#i dont really like Roku
actual-corpse · 5 months
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Got a muh fucken TV mote on my phone.
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ywpd-translations · 2 months
Ride 782: The winner's parade!!
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Pag 1
1: So... shall we fly?
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Pag 2
4: Huh....
5: What's that blackboard that they showed out of that car just now?
Yeah, it's the signboard. In road races, they write the results of the race progress on that board like that to inform the other cyclists
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Pag 3
1: Like, who won the “sprint” or the “mountain” and the time difference....!!
The first place...
Who's that!? Number 181?
Where is he from? Gunma!?
2: And the group behind changes its shape based on that information, just like a living thing!
Is it their debut?
Someone like that took the first result?
What about Hiroshima!?
No but who is he! That number 181!!
3: What about Kagoshima and Kumadai!?
4: Nagoya, too
5: I mean, wait, that's not the point
Sohoku and Hakoaku should have been ahead too
6: It can't be
That guy...
Competed against those two
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Pag 4
1: He defeated Hakogaku and Sohoku and took the sprint line!!
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Pag 5
2: It was so hard.... but
I did it
Waaa.... I'm so happy, yon
3: Amazing!
I've never seen that jersey before!
4: I'm from Gunma!
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Pag 6
1: I'm so happy to hear the cheers...!!
2: Well then
3: To answer the cheers
5: Ready... set
6: What's number 181 doing
He bent forward, what is he doing!?
Is he accelerating!?
7: Hayaaa
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Pag 7
1: Thank you-chai
It's a wheelie!!
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Pag 8
1: Amaziing, it's the first time I see a wheelie during a race!
What's that!? It's amazing, he's only running on the rear wheel!
It's a service wheelie!!
What an amazing sense of balance!
He's waving his hand this way!
2: Ohhh he's super cool, though
He's incredible
3: He's not only strong but also cool!! He's the best...
Yoriko, shoot a video
4: He's doing a wheelie!!
Wooo!! Taa-kun, that guy you know is too cool
5: I just became a fan!
Number 181!! From now on more and more people will cheer for him
People who come to watch road racing are always looking for it!!
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Pag 9
1: For an overwhelming newcomer!!
4: Dammit!!
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Pag 10
2: Idiot
3: Are you kidding me
What am I doing
What am I doing!!
4: What!!
5: I did!! Everything I could think of to become stronger, to become faster!!
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Pag 11
1: Aaaaaagh dammit!!
3: I practiced... I practiced until I collapsed...
I lost last year....
4: And this year too!? What do I need to fix? Ah?
7: There's nothing to improve anymore!!
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Pag 12
2: Stop screwing around, what “newcomer”
3: It's several times harder for someone to keep winning....!!
4: Even though that day
5: I
6: Watch me, Izumida-san, I'll definitely take the colored bib!!
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Pag 13
1: I'll look forward to it
2: I promised....!!
3: This year I got the number “4”
In Hakone Academy it represents the ace sprinter
How important and heavy
4: is the role of the number “4” bib
5: That victory would have been a moral pillar for the team!!
6: I even changed my orders for this, and this is the outcome...!!
7: I had to win even if it meant to use up all my trump cards!!
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Pag 14
2: I should have cornered him perfectly and shut him off...
4: Was I too naive somewhere?
5: No, there was no problem with you
Even from my point of view you ran well and had the perfect timing, Orange
6: San-na...!!
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Pag 15
1: It must be frustrating for you too
You're a third year.... so this was your last first sprint
2: I guess you were aiming for two consecutive victories, since it's even harder to continue winning
3: Orange....!!
4: But don't worry
I promise myself
5: I will definitely not let that guy do as he wishes from now on!!
6: I'll be the one who will take the sprint line on the second and third day!! Leave it to me!!
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Pag 16
2: No, I'll take them!!
3: Stop screwing around, why does it seem like I'll only finish the first result!?
