Anora will be furious that he’s gone off and talked politics with another random person again. He can’t help it, he gets bored easily, and the courtiers and advisors only tell him what they think he should want to hear.
“How do you know I’m Ferelden?” Alistair asks suspiciously.
“You’re wearing the badge on your fur coat. And, of course, your accent. Unless I am mistaken?”
“No, no,” Alistair says. “But yeah. Sorry. I don’t know much about her. Don’t know if she’s still alive. Just that she was an elf. Always assumed she was a serving woman or something, if my father was anything like C-Caleb.”
Fiona says, “Sometimes it’s better not to think about it, how we came into the world. I never met my parents either.” She leans against the balustrade and shakes her head at the kids fighting in the courtyard below. They’ve devolved into outright brawling, but that weird Warden the Inquisitor keeps around her has waded into the fray, bellowing orders. “It’s good to see them playing again. They never had enough time to play.”
“When were you a Warden?” Alistair asks. “You know, my dad travelled with the Wardens too. But they didn’t make him join up—guess that’s why I’m here, ha-ha.” He wants to ask her if she ever met him, because they might have overlapped. It’s hard to tell with elves sometimes though, they age more slowly, but she looks like she’s in her late forties, a bit careworn. Then he decides he really doesn’t want the conversation to get weird, because he is a king and his father was a king, and it’s rare that someone speaks to him normally now—treats him like the lovable idiot he knows he is, not the history-breaking king.
Fiona says, “Oh, give or take thirty years or so. I try not to count the years, at my age. My people live a long time if left unmolested, but I have a knack for running into trouble.”
Alistair laughs. “Oh, me too! I don’t even mean to do it, I’ve just never learned to keep my mouth shut.” To Teagan and Anora’s chagrin, he thinks ruefully. “I was given to the Templars as a boy, before I managed to get the Wardens to take me, and Maker! The Mother despaired of me. Called me most the accidental heretic she’d ever known. Really the Wardens taking me saved my life, Maker knows what they would’ve done to me if I kept poking at them like I was.”
Fiona pauses, trying to suppress a laugh, and then says, “At least you’ve never started a war.”
Alistair laughs heartily at that. Then he realizes what she’s said. “Wait, what? You started a war?”
Fiona says, “You…you didn’t know?”
Alistair says, “Is there something I should know?”
Fiona steps away, smoothing her expression away. “Many things.” Anxiously she peers down into the courtyard, smoothing her sleeves over her hands. The two factions of Skyhold children have joined forces and are attacking Blackwall with snow, but another one of the Inquisitor’s companions has joined the fray—a cackling elvhen girl, and then Alistair sees that from the balcony of the inn there’s a mustachioed mage swatting snowballs away from his friend.
Alistair says, “You never asked me my name.”
Fiona glances at him and then turns away. “I didn’t need to. You look very much like your father. Though I suppose you must know that.”
Alistair opens his mouth and then closes it. He says, voice hoarse, “Did you ever—“ He stumbles over his words, and clears his throat. “Did you ever find out what happened to your baby? When the Circle took him away.”
Fiona hesitates. The silence between them is filled with the children laughing below, the mage grandiosely chanting what are clearly made-up words, and the old Warden dramatically pretending to be overwhelmed by the volley of snow. The elven girl is swearing revenge, right now. It looks the children are trying to steal the “body” and make a pyre out of snow.
Alistair says, “I always wondered. What my life would’ve been like, if she could’ve kept me. I always kinda knew she didn’t have a choice. King’s bastards are the king’s, not whoever carried them. If she were a servant and if I’d end up in the kitchens or, better yet, the dairy. I really like cheese. But if she were a mage, I guess we never had any of that. Unless she ran away.”
Fiona covers her face with her hands.
Alistair continues, “Then, yeah, being apostates suck. Believe me. I met a girl who lived in a swamp. But I think we could’ve made it work. Like since I pass, and I’m not magic—at least I don’t think so, but I think I’d know by now? I’m like, thirty-five. Or something. I could’ve gone to the villages and traded for food. And I would’ve known more about who I am. Than just Maric’s bastard. Who’s just a story, anyway. That’s how kings like that end up. Just stories.”
His mother is weeping now.
He says, “I have no idea how you started that war you said you did. But I think I know what I’m supposed to know.” He takes a step closer, and she doesn’t move. He says, helplessly now, “I think I have your eyes.”
Fiona leans against the balustrade, back to the courtyard below. She’s not crying now, but she’s not making any sound. Alistair is afraid to go closer. Her hands press into her face like a mask, restraining a scream. He thinks if he touches her, all that tension will explode. He gets overwhelmed like that too. Can you inherit that sort of thing? He has to wonder, does the way one expresses pain get passed down in the blood?
He waits for her to speak. A door behind them creaks open, footsteps scuffle to a stop, then retreat. The door shuts. The mage has come down into the courtyard now and is chanting what appears to be Nevarran over the pile of snow that is Blackwall’s pyre. The elven girl is leading the children in mourning—but then the mage flourishes, and the snow glows purple, then scarlet, then green as he sparks. Blackwall throws the snow off and roars. The children cheer.
Fiona breathes heavily, drawing herself out of wherever she retreated. She swipes at her face with her sleeves. She says, “Forgive me. It was better that you didn’t know. You couldn’t have become—you deserved—Maric needed—what are you going to do, I told the Divine to go fuck herself, you can’t have a mother who told the Divine—“
Alistair says, impressed, “You told the Divine to go fuck herself? I am your son, I knew it had to come from somewhere! This is your fault!” He gestures at himself, and Fiona manages a laugh.
“An exaggeration,” she says. “I merely said the Divine should fuck herself, right before we voted to dissolve the Circles and separate from the Chantry. I’d hoped to tell her that at the Conclave, which is why they sent Orsino rather than myself.” Her mouth twists into a rueful smile. “Perhaps the only time running off my mouth and losing my temper has saved my life.”
