#i don’t think you can rightly say he has this relationship with one and that with the other IMO
neuvifuri · 11 months
crazier than ever about neuvifuri btw
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transmascissues · 1 year
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god, stuff like this is such a punch to the gut. i usually don’t feel that emotionally affected by comments like this other than being angry at them, but it’s so different when it’s someone i genuinely really respect, who seems to be very conscious of these things, who’s making a point of being a vocal ally, and they still just don’t see how people really treat us.
so much of the current legislation against trans healthcare (i would argue the vast majority of it, if not literally all of it) is founded upon denial of our bodily autonomy and fearmongering about our transitions. people call us predators and abusers for having and feeding our children. a huge number of people pretty recently jumped on a singular incidence of violence as “proof” that testosterone turns us all into evil monsters. people talk about how we’re stealing our bodies from them and say that if they could just grope us or have sex with us, we’d see that we’re really women. we ask for something as simple as the use of language that includes us so that we can better access the healthcare we need, and even that is asking too much.
but sure, people don’t really have a problem with us being men, so everyone can just stop bothering with affirming that we are who we say we are because clearly people are already on board with that idea, right?
and of course, it’s upsetting on a personal (one might say parasocial) level because it just sucks to see someone you respect openly state that they don’t think the things happening to your community are really happening. that was the initial reaction i had — i know this is one person, a fallible person, who i have no true relationship with, but it still feels like a betrayal of some sort to read that.
the thing that really gets me, though, is that there are a lot of people who trust him (whether rightly or not) to be a good source of info, and a lot of those people are going to see this and just take it at face value. they’re not going to look into it, they’re just going to accept that people really don’t have a problem with us and they’re going to feel empowered to look the other way when we’re under attack. i’m sure he wouldn’t want people to take the things he says at face value without fact-checking them, but the fact remains that most people will do just that and will proceed to not give a shit about us because they don’t think they have to.
it’s one thing to see this coming from some random person. it’s another entirely when it’s someone you already liked and respected, and who has a large audience who are likely to trust the things they say.
and it just…would’ve been so easy to not say it, to just say “they’re men!” and let that message stand without immediately undermining its importance.
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paledarklight · 3 months
my god can you STFU?? You keep telling people “you didn’t actually watch the show!” No you didn’t! You say Carol is a whore and a creepy person, when she isn’t . Fans of Carol x Daryl might say “oh this oh that!” But they are the ones making to weird, not the characters and the writers. Also stop attacking the fucking actors! What the hell is wrong with you? What did the girl who play Carol do to you?
Don’t get me started on being a hypocrite and a liar. And saying things like “I don’t attack people!” But literally are mean to everyone no matter how nice they are. (Yeah I saw that person asking questions nicely and the way you responded to them? Ew. Just ew. They didn’t say or bring up half the shit you mentioned and you were a fucking ass.)
Yeah the gross sexual messages are gross. I’m sorry you get those! They aren’t fun I know. Don’t respond to them, people will send more trust me! (I’ve had people send shit like that to me)
People are hating on you because you are a proshipper and have openly admitted to being okay with older men dating underage girls! (Don’t care if “16 is legal” it’s still gross and shouldn’t be legal) But when two people have a like 2-5 year age gap both above the age of 30? Oh no that’s wrong! Because the woman is older and has a husband before! (Even thought it’s not canon and she doesn’t ever flirt with Daryl. It’s almost always a joke?)
also Daryl is late 30s or early 40s I’ve always put him around 39. That doesn’t make shipping him with a 16 year old okay. Don’t care if she turns 18 at one point, that’s still so weird. (And I’m not saying Daryl is a creep, why? Because it’s not fucking canon. He’s a good guy and I love Beth and his relationship with Beth. I don’t see it as romantic because that’s gross! If you had a better explanation other than just “oh it’s legal” maybe I wouldn’t think it’s so gross. But yk you are a fucking weirdo for saying that)
Calling all the shippers people who condone SA and saying it about not even shippers? Ew wtf. Don’t even get me started on the fact that you seem to be a bigger fan of the ship than the shippers!
Oh also it’s not SA to jokingly flirt with your friend or provide comfort to them! Especially when they don’t ever out rightly say not to. If anything you go back and watch later seasons and Daryl likes being around Carol! Why? Because they are friends. You are the only person I’ve seen say weird shit. And again, THE SHIP ISNT CANON. Yes Carol has done shit, but they only reason you seem to hate her are because of a couple toxic shippers.
And I wouldn’t have a problem with any of this, if you were a good person! If you didn’t lie and say weird ass shit all the time. You probably are a troll I know. But it’s annoying.
(Also not everyone woman who is friends with a man wants them for sex? And if you are going to say characters are bad? Have good points! And hold up other characters (that are usually worse) as well. They are just as bad. Fuck you and have a good night)
oh also I saw you say “don’t make everything sexual!” No one is, it’s just you (also your ao3 bookmarks are public… why are you reading smut about a 16 year old and a guy in his 40s- sorry my bad can’t have my own headcanons, late 30s? Kind of weird… someone people not like us by Kendrick!)
I saw you say if they don't say No then it's okay to verbally sexually molested them so everything you said suddenly doesn't matter.
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colleybri · 2 months
Cassian x Bix and Rebelcaptain: Please let these ships be friends !
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I ‘ship’ Cassian x Bix AND Cassian x Jyn. I see there has been some conflict in the past when the “new woman” was first brought in with the series, some that remains now, and I’m both saddened and bemused by that.
Rebelcaptain for me is a canon relationship… to a certain extent. I have no doubt that these brave heroes would have ended up together had they lived. That’s why I love it… the whole beautiful tragedy of what might have been, and the loyalty that binds people together when making a sacrifice like this. Were they actually in love, in canon? For me – no. Not yet. And that’s important for my personal enjoyment of Rogue One, especially its ending. As the novelisation stresses, Cassian dies without knowing Jyn as “There wasn’t the time”. And I simply don’t believe you can love someone without knowing them . But I enjoy the idea of exploring what would have happened had they lived. They are a perfect loyal “battle couple”, definitely my favourite fanon SW couple and great to imagine together. I see Rebelcaptain also as a way of giving them the happy ending they deserved. Oh - and the chemistry between Felicity Jones and Diego Luna on-screen is absolutely electric. In short and again: I have no doubt that they would have fallen in love had they lived and would have been perfect for each other. And they are a perfect fanon ship.
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(^^ And I I think this is the exact moment in canon when they both acknowledge the loss of what might have been. It’s just heartbreakingly beautiful… )
Cassian x Bix - I don’t even think of it as a ‘ship’ per se as it is a 100% canon relationship, and one that is currently ongoing as we wait for Andor S2.. It’s fascinating to me – 17 years of friendship that has occasionally blossomed into a romantic/sexual relationship. It’s a genuinely unusual set up too. I’ve read a few takes that they are “over each other” by the time of the start of the series, to which I want to say … watch again, closely! They certainly have moved on to date different people, but it’s also very clear from their interactions (especially in the intense scene in Ep 7) that there is still a lot of extremely deep feeling between them – even if some of it is very negative. In the S1 production notes, the show’s creator Tony Gilroy says that they “are meant to be together… but it’s been impossible all these years. Now, she’s done with him … he’s burnt every last bridge .” Why? The series also provides the answer – Cassian is in many ways an absolute mess at the start of the season and Bix was quite rightly fed up with him as a boyfriend. He’s completely unreliable, likes short-lived affairs (often with married women - so no risk of commitment!), isn’t working regularly and has debts all over the place. This largely stems from his “unresolved childhood trauma”. He has a fear of “leaving people behind” and despite having a lot of love to give “ is so scared of being loved”. But he and Bix nonetheless prove to be incredibly loyal friends and their love in this platonic sense clearly runs very deep indeed. They have known each other since he was 10 so she is also something like a sister figure. Bix is still very protective of Cassian and takes personal risks for him… and he finally comes to appreciate this and pay back his metaphorical debt to her in the finale. The question now is what season 2 holds for them, if anything.
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(^^ I love the way she is using her fingertips to push his hand off, as if to avoid the risk of too much touch. The gesture and look that says “Please don’t try and get close to me again because we both know how bad that is for us… but I’m such a total idiot when it comes to you that I will still very unwisely go out of my way to help you, especially when you look at me like that so please just don’t”)
Does loving their messy and complicated relationship mean that I want Cassian and Bix to ‘end up together’ ? No, and the obvious additional point is that they don’t! They are both going to be very different people at the start of S2 and over the following years of the story . Bix has been traumatised; Cassian has been radicalised. And that’s just the start. Perhaps they quickly drift apart. Perhaps some kind of betrayal is involved. Perhaps one or both of them will want to commit again to a relationship, but it’s impossible because of the demands of the rebellion (like Vel /Cinta). Perhaps Bix “ends up with” someone else (Brasso, ideally, especially if they both survive the season). Perhaps they will get back together at least for a while and enjoy a little last happiness before inevitable heartbreak. Perhaps all, some or none of these. But none of that stops me from loving and appreciating what they do have, what they have had up to now, and the intriguing dynamics of when they do interact on screen. Bix x Cassian attracts me as a fanfic ship because it’s all about exploring what is there and how it came to be, which is why I currently don’t write them beyond the present time of series 1. I’m waiting to see what happens next in Canon, as it were, because that to me is an important part of writing them. Meanwhile, I’m enjoying analysing the relationship by imagining them in the past.
So for me Bix x Cassian in no way impacts on Jyn x Cassian or vice versa, especially if you apply… real life principles rather than the ideals of fandoms: “soulmates” and OTPs. Many people – most people – will have a beautifully intense and loving relationship with more than one person at different times of their lives. I’m old – trust me on this one.
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^^ Both relationships in these two scenes go way beyond romance. In the first - many years of close and loyal friendship. In the second: a bond created through brave and selfless sacrifice together. And for both: Cassian’s absolute hatred of being “someone who leaves people behind”: the quality that I love best about him. And saving each other. Literally and metaphorically.
And oh… it’s beautiful. Both moments are beautiful.
Edit: I won’t do any speculating here about the content of the sizzle-reel trailers. Except to say that there’s nothing in them that detracts from the emotional power of both ships. They can continue to happily coexist. 
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kimsmuse · 1 year
yandere hongjoong + baby trapping ♡ !!
i do not condone anything here, it’s all just fictional. do not consume if you don’t like yandere or dark themes.
fem!reader (no pronouns, just because there's mention of pregnancy) 1.2k words. warnings include manipulation, mentions/implications of sex and messing with birth control and condoms, and yandere behavior, and also kinda stockholm syndrome?
i have a planned part two, so let me know if anybody is interested <3
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Your relationship with hongjoong is normal. Very normal, in fact. He has the kind of aura that would automatically appeal to everyone around you as your perfect partner. He had a caring nature and it wasn’t just limited to you, he brought out gifts and things your parents briefly mentioned that they liked for them and helped them out in tasks that even you being their kid, didn’t want to. And when it came to your friends, they were rightly impressed by him from the very first time that they met him over lunch and he insisted on paying the bill. But even without the economic front, all of them were secretly swooning over how when you said you didn’t like the food you ordered and rather liked his dish, he was immediate in swapping them even though it was evident that even he didn’t like it.
Your parents had already dreamt of him as the perfect son-in-law, the one that they would be bragging about to neighbours, relatives, you name it and they’d be bragging and your friends were already planning to invite him and you, ofcourse to this new italian place that opened for lunch..
So it comes as a shock to them when you let them know that your relationship has sunk to a saturation point, meaning it was just dying. it wasn’t even anybody's fault - not yours and neither hongjoong's but it felt like a pretty, beautiful flower wilting, slowly withering away. it was good while it lasted though.
your father's first comment was to ask, "does that mean i have to watch all my baseball matches alone from now?"
you knew what it meant though. have you two broken up? not yet, but you were going to talk to him today.
lately, all he replied to you was with “hmm's” and a nod or maybe if you were lucky enough, he would look your way. he said it was because he was stressed about his work, and that he really needed some time and space to focus for it, which you weren't quite against but the way things had steadily been the same for about more than 6 months, you felt like you had to be the bad person and pull the trigger.
he sits down on the sofa and sighs, but responds to you, his voice tired.
