#i get it though people cant be normal just looking at the comments alone about the regular member of the cast that wasnt there that ep
I have a little idea for Male!Reader x james Hook and morgie
Male reader (son of Rapunzel maybe?) Went back in time with Red and Chloe, Hook and Morgie took a certain interest in him cause the boy is a stubborn little thing with a big mouth.
The Reader is mostly annoyed/amused with Hooks flirting and finds Morgies teasing Interesting. Reader is interested in morgie (sorry hook) but the Reader knows he cant put a move on morgie even if he wants to cause that could cause problems with the timeline and the future
Its all just a mess for the reader but he may or may not become weak at one point cause lets be honest- who can resist a Dork that acts like a golden retriever.
Having the Morgie boys be some of the main people in my inbox is literally my favorite thing. I love him so much, this is wonderful.
In Another Life
Morgie le Fay x Time traveling!Reader/James Hook x Time Traveling!Reader
Pronouns Used: He/Him/His
Summary: When Rapunzel’s son is dragged back in time by his childhood best friend he finds himself the object of two villains’ affections.
Warnings: suggestive comments, crying technically, minor swearing, a few words in German, bad ending, mentions of death, the reader is kinda mean to Chloe in the first paragraph
Word Count: 2.9K
Translations (I don't speak German so I hope this is correct)
hau rein - "see ya", mein sonnenschein - "My sunshine"
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    “How was I supposed to know that I’d get us sent to the past when I grabbed you? You have to forgive me at some point!” The blue-haired girl looks nearly animated in her movements as the argues with him. Chloe had managed to get him thrown into every single negative situation she’d gone through the entire time they’d known each other. But this? This takes the cake. “I can’t believe you! How dare you act like this is just a little spill, we’re stuck here Chloe. Stuck, no going home until some Wonderland kid we just met decides we can. This is not something I’ll just ‘forgive you eventually’ for! I should be at home with my family, not here in a point of time where our country doesn’t even exist yet!” His arms move wildly in the air around him as he yells. The last day with his parents until family day and now he had to spend it with someone else? And he was supposed to, what? Trust a kid who just convicted his best friend’s mother of treason? This was ridiculous. Everyone should know not to trust the person who got your mother sentenced to death to help save their mother. “What about my family? If we didn’t come back then my mom would for sure die.” “No Chloe, not we. If you and Red didn’t. This doesn’t involve me. I don’t want to be here!” “And you think I do?” 
    He turns on his heel, storming off towards the woods behind him. “(Y/n) Fitzherbert! You don’t even know where you’re going!” The boy huffs, waving a hand at her as if to brush her off “Well, guess I’ll just have to get lost!” Normally he wouldn’t be so huffy. But normally normal things were happening to him. Being the first person to experience time travel was not part of his bucket list, he could promise you that. He just needed to clear his head, regroup. That would fix him, surely it would.  The woods felt no different to the ones in his own part of the timeline, though then again, how could they be? They were just woods, just trees and grass and morning dew. It smelt fresher though, as if the air was cleaner somehow. Perhaps it was, the past couple decades had the time to affect the air, would they not? (Y/n) would never tell his friends about where exactly he went when he was alone in the woods, they all assumed he spent his time at the enchanted lake, and he  assumed it was better that way. Some things should get to be secrets, if not he’d never be alone again. He deserved to have his secrets. Everyone did, didn’t they? 
      And there it was, the old shell of a hideout that looked newer now, nicer. Not that it looked nice per say but it wasn’t what he was used to back home. The boy slowly makes his way to the side of the lagoon, jumping from rock to rock as he approached his slice of solitude. It felt like he was where he was supposed to be for the first time in the four hours he’d been stuck in the past. Listening to the familiar thump of his converse on the large flat pieces of stone put him at peace. Maybe for only a few minutes he could be at home, that’s all he wanted. Home, god Red better be able to get them back there. He just needed his taste of it, then he’d go put on a pretty face for Chloe and Red and apologize to his best friend for yelling at her. Of course he would, he always did.
   At home, he was pretty much the only person who even knew about the black lagoon, no one else was ever there. So why would he expect someone now? The two boys sitting in the hideout were a shock to him. How had he never thought about who would have used the place before him? He was smarter than that, surely he was. Had the boys been facing away from him, he would’ve just left. Actually gone to the Enchanted Lake or maybe just turned back to Chloe. That wasn’t his luck though, instead they stared at him nearly challenging him.  Silently but visibly questioning what made him think he was allowed to be in their space.
      “What have we here?” The boy with the darker hair steps towards him, hook swinging towards him in a manner that almost felt playful. “We don’t get many Princes around here. What a surprise,” he slides the dull end of the golden hook down the boy’s cheek, smirking at him, “Come here looking for something, did you?” The seductive tone of the pirate was so thick you’d have to be a fool to miss it. Something similar to how he’d spoken to Chloe earlier when she was more than ready to fight him. No doubt the pirate was just like that. His eyes go over the boy, giving him the up and down twice before scoffing, “Not for you.” Hook drops his arm, stepping back slightly with a brow quirked. “Oh really?” The other boy comes up behind him now, hands resting on Hook’s shoulders as he peers over him at the Prince. “So you’re here for me then?” His lip slots between his teeth as he looks at the boy. Something about the teasing tone Morgie used had his stomach flipping. The smirk on his face was softer, an almost hopeful twinkle in his eyes.  “Come on, Darling, we both saw how you were looking at us back in the courtyard. Who’d you come to see?” Hook crosses his arms as he speaks, shamelessly checking out the Prince. 
    “Actually,” (Y/n) steps away, heading over to that old seashell chair he  adored and falling in it, “I was hoping the place was empty. Shouldn’t you two be in class?” Morgie’s brows furrow, that was his seat, why would he take his seat? “Shouldn’t you be in class, Darling?” Eyes roll back in their sockets as he runs his hand down the fabric of the chair. It was so much nicer right now, going back to the way it was in the future was going to suck now that he knew its potential. “You don’t need to worry about where I should be.”  “Oh no,” Morgie waltzes to his side, perching on the chair beside him, so close their thighs brush as he sits, “Well, you’re in our space and my seat. So I think we do get to worry about where you’re supposed to be.” Morgie's seat, huh? He hums, a smirk on his lips, “If you say so.” “I do,” Morgie lets his eyes shamelessly linger on his mouth, taking in the smirk that seemed to tease him back. This was the closest he’d ever been to a royal without actively harassing them. He thought the stranger would pull away, maybe move from his chair all together, but he didn’t. He simply adjusted in the seat, their legs getting closer as he did, now pressed to each other, solidifying his stance on moving. “Listen boys, you can pretend I’m not here, I don’t really care. I just need a piece of home and this is as close as I can get.”  
     Hook and Morgie share a look, seeming to communicate through their eyes. This exchange student didn’t fear them in the slightest. It was new, almost a rush for the both of them. And in that moment they seemed to silently agree on something. This was going to be their new little game it seemed. Who could get the new boy’s affections first? May the odds be ever in your favor. 
      Pretending he didn’t know exactly where they were going while walking with Red and Chloe to the Black Lagoon was harder than he thought. Surely if he was too obvious they’d get suspicious. And he couldn’t imagine how they’d react if they knew he’d spent a whole class period with two boys who would help lead to the mess they’d been facing back home. Not that he’d meant to spend time with them, of course not. Why would he? They were villains, or at least they were supposed to be. He wasn’t so sure he could call them that though, not after the way he saw them. How would those two boys, the ones who were teases as best, go on to end up on the Isle of the Lost? How would Morgie end up there at all? Surely it would have to be similar to how the VKs from his part of the timeline did, wouldn’t it? Just a victim to his family line, nothing more. Not that he knew him. Of course one afternoon wasn’t enough to know a person, but the way he spoke, the innocence in his eyes when (Y/n) had confused him a few times, that seemed a little hard to fake. 
     He lags behind the girls as they walk away from the Lagoon, lost in his own mind. Not that they’d notice, too wrapped up in talking about the prank that was meant to be pulled in two days. Chloe being a touch too distracted by the red lipstick painting the other princess’ lips. He took a mental note to tease her for that later, some point where they could all laugh about all this. He could feel eyes on him from behind, pausing to put more space between the girls before him and himself. Whoever was trailing them didn’t need to bother the princesses, he could handle them alone for sure. Left hand reaching for the sword on his hip as two bodies collide with his back. Chests to his shoulders. “Are you following us now, Darling?” “Miss us that much already?” (Y/n) turns to look over his left shoulder first, smiling at Morgie and sending him a teasing wink before turning the other way to look at Hook. Hand falling away from his sword, he wouldn't need it against them. “It seems to me you’re following me, Captain. Considering you ran into my back when I stopped walking and all.” “Touché,” he smirks, putting his hook under the boy’s chin with a smile, “Can you blame me? Watching you walk away is quite the view.” 
   He laughs, stepping away from the pirate and slightly running into Morgie. “You pirates are all so shameless. Ego’s bigger than your ship isn’t it?” “Oh wouldn’t you like to know? You should come ride it some time.” He winks at the Prince, words obviously holding a double meaning that should've brought a blush to his cheeks. (Y/n) laughs, taking notice of the gentle hand that had found its way onto his shoulder from behind. “Oh, I’ve seen the Jolly Roger, she’s not that impressive.” Hook raises a brow, “Oh you have? How haven’t I seen you before, then?” Shit, he hadn’t seen the Jolly Roger while Hook was the Captain. He shouldn’t have let that slip. “I’ve visited Neverland a time or two, guess you just aren’t that observant.” Hopefully it was convincing enough, he turns to the sorcerer behind him, the boy looking down at him. “You would’ve noticed me, wouldn’t you?” He hoped it would help make his earlier words more convincing or at least serve as a good distraction from them. If it hadn’t been so dark, the boy would’ve seen the pink hue drawn to Morgie’s cheeks and ears. The villain silently thanking Uliana for wanting to wait until dark to discuss their plans for revenge, had they done this earlier he would’ve been caught for sure. “Of course I would. Look at you.” It wasn’t as smooth as he’d hoped for, nothing like the line delivery he’d had in the daylight but he could still see a smile play across the Prince’s face, teeth and eyes sparkling in the pale moonlight. 
    “I’d hope so, I like the attention.” He knew better than to play with him like that. Who knew how they’d be changing the future just from a small interaction. Though it seemed that Chloe and Red hadn’t, (Y/n) did learn a thing or two about the Butterfly Effect. He could only hope to all things good that he wouldn’t ruin his own future by just being between the two boys. If he was stronger, maybe he'd move. It was hard not to linger there though, with that sweet look on Morgie’s face and the burning feeling of the pirate’s eyes on him. Boys back home never looked at him like this .Never stared at his lips the way Morgie did, it felt good. And if he wasn’t so scared of changing things, he might have just given in to those half lidded eyes that were locked on his lips and leaned up. Were they as soft as they looked? It was like the other boy could read his thoughts, Hook turning him to face away from Morgie with a teasing smirk playing on his lips,  “If it’s attention you’re looking for, I know a great source.” (Y/n) laughs, shaking his head as he pulls away from both of them. “You don’t know when to quit, do you, Captain? Well, hau rein boys, have a good night.” 
     Morgie hates to admit to how hard he was staring as he watched the prince walk away from him. Eyes locked on the royal strut, he knew Hook’s would be too. It was nearly impossible to look away from him. “What language was that?” He spares Hook a look when the darkness swallows the boy’s receding form, brows raised in confusion. “I,” Hook stops, turning to look at his friend with an equally confused face, “I’m not sure.” 
    Two days in the past shouldn’t have this effect on him. It’s embarrassing, how did he let a boy he just met get him so wrapped up like this. A boy he couldn’t even have, and yet he was begging for an extra thirty minutes in the past to just say goodbye. Running through the halls of Merlin academy just hoping to see a flash of black and green. He had to say goodbye, he just, he had something he had to do. For himself. Where would a sorcerer whose friends all just got frozen by a magic cookbook be hiding? Where would he be if Chloe had just been frozen? 
    Looking for whoever did it to her. Without a second thought he’d be looking for whoever hurt her. And if Morgie was anything like him, that's what he'd be doing too. So that means, he needed to retrace his steps from the office to Red’s dorm. Running back towards the dorm and straight past it he ends up slamming into a solid chest. Two strong hands grabbing his arms and stabilizing him as the impact almost sends him falling backwards. He looks up to see a pair of hazel eyes that had plagued him for the past two days. He assumes they’ll be haunting him for the rest of his life now. The boy being forever unattainable.  The thought was nauseating.
    “Hey! Careful there, you almost wiped out,” Morgie’s hands slide down his arms, ghosting over the bewildered look on his face, “You okay, (Y/n)?” He didn’t know the boy well, Morgie couldn’t deny that. But he could feel in his heart of hearts that the way the boy laughed at his question was out of character. “I was looking for you actually, lucky me that you were,” he looks at those pretty eyes again, letting out a shaky breath, “Right here.” A pale pink lip slides between his teeth, disrupting the smile that was trying to spread across his face, “Lucky I was, someone had to catch you.” (Y/n) shakes his head, breaking eye contact, “People don’t tend to catch me very often.”It makes Morgie place a single knuckle under his chin, tilting his face back up so he has to look him in the eyes again. “I’d catch you every time. I actually was looking for you too. I needed to ask you something.” 
     The sorcerer had that hopeful look back in his eyes, the one he'd had back in the hide out. It made (Y/n)’s chest hurt. “You did?” He nods, smile stretched across his face as he pulls his hands back to himself, fiddling with his fingers as he speaks. “Listen, I know that it’s super late, considering it’s tomorrow and all, but I was wondering if you’d go to Castlecoming with me? I know we just met and all but there’s no better time to get to know each other right?” He knew from the way the Prince’s face fell that there was no way he’d get the answer he wanted. If he was smarter, maybe he would've run away. 
