#i paid good money for that slushie
actual-corpse · 5 months
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Got a muh fucken TV mote on my phone.
0 notes
zeppelinlvr · 1 month
Taking a Walk
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Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Summary: Sam, Dean and you get done with a hunt, you're starving and tired and Dean is happy to get you food and cuddle in bed.
Notes: guys I promise the end isn't supposed to be sad, I just feel like dean has trouble saying 'I love you' (so don't take it to heart), also thank you for the support on my previous fic!
Warnings: Fluff, cursing, suggestive language, gas station hot dogs
w.c: 1.4k
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You groaned as you got into the backseat of the impala. You luckily left the hunt with no more than the usual scrapes, expecting a few bruises to appear in the next day or two. Your legs burned like all hell and you wanted nothing more than to shower and get in bed. 
Dean got into the driver's seat and Sam in the passenger, the two bickering about something petty you didn’t care to pay attention to at the moment. 
Sam glanced back at you, sprawled out in the backseat, uncomfortably trying to lay down and rub your aching legs. 
“You alright back there?” He asked, a small laugh escaping.
“No i need some aspirin and a fucking gas station hot dog” you shot back
“Must be hungry, she never eats that kind of crap” Dean remarked, starting the car and unbeknownst to you peeling off to find the nearest gas station, he knew how you acted when you were hungry and tired and he didn’t want to let you get to that point. 
You found a wrapper that had been discarded in the backseat and threw it at the back of Deans head “if you would’ve let me bring my fucking purse I would’ve had my aspirin and my granola bar” you muttered, annoyed he made you leave your bag at the hotel. 
“Okay Mary Poppins, something could have grabbed that purse of yours and dragged you away” He told you, continually increasing his speed, trying to get to a gas station or somewhere with food as soon as he could. 
Dean barreled around a corner far too quickly making you groan “I get carsick be careful” 
“That's an excuse for pussies who want to sit in the front seat sweetheart,” Dean said, his eyes catching a lit up sign of a local gas station in the distance. 
“It is not, I really do get-“ you were cut off by the car reeling to a stop 
“Come on, we’re getting you your fucking gas station hot dog” Dean said as he opened his door, then yours, helping you out of the backseat. 
“Wait Sammy do you want anything?” you quickly asked as Dean wrapped his arm around your shoulder 
“God no” he said “thank you for asking though” he added giving you a small smile 
“Okay, don’t get kidnapped” you replied and teasingly blew him a kiss earning a scoff from Dean. 
You headed straight towards the questionable looking hot dogs rolling on a silver grill. Dean right behind you.
“This shit looks so good I can't lie” you said to Dean with a laugh.
“I don’t know if your vision gets warped when you’re hungry but whatever floats your boat sweet cheeks” Dean replied, giving you a look with a raised brow. 
You loaded up a few shitty hotdogs with all the condiments your heart desired, you were ready to follow Dean to pay when you noticed a slushy machine
“Oh my god I want a slushy” you squealed, definitely too excited over the frozen drink. 
Dean gave a small laugh at your excitement but he really did love how the smallest things made you so happy. “I’ll take your dogs, go get one” he told you
He didn’t have to tell you twice, you quickly made your way over to the machine, grabbing a cup and filling it with your favorite flavor, making sure every bit through the dome shaped lid was filled with the drink. 
“Didn’t know you were a pro slushy maker” Dean commented upon seeing your determination that the entire cup was filled.
“Got to get my money's worth” you shrugged 
Dean paid for your hot dogs and slushy and the two of you headed back to the car, you placed a quick kiss on his cheek and thanked him for getting you the food you desperately needed before you crawled into the backseat.
He handed you the hot dogs but not your slushy “I am not letting you get this sticky shit all over my backseat, Sam’s gonna hold your slushy and you can have it when we get back to the motel” he told you
You and Sam began to protest, you complaining it would melt and Sam not wanting to hold a freezing drink in his hand. 
“This is not a discussion, we're five minutes away, you big babies will survive” Dean said, passing the drink off to Sam then shutting his door and starting the car. 
“You seemed to have no problem with sticky shit getting on this backseat last night” you muttered before taking a bite of your hot dog.
“Ew what the hell” Sam exclaimed “you said you guys were going on a walk” 
“Sam when have either of us ever had any interest in going on walks” Dean said flatly 
Sam made a face that could only begin to show how sickened he was by the conversation.
“Dean I know you’re probably dying to listen to some Barry Manilow right now, but can you please throw in some Zeppelin or the Velvet Underground” you said, poking at the fact both of you hated Barry Manilow.
“Not in the mood for your hippie doo dah Velvet shit, you want Zeppelin 4 or Houses of the Holy?” 
“Houses of the Holy, please and thank you” you replied, squeezing his shoulder as an attempted emphasis on your gratitude. 
The tape started up on D’yer Mak’er, not having been rewound since the last time it was played. 
The song ended as you pulled into the parking lot of the motel. 
“I get the shower first” you quickly said
“Fine, but you have 20 minutes, me and Sam aren’t going to sit in stinky clothes for an hour while you take a long ass shower” Dean replied to you 
“Okay Dr. Seuss” you replied with a roll of your eyes.
“What about your slushy?” Sam asked fake annoyance lacing his tone. 
“I’ll chug it before I get in the shower, give it to me” you told him, holding your hand out, you began to quickly drink down the slushy as Dean unlocked the door to the room. 
“atta girl” Dean teased as he noticed your actions. 
Your head throbbed from the slushy but you managed to drink most of it, you discarded it then made your way to the shower. 
You heard a banging at the door as you were finishing up, you shut the water off then wrapped a towel around yourself and your hair. 
“I said 20 minutes sweetheart” Dean yelled through the door.
You opened the door, a cold wave of air hitting you in contrast to the warmth of the bathroom. 
“Do you mind if I do my hair and skincare while you shower?” you asked him
“Go right ahead” he replied, stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. He quickly began to undress, noticing you unable to take your eyes off his figure. 
“Like what you see?” he teased, a smirk playing at his face
You raised your eyebrows in response “we might have to go on a walk again” you laughed and pushed his shoulder slightly. 
He chuckled at your comment then turned on the water and hopped in the shower. 
You had gotten ready for bed and had your pajamas on by the time Dean got out of the shower. You laid in bed and read a book not involving some kind of entity, just one for your own pleasure. Sam went to shower and Dean climbed into bed next to you, heat radiating off of him from the warmth of the water, his hair still slightly damp. You set your book down upon feeling his presence next to you. 
“Thanks for getting me those hot dogs” you laughed “I’m sorry I was grouchy, I was really hungry” 
“It's okay sweetheart, I’m glad to get you food when you need it” he told you as he wrapped an arm around you. 
“You okay if I shut the lamp off, I’m really tired” you asked him. 
He hummed in response, pulling you into him after you had shut the light off. He wrapped his arms around your waist and your back was against his chest, you felt his breathing calm against you. You snuggled into him, wiggling your butt against his crotch in the process earning a response of “don't do that” from him, you giggled slightly at his words. 
“I love you Dean” you said as you shut your eyes. 
“You too y/n” he uttered out already half asleep, as he pressed a kiss to the back of your head. 
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captains-simp · 2 years
Kate Bishop ~ A Little Push In The Right Direction
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(Not my gif)
dark!Kate X fem!Reader
Summary: after rejecting Kate time and time again, she's done being patient with you and decides to set you on a path that will lead you straight to her, even if you get a little hurt on the way
Warnings: drugging, memory loss, manipulation, gaslighting, isolation, hints of an innocence kink, strap on sex (r receiving), using a mirror for unholy things, praise, edging, degrading
4.6k words
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee? ☕️
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“If you wanted to show off to me Bishop you didn't have to ask me out to do it.” You quipped as the archer shot down the last target with a smug grin and placed the gun back down on the counter as the stand operator begrudgingly handed her the largest stuffed animal - a blue bear. She immediately turned to you and passed the obnoxious toy your way for you to take without any hesitation, unable to hide your glee at the present. 
“I just wanted to make the most of this carnival before it packs up and leaves town.” She shrugged simply. “And I assumed winning you that would give me a good shot at a second date.” She stated less subtly, shooting you a small smirk as you made your way to the slushy stand to get your last fix of sugar for the night. 
You hummed, eyes fixed in front of you to avoid her expecting ones. You had made it clear to Kate on numerous occasions that you didn’t want anything more than friendship with her.  It wasn’t that you didn’t like Kate, you did. Quite a lot. But there had always been something about her that didn’t sit right with you. It was puzzling to you how she always got everything she wanted and you had an idea it had something to do with her entitled upbringing that you couldn’t help but envy. You were from two very different worlds and that intimidated you greatly. Not to mention her reputation as a player didn’t exactly assure you that she was girlfriend material. Kate was fun to be around and a good friend to have, but she wasn’t what you were looking for in a partner.
Kate herself had wondered if that was the reason she was bordering on infatuation with you. She got everything she wanted. Her money could buy her any materialistic thing she desired, no matter the legal limitations, her connections got her access to the majority of the things that money couldn’t and she had always been able to smooth-talk her way into any girl's pants. And there was you, rejecting her time and time again no matter how much easier she could make your life if you devoted it to her. She had tried to understand you and get to you from every angle, failing every time, so she was done doing things the traditional way. 
Kate, of course, paid for the drinks despite your protests (one red and one blue) though just as she was filling up the last of your cup you heard an ear piercing shriek behind you and whipped around in a panic only to see a teenager running from her friend with a Michael Myers mask chasing her past the ghost train ride. You smiled at the site and turned back to Kate just in time for her to slip an unmarked empty packet back into her pocket and pass your drink to you with an innocent smile you soaked up.
You thanked her and the two of you began strolling through the large field, taking in your manic surroundings of the lively avent as you fell into easy conversation about Kate’s latest work as an Avenger, eventually letting details slip that you were pretty sure were confidential. It was entertaining to listen to the stories Kate told and you always looked forward to hearing the next but that night you found yourself suddenly drained of your energy and decided it was time to bring the date to its natural end having been out for a couple hours. 
