#i did make the collage tho
Quick Update!
I just realized I never explained why I suddenly stopped drawing as much (aka straight-up not updating my au). But it’s because my tablet pen broke lol and I haven’t gotten a new one yet, so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to update next, unfortunately...
Sorry about that guys!!
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cat-entusiast · 9 months
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Some transparent images i did for my characters (for a bigger collage i'm making). I think they turned out nice so why not share them (this is also the first time i do something like this)
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isjasz · 17 days
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[Day 365 | Ref to Day 1]
And that's a wrap 🪻🥀
Screaming and losing it. It only started to feel real as I'm posting this rn HRKSJAKSJLELH. A year... 365 pieces (probably a bit less bc I did post wips?) of desert duo... I would make a collage maybe but its prob a lot of work HJASKDHAHEHW
🫵 @vesperionnox @cherrysherin without u guys I wouldn't have been here <3 This challenge kinda became its own thing at some point, but I didn't forget where I started :D
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flamingpudding · 11 months
Phantom home alone
A/N: I blame having read a couple of post of the batkids doing that. And my brain went, let's have Danny do that too! I am sure someone might have thought of that already tho...
Danny clutched the screw driver in his head and looked proudly at what he had build on a short noticed. Sure Tucker had notified him that someone was looking into his person, but he had not thought that whoever that was would come snooping around his home this soon. Espacially when he was supposed to be on a home visit to his parents that he had to cancel last minute for a collage project.
Well, it's too bad for those who are trying to sneak into his home. Danny was the son of a pair of the most inventive and creative inventors of Amity that made laser blasters out of toasters. Additionally he was a half ghost with a large variety of powers as well as someone who had the definition of mischief as daughter/sister.
Besides, he always wanted to get his own chance on doing his own version of home alone. His parents security system just never let him do that. That reminded him, should he see if he can bring to live and convince the hotdogs in his fridge to fight with him?
The Bats and Birds just wanted to make sure that this new kid in Tim's college classes was not as suspicious as he appeared to be. Really, if that kid hadn't off handedly commented about the basic components of fear gas while in Tim's presence he might never have gotten onto their radar.
Of course, as paranoid as they were, they had to scoop out the teens' place when they knew he wasn't around. They did not expect the apartment to fight back. And are those hotdogs wielding forks and knives as weapons?!
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hyperblue · 4 months
okay i got around and actually wrote it all down, so please enjoy: timkon clone twins au lets fucking go
— they are not technically twins, they're just two clones who happen to develop back to back at the same time, but those are just semantics since they were raised like brother and sister anyway; wendy is considered oldest but only because she was the first outta test tube (tim had to have a little breakdown moment while holding her in his arms before he was able to get jackie out too; wendy is the only person who actually cares about being oldest, jackie is not thrilled because "you're literally only 10 minutes older can you maybe chill")
— wendy's full name is gwendolyn stephanie drake, bc i believe that if tim Has to honor someone by giving their name to his child it should be steph, plus i am cackling at the thought of wendy naming all her social accounts "gwen stefani"; no one really ever calls her gwen tho, the only reason she's not just wendy in papers is because tim was a little pretentious; i also quite like gwendolyn lois but i don't think tim would actually go for it (kon could tho, if he were alive at the time)
— jackie is jackson bartholomew drake. i personally prefer to think that if tim gave it some time he would probably choose a different name, but he just really missed his dad at the moment (he missed everyone, really), and by the time he actually had enough mental stability to sit on it the kid was already pretty much established as jackie withing the family, so yeah. no one ever calls him jack btw, so it's fine
— they both quite like their names although they can't help but nudge their dad a little from time to time, being like "gwendolyn stefanie, dad, really? it's like you picked up a name on pinterest or some shit" ("language"); they are both referred to as "ducklings" within the family (dick was the first to do it, tim started doing the same by pure accident and then it just kinda stuck)
— wendy took a lot after janet drake genetic-wise, to the point where it almost rubs tim in a wrong way sometimes when she gets older — her hair is much lighter than her father's or brother's and doesn't really curl that much, although she's not as pale as tim and has a distinguish golden undertone to her skin; she also gets freckles in summer. tim is one of few people who can actually see kon in her without deliberate searching, especially when she smiles. she has his eyes though, and she leans more on a shorter side (short queen supremacy)
— jackie is pretty much kon in miniature, or at least he is if you don't know where to look. kon himself insists that jackie is a perfect mix of both him and tim, it's just that distinguish curly hair and golden-brown skin throw people off most of the time — jackie for sure has tim's nose and cheekbones, tim's high forehead, tim's sheepish smiles and tim's cunning smirks. he's also a bit leaner that kon as he gets older and also a little bit shorter, although he's still taller than both tim and wendy
— wendy is a certified horse girl, she took horse riding lessons since she was like five (she was begging tim for y e a r s really, at first he insisted on waiting till she was at least six but i guess her kryptonian powers kicked in a little earlier and it doubled down some of tim's parental anxiety, although he definitely was there for a first few lessons just to keep an eye on her). damian got her her own horse eventually, because of course he did. he is her favorite uncle ever since
— she's a true crime videos/podcasts enjoyer (that's how she bonds with her dad)
— jackie is very much into making paper collages since he was around eight years old and has made his first one in school for fathers day (tim has framed it immediately and set it on his table in the WE office; it's still there after years); he used to have a lot of social anxiety as a kid because of being homeschooled 'till first grade and being very attached to tim, and has found the process of making paper collages very soothing
— jackie graduates college eventually (alfred: "thank god. at least one of them")
— they both eventually got into photography like their dad, but jackie is taking more of a professional approach, whereas wendy is mostly doing it for the sake of keeping the memories; that's why she has a small digital camera that she always carries around (it's covered in cute sparkling stickers because duh)
— they are both pan and demisexual
— as i mentioned, the kids were homeschooled for a while, by which i mean that they never went to kindergarten because tim was too paranoid about any potential kryptonian superpowers kicking in anytime; the other reason was that tim's kind of a helicopter parent, especially after coming back from his brucequest, and he's very dependent on both of his kids
— yes it backfires later
— jackie loves his dad more than anything else in the world, and has spent most of his early childhood following him around and throwing tantrums the second tim was out of his sight (which was quite rare, to be fair, at least until tim had to get back to his job at the WE); tim is 90% sure that it has something to do with him being gone for a while to find and save bruce. it evens out a little as jackie gets older and starts going to school and then college, but he's still pretty much codependent, and any decision that he makes about his life ties back to "what would dad do; will it make dad proud/happy; what would dad want for me"
— wendy on the other hand is kon's daughter through and through, she admires him and looks up to him but she has a very complicated, conflicted feelings about her and her brother's circumstances of birth, making her anxious in a way that is like "oh my god am i being annoying what if he doesn't like me what if he looks at me and only sees a living proof of his humans rights violation should i consider never talking to him again god i HATE my dad", so most of her actual interactions with kon are quite awkward on both ends
— tim and kon do not get together until kids are around their late teens, so neither of them calls or really considers kon dad, even tho he definitely played a significant part in their upbringing as soon as he came around with the whole child-cloning situation. wendy was the first to call him dad not long after she moved to the kent's farm, which was an accident, really — she was trying out vigilantism for the first time and got her ass kicked bc lack of experience, and her first instinct at being cornered by a villain was to literally just call for dad (at the back of her mind she meant tim, because to their family kon was always just kon, but the moment he pulled her in and put his hand on the back of her head and said "it's okay, sweetheart, dad's here", nothing has ever made more sense to her than kon being her father. the thought was both thrilling and terrifying)
— tim is "dad", kon is "pa" (if that wasn't already obvious)
— also, yes. wendy eventually moves to the kent's farm to live with kon; more on that in some other post
— kon kind of inherited the kent's farm after both john and martha passed away; technically clack is still the one who owns it, but his and his family's life is mostly in metropolis and he didn't want the place he grew up in turn into an empty memorial of it's better days + he also knew how important it was to kon at the time to have a place he could always return to, so yeah, everyone won in this situation
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ultrone · 1 year
can you write hcs for how shauna, jackie, natalie and lottie would act in a relationship with reader when:
being jealous:
being angry:
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how would gf shauna, jackie, nat and lottie react when jealous, simping, and angry.
