#i don`t have anything to post so let it be
otomes-world · 4 months
"Under fantasy disguise" part Pomefiore (1)
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Fantasy AU “Under fantasy disguise”: world lore (prologue) heartslabyul savanaclaw octavinelle scarabia trigger warning: some self hate, reader in really bad state (but there is nothing grafic), barrely edited text.
At some point, the clouds flying past completely erased the idea of time and space. Slowly brightening sky marked the beginning of a new day. The lump in throat, the approaching nausea and self-loathing merged into one large layer, settling like a burden in your chest. A heaviness that radiates unpleasantly throughout the whole body.
You wanted to pry open chest if only it could give at least a little peace of mind.
However, the much-desired peace would not come. The subconscious told you, or maybe you yourself understood that you couldn’t let go of the situation. Frankly, what happened - all at once - was not your fault. It wasn’t, but selfishness and the banal desire to survive stuck needles into such a subjective concept of conscience, which you didn’t even suspect. When you live in a world of technology - when you don't have to make tough decisions - the world seems simpler.
You didn’t know where the carpet was going. Perhaps it was simply obeying your unspoken impulse to get away. Anywhere. To a place where it will be at least a little easier.
However, during the time you spent in this world, you managed to come to terms with the thought: it won’t get better. The further you plunged into unfamiliar lands and got to know its inhabitants, the harder the blow to your mental health. At some point you thought that the happiest time of your forced journey was wandering in the mountains.
Taking a shuddering breath, you froze abruptly, noticing movement out of the corner of your eye. Something flew past at incredible speed. Glancing briefly at the sleeping cat, you clenched your fists, your nails - or what was left of them - digging into the skin of your palms. The pain helped calm down a little and focus on surroundings. A moment and something flew by again, this time very close.
It didn't seem to you.
Waking Grimm up with your left hand, you tried to look down. The carpet did not slow down, and therefore it was difficult to try to see anything. The barely brightening sky did not help at all. Suddenly the fabric shook and you felt something cold millimeters from your other hand. Imagining the worst, you looked down, noticing the thin scratch on your skin and the arrow.
Everything inside you suddenly stopped.
Heart began to beat sharply, making already labored breathing difficult. The mind tried to come up with a solution, an escape, something, but apparently the third arrow was the last warning. The last one before something incomprehensible collided with the carpet, paradoxically sobering and frightening at the same time. Intuitively stretching out your hands towards the sound of meowing, you realized in horror that you were falling down. The carpet, which had saved your life several times, was flailing in the air, trying to extinguish the flames that were engulfing the fabric faster and faster.
You closed your eyes and prepared to fall. The sharp blow, it felt like it, knocked out the remaining oxygen on the branch, as did a further fall onto the wet grass. The pain darkened vision. You wanted to scream, but you didn’t have the strength to unclench teeth and utter even a sound. Bent over, you still clutched Grimm to your chest, simultaneously trying to think about something good.
Heartslabyul still caused waking nightmares, but there were incredibly beautiful roses there. Flowers. Pleasant baking aroma. The softly shining sun.
A slow, careful breath literally created a storm inside. The lungs protested, the muscles tensed to the limit. It would be so easy to close your eyes and plunge into darkness if it weren't for the adrenaline still flowing through your veins. Your attacker was still somewhere nearby.
Sitting up with an effort of will, you could hardly resist so as not to fall back. Your side was burning, and the notorious stars were flying before eyes. What kept you from giving up was the realization that the breathing of the cat, limp in your arms, was becoming weaker. The fear of being alone in this world turned out to be enough of an incentive to go against everything: fate, a tired body and, possibly, broken bones.
A rustling sound came very close, and you tensed, preparing for the worst. Having spotted a dry branch nearby, you wondered how much time and effort it would take to grab it. There was a rustling sound again, and this time the steps took him by surprise, but a child appeared from behind the bushes. Even in the semi-darkness, you noticed his light gray hair and pointed ears. Gradually, two more appeared behind him: one with burgundy strands sticking out to the sides and a gloomy expression on his face, and the second, ready to fall asleep at any moment.
The very first, apparently the main one of the trio, took a step forward, raising his hands in a calming gesture, "How are you feeling? How many fingers am I showing?"
You just shook your head, closing your eyes. The voice of reason insisted that you had to run, but fear for Grimm did not allow you to take even a step..
"Us.. can.. help.. you.. "you didn’t recognize your own voice. It sounded so quiet and muffled that you doubted whether you were heard. Your throat burned, but you opened your mouth again to repeat the request as many times as necessary.
"Dominic, it’s not a good idea to bring someone you don’t know home, is it?" The gloomy child spoke, and for a second you again started to panic. "If we bring everyone we meet and cross, we ourselves will soon become the King’s target."
King? That's all you needed. Previous territories also had heads, but facing the “royal family” sounded much more terrible and problematic
"..only a night.. I can.. stay in the forest.. only Grimm.." It seemed like torture to pronounce every word. Your vision was blurry, but you were obliged to hold out.
“Another guest won’t be such a problem,” Dominic answered. "Can you get up?"
No. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be able to get up. You couldn't even lie to yourself. You didn’t even have to answer, the main one came up and extended his hands to the cat. With trembling hands, struggling not to pull them away, you allowed the cat to be taken away
"Groom, stay and look after last one. Shelpi and I will go get Neige"
The one who was called Groom grumbled without ceasing, but still approached you. Watching the children disappear among the greenery, you allowed yourself to relax. At least Grimm was safe.
"Hey. Hey! Come to your senses!"
You felt someone shaking your shoulder, but you couldn’t make out anything else. Only at some point did you hear someone’s worried voice, but you couldn’t make out what exactly he was saying.
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You came to your senses, then fell into oblivion again. Voices, sounds, light caused dizziness and rejection. The only thing you remembered throughout the entire chaotic state was that pleasant voice and someone’s warm hands.
"You woke up!" Someone voiced it before you even realized it yourself. It’s just that at some point you stopped distinguishing between reality and a dream, but it seems that this time you were definitely in reality. "Wait, I'll call Dominic"
This name fluttered familiarly in memory. That's right, that was the name of the bright child. Following with an unfocused gaze the young man - although now in your eyes he was just a colored spot - who quickly rushed off somewhere, leaving you for a minute.
Closing your eyelids, you tried to focus on the present. You weren't abandoned in the forest, that's a plus. The attacker didn't show up yesterday, or maybe you just weren't found. The questions “Who” and “Why” remained unanswered. It would be possible to close your eyes and not chase your tail, as before, but your intuition suggested that this time it would be different. That this was just the calm before the next storm. But you no longer had the strength to look for shelter so as not to be carried away to the mercy of fate.
A quiet knock brought you back to reality. It was strange, the young man didn’t seem to lock the door. Opening your eyes slightly, you squinted, trying to make out the newcomer. As you thought, it turned out to be the same child. Next to him stood someone your age - maybe a little older or younger - with a friendly smile. The corners of your lips slightly twitched upward, but they couldn’t become the same full-fledged smile.
"Are you feeling better now?" Asked the child, who continued speaking after a nod from you. “You’re probably still confused, so I’ll try to speak more slowly. My name is Dominic, my dwarf brothers and me have been living in this forest for a very long time. And this,” he pointed at the young man, “is Neige. Although you may already know him. Let me know what happened to you?"
"…if.. I knew.. someone attacked us while we were flying on the carpet.. we turned over and fell, Grimm.. Grimm! Where is he?" An attempt to sit up abruptly was unsuccessful, causing more circles under the eyes and weakness. A brunette who appeared next to you prevented you from turning over and falling out of bed
"Your friend is okay!" The dwarf immediately answered hastily. "He, like you, needs to rest. But you need to do this first. During the fall, you broke a rib" you immediately touched your burning side. “It will take time to heal.”
Having given a short thank you to him and the boy, as a sign that you were already feeling better, you began to hastily rebuild your plan of action. It was impossible to linger, but on the other hand, going in the current state was no less stupid. You understood that the fall could not have happened without something - there was a limit to luck and the capabilities of the human body - but the awareness did not brighten up what was happening.
"Do you know who could have attacked you?“ The young man asked softly, holding out a glass of water that had come from nowhere. However, you weren't complaining.
“No.. No, this is my first time in these lands,” after a couple of sips it became easier to speak. “We were flying… yes, we were flying,” you strained your tired memory. "…someone shot! I remembered the arrow!" Looking hopefully at Dominic, you saw a worried look. As if he realized who exactly attacked you and the Grimm. For some reason, you doubted whether it was worth finding out the truth. "This is not someone from the royal family, right?"
You tried to laugh, but it sounded pathetic even to your own ears. For some reason, the duo didn't appreciate your joke.
“It might have been Rook,” you frowned, another new name. “He works as a hunter and serves Vi,” the young man tried to keep the conversation going with the same light laugh, which came out better than yours. However the impression he made was the same - he did not inspire confidence.
“Vi?” You asked carefully, afraid to confirm your fears.
"Exactly, you don’t know. That's what I call Vil, he is the king of these lands. We saw each other quite often at the castle!"
You were doomed. You could see the world literally crumbling before your eyes. This is exactly what was needed for happiness. Purely to confirm what you already suspected, you turned to Dominic, "What is the probability that… how did you call him, Rook?.. Reported everything to the king?"
Silence was a convincing enough answer.
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Despite the chance of being discovered, you remained in the dwarves' house. It was inspired by the hopelessness and persuasiveness of Neige, who took upon himself the responsibility of your personal doctor. Although this was too strong a word, the process was still more led by the chief of the dwarves. Gradually you got to know the others.
Groom and Shelpi were part of the company that day. Although the first one was rude and hot-tempered, you couldn’t call him bad. It just took some getting used to. Shelpi was his opposite. A dwarf with a perpetually sleepy look, although you could understand him. In your current state, all you wanted to do was sleep.
There were four more gnomes: Timmy, Toby, Snick and Hop. You saw Timmy only from afar and only in someone else’s company. Perhaps he was just nervous around strangers. Toby was a sweetheart whose memory failed him more often than usual. Hop was a classic example of a cheerful child, and Snick's specialty was his perpetual allergies.
Watching their noisy but cheerful routine was a pleasant change from the nightmare that was happening in your life before. Nevertheless, you remembered Heartslabyul’s experience and were in no hurry to relax.
The more time you spent in their friendly company, the stronger the feeling of guilt grew. Understanding that they would come for you. Now or a little later didn't matter. Just like how many troubles befell the cat’s head for the company. Asking to take care of Grimm was another breaking through the ceiling called “selfishness,” but… that incident made it clear that problems were pouring down on your head more and more often. Their consequences were becoming increasingly difficult to correct.
Living with guilt was unbearable.
So much so that you were unable to look into the eyes of your faithful friend, who has literally gone through thick and thin with you, and you decided to leave him.
You didn't even hope for forgiveness. Deep inside you understood that this was just an attempt to come to an agreement with yourself, a struggle for the opportunity to hate yourself a little less. Looking at the recovering cat, this thought took root more firmly in consciousness.
The pathetic excuse “it will be better this way.”
Gradually you were allowed to take short walks. Your side still hurt, as did the wounds on back, but the fresh air helped to distract you and not drown in self-flagellation. The only activity for which you always had the strength.
Hoping to find your things, you tried to find the crash site from memory. It was stupid, especially since those trinkets were of no value. To some extent, they simply gave an imaginary sense of belonging. Reminders of your home world, which seemed farther and farther away day by day.
Moving aside the branches, you were finally able to find the desired clearing. It was like all the others, but some internal awareness did not allow you to pass by.
Check and leave.
Simple plan - simple implementation. Searching among the bushes without bending down was another challenge. Having sat down, you rose to your feet again with great difficulty, the shooting pain in your lower back made itself felt every time you tried to find your treasured things.
Breathing heavily, you leaned your hand on the trunk of a nearby tree. A little break won't hurt anyone, that's for sure in your condition. Taking a deep breath, you glanced around the clearing once again, making mental notes of where the bag might have been thrown.
There was not a soul around, or at least it seemed so. Perhaps over time you became too suspicious, but at the moment you could not leave the feeling of being watched, no matter how stupid it may sound. Who could be in the deep forest, right? Unless… who attacked you and the Grimm that day. You tsked and took another breath, trying to calm down.
It was dangerous to return to the house: you didn’t want to let Neige and his friends down. Trying to escape in an unknown direction was reckless. You didn’t know these places, one wrong turn and Robinson Crusoe will appear in this forest. Although you doubted that this world had heard of him. The possibility of becoming a discoverer was not encouraging.
"Ma cheri! What a rarity it is to find such a beautiful creature in such a dense thicket,” a voice that came out of nowhere took you by surprise.
Turning towards the sound at a speed you didn’t know you were capable of, you saw a strange blond-haired young man.
“Are you… talking about me?..” You asked carefully, simultaneously looking for a way to escape. Now the suspicions no longer seemed groundless.
"Oui! Yes and yes! A triple "yes" is not enough to prove the sincerity of my words. How brave and reckless are walks in the wilds, where every animal and people poses a danger. I had already decided that knowledge, Fata Morgana, which had darkened my mind and revealed such a fragile angel in human form!"
He spoke a lot and not very clearly, sometimes you lost the thread of the story. In your best times, you didn’t like such conversations, let alone today. However, this was a good opportunity to look at the blond. He was wearing a cream-colored tunic, loose pants and a hat with a fluffy white feather.
It was necessary to come up with an excuse and as quickly as possible. Perhaps you would be able to wander around, wait for him to leave, and return home without consequences. However, this would be too loud a statement. If there's one thing life has taught you, it was not to think ahead of time.
"Thank you, I guess?.. Did you want something?" You decided to ask directly.
"Oh, that's right. Wandering among the flora and fauna, I found one interesting little thing,” he sadly shook his head while you did everything to prevent doubts from showing on your face. "Obeying the will of my heart, I am trying to find the owner."
Emphasizing the last word, he smiled, narrowing his eyes. The nature of the emotion that flashed through them made you shiver.
