#i dont even know about this gif bc im so tired
thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
sagau with the language barrier issue except... the creator is sick and tired of trying to ask for things so they do everything themself.
and it gives their followers mass anxiety bc they can't even ask what you're doing... bc they know they won't understand anything...
Like, that's literally how I feel like I first played Genshin LMAO
Also this has a cont. Part 2 at the bottom bc tumblr fucking hates me UPDATE I FIXED IT THANK FUCK
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Also warning this is ROUGH in terms of spelling and editing and im so sorry abt that! I have my art show today so you're welcome to come back if you want to see it a little more readable tomorrow lmao
Edit Update 4/6/23:
Revised and fixed all the bad spelling and grammar (hopefully) so make sure to give another read if you havent read the cleaned up version lol
I dont have a beta reader so its just me trying my best ok-
Everything was like kinda chaos tbh at first
WOW- MY FIRST 1,000+ NOTES POST??!?! U GUYS, WHAT ARE R YOU DOIN??!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! IM GLAD U GUYS ENJOYED IT SM!! Also look out for more encoded stuff in the future since i mentioned wanting to continue stuff like this + ARG stuff :) <3
Edit 9/7/23: 2,000+ NOTES?? THANK YOU???
Like u wake up under the Irminsul, and u think ur hallucinating a goddamn gacha game for like a solid 5 minutes, or ur lucid dreaming, 
but once u actually took what felt like hours to process that u might actually be in fucking Genshin Impact-
Nahida came running from, somewhere?? Its kinda just very floaty dreamy in here so, unclear, she’s beaming with a giddy little smile (💘)
It’s… so much more than what her game model could manage.
I mean, you knew that, of course you did, but- to see the tiny goddess smiling in person, her cute chubby arms waving in the air, her cheeks all plump with baby fat from her excited smile, pretty green eyes that sparkle only in the way excited toddlers do-
It was just…wow. 🥺
You can’t help it, her sheer carefree excitement, exactly like a child but you know that she must be really overwhelmed with joy if shes letting herself act like that so blatantly, you feel ur muscles tug gently into a smile, you try to muffle it but ur happiness leaks out anyway
She's panting as she stumbles on short chubby legs to reach you.
After just staring at you with those big green clover eyes for a few seconds, she physically shakes her head to knock herself out of it,
Nahida places her hand over her heart, and bows elegantly, going back to looking at you with a small but bright smile, her voice is kind of quiet, muffled in a soft way, much like her game depiction,
“Hzozn! R'ev yvvm dzrgrmt gl nvvg blf! R wrwm'g gsrmp blf dlfow wvhxvmw fmgro R dzh zg ovzhg z uvd gslfhzmw bvzih low!” *
…Nahida begins to look a little concerned… her eyes get impossibly bigger.
…Oh no.
Nahida had apparently quickly spread the news that you can’t understand them, but luckily it seems like all the characters still know you!
Alhaitham is pretty much a constant by your side, you knew he was vaguely studying linguistics in the akademiya… but that knowledge still didn’t prepare you to be intensely stared at with his diamond pupils for hours. 💀
Then he’d tap your shoulder or something, and you quickly picked up that he wanted you to just try and say something.
Then he would scribble for hours.
Turns out they can understand you about as much as you understand Teyvat language (s? You can’t even tell if there are multiple languages, that’s how unrecognizable this language is, damn)
The more extroverted or friendly people, like Venti, Yoimiya, Kazuha, Jean, Noelle, Amber, Xingqiu, Hu Tao, Zhongli, Ganyu, Barbara, Beidou, Collei, Ayaka, Gorou, Nilou
At least attempt to talk to you, and try very hard to watch what you gesture with your hands or body language
They're pretty much ready to play charades at all times for you lol
Interestingly enough, they only ever understood you when you typed in the chat (with other ppl)
But even then not immediately, 
Sumeru scholars basically had to make a whole new department (regardless of how much you play with others) to decipher your ancient language (to them) like those old clay tablets with cuneiform we’re still translating?
Like that, your words appear in elemental magic heavy places (so like that abyss lang. It’ll appear on walls or structures, so like Andrius’ stone colosseum? in Wolvendom gained some of your chat replies inscribed and glowing a rainbow of colors on the top edges of the walls)
Much like the abyss language you see throughout genshin, most Teyvat scholars (across nations/internationally) agreed your language is the oldest form of language known!
It’s like modern languages having roots in older ones, like English with Latin, greek, or German roots, or Sanskrit and the Prakrit for Hindi language today
…so of course no one really speaks the root languages anymore, because they’re so old, so those ancestors who spoke those languages would have little to no understanding of their modern counterparts…
Occasionally if you turned your mic on for whatever reason there would be a gentle whisper on the winds in Mondstadt of your voice,
or your laugh in the waves washing ashore in Inazuma and Fontaine,
your startled noises or screams from battling bosses mixed with the landslides in the mountains of Liyue
So they know what you sound like, but that doesn’t mean they understood your language :/
Nahida had been hoping that you’re actual physical form being here would help improve the language barrier
But unfortunately, those things remained the same, but at least you were physically here to talk to now and give more content for the scholars to study rather than them having to make do with your snippets of language from chats
…so needless to say, it took you a long time to realize they viewed you as a god of sorts.
You kind of knew something was up when at least two allogenes were by your sides at all times, or eremites would replace them if they really couldn’t stick around
You figured they knew you weren’t nearly as combatant-ready as they were at all times, hell you obviously didn’t have a vision hanging off you somewhere, and you only really had a knife strapped to a belt, courtesy of the Thirty Corps
You are still kind of convinced that the people of Teyvat, or Sumeru at least, are just pretty polite (and in the allogenes case, very kind or friendly, even people like Alhaitham or Cyno, resting bitch faces they have, seem to soften a little when they’re walking around with you… maybe you’re just imagining it…)
And as much as you would love to wait until they understand you to do something more fun, as you can see the frustration on Tighnari’s face (and his ears try to flatten back hehe) as he looked like he was debating heatedly with some of the Sumeru sages who insist you stay in the city
…so why not go?
It’s not like they’re going to get it anytime soon, and it’s still too frustrating for yourself to charade things or draw things for them because you can’t even hear their guesses 💀
You can totally handle being like the traveler too, 
You still have access to your inventory afterall! Plus, lucky for you, you still find a pass for the Serenitea Pot in your little pocket dimension!
So now you have somewhere to sleep at night, and while most of your stuff went to the traveler’s pack, the things like Primogems
(which.. Okay now you really want primogems bc theyre so pretty and shiny irl)✨️
And other high-level things, or just objects of no use for the traveler (so basically all your hoarded level up stuff and infinite amount of weapons lol) came along with you
So you did have to wander the first week or so around the city and even commission the Adventurer’s Guild to grab you food supplies to cook with
Filling up, along with a few big waterskins, you’re off!
...and everyone collectively has a heart attack!
When you show up in Ghandaraville essentially all “✨️💖☺️✨️” on Tighnari’s doorstep-
He chokes on the tea he’d been sipping on before he opened the door lol
He looks a little frazzled so you try to just gesture with “calm yourself small animal” energy with your hands
“Tivzgvhg Oliw! R'n- R- sld wrw blf-?! Mvevinrmw, xlnv rm, xlnv rm, ivhg! ...R mvvw gl hvmw z nroorlm ovggvih mld gl ylgs gsv vmgriv xrgb lu Hfnvif, gsv Zxgrmt Tizmw Hztv, zmw gsv Nzgiz nlhg orpvob…” he began out looking at you and talking and gesturing to his small dining table (the game sucks, his house looks great and has lots of cool rooms filled with interesting plants… oooo…so pretty...) 
But then he kinda just devolved into rambling, no need to understand, you can read the vibes and just know that's what he's doing lol
Collei eventually ducks in, and she looks a little panicked?
She’s quickly followed by Cyno, pushing past her to call out into the house,
His voice seems hard and stressed, looking at Tighnari, “Grtsmzir, szev blf hvvm gsv Tivzgvhg Oliw zmbdsviv, gsvb dviv hvvm xlnrmt gl Tszmwziezeroov ozhg-” 
Cyno stops and blinks.
Collei’s mouth is slightly dropped open, she also just, blinks.
You blink. 
Tighnari blinks tiredly, he looks like he’d rather be done for the day, you think.
The doctor sighs, and moves his head to nod towards the other dining seats.
Sumeru foods are so much better looking in real life, and they’re so good too, your practically bloated by the end of dinner, 
As a thank you, bc u cant say it obv, you just gesture for Tighnari to stay sitting, and he gives you a raised eyebrow and a suspicious ear twitch
But stays still, and you reach out to finally hit the eight-pointed star hovering over his, and all playable characters chests at all times.
Like you suspected, it brings up a holographic character menu, but rather than his full model, it kind of hovers in front of Tighnari’s face, replacing his old 3D model self with framing the real thing for a portrait just in front of his face
The poor Denro user nearly jumps a foot out of his chair as he looks in shock at your screen, you do the same “chillll boy” gesture with your hands and press his shoulders for a second to remind him to not run off or panic
Cyno and Collei had done the dishes and put up leftovers, and are now standing behind Tighnari, watching with equally wide eyes,
“...Dszg ziv gsvb wlrmt gl blf?
Cyno’s voice is even deeper and quieter than usual, you feel goosebumps run up your spine
“Ziv blf tvggrmt yovhhvw, Nzhgvi Grtsmzir?!” Collei’s sweet voice is also hushed like she’s witnessing something sacred, Tighnari gently shakes his head negatively in response, his shoulders shrugging,
“Nzbyv? R uvvo... z orggov hgilmtvi, zmw nb Erhrlm rh zxgrmt fk zh dvoo…”
Though he’s replying, Tighnari’s eyes haven’t once left your ancient magic? technology device? hovering in front of him,
and as he crosses his arms and squints to try and look closer at everything floating in front of him, you can see the childlike gleam of awe in his green eyes, (so cute) in fact, now that you glance up and look, both Collei and Cyno have the same quietly excited and fascinated sparkle in their eyes too
With a displeased sneer, you chuck his old level one bow into the material grinding spots, hope he wasn’t attached to that…
Oh well, he’ll like the new one better, afterall, with no characters, all your best weapons and artifacts are ready to use!
