#i forgot where i'd gotten to with the other one oops
themistressdomme · 6 months
Mommmyyyyy!!! Guess what? It’s my birthday today! Woo!
For the past couple of days, I’ve been really excited to tell you. I’m just a very shy person… I also am very self-conscious of my birthday. I’m working on self-love, but for some reason on my birthday I feel like I have to be even more behaved. I just go nonverbal… I feel like if I celebrate, it would look selfish. I’m just so used to working for others, I forgot to work for myself- oops! Even telling you this, feels like I’m being mean 😭.
What do you propose we do to celebrate? I’m just your silly little housewife… maybe a day where we’re all soft, reassuring… maybe some gentle, slow, and soft sex, where you praise me and tell me that I just don’t need to worry… ahhh, I’m helpless right now, mommy 🥺
Haaappy birrrrthday to yooooou~ Haaappy biiirthday to yooou~ Happy biiiiirthdaaaaay dearrrrrr Muuuuuugiiiii~ Haaaaaappy biiiiiiirthdayyy toooooo youuuuuuuuu!!!🎶~~~ Hip hip!! Hooray!!! Hip hip!! Hooray!!!
Oh my goodness! Happiest of birthdays, my Lav!!!! You're working on self-love, and I am so proud of you for that, love!! So proud! Always remember that you have absolutely no reason to be conscious that you might come across as selfish! After all, if there's one day that we all deserve to be tad bit selfish on, it's our birthday! 🤗 Keep going, keep trying your best to work on yourself! You deserve it most than other people, because you can care better for them when you are cared for by yourself!! 🥰
Oh, my darling little housewife. I'd make sure to spoil you rotten, hm? I'd send you out of the house for a couple of hours so that Mommy can decorate the entire place up for her special little doll. So many balloons (maybe even a balloon arch???), tassels on every single doorframe, and so many little presents hidden all over the house as a little scavenger hunt, perhaps? All for my special birthday girl 🥰
When you're done with that, we'll have a little candle-lit dinner, and Mommy would have tried her best to cook! If it's inedible, we shall order in 😅 I think you might not want to go to a fancy place out, since you say you're a little self-conscious of coming across as selfish, so let Mommy do everything for you at home, okay? I'd tell you how perfect you are as Mommy's little housewife; how proud I am of all that you have accomplished in your life, and how I am the luckiest person alive to have you be my home 🤗
After dinner, we'll get into a hot bath that I've drawn for us 🥰 There will be bubbles and petals floating in the water, and candles everywhere for my sweet thing. I'll get in first and extend a hand, helping you get in. We'll get settled, me behind you, and I'll run my hands softly all over your body, whispering in your ear how beautiful and perfect and gorgeous and pretty Mommy's little housewife is 😘 So many little kisses on your head. I'd remind you that today is all about you, and how Mommy wants to make it all about you, so no feeling guilty! 🥰
Maybe Mommy will get a little naughty in the bath, hm? After all, my hands will be roaming...
I'll wash your hair for you, if you want, and when we rinse off, I'll wrap you up in the fluffiest bath robe that I'd have gotten for you as part of your presents 😋
Then I'll lead you onto the bed. We can have soft cuddles in bed that eventually turn into the softest, gentlest, slow sex 🥰😘 Full of kissing and "good girl"s, and "you're doing so good for me"s. Anything for my birthday girl 😉
Happy birthday again, sweet angel! I hope you have an absolutely fantabulous day!!! 😘😘😘
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eightwholebreads · 5 months
things that happened yesterday (aka some stuff about the comedians football but also a large chunk of me complaining about heathrow bus station(s))
I must have been pretty excited about it because i set my alarm to 3:45 to wake up on time and then woke up a little before 3. It was 3°C when i left the house. Lovely clear skies with the sun already risen. I just caught the first train all the way to the airport. My aunt leant me money for the airport transfer ticket but it was card only. I would've gotten the bus from märsta if I'd have known and I'm pretty sure I had time to do that. Security nice and quick. I wandered down the whole of terminal 2 just to see what was about (not much) then went up to the gate. Plane boarded on time but we took off a little late.
They give you a snack on BA flights!! The oat cake said it included "gluten free oats". Where do you get glutinous oats because I'd like to try them. Probably had a little sleep over the north sea? Was sat on the wrong side to see london as we were stuck in an air queue but that doesn't matter because there were clouds just over london.
After landing is where the faff began. You go through arrivals, you get to baggage claim, I walked straight through and followed the sign that says buses. You go across a little concourse, through another door, and you get to where some buses are. The bus station! The plan was to get the bus to rickmansworth, then the metropolitan line, because its a little bit quicker. The bus never shows. To cut a long story short it turns out that heathrow has more than one bus station! There's no indication of which one is the central bus station. No indication at the other bus station that there is another bus station. Each bus station numbers their stands 1 to n so its not like you can infer you're in the wrong place by seeing that the stand you want isn't even there. So after standing between 2 potential stands for about half an hour I gave up and went on the tube. Got a bit confused at rayners lane and jumped off a train i needed to actually be on because you need to sort of go back on yourself there. But this proved to be a good thing.
I got to Harrow on the hill and went up and down to the other platform and then walking right towards me was Timmy Key! I don't really have anything to say to him so I walked up the platform, waited for a bit, then walked down again to see if I could see him and sort of follow him since obviously he's going to chesham too. He seemed to have vanished. Oh well. Jump on the train and sit down. Then I notice some familiar voices... Joe and Mark were sat diagonal opposite me! And I'd walked right past them to sit down. Didn't take any pics because how awkward would that be. At some point Ben must have shown up or walked down the train perhaps and all four of them (Joe, Mark, Ben, and Timmy) moved and chatted for a bit.
Got off the train slightly ahead of them all since i was closer to the exit and met up with someone who I don't think is on tumblr? (Sorry if you are and I forgot your url). We tried to look casual as we exited the station because staring is weird but I think i accidentally cut up joe at the ticket barrier pretending I couldn't see him. oops. Sorry Joe
We sort of half followed the group to the grounds and joined the queue. They all carried on past the queue presumably to a secret entrance round the back of the changing rooms. It was so warm that day... so humid. We both got really bad sunburn on our arms. They seem sort of fine now but then I look in the mirror and the contrast is so severe. Football occurred. Maisie Adam's goal and bonus crossbar at the end was phenomenal but all for nothing after all. Mathew Baynton was taking it so seriously. At one point he ball went into the crowd and he just had this serious look on his face the whole time because he needed that ball back because football was there to be played. Ivo hit a woman on the head with a ball at one point and he went over to apologise.
It was so hot yesterday... my friend made sure I didn't die of heat stroke though she lent me her hat and got me some water since I looked like I was verging on unwell. Very unusually I was in short sleeves. Usually I try and muscle it out until about 30°C (long sleeves and layers) but it was just too much yesterday. Somehow it was fine though. The power of my chesham utd shirt perhaps.
I have no decent pictures of the match just a bunch of there's some guys somewhere on a field type pics. Here's the best pic form the day for a sense of the quality
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Birds spotted above the pitch were: 2 red kites, 3 geese, 1 corvid of some kind
After the game we went around to the stands to try and grab alex. Little bit of waiting. He's so beautiful. He's so sweet. He was going along a line that had formed along the side of the stands. He recognised me and my friend. He saw us before talking to the people infront of us and said something like "Oh no what have I gotten myself in for" (In a nice way!) I showed him the blanket (have I posted a pic of the blanket here) and said he'll see it in person next month. He asked how when I started it and I said mid november and I meant to finish it for christmas and he said it'll never be finished (It's already finished!) He signed our programmes and I told him I woke up at 3 to come from sweden and he asked (mostly to himself) What were you doing in sweden? then we got pics and said very politely that he has to move on because there's a queue and we were like of course. Of course afterwards I was shaking. Normal reaction.
We went and bought scarves from the merch stand then went to a pub for a pint and talked for an hour or so (mostly about willip and his organisational skills but I won't pass those stories on) and then she drove me home so I bought food on the way back.
Overall great day (besides the heat). My skin still feels kind of warm but that should sort itself out over the rest of the week.
My potatoes are sprouting well!!
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pastafossa · 1 year
so i've asked briefcasejuice about this already but i'd also like your take too - since you're part of the daredevil tumblr fandom council and all ...
I'm writing this scene and one of my ocs asks matt if he can handle spicy food and i wanted him to explain this whole thing about pain receptors in his mouth being "sensitive"... and how he hated pineapple because of the bromelain...(the substance that breaks up the protein in your mouth, that's why it's tingly)
and then my oc asks about like regular "body" pain since touch is after all one of the senses of his that have been heightened, and he explains something along the lines of even if the feeling of pain is heightened -- his body isn't actually weaker or more sensitive - so while he gets injured like anyone else he feels the pain of those injuries differently (more). over time he has gotten used to it but its still something he's working on as he hurts himself worse with every fight.
WHAT I'M GETTING AT is that i came to @briefcasejuice about this because they're very knowledgeable about matt stuff and comic matt especially, and they told me it did sound pretty accurate - so now i guess i just want to know -
how do you interpret or view matt's sensibility when it comes to pain - and if it came up in TRT (which maybe it did and i forgot oops?) how would you write it out?
and btw - congrats on the mango thing!! what's next on the fruit discovery journey 🤨 (what else can i be shocked that you didn't try)
Ok first of I love the idea of a Daredevil tumblr fandom council, because now I've got the image of all of us gathered solemnly to talk about DD fandom topics and headcanons like
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Second off, ooooh this is a good question. I can't remember if I've ever gotten deep into it in TRT, although it'll probably come up eventually. But I absolutely agree with @briefcasejuice, and with your take on it. This seems right, for a couple reasons, including my own experience with pain.
So a lot of this is based on my own issues (and one of the reasons I relate really strongly to Matt's sense of touch, touch starvation, and pain, and when writing generally include him being comforted and going near comatose beneath gentle touch). Without getting too specific, due to chronic pain and health problems, I experience something called allodynia - "pain due to a stimulus that does not normally provoke pain." Basically, my nerves are all spun up to 11 and even light sensation often reads as pain, regardless of whether I'm actually hurt - Matt's comment about 'cotton feels like sandpaper on my skin'? I get that, cause rough fabric's painful to me (another ex: put icy hot on my skin once, just about clawed it off my arm because I was convinced something had gone wrong and it was burning me). And on bad days, even very soft fabrics or, hell, a breeze, any sensation anywhere I have nerves feel like bits of glass grinding into a burn. Best explanation I have for a really bad day. And we know Matt's sense of touch is heightened. So I often think he feels a lot like me, and how you described it feels right.