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when shauna gets jealous, she gets instantly defensive, acting without thinking first. she’ll prolly stand in the way of whoever's flirting with you and tell them to get the fuck away, as if everyone in the world knew you that the two of you were dating. she's fr not afraid of making a scene, since she's used to making it everyone’s problem whenever she's angry.
i can also see her frequently getting jealous of other people you talk to just because she’s insecure. she’ll probably get upset and question you a lot, so u’d have to give her lots of reassurance to make her feel better.
when simping, she stares at you a lot—whether it is with longing eyes or with in-love eyes, you’ll frequently notice her big brown eyes gazing deeply at you. she writes you tons of love notes and writes about you on her journal—she also has an entire journal dedicated to you, where she makes collages with pictures of you and other things she likes that remind her of you. she has lots of pictures of the two of you on her wall. she also cooks for you a lot.
shauna has a complex way of dealing with her emotions, so i guess it really depends on what she's angry about. usually tho, she tends to bottle up her feelings, getting angrier and angrier until she bursts—and when she bursts, she bursts. the moment shauna reaches her limit, she'll raise her voice at you and say anything she thinks will hurt you, the more it hurts you the better. It isn't until one of you leaves the room that she instantly cools down and regrets it. she'll then proceed to look like this emoji “🥺” and overthink the whole interaction until she finally gets the courage to apologize to u.
when jackie gets jealous, she doesn't say it directly, but she does everything she can to get your attention—mostly in negative ways tbh. she would never cheat on you, but i can see her using other people to make you feel jealous or insecure so that you go chase after her. for example, if someone's clearly flirting with her, she won't back away or anything, she'll slightly lead them on until you notice that someone else is giving her attention and u go do something about it.
when simping, she's all giggly and flirty. she twirls her hair and bites her lip with a smile while looking at you. she also does little things to annoy you but in a playful/flirty way, like grabbing the tv remote, changing the movie and being like “omg, were you watching that? hehe 😳🤭”
when angry, she goes away dramatically but expects you to go after her. for example, if she's angry because you fucked up in some type of way, she'd avoid you but expect you to go chase her—and the moment u apologize, she'd immediately forgive you and be like 🥺😔 i missed u 😊
if she doesn’t do that, then she'll straight up tell you everything she feels, but won't insult you at all. even if she's mad at something you did, she’ll look more indignated and disappointed rather than resentful or angry. after dropping the weight off her shoulders, if you don't say sorry right away, she'll then avoid you until you genuinely apologize to her and cuddle her or sum.
when nat gets jealous, she gets visibly angry and possessive. if someone's flirting with you, she'll wrap her arm around your shoulders and say something like "they're taken, you can leave now." if the person doesn’t listen tho, she’ll tell them to fuck off and won’t leave your side for the entire day.
when simping, she's very cute but subtle. she isn’t the best at showering you with gifts and affection, but she'll do little gestures to make you happy, like taking you out to eat, making you playlists, driving you around the city at night, or sitting at the top of her van to smoke together. you'll also notice that she wants to be with you all the time, even if you're just sitting around doing nothing.
when she’s angry, she'll get visibly angry but try to contain herself so that she doesn't hurt you. an angry 'fuck you' might come out of her mouth, but that's the worst she'll say before she walks away to cool down. she'll always apologize for whatever she said to you during the argument after y'all talk about it tho, even if it wasn't that bad.
when lottie gets jealous, she gets annoyed and protective. if someone's flirting with you, she'll stand in the way and softly push you back with one of her arms in a protective manner while she tells the person to go away. she wouldn’t be straight up mean or impulsively aggressive though, she'd just be serious & confident abt it. if the person doesn't listen though, she’ll get annoyed and say something like, “i said they’re with me, are you deaf?”
when simping, lottie is the biggest spoiler ever. she'll put you on the highest pedestal and do everything for you. she'll always bring you up as a topic of conversation when talking to anyone else. whatever you want or like she’ll get it for you, no matter how hard it is. she'll also give you lots of physical affection, specially cuddles and soft caresses—like massaging your scalp or running her hand through your back while you lay down on her chest.
lottie has good control over her emotions, so usually when she gets angry, she avoids you until her anger cools down and she's ready to talk—the reason being that she doesn't wanna burst out and hurt you. she'll then either talk to you or wait for you to reach out to her.
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 8 months
if you still do them, is it okay you do like one shots with ROTTMNT boys and a little sibling reader?
but here’s the thing, the reader is a little pink gecko with yellow spots, they’re around 10 or 9 years old and can run just as fast as sonic the hedgehog and basically have the energy of a golden retriever, they’re like a tiny dragon and it’s adorable yet SO. FREAKING. EXHAUSTING!!
