#i don't think i have the entire speech on my blog so let's get that up here real quick
remyfire · 5 months
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Good for her.
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theerurishipper · 11 months
Part 2 of my Paris special commentary (Part 1 here) because Tumblr is an ass and has a word limit.
Disclaimer: This is long asf.
Marinette here playing 5D chess, queen shit.
The most important thing the special confirmed is that Gabe added the word "dark" to his transformation phrase on purpose cause he's a dramatic bitch.
I am here for Claw Noir mocking Gabe. Go off, king.
"Oh nO, iT WAs aN IlLusIon!" That giggle is adorable. She's so cute.
Ladyfly is an ass name, but she looks so great.
Not Gabe getting annoyed at Claw Noir's teasing. See, now this is why we stan Claw Noir on this blog.
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Gabe's plan isn't half bad, actually.
Symbolism? In my children's cartoon? It's more likely than you think.
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They're having a pun-off.
RIP Chat Noir's ear.
Gabe got feathered lmao
Monarch dipped like a little bitch.
A mirror, I called it. It'll make for some nice symbolism.
"Let alone a calm and gentle mom" I wonder what Sabine is like in their world to make Emonette feel like she's so alone.
I like how they handled the villains tbh. I wasn't a fan of making it seem like Marinette was one step away from becoming a supervillain at all times, but it seems less like that's the case and more like The Supreme took advantage of her suffering and vulnerability at her lowest moments.
It's also nice that they established that Shady and Claw weren't the actual big bads and are just hurt kids who got recruited into a fight they weren't ready for. Their motivation isn't some rehash of Gabriel's, they are literally trying to survive under the rule of someone who will kill them if they don't do his bidding, and because of whom they're dying. Their life is literally full of suffering and they're trying to find something that'll give them a way out. Shady wants Marinette's life, and Claw Noir wants his mother back.
Like, it doesn't excuse their actions, but it does add a more humane element to them that lends itself better to the kind of redemption Miraculous likes to do, which is to fix things with a speech. That's why this redemption works, and Gabe's doesn't.
The back and forth between Chat Noir and Claw Noir was pretty funny ngl.
And we discover that Claw Noir wants his mother back. Of course.
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When Marinette was talking about how she was also angry and hurt, but chose to love herself and the world around her and chose to try and fix it... that hit hard. Honestly, it did. It's everything I love about Marinette in one speech. I love it.
And then onto my personal favorite scene in the entire special, possibly in the entire show.
That whole conversation was powerful. "I'm as well as I can be anyway," that's so profound. Like, of course you aren't going to be 100% okay after losing someone you love, but Adrien wants to move on and be happy like his mother would have wanted him to. This scene really showcases Adrien's empathy and his strength, when he acknowledges that having no friends can make it harder for Claw Noir to move on, and then he tells him that only he can make the choice to stop being alone. And that's really true. This scene really showcases everything amazing about Adrien, his hope and optimism, his empathy and his strength. How he finds the strength to keep going by choosing to not be alone. It's beautiful.
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Like, it could have been so easy for both Marinette and Adrien to give into their darkest impulses, and Shadybug and Claw Noir really are just representations of how letting your hurt overpower you can lead you down a dark path, and it really highlights their strength, that they choose to make the right choices everyday, despite everything. It really highlights their characters and their arcs. And they're able to take everything they've learned, and look at what they could have been in the eyes and help them change too. It's so poetic.
It would have been a little more impactful if the show had spent more than 10 minutes out of 5 seasons focusing on Adrien's grief and how it has impacted him, but whatever.
Anyway, it also had some Adrien and Nino friendship crumbs, and I'll be darned if I didn't gobble it up like a starved animal. Also, we have confirmation that "Space Mutants vs. Ghost Shark" is Nino's favorite movie, so Nino stans please say "thank you Paris special."
And they are REDEEMED.
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Shadybug fixes everything with her Lucky Charm after spending the whole special making destructive ones. My heart.
Shadybug and Claw Noir stop being evil and immediately go from hating each other's guts to flirting shamelessly. They just speedran enemies to lovers in a matter of seconds. They literally just defaulted to flirting. Truly, the natural state of Ladynoir in any universe. We stan.
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Gotta be honest, I'm not a fan of the new designs. Wish they had kept the old ones. I'm one of those people whose toxic trait is liking Claw Noir's design, so I'm a little unhappy with it, but hey, it's a sweet scene.
Also, Claw Noir's hair went from the color of rotten bananas to ripe bananas. If that was intentional, I applaud the writers for being both profound and funny as hell.
Aaaaaaand Gabe is back, because we can't have nice things.
The montage going through different realities was great, it was small but I enjoyed it.
They're literally so cute omg. Couple behaviors fr. I'm so obsessed with them.
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They're holding hands... already... like they're in love... I'm so emotional... I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS
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And they're gone. But their adventures will continue forever in my mind and in my fanfics. And in other people's art that I will ravenously consume.
Cute Alya and Marinette scene. This is really sweet, I love the exploration of the impact Alya has had on Marinette's life.
And now, I'm not an Alyanette shipper, but I think they should kis- oh, wait, never mind, they did it.
And thus, the endless night comes to an end (it happened a while ago but that's just semantics).
Final thoughts
I really loved this so much. Sure, there were some exposition dumps that probably should have happened in the actual series, but that's not the fault of this special. This is probably my bias talking but this is the best special and it's literally perfect, no I will not take any constructive criticism on that. This, this special and everything in it, this is what Miraculous is all about. This is exactly what I wanted, this is what I signed up for. It's literally the best thing ever to come out of this entire show.
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kerubimcrepin · 8 days
LIVEBLOG: Wakfu Season 4, Episode 1
I'm awful at emotional speeches, but I just wanted to say... I'm very happy that I got to run this blog for such a long time. And I hope that there is still a lot of fun ahead of us. It feels very triumphant, to finally get to season 4 together with you all :)
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"Let's kill Tot with Hammers" moment #1: This is an image Bonta of Dofus era, reused in Wakfu Season 4 to save money. Usually, Wakfu era Bonta is not white colored, and it does not have the same architecture that it had in Dofus era.
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I do not know why they didn't just reuse images of Bonta from the OVAS, which are accurate to the Wakfu MMO and Wakfu Season 1 vision of Bonta.
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"Let's kill Tot with Hammers" moment #2: Once again, this is just reusing the movie assets...
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Also, the house has shifted positions. Did Kerubim, Atcham, and Joris move...? (I ask this despite knowing that the answer is "Ankama really dropped the ball with some of the animation and the sheer amount of asset reusage with this season, for some unknowable reason")
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I am going to cry, he's so fucking funny... Save me. Shelter me.
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This is Clown Olympics. I love you, Atcham and Kerubim. You are so right.
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Literally they do not give a fuck. Is he implying Joris should go to the grocery store instead of staring at the evil, ominous eyes in the sky. Is he implying they should all eat dinner first and think about whatever the fuck is happening later.
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I will be honest, I'm pretty sure they're like that because if they weren't, Joris would have a stress-induced heart attack. Joris can do all the worrying for the team. They don't need to feed into the worries of the guy who, at 7 years of age, convinced himself that Astrub was about to be overrun by zombies and nearly cried over a bottle-opener because of that.
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Kerubim and Atcham really don't give a shit about little Jojo's opinions, huh.
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He says something and the response is almost always "I'm not arguing with someone who is 70–90 years younger than me. Whatever u say gorgeous" and then go back to ignoring it. Insane.
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[drooling at the thought of whatever Yugo does in the manga starting the Waven era and killing millions of people, which leads to Joris's (as well as Kerubim and Atcham's) military dictatorship in Bonta, and the way it truly underpins the character parallels between Joris and Yugo in a "child hero to antichrist type figure of ruin and death pipeline" way and the way they both demonstrate that road to hell is paved with good intentions] w-whaatever u say gorgeous. 🥴🤤
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When I saw this the first time, I audibly groaned, and messaged my friends saying "I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING TRANSLATE THIS FONT AGAIN!! FUCK!!!!!"
...this says "Coqueline"
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This is the Lorem Ipsum filler text. No cool easter eggs here.
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This moment really touched me when I watched this season. Even with Joris, who is only six centuries old, you can see The Entropy begin to set in. Seeing cities built and rebuilt and destroyed and rebuilt. Seeing thousands of friends die, be born. Lose your entire family to time. And watch it be so eroded away by time that there is basically no proof of those loved ones, and the places you went to together, even existing.
I think it would be beautiful for someone immortal to know that somewhere out there, there's tangible and irrefutable proof of everything they have ever seen and experienced, including every single thing they love that is no more.
Oooor maybe I'm getting Ronik'y into it. I'm insane about immortality.
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You get what you FUCKING DESERVE. ✌
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solar-sunnyside-up · 10 months
"Casualties of violent resistance to violent oppression are ultimately the SOLE blame of the violent oppressor"
Hey, you know what's interesting? I've been following solarpunk blogs for years. And I never saw any solarpunk blog display any kind of apologism for violence until this past month. In the span of a few weeks, the entire eco community has completely changed its tone about violent strategies. Apparently, since everyone is hyped about violence this month, violence is on the table now.
The US government legally classifies pipeline disrupters as domestic terrorists. Now, with our newfound violent rhetoric, we can give the FBI even better reasons to call us domestic terrorists. Everyone has spent a month calling terrorism "decolonization." So now the media will have a field day portraying eco activists as terrorists any time we mention decolonization. This will make attempting to communicate with the public much more complicated and challenging. But oh well. What's done is done. Tiktok decided to associate terrorism with the decolonization movement and now we all have to live with the consequences.
