#i feel like it'd be nice to hang out with him actually.
tls123 · 2 years
i know this is just me but i so don't understand posts that go "i love jiang cheng as a character but i know if he were real and i were to meet him it'd be on sight"...... like.... he's just a guy?
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livinginshambles · 1 year
Not ridiculous at all | James Potter
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Pairing: James Potter x fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: You are part of the marauders, always having felt special when they called you part of the gang, but also consequently too embarrassed to admit to wanting to be more feminine, afraid that they would no longer deem you cool enough to hang out with you. You are hurt by James' comments and James might realise something when you're avoiding him.
Notes: Best friend!James, he's a bit stupid, Lily is a sweet friend, arguments, so maybe a little angsty, but not really, classic cliche tropes like friends to lovers, misunderstandings, pining (I literally just dreamt this so it's a bit patchy) and I know it's very stereotypical but that's why it's just fanfiction :)
(PS) I haven't written before, just wanted to get this out of my system. English is my third language, and this fic is not proofread because I'm way too lazy for that! Enjoy!
Part two Masterlist
You've grown up with James Potter and have been part of the marauders since the very beginning. You always took 'being one of the guys' or 'part of the gang' as a compliment, it left you feeling giddy as if you were included in some secret group that only you had the privilege of belonging to.
But sometimes you would sit in the girls dormitory and despite your friends laughing and chatting about, you would feel a wave of loneliness wash over you. They often did activities together and by now, 6th year at Hogwarts, they've managed to stop asking you to join them as you've always dutifully replied that it 'wasn't your thing'.
I mean, what would the guys think of you? It would be too embarrassing to admit to them, or anyone for that matter, that you would love to be dolled up for once. To go shopping with your friends, be included in movie nights, asked by Alice if she could test some makeup on you, or read and gossip about the new romance novels that were the new hype.
Especially now when you sat on your bed, part of the circle in which they were discussing plans to go dress shopping.
"You should absolutely join us!" Alice squealed in delight. You were shaken out of your train of thoughts with a huh and realized the conversation had taken a turn somewhere and now included you too. Marlene and Lily nodded fervently in agreement but you bashfully shook your head.
"Nah, can you imagine me in a dress?" You joked, but Dorcas caught the curious and somewhat longing look in your eyes at the mention of getting ready for the Yule ball.
"I think you would look great actually. And besides, you can treat yourself too sometime you know. You're not obligated to stick with the marauders all the time." The girls in the dorm once again all agreed and you smiled at their kindness.
"Since when are you interested in things like the Yule ball?"
You snapped your head up at James to see his questioning eyes and then quickly averted your own in a flustered manner as if one of your greatest secrets had just been uncovered. "I just think it seems nice, that's all, I'm not even going or anything", you defended. You felt slightly embarrassed by James' face which wore a weirded out expression.
"Well you're not really the type to go to such an event anyway right?", James remarked. You did your best to hide your frown at his immediate agreement. Was it that bad that you'd hoped he would say something along the lines of 'what are you talking about, go enjoy yourself at the party' or something like that?
"Besides I can't imagine you in a dress, all made up, it'd just look so ridiculous." James continued. Remus, ever the sweet and attentive boy glanced at you and noticed your slightly sacked shoulders in disappointment at his words.
"I mean you're just not that type of person, you know? Like completely opposite of Lily."
And with that your face felt like it burned from embarrassment. As if you didn't already know. That didn't mean you didn't want to be more like her sometimes.
Peter's eyes flicked with concern from James to you and back.
You felt hurt and forced yourself to stop tears welling up at his words, mustering up a grin, ready to agree with him but were interrupted by Sirius who had now also caught your change in mood.
"Prongs, you really have no tact at all, how are you expecting to even win Evans over with that?" He said in a playful manner as to not offend their whipped friend, but not fully succeeding.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" James looked slightly offended and Remus jumped in the conversation.
"That's just not a nice thing to say. It's different if you call me an ugly toad, but not Y/N! If she wants to go to the Yule Ball all dolled up, she definitely should." He shot you a supportive smile which you returned.
Peter nodded in agreement. "I don't think you'd look ridiculous at all," he told you sincerely. You subtly scooted a little closer to him and Remus.
"But it's Y/N, it'd just look weird, cause she's just not a proper girl like that, no offense." James shot back and gave you a smile at the last two words.
You saw Remus opening his mouth to retort but quickly intervened. "He's right." You told them. You just wanted this conversation to be over with already. It was awkward and painful for you as it was.
James didn't seem to get the memo, however, and kept on going, drilling your confidence further into the ground.
"See, she agrees." He turned to you. "It's not like you're ugly or anything but it'd be ridiculous. Like I said, you're not the type to be all beautiful and dressed up, hair done and all. I mean you're cool, but not pretty like that." He was clearly not done yet and started talking about Lily and her beauty at which point you abruptly got up and left.
"What's gotten into her?" James remarked with a frown.
Sirius and Remus didn't even bother to answer and just stared at him in disbelief.
The girls comforted you as you cried. Marlene barged in with ice cream, stolen from the kitchen in one hand and 5 spoons in the other. "What a jerk." She commented and thrust a spoon in your hand before plopping down in front of you with the rest of your friends.
Lily sighed frustratedly. "See this is why I don't like him at all. He's so rude and arrogant, and he-"
"- is right." You answered dejectedly. "I'm your friend, but not the type to join you guys and belong to your circle."
"Well that's only because you hang around the boys all the time," Alice argued. She nudged you. "But you know what, now that James is being a git, you can hang out with us!"
Dorcas gasped dramatically. "We could do a girls night! Treat ourselves a little", she jumped up. "I'll get the face masks and nail polish!"
Lily let go of you too and told you to sit up. "Come on, let me do your hair," she smiled.
With Marlene feeding you ice cream, your nails being polished by Alice, hair done by Lily and Dorcas reading the latest romance novel out loud while you were all wearing a facemask, you couldn't help but feel all warm inside.
"I love you guys."
"Don't talk with your mouth full."
You laughed and pushed Marlene teasingly off the bed.
"Hey, watch it! I just finished your right hand." Alice complained.
James was a moron. He was kind hearted (to most), popular, captain of the Quidditch team, good looking but a moron nonetheless. So he was absolutely clueless to find you missing from the common room yesterday evening and even more clueless when you were missing from your usual spot next to him at the Gryffindor table in the great hall, because he could not for the life of him think of a reason why you would sit with Alice and Frank instead.
He frowned and felt uneasy at the fact that you hadn't even looked at him, let alone come for a hug with your smile and said 'good morning' like usual. He shook the thoughts away. You were obviously allowed to have your own friends as well and not obligated to spend all your time with him.
The door of the great hall behind him opened and Lily Evans walked in, which was why instead of walking up to you to say something, he habitually turned to Lily instead.
"You look beautiful this morning as usual. I could put in the effort to match you when we go out together?" He shot her a wink and a coy smile but faltered slightly when his attempts at flirting got even less of a reaction out of her than usual.
James turned to Sirius with a questioning look, as if to ask 'you noticed that too right?' but Sirius simply shrugged. When James looked back at Frank and Alice, you were gone, having left the moment you felt his stare.
James started to ponder. 'Were you avoiding him? Surely you wouldn't, right? You two were friends after all, childhood friends. Childhood best friends even, for Merlin's sake! If you were upset with him, you'd definitely let him know.'
A week passed with you, sitting on the opposite sides of the classroom, seemingly having picked partners long before class because how else would you team up with random students before James could even blink?
He had now fully accepted that you were avoiding him. And with that, he meant 'accepting the possibility of that occurrence'. He was by no means going to accept your strange new behavior without doing anything.
The last drop though, was when he heard the news from Peter that you'd already left for Hogsmeade with the girls.
He frowned. 'You were kind', he reasoned. If you were upset with him, then he'd have to apologize. Quickly. Because it's been far too long without his best friend and he realized he missed you. Especially seeing you hang out with others.
"What did I do?" He finally asked his remaining friends.
"Really Prongs?" Remus couldn't help but ask. His friend just gave him a look that said 'well go on then, what is it'.
"How about you think about what you said last week, you know, those rude comments about the Yule ball."
"Yeah, but I already apologized yesterday and told her that I didn't mean to offend her!" James flailed his arms around when he exclaimed it.
"But she's still only hanging out with anyone but me," he whined. "Peter studied with her, Pads got a 'good morning' this morning and you're still talking to eachother.
Remus gave him an unimpressed look at his whining but James was not done complaining yet.
"She keeps spending all her time with the girls while she doesn't even seem to be fully enjoying herself"
This was true. You dearly missed James, so despite your newfound hobbies, a look of sadness sometimes fell over your face, which hadn't escaped James' attention.
"And I just don't understand why she would-" He started but never finished, something dawning on him. "Oh of course! Merlin, I'm so stupid!" He shouted out in epiphany.
"Your words not mine," Sirius quickly took the opportunity.
"Oh bugger off Pads", James laughed and pushed Sirius' arm. And with that, he took off to find you.
Sirius and Remus watched him leave and sighed at the same time. "Do you really think he got it?"
"I bloody hope so, Moony."
"But it's James."
"Yeah, but I mean it's not my fight but even I realize that she's sad that James made fun of the idea of her being more girly when she secretly wants to be. Now she's trying out what she likes, without having to stay within the role of 'one of the guys'. I mean, it's pretty straightforward. I guess a genuine apology and show of support is the solution."
"But it's James."
"Yep, you're right."
Though he hadn't been able to find you, he'd waited patiently for your return in the common room. Staring at the ceiling from his laid back position on the couch.
"Oh there you are, Y/N," He rushed to sit up to face you when you entered the room. If you were surprised by his presence, you didn't show it.
"We need to talk, I wanted to apologize." He breathed out, relieved at himself for having figured it out. "Also, I've missed you so much."
You felt a weight fall off your shoulders. You didn't want to be upset with him and felt incredibly relieved to hear him say that.
"I'm sorry for the things I said. I didn't mean for you to get offended or anything," James began.
"Yeah, you already said that." You frowned. "And I remember I told you that that was not a proper apology."
"I know, I know. It was shitty of me so I wanted to apologize. Properly you know? I'm really really sorry. I was a terrible friend and shouldn't have said the things I said. Please forgive me?" He proceeded to give you Bambi eyes in an attempt to convince you. It unsurprisingly worked.
You softly smiled up at him. "Okay". You barely got the word out before he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.
"Great," he said, cutting through the comfortable silence that you two had been hugging in.
"Now you don't have to avoid me anymore, and you can stop sitting with the girls to prove your point, and join us again instead." He triumphantly continued.
What now?
You blanked. "I'm sorry?" You managed to ask.
"I get that I hurt you by saying your weren't a proper girl, but you don't have to pretend to prove your point by trying to be one." James stated, proud of himself that he figured it out.
"Because I can see that you don't like it, like your face gets all gloomy which is understandable because it isn't really your circle of people."
You stared at him, an incredulous look on your face.
"Fuck you James." You said, your voice coming out softer than you'd hoped. Tears were welling up again, but you couldn't help yourself.
"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I do want that to be my circle of people? That I don't just want to be one of the guys all the time? Is it that crazy to think that I'm still a girl with feelings? That I want to feel pretty too? That I don't like being told by my supposed best friend that I'm basically ugly? That I hate to be compared to other girls like that?"
You were ranting and James had taken a step back, surprised by your outburst.
"No, that's not what I-", James tried to salvage the situation but you weren't having it.
"You've told me that stuff for as long as I can remember and I never told you otherwise because I was scared that you'd no longer want to hang out with me for not being a 'chill friend'. But you know what, I no longer want you to."
At this point, you angrily wiped your eyes to get rid of tears that were threatening to spill. "So fuck you". With that, you brushed past him, escaping upstairs to your room.
James Fleamont Potter felt absolutely miserable.
If anyone told James that you'd ever be more on his mind than Lily, he would call them ridiculous. But here he was, another week had passed and he was staring at your back as you were leaving with your friends for Hogsmeade again.
You weren't wearing your school uniform and robes anymore and James was surprised to see you wearing one of what he knew to be Lily's dresses.
'It suited you more than it suited Lily.' The unwarranted thought flashed through his mind and he shook his head with a scoff to himself. What was going on?
James also noticed that your hair was brushed and shining with a butterfly clip holding your hair in a bun. He wondered when you decided to change your hairstyle because he found that it framed your face perfectly.
'Not ridiculous at all,' he understood.
You looked absolutely perfect.
You turned your face a little and James could feel his head reeling. Have you always been this glowing? Was he just simply missing you? He didn't even realize that he hadn't spared Lily a glance- until Sirius mentioned her while they were having a drink - and a strange feeling washed over him at the thought.
You were running from Filch.
'Fuck I shouldn't have studied after hours, curfew was probably hours ago," you cursed to yourself and took a sharp right turn. You were trying to reach the secret passage right behind the big statue on the fourth floor when you saw the hallway light up because of Filches torch.
Forcing your legs to move faster, you were suddenly grabbed by the wrist. A hand was clasped over your mouth and you felt a heavy cloth fall over you.
You recognised the person pressed to your back immediately and tried not to melt in his embrace as Filch walked straight past the two of you, covered in the invisibility cloak.
You could feel his breath against your temple. His hand had dropped from your mouth, instead draping across your stomach now to rest on your side. The other held out in front of you to create space under the cloak. You shifted a little and finally turned your head and lifted it to look at him and thank him but you were unable to say anything for a moment.
You simply admired him.
The proximity of the two of you in that intimate embrace had something fluttering in your stomach and you harshly jerked away in denial when your feelings hit you.
Oh no.
Now, all suddenly? What changed? Does it really take one random moment to flip your world upside down?
You rushed to push the invisibility cloak out of your way and then left without sparing James another glance.
James couldn't force his legs to move to run after you, still reeling from about the exact same epiphany that you'd just run away from. Your gaze, his fast beating heart and the urge he had felt to lean down for a kiss had confirmed his conflicted feelings of the past few days since he'd seen you leave for Hogsmeade.
The following morning, you'd had the chance to properly process the happenings of last night.
Your conclusion was that you felt guilty that you hadn't even expressed your gratitude. It was rude, you figured. Even if you were overwhelmed by the sudden wave of realization that came crashing down on you, it was rude.
So you pushed your confused feelings aside and marched up to him when you found him in the great hall.
"Thanks, I owe you." You awkwardly said, stopping at his spot at the Gryffindor table. All while absolutely not having forgotten about the fact that the last time you had said something to him, you'd flipped him off and told him to go fuck himself.
James was absolutely beaming. "Yeah you do, but no worries, I'll cash it in right away." This was his chance. He would make up for his behavior and act on his feelings right now.
"How about a date?"
There was a long silence. Your heart plummeted to the ground. Right. James. Lily. Lily and James.
"What am I a magician?" You finally managed to sarcastically retort. "I'm a convincing person but not a miracle worker." You pulled your hand through your hair as you looked around the great hall to see if you could spot Lily.
"Alright, I'll see what I can do." You forced a smile.
James, who had been mostly confused at your words, disregarded it completely in delight at your acceptance to go out with him, even if it seemed somewhat reluctant. Not that it would matter because he was going to prove what an amazing boyfriend he could be. If you'd accept him, of course.
He was grinning from ear to ear, which you mistook as excitement at the prospect of a potential date with Lily. So when you abruptly turned on your heels and marched over to Lily, James watched you confusedly.
And when he heard you try to talk Lily into going out with him, he wanted to crawl in a ditch and die. He stood there, frozen and recounting how you could've interpreted that wrongly.
You returned to him after a while with an apologetic smile. "Yeah sorry Prongs, she-"
"You", he blurted out.
You raised your eyebrows. "Me?" You repeated back.
"The date, I meant you. A-and me of course. Us, like you and me on a date. Together. I thought maybe Hogsmeade?" He managed to force the words out nervously.
There was a long silence and James' shoulders slumped a little. Even more when you finally answered.
"Uh, no?" You said in a questioning manner. James officially wanted to die now.
"You're sweet James, and I don't think you do it on purpose but you're not interested in me like that." You began, trying to convince not only James, but yourself as well.
James opened his mouth to argue but you quickly interrupted him before he could properly do so.
"James, you really don't. And you asking me out on a date when you've quite literally been drooling over Lily just last week as you have been doing for the past 5 years, that's not very nice to me." You frowned.
"Oh." He whispered. He was once again at a lack of words for a moment. Terrible new habit, he thought. This was not how he thought it would go.
"I'd still gladly go with you to Hogsmeade though?" You offered. "Just you know, not as an easy second choice date while you are obviously head over heels with her."
'I'm not', he wanted to tell you, but it was obvious that you wouldn't believe him. "Yeah okay," he weakly smiled. "Just the two of us though."
You nodded and stepped forward, wrapped your arms around him and he leaned into you, returning the hug.
With his face pressed in your hair, eyes closed, he decided that this situation wasn't too bad. He's fought for Lily's affection for years. He'd fight harder for yours.
Part two
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astridthevalkyrie · 6 months
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me getting into a new character: how neurodivergent am i allowed to go
cw: fluff + a few mild horny thoughts
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Rafayel has this little quirk where he's practically incapable of acting like a normal boyfriend. Or a normal person, honestly. Where other people would just take your hand walking down the street, he holds it out with a too-happy, beaming grin so that he can see you take it yourself. Where other people would just sit down at a fancy restaurant, he makes mock offended noises if you try to sit before he can make a big show of pulling your chair out for you.
Where other people would kiss you, he likes biting.
"I'm thinking," he muses, nibbling on your earlobe, "what about a diamond necklace?"
You sigh, burrowing yourself further into him, back against his chest. You're quite comfortable, and you could even fall asleep if it wasn't for his constant yammering. "No."
"Come on," he complains, sinking his teeth into your cheek this time. You let out a brief sound of exasperation, trying to bat at him, but he remains steadfast, tongue poking out to soothe the minor indent he leaves into your skin. "How'm I supposed to prove myself if you won't let me?"
"How would you buying me a diamond necklace prove anything?"
