#i do not enjoy thinking about the other option which is that. i am simply unattractive
roxineedstosleep · 5 months
Could you do a snippet for yandere platonic Batfam where reader accidentally gets hurt and is able to hide it for a few days until someone (May be Dick?) finds it and asks / gets upset about it? Love your writing!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Hi there!!!
First of all: Thank you sweetie!
It's been a while since I've written, mostly because of the university, I'm about to graduate and I'm crazy because I'm approaching my final exams (I even have to defend my research work to be able to get my bachelor's degree)!
But, I got to thinking a bit about what you have written above… and even more so because I myself am a little bit crashed after my last film shoot for my final year of my degree. And can I just say that being in a bad way and having to hide it is terrible.
So… here goes!
(I'm sorry if I sound a bit comical in this writing, but I think the best way to get over something is to laugh at yourself a bit so you don't think about the pain too much; I hope you enjoy it anyway.)
Disclaimer: I don't know if you've noticed, but English is not my native/mother tongue. Occasionally, when I think too much, I write them in my language and then translate it in a trusted translator. So, if there's a grammatical problem or a strange term, it's the translator's fault.
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Let's face it… having a large family is terribly exhausting.
It's never quiet enough, everyone is in everyone else's business, you can't leave your favorite mermelade in the fridge for less than a day. Someone is always occupying the bathroom or using your favorite shampoo or watching something on TV at too much volume and someone is probably occupying your bed at nap time.
Did I mention about meddling too much in other people's business? Yes? Well… triple it.
Having multiple siblings was new.
Having multiple siblings, a father and a butler/grandfather isn't exactly bread and butter either.
It wouldn't be so bad to belong to a large and numerous one if it was your blood family and you had lived with them all your life. I mean, sometimes blood is too thick and you have no choice but to learn to love them or just be nice to each other.
Like I said, it wouldn't be so bad if they were really your family.
But the Waynes were not your family. Not distant relatives or anything like that.
You were just living your life, as quietly as possible… and poof!
New room, new butler/grandfather, pets beyond belief, 4 new male siblings and a father with serious emotional constipation issues. And, to add more salt to your wound…. all have serious abandonment issues and death-related trauma.
After several escape attempts, sleep strikes, hunger strikes and any other kind of protest that an anarchist could be proud of… you realized that it was simply impossible to get out of this without risking the path of death.
Which, to top it all off, was also unreliable because apparently your older brother Jason had revived as well as another of your siblings. So no, dying was also not a viable option to which one could resort in the worst case scenario.
What to do?
Well, not much. Trying not to die of suffocation of affection or finding a way to have privacy while going to the bathroom just seemed to be the best survival tools you could resort to.
What does that entail?
It implies that Tim was going to give you hours and hours of lectures on his latest discovery of a case, even if you don't understand half the things he's told you or mentioned at all.
Richard and Damian trying to teach you new tricks almost every second, taking you to the Zoo or not leaving you alone to go to the bathroom.
That Jason, oh holy cow he is the only one more relaxed, takes you with him on his motorcycle to eat ice cream and to the public library. Without being able to scape, because it seems that you have a kind of GPS inserted in the bone marrow.
(Sometimes you don't know if it's true or not, but sometimes you also felt pain between your bones, almost during the cold seasons, and you didn't want to burst your poor little head thinking of different viable possibilities knowing them. No scars, no remembering anythins about any surgery).
Have a grandfather who will not hesitate to make you cookies, your favorite foods whenever you want … without leaving you aside at any time.
Plus a terribly quiet father, who if he can will carry you for as long as you spend time together, won't let you near the secret basement and enjoys being in the same room with you.
Do you see any privacy in this?
No, because even at the bathroom door would be the pets trying to get in and see you for themselves while you want to do your business.
The worst of that? Titus always judge you when you close the curtains.
As I mentioned and it was clear: Having a large family implies little privacy… Having a large, obsessive family means NO privacy.
So, knowing that you have over 50 nanochips tracking in all your clothes, two security monitors embedded - God knows how - in your body (monitors that only tell you if you are in designated safe place), 20 high definition surveillance cameras in every room and a Great Dane chasing you like a chick …. How the heck do you fall down the stairs and hit your pelvic bone without anyone noticing?
No kidding, how?
And if you had to blame someone for your fall… you'd totally blame Damian for it.
It's not that the kid pushed you down the stairs, but over time he had tamed himself into various things and relaxed into looking his age. You know!!! He started acting like a normal teenager!
What do Damian's kids do at his age? Well, they leave things lying around and have messing around them when they can, of course they do!
You just wanted some yogurt with orange marmalade. Maybe some oatmeal cookies. Alfred had left it for you in the fridge when he noticed you'd been watching video tutorials on homemade marmalade for hours. Who were you to deny such a gesture of generosity?
I mean, Alfred was the one who allowed you to hide in the attic for hours on end so you could have some time to yourself.
And how did it end? You, slipping down the main stairs of the old Wayne mansion, down a nicely polished wooden staircase, rolling all the way down (which is no small flight of stairs, it should be noted) to the bottom of the first floor.
Now, lying on the ground is not so bad in itself. What is bad is not being able to feel your legs and still not being able to understand how you manage to tidy up your neural wiring so that your legs can still move on their own and go to the kitchen to rescue all the delicacies Alfred left you in time.
And it's a good thing you managed to do it… because within seconds Bart had rushed in to ransack the fridge and the fruit basket.
But that's not the point.
The important thing is that this time you managed, I insist a little on the feat of action, to climb up to your room and not notice how you couldn't really feel your legs.
You ate, you lay down… and to your bad or good luck, you couldn't get up …. and without anyone noticing there was an emergency and everyone went out to sort it out.
Weak limbs, limited movement and you don't want to mention the embarrassing actions you did in order to go to the toilet.
It's not like you hid it either, I mean, there was no one who could even notice because they weren't entirely available to watch you. Nor is it that you would have run away, otherwise they would have been at your side in less than a second.
The detail, as they insist, is that you had probably bruised your back badly and your body was now taxing you extra for your food craving.
I insist, you did not hide anything.
But still, when you're found completely itchy on the floor, ridiculously trying to run away in the direction of the bathroom… that's when everyone really goes crazy.
First, having to carry you and not dying of embarrassment when you notice that Bruce definitely doesn't give a damn about having to carry you to the bathroom and do almost everything for you.
Or having Dick and Jason carry you and fit you into some kind of weird medical scanner they have in the cave.
Or that Tim keeps track of your periods, types of meds you take and, for fuck's sake, knows how the fuck to inject something into your spine.
Or that Damian had the gall to look a little embarrassed when he heard that a pair of boxers lying outside the laundry basket was to blame for all this.
NO matter.
At the end of the day they heal you, pamper you, leave you alone when you need to take a nap and figure out a way to fix it without looking like complete maniacs who built some kind of internal plumbing that sucks up the dirty laundry and throws it straight into the washing machine.
Like the time they didn't look like maniacs by sanding all the edges of the tables and nightstands.
Or the time they bought a whole brand of sanitary towels when they realised that not all women use tampons.
Don't worry, they're looking out for you… even if they look like deranged Arkhan freaks in the process.
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coinandcandle · 6 months
Witchy New Year Refresh
It’s the new year soon and I wanted to share what I plan to do to invite 2024 in with vim and vigor!
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I plan to do this over a few weeks as doing it all at once would be exhausting and just isn’t possible for me. Do what works for you and listen to your mind and body!
Clean and Cleanse
Not just spiritually, but I plan to physically clean my space. Any time I am inviting something new into my home—be it the new year, new energy, or a new way of thinking—I clean and cleanse my space.
I’m not one for spiritual sterility, though. I tend to deep clean or organize my spaces and then I will move on to spiritually cleaning my space! Here are some ways you can do this:
Smoke cleansing - a common one but it’s a good one! Not a great option if you have asthma or pets.
Open windows - It’s pretty cold where I am right now but I still like to open the windows for a little bit to let the air flow through the space and carry out any stagnant air and energy.
Sound cleansing - Not always the best option for folks who live with others or have thin walls but I like to blast music and fill my space with sound. When doing this I prefer to use a playlist that invokes the energy I want to bring with me into the new year!
Spray incense - If smoke isn’t possible for you try using a sprayable incense! Just be careful since this will still distribute a substance across your space and if you have children or pets it’s best to use non-toxic plants for this.
Simmer pot - I love to throw together a simmer pot for cleansing my space. I find it works best in the room you’re in which is likely the kitchen but if you have a wax warmer or mug warmer then you can make a mini simmer pot by placing a heat-safe container of water on it and putting in whatever herbs and oils you want!
Connect and Reconnect
I have ADHD and if something is out of sight, it’s out of mind. To this point, I tend to forget about my oracle/tarot decks, offering vessels, and spell vessels. Here’s a few ways I plan to try to connect and reconnect with the spirits and energy around me.
Clean and organize altars or offering spaces - Self-explanatory but this means dusting, wiping down, and moving things around. It could also mean adding new things and tossing old things that have served their purpose.
Set out new offerings - I plan to try and truly connect to my house spirit(s) this year so I want to find a space in the home where I feel like I can best feel its energy and I will leave an offering. This also means refreshing offerings for deities.
Check-in with spell vessels - I’m a very physical witch, I tend to prefer having a real-world anchor for my spells. This adds up, though, and I’m stuck with a bunch of jars, bowls, pouches, or whatever else. Check-in and see if they’re still active or if you still need to maintain the physical aspect of the spell. If not, dispose of them appropriately.
New Year’s meditation - Practicing mindfulness and doing a meditation session to help me connect with myself going into the new year.
Shadow work or self-care - Shadow work is a form of self-care to me, though some of it can be intense and that’s not how I want to start my new year. Instead, I’ll be doing either some very gentle shadow work or I will be otherwise practicing simply self-care.
Other things you can do for the new year that I don’t have a category for!
Make a hearty and satisfying breakfast on New Year's Day to welcome in the new year--or at least a satisfying cup of coffee!
Drink tea that invokes the energy you’d like to follow you into the new year.
Make a list of things you would like to learn or try in the new year as far as your practice goes.
Here are some posts to look through for the coming year!
2024 Witchy Calendar by @breelandwalker
Witchy Self-Care post by @ts-witchy-archive
Witchy Quick Tip - Mini simmer pot by me
Celebrating the New Year by @thevirginwitch
Please feel free to add any in either a reblog or comment! <:
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bitethedevil · 3 months
Raphael and his weaponized mortality
I think it’s pretty clear from that “I am no mortal!” quote that his mortal ancestry isn’t exactly a source of pride for him. However, I still think that he utilizes it to it’s fullest. As I have talked about in an earlier post about the whole problematic situation with Haarlep: Raphael knows how to turn shit into gold. I definitely feel like this “pretending to be mortal”-thing is a big part of his character, the more I think on it. Here’s some of my thoughts:
His smell: Weird to start off with, I know but it’s the thing that actually led me to think on this. I read somewhere that cambions are entirely carnivorous, which means they have a predatory stench to them. This is interesting because Yurgir describes him as a “perfumed trickster”. He covers up the thing that would biologically make a mortal think “danger”.
His questionable poetry: While I do think it’s something he genuinely enjoys; I also think it seems like a bit of an unorthodox interest for a devil (I could be wrong). What is interesting is if you bring Karlach to the entrance to the mausoleum, she comments on his poetry and he answers something along the lines of “I’ll admit, it’s not my main interest…not by any stretch”. Poetry is something that speaks to our feelings, so it’s not weird that a devil whose emotional life is a bit different from that of a mortal, would be ‘bad’ at it. Even though the poetry that Raphael recites usually leans towards the macabre, it still sort of humanizes him that he would have an interest in such things. It is also an attempt to speak directly to our feelings (fear often in his case). The way that he says it’s not his main interest also points to the fact that he literally uses it as a tool. I think it’s the same with his theatrical nature: it’s simply him playing a human. I really do wonder how he would interact with another devil if there was no one else in the room.