❝ pink bubbles and banana laffy taffy!! ❞
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₊˚꒰🥞꒱‧ — 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠!𝐠𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐨!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
。˚ 𓂋 🍋﹒✦﹒✿ ˚
❝l ɑׁׅ֮/ꪀׁׅ : okay i had to squeeze this one out because OHMIGOSH it is SO. CUTE!!!! i literally got soso excited when i read this because how did you know i'm legitimately obsessed with geckos?! 😭 i literally downloaded picsart to make that collage and wrote this in the span of a day or two because i got so excited aausghshdh !! fluffybun24, fluffy, darlin'. grips your shoulders and brushes your cheek tenderly. thank you. also, i'm just now realizing you asked for one shots after the fact ajsjjhd I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T REALIZE UNTIL AFTER RE-READING IT after writing this whole thing out XD DX but foremost, i must tell you that i mostly do my fandom writing in headcanon/reaction formats !! :(( one shot(s) aren't really my forte . . . albeit, i do hope this is just as good !! o7
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˙🍋 ̟ !! ─ oh my goodness me, you are the simultaneous love and light, the bane and exhaustion, of everyone's respective lives.
don't get me wrong, your family absolutely adores you!!
especially since you're :(( the baby :(( aww :(((
it just, kinda freaks everyone thafuq OUT when you zip and zoom and flash everywhere
just. a maniacal streak of pink and yellow.
they don't know peace because of you. (affectionate!)
like they will be mindin' their whole business in its entirety and here you come
"*walks into the main living room* heeeeeyy, anybody seen my jupiter jim issue— [*nyooom!*] SWEET MOTHER OF G O D–"
it's not like you ever have ill intentions, tho 🥹 so it's okay.
"they're cute so it's okay!" — all of your siblings at one point, probably
while they do accept your golden retriever tendencies, it be givin' them gray hairs fr 💀✋
especially because you're so f a s t
you're there one moment then next thing they know you're halfway across the entire lair, tittering and chirping happily away.
˙🍋 ̟ !! ─ so, over the course of your life, they've all developed their own designated role when keeping up with you:
raph . . .
being the oldest definitely feels the most responsible for you and acts on it! he himself has developed a sixth sense for when you zoom by and can catch you with (relative) ease every time, and has definitely saved your butt from like. accidentally crashing into a wall or smth sjsjsj
but big bubba can't prevent everything :\ so you have gotten some owies !!
but you can always count on him to be there to help you feel better.
he's your biggest bro 🥹 he always makes you feel better.
but i imagine u're also a maniacal little shit (*cough* thanks leo *COUGH*)
so sometimes you just, str8 up run away from him like ACTIVELY escape his grasp
it deffo takes some effort 😮‍💨 (petition : #saveraphfromhissiblings /lh)
"[NAME]?! Get back here, you little speed monster!!"
*cue toiny baby gecko squealing and The Daily Chase commencement*
oh yeah. it's a daily occurrence.
you stress him out 🤣😭 but it's okay. :))
(after catching you in his hands, holding you up to eye level): "Alright, you little goober. That's enough outta ya today." "But Raaaaph!!"
and then you can't really do anything because raph knows your sweet spot, your little switch, that melts you like putty - a little patch riiiight in the center of your upper back, a well-pressurized scritch is all it takes really, and oh. there we go. down for a nap !
however you simply must have your grand rebellion moments and give him arm gummy bites the entire time but he's the just personification of "😇😌"
ain't no doubting he loves you tho. adores you, really; your bright bubbliness is what makes him smile most days, and even tho your energy is a bit much for him to keep up with, and he'd really like it if you stopped fighting him for afternoon naps sometimes, i don't think he'd change it for the world.
leo . . .
is one who's fairly on par with your hyperactivity, so he's the one we all turn to when your excitement is bubbling over into something a liiiiittle too much :'))
playing tag when you're zooming to and fro is one of you guys' favorites.
but sometimes he doesn't play fair and uses his odachi to teleport >:((
and if you get genuinely upset, he just scoops you up and blows raspberries on your soft lil tummy.
he's the only one who can wear you out so he's an essential part of everyone's lives asksksjd
but bc of this
"LEO!!! Ugghhghhh, can you please handle them?!"
"L E O ಠಗಠ! For the last time, you are NOT choosing for movie night tonight and the kind of pizza!! You've had it all week!!!"
"Ohh, suddenly I have no capability for one very specific baby cotton candy-banana pudding gecko..... Shame. Woeful, horrible, terrible, shame—"
he's a jerk, but he's highkey your idol and he would give the entire world for you in a heartbeat, so :))
donnie . . .
acts like your hyperactivity is an inconvenience...... but in reality, he doesn't mind it.
(only when it compromises his tech. you've only had one to two incidents involving his lab before permanent damage control was done and it's been this way ever since. 😭✋)
sure, sometimes your wild nature can make him cringe on bad days, but what's a sibling if they don't get tired of your antics once every while?
it's healthy development !!
plus. he himself has his moments where his lowkey descent into madness shows its peak, so he can't really talk.
you've all got your quirks, y'know? (/ref)
in truth he accepts it as a part of you, and he loves all of you - i mean c'mon, you're his baby sibling.
and even tho he doesn't openly admit it nearly as much as the rest of your family - he really does think you're adorable.
and in more truth: donnie takes care of you a lot. like- as soon as you started showing signs of your speediness and just-consumed-five-bags-of-candy excitement levels, he completely baby proofed the lair 😭
and you can't tell me he didn't know you'd possess those superhuman levels of speed bro you CAN'T
that man is a scientist and he leaves no stone unturned, especially when it comes to his family.
he has you microchipped too sjjsjdh
[ i just thought of this just now, actually: he and leo are a team when it comes down to your genetics/biological health. donnie researches with his stem-augmented brain and studies your dna down to the very microfiber; leo adapts with his medical affinities to make sure you're the healthiest little gecko mutant kiddo you can be. <3 ]
WE MAY HAVE MADE FUN OF HIM AT THE MOMENT, because how much harm can one baby gecko do Donnie you silly fool honhonhonhon BUT HE'S THE ONLY 👏 ONE 👏 WHO CAME IN CLUTCH.
very much "who's laughing now?"
certainly donnie. my bet's on donnie.
"THEY ALL LAUGHED. THEY CALLED ME A SILLY FOOL. BUT FEAST YOUR EYES, BRETHREN. EATETH THY WORDS!!" "..... Raphie! Bonbon's doin' that crazy scientist shtick again!!" "[NAME]. >:("
on another note, i feel donnie would extend that branch of 'baby-proofing' and relate it to the gift he created for you. [ ref: s1/ep2 — "donnie's gifts" ]
maybe it was something like . . . a malleable sludge, some sort of putty, that melded perfectly over your legs whenever you were starting to get too speedy.
you were initially excited over the cute little metal band anklets gifted to you by your older brother, buuut once it activated .... :((
it made you big sads. :((
being a little speedykins was your most defining trait !! why would donbon try to take that away from you?? :(( donnie :((( donbon why :(((
.... what you don't know, (and me either tbh, we never got that 'explanation' from the inventor himself), is that donnie made it with your specs in mind.
geckos are able to climb vertical surfaces (with some exceptions of course, but for the most part !!) — when activated, those little "putty bands" would've aided in that.
because donnie knows how much you love to run around, especially climbing up the walls, but you can't stick up there forever.
was it made to simultaneously slow your ass down? yes. 🤣😭
(he's only one man what do you want from the poor guy ☠✋ your drive by's were enough to send him into cardiac arrest every time)
...... was it made to adhere to nearly any and every surface texture known to man & mutant kind? for an unprecedented amount of time? with the intentions of you having so much fun with it? also yes.
was it made with intricate care and with, overall, your best interests at heart?
but after the whole ordeal, he really did mean it when he says you're great just the way you are. :))
in your calmer moments, he likes to have you wrap around his shoulders like a fashion designer scarf and taps at your cute little tail, half as a stim, half as a gesture of affection, while he's in the lab focusing on his latest project
or even just. vibing. y'all are primetime vibey.
he finds your weight comforting. like a tiny weighted pillow.
and he'll never admit that he feels his heart nearly burst with love and pure fondness when you yourself happily curl up into your brother and fall asleep there, cooing softly into his ear.
he built a little comfort bed/pillow extension for you in his battle shell for such occasions <3
but he prefers the sibling cuddles without his shell on.
he trusts you, after all.