"Well, I wish you good luck in your search, sir.."
"Hunt! But you can call me by my name, just Rook,” digging your nails into the palms, you kept a friendly expression on your face through an effort of will. The blond raised his hands in a surrendering gesture, and then also calmly began to close the distance. "I don’t dare to hope that you have heard of me. However, like me about you. His Majesty, Roi du Poison, has been wanting to meet you for quite some time, and who are we to refuse him."
Looking ahead at the outstretched hand and the unshakable figure of - as Neige said - the hunter, you doubted that you had any chance of escape.
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ashtheketchum · 28 days
NSFW alphabet Daryl Dixon
A/N: I don´t really have a smut right now, so I just post this- Maybe I will write such alphabets more often, but with other characters, let's see :D
Warnings: +18 CONTENT, GN.Reader
A(ftercare: How are they after the sex?):
Daryl actually always takes care of you after you two had sex. He cleans you up, kisses you, and gives your some of his clean clothes. Sometimes he even kisses your entire body from top to bottom again before forcing you to go to the bathroom. (He read somewhere that you should always go to the bathroom after having sex).
B(ody part: Their favourite body part):
If Daryl had to choose one body part that he finds most attractive, he would choose your thighs. He loves grabbing them, he loves massaging them, and he loves when you vage his head between your thighs.
Your favorite part of Daryl's body is either his arms or his slim waist. His arms are well-trained and it feels nice when he holds you in them. Even in public, you sometimes can't help but hug his upper arms or just put your hand on them. You just love that his waist is so slim. Broad shoulders, broad chest and slim hips. Sometimes when you hug each other, you wrap your arms around his waist instead of his neck.
C(um: Everything that has to do with cumming):
Daryl doesn't come inside you (whether you're a man or a woman). He knows the risks all too well and therefore only comes on your body or in a condom. At first he always pulled out before he came, but sometimes he stole condoms from Glenn.
D(irty Secret):
I'll go with the classics and say that Daryl has often imagined fucking you on his motorcycle. He would simply drive out with you, somewhere where you are alone and where it is safe, and then he would fuck you on the motorcycle. Daryl also sometimes felt more comfortable outside of the group, after all, he spent half of his childhood outside, in nature.
E(xperience: How much experience do they have?):
I don't think Daryl has no experience at all. After all, he had Merle as a brother and he either talked about sex or drugs. (Sometimes maybe some racist things too, I don't know-). So he knows the basics, but he's open to knowing more.
F(avourite position: In which position do they like to fuck you the most?):
Daryl actually likes almost any position, but he prefers the positions where he can see your face. He wants to see your face change, twist with pleasure. That just turns him on even more. So if he had to choose, it would be either missionary or cowgirl. Since Daryl also likes to touch you, he always wants to touch your thighs or ass, massage them, or sometimes even pinch them.
G(oofy: Are they humorous?):
Daryl isn't humorous in other situations, so why is he humorous during sex? He thinks that sex is something special between two people and he doesn't want to ruin it, especially with you. Besides, Daryl would be too caught up in the lust and the feeling that he wouldn't even think about being humorous.
H(air: Are they shaved?):
Pfff, please- Daryl doesn't cut his hair, so why should he shave his body? If it really bothers you that he has pubic hair, he'll trim his hair a little, but that's all he does. He doesn't understand the point of it. And of course, Daryl doesn't care if you´re shaved or not. You should do what you feel comfortable with. "Ya think a lil' hair can scare me awa'? I kill fuckin' walker, darlin´…"
I(ntimacy: Are they romantic during the sex?):
Unfortunately, Daryl doesn't know much about how to be really romantic during sex… He once asked Carol for advice, but he didn't really learn anything from it. But he tries to make you feel good and comfortable. He kisses you passionately, sometimes lights a few candles to make the atmosphere more romantic, and he also gives you flattering compliments.
J(erk off: Do they masturbate a lot?):
Daryl never saw sex and masturbation as necessary. Before he had you, he masturbated maybe once a month, and even since he had you, you haven't had sex very often. When you were just friends, however, he had put his hand on you more often (maybe once a week, or so-).
K(ink: What turns them on?):
Daryl loves getting compliments. He may not be good at taking them, but when you compliment him on how good he makes you feel or how good he looks- dude, this man goes crazy!
L(ocation: Where do they prefer to do it?):
Even though Daryl sometimes dreams of fucking you on his motorcycle, he prefers it when you two have sex in a private room. So his bedroom or your bedroom.
M(otivation: What puts them in the mood?):
Daryl gets a turn on when you can fight or defend yourself. I think everyone can agree with me when I say that Daryl likes people who are strong and can survive in the nature, so when he sees you hunting for food or killing a walker, he feels a little tingle in his lower abdomen.
N(o: What would they never do?):
Besides the fact that he would never hurt you, Daryl would never fuck you in public. He would love to do it with you in the deep woods, but not in Alexandria behind your house or on the walls. It would be far too uncomfortable and embarrassing for him if someone caught you two. In the deep woods, Daryl can at least see everything clearly and he also knows places that hardly anyone would pass by.
O(ral: Do they prefer to give or to receive?):
Daryl prefers to give it to you. Not that he doesn't enjoy it when you give him a blowjob, but your well-being is his number one priority.
P(ace: How fast do they like it?):
For Daryl, it depends on the mood. If you had a romantic evening and everything was relaxed, you have slow and passionate sex. But if you both really want to let off steam, you have hard and fast sex.
Q(uickie: Their opinion about quickies?)
Even if Daryl doesn't enjoy them, he accepts that you sometimes have to have them. He is an important part of the group and therefore doesn't always have time for sex. But he prefers it when you can take your time with sex.
R(isk: Do they sometimes take risks?):
No, no, no, no! Be it the risk of being caught by walkers or by humans, he wants to avoid both.
S(tamina: How is the stamina?):
Daryl has very good stamina, but he sticks to your stamina when it comes to sex. He could definitely last 4 rounds, maybe more. (Depending on his mood, sometimes more.)
T(oy: Do they use toys?):
Daryl doesn't understand the point of a toy. He also doesn't see the point in risking his life for a plastic dildo or vibrator. He can satisfy you just as well, if not even better.
U(nfair: Do they tease you sometimes?):
Daryl really wants to make you feel as good as he feels, but sometimes he changes his pace from fast and hard to slow and gentle. He enjoys the way your face twists in frustration, but he also quickly releases you by changing his pace from slow and gentle to fast and hard again.
V(olume: How loud are they?):
Daryl just growls and sighs quietly. On very rare occasions he whimpers loudly, but these moments are very rare. If you want him to be louder during sex, you will unfortunately have to talk to him about it.
W(ild card: A random headcanon about them):
Daryl loves it when you give him attention. But not too much and not in public. Play with his hair, massage his shoulders, kiss his face or just sit with him and hug him tightly. He then feels incredibly comfortable and loved and very often you end up having sex. Plus points if you hold him close to you during sex or gently pull on his hair.
X(x-rey: How long are they down there?):
Nah, now... let´s be serious... I have seen many, MANY pictures where you can clearly see that he is not small! His dick is probably 8 inches long (20 cm), very thick around the base and he also has some strong veins that you can see when there is a lot of blood flow through them.
Y(earining: How high is their sexual drive?):
Not very high. Daryl has a way of accumulating everything. He could survive several months without sex and have no problems, but as soon as you become sexually active again, he lets it all out.
Z(zzz: How fast do they fall asleep after it?):
Daryl never falls asleep after sex. He takes care of you, makes you comfortable, and then watches you sleep or goes back to work.
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noellefan101 · 10 months
Your First Date-Genshin pt 3
Characters: Lyney, Freminet, Wriothesley, Neuvillette, Alhaitham x gn reader
Summary: Your first date with them,
Warnings: lyney flirting, tea
Note: omg im finally done, i really liked writing these tho, ye thats all i have to say school literally destroyed my brain, love you
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he would definitely preform a TON of magic tricks during your first date, both romantic, some are just pretty to look at and then there´s the brother-you're-just-embarrassing-yourself magic tricks
: said ever so kindly by Lynette
wouldn't make your date as public as his shows, since he wants to share the moments and magic tricks with you only
(+ Lynette, Fremi and "father" if she asked him so, but yk, they're only made for you)
after he had given you more rainbow roses than you could ever count to, he set out some homemade goods, like cookies, a cake, cupcakes(whatever you lik)
(in which he definitely didn´t spend a few days learning to make)
overall 10/10 (if you dont ask lynette, she had to leave bc of the amount of secondhand embarrassment(she was there at the start)) and it was enjoyable for u.
yes, you would be underwater for your first date, but if you really don´t like it(yet)he can just take you some other time
^^but he would prefer to show take you on your first
[and yes, Lyney and Lynette (+his other siblings at home)did bet on when he would finally confesses and take you on a date]
he would let you wear his diving helmet if you really wanted to, but he would also just wear it if he felt embarrassed, or wanted to tell you a story (most likely abt pers)
he aslo ended up showing you a few of his mechanics(robots?)
and showed you some works in progresses other people haven´t seen, other than him and pers ofc
he would drink tea with you in his office
^^maybe Sigewinne baked you something too,
but you mainly drank tea and just talked the whole time
(bro likes tea so much, someone pls make him shut up abt it)
well other than showing you and talking about his (absolutely massive) tea collection (and cake/bakery(sry))
if he´ll ever let you talk, ofc he will(its a very unfunny joke), he´ll listen to you for as long as you´d want to talk
you also laughed a little when he told about how melusines and stickers dont work well
and he liked seeing and hearing your laugh, so he might go for a date number two
he would take you out to a fancy restaurant or he would just sit and talk with you somewhere more private
but maybe include a Melusine passing by here and there, checking on you both or for some work-related reasons (that they then put off, just a little, when seeing you both together)
i imagine that you would try some different types of water with him, by his request, and tried your dam best to find a difference.
but he would also get you any kind of drink, dessert or food you´d like
all in all its pretty easy bonding with him, and he just likes being beside you and spending time with you
he would take you to a quiet cafe where you could sit in peace, since he doesn´t like loud places and want you two to be alone for the most part
he would pay 100% he doesn't even give you a chance to try and pay for anything (he´s nice when he wants to be)
he definitely brought a book with him to read(+ one for you) and would either let you talk while he reads a "little", or he would just read out loud so you know what kind of books he likes
he´s not good at doing any kind of romantic things, but he did try and do something
that including:
taking you out on the date later in the evening so he later could show you the stars, and point out some constellations
asking your friends (and maybe family) what you like food-wise, so he knows what kind of place he should have in mind when picking the place of your date
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thank you for reading i don´t think i´ll make any more of these, but if you want it i´ll do it, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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theowlwrites · 8 months
What’s with that attitude?
Melissa Schemmenti x F!Reader
Summary: Mellisa and Reader have been married for a few years, and the decide to start a family. The story will follow the pregnancy + some other scenarios with the baby. Hopefully I can turn this into a little series.
This is my first time posting my work, so im excited, but also very nervous haha. Hope you like it.
Warnings: A little bit of swearing, and some fluff.
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You will never forget the day when you found out you were pregnant. Mel and you had been trying for almost a year, and after what felt like a thousand pregnancy test taken in the dark and coldness of your bathroom floor, that time was different.
8 months earlier
Melissa wasn´t home just yet. She was driving the fastest she could. You just left early, just sended her a text message that didn´t explain why, she was worried.
For some reason, that past week you´ve been easily irritable, but today you exaggerated a bit.
In the morning, while Melissa was driving the both of you to school, you have complained about Mel breathing “to hard”.
“You don´t have to make that much noise” you said in a very harsh tone. Mel just gave you a look, and kept driving (and breathing just as she has been doing her whole live). ”Im asking nicely, just breath a little more quietly”
“That’s asking nicely?” Melissa dares to reply to your complain, and immediately regretted it.
“Im just saying” your tone higher than before “I´ve asked you several times to not breath that hard because It irritates me a lot, and you simply don´t care” suddenly you felt the urge to start crying, to scream, to get out of the car and start running. You really don´t understand where all this fellings are coming from.
“Oh c´mon, what’s with that attitude? You don’t like the way I breath, the way I chew my food, the way I drink coffee. Please tell me what I´m allowed to do in your presence my love, please enlighten me” Melissa´s voice was also higher that before, and full of sarcasm. It is very rare when Melissa burst out like this, and especially towards you. She actually never talk to you in bad way or anything, and usually saves this part of her personality to people that she doesn´t like, so that she was directing it towards you this time, was more than enough for your tears to flow.
“I want to get out” you said in a shaky voice, you were crying. Mellissa’s face immediately softening, putting her hand on your thigh.
“C´mon darling, Im sorry, I didn´t mean to talk to you like that … I just don´t know why you are being like this lately” You know she meant it, and you also knew that you were exaggerating, but you couldn´t help it.
“I want to get out …. Please” you said again in a calmer voice. “I don´t want to get to school like this” You pointed to your face, your eyes red and a little bit swollen for the crying. “Please” Melissa looked at you one more time, and nodded her head. She puled over at the side of the street. It was only 3 blocks to school. You started gathering your stuff, and before you opened the door, you turned around and kissed Melissa on the cheek.
“Im sorry ... im okay, we are okay, I just need to calm down” she gave you a quick kiss on the lips and nodded. She was preoccupied about you. It had been a hard month, you both were going through a lot, but still, all this attitude, all the fights you have had over nonsense, were really getting out of control.
“Please be careful, call me if you need anything”
That whole day at school, you didn´t see Melissa. In part because you felt embarrassed for your behavior earlies, but also, you have been feeling a little sick, you just wanted to stay sitting in you classroom. During the day, you have been texting each other. Just to let her know when you arrived at school, and then to let her know you were not going to the teacher’s room for lunch. Melissa didn´t argue, she understands you needed space, and to be honest, she needed it as well.
It was already 1 pm, just tow more hours till school was over, but you really couldn´t pull your self together. You were dizzy, with nauseas, and a headache.