Do you think the eco movement's new political attitude towards violence will help our cause or hurt it? I'm genuinely curious. By the way, oil companies are deeply integrated with the military industrial complex which requires fossil fuel for missiles. So I'll ask again. Do you think violence is a good strategy for resisting the fossil fuel empire? Should we be studying, glorifying, and emulating violent movements? Is that a form of battle that we could ever possibly win? Or is that just a way for us all to martyr ourselves?
Also, how do these violent resistance movements even get off the ground? Do they just conjure their weapons out of thin air? Or are those weapons smuggled across borders by Iran's proxy militias? Do you think Iran or some other country with proxy ambitions would smuggle weapons to eco defenders? I don't know if they would. I'm just curious how murderous violent resistance could ever possibly overlap with solarpunk.
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Woah woah bestie feels like we've jumped the gun on the actual post here, you must be new to eco movements it's ok tho! Let's handle this one bit at a time 💕💕
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^^^ This is the post this is referring to for context. Now let's get down to dissecting this below the cut bc YIKES this is a lot to discuss but here why dont join me for a spot of tea yeah?
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Before I start to tackle this with as good faith as I can let's get some facts in order:
A) I'm from Canada, a country known by its citizens for not respecting protesters/activists. Hell, the first Premiere of Manatoba, Louis Riel was a classified Traitor and was hanged for fighting against the government for the rights of his people and we treat him as the hero he is now. In the mid 2000s a "rebellion" was lead to protect a reservation from the mounties and they stole a tank! While the news and gov ripped them apart give it 10 years and ppl cheer at the idea now. The fairy creek protests and the pipeline protests are more recent examples. They arrested and brutalized people doing nothing more then having breakfast on their own land while blocking construction. So like.... I don't have the illusion of a "peaceful" protest. Here (particularly my province) you go to a protest you simply dont expect to come home. We are functionally a monarchy, we don't have "freedom of speech" and the government was never instilled for our "freedom" or our benefit it was solely to divide up the land and to conquer.
B) this is super not new to Eco movements in particular. They've have "Eco terrorists" on record as early as the 1900s ranging from Treespiking during early logging, to throwing paint on fur wearers in the 1970s. Wiebo Arienes Ludwig is from my Province, arrested for sabotaging Oil wells and went to trial in 2000. This is definitely not a new concept to eco movements and as Solarpunk enters a more Praxis heavy punk scene instead of pure sci-fi this is likely going to be a branch of it there's no avoiding that.
"Choose peace rather than confrontation. Except in cases where we cannot get, where we cannot proceed, where we cannot move forward. Then, if the only alternative is violence, we will use violence."
This additiude comes from a reasonable place in fact here a quote from Nelson Mandela in Gaza, 1999 sums it up pretty well:
Particularly since typically they will blame a peaceful protest just as much as a "violent" one. I think "violence " is something that will happen no matter what we do. If we're as peaceful as possible, they'll still call us violent mobs just to have an excuse to crack some skulls. Even if they're just having breakfast, on their own land, they will arrest and beat them. It won't matter at a certain point bc they want to prove they can be in control.
Now don't get me wrong, I would honestly prefer to slowly adapt. To build as we take down, to show ppl the joy of this and they'll come on their own. But that only works if the goverment and the citizens are equal partners. And idk bout the states since im not from there, but here? It wouldn't matter how many citizens asked for us to go Green overnight the government would ignore that cry for the corpate money.
"People should not be scared of their governments, governments should be scared of their people" and sure this is because we out number them but they should be working for us because that's the point of a goverment in the first place.
Next is: Do I think this is a useful way to spend energy?
Yes! I do, giving something for people to do with their hands, with groups, makes ppl realize how powerful they are and how weak the system oppressing them is. Empowering ppl to do what they can where they can is always good! What ppl do with knowledge is up to them, and if they feel it's needed then generally needed.
Now to the point of weapons: no one has said anything about weapons that something like the oil companies or military would back?? All the weapons endorced by these movements are typically things like using spikes and putting them into trees, or like in France- the energy union cutting off power to the CEOs house (while giving free electricity to hospitals and poor communitis) until they reconsidered the penson plans. Or when they put BBQs on tram lines during a protest. These are weapons, but they are of the ppls trade, they are tools ppl already have not as you said "[weapons] smuggled in to eco defenders" no one is suggesting Guns? That simply won't solve things.
Organizing, communicating, and strategic planning is our best weapons.
I think that covers it, but I'm also doing this on mobile while sick so I might not have covered it all. Although i think my point is made! The final thing I'll say is, if you don't agree with these parts of the movement you don't have to participate or even look at them. Forge your own path! Others I'm sure will follow! My way will never be the only way and we are in charge of our own experiences online. This post original wasn't even tagged as solarpunk, it was under revolution so feel free to block that tag or me if you need to! Have a good day!!! /genuine
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ingravinoveritas · 11 months
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Have you seen his latest tweet? He’s having one of his moments and is blocking people left and right. I got myself blocked for commenting on a comment… TF is this poop? 😒
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@phantomstars24 Okay, so...I have seen what's been going on on Twitter with Michael and there is...obviously a lot going on. Let me first put up the screenshots of his other tweets, which followed the initial one in @ourtubahero-blog's screenshot (the first one is most recent):
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I think there are a few things (well, a lot of things) that are getting missed in all this, specifically the context for why Michael wrote the original tweet in the first place. It appears that it was meant to be a reaction to this incident, which just occurred today in the UK:
The wording of Michael's tweet was not clear, and I also don't think anyone outside of the UK would readily know what he was reacting to, so straightaway this seemed to lead to a lot of misunderstanding. A large portion of the criticism of that tweet stemmed from people thinking Michael was taking a neutral stance on the situation in Gaza/Israel, which is what then led to him making a clarifying tweet in that regard. For my part, I did not interpret Michael's original tweet as neutral, but rather that he is and does stand with innocent people of every stripe, and wishes for there to be no more bloodshed or further loss of life.
Michael's subsequent tweets only seem to have compounded the problem, as they appear to have been made out of an emotional response on his part, which is not a good thing when it comes across as defensive. Emotions are running incredibly high right now, and sadly that is the time when misunderstandings are most likely to occur. In the interest of clarity, in his second tweet, Michael did not say that he had no time to do research, but rather that he "has no time for people telling him to do research." What I took this to mean is that he already has done research and thought very carefully about this entire situation, and therefore felt slighted at people implying that he had not.
The problem inherent in all of this, however, is that this is an extremely difficult subject to have nuanced conversation about, particularly on social media and especially on Twitter. This then leads us to the issue of blocking. I think what Michael was attempting to say (again, badly worded) in his tweet about blocking people was that he was blocking people due to what he perceived as personal attacks. This would explain people being blocked for saying apparently innocuous things, as Michael was on the defensive and does not really have that button in his brain telling him to stop or back off once he gets going.
It goes without saying that Michael seemingly blocking people indiscriminately is definitely not a good look (though it is not without precedent, as I remember well him doing the exact same thing four years ago, albeit under different circumstances). But what is also not acceptable is people sending him death threats, or tweets such as this falsely accusing him of horrific things. In this instance, it is more than understandable that he would have a strong reaction to being dogpiled and block someone, because no one should have to accept threats to their person on their own social media page.
I think what is also happening is that a lot of fans (not either of you who sent in these asks, for the record) are correlating online activism to activism in real life. Michael has always been about walking the walk and not just talking the talk, to where we know he donated almost all of his money to the Homeless World Cup in 2019. He is also a UNICEF UK ambassador and has visited Lebanon, Chad, and Guatemala to meet and help refugee children. All this to say that we have no idea what he has done outside of social media to assist refugees and victims, or if/how much he has donated to Palestinian charities or other relief funds for victims and their families. And for my part, I would rather Michael be clumsy with his wording on social media (again, not defending the indiscriminate blocking) and taking tangible action in real life than engaging in performative Internet activism that ultimately goes nowhere.
(Also, I cannot help but facepalm at people asking Anna to weigh in, under the assumption that a) She would even care about this; and b) She has any influence whatsoever on Michael's behavior, which it is abundantly clear she does not or else he would have stopped flirting with David years ago. I just really hope people do not tag her or expect her to have the ability to somehow "rein him in," because they will be very disappointed...)
So yes, I think what made Michael make a statement tonight after all this time was the above-mentioned MP. I think his intentions were likely good and that his heart was in the right place--as are all of ours, in wanting to protect innocent civilians and stop the horrific violence that is happening. But I also think that if Michael wasn't prepared to handle certain types of criticism, then it probably would have been better for him to say nothing at all, or at least certainly to not escalate things by continuously tweeting. I am also sorry for the fans who were hurt by his actions, because I know fans who have been there before, and it really sucks.
I am hopeful, however, that we can all step back and breathe once emotions are no longer so heightened and try to find a way to listen to each other and engage meaningfully. Because it is truly disheartening to see how things escalated so quickly tonight, and I want to believe that we as a fandom and as human beings can do so much better. I suppose only time will tell...
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btr-rewatch · 2 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 18: “Big Time Concert” (Part 1)
Well, it only took me (checks blog) 35 weeks, but I finally made it to the last episode of season 1. Much like "Big Time Audition," this one will probably be posted in multiple parts. Let's jump right in.
Highlights: Like one paragraph of actual episode content, followed by me spiraling into a rambling over the original unaired BTR pilot
The boys run into Gustavo's office all excited. Their first album is finally complete!
