#i didn't mean to use that tag but im not complaining
treesbian · 2 months
BROOOO i was telling my mom about an anime that my manager was recommending to me the other day and how she explained like the basic plot of the 1st episode to me (it's cinderella but subverted to where cinderella is the villain. basically she victimizes herself and has everyone in her community believing her stepsisters are forcing her to be their servant even though they aren't) and my mom goes "oh sounds like [younger sister's name] haha" and I said "that's really mean" and she went "but am I wrong?" and i said again "That is mean." and my godsister backed her up. but like. how pathetic do you have to be as a parent to just find any reason to insult and bully your child -_- you're the PARENT!!!! she's never ever ever been on the top of that power dynamic!!!! maybe she embellishes to her for sympathy (everyone wants sympathy sometimes especially when things suck) but like. you do suck a little bit. sorry. maybe she makes herself a victim of ppl she has equal standing with (like her siblings...) but you know what you never effectively talked to her about that and now she's grown. unless you want to actually give her support and advice shut up!!!!!! you're the mom you're the parent you have the power in this dynamic. why do you have to be such a bully!!! NO MORE SCAPEGOATS!!!!!!!
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mspaintlover · 1 year
i;m so sick of swatch/ton im gonna throw up for real
#IM NOT GOING TO CLAIM ITS LIKE MORALLY WRONG OR SOMETHING I JUST DON'T LIKE IT. IT DISINTERESTS ME DEEPLY#It just makes 97% of anything ever made or related to swatch disinteresting to me immediately its frustrating#i know they have canon character tensions going on between them which is fine but i dont get why exploring them by default has to ship#^sorry i saw cool art that was tagged ship#also sorry to put this here but i don't want to put Fandomy Complaints on my main and this is my swatch blog#.bmp#uh..#complaining#??#i just don't get it but maybe its becauyse im Swatch Brained but like i feel like maybe. it doesnt have to be about spamton sometimes .#maybe swatch can be their own character outside of half of a ship dynamic idk#<- also ALSO. i wrote up a huge thing about how Swatch wouldn't have like severely and permanently disfigured spamton#by throwing him in burning acid. which i intended mostly as like 'swatch isn't just Mean Butler/Barista and nothing else' because i was sic#of them just being used as a prop villain for Spamton#but i really didn't mean it as like. they were closer than they seem in game or that they didnt clearly hate eachother's guts#they very much do not like eachother . like Swatch is SO mad he stole the NEO body they made it clearly meant a lot to them#no doubt they have some bullshit going on but to me making it romantic or whatever doesn't add anything to the interpersonal conflict#this why it is my mission to make swatch art that is not ship sorry
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etoilesbienne · 8 months
out of curiosity, what are the common qEtoiles mischaracterizations, and the accurate characterizations you wished people used more? Sincerely, an English speaking fan who is re-learning French!
honestly i kind of consider it a mischaracterization when people like... make etoiles into this team leader who always knows what to do and move things forward. or like that he has a bad attitude to like... match his fighting skills. or like the dark knight brooding warrior. he says he is these things. these are lies. he lies about himself constantly. i wouldnt trust a good 2/3 of the things he says about himself to be true. you read him clearer through his actions than his statements.
in my opinion etoiles is more like. sturdy second in command. he's not there to lead, he's there to fill in the holes where they pop up. he's there as cover. he's quick witted in shortchange scenarios, but that is so not the same thing as a genuine strategist. in another expression, if someone is a leader, the leader is a doctor, etoiles's role is more like... the EMS team in an ambulance. He's not there to fix your problem, he's there to keep your problem covered until you can get someone else to fully fix it. but that doesn't mean his role is any less important when he's needed.
Etoiles is also, like, so very much a team player if he respects and trusts a person. And it is so easy to have his respect and trust. His trust starts at 100% for everyone. he's also so very very very good at reading people (gesture to the bbh clip where bbh moves his mouse slightly downward and etoiles calls him out on being depressed). He read Mousey as enjoying dungeons and pvp way more and wanting to hang out with her. He's also one of the only people who like continuously runs in the girlies group and makes all of them pvp with him and they all love it so he keeps coming back to pvp with them. Thats how he started his whole thing with Tina and pvping with her constantly. Reading other people also, he loves finding other pvpers so he attacks roier constantly now bc he knows roier can pvp.
What else OH Etoiles loves whining (and this is because Rayou loves whining) that dude will just complain constantly. You haven't seen an etoiles stream if youve never seen him whine. Can't say I'm not kind of endeared by it. With this too he loves over explaining things (RIP armor powerpoint wish you couldve been given...) because he wants to help everyone....
OH and he's very over exaggerated too in replying to people in a complaining way and a self deprecating way and also likes to try to push the envelope with people and he does all of that to try and get a laugh out of others. like he's well aware people find him going "Oh so you don't give a shit about me and want me to die ? you want etoiles to die ?" fucking hilarious and also loves complaining in the first place thats why he does that. if your etoiles isn't complaining and whining then it isn't etoiles. the self deprecating thing is... its interesting bc he does have full faith in his abilities but will never say it out loud unless its trying to reassure someone who is worried. pushing the envelope is so specific he won't do it too much and its like........... from what ive seen (correct me if im wrong) heavily directed at non francophones where if they laugh at something wack he's done he'll try to do it again to make them laugh more. shoutout to the time he made bbh laugh so much when he cursed he didn't get languaged by bbh so he kept cursing to try to make bbh do it again. the dudes a total people pleaser.
smaller thing ive talked about extensively already (u can prob find it in my q!etoiles tag if i remember i'll edit a link to the posts in here soon lol) etoiles hates losing he looooooves winning he's very intense about it lol. its cute!
on a final note even if you don't become deeply unwell about etoiles like i am i think this highlight clip video has like everything he's like condensed into like 11 minutes. You should watch it. It's a good starting point.
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eggyrocks · 3 months
part one: 120% tip
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fun facts:
oikawa's order is a hot latte with oat milk
he didn't used to order oat milk but he does now since yn recommended it
yams and yn are NOT productive coworkers little to no side work gets down when they're working together (which is frequent)
yn and osamu met through a dating app
oikawa is afraid to ask yn for her name
yn asked oikawa for his name for his order once and then forgot it, usually just refers to him as "my favorite customer"
oikawa does NOT complain about this
noya and tsukki get a little jealous abt the coffee shop bonding during working hours
album playing in the coffee shop: race by alex g
an: im feeling more inspired for this than i am for my kuroo smau...we'll see how it goes idk what the update schedule will be but knowing me it will probably be unhinged
taglist: @wyrcan @rieieieieieiei @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rotting1tz @garden-of-bri @shotenvinsoot @sugartits123 @awktwurtle @randomidk-123 (if your username is bolded, it means i couldnt tag you) (pls fill out this form to be added)
important links for palestine: daily click for palestine donate or join palestine action find a protest near you
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februarybluues · 1 year
enemies with benefits || 3 - can't be love.
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warnings: cursing, hobie is an idiot, she/her pronouns used to describe reader, this entire fic is literally just hobie denying his feelings for you
read previous part here -- series masterlist
next part - girl (you really got me goin')
a/n: hiii!! fair warning this is not my best work, im quite disappointed in how this turned out actually. BUT! the next part is literally my favorite in the series and i am SO EXCITED to share it with you!!!
It was crazy how much your friendship with Hobie had changed since you first met him. Granted, ‘friendship’ was a stretch. You were barely friends, you barely even tolerated him. Regardless!
Over time, you noticed how his behaviour changed towards you. His rude comments and teasing insults stayed the same. – but they felt different. You noticed how ‘mate’ evolved into ‘love’, and in all honesty, you weren’t complaining. At first, the pet name was his favorite trick to pull on you; only used in instances where he wanted to be especially annoying. But, soon enough its intentions changed. Now it’s like a habit. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t stop himself from calling you that. ‘Love.’ By that point, both you and him were conflicted. Was it sincerity or spite? Did he mean it? Hell, not even he knew. Unspoken questions that you shared. It was stupid, really. I mean, he wasn’t sure if he meant it when he called you love, but he hates you? It was ridiculous. You should know whether you hate someone or not. It was one of the easiest emotions to differentiate from love. So why was he struggling so much? It was evident that you were sworn enemies. So why did his heart double in size every time he was near you?
Your relationship… improved, to say the least. After a few months, you found yourselves hanging out a lot more. – not intentionally! Hobie just so happened to tag along with you whenever you hung out with pavitr, miles and gwen. That was it. You weren’t hanging out more on purpose! Until… eventually it was on purpose.
“I’m just saying!” you lifted your hands up in surrender. You, Miles, Gwen, Pav and Hobie were sat around on an abandoned rooftop in your world. It became a frequent ‘mandatory hangout spot’ that you took immense pride in. you were arguing with miles over something. Hobie was unsure what. He didn’t quite care. He wasn’t paying attention. The light from the setting-sun danced on your skin; making you look almost angelic. and he was absolutely mesmerized by you, to say the least. You were just - perfect. “Hobie? Are you even listening?” Miles asked. “Yeah, yeah. I am.” he cleared his throat, and readjusted his posture, sitting up straight. “Oh yeah? Then what were we talking about?” you joined in, sitting down next to him; your knees barely grazed against one another, but that didn't fail to make butterflies whirl around in your heart. “Y’were talkin’ 'bout uh-” he couldn’t bullshit his way out of this situation, because he wasn’t prepared for it. Luckily, he didn’t have to. “I know my company must be sooo boring but could you at least pretend to be having fun?” You joked, playfully shoving his knee with your hand. He scoffed at you, and ignored the feeling of his face slightly burning up at the sudden contact. -- or at least he tried.
