#i got to join in for the cuddles after too so i'm happy with that
On the larger scale I don't know if I'm happy or not but he's bein so so so sweet n good to me it's overwhelming
Silk's been much nicer to me than I expected too, I guess he doesn't see me as competition anymore? Idk but it's nice. Sharing my spot & the responsibility n rewards that come with it has been workin out pretty well, I'm thinkin maybe we managed to find an arrangement that works for all of us.
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coco-loco-nut · 2 months
Can I please ask for an angsty fic with Max, where the reader defends him from Jos after not finishing his race in Melbourne...idk if you remember when Max kept his helmet for four hours after a race because he was afraid of what Jos would have done to him after not winning...and the reader basically tells Jos to get lost even if she's like 5'4 and definitely not as intimidating as them both lol.
And then maybe after the win in Suzuka, they "reconcile" but she still reminds him to act right around her boyfriend, who's now a man and not a little boy he could pressure like he once did.
Sorry if it's too long!! Thanks for taking your time and reading my request!
Guard Dog
Pairing: Max x Reader
Summary: You are sick and tired of watching Max take Jos' shit
TW: verbal abuse
A/n: thank you soooo much for the rec, I love writing these out so much <3
requests open masterlist
"Maxie... are you okay?" you wait patiently by the door to his driver's room, careful not to barge in like Jos would, as you have for the past year since you first witnessed Jos' beratement of his son. He is sitting on the couch with his helmet between his hands. The fire causing an unpleasant start to the race, and you are just glad you got here first.
"I'm okay," his voice cracks and you step into the room, closing the door behind you. "I know it wasn't my fault, but I can't help but feel like it was my fault," Max looks in your eyes, the fire brewing behind them. You were genuinely the sweetest girl he's ever met, and to get you mad took a lot. God help you if Jos shows up, you are tired of Max feeling bad even when he podiums.
"You're right, you didn't do anything wrong, the car failed you today," you stay calm, sitting beside him and cuddling into him. Max stays quiet, enjoying your warmth, and decompressing from the start. He can understand why the fans were so happy to see him lose, in fact, if he wasn't himself, he would join them. No, the fear of his father is what has him on edge. Rightfully so, because a few seconds later the door is slammed open again.
"Max, what the hell did you-" Jos starts and you launch yourself off the couch. Jos and Max were big guys, and you were average height for a woman, 5'6 or so, but you didn't seem like it in that moment.
"Shut the hell up and leave. You have nothing useful to say and you are going to shift blame to Max who had NO fault in the DNF," you snarl, setting yourself up as a barrier between the two, Jos still in the doorway and Max on the couch.
"Girl, I don't know who you think you are, but I am Max's father, and I can-," You cut Jos off before he can continue.
"No, you aren't his father. A father doesn't talk to his son like that, you are simply a man who shares the same last name as Max. A father is someone like Carlos Sainz Sr or Lawrence Stroll. No, you are a man- sorry a boy in a man's body- who can't cope with the fact that he doesn't race anymore and wants the man who shares the same last name with him to be impossibly perfect and win every single race, even when the car breaks down." You sneer at the man. "You need to leave, before I call security and make them remove you," you don't back down, instead you step closer. Max watches in both awe and fear.
"Leave, Jos, now. Don't make me repeat myself," you say, practically slamming the door behind him. You turn around and look at Max, seemingly calm and normal. He looks at you bewildered.
"That was the sexiest thing ever. Thank you, Schatje, you didn't have to do that," Max hugs you, a large weight off of his shoulders.
"Of course I did, who else will be your guard dog?" You smile at him, squeezing him tighter. "Now, get changed and get back to the garage," you tell Max, stepping out to the room. You let out a deep breath, surprised with how you treated Jos and stood up for Max. A couple minutes later, Max rejoins you, quickly stopping inside hospitality for a snack.
The two of you avoid Jos, going extremely low contact, not that he was trying to. Jos would never admit it, but he was embarrassed at how you spoke to him, and his retreat allowed him to ignore it. Instead, you and Max enjoyed your time together in Japan. The both of you were aware Jos was there, but chose to ignore it. After Max won, Jos warily approached the two of you.
"I wanted to congratulate you on winning. You drove well," Jos says stiffly, silently calling for a truce. You let Max take the lead on the conversation.
"Thank you," he says, feeling like a little boy again, but accepting the temporary truce.
"It was good seeing you Jos, but we need to go," you interject, sensing the still tense atmosphere. The older man, still a little scared of you despite your sweet demeanor, lets you go, not quite willing to cross you again.
"Love you, Maxie"
"Love you too, Schatje,"
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artist: superrbanana. App: Twitter
Note: the way I'm ashamed but at the same time not for finding these pictures.....but he's so pretty and omg!!! (I don't think I'm mentally sane anymore-)
I didn't fully watch the spiderverse yet, so i dont think i have the concept of him exactly understood, but i hope you enjoy
(Don't mind the 2 bold sentence, it's just the repeated words in the picture 😅)
Warning: Slight NSFW at the end, sub Hobie
The first time Hobie and you met, he almost fell in love at first sight. You were a musician. You tried many, always changed the instrument, tried different ways, and did different tastes of music. He kept going over to your usual place and sometimes even listened to you from afar from your window.
He was not expecting that you would greet him first. But definitely didn't complain. He would always notice when you tried new styles, sometimes you would ask him to match. He didn't mind. He was happy to try new things out.
He loved the little nicknames you gave him. It was amusing. He would keep mentioning you in most conversations unconsciously. Which made miguel annoyed. When you guys officially dated, he would sometimes bring flowers or small gifts to you.
Smiling as you happily accepted it. At first, when you threw compliments there and here, at least once a day or say how much you love him and even hug him. Or perhaps give him a kiss. He was surprised, but he gradually got used to it and welcomed it.
When you flirted with him for the first time, it caught him off guard. It made him even flustered, too. But he flirted back also after some time. And if you went with Hobie in the spider headquarters or spider city (I don't know what it's called)
Miguel would have such a headache when you guys flirted or become lovey dovey with each other around him.
You woke up from the sound of knocking at your window. You walked up to it, seeing Hobie waving at you and pointing at the lock to let him in. Hobie quickly comes in when you opened it as he sat on the couch.
"Hey, luv. Hope you didn't mind me bargin 'n so late at night"
Hobie smiled as you sighed. Hobie followed you to the bedroom since you guys have been sleeping and cuddling together. Hobie sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for you to join him, but instead, you just put both of your hands on his face.
Hobie smiled as he tilted his head and kissed your palm. Still looking at you as he pampered your palm with more kisses. Still holding your hand, he pulled you closer for a kiss. Putting his hand around your neck or waist as he continued the kiss. He broke the kiss with a string of saliva.
He panted as he went for another kiss, trying to make you closer than you are already. He could feel you smirk as your knee grinded his crouch, shuddering from the sudden shock of pleasure.
"Please, just- hgnh...keep touching me there... just like that....it feels so ah-! So good..hngh...."
His head threw back as he panted, softly moaning as he hugged you tighter.
"Need you....so damn bad..."
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alisonwritesimagines · 9 months
This Night is Sparkling, Don't You Let it Go ~LA! Shanks Imagine~
Summary: The moment Luffy gets his own bounty poster, Shanks makes the decision to come back to you.
Author’s Note: Not as long as the angst one but at least this is the fluff ending.
Fluff Ending to I Was Enchanted to Meet You
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: fluff, mentions of sex
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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“I’m going to be king of the pirates and I promise that I will find Shanks and you two can live with me in an island or I can get you two your own island so you two can be happy,” Luffy tells you.
“Focus on becoming King of the Pirates first then you can worry about me," you tell him.
"I promise I'll make you proud. I won't forget what you and Shanks taught me," Luffy said.
You watched as Luffy was ready to set off in the world to become king of the pirates. He had told you two days before that he was leaving and that he had gotten a small boat ready. You felt nervous on letting him go off but you knew that he would not change his mind once he had his mind set.
“And I promise to be safe. I’ll send you letters of my adventures!”
“Or you could always come back and visit me,” you tell him.
“I will do that too!”
“Luffy. Please be careful,” you tell him.
“I will. And thank you. For taking care of me for all these years,” Luffy said.
“Of course.”
“I’ll see you again soon! And I’ll bring back some awesome stuff for you!” Luffy said before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. He got on his boat and began to sail off.
A few weeks later, you saw Luffy’s bounty poster in the newspaper. You stared at his photo as you fiddled with the ring Shanks gave you.
You were alone now. Luffy was off being a pirate and Shanks was God knows where. You leaned your head on your head as you stared down at the photo. You missed your boys and now that you were alone, what was left for you to do?
"You okay, Y/n?" Makino asked you.
"Just missing my boys," you tell her.
"At least you know how Luffy's doing," she said. You smile softly before nodding.
“Gents! We are setting sail!” Shanks called out after drinking another pint of beer.
“Where to captain?”
“Windmill Village! I need to pick up someone from there,” Shanks told his crew.
“You mean Y/n?”
“Of course I do. Let’s go get her shall we?”
You gathered your vegetables from your garden before walking back to your home. You began to separate them for ones to keep and ones to sell. Now that Luffy was gone, you had more food to sell.
A faint knock at the door was heard making you look over. You walked to the door to find Shanks standing there. Your eyes widen as you stared at him.
“You’re just as beautiful as the day I left,” Shanks said before cupping your cheek and leaning in to kiss you.
“Wait! Did you find the one piece? Why are you here? Am I dreaming?” You asked, a million questions ran through your head.
“Haven't found the one piece yet. But I am here to take my fiancée away from here."
“I saw Luffy’s bounty poster. And I knew that meant you’re no longer taking care of him. So join me, my love.”
“Shanks. I don’t know.”
“Please. I cannot bare another day without you. Join me and I promise you to give you everything you could ever ask for,” Shanks tells you. You leaned up to kiss him again before pulling him into your home with his shirt. He closed the door behind him, locking it with his one hand.
“I’ll join you Shanks. But first, I need you to touch me again,” you tell him as you began to undo the knot on his cape.
“Of course my love. I'm all yours."
“I’ve missed you so much,” you tell him as you cuddled up next to him. There was only one perk of Shanks having one arm. You can lie close to him without worrying about making his arm hurt or fall asleep.
“I’ve missed you too. You’re all that I thought of,” Shanks tells you.