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They're also going on tour!
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Their first show is in two weeks, and we get a daydream sequence where the guys imagine what the performance might be like. The footage from their fantasy is actual footage from a concert they performed in Times Square. I think it might have been their first-ever actual performance in front of an audience like that?
I remember watching that concert special when it premiered on TV.
Just like when they first arrived in Hollywood, Gustavo enlists the help of Mr. X to put them through some grueling boyband boot camp. But with an added twist.
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After a montage of the boys bumping into each other, running into walls, and falling off the stage, they make a break for it and run to a nearby supply closet to hide. Sensing his buddies are close to throwing in the towel, Kendall launches into what might be my favorite opening lines to one of his pep talks.
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Leave it to Kendall to be like, "On top of his terrible personality, you know what else Gustavo is? Ugly."
At the urging of the other three, Kendall puts his speech into hockey terms, and that made me think about how several of Kendall's pep talks this season have included hockey analogies. I wonder if that carries on through the rest of the series. I know they continue to sprinkle in reminders that the guys are into hockey, but I don't remember it being quite so prevalent as the series goes on.
Onto the Katie storyline. She's up in 2J, hard at work making BTR shirts to sell for the upcoming concert tour. Mama Knight isn't thrilled with the idea of her daughter becoming a bootlegger, but she's swayed once she hears how much money Katie stands to make. I do like her initial reaction to hearing Katie's plan. "How did you get like this? I never dropped you. Not once."
We go back to the guys, who have returned to their concert training where Dak Zevon is ready to teach them all about the art of dealing with rabid fans.
I don't think I've mentioned him much, but I love Dak Zevon. What a fun, goofy character. Curt Hansen is great in the role, and I am always SO GLAD that he was replaced as the original series lead. He's a wonderful Dak, but not such a great "Curt Knight." I remember watching clips from the original pilot back when they were first leaked, and it was like catching a glimpse into a weird, alternate universe. The audition scene especially!!
(this is something I probably should have included in my posts on Big Time Audition, but I didn't think to at the time)
LIKE!!!! Everything about this is so off. Even Gustavo doesn't "feel" like Gustavo. He feels reserved. Not nearly as loud and angry and exasperated as the Gustavo we all know and love. Where's his fire??
It is nice that James got to sing more of his audition song, though!
But the entire scene is off. All of it. Curt is talented, but BTR needed Kendall. I genuinely, truly believe the series (and band) wouldn't have gone on to be successful without him. I'm not sure it even would have survived season 1.
Curt has too much swag?? That's the best word to describe it. He's too pretty boy. Plays the character much too confidently, like he KNOWS how cool and handsome he is, which is so. Not Kendall. Even just the mannerisms. It's hard to put into words, but there's something almost...dainty (?) about Kendall Schmidt's performance throughout the whole series. Like...his mannerisms at times, the way he moves. He's Mr. Captain of the Hockey Team Jock Guy, but he's also delicate? Does anyone know what I'm talking about???
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↑ this
Basically, Curt is no tall, blond, and eyebrows. I don't see him having been able to pull off the same level of physical comedy that Kendall does or having that same level of anxiety Kendall carries with him—that constant frenzy of fixing everything and worrying about everyone and holding things together.
(and don't get me started on the original Knight family. That whole scene feels like something out of a bad Disney channel movie)
Well...that was a fun little rant. All that to say that I DO genuinely enjoy Curt as Dak, and I think everyone ended up exactly where they were supposed to be.
Let's pull this massively derailed thought-train back on track. Dak has the guys practice running along the stage to high-five fans. James goes first and is immediately pulled off stage and disappears into the sea of rabid fans. The response to this is delightful.
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And because I got so sidetracked while making this post, I'm going to put a bookmark in it right here. Guess we'll find out James's fate in the next one.
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l0velyrand0m · 3 months
Old Soul - The First Avenger
Third chapter, here we go.
I've gotten a reblog and a few likes, so I figured the third chapter was in order. Maybe theres people actually enjoying this, yknow?
As always: The full story in it's entirety is on Wattpad (l0velyrand0m) and there may or may not be a second book in the works? This is all mostly for my enjoyment, there's no demand or anything, I'm just addicted to fictional men punching people.
The prior chapters are on my blog, the first chapter is pinned and the second chapter was posted not too long ago.
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"Faster, ladies! Come on! My grandmother has more life in her, God rest her soul!" Peggy shouted at the soldiers lined up doing push ups on the ground. Eliza watched and observed the men. Erskine had given her the task of watching out for the "least fit" in the group. No idea why, but she was sure it was her brother. Until she overheard Phillips.
"You're not seriously thinking about picking Rogers, are you?" the Colonel asked the doctor next to him, who simply nodded.
"I am more than just thinking about it. He is the clear choice. I'm hoping our Nurse friend over there agrees," Erskine replies. Eliza was thoroughly confused.
"When you brought a ninety-pound asthmatic onto my Army base, I let it slide. I thought, what the hell? Maybe he'd be useful to you, like a gerbil," Colonel Phillips explained. Somehow him referring to her brother as a "gerbil" made Eliza almost offended for him. "I never thought you'd pick him."
Eliza walked over to the two men and joined the conversation. "Gentlemen," she greeted. Erskine offered her a small smile.
"Up," Peggy commanded the boys once she saw Erskine, Phillips and Eliza gathered together.
"Doctor Erskine, forgive me," Eliza began. "What is the Super Soldier breed exactly?"
"A Super Soldier is a highly advanced superhuman, given abilities from a serum I invented. It's highly intuitive - made to make the weakest man stronger. But it only amplifies what's already there. Give the serum to the wrong person, and you've just made them more of themselves." Erskine's explanation made Eliza nearly sick to her stomach. She wasn't entirely convinced that Steve would survive such a thing. "Rogers is a perfect candidate. Determined, clever. The serum will do him well."
"You stick a needle in that kid's arm and it's gonna go right through him!" Phillips exclaimed. Eliza almost wanted to agree.
They glanced over to the recruits scurrying to straighten up at Peggy's command.
"Look at that. He's making me cry," Phillips scoffed.
"I am looking for qualities beyond the physical," Erskine says. Eliza was starting to dislike his philosophical speeches.
"Do you know how long it took to set up this project?"
"Yeah, I know."
"All the grovelling I had to do in front of Senator What's-His-Name's committees?"
"Brandt," Erskine corrected. "Yes, I know. I am well aware of your efforts."
"Then throw me a bone. Hodge passed every test we gave him," Phillips says. Eliza wrinkled her nose. She didn't want to have to work with Hodge anymore than she already had to. "He's big, he's fast, he obeys orders. He's a soldier."
"He's a bully," Erskine corrected Phillips again.
"You don't win wars with niceness, Doctor." Phillips reached into his pocket and pulled out a hand grenade. "You win wars with guts."
Phillips threw the grenade into the area where the men were training. "Grenade!" and all the men scattered.
Except for Steve.
Steve jumped on the bomb and covered it with his body. Eliza's heart dropped. Peggy stood wide eyed at the boy.
"Get away! Get back!" Steve yelled. He waited for the bomb to go off, but nothing ever happened.
"It was a dummy grenade." Eliza whispered, and looked to Phillips.
"All clear! Back in formation." an officer waved all of them back into line.
"Is this a test?" Steve asked, peering up at Erskine, Phillips and Eliza.
"He's still skinny."
Eliza laid silently on her bunk. She couldn't believe the nerve of Steve earlier. But at the same time... she was astonished. Proud, even. That her brother would think to do that. Suddenly she understood what Erskine meant about choosing Steve over Hodge. Whatever was in the serum wasn't just enhancing the physcial stuff. It would enhance him mentally, too.
A knock at her door drew her attention back.
"It's just me, are you decent?" Steve asked from the other side of the door.
"Decently mad at you, sure," Eliza remarked. Steve sighed. "Yes. It's fine if you come in."
The door opened to reveal her twin brother. She wanted to question how he got over here in the first place, but then she noticed Erskine behind him and assumed the german doctor had something to do with his arrival.
"You have five minutes, then you must return to your barracks. I need to speak with Miss Rogers as well."
Steve nodded and closed the door. "Look, Liza, I never meant to piss you off this bad, I just-"
"You saw an opportunity and you took it. I understand. How do you think I'm here, Steve?"
He smiled slightly. "I'm sorry for being such a jerk, and not listening to you when you were only trying to protect me."
"I should've realised you didn't need protecting. You're not a 16 year old kid in Brooklyn anymore. You're grown up. And I'm proud of you."
Her words sent a stab of remorse through Steve's heart. The words, coming from her, meant the world to him. But he was only recieving them because he made her feel like the bad guy for doing the right thing.
"Thank you, Eliza. I'm proud of you too."
"Five minutes are up, Steven," Erskine said, opening the door. "Say your goodnight and goodbye so I may speak with her."
"Bye, Elizabeth, have a good night."
"You too, Steve," she said, watching him walk out the door.
"Miss Rogers, it's come to my attention that Steven is your twin brother?"
"Yes, sir."
"You've had a knack for taking care of him. So I have a promotion for you once our project starts. You'll be his personal aid. I'll teach you everything I know about the side effects of the serum and what to watch out for starting tomorrow. Are you interested?"
"I know this neighborhood," Steve wonders, looking out the window of the car. "I got beat up in that alley. And that parking lot. And behind that diner."
Peggy stared at him cluelessly. "Did you have something against running away?"
"Yes. Yes, he did," Eliza chimed in.