“Well ‘ave you considered bein’ entertainin’?” you put a hand on your chest, feigning offense. “Are you saying I'm not entertaining?” He tried to hold back a small smile (he failed horribly). “ ‘s true though. You’re real borin’." he fake yawned. "Fallin’ asleep right now actually.” you scoffed at him. “Well you better wake the fuck up!” “Wha’ if I don’t?” you rolled your eyes at him. By this point, Pavitr couldn’t stop whispering to miles and gwen about the supposed 'tension between the both of you’. You half-smiled. “I’ll make you.” “Oh yeah? Go on. Make me.” Miles then broke up the situation, clearing his throat. You looked back at him, confused. “Let’s not forget about the children that are present.” Gwen said, giving you a knowing look. “What do you mean?” you asked, and Pavitr quickly chimed in.
“Don’t act so clueless! You were obviously flirting with each other!”
You were quick to jump up and defend yourself. “I was not flirting with him! He’s a prick!” he nodded at that.
 “I was.” hobie said - so casually. “What?” your head turned back to look at him. His face was the same as always; smug, yet relaxed. Handsome, even. wait what? “I was flirtin’ with ya.” he confessed. he looked right into your eyes as if he hadn’t said that. You were confused. Was he being serious?
Suddenly, it fell silent. No one uttered a word. They all just - stared at hobie; almost as shocked as you were. And then he burst into laughter. “Nah i’m jus’ takin’ the piss.'' A part of you was disappointed. Everyone shared a quick laugh at that. Admittedly, He was only partially telling the truth. While he was joking– hoping his unexpected response would make you angry–, a part of him was flirting with you. And a certain someone quickly figured that out.
After that moment, Pavitr made it his top priority to pester Hobie about you. Whether it be small comments like “Did you see that look she gave you? I’m telling you! It’s true love!”, or roughly elbowing him every time something slightly romantic happened between the both of you. He even found ways to make sure you and him had time alone together. He kept this up until eventually, hobie had enough of his shit and spoke out. “Pav, man! I don’t like ‘er! Jus’ step off o’that shite, yeah?” – of course, Pavitr does not stop. If anything, it made his teasing even worse. It became insufferable. No matter how many times Hobie insisted that he hated you, Pav could see right through him; he knew him better than he knew himself. But Hobie refused to listen to him. Because he didn’t love you. He knew it, you knew it, it was obvious.
It got to a point where Hobie stormed out of the room, in a fit of rage. He’d had enough of  the relentless teasing. – needed time alone. But, only ended up lost in his thoughts. It started off normally; he was annoyed at Pav, and then started thinking about all the things he was saying, which then evolved into him thinking about you. Yeah, you were pretty, brave, and hard-working. Not to mention you were always willing to help people. You put others before yourself. But that didn’t mean shit! He was just kind of really maybe a bit fond of you. That's all!
There’s no way he loved you! What he was feeling must've been some sort of hatred he wasn't familiar with, or at least that's what he told himself. His brain was just confusing him; distracting him. Was this a trick? Was he being brainwashed? Is that why he felt so lost without you around him? No. He didn’t love you. He just tolerated you a lot. You were manipulating him. You must’ve put a spell on him. Mhm. That was the only logical explanation as to why his heart fluttered at the sight of you! He grinned at the revelation. Now that he had it ‘figured out’, it was time to one-up you.
It was time to get revenge. He’d make you pay for being so fucking irresistible. 
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taglist: @elloelloello293874 @lavnderluv @ginseng-green-tea @ididntwantthisbutithappened @thatweirdgirlsposts @clown420cunt @sh-tposter2021 @wannabe-fic-reader
if you wanna be added just let me know pookie
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jinnxedy · 6 months
fair/carnival date with Leon
I made a re2 and re4 version, this one goes to the older versions of Leon. It could be re6, vendetta, ID or DI, whoever you want :)
pt. 1 / pt. 2
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☆Imagine you went to a fair/carnival alone, with no plans to meet someone whatsoever, and you see Leon alone playing a shooter game.
☆ I mean, who wouldn't approach this man? Sure, he's scary looking but whatever.
☆ Worries aside, you approach him, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.
☆ You're surprised by his shooting skills, deciding to compliment him on it.
☆ Leon doesn't notice you at first, he's startled by the attention you're giving him, though he's not complaining.
☆ it takes him a second to answer you back, he's just a bit surprised that you approached him, out of all the people you could've chosen.
☆ And he's so awkward about it too omg
☆ This old man isn't used to this, give him a break. After all those years of not having a serious relationship, it takes him some time to get used to it.
☆ You two keep a nice conversation going, and it seems so genuine, lighthearted, Leon loved it. That's exactly what he's been looking for, something serious.
☆ Leon took the risk, asking if you wanted to tag along with him and look around the fair/carnival, which of course you said yes, who would let this opportunity pass?
☆ In such a short amount of time, Leon took a liking to you. He was infatuated with you as a whole person, it made him want more.
☆ It's safe to say that this old man didn't want to part ways with you.
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thank you so much @m33pl0v3 for the idea :))
Also, im sorry this was kinda half assed and so rushed, I just wanted to get this out of my drafts. It's just so hard to imagine any older version of Leon at a fair/carnival, seems almost impossible :(
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icarustypicalfall · 9 months
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how cod men would use their phones
this is my first time doing head canons lmao if its bad just forget it 😭 i tried to be realistic but that was extremely dump lmaoo
warnings: none, totally sfw and maybe funny? 😀
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captain john price
honestly, i see him as the type of people who'll lecture you when they see you using a phone, while he plays candy crush and similar games on a loop when he's alone. he isn't much interested in social media, maybe he'll use Twitter for infos and What's up to talk with his team. Otherwise, he'd be a Facebook dad watching videos with that annoying laugh on full volume while cackling. Gaz tried to  convince him to use other platforms but it resulted in Price giving him a 10 minutes lecture on how bad social media is.
(john secretly watch tiktok video complications on YouTube)
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simon ghost riley
he doesn't use his phone much, he knows how it can be addicting and he has much things on his mind to worry about being social with others. although, he looks for dad jokes and have a laugh at them when he's alone. his camera roll is full of blurry pictures he took by mistake and screenshots of recipes.
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kyle gaz garrick
he's the youngest and the one who convinced price into buying a phone. i think Kyle is the the type of people who'd be popular on every platform, twitter, Instagram, you name it. he's funny (also really handsome 🤭) which makes it easy for him to have much moots and friends. He watches streams or horror stories at 2 am. (spoiler: he got scared more than once)
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johnny soap Mactavish
he watches shitty shows on Netflix to complain about them. he loves, and i mean really loves annoying people with stupid meaningless Messages when he's bored. if you are texting him, god be with you, this man makes 20 typos in a single word. he'd make comments on random posts to fight people for months.
"jus fer fun lass/lad"
(sorry if this isn't how Scottish people actually talk I've seen it around in fics 😭)
he looses arguments most of the time and asks Alejandro for some back up.
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Alejandro vargas
he uses his phone to call only, he despises texting and if he did, it'll be like this
you:"when shall i meet you tomorrow?"
although, he takes lots of pictures, sends them to you most of the time. rudy forced him to make an Instagram account and he ended by liking it.
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rudy parra
this cute man 🤭💕 he might be a military man, but he has a soft spot for cute videos of pepole taking care of animals. he'd watch them for hours. he doesn't use his phone much due to his job but he's keeps up with the trends and explains them to you if you're confused.
i can see him using this one a lot :3
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Phillip graves
he hates social media, he uses what's up to send to his shadows shirtless pictures of him. he'd drop the most heart wrenching pic ever and say"what's for dinner" (you sir 🤭)
he secretly loves watching those videos of reddit stories, he knows it's probably fake but he lives for the drama and enjoys it.
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i hope y'all like it, it's shitty and short lmao.
i Just got up from a nap lmao can't believe people actually liked my other work
shall i do other operaters from like Kor-Tac and ghosts? (and yes i know König is in Kor-Tac)
*just realized I didn't add tags im
✨d u m p ✨*
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misc-obeyme · 27 days
I'M ALIVE (BARELY) !! Work is kicking my ass. Also, lots of things went wrong for me this morning, but they all worked out in the end ?? Like I forgot to set my alarm, had to bring my mom's phone to her job bc she forgot it, my bus ended up running late because the doors would get stuck at stops. But I woke up on time, caught the bus after taking the phone, and made it early to work because the bus forgot to take the detour? My luck is insane (thanks Mammon.)
ANYWAY, i can no longer contain my thoughts about Mammon x Solomon x Mc. I'm just imagining my mc and Solomon who are both very curious, and love messing around with potions at purgatory hall, and finding alternatives to rare ingredients. This has definitely gone wrong a bunch of times (most days without a potion incident: 4)
and I'm imagining Mammon tagging along bc he misses mc and is jealous that Sol is taking up their time, but denies all claims - "I'm assigned to protect ya, ain't I?" "From Solomon?" "W-Well, he's a shady sorcerer!"
He sits on the floor by mc's feet, and will fetch them things because he can't say no to them. But he spends so much time listening to them brainstorm, he starts learning and will chime in randomly. Mc and Sol who are stuck on what to add, Mammon drops something in there, and they're both horrified until they realize the potion is perfect now. He just has a little database in his mind of what to add to something, and rare ingredients that the two wish they could get their hands on.