Am I wrong?
Don't underestimate Hakogaku!
Ah... well, then, shall we race then?
Don't take it lightly!!
4: Hahaha but I'm an all-rounder, so I should have a job on the mountain, too!!
6: Is he joking!? Or should I correct him!?
7: H...uh? Yeah....
Let's just let it go...!!
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Pag 18
1: The running order has changed!!
Gunma, who took the sprint, went ahead and is pulling the pack!!
2: I've never seen something like this
It's their debut, isn't it? Is this okay!?
3: If you take the sprint then you have to go in the front and pull – what kind of rule does road racing have? Isn't it too difficult?
4: It seems like it isn't a rule, Sonomoto-san
It's like they concede control
5: Kiji-saaan!!
Wooah, you were amazing, fou!! Kiji-san!! Everyone, follow me!!
Ichifuji is the only one who's pulling with so much energy
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Pag 19
2: Doubashi-san....!!
3: Doubashi-san being defeated at the sprint is a big deal,isn't it?
That Kiji guy
4: If there's a chance to race him, please give me the order, Joe-san
No wait, you're the ace....
5: I'll crush him
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Pag 20
1: Ahhh, ahhhh
2: We lost, teh.....!! What should we do!?
Kaburagi-san and Danchiku-san have.....!!
3: It's not a big deal
Since in road racing you don't have to retire just because you lost one of the midway races
4: But still, this isn't good!!
5: Kaburagi-kun and Danchiku-kun lost...!!
6: Kiji-kun....!!
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Pag 21
2: Puku...
He controlled it....
3: Gunma's Kiji controlled the sprint... ohh
4: What should I do?
Crush him quickly?
6: Or maybe.... make friends with him?
Make friends!!
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allgremlinart · 1 year
Roku novel announced and its not being written by CS Lee... hmnmn..
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eggcats · 1 year
I spent like a half hour arguing with a coworker that Azula deserved a redemption like Zuko and that she's just as much a victim of abuse as her brother AND that Ursa wasn't that great of a mom to either but ESPECIALLY to Azula AND that Azula wasn't given the same opportunities or teaching Zuko was while they were growing up!!!! She literally couldn't have turned out any other way!!!
The convo half went:
"she's evil and crazy"
"she's 14"
"she made her own mother scared of her and want nothing to do with her, what's that say about her"
"she's a shitty mom"
"she's crazy!!! she's just as bad as their father!"
"the literal only positive attention she was ever given was from ozai, while ursa ignored her or yelled at her for doing bad but never explaining why or teaching compassion like she did with zuko."
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 months
Me, at my coworker: I finished both Kyoshi novels. Coworker: Uh oh. How you holding up? Me: I thinking about walking into traffic
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famewolf · 6 months
I was talking to Percy about an old show that brought me a lot of comfort during the Hard Times™ and realized that since I'm a grown ass adult I could look into purchasing the physical copies!
except no I can't, they barely released the later half of the series in physical form so it's over $500 to own 8 discs .... literally makes me go mad how there is so much media that isn't accessible to own anymore
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cinnabundolly12 · 1 month
I heard that ppl who research negative topics have to take breaks to help their health and ive been doing that a lot lately but I said I can handle it cuz I've seen a lot of bad things and I haven't taken breaks I've just been constantly taking down notes
I think its effecting my routine of drawing
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low-budget-korra · 7 months
Comments on Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender
*spoiler alert*
First of all I'm gonna start by saying it is one of the best adaptations I've seen so far. And that's the key word, adaptation. I've seen a lot of fans and others complain about some things that honestly, doesn't make sense because some things only work in a cartoon(just as much as some things only work in a book or a video game)
And before I start to talk about some topics that I judge important, I also wanna say that the production is fantastic, from the costumes to the CGI. It all looks amazing. (A part from Yue's wig)
1. The Script
It's not easy to pick 20+ episodes and make it fit in only 8 but damn they did a hell of a good job, especially when judging what was important to show and what they could let it go. Some fans commented that since there's no fillers, the Gaang and others miss some development but I think that for the universe of the live action what we got here it worked.