"You start running, they'll never let you stop. You stand up, push back. Can't say no forever, right?" Steve pondered. Peggy's expression changed from confused to curious.
"I know a little of what that's like. To have every door shut in your face."
Eliza nodded. "It's annoying."
"I guess I don't know why you'd wanna join the army if you're a beautiful dame," Steve wondered aloud. Peggy raised a brow at him, and Eliza looked over with a look of "what the hell". Steve immediately tried to recover. "Or a beautiful... a woman. An Agent! Not a dame. I mean you are beautiful but-"
"Please, for the love of God, shut up, Steve," Eliza groaned.
"You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?" Peggy snickered.
"This is the longest conversation I've had with one. Woman aren't exactly lining up to dance with a guy they might step on," he shrugged.
"You must have danced?"
"Well asking a woman to dance always seems so terrifying. And the past few years didn't seem to matter that much. Figured I'd wait."
"For what?"
"The right partner."
The car pulled up by an antiques shop. Peggy and Eliza exited the car, Steve trailing behind, completely clueless. Eliza was too, but she trusted Peggy enough to follow her without question.
"This way," Peggy instructs him.
"What are we doing here?" Steve asked.
Peggy smirked. "Follow me," she says, guiding Eliza and Steve into the shop.
"Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it?" the shop owner asks Peggy.
"Yes, but I always carry my umbrella."
The shop owner nods, and Peggy leads the twins to a basement. It opens up into a large circular laboratory. Erskine's team was huddled around the center and around different machines. Steve was lead to the center of the room, however, where a pod was fixed in the floor.
"Good morning!" Erskine greeted the twins happily. He takes Steve's hand and shakes it as someone takes a picture. Eliza hated being in pictures. Something about people seeing her long after she was gone, and there was nothing she could do to tell them not to look. She didn't like that sort of thing. "Please, not now," Erskine shooed the photographer away. Steve looked at the pod curiously.
"Are you ready?" Eliza asked him. Steve only nodded.
"Good! Take off your shirt," Erskine instructed him. Steve did so, and climbed into the pod, laying down on a table. "Elizabeth, go assist Mr Stark, please."
"Yes, sir," Eliza nodded. She walked over to the man, and then it hit her who Stark was. Howard Stark. The genius inventor. "Mister Stark, my pleasure."
Howard turned around to look at her, a smile falling on his face. "You must be Elizabeth Rogers."
"How'd you know that?"
"Erskine was talking you up earlier. Apparently you're a really good nurse?" he comments with a smile.
"Well, I don't like to brag," she shrugged. "But I wouldn't mind the compliment."
"Mister Stark, how are your levels?" Erskine shouted across the room.
"Levels at one hundred percent," he answered. "So is that your brother? Steven?"
"Good!" Erskine replied.
"Yeah, my twin," she answered.
"Interesting. The twin sister of a super soldier, huh? How weird has that gotta be?"
"It's not quite set in yet. He's still gonna be a twig in my mind forever."
"Hope you didn't pick on him when you were younger," Howard smiled. Eliza recalled her mother's sayings, not to pick on him because one day he'll be bigger than her. Though she wasn't sold on it, and she definitely wasn't ready for that to be the case artificially. "We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we're as ready as we'll ever be."
"Elizabeth! Come here!"
"Gotta run, Stark. Nice conversation."
"Yeah.. Yeah let's do this again sometime. Maybe under different circumstances?"
"How do you like your coffee?"
"Cream and extra sugar."
Eliza ran off back to the table where her brother lay. Erskine handed her a needle, of what she assumed to be penicillin. "Inject him with this, then come back with me."
"Hey, Steve," Eliza said calmly as she walked over with the needle. "I'm here to inject you with the euthanasia."
His eyes went big before he realised she was joking. "Oh, haha."
She squeezed his skin gently and gave him the shot.
"That wasn't so bad," he said softly.
"That was penicillin."
Steve's mouth formed an "o" as she took the needle away and Erskine came back to his side.
"Serum infusion beginning in five, four, three, two, one," Erskine counted. Eliza wished she could hide in the viewing room with Peggy and Phillips. But here she was. Watching her brother and best friend get experimented on. Steve winced as the serum was injected into him. "Now, Mister Stark."
Howard pulled a lever, and Steve was upright in the pod as the doors closed. Eliza wandered back over to Mister Stark's side as he amps the procedure.
"That's ten percent," he informed Erskine, but pointed it out to Eliza. "Twenty percent. Thirty."
Eliza could start to hear Steve's pained screams as the vita rays transformed his body. She lowered her head slightly and watched the numbers raise with intent on focusing more on Howard's numbers than Steve.
She had focused so hard, that she blocked out all the noise in the room until she heard Steve yell in response to the scientist. "No don't! I can do this."
"Eighty. Ninety. That's one hundred percent."
The power in the lab overloaded, and Stark rushed to open up the pod and get Steve out. Eliza's breaths were shallow as she waited to see what happened to her brother.
Suddenly everyone came rushing out of the observation room and into the lab. She steeled herself and turned her head to look at her brother.
She was shocked. Steven Rogers was now the first successful Super Solider.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 8 months
Hello! So I figured I should probably share my two cents on this since you seem pretty open for discussion. I understand a previous anon brought up the fact that this isn’t excusing it’s just explaining and I also understand that Magnifico mainly went all villain when that rat book took control, but I also feel like there may be a slight… I’m not sure how to describe it honestly so I’ll let the rest of my ask speak and see if hopefully my point tangible.
Magnifico did hold a weapon to Amaya’s face to threaten her into agreeing with him, and based on her reaction to seeing him with the evil magic (rapid breathing, shaky speech, flinching, instant fawn + freeze reaction) it’s possible she likely has some form of trauma that I personally believe may have been a abusive relationship.
I should say I am NOT a Magnifico hater, I don’t believe he was a villain at all but I’m not sure about hero. Of course I’m open to hearing others out and I’m entirely open to learning new things and changing my opinions! So this isn’t me saying ‘No you’re wrong I’m right’ it’s just intended as me giving my own personal views and asking for yours in return! Sorry for the three paragraph ask and I hope that you have a great day! 💙
(Also to people who hate on Magnifico that are coming to this account, just why?? Just leave instead of throwing a hissy fit in this persons asks whose just being kind and sharing their personal views, it’s that easy 😒)
Hey anon!
First of all, thank you for being so nice and defending me! Absolutely right! It's beyond me how someone who doesn't like him comes to my blog to nagg at me for loving and defending him, make me a bad person and furthermore accuse me of things .... crazy, anyway! Don't apologize for this long ask! 😆 I appreciate you wanting my opinion! I also wish you a great day! 💙
Now, let's begin this, shall we?
I can actually explain this as well!! 😃 (and no, it doesn't have anything to do with me loving and defending Magnifico. (Well mostly. *Eherm*) this is based on logical observations!
Soo, Amaya's reactions ... I'm absolutely sure they're not because he's been abusive. Magnifico had been nothing but a sweetheart to her. The explanations are much simpler and relatable.
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Amaya knew that Magnifico was able to do great magic, she knew he was very powerful. But she also knew the evil book was powerful. She didn't know to what degree but what do you think happens to someone who's already powerful and gets posessed/controlled by an evil force?
Exactly. They become dangerous and unpredictable. The more power someone has the more dangerous they'd be if posessed by evil. Think of the nicest, sweetest dog, who'd never bite, never do anything bad. If this dog was to get posessed by an evil force, it could maul someone to death. It has teeth and a very powerful jaw to begin with.
The other thing is, who wouldn't flinch if someone pointed a weapon at them? This is a natural human reflex. Yes, some people are jumpier than others (I am 🤣, truly! Sometimes my coworker sneaks up on me while I work on a client to whisper something in my ear and I squeal in shock every single time. It's funny for everyone but me.) But we're talking about Amaya here! It's normal for the body to react if threatened. So we have our reasons why she went fawn mode.
Also, one of the first things she says to him is "How could you!" So, he's already in a very bad place, traumatized, suffering and on top posessed by evil now, and the first thing he's confronted with by his "wife" is blame. Nice. Blame! Guilt tripping and cornering him even further! Bravo Amaya 👏🏼
So Amaya being scared is relatable and justified. But does her being afraid justify her dumping and backstabbing Magnifico? No.
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Just look at her smirk as she gives the guards the order to put him in the dungeons! I'm fine with Amaya x Magnifico shippers but I personally will never ship them! Poor man was desperate and shocked at how quickly and with how much ease she was writing him off.
If Magnifico had been her soulmate, she would have fought to death to get him back. Just imagine, if she had stood up and defended him, pleading her people to help her, saying something like : "Listen to me! Magnifico isn't evil, he's posessed by evil! I know he's dangerous and unpredictable right now but I know he's still in there somewhere and if we can reach him, we can get him back! I know you're scared, I am too, but together we can make it! Please, stand with me!"
I mean, she's the queen, alright? The people of Rosas are to obey and follow her command right after Magnifico. One right word of her and her people would follow her and not Asha. Btw. She could have also asked Asha and her friends to help her. I don't think they would have disagreed if she'd pleaded with them. She's their queen! Or would Asha have turned against Amaya as well then? 😐
You cannot tell me they wouldn't have been able to reach and save Magnifico by standing together in love and bold compassion! We literally saw how the wishes and (star) were set free from the evil force just by singing and standing together! Only imagine they had done this to free Magnifico! Saying he wasn't savable because the evil book said so is bullcrap.