With a small smile of reassurance, you finally finish gearing Tighnari up, tap a miniature version of that 8-point star in the corner like an “X” button, and it retreats like a classic TV set📺 turning off into his chest, he startles but then carefully stands
You decide to just start making decisions bc its worked out so far ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And grab his hand and haul him out into the forest, Collei letting out a surprised squeak, her and Cyno hurrying after
You reach the nearest clearing, and gesture at Tighnari like a bow and arrow firing, he gets it, and your glad he already trusts you, because he doesn’t take long to summon his bow
He takes aim at a smaller tree about two cars length away
You can feel them all holding their breathe, as Tighnari charges it with Dendro, the arrowhead glowing, (it looks so cool and badass irl god you feel envious even tho ur already here-)
The ranger lets it fly, it streaks neon green, whistling through the air, it hits the tree-
and it fucking explodes.
Vines and leaves and the trees roots all rapidly swell like theyre filled with water, like it literally got hit by a superhero with plant powers, which, not that far off actually.
The green floating Dendro seeds make a ring around the tree its so full of elemental energy-
You give a wild grin, you still got it, hell yeah. >:)
Your grin widens as you look over at Tighnari, Collei, and Cyno
Cyno has a smirk lighting up his face, eyes eager, Collei’s jaw has dropped and she’s just frozen staring as the tree finally settles from the burst of the dendro powered arrow
…Tighnari has lowered his bow, and his mouth is only slightly open, his ears perked straight up into the air, shaking with excitement? Happiness? Interest? You don’t know how peopl-animal-hybrid ears work,
and you STILL cant talk to any of them to ask what they thought, so looks will have to do >:/
Tighnari is the first to move, his head snapping over to look at you, the brightest, kinda feral tbh, smile taking over his face-
“Blf pmld, dv xzm'g fmwvihgzmw blf, zmw blf fh, bvg R xzm'g dzrg gl hvv dszg rm gsv dliow blf'iv tlrmt gl wl mvcg. Blf'iv znzarmt."
… and you just 🙂? Cool!
And give a thumbs up👍LMAO
Alhaitham was literally running around Sumeru City trying to find you when you left, tho you did try and leave a translatable-in-3-to-5-business days-note, he didn’t have time to translate that because you were gone.
Or worse, lost in the city, and he would never forgive himself if he lost you, esp as Acting Grand Sage-
Kaveh got a letter a day and a half later from Tighnari letting them know you were having a sleepover in Ghandarvaville lol
Kaveh also had to hunt down Alhaitham to give him said news, then force his roommate to go sit or lay down for the rest of the day to recover lmao
(Haitham honestly kinda freaked Kaveh out bc he’s never seen him that... desperate, it was like seeing a statue emote lol)
Bro has anyone else had this problem???
I literally had to switch from PC to mobile and copy and paste it there to get all my shit in and tumblr not throw a hissy fit???!!!
And started doing ciphers for when you dont get teyvat’s language! I meant to do something fun like this for awhile but I wasn’t sure if that would be kind of annoying, but if you’re interested in learning what they actually say (which the whole point of this is that dw it doesnt rlly matter lol) here’s a hint:
*hint = Atbash
:> good luck!
Wish me luck on my art exhibition today!! Then I’ll be homefreeeee 😭
Safe Travels,
♡ the beloveds ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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chiiyuuvv · 6 months
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• PAIRING — bf!riize x fem!reader
• GENRE — established relationship, fluff, suggestive
• WORD COUNT — 610
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — just a little thought i had,, and immediately came to write it down
• TAGLIST — @starryriize , @cake1box , @babigriin , @soul-is-a-strange-kid , @riizeaus , @mxlly143 , @yeosayang , @lecheugo (welcome!) @yuniniverse • CREDIT — @starryriize for sohee and sungchan, tyy &lt;3
hes just a smiley little fella
Uses this time to talk about your day, maybe even sliding in a few pick up lines to make you laugh
Defo hugs you in the shower
Like one second youre chatting and scrubbing and then his arms are around your waist and his chin on your neck, offering you another smile
Just loves it when hes hugging you and the water is raining on yall.. just feels so much comfort ♡
Two words come in mind and two only
Pretty. Girl.
Like i feel hes not that big on pet names, like hed just call you by your name or like half of it but as soon as your under the water thats all he can think of. Pretty. Girl.
Lowkey gets hard and doesnt even bother hiding it. Bc 1. How youre like right there?? And 2. He wants you to know the affect you have on him
You just like a little spicy treat 🥰 and he will eat you. But where?? In the shower.. in bed.. against the mirror.. even on the floor idk man bros kinda desperate 🤷‍♀️ ♡
Hes so cocky about it
Like he knows how much you like his muscles and hes just flexing atp.. but like gently??
Like usually hed tease you for it but when showering hes just like "oh baby, you like that? Go on, touch me baby."
And best believe hes gonna use every excuse to touch you, supposed to washing your hair but his hands magically appear at your breasts like???
And also best believe that youre not only wet from the shower.. but also him ♡
I think this is inspired by that wonbin thought i wrote a while ago, but i feel like showering together is only when one had a long, tiring day and needs to melt with their loved one
So yeah, i feel like since wonbin has such a busy schedule, he'd just come home and drag you to the bathroom
If youre tired he will defo wash you. Like without a doubt
If hes tired he will still try to wash you, but melts when you do it instead
Im talking about looking down at you with his big doe eyes, a lazy smiling creeping on his lips as hes just so lucky to have you ♡
Will you any and every excuse in the world to get you to come with him
"But you wont accompany your lovely, cutie, handsome, prett-" "seunghan, im coming if you stop."
Feel like hes another hugger, just happy to have some warm water raining down on him and his loved one
Loves loves loves washing your hair!!
And has this little smile on his face, his eyes closed when you do it to him, hes just about to melt the cutie :((( ♡
Okay so i wrote anton first and then realized how similar they are so just bare with me 😭✋
so yes yes suppa shy and hes looking at you like 🤤🥴
But hes more horny??? And kinda pervy??
Like noticable is hard but tries to play it off and its like how?? I can see you my boy 🤨
Please touch him. He defo wont whimper i promise <3 ♡
So so so shy and for what?
Like youve been together for a while, seen every part of each other, took showers like three times yet hes still like "dont look at me!" In a tiny voice
And although he doesnt want you to look at him, he sureee is looking at you
Bc zamn... like wowow the curves.. hes gonna drool
But gets red when you catch him ♡
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wosemi-sama · 3 months
and the crowd went mild 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 also no chara dividers im lazy rn
these r so short id add more but im rushing rn sorry lmfao 😭😭😭
intended lowercase!
misc. obm hcs
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wakes up at the ass crack of dawn every single morning.
wears those old man pjs. with the long hat and fuzzy slippers and gown. you know the one.
most bitter coffee you've ever had in your life how he can drink it is astonishing.
his bed, his mattress, his pillows are all as hard as rock how does this man SLEEP.
sleeps like hes the corpse at the funeral hes that one image
will pull you into a headlock and call it a hug.
guy who had mountain dew and cheeto dust in his veins instead of blood. guy who marinates in his room for two months straight. guy who- (i am immediately shot dead).
did a collab with the anti-lucifer league to create a 100k words dialuci fic to piss off lucifer (dont worry about him he got paid in anime and tsl merch).
TRULY believes he is the #1 tsl fan. and also #1 ruri fan.
wimp who VOLUNTARILY makes you cosplays if you are a cosplayer or even if you aren't. it will happen.
vtuber fan. he was like "hey i wanna be a streamer but i dont wanna show my face but i also want to be an anime boy! wait-" and now hes a vtuber.
has accidentally referred to all of his brothers as "chat" at least once. hes never recovering from that btw.
cannot stop annotating books he reads for the life of him.
all of his books are just filled to the brim with sticky notes because all he does is annotate.
once he has a crush he will start imagining him and them in the same scenarios as the characters in romance novels he read. (loser alert!!)
sneaking a new cat into hol like once a week (he never succeeds btw).
oh boy his room REEKS of perfume and body spray.
"i sprayed my new perfume in every nook and cranny! smells so floral and elegant, don't you think?" (it smells like a bath and body works threw up.)
surprisingly plays the trumpet and BOY is he loud. bro is absolutely blasting those notes.
worst driver ever btw.
freckles all over!! like a lot. *im not beating the insane allegations*
ate like 27 family size dorito bags, 30 dollars worth of taco bell, and four sprites in one sitting and he still hasnt recovered.
sleeps. like a lot. not as much as belphie but enough to be considered an eepy guy.
will randomly grab every blanket and pillow he can get his hands on and make a nest in the common room if he's up to it. and then have everyone make a dog pile in it just so they can hang out and be silly.
will NOT clean it up afterwards. lucifer will tell him to and his only response will be "im tired..."
freckles like beel too i think theyre silly.
9829364 cow plushies. (theyre all from lucifer)
will randomly gaslight people for no reason
"hey did you do the homework"
homework? what homework? there was homework? my, what even is homework? never heard of that.
"hey, i heard of this animal from the human world called a giraffe! can i see a picture?"
what? what's a giraffe? oh, those!! yeah, they're just myths. they're not real. purely fiction!!
yk that one post about tumblr funnyman solomon. he is a tumblr funnyman to me. he confidently posts his exploded spaghetti and gets 10k notes i think.
has a book club with satan and solomon. :)
probably writes oneshots of the brothers on tumblr idfk man (sorry to the simeon fans i write like nothing on this guy bro).
bodily six ("but didnt the devs say hes ten?" shut up. /j)
along with that, also shorter than in canon. (since hes. yk. a first grader. that BOY is not five foot hes one sauce packet long dude.)
favorite store in the human world is walmart. i like to think his human world outfit is all exclusively from walmart bc thats funny i think.
hands of STEEL. he tries to grab your wrist and he nearly crushes it by accident.
ice cream!! he loves it :) his favorite is strawberry btw.
also this boy is NOT a himbo hes a smart man.
needs like a hug and some sleep and also a friend this boy works too much!!
short. like really short. especially according to devildom standards since most demons are super tall.
