#i got major pov vibes lol
siribunbun · 1 year
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Twins and their wandering friend
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cinematicnomad · 6 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
oh, WELL, thank you! honestly, in terms of fics i've posted that i'm actually proud of...five might just be the number lol. my account has fics posted to it that i wrote when i was like. 13 (i'm looking at you harry potter fics). and then fics i wrote when i was 30. VERY different 😅
let's go in order of word count, biggest to smallest:
01. taste your beating heart (19/19 | 112k+ | M) sterek; stiles POV; post s3; emissary-in-training!stiles; slow burn; mystery
something was wrong in beacon hills. derek was halfway across the country when he felt a call to return to his hometown, and somehow stiles had been talked into letting the werewolf stay in his guest bedroom. this could lead to nothing good.
notes: this fic took me 7 years to complete. i started it in 2012 during my senior year of college in a random word doc and finally posted the epilogue nov 2019. it's the first long fic i ever wrote and actually finished, and it's far more heavily plotted than my usual ~*vibes*~ type of fic. there are definitely some things i'd change if i could go back and do it again (for starters—man, i hate that summary), but i'm still proud of it to this day—especially the arc i created for stiles and scott's friendship and the dynamics between stiles, john, and derek. forever toying with the idea of a companion piece from derek's POV, but i doubt there's really any interest for that these days.
02. finding our way (back home) (5/5 | 91k+ | M) buddie; alternating POV; post s5a; minor buck/taylor; slow burn; mutual pining
when eddie left the 118, he promised buck that nothing would change. but six weeks later, things were strained between them as eddie tried to adjust to his new role at dispatch while buck decided to take a major step forward in his relationship. after a series of revelations forced buck and eddie to confront what they really wanted out of life, it was up to them to find their way back to each other. back home.
notes: THIS was a feat for me in the sense that i got an idea right after the winter finale aired and i completed the fic basically in time for the second half of the season to start airing (ok i was late by, like, 2 episodes). there are some things i LOVE about this fic, including how i handled buck/taylor, and some things that i'm like. ehhh i could have expanded on that more (looking at you, diaz parents). i hope one day i can pull off another fic like this.
03. so show me (family) (1/1 | 16k+ | T) buddie; alternating POV; post s3; buckley parents; protective!eddie; getting together
eddie’s heard these stories before. buck has a lot of them. the random, wild nonsense that he got up to as a kid. but eddie’s never considered who's missing from the stories until it’s pointed out to him: buck’s parents. they should have been there to reassure him, to hold his hand. but they weren't. buck was alone growing up. all alone. eddie never wants buck to have to be alone again.
notes: before the buckley parents ever showed up on screen there was A LOT of speculation about what kind of parents they must have been like. this fic was my attempt at figuring that out. written in the summer of 2020 after i'd first gotten in the fandom, i'm still pretty proud of how i captured them, and i'm pretty partial to the eddie POV scenes. obviously written before s4 had ever aired, if you ever read it you'll just have to deal with the parents and the madney baby having wildly incorrect names lol.
04. take my hand (take my everything) (1/1 | 10k+ | T) buddie; alternating POV; post s3; getting together; injured buck
when buck has another near death experience, he decides the smartest thing to do is update his will. it's not a big deal, really—he just wants to take care of the people who matter most to him: eddie and chris. but to eddie? to eddie that's a pretty huge deal.
notes: the first fic i ever wrote in the fandom in june 2020! also a fic involving a will reveal BEFORE eddie's canonical will reveal which still kind of blows my mind lol. fun fact, when i was writing this fic i almost had eddie update his will to make buck chris's legal guardian, but i changed my mind bc i thought that was too fanfic-y and not believable. imagine my face a year later when we saw what happened!! i'm still pretty proud of this fic and always happy when people stumble across it.
05. you never said a word (1/1 | 6k+ | T) sterek; derek POV; AU–no werewolves; mute!derek; group therapy; angst w/ a happy ending
slowly, but surely, they worked themselves around the circle of chairs until eight sessions after the first they finally found themselves sitting next to each other. (or the one where derek and stiles meet in a counseling support group for teens)
notes: a fic i wrote in college that i'm still pretty proud of! it was one i kept posting to livejournal prompt threads but no one picked up, until eventually i was frustrated enough that i decided to write it for myself. like all fics, there are some things i'd change nowadays, but it's a pretty nice time capsule and i still think there's merit to it. i LOVE the scene when derek finally speaks for the first time and that it's to laura. the sterek of it all kind of takes a backseat to derek's healing, but that's because derek's my favorite character and he deserved Better™ than canon ever gave him.
and then, because it's more a drabble than fic, here's an extra one i'm proud of:
BONUS: so far from who i was (1/1 | 1k+ | T) gen; margaret buckley POV; character study; pre-canon; grief
the other mother's looked at margaret—at her dyed hair and her crow’s feet—and assumed to know that evan was unplanned. when in fact he was anything but. evan was the most carefully considered decision that she and phillip had ever made.
notes: is it clear i'm a little fascinated by the buckley parents?? this character study wouldn't leave me alone after buck begins aired until i finally got it all on the page. i tried to really make sense of margaret's grief and her shame and her guilt and her feelings about everything that happened with daniel. i'm pretty proud of what ended up on the page, and honestly, if you ever read and like this—please tell me??? it's maybe one of the works i'm most proud of to be honest.
i've written fics for other fandoms, but most of those were written in my teens or early 20s, and i tend to cringe a little when i re-read them. if anyone actually reads any of these fics because of this post...let me know! i'd love to hear your thoughts.
also: basically none of these fics would have gotten written without the help of @crazyassmurdererwall and @woodchoc-magnum so a HUGE thank you to both of them 🥰
thanks so much for sending this to me anon!! it was v fun to put together
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buck-up-buck · 17 days
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Soooooo I didn’t do this last season but I decided to do a bingo card for everything I think/would like to happen in season 8- let’s talk about it shall we.
Let's talk about the obvious- the one thing I think the fandom all collectively wants. Mr Diaz to come out of the goddamn closet. Now, Gay Eddie makes so much sense, but also, so does Demisexual Eddie. I feel like, especially with his relationship with Shannon, him coming out as Demi would make so much sense.