Everything hurts more, even if you're not being hurt more, and even if your body's strong enough physically to take whatever's being done. Physically, there's no reason his body can't handle cotton sheets, or a food with acid, and God knows the man can take a punch. Functionally, his body is fine. But his nerves don't act that way. They send way more signals than they need to, and sure, this helps if he's trying to use them to his own advantage, but it also means he's left wide open to a far higher degree of pain from stimuli that most of us would consider more minor (pineapple, in this case) along with the pain we all regularly avoid.
Does he mostly block it out? Yes. Especially on a day to day, to the point where he may actually miss smaller injuries because he's focused on tuning out other, larger pains. I know I do - your brain eventually just goes 'oh new baseline and I still need to live so Imma put everything below it into the background so it doesn't stop us doing what we need to'. I hug people, I touch things that are rough, I use hot water with the dishes, and if I focus on it, I remember that it hurts a bit, but I've learned to tune that out for the most part. Much like me, Matt's dealt with this for years, so while he does what he can (soft sheets, avoiding certain foods, wearing certain types of clothes), he's gotten used to a lot of the day to day stuff he can't avoid, though like you said, as the injuries pile up, it just gets worse and worse as that pain stacks. Some of it might be tempered by surges of adrenaline and endorphins (why I theorize he can fight even when injured - tune it out thanks to all the practice, PLUS fighting so ferociously that his body pumps him up until he can ignore it, at least until he crashes afterwards, and crashes hard), but he's definitely feeling it far, far worse.
So I basically think it's likely, especially when pain is stacking, that he's just made a bunch of calculations for his everyday life on what's worth the pain and what isn't - certain foods? No point. Cotton sheets? No point. There is no benefit, and so he comfortably avoids it, whereas going out to fight he generally always sees as worth it since there's a tangible benefit. Those calculations at least are something we all do every day - we decide the pain of a tattoo or working out or that sour candy is worth it cause it gives us something we like. Matt just takes it up to 11. I can absolutely see him taking something like, say, pineapple - tingly and acidic - and not only feeling pain when eating it but also just literally running the mental math and going, 'yeah not worth it' because he's in enough pain day to day thanks to injuries and other things he can't avoid.
In summary: you're right and I headcanon Matt operates much like someone who's been dealing with allodynia for a while, which means he'd feel more pain from stimuli even if it's not hurting him, so he chooses things in his day-to-day to avoid and then just throws himself into the pain on big things and hopes the endorphins and adrenaline will help him tune it out.
LASTLY THANK YOU ON THE MANGO! I cannot BELIEVE I went so long without knowing how fucking delicious they were. New fruits I haven't tried that are on my list now that I realized I need to find if there are MORE DELICIOUS UNKNOWNS LIKE MANGOS: boysenberries, figs, grapefruit, guava, kumquats, passionfruit, papaya, prickly pears, and satsumas!
#daredevil#matt murdock#headcanon#allodynia#this is how i treat matt's dealing with pain anyway#i know it's not exact so i often make some adjustments#but there's just things he's said or done that resonate too much for my brain not to go 'like me??? matt is like me???'#which is strangely comforting#and so i've used a lot of personal experience to fill in the gaps on how he might operate in his day to day#and how he might function#in that he's YES more sensitive to pain even if there's not technically more pain#he just FEELS it more and his nerves TELL him it hurts more even if it's NOT hurting more#on the up (down?) side he can probably stand getting stitched up easily because he's felt way WAY more pain so it barely registers#because he's so used to tuning out even more pain so his brain's used to filing that away#BUT#when his concentration is down or he's tired that gets harder#same during injury stacking which'll only get worse as he gets older#either way he'd look at shit like pineapple and just go 'uh no that hurts I'll pass' because there's no good reason to eat it#we joke about matt's catholicism making him suffer and I joke about it too but#i think in reality he'd do these subtle little avoids for stuff like this unless he was REALLY depressed or in I Am Stick mode#or just has a good reason#and on some bad days he probably can't stand being touched tbh and would barely be able to drink room temp water (cold = pain)#at least it means the reverse it true - he'd absolutely melt beneath gentle touch or pleasant things or fleecy soft fabric#and sometimes even on bad days if you touch him *very* gently he'll tolerate the pain because he knows#that the oxytocin he gets from affectionate touch helps dull the sting just a little#(i realize this sounds bad ya'll can hug me if you see me at the con i won't turn them down i like hugs they're worth the sting)
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darsynia · 11 months
The heart wants what it wants...
Gosh, so I've been writing for a nearly 30 year old fandom, the book/tv show Christy. I was a huge Kellie Martin fan from Life Goes On, and I'd liked the book (evangelical childhood go brrr)-- lemme tell you, Scottish-voiced older smart gruff man & idealistic kind resourceful opinionated young woman will ALWAYS get me. Add LeVar Burton and Tyne Daly and I'm HOOKED. OH I forgot to mention it's set in the Great Smokies and the vistas are magnificent (TWW reference says hi).
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Well, the show itself has a religious scaffolding, and it's pretty wholesome, so though the series manages some truly intense unresolved sexual tension, I should refrain from getting too racy in this 'it was a crime to never show these two kissing' 'shipping Neil/Christy for 30 years does something to a person' story, right? RIGHT?
Me: I'll write a brief satisfying M encounter
Me now: he's soaked after checking for a fire in a thunderstorm and she's slowly unbuttoning him while he loses his mind OOPS
Anyway, I'm putting the finishing touches on Shipping chapter 3, but if you ever watched this show or might be interested in a period piece where two people with hidden feelings find themselves married and figuring out what fun that can be, feel free to check out that story! It's got a tiny online presence (under 200 fics on FFN, my fic was #7 on AO3) so I probably won't post again about it, but I'm very pleased by what I've written.
Breathing Fire
Summary: After an unexpected standoff puts Christy in a compromised position, she discovers what a marriage based on love and friendship is really like. With that firm basis, she seeks to heal the wounds that were caused before she even arrived in Cutter Gap.
For fun, here's an excerpt under the jump:
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Note: Set the day after the wedding, but their 'wedding night' was interrupted; Neil is a doctor and he was called away for a medical emergency. He hasn't gotten much sleep as a result.
When she woke next it was thanks to the bright indirect sunlight from the window. She’d slept in.
Christy threw herself out of bed, spluttering her hair out of her face as she rushed over to the dresser to grab something to wear.
“Christy,” Neil rumbled from the bed. He had his arm draped over his eyes.
“I’m late for school!”
“You’re not.”
“No, I am! Miss Alice was supposed to take my place, but she was with you.” She supposed she could dress on the other side of the closet door, or at the top of the stairs with the bedroom door closed. When she turned around with a handful of underthings, meaning to race over to the closet and do just that, she ran right into Neil.
“Grantland got back yesterday evening, he’s teaching your students today,” he said, tugging the clothes from her hands to set them on top of the dresser. “Back to bed,” he said, guiding her back with an arm around her shoulders.
Sleepy Neil was a charming mix of impatience and determination.
“But David has no idea where the lesson plans are!”
“He’ll probably spend the whole day sermonizing at them,” he said once they got over to the bed. Neil then yawned so hard he stumbled sideways before shuffling around to the other side.
Christy sat, her sense of purpose deflated. “Is there anything you were supposed to do this morning that I can do instead? Dropping by a patient’s house, or picking up supplies?”
“No one will expect us for days,” he told her, rubbing at his eye with a knuckle. “We’re meant to spend them enjoying each other, which right now should mean you, sleeping next to me, in silence.” There was a daring sort of tease to his voice that sent a thrill through her. How was she meant to sleep after he said something like that? 
“I’m wide awake. How about I go downstairs and--”
“Don’t,” Neil blurted. He took in a breath to say something, then chuckled. “Not sure how well I’d sleep knowing you were down there rearranging everything.”
“Meaning you’d sleep better if I stayed up here?” Christy guessed.
His expression sobered, and he rolled onto his back. “I keep expecting to wake up and find all of this was a dream.”
If she were braver, she would have told him about her dreams of him, but instead, she said, “How about I go get a book to read, so I can sit up beside you, while you sleep? I can pull the curtains shut.” 
His nod was relieved, and Christy got up, thinking hard to remember where she’d packed her book. It wasn’t with the others, since she’d been reading it a little each night. A glance over at her husband told her he was still ruminating.
“Ask me what I’m reading,” Christy said, crouching down to rummage through the front pocket of one suitcase.
“It’s part of distracting you while I look for my book,” she told him. Standing, she put her hands on her hips. Was it downstairs?
“Fine,” Neil said, his voice still sleepy, but more like his confident self. “What are you reading?”
“Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott. It’s a story about four sisters, all very different, and how each of them handle the process of growing up. I loved it when I was younger, and now I’m rereading it to pick out parts to share with the children.” As she spoke, she found the book, drew the curtain, then came back to briskly set things up to sit comfortably beside him.
“You’re an excellent teacher, Christy.”
Praise from him really was worth a hundred kind words from anyone else.
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lelianasbitch · 2 years
Hiya, I've never commented on your fic but I just wanted to let you know I'm really enjoying TDoC! Been on a Donna fic spree the past couple weeks and yours was one of the ones I came across that stuck with me. I've only just come back to Tumblr after a long break, but I finished reading it the other night and I couldn't resist dropping a message to gush about it!
I know reader stories can be tricky to write because the protag is technically a self insert, but I think you've done a great job with balancing! The Courier feels like a distinct personality, but she also feels familiar to me.
Also love how you're handling Donna's development. As a reader, I really appreciate that you've put so much consideration and time into research, especially with regards to mental illness. You've clearly put a lot of thought and care into Donna's portrayal, and I think it's so lovely!
Each chapter is just the right amount of fluff, angst, and tension to keep me hooked. The dynamic between the Dimitrescu sisters and The Courier is also hilarious. I've been glued to my phone and sneaking chapters on my lunch break all week like little digital snacks. (Its gotten to the point where I'm pretty sure the people I work with think I have a secret lover, but the only reason I'm not denying it is because I don't know how to tell them that her name is The Deliverance of Change.)
Also, those wee posters you made? Mega cute. I'm no artist or graphic designer so idk if my opinion counts for much but I think they're very *chef's kiss*
Anyway I've waffled quite a bit, but basically my point was your fic has been a thrill to read thus far. Thanks for publishing it. It's been a real uplifter for me, especially on stressful days. No rush for the next chapter, but I'm eager to see what you do next! Hope you're doing well in general and life is treating you fairly :)
Hello! Big oops because this was asked back in August. Thanks for being patient for my reply even though I'm sure you forgot by now 😅
I'm glad that you're enjoying TDoC!! I appreciate you (and everyone else) even if you don't comment.