(i will never financially recover from this aksjddh SOBBING)
mikey . . .
is exceptionally good at matching all of your moods: your bubbly hyperactivity and bringing you to a calmer, serene state !!
how does he do it. 🧍
he catches you in his arms and strokes/scratches your back to calm you down, and it works like a charm every time !
he never has to use dr. delicate touch on you. despite being the closest in age, surprisingly, you listen to mikey very well !
call it survivor's intuition 🫠 orrrr just the fact that you and mikey are very close and in-tune with one another,
whenever he calls it quits for you - no matter how much you might whine and pout - you genuinely do tone it down.
i know i said this for leo too but i feel like mikey just has that magic touch. yenno?
no pun intended. ha.
but en ee wayz !! yusssss, mikey and [name] are the cutest little goobers.
y'all deffo get roped together being the "babies" of the family,
and despite mikey wanting to outfit that mold — mostly by means of appeasing to raph's overprotective tendencies — he babies you a bit too !!
you like to poke fun. you're observant, clever little thing. you call mikey out on it, going so far as to call him a hypocrite,
and whether you guys have a serious discussion or not is completely up to you !
but for the time being he just pets your head and affectionately tells you to hush, and keeps right on babying you.
he likes being your older brother !! so sue him !!
dynamics change the older you guys get =] so who knows what the future has in store?
you're one of his favorite muses. your color palette never fails to strike inspiration within him 🎨✨
when he catches your pink n' yellow blur in passing, he can come up with an entire idea for murals to tag around, don't play w him
he likes to do body paint on you too !! :))
(completely safe + free of harmful chemicals wbk)
probably makes flowers out of your polka dots (he definitely calls them that) or connects them to make a bigger picture.
he made an entire field of flowers and koi fish pond encompassing your back one time and you absolutely loved it.
you'll always be his little muse 💔
"[Nameeee]!!~ C'mere, polka dot! You wanna see if I can make a constellation this time?" "YAY!!!!" "Wait- waitwaitWAITWAIT SLOW DOWN—" [ *cue wii bowling ball strike sound sequence* ]
˙🍋 ̟ !! ─ ahaaa. overall, you're their cute little ball of sunshine. their little sugar carnival. their little pink bubblegum and banana laffy taffy gecko baby! and — while you being.... you, can get just shy of unbearable sometimes, they wouldn't trade you for this world and all the others.
after all, what's a family if you don't accept every part of them? no matter how exhausting it is. <3 you're a handful, but that's why you've got six pairs. and as the years go on, it only grows.
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@chachachannah + @sweetparty for the dividers 🩷 @cureqt for the cute emoji combo 💛 & pinterest for the pictures! [the collage is by me!!] 🥰
⟆ ˙🍋 ̟ !! ─ further author notes . . .
™ : as always, susceptible to future editing for grammatical/formatting corrections !!
i absolutely loveddd writing this!! and for the intricacy, this is the quickest i've ever pulled a request-bun fresh from the oven!! :o kudos to you, fluffy! <3 i do hope you like this as much as i did aaaa!! now i've got polka dot gecko sibling brainrot. 🥴 it's true: you never know it's a good idea until it's presented to you !!
a couple of fun facts: "sugar carnival" is a term coined by me, in reference to one of my free verse poems a while back! i, also, consider myself a sugar carnival being at most times ˶ᵔᗜ ᵔ˶ & i came up with the title on the spot after hearing + envisioning "pink gecko with yellow spots". ideal color combo, criminally underrated. fluffy your brain deserves a pedestal and i will personally create it for you with my bare hands.✋🩷💛
╰┈➤ tues. jan 23, 9:18 pm, '24.
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untilsfe · 2 years
Turtles seeing baby/kid photos of Usagi
Good lord, that's so cute!!!
I adore every time Sakai draw Usagi as a Kid. The reaction of the guys tho. It would be priceless.
Let's see what I can do [Machiavellian laughter]
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. °°°
A couple of months later:
Usagi: I still don't understand why you asked me for this photos again, Donatello-san
Donnie: It is for cientific purposes, of course.
[Leo is going through a hard time as a leader, and his brothers make him a collage for motivation]
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Leo, crying: I love you guys!
Mikey: We know!
Raph: Don’t mention it
Donnie: Seriously, don't ever mention it
Pfff, I enjoyed doing this so much! You have no idea. Also I'm really thankful to get to practice drawing the rest of the boys. I missed my fav boy Raphie a lot!
And should I say, I'm really proud of the photos, I mean, I don't know how I did it, but I'm glad my hands did it
I'll leave you the images here In case you want to see them with better quality. There's even one I didn't get to use because... Out of place, you know?
But hey! Katsuichi looks great, mhm! Love to that old man!! I need to draw him more.
>First the baby photos, he is a couple of months old here:
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>Kid photos because I couldn't resist.
We all have had to put up with a bad haircut once.
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>And finally the photos with master and friends. In the spring festival with Mariko when they where 5. And the other two when they were 10
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That's all for now. See ya later folks!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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stopthisshitplease · 1 month
What I would chance about the last season of The Umbrella Academy because the last season was a disgrace for the humanity and lost of all our hopes. (#1)
- Luther's jobs were in a bar for so long so it doesnt really made sense on why he was a pole dancer. I feel like after looking less hairy and buffy he would try to socialize more. Maybe hes that one barista who is overly talkative but so done with people. We could see some Karens absulutely wailing at him. And Sloaine. Shes with him. BECAUSE WHERE IS SHE???? But Luther begin a 'dancer' was really funny af sooo
- Diego wouldnt become a mailman thing. He was trying to be a police in the first season and tried to save Kennedy in the second. He would try to be a police again. Yk the Police Academy and all that. The CIA thing was good but if he cant get in the legal way he is getting in another way. You cannot stop him as he was a literal vigilante.
- Allison, Claire and Raymond lives together now! She wouldnt overwork herself, She is finally with her daughter and her husband now. She would work a small but stable job so she can provide and have time for her family. (Keep in mind that Raymond isnt from this timeline so hes still learning about the future) And yes Klaus does visit her time to time so he can babysit Claire, even thought its more like Claire babysitting Klaus.