His ’angelic’ complexion: In Last Light Inn, if you reveal that he is a devil to Mol, he says something along the lines of “She’d never take your word for it…not with my angelic complexion”. I could be wrong, but I’ve also read a few places that when the Flymms (Gortash’s parents) signed over Gortash, it was to a warlock. Some places I’ve read that it was a warlock OF Raphael’s, others say that the warlock WAS Raphael. This makes me wonder: How often does he show his true nature to clients before they’ve already signed, like he did with us? Or at the very least, he waits to reveal his nature until the person can’t run or are out of options. It’s then interesting to think about how transparent he is about his nature to us in comparison right from the get-go. I believe this is because he truly believes that we need the hammer, and thus there’s not as much of a reason to pretend.
I just think it’s interesting and I think it is probably the most terrifying thing about him. It puts the “I am no mortal” quote into another perspective for me. It’s who he is beneath it all that peeks through for a moment. It must also be infuriating to him that the very source of his success is due to how good he is at playing into his mortal side. It also begs the question of how much of all of this pretending has bled into his life over the years, because we see that he still talks sort of poetically (and even almost emotionally) in his private diaries. His allegiance is to the devil side of himself, but I really do wonder how much he has to suppress small aspects of the mortal side.
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dateko · 10 months
˚。⋆ [4:01 AM] GOJO SATORU
a/n: it has come to absolutely no one's surprise that i have dropped yet another poorly written timestamp in which two people lie in bed... i spent the rest of the day wallowing in self-pity and typed whatever this mess is... enjoy!
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The day barely rises and the moon faintly lingers when Satoru wakes for yet another tedious work trip. Allowing himself to indulge in the quiet, the sorcerer’s eyes trace every inch of the figure sleeping beside him, committing every line and dot to memory. A soft mumble leaves his lips, internally fighting himself with the thought of having to leave you alone once again.
He watches you fondly with a familiar sense of longing. He wonders if you’re aware of how much he thinks about you, how much his heart burns at the mere thought of you, wanting only you to be with him. You came into his life so suddenly, catching him in a moment that threw him into a whirlwind of weakness. Yet even after all of it, after every twist and turn, Satoru is nothing but proud to be yours.
Beneath the bulky comforter, your limbs are intertwined with his in a perfect tango. Like a puzzle piece, you’re slotted perfectly against his broad chest, face buried beneath the white tufts of hair. Satoru sighs again, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear as he plants a feathery kiss atop your temple, signaling his inevitable departure.
To this, do you begin to stir, grumbling and muttering something Satoru isn’t sure he can decipher. His hands cradle your head, thumbs sliding across your heavy eyelids as he watches you open your tired eyes in a way that he thinks could kill him instantly. With one eye fully open and seeing, you look at your partner with a pout, tilting your head to feel more of his warmth. 
Already knowing where he’d be off to in a few minutes, you still offer him a pair of pleading eyes. “Not yet,” Your hand finds his wrist and the croak in your voice causes you to wince. “Can’t you stay?” 
The two of you know more than well that the answer was out of the question. Yet you both continue to hold on and relive this same morning exchange time and time again, trading turns in a dance to ask the other if they could simply just… Stay. 
For Jujutsu sorcerers, there is never an option, nor is there a choice to stay. With the line of work you share, there are only so many of you that can go on missions. Always going, fighting, leaving. Nothing is ever enough, and no one ever stays. So many of you repeatedly risk lives and fight without end. And if there isn’t you, there’s Gojo Satoru. He goes where he’s needed, and he goes anywhere where he can to rewrite the world. The very world that was altered the day he was born.
When you remind him of this, Satoru looks at you as if he’s ventured through every universe. With a voice so confident and unwavering eyes that hold nothing but truth, he answers that the only place he needs to be in is with you. 
“Sweetheart, we both know I can’t be late… Again.” Gojo whines, dropping his hand from your face.
“Oh? Since when did you care about being late?” 
“I don’t.”
“Then stay here with me, just for a little bit.” You try again, poking him beneath the covers and encasing his waist with your legs. “Don’t tell me someone’s cursed you…”  
He laughs at your words, a smile reaching his ears. You’re too much like him these days. The simple thought of that scared him. The way you act so carefree, how you can still smile and readily take on anything that may come your way. It lights a fire of fear in him, knowing you’ve placed all your trust in him. That wall you’ve once surrounded yourself with crumbled completely just by his existence alone.
“The only curse I have is you.” Satoru teases, flicking your forehead. You let out a groan and pull yourself into him, trying to be as close to your lover as possible. Satoru can’t help but hold you tighter, almost as if you’d slip away from his grasp. Whatever mission he had today could wait for a few more minutes. The warmth that you radiated was a more pressing matter.
“I’ll tell you what…” You trail off, eyeing the way his deft fingers play with your own. They seem to linger around your fourth finger, playing with something imaginary, almost as if there was something sitting there. “I’ll let you go if you can escape my grasp!”
“What a challenge.” Satoru smirks.
Your attempt to cage the strongest in your arms is fruitless from the very start. There was no one that could ever counter his strength. They would be a fool if they even endeavored in such an act. The sorcerer is swift in his moments, and within a blink, you are pushed flat against the pillows. 
Hovering over your delicate figure, a winsome smile graces his lips. “I win.”
Huffing, you bring your palms up to frame his sharp face. Satoru mirrors the gaze you have on him, watching your features carefully, afraid to leave you out of his sight. He wonders if you knew that the world he fought so hard to protect was holding him so delicately. 
“Be good ‘til I get back, okay? We can stay in bed all day long.” 
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thetriumphantpanda · 11 days
TheTriumphantPanda's 4,000 Follower Celebration
Join me for a night at Charlie's Tavern!
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I am still so incredibly grateful to you all for being here, for continuing to support me, and for enjoying it enough around here to stick around! I say it all the time, but you all are such a joy in my life, and I love this little corner of the internet that I've managed to carve out. Thank you for everything, I love you all! 🧡
To celebrate, we're going to do one of my favourite things - head to the bar for a raucous evening! All you have to do is send your drink order to my inbox, and any other information that I've listed on the menu above, and I'll serve you up something wonderful!
As with any good bar night, you can order as many drinks as you want, but please send them in separately! 🍸🍹🍷
Negroni Sbagliato - Pick a prompt from the list below (or one of your own!), and a Pedro boy, and I’ll give you a perfectly stirred 500 word drabble
Aperol Spritz - Send your order into my inbox and I’ll make you a perfectly mixed moodboard. All you have to do is send a Pedro boy and a situation, and you’re Aperol Spritz is served
Virgin Piña Colada - A playlist based on your mood. Send your order into my inbox and I’ll give you a freshly blended playlist to match whatever mood you’re in
Amaretto Sour - For Mutuals Only! Order an amaretto sour and I’ll tell you which object from our beloved Pedro boy I think you are! Joel’s flannel? Oberyn’s gold robe? Coming right up!
Large Glass of Wine - No good bar night is complete without a therapy session over a glass of wine. Do you have tension with a friend? Maybe nervous about a first date? Spill what you’re comfortable with and i’ll give you my advice over a large glass
Margarita - Order a margarita (all variations welcome!) and let me know what kind of fic you’re looking for, and I’ll do my best to rec some options for new reading!
❛ you can't expect me to do all the work. i want to see what that pretty mouth of yours can do. ❜
❛ you're mine, and i take care of what belongs to me. ❜
❛ i want to fuck you so badly. ❜
❛ i want you to fuck me so badly. ❜
❛ please. make me feel good. no one else can like you. ❜
❛ you can call me whatever you want, baby. ❜
❛ be good, and i'll fuck you / let you fuck me. ❜
❛ we're going to fuck right here? what if someone sees us? ❜
❛ that really does make you hard. i can feel you pulsing inside me. ❜
❛ do whatever you want with me, i'm yours. ❜
❛ you keep your hands where they are or i'll tie them up. ❜
❛ you want gentle? wrong fucking address. ❜
❛ have a little trust in yourself, i know you can take it. ❜
❛ i'm waiting for your permission to let me have my way with you. ❜
❛ you're such a fucking tease, you know that? ❜
❛ let me come in you, please. i want to fill you up. ❜
❛ come in me. i need you to fill me up. ❜
❛ now, i'll ask again, are you going to be good for me? ❜
❛ i'm sorry, what was that? i can’t hear you over all that noise you’re making. ❜
❛ begging is a good look for you. ❜
❛ i'd say you need someone to put you in your place. ❜
❛ so good for me. look how much you came. ❜
❛ you're mine. you've always been mine. ❜
❛ i'm simply enjoying the view. it's not every day i get to fuck someone so pretty. ❜
❛ you came so fast, i barely even touched you. ❜
❛ missed my touch that much, did you? ❜
❛ someone's needy. ❜
❛ you taste like heaven. ❜
❛ you'll be begging for me by the time i'm through with you. ❜
❛ let me stay like this in you for a little bit. ❜
❛ was it good for you too? it's never been like that before. you've never been like this before. ❜
❛ i love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. they don't get to have you, but i do. ❜
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sky-scribbles · 22 days
What is Essek's Wisdom score?
(aka, a totally unnecessary ramble about one drow and his dnd mechanics by me, a tumblr user who should be asleep)
Last episode, we got a rare hint about Essek’s Wisdom score, in the form of Fearne’s attempt to sneak a look at his feet while he slept. Whatever Essek’s passive perception is, it was ‘just enough’ to catch Fearne, with her Sleight of Hand check of 9. I made a joke about this giving Essek a pretty low Wisdom score, and several people pointed out that because Matt halves his characters��� passive perceptions when they’re sleeping, Essek’s Wisdom would actually be around the 18-20 mark. But this… might not necessarily be the case.
Now, I did honestly mean that post as a joke and not any actual theorising on Essek’s mechanics, but since people got me thinking, let’s crunch some numbers! (Huge thanks to the folks over on the Essek discord for helping me with the maths here! Also, disclaimer that all of this could be disproven next episode, and I am fine with that. I enjoy doing dnd maths anyway, because I am a nerd.)
So: if Matt remembered the house rule about halving the passive perception while a character sleeps (and he doesn’t always), this would give Essek a passive of 18-20. But does this mean his Wisdom is 18-20? Actually, no! For a start, if he had no other bonuses to perception (and I’ll get to that in a second), this would give Essek a bonus of +4 or +5, which would make his awake passive just 14-15, and his sleeping passive 7. Not enough to catch Fearne. But: it might well be the case that Essek simply has Perception proficiency, in which case, he wouldn’t need a Wisdom of 18+.
While Essek, being an NPC, obviously doesn’t conform to PC rules, it’s worth bearing in mind that all elf PCs get perception proficiency for free from their Keen Senses trait. Perception would therefore be a pretty reasonable proficiency for Essek to have, even if it didn’t make sense from a character perspective – which it does. He is, after all, constantly having to look over his shoulder for assassins (and even before he was, having a keen eye out for trouble would be a useful asset in his former courtly intrigues.)
So what does this mean for his passive perception? Well, he appears to be the equivalent of a level 17-20 wizard, if his use of a ninth-level spell slot is anything to go by. With the caveat that he doesn’t have to use player rules (just attach that caveat to, uh… everything I say in this post) that would give him a + 6 proficiency bonus. If this is true, then all Essek needs for a waking passive perception of 18 is actually a Wisdom modifier of just +2, i.e. a Wisdom score of 14 or 15. (A baseline of 10, plus 2 from his Wisdom, plus 6 from proficiency). This would allow his halved passive to be at least 9, and let him catch Fearne in her sneaky feat of feet-peeking. If we make his Wisdom any higher than this, I don’t think we can qualify Matt’s ‘just enough’ statement.