One of his hands slips under your shirt, resting right under your chest. His fingers knead whatever they get in contact with—it's not painful, actually it feels pretty good, not that you'd ever admit it to him. Though you suppose, turning around in his hold and silently indicating to him to pull you closer may just be admitting exactly that.
"It'd prove I'm not cheap, for one thing. I'd be able to tell everyone, whatever my girlfriend wants, she gets! You're so strange, not wanting anything. Do you even know how rich I am?"
"Tell you what," you mumble, burying your face in his neck and completely melting in his arms as soon as his comforting scent fills your senses, "you buy me a quesadilla tomorrow and I'll tell everyone you're practically my sugar daddy."
Rafayel scoffs. "Like anyone would ever believe you were a sugar baby. You don't have the constitution for it."
That might be a new lead in the top ten strangest insults you've ever heard from him. Shooting a small glare up his way, you bite back, "Are you going to let me sleep or are you gonna keep talking?"
"Keep talking," he answers without hesitation, then barrels forward before you can protest. "Hmm, maybe I should just fill my place up with amenities for you. Cheese plates in the kitchen. Exfoliators in the bathroom. A butler to take your coat."
The ridiculous idea of him hiring a butler just so someone could occasionally take your coat from you when you come over makes you laugh, which in turn puts a pleased smile on his face and accidentally encourages him to continue.
"What's that kids' movie you like? Twelve Dancing Princesses? What if I just repaint this room with the floor design from that?"
Now hang on. This one actually interests you, the idea of playing out your childhood fantasies out by dancing around in Rafayel's room. If you asked, you're sure he'd hire someone to replicate the same dress the main character from that movie wears too. "Wouldn't that be embarrassing? Anyone who comes here would see it."
"Yeah, something tells Thomas won't care. And if anyone else does come here, they'll probably write a boringly long article meant to flatter me. Renowned artist is super nice and generous to his childish girlfriend—"
"Says the guy who cried during Island Princess," you fire back, "also, it's nice to know you're only trying to spoil me for acclaim."
"Hello? Did you miss the part where I said boringly long? I'm trying to spoil you because I want you to spend my money."
"Why? It turns you on or something?"
"Maybe," he grins, pretending to lean in to kiss you, then sinking his teeth into your cheek once more the second you purse your lips to meet him halfway. With a quiet growl, you kick at his feet, and he only laughs against your skin. "Come oooon, I'm serious. Tell me at least one expensive thing I can get you."
Finally, you open your eyes, looking up at him with all your sincerest conviction. "Raf. If you wanna ruin your reputation and renovate your floor into the Twelve Dancing Princesses one just to prove a point, go for it. But I'm warning you, I'm gonna have to give you the best head of your life if you do that."
Rafayel groans, the hand that's not up your shirt tangling into your hair. "Don't tell me that, you're gonna force me to be selfless and turn it down. This isn't transactional. I give you my card and tell you to go wild, and then you just do it. Nothing in return."
Ah, yes, the Raf classic. Say the sweetest possible thing in the most irritating way he possibly can. Well, two can play at that game.
"If you give me your card and expect nothing in return, I'm going to strictly buy paint supplies in all your favorite brands, all your favorite colors—"
"I don't have favorite colors—"
Clamping a hand over his mouth, you press on. "And your weak attempt to spoil me will fall flat because not only will I only buy things you like, but I'll wire you the entire amount of what I spend the next day."
He lets out a dramatic half-whine, shaking you a little. "Man, you're so embarrassing!" Tugging you closer, he drowns out your complaints with his own protests. "So clingy, stop getting so close to me! Oh my god," he moans, holding your hand tighter the more you try to fight him and pull back, "get away from me, stalker. Let go!"
"Holy shit, you're so annoying—"
"And you're so obsessed with me, it's concerning."
For once, you're the one pouting at him. "I'm trying to sleep. You're really warm. Can you please push my limits later?"
An affectionate smile lights up his face. "Yeah, okay. As long as you agree tomebuyingyouapradabag."
Rafayel snorts, tucking his face into your hair. "And you think you could handle being a sugar baby."
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anticomedygarden · 10 months
Annabeth had a complicated relationship with her hair.
also on ao3
"Ow!" Annabeth whined when Thalia pulled on another messy blonde tangle.
"Sorry," Thalia said, probably for the millionth time. The older girl was kneeling behind Annabeth on the floor of their current hideout and attempting to get the knots out of Annabeth's hair. None of them really knew the last time it had been brushed - probably not since she ran away. "I don't really know what I'm doing here."
"You just gotta unknot it!" Annabeth said. She didn't see why it was so hard; Thalia was 14 and should know how to untangle hair by now. Annabeth did.
Thalia laughed at her, but it sounded strained. "I don't even have a brush, Squirt. Plus, I've never had long hair."
Annabeth's mouth dropped open. "Really?" She thought all girls had long hair at some point.
"I don't really like it. I like yours, though." Annabeth beamed, at least until Thalia tugged again, and she whined.
Suddenly, there was another set of hands in her hair. "Let me help," Luke said.
Thalia put a hand against Annabeth's back, and the younger girl tried not to buck it off. She was independent! "You can try, but I don't know how much better it can get without a wash and a brush."
Luke sighed. "I can at least try."
(Annabeth had never particularly cared about her hair. It wasn't that she didn't like it or anything, she just really didn't have any strong feelings toward it. She liked that it's there, liked the comforting weight and extra warmth in winter, but she'd figured out at a young age that the yellow color did nothing but hinder her in her pursuits, so she didn't bother with it. She could deal with it, but she wouldn't put any extra effort into it.)
When Annabeth left the showers, Percy was waiting on the steps of her cabin, lurking awkwardly.
"What are you doing?" she asked. It was a surprise, to say the least. She would've expected him to be hanging out with Grover or training in the arena. Besides, she had just gotten out of the shower. A blush worked its way into her cheeks.
"I don't know, I thought we could hang out," he said. Then, he caught sight of her fingers tangled in her knotted hair. "What happened?"
Her blush deepened. "It hasn't recovered from the quest yet." And she hadn't had the patience to brush it out in the few days since they'd been back, compounding and compounding the knot until she couldn't get it out if she tried. "I might have to cut it."
"Oh." Percy looked at her funny and stood, then made a move like he was gonna touch her hair. She stepped back on instinct, and he raised his hands. "I can try and get it out."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously?"
"I can work a brush." He almost sounded offended.
Normally, she would refuse, balking at the prospect of someone touching her hair, but after the quest, she found she didn't mind the thought as much as she thought she would. Plus, the knot was really bad, so he couldn't make it much worse, and it'd save her a lecture from Silena. She shrugged. "Fine."
Then, she went and got her hair brush from her bunk and went back out the door and sat on the step in front of him.
"Holy crap, what did you do to it?" he exclaimed.
She turned to give him a disbelieving look. "I went on a quest! When do you think I had time to untangle it?"
He didn't really look like he believed her, but he didn't say anything else.
"All right," he muttered. The first pull through had her jerking her head back and grabbing his hand behind her.
"Don't try and do it all at once, you'll just make it worse," she scolded. "Start from the bottom."
She felt him gently pull the lower half of her hair and start brushing it. "Sorry."
"It's fine."
After a minute, she relaxed, actually kind of enjoying the feeling. It was nice.
Finally, he finished and handed her back the brush. "I'm done."
"Wait, really?" She reached back to feel her hair and sure enough, it was back to its usual wavy strands, unknotted and flowing. "How'd you do that so fast?"
He shrugged. "I dunno. It probably helped that it's wet. Do you wanna spar?"
Mouth still open, she nodded. She'd have to keep that little affinity of his in mind.
(As she got older, she couldn't help but think that indifference was an asset. Quests certainly didn't provide any time or supplies for hair care. Plus, having Percy around made sure it was wet with dirty water half the time, so why try.)
"Remind me why we're out here, again?" Percy asked as they picked their way through the forest.
"Because Tyson said he smelled something funny," Annabeth answered. "And be quiet, you're gonna scare whatever it is away."
Percy stuck his tongue out at her but stopped talking, and they continued walking through the forest until they heard a sound from a ways away.
They froze. One look and they were heading off toward the noise.
It soon became apparent they were heading for nothing as the ground beneath their feet became squishier and squishier.
Then, there was another noise, and she stopped abruptly.
Too abruptly, apparently, because the next thing she knew, she was face down in muddy swamp water.
Groaning, she didn't stay down long and jumped up, knocking Percy over into the water. (He'd be fine.)
"What the Hades, Seaweed Brain?" she said.
He stood slowly. "Why'd you stop?"
"I heard something," she said, reaching up to get some of the gunk off her face. When she touched her hair, though, she paused. It was soaked through with the brackish water. The only thing that could clean it now was a good shower.
Well. It's not like she really cared all that much.
That was her only consolation as they trudged back to camp.
(She didn't think she'd ever want to chop it off; no, it was a part of her, a part she did kinda love on good days, even if it was a nuisance. And she loved having that connection to Percy, and Silena, in a way.)
"Damn, girl, what did I tell you?" Silena said from her spot behind Annabeth's chair. The older girl was attempting to rescue the blonde mass from its latest adventure, and Annabeth was afraid it wasn't looking too good.
"I was kidnapped by a titan, I couldn't exactly take care of it," Annabeth grumbled, wincing when Silena gave a particularly rough pull. She'd been sitting in this chair for years for the daughter of Aphrodite to cut her hair and just generally take care of it, and she still couldn't stand watching herself in the vanity mirror. She looked away.
"Well, I'm afraid I may have to cut it."
"That's fine," she said. It wouldn't be the first time. She looked at herself one final time to mourn the current length and caught sight of the grey streak. "Wait!"
"What?" Silena said, sounding surprised. "What's wrong?"
"Are you sure you can't untangle it?" she asked.
Silena sighed and picked up the knot of hair again. "I can try, but it'll take a while."
"That's fine," Annabeth said definitively. Hair grew at approximately half an inch per month, but Annabeth wasn't sure how the stress from holding the sky would affect the growth rate or the return to its normal color. However, she wasn't going to hurry the process along, at least, not as long as Percy still had his.
Not that she would ever tell anyone that.
So she sat as patiently as she ever had while Silena untangled her hair.
(Probably the longest Annabeth ever went without brushing her hair was when Percy was missing. Without his fingers to run through it or Silena to pester her about it, she just didn't think of it. Or want to think of it.)
"Okay, no. Come here."
Annabeth looked up from the map she was staring at on a table in Bunker 9 to see Piper walking towards her. "What?"
Leo glanced over from whatever project he was working on with a similar expression of bewilderment on his face. Clearly, he didn't know what Piper was talking about, either.
"Annabeth, your hair. When was the last time you brushed your hair?" Piper asked exasperatedly, steering Annabeth to sit down in a chair.
"I was in the middle of something," Annabeth protested.
"You can go back to staring at that map after I fix this rat's nest," said Piper. "Seriously, I know you have a brush. When was the last time you used it?"
Accepting her fate, Annabeth just shrugged. Her hair was rarely, if ever, on the front of her mind.
When Piper attempted to drag a brush through it, they both winced. "Oh my gods, there's a ponytail in here? How long has that been there? And how long has it been since you washed it?"
Once again, Annabeth shrugged. She honestly had no idea, though, come to think of it, it had been pretty itchy lately.
"Okay, well, that ends now." With that, Piper went to work on the knot, attacking it with the brush. "I'm gonna have to cut the ponytail out."
Annabeth startled. "Wait - the hair or the rubber band?"
"The rubber band," Piper said, causing Annabeth to breathe a sigh of relief. She knew it was stupid, but she didn't want there to be any risk of Percy not recognizing her when they found Camp Jupiter. "Your hair is completely wrapped around it."
Without waiting for a response, she whipped out Katoptris and sliced the rubber band out. Annabeth's hair didn't move much.
"Good lord," Piper muttered. "Here we go." The daughter of Aphrodite then went at the knot with the same vigor as Annabeth going at a training dummy. It did not feel good.
Piper was far less gentle than her sister. Piper was far less gentle than Percy.
Annabeth didn't like that thought, didn't like thinking of the dead, and she really didn't like thinking of Percy as missing.
But when she squirmed to try and get away, Piper gripped her shoulder, keeping her from standing. "Piper, I-"
"Hold still."
"I can do it-"
"But you won't, will you?" Piper said, raising an eyebrow.
Even Annabeth had to admit that she was right, but that didn't make it any easier. "I promise I'll-"
"No," Piper said with finality. However, it was what she said next that rooted Annabeth in place. "Let me do this for you, please."
She paused. It had never occurred to her that Piper might be trying to help in whatever way she could, that she didn't have the mechanical skills to help build the ship or the memories to help try and pinpoint where exactly Camp Jupiter was. "Fine."
"Thank you."
So, she sat there while Piper untangled her hair and only winced every so often.
Finally, probably an hour later, she was done, and they both stood. "Now, you're going to go eat dinner, then you're gonna shower, and then you're gonna go to bed."
Annabeth blanched. "I still have so much work to do."
Piper put her hands on her hips. "And it will still be there in the morning."
They stared at each other, neither one willing to relent, until Leo giggled from across the bunker. "Someone's in trouble."
Piper snorted. "I don't know why you're laughing, Repair Boy, you're going, too."
Annabeth didn't have to see his face to know his mouth had hit the floor. "I never agreed to that!"
Piper's eyes narrowed, and she went to grab Leo from his work bench. "I don't care." She pointed at the door. "Now, both of you, dinner, shower, bed."
There was no way Annabeth would agree to that, not when there was still so much work to do on the ship, maps to study, star charts to examine - really, she didn't have time. "How about dinner and bed, then shower in the morning?"
Piper's eyes hardened from where she was dragging Leo by the collar over to the door, then she pushed Annabeth's back until the blonde was also standing outside the door. "Dinner, shower, bed." She turned around to lock Bunker 9 behind them. "And for the love of the gods, wash your hair. Yes, Leo, both of you."
(Annabeth needn't have worried about Percy recognizing her. She probably could have shaved her head and painted her face to look like Iron Man, and he would recognize her, even in the depths of Tartarus.)
"What do you think of me cutting my hair?" Annabeth asked.
Her and Percy were limping along the Phlegethon at the approximate rate of a Zamboni in a swamp. Pain and soreness had settled into every corner of her body, but Annabeth was somehow thinking of her hair tangled at the back of her neck and stuck to her face with sweat, and how the hell she would fix it if they made it back to the mortal world. (When. When they made it back to the mortal world.)
She barely felt Percy turn to look at her. "I think you should do whatever you want with it."
Aw. She probably should have predicted that. "Come on, tell me the truth."
He paused. "You know I love your hair."
When he didn't say anything else, she pressed her fingers against his waist. "But?"
"But," he started. "But it's your hair."
"I know that," she said with more force than she meant to.
If she could see anything in the dark, she would've seen his brows furrow. "Do you really wanna get rid of it?"
She bit her lip. "No." She couldn't bear to let go of everything it meant to her now, the memories it carried beyond just the grey streak: Thalia, Luke, Silena, Piper, Percy. It was hers to care for, hers to maintain, and she hated that it took Tartarus for her to realize that. "I just don't know how it's going to recover from this."
"Hey," he said, stopping them. "It's gonna be fine. It'll get through it." She gave him a disbelieving look, though she wasn't sure he could see it. "Do you know how I know?"
Her hands fiddled with the back of his shirt where they were wrapped around his waist. "How?"
"Because it's so bright that it's one of the only things I can see right now."
She pressed her face into his chest. "All right. If you say so."
He rested a cheek on her head. "I do."
(Then, of course, there were the practical purposes.)
"Okay, I think I'm finally getting this," Percy said above her.
"Thank the gods."
He had been messing with her hair for about two hours now trying to figure out how to do a French braid. Without technology, his only resource was a book he found at the library, and it wasn't like Annabeth knew how to do it.
Though she may want to learn soon for the same reason Percy was. He was gonna have a little sister, one that, for all intents and purposes, would probably grow up with Annabeth as an older sister figure which was absolutely insane for her to think about. She technically had plenty of experience as a counselor and an actual older sister (though that qualification was debatable), but it was a whole other thing when it was Percy's baby sister.
It was very hard not to think of Silena, and even harder not to think of Thalia. If she was half the older sister to the new little girl that Silena and Thalia were to her, she would have succeeded.
But for now, she could help Percy learn to be a big brother.
(So maybe she did love her hair. Just a little bit.)
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bruh-myguy-what · 5 months
Hello! Could I possibly ask for a Echo/reader (Gn)
Setting could be 79’s maybe some angst with someone calling out echos “missing parts” after he rejects their advancements, and he feels a bit dejected about it. The reader (after insulting the other person) would take him back to the Marauder and comforts him (it can be smut or fluff either is fine)
Thank you! Have a nice day <3
He's More Than That***
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Pairing: Echo x GN!Reader Warnings: Smut (my first so you must forgive any issues), Twi'lek woman being mean to our beautiful cyber-clone, cursing, filthy nonsense at some point, oral (Echo receiving), intercourse/sex, fluff Word Count: 5K Summary: Hunter, Wrecker and Echo waned a temporary reprieve from their constant stay in the Mauarder and decided you should be their babysitter for the night at 79's. Reluctantly you join and overhear a conversation Echo had with a Twi'lek who doesn't seem to take being rejected by him very well. After defending him and convincing him he deserves more, he shows you exactly what you deserve from him. A/N: When you requested this, anon I absolutely had just admitted- the same day!- that I was basically now an Echo girlie. I hadn't ever really noticed how adorable he was or how much I actually loved him until after the finale. Like I've always loved him, but I was never a girlie until now and now I simp. Also, I've never really written GN or smut so the two together really threw me for a loop lol so I hope this is alright for you! I do really appreciate you sending in a request, feel free to send in whenever you'd like!
Requests are open if you have anything you'd like to send in!
The atmosphere of 79's was as smoky and dingy as ever, the blue/green lights of the neons hanging around illuminating faces and bodies as they moved about the bar. It hadn't been your idea to be here tonight, usually opting to stay back on the Marauder with Tech and Crosshair for the sake of serenity, but when the other three boys begged you to come along so that they have a designated babysitter who wouldn't get wasted, you couldn't deny them. Hunter wanted to get away from the ship to what he labeled "loosen up" which you knew meant he needed to get laid before the stress made him strangle his brothers. Wrecker wanted to drink some regs under the table and joke about how 99 was better in every aspect while listening to good music.
