#i guess this truly is what the internet is for: yelling and wondering if anyone will hear you
Rambling about EoD and some real personal stuff under the cut so feel free to ignore but I gotta get this off my chest somehow so here goes lol
I really really think that out of everything I’ve experienced with Gw2 in the last year and a half the ending of EoD is what’s gonna stick with me. It’s really one of those rare cases where you find the story you need right when you need it. I’ve been really struggling emotionally the last few months. I’ve been having bad chronic pain, I’ve been experiencing bouts of depression, therapy is helping but is still a struggle, the whole world, the pandemic, everything has been a lot recently. And I went into the first half of EoD so nervous and overwhelmed that I was getting adrenaline shakes during the boss fights. I was petrified about what was going to happen to the Commander, what was going to happen to me, what was going to happen to Bertie and Syrryl. These two mean so so much to me, they’re more than just characters they were how my boyfriend and I strengthened so many aspects of our relationship and what got us through so much of quarantine. And I didn’t know if they were gonna be ok. I didnt know if I was gonna be ok. And then…the ending of EoD happened. When I went down to the Dragonvoid, I thought, ok. That’s it. This is the end. I did everything I could and it wasn’t enough. And then Aurene got me up. I got up again and fought every. Single. Thing. I’d encountered over the past shitty year and a half. The rage of Primordus. The whispers of Jormag. Kralkatorrick’s pain. Mordremoths demands. Zhaitan’s death. I fought it all again. Syrryl went down multiple times and each time I was able to get him back up. To protect him. To shield him. To help my boyfriend up and keep him safe. Seeing everyone again new and old standing together being so goddamn hopeless and run down and tired and still. Just. Fighting. Back. Me and the man I love back to back at the end of all things. And the one thing that will always always stay with me if the Void of all things ever tries to take me away is the sound of my boyfriends voice as he stood on the ground below me as Bertie slowly lowered from the sky. The sound of his voice as he saw me coming down and said “Oh thank god I thought I’d lost you.” That was the thing of all things that finally made me start crying. GW2 has been my sanctuary my home for the past year and a half. I know that’s hardly anytime at all in the grand scheme of things but it has meant so so much to me in that time. I was scared EoD was gonna be the end. And it is in a way. But that’s ok. I’m ok. Bertie and Syrryl are ok. I don’t know what they or I’m gonna do next. But its not the end i feared. I’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it out.
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“I thought I’d lost you!”
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remakethestars · 4 years
Being Batman’s Daughter Would Include:
❝Listen, Robin. At their core, people are cowardly and self-serving. Trust no one until you know them. And even then, never completely.❞
— Bruce Wayne, “The Lesson Plan”
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TRIGGER WARNING: Plant murder. Mentions of drugs/tranqs (stopping dealers), violence/physical harm, broken bones (knee cap), limb dislocation (shoulder), (Jason’s) death, smoke, waterboarding/drowning?
Headcanon masterlist.
You know how every teenager has that paradigm shift because as much as they love the people around them, they’ll never know the inner workings of your psyche? And they realize they’ll never truly be known? And it makes them feel really lonely?
Yeah, you never come to feel like that because you know Bruce digs so far into everyone around him he probably knows you better than you do.
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Honestly, he probably reads your diary. At least, he reads the fake one you hide under your mattress. And the second decoy in the A.C. vent above your dresser.
If you’re as paranoid as Bruce, you probably don’t have a diary, and the aforementioned “decoys” are just to mess with him.
Sun Tzu’s The Art of War was practically your Bible growing up.
You’re torn between giving yourself the tactical advantage of being underestimated & being non-reactive, which — besides giving you the lioness role in the lion–gazelle dynamic — gives you the advantage of having time to think carefully on the repercussions before speaking.
Because, as Sun Tzu said in chapter seven, verse twenty-one, “Ponder and deliberate before you make a move.”
Seeing as Bruce and Damian both have eidetic memories, I’m guessing you do too. 
Which means you totally read the dictionary when you were young and whip our big words nobody’s heard of.
Bruce always assured you it’s okay to be scared. As a matter of fact, like he told Dick (seen in flashbacks in “The Lesson Plan”), he taught you to “Let terror embrace you. The better you know fear, the better you can use it against others.”
And we all know Bruce is the paragon of using fear against people.
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Take that, Scarecrow!
(See, I chose that gif because earlier in that move, he displays a fear of bats, & in that scene, he summons them to use as a distraction and walks through them completely unperturbed. No? Okay, I’ll see myself out.)
You started into the vigilante business young, a little bulge under the back of Batman’s cape that made the rest of the Justice League in the meeting think Bruce was host to an alien parasite until your little mask-covered eyes poked up over his shoulder.
The League’s known you since you were young, so they kind of all see you as their niece. That just quadruples the amount of people who are overprotective of you.
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Eventually, in your tweens, you think enough’s enough and start out on your own — being underestimated may be an advantage, but it’s getting ridiculous — and you tackle unsolved cases.
You set up various safe houses around the world for your own disposal (using the zeta tubes) and anyone who sees the inside of one in an emergency is always surprised. You don’t really understand why; what serious vigilante doesn’t have secure, state-of-the-art safe locations scattered across the planet?
Sometimes, it gets you into danger, but you always get yourself out of it. If there ever comes a time you can’t, well, you’ve got a direct link to Batman, and if communications fail, you can always yell for your Uncle Clark at the top of your lungs.
If the latter ever comes to fruition, you ask Bruce if he’s disappointed you had to call for back-up or that you called Superman instead of Batman, and he says, “It takes a strong person to admit when they’re weak, [Y/N]; if anything, I’m proud of you. Besides … you’re not the only one who yells for Uncle Clark when they get in over their head.”
Your training entailed hacking and mechanics, so you like to fix computers and sell them on the internet Hugh Jeffreys style. It started out with Macs from the dumpster behind Gotham Academy and turned into a surprising side hustle. Large portions of your profits go into either savings or funding your extracurricular activities. 
You’re using a MacBook that’s running Linux and an iPhone 4 that’s running your own program. 
At some point, your phone falls into the wrong hands, and someone asks why it has such high security. You deadpan and say, “I have three older brothers.” No further explanation required.
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One such solo case led you to a ring of drug dealers working in a small town outside of Gotham. You made some tranquillizers and heavy-duty smoke bombs and busted out your shinobi-iri training.
After sliding on a mask covering the bottom half of your face that filtered out smoke, you set all of the bombs off at once in the ventilation system, filling the building and using the infrared in your domino mask to sedate everyone before the cops arrived so no one got hurt (because there would inevitably be a firefight if the cops got involved).
You never go into a situation expecting to go hand-to-hand with someone; you always have a plan to take our your targets quickly an efficiently.
One night, when you’re working on a cold case in Gotham, you stumble across some intel that Poison Ivy’s been stockpiling chemicals and is going to wipe out all human life on Earth.
Luckily for you, Bruce’s paranoia is hereditary; you just happen to carry some white kryptonite in your belt, so you won’t have to go all the way back to the cave to obtain some.
You type out a quick debrief on your wrist computer in case you end up needing to send out an S.O.S., pop on your bottom mask to filter out spores or pheromones she might send in your direction, and bust out your shinobi-iri training again.
Of course, you try the peaceful approach, explaining to Ivy that you agree with her on the tree-hugger front to build rapport (T.B.F., who doesn’t?), but it comes to physical confrontation. You kill every vine that comes your way with a quick punch from your kryptonite ring, toss an expanding polyurethane foam bomb (see Batgirl #38) at her feet, and manage to get an inhibitor collar on her.
Gordon takes her away, and by the next morning, it’s on the news.
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“You took down Ivy by yourself?” Bruce asks when you come down for breakfast.
“… Yeah,” you say after a moment, expecting a tongue-lashing.
“Are you hurt?”
“No. She didn’t get a hit in. And before you ask, I had a contingency set up in case things went sideways.”
“… Good job.”
Your dad has the article framed in the batcave, which is the bat-equivalent of having your drawing on the fridge or getting a sticker back on a test.
You’re fighting a grin for the rest of the day.
It bugs you you can’t tell anyone why you’re so happy, so you visit Dick in Blüdhaven while he’s on patrol and give him a play-by-play. You even get a hair-ruffle!
Deathstroke targets you at some point. One of Batman and Nightwing’s worst villains, and he targets you because he knows they love you. You’re the smallest bat at the time, the weakest; he thinks you’ll be the easiest to take.
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Boy, was he wrong.
He was trained by the League of Assassins, so you know dropping a smoke bomb’s not going to give you cover (and his mask probably has infrared). His brain processes faster than yours, so tricking him is improbable. He’s probably done enough research on you to know you favor foam bombs and has fast enough reflexes to dodge before they go off.
And he’s jammed your comms so you can’t call for backup. You’re worried he’s got kryptonite on him and will hurt Superman if you call for help.
It’s just you and him.
He has enhanced stamina, so he tries to wear you out. You maintain distance to avoid taking damage and wearing faster.
You always admired Tim for his ability to plan ahead (see, like, the entirety of the Red Robin comics). He doesn’t know how he does it; he just does. He can’t really teach you, so you just watch and learn.
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You realize your fight with Slade is just a matter of managing the distance and immobilizing him, so you strike. You duck behind a pillar or grab onto a railing or something and shoot him through the thigh with your grappling gun, reeling him in. He, of course, draws his sword or a knife to cut the line, but you’re already throwing high-density expanding polyurethane bombs.
And, just like that, you’ve single-handedly taken Deathstroke.
It sends a clear message to the rest of the Gotham villains, Blüdhaven’s villains, the League of Assassins — don’t mess with the bat’s little girl. She can hold her own.
Now it’s time for you to come up with another plan to take him down; you doubt the same method will work twice, and you’ve just made a very powerful enemy.
As Wonder Woman’s said, “Do not mistake a desire to avoid violence for an inability to deal with it.” You might go into most situations with a plan to take down your opponent already in motion, but when it comes to an all-out brawl, you’re perfectly capable and don’t pull your punches.
You’re working on an unsolved case in Blüdhaven (Dick’s got enough on his plate) when you get an S.O.S. from the aforementioned along with the feed and recording from his mask. You listen to the mission briefing while you ride back to the cave and then the audio from the Young Justice mission. They got jumped by the League of Shadows in an abandoned factory, and Talia’s trying to coerce Damian into joining the League or whatever.
The usual dropping some smoke bombs and tranqing everyone isn’t going to work on thirty armed League assassins who were trained to fight blind, so you load up on polyurethane foam bombs and call Jason and Cassandra.
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The three of you take out the guards outside before splitting up and taking either end of the building (Cass stays with you). You meet in the middle, in the room the team’s being held in.
You highjacked the speakers, so they’re blasting AC/DC’s “Shoot to Thrill” upon Jason’s insistence. You wanted Zayde Wølf or Alice Cooper’s “Hey, Stoopid,” but big brothers will be big brothers.
Jason pops them with rubber bullets from above to slow them down for you while Cass demolishes them and you drop foam bombs, slinging your signature custom shuriken, bonk them over the head with Tim’s staff you picked up along the way, dislocate their arms, or shatter their kneecaps. 
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You and Jason get a couple slices from swords that got a little too close, but it’s nothing compared to what you’ve had before. 
When the fighting’s done and the building’s quiet, the team’s, like, “Who the heck are you guys?” 
And Dick’s, like, 😏 “They’re our siblings.” 
Speaking of siblings, you’re older than Damian, and as such, you take upon yourself the honor of teaching him all things pop-culture.
“I have a lot of amazing older siblings. I want to be a good big sister.”
First things first, you give him one of your refurbished e-waste phones and take him to Target to pick out an OtterBox or a LifeProof case or something that’ll keep it safe in the pocket of a vigilante.
Vigilantes are always coming to you when their phone’s broken anyway; you’ve got a stack of spares you’ve repaired.
Then you help him set up a Spotify account (follow me at @remakethestars 😉) and try to help him find his rhythm.
Poor child’s never had Oreos before, so you drag a pack of Double Stuffs out of the cabinet and a glass of milk and show him the best milk-dunking method you know.
You think about handing him a cookie and telling him to waterboard it until the bubbles stop coming up, but cookie-dunking is something every kid does; it’s sacred, and you don’t want him to associate it with violence.
You show him how you and Alfred feed the bats in the batcave.
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And you show him Vine compilations and your favorite shows and movies and as many classics as you can, and you put up with him pointing out the inaccuracies and calling them stupid.
Every time he doesn’t get a reference, you write it down so you know what to show him later.
If anything ever happens to you, Damian finds your list and makes it his personal mission to watch/read everything on it. It makes him feel close to you.
You build a relationship with him that’s similar to his and Dick’s, and he comes to you with things he might not be able to come to anyone else with.
Plus, since you live in the manor still and he doesn’t want Bruce to think less of him, it’s you he comes to after a nightmare.
If you know Alfred has pictures of him curled up in your side, you ask him to send them to you. Not for blackmail purposes; just to have.
You’d never use the need of comfort or the sharing of emotions against him because (A) it’s perpetuating toxic masculinity and (B) you don’t want him to think it’s wrong or confirm any of the stupid “strength” things the League of Shadows taught him.
You gave him a stuffed cat that looks like Alfred (the cat, not the butler) with some of your perfume spritzed on it. He verbalized his revulsion when you gave it to him, but on nights he has a bad dream and you’re not home, it brings him comfort.
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Titus comes to get you when Damian’s upset. 
Even when he’s not with Damian, he seems to know. Pets are like that.
You’ve learned to trust Titus’s instincts. Damian thinks it’s suspicious when he’s feeling down and you just happen to call.
You never realized it until a long time later, but Ace was acting weird the day Jason came back from the dead.
And he was acting weird the day Jason came back to Gotham too. He ran to the door and began barking. Alfred swept security, but nothing seemed to be off. The whole family was on edge that day.
You were the reason Jason knew he wasn’t completely forgotten; he spotted you through a café window, and you were wearing his jacket.
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angrylizardjacket · 3 years
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it's in the blood // this is tradition
Summary: Children inherit all sorts of traits from their parents. Not all these traits are good.
"My reputation preceded me before I was born."
[ charlotte & lola au ]
A/N: 2292 words. Halsey's new album killed me on the spot. i talk a lot about the next gen being mirrors of their parents, but i'd like to go into detail about that not necessarily being a positive. @misscharlottelee this made me feel things. i love these kids.
Warnings: overdose mention, addiction discussion, mentions of drug abuse.
Penelope Dingley-Lee
Tommy can count the amount of times he'd seen Razzle truly angry on one hand, and here and now he can see it again, written all over his neice's face. He'd thought she would look like Charlie when she's angry, and occasionally she does, the way her lip curls derisively, dismissively, that's very reminiscent of his cousin, but here and now, her blue eyes are hazy, cloudy, and her lips twist with an irate arrogance that is worryingly familiar.
Angry and high and wearing clothes that don't quite match, in this moment she's exactly her father's daughter.
She's been in the papers again. Her tits have been in magazines again. Tommy bites down on his instinctual desire to repremand her; she'd call him a hypocrite, call him an old man, tell him to keep his opinions to himself while she could still buy his sex tape out of a shady car boot down the street.
Charlie was like that too, on occasion, wit too quick for him to keep up with. When she got into a mood like this, Tommy didn't have to worry so much; usually Razzle would egg her on, but knew when to pull her back.
"It's my god given, motherfucking right to go feral -" he'd heard Charlie back in the eighties holler at three in the morning, high on amphetamines and waving a gossip rag above her head. Razzle would be on the sofa, equally fucked up, but gazing at her like she hung the stars in the sky.
"Lola gets photographed at least once a month stark naked along the strip like it's a sport, why is my Playboy shoot a national crisis?! My tits are fantastic!"
"They are, my love," Razzle nods seriously, and Tommy pulls his pillow from beneath his head, trying to either block out their voices through the thin walls, or maybe smother himself. The girl beside him, the groupie whose name he doesn't know, asks blearily why there's so much yelling. Tommy doesn't answer.
A week later, Tommy is the one to bail out Charlie and Razzle for public indecency, and they're both beaming from ear to ear.
Here in the present, Penny is draped out on the sofa, laughing low and pleased as she watches TV.
"TMZ blurred out my tits," she snorts, "cowards."
"Penny..." he can't help the faintly disappointed notes in his voice when he says her name.
"Thomas, I've read The Dirt," Penny fires back venemously. Hypocrite he hears in her tone, you have no power over me.
There's something hollow in her eyes in the photos he sees of her in the papers. She wears her father's inflluence and her heart on her crushed velvet sleeve, on the arm of a shallow, pretty, band boy who plays badly and loudly. But she laughs louder, though tthe sound is low and unconvincing if anyone bothered to listen hard enough, and Tommy wonders if he has enough dark hair dye left for when that boy breaks her heart.
Jupiter Lee
Tommy is proud to watch Jupiter on stage, but he is afraid.
Their anger is something he remembers from Lola, the way they cling to the past with vitriol echoes their mother, but on stage, they drink up the attention, get high off the love the audience gives, and he sees himself in those moments.
A child of addicts, Jupiter had drawn lines in the sand for themselves that they refused to cross; no alcohol, no drugs, and they'd stayed loyal to that. But highs come in all forms; they simply picked a different kind of poison without realising.
On stage, halfway between the gutter and a god complex, Tommy knows the smile they wear all too well.
Rebellion from Jupiter didn't shock the world like it did when it was Penny's name in the papers. Jupiter's trajectory was spot on in the eyes of the public, but rebellion wouldn't be the thing that broke them.
Once, so long ago that it's a miracle the memory survived, Tommy remembers asking Lola what she would be doing if she wasn't with the band. Lola gave him an easy, bleary smile, laughing sweetly when she told him that one way or another, she'd be here. In the moment it overwhelms him with love. In hindsight it breaks his heart.
"Come on, I think this is inevitable," Jupiter smiles on television as an interviewer asks them the same question; if they weren't making music what they'd be doing, "as if I'd do anything other than this."
'Don't you know where I come from?' is left unspoken, but Tommy still hears it.
He tries to picture himself in a life without the world at his feet the way he has now. No image comes to mind. Nothing else makes sense. Even if he wanted to do something else, wanted to grow up to be something else, he couldn't even begin to picture it for himself, tragedy and all.
They play their parts. They let history repeat itself. Jupiter makes mistakes Tommy and Lola had already learned from. Penny plays Jupiter's conciousness until the role grates on her nerves, diving head first into chaos, taking Jupiter with her with little convincing.
Tommy remembers this too.
When the world looks at Penny and Jupiter, they like to remember how Lola was seen as a bad influence on Charlotte, but forget that Tommy would have followed Charlotte in to Hell without hesitation.
Leo "Seo" Sixx
Lola has google alerts set up for her son, Seo, because he disappears for months without warning. Tommy asks how he is, and Lola looks to her phone with a tight smile, telling him that he's competeing in a skateboarding competition in Prague. She learned that from Twitter.
Seo comes and goes without warning, and talks to his siblings more than his parents. He loves them, but he hasn't allowed himself to stop for years. He doesn't know how. Then again, neither did Lola or Nikki.
"Jupiter thinks a lot about legacy, don't they?" He's in Tommy's kitchen, eating a poptart, when Tommy returns home one friday evening. He's waiting for Penny and Jupiter to finish getting ready, the three of them going out.
"Do your parents know you're in town?" Tommy asks with faint amusement, though there's a twinge of guilt in his gut when Leo considers that he should probably let them know. Says he forgot. Tommy's not sure if he believes him; like his parents before him, he tends to leave a lot unsaid. It's part of his charm, the world seems to think, but Tommy knows all to well how deliberate of an act it can be.
"Jup's got all this stuff in their head about legacy and who they should be," he continues his earlier thought, "which I guess makes sense, they tie a lot of themselves up in their identity," he shrugs, then, "I don't know Leo."
Tommy's not sure if he's talking about the grandfather he's named after, or himself.
"You've given this a lot of thought," Tommy says quietly, humouring him.
"I think a lot," Seo responds, "I've been thinking about going back on my meds, its weird being off of them." Of course this concerns Tommy, who knows objectively that Seo isn't his kid, but he's close enough that Tommy feels like he's allowed to be concerned. "I'm worried a doctor's note isn't going to be enough to let me compete at the Olympics on speed," falls too casually from Seo's lips, alarming Tommy in an instant. Though it must clearly show on his face, as Seo breaks out into an apologetic grin, "dextroamphetamine, for my ADHD. I've been trying to wean off it for the Olympics, it's been hard -" but his next words, said so blithe, so casual, have Tommy's heart stopping in his chest as he's thrown back thirty years, "I've been on them since I was like eleven years old; it was great, I could think, like the right amount, but now I... I think everything. I feel everything. Its a lot." He shrugs, like he didn't just become an echo of his father.
Seo's parents both died twice from overdoses, and now their son feels like he can't function without amphetamines.
Objectively Tommy knows that they work for Seo, that he's not abusing them he simply uses them to help him function, but the irony is not lost on him. It's a lot to unpack. He doesn't think to ask about the Olympics; it slips his mind until he sees Seo and a silver medal on his Twitter feed.
Lola calls Tommy in tears. She's proud, but she wishes she'd known, wishes she'd been able to watch it live, or go over and support him in person.
No-one in Seo's life seems to fully know or understand his intentions or actions, no-one can predict his next move. He puts up a bright facade, but like his parents before him, he does not trust the world to know him.
They don't know where he goes in the few months after the Olympics, all they know is that he doesn't come home.
Cerie "CerieThree" Sixx
Since she'd turned sixteen, Tommy has never seen Cerie Sixx without a smile. That is a very deliberate choice that she's made.
She's made a choice to rise above the percieved grime of her origins. She's halfway across the country, smiling for a camera she can control, editing her image before she lets it out into the world. Cerie Three - even the name the world knows reflects this; she's picked apart the context she was born into, disecting it, deciding which was useful to show the world, disposing of the rest.
She speaks warmly to her family, from what Tommy can gather, but the people on the peripheries of their life seem more like associates in the coldest sense of the world. Her smile doesn't reach her eyes half the time when she sees Tommy, and she shakes his hand when her brothers will hug him. The internet is closer to her than he is.
Cerie looks the most like her mother of all her siblings; she's 21, the exact same age Lola was when she met Tommy, but half the time he can barely see the resemblence. Lola had let the world see a villain at that age; Cerie had learned from that, had rejected that, rejected the cold, hard humanity of her mother's fronting. Cerie wanted to be perfect. Cerie had to be perfect, hyper aware of her own image, like her siblings seem to be, but the way she'd so effectively shaped her public identity was kind of terrifying.
Perhaps this was what it was like for people who didn't know Lola, only allowed to know the image she put out into the world, or people who only knew Nikki for his stage presence.
But the more Tommy thinks about it, the more he remembers just how effectively Lola had wrapped the band around her little finger when she set her mind to it, how she talked her way around exectives despite being dressed like she'd woken up in the gutter and fucked up on any number of drugs. Lola understood people, and it seemed Cerie did too.
Cerie Sixx, twenty one, doesn't stop creating content, doesn't stop studying, and doesn't stop smiling. Two of those three things are inhereted traits, inhereted determination, and the third is a choice.