TDoC is my first x Reader story so it was definitely unusual to be writing in that style. The hard part was trying not to be too self-inserty, but I'm glad that you think I did a good job balancing it.
Writing Donna's development has been fun! There's so many things I can't wait to share and so many things that I was suuper excited to finally be able to read people's reactions when certain events came about.
I love that you've been reading TDoC like "digital snacks" AND that your coworkers might suspect a secret lover. I wonder what would happen if I posted a spicy oneshot . . .
I'd love to create more art like the posters but I'm currently lazy and uninspired . . .
Thank you again for sharing how much you've been enjoying TDoC! Sharing TDoC with so many people has brought great people into my life. It also really encouraged me to tap back into my personal projects which unfortunately have been scarce in recent years, so people's comments like yours brings me joy and gets me excited to continue.
Hope you've been doing well, highskellig! 🖤
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mildkleptomania · 2 years
Hello, Tumblr, welcome to my little artist hole in the ground, where I commit my Dark Work
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the work isn't THAT dark, really, it just sounds cooler when i call it my dark work, but anyway
You can call me Ishmael (or Klepto, because it grew on me), and this is my big debut post on this site (and the interweb in general, really) as long as you ignore all those other posts on the blog already shhhhhh
I'm going to be using this blog for... A lot of things, really, but probably most notably posting art I've done! This would mostly be original setting works, though I'm not ruling out the possibility of posting the occasional fanwork, in the event I do one
Also, I might develop a game about one of these! That's not going to be very soon, but I'd like it to happen eventually, and I'll probably link to them if/when they happen
Settings I'll post art about include:
A science-fiction setting featuring a Republic of (space) Pirates, space alien cat people, humanity being one of the older, more established civilizations in the area, at least one megacorporation, and a bunch of assorted Weird Space Junk [i don't have a real name for this one oops]
A monster collector setting where people escape to a digital world to ride out the post apocalypse, but the digital animals have gotten a little, ah, hostile, which is weird because they weren't programmed to be so that shouldn't be possible [THE SPIRIT ELECTRIC]
A spooky eldritch setting in an alternate Earth where a good chunk of the America-analogue's power grid used to be plugged into a giant divine-ish tumor! It's, uh, not anymore, though! Accidents happen, and some have heavier consequences than others [Phase Theory]
A fantasy setting with like elves and giants and dragons and stuff, which isn't the best selling point, but maybe the fact that magic existing has enabled some suspiciously post-industrial technology is a better one? Also the dragons are from space kinda [Tomes]
various offshoot settings that share names with, but are somewhat different from, the main settings, and maybe blur the lines between setting A and setting B a little
yes the characters standing behind my fursoña there are each supposed to be representatives of one of those settings why do you ask
other things i forgot
anyhow, NOT ONLY will following this blog get you art sometimes, BUT ALSO you'll get me rambling aimlessly about assorted nonsense for paragraphs on end! Stunning! Spectacular! Amazing! Some other word that invokes superlative qualities!!
Art will be tagged #my art, if something gets especially horror-y it'll get tagged with #horror and anything relevant, I'll try tagging the settings with the setting names, if i talk a lot i'm going to be tagging that with #rambling, uhhh
please don't be mean to me, i'm not here for shit and i WILL use all the tools at my disposal to obliterate you (by which i mean i'll probably just block you if i think i need to, which is functionally obliteration from my end, or maybe sending you to the shadow realm? idk)
also it should go without saying, but if you're in one of those genres of terrible person that wants me or my loved ones dead? Please Leave! On your way out, consider Not Doing That, or Dying in a Hole Maybe! Don't really care which, up to you honestly
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indecentpause · 1 year
Happy STS (Storyteller Saturday)! What does the bucket list of your protagonist look like? Your antagonist?
Answering for The Most Beautiful Puzzle! thank!!
That's a good question! Meara actually hasn't made much of a bucket list because he didn't think he'd make it past 30. One thing he always wanted to do and was able to was be in a ska band with his friends! In The Black & Blues the story is about the band, but even in the ones where they aren't playing together, there's mention of it being a part of his past. He does want to learn ASL and get as close to fluent as a second language learner can, and he wants to learn to paint. I don't know if I'd call them part of a bucket list though.
Josselin is very comfortable with his life! One bucket list thing he does have though, is traveling more. He traveled all around North America in his youth, and knows he is very lucky he was able to do so, but he wants to visit countries in other continents too! He wants to hit every continent and multiple places within them. Yes, including both the Arctic and Antarctic! He really wants to see the aurora borealis in person. :)
The antagonist... I actually haven't thought about that! I haven't thought about them much past their basic personalities and driving force in the story, because they are only revealed at the end when all the clues come together. So while they kind of have personalities revealed by the results of their actions, I never went as far as that. I can tell you that one of them doesn't need a bucket list because he's always gotten everything he wants.
EDIT: omg I just realized I completely forgot Drake because that arc is over oops!! Drake's bucket list includes such things as: being able to play singer-songwriter style acoustic guitar semi-professionally, get a motorcycle license (and, of course, a motorcycle), and to foster dogs!
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vazaha-tya · 1 year
(Ex Nihilo spoilers ahead - I'm talking about stuff that's already written but if you're not caught up to Chapter 29 you should probably skip this post - there's also some First War with Voldemort backstory added and... yeah basically it's some tidbit that I'm posting here because I'm not sure I'll be able to fit it into the main fic and it would be a shame not to share)
So, I mentioned in one of the latest chapters of Ex Nihilo that the Knights of Walpurgis have lost another member, which makes Scylla Carrow and Bertram Nott the only remaining two original followers of Voldemort and - as it was implied in the fic, not sure if it was clear - the last of his lieutenants from when he was Argentum Rex. I've already mentioned that Tom Riddle is especially possessive of them.
Tom Riddle had 5 trusted lieutenants: Abraxas Malfoy - his second -, Walburga Black, Scylla Carrow, Bertram Nott and Anton Avery. There were others, obviously, but those five he held in high enough esteem that he still consistently called them his Knights even after the name Death Eater was popularised both amongst the general public and within their own ranks.
Why am I writing about this? Because I was on the phone with a friend and I mentioned the scene where Bertram and Scylla talk while Theo watches them. That's when they briefly discuss the fact that the last Knight beside them, Anton Avery got caught trying to free Grindelwald from his jail cell in Nurmengard and was either killed or incarcerated - I didn't specify it, for... reasons haha. My friend really wanted to know more about it so I explained, and I realised it was a shame that it might not be brought up again because it's kind of hilarious?
So I've mentioned the Avery elder twice in the fic (the first time I called him Jasper actually but I changed it to Anton because I forgot I'd already named him, so I had to go back and edit it, oops) and every time someone talks about him they specify that he's madder than a bag of cats, for good reason. But more terrifyingly, he also has the skill to make his particular brand of crazy extremely dangerous. The original Knights of Walpurgis are all really talented wixen in their own right but like, Anton Avery has lost his entire mind. So when he infiltrated Nurmengard, he didn't do it like a normal person with clever tricks or impressive displays of magic, no. He scaled the walls while completely naked and got as far as Grindelwald's cell without being caught. Not because he wasn't noticed, they just couldn't stop him.
(He would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for the fact that Grindelwald had no intention to follow him out.)
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crazed-reviews · 2 years
Review: Miraculous "Bunnyx" Fashion doll from Playmates Toys
So, I finally bought myself a Bunnyx doll! You may recall back in March I made a post about my sister's Bunnyx doll, who is from the initial U.S. release. I thought she was really cute, but she had an issue with her neck (which I somehow forgot to mention in that post) which nearly all dolls from that initial wave had, that I hoped would be fixed with later waves. 
And then I proceeded to forget about her for eight months until I saw she was on sale, oops. I purchased her for $11 USD on Amazon, but she retails for $16.99.
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Here she is in her box, which is the new design with a rainbow across the front and information about the character on the back. The information is somewhat correct, except it says "Transformation phase" instead of "Transformation Phrase" (this typo was fixed for the upcoming Cosmobug doll's box, and I assume it'll be fixed on the others at a later point) and that she learns she'll get a Miraculous after being akumatized. She doesn't actually learn about it until the season 3 episode "Timetagger".
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I noticed that at the bottom of her box, there was a sticker with a QR code. I scanned it with my phone camera, (Okay… I scanned it with Google Lens. My phone isn't fancy enough to scan QR codes) and it took me to the movie page of the Miraculous Ladybug website, with a teaser for the movie. Not really a trailer, but still neat.
Here's the link, if you're interested:
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Here she is right out of the box. She comes with her headband and her kwami, Fluff. Like Vesperia, she also comes with a catalogue, advertising the rest of the Miraculous toy line from Playmates Toys. 
As a quick note, she was packaged slightly differently from my sister's Bunnyx. Unlike my sister's Bunnyx, the plastic shell she was attached to didn't go up to her head, and so she didn't have a plastic tab punctured through her head! This was a pleasant surprise, as I strongly dislike those tabs in the heads.
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Here's Bunnyx's full outfit. She, like all the other heroes, has a one piece suit with separate shoes. Her suit is blue and white with black trim, and at her neck, a white… pom-pom? I'm not sure what it is, to be honest. It reminds me of both a rabbit's tail, and Cat Noir's bell. I do wish her suit covered her ankles, but I like the overall look. She wears white boots. Without the headband and neck-tail, I'm not sure if I'd get "rabbit" from it. 
Her hands are bare, but for some reason it never bothered me as much as the ankles showing.
Unfortunately, she does not have her Miraculous, a pocket watch, or her weapon, an umbrella. I suppose I could suspend disbelief and pretend her pocketwatch is in her… well, pocket, like in the show, but I don't understand why she doesn't have her weapon. If size was an issue, they could've done it like Draculaura's parasol, from Mattel's Monster High line. Her parasol was molded in a closed position.
Due to the gel in her hair, I can barely get the headband on her, and even when I do, it doesn't sit completely down on her head.
She has 15 points of articulation, with movement at her:
Double-jointed elbows
Wrists (which only swivel)
Double-jointed knees
Her joints are pretty tight, and she doesn't have the neck issue that the initial U.S. wave had, where the peg is stiff and angled sideways to where the head is half off the neck and can only move sideways.
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Here's a closeup of Bunnyx's face. I really like it!
Bunnyx has blue eyes, pink lips, and a blue, white, and black mask. I do think her eyes should have a reflective dot in them, but I've gotten used to the look.
My particular doll unfortunately has a paint defect on the bottom left (our right) of her mask, where the black outline is smudged. I haven't decided whether to try and fill it in or leave it alone yet.