- Klaus is eighter a psychiatrist or has a 9-5 job while is studying in community Collage. Eighter way he is helping drug addicts, homeless people, LGBT+ people, angsty teenagers in his own way. People know him as a friendly weirdo but they all like him! Hes not doing well financially tho. Güven that he doesnt have a stable job experiance.
-Five working in CIA doesnt make a lot of sense. For all the means he probably swore wouldnt work anything like that at all. He lives in the countryside now. And is a farmer! He tells the other people who lives close to him that he inherited the place by his dead father (haha) and the others learned the hard way to not pity him.. The boy maybe cant travel now but he is sure manically dangerous!
- Ben... Agh Ben. Not sure about him. He is obviously an asshole. But in the season he was more open. He was getting better. He doesnt have a lot relationship with the other siblings so I dont think he wants to hang out with them at all. But I dont think he would be a criminal (minus minor law breakings but who is counting?) Maybe he teaches martial arts? But a really competitive teacher and his students always go to home with bruises. He swears its a part of training. The parents are not amused. His yelp revievs sure is something!
- Victor wouldnt have a thing with every woman come on.. He loves Sissy too much for that. And his relationships never ended good. Him having his own place is nice but he strictly never dates. He adapted to the powerless life better that the others given that he didnt have them for a long time. But he still felt like the little kid who was locked up again time to time. Would be kinda cool if he and Allison bonded over it. (Allison couldnt talk for a year remember?)
- Lila wouldnt be a stay at home mom. She would still be on the 'book club' but her, a stay at home mom??? She has insane abilities in physical power, she would maybe be a coach. And for her AND Diego having three kids bespite begin scared to have one?? Nope those babies are poof! Gone!AND NO SHE DID NOT CHEAT.
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camilaxmartin · 2 years
Can you make an shuri x reader fic out of the scene where her and okoye went to the collage to find riri but instead of riri it's just y/n or something
ღ the scientist
this. right. here. idk why but it just gave me so much motivation skdhsjsk soo let’s get down to business.
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navigation // request // me and find the rest!
summary: shuri and okoye went to to college to find the person who made the machine to define vibranium who happens to be you.
notes: i hope i remembered this scene correctly. tbh i don’t know why it turned out shorter than i expected😭 i may write part 2 to it one day👀 with more fluff and stuff.
part two // part three // part four
“one thousand” you said to the boy standing in front of you.
“one thousand?! yesterday it was eight hundred.” he protested, while you rolled your eyes.
“inflation darling.” you responded fluttering your eyelashes, it was his turn to roll his eyes. in the next moment you heard the sound of notification coming from your phone.
“done and thank you.” he said annoyed and turned around to walk back to his friends. you smiled to yourself and headed back to your room.
what you didn’t know was the two women standing in the parking lot watching your every step.
“she’s a literal child.” said okoye looking at shuri.
“she’s a genius.” the girl corrected her, eyes still glued to you.
“i will handle it” the woman said wanting to follow you, but shuri stopped her with one of her hands.
“let me do it. no one will suspect anything, i can blend into the students” she argued still not letting go of her.
“why? do i look bad?” general asked which took shuri by surprise. “it’s the shade isn’t it? i thought it looked good.”
“noo you look great.” shuri sayid being a little amused by the sudden direction this conversation have taken.
“you sure?” the woman asked wanting to be assured.
“yes. now, let me talk with the girl.” shuri said gesturing to the building which you disappeared in a moment ago.
“you got five minutes. then i come in.” okoye smiled with her most loveable smile, but shuri knew better than that.
you just came back from one of your lessons and started to prepare for another one, when suddenly you heard knocking. guessing it was one of your to-be clients you rolled your eyes while approaching the door.
“i don’t take requests in person. i’ve got a whole damn website for it.” you said but your mouth went dry when you saw who was the person standing before your room. it was shuri. as in princess shuri. as in shuri princess of wakanda. and as the most pretty girl you’ve seen. wait-
“you… i-i mean princess-“ you started but shuri silenced you by putting a finger on her lips and quickly slipped into your room.
“you are the genius who constructed the vibranium machine, right?” she asked even tho she knew the answer. you just nodded your head, being a bit nervous because of the way she called you a genius.
“shuri” you stated still not believing your eyes and ears. “what are you doing here? i-i mean has i done something bad? did i annoy wakanda or something?” you started rambling but shuri got into your words.
“not only us.” she stated looking around your room, being too distracted by it to be only looking at you. she noticed many posters on your walls and many pictures of your hobbies and current hyper fixations.
“then who else?” you asked getting a little anxious by this whole situation.
“for your own safety i can’t say. but i need you to pack up your things and go back with me to wakanda.” she said finally landing her eyes on you.
“but princess, when?” you asked still being unable to believe in all of this.
shuri felt her cheeks warm up a little when you again, used her title. not that it was something new to her, almost everyone in wakanda used it, but just the way you said it, have changed something in this sentence. “right now.” she explained looking into your eyes.
“what?!” you screamed not being able to control your own voice in that moment. “but i can’t! i got differentiation lesson in a few minutes! i can’t just leave like that.” you protested and shuri bit her lower lip starting to worry.
“trust me. you’re not safe here but in wakanda nothing bad will happen to you. i can promise you that.” she was trying to convince you, but you felt like you were in some kind of a dream.
“i assume that, princess.” you said noticing this time how shuri reacted to the title. she scratched the back of her neck, looking away from you for a minute, needing time to think on how to finally convince you. “but i can’t just leave.” you argued also needing to think for a bit.
“y/n listen…” she started, but you stopped her.
“no.” you said rubbing your eye with one hand. “i- i need to refresh myself.” you said going straight to the bathroom.
the moment you entered the room, shuri heard your scream. her attention instantly turned to you who were now running away from the bathroom while okoye was walking slowly behind you. you ran to your desk and grabbed the first thing you could find, which was a loudspeaker.
“one step closer, and you’ll regret it.” you said, which made the woman laugh. “i’m serious!”
“oh, sure you are.” she said looking at you like you were some kind of an idiot. “look shuri, she got a loudspeaker!” she imitated you which made your blood boil. “listen little girl, there are two options: you come with us to wakanda conscious or unconscious.” she smiled at the end what gave you another dose of anxiety.
“you must’ve been unconscious when you were putting on makeup today.” you said, the first thing that came to your mind. woman in front of you was clearly surprised, but the princess started to laugh.
“that’s funny?” she asked the girl, with murder in her eyes.
“no, no it’s not.” she answered trying to control her laugh.
“i told you i looked bad.” she said, gently hitting shuri’s arm.
“you look good.” shuri said, trying to calm down okoye a bit. she just rolled her eyes. “hey, hey, listen.” she stepped a little closer to you. “we just want to keep you safe.”