Echo, on the other hand, didn't give you a reason why he decided to join in on the outing. It wasn't his usual scene. Not anymore, anyway. As far as you were aware he also preferred the relaxed atmosphere of the ship; the two of you spending your time playing a game or watching a bad holomovie you'd downloaded on one of the datapads the Batch kept aboard for entertainment. It wasn't really like him to want to drink all that much, not since he joined Clone Force 99. He'd told you a few stories of him and his twin, Fives, trying to pick up a few women here and there while hanging around the clone bar back in the day but you never thought you'd actually see him here.
You peeked to the corner of the club, seeing Hunter cozied up with a pretty green Twi'lek woman- her legs draping over his lap as he kissed along her neck. At least he'd be less snappy on your next mission. Then you heard Wrecker laughing boisterously over the music as some reg tapped out, his squad mates dragging him away from the table. He'd be content too and it's almost as if you could already hear him hollering at Crosshair to regale his win over the regs. Resting your eyes back on the pale clone sitting at the bar independently, you watched from across the hazy atmosphere wondering if you should approach him or leave him to his thoughts.
You and Echo had a relatively close relationship. His reserved yet courageous demeanor was always something you had admired about him, and whenever he'd joined 99, you were among the first to buddy up with him. You knew exactly how it'd felt not to be "one of the brothers", even with how close you'd become with the Batch. So, it seemed easy for the two of you to cling to that shared understanding. You felt a smile reaching your lips at some of the memories you'd shared with Echo, a familiar ache settling in your chest and you determined that joining him at the bar was the best idea- even if not for him, but for yourself.
You made sure to clock him in the spot he was settled in before tearing your eyes away and descending the stairs to the main floor, losing sight of him through the dense crowd. Weaving through, apologizing to a few couples who were dancing or going about their "business" on the floor, you managed to emerge from the mass of people to find an empty bar stool- entirely devoid of your companion.
"What the-" you muttered to yourself under the loud music, "He was just here." Swiping a glance up and down the span of the bar, the friendly sight of a pale clone adorned by blue neons captured your attention. He seemed to be speaking to someone, though you couldn't quite see who it was from your current position so you stepped up closer to casually join the conversation when you overheard Echo decline whatever they had offered.
Curiosity got the better of you and instead of being a good friend, leaving the man alone to hopefully find some solace for the night, you stood just close enough to eavesdrop a little more. "I appreciate the sentiment, and you're stunning, don't get me wrong." His voice was as sweet as ever, a little solemn you could tell, but only if you knew him well enough.
Was she really all that pretty? Were Twi'leks the type of person Echo was into? Against your better judgment, you leaned forward onto the bar to glimpse the woman he had complimented, and your heart sank at how her pretty eyes glimmered against the neon lights.
Then you heard her laughter. It sounded as if she were laughing… at him. "Oh, honey," her accented voice cut through the music with its patronizing tone. "You can't honestly be refusing me when you look like," and you watched as her pretty eyes scanned the clone before her, gesturing lazily with her manicured hand, "that."
Maybe you'd heard her wrong. You'd definitely heard her wrong… right? There was no way in the galaxy that she was insulting him about his looks just because he told her no… right?
Echo stammered in shock, momentarily caught off-guard by her comment. It wasn't as if he'd not been used to people making remarks about his… unmistakable condition. He just hadn't anticipated the Twi'lek to be so hostile at his decline. "Well, I-"
"I mean, seriously? Look at you, you're a mangled mess." She let out an irked breath as if she were, suddenly, too good for the current conversation. You noticed her lean away from Echo, surveying the rest of the room full of clones, "I bet you don't even have all of the right parts to please anyone anymore, do you droid?" The Twi'lek's snide grin as she huffed out another laugh made your blood boil.
Did she actually have the audacity to call a man of war, who kept her safe from the rising Separatist threats, a droid? She couldn't even begin to understand the horrors of war Echo had seen.
You heard a disparaging laugh bubble up from your friend, noting how his shoulders sank only a fraction, head inclining to the cup in his hand. His back had been facing you, turned completely to the attention of the Twi'lek in front of him, so you couldn't entirely make out his expression- though you'd felt as if you'd known him well enough to imagine the rueful smile etching his features about now. "Ah, yeah," he breathed with a soft, somber chuckle, "I guess I am a freak at this point, eh?"
"It isn't about that anyway," you finally chimed over his shoulder.
Echo's eyes widened at your raised voice, his hurried voice muttering your name in surprise. "What are you doing?" His brown eyes glanced between you and the Twi'lek nervously as you walked around to place yourself between the two of them.
"I don't think he'd have trouble pleasing anyone that had the decency to see past a few war scars. But clearly, that isn't you, you'd only be a waste of his time." The knuckles of your fingers began to ache because of your clenched fists and only at Echo's gentle touch did you relax.
The soft voice you'd come to rely on whispered past the music into your ear, "Cyare, please, it's not that big of a deal, really." Though his tone was even you could tell he'd been embarrassed that you'd overheard the conversation.
"It is though, Echo. You don't deserve to be spoken to that way just because you don't want to whore around for the night." You defended sharply, throwing a look back at him then quickly pinning the Twi'lek to her spot once more. "He has plenty of satisfying features, I'll have you know. He's funny, loyal, protective. He loves his brothers fiercely. He doesn't shy away in the face of danger. He's the first to answer when help is needed, he's reliable, and a wonderful man who deserves more than what most people give him."
Condescending giggles rippled over her pink lips as she covered them, a manner of mischievous glee sparkling in her eyes as she watched the protective display. "You defend him as if you two fuck."
A burn crept up your neck and into your cheeks at the allegation but you couldn't slow your words quickly enough before you said, "I'd be damn lucky if we did."
Echo's grip on your arm flexed at your statement, tentatively pulling you back toward him to de-escalate the rising frustration in you. "Cyare, maybe that's enough." He whispered again.
"You two are cute. No wonder he didn't want to sleep with me. Whatever," the Twi'lek waved you off noncommittally, then pushed herself off of the bar. "There are other handsome men around who need my attention." And with a subtle flip of her lekku, she merged with the swaying crowd.
Frustration simmered beneath your surface as you watched her disappear, more nasty remarks popping into your mind after the confrontation was over. "Stupid, nasty-"
"Cyar'ika," Echo's warm voice broke your hostility, his fingers raising your chin to meet his eyes, "what was all that about?" The pale brown hues narrowed in concern as if you had just been in a serious altercation on his behalf and were injured in some way. "It's not like that doesn't happen all the time, what with the regs calling us defective," his laughter dying as he noticed your soured expression.
You crossed your arms over your chest indignantly, "Just because people insult you, Echo, doesn't mean it's okay. You don't deserve to be treated that way. By anyone." The reassuring brush of his hand- passing from your chin to your shoulder- made you even more upset as if he were okay with being so dehumanized by someone. You pushed his hand away, not because you were offended by his touch- far from it- but because you needed him to take your words to heart. "And stop with the Mando'a, you know I don't understand what you're saying. I'm being serious right now, ya know? You're not a droid. You're you. You're Echo."
The slight tilt of his head made your heart lock up as he smiled at you. He didn't say anything, he just stood there, the pale brown of his eyes highlighted by greens and blues from the bar. It was something you two often did, communicate with just a few looks, something that Crosshair had hissed and griped about, witnessing it on multiple occasions. As the two of you stood there silently for a moment, you began to notice his smile shift and the color of his cheeks showed a little darker. "A-About what you said to her-"
Your entire world came raging back, the music suddenly too loud for you to think properly. "O-Oh right! The...uh-"
"F-Feeling lucky if the two of us-"
You hummed in agreement, with his sentence, not your earlier sentiment. Not that if you thought about it long enough you would've disagreed with your truthfulness brought on by impulse. In fact, you had thought about it quite a lot since meeting the Arc Trooper. You couldn't help yourself, really… he was quite literally amazing at nearly everything he did. He was fluid on the battlefield, quick to make decisions, soft, and compassionate when someone needed comforting. He walked around as if the horrors of his dreams didn't haunt him, opting instead to care even more for those around him. Echo was a man of honor and you marveled at how he carries himself. Not to mention being in close quarters with him, or any of the Batch really, only heightened your ever-growing desire toward him. It was practically inescapable to see someone either in their blacks, partially dressed, or completely naked while on the Marauder. You had seen Hunter and Wrecker shirtless on more than a few occasions and even once seen Tech remove his blacks to use the fresher, and nothing was really wrong with any of those instances. Though the one that lingered in your mind, that just kept nagging at you when you were particularly desperate to reach out and have his pale hand touch you, was when you'd walked in on Echo after he'd finished in the sonic. You thought Crosshair had been the last one to use the fresher and hadn't seen anyone else take a turn, but when you pressed the button revealing the cybernetic clone with just a towel hanging around his waist you froze. You could've acted normal about it, muttering an apology and turning around but you'd only stood there floundering.
And that was how you reacted in this very same instance- dumbstruck and speechless- as your cheeks and ears burned desperately.
Clearing his throat, jolting your attention back to his face, Echo rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. "Well, we can just forget about it. I'm sure it seriously threw her off when you said that, so that was a good tactic." He joked kindheartedly, eyes closing in that familiar charming, laid-back smile of his.
He honestly thought you were joking. Or just trying to defend him by saying anything that sounded good.
Maybe that was okay.
Maybe you could get away with not making anything awkward between the two of you. Maybe he saw how anxiously you reacted when he brought it back up and was gracious enough to drop it for your sake.
But was that fair?...
He deserved to know how handsome he was, just as much as any of his brothers- 99 or otherwise.
"Besides, like she said- whether it was meant as an insult or not- I'm a mangled mess. We can't have you wasting your good looks on me, now can we?" Echo tapped the tip of your chin with his hand gently, winking mirthfully at you.
He was being serious.
He didn't have any clue how desperate you were some nights to call out to him. Echo genuinely thought he was unwanted and he harbored it like a man devised for loneliness.
Never reciprocating his humor or obliging him in his self-deprecation, you remained stern, eyes locked with his handsome pale face. "I would fuck you right now in the middle of 79's if I knew we wouldn't get banned from the only clone bar on Coruscant."
Disbelief filled the clone's expression, eyes dilated to the size of Tech's goggles, his cheeks flushing a red bright enough to rival the neon lights. It was a terrifying leap to take, conveying these tight-lipped secrets you'd been carefully preserving but if it made Echo understand that he was just as desirable as any other man- clone, Jedi, or otherwise- then you'd shout it at every single person in the bar tonight. Your name fell from his lips in an airy exhale, frantically his eyes searched for any sign of banter or sarcasm but he was only met with decisiveness in your returning stare. "You..." he breathed again, deliberately slowing his racing heart, "You're being serious." At your resolute nod, brows furrowed and eyes stern, Echo looked down at himself critically. "B-But, I-"
"Do I need to prove it to you?" you provoked.
Echo's bewildered stare snapped back to your face, brows raised high in astonishment. "Pro-Prove it?"
Again you nodded with resolve. "You deserve it just as much as Hunter. I'll prove it to you right-" and before you could finish your sentence you were yanked forward away from the bar, weaving through the crowd. Echo's pale hand gripping your upper arm tightly enough not to lose you amongst the moving bodies. Confused but curious, you followed his lead.
Pulled to one of the single restrooms you felt yourself being slung inside, Echo behind you now, locking the door. The dingy lights were also a staple in the small room, the most of the illumination coming from the neon lights outside the high window. "Echo, what in the galaxy-"
"Say it again." His voice rushed as you turned to meet his urgent but dangerously narrowed eyes, the low tone startling you.
You knew he was referring to what you had said by the bar, but which part, in particular, left you timid to respond. "Say what again?" You finally managed, anxiously fiddling with a loose string on your pants.
The clone across the room looked positively possessed as he took only a single step toward you. "Tell me you want me." Echo pressed, the gravel to his voice making you shiver. "Please," his whispered demand nearly lost to the bass rumbling the walls.
This was certainly not where you had envisioned the night to go when you agreed to come out with your squad mates, but as you took a breath, you dove right into the dream. "I want you, Echo." And with the speed of an Arc Trooper, the man descended on you, pressing you into the wall. His body crowded around you, leaving no room to breathe in anything but him as his lips furiously pursued yours. Though he seemed desperate in his actions, there was a hesitation you felt in him. He was leaning against the wall by his arms, keeping himself just a hair's breadth away, afraid to touch you. Pulling back enough to speak against his lips, your hand found his cheek. "Touch me, Echo, please," your own plea a whisper.
His breath shook against your mouth as he faltered, "I-I'm afraid of ruining this…" His sincerity was the fear of a desolate man. "It's been so long… way before I looked-"
Reaching up beside you where his arms lay against the wall, gently guiding his hand and scomp-link to your body. "You can't ruin anything for me, I promise. I've been wanting this for so long, just touch me." A breathy exhale that sounded like a soft chuckle washed over your face at himself and to keep him from overthinking anymore you surged forward to press yourself against him fully- lips connecting.
The kiss you shared this time, was less desperate and hasty, instead imbued with passion and certainty as your tongue came out to greet his bottom lip. Mandalorian curses escaped under Echo's breath, voice trembling as he did, welcoming the dance you challenged. "I can't believe you want me… How could you want me?" Disbelief greeted you as you kissed him again trying somehow to get your affections across.
"How could I not?" Your simple reply caused him to look at you squarely, again searching your face as if he could find some hint of sarcasm or deception- but he found none. With a warm smile, you started unstrapping your armored chest piece and undressing from your standard issue GAR clothes. "Like I told the Twi'lek," you started as you set the clothes on a bar beside you, trying to maintain your composure with intense brown eyes observing you eagerly. "You're loyal, and kind. Funny as hell, adorable when you get embarrassed, charming when you aren't feeling too tired to banter around with me or your brothers," the last one made him chuckle a bit but it died off when the last of your clothes fell away and you stepped back up to him. "And no matter what's going on down here," you glanced down to where his codpiece sat, "I know you'll satisfy me completely."
"Kriff..." Echo stammered softly at the warmth of your hands reaching to unclasp his armor, a questioning look in your eyes. He grinned timidly, "I didn't think at this point you'd even feel the need to ask, cyare," to which you went at undressing him, yourself. Upon lowering yourself to the floor to undress his lower half, even with him imploring you to not get on the bathroom floor for him, you marveled when his blacks were pulled past his thighs.
"Well, color me surprised," your wistful voice made the clone groan in embarrassment as he covered his mouth with his hand, looking away bashfully. "Looks like you won't be disappointing anyone, will you, Echo?" You teased, glancing between the adorably sheepish look on his face and the solid cock that greeted you. Nothing amiss whatsoever. How could he be so insecure when he harbored this under his blacks?
Echo shifted on his robotic legs, anxiously, "There's no need for the commentary, cyar'ika," he complained, his voice deeper than usual as he stole glances at you between his legs as if he were caught watching something he shouldn't.
Smirking, you shrugged nonchalantly up at him, "Guess I'll just have to keep my mouth busy then." Your tongue splayed out over your bottom lip to experimentally lick at the head of his cock, reveling in the shaking gasp that escaped the clone.
"Oooh, k-kriff," Echo groaned helplessly, eyes screwing shut at the feeling blitzing through him like a barrage of blaster fire. The way his husky voice stretched out your name made your body ache for his touch.
You wanted more.
All of it.
All of him.
Your tongue danced along from the base to the tip a few times, placing delicate kisses here and there over his pale skin. It was sweet, watching him enjoy himself with such a small form of affection. The way his eyes fluttered every time your tongue swiped over the tip, how his teeth found purchase on the skin of his bottom lip to keep himself from making too many sounds. "Y-You gotta stop t-teasing me, mesh'la, please..." Echo breathed desperately, hand falling to the back of your head.
"Please, what, handsome?" The naïveté in your tone betrayed the way your eyes twinkled dangerously up at him and made him groan again, hand coming around to thumb your bottom lip, mesmerized by you.
"Please suck my cock." Desire finally blossomed in his eyes, the adorable timidness dissipating and giving way to a man who hungered for more. "I want to feel your mouth around me… I've wanted that for so long."
The admission surprised you, but you couldn't focus on it for too long before you acquiesced and took his cock into your mouth as far as you could before he hit the back of your throat. Echo choked out a moan at your motion, feeling the way your mouth warmed his skin, your tongue lapping around him. "S-So long… oooh, kriff. Wanted to feel your pretty mouth suck me off."
The filth murmuring from his pale lips was only fueling your lust as you hollowed your cheeks and started to bob your head back and forth on him. "I-I can't believe this isn't one of my-my dreams, oh fuck," Echo whispered as he looked down to meet your gaze, groaning at the hazy look in your eyes and whispering an astounded 'look at you' as his hand pressed into the back of your head. His hips thrust, against his better judgment, shoving himself further into your throat provoking a moan from the both of you simultaneously. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you relaxed, allowing him to fuck into your mouth at his leisure, the sounds he makes stirring you up more.
You pull back to catch your breath, a string of drool trailing from your tongue to his soaked cock. "You've dreamed of me sucking your dick, have you?"
"I've dreamed of many sinful things concerning you, cyare." Echo's voice was solid as he pulled you up by your arm, crushing his mouth to yours in a searing kiss. His tongue tasted yours for a moment, scomp pressing into your lower back so you were flush with him. The large expanse of his hand explored your body, mapping every scar and dip of skin to commit to his memory. "Your body is even better than I could've fantasized it; much softer, stronger." He whispered against your neck, placing warm open-mouthed kisses along it.
"Echo," you breathed out his name, his mouth dizzying you. "Show me what you've dreamed… I want to know."