     “Oh, Morgie, in another life I’d be able to answer that the way I want to.” He frowns, brows furrowing, “Well, why can’t you?” He lets his palm rest on Morgie’s cheek, and despite the fact that the boy’s heart was visibly breaking, he nuzzles against his hand. “You could never understand how us being together would effect where I’m from,” it’s shaky, a slow breath following his words. His voice was weaker than he wanted it to be. “Is it,” he takes a shaky breath, eyes growing a little blurry as he looks at the prince. He thought he was different, that maybe his family wouldn’t matter to him, how silly he was to believe that. “Is it because I’m a villain?” (Y/n) knew better when he leaned forward, he knew better than placing his lips on those pretty pale pink ones. It was a kiss he’d compare to every one that followed. Soft, sweet and sad, a poetic moment that would only ever get to be a memory. He knew he’d regret it when he went home and nothing felt like the lips of the second generation sorcerer. Forehead resting on the other boy’s as he lets out a sigh, eyes still closed because he knew he couldn't look at the boy and get his words out. The way he caught feelings for the first person to show him attention was embarrassing. “Mein sonnenschein, I didn’t get to know you well, but I know you are no villain. In another life I’d be your happily ever after.” Morgie frowns, pulling away from him, “I wish it could be this one.” Eyes opening at the loss of contact, (Y/n) looks up at the boy, his words were doing more harm than good. He knew he should turn away, he needed to get back to Red - to his home-, but tearing his eyes away from the boy would hurt. “Yeah,” he wipes a tear he didn’t mean to let slip, “Yeah, I do too.”
Yeah, there was no way he'd just "forgive Chloe at some point" over this one. No one is supposed to break their own heart.
Find Part 2 Here
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r0tt3n-corpse · 6 months
(Could u make the reader female?) Could you like make a story about dib being a nerdy guy who was considered the weird kid in hi-skool and reader is like one of the popular kids. Dib is friends with reader brother. he goes over to his friends house but then realizes that his friend is the brother of the reader, and now he becomes best friends with the readers' brother and he cant believe believe that he's at the house of the popular girl. But then he somehow got left alone with the reader in the kitchen, and they flirt with each other. Maybe have a kiss? 👀💓✨️ Thank you 🫶
Here have this ice cream! :3 🍦
I love this request! Sorry if it’s a little out of character (and long 💀)
Fandom: Invader Zim
Warnings: None!
Popular female reader x Dib Membrane
Y/n sat up straighter in her spot at the lunch table as she and her friends all spoke about the latest drama. The lunch room was loud, it always was, and Y/n and her friends didn’t particularly help. It wasn’t like it was her fault that she got louder when excited, this was the only period she had with some of her friends!
“Y/n!” A familiar voice called, and Y/n turned to see non other than M/n (M/n just means male name btw, for the people who might not have brothers). Y/n excused herself to her friends and stood up, walking to where M/n was sitting with his own friends.
“Y/n, dude, the lunch lady was totally eyeing your table. You gotta be more quiet before you get a lunch detention.” M/n half joked as Y/n made herself comfortable in the lunch seat table next to him. Y/n rolled her eyes. It was true, though. The teachers had been handing out detentions like candy ever since some new school rule was placed.
“I’m not worried. Besides, what’s one lunch detention? You’ve had, like, five actual ones.” Y/n shot back with a laugh, M/n dismissing the comment with a shake of his head.
A black haired boy sat down across from M/n, startling Y/n slightly. The boy adjusted his glasses as he lifted his head, seeming to notice Y/n. There was a noticeably awkward pause as the boy and her made eye contact. He was familiar. Someone she’d passed in the hall? A classmate? It was hard to remember where exactly she’d seen that face. Y/n could feel her face heating up, this was wayyy too awkward for her taste. Y/n quickly turned back to M/n, her words jumbled as she said something about seeing him when she got home before speed walking back to her normal table.
Time skip to at home lol
M/n busted into the house, tossing his bag to the ground near the door before walking up to where Y/n was seated contently on the couch.
“I got Dib coming over. Don’t make it awkward like you did at lunch.” M/n said, hands on his hips as he looked down at Y/n.
“Dib? Really? That was the kids name?” Y/n teased, chuckling before quickly adding, “I guess it’s better than M/n.” M/n frowned, grabbed his bag off the floor, and walked over the front window to wait for his friend.
Y/n wasn’t sure how long it took until someone rung the doorbell, she had truthfully forgotten someone was coming over. M/n had fled to his room a while ago, lying that he was going to clean it. Y/n lifted her head and looked back at M/n’s bedroom door. He must’ve not heard the door. She scoffed and got up off the couch, dragging herself to the front door.
Opening the door, it felt like Y/n was back at the lunch room again. Those big, widened eyes staring at her like she was some kind of alien. The boy, Dib as M/n had called him, seemed to shrink down slightly in her presence. She did the opposite, and straightened up.
“Hello! M/n’s in his room. I’ll get you something to drink.” Y/n said, making some type on excuse to get away from Dib and get her thoughts in order. Dib blinked and nodded along with her words, stepping inside and closing the front door before awkwardly following her to the kitchen. Y/n shoved her hand to the back of the fridge and felt around for a juice box she was sure she had hidden there. Sure enough, it seemed M/n hadn’t found it, and she pulled it out. She stared at the juice in her hand momentarily. No way she was going to give this loser the juice she’d been saving, what was she doing?
With reluctance, Y/n shut the fridge and slid the juice box across the counter in Dib’s direction. He took it with a muttered thanks. Truly a waste of a good juice.
Getting a better look at him, Dib didn’t look half bad. Y/n played with the hem on her shirt. He was cute. She’d admit it. Maybe not willingly, but nonetheless. His hair looked healthy for a teenage boy’s and framed his face nicely, and although he looked like a nerd with those glasses of his, he managed to look handsome too. He was the type of boy Y/n’s friends either picked on or wanted for their first kiss. First kiss. Most of Y/n’s friends had theirs by now. Y/n hadn’t, and by the looks of Dib, neither had he.
“I didn’t know you were friends with M/n.” Y/n said, mostly trying to fill in the silence as she waited for M/n to come and take away his friend. Truthfully, Y/n hadn’t even known Dib existed before today. Dib nodded slightly, putting the now empty juice box back on the counter.
“Uh, yeah. We met online and found out we went to the same high school and then… well, now we hang out.” He explained, adjusting his glasses. Y/n nodded to let him know she was paying attention. She wasn’t actually, but he didn’t need to know that. Y/n noticed Dib’s pale face beginning to redden at the same she realized she’d been staring.
“What’s wrong? Pretty girls make you nervous?” Y/n teased, giggling slightly. Ah, it felt nice to playfully tease someone again, all that awkwardness was starting to get to Y/n.
“Something like that..” Dib said, shifting slightly in his stance. Okay, now it just felt like flirting. Wait, was Y/n actually flirting?? She tried not to get too excited, but the thought of her getting her first kiss was heavy on her mind.
“Well maybe you should come here, I’m sure I look better up close.” Y/n said, taking a step towards Dib’s eyes widened slightly as if he was trying to figure out if she was serious. He slowly came closer. It was hard to tell whether or not he was actually as tall as Y/n, or if that was just him having bad posture. Either way, both Dib and Y/n were blushing at the close proximity.
Both Y/n and Dib were startled as they heard a door opening. Bad timing was typical for M/n. Dib turned slightly towards the noise and Y/n contemplated kissing him on the cheek, but then quickly decided that might be weird and stepped back. M/n entered the kitchen and saw Dib first, still blushing and frozen from the short lived moment. Y/n stepped around him and waved slightly to Dib from behind M/n’s back as she headed to her own room. Seemed her first kiss would have to wait.
(I’m pretty bad at writing people flirting but I also think it fits that they’re kinda awkward since they’re in high school)
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No Business Like Show Business | Part Four
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Series Summary: you work backstage at a theatre and become close with the star of the show (who you may also have a slight crush on)
Pairing: James McAvoy x reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: like 2 swear words I think..? also not proof read because its 12.30am and I need to sleep but I really wanted to just get this out there so sorry if its shit
A/N: wow whoops how is it almost a year since I last updated this story?? I am so SO sorry, its been a difficult year but honestly THANK YOU for the comments and messages about this series. You guys keep me motivated to keep writing so thank you thank you thank you!! Feel free to substitute James for any actor of your choosing. Also, spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :)
Part Three | Masterlist
- - - - -
Sooooo, James McAvoy kissed me… I know right? WHAT?! 
Is this real life? Am I dreaming? Have I fallen through a wormhole into some alternate reality? 
All I know for sure is, Vera is bloody good at playing Cupid.  
— — — — 
Walking into the work the next morning you can’t help smile. Getting kissed by James McAvoy certainly has a way of putting a spring in your step. As you approach the theatre you notice more people hanging around than usual. There’s normally one or two guys with cameras hoping to catch a glimpse of James or Anastasia, but today there’s a whole group. And even more unusual is, they’re actually paying attention to you. 
“It’s her! Over here love!” 
“Flash us a smile?”
You shield your eyes as cameras flash brightly in your face, disorientating you as you try to reach the theatre door.
“How long have you been dating James?”
“What does Anastasia think about your affair?”
“Leave her alone!” A voice cuts through the noise as an arm comes around you and directs you safely inside. “Should be ashamed of yourselves, shouting at a young girl like that. Vultures!” Vera shouts before slamming the theatre door shut and turning to you “Are you alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine” you reply, even though your hands are shaking. “What the hell just happened? Why do they suddenly care about me?”
“You haven’t seen?” Vera asks, reaching into her bag and pulling out a magazine which she hands to you. There on the front cover is a photo of your face staring back at you. 
“What the…” you say in shock as you read the caption ‘meet the mystery girl who stole James’ heart’ along side a photo of the two of you smiling at each other in the coffee shop. “This is mental”
“It gets worse” Vera says as she opens the magazine to the article in which details about you have even printed for anyone to read along side a couple of your selfies taken from your instagram account. They found out your age, where you grew up, where you studied. 
“This is madness! It was just coffee, surely no one actually cares this much about who I am?”
“Just coffee..?” Vera asks “Because I have to say you do look quite cosy there”
“Miss Y/L/N!” Alan the director calls from down the corridor, startling you “A word please.” A statement, not a question.
You nod, taking a breath before heading down to meet him. He leads you into his office and closes the door, gesturing for you to take a seat. You notice a copy of the magazine on his desk. 
“Care to explain what’s going on here?” He picks up the magazine, pointing to the photo of you and James. 
“We went to get coffee” you reply simply, not quite understanding what all the fuss is about. 
Alan opens the magazine and begins to read “McAvoy and his new girl were spotted getting close as they talked and giggled together in cafe nero, leaving us to wonder if his relationship with girlfriend and theatre co-star Anastasia is in trouble. We cant wait to see how this backstage drama plays out.”
“Like I said, we just got coffee. People recognised James, saw me with him and put two and two together to get five.”
“Well I hope the coffee was worth it because I’m going to have to pull you from the production team.” 
“What?! No, Alan, sir, please-”
“I’m sorry Y/N, I’ll arrange someone to cover you”
“Alan?” James bursts through the door “sorry to interrupt but you can’t replace Y/N, she’s done nothing wrong. Its my fault we were there, I asked her to come. It was supposed to be a group thing but everyone else dropped out.” 
You feel your heart flutter at the fact he’s covering for you, even if he is bending the truth slightly.
“Look James, I understand it may have been a mistake but I cant risk this love triangle of yours effecting the show.” 
“There is no love triangle.” James laughs “All this is is two colleagues having a drink after work”
‘Colleagues’? You think to yourself, has he forgotten the kiss you shared after?
“Oh come on, you have to admit these photos look rather cosy” Alan points to the magazine.
“It was loud in there, we had to lean in close to be able to hear each other. It’s not Y/N’s fault that people are seeing something that isn’t there!”
You feel your heart sink as the words ‘something that isn’t there’ play on repeat in your mind.
“Fine, you can stay.” Alan’s voice pulls you back out of your thoughts. “But you’ll have to tell Anastasia” he directs the last bit to James who rolls his eyes. 
“So this was her idea then” James says.
“She’s just concerned about how this negative press could affect ticket sales.”
“That’s bullshit Alan and you know it!” The anger in James’ voice surprises you. You would never dream of talking to a director like that. “You’ve said yourself there’s no such thing as ‘negative press’. As long as people are talking about the play then people will come to see the play. Your words, not mine.” 
“I know” Alan sighs. 
“Ana is just jealous and looking to stir trouble, that’s what she does.”
“Yes but we need her.”
“Do we?” James asks, and a silence fills the room. You awkwardly glance between the two men, feeling uncomfortable being in the middle of this heated conversation. 
You clear your throat, causing Alan and James to look at you. For a moment you think they may have forgotten you were still there. “Can I go?” You ask. 
“Yes of course, apologies Y/N. You must have work to be getting on with.” 
You give a small nod and get the hell out of that room as fast as you can. 
— — — — 
You give yourself ten minutes to just sit when you get to the props room, head on the desk just processing the past 24 hours. 
James kissed you. Paparazzi are obsessing over you. Alan nearly fired you. 
“Hello dear- ooh, are you alright?” Vera’s voice fills the room, you didn’t realise you’d left the door open. 
“Yeah” you say sitting yourself back up in your chair. 
“…no.” you respond honestly.
“What happened daring?” Vera takes a seat on the chair next to you. “I heard raising voices when I passed Alan’s office on the way here.” 
“Alan wanted to remove me from the production team. James stepped in and basically saved my job.” 
“Oh, well at least you're still here. That’s a good thing.” 
“Yeah, but he also said some things that I don't know how to feel about.” 
“No, James. He said we’re just colleagues and there’s nothing between us but yesterday at the cafe it kinda felt like a date and then when we got back here he kissed me so now I just really don't know-” 
“He kissed you!!”Vera interrupts, a mix of shock and glee on her face. You forgot you hadn’t had chance to tell her yet. 
“Yeah, but then he said all that-“
“That doesn’t matter darling, he was probably just saying that to Alan to keep you here. Have you talked to him?” 
“No, I haven’t been able to. This morning as not gone to plan at all.” 
“Well then I wouldn’t worry about it just yet. You need to speak to him.” 
“Hello?” James voice calls as he appears at the door. 
“Speak of the devil” Vera whispers to you with a cheeky smile as she gets up from her chair “Hello James dear”
“Don’t let me interrupt you” 
“No not at all, I was just leaving. See you later Y/N” she winks before disappearing out the room, closing the door behind her. 
James watches her and turns to you. There’s a brief silence a the two of you just look at each other, a small smile on your faces. 
“So I-” “I should-” you both say at the same time, making you both laugh. 
“Sorry you were saying?” You ask.
“No no, you go” he replies. 
“Okay, uh.. I just wanted to say thank you for sticking up for me with Alan.” 
“Of course, there was no way I would let him fire you.” 
“I don't think he would have fired me, but he was definitely about to remove from this production.”