She has short red hair with loose curls gelled into a solid piece. It is completely rock solid. I kid you not. I thought my sister's Bunnyx's hair was hard, but this is even harder than hers. She doesn't seem to really have the short side bangs my sister's Bunnyx has. I can't really tell through all the gel, but I'm curious if her bangs were changed to be longer, like the rest of her hair, or if they're just so gelled to the side they appear longer.
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Here's her headband off of her head. It's mostly white, but the insides of the ears are blue. It looks nice when I can get it on her head! It has four prongs, which I assume is to help keep it in place, but I feel like it makes it harder to get on. It's pretty simple, but pulls her outfit together. 
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And here's her kwami, Fluff. I think she looks… interesting. She is mostly white, with blue eyes, and the insides of her ears are also blue. She has two long whiskers on her face, but they're so thick they look like a mustache. I would've preferred her umbrella over Fluff.
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Overall, I really like Bunnyx! I'd give her a B+. I wish she came with her Miraculous and umbrella, even if it had to be molded closed, and Fluff looks strange. The paint defect on my doll is what kept her from being an A-. If minor paint issues don't bother you, or you can purchase one in-store, I would definitely recommend her.
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alterxgos · 5 years
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starter call? starter call!
below is a complete list of my muses, even though i haven’t finished my muses pages yet. if you’d like a starter, please like ( or reblog ) this post and comment below which muse / fandom you’d like ( if you don’t, i probably won’t write you one )!
asoue muses!
beatrice baudelaire
beatrice baudelaire ii
bertrand baudelaire
dewey denouement
duncan quagmire
ellington feint
ernest denouement
frank denouement
friday caliban
isadora quagmire
jacques snicket
kit snicket
klaus baudelaire
lemony snicket
uncle monty
moxie mallahan
quigley quagmire
sunny baudelaire
violet baudelaire
marvel muses!
alex wilder
alexi shostakov
amadeus cho
america chavez
anya corazon
anya lishkeva ( oc )
brock rumlow
carol danvers
cassie lang
chase stein
curtis hoyle
feliks castle ( oc )
frank castle
gert yorkes
hope van dyne
james barnes
james rhodes
jane foster
jemma simmons
kamala khan
karolina dean
kate bishop
leo fitz
lily fitzsimmons ( oc )
lorna dane
luke fitzsimmons ( oc )
mapone romanova
marcos diaz
melinda may
molly hernandez
monica rambeau
morgan stark
nedezhda shostakova ( oc )
nadia pym
nico minoru
nina gurzsky
phil coulson
sam wilson
scott lang
viktor romanov ( kinda oc )
cassandra clare muses!
alastair carstairs
alec lightwood
alexei de quincy
aline penhallow
amélie pontmercy ( oc )
anna lightwood
annika kreigsmesser ( oc )
beatriz mendoza
cameron ashdown
cecily herondale
celia whitelaw ( oc )
charles buford fairchild
charlotte fairchild
christopher lightwood
clarissa “clary” fairchild
cordelia carstairs
daniel highsmith ( oc )
diego rosales
eoin leifssen ( oc )
erec kingsson
fenya kreigsmesser ( oc )
freja carsmith ( oc )
freida kreigsmesser ( oc )
gabriel lightwood
gaia erdersen ( oc )
gideon lightwood
grace blackthorn
henry branwell
isabelle lightwood
isobel konigsson ( oc )
jace herondale
jaime rosales
james “jem” carstairs
james herondale
jeremy starkweather ( oc )
jessamine lovelace
jesse blackthorn
jessica beausejours
jocelyn fairchild
jordan kyle
josiah kreigsmesser ( oc )
josiane pontmercy ( oc )
kaelie whitewillow
katherine whitelaw ( oc )
kieran kingsson
lina kreigsmesser ( oc )
louis pontmercy ( oc )
lucas whitelaw ( oc )
lucie herondale
luke garroway
luna starkweather ( oc )
lydia crews ( oc )
maia roberts
marisol ( rojes ) garza solcedo
matthew fairchild
max lightwood
oscar kreigsmesser ( oc )
rachel haynes ( oc )
rafael lightwood-bane
raphael santiago
raven ( oc )
reinhardt kreigsmesser ( oc )
robin ( oc )
saul highsmith ( oc )
sebastian verlac ( not jonathan morgernstern )
solomon highsmith ( oc )
sophie collins
sparrow ( oc )
tatiana blackthorn
tessa gray
william herondale
wren ( oc )
various muses!
abigail dudley ( the haunting of hill house )
akkarin ( magician’s guild trilogy )
aleksis kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
allison hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
amara namani ( pacific rim )
anyi ( traitor spy triology )
beatrice “tris” prior ( divergent )
ben hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
caleb prior ( divergent )
cameron weiss ( sense8 oc )
carmen cortez ( spy kids )
ceryni ( magician’s guild / traitor spy )
coraline jones ( coraline )
cosima neihaus ( orphan black )
dannyl ( magician’s guild triology )
diego hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
eleanor crain-vance ( the haunting of hill house )
five hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
hugh crain ( the haunting of hill house )
jake pentecost ( pacific rim )
jayan ( magician’s apprentice )
juni cortez ( spy kids )
kala dandekar ( sense8 )
lena knowles ( sense8 oc )
liesel meminger ( the book thief )
lito rodriguez ( sense8 )
lorkin ( traitor spy triology )
lorlen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
mako mori ( pacific rim )
mei lin gao ( pacific rim )
mia davies ( sense8 oc )
nathan “nate” lambert ( pacific rim )
olivia crain ( the haunting of hill house )
osen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
raleigh becket ( pacific rim )
riley blue ( sense8 )
rothen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
sarah manning ( orphan black )
sasha kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
shirley crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sonea ( magician’s guild trilogy )
stacker pentecost ( pacific rim )
stephen crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sun bak ( sense8 )
theodora crain ( the haunting of hill house )
tobias “four” eaton ( divergent )
uriah pedrad ( divergent )
vanya hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
viktoriya malikova ( pacific rim )
will gorski ( sense8 )
wolfgang bogdanow ( sense8 )
zeke pedrad ( divergent )
wizarding world!
albus dumbledore
alecto carrow
amelia bones
amycus carrow
andromeda tonks
antinoch peverell
arthur weasley
atticus mulciber
augustus rookwood
aurora sinistra
bellatrix lestrange
cadmus peverell
charity burbage
charlie weasley
claudius crabbe
corban yaxley
cornelius fudge
corvus lestrange
cuthbert binns
edward “teddy” lupin
evan rosier
felix rosier
filius flitwick
frank longbottom ii
fred weasley
fred weasley ii
george goyle
george weasley
ginny weasley
horace slughorn
hugo weasley
ignotus peverell
james sirius potter
john dawlish
kingsley shacklebolt
leta lestrange
lily luna potter
lucius malfoy
ludovic bagman
madam pince
mafalda hopkirk
malcolm mcgonagall
marcus avery ( sr )
marcus avery ( jr )
minerva mcgonagall
molly weasley
narcissa malfoy
percy weasley
peter pettigrew
pius thicknesse
pomona sprout
porpentina goldstein
regulus black
remus cedric potter ( replaces albus severus )
remus lupin
rolanda hooch
ronald weasley
roxanne weasley
rufus scrimgeour
septima vector
sybill trelawney
theolonius nott
thorfinn rowle
ulysses travers
victor rosier
walden mcnair
bill weasley
fandomless ocs!
micah thompson
various others pls ask me about them
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can-of-pringles · 2 years
Similarities - Chapter 1: Change of Plans
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Rating: Teen and up audience
Warnings: spoilers for season 4 volume 1!, light angst, this is my first time writing for Peter so it could be ooc, vague mention of past forced procedures, if there's anything I forgot let me know.
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Peter Ballard has been forced to be an orderly at the lab for some time. Only recently does he discover he had more of a connection to the place than originally thought.
Note: I'd recommend reading Not To Be Forgotten (prequel fanfic) before this one.
Also Read On AO3
Notes: This is an AU of mine where Peter Ballard is Eleven's bio father. I recently watched S4 and got a hyperfixation on Peter (oops) I might write more for this but I'm unsure. Because this is an AU some things are different (obviously) so keep that in mind. This was written during the first volume of Stranger Things S4. So whatever happens in volume 2, won't automatically affect this AU unless I decide it does.
Peter is 28 years old in this. He was 24 when El was born. This being an AU, some things in canon might not end up happening. Such as the massacre of the children that happens in 1979.
Henry, or Peter as he had been called since being an orderly, was, as expected, working and keeping everything and the children in order.
It had been the same as all the other days, but he didn’t expect any different. Things were running smoothly, and the children were behaving themselves. Which allowed Peter to have some more time to himself.
Well, as much time to himself as he could get in the facility.
The few moments when he could step back some gave him time to reflect. He had realized long ago that the only freedom he had in this place was his thoughts. Nevertheless, he always made certain to not let his guard down.
Deep thinking almost felt like a silent rebellion. During these times, it would give him a bit of peace. It wasn’t a lot, but considering the walls around him felt like a prison, he welcomed whatever tranquility he could get.
It fueled his hope. The goal was that one day he could finally escape. Once that happened, he could next concentrate his energy on fixing things. Fixing the rules in place.
But today was not that day.
Recently, his hopeful thoughts had changed into puzzling questions and even possibly worry. The latter almost surprised him. He assumed he had lost that feeling after being in the labs for so long. But there it was.
The worry was about a situation he had never wanted to consider originally, but after all that had taken place, he knew he couldn’t ignore any longer.
Peter’s powers came naturally to him. No outside influences were needed. It’s what made him such a subject of interest to Dr. Brenner.
The doctor’s intentions were to make more people with powers. And he had the primary source.
Peter clenched his jaw as he thought about it. Being used and exploited by Brenner amplified his fury and bitterness towards him.
He sighed and tried to calm down.
Even though it had happened years ago, it still felt fresh in his mind.
What happened had happened, and unfortunately, he could not change it. One day, he could get his revenge.
The thing that brought these familiar thoughts back in his mind was the aftermath.
Dr. Brenner had gotten what he wanted out of the experiments, a child that assumingly would have Peter’s powers.
Peter had been allowed by Brenner to be there when they were born. At first, he didn’t want any connection to what took place whatsoever, but something in him made him curious. So, against all his better judgement, Peter agreed.
Never in a million years would he have expected to actually form an emotional attachment to the infant, a girl. However, to his shock, it had happened.
At first, he tried to ignore how he felt, just push those emotions down and pretend they didn’t exist, but almost impulsively, he didn’t.
Even to where, after one official visit to the nursery approved by Brenner, Peter sneaked away to visit more.
As Peter thought back, it astonished him how truly reckless he had behaved then. He chalked it up to focusing on feelings rather than logic.