“yes, baby? ” he asks.
you're in the kitchen, removing your apron and slowly making your way to the living room, you wonder what his reaction will be when you finally break the news to him. accepting? angry? upset?
“ hongjoong, we need to talk, ”
now, hongjoong wasn’t born yesterday, he knows what that stands for wnd he's been aware of the crumbling of the relationship as well but when push comes to shove…
he decides that he'll let you speak, he'll let you pour out whatever you feel like saying, what are the problems you think are bothering your relationship.
“I get it, baby,” he emphasises on the nickname sourly, “do it.”
he looks nonchalant about the whole situation while you just want out now, you didn’t like where this whole thing seemed to be heading now, his eyes were getting almost angry, something you’ve seen him do with others, but you? you’d never have imagined him looking your way like that.
there’s something scary about it, “oh, joong, i don’t want to break it off, i’m just wondering if we can work on it, give it a better chance.”
relief fills you when you see that his expressions have softened. “i’m sorry, i thought you wanted to leave, shit. sorry, i can’t believe i would…”
hongjoong had messed up, big time. it wasn’t excusable this time, he felt guilty that he was angry at you when you didn’t even want to leave him. you’d never want to leave him, right?
hongjoong waits, with bated breath. he's been waiting for about, 3 weeks, yes, as the calendar tells him. and it finally begins, the wave of nausea starts hitting you and its not his alarm that wakes him up but the sound of you retching out your guts. he doesn’t mind it, not right now, when it was his plan all along.
and he can tell you're confused, you had the pills! you took them! and he watches you try to sheepishly dispose of the pregnancy tests, and he even follows you to the gynec’s clinic, careful to keep a distance so you can’t see him.
but you see, if there’s one rule hongjoong would always tell his future kid to follow is to never trust anybody, in your case you didn't have a choice really so he doesn't blame you for giving in to him. but for his kid, he needs to instill this one thing in him thoroughly. the world was a big, bad place, where people like his father lived.
after you confronted him, it was like hongjoong woke up from his sleep, like if he didn’t do anything, didn’t put in efforts, then you could actually leave, and he’d be damned if he ever let you do that. so he decided to level up his games, first it was his change in behaviour, he came home early, he brought in all sorts of trinkets and snacks that he thought you would like and he returned to his normal self, but he could, deep down, sense that it wasn’t the way it was before and he was scared that you pack up and leave still.
it was why he had replaced the birth control pills and even went as far as to poke holes in his condom.
he wasn't a bad man really, but he was getting sick of your protests to leave soon and that you've had enough of him or that you both aren't working anymore. he notices that those complaints have considerably started going down as your focus shifts to your health.
and now he doesn't think the crumbling state of his relationship would matter much, he would hit the reset button and he would become the man that you and his kid needed.
he becomes so, so soft throughout the entire period, it would make you forget about any of the cruelties he ever inflicted on you. and you think to yourself, maybe he really can change, maybe he really did change for the better?
and hongjoong thinks that as well, he's just so happy for the both of you. you're having a baby! it's so exciting!
when you tell him he pretends to not know, to be surprised, “we’re having a baby!” as if he wasn’t the one who conspired and made the whole thing happen.
the best thing is that you seem happy about it too, hongjoong has changed, and there’s nobody else you’d rather have a kid with, especially since you’ve seen how caring he is with other kids and just other people generally, so when it would come to his own kid, he would definitely come into the perfect father category.
when you looked at him, holding his hand, he feels like the man you fell in love with in the beginning and you’re sure, that you’ll love the father of your kid forever. let’s just hope you never find out how he bent seas and mountains to make that happen.
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jemshopes · 2 months
Cooking Lessons || Yoonjin
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--Yoonjin Fake Dating AU
“Yoongi-yah, he’s not going to take you back just because you learn how to make a decent bowl of kimchi stew.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Relationships aren’t fixed with food. If you really want him back you need to make him jealous.”
* * * 
Yoongi has never thought of himself as one of those pathetic, desperate people who fall apart the moment their boyfriend breaks up with them, but it turns out he’s exactly one of those people when his boyfriend of five years leaves him, his parting words a cruel stab at Yoongi’s abysmal cooking skills. 
Yoongi doesn’t know why those particular words stick with him, but he finds himself at Kim Seokjin’s dorm room a week later—Seokjin being a friend of a friend who Yoongi has only met a few times at off campus parties and on the odd occasion when Jimin has had to stop by Seokjin’s dorm to pick something up, but who Yoongi has always liked spending time with and who is quite a talented cook—asking him for cooking lessons, either to prove his now ex-boyfriend wrong or to delusionally attempt to get him back. Seokjin rightly tells him that their relationship problems—their breakup—cannot be fixed by Yoongi learning to cook. Yoongi's ex left him for a multitude of reasons far bigger than his mediocre cooking. If Yoongi wants his ex back then he has to think far bigger too. Seokjin's plan—although perhaps just as delusional as Yoongi's—is far bigger. It's utterly ridiculous. And it just might work.
“If you really want him back you need to make him jealous,” Seokjin says matter of factly, crossing his legs where he lounges in his desk chair like a bond villain. All he’s missing is a fluffy white cat to stroke. 
“How am I supposed to do that?” Yoongi asks. He just wants some cooking lessons, so he can crawl back to his ex on his hands and knees and show him he’s improved and grown.
“Pretend to date me,” Seokjin says, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. “We'll make a show of it and he’ll see what he’s missing and come running back to you.” 
“I'm not pretending—that’s the stupidest idea I've ever heard.”
“My idea is brilliant. No one wants a pathetic loser, Yoongi-yah, and if you learn to cook just so you can beg him to take you back because you’ve changed then you’re going to be one pathetic loser. And I can’t be friends with pathetic losers. And we were just becoming friends.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Because faking an entire relationship is what cool people do?” 
“No,” Seokjin says. “It’s what geniuses convince someone to do when they’re on the verge of becoming pathetic losers. People love things they can’t have, Yoongi-yah. It's why you want him back so badly. Right now he knows that if he snaps his fingers you’ll come running back to him. We need him to think you’ve moved on and that you’re happy and that you’re now a functioning human being.”
“This is ridiculous. Why did I even come here?”
“Because I'm brilliant. That's why. Pretend to date me and he’ll see what he’s missing and you’ll have him back in no time. And, bonus points, your parents won’t have a chance to start pestering you to start dating again.”
Yoongi has never heard such an absurd idea in his life, but seeing Seokjin’s smile and hearing Seokjin’s logic it’s hard to say no. 
“Fine. Whatever. How do you pretend to be dating someone?” 
“You stop frowning at me and start pretending you want to kiss me instead.”
* * * 
Or in which Yoongi’s boyfriend has recently broken up with him and he’s desperate to get him back, so he tries to enlist the help of his best friend Jimin’s friend Kim Seokjin, only for Seokjin to concoct a ridiculous fake dating plan that might just lead to Yoongi developing feelings for someone he never thought he would.
Somewhere between trying to make his ex boyfriend jealous, holding Seokjin’s hand, staring into his eyes, drawing him close, and letting Seokjin put his hands in his back pockets, and the many conversations they share, Yoongi begins to struggle to look at this relationship as just a fake one. When Seokjin kisses him one day in full view of his ex, Yoongi knows he should find the kiss weird. It’s his friend kissing him, not someone he’s attracted to. And yet he finds himself forgetting entirely that they aren’t really dating in that moment. He finds himself almost sad that they aren’t. He finds himself kissing Seokjin with more passion than he’s ever kissed his ex-boyfriend with. 
“Whoa,” Seokjin whispers, pulling back. “Way to commit to the bit.” 
They’re both flushed and breathless. and Yoongi can feel embarrassment creeping through his veins. Seokjin's lips are swollen and it takes every bit of willpower Yoongi has not to stare at them.
“Sorry, I just thought… I thought…”
Seokjin's eyes flicker to something over Yoongi’s head, however. He leans in and kisses Yoongi's cheek and says in a rather loud voice. “I'm going to the bathroom, Babe. Meet you in an hour?” 
Yoongi frowns. “Wh—“ 
Seokjin pokes him meaningfully.
“Oh, yeah, see you. Have fun in the—bathroom, I guess?” 
Yoongi barely has time to collect himself before his ex-boyfriend walks up to him to strike up a conversation. 
“Are you dating him for free cooking lessons or something?” he asks Yoongi jokingly.
Yoongi's ex is kind of an asshole and overhearing some of Yoongi’s conversations with him prompts Seokjin to ask questions, which start conversations of their own between the two of them. 
“Why do you want him back anyway?” 
“I-I don’t know. He's just… I… I love him. He’s been there for me when I needed him.” 
“Yeah, but whenever you two talk you look kind of miserable afterwards.” 
“Of course I do, he hasn’t asked me to take him back yet.” 
“He always says things that kind of put you down.” 
“That's just his sense of humour. I do it too.”
“Really? I've been hanging around you non-stop for almost a month now and you’ve never put me down.” 
“Well… I… it’s just…” 
They talk about many things. They share their hobbies and their aspirations for the future. Seokjin even teaches Yoongi how to cook, although it happens spontaneously one evening when Seokjin comes to Yoongi’s for dinner so they can work out a plan for tomorrow when they’ll see Yoongi’s ex again at the university fundraiser he’s participating in. Yoongi asks Seokjin on the phone what Seokjin feels like having for dinner. And Seokjin laughs and says he’ll bring dinner, don’t worry. And when he shows up he’s got two grocery bags. 
“We’re cooking a decent meal. I've seen the way you eat. And you must be sick of takeaway.” 
“Yes. We. You and me.”
That night Seokjin shows Yoongi how to chop vegetables correctly, how to fry onions without burning them, and how to properly prepare a decent meal. And he does it all with a smile and gentle words of encouragement. They cook, they eat, and they plan for tomorrow. Tomorrow they’re going to pretend to have an argument in earshot of Yoongi’s ex. It will give him the perfect excuse to comfort Yoongi, to begin winning him back. But Yoongi can’t help feeling a twinge of reluctance as they rehearse what they’re going to say to each other. But he pushes that reluctance aside. They have work to do and tomorrow, hopefully, he’ll have his boyfriend back. Nevermind if Yoongi has begun to think about someone else. 
The plan works. Yoongi's ex comes to comfort him and he asks Yoongi to get coffee with him. Once coffee is over he suggests dinner next week and Yoongi agrees. At dinner Yoongi begins to feel small. He doesn’t like his ex’s sense of humour. Or maybe it’s not humour. Maybe it’s just insults. He doesn't like how his ex talks about Seokjin. Most of all he doesn’t like how his ex’s mouth feels against his at the end of the night. He tastes like smoke and he kisses too hard. And he suggests they go back to his place as though he assumes Yoongi will agree immediately. 
“Um, actually, I-I think I’m going to go home,” Yoongi says, breathless, and in the wrong way, from their kiss. “Tonight was great. But… we should take things slow.” 
“Since when have you ever wanted to take things slow?” his ex scoffs. 
“Wh—since now. I don't know," Yoongi says in a small voice, eyes prickling.
“You’re really not coming back with me?” 
“I—no. no," Yoongi says, drawing himself up to his full height. “Thank you, but no.” 
His ex huffs irritably and gets into a taxi. “Whatever.”
Yoongi finds himself on the curb holding back tears. Usually when he cries, he goes to Jimin, but he hasn’t told Jimin about any of this and suddenly it all seems so stupid and humiliating to admit what he’s been doing for the last month. So he goes to Seokjin.
“Hey, how did the—Yoongi-yah, what happened?” 
Yoongi stands in Seokjin’s doorway, his face puckering as tears streak his cheeks. “He just puts me down all the time, like you said,” he whimpers hoarsely. “I didn't want to go home with him tonight and he basically called me easy and said I'd never not wanted to go home with him before.”