Thinking about Mammon doing a favor for a witch and she tells him to pick anything in her collection since she's low on money. He was about to be angry when he saw an ingredient that they've both been complaining is rare and hard to find. He asks the witch for that and then brings it to the two. He acts all nonchalant about it, trying to brush it off. Mc tackles him, meanwhile Solomon is in awe and staring with a twinkle in his eye.
Now Mammon starts requesting trades with witches, for a lower portion of grimm. Gets ingredients he knows they dream about, because the way mc and sol will get all giddy after he presents them with his earnings makes his stomach flip (he will never admit this)
"This is missing something" Solomon
"Yeah but I can't figure out what" MC
"Have you tried *insert seemingly common ingredient that doesn't work for most things*" Mammon
"But no one uses that, it's why we're always stuck with it" MC
"Couldn't hurt to try. See, watch." Mammon.
"Dunno, got it from a random witch. Said she didn't need it. *spent two hours haggling with said witch*"
"...am I in love?" Solomon, reevaluating life
"Eh? What are ya mumbling about? If you're gonna thank me, I want it loud and clear!"
my crack ship <3 they mean everything to me. I caved and hunted down the plushies of them on ebay too. ALSO I GOT TWO OF MY COMMISSIONS BACK AND I'M 😭 they're perfect !!! I'm so so happy with them. Literally the lock screen is beautiful bc it's me and mammon cuddling (HIS MUSCLES CC!! IM DYING) and it looks like it was taken by like asmo or something who walked in to wake us up.
i think I'm also a hopeless romantic, I'm just scared of confronting my feelings lol (you're right in that it is worth it, I just need to figure out how to be brave </3). I throw myself into romance books and fanfics. Vaguely related, thinking about coffee shop au with barista!Mammon and college student!Solomon.
- ✨ anon
Wow that does sound like a crazy morning!! I'm glad it all worked out, though~ Mammon is totally watching out for you!
OKAY but all of that sounds exactly like Mammon! I mean, he's super smart, he just doesn't usually bother to apply himself to anything. So it totally makes sense that he'd just pick up things because he's spending time with MC and Solomon. And then of course he's gonna end up seeing rare ingredients and being like, okay yeah I'm taking that. That all sounds absolutely adorable~
I'm curious about whether or not Solomon and Mammon would make a pact in this situation? I mean, if it's both of them and your MC that are in the relationship, do you think they would? Do you think Solomon would move past his obsession with getting a pact with Lucifer and end up in one with Mammon instead?
I always felt like Solomon doesn't really get Mammon, you know? But that doesn't mean he can't learn. And oh man, Solomon is such a tease and Mammon is so not good at being teased lol. That idea is giving me so many entertaining images, I can't even handle it.
Anyway, I'm totally here for it! It sounds really cute~
I'm so glad you're happy with your comms!!! They sound amazing!
And don't worry, you'll figure it out. I don't know how old you are, but I suspect you have plenty of time! It's a balancing act, you know? It's important to be honest with yourself about your feelings without letting them control you. But it's easier to decide what to do about them if you know what they are. Anyway, not to get all philosophical over here lol. I think the key is to find someone you want to be brave for, you know?
AUGH I love coffee shop aus sooooooo much!!! I was very obsessed with the idea of barista!Mammon for a while, mostly because of a daily chat where he was working at a cafe and then got into a fight with customer. He's good at finances, so I think he could be pretty business minded if he wanted to be. So I was thinking about a situation where he owns his own cafe, but when the customers get rude with one of his fellow baristas, he gets into a fight with them lol. I hadn't really considered who that other barista was, but it could be MC.
Anyway, I could ramble about coffee shop aus all day because I love them aklsdlkfjdfjkl
I hope you have a lovely day/night, too!!
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
The OM Brothers reaction to Levi secretly having a male s/o?
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Fandom: Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Characters: Levi x Reader, platonic!brothers x reader
Warnings: subtle mention of homophobia in mammon's but thats really it
Notes: this didn't specify so i decided to do headcanons i hope that's ok
male reader
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he's impressed tbh
first of all, not many can pull one over on him like that
secondly, just had a "if he's happy im happy" kind of mentality for levi
will give you the "if you hurt him..." speech later when he catches you alone for a moment
overall doesn't react much but makes sure to tell levi he's happy for him & proud of him later
sees how happy you two make each other and as long as it stays like that, he can't really complain
his immediate reaction is betrayal
levi didn't TELL HIM ?? his wonderful older brother?? the GREAT mammon????
that subsides pretty quickly when he goes into protective brother mode
was a little worried (for no reason) someone might have some 'opinions' abt the fact he was dating a guy
was prepared to glare daggers at anyone who tried to say anything
luckily didn't have to. gave levi a big hug and told you 'welcome to the family' with that super fake "i will kill you if you hurt him" kinda smile
him and lucifer are alike in that way at least
more or less disinterested
its not a big deal but he's happy for him
more neutral on the subject
doesn't really go out of his way to talk to people so its not like he's gonna be friends with you (unless you initiate that)
doesn't dislike you and its not like he doesn't care he's just very indifferent?
polar OPPOSITE of satan
SO interested he wants to know everything about you
on one hand, offended he wasn't told but on the other he's trying to figure out if you have siblings
makes a "if he gets boring i live down the hall" joke but SWEARS its a joke when lucifer and mammon glare at him for that one
you have to remind levi you love him later because he gest a little insecure abt that
getting the initial attempts to flirt out of the way he wants to know everything about you and everything about your guys' relationship that he MISSED already
is making interest boards already
so invested already tbh and sometimes he seems pushy but he's just trying to do whats best for his brother
sometimes that means horrible advice and other times that means putting him in eyeliner. who knows
not a huge deal to him
once the initial "oh he's dating someone that's cool" wears off he's back to asking if he can go to the kitchen ad get something to eat
does try to get to know you though
asks you a lot about food (its beel)
enjoys talking to you when you're around
he's just easy to talk to in general
tries to give you the don't hurt my brother and be a good boyfriend talk but when you mention lucifer already did it laughs and goes "oh good i wont scare you again" and moves on
genuinely thinks you're good for levi and tells him so once he's gotten to know you a bit
was sleeping when levi introduced you to everyone
missed the formal announcement
didn't question it when suddenly there was just this Guy around the house of lamentation all the time
no one else made a big deal about it so he didn't either
one night asked beel before they went to sleep and just
"hey beel whos that guy that's been over like four times this week" "oh yeah that's (Y/N) levi's boyfriend"
"oh. ok neat."
literally doesn't care doesn't faze him at all
he's so used to asmo's typical liasons he figures it's nice levi has someone to take care of him
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aira-bu · 1 year
hi!! i saw you in the genshin x reader tag and i read through ur writing and love it so much,, i was wondering if you’d be down to maybe write voicelines the hydro or pyro boys would have about you (+ maybe tighnari if that’s ok because i love him sm …) except in the context that you are childhood friends (with crushes on each other) !! male reader might be nice if you’re ok with that but i’d also be ok with gn reader! and it’s totally ok if you don’t do this request! i hope you have a wonderful day/night and i hope you write more things because i’ve loved reading what you’ve written so far!
hi anon!! im rly happy that u like my writing! this might be posted just a little late bc im a little busy but nonetheless here you go! <3
and i'm gonna write pyro boys + xingqiu voicelines about you bc i've already written tighnari's and the other hydro boys in my last post! the reader will be gender neutral bc since it's a voiceline i don't think it would make much difference if it were to be a female or a male, but feel free to replace the they/thems with any pronouns in your head! i hope this isn't too bad ⬇️
☘︎ their voicelines about you ! 𖧷
☁︎ written as of version 3.3
characters: xingqiu, diluc, thoma, bennett
disclaimers/warnings: gn! reader, use of (y/n) (your name), thoma breaking the 4th wall
"*ahem*, maybe we can perhaps move on to a different topic? ...no? fine. yes, i know (y/n). i've known them since we were young, and believe me when i say that they are one of a kind! not everybody can stand me rambling about ancient literature, but i know they can. though, i'm still unsure if they actually like the topic or they're just being nice. speaking of which, i have never took them to a library, maybe i should- ah... apologies, i was rambling. ...a date? to a book store? hey, that may not be such a bad idea! i could- wait.. just why did you suggest a date?!"
can i add that he's flustered
"there is never a dull time with (y/n)... they're always so... giddy. one thing's for sure is that if they were to ever join the knights of favonius, it would be beneficial to the latter, no doubt. (y/n) is efficient and swift, something the 'knights of favonius' could never have a grasp on. i've known them since... a very long time ago. i'd actually prefer it if they were the one to have been my sworn sibling instead of that alcoholic jerk. but, that would also have been a great inconvenience for me. ..hm? you ask why? you'll see."
"hm? (y/n)? ah! (y/n)! yes, of course i'm familiar with them! i've known them a long, long time ago, long before i became housekeeper of the kamisato clan. nowadays, they would assist me whenever they come visit, and to be honest, their help means a lot. i'm not complaining about the workload, it's just them being... here, helps soothe the atmosphere a lot. ...i'm going to admit that i might just be a little too excited to see them, but i'm sure they are too considering the fact that they're probably reading this ! hm? oh no i didn't say anything, don't worry!"
"(y/n)? hehe, of course! i like to think of them as my good luck charm, but of course they mean a lot to me too! ever since i was little, whenever i was with them my bad luck seems to disappear a little. it's still there, but it's better! i don't get struck by lightning one time after the other, treasure chests actuallly have something inside of them, and there's never a random rock falling onto my head! being with them just makes me feel lucky, even if i'm not. if only i had just a little luck to have a chance..."