At the time, he wouldn’t do much other than talk to her about pointless things or sometimes watch her sleep, but it was better than how his days were usually spent.
It all changed when he went to visit her one time and she was gone. Peter never knew what happened, but expected Brenner had something to do with her disappearance.
That had been a few years ago, and Peter had given up on trying to find her at that point, because eyes were everywhere, specifically Brenner’s.
Since it had been a long time, his mind now wondered if she had finally been old enough to be in the main building, in the rainbow room.
If she had been, Peter wouldn’t have known. It had been too long; he didn’t think he would’ve recognized her.
Peter had tried blocking out the burning question before, but finally gave in. He couldn’t avoid it forever. Or he could, and in turn, feel ignorant. That would only make things worse.
“Is one of the lab children in the rainbow room biologically mine?” He thought. “Is she here?”
He at least deserved to know which number she was. The doctor never told him. And if—when he escaped he could hopefully take her with him.
None of them belonged there, but especially his child.
He originally guessed there could’ve been more, but some kids had been abducted. Others had been in the program from the start from other volunteers and donors.
At some point, Peter had overheard Brenner and others talking about how there should be one child capable of being the strongest with their powers. And to focus their research and programs on that objective.
Peter narrowed it down to his child, but he didn’t know her number. He didn’t dare ask either, knowing it would only end up with him being punished and with more unwanted eyes on him.
But no matter, he could figure it out by himself. He already had a lead.
They kept all the files on the children in a secured room. It had to have the information he was seeking.
The issue was that there were guards here and there. Though, thanks to a big distraction caused by someone breaking in, he could easily sneak in undetected.
He had been listening in and learned that a woman had entered the building. She was trying to take one of the children. Probably her child who had been stolen from her. Why else? And who else would even know? Everything had to be kept a secret.
Though he didn’t know how successful she’d be at it. Maybe things could change for the better if one child escaped.
He suddenly remembered the surveillance cameras and used his powers to shut them off. No one should’ve been able to see him turn them off from where he had been standing.
He hoped that there had been no one watching previously and thought it was unusual. Perhaps they all became involved in trying to stop the intruder.
With the camera problem out of the way, Peter worked on opening the filing cabinet and combed through the folders.
He grabbed another folder and read through it. Particular words typed on the page immediately stuck out to him.
Subject: 011
Biological Mother: Terry Ives (program volunteer)
Biological Father: Subject: 001
“Number Eleven…” He muttered.
Once he had gotten a good read of the files, he promptly put them all back; making it look perfectly organized and untampered. He locked the cabinet again.
Before taking the time to process the new information, he hurried back to his original place before anyone could see he had been missing.
He wracked his mind for all he had learned and memorized about Eleven. One thought that wouldn’t leave his mind, though, was feeling foolish for not realizing who she was sooner.
They had hardly interacted, maybe once or twice. She was timid and quiet; especially compared to the other kids. She reminded him of how he was as a child.
He scolded himself for not paying closer attention to her. This whole time he’d been looking for her, not realizing that she was nearer than he’d known.
But there was nothing he could do to change the past.
She was only about four years old, according to his calculations. As well as her date of birth being noted in her files.
As for her powers and abilities, that might be a waiting game, too. They generally held off on completing the more extensive tests while they were that young. However, Eleven could end up being an exception because of her lineage.
Before he could get more lost in thought about this discovery, other orderlies and guards came back, causing him to direct his attention toward them.
“A woman broke in and attempted to take subject Eleven; the intruder has been apprehended and won’t be a problem anymore, the subject is unharmed.” One guard informed him.
Peter nodded. That was all he could do at the moment. Thoughts gathered in his head, but he kept his expression neutral.
“They have identified the woman as Terry Ives,”
“Of course...”
He had known Terry Ives in the past, obviously, since he was there when Eleven was born. But he had never known what had happened to her after that.
After the guards and orderlies dismissed themselves, Peter tried to decide what to do with all the new information.
He settled on keeping a closer eye on Eleven for the time being. He hoped he could achieve a bond with her in the future.
Peter couldn’t deny the feelings of regret taking place in his chest. He had already missed so much time with her. Never again.
He wanted to give Eleven the chance to know that there was at least one person genuinely looking out for her in this place.
Peter spent the rest of the day contemplating what he and she could do together to escape someday.
It felt odd to him to refer to Eleven as his daughter, but he hoped with more time, it would feel less foreign.
Time was all he had. It consistently bored him to no end. But maybe the feeling would ease up some because of Eleven.
Peter wished he could tell her everything, about how long he had known her, about how Brenner was a cruel man that took her away from both her parents, about how he was glad that he’d finally found her, but that would have to wait.
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thatsjustjk · 3 years
Cruel Summer│JJK
Summary: When summer comes around, all you think about is how much of a dread your upcoming camp’s going to be, well, it turned out to be the opposite.
{strangers to lovers}
Pairing: Popular!jungkook × popular!reader
Genre: fluff, comedy, romance, young love
Word count (so far): 1.3k words
Warnings: none!
Note: Yes, the title is based on Taylor's iconic song, I've been in love with it for a long time now( ꈍᴗꈍ) This is basically one of those feel-good stories which you'd wish happened to you. It's one of those stories that probably wouldn't happen in real life but it did! Not to me though haha, to one of my closest friends, but of course I altered it here and there to make it more of a story.
I'm gonna keep updating it and not post part by part just to keep it all in one place. But I'll put in dividers to make it easier! Hope you guys like it
July 16th                                           
How convenient is it that I had a train to catch in about 15 minutes and yet we were stuck in traffic? It wasn’t convenient at all, it was bogus. Why did the streets have to be so crowded at 11:00 in the morning on a Sunday? God knows.
I really didn’t want to go to this camp, but my parents thought it was going to be educational or whatever.
Some people may say I’m crazy for dreading summer camp but I was supposed to have a big family trip that month and I was really looking forward to it cause’ I hadn’t seen my cousins in so long, god, I missed them.
Anyway, we arrived at the station, thank god, I didn’t want to sit in that car shaped oven for longer. “Y/N! here!” I heard my friends scream from the other side of the track. “The train’s almost here, come on” they said again as I walked over to the stairs quickly, my dad right behind me.
“Okay sweetie, be safe, get along with everyone, and call me every day.” My dad says as he pulls me into a tight hug while the train makes a loud appearance.
I rush down the stairs to reach the other side to where the rest of my campmates and teachers stood. "I'm so sorry I'm late, my dad assumed there'd be no traffic today" I explain in a rushed manner as my teacher in charge- my science teacher struck off my name in a small notebook, keeping track of who's here and who isn't.
Just as the last of us were about to climb in, a voice shouts from the staircase- "I'M HERE, I'M HERE" The voice belonged to a boy with dark, slightly wet hair who sported grey sweatpants and a loose band-tee. I think his name was Kook or something, I've only seen him playing basketball before so he's definitely not in my grade, I concluded all while staring at the boy who made a new appearance.
"Guess I wasn't that late after all" I remark to my friend who was struggling to pull her luggage up with her. I would've usually made fun of her but our suitcases were truly heavy, we were going to a hill station and most of our clothes were just sweaters. After I help her with her suitcase, I was about to haul my suitcase up but another set of hands helped me with a push, what do you know, it was the guy I was staring at. Don't get me wrong, I don't like him or anything, I just daydream when I think about something.
"Thank you! I'm Y/N by the way" I introduce myself briskly as he hauls up his own suitcase. He seems strong, he'd do well in the camp I think to myself when he finally replies "I know who you are Y/N" he says, taking me aback "you're pretty popular, you know" "well, I know your name too, it's kook isn't it?" he chuckles before saying "It's Jungkook but you're free to call me Kook if you want" "Kook! Y/N!" a familiar voice from inside the train calls out to both of us. It was Jimin, I knew him from Spanish class. Oh yeah, he and Kook are on the same basketball team.
I wheel my suitcase towards the busy compartment but just then our teacher interjects "Boys and Girls are supposed to be in separate compartments, sorry guys" she shrugs "We all know you're gonna be together throughout, I was just told to inform you about the sleeping arrangements that's all" I smile to Jimin before wheeling my suitcase forward to the compartment the rest of the girls were in.
The trip was starting to get better than I imagined- I knew most of the people already (since this was a school trip anyway) and made friends with the ones I didn't.
"How many crushes have you had so far?" The rest of us groan. It was 3am and we were supposed to be awake by 4. We had stayed up talking and playing stupid games like Truth or dare and charades. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I get up and slither through the small crowd. "Hey, me too, I need to go to the baño too" Jimin appears from behind. I giggle at his attempt to incorporate Spanish into his sentences like I told him to. "So, what's up? How do you like the trip so far, even though it's just started" "I've been having so much fun, everyone seems so nice" I say as we checked which of the bathrooms were vacant. "Yeah, I've been looking forward to this since the day our club announced it, and most of my friends from basketball are here too so" he shrugs with a grin. "I actually didn't need to go to the bathroom, my leg just fell asleep" I disclose, "ME TOO!"
"FANCY YOU 지금 너에게로 갈래-" "oh my god shut it off!" I shout out to no one in particular. I don't know why anyone would want to wake up to a song like this. Again- don't get me wrong, I love Twice, I know the entire choreography of fancy. "Girls wake up, we're almost there" the familiar voice of my science teacher wakes me up from my slumber fully. I kind of forgot I was on a train.
"you kind of look like a chipmunk in the morning" mina, my friend says as she examines my droopy face. "oh my god! how dare you?" I act overdramatic as I place one of hands on my forehead. I hear someone giggle and I see Jungkook from the side of my eye "What are you laughing at you bunny?" His eyebrows shoot up as he looks at me with a confused but betrayed look "When did I come into this conversation? and me? bunny? don't be ridiculous" he huffs. "Okay, kids! this is the last stop so don't worry about rushing and check for all of your belongings before getting down"
After the teachers confirm that all of us have gotten out, we all trudge along towards the parking lot and then onto our bus. Mina sat with her boyfriend, Seokjin- I never really liked him, mainly cause me and Mina can never spend time together like we used to, and also I never understood his jokes. Jimin sat with his other friend from basketball, Hoseok- or also known as my ex, but it was very casual, we thought we liked each other but we decided we'd rather be friends. But yeah Hobi is a sweetheart, we're still friends but not as close as we used to be, it bothers me sometimes but it was inevitable.
Everyone had found their seats already since I'd been one of the last ones to put my luggage in the trunk "Hey, there's an open seat here" Jungkook calls out to me from the end of the bus. He's sitting with Namjoon, Yoongi, Sona, Taehyung and Rya. I grin as I walk over to the small lot "Are you sure I can fit in here?" I question "Yeah! Of course you can, there's plenty of room for one more person" Taehyung says as he scoots over and motions for everyone else to do the same. I thank him as I quickly plop down next to Namjoon.