“He's an asshole. Come here. Come in. It’s okay.” He draws Yoongi into his arms, into the safety and familiarity of his dorm room. “You’re not easy.”
Yoongi cries embarrassingly loudly. All the tears he hasn’t cried since their breakup. all the tears he should have been crying instead of pouring his energy into trying to make his ex jealous. “I feel so stupid.” 
“Everyone's stupid sometimes. It’s okay.”
Seokjin lets him spend the night. Or, more accurately, insists he spend the night on pain of death. He makes snacks and they watch a film together on Seokjin’s laptop, eating popcorn and nachos and sweets. The worst thing seokjin does is chew extra loudly for a few moments to annoy Yoongi. 
Afterwards Seokjin makes them a very late dinner because Yoongi had hardly eaten anything at the restaurant his ex had taken him to. And they talk and eat and laugh. 
Yoongi takes a shower. As he’s washing his hair with Seokjin’s shampoo, he finds himself thinking that somehow his time with Seokjin tonight has felt like the date he’s been envisioning his ex taking him on. Something perfect and soft and intimate. So when he has towel dried his hair and changed into some old, loose clothes that Seokjin has leant him, he sits on the edge of Seokjin’s bed and looks at him until Seokjin looks up from his phone. 
“Stop staring at me.” 
“I'm not staring. Who—who’re you texting?”
“This guy I met at a party,” Seokjin says. “He’s pretty hot, so I thought I'd give it a try seeing as we’re over now. I mean, unless you want to give it a go for real?” 
Yoongi blinks, a little laugh leaving him. “Y-you’re joking, right?” He doesn’t mean it to come out like that, as though he can’t imagine them ever dating for real. 
Seokjin chuckles and looks away. “Yeah.”
They sleep in the same bed that night, but Yoongi feels miserable for the next few days. He and Seokjin are friends now, but suddenly friendship doesn’t seem like enough. 
Yoongi spends the next week at Jimin’s apartment, wallowing in depression and letting Jimin wrap him in blankets and tell him what a prick his boyfriend was. And how he’s sure Yoongi could work things out with Seokjin and be very happy with him. 
That’s when Yoongi tells Jimin everything. The fake dating. Falling for Seokjin. Not knowing what to do now because Seokjin isn’t interested in him romantically. He expects Jimin to reprimand him or yell dramatically that Yoongi should have told him—how could he leave him out of the most exciting thing Yoongi has ever done? But Jimin listens and then he smiles and he says simply, “Go shower and put on something sexy. We’re going to a party tonight.” 
“I don't want to go to a party.”
“It's not optional, hyung. Now put on some jeans that make your ass look phenomenal. We’re going out. I have a plan.”
Two hours later, they leave Jimin's dorm room, heading towards a party that Jimin knows for a fact Seokjin will be attending. Yoongi's stomach has tied itself in several knots. Jimin's plan is simple. Go in. Find Seokjin. Tell him how you feel. Yoongi hates this plan. Yoongi thinks it's a terrible plan, but Jimin is persuasive and Jimin is pulling him into a house that's vibrating with the force of the music thumping inside of it, a house packed with people and smelling thickly of alcohol. Jimin is craning his neck, handing Yoongi a cup of beer. 
"Drink up, it helps with the nerves," he tells him, grinning. And then, "Oh, look!"
And there is Seokjin. Standing in the corner talking to another man, laughing with another man. Probably the man who he had been texting the night Yoongi slept in his dorm room.
Yoongi turns and leaves the house, wiping away tears. He hears Jimin calling after him, but at some point those calls stop and there's just silence as he makes his way back through the quiet, pretty much deserted part of the university's grounds. Then another voice is calling out to him, footsteps echoing behind him, a hand taking his arm and pulling him to a halt. 
"Hey, I saw you at the party," Seokjin says. "What happened? Why did you leave?"
Yoongi sniffles. "I just thought I could go out and get a guy, but it was all too much for me," he says, smiling softly. 
Seokjin's skin is flushed from running and his hair is messy. He stands before Yoongi, looking like he doesn't quite know what to do with himself. 
"Yoongi-yah, you can't rush these things," Seokjin says. "It's okay to need time." 
Yoongi sits heavily on a bench, shaking his head. "I keep thinking about how much time I wasted on him. And what a prick he was to me. And how all I ever did was waste time wanting him to be what he wasn't. I wanted him to help me learn how to cook instead of complaining about it, you know? I wanted him to just appreciate me and not put me down all the time. I wanted him to, like, put his hand in my back pocket and hold my hand when we walked around together. And I wanted him to stay up half the night talking to me about stuff we wanted to do in the future. I wanted him to care about my hobbies. I-I wanted..." he trails away momentarily as Seokjin sits beside him, listening intently. "I just... I wanted him to kiss me like you kissed me. L-Like he cared it was me he was kissing."
Seokjin's eyelids flutter and he looks away suddenly, his mouth opening and closing. He looks back up at Yoongi, but still he seems to have no words. 
So Yoongi kisses him, tasting alcohol, but not caring because his whole body warms when his lips are pressed to Seokjin's. 
He barely registers how it happens, but they're stumbling up the stairs to Seokjin's dorm room. Yoongi's back is against the door as Seokjin tries to unlock it and kiss him at the same time. They're inside and the door is closed and Seokjin is sitting against the headboard and yoongi is in his lap, their bodies moving together with each kiss, hands fumbling at shirts and belts. 
Abruptly, Seokjin pulls out of the kiss. "Wait. Wait. I... I don't want you to think I'm doing this because I think you're easy or something. I want you to know I like you. I've liked you since the day Jiminie introduced us. I don't want to just sleep with you. I want you to be my boyfriend. for real this time." 
Yoongi hadn't expected this, so for a moment he's as utterly speechless as Seokjin had been before yoongi kissed him. 
"I... I want to be your boyfriend too," he whispers, letting his hips roll against Seokjin's lightly, sending tingles up his spine. "For real this time."
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There is so much going on in this short scene. I can’t stop thinking about it.
Max has observed that Oskar is desperate to solve a case, perhaps thinking that Oskar is insecure. But after they visit the cemetery Max has finally figured out the root of Oskar’s sadness and restlessness. I can’t blame Max for his fascination and satisfaction at discovering what he feels and knows to be true about this man. This is I think where Max the analyst and Max the friend meet, the intersection of study and caring, when we come to Max’s motivation as a person to help people. Yes, he is fascinated by human nature in a detached way, but he is also very keen to help people. In this scene he is moved by Oskar’s restrained emotion and is struggling not to show emotion, struggling to remain the analyst. I also think that Max wasn't expecting to hear about a child's death. In his profession sympathizing or showing intense emotion is discouraged and I would say the same is true today. But Max can no longer maintain a professional distance because their relationship is not one of patient and therapist. This is partly due to Oskar’s honesty about his feelings.
Oskar is not going to spare anyone’s feelings; he’s going to protect himself. I sympathize with Oskar. He values the fact that Max has noticed his grief when most people likely haven’t, but he is also on the defensive, and rightly so. It’s an insult to be dissected when you don’t want to be, particularly when you're grieving. Oskar did not ask to be psychoanalyzed. He has not consented to be picked apart because he did not ask for help. He desires understanding. He states that he does not want to be “dissected”. When you’re grieving a loved one the last thing you want is someone coldly picking at your brain like you’re a specimen. When you’re grieving you are both your basic self and not yourself at all. You are diminished; your senses are heightened and yet you are numb as well. Oskar just wants to work. He’s clearly still in a lesser period of shock. As you grieve you experience many, if not hundreds, of layers of shock. It’s like you keep waking up over and over again. The shock wears off very gradually. The deeper in shock you are the more you want to just work. You are focused on utility and your brain keeps you numb to prevent more severe damage.
Max might have pushed further with someone else but I think at this point he understands that Oskar is no longer a subject to be observed, no longer someone he can coldly analyze, but a colleague and a friend. He realizes that Oskar is not ready for analysis or therapy but needs understanding and occupation. Max sees Oskar’s hand shake, knows and actually listens when the man tells him he cannot talk about his grief yet. Oskar has taken a great step even telling Max, a young foreign man he barely knows, that all he has is work because his beloved child is dead and his wife has left him. I think that Max understands the enormity of that in this moment. Max says, “if there’s anything I can do to help…” Because he knows that he has to offer support and hold back on his impulse to treat Oskar like a case study.
Max is an example of someone who has the capacity to stay completely cold as a psychoanalyst but his own emotions prevent him from being wholly methodical. In a later scene when Amelia is “cured” he has tears in his eyes. His compassion takes him beyond a single-minded analyst.
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The emotion he has in the lecture hall is the same emotion he has in the café, magnified. When Max sees Oskar’s hand shake does he want to reach out and calm him? As a friend you often have that impulse. Oskar has a hard time looking at Max. Human connection and eye contact can stir huge emotions that a person might not be prepared to face. They look at each other briefly. And Max, the observer, looks down with emotion, perhaps even giving Oskar privacy. His shoulders change, no longer proud with youthful overconfidence or even arrogance, but timid and shy. He hunches down just a tiny bit, looking sideways at Oskar. And once Oskar has said he needs to solve the case so he can be “fine” Max instantaneously changes the topic to the case and more importantly how he himself can help Oskar take action.
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zeddimusprime · 1 year
Trans Man Noah Diaz
The first time I saw Rise of the Beasts, I read Noah as a Trans Man, and that headcanon just solidified after my second viewing.
I’ll get the heavy reasons out of the way first, and work down to the most silly ones.
The section that was here before has been removed, because I was overstepping and someone rightly called me out on it. However. I’m not going to lie and pretend I didn’t do what I did. I deleted the comment that called me out because it made me feel bad, I panicked, and deleted it to save my own ego. It was wrong, it was cowardly, it was fucked up, and I shouldn’t have done it.
I truly am sorry, and have spent the last day sitting with myself until I stopped trying to excuse my behavior and just acknowledged what I did. I am not asking for forgiveness, I can only try going forward to be the kind of person deserving of it.
For now, I’m taking a break from this blog, leaving it on a queue, and I won’t be posting here for a while. Even though that isn’t the kind of person I want to be, I need to reckon with the fact that that is the kind of person I am. I’m sorry, once again.
1994 was also the year Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was put into place, which, for those too young to remember, was basically a policy allowing queer and trans people to serve in the military so long as they remained closeted, and prohibited superiors from forcibly outing them. Given that we’re never actually told in the film why Noah was discharged, it’s not unreasonable to think that it may have been because he got found out as trans.
The part that’s particularly personal for me is his relationship with Kris. I’ve also got a little brother that’s quite a bit younger than me, and I acted as an extra parent to him, practically raised him since we were both latchkey kids, and yeah, there’s no doubt in my mind that I’d face the apocalypse head on if it meant keeping him safe. All that to say, it’s comforting to think that Noah’s identity as a man is inseparable from his identity as a Big Brother, the way it is for me.
Most of my other reasons are less serious:
Noah wears a lot of layers and baggy clothes on his upper half, which yes, was part of 90s fashion, but it’s also how I dressed for most of my life, even before I realized I was trans.
Noah is also non-toxically masculine in a way that’s not unheard of but also not as common for men, especially service members, of that time period. Again, there may very well be a cultural component I’m missing here, let me know if there is, but this is just something I related to as a Guy Who Wasn’t Raised As One.
This last one’s kinda silly, but I’m a Car Guy, and one of the most gender euphoria inducing things I can do is work on my car. There’s few things that make me feel like Man quite like sweat on my brow and grease on my hands and a purring engine from a job well done. So for Noah to not only be a tech wiz but specifically a Mechanic? That was the thing that really sold me on this headcanon. (And that’s not even getting into the very fun implications of Noah being the one to repair Mirage, to get to know him so intimately, literally inside and out. Very nice.)
(I also love the idea that rather than being weirded out or taken aback at first like he is in some fics, Noah would be kinda weirdly affirmed to find out that not only does Mirage have some of roughly the same *equipment* while still being treated as and being a Mech, but his setup is the norm for Cybertronians. I can so picture Noah anxiously telling Mirage about his situation when they finally get together only for Mirage to be like “you mean other human mechs don’t have a 🐈??? Like, most humans only have one or the other?????”)