“Same here. I should leave a note for Luffy for when he decides to visit,” you mention as you looked around your home.
“Of course.”
As you packed your bags, you looked around at your home. You began to tear up as you stared at a few pictures of you and Luffy.
“You’ll see him again my love,” Shanks said, kissing your head.
“I know. But I just can’t help but think what would happen if Luffy came home and he needs help?”
“He’s a grown boy now, Y/n. And even then, we can always come back here if you need to,” Shanks told you. You nodded before kissing him once more.
“Though I’d like to marry you before we set sail,” Shanks mentioned as he held your hand.
“I’d love that.”
Once you were packed up, you two headed to the village. You dropped off the vegetables to Makino while one of Shanks’s crew members brought your stuff to Shanks’s room. You wore a white dress as requested by Shanks.
“Shall we get married?” Shanks asked you.
“Who’s going to officiate?”
“My crew got the priest to quickly rush over so we can marry before we set sail.”
“You planned this didn’t you?”
“Darling, I knew I wanted to make you mine forever the moment I decided to come back to you.”
You smiled at Shanks before kissing him once more.
Shanks’s crew and a few of your close friends were your witnesses to your small and quick wedding. But it didn’t matter if it wasn’t a traditional wedding. You had each other and that’s all that mattered.
While the crew celebrated in the village, you and Shanks were enjoying each other’s company in his room on his ship. The two of you didn't wait any time to consummate your marriage together.
Shanks lied awake as you slept soundly next to him. After six rounds, you were knocked out. Shanks smiled as he kissed your forehead, finally being able to relax now that you were in his arms.
“I love you so much my love,” Shanks tells you.
“If it isn’t my lovely wife,” Shanks smiled as you waddled over to him.
You were eight months pregnant and Shanks was more than happy for you to be carrying his child. He quickly greeted you in the middle before kissing you on the lips.
“How is my beautiful wife?” Shanks asked you.
“I feel fat,” you tell him honestly.
“Nonsense. You’re still the most gorgeous woman in my eyes,” Shanks said.
“Plus it doesn’t help that the sea is making me sick again,” you tell him as you felt queasy.
“We’ll be docking again back home my love,” Shanks assured you before kissing you once more.
“Are you sure you're okay with staying in the village until the baby is born?" You asked him.
"Of course. I'd do anything for our family," Shanks said before kissing your head.
"Daddy! Come on!" Your five year old son called out as he ran towards the ocean.
"Don't go too far or else you'll give your mother a heart attack," Shanks chuckled as he carried his one year old daughter in his arm.
"Why doesn't anyone wait for me?" You complained as you waddled over towards your family.
"I'm here for you," Shanks said as he waited for you. Though you had two kids already, you were expecting one more.
"You did this to me," you joked as you pointed a finger at him.
"I don't recall you complaining about it," Shanks smiled before giving you a quick kiss.
"Mom! Can we have a bonfire later?" Your son asked you.
"Yeah. Of course baby," you nodded.
Shanks and you sat on chairs next to your son as he built a sandcastle. You smiled at Shanks as he smiled down at your daughter.
"I got a letter from Luffy. Said he plans on visiting us next month with his crew," you tell Shanks.
"Oh good. Haven't seen him in a while," Shanks said.
"I know. I'm happy to see him and his pirate crew together. Remember when he always asked for you to take him into your crew?" You asked Shanks.
"Those were the good old days," Shanks laughed a little.
"Yeah. I'm glad you came back to me sooner."
"I'm glad to. I could never imagine a life without," Shanks tells you before leaning in to kiss you.
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rxmqnova · 5 months
WandaNat x fem!reader request!!
Reader is the youngest and the compound and it’s our first birthday there and everyone has forgotten but not Wanda and nat and they try to make the day extra special because they couldn’t be there on our birthday since they were at a mission
Best birthday
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Y/N: 18 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV Being the youngest Avenger sucks. At least that's what Y/N thinks. She just wants to help people and go on missions like all of the others, yet she's not allowed to, because she's 'too young' as all the others say.
She loves every single one of the Avengers, even though a few of them really piss her off sometimes. And especially when they use her just to do their work for them.
It's just not fair. Peter was even younger than her when he joined the Avengers and still Y/N's only good for doing the others' paper work.
With a smile on her face Y/N makes her way over to the kitchen for breakfast. It's her 18th birthday today and she was promised that once she turns 18, she'll be allowed to start going on missions.
"Morning, kiddo. I'm happy to see you. I have some work in the lab today and don't really have time to work on my mission report. Fury wants it by tonight, could you do that for me please?" Tony gets straight to the point.
"Oh. Well. It's my bir-"
"I'll pay you. I really need to have it done by tonight. Please" He cuts Y/N's sentence off, making the girl sigh.
"… Fine, I'll do it" Y/N gives up. It's definitely not how she was hoping to spend her birthday, but it still doesn't ruin her birthday mood.
"Thanks, kiddo. I'll bring it to you after breakfast" Tony says, patting Y/N's shoulder and earning a nod from the young girl.
Just like Tony said, he dropped off the papers at Y/N's room after both left the kitchen after breakfast. So she gets into work right away, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, the day hasn't contained just this one task and every time Y/N tried to ask someone to spend time with her, they just didn't have time for her…
Wanda and Natasha smile widely, standing in front of Y/N's room, each holding a gift wrapped in a wrapping paper for the youngest Avenger.
It might not have been the best birthday for Y/N, especially when every single Avenger that was on the compound forgot, but that's about to change now.
Both, Natasha and Wanda, returned from a mission in the middle of the night. Of course they're quite disappointed because they couldn't spend the special day with Y/N, but that doesn't stop them from making today the best day for the birthday girl.
"Good morning, Y/N/N. It's time to wake up" Wanda says softly, sitting down on the bed next to Y/N's sleeping body, Natasha sitting down on the other side.
Y/N groans in response, opening her eyes to find her two favorite redheads in front of her.
"What are you guys doing here?" A smile immediately forms on the youngest girl's face.
"Well, it was someone's birthday yesterday and because we couldn't spend it with her, we decided to celebrate the special day today" Wanda explains on which Y/N can't help but wrap her arms around both redheads, hugging them tightly.
"Alright, детка. We can cuddle later, now it's time for you to open your gifts. We have quite a busy day ahead of us" Natasha smiles, letting go of the girl and handing her the present she got her. (baby)
"You didn't have to give me anything, guys. I-"
"Hush. It's your birthday. Now open your present" Natasha shushes the younger girl, making Y/N's cheeks turn a bit red.
Y/N carefully unwraps her first present, gasping when she sees what's inside.
A while ago Tony got Y/N an old gramophone for helping him out with something and Y/N took quite an interest in it. She likes to collect old vinyl records and listening to them, so seeing Natasha got her a few old vinyl records she's been trying to get for a long time made her really happy.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Y/N squeals happily, jumping into Natasha's arms once again which makes the redhead let out a chuckle.
That's not the only thing Y/N's interested in though. Lately she's been really into photographing and making photo albums, so Wanda got her a brand new polaroid camera.
"Alright, alright. Now my present" Wanda interrupts, hoping to get some hugs from the birthday girl as well.
Just like with the first present, Y/N opens it very carefully and gasping once again.
"Oh my god, how did you know I've been wanting one of those?!" Y/N squeals, repeating her actions and jumping into Wanda's arms, hugging her tightly. "It must have cost you so much, guys. You really didn't have to give me anything"
"Okay, again. It's your birthday, so just enjoy it… Besides, it was Tony's money, so who cares" Natasha shrugs, making Y/N let out a chuckle. "But now it's time for breakfast, so follow us, birthday girl"
The day hasn't ended with birthday breakfast though. For lunch the redheads took Y/N to her favorite restaurant. And after a little walk around the Central park, the three ended up on a fair.
They had a lot of cotton candy, Natasha won a huge teddy bear for Y/N and they went on so many fair rides which wasn't Wanda's favorite, but what wouldn't she do for the birthday girl.
Now it's dinner time though and the redheads prepared a picnic on the roof of the compound. So now the three are sitting there, watching the sunset.
"I've never ever had a birthday picnic on the roof and we should definitely make it a tradition. It's so beautiful!" Y/N squeals, referring to the sunset and making both redheads chuckle.
"Well, I agree. We should definitely make it our tradition" Wanda agrees, receiving a huge grin from Y/N.
Silence fill the air as the three get back to watching the sun setting down, Y/N smiling and wondering how did she get so lucky to have Wanda and Natasha in her life.
"… Thank you" Y/N breaks the silence, both redheads turning their heads to look at her. "It's been the best birthday i've ever had. No one has ever done anything like this for me and I will never be able to thank you enough for this"
"Y/N/N, you don't have to thank us for anything. We've had the best time with you today and we're so happy that we could celebrate your birthday with you" Wanda smiles, pulling the younger girl in for a hug.
"I can only agree with Wanda, детка. And the day hasn't ended yet, there's still a movie night planned" Natasha smiles, receiving a hug from Y/N as well. "The sun is down now anyway, so who's ready for the movie night?" (baby)
WandaNat masterlist
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ponderingmoonlight · 10 months
hiihihi can i request prompt 55 for megumi?? maybe reader texted him late at night and wanted him to sneak into her dorm after curfew? (maybeee gojo caught them a lil while later 👀 only doing rounds cause he was nosy and wanted to snoop lmaoo)
I’m an absolute sucker for Megumi, thank you for this request! It’s a little goofy, kinda got inspired by my dress up darling xD Hope you like it though, please let me know :) 55. "I'm tired. Don't make me angry."
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Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,8k
Synopsis: Megumi knows it isn't allowed to visit you after curfew late at night, but the temptation is just too great. However, it is percisely this night that Gojo noticed the both of you and finds you in a rather unfavorable situation.
Warnings: language, mentions of smut, it's getting a little heated
Yo loser, you still awake? 🖤
Stop calling me that, yes I am (y/n).
Wanna come over? I’m bored as hell :(
Not my problem, remember curfew? I don’t want to get into trouble because of you.
You sign at your screen and roll your eyes in annoyance. God, Megumi is such a pain in the ass when it comes to following these stupid rules. You are mature enough to decide on your own when and who you want to visit. And how would they know? All the teachers are sound asleep anyway. Not even Gojo has the nerve to stay alert all night just to make sure that Megumi won’t visit you, right?