I can express how much I like to see Ozai and Azula's relationship and how it is now clear that he uses the siblings against each other, manipulating them to get what he wants. But I will admit I miss the fear Azula had, since it's implied in the show and some extras that she does fear Ozai, and fears becoming like Zuko.
I hope the 41. Is just fine after the battle in the north. See all of them bowing to Zuko after discovering that Zuko was the one that saved their asses and was heavily punished by that...it was beautiful. I loved the writers did that, give names and faces to Zuko's crew and a beautiful yet sad arc when Ozai banished his son and the men who he saved.
I also loved that they put weight into things that was treated as a joke, like Katara talking about her mother. She was a little kid who saw her mom get murdered in front of her and the live action made sure to let us know that it is not okay to make jokes about something so traumatic. All of the deaths here have tons of weight in it, it's not some random person, is someone we met, someone we liked, someone who helped. The costs of the war, something the cartoon manages to show us but know in live action, with real people, the massage gets stronger.
And they didn't forget Iroh's past like the fandom does, which is great. That actor, the earthbending soldier really let it all out, that's how you use the few screentime you have.
Sokka's isn't sexist and y'all were making a storm outta a cup of water, is not like Sokka sexist didn't go away after like the 4 or 5 episode in the original show. I think the live action was able to bring more depth to him in comparison to the first season of the cartoon. We see how he feels about his father's, the absence of him and his duty as warrior who kinda doesn't want to be a warrior.
I need a Gyatso in my life, I didn't know I needed to see more of him until the live action gave us more of him. Kyoshi was the Thor coming to Wakanda from this season, WHY THE FUCK BRYKE DONT WANNA GIVE US A KYOSHI SERIES? She is absolutely a jewel of a character. Roku and Kuruk, damn poor Kuruk man, so much pain in his words but again that's what it means to be the Avatar, it's not fun and games. Zhao saying to Aang what Korra villains said to Korra😭 that the world doesn't need the Avatar anymore, it hurt.
Guys I'm gonna say it, there's no way in hell for anyone to ship Kataang here. I'm saying this because some shippers complain that the secret tunnel part was different but c'mon, look at Kiawentiio and look at Gordon, it would be so s awkward and weird and just wrong. I know they don't have a big age difference, is only like 3 years but when they filmed Gordon looked so much younger than her, maybe in the next seasons the difference won't be that big.
The pace is good, once you start you don't wanna stop.
2. The Acting
Everyone is really good at capturing the essence of it's characters and somewhat making them their own. The highlights for me were Dallas and Ian, Its like they came straight from the show. Ken Leung's Zhao was also amazing as he was way more threatening here than he was in the show.
Kiawentiio was the Katara we were looking for, she is kind yet strong, brave and caring. And Gordon was Aang, sure, he has to learn a few things since he slipped a few times in his acting but nothing that could ruin the experience, that kid is good and just needs some experience.
Elizabeth Yu was Azula. It was different but yet the same character, is like learning something new of her and I like how cleared she show emotions with her eyes. Maria Zhang had great chemistry with Ian and I can't wait to see more of Suki. Arden Cho and Yvonne Chapman as June and Avatar Kyoshi look like they came out straight from the cartoon. Daniel Dae Kim...man is Ozai, so cold, so sharp, so scary, already way better than the cartoon version. I wanna see more of Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Iroh since the character he really starts to shine in book 2.
3. The live action doesn't have the spirit of the OG?
Yes, it does have. The thing is now that we are seeing real people, things get dark one way or another but I don't think it ruined the spirit of the show. Aang is still a kid, Sokka still making sarcastic jokes, Zuko still annoying as hell, Katara still hopeful and strong... There's everything there really.