The chuckle that escaped through his lips and fell over your skin sounded dangerous as if you asked him to show you his crimes. "Bend over for me then," the drawl of your name spurred a whine from you that made him grin and you spun around in his arms to place your hands steadily against the bar drilled into the wall. "Kriff, and I thought the sight of you sucking my dick was going to make me cum..." Echo muttered from behind you, his hand brushing down the curve of your spine, admiring the way goosebumps chased after his fingertips. "This view is sure to ruin me."
"Echo, please," you whined over your shoulder at him. The sudden change in power lost on you as you shifted your hips back to meet his, yearning for some sort of relief. Teasing him had done a number on both of you and you needed him to relieve you somehow.
"Looks like I can't deny how badly you want me now, can I, cyar'ika?" The cybernetic clone chuckled from behind you, leaning his tall body over your back to whisper, "Not when you beg for my dick like that." The warmth of his breath tickled the back of your neck and you moaned at the feeling. Without any more taunting, Echo finally leaned away from you to watch himself slip inside of you. "Shit… look at how you take me," he sounded nearly astonished by how his cock disappeared inside, appreciating the sight before him- second only to how you choked his dick.
"Stars, Echo," you moaned desperately, wincing at the stretch of him inside of you, panting as you took more as he pushed deeper inside. "M-More, please, fuck me Echo, please."
"Greedy, aren't you," Echo teased lightheartedly, chuckling at how you begged for him to take you. He seemed to be enjoying himself as he sank into you fully, his typical jovial attitude returning. It wasn't even as if he were teasing you in an expected sexy way. He was teasing you as if he caught you with your hand in the ration box, looking to take extras. The feeling of his cock dragging inside of you as he gradually pulled out to just the tip and then just as slowly pushed himself back in nearly made you sob at the burning fixation for him to shatter you. "I love feeling you like this. I can't believe you want this as much as I do. Kriff, you are stunning. Everything you do floors me." You continually whined his name as he spoke, moving in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace then you felt his hand brush up your back and grip your shoulder tightly as if bracing himself. "You're the reason I said no to the Twi'lek. I just want this, only this," he moaned as he pulled out one last time before stopping, whispering, "Only you," then hammering into you at a fracturing pace.
"Oh fuck, Echo!"
"That's it," Echo praised in his warm encouraging tone, your name falling from his lips like a tribute as he drives his cock into you over and over until you were almost screaming. His stamina was devastating, the force behind his thrusts calamitous as your body rocked against his. "What a breathtaking sight you are taking me like this, kriffing hells. I'm gonna cum," Echo stammered as his hips faltered narrowly.
You'd hardly been able to process anything he'd been saying, too deafened by the passion though you felt his hips shift a bit, slowing their pace and you begged, "Inside, inside please."
"Maker, y-you can't say it l-like that," Echo chided with a choked moan, "I-I," and with a shocked gasp, Echo's hips stilled as they pressed into you. The Mandalorian praises that intermingled with your name, the way his mouth fell to your shoulder, leaving open-mouthed kisses, everything coalesced to a white flash shooting through your body. A sob of his name reverberated off of the bathroom walls, echoing around the two of you as your release hit you. The force seemed to hit your knees and you faltered on your feet but were caught quickly by Echo's scomp-link arm, reeling you back into him.
"Careful there," the smile in his voice evident as he nosed at your temple, pressing a few gentle kisses along your cheek. "Just relax, I gotcha." The gentleness of his touches weaved around you, lulling you against his firm body and the mechanical parts cool against your hot skin. "Sorry, I know some of the pieces might be prodding you." He winced at the thought abruptly.
You shook your head in response, steadying yourself against him by wrapping your arms around his neck and nuzzling closer. "Perfect… You're cool, it feels good, don't move."
Echo was once again left silent by your unconditional favor of all of him. "You continually amaze me," his chuckle affectionate as he hugged you closer. "Now, let's get dressed and get out of this filthy place. I've been thinking about another holomovie we could watch."
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confiscatedpeaches · 1 year
William Afton Finds the Reader's Dirty Diary, and it's full of fantasies about him.
Minors DNI, Reader is assumed to be 18+. I tried to keep the reader gender neutral, but honestly I assumed them to be afab.
TW: Use of word "daddy" in a sexual context, breeding, smut, power imbalance, humiliation.
Life can be stressful sometimes. We all need some kind of escape, whether it be videogames, tv, or even knitting. Your escape just so happens to be a filthy little diary you keep in your bag at all times. And lately, that little guy has been full of dirty, nasty, no good fantasies about your latest crush (and boss) William Afton.
Honestly, you've always had a thing for older men. Once you stepped into his office for an interview you were hooked. You couldn't help but stare as his hands fiddled and played with his pens while he talked. You made a joke about the rainy weather you were having, and he actually laughed. God, what a laugh this man had. Infectious and giggly for someone his age. When he spoke you about melted on the spot. His accent wrapping itself around your name like a comfy sweater or delicate lingerie, taunting you with it's flourishes.
Poor thing, you were so nervous and flushed. You actually looked shocked when he offered you the job. Mouth hanging open (an invitation, really), eyes wide; you looked like a frightened little prey animal. A rabbit, even.
It started out small, just little urges and thoughts hastily written down. What it'd be like to kiss him, hold his hands, touch his hair, etc. Eventually these thoughts became much more... intimate.
Monday: God, every time I step into his office for a chat I imagine him bending me over that desk of his and breeding me. I want to feel his cock balls deep inside of me. I want him to hold me down and break my back. Like, fuck me already Daddy please! Ugghhh! --------
Tuesday: Fuck, he's so hot. I heard him swear in frustration under his breath while fixing foxy. The thought of milking him dry with my tongue is intoxicating. I touched myself in the bathroom while thinking of him. Damn it, I'm so wet now. I want to swallow his cum so bad. He's so. fucking. hot. --------
Wednesday: Mr. Afton, if only you knew how bad I want you. Touching myself to you late at night, cumming while crying out your name. I want you to devour me. Let me be your little slut. I'd be so good for you Daddy if only you'd let me. Please like me back. I want him. I want him so bad.
On and on, filling pages upon pages full of smut. Mentally letting him cuddle, kiss, fuck, and squeeze you endlessly. Of course, you knew he would never feel the same way about you. You were just a young little wage worker. You were nothing more than a typical employee. He was polite and kind to you, but never overly so. Sometimes it seemed like he was flirting, but honestly you chalked that up to you projecting your feelings onto him.
Earlier this morning for example, he called you into his office. He assured you that you weren't in any trouble, he just wanted to check up on you. You seemed a little of out it lately and he wanted to make sure you were okay. He even poured you a cup of coffee. He was such a nice older man, acting almost like a caring father figure. (So what, you have daddy issues, don't we all.) You wished he could be more than that, but you accepted this would have to do for now.
Before letting you return to work, he placed his hand on your shoulder and looked down into your eyes.
"I really like you, y/n. You're a good, loyal worker, and I deeply respect that."
You beamed up at him with a stupid smile on your face. Mr. Afton? Liking and respecting you? Dear god, you must have died and gone to heaven. The heat from his hand sunk down into your core. You imagined his fingers digging deep into your skin, holding you down. You imagined his tongue caressing your neck, lips sucking hungrily at your flesh, his chest pressed against you. Hot blood rushed to your cheeks engulfing your face. He hummed slightly at this before lifting his hand. The spot on your shoulder feeling empty and void at his absence.
"I should really be getting back to work." You stammer, before quickly grabbing your things and fleeing the suddenly humid and intimate office.
About twenty minutes pass before you regain composure. The morning crowd passes by and things begin to slow into their regular routine. Still wet and horny from the crumb of attention he fed you, you rummaged through your bag for your diary, desperate to write down your latest fantasy. Strangely, it's not in it's usual pocket. It's not in the bigger pocket either. In fact, it doesn't appear to be in your bag at all.
No. No, no, no. There is no way you lost that diary. The filthy, disgusting, and embarrassing diary has managed to escape the confines of your bag and is now roaming about the pizzeria.
Panicked, you check the floor behind the counter. Nothing. You check the backrooms. Also, nothing. The kitchen: nothing. The bathrooms: nothing. After systematically checking every room in the entire god damn building you realize you left one room unchecked: Mr. Afton's office.
This cannot be happening.
Even if it is in his office, you made sure to put in bold letters "PROPERTY OF Y/N. PLEASE DO NOT READ" on the front. Everything is going to be okay, it's probably just sitting on his desk waiting for you to come looking for it.
With your heart in your throat, you knock on his office door.
"Who is it?" He asks from inside.
"Y/N." You respond.
"Oh, come in then."
Ah good, so he hasn't read it yet. You open the door.
Sitting with his feet up and crossed on his desk, with one hand rubbing at his croch, he sat. With his other hand, he held up your dirty little diary; holding it wide open. His face was obscured by the book, but he appeared to be deep into it's pages.
"Nice little diary you have here doll."
He tilts his head, revealing a wide and wicked grin.
"Aren't you curious about the real thing?"
You freeze. Unsure if you should respond, or run away and never come back. The room suddenly becomes hot and oppressive. Your chest tightens.
"Mr. Afton! It's not what you think! Please, give it back!"
He laughs.
"I think it is exactly what I think it is love. Got the hots for your boss, have you?"
"I... please... Please don't be angry."
"Oh I'm the opposite of angry love. Be a dear and shut the door behind you. We need to have a little 'chat'."
Swallowing hard, you click the door shut behind you. You find yourself alone with your boss and your filthy diary. He beckons you over. You obey without hesitation, mentally preparing yourself for the worst firing you'll ever experience. He pulls his legs from his desk before standing up from his chair. He completely towers over you. You realize you've never been this close to him before.
"Explain yourself. How exactly, is this not what I think it is?" He teases.
You look away, unable to meet his gaze. Looking down at the floor, you speak in a voice not much louder than a whisper.
"I... I... it's not... it's fiction... I didn't mean anything by it. I... don't mean what is written in there... it's not-"
"Well, it says here" He lifts up the journal and flips back a couple pages.
With absolute glee, he continues: "Ah yes, 'He is so attractive. Mr. Afton, please rail me and pound my tight little hole until I beg to cum. Fill me up and make me yours. Please Daddy, I need this. Let me be your little whore.'"
Shame fills your veins. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes. He actually read it. Every thought, every fantasy you've ever had about him was written in that diary. Now he knew them all.
"...please... let me go..."
He leans in close, his hot breath and lips grazing against your ear.
"No, I think it's too late for that dear."
One of his hands trails up your side and around your waist. The other teases your collar and travels down to your stomach.
"You know... I would love to fulfil each and every one of those filthy little fantasies." He says as his hand tugs the button free from your jeans.
"You just have to let me... you will let me, won't you?"
He kisses at your neck.
"Yes... please.." You coo into his ear.
In a flash, he lifts you up and sets you on his desk. His hand guiding you to lay back on the dark oak wood. Papers, pens, and trinkets fall to the floor. You look up at him and watch as he strips off your bottoms. He carelessly tosses them aside, his hands returning to part your legs. He looks down at your wet sex and bites his bottom lip. His eyes are full of desire, he looks like a starving man who has just found his next meal. A meal that has been perfectly dressed and prepared for him and him alone.
He pulls down his pants to reveal his fully erect cock. The tip red and glistening with precum. His veiny hands wrap around his shaft. He teases your opening with his tip, before giving it a good few pumps.
"Already so wet for me, but not wet enough."
His masculine hand reaches down as he slides in a finger. Curling up inside of you, he begins pumping your sweet spot. You moan and writhe under him. Just when you though it couldn't get anymore intense, he slips in another finger. He greedily tugs and pulls inside of you. Realizing how loud you're becoming, you cover your mouth. His free hand pulls your arm away.
"No, no no bunny. Let me hear you. Say my name"
"Will.. William Afton.. mmmphhhh..."
"Good bunny. Keep crying for me, begging for me."
Your body begins to shake. Your moans becoming louder and harder to understand as a mounting pressure builds within you.
"Williammm... Aft..ahhh..."
Hot sticky fluids gush out of you, covering his hand and dripping down your thighs. His hand pulls away, only to be replaced by the head of his cock. Slowly, he pushes himself into you. A guttural sound escapes him. He fills you up all the way until you feel his sack pressing against your hips hard.
Rhythmically, he thrusts into you. Soon his office is full of the wet sound of him slapping against you. His hands grab and dig into the fleshy sides of your hips. Leaning over you, he finds an angle to reach even further inside. His lips find yours, tongue welcoming itself into your mouth.
He moves faster and faster, like an animal desperate to reproduce. Desperate to breed you. You gasp for air.
"Mmm... cum inside of me please.... Daddy... ah..." You beg.
"Mgh... oh... don't worry angel.. I will..."
Your insides twist and coil, becoming hotter and tighter with each thrust. You arch your back, cumming on his cock. Unable to contain himself any longer, he shoots thick ropes deep into your guts.
You both lay there, panting and exhausted. Wrapped up in each other's embrace.
"Bloody hell... if only you knew how long I wanted this... bet you're glad I found that journal eh?" He laughs.
This was so much better than those fantasies. Much better.
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weebsinstash · 7 months
*me, a poor peasant child holding up my plate.*
Please sire, may I have some more platonic yandere Lucifer and Charlie? 🥺
Of course, starving Victorian child! (Also you just said platonic but I wound up writing this as like, mostly family platonic yandere so idk if that's a distinct difference to you but, here ya go!)
-- I feel like these two would really kinda infantilize you, specifically when it comes to violence, drugs, alcohol, and sex. You know how Charlie is clearly an adult woman but it could not be anymore clear that she's still really sheltered and naive, almost like a kid would be? Like the skit she had Pentious and Angel do literally brought up like, no sex before marriage as a sign of being a good person... did her dad ACTUALLY raise her with vaguely traditional/religious values. That's the kinda thing they start enforcing on you. Oh, you're dressed so cute! where are you going? gasp! A bar??? But that's soooo .... risky!! You're young, and, you're just so nice, and... why don't you stay home and play board games with the Morningstars instead?
You're over here, "can I PLEASE smoke some fucking weed" and Lucifer would deadass with his full chest, "no, none of the Devil's lettuce for MY baby! Those other Sinners can run around with their crack and their whippets and their absinthe but MY CHILD is better than that"
-- platonic yandere Charlie and Lucifer passing the single brain cell they share back and forth, "Dad, they bought some new clothes and I thought it was gonna be for that outing we're taking later this week but they put it on and left the Hotel and went somewhere else!! Who else would they dress up for? Do you think they have a secret second family and they actually hate us? 🥺" "Charlie, do you have any idea how... totally possible that is, oh golly, we've gotta follow them and make amends so they come home!!" and you're just like.... having coffee with a new friend
You're at a cafe looking cute and Lucifer and Charlie are having a stakeout in the fucking bushes nearby or some shit, Lucifer grinding his teeth trying to guess who this piece of shit trying to take his baby away is, growling how hes gonna rip them apart, like who the actual fuck does this person think they are, and Charlie is like, trying to be a little more level headed "haha cmon Dad they would never replace us :)" but then the second she looks over and sees this other person is exchanging too many meaningful glances at you and making you laugh, her switch flips. "Actually yeah Dad you know what you were totally right, they're obviously a creep trying to hurt Readsr and we should kill this guy :)"
--Charlie has no problem with you hanging out with Alastor but I like the idea that she can suddenly see right through him when it's YOU he's doing stuff to. He can be on his whole "oh just call me dad" shit to her and it'd give her the warm fuzzies, but the second she sees Alastor going out of his way to come up and interact with you in front of her father, she knows he's trying to rile her dad up and may even tell him he needs to wait his turn and interact with you later. Lucifer meanwhile all but wants to bite the cannibal like a rabid dog for coming near you and treats him like Al's the evil villain trying to take away his little royal heir. He has no idea what that yellow toothed black gum cretin wants to do to his baby!
-- I can just see arguing with Lucifer, "why can't I date? Charlie gets to date!!" and Lucifer's just like trying to bullshit an excuse for why he just doesn't want you dating because, you're his widdle baby and he isn't ready to see you act adult yet :( the only man you should be kissing is your short father on the cheek! Lucifer is VERY MUCH "I am the only supportive guardian figure you need in your life" kinda yandere dad, if you go to anyone else for help before him he's taking it as a personal slight against him and vows to show up that other person so you never "choose them over him" ever again
-- obviously I'm so fucking biased but. Lucifer with Daughter Reader is obviously just him being your tiny guard dog all the time like, he is so soft, he is such a girl dad. No men talking to either of his baby girls!! No touching his little princesses!!! You'll be out in fucking public as a grown ass woman and Lucifer would still be like, "oh, there's a lot of people here, here sweetie, hold my hand so you don't get lost", marching around holding your hand as the most powerful Anti Rizz Shield in all of Hell, he has no shame, this man is fucking Mayes Hughes whipping out his wallet, "wanna see photos of my girls?!?!?!? Here's one of them in matching dresses, here's one from the musical we went to last week, and here- gosh arent they just the cutest ☺️❤️"
like if you ever wander into another ring like Gluttony by accident, Bee is buzzing up to you, "oh my gosh, it's Luci's little pup, sweetie you're not supposed to be down here, let me get you back upstairs, your pops is FREAKING!!" and talking to you like she already knows you like a friend because Lucifer is showing your photos to ALL his demon friends at every like, Rulers of Hell meeting. Lucifer is over here beaming with pride as Stolas looks over his special I Love My Daughters Photo Album and nodding his head, "perhaps we can arrange some playtime with your girls and my Via, let them all get to know each other" and it's like Lucifer can you PLEASE stop recruiting other all powerful almighty demons into the Let's All Be Platonic In A Creepy Overprotective Way Club. You just turn around one day and like half the Overlords and a few of the Cardinal Sins are all vying for your attention and you're like a celebrity and it's cause your dumb duck dad is blabbing his mouth showing your picture to anyone with eyes
-- you know how Sinner Demons come in all these different sizes and shapes, with fur and wings and, bugs and dinosaurs, fish and object heads? What if Lucifer has the power to alter your demonic form? One day you turn around and you're no longer whatever multi armed fuzzy creature you once were, but you're now... human again. Or at least, human like. You've got your old face again, your old skin tone, but, you've got horns that look suspiciously like your friend and her father's, a retractable tail with a heart on it like theirs, maybe even those like, kinda weird rosy cheek things. And it's because Lucifer and Charlie have decided, well, they don't care what you look like regardless, but now, don't you actually look like a member of the family? Now everyone can tell when you're together! ^^
Like it's kinda sweet but the adjacent horror of Lucifer "oh yeah I completely changed the shape and appearance of your body to more resemble me and my daughter so you look like you're ACTUALLY our family :)" like can you imagine him pulling this kind of shit when you're like not even that kind of close yet. Basically kidnapping you into the Morningstar family tree and actually making you look like them to the point other people can spot you and instantly know to steer clear. Maybe you even get a little special outfit of your own,your own little suit and bow tie with an apple or snake on it somewhere
-- you know how sometimes you just want to be alone? You just like space? You just like not knowing you're being watched or having to share your space with anyone else, you can just breathe? It's not about hating someone else or other people, it's just like... wanting to be the master of your own space for a while?
