#i get it's not a phase mom vibes
juhollamago · 5 months
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yesterdayscake · 2 months
one thing the naughties resurgence has brought up is that for years I looked back at my high school style as cringe and weird because I had a lot of pinstripes and fitted collared shirts and stuff but looking back and seeing the office siren trend it’s like ohhh I wasn’t as lame as I thought, it was just that no one in my highschool was really dressing like that, because most of them had never heard of prada lmao
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 2 years
Good heavens I found the kickstarter for the Dragon's Lair movie
It's getting worse everytime I look more into it
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laughing-with-god · 11 months
Unsaid Vow I
(This is the first 1.7k of the 10k chapter that is available right now on my Patreon. Please join for early access plus beta content!)
Synopsis: You always knew when you weren't wanted. And the way things are going in your marriage with Jungkook, a divorce is looking more and more likely. While he's getting closer to a woman at work that you're certain he's having an affair with, you're planning your escape with your four-year-old son. However, five years of marriage did not expose you to a certain side of your husband. A side of Jungkook that only gets triggered when you try to leave and break apart your perfect 'family'.
Warnings: Yandere behavior, graphic language, violence/murder, women bashing on other women, heavily implied infidelity, bad parenting, absent father, broken family vibes, very slow buildup bc Jungkook doesn't really snap until you leave him so just give him a min lol, inexperienced author writing for a five-year-old.
Also looking for new fic art for this if anyone's interested!!
Read first: Prologue
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“I’m a grown man.”
These were the words that greeted you and effectively pulled you out of your weary slumber.  
You drowsily rubbed your eyes and rolled over, yawning as you took in the sight of your son staring at you bemusedly from beside your bed.  
If you weren’t used to this behavior from Hugo already, you perhaps would've screamed at the sudden creepy sight of a child with a solemn expression saying odd things to you before the sun has even risen.  Yet, you have grown accustomed to the old man your toddler was.  
“Good morning to you too, bud.”  You groaned tiredly, already searching your thick bedding for your phone in order to check the time.  Your alarm hadn’t even gone off yet, which told you it was earlier than you had originally planned to wake up.  But what was the point of having plans when you had a child?  They had a talent for ruining them.  
“I’m five today.”  Hugo ignored your greeting, getting right into the point with furrowed brows as he held up all five fingers, each one representing a year of his life.  
“Yup, I know dumpling.”  You chuckled, finally pulling out your phone and opening it to see  ‘6:03 am” staring back at you.  “Believe it or not, the day you were born was quite memorable for me too.”  
You cringed as you thought of the 20 hour labor that preceded Hugo’s birth.   How could you ever forget that hellish day?  
“Mom, it’s my birthday.”  Hugo told you, tone serious as a heart attack.  
“Yes, happy birthday love.”  You smiled at your son, trying not to let him see the exhaustion you secretly felt.  “I suppose there’s no way I can talk you into going back to bed for another hour or so?”  
“No. You always say ‘the day starts when I first open my eyes in the morning”.  Your son parroted the saying back to you with a proud grin.  
Hugo once went through a phase where he wouldn’t want to leave the bed after waking up, simply wanting to stay in pj’s all day long and watch cartoons amongst his stuffies. 
It took a while to get your little homebody to actually stop this habit and begin getting up to ready himself for the day whenever he woke up.  You used to tell him that the day starts whenever he opens his eyes in the morning, however on days like these where he wakes up super early, he now does not see the point in lying in.  
“Right, that is a good point.”  You softly relented, mentally scolding yourself for yet another parenting tactic backfired.  “How does some breakfast sound?”
“Mom, I have a prop-pre-preposaa-”  
“Proposal?”  You offered, swinging your legs off the side of your bed.  
“Yeah, that.”  Hugo nodded to himself, most likely taking note of the proper pronunciation of the word so he can use it again in conversation.  “I think it’s time we talk about coffee.”
“You and daddy are always saying that coffee is for grownups.  Today I’m five, which means I’m older, which means I should be able to have coffee.”  Hugo reasoned this to you while twiddling his thumbs, a nervous habit he does when he wants you to say yes to something he knows is unrealistic.  
“Mmm...”  You hummed, pretending to think hard about the offer.  “What if I gave you a very light coffee?  A beginner version to get you ready for the real thing when you’re older?”  
Hugo looked conflicted, but after reading your face and correctly assuming that’s the best he was going to get, he nodded solemnly in reluctant agreement.  
With one final huff you shoved yourself off the king sized bed, standing to your full height and throwing your arms up in a stretch.  “Why don’t you wait in the living room for me bud?  I’ll be right out.”  
The freshly turned five year old happily nodded up at you before exiting your bedroom, leaving you alone once again.  
You turned your attention back to the bed in which you just rose out of.  More particularly, you stared at the other side of the bed, the side in which your husband was supposed to sleep on. 
It was a direct opposite of your messy side, crisp and neatly made; the fluffy pillows, pressed sheets and silk duvet being perfectly in place.  Yet, this wasn’t an ode to Jungkook’s neatness and attention to detail.  
Jungkook hasn’t been sleeping in the same bed as you for a while now.  
Your husband always preferred to rise early, given he was a man who liked to follow a strict morning regime which could easily be thrown off if he slept in even a minute later.  Up at 5:30. teeth brushed and face shaved by 5:40.  Breakfast, coffee and newspaper consumed by 6:00.  
Then right before taking his leave, Jungkook would pack himself a bag of work clothes and make a quick protein shake, given he would then head to the gym where he would get his morning workout and shower from.  Then from the gym, he would head straight to work.  
A few months ago, he suggested sleeping in the guest room.
You had asked why, bewildered at the request.  
Sure, you two didn’t really cuddle anymore. Sex was also rare. But you figured that the least you could do as husband and wife was sleep in the same bed amicably. Had you started kicking him in your sleep or something?
“I’d notice you begin to kinda stir when I first get up and go about my routine.  I don’t want to wake you up or be a bother.”  He had said.  
That didn’t really make sense to you.  
You have always been a deep sleeper. And even if you did wake up for a second, you’d clearly see your husband getting ready for the day, roll over and go back to sleep.  
It was such a lame excuse, you just shrugged and bitterly told him that he hogged the blankets anyway.  
It wasn’t true, but Jungkook didn’t comment.  
You trudged over to the ensuite bathroom and quickly did your morning routine.  
When you came out of your room and into the living space, you saw Hugo glued to the giant flat screen in a trance-like state as he watched his usual morning cartoons.  The sight tugged a small smile out of you, although the mother in you didn’t like how close he was.
“Hugo, back up from the screen! Bluey isn’t going anywhere. Your eyes will go bad.”  Your son wordlessly obliged and scooted back, not breaking eye contact with his favorite family of puppies.  “What would you like for breakfast ‘Mr. grown man’?”  
“Blueberry pancakes…and don’t forget my coffee!”  
“You got it, birthday boy.” 
The kitchen, dining and living room were open concept, so you multi-tasked watching Hugo while whipping up his breakfast.  You never were much of a cook and you still aren’t even after motherhood, but you did commit to learning your son’s favorite dishes.
The process was over quickly, you having made this recipe countless times and knowing it like the back of your hand.  
You set a plate on the island table, calling Hugo over while you secretly mixed some instant hot chocolate in a mug.  
