#i dream of the day when i finish all of my deadlines so i can make some proper fanart
yudol-skorbi · 1 year
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i am marathoning trough critrole rn as you probably can tell
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Im seeing the light at the end of this long ass tunnel that was getting my master's degree : im getting close to finishing my thesis and i just got my dream internship
I fell apart in 2020, rebuilt myself slowly but surely and now everything is falling in place
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pregnant-piggy · 1 year
hey I want wondering if you could do a harry j potter x reader oneshot when the are dating for a few months (takes place in ootp or hbp I don’t really mind which) and reader is still not completely comfortable with cuddling and that kind of stuff with harry cause she just isn’t used to physical contact and one day when harry wants to cuddle with her in the evening she stiffens or flinches and harry is extremely worried (yk him and his adorable overreacting) cause he doesn’t know if she has any trauma or something and you can make the rest up just make it extremely fluffy (only if you want to do it tho I just think it’d be very cute <3)
hi love, so while my requests are technically not open, you were lucky there weren't many requests from my celebration so i did write this :) and it wouldn't be a blurb from me if it wasn't 1.3k words (i swear i'm not doing it on purpose)
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The fire spit out sparks near your feet as you poured over your Divination homework. You were halfway but it was becoming harder and harder to come up with solutions and explanations of your dreams and with every minute that passed your concentration grew smaller. Not that there had been much to begin with when you'd started, but whether you liked it or not, the deadline was approaching fast.
Just as you'd finished describing your dream of last Thursday—something to do with unruly black hair and glasses—you got interrupted. Someone dropped to the couch behind where you were sitting on the floor and let out a loud sigh. Then in the corner of your eye you saw a flash of red hair darting to the last empty chair on your side, followed by a "How gentleman-like of you, Ron".
Hermione sat down next to you on the floor and glanced at your parchment. "I feel sad for you."
"You should," you said, dropping your quill and massaging your forehead with your fingers. "It's a wreck."
"Wait a minute." Ron perked up from his slouch in the armchair. "Why did you not feel sorry for me when I complained about it today?"
Hermione shook her head. "Because you don't even try, Ron! You predicted you'd be caught by a mob of horses and be forced to turn into a centaur."
"So?" Ron shrugged. "That's just what my dream meant."
"Be careful," you said to Ron. "Or soon you'll dream it's a mob of Hermiones chasing you."
Ron shivered as if that was the worst nightmare anyone could have and behind you Harry barked a laugh. You looked back at your boyfriend and smiled. The dating thing was still new and you were trying to find your way with it, but you were glad to have made him laugh.
"Hush now," you said, waving a hand towards Ron. "I want to finish this."
You did get silence but only for five minutes or so before Ron started to talk about the upcoming quidditch game against Ravenclaw. You, who had been busy coming up with a dream for Friday—maybe Ron's technique wasn't all that bad after all—got pulled from your focus. You tried for ten more minutes, but eventually had to admit that you were doing more bad than good and would have to correct everything you wrote tomorrow so you gave up  You threw your quill down and rested back against the bottom of the sofa, right next to Harry's legs.
Without turning away from his conversation, he laid his hand atop your head and started massaging it.
You froze, heart skipping a beat and pumping twice as fast after. Every muscle in your body grew rigid, frozen, and you carefully moved away, pretending to grab something of the table, but in fact trying to get away as unnoticeable as possible.
No one noticed. Harry's hand fell back but he said nothing nor did he move closer again. With a pounding heart you stared at your Divination paper, pretending you were fixing a mistake.
It wasn't Harry's fault. Really not. You'd never been good with physical contact but you also never thought it a real problem till you got together with Harry. Now each time he wrapped an arm around you or reached for your hand, you froze, panicked, feared. You weren't even sure why.
You also didn't know if Harry had noticed. He had never said anything about it and whenever it happened and you pulled away he seemed not to notice it. But you knew it wasn't fair to him and you did try to do better. Just yesterday he had taken your hand and without too much panic you'd held onto it for the entire walk.
It was a slow process and many times you were on the verge of telling him about it, but you were scared.
After a few minutes of calming down, you got up and sat next to Harry on the sofa, leaving enough space so you weren't touching but no one would think anything of it.
Ron was animatedly telling a story about Flitwick who had fallen off his chair and Harry turned to you.
"You alright?" he asked softly.
"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine." You bit your lip and Harry's gaze flicked down but back up quickly.
"Are you sure?" he went on. "You seem a bit off."
"No, all's good. Don't worry." You shrugged. "Just tired."
"Okay." Harry's mouth split into a smile. "'Cause you'd tell me if something was wrong right?"
"Of course." You tried a smile and apparently it was convincing enough for him to drop the subject.
"It's not that funny, Ron," Hermione said, tearing your focus from Harry. She shook her head while Ron wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.
Next to you, Harry smiled lazily. "It kinda was. He made the funniest noise ever." He proceeded to make some high-pitched noise that had Ron roaring with laughter in his chair until he fell off.
"Serves you right," Hermione mumbled, but there was a smile on her face.
You laughed and sunk a little more into the sofa. So much that you almost didn't see what happened next to you. Almost.
Harry stretched out his arm to lay it over your shoulders and before you could stop it, you flinched.
And this time there was no mistaking it. He noticed.
"What-?" he stuttered.
Your eyes were wide, your body frozen in shock. You hadn't meant for it to happen, didn't even know it would happen. You'd been on edge all day, tired, overworked, but you never figured it would end up like this.
And unfortunately not only Harry noticed.
"Ron," Hermione said. "Ron, come on. I want to talk to you."
Ron looked up from where he hadn't even bothered get up from the floor. "Why?"
"Just something." Hermione's eyes flicked to your frozen body and Harry's face that you were too afraid to look at. "Quickly. Come on, Ron."
"Alright, fine. But I don't see what could possibly be so important."
"Just come!"
Hermione quickly left, Ron following after her reluctantly. You were glad she'd given you some privacy, but you didn't want to see the undoubtedly hurt look on Harry's face.
"y/n?" Harry didn't reach out for you and somehow that hurt. "Can you look at me?"
You took a deep breath and looked up. You had expected pain, anger, disappointment, but instead there was only worry and confusion. Harry's eyes were full of concern and that gave you the slightest of hope. He didn't hate you.
"What happened?" he asked softly.
"I'm trying really hard, Harry. It's just... physical contact and touch and everything---it doesn't come easy to me. I don't know why; it's just always been so for me." You looked down at your hands in your lap. "And I want to change that. I do. But it takes time."
Harry was silent for a long time and you didn't look at him. You'd understand if he didn't want to see you any longer, if he wanted to break things off. You'd hate that, of course, but you'd understand.
"We have time."
You lifted your gaze to his face. He was watching you with a smile.
"You said it takes time. We have time. All the time in the world if we need."
"You mean that," you realised.
"I do. I don't want to lose you over something like this. We'll find our way with it. I promise."
A watery laugh fell from your lips. You nodded, more relieved than words could describe. He didn't hate you, not at all. Your fears had been ungrounded.
"Thank you," you said. And very carefully, you placed your hand atop Harry's one. Nerves spiked in your chest, but you pushed them down. "It's not that I hate you touching me. It's just a bit more difficult."
Harry turned his hand over and held yours. He was careful, soft.
"That's alright," he said. "I'm still yours."
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hp taglist: @kingalrdy @missswriter @awritingtree @ananad1 @secretsthathauntus @izzyyy-1 @nyotamalfoy @xxinvisiblexx @idli-dosa @lacunaanonymoused @kitkatkl @d22malfoys
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bloomzone · 29 days
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📋-goal sitting tips :
Setting goals for school can help you stay focused, organized, and motivated throughout the academic year. Here’s a tailored with practical goal-setting tips specifically for students:
1️⃣ Define Your Academic Goals
Think about what you want to achieve this year. Is it achieving a certain GPA, mastering specific subject, or for college entrance exams? Be about your objectives.
2️⃣ Set Specific Goals
Make your goals specific so that you know exactly what you’re aiming for. Instead of saying “I want to do well in math,” say, “I want to raise my math grade to a B by the end of the semester.”
3️⃣ Make It Measurable
Use measurable criteria to track your progress. This could be completing a certain number of study hours each week, scoring a specific grade on tests, or finishing all assigned homework on time.
4️⃣ Use the SMART Framework
Set SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example:
- Specific: “I will study for at least two hours every Sunday for my history exam.”
- Measurable: “I will complete all my assignments on time.”
- Achievable: “I can realistically aim for a 3.5 GPA this semester.”
- Relevant: “Improving my writing skills aligns with my goal of studying English Literature in college.”
- Time-bound: “I will finish reading my assigned book by the end of this month.”
5️⃣ Break It Down
Divide larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. If your goal is to prepare for finals, break it down into studying each subject for a set amount of time each week.
6️⃣ Create an Action Plan
Draft a detailed action plan, including specific tasks and deadlines. Use a planner or a digital calendar to map out when you’ll study, complete assignments, and review for tests.
7️⃣ Stay Organized
Organize your materials, notes, and schedules. Use binders, color-coded folders, and digital tools to keep everything in one place, making it easier to stay on top of your tasks.
8️⃣ Set Daily and Weekly Goals
In addition to long-term goals, set daily and weekly goals to keep yourself accountable. Each night, jot down what you want to accomplish the next day—homework assignments, studying, or extracurricular activities.
9️⃣ Find a Study Routine That Works for You
Experiment with different study techniques and environments to figure out what helps you focus best, whether it’s quiet study sessions, group study dates, or flashcards.
🔟 Seek Help When Needed
Don’t hesitate to ask for help from teachers, tutors, or classmates if you’re struggling with a subject. Learning is a collaborative process, and seeking assistance shows strength.
1️⃣1️⃣ Celebrate Small Wins
Acknowledge your accomplishments, big and small. If you finish an assignment on time or score well on a test, treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a favorite snack or a fun outing.
1️⃣2️⃣ Reflect and Adjust
At the end of each month or term, take a moment to reflect on what you accomplished. Assess what strategies worked and what didn’t, and adjust your goals and plans accordingly.
1️⃣3️⃣ Stay Positive and Motivated
Keep a motivational quote or your goals visible at your study area. Find inspiration in stories of successful students who overcame challenges and achieve their dreams.
1️⃣4️⃣ Maintain a Growth Mindset
Embrace a growth mindset by acknowledging that failures are opportunities to learn. If you face setbacks, reflect on what you can improve and keep moving forward.
© bloomzone
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taurusdaylight · 8 months
our rendezvous
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summary. being lost in the horizon sounds scary, but not when you're hand in hand with your lover.
pairing. boyfriend! jaehyun x implied fem! reader
genre. established relationship! au, fluff
word count. 4,021
warnings/tags. as far as i know, nothing :) it's only a little angsty because of uncertainty about the future, but nothing too intense! very very fluffy,,,, maybe a lil pda (oh?)
a/n. ur resident valentine is back! i'm so sorry for going off the grid, my life has been a blur over the past few months… i did nothing and everything. anyway, this is inspired by none other than horizon (soty!) and i was very lucky to have had the opportunity to visit florence, where the horizon mv was filmed, so i knew i had to write this! after finishing it, i realised it's rather similar to my first fic but what can i say, i love jaehyun travel! aus, plus, jaehyun and forever just go together. <3 hope the new year is treating everyone kindly, and as always, have fun reading~
Navigating life after graduation was akin to walking through a maze, struggling to find a way out. Growing up, you always thought that everyone’s life had already been nicely written out since there were only two things that truly mattered: school and work. The adults always preached about how good academic records would land you a great job. All your life, you never failed to achieve and maintain stellar grades so you never doubted that you would get a job. Yet, as the day of your graduation approached, you started to worry that you might not end up finding a job. Or at least, one that was to your liking.
The thought of working for the rest of your life sounded… boring. Perhaps an oversimplification, but you always made sure to put a hundred percent into your studies, so you felt like you never really had the chance to live your life the way you wanted to. You weren’t a party animal per se, but you wouldn’t hesitate to skip a night out with your friends if you had an important deadline to meet. It was always academics over everything else. Apart from meeting expectations that others had on you, the fear of failure haunted you too. More often than not, the urge of wanting to disappear creeped into your mind. It didn’t seem like a bad idea, running away to some random part of the world where no one knew you. Once you’ve spent enough time there, you could easily travel to another city and explore till your heart’s content. That was the dream. Unfortunately, this particular dream of yours never came true.
That was, until now.
Treading the path of adulthood was admittedly scary, you could slip and fall at any given moment and not know how to pick yourself up. But, you weren’t on your own. 
Jeong Jaehyun, your boyfriend of two years, shared the same sentiment. Sure, he was ambitious and had his goals set out. Like you, however, working himself to death wasn’t one of the things on his list. Jaehyun believed that it was important to strike a balance, to not throw yourself into something so deep that you would get lost in it. Working may be important but it would never hurt to have a little fun whenever time called for it. 
You first met Jaehyun in Introduction to Film Studies. Both second-year students, you and Jaehyun clicked extremely well with each other as you bonded over your shared love for films. What started as study sessions to help each other with assignments eventually progressed to warm, cosy movie date nights that also involved cuddling under a fluffy blanket on Jaehyun’s couch. 