Foreign fucking concept to these two. Your activities become THEIR activities. Oh cool you're 6 episodes deep into an anime? Here's Charlie and Lucifer, "oooo what are we watching?" "Oh she's really pretty, what's her name, is she the main character?" "That lady sure isn't wearing a lot of clothes, I don't know if this is appropriate for you to watch" "oooo oooo pause it, I'll go make popcorn, dont start it again without me!"
Don't get me wrong I can see this being adorable, you're just like adhd autism infodumping and catching them all upon who everyone is and all the stuff that's happened and "I can restart it from the beginning and we can watch it together?" And they're eagerly hanging off of your every word based on how interested and excited you are about the subject, for whatever hobby or show you're indulging in
BUT I can see this turning into them intruding on everything you do and when you finally do try and say "hey I'd like a little space" that turns into a DISCUSSION. wait why don't you want to spend time with them? Are you sad? Did they do something wrong? Tell them exactly what you're thinking, OBVIOUSLY the correct action ISNT to just give you the space, CLEARLY this is an emergency needing investigation!! Like God forbid you tell them a lie to sneak off and hang out with someone else because THEN it's "who is this clearly abusive evil person telling our precious Reader to lie to us? The altar calls for their blood"
--SINGING!!! These two sing all the time (Charlie sings the most as the Not Depressed Morningstar) and they teach you too! They'll encourage you to join into song, and even just do those little songs you and I do when we're doing small tasks. You'll catch them in the kitchen, "washing the dishes, washing the plates, put them away and have a wonderful day ^^" and they'll try and rope you into singing until eventually you're expected to belt out musical numbers with them like anyone else in this show (bonus points for your first musical song being some sort of rebellious rock ballad about wanting to run away from them because they make you feel controlled or something)
-- mandatory family trips to Lu Lu World! You are NOT going home until you play all sorts of games and eat all sorts of carnival food and are struggling to walk home carrying your giant stuffed duck. God, really missing my childhood going to Six Flags before capitalism ruined amusement parks...
-- "cringe" does not exist in this family and they wont make you feel bad for liking something unless it's like ACTUALLY HARMFUL (like getting drunk and high). You cannot tell me these two do not already have fursonas and they'll geek out on the couch watching cartoons and playing video games with you. You're eating candy watching Naruto and playing LEGO Batman and playing dice games and they're loving every second (Reader why did you have to hit that Nat 20 roll on the "Getting Adopted By The Morningstars" quest, now they're never leaving you alone bro, bro i think youre gonna have to murderhobo your way outta this bro--)
-- I feeeeeeeeeel like. Lucifer if he concentrates really really hard would be able to tell where you are at all times because, Hell is HIS house. He um. He literally has pocket dimension "make shit appear out of nowhere" powers, so like... do you think he can feel all the souls in Hell? Do you think he would be able to concentrate and be like, "oh I can tell Reader is in that direction and is feeling really happy right now"
I just... I picture Reader having a really awful fight where you yell and scream at Lucifer and you can tell you actually really hurt his feelings, maybe even making him tear up, which would then make Charlie really upset with you, and then you're running off because you feel like you can't stay there anymore, and you're wandering the streets, lost, hungry, starting to get cold, wishing you could go back and apologize but feeling like they would never take you back, and, of course, the age old trope, you get cornered by some robbers or some potential attackers and they start beating you around and, all you can think is how ungrateful you were, that you wanted to apologize to Charlie and Lucifer but they probably hated you now, it's too late, it's... it's...
You don't know if it'll work, but you're about to be hurt really badly and you're genuinely scared and missing them and, you just clasp your hands and say a prayer, calling out to Lucifer, but you're like... literally saying it like... you're manically whispering and whimpering not knowing what the fuck you're supposed to say or if something like this would even work, "O Dark Lord Lucifer please hear my plea for your aid and-- no fuck it, come help me DAD I'm really really SCARED DAD THEYRE GONNA HURT ME COME ON DAD PLEASE DAD I'M SORRY, WHAT I SAID WAS WRONG, DAD PLEASE-" and he's there like, before you're even done speaking. You're still covering your head and whimpering and crying and you just hear, "It's OK now" and he's standing over you with bloodied fists and the attackers all crumpled on the ground and he's picking you up like it's nothing to take you back home.
-- lastly, I feel like there's few boundaries on nudity with these two. Like, it's not incestuous or anything, but if Lucifer walks in on you changing and you've got your beav out, he would probably politely put a hand over his eyes and keep talking anyways. Charlie treats it like walking in on her sibling, on someone her age she's known all her life. She'll be walking up, picking lint off your clothes, helping clasp your bra, whichever whatever without any regards for how exposed you might be feeling. Oh you're feeling shy? But she's your sister; you don't have to be shy!!
It's all fun and games until you're completely butt ass naked having Family Bath Time, Charlie scrubbing shampoo through your hair while Lucifer has ungodly amounts of duck themed bath toys floating around and you accidentally catch sight of THE Angel Of The Bottomless Pit's full-on dick and balls that you're realizing, oh, when they said they want to treat you like family, they meant like FAMILY family... oh shit... hope this doesn't turn into a huge "hey also we couldnt bear the thought of losing you so you're kind of immortal now" kind of problem...
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Dream and Hob are friends with benefits. This wasn't planned - certainly not by Dream - but one thing led to another, and after one of their dinners, which became frequent after their reunion, they ended up upstairs, with Dream on his back and his legs on Hob's shoulders. Dream has never been in an FWB arrangement before, but he's a huge fan now (and why did Hob waste so much time talking to him about chimneys when humanity has invented this utter masterpiece??). Hob treats him like a pillow princess, takes him with equal vigor and enthusiasm in all his forms, and they fuck all around the Dreaming and in the most exotic locations of the Waking world. They also hang out as friends, learn more about each other's lives, and all that sans mindfucking that comes with relationships. Oh yes, Dream is a huge fan. He is, in fact, in love with Hob, but he'd never lay such a burden on Hob's shoulders. Love of an Endless is a heavy thing, and Dream doesn't want to see his dearest friend crumble under it. Hob is also in love with Dream, but if 1889 taught him something, it is not to ask Dream for more than he's ready to give. And Dream already gives much more than Hob has ever hoped. The teeny-tiny problem arises when they have an especially cathartic sex: Hob is so relentless and passionate, and they go rounds and rounds, switching between the Waking and the Dreaming. As Hob whispers filthy, unbearable things into his ear about how much he'd like to breed Dream and keep him, Dream gets lost in a fantasy of them having a home…and a child. It wouldn't be enough to get preggers if Hob didn't actually mean it and dream of it, too, but Hob very much meant it and dreamt of it. Dreamt of it for centuries. And that's how mere days later - because Dream is inhuman and his awareness of what's going on inside him is unmatched - Dream feels a new life stirring somewhere deep inside. He is ecstatic and confused and scared and everything in between. But besides being afraid of failing as a father (again!), he's afraid of Hob's reaction. Apparently, their arrangement didn't involve babies. Dream briefly considers keeping his pregnancy a secret but eventually decides to come clean to Hob: his friend deserves to know he'll be a father soon, even if this child is unwanted. Another thing is, Dream can already feel that the baby isn't human: they're taking more after his nightmarish side...If only the Dreaming's library had a book How to Tell Your FWB He Got You Pregnant with a Creature 101! Perhaps it'd appear there after tonight...
Awww this is so good!! Poor Dream. He's feeling like such a stereotype - an unplanned pregnancy, potentially losing his best friend. Why is his life like something out of a bad human soap opera?! He arranges to meet up with Hob and nervously sits with his hands covering his stomach. If nothing else, he's going to love his baby a whole lot. He's actually a little bit excited by the prospect of having a little creature to love and care for. He created a dozen little baby sleepsuits with multiple limb holes already.
Hob is rather shocked, of course, because he never expected to be a father again. But after the shock wears off, he's ecstatic! He's been so desperate to forge something permanent with Dream - fwbs has been great, and Hob will always want to be Dream’s friend, but he's greedy enough to want more. He's not scared of Dream’s love, he's excited to drown in it and reciprocate everything that Dream wants to give him.
Hob is like "I did say I wanted to breed you and keep you, sweetheart. Well, let me prove to you exactly how much I meant it." He wants Dream to live with him, at least some of the time. So he can take care of him and the baby. Of course he doesn't want Dream to abandon his work and function, but wouldn't it be nice to have a domestic life together? Can't they be best friends who are also deeply romantically in love and having extremely hot sex? Well, it's not something that Dream has tried to before. He's never actually been friends with any of his romantic partners. Could that have been the problem all along?
He senses that he'll need all the help he can get with the baby (who is living up to their function and being a proper little nightmare already). And if he moves in with Hob, at least he can get footrubs on demand. Maybe he'll finally get to be happy with Hob and the creature they've created through their love?
At least he's going to try. And Hob is so proud and grateful for that. He'll give footrubs 24/7 <333
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shinjisdone · 2 years
When you have a Secret Admirer - and it's not them (Scarabia; 4)
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A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that ‘secret admirer’ - everyone wants to help you out…but have their own reason for it.
'There are many students here and in comparison to them, I am just a speck between royalty, celebrities and prodigies...but still, I hope you can hear my heart and all that it feels for you...'
form of headcanons + scenario-ish
[note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone you meet following you. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation. mostly nervousness, slight jealousy & stubbornness]
Part 1: Heartslabyul
Part 2: Savanaclaw
Part 3: Octavinelle
Part 4: Pomefiore
Part 6: Ignihyde
Part 7: Diasomnia
Surplus was an understatement.
It certianly was nice to have a few dozen vases filled with blue flowers everywhere and the herbs all helped you cheat your way into doing Crewel's practical homework real quick but it did get tiring after a few days - especially when your ghostly roommates and the cat would not stop pestering you from where they came from.
It seemed everyone else noticed your jaded expression as well and they were sharp enough to know that it wasn't because of school and - unfortunately - not because of this 'secret admirer' but because of them. They were curious, pestering, suffocating, they knew. So, until no news from that secret admirer reached them, they decided to leave you alone for a bit (and continue their case on finding that lovesick student).
Even a certain prince was able to notice how tired of the constant attention you seemed...
Kalim Al-Asim
Oh, well, look at that! It's you!
As air-headed as Kalim is, the news of a secret admirer dwelling here in NRC and bombarding the infamous Ramshakle Prefect with love and admiration has even reached his ears mostly because Jamil informed him
Since he never had been a witness before, it often slips his mind however, so he approached you like he always does - with a skip in his step, a huge wave of his arm before throwing it around your shoulders and giving you brief but tight embrace as a greeting.
Kamil is fond of his hugs and since he is such a sweetheart, you physically and legally cannot be mad at him, you swore to yourself.
He mentioned your tired expression you had the past days and invited you to one of his many parties - no parade this time, he will make sure that it will be actually relaxing to you! Just food, friends, chill atmosphere and doing whatever you want.
Since the prince did not mention anything of any admirer, love letter, gift or confession to you, you agreed. It'd be nice to hang out with him for once and Jamil was not the type to bother you.
So he throws his arm around you and ushered you to Scarabia's mirror. Before you knew it, you were there!
Things were as calming as promised aside from the usual shenanigans and you felt so strangely at home here. Though, you could tell everyone tried their earnest not to mention anything to you or in your presence...
Of course even Scarabia knows aaaall about it...
Though, you couldn't help but felt like you were being watched...
Jamil Viper
Well, this isn't a surprise seeing Kalim drag you into here.
Not that Jamil has anything against that...it is just, y'know...the rumors that aren't really rumors anymore.
A part of him thinks you being here will bring more trouble.
Still, he is glad you are here. He greets you like always, hangs around like always. It's as if he never heard a single thing about a 'secret admirer'.
Yet, well, he has. Very much so that it actually vexes him. Jamil is one of the few who are honest to themselves and not to anyone else - he knows who he is and what he likes. You having a secret admirer is something he doesn't like.
He wonders if he should tell Kalim of his worries that something might happen. But he was too occupied being your host that he just let it slide this time. He even ponders if Kalim is aware of what he is doing...is his sweet nature taking all over his senses?
The party was more like a get-together anyhow, with him and Kalim speaking to you the most and a few other students you've got aquainted with during...that incident (which Jamil wants to banish from his mind on one hand but can't deny it offered him more freedom than ever before on the other). Certain ones were even more talkative than the both of them...
Well, it's gonna be alright. He's just gonna keep looking out for you from the shadows (like always) while Kalim will be your ray of sunshine...
Nevertheless, no matter how bright the light tries to shine on the culprit or how deep the shadows grow so one can hide themselves in, neither Kalim nor Jamil and especially not you expected to first step into small puddles of the sweet spring water outside...
The leak led to said spring outside, the water, which was usually clear, was instead filled with thick, wet pink petals. Flowing down the tiny waterfalls while sticking to the royal white marble, it left a few studens slipping (and be covered in petals, too). A pit opens up in your stomach at the sight while simultaneously your heart starts throbbing faster, nervous sweat trickling down your flustered, red face. Jamil was the first to notice your befuddled state and quickly made work of finding the source of the overflowing water - it led to one door, through the kitchen and back to the lounge as he searched the place. Kalim was less distressed about it, casually passing by the silk curtains hanging from the walls and ceiling, until one got stuck in his headband...
Only the softest of tucks was needed to pull the entire fiasco into play. Kalim's careless yelp alerted everyone else before you got floored by what seemed a magically light, pink avalanche. Through the screeching you could barely make out that pink petals and fruits were piling upon you, leaving all attendants trapped beneath the sweetness.
You forced your eyes open, the items heavy but not enough to crush you. The sense of relieve you felt when noting that you could technically get up was squashed like a bug when one last petal fell down, as light as a feather, right in front of you. The pink letter turned for you to read its contents.
'My dearest (Name)
This is rather spontaneous but these one-in-a-lifetime fruits from the Land of Hot Sands happened to fall into my lap, literally. The flowers are fresh with thick, sweet petals and I couldn't be helped but be reminded of you when seeing them. I never thought a land with such a dry climate could'
The red ink stops briefly and new words were started at another paragraph. Your widened eyes follow with a thumping heart and bated breath.
Something was crossed out with the same ink before the actual words continued.
'-I promised to be honest, so when I saw these flowers and how their petals melt in my palms, a strong feeling took over me I dont know how to say this but I felt even more in love,its like a spell, I just kept seeing you when watching the petals, keptseeinglove-'
The writing was smeared into a fat splotch, finger prints visible on the tainted letter. The rest was crossed out, as much as you see from the lower part of the paper that wasn't scrumbled up.
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Kalim Al-Asim
The first thing on his mind was to get everyone out of there!
As much as he wanted to laugh at the situation once he realised it wasn't that big of a deal, he quickly noted how tense and annoyed everyone was after this. Especially Jamil.
Not wanting to anger anyone any more, he cleaned everything up, let the ones who were hit the most rest in their rooms, get a shower, eat well, don't worry! - and he and Jamil took care fo the rest. Although, Kalim was the first to rush to your aid of getting you out.
You decided to get cleaned up at the Scarabia dorm too before heading home - and snatching the half-finished love letter before anyone else could see.
Kalim would switch between looking after his dormmates to you, cleaning up the rest to bringing you another warm and dry blanket, carrying something with Jamil to picking out the petals stuck in your hair. And you can be assured that he won't let you help out too, not that you had the strength for that, you are still his guest so just relax! as much as you can now, knowing from who...
After all is done, Kalim is all glued to you. As bold as he is, the young prince is fairly good at reading people and he knows something is up with you. There's somehting distressing you and he wants to help.
Almost like a mother he dotes on you gently and offers you to stay till tomorrow but accepts without hesitation that you just want to go home.
The prince feels bad. He invited you to relax and get your mind off everything but, he thinks as his eyes catch the glimpse of scrumbled up pink paper in your pocket, that all it did was fluster you even more.
For once, his brain seemed to work. He put two and two together and when he looked up from the paper to your flushed, red face, his heart seemed to break.
Jamil Viper
The first one to put two and two together (and much faster than Kalim).
While seeming lost in his work when cleaning everything up, Jamil was secretly obsessing over the thought that no, this was not a coincidence with all the pink things here, no this had to be about you and yes, perhaps this little plan of 'theirs' was unfinished. There's no way something like that was a gesture of love.
BUT why did it have to fall on him? All this work? Literally and figuratively? He mentally sighs.
As annoyed as he is by all this work (WHEN HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE RELAXING WITH YOU FOR ONCE) Jamil was more upset at the gall of this secret admirer. Now that he had witnessed this firsthand by himself and not having to listen to the distraught rambles of Ace and Floyd for once, he finally, finally gets it. Watching you so embarrassed and flustered is a one-of-a-kind experience and it stings evermore knowing it was caused by an unknown admirer.
Unsurprisingly petty at the thought of it. Why aren't you such a flushed mess with him? When he's around? Surely he had charmed you by being nice, cooking for you, helping you out of his free will??? Why have you not once noticed his advances as subtle as they may be?
Though Jamil gets it together real fast. He's vexed and he knows it so there is no need to think about you in such a way, especially when you are the most affected by it. He desperately hopes though that the effects are not positive.