"You like Selena too? me too! I've been there since she started wizards of Waverly place!" I scream quietly since half the bus was asleep. We were listening to Jungkook's playlist, and turns out we have the same music taste, he loves all of my favorite artists. "Me too! I loved Alex! She was basically my first crush" he says while scrunching up his nose. "Y/N, please switch seats with me" a groggy Namjoon pleads while looking at me. "Oops, of course, I didn't realize we were being that loud"
After a few hours of listening to music and drooling on my make-shift pillow a.k.a my bag, we arrived at the campsite we were going to be spending the rest of the trip.
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Hooray for 300 followers! These prompts are amazing (so drarry!) and I'd love to see 44 if that inspires you ❤️
(Er forgot to add that I wanted drarry for the prompt I just sent oops) I got you, buddy. Thanks magpie!! I hope you like it! Drarry drabble, includes some swearing.  
44) “I saved your life.” - “You pushed me off a building.” 
“I saved your life.”
At Harry’s reminder, Draco’s seething glare reached new, untold levels of rage. Harry held back a grin through sheer force of will, mostly because he didn’t want to deal with the paperwork if either one of them ended up in St. Mungo’s again. A little bit because they were drawing a crowd, standing in the middle of the street, Healers bustling here and there, a fire still blazing in the background from rogue spell-fire.
“You pushed me off a building.”
“Yeah, off a building, away from the Dementors,” Harry countered, crossing his arms and refusing to back down. The Dementors were gone now, driven off, but Harry still felt a chill in his chest where they had gotten close enough to breathe foul air across his skin. He had been preoccupied with Draco’s pale, stony face and the lack of light coming from his wand, and he hadn’t noticed it getting closer.
“Off the building, away from the Dementors and onto the concrete floor,” Draco hissed.
“There were cushioning charms in place!” Harry said, throwing one arm out incredulously. “I can’t believe you’re actually pissed at me for saving your life!”
Ron, who was hovering in the background with a split lip and a resigned glare, snorted around a wad of bloody tissue. “Can’t you? Really mate? You can’t believe that Draco sodding Malfoy is pissed at you?”
Draco let out a wordless snarl and Ron rolled his eyes, stalking past them both to talk to Kingsley, who was towering over the apprehended idiot who thought it would be a good idea to try and breed Dementors and then set them loose in Diagon Alley.
“I wouldn’t have pushed you if I thought you’d end up hurt,” Harry said, stalking forward and poking Draco in the chest when he opened his mouth to scoff. “No, shut up. You know why I pushed you. You can’t do a Patronus yet.”
Draco went pale. He snatched Harry’s sleeve and hauled him away, dragging him through the growing crowd of witches and wizards that lacked any sense of self-preservation, until he found a small alleyway. Harry refused to wince as his back hit the cold stone wall, Draco’s face inches from his and pissed beyond words.
“Say it a bit louder, Potter, I don’t think the rest of London quite heard you.”
Harry rolled his eyes, shoving him away lightly. “I’m not saying it to embarrass you, you prick. It was either shove you off, where I knew you’d land safely, or risk getting separated on a roof swarming with Dementors when you can’t fight them off. Such a tough decision.”
Sarcasm didn’t seem to go down very well right now, but Harry didn’t care. Draco fumed silently for a moment. His mutinous expression stayed where it was, but his folded arms became less angry and more defensive, more like he was hugging himself.
“I’ve tried,” he snapped, just as Harry was losing patience with the silence. “I’ve tried to do a Patronus Charm a thousand fucking times and I can’t do it. I need to be able to do it if I want to complete my Auror training, and I can’t. Happy? You can go ahead and laugh now.”
Harry felt a flicker of guilt, but just raised an eyebrow. “I’m not laughing, you dramatic git. I was going to ask if you’d let me help you.”
Draco went a worrying shade of red. “I don’t need pity, you utter–”
“It’s not pity,” Harry said, suppressing a groan. He tried a different tactic. “Look, if anything, you’ll be helping me. I’m supposed to lead a training session soon and I need practice teaching, so you can be my student, and tell me what I’m doing wrong. I’m sure you’ll love that.”
It was a lie, of course. The DA had taught Harry most of the basics when it came to teaching, but he couldn’t go around shoving Draco off buildings forever, and if they ended up partners like Harry suspected they might, it might be good for them to be able to stand next to each other without expecting an attack. From each other.
Draco surveyed him warily, setting his jaw. “It’s not going to be easy. I don’t exactly have oceans full of happy memories to go swimming around in.”
Harry considered this, and then let a cool, slow grin curve his mouth. “Then I guess we’ll have to make some happy memories, won’t we?”
Draco Malfoy was too dignified to splutter. He did, however, let Harry see his cheeks turn bright red before he turned on his heels and stormed away, his spine rigid.
“Is that a yes?” Harry called after him.
“If you’re late on Monday, I’ll Hex you.”
“That’s a yes.” Harry’s grin widened. “Do I at least get a thank you for saving your life?”
A particularly rude gesture was his only reply.  
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auspicious-voice · 2 years
Voicebank Development Log (06/06/2022)
I might be making this into a monthly thing (assuming that I still have voicebanks that are in development), but here's to another development log - entirely dedicated to Maria and Mario's WIP voicebanks!
More under the cut as usual :D Will also include updates on the release!
Voicebank, oto.ini Progress and Rerecording
I come here with good news: Maria and Mario's oto.ini configs are FINALLY complete!! It took me around 3 months to finish them both, even if it only involved adding CV-VC configs ^^; were it not for real life obligations and other matters it would have taken me under a month to finish. Mario's took shorter to finish as I had more free time on my hands.
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This is what Maria and Mario's voicebanks look like now. I fixed some errors in the readme and added some more documentation on the add-ons, not to mention that I fixed the FRQ files of their breath samples. They're mostly complete... in terms of configs.
Currently, I am at a point where there's barely any samples that need to be rerecorded, save for a couple of samples that need to be revised as they sound wonky in (Open)UTAU. So, the margin of error is low, but it'll be fixed once I get to rerecord!
Also when is OpenUtau going to have voice colours compatibility with the default phonemizer
The next step after completing the oto.ini is to work on the append fullbody art! As of posting this log, I am still drawing the line art for Mario's appends, and Maria's line art is complete. I expect to finish this mid-June (I hope), since I've made my process in making art a bit streamlined... provided that I'm not too distracted. I'm mostly dreading the colouring part, ESPECIALLY figuring out the colour schemes for each design.
I also have plans for celebratory illustrations ahead of the release, but I haven't worked on them yet. I will be including said artworks in the voicebanks as part of their extras. These might include comics (4koma), sketches, concept art, and so on.
Demo Reel and Video
Maria and Mario's individual demo reels are complete as usual, but I haven't gotten to that one special part of the reel yet, because I haven't even started it. I will once I get around to finishing the fullbodies.
The video itself will be made in After Effects, but my main concern is that I do not have Media Encoder, and I cannot afford exporting a 100+ GB AVI that might make my computer shit itself to death. QuickTime makes the video out of sync for some odd reason, and as much as I'd love to use Handbrake for encoding the video file to MP4, I do not know if I can do that again;; I'm looking into DNx and ProRes for exporting in the meantime though.
But at least my computer can handle After Effects when it comes to editing! I'm excited to use it again following the PV of Identity I made for one of my recent covers.
Depending on how much energy I have for it, I could probably make the video as a premiere. The problem, is I do not know who would stick around for the entirety of the demo reel. Plus I forgot how to hype my own voicebanks up (IDK how younger me used to do it).
Release Date and Other Plans
I've been thinking about when to release these voicebanks, but considering how much free time I have, I can estimate that Maria AUSPICE+ and Mario OPULENCE+ will probably be released Q3-Q4 2022. If things don't work out, please expect them to be released early 2023. Just don't really take these as gospel, but it should give you an idea when these voicebanks will be released. If it were to be released early 2023, perhaps I could release it on their 8th anniversary? Maybe?
As for the release itself (not the video and date), I'd love to do some fun things for it, but I'm out of ideas, oops. Maybe I could host a design content or a cover contest to promote the release. Again, once I release these voicebanks, I'll take break from recording for a while, and once I come back, I'll get started on recording voicebanks for the twins in other languages as well as potential NNSVS voice models.
That's about it for this development log! And now I go and play Genshin Impact and also cry over FGO Constantine because what the fuck happened to me when I summoned him
BONUS: I still post WIPs and tests on my 2nd SoundCloud, so feel free to check it out if you can!
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ineffablebffs · 4 years
1. A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley
Your ship may be coming in
You're weak but not giving in
To the cries and the wails of the valley below
And your ship may be coming in
You're weak, but not giving in
You'll fight it, you'll go out fighting all of them
(You'll be better
You'll be smarter and more grown up
And a better daughter or son)
2. Wake Up by Arcade Fire
Somebody filled up
My heart with nothing
Somebody told me not to cry
But now that I'm older
My heart's colder
I can see that it's a lie
3. Everything is Alright by The Glorious Sons
I'm the closest thing my mother had to a daughter
I used to be ashamed of that but now I'm kind of flattered
I learn that my weakness is a weapon anyway
So I haven't touched a pretty thing in forty days
4. The Mother We Share by CHVRCHES
Come in misery, where you can seem as old as your omens
And the mother we share
Will never keep your proud head from falling
The way is long, but you can make it easy on me
And the mother we share
Will never keep our cold heart from calling
5. BLOODMONEY by Poppy
I know what it feels like
To have my soul sucked out of my body
I finally know what it feels like
To be dead
Your soul can't be saved from the sins you've ignored
And the devil is well aware he is adored
Never forget the excess of a man
Because the grabbing hands always grab what they can
6. Video Game by Sufjan Stevens
I don’t wanna be the center of the universe
I don’t wanna be a part of that shame
In a way, I wanna be my own redeemer
I don’t wanna play your video game
I don’t care if everybody else is into it
I don’t care if it’s a popular refrain
I don’t wanna be a puppet in a theater
I don’t wanna play your video game
7. Rebellion (Lies) by Arcade Fire
People say that your dreams
Are the only things that save ya
Come on baby in our dreams,
We can live our misbehaviour
(Come on hide your lovers
Underneath the covers)
8. Reasons I Drink by Alanis Morissette
I have been working since I can remember, since I was single digits
Now, even though I've been busted
I don't know where to draw the line 'cause that groove has gotten so deep
And nothing can give reprieve like they do
Nothing can give a break for this soldier like they do
9. Black Sheep by Metric
Hello again
Friend of a friend, I knew you when
Our common goal was waiting for the world to end
Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend
You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick, the past again
I'll send you my love on a wire
Lift you up, every time
Everyone, ooh
Pulls away, ooh
From you
10. Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy
We've gone way too fast for way too long
And we were never supposed to make it half this far
And I lived so much life, lived so much life
I think that God is gonna have to kill me twice
(Oops I did it again
I forgot what I was losing my mind about)