“Do you wanna come back to mine?” Kate asked as you arrived back at her car. “I could put on one of those cheesy rom-coms you love so much.” She suggested, though the easy smirk on her lips told you that movies weren’t the only thing on her mind. She took a bold step towards you and you backed yourself up against the car, letting her put a hand on the vehicle for support as she leant closer. You could smell the artificial blueberry drink on her breath from the proximity and it was undeniably tempting to see if she tasted just as strongly.
“I think I should go home.” You said with a teasing smile and placed a hand on the archer’s chest to push her away. She let you but the displeasure that flashed across her features unnerved you slightly.
“At least let me drive you.” Kate insisted, bringing back that dangerously easy smile that always kept you intrigued by the archer enough to entertain the idea of going on a date with her in the first place.
“It’s a ten minute walk.” You pointed out despite your growing weariness. 
“It’s dark out, though. You never know what creeps could be lurking around.” She said as she opened the passenger door for you and stood behind it with an inviting grin. 
“Right, whatever you say Bishop.” You chuckled dismissively but got into the open car anyway and was immediately engulfed by the warmth of the pre-set heated seat. You were glad the drive wouldn’t take long because you were in serious danger of falling asleep under such conditions. The drowsiness was quick to increase with the addition of a strange fuzziness clouding your mind and plummeting it into a haze. Kate was talking but she sounded so far away and muffled and you didn’t recognise your surroundings and everything was so dark but comfortable and sleep was so inviting and…
“Just go to sleep, baby.” Kate whispered. You never got the chance to hear her instruction or feel the hand gripping your thigh.
“You look so tempting when you’re asleep.” Kate thought aloud as she traced a path along your collarbone with her index finger, wishing more than anything that she could litter it with marks for you to wake up to. She reminded herself to refrain from it, to hold back for the time being. You would already be alarmed when you awoke, scared even, so she couldn’t overload you with too much information all at once. She had to be respectful of you and take it slow. 
In contrast to you, Kate had barely slept that night, too excited at the fact that you were finally sleeping in her bed in one of her own oversized shirts. You looked so peaceful and content, as you should. You were where you were meant to be with the person you were meant to be with. Kate couldn’t stop imagining you waking to the realisation of how comfortable you were with the archer and finally let her win you over. She also couldn’t help but admire the new patches of skin she had yet been able to explore, taking her time in tracing the softness of your thighs and lower abdomen but holding off anywhere too intimate, she wanted to share that moment with you when the time came. 
When you eventually started to come around, Kate watched on as you hummed in content at the warmth that surrounded you and the presence of someone next to you. It was only once the archer muttered a soft "Good morning" that you furrowed your brows and opened your eyes to meet her dull grey ones. 
"I would ask if you slept okay but you were out cold all night." She chuckled as though she was sharing a joke with herself. You gave a weak smile in response but felt unnerved as you raked your brain for the most recent memory you could. You remembered getting to the carnival, going on a few rides, Kate winning you prizes and getting slushies but past that was blank. All you knew was that you were in Kate's bed wearing her shirt even though you were sure you would never end up there. What had happened after getting slushies that had apparently shifted your whole opinion of Kate?
"Are you okay?" She asked with more curiosity than concern. 
"Yeah! Yeah…" You were quick to say. You weren't sure you wanted to admit that you didn't remember a significant chunk of the night before. Would she be upset? 
"I really enjoyed last night." The raven haired woman admitted as she relaxed next to you and hugged the pillow close to her, looking at you like a love struck teenager. It made your own heart swell slightly.
"I enjoyed it too." You said honestly because what you could remember of the date you recalled fondly. 
"We should do it again sometime." She offered hopefully. You bit your lip, unsure of how to respond. You didn’t know what had occurred that led you to be in Kate's bed or even what had happened in it but you did know that in that moment, your feelings towards Kate remained the same. 
"We'll see." You chuckled awkwardly before sitting up to avoid the older woman's expecting gaze and searched the room for your clothes that you found to be neatly folded on a chair in the corner. You took that as a sign that you had done no more than sleep in Kate’s bed and headed into her bathroom to change, trying to ignore the heavy gaze on you as you did. 
When you ventured from the bathroom you were met with an empty room and the enticing smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. Your stomach groaned in recognition of the sweet food and you wandered towards the other end of the apartment to find Kate humming as she stood over the hob with the radio reporting the latest stories taking place in the city. Two plates had already been laid out on the desktop though Kate was only just starting on the first few pancakes when she turned around to the sound of your cautious footsteps. 
“I made breakfast.” She pointed out with a grin. You wondered if she was this sweet to all of the women she chased only to leave them in the dirt a couple weeks later. That question alone was what kept you on the defensive (though the heavenly food was tempting). 
“I’m not feeling too good and I have work in a couple hours so I should probably just…” You pointed towards the door with a rush of guilt once you saw Kate’s expression fall until the brief memory of her irritated features at your rejection the previous night flashed through your mind. It truly was a whiplash of emotions Kate brought up in you. One moment she was the sweetest most genuine soul you knew and the next she made you feel as though you needed to keep your guard up around her, never giving you a moment to fully chase after either instinct she ignited. 
“Let me drive you!” Kate was quick to offer when you started towards the door with her hot on your heels, her eagerness only pushing you more towards it.
“I need the walk.” You were quick to say. Too quick. Kate narrowed her eyes at you for a second, trying to see how best to navigate the course that she had put you on. “I’ll call you.” Her face brightened at that and she nodded swiftly, stepping towards you again but you didn’t give her the chance to get much closer because you were slipping through the gap in the doorway. 
Over the next few weeks the weird headspace that you had awoken to in Kate’s bed only got worse. You felt as though you were in a constant haze and that getting through each day was an impossible feat when you couldn’t find it in you to function like you usually could. Your routine felt foreign and uncomfortable, as though there were significant pieces of information that were always missing and depriving your days of any normality. You were forgetting things a lot too. Important things and whole chunks of your days. Some mornings you would wake up to messages from your concerned friends asking why you hadn’t shown up to an apparently long awaited night outs while other times they talked animatedly to you about events you just couldn’t remember happening. Your life had suddenly plummeted into a turmoil of moments you couldn’t connect and a constant anxiety regarding the sanity of your own mind that only seemed to only ease up around Kate Bishop. 
Though you had asked for a raincheck on your next date, you had found yourself calling her late most nights of the week. You weren’t sure if it was the distraction of hearing all of her soon-to-be legendary stories and the excitable way that she recalled them or the way she seemed to just know if you’d had a particularly hard day, but Kate had become a significant part of getting you through the testing time. You almost wanted to open up to her about it. You just didn’t want to scare off the one person who provided you respite from your own mind. 
It also surprised you how patient Kate was. The woman who had asked you out a handful of times before you had agreed and shamelessly flirted with you any chance she got had backed off to a respectful distance and as far as you could tell she hadn’t turned her attention elsewhere. You experienced a pang of guilt every time you innocently assumed you had greatly misjudged her character and that she was in fact pretty much perfect. The way you let your guard down with her and remained concerned for your mind made it so much easier for Kate to slip into your apartment at night to carry out the necessary tasks. 
“Do you ever wonder if you’re going crazy?” You asked blatantly as your eyes stayed fixed on the TV a few metres away. It was the only source of light in the dim apartment and it was just enough to illuminate the distant look in your eye that Kate immediately connected to the empty beer bottle in your hand. She looked down at her own and took a swig in an effort to hide the knowing smile that threatened to slip before she answered you. You were breaking in just the way she expected you to.
“I think seeing what crazy really looks like every day keeps me pretty grounded.” The archer answered in what she believed was the truth. “Why?” She continued, trying to play off her excitement and pretend to be interested in the film that had auto-played though she wasn’t sure you were following along with the story either. 
“Just wondered.” You were only a little tipsy but it was all it took to take away your ability to lie smoothly. Kate hummed and the two of you let the tv fill the space once more. “You’ve really never questioned your mind?” You asked suddenly, making Kate chuckle openly as she turned herself fully towards you. 
“What’s going on with you?” She pushed, gentle and patient as ever. 
“I think the stress of work’s just catching up to me.” You shrugged as you felt the familiar swarm of anxious thoughts arise. You were starting to miss deadlines and no matter how many notes you left around your apartment and office it didn’t seem to be enough.
“Then quit.” Your friend said plainly.
“I can’t just quit my job, Kate.” You huffed and rolled your eyes at the rich kid antics that seemingly never went away. 
“Sure you can. You can come work for me.” She said so nonchalantly you were sure she was pulling your leg. The CEO started peeling the label on the bottle as though she handed out such exclusive job offers so often that it bored her.
“What?” You blinked.
“I’m serious, you could start Monday.” She continued like it was no big deal. You guessed in her world it really wasn’t. Kate stopped fiddling with the bottle and looked at you with soft eyes. “I’ll take care of you.” There was a strong underlying sincerity to her words as she placed her hand atop of yours and gave it a reassuring squeeze, as though she knew that was exactly what you needed. “I promise.” You exhaled heavily and turned your hand over so that your fingertips could lightly trace hers before slipping between them. 
A small tug of your hand was all the encouragement you needed to not only close the small distance between you and Kate but to straddle her lap and bring both hands up to her neck. The archer barely had a chance to hold your waist before you were kissing her with almost bruising force that she matched in an instant and took control of easily. Her left hand swiftly snaked down to your ass that she squeezed without restraint, earning a small gasp from you. She slipped her tongue past your parted lips and hummed at the taste of you before you pulled away with a content smile.
“So you’ll work for me?” Kate asked as she rested her forehead against yours and cherished the feeling of your soft breath against her.
“No.” You chuckled. The raven haired woman paused, ready to object until you stopped her. “But I’ll go on that second date.” Kate smirked and gripped your ass harder to pull you as close to her as she could and pressed her lips firmly against yours again. 
You were glad you had that jovial moment with Kate to cling onto, because from then on, it was one stroke of bad luck after another, if you could even call it luck. First it was your car refusing to start one Wednesday morning when you were trying to go to work but instead had to stay with your crappy vehicle until someone came to tow it to a garage only to tell you they had no idea what was wrong with it and that they would have to keep it for a while. It wasn’t an entirely cheap or old car so the issue wasn’t one you were prepared to face to any degree, especially not financially. 