“you know what?” okoye stepped in again. “let’s leave her here and let her deal with namor himself, alone.” she smiled and your blood ran cold.
“stop it.” you whined. “i don’t know what to do.” you said mostly to yourself.
“so let us help.” shuri came even closer, now standing right in front of you. “nothing bad will happen to you while you’re with us.” she assured you, also taking one of your hands in her. you uncontrollably blushed.
“i think it won’t be that hard to convince her.” okoye stated looking amused while looking at you and then at shuri. you blushed even more at her comment at this time even shuri noticed it.
“don’t listen to her.” shuri said, while looking right into your eyes. “it’s just her thing” she smiled at you and you felt your cheeks warm up more.
“thank you princess.” you said being hypnotised by her eyes. this time, shuri gently smiled at your response.
“i see what’s going on here, princess.” okoye commented again. “but please, focus on the mission first and then you will be free to flirt as much as you two want to.” she added, waiting for your reply.
“okoye, get a grip.” shuri scoffed her, but okoye just acted hurt.
“we’re not flirting.” you protested. “i wouldn’t dare to do such a thing with the princess.” you added what made both woman laugh but shuri’s face stayed a little red.
“don’t miss your chance. i can guarantee you, the princess wouldn’t mind it.” she said, specifically marking shuri’s title.
“she’s insane.” shuri commented still looking at your face and then into your eyes when they landed on her again. “but she’s not wrong.” she whispered winking at you. if you think you were already red, i don’t know how you looked right now.
“girls, seriously.” okoye broke the tension again. “pack. up.” she said with a very strong accent.
“will you go with us?” shuri asked you, with hope in her eyes.
“i don’t have a choice apparently.” you said breathing out hard.
“you will love wakanda, i promise. and we will be able to keep you safe there.” shuri repeated herself, while letting go of your hand.
“the princess will make sure of the first part.” okoye added smiling at the both of you. shuri only rolled her eyes at this.
“fine, i will go.” you stated, which earned a smile from shuri. “but we need to go to my workshop first. i have all my projects there.” you said, making the conversation serious again.
“we got you.” shuri said smiling at you even more, when okoye shook her at the two of you.
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sweetgirlcirce · 11 months
DBF! Simon Riley
I´m having a brainrot about Dad´s best friend Ghost, so i hope you´re hungry cause here it comes
Warnings: Leagal age gap, Dilf and retired Ghost, reader in their early 20´s while Simon is 45, light smut, dry humping, male jack off, pantie stealing, complete pervert Simon
DBF! Simon who loved to help your dad on scaring off your boyfriends. Even tho its for a total different reason, your dad just really wants to protect you, but simon... oh Simon did it because he couldn´t imagine letting some idiot boy you met in collage or at some stupid bar-who couldn´t even satisfy you-touch you, feel you, your soft breasts, the pussy he dreamed about for years, oh no, absolutely not. How could he sleep at night knowing the idiot who couldn´t even make you smile the way he did, was groping and touching what was his, his girl.Oh that made his blood boil every single time
DBF! Simon who always got a little bit too exited by summer breaks, the fact he was able to see you almost everyday? Oh god, he could melt just at the thought of it. And, what he loved almost as much was seeing you, was the fact that with summer breaks also came nothing but bikinis, shorts, little tank tops, gym wear, cute little short night gows, and god, his favorite, summerdresses. Everytime he saw you he swear he could come in his pants, you just looked so perfect, so pretty, laying in the sun with the tiniest bikini he´s ever seen, while your family trows a barbecue, passing trough him in the most slutty shorts, while he trys to watch a football match with your dad, even opening the door for him in a tank top that marked your perky nipples, he swear he was gonna go crazy before you left for collage againg.
DBF! Simon Riley who loved how sweet you always were to him, always greeting him with the prettiest smile at the door when he came over, always bringing him a new cold beer in hot summer days, offering him a massage because you ´knew how tense he could get´, always used the most sweet perfumes ever, always been so so polite to him. He asked himself if you were sweeter as he thought, when fisting his red angry cock thinking about your pretty doe eyes looking at him.
DBF!Simon who feels disguting about having such thoughts with little you, more than ever when he´s at your house for a pool party and gave a shitty excuse about going to the bathroom, only to go upstairs for your room in the end of the hallway, trying to make the least noise as possible, the initial idea was just maybe stealing one of your pretty laced -used- panties to use as a jerk off material later, but when he smells your godly smell all over the room he cant control himself, locking the door behind him, and sliding his shorts and his boxers all together, diving his head between one of your pillows and dryhumping the other, God he feels so dirty, so stupid, like a teenager again, humping your sheets like a dog in heat and groaning loud, he hates himself even more for this, but he cant contol it, cant control himself, he wants you, no, he needs you so so bad. And he feels his end aproaching so fast, his cock getting so sensitive, and when he hears your sweet voice saying a little ´´Simon? Are you there?´´ while knocking in the door, he comes, so hard he feels his legs shake and all the air get knock out of his lung.
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purpletrashcans · 5 months
I am so fucking annoyed and here is why
I recently made the discovery that i'm probably aromantic and i would like to do what i did when i discoverd that i'm trans which is go and watch/read everything that even has the tiniest bit of trans representation in it, but i can't because there is no aromantic representation
now obviously that's nothing new, i was aware of this problem before and it pissed me right off then as much as it does now
it’s honestly just such bullshit that whenever there is an asexual character in media, basically the first thing they say after coming out as ace is that "they still want to fall in love" like not wanting, not being able to feel romantic love, would make them less human or something like that and of course there are ace people who are not aro, i'm not saying that and i'm not trying to shit on anybodys identity, if you are ace and not aro you are just as valid as anybody else and this lack of aro rep is obviously not your fault, we also need more ace rep while we're on it, that's not the point i'm trying to make, what i mean is that media always tells us that romance makes us human and if you don’t experience that you are either immature, unstable or not human and that's just bullshit
also it is no wonder that when i told my grandma about Loveless by Alice Oseman and how much i love this book, she was worried that i was like Georgia because i never like anyone romantically, she has never heard of aromanticism before, when she thinks of adult people that have never been in a relationship and don't have children she thinks of lonely, sad people and she doesn't want that for me
it is no wonder that when i see my greataunt and -uncle once a year they ask if i have a partner and when i say that no, i don't have a partner, they tell me that i have time and i'll meet someone eventually
and it is no wonder that so, so many people think that they're broken, that they enter relationships and situations that they don't want to be in, that fucking therapist try to cure people, that it took me 21 years, almost losing my friends, actually losing 8 kg in two months do to disordered eating and reading Loveless two times to figure out that i might just be aro, when there is barely any representation whatsoever, when most people haven't even heard of aromanticism
we need more representation and we need it desperately, that way not only will aro people discover their identity sooner and safe themselves a whole lot of trouble, but allo people can also learn how to react to someone being aro and we can all learn that being aro isn't sad or inhumane or weird or lonely
and because i'm a fancy-schmancy college student (who wrote "collage" instead of "college" first because i can not spell)(and have watched too much criminal minds) i would like to end this with a quote by Mariah Wright Edelman (tho the quotes are the worst part of criminal minds, they are so cringe istg):
“You can’t be what you can’t see”
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barblaz-arts · 1 year
One of my favourite pieces of your art is the collage of Young Vega, where she’s using make up to put similar scars on her face like Enid’s, etc. simply because of rhe moment where Wednesday asks Vega if she can have a kiss and she gets really upset when Vega rejects her, telling Enid ‘I should call my mother’.