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momentsbeforemass · 8 months
They say
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We all know that there are things that come between us and God.
Whether it’s an addiction. Or a toxic relationship. Or our politics.
Something as retro as one of the seven deadlies. Or something subtle as our own anger or negativity.
When something comes between us and God. The hardest part isn’t always dealing with whatever has come between us and God.
Sometimes the hardest part is dealing with other people. And their perception of us.
That is, whatever we were doing that got us off track? People get used to us being someone who does that. So much so, that’s how they define us. To them, that’s who we are.
“You thought he wasn’t going to do that? Oh, that’s just him.”
“She always says stuff like that. That’s why I quit following her.”
Which can be a huge problem when we finally decide to deal with whatever has come between us and God.
You would think that people would welcome the change. After all, when something comes between us and God, you and I aren’t the only ones that get hit by the fallout from that. It impacts everyone around us. At a minimum.
Given that, you’d think that their response would be something like, “that’s great, how can I help?” Or at least, “it’s about time.”
Instead, we get pushback. It’s almost like people are saying to us, “That’s your box. Don’t you dare try to crawl out of it. That’s who you are.”
Which is why today’s first reading (about the conversion of St. Paul) is so important.
Because this is exactly what happens to St. Paul.
God tells Ananias to go to Saul (Paul’s name before his conversion) and heal him. Ananias is a believer. He’s a good guy. But he still pushes back,
“Lord, I have heard from many sources about this man, what evil things he has done…”
And God’s response? God doesn’t waste time with what “they say.”
Because that’s what Ananias is throwing at God. A fancy version of “they say.”
There are a lot of reasons why God doesn’t waste time with what “they say.” First, God is, well, God. God already knows all of it. None of the evil things that have been told to Ananias thirdhand are news to God.
But more importantly, that’s not how God sees Saul. God doesn’t see Saul as the subject of rumors. As someone rightly on the receiving end of tales that grow worse with the telling.
As God tells Ananias, “this man is a chosen instrument of mine.”
Translation, God doesn’t just put up with Saul. God chooses Saul. Because God sees who he really is.
God sees the Paul that He made him to be. Because God has a plan for his life.
And all of that, because Saul took his first stumbling step towards God. His first step away from everything that he had put between himself and God. His first step towards Home.
It’s not unusual. This is just who God is. And how overjoyed God is, when we take our first stumbling step towards Him.
When God sees us taking that first stumbling step towards Him, towards becoming who He made us to be, God rejoices. And claims us as His own.
God turns to the angels and says, “See that? You know who that is? This woman is a chosen instrument of mine. This man is a chosen instrument of mine.”
It happens every time. When we take our first step away from everything that we’ve put between ourselves and God.
It happens every time. When we take our first step towards Home.
Because God doesn’t waste time with what “they say.”
Today’s Readings
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Jamie waiting for permission from the entire team to be a prick. Jamie sitting there literally vibrating wanting to say something but restraining himself because he doesn't want to upset his team. The team being like "you can be a prick now cos you are our prick" and then he bursts out to show how smart and how tactical he is and how much he has learned and them all looking at him and Ted's proud dad look and Dani instantly bigging him up. God these idiots, i love them so much
Aaaah, this was such a tricky position for Jamie! He knows what’s going wrong, he knows what needs to be done about it, but no one else seems to be getting it – his team mates are berating him for not staying up front and not scoring any goals (which he takes with impressive grace) and when Ted finally starts talking it’s to launch into a story about facial hair, not to offer any real solution to the problem. Beard isn’t any help; Roy is fucking punning. No wonder Jamie is, as you say, vibrating with impatiance and the need to speak up, torn between the desire to sort this out as it seems only he knows how to do at this point and the desire not be seen as a prick.
And I think he knows that he’s not actually being a prick here, not really: what he says is perfectly true and he’s not offering it from a place of wanting to put others down or make himself grander, but from a place of giving the team the best shot they have, giving them all a chance to make it work. But he also knows that any claim that the rest of them are messing things up while he knows what he’s doing will read as him being a prick, given his history.
This, rightly, worries him. Quite apart from genuinely wanting to be a better person and not hurt others, I think that Jamie is concerned about the team turning on him if they perceive him as returning to his old ways: he remembers how much it sucked when he first came back and none of them wanted him there and he’s also come to really appreciate the camraderie and the strong relationships they’ve developed as a group. In so many ways, this is his family – of course he doesn’t want to risk that.
But risk it he does, once the team has given him the all clear. They are kind of taking a chance on one another here, aren’t they, the team and Jamie? Choosing to trust. I don’t think it’s a hard choice for them, considering how far they’ve all come, but even so. It is a choice made, a risk taken. 
And the risk just pays off so beautifully, for Jamie and the rest of the boys! Once he asks, they’re all immediately ready to just let him rip, and even if they’re initially put off by what he says (causing him to quickly backtrack a little) they keep listening and they gather round to watch him lay it all out – gah, that look on Jamie’s face when he turns and realizes that he hasn’t lost them, they’re still with him and hanging onto his every word – and they unreservedly accepts that he is right, this is the way to go, and Ted is proud and Roy is proud and Dani steps right up to make sure everyone gets what a big deal is, what a fucking phenomenal and unselfish play from Jamie this is.
I’m just so fucking happy for all of them! Or, as a wise nonny once said, God these idiots, i love them so much
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caffedrine · 1 year
Having played both routes for Gilbert, do you think Emma's feelings in the end are genuine or more like Stockholm Syndrome?
TL:DR Gilbert and Emma have a very unhealthy relationship. It should not be idealized or emulated by anyone, healthy or even unhealthy. Strive to be a better person than Gilbert, if not for yourself, then at least for those around you.
So, I went down the rabbit hole of Stockholm Syndrome, which has some very interesting articles, including those that suggest it has a misogynistic basis. Essentially, the concern is that it is a catch-all to silence victims’ voices. What the victims say doesn’t matter, because they’re all delusional, their own thoughts and sense of agency are meaningless because they’re suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. On that note, can anyone name a man who is an example of someone suffering from Stockholm syndrome?
While I do want to give a definite answer on whether or not Emma is suffering from Stockholm syndrome, I worry if the question itself is the right question to ask, and if it ignores Emma’s sense of agency in Gilbert’s route.
One of the reasons I appreciate Gilbert’s version of Emma is that she has a strong sense of agency and the ability to make her own decisions. While she has no choice but to entertain Gilbert as his ‘friend’, she chooses to be genuine, and try to make peace between Rhodolite and Obsidian possible. When she is confronted with being sent into exile or sent to Obsidian as Gilbert’s hostage, Emma decides to confront Gilbert head-on and go to Obsidian. She has a line that it’s not about what he’s promised in the treaty they are finalizing, but one last opportunity to see her ideals through. While in Obsidian, Emma continues to make rational decisions, even though I personally don’t agree with all of them.
On choking: Yes, that was total bullshit for Gilbert/Cybrid. Still, after reading how Emma responded afterward, I don’t think she was traumatized by it (even if she probably should, for her own safety). She appears to still have her own sense of agency and makes rational decisions that I do not necessarily agree with. The feelings of love she has for Gilbert don’t seem to arise from a need to cope with her situation or appeal to Gilbert to keep him from hurting her. Rightly or wrongly, Emma sees their similarities and thinks she understands Gilbert’s motivations. Whether or not you agree with her, whether or not you think Gilbert is worthy of them, I think this Emma's love for Gilbert is genuine.
There is a scene where Emma doesn’t divulge all the information about Obsidian/Gilbert to Chevalier. I think this is not her being hostile towards Rhodolite, but her accepting her role as someone who is on Obsidian’s side and has to safeguard the country first. I don’t think this is a trauma response.
So, overall, I don’t think that Emma is showing signs of Stockholm Syndrome.
That isn’t to say that she and Gilbert are in a healthy relationship.
Gilbert has most of Cybird’s classic yandere traits: He’s possessive of Emma’s time and attention, he gets jealous when she spends too much time with other people, he has been making Michael stalk her since they were teens, and his emotions for her are all twisty. He loves and hates her, he’s repulsed and attracted to her, just to name a few. It's impossible for him to be in a healthy relationship at this point.
Don't you just love the yandere?
A quick note about choking:
It’s never acceptable for your partner to do this to you, or for you to do it to your partner without permission. Even with permission, it should not be done; choking someone has been shown to cause micro seizures in their brain, damaging it. In short, even surviving choking has lasting detrimental effects on the victim’s outcome, some of which may take years to manifest.
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Hi :) I hope you're doing well ☺️ Could I request a Paul Rovia x Female Reader fic please ? Where Paul opens up to Reader about his insecurities, his fears and everything else he has never been able to tell and share with anyone, except with her. (We know he has always had troubles building relationships). Like he is super vulnerable at that moment and may be on the verge of a breakdown and reader (who also happens to be his best friend or s/o) comforts him in the sweetiest way possible and assures him he IS worthy of Love, no matter what people told him in the past. Also hugs. Lots of hugs. And Hair stroking. You know... Just pure comfort and care. 🥺 Thanks :)
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Hi! I’m so sorry, this took me FOREVER to write with writers block and everything. So sorry for the wait!! Thank you for the request
Tw’s: sensitive topics, emotions running high, coming out.
Please note, as I would rather not get rude threatening DM’s please know this story is about Paul and reader as friends. I would never write Paul with a female character romantically. In the last twenty minutes I’ve been getting nonstop messages about this specific post and they’re fairly rude. I’m only human. I’m only writing stories because I like to. Again this story is focusing on friends helping each other!!! Nothing more nothing less. PLEASE think before you message me with abusive language. Thank you. I will not be discussing this topic again
Some of the things I write as Paul are probably going to be made up as I don’t know everything about him so apologies if I write something wrong!
“you can talk to me,”
Your words were soft as you gazed at your best friend, Paul. His long hair fell in front of his face shielding the look of discomfort in his eyes but his body language was enough of a telling sign that something wasn’t right. He was always at hilltop but you had noticed something was off with him so encouraged him to take a break from being busy and spend some quality time with you. He never spoke to you about how he was feeling, he always felt like a burden but you just wanted to listen to him. Make him realise that it was okay to talk. “What happened?” You questioned- you weren’t a mind reader but you wished you were one at that very moment. It tore you apart not being able to help him. “Nothing” he said quietly and you looked at him raising your brows “nothing my ass” you said sarcastically you simply stared at him overly concerned for his well-being and rightly so, being in the apocalypse all alone with little to no family was a risk to mental health.
“Seriously it’s nothing y/n” he said shaking his head as he stood up from the couch. Your eyes flared with concern and you held yourself back from standing up with him “please don’t shut me out” you pleaded watching as his sea blue eyes slowly moved to look at you, his expression hurt and confused. “You’ve got enough on your plate I don’t want to bother you, seriously-“ you cut him off grabbing onto his hand tightly but gently as you gazed into his eyes “I’ve always got time for you.” You uttered out giving his hand a light squeeze “no matter what I’m always here for you… always.” You said and you watched as he seemingly allowed himself to break free from the “Im fine” demeanour as he sat back down beside you but you didn’t let go of his hand simply holding onto his hand tightly, your fingers intertwined with his as you brushed your thumb against his hand gently. Silence soon engulfed the both of you as you could practically see the gears turning in his head as he tried to word what he wanted to say properly.
He licked over his lips nervously before letting out a breath “I’m scared.” He practically whispered and you remained silent gazing at him before your eyes softened “oh, Jesus” you cooed gently letting go of his hand as you wrapped your arm around his shoulder pulling him close, his head slowly falling to rest against your shoulder as he closed his eyes feeling tons of comfort wash over him. “You’re allowed to be scared” you assured gently but he soon shook his head “I… I’m not just scared of the apocalypse or walkers or anything… I’m scared of losing you.” He said his voice trembling ever so slightly, you nodded slowly snaking your hand up to rest against his head as you listened to him your fingertips slowly running through his hair, trying to soothe him as best as you possibly could. “I’m wasting so. much. time. Because I’m unable to connect with people I feel useless and so stupid… I can’t seem to solve anything anymore I’m only good for stealing… I’m just useless” he said almost numbly and you quickly pulled away to look into his eyes as you cupped his face in your hands “hey, no… where is this coming from?” you shook your head “absolutely not- we need you for everything. For your skills… for your kindness, passion, fighting skills… you’re amazing.”