I would respectfully like the writers to leave Henren alone this season. Give them a win, give them Mara back, let Hen beat the shit out of Ortiz, and then leave them ALONE. I want no drama for my moms this season please and thank you.
Now saying that (don't hate me) I think Hen is due a major injury... I am just saying, if someone is gonna be hurt this season, it being Hen would make sense.
RIGHT, give me a BuckTommy argument, give me some BuckTommy angst, and then, have them make-up. We have seen so much growth for Buck these past few seasons, let's see him resolve a problem in his relationship by communicating. And then, have them make out afterwards. Please.
I feel like we are so overdue a Halloween episode. We have a full season this time around so I want them to make full use of it. Saying that, let me also bring in the fact that I do also want a Christmas/Thanksgiving episode as well. Give me family bonding with the 118. Another Christmas Party, Bathena using their new place to host Thanksgiving, something, anything.
I know we all want it but, GET GERRARD FIRED. I don't want him to be injured, I don't want him to die, I don't want them to skip over the arc they ended with entirely. I want someone to get dirt on him, and take it to the chief, and for his ass to be dragged out of that firehouse.
I don't know where this sudden obsession with seeing Sal again has come from, but I would love a Sal redemption arc, or even for him to be a little bitch for Gerrard and also get dragged through the mud. Just, Sal.
SHALL WE INJURE OUR FAVOURITE HOT PILOT. I am not saying a major injury, but something, a little sprinkle of worried!Buck. Let's see him panic over his boyfriend.
I know I will hate it if It actually happens, but a mid-season cliffhanger. I think, we need something to keep us on our toes while they break. GIve me "missing groom" but more drama.
I have been asking for this since season 3 but GIVE ME A MADDIE BEGINS EPISODE. I want to see baby Maddie meeting Doug for the first time, I want to see them moving to Boston, and then moving back. The first time he hit her and his pussy ass apology. The day she escapes, and her journey to Buck. I BEG.
Bring Chris home please. Just, give Eddie his son back. PLEASE.
I want a Bathena cracking a case wide open and going full blown detective. I want to see Bobby with a murder board and Athena being so done with her husband but so in love. Give me treassure hunt vibes, but just, Bathena solving murder.
RIGHT- HERE ME OUT (this will get a separate post here). I want a Buddie begins episode. I want, realisations, and then, flashbacks galore. I want snippets of Buddie during Bucks recovery after the bombing, different POV's of things that have happened throughout the seasons, Buck sleeping on Eddie's floor the night he got home after the snipper. I want- I want so much.
Saying that, I also want, another Buddie argument. I want an argument over Buck and Tommy, or over Chris, or over work, just, give me, some Buddie beef. And then another hug when they make up. (or a kiss lol)
BuckTommy having a dinner date with Bathena and/or Madney. URG, yes please. Cute vibes all the way.
Right, so when Madney got married, I so wanted the fact that Jee had a baby-girl balloon to foreshadow another baby. I know they were in a hospital and improvising, but OMG that would be such good foreshadowing. I want Maddie freaking out because what if she messes up again, I want Chimney doing the same, thinking he is going to lose Maddie, and then I what them to talk about it. I want Maddie to witness all the firsts she missed with Jee. I want another Madney baby. Or give them a dog. That will appease me.
Dosed is probably one of my favourite episodes ever, so if we could get another episode on par with dosed and jinxed, I would love.
Let’s get Mr Diaz in therapy shall we. I want to see Franks reaction to all the shit he did in S7.
I mean, I wish for this every season just because I love whumping my favourite Buckley so bad, but how about wr injure Buck again. Give me worried!Tommy/worried!Eddie/Dad!Bobby.
It would be such a missed opportunity if someone doesn’t get stung by a bee. I am just saying.
I am soooo obsessed with Christopher already suspecting that Eddie is gay, or at least having feelings for Buck. Like, I want him to come out and Chris be all like “thanks for telling me but I know dad” (insert teen eye roll).
I WANT BUCKLEY PARENT BEEF. Their redemption arc is so over and done with, especially after their reaction to Tommy, so I want drama.
Yuuup, I think that pretty much covers it. Let me know your thoughts, and if you made it all the way through this, I love you, have a cookie.
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ghostfrog28 · 1 month
Y'all, Episode 6 may be my favorite episode, so far at least
holy shit, so much happened in this episode and I loved it so much! This is gonna be a long rant, so just warning ya!
The gang helping Thad study was such a nice part of the episode, I’m hoping Thad passes his exams and gets to be a doctor! Also, Lena teasing Ash about him talking like Denny’s and how they’ve been spending a lot of time together was really cute and funny. Can’t wait for their party night next episode!
The little conversation with Ash and Denny’s in the car was another one of their moments together that I just love seeing. Also, I’m wondering what the context was for Denny’s almost going into work with part of Ash’s uniform lol. And we got more from Brady which I loved to see! He’s one of my favorite side characters, and when Brady brought up that Denny’s is “always talking about” Ash, it’s like when you introduce a friend to your parents or siblings and they just flat out tell them you have a crush on them (Brady gives major older brother vibes) and I can just imagine Denny’s saying “Brady!” In the same whisper yell that Ash did to Lena lol
That phone call with the director lady was difficult to listen to. I was so happy that Ash got the part, but with everything happening? Who knows how that’s gonna work out! And Ash’s voice cracking while he was talking to Denny’s made me wanna cry 😢 Brady coming in with the big bro energy, asking if things are ok and him trusting Denny’s when she says that things are ‘fine’ was really sweet
Brady checking in again, love it. Poor Lin, girl was trying to sleep lol. Also, I like that she warned Denny’s that Lexi was there already because I can’t imagine what would happen if she just went up to the door and heard her in Ash’s room. I agree, she’s getting better but she does have some of her tactics that she’s still using, so I’m not completely over my hate for her, it’s getting there but not quite. Also:
Alexis: I deserve him, don’t I? Don’t I?
Sophie: you may think that, but he didn’t deserve what you did to him, neither did Thad.