Your kids were coloring, the have been doing it for the last hour, they have been pretty quiet and well behave, leaving you a little peace of mind to try to calm your symptoms and also to think about the emotional mess you have been lately.
Then, an idea crossed your mind.
You shook your head, it couldn’t be.
It has been a little more than a month and the doctor said that after three weeks it was very unlikely to happen.
After the first let down Mel and you had 6 months ago, both of you decided to give it one last chance. You were both very excited and hopeful, but 2 weeks after the procedure you had a little bleeding. You went to the gynecologist who said that, sadly, you weren’t pregnant.
Melissa was your rock, but even behind all that toughness you could see that she was devastated. That night you both didn’t even bother to go to bed, you just stayed on the couch, hugging each other, traying to calm your sobbing and making up to the idea that you were not going to start a family any time soon.
So the idea of being pregnant now, was very unlikely. But what if it was not a crazy idea?
You kept debating inside your head whether you should take a pregnancy test or save yourself from another disappointment. Fuck it. You were going to take the risk.
It was 1:30. You asked Barbara, the other kinder garden teacher to take care of your class for the remaining of the day, you explained to her that you weren’t felling very well and wanted to go home as soon as possible. You also begged her not to tell Melissa. Barbara wasn´t very sure of it, but knowing you for several years now, and being married to her best friend made it easier for her to trust you, therefore, help you in this situation.
You took an UBER, on the way home, you texted Melissa <<Im going home on my own, so you don´t have to wait for me on your way out>>  You barely remember when you got home, and how you went to the upstairs bathroom to pee on that too familiar little stik.
The sound of a notification forced you took look to your phone, It was Melissa <<What??? You okay?>>. You just answered with a <<Yes, Im fine, don’t worry>>
It was already 2:40, you had no idea how it was already that late and still you couldn´t look at the pregnancy test results. Instead, you peed on another one, and another one, until you had like 10 pregnancy test on the bathroom cabinet, covered with toilet paper so you couldn´t look at the negative result and feel disappointed once again.
You were sitting on the floor, with your arms crossed, with your head between your knees. You didn’t listen when the front door opened, or when hurry steps approached to the bathroom, much less did you hear the voice calling your name. It was until the redhead came to the bathroom, opening the door a little aggressively. She looked worried. She kneel in front of you, taking you hands into hers.
“My love, come on, what on earth is going on?” She started caressing your hair.
“I did something very stupid, and didn’t want to tell you because I don´t want to hurt you” You started crying. Melissa´s face harden and put some space between the both of you, thinking the worst.
“You cheat on me?” Your eyes widened. 
“No Mel… God, no” you clean your tears, and took her hands into yours once again, feeling how she relaxed at your touch “I… took another pregnancy test” It took Melissa a moment to say something back.
“Why?” She sat next to you, back against the wall, hugging you with one arm. “I mean…It´s okay, thank you for telling me… but what made you do it?”
“I felt sick, and I have been an emotional mess, getting angry for everything, crying at the slightest situation…” You sight. “I felt that I needed to do it” Melissa was quiet for a moment, she noticed the pregnancy test in top of the sink cover with toilet paper.
“Have you looked at the results?” You shook your head. “Would you like to look at it together?”
“No” You answered quickly. “I know is negative, it is just my mind playing tricks” you start crying again. Melissa hugs you, starting to cry as well. “Just throw them all away.., please baby”
Melissa nodded. She helped you get on you feet and guided you to the bed, were you laid looking at the celling, waiting for Melissa to come back from the task you have assigned her.
Mel went inside the bathroom, letting her tears run free know that you weren’t there. She doesn´t mind being vulnerable in front of you, she just feels the need of being strong for you.
She took the trash can with one hand, with the intention of just throw all the pregnancy test to the bin without looking at them, but she just can´t help it. She picks up a test, closing her eyes and sighing. She rises her hand to the level of her face, and opens her eyes.
She picks another one, and another one, and another one. Positive. “Oh my god, sweetheart” It´s all she managed to say, better said, to scream. At the sound of your wife screaming, you rushed into the bathroom. “They are all positive love, you ARE pregnant, we are going to have a baby” Mel showed you the pregnancy test on her hand.
Two stripes.
Next thing you remember, you were crying happy tears, while Mellissa hugged you, kissed you, and of course kissed your belly.
After a while. you are lying in bed, with Mellissa hugging you, with one hand on your stomach.
“So this little bean here is to blame for the attitude I´ve been having all week” Mellissa just laughs. “I´m sorry love, I should have suspected earlier”
“Oh, forget about that, I mean… I was a little freaked out with everything that was going on, but now” She kissed you belly once again “All that matters is that this little bean and you, are okay”
“And you too” You add, running you fingers though Mel´s hair “I can´t do this without you”
Mel moved to be facing you. “I´ll always be around for you tow” She kissed you on the lips. “I´m not gonna lie, feels a little challenging having a kid at my age, but” You cut her off, she usually has this little break downs about her being too old for you, or too old for having a baby.
“There´s nothing wrong with your age, I think you have a perfect age, actually, it is one of the things I love the must about you” You begin to trace with your finger the expression lines that form on Melisa's forehead. “You are beautiful, the most beautiful woman I´ve ever seen… And you are going to be an excellent mother” You kissed her forehead.
“I love you” She says hugging you even tighter, trying not to squeeze your belly. “You are going to be an excellent mother as well.”
“We make a great team Schemmenti, we are going to take good care of this little bean”
She hums in responds and in one quick move stands up from the bed, and extends her hand towards you. “Speaking of which, you need to eat, c´mon. That bean ain´t gonna grow on its own” You smiled at her and took her hand, letting her guide you towards the kitchen. On boy, you have to get ready for overprotective Mellissa. But you don’t really mind, you loved seeing her happy and excited. Your only concern right now is to take care of your pregnancy, and enjoy this whole process with the love of your life. ​
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unholybacon355 · 9 days
I tawt I taw a puddy tat!
Chaeryeong x G!P Yeji
Word Count: 4.2k
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A/N: Another story I wrote a long time ago (almost three years ago). I'm posting it here now because I haven't been able to write anything new because adult life keeps me busy, and don´t wanna let you for months without posting another story. Finally as I always say, I hope you enjoy it.
Yeji was on all fours on the living room carpet, but not trying to pick something up from under the couch or to exercise. It was actually because of something more wicked and mischievous at the same time, partly because of the outfit she was wearing. She was wearing thigh-high stockings, which had sponges like those cats have on the soles of their feet, a thong that was barely able to cover her penis, and which at the back opened into two straps; giving free access to her ass. And right on her butt she wore a plug in the shape of a feline tail. On her chest was something that looked more like a strap than a bra, it was just thick enough to cover only her nipples. The hairstyle and makeup also perfectly emulated a cat, accentuating her already feline features, in addition to the fact that she had grown her nails to be of a more catlike length. And of course there was the necklace she wore around her neck.
Of black leather and covered with velvet by the part that touched the skin of the sweet neck of the girl. The collar has spikes that protrude outward, but ended in a blunt point so as not to harm anyone. And in the center of the necklace a ring, to which a thin metallic chain was attached; a chain that ended in Chaeryeong's hands.
The younger girl was sitting cross-legged on the couch, watching carefully as the other girl licked and sucked on one of her milk-soaked feet. Next to them on the floor was a plate with milk, in which every so often Chaer would put one of her feet to cover it again; and thus give her kitten more to eat. Yeji meanwhile avidly cleaned everything she could, while from time to time emitting little purrs to show her mistress that she was enjoying it.
“Hmm, you're being a good kitty. That's right, clean it all up. " She put her foot back on the plate and when she lifted it, she watched with amusement as the older one ran her tongue from the heel to the tip of her toes, to catch a rebellious drop. The girl knew that if she stained the carpet she would be punished, and that was what she wanted the least now. All she could think about at this moment was enjoying her feet that she kindly offered to her, and how she would be rewarded if she left them clean.
"Kitten, do you want a prize? You've been good so you deserve it. " Chaer asked, removing her foot from the pet's mouth. All the girl gave in response was a meow, which she interpreted as an affirmation. So Chaer threw a towel to the kitty to dry her feet, and when she had finished she pulled on her chain to get her closer to her, staying between her legs now open. "You want this?" She asked her gently, patting between her crotch barely covered by her underwear.
All Yeji did was open her eyes eagerly and shake her head in affirmation. She was going to play her role perfectly, not for nothing had she spent hours putting on makeup and dressing for the occasion. No, she wasn't going to screw it up; and she was not going to speak unless her mistress told her expressly.
At the expression of the kitten, Chaer raised her hips, allowing the pet to take the thong by the straps and slide it down her thick thighs, until she brought it to the ground. Then she lifted her right leg and put it on the elder's shoulder. "Come." It was all she needed to say to get the pet to lick her lips before starting to place little kisses on her left thigh. Yeji adored the girl's thick and perfect thighs, she loved watching her dance and watching her move them. Every time they were on stage it was difficult for her not to admire her, as if she were a goddess to worship. But what she was really worshiping at that moment was the perfect sight she had in front of her. Chaer's beautiful lips parted slightly for her, radiating warmth from her anticipation. The small clit swollen with the hot blood that ran through her entire body, and a patch of hair neatly trimmed in a triangle.
Slowly the kisses approached the center, where, thanks to the caresses, the girl's natural humidity began to be present. She then placed a soft kiss on her lips, before tracing her vulva from the bottom up with the tip of her tongue; as if she were a kitten grooming her mistress. Immediately the musky taste and pleasant aroma of Chaeryeong flooded her senses, clouding her mind and causing her to lose some of her self-control. So she plummeted to eagerly devour the sweet delicacy that the girl was offering her.
She only used her hands to caress the girl's fleshy thighs, since the center was skillfully attended to by her tongue; and she didn't need more to drive her crazy. Judging by the moans coming out of the younger’s mouth, Yeji's abilities were more than enough to make her touch the sky. The kitten traveled the entire vulva with her tongue, without forgetting any corner. Her lips were well cared for, and the sensitive bundle of nerves that was her clitoris never failed to receive its dose of pleasure from her. The sweet nectar that emanated from the girl was greedily devoured by the older woman, but even so her fluid began to run down her chin.
"Yes, like this." She was able to say between moans "A-a li-little faster. I-I will cum in your face. ”The order was given and Yeji obeyed it instantly in order to receive her second reward of the night. She increased the pace of her frantic licking and accelerated her pace now using her entire mouth to devour the girl sitting on the couch. The leg around her neck tensed and pulled her closer, and the girl began to lift her hips to get more friction; that's when she really knew that her mistress's first orgasm was near.
With no other warning that a louder and longer moan than the previous Chaeryeong came on Yeji's face. Not even with her mouth attached to the minor's vagina, she wasn’t able to catch all the nectar that she threw. Thick drops collected all over her face and slowly fell down her neck. She began to meow loudly as a sign of thanks, because she really loved that part of the sex, while her mistress kept panting and trying to control the spasms that still engulfed her.
“MEEEEOOOOWW !! MEEOOOOOW !! " It was all the kitten said to let it be known that she was grateful for the prize she had been given. Then her mistress pulled on the chain and she knew what was next. She climbed up the couch, and across Chaer's naked body to go kiss the girl's neck. Little by little it began to rise to the chin and then to the pair of eager lips that waited for her to share the nectar, because if for Yeji and Chaer there was something in life that was worth sharing, that was the delicious taste of the minor. The kiss was passionate from the first moment, as was usual between those two when sharing such a precious delicacy. They needed each other and sought the delicious flavor at each other's wedding, and for a second they forgot the perverted game they were playing. They stopped being the kitten and her mistress, to become two lovers who only tried to devour each other in an endless kiss. But everything has to come to an end at some point, and the girls had to part with gasping for air.
The youngest bit her lip and now it was she who, after a moment's hesitation, reached for the pet's neck to kiss the skin that the collar left exposed. With the hand that was not holding the chain she opened the clasp of the bra, freeing the small but firm breasts of the older. She then began to caress them and trace circles over the hardened nipples, as they kissed again. She was an indulgent mistress and she knew that her kitten deserved all kinds of rewards for making her feel so good, for making her came in that way. But she knew that wasn't enough, for she clearly could feel a bulge pricking her stomach.
Yeji was straddling the younger, and her hard erection was stabbing into her stomach. Her thong barely contained the girl's hard cock in an almost painful way, so Chaer untied the straps at her sides and took it off. Releasing her erection to stain the girl's abdomen with precum. The kitten's arousal was so evident that now a small thread of semen connected the younger's stomach with the older's hard cock.
Without saying anything, as the words were superfluous between them at that moment, she wrapped her fingers around her hard shaft and began to pump slowly. The moans and meows were immediate. Yeji liked what she was feeling and she let the other girl know. They reconnected her mouths in a kiss, while she increased the pace on the erection. She knew the pet would last even less than her, she could tell by the way her shaft throbbed, by how the blood pumped harder and harder under her firm grip. The way the girl squirmed and moaned, even when they were kissing. She wasn't going to last much longer, and she was determined to make it last even less.
She broke the kiss and instantly she could see in the girl's eyes that she needed her and wanted her lips back, but instead she preferred to tease her a bit. "You like it? Are you enjoying it? " She asked with a smile on her face. “Do you enjoy it, pathetic little pet? I know you love how I touch you, I can feel how hard you get. I know you want to come, I know you want to throw your cum on me. " The words were clearly fulfilling her objective, as the cock seemed about to explode “MEEEOOOOWW !! MEOOOOOW !! " She meowed again in response, for she knew that even under these circumstances she was not allowed to speak. But she clearly believed that she was getting more than she deserved for being the girl's personal pet. Maybe for her being the pet was the real prize.