Alistair says, “Well, the Divine was kind of an ass. Somebody had to say it.” He laughs. “Oh, this is wonderful. My mother, the rebel mage.” He’s genuinely delighted, this is much cooler than anything he came up with as a boy. “This is so cool. Anora’s going to be so annoyed when I tell her. Not like she can complain, her dad betrayed the realm and got all the Wardens killed, so really on the scale of shitty in-laws, I win.” He pauses: he isn’t sure he conveyed what he wanted to by that. Fiona is just staring at him. “But seriously, I don’t know who you are. Besides, obviously, my mother.”
Fiona says, disbelief in her voice, “I’m the Grand Enchanter."
Alistair says, “Oh Maker, I should’ve recognized the belt, shouldn’t I?”
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neitherlightnordark · 3 years
ralsei 3?
Ralsei flattened his paws down on his hat to keep it from blowing away in a sudden, quite nonsensical breeze.
It'd take quite a lot of time and walking to go and fetch it... he thought, peeping over the balcony and watching the scarlet-tree-speckled ground spill out all the way below. It's... not as though I have anything better to do now, though.
They'd all felt the fountain resonate when Susie and Kris went back to their world. And it felt wrong, disrespectful, faithless, to tread on sacred ground just to check if they were truly gone, or already back.
They will come back, he promised himself, looking up at the black void that passed for a sky. It is foretold in stars and earth, and that's what matters. Look, you'll have so many things to show them! Like Susie's plethora of cakes, and the scrapbook you'll make of your journey together for SAVEkeeping-
The door behind him creaked open. "Oh, Toothpaste Boy-?" It shut. "I mean, fellow prince!! Hello and greetings!"
Lancer trotted up to Ralsei's side, now wearing a very nice dark blue cape and a crooked crown he kept on adjusting with his little arms.
"Lancer!" Ralsei gave him a smile. "You look different! Um... did you get a haircut?"
"Ha ha ha! Do you like it??" Lancer swished his cape around, making the hearts-clubs-diamonds-spades embroidered on it sparkle. "I got a cape, too! We found it in a closet! Lesser Dad fixed out all the holes and stuff!"
"It... looks very nice, actually." Ralsei offered him a paw. "Here, come on up."
"I thought you'd have gotten home by now." Lancer reached out, and his cape gave two massive butterfly flaps, soaring him up to Ralsei's eyelevel; Ralsei snatched him from the sky in a panic and gently tugged him down to the railing. "Do you need a guard escort for the perils on the way? I can get you a guard escort! Anything for my good friend's good friend!"
"Um... no, that's alright." Ralsei glanced away.
"Hm?" Lancer's tongue poked out a little. "What about your subjects? Won't they be missing you?"
"..." Ralsei reached up and pulled his hat down a little. "Lancer, I'm... not a prince like you are. I don't have people to lead and take care of. It's only me."
"Oh!" Lancer kicked his feet back and forth, sitting back on the railing. "Then, um, how do you know you're a real prince?"
"...Because the prophecy says- says so. And, if I'm part of the prophecy, then I have to be one."
"Oh, okay." Lancer looked over his shoulder at the kingdom below him. "Do you like not having subjects?"
Ralsei felt the breeze whisper at the back of his head again. "Of course I do! It's for Kris, and Susie, and doing it for them makes me happy. No matter how lonely it is."
The two sat in quiet for a bit, watching stars and candles wink in and out of existence below them.
"Do you think you can be a prince and something else at the same time?" Lancer asked.
"What do you mean?"
Lancer pulled off his crown and began twirling it around his arm like a hula hoop. "The puzzle guys and the kings and the coatrack, they said they remembered a time when the court had a bunch of folks in it, and they sometimes yelled at the kings to stop them from doing unpleasant stuff."
"...Oh." Ralsei frowned. "That in itself seems a little unpleasant."
"Right?? The kings said so too!" Lancer re-set his crown on his head. "It sounds like they weren't very good at listening to their court, though. The coatrack said they would give all sorts of advice so I'd be better at making the right choice, no yelling. So I decided to make the coatrack a court member, and my dad, and I was thinking, hmm, who else? And then I thought of you!"
"...M-me?" Ralsei turned pink, waving his paws. "Oh, oh, no, Lancer, I- I've got a, I-"
"You said you didn't want to go back to your kingdom!" Lancer smiled up at him. "It's alright if you don't, but- um, if you agree, you won't be lonely anymore! And I'll stop teasing you!! Much!"
"Hey, you just called me 'Toothpaste Boy'!"
"Does 'Toothpaste Boy' really count as teasing, Toothpaste Boy??"
"...Yes, it does, actually. I've just decided right now."
"Okay, Not-Toothpaste-Boy." Lancer paused. "Wait, what's your name?"
"Ralsei. I'm Ralsei, Lancer."
"Ralsei. Ralsei Ralsei Ralsei, Court Mage." Lancer beamed. "How does that sound, Ralsei? You can learn magic, and defend the kingdom, and protect everyone, and stuff!"
Ralsei took off his hat and looked down into it, adjusting. "Lancer, I..."
"What's wrong?"
"Why... me?" Ralsei looked back up. "I mean, you barely know me, and- is it just because I'm Susie's friend?"
"Welllllll, that's one big factor. I would trust anyone who's Susie's friend!" Lancer stood up, surprisingly nimble on the slippery railing. "But there's more! I saw you when..." He paused. "When you were with my dad. You were ready to fight for me alongside her, weren't you? Even if we weren't friends before...?"
"...Of- of course I was." Ralsei stood a little straighter. "Of course."
"And before that- we were fighting you. We were gonna thrash you, and-" Lancer smiled at the ground. "You said you liked me. You could've fought back against me and Susie, but you didn't."
Ralsei nodded quietly.
"I ran to go get help when you were fighting my dad because I trusted that you'd all do the right thing," Lancer added. "Not just Susie, but you, and the one called Kris."
He perked up. "And it all worked itself out, didn't it?? Now the whole kingdom's trying to fix itself, and, and it's all because of you three! You- oh- oh! What's wrong, Ralsei?"