The five year old jumped up and grinned at the meal, saying a quick “thank you” before digging in with all the grace a five year old could possibly have.  
“And of course, your coffee.”  You tried not to smile as you handed him the cup.
“Thanks mama.”  
The mini-Jungkook took a gulp, then stared seriously at the contents of the mug, swishing it around in some faux detective work.  
“Something wrong, dumpling?”
“It tastes…fa-fam-”
“Yes. Is coffee always this sweet?”  
You laughed, now moving to the real coffee maker to make your own cup.  “No, this is the kid version.  It might taste like chocolate because chocolate has caffeine in it too.”  
Your little old man huffed to himself but nodded in agreement, simply not knowing enough to dispute your logic.  
Your old coffeemaker grumbled awake, croaking and hissing as you pressed the worn-out buttons for your usual morning brew.  Jungkook always made fun of you for the ancient machine, but even after he had bought a much more expensive and up-to-date one, you stubbornly remained loyal to yours.  
“So buddy, what do you want to do today?  We can go get new books, hit up the toy store, maybe even visit the aquarium?”  
“I wanna help set up for my party, mommy.” 
Well, “party” wasn’t quite the right word for it.  
Hugo had no friends.  It was tough for a kid like him to make any.  At this age and as a boy, most of his peers would meet and form relationships in little league or rough housing at the local park. 
Your son was different.  He preferred reading to sports, hated the outdoors and was generally a shy kid who tended to tear up when anyone other than his family tried speaking to him.  
So this year, his birthday party was an intimate circle of family and family friends.  You hoped that by next year you could host an actual kid birthday party, as Hugo would be in school and have classmates by then. 
“That’s very sweet of you, but there’s time to do both.”  The boy looked at you skeptically.  “We can go to the bookstore across the street after breakfast and I’ll let you pick out some new bedtime stories.  Then we can go to the aquarium and have lunch there. And on our way home I’ll stop by the store to get some stuff for the party, and you can get a toy.  Sounds good?”  
Hugo frowned, then peeled back his pajama sleeve to look at his submarine-themed watch.  The act seemed a little pretentious to you, given he didn’t yet know how to read clocks.  
“Fine mommy, but we should be quick.  Also you need to ask our guests if they have any food aler-alergeez-”
“Allergies?  Yes bud, I’ll be sure to send them a text.”  You rolled your eyes.
With that, Hugo quietly finished his breakfast as you sipped your coffee.  
When you two were done, you both got dressed and ready for the day’s activities. 
Before leaving the apartment, you were sure to send a text to your husband.  
‘Be home by 6 please.  Hugo’s birthday party starts at 6:30 and he needs you there.’
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ratsarecute4 · 6 months
Some Hatchetfield Headcanons
Richie had a Warrior Cats phase in elementary school
Ruth owns a pet chameleon named Yoda
Max thinks that Pizza Pete's is owned by Pete, and that is where he gets the money for his rich kid bowtie
Mayor Lauter pays Steph's allowance in cryptocurrency
There was a month where the Clivesdale Chemists and the Hatchetfield Nighthawks had an even higher amount of hatred for eachother than usual. The Chemists accused the Nighthawks of stealing their mascot (they didn’t, the kid just moved to Hatchetfield)
Because of the mascot stealing allegations, the Chemists decided to steal the Nighthawks mascot for ransom, but they let Richie go after an hour because he wouldn't stop explaining the plot of One Piece
The problematic puppy Steph got in a Twitter fight about was the cop dog from Paw Patrol
Ziggy owns a couple of pet snakes
The Smoke Club has a rule that you must wear at least one weed-patterned item of clothing to meetings or else you're out of the club
Ted is one of those guys whose bedroom has just a mattress on the floor and a TV sitting on a bunch of cardboard boxes
Also Ted gives big lives in his parents' basement vibes
Steph had a creepypasta phase
No one at CCRP ever knows what to get Paul for work holiday parties so now he owns a bunch of gifted mugs and he's starting to run out of cabinet space because he doesn't want to get rid of anything that was gifted to him
The Hatchetfield High theatre department has never payed for the rights to a play. The students don't know about this. Ms Mulberry is fully aware of how illegal that is but continues to do it anyway. Hatchetfield is a small town, they won't get caught. Also the theatre department has like no funding
Grace was a horse girl in elementary school and she used to eat grass
Charlotte sells DoTERRA essential oils on the side. Everyone at the office has tried to tell her its basically a pyramid scheme but she doesn't believe them
Miss Holloway was a famous rockstar in the 80s, but after she made a deal with the Lords in Black, her past existence was wiped from everyone's memories and no one ever listened to her songs again
Grace has OCD, specifically religious scrupulosity
Richie owns so many body pillows that he no longer has room for himself on his bed
Ruth and Sherman Young have beef with eachother from Ruth's middleschool My Little Pony phase
Kyle is autistic and I will die on this hill
Max's mom dissapeared after being crowned Honey Queen. She wanted the prize money to support her family because Max's father was layed off from his job
I just know Brenda and Stacy are super into astrology
Local teens describe Paul's aesthetic as "cardboardcore"
Ted has one of these tattoos. He doesn't remember getting it and it took him forever to notice because it is on his back. It is a miracle that it never got infected
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new-revenant · 3 months
This idea popped into my head after watching Detentionaire so I took some inspiration from it
Danny is the new kid at Gotham Academy, he was put into a foster home after Sam's mom blew the whistle on the unintentional child neglect, and on his very first day he gets framed for an explosion in the chemistry lab so that means detention for the year. This also means Danny has to sneak out during detention, gather evidence, and get back before the teacher who is supposed to monitor him gets back from the teacher's lounge, it escalates to him sneaking out at night as well. He's coming up on week three of this when he gets a new friend in detention by the name of Tim Drake, he got in trouble for fighting, who also wants to figure out who destroyed the chemistry lab. Now Danny has to figure out a way out of detention without phasing through the door/walls/floors, or ceiling and to get Tim to stop asking questions. Tim wants to know exactly what Danny's deal is because he's pretty sure Danny's a meta because he's pretty sure he saw him density shift his arm through his locker to get some books when his locker wouldn't open.
At first I was like “would Tim get in trouble for fighting” then I quickly realized that he started a fight on purpose just so he could get detention so he could question Danny more easily. Also Sam’s mom would absolutely do that if she stepped so much as an inch inside of the Fenton household. She thinks she’s doing the right thing, but now Danny is absolutely miserable. His parents definitely weren’t perfect, but he loved them.
I’d also think that Danny…isn’t great at detective work, but he’s got a few clues already. First of all, he didn’t explode the lab. Second of all, the chemistry teacher is giving off rancid vibes and should not be trusted. And third of all, even though he couldn’t prove that ghosts were involved, he couldn’t prove they were not involved. Yet. I’m imagining Danny telling Tim this, looking completely serious as he says that ghosts could have been involved. Tim is unamused, and so is Danny.