You just have to be silent. Shouldn’t be hard for you.
I’m tired. Don’t make me angry (y/n).
Pleeeaaaassseee Megumi, I’m begging on my knees :(
Megumi throws his phone to the side in irritation. Why do you always have to bother him this late at night? Of course his heart beats out of his chest just thinking about seeing you alone, but why does meeting you always bond with getting into trouble?
Still…maybe he is even able to hold you in his arms until the sun begins to rise. He’d ditch sleep a hundred times if it meant that you are by his side. As noiselessly as possible he sits up in bed and glances at Yuji who is breathing peacefully and is keeping his eyes closed. Megumi stands up, puts on his slippers and walks to the door. The girl’s corridor is down the hall, quite a stretch that cannot be explained if someone catches him there.  Why does he keep doing things like this for you?
It doesn’t matter. As if in trance his feet carry him to your door. His knuckles brush gently against the hard wood, eyes swaying around in alert.
Your heart skips a beat when you catch a glimpse of him in the dim moonlight. He really came! With a wide grin on your face you grab his hand and pull him into your room.
“Megumi!”, you cry out in excitement.
“Shh, you want everyone to know that I’m here? Maki is next door”, he hisses.
A glimpse of you is enough to make Megumi blush in an instant. You are covered by nothing but an oversized Shirt, your butt just barely covered by it. Are you only wearing underwear underneath this? He always knew and appreciated that you are comfortable around him, but the sight of your naked thighs does thinks to him and lets his mind wander. Why do you have to be so ridiculously attractive anyway?
“Come on, Maki sleeps like a rock and who cares about you being here anyway? Except for me, of course. You can’t even imagine how happy it makes me that you really came”, you shyly admit.
He looks as breathtaking as usual, maybe even better with his loose black sweater that shows off his tight muscles underneath so perfectly. Nothing ever happened between Megumi and you. You’re just friends that meet up late at night and lay in your bed until the sun rises, talking about everything and everyone. Megumi never touched you, never cuddled you, never intertwined his hand with yours. But oh how much you wished he did. Since you joined Jujutsu High alongside him, your feelings for the black-haired boy grew day by day. Now you can’t imagine life without him, your heart starts to dance whenever you see him.
“You know, I just really like your company”, he responses, scratching his head awkwardly and avoiding your gaze.
Your heart skips a beat, face lighting up by the sound of his sweet words. It is rare that he says such things to you, Megumi isn’t the vocal one anyway. Actually you are, but not when it comes to him. He is the only person that lets your outspoken and confident self get soft and all flustered, not even brave enough to give him a hug.
“Wanna lay in bed? You said you were tired.”
Not anymore. Your sight alone is better than the best sleep and wakes him up every time.     
His gaze brushes over your moonlit features as you climb into bed, sliding against the wall and invitingly padding the sheets next to you. It makes him nervous to lay this close to you, knowing that you wear nothing but a shirt and that you are absolutely breathtaking beautiful. His heart almost beats out of his chest when the mattress gives in under his weight and your bare arm brushes against his skin while he lays down. Everything smells so good. He can immediately scent your sweet shampoo on the cushion under his head as well as the delicious fragrance of your body spray that hangs in the air and tingles in his nose. But the sight of your glistering eyes is what sends him over the edge.
“God, you are so beautiful.”
The words escape his mouth faster than he can react, hands covering his mouth in shock. Did he really just say that? Fuck, you must think he is really awkward, that all he thinks about are your good looks.
“I-I mean…You’re pretty smart as well…”, he stutters, face flushing immediately.
A cute little giggle escapes your mouth, cheeks heating up at his sudden outburst. Here and there a few compliments slipped out of Megumi’s mouth and left him all flustered. You adored the blush creeping up his face and the way he always scratched his head awkwardly in silence.
“(y/n), you need to be a little quieter. I don’t want Gojo-sensei to find us here”, he whispers, gaze creeping to the door.
“Don’t worry, he never did!”
Little did you know that Satoru just woke up from his light sleep and your giggling that echoed through the otherwise quiet halls of the dorms. He straightens himself and puts on a pair of sweatpants, a yawn escaping his lips. Why the hell is someone awake this late at night? Putting on his slippers, he leaves his room and roams around.
Another giggle. His eyes narrow. This sounds like you. Why are you giggling? Maybe someone is with you. Gojo doesn’t waste any more time and traces into the girl’s corridor. The ruffling, giggles and muffled voices grow louder as he moves towards your door. That other voice, it sounds so familiar…His eyes widen in surprise. Is that Megumi? What are you doing in there, after curfew alone in your room late at night? Fuck, he didn’t prepare Megumi for any for this. Does he know how this works? Is he using protection? Gojo’s pace picks up in an instant, panic mode completely activated.
“(y/n) and Megumi-chan, I know you’re in there. Get dressed within the next ten seconds”, he announces.
Your eyes widen in pure horror. Fuck, Gojo is here. Why the hell is Gojo here? He never caught you over the span of many months. Why today? Why when Megumi’s arms are this close to you, ready to hug you tightly?
“I told you!”, Megumi hisses through gritted teeth, panic written on his face.
“I’ll lock the door”, you proclaim with determination and lift yourself up.
This will give Megumi enough time to hide somewhere. You frantically swing your leg over his body, almost losing balance on the soft mattress underneath and your body tangled within the blanket in your rush.
“Fuck”, you mutter and search for hold, hands landing on his chest.
Instinctively, his hands grab your hips tightly just in time before you fall onto the ground.
Time stands still, your eyes stare right into Megumi’s ones. You’re sitting on top of him, thighs pressed against his with his big hands resting against your hips, squeezing them. You can feel something twitching underneath you, Megumi’s heartbeat bangs against your hands. Oh god. Is this really happening? All you can do is hold your breath and stare at him, every cell of your body refusing to move.
You sit on top of Megumi Fushiguro.
His hands grab your hips.
You know exactly what is moving beneath you.
“We didn’t even talk about this Megumi-chan, get back into yo- OH MY GODNESS.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Gojo entered the room, gaping at the both of you with his mouth wide open and completely frozen in his tracks.
“I-It’s not what it l-looks like…I-I promise!”, you stutter, full panic mode activated.
You stumble off him, body swaying back and forth. Did you really just sit on Megumi? With Gojo catching you mid-action?
Megumi hectically covers his lower body with a blanket, face dripping in sweat, embarrassment and heat. You just sat on him. He got hard and you probably noticed. Gojo saw all of this. He doesn’t know what to think or say anymore, mind completely occupied by what just happened. Did you really sit on him?
“Listen kids, I don’t care about curfew or anything, but please make sure to use protection and be…y’know…quiet.”
Even Gojo stumbles over his words at this point, avoiding gazing at your poorly dressed figure.
“We didn’t do anything. It just looked strange”, Megumi finally speaks out.
You want to be swallowed by the ground and hide in a tiny hole for the rest of your life. Your sensei thinks that you two got intimate. But not only that, it looked like he caught you mid-action. But more important than that…You sat on Megumi and he was very excited about that. Does that mean that he…likes you?
“Sure. Listen, let’s talk about this tomorrow or even better, never again. Just make sure to be quiet…Ehm, have a nice night I guess.”
And with that, Gojo closes the door behind him, leaving the both of you with his fast steps echoing down the hall.
Silence fills the room, you don’t dare to look at Megumi.
“Maybe…You wanna cuddle for a bit? Doesn’t make any difference anymore I guess.”
Your heart skips a beat. Did this words really just left his mouth, the mouth of Megumi Fushiguro, the boy who never even tried to put an arm around you? This night truly just keeps getting crazier.
“Aren’t you worried about what Gojo-sensei thinks?”, you question, face still hot in embarrassment.
“I’ll talk to him in the morning. We don’t have to if yo-“
“No”, you interrupt him immediately.
“I would love to lay in your arms.”
And that’s what you did. His warm arms welcomed and held you tight through the rest of this eventful night, heart still racing uncontrollably.
“I think I like you more than a friend”, you admit into silence, face buried against his chest.
“Me too.”
“Yeah, I noticed that”, you remark before you can stop yourself.
Megumi pushes you off his chest, face red as a tomato almost instantly.
“Can we please just stop talking about that, (y/n)?”
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AHHH hii angel thank you so much for responding to my last request, it was more than perfect!! 💗
idk if you'd do this because it's a very sensitive topic and i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable but i need a little bit of comfort and reassurance since my bday is in like an hour hehe.. but can i have a bucky with a reader who's attempting to lose weight by dieting and working out but it kinda goes downhill (i think you know what I'm hinting at), and she's like a bit insecure and compares herself to models. and bucky finds out and helps her.. and just a bit angsty but turns out very fluffy with cuddles and stuff. you absolutely don't have to write this request if it's too overwhelming, lot's of love, take care! 💗💗💗💗
- 🦢
my love hi!! you’re more than welcome, glad you liked it!! happy belated birthday, hope you had a great day!! I love stuff like this so it’s no problem. sending love, hope you’re well. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
bucky barnes x fem!reader — angst & comfort
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word count. 1073
warnings. potentially triggering content? mentions of dieting and working out. might be a hard read for some?
Comparison is the thief of joy. 
It's something you've always struggled with, the endless questioning of yourself, picking yourself apart in ways you believe you don't fit in. It's an easy habit to slip into but a difficult one to break out of. 
As of late, those feelings resurfaced - finding more and more 'faults' when you put yourself up against others. Models. It was as if you got sucked into a spiral of scrolling through images and doubting yourself, all of it leading to you curled up crying in bed. Always. 
No matter how upset you'd be, you'd still find yourself swiping up to see more - feeding that little gremlin in your mind. 
And after a little while, you decided you wanted to do something about those feelings - granted the reasoning behind it wasn't coming from a good place, but you'd be bettering yourself, and that's what you originally wanted.
So you changed your routine: waking up before six, secretly squeezing in an hour workout before joining Bucky on his morning runs, coming back home to have breakfast —an apple— then going about your day only to workout again once you get home. 
You thought food was the enemy, so you restricted yourself with crazy diets and regimes you hear about in Hollywood. You tried a water cleanse, a juice cleanse, keto, even fasting, but no matter how hard you thought you tried, your efforts would not be enough for what you wanted.
All it left you feeling was tired and crappy. No matter how much you hated your body, your body hated you more for what you were doing to it.