Ralsei suddenly realized he was crying. "Um, um, I'm not sure. I'm sorry-"
"Here!" Lancer offered a corner of his cape. "It's alright, Ralsei! I've always wanted my dramatic speeches to bring someone to tears someday!"
"R-right." Ralsei sniffled into the cape. "I'm... yeah, Lancer. Thank you..."
"You're welcome," Lancer said proudly, plopping down next to him and patting his back.
"...I'd really like to become better friends with you, Lancer," Ralsei said after he was done, cracking a little smile. "I'd... like to become your court mage, and,"
"Well, don't worry about becoming friends!!! We have all the time in this world!" Lancer hopped off the railing, tugging Ralsei along by his dress. "Come on, I'll show you to your new room. This balcony is so windy, you can't sleep here!"
"New room-???" Ralsei let out a yelp, flattening his paw down on his hat to keep it from blowing off as they ran into the hallway.
"Of course!! Don't worry, we can repaint the carousel if you want!"
The door slammed shut with a gust of wind, and the balcony was empty once more.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Ok folks! Here’s some demiromantic Jaskier/ Ace Geralt (feat. a prostitute or two)
This idea was by my ever lovely friend @slythnerd who gave me a bullet list fic and I offered to write it! This is smutty. Do not read if you are under 18. I’ve also never written anything like this before. So be kind? __________
What do you call a bard who’s never fallen in love?
A bad joke, perhaps. The answer is Jaskier. A bard famed for his romantic poetry and exploits and yet he’s never once felt that flutter in his heart strings when he’s looked at someone beautiful. So he keeps trying, over and over and over. He falls into beds of lovers all over the Continent and earns himself quite the reputation. He enjoys sex. He’s good at sex but dearest Melitele he yearns for more. He wants love.
He’s a poet and a romantic and he wants love.
He’s twenty six when he gives up on romantic love for himself. Love is a beautiful and enriching adventure but not one that he will ever experience.
Or so he thinks.
He’s twenty eight when his world is completely turned upside down. After travelling with Geralt for a decade he’s sure that the witcher cannot surprise him any further. That’s when the dreams start. He dreams of holding the witcher’s hand as they walk down the path, Roach trailing after them. He dreams of kissing Geralt goodbye whenever they part, be it for winter or just for the evening. He dreams of waking up each morning wrapped in a lover’s embrace. He dreams of Geralt saying those words.
And for once in his short life, those words don’t scare him. They don’t make him want to run away. They don’t feel him with dread and a sense of inadequacy. He dreams of Geralt saying those words… and he dreams of saying them back.
It’s a startling realisation and one that has him scrambling for his notebook and quill. He stays up all night scribbling away in his messy scrawl until his feelings are left staining the page.
He’s exhausted and giddy with love when he sees Geralt the next morning over breakfast but instead of joy he’s hit with icy dread. How could Geralt ever love him back? He’s been sleeping around, quite unashamedly for the last ten years and it’s gotten them both into more trouble than Geralt’s contracts.
So the smile falls from his face and he pretends that nothing has changed.
Everything has changed and Geralt fucking knows it.
After three days of tense silence every unspoken word explodes between them.
“Just fucking say something, Jaskier!” Geralt yells across the campfire.
“I can’t!” Jaskier buries his face in his hands. His heart aches and he wishes he could return to the numb nothingness of before but it’s too late. He loves his best friend and he loves him with all of his heart.
“Why not?” Geralt glowers, eyes ablaze in the light of the flames.
“Because I love you!” Jaskier screams and the words fill the forest like a battle cry. “I love you” He’s rambling now. “and I never thought I could so I just fucked around hoping that someone would be good enough in bed to make me fall in love with them. No one ever was and… and I felt so fucking broken!” He exclaims with a wide wave of his arms. “Broken, useless, unlovable sorry excuse for a bard! But oh no no, turns out it wasn’t a good fuck I needed.” He glares at Geralt, blaming the witcher for his sudden tidal wave of emotions. “turns out I just needed you. My best friend in the whole wide world but I never fucking saw it so I kept screwing around and now you hate me for it and that’s just shit because it turns out… it turns out that I love you. You bastard.”
He’s said too much. He claps his hands over his mouth. “I’m sorry.”
And he runs.
Or at least he tries to. Geralt’s hand in holding his wrist. “Don’t be. Don’t be sorry. Don’t go.” Geralt whispers in the dark of the night. His face lit up by the orange glow of the campfire. “Stay.”
“You. You don’t hate me?” Jaskier asks, his voice cracking pitifully.
Geralt shakes his head. “No. The opposite. I think.”
Jaskier frowns as he tries to decipher Geralt’s riddles. “The opposite? But. but Geralt?”
“I know.”
“Don’t fucking mess with me now, witcher.” Jaskier hisses, his heart is too fragile. He’s not used to any of this torment.
“I’m not.” Geralt sighs. “But I can’t. I don’t want.” He cuts himself off with a low groan and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Jaskier tilts his head. “You don’t want what, Geralt?”
“Sex. I know, the whole Continent knows, how much you love it.”
“Oh hey!” Jaskier protests but really Geralt does have a point. “Hang on, what about Yennefer, or Triss…. or what was her name? With the swords going missing?”
Jaskier snaps his fingers. “You fucked her for weeks!”
Geralt shrugs. “It’s what they wanted.”
Alarm bells start ringing in Jaskier’s mind. It’s what they wanted, not Geralt. Geralt hadn’t wanted it. “Did they….”
Geralt smiles faintly with a shake of his head. “No. I said yes. It’s what they wanted, what’s expected of me.” His nose wrinkles. “Yen’s unicorn though. Never again.”
Jaskier whimpers as he embraces Geralt tightly. “I will never. I promise you. If you don’t want sex then we don’t have to have sex. Are kisses alright?” He asked with a tilt of his head.
Geralt frowns. “Umm.”
“No then.” Jaskier sighs. “Hugs?”
“Yeah.”  That’s a relief for Jaskier. He’s always needed physical touch and he’s been hugging Geralt for years. The thought that he could have been making his best friend uncomfortable makes him feel sick to his stomach. “What about you?” Geralt asks. “You love sex.”