I don't believe the evil book! A evil book is well, evil! And light will always be more powerful than darkness! Love will always be stronger than hate! Imagine a room full of darkness, then light a match, that tiny speck of light is still glowing! The dark cannot consume it! Because in light there cannot be darkness. And what does a evil book do besides destroy and corrupt?
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Also, this looks painful! 🥺☝🏻this is nothing but incredibly tragic and sad!
Also, in the past, every single heroine has managed to break curses by true love and compassion! I was reminded of Moana and Te fiti for this!
Do you guys remember that scene, where Moana realizes that Te Fiti is still inside the posessed evil monster? Was Moana afraid? Sure she was! But did that stop her from reaching out to get her back? No!
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Te ka (evil Te Fiti) could have burned Moana to a crisp in the split of 2 seconds but Moana still bravely approached her! She willingly faced death because she knew Te Fiti was still in there and by her immense love and compassion she'd get her back! She went "this is not who you are!" And boom!
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There's more!
I also remember a scene from the 2 Maleficent live action! When Maleficent was consumed and controlled by hate, anger and revenge. She was all hiss, roar, I'm evil and Aurora stood up to her and told her "This isn't you! There's another way! I know who you are! I know you!" And Maleficent replies "You do not!" And Aurora in tears, in pain but 100% certain, says "Yes I do! You're my mother!"
And just like that the evil in Maleficent crumbles. True loves overcomes all evil! It's always been that way.
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And even if no one would have helped Amaya, we'd still have the (true love breaks every curse!) But she did nothing. Well, she did run to Asha and her friends to sing about how bad he's always been like a pop star. She gave Magnifico up over the course of minutes, didn't even try fighting to get him back and wrote him off with a smile!
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Magnifico was deeply hurt, the betrayal stung and he suffered inside. He had so much pain and anger and his anger is justified! Please, put yourself in his shoes for a moment. One doesn't even have to fully understand trauma and the whole complexity of the different forms of ptsd.
He only ever tried his best to have everyone happy and content. He only ever wanted to protect and keep safe. That's always been his goal. He held onto his power because he wanted to be strong enough to keep whats dear to him from harm at all costs! If someone wants to protect that fiercly it only means that person loves immensly 1 and 2 has suffered unbelievable painful loss. He loved his people! He cared for his people immensly. So much so he was willing to get himself posessed by evil even if he never wanted to! He felt forced by his desperation and utter fear.
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And what did his people do in the end? Can you imagine how badly it must have hurt to realize you've only been loved for what you can do and give? How used he must have felt? He's been celebrated more for being handsome and a limitless genie than a loving king who established an amazing kingdom and ruled it well! He's bent backwards and all it took his people to turn on him was a teenager who thinks she knows better than anyone with a strange cute looking creature from the sky, they btw. knew just as little about!
Everyone backstabbed and betrayed him. Here he is, at the peak of all his suffering and posessed. His soul surely cried for help, hoped for anyone to reach out to him but no one did. He got kicked into his wound even further. Quite literally, this was the thanks he got.
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ask-tech-and-rev · 2 months
Hi! First of all I just want to say you two are my favorite in the Loonatics, you two deserve more and more love and respect than the other Loonatics. (And I think Rev is so cute/not in romantic way I said it by the way.)
For my questions. Do you two think the team doesn't respect you two that much? And what is your relationship? Like friends or more? I would like to know this ☺️.
I hope I didn't disturb anyone. If I could, I'll hug you two. Have a good day or night!☺️
Rev: Hey there folks sorry we were away for a day or two work's been keeping us busy, but hey we are back and with an extra large question this time that will likely require a lot of responses so this one should be a long one to make it up to you fol- *Tech grabs Rev's beak* Tech: This is already gonna be a long one let's not drag it out with even more rambling please Rev I haven't even had my coffee yet. Rev: Ahem right well lets just see what we got here then, looks like starting off I'll say why thank you for the compliment it ain't every day I hear stuff like that, but I appreciate it nonetheless. Tech: That ain't true you hear it at least once a day… errr I mean I said nothing anyway to respond to the first of the questions in this transmission, so I wouldn't say we don't get equal respect from the rest of the team by any stretch, the entire team acknowledges each other's usefulness when and where it comes into play, we may poke at each other now and then for fun, but we are all a family yes even Duck he may annoy the everliving hell out of me, but he's just as much an important person in this group as anyone, so to answer your question no we are respected just fine. Rev: Gee Tech really nice speech and I agree with everything you said though I can't help, but laugh a bit cause you just moments ago told me to keep things brief and to the point cause you're a tired grump before your coffee, but here you are talking as much as me the only difference is you aren't talking as fast as me, but of course that's not a bad thing, and oh gosh I am rambling again so sorry lets just look at the next question. *Tech and Rev glance at the next question on the screen* Tech: …. Rev: …. Tech: uhm well you see… uh… uhm… oh Rev! I answered the last you which means yooooouuu can answer this one it's only fair right? Rev: Wha- I-… Fine this is what I get for choosing to be around an easily flustered introvert… ahem well the answer I'll give you for now is at the very least if there was anyone on this team I put my full faith and trust into, and would be absolutely devastated if they were no longer here it's my man Tech here and as much as he acts like my constant speed talking annoys him I like to believe he'd miss me too much in return so I will say for now do with that info what you will is all we will say on that matter for now.. now signing off until next time, bye! (brief Author's note out of character, I have up to this point chosen to keep the relationship between Rev and Tech here in this version on the blog mildly ambiguous while definitely leaning toward this being set with a RevxTech headcanon cause I personally am a fan of the pairing, but I want to leave this one a bit open ended for now as it may not be everyone's cup of tea here to depending on the reactions I get on this one I might do a brief follow up sequel post to this where I confirm something more solid anyways thanks for reading as always.)
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
🤖Writer Questionnaire Tag🤖
Thank you for the tag @the-golden-comet! I read through it and WHOOF she's hefty so buckle in and let's get into it.
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How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
I started this blog during the pandemic, I believe? Early 2020, or maybe spring.
What led you to create it?
I had finished the 4th (and blasphemous) draft of ToV and, at the time, I was super convinced that was THE draft, so I wanted to find beta readers. Happened upon tumblr's writing community, decided to write a couple of writing tips that I had learned over the years. The posts garnered traction and the rest is history.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
THE VIBES. THE ATMOSPHERE. I LOVE THE PASSION IN THE AIR. In all seriousness, I truly do love seeing the preservation of art without the need to churn things out like its content. Tumblr just feels like hangout spot in general vs a social media, and the writeblr community feels like an after-school writing club, which I absolutely adore.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
My submissions? Inbox? DMs? Always open. If you guys need advice or have a question, are curious about something book related or writing related, you are always welcome to shoot me a message. I am a full-time student and i do work 2 jobs, but i WILL get to your ask. And if I feel like its going to be delayed, I'll let you know. But i love questions. I love being able to help people with specific writing concerns, especially since I have dabbled in so many different genres of writing since i was six bro. I gotchu. Also, we're all friends here. It's all lax. If you just want to shoot a random DM like, "bro do you want to be writer friends?" I WILL BE DOWN. I miss the community tabs on tumblr from 2020. I was in a writers groupchat and its where I met so many friends I still talk to. So yes. DM whenever, even if its just to ramble and yap. I too am a yapper.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
oc pictures or random scenes. I don't care if its the goofiest sketch alive. give it to me. also, more chill rambly style posts? even if its a small little update like: "yoohoo! starting a writing session. aiming for 3k words" YES.
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
I had to search up what noodling meant lmao Honestly, CoS. I feel like the amount of attention editing ToV requires + school has stagnated my writing progress with CoS, which is fine, but also I really just want to binge read the entire series already???? Also, TIS. I've been casually outlining it but also binge-listening to the playlists (i make character playlists and book playlists with spreadsheets for what scene each song is a soundtrack too, fyi lmao). god, i love those playlists. they play like a movie in my head. OH! AND AONAS. AoNaS only exists in outlines, first drafts, quotes, sketches, and my fantasies. BUT MY GOD. It's the way I deadass quoted a line from the villain bearing his heart out to the heroine of that story in my speech at a NASA CONFERENCE. Not me deadass quoting MYSELF 😭
How long have you been working on them?
ToV -- since I was 7. CoS -- since I was 13. TIS -- since I was 5 (YEAH. IT PREDATES TOV) AoNaS -- 4/5 (she was the blueprint for all stories, truly)
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
ToV -- I could not tell you what dark events inspired 6-year-old me to write such a sugar-coated gruesome tale, but I will assume it was my obsession for dragons CoS -- a poem and my personal life events. I wanted to write a character that made me feel hopeful again TIS -- my doll games (again... babes what....) AoNaS -- my role-play imaginary friend adventure games (think 'the floor is lava', but on steroids)
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Unhealthy amounts. Copious amounts. I had a friend tell me once that she didn't like talking to me sometimes because it felt like my book was my entire personality 💀 Needless to say, I don't talk about my book to people in my personal life anymore unless they ask or they are my best friend. I just let it live in the background of my mind 20/24 hours in a day :))
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
High political fantasy, but I dabble in a bunch of different genres. Name a genre and I probably wrote a story for it.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.  Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
Ain't no way I'm doing the whole cast. I'll do ToV, CoS, and TIS Book 1's main characters, and that's it. For everyone's sanity's sake. The casts are simply too extensive. ToV: Alan, Caramel, Cara, Morreial, Hilbert, Markum, Shah, Jervee Iyzela, Jervee Revenold, Amara, Pietro CoS: Evan, Elenfa, Fawn, Riyzela, Raheer, Vaza-Ek, Qatya, Noctem, Aiyana, Alan, Caramel, Nyla, Mirza, Glamis, Morreial, Cara TIS Book 1: Her Highness Queen Naliya, Kiamu, Selven, Blaire, Ashely, Gyanste, Prince James, Kiya, Zeena, Leah, Katerina, Nicole, Brandon, Amaka
Who’s the most unhinged?