Cyrus Sixx
Though Cyrus had inhereted much of his parent's musical talent, the same way Jupiter had, Cyrus had also inhereted a love of the high life. Even so, he's so full of love, kissing his mother on both cheeks before he goes out to get shitfaced in the bars she was decades before he was even born.
He works hard, at his job, on his music, but his partying matches it just as well. He knows exactly how far he has to fall before he meets the depths his parents' had sunk to, and though he doesn't voice this, his arrogance comes across in his actions.
There'd always be someone to pull him away from swan diving to rock bottom. He takes that for granted, and keeps getting closer and closer.
The only one of Nikki and Lola's children who still lives at home, he's the only one like them in the way they'd feared.
"He's going to have more success than he will ever be able to comprehend," Nikki had told Tommy, the day after Cyrus had been admitted to hospital after staying up for four days while high and obsessing over a song he had been working on. Nikki had found him having a fit after having fallen from his desk chair. Now, sitting on Tommy's patio in the sunset, he looks tired, he looks afraid, "if he doesn't end up killing himself first."
A month ago, the fire department and the police had to pull him, kicking and screaming and bareass naked from a tree in the middle of town. His parents had bailed him out, had felt a familiar sting of guilt as they find themselves reminded of their own youthful exploits. They repremand him, of course, but they both know the only reason they stopped climbing trees was because there had been no-one to pick them up after.
Nikki sees himself in his sons mistakes, but he'd had to learn concequences the hard way.
Tommy loves his family and all it's strange branches, as well as their raucous youth, but his closest friends were some of the most volatile people he'd known, and somehow he'd forgotten that as time as taken people and memories from him.
But these children were made in their image.
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 10
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Anon said:
Hello! I would like the match up please I would like to have a Male character and here are stuff about me!
The thing I do mostly is like to care for others and help others, I mostly get tricked on very easily do to my kindness which will cause me to sometimes get very fiesty which not very but maybe like “ please just stop talking your being to loud.” In a annoyed tone, which is very rarely, I tend to like very many hobbies and I don’t judge people base on first glance I see what on the inside and not what on the outside, a weakness I have is my disability but I never allow it to stop me from my true goal in life! And I practically tend to like doing some boyish stuff like archery! I get a lot of compliments on my archery skill because a lot of people say I have the patients and the accuracy very good! My dislikes are I hate real cocky people who think there all good and don’t take stuff for granted I also hate people who look down on weak person as not a human but a animal. I hate peoples who take kindness for granted and use it for a selfish gain.
I stand at about 5’0 exact! I have long brown hair that gets a lot of attention because some people always say to me “ I die to have your hair:” I’m just a tiny bit chubby and have big blue ocean eye that gets a lot of compliments and a lot of people wanting it to. I very much get the attention for how smart I am and how kind I am! I also get some hate from boys when I prove them wrong that girls aren’t weak and I won’t back down from a fight if it means protecting myself, people or just anyone. I like to have some affection it doesn’t have to be a lot maybe just even a hand on the shoulder is fine! I also very do like to wear some baggy clothes and I do like wearing like summer dresses that are knee high. I also tend to get very excited from the smallest things. A lot of people think I’m a loner but when it comes to babies I’m all for them! My cousin even said “ she likes to be alone into babies comes in the picture and she all for them!” 💕I love children and my parents even told me “ your definitely going to be the house wife.” I don’t know if that a compliment or not but I’m taking it😂✌🏻 sorry if I shared so many!
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Hello there! How are you? I really enjoyed reading all those things about you. Believe it or not but the part in which you said that although you have a disability it is not holding you back to follow your dreams, was impressive. It truly made happy. I have two cousins that have a disability and get me sad every time I see them. But seeing them happy and keep doing whatever they want makes me always so damn happy. You seem to be such a sweet human. Someone bright and jolly. Please never ever change. You are such a strong and great human. Keep that attitude and make sure that even when you end up as a housewife don´t let anyone push you around or take you presence and work for granted. This world really needs more good humans like you. I am so happy you requested. When you mentioned housewife I instantly thought of Hinata (Narutos wife) and then thought about myself who is more of a mixture of Ino and Temari. That thought really made me laugh. LMAO!! Anyways I really hope you will like with what I came up with. If there is anything that bothers you or you don´t like, please tell me so I can change it. Other than that enjoy the little story I came up with. Happy reading!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: @/SK,Martins (Can be seen in the pic) (found on the internet) !!!
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· Well my dear anon. Like I mentioned before I think that you are a sweet and lovely human being. On top of that also simply adorable, fun and pure! Therefore I´d like to match you up with the future pirate king Monkey D. Luffy
· I think that you two would get along so well. So, SO WELL! Now hear me out!
· The way you two got to know each other might sound a bit of cliché but that’s simply how you meet. There was no princess in danger or a knight in a shinny armor but a clueless guy who wondered why a woman in a dress would walk around with arrows and a bow when they weren´t cupid. A simple human?! HA! Definitely not!
· Anyways that’s how everything started….
· The strawhats were docked on the island you were living in. At first they were anxious and didn´t want to leave their ship alone but when a worker at the harbor told them that the civilians on the island had cero problems with pirates as long as they didn´t do anything stupid or harm them. The whole crew got happy and started roaming around the island.
· Luffy being Luffy, screamed for food the moment his feet were on the island. And Zoro…. That guy yelled after him saying that if he gets to have food he wanted Sake. So, Luffy, Zoro and Ussop searched for a restaurant. Why Ussop you wonder? Well Nami send him with the boys because they otherwise would end up on the other side of the island. And Ussop compared to the captain and the first mate knew he had an actual brain and also knew how to use it.
· While the pirates were walking around the island you were helping out as a waitress in your uncles restaurant
· Everything went smooth. You served the people and had little chats with some of them. Some gave you too much tip and some other had you sitting with them and eat with them
· The people of the island knew you well. They knew you and loved you. Your uncle once even said that the only reason why his business was doing so well was because of you. The people never came for the food but rather for you. But you always denied it and told him that it was him and his food that was liked so much.
· Bu today there was something a bit different. A group of men you hated from the bottom of your heart came again. They were simply rude and egoistic. They were people from the wealthier part of the city, that was called royal neighbor. The reason why that neighborhood was called royal had nothing to do with the people that lived there. The only reason it was called royal was because it had a lot of wellness centers, hotels, casinos and parks. While this neighborhood, you were living in was given the name of idyll because of the beautiful nature. Landscapes that could have been painted and not to forget the dreamy beaches. But these group of young men simply didn´t understand that and thought of it differently. In a way that even the mayor couldn´t do anything else than just shook his head in embarrassment. But what could that poor man do. They weren´t doing anything against the law. They simply were annoying, stupid and egoistic.
· The group of young man, not older than 25, would always come once a week and have lunch in your uncles restaurant
· They entered the restaurant followed by three men you never saw on the island. At first you thought of them as sailors until you saw the green haired man carry three swords.
· You were in a dilemma. You didn´t knew if you should take care of the men that could have been pirates or the annoying group of disgusting men that always came. You gave your coworker a look and made sure he understood what you wanted. You were about to walk up to him and tell him to take care of the annoying group of men when you heard a plate breaking. You stopped in your tracks and instantly turned around.
· “This is our table. We always sit here. Now move you pathetic poor human.”, said Dean, the head of the group. You were mad. You were extremely mad and it took you so much energy and patience to not walk up to him and cut of his throat. But you calmed down and thought rationally. You took a deep breath and took your little notebook you used for writing down the guests orders when you heard a glass shatter right after Dean grabbed the customer at his collar and made him stand up. And this was exactly the moment you slammed you notebook and pen on the floor and yelled from the top of your lungs.
· “Watch out what you’re doing, you spoiled brat!”
· You stomped towards him and took a knife from a table on your way to him. “If you do not put him down in a bit and apologize, I swear to god I will make you regret waking up today and leaving your fucking bed!”, Dean knew you were no one to joke around with but his pride as a man kept pushing him. He chuckled and looked at you up and down while his friends that followed him like dogs laughed at your words.
· “Don´t make me start counting you pathetic version of a human.”, with furious eyes you looked up at Dean who still held the customer at his collar. “Look at that tiny girl trying to threaten…”, one of his friends was giving a comment but couldn´t finish his sentence because of you throwing the knife in your hand at him and cutting a bit of his ear and hair. You threw the knife with such a precise and strong grip that it ended up hitting the wall that was three meters behind him. “Watch out what you say because I don´t hesitate to drop the sweet girl attitude.”
· Dean looked at you with pure anger and let go of the man he was holding. He looked at his shocked friend and then back at you. “Today’s point goes to you. But the next time we come and this table is not free you will regret hurting him.”, said the angry man. “Listen here you little dumb spoiled creature. This table won´t be free for you. This is our table. Our property. You have no right to come and throw such a tantrum. And guess what, come again and I will be paying your parents a little visit and make them pay for everything you did. And I am sure that they won´t be pleased by your behavior since they are good friends with my parents and the mayor. Right? Now if I ever see you come here again I will make you pay. After today we will not accept your unacceptable behavior anymore. Now get the FCK OUT!!”
· After they left everything was silent for a few seconds but that change after your uncle started to clap and every person in the restaurant joined him. Your eye widened and your started to blush with a huge grin on your face. But that little moment of clapping didn´t last long. One of the pirates that entered the restaurant spoke up. “You did a good job but I AM HUNGRY!!!! Please FEED ME!”, you were confused. You didn´t know how to react and stood there like a statue.
· “Alright Sir. No worries. We will take your order in a few.”, said your uncle and approached you with a huge smile your notebook and pen. He pats your head with a proud smile. “You are such a brave and strong woman. I am so glad to have you in my family and I think it´s enough for today. Please take care of these men and then go rest: You deserve it.”, you nodded and smiled back to him. You pulled yourself together and made your way to the table of the pirates while your uncle left to take care of the broken glasses and the customer who had to deal with those stupid men.
· “Hello gentlemen. I apologize for making you wait I ….”, “No worries I actually enjoyed the show. You’ve got a good and precise eye. BUT NOW MY ORDER! Get me everything on the second site please.”, you absolutely didn´t knew how to react. You were looking at the talking man with a straw hat and then to his friends with big shook eyes. “I know what you thinking but he always eats that much and manages to stay alive. No worries. And getting to my order I´d like to have number 17 and 22 on the menu.”, said the one with a unusual long nose. “I take the same as him but with three bottles of your best sake.”
· You nodded with a disbelieving look on the face wondering if the first one is really going to eat all of the stuff. But you gave yourself a light slap and made your way to the kitchen only to be confronted with overwhelmed and surprised faces of the cooks. You shrugged with your shoulder and went to get the pirates drinks.
· While you went to get their drinks you saw that more people sat down next to the three pirates what made sense since the table they were sitting on was a huge one that usually only families took. Taking the drinks you served the three and greeted the new costumers. At the table sat a beautiful woman with black hair that complimented you for your adorable and genuine smile. With a blush you gave the others a menu too and took their orders
· Slowly with time passing all of their meals were served and you said your farewells and left the restaurant earlier then thought because your uncle said that he will take care of the rest. Thanking him you left and made your way to your archery lesson although it would have been way too early.
· Every time you came your sensei’s face would glow with pride. But the malicious person he is he would then drag you inside and introduce you to another challenge he came up with.
Time skip because ya author is lazy for the first time in a while now. *apologizes in trilingual
· It was late in the evening. You were on your way back home and thought why not take the route that would lead you to walk across the beach. You were having a good time alone. The sound of the waves that crashed on the cliffs and rocks were beautifully calming. The feeling of the sand under you feet were relaxing. With a smile upon your lips you were lost in your thoughts when the same guy with the straw hat you saw in the restaurant looked at you while blinking a few times before he asked you if you were Cupid the god of love like Sanji told him.
· With confusion taking over your mind you stopped in your tracks. Who on earth was he and that Sanji guy and why did he call me cupid? You wondered.
· And there you were looking at him with pure confusion while he looked at you with huge impressed and curious eyes for good 2 minutes until you shook your head and asked him who he and that Sanji were. He smiled at you and let himself fall down to sit cross- legged in front of you on the soft, warm sand. Now how do you think he introduced himself? Exactly my dear.
· “I am Monkey D. Luffy the future pirate King.”, “Huh?”, “And Sanji is one of my crew mates and the cook on my ship. Now tell me are you Cupid or not.”
· “Why would I be cupid?”, “Well you are wearing a pink white dress and you have a bow and arrows. So I thought that you might be on your way to shoot some people with them to make them fall in love. So, are you Cupid?”,
· “Alright first of all Cupid is a mythological creature made up by humans. He or she doesn´t exists. Secondly you really don´t look like a pirate nor do the others in your crew beside that one green haired man with the swords if he is also part of your crew. Thirdly you want to become the pirate king? Why?”
· And this my dear was how you two started a conversation that was to 50 % about him telling you stories of his adventures, 25 % basically about nonsense. And the other 25 % were… well that was about you telling him that you weren´t cupid but a actual human with the name f/n l/n. But he actually never got it. Until now.
· Eight years after your first encounter with the weird men called Monkey D. Luffy you still were busy telling him that you weren´t Cupid. But by now you not only had to tell him that but also your son who rather called you Cupid instead of mama.
· Congratulations you have two idiots in your life you love to the moon and back and would actually fight Garp for.
· “Does he really think that your Cupid or is that supposed to be something like a cute name?”, asked Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army
· “I stopped thinking about that long ago, Sir. I really don´t know how to answer that. But just to make it clear if that confused you too. My name is y/n not Cupid.”, you told you father in Law with a sweet smile.
· “Wait. Cupid is not your name?! That brat introduced you to me as Monkey D. Cupid!”, Garp looked at you and Dragon with disbelieve.
· “If you ever wonder why you husband is so stupid just please now that, that stupidity comes from Garp. Not me. I swear.”
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molzies-fanfics · 4 years
A/N: I’ve never actually broken anything so I hope this is somewhat accurate, also anon I’m really sorry I didn’t respond earlier but I hope you healed up well!
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Parkour had been a hobby once upon a time, but you had started posting videos on the internet, gaining followers over the past couple of years which led to earning a lot of money. So this basically became your job, but wasn’t it everybody’s dream to enjoy what they did for a living?
 Although one day you were so caught up in your twists and flips from one surface to the next you didn’t notice that someone had spilt something…
 Waking up in the hospital was a nice surprise, a bump on the head and a broken leg was the more nasty one. God…you had no idea how your boyfriend was going to react.
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Leo was an incredibly loving and careful boyfriend, sometimes you couldn’t picture your life without him…but right now? You really didn’t want him to come over and see the epic blunder you had gotten yourself into.
 He had texted about an hour ago, saying he would drop in when he would get the chance during patrol. It wasn’t like you could just say no! If you said no that would raise suspicions, leading to him coming over anyway. It wasn’t like Leo didn’t trust you, he just got concerned over whether you were getting kidnapped or not.
 Letting out a massive sigh, you sat up to try and reach for the tv remote, but moving resulted in tugging the skin trapped under your cast causing you to hiss in pain. “Y/N?” hearing a familiar voice, you whipped your head around meeting the bluest eyes you ever did see. “Hey Leo…” you tried to sound casual, failing miserably as his gaze focused on the dark blue cast. “Oh my god, Y/N what happened?” he questioned as he rushed to your side, cupping your face in his hands.
 “Well I was doing some parkour today and…I slipped.” You winced at the recollection. “Oh love, I’m so sorry. Do you need anything?” you were surprised in the change of conversation, originally thinking he was going to scold you for being so reckless, but you saw the concern etched into his features and knew he was being serious.
 “The TV remote and some water would be great?” you wondered if you were doing the right thing, taking advantage of this opportunity. “Of course.” He smiled before handing you the remote. With the TV flickering to life, you turned back to him. “I thought you would be mad.” You almost whispered to yourself. “I am a little bit. It’s just…my need to take care of you kinda overrules that.” Leo chuckled to himself as returned with your water.
 “Oh…well thanks.” You showed a weak smile before gulping down the glass. “Woah, slow down. You don’t want hiccups as well do you?” he laughed. You attempted to gulp down the lump in your throat as well. “I just realized…I won’t be able to work for so long now.” You gasped. “Love, you need time to heal, and that’s better than irritating the wound and starting all over again…isn’t it?” Leonardo rubbed circles into your shoulder. “I guess so.” You spoke into your glass.
 Leaning over to give your forehead a kiss, Leonardo leant his head against yours, staring into your eyes. “I’m here for you.”
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Raph had squeezed through your window without even letting you know he was coming. You couldn’t decide whether it was nice of him to surprise you or inconsiderate if he scared you. But you knew this time it was you who was going to give him a shock. The red banded turtle lumbered through your living room before spotting you on the couch.
 “Hey…babe?” his tone changed as he spotted the cast trapping your leg. “Hi Raphie.” You greeted pathetically. “What the hell happened? Who did this to you?” he didn’t move as his temper soared, his features expressing a mix of pain, anger and regret. “No one did this to me! Well…unless you count myself.” You chuckled sadly. “…what?” he whispered.
 Shutting your eyes tight, you didn’t want to see the look on his face when you told him. “I hurt myself today whilst filming. I wasn’t looking where I was going, there was some water…I slipped.” You sighed, preparing for the worst. Expecting him to yell, stomp about, reminding you what you had done and how he would continue to until it was drilled into your mind how dangerous your job really was. Maybe even tell you not to go back to it…
Surprised at the emotion in his voice, you opened your eyes to glance over your boyfriend. “What?” mumbling almost to yourself. “I said you’re an idiot. You should be more careful.” He almost smiled. Instead he sat down on the couch, bicep brushing against your uninjured foot. “I-I’ll keep that in mind.” You stumbled “You’re not mad?”
 “How can I? You’ve received the brunt of your mistake anyway, I don’t want to add to that.” He gave you a sad smile whilst rubbing your leg affectionately. “Aw…thanks Raphie.” you whimpered, still a bit emotional from a stressful day and Raph just had to go and be a sweetheart. “Oh hey…don’t cry.” He got up to move closer to you, shuffling himself under your back so you could cuddle.
 “Sorry…it’s just been a long day and I wasn’t expecting you to be so nice to me. My mom yelled at me so much today, complaining about how much the hospital would cost me especially since I won’t be able to go back to work now and earn the money back” you started to sob into his chest. “Shush, babe, everything will be alright. And if thing’s get tough around here you’re always welcome to come crash with us.” Raph suggested thoughtfully.
 “Your…your brothers won’t mind?” you sniffled, completely bypassing the thought that your boyfriend had practically asked you to move in with him, despite it being purely for your benefit. “Hell no, you’re family Y/N.”
 You ended up launching yourself at him then, ignoring the pain in your leg from the sudden movement as you latched your lips onto Raph’s.
 “You are so sweet, y’know that?”
 “It happens.” He chuckled.
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Donnie was practically a doctor himself, so when you broke your leg and only found out when you woke up in hospital, you knew he was gonna be pissed. Not by the fact that you broke it in the first place, but maybe because you didn’t come to him about it. Face it, it would’ve been difficult to get to him with a broken leg but at least it would’ve been free and you would’ve been able to see your boyfriend in this difficult situation.
 Walking on crutches back to your apartment only to find out the elevator was out of order was a treat though. The cherry on top of this whole mess. After spending a whole hour, yes an HOUR, climbing the stairs with your cast on, you opened your door to be greeted by none other than Donatello.
 “There you are dove! I was starting to get…worried.” He was excited to see you before his eyes fell to your cast. Feeling way too tired for this, you were hoping he wasn’t about to start an argument. Closing the door before anyone in the hallway could see him, you turned around only to be met with a hug. Which was kind of difficult seeing as Donnie was six foot six.
 “What happened? Are you okay? Well, clearly not you’ve broken your leg! Do you need anything? Water? Hot water bottle? Do you need me to help scratch your leg? I’ve heard casts can be super scratchy.” Your boyfriend started to ramble. “Donnie! I’m fine, I just need to sit down. The elevator was out of order so I had to use the stairs.” You explained briefly before hobbling over to the couch. That was before Donnie scooped you up bridal style of course.
 “Let me take care of you.” He smiled warmly. You were too exhausted to say anything but “Okay.” Laying you down on the sofa, Donnie got you some snacks, blankets and put your favorite movie on. Curling up into his arms you realized how truly grateful you were to have a boyfriend like Donatello. Kissing him on the cheek, you gave him an exhausted grin, staring into his emerald orbs before placing your head in the crook of his neck.
 “I’m here for you always dove.”
 “Thank you Donatello.”
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You couldn’t lie to Mikey, you couldn’t even keep a secret from him. His face was like a magnet for your affection, and that included being truthful. Which meant you had to tell him that you broke your leg and that was why you had to cancel your date. So, when you texted him without saying why, he immediately asked if he could come over instead. Knowing it was better to go this over with sooner rather than later, you said it was okay.
 Dreading the minutes in between the text and when he arrived, you sat there trying to get comfortable with, what felt like, an over sized cast. It was like slow torture on a mental and physical plane…which sucked. All you knew was that Mikey would be upset when he had seen what had happened, but he wouldn’t be angry…would he? You’ve never seen Mikey angry before, but that doesn’t mean he never had been angry. Anxiety started to build up in your chest, today had been challenging enough.
“Hey sweet cheeks! Sorry I took so long, want to pick up some pizza!” He chirped as he stumbled into your living room, leaving the window open. A draft picked up, causing you to shiver. As if sensing it, Mike picked up the nearest blanket, came over and wrapped you up in it. He then sat down next to you, completely ignoring your cast set on the pillow next to him, and took a slice out of the box.
“So how was your day?” He beamed. Sunlight was basically coming out of his cheeks at this point. “Uh…kinda horrible?” you chuckled to yourself, starting to find it funny that he hadn’t noticed yet. “Oh no, how come?” he then rubbed your leg. You gave him a look before gesturing to where his hand lay, looking down Mike finally put two and two together.
“Oh my god! What did you do?!”
“HAHAHA, I love you Mike.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction | If The World Was Ending [Song] [Request]
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[BTS X Gender Neutral!Reader]
Seokjin: ~ If the world was ending you’d come over right? You’d come over and you’d stay the night
Screams could be heard from every street corner but you kept your hood up around your head as you walked through the streets. You had to get to Jin while all of this was happening, it didn't matter that you'd broken up four months ago, it wouldn't even matter if it was a year ago. You loved him and he loved you so you had to be together. He'd called you right before the phone lines went dead and everything was cut out, begging to see you but before either of you could make arrangements the lines went dead and you were met with the painful sound of the dial tone.
"I love you, okay?!" You heard a man's voice say, you turned to you right to see a couple sitting on the floor while they looked up at the sky. Parts of the asteroid were already slamming into the atmosphere causing Earthquakes, tsunamis and a lot of other natural disasters that scared the life out of you.
"I love you too." You put your head back down as the couple hugged one another. It was getting late and you knew it was soon since everyone was staring up into the sky at the asteroid itself. It was becoming clearer with every passing second and it started to feel like you couldn't breathe, every step felt like it was taking a life time as couples and people around you began to come together for their final moments together.