“I want to.” She replied immediately. So much. “It would make me happy to have you here and-” Kate bit her tongue to stop herself getting too carried away in telling you how she wanted you by her side as much as possible. There would be time for that. “Just stay.” 
“I can’t.” You sighed heavily, feeling defeated and far too tired. 
“Why not?” Kate pushed as she leant back and cupped your face gently to have your blurry eyes meet her. 
“I think I’m going crazy, Katie.” You admitted as your voice broke. Everything’s just such a blur and it’s all too complicated and I…” You tried to steady yourself to remain as coherent as you could while Kate listened on patiently. “I can’t remember anything and it’s making things really fucking hard. The only moments that are clear are when I’m with you but I don’t know why and I know that sounds stupid but-” You rambled and panicked more when you realised how insane you sounded. 
“That’s okay.” Kate said simply with a smile that was much too relaxed for the conversation. 
“Are you listening to me?” 
“And we’ll fix this.” You stared at Kate, not understanding how she wasn’t at all phased by what you were saying. If you weren’t relying so heavily on her, you might have heard the alarm bells in the back of your mind. “Just stay here with me. We’ll get you new clothes and anything you need and you’ll come to work with me.” Kate explained as she wiped away the tears on your cheeks, staring down at you with such adoration that you easily followed everything she said. “Everything will be fine.” Kate said with such a sense of finality you could only nod in response. 
“What about seeing a doctor?” You asked.
“Let's just wait and see.” You nodded again without argument and settled back into Kate’s arms when she kissed you softly and hummed a tune you didn’t recognise. The two of you were already in bed so she had no issue with letting the exhaustion of the day catch up to you until you were fast asleep in her arms and felt a jolt of excitement at the thought that the scene would soon be a familiar one. 
Very soon, things started to improve. Kate never stopped drugging you like she had intended to. She had planned to slowly reduce the amounts she gave you over time but a week into having you so invested in her life she discovered that there was something about how pliable and desperate for Kate’s presence they made you. You grew scared in those vulnerable moments and you knew the archer was the only one who could help ease those worries so you seeked her out more. And Kate loved it. She thrived off it. She used it. 
There were less blanks in your memory, only occurring a few times a week, though the haze over your mind came and went throughout each day and left you disorientated. Kate was understanding of that and let you take naps in her office on the sofa that was comfier than the one you had in your old apartment and more peaceful too although that may have just been down to being in Kate’s presence while you rested. 
You were content with Kate, more content than you ever had been and you didn’t want that to ever change. Sure, she was quick to place a possessive hand on your waist anywhere you went and sometimes you wondered if she was a little patronising when restricting you from carrying out tasks that would take you too far away from her office. But she looked after you. She loved you. She showed it in the way she always wanted you close. She showed it in her insistence to ensure you never had to do anything for yourself. She showed it when she told you she was never letting you go. She showed it in the way she touched you every night. 
“Such a fragile little thing.” Kate mused as she watched her strap disappear into your soaked cunt. She took her painstakingly slow time in admiring the way your muscles reacted to the toy and listening to the needy mewls it brought out from you. She grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled your head up to force you to look at yourself in the mirror on the wall in front of you. You moaned as you watched Kate, situated comfortably behind you, grip onto your waist with her other hand to keep you in place as she eased the toy out. “You see what I do to you?” She smirked as you registered your tear stained cheeks and utterly desperate look as evident from the hours prior she had spent playing with your body. 
“Fuck.” Was all you managed as a response as you focused your energy on trying to keep yourself up on your forearms. You were getting so close again but Kate had already edged you countless times that night that you weren’t sure she was going to give you what you wanted just yet. 
“I can tell you’re getting so close again.” She noted as she thrusts her hips wildly against your own to give you her full length each time. “Do you wanna cum, pretty baby?”
“Please!” You managed to beg with a cry as you attempted to grind back against her to reach your orgasm before she had the chance to deny you of it. But Kate knew your body and mind too well and slipped out of you with a mocking chuckle when you gave a cry of protest. She patted your tailbone as tears of frustration welled up in your eyes.
“Too bad I’m not ready to let you.” She chuckled and delivered a harsh smack to your ass. You lurched forward and your arms gave out under you in an instant. “Oh baby, you look so fucking pathetic like that.” Kate pouted in a bitterly condescending tone that raked your body with shivers. 
She took that as her cue to flip your limp body onto your back before slipping her strap back between your legs with no resistance. You squirmed with how sensitive you already were but a firm hand on your torso kept you firmly planted against the mattress as Kate thrust into you without mercy, admiring how fucked out you became from her actions.
“Fuck, you love it when I fuck you with my cock, don’t you pretty baby?” You were unable to give a verbal response and thankfully Kate wasn’t expecting one, content to continue using your pussy how she pleased to gain the needy reactions she wanted. She always loved pushing you to the brink of your desperation, seeing your mind being filled with thoughts and need for her and her alone. You belonged to her, and in those moments you best understood that. 
“Cum for me, princess. Let me see how good I make you feel.” She ordered as she thumbed at your throbbing clit. You bucked your hips up into her hand as incoherent pleas tumbled from your lips and you went crashing over the edge. Kate let you pull her close as you came and used her to anchor yourself onto the only thing you needed. “That’s my good girl. There you go, such a sweet baby for me.” She muttered words of praise and assurance for several minutes as you came down, your hold on her never loosening. 
“Thank you.” You muttered weakly, always wanting to express your gratitude any moment you could. Kate’s lips turned up into a smile as she pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Of course. You know I’ll always take care of you.”
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moon-blanket · 1 year
the 7/11 is actually the Real backbone of Dahlia. I love you dearly, Vincent.
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Vincent still being Nervous about going to fancy restaurants and such. Me too my love, don’t worry !!! Skipping the reservation would sound like a Dream Come True to me lmao.
I don’t know what it is about 7/11 that gets people Going in Dahlia, but I'm Not complaining. 
So true Vincent, we DEFINITELY earned snacks ! Him making a Cherry-Coke slushie actually blew my mind ?? I love Cherry-Coke. Why didn’t I ever think about doing that, this man is a Genius. Not a big slushie fan, but I’ll definitely try that next time.
Hanging out on the curb and watching the rain ? One of the most simple yet romantic things I could ever think of. Him telling them how happy they make him, I never get tired of hearing it :’) 
Vincent still being so sweet and sincere while practically making out, I would do Anything for him.. YO RUNNING OUT TO THE FOREST TO GET IT ON ? Okay but with the way he describes it, yeah I'd fold. Can we like... put the snacks in the car first though, we probably paid good money for those. Our slushies will melt :( 
But it would be worth it :o)
This is a really sweet audio, Vincent and Lovely are so cute. I love them.
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superstar-ve · 3 months
it’s 1 am and i can’t sleep so let me tell y’all abt my big back adventures at my granite a few weeks ago..
so in the morning (like 9 in the morning) i met up with my friends and we went to starbucks and i got a grande carmel frapp (basically fucking liquid cake 😭) and we walked to school for the bus .
i threw it out before i finished it because i started feeling guilty but i basically drank the whole thing 🐷
we got to disney and i didn’t have anything until around 2 my friend bought me a coke slushie (why didn’t i just at have water) ((also he owed me money it’s not like i’m using him)) and i drank every last drop because i have no self-control.
we had lunch at 5 pm at the pizza place in downtown disney and it’s was really good but i had THREE SLICES. let me explain. so the pizza is kinda small and it’s cut up into four slices. including me there were four people in the group so we all agreed that we’d get two pizzas and everyone gets two slices. (i really should’ve only ate one but i justified it because i wanted to celebrate my graduation.) anyway so we get the food and drink (my friend and i shared a coke but i didn’t really drink it bc i quit soda for a year for 2023 and ever since carbonation just rlly hurts my stomach) and tell me why they just didn’t eat at all ???
my friend that i was sharing w ate the two slices and i did too, but the other two basically didn’t eat??? even tho we all agreed on two slices each in the first place ?? one of the guys ate one slice and when we offered him his second slice he said we was okay and the other guy LIED ABOUT BEING LACTOSE INTOLERANT?? i’ve known you for three year U R NOT LACTOSE INTOLERANT
i basically pleaded w him to actually eat something cause he hadn’t eaten all day and was talking about how he was hungry the whole time we were at disney. after that my friend and i were stuck w the dilemma of do we eat the last to slices or throw it away. the reason why it was so serious is bc the same guy that paid for my slushie paid for everyone’s pizza and drinks and refused to let anyone pay him back (he tried explaining that he liked being i provider but lowkey i think he just likes my friend) so it was like do we just throw it away and let his $40 (too fucking expensive) go for waste or just eat it… obv i do what i always do and eat.
the coke i drank made my stomach hurt so fucking bad dude. i felt like it was cramping up and i was gonna explode.
around night time i bought a brownie from one of the shops cause i thought they were gonna heat it up it was gonna be good but it was not 😭😭 it tasted so fucking bad like those cheap chocolates you get from the dollar store or something. i think this was a sign from god telling me that i have to stop eating bc it’s literally not worth it 🧐🧐
there was a free coke station next to a coke dj (that’s a weird sentence) and the women gave me coke zero… another sign from god 🐷🐷
we met up w two other friends to go on rollercoasters with. it was funny tho cause one of them we walked past and out of all of us i think i’m the not that talks to him the most so like i waved at him and then two min later he came up to join us and he said it’s cause he was tried of watching them eat for two hours 😭
after that for the rest of the night i mainly hung out w him (also i gave him my gross ass brownie cause for some reason he liked it)
it was strange tho ,, not to be like narcissistic but i feel like he likes me cause whenever we would go on a ride he would always change where he was gonna go and somehow we’d always end up together on the ride. before gradnite ended he bought me a churro and we were suppose to split it half and half but he barely even touched it and told me i could have the rest. basically i ate the whole churro..