But wait! There are more options! Unlikely ones, but options worth bearing in mind, nonetheless. We know Matt is on board with giving his allied NPCs feats; indeed, Essek himself has the War Caster feat. So it’s entirely possible that he might also have the observant feat. This would be a very logical choice from a roleplaying perspective considering Essek’s current status as a fugitive.
Having this feat would add +5 to his passive perception. Let’s say Essek has no Wisdom bonus at all, but has this feat and is proficient in perception. In this case, his passive while awake is 21 (a baseline of 10, plus 5 from Observant, plus 6 from profiency). That's a sleeping passive of 10: just enough to catch Fearne in the act. We could actually dump his Wisdom into the negative and he'd still be able to just barely notice her.
If you shook me and asked me to tell you what I actually think Essek’s Wisdom is, I’d guess at his Wis being at that ~14 mark I pitched earlier. I think this would make sense from what we’ve seen of him – yes, he has done some completely dumbass things, but he’s shown a level of self-reflection and self-awareness, especially after his redemption arc kicked off, that I think a Wisdom of about this number is justified. I wouldn't be surprised to find it was lower or higher, though; Wisdom is a wibbly stat to define at the best of times and you can make a case for Essek being just about anywhere on the number scale.
A stat of ~14 also works for me from a character construction perspective: we already know he has an Intelligence of around 22, and a decent Charisma; back in campaign 2, the Nein regularly had to roll Insight checks of 20+ to see through him, indicating a high Deception. So I’m hesitant to pitch his Wisdom too high; this might just be my own personal preference as a DM, but I’d be unlikely to roll up an NPC ally with high numbers in all three mental stats. Give ‘em some lower scores to keep things spicy, y’know?
(As a side note, Essek’s Dexterity is a very serviceable 16, and I suspect that his Charisma is at least equal to that. Having scores of 16+ in four stats would be a bit much, imo, even if his Strength and Constitution are probably much, much lower.)
A final point: one thing we can rule out is Matt allowing Essek to use his regular, un-halved Passive while trancing, since he didn’t remember that Essek could trance until Laura reminded him (bless them both), and I’m pretty sure the Fearne incident happened before she did. Though I should say again, considering that Matt can and does forget rules from time to time… it is also true that Matt might’ve just forgotten about halving the passive score. If he did just forgor, this entire ramble is meaningless but oh well.
Tl;dr: we don’t know, but a reasonable guess would be to say that his Wisdom is about 14. I guess I’ll just sit here and hope that Matt may eventually release his statblock (and an explanation of how he made his dad so mad he died. Hi, Matt Mercer, not to beg but please –)
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666writingcafe · 2 months
A Reward: Lucifer/Barbatos
Part One of Special Bonus Content (NSFW)
Once Belphie's finished with me, he slides off the bed, and Lucifer and Barbatos take his place. Everyone else backs away to give the three of us some space.
"You wanna know something, MC?" Barbatos asks from behind, his breath hitting my ear and making me shiver.
"What's that?" I respond.
"Lucifer and I have discussed doing this sort of thing before."
"R-Really?" This is news to me. Two of the most emotionally constipated men I know openly talking about me to each other? Then again, they are friends, so perhaps they feel comfortable enough around each other to be that honest.
"Eventually, yes," Lucifer chimes in. "It didn't start off that way. We were simply sharing our feelings towards you, but the more conversations we had, the more explicit they became."
"While demons are known to be territorial, we're also able to share things with people that we trust," Barbatos continues. "I know that Lucifer wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt you, and I'm sure he feels the same about me." Lucifer nods in acknowledgement.
"So, you two have just kinda been...waiting?" I ask.
"More or less," Lucifer answers, touching the side of my face. "Will you indulge us, MC? I promise it'll be worth your while."
"Okay," I whisper. Lucifer leans in and kisses me. A moment later, I feel Barbatos' lips traveling down my neck.
Two people is a lot less overwhelming than eleven, and I'm actually able to properly enjoy the sensations without my brain shutting down on me. Lucifer and Barbatos' touches are quite gentle, but also deliberate. It's rather nice.
Barbatos turns my head towards him so that he can kiss my mouth, and Lucifer begins moving down my torso. He pauses at my abdomen, and Barbatos pulls back shortly after, leaving me momentarily confused.
"Which one of us do you want inside you, MC?" Lucifer asks. "There's no wrong answer; I simply want to know whether I need to swap places with Barbatos, that's all."
"Is both an option?" I hear someone gasp at my question, but the silent conversation between Barbatos and Lucifer has most of my attention. They must have decided to make it happen, for I'm soon instructed to get on my hands and knees. Once they're satisfied with my position, they swap places. Barbatos is soon thrusting in and out of my mouth while Lucifer does the same from behind.
Their low, quiet moans and murmured compliments soon become the only things I'm able to think about.
You're nice and warm, MC.
You're taking both of us so well.
That's it, just like that.
Good MC.
The closer we get to our climax, the less precise and coherent the two men are. Eventually, the only intelligible thing coming out of their mouths is my name. I myself am reduced to moans as they cum inside me. My body momentarily goes limp when they pull out, but then a sudden surge of energy courses through me, forcing me to remain alert. Must be part of the experience of being in the dream realm.
I find myself eagerly looking forward to what's next.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan
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balkanradfem · 1 year
I've been reading 'The Climate Book' from Greta Thunberg, and I have to talk about it. I've never seen a book written so brilliantly and desperately, pleading for awareness, for action, for survival. I thought I was aware of the climate change, but there was a vast amount of information I did not know. I'll start from the ones I did.
I knew that the climate has already changed, and will continue to change until a lot of animal species will go extinct, and a big amount of human beings will suffer, end up impoverish, misplaced, in starvation, or dead. I knew the culprits were the companies that refused to stop taking down forests, burning fossil fuels, promoting lifestyles of consumerism, over-consumption, generated the amount of waste that the planet could not safely consume or store. I also knew that one of the biggest pollutants were big oil, animal and plant agriculture, fast fashion industry, travel industry, and the capitalistic system that enabled 1% of humanity to own and over-consume 90% of the resources available to us. Knowing this made me feel powerless, because even as I boycott all of it, I can't do much else, and I'm not enough to stop what is going on. I am merely a drop in the ocean - which is what Greta points out as well. But, Greta doesn't think we're powerless.
This book is incredible in the sense that it goes over and beyond to think practically. It doesn't despair, it doesn't panic, it doesn't think any other way but how to practically and effectively bring change, what are the options and possibilities, what is true and what is propaganda, how to avoid millions of deaths and extinctions that are sure to come, if we do nothing. Greta has analyzed all action that is 'being done', and found out most of it was fraud, cheating, lying. All of the governments and companies who were bragging about reduced emissions, or offsetting emissions, have simply found ways to outsource them and to emit them in another, poorer country. The amount of emissions has actually increased.
She has also interviewed the world leaders, and people responsible and suffering from climate change - and these are the results: Nobody feels responsible, nobody feels as if it's their turn to change, to reduce, to do anything to help it. Even interviewing people whose livelihood was taken away from them due to climate change, who have lost their living environments already, their trees and animals and fields and fertility and soil, when asked if they would be willing to work ecologically from now on, with reduced or low emissions, their answer was 'Why should we? It's not fair, they took from us and enjoyed, while we suffered. We won't stop until we have what they have. We deserve it.'
With this information, Greta has found a truth of how humans influence each other - we imitate. If we see someone else doing something, or having something we find desirable, we also want it. We look at ourselves in relation to other people that surround us, we take responsibility according to what others around do, and we hold ourselves accountable only as much as others do. And this is why we have a power that goes beyond individual action, beyond simply lowering our own emissions and boycotting companies that are responsible for pollution - we are able to influence others. We're able to influence the media, which forms public opinions, and using the media, force into action those who benefit from polluting the planet.
What I didn't know, and this book taught me, was that from the times humans started to hunt, they didn't only have a great effect on the environment, they were the absolute leading agent on it. Soon after hunting the megafauna into extinction, the environment started to change not just because we affected it, but because we directed it to. We caused the extinction of many species throughout the past, by hunting, taking wild spaces for our own use, polluting water sources, changing the climate, spreading predatory species,  like cats and rats, and we didn't stop there. We changed the landscapes of forests and fields, into human-used agricultural land that was effectively deadened for the purpose of wildlife. We domesticated, and then farmed animals, to such extreme degree, that right now what is left of the wildlife, is mere 12-15% of all animals out there. More than 80% of current animals by weight living on earth, are put there by animal agriculture, meant for human consumption. That is absolutely insane. We did the same with the wildlife environment as well – there is now only 3% of the forests on earth, that are still considered intact. We changed the landscape, not only slightly, but by erasing most of it, making it unusable to animals, insects or wild plants, appropriated only for agriculture, grazing, and human-only environments. And, we dug up and released so much carbon into the air, it is coming close to the amount that we had on the earth, at the time of dinosaur extinction, which wiped out a third of the planet's species. And we keep doing it, even knowing what will happen, knowing that every single time this happened in the past, it created mass extinction.
I wasn't aware how serious and extreme the changes we made were. Knowing what is going out, makes it very clear why we have a crisis, it would be crazy to expect not to have one. These changes were not reported, nobody was asked to approve of them, there were no regulations or limits, no environmental studies on consequences, and it keeps going. We keep increasing the demand for agriculture and animal products, increasing our consumption even though we are running out of the natural resources used to create the products. And it is not our fault. Most of the food and meat created by destroying this land, will go to waste, for the profit of the corporations. The world will keep living in starvation, despite so much of natural life getting destroyed for food, despite the climate crisis being caused, partly by our food production.
This doesn't mean we can't sustainably feed ourselves anymore, it just means we can't do it the way we're used to. It just tells us we need to use more resilient and less land and water consuming food. Plant based diets demand less soil and emit less carbon, gardening reduces the amount of agricultural space needed to feed us, supporting and protecting wildlife wherever it's still thriving, will save both soil, animal species, and biodiversity that is very quickly fading from the planet.
I've also learned that even as we're close to the tipping point, but haven't reached it yet. Whatever we do right now that stops us from reaching it, will mean the difference between life and death to the future generations of people, animals, and plants. If we manage to make changes now, to stop the ice from melting past the tipping point, we can save millions of lives, that would end in certain death otherwise. If we can create policies that are not volountary but binding, we have a chance to save livable land, animal and plant species, biodiversity, and human quality of life. It's not too late to act, in fact, this is the vital time to act, and we're the only ones who can do it.
And the way you can act is not just by reducing waste, reducing the amount of energy you consume, reducing animal-products in your food and refusing to waste and throw away usable goods, but by being public about it. By making it clear it's a positive improvement on your life, on your quality of life, that it's both moral and enjoyable, both inspiring and encouraging others to do the same. Some of us have bigger impact on others than we might know, and if we start doing it and visibly enjoying it, there are others who will follow.
This book has taught me immense amount of science behind the climate crisis, and gave me incentive to do more than just live and feel helpless, I need to do more. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn more, and wanting to act more. I will be from now on, writing more about ecology and preserving the planet, and how to do it. If we're the directors of where this planet is going, we have to be so intentionally, with knowledge, wisdom and awareness of what we are doing. We can do good, and humans have been doing good, any time there's been wisdom, awareness and intention in how we're shaping the environment. And if anyone wants the book in the audio form, send me a message and I will give it to you.
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dhampling · 5 months
How do you think astarion would handle a tav who is actually from earth and is going to return home after defeating the Nether brain? Like maybe mystra or some other god brought them to faerun and told them to "fix it" and at first it's all like "great, sure, why not? I can do that" but they meet astarion and he gets attached only to learn that no matter the outcome their days are numbered?