“I allow it for this time. I want you to throw your load on me, ”To tell the truth the rhythm with which she was moving her hand was getting a bit erratic as she was starting to get tired, but she was not going to abandon her kitten in a moment like this. She stood her ground and even increased the sway as much as possible, because she knew she would soon be done. That was for sure because the pet had hidden its face in her mistress's neck, where she was still meowing and moaning in equal measure. And just as she had only moaned louder when she came, Yeji gave a meow longer than the previous ones and started squirting semen on Chaeryeong. Thick traces of the slimy substance found their way to the girl's chest, covering her brown nipples and beginning to trickle down to her abdomen. But even so, he did not let go of her shaft, nor did he stop masturbating her until she had completely overcome the horgasm. Then she brought her hand to her mouth and wiped the drops of semen that had dripped between her fingers with her tongue. The taste was sweet, because the girl took care of her feeding her in order to obtain that flavor, it was nothing more than a small detail for her mistress.
"Look what you did. Now you should clean it. " That was not a suggestion and Yeji knew it. So she turned her face away from the girl's sweaty neck and without dismounting her legs, she bent down to clean all the semen that she herself had spilled. Her tongue tickled Chaer wherever she passed, making her wince at the pet's licks and hickeys. But even so she didn't stop cleaning it. She made sure her abdomen and breasts were clear of any trace of her seed, taking perhaps more care than was allowed on her nipples. Big brown nipples that hardened like rocks at the dance of her tongue, but she loved them that way. She loved sucking them and feeling them in her mouth.
When she was finally convinced that she had cleaned her well she straightened up and opened her mouth sticking her tongue out, to show Chaeryeong the semen that she had collected for her. Then for the second time that night they kissed as if their lives depended on it, also sharing the fluid of one of them. The semen passed from one mouth to another and returned to the previous one, driven by the frenzied dance of tongues that was taking place between them. They enjoyed it, they savored it, they shared it and they swallowed it little by little in almost equal parts. Because if for the minor there was something in life that had to be shared, that was Yeji's semen.
When she had already swallowed all the semen they separated but did not stop looking, her eyes were still fixed on those of the opposite, while they gasped to try to catch their breath. They looked at each other with an almost animal need, but you could still find hidden love behind all that lust and passion. Their bodies were already hot and sweaty, although the night had only just begun for them.
"Go get my toy." Chaer said smiling with a half crooked head. Yeji smiled back at her and got up with little meows, as she knew what was to come was going to be good. Then she went to the bedroom in search of one of her favorite toys, while Chaer watched her shake her butt with the feline grace that characterized her. The chain hung between her breasts and the plug with the tail brushed the walls of her butt, causing her erection to gradually get hard once more.
She came back almost instantly, carrying a bottle of lube in one hand and a strapless strapon in the other. A dildo of considerable size, which had a smaller tip at the other end. Yeji loved that toy because it allowed Chaer, who didn't have a cock like she, to fuck her ass to exhaustion and even beyond it. She couldn't help biting her lip in anticipation of how she was going to feel in a few minutes, or how she was going to be used.
She arrived in front of her lover and knelt in front of her spread legs again, before starting to lick and suck on the smallest tip of the dildo. She made sure to coat it well with saliva and warm it with her breath, before going over Chaeryeong's folds with the toy. She then introduced it into her slippery vagina, earning a moan from her mistress. Who was already ready to give her the final award. Or maybe it was Chaer's reward, you could never be sure with the two of them. The only unquestionable truth was that she loved to fuck Yeji's ass in every position she could, and that Yeji loved that too.
"You already know what to do. Where do you want it?" At least the pet could normally choose where and how it was to be fucked. So she handed the lubricant to her mistress, and without further ado she turned around and, moving a bit away, got on all fours right there. Tonight she wanted it on the soft carpet in the living room, but she was still aware that if they stained it she was going to receive punishment.
A sudden movement in the plug pulled her out of her thoughts, her toy was slowly being removed. With care of her Chaer was withdrawing it little by little, because the girl's ass had adjusted around the toy that had already been inside her for a couple of hours. When it was finally out of her she felt empty, and somewhat vulnerable without her tail; she didn't like to lose her feline look when they were playing. After all she had prepared a lot for the occasion, and she didn't want anything to ruin it. But she, too, knew that soon her tail would be replaced by something bigger, and that she was going to enjoy it even more.
"God, your butt looks so perfect like this ... So delicious ..." Chaer approached her pet's ass and in the same way that she had eaten it, began to lick from the scrotum to the girl's anus. Until she concentrated on savoring her lover's delicious ass, drawing little circles with her tongue and pressing the tip of it into her wrinkled opening. Chaer certainly loved the sweet taste of that ass, and she didn't mind eating it even though it was sweaty after practice; or clean and perfumed like now. All she wanted was to immerse herself in the taste and aroma of her kitten to make her as wet as possible, before using that ass in a different way. When she was finally satisfied and her hunger was sated, she spread a generous amount of lubricant on the area; before also smearing the part of the dildo that protruded from it.
"Open more for me." Chaeryeong wanted her open and surrendered, and that was what she was going to get from her as the obedient pet rested her chest on the floor and used her hands to spread her buttocks from her. Seeing her offer herself in that way, the child aligned the toy with Yeji's entrance and pressed a little, then moved away from her and pressed again. The first time she encountered some resistance, but then the toy's head came in aided by the lubricant. She then began to draw and insert the tip, observing how the anus remained open for a few seconds when the toy was out of her; and then it would slowly close again. So she was getting used to it until the false phallus could enter and exit without problem, then the real fun began.
Chaer took her pet by her hip and pushed the toy deeper and deeper into her. And when finally her pelvis collided with Yeji's buttocks she stayed like that for a moment, before backing away and starting to fuck that wonderful ass. The toy filled the kitten so well and its walls fitted so perfectly, it seemed as if it had been created for the sole purpose of penetrating her ass specifically. The thick phallus obeyed Chaer's movements by following her swaying, despite having no straps. But the truth was that she did not need them, because the tip that was inside her, the smallest, was all she needed to cling to her flesh. In addition, in this way both shared the pleasure, since Yeji's ass was filled and the thrusts made the toy vibrate inside Chaer's vagina. So she could also reach orgasm by fucking her pet's ass. Truly much better than a normal strapon, but not as a real dick.
Yeji could feel how the walls of her rectum fitted perfectly to the dimensions of the toy, as her flesh seemed to suck every inch with ravenous hunger. She wanted this with a growing fervor that made her seem almost insatiable, and the truth was that she could remain being fucked by Chaer for hours as it was a pleasure for her to serve her mistress. And at the same time for the youngest it was a pleasure to fuck her kitten as much as she could.
By now Yeji had released her buttocks and was now gripping the carpet with both hands, as if that would help her to resist the force of the thrusts. She could feel her entire body tremble with each blow, her chest being pressed more and more against the soft carpet each time Chaer lunged against her. All that was heard at that moment was the sound of sex, the slapping of bodies colliding, the moans and meows of both girls. They were both covered in sweat and agitated as they could, both were sore in different places but for the same reason, and both could feel their climax approaching.
Chaer took a firm grip on Yeji's hard cock and began to jerk it off, barely missing a beat. By the way her phallus throbbed and her blood pumped inside her, she could easily tell that the kitten was about to come again, so she began to masturbate her again. But they had to be careful, if she stained the carpet they would be caught, and that does not benefit either of them. So she wrapped her fingers around the tip of her phallus, ready to receive the load, and continued to masturbate her to the rhythm of her thrusts.
Certainly, even if they didn't want to stain the carpet, it was too late, since a while ago Yeji had started to drool like the cat that she was; and now a small patch of saliva had formed near her mouth. She knew she was going to be punished for it when her mistress found out, but that maybe did nothing but turn her on. She might be forbidden to wear underwear for a while, and she would have to go everywhere trying to hide the erection that Chaer would make sure she got, or if she was lucky she would make her wear a plug for a whole day. But all those thoughts drifted from her mind as she began to feel the more erratic thrusts, as the pumping on her cock became less constant to a stop. She then knew that it was her turn to act hers.
Yeji began to move her hips, synchronizing her movements with the minor's thrusts, and at the same time fucking her hand. She could clearly feel her toy pressing against her gut, and that only made her even harder. The pressure on her prostate was already beyond human limits, so with one last thrust on Chaer's hand she exploded. The semen gushed out again from the tip of her cock, and this time it accumulated in the hand of her mistress, who did not let a single drop escape her. And while she was still coming shaking she moved her ass back as hard as she could.
That last shivering movement from Yeji was what Chaer needed to climax as well. The vibrations from her toy inside her were too much to hold on, so she didn't hold it back any longer. She stuck her hips to Yeji's ass as much as she could, making the toy completely disappear inside both of them, and moaning like crazy she came again. This time she did not squirt like the previous occasion, but her honey began to drip down her thighs threatening dangerously to reach the carpet. Not giving herself time to collect herself before she started to move again she flopped back, coming out of Yeji's ass. The toy came out of the rectum of the older girl making a sucking noise, and leaving her irritated anus open for a few seconds; then Yeji collapsed onto her side, panting as if she were a bitch instead of a cat.
Now Yeji was lying on the rug and Chaer was sitting with her back on the sofa. They were both covered in sweat and panting like they had run a marathon, but they also had huge smiles on their lips. They were both sore and their muscles burned in many places, but they couldn't stay that way forever. Chaer put her hand full of semen to her mouth and cleaned it as best she could. The idea of sharing the slimy substance again was tempting, but she decided to swallow it in its entirety because she loved to feel Yeji's semen inside her body.
And so still aching and panting, they struggled to their feet and began to collect their things in silence. Chaer with her toy still inside her, and Yeji with her ass on fire from the hard fuck she had received. The latter she stared at the milk plate she was holding "Lia is going to kill us if she finds out what we did with her milk." She finally spoke to the kitten for the first time since she had started all this game hours before. Then they both looked at each other and laughed together before barely heading for the shower.
"You know" Yeji said once they reached the bathroom. "It's a shame to waste all this milk .." And without warning she threw it on the chest of a surprised Chaeryeong. The liquid covered her breasts and began to fall down her abdomen, mixing with her sweat, and finally reaching to the floor. "Whoops! Now I'm going to have to clean up this mess. " And with a wide smile the kitten started licking her mistress once more.
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smutzslxt · 9 months
WANNA BE YOURS |S.Geto, S.Gojo x Fem!reader
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�� Sypnosis:Since you told Satoru and Suguru that you are going to a date, they tease you about not having any experience.So after a long day with them teasing you, they made a offer to help you.
ꨄ Pairing: Satoru Gojo,Suguru Geto x fem!reader
ꨄ WC:1.512
ꨄ rated: mature, 18+, mdni
ꨄ CW: heavy smut, dom!gojo, dom!geto, threesome, blowjob, pussy eating,the characters are over 20,pet names (Angel,good girl, baby)
ꨄA/N: This is part I and also my first post! I hope you enjoy it.
“Angel how do you think you will satisfy his needs if you don’t have any experience“ your roommate and also close friend Satoru Gojo asked you while sitting on the dinner table with your other roommate and also close friend Suguru Geto.
“its our first date Satoru I don’t think he wants to have sex on the FIRST date“you answered him and looked at Suguru for a little help.
You would always help Suguru in situations like that but he made no move to rescue you from the awkward conversation with his best friend.“Why are you looking at me like that,Angel?I think he has a good point“finally he said something, but nothing that could stop this weird conversation.
And what the hell did he mean with ´he has a good point’.Why would you sleep with someone on the very first date, there is absolutely no way you would sleep with this guy when you don’t even know each other well, plus you are a virgin so you would like your first time to be special and unforgettable.But it seems like your good friends don´t understand you.“Why would I sleep with a guy I just met.You guys know that I´m a  fucking virgin“
“Does he know that“Gojo asked and you just slightly shook your head.“Oh so what if he wants to have sex and your going to cock-block him.Poor guy“Both of them acted mean towards you that’s why you just stood up without saying anything else and decided to go to your room and cancel the date.
But at the moment you walked past the still sitting Satoru,he took your hand and didn’t let go.“I´m just saying that If you need help to gain experience we are more than just willing to help you,Angel“you needed a moment to think about what he just said.Your eyes found Sugars brown ones, he looked at you serious ,waiting for your response.
“With help you mean you tell me stuff that I need to know about sex or…“Satoru laughed while his diamond blue eyes stared at you.How could someone be so pure and innocent like you.“No angel with help we mean to show you stuff you must know about sex like foreplay and how to make the man feel good“.
The hand which still had a hold onto your way smaller one pulled you towards him.Your body didn’t fight it but your mind did.It was definitely not the right thing to do because you knew them since forever but somehow your body thought otherwise.When Gojo pulled you onto his lap ,you didn’t fight it.
“So do you want us to show you“ both of them looked at you with a grin on their faces. Your fingers were still on your lap, too shy to touch him with your hands.
"Come on baby don’t make us wait." Suguru stood up from his chair and walked towards you. He got down on his knees in front of you and looked at you with his soul piercing eyes. Satoru's hands lingered on your waist while Suguru's hands rested on your knees.
"Just nod," Satoru said behind you, blowing air gently inside your ear. As if automatically, your head began to nod as if you had no control over it. "Then we'd better start with the simple things like kissing," Suguru's hands, which were still on your bare knees, opened your legs to get a quick glance on your pink thong.
However, this moment was short because as quickly as he had opened your legs, you had closed them again.
"Who should kiss you first, me or Suguru?" Satoru placed soft kisses on your neck as he asked this question. Before you could answer that you didn't care who kissed you, you felt soft lips hit yours.
You didn't have to open your eyes to know who was kissing you. The smell that suddenly surrounded you more than before made you aware that those soft lips belonged to Suguru.
So far you had only kissed Utahime once and that was just to practice, but neither of you had much experience so the kiss wasn't exactly very good.
Your lips moved slightly against his to somehow give him a sign that you are trying your best. His hand came to rest on your neck and your lips separated for a brief moment.
“Open your mouth a little,” he whispered against your lips and not a second later his lips found their way to yours again. You opened your mouth a little just like he had told you. His lips moved against yours and a soft whimper escaped your lips .