there were two busses and whichever bus u go in depends on ur last name. so him and i sat together while all of our other friends were on a different bus. and at some point it lowkey got romantic ⁉️🤨 omg this feels so weird to talk about 😭
during the ride back to school he started putting his watch on me. the first time he got that watch i was joking around w him and being like “oh let me have it” or something like that and he told me “lowkey i think my wrist is smaller than urs” HUMBLED ME FR
idk he was lowkey struggling to put it on me (NOT CAUSE IM FAT BUT BC IT WAS DARK) and i feel like that just added to the mood 🤨
something about its being 3am and watching him put his favorite watch on me in the moonlight and basically just holding my hand for five minutes cause he couldn’t figure it out rlly got to me 🧐
i tried giving him his watch back but he told me i could keep it and when we got off the bus he hugged me goodbye and in the moment it was fine but looking back on it i feel so self conscious
what if i didn’t feel small, what if he had gotten a feel of my rolls, what if my stomach had smoosh into him and suffocated him, what if he felt how big my arms are once i wrapped them around him.
i hugged other people goodbye after that but i tried avoiding it until they’re like “no cmon give me a hug” NO I DKNT WANNA GIVE U A HUG ULL FEEL MY DISGUSTING BODY
idk how many cals i has this day but i had 27k steps so hopefully it canceled out 😊😊
thank u for hearing my rant (nobody is gonna reads this)
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quotidian-oblivion · 2 years
For the wips:
And "Untitled Document" no. 3
I've answered bruce wayne writes fanfic AU and the link is over here. But Untitled Document no. 3... hmm... let us see.
AH YES! It is a fluffy fluffed up fluff fic. Again, I plan on writing this so imma share a bit of the idea. It is actually inspired by a post from kaibigan-ko on a tumblr post that i found on Pinterest and a bit of it is also from anotehr Pinterest post on DC headcannons.
Jack comes in with a flyer which advertises Dick as a babysitter. (He’s 16). Jack talks to Janet about having some company for Tim while they’re away as Tim often cries every time his parents leave. And since they’re leaving in a week, they could hire Dick to spend time with Tim. He turns to Tim and asks how he thinks of having a part-time brother, Tim is overjoyed and immediately replies with a “YES!”, jumping up and down with joy cuz Robin is going to babysit him.
Dick receives a phone call from Janet about the babysitting ad a day later, exactly when Bruce was passive-aggressively making fun of Dick not receiving a single call. He excitedly accepts and smirks at Bruce, who suddenly turned gruff again. His teasing lasts the whole day. 
The next day, he wakes up, panicked cuz he had a nightmare about losing a kid while he was babysitting. He calls Barbara and explains the situation to her, asking her to help him train him to be a good babysitter. All Barbara responds with is, “Dick, it’s 5am in the morning, what the fuck?”
“Language, missy.”
“Sorry, dad.” 
Dick just asks her to meet him up for slushies at their usual place. Barbara sighs and agrees (it’s the summer holidays, btw). 
Barbara teaches Dick the basics of how to treat boo boos, handle tantrums, set firm boundaries, respect the kids’ choices while keeping them safe, and how to carefully detangle himself for when the kid randomly leaps into his arms.
A week later, Dick is ready. Not. He receives another nightmare about losing a kid in the shopping center and calls Barbara again, begging her to be there with him on his first day today. Barbara has a different response this time, “Dick, it’s 4 am.” 
Dick begs her and says that they can split the earnings, 20-80. Barbara thinks for a bit and argues 35-65 and he agrees. The money he’s paid is stupid rich anyway. 
So they show up on the Drake’s doorstep after Dick and Bruce pick Barbara up from her house. They call Tim and Tim peeps from his mother’s dress. He’s so small that he managed to disappear by burying himself in Janet’s long skirt. Barbara’s heart squeezes by his microscopicness, she looks to Dick to see if he agrees with the adorableness, but he’s frozen. Barbara nudges him and he snaps out of it, flashing one of his charming smiles to the kid and his parents. The parents say their goodbyes and leave with their luggage. 
So now Dick and Barbara are alone with little Tim in a huge house.
I should really title the untitled documents but, meh, cant bother to.
Anyway! I hope u liked the idea, I'm turning red from the ask, thanks again.
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syresdcthings · 2 years
DC Highschool long skit again! Mall things
This post includes: assortment of Villains, assortment of Heros. All Characters will go by their real names apart from Joker.
The group of friends are at the mall.
Joker: Wow! These slushies were worth the 50 bucks!
Harvey: I was a little skeptical of the person who sold them to us but… these are amazing. Well worth the money indeed!
Crane: Could’ve got em for free if you let me test my stuff on them…
Harvey: Your “stuff” is water laced with a dangerous amount of Fentanyl, Johnathan. And you keep it in your bag… what if you mistake it for actual water? Plus, it was only 50$ each.
Harley, got to the mall late because Ivy was driving: Mmm Puddin’! Thanks for gettin’ lil old me somethin’ too!
Joker: Of course! You’re my girl buddy after all! I don’t mind throwing some money around for ya!
Lex: You are all acting like it wasn’t me who paid for everyone.
Joker: And we love you for it, Lexie.
Pamela: Can’t believe you guys are actually drinking that stuff… you know it’s probably like, drugged or something?
Edward: Then we get lit for free, win win.
A familiar voice suddenly calls to them.
Selina: Hey, losers! Over here.
Joker: CAT!!! WOW! Today just keeps getting better and better!
Bruce slides out from behind Selina awkwardly.
Selina: Can’t believe you guys are here as-well. Fun coincidence, hm?
Harvey: Heh, not really a coincidence, this is the only Mall in our district.
Harley: Shu’up. Brain freeze!
Bruce: Selina. Could we get to our shops and then leave..?
Selina: Hey, I’m talkin’ to my friends here. Don’t be rude. Go… do something I d’know.
Bruce: What can I do?…
Selina: the rest of you is still back at the Vending Machines. Go play with ‘em.
She puts a cent in his hand and he trudged away grumbling.
Crane: Ahah! I can test my stuff on that golden retriever boy! BRUCE! WAIT UP.
Harvey: I wouldn’t mind catching up with Bruce. We haven’t spoken in a while… Also I really wanna see if your “stuff” works.
They runs towards the sullen boy, giving him a fright.
Joker taking a loud prolonged sip: Anywho, Se~li~na~! You on a date with loverboy?
Selina: Eh, can’t really call it a date when his entourage follows us everywhere.
Selina: is that a slushie?
Harley: Yup!! Mistah J and Lex over here got us them from sum homeless guy in the parkin’ lot!
Selina: Sounds like you’re making very inspired life choices, props.
Joker: Awh, you think my life choices are inspired?
Pamela: Good lord don’t encourage him..
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braunaza · 2 months
saccharine summer .•° ✿
➸ ᴇʟʟɪᴇ ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ
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➸ perplexing pollen and feelings
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ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ
∘◦❀◦∘ thank you so much for all the love in part one! i’m so happy that you guys like it but since i’ve been kind of sick the past few days, this part might not be the best. regardless i hope you guys like this and as always ideas, thoughts, and criticism is always welcome!
∘◦❀◦∘ warnings -> (very) light swearing
∘◦❀◦∘ loser!ellie x (lowkey) loser!reader + acquaintances to lovers + friends(?) to lovers, fluff, ellie is oblivious about her feelings
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An apprehensive feeling coursed through Ellie as she waited for you. Ellie had always loved horror movies. Perhaps she loved them too much? She could spend hours arguing how Jordan Peele’s movies were better than Ari Aster’s, or how the Stephen King movies did no justice to the original books. It was safe to say that Ellie Williams was a horror movie fanatic.
Yet as she stood with her ticket for ‘Longlegs’ in hand, she couldn’t help but feel anxious. Not only was she worried that it wouldn’t live up to her expectations, she also feared that it wouldn’t be your thing.
Since you had dragged Ellie out a few days ago, you gave Ellie the courtesy of choosing which movie to see at the cinema. The girl couldn’t help but jump at the chance to watch the so-called “scariest film of the year”, yet now she had second thoughts.
You didn’t seem like the kind of person to tolerate a horror movie, let alone like it. What if you hated it? Maybe Ellie should’ve chosen a different movie? Chosen a different genre altogether?
“Ellie?” You spoke, snapping her out of her spiralling thoughts.
“Oh, hey.” Ellie responded sheepishly. “You ready?”
“We need to get popcorn first, duh!” You pointed out as you took Ellie’s arm into your hand and pulled her towards the counter. “And a drink too.” You added as you reached the counter.
“Why didn’t we get snacks elsewhere? The prices are extortionate at the actual cinema.” Ellie complained as she leaned against the counter slightly. As her eyes scanned the price list, Ellie couldn’t help the groan that left her lips.
“We could share?” You offered at the sound for her non-verbal complaint. “Only if you want to, of course. I mean it is cheaper that way, you know, and the large popcorn should be enough for the both of us.”
Your rambling makes Ellie smile ever so slightly. She would never admit it, but she liked the way you spoke. It was always so soft and sweet. Ellie could listen to you talk for hours.
“What is this a date?” Ellie mocked as she raised her slit eyebrow. “Next, you’ll buy us blue and red slushies to make each other's tongues purple.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her teasing.
“Fine. Go buy your popcorn at full price.” You retorted with a huff as you crossed your arms comically.
Ellie let out a small chuckle at your dramatics before turning to the girl behind the counter. As Ellie rummaged around her passenger bag, she felt your hand gently grab her wrist; stopping her movements.
“Let me pay. I’d feel bad if you paid for both the ticket and the snacks.” You explained as you pulled a pretty purse from your tote bag. “Plus, on a date, you’re supposed to pay for the lady’s food.” You teased carrying on from Ellie’s previous joke. She didn’t bother arguing with you on who should pay. She knew that you wouldn’t let her spend more money on you. That’s just the way you were. Too sweet for your own good.
After thanking the usher, you took the snacks and started to make your way towards the theatre. As you walked, Ellie felt her previous uncertainty rise once again.
“Are you sure you’re okay with the film? You don’t look like the type of person who enjoys horror movies.”