You thought you were being sneaky and secretive in the way you were going about it, but you couldn't be more wrong. Bucky, your boyfriend, knew something was running rampant in your mind: every dismissal of a snack you previously loved, every time he watched you dodge a mirror —or on the contrast of seeing you stare too long in one— all of it only confirming what he had hoped not to be true.
It's a sensitive topic, especially to bring up to a loved one. Bucky knew you weren't going to be forthcoming, so he wanted to take the first step.
You were in your shared bedroom, sorting through your dresser to find a clean pair of workout clothes - all of your others drenched in sweat from your previous workouts. 
"Hey, honey?" Bucky calls out, knocking on the ajar door. 
You turn around to see his sweet face, your own almost embarrassed from being caught. "Yeah?" 
"It's almost dinnertime. What do you say about going to that restaurant downtown? The one you love?" he asks, trying to scope you out.
"I have some stuff in the fridge. I bought a bunch of kale that needs eating before it goes bad," you reply, turning away, redirecting your focus to the clothes in your drawer.
Bucky leaves his spot in the doorframe, instead walking over to take a seat at the foot of the bed - behind from where you stand. "That's not food," he softly shakes his head. "Rabbits eat that. Let's get something good. What about a chicken sandwich? Pizza?"
"It is food," you reply. "Put on some pepper and olive oil, then bake it— it's good," you add, trying to convince him and yourself. 
He faintly sighs, resting his elbows on his knees. "No one likes kale."
"Maybe you're not cooking it right," you playfully protest, trying to distract him. 
"No, I cook it right," he stands up, walking to stand beside you. "We haven't gone out to eat for a while. I miss spending time with you like that."
You missed it too - far more than you'd ever anticipate. But you didn't want to slip up again. You already had a few times this week and you didn't want to make a habit of it. 
"I do, too, but I already ate. Maybe in the week?"
"What did you have?" he asks, craning his neck to look at your face.
You hesitate, not having an answer. "I can't remember."
He exhales weakly, your unknown confirmation making his heart sink. His hand reaches for yours, the act like he was pulling your attention back to him. "That means you haven't eaten," he utters, his tone soft - the meaning behind his words almost scolding. 
You feel cornered, and once again, you have no answer for him. 
His grip tightens, gently turning you back to him. "You need to eat, honey. Your body needs it... I know what you've been doing."
After hearing something you didn't want to, your stomach drops. Bucky knew.
"I should've said something when I noticed it," he shakes his head, feeling at fault. "You know you can't keep doing what you're doing?"
You nod meekly, avoiding his eyes. You did know that what you were doing was unhealthy, but you wanted to be like them. If they can do it, why can't you?
"Why have you been doing it?" he asks faintly, cocking his neck to meet your gaze.
"Are you telling me off?"
He's quick to shake his head, denying it almost instantly - both his palms reaching to cup your face. "God, no," his soft eyes bore into yours. "Of course not, honey. Never," he reassures, thumbs grazing over your cheeks. "I just want you to look after yourself."
"I do," you hesitate a response, the words delicate - almost inaudible.
"You don't," he mumbles. "The working out, not eating? You're hurting yourself," he pauses. "If you want to change, I can help you. But we'll do it the right way, okay? None of what you've been doing."
All you can do is nod, silently acknowledging your accidental wrongdoings.
"Just small changes," he leans in, pressing a kiss to your lips. "That's all you need, okay?"
"Okay," you faintly smile, agreeing to the help. 
"So," he starts, removing the placement on the sides of your face. "We're going to go out for dinner. And you're going to order whatever you want— whatever it is you've been wanting to eat," he pauses, noticing the hesitancy in your expression. "And we're going to order water instead of wine. Small changes."
The thought of ordering a meal you've restricted yourself from is enough to make your smile genuine. The idea of having your lover's support making it all that much easier.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Heart II
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: You try to recover
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You stay in the hospital for nearly two weeks as your new heart gets used to its new home in your body.
Ingrid and Mapi are with you the entire time.
Sometimes, one of them even skips training to come and see you. You're in a special hospital room and they have to wear silly facemasks when they come to visit that makes them look all weird.
They bring you lots of things to play with while you're stuck in bed and all of their friends send you flowers and food to keep you happy. Your caseworker comes in sometimes and she gets Mapi and Ingrid to sign lots of documents and helps them to sign you out of the hospital to take you home.
"Okay," Ingrid says as you all come up in the elevator together," You ready?"
You're wearing a special party hat because Mapi said that you were going to have a little party to celebrate your new heart. You don't really know why getting your new heart means a party but you also know that a party means lots of food and fun so you're happy to go back inside.
A few of Ingrid and Mapi's friends are already in there but you head straight for Patri and Pina because they're holding Bagheera, who's wearing a party hat too.
"Whoa, there," Ingrid says softly, still holding your hand tight like she's scared you're going to wink out of existence," Let's take it slow, alright?"
You frown and shrug. "Okay."
She keeps hold of your hand as you move to greet Bagheera. She mews at you softly, bumping her head against your chest.
"I know," You say," I've got my Santa heart." You look up at Pina and Patri. "Santa got me a new heart for Christmas. It goes boom-boom properly."
"Really?" Patri asks," That's cool. Do you feel better now?"
"Little tired sometimes," You reply, rocking back and forth on your feet," But still good!"
"She's been healing up very well." Ingrid's fingers run through your hair like yours run through Bagheera's. "The doctors are going to do another check next week and then we get to take her out again."
Even though you're out of the hospital now, you're not allowed out of the house for another week just so you can adjust to everything back home again.
"It'll be good to see you at training again," Pina says," We've been missing our little cheerleader."
"And you can join in now!" Patri exclaims and you whip your head over to Ingrid.
"Can I?"
She thinks for a moment. "We'll see," She says," Let's get through next week and then we'll see if you're strong enough to run around."
"Okay." You go back to stroking over Bagheera's fur and adjusting her party hat when she gets annoyed with it. You like Bagheera. You'd never seen a cat in real life before you came to live with Ingrid and Mapi so it's nice to have Bagheera with you now.
You yawn when you're about halfway through the movie Paredes put on and you climb up into Mapi's lap to lay on her. Her big hands rest on your back, gently stroking up and down until you're head feels too heavy for your body and it flops against her.
"She looks much better," Alexia says as she notices that you're out like a light.
"Yeah," Mapi says as she reaches for a blanket to drape around your body," They had her on a ventilator those first few hours after surgery and she looked so bad when they took her in. But...But she's better now, just a little sleepier."
"She just had major surgery," Alexia says," I think she's allowed to be a bit tired. I'm surprised she lasted as long as she did."
Mapi laughs, gently rocking you. "I should put her to bed. I can't imagine those hospital ones were comfy."
Your weeks dissolve into a steady routine after you get your Santa heart. You still have to go to the doctor every week and they do tests on your new heart and they take out the little staples they put in your chest.
Ingrid still sticks to your side and she's always giving you cuddles and kisses. She lets you run around more now that the doctor says it's okay but she still wraps you up nice and warm because you still sometimes have issues with being cold.
A few months after you're declared fully fit, your caseworker comes to visit.
Ingrid lets her in while you've opened your mouth so Mapi can give you your medication. The doctor says that even though your Santa heart is working very well, you'll have to take medicine every day to make sure that your body wants to keep it.
Well, he said lots of big words and complicated stuff but Mapi explained it to you like that when you went to get ice cream after your appointment.
You case worker says hello to you before briefly looking around the house ago and then making you sit down in front of the tv with her. That makes you a bit nervous and you hang on Mapi's hand.
"With Mapi and Ingrid?"
"In a minute," Your caseworker says," I just want to have a little talk with you without them."
Your brow wrinkles. "And Bagheera has to go too?"
"Bagheera can stay," Ingrid promises you, kissing the top of your head and steering Mapi into their bedroom.
You stroke Bagheera's fur rhythmically as you sit in front of your caseworker.
"How are you feeling now?" She asks," With your new heart?"
"Santa got me a good one," You reply," But I've still got to take special medicine."
She writes something down. "And you always take your medicine?"
"Ingrid reminds me," You answer, getting a bit distracted by the way a single ray of sunlight is peaking through the blinds," And Mapi hides it in icing sometimes for when I don't want to take it."
She writes down something more. "That's good. And you like it here, with Ingrid and Mapi?"
The topic of your favourite girls makes you perk up. "They're my most favourite! Mapi is so cool! She's got lots of tattoos. She says that one day, she'll let me draw her one to put on her body."
Your caseworker nods along, her pen moving along the paper. "And what about Ingrid?"
"Ingrid gives me cuddles all the time," You say," And she lets me help make dinner and cookies and she takes me to the park and we go down the slide together."
Your caseworker stops writing and flips her notepad shut. "Do you remember what it means to have a caseworker like me?"
You nod.
"What does it mean?"
"It means that you find adults to look after me because I don't have parents."
Your caseworker nods. "Adults like Ingrid and Mapi," She says," They're fostering you."
You give her a little look. "I know." You don't know why she's talking about that. It makes you feel all weird inside and briefly, you wonder if your Santa heart is going boom-boom wrong like your old one.
"Sometimes," She says," Fostering is more temporary."
You don't like her words. It makes you feel all icky and bad inside. You shake your head. "No," You say," No! Stay here!"
Your caseworker hands you a picture. It's got a little family on it, a mummy and a daddy and two boys who have the same hair colour as you.
"This family doesn't want to foster you," Your caseworker says when you throw the picture on the floor and hold Bagheera close. "They want to adopt you. They think you'd fit in well with them. Like a forever home instead of a foster home."
You shake your head, your bottom lip wobbling. "No...No! Forever home with Ingrid and Mapi!"
Your caseworker sighs deeply, shuffling the picture of the little family back into her folder. "You want to stay here?" She checks," With Ingrid and Mapi?"
"And Bagheera," You say stubbornly," Because this is forever home. Mapi and Ingrid are forever with me and my Santa heart."
"And you don't want to live with this family?" She reaches for the picture again and you turn away.
"Ingrid and Mapi," You say firmly.
"Okay. Let's get Ingrid and Mapi in here."
You're near to tears when they finally come back in and Ingrid pulls you into her arms immediately. You wipe your cheeks dry on her shirt and blindly reach for Mapi.
"Stay," You beg," Stay here. With you."