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justalovelyblackgf · 20 days
redk!clark shenanigans part 3
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part 1
part 2
taglist: @afrogirl3005 @rosiestalez @stereotypicalbarbie
synopsis : redk!clark is the type of dude when you drop him first (because you’re honestly just fed up!) and you’re finally in a good place in life, he would text you out of the blue to reel you back in. he doesn’t really want you to walk out of his life, so you’re not getting rid of him that easily, girl.
if you’ve ever seen those memes with future texting, it’s those type of vibes.
pairings: redk!clark x fem! y/n (i’m imagining her as meagan good again. reader can do a self insert or use another fc. the choice is yours and i want to be inclusive!)
fandom: smallville (2001-2011)
also featuring: chloe sullivan and kate ross (pete’s twin sister/oc fc: tatyana ali)
warnings: long asf, swearing, redk!clark, toxic behavior, a little bit of angst, some suggestiveness,manipulation, implied hook up, y/n regretting her decisions, y/n being weak in the knees again!
congratulations to y/n for finally dropping redk!clark kent, smallville’s local gentleman turned badass and player. anywho, her skin is glowing, her grades are showing tremendous improvement, and life has just been better in general. she’s smiling a lot more!
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she’s not going through this alone though. fortunately, she has chloe sullivan and kate ross to help y/n properly get over him. they haven’t seen him around in a few days. if they did happen to run into clark at school or around town and he asks about her whereabouts, they would make up an excuse that she was really busy with (an extracurricular/job) or she got a new number. he’s gonna find out soon enough that was some bullshit.
it’s a friday night and the girls decided it was time to get dolled up and go out to celebrate y/n’s freedom from clark’s fuckery. they’re all chatting and filling their table with laughter when y/n hears her cell phone vibrate. she flips open the device and looks at her text messages, skimming through each word cueing her deep sigh and eye roll..here we go again. y/n closes the phone down and places it back in her purse. it vibrates again and again..now kate and chloe are getting suspicious, giving each other knowing looks. let’s just say that the silence was indeed loud.
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“so, uh…who’s blowing up your phone at this hour?” chloe inquired, tilting her head.
“it’s just my mom reminding me to do something when i get home.” y/n replied as she shrugged her shoulders to ease the tension.
“oh, so she’s reminding you five times?” kate asked, her elbow on the table with her chin resting on her knuckle. she raised a brow then narrowed her eyes before finally addressing the elephant in the room.
“it’s clark, isn’t it?”
“bullshit!” the girls exclaimed.
“fine! it was clark. he said he hated how things ended between us and that he was blind to how really important i was to him. he also said that without me, he feels so weak.” y/n confessed.
these were his words. he wasn’t blind to shit considering he has x-ray vision. not weak either because the guy had super strength.
chloe and kate couldn’t help but to roll their eyes and shake their heads at this foolishness, but who were they to judge? they both fell for the charming farm boy they grew up with at one point during their lives. hell, they even both attempted to cross that line of confession and dating him for real, but they let that go to preserve their friendship with each other and with clark. it’s messy, but it was clark kent. smallville’s local knight in shining armor. how could any girl let go of him completely once they’ve been attached? it was just his new bold and unpredictable attitude that rubbed them the wrong way. hopefully it’s just a phase.
“he also said to meet at his place so we could talk things over. if he really wants us to work things out, i should be there in the next 10 minutes…” with each word, the volume of y/n’s voice started to diminish as she looked around and bit at her bottom lip to avoid the awkward, yet frustrated glares of her friends. “maybe i should go to hear him out and get some closure…”
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“wait, wait, wait!”, chloe objected shaking her head. “if my memory serves, you said that last time was the last time. did you not catch him in another lie of him seeing lana before taking you out, correct?”
“….yes, but he sorta made it up to me.” y/n’s face heated up as her mind wandered to the semi-passionate endeavor her and clark shared in her bedroom after the argument that concluded their last date. she thanked the Lord above that her parents were out of town and that clark respected her enough to not push any further than what she was comfortable with. kate and chloe's eyes widened from sudden realization to complete astonishment.
"before you guys shame me, no, we didn’t go that far, but you know how guys are always saying i can’t drop clark due to the fact that i’m always wrapped around his finger?”
(reference to pt 2 iykyk)
y/n recited her friends past warnings as her fingers signaled air quotation marks.
“i guess you can say that literally and figuratively.”
silence filled the trio once more before they all heard another vibration. y/n flipped open her device and checked her text messages again. her eyes skimmed over the text for a few seconds before her fingertips made a few sounds to type a response to the person on the other end. after one press of the “send” button, she stood to her feet and pushed in the chair before greeting her friends a formal goodbye, “that was mom again. she said she needs me home asap. i’ll catch you guys at school?” the girls gave her nod and a “mhm!” before they watched their friend power walk out of the restaurant to her parked honda accord.
after they saw the car speed off into the night, kate sarcastically chuckled and shook her head before gazing at chloe, finally breaking the silence.
“we both know damn well that she went to go meet up with clark right?”
“i know…” chloe replied.
“yeah.” kate nodded and gazed below at the ground with a tight lipped smile as she fiddled with her fingers.
10 minutes. it sounds like a lot of time, but not so much when you’re deciding on which path to take. right for the l/n’s house, left for the kent’s. her eyes darted in both directions, her heart thumping in her chest. it was only a matter of time before she could switch the turn signal up or down. she began to think. think of the times her friends were there for her at her lowest. the temper tantrums. the late night rants on the phone. the fake smiles for her parents. the tears that soaked her pillow. all because of him. his arrogance, his brutal honesty yet he lies, his shameless flirtation with other women. his eyes…his words…his kiss…his touch…his affection. damn, damn, damn! her mind was finally made up. she put the car in drive and made the turn onto the path of her destination for the night.
“hey, look, i got your messages. you said you wanted to talk things over, so let’s talk, clark.”
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y/n stood with her arms crossed against her chest and faced the male before her standing outside the kent house as if he were expecting her already. he looked comfortable in his black tank top and grey sweatpants with his hands in the pockets. even under the moonlight, y/n could still see that same lady-killing smile of his and icy, blue eyes that she adored so much that it made her heart swell.
“it’s about time you showed up, beautiful. you don’t know how much i’ve missed you lately.” he pulled his pink lips into a smirk and took a few steps closer to her as his eyes never did pull away from her own. “i don’t think talking out here in the dark would do us any good, so how about we go somewhere more quiet and…” he took a beat of pause, “private.” tilting his head in the direction of his loft in the barn.
y/n sighed, licked her lips, and started walking in the direction towards clark’s loft with her arms still crossed. little did she know that his eyes carefully zeroed in on the sway of her hips with each step she took and possibly even the sultry, black matching set underneath her clothes.
oh, this was going to be a long night.
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the-bofurin-digest · 5 months
Toma Hiragi: Casual Headcanons
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Casual Headcanons
~ Its said he likes rock, so I'm going to throw him into the more old school rock with a mix of some of the newer stuff. He gives off the motely crue, chevelle, slayer, etc vibes. I like to think his tastes are versatile but he isn't so much into the modern punk. (absolutely listens to nickelback in secret) ~Raised mainly by grandparents, has older sibling vibes too. Is the frazzled and exhausted 'stay at home mom' side of Umemiya's 'I'm the cool and fun dad!' side. ~Takes selfies and video chats like a 65 year old grandma. Can't figure out camera angles ~Has a secret stuffed bear he's had since he was a toddler. Its nestled comfortably in his room. ~He has an abundant collection of random magazines (mainly car, motorcycle, gaming, and music ones) that litter his bedroom floor. He went through a phase of cutting out some of the cool art and taping it to his wall to "decorate." But now he just peruses. He buys one every time he goes to the pharmacy for his stomach pills!