Is there any chance you’d expand on that? We know Enid’s the most affectionate of the two but maybe Wednesday’s usual attitude has caused a severe lack of closeness between the two that Wednesday wants to rectify but is struggling.
I've talked about this before, actually! But okay let me elaborate a bit more.
So, I've mentioned before that who Vega is closest to depended on what period of her life we're talking here. When she was a kid, she was a lot closer to Enid. This because this was a time when Vega was her most hyperactive. Wednesday spent time with Vega of course, but Enid was the one who had the energy to play and entertain a hyperactive child werewolf. Wednesday was always her mother, but Enid was Vega's mom and bestest friend. This distinction doesn't mean one is less than the other, it's just how it is and how relationship compatability works.
Which is also why Wednesday was also so dang heartbroken in that collage lol She tries to bridge that gap with the physical affection that she doesn't usually favor, but because Vega is also Wednesday's daughter, it doesn't always work. Vega isn't always up for it, but when she is, Wednesday is very grateful.
As Vega grows older and becomes a lot more like Wednesday when it comes to her interests tho, Vega starts to become more distant with Enid. She doesn't hate her mom of course, they just don't have a lot in common, and Vega just isn't a child who wants to play around with her mommy anymore. The distance gets worse when Vega gets sent to Nevermore, and Enid is quite bummed to realize she's no longer her daughter's best friend(she's very happy Vega has an actual best friend outside of family tho. It's a very complicated thing)
This is also why the comic with Vega's first wolf out and the Meet the Addamses AU turned out the way they did. Wednesday was the one to comfort child!Vega with a hug because it's not something she often got to do. This was a very special moment for them, and for Wednesday, a privilege. Then in the time travel AU Teen!Vega bonds with a younger Enid and becomes best friends with her all over again, realizing how distant she has become with her mom and getting the necessary push to amend that when adult!Enid comes back.
This is the problem when I make comics that aren't necessarily posted in order lol. I highkey wish I'm able to show all this in a more coherent medium fit for a character and relationship driven story, but I'm grateful for your interest regardless of how disorganized this all is.
So, In a way, I supposed I've expanded on it, but I'm not sure if I'll ever make something that will be transparent about it. For now, just now that these little comics have been and will be made with all this in mind
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luffyvace · 8 months
Inosuke x black male reader
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The last one from the poll!! Yippie!!
I love inosuke he’s so cool 😎
your hair is….very foreign to inosuke
this is Japan so when he sees you in general he’s very confused??
and confused=confrontational (like with giyuu)
so at first there’s a chance y’all beefed (it may have been one-sided)
but to talk specifically about your hair he probably pulls and inspects it a lot
or at least tries I know you don’t let that slide
he’d ask overly blunt questions like
“what happened to your hair, is it fried?!”
your skin is also new to him
the things he be saying is atrocious but he’s genuinely curious
mans also has no social cues
which makes him come off as rude
and even if he did have social cues he’d ignore them, cuz he doesn’t care 🤷‍♀️
to sum it all up, don’t take it personally
he be munching down on your cooking tho!
so at least that 🤦‍♀️
he always asks for so much / extras
he likes spicy too
He steals tanjiro and zenitsu’s food whenever you cook
When you use AAVE he doesn’t get it
and never will
you never even bothered to teach him
he doesn’t seem like the type of guy who would get it
if you wanna say something and don’t want him to know just teach tanjiro and zenitsu AAVE
zenitsu will get it before tanjiro does-
him calling you a idiot is irony I know 😂 /j
your culture/dances also don’t make sense to him..😞🙁
he might get the culture a little bit more than the dances
i mean it’s just dancing but he’ll be wondering why you have to do it a certain way
and as far as culture he’ll be like
”whaddya doin all this stuff for?! ITS POINTLESS!! lets go train instead!”
Tanjiro will get it tho!
he’ll explain his dad used to do a fire dance to ward the demons off
”is it something like that?”
close enough..🧍‍♀️
your bonnet/durag is very strange to him
He doesn’t get why you need something on your head to sleep
You explain to him that it’s to keep your pillow from soaking the oil in your hair and to keep your hairstyles neat
speaking of which when you braid your hair or if you have locs he thinks it’s very cool!
(that’s like the most positive thing I’ve wrote so far..)
Only problem is…..he wants you to do his hair like yours..
”but inosuke, your hair’s gonna fall out! And you can’t loc straight hair!”
He doesn’t wanna hear it..
he gets loud/starts yelling and you have to calm him down
your features are something he notices right off the bat but at the same time it goes right over his head
like he sees you may have a big nose/big lips but he doesn’t really pay much attention to it
like he doesn’t even think ‘everyone is different!’ so why would he pay attention to everyone’s individual features?
he’s looking for if your strong or not if anything 🤷‍♀️
im just gonna put a collage of his questions here cuz I can
”what’s that black thing on your head?” (Durag)
”is your hair a defense technique?? What does it do?”
“how’d you get your hair like that?”
”does your whole village look like that?? SHOW ME!”
his bluntness be getting outta hand ngl
You being a male doesn’t NOT affect inosuke whatsoever
he realized he wanted to be with you, and his mind, you were already his
(he didn’t actually ask you out 🤦‍♀️)
and yeah I pretty much have nothing else to say bc inosuke don’t care.
he’s him like that 🤷‍♀️
Inosuke’s love languages are quality time and gift giving
quality time = training
training = beating
not because he wants to beat you
but just because he doesn’t hold back at all
i hope your stronger than him
cuz if your weak……..😃
with gift giving he’ll remember the things you say you like but……it’ll just end up going..wrong..
for example! You say you need a new durag because it has a hole?
well! The great inosuke has taken the liberty to make you a new one!
like it? 😁
(oh gosh…..you don’t. What is this even made out of??)