“Oh! Well in that case…” James jokes and you playfully hit him on the arm “I’m kidding, I’m glad you're still on the team.”
“Yeah me too.” you say absentmindedly fiddling with a pen you found on the desk. He places a hand on top of yours, causing you to look at him.
“And I know it got you in trouble, but I really enjoyed our coffee yesterday.”
“It was good coffee” you say sarcastically. 
“You know what I mean…” he says with a laugh. 
“Do I?” You ask, pulling your hands away as you sit back in your chair and look at him “cause I’m picking up on some mixed signals here” 
“Was kissing you not a clear enough signal?”
“Well I thought it was, but then you said that we were just colleagues and that there was nothing between us”
“What? When did I say that?” He is genuinely confused.
“This morning, in Alan’s office. You said that people were seeing something that wasn’t there! So I got the hint that you didn’t actually like me and maybe you regretted kissing me or maybe you just kiss everyone like that-”
“Y/N” he takes your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him “What I said to Alan I said because I didn’t want you to lose your job. I didn’t mean it. Just like I do not kiss everyone the way I kissed you and I most definitely do not regret it.” He smiles at you the most genuine, warm smile which makes you smile back. “I really like you Y/N, and I would really like to kiss you again. If you’ll let me..?” 
He searches your eyes and as soon as you nod he leans in and gives you the most tender kiss you’ve ever received. You melt into him completely, but suddenly pull away. 
“Wait, what about Anastasia? I don't want to be part of some love triangle.” 
“There is no triangle Y/N. Ana and I are not together.” 
“But the papers said-”
“It’s fake news, set up by the people in charge of the theatre’s publicity. They think more people will want to buy tickets for the show if the lead actors are dating. It’s bullshit I know, but I’ve been forbidden from setting the story straight until after the show closes.” He pauses, giving you a second to take in what he’s explained “I understand if this is too complicated, you shouldn’t have to be dragged into this mess and I wouldn’t blame you if you told me to get lost-“
Now its your turn to interrupt him. You pull him into you and kiss him, passionately. 
Eventually you pull apart slightly, wrapping your arms behind his neck and looking up at him. “Was that a clear enough signal for you?” You joke.
“Hmm, I’m not sure. I think you need to show me again” he winks and you return to your new favourite hobby; kissing James McAvoy… 
Part Five
Taglist: (if you want to be added/removed please let me know)
@halfofwhatisayismeaningless @internetgremlin-reads @blahblahblah0987654321 @mcavoy-girl @username21mk 
Also please bear in mind I can't reply to comments on fics from this username as its a sideblog but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate them. your comments give me LIFE 💛
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trigger warning: scary sexual situation and nondescript discussion of cptsd relating to history of child sexual trauma
seeking advice, validation, resources, but advice most
nickname/word to tag my ask for finding them more easily: toadstool 🍄

i’m a freshman at college and i’m really struggling with something that happened a couple nights ago. i have cptsd and part of that trauma i had was childhood sexual trauma in various differeny forms/ways. (i am a nonbinary trans person my roommate is a cis guy, which is the same as the people in my past who hurt me in the way i mentioned above.) my roommate masturbated while i was awake and in the same room not even five feet away from him, and he knew i was awake, he just thought i couldn’t/wouldn’t see him. i immediately went into survival mode and froze, tensed and ready to defend myself, waiting for him to be done so i could flee the room. he didnt notice i saw what he was doing, and in the end i was too scared to move and flee the room. i am even more terrified now than originally. this triggered me immensley and ive been avoiding him and my room since, literally only going in when i absolutely have to which is hard for showering, laundry, sleeping especially, etc. before this, i wasn’t sleeping much at all due to distrust and fear from cptsd. now im sleeping even less, which is very negatively affecting me. its been really hard, i keep getting flashbacks to my childhood. its definitely bringing up my history of trauma. but idk what to call this. creepy? sexual harassment? something worse? we are both young adults but adults all the same, so even though i feel violated and scared (he is bigger and stronger, i am also physically disabled), i dont really know what i can categorize this as, what resources i can use, what i can do in general to cope. i have essentially been in survival mode and fight/flight/freeze/fawn since. i really need support but idk where i can go, what to call this (i have autism so my brain thinks categorically and that is part of what i need to process anything.) i know this has activated past traumas but idk if it counts as trauma on its own, or even what to call it. i also cant tell what is an overreaction from my cptsd and what is a normal reaction to something like this.
Hi anon,
I'm sorry to hear about what happened. Especially given your past experiences, it makes sense why this was such a distressing moment for you, and made you fear your roommate. While this wouldn't count as sexual harassment, you're still allowed to feel traumatized and distressed by what happened.
Please know that you're not alone. I had a somewhat similar experience where I was cuddling with a guy I hooked up with and he got a boner and I got so scared that I couldn't move (also a CSA survivor). I decided to talk to him about it afterwards and he was surprisingly apologetic and understanding.
It may be helpful to have a direct and honest conversation with your roommate about your discomfort and explore potential solutions together, like finding certain times he can do this that work for both of you. However, I completely understand if the idea of having this kind of conversation is intimidating or may not feel practical considering your relationship with him. Ultimately, it may be best to look into getting a different roommate if that interests you.
Depending on what kinds of accommodations your school has, they may include counseling in tuition. If you can access or afford it, a mental health professional such as a therapist could help you process this experience, heal from your previous trauma, explore potential solutions to this situation, and give you some helpful coping mechanisms that you can take with you.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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walkingdaryls · 4 years
what i honestly think it would be like to date loki
btw to those who have sent me requests...i see you! i promise. i’ve just been a bit unmotivated at the moment. so here’s this for now i guess LMAO
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lemme just say right now...actually getting to the point of dating loki would take a long time
the enemies (but not rlly enemies) to allies to friends w tension to yearning / crushing on each other to lovers type thing
i mean have u seen how loki grew up??? he has major trust issues and doesn’t get close to people
i think it’d take a few years of extreme slowburn, arguing, and yearning w one another until feelings actually start to show
loki wouldn’t be afraid of staring - or eye contact, tbh
you’d just be sitting at one of tony’s famous parties, feeling slightly out of place while standing amidst a group of people avidly telling their own stories (let’s be real...it’s mainly tony talking)
and for just a quick second you let out a small comment that earns a couple grins and chuckles from the people around you
the conversation moves on, but you can’t help but feel loki’s intense gaze on you
and he doesn’t look away for a good ten seconds
or maybe you’ll just be eating dinner and loki will carefully watch you with soft eyes from across the table
he analyzes everything about you...
the way you raise a quizzical eyebrow, the way you avert your gaze away from him when his flirty comments make you nervous
the way you flip the pages of your book gently
the way your body just naturally leans into his touch
he notices everything.
loki most definitely is not a PDA person in my opinion . like at all
but the one thing he ALWAYS does. like ALWAYS, is have one hand placed gently on the small of your back
as a way to always somehow be touching you, and letting you know he’s there
(and ofc letting everyone else know)
but when alone, i honestly do think that touch is one of loki’s main love languages
he’s always touching your mf NECK
you don’t know why, and neither does he
but he’ll just come behind you and gently brush any hair to the side, and run his chilly fingers down your neck
or he’ll place a gentle kiss on your neck’s sweet spot after anything (after a heated make out session, after saying good morning, after dinner, ANYTHING)
he’s a neck guy ok i’ve decided
i also feel like loki is the type to act all macho and tough but he’ll be like
“actually, my dove, i guess you could paint my nails. i guess we could match. only green, though”
he puts his powers to good use if ya know what i mean
seriously though, he worships you. WORSHIPS YOU. not only your body, but your mind, heart, and soul as well
anything intimate he goes into with pure passion because he believes it intertwines your souls together even more
ALSO i literally believe that loki, in the late hours of the night, while you two are sleepy in each other’s arms under the dim moonlight, will braid your hair gently
he’s quite good with his fingers
in more ways than one
after kissing you, loki likes poking you gently with his nose, then completely leaning into you, and pulling you into a tight embrace
i don’t see him as a huge cuddler while sleeping, but he ALWAYS is either holding your hand or having his arm/hand on you SOMEWHERE at least
always touching u!
now i know this is kind of depressing, but there would definitely be fights occasionally between you and loki
sometimes loki cant watch his tongue, and you end up storming out of the room in tears
or even if it’s something about him going out on missions and doing reckless shit and you’re TIRED OF IT
and he gets too defensive and you both end up stressed out and w raised voices, so you just storm out
but he never. EVER goes to sleep mad at you. he did it once and woke up feeling terrible and vowed to never let you two go to bed angry
by the end of the night, he’s kissed you wherever you’ve got tears falling, and whispers “im sorry, my dove” “forgive me, please”
you guys kiss a lot
like a lot
loki loves going on walks with you. it’s just something you’ve both normalized in your day to day routine together
you like to call loki “shakespeare” bc mf can be so dramatic sometimes and recite goddamn poems to you out of nowhere
but you honestly love it
LMAO sometimes i feel like during a make out session loki will just softly bite your ear for no reason
the first time u were like??? but you’re into it
you and loki out in public literally look exactly like that one picture of natalia dyer and charlie heaton
ya know...the one of them walking hand in hand on the streets, resting bitch faces, dressed all in black, big ass sunglasses, sharing earbuds
you guys truly are that couple
i feel like “mirrors” by justin timberlake just fits the relationship vibe. do u know what i mean?
BATHS TOGETHER. ALL THE MF TIME. he just loves skin on skin
loki loves you so much
like loki iS SO reserved around people (other than you) but if someone asks about you he will literally spill his heart out, talking about how you are truly an angel sent from heaven for him
he only has eyes for you. forever and always
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rcksmith · 3 years
Mine — Kaz Brekker
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(photo not mine)
Requests: “9 from the fluff prompts with Kaz brekker please? It could be where they're keeping it a secret and it slips out? Thanks”
“Could you possibly do a kaz brekker and reader imagine where they are both like in their mid twenties. Number 9 from the fluff prompts “So you're saying that girl is your girlfriend?" "No, that girl is my wife”, I could just imagine him with the smuggest grin saying it. Your a very good writer and thank you if you decide to write this.”
“Could I get a kaz brekker x reader secret relationship with fluff prompts 5, 7, 12, and 14 please?”
Fluff prompts:
5. ”Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.”
7. “I feel like i cant breathe when i’m around you.”
9. “So you're saying that girl is your girlfriend?!" "No, that girl is my wife!”
12. “I’m not jealous! Its just...you’re mine!”
14. “I don’t like to pretend we’re not together.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mention of fights, mention of post-traumatic stress, fluff too.
Word count: 2k.
A/N: Thank you💖 I hope you guys like. I changed some details a little, hope you don't mind
Normal Rules. Smut Rules.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you❤️
— — — —
Fissure. That's what mercenaries, thieves, assassins and his enemies were looking for. A fissure to drive Kaz Brekker to ruin. Burn his empire, wood for wood, until there is nothing left but funeral ashes swept away by the winter wind. Even the most infinitesimal fissure would ensure that his enemies infiltrate, like hungry parasites, into the heart of the dungeon of his deepest secrets. Swallowing, absorbing, any hint of what could do the infamous the Bastard of the Barrel down to his own knees.
And Kaz Brekker feared that if they looked into the most secluded corner of his dungeons, where it was reserved to hide the greatest truths of his soul, they would find the one only thing to beg on his knees for would be something he would do without hesitation.
You were like the last summer solstice in a world ruled by darkness, cold and empty. Which he kept in a chest locked with seven chains.
If he had to describe you with the five senses, Brekker would remind that, when he was in the bitter cold of the ocean, clutching the stiffness of dead and putrefying flesh like a lifeboat, a ray of sunshine, warm as the summer, it opened up through the thunderclouds and came down to his face, warming that spot of skin like a kiss from the sun.
And it would be with that memory that he would describe you.
Kaz Brekker shouldn't have fallen in love with you. He was the person who most understood the disastrous consequences if he let himself get carried away by the way his heart sped up whenever he saw you. If he allowed herself to taste the way all of your heat radiated into his body and made him feel alive. But he fell in love.
Everything was all too much. The feeling of life every time you said his name, like a devotion, something religious, lyrical. The sweetness in your eyes, the warm voice. Everything had been too much.
And what should he do? Tell you he missed you every time you went on a mission? Saying that he were jealous and envy of Jesper because the man managed to make you laugh with a silly joke and hug you tight, something Kaz still hadn't been able to do? Tell you it was almost religious the way he venerated your smile? Of course not. Because all these things would have been sensible, and Kaz couldn't do anything sensible around you.
Because when he saw life offering him, with such joy, the one thing that had been denied him all his life, and that he swore never to crave, his first impulse was anger. Stupid, irrational anger.
So, for the first few moments, his entire reaction to you had been cold, distant, almost avoidant. Because the way his whole body shook in hot spasms when, in that summery tone, you called his name, it was too much for Kaz to handle.
“Kaz!” You call, one night.
He heard your voice from across the crow club, and had to close his eyes tightly at the way his heart leapt in his chest.
"Hey, hey." You appeared beside him, your cheeks chased away by coral red, the happy smile and the sparkle in your eyes as someone who have the path to true happiness. "Jessy said you were wanting to find a new way to invade that bank."
Oh perfect. In the same way his body exalted when he heard the sound of your name and your lips, hearing you call Jesper by that infernal nickname had a much more destabilizing effect. And fierce.
Kaz raised an eyebrow at you, in a nonchalant gesture but inviting you to keep talking.
“I happen to know of an underground path.” For an instant, the pride in your smile made Kaz want to smile too. “You and I can put together a map today and we'll be right tomorrow to go.”
That was one of the times Kaz should have made some dry, disinterested, trivial comment, something that made you not want to spend time with him, something that made you turn around and walk away. He should have turned around and left. He had done this over a thousand times with other people and knew it to be one of the best outings.
Still, the acid comment didn't come and he couldn't turn his back on you.
So, like the idiot he became whenever it came to you, Kaz couldn't help but spend an hour in your company. Even if it resulted in him lying in bed at the end of the day, alone and feeling the guilt gnawing at him more and more.
So, before he even knew it, Kaz was already in his office with you, listening to you chatter about things he knew he should have been paying attention to. But the way the crackling of the fire flames in the fireplace flashed across your face was a distraction of unimaginable proportions.
“Jessy and I…”
“You want to stop.” He found himself saying before he even realized it. “That nickname is already exasperating me.”
“Why? Jealousy?” You joked, oblivious to the truth.