Firstly - thank you so much for this one. It made me a little sad thinking about it and yet it was a weirdly bittersweet sadness? Thank you for your brain. I like it. I think it’d be quite easy to write off Astarion’s response as ‘meh. They’ll be useful while they’re here and OH NO I’VE FALLEN IN LOVE I AM UTTERLY BESOTTED’ and watching the chaos around that. In reality, I reckon there’s a big fat chunk of mirth in how he deals with them.
He’s fascinated by the fact they’re from a different world, but mainly for selfish reasons. I do think there’d be a lot of questions on his part (he’s trying to suss out if it’d be a viable proposition to return with them when they leave Toril in order to escape Cazador’s clutches).
Early on in the journey, when it’s unclear as to their actual destination - and whether the heart of the Absolute will return them anywhere near Baldur’s Gate; whether Cazador can be dealt with is up in the air, and if the party would even be willing to assist him is an entirely different question.
So I think Astarion would be scoping out every avenue of escape, like a rat in a cage; frantic for a way out, which is where the seduction comes in.
The issue is that the typical script doesn’t really work.
Astarion has no relevant contextual clues for this strange being and his charismatic advances often fall flat. As a result the traveller sees straight through him with a stoic detachment that can often come over as unnerving.
He realises he really, genuinely enjoys the traveller’s company. It’s refreshing. No city-prattle, no self-gain. He can almost feel himself beginning to regain some of his edges.
Somewhere at the back of his mind he’s aware his new companion will have to return home someday, but every day alive and free at present is a blessing.
The earthborn grows fond of him, too - despite the fact he talks their ears off frequently - they banter together along the road; spend countless late nights sharing life experiences and pointless musings when their fellow travellers are resting, and inevitably become close.
Towards the middling end of their adventure; after the drow at Moonrise, he realises that Cazador might actually be an attainable kill. He could be free forever. He has a friend willing to help him.
Then he wonders what there actually is left for him along the Sword Coast. Everything and everyone he knew, dead or gone. 
Obviously, he can’t return to earth. It just isn’t an option.
He continues to hope the gods will make an exception though.
The Absolute is eviscerated, and so is Cazador. Along the journey their bond becomes ridiculously solid - love in every sense. He wasn’t aware he was still able to feel things so strongly. He feels safe. Cared for.
He’s free, and as he turns to relish in the victory along the docks his most beloved companion simply isn’t there. 
He begins to burn, hides behind a stack of crates in a dumbfounded stupor until nightfall.
Then, he realises he has to commit them to memory. Writes pages on pages detailing every last little thing he remembers of them; commissions a portrait with the money sat in his account since the day of his death (now having accrued a sizeable interest) based on description alone. Revises it time and time again while their memory is still fresh. A locket pendant he attaches to his belt.
He has a lot of life left to live and he doesn’t intend to forget them. 
Hundreds of years later and they still flit into mind. Careful, compassionate; his liberator. He’ll regale new friends and lovers with tales of this strange creature given by the gods. Likely long gone by now. 
Always there somewhere in his mind.
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wanderingwriter87 · 6 months
"I don't suppose you imagined it like this."
Julian looks a little puzzled for a moment, then shrugs. "I don't think I imagined this at all," he confesses. "So I'm not sure I had any expectations one way or the other."
Garak laughs. It's a sad, hoarse little sound.
"I suppose it's a uniquely Cardassian trait, then - fantasizing about the rousing arguments one night have with the object of one's affections."
Julian offers a lopsided smile. "Maybe not entirely. This just isn't the sort of thing I enjoy fighting about. I don't think you do either."
Garak humphs quietly. "What I enjoy is of little consequence, it would seem."
Julian flops over on his back. "Relationships are just like this sometimes. Which, incidentally, is exactly why I never imagined you'd be caught dead in one."
"I can't quite believe you ever saw me as unobtainable."
"Well, believe it."
It cuts too close to a painful topic, and they both fall silent.
"We both want the same thing," Garak says, finally. "As you're always saying."
"Same team," Julian agrees softly.
"And yet."
"And yet?"
"On certain things, we cannot seem to come to a consensus."
"We're from different worlds, Garak. It's understandable that we get into these tiffs sometimes."
"I think I rather preferred it when the stakes were lower."
"You don't mean that."
Garak hears the twinge of pain and hates himself for saying it. "I only meant - when we were friends, it was easier."
"Of course it was easier. We could walk away when things got too intense, and just steer clear of anything too hurtful in the future. But we're building a life together now. We don't always have that option anymore."
"I know."
"And I know the stakes are higher, but it's not... I don't exactly have one foot out the door."
"But there are limits."
"Of course there are limits. I hope you have limits, too."
An uncomfortable silence.
"Garak - this isn't going to work if we're not on even footing."
"I have limits," Garak snaps. And regrets.
It feels endless, inescapable. This cycle of pain, lashing out, and guilt. In his darker moments he thinks his whole relationship with the doctor, from that first moment in the replimat, he's simply been stringing regret to regret with only a few moments of blissful respite in-between.
He has placed Julian on a pedestal - the beautiful, brilliant, compassionate doctor. The one who always forgives him. He is only now beginning to understand that his actions have impact on the seemingly untouchable man, even when they seem to slide right off his elegant back.
It is a difficult thing to learn so late. But Tain, for all his faults, didn't raise a quitter.
"I am sorry," Garak says, very quietly.
Julian's hand flexes beside his. "I know."
"You...are the only person of consequence in my life. If you asked me to go with you, anywhere -"
"I wouldn't -"
"But if you did. I need you to understand, Julian. If you did, I would go."
Julian sighs, arches his head back into the pillow like he's trying to disappear into it. "I'm tired. Please, can we just-"
"You don't believe me."
"Elim, please."
Garak balls his hands into fists until his claws dig into his palms.
"I'm sorry," he says again.
"I know," Julian says, sounding more exhausted than ever.
The chirring of the nighttime insects is the loudest Garak has heard, since the Fire.
"Come here," Julian says, finally.
Garak slides closer, takes his place in the crook of the younger man's arm.
"I love you," Julian says.
Garak swallows. It still takes an effort. "I love you."
In time, as the night wanes, they sleep.
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 10 months
Note: requested by an anon :)
Warnings: suggestive/lowkey smut. fluff, bit of angst, not much else I think.
pairing: Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric, a well respected Viking King, fell in love with you, a Saxon princess. A love seemingly impossible, but Sihtric was set on making you his wife.
wordcount: 3,7k
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'Have you lost your tongue, my lady?'
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You knew Sihtric all too well, at least, the stories about the well known Viking King, but you had never met him. Only your eyes had met his mismatched pair in passing yesterday for the first time, when he was brought to your father, a Saxon king, to negotiate peace.
From the stories, you knew Sihtric was unlike any other viking you had ever met or heard of. Sihtric was said to be reasonable, kind and fair. He truly wanted the lands to be at peace, just like your father wanted. And after seeing him briefly, you knew the stories of his appearance to be true as well; he was tall, well built, and his sharp, scarred face was gorgeous, as if carefully sculpted by God and his angels. The friendly yet cheeky smile he had given you in passing had set a fire inside you, along with the sight of his shoulder length hair, which was braided on top and on the sides, but loose and curly in the back. You desperately wanted to look back over your shoulder, blessing your eyes with the sight of the breathtaking man once more, but your mother was quick to give you a disapproving look when she saw your flushed face.
Which reminded you to not simply be fooled by his kindness and dashing looks; Sihtric could be a brute when times called for it. He was a fearless, skilled warrior, who had always felt most alive during battles. He had a hunger for blood and violence, and as kind as he could be, he could be merciless all the same. Even now that he was not a young boy anymore, but a man, and a king. And he knew peace was the only option for everyone in the end, as he did have a responsibility to keep his land and his people safe.
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Sihtric had seen you quickly in passing as he was on his way to the king, and as soon as he laid eyes on you, he knew you were his. Whatever it would take, he was going to make you his wife. He even glanced back over his shoulder after he had passed you, and he liked the sight of your behind in that slim fitting green dress you wore that day.
And once Sihtric learned you were the king's daughter, a Saxon princess, he also knew that having you as his wife would be the perfect example of peace between Saxons and Vikings. Between the Christians and the Pagans. 
And he felt you were simply made for him.
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Sihtric stayed over in your town for as long as needed, until peace would be agreed upon. And ever since he had seen you, he had kept an eye out for you. He was delighted to see you sneak out of the castle one afternoon, and he followed you quietly into the forest.
He enjoyed seeing a princess so carefree and happy on her own, as you explored the surrounding nature, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw you take a dagger out from underneath your skirt, which had been strapped to your ankle, to cut some fresh herbs and flowers. He smiled knowing you were probably able to defend yourself too, as well as a bit of a risk seeker, since you strayed far from the town, all by yourself.
Sihtric betrayed his presence when he stepped on a twig, which broke beneath his leather boot. You quickly turned to the sound, finding the Viking king staring at you with a grin, as he leaned with his shoulder against a tree, his arms crossed.
'Sihtric? I- I mean… King,' you said with big eyes, and made a slight bow.
'Princess,' the man smiled, returning the polite gesture to you.
'What are you doing here?' you frowned, a little taken aback by his impressive looks, 'are you… lost?'
'I am merely enjoying the sights,' Sihtric said, his soft, low voice and accent making your knees weak. 'Are you lost, perhaps, my lady?' he smiled.
'I know these lands better than anyone else,' you retorted, 'sorry if you hoped to find a damsel in distress,' you said, a faint smile on your lips.
'Oh,' Sihtric chuckled and stepped closer, 'you look like a lady who could take care of herself,' he smiled as he looked down into your eyes, towering over you, 'and I like that.'
'Hm,' you hummed with a confident smile, hiding that you were, in fact, very intimidated by him.
His sly smile, the kohl around his piercing eyes, the scars on his stunning face, his leather armour and the weapons attached to his leather belt… his entire being made your head spin. You had never been this close to a Dane before, and you certainly had never been this close to a man with a ravishing look as his before. 
'I saw you in the castle a few days ago,' Sihtric said.
You felt his warm breath on your face, which carried a light, pleasant smell of ale and apples, and you wanted to know if his slightly cut lips tasted the same.
'Been seeing you in my dreams ever since,' a soft, cheeky laugh escaped him, 'tell me, lady,' Sihtric breathed as his rough, tattooed fingers briefly brushed over your warm cheek to your chin, holding you in a pleasant grip, 'are you spoken for, hm?'
You inhaled sharply upon his touch and an arousing shiver went through your body. Your lips parted slightly, the same way as your heavy-lidded eyes looked up at him as you were completely under his spell. You sighed softly, not being able to bring out a word. Sihtric hummed with an amused half smile on his face, and he licked his lower lip slowly before biting down on it, awaiting your answer.
'Have you lost your tongue, my lady?' he chuckled, tracing his thumb over the outline of your lips as he still held your chin, 'or your confidence? Perhaps… that is what is lost in the forest?' he smiled and brought his face even closer to yours, noses touching lightly.
'N-no,' you sighed, 'I merely lost my… head.'
You giggled when Sihtric chuckled at your words, and his big eyes took in every inch of your face. You were perfect, he thought. A goddess. And Sihtric wanted you to be his goddess. His queen. His wife. 
'So, you are not the one who is to be married tomorrow?' he asked, cautiously.
'No,' you swallowed hard, 'it is my sister who will wed. My parents have yet to find a suitable man for me.'
Sihtric hummed softly again with a dangerous smile, still holding your chin up, and his eyes were as heavy-lidded as yours now, while he faintly nuzzled your nose.