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luciddreamingcrow · 2 years
Playable Character Au p.1
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---Song recommandatteon for today is BITE by Troye Sivan---
Sumery: in this au, you the reader, are a playable character/nps in which the fanbase have made their own ships with other characters based on voice lines, canon inteactions, popular headcanons etc. :D
A/n : Ones again I apologize for not updating as frequently as I want to, for a long time I didnt have any inspo and I started school again, again Im so sorry for my long absence I promice to start posting more frequently <3
The General Mahamatra
About Reader:
I've met reader around the first year when I just started to study in the academia, we relied on each other to keep ourselves sane and awake during these years, now even outside of work we hang out quite frequently going to the same spot in sumeru city to play with my cards and order the same food as last time, the loser gets to pay for the food, lets just say that they may or may not have a 5 winning streak, and not because they are good at the game.
About Readers Reputation:
Reader is a individual that demands respect opon first sight and will not hesitate to show it, but outside of their personal workplace they are actually really humorous and a trustworthy companion that’s more than willing to take a bullet for people they trust, come to think of them they are surprisingly rebellious whenever the sages want their way, insisting in treating a situation as any other regardless of ones status, its really entertaining seeing how Reader puts the sages in their plase with no hesitation.
General sumery about your relationship with said character:
Your status in the academia is a simple but a respecteble one, basically you are the second in comand of the Matra organization(operation?idk how its called) you are mainly tasked to deal with paperwork, searching info and data about students that have broke the rules and traked down by Cyno, and more oftentimes than not you have to deal with students that have cheated on their tests/exams or iligal use of caned knowledge
What the fandom thinks/though:
At first when you were announced fans had mixed feeling, the Twitter part of the fandom as they always do, they complained, other casual fans were pleased and didn't mind that much. As for the shipping part of the fandom surprisingly at first Cynder (the ship name between Cyno and reader) was considerd as a rare pair being overshadowed by Cynary and Cynolu. But when voicelines, canon interactions, ect were leaked, the shippers whent WILD. Withing some days the Cynder tag was THRIVING, fanart, fanfiction, canon content👏you👏name👏IT. Yes there are some toxic shippers ESPECIALLY on tik tok were saying that Cynder doesn't work cuz "it ruins their fav ship"🙄 some even claimed it was a "proship" 😃, but honey ignore them, they don't know whats good.Jokes on everyone cuz in later events it was extremely hinted that it was canon also lets not forget about the study dates that he takes you on <3
Fantastical Evening Star
About Reader:
Reader? OOoooh, you mean my roommate, right? I really enjoy their company, quiet iet so energetic and loud, I dont really know how to explain it but on one second you can see them running errands for the rest of the students with a smile on their face and on the other they are speed running their forgotten homework for next class, they really have to start to manage their tasks and start getting their life together.
General sumery about your relationship with said character:
You and Layla are roommates and most of the time you make sure and by make sure I mean forse Layla to go to sleep earlier and make food for the both of you, and whenever you accidentaly fall asleep she makes sure to do some of your work so you wont burn yourself out, and yes some times you two blast music and sing in your shared dorm just cuz you guys had too much energy one night, the next morning both of you regretted it instantly.
What the fandom thinks/though:
The first thing that came into the fandoms mind is that Layer( the ship name between Layla and reader) is that the both of you fit the sun-moon trope (Layla- moon, reader-sun) and stuck with it, refusing to change its mind. And most people just accepted it, though its not really popular its not considered a rare pair either is just in the midle, and it has enough content to satisfy the Layer shippers^^, Also not to mention the unholy amount of hurt/comfors fanfics there are👀, as canon goes theres a good amount of scenes with Layla from your hangout to support the ship as "hinted as canon" by mihoyo.
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dizzywing-dispatch · 4 months
theres something so irritating, but ultimately not outright hateful about ac3 d1scour53 nowadays (which is why i dont engage with it) but i just have to say i wish people could just get along instead of arguing about sex-repulsed vs sex-favorable people.
i'm sex-favorable and for a very long time the layman's understanding of asexuality is that being that way is invalid. the model of asexuality has been sex-repulsed. the model has been lumped together with aromanticism. the model has been that Asexuals are Celibate. i have had people telling ME this for years. i have had to drill it into my friend's heads repeatedly that ace =/= sex repulsed. i have had to tell people that yes, i am capable of kissing people. i have had asexuality used against me as an excuse in a relationship by my partner seeking intimacy from somebody else because "youre asexual, i didn't want to make you", when i had stated my boundaries and willingness. i have been used unwillingly in other people's relationships because "sexual talk doesn't mean anything if it's you, you're ace". ive been told that i'm not really ace, ive had people try to tell me im demi or allo or aro or maybe i just shouldnt date because id let people down. ive considered renouncing the label, because even though i know im asexual i have been so hurt by the people inside and outside the community because that's all i want to tell them. i don't owe every person i meet the explanation that im asexual BUT there's this specific caveat.
i obviously have less experience on the sex repulsed side. i am sometimes repulsed, but less than i used to be. but reading loads of comments saying things like "yeah, there's been such an uptick of people adding on that some aces like to have sex, and i personally dont so dont speak for me!" is so frustrating. who's speaking for you except yourself. im speaking for me. i just want people to acknowledge that we exist, because outside of the tumblr bubble nobody does.
i'm glad the tide is turning but it also brings negative posts on the rebound like everything else. ive been out as ace for 8 years and only feel slightly comfortable online in the last one year. there is recognition for sex favorability because we keep speaking up, and people are finally listening; but there's also a lot of complaining ive seen that we're speaking over other asexual people. its not to be contrarian! its not to be more palatable to allos! its not to invalidate you specifically! its because the idea of "aspec is when no sex" is so deeply ingrained in the minds of other people, and that hurts us. if, when someone chimes in with "some asexuals still enjoy sex", you take it to be a generalization upon all asexual people or an attempt to market us as abiding social norms, then i don't know what to tell you. because none of us do. we are all under the same label, one that lies outside of standard social norms, one that fits us for a reason.
EDIT: hopefully people who follow the d-scourse tag won’t see this now. if you still see it, know that i do not want to engage with you.
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httpsbearily · 6 days
went to the afkj tag not rly expecting much so your fics were all a pleasant surprise, thank you 🥹 the brutus fic especially, i'm a sucker for childhood friends -> yearning tropes 😭 anyways if you have time maybe you could write for shakir? i am unfortunately not immune to wolfman archetypes so I'm hounding over whatever content i can take LMFAOOO
also i see you've been playing wuwa... same here... i'm still trying to complete all the echoes tho i need to get on that stat....
☆*: To You
[Tags]: shakir x reader | GN reader | fluff & smut
Minors Do Not Interact
[Author’s Note]: holy shit I literally just met shakir in story—im so behind ik nobody say anything—and I was immediately in love. Immediately. don’t even joke lad. i grew up in the golden era of wattpad werewolf fics so i would be straight up lying if i said i couldn’t relate to you. hes just too fine I fear. this piece came out so long oh my goodness I’m sorry anon for making you read a whole senior thesis OTL. this isn’t proofread btw rip, lmk if you find any errors teehee
p.s. yesss wuwa is literally my addiction rn but my echo captures are just…not it. sigh
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The sun blazed high in the sky, heating the land around you until it reached a temperature that made you feel faint--It didn't help that you'd already been bustling about since dawn. There were still so many responsibilities for you to see through so wouldn't benefit you in the slightest to be lazy during these hours of daytime....but, Dura above, did you want to. Even the feeling of your breath on your skin was enough to make you overheat! Still, you persisted.
Finding shade under a desert tree, you sorted through your herbs and elixirs, taking note of your inventory. As a traveling apothecary with a regular route and a growing customer base, you were usually content with the amount of business you received. However, there were days like this one, when the harsh climate made you question whether all that clientele was worth it. Especially when you realized that you were running low on one particular stock item or another, and would have to venture out to find more.
A sigh and a moment of internal complaining later, you gathered up everything that you had set out, organized them into your backpack, and gazed dreadfully out into the horizon where you could see the heatwaves emitting from the land. Even if you wanted to get up and set off on your travels, you wouldn't be able to with all the energy you lacked in your body. It was already noon and you had yet to eat anything, not anticipating the day would be this hot, so the lightheadedness you felt only blocked any progress that you could be making. You wondered if it was worth it to use the last of your energizing potion for yourself; It would mean that you'd only need to collect more ingredients later on though...
Lost in thought, you hadn't noticed the caravan traveling down the path you had come from until they were only a few feet away. Indifferently, you watched from your shaded spot as the group traveled close together, seeming to guard the desert carriage with unwavering focus. These sights weren’t new to you, having spent so much time in the trade-seller business. You were accustomed to the behavior needed to remain perceived as non-threatening to the guards. Retreating your gaze, you moved to act as if you were sorting through your backpack. You could never be too safe when it came to playing dumb in crowds like this, especially when security was transporting goods that fell outside city regulations. This was a lesson you learned from the experiences you had; You’d never forget the day your safety was threatened by a paranoid seller who had been transporting dark magic charms. Recollection of that memory made you realize an important detail: where there were high-security caravans, there was bound to be a leading mercenary nearby.
“Well, look what we have here,” a loud, brash voice said from somewhere nearby.
A small smile formed on your lips as you looked down inside your backpack. Right on cue, you thought. You’d been right to assume he’d be accompanying the others. Slowly lifting your head, you turned to the side to greet the tall-standing wolf who approached you from the flank of the caravan.