The thing is stuff like genocide, murder, war, death and suffering are, for some people, better to watch as pixels in a cartoon than real people.
I think it's a great adaptation and I would recommend it to every fan.
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transboysokka · 8 months
I’ve been thinking about this a couple days and like
We KNOW mako and bolin had a pretty nice upbringing from the way they were dressed in the picture we see of their family that their grandma had of them AND Tu’s comment about them “growing up in a mansion” in Republic City, from the same episode
We also know that wealth must come from their mother’s side, from what we saw of their dad’s side and the fact that we really DONT know anything about their mom
We also know, and rarely appreciate, that Mako is an INSANELY talented and powerful firebender. Like he’s doing things that we hardly saw from ANYONE without an eclipse in atla.
He got that from ONE parent?
Who are the best firebenders canonically? Royalty and also it seems descendants of Avatars.
Obviously we’d know if Mako and Bolin were royalty, but I propose that they are related to Avatar Roku, possibly through Ursa and Kiyi.
It’s so good.
And even better that they’ll never know….
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trashworldblog · 3 months
Hi! I'm just wondering if you're enjoying WatcherTV? I'm thinking of subscribing but want to ask if it's worth it yet lol
yeah! i love it! theres absolutely 0 ads, which is amazing! no spons whatsoever. the content is jam- packed, too. we've been getting double uploads and uploads on weekends, which is pretty crazy.
if you have friends that have watcher tv (or you follow me or my pals who have watcher tv) and want to join in on the fun of posting about weird wonderful world (and avoid spoilers) its definitely worth it. there's also exclusive bts content that is fun. yesterday i watched the www s2 marathon where shane and ryan watched www s2 (including the montana one off) and shared fun bts bits and info that you won't be seeing on youtube. there's also the travel season version of that for each episode of travel season! i have a feeling more streamer exclusive content will be coming out. so if you dont wanna miss out, the streamer is for you.
every day this week, there's been at least one upload, if not two (counting the podcasts), and we got surprised with the www trailer today, so that was delightful! also, the comments section on the streamer is really nice. the boys pop in sometimes and reply, and since it's so small and not full of bots, you know your comments are likely being seen.
and yes, their website, app, and roku/firestick app are all good and well made. as a user experience minor, i was nervous, but i can tell they got a professional designer in there. its very easy to use.
plus, you get all the stuff you usually get with watcher. good captions, fun videos, silly bits, at the core, a good community. PLUS, you get uploads 1-2 to 5 times a week?? today was a double upload day so...
for like 5 bucks a month? It's definitely worth it for me. (i got annual at launch)
im amazed by the watcher team for being able to put out this much amazing stuff this often 🙏🙏 thank yall so much you are incredible 🩷
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gentlefangz · 5 months
my grandmother basically confiscated my fucking Xbox (aka last thing i have social media access on currently. i stole it back, shes def gonna be pissed if she finds out, which is most likely.) during a discord vc i was in. she doesn't like the idea of me having any social media access, which is really bold coming from her whenever i dont even get to hang out with irl friends after school because of her. (i could just allow her access to my accounts, but she and my grandfather are huge right-winger trump dickriders so i would be in danger if i let that happen.) so basically she takes the last thing i can actually talk to people outside of my household on. cool i fucking guess.
i cant do the school chromebook thing because my school made it impossible to use a personal account on them recently. just my fucking luck.
so i snuck the Xbox away now while she's smoking and watching YouTube in the garage. and you wanna know what i find out when i try to log back onto Discord because it *mysteriously* logged me out? my account was disabled. they thought i was under 13. im not.
i will likely make another account. im supposed to get a new phone in 2 weeks or so and ill try to figure out a way to get on Tumblr and Discord on there if my grandmother doesn't try to surveillance everything i do on it.