'Perhaps,' he whispered and brought his lips to yours, touching lightly with each word he spoke, 'I should demand you as a part of the peace offering to me, my lady.' 
You closed your eyes as his parted lips held still against your own, but instead of a kiss, which you were desperately waiting for, you felt his lips curl into a smile. And another soft chuckle from him spilled out, down over your lips into your mouth, and when you opened your eyes upon the loss of his touch, he was already several paces away from you, glancing back only once to look you up and down again. 
And when Sihtric was far enough, disappearing from view, you allowed your trembling knees to finally give out under you, and you fell down onto a bed of grass and leaves, trying to catch your breath. 
And you were able to find your breath back, but you knew your heart was taken away and was now long gone; it belonged to the Viking King.
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To show hospitality, Sihtric was invited to your sister's wedding. And while everyone had their eyes on the enchanting bride, Sihtric only had eyes for you. During the ceremony, during the feast, and during the evening celebration, his eyes never stayed off you for long. 
And he was still eyeing you up as he drank his ale, while couples danced in the centre of your father's hall later that evening.
You were not oblivious to the Dane's stare, and you met his eyes ever so often, only to look away as fast as you could again. And when you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and heard Sihtric's soft voice in your ear, asking you to dance, you thought you would faint right there at the table. Your mother gave you a warning look, but she didn't completely tell you off. You looked up at Sihtric and smiled, nervously, and he took your hand.
'My lady,' Sihtric smiled, and kissed the back of your hand before he pulled you up from your wooden chair.
You slightly hiked up your long skirt as he led you to the centre of the hall.
'I do not really know how to dance,' Sihtric admitted as he placed his hand on your lower back, pulling you closer, 'so forgive me, princess.'
You giggled and told him to just take on a steady rhythm, and keep it up, which he managed to do.
'Have you given it some thought?' he asked, looking down into your eyes with a soft smile.
The kohl around his eyes was darker today, making his duo coloured eyes pop out even more, and he took your breath away.
'Given thought to what?' you frowned, a little flushed.
'Becoming my wife,' Sihtric said, almost smiling shyly.
'Your wife?' you asked, surprised, quickly averting your eyes down to your feet.
'Yes,' he said, guiding your eyes back to his as he gently pushed your chin up with his fingers, 'I'd like you to be my wife. We could be an example,' Sihtric continued as you both moved your bodies smoothly and with grace, despite both not being the best dancers at the festivity.
'An example? Of what?' you tried to understand him, and it was so obvious, but you simply couldn't think when you were this close to him.
'An example of peace between two very different folks,' Sihtric smiled, and his hand moved down to your lower back again, 'it would be for the greater good.'
'You want me to be your wife for the greater good? To what… just unite the people?' 
You didn't want to be in an arranged marriage with someone who only pretended to love you. You felt offended, and Sihtric took notice.
'My lady,' he said, and stopped dancing as he took you to the side, 'I do not mean to offend you. I think you are breathtaking, unlike any lady I have ever seen. And I want to make you mine. The fact that our marriage could bring peace to these lands is merely a coincidence, but it was never my initial reason.'
'So…' you felt yourself blush upon his hard stare, 'you would… love me?'
'I would love you,' Sihtric said with a sweet smile, 'and I would honour you,' he leaned in closer as his voice became softer, 'I would treat you with respect, always. And I would protect you. You would not just be my wife, you would be a queen.'
'A queen?' you frowned. 
Amongst Saxons, there was no such title as a queen. If you married a king, you would simply be a Lady, but never acknowledged as a queen.
'My queen,' Sihtric said, smiling as he caressed your cheek with his thumb, 'and the queen of my people. You would rule along with me, by my side, until my dying breath. And I promise I will give you the world, my love.'
You felt lightheaded once again. You would gladly marry this Danish man. You knew he was right, it would also be a strategic move to unite the people, but you also knew he was truthful when he said he would love you and respect you, you could see it in his eyes. And as you were about to lean in for a kiss, a Saxon prince suddenly interrupted, asking for you to dance with him.
Sihtric didn't like it, but he knew you were obligated to do so. So he gave you a firm nod, took your hand, and pressed a soft kiss to the back again before he let you go. And when you looked back over your shoulder, with sad eyes, Sihtric gave you a cheeky smile and a wink.
And he'd keep his eyes on you again all night, until you were escorted back to your chambers, to get a good night's rest. But your mind kept wandering to the Dane, and the pure hunger and lust you felt for him were unbearable.
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The next day you persuaded one of the maids to allow you to bring Sihtric's lunch to his room. He was offered a chamber in the castle to stay in ever since he arrived, which you only learned about that morning. Reluctantly, the maid handed you the tray with food, and you anxiously walked up to his door.
You knocked three times and you heard Sihtric's pleasant but muffled voice, telling you to come in. He expected it to be the maid again, who didn't even bother to look at him all this time, because he was a Dane, so Sihtric hadn't bothered to cover himself up as he was staring out of the window in only his undergarments.
You gasped at the sight of his muscular, scarred back. And when Sihtric turned to thank whoever brought the food, you both froze. But soon, a playful smile appeared on the handsome man's face, and he stepped closer.
'One dance with a Dane and you have lost your title as princess, and became a maid?' he chuckled.
'No' you giggled, and Sihtric loved the sight and sound of it, 'I guess… well, I just wanted to see you.'
'You wanted to see me?' Sihtric tried to keep a serious face, but his eyes betrayed the fact that he was clearly amused to have you in his room and he stepped closer.
'What if I want to take your offer, and marry you?' you asked.
'Then that is what we will do,' he shrugged, 'no one stops me from getting what I want,' he said darkly and took your face in his hands, 'and I want you. Ever since I first saw you.'
'What if my parents will not accept-'
'They will,' Sihtric said, confident.
You stared at each other. The tension in the air was thick, and Sihtric moved his hands down to your waist, pulling you closer.
'Tell me,' he smiled, leaning his forehead against yours, 'have you been thinking of me the way I have been thinking of you?' he asked, squeezing your hips as he exhaled sharply, 'because I can't get you out of my head. And I think your people,' he paused, only to try and fight a grin, to no avail, 'I think your people would deem my thoughts about you… unholy.'
'Oh,' you breathed, your hands moving up his toned torso, 'I- I am not a … devout Christian, really,' you whispered.
'No?' Sihtric asked, teasingly, 'so you wouldn't mind…' he brought his tattooed fingers up to your cleavage, slowly pulling the laces of your dress loose.
'No,' you smiled, shyly, 'I wouldn't mind.'
'Then let us waste no more precious time,' Sihtric husked, and he pulled you with him towards his bed.
You quickly undid the rest of your laces and let your dress fall down to the floor as fast as you could, while Sihtric made haste to remove his breeches. You both laughed softly as he pulled you under the furs with him. And finally, after days of waiting, his lips crashed onto yours. And he kissed you unlike any man had ever kissed you before. Hungry, eager and lovingly.
Sihtric moved himself on top of you, gently, and he immediately pulled you back in for another long, heated kiss. Your hands trailed up his warm back, into his curls, while he held your face carefully in his hands, as if you were his most precious possession.
'That Saxon prince,' Sihtric rasped, in between kisses, 'do I need to worry about him, lady?'
'The- the one I danced with last night?' you sighed, enjoying his lips and tongue on your neck.
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed, before he gently tugged your lower lip with his teeth, driving you wild with lust.
 'N-no, I have no interest in anyone else. Only you,' you smiled, eagerly pulling his lips back onto yours again.
It has been quite a while since you had, secretly, laid with a man. And you were desperate for your, possibly, future husband. Even if it was considered a sin to your people.
'Good,' Sihtric grinned with a sigh, as he teased your wet folds with his hard member, 'or else I'd have to kill the poor man. Can't have any competition,' he gave you a sly smile before he pecked your lips, and then pushed his length slowly inside you. 
And he smiled as you gasped at the feeling of him inside you. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he kissed you hard and intensely, his facial hair pleasantly scratching your skin as his tongue explored your mouth, until you broke the kiss.
'No one could even begin to compete with you,' you whispered and nuzzled his nose softly, 'you are unlike anyone I have ever met before.'
'As are you, my lady,' Sihtric whispered, and kissed your lips as he slowly started to thrust into you, 'gods,' he sighed, 'you are all mine. I will make you all mine.'
'Mhm,' you hummed, satisfied at the way he moved his hips against yours, 'you feel so good. B-but you'll have to be… quick before someone notices I'm gone,' you said in between heavy sighs, as Sihtric continued his pace.
'Hm, no, princess,' he chuckled in your ear with a soft moan, 'I'll be taking my time with you. I have to treat you good.'
And you only walked out of his chamber, sorely, hours later. Sihtric had refused to let you go before he had kissed every inch of your skin and had made sure you finished as good as he had. And as that was only your first time with him, you couldn't imagine how things would be once you got to know each other better.
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The next day you tried to hide your beaming smile as best as you could when you had breakfast with your family. You had proposed the idea of marrying Sihtric, and explained to your parents how it would benefit everyone. Your mother didn't want to hear any of it, but your father had a thoughtful look on his face as you spoke, yet he didn't speak.
After what felt like hours of endless arguing with your mother, you huffed and got up, going for one of your routine walks in the forest. And just as you hoped, Sihtric had kept an eye on you again and followed you.
'My princess,' he whispered in your ear as his arms snuck around your waist, pulling your back against his broad chest, 'how are you, my lady?'
You smiled at the warmth of his embrace, and the feeling of his strong arms around you, but you sighed quietly at his question.
'I fear we will not be together,' you said softly, sadness spilled out with your words.
Sihtric was quiet, only his sharp in and exhale replied to your grave feelings.
'Say something,' you whispered after a moment.
'We will be together,' he said and spun you around, cupping your cheeks, 'I promise. Because I have my mind set on you, lady,' he smiled and kissed your lips.
'But what if my parents refuse?'
'Then they will bring war upon their people,' Sihtric said curtly, 'I will have you, no matter the cost.'
'Sihtric,' you took a step back, 'you can't do such things, nor even say them!'
'For you?' Sihtric frowned, 'I can and I will,' he shrugged and pulled you closer again, 'because I have fallen for you.'
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Several days later you found yourself arguing with your parents again. Your mother was still fiercely against the idea of you marrying a viking and leaving on horseback with the pagan. Sihtric and your father had discussed the marriage as well, but your father wasn't fully convinced yet.
Sihtric was told by one of your trusted maids about the discussion you had right now, and he was quick to shove past the feeble guards and he kicked the large doors to the main hall open with his leather boot, and he stormed in.
'I will marry you daughter, Lord King, with or without your permission!' Sihtric snarled, 'along with the guarantee that my people do not have to convert religions, she is all I ask for. And it is up to you, Lord, if you will let us marry in a time of peace, or in a time of war. And my reputation speaks for itself,' Sihtric hissed and pulled you closer, 'I am a man of my word.'
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Three years later.
'Sihtric, stop,' you giggled while your husband smothered you with soft kisses, as he had hidden you both underneath the furs.
'Stop, my love?' Sihtric chuckled, his familiar rough hands explored your naked body underneath his own, 'I have to be sure there is another pup in your belly,' he kissed your lips with a soft hum, 'before our boys wake up.'
'More? Really?' you sighed with a light chuckle, 'you want more children, my dear?'
'Do you not?' he frowned, 'you said you wanted more if the lands stayed at peace, and well��� they still are.'
'Well- I mean… I guess,' you smiled as Sihtric continued his soft kisses all over your face, 'maybe one more.'
'One more,' Sihtric smiled wide as he looked down at you, 'one more will make me the happiest man alive.'
He brought his body in between your thighs and cupped your cheeks, 'the sun will almost rise,' he whispered, 'I fear we have to be quick today.' 