"but isn't he six feet?" not in my heart.
somehow always making tea for some reason?? if he's not making tea then he's making pastries.
my boy does not SLEEP. hasn't slept since the sun has been birthed and doesn't plan on ever doing it.
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srjlvr · 10 months
enha hyung line! — as parents <3
hyung-line!enha x fem!reader ! | genre: fluff ! | wc: 1.8k+ ! | warnings: enha as fathers, kids, mentions of food, not proofread ! | note: i thought about it while having some of our family members over and watching them taking care of their (vv annoying) kids !
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— ✧ heeseung ♡
“IM GONNA BE A FATHER” would literally scream this out every time he’s outside.
took him a while to really realize the fact that he’s going to be responsible for a living soul and suddenly he freaks out.
did everything to be prepared and finally after 9 months he held his daughter in his hands.
would probably use his angelic voice to sing lullabies to the baby.
tells you he hopes her first words would be ‘mama’ but secretly whispers “say dada” to her whenever you’re not listening.
would send you off to work so he could stay together with the baby and even would take her to his work as well.
he would be tired as hell at nights when the baby wakes up crying, but he’d always get up before you and would force you to lay down and fall back asleep while he takes care of the situation.
he’d be the coolest dad ever! would teach his daughter basketball even at such a young age, and would support everything that she wants to do.
would be so overprotective and will go like “dont talk to my daughter like that!” whenever someone speaks badly about her.
he’d be so openly with her and would talk about whatever! when it comes to question about ‘how to make kids’, he’d just say that it’s not the time to explain.
as she grows older, he’d get too emotional all the time and would take pictures of everything his child does.
each morning would help her get ready and send her off to school with kisses and “i love you”s
so so so supportive and comforting person, as a father he’d do everything to make his daughter happy.
would be a little worried and overprotective about parties as his daughter grows older, but he trusts her enough to let her do what she wants. as long as she’s being safe.
“hey dad, can we go play some basketball?” your daughter asked. “but i prepared dinner already” you frowned a bit, expecting to eat with your family already.
“eat some snack in the meantime baby, we’ll be back in an hour” heeseung pecked your lips and hugged you. he then grabbed the ball and tossed it to your daughter.
“bye mom!” “bye love!” they both said. “wait!” you stopped them. they both froze and looked at you, you quickly got closer and put on your sports shoes, “the loser washes the dishes for a week” you smirked.
heeseung ended up loosing, watching his daughter and the love of his life getting so excited over playing together had always been his weakness.
— rest of the members under the cut !
— ✧ jay ♡
*insert shocked af emoji* — that would be his reaction after realizing he’s going to be a dad.
“i’ll cook you everyday and style you each morning, we’re going to have so much fun!” literally speaks to your tummy all day.
gets super excited and thrilled to the due date, prepared everything from A to Z and even asked his parents for some tips.
“i know nothing about babies but i can cook and i have good style…?” like 😭✋🏻✋🏻
almost fainted holding his son after 9 months of talking to him through your tummy, but held on a big smiled finally realizing his biggest dream came true.
before you’re coming back home he made sure the house is fully secured and safe for babies.
he’s just worried for the new family member that’s all :(
the softest dad ever! won’t stop snapping pictures and talking about his son with whoever he can.
would wake up early everyday to prepare breakfast for the little one, and would slowly and surely wake up him and help him eat.
wouldn’t give you a chance to overwork yourself, he’d tell you to rest and he’d take care of everything.
ngl i think he’d spoil his son so much and he would buy him anything he wants just bc he wants to see his son happy☹️
MATCHING OUTFITS is a must!! being the best stylist that he is, he LOVES to dress up his son and would match with him as well.
would teach him how to treat people (esp women!) right since basic manners is hella important.
tbh i also think he’d be like so chill about his child going to parties and all when growing up and he’d even drop him off and pick him up whenever he needs.
“how’s the food?” jay asked after setting his plate next to your plate, in front of his son. “good as always” your son smiled warmly at you.
“also, can you drop me off at (friends name)’s? we’re just gonna go out later, i’d be back before 1AM” he added. “sure, me and your mom are going on a date today so we’ll drop you off on our way” jay said, looking at you lovingly and pecking your nose.
“disgusting” your son rolled his eyes and you giggled. “you’re just jealous aren’t you?” “let’s show him some love”
both of you and jay got up and dragged your son to the sofa, tickling him and laughing about his cute reaction, but ending up the fight with a tight family hug.
— ✧ jake ♡
his reaction would be so precious when he’d found out about the pregnancy. literally called his mom and the rest of his family a second after you decided it’s time to officially tell everyone.
“do whatever you feel like doing as long as you’re not overworking yourself and putting yourself in danger” type of person.
would be so hyped up and would prepare himself mentally every day that in a few months he’d have a new family member.
after nine months he let out some happy tears, watching his son sleeping peacefully in his arms.
“you took care of him nine months now let me take care of him” — would use it as an excuse to be alone with the baby.
bought so many baby clothes beforehand and doesn’t know what to do when the baby is growing so fast and the clothes are already tiny on him.
cries every time something emotional happens, as if his hormones are higher than yours😮‍💨.
really wants his son to have an australian accent so he’s showing him australian baby-friendly videos.
he’d be the funniest dad ever! the one that even his son’s friends would like because he’s so easygoing and funny.
oh and let’s talk about the gaming station he’d build for him and his son to play together, they’d spend all day in the room without getting out, leaving you all alone.
as funny and easygoing he is, i think he might be a little overprotective as well. as his son became a teenager and started going to parties, he became a bit scared, so he texts every once in a while to check if his son is still alive.
i think he’d also be super thrilled when his son would get a significant other and would make sure to have a conversation with him about “how to treat your significant other right”.
he would also take his son to late night walks, just to talk about his concerns and everything he needs, he always makes sure his son knows he’d do pretty much everything to see his smile.
“nice one! go to your left!” jake yelled as his fingers moved fast on the keyboard and his eyes roamed around the computer screen. “they’re attacking from everywhere!” your son groaned.
as another game ended with a fail, jake looked over his son and pat his shoulder, “it’s okay, it doesn’t mean we suck at this game” he hugged his disappointed son.
“boys! i prepared some snacks! get out and let’s hang out!” you called them out for the hundredth time today. “your mother is looking for attention” jake giggled.
“let’s play one more game and then go” his son plead and jake smiled, “how can i say no to you?”
— ✧ sunghoon ♡
“so you’re telling me,” he froze, “that there’s a human being growing in your tummy right now?” *insert dumbfounded emoji*
oh this boy would be so scared for his life, i think he’d mostly be scared of the thought that he wont be able to take care of you right.
that’s why he prepared himself in any kind of way. he read books, went to get some tips from his mother and even his grandma, he wants to be so perfect and he wants to make everything more comfortable and easy for you.
so when he finally held his daughter’s tiny fingers, he cried happy tears. he cried because now his job is to raise his beautiful daughter and protect her from any costs.
since he’s so well prepared, he wasn’t even worried a bit once she started crying and waking up so late at nights nonstop.
would tell her stories and talk to her all day, entertaining her as much as he can, it’s also not his fault, his daughter is just so cute and adorable.
“i can’t believe i’m a father” he goes around the house giggling and playing with his daughter.
would tease you so much when her first words are ‘dada’ and not ‘mama’ — would be like “what can i say? she loves me more” with such a huge smirk on his face.
just like him, he hopes his daughter would take interest in ice skating, so as she grew old, he took her to one of the nearest ice rinks, and singed her up for classes when he saw she was actually enjoying it.
he’d be so supportive and so understanding, would always take her to practices and you two would always show up for her shows and would even skate with her if you’d feel like it.
likes to do different hairstyles and would just go with the flow, one day it can be ponytails and the other day it could be a simple braid.
he’d actually also go around and be like “do you see her? she’s my daughter, she’s so cute isnt she?”.
in general he’d be the softest dad ever! as his daughter grows old, he’d plant some morning kisses on her cheeks and would tell her that he loves her dearly and would send her off to school.
“dad! i have practice in about half an hour!” your daughter noted and sunghoon immediately gasped, “right right! let’s go!” he said and grabbed your hand as well.
“huh? aren’t you just dropping her off? why do i need to come too?” you asked, “because,” he smiled, “she’s our daughter and we need to watch her practice”
“i also wanted us to have a dinner date today, all of us together, it’s been a while since we went to hang out all three of us” he said, “because you always take her to grab some ice cream after practice” you teased and he shrugged.
“we got the best daughter ever” he smiled. “i know” you replied and he then pecked your lips, “thank you, for making me become a father”
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Platonic tadc cast with a child reader Who is like :
"hey, wanna see me do a cartwheel :D"
Basically very spontaneous and chaotic in the adventures lol
Ty!! (and remember to drink water) ;3
TADC cast x chaotic!kid!reader ! (Platonic)
Guys I'm literally so tired I just got done baking a ton of stuff, like I'm talking 12ish hours of non stop cooking and baking I'm going insane im trying so hard not to fall asleep rn because I kinda. Feel bad for not really answering requests today
Hope you enjoy anon!
Written on mobile
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Well well how the turn tables (writing caines portion last for once)
Very similar to kinger and ragatha in that he supports everything you do; in fact he encourages your behavior as long as no one is getting hurt. Very loudly (and sometimes obnoxiously) cheers for you
While kinger can only cheer and clap, I think Caine sets off sparkles and fireworks... probably has a whole group of bubbles cheering you on too , assuming there can be multiple bubbles at any given time (I personally think there can be, and they all share a hivemind of sorts)
So what was the occasion that prompted that?