“Hello, Shakir,” you greeted amiably, “how are you?”
“Bored out of my mind! I was promised a dangerous mission but got stuck with these timid insects who run at the first sight of danger instead. I haven’t had a fight all week, my claws grow dull,” Shakir complained in a huff with a cross of his arms over his chest.
Just the same as always, it appeared. Out of respect for your friend's mourning, you refrained from chuckling at his words but it didn’t mean you weren’t amused.
You first met Shakir a few years ago when you expanded your shop to include local desert flora in your concoctions. At the time, the mauler had taken a job as a bodyguard for some small-time criminal, offering his protection across terrain borders. While you’d been in the process of selling products to a couple of weary travelers, the wolf had sauntered up to your pop-up shop with little intention to buy anything. Of course, however, as a seller, you’d come across many different species of individuals with all kinds of personalities, so you hadn’t been affected to see the large wolf approach. The same could be said for your human clients. Nervously, they gave you some excuse as a reason to leave before scampering away. Their behavior seemed a little silly to you, but at the same time, you couldn’t blame them harshly when the wolf did genuinely emit an intimidating aura.
“Hello, would you like to try one, or some, of my handcrafted elixirs? They’re made by my own magic and are guaranteed to have the stated effect, or you’ll have your money back,” you pitched to the mauler.
“Ha! As if I’d need the help of some magic to be great. What are you saying? That I’m weak? I could tear you apart with just one hand,” the wolf responded, his voice booming.
You didn’t know how to respond, hadn’t he come up to you…? Why did it feel like you were the one who’d behaved provocatively…
“Of course you could, sir, I don’t doubt your ability. You do seem like a mighty warrior,” your words came out a little slower than normal as you actively thought of what to say, “I only mean to sell my wares, not offend.”
“If you believe me some fool then your life is in danger. Don’t patronize me. Now, the little mage I’m babysitting is feeling a bit unwell. What do you have that will take care of that for me?” The wolf said, prodding at your displayed glass jars fill with concoctions with a sharp claw.
Of all the customers you’d dealt with before, he was the most outlandish one. He seemed to run so hot and cold with little experience in the cold! Talk about unwell. Still, a customer was a customer, so you kept your best face on as you took care of business.
“I suppose it depends on what he needs,” you said, “if it’s his physical state that’s shot, then I might recommend a rejuvenating potion. However, if it’s an emotional state, it would be best to go for a calming one. I also have things in between if you’re looking for something specific: nourishing, healing, strengthening—”
You noticed the wolf's tail swish behind him before he held up a hand to stop you from talking, “How am I supposed to know what the bug needs? The problem is he’s too weak! You got anything for that? I bore of traveling by him and his diffidence. Every time I try to challenge an opponent he tells me it’s too risky, that he’d rather make it to his destination on time instead of establishing dominance. If I weren’t getting paid well for this job then I’d shown him a lesson long ago!”
A wary expression shadowed your eyes; The creature before you seemed bloodthirsty in a tamed way. Perhaps it was best to get him out of your hair as soon as possible and hope he wouldn’t feel wronged by your sale, seeking revenge afterwards. The thought alone was enough to make you shudder. “Alright, then how about this: a warriors mix. It’ll give the drinker a surge of confidence and small strengthening side effects. However, it wears off with the body’s filtration cycle so the one who drinks it only retains its enhancements for 5 days maximum.”
“That’ll do. I’ll be free of this dead weight by 3 days time anyways.”
And with that the wolf tossed a small pouch of coins to you, taking the elixir that looked miniature-sized in his hands, and turned with a gush of wind. However, before he left he looked back to tell you, “If I feel cheated I will find you. You’re not worthy to be my opponent, but I spare no discrimination in getting equal.”
You simply stared at his retreating form, unsure about how you felt about this entire interaction. The better news for you was that you were an efficient mage with proficient abilities, so you knew the contents of your mixes would have an effect no matter the client. What you worried about was whether that effect was up to the standards of this brazen mauler.
To your luck, the wolf hadn’t reappeared in search of justification, and as the days went by, you’d even begun to forget about the interaction as a whole. Lured by the false sense of reassurance, it took you completely by surprise to run into the mauler on your routine path back to the city. Seeing him alone, you’d immediately thought that this was it, that he really had been looking for you to enact his equal exchange. Despite knowing you did nothing wrong, you couldn’t help but feel a little panicked, stopping in your tracks to change the direction you’d walk in.
“Hey, you! Where do you think you’re going?” The loudly spoken question made you freeze and you felt your heart skip a beat. Shyly, you turned back around to face the oncoming mauler with a dumbfounded look.
“Me?” You questioned dumbly.
“You see anyone else around? Where are you going, why did you turn around? You think you’re too good to share the road? Are you degrading me? I’ll show you too good—let’s fight!”
Your hands shot up in a placating motion, waving wildly as you shook your head, “no, not at all. I didn’t think you’d noticed me. I was worried you were coming for revenge.”
“Revenge? For what? Have you wronged me before? I would remember your face if you had! Hmm…you do seem familiar. Where have we met before?” Asked the wolf, not once sheathing the blades on his knuckles even when he raised his hand to pinch his chin thoughtfully.
Disbelief flooded your veins; He didn’t even remember you?! You weren’t sure if you should be relived or offended by that notion….
“We met only once, a few weeks ago. I sold you a potion for your client to drink. If you weren’t satisfied, you said you’d hunt me down.”
At your explanation, the wolf laughed loudly, his tail flicking behind him. “I remember now! You were that puny mage lingering around the desert border. Intrepidness still runs through you, despite being so feeble. I can’t tell if you’re brave or just stupid for continuously challenging me.”
I’m never challenging you though, you wanted to tell him but you held your tongue. Someone like him seemed to be in the best mood when you let him act freely. Correcting him might not prove to work out in your favor, even if it was in an attempt to settle any non-existent feuds. Adjusting your backpack on your shoulders, you responded, “Then I take it the potion worked well?”
“That little man from before made it to the city without yapping in my ear about being cautious, which was good enough for me. You can't make warriors out of rodents but you can surely shut them up.” A toothy grin full of sharp teeth filled his face.
“That’s good. You may call me weak, but I must tell you that I know how to wield my magic enough so that others can be influenced by it. Perhaps the world is lucky I became an apothecary instead of a villain?” You said in a half-heartedly joking manner, wanting to test the boundaries of his friendliness while at the same time showing him that you were.
If he was, once again, offended by your words then he didn’t show it this time around. He only retracted his blades and shook his wild mane of hair. “Don’t get cocky yet little mage. Even the great Merlin struggled to win my approval.”
And with that, he sauntered off, continuing in the direction he’d set off to in the beginning. You were left feeling unsure again but relieved that no bad blood seemed to reside between the two of you. If you’d meet him again in the future though, who knows if that’d change. The mauler seemed intent on fighting you no matter what, yet at the same time was disinterested in what you might possibly offer in a fight. No matter, as long as you kept him placated enough to slink away unscathed, then that was good enough for you.
Just like in a fairytale, you would frequently come across the wolf during your journey. Each time you met, he followed the same pattern: threatening you, being appeased, and warning you of future encounters when he would finally confront you. Over time, this cycle became familiar to you, to the point where you were pleasantly surprised by his presence instead of being afraid that he would follow through on his threats. It was unavoidable then, that you'd come to witness the wolf's capabilities firsthand.
The first time he’d challenged another mauler in front of you, you had thought he was all talk, similar to how he behaved with you. But to your—admittedly traumatizing—surprise, Shakir and the unnamed mauler escalated into a full-on fight involving the weapons they sported. While you felt queasy witnessing the bloodshed, you couldn’t bring yourself to walk away, not after the wolf seemed to be fighting on your behalf. Sort of. A few moments ago, you and Shakir had been conversing your normal chat lines as causally as could be when suddenly another mauler had cut off Shakir to demand some supply from you.
You knew that maulers were a confident bunch with not much to fear, so their forward behavior swayed you less and less every day until you became immune to it. Unaffected by the mauler's rude interruption, you simply went to work gathering all the mauler requested. But that non-perturbed emotion didn’t seem to settle on Shakir. Feeling wronged, the wolf questioned the new mauler about their audacity.
“Do you think you could just cut me off? Ha! I could wipe the floor with your balding pelt and you still find yourself brave enough to wrong me. Can’t you see this little mage is busy? Get in line, weakling.” Those words from Shakir were all the other mauler needed to start a fight.
You feared immensely for your friend(?? was he your friend…?) as you watched the ferocious battle from the sidelines. Shakir was by no means weak or small, so you well understood that he could hold his own in a battle, but seeing the other mauler who very nearly matched his size was enough to worry you. The sound of metal blades clashing together, accompanied by growling from both parties filled the room and it made you realize how out of place you were as a mere human mage. Whichever celestial being was watching out over you, protecting you from actually enacting Shakir’s promise of a spar against you, you’d have to make sure to send a prayer of thanks later!
Even though the fight seemed to drag on for most of the day, it had actually only lasted a few minutes before the other fighter was pinned to the floor under Shakir’s feet. Instead of causing further harm, Shakir grinned his sharp-toothed grin and let up. "You’re quite formidable. I’ll spare your life for now. It’s nice to have such a worthy opponent."
The other mauler pushed the wolf's foot off him with a grumble, stranding up to begrudgingly admit defeat. Giving you a sharp look as if it were your fault, the mauler turned away and left. You felt unnerved by their unspoken sentiment but chose to focus instead on the wolf who'd proudly made his way back to you. "Did you witness that? Now that was a fight! A wonderful day indeed. I ought to be off sharpening my skills to be better prepared for our next encounter. One victory makes me crave more! You, little mage, should consider becoming stronger and not so weak. Ha!"