Jaskier shrugs. “I have two hands.” He winks. “And I’ve heard mages sell all sorts of enchanted toys these days. I’ll manage.”
Geralt shakes his head. “No. I can’t take that from you.”
“But I love you. Do you know how much that means to me Geralt?” Jaskier says quietly, staring down at his feet, fingers pulling at his sleeves. “I never thought that I could.”
“What if you still have sex with others?” Geralt suggests and Jaskier just gapes at him.
“You. You mean that?”
“You wouldn’t be jealous?” Jaskier asks.
Geralt raises an eyebrow at him. “You love me, after fucking your way around the Continent. You love me.”
Jaskier licks his lips and nods. “I do. Fucking mother of… I love you.” The words still sound like heaven on his tongue. He would never get used to saying them even if he lived for a hundred years. “I love you.”
Geralt laughs softly and strokes Jaskier’s cheek with his thumb. “I love you too. I trust you. You’ll come back to me. You always have.”
Jaskier joins in with Geralt laughter. The witcher is right. Even before his epiphany Jaskier always returned to Geralt whether it’s after years apart, or merely after a quick romp in the hay. He would come back to Geralt until his dying breath.
So they settle into a new routine. Geralt enjoys sharing a bedroll or bed at the inn when they can but doesn’t begrudge Jaskier if he finds another partner for the night. He rarely stays with them after sex now though. He has his heart to return to and that’s better than any carnal delight. One evening after one such adventure with a particularly gorgeous prostitute, Geralt surprises them both.
“Did you have fun?” He murmurs into the nape of Jaskier’s neck as they snuggle close in the bed.
Jaskier frowns. Surely Geralt’s not asking about his sex life? “Yes?” He answers, sounding more than a little unsure.
There’s a soft press of lips to the back of his neck and he shudders. Geralt didn’t kiss him very often but it makes his heart sing every time. “You don’t sound convinced.”
“No. It was good.” He stammers, trying desperately to control the way his heart is thundering in his chest.
Geralt scoffs. “Good?”
“Very good.” He admits with a soft moan.
“Tell me.” Geralt all but growls.
“Umm well.” His mouth goes dry. He curses mentally, for a wordsmith all words appear to have left him. “She. She used her mouth?”
“Go on.”
Jaskier swallows, willing himself not to get hard. He really didn’t want to make this uncomfortable for Geralt but Geralt’s voice in his ear and the memories of the girl’s mouth on his cock. It’s all too much.
“Gods, Geralt it was…. she was so talented.” He sighs, sinking back into the memory. The room had smelt like sweat and sex and sin, but the bed was soft beneath his fingers as he gripped the sheets. “She swallowed my cock down in one go, oh and the moan. Geralt, it was sinful. You’ve never seen anyone’s lips so good as her’s did around my cock. Her mouth, fuck, so wet and warm.”
“And that did you do?” Geralt asks, a low rumble in his ear.
“I couldn’t help myself.” Jaskier lets out a moan at the memory. “I. I pulled her hair and the noises she made when I fucked her mouth. She took it all so well. She did this thing with her tongue…” Jaskier bites his lip. He’s hard and he just knows Geralt can smell his arousal. “I didn’t even have time to warn her before I came down her throat, and oh how she moaned. She swallowed every last drop.”
Jaskier feels Geralt’s teeth graze against his shoulder and he realises with a start that he can feel Geralt’s erection pressed up against his arse.
“Geralt?” He asks, scared that he’ll shatter the moment and Geralt will push him away.
“Is. Is this alright?” His voice is breathy as he tries to contain his arousal. Geralt comfort is more important.
There’s a few seconds of tense silence before Geralt answers. “Yes. I like it.”
“Shall I continue?” Jaskier asks.
And so they fall into a routine. Jaskier fucks whoever takes his fancy and later that evening, if Geralt asks, he tells Geralt all about it, slowly becoming less shy with the details. He learns what Geralt enjoys most and what he doesn’t really care for. Sometimes he twists the story to make sure Geralt is getting what he needs out of it. Geralt comes in his own hand to Jaskier’s words and quite often Jaskier isn’t far behind.
It works for them and there’s a certain thrill to it all that Jaskier would have never expected when Geralt first told him he wasn’t interested in having sex. They explore the boundaries of this new part of their relationship. Jaskier learns he can be as filthy as he likes when Geralt asks him to tell him about his latest fuck but they can’t talk about any fantasies involving Geralt. Geralt had asked him to describe it one night and Jaskier agreed. He sat in a chair in the corner of the room and began to weave his tale of how he would worship Geralt’s cock but Geralt froze. Jaskier knew in an instant that something was wrong and his words died on his lips. They didn’t share a bed that night and they haven’t talk about Geralt in bed since.
The greatest surprise comes when Geralt hovers next to him outside the door of the brothel.
Jaskier turns to face his partner with a quirk of his eyebrow. Normally Geralt would have left him for the tavern by now but Geralt is just staring up at the door. Jaskier wonders when the last time Geralt visited a brothel was, back when he tried to fit in with what people expected of a man, probably.
“Geralt?” Jaskier places a hand on Geralt’s bicep.
“Did.” Jaskier cuts himself off and bites the inside of his cheek. He really hopes that he isn’t reading this wrong. He can’t lose Geralt, not now. “Did you want to come in?”
Geralt’s hair flies round as he turns to face Jaskier. “What?”
“You could watch?” Jaskier suggests, trying to keep his voice light. “Or not?” He adds with a shrug.
Geralt makes a choking noise and he’s blushing brighter than Jaskier has ever seen him blush before. “You don’t want that.” He mumbled.
Jaskier wants to laugh in sheer astonishment but he doesn’t. He knows laughing will just make Geralt run from him. “Geralt, dear heart, I would love that!”
Geralt glares at him as if he’s grown a second head but Jaskier can’t let go of the idea now. It’s seared into his mind. The thought of Geralt… watching him.
“Fuck.” He moans and he’s already getting hard.
Geralt’s nose flares and Jaskier knows he’s been caught out. “You… you’re aroused?”