"You should be home, where are you going?" You ignored the calls of people asking what you were doing and you started to run towards Jin's apartment thinking he would be there.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?!" Yoongi asked as he opened the door, you were sweating and panting as you tried to say you were there for Jin.
"He left, he went to your place." Your eyes widened with fear as you realised it was almost the end of the world and you were going to miss your final moments with him.
"Y/N! WAIT!" You ignored Yoongi as you ran back towards your apartment, not stopping to look at couples, ignore the screams of people who were telling you to go somewhere safe you just ran. You didn't care that your heart was pounding so hard you couldn't breathe, you didn't care that you could taste salt in your mouth or that you were running so hard it was hurting the pads of your feet.
"Y/n?!" You heard your name and you skidded to a stop turning around to see Jin on the opposite side of the road screaming out your name,
"JIN!" You cried out ready to run over to him when an idiot on a bike knocked you back onto the floor,
"Watch it!" He yelled at you as he rode off down the road in a rush, it wasn't like he could become ET on a bike and fly, you got off the floor and rushed over to Jin.
"I thought I'd missed you- I thought maybe you'd gone to be with someone else." He rushed out cupping your hands in his cheeks as you stood in front of the television store, the news was blaring out through the speakers.
"I love you Jin, I went to your place and then Yoongi said that you weren't there and that you'd gone to me." You started crying heavily and he was crying along with you, shaking his head as he still held your face in his hands. If this was how the world was going to end you were okay with it, as long as he was right there with you holding you just the way he was,
"I love you too," He ran his thumb under your eye to remove the tears and you sniffled hearing the news begin to countdown to the end of the world,
"These are our final moments, I hope you're with people you love and care about. It's been wonderful hosting for you all, 10..." A robot voice took over the count down and Jin looked at you trying not to cry, you both knew what this was but you weren't going to say anything. He sat you down on the floor and you kissed one last time not wanting to ever let go, his hands were holding you close as your hands held onto his neck.
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Yoongi: ~ The sky’d be falling and I’d hold you tight and there wouldn’t be a reason why, we would even have to say goodbye
You held onto the bedsheets tightly as you heard another crash coming from down the street, people had been going insane since the news had aired that morning. You were too terrified to leave your bed and couldn't understand why everyone seemed to be running around the way they were, they should be at home with the people they love and the people that love then. Surrounded by love while the world crashed around them. At least they had someone to stay with, you were laying in your bed staring at your phone, you'd tried to call Yoongi but your phone had no service. No one had cell service or internet, everything was down because the world was ending. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you hid into Yoongi's sweater trying to at least pretend he was there with you, neither of you had been together for the last year you'd broken up over something that seemed insignificant to you now, everything was insignificant to this. You wondered what he was doing right now, he was probably with the boys saying their final goodbyes to everyone they knew, Yoongi was never portrayed as the kind and loving guy that he truly was but you knew that this would be eating up at him. The second siren of the day blared through the radio and TV in your apartment, they were letting off signals whenever they knew an Earthquake was going to hit. You rushed over to your bedroom door standing between the frame since there was no desk for you to hide under - you knew it was useless. The world was ending so it didn't matter if you died in the Earthquake or not, you were all going to end up dead.
"Shit," You whimpered hearing your back door start to be tampered with, you locked it for the first time in your entire life and now someone was trying to break into your apartment. It had been an hour since the last earthquake so someone was probably trying to find somewhere to lay low but you didn't want to risk it in case it was some nutjob just breaking in. You slipped from the bed and took the baseball bat from underneath it, the joys of living in the bad part of the neighbourhood.
There was a hooded figure climbing through your kitchen window, swearing in Korean as - whoever it was - got their foot stuck in the sink.
"Yoongi?" You called out dropping the bat onto the floor once you realised who it was, you rushed over to him to help him in before shutting and locking the windows.
"I told you to always lock the doors and windows, do you know how easy it was for me to get in there? Anyone could have broken in!" You didn't care that he was yelling at you, you knew it was coming from a place of love.
"You came over..." You whispered tears welling up in your eyes as you realised he'd come to you after all this time,
"Yeah...I guess I - Well I wanted to see if you- Is that my hoodie?" You tried not to giggle as he stuttered over his words trying to come up with some kind of excuse as to why he was there but there wasn't excuse. He had to see you, he didn't care that you were broken up. He was still madly in love with you and if he was going to spend his last day alive with anyone it was going to be with you. The one he loved.
"Another siren, come on." He dragged your hand towards the staircase and up to your bedroom again but he didn't stand you in the door. The siren went off four times meaning it was go time and everything was going to end. He shifted onto your bed and you snuggled into his chest just like you used to when you stayed over at his place.
"I love you." You whispered to him as you felt the room begin to shake, he held onto you tighter wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing you closer to him as if it was even possible for him to.
"I love you too." He looked down at you and laid a small gentle kiss on your lips making sure you could feel how much he loved you within the kiss.
"No, no goodbye's." He whispered looking into your eyes as you both let the tears roll down your cheeks, you nodded in agreement with him and he smiled softly at you running his hand over your cheek to get rid of the tears. You just laid there until it all happened, entangled together as the last Earthquake hit, you focused on one another instead of the world falling apart around you. Loving each other in your final moments was the best thing that either of you could do.
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Hoseok: ~ I tried to imagine Your reaction It didn't scare me when the earthquake happened 
Another Earthquake hit, it had been the fourth one in the last half an hour but it wasn't just Earthquakes that were happening. Volcanos all over the globe were exploding, along with other natural disasters deciding it was their time to show off as well. You looked at the photo of Hoseok on your phone for what felt like the 100th time in a row, you wanted him to be here with you but he wasn't and why should he be when you'd broken up last month. Nothing seemed important enough for it to have mattered though, you loved him even if you were broken up. You'd only split because of some stupid article claiming that both of you were cheating on the other, it was stupid you should have just talked it out like adults but instead, you acted like children and split up over nothing. Another Earthquake, they were getting closer together which meant whatever was going to happen to make the world split in two was going to happen soon, you stared at the smile on Hoseok's face and you tried to imagine what his reaction to all of this would be,
"Let me in! The world is literally falling apart around me and you're ignoring your doorbell!" You laughed to yourself, that would be his exact reaction...That was his exact reaction, your doorbell was blasting out loudly and you rushed down the stairs flinging the front door open to see Hoseok standing there.
"Get in and under the table!" He yelled at you slamming the door and pushed you into the kitchen, you were still shocked that he was actually standing there and not with the boys.
"Hoseok?!" You yelled as he dragged you down onto the floor and under the kitchen table, you both held onto one of the legs each incase the floor fell through or incase something came down from the ceiling.
"You okay?" He asked once the house stopped shaking, he moved closer to you to check you over and make sure everything was okay but you were just staring at him gormlessly wondering what he was doing there and how he'd gotten to you.
"How did you-"
"I ran, are you okay?!" You nodded and he pulled you into a tight hug not wanting to ever let you go again,
"I had to see you, I know we didn't end on good terms but-" He was cut off by your lips on his trying to stop him from talking,
"I'm glad you're here." You whispered to him as you pulled away from the kiss,
"If I was going to spend my last day with anyone I'm glad it's with you." You admitted taking his hand in yours and playing with his fingers like you used to do when you were dating, it was as if nothing had happened. The messy breakup was long forgotten and the rumours were abandoned. All that matter was that you two were together for your final moments as the world turned to ash and stone around you.
"What were you doing when the first Earthquake hit?" You questioned, you were laying on the bed together ignoring the rest of the world, none of that mattered now that he was right beside you.
"I was in the studio, like always, and it hit...I screamed as you could probably guess. I was terrified of it." You knew it and you smiled softly,
"What were you doing?" You sat up in the bed and walked over to your wardrobe, you slid the doors open to show him what you had been doing that morning.
"It was the first time I could bring myself to clean out your half of the wardrobe, I'd just put the tape on the box when it hit us." He walked over to you and saw that there were five boxes full of his stuff and then another box opened with gifts he'd gotten for you stuffed inside.
"Were you scared?" You'd convinced yourself it didn't scare you when it happened but now that you thought about it, it did.
"It made me think of you and what you'd be doing...How I wanted you to be here." You admitted sinking down onto the floor and bringing your knees into your chest, he sighed at you and sat down behind you. His legs were either side of you body so you would know you weren't alone throughout all of it.
"This is it." He whispered to you, kissing your cheek as he heard the sirens blast through the streets. The news had said that the world would blast out sirens when the world was going to end and break,
"I love you." You whispered leaning up and giving him one last kiss on the lips,
"I love you too." He whispered kissing you right as the earth shook one last time.
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Namjoon: ~ It’s been a year now think I’ve figured out how to think about you without it tripping my heart out
Police sirens were blasting out as you walked down the street, a helicopter was flying around urging people to go home and you were trying to get somewhere safe. You'd been making your way to Namjoon's apartment but you doubled back on yourself deciding it wasn't worth it to and see him after a year just because the world was falling apart around you.
"You should be home with someone you love," An officer said as he got out of his car, he was offering you a ride home when someone placed their hands on your arms,
"I'm taking them now sir," You looked up to see Namjoon standing above you, your heart began to race as you realised he was really there and it wasn't some part of your imagination.
"Good, I would hurry sir," Namjoon rushed you down to the road to his apartment keeping your hands linked together even when you got into the apartment,
"Get the hammer and the nails from under the sink." You rushed off under his orders and grabbed the things he'd asked you for and when you came back to him he was holding up a plank of wood against the door, he took the hammer from you and began to nail it to the wall and door.
"Stay indoors is what the radios said, do you not listen to anything?!" He yelled when he finally finished blocking off the doors and windows,
"You were out too." You whispered as you watched him, he was rubbing his temples as he stressed about things going on around you both. A gunshot sounded and you jumped moving closer to him and he protectively wrapped his arm around you.
"I knew you'd be stupid enough to go out in this, I wanted to make sure you were safe. What were you thinking?!" His hands were on either side of your face forcing you to look up into his eyes, tears rolled down your face as you looked at him. Memories of your time together came flooding back to you, the way he used to be able to make you smile without doing a single thing and the way he used to make you laugh in the worst situations. All of the good came rushing back and you forgot about the bad,
"I was thinking about you, I wanted to see you." You admitted ignoring the voice crack as you started to cry, it was finally setting in that the world was ending right around you and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it from happening.
"I wanted to be with you one last time," You admitted and he dropped his hands from your face and wrapped them around your waist so your bodies were pushed together. Your hands wrapped around him and you squished your face into his chest listening to his heart beating rapidly as you both thought about each other instead of the world around you.
"Do you really think it's going to happen?" You questioned as he sat you down on the sofa, he nodded slowly.
"There's nothing they can do now, it's already close to the atmosphere." You hated that he was being so calm about everything, he linked your hands together,
"I want to say I'm sorry-"
"Namjoon, no-"
"Let me talk okay?" You nodded at him, you knew what he was going to though, you'd heard it all before.
"When we were breaking up I was being an idiot, I didn't mean to be like that. It wasn't me..."
"I know Namjoon, it's fine." You broke up because he was accusing you of being with other people, snooping through your phone and constantly starting fights about who you were talking about but none of that mattered now.
"It's not fine, I love you and I treated you like dirt-"
"I love you too now will you just hold me while the world crumbles away?" You didn't want to spend your last moments with him talking about the past and getting angry about everything once more. You wanted to be alone with him forever, just the two of you. He pressed a small kiss on your lips and you both snuggled close together listening to the rest of the world as everything began to blackout. The lights and electronics went first, then you heard the helicopter go down, Namjoon just held you tighter wanting you to know you weren't alone through any of it.
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Jimin: ~ You weren’t down forever and it’s fine
A car exploded outside your apartment just as you got out of there and you screamed running away from the blast as it knocked out windows from the apartment next to yours. Everything was on fire, cars overturned on the roads, buildings collapsing and thunder clapping loudly. There were people screaming as they looked for family and friends around them, cars speeding down the streets trying to get away from everything but there was nowhere to go. The world was ending and it was clear that there was nothing that anybody could do about it. You clutched onto your phone trying to call someone but there was no one to call, the only person you'd ever been in love with wasn't in love with you. A flash of lightning went off behind you and you threw your phone down screaming as you were knocked into knocking you onto the floor. That was when you saw him, Jimin was rushing in the opposite direction towards your apartment.
"JIMIN!" You screamed getting up from the floor and racing over towards him, he heard your voice and turned around to see you coming over to him.
"Y/n?! CAREFUL!" His voice screeched as well as the breaks of a car but you moved out of the way racing over to him and throwing yourself into his arms. You knocked him onto the floor but you didn't care, he kissed you as he held you in his hands. His thumb caressing your cheek as you made out on the floor.
"Get up, come on." You yelled helping him up from the floor, you looked around to make sure no cars were coming.
"Where are we going?" He questioned as you walked him through the streets, you didn't even know. You just wanted to be around screaming people and collapsing buildings.
"Anywhere but here," Right as the words left your mouth the ground shook and you fell back into his arms as you stared around.
"What's going on?" You whimpered looking at him, his eyes were wide with fear as he pointed out in front of you. Right in front of you was a giant hole in the floor, sinkholes were appearing everywhere and there was nowhere for either of you to move to.
"We're stuck, okay so let's just move out of the road." You knew he was right and that you couldn't just stand in the way so you moved to the side of what was the pave. You were standing in front of a collapsed shop and he sat you down on some rocks. You stared at him remembering why you'd broken up in the first place, you'd split because he didn't want to be tied down forever with one person.
"Where were you going?" You questioned realising that he had been running towards your apartment,
"I had to see you." You scoffed at him softly and he sat down next to you linking your hands together as you sat there together.
"I thought you didn't want to be tied down-"
"You want to get into that now?" He chuckled nervously and you shook your head,
"I love you, I want to spend my last moments with you." He said to you as he looked into your eyes, you let tears roll down your face.
"I love you too Jimin," You whimpered looking over his shoulder at the giant cloud of thick smoke that was rolling towards you. You looked back at him and he kissed you softly, cupping your face in his hand and rubbing your cheek with his thumb so you would know he was right there with you throughout everything that was going on and he wasn't planning on leaving you when the world was ending around you.
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Taehyung: ~ I was distracted and in traffic, I didn’t feel it when the earthquake happened
Taehyung pulled up into his driveway and you were crying on the doorstep heavily,
"Y/n?" He questioned, as soon as you heard his voice and the car door shut you got up and rushed over to him banging on his chest.
"Where the fuck have you been?! I thought- I thought you were in the-" He pulled you into his chest as you began sobbing hysterically about the Earthquakes that were happening around you. There'd been huge Earthquakes all morning after the volcanic eruption someone on the other side of the planet but it was affecting everything. A huge cloud of volcanic ash was on it's way to you as we as a bunch of natural disasters occurring all over the place making it impossible for anyone to get anywhere.
"I'm right here, I'm okay. Get in the house." He told you as he struggled to get you to move, you walked to his front door and he let you inside.
"I thought you'd got caught in the sinkhole in town, I came around. You weren't answering your phone! Why weren't you answering your phone?!" You were yelling but it was only because you were scared about everything going on, it was too much for people to even process and you were terrified.
"I was driving, trying to get to you but the sinkhole happened and I turned back." His voice was just as panicked as yours was and you looked up at him shaking your head and crying so hard you were sure you looked like a mess to him.
"I'm right here, okay?" You nodded at him and held onto you as the house began to shake around you both.
"We need to move, we have to go get safe. Come on." He pulled you in the direction of the kitchen where his giant kitchen table was, your legs were like jelly and you could barely walk without your legs giving in on you.  
"I'm sorry I yelled." You whimpered holding onto the middle table leg, he was holding onto it with you so you didn't have to be apart from one another.
"I woke up when the ground was shaking, then the r-radio it said all of the-" He nodded knowing what the radio had said, he was in the car going to see you when everything happened. You'd had a fight the night before and told him you'd go home, now you wished you'd just stayed at the apartment with him. You would have had more time to be alone together one last time,
"I'm sorry about last night," You told him as you let go of the leg, the shaking had stopped but neither of you got out from under the table, you knew it wouldn't be long until the next one ripped through the Earth.
"It doesn't matter, it was stupid okay. I'm here, you're here let's just stay together." You nodded and looked at him, he'd been crying as well you could tell from the bloodshot eyes and his hair, he had the tendency to run his hands through his hair whenever he got upset.
"Can you come closer?" He nodded and moved behind you so that his legs were either side of your body but if he needed to he could still hold onto the table leg with you. You felt his chest-beating against your back and you relaxed a little, knowing he was going to be right there made it a little easier to accept but it was never going to be okay. An explosion went off outside and you screamed holding onto him and the pole tightly as the house began to shake once again, Taehyung's eyes went over to the floor as he noticed a crack beginning to form along the floor.
"I love you." He whispered kissing the top of your head, both of you had your eyes screwed shut as if it would somehow help you while all of this happened,
"I love you too Tae," You whispered back to him placing your hand on top of his on the table leg as the house began to shake and creek as it came apart around you both.
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Jungkook: ~ Would you love me for the hell of it, all our fears would be irrelevant
If someone would have told you last week that you would be laying on your bed with Jungkook again you would have told them they were a huge liar but his arms were wrapped around you. He was holding your back close against his chest as you both huddled together trying to stay calm even if it wasn't possible with everything going on.
"You're shivering, are you cold?" You nodded your head as he wrapped a blanket over you, you were freezing cold thanks to the snowstorm that was happening outside the house. The world was coming apart but it was doing it in weird ways, fires were breaking out in other countries, flooding was happening and here were snowstorms that were knocking everything out. Powerlines, heating, everything. Not to mention the spontaneous sinkholes that were appearing and sucking everything in around them. No one knew what was causing everything to go this wrong this fast but no one was going to figure it out, all anyone knew was that it was ending the world.  
"Here," He laid a third blanket over you both and you turned over so you were chest to chest with him, you wanted to look at him one last time,
"Do you think it's really ending?" You whispered, he took your hands in his trying to warm them up but it wasn't work since he was just as cold as you were and nothing either of you could do would warm you up. If you didn't die in a sinkhole you were most likely going to die thanks to the weather conditions going on around you,
"To think you used to love the snow," He joked trying to change the subject onto something else but you stared at him as you shivered trying to get him to be serious for one second.
"Jungkook." You whimpered and he nodded wrapping his arm around your waist and bringing you closer, you were nose to nose now as you laid together.
"I do," He whispered, tears rolled down both of your faces as you realised this was really it and that everything was going to end soon.
"Sort of makes everything I was ever scared of irrelevant," He tried to joke about why you'd broken up months ago but you shook your head at him.
"Don't do this,"
"Don't do what?" He asked running his hand over your face,
"Try to joke your way out of everything, we broke up for a real reason Jungkook even if this is happening your reasoning was real-" He shook his head at you hating how you were always right about this kind of stuff,
"But I was an idiot, scared of loving you so I broke up with you? I already loved...love you so I was being the biggest idiot," You smiled at him giving him a quick kiss on the lips,
"I love you too you big idiot." You whispered as he brought you closer to him, another Earthquake happened and you screamed hiding your head into his chest as he pulled the covers over you both. Nothing was going to help you out of it so both you decided to just stay together on the bed instead of fighting off the inevitable. You just wanted to be close together, no matter what the outcome was.
"I'm right here, right here." He repeated holding you closer as you heard the sounds of people screaming and buildings falling down outside, you whimpering burying your face in his chest as you tried to think of something else, anything except all of this happening around you.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @jooniesdarlingdimples @lyoongx @fan-ati--c @mitzwinchester @callingmyangel @rjsmochii @btsiguess-kpop @kneel-begyourpardon @taestannie
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karliesbuzzcut · 4 years
So I don’t know how you guys feel about the ‘Realistic Kaylor Timeline’ that’s been doing the rounds on this corner of the internet. I’m guessing some of you might feel conflicted, others might strongly disagree with some parts of it - but do not worry. I’m here to tell you how to feel about it: you love it. Because it’s mandatory to love anything that can get such a feral reaction out of TTB.
Today I’m bringing you
Top 7 Moments from TTB vs. Swiftiesleuth 2020
Fair wairning: I’m going to be very biased - I’ve not made my adoration for @swiftiesleuth a secret at all.
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Her disjointed sentences already let you know she’s a bit shaken “FAKE NEWS! The author admits they do not have inside knowledge like I do! I have all the inside knowledge, they only have outside knowledge, which ew - it’s muddy outside, and there’s bugs.”
2. Married people don’t ‘bonk’ - they make respectful and dignified love to each other. Preferably from opposite sides of the room.
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My favourite was definitely when she said “if you’re a queer woman then you should really think about how you talk”. I vote for unpacking this one.
That ‘if’ - because of course, TTB has to perform a background check on you before she allows you to join The Gays.
That ‘should’. Please, TTB, complete that thought for us. Why is it that, as a queer woman, swiftiesleuth should do something in particular? You are not implying that she has to be especially careful about her words because she’s queer, right? I mean, you wouldn’t 😱 you’re a Social Justice Warrior after all.
TTB doesn’t like to be called “dude” either:
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Which is why I suggest we all start calling her ‘Our Dude’. She will be our collective dude. And we can all be her little Dudes! It’ll be delightful, I’m telling ya.
3. In the year of our lord 2020, TTB decides it’s a good idea to pull the “I can’t be racist; my best friend is black” - but make it Jewish.
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On this one I want to take a bit of a more serious tone, so I’ll limit myself to only one fart joke. I had no idea there were circumstances in which you couldn’t say you ‘converted’ to Judaism. I genuinely love that this seemingly silly passtime of mine actually teaches me new things. Now, I’m going to take a wild-ass guess and say TTB didn’t know that either... but more on this coming up.
Right now, let’s all rejoice at her choice of saying “I have facts” and right afterwards “Kaylor is likely already married”.
Kaylor, the sole entity, is married.
4. TTB tells herself “You know what? I haven’t been racist enough today”
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At this point, TTB has become a cautionary tale about what happens to a person when they get married to an idea. It’s genuinely scary for me to think that my brain could trick me to such an extent that I could no longer process information that contradicts my beliefs. Just imagine it, there’s something about someone else’s religion that doesn’t make sense to you, and you decide to draw your conclusions from there. Okay, cool. Then someone from said religion explains that thing that didn’t make sense. And your reaction isn’t “oh, I maybe I should think about that, this person clearly knows more than me about this particular subject”. No. Your reaction instead is “I am entitled to my beliefs”
But more importantly... Isn’t that fucking racist? Wait... what? You are saying that isn’t racist enough? You think TTB should’ve also said that people don’t get to be offended by a word ‘only because it has been used as a slur in the past’? And then suggest to the person who asked her not to use that word - a person who is directly affected by that kind of bigotry - to get a dictionary? Nooo, come on, that’d be overkill. We are not trying to build a cartoon villain here!
5. Whaler and TTB are disappointed parents.
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Truly emps, how dare you have a mind of your own. We raised you better than that!
I loooove that this day and age a fucking reblog means unconditional support to the author of the post... I’d watch that Black Mirror episode.