@ariesthebarry im tagging you because we're pretty good friends on Discord and you were in the VC. im fine, ive been occupying myself w/ continuing my HS readthrough via watching the Let's Read on my Roku and drawing and tidying my room since its a shitfest. im already close to act 6 and im starting to like it. im not sure when ill be able to get communication access again. i just know im supposed to get a new phone soon so maybe this situation will get better.
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dreamchasernina · 6 months
you’re so real for that post bc i really feel that some ppl dont get atla at all. Like this show is a masterpiece and you look at the fandom and it’s just a shipping war??? And ppl hating on aang and it’s like. damn. and I feel like the bad netflix remake just exacerbated this feeling bc of how it’s unequivocally worse than the original, yet people defend it as if small changes don’t have huge consequences for the narrative. and yeah i completely see where you’re coming from. This show means a lot to me and it’s weird seeing people treat it like a flash fandom on the week without putting much thought into its themes and characters
Yup, you got it. The discourse is filled with “this character is bad” or “this character should’ve done that” or “this character is weak” and it’s so disheartening. Is this all you took away from this amazing show?
All the character bashing, like Katara or Aang…If all you can say about the main character of the show is how bad they are, why do you even like the show? People say Katara sucks because she’s still traumatized from her mom’s death, or Aang sucks because he’s childish and not aggressive enough. That’s who they are! If you don’t like it, just say it wasn’t for you and move on. Seriously, if I hated the main character so much I would not consider myself a fan of the show (LoK for instance. I’m not a fan of Korra so I don’t like that show but I would also never ever go out of the way to tell everyone how bad Korra is, just let people enjoy things!).
Especially when people feel the need to hate on Aang to make their own ship justified. Like, ship whoever you want, who cares, but why do you need to hate on a character just because he’s not your taste and you want the girl to end up with someone you like more? Just say - Aang is not my cup of tea and I’d like Katara to end up with Zuko. That’s great, have fun. I ship Kataang with all my heart but I love Zuko and you will never ever see me go into a Zutara tag and hate all over their ship…like, get a life people!
But that’s not even the worst I’ve seen in this fandom, people miss character arcs completely, rewrite them to fit their own narratives, focus on all the mistakes those characters made, instead of looking at how those characters learned from them, and it’s just exhausting. I love being a part of a fandom and sharing my thoughts and theories but this is just straight up missing the point of the show completely.
People want to see everything in black and white when the show is the complete opposite of that. People say - Roku didn’t kill his best friend so he’s the worst Avatar. Or Korra lost her past lives so she the worst Avatar. Or Aang is selfish for not killing Ozai so he’s the worst avatar. If you want to watch a show with perfect characters that don’t have any depth, flaws or desires of their own, maybe this isn’t the show for you.
Go watch the Netflix version, I guess, no one has any depth there, you’ll forget all about it in like a month but that’s probably for the best.
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lilchaos-demon · 7 months
i dont know how they managaed to fuck up the live action remake of ATLA again…
There is a plethora of things wrong the remake but here are a few that really ticked me off:
WHERE IS KATARA’S FIREY SPIRIT?! She is stubborn, tough, fierce, caring, and NOT afraid of confrontation. The remake frames her as so passive and not assertive and I hate it.
Zuko is the villan of book 1 but he is relieved of all blame and villainy from the gate! His back story and character arc isnt as impactful if he isn’t shown as a dislikeable character first
Aang should have BEEN learning waterbending before they made it to the Northern Water Tribe- Katara took up the role of being Aang’s first teacher and they become closer as they both learn water bending!
HOW ARE YOU GOING TO OVERLAP DIFFERENT KEY PLOT POINTS IN ONE EPISODE?! The visions Katara and Sokka have in the Spirit World were supposed to be had in the Swamp- After they visit the Northern Water Trine and Aang starts his search for an earthbending teacher. But you blend it with the Heibai episode?
While I enjoy hearing from the other previous Avatar’s in the Cycle, they really under played the importance of Roku being Aang’s guide in all things Avatar- Especially considering that Roku was the witness to the start of the Fire Nations war.