“A good movie is a good movie. I’m not all that picky.” You shrug. “You can always hold me if I get scared.” You joke making Ellie roll her eyes. Your response didn’t calm Ellie’s nerves. She didn’t know why, but she wanted you to enjoy this. She needed you to enjoy this.
Ellie opened the heavy door to the auditorium and let you walk in first. The second you stepped inside, you regretted your chosen outfit. Due to the blazing heat outside, you had worn a cute tank top and a very short denim skirt. However, the AC within the auditorium had been cranked up causing you to chatter. Ellie took notice of your shivering but didn’t say anything. She had been smarter than you and chosen to wear a baggy Korn hoodie. Comfort over style and all that.
After fumbling around in the dark for a few moments, the two of you finally found your seats situated in the back row of the theatre. Immediately, Ellie kicked off her classic converses and put up her recliner, causing your face to screw up in response.
“Gross.” You muttered. A shushing sound from Ellie came in response as the lights went black.
As the trailers began playing, Ellie found herself munching on the popcorn. You smacked her hand lightly as a way to tell her to cut it out. “Jesus, leave some for me.” You scolded. Ellie shrugged at your words as she kept devouring the shared snack.
The two of you stayed mostly silent throughout the film, with hushed comments to one another here and there. The only exception was when one of the characters burst into song. The scene was meant to be one of terror. What should’ve caused you to start quaking on your shoes, actually made the two of you burst into spluttered laughter; surely annoying the rest of the audience.
Everything was going great. You seemed to be engaged within the movie causing Ellie’s previous nervousness to completely fade. That was until she went to grab a handful of popcorn only to graze your hand instead. When she felt your soft hand brush against hers, it felt as though a shot of electricity suddenly passed through her. Ellie’s pulse quickened at the feeling of your silky touch as a flustered feeling flushed over her. She took a quick glance at you; only to find that you were completely unaffected by the encounter. What the hell was happening to her?
Throughout the rest of the film, Ellie couldn’t help but take quick glances at you. She probably spent more time looking at you, through the corner of her eye, than watching the movie. The AC was still blowing cold air throughout the theatre and she could see you were still shivering. For whatever reason, Ellie didn’t like seeing you uncomfortable but she didn’t want to do anything weird or unordinary. After long consideration and hesitation, Ellie pulled off her hoodie before draping it over you like it were a blanket. You shot her a surprised look at the action before it softened into your eversweet smile.
“Thanks.” You murmured quietly as you absentmindedly snuggled into her jumper. God, you were a sight.
“Don’t worry about it.” Ellie replied in a hushed tone as she finally set her eyes back to the big screen.
Once the movie finished, ‘Get It On’ by T. Rex starts to play as the lights flicker on. Ellie’s eyes screwed up as she adjusted to the new lighting. You both sat there in complete silence for a moment as the credits rolled.
“That was a terribly fucking movie.” Ellie complained loudly, breaking the quiet. You let out a small chuckle at her sudden outburst. “No seriously, what the fuck was that?”
“You're overreacting. It wasn’t that bad.” You argued.
“No, it was that bad. It wasn’t scary, and throwing in the devil as the antagonist last minute made it feel so rushed. Not to mention, they made the main character half-psychic, only to drop it and never mention it again. It’s so stupid.” As Ellie rambled on, you couldn’t help the soft smile that plastered itself on your lips. You loved listening to her prattle on about random things. “What?” She questioned as she took notice of your gentle expression.
“Nothing. You’re really into these kinds of films, huh?” You asked as you finally pulled yourself out of the comfort of your chair. Ellie nodded before following your direction and standing up; collecting your two-way trash in the process.
“Sorry it wasn’t the best movie.” Ellie apologised as you began to make your way out of the auditorium; walking side by side.
“I’m just glad I got to spend time with you.” You responded with your usual exuberant expression. Despite the cool air whirring through the AC, Ellie’s face began to heat up. An unusual rosiness started to spread across her pale cheeks due to your words. That was weird.
The two of you exited into the blindingly lit cinema hallway. As you reached the doors of the movie theatre, you stopped and turned to face Ellie.
“Thank you for hanging out with me today.” You said as you handed her back her hoodie. “I’ll see you again in a few days.”
You gave Ellie a quick hug before exiting the cinema, leaving her alone in the foyer. Ellie stood there as she watched you leave. Absentmindedly, she brought her hoodie up to her face and inhaled deeply. Your fruity fragrance had overtaken the usual musk of her hoodie. She should’ve been mad. Usually, your overpowering perfume irrationally irritated her, but right now, it felt like a blessing from God.
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As you traversed through the far-reaching fields of green and red, you could hear Ellie struggling behind you. Ellie was usually on top of her allergies. She always made sure to take her prescribed hayfever tablets every single morning. Unfortunately for her, she forgot today. It was almost comical that she had forgotten to take them on the day in which she’d be surrounded by the pollinated plants.
Perhaps she had forgotten because she was so distracted by her appearance?
Ellie had never cared about her looks before. However that morning she had an overwhelming itch to make herself look perfect. For the first time in forever, Ellie had actually taken time to consider her outfit as she spent hours staring at her various shirts. Eventually, she settled on a plain white tank; one of her few clothes that didn’t contain any kind of stain. Ellie was absolutely oblivious about what could’ve brought upon this sudden change within herself.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked as you heard Ellie sniffle once again from behind you. “We can go home and do this another day.”
“No!” Ellie responded too quickly at your suggestion. She cleared her throat before shaking her head. “I mean you’ve already paid for it. It’d be too much of a hassle to rebook it.”
You let out a sigh as Ellie continued to splutter behind you. At any moment, Ellie’s eyes could grossly swell up due to the influx of pollen. She should really go home but you knew that there was no point arguing with her. Once she had decided something, she would stick with it. Ellie was just as stubborn as you were.
As you continued walking, Ellie picked a strawberry off of it’s leaf and, instead of placing it inside the woven basket, she popped it into her mouth.
“Don’t do that. You’re not supposed to eat them now.” You scolded as you gently grabbed another strawberry before placing it in the basket. “Plus it’s not been washed. There could be bug poop on it.” You pointed out. After you spoke, you paused for a moment before gasping dramatically. “You ate bug poop”. You squealed as an exaggerated look of contorted grossness appeared on your face.
You let out an ‘eww’ sound causing Ellie to roll her reddening eyes.
“Haha. You’re so funny and totally not immature.” Ellie retorted sarcastically as you stuck your tongue out at her.
The two of you continued to pick the strawberries as the sun beamed down on you. As always, you had dressed accordingly to both the weather and the event. Ellie thought it was cute that you had chosen to wear a checked red and white tank top that matched the fruits. Before this summer, your outfit would’ve sent her into an illogical rage, however that had changed. She had begun to accept your constant desire to look aesthetic. In fact, she found it kind of endearing. As you continued picking the fruits, Ellie couldn’t help but stare at you. You looked perfect.
She couldn’t help herself as she cautiously took her phone out of her jean pocket and snapped a picture of you. Unfortunately for her, her phone wasn’t on silent. The clicker sound caused you to turn around sharply; taking your eyes off the strawberries to catch Ellie with her phone out.
Embarrassment washed over her as she stood there with her tail tucked between her legs. She had felt as though she’d gotten caught doing something wrong and was about to be reprimanded by Joel. Just as she was about to profusely apologise, you took the phone right out of her hands before inspecting the image carefully.
“Cute!” You squealed; favoriting the photo. “Make sure to send it to me.” You continued as you handed her back her phone. A bashful expression lay across Ellie’s face during the entire interaction which only deepened once your hand grazed her’s in the returning process.
Eventually, after an hour or so, your woven bag had reached its maximum potential. You had insisted on packing the basket as full as possible, so that you could get your money's worth, which resulted in a ridiculous amount of the red fruit being stuffed into the small space. The two of you started to make your way over to the small wooden building at the start of the farm; escaping the summer’s sensation and the pollen’s pillory.
As you entered the farmhouse, Ellie rubbed her slightly swollen eyes. She was so happy to finally get out of the farmland’s field.
“I appreciate you doing this with me even with your allergies.” You said with a slight snicker. In this state, Ellie looked ridiculous. Whilst her watercolour eyes did cause a pitying feeling within you, one of hilarity overruled it. However, you did find it cute that she thugged it out just for you.
Ellie shrugged at your thanks, biting back a soft smile, as you both sat down; placing the basket on the table between you. You took a strawberry from the top of the pile and moved it towards Ellie’s lips. A look of confusion appeared on her face before she hesitantly inched it towards the fruit. Slowly, she opened her mouth and took a bite, letting you feed the strawberry to her. The whole situation was really weird but somehow, Ellie didn’t mind that much. As long as it was you, she wouldn’t mind anything.
You watched as Ellie chewed the strawberry before letting out a low laugh.
“What?” She asked with a whine; her mouth full with the fruit.
“Nothing.” You said as you tried to hold back your laugh. “It’s just that it’s stained your lips pink.”
As you spoke, Ellie absentmindedly brought her fingers up to her lips. “Ew! Get it off.” Ellie spluttered as a disgusted look appeared at the thought of her tinted lips. Ellie started aggressively wiping her mouth on the back of her hands, causing you to explode into laughter.
“No, no, no! It’s cute.” You argued as Ellie continued to rub at her lips. “It kind of suits you. You should let me do your makeup sometime.” You suggested with a giggle causing Ellie’s grossed out expression to grow. In return, you let out a faux pout before laughing it off once again.
“How’d it taste?” You question as she finally swallowed the fruit.
“Sweet.” Ellie answered bluntly. Her non-descriptive response gave you nothing to work with, causing you to shoot her an unimpressed look. “It tasted the same as how your perfume smells.” She continued, finally giving you an answer that you were satisfied with.
“So absolutely amazing?” You retorted sarcastically. You expected Ellie to respond with some sort of snarky comment or at least roll her eyes at you, but she didn’t. Instead, a bashful expression spread across her face as she muttered out a soft ‘yeah’.