Dating headcanons
~Motorcycle Boyfriend. practically melts when you ride behind and your arms are wrapped around him tightly. Bonus points as I think he would be the type to date someone from "the other side of the tracks" so to speak. So a good girl who is only bad with him, wrapped around him while he speeds down the street, hits a note in his otherwise very straight laced tough man brain. ~Love language when receiving love from partner: physical touch. cuddle this man and run your fingers through his hair and he is absolutely yours for eternity. ~Love language when giving love to partner: quality time. He is very busy with his bofurin stuff and keeping Umemiya and the others on track so when he gets the free time he is immediately at your side. Whether its something mundane like a nice walk or a more intricate date, he's just happy to be with you as you do whatever it is you are doing. ~ Favorite date night is a night in, ordering pizza or some other take out and watching old black and white horror films where you pretend to be scared of the lame and cheesy special effects and jump in his arms every 5 seconds ~Def little spoon during cuddles
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ermesskiss · 7 months
what music I think jjk adults would listen to
✧ ft: satoru, suguru, nanami, shoko, choso, higuruma, toji, sukuna, and kenjaku ✧ a/n: been thinking about this for a minute, and I decided to write out my opinions/hcs
jjk student version here + jjk character playlist works here
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✦ gojo
➥ Gojo is a very laid-back and fun guy, so I think he would listen to music that has that same energy
➥ He kinda reminds me of those moms who listen to the overplayed songs on the radio and always sing them, I don’t know to explain it, but that's him
➥ I think that he gets his song recs from his students in a attempt to bond with them
♪ Heaven To Me: Tyler, The Creator ♪ Chanel: Frank Ocean ♪ Died and Came Back: Lil Uzi Vert ♪ Pop Style: Drake ♪ Wake Up in the Sky: Gucci Mane ft. Bruno Mars
✦ geto
➥ I think Geto listens to a little bit of everything, alternative, rock, rap, R&B,  and hip-hop. I can’t really picture him strictly listening to rock and alt. It doesn’t feel right
➥ As Geto got older, I think his music taste changed. He still likes everything, but he leaned towards one genre rather than several
➥ When Mimi and Nana show Geto their favorite music, he adds the one he likes to his own playlist, and vice versa
♪ Sextape: Deftones ♪ Passion Fruit: Drake ♪ Rental: Brockhampton ♪ 3005: Childish Gambino ♪ Even Flow: Pearl Jam
✦ shoko
➥ I think the music that she listens to is very mellow and relaxing but might have some sad undertone to it from time to time
➥ She gives me older music vibes from the 70s to the 90s. Like Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, and Sade. I can’t see her listening to newer music
➥ I think she listens to more female artists than men; it’s not intentional. She does enjoy songs from men, but it’s a pattern. I also think that Shoko is a big fan of The Cranberries; I am a soul believer in this
♪ Sunday: The Cranberries ♪ Bette Davis Eyes: Kim Carnes ♪ Fade Into You: Mazzy Star ♪ Landslide: Fleetwood Mac ♪ So Far Away: Carole King
✦ nanami
➥ Student Nanami was emo, so he definitely listened to My Chemical Romance
➥ He started listening to more rock when he grew out of his emo phase. He prefers light rock rather than heavy
➥ When he gets sick of music, he puts on a podcast about business/the economy, or world events OR OR audiobooks
♪ Helena: My Chemical Romance ♪ I Miss You: blink-182 ♪ Dust in the Wind: Kansas ♪ Dancing In the Dark: Bruce Springsteen ♪ Rocket Man: Elton John
✦ choso
➥ He’s giving off rock and metal vibes, also like sub-genres of those
➥ His go-to music is rock, but I definitely think he listens to other music, something like R&B and hip-hop
➥ Like the great sibling, he is, he always gives Yuji the aux and listens to his song recs
♪ Granite: Sleep Token ♪ Generation Dead: Five Finger Death Punch ♪ Enter Sandman: Metallica ♪ Chop Suey!: System Of A Down ♪ War Inside My Head: Suicidal Tendencies
✦ higuruma
➥ Similar to Shoko, I think he also listens to older music rather than newer stuff, but it’s not because he doesn’t enjoy new music; he is just too busy and stressed to figure out what artist he likes and just stays to what he knows
➥ He’s a big Radiohead fan, and maybe The Smiths, too? Music that's kind of sad and angst, yk?
➥ Genre-wise, I think he would like a little of everything if he could sit down and enjoy music.
♪ Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now: The Smiths ♪ Karama Police: Radiohead ♪ Wild Sex (In The Working Class): Oingo Boingo ♪ Eyes Without A Face: Billy Idol ♪ What’s Up?: 4 Non Blondes
✦ toji
➥ Definitely listens to divorce dad music
➥ Drinks a nice cold beer while listening to Nickelback
➥ I think because Toji doesn't think highly of himself, I can see him listening to self-loathing music and music that relates to anger or internal turmoil
♪ How You Remind Me: Nickelback ♪ Pancake Land: Element Eighty ♪ The Man Who Sold the World: Nirvana ♪ It’s Been Awhile: Stained ♪ Crawling: Linkin Park
✦ sukuna
➥ So, at first, I was sure he would listen to heavy metal and rock because he has such an aggressive personality, but after I gave it some more thought canon, Sukuna would hate it. Music or noise that loud and obnoxious would annoy him.
➥ Acknowledging the fact that he was born in the Heian era and during that time, they listened to Gagaku (court music), which is either instrumental or vocal. It’s calming and relaxing in contrast to his persona
➥ Or he hates music altogether, idk; he's a grumpy old man. Everything pisses him off
♪ Menace: Five Finger Death Punch ♪ Monster: Skillet ♪ Bullet With Butterfly Wings: The Smashing Pumpkins ♪ Push: Matchbox Twenty ♪ Geisha: Anthony Davilio
✦ kenjaku
➥ Since he's over a thousand years old, imma say he has a very diverse taste of music and probably listens to a little bit of everything. If I were to choose what genre he likes most, I would say rock, both light and heavy
➥ Kenjaku enjoys listening to Marilyn Mason and Oingo Bingo. Marilyn Mason because he’s Marilyn Mason (derogatory) and Oingo Bingo because of their surrealist music, which I think Kenjaku would find them entertaining
➥ Listens to music that feeds into his delusions, motivating him to continue with his vision of the world he wants
♪ Weird science: Oingo Boingo ♪ Aerials: System Of A Down ♪ Break My Stride: Matthew Wilder ♪ The Beautiful People: Marilyn Mason ♪ Everybody Wants To Rule The World: Tears For Fears
✧ I currently have over 1.9k liked songs, so hopefully, there is enough diversity in songs and artists. i was going to do yuki, but it was stressing me out. Maybe in the future, I'll add hers. There is definitely more I wanted to add but my mind can only contain so many thoughts, unfortunately. ✧ Anyway, I want to hear other people's opinions and/or if people agree or disagree!!
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starwrighter · 2 years
(I will tag everyone who wants to be tagged for any of my previous prompts but it might take awhile since I'm taking a break from writing to help my Mom recover from a stroke. Now! Heres a prompt before I go silent.)