While there have been minor arguments over those two years, you and Jaehyun always made sure to communicate. After all, a couple is supposed to fight the problem, not each other. The both of you understood that. These disagreements never bothered you that much because you believed that they were part and parcel of every relationship. Instead, you wondered more about how lucky you are to have found someone like Jaehyun. As you liked to put it, Jaehyun was your twin flame. He spoke to your soul in a way that no one else could.
Instead of taking the conventional route of starting a full-time job after graduating, you and Jaehyun booked one-way tickets to Rome the week after your final exams. How long the both of you were going to stay there for, that was a question for another time. The plan was to have no plan, going wherever your feet took you. Both of your parents weren’t exactly agreeable about this idea, nagging about how irresponsible and irrational it was. But what could they do? It’s not as if they could physically stop two grown adults from going. Eventually, they were able to come to terms with it and simply asked the both of you to stay safe. 
It’s been about three weeks or so since you two arrived in Rome. Tranquil mornings without a blaring alarm was something that you could really get used to. The icing on the cake would be waking up to the sight of Jaehyun sleeping peacefully next to you, an arm securely draped around your waist. His lips would slightly jut out, you would sometimes sneak a kiss or two because he simply looked too adorable to resist. 
A day out together would look something like sitting by an artwork in a museum, coming up with various interpretations or hopping from café to café to try out different desserts (which were often, gelato), you couldn’t count with your fingers the number of times the staff had to chase the both of you out because they were closing. Time is said to fly past when you’re having fun, but even more so when you’re spending it with the love of your life. At least, that’s what you think. 
The both of you woke up earlier than usual today because you’d turned in early the previous night, probably exhausted from all the walking. The sun wasn’t up yet, which meant that there were limited stores that were operating during this time too. It felt like a waste to sleep in and laze around in the apartment, so came the impulse decision of buying last-minute train tickets to Florence. 
“C’mon baby,” Jaehyun half-shouted, his gaze flickering between you and the platform located at the other end of the station.
Hands intertwined, you and Jaehyun were sprinting as fast as your legs could carry you in order to catch your train that leaves in approximately two minutes. Or rather, you were doing everything in your power to match Jaehyun’s speed because why was he running like he was competing in the Olympics? So much for wanting an athletic boyfriend. 
You were almost out of breath from running, you didn’t even have the energy to give Jaehyun a verbal answer. Instead, you tried to speed up like he told you to. After what felt like a hundred miles, the both of you finally reached the platform, boarded the train, and settled down into your allocated seats. 
“Oh my goodness. We are never doing that again,” you said, panting. 
Jaehyun shot you a wide grin. “Now that’s what I call an intense leg day.” 
You were rendered speechless. Here you were, thinking that he was going to agree with you. But you also remembered that Jaehyun was a gym rat first, your boyfriend second. Jaehyun goes a little over the top with exercising, you could tell that much just by looking at his physique. Though, you wouldn’t say that it was exactly a bad thing. In fact, what a sight for sore eyes he was… 
Before you had a chance to respond, Jaehyun used his other hand to push your head towards his shoulder. “Go to sleep, doll. Don’t want you feeling cranky in the middle of the day because you didn’t get to take your daily nap. I’ll wake you up when we’re reaching.”
Despite not being able to see him, you could hear the smile in Jaehyun’s voice, which caused you to grin too. Perhaps it was Jaehyun’s shoulder that made you comfy, but you could feel the sleepiness slowly start to envelop you, so you snuggled even closer to him.
“Good night, Jay,” you said before falling into slumber.
The train ride took faster than expected, probably because you were asleep throughout the journey. Upon alighting, you and Jaehyun walked aimlessly along Via Faenza. You stopped in your tracks when you caught the pleasant aroma of coffee beans coming from a café, it was so inviting that the both of you had no choice but to enter.
Save for the long line of people in office-wear queuing to get their morning coffee fix, there was no one else occupying the seats in the café. Wanting to be away from the crowd, you and Jaehyun made your way to the corner booth seat situated all the way inside after getting your order. You sat next to each other, with Jaehyun's arm wrapped around your waist. Your torso was slightly exposed because of the cropped top that you wore, and Jaehyun’s fingertips easily found purchase on your skin. Soft traces all over, which oddly enough, made you feel tingly and warm simultaneously. 
“Jaehyun,” you called out.
He turned to look at you. “Hmm?” 
“Do you regret being here with me? Don’t you feel like you’re wasting your life away?”
Jaehyun halted his movements, but he did not loosen his grip on your waist. His answer was written all over his face, from his creased eyebrows to his frowning lips. 
“Of course not, baby. Did I do or say something to make you think that way? I’m sorry if I did,” he said sincerely. 
“No, you didn’t do or say anything of that sort!” you quickly clarified. “I think I’m just worried about the future, you know? Once all of this is over…”
A small smile played on Jaehyun’s lips as he removed his arm from your waist. He cupped your face in his hand, sighing. “I wish you could see yourself the way I saw you, because then you’d have nothing to worry about at all. You’re going to do great things, ____. I’m sure of that. But for now, just let loose and enjoy yourself, okay? You deserve to have a break.” 
Jaehyun’s words could bring you to tears. He radiated so much positivity that it naturally rubbed off onto you, especially with the amount of time that you spend with each other. However, there were still moments of weakness, like now, where you’d inevitably think about how things could possibly go wrong. Before you could spiral into a whirlpool of negative thoughts, however, Jaehyun would pull you right out of it by telling you exactly what you need to hear in order to help get you through these times.
“Thank you,” you whispered, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on Jaehyun’s cheek.
Jaehyun made a sound, as if to signal that he was pondering. He pointed at his cheek and tapped on it with his index finger several times. “One more?”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his request, but who were you to deny him? Since you were feeling generous and grateful to your boyfriend, you quickly moved closer to give him two more kisses. One on his cheek, and the other on his lips. The best part was seeing the Cheshire cat smile appear on his face after he’d received his well-deserved kisses.
For the rest of the time at the café, you and Jaehyun were people-watching through the glass window while sipping on coffee and feeding each other small spoonfuls of pastries. At some point, random passer-bys became a part of a guessing game that started out of nowhere. Dating or siblings? What would their coffee order be if they came in here? The both of you had a lot of fun making up stories to back up your answer, boisterous laughter sounding through the place. 
Afterwards, you and Jaehyun continued wandering through the streets now that more stores have opened. An apparel store selling headwear caught Jaehyun’s eye, and he spent about twenty minutes or so looking through the bucket hats. Taking one in his hand, he tried it on and started making silly faces at you while dancing. 
“Stop it, you’re embarrassing me.” You reached a hand out in an attempt to remove the hat from Jaehyun’s head, but he swiftly avoided you.
He held on tightly to the hat. “I think this was made for me. I’m definitely getting it.”
The hat didn’t look bad on him, but it was still… questionable. A helpless sigh escaped your lips when you knew that nothing you say would change his mind. “Okay… as long as you’re happy.” 
Fortunately, Jaehyun didn’t have thoughts of wearing the hat there and then. Because if not, you would think twice about walking next to him.
The next few stores mostly sold vintage items and souvenirs. You and Jaehyun ended up getting matching gnomes that had the initials of your first names carved into it. While checking out at the counter, the cashier made a comment about how cute the two of you look together and that the gnomes were such fitting choices, so much so that they looked like mini versions of you two. With shy smiles, the both of you thanked her before exiting the store. You also noticed the tinge of red on Jaehyun’s ears, but kept quiet about it since you were most likely a blushing mess yourself. 
Then, it was time for lunch. 
You and Jaehyun had previously crafted a mini bucket list, and one of the things on the list was to try the various types of pasta while you were in Italy, so that’s what the both of you had for lunch. It appeared that all the shopping must have taken up a great deal of your energy because the both of you still had an appetite for dessert afterwards, or, rather, gelato was considered a staple so there was no way that dessert could be skipped. 
Although it was sunny, the summer heat wasn’t unbearable so you two were at the outdoor seating area of the gelato café. Within the vicinity of the café, there was a group of children playing catch with one another. After finishing the gelato, Jaehyun dragged you along to them. 
“Ciao! I’m Jay,” he introduced with a friendly smile. 
You introduced yourself to them too and stood behind Jaehyun, hiding slightly. You didn’t have anything against children, but you still considered them to be strangers, and you always had a hard time talking to strangers due to your reserved nature. You barely had any experience with children too so this was still foreign to you.
On the flipside, Jaehyun adores children. You could see it in the way his eyes would light up whenever he interacted with him. Not to mention, he was great with children (an understatement, if you had to be truthful). Seeing Jaehyun with children always made your heart swell, in a good or bad way, you weren’t sure… The only thing you were certain of was that you definitely wanted to have his children.
While you were spacing out, Jaehyun was quick to ask and memorise the names of the children. He played around with them for a bit and made sure to include you as well, the game of catch was never so fun before. However, it wasn’t long before you got tired, so you opted to sit at one corner to watch them. You whipped out your phone to capture this moment, giggling at how precious Jaehyun looked. Happiness looked great on Jaehyun, and you hoped that it would stay on him for a long, long time.
All of them grew tired after a few rounds too, putting an end to the game. While they were busy running around, you discreetly returned back to the café and told the cashier that you would be paying for the children to get gelato. You also grabbed a bottle of water and gave it to Jaehyun, who was perspiring profusely; indeed, an intense leg day it was for him. 
Through body language and very poorly spoken Italian, you tried to tell the children that they could go pick out the flavours that they wanted at the café. You were far too preoccupied with communicating that to them, the endearing look that Jaehyun had on his face went unnoticed by you. Thankfully, the cashier was there to bridge the language barrier and they managed to get their gelato without any hiccups. Before leaving, each of the children gave you and Jaehyun a hi-five, a word of thanks echoing after one another.
Having spent almost the entire day in that area, you and Jaehyun decided to explore another part of the city before catching your train back to Rome. Long before this trip, you happened to stumble upon a website about the top spots that offered a picturesque view of the city. One of which was a twenty minute bus ride away from where you and Jaehyun were currently at. 
When the bus arrived, you and Jaehyun entered by the back door and sat down. You were busy admiring the old architecture of the buildings outside until you felt Jaehyun’s hand touching the side of your face. You realised that he was trying to put one side of his wired earpiece in your ear, which caused you to turn and face him, and you saw that he already had the other side of the earpiece in. Jaehyun was smiling so widely that his dimples were showing. You brought a hand up to poke it, feeling a sense of victory because you were one of the very few people in the world whom he allowed to touch his dimples.
Shyly, you took Jaehyun’s hand and interlocked your fingers together. No words were exchanged between the both of you, but there was a mutual feeling that this exact moment perfectly encapsulated the love you and Jaehyun have for each other. Tender, somewhat otherworldly in a way where everything, like the chatter of the other passengers on the bus, seemed to fade out in the background. 
As Can’t Take My Eyes Off You started playing through the earphones, you took it as an opportunity to mouth to Jaehyun, “I love you.”
Jaehyun’s dimples became more prominent at your sudden declaration. He made sure not to break eye contact with you before he mouthed back, “I love you.”
“Look!” you exclaimed, pointing toward the replica statue of David. It was the first thing that you saw after alighting from the bus.
Jaehyun turned his head to look at what you were pointing at. “Wow, it’s stunning."
The both of you hurriedly walked over to take some photos, which ended up in you and Jaehyun bursting into fits of laughter because he was imitating the statue and posing in the same way. It definitely earned you a few stares from the other visitors, but you and Jaehyun were too busy laughing to even notice that you two were getting judged. 
After snapping a few more photos, you and Jaehyun went to the other side of the square where you could see an overview of the city. It was breathtaking, to say the least, the both of you concurrently marvelled in awe at how it looked like a scene straight out of a movie. You could even spot the street that you two were at earlier in the day, as well as many other famous landmarks. Not to forget, the surrounding trees and mountains made it feel more complete, it was a perfect getaway from the bustling city for some peace and quiet. 
The both of you were standing at the top of the stairs, and you saw that there was a walking trail below. Due to time constraints, however, it seemed more logical to sit and admire the view, since neither of you knew how long the walking trail was and where it led to. Besides, it was a perfect spot to catch the sunset before you had to leave for the train station, so you two sat on one of the steps near the top where you had an unobstructed view of the city.
Like before, you and Jaehyun were listening to music together while holding hands. Other than humming along to the song, Jaehyun would also sing some of the lyrics to you, especially if it was a sweet or cheesy line. 
“Can’t believe I get to be here with you.” Even after some time had passed, you were still greatly impressed by the scenic view, in disbelief about how you could share this moment with your lover. The bright orange hues of the sun added more colour to the backdrop, it felt surreal watching it slowly go down.
“Me too,” Jaehyun replied almost immediately. “It feels like a dream…” 
“If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up from it,” you said while shifting closer to Jaehyun’s side. “Like, ever.”
“I want to stay here with you forever.” Your voice came out as a whisper, because deep down, a part of you was afraid that this happiness would be taken away from you abruptly. 
Yet again, Jaehyun made one of those sounds to indicate that he was thinking, which made you gasp in response.