Mapi whips her head to your caseworker. "We've already begun to file the paperwork!" She hisses," Why would you bring them up to her?"
"I'm just doing my job. I couldn't let her stay here if she didn't want to!"
"Want to stay!" You say, hiding yourself away in Ingrid's neck," Want to stay!"
"You're stressing her out," Ingrid cuts in plainly when it looks like Mapi and your caseworker are going to start yelling," I understand you're doing your checks and you have to get her opinion but she's barely been out of the hospital for a few months and the doctors said that undue stress isn't good for her Santa heart." She strokes a hand over the back of your head. "We've filed the paperwork. She wants to live with us over the other family that expressed interest. We want her here with us."
Your caseworker sighs. She does that a lot. "I can't promise this will stay private. You're public figures. Your papers will be rushed through as soon as possible."
When she leaves, you finally peak out from your hiding place. With big, wet eyes, you look between Ingrid and Mapi. "Stay here?"
"Yes," Mapi says with an air of finality," You're staying here."
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
Hii🥺 so I was wondering since its gonna be oscars birthday on the weekend how about his first birthday as a dad and his partner surprise him even with flying his parents out there🥺
Love your works, have a lovely weekend❤️
Note: thank you! I hope you have a lovely weekend too (the rest of it anyway)! 🫶
"So you'll head straight to the hotel?", you asked Nicole over the phone, "this little guy is getting fussy like he was yesterday, so I can tell Oscar we'll meet him back at the hotel and he won't find it too suspicious", you reasoned.
"Thank you again for arranging all of this", your mother in-law thanked you, "I'll let you know when they pick us up".
Oscar's birthday coincided with the race weekend, and since it was the first one after Lucas was born, you thought it would be nice to have everyone together in the same place to celebrate your husband's birthday.
"Are you packing up?", Oscar said as he saw you pack Lucas' toys in the diaper bag, "yes, he's really fussy so I think we have to skip qualifying today", you kissed his cheek as he helped you, "you need a quiet nap, little one? You do, don't you?", he asked Lucas, bouncing him on his hip before he let you take him from his arms and into your sling, wrapping him safely against your body, "you and mummy enjoy yourselves and then I'll join you, okay?", he kissed the top of his head before kissing your lips, "stay safe, I love you", he smiled.
"Stay safe as well, okay? We love you and we'll see you at the hotel", you kissed his lips again, lifting Lucas' arm so he could wave at his father.
Arriving at the hotel just as Chris sent you a text saying they were on their way to the hotel, making you go up to the room and settle all your things, change Lucas' diaper and putting him back on the sling so you could go downstairs when they arrived.
"Grandma and grandpa are downstairs, my love, let's go meet them!", you spoke, grabbing the room card and heading to meet your in-laws.
"Look at the little one, he's gotten so big!", Chris was the first to speak as you stepped closer them as the man at the reception desk finished the details so he could hand them the card for their room.
"He looks so much like Oscar, but the lips are all you, Y/N", Nicole said, kissing your cheek, "how are you, dear?".
"I'm good, did you guys have a good flight?", you said as you stepped into the elevator, rubbing Lucas' back over the sling as he was fighting sleep, "He's been wide awake just taking in everything around him, but around this time yesterday, he started fussing so it actually works best to be here anyway - I can't wait for Oscar to see you guys!", you beamed.
Oscar arrived at the hotel and bid goodbye to the rest of the team before swiping the card on the door, ready for some cuddles with you and your little boy when he heard a laugh way too similar to his mother's, "hey, I'm back", he announced.
Chris got the small cake you got with the two candles, singing happy birthday as Oscar hugged his parents after gasping in surprise, "Happy Birthday to you!", Chris sang before Oscar blowing the candles, "what are you doing here?", he mused.
"Y/N flew us over so we could spend your birthday together", Nicole offered, kissing his cheek.
"Look who's up", Oscar cooed as Lucas looked up at him, stretching his arms so his father could pick him up, "hey, buddy, we're having a little party of our own, aren't we?", he gushed.
Nicole offered to put Lucas to sleep while Chris unpacked their stuff in their room so you and Oscar could go to the hotel restaurant and enjoy a meal together without the baby, "thank you for doing this, love", he kissed your knuckles.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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dotster001 · 2 years
The Great Devildom Cuddle War
Summary: gn!reader. Your cuddles have become quite the commodity in the Devildom.
The Second War
  Mammon had moved into your room not long after you had formed your pact with him. You two got into the habit of staying up late and falling asleep to movies together. You would wake up to him pressed tightly to your left side, face nuzzled into your neck, hand holding yours. Though, if you ever brought it up, he would adamantly deny it. The Great Mammon would never cuddle with a human!
      This continued until you made your pact with Levi. He became aware of the night time cuddles after you and mammon fell asleep on a TSL movie night. The two of you woke up with Levi on your other side, not nearly as nuzzled in as Mammon, but close enough for Mammon to freak out about how he was "too close to his human." But by then it was already too late. Levi had gotten a taste of the cuddle party and there was no going back.
      Beel joined the group after you had moved back out of his room. He woke up one night from his nightmares, and came to find you for comfort, only to find you surrounded by his two older brothers. That didn't stop him from gently nudging you awake.
"Y/N, I had a bad dream again."
      Your gentle giant just looked so sad, that you offered him your hand and the little space next to Levi. From here out, even though he always started the night in his own room, Beel usually ended in yours, perfectly happy just holding your hand.
      By the time Asmo had formed a pact with you, all pretense of "falling asleep during a movie" had died. When you all returned from your retreat after forming Asmo's pact, Asmo had flounced his way into your room proclaiming he wished to join the cuddle party.
      "There's no room," Levi said, nuzzling even tighter into you. 
       " Yeah, get your own cuddle buddy!" Mammon all but shouted into your ear.
      Asmo's face contorted into a pout of epic proportions, " there's room next to Levi."
      "That's Beel's spot," Levi said drily. 
     "Why don't we just take turns…." You tried to help.
      "That's not fair! We were here first!"
      "How dare you offer up the Great Mammon's cuddle spot!"
      Asmo.gave a winning grin. " Never mind, I found a spot." He happily made his way to the bed, and crawled on top of you. He placed his head on your chest, then wrapped his arms and legs around you like a koala. 
      "This is nice, good night Y/N!" And he was out like a light, and able to ignore Levi and Mammon's lingering protests.
        When Satan formed his pact, he was told in no uncertain terms that there was no room in the cuddle party. 
        " That's fine." He pulled a chair right next to your bed, and sat in it. "I'm just here to read my book."   You woke up the next morning to him sleeping in that chair.
       After that, a certain peace came over the cuddle group. Everyone had a place, and no one dared to cross anyone else's territory. Everyone, including you, was aware of how fragile the peace was, and no one wanted to compromise their place.
       But that peace quickly came to an end.
      Belphie woke up in the middle of the night to no longer see Beel in their shared room. Expecting his twin to be raiding the fridge, he went down to the kitchen only to find it empty. As he made his way back to their room, he passed your door, and found it open. Peaking in, he saw the cuddle pile and decided that he needed in on that.
     He had only stepped one foot in your room when Mammon, who had been woken up by the aura of change crossing the threshold, shouted, " There's no room!"
      This effectively woke up everyone in the room, all of whom but Beel and yourself joined the choruses of " no room".
       "It's alright, Belphie, you can have my spot,"Beel spoke up.
        " No he can't. He has to join the wait list. If anyone joins the cuddle pile next, it's me," Satan had stood up from his chair upon making that statement, seemingly ready to escort Belphie from the room.
         " No Beel, it's fine. I'll just go back to our room," Belphie seemed to concede. But as he returned to his room, he had a devious smile on his face. He would not give up so quickly. 
         The next evening, Mammon's shriek of horror alerted the whole house that something was wrong.
        "Belphie! That's my spot!"
         Belphie, who was indeed in Mammon's spot, smiled in his sleep and nuzzled closer to you.
         "Y/N! You know that's my spot! Why did you let him have it! "
          " He showed up and said his sweet big brother said he could have it! How was I supposed to know he was lying?" You looked over at Belphie sleeping peacefully. "Look at him, Mammon, he's just so soft and squishy when he's sleeping."
            "Yeah Mammon," Asmo giggled. "You should just be a good big brother and admit you lost this round."
          "This isn't over." Mammon snarled. He then plopped himself on the floor, and swore to get there early the next night.
            Which he did. By making you go to bed early. As soon as dinner finished, Mammon picked you up, shouted "Bed time!" Then ran to your room. The rest of the table, realizing what had just happened, immediately left the table and went running to your room. In all the chaos, Belphie stole Asmo's spot, Satan stole Levi's spot, and Lucifer grounded everyone for not cleaning their spots after dinner. 
     For the next three nights, things continued  like this, the long held peace completely forgotten in favor of just finding a spot in the cuddle pile. No spot was sacred, and it was every demon for themselves.
    Finally, you couldn't take it anymore. You visited Lucifer's office and slammed your hands on his desk.
      "I need a second bed to set next to mine, or a bigger bed. This is non negotiable." 
      He glanced up from his paperwork with one eyebrow raised. "Or, you can tell them all to sleep in their own rooms."
       "I can't do that!" You exclaimed. "I've gotten used to a certain lifestyle, and I can't give that up!"
       He seemed unconvinced. So you decided to play your last card. 
        "Fine, but I'll tell them it was all your idea." You left the office without another word, and followed through on your promise. 
        Three days later, you returned from rad to find a second bed alongside yours, effectively giving you the space you needed. On that bed was a note.
         "Tell your guard dogs that if I ever see any of them in my office again, I will personally feed them to Cerberus."
         And thus, the great Devildom Cuddle War came to an end, with all six of your pact demons able to share in the cuddle pile.
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lunaekalenda · 10 months
first day of school!
warnings: reader is refered as mom and gojo as dad, dad!gojo, baby daughter!