“Yes. Well. Thank you, dearest.” Jaskier mumbles. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“You don’t think I’m a pervert?” Geralt’s brow furrows and Jaskier reaches up to try and smooth away the wrinkles.
“No.” He insists. “I want you to watch, as long as you’re comfortable.”
Geralt swallows and looks back at the brothel as if he were preparing to go into battle. “Alright.”
Geralt strides inside and Jaskier is left on the street staring after him until his brain catches up and he scurries after Geralt. It doesn’t take long to persuade the owner to let them share a girl, once they assure her that Geralt will only be watching. Jaskier wants to fight that. If he and Geralt want to share a prostitute and the girl is willing then why shouldn’t they? Just because Geralt is a witcher.
The bloody cheek of it.
But Geralt’s hand is on his back, guiding him upstairs, before he can snap and they’re thrown out of the establishment.
The girl’s name is Anna and Jaskier thinks she’s fucking gorgeous. Her curves are soft where Geralt is all muscle and her dark hair falls down to waist in waves. She winks at them both as they shuffle awkwardly into the room.
“I’ve been told you’re watching, witcher.” She says with one hand on her hips.
Geralt nods stiffly and settles into a chair in the corner of the room as she shuts the door.
“He likes to watch.” Jaskier explains with a wink of his own as she takes him by the hand and leads him to the bed. “And who I am to deny him the pleasure?”
“Jask.” Geralt warns in a low voice.
“What?” He asks, feigning innocence.
“Maybe you should put that mouth of yours to good use, bard.” Geralt suggests with a smirk.
Jaskier blinks, his cock achingly hard in his trousers, and he lets out a soft groan. “I thought you were just watching, witcher!”
Anna laughs and sits on the bed, her legs spread wide. Jaskier’s eyes go wide and he turns back to face Geralt with a tilt of his head. Geralt nods and Jaskier crawls onto the bed, ready to devour the offering in front of him. It’s not often that whores will so boldly put their own pleasure first but Jaskier adores it. He nuzzles at the soft wet folds, relishing in the feel of her warm thighs under his fingers. She lets out a moan as he flicks his tongue out against her clit. He glances up at her, her face with a smirk. She’s flushed already and her eyes are dark with hunger.
“Pull his hair.” Geralt says in a low growl.
She does. Her fingers scrape against his scalp before tugging at his hair, pulling his head back. He feels like he’s on fire and he’s dizzy with lust, a moan escapes his lips and she pushes his head back between her legs. She tastes divine and his head spins as he elicits sinful gasps and curses from her lips and his tongue delves inside her. He hums as he shifts his weight on the bed, trying to get a better angle. His cock drags across the mattress and he whines. He needs the friction. He needs….
She’s tugs again at his hair and he looks up, feeling heady as he wipes his lips.
“Take his clothes off.” Geralt says.
Jaskier blinks and looks over to his partner, crawling off the bed so they can remove his clothes without fuss. Geralt’s hand is wrapped around his cock and he’s leisurely stroking it, as if he has all the time in the world. Jaskier can’t help but watch the slow movements of Geralt’s hand, the way the muscles in his arms flex with every stroke. He swallows as Anna turns his face back so he’s facing her. Her fingers are nimble as she unlaces his trousers and he goes to pull his doublet off.
“Let her.” Geralt orders. “You deserve to be unwrapped, to be savoured.”
Jaskier whimpers but lets his hands drop to his sides. Anna smirks and her lips brush against his neck and gods his legs feel weak underneath him as she slowly removes his doublet, followed by his shirt. She kneels in front of him as she pulls his trousers and underclothes down in one swoop. Jaskier’s breath catches in his throat as she kisses the tip of his cock. He looks over to Geralt who raises an eyebrow.
“Can she?” He asks, not proud of the way his voice cracks but he’s so overwhelmed with the desire that’s burning through his veins.
Geralt nods. “Yes.” His voice is a low growl that makes Jaskier’s breath hitch. “But don’t let him come in your mouth.”
Jaskier groans as he eyes flutter shut. “Fuck.”
He’d forgotten he’d told Geralt that. He likes to come inside his partner. There’s just something so impersonal about spilling into their mouth and he’s not as young as he used to be. It takes him longer these days to get hard again.
She works him over with her mouth, and it’s not long before he’s on the brink of a soul shattering orgasm. Geralt tells her exactly how much teeth to use when pulling off his cock, and he knows that his balls get too sensitive to touch. She swirls her tongue just like Geralt suggest and Jaskier gasps wordlessly before her lips pull off his cock with a pop. He groans in frustration.
“You can fuck her now, Jask.”
Oh gods it’s all too much and it’s perfect. They should have done this months ago. She guides him back towards the bed, tugging him by the hand and he gladly follows, his eyes tearing away from Geralt.
It’s heaven as he sinks into the warmth of her body. She gasps underneath him as she grips the sheets. Jaskier loves to hear the sounds of his lovers but he hates it when it sounds fake. He likes it to be genuine and Geralt knows this. Anna doesn’t whine and scream the way most whores do, on Geralt’s request. Every sound that escapes her pretty red lips is like music to his ears, short gasps as he kisses her neck or long drawn out moans when pulls out inch by inch before slamming back until he’s buried to the hilt.
“Fuck it feels so good.” He moans as he feels his orgasm flying towards him. “Feels so good.”
“That’s it darling.” She gasps. “I’m almost there!”
It’s the pet name that does it. Another one of Geralt’s suggestions.
Sparks cloud his vision and he lets out a loud moan as he spills into her. She cries out and her teeth bite down on his neck as she follows him over the edge.
“Fuck.” He hears Geralt’s grunt from the corner of the room.
Jaskier wants to laugh, giddy from the sex. “Fuck.” He agrees.
They don’t stay the night at the brothel but Anna lets him kiss her goodbye. It’s not long before they are curled up together on a bedroll in the forest, the stars shining high above them.
“Soooo….” Jaskier drawls as he draws a slow pattern on Geralt’s chest. They are both fully clothed now but they enjoy the intimacy of the snuggling and it always makes Jaskier feel like he’s on top of the world after an evening of sexual delights.