His tongue strokes your bottom lip as he continued kissing you like he was starving. "This is unfair," Satoru said loudly behind you, resting his head on your shoulder as he continued to watch the two of you.
He seemed to like it because the hardness pressing against your ass made it obvious. He gently pulled you closer to him so that your back was pressed against his chest.
While he gently circled your hips so that his rock hard cock finally stopped hurting, Suguru's tongue penetrated your mouth and locked you in a passionate but also messy kiss.
Satoru noticed that you started moving your hips on your own and he could swear if you continued to just kiss Suguru he would drag you into his room, slam the door in Suguru's face and fuck you without him.
"You're neglecting me." Suguru separated from you and you both took a deep breath in and out. But before you could take in enough oxygen again, you felt Satoru put his hand on your cheek and turn you in his direction.
However, unlike Suguru, he wasn't gentle ,he kissed you like it was his last wish. His tongue immediately entered your mouth and a soft moan escaped you when you felt Suguru's hand between your legs. In the place you needed them the most right now.
"So how about Satoru teaches you how to suck a dick while I eat your pussy?"Suguru took off your thong with two of his fingers and you noticed him putting it in his pocket.
"Sounds good" Satoru whispered between your kiss as he continued to claim your lips like they belonged only to him. It seemed like he wanted to show Suguru that he could kiss better than him. Which wasn't really true. Both of them kissed incredibly good.
Suguru stood in front of you and pulled you up so that you were standing on your wobbly legs. Behind you, Gojo also stood up and pushed the chair ,that you both said seconds ago, back.
"Don't be afraid, baby," Suguru said as he took off your skirt. When you heard a noise behind you, you saw how Satoru had taken off his pants and was sitting, he had spread his legs and you could see the outline of his erection in his shorts.
You could see how big his cock is.How could that thing fit inside your mouth - unimaginable. "Come on, don't be shy, crawl towards him and make sure you stick your ass in my direction."
Slowly and shyly you turned towards him, got on your knees and crawled towards him until you were right in front of him. Without Satoru saying anything he pulled his shorts down, revealing his big cock. It was probably 10 inches and the opposite of thin.
His hand was now placed on your head as he pushed your it down slightly ,so that you were face to face with his cock. "First start slowly, close your hand around it" and you did as he said, your hand wrapped around his cock and you heard him take a deep breath above you. "Now move it up and down."
You followed his instructions and started stroking his cock. At first you started slowly but over time your hand automatically sped up as you heard the noises he made.
Quiet moans escaped the white-haired man and you could feel how they only made you wetter. "You're doing well. Now take it slowly into your mouth and suck on it." Your mouth closed around his tip and as he told you, you started sucking hard on it, your hands continued to move around his base.You massaged his cock lightly as you circled his tip with your tongue.
Behind you you felt two rough hands closing around your thighs. Hot breath hit your wet pussy.His nose hit your clit while he rubbed his tongue up and down your slit, collecting all the juices that came out of your pussy"If you keep being a good girl and make Satoru finish inside of your sweet little mouth,I will make you cum with my tongue, alright?"
This story is divided into two parts ,this was part on I hope you enjoyed it!
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trutrustories · 11 months
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining) Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta. I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
Soooo EPISODE 1, le´t go: 1)"Mobius It´s me!" few second in and we have slowmo chasing scene with detail on Loki, and Mobius and then THIS Loki´s heartbreaking look on his face here.
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2) "Tell me, you recognize me!" (Loki trying to desperetly find Mobius, and then running towards him) Also If this Time slipping didn´t triggered anything external, but It´s just his own, unlocked power - I honestly don´t know, how they will explain that - does that mean, that he unknowingly unlocked this power, because he was send by Silvie into the past, and then he was simply desperete and Mobius couldn´t recognized him so his body reacted by time slipping to place and time, where Mobius would know who he is???
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3) this very unexpected exhibition of touches (meaning Mobius practicaly glueing himself to Loki for this entire section)
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I´m sorry, but my man here is like "no, I´m not about to let you have a personal space. NOT. AN. OPTION. let me hold you some more" xD
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4) This scene in in an elevator first of all, that was a second time, he slipped and was RIGHT back with Mobius, the very next second. secondly: Mobius being scared for Loki and insisting he needs immediate help thirdly: Loki reassuring Mobius, It´s not that bad.
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also this "we just had sex in a cabin" shot:
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and lastly...
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Big thanks to the film crew for this shot to give us an idea just HOW MUCH OF AN UNUSED SPACE was in the elevator! 👌
5) Mobius and Loki talking to OB. being perfectly coordinated team and smoothly working together, while standing on a same spot, but in a completely different time.
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poetry... just poetry!
6) Distressed God and his Happy Face just so we know: how long is it, since their reunion? Because I would swear that not even five minutes ago Loki was in state of complete panic, and look at him now:
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Look at him smiling, enjoying view at struggling mobius 💚
few minutes with this man, and HE forgets all about his trauma and just vibing.
me too, Loki. Me too 🥲
btw, this thing over here?!!!!
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7) bickering, like married couple, part 1
8) "Mobius if I don´t make it back" and "You´ll make it back". What was it, what where you about to say Loki? It sounded important! next time TALK FASTER!
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9) Mobius risking his life SKIN for loki and refusing to give up on him.
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10) Loki saves Mobius in an epic fashion and they end up in a hug: also they roll around the floor together
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I mean... this whole scene was absolute TOP! So yeah. That was a first episode. before the premiere I was litteraly hoping, that I will see our Loki and our Mobius together at least ONCE, before first end credits. I actually couldn´t believe my own eyes, holy shit!
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justmymindandstuff · 5 months
Why do you write a hatecomment?
Why do so many people write hate messages here? Especially in the Hotd fandom. I just do not understand. I just keep asking myself why? Really why? I've been in different fandoms since I am 13/14, and I've never, nerver seen so much hate as in the Hotd fandom. I don't post much here, but I love checking out other blogs. I have a few posts about HotD on my blog, a few reblogs and a few from myself. I have post for both teams on my blog. And I don´t have a big blog, still, the number of hate messages I receive is unbelievable. All anonym, of course.
I always delete this kind of messages straight away but I'm slowly getting tired of them. I do not get it. Fandoms and Tumblr are for fun. It's a series/book for heaven's sake! I don't understand the intention behind it. Do you think a hate comment makes someone think, oh right, I don't like this character (in this case Aegon)? Or do you just want to hurt other people?
I just don't understand the thought process behind it. Never in my life have I thought to myself after reading a post: Time to write mean things to this person. It's one thing to disagree with someone's opinion. I understand. Everyone has different opinions and likes certain characters more and dislikes certain characters. But is that enough to write mean, hurtful and sometimes threatening words? No! It's worrying how quickly and easily people write mean messages. It's anonym, so no harm. Wrong! You are hurting the people you write these messages to! Don't you realize that behind every blog there is a real person with feelings?
My mother always used to say if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything.
Why is this so difficult for some people?
So please if you don't like something, keep scrolling, block the tags and stop sending hate messages to strangers on the internet.
I'm sorry for the fuss, but I'm getting really tired. It's just not fun and that's what every fandom should be about.
How do you deal with hate messages? Do you just delete them or reply?
Please just be kind to each other. The world is so full of hate and anger. Why do you have to make it worse? Please let us have our little corner of the internet where everyone can love what they love and don't get any hate for it.
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catofadifferentcolor · 5 months
Terrible Fic Idea #87: Percy Jackson, but make it MCU
Look, I didn't want to come up with yet another crazy PJO crossover, but here I am. Because instead of just coming up with the lightest, fluffiest, gayest PJO romance possible - which is what I wanted - I had to turn it into an MCU identity reveal fic too.
Or: What if post-ToA Percy Jackson was Peter Parker's caseworker following Aunt May's untimely death?
Just imagine it:
Tony Stark first meets Percy Jackson in the ICU of Metropolitan General the day after Peter and his aunt are caught in a terrible subway accident. May dies on scene. Even with his advanced healing, Peter is badly injured and taken to the nearest hospital - where it quickly becomes apparent he's Enhanced. It takes about 24 hours for the news to make its way to Tony, who immediately storms the hospital with the intention of taking Peter back to his Tower to heal-
-only to be told Peter's not going anywhere by the social worker assigned to the case.
This is remarkable for many reasons, not the least because the social worker is an unassuming, overworked 27-year-old wearing Finding Nemo socks and a faded Save the Oceans t-shirt. That the case worker - Percy Jackson - stands his ground in the face of Iron Man's wrath is even more remarkable, but Tony is forced to admit the kid has a point: he can't just let someone without any obvious connection to a minor walk off with said minor, particularly when that minor is Enhanced.
It takes Tony a couple days to get his ducks in a row, proving that he is not only able and willing to take in Peter, but is the one his aunt wanted to take care of him in the event something happened to her. During that time he has JARVIS research everything he can on Percy (lives in a Central Park penthouse owned by his long-time boyfriend, a successful music producer; volunteers for a NPO started by his best friend dedicated to restoring the wild; brief stint as the youngest ever on the FBI's most wanted, etc), but finds nothing to suggest he's anything other than a social worker trying to do what's best for his charges.
Percy becomes a semi-regular fixture at the Tower. At first it's just business, checking in on how Peter is doing and facilitating the foster care/adoption paperwork. Later it becomes something akin to friendship, with Percy being utterly unimpressed by Tony's fame but remarkably charmed by his inventions and philanthropic efforts. (He also comes to have strong feelings about the Rogues and their actions during the Civil War once he learns of them, helping Tony to see their betrayal for what it is. This alone makes him one of Rhodey and Pepper's favorite people.)
This goes on for quite some time - though I see this as happening post-CACW, we don't jump straight into the Infinity War, with there being several years wherein the Accords are ratified, the Rogues found and tried for their actions in the Civil War, and for the most part allowed to return to the Avengers on a probationary basis - until Thor finally arrives with news of Thanos' impending arrival.
Only Percy happens to be visiting when Thor arrives and the Avengers naturally have questions after Thor addresses him as Prince Perseus.
The truth of Percy's identity comes out in fits and starts (demigod son of Poseidon, saved the world a couple times, ascended to become God of Heroes, Natural Disasters, and Poison as well as Patron God of New York City; has been dating Apollo since he was fourteen; yes, is actually a social worker, albeit one who takes cases across the country to protect demigods and Enhanced), which is not helped by Thor (who can't help but comment on what he knows of Percy's heroics) or Apollo (who shows up after Percy texts an SOS but can't help but talk up his boyfriend either.)
The Infinity War still happens, albeit rather differently than in canon - perhaps Thanos turns out to be a disgruntled child or sibling of Gaia out for revenge, justifying Greek/Roman interference? But the details don't really matter as much as the identity reveal.
And... that's really all I have with regards to plot. But there should be a lot of character moments leading up to the reveal that hint at who Percy really is but which don't form a coherent narrative until the truth is revealed.
Bonuses include:
The softest, fluffiest romance possible for Apollo and Percy, with the pair more or less falling head over heels at first sight at the start of TTC, having their first kiss at the party at the end of the book, and dating throughout the rest of the Titan War. Apollo goes absolutely batshit insane when Percy goes missing at the start of HOO and breaks out of Olympus to crash the Senate meeting at the end of SoN and check on his boyfriend, and eventually gets made mortal for helping too much during the Giant War. The broad strokes of ToA occur with Percy fighting at his now-mortal boyfriend's side, and Percy ascends to godhood when Apollo regains his. There's some tension (Zeus is not happy about his firstborn son's choice of lover, fearing overthrow; Poseidon fears Apollo will end up breaking Percy's heart, but softens after Percy ascends and his chance of becoming a flower diminishes; many CHB campers think Percy's mad for dating a god, etc) but for the most part it should be as fluffy as circumstances allow.
Percy having been really obvious about his background, but in ways that seem reasonable ("How did you meet your boyfriend?" "I was at a really bad party when a friend ended up calling her brother to pick us up early. I fell in love with his car and then with him.") or like jokes ("Those sea turtles really seem to like you." "I like them too." "I guess they're kind of cute." "Excellent conversationalists too.") until the full truth comes out; and
Thor attempting to make up for blowing Percy's cover in dramatic (and hilarious) ways. This should include the gift of at least one native Asgardian water plant ("Dude, have you never heard of invasive species?") and end in a bakery's worth of Asgardian baked goods.
And that's all I have, though given the way this has been living rent-free in my head all week there may be more. As always feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
More PJO Ideas | More Terrible Fic Ideas
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elllisaaa · 5 months
Hear me out… a fantasy fic about merman Felix x reader
first things first, felix gives out such strong merman vibes, he would look so good swimming in the ocean with his long blond hair omggg i love it ! i've never posted anything about fantasy on this account (yet) so i don't know if many people will enjoy it but i do, soooo much ! let me know if you would like to have a full fic about it maybe ? i'm into this idea i must say…
MERMAN!FELIX and you, a marine biologist, that is very passionate about what you're doing. every new day, you hop on the boat you use to make your samples. since you were a kid, you always loved the sea, maybe because you were living so close to the ocean and spent all your days at the beach. that's how your passion for marine creatures started, so much that you decided to make it your job. and you loved to scuba dive everyday to take notes on the species you're studying. in conclusion, you were doing your dream job and you couldn't be happier.
and you were even happier to go on a month-long study in the middle of the ocean. every night, you stay out to watch the beautiful stars in the sky, loving the way they reflect in the water. for a week, you are unaware of the gaze following your movements each night. and then you see him, particularly his head picking out from underwater, the intense brown eyes watching you intensely. you both jump in surprise when you realize you saw each other. felix doesn't have the courage to come see you that night, so he comes back the next one, but you're not there, and he prays that he didn't scare you away.
three days after your first encounter, you call for him asking : "is someone there ?" you think you're stupid, and that you just hallucinated what you saw. nobody could live in the ocean like that, and mermaids don"t exist. you have a logical mind, and you cannot help but rationalize his existence. it was probably just something you imagined because you were tired. but you see the guy approaching, you can't help the scream that you let out. felix is quick to slap his hand on your mouth, though : " please don't yell, you'll wake them up."
you succeed in calming down a little, but the shiny fish tail you can see underwater brings back every doubt and nervous feelings you had the second just before. "w-what are you ?" - "i'm a merman" he states as if it was obvious, but for you it made you question everything you knew. "but that doesn't exist, it's impossible, i must be dreaming !" - "you're not, i'm real." felix cannot say anything else before you run away.
he doesn't expect you to come back the next day but you are here, waiting for him. "are you okay." - "i just… i just don't understand how you can be real." felix chuckles in a low tone, and you take a propre look at him, at his cheeks covered in freckles and his long blond hair that are starting to dry because of the wind. "i don't know either, i'm here, that's all."
both of you stay silent for a little while. if it wasn't for the fish tail, you could believe that he is only a human. "what's your name ?" - "felix. and you ?" - "y/n". this is nothing, but this is what starts your nightly meetings with the merman.