6. Both swiftiesleuth & TTB leave the chat with a motherfucking BANG.
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I thought that I had hit comedy nirvana when Swiftiesleuth asked if her LGBTQ flavour bothered TTB and I thought no way in hell would TTB respond to that. BUT SHE DID. Aren’t you glad to be alive to witness that? “I have no knowledge of your flavour” she says. Well, TTB, I have no knowledge of Swiftiesleuth’s flavour either, but I’m working on fixing that *double winky face*
BUT TTB was like “talking about someone’s flavour isn’t hilarious enough, let’s leave this conversation with my best material”. And reminded us all of the percentage of black people she has working for her. I wonder if she decided to do the maths right after assembling her team or after she realised she could use it as an argument. Either way, super normal behaviour.
Also, also. I’d love to know what she considers a minority “well... Gerald has a pet snake... that should bring my minority percentage up by a couple points”
7. Special guests!
You wouldn’t be able to tell by how late to the party I was, but this was a big event here on Tumblr. Everybody was there... I’m told. Because I already feel like I’ve been working on this post for the past decade, I’ll keep it short and cute.
In one corner we have whaler and swift-79,
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Obligatory bulletpoint list about all the things I loved about this post:
It wasn’t enought that TTB questioned swiftiesleuth’s queerness. Whaler said “fuck it - I’m questioning this bitch’s name as well” “Nat?” “you don’t look like a Nat” “but if you insist on identifying yourself as a Nat...” “I’ll put it in air quotes though”
I’m sorry... “If we are judging from pictures”? Isn’t that all that Kaylors do in 2020? No. No. I’m sorry. You guys also have emojis, sorry!
“Even Enty has questions about his sexuality” 😱 What? Enty? A blog dedicated to posting a constant stream of celebrity gossip once said that someone, somewhere, might be gay? No! 😱
I think swiftiesleuth was accused again of working for Scooter? Conspiracy Theorists are so adorably predictable, every time anyone disagrees with them (worse if that person seems to have done some research) somebody has to yell “they’re working for the enemy!”
Anyway, time for our final guest: the lovely @youlooklikebadnews , who I could’ve asked to write this whole post for me because they definitely did a better job than me at summarising the whole thing. But not only that, they were lucky enough to get a response from TTB.
...At this point I’m fairly certain that I’ll get invited to a Secret Session before TTB ever acknowledges my existence.
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Doesn’t this read like what the villain says at the end of a shitty movie? Teasing a sequel and everything?
“You have not seen the last of TTB! I’ll be back with more proof and no copyright issues! KARLIE AND TAYLOR WILL RISE! Then you will see! YOU WILL ALL SEE!”
*flourishes cape and disappears into the night*
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willddheartt · 4 years
24 Days | Wilbur Soot
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30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right? It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.
You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…
Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.
Word Count: 1685
Masterlist Series Masterlist
24 Days
It was Friday, you were in the middle of doing your two-hour-long stream that you did every Friday. Since you took weekends off from your own streams you did a long one every week. It worked out, you seemed to get a lot more views on Friday anyways.  All the donos seemed to ask about you and Wilbur, you forced a smile to tell everyone you guys were well and that you’re very happy together. The viewers seemed to be happy with your responses and didn't catch you falter.  You were on the DreamSMP cleaning up things and repairing things from any creeper explosions, as having holes in the walkways annoyed you to no end because it didn't look pleasing to the eye. Many ties you were passed by Fundy, Tubbo, and even Tommy.  The in-game chat stated to be spammed by Tommy, VC 2 VC 2 VC 2 over and over again. 
“Well chat, let’s see what Tommy wants,” You giggled and switched to discord.  “Hello Tommy,” You smiled, wondering what type of shenanigans he was up to today, you noticed he was also streaming so you knew it was something that was going to be very entertaining to the stream.  “Y/N!” He yelled  “Tommy!” You yelled back, matching his energy.  “How do you do?” His sudden calm tone almost made you burst into a fit of laughter.  “I do well, Thomas. What are you up to tonight?” You asked, smiling to yourself when using his full name.  “Well, you see, Y/N. See here’s the thing. I am out of supplies, I don’t even have iron to my name Y/N-” “Do you want me to help you get some?” You offered, cutting him off  “Well, actually I was hoping you could just give me some.”  “Tommy,” You laughed, “That’s- unfortunately, that not how it works my friend.” You paused, taking a sip of your water, “I am more than willing to help you go mining, I know a pretty good spot actually, but I’m not going to just give you stuff for nothing.”  “C’mon Y/N you could write it off your taxes as a charity donation,”  You had to give it to him, although Tommy could be annoying at times he was so effortlessly funny, you were almost certain that he didn't even have to try. 
“Ah yes, hang on let me see what I have to give to Tommy’s charity fund,” You laughed, looking through your inventory, pondering for a few moments, making it look like you were going to give him half your stack of iron only our stream before clicking to the three seeds you’d picked up some time ago and throwing them at his feet. His character's head went from looking at you to the seeds, then back to you and back to the seeds again, you pulled up his stream on your other monitor so you could see his face, trying so hard to not burst out into laughter when you saw his unamused look. 
Feeling bad you pulled up a donation, giving Tommy Five bucks so the text-to-speech would work, “Tommy Charity Fund.” You sent and waited for it to go through.  He paused, hearing the dono tts voice, before looking back up at you in the game.  “Fuck you,” He said running away. You couldn't suppress your laughter any longer and it all fell out at once, chat exploded into laughter and emotes, everyone found it hilarious.
A few seconds after you were still in the voice chat with Tommy, he had ventured off to go mining, I guess stealing from people wasn't going well. Since the last war, nobody has really been gathering supplies, taking a break from the lore to just get things done around the server. Tommy still bringing up the ‘charity fund’ you found it hilarious. 
“You’re a bitch you know that,” He mumbled, you knew he was only joking, with Tommy you never took anything to heart, if he had a true problem with you, you know he would message you privately.  “Tommy,” Wilbur's voice came over discord, making you jump slightly.  “Hi Wilbur,” He said, sounding like a little kid when their mom gets them in trouble.  “Apologize to Y/N.'' Wilbur's voice was playful, yet stern, sounding exactly like the older brother who was put in charge of his younger siblings. 
After a second, you could see Tommy bow his head on his stream that was still pulled up on your other monitor.  “Sorry, Y/N. You’re not a bitch.” He said  “It’s okay Tommy,” You chuckled  “Thank you.” Spoke Wilbur before leaving the voice chat. 
You and Tommy stayed on call until his stream ended. You were left alone, talking to your chat. Without anyone else there to keep a consistent conversation you started to daze off, forgetting you were on stream, yawning and leaning forward onto your desk. Your back hurt from how long you’d been sat in front of the monitor. 
Your discord made a noise again, but this time you didn’t bother tabbing out to see who had joined.  “Hey, Y/N,” Wilburs soft voice came across your headphones  “Will,” You smiled, sitting up  “You look tired, how long have you been up?” He asked 
You looked at the clock, it was only 11 PM but you could have sworn it was later.  “Since one,”  “AM or PM?” Will asked  You looked down, “AM,” You mumbled. “You should go to bed,” He said You sighed, knowing he could break you eventually, as your eyelids were drooping shut and your eyes were burning. “Its not even that long, Wil, I’m fine.” You argued 
“How long have you been streaming?” Wilbur asked  “I’m almost at my five hour mark, I’m like forty-five minutes away,”  “End your stream early and get ready for bed than we can chat,” His voice was soft and warm speaking over your stream, your chat exploded, loving Wilbur and you together.  “But I’m so close, just a few more minutes,” You sighed, tabbing out of your game and switching the stream to a full face cam. “I’m sure they wont mind if you end a little early, you've been streaming for a while, love.” He continued, slowly wearing you down. “I can even entertain your chat for a bit while you go get ready for bed, or even make yourself a cup of tea, then when you come back, it will be close enough that you can end the stream, how does that sound?”  You sighed, knowing he had won. You looked at chat and back to the timer of how long you've been on stream, “Okay.” You nodded. 
“Alright Chat, I’m sorry for ending early but you heard the man. Next week will be extra long to make up for this, I promise.” You said, looking at the chat, everyone was spamming ‘goodnight’ and ‘goodbye’  “It was nice spending this fine evening with you all, but I must go now, I will see everyone Monday. Bye!” You ended stream 
“Hi, Wilbur,” You smiled to yourself after ending stream  “I’m going to call your number now, and you can go get ready for bed, okay?” He said  “Alright, Wil,” you nodded, closing all the windows you had open on your pc. 
After shutting everything off you grabbed what you needed and went to the bathroom. Wilbur called you halfway through taking your makeup off, you had eyeliner smudged all around your eyes when you answered his facetime.  When his face popped up on your screen, he was wearing his glasses and a big smile, his hair was a mess and he was already in bed. 
“Getting ready for bed?” He asked, as if he didn't already know.  “Of course,” You shook your head, leaning closer to the mirror making sure you had all the bits of makeup taken off before washing your face with warm water  Picking up your phone you held up a peace sign, making Wil laugh and attempt to take a sneaky screenshot.  “Hey, no, delete that, I look terrible.” You quickly argued after hearing the noise.  “You do not.” He was fast to respond. “You look refreshed, you're glowing.” you shook your head at him as you walked back to your room through the dark house. 
Your roommate had already gone to bed, close to an hour ago. You were always the last person up, being an internet person with many American friends who are in a different time zone and a night owl at heart. You flopped down into your soft pillows, pulling your duvet over yourself and propping your phone up on your laptop so you could still see Wilbur and he could see you. You pulled the corner of the blanket up to hide your face. 
“Don't do that, I want to see your face,” Wilbur frowned.  “No you don’t,” You shook your head  “Yes,” He spoke, “I do.” You moved the blanket so it wasn't all the way covering your face but it was still pulled up enough that your shoulders were covered.  “You realize next week you’ll be here for your stream?” Wilbur said.  “I do now,” You pinched the bridge of your nose, “I’m sorry, I didn't think of that,”  “Its okay, you can stream from my computer,” He smiled. “It will surprise chat,”  “Oh my god, can you imagine, they're going to go crazy,” You chuckled  “They will,”
Wilbur continued to tell you about how he was truly getting excited to have you meet him in person, but his soft voice had been lulling you to sleep, your eyelids struggling to stay open and your warm bed weighing you down. Eventually you were out. Wilbur didn't notice until he asked you a question and did not respond. Your laptop screen was still shining light on you, and he saw you were asleep against the black screen, smiling at you. He snuck another screenshot, making sure the sound was off this time. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He said sweetly before getting comfortable in bed himself and slowly drifting off. 
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years
Only Fan(s) - A Thriller
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Genre: Thriller
Pairing: Modern Ivar/OC
Warning: Language, sex, stalking, obsession, kidnapping, sexual assault
Rating: MA+18
Summary: Sometimes OnlyFans subscribers want a little more than internet pictures. Sometimes they want to be your ONLY fan...
Header by: @flowers-in-your-hayr​
Thanks to @xbellaxcarolinax​ for being my beta.
Disclaimer: This story will deal with some topics that might be a little uncomfortable for some people. As always, I’ll try to tackle the hard stuff as tactfully as possible.
A/N: This is a fic I started 10-years ago for another fandom. I never finished it, but I loved the concept. I have an idea of what I want to do with it - hopefully, I’ll finish it this time around.
Part i - Train Wreck 
It had taken forever to get the subwoofer out of the Challenger's trunk without damaging the cords. However, it was done with such skill and precision, it appeared a surgeon had removed it. The tricky part had been hooking the stereo back up to the factory-installed speakers after the subwoofer had been removed, and making everything look nice and neat, so the car’s owner wouldn’t be aware.
It had taken longer than usual, but it was well worth it. Whoever installed this particular unit, did a really good job. They were so meticulous with their installation, right down to the intricate wiring system – not that straight out the box shit that comes with aftermarket speaker setups. It had proven to be a tedious job, but not impossible.
No matter how daunting the task of removing the subwoofer had been, it wasn’t half as difficult as hooking it up to the old iPod without the benefit of a stereo. It had been a painstakingly slow process. One wrong splice of the cord and the mp4 player would short out. But tenacity always paid off. The result looked raggedy, with cords kept in place with electrical tape, the iPod balanced on its side, held in place between two books, and a huge metal subwoofer vibrating next to it. It was ugly, but it worked.
The volume on the iPod was cranked up to the highest level. It was so loud that the walls shook with each kick of the bass drum. There was no reason to ever use a speaker that powerful in a room this size, but the song demanded it. All good music demanded to be blasted at the highest of decibels; this song in particular. It had been playing on repeat for the past hour. One song. One constant beat. One melody, and one voice screeching over that amazing guitar riff. Listening to it on anything lower than the max was the true definition of insanity.
The people staying in the room next door disagreed because they had already done everything to get her to turn it down. They had yelled, banged on the walls, kicked her door, and even called the manager. It didn't matter. The fucking neighbors could eat a dick. Even if they called the National Guard the volume wasn’t changing. This song wasn't "noise", it was destined to be a fucking classic – in her room, if nowhere else. If it was possible to play the song any louder, she would have.
These fuckstick neighbors. They were the only ones that didn't understand how places like this worked. The rule was, there were no rules – that was the beauty of it. That's why this particular room was the best choice. It was on the second floor, around the back facing the alley instead of the highway. There was nothing else on this side of the building except the five rooms on this level, garbage dumpsters, the on ramp, and a peeling billboard. What in the hell were they expecting? If one picked a shit motel, with a shit room that offered no view, why would they think it would be quiet?
Anyone could stay in a two or three-star hotel. But, a bed-bug infested No Tell-Motel? People stayed here because they wanted to get away with whatever dirt they were trying to do. That's why these places charge by the hour and not by the night. Most people wouldn't even want to stay for the entire night. Dirt didn't take that much time to commit. For the most part, the only people who stayed in places like this only needed the space for about 20 minutes…a few hours tops, if they had a lot of stamina. It was don't ask, don't tell…don't listen, don't knock. These assholes should know that. 
Annoying ass neighbors aside, the room was comfortable. The thick smell of stale cigarette smoke clung to the air was reminiscent of home. The smoky air coupled with a heavy bassline made it feel like a rock video. The only problem with the room was that it was hotter than a crack whore's crotch.
The air-conditioning unit in the sole window did little more than blow the smoke rings further around the room. It provided a nice buzzing sound that served as background noise and as a reverb for the music. There was also a burning smell that came from the window-unit being cranked up to full blast. It had been a little hard to get used to, at first, but two packs of cigarettes later, it was no longer noticeable.
The roaches sure didn't seem to appreciate the extra heat in the room. They constantly ran in and out of the vents of the air-conditioner like they were trying to find a cooler climate. Or maybe they were just hungry. The box of half-eaten pizza on the dinette table not only provided a suitable temporary home but also a hardy meal. They gathered there, grabbing their lunchtime snacks before running off to other wall cracks to share in a meal with their friends and family.
Most people would have found the place a disgusting, germ-infested, death trap. But, Torren wasn't most people. She didn't seem to notice anything in particular about her living conditions. She had other things to focus on. She had already paid for this week, and next, so what did she care? The place had all of the essentials; electricity, toilet, running water, a bed, and a TV.
Granted, the electricity was spotty, to the point that she couldn't have her flatiron and blow dryer plugged in at the same time. The toilet was so soiled that it still hadn't been determined if there were rust stains in it, or if it just had never been cleaned…ever. The water ran brown when it rained and a cloudy gray the rest of the time. It didn't get hot either, but it did get tepid if she let it run for 10 minutes, but not hot. Not hot enough to sanitize your hands, or to take a bath in.
But, it was already hot in the room, so a cold shower wasn't so bad. Besides, the tub was indescribable. If someone told her that a family of six had been murdered, and dismembered in that tub, she wouldn't be surprised. It just had that horror movie slaughter look, and the stains to prove it.
The bed was hard and lumpy and judging from the DNA left behind from past guests and holes in the sheets, they probably hadn't ever been changed. The TV was small, but at least it was in color. Hell, the room even came with its own pets, and it was only $50 for the week! There truly wasn't anything to complain about.
Torren Sykes sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed, surrounded by ripped out, stolen magazine pages and color copies of photos she’d downloaded and printed at the library. She rocked her head and shoulders in a slow sway to the beat of the song playing. Haphazardly she flipped through the pages until she found a suitable picture and smiled. Picking up the scissors, she licked her lips slowly and ferried her brow, as she started the task of cutting it out.
"Goddammit!" She yelled before slamming the paper down on the bed. Stomping angrily toward the door, she pulled it open and narrowed her eyes at the man standing there. "I swear, if you knock on this door again, I'm gonna slit your fucking throat," she cringed, narrowing her eyes and pointing the shears at the man's neck.
The motel manager was taken by surprise at the half-naked woman holding shears to his neck. Standing before him was a beautiful brunette, with dark features. She had a creamy, light coffee-colored complexion – these days it was hard to judge a person’s ethnic makeup, but if he had to venture a guess, he’d think she was bi-racial. She had perfectly shaped large, almond, brown eyes that gave off nothing but a vacant stare, and a heart-shaped face. The soft dimple in her chin, and the one just at the curve of her mouth, gave her an almost angelic look. She was considerably shorter than him, about 5'5", and well built.
She wouldn't have been considered thin; she was far too curvy for that – the term slim thick instantly sprang to mind. She had thick thighs, extremely pronounced hips, and presumably a large ass. Yet, her waist was small, and her stomach flat, and big breasts. Not too big, where one would sprain their thumb trying to hold them, but they were big enough to keep any man occupied.
The manager wondered if she had some work done to get a body like that. It wasn’t uncommon for women around her to have a little nip, tuck, and a whole lot added to try to look like a vid-hoe, these days.
She was wearing the smallest pair of underwear he'd ever seen. And what was the purpose of wearing a cut off top that stopped just under her nipples? She might as well not be wearing a shirt at all. He could see the curve of the lower half of her breasts because the shirt failed to cover the lower half of her chest. If she raised her arm any higher he would have gotten a full-on nip-slip.
She glistened with a fine sheen of sweat all over her body; her long hair clung to her cheeks and neck, with it. It was almost like her hair was beating as quickly as her pulse was. He could feel the rush of heat come out of the room, as soon as she opened the door. It was like she had just opened the door to an oven. She was hot and sweaty, yet she still wore long tube socks that came up to her knees.
If she hadn't been assaulting him with a deadly weapon, it would have looked like something he’d recently seen on Porn Hub.
He had been so taken aback that he couldn't think of anything to say to her. Instead, he took a step backward and watched as she slammed the door. The entire encounter took about 5 seconds. Long enough for her to open the door, threaten him, and slam it again in his face. He wasn't sure what he was more surprised by, how she answered the door almost naked, the temperature of her room, the level of her music, the anger in her voice, or the scissors that had been pointed just inches below his throat. The whole scene was just wrong and it scared him.
In the 20 seconds that he continued to stand in front of the closed room door, he thought about what scared him the most. It was the look in her eyes. Those beautiful almond-shaped eyes were intense. They were concentrated. They had absently stared right through him. Something about those eyes wasn't right. Had she even seen him? He would never admit it, but he hoped like hell that she hadn't. He hoped that she didn't remember what he looked like. He didn't want any trouble, and he could tell that she definitely was.
Stomping her way back to her bed, Torren resumed her aforementioned position, picked up the copied photo, and started to sway to the music again. She smiled a little taking a second to run her fingers over the image on the page before she resumed cutting. Scraps of paper fell to the bed and the floor, some even stuck to her sweaty legs.
She clutched the cut-out to her chest, before falling back on the bed. Settling on her back, she held the picture up to the light. With tenderness, she brought the piece of paper down to her lips. She kissed it...him, with such passion, before sticking her tongue out of her mouth, and letting it rest on the computer paper - where his lips were, her wet tongue instantly wetting the page and smearing the ink. Planting her feet on the bed, she lifted her waist from the mattress and started to thrust upward with the beat of the song.
Seductively, she flipped over on all fours, laying the picture down on the pillows. She whipped her hair around her head, before letting it hang over her shoulder. She scooped her neck down and began kissing the picture again. As she did, she started to grind her hips hard against the balled up blankets.
She let one hand travel down her torso, toward her panties and smirked at the picture as she did. She braced herself on her left knee and elbow, before lifting her right leg out, then up. Roughly, she took her fingers and plunged them deep inside of herself. She bit her bottom lip, hard; she could taste the coppery blood on her tongue, and when she leaned down to kiss the picture again, she managed to get a nice bloody lip print on it. She twirled her hips and moaned loudly as she pleasured herself. Her eyes never left the picture. She removed her fingers, only to trace the dampness on the image before placing them in her mouth. Her taste was incredible. It always turned her on.
She had to have him. She needed him.
She flipped over on the bed, this time grabbing a magazine cover she had torn off from one of the stacks she found in the library. This one had him on the cover.
With a sense of urgency, she smoothed the waxy page down her body, before stuffing the picture along with her hand inside her panties. She closed her eyes. She felt his tongue running over her; she felt his fingers inside of her. The pillow next to her, the one covered in taped photos of him was now on top of her to simulate his body on hers, as her hand and the magazine continued to work. She couldn't get enough of him. She would never get enough of him.
In the middle of a mind-blowing orgasm, that happened to coincide with the best guitar solo ever created, blasting from the speaker, she managed to yell one word, "IVAR!" Then she flopped back on the bed in hysterical laughter.
She straightened out the magazine cover and picked up her bloody cut-out from the pillow.
Wordlessly, she stuck them both to the wall with her juices; amongst the 50 other printouts of him that hung just over her headboard. After giving him another kiss, she finally turned down the volume on her makeshift stereo, picked up a piece of pizza from the box, shook it off, then headed into the bathroom for a cold shower.
Part ii
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Tags: @idea-garden @youbloodymadgenius @xbellaxcarolinax @a-mess-of-fandoms @didiintheblog @conaionaru @peachyboneless​ @flowers-in-your-hayr​
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would it be possible to get a teen!reader who is struggling to make it in the acting-world and their parents are very unsupportive, not thinking it's a real proffesion etcetera. they get a small role for a film with sebastian stan and on a phonecall he encourages you and cheers you up?
Keep Your Head Up, Kid (Sebastian Stan x Teen!Reader)
A/N: Sorry, it took so long! hope you enjoy the fic! 
Actors Masterlist
Character Taglist
Warnings: Mentions of unsupportive parents
Word Count: 1,309
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You had just been informed by your agent that you had gotten the small role for a major movie. A small role was just enough to get you excited, enough for you to run downstairs squealing with excitement as you approached your parents, “Guess what!?” You exclaimed as you stood in front of your parents who were sitting at the kitchen table. 
“What, hon?” your father asked, his head not moving from looking at the papers that lied in front of him. 
“I got that role I told you about in that film!” You said with a huge grin, “it’s a small role, I got a good amount of lines though. I’m playing the lead characters teenager so it’ll give me some spotlight, I guess,” you said. 
“Wait, until your looks get the best of you and you’re no longer young,” Your mother mumbled, “but I guess playing someone’s teenager will be fun, yeah? Something to do in the summer, hey, maybe while you’re playing their teenager you can learn how to be our teenager and clean the garage like I told you.” 
You rolled your eyes at your mother’s comment, “what do you think, dad?” 