Before you could get a word in response, Shakir was off in a direction only he knew the destination of. Quite quickly, your fretting over his well-being turned into confoundment; He hadn't even given you the chance to make sure he was okay. What a stupid wolf! He just left like that, with no concern for the bloodstains on his clothes! Oh, just the act of it alone made you want to learn how to fight just so you could knock some sense into him.
Giving up, you gathered your belongings and set off early, back to the little town you resided in. If any heard you grumbling about some mauler the entire way, they would assume you held a deep grudge.
But that's how most moments with Shakir went. When he wasn't picking battles with random strangers, he was telling you again how weak you were. You weren't as muddled-headed as your wolf friend, it didn't take you long to realize that his treatment of you was really just a tough-love type of behavior. After the first two or so years, he stopped threatening to fight you, by the fourth, he relented his "bullying" altogether. At this stage of your friendship, he would only constantly remind you how easy you were of a target and that you would only become a liability to have around. You never took his words to heart, after all, compared to the people he would often find himself around, your magic would only tickle without lethality.
That's not to say he never uplifted you. In his eyes, you were quite feeble but resilient like no other. Perhaps it was that feature of yours that made him stay.
Resurfacing from your reminiscing, you gave a smile to your friend. "What? Surely in a group this big you'd be bound to draw attention. Carriage robbers aren't exactly sparse in these desert paths."
"Robbers? Pah! More like flies. I only needed to swipe my sword once and they were gone. Crying back home to their mothers I'm sure. Business these days is nothing but a drag," Shakir groused, sneering at the group that was currently leaving him behind with heavy disdain.
"That sounds pretty rough. They don't exactly look like much of a party crowd either," you responded, watching the people as you returned your backpack to your shoulders.
"I'll have to kill the boss once I'm done here. They truly dare to request my presence in such petty tasks."
A displeased expression formed on your face at his words, "Don't let me in on your plans, please. I'd rather not be an accomplice to murder. I think being in jail might be worse than out in this heat only because there'll be a crowd."
Swishing his tail, Shakir pulled you up to your feet by lifting the handle of your backpack. With a yelp of surprise, you stumbled to gain your balance, "Hey!"
"Come on little mage, on your feet. We can't lose good daylight. Hurry up." He pushed you forward in a signal for you to follow the desert carriage and you sighed. You'd just found a perfectly good spot to rest under and here you were, being forced to march on. Today was simply not your day.
Together, the two of you reconvened with the caravan--of who were not pleased by your appearance. The other foot guards began to protest something about secrecy, but when the foremost soldier who rivaled even Shakir's height, stomped towards you, you began to count your woes already. With more force than necessary, the soldier grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the others. It happened faster than you could process, but before the soldier could push you away from the group, Shakir yanked the soldier back by his shirt.
"What do you think you're doing?" The wolf growled.
To your surprise, the soldier didn't cower away from the sight of the mauler bearing his teeth like others normally did. That was all you needed to know that this man was familiar with higher-powered individuals; These types never meant good news.
"Authorized hire only. Outsiders aren't welcome. Tell your dog-toy to beat it, before I make them," the soldier said.
This soldier was not beating any allegations you had made of him; Just by hearing the soldier indirectly call Shakir a dog, you knew that the situation was about to escalate. Today was, really, not your day. You missed your uninterrupted--albeit overheating and feeling close to death--peace from 10 minutes ago. Looking back at Shakir, you saw him unsheathing the blades on his hands as he shoved the soldier further away. By this time, the rest of the caravan had completely stopped in their tracks, watching the two fighters rival each other. The question you were faced with now was whether or not you should try to get everyone to calm down; On one hand, the soldier was a massive dick, but on the other, this was still a job to Shakir. You didn't want your friend to lose out on a hefty pay for your sake.
"It's okay. Shakir, I'll meet up with you back in the city. I was headed there anyway," you said, lifting your hands to appease the others.
Your words fell on deaf ears. The two men were already in a fighting stance, focused on nothing but the other. Shakir had even tilted his head, a movement that was always deceptively coy. It told you that he was already planning to aim for the man's vital points.
Dura above, you should've just stayed home today.
Not wanting to get caught up in the action, or cause any more trouble for your mauler friend, you set off with a sigh, continuing your trek down the path. To others, your behavior may have seemed rude--ditching the one who stood up for you was not exactly a loyal thing to do. But when it came to Shakir, you learned from experience that a crowd only encourages him, and the bigger it was the better. Having someone he knew witnessing him was worse than a room full of strangers because then he'd want to show off. So, for the sake of his safety and your emotional health, you returned to the small town.
It took another few hours since you were still overridden by that sluggish feeling, so by the time you reached your home, the day had fallen to evening. This time frame wasn't unusual for you since your travels tended to last the entire day coming to and from trading spots. Nonetheless, you were tired and you were hungry, but above all, you wanted to bathe in the coldest water you could get your hands on. You didn't bother with organization as you let your belongings fall to the ground by the front door, too preoccupied with undressing yourself to get rid of the sticky, sweaty coat that covered your body. When you reached your bathroom, you tossed all your dusted clothes into the hamper and wasted no time in turning your shower on, immediately stepping under the falling water.
Just standing, you let the water shower over you, rinsing all the desert sand from your skin. It felt heavenly. Too often you would forget how good a shower felt at the end of a long workday. There was just no match to the sensation of the cool water cascading down your body. Finally achieving some cheerfulness back into your soul, you hummed a song as you washed yourself with soap, gently scraping your nails against your scalp to massage the muscles there. Perhaps this day wasn't too bad. Once you were done showering, you could spoil yourself with a particularly fancy dinner because you felt you deserved it, and afterward you could work on experimenting with some new potions! It'd been a few days since you last got to stretch your magic, having been only using it for the same elixirs you made. As for the herbs you were short on, you'd have to worry about that another day.
Feeling comfortable with your new plans, you shut off the shower, wrapped a towel around yourself, and made your way to your bedroom. The sight of your wolf friend lounging on your bed made you jump high in the air, making your heart drop to the ground as you nearly fell back in shock.
"Shakir," you yelped, "what the hell are you doing?!"
The mauler lifted his head from the bed as if he were annoyed by your surprise, "I'm trying to get some rest."
Astounded, you stalked toward the burly wolf and nudged him off your covers, "Hey, get off the bed, you're filthy! Why are you here?! Aren't you supposed to be escorting?"
Hassled, the wolf flicked his ears, grumbling as he moved off your bed. "That bug from earlier got butt-hurt after I beat him, so he went and rattled to the boss about it. I couldn't care less, I got a spar out of it, though it was highly unentertaining," he said. Your hands stopped in their movements to clean the bed, "What? They fired you?"
"Of course not. The boss practically begged me on their knees to join, some small-time side character complaining to them won't change anything."
A breath of relief left you. Straightening up, you crossed your arms over your damp chest--a motion that caught the wolf's eyes. "So what now? Are you jus--"
Shakir didn't let you finish your question. With wide strides, he moved in front of you, gripping your forearm and pulling your arm out. Your free hand immediately moved to clutch onto your towel to make sure the movement didn't work it loose. You wanted to protests against his behavior, but he spoke before you.
"You have bruises on your arms. You overly-frail mage, is it from the soldier earlier? You just let him hurt you like this?"
The sneer on Shakir's face took you by surprise. His teeth were baring slightly, and his ears pointed backward in a way you knew meant he was growing aggressive. You attempted to pull your arm back, feeling confused by his intensity. Knowing him for so long, you knew he wouldn't start a brawl with you, but if that was the truth, then why did he look ready to pounce?! It's not like you'd invited the soldier to be rough.
"Sorry, I didn't have much of a say at the time," you retorted. Shakir didn't seem amused by you making a joke of it. Finally releasing your arm, he turned and walked away, leaving you to scramble in an attempt to put the pieces together. "Shakir, what's wrong with you? You look like you're ready to cut a boulder in half. The bruise doesn't hurt, I hadn't even realized it was there if that's what's stressing you out."
"I do not discriminate in my revenge. If a rock so much as trips me, I will cut it to pieces. That soldier rat is no different. Nothing should defame me and still be allowed to exist, so I must go and exact my vengeance," your friend told you as he stood at the door of your bedroom. With his back turned to you as it was, you had a clear sight of his tail swishing back and forth angrily and it only fed your confusion.
"That's true but the soldier didn't offend you, he acted against me. There's no reason to go to war for your honor when it hasn't been slandered!" Your words made the mauler go stiff, his head turning just enough for you to see his eyes wearing a heated gaze.
"By acting against you, he challenged me," he told you in a cold tone.
His words made you go quiet for a second. While you knew that the wolf didn't have many friends, it didn't seem reasonable for him to defend one as much as he did. He may be the most formidable fighter in all of Esperia for all you cared, but that didn't mean he wasn't threatening his safety every time he ran off to duel! Growing frustrated, you ran a hand through your hair, "that shouldn't be the case! Shakir, I'm honored that you are willing to fight my battles for me, but there is no need. I would rather not subject my friends to events that can be prevented."
"Friend? I have no friends! Not even Merlin would be called my friend. Are you as dense as you are weak, little mage? We are not friends, you are mine! And I can't let mere insects break what belongs to me. I will protect you even if it means picking up your battles for you. It makes no difference anyways, a good fight is a good fight."