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hyperfixationgirl · 1 year
Hiiiiii!!! I saw your post about wanting to receive asks/requests so I figured I’ll try to shoot my shot and ask this request!!
Can I please have a shy reader that LOVES it when Steve Harrington overstimulates her to the point that she’s a blabbering mess? A bit messy if you can but anything would be fine! Thank you so much! ✨
OMG hiii!! Thank you sooo much for taking your time requesting something and I hope I did your ask justice.🥰
Remember, this is my first time writing something like this and english is not my first language:)
If you like it, please reblog<33
Warnings: 18+!!! Overstimulation, Spitting, dom Steve, P in V (unprotected), oral (F receiving), praise, degradation (slut), daddy kink, creampie (Let me know if i missed something)
Imagine laying on Steves bed totally naked, while he´s on his knees between your thighs fully clothed.
He´s been eating you out for what feels like hours, and he wont stop.
"Whos pussy is this baby? Who is making you feel this good?" he asks between kissing your clit and licking your pussy.
You try to say something but the only thing that comes out of your mouth is a muffled whine.
Steve removes his head from between your legs, spits on your pussy and put two of his thick fingers in. "I said, who owns this fucking pussy?" he says a little more stern than before.
"It´s daddys... all daddys" you say quietly and hide your face in a pillow.
"Thats right pretty girl, only mine, now come for me".
You can feel the pressure building in your lower stomach and then you´re coming for like the 5th time, you cant even remember, everything is just a blur.
Steve then removes his fingers which makes you cry out and look at up at him with big eyes.
"Noooo!!! Daddy please don’t stop... please!!!!" you almost scream.
"I need to fuck this messy pussy now honey or i´m going to come in my fucking pants" he says while taking his jeans and underwear off.
"Yes, daddy, plea... need it, daddy..." You don´t even know what you’re saying, you´re desperate to feel his cock inside of you.
"Look at you, can´t even make sense right now, just a blabbering mess for daddy" Steve almost laughs at you while he pushes his cock into you.
You start blabbering again, thanking him and telling him how good it feels.
"You gonna cum again baby? Make a fucking mess over my big cock like my little slut?" Steve just thrust harder and deeper into you and you almost can´t take it anymore.
"Daddy, i´s too much, I can´t, hurts..." you say, but your body is betraying you and that feeling in your stomach is back again.
"You can do it, I can feel you squeezing me honey"
You try to hold it but it´s impossible, he´s hitting your spot and his talking makes you feel like you´re floating.
"Good fucking girl baby" Steve says while emptying himself into you.
He pulls out and takes you into his arms laying down.
"Thank you Stevie" you say sleepily.
"You´re welcome baby, thank you for doing so good".
AHHHH, this was so scaryyyy. I really hope it was okay.
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bi-fi-network · 1 year
Hello! I saw a different creator doing this, but I did not like their headcanons. I like the headcanons about Ghost and König on you recent post and thought I´d ask you. Could you give us some headcanons abut Ghost and König when subbing/topping (sepperatly)? Feel free to ignore!
Of course I can do that. I hope you like my headcanons ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
(I tried making this gender neutral as much as possible :))
König + Ghost when subbing or dominating (Bottom / Top) reader!
TW! Sexual Themes, like Sub/Dom and other BDSM!
Dominating (Top):
As I already said, this man usually doesnt 'fuck'. He makes love
Hes usually really gentle and careful, trying not to hurt you because he knows how strong he is.
If you tell him to go faster, he will tho.
Loves to have you grabbing on to him or scratching him.
Loves fighting for dominance. (Doesn´t care if he wins or looses, he just want´s to please you.)
Loves to see you beg for your orgasm. (usually let´s you cum right away tho.)
Moan his name and he´ll cum instantly.
Subbing (Bottom):
This man is the biggest switch you´ve ever known 🤭
LOVES recieving hickeys (saw another blog have this headcanon so credits to you. I agree.)
He just wants to show the world that he´s taken.
Tell him, hes a good boy and he´ll cum.
Holding Handsssss (also when he´s on top tho)
If you tease him or don´t let him cum, you´ll get him to start begging. (He never thought he would be begging his partner for release in this lifetime, but you learn something new about yourself every day I guess.)
Dominating (Top):
Yes, you can get him to dominate you.
After dominating you for the first time, he was kinda insecure about how he did, but when you tell him he did good, he´s gonna wanna try again in the future.
Still prefers to bottom.
Sloppy Kisses <3
I can see him loving sleepy sex, late at night or right in the morning.
If he´s feeling confident he would bend you over his desk and fuck you right then and there.
He would not call you degrading names, but would degrade you differently. "Always so needy, wanting my cock inside you, huh?"
As you can see he wont really degrade you, he´ll just tell you how needy you are (telling you you´re a slut for him in a nicer way).
This man is PACKING so prepare your neighbors. 🙏🙏
Subbing (Bottom):
I know I´ve already told you... but let me remind you. Mommy Kink. (I don´t think he would have a daddy kink with a male reader)
When giving him a blowjob, you can try all you want. He wont fit into your mouth completely. Try all you want.
This man is KINKY
Handcuffs, Blindfold, Rope, anything.
Loves Hickeys.
Choke this man pleaseeeeee
He loves it!
He definetely prefers being a bottom, because of many reasons one of them being the view he gets.
Seeing your tiddies bouncing. (sorry for the non-fem readers)
He loves licking and sucking on your nipples.
Want´s to be degraded too (loves degrading names.)
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noellefan101 · 1 year
Offline to Online
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Summary: your boyfriend is a streamer, a popular one at that. this is a fic about: how their chat find out that you are dating, how they treat you off-stream and on-stream/do they treat you differently
Warnings: swearing, mentioning of death threats and killing(Scaramouche), streamer reader(Scaramouche), slight ooc, if there is anything else then pls tell me
Characters: Xiao, Childe, Venti, Scaramouche, Aether
Note: I am trying my best ok, and I'm kinda new to Tumblr, so if it isn't to your liking then leave, please./I´m sorry if you can´t understand what I´m writing, bc neither can I/. btw this is later than I originally intended bc it got deleted when I was almost DONE, like seriously. so I have like no motivation left now, yay :(
How Chat Found Out: You two were roommates, or that´s what his chat thought anyways. Because you two lived together that was what you told them and most believed that so you thought it was fine/Xiao is shy and lied about you two dating when they asked, and then you just lied too cus you are the best(I mean that with my whole heart).
but one day when you were out with some of your friends, and Xiao was streaming at home with Zhongli(in this story Xiao´s adoptive father) some girl suddenly came up to you and started yelling at you because apparently you took her "boyfriend" away, you and your friends got confused and just let her be after, she had yelled at you for about 2 min. a little later you called Xiao and explained what happened. and after Xiao told you that Zhongli got asked about your relationship while he was gone to get some food, and he forgot that you were keeping it a secret and even showed some photos of you kissing. when you got home/to a guilty Zhongli and Xiao trying his best to comfort him/you both forgave him and then properly announced it the next day, so you don´t have to worry about anyone finding you out. . . because they already know.
On-Stream: he is very shy so its mostly something like your beside him, in the background or sometimes sitting in his lap. he doesn´t pay that much attention to you but only because he thinks it's embarrassing and that stuff. he will also become a tomato if you kiss him on-stream, even though he will despise you for an hour or so its worth it.
Off-Stream: he becomes less shy and pays more attention to you, he also blushes more at your closeness because he doesn´t feel like he has to hold back his emotions. why? well, he´s with you the most wonderful y/n in the whole world. so yeah he behaves differently when you two are alone, and not with hundreds of people watching you.
he loves you, but he´s not always good at showing it.
How Chat Found Out: honestly I think would just tell them I they asked, but weirdly no one did. maybe it was because they didn´t want to interfere, and thought it was inappropriate. or they didn´t want any of the lovesick fans ruining your relationship. but either way, there was definitely someone else in the house, because they could sometimes hear someone talking in another room, and sometimes post and pans, I guess they just didn´t say anything about it.
but then one of his friends brought up how you were doing because you were sick the last time they talked to him. and he said you were doing better and then the chat flipped out with messages like "Who the f**k is y/n", "are you dating that y/n person", bratty fan girls raging because how dare him and so on. he then talked about you for the next 30 min, and the other person in the call almost fell asleep by how much he talked, so the chat now knows a lot about you. . . maybe a little too much.
On-Stream: he talks a lot, he always does, but now there are more topics about you when he talks all day. example: what you ate today, a pretty outfit you wore this week, some new accessories he got you today, and yadda yadda. he also has you sit on his lap or beside him in your own chair. and ofc he kisses you at least once every stream.
Off-Stream: I would say that he´s not much different, but maybe a little, for example: lets you talk more and now listens more than he talks, kisses you more and is always touching you(not in a sexual way).
he loves you more than anything and is not afraid to show it.
How Chat Found Out: honestly I think they already knew since he does "drunk" streams-streams with alcohol-and there was always someone beside him: you. you decided you would be bedside him for his safety and to make sure he doesn´t do anything too dumb. you were out of frame, so they couldn´t really see you, but Venti sometimes talked to you so they knew what you sounded like, and saw your hands once or twice. and they adored you, and by the way he talked about you and looked at you he did too. So naturally they thought that you were dating/or related by blood but he was too lovestruck when he looked at you.
but yeah one stream he maybe drank a little too much, and he maybe began talking to you while forgetting that he was live and called you some rather. . . sweet names and then passed out, so you carried him out of his room to make him sleep a bit. when you suddenly remembered that you forgot to turn off the stream and you didn´t even turn off the camera. meanwhile, the chat was freaking out because you were so freaking pretty. so you went in and turned the stream off.
On-Stream: you now sat a little closer and people could see at least half your body, you also there in more streams and not just those containing alcohol. you two didn't give that much affection but you sometimes kissed him here and there.
Off-Stream: besides being closer and kissing more often then I don´t think there are any other differences in behavior other than ofc you spend more time together and not just beside each other.
he loves you a lot and also loves to show it.
How Chat Found Out: well basically he got into an argument with Childe typical of him. you were in a collab with them and playing a multi-player game when they started arguing over something/you didn´t know what bc you tried to ignore them, so you didn´t get a headache/and it got so heated you had to mute them so you and your viewers didn´t hear all their screaming and send a message to Scara to tell you when they were done. Therefore you didn´t hear Scara yell "Well at least I'm not single" (I forgot to say that here Childe is single in this part, oh well) and everybody was shocked, they thought that Childe would be the one to get a partner first. so while Scara and Childe were still arguing, the viewers started discussing who would want to date were dating him, they didn´t find anybody though.
a few days later they finally asked him instead of speculating about it, and he/with a straight face/"Oh. . . me and y/n are dating, you didn´t know?" and let's just say that chat flipped out even more because wtf you dating HIM of all people
On-Stream: he doesn´t show any affection like at all, the only thing is you forcing him to let you sit in his lap. but no kissing, sweet talk or anything like that, nope just the same grumpy Scaramouche. he got a little annoyed when you kissed him once while he played with some friends but forgave you. Oh, and you also collab more with each other.
Off-Stream: he is definitely a lot nicer, and is kinda soft for you/but only for you/. And he doesn’t look like he wants to k!ll someone all the time or sending death threats to anybody, so at least that's one thing going for ya.
he loves you, no matter if you annoy him from time to time.
How Chat Found Out: he was in a collab with a few people (Lumine, Venti, Xiao...), and Lumine wanted to annoy Aether, it´s a sibling thing. and therefore she brought up a lot of... not the best topics to talk about on stream, and she also brought up the fact that someone is living with him/you/and how that person is just sooo sweet and pretty/handsome. (because of course she´s been over and already knows that you two are dating) so she teased him by telling him about how he should totally date you, to try and get him to reveal it to the viewers. yes she could have just told them, but this was more fun for her.
he knew what she was doing but didn´t give in until Venti (actual best annoying b!tch) started to do it too, which Lumine loved Aether... not so much. so he eventually gave in and told them that, yes he was dating someone, Xiao then asked who and Lumine made him admit that it was you/the person he`s currently living with/and chat wanted ANSWERS so they asked him stuff like, who were you, where did you meet, when did you meet, how do you look, can we see this y/n, and so on. he answered the best he could while venti and Xiao were also asking questions. he eventually called you in and asked if it was ok for people to see you, and you said yes. (you cannot say no, understand) so you showed your face and you trended on teyvats twitter.
On-Stream: he definitely has you around him almost all the time, like sitting on his lap, beside him, or having you do something of your own in the background, you're properly also there if he does any cooking streams, vlogs or hangouts.
Off-Stream: he´s still has you around him, but now you´re a lot closer. that´s his way to show more love freely instead of keeping it down. because there's tons of people looking at you all the time, and sometimes he doesn´t want to share you.
he loves you very much, and wants you to be there with him at all time.
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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nadiajustbe · 1 month
"Oh I love Howl do much, I wish I had a room like his!"
I keep seeing this post all over the internet, with different people wanting to replicate Howl's infamous room. And, after years of asking and pleading for answers, here I am, ready to give you a full tutorial!