Kaz looked at you like your comment was the most pathetic thing he'd ever heard. He wanted to screaming: ‘I’m not jealous! Its just...you’re mine!.’ But he didn't. Instead, the words that came out were:
“No. It's childish and immature, and it doesn't fit with...”
"What if I call you ‘Darling’?” You rested your chin on both palms of your hand, your elbows resting on his desk in his office.
Kaz's heart skipped a beat.
“That way you won't be jealous of Jessy's nickname and…”
“It's not jealousy!” He countered, and too late realized that he didn't disagree in the first instance about the nickname, but about the green color that emanated from his body.
And you didn't let that go either.
Your eyes took on a caustic gleam that you quickly hid, turning to the map on the table and going back to drawing the paths. “Okay, Darling.”
After that night, Kaz's self-control began to crumble.
He gave you death glares whenever you called him that nickname, but he never dared contradict or scold you. Much less deny it. The truth was, the core of his soul wanted this. He wanted every part of your caress warm as summer. He wanted to appreciate how perfect you looked when you called him that way. As if that nickname was born just to be used between you.
Something unique.
Over time, his body's physical reactions began to be stronger, coercive and overwhelming. Kaz felt dry, burning, and you soothed and inflamed him at the same time. You were the breath of peace, and also a glass of hot brandy.
And everything that he once felt dead, frozen or putrefying, slowly began to blossom, reborn and shine.
"Darling." You said, going behind the chair Kaz was sitting in, submerged in the Krisha security system sheets in front of he. “You've been there for hours.”
He ignored you, though his body was all too aware of yours behind him, the way your breath hit the top of his ear, how your heat hit his back like a high summer breeze. Kaz swallowed hard, ordering his eyes to stay on the pages.
“What are you reading?”
Your voice rang out from the top of his head, and Kaz felt his heart race into a cardiac arrhythmia the second your hands went to the back of the chair and your face tilted, chin hovering millimeters from his shoulder, your nose almost brushing his cheek.
Fucking Saints! You were hot! It was as if you had sun bathed, swam in the flames of fire, and been born into the summer.
Kaz lost his breath. His sanity. His soul.
“Do not do this.” His voice was no more than a whisper.
You looked at him, the furs not touching but breath hitting each other's cheeks. Kaz followed your gaze, and suddenly the world subtly turned hot. Pulsing and muffled.
“What?” You whispered, your heart so fast.
This was the time for Kaz to use the touche in a very valid argument. To make you move away as fast as you approached. To nip in the bud any path this interaction between you could take. He should have said about the touch. But he didn't remember. Kaz didn't remember his limitation, his traumas, his demons.
In that second, of insanity and magic, you couldn't do that just because…
"I feel like I cant breathe when I'm around you." He said.
After that day, Kaz realized that life no longer made sense without having you by his side to share it. Money didn't have the same value anymore if you weren't there, the robberies didn't make sense anymore if he couldn't tell you how it was at the end of the day, or have you by his side to fight.
Very quickly, Kaz Brekker realized that he had lost the battle against his own feelings. Loving you was inevitable. And having you close to him was made as essential as breathing. That's when things between the two of you developed faster, more solid, more right. The weeks turned to months, the months to years, and your relationship fortified as gloriously as the hilt of a sword.
Kaz still had very difficult moments with touching, days when a single brush of fur was unbearable and the mention of a kiss was impossible. But you stayed there. Firm and unshakable. Giving your summer smiles,your warm winks, and his nickname that had the power to soothe every nerve in Kaz's body.
However, the more Kaz understand that he was need you to he still live, the deeper he hid any trace of public affection for you. Any clue that could sparked the theory in someone that you were the reason, for Brekker, for the sun rose every morning. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you. Never.
Kaz Brekker became very aware that his soul was harnessed to yours. And there was nothing in the world that would take you away from he. Not while he lived, and even seven feet from land, Kaz would still find a way to fight for you.
It was a logical decision when he said you two should get married. Kaz was still trying to maintain his serene posture as his soul burned in a fire too eager and excited to make official anything that said you were his. That he had finally managed to have that ray of sunshine in the midst of the atrocious ocean. You, unlike him, exhaled your happiness in excited squeals, little jumps of joy and a passionate, quick kiss on the man in front of you.
And Kaz understood, as perfectly as the sky are blue, that he would do anything, for the rest of his life, to be worthy of that overwhelming happiness that sparkled in yours smiles.
“Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.” He said, feeling himself smile because your happiness for the wedding was exorbitant.
And you, like the little tease you were who loved to make him piss off, smiled even more and hugged him. He love you. Unconditionally.
But, just like the ocean waves, Kaz and you have had your ups and downs. He wasn't a man who had a lot of patience, and you weren't the most obedient, calm woman in the world. You found him exasperating and he found you as stubborn as a door.
"I already said you can't do that!" And there he was, once again, lecturing you because you showed too much affection, in his mind, for him in a public situation.
And, as Kaz fucking Brekker liked to point out, ‘all walls have eyes and ears’.
"We've been together for six years, Kaz!" You tried to keep your blood calm, but you weren't a person to put up with sermons. “Is this going to be our life? Living as if we have the same connection as a boss and an employee?!”
“And what do you want, Y/n?!” He placed both hands on his office desk, looking at you from the other side “Want us to have a party and tell everyone?! Or do you prefer to hang a red target on your chest?!”
"I did not say that!" You were starting to get really angry. “I'm not asking for a billboard saying we're married and you know it! The only thing I'm saying is that you let me choose to sit next to you, take your hand, or tell you I love you when any of us go off on a dangerous mission!"
Kaz shook his head, impassable, his gaze flashing with anger. How did you not realize he was trying to save you?! Save everything you two built, your lives! And all this for what? Walking hand in hand on the street? It was ridiculous!
“This is indisputable!”
“I said no!” He slapped his hands on the table.
A less brave woman would have cringed. But not you.
“I don’t like to pretend we’re not together!”
“And I don't like a fucking girl who complains all the fucking time about something I do to save her! But it feels like I've been put up with it for six years, doesn't it?!”
The words hit you like a slap. Crackling, burning and electrifying. You felt yourself holding your breath and your shoulders instinctively tightening back. The room was silent. Loaded with tension, as if lightning had just hit the ground.
You looked at Kaz in amazement. And he pursed his lips when he realized what he'd said.
“Put up with? And you call me ‘fucking girl’ ?” You repeated, your voice low, serious and in a mixture of hurt and outrage. “Good to know.”
You turned your back, walking out of the office and slamming the door behind you hard, making the thud reverberate through the corridors of Kaz's soul.
"Y/n!" He called you, striding to the door "Y/n!"
But when Kaz pulled the doorknob and took a few steps down the hall, it wasn't you he bumped into. It was Nina, trying to hide, in a very terrible way, her curious and shocked expression. In female hands she carried a small stack of documents, probably something important that Kaz needed to check.
He had to check that out. But his eyes, restless and quick, wandered the great hall of the crow club below, watching your figure pass between the bodies, advancing towards the exit.
"Sooo…" Nina started, even though the attention wasn't on her. "Couple fights, right?"
But Kaz didn't think before nodding, trying to get past Nina to catch up with you. But of course the girl wasn't going to let Brekker get away with it that quickly. She was betting with Inej how long you two would pretend to have nothing. And now she was going to get the truth!
"So you're saying that girl is your girlfriend?" The smile of shock and excitement was wide open on her face.
Kaz muttered a curse, gently pushing the girl aside and moving towards the stairs, aiming to catch up with you. But not before answering:
"No, that girl is my wife!"
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gemstone-roses · 2 years
otto octavius x reader
summary: at the moment you can't bare to be alone with your thoughts
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, mentions of intrusive thoughts, anxiety, nightmares, exhaustion, fluff.
AN: this is an 18+ blog as is all my work including this one. likes/comments/reblogs appreciated🥺
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"You look exhausted", a mug of tea appears in front of you.
"Thanks very much" you said sarcastically, you are in fact, exhausted, you were just hoping he'd be to polite to point it out.
"Are you okay" he asks with a small smile and with such kindness you feel bad for being so mean.
You take a deep breath "thankyou for the tea doctor"
"Please, call me otto". He chuckles, he gives your shoulder a squeeze before settling back into his lab work.
You sigh, leaning back into your chair and rubbing your forehead, taking a sip of the tea you immediately spit it back out
"I take it your not a fan of chamomile then" you hear otto tease
"It is soap powder in a cup and no I won't explain why I know what that tastes like" you huff.
"Sorry" you smile, really though that was kind of you to bring me tea, even if it was awful tea.
"You should go home and get some rest, take the rest of the day o-
"No!" You say a little too quickly. "I just, I gotta finish these reports or Norman's gonna have my head, or my job, probably just my job definitely my job because you know how he gets and -
Otto chuckles at your words.
"Mr Osborn is on vacation"
"He has been for 3 weeks, and he didn't leave any instruction about your reports"
"Fuck" you huffed
"really though, are you alright?" The concern in his voice almost almost made you waver.
"I'm fine, thanks otto". He gave you a smile before returning to his work.
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"Your still here?". The Concern etched into ottos voice bought you out of your daydream.
"Mm" you looked up to notice everyone else had gone home, except for you.
You rubbed your head in frustration
"Come on, why don't we go sit on something more comfortable"
"You know for a man with so much money you'd think Norman would get half decent furniture" you complained.
Otto chuckled at you again
"Oh, nothing, you make me laugh thats all" he said.
"Sit" he said, pouring out some coffee and indicating to the couch.
He sits himself next to you and hands you a mug.
" thankyou" you smile.
"So, are you going to tell me the real reason your still here at almost midnight?"
"Im just trying to get ahead with my work" mumbled looking down, you fiddled with your sleeve
Otto grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze, causing you to look up.
"Y/n" he sighed
You gulped
"I, uhm, fuck, I just can't stop my mind from, well thinking, and i cant sleep because my stupid brain wont shut off and when i finally think im done with all these stupid thoughts im reminded of something that starts it all over again and it's just one thing after another, I keep having graphic nightmares all night long and my normal distraction methods are doing shit". You almost yelled.
You looked away from him,tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
"look at me" he tilted your head to face him.
"It's okay" he said, his eyes were so kind
The tears threatening to fall, fell and otto opened his arms for you.
You felt so safe in his arms, the kind doctor who would do anything for the people he cared about.
He held you for a while, tight, while your sobs eventually turned into sniffles
"Your coming home with me tonight"
"I am?" You sniffed
"You are" he smiled, getting up first he offers you his hand.
"Thankyou, otto". You smiled at him. Otto grabbed his coat and draped it round your shoulders.
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yesimwriting · 3 years
hi, i love all your work! could i please request headcanons for what it'd be like to go from being enemies to lovers with nikolai lantsov.
thank you:)
A/N maybe i moved this up on my request lists bc i woke up today and went 'nikolai lantsov'
- i'm being a little liberal with cannon bc my mind first went to 'princess! reader who hates nikolai bc they're competitive and then they have to team up together to try to get their parents to break up their arranged marriage but fall in love in the process (this might be a little undetailed but i'm thinking of writing a full fic or mini-series with this plotline so let me know if you'd be interested!! i could see a smutty ending to that fic but idk,, lmk what you thing ig lol)
- Ok so first off enemies to lovers with the loml nikolai lantsov would be SO GOOD bc he's so dramatic and obviously attractive so even though you hate him you know he's hot,, there's never a dramatic realization that he's attractive bc it's just a fact
- butttt you'd rather give up any claim you have to your family's throne than feed his already gigantic ego
- okk but lets get to the beginning of your enemies to lovers relationship
- so basically every summer your parents go and stay with Nikolai's family at this super fancy vacation home bc your parents are both royalty and your kingdoms have a very healthy relationship
- just bc it's the summer season doesn't mean it's summer vacation,, so as children for about a month you two share a tutor,, and when i tell you that created a rivalry so fast i mean it
- you're not the eldest princess and you're always trying to be the best for your parents approval, nikolai just wanted to impress the really smart girl who had a pretty laugh (poor nikolai lol,, he had no way of knowing how important being the best in school no matter what was to your self esteem)
- maybe if you two could communicate you’d like each other a little better at this point but it starts when you’re pretty young and by the time you’re like 13 it’s a solidified dynamic (and 13 year olds are the MEANEST and most insecure people in the world so that’s when your relationship turns to full enemies)
- now that you’re 13 you have more princess-y requirements, especially over the summer. So when you see that Nikolai gets to practice with swords and gets more free time while you have to practice setting tables you hate him more than ever. 
- Nikolai senses that you’re extra hostile but he has no idea why,, he tries asking once but he makes a joke about how ‘maybe you’re jealous bc youre no longer the center of my attention’ and even though he’s just trying to ease the tension you feel like he’s making fun of you
- so that’s when things get aggressive, but at that point summer is almost over so it’s whatever
- next summer comes and you’re still SO MAD at him,, so when you get to the estate you’re like ‘i’m not even talking to him idc how quiet these next three months are’ 
- and you get there all determined to hate him,, but once you get there and see him something in you cracks bc he had the audacity to spend the last year going through puberty AND LIKE HE’S ALWAYS BEEN CUTE BUT THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE 
- so youre mentally panicking bc how do you even talk to someone that looks like that now???? but then you remember that you didnt even want to talk him so in a panic youre like ‘maybe i can avoid him and he’ll just assume it’s bc i hate him bc i do,, who cares if he’s unbelievably hot now’ 
- nikolai doesn’t assume anything, he just gets to the estate and is like ‘why hasn’t she insulted me yet?? is she suddenly too good to give me attention?’ so during the lessons that you still share he gets an idea
- he decides to one-up you in everything bc that’s always gotten a reaction out of you 
- it works,, every time he corrects you or steals an answer from you, you’re ready to snap but then you look at him and take in his stupidly perfect face and  you just shut up 
- nikolai thinks it’s not working so he just tries harder
- by the end of week one you can’t take it anymore so when the tutor leaves at the end of lessons you snap, you tell him off for how often he’d repeat what you said and change a few words and get all the praise from the tutor
- on the inside he’s like ‘took long enough’ but the more you rant he’s like ‘is she okay???’ he’d be more concerned if you weren’t threatening his pride and at this point he’s still annoyed bc if you were that annoyed you should have just talked to him instead of ignoring him for a week
- he’s thinking that just bc you got really pretty over the last year doesn’t make you too good to yell at him on the daily
- the worst thing anyone can do to nikolai is ignore him LMAO (lowkey relatable)
- so he starts arguing with you and you’re so upset that you forget about how aggressively attractive he is 
- and you two are alone in this room and the more you argue the closer you two get
- the climax of the argument is when neither of you are yelling, you’re just so mad you’re beyond raising your voice and once you’re both at that point it goes like this: 
“Nikolai Lantsov, you are the most insufferable person I’ve ever met” 
“Well then, Darling, you should look in a mirror.” 