11. Red Heart by Hey Rosetta!
Were you born a closed book,
Full of secret lines? (and bound so tight)
Or did you learn to lock it,
As not to break your spine? (oh! you were bound so tight)
Cause you shut up
And you're all shut inside
12. Gay is Not A Synonym For Shitty by Fall Out Boy
I've loved everything about you that hurt
So let me see your moves, let me see your moves
Lips pressed close to mine
True blue
But the prince of any failing empire knows that
Everybody wants, everybody wants
To drive on through the night if it's a
Drive back home
13. Combat Baby by Metric
I want to be wrong but
No one here wants to fight me like you do
Combat baby come back baby
Fight off the lethargy
Don't go quietly
Combat baby
Said you would never give up easy
Combat baby come back
14. It's Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine, I Am Thinking it Must be Love by Fall Out Boy
All the ways you make my stomach turn
And all the long drives
With my friends blur
And I wish I kept them inside my mind
I hide behind these words
(But I'm coming out)
15. Ivy by Frank Ocean
I thought that I was dreamin' when you said you loved me
The start of nothin', I had no chance to prepare
I couldn't see you comin'
The start of nothin', ooh, I could hate you now
It's quite alright to hate me now
But we both know that deep down
The feeling still deep down is good
16. Blue Eyes by Mika
Your heart is broken
To your surprise
You're sick of crying
For blue eyes
(Come, sorrow is so peculiar
Comes in a day, then it'll never leave you)
17. The Fault in Our Stars by Troye Sivan
The weight
Of a simple human emotion
Weighs me down
More than the tank ever did
The pain
It's determined and demanding
To ache, but I'm OK
(You lost
A part of your existence
In the war against yourself)
18. Happy Ending by Mika
Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life
Can't get no love without sacrifice
If anything should happen, I'd guess I wish you well
Mm, a little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell
(This is the way you left me
I'm not pretending
No hope, no love, no glory
No happy ending)
19. In Our Bedroom After the War by Stars
Wake up, say good morning to
That sleepy person lying next to you
If there's no one there, then there's no one there
But at least the war is over
20. Love Love Love by The Mountain Goats
Some things you'll do for money and some you'll do for fun
But the things you do for love are going to come back to you one by one
Love love is going to lead you by the hand
Into a white and soundless place
Now we see things as in a mirror dimly
Then we shall see each other face to face
21. The Archers Bows Have Broken by Brand New
What did you learn tonight?
You're shouting so loud, you barely joyous, broken thing
You're a voice that never sings, is what I say
You are freezing over hell
You are bringing on the end, you do so well
You can only blame yourself, it's what I say
22. All-American Boy by Steve Grand
Ripped jeans, only drinks whiskey
I find him by the fire while his girl was getting frisky, oh...
I say we go this road tonight
He smiles, his arm's around her
But his eyes are holdin' me, just a captive to his wonder, oh...
I say we go this road tonight
0 notes
shima-draws · 7 years
I'd love to hear you sing! And can we hear about the MBAV au? And you're right about Benny's hair, I've been sitting here for an hour attempting to do it and aaaaaaaaa
PPFPFT I’ve gotten a lot of positive response so I guess I. Will post that tomorrow hhGHH
Omg yeah seriously;; Benny’s hair is impossible I don’t know how it DEFIES LOGIC??
NSKDBBJDDB SURE I would love to talk about it!!So uhh it’s called the Grim Reaper AU? It’s pretty obvious where this is going but allow me to further enlighten youBut yeah get ready for one helluva ride this is SUPER SUPER LONG I’M SORRY it’s like 3k words (the length of a good oneshot holy shit SHIMA WHY) but hey I have been developing this AU for three years now sOOkay here we goIt all starts out when Benny and Ethan are on their way to school and Benny notices they’re being followed by this strange girl dressed in black—but for some reason nobody else is able to see her except for Benny. After school he corners her alone and starts questioning her (he also kinda threatens her a little bit;; tells her to stay away from Ethan since he’s an overprotective cupcake). She reveals that she’s a Grim Reaper and her job is to, well. Bring lives to an end as they’re written down in her book. Basically everyone is fated to die at a certain time in their lives, and Grim Reapers are the ones to carry their souls over to the other side. And after a bit more goading she admits that yes, Ethan is fated to die in two days’ time and she’s been assigned to carry his soul over.Rest is under the cut to save yourselves from endless scrolling whoops
Anyway understandably Benny FLIPS OUT and starts begging her to maybe not kill his best friend? Please? But she says that it must absolutely be done, it’s fate that’s already been written and if she isn’t there when he dies to take care of him his soul might get snatched up by a demon or a witch instead (so yes, Grim Reapers are seen as GOOD in this AU). She apologizes and says that he just needs to come to terms with it (hint: he’s not going to do that ever no thanks). The next day Ethan definitely notices something’s off with Benny, but he can’t get him to spill about what’s going on. Ethan becomes super worried about him and goes to Sarah for advice, while Benny goes to confront the GR again. And he asks something extremely…risky.Benny offers to trade his life for Ethan’s, if it’s possible. The Grim Reaper is shocked and tells him the only way that would work was if Benny signed a contract to become a Grim Reaper himself, but that would mean cutting off all ties to the human world and his friends, and that his mortal body would die and it would basically mean he’s actually dead to everyone. Benny signs the contract and takes the deal, and bam. He becomes a Grim Reaper ;w; (Also one of his eyes turns red so that’s cool. Usually when one becomes a GR both eyes turn red but since Benny also has magic that part of him is shown in his green eyes)Meanwhile Ethan suddenly has a massive panic attack, almost like he can TELL that something’s very wrong with Benny (since they’re connected in that way :3c)  He runs home to find that Benny isn’t there, and that, well—Benny isn’t anywhere. Benny’s grandma is out of town at the mo, so he decides to search himself with the help of Rory and Sarah. They look all night and they’re about to call the police when Benny’s grandma shows up and tells them the news. Ethan passes out from shock, and the next day he wakes up and tries to deny the fact that his best friend is gone forever. Eventually the truth hits him hard and he shuts everybody out, even Sarah. He goes into a major depressive slump and doesn’t speak or even leave his room for days. It’s really bad;;Benny, on the other hand, is learning the basics of how to be a Grim Reaper, and is mortified to know that sometimes fate doesn’t take care of things the way it should and that for some of the deaths he has to take the person out himself (and he gets a wicked scythe he uses to end lives. Ooooh) He refuses at first, saying he doesn’t want to kill anybody, but that’s part of the job description and he signed a contract so he absolutely has to. Benny runs off from the mission, enraging Grim Reaper Girl, who sort of acts as his superior and tutor (I’m going to call her GRG for short). Benny decides he’s going to check on Ethan, which is a HUGE no no in the Grim Reaper world—any ties to old friends and family must be forgotten and it’s super forbidden to try and peer into your past life, all that jazz. Normally when one becomes a GR they forget about their past life but!! Our boy is special so he remembers everything. And yeah Benny doesn’t give a shit about getting in trouble and comes back to White Chapel to see his boyf and make sure he’s doing okay.Unfortunately Ethan is NOT doing okay, and after sneaking in through his window Benny starts rambling on worriedly, thinking that Ethan can’t see or hear him since GR’s are invisible to most people. Buuuut he kinda forgot that Ethan’s a seer so in most cases he can see things other people can’t, and Ethan FREAKS the fuck out when he sees Benny standing in his bedroom with this badass cloak and GR clothing. He immediately bursts into tears and like TACKLES Benny to the ground in a hug and doesn’t let him go for twenty minutes while Benny explains what’s been going on.They talk for a while and Ethan is so fucking relieved that Benny’s okay and he’s also really pissed that Benny didn’t warn him or try to figure out some other way to avoid the consequences but?? It’s too late now so. Ethan begs Benny to come back and visit sometimes even though it could get him into BIG TROUBLE and after a moment of hesitation Benny’s like “yeah okay” and then he spends the night and they cuddle in Ethan’s bed and Ethan has a nightmare and cries on Benny and it’s a sad but fluffy timeThe next day GRG comes to Ethan’s window and chews Benny out for both running out on the mission AND for visiting old friends when he knows he’s not supposed to. Benny, being the adorable muffin he is, is able to convince her to let him visit White Chapel every once in a while, or at least get more jobs near there so he can keep an eye on his squad. Ethan wakes up during their little spat and Benny tells him he has to leave. Of course Ethan protests and begs him to stay longer but he can’t because he has to work so!! Ethan tells him to come back soon and that he’ll be waiting and Benny makes him promise to go to school and try to act normal and ABOVE ALL smile when things get hard. Ethan gives him one last hug that becomes super intimate oops and now they’re sort of realizing that they might have a thing for each other??Ethan goes back to school to the amazement of his friends and apologizes for acting like such a dick to them. They can tell that he seems happier for some reason and they’re still bummed about Benny. Ethan wants to tell them that B’s fine but he doesn’t want to risk Benny getting in trouble so he decides to keep his GR status a secret (though he’s pretty sure Benny’s grandma knows, since she’s been acting normal, if a little bit saddened).Benny returns to work and completes his very first mission, having getting past his fears of “killing” others. And it’s amazing when he ends lives (I know that sounds awful bear with me) because he can see all of the memories the person has had—their most joyful and sad and everything else. Benny meets the soul and ushers them on to the afterlife, being able to do so easily after seeing their life story, and something that will happen every time somebody dies. He talks with GRG about a lot of things and they have a Moment™ as she shares her past and how she wishes she could remember who she was as a human. At this point she’s sort of become like a sisterly figure to Benny—she cherishes him and wants to protect him from the bad things but she also wants him to be careful and avoid getting caught sneaking off. So she’s like, unsure of what to do, torn between covering Benny’s tracks and her job as a GR overseer…Things continue on as normally as possible after this point? Ethan’s suddenly more popular at school now since his bff is “dead” and everyone feels bad for him. Benny is completing mission after mission and is hailed as a GR pro and sort of graduates from his underling status and starts going on REAL missions—these are more dangerous since they involve battles with other supernatural beings after the souls of humans, demons especially. He’s officially partnered with GRG and she covers him whenever he sneaks off to see Ethan.It isn’t often that Benny comes to visit but when he does Ethan becomes just a ball of sunshine. They go do things together which is sort of awkward since nobody else can see Benny so we see Ethan talking to himself at dinner or the movies or wherever lol. Both of them are like “Are these dates we’re going on? Like? I’m really enjoying this and you wow” and it’s VERY GAY. It hits Benny first that he’s in love with