He sighed, looking up from the papers, “I still say you should go to college. Acting won’t always pay the bills, kiddo.” You felt defeated. Why couldn’t your parents be happy with you for once? Why couldn’t they just support you instead of tearing down your dreams? You felt so excited about the role but now you just felt like it was hopeless. 
You didn’t understand why your parents allowed you to go to these auditions if all they were going to be unsupportive when you did get a role, even if it was a small one. Sometimes you thought that maybe they did it so they could prove you wrong when you did fail or they could say that they were always there supportive for you when you didn’t fail. Whatever the reason was, it made you feel like you were on your own. 
“Whatever,” you said softly as your parents continued to pay their attention to either their phone or the work they brought home from the office. You took one last look at them before walking back up the stairs and into your room. You laid on your bed, wondering why your parents could be supportive of your brother’s football dreams but not yours. What made them decide that your dreams wouldn’t reach it’s potential? 
Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone ringing, you groaned quietly to yourself before answering the phone, “Hello?” you said in a raspy voice. 
“Hi! Is Y/N L/N there by chance?” An unfamiliar voice said through the line. 
“Um, this is them, may I ask who’s calling?” 
The voice chuckled, “sorry, should’ve introduced myself first, this is Sebastian Stan, I spoke to your agent a while ago and asked her if I could call you, she said it would be fine. I’m not sure if she got in touch with you about it first.” 
You were stunned, you were on the phone with an actor that you looked up to. You tried your best to play it cool. You quickly sat up in your bed, “Um, no, she didn’t. But it’s okay, I’m perfectly fine with it!” 
He chuckled once again, “great! Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and ask if you would like to meet up sometime? I’ll be in L.A. sometime next week and I would love to get to know you before we start filming, after all, you will be playing my on-screen kid.” 
“Um- uh, y-yeah, that’d be great! I uh- I have school but anytime after school would be great or the weekend.” 
“We’ll keep in touch about it, how does that sound?” 
You smiled a bit, “yeah, alright, I’ll look forward to that.” 
“So, you excited about the role?” He asked casually moving the topic. Sebastian was truly interested in who you were, mostly because there wasn’t much about you on the internet yet and also because Sebastian had a tendency of being passionate when it came to acting. Passionate in the way he acted, the way he got into character, he always put so much work into it and most of that work was getting to know who he was surrounded with. Building those relationships with the people he had to work with. 
You let out a small sigh, thinking back to the conversation you just had with your parents, “yeah,” you said softly into the phone. 
Sebastian hadn’t even met you but he knew that the ‘yeah’ you just gave him wasn’t all too convincing. Anyone could spot it. “That yeah wasn’t too convincing…” you stayed silent. The silence that only gave Sebastian confirmation, “Look, Y/N, we haven’t even met yet, but don’t hesitate to talk to me about anything, okay?” 
You let out a shaky sigh, “okay.” 
“Alright, now what’s wrong?” 
“Ugh,” you laid back down into your bed, the phone still pressed to your ear, “my parents. They’re just…” you sighed, “I told them I got the role and they were so unsupportive. I don’t get it, like, why do they even allow me to go to these auditions if they’re going to unsupportive when everything feels like it’s falling into place?” 
Sebastian sighed, he hated hearing about parents who didn’t support their kids. He was glad that his parents gave him support and he wanted to do the same for his own kids one day. But right now, it felt like you needed that support and if Sebastian was going to try his best to do that in any way possible in the time he was going to spend with you while filming, “Don’t give up, whatever you do, just don’t give up, Y/N. Promise me that.” 
“I promise,” you whispered. 
“I know, it sucks that they don’t support you but I want you to know that I support you, your agent supports you, and many other people out there support you. Hell, the directors and casting directors support you, otherwise, they wouldn’t have chosen you for this role. And I know it’s a small role but you never know what such a small role can turn into, this can be your start into something bigger, trust me. I’ve been there. You just have to believe in it, kid. Even if no one else does.” You felt more confident after Sebastian’s speech. 
“Thank you, Sebastian,” you said softly. 
“No problem, Y/N and I meant what I said, alright?” 
You nod even though he couldn’t see you, “I know.” 
“You have my number now so don’t hesitate to call if you ever need another one of my pep talks,” you both laughed, “and I’ll keep in touch with you about next week. Maybe we can set something up where I can pick you up at school, make you look cool in front of your friends.” 
“Pick me up in a Jaguar and you have a deal!” 
He laughed, “let me see what I can do.” 
You heard your mom yell out that the pizza had arrived, “I have to go,” you began to say, “thank you again, Sebastian.” 
“Anytime, Y/N. You have a good night.” 
“You too.” 
Before you could hang up the phone, you heard Sebastian’s voice, once more, “hey.” 
“Keep your head up, kid,” You smiled 
“I will,” and with that, you hung up the phone. Although it hurt that your parents didn’t support you, you felt okay with it, you knew they were going to miss out on your accomplishments but that was going to be something they were going to have to deal with because, for you, you were focusing on yourself. Focusing on achieving the dreams people believed to be impossible.
Permanent Taglist: @otomefan @dejaazaro @culturebay @kpopishilarious @fireproof-heaven @iloveyouthreethousand-o6  @weappreciatepower @whereyoustand  @white-wolf-buckaroo @spider-woman22 @coffee-habit @supernaturallover2002 @barnes-parker @therealmrshale @myinternetissoslow @myhippiehopes @celyndavies @xzowiex @ximaginx @wooshytooshy @ellaorelizabeth @rororo06  @chloe-geoghegan1 @hdthdthdt @sophie-barnes26 @thamuddagirl @scarletmeii @unapologeticallymimi   @glitterquadricorn @lady-of-lies  @cassmoreiraxo @just4muggles @mellorine-paprika  @agirlruinedbybands @yougottalovefandoms @avngrsinitiative @lizlil
Sebastian Stan Taglist: @acalmandquietplace @sleepylunarwolf @alicat-life @captaiinameriicasass @edgyhargreeves @noobmaster63  @pleasantlysecretdream @tessvillegas @xiumin-girl99 @thejourneyneverendsx  @thewintersoldier1124 @ssebstann @booksarebae2000 @imjusthereforsupernatural @sebastiansmadden @latsyrc85x @dyckvindyck
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Katekyo: Fairytale Subversion Addition
The setting is late 1900s Europe, the internet is still in its infancy, cell phones are giant bricks, and balls and other parties are still stubbornly popular
Hayato is at a fancy party his parents are throwing in Italy and is thoroughly sick of it as he's 8 and bored and frustrated that as a bastard child, everyone and their mother is either ignoring him or looking down on him
He wanders out onto a marble balcony, fingers twitching, looking for something to distract him, when he notices a mysterious boy sitting on the railing. He's slim and pale with skin like new milk and just as smooth. His eyes are far away, glowing orange in the dim night and his fluffy brown hair is threaded with starlight. He looks young. He looks ancient. If it wasn't for the fact that he was clearly breathing, breath huffing out in soft clouds in the autumn chill, Hayato would think he was carved from stone. The boy is also wearing blue and white striped pajamas and is sitting on a 4-inch wide railing on a balcony 3 stories up, with no signs of how he got up there.
The illusion of majesty and magic is promptly broken when the boy finally notices Hayato standing there and starts stuttering apologies and offers to leave. He wasn't invited, after all, and appearing without an invitation is rude, right?
As the boy flails, Hayato, a little winded by the boy's beauty and somehow disappointed by his very human, very annoying behavior, is all set to get angry and start yelling. That is, until the boy overbalances, almost falling off the balcony, and Hayato is filled with a wave of panic as he has to catch him.
Hayato drags the boy away from the edge and to the middle of the balcony, both boys shaking with adrenaline, and the two collapse onto their backs, staring up at the stars. Suddenly, the boy begins to laugh which causes Hayato to sit up and start yelling at him for nearly killing them both and how dare he be so careless, he scared him, damn it! The boy sobers but keeps his grin, and as he sits up, Hayato is struck dumb by how the boy's eyes go from bright orange to a dull, molten brown. All he can think is that the boy is beautiful, is strange and wonderful, and that even looking at this fae creature is enough to make him feel a little lost.
The boy just continues smiling and chuckles a bit apologetically. "Huh, I guess I owe you my life. Sorry about all," he gestures to the railing, "that. My name is-" And here Hayato panics again and slaps a hand over the boy's mouth, shaking his head frantically.
Hayato, with no siblings to speak of and few ways to keep himself entertained, has been raised on a steady diet of music and fairytales. He lives for the few spots of joy he can find in his life, and this boy has all the markings of something truly magical, something he doesn't want to ruin so quickly.
"No! I don't want your name, you don't owe me that much, Mr. Fairy!" The boy flinches back, startled, as Hayato grabs his shoulders and looks at him with desperation in his eyes. "No matter what you owe me, you should never give somebody that much power over you." The boy freezes for a long moment, eyes wide. "Is it really that obvious?" he whispers, going slack in Hayato's hold. Hayato just winces and nods a bit, at which the boy curls up into a ball and clutches his knees. "Sorry. If you want me to leave just say so, I won't bother you again."
(There's a bit of a misunderstanding going on. When Hayato calls Tsuna à fairy, he means it in the sense of the fair folk and popular mythology states that if you know the name of one of the little people, you can control them utterly. Thus, from Hayato's perspective, he's trying to protect the "fairy" he found. From Tsuna's point of view, he's seeing it in a way more accurate to the time period-mainly as a derogatory slur for a homosexual. He thinks Hayato is disgusted by him and may attempt to have him arrested, which colors his reactions quite a bit.)
Hayato's arms go tight like a vice, clutching the boy to his chest at the thought of this stunning creature disappearing from his life. "Please don't go!" The white-haired boy searches his mind for an excuse to keep the other boy here with him, and in a flash, he has it. "You owe me!" The brunet uncurls, tears gathering in his eyes as he looks up at him with suspicion and a bit of fear. "What?" Hayato just smiles, heart flying too high at the thought of seeing his fairy again to notice how distraught the brunet is. "Yeah, I saved your life, right? I don't want your name, but maybe you can give me something else?"
The boy's expression crumpled before he visibly composes himself and nods, albeit reluctantly. "What do you want? I don't have much money but I could give you that? I think I still have that knife my guardian gave me, and that thick coat too-" Hayato shakes his head, eyes gleaming with conviction. "I want a friend." The boy freezes again and pulls out of Hayato's hold, expression wary yet weirdly hopeful.
Hayato nods again, excitement building. "Yeah, a friend! Someone to talk to when the parties get too boring and to keep you company when you're lonely. You can do that, right?" The boy gazes up at him, eyes wide with some unknown emotion, before he blinks back his tears and gives him a watery smile. "You don't care that I'm a 'fairy'? That I'm weird?" Hayato's grin is blinding as he pops to his feet. "Are you kidding? That just makes you even cooler! Think of all the neat adventures we could have, the food we can eat, the places we can go! Although," the white-haired boy's smile drops to something more focused as he begins to pace around the balcony, one hand at his chin. "I'll have to be the one who takes care of meals, don't want to be enchanted, and I don't know if anyone else can even see you yet. And then there's..."
The boy wipes his eyes, confused but happy even as the other boy begins to mutter some truly alarming things about iron. Standing up, he steps right into Hayato's path, startling him. "I'll be your friend so long as you don't call me 'fairy' again, okay? If you don't want my actual name , give me a nickname instead-and not some insult either!" Hayato's laugh rings out gleefully into the night as the clock strikes ten and the bells begin to toll. "Perfect! Let's be friends, Juudaime!"
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aire101 · 4 years
Ashes Chapter 1 (MCU/HP)
Lily Evans attends the Stark Expo during the Autumn break of her 7th year, and ends up finding–and bringing home– more than scientific passion.
Tony Stark just wanted to escape his security detail for a few hours, but a beautiful red head with a sharp mind and fiery soul derailed his plans for the week–and maybe longer. But secrets burn scars in the soul, and they both live in worlds far apart. Can they find a way to rise above or will it all turn to ash in the end?
October 20th 1991
Lily Evans strolled through the Stark Expo, her eyes gleaming with each innovation and display. No matter how much she loved magic, science remained her passion.  Even after she had accepted her place at Hogwarts, she could not bring herself to completely forsake her muggle education. So during the school year she participated in a distance learning program and over the holidays she and her family would take trips to museums, science expos, and academic conferences that allowed her to expand and keep up with current developments. This year her parents had decided to splurge on an especially big trip during the autumn mid-term break-- a trip overseas to New York, where the Stark Expo was currently running through the rest of the year.  Scientists, mathematicians and engineers from across the globe came to exhibit their latest innovations and inventions. It felt like an endless amount of information to take in, and she only had a week to see it all before she headed back home and back to Hogwarts for the rest of her 7th and final year.
As she read a board detailing the release of the internet to the general population, she realized she had never felt more frustrated with the level of alienation that came with living amongst wizards. The world was moving forward at breathtaking speed, and the wizards were being left in the dust.  For every magical innovation released, there were a dozen or more made in science.  It wouldn't be long before wizards were surpassed completely.
And at that point, all the Secrecy Acts in the world would mean nothing.
She sighed and shook her head. There was no point dwelling on the bullheadedness of wizards. They would simply have to face that storm when it hit.
"I know, I think giving the general populace web access is a bad idea too. Bet there's porn on there within a month."
Lily couldn't help the snort that escaped her as she turned to see who had spoken. It was a handsome boy about her age, with dark tousled hair and deep brown eyes.  She smirked as she said, "Well, you'll just have to look it up and tell me if it is then. If it's not too hard for you, that is."
He stared at her in shock for a moment before a wide and devious smile spread across his face. For a moment, Lily wondered if James Potter didn't have an  American cousin...
Merlin she hoped not.
"That was a most delightfully lewd pun! Thank god I finally found someone here with as terrible a sense of humor as myself!" the boy said, as he stuck out a hand. "Miss...?"
"Lily Evans," she said as she shook his hand.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady," he said with a winning smile. "You can call me Tony."
Lily felt her face warming in a blush and turned back to the exhibit. "So Tony, what do you really think about the release of the internet on the general masses?"
"Truthfully? It's been a long time coming, and I think the world will be better for it. Just imagine a scientific breakthrough happening on the other side of the globe and reading about it within an hour of the development. But people tend to ruin even the best things in life, so it's only a matter of time before human toxicity bleeds into it. Seriously, it's intended to connect the world and increase the spread of global knowledge, but I bet you my inheritance it will eventually devolve into an international porn hub and pictures of people's cats."
"I can't tell if you're a pessimist or a realist," said Lily with a shake of her head.
"Just depends on if I'm right," shrugged Tony. "And since I'm always right, I'm going with realist."
"Not arrogant at all, are you?" asked Lily sarcastically.
"Not arrogant, just immodest," said Tony.
"Humility is a virtue, you know," said Lily.
"Good thing I'm not very virtuous," said Tony. "It disagrees with my aesthetics."
Lily couldn't help it, she laughed loudly and shook her head.
Tony just stood and watched her with a small smile.
"Would you care to join me, Mr. Immodest Aesthetics? This is my first day at the expo and I only have a week to see it all," said Lily.
"Lucky for you, I know every square inch of this expo and can make sure you see all the parts worth seeing. So let's get started," said Tony with a clap of his hands, before he reached out and grabbed her hand and started running.
When Tony said he knew every inch of the expo, he had apparently meant it as they had hit the ground running (literally) that morning, and didn't stop. He took her from display to demo, the two of them discussing and debating all the way. Occasionally he would suddenly jump track and insist there was something she just had to see, before he would grab her hand and run, just like he had that morning. Tony was wild and brilliant like a solar storm, with the gravitational pull of a black hole. His mind ran at a speed she had never experienced from anyone before, and the sheer charisma of his personality pulled everyone they spoke to in and compelled them to engage, whether it was in emboldened discourse or aggravation.
They spent the rest of the morning and the afternoon like that before they finally decided food was necessary. A quick stop at a midway stall outside the main expo building and they were ready to go again, New York style hot dogs in hand.
That's when security finally caught up to them.
"Shit," Tony muttered as they were surrounded by large, burly men in suites.
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me," one of the men said, staring at Tony.
Lily's eyes widened. Who had she been hanging out with all day?!
"No, if you haven't gotten the hint every time I've ditched you today, here's your sign- I don't need a damn escort!" yelled Tony.
Ah... so that's why they would suddenly start running throughout the day.
"That's not your call to make. Now your father requests-"
"Do I look like I give a shit what he requests?!"
"HE REQUESTS your presence at the main stage for the evening's closeout ceremony. I am to make sure you arrive there within the next half hour by any means necessary. Mr. Stark, it's been a long day, please don't make this any more difficult than it has to be. Take up your issues with your father himself," the man said, almost pleading at the end even as he sounded resigned to his fate of chasing and fighting the boy in front of him.
Meanwhile, Lily's brain had short circuited on one word.
Mr. Stark. Mr Anthony Stark- boy genius, recently graduated from MIT at the age of 17, heir to Stark Industries.
No wonder he knew the whole damn expo by memory.
Tony sighed dramatically, running a hand through his constantly wayward hair. He turned to Lily and gave her a sheepish look that she was sure was meant to be a grin, but looked more like a grimace.
"Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but for what it's worth I really had a great time with you today," he said.
"So did I," Lily said. "Thank you for taking the time to show me around. You were the best tour guide a girl could ask for, Mr. Immodest Aesthetics."
Tony smiled brightly. "See you around, Lily."
And with that he was gone.
Lily sighed and checked her watch. It was 4:30 pm, and she had arranged to meet her family at the drop off point at the front of the expo at 6:00. Just enough time to get there at her leisure, so long as she didn't get distracted and stop anywhere too long.
As she walked her thoughts turned back to Tony. He obviously thought she would be mad that he hadn't been completely truthful about his identity. And maybe she should be, but she couldn't actually bring herself to be.  The look on his face as it was revealed was just too sad. And while she couldn't say she completely understood why, she could hazard a few guesses.
She wondered how many times Tony's heart had been broken by would-be friends using him for their own prestige for him to have that look in his eyes.
The next hour and a half seemed to crawl by as she made her way through the expo to the front. And while she wandered and looked, her mind continually turned back to wild brunette hair and expressive brown eyes.
'I wonder if I will see him again?'
# "Did you miss me?"
It was around noon the next day, and the familiar voice made her jump as it came from right behind her while she was reading a log journal at an expo booth.
"Bloody hell, Tony! Don't do that!" she growled at him.
"I would say I'm sorry, but I'm really not," he said with a grin.
Lily rolled her eyes, "Well, at least you're honest."
"Yes I am, so you must believe me when I say that yesterday was the most fun I've had in quite some time," said Tony.
Lily smiled, "Same. So does that mean you would like to pick up where we left off?"
"I was actually about to ask if you would be interested in heading out to get a bite to eat, followed by a guided tour- provided by yours truly- of the New York branch of Stark Laboratories," said Tony.
Lily's eyes widened. She had promised her parents not to leave the expo, but the offer of an inside look at Stark Labs was too much to pass up.
"Are you sure, Tony? I wouldn't want you to get in any more trouble, especially after yesterday," Lily said.
Tony waved off her concern, "It's not a problem. We do tours regularly anyway.  And I promise, there's a lot worse trouble that I could be up to than showing you around. Pretty sure my security detail will be thrilled that I want to head back to headquarters.  So lunch, then back to HQ?"
"Sure, though I should probably find a phone first so I can leave a message at the hotel for my parents," said Lily.
"No problem, the limo has a phone," said Tony as he started walking towards the exit.
"Of course it does," sighed Lily as she shook her head.
"How much have you seen of New York?" asked Tony.
"Not much. I've basically spent all my time at the expo so far," said Lily.
"So no preference on restaurant? Anything you can't or won't eat?"
"No allergies, and I'm pretty adventurous so I'll let you choose," said Lily.
"Does that sense of adventure extend to things beyond food?" asked Tony with a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Well, I'm here hanging out with you, aren't I?" Lily said with a flat expression, but a gentle turn of the lips belied her amusement at his innuendo.
"Touché," said Tony as they arrived next to a black limo. He beat his guards to the door by breath and opened it, gesturing for her to enter. "Ladies first!"
"And they say chivalry is dead," said Lily.
"Oh it is. I'm just courting favor," said Tony. "Is it working?"
Lily smiled as she ducked into the limo, "Guess we'll see later."
"You know, I would have been just fine with a pizza parlor, right?" said Lily as she looked around the decadent room. Noon light filtered through etched glass windows and lit candles set a decidedly romantic ambiance.
When they had arrived at the obviously upscale restaurant, Lily had been concerned as usually such places had a required dress code, which she obviously had not planned for today. Tony had just smiled and walked past the front entrance to a side one that had led to a private dining area.  He had to have called and reserved the location before he had even found and asked her to lunch at the expo. She could only roll her eyes at the presumption.
"Hey, I hardly ever do the whole 'date' thing, let me have the opportunity show off properly," said Tony as he pulled out a chair for her.
"I have a hard time believing you can't get a date," said Lily with a raised brow.
"I didn't say I can't get one, I just said I don't do them," said Tony as he sat.
"I'm assuming for the same reasons that you didn't tell me your surname yesterday," said Lily.
"And you would be correct. It doesn't help that I've always been significantly ahead in school, so I've not really had much opportunity to hang around many people within a dateable age range. Anyone willing to date my fourteen year old self after I graduated high school was suspect at best, for a variety of reasons.  And dating in my own age range is... tedious," said Tony.
Lily frowned, "I can see how it would be. You graduated from secondary school at fourteen and just graduated MIT at seventeen. There must have always been about a three to four year age gap between you and your classmates at best. Never mind the performance gap between yourself and most of our age group.  Guess that's the curse of genius."
"How about you? Is there a special someone across the pond I have to worry about hunting me down? Unless you also have a 'curse of genius?'" asked Tony.
"No, I'm no genius. I have been told I'm quite bright, and I've been top of my year at school for as long as I can remember. But being 'bright' isn't quite enough to chase the hounds away.  That being said, no there is no one you need to worry about back home. No matter how much he may wish otherwise," said Lily.
"Oh, that was specific."
"Indeed. Just a boy with an overly inflated ego with just enough talent to get bored, make mischief and still make top marks," Lily said.
"Hey, he sounds like my kind of people," Tony said with a grin.
"Actually, when you and I first met my first thought was to wonder if he had an American cousin," said Lily with a laugh. "In all honesty he isn't a bad sort.  He's a pretty decent person overall, but is an immature prat most of the time.  If he ever decides to grow out of that he might actually make a good man of himself someday."
"Enough about the competition. Tell me more about you.  You mentioned being top of your year. Where do you attend?" asked Tony.
"My school is... a very unique place. I've been attending there since the age of eleven. It's a very old, traditional boarding school located in a remote area of northern Scotland, in an honest to god thousand year old castle," smiled Lily.
"No kidding? Wow, how do you guys get electricity to power stuff in a structure like that?" asked Tony.
"That's probably the biggest downside to the whole thing. There is none," said Lily.
Tony blinked and stared, "What?"
Lily laughed outright, "'What?' That's all?  Did I break you?  This is the first I've seen you at a loss for words."