“The brothel?” Jaskier asked quietly.
“We’re so doing that again right?”
Geralt laughs and presses a kiss to his hair. “Yes.” _______
Tag list: @electricrituals @slythnerd @hailhailsatan @thecomfortofoldstorries @gelos @sweetdreamingpeach @moonysourenza @00qtee
353 notes · View notes
First date
This is assuming you’ve known each other for some time now.
ALSO! If you want to you can request a short story based off the date, or any of my headcanons😊
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Malleus Draconia-
long walk at night
Kinda chilly so he gives you his jacket
Simple just to get to know you
Cute complements but kinda creepy
“You’re so small and cute I could just squish you” and the like
Escape room
Because he loves the adrenaline
Why did I agree to this
He’s laughing the whole time
Probably went through the room a day before so he could be your hero and find everything
A nice dinner
Reading after till he falls asleep
You both cook together
At ramshackle dorm
The ghost leave you two alone
He hums before falling asleep
He’s never been on a date
He asked Lilia and Silver about date ideas and looked it up Zoo seemed like the best choice
Super nervous which you think it’s kinda cute...
He did his research, he learned about all the animals
Casual clothes!?
A dork the whole time
He feels so calm and relaxed around you
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Chill in the Savanaclaw dorm
He really doesn’t want to go anywhere
But he’s game for anything within the dorm
You throw in a cute romantic movie
You both laugh and point out how stupid the characters are
Cuddled up to him and he surprisingly lets you
popcorn and candy
Eventually you both get bored after the movie so you play a game and he hopes over to you
He puts you in his lap and puts his chin on your head
Later he starts getting drowsy and takes you to bed with him
Good night
Hike in the forest
Jack loves to be out and about
Hiking in an area he’s never been
He’ll let you ride on his back as a wolf or maybe if you get tired on his back in his normal form
He’s so in tune with everything
Pointing out every sound, smell, animal, and plant
All day out hiking
Carries you back home/ to the car at night when you leave
Food adventure
Your treat of course
Food puns
In town
All day
300+ snacks
“So do we spilt the cost?” “Oh I thought you had this...?” Jk he helps a bit
He saves up to help pay
He’s running all over the place buying food
The last place is a cute donut shop were you get a dozen and take them back to Savanaclaw but eat them together. No sharing with the others! Ruggie’s rules
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Games. He won’t leave his room really...
VR games
RPG VR game he’s a knight/tank and your a mage/healer
“I need HEALING!!!!”
Visiting cool places in game
Both fight big monsters and go through massive dungeons
And the end before logging off you steal a virtual kiss from him and sign off leaving him stunned, though it wasn’t a real kiss
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🎶On a magic carpet ride🎶
midnight a fireworks festive is held
He meets you at ramshackle on the balcony
Ride on the magic carpet to an area with a clear view
For the first time he’s smiling holding you close while no ones around
He loves the face you make in awe at them
After you ride up past the clouds on the way back to your dorm
You fall asleep on the way
find him in an instant b/c he spotted you from a far and yelled to you
All the rides
He wins a little otter plush
At the end you ride the Ferris wheel, at the top he reaches for you w/ a soft smile and asks if he can kiss you.
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Around 10am you meet up in the shopping district
He has a little shoot to finish
Then lunch at a smoothie parlor and some sweets
Shopping all afternoon
He says it’s his treat
He’s never treated anyone before
Vil makes stops at all the stores and makes you try on every outfit he creates
Archery range
He’s just showing off...
He teaches you how to use a bow
Rooks really close behind you up against your back. Moving through the steps for drawing back
He laughs at your flustered face and remarks at how cute it is
He’s close just to see you flustered
He’s happy you show a liking to archery
Picks you up early morning
He shows up in causal clothes and on a motorcycle
You sit behind him, he tells you to hold on tight
He drives SUPER FAST!!
He’s super excited to be hanging out with you
after a bit he slows down and stops
You two pick up lunch, he drives to an area in a meadow, you eat and talk about random stuff
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Art Museum...
He enjoys the peace and quite of it
He thinks the best piece is the one painted by your mother and father😏
Takes you ballroom dancing after if your feeling up to it.
Monstro Lounge (boring I know)
After closing hours
You stop by and have a drink (alcohol or not)
You two talk while you help clean up for the night
You turn on some jazz music and get an idea
You decide to dance a bit with him
Little did you know he had made dinner while you had cleaned so after you dance he brings out dinner
In the water around the dorm
You lose him and call for him but no answer
You feel something touch your leg and are pulled under
You look around to see nothing, then he snakes himself up your body, feeling you up. Then when he reaches your face he kisses you.
You didn’t realize you needed air so bad
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Study date
He has trey help him bake some tarts and make tea
When you get to his dorm he takes you to a private study room in the library where the tarts and tea are
You study for a bit asking question and just generally talking
He wants to study but he can’t. He just wants to hear you talk on and on about anything your heart desires
Pranks around campus and a fun photo booth
he draws the funniest things on your face and vise versa
Mess around and prank people
No real plan just what ever comes to mind from jumping on bubble wrap in the park to coloring Deuce's hair pink
This man can beat any game you throw at him
He doesn't win against you b/c he can't bring himself to let you lose
He is especially good at classic arcade games like Street Fighter, and Pac-Man
In an arcade this man is like a kid in a candy store. He’s super excited and proud of himself when he wins.
Baking all day
Cakes, Brownies, cupcakes, tarts, this boy can bake any pastry under the sun
He bakes and you decorate
If you get anything on your face he’s happy to lick it off. (Nicely! I know where this is going! Don’t you dare you horny child!)
He’s a lot of fun
The best part is sharing in the quality time with you and sharing all the treats with everyone
Cafe hopping
He takes you to all of his favorite cafes
It’s a game for you two
He orders what ever the workers wanna give you two
A bad or good one
You rate and guess what it is
He mostly gets the weird ones
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I will update more
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ghost1643 · 3 years
Melban corpsebride au
(don’t worry no one stays dead)
now also be warned this will be a seven deadly sins idea but will focus on the melban ship, which is a crack ship but I love.