”gee thanks..! Inosuke..”😟
(yes durat 😋..he doesn’t remember the name)
zenitsu and tanjiro support you two
zenitsu was already aware of non het couples
he doesn’t see the attraction but it’s none of his business to him really
tanjiro is 100% supportive and doesn’t see it any different from a hetero couple
kind confused?? But he’s supportive :)
also commends you for taking on the rambunctious inosuke 😅
inosuke doesn’t care what anyone else has to say about your relationship
Now if they’re passive aggressive he won’t get it-
but if they directly insult either of you—your gonna have to stop him from beating them up 😜
(or join him! 😊)
all in all….your relationship is very chaotic!
you love him regardless <3
Lol inosuke so silly
Hope you enjoyed💝
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sansxreaderbraindump · 4 months
(i want goofy villian reader so i wrote headcanons for it. i got this idea during ht san stream. Goofy readeer) also spoilers on ts underswap tho. if you dont wanna get spoiled (like milk), go watch someone play the full demo or play it yourself on gamejolt. YOUR OWN COOL VILLIAN NAME: DEVIL SIDE Real boring name: [name] ^ From time to time, you always change your villain name like "DEMON HARE, CHAOS BRINGER AND DESTRUCTIVE FUNNER and other cool villainous names you came up with" but you usually just stay with devil side to make it easy on your skeleton nemesis. How you got to this phase of your life: Back in the days, you used to work for Count Koffin-K. cooking up ideas for him, feeding jeremy, joined them on their random schemes, and did the dishes when the boogiemen didn't. Yet, you grown tired and wanted to do villain skits on your own. It was heartbreaking for Koffin-K and his boogiemen to set you off on your own like a parent sending off their child to collage. For one thing, Larry and Harry cried so hard they accidentally made a stream that Woshua struggled cleaning up but managed too victoriously :D. * It been a w-wicked time with y-you..I DONT WANNA LET YOU GO BUD WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! * I-IM W-WITH LA-LARRY I DONT WANNA LET GO EITHER WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-AHHHHHHHHH! LARRY, YOU IDIOT YOU'RE CRUSHING US! "A-as how h-heartwretching and painful this is, like really p-painful! LARRY FOR THE QUEEN'S SAKE COULD YOU STOP CRUSHING US TO DEATH!" As well as the boogiemen crying for you, Koffin-K didn't want you to see him shed a tear. he attempts to hide it away but you see right through him. In contrast, You comforted him and reassured him that on weekends you and him can collab on doing evil schemes together and visit the boss and the gang on the weekends. "aww boss didn't know you would cry for me." * WELL OF COURSE! HOW COULD I NOT WEEP FOR YOUR DEPARTURE! *sniff* *sniff* "aww gonna miss you too boss. but its not like I'm gonna be gone forever. we can Collab on doing evil stuff like ding dong ditch and I'll come visit you on the weekends." * ...Can you still do the dishes. "..there will be some setbacks." ALTER EGO SANS INTERACTION One day when you first met sans (his true form), you were done finishing up some traps and "kidnapping" a random monster who found for crossbones to save (with consent from the hostage. you will take full responsibility if they were to be hurt) You were ready to throw in a brick with an note for crossbones to find until you saw sans (crossbones) and mistaken him for crossbones. "NOW I HAVE YOU IN MY SIGHT CRO-!" "umm sorry but is that you crossbones?" *think again sweetheart. AH HAH! I KNEW IT! YOU AIN'T CROSSBONES, YOUR JUST A FAN "WHO LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM BUT DIFFERENT" (d-did you just call me sweetheart?) - he flirts with you on the daily basis, just to mess with you. its very fun. *also, the telescope costed 257 G. "WAIT WHAT, YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME-" *but for you, it has a discount off 100%. "..." (you ran away, blushing and grumbling while you're at it) *heh, cute.
YOU AND CROSSBONES - Crossbones thinks you're cute and a dork. A cute dork! - First time you guys met was at the costume party. You were planning to create your costume but procrastinated all month and didn't manage to finish it up in time. In shame, you just taped a piece of paper that said "pretend that I have the best costume you ever seen!" to your chest and hang out in the corner, enviously staring at the other people's cool costume. You could just go home but there was free food so you stayed there, eating all the cheese crackers. You thought you could not talk to anyone but you thought wrong. The comedic skeleton came up to you, reading the paper and said "that is the best costume I ever seen." the second meeting was when koffin-k toilet papered all 4 houses with the boogiemen including you. Then crossbones came in, saving the day. In a glance, He recognized you and you recognized him. What a twist a long time stanger turned out to be a villain full of mischief. You were captured with koffin-k but you land out a hand to help your boss escape in a quick sweep. You threw him like a frisbee out of the trenches of a shack. He escaped with your help and yelled out very loudly "I WILL COME BACK FOR YOU WITH BACKUP" while spinning in the wind. so there you were, alone with crossbones in the punishment shack. * nice villain costume by the way. Best costume I ever seen. "you still remember that?" Some interactions I came up, enjoy!
"YOU'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME CROSSBONES FOR I HAVE A PLAN F IN MY SLEEVES" *ok *quick gooey question, what do you want for dinner? "...Pizza." (papyrus in the distant): SANS STOP MAKING DINNER DATES WITH THE ENEMY!! - also if you and crossbones were married 👀, you and him would do enemies to lovers domestic role playing. "WAIT YOU, MY NEMESIS WANT ME TO TAKE ME OUT ON A DATE!!?!? *we are married, you dork. "sans pleaseee, just play along :(" *alr alr if it makes you happy." - Dark side love nicknames for crossbone MY RIVIAL, MY NEMESIS, THE BONES WHO FOILS MY EVIL PLANS, THE BONELY ONE TO STEAL MY SOUL, sans♥ - crossbones love nicknames for dark side dork, cute dork.
- One time when you got grumpy with crossbones because you planned more to show but got captured by him too early. In attempt to get you stop being all pouty, crossbones held you bridal style carry while you were tied up, but that didn't work instead you gave him something even much worse. The silent treatment, But that didn't last for long, he gave a smooch on your cheek to stop you being all grumpy with him. *aw don't turn into the grumpy side [name]. "mmm >:(" *even worse, the silent side. *well good thing I know how to bring them back. *mwah❤ "...FINE FINE YOU WON!" *Welp off to the punishment shack we go.
Extras - i named them devil side because y'know in undertale/deltarune we are the angel (that is what I believe). so I called them the opposite like "ahahaha i am devil side" but inside they are an angel in heart. - also i thought of devil side (you) to be like a character that belongs in this world. I think it was clever, cuz its swap over you the player is now devil side and you belong in this world well a version of you that is...
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froggies-furbys · 1 year
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illustration i did in my sketchbook at school and liked enough to color digitally!! posting them both because I love the colors in my digital version but the contrast was really nice in the traditional version and in hindsight i should have tried to preserve that a little bit more. i would def make this into a poster for my room tho and its going in my collage portfolio!
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i've been trying on combo traditional-digital art lately because what I love most about traditional art i find really annoying digitally, but i love coloring and rendering digitally. if anyone would like a tutorial on how to do this i can make one! it's pretty fun
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