"I'm still trying to comprehend what you just said... how does your school run their tech?"
"There is no tech. It does however have a most impressive library. And eventually you get used to candle and lamp lighting," said Lily, thoroughly enjoying the gobsmacked expression on Tony's face.
Eventually his shock changed to laughter, "Oh wow, you actually got me. For a second there I actually bought it.  Medieval Scottish castles..."
"I'm not joking," said Lily, looking him square in the eye.
Tony caught his breath for a moment while looking into her emerald eyes. But after a moment he swallowed nervously and grinned.
"What's this technological purgatory called? Just so I know to never go there?" asked Tony as he lifted his glass to take a drink.
"Hogwarts," said Lily.
Lily had to fight to keep a straight face as Tony accidentally snorted water up his nose.
"Ok, now you're shitting me."
"Honestly, I wish I was. I love my school, but the founders must have been barmy," said Lily with a shake of her head.
Just then the wait staff returned to the room, bringing in the first course. Tony had just ordered the chef's tasting menu for the both of them.
"How about you, Tony? What are your plans now that you've graduated?" asked Lily.
"Well, there's not really any choice, is there? My old man is the founder of a corporate empire.  And he's not exactly young. I'm about to start graduate school--was originally supposed to start at Oxford this term actually, until dad decided I needed to get better acquainted with how things were run around SI. I've already dipped into the R&D pool, and I'm supposed to start shadowing around corporate. Before too long I'll have to take over the business," said Tony while he pushed some of the food around his plate.
"I guess that's true enough. Though I like to think we all still have choices, even if sometimes it doesn't seem like it- a choice on what to do, how to do it, when to do it... We can't always control what life hands us, but we can control our own choices on what to do with it," said Lily.
"Hey now, keep your deep thinking and existential logic on that side of the table. It might contaminate me," said Tony with a grin.
"Sorry, things have been a little... tense across the pond. It starts to make you think about what the right thing to do is," said Lily.
"Yeah, I've heard some rumors about a terrorist over there, right? Nothing official mind you, " said Tony with a worried look at her.
"Yeah, it's all really hush-hush. But there's definitely a shady faction gaining power back home. You won't hear anything until it's too late, but if things don't change for the better we might end up in a civil war," said Lily.
"Is it really that bad? I would think the news would be all over something like that," said Tony.
"I really shouldn't be saying anything at all. Most of this is pretty confidential.  It mostly involves certain... underground groups. In all likelihood, most of the world won't even know when the war starts.  There won't be any public battles on the world stage, no news coverage. You'll only know the war has started by the body count and the list of missing persons," said Lily.
"Then how do you know about it?" asked Tony.
"Let's just say I myself have some pretty big choices to make once I graduate," said Lily. "Or as my esteemed headmaster would say, 'we must all choose between what is easy and what is right.'"
"I mean, personally I prefer to do what's smart but maybe that's just me," said Tony.
"I would prefer to do the same as well. Unfortunately, war tends to take that option off the table," said Lily.
"So... what? You're talking about enlisting?" asked Tony.
"Something like that."
"You wouldn't be on the front lines though, right? No offense, but you're not exactly the most physically intimidating person," said Tony.
Lily grinned, "You'd be surprised what an angry red head can accomplish when we set our mind to a task."
The waiter came back and took their barely touched first course and replaced it with an equally unappetizing second course.
They both sat, staring down at their plates with frowns in contemplative silence.
"You know, I think there's a pizza joint a block down-"
"You're a man after my own heart."
The Stark Industry labs were everything Lily imagined and more. The company primarily dealt with weapons development, but included in that was a number of different scientific fields-- energy, chemistry, physics and a dozen others, all with their own projects separate from the defense contracts. And Tony showed her around all of it, explaining each in minute detail with the excitement of a kid in a candy store.  The breadth of his knowledge floored Lily.  It was hard to believe they were the same age; for all her brilliance, she could not hold a candle to his intense genius.
To be fair, she doubted many in the world could.
"...and that is current state of the biochemistry project department. Though I was poking around in my dad's files last night and I think there's a secret project he's been working on for a while that he might be close to completing soon. If he does it might be disclosed sometime around the end of the expo this year," said Tony.
"You hacked your father, Tony?" asked Lily in shock.
"Shhh! Not so loud... and not hacked per se--more like opportunistically investigated his recent activities without his permission or knowledge," said Tony with a wave of his hand.
"Why don't you just ask him?" asked Lily.
"My father and I haven't gotten along in... ever really," said Tony. "Mostly we just try to stay out of each other's way these days.  So long as I keep my head down for the most part and get shit done he leaves me alone. He tried to pull the 'involved dad' bit after I started college, but after doing his best to ignore my existence for the first 13 years of my life, he was a bit too late to the party for that."
"That's... really sad, honestly," said Lily.
"Yeah well, who needs to be a dad when you have butlers and nannies to do it for you, right?" said Tony with a tight lipped smile. "To be fair, Jarvis-- the butler-- is pretty awesome."
"What is your father like?" asked Lily.
"Cold, methodical and brilliant. He's a business cutthroat as much as he is an inventor, if not more so," said Tony. "He didn't rise up from nothing to the leading weapons developer in the world by making friends. Everyone is either a project, an asset or a liability.  And you don't want to be a liability."
Silence hung over them as they walked towards the elevators. It was getting later into the evening now, and Lily would need to check in soon with her parents.
"How about you? What is your family like?" asked Tony.
"They're wonderful. My father is management at a local industrial factory back home in Cokeworth. My mother has been a homemaker for years now, but before that she was a secretary at the same factory. That's how they met.  They are both hard workers and loving, supportive parents. I'm lucky to have them," said Lily.
Tony smiled wistfully as he pushed the down elevator call button, "I'm glad you do. Any siblings you have to share them with?"
Lily's smile fell a bit as she thought of her sister.
"Uh oh... I take it that's a yes," said Tony as they stepped into the elevator.
"I have an older sister, Petunia. We used to be close when we were little, but haven't gotten along for many years now."
"How could someone not get along with you?" asked Tony incredulously. "You have the most agreeable personality of anyone I've ever known."
"It begun a little before I started at my school. Petunia wanted to attend there as well after I got my acceptance letter, but admission is very restricted, and is by invitation only. My parents were very proud of my admission.  But after Petunia found out she couldn't attend as well, our relationship soured," said Lily with a sigh.
"No offense, but your sister sounds like an idiot. You must have been the one to get all the good genes," said Tony.
Lily glared at Tony. "Watch your words. We may not get along well, but make no mistake--she is my sister, and I love her dearly. You do not know her, nor do you understand our circumstances, so you would do well to hold your tongue," Lily said as she exited the elevator.
Tony stood still and wide eyed as if he had just been slapped, and had to lunge out the elevator door to keep it from closing on him.
"Wait! Wait!  I'm sorry! Ok, I'm sorry.  I was way out of line," said Tony as he ran and cut off her path to the door. "Please don't leave."
Lily stood in the atrium and gave him another glare before she rolled her eyes, "Apology accepted. Now stop giving me those sad puppy eyes."
"I will... if you agree to go to dinner with me," said Tony, innocently batting his eyelashes for good measure.
"That is so not fair, Tony! Stop!" Lily laughed.
"Is that a yes?"
"I don't know... I'm supposed to meet up with my family in the evenings," said Lily.
"Do you guys already have plans? If not we could all go to dinner together," said Tony, putting his hands in his pockets. His tone was lighthearted, but there was a tension in his form that belied his nonchalance.
"I don't know, it depends..." said Lily.
"On what?"
"On whether you are the one choosing the restaurant. That lunch earlier was awful," said Lily with a smirk.
This time it was Tony's turn to roll his eyes, but as he looked back at her his expression was noticeably more relaxed.
"Fine, you guys can choose the spot.  But if I already know it's trash I reserve the right to veto," said Tony.
"That is acceptable. Now I need to find a phone to call my parents and see what they had planned for this evening," said Lily.
"Just ask the front desk to use the phone there. They saw you come in with me, so they shouldn't give you any trouble," said Tony.
"Alright, I'll be right back," said Lily with a soft smile before turning to walk across the atrium.
# Tony had no idea what he was doing.
He was by no means a blushing virgin, and the last couple years had given him plenty of experience in wooing women, but the last 32 hours had been something completely different. When he had first approached Lily he had been ready for the usual either disparaging remarks or obsequious flattery.  What he had found instead was sincerity, humor and depth.
He wasn't sure what it said about him or his life that he was more prepared to deal with a manipulative gold digger than he was a genuinely kind and clever human being.
He had to assume that was why he currently found himself heading to dinner to meet the parents of a girl he had known for less than two days.
'I need a drink... What the hell was I thinking?' Tony asked himself again as the driver pulled up to Francisco's Restaurant.
"You look like you're going to meet death, rather than my parents," said Lily with a mischievous smile that made her eyes narrow in amusement.
For what felt like the hundredth time just that day, Tony felt his breath almost catch as his stomach fluttered.
Right, that's what he was thinking. Someday he would learn to put a leash on that tongue of his...
While Tony was busy lying to himself, Lily opened her door and stepped out to head inside. Tony ran his hand through his hair nervously, which only served to increase its chaotic mess, before finally moving to join her in front of the restaurant. Seeing as this dinner had been his own idea, it would be pretty cowardly to beg off now.  Tony Stark was many things, but a coward was not one of them.
"I'm not sure why you're so anxious. My parents seemed pretty excited to meet you. And my sister is enough of a sycophant that I doubt you will have any trouble from her--"
"Wait, your sister is here too?" asked Tony. As nervous as he was, he had figured that dinner with Lily's parents would be a mostly pleasant affair. But if things were as bad as he suspected between Lily and Petunia, dinner with her sister was a completely different matter; and Tony had doubts about his ability to censor himself that long.
"Yes, and I expect you to play nice," said Lily before opening to door and going inside.
"I will if she does," muttered Tony petulantly as he followed.
The smell of rice, garlic and saffron wafted through the entire building, leaving Tony moaning lightly in appreciation. His mother didn't cook often, but when she did this was the smell that always clung to the air for hours afterwards.  If the food was anyway comparative to her cooking, Tony would have to add Francisco's to his list of restaurants to stop at when he was in New York.
A few short words with a host, and they were being lead to the back of the restaurant, where in a secluded corner sat Lily's family.
As they approached, Lily's father stood to greet his daughter with a smile and a hug. Tony's first thought was that the man was quite a bit older than he would have expected. His brown hair was streaked liberally with gray and white, and laugh lines were etched deeply into his smiling face.  By Tony's estimation, the man was likely pushing towards 60. Still not as old as his own father though.  But where Howard had gone into fatherhood begrudgingly late in life, this man seemed to have embraced it.
The man finally turned towards Tony and offered him a polite smile and handshake.
"William Evans.... And you must be Tony. Thank you for keeping an eye on my youngest. I imagine you didn't originally plan to spend the last couple days playing tour guide, but I would be lying if I didn't say that it does this old man's heart good to know his princess isn't gallivanting around New York completely alone."
"Oh Daddy, it's not that bad. I've hardly even left the expo," said Lily as she took a seat next to who Tony assumed must be her sister, despite the fact that the two looked nothing alike. Where Lily's face was soft and slightly rounded with open expressions, Petunia's was long, harsh lines and pinched looks.  Where Lily was fire, Petunia was ice.
It was perhaps unkind, but the simple truth was that Petunia's homeliness was accentuated sharply by Lily's loveliness.
"Petunia Evans, it's a pleasure to meet you, Anthony," said Petunia.
As Lily predicted, Petunia had plastered on a simpering smile as she offered her hand, palm down.
Tony blinked for a moment. Surely she didn't actually expect him to...
Before he had to decide whether to stomach a chivalrous hand kiss to the harpy's claw or risk Lily's ire for laughing in her sister's face, somebody stepped between them.
Midnight black hair tumbled down her back, and familiar bright green almond eyes stared right into his soul from a round face that Tony felt looked far younger and more innocent than this creature before him really was. She was quite petite, and was physically less than intimidating.
But the look in her eyes as she smiled at him left him cold. Her eyes roved over him in inspection.
She held out her hand to him, palm down.
"Rose Evans, it's wonderful to finally meet you Anthony Stark."
He took her hand and carefully brought it towards his lips without quite touching, and never let his eyes leave hers.
"The pleasure is mine, Ma'am," said Tony quietly.
For a second that felt like an hour, they held each other's gaze. Finally Rose gave a slight grin and a nod to him before she turned away with a whispered, "You'll do."
Tony raised an eyebrow in askance, but Rose merely turned to her husband who pulled out her chair for her before sitting himself.
He took that as his cue to seat himself in the last open seat at the round table, situated between Lily and Rose.
A quick perusal of the menu had Tony settling on the roast lamb, and after the table had ordered they all settled into a semi-awkward silence.
William smiled at Tony, "Lily mentioned you had already graduated from university. That's quite the achievement for your age.  Where did you attend?"
"I graduated from MIT this past spring, with a focus on electrical engineering and physics," said Tony.
"Planning to follow in your father's footsteps then?"
"Ideally I suppose I hope to surpass them," said Tony with a cocky grin.
William laughed, "Indeed! Well, I wish I could say I look forward to seeing it, but given the nature of your father's company, I admit it's a bit of a terrifying thought."
Tony had to fight back a wince at that.
"Don't be rude, father," said Petunia, "It is good and respectable work, and obviously pays well."
She shot a smile to Tony as if to say she had his back, but all it did was tighten that uncomfortable knot he pretended didn't exist in his stomach at the thought of their weapon contracts. If he had his way he would scrap the whole damn thing.  Weapon developers were a dime a dozen.  Any idiot could make something explode.  No, the future lay in energy production, information management and processing, and the systems they would build to do it.
Artificial intelligence.
"No offense taken, though I'll be honest, so long as people continue to try and beat each other into submission, the weapons industry will continue to grow and turn profit; with or without Stark Industries," said Tony.
"And it's only one part of what the company does. Tony showed me dozens of different projects today with civilian and medical applications," said Lily.
"Not that you have any need for such technology, Lily," said Petunia with just the barest hint of disdain.
Lily gave the barest flinch, and had he not been looking at her he would have missed it. She glanced at him before turning back to her sister giving her a pointed glare with her lips pursed into a thin line, clearly holding back a biting retort.
Unfortunately, Tony didn't have that good of a censor.
"Neither do you apparently. I don't recall you having been at the expo at all yet. A bit above your grade point average?" said Tony.
Petunia looked gobsmacked.
"Tony!" hissed Lily as she smacked his arm.
Tony sighed and he closed his eyes before he spoke in a droning voice, "My apologies for my rude behaviour. It was uncalled for and immature."
"Have to give that speech often I take it? I can't say I approve of your rude words to my daughter, but given she was out of line as well, we will let it pass," said William with the air of someone used to dealing with such squabbles.
Then he turned to Lily and shook his head. "I swear Lily, you and your catty, sharp-tongued boys. This one is nearly as bad as Severus," he said with a laugh.
"Severus?" asked Tony.
"A childhood friend of Lily's who attends the same school as she does. We used to live in the same neighborhood, but we moved across town a few years ago. Hardly see the boy now," said Rose as she sipped from a glass of red wine.
"Oh, is this Mr. Inflated Ego?" Tony asked Lily.
"No, that's someone completely different. Mr. Inflated Ego has the potential to become something more. Severus... I'm afraid Severus is a lost cause," said Lily.
The look on her face as she said it was heartbreaking.
"I never did understand what you saw in that lout, Lily. He was wretched from the start, so I'm not sure what you expected. Bad blood, that one," said Petunia, her nose wrinkled in distaste.  She shot Tony a withering look, "At least this one is well bred, if still ill mannered."
Oh hell no!
"Excuse me?!" growled Tony. "What the f--!"
"ENOUGH Petunia," William raised his voice over the table. "You speak of Tony and Severus' ill manners, but here you are being churlish and snobby. As far as Severus is concerned, never forget-- 'There, but for the grace of God, go I.'"
"Really father? God's Grace?  Such hypocrisy! How about 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live--"
"Hold your foul tongue child," hissed a cold voice. It took a moment for Tony to place it as Rose.
'What the hell was the harpy even going on about?' wondered Tony. He turned to Lily and felt his heart lurch.
Lily sat beside him pale and listless, eyes glazed over and studiously avoiding his eyes.
He reached over under the table and grabbed Lily's hand, holding it with firm reassurance. She didn't look at him, but he felt her hand close around his like a lifeline.
He didn't understand what was going on. He didn't understand what had drained all the life from Lily's eyes. And he couldn't fathom why his fiery Lily continued to take her sister's ridiculous venom...
But he would be damned if he was expected to sit here and watch it quietly.
Play nice his ass!
"Listen to me you maleficent hag, Lil' may love you and be willing to let the terrible things you're saying slide, but I'm not. Your tiny, jealous mind is too much for me to suffer," growled Tony.
"Jealous?!" scoffed Petunia. "You don't know what you're talking about--"
"I admit some of this conversation perplexes me, obviously there's some family secret that I'm not privy to that affects the dynamics. But your body language screams of repressed aggression and your words of a deep seated inferiority complex," said Tony.
"You don't know anything about me!"
"I know you fancy yourself a lady of high standing by the manner of your greeting, and that your family's humble beginnings must chaffe you viciously by your critical remarks about blood and breeding. Accordingly, you've no doubt already begun to line up 'appropriate' suitors of well funded stock with which to settle down into a stable and unremarkable life of procreation and home keeping. Unfortunately, your homely appearance, average intelligence, and mean personality has not given you much with which to barter upwards socially, so you feel the glass ceiling above you with equal parts contempt and frustration. To add insult to injury, your younger half sister-- a situation that has left its own chip on your shoulder-- possesses all that necessary to advance herself in whatever manner she would choose, whether it be to marry up into nobility or to blaze a path into a career of her choosing. And it burns you to know that her name will be lifted from the tongues of such exceptional people you will never have the pleasure of knowing.
You're right Petunia, I don't know just anything about you, I know everything about you that I need to know."
# "For the hundredth time Lily-- I am sorry!"
Tony was chasing Lily down the sidewalk, nearing Central Park. Part of him distantly wondered why he even bothered.
But a quiet yet stubborn voice at his center knew why. And so here he was.
The table was a silent battlefield after his scathing roast of Petunia Evans. Tony only had a moment to reflect that perhaps he should have reigned in the tongue lashing a bit before William was on his feet shouting god knew what in Tony's face. But before he could think of an appropriate way to respond Lily moved between them.
"You would side with him against your own sister?! Your own blood?!"
"No, but I refuse to let you abuse him like this when he was coming to my defense! You always turn a blind eye to Petunia's hateful words!"
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words--"
After that explosion, Lily had shot off out of the restaurant. Tony had only taken a moment to throw a couple hundred dollar bills at the waiter before he was out the door after her.
"Just tell me what I can do, what I can say--"
"Do you even know what you're apologizing for?!" Lily yelled as she finally spun around to face him, tears streaming down her beautiful face.
It was unfair how beautiful she was, even while crying.
"I don't know?! For castigating your sister? Pissing off Daddy?  Being an insensitive prick with a mouth that won't quit? Not minding my own damn business?  Pick one!  Why are you laughing?"
It was the most confusing thing. Lily was still crying, but now she was bent over double, laughing her ass off.
Most likely at his expense.
But whatever, even if there were still tears, there was a smile back on her face.
And suddenly Tony realized he would give anything-- anything-- to see it stay there.
"Thank you," said Lily.
"Uh... could you run that by me again?" asked Tony, perplexed.
"You heard me."
"Ok, then clarify for what I'm being thanked," said Tony with an eye roll.
"Just... for being you," said Lily.
"Oh. Well, there's a first for everything I guess. Usually me being me ends with lawyers and calls to my parents," said Tony.
"Not this time. This time it ends with my thanks..."
Lily stepped forward, close enough that Tony could feel her breath. She leaned in, and he could feel the soft touch of her lips press against his cheek. As she lingered, his arms moved to embrace her.
She pulled back only enough for her bottle green eyes to meet his own.
Then she leaned in again, and this time their lips met, tentatively at first, then deeper just a moment later.
It was electric and it was gentle; it was passionate and it was calming.  It was precious, like holding a star in his hands... 
It was everything he wanted and like nothing he had ever had before.
And it was over all too quickly.
As Lily pulled away, Tony's hand moved to cup her face and keep her close, unwilling to completely give up what he had only just found.
"Tony... what is this?" asked Lily hesitantly.
"I don't know. But I don't plan to let it go," said Tony.
"We barely know each other..."
"Then we'll go on more dates. At better restaurants."
"I still have a year of school left in Scotland..."
"My family has a private jet."
"There are no airports nor phones anywhere near the school. Even our postal service is... not standard."
"Seriously? Are you sure you aren't going to school in a pocket dimension?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow.
"It does feel like it sometimes," sighed Lily.
"Do you... I mean, if you aren't interested--"
He was cut off as her lips found his again.
"Did that seem uninterested to you?" said Lily when she pulled away again.
"Then stop blowing holes in my ship," said Tony.
"I feel like that's a reference, but I can't place it..."
"What I mean is, if you want to, I'm willing to find a way," said Tony. "But I need you to look for solutions, not problems."
"You make it sound so simple," said Lily.
"Why complicate it?" asked Tony.
"Because it is complicated," said Lily.
"It doesn't have to be," said Tony.
Lily sighed, "You don't understand..."
"Then help me to understand."
"That's the problem! I can't. It's illegal! I could do jail time if I did," said Lily.
"What in the hell are you mixed up in? Does it have to do with that civil unrest you mentioned?" asked Tony.
"Yes and no... they are related, but it would be a problem whether there was a war or not. It just makes it that much more dangerous," said Lily.
"Do you need a way out?"
Lily looked up at him and searched his face. She moved to speak before she halted and pursed her lips. After a moment she seemed to settle on a response.
"That is certainly one of my choices. One many others have already made.  It would be the easy choice. The smart choice..."
"But not what's right," finished Tony.
"When you have the power to help others, but you don't because of fear, it makes you complicit," said Lily.
"No, it makes you human," said Tony.
"Then perhaps we should aim to be a bit more than that. Instead of superhuman strength, we should try for superhuman heart and will," said Lily.
"That sounds great, but expecting people to be more than what they are... don't you think that's a bit unfair as well?" asked Tony.
The lull in conversation stretched on, and Tony began to inspect their surroundings. It was long since dark, and they stood on the outskirts of Central Park.  They should probably head somewhere else soon...
"How did you know Petunia was my half-sister?"
"What? Oh, it was a bit of a deduction. Petunia's bone structure  and features only somewhat reflects her paternity and does not reflect your mother at all. Your father has brown hair and blue eyes, your mother has black with green eyes- Petunia is blonde with brown eyes. The likelihood of both of those traits coming through are relatively low if she were their daughter. Also, your father said 'my daughter' when referring to Petunia, not our daughter. And while the difference in age between you and Petunia is not large, Rose is already significantly younger than your father, and likely had you very young. If she were Petunia's mother as well, that would have pushed their relationship from the realm of 'serious age gap' into 'illegal.' Therefore I assumed Petunia a child from a previous marriage, and his marriage to Rose a matter of convenience and a need for a caregiver."