“You are so entitled, so ridiculously self obsessed that it ruins your attractiveness.” 
“...” he literally just like blinks twice. “You think I’m attractive?” 
“Uh? No--i didn’t say that at all, maybe if you didn’t have the language comprehension of a child you’d understa--” he just reaches forward, grabs the collar of your dress, and kisses you. 
- it’s your first kiss so you have no idea what you’re doing and it’s with some one you CANT STAND and you’re so mad bc you had expectations for your first kiss and he’s taken that from you--but the thing is,, 
- he’s good at it. Like really good at it. Like so good it makes you curious about what he does the nine months of the year he’s not stuck here with you bc there’s no way he hasn’t had practice. 
- but you’re also extremely confused and nervous and aware of how stupid you’re being (and a little hormonal bc being 14 isn’t easy) and then he places his hand on your cheek and that snaps some sense of reality into you bc it’s one thing to enjoy the kiss but another thing entirely to want him to escalate it
- so you place one hand on his chest and push him off of you slightly. He takes the hint, pulls away enough to look at you and then you two just stare at each other 
- your hand is still on his chest and you have absolutely no idea what comes next, but you find yourself looking at his lips
- since you haven’t slapped him or pulled away more than a few inches he thinks maybe things are okay so he leans forward slightly and kisses you again. 
- you reciprocate a little too fast, the kiss lasts two seconds before thinking about how insane you’re being so you push away entirely. 
- He lets you go,, and in the most awkward display ever you’re like ‘uh I need to go,, i can’t be late to ball preparation lessons’ and you leave that room faster than you’ve ever left a room in your entire life. 
- the next day you consider pretending to be sick to avoid him but that would only give him more power over the situation so you go,, and he’s just sitting there calmly
- youre on edge the entire day but he never even jokes about it
- a part of you is a tiny bit annoyed bc who kisses you and then pretends it never happened? but overall, you’re relieved 
- the days pass and it never comes up but now whenever you two argue you think of how quickly kissing him both shut him up and got rid of your tension 
- the summer goes by quickly, your usual dynamic has returned and you wonder if he even remembers kissing you. twice. in a row. 
- the next couple of years are normal,, even when you two no longer take lessons together you still dont like him. He’s just so assured and he takes such joy in bothering you. 
- and then one summer your parents sit you down and they’re like ‘we need to plan the future alliance of our kingdom’ 
- you’re a little confused bc you’re rarely allowed to sit in on these things bc you’re a girl and you’re basically meant to just be a royal’s bride--and then you realize why you’re there. 
- you start protesting before your father can finish announcing your engagement 
- the parents were smart bc they announced it at the end of summer so you two couldn’t drive them crazy or conspire
- the first thing you do when you get back to your castle is write to him for the first time ever 
- your letter is basically ‘pls tell me you’re doing something’ 
- the two of you talk until you come up with the plan to get your parents to break up your engagement 
- your parents dont really care about your feelings and they expect the two of you to argue with them,, but they care about the kingdoms
- so you two decide that if you act like youre so in love that you let your duties slip the engagement will end,, especially if you two are in love in a toxic way 
- so the next summer you two make sure to flirt and act like youre totally obsessed with each other and skip lessons together and just are constantly together and acting like you’re on a honeymoon
- your parents are like ?? since when 
- at one point you flirt with a random guard just so Nikolai can have a ‘jealous outburst’ while your families are strolling through the garden 
- ngl jealous nikolai had you ready to RISK IT ALL,, you were ready to drop the plan and marry him on the spot 
- he notices bc he notices everything about you and when your family walks away he gives you a quick kiss and youre stunned,, much to his delight 
- your desire to break up your engagement takes a slight backseat in your mind bc you decide to set off on a secret goal to make him flustered
- it doesn’t take much, your dresses get a little more risky, your comments get a little more suggestive
- the only problem?? he seems to have his own personal goal and it’s to make you even more flustered than he is
- soon the two of you are lost in layers of pretend and competition
- when your parents are finally thinking about delaying the engagement and keeping you two away from each other until you calm down a little (i feel bad for them,, an entire summer of being surrounded by the ULTIMATE sexual tension) 
- you’re sad and you don’t know why bc this is what you wanted, but then Nikolai stands up and says that you two planned for this and he has the letters to prove it (he was ready to drop the receipts LMAO) and youre like ??what are you doing?
- and he says he’d rather marry you then never see you again bc now all he wants is to get know you bc he has no idea how he wasted so much time arguing with you 
- and you just meltttt but your in front of your entire family and his as well so you just sit there for a minute and then you tell him you feel the same way 
- but the summer’s over
- you kiss him before leaving and he says you’ll have to visit bc he can’t go an entire year without seeing your ‘pretty face’ 
- you promise to visit him soon
- your at home for exactly a day and a half before getting an invitation to visit him 
- you laugh bc the only way that letter could get to you that fast is if he mailed it before you even left 
- you say yes obviously,, and spend some time having a really cute fall-dating vibes together until you figure out how you really feel 
- and you feel like he makes your heart STOP and that’s why you hated him,, bc you didn’t like being vulnerable 
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soclonely · 3 years
The clones as awkward scenarios?
Also known as "The Clones as Me in everyday life because I am awkward 24/7 ayyyyyyyyy"
Rex- Standing at a Crosswalk alone, with a bunch of cars lined up and you feel like they are staring at you and judging you silently
Echo- Making eye contact with someone on public transportation and they smile at you and you do your best to smile back but it comes out more like :| because you have zero social skills
Fives- walking up to a door the same time as someone on the other side and they hold it open for you even though you were just going to us the other door, so now you are socially obligated to go through their door AND say thank you or give one of those "thank ya" nods like cowboys do, but without the hat tip
Jesse- any sort of student/teacher interaction that is not through email.
Kix- having to have assistance at the self checkout lane, if you wanted to interact with people you would have went through the regular checkout
Tup- small talk at the hair salon
Dogma- showing up at the cart return thing in the parking lot right after the cart puller has taken them away so you look like a lazy ass not running it up back to the storefront, the thing was full when yu walked by one minute ago how were you supposed to know?
Hardcase- talking on bluetooth in my car, then getting out and hearing someone else talking on theirs and realizing how loud those things are and people probably heard you telling your friend about the sunburn on your butt.
Coric- awkwardly checking prices on things and when you put it back, noticing someone else in the aisle had glanced over and now you are wondering if they are judging you for being too "cheap" and if you should just buy the $15 myrtle beach shirt just because
Bly- Fixing your ponytail in public. idk why but it bothers me so much and I am adjusting it three different times before i think its ok
99- attempting to clean up your table as best as you can in the restaurant so the waiter doesn't think you are a pig and yu want it to be easier for them. mid transfer of some scraps the waiter comes up and asks if you are ready for them to clear some stuff and you panic because you weren't done trying to help yet and its currently a bigger mess.
Cody- Telling a joke but forgetting a punchline halfway through to a group of people at a work luncheon
Waxer/Boil- literally any outing with my dad is an awkward scenario. we are engineers and dont know how to chat normally.
Wolffe- getting into a coversation with some old lady that knows your family while grocery shopping and awkwardly trying to end it for about 30 minutes.
Boost/Sinker- sitting in the car in a parking lot and someone pulls up to the empty space next to yours and for some reason you all of a sudden get anxious like "wonder if they think i am sitting here stealing from the car? are they judging my music tastes? what if their door hits my door? should i tell them my mom is inside at the pharmacy???"
Hunter- making eye contact with someone in the car next to you.
Wrecker- wondering if you are taking too long in a public bathroom and trying to hurry and pee faster than a speeding bullet before someone walks up and tries to open the door.
Tech- telling someone something and them saying "yeah you've told me!" casually but you take it as they are tired of it.
Crosshair- reaching for a pole in public transportation but actually touching someones hand who was also holding the pole, but you are already committed so cant back down now.
Omega- a kid smiling at you and staring in public. that big :D and just holding it like that.
Howzer- opening the freeezer door at the grocery store, only to realize its the wrong door so you close it without grabbing anything and worry someone is going to make a comment about wasting the cold air in there.
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jerzwriter · 3 years
Delaying the Inevitable - One Day... Tobias
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Series: Delaying the Inevitable (Between Ch 23 - 24)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x MC, Ethan Ramsey (x MC)
Rating: Teen
Summary: One day in the life of Tobias Carrick in the early days of his relationship with Casey.
Category: Fluffish
Warnings: Language
A/N: Delaying the Inevitable is on hiatus this week, but here is a peek at one day as seen by Dr. Tobias Carrick. (Ethan's Day can be found here, and Casey's Day can be found here.) DTI will be back next week.
A/N 2:Please note: The social editor's available for iPhone right now do not allow me to add Instagram comments. They don't look great typed underneath, but I'm improvising. :)
7:20 AM
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7:32 AM
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7:35 AM
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8:05 AM
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CaseyMAMD: You're having a bagel without me!!! 😱😭 H Avery: Oh, Tobias, you are in so much trouble. Tobi_Wan_Kenobi: Don't worry, I'm bringing a dozen to the office. CaseyMAMD: The office???? I just get a generic bagel! Tobii_Wan_Kenobi: Of course not! You can have an office bagel and then your own personal bagel I'm packing on the side. Chief.Res.Varma: Please give mine to someone else, because you both make me sick. Bryce.Cuts.Thingz: ALONE? Bruh, I am HERE with you? Chief.Res.Varma: Finally! Someone else realizes you're not human too! CaseyMAMD: He just wants me 😘🥰 Tobi_Wan_Kenobi: Every second, of every day. Byrce.Cuts.Thingz: I'm taking his phone away. Chief.Res.Varma: THANK YOU!!!!!!
8:10 AM
T: What do I owe you for the breakfast? B: Don't worry about it. T: Seriously? At least take $20 toward it.
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B: "Whoa, don't close that up... give it here..." T: "What?" B: "Give me the damn wallet, T!" B: "Are you freaking kidding me?" T: "What? A man can't have picture of the woman he loves more than anything in this world in his wallet?" B: "Look, I might forgive you for the picture of Case, but what the hell is this little one of you two kissy facing here... is this..." T: (Grabs wallet from Bryce's hands.) "Give me that..." B: "Cant' you just keep photos in your phone? Like normal people in the 21st century?" T: "I have plenty of photos of her... of us... in my phone. I just don't know if I'm willing to share all of them with you..." B: ".... aaannnddd on that note... we have to go to work."
2:05 PM
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C: "Hey." T: "Hey, Beautiful. How is your day going?" C: "Better than yours. I saw you fighting with Dr. Lewis, what's going on." T: "The guy is an asshole, that's what's going on." C: "Honey, not for nothing, but you think just about every doctor in Edenbrook is an asshole." T: "And that's because 90% of them are." C: "I hope I'm not included among them." T: Smirks. "Are you serious?" C: "Just checking to see what you think of me." T: "You get out first today. You just be waiting for me when I get home, I'll show you exactly what I think of you."
8:45 PM
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Chief.Res.Varma: Casey's turn to cook huh? KidzDocMA: Stop Jackie! Casey makes the best breakfast! DocElijahG: And it stops there lol Chief.Res.Varma: Though she hasn't been responsible for food poisoning in at least a year. Tobi_Wan_Kenobi: Hey, hey, hey! Stop it! Dinner was delicious. CaseyMAMD: Thank you, baby. 💕 DocElijahG: Just don't let her cook for you if you want to make it to your 50th anniversary. Chief.Res.Varma: Or your 1st.
10:15 PM
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C: "You know, this is now my favorite part of the day."
T: "Really?"
C: "What, it's not yours? I mean, do you want me to move back to the guest room?"
T: "Oh, hell no! You're staying right here. Kiss, It's just that, for me, my favorite part of the day is any time I'm with you."
C: "Awwww. You're adorable. But if I said we could trade this, right now, for the two of us dealing with a miserable patient at work you'd pick?"
T: "You're right, as usual, this is the best part of the day."
Permatags: @adiehardfan @barbean @binny1985 @bluebelle08 @bluerosesbloom @brokenmemoriesblog @charisworld @chemist-ana @custaroonie @everybodyscreamsposts @icecoffee90 @jennieausten @kachrisberry @kalinahonore @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @mia143 @mjlbwork @mm2305
@phoenixrising308 @pixelberrygirl @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @shygirl4295 @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @toadfrog26 @txfledglingscribe @wanderingamongthewildflowers
OH Tags: @aishwarya26 @alina-yol-ramsey @chaoticchopshopheart @coffeeheartaddict2 @dorisz @kat-tia801 @lucy-268 @panda9584 @parisa-kh @queencarb @swiminthegarden @youlookappropriate @openheartfanfics DTI Tags: @animesuck3r @books-biscuits-and-bitches @delicialola16-blog @dottie-minerva-mikas @gardeningourmet More DTI Tags in Comments
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written-in-knife · 3 years
MC with tics (All Characters)
I was ticking at work and thought of this! I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else do one of these, so I figured I’d do one. Remember, everyone with tics has different experiences and these are mostly based on mine, this isn’t meant to be offensive in any way to anyone. And this is my first headcanon post! Hope you like it!
WARNING: Tic mentions, mostly vague descriptions of tics, mentions of self harm during tic attacks
He tries his best, he really does
Tries very hard to treat you like anyone else no matter what you say or do
But sometimes he just cannot ignore a tic
He knows you can't help when and what you tic
But that doesn't stop him from at least lecturing you now and then when you say the wrong thing at the wrong time
"I understand you cannot control your tics, but you cannot say Lord Diavolo has large breasts when he is in the room!"
Knows he can't help very much during a tic attack, especially if he's busy, but will immediately get someone who can help if you need it
Will check up on you afterwards, whether you want to talk about it or want a distraction from the fact that it happened, he's there
Reminds you his office is open for you if you just need a quiet place to go at any point
Made fun of you when you first showed up
He feels awful about it now but your tics still make him laugh sometimes
And does get annoyed by the clicking and whistling sometimes
He's alright to go to during a tic attack
He'll try his best to make sure you don't hurt yourself and provide distractions
And he will absolutely wait it out with you the whole way through
Appalled when you tell him he can just leave you alone during attacks
"What? Do ya not want help from the GREAT MAMMON?"