I'm going to yoink chunks of content from my previous prompts (shapeshifting and the one about Danny's core reforming according to how long he's been dead,)
Now throw Vlad into the mix. Vlad is desperate to have Maddie and no longer cares if Danny is his son. He now thinks of Danny as a problem he has to dispose of. So Vlad being the bastard he is brutally slaughters Danny, making sure his body is beyond repair.
Vlad, not knowing halfas can reform like ghosts takes Danny's core and uses it as a paperweight or puts it on display. All while telling Danny's parents that Danny had run away.
Danny with his core out in the open is able to reform as literal two year old. With his newfound baby brain that is riddled with trauma he barely remembers, decides that Vlad has bad vibes and promptly dips by shifting into a bird and phasing through a window.
Now Danny is on the run, with Vlad trying to find him. Everytime he shifts into human form either people freak out or Vlad finds him. So he just stays a bird, only shifting back when he needed human dexterity or had a safe place to rest. Even though staying shapeshifted all the time is draining and painful he knows what Vlad would do is worse.
Inevitably, he finds himself in Gotham. He's just hopping around as a bird before he runs into the bats and his core registers them as halfas. Immediately the gremlin instincts kick in and Danny starts fucking with them in everyway he can possibly think of. He messes with them when their out as civilians and vigilantes because he's two and doesn't have the logical reasoning skills to see why that would be a bad Idea.
So he just starts going ham, snagging keys, knocking cups out of their hands, fluttering around them and chirping constantly but pecking their fingers whenever they try to touch him. He gets into places it should impossible for him to get to and just stares at their confused faces. He grabs objects left out and charges at whichever Batfam member was unlucky enough to be in his vicinity. (Damian left a knife out on purpose to see what would happen. Jason tried to give the bird a gun for the same reason,)
Danny does help them in his own way though. He helps by chirping and throwing rocks to lead them to crime scenes. Brings shiny objects to offer them. He alerts the other bats when one of them is injured or needs backup. Overall he is their moral support even though he is gremlin.
Eventually one of the Batfam follows Danny to wherever he was hiding out. Maybe they were hoping to catch him, or maybe they were curious of the weird acting bird. Either way they are absolutely horrified when the bird that's been following them on very dangerous patrol routes turns into a tiny toddler.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
@moonbiine got me with the Aiden bug
I thought a lot about how to start this and none of them were good so, here's this;
Frowny's Thesis on Aiden Clark having Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) based on the DSM-5 criteria, living with people with BPD (hi dad!), being...me!, and general vibes.
What is BPD?
Borderline Personality Disorder is defined by a prolonged disturbance of function marked by depth and variability of mood, pattern of unstable personal relationships, unstable self-image, marked impulsivity, and other symptoms. They can manifest in very different ways (the way it appears between my dad and my grandma for example is not the same), but generally includes this.
1. Fear of Abandonment
Nobody wants to be left behind, that's a given, but for people with BPD this fear can spiral into a paranoid phobia that impacts all their personal relationships. Because BPD is influenced by environmental factors, this often stems from children being abandoned in their youth (ex. My father was the child of a teen pregnancy and his parents couldn't care for him for the first few years of his life, letting him be raised by his grandparents. I also grew up alternatively without my mom and withouty my dad, and once for a time with neither of them)
It's been shown to us before that Aiden's parents are often absent from the house, for even months at a time. He seems very used to this and it's likely he grew up very isolated or passed around between different relatives. And I do think this shows in his attachment style; he is a very clingy and sort of "decides" to hyperfixate on a certain person (Ash *coughs*) in the hopes that they'll become friends, and he does this very quickly. Already so scared of losing Ash on that roof even tho he's only known her for like 3 months at this point. He really can't bear the thought of her not being with him.
On the subject of Ash he's idolized her sooooo bad she's so screwed. Pls the Angelic lighting filter he puts on her?? SHE CANT SAVE YOU AIDEN. YOU HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF. (But i get it its hard) Ties back into how people with BPD see the world in strict black and white, he can't see Ash's flaws and that's how he defends her so much, she's literally like a savior to him and here comes the disciple complex.
He's been forced to move so many times, he's probably made friends who just couldn't keep up the effort of maintaining a long distance friendship and ghosted him, or even him doing the opposite, pushing people away just to avoid the sting of abandonment again. They can't hurt you if you hurt them first.
2. Unstable self-image.
He bleaches his hair end of story /j
No but really, tell me Aiden doesn't put up a persona- he's gone through the phases from quiet gifted kid to an impulsive extroverted mischievous mess. Don't you just look at him and feel the self-hatred coming off in waves?? Dyeing his hair, getting contacts, the ever present grin that must be painful at this point, it's like he can't...look at himself. Like he doesn't want to look at himself.
He can't even face his own problems; he literally paints a clown face on himself after dying cuz he doesn't want to process his feelings about it lol 🫠
Like genuinely, how exactly does Aiden want to be perceived? What is the point of this facade? For himself? For other people? I think he's just trying to shut away his past and start fresh without having to confront it, but...when the root is rotten, nothing healthy can grow, so he needs to get to the source of his issues.
3. Anger regulation problems
Unpopular opinion probably but he seems so angry to me. It's definitely WAY more present in the early chapters like when he goes tf off on Tyler, he was barely controlling himself there asdfghjkl- but I think it manifests more in him attacking the phantoms, it's obviously an adrenaline thing for him but I think he's taking out a lot of anger at the same time too. Even if some of this anger is coming from a righteous place; the desire to protect his loved ones (which ties into the abandonment too, you are still abandoned even when it wasn't their choice), because peope with BPD see the world as smth very...dangerous, I guess is the word? Even if maybe that doesn't apply to themselves
(Fastpass spoilers)
He's also not above taking his anger out on humans either considering he was about to take Alex's eyes out with that paintbrush and was gonna choke the life outta them-
4. Consistent feelings of sadness/worthlessness.
5. Self-injury, suicidal behaviour, suicidal ideation.
Aiden do be a sadboi even with all the smiley faces on his clothes. I think this is probably smth that was way worse when he was younger that led to that depression where he was locked in his room eating junk food and disassociating, and while he's probably coping with it differently it's still smth he struggles with. I mean shiiiiiit, because of his impulsiveness he does kinda cause problems but God he feels SOOOO goddamn bad about it lahdlsj, he was so guilty about the Ash situation, he probably beat himself up so much about that-
Emotions are very extreme, it's 'similar' to bipolar disorder with manic and depressive episodes, except they happen at a much quicker scale (in the same day for ex.) which seems to me how Aiden only lets himself experience positive emotions even tho he's in a deeply stressful situation (even tho there's good parts too like his friends) because he just can't handle having to fully experience those negative emotions.