5. Now we get to talk to him. Honestly, hearing some more of his pov of the relationship really put into perspective how bad it actually was. Like, Ash, babe, never telling your partner ‘no’ to something cannot end well for either person. Also, I like that we constantly are being his ‘therapist’ cuz honestly, he needs to talk about that emotion baggage he’s been dealing with.
6. the pancakes!! I loved this little callback to the first episode, I knew the moment Denny’s asked Brady to make something before she left to see Ash, that was what it was going to be! Also, the little play fight over both of them eating the food was really cute and funny!
7. THE CONFESSION! THE KISS!!! IT FINALLY HAPPENED AND I LOVED ALL OF IT! Him liking Denny’s since the beginning was so sweet, and all from a little gesture of Denny’s being nice, just because she wanted to! (Also, did they actually, do something or was it just kissing, cuz it sounded like there was a fade out but it could just be me hearing it weird) Them cuddling and watching the sunrise was so cute! I keep re listening to that part! Also, the phone call between Ash and Thad was adorable, just them giggling like a couple schoolgirls about a crush. In my mind, Sophie was just going “you guys are such dorks”
And, you already know I have more art for this!
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This may be my favorite outfit and shirt design I’ve made so far, I loved this so much
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But yeah, that’s all! Sorry this was a pretty long post and I was ranting for quite a bit, but I just love this series and these characters so much! The big art post is in the works, it’s getting there (slowly lol) but it’ll be worth it!
Can’t wait for what happens next!
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snowandwolves · 10 months
lengthy ask anon: omg you actually answered all of those you are amazing wow ty!! i need to reread ch5 now but also just reread the whole thing bc wow what a way to end ❤️
if you'll indulge in more asks? and again feel free to pick and choose whichever you'd like!
was diego's amy named after amy pond? also does bea and d have lengthy doctor who discussions?
does bea not have to be at the lighthouse 24/7 when suzanne's there?
the way you had so much about both bea and ava was beautiful. was it a conscious choice to balance how much we got of each of them?
sixth to the ninth was alternating perspectives but this one was purely from ava's pov (absolutely loved how you write her voice btw!) did you have that planned from the start? what was most fun about writing purely from ava's point of view?
why Norway? ("why not?" is a fair answer lol)
on the flipside, is there a scene that you'd be curious to see from bea's perspective?
oohohoh any missing scenes/scenes you had to cut?
how are you celebrating (and grieving) the end of this magnificent fic?
hi lengthy ask anon, i love this sm so imma go ahead and start answering these 😂
1. I DIDN’T THINK OF THAT ACTUALLY??? BUT OMG THAT’S PERFECT 💀 and also yes, they could probably go hours just talking about it and ava would absolutely nap to the sound of them having debates about it
2. nope! she’s a relief lighthouse keeper, so she only ever works there when suzanne needs her to. which is,,, more times than suzanne cares to admit definitely
3. yep! a conscious choice and an outright struggle lmao but when i planned for this fic to be in ava’s pov, i also planned for both of their backstories plus the scenes that’d make it possible for them to share. i—tbh, i spent an unhinged amount of time just planning this LMAO
4. also yes! i don’t normally write in just one character’s pov, but it seemed fun so i was like whatever 😂 as for what i loved about writing from her perspective, it’s definitely her love for living and the world. that was a major thing in this fic, and it’s the primary reason why i chose to write this in her pov. honorable mentions: her rambly thoughts are so much fun to write, her humor too.
5. ok so i was researching lighthouses and turns out, there aren’t a lot of them that are still manned — most are automated now. but of the places i read about, norway seemed like the one that realistically would have more lighthouses than average. that, and i was going for end of the earth kind of vibe without going all the way to like,,, the north/south pole 😂
6. so many 😭 like so, so many. the storm for one. that walk for the final tasks before they kissed was another. then also her planning to leave with ava. i could go on and on about this 😂
7. also so many 💀 there’s one where ava transfers a piece of penne onto bea’s plate because bea joked “i’ll give you a penne for your thoughts”. the dancing in the epilogue was supposed to be a whole thing. i also have enough fragments for another smut scene. and these are all just,,, in my notes and i have no idea what to do with them LMAO
8. i’m going to periodically cry because i’m so relieved and also so sad that i finished it 😂 and then i’m gonna read all the fics i wasn’t able to read while writing this sakdhsj and then—well, you’ll see 😌
thank you so much for letting me talk about this fic, anon 🥹
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vesperpharsalius · 9 months
speaking of darrow and cassius at the gala, i think i’ve found a comment from you on reddit (i think that was you, the name and the pfp were the same, if not then apologies because this will be nonsense😭) on one of the countless discussion on cassius and mustang at the gala together. the majority of the people were just bashing mustang for being with cassius (average level of reddit misogyny) but you (if that was you) said something on how it felt incomplete that mustang pov was never properly addressed concerning that moment. i do agree with you but on the other side it’s funny how that scene got people screaming crying throwing up on reddit for the “love triangle”, calling mustang a bitch and cassius a dickhead, then in lb you have cassius and darrow for no reason at all “hey do you remember the gala? lol”
it’s such a dassius moment i think pierce has forgotten mustang was there too
Thanks for the ask!
It was me! Honestly, I’d be surprised if someone else was ever using my username, because it’s referencing an original character from my own book, which I haven’t published or teased or even talked that much about, online—so, it’d be a little spooky.
But yes, I remember—that upsurge of interest in the Mustang x Cassius after LB came out. I was fairly new to the subreddit, not yet accustomed to its brain–dead takes (There I was, trying to have a thoughtful discussion about their relationship; after a few days of wading through, I went ahead and jumped into the pond, like the silly little goose I am.) but one thing that astonishes me is how many people believe that Darrow and Cassius were fighting over Mustang, that PB introduced a love–triangle here, because that is just… so wrong. Literally, refuted multiple times—before, during, and after. 😩
Of course, there’s countless undercurrents and nuances and juicy tensions and delicious little conflicts throughout the whole episode, but one thing made abundantly clear—and she literally complains about this—is that Mustang’s being ignored. She tries to defuse the situation (which, as far as she knows, is wrecking her otherwise–successful schemes to save her family) but she keeps getting sidelined, especially by Darrow, who’s blind and deaf to her—to everyone, really, except for his bad man.