The boy is busy and very glad that Kalim can look out for you in the meantime. As he runs back and forth between the rooms, he notices Kalim's dejected expression and your rosy red cheeks.
For once, he and Kalim share the same thought.
[ wanted to write more for them but did not fit into the atmosphere
tldr: kalim realizes that this was a GESTURE OF LOVE (jojo poses) and even though he knew you had a secret admirer, finally seeing this and seeing you seemed to create a pit his heart just falls into, swallowed by the abyss. he's frozen on the spot, not able to think clearly but knowing he doesn't like it. He's less cheerful because of this and cannot stop thinking about it. He first thought he admired the admirer (lol) for being so brave and showering you in gifts, which in his country is a normal and common way to express someone's feelings. but seeing it firsthand ouch, nuh-uh he does not like it anymore. Briefly thinks of 'fighting' the admirer by showering you in REAL gifts too, but decided against it. it would only make you more embarressed. he at least hopes you can find solace in his presence...he wants to help you.
JAMIL IS NOT AMUSED. He is almost on the same level of unpleased as azul or FLOYD (but less extreme and do not dare to compare him to azul) and he actively becomes more grumpy. the first and maybe only one to directly approach you and ask what is up with that and how you feel about it. if you dont like it, stop it (by asking anyone but Crowley maybe, jamil offers to help no problem (in fact, everyone would volunteer)) IF you do like it....stop it. get some help. let...let Jamil help you, let Jamil love you, fall in love with Jamil!!!!! He is so tired by being the second character of his own life already, he's not gonna let someone else steal the spotlight in your heart! if you'd let him, Jamil would stop giving hints and waste time and finally, finally ask you out.]
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ardienothesieno · 8 days
post game isat thoughts i have
what the title says i have thoughts in my brain and i want to share them
isafrin date thing pretty much immediately post-game: sif should get to be sick for at least a week. and the party fusses over them the whole time and it's adorable and then i think one night. sif should turn to isa and ask if he wants to hang out. hehe and sif brings isa to go look at the stars this time! and it's sort of like isa's friendquest but this time they are actually snuggling. and not just talking about isa, they're talking bout sif too some of the stuff isa says is reminiscent of the loops which freaks sif out a bit. but it just makes them happy to hear isabeau talk and he would share some things that happened in the loops-- wholesome things of course i think it'd still be a while before they opened up about the uh. the worse shit. but stuff like teaching bonnie to fight, finding out they were allergic to pineapple the hard way (isa would be freaked by this but sif finds it hilarious), maybe tell him about wish craft and color theory, the change god helping them out, bombing the king, etc etc. the nice stuff. AND THEN. I THINK THE ISA USING A SHOOTING STAR AS A DISTRACTION THING SHOULD HAPPEN-- BUT ITS REAL THIS TIME <3 like sif looks up and it's a whole freaking meteor shower... and isa tells them to make a wish, to which they respond "i'm not messing with that again for a looooong time" :)))) and i just think that should culminate in isa carrying a sleeping sif back to either the clocktower or the house, wherever the family has set up shop... njhgfcftyhujkuhgvfcdfty i love them they're so cute
LOOP THOUGHTS. i dont know if i am committing to this hc, but i think it would be cool if loop and siffrin became a system of sorts? i know very little about plurality so i dont really know what im talking about... if i get anything wrong please tell me! but ive got yet another scene in mind like right before the party leaves dormont to go pick up nille, sif visits the favor tree one last time. just. reminiscing. and mira would come along and find him and they'd have a talk! not specifically about loop, but loop would definitely come up in the conversation and then at some point sif says that loop mentioned that they'd be coming back and is like "i wonder when we'll see them again" and loop just screams HOW ABOUT RIGHT NOW and shoves siffrin out of front jhugtfcvfdxscfgthbnygvh i think loop should still get to have their own body and autonomy and stuff, i just think they should also be able to just show up in sif's head. and vice versa i think eventually sif figures out how to do it as well and they just get to constantly bother each other from a shared headspace dcgbnjuytfg
and. and then i think that can lead into a lot of sad wholesome moments where sif lets loop be siffrin for a little while. like the party is sitting around a campfire telling stories and being happy, sif notices loop hanging around in the headspace, and lets them drive for a bit. i dont think they'd do it very often or for super long or anything but. hgfcdxcfgybhnj. they should get to be siffrin every once in a while too. as time goes on and they become more of their own person they do it less and less, but for the first few months to a year or so it's comforting to be able to be surrounded by versions of their past family, if only for a bit as i said. i dont know what im talking about really so if i said anything badly or if any of these ideas are bad please let me know
time craft shenanigans i think sif (and loop) should get to keep time craft powers after the loops end not to like. the extreme that the loops were. but like how sif will loop back like five minutes if they screw something up socially-- i think they should get to keep that EXCEPT. the party learns to pick up on what time craft feels like. so if theyre ever talking to sif and boom weird time craft feeling and sif is in a wildly different emotional state they can just go "sif. did you loop back. what happened." i think it would be a good. like. starting therapy point? them having a toxic coping mechanism for when things go badly and the rest of the group helping him work through those situations instead of avoiding avoiding avoiding and i think loop should keep it for the memes (and trauma reasons. but mostly the memes.)
it would get better with time, as siffrin (and loop) gets more and more comfortable with being uncomfortable and messing up and learning to work through the anxiety and and and then that could lead to a big situation a few years in the future when the group splits up. and sif is TERRIFIED that the loops will start again i dont think the group would ever split up for good though. they're a family!!! they're not gonna just leave each other behind after another few months of traveling!!!! that just means all the suffering sif went through was for nothing!!!!! and yeah, they cant stay together forever. i know. but even after splitting up they'd still definitely have family reunions like every other tuesday
BUT SIF AND ISA NEVER SPLIT UP EVER. NOT EVEN FOR FIVE MINUTES they get bonded and go on to open a boutique/trinket shop <3
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dropthedemiurge · 5 months
Second part of my translation comments (and half meta) for Gray Shelter [Episode 5], you can find the first post here!
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"You gave the choice/decision to me, didn't you? (reference to the earlier scene)" "So your decision is to give me some money and tell me to get out of your sight?"
꺼져 is quite a rude word, like 'get the hell away from me', Yoondae is clearly pissed rephrasing/interpreting Soohyuk's intentions, he's using informal tone too
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"Because I live like this? Because I idle/fool around here and there without doing anything, not able to get myself together (cannot get a grip on myself and my life)? Because you still see me as a child?!" "Yes. That's why I'm confused. Because it doesn't matter who is by your side (anyone will do), right?" "And (what's the problem)? You can be by my side. Why is everything so complicated for you? Just... (in softest pleading voice) ...Watch me. I will live like all the other people. Then it'll all be good (it's solved), no? You can watch over me while being by my side. Mmhm? Don't care about the situation, once again I'm telling you, just look only right at me."
I actually really like the usage of 'focus on me' in all the sentences because the translator keeps the leitmotif and it works in all contexts, the entire conversation was translated nicely. Even "- What's the most difficult thing about me and this situation for you? - That I'm your home (the place you return to now)."
I just gave you more literal translation... idk, for fun xD Maybe you'll catch more nuances that I tried to put in here. It's just devastating. Soohyuk sees and feels that Yoondae is clinging to him like to a lifeline, and he doesn't want to be one, he's got enough of people burdening him, his life is hard enough.
He tried to think simply like Yoondae and just live in the moment, give in to his impulses as well, but he just can't. He's sinking on his own and he can't chain himself to another person because even if he's a safe place for Yoondae, he won't be able to save him in this situation, it means they'll both drown. Yoondae has to find his own ground to stand on, he has to get a grip and find a new home on his own so he won't circle his entire life and attention on Soohyuk. Only then it'll work.
"If I find another home, can I call you? You won't avoid me then?"
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They don't kiss here – they can't. It won't work. But such short distance is a promise, it's a possible future happy ending hanging between them both like a life vest and a heavy rock.
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I'm not sure he means it as 'we get together again'. More like
"If we meet again, will we become okay?"
Like, they agreed it won't work out now, they need some time, and Yoondae now will be holding onto that hope that Soohyuk might accept him and his feelings once Yoondae finds his own home, his own meaning in life. But he's still afraid it won't happen, that's why he needs to hear some affirmation. Will things between them become alright (and the fact that he doesn't really say 'better' or 'good', he uses 괜찮다 - fine, alright, okay and asks if they will be able to even reach that). Which means they both know their relationship is less than 'okay' now.
And in a very Gray Shelter melancholic satisfying-unsatisfying way, Soohyuk only replies: "It'd at least be better than now."
That's the only thing Yoondae is left with. This, and a daring request to pretend he didn't steal that goodbye kiss.
And we're getting a time skip which starts on a sound of a ringing telephone. ("If I find another home, can I call you? ) And surprisingly, it doesn't seem that Yoondae is the one calling this time, as he wanted to. It seems like Yoondae accepted the call but he wasn't holding it or answering, yet Soohyuk called him and invited him for a dinner and is waiting for the answer. Now, the decision is up to Yoondae.
There is a calendar on the wall but I honestly didn't track if there were any other calendars in the show so we can tell how long was the time skip.
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"Alright. I'll be waiting."
To be honest, in the ending I wished they showed at least one scene of Yoongdae coming home in a work-like uniform or doing something to indicate he started sorting his life out before that call came through. Because even though the ending is hopeful – they lived separately for some time, Yoondae has his own place, Soohyuk is reaching out to spend time with him now and they both agreed their next meeting will be more hopeful – but will it be enough? Was the problem actually solved?
We all should think that yes, but I wish the ending supported it a little bit more confidently. After such a rollercoaster of emotions and complicated situation, I want to see them heading towards the truly happy ending Т_т (give me the second season!)
In any case, the acting is great and the melancholic atmosphere for a BL was so unusual, I loved the edgy dialogues and emotionally raw writing. For such a short story, Gray Shelter certainly will go under many people's radar but it still touched my soul.
And, well, now I understand the title. Soohyuk is a shelter, he shouldn't be a home. Shelter is a place they seek temporarily comfort in when they have nowhere else to go. And it's not a bright happy couple place, and it's not an abusive family house either, gray is neither black nor white. It's something in between, and it's up to Soohyuk and Yoondae to try and build an actual equal bond, have a place to return to and person to eat dinner with.
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reinedeslys-central · 5 months
more!! again!! for the nico after blood of olympus fic!! actually I thought of this while writing the last one but I just finished it.
His elbows buckle and he lets himself fall into Will, snorting at his theatrical groan under the weight. They lay there for a second until Will shoves him gently, and Nico lets him manoeuvre them into a more comfortable position.
"Hi," he whispers, moving a curl away from his cheek. The greenish tint of the loft window casts a weird shadow over Will's face.
"Hey yourself," Will murmurs back, winking.
Nico rolls his eyes. "You look like Apollo when you do that. Please stop." Will squawks in protest.
"I do not! Also, since when do you remember what Apollo looks like? Actually, no, don't answer that, you can't bring up my dad while we're in bed, Nico, why would you do this to me?"
Now it's Nico's turn to sputter and whack Will in the chest - getting another dramatic oof and a laugh in return - before turning around to face Hazel's bed. He's not sure when he'll ever be able to sleep facing the wall. Will can't do it either.
As Will's arms curl around his waist and draw him back against him, just like they did back in the infirmary that one day, he thinks maybe he'd be okay trying that with him sometime. One day, in a house with gates, no longer wary of monsters.
Will noses the back of his neck, causing him to twitch. "What is it?"
Will's answering smile presses through the rough cotton of his t-shirt. "Nothing, sunshine."
Nico frowns under the covers. "Hey, what do you think of houses with gates?" He whispers.
"Gates? Well, it'd be safer, I guess, but we'd lose the neighbours coming over -"
"As if you want to see random people at the door anyway. What if they're monsters?"
"Oh, come on, darlin', I'm from Austin. Of course I gotta keep space for the neighbours to come knocking."
"…Fences? Actually, hey, why'd you assume I was talking about us? Obviously - Obviously I was talking about random. Random houses. For architecture reasons."
Will muffles his laugh into the back of his neck, again. "Oh, my bad. And I'm only here because you ripped a stitch on the lava wall yesterday."
Nico feels his ears warm.
"Shut up."
"I didn't say anything."
Will reels him in closer until his back hits his chest and he can press a soft peck to Nico's still-red ears. "I think a fence is a great idea, by the way. We could ask Hazel for help with some ward stones too, like you have in the cabin. Gotta make sure we've got at least one window and standing space in every direction, though, or at least in the east, because you know my dad would sulk if he didn't get to scream me awake in the morning."
Nico's blush gets worse.
"Now who's talking about your dad in bed?" He gives up on pretending. Will sees him through every time, anyway. "Also, shrines, obviously, and we need a spot to stargaze."
"Yeah, shrines, obviously. Maybe just yours, mine, and Lady Hestia's though, or else everyone else is gonna get pissy."
Nico barks out a laugh like it's shocked out of him. "Pissy? Don't let them hear you say that."
Will holds him tighter and settles against the pillows. "Sure thing, sunshine. Now can we sleep?"
"Yeah, yeah."
It's not long after that that Will's breath evens out behind him, his muscles untensing. Nico knows he's got a few minutes yet, so he thinks.
Today was…. good.
Today was nice. Normal, even. Just a day of camp schedules, working in the infirmary, an admittedly short campfire, and this. No monsters, and no mistakes. No deaths, but..
Unbidden, the moments in the infirmary come to mind. He thinks of helping Will scrub in for his one surgery of the day, a kid that had gotten parts of an arrow stuck in their leg a week ago and hadn't noticed til yesterday. He thinks of yesterday during capture-the-flag, stepping in and desperately trying to copy what he'd watched Will do, because Lydia was hanging crooked from a tree and there was no one else around but him-
He thinks of Patroclus tying the straps of Achilles' armour, watching his lover sleep peacefully. He thinks of what Connor had told him about at the campfire weeks ago, of Silena Beauregard taking on a drakon when Clarisse declared the Ares Cabin wouldn't be fighting.
He thinks he might understand.
Lydia wasn't the same (thank the gods), but if there was something to be done that only Will could do right, yet couldn't, and the only way Nico could take up his mantle would be to die trying - then, yeah. He'd do whatever it would take for these kids. To do what Will would do. He's gone to Tartarus already, hasn't he? At worst, he'd try his best and greet his father early if he failed to survive. Nico could even give Charon a tip on the way in for the hell of it, why not?
If there is a luxury that comes from being a child of Hades, after all, it is that dying is not the thing that scares him.
There's a brazier still lit outside the window. Its glow falls in slits across their bed.
Will grumbles, pushing his feet forward until their ankles are wound together. The sheets shift.
Nico smiles into the dark, into the chirping of crickets and the soft glow of the fireflies out the window, and falls asleep.
more for this fic:
scene 0 - prologue-ish scene 1 - the library of social awkwardness or here (or in my heart, 'kidney function is not a right, it's a privilege' lol)
general writing directory
also lmk if you want more lore. I am so down to talk about this fic + the worldbuilding ideas I have for it in the notes it is unreal
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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date ideas for them
✧ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ: had this idea and thought it'd make for a nice post. i love sampo so much. geppie is kinda cute too. writing for luka has made me realize the guy is literally a shounen protagonist. 2,5k words
✧ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: gepard, bronya, sampo, luka
✧ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: long way home — walk off the earth
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: "sampo is a masked fool" theory is canon to me at this point
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✧ Going to the Flower Shop
Gepard loves flowers and likes taking care of them (even though he always manages to mess up). So what better way to introduce you to the softer side of him, the man far removed from the front lines, than to take you to the Eversummer Florist Shop? Gepard may struggle to keep his flowers alive but he's quite knowledgeable when it comes to the meanings of them, medical uses or where they're found in the wild. The florist just smiles at you from the side, remarking how well-informed your boyfriend is about this. He'd wrap his arms around your waist and quietly explains the different kinds of flowers to you. He seems so soft in this moment, so different than how he can be seen commanding the troops. You smile, glad that he is able to take a break from duty, and kiss his cheek gently, causing Gepard to blush. You let out a quiet chuckle and make sure to get him some flowers that show how much you love him sometime soon.
✧ Gardening
He's aware that this is not everybody's cup of tea. If you don't want to help him with his garden, you're welcome to watch from the sidelines and play some music to relax to. Before he starts working on the garden, Gepard makes sure you have some drinks and snacks. If you do decide to help him, he'll happily show you how to tend to the flowers. If you decide to watch instead, whenever he passes you by to get some additional supplies or tools, he can't resist pressing a kiss to your lips. He swears to himself that this time he will manage to grow something worthy of being given to you as a gift.
✧ Singing together
You're the only person he feels comfortable enough around to practice his singing with. He can actually play the piano, something he learned to do as a child as his father never allowed him to play with the "peasant children". He's by no means as skilled as Serval but when you tell him that you find his voice soothing, his cheeks redden a little and he thanks you, snuggling up to you. Gepard makes it his personal mission to learn how to play the songs that are your favorites at the moment. If you're up for it, you two can sing together while he plays the piano.
✧ Indoor Picnic
It's clear that having a nice picnic outdoors in Belobog might be a little bit cold and uncomfortable but luckily, Serval is willing to help her little brother out a little and lends him her shop after hours for a day. She definitely teases him about it but he puts so much effort into organizing this picnic for you. He hangs up pretty fairy lights in the workshop and prepares a comfortable blanket and pillows for you to sit on. He cooks all the food he presents to you himself and it tastes really nice. He puts up some candles and scatters some rose petals as well and when he's done, the workshop looks very different from before. He's trying to look confident when he asks you to come in and shows you the result of his hard work but he gets so flustered again, especially upon seeing you having dressed up for the date, that he stumbles over his words a little. You just chuckle and press a kiss to his cheek, leaving his face with a soft and loving smile. Serval definitely wants to know all about how her brother's date went once it's over but she's going to have to wait for that because there was no way you wouldn't be staying with your boyfriend for the night after how sweet he has been to you.