“You don’t want to be with me?” you questioned, a look of betrayal on your face.
“No, silly,” Jaehyun chuckled. “Of course I want to be with you.”
Jaehyun let out a deep breath, as though he had to brace himself for what he was going to say next. “The thought of eternity feels scary. But if I know that you’ll be there with me, then… there’s nothing to be scared of. I think, for me… forever is where you are, wherever that may be.”
Silence ensued, music playing through the shared earphones being the only source of sound. Jaehyun gulped awkwardly when he noticed that your gaze was fixed on him, but you weren’t saying anything. “Did that come out wrong? I don’t even know what I’m saying sometimes. But I guess I was trying to say that–”
You cut Jaehyun off with a kiss. He smiled against your lips, causing you to do the same. Jaehyun’s hand travelled to the small of your back to pull you in before he tilted his head to the side for better access, going straight for your upper lip to return the kiss. It was slow, delicate, and everything you could ever ask for. You sighed when you felt Jaehyun’s hand running over your skin; he knew exactly what he was doing. Every kiss that you shared with Jaehyun never fell short of being exhilarating, which was one of the great things about love… or Jaehyun. Perhaps, both. 
He was the first to pull away, staring intently at you with a cheeky smile on his face. Jaehyun leaned in closer until he could bury his head into the crook of your neck, leaving another kiss on your collarbone. You wrapped your arms around his frame, hugging him as tightly as possible. You and Jaehyun stayed like this for a while until you heard a lady yelp from a distance away, her loud voice grabbing your attention.
As you looked up to find out what the commotion was about, tears immediately filled your eyes and you had to do everything that you could to hold them back. 
The said lady was standing by the railing, both hands covering her mouth. In front of her was a man, down on one knee, holding out a box with a diamond ring. You tapped Jaehyun’s shoulder so that he’d sit back up, and he turned to see what you were looking at. All of the other visitors were also invested, as everyone patiently for the lady's answer. 
Everything happened so quickly. The lady nodding and getting pulled into a hug by her fiancé, the crowd erupting in cheers and applause–a truly sweet moment to witness. Without thinking much, you blurted out, “that’s going to be us.” 
Jaehyun diverted his attention back to you, shaking his head. Seemingly biting back a smile as his lips formed a thin line, Jaehyun jerked his head to motion at something behind you. “That’s us.”
You were about to protest, pop another question that was something along the lines of whether or not he was planning to marry you. However, you remained quiet and decided to take a look at what he was referring to first. 
Well, it looks like the urge to complain has completely disappeared. How could it not? Rather than dissatisfaction, your heart leapt with joy when your eyes landed on a couple standing hand in hand at the other end of the steps from where you and Jaehyun sat; they were having their pre-wedding photoshoot.
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jpmarvel90 · 1 year
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I'm just so tired
Masterlist Scarlett Masterlist
Word Count: 3342
Relationship: Scarlett x Reader
Summary: Y/n is struggling with a demanding job whilst Scarlett is away filming, with no idea the toll it's taking on her girlfriend.
Y/N’s POV:
It’s 9pm and I’m finally driving home from work. I really hate my job. After I left college, I got what I thought was my dream job working at a global marketing firm. But boy was I wrong. The management team treated their staff like shit and the pay was crap. When I first started working there, I had to get a second job at a café just to be able to pay rent.
Thankfully, my second job brought me the one greatest happiness in my life, and that’s my girlfriend, Scarlett Johansson. Yep, you heard me right, me a small town girl working two jobs, is dating THE Black Widow. She would come into the shop 3 times a week on her way to set and would always take the time to chat. Over time our chats became more flirty before she finally asked me out on a date.
That was just over a year ago. I’ve had a promotion at work, so I was able to quit my job at the café, which in turned allowed me to have more time with Scarlett. That was until my stupid boss started to hammer me with more work than anyone else, setting ridiculous deadlines. Unfortunately finish at 9pm was not a rarity.
I feel so run down and lost. I thought I had everything planned out, but I any enthusiasm I had for doing this job, for being in this marketing world was gone. I could feel the tears starting to roll down my cheeks as I drove home. All I wanted to do was get home and cuddle my girlfriend. But I can’t. She’s been in Atlanta filming for the last month.
We’ve spoken as often as we can, but as filming has picked up it’s become hard to talk. I dropped her a text before I left work to see if she was free for a call this evening, but I didn’t expect a response. So here I am trudging up to my apartment ready to collapse on my bed.
Just as I open my door, my phone starts to ring, and the name causes me to smile for the first time today.
Y/N: Hey Babe, how are you?
Scarlett: Hey gorgeous, I’m doing better now I’m talking to you. How was your day?
Y/N: It was busy, I’m just getting back to my apartment now.
Scarlett: Babe, it’s like nine thirty. Why are you so late?
Y/N: Oh, it was just a busy day and I’ve got a deadline tomorrow so needed to get it done. Anyway, how is filming going?
Scarlett: Filming’s fine. You sound tired. Are you sure you’re ok?
I paused for a moment, trying so hard to stop my tears from falling. I hadn’t told Scarlett how bad work was. She had so much going on that I didn’t want to bother her with it.
Scarlett: Babe? I want to see your face; I’m switching to face time.
Y/N: No, I’m fine. It’s just been a rough couple of weeks. I’m fine….
Facetime request
I reluctantly accept knowing that either way she’s going to know something is wrong.
Y/N: Ah man, did you have to tease me being in costume?
I try to lighten the mood and move the conversation on but it’s not working.
Scarlett: Have you been crying? Babe, please tell me what’s wrong.
Y/N: I’m just tired. Like I said, work has been busy, you know what my emotions are like when I’m tired.
Scarlett: Y/N, don’t lie to me. In the year I’ve known you, I think I’ve only seen you cry twice. Just because I’m not with you, doesn’t mean I don’t want to be there for you. Now please, tell me what’s wrong.
Her face contorts into a worried frown and it causes me to cry but I’m able to prevent a full-on crying session from ensuing. 
Y/N: I’m just so tired. I don’t know how much longer I can push myself. I’m not getting anywhere at work. I’m getting more work but no benefits. I just feel like my whole life is revolving around work, there’s no time for anything else.
Scarlett’s face turns soft, and I can see her own eyes are glossing over.
Scarlett: Oh baby, I’m so sorry. Hopefully this will all pass, and they’ll see what an amazing worker you are. You are so great at your job, it will all come together.
I just nodded as I compose myself. I want to move on from this subject. I don’t want to worry her anymore.
Y/N: I know. I’m just being silly. It’s almost the weekend and I can take a break. Anyway, we barely talk at the moment, so I don’t want the time we do have together to be taken up by me being an emotion mess. How is filming going?
Scarlett rolls her eyes and lets out a little chuckle.
Scarlett: It’s going really well. We’ve almost finished the night shoots which will mean that I’ll be able to call you more. I miss talking to you every day.
Y/N: That’s great. I’m glad it’s going well. I miss you so much. We’re over halfway, not long to go now.
I smile, trying to keep my eyes open.
Scarlett: Babe, go to bed. You’re tired.
Y/N: Noooo, I’m awake, I’ve not spoken with you in 3 days!
Scarlett: I promise I’ll call you tomorrow. But you need sleep.
Y/N: Urgh, fine! But you’re bring that suit home.
I huff but giving her a cheeky grin and eyebrow wiggle.
Scarlett: If it’ll make you go to bed, deal! Now off to sleep!
Y/N: I’m going to hold you to that! Ok, I’m off. I miss you and I love you!
Scarlett: I love you more. Speak tomorrow.
I close off the call before grabbing a quick protein bar. These work hours are really playing havoc with my eating habits! Walking into my room, I barely have the energy to change. I leave my clothes in a pile on my floor before collapsing into my bed.
*beep, beep*
Urgh, I’m woken up at 5:30 by my obnoxious alarm. One more day and then it’s the weekend and I can spend it sleeping in. I jump in the shower and then make myself a proper breakfast, so I know I’ll be getting at least one decent meal today. 
I feel like I’m just coasting through the motions as I get ready and head off to the office. My heart sinks as I see the new paperwork sat on my desk for the admin of the latest marketing campaigns. I guess it’s another late finish for me today!
Scarlett’s POV:
It’s times like this I hate being so far away from Y/N. I just wanted to reach through the phone and give her a hug. I know she’s hiding how bad she’s really feeling. I’ve barely seen her cry and it breaks my heart that I’m not there for her when she is clearly struggling.
Whilst still deep in thought about my girlfriend, I’m called back to set to finish up the scenes for tonight. As I’m walking back over Joe pulls me aside. “Hey Scarlett, we’ve had to change up the schedule to fit in a couple of reshoots on the stunts. That means after tonight we won’t need you for a few days. You’ll be due back on set on Wednesday next week.” I feel relief wash over me.
I can’t wait to have a long weekend off. “Am I needed for anything else or am I completely free until Wednesday?” I ask, starting to get an idea. “Yep, get some rest and enjoy your time off!” He responds rushing off to his next location.
I work as hard as I can to get the final scenes completed and they go really well, and we get them done pretty quickly. I decide that I’m going to fly back to New York and surprise Y/N. As soon as I’m in my trailer I’m on my laptop searching for available flights. I book one which will get me in with enough time to set up a surprise.
I finally arrive at Y/N’s apartment a little before 4. I let myself in and get to work with preparing her surprise. The best thing about Y/N’s apartment is the roof access she has. Every Friday night she comes up here with a glass of wine and chills. The views are pretty cool and whenever I’m home, I join her.
Knowing how stressed and tired she’s been, I decide on setting up a movie night. I arrange a big projector which I have help setting up from my brother. I then arrange a makeshift bed with loads of comfy pillows and of course, get Y/N’s favourite snacks.
By the time I’ve finished it’s 6 and Y/N should be home any minute now. I plan to hide up on the roof and wait for her to join me. Time goes by and it’s now just after 9 and Y/N still isn’t here. I decide to drop her a text and pretend that I’ve got some time between filming.
Scarlett: Hey Babe, I’ve got an hour break if you’re free to call? Are you home?
Y/N: I’m just leaving work. I’ll call you when I’m home. Give me 30 minutes.
She’s working late again. I thought her deadline had already passed. I start to wonder how bad work really has been for her recently. We’ve always been honest with each other, but I feel like she’s been hiding this from me. I just wish I knew why.
From the roof I hear Y/N’s car pull up and I get ready for when she comes up to the roof. For some reason I’m getting nervous, I can’t wait to see my beautiful girlfriend again. About 5 minutes later, sure enough I hear the handle of the roof turn and I stand up facing the door.
I watch as Y/N walks through the door, wine glass in hand, in a pair of black shorts and one of my hoodies. I smile at how cute she looks, but it doesn’t go unnoticed how tired she looks too. She has bags under her eyes and her whole body seems deflated. My poor baby.
As she turns the corner her eye’s light up as she sees what I’ve set up. “Oh my God.” She whispers, before noticing me stood in the middle. Without saying anything further she runs and jumps up into my arms. I hold her tight. “Hey Baby. I’ve missed you.” I say into her hair.
I place her on the floor, and she looks at me directly in the eyes, I can see that she is holding back her tears. Her eyes flick down to my lips, so I pulled her close, putting a loose strand of hair behind her ear, before connecting our lips in a soft kiss full of love. I can feel that her tears are falling now, so I hold her tight letting her know I’m there.
After a minute or so, she pulls back, still clasping my hands. “What are you doing here?” She asked. “Our schedule was changed last minute so I’ve got 5 days off. After speaking with you yesterday, I knew I had to come back to you.” She smiles at me as I talk. Her eyes searching my face like she’s taking in every detail.
I lead her towards the makeshift bed, and we lie down together. She snuggles into me, her head on my chest and an arm over my stomach, slowly tracing random patterns just under my shirt. “Babe, please tell me what’s going on. Please tell me the truth.” I ask calmly, hoping she’ll share.
I look down to her as she takes a deep breath before she sits up. I turn to face her and take both of her hands in mine. “I hate work.” She blurted out. I furrow my eyebrows at her but allow her to carry on. “I work my ass off and it gets me nowhere. Each day I go in and there is more shit they want me to do in short timelines. I try and explain, and they just tell me I’m lucky I work there and that there are hundreds of other people that would do anything to be where I am.” She looks at her lap as she’s talking as if she is ashamed.
“I try so hard to prove myself above everyone else, but it gets harder every day. I’m exhausted and I just have no motivation for anything anymore. I just feel like the dream I had has turned into a nightmare.” Her voice breaks as does my heart. I can’t believe my baby has been feeling like this and I didn’t know.
“How long has this been going on?” I ask. She hesitates. “I mean it’s always been tough but these last 4 months have been unbearable.” There’s a silence as I take in that she has been feeling this broken for 4 months I hadn’t even noticed. What kind of girlfriend can’t see the person they love is hurting?
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask holding back my own tears. “I didn’t want to worry you. You work so hard and do so many great things. I felt stupid for breaking down over this.” Her words are like daggers to my heart. I feel such guilt for not providing her with an environment where she can share these feelings with me. I pull her onto my lap and hug her so tightly. “Listen to me. You are not stupid. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. But I want to know when you’re feeling like this. I’m your girlfriend, I’m meant to be able to help you. It breaks me to think you’ve been going through this on your own.”