Your mind crashed at his words as you tried to process them. What was he saying?! Why was he saying it like that?! Like he held regard for you?! This was all so confusing and you desperately needed a moment to think about it all, but Shakir had pulled open your bedroom door and stalked out. Chasing after him, you called, "Wait, Shakir! Stop and think for a second, would you?"
"Think? About what? I have never been confused a day in my life."
Fed up, you pulled on the fabric of his scarf, "Shakir, listen to me."
Your action seemed to finally gain his attention, and he stopped walking abruptly, causing you to crash into his back with an "oof". The wolf looked back at you from over his shoulder, "What?"
Taking a step back, you frowned up at him; "You can't use me as an excuse to beat people up. And secondly, you can't just spring a revelation like that on me and then walk out all bloodthirsty! Are you crazy?!"
The mauler turned to face you with a discontent expression, leaning down slightly to regard you intensely, "What do you suppose I do then? Not teach him a lesson? Let all those other sidekicks think they could get away with something like this? Little mage, you are small and weak and an easy target for those pests. If I don't take care of this, those others might be inclined to believe they could behave the same."
The more he spoke, the closer he stepped toward you, imposing over you like you were the one who was acting rashly. With every step you took back, Shakir took one closer until eventually, you were backed up into the wall. Still, you stood your ground; "When those moments arise, then I will deal with them. There's no reason for you to go hunting for them."
The mauler tilted his head to the side, "Hunting is what a wolf does best". His clawed hands found a spot on the wall, caging you in between them, and he leaned down even further, "I will hunt those who so much as think about blaspheming you. You can try to stop me but don't expect much. Your honor is mine, and I will never let one offend me without consequences."
Emotions welled up inside you, causing a storm of conflict to rise in your heart. You wanted this to be some sort of joke, that he would tell you it was an act, anything to keep your heart from racing the way it was. Him explaining to you that he cared for you beyond that of a friend, that he returned your unspoken feelings, made you feel overwhelmed with joy and sorrow and agitation. On one hand, you knew that telling him to stop being so battle-hungry would be the same as him telling you to stop using your magic--it just couldn't happen. However, on the other hand, with the heart you held for him, it couldn't help but grow weary every time he made a challenge. You loved him, you truly did, but to know he liked you back made you feel conflicted. Would you be able to handle his brazen character? He worked so often in mercenary recruitments that you only saw him once or twice a week on average. So many thoughts made you want to hit your head against the wall.
Shakir sensed your rising anxiety--not only was it evident in the way you held your body, but he could smell it on your skin. It wasn't a new scene for you to be in, he would catch it almost every time he met you. If he said it didn't affect him, then he would have been lying. The mauler was well aware of how merciless he could be, his overbearing personality made it hard for others to even be near him, but for some reason, you'd stayed. And he'd gotten to know you. Obviously, he'd seen nothing but your incompetence in strength at first, but over the years he realized the strength you wielded was silent and invisible to those who wouldn't see you. Your strength came from your resilience; How you were able to endure so much, and whether you realized it or not, it put you on par with the wolf--something he was proud of. It was no surprise for him then when he realized that somewhere along the way, he had gone from seeing you as the traveling apothecary to his own. His perfect match; Someone who could withstand his relentless nature and still worry for him in return.
While he knew he thought of you this way, he hadn't realized how deep his feelings ran until the soldier today abused you. And now, seeing the red marks left behind, Shakir had never felt more resolute before in his life: He needed to defeat his enemies. Leave it to you, however, to distract him from what needs to be done. The way you looked, trapped between his arms, skin wet from your shower, and concern painting your face, was enough to make him want to devour you. Leaning down to brush his snout against your skin, he made a low growling sound in his chest. "You reek of nervousness," he told you, "what are you afraid of? That I'll lose?"
You clutched onto his scarf hanging over his chest, "No, I know you never do. I can't help it". A thought occurred to you, "don't go. Stay tonight. If you still feel wrong by tomorrow morning, then you can go."
"Stay? And do what?" the wolf said against your skin, his tone still as clear and confident as ever.
Responding, you said, "Show me I'm yours."
Shakir grinned into your neck before immediately sinking his teeth into it. The pressure made you wince with a start, but it wasn't enough to break the skin. A shaky breath fell from your lips but you didn't have much time before you felt the warm feeling of his long tongue lapping at the indents made by his teeth. At the same time, his large hand had closed in on your body to pull your towel away. Having forgotten that it was all you were wearing, clarity hit you fast making you grow shy in the moment. To some extent, you should have expected the mauler to be as forward as he was, but under the way he licked the droplets of water from your skin, moving down your clavicle to your chest, you couldn't help be feel dizzy by how fast things were moving.
You didn't know what to do with your hands, having let go of his scarf so you wouldn't choke him as he leaned further down, but now with nothing to hold on to, they simply pressed against the wall. Shakir took your hand in his waist to hold you steady and he lowered himself to the ground to work his tongue over the skin of your stomach. The wet heat you felt over your skin made you feel as if you were in a dream, that at any moment you would awake to find none of this had happened. Just that thought alone made a surge of disappointment flash through your heart, but you tried to clear your head. Even if this just was another one of your dreams, then at the very least you would allow yourself to enjoy it.
Shakir was impatient. His ministrations were quick with no particular focus as he sought out the area where he could smell your arousal most concentrated. Not even minutes had passed when he was pulling you off the wall to turn you over. This time, he pulled your hips back towards him so that only your chest would be pressed against the wall, fixing you in a bent-over position that gave him better exposure to your entrance. A shudder ran down your spine when you felt the cool tip of his nose brushing against your heat. Breathing heavily, you bit your lip in anticipation as you were unable to see the mauler's next actions. It felt as if your sense of touch had been heightened because when he licked a long stripe against your heat, you felt yourself jump.
"Calm down, little mage. You're acting as if I'm hurting you," Shakir said, his voice sounding muffled between your legs. You'd been about to apologize when he repeated his motion, making you cut yourself off with a moan. Shakir felt his tail twitching behind him, his animalistic instincts urging him to take you making him growl as he lapped your heat, tasting the pleasure on your skin. The sounds you made only encouraged him and he had to restrain himself from going too hard. He'd save the force for later when he felt an overbearing need to mount you. For now, he was content with pushing his tongue into your tight hole.
You felt his hands grip your thighs, his claws lightly scraping against your skin as his fingers dug into the muscles. His tongue, long and slick, licked at you with fervor as if you were an oasis and he a was water-starved man. The vibrations of his deep growls resounding in his chest only added to the pleasure you felt, making you moan out his name with passion as you tried to press yourself further against him. Shakir felt himself growing more affected by your behavior but found himself too addicted to the taste of you to do anything about his rising limb. His wet muscle plunged into you with an effort you'd never experienced before and it made your knees feel weak.
Juices that were a mixture of your arousal and his saliva dripped to the floor, creating a mess where it landed. You knew that after this you would feel slighted to have to clean it all up, but in the moment you couldn't care less. The wolf felt the strength leaving your legs the longer he ate you out, to which he responded by holding you tighter. He moved you further back so that you would slide lower down the wall and expose more of yourself to him even if he was already seeing all of you. When it came to you, he felt greed eat him alive. All of it, he wanted all that you had to offer, in every way possible. He would have you in a way that forced others to know that you were not to be messed with. That, interaction with you would mean facing his wrath.
His thoughts reflected in his actions, and the surge of jealousy he felt over others interacting with you made him lick deeper into you than before. It made you cry out when he'd accidentally rubbed against the sensitive spot hidden within your walls. The mauler felt the way you clenched around him and dug his claws into you with more pressure.
In between moans, you had attempted to tell the wolf that you were close but with every try, you found yourself being interrupted with electrified pleasure. Your hands clawed at your wall as you felt yourself throbbing under his tongue. With tears forming on your lashes, you writhed pathetically from the searing lust that coursed your body, pushing the coil in your abdomen to wind up tightly. Unable to hold on any longer, you cried out for your wolf as pleasure overtook you, making you tense and you came on his tongue.
Despite your obvious orgasm, Shakir continued lapping at your sec until the after-shocks of your high made you flinch away on overstimulation. Pulling himself away, he licked one long stripe up your spine as he stood up. With his nose to your hair he told you, “Don’t believe this is is. You’re going to suffer a lot tonight, little mage. Until you make up for today.”
You could only whimper against the wall, your legs shaking with effort to keep yourself standing.