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✧ Ballroom Dancing
Bronya doesn't know much about love and going on dates other than what she read in books as a child or picked up from other people's conversations. She has been pretty sheltered as a child and now that she knows you like her too, she's wracking her brain; wondering what date to take you on that would make you happy. Luckily, Seele is there to help her out. "Duh, you're an overworld princess. You literally have the whole of Qliphoth Fort at your disposal. Take them ballroom dancing or something!" Bronya is very thankful for this suggestion from her friend and makes sure to invite you to a private evening in the ballroom. She gets you a pretty dress or suit you would like to wear and she herself wears a stunning ballgown herself. At first she tries to apply her customs from the balls she attended growing up; especially because she is nervous and essentially already has a memorized collection of proper etiquette for this type of situation, but soon she finds that around you, she can be a lot more light-hearted and casual. You guys end up giggling and trying out all sorts of dances in the big dance hall whilst playing music Bronya would have never expected herself to play at a ball. But this evening with you feels unrestrained and freeing and she knows that she wants many more days like this.
✧ Spa Day
This is right up Bronya's alley. Qliphoth Fort has a private spa for the Supreme Guardian and when Bronya has worked a lot and feels exhausted or tense, she loves nothing more than to take you there for a relaxing day together. You take a swim in a brine bath together, visit the sauna and do all sorts of spa treatments at your disposal. Bronya chuckles when she finds you falling asleep against her in the hot tub. She presses a kiss to your forehead and wraps her arms around you.
✧ Playing Video Games
This one was your suggestion when you learnt that Bronya; having essentially been raised as a princess and on the technologically underdeveloped Jarilo-VI, has never played a video game before. She's very curious herself to try them out so you sit down on the sofa for an afternoon and you introduce Bronya to Honkai Star Rail's version of Mario Kart whilst you try out all sorts of snacks Cocolia never let Bronya eat. At first she's a little lost at which buttons to push and why the game works the way it does but she gets the hang of it pretty quickly. And she's very competitive. Definitely shoots you a triumphant grin when she sends your character flying off the racing track. She isn't afraid to play dirty in this game and teases you about losing but soothes you with a gentle kiss to your lips.
✧ Going to the Theatre
Bronya loves to hear the singing that comes from the Golden Theatre so going there on a date is a must for sure. You check out the theatre program together to decide on a play both of you are interested in and Bronya gets you the best seats in the theatre. You smile at her from the side during the play upon noticing how captivated and excited she is about seeing the play and hearing the songs from it. The intermission definitely involves sneaking around the theatre with her and kissing away from all eyes.
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✧ Visiting a Fun Fair
Sampo isn't even from Jarilo-VI, so he's ready to leave at any time if it's for taking his beloved on a nice date. And what location would work better for a man like Sampo than the fun fair? For him, laughter and jokes are what gives life meaning and he's experiencing first-hand how much your laughter adds to his life. So the fun fair works in his favor. He kisses you passionately in the mirror labyrinth; pecking at your lower lip repeatedly and trailing kisses down your neck, whispering against your skin to keep your eyes closed because he has a nice surprise for you. When he tells you to open them again, Sampo is way further ahead in the mirror labyrinth, having the time of his life watching you trying to find your way back to him. He's wheezing at this point and you swear to yourself that you're going to get back at him for this. You decide to forgive him when he buys you cotton candy and wins you the most cursed plushie they have at the shooting booth. Sampo also loves to scare you in the haunted house and recount "fun" tales of rollercoasters crashing around the universe when the coaster you sit in starts moving slowly. Some of them are so absurd that you're certain he made them up. He loves to joke around with you on this trip and holding your hand as you walk across the fun fair.
✧ Visiting the Circus
Out of all shows you could take Sampo to watch, aside from a comedy show, the circus is probably the most entertaining for him. He enjoys the whole vibe of it. He gets roasted almonds and candy for you two to snack on while you watch the circus show. You have to be careful with Sampo because he's absolutely the kind of person who'd raise his hand when someone in the ring says "okay and now I need two volunteers".
✧ Spending an Evening at the Tavern
This is Sampo's world. He takes you to a masked fools tavern, introducing you to the people he tends to spend his time with and showing you what he's usually up to when he's not travelling and scamming people. He gets you a pretty mask that fits you and definitely shows you off to anyone who asks with the most proud smile ever. You two listen to the other masked fools recount the stories of the chaos they caused and you back Sampo up when he talks about his time on Jarilo-VI. If you're up for it, he'll happily dance with you to the upbeat music the bard plays. He also plays the masked fools version of poker which is just like regular poker except that aside from losing money, the loser also has to do weird and funny dares. Basically, Sampo makes a complete fool of himself and that's the point. After all, those moments of laughter are the ones he wants you to remember whenever you have a bad day.
✧ Pranks
Sampo would love if you help him with his shenanigans. He's up for pretty much anything he finds funny, whether it's scamming people with you or hanging up hand-drawn "Vote Sampo Koski for Supreme Guardian" posters in the dead of night. He's so proud if you're able to come up with a good scam for him. He kisses you and tells you this is why he loves you so much. He also gets a kick out of hiding from the Silvermane Guards with you after one of his many pranks, having you pressed against his chest and kissing you while the guards are looking for you. If you're able to bring any chaotic ideas to the table for what pranks you could pull together, Sampo's heart is yours forever.
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✧ Sparring together
Luka is a formidable fighter and he can teach you quite a few things about fighting if you want to. Of course, he goes easy on you but he'd love to teach you a few techniques and have a few playful fights. He's definitely not above distracting you with his kisses and affection before you land on the ground and he reminds you not to let your guard down like this.
✧ Riding a Motorcycle
Luka doesn't have a very high opinion of the overworld, but once the two layers of Belobog are no longer divided, he does think it's worth checking out with you. So he gets a motorcycle ready to take a drive with you. He's very thorough about making sure you're safe and he's a good driver; although the ride is definitely still adventurous with Luka. He does this at night so you can see the city lights pass you by and enjoy the atmosphere of freedom and the cool air of the night. He stops at a vantage point to look out onto the city with you and you talk about all sorts of things that are on your mind while watching the people of the overworld go about their business. Luka wants to get a meaty fast food snack for both of you. If you'd rather like to eat something with a lot of vegetables, he'll fulfill your wish but he definitely cringes at the idea of eating something like that himself. Luka is open to teach you about how to drive a motorcycle yourself as well if you don't know, having his arms wrapped around your waist and guiding you during your first few tries. He makes sure both of you wear safety gear and he thinks you look absolutely stunning in leather gear. He bonks your head when both of you wear your helmets.
✧ Stargazing
For the more quiet nights together, Luka takes you stargazing. He sets up a picnic blanket on a roof in the city and after eating dinner, the two of you lay down on it and look up at the stars. Luka knows the constellations but he's much more interested in what you see in the stars; both literally and metaphorically. These are the moments where he gets a little more sentimental and quiet, telling you about his dreams and what's in his heart. Luka is definitely a dreamer with unwavering determination and you find listening to him to be quite inspiring. You could be the most pessimistic person out there, you couldn't help but to hang onto every word he speaks, especially if he drives them home with his lips on yours. There is always that glimmer of hope in his eyes that you wish to protect with all you have and now you understand why he fights. If it were for protecting Luka's smile; you'd fight your way to the end of the world. Your boyfriend is still gazing up at the vast space above but you are already lost in his eyes instead, eventually snuggling up to him to confess to him how much he means to you and that your dream is to spend this life and all that follow by his side.
✧ Karaoke
Luka isn't the most outstanding singer out there but he thinks karaoke is fun, even if he cringes at himself sometimes during it. He's fine with doing karaoke in front of an audience or in a private room rented by just the two of you. He gets you some fun and fruity cocktails and he's done his research, learning the melody of all of your favorite songs so he can sing them with you. He definitely gets lost in the songs, especially the upbeat ones. You can't help but burst out laughing in the middle of the song.
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girlreblogger · 1 year
movie nights!
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conniexblackfemreader. it’s fall..
orihime (girl in the banner) photo credit goes to @/Xoxo_io on pinterest!
— fluff, chapter 1/5, 3rd pov, reader is an actual (skeptical) introvert, use of y/n (feel free to use your own name or give me suggestions for a name to use if that what you guys want for future chapters), not proof read, i hope this gives off lifetime movie, “i just read a novel and think i’m a writer too” vibes, happy eren, enjoy!
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Eren, Connie and Armin were at y/n’s apartment along with Mikasa. Y/n was Mikasa’s classmate in one of their freshmen college classes last year. The teacher told them to turn to their neighbor and she was sitting right next to her. Surprisingly, mikasa took the lead in the conversation, asking her fun questions off topic from the class discussion. And just like that, they were friends.
That next year they both decided to go half on a cozy apartment near campus. Y/n slowly started to be introduced to new faces once they started living together the last 7 months. Eren and Armin who seemed to be mikasa’s closest friends, always popping up to help with groceries or take her out to hang. Though y/n piqued their interest, she would always wave mika off and keep the apartment to herself when she left with them. A true introvert.
Eventually, she warmed up to them after mikasa dragged her out to go bowling with them. That fun night immediately made them all become besties just like that. One day, Armin mistakenly mentioned the fact that they all had a very impulsive friend she had yet to meet and she was actually excited about meeting them.
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Y/n sat on her white sofa in between Mikasa and Armin while Connie and Eren sat on the one across from her. She invited them all for a little movie night and thought it'd be a good idea to get to know Connie more. So far she could take into account his style: nose and ear piercings galore, a colorful green and black racer bomber with a tight white shirt underneath too. He had baggy black jeans on and some green dunks.
He sat on the sofa with an arm over top, his legs stretched out and crossing each other while looking around the place. She watched from the sofa with her cold orange soda in hand and took notice of his incredibly short platinum gray hair. His eyes kept bouncing around the apartment to take it in. Even though he knew Mikasa moved in with a college friend a few months back, he never saw the place.
Soon those eyes bounced to hers and almost immediately shifted somewhere else. He had to think if eye contact was even made. His throat cleared and his long lashes batted before he briefly looked over at Eren, who was wearing a white beanie on top of his flowy hair. His body was oddly twisted to be sure not to lay on his friend’s shoulder. Eren had his feet propped up on top of the arms of the couch like he had no home training, but being best friends of the owners of the apartment; in his mind granted him that right in someway.
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“So, Connie, do you wanna pick a movie? You’re new to our movie nights so you can start!” Connie looked over at the sound of her voice and sat up from his position, placing his elbows on his knees and staring at the girl dressed in a black and orange my melody pajama romper. She had her smooth thick thighs and pretty legs on display, making him subconsciously lick his lips and look up at her shiny cleavage exposed from that one undone button.
His eyes quickly swept up to her pretty brown eyes and that big grin on her face. “alright.” Connie gave her a friendly smile and watched her nod giddily. She obviously loved movie nights at the way she hopped up from her seat and went to her kitchen with Eren to grab snacks for everyone. Eren looked back in the living room before turning back and raising a childishly suspicious eyebrow. “What do you think?” Eren proposed while walking behind her to grab the candy corn from the pantry for her. “of what?”
She waited for Eren to walk somewhere else and give her space to swivel around to look at him. “of con, how you feeling about him?” She scratched her chin and grabbed a bowl and pack of popcorn off the counter. “he seems cool so far... i mean he just got here ren.” Eren nodded and leaned against the counter behind her, watching her excitedly pour the white cheddar thicky pop into a big bowl. “yeahh, but since he’s one of our friends and you’re such a good judge of character i’m just excited for you to get a good read on him so we all can be a big happy friend group.” The last was supposed to sound sarcastic but she knew he meant it. “but honestly, he’s cool i promise!”
She nodded at his words and shook her head to laugh off his assumptions. Eren was really like a big teddy bear to her so she couldn’t help but try and take his judgement seriously. “mhm. he seems chill. a little overdressed for a movie night though.” Her head turned to look at Connie but she ended up catching him eyeing her up and down. Before his eyes could even make it up to hers, she turned and folded the bag of popcorn up neatly. “We already told you he extra as hell.” Eren laughed at your sneaky remark and grabbed some candy to carry to the living room. “Alright, let’s start the movie.”
end of chapter 1.
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please like, and REBLOG! .. please :) i don’t even usually do banners and stuff but i’m really excited abt this fic so please comment, reblog with tags, or give some feedback if you enjoyed cause it helps with motivation. thank you!
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 1 year
Imagine your dad being a Miguel O’Hara variant and meeting Miguel pt.2
Pairing : Platonic! Miguel O'Hara x Earth Bender Reader x Spiderverse
I am back with my rant. anyway, it’s pt.2 to this,
Wordcount: 1.3k
Miguel O’Hara Masterlist
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We're back on the rant.
Because someone (cough @arianaw30) commented about how Miguel would also be like a dad to Y/N whilst Miguel 2, her actual dad, is on a mission.
And I totally agree. 
Like imagine Miguel 2 being sent out on a mission and Y/N just deciding to hang out at HQ for the day. And this mission is on a regular week day so most teen spiders and regular spider people would be out and about in their regular lives.
Which leaves Y/N with Miguel. (And her bestie Ben Reilly, but he sleeps until it's practically night, soo-)
I can also imagine that Y/N received their own gizmo. And that they'd hack it. Because although they might hate actually learning stuff because they simply can't sit still, they are still very intelligent. Like they'd mess around with the colours, and as a bender with the surrounding pieces of metal as well. They'd definitely change the colour of the screen and remodel the whole thing, complaining before that it looks a little bland and boring.
Miguel would surprisingly be okay with it as well. He didn't make it to look specifically nice, more because it'd be useful. And he's got a soft spot for you. If it were anyone else he'd be yelling already.
Miguel 2 would also have told you bits about Miguel back at home. Like he would have told you that he's cold because he lost people close to him. He does leave out how one of those people was a variant of you.
Miguel and Miguel 2 are very different in taking care of you. Miguel 2 is the type to leave you be until you royally mess up, because he knows you best. Miguel himself is more the overprotective type, refusing to let you go on a mission, and also not to keen on having anyone spar with you.
Anyway, whenever it's mainly just the two of you, you keep him company. And although you're not a kid, you're surprisingly easily amused. (That's also because technology isn't as far advanced in your world as it is in his.) You can talk for hours on end with both Lyla and Miguel. Once Miguel asked how you don't feel offended when he's grumpy or particularly agressive, and you replied with a confused cock of your hand and the exact words 'what do you mean? You're my dad, of course I know you better than anyone.' And although you're technically not 100% his, he realizes you're right. Because Miguel 2 and Miguel are generally the same, save for a specific few details.
And I can also imagine Miguel keeping a closer eye on Ben Reilly when the two of you grow even closer. Neither of you have feelings for one another, your personalities simply bounce off one another with ease. Miguel still can't help himself, Just the classic 'don't marry until you're old type'.
Everything does come to tension when you're hanging out with Ben one day, and your dad, Miguel 2, calls for back up desperately. The call is through Ben's watch, because you're technically forbidden to interfere as you're no spider person. But you're stubborn, double so as you're from the Earth kingdom and an O'Hara. And so you of course jump anyway, sending yourself into this new universe.
You don't bother appreciating the beauty of this universe, instead choosing to directly go looking for your dad. And you're quick to find him, under a tentackle of doc ock. A villain your powers give you an advantage of, as the man has a lot of metal on him.
Now imagine Doc Ock's surprise when you rip off his tentackle with a few precise movements of your body.
There were already two spider people on his ass (your father and Peter B Parker), and now you've also joined. 
Now the battle continues mostly with Doc Ock focused on you, and with you setting his 'tentackles' stuck in the ground, bending them to be unmoveable one by one. Your Miguel is already back on his feet and on his way to you, but meanwhile Peter B Parker is completely and utterly amazed by your performance here. (He hasn't met you yet.)  
Dock Ock has a lot of arms, and eventually he manages to bring a scratch on your face. Not much more, because that was his last tentackle. Unhappy with his doing, you create a ninja star out of lava, and cut this arm off, before whacking him in the face with it. You're not merciless though, so you bend his tentackle arm closed to keep him from making a mess with the fluids that run out of it, closing it off.
Miguel 2 pulls you behind him roughly after that, trapping the man in their odd red prison thingy. Cue a little while later when you're in Miguel's lab with a few stitches in your face, and not one, but two dads being mad at you. 
For the first time, they agree on why they're mad at you; you weren't supposed to be there. The both of them yell in that classic angry dad type of way for a bit, before they eventually calm down. And than they grow all soft when you softly whisper out a 'I didn't want to lose you too.' Breaking their hearts just a bit. And Miguel 2 crouches down to where you're seated comfortably on the ground and simply hugs you, telling you he never would and that you would be okay. All you do is hum in reply, and Miguel 2 messes up your hair as he often does affectionately before seeing the look on Miguel's face and giving you two space by leaving, claiming he needs a shower (you agree).
Miguel doesn't really know what to say, but he wants to comfort you aswell. Eventually he settles with telling you that if something were to happen to your dad, you'd still have a home here in the society. You hum, before looking up at him, a question clear in your eyes. When he tells you to ask away, you fill his heart with a kind of pride that he hasn't felt in a long while. You ask him if you could follow in his footsteps. You want to work in the society as well, and be able to do what he's able to do, admitting that you look up to him. And he smiles in that kind of way he only dies around you, nodding and telling you he'll teach you his ways.
Miguel might have lost a daughter once, but it seems he's gained one along the way as well.
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eyrina-avatar · 1 year
Spider x Neytiri (mother-son) a mother's day special
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synopsis: after the Sullys return to the forest, Spider has constantly been struggling with the thoughts of Neytiri not hesitating to kill him in exchange for Kiri; serving as a reminder of just how replaceable he is. When mother's day comes up and the Sully kids all shower Neytiri in love, Spider is once again reminded that he'll never have a mom to care for him like he's always wanted.
extra info: Neteyam never got shot during the battle of awa'atlu and Spider didn't save Quaritch so the dialogue and plot in this is a bit different than atwow.
author's note: I just wanted to write this little fic for mother's day when it came in mind. Spider has basically been an orphan his whole life and although he hangs out with the sully kids, he's not officially part of the family, or of anyone's family. So I thought it'd be nice to write something good for him.
warnings: fluff but a little angst at first, some violence, small mentions of death/killing(no one dies), some mentions of self hate, angst to comfort
word count: ~ 3.5k -3.7k
"Release, or I cut" Neytiri threatened.