I can no longer stop my own tears as I cling to her for dear life, like I’m going to lose her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just didn’t know what to do.” Y/N says into my chest. I pull her face into my hands so she’s looking at me. “No, you do not need to apologise. Just know that I am here for you, even when I’m miles away. I want to know how you’re feeling. Both the good and the bad. Ok?” She nods and I place a gentle kiss on her lips.
“I don’t know how I’m going to solve this.” She said, rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. “Quit your job.” I said without hesitation. “What? I can’t do that I need to pay rent, buy food!” She argues. “Firstly, you clearly haven’t been spending money on food, don’t think I haven’t noticed how thin you’re getting.” I lightly scold. I know she’s not doing it on purpose, she’s probably been too tired to eat working so late.
“Secondly, move in with me.” I ask almost at a whisper. She lifts her head and looks at me with confusion. “What?” she questioned. “I said move in with me. We’ve been together for a year. It’s about time.” She still looks confused as she rubs her hand against her forehead.
“Scar, you don’t have to ask me to move in out of pity.” She spoke cautiously. “Hey! No no, that’s not what this is. I had planned to ask you when I got back from Atlanta. You’re it for me. I don’t want to wait any longer, I want you to move in with me.” I say with conviction to show I mean it.
Her eyes fill with tears again, as she slowly nods her head. “Ok, I’ll move in with you. I’d love that.” She pulls me into a big hug and whispers “I love you.” I don’t want to ever let her go. “But I can’t quit my job.” I’m shocked by her response. “But babe, it’s not good for you.” She shakes her head. “I don’t want to be reliant on you. I want to be able to contribute to bills and treat you to fancy dates and surprise gifts.” She explains.
“You don’t need to do that. I want to take care of you. You don’t need to buy my love.” I pause thinking for a moment at how we can work this out. “How about, you quit your job on Monday. You can fly to Atlanta with me and then when I’m done filming, we’ll take a month to go travelling for a bit. Then when we’re back, you can look to get a job that you actually want. One that isn’t going to drive you into the ground.”
I can see her thinking for a while before responding. “Ok, I like the sound of that.” She says. I squeal in excitement and tackle her in a hug, resulting in us being a tangled mess on the bed. “We’re moving in together!” I exclaim. “God, I love you.” Once again I pull Y/N towards me into a passionate kiss. She giggles against my lips as I roll her over. “I love you too. Thank you for all of this. Shall we watch a movie?” She asks, looking at me with her love eyes. I nod and start the first movie. We snuggle up on the bed and spend the night watching movies.
We didn’t wake up until 12 the following morning. I woke up before Y/N and just watched her sleep, grateful she was finally getting rest. Once she wakes up, we lie in comfortable silence for a while before she slings a leg over me straddling me. “I’ve missed waking up to you.” She says, placing feather like kisses over my face causing me to giggle.
We hold eye contact for a while whilst she rubs her thumb over my cheek. “I can’t wait to move in with you if all my mornings start with you straddling me.” I tease, giving her hips a squeeze. Y/N leans down kissing up my neck then along my jaw before meeting my lips. “I’ll wake you up this way every morning if that’s what you want.” She whispers before smashing out lips together into a deep kiss. She gives both my top and bottom lips equal attention before swiping her tongue across my bottom lip asking for permission, which I instantly give.
Her tongue invades my mouth deepening the kiss with every move. I let out a small moan which results in Y/N pulling back and smiling at me. I hook my leg around her waist and flip us so I’m on top. I leant down and whispered seductively into her ear. “I brough home the suit.” Her eyes widen and a big grin appears on her face. “Well, what are you waiting for?” She responds. I jump off the bed to be greeted with a slap to my ass. I squeal and run to get dressed.
This was what I had always wanted in life. Someone who I adored and who adored me. I couldn’t wait to spend the next few months with Y/N and then the rest of our life together.
Y/N’s POV:
It was three months after Scarlett surprised me on the roof and asked me to move in with her. Whilst travelling she had proposed to me on a beach in Bora Bora. I of course had said yes. Once we got home, I started looking for jobs and I’m now working for a local company. It’s small but I love it. I’m actually paid more than I was, and I have much more responsibility. But the best thing is I’m happy. I’ve got a great work/life balance. I enjoy going to work and then I get to come home, at 5 every day, to my beautiful fiancé who I cannot wait to marry. My life feels like a dream and I hope that I never wake up.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 10 months
it's akaashi's birthday!!! you guys know what that means!!!!!!!!!! have some timeskip special headcanons about akaashi and co. let's go!!!!
i think akaashi deserves a spin-off about his misadventures in the manga department honestly
gekkan shoujo nozaki kun. sekaiichi hatsukoi. bakuman. there is a lesson to be learned here people!!!!!
tenma gifts him a planner for his birthday and the first thing he does after opening it is mark all of tenma's deadlines. which he also has recorded in his phone calendar. AND he has them memorized. AND on sticky notes scattered throughout the office
tenma: you know i got you this planner so that you wouldn't have to put sticky notes everywhere, right? akaashi, sleep-deprived and running on five cups of coffee: time waits for no one, udai-san
the office has a special "akaashi keiji emergency rest kit" for when he falls asleep at his desk
it's got a blanket if it's cold, a pillow they tuck under his head, a bottle of water and snacks they leave next to him if he gets hungry/thirsty when he wakes up, and an eye mask that they put on him after they take off his glasses
idk i think the whole office really loves akaashi
and he really loves them back!!!! they're a team!!! they work together!!!! deadlines might be hell but at least it's a hell they're united in!!!
akaashi finding love and contentment and happiness in a place he initially wasn't sure about is everything to me okay
also i think he wingmans tenma and akiteru. i think it'd be very funny.
akaashi knows it's bad when he catches tenma drafting a whole new romance plot and he's like "udai-san. please. you have something due in five days you canNOT be doing this right now"
honestly akaashi just wants them to get together so that tenma will stop being dreamy and distracted and ACTUALLY focus on getting his manuscript done on time
and then they DO get together and akaashi is subjected to even more dreamy sighs and staring off into the distance and whatnot
tenma is such a disaster you guys i love him
someone asks tenma if he has a favorite pro vball player and tenma says "hinata shouyou" with the BIGGEST smile on his face and hinata almost cries
i mean i barely even know what zkz is about but based on the title i feel like it'd make a good video game
yachi can help design . . . lev and komi can voice act . . . yes . . . it's all coming together . . .
he wrote zkz in a restaurant are you SHITTING me udai tenma i love you
so apparently it got discontinued?? instead of allowing tenma to finish it the way he wanted?? so when tenma hears that kenma wants to make a video game out of it he ends up in tears
kenma's like "well it might have failed as a manga. but i think it'd make a pretty good video game, if you want to help out with that"
god everything about it makes me want to cry actually. tenma who is still chasing after his dreams. and akaashi right there, learning how to be better. learning how to be passionate. learning how to give tenma his all. because he's TENMA'S editor and he'll be damned if he doesn't do it well.
udai tenma in an interview about meteo attack: "yes, i am sad i didn't get a chance to end zkz in a way that would have made me happy. it was my first series, and that's always going to be precious to me. but meteo attack is one i'm looking forward to. it's a story about learning how to fly, when everybody else has long since been trampling on your wings and telling you that you can't."
sorry i did NOT mean to get this emotional over them. but now i am. and i am going to be thinking about it forever
meteo attack def gets raving reviews from players in the pro volleyball league, especially from hinata shouyou
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kookieminsuga · 10 months
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The Wolf and his Coyote - Part 3
Part 3 for you! This one is a little longer! Enjoy :)
Summary; Jungkook is the leader of the biggest biker gang in Korea. He is never interested in people unless they can benefit him in some way. That is until he runs into a girl who is the only person who appears to not be afraid of him. New to Korea, Amalia is an artist who spends most of her days working on her comics at her friend Minhyuks diner who also happens to be Jungkooks favourite hang out spot. What will happen when Jungkooks, a man who's heart seems to be frozen in ice, interest is peeked for the first time since he can remember?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Gang leader jk x Tsundere, artist Amalia
Rating: 18+ do not interact if you are a minor!
Word count: 2.5k
Genre: Biker gang bts, action, romance, there will be smut down the line, angst, violence, humour.
Warnings: Flirting, Mentions of past, Mentions of smut (if you squint), sex dream, biting, marking, bruising, poverty, immigration.
Amalias pov:
Big hands run over my body, starting from around my neck, down the side of my chest. I gasp as I feel the sensation of lips and cold metal on my navel, making it’s way down, lower and lower, ever so slowly.
I feel myself losing control as I beg for more, running my hands through fluffy raven black hair. All I can think of is the feeling of those plush lips on my skin. Not even the fact that I don’t know who’s lips they belong to. 
Then I feel it on my inner thigh, teeth sinking into my skin and bruising it. I yelp at the sensation, still confused about the situation but not caring one bit due to the overwhelming pleasure. 
Just as they start approaching where I want them the most, I suddenly jerk up, blinking the blur out of my eyes. A dream. That’s all it was. 
I sigh as I sit there, in my bed, covered in sweat. 
“It’s been too long Lia.” I say out loud to myself. 
After shaking myself awake, I finally get out of bed. My deadline is coming up and I didn’t get much work done yesterday because of that thug at the diner. Today is going to be different. I still feel bad for Minhyuk tho, getting attacked in his own place. Maybe I should bring him some breakfast to cheer him up. 
Finishing up my morning routine, I start cooking my breakfast, making sure to make extra for Min. I know how much he dislikes the food at his own diner, tends to find it too greasy for his liking. Home cooked meals are what he lives for.
I pack up the food once it’s done and start making my way out. It smells delicious, I hope this cheers him up at least a little. 
As I step out into the alleyway, I turn the corner and head down the street. I notice the owner of my favourite ramen shop outside setting up his signs for the day.
“Hi Mr. Park! How’s your morning so far?” I say stopping next to him.
“Oh Lia! Good morning! It’s going great so far, how about you?” He responds.
“Good! Same as usual.” I say with a laugh. 
Mr. Park has been kind to me since I arrived here. When I first got here, I didn’t have much money to my name so all I could eat for meals was food from the convenience store. I always stopped by the shop tho, the smell of the delicious ramen pulling me in. I would watch from the outside with my stomach grumbling, wishing for just one bowl. 
One day, I had been looking as usual when Mr. Park had been outside. I had no idea he was the owner at the time, he was just sitting at one of the tables. 
“It looks delicious, doesn’t it?” I had said as I noticed his eyes on me.
“Why don’t you go inside and try it for yourself? I heard it’s the best ramen in town!” He had said with a small laugh.
“I wish. Unfortunately, I just moved to the country and can’t really afford meals like this. One day I will tho!” I replied, while smiling back.
“Well, If you’d like, you can go inside and pick something you like. It’s on me.” He replied.
I stared at him in shock, wondering why some random man was suddenly offering me food. It had made me a little uncomfortable and I guess it had shown on my face because he immediately followed up by telling me he was the owner and had noticed me looking into the shop several times before. Although I tried to refuse, he said I didn’t have a choice so I graciously accepted. It was the most delicious bowl of ramen I had ever tasted. 
After that, Mr. Park had fed me a couple times a week. At first I thought there would be some kind of catch as I was not used to being treated with such kindness but turns out it was all out of the kindness of an old mans heart.
I spoke to him for a little bit before heading out again to the diner. 
“Minhyukshiiiii!”, I call out as I arrived. 
He turns to look at me, from the door as he switches the sign from “Closed” to “Open”.
“Good morning nuna.” He responds with a soft smile. 
“Good morning to you.” I say as we both walk past the door. 
I go to my usual booth and set down my bag. I unzip it and pull out the meal I prepared. 
“I have a surprise for you!” I say, with the packed up food in hand, spinning on my heel and presenting it to him with a wide smile. 
He looks down at it, then back up, and a smile spreads across his lips.
“You cooked for me?” He asks.
“I did! I hope you like it!” I say, pushing it towards him.
“Thank you, I will if it’s your cooking.” He says as he takes it. 
“You’re welcome! I thought you might need a little pick me up after what happened yesterday.” I say as I roll my eyes with the thoughts of that thug. 
As I'm thinking of that, for some reason, his face pops into my mind. Not the thug, but the other one. Jet black hair and two lip rings. 
“Nuna, are you ok? You look like a tomato, are you sick?” Minhyuk reaches out to touch my forehead. 
A tomato? Why am I blushing? Why did his face appear in my mind and make me think of…
No. I must be crazy. I can’t think of some stranger like that. Especially not some cocky gangster. If there’s one thing I despise, It’s cocky people. I mean, I have to admit, he’s very good looking but the cocky attitude is such a turn off. It really has been too long.
“No.. no I’m fine, it’s nothing.” I say as I take a step back towards my booth. 
He looks at me seeming unsure but then just shrugs his shoulders and sits in front of me. 
We enjoy our meal together, talking about everything and nothing. until the customers start showing up, he stands and attends to them. The rest of the staff arriving an hour later as per usual. 