"You know what they say about assuming things?" asked Lily.
"I already know I'm an ass. But was I wrong?"
Lily sighed as she shook her head. "No, you're not wrong."
"So what is Petunia's problem? I get that there's stuff you apparently can't talk about, but it's obvious that something about your relationship disturbs her. With the way she seems to try and emulate Rose I would think it might have to do with you and your mother's relationship versus her own."
"You are perceptive beyond reason," laughed Lily. "How do you do it?"
"It's all in the details, my dear Watson."
"And what do the details tell you about me?" asked Lily fondly.
Tony let his eyes travel freely over Lily's form, until her cheeks began to show a dusting of pink.Then he took a step forward, drawing her into a light embrace.
"The dilation of your pupils and the flush of your cheeks at my proximity tell me you're intensely attracted to me..."
"Well done, Sherlock," said Lily with a roll of the eyes. "You've cracked the case."
"Your description of your school tells me that your exceptional grasp of modern sciences and technology didn't come from their halls, so you must be concurrently enrolled in a proper education program in addition to whatever 'specialized education' this Hogwarts must offer. This tells me that you are a brilliant, driven and stubborn woman, considering the hassle it must be to manage a concurrent enrollment out in the middle of nowhere with limited access to communication," said Tony.
Lily nodded, "I am in fact, concurrently enrolled."
"And the nature of your school itself is extremely telling. Remote--exclusive acceptance done by a manner not related to income, test aptitude, or generational acceptance--limited outside contact--confidential and specialized education.
Between that and Petunia's fit earlier... I gather you're something a little 'more' than the average human."
She did her best to quell her tells, but Lily couldn't quite stop the slight widening of her eyes, the sudden contraction of her pupils, or the subtle tightening around her mouth.
Like he said, he's always right.
Tony lifted his hand to cup her face, and gently stroked his thumb over the tight lines of her mouth. "Don't worry, I'm not going to ask. When you're ready though, I'll listen. Just wish there was something else I could do since powers or not, apparently that world of yours isn't safe right now."
"'Powers' only do so much good when the other side has them as well," said Lily. "I need you to promise you won't say anything about this to anyone. For your own sake."
"Alright, I promise. But if the shit hits the fan over there, I don't care what sort of abilities these people have, I'll come to get you," said Tony.
Lily didn't answer, but gave him a tremulous smile.
"Well, well, well... what have we here?"
AN: Hey ya’ll decided to go ahead and throw this out into the wilderness.  I’ve been working on this story for a while, it will ultimately have a sequel, seeing as this work was originally started as a prologue to another story, it got out of hand and became its own thing.  Basically I wanted to write a story where Harry was Tony’s son, but didn’t have Lily cheating on James to make it happen. So... here we are. Thanks for reading. <3
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emma-nation · 5 years
Thinking Of You (Mona x MC Fanfiction) - Chapter 6
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You said move on Where do I go? I guess second best Is all I will know
Summary: Years later, Allison has everything she wants, a brand-new internship as a doctor, a handsome boyfriend… but her first nightshift won’t go as expected…
Genre: Romance, Angst
Tag list: @zoe6111, @simsvetements, @mvrinettes, @whoinvitedalx, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @abunchofbadchoices, @kamilahmademedoit, @janurary, @talkinlikeateen, @eagle-one-1, @andreear17, @tia-bi, @monagf, @monahott, @fal-carrington, @crazzyplays, @honorablebicycle​ (let me know if you want to be tagged!)
- English is not my first language, forgive me for any mistakes.
- Things will start to get really wild next chapter. Stay tuned! 😜
"I've said no," Mona said, once again, placing her very few clothes inside a bag.
"After all you've done against the police, it's the least you can do!" Detective Wheeler insisted.
"I got locked up for eight years, I owe you nothing anymore."
"Well, I have something that may give you some motivation."
Mona was determined to go back to New York. Nothing else was holding her in Los Angeles anymore. She didn’t have any attachments, she didn’t owe anything to anyone, and Allison would be getting married really soon. Though she'd never admit, it was killing her inside. She spoke to her mom, who was more than relieved to have her around again. She even managed to buy a house, for the two of them to start a new life.
Detective Wheeler came back to the bedroom, tossing her a keychain.
"What? Are you bribing me with a car, Pops?" She chuckled. "I'm not allowed to drive remember?"
"If you accept the mission, you are," he affirmed. "And it's not any car..."
She followed him to the garage to find her 2008 Yottsume Halberdier.
"My car!"
The painting was conserved, intact. Impressed, Mona carefully examined every detail of the engine, concluding that whoever had been keeping her car did an impressive job.
"I missed you, baby," she sat down at the driver's seat, remembering the good old days. "Where did you find her, Pops?"
"It was out of radar for a while, then a couple years ago the police found it in a dealership and took for possible evidence, to track the rest of your... friends."
The word 'dealership’ caught her attention. She had a bad feeling about it, related to someone from her past. When she opened the glove compartment, her suspicions were only confirmed by a small handwritten note. He had been keeping her car, for all these years. She scowled in rage.
"I don't want it anymore," she threw the keys back to Detective Wheeler. "Sorry Pops, find somebody else for you investigation."
"Griffin, I have to tell you something," Allison was sitting down in front of her laptop, getting ready to tell her fiancé she wanted to take a break. She had invented a perfect excuse, about this stressful moment of her life and how she wasn't ready for marriage.
“What is it, Allison?” He asked from the other side of the screen. “Is it about our future house? Didn’t you like it?”
“No, actually it’s about...”
The door opened in a slam and an angry Mona stomped inside. She was never in a good mood, but something had seriously upset her that morning.
“Could please stop with this kinkiness and come to the living room?” She angered. “It’s important.”
After convincing Griffin it was only her cousin who was spending a few days at their house, Allison went to the living room, where a heated argument between her dad and Mona was taking place. Which she found strange, considering Mr. Wheeler had been treating Mona surprisingly well in the last few days. Too well to be true.
"You're bribing me!" Mona yelled. "Into a suicidal mission."
"Oh please, what can be worse than allying yourself with the Brotherhood?" Mr. Wheeler argued.
"Act as a bait for a serial killer?"
"Guys," Allison shouted. "Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on here?"
Detective Wheeler explained his plan. Mona would be infiltrated in an university as a new student, where she’d socialize and find out who was selling a dangerous synthetic drug.
“With her reputation, these tattoos and the tough girl attitude... she’s perfect for the job,” he finished.
“Then you could lock me up again for buying drugs?” Mona asked.
“The police and the university will be aware of your disguise! We're even offering you a reward.”
“Whoever is developing this drug is too big and powerful, I’m not willing to get shot a second time.”
Allison completely understood Mona's point of view. It was risky and she was just recovering from a surgery. If she wasn’t careful enough, the lesion could return and become something more serious.
“Dad,” she spoke. “It’s up to Mona to decide. If she doesn’t want it, I'm sure you can find someone else.”
“Thank you, Allison,” Mona had some sarcasm in her voice. “At least for once you stood by my side.”
She knew exactly what she meant. Mona was attacking her for the possibility she’d go away to New Zealand, after confessing her feelings.
She scowled at both of them and grabbed her car keys that were lying on the coffee table.
"I'm going out for a while. I have something else to solve."
Before Mr. Wheeler could protest or reinforce the fact she wasn't allowed to drive, unless she accepted the task, she was already gone. Allison took a concerned and weary sigh, wondering how or when she’d find a quiet moment of peace.
"I'll see what I can do," Mr. Wheeler shook his head and left for work.
Alone, Allison sat down at the couch. She reflected and somehow her mind clicked. Without even knowing, she had just found the most perfect solution for all her issues. A sly smile appeared on her lips.
Mona entered the dealership in her best bad girl attitude. She was sure that most of the employees there had heard about her at least once, through the old 'wanted' posters that could be found all over LA and the internet.
She confirmed the dealership’s owner was indeed living in Los Angeles for the last couple years. Lying she needed an exclusive model of car, she demanded to speak directly to him.
She waited a few minutes inside his office, kicking her feet up on his desk. She examined the surroundings, if it wasn’t for that security camera pointed at her, she’d take one of those expensive pens as souvenir. The door opened and a tall, black haired man wearing a fancy suit, came inside.
"Hello! How can I help you, miss..." that annoying, usual smirk he usually had on pictures and outdoors suddenly faded from his face. "Y-You... What..."
"Hello, David. Long time no see."
Uncomfortable, he sat down in front of her, almost panicking.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, in a low tone, making sure no one was listening. "I thought you were still in prison."
"I came to return the car," she told. "Since you've laid your dirty hands on her, I don't want it anymore."
David handed her back the keychain. His fingers slightly brushing her hand.
"What's the problem with a father taking care of his daughter's most prized possession while she's in jail, huh?" He looked her straight in the eyes, trying to intimidate her with his words. "I even made improvements for you! You should be more grateful."
"I'll never be grateful for anything you do!" She stared even deeper, showing she wasn’t feeling threatened. "You abandoned us when I was two. We went through hell because of you!"
"Let me tell you something. A few years ago, I was watching some videos online and I was fascinated by Mercy Park Crew's skills. Especially one particular driver, the one behind the Yottsume. Can you imagine my surprise when I found out it was my own daughter? The one who fled from New York after a mysterious man bailed her out of jail. Oh, sugar. We have more in common than you think.”
Mona clenched her fists in rage. She knew what awaited for her when she decided to meet that man. He was extremely manipulative and sadistic, but that was too much to listen.
"I'm not even a single bit like..." she interrupted.
"Let me finish,” he silenced her. “I've met Kaneko, I worked for his dad when I was a kid. He taught us everything we knew about cars. He even hooked us up in some of his... jobs. Then when the police was hunting for our heads, that was when I went to hide in my grandparents' house in Lebanon, where I met your mom."
"You?!" Mona let out a laugh, pointing to the portrait on his desk, with his current wife and step-daughters. "The perfect family man used to steal cars?!"
"Like you, I was fascinated by that life. The adrenaline, the speed, the expensive cars, the easy money... but all of us have to grow up at some point," he told, in a cold and insensitive tone. "Don't get me wrong, I loved you and your mom, I truly did, but my job as real estate agent didn't pay enough. I wanted more. I wanted to be near these beautiful speedy machines somehow again..."
"Then you met her. Your rich wife, who has helped you to build all your empire."
"Exactly, I was only seeking for my best interests. Sorta like you, when you joined the Brotherhood. You could've escaped along with your friends, but you were aiming higher. You wanted more."
"Wrong," Mona smirked. "I was saving my life, and my girl's too. They were going to kill us both."
"And there you made a mistake, putting somebody's life above yours. You could've died, besides wasting almost a decade of your life in prison."
"I'm not like you or I'll ever be. I don't know what you want, but stay away from me. You never wanted to be part of my life, so screw off!"
Mona stood up, throwing the car keys on her father's desk again.
"Take it, it should be enough to pay the costs you had, hiring me one of the best lawyers in the country. What was your intention, huh? Was it to torture my mom? Show her you're in control?"
"What are you talking about? I never hired you a lawyer. I could've gotten you out of prison immediately if I wanted, with my powers and contacts. But like I said, you needed to grow up. Otherwise, right now you'd be still acting like a stupid kid, stealing cars in some other state. God knows if you'd even be alive."
"As if you care."
It was useless to keep arguing with that man. He was a sociopath. She was only putting herself under unnecessary stress. His presence in Los Angeles had now became the main reason why she should return to her mother's home. She had no idea of what he was planning, but it shouldn't be good. Nothing good ever came from that man.
She decided to keep her car. She still could sell it and use to money to rebuild her life from zero in New York.
“I’m sorry, Dr. Carlson,” Allison said, inside her father-in-law’s office. “I can’t go to New Zealand right now.”
“Why not, my darling?” His eyes widened in shock. “It’s a lifetime opportunity. There’s so many doors it will open for your future…”
“Actually, I’m quitting my internship too. Temporarily.”
“I'm enrolling myself in a six-month course in university. I’m feeling kinda lost, so I'm searching for an specialization, as Griffin suggested.”
The mention of his son’s name should be enough to not upset the man too much. In the end, after speaking to Griffin, he was convinced it was really the best for Allison at the moment. She left his office feeling accomplished and victorious. Part of her problem had been solved.
Back to her house, Mr. Wheeler wasn’t home. She knew he wouldn’t be thrilled with the news, but when she told her real purposes, he’d eventually forgive her.
She went to her bedroom, where Mona was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to some music on her cellphone.
"Hiya, gorgeous," Allison grinned ear-to-ear.
She looked at her, rolled her eyes and unplugged the earphones.
“What are you doing home so early? And why do you look so happy?"
“I’ve quit it, Mona,” she bit her lower lip mischievously. “I’ve quit my internship and I’m not going to New Zealand either.”
“What?!” Mona stood up. “But good. It was about time, considering how miserable you were looking. What about Gavin?”
“Griffin is supporting me,” she told. “But he doesn’t know my real purposes, of course. I’m enrolling myself in this six-month course to play the role my dad needs to catch these criminals.”
“It’s stupid and dangerous. Besides, your father will freak out and blame it on me. I’m not letting you do this.”
"Then stop me,” Allison challenged, “or... there’s another option.”
Only a couple of hours later, they were both inside Mona's car. They had just left the University, where Allison enrolled herself in the course and Mona filled the papers she needed, to be play spy for the police.
“Whoa, your car is looking great. The dealership did a great job on it.”
“I’d have done better myself.”
She noticed Mona was quiet and tense. She thought the news and her company in university would make her feel better, but her behavior barely changed.
After buying burgers and milkshakes, they were at home eating. Mona was still looking angry and very anxious.
"So, will you tell me what's bothering you?” Allison finally asked. “I mean, you don't have to be part of this job, if you don't want to."
"It's not that," Mona answered. "It's a personal issue. Someone from my past. He's living in LA and I'm sure his intentions aren't any good."
"Who is this? If you don’t mind me asking."
"No one important."
Allison knew that was all she'd get from Mona, so she decided to change the subject. She burst into laughs.
"Can you just imagine? You and me, in college together?"
Mona gave in, laughing too.
"Yeah, babe. We're going to burn down that place!”
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deans-baby-momma · 6 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 44
A/N: Wanted to give a quick shout out to my best friend, Maddie  ( @xxdragonagequeenxx ). If it wasn’t for her letting me bounce ideas off her, this story wouldn’t have been written.
The internet exploded after Dani's comment and within 10 minutes Jensen was trending, whatever that meant. In another 15 minutes,  Jensen's publicist was on the phone. I tuned it all out and just focused all my energy and attention toward my son, the truly innocent party in this whole ordeal.
I could hear Jensen in the other room, just the sound of his voice, the tone, put me on edge. What would the people in his life, his publicist, his bosses, his co-workers, his friends and family on set and off say? Would they be understanding or would people disapprove of it all? Loathe my existence and in doing so, condemn my child? That pissed me off the most!
Jensen walked back into the room as I went about feeding Jackson. I just sat there, awaiting the fallout. “Well Kelly said this is the shitstorm of all shitstorms,” he said, plopping down in the chair across from me. “Said Dee should've kept her mouth shut but what's done is done. She's gonna try to get control of the situation, try to do some damage control, get things back to our side.”
“Our side?”I questioned. “Do we even have a side? I mean, everything they have said is true. We not only had a baby out of wedlock, which I know nowadays is no big deal but you're still married Jay! Maybe we should've just kept quiet and let people make their own assumptions over the pictures yesterday.”
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“Well, excuse me-” Jensen spat as he stood from the chair. “-for being proud of my son! To want to tell the world about him. You agreed to it.”
I was in shock, never had I ever heard Jensen raise his voice before. Not even to Dani when they discussed JJ or her care; not when JJ was sick and Dani refused to let Jensen have her for the weekend, did he shout at her like he just had at me. I felt the tears burning my eyelids and I willed them to stay hidden. I wasn't going to let him see how much his outburst affected me.
I held Jackson to my breast, covering his head with my free hand. “Could you please not shout near him?” I asked, hoping to keep my own tone of voice neutral and not let on how upset I was, realizing I failed when my voice wavered. I looked away from Jensen but still caught a glimpse of his contrite expression.
“Baby I’m sorry,” he said in a more normal tone. “With all this crap Dani has decided to start and then you saying we should’ve waited, I just let my emotions take over. I’m so fucking proud of you and him and I want the world to know. I should’ve known she’d do something like this though.” He joined me on the sofa, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and using the other the rub Jackson’s back. “I’m sorry little man. Daddy shouldn’t have yelled.”
A few days after Jackson’s birth and Jensen’s Instagram announcement, life was slowly getting back to normal. Well, the new normal with a newborn in the house. I was sleep deprived, hadn’t bathed in days and I was sure my hair looked like it hadn’t been brushed in days. Wait, had I brushed my hair lately? I couldn’t even remember. Jensen was back in Vancouver finishing up filming for the season. He had only gotten a couple days reprieve for Jackson’s birth before having to fly back, leaving me to do it all. I wasn’t going to complain though, I knew this is what I had signed up for when I decided to have a relationship with an actor and have a child with him. Kelly, Jensen’s publicist had  done her best to get everything under control but I was still receiving threats and hatred through his social media. This is one instance that I was glad I didn't have any online accounts; the only way I knew about the animosity was through Kelly and then Jensen telling me to ignore it like he was. Which wasn't hard unless one of the many talk shows would mention it. I eventually went back to keeping the television turned off.
Jackson was down for his late morning nap when the phone rang; Gen's name popping up on the caller id. “Hey! I thought you could use some adult conversation,  I know I could!” she said after I answered.
“God yes,”I sighed. “I haven't talk to another adult since mine and Jay's Skype call yesterday. How have you been? How're the boys?”
“Rambunctious,” Gen laughed. “But I wouldn't’ have them any other way. They’re actually the reason I’m calling. Tom keeps asking to see Jackson. I showed him the pictures you sent me but he says he wants to see him in person.”
“Well yea, he is adorable in pictures but even more in person,” I laughed. “What are you all doing tomorrow? We’ll come by. Jackson needs to meet his best friends anyway.”
Gen and I planned for Jackson and I to come by their home after his morning nap and quickly hung up.  I was happy to be able to get out and have adult interactions. I love my son but Momma needs to have conversations with someone who does more than gurgle and spit. That night when Jensen video-called I told him of our plans and he was hesitant at first until I told him I needed to get out of the house. He talked to Jackson while I was holding him in front of the computer; we didn’t want to take the chance that his son wouldn’t recognize the sound of his own father’s voice. I had done it for him and Dani with JJ when they were both off working on set.
Seeing Tom and Shep take to Jackson like he was just another part of the family warmed my heart. But I guess Jackson was a part of their family; Jared and Jensen had acted alongside one another for 10 years, had both grown up and gotten married, had kids. They had their own little mismatched, ragtag family and Jackson was part of it. As soon as the door had opened after I knocked, Tom was begging to see Jackson. I had him in his carrier with a thin blanket draped over him so Tom couldn’t lay eyes on him yet. Jackson sat there in his carrier taking it all in, from the little boys in his face to the brown haired woman cooing over him. Tom and Shep took turns playing peek-a-boo with my son, each covering his head up with the blanket and jerking it away making Jackson laugh. Tom had helped me change Jackson’s diaper, saying he was an expert since helping change Shep’s; Shep fed, with my assistance of course, Jackson and when it was time to burp him and put him down for his nap, both boys scurried off to play in their room. Gen insists on holding Jackson while he naps, feigning baby fever. She goes on to tell me how she would love to have another little one once Shep is out of diapers officially.
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“God, Drea! Holding him makes me want another one so bad.”
“So have another.”
“If only it were that easy,” she says and sighs as she kissed Jackson on the forehead.
“Genevieve Padalecki, did you just sniff my son?” I asked, shocked but laughing.
“Yes, I love that baby smell. It’s not the lotion or the baby wash but something about a baby smell is so soothing to me,” she laughed, making sure not to wake him.
“So, why can’t you have another? Jared not want anymore?” I asked not really thinking that was the reason. Jared seemed to love kids and sometimes act like he is more on their level than an actual adult.
“No uh,” she pauses for a minute and I wait for her to continue. “After Shep, there were some complications and well I don’t have the parts anymore to be able to bear children,” she tells me. I hear her voice crack and see the tears in her eyes.
“Oh Gen. I’m so sorry.” I say, not really knowing what to say.  To know that the choice whether to have more children or not was taken away breaks my heart for my friend.
Jensen’s POV
At the end of the week after filming, instead of coming back home to Texas, Jared and I are headed to Chicago for a convention. Neither of us were prepared for the chaos that would go down. At the Sunday panel a fan approached the microphone and we both welcomed her to the convention and asked if she was having a good time. “Uh, yea I am,” she answered. “My question is for Jensen.”
“Ok. I’m sure I can have an answer for you. Ask away!” I tell her and join Jared in chuckling as I await the woman’s query. “So, we’ve all seen your Instagram post a few weeks ago. Congratulations on your son!” At this, I smile and nod at her. “Thank you darling.” But my smile soon changes to anger when the woman continues. “So I was just wondering...how could you do it? How could you cheat on Danneel and be so happy that you had a child from that affair?” An audible gasp is heard throughout the auditorium and I can tell by the way the convention volunteers are scrambling around, trying to reach the woman at the microphone that her question wasn’t a con-approved one. The volunteer closest to that side of the stage taps the woman on the shoulder and motions for her to head toward the exit. The fan who asked the question looks up at the stage and at me like she is awaiting her answer so I take a breath and bring the mic up to my lips.
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"I'll answer it one time and one time only." I hold up my index finger and look out over the crowd. "Yes, I have a newborn son. No, the mother isn't Dee. This might be all new information to you all and makes it look as if I am in the wrong. But let me just clarify, Dee and I were split up for months, MONTHS, before my son was conceived. Yes we kept the split private because there is a young child, our daughter JJ, to think of. I still get to spend time with her even though the break up wasn't exactly amicable but that's neither here nor there. I am proud of both of my kids and I love them both very much. I will always be there for them. The woman I'm with now is wonderful and I don't want anyone bashing her for something she didn't do," I paused to take a breath. Jared patted me on the shoulder as a show of solidarity.  "You're going to hear, probably from Dani that she was wronged, but that isn't the case. So before any of you go saying anything bad or taking her side just stop and think about it. You wouldn't want people bashing your family, would you?" After answering the questions I prayed that everyone else had the dignity to let the subject rest. I was saying no more about it and if it were brought up again I might just have to leave the panel. I wasn’t going to let these fans, these people who supposedly love us so much, ruin a good thing. And Jackson and Drea was a good thing. At the end of the panel after the last question, Jared and I finished it off with our signature fist bump and walked backstage. I grabbed a bottle of water and opened it, downing half of it in one gulp. Jared joined me at the table and placed a hand on my shoulder.
“You okay, dude?” he asked me in his caring way.
“Yea,” I answered. “I mean I should’ve seen it coming. With all the shit Dee’s been posting online, I should’ve realized some fans would take her side.”
I was glad this was the last panel of the day and all I had left to do was an hour of autos and an hour of photo ops then we could head home to our families.