But even though your words were said with all the kindness possible he didn’t believe it, looking away as tears formed in his eyes, his hands trembling as he seemingly looked like he was about to breakdown. “You can talk to me, Paul… please. I want to help you. Let it all out.” You pleaded as he let out a breath leaning back into the couch as you wrapped your arm around his shoulder. You had known him for a while now and knew he got most comfort and security from comforting touches- touches being the only way to truly calm him down. You watched as he stared up at the ceiling struggling to control the heavy emotions rolling round his head. “It’s all in my head” he said gently “all the thoughts. The memories. The pain. It sucks” You nodded slowly as a tear slowly trickled down his cheek. He was always such a strong strong man who never showed much emotion so it shocked you… he was opening up to you.
“Okay… I’m listening.” You assured gently as he nodded turning his head to look at you his eyes full of honesty and seriousness but a deep pain was starting to shine through “I had a group before hilltop, I trusted them… I ignored the warning signs. They were a bunch of bullies basically…. Making fun of everything about me. They weren’t a group- they were just people who had to suffer with me there, we were hunting together. This was probably a month into the whole apocalypse and we were scavenging for food… soon enough we became the food. The dead surrounded us everywhere and all of them threw me into the dog house basically… they ran and left me to fend for myself.” Your brows furrowed as you listened “oh I’m sorry that’s awful…” he wiped away some fresh tears angrily visibly trying not to be too emotional about it “but I somehow freed myself from it all… I then started my journey again but solo this time….” He bit down on his bottom lip “a few weeks later and I found them all dead… they hadn’t been bitten- none of them- they had all just been stabbed in the head and to this day I don’t know who did it but I regret not being there to help them. I should’ve helped them….” “No you couldn’t-“ he cut you off gently “no, y/n, you don’t understand. I should’ve been there to somehow save them. I don’t think of them often but when I do it’s when I’m like this… I guess… but that’s usually the time when I’m alone.” He said and you stared at him quietly, he had been doing this for ages- suffering alone. “I’m always here to listen” you said and he nodded “I know.”
You slowly rubbed up and down his back trying to think of something to say watching as he sucked in harsh breaths and you got closer to him “come here” you soothed quietly as you wrapped your arms around him as he practically sunk into you as if this was the first hug he had, had in forever, his body instantly relaxing into yours as you stroked his hair resting your chin atop of his head “it’s okay… it’s all going to be okay.” You soothed as his body began trembling, shaking harder every now and then as he tried to keep in his cries “let it all out… you’re safe” you coaxed, continuing to murmur quiet assuring things to him as he continued crying in your arms.
“How do you know it’s going to be okay?” He suddenly asked sniffling “I don’t know that but what I do know is you’ve survived this long… you’ve got us… you’ve got a family. Cut yourself some slack. You’re only human.” You said to him quietly. “We’re so lucky to have you Paul. I’m so lucky. I’ve got the greatest best friend” you said with a small smile as you continued stroking your hand over his hair “you’re so loved… you’re so worthy. You may not feel it at times but you are.” You said with a small smile. Usually he was the one comforting you but being able to comfort him back felt nice… “really?” He looked up into your eyes and you smiled down at him nodding your head “absolutely.”
Paul appreciated your kindness. He hadn’t experienced such kindness in a long time and so he was grateful for it. You made him feel safe. You shielded him from the pain. “Do you feel better now?” You asked softly and he nodded slightly “anything else you’d like to talk about?” You offered and he gazed at you “yes, actually.” He said and you hummed sitting up straighter as you gazed at him “okay… I’m uh, I’m not going to sugar coat this alright? But I’ve been insecure my whole life… I could never figure out why… I couldn’t get to the main root of the insecurity but I found it…” he said and you nodded quietly easing him to continue “I’m gay… I like… guys.” He said staring at you waiting for your reaction and as he saw a smile light up your face relief was quick to wash over him “that’s amazing” you wrapped your arms around him “but I’m sure I knew… I see the way you look at some guys.” You chuckled out and he smiled at you “thank you.” He murmured and you shook your head “no… thank you.” You said and he furrowed his brows slightly “for opening up to me…. Communicating is important. Don’t leave me in the dark okay? I’m here to listen.” You said and he nodded… for you he’d try and learn that he wasn’t a burden and that he could communicate to you.
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ghostforwhat · 1 year
beckoning you to go on the spiel
ur an enabler <3 but also Hannibal Lecter & his relationship with death is so so intriguing. To start with, up until this point, he’s not open with anyone about his views on death as an escape choosing instead to focus on the other aspects and power he thinks he has constructed over it. But with Bella, he is beginning to unravel and so his actions and advice take on more and more drastic tones because he is, for the first time since childhood, in a situation he can barely (if at all) control. He needs to be pretend that he does, and can continue to, maintain it because he’s playing a very high risk game with a very low chance of it turning out in his favor and he knows it. By interacting with Will & the Team at all, he’s showing off hubris. And then he raises the stakes again, keeping Bella and Will’s illness to himself, one aware and the other not. Which okay we don’t see a whole lot of evidence for it but it’s heavily implied that he has started to grow bored at the beginning of the show, the Ripper had taken a hiatus and no dinner parties had occurred in some time. Will is a catalyst that drives him out of that, and instead of approaching it with a more drawn out manipulation the way he did with Bedelia or Chiyoh or even to some extent Margot, he immediately places Will in the same sort of do or die situation by calling Hobbs. Hes running off balance from the start and every action he takes, while it may have an air of calculation, is very much not thought out to the degree it should be. He’s essentially drawing up the plans to destroy his own life because he’s faced with the possibility of understanding. He wants it, I would argue he practically needs it, but he can’t allow himself to have it without upheaving everything because he works in extremes. For anyone else, there would be hesitancy and doubt but he doesn’t do either of those. He has full faith in Will from the beginning which is why in Mizumono, he accuses “You would take my life.” first because that’s what he was expecting, planning on. He never addressed his trauma in a meaningful way that didnt bring harm to others or himself, he does not use Bedelia as an actual therapist but rather a sounding board, he has to be aware that the words “Nothing happened to me. I happened.” cannot coexist with his behavior but he says them anyway. He shoulders heavy amounts of blame and unfortunately most of it rightly so because he cannot help himself or stop. Prison for Hannibal was the worst punishment possible and that he accepted it because Will deemed it necessary, shows us again that he continues to carry guilt with him, just not remorse. He’s away of how he hurts what he loves and feels bad about it but not enough to stop. The minute he stops, the minute he has to confront that he could have let himself die instead of eating his sister (in his mind) and he can’t handle that. He needs to have the fantasy of death being a motivator while also being a consequence, he’s driven to drastic actions and thrives there because anything less and he runs the risk of being forced to confront himself with no buffer and he’s hyper aware of that. “Suicide is the enemy.” And it’s one he thinks of often. He has survivor’s guilt and his actions in Mizumono made that ten times worse while also inflicting that same feeling onto Will. It’s also why I think he was so willing to let Will pull them off the cliff, beyond the culmination of everything he wanted, he had been prepared and ready to die since the beginning. His last action was to shield the worst of the fall from Will and then close his eyes, at peace with it.
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nightcolorz · 9 months
114 for the drabbles 👀
Here u go Ray 🥰 Lmfao uh this is my longest Drabble 😁. This ask is following an ask game where u can send me prompts from here: https://www.tumblr.com/nightcolorz/735473060637016064/drabble-challenge-1-150?source=share and I’ll write a Drabble!!
Takes place sometime in the devils minion era shortly post chase years when they r beginning to have a relationship. CW for some nsfw (tho no actual sex) and The F Slur 😁
114-No, you’re my bitch 
It was one of those really sweltering hot nights, Florida, when the brief breezes feel more like someone thick and sweating panting on your moistened brow, rather than a cool bit of mercy. The kind of day that drives a man fucking crazy. The sort of weather that has the crime rates spiking high enough to make somebody like me self reflect a little. A heat that could get to a vampire I figure, if you’ve got yourself a vampire bodily and human adjacent enough to notice the heat at all. 
I had myself a vampire with a fetish for all things human and feeling, lucky boy that I was, and on that particular agonizing night I found him unusually. Not looming above my bed like a ginger hawk, nor approaching me with the spontaneity of an apparition, but sitting on the steps of the apartment I was renting. Armand could’ve been sitting there without thinking of me at all, it seemed so non-calculated. Alarming for my vampire boyfriend, who was not the unintentional type. He was sitting there like a kid, sort of pouty, a bit disadvantaged looking. His jeans fit weird on his legs, too long at the ankles but two tight in the thighs. He was wearing some ratty wife beater tank that would look more at home on a harder, bigger guy than on this ethereal monster, this sad boy. His boots were working boots, and definitely too big for him, sort of clownish. Armand was looking down at them, plush bottom lip jutted out, red handed. I mean so literally, red handed, bloodied. 
It was subtle enough that only someone whose world revolved around blood could notice such a thing. There was blood coated under those claw-like nails, a sheen of sweat and sweet boy-like blush pulsing beneath his skin. And the clothes could be nothing else but the garbs of a victim. A victim who must’ve been really something, considering how Armand didn’t even seem to register me standing over him. 
“Hey man.” I said,  rocking on the souls of my feet a bit. At this point it felt so normal, speaking to him, to an extent that was almost funny. My vampire buddy, my immortal lover. My weird boy sidekick, who I wanted very badly to fuck me brainless. Hey man indeed. “Daniel.” He responded, wistfully. He wasn’t all there, which wasn’t unusual in itself. But something was wrong, even by Armand standards, and damn was I bothered. “What’s up?” I asked, after taking a beat to consider how best to go about this. I was concerned, almost like he was real and I might affect him. I really didn’t want him to be hurt. Armand hurt. It made me feel sick, in a way that was so deep it was disorienting. 
Armand didn’t answer. I realized that a question like “what’s up” was perhaps a bit too nonspecific and modern for him to wrap his head around, and I tried to rework a wording in my head before I heard, spoken to me within my soul, directly in my brain as if it was coming from me, and not my parasitic lover inserting himself in what was rightly his. “What does it mean to be someone’s bitch, Daniel?”
“Fuck.” I muttered. “It always fucks me up when you do that, God damn.” He only looked at me, non speaking. I felt sort of stupid and confused, like I was a kid struck with a pop quiz. “Bitch?” I said dumbly. Armand looked down to the shoes. “What do you mean, bitch? What is this about?”
“If a man were to say to you: Don’t get smart with me faggot, know your place. You’re nothing more then my fucking bitch—what would that entail?” I heard spoken amongst my thoughts in that delicate, airy voice. 
The force of my anger could’ve been strong enough to black me out. I knew the vengeful rage was irrational, sort of pathetic and childish, to feel like I could protect this thing before me, this thing capable of killing me with an effortless touch of his hand. Yet it was there, and in the moment I could only submit to it. “What the fuck. Who said that to you?” I asked, trying to keep myself from shouting like a moron. Armand’s eyes returned to meet mine, and some clarity calmed me as I looked into that complete darkness, those glimpses into power and age so immeasurable in comparison to my moral limitations that I could only begin to glimpse it. 
“Someone meaningless and small, whom I took easily.” Responded the voice within my head. I nodded, and with some atypical reverence and gentleness I sat beside Armand on the steps. Two dirty, confused vagabond youths, with blood under their fingernails, trying to understand. 
“Well, in this instance, that’s what he meant when he said that you’re his quote on quote fucking bitch.” I said disdainfully. “Meaningless and small.” I briefly hesitated before I continued. “Could take you easily.” Armand was looking at the shoes.