Minhyuk likes working alone to open the restaurant. He wants things set a certain way and doesn't trust anybody to do it the way he likes so he always comes in an hour early to prepare on his own. I call him my rock or rocky sometimes because of his personality. I’m all over the place while he’s set and steady. I love our friendship. I couldn’t ask for a better best friend.
The hours flew by as I sat there drawing on my tablet. Working on this series is demanding but very fun. The fans love it so even if it’s exhausting, I work hard for them. There’s nothing else I’d rather be doing.
Jungkooks pov:
“Yeah, I’m headed there now.” I say to Yoongi on the phone.
“Ok, we’ll meet you in a couple hours. We have some things to take care of first.” He replies, knowing I know what “things” he means.
I hang up and get on my motorcycle. I start to head towards the diner for lunch. The fact that a member of the hummingbirds was on our turf is bad news. They all know we don’t step on each others land. Is he a rogue? Just doing it because he wants to? Is he a spy? Planted by Mr. Kim to keep an eye on me? Either way, I can’t just let this slide. My boys will take care of it. I haven’t eaten all day and I’m starving. 
I pull up to the diner and park my bike. Pulling off my helmet, I shake my hair to get rid of the helmet head. I sit there for a minute thinking of yesterday. Stop it Jungkook. You’re here for food. That’s it.
I step off my bike and head for the door, opening it and walking inside. Minhyuk greets me, as usual and my eyes just scan the place. They then fall on the girl, sitting in the same booth, seemingly lost in her thoughts, staring at the tablet on the table.
I smile and walk towards her booth. I stand next to her, her eyes not moving from the tablet. I take a peak and see beautiful artwork. What looks like a webtoon in the making. A guy with black hair and a lip ring being drawn. A speech bubble saying “And what if I said I love you?” Coming from this character that was half drawn. 
I laughed at the small resemblance and her eyes then shot up at me as she hurried to cover the screen.
“Well, hello again.” I said looking her in the eyes.
She just stared at me.
“I have to say, you draw very beautifully.” I say, meaning every word. 
She continues to just stare. 
“Is there something on my face?” I ask, bringing a hand up to touch my cheek.
“No, I’m just wondering why you’re talking to me.” She replies in a cold tone.
I pause, a little taken aback by her response. Should I really be surprised at this point?
“Is there a reason why I can’t?” I respond, feeling my lips pull up in a smirk.
“Apart from the fact that you don’t know me?” She questions.
“I mean, we can change that.” I say as I step forward and sit in the booth across from her.
“Hmm, I’m ok thanks. As you can see, I’m a little busy.” She says looking down at her tablet then back up at me.
This is the first time I’ve been rejected. 
“Well, how about when you’re not busy?” I say.
“I’m always busy.” She replies firmly.
Wow, gotta accept rejection Jungkook.
This girl is definitely interesting. I put my hands up in mock surrender.
“If you say so-‘ I stand and look down at her. ‘Have a nice day, pretty girl.” I say as I walk away to sit at another booth.
No means no. Even for me. However, this girl makes me want to keep trying.
Minhyuks pov:
I look from Jungkook, to Lia as they speak. I have no doubt that she won’t be interested based on how cocky Jungkook is. Knowing him and how competitive he is tho, he won’t just stop. However I also know he respects women, so it’s not like I have to step in. I watch her deny him just as I thought she would, and him walking away. From here I can’t hear what’s being said, however I do notice her blush as he walks away. I don’t like it one bit but it’s none of my business. She can do what she wants. 
My eyes follow him, my old friend, to the booth he chooses on the other side of the restaurant. I notice a smile on his face that looks different from his usual cocky grins. He looks deep in thought. Lia nunas attitude is not something he’s used to. 
As I look at him, I notice his eyes on me. He waves me over to his table. 
“What will it be Mr. Jeon?” I say taking out my pen and pad of paper to take his order.
“The usual, but also, sit I want to talk to you. Also, stop with the Mr. Jeon. We’re friends.” He says.
“We were friends.” I reply, emphasizing the past tense.
Jungkook and I grew up together. Our parents were close friends and so we also were friends growing up. Not just friends but brothers. Until that day. I can never look at him the same way.
“Common Minhyuk, I still don’t understand why you hate me so much. Anyways, just take a seat please.” He asks.
I sigh feeling resigned and take a seat across from him. I look back at Lia and notice her lost in her world of drawing as usual. I smile then look back at the man in front of me.
“What is it?” I ask.
“That girl over there, you said she’s your friend right?” He says.
“I did.” I respond.
“Is she always that cold?” He replies. 
This irritates me for some reason. Lia? Cold? Never. She is the warmest person I have ever met. Only to people she deems worthy however.
“That depends on who you are to her.” I simply say.
“So, no?” He catches onto my words quickly.
I stare at him unmoving. 
“Why doesn’t she like me? Am I not her type?” He asks me, sneaking a peak at her from across the restaurant. 
Actually speaking physically, he very much was her type. However Lia was always more focused on personality than looks. She might have liked the guy he used to be but she definitely would not like this version of him.
“Why should I help you?” I respond feeling annoyed.
“Oh common Minhyuk, I’m just asking as an old friend. You said she’s new to the area right? She must not have many friends. You know I’m not a bad person.” He said looking down at his hands on the table.
He’s right. Although I can’t forgive him for that day, I know that he’s not a bad person. He just does what he has to do. I can hate him all I want but Jungkook has been through hell and back. There is a reason he’s changed. Deep inside, that guy I grew up with is probably still in there.
“For the sake of our old friendship I’ll just tell you one thing Jeon. She hates your type.” I say honestly. 
“Oh now it’s just Jeon? How about Hyung like the old days?” He says smiling.
I stare at him unresponsive and he laughs.
“What exactly is my type?” He says a cocky grin on his face.
“The cocky type. The type that thinks they’re a gift to this world. She despises those type of people. Also, she’s not easy. She has high standards and doesn’t let just anyone into her inner circle.” I rise from my seat as I finish my statement and start to walk away.
“Minhyuk.” He calls my name.
I turn and look at him.
“You really think I’m like that?” He says looking at me. I see an emotion I haven’t seen in him in a long time.
“Look in the mirror and ask yourself that question.” I say with a cold tone.
He looks down, a sad smile on his face. 
“One last thing. What’s her name?” He questions, looking up.
“You can ask her that yourself hyung.” I say as I turn and walk away.
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a-tiny-teez · 10 months
Behind the scenes
Yandere Director OC X Fem reader
Part 1
Warning : 18+ content,MDNI, age gap, yandere themes, kidnapping,power imbalance, implied non-con, slight slow burn, reader is in her mid twenties and yandere Director is in his late thirties.
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1:34 AM
The sound of the clock ticking away could be heard as you continue to type away on the keyboard.The last few scenes of the work you've been working on are going to be completed and with new inspiration you continue . Pulling all nighters , dumping strong coffee in your system and an unhealthy amount of rest has been your life for the last six months.
The purrs of your beloved cat taking your attention for a slight bit was actually quite good for your eyes as looking at a screen for a long time strained your eyes heavily. You looked at your cat with a smile. “ Just a bit left baby ”.It wasn't that you had a deadline. It's just that you loved your work. Your friends often made jokes about your intense workaholic routine but you just laughed them off.
“ At this point you're gonna have to marry your own character” , your friend Becky said laughing.
“ Wouldn't be bad you know” ,you smirked at her and she shook her head with a smile.
Being a playwright was your dream that you accomplished just a few years ago. Doing part time jobs and studying were most of the things you did during your college days. So although you were completely new to this field of work , you have gained quite a good amount of fame. Some of your work has been appreciated by the audience and the rookie playwright of the year award was a great feat of accomplishment of your whole life.
Now back to present, with the last word typed away you save your work and then send it to your beta to recheck everything. Stretching your arms out you yawned and finally stood up. Going over to your kitchen and opening a cabinet you pulled out a microwave ramen and decided to settle for it tonight. You decided tomorrow you'd go grocery shopping as you shivered watching the sorry state of fridge. After a few minutes you had your ramen while watching the tv . There was nothing much going on the tv at this time so you settled for a documentary show that was being re-broadcasted.
Oh , it's him. You thought as you slurped on the noodles. Spicey just as you liked it. The documentary was about a famous film director. You had seen him a few times during award shows. He was one of the most successful directors of the time and all of his films were successful as he got the best director awards quite a few times. It must be fate now that you came across this because you were just thinking about sending him your work. You doubted it'd be accepted but still it's worth a shot. You gotta keep trying in this field of job.
Hoping you'd at least have your work checked by him you turned off the TV and dumped the trash in the garbage can. Then after cleaning up you went to bed to get the sleep you very much needed.
“ I've finished rechecking. It's all good to send. Be assured”, said your beta, Alan .
“Alright. Done” you said clicking the send button. Now if it's accepted you'd get to meet the director and it'll be made into a film. Your genre this time matched with the kind of works he worked on so you hoped your work will get at least the recognition.
“ Man I hope I'll get accepted”
“ Don't worry. I have a good feeling about this and you worked really hard on this so don't lose hope” , reassured Alan. You smiled at him and hoped for the best.
“You wanna get lunch ? My treat.” You asked.
“Why not? Can't say no to free food”, he sheepishly smiled.
Alan was like your little brother. He's been with you ever since your first work and over the time you two bonded as if he was family. He was still a student from your alma mater and he looked up to you a lot. You were happy to have him appreciate you cause there were times when you felt despair but he was the one who always helped you get through tough times.
After eating and bidding Alan goodbye you went to the grocery store. Walking towards the aisle you remembered what you needed and put them in the cart. A carton of milk, eggs, vegetables, sausages ,Nutella oh and you were about to run out of coffee so a jar of coffee. Okay , that's all from here . Then you bought some cooking spices and other necessities. Checking everything you went to the cashier. Paying for everything you went out the store and a cold breeze passed by making you shiver. October was ending and it was getting colder. You pulled your coat closer and loaded your car then drove away to home as you planned on making dinner and having hot chocolate later.
2 days later
The sound of luminary playing in the background could be heard as you were cleaning out your closet and filling it with warm clothes. It was one of your favourite soundtracks. It was just so beautiful and gave you lots of ideas.
You remember the earlier phone call. You still couldn't believe it. Dominic Albero read your script and he wanted to have a meeting with you. His assistant called and made you aware about the appointment which is tomorrow night. You're so happy right now. You can't believe your work got recognized by THE director everyone wants to work with. You informed Alan about this and boy was he so enthralled with the situation. He wished you best of luck for tomorrow and you decided you'd celebrate with him if your work gets adapted tomorrow.
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blanketskiess · 7 months
Hi! You may call me 🫖 anon. 
Can I request a shumika x ftm reader (closed poly established, committed relationship) fic? Maybe soft gentle smut like sickeningly sweet and aftercare. Like they just are taking care of each other and pampering each other after reader has had a really stressful and busy work week as a designer. Praise, body worship etc. My first time sending a request I’m so sorry if this is slightly vague, please take your time!
Hi there 🫖 anon! This is such an adorable idea! I hope I portrayed it how you were hoping. Let me know what you think and have a lovely day :) Also, it wasn't too vague. Don't worry at all!
⋯ ✦ characters shu itsuki & mika kagehira ⋯ ✦ tags fluff, smut, praise, body worship, stressed reader, dom!shu, dom!mika, he/him pronouns, ftm!reader ⋯ ✦ summary reader seems to have overworked themselves once again. good thing shu and mika are there to help you through your overexertion &lt;3
⋯ ✦ word count 2.4k
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With trembling hands, you placed down your needle. You tried to ignore the way your joints ached, the way your skin burned, and the way your eyes could barely stay open. Shu had always tried to tell you not to overwork yourself. The designer does it himself; the least he can do is tell his lovely boyfriend to avoid the mistakes he's made. "When your hands begin to feel a sense of soreness, place everything down and take some breaths into your lungs. You are talented in this craft, mon chéri, however, do not damage your precious self for it.' Those words reverberated in your head as you realized you didn't follow Shu's instructions. Yet, did you have a choice? There was a deadline for releasing this piece—a gorgeous, embroidered white blazer with gold stitchings etched around the buttons and collar. Shu had always told you that your works rivaled his own, and he wasn’t wrong.
It started to hit you all at once. Since when had the soreness in your body gotten so prominent? Since when was your vision giving out on you. No, no! You had to stay awake! You only had three days to get the piece finished! You’d be damned if you gave up now. The world came to a standstill, if for only a few moments. Your vision was clouded by your work. Your unnerving amount of work that had overtaken your entire week. God, you wanted to sleep. You really did. You closed your eyes, just for a second, perhaps to get an iota of relief. You sat there in silence, in whispers of uncertainty, and let the gears of your thoughts slowly stop turning.
“Y/N?” A familiar voice echoed through your head. Were you dreaming? You felt rather floaty in your seat. You didn’t hear the voice again, and instead, imagined yourself in your bed. Basking in the delicate sheets, reveling in the way soft cotton kisses your skin carefully. Your boyfriends, Shu and Mika, would be there with you, as they always were. Mika was adamant to never leave your side. So was Shu, but he was less physically affectionate. Even so, you imagined his skilled hand caressing your shoulder, whispering words in soft breaths against your ears. Mika would be curled up on your figure, arms and legs wrapped around you, a smile on his face. It felt so real. Almost like a hand really was on your shoulder.