"Give dad a kiss before leaving." Your husband kneels, making his 1'90 meters accessible for your toddler, who presses a kiss on his dad's cheek with a huge smile. When Satoru asked for the kiss, his eyes were full of love and pride towards the little girl, as they keep shining when he looks back at her. He kisses her temple softly, as he has been doing since she came to your life. "I love you, sunshine. I want all the details of your first day at school when you're back!" She nods quickly before running towards you, hugging your legs. You caress her hair with softness, fingers taking the locks she already took away of the bun to fix them. "You're gonna love the school, I'm sure. Make a lot of friends, yeah?" Your daughter looks at you from her small height. Kneeling softly, you kiss her cheek and she hugs you in return. "Dad and me will come to pick you up later, alright? We'll go have dinner at your favorite place with Megumi." The girl's big blue eyes shine with happiness as she nods, before the bus monitor asks all the kids to sit inside. Almost crying and hugged by your husband, you wave your hand towards your daughter, so little yet so grown, before letting her go. Satoru sighs and starts walking with you towards home. He hands you a tissue, walking at a slow pace towards your home.
"She was so little..." you murmur. He nods softly, his hand searching yours before tangling his fingers with yours. "Feels as if it was yesterday when she would show up in diapers on our bed to get cuddles from her dad." Satoru smiles luminously, as his dad ego gets boosted with your words. Your daughter loves him beyond anything, she's such a daddy girl, and he loves her as much. It's common for you to find both of them spending time together, and even when you join almost every time, there are still those tiny moments you adore finding, such as a sleepy baby on top of your husband, as he reads a book and caresses her back to keep her calm, or how he always puts her on his shoulders so she's able to see everything from his height.
"Will she be alright?" You find yourself wandering in silence what your husband just put in high voice. Will she be alright? Will she miss home as much as you miss her? Will she cry, will she feel overwhelmed by school? Will she adapt to the teachers, to her classmates? She's your very first child, and it's normal to feel that way about it. You smile at Satoru, finding his blue eyes looking worried at the floor, before facing him.
"She'll be alright. She's the strongest, after all." Your husband lets a smile brighten his face as he takes your cheeks on his hands, getting close for a kiss.
At home, you both take the time to clean, tidy up and do the chores, before it's time to wait for your daughter again. You put her drawings in order on the fridge, making room for more, and put her favorite plushies back on her bed. Her fluffy white cat feels raspy under your hands, too used over the years. You need to put her to wash urgently. Satoru got that kitty for her on one of his long trips with the Jujutsu School, one of those days when you feared your husband wouldn't come back home, although he always does, before Megumi took his place as teacher and sorcerer, taking most of the missions, what still leaves both of you on sleepless nights.
The drawings fill also her walls, draws of your family, the dogs, drawings of her, of Megumi, of Yuji and Nobara by her side. She loves them a lot, and you're happy to see how the three young pupils of your husband merge so well on your little family, making friday nights way more fun and happy. Her shelves are full of books and gifts she got from everyone, a cow figure Nanami bought for her when she was two, a fairy house Megumi helped her to build on her third Christmas, a pair of sunglasses matching with his dad. She's so loved by everyone that you feel like your heart might explode.
And him.
The man that looks at you from the corridor door with a side smile, body resting against the wooden surface as his intense blue eyes follow your movements on her room. He takes a couple steps in, touching the girl's bed with his fingertips. "The crib was here." He murmurs, smiling lovingly. "We spent so many sleepless nights by her side, we always ended sleeping cuddled on that brown couch Geto bought for us. Always alert in case she cried. And now, she asks us to read her a tale and sleeps soundly all night on her bed." He looks at you from all his height before sitting on her bed. You take a seat by his side and he kisses your forehead lovingly.
"Believe it or not, I kinda miss that. Watch our tiny baby sleep, feel as if all tiredness disappeared as soon as she called us for the first time." Satoru puts his arms around your shoulders. His grin tells you he's gonna say something.
"Well, you know, if we both liked the experience that much, we can always repeat." you laugh against his body before tangling your hand on his. He kisses it sweetly.
"Let's experience her growing up before, should we?"
He leaves another kiss on your forehead before standing up. Satoru takes your hand and the car keys, since the restaurant it's quite far from the bus stop to go walking, especially, since your daughter will probably be tired after the very first day, before leaving.
When you arrive to the stop, where more parents are waiting for the kids, Satoru holds your hand firmly, checking both sides of the street, to see if he can spot the bus, and his blue eyes shine with emotion when he sees the vehicle. Your daughter runs towards you, your arms and your husband's open for her to hug. Her smile warms your heart as your family hug makes you sigh.
"How was school, sunshine?" Satoru asks, and your daughter smiles excited.
"It was fun! There are a lot of kids in my class!" You smile when you hear her words, before standing up. Satoru cleans a tear that falls down your cheek slowly before taking your daughter's hand on his, and you do the same on the other side, walking towards the car hand by hand. Your husband sits her and puts her belt on, before sitting on the driver's seat and, with your hand between his and the gear level, he starts driving softly towards the restaurant, as your daughter's happy memories of the day fill the car on her sweet voice.
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foxglovepng · 21 days
Hello! Can I request for Soulmate AU of your choice for Leona, Idia, Floyd and Malleus? Thank you in advance!
Characters: Leona, Idia, Floyd, Malleus
CW: Leona & Idia being haters, Floyd is Floyd. Maybe OOC, Not proofread
A/N: Hello Anon! I am not too familiar with writing for soulmate AU so this will definitely be interesting. I decided to go with the red string one because It's the only one I sort of know.
A/N: I am so sorry if these are short I really do not write for soulmates at all.
If you liked Reblogs and Likes are appreciated <3
Soulmate?? PSHHHHH Leona doesn't believe in soulmates. Or so he thought.
His brother met his soulmate and well we all know how that went. Leona had given up on soulmates in general since he could never find the said person.
Going to NRC he didn't think he'd meet them.
When he came across Yuu he saw their strings joined during the spelldrive incident. But that wasn't the topic of conversation that was for another day.
When they came across him again Yuu realized they were soulmates and their eyes gleamed. Leona was like Ugh an was constantly trying to fight it, he didn't really care, but Yuu of course kept pushing. He snapped at them one day and was like
"You're annoying I don't care that you're my soulmate." and then walked away.
Eventually Leona secretly began to miss Yuu's prescense but would never admit it out loud. One day he got fed up and went to go look for them. Some students were ganging up on them and he well scared them off.
"Be careful herbivore I'm not cleaning up your messes again." Liar he would.
At first he hated the soulmate thing, but he's not saying he likes it just doesn't mind it.
He is a special case. He doesn't care enough, but he also does care. He's neutral to the soulmate thing, but if he ever did find his soulmate he'd be super stoked to meet them.
When Yuu came to Mostro Lounge to make the deal he found out Yuu was his soulmate then. However he was currently busy so he couldn't do anything about it although he's now super interested in Yuu.
After the whole ordeal he attaches himself to Yuu to learn everything about them, and just to get to hang out with them.
(Yuu literally has to force him to practice because he won't leave their side)
Eventually when they do start having a relationship he's even more loving and affectionate knowing he can kiss and cuddle his little shrimp as much as he wants.
He can barely handle a social interaction what make you think he will find his soulmate.
He's literally a shut in who is mainly on his computer either programming, doing school work, or gaming he'd not one for social situations.
The only way he found out Yuu was his soulmate was because he coincidentally went outside for club and he ran into Yuu and learned Yuu was his soulmate. Yuu figured it out too and he pulled out every excuse in the book to go back to the dorm.
Bro is not ready for the level 100 boss
Ever since then, he has tried to avoid Yuu. Emphasis on try as Yuu would probably be pushing as he is their soulmate.
Ortho at some point tells him he can't keep pushing away. He won't give up, but Ortho literally invites Yuu over forcing them to hang out.
It will take a while and some work before Idia can work up to the idea of a partner and a relationship, but he eventually does get there.
The second Yuu starts talking about marriage or a baby Idia would ramble about how he's not ready and tell Yuu to slow down.
Poor boy has been lonely forever a soulmate would make him feel less lonely and he'd be happy that he has someone to be around. He's been excited to meet said soul mate. He'd been dreaming what they'd look like what kind of person they are what gender they are (Not that gender matters to him)
When he was outside ramshackle and Yuu came out he realized their strings connected. He was happy he found his soulmate and would be even happier if they felt the same way about him.
When he came back from Diasmonia that night he told Lilia he found his soulmate. Lilia was happy so was Silver. Sebek was like WHAT? but he will get over it. (Spoiler he ends up liking and tolerating Malleus's s/o)
Peep Malleus planning the wedding with Lilia as the officiant.
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idyllic-ghost · 2 months
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title: To Choose A Mortal Life
pairing: Vernon x gn!reader
genre: fluff, comfort, established relationship
warnings: mentions of having a bad day
synopsis: you've just finished watching your favorite film trilogy, and Vernon has the nerve to insult your favorite character.
wordcount: 1k
taglist: @enhacolor, @shuabby1994, @junhui-recs, @dkakapizzaboy, @just-here-to-read-01, @loviehan, @userjunhuii, @novalpha, @bubblymoon, @aaniag, @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @seunghancore, @woozixo, @niktwazny303, @lllucere, @uniq-tastic, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz, @cali-snow, @pearlygraysky, @crazywittysassy, @yeosayang
rating: PG 13
a/n: yes, this is self-indulgent leave me alone. got this thought last night and had to write it out this morning, so this is for all of the nerds and vernon lovers who follow me
join my taglist
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Vernon looked over at you as soon as the credits rolled, a content smile on his lips. You, on the other hand, were gripping the edge of the blanket like your life depended on it - tears staining your cheeks as you sniffled. Although he didn't mean to, Vernon couldn't help but laugh. It was quick, barely noticeable really, but you heard him. You whipped your head towards him with a glare that could kill a man.
"I'm sorry-"
"Why are you laughing?" you whined. "That was beautiful!"
Vernon let out another laugh as the tears came rolling down your cheeks again. The two of you hadn't been sitting far apart, but for the sake of your well-being, Vernon moved a little closer and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
"Babe," he whispered, "you've already seen this movie... a lot."
"Because it's good! You think so too, right? Why aren't you crying?" you whaled, and Vernon couldn't help but laugh again.
"I've also seen it-"
You buried your face in your chest, and Vernon grinned as he wrapped his arms around your frame. His unwillingness to cry only made you more upset. It was cute, really. Then he saw a name on the credits that he recognized and something he had been trying to figure out clicked.
"Oh. Now I remember where I've seen him before," he said, referring to earlier in the movie where he had tried to figure out one of the actor's filmography from memory. "He's that guy in the second season of Stranger Things."