Actually terrified to leave you by yourself during attacks, but will very reluctantly leave if you insist during one
Will defend you to the death, literally if he has to, if someone is making fun of you
I headcanon him as having anxiety based tics that flare up when he's stressed or excited
The two of you "call and respond" with your tics so often the others will separate you if you're not in either of your rooms
You have absolutely developed anime based tics because of this boi
He's one of the best, if not the best, to call when you're having a tic attack
He makes sure you're comfortable and brings fidget items and distractions and will try his best to gently stop you if any of your tics inflict self harm
May have to leave though if your tics start triggering his own or vice versa
Will gift you fidget items that have helped him, most of them are anime themed, of course
He read up on tics when Lucifer told everyone you had them
Knew partially from Levi, but since he mostly keeps to himself, he didn't look into the finer details
He knows in theory what to do and what not to do
But this boy is absolutely not into it at first
You best not be near him when he's already pissed off or reading
Your clicks and whistles when he's trying to read irritates him to the point where he will relocate himself out of the HoL if he has to just to finish a chapter
He tries his best not to take it out on you, he knows you cant help it, but he has snapped at you a handful of times
Will absolutely pass you off to someone else if you start having a tic attack
But will check up on you when its over with a cup of tea and an apology
Has a love-hate relationship with your tics
Most of the time he finds them great, some of them are hilarious and you gave him permission to laugh if they're funny and no one is getting hurt
Other times you say something about him that he doesn't like
Or you end up hurting yourself! And neither of those will do.
Tries his best to help during tic attacks but he doesn't really know what to do
Will try to follow your instructions but will probably end up calling for help from someone else or just waiting with you quietly nearby
You have developed lots of tics because of him including "I love you" and "Your hair is shit"
Like I said, love-hate relationship.
I headcanon him as being the brother whos closest to Levi, so he's way more used to it than the others
He's the one most likely to copy your tics. Not to be mean, just because some of the noises you make are fun and he likes them
Will immediately stop and never do it again if you ask him not to though
Sweet sunshine boy tries his hardest to help during tic attacks but doesn't exactly know what to do
If any of your tics inflict self harm during an attack he will just try to hold you to make you stop
Will be the quickest to apologize if he triggers a tic
Will also be the quickest to come to your defense if someone is making fun of you at RAD
No matter how much he reacts or responds to them, he's probably the least bothered by your tics and is the easiest to hang out with
Another one who absolutely was not into it at first
He tries his best not to react to your tics but sometimes he's tired or irritated and your tics just annoy him
He will just silently remove himself from the room, even if you're the only two in that room
Is very glad to find out you don't tic in your sleep and it won't interrupt your shared nap time
He will also pass you off to literally anyone else during a tic attack
But he will leave his pillow with you during it
When you find him after the attack to return his pillow, he demands cuddles and a nap because you probably need one right? You deserve one, anyway.
Absolutely delighted when he discovers a tic that annoys Lucifer and will very subtly try to trigger ones he knows will set the eldest off
He find you absolutely fascinating
Asks so many questions about your condition, why tics happen, what they feel like, why you can't control them, how many humans have tics
You were very cautious about being around him when you first arrived at the Devildom, you didn't want to embarrass yourself or Lucifer
Until you had a wild new tic during a visit with him
Asmo had asked you what you thought of Lord Diavolo
And your tics responded for you with "he's got some tig ol biddies"
You thought Lucifer was going to pop a blood vessel
Luckily Diavolo did not know what "tig ol biddies" were
Unluckily he kept asking Lucifer to define the phrase for him
You got a hefty lecture that night
But Diavolo finds you delightful and that’s what counts, right?
Is the least concerned about your normal ticking
No matter what you say, what sounds you make, what gestures you make, what you do
As long as you're not hurting yourself, he will absolutely just treat you like everyone else
Doesn't even have to ask which phrases are tics and which aren't, he just knows
Was around for the "tig ol biddes" tic
You only saw it for a split second, maybe it was a trick of the light, but he cracked an amused smile at it
Another good one to go to if you're having a tic attack
He'll make you comfortable and bring you anything you need, but he won't stick around, he has work to do
He'll check in on you though, call for someone if you want, and be there for you once its over
Other than Levi, understands the most about tics
He's lived in the human realm for a long time, you can't tell me he hasn't encountered other people with tics
Is the most likely to jokingly respond to your tics
"Your hair is shit!" "Then pay for my haircut."
Will offer magical assistance (experimental) to lessen your tics
Will immediately call Simeon if he even suspects a tic attack coming on
He'll wait it out with the two of you, but he doesn't want to try to help you by himself
Has some real snarky comments for anyone making fun of you at RAD
Would be the least concerned about your tics if it weren't for the cussing
As an angel, he's almost required to clutch his pearls and give you a look when he hears some of the colorful phrases that come out of your mouth
He doesn't say anything since he knows you can't help it
Another good one to go to if you're having a tic attack
He will absolutely get you anything you need and make you as comfortable as possible
Very patiently waits it out with you and comforts you when you get frustrated
Had a moment of internal panic when you developed one of Levi's TSL tics
Has nearly as many questions as Diavolo; what are they, why do they happen, how long have you had them, why do you say that
Needs Simeon supervision to be around you, just in case
Gets his ears covered a lot, but still ends up asking what some of your more… explicit phrases mean
After a long time of being friends with the young angel, he finally convinced you to bake with him, despite your insistence that it was not a good idea
But you both had a lot of fun with it! Even with the mess the two of you had to deal with afterwards!
Your hands were clean, it didn't matter too much that you dipped your finger in the batter and dragged in across his forehead while saying "Simba"
Didn't get the reference anyway, which did prompt a good movie night
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kaz11283 · 3 years
44 and 45 for writing prompts?
44) Close Your Eyes
45) Will You Marry me
Your Favorite Suprise
Warnings: fluff
Characters: Your favorite God of Mischief, Nat, Clint (brother, I know I have a weird problem ok?), Steve, Tony, Thor
Summary: you and Loki had been dating for a while now it only made since that he wants to take the next step.
Announcements: Ah yes, while I should be working on the next chapter of my series Im doing a Loki Request list...makes sense to me. I have decided to start posting a chapter a week and I have decided to start posting The chapters on Fridays. But I'll probably still be doing one shots and drabbles randomly during the week along with request. *its like really early in the morning here so if I am not making any sense i will probably post another update soon.* love you guys, thank you for the request! 💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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Loki had been distant all day, he wasnt in any of the normal places that he normally would have been. You had checked in the library, his room, even the lab none held signs that the god had been there all day.
"Guys, have you by any chance seen Loki?" You asked walking into the living room where your brother and Nat were wrestling, for some unknown reason, Thor and Steve sat watching.
"Tall guy, wears to much green, pointy hat?" Clint choked out from a chokehold. Sometimes you wondered if you were really the oldest with the way he acted.
"Last time I seen my brother he was heading out to the large balcony on the top floor with a rather heavy looking box." Thor called over his shoulder. "No no no Hawkman, you odviously doing it wrong. Let me show you." He said getting up walking over to the two on the floor.
"Whatever, he'll know where to find me I guess." You said jumping over the back of the couch sitting down next to Steve.
"Hey! No jumping on the furniture. I swear its like I live in a house full of kids between you and Parker jumping and flying around." Tony yelled from the kitchen door.
Steve rolled his eyes and looked at you. "Thor is trying to show them some Asguardian fighting moves. Nat picked up pretty fast, your brother on the other hand..."
"He does better in a roost high above the ground. Only reason I use to hate fighting with him is because he could climb higher than I could." You laughed.
"Ok Lord Thunder if you can do better be my guest." Clint took a step back allowing Thor to stand in. Thor gave a bellowing laugh and got in a fighting stance.
"My people invented these moves I can easily take down Nat."
After a few rounds and Thor definitly losing causing the room to howl with laughter at his confusion Loki walked in.
"So the man of mysteries returns. Where have you been darling." You asked as he came to stand beside you.
"Just working on a suprise for you my dearest." He laughed leaning down and kissing the top of your head.
"Please stop, there are young eyes in the room." Clint groaned from a recliner across from you causing you to roll your eyes.
"Yeah, if your going by shoe size." You mocked. Turning to Loki you looked at him. "What does the god of mischief have up his sleave for me?"
"Come dear, I would rather show you." He offered you his hand and you walked from the room.
He lead you to the room where the balcony was located and turned to you. "Close your eyes."
"Ummm why? You planning on pushing me off?" You laughed realizing that he had a serious look on his face. "Nevermind." You closed your eye, as soon as they were shut you felt a cloth wrap around your head. "If you wnted something like this all you had to do was ask." You smirked.
"Oh nine realms y/n. Get your mind out of the gutter for just a little bit." You couldnt see it but you knew he was rolling his eyes. "This is serious." You could hear the smile in his voice.
"Ok fine, serious, I can be serious for like 5 minutes. I cant guarantee the comments that will follow after the time is up though." You laughed.
"Sometimes I feels like I'm dating your brother." He huffed taking your hand and leading you onto the balcony.
"We are basically the same person, I just look alot better than he does in a cat suit." He let go of your hand just after walking out of the door and disappered.
"You know that mouth is one of my favorit things about you." He whispered in your ear cauing your heart to flutter. "Always quick to the punch, it never fails." He said kissing the side of your mouth.
"But my absolute favorit thing about you is your willingness to over look a persons flaws, to give everyone a chance, even if they dont deserve it. You have such an open mind forgiving everyone that you feel need forgiving. Looking for the good in a person and giving that person hope that maybe there is hope left for them." This time he brushed your hair from your neck kissing you behind the ear sending a shiver down your spine.
"Loki you was never a bad person-" you saod trying to defend him aginst hisself
"I brainwashed your brother." He countered. "You didnt just do it for me though. You stood up for Wanda, for Bucky, you stand up for the underdogs that wouldnt have a chance other wise."
"Wanda needed a family, Bucky was Steves best friend and I seen how it hurt him for eveyone to be aginst him. Also brainwashed. Im kinda seeing a pattern here though." You smiled.
"Y/n, honestly would you jusy be quiet for a few more minutes." He sighed.
"Ok, lips are sealed. Continue telling me how great I am." He sighed again pulling you closer to the middle of the balcony.
"You have been my light in the darkest tunnel I had ever been in. When the others shut me out you were always there to let me know I wasnt alone. I could travel to all nine realms and never find another soul as caring and as trust worthy as you, who holds me at night when nightmares wake me up, who actually seen good in me and who has made me a better person." You felt him reach behind you and untie the knot from the blind, you kept your eyes closed as you felt him grab your hand again this time there was a slight pull. "Darling you can open your eyes."
When you opened them you were awestruck with the sight in front of you. Farie lights had been hung from the rafters causing a warm glow around the balcony, ivy and white flowers hand been drapped on the walls givingbthe whole place a cozy feel. You looked at Loki noticing him kneeling in front of you, you opened your mouth to make a comment but quicky shut it not wanting to ruin the moment.
"Y/n Barton there is no one else I would rather travel the nine realms with but you, I would walk across time and space to see you smile. Would you please do me the honor of being my princess? My Queen? For all eternity? Will you marry me?" He pulled out a small black box for his pocket and opened it revealing a silver band entwind with a beautiful type of black metal a small emerald sat nestled between the two holding the jewel in place. Your eyes shot up to his and tears started to flow. You didnt trust you voice in that moment son you simply shook your head.
He was on his feet in no time easily slipping the band on your finger before wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you close to him. You placed your hands on either side of his face pulling him into you for a kiss. "Yes." You mumbled aginst his lips as he smiled into the kiss. "A million times yes!"
"We are going to have a wedding!" Thor yelled from the open door causing you both to jump. You looked up in time to see everyone that had been in the living room crowed around watching the two of you. "Lady y/n, a fine sister you will make!" Thor beamed picking you up into a crushing hug.
"You can have her! Ive had her as a sister long enough." Clint said beside you as he leaned down to kiss you cheek. "Congrats sis."
"You knew didnt you?" You smiled.
"Of course I did. Hes kinda old school, asked if it would be ok if he asked you. Nice guy, once you get past the whole mind control thing." You smacked his in the chest.
"In my defence you did try to shoot me woth an arrow that exploded." Loki said wrapping his arm around your waist.
"Ill take back the approval to marry my sister." He saod looking straight at him.
"No you wont, ive already said yes. Besides he really makes me happy. Truly honestly happy." You smiled looking up at Loki giving him another kiss.
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Beetlejuice x reader
Beej and reader have a fight, reader pretends beej is invisible to get back at him
Sorta nsft, crude language
"I cant believe you, I asked you multiple times, we had a deal and still"
Beetlejuice, after promising he wouldnt, scared the piss out of your friend who dropped by to help you fix your laptop, you two had a deal, he refrains from scaring and you buy him those salted tarantulas he loved so much. But no, he broke your deal. Your poor friend was was in tears it was so bad, he even left his coat behind, even worse he wouldnt responded to your calls or texts as you were trying to do damage control and cover up what beetlejuice did.
"Come on babes, i was doing ya a favor-"
"How?! By ruining what little soical life I have?! Making the people I care about be afraid to come near me?!" You snap back, you didnt have many friends, there was nothing wrong with that, you just only had a few, and now you're terrified that you lost one for good because of the demon.
Glancing to your phone, still no response
"Well he's gotta come back for his coat sugar" beetlejuice shrugs
You scowl at the ghoul, Beetlejuice's confidence shrinks at the sight of how mad you really were, to the point it looked like you were going to cry, he huffs.
"Like I said sugar, I was doing you a favor, I KNOW guys like that, they help a gal out, in hopes they'll get a little-"
the ghoul flinches at your tone, purple hue taking over his appearance, you never raised your voice to that extent.
"We had a deal, you broke it cuz you dont care about anything but a cheap thrill" you were right in his face, it was a weird scene, a delicate breather yelling at a demon they have backed into the wall.
"Whoa there, believe me, your friend-"
"I don't want to hear it, if shit went bad I would have called you, but they would never do that, you're just looking for an excuse to-" you sigh, deflating and anger being replaced with exhaustion "who cares, theres no point in even arguing with you, just forget it" you back down, and shuffle to your bedroom to mope, curious on why you gave up, beetlejuice follows, till he gets to your room, placing his ear against the door, nothing.