I’m not saying that Mustang didn’t play a significant role at the Gala—hell, she saved Cassius. But she’s definitely on PB’s back–burner here. Dassius, though? My God, there’s simply too much (flirtatious?) banter in this chapter to cover, but I would be remiss not to mention this—
I cock my head at him. “Come now, brother. Don’t you want to see how well I can really fight?”
And this? What is this?! This loaded–fucking–gun of UST?
Women are screaming for Cassius. Lovers he has had in his youth, who now watch the man they grew with, the man who bedded them, left them with false promises, and made them think they'd just lost the strongest of a generation. They watch as another man turns him into a throbbing mess of blood.
Bonus points for this banger, which still makes me swoon, even in–context—
“You will not steal what is mine.”
All this to say, I’m Pro–OT3, but this is a Dassius Moment. It has disaster–date vibes in LB, as it should.
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betweenlands · 2 years
Ok ill bite whats dominion smp?
dominion smp, which some members call DSMP for what's probably seo reasons but i find intensely hilarious because it's technically not wrong to abbreviate it like that, is a small lightly modded server based around the origins mod! basically, each member has a different origin, and in much the same way empires members are loosely the ruler of their respective countries, you can sort of consider each dominion member to be kind of a paragon of their respective origin.
thing is, while dominion is defined in part by its relation to the origins mod, there is also a lot of plot stuff that happens that is only tangentially related to the fact that everyone is creatures -- you've got people beefing over stolen goods, everyone sort of vying for power in a vacuum while trying to not seem obvious about it, taxes of "give me all of your diamonds every two weeks i am no longer asking nicely", and also. whatever the hell is going on with shadowmech.
oh yeah also literally like 75% of these ccs have 2000+ day hardcore worlds so the builds are insane.
here's a masterpost on everyone's povs! it doesn't have their Vibes down rn but i can do that really briefly (EDIT LOL NO IT'S NOT BRIEF THIS IS GOING UNDER A CUT):
starting members:
jamiejoan/jammers, dragonborn: elected queen of the server during s1. has a corruption arc, as one does. not many s1 episodes, but (without spoiling anything) her pov for s2 is unique and worth checking out
grady, enderian: doesn't have many episodes and is mainly a streamer. his character is half wet cat and half "guy that makes that's what she said jokes", but somehow in a different direction from scar?
legundo, piglin: champion of the piglins, sent to the overworld by his people for. well for takeover purposes probably. this mostly involves doing capitalism and having trusting-distrustful dynamics with the besties. actually the main server admin but this never comes up incharacter.
fixxitt, inchling: starts off as a thief, escalates WILDLY until by episode 5 welsknight is telling him "you fucked up, buddy" and then he builds a gigantic house. has 2 musical numbers in the middle of episodes that will absolutely knock you out if you're not prepared. also has very good cinematics.
nukeri, elytrian: democracy lover and guy who really, really just wants everyone to get along. canonically descended from icarus; all my friends have emotions about him and i haven't watched him yet but he's a major blorbo-in-law. i'd make a joke about how he's the resident gay scot of the server since they couldn't get smajor, but he literally does have a voice cameo from scott in his s1 finale.
rnjoy, witch: loves doing mad science, committing tax fraud, and has a mushroom son in s2 now. not a lot of s1 episodes but she loves her ravager gertrude i know that much. currently being hunted by --
shadowmech, witherborn: hitman of the server who is only withered rn because he ate a really bad porkchop. no episodes currently, he's in the process of doing a supercut of all his s1 stuff. is also in the process of uh. being very possessed and possibly being the s2 arc baddie rn. it's. fiiiiine. he's just not speaking to anyone and also attacking them during blood moons! totally chill
sneve, blazeborn: like if keralis was oli orionsound but with less musical numbers. sneve is an experience that cannot be described. just. watch his episodes there's only like 3 of them it'll tell you everything and nothing you need to know
taneesha, goat: lover of domes and also psychological warfare. started an advancement race probably as an excuse to steal people's shit. not a lot of s1 episodes but has some plot stuff anyway since she kind of got invited to join jamie's. void cult. yeaaaahhhh.
started midway thru s1:
vikingpilot, phantom: SOMETHING IS SO VERY WRONG WITH HIM. sweet ghostboy who is also incredibly unhinged. canonically dead and was also intangible and invisible for the beginning half of s1 up until the dragon fight. does dark magic, or is at least planning to do dark magic. pluralcoded and you can fight me on this. honestly my top pick for "if you only get one pov"
started at the beginning of s2:
progamebot/josh, sporeling: one video so far! joy's mushroom son. helping her make potions out of a van in the desert atm, which is. actually a breaking bad reference, not a reference to that other dsmp. canonically like a week old at the most. doing pretty well considering this.
kiply, fairy: no episodes yet, but uh. i've been watching her other stuff on and off and something is seriously wrong with her in the best way possible. plays on i think at least 2 different lifesteal-type smps? she is unhinged. she is not a reliable narrator. i love her.
dalilred (wolf) and itsryan (iron golem) also REALLY recently joined so i haven't gotten a pin on their vibes yet. red seems like she has a little bit of a cottagecore aesthetic and ryan seems to be kind of closer to sneve on the shitposter end of the mcyter spectrum, but that's all i've got
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anelaxoxo · 10 months
November books review:
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• The virgin suicides ☆☆☆☆ : 5 boys obsessed with their 5 teenage neighbors who committed suicide, they couldn't get over them and their story even 25 years later so they keep "digging for answers". The story is written from the boys' pov so there's a lot of objectifying; the boys created a fantasy in their heads and ran with it. I could write a whole essay about this book so In short it's a great one. I watched the movie right after which is directed by sofia Coppola and it's amazing too (obvi).