So with that let's begin.
Okay so as we begin, Ban is new engaged. We see him rushing around with King joking having as much fun as can be seeing as they will be brothers in a matter of only hours. Everything seems perfect as they stand with the rest of their friends, minus a certain blond for reasons that will become apparent later.
That is the moment Elaine walks down the isle. Ban tears up just beaming holding her hand. He is just so happy. Everything is going perfect and he finally has a loving wife he always wanted..
That is until she drops dead during the kiss.
Now Elaine has always been sick ever since she was young. She almost died multiple times and was told her heart was weak for years. So she was expecting to die before she got to old. She prepared Ban and everyone she knew for it. She had a will. She had a grave stone set and even had her own funeral picked out. Yet, she never would have guessed as she leans in for the kiss on her wedding day that her racing heart would suddenly stop.
Neither did Ban.
All he knows is that their lips met for less then a second. He held onto her hand thumb rubbing over the ring as their lips brushed together. Then she got cold. Like suddenly cold as the winter air. He could hear the crowd cheer and as he leaned back, she dropped down to the ground dead. From there it was a blur.
Ban could remember people screaming. He could remember the panic as he tried to help. He remember carrying Elaine to a doctors....yet from there his mind goes blank. He just remembers sitting near her grave 3 days later watching as she is slowly buried, tears springing to his eyes watching her disappear bellow the ground, leaving him too soon.
From there, well he just sits in bed for days on end. Or at least he thinks so. He just remembers seeing her grave every time he closed his eyes for weeks on end as his brother in law takes care of him day in and day out. As he is cared for Ban builds up a wall. He swears he will never love anyone again until he sees Elaine. He is not going to move on ever. He is just going to wait until he can see her face again smiling and bright as ever. Until then he is happy to be alone for the rest of his life.
And he keeps to his word...He never loves again...That is until the incident three years later...
When we open back up it's three years later and King and Diane are finally getting married. Ban is his same old self, but as mentioned before he kept to his word. He has no other loves and drowns his sores in booze whenever he has the chance.
The day before the wedding they're having the usually batchellor party with Ban as a host. They are all drinking like mad during which having fun until Escanor has to go pee which all the Drunken idiots decided to do outside with him cause fun and only real men piss in the woods according to escanor.
Once they are all done peeing in the woods they start teasing king about messing up his vows during the rehearsal earlier that day as they walk back. This goes on until King snaps holding out the ring drawing them all to try it out here then if they think they can do better.
So they attempt to do just that.
Of course they are all drunker than a sailor and keep dropping it one by one. That is until Ban gets it just as they pass by a creepy tree. One that even creeps Gwother out, which is rare. No one can say why other than it just is a freaky tree with weird branches.
Hey those thoughts are drowned away as Ban recites the vow...Except half way through ten the vows are no longer King's. The vows switch to those he told Elaine the last day he saw her as his eyes water. Just as he finishes he leans against the tree looking down where he sees a branch sticking out of the ground that looks like honey hand. The same one that belonged to Elaine all those years ago.
And slowly he slips it on the branch before kissing it picturing it as Elaine's hand giving her a finale kiss goodbye. This do course is when a few tears fall as his friends help him up to his get. King tries to comfort him walking away forgetting all about the ring until Gwother screams in terror, which is rare. Nothing scares Gwother ever after all.
Then they see the branch digging it's body out of the ground. The body of a boy who has been stabbed with a bag over his head who stands before them making them all freeze up for a few moments wondering what is happening. Then he rips the bag off his head showing the face we all Know belongs to Meliodas saying one chilling line,
"I do..."
When Ban wakes up he is in purgatory with souls who have died but have yet to move on, who are the demons in the anime. Yet, unlike in the anime they are just happy to be around and don't plan to kill anyone. And amongst them all is Meloidas, Ban's new husband who is just so excited to have someone to love him again.
Just like in the movie Ban freaks out that he's married to a corpse and demands to know who he is. This makes a soul move onto a musical number, which is just remains of the day, where we find out how Meloidas died.
He was the son of a rich merchant who fell in love with a beautiful women who's family was hated by his own. Meliodas asks his father for permission to marry her and gets a no. So he packed up some money, puts on his fathers tuxedo, steals his parents wedding rings and goes to run off with his women. Yet, turns out she didn't love him. Instead she just wanted money to run off with with her real boyfriend. So they knock Meliodas out and burry him alive, where he wakes up deader than a door nail a few hours later. Once he makes his way to the land of the dead and realizes what happened to him he decided he would rather stay in the ground where he was buried for the rest of time.
Yet, when Ban put that ring on his finger he made Meliodas feel something again. He made him feel joy and...well now Meliodas is back under with his friend ready to move on.
Ban upon finding out he married a corpse, runs off to try and find a way back up for his friends wedding. He just has too. He climbs every little building or stair case he can before breaking down, having a moment of silence on top of the highest balcony where Meliodas winds him with a box. Ban just ignores him for a bit, which he expects to be interrupted. Yet, mel just lets him sit there. He lets him think some more. He even waits for Ban to talk to him first.
Slowly Ban sits down near the tinier dead boy looking Star struck. How did this happen? Did he really marry a corpse?
"It's a lot to take in I know." Meliodas speaks up slowly.
"Yeah....yeah it is." Ban blurts out looking over the village of the dead. It some how seems more....alive then the normal world of the living.
"I...I shouldn't have dragged you here before explaining myself." Meliodas sighs.
"Yeah not gonna lie that would have helped." Ban sighs before looking at his more human looking face. Mel turns to face him and they make eye contact for the first time and Ban could have sworn he saw his eyes before. "Is there anyway to get back home? I have somewhere I need to be..."
"I...I...look all I can say is, I should have thought through my actions more..." Meliodas blurts out.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well the underworld has a way out and in.."
"I mean obviously how else would I have gotten here..."
"Yeah the trouble is...Bel is it?"
"Ban actually."