Your sniffles stopped, your body stopped quivering, and Vernon knew he had said something wrong. He let you go as you tried to get out of his grip, and when you looked at him you were met with a cheesy smile that screamed "Please forgive me!"
"Sam did not carry Frodo up Mount Doom to be known as 'that guy from Stranger Things!'" you exclaimed.
Vernon threw his head back with laughter as you tried your best to argue with him - it was impossible, he was laughing so hard that he could barely catch his breath let alone answer you. He had spent the majority of your rewatch of the Lord of the Rings trilogy trying to figure out where he had seen Sam before. It wasn't anything he had thought of before, so of course he wanted to know. You had asked him to not go on his phone, watching the movies was very serious for you - even if you frequently talked over the movie to explain certain things. That was allowed, of course. Vernon didn't complain, he enjoyed watching you be so enamored with a movie. He was just happy that you had finally started to relax after your hard day at work.
"I'm sorry," he said in between snickering. "I just saw the actor's name on the credits, I didn't mean to offend Sam."
You looked at him with a pout, your eyes still glossy from crying and the skin around them slightly puffy. You looked like a mess, but Vernon still thought you were the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on. His grin never faltered; eventually, it got you to break into a smile. You cuddled up next to him again, and he wrapped his arms around you. The credits kept rolling, but neither of you felt like moving to turn them off.
"I still don't understand why Arwen was dying," Vernon mumbled.
"She chose a mortal life," you murmured, "And since she was opposed to Sauron, she would've died if he got the ring back. They all would have."
Vernon nodded at your explanation. You were tired; he could tell from the way you yawned and the fact that you didn't go into a full-blown explanation of why Arwen was dying towards the end of the trilogy. He placed one of his hands on the top of your head, letting you take the other in your hands and play with his fingers.
"Would you choose a mortal life for me?" he asked.
"Yeah." You intertwined your fingers with his, looking at them as if you were studying the way his hand fit in yours. Usually, you would've teased him for asking such a question - called him lame, and maybe flicked his forehead, but not tonight.
"Even if I called Sam 'that actor from Stranger Things?'"
"You're pushing it." You looked up at him with a teasing grin. "But yeah."
"Thanks," he said with a grin that matched yours.
You pursed your lips at him, silently asking him for a kiss, and he obliged. It was short and chaste, almost just a peck. His lips were slightly chapped and tasted like salty popcorn, but you didn't care. When you pulled back from him, his eyes were still closed as if he was trying to savor the moment. You put your head back on his chest without saying a word, even though you had plenty of ideas on ways to tease him floating around in your mind.
"Do you want to go to bed?" he asked after some time of silence.
"Could we just stay here for a moment?" you asked. "I'm comfortable here."
Even though one of Vernon's legs was falling asleep, even though he actually needed to go to the bathroom, and even though he was so tired from watching Lord of the Rings for nine hours straight, he wasn't going to move. Because you were comfortable because you were relaxed. If you felt this safe with him, that you could yell at him for not respecting your favorite film character enough and that you could fall asleep in his arms just a moment later, he was going to do everything in his power to let you keep sleeping. Maybe he wasn't as brave or as good with a sword as Aragorn, but he still wanted to protect you at all costs. He wrapped his arms around you tightly. As cheesy as it was, he really would choose one lifetime with you over facing forever alone.
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r0-boat · 7 months
If requests are still open and it's not too much trouble, can I request Bull Guzma, Adaman, and Leon reacting to S/o pregnancy? (Ps Please have a Happy Thanksgiving.)
Aaaaaa Happy Thanksgiving this is my gift to you! I'm grateful for all my readers!
Bullfarm au! Pokemen react to S/o's pregnancy
(feat. Guzma, Adaman, Leon)
Cw: pregnancy talk, all about babies!
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Puffing out his chest in Pride strutting around like he's the giant bull on the farm, he's a winner, and he knows it, wearing the fact that he is The Big Bad Guzbull with a pregnant mate as a badge of honor, rubbing it in the faces of all the other Bulls that he was the one who claimed S/o. With you by his side he feels as though he could take on the sun and win. Behind that prideful bull was a terrified one. Frantic and worried for your safety, he demanded and even forced you to stay in this soft nest of blankets that he had stolen and made for you. This big bad ball Cooing soft words of endearment as he snuggles closer to you to keep you warm. Refusing for you to go anywhere else but by his side because to him he is the only one that can protect you and if anything happens to you he would never forgive himself.
Promising to you that he would be the best father to your calf. As big bad, and rough as he still appears to be, he has vowed to leave the life of troublemaking behind him when he first arrived on the farm. He wants to be an excellent example for his child, a good father, a fatherly figure he didn't have.
The bulls that see Guzma for what he betrays himself to be will never understand how soft and sweet he really was. Brushing his head against yours as his eyes glaze over feeling his fingertips gently brushing against your tummy.
But you don't understand why he still puts on this tough exterior.
" it's to protect you." he murmurs now rubbing his face against your tummy. "Cuz no male will ever bother ya if they know who they will be messing with."
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Impatient Adaman over worries and over prepares for the arrival of his child because the longer he waits the more anxiety he feels. What if something goes wrong?! What if another hybrid tries to hurt you?! What if you don't sur-. Is grateful that you're always there to soothe his anxieties before they spiral. The only thing you could do now is prepare and make sure you are pampered.
Adaman is a busy bull, he knows he couldn't waste his time worrying he'd rather be caught dead then under prepared if you need him he needs to be ready for anything. He couldn't be wasting time so there he was you're serious hard-working bull fluffing the nest he had prepared for you for the fifth time before going to the orchard part of the farm to grab you and sneak you some fruits. He needs to make sure you are healthy he needs to make sure that you are eating. Because of your healthy his child is healthy.
It finally got your busy bull to cuddle with you after trying to convince him that you'll be fine and it's okay to relax with you occasionally. Adaman finally relents as he joins you in the nest, wrapping his arms around you, finally enjoying this cute moment, his hands feeling your stomach, his heart touching whole. For your sake, he will take breaks, but he's reminded why he is trying to get ready. It was for you and his future child.
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Happiest bull in the world as soon as he found out, he told any bull who would listen about the calf that was coming Raihan was already sick of Leon since his child was all he would talk about. Sonia and Milo thought it was cute I know is that possibly most new parents go through that phase . Staying glued to your side with that big smile on his face, Leon was already a very lovey person, now it seems like He can't keep his hands off you! As if leaving your side is torture even when you have to work chores on the farm Leon won't be too far away watching intently until you're finished so he could scoop you up and have you all to himself once again. It seems like that's all he wants to do now. When he is not sparring with others on the farm he's cuddling and laying with you in the nest whining when you try to get up and leave him. Giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes until you cave to his demands.
This whole body is practically against you, his face buried into your neck, mooing to you about what a beautiful parent you'll become—vowing you that he'll be the best father. If you are ever feeling scared or doubtful, Leon will instantly ease those fears, because he knows that you are a hard-working kind and caring person and you will try your best and your child will love you unconditionally!
He knows that there will still be some time till your child is born, but he can't help but fantasize about holding them in his arms—the baby he made with his beloved mate. And you already look so cute laying in the blankets, your belly already beginning to show. Laying his head against your tummy, his tail thumping against the hay from how hard it's wagging.
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velvetydream · 29 days
꒰ :🥀 [ Trainee days ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : Technically you and San were as close as friends can be, but he started to withdraw from you. Which not only you noticed, but also a few others. The question in your mind was : Why?
Pairing : Trainee! San x Trainee! Fem! Reader
Word count : 1.8K Words
Genre : Fluff
Warnings ➵ None?
a/n : While writing I got the idea of maybe also doing a Idol x Trainee! Reader, might do one too!
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The fan in the practice room was humming loudly, but the music coming from the speakers toning it out. Your breathing was hard as you try to follow the steps shown by the instructor. The room was full of other trainess, the air was stuffy and hot. The peak of summer was finally reached, yet everyone in this room with a dream had to push through, push to their limits.
"We'll take a ten minute break, drink something." Rushing over to your bag, you quickly grab your water bottle, the slightly warm water running down your throat, a single drop running down your chin. Despite the water already turning slightly warm, it refreshed you, so you closed the cap and put it back into your bag before turning around. Your eyes scan over the room, stopping on a group of for three guys. Smiling softly as you make your way over to them, Wooyoung being the first to notice you, waving to you happily. San and Mingi turning soon to greet you too.
"We were just discussing to go grab something to eat tonight, do you have another practice afterwards? Want to come along?" Wooyoung was the one to adress you, thinking for a second before telling you'd be free after the dance lessons, agreeing to join them.
You were rather close to them, along with the other ones of their group. They were already selected to become a group, which made you happy and proud of them, but also a bit self concious, were you still training without being planned for a group, making you ponder if you would ever debut at all. Yet you of course supported them as best as you could, there weren't a lot of people in your company, so it was a rather close realation between the trainees from the start. Closest you were probably with Wooyoung and San, though recently you noticed you relationship with San shift. While you two were usually super close with skinship, cuddling and hugging when hanging out, you recently noticed how San stiffened up when you hugged him or how he even avoided your touch more often now, opting for cuddling with one of the boys than you. It hurt you, but you could not blame him, you were only friends after all, so this made you grow closer with Wooyoung and Mingi too.
The teacher announced the beginning again, having everyone get into position for anouther good two hours of dance practice. It was hard but you pushed through, breaking down onto the floor when it finally ended. Rubbing your legs softly, they were burning and hurting all over, your whole body was in pain. Happy that you only had singing and rap lessons the next two days, before dancing again.
"I'm so exhausted~" Wooyoung cried from behind you, when he sat down behind you on his knees, draping his arms around your shoulders and leaning his weight onto you. "Wooyoung you're to heavy!" Groaning now as you try to push your friend off of your shoulders to no avail, simply letting yourself fall to the side pulling Wooyoung with you. A sigh leaving your lips upon making contact with the cold floor, Wooyoung also relaxing upon feeling the coolness of the floor, his arms still around your shoulders.
"Are you guys finished? Our table is reserved for in half an hour." Seonghwas head popping into the room through the door, looking at you four, smiling when he sees you and Wooyoung cuddling on the floor. Getting up now, helping Wooyoung up before grabbing your bag and making your way to Seonghwa. "You're coming with us?" Nodding, he softly pats your head, making his way down the corridor to the exit with you guys. Not once noticing the slight glare that was send your way when you cuddled with Wooyoung or when Seonghwa patted you head.