Check, check, check! Aiden has zero self preservation instincts, he throws himself off walls, gets up close and personal with phantoms that could easily kill him, actually didn't give a fuck about dying?? Actually ENJOYED IT? But didn't wanna do it again because his Favourite person was worried about him and the absolute high of that feeling completely beat out anything else?? Okay man, we get it, you're living for somebody else at this point-
People with BPD suffer from chronic feelings of emptiness and pain is the best kind of distraction for Aiden (cue: him slamming his forehead on the table because he's bored)
6. Impulsive behaviors (aka a bunch of shit which can be summed up as addictions)
Well, for starters, he's an absolute adrenaline junkie, because he feels so constantly empty Aiden wants something to make him feel alive. And adrenaline is the flawless, biological, factual answer to this. Ergo all his octane hobbies and impulsive behaviors. Ties back into his obsessiveness, which, don't get me wrong this doesn't make him a bad guy or anything, we all get a little obsessed with things sometimes, that's just things humans do- but when you have bpd, it's very...difficult to just STAY happy, like an addiction, when the high wears off, they're empty again.
Maybe a bit of a stretch, but considering all the Ramen packets in his room when he was younger I wouldn't be surprised if he had some sort of ED or binge eats (Same bestie.)
Also for sure a reckless driver I'm 99% sure he crashed all those go-karts he drived before.
I don't really know where I'm going with this. It's hard to live with somebody who has BPD, it's hard to live with it yourself, it's hard to see other people go through it even when it's hurting yourself. I hate pushing people away, but you get so caught up in your own thoughts, and it just...happens...and when it's done...you really regret it, but it's too late...and you just wonder if things are better like this, being alone and not hurting anybody anymore, cuz they're certainly happy on their own
I don't think anybody who has bpd is automatically a bad person, they just have things harder than normal. People with BPD....they can be amazing artists, or good with animals, or really very kind. They have very big hearts, thats why they feel so deeply. And I think Aiden is a good person, because he has so much love to give, but has never been given an outlet to express that properly, but you can see him making great strides in learning how, with the help of his friends 🧡
Might edit this later when I get my thoughts more clear it's midnight here lol
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lawbin-archive · 2 months
Lawbin Wano Analysis Part 2 - you're not alone anymore
I actually want to wait Law to reappear before writing this analysis but we probably need to wait a long time for him to reappear *sigh* So I will just finish writing this :'( this is the last part but also imo the most romantic part haha
Since I have talked about this chapter for sooo many times, so I will try to talk about something that I haven't mention before. But if I said the same thing again, just scroll through haha -> *INCLUDE MANGA SPOILERS*
-> highlighted in purple are my delulu~
-> Again, don't read if you don't like Lawbin. Includes lots of bias.
Chapter 1055: Learning history with you
my bias ass want to say they are literally dating here!!! again I think I have been reading too much fanfic so in my mind, they definitely went on a date after I don't care what other says.
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The little bickering they have in the beginning is so adorable! Like Robin knew exactly why Law follow along but she needs to tease him a bit haha
Law searching through the whole palace or the whole flower capital just to find Robin is just really cute to me. You can tell Law really cares about Robin a lot, otherwise he wouldn't notice that she's not with her crew and he wouldn't spend time just to look for her. Like why did people missed that?!
Law trying to explain himself is also so funny, like yea sure...of course she is really suspicious that you need to find her haha I think someone also mentioned he looks like a high school boy trying to get close with his crush so pretend to be interested with the same hobby?! that's so funny
I also did a bit of research about hyena, they have excellent hearing and smell which is what Law referring here. Hyena also have a metaphor for people who are greedy for money or privilege which I think is not applicable in this case. But I'm surprised that there's a lore that hyena have long been thought to be a beast that can change sex. So did Oda put a little foreshadowing here?! (source: https://kotobank.jp/word/%E3%83%8F%E3%82%A4%E3%82%A8%E3%83%8A-112682)
And I think Oda purposely make it ambiguous here, he has a lot of ways to make them find poneglyph together without making Law a stalker (jk) But he has to shown it in this way that seems like Law is interested to Robin. He is definitely stirring something up here!
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Robin demeanour is also really different in front of Law. Me and the other lawbin enjoyers have talked about this in the discord before. When Robin flirting with other men, her tone is full of confidence and showing that she is a grown and mature women. And I think she always acting tough and has a "big sister" energy as a habit because of her past experience. She acted like this because that's her mechanism to protect herself. She grew up in an environment that she's afraid people will abandon her or hurt her when she is showing any weakness.
Not that I think her flirting is not genuine or being a "big sister" is not her real personality, she definitely is complimenting the person and she definitely want to take care of the straw hats like a big sis or mom.
What I'm trying to say is she doesn't show her weakness or her soft side to others easily. And I think she will show it only when she thinks she can rely or trust that person. And the only time she has shown her soft and cute side outside of straw hats is in front of Law!!
I have read some japanese readers' comments and some of them is saying usually Robin will say "ずるいわ…" to others (even to her own crew) but for Law, she said "ずるい…" which is a closer way to communicate. I will translate a few comments from japanese fans here: After all, Robin-chan doesn't seem to have her usual older sister vibe when she's with Law, right? Also, this time she said 'that's not fair… (zurui...)' but if it were with someone else, she would have said 'that's not fair…(zuruiwa....)' with a slightly different tone. This difference is quite significant; in many ways, it feels like there's something special. (source: ひさぎ@hisagi_cfa85c) I started shipping Lawbin from Chapter 1055. Normally, she would probably say 'That's not fair…(zuruiwa...)' but with Torao, she said 'That's not fair…(zurui...)' It feels like they have a classmate-like vibe that's different from Franky, Zoro, or Sanji, and I really like it. (source: aria2372)
+ plus one more comment from Chapter 996! It's probably because 'you're the survivor of Ohara and researching the Void Century' that he told you, but even knowing that, the choice of words is surprising. It's like a typical behavior or phrase one would use towards someone of the opposite sex they want to be conscious of, so I was really surprised. (source: user-xk4ru8cv9q)
And yes there are LOTS of comments about Robin's "it's not fair...(ずるい…)" and Law's "I told you because it's you (お前だから話した)" that the wording they chose is surprisingly ambiguous and hinting that they have a close relationship. And they wouldn't act like this with other people. I think that's one of the reasons why lawbin is so much popular in Japan because they can read the tone and wordings with more depth.
Also, as @/cericebelle mentioned we haven't seen Law called Robin since zou so maybe they changed how they called each other already?! Like maybe Law will called Robin as "Robin" instead of "Nico-ya" and Robin will start calling "Law" instead of "tora-o" again.
*BELOW HAVE MANGA SPOILERS* Now that we knew Clover's brother died just because he is a D. And we know that having a D in your name is dangerous which can get yourself killed, can we all agree that Law NEED to trust Robin in order to tell her his full name?! Especially he grew up with a childhood that he doesn't trust people easily. Like Law just tell her you like her! (my delulu again)
Since we are talking about the "true name" culture in Japan, I want to add this in the last analysis. I saw @/happytact reblog that Tales from Earthsea is written by an American author Ursula K. Le Guin. I'm really sorry for the misinformation and putting out the wrong references ><! There are so many anime that have the true name concept and yet I picked out the wrong one -.-
I will add more references to it, in "Spirited Away", the story is focus on true name, Chihiro signed contract by giving her true name and she needs to take her name back in order to go back reality. At the end, Haku also found his true name and he regains his freedom again. In "Natsume's Book of Friends", if you know the monster's true name you can control it. And in "Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle", sakura and syaoran they fell in love and saved each other along their journey, they confessed with each other and only at the end, they exchanged their real name. Not to mention there are lots of anime that express exposing your true name is important or dangerous like "Death Note" or "Your Name" . Telling your true name has a significant meaning in japanese culture, it almost means you're giving yourself to the person (only depends on the context, sometimes it's implied) so when Law told Robin his true name voluntarily, it's really important!!!