And as soon as Sihtric's lips met yours, and his hand slid down to your hip, you heard your two sons in the distance. One was laughing, the other was crying.
'By the gods, why do they wake up before dawn?' Sihric sighed. He shook his head lightly as he got off you, knowing there was no time to hump anymore today.
You snorted and got dressed in your tunic, ready to find out what chaos your sons were up to. Which could be anything, as they had taken after their father, who already brought you more than enough chaos from time to time. 
'And you want one more, darling?' you asked as you took his face in your hands.
'With you?' Sihtric smiled and nuzzled your nose, 'I want as many as possible.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305
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the---hermit · 1 year
How to get out of a reading slump
A while back posted a list of ten books to help you get out of a reading slump, but I also wanted to post a more general list of tips I personally think are useful when you find yourself in a reading slump. (I have also talked about this topic in this ask). So here's some of my tips:
Take a break. Sometimes you can get in reading slumps because you are burned out, maybe not just because of reading, but that can be affected as well. You have no obligations when reading (unless of course if you have to do it for school/uni, in which case I would still recommend trying to get some time off or at least slow down a bit in order to get some energies back). Sometimes accepting that you are in a non-reading place in life it's the best solution.
If you feel like it's a book you are reading that is putting you in a reading slump dnf it, or at least try to switch between that and another book. I personally tend to get stuck when I have only one book in my currently reading pile, because I need to vary often, so I like to have at the very least two books that I am currently reading. Realizing this about myself made me read much more, because I have avoided a lot of reading slumps. I'd also like to add that there's no shame in dnf-ing a book, if you are not enjoying your time with it there's no reason you should keep forcing yourself to read that. Maybe it's not the right time, and you'll enjoy it more in the future, or simply the book is not made for you, which is totally fine.
Graphic novels are a great compromise to get some reading done when you are in a reading slump, but you still want to something to read. This is specifically my solution for when I am in a reading slump caused by being burned out. Graphic novels tend to require less brain energy, and the illustrations usually help a lot with the flow of the story. I think this is the safest option when you are in the worse reading slumps.
Audiobooks are your best friends, whether you want to listen to it while doing other activities, or you want the narrator to help you while you follow the page, I feel like this is another great option. I personally love audiobooks, and I like to always have one on the go. This is again a great option if you are feeling burned out, in those cases I really like to listen to the audiobook as I take a walk, or even as I play some mindless games online like tetris, and similar things. These are also a great option to help when the book you are reading is putting you in a reading slump but you really have to read it. I have used audiobooks a lot in high school to help when I had to read poems or big classics.
Short story collections can be one of the best options to get back into reading. These take off the pressure of being consistent in order to remember things, because you can pick them up and leave them as you like, since most stories won't be over 25 pages usually. There's also some great options of collections that include multiple genres, which can be very helpful when you are stuck and don't really know what you want to read.
Fairytales and kid's books might not come to mind as soon as you think of what to read, but they can be very helpful to get you out of reading slumps. They are short and lighthearted which are two fundamental characteristics of good books to get you back into reading. And rivisiting some childhood favourites is always a great choice in my opinion.
Reread an old favourite or a comfort book. I know some people don't love revisiting old favourites, but I personally love them. You always get something new out of the story, and rereading a plot you know already can take off a lot of the pressure of reading, because you don't have to pay the same attention as with a story you know nothing about. This can be very helpful when getting back into the habit of reading.
Set up a cozy place to read. I am all about romanticizing the small things in life, and this is a very effortless way to put you into a good mindset to read. I personally like to light a few candles, make myself a nice cup of tea, maybe get a little treat to eat, cuddle up under a blanket and just read. Of course your set up might change depending on your preferences, just have a little fun with it, you could even try to read a bit while you are taking a bath.
Try to read outside. Similarly to the last tip, changing your enviroiment can be helpful sometimes. Some people like to read in a cafè, but you could also go in your garden if you have one or in a park.
Consume bookish content. This might seem stupid at first but sometimes seeing other people be excited about reading and books is very motivating. It has personally helped me several times.
Start a buddy read with a friend you feel comfortable with. Sharing your thoughts with someone as you read a book can keep the motivation up and a buddy read can be a great option to help with motivation, but be sure that you are comfortable with this person so that you don't feel too pressure upon you. Be clear from the beginning set a small goal and have fun with your buddy.
At the moment these are all the tips that came to my mind when thinking about getting out of a reading slump. Of course different people might have different methods, but changing things up can always be helpful. As I said at the beginning you shouldn't feel pressure when reading, and if it's a no reading moment in your life there's not shame in it, but I have also been stuck in reading slumps where I actually did want to read but I couldn't bring myself to do so, and many of these things helped me.
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silentcryracha · 1 year
❍ ‗ Love Language (Skz - Maknae line) ‗ ❍
Pairings : Jisung x reader, Felix x reader, Seungmin x reader, Jeongin x reader
Genre/warnings : They all start fluffy and fun and end up smutty, You've been warned. 18+. (eventual specific warnings will be at the start of the paragraphs)
Summary : Specific situations in which I think skz would go feral in. Very easy. Half headcanon/half scenario.
Word count :
A/n : As promised here is the maknae line! Also just wanted to specify that many members may share the same hobbies/passions but of course I tried to switch it up a lil lol. The summary and title suck I know apologies, just read to understand lol Anyways have fun!
ps: There could be errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
Hyung line here
Jisung ‗ ❍
Jisung is a nerd (affectionate <3), everyone knows. Now, he seems to be pretty proud of it, and I genuinely get the vibe that he would dislike people who picked on it for no reason. Like, why do you hate fun dude?
And that's exactly why he does like people who are able to have fun with these pop culture/nerdy things like he can. You're automatically a cool person to him. And imagine if on top of that, you maybe even share his tastes AND you're hot?? Then it's settled, you're his.
Watching anime, dramas, movies but also reading manga, manhwas (and so on), but in general indulging into this type of content seems to be both a hobby and a comfort activity for Jisung, so it's natural that he would love to share this with his s/o.
You'd recommend things to each other, both to watch together and separately, or maybe keep up with the same things and then discuss them and your opinions. It would definitely be something that would connect you more on a personal level, too, I think.
Especially since you can learn so much about a person simply by understanding their likes/dislikes, what makes them cry, what makes them laugh ( or *aroused*).
It becomes a natural thing between you two to use this common interest as a way to connect even more and lift each other's mood when you need it. Maybe one day you're being a little sad or disappointed for some reason, and Han would just either drop a very specific reference that would make you laugh or simply suggest spending some time together and relax.
Of course, it would be a mutual thing. You'd absolutely use these little infos about him, like having a particular preference/crush for a character, at your advantage. I feel like that would get him more flustered than he'd like to admit.
This little game would absolutely turn somewhat kinky in some way, at some point. Like role play kinky. It could be in a very random moment, for example you two could be watching something and one of you would go "That was hot. Want to make out?" and then you'd end up fucking on the couch at 4 pm on a Sunday, just because.
Or it could be a planned thing. "I prefer the villains anyway" you'd randomly say during a talk, shrugging casually. And man, would he take notes. Next thing you know he's going to randomly pin you against the wall, a hand sliding lightly up from your chest to your neck, "Do you trust me?" you eyes wide, a little confused but excited, you'd answer "Yes". He'd smirk, proceeding to tell you all the filthy things he was going to do to you.
I am a firm believer that Jisung is a switch so yes the situation could 100% be reversed.
Felix ‗ ❍
With Felix the options could be multiple, but for now let's focus on his 'nerdy' side. In this case it leans more into computers/electronics and gaming, which I think is a bit more specific than something like watching anime.
It's more a relaxing activity and a hobby (one of) than a passion in my opinion, so I don't think that he would search specifically for a s/o was also into these things, but if you were then it would be very cool.
Nonetheless he would let you into these things pretty easily, and you would be happy and eager to hear all about it, of course. At the end of the day seeing him getting excited and enjoying his time was the thing that mattered the most, and you felt good knowing that he cared enough to the point of wanting, or maybe even involuntarily, talk about it with you.
It would probably take a little for him to actually be completely comfortable, meaning that I see him as someone who would not hide his hobby but would try to make it 'cool'. Like, "Me? losing? never" and you'd be like "Sure sweet cheeks" and then just watch him get his ass beat up by the other players. Of course with time you'd earn his trust and confidence enough to be allowed to roast him whenever you wanted to (lovingly ofc).
But you would also be his number one fan! He would love to have you present as a 'lucky charm' or ask a kiss for good luck, to bet with you jokingly, to comment and complain about the game itself or other players and so on. Felix would love to have you around in general to be honest. It would greatly help his mood whenever he got frustrated or nervous for some reason.
He would also find it extremely cute when you got a little clingy, like laying your head on his shoulder or hug him from behind just because you felt like it. He loves getting attention and physical contact with his loved ones, so of course he'd appreciate it a lot.
But of course like all things between couples that are fun and cute, could also very quickly turn into heated situations. "This damn game is pissing me off! And that guy just keeps being so annoying, shit" he'd complain, waving a hand in the air in annoyance. You couldn't help but be just a little amused seeing your cute boyfriend get all worked up, the frown on his face just about as threatening as a kitten hissing.
"Mmh" you'd hum, getting up from wherever you'd be sitting, "I'm going to take a shower now. How about you get a rematch, beat that annoying dude and win for me? Then we can celebrate" his mouth would go slightly agape and his eyes wide looking up at you. You'd just chuckle and get his headphones back up on his head before walking away.
Not even five minutes into the shower he would burst in, undressing himself on the way and join you. "Did you win already?" you'd ask in amusement. He would shut you up with a feverish kiss "No, I got distracted" he'd smirk in between kisses, "Besides that cunt can go fuck himself, I got better things to think of"
Seungmin ‗ ❍
Seungmin would love to have an s/o that matched his vibe. He also has side hobbies outside of work, so for example he would love to get you involved in them. But in general of course you'd make sure to always support him and share his excitement.
That one baseball team that he absolutely dies for played a game and won? Suddenly you become fan number two. Do you give a fuck? Maybe not. Does he know? Of course he does but that's why he'd be ten times more happy if you decided to play along. Also knowing how fast this man can switch vibe, you would trul just wouldn't know what to expect next.
"Didn't you say that you can't stand sports?" you'd roll your eyes at him dramatically, "You little sh-" he'd just laugh and kiss your cheek as a silent thank you. I feel like he would genuinely value that a lot, especially if he knew you only did it for him.
Seungmin would be beyond entertained in a situation in which he was being a little shit to someone and you'd just, play on his team. Either of you could casually drop the most out of pocket comment about something and the other would throw back a smart response and then you'd just keep going. Literal partners in crime.
Again, he looks like a man that has range. From cute, to serious, funny, sarcastic and even sexy. And an s/o that could put up with it and be able to respond perfectly to his mood would make him thrive, I think.
He also seems like someone who wouldn't enjoy having his boundaries messed with, though. If he was mad or seriously anxious, he wouldn't like someone acting off and maybe undermining his feelings. But he'd like someone that would take him seriously and tried to help in practical ways.
This boundaries could also imply physical touch or specific words/behaviours. For example, you could decide to play with his hand in public rather than getting all over him and kiss him. Or again, I feel like he wouldn't be the number one fan of being too cheesy in front of other people, but could very well appreciate it when you're in private.
He definitely has a romantic side to him, so you initiating stuff with him would make his heart flutter like crazy, in the right situation. There could be some exceptions, though. Imagine you're out with a group of friends, and you decide to tease him a little.
You'd lean in and whisper, "Seungie, I'm bored". He'd raise an eyebrow at you, genuinely confused at first, "Is something wrong? Do you want to go home?"