The trip to the restaurant was rather quick, sitting beside San and Wooyoung soon, Jongho is grilling the meat, while Seonghwa grills some vegetables. Of course you noticed how San stiffened up again a bit beside you, making you glance over at him, he was avoiding your gaze as good as he could. Breathing out a bit harder, before turning to Wooyoung who asked you a question, leaning your head softly on his shoulders. Your thoughts were running wild, why was San suddenly so distant? Did you do something to offend him? You weren't the only one to have noticed Sans changed of behavior, Hongjoong and Seonghwa also noticed, seeing how San withdrew from you, stopped initiating skin contact with you and even stopped talking so much to you.
Wooyoung was slowly but surely noticing too, his hand softly resting on your knee right now to give you some sort of support. An idea coming into his head as his softly pushes you off of him. "San let her lean on you, she's exhausted and I gotta use the bathroom." Giving you a soft push soft your head lands on Sans stiff shoulder. You wanted to complain to Wooyoung, but he was already up and gone. Wanting to sit up again to not make San anymore uncomfortable, he softly grabs your arm to keep you close beside him, keep you resting your head on his shoulder. "It's fine, please stay." This was the first time in weeks that he initiated anything, making you smile softly. Despite trying to push the feeling away, you missed San and his touch dearly. It was so normal by now to hug and cuddle San all the time, so to day you felt touch deprived of him was and underestimatement.
Wooyoung soon coming back to the table, smiling triumphantly upon seeing you still resting on Sans shoulder, his hand holding yours softly with your fingers intertwined. The meal went on with you and San slightly going back to normal, when you sat up straight to eat, it was his turn to rest his head on your shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to your neck, while holding your hand. Eyes watching you lovingly, but that was only noticed by Seonghwa, finally dawning on him why San had withdrawn himself from you, quickly whispering over to Hongjoong whos gaze snapped over to the two of you.
"How about you sleep over at the dorm? It's late already." Hongjoong speaks up now to you, making Wooyoung and Mingi cheer and agree before even giving you the chance of choosing, making you giggle.
So you soon found yourself cramped together on their dorms couche, Wooyoung and Mingi claiming their spot beside you, making San pout who just joined with Seonghwa from the kitchen with popcorn. Since the couch is to small eitherway, you pat the spot in front of you, blankets and pillows were scattered on the floor, motioning for San to sit in front of you, which ha happily did. It was Jonghos turn to choose the movie and like the little devil he is, he choose a horror movie. Through the movie San at some point pulled your legs over his shoulders so he can lean his head on your thigh and hide his face if he gets to scared. Your hands meanwhile softly pushing through his fluffy hair, trying to help the boy in front of you calm down. Most of the boys were rather scared of horror or jumpscares, the only really immune ones being Yunho and Jongho himself. San was probably along with Mingi one of the worst ones to take horror, knowing it would result in San waking you up from the couch to pull you to his room to cuddle. At least you hoped it would happen and stay like usual, despite his change of behavior.
The movie ended, everyone gets up to go to their rooms and just San and you stay back. "You okay?" Leaning over to him, you softly pat his hair to make him look at you, only now noticing the soft pink blush on his cheeks. "Yeah.. I just.. Can you sleep in my room tonight?" His eyes not meeting yours, while the side of his face stays pressed to your thighs. "Of course, let's go." Pulling your legs from his shoulders, San gets up before pulling you up from the couch, luckily everyone changed into pyjamas before starting the movie. Not letting go of your hand, San pulls you along the dark hallway to his room, trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake one of the other members in his room.
Letting you lay down first, San get's in after you, pulling the blanket above the both of you. Looking into your face, his eyes held a soft gaze, the moonlight being the only source of light, yet San looked ethereal as ever. "I'm sorry for distancing myself recently I.." He stopped, his eyes going away from your own, reaching his hand up to softly grab yours, interwining his fingers with yours. Giving him his time to find his words, your softly squeez his hand assuring you that you're listening. "I think I got scared.. I've recently been noticing how I grow jealous seeing you with others, how my heart starts beating faster.." His voice barely a whisper as he said these words, not to wake his members up but also because he probably was scared if he talked louder you would go. "I've been acting like a fool and what I'm trying to say is.. I think I love you.." Eyes meeting yours finally, you can definitely see the anxiety in his eyes which slowly vanish upon seeing your soft and loving smile.
"Oh Sannie.. Why didn't you talk to me from the start? Do you know how long I've had feelings for you?" Your hand reaches up to softly push hair out of his face, before rubbing your knuckles over his cheek. His eyes were wide while staring at you, before he slides his arms around your waist and he pulls you close against himself, hiding his big smile in your neck. "Are you serious? You're not playing with me right?" His hopefull big eyes look up to you know, chuckling softly you press as soft kiss to his nose. "I would never play with you Sannie, yes I'm serious." San can't help it but a little tear runs down his cheek from how relieved he is that you didn't push him away.
Falling asleep together now, both with a soft smile on your lips. Not noticing the head that soon poke in, one watching you two with a smirk, the other with a soft smile, while Hongjoong hands Seonghwa money. "Told you he would confess tonight." Closing the door again, of course not mentioning that he had a little talk with San in the kitchen and pushed him to finally confess. That would be his little secret.
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bedoballoons · 9 months
So hear me out
On a reader like shinobu, i mean like her intelligence and teasing ykyk
W genshin bois
(especially tighnari if you write for our fox boy 🤭🤭)
I love fox boy!!! I hope you enjoy! <3 Also incredibly sorry anon if you sent this a long time ago!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Shinobu Kocho like reader!~༺}
CW: Fluffy! Reader calls Lyney dearest and he calls them ma chérie! A little bit of teasing! Technically this is a part 2!
(Includes: Lyney, Gorou, Tighnari, and Scaramouche!)
You looked up at Lyney, watching with intrigue as a blue winged butterfly landed gracefully on the top of his hat, it's presence entirely unknown to him as he continued to walk beside you, making the situation that much sweeter. For a second you thought about letting him know, but then a idea started to formulate...perhaps you could tease him a little, get him back for all the teasing he had done. "Lyney dearest, you might want to clean your hat, I swear I saw something move amongst all that dust."
He stopped mid step, raising one of his eyebrows at you in curiosity and you could only chuckle in response, watching the butterfly on his hat open and close its wings peacefully without a care in the world. "My hats never dirty, ma chérie how could you say something so cruel." Lyney pretended to act offended, deciding to play along in your little game and you couldn't be happier. "I think you might want to check again... your hat certainly isn't free of live creatures.." You giggled cheerfully as his face went pale, uncertainty in his eyes as he lifted his hat of his head slowly.
The second he saw what you were talking about he couldn't help but laugh, a blush of embarrassment coating his cheeks as you placed a kiss on his lip, the two of you watching as the butterfly flew away.
You looked at the bottles in front of you, examining their multi coloured exteriors that concealed the various deadly poisons you'd created, each one perfected and ready for you if you ever needed them. To anyone else, this collection would seem terrifying, but in your eyes it was a wall of achievements, of trails and tribulations....and only one other person seemed to understand, his support enough to keep you experimenting even when everyone else acted like you were insane.
"Whatcha working on now?" Gorou appeared next to you, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy, a big happy smile on his face that was one hundred percent contagious, forcing you to smile along with him. "Actually I'm not working on anything currently, just spacing out until you got home. Did everything go well with Miss Kokomi?" You leaned against him, resting your head on his shoulder and absorbing his warmth, his tail wagging slightly with joy at your cuddles.
"Mhm! Her excellency has everything prepared for the trip to Inazuma city...and I'm hoping you'll join us..." He pulled away so he could look at you, his eyes wide and pleading, begging you to come with him so he wouldn't have to be away from you for such a long time,...how could you say no? "Alright alright...calm down doggy, I'd love to go with you." You placed a kiss on his cheek, watching in delight as he blushed lightly and hugged you in response, clearly excited to take a trip with you.
Tighnari was more than impressed by you, in fact awestruck seemed like a better word to describe his current state of being. He'd never met someone like you before, absolutely beautiful in every way, with butterflies as your source of inspiration when it came to clothing and your intelligence when it came to alchemy absolutely blew him away, not to mention you seemed to know a few things about being a doctor too!
It seemed like you had him wrapped around your finger, to the point he found himself thinking about you in his spare time and wondering what you could be up to, just like he was now. His heart tempting him to go find you and ask if you'd like to go out for lunch, or maybe have dinner together, but he also felt nervous...would you catch onto his feelings?
"Tighnari? You alright?" Your voice knocked him right out of his thoughts, disbelief taking over his features at the realisation that you'd snuck up on him...how has he not noticed you? "Yes Im alright. Sorry I was...thinking about something. What're you up to?" His eyes met yours, sending warmth to his cheeks and making his heart race, he hoped you wouldn't notice the change in his mannerisms..."I noticed you sitting here spacing out and I figured maybe you'd like some company, wanna go grab a bite to eat? We can talk about the new medicines you've been working on. I figured out a alternative for capsules!"
He smiled happily, his tail wagging with excitement as he nodded, his little crush growing with every moment he spent with you...to the point of no return.
You narrowed your eyes, your attention trained solely on Scaramouche, his usual smirk replaced with pure focus and neither of you moving a muscle, the stakes were high this time and you weren't going to go down without a fight. You could feel victory was on its way though, the match of true champions coming to a end as the seconds ticked by...and then it happened.
"You blinked Scara!" You jumped up from your seat at the table, cheering happily and feeling quite proud of yourself for besting such a high ranking harbinger, proving power wasn't enough to win everything. "I did not! I say we have a rematch, clearly you weren't paying good enough attention! Worthless being!" Scaramouche stood up too, his cheeks red with anger and slight embarrassment, he knew full well he had lost fair and square, but he couldn't just let you win that easily!
"Nope absolutely not. I won and that means your power isn't as strong as my intelligence, remember that was the deal." Your crossed your arms, smirking at him playfully as he tried to come up with some other excuse or reason to play again. When he didn't respond after a few moments you started to wonder if you'd gone to far...only to be proven entirely wrong, "Fine...my turn then...if I win you have to give me a kiss..." a devious look flicked across his features and it made a shiver run up your spine.
"Alright what is it?"
"Let's play the game of whoever is taller wins."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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