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∘◦❀◦∘ tag list -> @diddiqueen @liasxeatt
∘◦❀◦∘ edit -> i forgot to add tags and now im gonna kms :/
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swanseats · 3 months
TGI Fridays (City Centre, Swansea)
(This is from a month or so ago, but my scorching take on an American chain caused quite the stir among my friends and was the impetus to take my food writing a bit more seriously. Enjoy!)
I was really disappointed by my experience here. We waited over an hour for our food, only for my burger to be incredibly dry and juiceless, totally lacking in any flavour. I ate it out of sheer hunger since we anticipated coming here all day, not because I actually enjoyed my meal. The potato skins I had were black in colour, suggesting they had been overcooked as well (tolerable, but not much better than the frozen potato skins I get at Tesco).
We were also disappointed by the bottomless sesame chicken deal. This is simply false advertising, as the restaurant starts a 90-minute timer when you order and takes nearly 15 minutes to bring each plate of chicken to the table. By definition, "bottomless" means without end - more than a number of plates I can count on one hand. Additionally, the chicken was dripping in unappetising malt vinegar sauce. We requested multiple times that the sauce be left on the side, but this simple ask was ignored by the staff to our chagrin.
I felt that it was also incredibly overpriced - I paid nearly £30 for a two-course meal here. The mocktails alone were £9 - simply not worth it since I can go to any other place on Wind Street to get two good alcoholic cocktails at the same price (where they would not have a slushy consistency that is nearly impossible to drink through a paper straw). Definitely the worst value-for-money I've had in Swansea - I've paid less at many an upscale restaurant in the area for food far better and greater in quantity. None of us in our group plan to return. As the only American in our group, I worry that this is what British people think American food is like. Disgraceful.
grade: 1/10
39-40 Wind St, Swansea SA1 1EE
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eldritchsurveys · 4 months
Do you ever just feel like you need to be alone for some reason? >> I feel like that often. Being around people is exhausting. If you got paid $5 per survey you made, could you make a living just doing that? >> No, because I rarely make surveys. When was the last time you wore something totally inappropriate for the weather? Does this happen often? >> The last time I remember being underdressed for the weather was the night of Aïda, because it was freezing by the time it was over and my little cloak was not enough (I forget what outfit I was wearing underneath but I was cold as hell in it).
The last time you went out of the house, where were you going and what did you do? >> I went to check out the new community garden, then (after some downtime sitting on the stoop and slurping a margarita slushie thing) went to see Furiosa, and stopped at Target on the way home. This was yesterday.
When was the last time someone cancelled plans on you? Were you annoyed? >> The meetup at the Stray was postponed because of an unforeseen hiccup, which was fine with me because I just took the "going out" energy I'd saved up for that and used it to see Furiosa instead.
Do you have a friend that has a tendency to “dump” you whenever they get a new partner? >> Of course not. Would you ever want to go on vacation with just one of your parents? .
In summer, do you prefer to wear dresses or shorts and tops? Or maybe something else? >> I wear both and other things besides.
If you could dye your hair any colour (and have it look good/professional), what colour would you pick? >> I am not interested in dyeing my hair. Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? >> Way back in the day, yeah. For some reason, I've been in two Facebook back-and-forths regarding the same topic -- why Black people don't appreciate white people wearing their wack ass excuse for dreadlocks. Exhausting.
Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? >> I've had all of the above and also macadamia nut milk. Milkadamia, is what it's called. Because of course it is.
How many cans of soda would you say you drink in a week, if any at all? >> Zero, I drink fizzy water. When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? >> I do.
If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? . How much stuff do you take with you when you go on vacation for a week? >> I am a pretty light traveller. One average-sized suitcase and a backpack is the standard for me, provided I don't bring my weighted blanket (which I only bring on trips that involve the car and not some other more complicated form of transportation where I have to do things with my baggage).
How old is your oldest living relative? .
Do you know anyone who is an alcoholic? How has that affected you? >> I currently do not, although I have my suspicions about Sparrow's mother.
Could you willingly live on a vegan diet? >> Health-wise, I assume I could since that's basically how I spent the first 13 years of my life (although I am also aware that bodies change over time and maybe there'd be complications nowadays). I have zero interest in doing it now, though. If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, are you sad that there’ll never be another book or movie? >> I find it difficult to believe that JKR won't run that franchise completely into the ground for as long as she can squeeze money out of its putrefying corpse. At this point, I'd be willing to bet that even many longtime HP fans are over it.
If you’re an only child, do you wish you had siblings? If you have siblings, do you get along? . How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? >> I don't know, a year, two years.
Are you a slut? >> I sure am. What happened last time you got drunk? >> I have no idea, that was a long ass time ago.
When’s the last time you straightened your hair? .
Your mood? >> Eh. Fine. Did you sleep alone last night? >> I did.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? >> I don't plan how much I sleep.
How many cigarettes have you smoked today? >> Zero. Do you like potato chips? >> I like them with sandwiches. Do you give out second chances way too easily? .
What are you excited for? >> Hmm... nothing, I guess. There's nothing major going on any time soon.
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trainingtofreedom · 6 months
January 9, 2024, Pittsburgh
This was a strange stop. Pittsburgh is along the Capital Limited, about halfway. There aren't other stops in Pennsylvania, and this is the only train that runs through the station. It arrives at midnight, so the station only operates from 6pm to 2am, because it has no other daytime purpose.
The station is lit beautifully; obviously, this was a major hub for something in the past, maybe before airplanes became a big deal. I'm not sure. Now it's just unsettling, with a small collection of ghosts that come and go from the building...
I had booked my Airbnb for two nights. That way, I could check in one night, and check out the following night. 11am checkout was useless for me.
I blew into Pittsburgh bright and late, worried that arriving after midnight would make an Uber impossible. I was wrong: there was no trouble. The Pittsburgh station isn't close to anything, and its entrance is below the pretty stuff, so I waited with my too-many bags underneath the track, as usual, and got picked up in a dirty dark parking area. The Airbnb apartment was close-ish, only about 10 minutes and $10.
I didn't like that I had stairs for this one right out front, but at least, it was only four or five stairs up the front. I took my bags up one at a time...fumbled with the electronic entrance lock, and rolled each bag in one at a time. Then up the stairs to my room, one bag at a time too. Finally rolled in before 2am, and settled. I had 22 hours in town.
Welp, I was tired enough to sleep. The train wasn't a sleepy time for me. When I awoke late in the morning, rain was coming down. Not just rain - sleet. Everything was icy or slushy, all day.
I didn't let that stop me: I had to tour the area a little. Checked the buses, and there was a bus nearby, but with the grey wet weather, I didn't think Downtown would be nice either. I walked around "Germantown," which wasn't all that impressive. In the rain, with my raincoat and hat, walking carefully across icy sidewalks.
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Eventually, that got a little bland too, so back to my apartment. You know, even though I walked all over, I never saw a good place to eat for lunch. No fast food. The coffee shop I found for breakfast was under-equipped. So...Guess I would walk down for Pizza.
I remember talking to my Dad about Pittsburgh pizza. He said it was like everywhere else - New York had a style, Chicago had a style, Pittsburgh had normal pizza.
I verified this in person. I also had nothing but a $100 bill to pay for it, so I wound up with $60 in ones for change. No matter, it was a good pizza, and it was something to eat for the next twelve or so hours while I waited for the train.
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It was a quiet, peaceful, rainy day. I don't know that I talked to anyone except the pizza guy, when I walked down to the shop to pick up and pay.
While I was in my room, my hotel deposit was refunded. I would have used that to buy the pizza, had I known ahead of time. Instead, I had an extra $100 for a change. I should have saved it, maybe - that's the homeless-man's constant refrain: "I really should have kept that money."
I didn't. I knew I had another eight hours of sitting in pain on the Amtrak, and I thought, hey maybe I can use this extra cash to get a sleeper car. I was right, too! I paid the extra for a sleeper car on the Capitol Limited, midnight to 9am into Chicago. It was worth it!
Time ran down, I got in two nights of sleep over the 22 hours, then I caught an Uber back out of my Airbnb and back to the train station. No trouble checking my bags or anything: they make special accommodations for the sleeper passengers. I even got the chance to step out and have a smoke under the tracks, in the parking lot. No rain under the tracks!
The next train ride was the best: A two-person sleeper, all to myself, for almost ten hours total. What a delight!
0 notes
musekicker · 2 years
Random Sing drabble with a bunch of ocs. Bryce is my oc, and June and Marcy belong to @halloweennut
The small park was right next to a corner store. A great place to get snacks and slushies after playing at the park. The snacks and slushies was honestly Bryce's favorite part of park outings beside making some sketches in his sketch book.
Bryce was showing Buster one of his new sketches over at one of the park tables when June realized that Marcy was not at her side. She was not at all far of course. Right by the parks water fountain. June saw her and called out for Marcy to come back.
At the sound of her mother calling for her she came running back to her parents side. As she got closer it was clear that the child's overalls pockets were full and were making a jingling noise. 
With the evidence of wet paw prints leading from the fountain and the jingling noise still present, June took a good guess at what was in Marcy's pockets.
"Marcy... where did you get all these coins?" June asked.
She had a feeling she already knew the answer to this question. But still, she must ask.
Marcy grinned big as she reached into her pockets and took out a handful of still damp coins.
"People just throw coins into the water. So I just took them out and put them in my pockets!" Marcy said.
"I see..." June said.
"And now I can get all the gum balls in the gum ball machine now!" Marcy proclaimed.
"Did I hear mention of gumballs?" Bryce asked.
Buster had just came back to the rest of his his family with the Bryce at his side. Naturally Bryce's ears pricked up at the mention of treats. Buster was more concerned by the change in Marcy's hands.
"Where did she-" Buster said.
"The fountain." June explained.
"Oh." Buster said.
June noted the lack of worry on Buster's face. 
"You don't seem to be as worried about this as I am." June said.
"Well... there is a small reason for that." Buster said.
June sighed.
"Buster Moon, what did you do?" June asked.
"I might be guilty of diving for coins in the fountain before." Buster admitted.
"Buster!" June cried.