You wrap your arm around his, your head resting on his shoulder "No, I didn't say that. I would just rather to do something else" he was eyeing you a bit suspiciously now, carefully asking "Like what?".
You'd try to hide a smile and respond very casually, purposefully making him even more flustered. "You?" he'd absolutely have to control himself from making too obvious expressions, making you chuckle.
He'd silently curse you for getting him worked up in such a situation, but then after a few minutes he'd casually say that it has gotten late and you should go, or straight up make up an excuse. Now, what happens after and its consequences are gonna be on you and you alone ;)
Jeongin ‗ ❍
Jeongin would probably love to have a s/o that is similar to him. Meaning that he'd probably way more inclined to want spend time with someone that he can share anything with, emotionally, physically, habits wise.
I feel like he values communication and understanding a lot. He would like to have someone who knows him well and with whom he could maybe create some sort of routine? He also is someone who may be a little hard to read, but definitely has different range depending on whom he's with. That alone implies a great sense of trust.
You'd undoubtedly have to keep up with him, though. He seems to be generally a pretty quiet person, but could absolutely get a little crazy sometimes. Like, one evening you'd be quietly having a relaxing time at home and then the morning after, when you wake up he'd randomly go like "So, how about we take the train and visit this place today?"
You'd kind of just impulsively go and have a great time. Regardless. Could be raining, be tremendously hot, super windy. You could lose the train or the bus, drop your ice cream on the floor, literally anything but it wouldn't ruin your day. Because you both have that kind of positive and carefree attitude that makes you match so well.
I feel like he wouldn't ask for anything specific except someone that can keep him in a good mood and be there for him when he needs it. You'd just be a safe space for each other, honestly.
Kinda feel like he's secretly quite affectionate, especially with an s/o and a few other exceptions (kids and animals, lol). Jeongin is clearly a very sweet person in general, but I do feel like he holds himself back a bit when he gets anxious about 'exposing' himself too much emotionally.
Still wouldn't 100% be a very clingy or cheesy person in public, but would allow toned down PDA like holding hands, leaning your heads on each other, sharing smiles. Something a little more specific, is hugging or being closer to each other in a crowded place like the subway, an event, a square and so on.
He would very much appreciate conversation. A kind word, some encouragement, a joke or just you being calm and trying to influence your good mood on him would be more than enough. He would probably be really touched by it.
I feel like you'd have 'your' thing. Like a couple ring, necklace charm, bracelet. Something small and private that only the two of you would 'get', and find great comfort in it.
Let's not forget about his silly side though, this man could be the sweetest angel in one moment and start joking around/teasing you in the next. You'd laugh a lot together, and those would most likely also be the situations in which things could get heated.
Even in sudden moments, just out of pure love. For example, while you're roaming around the city, having fun and just being so full of life and love that at some point it would feel almost...overwhelming.
You'd just look at each other, feeling such intimate connections that you'd probably just spend the whole way back home giggling and exchanging super lovey-dovey eyes. Until you do in fact reach home, and that's where the magic would happen. Could be slow and romantic, undressing sensually and smiling type of vibe, or it could turn into something a lot more passionate and frenetic. You're just going to have to find out day by day with him :')
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In the Shadow of Courtship
Summary: Sebastian gets a glimpse of MC's social life outside of Hogwarts, but he doesn't like what he sees. (Sebastian Sallow x f!MC)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Jealousy and light swearing.
Word count: 2.6k
A/N: Despite my best efforts, I’m sure there are some historical inaccuracies in this one. Sebastian being jealous of muggle courtship is my new favorite thing, apparently.
Sebastian had re-read her last letter dozens of times, but he kept coming back to one part of it.
My parents insisted on throwing a ball to celebrate my brother’s engagement. Before Hogwarts, I would have been excited at the prospect, but now it just sounds boring and miserable. I would rather be in the highlands doing, well, anything else.
Something in her words made him decide it was time to pay a visit, which is how he know found himself standing outside her house. And Merlin’s Beard, what a house it was. She had mentioned her family being well-off in passing, but the grand house in front of him was more than he expected. Surely the fancy building in front of him was not where his practical, down to earth MC lived.
But there was no mistaking it. It was exactly where she had described, and Sebastian heard music coming from within the house.
The disillusionment charm let him hide among the bushes easily, even if he felt a little foolish sneaking around. If Sebastian was honest with himself, though, he had come for one reason, and that was to spy. He wanted to see what this muggle ball looked like; he wanted to see what MC was like when she was at home with her muggle parents.
He snuck around the side of the house, finding himself below a narrow window. The window was open, feminine voices traveling on the warm evening air.
“If Mr. Royce wishes to dance with you, then you should let him.” The voice was not unlike MC’s, but more mature.
“I don’t wish to lead him on. We’ve talked about where my future lies.”
“Darling, you have a whole world of opportunities I never had, and I am thrilled for you. But until you are settled, properly settled, I think you should keep all your options open. Anything could happen before you come of age, and I couldn’t forgive myself if I allowed you to let any chance at happiness slip through your fingers.”
MC huffed. “But mother-“
“My dear, he isn’t going to ask you to marry him tonight. Simply make sure you don’t give him a reason to cast his eye elsewhere. Just enjoy a pleasant evening with a handsome man and leave it at that.”
“Yes, mother.” He frowned at the defeat in MC’s voice. That wasn’t the MC he knew at all. If this was how she had to behave at home, no wonder she preferred life at Hogwarts.
“There’s that beautiful smile. Come, we should join the party before our absence is noticed,” said MC’s mother.
The room fell quiet.
Sebastian followed the side of the building led by the muffled sound of music striking up. He came to a row of large windows facing a wide yard. Though none of the windows were open, the noise on the other side made it evident where the event was shrine held. Slowly, Sebastian raised his head to peek through the window.
Couples filled the ballroom, dancing in synchrony with the music. There were just as many people around the perimeter of the room, watching the dancers glide across the floor. There was only one person Sebastian wanted to see, and he felt his chest tighten the moment he finally laid eyes on her.
MC had said in her letter that she wasn’t interested in the ball, that the thought of it filled her with misery. She had just said as much to her mother. She certainly didn’t look miserable to Sebastian.
Dark brown hair and a dashing smile, belonging to her dance partner, held her rapt attention. The handsome muggle led her through the waltz, twirling her around the room. MC wore a peaceful smile, laughing and talking with him as they moved among the other dancers.
“You must be Mr. Royce,” Sebastian growled under his breath. His fists clenched at his sides. That should be him in there, dancing with MC. Holding her like that. Making her laugh. Someone who could appreciate her fully.
And appreciate her, Sebastian did. Even though his rage at the muggle pawing at his girl, he noticed every detail about MC. The fabric and trim of her dress matched her house colors, complimenting ribbons pinned in her hair. Sebastian eyed the silver and emerald necklace sitting at her throat, catching the light as she danced. Of course Royce would be falling over himself for her attention; she was radiant.
The dance ended, and Royce escorted MC away. He guided her by the arm, gently tugging her in the other direction when someone else moved to approach them.
Selfish arse. Probably doesn’t even know what her favorite treats are. Or her favorite muggle books. You don’t deserve her.
For the first time in a very long time, the word of a spell danced on the tip of his tongue. Something he promised never to speak again. Conjuring an image of Royce on the floor, writhing in pain.
Sebastian closed his eyes, pushing the thought from his mind. She wouldn’t want that. She wouldn’t want you to do that.
The band was already striking up a song for the next dance. Sebastian couldn’t stomach watching any more of the ball, to see her in the arms of someone who didn’t know her like he did. But instead of apparate home, he wandered around the perimeter of the house, lost in thought.
Maybe he didn’t know MC as well as he thought. He’d heard her mother say it; she would play them both until she secured the better offer. Well, Sebastian certainly couldn’t give her what Royce could, with his muggle money and impressive dance skills. The life MC was accustomed to could not be found in the highlands, in Feldcroft, with him.
But what hurt Sebastian the most was the thought that he deserved to feel this way. Because he didn’t deserve MC, not after what he’s done. He tried to, Merlin knows, but he just wasn’t good enough for her. He never would be. She deserved to be happy, and the cold truth that he might not be the one to do that settled in the pit of his stomach like stone.
So he found himself in the side yard, glaring at a trellis of roses whose buds were closed to the night air. Hidden in the shadows, Sebastian stewed in his dark thoughts, sinking into the depths where he belonged. He didn’t notice when the door opened and someone stepped out into the yard behind him.
But the sigh got his attention.
He turned to see her leaning against the door through which she had exited. Her face was shadowed, barely lit from the light escaping from the windows and the moon rising overhead. But he would know her anywhere, from the shape of her body to the tilt of her head, but especially that sigh.
“MC?” He asked, stepping forward into the half light of the yard.
MC covered her mouth, swallowing a yelp of surprise. “Sebastian! What are you doing here?”
Her heart leapt at the sight of him, and for a moment she thought he was a conjugation of her imagination. Merlin knew she had been employing it all night, imagining Sebastian freckled features in place of Royce’s condescending smile.
Then he spoke.
“Never seen a muggle ball. Thought I’d see what’s so boring about them. Though, doesn’t seem boring to me.”
She stiffened at the bite in his voice. “Is something the matter?”
Sebastian folded his arms. “Of course not. Why would something be wrong? Looks like everyone is having a wonderful time.”
Not here to ask for a dance, then. She stepped toward, mirroring his crossed arms. “Well something’s clearly gotten into you. You come all this way, without even telling me, just to skulk in the shadows? Talk to me.”
“Coming here was a mistake, MC.” He couldn’t look her in the eye. “I’ll let you get back to your charming gentleman friend.”
Her hand was circling his wrist before he saw her move. “Sebastian, you aren’t going anywhere until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“Fine!” Sebastian hissed, wrenching out her grasp. He couldn’t stand the feel of her touch, not right now. “What’s wrong is that I learned you’ve been stringing me along all year, and then you come home to your real boyfriend over the summer. I never thought you capable of such disloyalty.”
MC recoiled as if he had struck her. With the hurt in her eyes, he may as well have. “How could you say that? After everything over the last two years. How dare you.”
“Well what else am I supposed to think?” Instead of angry, his voice was soft with defeat. “You said you would be bored and yet here you are, in the arms of another man.”
She answered with a scoff. “Just because I have to dance with someone to keep up appearances doesn’t mean I’m enjoying it.”
“You looked pretty happy to me.”
MC’s fingers itched with the need to slap him. How else could get some sense into his thick head? “Sebastian Sallow, either you’re an idiot or you need to get your eyes checked. “Happy” is the very last word I would use to describe myself tonight.”
“Oh really?”
“Really. Because I missed you.” MC sniffed. “At least I thought I did. If you’ve only come here to level hurtful accusations at me, then you should leave.”
MC grabbed his wrist again and turned his hand palm up. Fingers trembling, she unclasped the silver and emerald necklace and dropped it into his hand. “You can take that with you.”
“What’s this?”
“A gift from my brother. He gave it to me when I came home with your scarf, something I could wear that wouldn’t draw the same attention.” She clicked her tongue. “I don’t think I need it anymore.”
Sebastian looked down at the necklace sitting in his palm, then back at MC. She was smoothing her dress, trying to regain her composure after their bitter argument. All she really wanted was to go to her room, but her family would never forgive her for such a display. She looked at Sebastian, narrowing her eyes at him one more time before schooling her features into the mask of serenity she would need inside.
Realization struck Sebastian like lightning. He really had to be the biggest idiot in all of Britain. He should have seen it the whole time.
He should have seen that the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Noticed that her face was devoid of the many emotions he had seen cross it so many times. Realized that her eyes held a faraway look as she dreamed of the many other things she would rather be doing, places she would rather be. Sebastian bet he could name them all.