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When they are looking old wano in the little tunnel and standing really close to each other is way too cute!! When did you see Law self-willingly to get this close with a person that's outside of his crew?! (well maybe except when he is mad at Zoro and trying to fight him haha) Also because Robin teased him in the beginning so he flexed his ability in front of her and try to make her annoyed is so funny. Law act cool in front of anyone but being a little kid in front of his crush is just so him!!! They really show off a classmate vibe here!
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so y'all probably know one of the arguments from lawbin haters is "Law is just interested in the road poneglyph" "It's just for the plot" I always laugh at these comments because did you see Law didn't even get close to the poneglyph?! LOL he just standing behind like "I'm good" When Robin stand on a level higher to get close with the poneglyph, Law is also just down there.
And if he is only interested to the poneglyph, he didn't need to the flex in front of her to see the under water wano. He can just stand outside of the tunnel like Sukiyaki.
So in my opinion, Law wants to accompany with Robin. Not that he is completely non-interested to the poneglyph but I think most of it is because he is interested to learn history and find road poneglyph with Robin. Also, it really seems like he wants to get close with her and protect her from behind.
Oh no that's the end of their interactions T^T there is one more from 1056 but I already wrote a long post about it so I wouldn't repeat it again. Hopefully we can see them interact again soon so I can write more analysis!!!
Chapter 1056 analysis:
So some of my future lawbin delulu thoughts are: - they exchanged vivre card - they will meet at elbaf again and will learn more history together - robin will worried about law when she learnt that...you know
hopefully at least one of it will come true haha Thank you so much for reading this!! I really blab a lot haha Please always share your thoughts or comments with me. And also I will promote the lawbin discord group here if you're interested!
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rinniemybeloved · 1 year
Can you do Bokuto/Iwaizumi as a father like Kenma?
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notes : sorry for being inactive for almost like 2 months :)
warnings : pregnancy idk if that's a warning tho
pairings : dad!bokuto x mom!reader,
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dude has baby fever all the time I swear
"y/n it would be so cute!!" "y/n it wouldn't be that hard!!"
he's nagging you 24/7
so you just had to give in 🤷‍♀️
during the pregnancy he would be so worried
you could literally like cough or something and he'd call a doctor to make sure everything's okay
VERY overprotective
once, a small child came up to you and asked you if there's a baby in your belly and he was glaring at the kid the whole time 😭
but he honestly really likes when little kids come up to you two, he just wants to make sure they don't hurt the baby or smth
he talks to your belly so much
he's so convinced that the baby is understanding and responding too
it's honestly adorable to see him calm for once in his life
bokuto's determined that it's a boy, like literally DETERMINED
I mean, having a girl wouldn't hurt, but like it's just like his sixth sense telling him he's gonna have a boy
he gets so impatient to find out the gender too!!
he's gonna pay any amount of money to find out as fast as possible
… and boom boom his assumption sadly turns out to be true
this is loosely related to this piece I wrote a few months ago, girls or boys?
when the baby's born, he almost drops his son, but thank God he's okay
he probably wanted to name him something like buster 💀
"this is our son, not a dog, kotaro!"
"but people love and play with dogs, and we'll love and play with him, so there isn't a difference!"
yes, that was indeed a real conversation between you two.
but you ended up naming him Ichiro, leaving kotaro whining about why he couldn't name him buster.
but the absolute first thing he's gonna do is take a countless amount of pictures and send them to the whole msby group chat as well as the Japan national team group chat
can't blame him, he's always given off Instagram dad vibes
and when I say Instagram dad, I mean, like, Instagram dad.
he will post the smallest things lil Ichiro does, and bokuto's a pro athlete, so it's gonna get some attention 🤷‍♀️
his son is gonna do something as simple as point at the tv and giggle when his favorite character comes on the screen, and he's gonna post that.
his friends are supportive of it too, especially my baby Shoyo <3 <3 (I'm trying so hard not to make this about him but my Shoyo phase is coming back rn)
shoyo_msby21 it's like I saw him as a baby just yesterday !!
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matching outfits.
kotaro has never been the best with fashion, but with the help of you and his teammates, he has gotten better at dressing his son up
like imagine there's just a whole section in the closet just for matching father-son outfits.
He's gonna spend thousands on clothes for the family. sometimes all of you go out wearing the same colour outfit or something
matching jerseys too, little Ichiro always goes to his father's games wearing an identical, but smaller jersey <3
his son is gonna be a total daredevil, sometimes even kotaro surprisingly gets worried.
the kid is gonna have little star printed bandaids all over his little hands and legs, but I guess people learn from their mistakes, don't they?
he's gonna love being the center of attention, clinging to his dad whenever he's getting interviewed. He just wants the world to know that a star player like his dad has a star son like him!
overall, Bokuto gets an A for being an adept father.
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Requests are open!
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thebearme · 9 months
Imma just gonna start with Cam first, and let me just tell you Cameron I projected the most on because even after my "ihatehim no ilovehim" phase so idk maybe some of this could be out of character srry.
I imagine Cameron is south African, particularly Zimbabwean.
His a walking nerd emoji.
The only pass time Cam had was to draw bugs. So he's REALLY GOOD at drawing bugs. Only bugs. Everything else looks like it's from the diary of a wimpy kid.
Cam not that keen of physical touch but slowly getting used to it cuz of Mike. Mike also trying to remember that everyone is open on surprise hugs.
Idk why but with Zoey and Cam's relationship I just think of Carly and Freddie but without the crush.
Gwen and Cam would have art trades together.
Cam got the dryess hands in existence because of the amount of hand sanitizer he uses. OCD GAND RISE UP!
Im saying this now but Cam and B would TOTALLY VIBE TOGETHER!! i just don't know their intentions are yet so dont ask..
Lightning and Cam would have hangout if not for the cheating thing.
Duncan once asked Cam if he can draw a mural of his pet spider Scruffy.
Sam would take it as his personal duty to teach Cam in the way of being a gamer. By teaching him the Zelda timeline and the lore of FNAF. May god rest Cam soul after that.
Cam doesn't not do well with the more active people in Mike's system like Svetlana and Manitoba. They try to be gentle with him but they just don't know their strengths and Manitoba canonically eats dirt so there's only so much they can hangout.
Vito doesn't vibe with nerds but he does occasional try to back him up if he's getting bullied. ONLY if Vito himself isn't bullying Cam.
Cameron actually has the best relationship with Chester. He loves hearing history and old facts and Chester loves the excuse to chat someone's ears off.
Mal and Cam have more of a neutral relationship with each other but I can definitely see Mal thinking his just some weakling nerd until Cam shows him he knows how to make the Demon core.
Cam and Mike started a hate Scott club. Although Cam feels alil bad about, he tends to be reminded of why they started this club every time they go back to their cabin.
Cam once witnessed Scott use the bathroom without washing his hands. And never liked him since.
There was one time between season, Mike, Cam and Zoey were going on a little road trip. Z & M both ask what song should they play next? Cam said he doesn't know any songs so maybe just play the Ice cream truck theme. And that's when they find out HOW sheltered this boy is.