Ethan and after the realization he visits more and more, skipping out on important meetings and other vital GR stuff in his contract. Yikes! As this is going on Ethan is starting to realize that he may like Benny as more than a friend and that’s a problem since he’s also been hanging with Sarah more lately and he gets the notion that she might like him back so he is. Torn over who he wants to be with since they’re both dead (?) but he can be in an actual relationship with Sarah while with Benny it’s way more complicated but he’s sure he loves Benny more and always will ;w;Benny suddenly vanishes for a few weeks which leaves Ethan on edge and the others notice but he’s still a loyal boy so he refuses to indulge them about what’s going on, which frustrates Sarah and they kinda get into a fight about it. During this time, surprise!! A giant battle happens in the GR world between them and the demons, a fight over souls, and Benny is caught right in the midst of it. He’s torn over his love for Ethan and his duty to serve the GR’s and fight with them—he’s become pretty famous amongst the ranks since he still has his magic so he’s a lot stronger than the average GR and the higher ups are like “THIS BOY IS HELLA STRONG WE NEED HIM FOR ALL OUR BATTLES YA FEEL” Finally when the battle ends after days and days of hiding out and striking whenever possible, Benny flees to see Ethan once again. He’s totally exhausted and covered head to toe in demon blood and also a little out of it? So something weird happens with his magic to make him visible to other people aaaaand. He shows up at the high school looking for Ethan and everyone is like “What the FUCK is that Benny Weir I thought he was dead???” Ethan freaks out of course but that’s after he runs right into Benny’s arms and hugs the CRAP outta him. Rory, Sarah and Erica start screaming in confusion and they’re like “ETHAN what the hell is going on why is Benny here and dressed like that and is that blood? WTF” Ethan sort of spills to them what’s going on while Benny’s chilling out in his arms, too tired to speak, and the rest of the students watch on in shock like?? Yeah. And one of those people is Della and she’s crying because she never thought she’d miss Benny’s stupid flirting so much and she was sad to hear about what happened to him and she’s happy to see him but also really confused just like everyone else!! It’s a crazy timeEventually when it all calms down Benny knocks everyone out with a sleeping spell and they wake up thinking it’s a dream (except for Rory, Sarah and Erica of course, who he trusts to keep his secret). They all hang out for a little while and they’re like “It’s really good to see you Benny” (YES, EVEN ERICA). Then Ethan and Benny go back to Benny’s house so he can say hi to his grandma, who lectures him for like twenty minutes “I cannot believe you Benjamin Weir what on earth were you thinking? You couldn’t have waited for me to come back so we could figure out a better solution and blah blah blah blah” Benny starts crying because he didn’t realize how much he’d missed his grandma’s lectures. She sends them both up to bed. Benny strips out of his bloody clothes and takes a shower and then he and Ethan cuddle in his bed for a long while, not saying anything. Benny knows that this can’t continue on forever no matter how much he wants it to so he decides he’s going to confess to Ethan about how he feels before it’s too late to do so. Of course he has second thoughts like the most obvious, “What if he doesn’t like me back” and then getting deeper into things like “I don’t want to burden Ethan with the truth about how I feel about him he deserves somebody better, somebody that can actually be around to take care of him and provide and I can’t do that anymore” but Ethan starts asking him to say what’s been bothering him so Benny, fed up with everything, spills.“So um hey dude I think I might be in love with you?”And Ethan is ecstatic like “Hey I think I might be in love with you too” and then it’s happy happy time and they kiss and it’s very cute and gay againThe next morning Benny knows he has to go back to work but not before he kisses the living daylights out of Ethan and Benny ends up almost getting caught since he loses track of time and makes out with Ethan for like ten minutes OOPSEthan goes back to school to see that everyone is still confused about the “dream” they all collectively had about Benny Weir miraculously coming back from the dead. Sarah corners him and starts asking more questions and he accidentally lets slip that they may or may not be dating it’s complicated? Understandably she gets upset, more because she’s worried about them getting into trouble and less because she’s jealous (she just wants Ethan to be happy after all he’s been through and if that’s with Benny she’ll give him up she is a GOOD GIRL). She starts admonishing Ethan for his own good, telling him how dangerous it is and how it probably won’t work out and she just wants to let him know now before he gets his heart broken later. Ethan bitterly agrees but he’s not going to stop dating (?) Benny since he’s in love with him and she’s like “Whatever okay just be careful”Benny shows up to work and GRG is REALLY pissed. She tells him that she’s been covering for him for so long that others are starting to get suspicious and suggests that Benny stop seeing Ethan altogether, but Benny tells her he absolutely cannot do that. Then they get into a big fight and she yells at him a lot before she finally spills that the higher ups found out about his memories and plan to have them erased permanently—they just haven’t done anything up til now since they thought he was keeping to the contract and not visiting people from his past life. But lately they’ve been catching on to the fact that he has so they’re gonna wipe him clean and erase all of his ties so he can actually focus on his duty to them. Benny freaks out and starts crying because?? He doesn’t want to lose his memories of his friends and of Ethan that’s always been his worst fear. GRG becomes sympathetic and tells him he has twenty four hours to say goodbye before they cleanse him for good. Benny immediately goes to Ethan and tells him what happens, breaking down and sobbing about how he doesn’t want to forget and he doesn’t want Ethan to forget him after he’s gone. Ethan tells him of COURSE he’ll never forget Benny, he’s the person he loves most in the whole world! They cry together for a while before going out and having the BEST last day ever (like my Life Ticket AU OOPS) and Ethan says a sappy line like “You might forget this day but I’ll remember it forever” AWWWW EThat night Ethan sleeps over at Benny’s house and they talk about a lot of different things. Eventually tho they stop talking and start kissing and things get really;; heated wooEthan tells Benny he wants Benny to leave on him proof that he existed so yeaaah I’ll leave whatever they did up to your imagination wonk ;) This may or may not be an MM reference //shotThe next morning Benny has to leave and it’s a SUPER SAD moment and they’re both crying and Ethan kisses him goodbye and promises Benny he’ll always ALWAYS remember him for the rest of his life (or eternity if he somehow gets changed into some immortal being) and then Ethan. Smiles for him keeping the promise that they made and FUCK BENNY UP he is so fucking wrecked and distraught that he almost just collapses on the floor and refuses to leave but he is a strong boy so!! He takes off and after he’s gone Ethan breaks down and cries and calls Sarah over to comfort him and it’s so…heartbreaking ;m;Benny hands himself over to the higher ups and GRG sees how fucking DEPRESSED he is and how he looks like he’s lost all hope and she feels super bad but there isn’t anything she can do. And then they wipe his memories clean;; She immediately notices that Benny isn’t the same as he was before, without those memories of Ethan and the others to anchor him he’s not the same person.Ethan starts missing school again and he knows he promised Benny he’d try to stay happy but it’s really hard and he misses him so so so much and Sarah tries everything she can to cheer him up but? Yeah it’s just a difficult time for everybody; Ethan is in a slump, Sarah is out of her wits trying to make him feel better, Erica is avoiding everyone, and Rory has lost his normal cheer. And Benny doesn’t even remember them. RIP.Things in the GR world are progressively getting worse, the demon attacks come more frequently now and they’re having a hard time fighting them off. They’ve lost a lot of souls to the demons in the process, and the higher ups are trying to come up with a strategy to get rid of them for good. Unfortunately for them the demons are plotting big time and they’re ready to form a fucking army to take down the GR’s and claim all of the souls for themselves. Benny and GRG overhear them planning this and they freak out, and then the higher ups freak out and it’s a horrible time! But suddenly GRG is struck with a BRILLIANT idea that she knows the higher ups wouldn’t approve of so she does it in secret. Guess where she goes for help? White Chapel!Ethan is surprised to see GRG asking for help, and he’s like “Is this going to help Benny?” And she’s like yeah dude so Ethan says “I’m in” and gets Sarah, Rory and Erica to join the fight as well. They round up a couple of other vamps and supernatural beings and devise this huge strategy to defeat the demons with Ethan’s wicked smarts. AND THEN THE FINAL BATTLE BEGINS!!The higher ups are furious with GRG for bringing outsiders into their conflict but they change their minds as soon as they see Ethan’s plan working. As they’re battling Ethan bumps into Benny and almost cries when he realizes Benny doesn’t remember him (but he is like “You seem familiar, do I know you from somewhere?”) They team up and kill tons of demons together and Benny’s like wow me and this cute guy have awesome chemistry I wonder who he is?Then surprise surprise Ethan gets taken hostage by the main demon king and everyone is like “ETHAN NO” and right before he gets taken out Benny miraculously recovers his memories and takes the hit for Ethan, getting “killed” in the process (which is kinda impossible since he’s already dead but whatever). Totally distraught at seeing his boyfriend die AGAIN Ethan’s psychic powers amp up to the max and he fucking wrecks the demon by using mind games to corrode at its will and he wins the battle!! Woo hooThe higher ups, upon seeing their victory, decide to give Ethan and Benny one wish. Ethan obviously wishes for him to come back to life (once a GR dies their soul is sent to the afterlife, GRs sort of live in an in between world of life and death. Like, purgatory). And Benny? At first he considers using his wish to grant GRG her memories back but she says if he wastes his wish on her she’ll kill him again. Lol. So Benny wishes to be human again instead. To live, basically. The higher ups are like “Usually we wouldn’t allow that but uh yeah you saved our asses so sure” but then they’re like “but we will call on you whenever we need you and your friends for something important otherwise it’s a no go son” and Benny’s like “SURE now please revive me so I can make out with my boyfriend”And so, Benny is brought back to life and stripped of his GR powers (he still has his magic tho, no worries). He bids a tearful goodbye with GRG, who confesses her (VERY PLATONIC) love for him. She promises to visit when she can. Benny’s grandma casts a spell on the town so they think Benny had been in a coma for half a year instead of dead. Erica and Sarah start dating, Rory gets a cute girlfriend (possibly GRG?) and Ethan and Benny live HAPPILY EVER AFTER THE END //throws confettiWow sorry that was so fucking long but well I have been developing this AU for three years so it would make sense that I have the entire plot written out right? //waggles eyebrowsANYWAY I hope you enjoyed KUDOS for reading all the way through you’re AMAZING and god jesus ASK ME QUESTIONS about this AU it’s one of my all time faves and I’m so glad I finally got to share it after so loNG
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