“Hey?” I prompted “Hey, are you ok?” He didn’t respond. Only continued looking downwards, no hint of understanding or emotion visible in his expression. I felt so sad, David looking up at the gigantic impenetrable Goliath for a moment, wondering how I could reach something so beyond me. It was when I began to consider standing up and stretching my legs that I heard the wind chime voice in my head, this time tinged with a lightness and a sweetness that warmed me from the inside. “How funny.” He said. “That he should think this of me, when really he was my bitch ultimately. If there is an afterlife, whatever that may be, he must exist with the reality that he died my bitch. He will always be my bitch, for as long as his cruel soul continues. A wonderful joy, to have someone be my bitch.”
Predictable pervert that I was, I blushed a little. Not outrageously, but just enough to catch my blood hungry lover’s attention, activate that primitive hunter’s nose with the blood swarming close to the skin. He looked up, into my eyes. I coughed, nearly spluttered, and looked down, averting my gaze from his. He was unflinching, unblinking. “Daniel.” This time he spoke aloud, which was less intimate than speaking within me, but much more exhibitive. “You’re my bitch, aren’t you, Daniel?” 
My breath hitched audibly. I felt exposed and naked, hearing him say that, people walking by. “Armand.” I tried to hiss, though I know it came off as more of a plea. 
“Say it.” He commanded softly, though with little gentleness or remorse. “Tell me what you are Daniel.” I shuddered. Hot flashes spread through my abdomen alongside cold, raw shivers racing down my spine. It was feverish and sickening. I was weak with it, grinning. “I’m nothing more than your bitch.” I confessed painfully, through smiling teeth, submissive like a monkey’s smile. He reduced me to that, an animal, a bitch. I was beginning to get hard in my jeans. 
“Yes..” He whispered, and he ran one of his bloodied hands through my hair, petting me like a dog. “Know your place faggot.” He said, so softly and sincerely. The crassness sounded nearly absurd. The innocence of a parrot repeating something it heard but couldn’t understand. The effect was immediate regardless. 
“Let’s go inside.” I breathed. Armand let his hand travel to my neck, and he held me there, commanding, controlling. “Dogs don’t give orders.” He said, with some humor, and I whined shakily as if to support his statement. “But yes, inside we shall go. And stay we shall still, if you can remember your place.”
U can find my drabbles posted on a03 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52422124/chapters/132615793
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s-creations · 1 year
The King Arrives - Chapter 3
(A few days after ‘Plant Care’ from ‘Hues’ Collection)
Everything felt off.
Everyone was on edge.
Something was wrong.
They don’t have long to fix it.
Fandom: Super Mario & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships: Luigi & Mario & Wario (Nintendo) Warnings/Additional Tags: Violence, there is cursing!, fighting ghosts, separation, illusions, here we go!, this is gonna get crazy!
“Alright, so, let’s run through this again.”
“We have very limited time to fix this issue. We’re not 100% sure where the Boo that’s causing this is located. As well as where Mario’s been placed. And I don’t think we have the time to see if clearing out more Ecto-Ghosts would help us in this situation.”
“Welp, that’s it, we’re dead.” Wario stated.
Peach sighed weakly, “Not helpful…”
“So what do we do? There’s nothing we can do. Either because we don’t know where to go or we don’t have the time,” E. Gadd hummed, “Yes…I think we’re well and truly stuck.”
Letting out a devastated whine, Luigi looked back to the computer screen. Eyes scanning the information. As if something was going to magically pop out to solve all their problems. “There has to be something…anything! When you saw the large area of energy, was it moving slow? Fast? M-Maybe we could predict-”
“Sonny, I honestly couldn’t tell you. It was a small blip on the scanner that it means nothing. As well as you seem to forget this place is a maze now! With that shake, the entire castle could have reformatted in some way.”
Biting his lower lip, Luigi gripped his hair as his mind scrambled for some kind of solution. Eyes eventually lighting up. “W-What if we killed two birds with one stone?”
Peach gasped softly while Wario gleefully commented, “Well, a little barbaric, but I’m down for it.”
“Calm down, you youngsters,” E. Gadd waved his hand, “It’s a human turn of phrase. We’re not actually going to do that. What are you thinking, sonny?”
“Divide and conquer,” Luigi started, “When we went out the first time, we thought if we just cleared out enough ghosts we could find the way to fix it. But we don’t have time to do this again. So we do this a different way.”
“We go out and capture more of those Ecto-Ghosts. Even if it doesn’t help clean up the scanners, maybe it’ll upset whoever’s in charge enough to have them slip in some way. Even then, we can be in a position to keep an eye on the scanner, so if something does come up, Wario and I will head that direction immediately. If this Boo is issuing a challenge, then we need to show that we’re ready for it.” 
E. Gadd slowly nodded, “In theory, yes, it could work… But we technically have one more issue to focus on.”
The professor pulled the Poltergust closer, holding out the nozzle. “While I’m super impressed that my creation could capture a Boo, I don’t think it’ll be enough to tackle the big Boo. The vortex, sure. But definitely won’t be able to contain it. Especially if you mean to capture other ghosts before the face down.”
“So we need to contain in another way… How do your containers work?”
Practically giddy about going over his inventions some more, E. Gadd said, “Oh, it’s quite simple actually. See, it all comes down to energy. Both positive and negative. In simplistic terms, ghosts are negative energy. That’s not to say all ghosts are ‘evil’, negative doesn’t measurably mean bad. But since ghosts aren’t living beings, their energy is negative.”
“So…dead energy?” Luigi asked.
“Rightly so! Good analogy. My containers work with ‘positive’, or lively, energy. The easily created form would be electricity. When ghosts are caught in the vortex, it’s not wind that captures them, but a positive charge current.”
“And since positive and negative attract,” Luigi excitedly continued, “Ghosts are basically stuck. Like magnets!”
“Exactly! Well done Luigi!” E. Gadd exclaimed.
“How does this science speak help us?” Wario called out.
Luigi beamed as he faced the other, “If we can positively charge an inanimate object, a big one, we can trap this leader!”
“I can do that, with my Thunderhand!”
E. Gadd clasped his hands together, “Yes, yes, that could work! You give a strong enough charge, you can make your own container!”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Wario frantically pulled Luigi away. Making sure he had the younger brother’s attention. “This is dangerous in so many ways. First big one that comes to mind is that you haven’t been trained to use your powers.”
Luigi shook his head. “It doesn’t hurt me and I’ll be using it on an object, not a person. No one but the ghost is going to be hurt.”
“Also, ghosts don’t really feel pain. Just wanted to quickly put that out there.” E. Gadd interjected. Slowly backing away as Wario glared down at him.
“You’re still putting yourself in direct danger,” Wario weakly argues.
“We’re all in danger if we don’t get this solved,” Luigi frowned, “Please Wario. I know what you promised Mario. But you can’t let your worries stop me. I know what to do, let me do this.”
Wario was more than a little shocked by this. But he eventually let out a soft laugh, playfully pulling Luigi’s cap down. “Alright hero, let’s play this your way. Where do we start?”
“I have an idea of what to use, I just need to have a clear path to it,” Luigi answered with a smirk, “E. Gadd, could anything be used as a container?”
The professor nodded, “In theory, yes, but it’d have to be pretty sturdy.”
“How about a frame?”
Time: 3:02am Stability Lost: 94%
“Move with a quickness, but don’t do anything stupid.”
“Those are two conflicting orders you just gave, professor.” Wario commented dryly.
“We’ll do our best,” Luigi quickly answered, “Just try and keep us as up to date as possible.”
“I’ll give it my best. But even with what the Toads are collecting, we still have a lot of interference.”
“Just…please call us the moment you see anything.”
“...I will.”
Luigi let out a slow sigh, eyes traveling over the darkened walls. Hearing the Toads from the nearby rooms doing their best to capture as many ghosts as quickly possible. Worried over the broken segments of the once sturdy castle falling away to show the void they were all trapped in. Wishing there was something more they could be doing. Time was ticking down. He could only hope that this would work.
“Hey,” Wario smirked when Luigi looked over to him, “Mario’s gonna be really proud of you when he hears about this.”
Luigi’s heart leapt. “Y-Yeah? You think so?”
“I know so! I’m blown away at how well you’re handling all of this. Probably the most level headed out of all of us. …Minus that professor. I can’t imagine how proud and impressed he’s going to be when he hears all of this. You lead the charge against the capturing ghosts and you worked out a plan. You’ve been on fire!’ Wario gently shook Luigi’s shoulders, the younger brother laughing softly.
“I’ll feel better when all of this is over.”
“Fair… Can I ask you something?”
“Uh, sure.”
“This morning…or, well, yesterday morning, when everyone was losing their minds. When we had no idea what was going on. We were a wreck…except for you. You weren’t affected by any of this.”
“Huh…you know, I didn’t realize that.”
“Yeah, like, I knew something was wrong. But I was more worried about Mario. Just trying to make sure he was okay.”
Wario nodded slowly at that. “...You know what’s weird.”
“You and Mario seem to like…neutralize each other.”
Luigi blinked. “W-What do you mean?”
“Okay, well… Both of your powers seem to calm down when the other is around. No matter how unbalanced you’re feeling. Mario is literally willing to do anything to keep everyone safe, but especially you. His first instinct is to get you out of harm's way or to just take down the problem.”
“I really thought it was just older brother instincts. But what you said just now. About wanting to make sure Mario was okay. It…I don’t know, it just made it sound like you were immune to what was happening.”
Luigi paused to think that statement over. “...I’m not sure. I mean, we aren’t the only siblings here, right? Why would a pair from Earth be the thing to counteract so much?”
“I mean, I’ve seen siblings get along before. But not like you two.” 
“Maybe… With the conversation E. Gadd and I just had, I sort of theorized that it was my powers.” 
“Didn’t you say that positives and negatives attract?”
“I mean, yeah,” Luigi continued, “But we’re also talking about magic powers and ghosts. So, I’m not fully sure how all of this works. It’s all just a guess…”
As they reached a break in the hallway, both jumped when their communicators went off, Luigi answered first, “Professor?”
“I have good and bad news.”
“That’s not what we want to hear.” Wario replied.
“I found the source of the energy…sort of.”
“Sort of?” Luigi frowned.
“There are two.”
“You said before there was only one!”
“There’s another issue with this. While capturing the ghosts have helped, that’s not what caused the readings to appear.”
“This was…deliberate?” Wario voiced.
“If I had to take a guess here, one path leads to Mario. The other goes to the true source.”
“It’s a trap…” Luigi swallowed weakly.
“Can you tell which one is which?” Wario asked.
“No, both look exactly the same.”
Luigi frowned, “How close are they?”
“Complete opposite sides of the castle maze.”
“We’re really at a crossroads, huh.” Wario muttered weakly.
Luigi was about to reply when a heavy chill washed over him. Same as when he’d faced the Boos, same as when he’d first encountered an Ecto-Ghost, but he felt the chill bite into his bones. His entire right side felt as if it had become covered with ice. Without really knowing why, Luigi knew it was him being called.
“Can you get my brother for me?”
Wario frowned softly, but nodded. “Yeah… Be safe, okay?”
“You too…”
With that, they departed. Wario going left. Luigi going right. 
“Yes professor?”
“I’m getting some heavy interference coming through. I don’t think I’ll be able to talk to you for much longer.”
“Is everything set up where it needs to be?”
“Just as you requested.”
“Okay… See you on the other side?”
“You got this Luigi.”
The hum on the communicator cut off and Luigi was left alone in the darkness. The hallway seemed to stretch into the shadows, seeming infinite before him. His own footsteps were the only sound that broke through the eerie quiet. 
The darkness at the end was soon broken with the appearance of a large set of double doors. Ornate and colored a dark purple with black accents, towering over Luigi as he approached. The human unable to help but think he was walking towards the open mouth of some dangerous animal.
The doors suddenly opened, a deep rumble seeming to shake the floor. A black void now stretched before Luigi. Heart hammering as he stood before the emptiness.
The human jumped away hearing his name echo out from the open doorway. A deep laugh following it.