ToV: Caramel (little miss. 'accidentally commits arson more times than she can count') CoS: Evan (mr. 'i was explicitly told NOT to do this, so i did it anyways, and now i accidentally exploded a mountain and caused an avalanche') TIS: Zeena (little miss. 'i had to learn shapeshifting to assume different identities to escape my legacy of crimes')
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
ToV: Alan or Caramel CoS: Evan TIS: Naliya
Do you ever cringe at them?
Listen... They have their flaws and sometimes they give me secondhand embarrassment with their poor decisions. Amaka literally has a whole ARC dedicated to self-sabotaging which is informally named "the secondhand embarrassment arc". So yes. They make me want to crawl into an ant-hole and disappear sometimes because babes... this is not how you represent the family name STOP
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?  AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
No. These bastards are the most disobedient children I have ever parented. Autonomy this, Independence that! Look where that got you, folks! Traumatized, crying, throwing up, afraid, and having canon 'secondhand embarrassment arcs' GET UP AND LET ME HELP YOU PLS 😭😭😭I'm tired of watching y'all ruin your lives on the sidelines
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
Yes. Please do it more, it's never enough. I literally started a mockcast in 2019 with over 500 episodes now, all because I had so much I wanted to ramble and yap about when it came to my book, but I didn't want to bother my friends. So yes. Always. My inbow/submissions/DMs are ready. I have no preference. Give it all to me.
On writeblr engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on WIPs, or vibes?
I like to do some mild stalking of their recent posts, and then whatever their pinned post is to get a general vibe of them, their writing style, their genres, their personality, the posts they engage in, and their wips. If I enjoy it and it entices me, I follow. Sometimes, I follow for the vibes, and by vibes I mean I see a follower notification and I'm like, "bet" and follow back. It honestly depends on my mood lmao.
What makes you decide against following?
If its a dead account with no interaction for a long duration of time. If the vibes are iffy. if they post or repost harmful rhetoric or promote non-inclusive spaces. Off-vibes and its a yuck yuck bye bye from me.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
If its cool and it shows up on my explore, I'm interacting. I don't really look at if I'm following or not following, or if they're following me. I take it on a post-per-post basis. The mutuality of our relationship doesn't take precedent as much as the content does. That being said, I don't get tagged in non-mutual posts a lot? And whenever I interact with a non-mutual, we end up becoming mutuals within the hour lmao. So do with that what you will.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
I am once again confused by the noodle lingo 😭 If you mean if I think about my mutals' ocs, then yes! Tag games are so fun to participate in, but SO SO SO fun to read too. And reading little excerpts and whatnot from other writers is such a lovely experience to see where people's passions lie. But yes. Someone pls explain the noodle to me, I'm so lost.
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Thank you for the tag again @the-golden-comet! I'll be tagging the regular degular gang below. GO BUCKWILD GO CRAZY
TCW Tag squad: @satohqbanana @mysticstarlightduck @harps-for-days @the-golden-comet @did-i-do-this-write @aalinaaaaaaand @drchenquill @honeybewrites @paeliae-occasionally
Ask to be added. Demand to be removed. Both are your TCW community rights 😤
Happy Writing!
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betonbennett · 4 months
Hello? If what little I have gathered is correct, people from all around the world are able to read anything I write here (which is quite impressive in and of itself, almost enough to distract me from other aspects of my situation), so I suppose introductions are in order.
Good day, everybody (I hope that's a proper greeting). My name is Barnabas Bennett, I– I am a botanist, and I seem to be rather lost at the moment. I cannot say I know much about my current situation, only that I was at a friend's home and now I am here. Wherever here is, of course. I do recognise a few buildings as being in London, but this place appears entirely different, as do the people. Perhaps the buildings I know are there as a mockery of my world. Come to think of it, this might be the work of one of those Powers my friends always speak of. I wish I could at least speak to them.
I must apologise for the dramatics. If anybody who comes across this has any information on where we are, or how to find my way back home, I would truly appreciate if you could send it to me in any way.
Yours in trust,
Barnabas Bennett.
can you tell I suck ass at introductions?
hello everypony. peer pressure has won so I'm finally doing this. please keep in mind that I cannot for the life of me do old fancy speech, and that this is my first time rping since like 14, so you're gonna have to bear with me lmao
anyways yea, Barny gets an rp blog bc I say so. something happened while he was having a... disagreement with a friend, and now he's here, exactly 200 years in the future, what could go wrong :D
um. as far as rules go I really don't mind anything? just don't go fully explicit I guess? but I would say pay attention to the #ooc tag in case something changes
so yea, I think that's it for now
this guy's from the same universe as @jonahmagnus-research and @dr-jonathan-fanshawe so go check those 2 out! they're great <3
anyway have fun!! let's see where this goes
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
Hello everyone!!
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Welcome to Aashi's Anime and Manga Club. I am a blogger and I love to write about all sorts of anime content. I write about the things I love, and I also write about the things I hate. Writing stuff makes me feel better and helps me to express my honest opinions about certain topics and engage with a community that I generally don't see in my day-to-day life.
I write meta posts, answer asks, recommend fics, and reblog all kinds of interesting stuff. This blog is heavily dedicated to four of my favorite characters: MaoMao, Ochako Uraraka, Toga Himiko, and Lucy Heartfilia. But I write about other seasonal animes as well like Oshi no ko, Tengoku Daimakyo (Heavenly Delusion), My Happy Marriage, Zom100: Bucket List of the Dead, A Sign of Affection, Solo leveling, Spyxfamily etc.
Here is a Navigation Guide to some of my best posts so far:
Starting off with our native apothecary MaoMao...
The Hypocrisy of Jinshi and MaoMao
My most popular 'Kusuriya no Hitorigoto' post so far
Next of is the Golden Girl 'URAVITY' aka Ochako Uraraka
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Not just any Hero, we need 'THE HERO'
Not just any hero, we need THE HERO
I like how almost every important character in MHA had an arc about being their own person. The most obvious one being Shouto and Tenya who
Divided by sides, united by souls...A Tragedy
We fail to understand.
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How MHA would have looked like without Uravity?
Top 10 favorite Ochako Moments
Uravity is the next Nana Shimura
Ochako is next Nana Shimura: All Character Plots going on for Ochako Uraraka and Future Potential
I think it was always a big game, Horikoshi had in mind for her. She was introduced as a very lovely and warm person who has a somewhat bada
Why is Uravity the most Overheated character in MHA?
BnHA 323: Why is Uravity the most overhated character in MHA?
Okay then, let's go! If I have to say that Uravity is the most overhated character in MHA it won't even be an opinion, cause it is a fact. E
Anyone can be a Hero: My version of Ochako's speech
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Do you know about Midnight? To you, she will be a hero but for us, she was our sensei who taught us History every day. But she is no longer
The problem with IzuOcha
The main problem with IzuOcha
Firstly, let me start off by saying that I am in fact an IzuOcha shipper and yet I still feel like something is missing. Today I finally fig
Why Ochako Uraraka isn't a bad female lead?
Why Ochako isn't a bad female lead?
My Hero Academia in general gets a lot of hate for creating sissy female characters who look like a bit of a pushover but honestly Ochako is
Uravity Quirk Evolution Ideas
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To think my first prediction was right all along...
Now Ochako can float objects without touching them!! A big bubble of her aura where everything floats in Zero Gravity!! Hopefully we'll get
Is it time for Ochako's Quirk Evolution too? A TogaChako Theory!!
So I have a theory in mind.
Now that we have seen firsthand how dangerous Ochako's quirk is, in wrong hands just imagine how dangerous an awakening like Toga would be?
Why BakuDeku will become canon and not IzuOcha?
Why BakuDeku will be canon and not IzuOcha? Connection between TogaChako and the entire Love Square...
So this is pure hypothesis and I should clarify that I'm not a shipper when it comes to MHA. I just love the story, its premise and the vari
It was hinting at Ochako's power all along
It was hinting at Ochako's power all along...The Butterfly effect in MHA
There was a reason why Quirk Doomsday Theory was spelled out for us! There was a reason why Ochako was in front and centre in that panel! Be
Toga Himiko:
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My Convoluted Feelings about Toga's Survival
My convoluted feelings about Toga... what now?
So after reading a bunch of metas all over the internet, my feelings about Toga's survival are more convoluted than ever. The fandom is basi
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A great time to repost this!
A single girl's feelings can change the world.
Hawks, Tsuyu, Jirou, and Ochako Team-up!
Hawks, Tsuyu, Jirou and Ochako team up!!
Hi I really enjoyed reading your ochako awaking post and I was wondering if you got anymore ? If not who do you think be a great team up wit
I love seeing people happy...
That's why I cannot ignore your tears.
Ochako and the dilemma with Volume Covers
Then we have our lovely celestial princess - Lucy Heartfilia
Top 5 Lucy Battles from the 100 Years Quest
1. Why are her battles interesting?
2. Lucy vs Strauss siblings 2.0?
3. Is she not using her full power?
4. How did Lucy defeat Mimi?
5. Star Dress Evolutions Mini-Series
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vivisols · 4 months
one of the least humanoid characters is the least engrossed in the circus (Zooble)
The most humanoid actively plays along (Ragatha)
Pomni doesn’t count she’s new
Also it’s you’re blog, why shouldn’t you ramble? Who’s stopping you? And why are you letting them stop you it’s YOUR blog I reiterate!! Spit your shit Vivi!!