"What, you think I care about some kid? He's not mine. We're not even the same species." let out Quaritch, not wavering for his own biological son.
"Just plea- please don't hurt her. Just please, Let her go, PLEASE." managed Spider as Neytiri held a knife to his chest.
"Don't kill him." whispered Kiri.
"Listen to me, let her go. Don't hurt her" pleaded Spider.
"Mom, don't kill him." Quaritch's knife dug deeper into Kiri's skin.
"A child, for a child." Neytiri's grip on Spider tightened.
"Please, don't hurt her." he pleaded once more.
"I cut." hissed out Neytiri as she cut through Spider's flesh.
"Spider! SPIDER!" Spider was ripped out of his thoughts as Kiri's voice waved through his ears.
"Sorry, I was thinking."
"Isn't it me who's usually supposed to be spaced out, lost in thoughts?" teased Kiri
"yea," He gave out a light chuckle.
"Are you fine, you've been acting strange ever since mom did you know what..." Kiri gave a questioning look.
"No, no it's fine. I'm fine. She was just trying to save you, she was mad at Quaritch so she acted out. It's understandable." reassured Spider, though inside, he felt unwanted by Neytiri and a burden to the Sullys.
He knew Neytiri didn't accept him as he wasn't a Na'vi and to make things worse, he's the son of Quaritch, leader of the group of sky people who tried to destroy Pandora, kill her family, and wipe out her people. How could Neytiri ever care for Spider as one of her own?
"Spider, it's okay to feel upset. I know I would." Kiri saw right through him, she wasn't stupid.
"Come, it's Mother's Day. The sky people usually gift their mothers gifts on this day to show their appreciation for her. You, out of all of us should know that," tugged Kiri as she tried to cheer up his spirits by involving him in family activities.
"Actually, I don't think Neytiri would want to have me around. If I gift her some flowers or food, she might throw them out, feed them to her ikran, or say a palulukan ran over them. Even worse, they might stink of alien blood." He lowered his head in shame as he played with his songcord.
"Spider! How could you say such a thing about yourself! She wouldn't do that! You are part of the family, she cares about you like she does about me!" exclaimed Kiri.
"That's the problem; I'm not part of the family. I don't have a mom or dad-"
"Neither do I, but Neytiri has become my mother. I love her just as much as I love Grace, and she does too." Kiri squatted down to Spider's height, and she placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"You are Na'vi, I'm not. That's why she's accepted you as her own! She doesn't like me because I'm human." he barely let out in a whisper.
"No! Norm and Max are not hated by Neytiri, she even cared about Grace and Trudy as well. Don't you remember the stories of the clan, they even painted Trudy in Omaticaya war paint for battle! She doesn't hate humans!"
"But I'm not them! Were they related to Quaritch? NO. They weren't a burden, they could care for themselves, and they were Jake's friends. Jake and them chose their friendship, but me, I'm just one big accident. I should have never been born. Why did the scientists save me anyways, to burden everyone, and so I could never have a place to call home? Is that why?!" he threw his songcord on the floor in anger as he stood up. "She would never let me call her mom, and I wouldn't blame her." He stormed away, somewhere into the vast forest as to be left alone.
Kiri just stared as her mouth hung open in shock, not knowing how to react. She ran after him, trying to catch up, not knowing what she was going to say next.
When the coast was clear, Neytiri moved from behind the tree and approached the spot Kiri and Spider were previously at. A sigh left her lips as she picked up Spider’s disregarded songcord and held it close to her.
“Oh great mother, forgive me,” an almost silent prayer as she closed her eyes in realization of everything she just heard.
“Mom, mom! Happy Mother’s Day! I got this for you!” Tuktirey held up an assortment of tiny flowers she had picked for Neytiri.
“Oh, thank you, Tuk! I love them, they smell wonderful.” Neytiri smiled as she lifted them to her nose and breathed in their scent. She opened her arms, gaining a hug from Tuktirey, then patted her head and gave her a small forehead kiss.
“These will go with my bow.” she walked into her tent and was met with a surprise, Lo’ak, Netetam, Kiri and Jake all standing together. Kiri held a bouquet of even bigger flowers and Jake held a necklace matching two arm bands that Lo’ak and Neteyam each held, all containing a similarly woven pattern.
"Happy Mother's Day!" they all let out in unison.
"Oh my!" Neytiri beamed as her children and husband all gathered together to shower her in love and affection.
"These are for you." Kiri handed her the bouquet she picked out.
"And these as well." Jake presented as Lo'ak and Neteyam each handed her an armband.
"These are so beautiful! Oh, thank you-"
"Try them on mom!" squealed the youngest, excited to see the pretty accessories on her mother.
"Tuk, calm down." Jake warned but Neytiri just laughed at her excitement. She slid them on and turned her arms to look at them.
"So, how do they look?" She questioned.
"Beautiful!" exclaimed Tuktirey as she clapped her hands in excitement.
"I love them, thank you guys so much." Neytiri placed a small peck on everyone's forehead, including Jake's.
"Wait, we're not done yet." Jake opened the flap to their marui and they all walked out. He walked behind their shared tent and came back around with an ikran saddle in his hands.
"What is this?" Neytiri side eyed Jake, curious at the new object in his hands.
"It's an ikran saddle for you mom, your old one is all worn out, so we made you a new one." explained Lo'ak.
"For me?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, for you!" Giggled Tuktirey as she now sat on Neteyam's shoulders to get a good view.
"I- I don't know what to say. These are beautiful. And they match my arm bands as well!"
"You don't have to say anything, happy mother's day! Thank you for being the most wonderful mother to our children." Jake placed a small kiss on her lips.
The sully's all gathered around Neytiri and embraced her in a warm hug, everyone was happy except for one watching, Spider.
He was hidden behind another clan member's tent and had seen how Neytiri had cherished all of her children. Once again realizing, that he didn't have a family and never will.
A small sigh left Spider's lips as he dropped the flowers he had picked for Neytiri and turned around, leaving for a quiet spot to ponder on his thoughts. Unbeknownst to him, Neytiri had spotted the flowers drop and him walking away. Her heart ached at the sight as she wished to call him, but shame and guilt got in the way.
"What is it? Is something wrong?" Jake saw the look on her face.
"No, nothing! Everything is fine. Thank you, my loves, I really appreciate your wonderful gifts. May Eywa bless you all" she forced a smile and gave each another small kiss and went on to saddle her ikran.
It was midday, and Spider had been sulking. He had faked his energy around the Sullys the whole day. His earlier talk with Kiri put him in a bad mood, and everything he witnessed further deepened the pang in his heart. Spider was filled with sadness, jealousy, and confusion, not knowing who, what, or where he was supposed to belong.
"Hey Spider, where's your songcord?" once again broken out of his thoughts but by Lo'ak this time.
"Oh um... I guess I lost it." Spider shrugged, not having much interest in it anymore since he didn't consider himself as one of the people.
"What do you mean you lost it, that has all of your life stories in it! What are you gonna do?" Lo'ak questioned, shocked at Spider's lack of care for his songcord.
"I don't know, man. I guess I'll go looking for it later on." he suggested in a dull voice.
"It'll be eclipse by the time you start searching." Lo'ak pointed to the sky.
"Meh, what's the biggie?" he sighed
"WHAT'S THE BIGGIE? What if you get eaten by a palulukan, or get attacked by some hungry nantangs (viperwolfs)? You'll be a GONER!" Lo'ak waved his arms in exclamation.
"Then I'll be doing everyone a favor." Spider muttered under his breath, not high enough for Lo'ak to hear.
"Nothing, I'll be fine. Go have food with your mom, she probably made lunch by now." Spider got up and patted Lo'ak's shoulders in reassurance.
"Bro, aren't you at least gonna eat?"
"I'll be fine." he waived as he walked away to another section of the clan. Spider didn't have in mind to go looking for his songcord, but he knew it gave him a good excuse to wander off by himself. Not like any of the Omaticaya would care about his well-being, or so he thought.
Before he could make it too far from home tree, the sound of Neytiri's voice made him stop. "Spider!" He turned around.
Huh? Shit, I must have done something wrong to make Neytiri upset. Did I bump into Tuk by mistake, did I break one of her toys? What if I accidentally stepped on the bow Neytiri's father gave her?
His thoughts ran wild as he thought of all the possibilities of why Neytiri could possibly be upset with him.
"Y- yes, on my way!" he huffed out and approached the tent, flap open as all the Sullys had just gone inside to eat. "You called?" he cautioned in nervously, getting ready for an earful.
"Eat, where are you going without your lunch? You will become weak and unable to catch up with the others if you keep this up. And you will become the next meal for a nantang if you plan to go into the forest like that.” Spoke Neytiri as she handed off some bowls of food.
"I, I'm sorry. I'll eat right away." he let out, not knowing what else to say, shocked as Neytiri had called him to eat, and not to scold him.
He sat down and ate, finishing his food as quickly as he could. “Thank you.” He let out and Neytiri simply nodded.
“Lo’ak, go clean the bowls by the river and take your brother with you. Neteyam, please collect some water, our vases are running dry and we’ll need some for later and for tomorrow morning.”
“Ooh can I go? Can I, can I, can I? Pleaseeee.” begged Tuk.
“Lo’ak, keep an eye on your sister.” Neytiri stacked the bowls and handed them to Lo’ak.
“But mom, she’s just a distraction!” pleaded Lo’ak.
“Silence! You will bring your sister with you. She needs to learn how to chores as well.”
“Ughh” Lo’ak let out a groan as he rolled his eyes and made his way out of the marui with Neteyam trailing behind him and Tuktirey already skipping her way along the path.
“Well, it’s time for my lessons with Mo’at. I’ll get going.” Kiri thanked Neytiri for the food and also left the tent, leaving just Jake, Neytiri and Spider inside.
“Don’t you have some business to attend to?” Neytiri questioned.
“Who, me?” Jake pointed to himself
“Well, who else has the duty of being Olo’eyktan? Some of the clan members were having a quarrel about something. You better go check.” Neytiri waved off Jake as he left the tent with a sigh, wishing he had more time to relax after his meal.
Spider stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.“I better get going.” He let out and was about to leave the tent until he was stopped by Neytiri.
“What is this I hear about you losing your songcord?” She questioned, not lifting her head as she cleaned up the marui.
“Err, I must have dropped it earlier today, but I think I have a good idea of where it’s at.” Spider scratched his head as he came up with what sorta felt like a lie. He remembered throwing his songcord to the floor in frustration as he spoke to Kiri earlier today.
“I suppose you are going into the forest to find it?” Neytiri looked at him.
“Yes, I guess so.” He motioned to turn around, but was once again stopped by the voice of Neytiri.
“Nonsense, it will be late by the time you reach deep enough into the forest to find your songcord. It would be dangerous for you to go alone. Get your bow and we will go find it.” Neytiri motioned with her hands for him to leave the tent and he did just that.
Spider was confused as to why Neytiri was helping him. This was the first time in his life that she ever offered her assistance to him, besides just sharing food with the Sullys.
Though, he wasn’t the only one confused, Jake had been listening from the other side of the tent and was now wondering what Neytiri was planning. Although he loves his wife and trusts her, this sort of behavior from Neytiri towards Spider was odd and maybe he doubted just a bit that she wouldn’t try to harm him. In fact, she probably would, especially with how she acted during the battle against Quaritch.
Is she gonna try to kill me? What if she abandons me or leaves me to my own defenses against a wild beast? No, come on, be rational. She wouldn’t try to kill me, or would she? She didn’t hesitate to try to kill me back then, what would change now? Shit, get yourself together, Spider.
Spider walked back to the Sullys’ Marui with his bow in hand. “I- I’m ready” he nervously breathed out.
“Good. Let’s go.” Neytiri led the way into the forest and Spider followed behind. The both striding quickly, unknowing of Jake closely trailing behind them, just to make sure that Spider would be fine. Or for extra protection in case an animal tried to attack them; the excuse Jake came up with, in case he got caught.
“I think this is the spot Kiri and I were at earlier” affirmed Spider as he searched for his songcord.
“I don’t see it anywhere.” Neytiri pretended to look around, though she was holding it the whole time.
“But I was right here! It couldn’t have disappeared unless someone took it, and who would have come here?!” He grew desperate as he knew the approximate spot he threw it at.
Neytiri quickly bent down and placed part of it under a rock as Spider faced the other direction, looking for it behind a bush. She stood up and pretended to continue looking. Spider approached her area and looked everywhere, lifting every twig, branch and leaf.
“I found it!” He yelled out in excitement, slightly feeling happier as Neytiri had treated him kindly.
“Good, and it’s still in one complete piece.”
“Yea” Spider smiled at the songcord in his hands
“But-“ Neytiri let out
“oh, but what?” Spider tilted his head in confusion
“It’s missing a piece.” Neytiri pointed to an empty spot on his songcord.
“Oh, it’s not missing anything. I just didn’t have anything to fill that spot yet.” reassured Spider.
“No, it is missing something.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not understanding.” Spider stated, now confused.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something. That is why I called you to the forest out here with me.” She let out, eyes not meeting his as she grew worried with how she was going to deliver her explanation.
“But I thought you wanted to help me find my songcord? I found it!” Spider looked at Neytiri intently as she shied of any eye contact with him.
“Spider, sit.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and lightly pushed him down. She continued standing up, too nervous to stay still as she paced back and forth, tail swishing in anxiousness.
“I knew where your songcord was.” Neytiri admitted
“Huh, how?”
“I put it under the rock.” Neytiri let out as she looked down.
“Oh, you could have just told me that you found it. You didn’t have to do that to make me feel like I actually found it.” Spider smiled at what he thought was a kind gesture from Neytiri.
“That’s not what I meant.” She let out a sigh. “I saw when you threw it earlier today.” Neytiri’s ears bent down in embarrassment at the admittance of listening in on his conversation about her.
Spider’s face dropped as he realized she heard everything he said. Horrified, he stood up, trying to quickly think of an excuse to come up with.
“Don’t be nervous, sit back down.” reassured Neytiri as she pointed to the spot he was previously at. Not knowing what else to do or how to react, Spider sat down, uneasy for what was going to happen next.
“I’m sorry.” Let out Neytiri. Spider’s eyes widened in shock, unsure if he misheard her.
“What?” he asked in confusion.
“Oh great mother!” Neytiri briefly turned around as pleaded for help with her words.
“I’m sorry, Spider. I know it must have been so hard for you to have always been watching my family grow up and not feel part of it. To feel like you have no true home and no one to comfort you for that. I have been a horrible person to you,” managed Neytiri as she looked at Spider nervously, not knowing how he was going to react.
“I, I don’t know what to say…” It was the first time Spider had received such an apology, and the first time Neytiri had showed concern for how he was feeling.
“I know it is difficult not having any parents. I’ve lost my father and that has been very hard, but I was already grown up and had direction in life. I could even not begin to imagine the struggles you have faced while living without a mother or father to raise you as their own.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and continued on.
“We all know that Quaritch is your biological father, but that is no excuse for the way I have treated you. You are not him! And that day when we fought Quaritch and I had your life in exchange for Kiri’s, that… that was unacceptable of me! That was foolish...." she trailed in a low voice. "I had no excuse to take out my anger for Quaritch on you. NO EXCUSE!” She let out.
"If I had caused the death of an innocent child that day, I would never be able to continue to live with the guilt of such an act. And even though it did not go through, I still regret doing that, treating you as some sort of bargai-"
“No! You had to save Kiri, it’s okay, I understand!” Spider reassured her, but mostly himself, trying to come up with excuses in his mind. The words coming out of Neytiri’s mouth were too much for him to handle. Years of internal pain and anguish hidden from everyone until now. She was pouring out all of his inner thoughts and feelings so quickly and suddenly that he thought he was going to burst.
A lump formed in his throat as he tried to hold back tears and simply looked down, not being able to say anything else without the risk of a sob escaping from his lips.
“Please, let me start over with you.” Pleaded Neytiri as she looked up, struggling to prevent the tear that was forming in her eye from falling. “ I will care for you as I have cared for the rest of my children and Kiri. You have always meant only well to my family and have done nothing to deserve such harsh treatment from me. Forgive me.” Neytiri looked into his eyes, waiting for a response.
A small sob escaped Spider’s lips, taken aback by Neytiri’s request for forgiveness.
“Come here, my son.” She motioned for him to approach her.
“Son?” Spider asked.
“Yes. Please, let me care for you as my own son. It's the least I could do to make up for my behavior towards you." Neytiri opened her arms as a single tear stained her cheeks, guilt overtaking her as she prayed that he would accept her plead.
"You want to be my mom?" his mouth hung open, brain barely making the connection at the sudden appeal.
"Yes, I want to be your mother. After years of suffering, it is what you deserve." Her tears now flowing down in numbers. "Please, forgive me. Give me another ch-" Neytiri was cut off.
"Mom!" Spider ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug, streams of tears ran down his face as he closed his eyes and wept.
Neytiri bent down to his height and embraced Spider as one of her own, thumb wiping his cheeks as she held onto him tightly, comforting him and herself in the process.
She held up Spider's hand that was holding his songcord, "Your songcord is missing a piece." she stated.
"I still don't understand what you mean by that." Spider let go of the hug to face Neytiri.
"You are one of us now, part of the family. You now have a mother."
Spider beamed in joy, now having someone to belong to and a mom who would take care of him.
Mom, a word with a new meaning: home, where he belongs.
"Son," Jake smiled behind the tree where he had intently been watching them both.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
haha, I never thought that I would be writing for Spider but this idea popped into my head and I just KNEW that I had to write it
I hope this came out good and you all enjoyed it. I know this was a bit wordy and had a lot of dialogue, especially the second half. Hopefully it didn't come out cringey(it sounded a bit off and rough in my head while rereading it but I didn't know how else to fill up the details😬), this is my first fluff fic so bear with me🥴
any interaction is appreciated
do not steal my work and pls don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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