He huffs, okay so maybe he just wanted to scare your friend, to have his cake and eat it too, and maybe he was jealous at how well the two of you got along, and yeah he was lying on how he could tell your friend had alternative motives, but hes a demon straight from hell, scaring is what he does, deal or no deal, you dont ask a bird to stop flying. Floating over to the living room he flops down on the couch, he sighs, whatever, you'll be back to your easy going self tomorrow, and you'll forgive him, like always, you were the bigger person after all.
Morning comes and Beetlejuice perks up when he sees you heading to the kitchen to start your morning routine, he quickly joins you, eager to see if your not as mad as you were for his little joke.
"Morning babes"
No response, maybe you're still half asleep.
"G'morning" the tries again a little louder, still no response, he huffs, grabbing onto your arm and giving it a yank, causing you to stumble "I said, morning"
You yank your arm back, refusing to look at the ghoul as you continue to make your coffee
You brush past him as if he was invisible, you were still mad.
"So you're gonna give me the cold shoulder huh? You're gonna regret that" he mutters watching you stare at your phone as you enjoyed your morning coffee.
It starts off simple, beetlejuice slapping your phone out of your hand, and you picking it back up as if you dropped it, then he bumped it up following you around the house being in the way, following you into your room, leaning against the door watching you get dressed, making lewd comments and gestures the entire time
"Pretty cute panties sugar, shame they don't match the bra" "why dont you just hang around in your undies today baby? It's too hot to not" giving you a jerking off motion the whole time you were changing.
But Still no response from you, you were being so stone faced, beetlejuice had to legit question if he was invisible again, he wasnt. What happened to his jumpy easily embarrassed breather? Were you really that upset?
The entire day went on like this, every time you would make eye contact with beej he would pull a disgusting face to try and get something from you, dehinging his jaw, and have a tarantula crawl out, or replacing his eyes with mouths, at one point he pull out all the stops, a face so horrible and horrific, he did get you to react,seeing the colour drain from your face, but you made a quick retreat to the bathroom to regroup, a small victory and he took it, shame you didnt scream or curse at him though.
Leaning against the closed bathroom door he snickers "nice try babes, I'll give ya that, but no one can ignore the ghost with the most, so how about you drop this silly game"
No response
Enough was enough, Hes had it with this childish game, you're supposed to be the bigger person not him, beetlejuice phases his head through the door, completely red "I WILL NOT BE IGNORED Y/N" he shrieked, steam practically coming out of his ears.
And as if on cue, you leave the bathroom as if you didnt have a ghost head screaming at you on the door.
The red quickly leaves Beetlejuice's hair and is replaced with an awful mix of blue and purple, this was worse then being banished, he'd rather have you yelling at him then this, at least you'd be talking to him, acknowledging him, pulling his head out of the door, he floats after you.
Seeing you sitting on the couch messing around with your phone, he sits down next to you, you dont look up from what you're doing, but you do notice his now purple and blue hue, as bad as you feel about that, You cant break now.
The rest if the evening beetlejuice hung close by you, never saying a word, never touching you, just being there, watching you.
As you head to bed, the ghoul doesnt follow, he stays behind twiddling his thumbs, feeling rotten, he forgot how awful it was to be invisible, and hell he wasnt, he was just being treated as such, what's gotten into you? You're never this strict on being mad with him, you normally would break by now. He sighs, were you really that mad at him messing with your friend? How long will this go on? He didnt want the one breather he cared for so much to pretend he wasnt there anymore. Being invisible sucks, being alone sucks, he wants your attention back, he wants you back.
As you get yourself ready for bed, you hear a knock at your door, weird, cuz beetlejuice would either just barge in or walk through the wall, before you could debate on acknowledging him you hear him speak
"Hey, y/n? I get it, you're pissed, and this is you getting back at me, yeah, I know I broke our deal, and our promise, and scared the piss out of that scrawny breather, and I'm sorry"
You basically go bug eyed at that, you didnt think beetlejuice was capable of apologizing
"I'd rather you be screaming at me till you're blue in the tits, then to have you ignore me, a harsh reminder how lonely I use to be when I was invisible, without you, so..." he trailed off
You opened the door to see the demon, completely purple, he flinches at the sight of you, nervous on how you'd react
"I forgive you" you say softly
You see Beetlejuice's expression change on a dime, to depressed to over joyed, in a split second you were in him arms, his scruffy beard rubbing against your neck as he spun you around the room, once the spinning stops the demon still hold you tight, refusing to let your feet touch the ground.
"That's all I wanted from you, an apology" you manage to squeak out
"You should have said so sweets"
"That's not the point" you push away from the ghoul as a signal you want to be pit down, he reluctantly does so "the point is I shouldn't have to tell you, and I know it's something we gotta work on if we're gonna make this whole thing work, I dont like being mad at you" you sigh "but let's drop it for tonight yeah?" You walk over to the bed, turning to face the demon, slightly purple, fiddling with his tie, you give him a soft smile "would you like to sleep with me tonight?"
The purple hue quickly leaves him and is replaced with soft pink and green, yes beetlejuice has slept with you on many occasions, but was NEVER invited, he always just snuck in while you were asleep and see your embarrassed face in the morning.
"Only if you'll respect me in the morning, babes"
You snort a laugh "of course Beej"
In a flash you were tucked in with beetlejuice next to you, his arms wrapped around you, more then two, hands holding you as if you would up and leave him, one tangled in your hair, one rubbing your back, one on each shoulder, hell you even felt them gripping your ankles, and yet not a one groping you in any way, it was a mess of limbs.
"I guess you're not invisible anymore huh?" You whisper
The demon snorts, pulling you closer to his side "you're gonna regret that joke sugar"
You try to smile but are interrupted with a yawn.
"Night sweets"
Waking up in the middle of the night as you're known to do, forgetting the demon was holding you, you wake up in an anxious state, you quickly calm down when you remember what happened earlier. The ghoul's hands were still all over you, still shocked that not a single one has tried to grope you, as he was known to do.
You sigh content that your little childish game got the better of him, yes you felt bad about it, but it paid off to get him to take something seriously.
As you were about to go back to sleep a low grumble catches your attention, looking over to beej, in the dark you you could see he was more purple then green, you frown.
"Y/n don't leave me alone...." a low mumble, Beetlejuice's grip tightens around you, pulling you close to him, was he talking in his sleep?
You snuggle close to the demon, gently kiss his lips and whisper
"I wont, I promise"
Despite the ghoul being asleep you swear you see him smile.
Tomorrow you'll make it up to him for your childish torment.
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birdy-bat-writes · 4 years
Headcanon- Birdflash Besties
Requested by @offendedfishnoises I love you to the moon and back, Fish! Theres a second HC coming right after this, because I’m in a wally west mood.
A/N: I’m so horribly sick and I cant even tell if this was actually good, but it got me in my birdflash heart. @river-bottom-nightmare sob with me.
Comments are always appreciated!
-       Wally and Dick are absolute madlads. When they’re together, good luck to anyone around them.
-       Dick and Wally spend endless hours on the manor. Not in it; ON it. These two geniuses like to climb the exterior and walk on the roof. Dick gets a kick out of giving Wally a little heart attack by doing flips on the roof tiles.
-       Once, Dick almost slipped and Wally freaked out and rushed to catch him, but the little surge of lightning blew the power out of the manor. Needless to say, they ran to central city for a bit.
-       Wally calls Dick for fashion advice. Dick will always tell Wally he looks fine as is. He’s not used to Wally being in anything other baseball tees, and sweaters.
-       Dick canonically hates dressing up for events and wearing ties and junk but over time he’s learned to accept that he has to. Not at all because they make him look hot.
-       When Wally was coming to his first gala, back when they were kids, Dick had to begrudgingly fix Wally’s bow tie. He did it only once and Wally memorized it. From now on, when Dick get lazy and unwilling to get dressed, Wally forces him to put on his suit, and hand ties the bow tie for him. Sometimes he tries different colors.
-       Dick has a favorite sandwich shop in central city and when Wally misses Dick, he’ll go to that sandwich shop and order Dick’s go to order.
-       Sometimes, Wally will order two sandwiches and speed to Gotham city. The first time it happened was cute.
-       “Hi, Alfred….is Dick here?”
-       *smiles* “He’s on the basketball court.”
-       ***
-       “Hey…...!”
-       “Wally? What are you doing here?” Dick was surprised but happy as heck. He wanted to spend more time with Wally but was afraid to ask or bring it up. One of the perks of having an emotionally stunted dad is that you’re afraid to ask for companionship.
-       “I was at the sandwich shop you liked, and I thought I’d bring this over!” He looked so happy. The emotion was evidently contagious because Dick cracked the biggest smile Wally had ever seen and all nerves melted away.
-       They walked along the manor grounds eating their sandwiches and played a game of horse after. Special rules: No flipping, no superspeed.
-       It became a normal occurrence after that. Wally speeds over and Dick just greets him with “Aww you missed me.” And big sarcastic grin.
-       Dick keeps Wally’s favorite snacks scattered in his room, the yj headquarters and the titans tower. Even in his car.
-       Dick has actually randomly taken a train to central city at 2:00 am to go see Wally after he came back from a long mission because he really missed him.
-       Little did he know, that Wally called Alfred to ask if Dick was back yet and when Alfred said he went to the train station, Wally made his way there and waited for the 3:00 am train arriving from Gotham.
-       Neither of them were even surprised to see each other when the doors opened.
-       “How rough was that mission? You look like crap.”
-       “Gee, what a warm welcome.” And then they hug and head to his place where they catch up over the bottle of beer.
-       Dick feels emotionally exhausted if he spends too much time around other people. He needs time alone in a day to recharge.
-       The only person who doesn’t drain his social battery is Wally because Wally is the only person, he doesn’t have to put up the “smooth easy-going cool guy” persona around.
-       Dick is the only person Wally truly opens up to.
-       They keep a change of clothes at each other’s houses and spare supersuits.
-       Wally and Dick once saved a baby bird in a park outside the hall of justice and every time they visit, they check on the nest.
-       After 3 years of constantly checking, they’ve found that the baby bird grew up and built its own nest in the same tree and even had babies.
-       They named that bird and call it their child.
-       They know each other’s coffee orders and will bring each other coffee and muffins by default if they’re meeting early.
-       Wally has a pair of nightwing swimming shorts and Dick has a pair of Flash swimming shorts. They will wear them to the pool together and never say anything about it. They were matching gag gifts.
-       Dick takes lattes with espresso shots and cinnamon, and Wally takes coffee with a dash of creamer. Wally always takes blueberry muffins and Dick will take a croissant. They never actually told each other the orders. They just kinda picked it up.
-       Wally always knows when Dick isn’t feeling well, and Wally is the only person who can convince Dick to take a break.
-       Dick has felt he’s had to prove himself his entire life to everyone. Wally is the only person who’s been his constant and their friendship isn’t conditional. They both know that.
-       When Dick “died”, Wally ordered Dick’s favorite drink at a bar every night even though he couldn’t feel any effects of alcohol. He also suddenly found himself taking lattes with espresso shots.
-       When Dick came back, Wally gave him the “Ohhh, who said ‘Do me a favor and don’t die again’??? YOU DID. And look what you went and did! Died. That’s hypocrisy. You’re a hypocrite! Omg, how could you?! I love you so much dude, don’t you ever do that again! Get yourself a helmet. Jason’s got the right idea. Never leave me again.” All while he’s hugging Dick so tight, he may have stopped breathing.
-       Meanwhile Barbara and Conner and everyone else is waiting so meet dick after his return and they just can’t because Wally is hogging him and twirling him like a rag doll. Dick just accepted it. So did everyone else.
-       These two have adorable little mementos. The first bullet that dick ever had to pull out of Wally on a mission was turned into a penny and gifted to Wally on the anniversary of him joining the team.
-       Dick goes through a lot of domino masks, but Wally kept the last one he used as Robin in a little case with Flash symbol that was on his Kidflash suit. They both look at the case as Nightwing and the Flash.
-       They are besties to end of time and long after.
Taglist: @anothertimdrakestan @offendedfishnoises @comicsandhoney @river-bottom-nightmare @catxsnow @cries-in-fangirl-23 @batarella @idkmanicantenglish @hauntingsonofrobin @l-inkage @subtleappreciation @ereaaa Message me or comment if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
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let’s talk racial micro aggressions, because i’ve been seeing a lot of them being used online toward people speaking out about racism and even in fandoms unfortunately, so i think it’s time we have a talk. this is gonna be a semi long one, so buckle up.
just for reference, im asian american. because of that i’ve gone my entire life experiencing racism and discrimination simple because im not white. of course, i have definitely had it better than a lot of people, but that doesn’t take away from my experiences at all. i grew up hating the way i looked, trying to fix myself because i genuinely thought something was wrong with me. this led to years and years of insecurity and self hatred. something i had to go through alone, because my family was white and i was too afraid to tell them how i felt. i was afraid they wouldn’t understand. it’s still something i struggle with, though it’s gotten better.
growing up, as stated before, i was around white people. growing up in a very white town, i unfortunately wasn’t formally educated on racism or what micro aggressions were, i just knew that certain comments made me uneasy and uncomfortable, and hurt my feelings. it wasn’t until i was older, when i started using social media that i really came to understand what all of this was. 
a lot of you who have white privilege are using it to uplift bipoc voices, and i think that’s great. however it’s also important to acknowledge that many people who are actively anti racist still have implicit biases, which can lead to microaggressions.
first of all, what are microaggressions? you may or may not be familiar with the term. if you’re not, that’s okay! you can use this post to educate yourself and make sure you don’t make these mistakes in the future. microaggressions are defined as brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioural, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative prejudicial slights and insults toward any group, particularly culturally marginalized groups.
basically, intentional or unintentional derogatory and prejudice behaviors directed towards marginalized groups.
these are very harmful to marginalized groups, mostly because they’re not as blatant as outright racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc. this makes it often hard to detect, and you may have found yourself using micro aggressions at some point in your life. that’s not important though, what’s important is that, if you have used them in the past, you understand what you said or did was wrong, and that you learn from it.
now, what are specific racial micro aggressions? i’ve compiled a list of them under the cut, and explained why these are insulting and harmful to poc.
“where are you really from” – this insinuates that we will always be seen as foreigners, and not citizens to our own country. it brings on a feeling of not being good enough and that we will not be accepted. 