"Look, I know that wasn't a... great thing, to do. But it was during a time where the theater was in trouble and sometimes every cent counted. I had paid for lunches before with fresh from the fountain coins." Buster said.
June's expression got a bit softer at that.
"I can understand that. Sometimes you do what you have to. Thankfully though, we don't need to do that." June said.
Buster nodded.
"Oh of course. We're not letting Marcy use that change." Buster said.
Marcy did not get the message that she was not to use the money she had taken from the water fountain. She and Bryce were already gone when their parents turned to speak to them. There was no guessing where the kids were. They knew they were at the gumball machine outside the corner store.
They hurried in that direction and yes, as expected, Bryce and Marcy were at the gumball machine and it was too late to stop the dispensing of the gumballs. The kids noticed their parents approach.
"Hi mom, hi dad. Look at all the gumballs we got!" Marcy said.
Buster sighed.
"We were going to say something about not using the change." Buster said.
"Bryce, you knew better." June added in.
Bryce's ears went down just a bit.
"I'm sorry. I heard gumballs and my common sense just was gone." Bryce said.
Marcy meanwhile did not show any sign of being sorry, scooping up more of the gumballs.
"Now I have a lifetimes supply of gumballs!" Marcy proclaimed, the pockets that once held coins now full of gumballs.
There was no putting back the gumballs so the kids did end up keeping them. And a life time supply turned out to be a month worth in all truth.
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gaywalker80085 · 2 years
Flat pt 2
Natasha romanoff x reader
genre: fluff idk
warnings: suggestive themes
A/N: Not proofread. Requests are more open than your moms legs please send me some besides a part 3 to this I have no more content ideas. I don't think this part was as good as the first.
Part 1 Side part
"You don't have to take her you know, I can find someone else." Natasha says flipping the pancakes. Though she says this she hopes you insist so she can see more of you. "I want to take her I can pick her up too."
"Don't you have a job you need to get to during the day?" She asks looking at you quizzically. "I'm at the top of my job so if I want to only work a couple of hours then I'm only working a couple of hours. I'll just go when shes in school."
Natasha just stares at you for a second contemplating. "Where do you work." You try not to show the shock on your face especially since you should've seen this question coming. "Wealth Management type deal. People owe money I make sure it's paid"
She gives a thoughtful hum plating y'alls food and your phone goes off. "Speak of the devil. I'll be right back." You answer your phone as you're making your way outside. "Is it an emergency I told you not to call." You hear Bucky on the other end "We have him but his people are coming soon."
Oh My God "Why do you decide to do your job right when I'm doing something I actually want to. When I was at that boring ass party the other day you had nothing." "I'm sorry boss we can try to keep him on the move." You let out a sigh "No its fine I'll be there in 30."
You go back in with a apologetic smile. "You have to go." Natasha states with a straight face. "Yeah but I can come back after it'll take 3 hours max." Natasha seems like she likes your answer but still keeps a straight face. "Okay you can bring clothes if you want and just sleep here while you're taking her to school." "Sounds like a plan." You give her a kiss on her forehead and leave.
Natasha was left feeling uneasy because she could tell you weren't telling her something but she didn't think she was in the place to push it yet. You came back almost exactly 3 hours later with clothes a slushy and chocolates. When you knocked on the door it opened no more than 5 seconds later.
You gave Natasha the best smile you could muster still slightly panting from the rush to her house and from fear she'd be upset with you for leaving so abruptly. To your surprise when she saw you she immediately started beaming and that relieved most of your worries.
"Whats that?" She questioned pointing to the slushy and chocolates. "I got you chocolate and Alana a slushy to make my amends for having to leave." You say with faux seriousness. She raises her eyebrows amused and hums. "Come in then you're going to let bugs in."
You step inside and take your shoes off. Alana comes running and you hand her the slushy. She squeals in excitement hugging your leg and running to the kitchen to drink it. You can't help but smile at her. She looks just like a tiny version of Natasha the red hair, the green eyes and you can tell she has the fierceness too.
Natasha is standing next to you and she uses her finger to turn your face towards her. She goes on her tip toes a little bit to brush her lips across yours and you stop breathing, and functioning all together. "Thank you baby." She says in a low tone and you whisper. "You're welcome."
She pulls back and gives you a pat on your cheek along with a knowing smirk turning to walk to the kitchen. She knows the effect she has on you and she likes it. "You're too easy to distract." She says as she holds the chocolates and your wallet in her hand. "WHA-"
You jog to catch up with her and take your wallet out of her hand. "I let you do that." "I'll let you think that." She says still walking. When you get in the kitchen you see Alana has already downed most of the slushy and you know what's about to happen.
She all of a sudden stops drinking and looks and Natasha and then you. "Brainfreeze." She states and then scrunches her eyes shut. You walk till your across the counter from her and reach to tap her arm. "Rub your tongue on the roof of your mouth."
You can see the underside of her jaw moving so you know she listened. After a few seconds pass she opens her eyes with a gasp. "It worked!" You smile victoriously and give her a high-five. You turn to see Natasha and she has a soft smile on her face.
You all spend the rest of the night watching TV and playing games. Yall we're playing trouble you and Alana vs Natasha because she wanted to be on your team. Alana had been leaning on you for a while until she eventually just fully sitting on your lap head in the crook of your neck knocked out.
Natasha was sitting there enjoying the scene until she realized you were stiff as a board. You like kids you really do but you are honestly terrified of making her uncomfortable and/or waking her up. Natasha let out a giggle before scooping her up.
"She's a deep sleeper you could've held her upside down by the ankles and she would've kept on sleeping." You smile at that and follow her up the stairs. After she puts Alana to bed she quietly closes the door and turns to you. She grabs your chin between her pointer finger and her thumb pulling you down and giving you a gentle peck.
She smiles and grabs your hand pulling you to her bedroom. "I'm going to shower." She says as she walks to the bathroom taking her shirt off. You watched mouth agape not knowing what to do with yourself. She turned into the door but didn't close it and a few seconds later while she was pulling her pants down she peeked her head out. "Are you coming?" You smiled quickly nodding your head and rushing to follow her.
As you got into the bathroom you only caught a glimpse of her pulling her leg into the shower. You quickly started yanking your clothes off and got in with her. Her back was to you and you couldn't help but take a look at her backside. You took a few small steps towards her and grabbed her waist.
You pulled her against you and started placing kisses at the base of her neck. She craned her neck to the side to give you more access. You found one of the spots you had noticed was particularly sensitive last night and nipped at it soothing it with your tongue.
At that she started pushing back into you and grabbed your hands bringing them up to her breasts. You started gently massaging them switching to kiss along the other side of her neck. After a few minutes she needed more. She turned around in your hold to start kissing up your neck and across your jaw.
You turned your head to meet your lips with hers and put your hands under her thighs and pulled her up to wrap her legs around you.
After you had your steamy shower (pun intended) and did your nighttime routines you layed down with Natashas head on your chest. She turned her head to face you and started drawing shapes at the top of your chest concentrating on her finger. "Where'd you go earlier." The question caught you off guard and you looked down at her. "I went to work I told you that." You said softly as you began raking your fingers through her hair and looked back at the ceiling.
Her fingers stopped and started tapping and you looked back down at her. You could tell she was contemplating saying something else. You put your finger under her chin and brought her lips to yours. "What is it sweetheart?" You asked her trying to look into her eyes but she was looking away. She kept looking around silently until she let out a huff and muttered "Yeah but where did you go?"
You realize she means location and you don't know how to explain it without potentially scaring her away. You don't want her to think your line of work could put her or Alana into harms way. You wouldn't risk starting to get close with them if that was a possibility.
"I went to a storage facility because someone there owed me money." You stated. "Did they pay you the money?" She asked glancing up into your eyes before looking back at her fingers. "Yeah the money plus a late fee." You told her moving your hand to rub her cheek with your thumb.
You weren't lying there was someone who owed you money at that facility and you did get the money plus some from them. You just left out the part where they were in one of the units and you beat them into giving it to you. She let it go and gave you a kiss before turning over to go to sleep.
You woke up to Natasha combing her fingers through your hair, calling your name. "Y/N it's time to get up." You groaned rolling onto your stomach shoving your face into the pillow. She laughed at you and pulled your shoulder so you rolled onto your back. You held the pillow so it stayed on your face and she straddled your hips.
She reached down and slowly took the pillow down and you squinted wanting to look at her but not wanting the light to hurt your eyes. She smiled at you and leaned in to kiss you. She started rolling her hips against yours and you moved your hands to grip her waist. The kiss started to get heated but she pulled away and promptly made her way out of the room.
"Breakfast is ready sleepy head time to get up." She yelled to you from the hall. "Ugh okay okay I'm up." You groaned. You got dressed and made your way to the kitchen to see her and Alana laughing. She gives Alana a kiss on the head and walks up to you. "Okay I have to go she's ready and I texted you the address. Doors open at 8:30 she likes to be there at 8:25 and she gets let out at 3:30 you have to wait for her at the front doors of the school." She tells you
You say "Okay." Rubbing the sleep from your eyes and she smiles before giving you a quick kiss and leaving. You look at Alana who has just finished her breakfast and she walks to the sink trying to put her dishes in but she can't reach. You walk over, place them in the sink and rinse them out. Out of the blue you hear her ask "Is Mommy your girlfriend?" You snap your head towards her with widened eyes. "Uh I don't know maybe you should ask her when she gets home from work." She squinted her eyes at you and goes to watch TV.
You look at the time and it's 7:43 you look up the address and it's 16 minutes away. You eat your breakfast and get ready. You grab the carseat Natasha left by the front door and put it in your car. After grabbing Alana and making sure she had everything you take her to school.
You drop her off without a hitch and decide to go and actually get some work done. You go to your warehouse and decide on getting your finances in order so that's what you decide to do. Around 2:45 you decide to check how long it will take to get to Alanas school and it's 22 minutes. You're wrapping up some paper work when you glance at the clock.
While it wouldn't be that bad for anything else to be 6 minutes late this is bad. You burst up from your chair grab your coat and keys and make a mad dash for your car. You start it before even getting buckled going 20 miles over the speed limit practically the whole way. You're just about to turn onto the road her school is on with 2 minutes to spare when you see red and blue lights.