Where is Sokka’s leadership and sexism arc? Those are two fundamental aspect of Sokka’s character in the original show. Especially in the Kyoshi episode, Sokka gains a new respect for women when he trains with Suki and the other Kyoshi warriors. But in the live action they focus on the romantic sub-plot instead. We know that Sokka and Suki end up together but they did not have to lean so heavily into it. It should have been spent building out Sokka’s character and evolution!
Admiral Zhao… oh brother. He is cocky but not in a good way. Zhao was more sinister and scheming. But not secretive! Zhao has always been upfront about his rivalry with Zuko and want for power. He is taunting, smart, manipulative but not a gaslighter
And these are just a few things that really grind my gear about the remake. There are some things I like about it like deeper back stories and new perspectives but dear god please. I think the series would have come out better if they had stretched the series out a bit longer and took more time to actually flesh out the characters. All this being said- They better follow through with the rest of the series because if I have another incomplete remake of the series im going to be so mad. Is the remake everything I wanted? No. Was it ever going to hold a match to the original series? Never! But i want to see if they improve and can actually tell this story.
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pheasantthebird · 7 months
Live action avatar the last airbender
Okay so I loved it
Aang is amazing. I love him. I just wish he had actively been working in his water bending more.
Sokka 8 out of 10 I need more sarcasm, but I love that this version supports katara more and doesn't put her down
Kataras my weak link 5 out of 10 she's not as angry or motherly as she should be but her fight against pakku perfect
I dont like what they did with sokka and kataras dad he's kind of a jerk towards sokka I don't think show hakoda ever felt that way
Love Iroh once agian he's my favorite and they give him more of a back story with his son luten and I like that there are consequences for him being in the war and a general he has to deal with the pain he caused people and HE KILLS ZHAO WHAT! Wild
Zuko is a perfect, great job, and I like how his crew is the division ozai was gonna sacrifice.
Azula, I think it is great we get to see how the pressure is on her to and how she has to earn ozais approval.
Ozai is 8 out of 10 for me he's not as ruthless as the show ozai that ozai dosent care about zuko at all though I do like that he's actively pitting his kids against each other to see who's better.
Zhao amazing fun fact he's in the original as the earth bending general who tries to trick aang into the avatar state.
I didn't mind them combining jet and the mechanist in omashu. i thought it was clever.
Kyoshi and roku and kuruk were amazing as past avatars.
Koh was terrifying as he should be I don't understand why wan she tong was there, the owl that didn't make sense but was still cool.
I like that they show the attack on the airtemple it shows how evil sozin is and how roku failed as avatar.
The bending effects are amazing, especially fire bending.
Mai and tylee didn't have enough time for me to give an opinion on them
For me, the series is an 8 out of 10, and i really want season 2 and 3
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 7 months
i just finished live action avatar the last airbender. buckle up. obv spoilers incoming.
honestly just gonna list the good and the bad and give a number rating at the end. this will be long. also THIS IS JUST MY OPINION!!!! nothing i say is right or wrong. dont hurt me.
the good
sokka (ik this is controversial bc of his actor okokokok im js purely from a performance standpoint he ate)
zuko (absolutely devoured)
fight scenes!!!! obv not as good as the animated (we knew this) but i still enjoyed
zhao!!!!!! do not sleep on him he killed this!!
overall loved the focus on avatars other than roku
suki/suki and sokka
attack on the air nomads… ik it was unnecessary and a little hard to watch but still was v interesting
azulaaaaa and the fact that we see her this season. LOVE this addition. also the way they added her was veryyyyy well done. didnt feel forced.
bumi/how they handled the bumi arc in general. some parts i actually like better than the og. like how aang knew he was bumi right away. makes way more sense to me.