A wonky cartwheel, of which you excited called "a sideways front flip"
(Fun fact from the admin, I called my first cartwheel that bc I didnt know it was called a cartwheel yet)
Anxious parental figure and hyper child, a dynamic that's hit or miss at least for me. Really it depends on how its executed
That said I think she struggles to keep up with you
Constantly scrambling around you make sure you dont fall into any danger. Literally and figuratively...
Her attempts to get you to sit down for more than five minutes fail
Your ass is failing the marshmallow test/j
No thoughts only that one clip from adventure time where BMO pretends to be a wheathervane before trying to nose dive off the roof, all while calling for finns attention. Thats you and ragatha, basically (in essence, not exact scenario though)... maybe zooble too, but we'll get there when we get there (I am currently having a brain blast)
Says things like "what am I gonna do with you" everyday, always lightheartedly of course and usually accompanied by a tired chuckle
Generally very supportive of you though, just so long as you're not hurting yourself! Sure, this is the digital world and injuries dont really stick, but still! The pain is still there
I mentioned the marshmallow test in pomnis part and I feel like jax would do something similar with you. Except the test is rigged and the candy (which he uses in place of the marshmallow( is actually for him and not for you. So if you actually earn the extra candy you dont even get it
That said I do think jax would feel bad when you get upset about the joke
I think he finds it funny, as long as you're not tugging on his overalls and screaming at him for something, or interfering with his plans
Hes not a neglectful rolemodel/familial figure, he just has a short fuse with the above I think, regardless of who it is, kid or not
That said he fully embraces your spontaneous nature
Peepaw and his grandchild, that's it that's literally the dynamic
"Kinger is only 48-"
"Oh that's so lovely, (reader)" when you run up to him with your hands full of god knows what
Eagerly claps and cheers when you show him a new trick you learned
Bonus if you try to recreate or one up his embellished stories in order to make him proud of you (hes always proud of you)
As mentioned in ragathas part, the wheathervane BMO thing is basically in essence you guys' dynamic. Except where I think ragatha would be quicker to pay attention to you, zooble may be a little slower. Not because they dont care about whatever you're trying to display to them, but because I think a lot of the times they kind of mentally check out (me too honestly)
Tries to scold you if you do something too dangerous or out of line, may come across as way angrier or upset than they actually are though thanks to their voice being kinda
You know
Zooble gives off "cool older sibling who doesnt care about nothing" energy
Meekly tries to get you to calm down for a few minutes, especially if theres an IHA going on because she doesnt want you to run off and potentially get hurt. Tries to keep you occupied with arts and crafts. Watches in horror as you impulsively eat the glue
Tends to wrap one of her ribbon hands around yours so she knows you're not running off.. this is more so when theres an IHA going on
As per usual not many ideas for gangle <\3
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morgandoesstuffsig · 1 year
can I get a twst Dorm leaders headcanon with a student that wears their headphones a lot bc they're sensitive to loud noises?
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Have this image too
this is so me wtf (both the req and the image lmfaooo)
didnt do anyone esle because im lazy and tired and its nearly midnight AAAAAAAAAAA
anyways as always, start under cut
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he is old
im not a hater i swear
but when he sees you with things hanging out of your ears, he's slightly concerned.
whether it's normal headphones or earphones or earbuds, it just doesn't seem normal
so of course, he informs you of this
you stare at him for a second before you take an earbud out and stare at him again, with a following "what'd you say?"
he thinks it's harming your ears for a moment because you couldn't hear him
please reassure baby that it's not an infection or something
he'll be confused for a moment but he gets the hang of it rather quickly
he jus luvs any classical tunes but..
i actually honestly think he's also like hard metal... don't ask me why
overall 10/10 good boy
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he KNOWS what it's like to have sensitive ears
so believe it or not, he totally understands u wearing earbuds an (probably) won't rip on u for it
he might start talking to you w/o u knowing because you have your eyes closed and youre just vibin w ur music
and he knows that so he takes that chance to say some sappy shit w/o anyone hearing him at all
he could never say it to your face
so he opts for this instead
fuckin big ass ego mf /affectionate
he'll probably never ask to listen to the music w u no matter how much he wants too
so if you wanna have a silly lil romantic moment w him, you'll have to ask him first
he'll probably scoff an roll his eyes before he sees you pout and he just turns away as one of his ears flicker
that's your sign to put the earbud in
imo i think he'd really like MSI, POPPY, and for some reason Mac DeMarco
mindless self indulgence because their music jus slaps
POPPY because i think he'd like the guitar in the background and the solos and her voice
Mac DeMarco because he's nice to listen to when you wanna pass out fr
overall 8/10 good boy
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okay dont come at me but at first i have a feeling he might try to use it to rope u into some kind of contract...
but later on he just accepts it
he's sometimes annoyed when he's talking to you an u havent heard a thing he said
but one confused look from you makes his annoyed frown turn into a small, hard-to-keep pout
has to remind himself that your hearing is different from his
he tries his best to keep monstro lounge quiet at times and lets you stay after hours when it's all quiet and empty
it has a certain comforting charm
i swear the first time you asked him to listen to music with him
he turned into stew i swear his face was extremely red and he was just like
he accepted ofc, tried to play it off, (failed)
i have a feeling he'd like Ricky Montgomery, Steve Lacy, and girl in red
Ricky Montgomery because he's got a nice voice and his lyrics are really relateable,
Steve Lacy because the instrumentals are just so!!!
and girl in red because he finds it romantic listening to her w you
lean against him as you two listen to music i promise he'll explode
overall 9.5/10 good boy
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oh boy
this boy is super loud (/affectionate)
but once he learns about you and your sensitive hearing, he tries his best to keep it down
from lowering his voice a bit to trying to make "quiet times" at his dorm,
he tries his best to make sure you're as comfortable as possible and it's not too loud for you
he likes to talk to you even if you're not listening to him, he could ramble for hours
as long as you're next to him, he could talk until his voices dries out and withers away
he'll probably be the one to ask you to listen to music first
i think he'd also like Mac DeMarco, Alec Benjamin, and Conan Gray
all of them because of the instrumentals and vocals!
but he doesn't mind listening to anything as long as he's with you
he might fall asleep while listening though
he's smiling all the way through though :)
overall 15/10 good boy
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theres probably some bs rule about music n shit but like
lets pretend there isn't
he'll probably be trying to reprimand you for doing some stupid shit
and then you'll just take out an earbud and be like "huh??"
he'll just stare up at you, face slowly getting redder from slight anger but mostly embarrassment
like?? how dare you ignore him???
but either way, you're his favorite so you get a pass
he just sighs and shakes his head
but then you tell him why you wear your earbuds so often and he immediately gets it
he himself used to really sensitive to loud noises before he just got used to them (thanks to his mom)
so he does his best to go easy on you about it
hand him an earbud, he'll be confused for a moment or two
but he puts it in w a red face and vibes w u
i think he'd like Mitski, Tally Hall, and Pastel Ghost
they all are just so... soothing yet relatable
fall asleep listening to Liquid Smooth with him, hug him as you listen to Hidden In the Sand, just hold his hand as you two sit in the garden while listening to Silhouette...
he loves it sm
overall 9.3/10 good boy
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worstghost · 2 years
OMG could u write Alejandro when reader gets shot during battle/a mission? (headcanons).
Just angst angst angst with fluffff.
I love alejandro sm, Im living from crumbs of the same fics bc nobody writes neww oness😭😭😭💀💀.
i don't think this is my best, and I'm not very good at angst, but I still loved writing it and I'm sorry it turned into a drabble instead of headcanons, I got carried away 😭 (also sorry again if the spanish is incorrect, i dont trust google translate)
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♡You and Alejandro don't get along. It's well known across 141, Los Vaqueros, anyone who sees you two work together.
♡You're constantly bickering, (Soap calls it flirting but you're quick to shut him up), even going as far as insulting each other when you're really low.
♡The issue is you're too similar, too snarky, too confident. You can only one up each other so many times before something breaks. No one can decide if they want it to break though.
The team is holed up in a small home on the edge of town, regrouping and planning the next move and Alejandro is trying to talk to you, but you keep rejecting all of his attempts, and you both know now isn't the time but something finally snaps.
And then he's yelling that "You're being stupid, and you need to listen to me, I know what I'm talking about-"
And you shout back with a low blow, "Of course you know everything, you could fit an entire encyclopedia in that big head of yours-"
His mouth snaps shut, teeth clicking together, and Soap barks out a laugh behind you, and Ghost finally steps in, moving up to you with a loud "Enough!"
And then, the window across from you shatters, and you feel the shot before you hear it.
You're thrown back into the wall, searing pain shooting through your shoulder, down your spine. The air is knocked from your lungs.
It's chaos, panic, Alejandro grabs you and pulls you across the room with him, away from the windows.
You can't swallow the spit in your mouth, you can't think. You just watch as the team huddles around you, Ghost shouting commands and you don't know if he said 'Get up and move' or 'Fuck we're screwed', it's all the same.
Alejandro is pressing his hands against your shoulder, you grit your teeth and dig your nails into his wrist. He takes it and keeps talking to you, telling you to keep your eyes open and on him, look at him, and you do and everything feels different like this. He's so different like this. You can see the panic in his eyes and you feel like you're suffocating against him, clinging to his arms.
He let's you, in fact, he pulls you closer, grasping your face in his hand. "Look at me, cariño, I'm going to get you out of here." It's so gentle, like you'd never seen him before.
You blink, and you're in a stark white room, sunlight peeking through cheap polyester curtains and everything smells like sterile cleaning products and it makes you nauseous.
He's been waiting for you, in the med bay, he doesn't want you to wake up alone. While he's sitting or pacing, he thinks of how things could have been different. If instead of berating you for being stubborn, he had complimented you on your willpower. Or instead of pushing you aside in missions, he had told you he couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt. So many things he could have done differently, and now he's here, waiting for you to wake up so he can explain himself.
And you do, and when you roll your head to the side and see him your face visibly relaxes, and a wave of relief washes over him.