You hope and pray this guy is on your payroll you can not be late to pick up the girl your datings daughter. He gets to the window and when he sticks his head down you could just punch him. "SAM, Go away I have to pick my friends daughter up from school!" You say at him annoyed. "Ooooh your friend. Is it your GiRlFrIeNd." He says laughing. "Fuck off." Is all you say before pulling away.
You get there as the bell rings and you run up to the front and try to act like you've been there the whole time. You see Alana come out and she looks a little anxious until she sees you and then had a small smile. "Hi Y/N." She says grabbing your hand. "Hey, how was school?" You ask "It was good, except this boy kept bothering me all class." She says shrugging. "Does he bother you a lot?" "Yeah pretty much everyday none of the teachers stop him because his dad is rich."
"Whats his name?" You ask her. "Tommy Maximoff." She says looking at you. "I'll have it taken care of." Is all you tell her. You know the Maximoffs more specifically Vision. All of his wealth comes from you and he gets on you're nerves but he's a good connection to have. You see his wife among the sea of children and parents. You stare at her until she looks towards you and when she does you send her a wink.
While you do like Natasha a lot you do have to admit that Visions wife wanda is hot. You might just have a thing for moms but that's besides the point. You've slept with Mrs.Maximoff a few times. Her husband's annoying and she's hot what other reason does there need to be.
You take Alana back to Natashas after stopping for ice cream. When you get inside you help Alana with her homework and then y'all chill on the couch until Natasha gets home.
"I'm back!" Is all you hear before Alana is off the couch and running to the front door. You get up and go to follow her. When you get there Natasha had Alana on her hip and they're talking about her day. You walk up and give Natasha a kiss on her cheek before grabbing her bags from work to take to her kitchen.
They come into the kitchen and you look over to see Alana whispering into Natashas ear and you see Natashas eyes go wide.
A/N: I feel like this was kind of dragged on but idk. I didn't really mean to make reader a mob boss sort of deal but I didn't want them to be a biker working a 9 to 5 and I wanted to keep it interesting. I'll probably make 1 more part and that will be it.
Side part
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daegalfangirl · 3 years
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𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝐧.𝐲𝐭
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summary ; you and yuta were up late and decided gas station food was the best way to go.
pairing ; yuta x reader
genre ; fluff
wc ; 0.5k+
warnings ; consumption of DELICIOUS gas station food (just a slushie LMFAO) might make you hungry bc it made me hungry
a/n ; i projected my late night gas station visits obsession onto this and im sorry but it was so worth it bc gas station food is OWFDOWNSLEBD and just going w like there with someone else with you idk it just takes me into another world it's such an escape from reality. didnt mean to get detailed about that oops but lord it's actually so good ugh. pls tell me im not the only one
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part of my nct ships!! | ship #2
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yuta: you busy?
you: nope, per usual though
yuta: meet me at the gas station in 10
you: yuta this is the 4th time this week 😭
yuta: but does it ever get old?
you: ...no
yuta: see you there <3
you shoved your freezing hands in your fluffy jacket as you arrived at the gas station. quite a short trip if you must say.
maybe a 5 minute walk at most?
it was near both you and yuta's apartment buildings which were very close on their own, which was a pretty significant perk in your relationship.
you weren't surprised when you saw yuta waiting outside, some warm jacket wrapped around his frame. it was quite chilly during the nighttime, but you didn't mind. it amplified the nostalgia in a way that you couldn't explain.
"this is starting to become a habit between us yuta." you say as you approach him. "you're right, but any habit with you involved makes it good," he says with a wink.
you laugh and wave your hand at him, jokingly signaling for him to go away. "you're being too cheesy naka!" you wince as the both of you let out a short fit of laughs.
"thirsty?" he asks. "yes, we're getting slushies and i don't care that i'm freezing my ass off right now." you let out a bit sternly. yuta laughs at how adamant you are, not complaining one bit.
"how could i say no?" he says as he opens the door to the gas station, signaling for you to get inside first.
how chivalrous.
you both walked out, you deciding to try a new flavor. there was a bench nearby and you both sat down, opting on talking and just having fun outside together until slumber dawns upon either of you.
you looked at your slushie, observing the flavor, it wasn't something you would pick normally. the name seemed quite off, but it felt boring picking the same drink every time. well, that's what yuta said. you agreed though and let him select the flavor.
he was paying for it anyway, so what's to lose?
that's what led you to take a sip of the unfamiliar flavor, not knowing what's to come. you put your hand over your mouth in shock, and yuta turns his head to you.
"is it good?" he asks curiously, trying to figure out your expression.
you removed your hand from your mouth and swallowed the sip. "it's disgusting, try it." you say, as you pass the drink to him.
how bad could a slushie be? they would know if the flavors are bad, yuta thinks, not expecting much from it. he takes a sip and is met with an awful transaction between the liquid and his tastebuds.
he throws away the drink casually before you could protest. you felt a bit bad since he paid for it, but his next words cracked you up.
"i owe you money for making you try that flavor." he jokes. you let out a giggle in response.
everything worked out in the end though, as you and yuta shared his drink and conversed, the moon shining brightly above.
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❣︎daegalfangirl, 2021
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barry-j-blupjeans · 3 years
if you feel so inclined, 13 (date at the arcade becomes almost dangerously competitive) and blupjeans :0 ?
(also im only like. 80% sure I didn't already send this so if I did, just disregard this dbdbrhrj)
13. date at the arcade becomes almost dangerously competitive
((prompts here - still accepting!!))
Rio, simply put, was not paid enough for this. Working at The Adventure Zone! arcade was supposed to just be a small thing. They needed spending money, desperately, because who else was going to afford to let them go to the mall with friends. The Adventure Zone was not the worst place to work, either way. Decent pay, decent people, decent environment, if you could ignore the smell of sweat and the sound of thunderous pop music your whole shift.
All said and done, it was fine. As fine as a job could be, anyway.
But today. Oh boy, today, Rio was really on their last nerve.
The first thing they had to do this shift was clean up slushie off the arcade's brand-new carpet. And then a child had screamed for about an hour and a half while Rio tried to make sure everything was running smoothly. Their coworker, Dylan, had come in late and Rio wasn't sure if he was high or if he was just really tired. Both, probably.
And now, there was a couple lording the air hockey table to themselves. It had started off fine. They were the perfect example of good customers, saying their please's and thank you's and being polite. The human guy had won his wife a giant stuffed panda in a claw machine. She had repaid him by buying their shitty nachos, which he actually seemed to enjoy. They played games. They had a good time.
The building of The Adventure Zone no longer had a roof. Well, Rio was sure it was somewhere, but it wasn't on the building, for sure. The ground, with their new goddamn carpet, had splintered and cracked. The piece that held the air hockey table was currently a good a hundred feet off the ground, with the couple still on it, violently playing as if they were none the wiser of what was going on below. The arcade was in flames.
"Should we... tell them to stop?" Rio asked, gazing up. The women's face had melted into a skull. Rio wasn't sure if this situation was in the employee's handbook.
"Tell them to stop?" Dylan repeated, gaping at them. "Do you know who they are, Rio?"
"The reigning air hockey world champions?" Rio guessed.
"No! Well, maybe? No, it's Lup and Barry Bluejeans. Like from Story and Song? Like the group of people is arcade is semi-named after? We can't tell them to stop playing air hockey, that's- I'm pretty sure that's illegal."
"The names are not ringing any bells," Rio admitted, watching the puck get launched off the table, very much on fire. The human man- Barry, probably?- held out a hand and it zoomed back, slamming back onto the table with an audible bang!
"You don't pay attention at all in history class, do you?" Dylan asked.
"No," Rio said honestly.
"The people who stopped the Hunger," Dylan said as if that would help. "Y'know?? The twins, the lover, and whatever. We can't just- I'm not gonna tell them to stop."
"I don't get paid enough to tell them to stop," Rio said. Lup's flesh had completely melted off now and there was a literal fire where her eyes used to be. Dylan sighed.
"Fair enough," he said.
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afterhoursmcu · 3 years
mcu characters movie snack orders
tony: coca cola and popcorn, he’s the kind of guy to go for the classics
steve: he buys two water bottles and a box of sno-caps. he spends the next twenty minutes mumbling to himself about how expensive everything was and how he could’ve bought a house with the amount of money he dropped today for fucking water and sno-caps
thor: gummy bears. skittles. m&ms. sweet tarts. milk duds. this man is that child in the gas station with a twenty dollar bill that buys all of the candy he can get his hands on and absolutely nothing to drink. he ends of drinking half of steve’s water & tony paid for most of his candy
natasha: she came prepared with a bag of reese’s pieces she bought at cvs and a bottle of wine
bruce: this man brings a bottle of water from home and smuggles it inside his jacket while feeling guilty the entire time. he buys a thing of raisinets so if he looks guilty it’s because he spent, like, eight dollars on a box of fucking raisins
wanda: she gets a red slushy and a box of junior mints if she’s with vision. if she’s with everyone else, it’s the slushy and black licorice— she has a reputation to keep, after all
peter: he has one of those kid’s club boxes you can get that comes with a small popcorn, candy (he gets sour patch kids), and a slushy tony bought it for him
t’challa: this man just gets water and a large popcorn that he shares with everyone in the theater i love this person
scott: he gets two large boxes of milk duds and a large root beer with no ice because "he’s not scamming himself out of his drink for some cold water". he was short two dollars & t’challa took care of it
loki: scoffs at the collection of snacks they have, when asked if he wants anything he looks offended. he sneaks out in the middle of the movie saying he has to go to the bathroom but he’s actually just buying sour patch kids because peter has them and they look really good
bucky: blue slushy and a medium bag of popcorn that he shares with sam
sam: red slushy and a bag of m&ms that he keeps throwing into bucky’s popcorn because "the taste is elite" (it is)
vision: guys, he is a robot
carol: this woman is drinking beer (that she smuggled in) and eating twizzlers. she has used the twizzler as a straw.
they’re all watching the muppet movie
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