“Y/N??” A familiar smooth voice cascaded its way through the room. Your eyes slowly opened, fixating on the man standing above you. His hand rested gently on your shoulder, pink locks brushed with nothing short of absolute precision. Sharp eyes pierced yours in a look that dripped disappointment. Shades of regret clouded your conscience.
“My dear, what are you doing? You have been in here for four…no, five hours now?”
You groaned, rubbing your face with both hands.
“Yeah… I’m just trying to finish this piece…It’s a pain in my ass,” you sighed.
“Your work is exquisite as always, my dear, but your well-being should be at the forefront of your priorities,” Shu softly explained, hand rubbing your shoulder in soft circles.
“I know, I just need to—“
“Non. Your work will still be here tomorrow. Come, we are going to sleep. Kagehira is already getting prepared for bed.”
You just rubbed your face once again, head falling onto the desk. “I’ll be there in a minute. Make my spot in bed warm, please.”
Shu scoffs, goes silent, and before he speaks again, you feel strong arms wrapping around your figure to lift you out of your own seat.
“Shush. We are going to bed,” he whispered, fixing some of the needles on your desk so that the string didn’t get tangled. He arranged them accordingly, and flipped the switch of your lamp. You couldn’t really fight him on this, so you decided to let it happen. You closed your eyes, and after just a mere few seconds, you were already where you needed to be.
Shu placed you down on the edge of the bed. You watched as Mika exited the bathroom, smelling fresh, dressed in the pajama set Shu had sewn for him.
“Ah, there ya are!” Mika smiled, bringing you into an instant hug. He nuzzled his head against you, kissing at your cheek before sitting next to you and staring at Shu. He was so affectionate.
“Kagehira, will you help me redress him?”
You were stunned for a second, to say the least.
"'Course oshi-san!"
Yes, you were stunned. But at the same time, you weren't going to pass up an opportunity like this. You smiled, sighing softly as Shu placed his large hands at the hem of your shirt, almost as if to ask for permission. You nodded as he lifted the shirt off your body. Mika had ran off to the dresser to find your pajamas.
Shu eyed your body, watching the way your arms trembled each time you moved them.
"Your body is so exhausted, Y/N," Shu notes with concern, lifting your arm and massaging it softly. He always did this to both you and Mika. Checking your muscles, your joints and your skin. Making sure you were okay.
"I get it, I overworked myself. I'm sorry," You sighed.
"Do not let my words make you believe you owe me an apology. I am so very proud of you," Shu praised softly. You felt your skin getting warmer as his eyes scavenged your body. By the time Mika was back with the pajamas, he had laid them on the bed next to you, staring with Shu in awe.
"Oshi-san, ya been saying he's workin' so hard..." Mika began, hands landing on your stomach.
"Yes, Kagehira. He has," Shu smiles softly, planting a kiss on your forehead. You were waiting for them to grab your pajamas, but you gave up, opting to reach for them yourself. Mika's hand landed on yours before you could grab them, and he just stared at you with a soft smile. He gave Shu a knowing look, as if they were silently agreeing on something.
In mere seconds, Mika positioned himself behind you on the bed, pulling you back until your head rested on his lap in a laying position. Shu masterfully removed his belt with one hand, one knee going between your legs to hover over you on the bed.
"He's been working so hard, that perhaps he deserves a reward for it, does he not?" Shu eyes Mika with a smirk. Mika just nods, looking down at you, fingers coursing through your hair.
"Is that okay with you?" Shu asks.
"Of course, I'm just... I'm really tired, so I'm sorry if-"
"It don't matter if yer tired! In fact, that's even better! Means we get t' treat ya," Mika smiled
And god, was he right. And fuck, is that all you needed right now. They eyed you like you were the finest work of art.
"Oh, sweet boy," Shu whispers in shades of crimson against your skin.
In that moment, you swore they were experts of keeping your heart beating; without them, you were almost sure it would stop.
Mika continued to run his hands through your hair.
"He is really sweet, ain't he?" Mika asked, almost rhetorically, but they both knew the answer to that. Mika leaned over to kiss your forehead, while Shu's lips fell upon your neck. They both kissed you so softly, as if you were made of glass.
Shu's soft hands were your medication; your heartsong and your light, for his love dripped from each and every fingertip and seeped right into your very soul.
Mika hummed as Shu kissed you, reveling in the way you both looked.
"Yer so handsome, Y/N. I wish ya wouldn't overwork yerself like that..." Mika sounded almost sad, and for a moment, you felt bad. Like you had disappointed them.
"Makes me wanna work harder, just cuz yer doin' it! Yer out here inspirin' me 'n all that!"
The smile returned to your face. He was proud of you, and you knew that.
Shu finally lifted his lips from your skin, breathing out in exasperation. "If I do not stop now, I will be worshipping your skin for hours, my dear. Every part of you is nothing short of perfection; a work of art that I have been so lucky to get my hands upon. Tell me, how is it possible that someone like you has entered our lives?"
Admittedly, you were unsure of what to say. He was so sickeningly sweet, it hurt.
"Ya don't have t' answer that. Just sit there 'n look nice like ya always do!" Mika smiles, replacing his lap with a pillow as he switched positions. Shu and Mika looked at each other, silently agreeing on something once again. Shu moved behind you, sitting you upwards and pulling you into his lap. Your back rested against his clothed chest as his large arms snaked around your waist. Mika, in front of you, pulled down his sweatpants, to be left only in his boxers.
You wondered how you'd become so lucky.
Mika opened a drawer, pulling out a small package and a bottle, removing his boxers and pouring lube onto his protected length. Shu was rubbing your body the entire time, lips at the shell of your ear.
"Kagehira and I are going to take care of you. You are not to work any harder than you already have been," Shu whispered. You nodded. "Good boy."
As sunlight enters raindrops and emerge as rainbows, love enters your soul in the most delicate ways. Mika's hands land upon your hips; Shu's lips land upon your neck. Mika slowly pushed a finger towards your entrance, watching your face change expression at the feeling.
"'S okay, Y/N. Yer doin' so good. 'M so proud of ya. Just gotta prepare ya, 'kay?" Mika praised, pushing a finger in.
"Start with one, then switch to two, Kagehira. And my dear boy, tell him if it is too much, okay?" Shu's voice had never sounded more comforting. Although he wasn't in a position to do much to you, his words were enough.
It felt orgasmic, the way his long, deft fingers pushed inside of you. You clenched around them, wishing to feel them go deeper. Mika understood your urgency, curling his fingers one, twice, then pulling them out.
"Are you ready, my dear?" Shu asked softly, lips still at the shell of your ear. His hands ran up your body, fingers ghosting over your nipples.
"Mhm... Yeah... God, I'm ready..." You leaned your head back into Shu. You felt so comfortable, so warm between the two. Mika smiled down at you, length lining up with your entrance. He brought you into a kiss, gorgeous eyes staring into yours as he pushed in. Your hips almost lifted off of the bed, but Shu placed his hands on them to keep them down. To keep you grounded. They knew just how to take care of you.
You moaned softly, Mika filling you up just right. He felt so warm inside of you, like he was made for you. Mika's eyes closed. He always got so sensitive when he first went inside.
"Good boy, Kagehira," Shu praised, turning his eyes to you. "And good boy, Y/N. Your body is absolute perfection. So handsome, so angelic. It is as if you were sent here straight from the heavens, my dear." Shu couldn't help but continue to kiss your neck as Mika's thrusts sped up.
"Mnnghh... I love ya... Ya feel s-so good, Y/N! 'M so proud of ya... S-So proud..." Mika rambled, eyes closing as he fucked deeper into you. You felt a coil in your stomach slowly building up each time he bottomed out.
"These arms are immaculate," Shu praised as he lifted them, almost as if he were inspecting them. "Your shoulders, and your neck. The way your nose is shaped and the softness of your lips; all immaculate. Perfection. I love you dearly."
You tried your best to focus on Shu's words while Mika continued to thrust into you. Shu intertwined his fingers with your own, while Mika took your other hand. He squeezed it, signaling that he was close. So were you.
"I'm close! Fuckfuckfuck, I'm close..." You moaned, breath shaky from the combination of their actions. Mika's mouth hung open, eyes half lidded during eye contact. His pace sped up, urging for both of your releases.
"Nghhh! Y-You can d-do it, Y/N. Yer so good, c'mon..." Mika praised.
"You are so very good, Y/N. Come on, you deserve it now. You can do this, mon chéri."
Both of their encouragement was all you needed to send you over the edge. Goosebumps arose on your skin as the coil in your stomach came undone. The feelings of Shu's big, warm figure behind you and Mika's cock filling you crashed down onto you all at once. You put your hand over your mouth to muffle a loud moan, but Shu pulled it off.
"There you go. We want to hear you. You sound like the finest melody," Shu smiled. Mika thrusted a few more times into you before climaxing himself, laying his head down onto your chest to breathe heavily, drool dripping onto your skin.
"Good job, my boys," Shu caressed both you and Mika's heads. You didn't even feel like this was real. All you could do was lay there in a euphoric daze.
Shu was quick to raise from the bed, promising to be right back. He came back to help clean you two up, with water glasses, and new clothes. He silently dressed you as both you and Mika fought a slumber. He lifted you two into bed, so that your head was resting on Mika's chest. Shu spooned you from behind, kissing your cheek.
"Please, dear Y/N. Be more careful when you are working," Shu whispered. You could only nod, agreeing to at least try and not go past your limits.
"Mmm, but I like pamperin' ya like this! Maybe ya should work hard more often!"
Shu sighed, laughing. "Non, Kagehira! That is not how we fix this issue."
You laughed along with him. You were most certainly going to try to work less hard, but if this is how you got treated every time, was it really worth it?
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mommopurinn · 7 months
"The red of setting sun", Akira x Shoutarou SS
“I feel like the time has stopped. Like I’ll always be here with you, never ageing.”
“So I don’t mind if this sunset continues forever.”
“I wouldn’t mind it either. It’d be nice if the time has really stopped.”
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Railway crossings with the lowered gates, the backs of tired people, the persimmon trees in someone’s garden were all passing by the train window, basking in the orange light.
I was looking at it standing by the door. Autumn was slowly taking its toll; it made me feel strangely relieved, and I let out a quiet sigh.
Akira-kun was standing right next to the Soshigaya station ticket gate.
His hair was even more ruffled than usual, and he was wearing round glasses, which didn’t suit him at all.
According to his words, all influential mangakas wore glasses, so he felt more motivated when wearing them.
This all meant that he had a deadline coming.
Of course, these glasses were fake and didn’t have lenses in them.
He pulled his hands out of the haramaki and opened them towards me.
“Welcome back, Shou-chan~!”
…But why did he sound like he was on the verge of tears?
When I slowly approached him, he hugged me tightly and started patting my head and shoulders.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“I came to pick you up!”
“Aren’t you busy drawing your manga?”
“I was so worried about you, I couldn’t do anything else…”
“You’re too anxious. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Nothing to be scared about.”
“That’s good to hear.”
But even when Akira-kun finished checking if I was okay, he still looked upset.
If I smile at him, he'll smile back.
With a forced and bitter smile, as radiant as the setting sun.
“Let’s go home together.”
We walked at a distance too small for friends, too big for lovers, but just enough for a family.
Actually, the world has been coloured by the sunset for two days already.
For some reason, the night hadn’t come after the evening yesterday, and, of course, without the night, the morning didn’t come either.
The hands of the clocks struck 12 or 7, but the landscape remained just as it was at sunset.
When I say ‘world’, I mean just the small place where I live. But for everyone else, it only happened in the Setagaya district.
“Can we stop by the greengrocer shop?”
“Sure. What d’you wanna buy?”
“I thought that yesterday’s curry would taste better with eggplants.”
“Shou-chan, you’re a genius.”
I didn’t understand why the sun wasn’t setting or why we were led to think so.
Strange events like this happened quite often and usually resolved by themselves without any explanation.
And that’s why people on the streets seemed to continue living by the clock with the usual expressions on their faces.
It was half past seven.
Hearing the trumpet of the ramen shop made me feel strange.
As if I were dozing off, and everything surrounding me has been a dream.
“I heard that nights when the sun doesn’t set are called white nights. Seems like they happen often near the South Pole.”
We bought a big autumn eggplant and were heading home when I started telling Akira-kun what I learnt today.
“They said so on the radio in the cafeteria where I went for lunch.”
“Nah, no way we’re gettin’ those in Tokyo.”
He hunched over more than usual, his chin dropped, and walked a bit uncomfortably.
He was the only one in the town who seemed to be nervous.
“It’s too creepy that the sun’s not goin’ down…”
“If you leave Setagaya and go to Shinjuku or Machida, the sky will go back to normal. And when you return to Setagaya, it’ll be sunset again.”
“It makes no sense, really~...”
“What if we’re seeing a rare natural occurrence now?”
“No way it’s natural…”
Not holding any worries like Akira-kun, I blinked slowly, looking at the strange sunset.
He became even more anxious, seeing how low my sense of danger was.