You're not angry at least, that's all he could ask for.
Alejandro slides his chair closer to the bed and brushes strands of hair from your eyes, trying to think of where to start. You look tired, your lips are chapped and your hair is a mess, but he thinks you still look so beautiful now that you're awake.
"Me asustaste, cariño." He huffs out a laugh at the bewildered expression on your face, sliding his fingers down to touch your jaw.
"I scared you? Alejandro, I thought my last words were going to be telling you you have a fat head."
You join him in laughing, your voice shaky, and he leans in to press his forehead to yours, sharing a breath.
"All is forgiven, as long as you don't try to leave me again." He sighs into you, feeling you nod against him.
Things are definitely different now, but it's not a bad thing.
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twinklix · 2 years
HIHIHIHIHI i need perv han pls pls pls i love u sm biggest fan here ☹️ 🙏
wanted ✧.* | h.js
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| Perv!Jisung x Fem Reader | Best friends 2 lovers | wc: 3907
A/N: Ok so my ass got carried away to say the least and its not even good bc i literally wrote it at midnight, and i got so lazy for the entire second half. but anyway luv i hope you enjoy, this is my first fic on this blog im so scared AHHHGHGHSDFG also this isnt proofread im tired ily
[warnings: Smut, explicit sexual content ,MDNI, piv, fluff, Degrading, semi public sex, virginity loss, unprotected sex (dont do it babes <3), fantasies, masturbation (m), bad writing bc im tired fingering, dom/sub dynamic, corruption kink ?]
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“pass the popcorn Ji!”
Your second request for the snack was met once again with silence from the boy beside you. To force a reaction out of him, you reached for the closest thing to you,(the tv remote) and chucked it at his head. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to make him fucking answer you.
“YAH! Y/N!” He dramatically whined, rubbing his head, finally turning to you with a half pissed/half confused look.
“popcorn.” you motioned to the bowl in his lap and his face lit up with embarrassment and realization as he handed it to you. You accepted it happily and settled back into your spot on your bed, returning your attention to the movie playing only a few meters away on the tv mounted to your wall.
Han, however, did not return his focus to the movie. Not like his focus had ever been on the movie in the first place. It had been like this for the past few weeks. On these nights, he’d usually be intently watching with you, waiting anxiously for the opportunity to crack a relevant joke to whatever scene was playing, in hopes to make you smile or laugh. But now instead, he sits, trying to ignore the grumbling feeling of nerves and guilt mixing together in his stomach.
Being in this room. Your room, had a much different affect on him than it did mere weeks ago. Your scent. the excessive amount of plushies scattered across your bed. The posters on your wall of all your favorite groups and shows. Your clothes in a pile in the corner. He seemed to notice and dwell on these things much more now, because all those things were you. And you were all he could think about.
When this started, he wasn’t sure.
He had always loved you, but in the way he should love his best friend. He wasn’t sure when his gaze on you started to persist slightly longer than it should or when you started to invaded his thoughts at night and he especially wasn’t sure when he started to notice how visible your nipples were through your favorite white t shirt.
All these changes slowly snowballed to him, now, sitting stoic and silent on your bed beside you.
Your head turned to him, your lips turning to a frown as you sat the popcorn on the side table. “ji..” you began, and surprisingly he responded with a low hum. “do you not like hanging out with me anymore?”.
His eyes widened and he spun to you on his knees, waving his hands like an insane person. “no! no! never!” He almost yelled. Your frown stayed and you turned your head to look at the wall. “you haven’t seemed interested or...present.. whenever you’ve come over for movie night.”
He knew he fucked up and had to fix it. He hated making you sad.
“there’s just been a lot on my mind recently…” he slumped back down with a sigh, feeling like an idiot. “you know i love spending time with you! i spend my whole week looking forward to it!” he confessed, taking your hands in his, prompting you to turn back to him, a small smile adorning your face, making his posture perk back up. “you know what! Hyunjin’s having a party tomorrow. I wasn’t originally gonna go, but i think it’ll be fun!”.
You perked up fully now. You and Han used to go to Hyunjin’s parties together all the time until he suddenly stopped going and as a result, so did you. “really?” your eyes lighting up with happiness. Han looked into them, feeling his entire body warm up as the nerves and guilt in his stomach were replaced by butterflies.
He nodded and you sprung up to wrap your arms around his neck tightly, hugging him with a relieved and happy sigh. His arms snaked around your waist and it was then he realized. You weren’t wearing a bra. Heat rushed up through his chest, feeling the firmness of your breasts push against his chest, not far from his face. He cursed himself for thinking of you like that right now since that’s how this entire problem started. He couldn’t think about it much more before you pulled away, leaning back with a yawn.
“..but for now you need to get some rest, bug” he told you with a comforting smile, helping you into bed. Once you were comfortable and snug under your blankets, he went to stand up but was interrupted by a whisper from behind him.
“i love you Ji.”
Sleep hit you the moment after saying it. He turned to see your eyes closed and your lips parted. Soft. So soft. His eyes were stuck at your lips wondering what it would be like to kiss them, to use them...
You mouth was so small, he was sure you’d have the cutest expression trying to fit him. He was also sure you’d make the cutest noises as he touches you..
He shook his head, trying to make the thoughts go away. Trying to just see you as his best friend sleeping. Nothing else.
He realized how tight his pants had become and the grey spot appearing at the front. “fuck..” he whispered under his breath, thanking god you weren’t conscious to see him. His feet carried him quietly to the corner of your room where he leaned down to collect his stuff. Soft cotton brushed his knuckle as he picked up his jacket. His eyes fell to the pile of clothes he had zoned-out on earlier. Where his knuckle was, laid a pair of pink striped panties ready to be washed. A breath got stuck in his throat and before he could internally fight himself, he collected them along with his jacket and exited your room and apartment in a hurry.
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Grunts and groans left Han’s lips as his hips thrusted up desperately into the soft cloth. He pretended it was you, pretended you were wearing the clothing item wrapped around his cock and that he pushed it hastily to the side to fuck you.
“fuck.. bug.” His nickname for you came out so breathily as he felt his chest tighten, so close.
He imagined you saying his name, as he was yours. He imagined how your face would contort with pleasure. He imagined being the only man to pleasure you.
His fantasy came to a sudden halt when he let out one last grunt and closed his eyes as he painted your most intimate item white.
He was left breathless, melting into his pillows as his chest rose and fell trying desperately to refill his empty lungs.
He removed the cloth from his cock to stare at it in his hand. He stared at where your juices mixed with his and he felt a depraved smile creep onto his face as he tucked the item behind his pillow, not planning on returning it anytime soon.
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You arrived late to the party, being held up by an old friend you’d ran into on the way, exchanging the expected polite catch-up dialogue.
Not long after knocking on the door, Hyunjin swung it open to greet you, beer in hand and grin on face. “Hey.. Y/n!” his obviously tipsy gaze fell down below your eyes. “you look hot” he blurted out and you snorted, pushing him out of the way so you could step out of the freezing hall.
“haven’t seen you in a while!” he yelled beside trying to compete with the increasing volume of the music  you as you walked through the entrance together.
“been busy!” you yelled back but slightly quieter than him since you were still sober and capable of somewhat hearing. He stopped at the kitchen and nodded to you “Han’s on the balcony” he told you at the volume of a normal human now and you nodded to him, giving him a quick thanks before  leaving for the living room. You forgot how big Hyunjin’s apartment was, there had to be at least 50 people in this one room, all smushed together. You slipped through the crowd until you reached a table near the wall, decorated with different types of booze. You downed a few shots with a foul face then grabbed a beer.
Sliding the balcony door open, you saw only a few people. A couple making out beside you, leaning against the glass that looked inside. A drunk girl in a chair who you think was passed out. And Han, standing with his back to you, resting his arms on the railing to look out into the night.
“quieter out here, isn’t it?” you smirked, sliding beside him to lean ur back against the railing. Elated by your sudden appearance, he turned to you quickly, ruffling your hair with a smile “hey bug! I was wondering when you’d get here”
After explaining your hold up and taking a large swig of your beer, you tilted your head to him, already somewhat lightheaded. He finally looked down at your body, seeing your thighs on display and breasts practically spilling out of your dress. His words got caught in his throat as you looked up at him through your lashes. He cleared his throat and reached for the cup of bourbon he had forgotten and downed it quickly, deciding he’d need alcohol to distract him from how bad he wanted to fuck you.
An hour later, you both sat on the ground of the balcony, giggling messes leaning onto each other for support. You weren’t drunk, you were at the point of tipsy where you’re still aware and conscious but everything. is so. fucking. funny.
“i can’t believe it was you that gave suengmin that black eye!” you yelped out between laughs, clutching your stomach, trying to remember how to breathe. “i was practicing my nun chuck skills” he admitted casually, before you both lost it, laughing more.  
“what’s the best sex you’ve had?” you suddenly asked, after you’d both calmed down slightly. Neither of you expected but it slipped out. Did tipsy you think about Han having sex? or did you just feel it was a standard party question?
“um-uh..” stutters were the only thing that left his mouth since the inside of his brain was currently filled with only tv static. It was normal to talk about sex with your best friend, but it was different for him considering he’d shot a load into your underwear 24 hours ago. You leaned back on your arms and waited, smiling. He straightened up and thought up some bullshit answer. “my first time i guess… in highschool. i can’t remember much about the girl though“ he technically wasn’t lying, he had lost his virginity in high school to some girl who’s name he couldn’t begin to try to remember. ”how about you?… how was your first time?“
You frowned and sat up, rubbing your arm awkwardly, “well uhhh..”
Han’s eyes widened in shock. You were a virgin. Sure, he’d never seen you go home with a guy or listened to you talk about fucking any, but you’d dated guys in the past and he just… assumed things.
You sensed his realization and nodded “yup.. no ones laid me”. A shameful giggle left your throat and before the air could settle from your confession or anyone could even think, Han chimed in with a brilliant idea. “i could help!”