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pawberri · 6 months
im hoping you continue to make force masc art cause its always something i briefly thought about but rarely come across. which sucks, because i love tfgames.com but 99.999% of the ftm tag isnt ftm but just mtf games where you can detrans the mc/transformed characters. its infruiating, especially when i looked for any threads making a masterlist and all i found was a thread of someone complaining about it and asking for recommendations only to be told to suck it up and nothing else, just looking to argue with op, by assholes and like. one person actually suggesting some actual ftm games instead of "you can fight to keep your manhood uwu" ftm games.
i feel like there should be a "mtf detrans" and "ftm detrans" or even just a "detrans" (to be used in places where you start as male and can try to stay male or j u s t s u c c u m b which floods the ftm tag along with every other possible detrans scenario) tag on the site so people wanting to play a (forced) masc game dont have to wade through a bunch of force fem games and then the voluntary fem games as well. hell most games that let you do a ftm transformation or play as a ftm character are the ones that advertise being able to customize the mc to your liking meaning that its just a equal opportunity game. The only force masc game i can remember was called calamity jack and the last i checked its in limbo never to be updated again-although now im tempted to double check.
sorry for the rant, also i might commisson you if i get extra money for some masculization art, i also might try to doodle some stuff for it but ive been telling myself that for a bit. seeing you do it in a femboy way makes me feel kinda motivated though... sorry if this is super awkard just yeah
I appreciate your struggles... I think this is a we need more trans boys in stem cuz we are less likely to program stuff or make games. Not a hard rule but like we are usually drawing pictures and comics and not making flash games.... probably has something to do with newgrounds and stuff being kind of a gendered space and very cis dude ish so the big horny flash game platform didn't have as many of us. Then again there were so many deviantart flash games...... but yknow generalizations etc etc
Anyway I really want to make visual novels OR if anyone who makes any kind of porn game wants me to draw the art or work on a script w them... I do have writing that has been validated by actual publishers.... and I love horny games 👍
Anyway anon hope I can draw for you sometime 😌💜
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merlinsleftit · 3 months
just curious - why post in a ship tag complaining about the ship? you knew people were going to be upset regardless that you did that but also isn’t it…unnecessary? like, at the end of the day, fanfiction and ships are fiction for a reason. sometimes it’s fun to imagine the impossible and to imagine au’s - and to hate an entire fandom for it seems excessive and quite frankly, rude. i’m not saying dramione is the end all be all bc yeah, some characterizations are so ooc that it’s just like why bother. other times it’s like wow this is really good, but these things can also be related to any other fandoms.
idk, i mean we are all entitled to our own opinion, of course. i guess it just rubbed me wrong way that you’d post something shitting on a ship you so clearly hate and posting it in said fandom.
its not just about "let ppl have their own ships and opinions" it's about hating on the canon and making up their own ships and characters just bcs they didn't like the original one. i totally get whatever jkr said upset a lot of ppl and that's absolutely normal and right thing to do and im not here to defend her or something. i usually separate the art from the artist bcs harry potter always had a special place in my place and i have always loved the canon. i think the hate on canon characters and ships started more after jkr transphobic jokes. ppl are romanticizing toxic characters and toxic ships to go against jkr and i have seen these in so many fanfics. they mainly do it to show that they do not care about the canon or they are against it but they still wanna like it somehow.
saying how some characters should've done this or that in the canon is absolutely bullshit. obv the characters had no idea this will be consequences. nobody is perfect but isn't that what makes a series relatable in some way? every characters had flaws and every character resembled somebody from our daily lives. hating on the canon characters to just make your fav character look like a saint is hypocrisy.
the main reason why the percy jackson fandom is less toxic than hp is bcs they like their author and we don't and they accept their canon the way it is bcs they like their author. i get y'all don't like jkr and neither do i but i dont go out of my way to change the canon bcs i just don't like her.
these new ships and characters are scaring new fans away from canon bcs some of y'all convinced them that fanon is somehow 'better" and when these so called "fans" come on here to share opinions that they've based off of the misinformation they've been fed, they will be unprepared to handle any kind of backlash they may face except their usual "let ppl have their own ships" or "its just fanfiction"
also i use the tags bcs i want ppl to know the misinformation they've been fed by the new genz fandom and how they think shipping random characters don't affect anyone but in reality, it does. i mean literally see how many ppl have been influenced by meneclad and how they think dramione is endgame and how jkr wasted their potential. they never even had any real chemistry in the canon so there was nothing to wasted on.
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haileyyey · 1 year
Hiii i love your writing could you mabye write something about luna eating the reader out(she/her) if thats okay??❤️❤️
Okay i have never did this before but today i WILL challenge myself 😍😍
Something new
TW: oral (f receiving), fingering, dirty talk, making out, Luna being the enthusiastic guy he is, there were at a party at sae's house, events happened when Luna first met Y/n 😇
It was fun all night, partying, having the most delicious food, drinking the most expensive drinks, it was all thanks to sae's money! You were sitting on the couch, drinking water, to make everything in your throat less-sorer, you were out drinking the most, when Luna was watching you and proudly admitting that you are the most bravest and coolest girlfriend he has ever had. While some of his colleagues were next to him they were asking him, "where did you find this girl?" He turned to them, and winked at them mumbling, "it is a secret."
Throw back to that one night, where you were out clubbing with your friends, screaming they lyrics of the song in the background while dancing, while your friends were cheering on you, it had been 3 days since you have broken up with your previous boyfriend, and you needed to forget about him.
"hey y/n, we are going to go grab some drinks, you want to tag along?" One of your friends said, and you couldn't help but agree. Your friend grabbed your arm so you do not get lost in the crowd, until you bumped into a tall guy, you locked your eyes with his green orbs, he whispered a "sorry" and you smiled back, leaving his heart flutter, before you were grabbed into the endless crowd. "girl i had to grab you quickly or else you would've gotten lost." Your friend said as she screamed because the music was too loud, VERY loud. "Yeah, yeah, let us just get the drinks." You rolled your eyes as you laughed when looking at your annoyed friend.
A couple of drinks later, and you and your friend were sitting in the high chairs next to the bar. "Im beat... i can not anymore..." you said as you put your palm on your cheek while looking over at your friend, you noticed a familiar face next to her, it was the guy you bumped into earlier. "Give me a second..." you said to your friend and walked over to green eyed male. "What a coincidence!" You said as you sat next to him, "oh, it is you, hey!" He said while smiling, oh how attractive he looked. "Sorry for bumping into you earlier, didn't mean to with the crowd being overflowed." He said as he looked at you, your pretty hair falling from the other side of your face, and how you smiled at him, oh how attractive she looked. "My name is Luna Leonardo, call me Luna." He looked at her with sleepy eyes while smiling, you smiled back and said, "nice to meet you Luna, my name name is Y/n L/n." If somebody heard his heart right now, they would be sure that he is having a heart attack, Luna's heart was beating so fast, so dangerously, this woman is dangerous. You both sat chatting about each other's life, which majors you took and how difficult life is.
"want me to buy you a drink?" He asked genuinely, he would be willing to pay anything for his new crush friend! "Sure but let me pay you some time again." You said as you giggled, this guy gave you butterflies in your stomach and you were not complaining, fair blonde hair, slightly slicked to the side with his green orbs, his muscular body, which can be barely seen, you just wanted to see everything in him. Now how do you not call that a perfect man?
He handed you one of the drinks he just ordered while you were observing his face, his smiling figure which he would not let down. "You're cute, Luna." You spat out, not cautious of what you just said, leaving the guy next to you, a blushing mess, he stuttered at first but he gathered the courage to talk back to you, "and you seem even more prettier, y/n" he tilted his head to the side as he watched how your face expressions changed, you were nervously blushing. "Dont mind if i do." He said as he leaned in to kiss you, you were surprised how things escalated quickly, you would accept his kiss, of course you would, so you crashed into his lips leaving him startled but he gives in. You both let go at the same moment, looking at each others eyes. "Why don't we take things to the next level? Mr. Pretty boy?" You said as you grabbed his arm, and took him to the upstairs room, he whistled as you grabbed him and kept smirking about it.
"mmh~" you whined into his mouth, you were sitting on his lap, while he deepend the kiss, "you are so pretty..." he mumbled into your mouth, making you moan. He then shifted his position, and now he is hovering over you, caging you whole. "you look hot, luna~" you teasingly said as you looked to the guy above you, his was already drunk and so were you, so if something does happen just let it happen. "I want you right now, y/n." He said as you slowly nodded, he leaned against the crook of your neck and sloppily kissed it, leaving unseen marks, thankfully he was considerate, and then proceeded to go underneath, underneath until he reached a certain wet part. "You are so wet, how cute..." he whispered as he brought his finger and dragged it against the fabric separating you and his fingers. "A-ah." You sighed as he removed the fabric and rubbed your clit in a circular motion, leaving you whine. And he knew at this perfect moment to shove one of his fingers inside of you, making you squirm but he put you down with his other hand. "ah~ fuck." You said as you grabbed the pillows on the couch, heat was circling around you, and your vision slowly getting fuzzy, "you are doing this much while i didn't even put my second finger in, how exciting." He whispered again, but he was dangerously close to making you cum, he then inserted his second finger and started curling his fingers inside of you. "A-ah! Cu-cummin'!" You screamed as you grabbed the hem of your skirt. And thats when you actually did cum. You panted quickly, and he did too, although he was taking care of himself while you did not notice.
"have you ever had an oral, doll?" He casually said when he slightly smirked, you just panted while looking at him with a confused look, " what is an oral?" And he widened his eyes, he laughed about it and then whispered in your ear, " i am going to show you." He put you on the edge of the couch and he went down on the floor and spread apart your legs grabbing them from your inner thighs. "I- ah-" you stuttered this action was so unprovoked from him, "dont worry, i will make you feel good." He sinked in until he was met with your bare clit. He gave you at first kitten licks, and then proceeded to shove his tongue even deeper into your pussy, "a-ah! Luna-!" You whimpered. He continued doing this action for a mere 5 minutes, and then proceeded to SUCK until he backed down, and restarted again, as he groaned agaisnt you clit you felt a vibration from it that sent your body shivering make you cum.
"a-ah, Luna you should have warned me.." you said as you were panting even faster, and little did you know he was swallowing every single drop of you. "Well you do taste delicious, i couldn't back up." He giggled while he sat next to you, looking at you with his green orbs, "now what do you want to do?" You looked at him with a shocked face, how could he still have the stamina, so you just gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him, " that is enough for today but maybe, another day ill do the same for you." You chuckled as you were trying to catch your breath and put back your skirt into it's place. "well you do seem fun, mr pro-football player."
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