So, to have Howl's room you should:
Step one: Do not clean your room. Ever. Even If its 5x5 metres, don`t even try to clean it. Brooms aside, water is now our greatest enemy.
Step two: Let it fill itself with dust. Forget about wiping your surfaces with a tablecloth, this now illegal. Bonus points If you can't quite make out the original color of the blankets.
Step three: Trash it with stuff. The most un-wizardy stuff you can ever imagine. Empty packages, bottles from drinks, a lot of ballpoint pens casually laying here and there. Hide paper tissues in your sleeves so you could use them when you're dying from a cold and then left them on the floor. Yes, all of it. Just do it.
Step four: Spend minimum of two hours in the bathroom every morning, go wasting your time and buying strange, expensive thing right after that. This way you'll be too busy to even think about your room.
Step five: Find spiders in the corner of your room. Let them spread. Keep them as pets. Give them names of Shakespearian characters. Cheris them with all your heart...If you have one. Love them.
Congratulations! Now you have Howl's room, without buying anything on Amazon, just for free. Follow this simple steps and your dream will come true faster than you blink!
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marvelstars · 5 months
Anakin´s politics
After reading many takes in fandom of Anakin´s politics as well as many fics, I believe Anakin´s political leanings are often reduced or misunderstood, in part because Lucas didn´t delve too much into them, because Padme and Obi-Wan kind of dimiss htem and also in part because we have two different ideologies, Anakin´s political ideology pre Vader and Anakin´s political ideology post Vader which are similar but not the same.
Early Vader/Just fallen to the darkside Anakin asked Padme to become his Empress but given that at the time he was in a deep, deep breakdown and practically out of his mind deep into darkside force energies which Lucas has compared to a drug, I personally don´t believe even Vader "post dark side high" would have exactly the same idea.
Vader in general was of the mind that the galaxy needed order, that there was a role the Emperor had to play but given Leia´s and Vader´s whole conversation about the Sentate in ANH where Leia accuses Vader of acting outside the Senate approval to which Vader answers that she was a confirmed traitor to the Empire at this point, so her ship could not longer be considered a diplomatic vessel unlike all those other times Vader let her go to do her "mercy missions" which he knew were a front for her pro-rebellion missions, all this means Vader also was often around seeing Sente proceedings, right allong with his military meetings.
Vader he doesn´t care as much about the type of goverment there is in the galaxy as long as it´s effective and less corrupt than the Old Republic was. "Lest bring Order to the galaxy"
Anakin is a different matter, as a child he just knew he wanted to free all the slaves on Tatooine and do his part to support a more equal and fair galaxy "the biggest problem in the galaxy is that no one helps each other".
As a Jedi padawan, when he was talking to Padme about how the system didn´t work, precisely because Padme told him that it was hard for the senate to do anything because they almost never agreed, he suggested someone to "make them agree" "someone wise" and in that way fix the problem of the current system, Padme was talking about the issues of the working system and Anakin suggested a way to fix those inconsistencies.
Here we can already see Palpatine´s hand in Anakin´s political perception but I believe we often forget there is another important body that influenced Anakin political pov´s in his younger years, when Anakin talked about "Someone wise should make them agree" he pretty much was describing Master Yoda and Windu role in most decisions of the Jedi Council when the Council didn´t agree on something.
So my guess is that Anakin was suggesting someone like Yoda and Palpatine supported this idea because it would make it easier to make the change from Yoda to himself.
Here Padme sees it as a dictatorship but I believe here Lucas didn´t really thought things too deeply, because there are Hereditary Monarchies in the Republic and her own role as Queen of Naboo had an almost absolute authority but well I disgress.
Anakin didn´t believe the the Senate needed to be taken down, in fact in ROTS he gets mad at Padme precisely because she was asking him to ask Palpatine to leave his emergency powers and Anakin believed that was something that had to be taken to the Senate instead of using Anakin´s apparent influence over Palpatine, which was non-existent but neither of them knew that.
My point is that Anakin himself wasn´t suggesting to take down the Senate or the Republic, his pov was that the system itself didn´t work as a system that actually got things done for the benefice of the people of the Republic. Anakin´s priority is to fix the system to get things done, not hold an ambigous ideal that only exists for some people.
Lest remember Shmi´s words in TPM "The Republic doens´t exist out there, we have to take care of ourselves"
This was Anakin´s early relationship to the republic and all those diplomatic missions as a jedi in which he mostly helped the elite of each planet didn´t serve to convince him the republic was good for something other than serving the elite.
So while Padme and Obi-Wan saw the Republic as an ideal that could be fixed with time if only because that´s what they had to work with, Anakin thought that it´s alright to hold republican values, in fact he went to war for the whole "keeping the republic together" but this republic "Is functional?" "It works for what it says it works?" and the answer is no, the system is broken, something Padme found out in the first movie, when she saw how the occupation on her planet by the Federation could be ignored because of their influence and it would take months if not years to do something about it while the Senate discussed it but Padme as a Senator hoped to help fix it but then they were at war and there wasn´t time.
So in short, Padme and Obi-Wan see the Republic as something worth fighting for on itself on principle even when they knew the politicians of the senate often were trash while Anakin sees the republic as something that could be fixed but isn´t worth fighting for on itself if it really doesn´t seek to serve the people outside of a few elites. This is something that he understood because he was directly wronged by the dysfunction of the republic.
It isn´t coincidence Anakin as a general in the clone wars tried to serve not only the needs of official Republic allies but also citizens that just happened to be in the crossfire and didn´t have the means to defend themselves but also weren´t anyone´s priority. (Example: The farmers, Saw Guerrera, the slaves who were not allies of the republic trapped on Zigeria, etc) and on this Anakin showed he prefered the people, citizens to take matters into their own hands instead of having to depend of the Republic, Senate or Jedi to act. Just give them the tools to do it themselves.
Vader is the opposite, no longer trust the people to make the best choice but he believes of having order for everybody.
This is interesting because I don´t believe Padme or Obi-Wan ever took seriously Anakin´s political ideology and so they didn´t discuss it with him, they just expected him to support them because they were his wife and master respectively but they didn´t ask for his pov either and Anakin didn´t try to talk about this with them, only Palpatine seemed interested in his political ideas and so Anakin didn´t want to create conflict with people he considered family, it was easier to go along with them than fighting with them over the details.
So while I think he sometimes disliked Padme´s role as a senator for the time it took from them as a couple, he knew it was important for her and he wanted to be supportive, he definitely resented the republic and it´s politicians hypocrisy.
Now Vader is perfectly capable of discussing and getting mad with Palpatine over political issues, the main problem is that he is pretty much broken emotionally and so isn´t so willing anymore to try to make changes, just fix what little he sees he can fix but his perspective is a lot more authoritharian than it was when he was young. He belives if he had to fight some rebels to expand the Empire towards the outer rim, take down governments and give them a similar way of life to the core system, including education and work, he is totally going to do that. The end justifies the means for Vader
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yandere-daze · 9 months
This post is for me and the 3 other Rain Code fans on here that asked for this. The thoughts and ideas just wouldn`t leave my mind so here you go <3
I actually started writing this when I was in Belgium in August and only finished it now. Hope you still enjoy <3 Please do let me know what you think!
Warning: This post will mention and talk about the Fortes of the Detectives so if you want to stay blind please don`t read this as it will contain spoilers!
tw yandere, obsession, stalking, desperation, manipulation, mention of murder, kidnapping, childhood neglect
gn reader
Characters: Yuma Kokohead, Halara Nightmare, Desuhiko Thunderbolt, Fubuki Clockford, Vivia Twilight
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Yandere Archives: Rain Code
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Yuma Kokohead
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Yuma is kind of an interesting character to imagine as a yandere. I think you could make a case for him to be a lucid or delusional yandere. He´s a character with strong morals, one who doesn´t want to do others any harm and is more than capable of recognizing when he is doing something wrong. On the other hand, I can also imagine him acting very irrationally when he falls deep into obsession with his darling
I simply can´t imagine him having a lot of experience when it comes to love, you´re probably the first person he ever fell in love with and it would happen very fast. As such, Yuma would be pretty lovestruck with you, he just feels so happy when he´s around you! He always wants to help you in whatever ways he can and tends to trail behind you like a lovesick puppy. He gets very flustered whenever you praise him in any way, he really enjoys the attention he gets from you.
He´s so inexperienced when it comes to love, that he doesn´t really understand that the way he feels for you might be a bit more intense than what actual love would be like. It shouldn´t feel so completely unbearable to leave you for the night whenever you both have to head home. He knows he will most likely see you again the next and yet Yuma still feels like crying whenever you have to separate. But that´s just what being in love is like, right?
It´s normal that he sometimes lies awake at night for hours, tossing and turning in bed before finally getting up and heading out into the streets to see you again. He´s easily memorized the path to your home from the many times he has gone there and so he finds it even in the darkness of the night without a hitch.
His heart feels heavy and only when he can finally see your sleeping form through the glass of your window does he finally feel like he can breathe once more. You just look so peaceful, Yuma almost can´t rip his gaze away from you.
But then in the morning, when you tell him that you once again feel uneasy because you could swear there were eyes on you all day, he can´t help but feel guilty. Following you home, that´s bad, no questions about that. Yuma knows that. He knows that and yet he can´t bring himself to stop. He needs to see you, he has to be right next to you every minute of every day or he feels like his heart will stop functioning.
He can´t be apart from you and it breaks your heart to see Yuma so sad every time you say goodbye, but you do notice that it keeps getting harder to actually leave every single day. The way Yuma looks at you so sadly, the way that with time, Yuma starts begging on his hands and knees for you to stay with him just a moment longer. It´s worrying. He seems so unhealthily attached to you but no matter how many times you try to bring it up, he immediately shuts down any arguments you try to bring. He just won´t hear it. He can´t bear to hear it, because deep down he knows you´re right.
It can´t go on like this, but Yuma just can´t let go. He wants to be with you so badly, he would do anything!
His desperation to be with you would almost be cute if it wasn´t so frankly worrying. The longer you are with him, the harder it gets to leave him. But the longer you are gone, the more determined and desperate he gets to keep you around for longer. You really don´t know what to do.
And Yuma? With time he realized that this is a problem, the way he thinks about this isn´t normal. But the thought of you being gone is even more unbearable. And honestly, Shinigami is just making things worse. As the god of death, her morals are way looser than Yuma´s and so she tends to give him "helpful advice" on how he can be with you forever.
Killing rivals through the Mystery Labyrinth, finally taking you home, and not letting you leave until you promise to love only him...
Yuma is horrified to hear these things and he refuses to act on any of them. But the more time goes by, the more he hears Shinigami´s voice in his head, and the more desperate he gets, the more appealing her "solutions" sound.
It´s only a matter of time until total obsession can turn even someone as honest as Yuma into someone willing to do terrible things for the one he loves
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Halara Nightmare
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Halara I imagine to be the one that takes the longest to fall for you out of everyone here. They are a very serious person and try to detach themselves from their emotions. What time do they have for things like romance when they need to do detective work?
It takes a long time for you to prove yourself in Halara´s eyes, they need to respect you as a strong and genuine person before they could ever develop any kind of attachment towards you. And let´s be clear: That really isn´t an easy task. Halara is not easily impressed and they´re even less likely to think of someone as honest
Due to the past scamming their family fell victim to, Halara is very wary of strangers. In their eyes, there´s no one in this world who does good things simply for the sake of it. Everyone has their own motives and reasons for doing things, theirs just include money.
So to earn their trust, you must be quite a remarkable person, one with a bright head on their shoulders. And then maybe with time, you will begin to earn their appreciation
It definitely takes Halara the longest out of everyone here to fall for you, it´s a very gradual progress, one that both of you probably aren´t aware of. Halara isn´t very affectionate with you and that doesn´t really change later on either once their obsession with you grows.
And Halara? Well, I´m pretty certain they have no experience with these sorts of feelings and might even push them away whenever they surface. They´re just a distraction from their work, they can´t afford to feel these things for you.
But slowly but surely, they keep falling deeper and deeper until even they can´t deny the way they feel about you anymore. They haven´t loved anyone like this before and it takes them aback, but they´re not stupid. They can surmise what the fluttering in their chest whenever you send a smile their way means. The way their cheeks feel warm whenever you fleetingly touch them. They know what all of this means, they´ve simply tried to deny it for the longest time
From the outside, it seems like nothing changed at all from the way they act. Their behaviour around you doesn´t really change all that much, though they are maybe a bit gentler when it comes to talking to you. But it´s really hard to catch on to honestly, and that´s how Halara prefers it to be.
Strangely enough, I can actually see them as one of the few yanderes that isn´t actually 100% interested in getting into a relationship with you, it isn´t really all that necessary to them. They greatly enjoy your company, yes, and their heart speeds up whenever you enter the room, but they simply don´t believe that a romantic relationship is the only fulfilling way to be with you.
Yes, touching you more tenderly and maybe even kissing you definitely sounds appealing to them, but it isn´t their priority when it comes to their darling.
What is their priority? Their darling´s safety.
As we know, Halara is very wary of any stranger you might meet. They´ve always been convinced that people simply can´t be trusted to act in your best interest, even before meeting you. And now you´ve entered their life and yes, Halara is happy to admit that you might be the only exception to that rule.
To them, you are the one good, honest person walking this earth. You do nice things out of the goodness of your heart, you care for other people and want to help them. And Halara knows better than anyone else how strangers will try to take advantage of that. They simply must keep you safe from any harm that might befall you.
They´re very smart and quick to figure out when someone has ill intentions and they´re even faster when it comes to fending them off. They´re very well informed and have no problem with blackmailing or threatening people to leave you alone. And if that fails, Halara is also very well-versed in hand-to-hand combat. Any possible threats are quick to run away afterwards.
And to be clear: ANYONE is a threat in Halara´s eyes. The world is full of scummy people and you can never be too careful. You have a good heart and someone needs to be there to protect it. That´s their job and they will do anything to complete the task.