“Well, at least it’s not that troublesome that the night doesn’t come. You can just wrap yourself in the futon when sleeping, and the sun won’t bother you. And it feels good to wake up when it’s bright outside.”
“You’re too quick to adapt…”
“Do you really hate it that much?”
“‘Course I do… Night’s good because it’s night; mornin’s good because it’s mornin’.”
“And what’s good about the night?”
“At this season, the bell crickets are creaking. And the moon looks pretty. Yesterday, we couldn’t see it at all because of this sunset.”
“Sunset’s also good, but I don’t wanna miss other beautiful things ‘cause of it.”
“You sound just like a writer today.”
“Mangakas are writers too, y’know?! Our sensitivity is what sells our works!”
After that, Akira-kun scowled at the sunset.
But I still couldn’t see it as anything but dazzling and beautiful.
“Akira-kun, do you ever feel suffocated when looking at the setting sun? Sometimes I get scared by it. …But not today.”
“I finally understood why my chest hurts so much at sunset. The sinking sun and the day ending turn into loneliness, sorrow, and sentimentality, and it makes me feel miserable.”
But now I’m calm.
The never-ending sunset made me feel safe.
“I feel like the time has stopped. Like I’ll always be here with you, never ageing.”
“So I don’t mind if this sunset continues forever.”
“I wouldn’t mind it either. It’d be nice if the time has really stopped.”
“But it’s not like that, right? I still have my deadline tomorrow, and the trains still run on time.”
…He’s right.
I flipped the calendar, and the curry I ate in the morning tasted better than yesterday, having sat overnight.
“It’s boring to see the same scenery every day. I hope everything comes back to normal soon, so I can see different landscapes with you~”
“Even when the night comes and the morning comes after that, we’ll always be together. And, ‘course, even when we become old geezers.”
Akira-kun held my right hand.
His hand was hot after being warmed in the haramaki.
And his smile was soft—not bitter at all.
I thought that his vermilion-coloured cheeks were way more beautiful than the sunset.
Suddenly, the feeling of anxiety overcame me, and I dropped my head.
“...Usually things like this end quickly. Why does this one go on for two days already?”
“Well, maybe the guy who usually deals with all this got into some trouble?”
“That would be bad…”
“Or maybe they’re daydreaming like you just now.
“But they better come to their senses soon and do something about it!”
He raised his eyebrows and showed me a thin and comical smile, fitting for someone playing a supporting role.
I couldn’t help but smile in return.
“How’s your audition today?”
“Thought so. So I bought you a ‘get-better-pudding’.”
“I’m glad. Genuinely.”
“And if it went well, it would be a ‘celebration pudding’.”
“How convenient.”
“I also got a 'request pudding’... Can you help me put on solid colours when we get home…?”
“I’d do that even without the pudding.”
When we got closer to our house, the sun suddenly went down.
First Venus twinkled in the sky, then the bell crickets started creaking.
Curry was even better than in the morning; just as I thought, the sweetness of the roasted eggplant made the taste stand out.
Nothing happened—nothing at all. Just another day went down as usual.
Please, tell me if there are any mistakes or places that sound weird
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bettsfic · 4 months
Hi Betts,
I recently listened to an interview with an author that said “when they decided to get really serious about writing and their dreams they made a ten year plan.” So me being the planner that I am, said maybe I should do it too, especially since this writer is pretty successful. Have I made a decent enough plan? No, because being real about your dreams and committing is scary af.
But I have developed this thinking that each story I have to work on has to be “publishable” and if I can’t immediately envision its success I need to push it away. For some people this is fine. For me, I’m pushing aside every idea and am constantly writing for an invisible audience. Which has its pros and cons.
I want to become efficient so that I can be a good author. One who meets deadlines and puts out work they are proud of. But I’m wondering if it’s even possible to try to work to be an author and still create work that is fun and true to you? If a decision isn’t meaningful I won’t include it in my outline. It feels like the only time writing can be fun is when I was young and had no clue about market and rules and just assumed my dreams would come true.
you know, what i keep finding over and over again is that i was right about a great many things before i had any idea what i was doing. i just didn't know why i was right, i had no context or evidence for my rightness. granted, i was arrogant, but arrogance isn't wrong; it's just uninformed. when you inform arrogance, it becomes confidence. you become informed by getting a lot of feedback on your work and giving feedback on work; having your work accepted once or twice and accepting someone else's work; having your work rejected hundreds of times and being the one to reject. maybe you've done all those things already, in which case you're firmly on your path and there's not much you have to do besides keep going.
i definitely relate to what you're saying, though. i would be lying if i said i wasn't just days ago in a phase of berating myself for my failures and wishing i could work harder and more efficiently. i've cultivated some confidence about my work, but there are some ways in which i'm too arrogant and others in which i'm too humble. i have a long way to go still in informing myself about my work and the process of making it.
you'll be in positions where you have to make creative concessions for the sake of publishing, but don't make them before you get anything on the page. listen to your own ideals and make those ideals happen in your work. a year ago, i finished a novel that was my favorite thing i'd ever made, and i was so proud of it, but i knew it wasn't publishable in the state it was in. even though i'd worked a year on it, it was still an early draft and bore the marks of an early draft, but i couldn't see that because i'd never taken any project further than that one. i'd never felt closer to a project or more intensely toward it. and when i was done, i went through six months grieving it, in a sense, because i knew i'd have to rewrite it. i had to kill the thing that it was in order for it to become what it needed to be. i came to accept that, and the next six months sat on the frustration of not knowing what direction to take it, but having the wisdom to know i couldn't rush it or force it.
and then the fix came to me all at once. the fix involves getting rid of many things that were once dear to me. not even darlings, but entire themes i felt were meaningful, that were the very things i want to share and explore in my work. i don't feel so bad about giving those things up now. what i take out will be put into something else eventually, and what i keep will stand out more starkly. the new parts i write will fit better and serve the story itself, even if it's no longer the story i originally intended to tell.
when you're drafting, your work is in a private conversation with yourself; it's about you even if it isn't. but it can't stay about you. eventually it has to stand on its own. and you might think, well why can't i just write something that stands on its own to begin with? but if you do that, writing is just work, it's business, and it may be more efficient but it's also less meaningful. there's no such thing as efficient creativity. it takes as long as it takes, and if you force yourself on a ten year timeline you might as well focus that energy on something more lucrative and within your control. there's so much about writing that's just chance and discovery and failure and faith.
so i think you should go back to assuming your dreams will come true and not thinking too much about anything except the work itself until you get to the point where you have to. and it will hurt. it may hurt more than anything hurt you've ever put yourself through. but trust you'll get to where you're going, even if it takes longer than you intended.
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Hi. I hope you don't find this weird. I've never met you before. But your words about kpop and BTS has always brought me comfort and clarity. I've been reading your blog for the last few days looking to see if you will clearly address it. You haven't written about your own view about Jimin's mistreatment and sabotage since it happened. But you have acknowledged it happened. You also reiterate how yoonmin is still in control. I respect you for that. But can you share your own view and feelings about this issue more? Billboard is clearly anti-BTS and hedging their actions by using Bang PD who it seems was interviewed by them long before the Jimin thing happened. You've said this before. You've also said BTS have said they won't play the music game the conventional way. But you haven't said how you feel about it. I want to ask for your genuine opinion.
Hi Anon,
Last night, I was finishing up some work I'd brought forward because of Agust D's tour. Set Me Free Pt 2 was playing on my speakers and I thought how good it would sound on radio. Alone, too. It's a crime that with the kind of music BTS makes, people are deprived of hearing it simply because the middle men of the US music industry refuse to renege on their mandatory cut.
Fifty Fifty is a group with good and extremely marketable songs. Their agency's co-founder stated he intends to make the female BTS, and he said he sold his car to make the dream of Fifty Fifty happen. It all sounds wonderful until you learn the CEO and other co-founder is the COO of Beyond Music - the largest music IP investment firm in Korea. It is bigger than HYBE's department for that. Not only that, the CEO sits on the executive board of Warner Music Korea, a subsidiary of Warner Music Group. He also runs an actors agency that manages several high profile k-drama actors in Korea. Basically, Fifty Fifty has been partnered and owned by some of the biggest entertainment companies not just in Korea, but globally. The group broke out on TikTok with Cupid and enjoyed organic success, much like NewJeans. As a result it was added to several Spotify-curated playlists that run on a proprietary algorithm, and like NewJeans' songs, Cupid climbed up the charts because it's an easy-listening poppy tune. The difference between NewJeans and Fifty Fifty though, is that Warner Group has now adopted formal co-management of Fifty Fifty and Cupid will be officially sent to radio. Warner artists get a stupid amount of radioplay. It's going to be a wonderful thing for Fifty Fifty, and it's very likely that with that sort of support, they get a Billboard Hot 100 #1 win.
There are many times BigHit fucks up with BTS. The issues of insulting subtitles (in Korean) towards Jimin and Yoongi occasionally piss me off; Jimin's stolen mail, the weirdo stalking Jungkook; how inconsistent shipping is (if there's a production bottleneck with a sub-contractor they should quickly change it), are all annoying; it's very possible some members of staff are anti several members because weird shit has been happening since HYBE's massive hiring of ex-Big 3 staff in 2020; and so on. But unfortunately many of those things are to be expected. I too wish Jimin had longer time to promote FACE, but both he and Yoongi had initially planned to release their albums late last year, but neither of them met their deadlines and instead moved it to Spring. The timing for their albums was always going to be close, and I'm sure booking tour venues as well as meeting enlistment deadlines only added to their constraints. I quickly got over my initial annoyance because it's clear both Jimin and Yoongi have accepted it. Plus the bigger problem is the industry's response to BTS.
Because of the sort of group BTS is, they will always have enemies. Their status as the biggest group in the world has only complicated things in many ways, especially when it comes to BigHit publicly and corporately addressing unfair treatment towards them. People already think BTS do not deserve their status and goodluck, do you think those people give a fuck if Billboard and Western music industry is screwing BTS over? No, they don't. And every party in this equation knows that. BTS has also said, since as early as 2017, that if they wanted to become massively successful sooner, they could've done so. Those opportunities came to them. In 2018 when BTS made history with Fake Love on the Billboard Hot 100, they could've signed with an American company like Warner, gotten carried by radio, and you and I would be having a very different discussion right now.
I don't know what the future will hold. Maybe BTS has in fact peaked and when they return after enlistment the world would've moved on to a better, hotter, more marketable artist. Maybe their bodies, interests, and priorities would have changed irreversibly. Maybe...
But I look at a group like BTS, and I don't care about any of that.
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(The boys all signed Yoongi's guitar. It's his solo concert tour debut and they're all with him. He's taking comfort in them all being with him, and sharing some of that comfort with us.)
Anyway, I've rambled. You asked me what my feelings are about the whole thing?
I feel pride. That's what I feel looking at this whole situation. A NCTzen friend asked my opinion about it too, I told her the same thing, and she said this is probably one trait I share with my biases, that's shining through. I feel such a strong sense of pride looking at Jimin, at Yoongi, at BTS. Even if they eventually decide to play the industry's game with their rules, my respect for them won't change. Who they are as people, and as artists, make tolerating the hellscape that is stan environments much more palatable. They make putting up with bullshit from this industry, much more doable.
When I first learned about Jimin's week 2 sales being deleted, I checked US stock exchanges to see if Billboard's parent company was listed. I was prepared to short the stock. The minute I realized it was owned by a private company, and when I saw the owner, I knew we were fucked. I continued donating for the sales though. I'm not American so I couldn't buy, so the donations were the next most direct way to support.
BTS could very well never reach again the heights they reached before enlistment. But I don't care. I've been listening to some of the best music I've ever heard in my life since July 2022. Yoongi in Valentino, Hobi in Louis Vuitton, Joon in Bottega Veneta, Jimin in Dior, Jungkook in Calvin Klein - it's been a feast. Jikook are jikooking harder than ever before like I still haven't gotten over the birthday video JK made for Jimin. Like what the fuck was that?
BTS are some of the most incredible people to ever exist. They say they trust each other and their team. I'm keeping my eyes wide open to assess the situation for myself always, while never losing sight of why I'm here in the first place: to enjoy myself with them and the art they make. I'll try Jungkook's recipes sometime soon, and neither Jimin nor Yoongi's music has left my current rotation. I'm going to see Yoongi soon. With all that's happening in the world, it feels like a priviledge to have the means to enjoy being a fan of BTS. Not many people get to experience this, to not just hear their music but to have this connection with them. If you doubt that just watch the Amygdala music video. With BTS there's a trust that can be felt, and I don't take it for granted.
That's how I feel Anon.
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tsarisfanfiction · 5 months
Love Or Hate
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Teen Genre: Family/Hurt/Comfort Characters: Will, Apollo A long overdue conversation about family, betrayal, and loving them anyway. TOApril day 15 - Without Requisite or Deadline. Halfway there and this was such a weird prompt, so thanks to @fearlessinger for translating it as "unconditional" for me, which finally got my muses churning on something...