sokka and katara has some very sweet and genuine moments
aang and gyatso reunion awwww
omg. the “twist” with the 41st division that zuko accidentally saved becoming his crew. the bestttttt change that they made. i loved this. something so small but felt SO impactful.
yue/sokka and yue. this is a BIG one bc i think the original show really lacks with how they wrote yue and especially her relationship with sokka. i think it was a lot better here.
when zhao admits at the end he was working w azula and that ozai was just using zuko to motivate azula. omg. that was such a cool thing they added
and now. the bad.
aang. JDHSKSJDJ SORRYYYY dont care! he got better as the show went on. overall acting wasnt great and the writing for him definitely did not help
katara OOPSIES HEHEHE sorry but again same thing. kind of a dull performance. where is her PASSION?!?! wanted to like her so bad bc katara is my girl and this girl was giving katara on paper but the performance was just kinda bleh. didnt hate but DEFINITELY did not love.
costumes. dying on this hill i do not care. it was giving spirit of halloween. and some of these wigs…. yue’s wig? azula’s fuck ass pieces hanging out? HOW MAI AND TY LEE LOOKED IN GENERAL?! ouch
^in general mai and ty lee did not need to be here at ALLLLL. def shouldve waited till s2 for their appearances.
where is the silliness? where is the humor? hardly tried to embody the fun spirit of the original and when it did it failed miserably.
gran gran saying the thing. that’s katara’s thing.
too much exposition dumping.
first ep was by far the worst imo. how sokka and katara came across/met aang? WOW what a let down holy shit.
they should’ve kept it as aang running away from the southern air temple. not that he went for a late night drive with appa. dont care that this is a small thing. it is a HUGE part of aang’s character.
idk how to word this one and i think ppl would disagree anyways. but they are making iroh too obviously “good”. ykw i mean? when we first meet him, we know he’s not like the rest of the fire nation but we still don’t truly know where his morals lie. this show made it too obvious too soon.
why did katara never train w pakku?? that makes 0 sense. i understand she was mostly self taught throughout s1. but the whole thing was that: yes, katara was good before pakku, but when she finally did get a master, she became EXPONENTIALLY better and really came into her own. i am not buying that she becomes the master katara we know and love without learning from pakku. so unrealistic. when zuko says “u found a master” and she said “yes ur looking at her”. oh girlboss feminism u are going to HELL!
would like to take a moment to say^^^ i am a feminist ok. do nottttt get it twisted. but girlboss feminism is brainrot.
aang. did not bend. a single drop of water. are u fucking KIDDING ME? that was nuts.
really felt like if u did not watch the original series, this show would feel SO all over the place and u would have so many “wtf is happening” moments. the whole omashu shit was kind offfffff a mess. i see where they were going and why they were doing that but in hindsight after the fact i was like… if i knew nothing ab this show that would have been the most confusing clusterfuck.
and i think my biggest/most general complaint that i already talked about that i will briefly touch on: trying to do too much. why are we putting in characters and plot points that do not come till seasons 2-3 and are completely unnecessary now (secret tunnel, wan shi tong, swamp-kinda episode, etc.)
final thoughts?
it was enjoyable. i cannot deny that. landscapes were gorgeous. fights were well choreographed and looked GOOD. some changes were genuinely made for the better, and even changes that i do not necessarily think were better, i could respect the creativity of some changes and understood why they were there. but overall, as most live action remakes go, this was a flat portrayal of one of the greatest pieces of fiction of all time that suffered from some overly ambitious ideas and dull writing with little to no sense of whimsy. while some performances exceeded expectations, others that were crucial to the integrity of this show really disappointed me.
overall: 6.6/10. this number is completely subject to change.