• No longer human ☆☆☆☆☆ : this novel lowkey messed me up. The story follows a man named yozu who cannot for the life of him understand or connect on a deeper level with humans to the point where he thinks he's just not one of them; he lives his adult life as a faulty man leading what he calls a shameful life. I'm not sure what other types of mental illnesses the character is going through but the obvious one is a lifelong depression that id say is accurately depicted. The genius about this book i think is that although it mentions heavy topics such as addiction and suicide it doesn't feel heavy...if that makes sense, it's sort of written in a way that's casual and almost friendly as if it's gaslighting you into thinking that it's no big deal, which is why i find it disturbing. Easily One of the best books i've read. Also, horiki hate club? Anyone?
• Bunny ☆☆☆☆: Honestly what a trip. I kept thinking wtf is going on the further i got in the story & I definitely did not see that ending coming. Idk how to summarize this because i want you -if you're willing to read this- to go in absolutely clueless. So I'll stick to the basics. Samantha a college student in a prestigious art school or institute with a bunch of pretentious poets and artists including: "the bunnies". A group made of 3 girls that give off major culty vibes, who also happen to take interest in her. When she gets involved with them, all hell break loose. Gotta be one of my fav books; If you like what's considered "weird fiction" (i think) you'll probably like it.
• We have always lived in the castle ☆☆☆☆☆ : idk what about this book that i love so much but i really do; i guess i love it when a book confuses me then leaves me confused lol. I also love the haunting and eery vibes.
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ana-cantskywalker · 4 months
IN ANOTHER LIFE AU PLEASE AND THANK YOU I haven't read the original fic for this one (yet) but I loved Light hehehe
Excellent choice! I honestly had a hard time with these because some of my 'fun facts' just turned out to be major spoilers for the next work lol.
I actually thought up the name for the name change from 'POV: You get abducted by a cute boy and his insane family' because I thought of a name for the fifth and final part and then worked titles for the rest of them off that. So basically they're all going to be In Another Life (Insert something witty/emotional specific to that part in parentheses). Thinking up a new name plagued me for DAYS.
Ezra in this one has a little more maturity and is a lot stronger in the force soley to the fact that instead of starting his training at 14 he started at seven and had occasional training from Ahsoka as well.
On that note Ahsoka has major Cool Aunt™ vibes which I am going to love playing around with. She teaches Ezra important Jedi stuff but also illegal stuff that Anakin taught her like how to hotwire a speeder when he was like nine (This stresses Kanan out to no end because he thinks he is way too young for those kind of shenanakins)
Now I MIGHT be wrong about this because SW timelines confuse me to no end however, (if I am correct) I had to kind of push Kanan and Hera's ages around a bit because Canonically Ezra's parents get taken the year before the evens of A New Dawn, and clearly Kanera had been working together for atleast a little while when they found him so I had to bump A New Dawn back a year and a half (two years?) and then make Hera two years older to put her back at eighteen, because putting a sixteen year old and a twenty year old in those situations makes me a little uncomfy honestly.
Ezra got really sick once when he was about ten, and in his fevered delirium he called Kanan 'dad'. He doesn't ever say it again, both because it makes him feel awkward and also he doesn't want to go on like Ephraim didn't exist because he still loves and misses his bioparents all the time. (this might be a oneshot one day but also this thoughts life may live and die soley in this post)
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bluegrasssax · 1 year
I thought I'd give an intro to me and the fics I've written (Merlin x Arthur, E, AO3). I started late 2021 after I found writing helped me through _stuff_
This is in the order I wrote my stories, my thoughts, what I liked about it and what I wish I'd done better.
For most of the fics I started with a canon character trait for each of Merlin and Arthur that I carried through the story (that they either both come to embrace or overcome), I find this works well in keeping to the og character vibe
(No major spoilers)
1. A Fall We Can't Forget
Character archetypes: lost Merlin, naive Arthur
My likes: I love opportunities to be open about feelings without the pressure of consequences, hence dreams. I loved writing Merlin's Druid dream, and that Arthur could appreciate him without fear that way.
Even better if: This was my first fic and I definitely made some classic blunders! I feel I rushed things, and there were many other dream sequences I wish I'd managed to sneak in!
2. Wingless
Character archetypes: guilty Merlin, protective Arthur
My likes: Wings. I mean, come on! That's just cool! I'm honoured someone took the time to make art following reading the fic, it warmed my heart <3
Even better if: Again, I think I rushed into the reveal. I'd have liked better pacing especially in the last few chapters.
3. Parchments
Character archetypes: denial Merlin, self sacrificing Arthur
My likes: similar to the dreams, an opportunity to talk without repercussion. I liked this version of Gwen a lot, and I'm a huge fan of Samhain midnight shenanigans. Also poor Gaius. Sorry man.
Even better if: this is one of my shorter ones. I think it would have been neat to have an Arthur POV through to explain some of his actions too. Alas. Maybe a sequel.
4. Take Your Pain Away
Character archetypes: self sacrificing Merlin, dutiful Arthur
My likes: oh boy this one was a labour of love. I love soulmates, and I thought the dynamic of one person knowing way before the other way good in this case. The added layer of pain transference was for flavour and it snowballed on me lol, but in a good way I think.
Even better if: honestly, I have the fewest Gripes about this one, though I wish I'd taken a bit of a different route with Edith. There could have been more bullshit with that, but maybe it was angsty enough already.
5. Dead To Me
Character archetypes: powerful/unfortunate Merlin, growing Arthur
My likes: actually my favourite story of the lot I think, just because it's a different flavour of "destiny" than I'd considered before. It was a fun challenge to develop intimacy with no physical contact!
Even better if: I liked what I did with Gaius, but I know it wasn't necessarily a popular characterisation of the poor bloke - so if done again I'd like to have made his motivations clearer.
6. Passing Through
Character archetypes: innocent Merlin, whimsical Arthur
My likes: it was nice to have the "love at first sight" sort of vibe with this one, even though I tend to be more of an enemy to lovers fan myself! Merlin's magic felt so natural in this one and I'm really chuffed with how it came out. He is a part of magic as much as it is a part of him, and so it's no wonder it's overwhelming sometimes.
Even better if: I initially planned a bigger blow up with the Arthur reveal, but it didn't quite fit. Maybe in another life. This one could have handled a bit more smut imo.