You looked at him solemnly for a moment before bursting out into laughter even louder than the one after his nun chuck story. “wh-what? are you volunteering to fuck me?” you asked, looking at him actually curiously now and he felt something inside him snap. He thought about it. What he’d been dreaming about and jerking off to. Could it really come true?
“i mean sure. i’d rather you do it with me where i know you’d be treated right, than with some random douche” He meant what he said, not just lying yo get in your pants.
Somehow under some miracle, you saw the logic too. “ok...yeah” you timidly agreed before standing up. If life was a cartoon, his jaw would have fell to the ground and his eyes would be comically wide. He couldn’t believe his ears. You’d agreed to let him fuck you. Not just fuck you. But take your virginity. Midway through malfunctioning while trying to process reality, you grabbed his hand and pulled him up and into the apartment through the crowd. He let you pull him along, knowing he’d be happy with wherever the end destination was.
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You let go of his hand and opened a door, walking in. He followed, realizing it was the bathroom. It was of course massive just like the rest of Hyunjin’s home, with a double basin on marble counters to your left with a width-long mirror above it. You moved to rest against against the sink’s counter looking down awkwardly.
Han closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it. A painful silence rested in the bathroom, a stark contrast to the blaring music just outside the walls. He walked over to your nervous figure, standing directly in front of you, leaving little space. His finger came up to lift your chin, forcing you to look at him. “are you sure you want to?” he asked, somehow letting the question come out in a low and unwavering voice even though his chest was swimming with fear. Your face mirrored his blank expression, but with an unidentifiable twinkle in your eye.
You nodded slowly, feeling a slight warmth in your thighs. He nodded back and leaned in quickly to connect his lips to yours. Your lips were as soft as he imagined them and it made his heart flutter and his dick harden. He pushed his tongue into your mouth with little protest from you, as you leaned back, placing your palms on the counter to hold yourself up. You felt the heat between your thighs grow as you let out a slight whimper into his mouth as his tongue continued to massage your own. He pulled away slowly after a moment, and you looked up at him through lidded eyes, panting slightly. He leaned back down and connected his lips to the left of your neck, using his right hand to turn your head to the side so he could complete his task better. His lips sucked onto the skin of your neck, leaving you whimpering slightly at the unfamiliar sweet feeling. you felt his teeth join, grazing he spot he was sucking, biting down softly causing you to let out a yelp, and grab onto his shoulder. “Ji..” you whined out. The heat had spread up higher, feeling it in your pussy now, you felt so empty even without knowing the feeling of being full. “please..inside me” you begged and it was music to his ears as he sucked one last time and pulled away, smirking down at the deep purple mark he had left. he moved back to look into your eyes now. You were blushing hard, feeling so embarrassed that he was seeing you this way, but even more embarrassed that you never wanted to stop.
He leaned down for one more kiss before directing his attention to your bottom half. “Up, baby” he instructed and you silently lifted yourself up to sit on the counter, dwelling internally on the new nickname,
You rubbed your legs together, trying to: a) hide your most private place  b) get some friction to relieve the ache inside you.  Han smirked and shook his head, placing a large hand on each of your thighs, slowly using them to spread your legs for him. You bit your lip in embarrassment but let him. one of his hand moved to caress your thigh slowly, inching closer and closer to where you silently begged for him. He hesitated before finally moving his hand to use two fingers to swipe a line up your slit over your underwear, causing you to let out a small gasp when he lightly grazed your clit. “So wet for me” he whispered into your ear and you couldn’t believe his voice could sound like this. The same voice that said the stupidest things and told the dumbest jokes, was making you silently beg for his fingers. He hooked his fingers under the waistband and yanked them down, lifting you up to help get them off. He discarded them into his pocket then turned his attention back to you looking down, feeling breathless at the sight of your most precious area, and the fact he was the only man to ever see it.
You tried to push your legs back together, feeling insecure under his gaze, but he didn’t allow it. Placing one hand on your thigh to hold it in place then moving the other hand to your clit, pinching it slightly, making you yelp. “think you can take my fingers baby?” he asked, collecting your wetness and using it to rub circles on your clit. You looked up at him and nodded quickly, making him chuckle. “Okay” he announced before moving the finger on your clit to circle your hole before sinking it in. “j-ji!” you moaned out, reaching for his shoulders, digging your nails into them. He curved the finger slightly and begin moving it in and out before adding another. Your eyes flew shut as he picked up the pace, fucking you with his fingers faster. You’d never felt anything like this and it only made you wonder how his cock would feel. He added one more finger and you started to feel a stretch, moaning out louder, as he fucked them into you so hard, you couldn’t even hear the music outside anymore. “you’re taking them so well” he assured you with a grunt and you nodded, unable to properly respond. You came back to earth when he suddenly removed his fingers from you and brought them to his lips to suck on them. “you’re so sweet” he told you and you looked at him. Mesmerized. Panting.
He made quick work of pulling his shirt off and you watched in awe, not knowing how beautiful his body was. Did he go to the gym? you wondered.
he moved toward you and looked at your already fucked-out expression, donning a cocky expression before unbuckling his belt and removing his pants and boxers. He was pretty big and he was already painfully hard.  Slowly, you reached down to touch him but he pushed your hand away. “tonight’s about you.” he told you before scooping you up to place you back on your feet on the floor. “now if you do want to help me, be a good girl and lean over the sink. Without a second thought you turned around and bent over, doing as he said, sticking your ass in the air, causing your dress to fall from your legs to pool around your stomach. Han couldn’t believe his eyes. You bent over, waiting for him. He felt butterflies arise again, even after all he’d done to you so far. he walked behind you and ran a hand over your ass slowly, admiring your body. ”please..“ he heard you beg with a broken cry and he nodded.
He aligned himself, rubbing his tip up and down your slit making you whine. “don’t worry, I’ll be gentle” he promised, looking up at his reflection above you and smiling, feeling joy at every sign this wasn’t a dream. He focused his attention back to you, pushing into you slightly as you helped out reaching back to try and grab on to him. He collected both your arms with one hand and held them behind your back, pushing the rest of himself in. “i-it stings” your voice came out almost only as a breath and he ran a soothing hand up your thigh, “it’s ok baby” his assurance helped you relax and after a moment of laying there, panting, you nodded slowly. “can you do it now ji... fuck me.. please..”
No words had ever sounded more beautiful to han and without much warning he pulled himself out of you only to dive back in quickly, causing moans to escape your lips in lines, one after the other. Once he was rested inside you fully, he repeated the action of pulling out to the tip and then plunging in. keeping this slow, deep and torturous pace for a few minutes until you couldn’t handle it anymore. “faster!” you cried out, not caring about anything else anymore. Han chuckled before granting your wish, increasing the speed of his thrusts greatly. “oh god!” you nearly screamed out, “yes...like that Ji”, Han could listen to you forever. Both the sound of your moans getting louder and your pussy taking him so well, he knew you were making the most beautiful noises he’d ever hear.
“you’re being such a slut for a virgin” he groaned out, causing your pussy to clench around him even harder, thrusting into you especially hard after speaking. “god… so desperate for my cock you let me fuck you here in the bathroom… couldn’t even wait to get home to lose your virginity” he scoffed, reached forward to tangle his hand in your hair. You tried to break your arms away from his grip behind his back, so desperately wanting to touch him but he tugged on them harder, using them to pull you up so you were standing. He slid out of you and turned you around. You were unrecognizable. And he loved it. your pupils were blown, eyes barely open and your lips and cheeks bruised red. You pouted up at him, feeling empty once again, but too tired to protest verbally.
After admiring your state he reached for one of your legs, lifting it against his chest before entering you again, returning quickly to his quick pace, hitting deeper spots inside you. The sting inside you had long passed and you only felt euphoria now, squeezing your eyes shut. Something was happening inside you, something unfamiliar and strong. so strong. “i-i” you tried to think of the words to say between your pants and moans but Han nodded, “i know baby, it’s ok let go” And you did, clenching down on him so hard he could barely move. In an attempt to reach his end too, his hand found your breasts through your dress and he massaged them, watching you let go around him, moaning out so loud, and hanging onto his neck for support. With that, he let go too, painting your walls like he had your underwear, the night before.
You held onto each other, trying desperately to catch your breaths.
“i’ve wanted to do that for so long”
You came back to reality and looked up at him with wide eyes, confusion and shock on your face. “r-really?”  The question was so nervous and shaky but he met it with a warm smile. “of course. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, how could i not” All the energy you had left, was mustered up and used in you playfully hitting his arm with a laugh.
“im serious though. i love you. i’ve thought about you like this for a while..i felt horrible about it..but now..” your hand ran up his cheek, looking into his eyes softly and lovingly. “I love you too Ji.”
Tysm for reading i hope you liked <3
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seii-fantasy · 1 year
Your one of a kind
Jack with a calm , motherly reader but once you start to get on their nerves , they became terryfiying
Asked by @monochrome-cropcrown
Your welcome , Mono(Abt Mina's post) well i will gladly help those who need it
@monochrome-cropcrown sorry Mono , i wanted to save it bcs i am very busy today . But i will try to have time to do ur request hope u love it
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_Well we do all know that Jack had a serious trauma due to his mother
_Jack was scared of you, he didnt dare to speak to you due to the rage , he felt within you . You were helping a homeless child who was bullied by adults
_Then after that scene that happened in the streets , you two ( The child and you ) went back to your home . And then you adopted this child , treated him as your own child
_Jack was in a killing spree , when he felt something . He didnt felt for a long time . The love but mostly kindness
_He tried , to see who was the person . And you know who it is . It was you
_You were singing a lullaby to the child who started.to sleep peacefully. He found that very cute but it was also a thing that he wanted to did with his mother
_One day , Jack was trying to kill somebody as always but it seems that person was very skillfull when it needed to attack and they had a knife and it gave Jack more works to do
_But they throwed their knife at Jack , and somehow it made a big cut in left arm of Jack . He was very hurt , and it started to bleed , Jack sat down , tired , closing his eyes
_He woke up , in a nice comfy room . A little kid was next to him , reading a book , about who? About Shak-Shakespear? Oh my!? As the little kid saw the Silverette man awake they left the room while saying : "Mummy ! Mummy ! The man is awake!"