Will opened his eyes with a gasp, residual light taking its time to fade away from the explosion his mind had conjured up once again.  It wasn’t the first time he’d dreamed of that moment, when he’d listened to Nico and death and his own hatred over the urge to heal and save within him, and he knew it wasn’t going to be the last, either.  Some demons just never go away, and regret was one of them.
What made it worse was that Will still didn’t know if he did regret it, and if he didn’t, did that make him a bad person?
He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer.
Around him, dawn broke softly, a gradual light intensifying oh so slowly in the inverse of the explosion.  There was no sign of the sun, but there didn’t need to be.  Will wasn’t in his bed, wasn’t in his cabin, wasn’t even in camp, and that told him that the dawn wasn’t real.
It was symbolic, instead, a caressing comfort to match the warm hands that were settling on his shoulders, drawing him against an even warmer body.
Apollo had drawn him out from nightmares into a dream safe space enough times in his life that Will had no problem recognising the signs again, here.
He closed his eyes for a moment, watched the rest of the explosion finish fading away, and then took a deep breath.  “Hi, Dad.”
“Hi, Will,” his dad said, and Will leaned back willingly as Apollo snaked an arm around his torso, resting his head against his father’s shoulder and tilting his head up to look at him.  “More bad dreams?”
“Yeah,” Will admitted, letting his eyes fall to half-mast again.  The nightmares wouldn’t come for him again tonight; once Apollo had pulled him out of one, the rest of his night was always far more pleasant, if not necessarily more restful.  His body got to keep resting, sure, but his mind and soul wouldn’t.
Not that Will cared, if it meant he got to spend some time with his dad, uninterrupted and unshared.
“Thanks,” he added, somewhat belatedly, but that didn’t really matter with gods, with Apollo, because they always knew what he was referring to even if it took a while for him to say anything.
“You’re welcome,” Apollo murmured into his hair, and Will felt a light pressure in his hair for a moment.
These gestures of affection had never been missing from Apollo’s various dream visits over the years, but they’d become far more commonplace since his mortality and all the various fallouts from that.  Will was sure he didn’t need them to know that his dad loved him, but that didn’t stop him enjoying them whenever they were dished out.
Apollo loved all of them, and Will was sure they knew it.  He certainly did.
Echoes of the explosion flickered behind his eyelids, rudely dragging him out from his gentle relaxation with his dad, and a flicker of… of something, danced inside his chest.  It wasn’t comfortable, rather closer to dread, and in a dreamscape there was no way Apollo wasn’t going to notice it.
“Will?” he asked, probing lightly.  “Is something wrong?”
Will appreciated the offer of an out, a way to dodge the topic, because Apollo knew something was bothering him, that was as clear as the dream-dawn sky above him, but he’d given Will an opening to lie about it.  They’d both know it was a lie, of course, but that didn’t really matter, because it wasn’t about lie or truth, it was about whether or not Will wanted to talk about it.
He didn’t, not really, but it was something he’d never had a chance to mention to Apollo, what with his father’s absence and then mortal stint, and he was self-aware enough to know that he wanted answers, somehow.
He hoped he wanted answers, anyway.
“Can I ask you something?” he asked instead of answering directly, glancing towards his father’s face.  Blue eyes, the exact same shade as his, met his look evenly and softly.
“Of course,” Apollo said.  “You can always ask me anything, Will.  What is it?”
Will took a deep breath.  “Octavian,” he said, and felt Apollo still behind him.  “I… How much was the truth?”
He’d never been able to reconcile what Octavian had to say about his father with what he knew of Apollo, but as much as he hated it, the older boy had been a descendant of his all the same, and Will wondered what that meant for their relationship.  He hadn’t really met many legacies of Apollo; they seemed to be a rarity at Camp Jupiter, for reasons his father had never explained.
Apollo sighed.  “Octavian… was not evil,” he said.  “Nor was he… entirely wrong.”
Will’s chest tightened.  “He wasn’t?” he asked, his voice cracking and coming out far too small.  “But-”
“I did search for more power,” Apollo confessed, “and Camp Jupiter was an obvious place to start.  Octavian was more than willing to help me.  Perhaps it was just because he grew up hearing stories of me from the cradle, but he was always devoted to me.”  Will thought Apollo sounded a little pained at that.  “How he reached the conclusion that he needed to destroy Camp Half-Blood, however, I don’t know.  That was never my intention, or my implication when I spoke with him.  We spoke of uniting the camps, much the same way they are now, not subjugating.”
“I hate him, for that,” Will admitted quietly, looking away from Apollo because he didn’t want to see disappointment in his father’s eyes.  “Everything from his attitude to what he did annoyed me, but it was what he was trying to do that was the worst.  He was going to pin the blame for it on you!”
“I know,” Apollo said, “although I don’t think he saw it as blame.”
Will swallowed.  “Do… do you hate him?” he asked, not knowing if he wanted to know the answer to that.  He didn’t know if he actually wanted to know if Apollo was capable of hating his own descendants, because it felt wrong but Octavian had done so much bad, caused so much hurt, that Will couldn’t comprehend not hating him.
His dad didn’t answer immediately, which could have meant anything and Will didn’t know which anything it was.  There was a tenseness in his body, where Will was leant against him.
“I… felt betrayed,” Apollo finally answered.  “And angry. Definitely angry.  Camp Half-Blood is my creation, and for anyone, let alone my own descendant, to attempt to destroy it…”  He trailed off, and shook his head.  “But at the same time, Octavian is my descendant.  He might not be my son, but… that doesn’t matter, really.  I still loved him.”
“Loved?” Will wondered, and Apollo’s arms wrapped around him, encasing him in a glow of warmth.
“Loved,” Apollo repeated, before shaking his head.  “No.  Not loved.”  He paused.  “Love.”
The emphasis on present tense startled Will.  “But he’s dead,” he pointed out.
“You hate him,” Apollo reminded him gently, and Will felt a little cold at the words, no matter how true they were, because his dad clearly didn’t, and that felt like he was the one in the wrong.  “And that’s okay, Will.  There is no law in the universe that says you aren’t allowed to.  Family doesn’t have to love each other.”
“They should,” Will mumbled, “shouldn’t they?”
Apollo sighed.  “Not if they’ve only caused pain.  You don’t owe anyone love if they’ve hurt you, not even family.  Octavian only ever hurt you.  It’s okay if you hate him.”
“But you don’t,” Will mumbled.  Apollo shook his head.
“No,” he agreed, “I don’t.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t, or shouldn’t.  It’s okay, Will.”
“Even though I killed him?”  Will didn’t mean to ask it, hadn’t even realised the thoughts had been swirling around in his mind until they gave themselves a voice, but he couldn’t take them back.
“You didn’t kill him,” Apollo said instantly.  “Octavian made his own choices, and followed the fate he carved out for himself.  Don’t take on a burden that isn’t yours to carry, Will.  His death is his burden, not yours.”
“But nothing.”  Will’s hair bowed under the pressure of something pressing against his head instead.  “Don’t do this to yourself, Will.  You did nothing wrong, and his blood is not on your hands.”
Will didn’t know if he believed that, but arguing the point against his dad was clearly a futile endeavour.
“Why don’t you hate him?” he asked instead, dragging the conversation back a few steps.
Apollo sighed into his hair.  Will felt the strands move around with the force of it.
“He’s my child,” he said, “even if there are a few more generations between him and me than there are between us.  I could never hate him.  I could never hate any of you, no matter what you do.  I’m not strong enough, not to hate family.”
Will supposed he could understand that, at least.  Maybe if he’d ever actually seen Octavian as family, he’d be the same, but he hadn’t – and if he was honest, he probably preferred it the way it was.
Finding the strength to hate family seemed like it would be exhausting.
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samsalami66 · 7 months
Can I still ask about Hypnosis for the WIP tag game?
God you're literally the sweetest Mallory,,, yes, of course, I'll happily answer more asks for the WIP tag game!
Alright so Hypnosis was actually the very first fic I worked on in the fandom and it was originally meant as a fill for the Secret Santa exchange in 2022. I have about six (?) Chapters written out somewhere, but I stopped writing when I realised I wouldn't finish it in time for the deadline.
So the story is that Dream lost part of his memory after escaping Burgess and thereby started developing migraines and the like, caused by the chunk of his memory just missing entirely and battling with his unconsciousness to resurface. Eventually Hob would notice and coax him into trying hypnosis to perhaps regain some of the memories and work through them (Hob in this au has worked as a therapist after WW2, wanting to help people with the ptsd he, too, was suffering from).
Now since Dream is the collective unconscious, hypnosis works a bit different on him. He starts talking about trauma and traumatic experiences. At first they seem quite random. An abusive father, watching a mother die, all of it so very unlikely for the King of Dreams and Nightmares. Neither of them knows exactly what's going on. Until one session, Dream starts talking about war. About a battle, screams of dying men, of pain and blood and darkness. Hob realises Dream is telling him about his trauma. And so they realise, Dream, as the collective unconscious, has trouble figuring out which of the memories he has were his own and those of others and since there is no active memory of his to latch on, his mind takes the next best thing.
This would develop into a full blown therapy ark that I've never fully thought through! Perhaps one day XD
Thank you so much for asking Mallory! I'm always happy to talk to people about my stuff, even if it's rotting in a corner, perhaps never to be picked up again! XD
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andkisses · 1 year
♡ raindrops | jay ♡
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you should be working, but being in his arms are simply so much more appealing.
♡ jay x gn!reader | wc. 775 ♡ genres/tropes: fluff fluff and more marshmallow fluff ♡ mentions of/warnings: none ♡ a/n: iirc i had this posted on an old blog that has since been deleted; it was originally for changbin from skz; i rewrote/reworked this more than i normally would a redo/repost; enjoy <3 ♡ a/n: also, thank you for 70+ followers! ♥
Raindrops hit the windows with distinct plinks, a pattering that instantly runs down to the sill in rivulets. The edges of the window pane fog with a difference in temperature–too hot and humid outside, too cool and crisp inside. The rain had been in and out–some days sunny, some days like this.
And today, you’ve decided the weather is too much to deal with–too humid, too hot, and too rainy. With the fan lazily swirling overhead, you keep a blanket loose around your shoulders as you sit on the couch and work, laptop open to a half-started, half-finished essay. You can easily get this finished within the next hour.
Except, you don’t recall falling asleep. It certainly wasn’t your intention, yet here you are. Your laptop, somehow, made it safely to the coffee table, clock-like screensaver staring back at you. You’re lying on your side, the throw blanket a crumpled mess around you. The room is a haze of post-dream vision, scattered with the pattering sound of rain, and your mind is slow to return to reality as the world around you sharpens back into focus.
The arm slung over your waist grounds you, however, pulling you further from your forgotten dreamland, and the breath against your neck, smooth and steady, leaves your skin softly ablaze.
You need to get up and do things—that’s what you were originally doing, what you’re supposed to be doing. There’s homework to finish, after all—summer classes didn’t finish themselves and degrees didn’t earn themselves. The plates from dinner are still by the sink. There are emails you have yet to reply to. But the arm around you tightens as you try to leave.
“Let me go.” It’s borderline a whine, and you both know it. The rain continues as night falls across the city, taking the ambient sunlight with it.
You feel Jay shake his head, tickling the nape of your neck ever slightly as his hair brush against your skin. “Nope,” he murmurs, as if that’s the most obvious answer. “Don’t wanna.”
“But I have things to do?” You try to push against the arm around your waist, pry yourself out, but to no avail. It’s as if every time you struggle to escape, his hold tightens. It’s frustrating and endearing. “There’s deadlines and due dates and—”
"And nothing’s due until Friday?" Jay pushes himself up to see over your shoulder. You silent curse for keeping him so involved. Of course he remembers. “And it’s what day right now?”
You turn to avert your gaze as you mutter, “Wednesday…” with a serious pout on your lips.
“So it stands to reason that there’s time?” A hand comes up to poke your nose. “You can relax and stay here, in my arms, with no problem.”
You manage to lightly elbow his side as he sinks back into his spot, and Jay fakes an injury to humor you, his own fake pout on his lips. “I hate it when you’re right,” you complain, lowkey whining again.
But you loved being with Jay, even if it unhealthily played into your procrastination habits or kept you up past your bedtime sometimes. Time with him was better than any other time, no matter what you were doing. He had a seemingly magical ability to make you happy (and you didn’t know it, but you had the same effect on him, too). His presence helped make things more manageable—the sad times or the happy times, and everything in between.
Jay also knew how to give the best cuddles and snuggles, like, ever. Of all time. He would like to say it’s all the gym time, and you like to say it’s simply your presence that’s so inspiring. Either way, spending time in his arms, warm and safe, was extra nice.
“You love me,” he murmurs, again like it’s the most obvious thing. He presses a gentle kiss to the edge of your jaw before nestling back into the crook of your neck once again. It makes you shiver and sigh with content.
This is so much better than any essay or the dishes.
“I do love you, Jay,” you reply, It makes your heart race just as it did when you first said it.
You hear him sigh, just as content as yours, and feel him relax around your frame, arm hooking snugly into your waist. It’s silent for a while, aside from the raindrops and the city noise around you. Then, Jay speaks, quiet and deliberate, just for you. His words fill you with a sparkly kind of warmth that you wish you could bottle up and keep forever. “I love you, too.”
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