7. The Satyr and The Prince
Character archetypes: outsider Merlin, conflicted Arthur
My likes: I'm a big fan of body horror - and while this is no xenomorph situation it was interesting to play with a tiny bit of gore. I'm proud of the inner conflict Arthur had, and I hope it came across well.
Even better if: as with most of my fics it seems, I feel I rushed it a bit. My initial plan was more drawn out, more angst (somehow), but I got impatient! Also, didn't get the chance to include any sex! It just didn't fit in naturally without seeking forced :/
And my current fic is on going, so I won't comment just yet on it. Only know that archetypes revolve around Wonderlust Merlin and Awed Arthur
If you've read any of these I'd love your honest feed back on it - this is a hobby I really enjoy, and I'd like to keep on it for a bit longer!
Also, let me know how this Tumblr thing works, I'm floundering lads XD
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lunapwrites · 1 year
LP's Playlist Masterlist
If something sits still long enough I'll probably make a playlist about it, so here's the playlists I've made either for my writing or for challenges within the fandom.
A generic Wolfstar Playlist if you want a themed easy listening storymode version (angst included, but it's a HFN ending with soft sad vibes.) Made this to share on HPFC if I remember correctly, so it's specifically meant to be accessible lol. Listen in order.
The playlist for Where the Wild Thyme Grows, spooky sludgy dark vibes. Weird AF. Shamefully lacking in Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard. Great for writing horror tho. Shuffle OK.
The followup to the previous which is currently just vibes, a title, and the opening scene lol. Still dark and spooky but a little more haunted fae energy and less sludge. Shuffle OK.
MURDERWIVES. This is the three knocks playlist. Lots of post-punk and related vibes on this bitch. DAMN fun to drive to. Shuffle OK.
The ship that should not have sailed aka the cursed Remus/Ginny fic that I have a love/hate relationship with lol. Good for writing stories where the romantic leads ALSO don't want to be doing what they're doing. Shuffle OK.
When you need to feel like someone died. The Ouroboros playlist is a damn funeral march, but in like. A raw and slightly angry sort of way. Like imagine being at someone's deathbed, except you have Very Complicated Feelings about them that will probably never be resolved and you just need to make peace with that- oh, that's just the fic. Well. Here you go then. In order preferred, but shuffle OK.
A Sirius-specific playlist for a very specific Sirius that never actually ended up going anywhere but still has my heart. Also the playlist is just objectively very fun, even if there is a song on there that I actually just don't care for in hindsight. (Mother Mother is very hit or miss for me, sorry. But I was committed to the bit.) Shuffle OK.
A Remus-specific playlist, but not from his POV. Curated for a challenge. Still great fun. There is so much fucking Phoebe Bridgers and Mitski on this mfer lol. Listen in order AND on loop for best effect.
Hey so what if we made a Marauders Dark!Fic. One day I'll finish writing this thing. Too many projects. :( Anyway this is uh. A major departure from the others, and more akin to my foundational musical taste (hence why it's the longest lol.) I probably will never stop giggling about the fact that there is precisely one (1) Fall Out Boy on this one and it's very much the odd man out lmao. Great for writing action scenes with a lot of violence, physical or otherwise. Best on shuffle.
I have also chunked up relevant parts of the main All Things In Orbit Playlist which is way too long and now actually a bit outdated to add here.
Remus Lupin's Depression Hour also known as the Lost Dogs soundtrack. Covers the time from just before Halloween 1981 through the events just before Sirius breaks out of Azkaban, as covered in the ATIO-verse. CW: for themes of suicide and drug addiction. Listen in order.
Also including the LTL playlist. Literally, just the bit that's LTL. Cut out all the other crap around it from the dying embers of No Code, and the not yet published bits from Rearviewmirror. I was at one point trying to keep all the music in era, but that didn't stick well because I was spending more time researching music than writing. Once again, does best in order if you want to follow the plot. Otherwise shuffle away.
(Note: Tumblr apparently cuts you off at 10 audios. Boo.)
Anyway, this is all I've got for now. Feel free to give it a listen if you want!
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mossytrashcan · 1 year
ready to agree with you ty's autistic representation is Probably Not Going To Get The Celebration And Empowerment We Deserve. ready to either vent about that or just ignore it completely, until tsc is just a tiny insignificant blip in your universe, the modern books at least. if that's what you or me or probably all of us need.
and i hope you're doing okay and absolutely no pressure to answer this ask, but i was curious. a little too curious to see what you think: is it just me or does like 60% of the tlh gang come across as autistic to you? james, christopher, potentially thomas, even maybe anna. like genuinely i don't think any of the whole gaggle (it's a big cast!!) are neurotypical except cordelia. even will and tessa don't exactly give off Neuronormative Vibes. like i know it isn't mentioned, but then again it's also 1903??? (and our current merged conceptualisation of the whole autistic spectrum is only from 2013--hate what that means for tda and likely twp but That Is A Different Rant). anyway to me they're for the most part decent, empowering, anti-ableist for the most part autistic rep. is it just my wishful thinking?
Anna is soooo autistic in my mind, her funky fresh gender, slay tendencies, random snake decor, and overall blunt vibes are so not neurotypical
Idk if I ever got autism vibes from James, but he def has like so many mental illnesses that he could have symptom overlap. Honestly, the whole tlh gang is just super neurodivergent w/ a touch of the tism
I do think it says something about CC’s ability to write autistic characters, too. She could totally pull off Ty flawlessly, she understands autism and neurodivergence very well, but she’s just refusing to??? I think she’s just in her own head about it and doesn’t realize how majorly important her autistic rep is
Also, I fully believe that the sudden gear shift to Dru/Ash (for TWP marketing) was because she just didn’t want to have to give Ty a major POV. She’s literally never shy’d away from MLM rep (Malec has their own entire series lol), and the fact that the fandom was delusional about it being homophobic makes me sooo mad. Like, it’s super obvious that she will do ANYTHING to not write a Ty pov. She prefers GHOSTS over him
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sugarsnappeases · 9 months
summer holiday matchmaking please!!