_You came , treating him kindly. Like nobody did to him
_He asked that why are you doing this dont you know that he's the infamous Jack
_You answered with a beautiful smile , that helping person thats what matter the most for you , even they're mean , or a serial killer or anything like that
_This make him , cried you reassured him that it was alright. He never felt those emotions since what happen with his mother
_And Everytime people would call him a monster . You will snarled at them saying that he's a human and shouldnt be treated like he was a monster
_But your aura was more scarier than any gods around here so people would shut up and let u hug the silverette man
_He swore to himself , he wont hurt you but he will protect you til his very last breath.
I was very extremely busy , im truly sorry if im late for ur request
I hope u loved it , next request maybe tmrow?
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Owning a cat w/ Maya Lopez hc
a/n: I would die if she looked at me like that istg. ANYWHO writing fluff is a little easier for me than smut and I'm pretty busy with school and work but I can't get these fucking ideas out of my head so I had to write a lil something! Hope y'all like it! Also to the people who follow me for tlou dw I haven't abandoned it I just... I mean look at her!
Men (cis) and minors dni!!!
Warnings: none, just fluff (romantic and cat), reader is hearing bc im hearing and i would feel uncomfortable writing a deaf y/n bc i dont know what its like sorry
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She would come home to your shared appartment one day and would be confused as to why you hadn't come to greet her at the door like you usually do.
She figures you're probably sleeping since it was late and she and the tracksuits have been busy all night so she sits on the couch to unwind.
You suddenly get her attention when you walk out with an excited yet guilty grin on your face. She gives you a tired smile back and asks you why you're still up. You tell her you have a surprise for her and run out of the room.
Seconds later, you come back with a skinny orange cat with a dirty nose and place it on the couch next to her so you can tell her, "I was walking home and I heard rustling and he was just hungry and cold and he needed me I swear"
And she just looks at you like in the gif, raising her eyebrow, wondering if you're actually serious.
After enough staring she just sighs, looks at the cat and then back to you and asks, "what's his name?"
After her initial resistance to form a bond with Bobby (she argued about the name but his ears perked up when you said his it and she couldn't help but smile when you jumped with excitement), she finds herself petting him to soothe herself and putting her face on his side when he purrs.
She tolerates most of the things he does but she will literally push him away when he lies on your chest because that's her spot. Not even in a sexual way. She just likes the softness of your chest and if you're skin to skin she can vaguely feel your heartbeat which usually rocks her to sleep.
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You share a house in Tamaha and you both go out to take a walk in a nearby forest. About 20 minutes into your walk, you stop, holding her back because you hold hands as soon as you leave the house. She asks you what's wrong and you tell her you hear something crying.
You search the area for a few minutes before you find a young, black and white kitten. As soon as she sees it, Maya knows it would break her heart and yours to save it and not keep it so you bring it back home, bathe it and feed it.
You leave Maya and the kitten to go pick up some supplies and when you come back, you sneak into the kitchen to see her sliding her fingers across the table as the kitten wiggles its butt, ready to pounce.
Once it does, she's able to grab its tiny body and bring it to her face, giving it tons of kisses. You put a hand on her shoulder and she turns to you, blushing slightly. "Should I be jealous?" you ask, giggling.
She lets the kitten crawl back onto the floor as she stands up, forcing you to look up at her. "Sweetheart there's nothing on earth I could love more than you." she signs slowly, loving the way you become shy when she expresses her love for you.
You look back up at her face and see the soft smile she reserves for you and you can't help but lean into her soft lips as she grabs your waist. You think you could stay like this forever until you hear a loud, high-pitched meow. You look down and see that the little rascal is pawing at Maya's leg and screaming like there's no tomorrow.
You bend down to pick it up and it licks your face as you bring it to your neck. When you look back at Maya, she's giving you a toothy grin. "What?"
She kisses you and then the kitten's forhead and signs "My perfect little family".
a/n: I was going somewhere with this and then i was just in my imagination and i remembered this is a hc about a cat so anywayyyyy i love her sm shes literally my wife fr she told me
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
This is riding off the language stuff in sagau but I just cant get it out of my head a reader who uses tumblr slang every once in a while. like they meet the Traveller and they're like "Omg I'm so cheesed to meet you!!" And the Traveller is just like "???" meanwhile Paimon integrates that into her vocabulary. And then maybe at some point, if the reader has a vision they're like "MAIMING AND BITING YOU" "THAT'S IT! I'M SENDING YOU TO EEBY DEEBY!" while their poor teammates are so confused. Just imagine going over to ppl like Razor, Klee, Chongyun and going "Awwww my lil scrunglos"
Just a very chaotic reader in general lmao
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Bro imma be honest i missed out on some slang on tumblr bc i was off of it for awhile before i refreshed this old blog 
So my reaction to these slang words (except for scrunglies/scrunglos ik that one) is just as confused but also its rlly funny that im in the same situation as them LMAO 😭
I would think honestly, even if ur doin it on purpose, 
I feel like some slang or refs r too ingrained into my soul to not make
So i would just accidentally use slang/memes, esp around funny ppl like Kaeya or Beidou, and then just give up eventually 💀
So i stg everytime Xiao shows up in a event or smth it surprises me everytime lol
With his teleporting ability i would guess that if ur just chillin around Liyue anytime, Xiao just… shows up lol
Tea with Zhongli? Oh jesus Xiao’s here now.
Watching Xinyan and Yunjin play? Hes on the roof.
Picking ingredients with Xiangling to help her cook yall some amazing food?
Hes in the tree u were just picking Sunsettias in-
So ur in Mondstadt, and ur like,
“oh well no Xiao here, huh kinda feels weird now”
eventually ur dumbass trips over nothing and goes tumbling down a hill, u know, as u do
Ur at the bottom like, 💀 
And its kinda hot and ur tired, and r selfaware of ur own goofiness so u just-
“I can see the end of the horizon, is this an internal dialouge-”
Xiao comes around the hill ur splayed at the bottom of.
“??? No. It’s me. Xiao. The Yaksha Adeptus, my liege?”
U see those scary ruin machines the ones with the fucking legs in Sumeru,
Cyno is ur bodyguard for the day, 
And at first he doesn’t see it, like its behind him, but it just like came around a corner, so it hasnt locked in on yall yet
(i headcanon that even if u r the Creator, these are machines, and dont have the sentience to even be self-aware let alone process wtf u are, ig if Khaeynriah made hella AI that is aware maybe it could fathom u)
And u try to warn him but not scare him, so
Cue Cyno like
“A horse??? In the desert, Greatest Lord what the fu-”
Almost gets stomped on 😭 rip.
U see Scara for the first time and u befriend him
Ur the only god besides Nahida he’s ok with aw
and one day he’s bodyguarding u around Sumeru 
He gets a little too into it and goes ham on several ruin machines
Like full on elmo burning anarchy meme, he's literally cackling floating above the pile of flaming metal-
And ur just clapping like: “that’s my skrunkly :) <3"
He literally interrupts his own cackle, its the most expressive youve ever seen him 
😶 😑 😶 ?????¿¿¿??¡¡?!!
U usually define the words/memes as best u can but u specifically just call him that and never explain LOL
I dont even mean just replying with a real thing^
I probably couldve posted ur ask w/o even adding onto it tbh
I dont think its anywhere near as chaotic as what u described but ya boy isnt the good at writing 😔
so i just focused on the memes 🤲
Have a good week anon :O !!
🌒🌧🌊 💀Aquarius ♒️🌌🌘
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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winryrockbellwannabe · 8 months
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^my (last) attempt at enjoying camomile tea, while studying for entrepreneurship yesterday (im sorry, it's really not for me, im a coffee girlie)
💜 today was a bit tiring, but it was nice. studying for my entrepreneurship class was worth it, i won the most valuable intervention in class thingie. (basically, our professor leaves us with the custody of a plushie until the next class if we were the person that said the most interesting things in class - which is usually saying word by word what the textbook says)
and i felt really better about class in comparison to last week, since i realized i was acting really annoying about answering questions in class (very Hermione granger in the first book vibes) and for a thing I don't even care about, so today i was really chill about it, didn't feel anxious if i didn't know the answer and just let it go. and somehow i still won the plushie?!?!
📚 the rest of classes were fine. radiations was super interesting, since the professor finally explained all kinds of radiation, which was something i was wondering for 2 weeks (but never asked bc i thought it was a dumb question). but it made sense only explaining it now, bc before i didn't have enough radiation knowledge to understand the differences between those
☕ on other news, I've been realizing that i start to stim a lot at night, once the adhd meds wear off (which sucks, bc i end up biting my nails a lot) so I'm trying to make an habit of crocheting and watching a show when i get all fidgety
🍄 also, the fact that i had such a good academic day, right on the day i was wearing a pink dress, is making me feel so legally blonde, im loving it
(and yeah, im trying a new format for my posts, lowkey inspired by @zzzzzestforlife bc her posts always have cute emojis - particularly loved the Getting My Life Together one - so i wanted to get more emojis on my posts sksks)
🦋 hope y'all had a wonderfull day <3 and dont forget to rest
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cicisfashioninspo · 1 year
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Agere Moodboard Day 6: Fave Agere Headcanon
Agere Souji Seta from Persona 4!!
x x x | x x x | x x x
top row are things i think hed love when regressed (head rubs, comfiness, and play food so he can ‘help out’) and the bottom row is what he usually does when regressed without understanding why (longingly pet plushies, boredly play w origami, and desperately try to study but get frustrated and tired in the process)
more explanation under cut!
so if u dont know, in fandom and in canon for the persona 4 game/manga, the protagonist is revealed to have kind of neglectful parents. he grew up always trying to be quiet, helpful, and unneedy in the hopes of pleasing his parents. he was also moved around a lot his whole life for his parents’ work so he couldnt establish friendships until he moved to his uncle’s house. especially with how he is known for caring for everybody and everything he meets, you never see anyone in the game take care of him until the story ramps up and his new family ends up in the hospital and hes stuck home alone. ofc i think this can lend to him regressing, before and especially after november/december in the game.
i think he wouldnt know what regression and he wouldnt understand what happens to him. i think he would be a very tired, quiet, and even a lil grumpy when hes little bc he cant take care of himself and hes frustrated that hes struggling to help others. i think some of his ‘weirder’ traits like eating spoiled food and spending literally all day staring at water/petting cats can be attributed to regression? he definitely needs supervision when hes little bc he gets clumsy, he keeps putting random things in his mouth, and he gets very lonely and overwhelmed with emotions.
i imagine that maybe the whole investigation team wouldnt take care of him when hes little and dojima and nanako definitely wouldnt know (snaps him out of regression probably), but i think the IT would find out bc theyd encounter his shadow after everything is said and done (maybe before he has to move away from inaba and all his new friends) and his shadow is a very shy and needy toddler who just wants to be cared for. maybe also when souji gets sick while nanako and dojima are recovering, i think yosuke would be a caregiver for him and teddie would ‘help’ by being a big bro for a few days.
i wanna write this now...im a pretty closeted regressor so i wanna write about souji getting tentatively cared for by his partner...