Royce would never know the real MC. Not like he did. Royce would never call her his own. Not like Sebastian could.
If he hadn’t just lost her forever.
“MC, wait.”
She stopped, hand on the doorknob, stiffly waiting for him to continue.
“You’re right. I’m being stupid.”
“Come round, have you?” She snapped.
He stepped closer. “I’m sorry. I never should have said those things. I can’t believe I ever thought them in the first place.” He swallowed. “It’s just…”
MC looked at him over her shoulder. “Just what?”
“I’m so scared to lose you.”
The words hung in the air between them. Sebastian took a breath, feeling a weight lifting from his chest with his admission. That was the truth of it; he had already lost so many people he cared about. Some of that loss was his own fault, and he lived with his regret every day. He couldn’t bear it if he lost MC, too.
She was in front of him now. “Then don’t push me away,” he said quietly. “Or have you never heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy?”
His next breath was shaky. “I know I don’t deserve any more forgiveness from you, but I’ll ask for it anyway.”
MC couldn’t help the smile tugging at her lips. “I could be convinced.”
He looked up at her in surprise. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“I’m waiting.”
“Turn around,” he whispered.
The emerald pendant whispered along her skin as Sebastian replaced the necklace. His fingers danced over her neck, lingering as he secured the clasp. She was grateful for the darkness to hide the flush that followed.
When he finished, she turned to look at him again, their eyes meeting properly for the first time that night. Sebastian held her hands in his, pulling her close. “I just don’t want you to forget about me when we’re apart.”
“Sebastian, I could never.”
“I know. I never should have doubted you.”
His thumb traced the curve of her mouth before his lips found hers. His fingered the material of her dress over hips, suddenly consumed with thoughts of what it would be like to take it off her. Sebastian broke the kiss, then, worried about getting carried away.
“You’re all I think about when I’m away from Hogwarts,” she whispered. “All I dream about.”
Maybe there was nothing wrong with getting carried away.
Her fingers twined in Sebastian’s hair as he kissed her neck, the silver chain of the necklace scraping his lips. MC moaned in his ear and he pulled her tight against him.
“What’s going on out here?” Mrs. MC’s voice hissed from the doorway. MC and Sebastian jumped apart. “Get inside before your father sees you!”
MC looked sheepishly at her mother. Certainly not how I intended them to meet. She trailed her thumb along the column of Sebastian’s neck. “I’ll write you. Tomorrow.”
“I can’t wait,” he whispered.
MC kissed him on the cheek, stopping for one last, longing look in his eyes. Her mother’s impatient sigh quickened her steps back into the house, but not before she glanced back at him one more time, tasting him on her lips.
Before closing the door, Mrs. MC swept outside, staring down at him. “You must be the young man she keeps going on about. Sebastian, isn’t it?”
It was incredible how much MC resembled her, and he had to admit Mrs. MC was still quite beautiful. He wondered if this was a glimpse at what growing old with MC would be like. “Yes, ma’am.” Sebastian stumbled over the words.
Best interests in mind or not, Sebastian reminded himself that she was still the reason MC was dancing with a man who couldn’t make her happy. He licked his lips nervously, remembering their kiss. He’ll never get to kiss her like that. He’s probably rubbish at it, anyway.
“MC doesn’t tell me much about what happens at school. Is she truly happy there? Is she doing all right?”
He wouldn’t have tried to keep the adoration from his voice even if he thought himself capable of it. “She loves it there. And she’s brilliant, there’s nothing MC can’t do.”
“Is she safe?”
Sebastian faltered. He couldn’t tell her the whole truth. She certainly wouldn’t let her daughter return to Hogwarts if she knew about all the poachers and bandits. Not to mention all the trouble MC liked to get herself into. He settled for the truest answer he could think of. “There’s nowhere safer than Hogwarts.”
Mrs. MC nodded once, seeming satisfied with his answer. “You’ll look after her, won’t you? And her other friends, she does have other friends?”
“Of course, Mrs. MC.”
The woman lay a hand on his shoulder, and Sebastian stiffened at the motherly gesture. “I’m sorry you can’t stay. I would have liked to know you better.”
Sebastian nodded, taking her hint. Now, he didn’t mind going home. He felt safe in the knowledge that, while someone else might be on her dance card, he would always be the one in her dreams.
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PLANS FOR 2024!!
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In truth, I'm unsure of what I want to do for 2024. I'm not a good plan in advance and far more of a "this'll be fun to do" type of person. Especially when it comes to writing. So I am going to share what I want to do in the moment and my current feelings.
One Thing: I hate The Six That Thrive.
That is the ultimate looming threat, I'm facing, and want to put this out there, not because I'm going to scrape TSTT. I simply want to make it better. Working on other IFs has just made me realize how much I could add especially seeing that TSTT is my first ever IF, and if you were there when I first began, it was an utter mess.
Chapter Six has been in production, but I cannot work on it with a clear conscience, knowing how much I hate the previous chapters, and if I cannot somewhat like the old, I can't move forward. So as of right now, I think I am going to go on hiatus.
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So now, you might ask. "What about the Patreon?" The Patreon is a mix of those who want TSTT content and mainly that, while others are down for supporting me in general. I am still going to be posting TSTT content. Sharing fics, drabbles, backstories. I may as well drop new and improved chapters.
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So, what will I do in the meantime? As ridiculous as I am, I'm going to be posting new demos for unreleased IFs. Mainly to have the option to jump around and not feel guilty for it. I've realized that I've been sorta holding myself back from doing the things I enjoy in fear of what others felt and thought as well with overworking myself. But I am coming to realize what is best for me as a writer and it's the ability to write when and wherever. So I've planned to move forward without feeling guilt.
Things I've been facing and fear for the future. The amount of access everyone has to me. As in a sense online and how easy it is to reach out to me. For one, I'm not upset or bothered by those reaching out and haven't received harassment or hate. But there are subtle demands from strangers that I have noticed and simply expect me to do, because I want to be super inclusive. Which is a huge difference from suggestions and asking kindly. They just demand it, and I'm still learning to regulate it.
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With School. Right now, I'm fantastic at balancing school and work, simply because most of the chapters I've wrote and write happen in a large chunk so that's not something I'm worried about. I also don't got a job so there's that.
—The Dragon's birthday past. Jan 1st. Now when they get a little drabble, idfk.
The One Year Anniversary of TSTT is a day before my birthday so that's also exciting!
I turn 19 next month!! (Which I feel a lot of people are unaware of.)
More IFs! More genres! I have a pretty much horror track record, that's definitely ain't gonna change, but with my future IF that I plan to share hopefully by the end of this month, I'm EXCITED.
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I truly don't know what I have in store for 2024! But I do want to make the best of it. As always, I want to thank you for your neverending support and patience and I'm excited to share this year with you all!! Please do not worry about my mental or physical health, I swear, that I am an 100 out of 10.
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
Imagine trying to enjoy alone time in a tavern, but then ending up as the local therapist for an elf and his relatives.
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Imagine trying to simply enjoy some alone time in a tavern, drinking some beverage, and minding your own business till you meet this one elf and  became regular chat buddies. Now, the relatives of this elf keep coming to the tavern to talk about their problems with you. 
Warnings: reader’s sanity gets tested. 
Day 1
Maedhros: *Walks into the tavern, takes a seat, orders a drink, and slams his head against the table*
You: Now that sounds like someone is done with everyday life.
Maedhros: You have no idea. 
You: Which one for you, work or unbearable relatives?
Maedhros: Hmm?
You: Work or unbearable relatives? Sometimes it's the work that tires you out, but sometimes it’s the relatives– who do things that make you tick beyond measure. 
Maedhros: Hmm… both. Why would you like to know?
You: Just filling out boredom. Wanna have a drink? I can pay for you because you look like you need it. 
Maedhros: Well – that is nice of you. I am Maedhros. 
You: (Name)
After a week of meeting with Maedhros to shit talk about family, drink, and send each other off– not to be seen for another week. 
Maedhros: And yet again, I have to clean up after my brothers. 
You: Man, that sucks. 
Maedhros: Indeed. I have to go. It was nice talking to you. 
You: Bye. 
Maedhros: Farewell. 
Maedhros: *Walks out of the tavern after paying the bartender*
You: *Sits in silence, drinking*
Maglor: *Walks in and notices you*
Maglor: Excuse me? Are you (Name)?
You: Uuh – yeah? 
Maglor: I heard about you from my brother, Maedhros. He apparently likes to come here to talk and drink with you. 
You: And you are?
Maglor: I am Maglor.
You: Ah, the one that sings in the morning and never shuts up. 
Maglor: What?
You: Nothing! What do you want? 
Maglor: I will be honest. I need to relieve something out of my chest. And since Maedhros likes talking with you. I have been ha — *talks about his problems with his family*
You: *Staring at him, confused.*
You: Wha –?
Week 2
You: *Trying to enjoy peace after having talk sessions with both Maedhros and Maglor for a week. 
Caranthir: You!
You: Wah! What!
Caranthir: Are you (Name)?
You: uhm – yes? I’m sorry. Did I do something to piss you off?
Caranthir: No. Why would you think that?
You: You look angry. 
Caranthir: Well, I’m not. I am Caranthir. I heard about you from two of my brothers, Maedhros and Maglor. 
You: Oh, the grumpy one and the one that hoards all the gold?
Caranthir: What?
You: Nothing! What can I do for you?
Caranthir: I heard talking with you helps relieve stress and resolve problems. So, let me start –
You: And what if I don’t-
Caranthir: I will only talk about this once, so listen carefully. I am so done with my –*talks about his problems with his brothers and relatives and problems managing the money*
You: What?
Week 4
You: *Groaning while lying your head against the table*
Celegorm: You (Name)?!
You: What? Who — who are you two?!
Celegorm & Curufin: *sits on each side of you that you sat between them*
Celegorm: We belong to the same family as the rest of our dear brothers, who seem to like turning their backs on us in our time of need. 
You: That – doesn’t tell me anything. 
Curufin: His name is Celegorm and I am Curufin. 
You: Oh, The unhinged forest goblin and the cheap copy of dad?
Celegorm & Curufin: What?
You: Nothing! I assume you wanna talk and let something out of your chest too? 
Celegorm: Excellent! Then there is no need for an explanation. Let me tell you what kind of a rough week we had. 
Celegorm: I was planning good things for our people, but they kicked us out because apparently we were evil, and I tried to force myself upon Doriath’s princess. I was only trying to show I would be a better option than that mortal man. She even stole my dog! 
Celegorm: Can you believe that? And all people claim we’re the most problematic people in Beleriand. 
You: Didn’t you try to kill them, though?
Curufin: And my son doesn’t want to be my son anymore? Apparently, I disgusted him so much that he decided to disown himself. 
You: —what?
Week 6
You: *Groaning even harder after exhausting weeks of listening to the feanorians’ problems*
Fingon: Excuse me, are you by any chance (Name)?
You: Please, don’t tell me you’re one of Maedhros’s brothers!
Fingon: Oh no, I’m not.
You: – really?
Fingon: I’m his half-cousin!
You: dammit!
Week 8
Fingolfin: You must be (Name)
You: Huh?
Fingolfin: Okay, let me talk about my kids and those problematic nephews of mine. 
You: Sir? Do I know you?
Fingolfin: My kids don’t listen to me, and my half-brother’s kids just do anything they like, causing problems and being a bunch of ruffians. 
You: Sir? Sir? SIR?!
Week 14
Maedhros: Hey, (Name). Sorry, I have not been visiting for a while. I have been busy with work. 
Maedhros: (Name)?
You: *You sit up, shadows and bags in your eyes, exhausted and looking like you were going to break down at any moment*
Maedhros: (Name)! What happened? You look awful!
You: You – and the rest of your family need to find professional help.
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