summer holiday matchmaking is kinda rogue but so silly to me it's something i thought of aaages ago and still haven't like properly started writing but it's very fun, it's basically the whole pre-marauders gang going on holiday to zabini's villa in italy in the summer one year and she's literally going about trying to set everyone up w each other...
more below the cut bc this got long.....
zira (zabini, btw i did have a reason that i can't remember anymore but i started calling her that in my head and now i can't stop so we're sticking w it) is there... obviously. and she has this whole major matchmaking scheme that doesn't go entirely right all the time but gets the right results anyway... like she manages to get most of the couples that she wants to get together to get together
the couples in questions areeee:
bella and rita, bc this is me we're talking about and i can't live without quillkiller, and they're circling each other like prey in this one like i think they take the longest to get together bc they just kinda don't want the chase to end
cissy and alice, they're so special to me!!! lots of very nervous kinda moves being made but also like... cissy figures out what zira is doing So quickly and immediately goes into denial about liking alice lol so there's a bit of difficulty there
rodolphus and antonin, my precious angry babies, you already know my thoughts about them as enemies to enemies who fuck and i don't think this is much different like they're not enemies really but zira just manages to gets them to fuck it out rather than scream at each other and calls it a job well done
frank and rabastan, quite sweet i think but i haven't entirely figured this one out it's just general vibes and pasta dough kneading atm
ted and andromeda, this is an already established relationship and they're very sweet and happy and in love etc etc bc they deserve it
lucius and gideon (prewett), but this is more of an unexpected one night stand rather than a relationship so this is very very minor (they somehow end up worming their way into half my fics like this)
also another already established relationship, potentially molly and arthur weasley?? bc i saw this tiktok one time talking about arthur and andy being friends and i was kinda like.... yeah?? maybe??
oh and then also fabian (prewett) and the carrow twins are all gonna be there too like that's their big friend group that spans several school houses and years (although i've lessened the age gap a bit like the black sisters are all just one year apart from each other in this like cissy just finished 5th year, andy just finished 6th and bella just finished 7th, and the rest of their friends span those years like accordingly yk)
also i was thinking of writing this from zira's pov, so it's all kinda an outsiders pov of the various relationships which i just thought would be really interesting to do... but tbh i haven't properly started writing this yet, i've just mapped out the general vibes
there's gonna be a bunch of lounging by the poolside, chatting on the deckchairs, beaches, clubs, cocktails, matching tattoos, house parties, italian food, skinny dipping, drinking games, pasta making, gossiping and DRAMA!! lots of drama and zira is just sitting back and relaxing and having the absolute time of her life......
anyway that's that for now!!!
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safyresky · 8 months
Happy January 13th on the 15th Monday! Frostmas: Year One is now LIVE on ao3
Give Year One a read on ao3 HERE!
Year One
Jack becomes Santa; Jacqueline becomes Jack Frost. Then the trouble really begins.
And a Frostmas Summary for you as well, in case you missed it:
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn't supposed to be Santa; I wasn't supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack's reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
Take her from the top (Prologue) HERE (ao3) or HERE (ff dot net)
So my thing this year is crossposting Frostmas every 13th of the month bc I like symbolism, lol, and the vibe is very unlucky days haha.
I meant to have this up Saturday but had yet to read through the final scene, and also. The bigger thing. Went to a friend's bday party on the town and had a LOT of drinks and did Karaoke and it was LOTS of fun and I deffs needed it but this led to me spending the 13th on the couch half asleep most of the day, only moving for food and grabbing my joycons for some Stardew Valley 😅😅😅
(finally got the community centre DONE! FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! My poor neglected desktop saves, lol)
ANYWAY. Year One is very short; it always has been. Jacqueline will tell us about Jack's official first Christmas out in Year Two, so hang tight for that! For now, check out Year One HERE on ao3...and I suppose HERE on blue site, though this ain't about her!!!
NOW THEN! Back I go to Finishing up CS, and off you go to click "read more" and get a fun little preview of Y2 of the Twelve Years of Frostmas below!
“Bernard, truly. I was devastated. It took so much courage to do what I did next, with the, the grief I felt! What I had to do next, mind you.”
“Hmm, let me guess! Take Santa’s jacket since nobody else was around to do so?”
“Exactly! It was for the greater good, Bernie! The greater good!”
Reaching the top of the steps, Bernard stopped by the cookies, looking down at Jack as he ran up the stairs to catch up.
“Oh, don’t give me that look, Bernard! The greater good? Have you not been listening? I’m more than happy to tell you my tale of, of woe once more—”
“Something about this is not right.”
Jack paled, watching Bernard turn abruptly on his heel and cross the top landing, heading towards the doors to Santa’s quarters. “No, this is all as it should be! Would you slow down there, Bernard? I can’t keep up with all you elves.” Bernard ignored him. Pushing open the doors, he burst into Santa’s living space, eyes sharp as he looked around at the massive amounts of toys and knick-knacks littering the space. Jack flew in shortly after. “What are you doing?!” "There are so many things wrong with this picture. Right here. This one," Bernard said, stopping his rummaging and framing his view of Jack with his index finger and thumb. A frosty sprite pouted, the red jacket five sizes too big, hanging off of his lanky frame. “No there’s not!” Jack answered a bit too fast. Clearing his throat, he composed himself. “This is all just as it should be. I mean, who better to be the next Santa than me? Why, I herald the season! It makes perfect sense." “No, it does not.” He rummaged through he drawers on Santa’s desk. “This isn't right. A Legendary can't take another Legendary Figure's place!” There was a jingle as Bernard pulled something out of the desk drawer, kicking it shut as he glared at Jack. A small bell sat in his hands, the silver glinting in the light. “I'm calling an emergency Council meeting right this second.” Jack scoffed. “Like that’ll do anything.” Making his way around Bernard, he took a seat at the desk, leaning back and throwing up his feet. “Real confident for someone in your position to say, Jack.” “You mean Santa. I have the jacket now, Bernie! I’m Santa.” “No! Absolutely not! This isn’t right. This can’t be right. The council will know what to do,” he thought out loud, hopping that this wasn’t happening, that this couldn’t be happening, and ringing the bell.