@xxdragonagequeenxx @carryonmywaywardcaptain @darlingpeanut @sunskittlex @sis-tafics @wayward-gypsy @sea040561 @pretty-fortune @squirrelnotsam @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44 @internationalmusicteacher @kricketc27 @natura1phenomenon @mannls @nickie-amore @spn-tw-37 @frozenhuntress67 @blacktithe7 @supernaturallymarvellous @thetardishasaquidditchpitch @sirod-30 @heyitscam99 @smoothdogsgirl @i-just-wanna-run-hell
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bethhxrmon · 5 years
All I Ask of You Pt. 38
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“Break a vase, it’s Halloween! Jello shot, it’s Halloween!” - “Halloween” from Be More Chill
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female OC
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: All the loose ends are getting tied
Warnings: Probably could have been two chapters but the author is lazy
A/N: So this is the second to last real chapter, and I can say this story will be done literally one day before I see Endgame!
Recovering from the injury was surprisingly easier than Annie originally anticipated. The stab wound ended up being shallower than they all thought. It just caused immense pain, and Annie still felt a soreness in her side. However, if that was what she had to go through in order to finally see Carnival disappear for good, then she truly couldn’t care less.
What did end up concerning Annie was the mysterious man she encountered. No one wrote of what she saw necessarily, but almost everyone insisted that he wasn’t important. But Annie would beg to differ. If there was someone out there who could just shove whoever he saw as a threat into another dimension, it was very much so the point. This guy had been running around for who knew how long, and she seemed to be the only person to know about him.
No amount of internet searching was pulling up anything. It was likely that she was never going to find him. However, what concerned her was that he not only knew her, but he knew she had been stabbed before. She didn’t trust the guy, and the only other person who seemed to put a lot of thought into it was Peter.
“So he really just showed up out of nowhere?” he asked, frowning.
Annie nodded, “Yep. Right after Carnival stabbed me. And I starting kinda yelling at him, and then he just left because you guys were coming.”
“Right… okay this isn’t about the dude, but… do you think we would’ve made it in time if he hadn’t been there?”
“Y-yeah, I got him by surprise. So I think I could’ve even met you guys halfway.”
The truth was that Annie had no idea if she would have ever seen any of them if it hadn’t been for that guy. As angry as she was for him not doing something earlier, the timing was undeniably convenient.
Peter sighed, pulling her in for a hug, “I can’t believe you were gonna do that. You didn’t even know I would be fast enough.”
“And I didn’t know if he was gonna cut your throat or not, but I wasn’t about to watch that happen,” she said, hugging him back tightly.
Neither of them had much time to process just what her decisions had meant for the both of them. Actually, Annie still didn’t believe that she was going to be stuck with Carnival for forever. There was no way she would have let that happen, but she couldn’t bear the thought of watching Peter die in front of her. And thankfully, neither of them had to worry about anything bad happening. School was about to start soon and they were going to have to go home.
Right then, Harper ran into the computer room the couple was in, “You’ll never guess what happened! It was so freaking insane and you guys just can’t guess it! I wouldn’t have ever guessed, you guys!”
“Well, you gonna tell us?” she questioned.
Harper squealed, “I’m officially Tony Stark’s fashion assistant! It’s now a paid position and everything. My parents can suck it! I got a job with someone who’s more successful than they’ll ever be!”
Ned quickly followed into the room, “Yeah! It was wicked awesome, you should’ve been there.”
“That’s awesome! I didn’t know that was a thing, but I’m so proud of you!” Annie exclaimed, grinning as she went to hug Harper.
They all left for their homes in that mood. Annie, Peter, and Ned went to their apartments. Harper left for their dorm room. It left Annie in a car with just her mom, since her dad was back at the university and trying to get an early jumpstart on prepping his classes. Not that being in a car with her dad felt like a better option by any means of the word. He would ask too many questions because he always seemed to doubt what she was doing.
As Annie sat in the passenger seat, a short newscast came on the radio station they were listening to. It was about the huge fight that happened with Carnival. She even heard her own hero name being put in it. For once, it was something that was positive. That was a nice change of pace, to say the least. Clearly, it wasn’t going to bring back Tina, but it was a start to making up for what she did.
After a commercial came on, her mother sighed, “I worry about heroes like that.”
She nodded, “They put their lives on the line, and that Swan lady and that Spider guy… they can’t be that old. I wonder if their parents know.”
“What would you do?”
“I guess I would hope they’re being smart. I don’t know how anyone could handle it. You haven’t been up to anything like that, have you?” her mom asked.
There was a pregnant pause in the car as Annie went to think of something to make up. Except, before she could, they both started laughing uncontrollably.
Her mom truly had no idea after all of it was said and done. Words couldn’t describe how relieving it was to know that she didn’t know. A part of her wondered if her mom had any suspicions. Of course, that would involve her mom knowing about her powers anyways. Odds were that her dad would be the one to suspect, and there was no way she was going to tell that man.
“Oh, also… I have a boyfriend now,” Annie piped up with a smile.
Her mom pulled into the parking garage, “Really? Who is he?”
“You remember Peter?”
“You did always seem to be drawn to him. I think you guys would be cute. Just make sure to be careful. Don’t do anything stupid.”
Annie scoffed, “Can we not do another one of those awkward sex talks again? It was bad enough the last time.”
“And did you do anything?”
Annie rolled her eyes, “The guy ended up having amnesia, it wouldn’t have made a difference either way. And then he died… but things are going way better with Peter!”
“Well what helps is that I know you were both friends before.”
The rest of the day melted into the next and into the next and Annie quickly realized that she was about to start her junior year of high school. It wasn’t that she was worried about it, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to go back to school. Although, she did start to have a routine of sorts again. Mostly, it was running around patrolling with Peter and trying to not get too off-task. Not because they were too busy flirting to do anything, but because they would get distracted by the smallest things.
Sure, that sort of thing happened when they first started teaming up, but when it was apparent that they were both close to begin with, it was only worse. Although, a lot of it ended up dealing with Annie wanting to find the weird wizard guy she met. It was nice that there was someone who seemed to care about her theories.
And before she knew it, Annie was leaving school one day almost a week after it started when she finally got a call from Tony Stark.
“Hey, meet me at that ice cream place a few blocks from your school. The results came in,” he told her before hanging up.
Probably so she couldn’t ask about the results. In all fairness, it would have only irritated Annie if she found out those results through a phone call and nothing more. But what if he already knew? What if this whole ice cream thing was just a way to admit that he was her biological father? Or maybe it was a way to celebrate that they weren’t related and could just go back to their normal lives. Not that her life had ever been normal to begin with.
Annie didn’t even know what she wanted the results to entail to begin with. A part of her couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to rub it in her dad’s face. To say that she had a genius billionaire for a real father. But then there was the fact that she had biological parents the whole time and Tony never bothered to double check if someone like her existed in the first place.
So when she got in and saw that Tony had a bowl of cotton candy ice cream on the side of the table she went to sit at, she started to wonder even more. Until she saw that the envelope in the center of the table was closed. For some reason, she always assumed he would already know before she did. That he would break the news and hand the papers to her regardless of what the results ended up being.
“It’s… um… it’s closed.”
“Great observational skills,” Tony remarked.
Annie rolled her eyes, “Okay, sorry I just thought with the ice cream and stuff… you were gonna kinda already have all the answers or something.”
“Oh, no, this is to prepare both of us. But you should open it,” he said, sliding the envelope over to her side of the table.
She nodded as she took the envelope, tearing it open. While a part of her didn’t want to look at it, the other part of her needed to know. So she unfolded the paper and found herself reading it over and over again.
“Um… well, you’re off the hook,” she murmured, staring at the paper in disbelief, “Isn’t this supposed to at least give me some idea of who else is a match?”
Tony frowned in confusion before looking at the paper for himself, “Well… it’s all in a database. If your parents aren’t there-”
“I thought you were gonna use a worldwide database,” Annie responded.
He nodded, “I did… whoever your parents are, they just don’t want to be found I guess.”
“Oh…” she trailed off, staring intently at the saturated pink and blue swirls of her ice cream.
Tony sighed, “Look, kid, we can do more extensive searches if that’s what you want-”
“No. I don’t want that. If they never wanted me, or if they were forced to do whatever it took to get me in this position now… I don’t want to know.”
Tony nodded slowly, “Are you sure? I know a few ways to pinpoint that sort of thing. Honestly, it’s the least I can do for making you think I was your dad for a bit.”
“No, you don’t understand, I don’t care. Those people… they could be dead for all I know, we definitely wouldn’t speak the same language if they’re alive. So why should I throw all this time and effort into finding a family that I already have? Like, I have my parents, well, I have my mom, I have you, I have Pepper, there’s Harper, and Ned, and obviously there’s Peter. I don’t need to waste my time on something that’s only gonna hurt me in the long run,” Annie explained as she took a spoonful of her ice cream.
He smiled a bit, “I gotta hand it to you, you’re a smart kid.”
“Well, you can’t just spend a whole summer with a few people and then not feel close.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“And besides,” Annie paused for another bite of ice cream, “If anyone would be your kid, I feel like it’d have to be Peter. You know he looks up to you, right?”
Tony gave an incredulous look, “What? He does?”
“Yep, before I knew the whole Spider-Man thing, there were times he wouldn’t shut up about you.”
“You’re joking.”
“Look, I can act and I can tell some freaking great jokes, but it’s true. Call up Ned sometime if you don’t believe me. Actually, don’t, you should just use your ears next time,” Annie said with a small laugh.
In a way, it was a relief to know that nothing changed. She still had no clue who her biological parents were and that was more than fine. Everything she said had been true. There was no point in looking for people who never cared enough to check in on her in the first place. Not when there were plenty of people who cared about her and were right there.
Life was finally getting into a good rhythm, and Annie was comfortable with how things were going. The nice routine of being at school with her friends and getting ready for her audition in December was a relief. And then she could run over and hang out with Harper whenever. It definitely beat only occasionally calling and texting about everything that happened. And things felt stable for the first time in months.
Before Annie knew it, Halloween was right there. Her birthday passed a few days before, but she insisted on not doing anything about it until it was actually Halloween. However, Peter didn’t bother to listen to her and gave her his present on her actual birthday.
It was a photo album. Not just of them, but of their friends and people Annie cared about too. Most of it was from the summer, but Annie didn’t mind that one bit.
What she did mind was Peter’s idea for a Halloween costume.
“Oh, come on!”
Annie shook her head as she stuffed her textbook back into her bag, “I’m not going as White Swan.”
“But it would be a great couples costume!”
“We literally got caught kissing one time, for like, two seconds and everyone thinks we’re lovebirds or something.”
Peter wrapped an arm around her, kissing her cheek, “Well, they’re not wrong.”
“But we both know you knew those people were coming. You did it on purpose,” she pointed out with a small laugh.
So maybe there was one tabloid insisting that White Swan and Spider-Man were in a passionate, heated relationship. When or how it started was what they didn’t know. Well, they didn’t know anything in reality. And Annie was pretending to hold it over Peter, but they both had too much fun making fun of the article.
“Seriously? You two would never be convincing,” Flash interjected, rolling his eyes, “Penis Parker over here is too… lame and you’re…”
Annie glared at Flash, “Too what?”
She sighed, “Right… too strong to be a hero. Got it,don’t you have someone else to bug?”
“No, I was gonna ask you about your dad throwing last year’s audition for you.”
Annie paused, looking between Peter and Flash. There was a long pause that seemed to grow awkward and tense. And then Annie burst out laughing. Before pulling Peter away and walking off. It just wasn’t worth the time and effort to try and say anything to Flash. She knew that all too well.
Peter reached over for her hand, holding it as they walked out of the school, finally reaching Ned.
“Dude, did you see the article?!” he exclaimed.
Annie smirked, “The one about the whole passionate love affair between me and Peter? Well, my bad, not me and Peter?”
“Yeah! Aren’t you guys worried?”
Peter shook his head, “Nah, they’re not gonna figure it out from that. They talk about us like we’re adults, dude. This was actually great for covering us.”
“You’re thinking like I do… that’s not good, I’m the one chronically scheming everything around here,” Annie insisted.
“You two make no sense sometimes, but I know it pissed off Flash. Probably because he didn’t think Spider-Man was taken,” Ned responded, laughing a bit.
It had been nearly a year since Annie moved in, but it felt like she’d been around Peter and Ned for forever. Actually, it felt like Harper had been in their group since forever too. Maybe being a suit designer threw them into a good place in their group in the first place, Annie wasn’t sure. They’d always been friends, though, so Annie felt it only made sense for Harper to be there.
Which was exactly why Harper was already spread out on the couch at Peter’s apartment when the trio arrived. Their classes got done well before the high school’s classes did, and Harper always made sure to rub it in.
“How’d you get in here?” Peter asked.
Harper stayed on the couch, “Oh, your aunt let me in. She’s a freaking gem, by the way, and I was helping her do some laundry and then she had to leave to get candy for tonight.”
“You know this isn’t your place, right? It’s really important to me you know that.”
They laughed, “Of course I know that, Pete! But Annie’s apartment is so dull and lifeless right now… okay, that’s a lie, but if I see her dad for more than two seconds, I’m gonna throat punch the guy.”
-It wasn’t something Annie had talked about to anyone except for Harper, but her parents were talking about separating. Annie didn’t want to start blabbing around and worrying about it until they physically told her it was happening. So far, it was just something she and Harper accidentally overheard her parents talking about while hanging out. They’d gotten just a bit too quiet and then way too curious.
Obviously, Annie had seen something like that coming from a mile away. Even after all the stuff her parents did to fix things, it clearly wasn’t working. Annie wasn’t going to be the one to say anything, but she wasn’t about to stop it either. At least, as long as it meant she would get to spend the overwhelming majority of the time with her mom.
However, as far as her parents knew, she didn’t know anything. Though, she’d have to be blind to not notice the light tension in the house.
“Okay, a bit violent, but fair enough,” Peter conceded.
Annie looked around the living room, thinking of something else to talk about, “So did we all bring costumes?”
Harper grinned, “Obviously! I’m gonna be a piece of candy corn! And I got your Christine costume done, you’re gonna love it!”
“Is it in the bag on the coat rack?” Annie asked, her eyes catching a long, black bag.
They nodded, “Figured that would work as a good birthday present. Congrats on being alive for a solid seventeen years… give or take since you were a lab project.”
“Oh, shut up,” Annie retorted, rushing over to tear off the plastic bag to reveal the blue, purple, and silver star princess dress.
Harper smirked, “I dare you two to top that.”
“This is so freaking awesome! I can’t believe you got all the detail done on this so well. How long did it take you?!” she exclaimed.
They shrugged, “I kinda started getting the base of it all when we were all together over the summer. It was my side project. Ned helped a little bit too, so I’m giving him massive props for not squealing.”
“Hey, I can keep a secret pretty well!” Ned insisted.
Peter nodded, “Yeah, he’s kept my Spider-Man thing pretty well… okay there was one time, but other than that he’s been great.”
“I’ve never almost gotten Annie found out. She just screws herself over.”
Annie rolled her eyes, “You forgot the one time that you were chewing me out for committing arson a bit too loudly.”
“Okay, you should’ve been caught for that, though.”
“Maybe, yeah, but that doesn’t mean that everyone needed to know that I was some weird chick with powers,” Annie pointed out, “But enough of that, I’m gonna run and change into this thing!”
Harper laughed, following her into Peter’s room, “You’re gonna need some help with the back, hun.”
A few minutes later, Annie was in the Christine Daae costume and Harper was in their candy corn costume. Somehow, the glittery jumpsuit didn’t look tacky. Probably because of how the orange in the costume matched Harper’s hair color almost perfectly.
Peter looked over at Annie wide-eyed before rushing and spinning her around, “You look amazing!”
“Thanks,” she said, laughing a bit as he set her down.
The guys went to go change into their costumes as Annie and Harper focused on their hair and makeup. Harper was really driving home the candy corn look with a headband with a candy corn colored bow on it. They were also basically painting their face with orange, yellow, and white glitter.
Whereas Annie was more focused on looking exactly like Christine and getting the tie back just right with the crown and the cute little wand accessory she had.
“You know, if I’m careful enough, I can make it look like my powers are coming through the wand,” Annie said, shutting off the lights with her power.
Harper grinned, “That’s wicked cool, I feel like you should totally do that at least once!”
The guys came back out with Ned dressed up as Harry Potter and Peter as Luke Skywalker. All in all, Annie was definitely going to claim that it was a successful Halloween as the four of them left the apartment to go and get some trick-or-treating done.
There weren’t any good college parties that Harper got invited to and they definitely weren’t about to go to Flash’s Halloween party either. Maybe it was childish to run around asking for candy, but they put in too much effort to really care about being too young. And if things really didn’t work out, Peter would probably just call Tony and they could get all the king-sized bars in the world.
Tag List (ask if you wanna be added to the sequel too!!!): @flushings-here​ / @moonstruckholland / @gaypanda / @twilightparker / @parkerpuff / @lcy-thot / @buzzinglee / @dolphinsarecuteandstuff / @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy / @ironmaxn / @ijustdontknowsometimes
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Ok so I have a really important headcanon that there’s an intern or two that figures out Kara is Supergirl, purely because they have major puppy dog crushes on her and she’s also sorta one of their gay awakenings ok so
It’s a guy and a girl who’s in the midst of a gay realization. Well, bi. She’s bi. she hasn’t quite figured this out cause the guy and the girl are dating. They’re the investigative journalism interns and their names are Conner and Mia, they’re about to be seniors in high school, and they’re sharp and full of ambition and precious.
Conner has this hero worship thing with James a lil bit and Mia does with Kara but Conner doesn’t get these big butterflies when James talks with him the way Mia does with Kara (still hasn’t clued in), but Conner agrees Kara is very very cool and attractive (“she’s just so pretty, Conner, I want to be just like her!”)
So Kara takes them both under her wing a little bit and they learn about investigating things—digging deeper, seeing more, getting the full story. And they decide that in that vein, they want to do an investigative piece on Kara
(Cue Alex in the back, facepalming as she yells NO and Kara laughs nervously and says sure I guess)
I mean, it’s a fluff piece. Designed to just say thanks. 1500 words, tops. Okay, maybe 3000. Or 5000. She’s really cool, okay!
And Conner and Mia are both good writers. They piece this thing together over several weeks of carefully observing her and listening to her little stories and tips.
And then, one night they’re writing, and they start to notice something. Despite Kara having interviewed Supergirl several times, they’ve never seen them in the same room. They’ve met Supergirl, who’s super cool, and she said she heard about them from Kara, who thinks they’re great. But Kara wasn’t there to introduce them. Huh.
It’s more little things. They brush off thing after thing, but somewhere in between the same little scar and the same earrings and the same hair color (seriously, Conner, it’s so beautiful I don’t know how she gets it to look like that) and the same way she crosses her arms, Mia and Conner are really wondering some things.
Then Conner hears about this thing called veinology or something. It’s this new police method of tracking people down based on the veins in their hands (and they did it on Hawaii five o once, Mia it’s gotta be legit). They can do it with just a picture.
Mia (naturally) has a couple (okay, avou about 20 at least) pictures on her phone/scrounges some up from the internet of Kara’s hands. They find plenty of Supergirl’s hands (and some very explicitly commentary about her hands that have Mia blushing—“Jesus Christ, of course she has nice hands, I mean duh, her fingers are really long and strong and her nails are always nice and she could totally be a hand model but people, seriously”).
And. They’re a match. It’s a little hard to tell because of the thumb covers. But. It’s definitely the same set of hands.
Conner and Mia stare at each other in numb shock, piecing together every little thing. Her occasional sudden absences. Her huge appetite. The way she picked Mia up off the ground without any apparent effort when she wrapped her up in a hug last week because Mia had a bad day (Mia remembers it getting better after that). A thousand tiny things, clicking together like the world’s longest zipper, leaving a seamless pattern in its wake.
Conner looks at Mia. “Do we... do we finish it? The editorial?”
Mia chews on her lip for several long seconds. “Yeah,” she says it. “I need to see what we write. But no one can know we know. We can’t do that to her. So, we can’t talk about the editorial, we can’t publish it, we can’t even tell our moms. None of it. We write this for ourselves.” And Conner nods. And they keep writing.
Kara hugs them both goodbye a week later, when their summer internship is up. She’s sad to see them go, but a little confused as to their faces as of the last week—a little more hero worship than usual. Conner hugs a little tighter than most humans, or himself in the past. He squeezes really tight, but she obviously barely feels it and just smiles at him like everything’s normal. Mia has a nervous energy all day and when Kara makes sure to take a moment and look into her eyes and ask if everything is okay, she looks a little like she’ll faint but accepts a hug gratefully.
They leave after the morning, and when Kara comes back after chasing down a lead that afternoon, it’s to an editorial on her desk, folded up in an envelope with her name in Mia’s loopy scrawl. Thinking it’s a thank you note, she opens it unsuspecting.
Kara can’t breathe, but forces herself to look at the page. It’s four full pages, styled like a CatCo editorial. Well, a long one. But one beautifully designed and stylized and spaced and, most of all, masterfully written.
It takes two pages to describe every wonderful thing about Kara as a mentor. What the mentor ship meant to them, told in little snippets of their adventures under her wing. Then it delves into the story of their investigation. How they figured it out. The little pieces.
It ends with a couple poignant paragraphs, parts of which stood out to her:
Kara Danvers may don a cape in her nonexistent free time, but she doesn’t need superpowers to save people, give hope, and bring a smile to your face.
Though her secret may be impeccably hidden to the public, anyone who truly takes the time to see this extraordinary woman with an objective eye will note that something about her shines.
We don’t ask her to give up her secret identity. Merely that she trust us enough to know we trust her and would never betray her.
Lena’s working a late night and finds Kara reading this with tears dripping down her face and asks what’s wrong. Kara plays it off as a really touching thank you note and Lena just smiles. Of course it is. You deserve it.
Kara makes a copy and hands it to James the next morning. “Someday,” she says haltingly, “someday the world will know who I am in my entirety. Someday very, very far away. Farther away than my retirement. But when they do, I’d like you to publish this, if you’re still stuck behind this desk.”
James smiles and tucks it away.
Kara sends another copy to Cat in a few years, who refuses to admit she cries. Alex sobs ugly, ugly tears.
And Kara? Well, she reads it when she’s feeling down on Kara Danvers. But more importantly, she takes a long lunch break that day and finds a couple high school seniors on their first day and takes them out to lunch. (Mia’s heartbeat spikes to a dangerously high hammer upon the sight of a certain CatCo journalist standing calmly outside her fourth period, smiling at her but heaven knows why)
“So,” she says smiling. “I found the most wonderful editorial on my desk the other day. And I loved it so much.” (Mia steadily ignores and simultaneously treasures the swoop in her stomach at Kara’s twinkling eyes in the chipotle fluorescent lightning) “and I’d love to return the favor someday. Any recommendation letter you ever need, you just let me know. But for now, I’ll just say thank you.”
(And when Kara swoops them both up in the biggest hug, Conner’s grinning like a maniac and Mia can barely eat her [free, on Kara] lunch because her stomach is just about on fire with butterflies.)
(Maybe she’s a little bit gay, she admits to herself.)
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