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gasmeros · 2 months
Regarding the ask game what’s the S1 solstice to boat au about???
hi foamyyyy! i talked about it a bit in this post
it's basically a winter solstice au where. it's like. im ficjign struggling how do i explain this quickly. fucjing. fuck it, my snippet is half the fic notes, i dont have much of any proper writing to share for this one anyway
content warnings include mindless rambling, zhao, and threats of violence/execution
s1 winter solstice episode au, very much adjacent to that tumblr post (linked) about zuko getting locked up with sokka and katara and them figuring out about Zuko's fucked up family life.
similar but we bypass the actual verbal conversation by having zhao do taunting stuff cuz he be like that. he says stuff like episode 3 about ozai not wanting zuko back, about him failing his 2ish year long search, about how when they drag him back home, there might even be a public execution for his crimes, wouldn't that be nice? nothing but the best for the prince. and maybe zhao will even get to watch. ("he wouldn't." "can you really be certain, my prince? after what he did to your face? and just for mouthing off, too. how would he punish a real crime?")
then zuko showing how desperate he is to not get dragged back to the fire nation by doing some fucked up dangerus type of fighting back. like, wiggling, screaming, biting, full on child in a grocery store who has learned how to glue themselves to the floor type of reaction to being arrested, except this child has fire and no limits. good chance for that idea where zuko superheats a metal gag and bites through it, burning himself in the process. would be neat to have zuko spit a shard of almost molten metal at zhao cuz fuck him. maybe keep the whole scene chained to the pillar instead in some other room like these fics usually go?
so water siblings realize that something is most definitely Up based on zhao's words and Zuko's reactions, and when roku starts to tear the temple apart, they hit a wall where they realize that zuko's been trapped by the lava flow like them, and while they have appa to hop onto, he doesn't have an escape. so cue these kids being Kind and promptly yanking him along cuz the alternative is zuko burning alive
so we get Bison Time, wherein zuko's still not a fan of anything that's happening, but compared to how he was acting with zhao, he's downright pleasant. which is not to say that he's actually pleasant, he is very much being an angry brat who's like one second away from trying to fight them while still on the bison. the siblings have a lot of questions, because what zhao said about banishment and two years searching and public executions was fucking wack and they need to know why he said that, why zuko fought so hard that he thought burning his mouth as bad as he did was an acceptable trade off. they know why, but they need to hear it.
zuko does not let them hear it. he yells and doesn't answer any questions and demands they put him down or else. bits about the mouth burns obviously bothering him, just cuz im me and im predictable
they end up going to drop him off at his ship cuz his crew wont attack without a command, and zuko's not so dumb to make them attack the bison he's on. they end up making him swear to not do anything until after they fly away
potential bit where they fly over to Zuko's ship, still in fire nation waters, and find its got a zhao shadow. so zuko, while not at all wanting to actually say it out loud, does not want to go back to his ship until the shadow leaves or they're out of fire nation waters, cuz he will absolutely be arrested. cue more gaang being concerned about the arresting thing, and zuko basically pulling his own teeth to ask if he can wait on the bison until it's safe.
Eventually theyre able to land on zuko's ship without risk of zuko being arrested. zuko keeps his word and doesn't let anyone attack until after they leave, and THEN. aang is a smartass and takes advantage of that by just. not flying away :) so zuko can't do anything, cuz then he'd break his word!! that's pretty fuckin dishonorable!! zuko would like to murder aang.
(really aang needs a moment to talk with the siblings because if what he gleaned from the conversation is true, he can't in good conscience just leave zuko to his fool's errand for an abusive father. they need more information, and they have to do something, cuz this is not ok. the siblings agree, though with much more caution because that's been forced into them by growing up in a war)
cue s1 gaang and zuko tea party
and so the whole fuckin fic takes place on zuko's ship cuz aang is be a pedantic little snot and zuko's autism sense of honor wont let him break a promise
i have maybe 300 words of actual writing for this, and im not sure how i feel about those words. this is like one of the first fics i tried to write for atla, which, like most of my atla fics, has dug itself a very comfy hole to sleep in. i'd love to get anywhere with it, if only i had the motivation
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