THATS WHAT IM SAYING!!!!!!!!!! zooble is the least humanoid and is also actively the least immersed, with them literally hating the adventures and not wanting to go on the two we've seen so far!!!!!!!!
i MEAN they can literally pull themselves apart and swap out entire body parts, not to mention the fact that they're able to control them when separated.
zooble sticks out a ton considering that even kinger and gangle, the other two most non-humanoid members, still have very humanoid aspects. gangle's ribbon body gives off the illusion of a humanoid form and the comedy and tragedy masks she has for a head are based off of a human face (albeit hers are a very simple and detail-less version). kinger is a bit more of a stretch in the humanoid aspect but he has a somewhat humanoid silhouette (somewhat used very loosely here), two humanoid hands, and he wears clothes like the other humanoid characters.
zooble stands out since they look far more inhuman than the rest of the cast does. in the pilot, the parts they chose for that day literally included a crab claw. from what we've seen, they seem to lack a lot of parts that resemble "proper" humanoid appendages, save for the ones used for their right arm and left leg. zooble really stands out from the rest, considering how they're always swapping out their parts and messing with them. they're the only one in the circus who can change their appearance on their own. they're also going to have different parts for each episode, and while its an INCREDIBLY cool detail, it also really makes me think.
zooble seems to be actively avoiding getting immersed in the circus. i mean, personality wise they're a lot more down to earth than the rest of the main characters, which is evident from the fact that they're rather blunt. i mean they straight up tell kinger they thought that he would abstract next LMAO.... they really don't seem like the type to mince their words, considering that they tell pomni about not being able to leave in an incredibly straightforward way and dont particularly try to soften the blow like ragatha does.
they continuously swear despite the filter, even after having presumably been there for years. the only other character we see do that is pomni, though she's only been in the circus for two days and it's probably on impulse. yes its a silly thing to point out but most people tend to start censoring themselves if they know swearing is useless while zooble keeps doing it. they set up kaufmo's funeral as well and although they could have been asked to do so, i believe they did most of it, if not all of it on their own accord. zooble was the last to give their speech about him and clearly seemed upset when doing so.
unlike ragatha and jax, who are more than happy to actively play along with the immersion, zooble doesnt want to immersed at all.
they refuse to participate in adventures, as from caine's line in the pilot about making the adventure "unobtrusive" that they can "choose not to get involved with", it likely wasnt the first time they didnt want to go. though them not coming to the candy canyon kingdom could probably be because they chose to set up kaufmos funeral instead. i mean by the time pomni is at the stage everyone else had already gathered and they were likely just waiting for her and ragatha, so i imagine that the group worked out a whole plan on what to do.
they only went on the first adventure because the gloinks literally pulled them apart and dragged them into it and im like 99% sure that caine made the gloinks do that on purpose so that pomni would properly get introduced to everyone, including zooble. i mean it was clear that she was SUPPOSED go help save them from the gloink queen but got swept up with the whole kaufmo abstracting thing instead. plus gooseworx has mentioned numerous times that zooble hates the adventures.
this could all be because zooble is the most recent arrival to the circus before pomni and therefore they're still holding on to some hope that they can leave, but i believe that it's moreso about them wanting to remain "human" despite everything. they want to cling on to what still counts as their humanity.
to me, zooble doesnt get immersed in the circus because they're actively trying to cling onto their humanity and the reality in the outside world. theyre trying to remain as human as they can by holding on to what they view as uniquely human qualities and tendencies, like funerals. it allows them to remind themselves that they are human and that at one point they were indeed in the real world, despite the situation that they've found themselves in now. zooble doesnt want to get immersed in the circus since it would mean accepting it all, new non-humanoid body and far-too-wild adventures included. but i mean can you really blame them lol
ANYWAYSSSSS im normal Actually! i cant wait for the zooble episode aka episode 3!!!!!!!! i hope that this far too long ramble made at least some sense and that even if it didnt then you enjoyed it 😁
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thelikesoffinn · 9 months
AAA, okay - (it's fun for everyone involved I think, it's so interesting reading everything you have to say, like seriously....) My tav is a human noble, and her name is Saoirse (this doesnt really matter i just love her lmao) and she has a bad relationship with her family; her parents are very traditional in that they see men as the heirs, and women don't take over thrones/noble houses, it's the sons that do this. She had one older brother, and her parents intended to have another son to have the "spare" so to say, and instead, they had her- a daughter. No matter how many times they tried after her, they could never have another child (a lot of miscarriages tw) and they ultimately blamed Saoirse, saying she was a curse to their family. Her older brother eventually dies in battle- and he was the only family member who loved her/treated her well; in an attempt to get *anything* from having a daughter, they intend to have her married off- but she runs from home and never goes back; she's a barbarian and the reasoning for that is because she's so full of pent up anger and rage from her familial life that, well, being a barbarian is an amazing outlet for that rage. She's kind of on the middle ground of being good and bad- she likes to help people (usually children or people she feels are pure of heart) but she also likes to get things in return for doing things (it's how she lived after leaving her family!) And she's actually pretty vulgar with her speech despite having been a well and proper noble (she was groomed to be a good noble girl - because if they were going to have a daughter- she was at least going to be proper.) A bit blunt sometimes. But sometimes, her little noble girl peaks through in some situations. It's what makes her good at convincing people and being diplomatic... And I just wonder if Astarion would just be... So annoyed by her/hate her noble upbringing- like I always thought perhaps at first he pins her as a noble and thinks she's been raised with a silver spoon in her mouth... Like I wonder if they'd even work at all, you know? Anyways sorry I'm going on for too long- and her story is probably very cringe but I still love her!!!
Aw, come now, flower. We don't do cringe. We love all them Tav's and Durges on this blog. Unconditionally.
Also, Saoirse and my durge Whisper - born Alastríona- have to be chaps now solely based on the fact that they both have Irish names 👉🏻👈🏻
At first glance, I can't see why Astarion and Saoirse wouldn't work. I don't even think he'd be that annoyed - at least there's no inherent reason for him to be as far as I can tell.
I can only speak very generally, of course, because I don't know how exactly Saoirse would behave in conversation and what traits she carries the most openly, so a lot of what follows will be based on assumption.
The "worst" clash of character I could see would be the part where she likes helping people. But that's relatively infinitesimal of a problem since she at least wants compensation for what she does. He generally handles that better than he does straight-up martyrs.
Furthermore, Astarion is a man of quick judgement - both by nature and by affliction - so how he first views Saoirse is probably highly dependent on how she initially presents herself.
Is the first impression more noble or barbarian?
He might look down on a very posh noble girl, but less because of her inherent nobility and more because she's "sheltered". (She obviously isn't, but he doesn't know that yet.)
(And, let's be honest; the former would be rather ironic, seeing as Astarion is likely of nobility as well. I wouldn't put it entirely past him, but it would need a very special attitude to make that one probable. )
But, going off of that: Nobility is basically the peak of shelteredness, as we probably all agree. Like, sure, being of nobility might not be easy, and there's a lot of expectations that come with it, but, in the end, nobles never go hungry.
They don't have to sleep in dirt.
They don't have to grovel just to be able to live.
Their pride is intact in all it's facettes and their dignity hasn't been ripped to shreds.
Astarions, however, has.
His dignity was shredded by Cazador, every little plight against his humanoid rights leaving another mark until it's raw.
Over the course of the game, we see him regain some of the pride he likely used to hold in himself. We can see it in how he stands up for himself later on - one of my favourite moments being when he berates Tav after they mention that Cazador has "really destroyed" him and he's like "No. I'm still here." and all that.
BUT that's later.
He has to get there first so, at first, "sheltered people" are likely to be a sore spot of his.
I think I mentioned it before in another ask, but people who experienced a lot of trauma tend to view those they consider "sheltered" in a rather negative light.
"Sheltered" relates to naïveté and naïveté can be viewed as idiocy, thus leading to infantilising behaviour towards the sheltered person. They "Don't know anything" and "haven't seen anything", so "how dare they talk"? It's a very normal point of view, and Astarion is probably not different in that regard, even if he's not outright saying so because he needs Tav on his side.
But, with Saoirse specifically, I see another thing coming up that could possibly be interesting.
Saoirse was raised as a noble, but she is somewhat blunt, vulgar and angry. She is used to having poise and grace. It's what she grew up seeing, what was expected of her and what was instilled in her for the longest of times. But at the same time she's a barbarian. A barbarian! The very opposite of a noble; the true opposite of poise and grace.
That's a contradiction if I've ever seen one and with Astarion being as deep in his survival mode as he likely is...well, he'd definitely notice. He'd notice that her gait is too elegant for your standard barbarian, her poise too graceful and her choice of words too perfect at times to be what she seems. But he'd also see the rage she carries and her willingness to let it out when the situation arises.
It's two very different natures that meet - the elegant and somewhat cold nature of nobility and the fiery passion of barbarians. It will take time to actually see how those two correlate and that is definitely something that would have him wary.
Contradictions like that are dangerous, because they make people somewhat unpredictable. That is something he absolutely doesn't need right then. If he can't somewhat estimate her actions, he can't make use of her. Worse, he can't plan his own actions properly because who knows what sets her off?
No. Astarion needs Saoirse to be predictable so that he can be safe.
So he'd likely hesitate a bit longer before he can truly be open with her. He needs to scope her out and get to know here more - enough to actually see who she truly is - to feel safe enough to trust her.