“Well, don’t just stand there… Please…come in…”
Taking a deep breath, Luigi squared his shoulders and walked in.
The door closed behind him.
Time: 3:58am Stability Lost: 94%
Just as the first time he’d faced the Boos, Luigi was surrounded by absolute darkness. Feet seeming to connect with solid ground he couldn’t see as he moved forward. Hands clenching the nuzzle, looking around fearfully.
It was quiet. 
It was concerning.
There was a sudden sound of a heavy thud. Luigi jumped back, only to scramble frantically as a sudden spotlight was shown. Letting out a relieved sigh, finding Mario, unable to hold back a wide smile as he walked forward.
“Mario!” Luigi rushed forward. Happily wrapping his arms around his brother. “You’re okay! You’re really cold. What happened, what did they do to you?”
The older brother pulled away slowly. Luigi’s happiness faltered slightly seeing the worried and exhausted look Mario gave back.
“Why didn’t you listen to me?”
“W-What? What are you talking about?”
“I told you to find Wario… I told you to run.”
“I-I know, I know you did, b-b-but I wasn’t just going to leave you-”
“Why do you always make this so difficult?”
Luigi took a step back. “What?”
“I told you to get away, to run. I knew I could handle this on my own. I didn’t want you getting in my way. Like you always do.”
Mario’s voice was cold and neutral. Cutting through Luigi like a knife. “M-Mario-”
“Why do you think I keep leaving you behind? This world was built for me, and I’m not going to let your fears rule over my life.”
“W-What about…the Piranha Plants? You said-” Luigi shivered weakly as Mario laughed. Sharp and icy.
“I said Peach wanted your help!” Mario laughed out, “She’s been so convinced that you’re supposed to be some great ‘hero’ too. It’s taken forever to convince her otherwise. This kingdom doesn’t need two heroes when it has me.”
Luigi weakly shook his head. “...Y-You… Y-You don’t mean that-”
“I mean every word. You’d be more useful rotting away in Bowser’s dungeon. I don’t need you.”
Legs giving out, Luigi collapsed to the ground. Tears fell from wide eyes as they watched Mario stalk forward. “You don’t… You don’t mean that- Please, Mario…”
Mario merely smirked, teeth sharp, staring down at Luigi with a cold glare. “Why would I need a weak little nothing like you by my side?”
Even with the pain and grief clouding his mind, Luigi felt something nagging at him. Feeling his world crumbling around him, he knew something about this just felt wrong.
This…This couldn’t be Mario…
It’s not!
Everything about this was…wrong…
You need to get back up!
How had Mario escaped? Wouldn’t he have come looking for them?
Weegee, get up!
Everything about this was wrong. Mario needed Luigi just as much as Luigi needed Mario. They were brothers. 
Those words…
“Those are my words.” Luigi choked out, tears no longer falling.
“What was that?” Mario hisses, eyes flashing purple.
“Those are my words, you’re using my words.” Luigi stood back up, wiping his cheeks before glaring at his brother. “That’s every negative, harsh, self-deprecating thought I’ve ever had about myself. Everything I’ve told you…and that you’ve always fought against.”
“I…” ‘Mario’ faltered, “I was… I’m using your words against you now-”
“You wouldn’t do that. You get upset, you get frustrated, you’re stubborn.. But you’re not malicious.” 
“What about Wario-”
“You were annoyed, sure, but nothing like this! You don’t act like this, you never would! I don’t know who you are, but you’re not Mario!”
Before the fake brother could get away, Luigi grabbed onto the nozzle, whispering ‘I hope I’m right’, and activating the black light. He shut his eyes tightly as ‘Mario’ let out a scream of pain. Only opening them again when the sound stopped. 
‘Mario’ had been replaced with a dress mannequin. Luigi let out a yelp when it clattered to the ground.
“You insolent little pest! Do you really think I would let a simpleton like you could truly face me?”
Luigi’s attention snapped up. His resolve falling, his eyes widening. 
A Boo, larger than Luigi had previously seen, was floating right above the shaking human. Soulless eyes, an inky black with a shining outline of purple, seemed to bore into Luigi’s soul. Feeling as if his insides were turning to ice. A mouth, currently twisted into a deep frown, showing off rows and rows of jagged teeth. Purple saliva dripping out from the down turned corners. Entire form an icy white, with a large jeweled crown resting on top of the large form. 
“After all the trouble you’ve caused, I don’t know which punishment would be more deserving. Being trapped in your own nightmares for the rest of your pathetic life, or just consume you whole now.”
“W-What… W-Who are you?”
The Boo laughed. “You, peasant, may call me King Boo. I’m about to become this world’s new ruler. …Once I get rid of you.”
Clenching his fists, Luigi glared back as best he could. He knew that his entire form was shaking, which wasn’t helping the situation. “W-Where is my brother, w-where’s Mario?”
King Boo laughed again, floating uncomfortably close to Luigi. The human felt as if his spine was about to break with how far back he was leaning. “You are a curious human. Fearful, panicky, a coward…”
Luigi felt himself tense further as the large Boo started to travel around him. A chill traveling down his spine.
“Yet you break through my illusions. No matter how powerful they are. You weren’t affected by my powers or the fear that I feed into the air. …You captured one of my Boos.”
Luigi heard the warning hiss in the last statement. “...I-It honestly wasn’t that hard.”
He let out a small scream and stumbled away as King Boo stopped short in front of him again.
“Should I rip off your mouth or tear out your throat for that comment?”
Luigi recovered quickly and glared back. “I-I’m not afraid of you-”
That got a roaring laughter from the Boo. “What an absolute BOLDFACE lie! You’re shaking like a newborn Yoshi.”
“O-Oh, I’m terrified! I would like nothing more than for this h-horrible nightmare to be over. B-But I’m not afraid of you. So, I’m g-going to ask again. Where’s Mario.”
“Well…if you’re so determined to see him…”
The double doors opened once more with a heavy slam. Luigi gave a quick glance to his only exit before facing King Boo. Already slowly backing his way towards it. 
“How about I give you a head start? Before I deliver your corpse to your soon to be broken brother.”
Heart hammering, Luigi’s legs tangled together. Causing him to topple to the ground. 
“Tick tock, I’m being generous as is.”
Back on his feet, Luigi rushed towards the double doors. King Boo’s cackle echoing from behind, seeming to follow the human. Luigi tearing down the long hallway that seemed to end much sooner than he remembered. Tucking himself into the first room he came across and slamming the door closed behind him. Pushing against the door as he waited to see if King Boo would come bursting through any second.
It was a tense first moments before Luigi realized he had more time than he previously thought. Letting out a shaky breath before stepping away from the door. Stealing his nerves and letting out a short, sharp whistle. Polterpup immediately popped up from the floor. Wagging his tail happily. 
“H-Hey pup. Ready to lead me through?” Luigi asked. To which they gave a bark, circling once and sat back down once more. “O-Okay. You know what to do…”
Polterpup phased through the door. Luigi waited a few more moments and stepped back out into the hallway. 
It was still quiet. 
“...No way I just lost him like that.” Luigi whispered in surprise. He couldn’t wait around. Filling his lungs with air, Luigi bellowed out, “What’s the matter? Bored already? You’re all talk and no show!”
That got an immediate response. 
A heavy, angry atmosphere fell over Luigi. The walls and floor alight with purple bolts of energy traveling through it. Items in the hallway now free floating, suspended dangerously above the ground. The large Boo taking up the entire end of the hallway. Harshly glaring down at the human.
“You were saying?”
“Oh shit.”
Luigi turned and ran. Feet pounding against the slowly breaking floor. Stumbling when something heavy landed right behind him. He didn’t look back. Focused on moving himself forward as quickly as possible. 
A flash of light caught Luigi’s attention. Polterpup turned left, Luigi following close.
Another long hallway filled with numerous doors lining them. 
“How many h-hallways did you make!” Luigi shouted, “You’re not very creative, are you!”
He let out a yelp as something heavy just barely missed, the hair on the back of his head ruffling as he just avoided it. Looking back showed a large, slime covered tongue being slammed into the wall. Which fell away to reveal the swirling void laying beyond it. 
Polterpup’s form disappeared behind one of the many doors. Luigi practically launches himself in with King Boo dangerously close behind. Clearly uncaring as the castle broke apart to accommodate his large form. Luigi left to jump between the large portions of the broken floor. Knowing he had to stay on the small path or he was going to be lost to the void. 
Once more, the spectral pup was the beacon of hope Luigi clung to. Following the corporeal form while mentally chanting, ‘I must be close, I have to be close.’
As Luigi took a sharp turn, King Boo unable to keep up, the human’s heart leapt. Finding Polterpup sitting by the door on the opposite side from where Luigi was.
Grabbing the nozzle and switching to the black light, Luigi waved the beam of light over the large Boo. Who let out a hiss, Luigi swearing he saw steam rising off of the other, hiding his face with his arms. Allowing Luigi enough time to run through the door and slam it shut behind him. Polterpup following close behind. 
It was strange to be back here after so long. Even if it was just the morning before. The broken glass was long gone, but the large golden frame was still leaning against the wall. 
“Thanks pup,” Luigi panted out, “Now, go hide.”
Polterpup whined softly. Clearly not like the idea of leaving the human alone. 
“Go, I’m not letting him hurt anyone else. I’ll be fine. Just go.”
Polterpup gave a small huff before phasing away. 
Letting out a slow breath, Luigi pulled off his gloves. His entire body warmed up as the blocked energy was finally released. A few small arches of electricity jumped between his fingertips. 
He could be amazed by this later. Luigi instead grabbed the nozzle once more and faced the door he’d just run through. Taking a stand as he waited for King Boo to finally arrive.
At some point.
Where was he?
Surely King Boo wouldn’t just-
“Found you.”
That was the only warning Luigi received when he was hit with a bolt of purple energy. Feeling his body turn cold before he was released, collapsing to the ground. 
“What was your plan here?” King Boo laughed, “That your little, dinky vacuum would hurt me in some way? All you did was piss me off.” 
Luigi let out a small groan as he got up onto his knees. Trying to stand once more, only to be sideswiped by the Boo’s large tongue. The human hitting the wall hard. Sliding to the ground, the clothes and skin burned from where the saliva had touched. 
“You are weak! I’d been hopeful your blood would have benefited me as your brother’s had. But I might be a bit disappointed on that front. At least we still have him to feed on.”
Luigi looked up weakly, “T-That’s why you t-took Mario…”
“Boos don’t care about hunting. If our victim escapes, we don’t follow. We don’t go out of our way to invade… Until I met your brother.”
Luigi had gotten himself back up. Leaning against the wall he’d been flung into prior. A flicker of movement behind King Boo catching his attention. Seeing Polterpup holding the frame in their mouth. Slowly floating closer to Luigi, clearly keeping an eye on King Boo in case they needed to run.
“S-So what?” Luigi asked weakly, “What about Mario? You guys got a taste of his blood, b-big deal. W-Why do you get to be the b-big leader to call the s-shots?” 
King Boo laughed softly, mouth stretching wide. “Who among us do you think actually sank their fangs into his flesh?”
“Human blood…is such an interesting delicacy. Very enlightening, if you catch my drift. By the look of horror on your face, it appears you do. We thought his fears were delicious. But his own life essence is what made me.”
“...What are you going to do to Mario?” Luigi whispered.
“Feast on his worst nightmares for as long as possible. Then drain him. But don’t fret, you won’t have long to worry about this. You’ll meet the same fate soon enough.”
Luigi felt his powers crackling as his anger rose, bubbling in his stomach. “I am going to make you regret ever going after my brother.”
“Oh really?” King Boo hissed “And what are you going to do about it?”
“Return the favor.” 
King Boo let out a small hiss and floated back as Luigi flashed the Strobe Bulb. Allowing the human the needed few precious seconds to run past. Barely avoiding the Boo’s teeth as King Boo gnashed down. Grabbing the golden frame from Polterpup’s mouth, placing it on the ground with the nozzle propped against the top.
Just as King Boo turned to face the human, scowling deep and crown crackling, Luigi activated his own powers. 