I would get into the nitty gritty but Cam's mom is NOT a good mom. Zoey and Mike have beef with her (Zoey trys to have the benefit of the doubt and said she just too over protective while Mike legit DONT like her.)
They both make sure that Cam gets as much outside time as possible and learn to have a life outside of his house.
When Cam goes to college is going aboard as an entomologist.
When Cameron first came on TD he didn't know what to wear because obviously he's never been outside so it a mixture of hot and cold clothes. Bro don't know fashion but it's his outfit changes in All Stars.
He's wearing a puffer jacket because it reminds him of a sleeping bag and makes him cozy + it has a cooling system inside thanks to B.
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
cas review of ttpd?
Ah yes! I am finally ready!
Cas's Review of TTPD that Two (2) People Asked For (so now you all get a fucking essay)
Literally, this is growing to be one of my favorite albums. Like...I appreciate Taylor most for her lyrics and I wrote down seven pages of them in my notebook of lyrics that fucking killed me. I feel like it's a more mature version of folklore, which is exactly what I was hoping for.
I really liked the promo for this album- the lyrics being spread, the phases of grief, the entire thing was so well-done. And the double album drop left me literally screaming.
I feel like the order of the songs on the album is also super well thought out. It really tells a story and I could feel her going through the phases, especially in the first half of the album.
I thought it was cool that she definitely took some risks in the album, but most of them landed 1000%. So many of the cool things done with the lyrics, melody, and tempo were amazing and kept me interested.
I'm gonna start by listing the more specific things I didn't like because there's only three:
In the song "Fresh Out The Slammer" during the outro, the change in beat was very jarring. I LOVED the rest of the song and it just ruined it for me
Florida!!! was...a choice. I get it. The concept of going away somewhere after a breakup to get over it is great. But Florida? Like...c'mon. Also "fuck me up Florida" made me cringe.
The line in "I Hate It Here" about racists...god, I have two minds about it. I don't think there was winning with that one, and I think people are going to tear her apart for it without taking it in context. Like when you take it in the bigger picture of the song, it makes sense. But when you take it in just the few lines...it feels a bit like it's trivializing the fact that literal slavery existed during that time? So yeah. I go back and forth...
And now a song ranking and my feelings about some of the songs:
Guilty As Sin? - This song has been in my head ever since I heard it. It's perfect, it's everything.
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - This is giving DBATC (favorite taylor song) vibes and I am so in love. It destroyed me.
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? - This is an ANTHEM. This will be screamed in the shower. This is so powerful.
But Daddy I Love Him - This was just so nostalgic. Like it gave Fearless Taylor and I loved it so much. Also the jumpscare fucking SHOOK me.
So Long, London - This was like a companion to You're Losing Me and god, it was amazingly hurtful.
loml - I just love slow, sad Taylor. and the twist at the end? ugh
I Hate It Here - Questionable line aside, this song was 15/10 relatable as a fanfic reader/writer
imgonnagetyouback - I feel like this will be a single.
The Prophecy - ouch
The Alchemy - Awww, so cute!
I Look In People's Windows
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
The Albatross
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - god she CAME for this man.
The Black Dog
Down Bad - I also feel like this will be a single
Fresh Out the Slammer
How Did It End?
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
Cassandra - hahahaha whoops, we're coming for Kim again?
thanK you aIMee - and again? that line about her mom was AMAZING
So High School - adorable
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
Fortnight - she and Post Malone work so well together
The Bolter
The Manuscript
Clara Bow
What do you all think?
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musclesandhammering · 10 months
Unpopular Phase 4 & 5 Opinions
Quantumania is the worst Phase 4/5 movie. And it wasn’t even because “kang got beat by ants.” (I liked kang in this movie). It’s just that the Spy Kids aesthetic & bad acting & overall weird vibes just weren’t for me.
Love and Thunder is no worse than Ragnarok. I would argue that it’s better in a lot of ways, actually. I really liked it.
Taika Waititi ruined thor with bad humour all the way back in Ragnarok tbh, but y’all weren’t complaining about it then 😒.
BuckySarah is better than sambucky every day of the week.
The Marvels was a good ass movie & they’re one of my favorite teams in the mcu. I’ll never forgive cbm sites & online dudebros for killing the hype from the moment the film was announced.
I adore America Chavez & Kamala Kahn and I want to see them in everything. They must be protected at all costs.
Multiverse of Madness had shitty characterisation & basically just copy-pasted the ‘grief made me go off the deep end & hurt people, then I realised and stopped myself’ storyline from Wandavision… but Wanda was extremely selfish & apathetic to other people’s suffering from the time she was introduced in the mcu. MoM didn’t make her like that.
Wanda should’ve been looking for Vision (her actual real life boyfriend whom she spent years with irl) in MoM instead of the kids that weren’t even real that she spent like a week using as characters in her sitcom.
Making everyone forget Peter Parker wasn’t profound or poetic in any way- it was just frustrating and needlessly cruel.
I’m begging marvel to understand that heroes don’t have to be in constant suffering to be heroic & villains don’t have to sacrifice themselves to achieve redemption. Let characters heal and atone, you absolute weirdos.
What If…? is the most boring show ever. I’d rather watch Secret Invasion or She-Hulk.
Season 2 of Loki is, in a cinematic & artistic sense, the best marvel project period.
Loki season 1 was meh- more of a fun au than anything because his characterisation kinda sucked. Season 2 fixed it, though, and made it way easier for me to incorporate this version of Loki back into the larger mcu.
Having Steve stay in the past with Peggy was stupid af.
I don’t hate Peggy (or Captain Carter), though. I actually think she’s pretty cool.
I don’t really love Steve. He’s arrogant & they never really let him have flaws & something about him being a perfect metaphor for the American military industrial complex (and marvel painting that as a good thing) doesn’t sit right with me.
The Illuminati got done dirty and the only reason they went down so fast was because Wanda had all that plot armor.
I thought the retcon of having Wanda be “destined” to become the Scarlet Witch since birth was an annoying cop-out. Her powers originating from being experimented on with an infinity stone was way more interesting.
Loki & Wanda have almost the exact same powers.
Nebula deserved a bigger rule in killing Thanos & everything else moving forward.
I love Kathryn Newton but her acting as Cassie Lang was the worst acting I’ve ever seen in the mcu, like it was outrageously bad.
I’m glad Sam is the new Captain America and not Bucky.
The fact that Bucky probably isn’t gonna be one of Thee lead characters in the upcoming avengers movies feels sick and twisted.
Secret Invasion was actually passable until the G’iah scene at the end. That ruined it. And Nick Fury deserved way better for his solo series.
Kang is so much more interesting than Doctor Doom. I really hope they just recast him.
Carol Danvers does NOT deserve the hate she gets.
I actually disliked Carol until The Marvels. That movie made me a stan.
The way people treat Monica as Wanda’s little inferior pet creation or smth & then brag about it is uhh very sus.
I don’t like sylvie (bc she’s an amalgamation of 3 different comic characters- which killed any hopes of them appearing individually in the mcu, the creators used her existence to butcher Loki’s genderfluid rep, & she was written poorly) & I HATE sylki (bc it’s weird & unnecessary).
Marvel isn’t dead. I actually love where they’re taking things. But that’s just me.
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