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sasoxichomoshi · 2 months
there's something so charming about hunter, but in a soothing way
it doesnt mean she cant be silly ofc, but her eyes reflect so much of her moods and personality
when she's with the eagle she looks calm and gentle and much of the expressions she makes are towards the eagle; when nimue gets the bird, when the godslayer stuns the eagle and got one of the flaps and at the end of the game when he corrupts the eagle completely there were always a close at her face to show us how worried hunter was towards her friend
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it's as if the eagle highlights hunter in some way, cause if you think about it hunter is not really an important person; she's an outsider and a stranger, and eagle mother is there not only to push her forwards, but she also works like this excuse to develop what lies inside hunter - her feelings
the more i think about, like no human(oid) character in the pathless have a mouth, which is an interesting decision - may it be because the animator said "nuh uh i aint doing this" or because they had other intentions - having no mouth makes it harder to humanize a character cause to do so you work around facial expression mostly
for characters like the diver or the little guy from journey it works cause humanizing them is not the focus - they are vessels for the player to experience the message of the game, much like a blank page, but hunter is a more defined type of character, she's not only for the player to control; there are instance where she speaks for herself (literally), she reacts towards her environment (like when she groans when she hits the ground), it's a bit of "i exist in relation to others" kind of thing i dont even know if this explanations make sense
the thing is, if you gonna hide the mouth (and it's funny cause they got rid of the mouths but not of the speech), to deliver something believable you have to put extra attention in other places, like eyes (which is probably the reason why they made her eyes big, for emphasis) and corporal expression (i love all of hunter animations like ALL of them, the idles are so cool and my favorite has to be the climbing one HAVE YOU SEEN THAT CREATURE)
another aspect that locks my eyes on hunter is her color palette; she feels a bit like 60% red and 40% black which an almost dangerous distribution cause it gets near the boring looking too evenly palette, but i feel like this problem is partially solved by the color choice cause black and red is very iconic (but i see that this can be subjective, so take it with a grain of salt)
to give some examples: im typing from an nitro acer (black red palette), you can see cars with that bright red (+black of the tires), and i can name a few characters with red+black combination, like matoi ryuko from kill la kill, kaguya, that masochist from that cassino games school (she's iconic i will recognize but i wont lose my time googling it i dont wanna know details about that anime)
(also if i had to point a match for hunter from another media....... kikyo my beloved i fucking love you my gay awakening i kept watching inuyasha cause i wanted to see you on my screen omg)
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but at the same time her color scheme puzzles me: what does it mean? usually color is used for storytelling or readability purposes
hunter red black contrasts very well against the greens/whites/oranges of the landscape, mostly bc it's highly saturated; but then you get to the boss fight and......
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i know that the boss fights dont take as many screen time as exploration but considering that they are the action moment hmm idk the math aint mathing here
well what's about storytelling? a bit of the same problem shown on the above image; hunter shares the color scheme with the corrupted tall ones and godslayer which makes things even more confusing
(seriously am i stupid and didnt see the obvious hint everyone else saw and im just here staring at the walls idk)
that said i have come up with my own worms to explain this and it comes down to: it's not from the land/natural
godslayer and the corrupted tall ones shouldnt exist, they are not natural to this world and actually an evil twist of the reality; hunter not necessarily is corrupted, but is also not natural (from the island), she's an outsider, it's about this feeling of not-belonging
however in the end of the day the color choice is also about readability and keeping things cohesive; stretching the color palette of the entire game just to give hunter a different look would do more damage than helping, imagine changing to something not that far like a pink or yellow, things still would change drastically
in the end i still love hunter very much ma babegurl <3 sillly stupid<333 my dear blorbo<333 hope she finds a lot of hobbies <33333
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invisible-brandy · 5 months
i low key never thought id be able to get invested in like an action scene that happens entirely with ships in space and no physical conflict and then boom star trek
or in short, i watched the doomsday machine
and im foaming at the mouth what the fuck was that i loved it
first of all, that doomsday machine is a girl to me and i bet she's lonely and tired. her hull looks like it's scarred and battered and i kinda dig it a whole lot.
then we have commodore decker who seems like an asshole but also is clearly deep in the grieving process bc of losing his crew and ship and obviously you immediately draw parallels between him and kirk and wonder if he'll end up in a similar situation. but also obviously you know he won't - not here immediately - because it's 60s tv and you still have more than an entire season left of the same crew. but the tension is still built so well. and the palatable strain when decker assumes command - during that whole conversation between him and spock everyone else on the bridge is just like 💀👀💀 sulu not moving a muscle when decker first tries to command him to attack sent me
like look at him (unrelated but also. pretty)
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also i full on snorted when decker basically told kirk to stop with his fucking theories, because. well BECAUSE. because that man did just decide to theorise about the killer robot that is on its way to destroy their galaxy in front - took like three steps away, okay - of a man who just lost his crew to said robot. like, sure, it might be helpful to know your enemy but the majority of people probably sees it as "good lord what a fucking nerd" especially when its like here, it doesn't gain them much to know that its a doomsday machine. doesn't make it any easier to beat. and then in the end kirk runs to the bridge - after almost dying - and in literally five seconds starts getting all philosophical. like girl. and spock eats it up too, of course he does.
also, this. like okay i admitted to myself i would not be immune to this man a long time ago but still. jesus fucking christ. get your whore eyes out of here.
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and then there's also spock repeating "mr.scott" like 4 times when usually he doesn't repeat himself. and no it's not because scotty isn't answering, which - of course he isn't, it's good he isn't, it somewhat annoys me when in these sort of time sensitive situations in movies people take their sweet time to talk as if the seconds aren't ticking. he's repeating it just because <3 he's worried <3 mkway.
also bones really likes to say "im a doctor not a..." doesn't he. fighting the urge to start calling him something like a grumpy kitten but also. should i even bother. he is a grumpy meow meow.
SPEAKING of mccoy. his love language is just insults, he gives his sarcastic remarks on the way spock phrases things but still fully expects him to stay in command and is outraged at decker taking over. which feels to me like an improvement since the ...i dont remember... the shuttlecraft episode. Galileo 7? i think.
anyway. love him.
also something something miracles "you worry about your miracles, scotty, ill worry about mine" "you almost make me believe in miracles, mr.spock". sigh. i think ill be forever thinking about that. as well as the probability bullshit spirk like to pull, jim asking something or stating something and spock giving him full numbers. i cant decide if its cutesey calming each other down jim finding comfort in the reliability or if this is equivalent of foreplay
cough cough
okay i think im. done. nothing to say about the mobi dick analogy, not really, because 1) i haven't read mobi dick in full so like. maybe point 2 is this way just bc im not familiar with the source 2) its kinda a weak analogy, no? i didnt quite catch it until i scrolled through the wiki, and to me it looked more like in the end there decker was suicidal, not vengeful. i dont think he was thinking much about damaging or not damaging the robot
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endermahn · 1 year
I haven’t searched these up so if theres any confirmed ones other than Wednesday’s id love to know.
Also I dont care much for signs but have a small gist for a few since people around me are very into them (ik theres like a sun and moon like in pokemon)
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End of the year since Wednesday’s is closer to the start and it wasn’t celebrated in this season.
Shes already 16 since shes in the same year as Wednesday and the time the school year breaks up.
I want to say shes a Cancer but i know she isn’t since the timing wouldnt work. Giving Leo vibes? I dont even know at this point im to tired for this.
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HES 17.
Im not debating on this. Ever since it came out ive deduced he is 17.
“Why?” Because he isnt in school and has a job, he seems inexperienced from the fact he couldn’t work the coffee machine.
Also, he dates Wednesday at once point, so he cant be 18+.
So he’s probably taking his work experience since he has to be in some sort of education until hes 18.
Again, hes not in school so he has to be older than 16, since we know Wednesday’s year is kind of ending he cant be in her grade/year even if he went to a different school.
But being 18 would be a bit odd to be interested in someone you’ve known from being 15
(just weird to think a legal adult knew a 15 yr old, watched them turn 16 then dated them for like 40 seconds. Im not even sure if its legal where they are for that to work)
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I dont care what sign that lines up with. He was born in august. (Or April, I can see him being born on the 24th of august or april)
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Pisces. Idk what month that is but i know she it.
Idk her actual age bc she could be anywhere from 16-100000
Feb-march.. the a pisces but shes born in December. Like shes either a sag or a cap, but i know her moon or something is a Pisces.
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I dont know but i want him here
16, Hes either December or October.
Complains about his b day being close to Christmas if its in December
if its in October then he likes it bc its like getting a bunch of gifts from strangers (He goes trick or treating still, he doesn’t care)
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