“not everything’s about race” – if you’re white stop telling bipoc how to feel about race. we are tired of it. please don’t speak over us when we are expressing our discomfort. if poc people are telling you something is racist, it’s racist. stop trying to argue with us, as you are not the ones being affected by it. 
“your food is so weird” – it’s only weird to you because it hasn’t been westernized or americanized. insisting that foreign foods are weird or gross because you aren’t used to it, is hurtful. it’s insulting. 
“all asians look the same” – by saying this, you’re taking away our individuality. asia is a huge continent, not all of us follow the same traditions and not all of us look the same. it’s not a funny joke, and it never has been. 
“you’re pretty for a *insert any race here*” – this is just such a backhanded compliment. it implies that we are not typically or conventionally pretty. it has the same negative connotations as saying “you’re really good...for a girl”. that’s misogynistic for the same reasons saying this is racist. 
“i don’t see color” – again, you’re basically erasing our individuality and culture and telling us we shouldn’t embrace it. many pocs even completely distance themselves from their cultures to seek white validation, which is in every sense of the word, upsetting. people want to fit in so bad that they’re willing to leave behind their entire culture. something that sucks about being adopted at such a young age from a white family, is that i have never had a connection with my culture. i know nothing about it, and that hurts. i rationalized in my head that the reason i didn’t learn about it sooner was because i was happy, but that was a lie i told myself for years. the sad thing is, is that because i wasn’t connected to my culture at all, i fit in better and had an easier time making friends then other pocs in my school. 
assuming all asian people are smart or good at math – stop. it’s not funny. never has been. the stereotype that all asians are smart is not a compliment, and puts a lot of pressure on us as individuals. it objectifies us, assuming we are more like machines and not actual people. long story short, it’s dehumanizing. 
“im not/cant be racist i have black friends” – contrary to popular belief, yes you can be. you can still have a racial bias while being friends with bipoc people. being associated with poc people doesn’t suddenly mean you’re not racist. you may even make racist jokes and think it’s okay because they don’t tell you to stop. just because they are seemingly unbothered does not mean it’s not still racist. a lot of times we are uncomfortable in situations like that, but are too afraid to speak up in fear of our feelings being invalidated or being told to lighten up because it’s just a joke. saying we’re too sensitive when it comes to making mockeries of our races and cultures, is also a micro aggression. 
saying “you people” or “y’all” when talking, usually negatively, about a person of a specific race – you’re generalizing an entire group because of one bad experience which is just contributing to the stereotypes and racism we face daily. one or a few bad interactions with a person of a different race does not speak for an entire population.
clutching your bag tight when a poc person, usually black or latinx, stands next to you or following them in the store – the way i still have to explain this one in 2020. they are not criminals, but by doing this, you’re contributing to the stereotype that they are all criminals and thugs, which simply isn’t true. this stereotype is very damaging and harmful, as it also contributes to the systematic oppression of those people. 
assuming someone only got a certain job or position because they’re bipoc – this insinuates that we did not work hard to get where we are, and that we did not deserve what we got. we simply got it because we aren’t white. affirmative action comes up a lot in this conversation. all affirmative action does is help decide between equally qualified people by favoring the ones who suffer from discrimination in society, but it does not reserve spots for them.
assuming someone knows how to speak mandarin because they’re asian – asia is a large continent with A LOT of languages and cultures. not everyone is chinese. not everyone speaks the same language. it’s insulting and adds to the already hurtful stereotype that all asians look the same.
“you speak english really well” or “how did you learn to speak english so well” – it’s called practicing because people have been making fun of those with accents for years, simply because they are not used to it. being surprised when a poc speaks english well implies that you may think because they’re not white, they are less educated. we’ve simply assimilated because our cultures are constantly rejected and mocked by white people and even other pocs. this also contributes to the notion that westerners are more “civilized” or that they are better, because they(generally speaking this obviously doesn’t apply to everyone)make no effort to learn our cultures, but we have to learn theirs in order to be seen as “acceptable”.
“but *insert race* are racist too” or pointing out immoral things other countries do when people of that race speak up about racism - you’re redirecting the conversation to avoid responsibility. you don’t actually care about those issues, you just want to invalidate our struggles by pointing out that a place many of us have not been to in a long time, or ever, is very flawed. we have no say in what that government chooses to do. not all places are a democracy, and many democracies around the world are flawed.
something important to remember is that anyone can be guilty of implicit bias and micro aggressions. this is not selective to one race. 
if you have anymore of these, please feel free to add on. also, if you’re a poc and something i wrote made you uncomfortable, please tell me. i want to make sure im being truthful with what i said. i did do research for some of these, and some were based on personal experiences, but if you want to add to something or you want me to change or delete something do not hesitate to call me out. 
unfortunately they and other racial stereotypes are very prevalent in american media, which has normalized it in our society. this post is solely meant to educate if you weren’t previously aware of the dangers micro aggressions have on minorities. i started the list because i was tired of seeing so much normalized racism online, but i hope you learned something useful with this. if you stuck around this long, thank you for listening. i appreciate it a lot. 
as for my zutara fans, i apologize for making so many rant posts rather than posting incorrect quotes. i just feel like im able to reach a larger audience with the platform i have on this account than any other one. 
anyway, that’s all. thank you again for listening :) 
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og-danny-dorito · 4 years
{ Some SFW Tamaki Headcanons For Your Daily Dose Of Somft™}
OKAY hi hello, I know I've been gone for a while but I'm kinda back now since ive had a burst of inspiration lately for no reason in particular. This is partially cause I actually just finished watching BNHA and good lord, let me tell you bro- I have WAY too many thoughts about this dude for it to be a normal infatuation so here we go! -w-;
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- FIRST of all, I'm like 90% sure this dude listens to like really soft cute music like Lofi remixes or those rlly cute anime openings that give off Soft Boy vibes???
- he's like a soft person in general already so its kindof a given. he really likes pastel colors a whole lot for that reason cause they're more muted and subtle and aren't completely overbearing
- he actually owns like, 40 oversized pastel sweaters with various prints and designs on them for that reason. that and oversized soft sweaters are year-round
- most of his clothes are kinda oversized though?? like if you've watched the anime and can see how his shirt fits him I'm like 90% sure it's like a size bigger than it should be (his natural size is a medium in men's, I'm assuming, since he's like canonically 5'9" and not really muscular). his hero costume is also a little bigger than it should be in some areas and it fits around him like a big blanket
- there are MULTIPLE reasons for this imo, but the main two are that he's A) self conscious and therefore less confident in things that fit him better, and B) likes feeling like things aren't constricting him like tight shirts do
- on the self-conscious point, he already has issues with about like 500 other things that concern himself, so why not physical???
- let me explain- his form is naturally slim, which means that he hasn't really ever been as physically muscular as the other heroes (mostly cause his quirk burns up most of his calories and he has a naturally fast metabolism), and is consistently reminded of it
- he doesn't want other people to think of him as less or weaker in the general public because he doesn't look as physically strong as the other heroes, so he wears clothes that aren't very form fitting to hide this fact and therefore avoid the possibility of criticism of is physical features
- also, you're on tumblr, the land of people who are or have been physically self conscious for whatever reason, so it's pretty safe to assume that you've worn/wear oversized clothing. do you know how comfy they are??? it's like being wrapped in a formless blanket that makes it feel as if you arent able to be subject to criticism from others. it's literally the BEST
- his closet really just consists of things that are bigger than him really, but he does have some skinny jeans and a few formal outfits that fit him properly. his figure is actually kind of cute in a way since he's more on the slim/muscular side but if you EVER tell him he looks handsome in something that's more fitting than he ususally wears he will have a slightly boosted self confidence but amplified anxiety, no exceptions
- but he doesnt really like receiving compliments to be honest, and there's a few reasons for that
- as a kid not many people talked to him so he would occasionally be subject to being outcast by others. as a child he knew that when the teachers were being too nice to him by complimenting his work or talking too him too much that it was out of pity. he felt like he was being patronized out of personal obligation to be inclusive and not in personal interest, so he still has some remnants of that mentality due to having grow up with that
- being given a serious and genuine compliment isn't something he's used to and quite frankly he might be a little uncomfortable if he doesn't know you very well
- if, however, he knows you well and trusts that your comments aren't out of spite or ill-intent, his face usually turns a bright shade of red as he either A) stutters out a nervous thank you or B) hides his face in his hands and refuses to say anything until it's subsided
- he'll usually try to compliment you back, even though its hard to hear over his incredibly soft voice. it's usually something about how nice you are or how he doesn't understand how someone like you can think that way about him, but he secretly really likes feeling like someone cares and appreciates him
- speaking of soft voices, I'm almost entirely convinced that he can sing. since he doesn't really go out with friends in his spare time since he basically only has two close ones, he usually either trains or, alternatively, sings
- its more of a subconscious thing to him to sing along when his favorite song is on, but he only does it when he's alone. the thing is that he thinks his voice is horrible since he hasn't had any extensive formal education in music and generally doesn't try that much to refine his skills manually but his singing voice is like, literally angelic
- seriously, if you get this man to sing 'Heather' by Conan Grey its like listening to some sort of ethereal being trying to lull you to sleep
- its not like he'd ever do this in public because of his anxiety and insecurities, but asking him nicely and swearing you won't tell anyone about it usually gets him to do it, albeit kinds shyly at first. it takes some working up to really, from him nervously singing gently to a song while his back is turned to you to just starting to hum along to songs by habit while you're around
- the only time he really does it to his own violation can be when you're sick (he cant say no to someone who's injured, it makes him feel terrible), when you're about to fall asleep, or even when he forgets that he's around other people and is doing some sort of chore or task around the house
- mentioning it to others makes him even more embarrassed than physically possible, and he usually covers his ears to mask the sounds of your praise about him. he hates drawing attention to himself and simply cannot Deal™ with the compliments he's receiving
- this is amplified if you're in a romantic relationship with him since, lets be completely honest here, he's literally never been in a relationship before
- I mean like, if that one girl who was with him for a week in 5th grade counts for anything, then I guess he's been in one before but other than that he has no experience
- how does he accept compliments? how do you genuinely love him?? should he dress better when around you???? oh god, do you secretly hate a bunch of things about him and only like him because he's a good hero????
- there's literal pages in his search history dedicated to is panicked questioning about what he should do if you haven't told him you love him in more than a week, what he should do if he accidentally calls you the wrong name while making out/having sex, when it's acceptable to talk about getting a plant together without seeming like he wants to get married in that instant, etc.
- for this it doesn't matter whether or not you're experienced since its good both ways! someone who isn't experienced could help ease his nerves a bit since hey, you might not really know what you're doing ether, so you're both gonna mess up. if you're a little more experienced then you can help show him the ropes and probably might help him improve in future relationships if you ever decide you don't want him anymore. both win-win situations basically
-  it also doesn't really matter if you're male, female, or anything else since he's demisexual panromantic. your personality is basically the most important aspect to him, even though he still thinks you have the face of a god/goddess
- the first few weeks of the relationship are basically him figuring out when its okay to touch you and/or ask for you to touch him since he doesn't want to scare you off with how affectionate he can be
- and when I say affectionate, I mean like a full out cuddle-bug
- Tamaki is straight up touch starved so like jot that down. like high key he really didn't have much physical affection as a child and even now can’t really figure out how to do it since he doesn't have any experience with it. he still craves physical affection though, and consistently
- a good way to tell that he wants affection is that he sticks a little bit closer to you during the day. not exactly under your feet, but still in your space when he knows its appropriate. usually just giving him a long hug or hdoling his hand in private helps to alleviate it a little bit, but his favorite way to get affection is to sit down and either sit in your lap or have you sit in his lap
- the reason I say private though is because PDA makes him nervous. it already kinda draws attention to the two of you since the act of PDA is basically outing a relationship on display and that alone makes him nervous, so he usually avoids it unless its in a barely populated park, a quiet cafe, etc.
- so in public he's probably gonna stick close but not outwardly hold your hand by himself, but behind closed doors he's basically hanging on you wherever and however he can
- can you really blame him for liking you as much as you do? I mean you're patient with him, you genuinely like him, and you're so sweet that he doesn't even know what to do with himself. that, and you're super fascinating to observe
- not,,,- he doesn't mean that in a creepy way I swear. he means it like- he means that he likes watching you work because the way you move around catches his interest. part of his training is observing others and he already does it a lot due to being more of that type of person by default, so he can tell a lot about you just by watching you do simple tasks such as cleaning the floor or doing some work you need to get done
- his observance makes him a great partner when it comes to remembering small things about you like your favorite color, how you do your hair in the mornings, what your favorite band(s) is/are, and more! expect him to bring you small gifts that reminded him of you because of something you said four months ago at a very specific time and a very specific date and a very specific location
- this applies to anyone that he really knows or pays special attention to really, but you're one of those people that he subconsciously has encyclopedic knowledge of because he thinks about you so much all the time
- anyway, we're getting to the end so lets get to my favorite part of the list- miscellaneous headcanons! :
he really likes Conan Grey and Lofi remixes of songs that he likes since they're more on the calming side and less intense and help his nerves go down if he's feeling anxious
when he does get severely anxious he curls into a ball and pulls at his ears and cries. he's unresponsive for this time but usually just letting him calm down after a little bit on his own or telling him softly to listen to you helps
he likes insectariums a while lot, specifically the butterfly rooms where you can walk through and let them fly around you. for some reason they tend to be more prone to lighting on him than anyone else, even though he only really wears dark colors and doesn't make an effort to get them around him
he has some purple fairy lights set up above his bed in his room that look like glowing butterflies cause he thought they were cute
he's incredibly good at cooking complex and simple dishes since he usually has to eat large amounts of certain things for his ability, and almost always cooks for the two of you if you're staying long enough to eat with him. he's arguably one of the best home-taught chefs at UA besides Bakugo even though they specialize i different areas of cooking basically
- well, it looks like thats the end for this list! Tamaki is such a sweet dude, really. being his friend or lover is like having a cheerleader, an endlessly loyal supporter, and an eternally loving partner (and more) all rolled into one. once you've been nice to him like once he's automatically favoring you over others. it may be hard to try to help him get more comfortable with the things he's anxious with, but he's a fast learner and if it makes you happy it makes him happy too
- Be careful with him, and you've got a friend for life!
[ ~Thank You For Reading, and if you think I missed anything please let me know in the notes or in my inbox. Any feedback is heavily appreciated!~ ]
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