(Learning of her past is likely helpful here because it weaves the red thread through everything. Knowing how she grew up will explain her anger, thus helping ease his uncertainty. It basically takes the contradiction out of Saoirse because her actions suddenly begin to make sense.)
But as I said, despite that contradiction, I don't see any reason why those two wouldn't work! If anything, I think it could be a very healing relationship for the both of them.
(Especially Saoirse, seeing as Astarion is extremely loyal once you're in his heart and he's not shy about telling you that you're the only one he's ever cared about. He'll choose you over everything else, maybe shy of his own hide, and that could be exactly what someone like Saoirse needs after a lifetime of disdain. )
That's it, flower! That's as much as I can say from what you've told me - but do hit me up if you'd like to know more or for whatever other reason!
Saoirse sounds absolutely lovely, and I would love to hear more about her ❤️
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blubushie · 7 months
JESUS, your dad got his head stuck between two boards? That must've been traumatizing, god, I can't imagine going through something like that! I get you're lenient with your blog but that needed a trigger warning or something! Give your father my deepest condolences... everything else is fine, though, I guess.
[Animal Fact Anon holy shit your dad is so cool, talk about a reputation like hello??? The fucking zebra shark?? 2x malaria?? Broken ribs and a collapsed lung???? Maybe 'cool' isn't the right word but ?!?!!]
Yeah he's a bit of a mad cunt and I'm cut from the same cloth. (Also he's glad you think he's cool—"At least someone does!")
Every bloke in the family is a little... off, really?
You've got:
• Me (I don't need to explain)
• Dad (don't need to explain)
• My younger brother who branded himself with the family cattle brand. I witnessed this when I was 12 because my brother is insane and decided his little brother with a medical special interest should witness and doctor his severe burn. He also lives in Texas. The branding thing has stuck with me enough that when I was a stockman and cattle were being branded I had to stay back because I couldn't watch it without getting queasy. Not cuz I felt bad or anything it's just that the smell of burnt hair and flesh brought back memories.
• My eldest brother who dances to Billie Jean at literally every fucking wedding he's been to for the past 30 years. Also he doesn't like me. His wife REALLY doesn't like me (she thinks I'm dangerous cuz I've taken the kids shooting). He just doesn't like me cuz our dad dumped his mum for mine and had me though, so I'm the kid who had it all (ignoring how the divorce left Dad in poverty so I also grew up in poverty WOOP)
• My maternal uncle who's an ARA antivax hippie vegan and hates me. Also he's gotten COVID more times than I can count so I avoid him like the literal plague. He gives me creepy vibes.
• My paternal uncle who, as a teenager, let his dog loose so it'd attack my aunt's dog just for an excuse to talk to her. Her dog damn near killed his dog. Then they started dating. His dog got a steak for being such a devoted wingman. This uncle also REALLY fucking hates lettuce and none of us know why but he will have an absoute meltdown if it touches food on his plate. No one, not even my aunt, has gotten an answer as to what the fuck's up with the lettuce thing.
• My youngest maternal cousin who was an alcoholic surfie who died of diabetes before he reached 25. He was convinced he'd die before he reached 25 but he literally drank and ate himself into an early grave knowing he couldn't be doing that shit with his diabetes. I have one memory of him showing me how to catch minnows with my bare hands, and I still use that trick for catching bait fish.
• My oldest maternal cousin who's a deadbeat dad and I hate him because he doesn't do right by his son or daughter. He's all they've got since their mum is institutionalised for mental issues. My aunt and uncle raise his kids while he lies on the couch smoking hooch all day (I really do NOT like him).
• My maternal second cousin who's nonverbal autistic, but both his deadbeat stoner dad and hippie antivax grandad refuse to get him tested. This boy suffers in school and my heart breaks for him. I had no idea what this kid looked like from 3-5 because he always wore an Iron Man mask all day every day, and he stopped speaking entirely around 6. He's now completely nonverbal and despite being about 13 years old he has the functionality of 6 year old. Last I saw him, he still tries to conversate with me when he sees me though, and he'll sit down and pet Misty and he knows I like talking so he'll pick from a few topics I write down for him and have me talk about them. He understands speech just fine, he just doesn't talk himself. And also really really really hates seatbelts so I knit him a seatbelt cover and now he uses them (turns out he just didn't like the raw edge of the belt). His little sister has some behavioural issues but she's genuinely a sweetheart and seems to be the only person who always knows what he's thinking, so she acts a mediator for him a lot.
• My paternal cousin everyone is convinced is either gay or autistic or a trans woman or all of the above. Him and I get on fine so I'm also on the bandwagon of That Boy Ain't Right cuz there's something in him I recognise, I just don't know what. Don't reckon he's a woman or gay though, and if there's anybody he'd come out to it's me cuz the family is conservative but he knows damn well I won't judge. I'm pretty sure he's just on the spectrum.
• My paternal nephew who's the only bloke what came out normal. He's going to uni in a few years and GOD do I hope he comes back normal. He's spoilt but he's a good kid.
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
hello! i love your blog so much! can i ask how your ocs (pls include liam aaa) would react to a darling that only wants to be fuck buddies? and like what if it was specifically becos they've had bad romantic experiences before?
a/n: ohhh! very fun! i included the ocs i thought would have the most interesting reactions to this but i didn't include all my ocs! if you'd like specific ocs to react to this ask, please send another request and id love to answer it! thank you so much!
i also imply that reader's ex-partner used to mentally and physically abuse that and that's what i thought you meant as 'bad romantic experience'! hope i got that right! if not let me know and id love to rewrite this for you!
also wanted to preface this post with the fact that i think they would all kind of try to convince their darling to be with them and, if that doesn't work, it's kidnapping time. below, i've listed these pathetic bastards' different attempts at wooing this poor darling.
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warning: mentions of current and past toxic relationships, mentions of reader being in a past abusive relationship, themes of sex but no explicit sex happens, still put it all under a cut just in case!
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liam arieh ★ profile
definitely 'tries to get to the bottom of it' loool
he thinks that there must be some deep and psychological meaning as to why you only want to be friends with benefits and why you don't want to commit
which is hypocritical becos he's been in his own fair share of flings with no rhyme or reason as to why
but eventually, he'll find out why
while he's finding out, he'll definitely 'pretend' to go along with your offer of just being fuck buddies because ofc he wants to fuck you
the entire time, his idea of pillow talk is him subtly trying to figure out who the fuck hurt you and how he can reverse it so that you'll settle down with him
he's not the most firm believer in romance either until you came into his life and he'll damn well try his hardest to be the same for you! he'll make you fall in love with him! there's nothing liam isn't able to have if he puts his mind to it
also, once you admit that the reason you don't believe in romance anymore is because of an abusive ex boyfriend, your ex-boyfriend suddenly disappears for some reason. just poof off the face of the earth. dunno why. interesting, huh?
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ayaka yamato ★ profile
another hypocrite!
but, unlike liam, she won't do it! she won't! she'll say no to your little fuck buddies thing and she'll woo you off your feet! yes, she understands that this means that the two of you can't fuck but she's thinking big picture here!
would try to entice you with her riches, tries to convince you that she can take care of you, that you'll never have to go hungry or want for anything ever again!
unlike liam who kind of just slowly lets you open up, ayaka kind of annoys you to the point where you just blurt out what's wrong
which is that your shitty ex girlfriend ruined you for the rest of the world and you don't believe in love
this is kind of a little bit where ayaka would pivot. she's emotionally intelligent enough to understand that riches aren';t everything, yknow?
anyway, she'll give you some heartfelt speech about how she's not your ex girlfriend and about how she loves you with all of her heart, that she truly cares about you, that she won't hurt you, she's here to take care of you
hook, line, sinker, baby. nobody can ever say no to ayaka's beautiful brown eyes.
anyway, she can't do anything illegal to your ex girlfriend but she definitely could pay someone to make sure she was suddenly ostracized by society for the rest of her life. it's the least she deserves right?
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soren kumar ★ profile
mr. hypocrite number 3 himself!
definitely kicks his own ass like a hundred times because he knows his own reputation is not helping him at all and he wishes he could go back in time and stop himself
unlike dumb and dumber one and two above, soren kind of knows a little bit already the main reasons why someone would be hesitant to commit
either they really just aren't that interested, there's already someone they're interested in or they've been hurt before
he can't do anything about one and two right now so he immediately remedies number three
if he asks you out and you immediately tell him, no and offer a fuck buddy-ship, he immediately goes into the most heart-rending speech about how much he loves you
he'll tell you about how willing he is to be with you, about how he'll be your fuck buddy if that's how you want him but that he has feelings for you and that he won't deny them and that he thinks you're it for him and that he wants to take care of you for the rest of your lives, etc
if you confess about your ex boyfriend, soren will memorise every single detail you tell him. and then he'll pass all those details to someone very important who will make sure that your ex boyfriend would never find a job anywhere ever again
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fujio watanabe ★ profile
oh, he doesn't care
don't be fooled, i say this in his profile but what he feels for you isn't love, it's obsession driven by the way you make him feel. and, maybe, if you dig deep enough, it could be love in some sense of the word but, to him, it's not
and, in any case, fujio doesn't have a romantic bone in his body
so, if you don't want to be 'romantically involved' that's fine with him
the thing is though, you have to acknowledge that you belong to him and that he belongs to you and that you're not allowed to touch anybody else. that's all he asks for
i think being fuck buddies actually would be a pretty optimum relationship type for fujio as long as it's like exclusive
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