Bolts of pure white energy encapsulated not only the frame, but the Poltergust and surrounding area as well. King Boo faltered as his illusions faded away. Letting out a shriek as he was trapped in a familiar but far more powerful vortex. Letting out hisses and cries of pain as the bright bolts contained him. Pulling him to the suddenly glowing frame. 
Luigi held his ground as King Boo fought back. The human focusing on holding onto the frame. Feeling something pulling at the back of his overalls. Overworked mind providing that it was Pulterpup, doing their best to help Luigi keep his ground. 
The entire hallway seemed to tremble and shake over the struggle happening. Two large powers fighting against the other. Area crumbling as it could contain the energy that was building.
“You little pest!” King Boo growled out.
"You did this to yourself! This is a warning to you and your little minions! Stay away from Mario!”
Getting on final surge of energy sealing King Boo away in his decorated prison. 
The human was launched away from said frame as it sent out a pulse of clashing energy. Luigi tumbled until he hit the wall once more. The Poltergust gave out a heavy cracking sound. Polterpup whined softly as they rushed over to Luigi, laying across the dazed human’s lap.
The frame gave one final shutter before clattering to the ground.
Luigi panted hard, eyes still wide, with his hands still crackling. He started to stand, only for the entire castle to let out a heavy groan before beginning to shake. Luigi and Polterpup huddling close together as they wait for everything to calm down once more. 
The ground soon stopped shaking…
The area became lighter…
Daring a peek, Luigi slowly lifted his head. The heavy air was gone. It didn’t look like the caste was breaking apart. There was the sound of a gentle breeze and birds chirping from outside.
Luigi slowly relaxed. Polterpup shaking themselves out of Luigi's hold, panting happily. The human letting out a shaky laugh upon seeing the familiar town resting below the castle upon reaching the window. 
“...We did it… It’s done… It’s over-”
Luigi jumped back when the golden frame violently shook. King Boo still clearly trying to break free. The human shrinking away as Polterpup stood between him and the frame, growling at it.
“You little pest! As long as I have followers. As long as I have a conscience. As long as I know you’re still breathing… I will come back. I will hunt you down. You’ll never know rest for as long as I’m here. Your last breath…will be done by my means…I promise you this…”
The frame stilled once more. Wide eyes staring it down as if waiting for it to jump to life once more. Despite Polterpup’s whines of worry, Luigi cautiously walked forward. Eventually close enough to lean over to see what happened.
The internal section of the frame had turned into what Luigi could only describe as a painting. King Boo's face taking up the majority of the given space. Glaring out at the world before him, eyes burning purple. Still moving slowly, Luigi picked the frame up. King Boo didn’t move. All was still quiet.
Letting out a slow sigh, Luigi tucked the frame under his arm. Turning to Polterpup hearing the spectral pup whine softly. “It’s okay pup… I think he was all talk, I don’t think he’ll be back… Come on, let’s go check on the others…”
Opening the double doors revealed the Great Hall. The area as bright as the area he’d just left. Everyone clearly felt the same relief as Luigi. Knowing that the danger was gone. 
Luigi perked up hearing his name called out by Peach and E. Gadd. Happily accepting a tight embrace from them both. “H-Hey-O… Everyone okay?”
“As far as we can tell, yeah.” Peach replied. 
“The Ecto-Ghosts and Boos fled!” E. Gadd beamed, “Your plan worked, well done Luigi!”
Luigi smiled weakly. “T-Thanks…um, the Poltergust. I think…it’s cracked…”
He passed said item to the professor, who merely shook his head. “It’s alright, my boy. Just cosmetic. Nothing major to worry about, an easy fix.”
“Luigi,” Peach whispered fearfully, “What is that?”
She was pointed to the frame. Which Luigi held out for the other two to look over. 
“He calls himself King Boo. He’s the same one who bit Mario. Says the blood made this change.” 
E. Gadd gasped eagerly as he took the frame. “Curious… So many questions. But that can be dealt with on another day. How are you feeling?”
“...Tired. A little sore…my hands hurt. I should put my gloves back on…” As Luigi slipped said item on, another thought hit him. Tired eyes scanning over the room. “Wario…is he back? Where’s Mario?”
Before either could answer, the double door on the opposite side opened. Wario walked in, looking exhausted but unharmed. Mario’s limp form resting in his arms. 
Luigi was pushing past the other two the next second. Running over, desperately pulling at Wario’s arms until Mario was passed over to him. Luigi collapsed to the ground as he held his brother close. Pressing his ear to Mario’s chest, relief hitting him hearing a steady heartbeat. He felt something cold pressing against him, knowing that Polterpup had joined him
“Where was he?” Peach asked. 
“Your parent’s old room, oddly enough,” Wario answered, “I think whoever was in charge of running the show made themselves really comfortable there. It was…weird… How’s everyone here?”
“Shaken, but fine. Everyone’s finally counted for.”
“So…we’re in the clear?”
“Looks like it.”
Luigi jolted when a hand was placed on his shoulder. Unaware of how close he’d been to falling asleep when he opened his eyes. Unaware of when he closed them. Blurry vision landing on Wario, who was kneeling in front of him. 
“Hey,” Wario said softly, “How about we got you and Mario to an actual bed, yeah?”
Blinking slowly, Luigi slowly nodded. He put up some resistance when Wario tried to collect his brother again. Only letting go because he couldn’t keep his hold strong. With Mario easily held up in one arm, Wario offered the other for Luigi to cling to. Which the younger brother took happily.
Twins in hand, Wario looked to Peach. Who nodded and gestured for him to go. “I want to check on everyone again and talk with the professor. I’ll join you shortly.”
“With doctors?”
“With doctors.”
Wario walked out, Luigi shuffling behind. Polterpup trotting along happily at their human’s side. 
Deciding on a guest room far enough away for the chaos of the Great Hall to not be heard, but not far enough before Luigi collapsed, Wario shepard everyone in. He was about to close the door when a flash of the night’s events hit him. Wario decided against it. Leaving the door open just crack.
Just in case.
The twins were non-responsive as they were placed down on the cushioned bed. Luigi did jolt away when Wario started pulling off one of his shoes. 
“Just me,” Wario whispered, “Figured sleeping in your shoes wouldn’t be comfortable.”
“...Yeah…” Luigi concluded, allowing Wario to finish before laying down. Pulling Mario close, forehead pressing against his brother’s. Polterpup claiming their spot on the foot of the bed. 
Exhaustion pulled at him, but Wario couldn’t settle down. He found an extra blanket to drape over the twins. Patted Polterpup’s head before turning to the fireplace, turning it on to chase away the dark and cold. Opening the curtain slightly to allow the slowly growing sunlight to pour in. Then, he paced the room while constantly checking that the twins were still sleeping soundly.
Wario wasn’t sure how much time had passed. But his mindless stupor was broken hearing the door being gently knocked on. Looking over to find Peach peering in. 
“Hey.” She said softly.
“Are they asleep?”
“Yeah… Little worried about Mario…” Wario fell quiet as a few Toad doctor’s came shuffling in. Walking over to the bed to check over the brothers. Both still unresponsive. 
Wario was led out of the room by Peach, who left the door open just as he had before. Joining at the wide window that showed a new day starting. Basking in the warmth the early morning sun provided. 
“Is it shameful for me to think we would never see the sun again?” Peach voiced weakly.
“Nah, I had the same fear as well.” Wario replied. 
“...Did all of this really happen in one night?”
“Are you tired?”
“Think you’ll be able to sleep?”
“Absolutely not. I want to keep an eye on them anyway.” 
Peach smiled knowingly. “Just in case?”
“Just in case…” Wario let out a sigh, shoulders dropping as he tried to let himself relax. It was over, they won. Everyone was safe. 
So why did it feel like a huge loss? 
The start of the answer came when Peach eventually whispered out, “I’m sorry.”
Wario, stunned by that, looked frantically over to the princess. “What? What are you talking about? Where you secretly working with the ghosts or-”
“I feel like I did.”
“Peach, come on, I… I don’t have the energy to figure out what you’re talking about.” Wario’s worries grew when Peach let out a weak sob, tears falling, “Peach, I need you to talk to me. You’re freaking me out.”
“Grambi, I don’t know where to start,” Peach choked out, “Last night… I kept reliving my worst fears. I saw my parents die again. I felt that sickening feeling when you stopped talking to me. I…I…”
“Hey, I’m here. I’m right here.” 
The princess shook her head, looking over to Wario with tears falling, “I’m scared of losing him.”
“Mario,” Peach whipped her eyes desperately, “It’s so silly the more I think about it. But I’ve become so attached to them both… I feel as if I’ve been so…horrible to them.”
“I really need you to back up and explain what the heck is going on in that brain of yours.”
“...I need to show you and Waluigi something.”
“I love him and I’m not going to lose him because I’m terrified.” Wario was a little shocked by the sudden confession, Peach seeming just as surprised. But she shook her head and continued, “I know that sounds silly to say. They haven’t even been here for a full year. Mairo and I had just made this connection. But I will do anything to keep him. Him and Luigi. I just…”
Wario reached out and wrapped an arm around Peach, who more or less collapsed against him. “How about we get some sleep before we go even more insane, yeah? We’ve all had a long night and this… You’re rambling.” 
Peach merely gave a small nod as a reply. The sound of footsteps drew their attention back to the room. The small parade of Toads giving small waves as greetings.
“Mario was dehydrated, but otherwise fine. Luigi had a few burns, a few bruises, but has been treated for both. Just let them rest…which you two should be doing as well.”
“Will do. Thanks for looking them over.” Wario said while leading Peach back into the room.
The brother had been tucked into the bed proper. Wario noticed two pairs of overalls draping over the foot board. Luigi was clinging to Mario once more, the older brother showing clear content.
Peach broke away to move a chair closer to the bed. Taking Mario’s hand in her own. Wario turned to Polterpup, who hadn’t appeared to have moved. 
“Were you a good…ghost? Caused no trouble?” The spectral pup let out a small whine before rolling onto their back. Tail wagging as Wario rubbed their stomach. “Good to hear.”
Wario pulled up his own chair. Settling down with a low grunt, reaching out to place a hand on Peach’s arm. A quiet understanding as they watched the twins sleep.
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I still can’t get over the weird disliking for Leafstar that I’ve seen some Tigerstar defenders have. I don’t get it. Yeah I don’t like how her dynamic with Sharpclaw is written- but aside from that there isn’t anything wrong with her? It’s annoying because you can tell that that is them picking sides because Leafstar and Tigerstar have been shown repeatedly being against each other. Maybe its because Leafstar kinda represents the fact that Tigerstar IS in the wrong.
That’s something I’ve had yet to experience myself but I have seen people talk about it and I genuinely don’t understand it either apart from, like you say, the fact that Leafstar is directly opposing Tigerstar’s actions and (rightly) framed as being the better person in this RiverClan situation.
Tigerheartstar seems to attracted this culture that pops up every so often (Bramblestar and Thistleclaw being the other most notable warriors examples I can think of), in which people who like him feel the need to justify everything he does and prop him up as a pillar of moral excellency. I think some people need to know that you are allowed to like more morally ambiguous or morally bankrupt characters, it’s ok.
I could probably write an entire essay about Tigerheartstar and how I love his characterisation and how the fandom reducing him to just “dad” and “wife guy” is just a complete injustice to his actual character.
But the essence is that like you say he is totally in the wrong, and he’s meant to be in the wrong, the books and characters call him out multiple times. He has always been a character intended to be willing to do less moral things in the service of his own interests or that of his family. Anyone who argues otherwise has had about 90% of his character fly over their heads I’m afraid. He’s so fascinating because of these traits.
On a similar vein because TigerDove is cute and nice now and people like the present relationship, so many people will go out of their way to defend to manipulative underage trainwreck that was Tigerheart and Dovepaw’s romance in oots.
I’ve noticed this watering down and scrubbing of how people view his character more and more and it frustrates me. For a fandom that wants more morally ambiguous antagonists, it sure doesn’t seem to be able to handle this one.
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