Think Bernard's right? Think the Council can do something about this? Is Jack gonna get away with it? Check out Year One HERE on ao3 to find out!
We'll see you February 13th for Year Two >:)
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 10 months
Omg I’m so happy I’m not the only one who feels like this about Mihawk! I even cosplayed him, because I think he is so cool, but if I actually had to choose between any of those characters I don’t think Mihawk would be that high up there? Maybe it’s because I felt let down, since a lot of fans talked about him and I finally read one piece and there’s just so many more fascinating characters, with much deeper relationships between them in one piece world? But I like cross guild, do you think we will finally get some content? Maybe we get to see his duels with shanks? You think it will be meaningful enough?
(re: this post)
yeah, mihawk has incredible vibes but… not much in the way of concrete lore available, lol.
and you know, i understand why those fans talked him up to you! he’s the first shichibukai we’re ever introduced to, he makes one hell of an impact! his mere existence acts as a warning to the characters we already know and love about what it means to be on the grand line, and what it will take to survive there. he’s very cool, very powerful, very honorable (thankfully for zoro), and shrouded in mystery. he’s meant to intimidate and entice. and it works, he definitely does that!
but we’ve been on the grand line since chapter 101, almost literally a thousand chapters ago. we’ve met tons of powerful characters since then—many of the strawhats have become powerful on that absurd, grand line level—and plenty of those characters have bonded with our heroes, told their stories, explained their motivations, been given depth. not mihawk.
a few thoughts on this:
these days, mihawk occupies a similar role re: zoro as shanks does re: luffy, and all we’ve learned of shanks’ motivations has been from other characters’ POVs. maybe this is just how oda operates when it comes to mentors? obscure motives for all??
we only know as much as we do about zoro’s motivations because the audience was shown a flashback; to the best of my knowledge, zoro has never told anyone about kuina (except tashigi, and he kinda botched that explanation). if we only knew what zoro wanted us to know about his motivations, i think we’d know about as much about zoro as we do mihawk. so maybe this is just a swordman stoicism thing.
or maybe oda just… can’t be bothered to provide backstory for characters who aren’t in the main cast or act as major arc villains. he’s got so many characters at this point i can’t really blame him, lmao.
but maybe cross guild will give us an opportunity!
i can’t imagine it happening any time soon—i’m not super up to date, i prefer to binge read arcs after they’re complete, but the current arc seems unrelated to the laugh tale/one piece hunt—but as i’ve discussed before, shanks and buggy both going after the one piece makes me confident they’re going to run into each other at some point. for peak drama, it would only happen at the very end of the hunt, but oda likes to undercut drama sometimes (especially where buggy is concerned), so who knows.
whenever it happens, mihawk’s consistent refusal to engage with shanks, to the extent that he once left a battlefield specifically to avoid him, should be a conflict within cross guild. and a flashback to at least one of their fights—maybe their last one? or maybe to the first time they met after shanks lost the arm?—would make a lot of sense in that moment.
now, would the contents of that flashback be meaningful? i hope so. i haven’t put a lot of thought into the potential whats and whys of mihawk, or his relationship with shanks—but i want him to be more complex than he sometimes appears. like, for example: i don’t want to think mihawk refuses to fight shanks just because he’s down an arm. i want the reason to be more interesting than that.
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elliepassmore · 2 years
Zhara review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: fantasy, multiple POVs, secret groups, humor Big thanks to Netgalley, Wednesday Books, and the author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review! While there are two POVs in this book, it's really Zhara's story. She undergoes a lot of development throughout this book and comes out stronger, and more herself, on the other side. At the same time, Han does play a major role in the story and has some of his own growth, it's just at a milder scale than Zhara. It's clear from the beginning that Zhara loves her sister and would do pretty much anything for her, even if it means dealing with her stepmother. That loyalty and sense of protection also carries through to some of the other people, particularly the kids, that Zhara comes across that are in need of help. She's also smart and fairly resourceful, despite her not thinking much of herself at times. Han is definitely a himbo. He works out a lot and prizes being in physical shape but is often one of, if not the last, person to put things together. Like Zhara, Han is also desperate to try and save his younger brother, though from a very different threat. He is fairly innocent (and as the synopsis says, easily flustered), which the other characters tease him mercilessly about, and makes him a fun character to read. Xu is Han's best friend and might be one of my favorite characters. I love how upbeat they are and yet at the same time they have their moments when they can be more serious. I also feel like Xu has a very strong sense of identity. They don't get a POV, but they have a lot of character to them that I enjoyed and I think it would be fun if we do get their POV at some point. I also really treasure their friendships with Han, Zhara, and Jiyi. Jiyi comes into the story a bit later and is endearing for different reasons. She's fairly straightforward about things, to the point of coming across as gruff, but it's clear that she's very knowledgeable about her field of study (and very accomplished) and that she cares about what happens if the worst were to come to pass. Yulana is also a late-comer in the story, but I absolutely love her. She's got somewhat of a mysterious vibe when she's first introduced, and things stay like that for a bit, but she's actually a pretty open person once we get past that. Like with Xu, I hope we get her POV at some point, and I suspect she's a more likely candidate for that than Xu is, lol. This book does a good job of including some lighter and more humorous moments amid the more high drama/stakes scenes. At times it did feel a but juvenile, but overall I think the effect worked. The funny moments allowed for relationships to develop between the characters and so we as readers cared when those relationships were put to the test or were in jeopardy. On the surface, magic is banned because magicians turn into abominations, but of course things are never so simple. Learning about the magic system and how things had gotten bad was interesting. The linguistic element of magic was definitely something that I enjoyed. There's a whole history and culture that's been driven underground or erased because of the abominations, but so few people know the truth of what happened, and what happened is very different from what people think it is. Of course there are allegories a plenty here, and a lot of aspects of the magical purge can be related to history or current events in our world in a way that's written very neatly without being overbearing. Overall, I enjoyed this book and that the high stakes were interspersed with lighter moments. I look forward to seeing the characters in the future books and am definitely hoping for more page time from Xu and Yulana in particular.
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