No one will ever lay a hand on you while they´re around.
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Desuhiko Thunderbolt
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I feel like Desuhiko would be very fast to develop a crush on you and it would be very obvious to everyone. He can be very "intense" when he shows interest in someone
He would try to make a move on you almost immediately, though that would most certainly lead to you rejecting him and being kind of uncomfortable.
Funnily enough, with how he usually is you probably wouldn't even suspect how deep his love for you actually goes. He's like this with everyone so he's probably not serious about you at all. It's just like with everyone else, you think
So because he's coming on so strongly with everyone, you wouldn't even think that anything was different this time with you. And at first, you were right.
Desuhiko went to try and talk up other people but somehow, his mind kept returning to you. His thoughts started focusing on more aspects of you than simply your looks. No, in his mind he really started admiring you for your personality and all the little quirks you have
It was strange to him because never before had he gotten so attached to someone he was interested in.
When he realizes that he's actually in love with you, Desuhiko doesn't really know what to do with himself. He's completely overcome with emotions and just kind of a mess all around.
But now that he realizes the extent of his feelings for you ( he doesn't really because he doesn't know just how obsessed he is with you) he doesn't know how to go about it. Suddenly lame pick-up lines don't feel right anymore and he gets more and more tongue-tied when around you. It's quite a rare sight to see Desuhiko be so flustered and almost... shy?
Suddenly he's very self-conscious about what you might think of him. You probably think he's really lame with the way he tried to hit on you first, huh? Yeah, maybe that wasn't really the best move
But Desuhiko is nothing if not persistent. He won't give up on you so easily after a single defeat, now that he's aware that what he feels for you is special
Honestly, his attempts to win you over will become way more endearing? You can tell that he tries really hard to impress you. See, he's caught onto another criminal all on his own! Isn't he cool? You think so too, right??
On the other hand, he will also keep complimenting you on every single thing you do.
"Oh y/n, you're so smart for figuring that out!", "Oh, you're just so kind for helping that person out"
It would almost feel patronizing with how he praises every single mundane thing you do but you brush it all off because Desuhiko is just being Desuhiko
And after a while, Desuhiko will get a bit upset when he notices that you aren't really taking him and his feelings seriously. Because he is very serious about you! He's made up his mind that he wants to be with you and he'll do anything to prove that to you!
You start to notice that something about this is different because Desuhiko completely stops trying to hit on random people on the street. And all you can wonder is what possibly could have caused this. It was a good change obviously but you were still curious
But of course, the real reason is that he wants to show you how serious he is about you. He doesn't need or want anyone else when he already has you. He would consider it downright cheating if he kept up his old behavior. I mean you're already almost kind-of dating, right? I mean you must have picked up on his feelings by now, he even confessed all these months ago! Continuing to hang out with him means that you're not entirely opposed to the idea, right? Right?
He just keeps getting more and more persistent and it´s really hard to go anywhere without him. He always insists on tagging along with you, no matter how short the trip. It´s honestly pretty frustrating sometimes, it´s like you can never have a moment to be on your own, Desuhiko is always with you.
Naturally, you start complaining. And even Desuhiko can see that you´re getting annoyed with him never leaving you alone, even with his rose-tinted glasses. But he just can´t bring himself to ever leave you alone. And this is when his Forte comes into play.
You see, his Forte is actually kind of perfect for a stalker. Can you imagine the kind of stuff a yandere could pull off with the ability to disguise themselves perfectly? Whenever you get sick of him, Desuhiko can simply disguise himself as someone else and "discreetly" follow you when you´re out in public. And even if you do end up catching him, well, he has another person´s face, how are you supposed to know that it´s actually him?
And while we´re talking about disguising himself as someone else, this would actually be a pretty effective way to get rid of any perceived rivals without doing anything truly heinous. Despite everything, Desuhiko could never find it in himself to actually hurt someone like that, it´s not really in him.
So when he sees someone trying to make a move on you? It´s very simple for him to disguise himself as them and then make them look bad right in front of you.
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Fubuki Clockfort
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Fubuki definitely strikes me as a delusional yandere. Never before in her life has she ever been in love with anyone so when she feels that burst of warmth in her heart when she sees you for the first time, it‘s a strange and foreign feeling to her. Not at all unpleasant though! It‘s just something she has never felt before and so she is very curious about what this could possibly mean.
So to figure out what this is all about, Fubuki spends more and more time with you. And as she comes to find out very soon, she really enjoys your company! And her heart starts beating really really fast whenever you‘re near to her! Oh, this exhilarating feeling, it makes her feel strong and so, so weak at the same time.
But it is a wonderful new feeling and one she wants to hold on to for as long as she can.
Faster than you could realize, Fubuki starts to get really clingy with you. She keeps insisting that she should go with you when you head out with the excuse that she would be able to guarantee your safety due to her Forte if you ever got into any trouble. So obviously she has to tag along!
Fubuki would be so so sweet to you, singing your praises every step of the way. It's almost impossible to get her to calm down once she has started rambling.
I think after a good amount of time, Fubuki would be able to realize that she is in love with you. She might have had a sheltered upbringing but love was something that had always been at the back of her mind, even if she didn't allow herself to dwell on it for too long
As the heir to a very important family, Fubuki has been in an arranged marriage for as long as she can remember. As such, all her life, she never allowed herself to fall in love with anyone. She knew she was already promised to someone and she couldn't bear the thought of having her heart broken if she fell for someone else. She realized that her own wishes would have to take a backstep for the good of the Clockford family
She has told herself this all her life and yet when she finally does fall for you... Oh, this feeling is so addicting, how could she ever give up on this?
How could she ever choose her family over you? She has already envisioned her perfect future with you! Fubuki will go on adventures all around the world and you will accompany her as her loving and loyal partner! Oh, she can't help but fluster just thinking about all the time you two will be spending all alone!
The thought that you might not feel the same way as her doesn't really register in her head. Surely you must also have these intense feelings, just like her?
Because she's so delusional, she will definitely jump the gun with confessing to you.
"Y/n, I want to tell you something very important. I think - no, I know, that I'm in love with you. You look confused? Please do not worry, I've already spoken to my parents about breaking off my arranged marriage. There won't be any issues!"
She says this all with a smile while you wonder how someone can fall in love with you and break off their engagement after knowing you for 3 weeks.
Is very shocked and close to tears if you reject her, no matter how gently you do it. Also, you won't do yourself any favors if you mention that you two don't know each other enough yet. She will see that as a sign that you're willing to date her if you two spend more time together.
And if you just outright reject her? Well, Fubuki is definitely not happy about that. Maybe she should have waited a bit longer before confessing her feelings? Oh how clumsy of her, she's so unfamiliar with how love works!
So what does she do in this type of situation? She uses her Forte to turn back time to before she confessed her feelings. She understands that you need more time to process your feelings! So she will ask again tomorrow <3
Honestly, you could really abuse her Forte, she could just confess over and over to test the waters and then simply turn back time every time you turn her down. Or what if she suggests holding hands? Or asks if she can kiss you? If you don't want to, she can simply turn back time and make you forget it ever happened
That being said, if you keep rejecting her, Fubuki might get a little desperate. She really wants to show you that she could be perfect for you! So she'll definitely shower you with gifts. Anytime you even remotely mention wanting something, she'll get it for you with a smile. It's really no issue for someone whose family has as much money as hers.
Also because she's an airhead, you could definitely also manipulate her into giving you things or doing things for you. Whether it's clothes, a villa or her bank account number, nothing is out of the question!
Speaking of her family, you would be in a very rough spot if she ever brought up wanting to marry you to her parents. She probably wouldn't realize that she's pressuring you but how could you ever refuse if the Clockford family offered you an arranged marriage? How could you slight a family with so much power and money?
If you accept, Fubuki will be overjoyed, knowing all along that you loved her as well
And once you're married, there's no way you're ever going to be able to run away from her.
The only good news is that Fubuki is pretty tame as far as yanderes go. She would never want to harm you in any way, she just really wants to please you! Anything you wish for you will definitely get! She just wants to be with you for the rest of your lives!
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Vivia Twilight
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Vivia for me is a strange case because I can both see him taking a long time to fall for someone or falling for someone almost immediately
As we can see from his Gumshoe Gab, Vivia had a very troubling childhood where he went through a lot of neglect. He also expresses that a lot of people stay away from him because of his Forte so he probably feels quite lonely, even if he doesn't directly say this
So I think more than anything, Vivia would fall for a darling that is very kind and caring, someone who gives him the time of day and isn't deterred by his way of speaking or perceived strangeness
That being said, I don't think his darling would actually have to be an extraordinarily good person to catch his attention, as we can see him describe Yuma as "very kind" simply for talking to him or listening to him speak about his interests
Due to all the neglect he had to suffer through, Vivia might latch on to anyone who shows him the bare minimum of decency or affection because it is something he isn't used to and wants to continue to feel
“You keep talking to me every day. You must be some kind of angel.“
So I think Vivia would latch on to and fall for you almost immediately but it would be a slow and gradual descent into madness for him. It doesn't happen immediately and you probably wouldn't even notice anything changing about his usual behaviour
His way of speaking in metaphors and mysteries ironically enough would make any underlying thoughts and motives he has anything but overt. You might chalk up the way he‘s behaving suddenly to Vivia being Vivia.
It's not at all obvious when Vivia has a crush on you, it's like nothing really changes. He‘s not going to be upfront about his feelings so it would be up to you to pick up the small clues he leaves behind to figure out what is really going through his head. In front of you, he's still his old tired self, though you might feel someone intensely staring at you from time to time while you're at the agency. It´s kind of unnerving because every time you turn around to look, you can’t find the person responsible for giving you that chill up your spine
It´s honestly unlikely that you‘ll catch Vivia in the act of watching you, he can be very discreet when he wants to. On the flipside though, if you do end up seeing him, he‘ll simply smile directly at you and then turn back to his book, making you believe that nothing was strange about this after all with how casual he‘s acting about being caught.
Maybe you were just paranoid and jumping to conclusions. What´s so strange about being looked at sometimes? You‘re sure it was just a strange coincidence that it always seems to be Vivia who‘s studying you so intensely
If only you knew though, him staring at you out in the open was the least of your worries.
There is something much worse that you have no idea about. Vivia‘s Forte lends itself perfectly to a stalker yandere like him.
It's almost too easy. Vivia can simply lie down on the ground and use his Forte to turn himself into a ghost. Now he's completely invisible to everyone's eyes and he can even phase through walls if you were smart and locked the door to your room. Nothing you will do to protect yourself from your stalker will actually hinder Vivia in any way.
Locks, motion sensors, security cameras - nothing works. And the longer there is no evidence of a stalker, the more you will start to believe that it must have all been in your imagination from the start.
I mean surely, if there really was a stalker breaking into your house every night, something would have shown up on your security cameras, right? You made absolutely sure to cover every single area outside your house so there wouldn't be any blind spots. And yet still - the recording tapes turn up empty
At least Vivia will listen to you when you express your worries about believing you have a stalker but not finding any evidence. He feels a bit bad about how paranoid you have become because of him and yet he can't really say no when you ask him if he could spend the night at your house to help keep watch because you feel unsafe. It's too perfect an opportunity to pass up
You can rest assured that no one will secretly break into your house tonight while Vivia keeps watch over you <3 He's not getting a lot of sleep tonight due to being so close to you in person. It's just so different to have your permission for once to admire you all night
Can't help but chuckle to himself when you thank him in the morning for keeping watch so diligently. He looks so tired too!
Getting a bit off-track here so let's reel it in again. Vivia as a yandere would crave a normal relationship with you, which means he would ideally like you to fall for him as well, even though he sees it as a bit unlikely that someone as perfect as you would ever fall in love with him.
He wants your relationship to be peaceful and sweet, which is why he never wants you to find out about his tendencies. It would completely shatter the illusion he had kept up for so long and change everything, he can't let that happen
Because of this, I don't think Vivia kidnapping you is all that likely. He wants to be overt in his obsession for you and so no matter how much he wants all of your attention and affection, he won't do something so drastic, especially for no reason.
He needs to feel really threatened or like you're going to completely slip away from him to ever consider kidnapping you. He realizes that being kidnapped greatly reduces the likelihood of you falling for him.
That being said, if he did decide that this was necessary, he wouldn't have too hard of a time. We learn in the game that apparently he's always carrying around a syringe and we've seen him sedate people with it too in the flash of a moment. This leads me to believe that that probably wasn't the first time he knocked someone out and so he would also know what he needs to do if he wants to put you to sleep.
Will apologize but explain that he had to do this to ensure your happy future together. Hopes that you find it in the kindness of your heart to forgive him
Also, I feel like this is the right time to mention that Vivia would be a protective yandere. You're an amazing and kind person to him so it's of utmost importance to keep you safe. You deserve the world ( and so much better than him, he thinks) and he won't stand for anyone trying to harm you. You're so, so important to him, he can't let anything happen to you
I think this protective tendency is something he wouldn't really display in front of you all too much, aside from maybe making some small comments on the side when he thinks that someone might be up to no good
He will definitely follow you around in ghost form though!
Now, Vivia doesn't like violence all that much and would rather avoid any bloodshed. He's not the type of yandere to go crazy with jealousy and just murder anyone he deems a rival. ( I think I should mention that I can't imagine Vivia as a very jealous yandere in the first place)
He really rather wouldn't and especially not in front of you. He doesn't want you to become scared of him because he started swinging around a knife all carelessly. If he deems someone a threat, he might just go with something ominous. That combined with his height should be enough to scare off most people.
That being said. He does canonically have a box cutter in his coat at all times and he knows how to use it. If it really came down to it, Vivia could bring himself to hurt or even kill someone for you and your relationship. Murder is an absolute last resort and he‘s not quite sure if he could actually go through with it, but it‘s not out of the question.
He just wants a quiet and peaceful life with you at his side for the rest of his life. And he‘s going to have it, no matter what.
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