"We'll Ban, you kinda have to be dead to go through the entrance back up..unless your a death mage....and I may...I may have trapped you here...."
"Look I'm sorry-"
They just late at each other for a while before Meliodas sighs. "Look i..I know it's not much for trapping you here, but I..well I got you something..." he holds out the box he is holding.
"What? You trap me in the underworld-"
"Trapped where ever this is forever and give me a box! I don't want your damn gift!" He yells knocking the box to the ground, and out tumble some bones. He jumps back seeing their the bones of an animal that slowly start to reform into a Skelton dog. The same dog he had when he and Elaine first started doing out.
Ban finds his eyes shining as the dog jumps up on him giving him some nuzzled when something hits him. Something big.
Meliodas had gifted him a dog that died 6 years ago. A dog that had died before Elaine. Which meant, Elaine was here. She was somewhere here. He could see her again! He could say goodbye or even be with her forever.
"I know it's not muc-"
"Can you help me find Elaine?" Ban blurts out holding his Skelton dog close making eye contact with Meliodas.
"I...who?" Meliodas asks slowly crouching down to pat the dog, who just loves the attention.
"Elaine..she was my wife...."
"I mean she was for less than a minute but I never got to say goodbye. It would mean the world to me if I got to see her even just one more time....would you know where she is?"
"I mean we had a girl two years ago who died on her wedding day but she moved all the way to the other side of the land of the dead to be a helper to the only death mage we have down here......but it's at least a three day journey.."Mel explains looking at his husbands face. Upon seeing the heart break in his eyes, he just sighs. He trapped him here as his husband, the least he could do is make him happy.
"I can pack my things and we can start our journey tonight...."
And from here the plot kind of goes like Shrek. They go on a three day journey to the other side of this realm. They journey trying to get there to find Elaine. And along the way slowly gain feelings for each other until they finally reach the mages home.
Once at the mages house Ban makes a discover. Elaine has moved on. She moved on once she watched King get engaged, planning to see Ban again later. She moved on before Ban could learn a spell the revives the dead, giving their lungs breath once again depending on how long they have been dead.
And he's absolutely crushed. He never gets to see his wife again. He never gets to see his friend again. He is stuck here all because of Meliodas.
So they argue screaming at each other before Ban yells the only line anyone I know can remember about this movie. The way he says it goes like this.
"How was I supposed to kn-"
"Ban, I have only been dead for like two month-"
"Well maybe you should have thought about the consequences before you asked me to marry you!"
And with that Ban storms out to sulk leaving Meliodas sitting in there looking heart broken. While alone Mel discovers that ban technically isn't married to him. It's for two living people to marry, and with one dead it doesn't count. So he's just dragged Ban down here for no reason.
So melio sacrifices his love. He waits until Ban comes in before breaking an egg over his husbands head, whispering a spell to send him back to the land of the living leaving him alone for the rest of time.
Yet, Ban doesn't want that. He went in to apologize and tell Meliodas he made him feel again. And now here he is sitting on the bridge his husband kidnapped him from. He is standing here in shock before Diane rushes over hugging him tight followed by all their friends.
He's then dragged to the wedding of his friends telling them about his adventure..and realizing he just screwed up and odd sort of love. A love he might never seen again when he dies...after all he might not have any unfinished business and just move on.
Yet, now here he is helping his friend get married feeling numb all over again. All he wants to do is die and go applogize. Heck maybe even go put flowers on his body's site. Hèll maybe even take one of the photos he just walked by of him to snuggle with at nigh-wait what?
He rushes back over picking up the poster to see Mel on it. Mel is the missing rich boy Dian mentioned when he came to town. Mel has been missing for two months. Only two months. Which means the revival spell Ban learned can be used on him.
He can bring Meliodas back to life. He can give him another chance. It's all he can think about as Escanor asks what's wrong.
And with that he's off.
Ban rushes to the forest, friends hot in pursuit scared he's broken down again all the way to Meloidas's buried spot. Once there he starts the spell using his own blood, jsut two drops, for the blood to be used in the spell.
"What are you doing?" Diane panicked rushing to stop the bleeding.
"Stop! Stop please!" He yelled jerking back.
"Ban what's gotten into you?" Merlin asks trying to help.
"Please I just need to see him again! I need to see Mel again and aplogize! I need to make it up to him!" He screws crying a bit. Everyone freezes up before Diane asks what else he needs.
From here everyone helps with the spell, yet some think it's a odd way of moving on from Elaine. Maybe it's a figurative way to release her soul near a creepy branch or something.
At least that's what Diane things before the branch starts to grow skin and scratch at the ground making her scream. Everyone screams befroe Ban drops to his Knees trying to dig the hand up in a blind panic screaming that he needs help. Escanor drops near him, then Gwother, then king and soon Meliodas sits up clinging to Ban gasping for air.
He sits up as his flesh seems to regrow and his body pops back to the way it use to be. And with that he's back. Meliodas has been 100% revived in the arms of Ban. In the arms of his husband.
"Ban i-what did you do?" Mel blurts out.
"I brought you back."
"Why? I thought you said you wouldn't have-"
"Mel...you made me feel again."
"Ever since I lost Elaine I was numb. Nothing mattered. My whole world was grey and all that made me think was booze. It made me feel like I was floating. Other than that nothing else. Then you came...and you brought light back. You brought beauty back into my world. You showed me joy. You showed me fear. You showed me someone cared. And it made me feel alive again. So if I have to do a spell to revive you that may tie you to me forever so be it...I just want you here, next to me...if you'll have me..."
"Oh I-"
"OH BAN! That's so romantic!" Diane squeals tearing up making a Mel jump and blush seeing all those people. They all blush waving hi before Mel giggles.
"I see you have friends you weren't lying about..."
"Oh yeah! Mel these are my buds, and guys this is Mel my...my..."
"Husband. I'm his husband." Meliodas smiles kissing his cheek.
And with that kiss, they're together for a very long time. For the rest of their lives actually. The entire time as happy as can be...
(anybody have any other ideas for more corpse bride au’s?)
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