#i had to ask my brother ''hey will you buy this and ship it to your house for me pls. i'll pay you back. please.'' so my parents
yrieso · 1 year
omg it's april which means only one month until my copy of the girls like girls book ships out......
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loganwritesprobably · 3 months
First Meetings with.. (One Piece Edition)
Part two with Zoro, Robin and Luffy Part three with Crocodile, Mihawk and Buggy Part four with Benn, Shanks and Smoker
A tumblr exclusive collection of little reader insert drabbles - these won't be going on my AO3, these are just for the feral people of this wonderful hellscape
Requests are open for x reader things! I will write basically ANY kind of reader - male, female, non-binary, gender neutral, trans, disabled, black, white, latino, asian, neurodivergent, etc
I'll probably do more over time but here's three to start with - Ace, Law and Sanji. Readers are all gender neutral, but for Sanji reader is fem presenting (so he would be nice)
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"Well hey there gorgeous." A voice said behind you, startling you to the point of hitting your hand against the counter in front of you. You were just minding your business, attempting to buy some food for the week, when some random guy had appeared behind you. You had half a mind to turn around and give him a piece of your mind, when the shopkeeper's eyes widened, and whispered his name. Fire Fist Ace. The pirate. "Who do you think you are?" You asked, turning to face him with a scowl. You wouldn't attack him outright, but you were not happy with the look on his face (now that you could see it) and wouldn't let it go. "Your future boyfriend, hopefully." Ace replied, and you scoffed. You turned back to the shopkeeper and bought your groceries, before making to leave the store. Ace followed behind you closely, making no secret of the fact that he was there.
"Are you lost?" You snarked, rolling your eyes at Ace. He was persistent, you'd give him that. "Oh no, just hoping you'll look at me like that again. You're perfect." "You're disgusting." You grumbled, although you'd certainly never been called perfect before, and in another circumstance you wouldn't be mad about it. "Hey, now that's harsh." Ace replied, but he was laughing as he said it, clearly unphased by your displeasure being directed at him. You took off walking again, not walking toward your place since you didn't exactly want to lead him straight to it.
Ace, to his credit, continued to follow you and eventually began to just talk. He seemed to be able to talk forever, uncaring whether or not you were listening - though you were. He was a pirate, pretty high bounty, almost a warlord, he had a little brother who he was stupid proud of, and an even bigger family waiting for him back on his main ship. "While this is all very nice, are you going to leave me be any time soon?" You asked eventually, back on the main street of the town once again. "Are you going to tell me your name?" That was all? You told him your name, utterly exasperate it. "Well, gorgeous, you'll be seeing more of me soon." With that, he took off in the opposite direction of your home, with a swagger in his step, happy he'd gotten what he wanted. You kind of hoped that you would be seeing him again soon - you liked him, reluctantly.
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You weren't even hurt that badly. The guys were gone, and you were managing to stumble home just fine. You had a first aid kit in the kitchen that would be able to patch you up, and then you could go to the doctor when you had the time and had gotten some sleep. It was too late to go see her now.
As you stumbled down the dark street, clutching walls for stability, a man began to approach you. "Fuck off! Not in the mood." You snarled, clutching the broken shard of glass you'd gotten in the fight, a strip of your shirt wrapped around it to protect your hand. "You're injured." The guy stated flatly, and then you'd hit a stalemate. "Duh?" You said, still brandishing the shard in your hand. "I can fix it. I'm a doctor. Don't have to drop the glass, but I'd prefer if you didn't stab me." The supposed doctor drawled. He seemed.. familiar. Something about him just sparked recognition in the back of your mind, and that put you a little on edge. "You're familiar - why?" You questioned, shuffling backward to get a little further away from him while you waited on his answer. "I'm Trafalgar Law. My bounty poster is on the wall you're clutching." The pirate doctor pointed out, nodding toward it. Well, that made sense. Surgeon of death you'd heard him called - so at least that meant he was a doctor right? "Alright. But one wrong move and you'll be needing your own medical care." You threatened, and Law just half nodded. He knelt down in front of you to look at your wound, then pulled some bandages from a pocket in his coat. He wrapped your leg, doing so in complete silence and without hesitation. When he was done, he stood again and grunted as he nodded.
"Should be fine now. It'll hurt to walk still, but less risk of infection." He summarised, stepping around you to continue in the direction he'd been going. "Wait! Why did you do that?" You asked, spinning quickly on your good leg. "You're cute." He said simply, a small smirk on his face. He lifted his hand, said a word you didn't hear, and then in a flash of blue light he was gone.
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You'd bumped into him entirely by chance, and gotten talking. He was a nice guy, he was sweet if a little much when it came to women he saw. You didn't mind - you could see that his intentions were good, for the most part. He offered to pay for a drink for you, since you'd narrowly avoided colliding with him outside of a bar, and you'd accepted. He let you order what you wanted, and he paid, not even blinking. It was second nature to him. He was kind, and offered endless compliments that you withstood with a smile on your face - you weren't quite used to such a bombardment of affection.
He disappeared after an hour or so, but returned the next day. You'd tried to ask where he went, but he danced around the question and asked you on an official date. You'd had a nice enough time the day before, and so you agreed.
He took you to a restaurant, it was classier than you usually allowed yourself to go to with a modest amount of money, but it didn't seem to be any object for him. He told you that he wouldn't compromise on good food, and allowed you to order anything you'd like, with no concerns about how many beri it would set him back. It felt nice not to worry about it for once. You ordered starters, then mains, with drinks flowing easily between you, and then a dessert to share to end the experience. You'd been there for hours, but with the money that you'd spent, no waiter could argue.
The conversation between you was easy and light, he was enraptured by your every word, he couldn't help it. He looked at you as if you'd hung the very stars in the sky. "All I've done is talk. I know almost nothing about you." You said to him, and Sanji laughed awkwardly. "I suppose so. But I'm afraid there's not much to tell." He said, and just as you'd been about to argue, a woman with orange hair came bursting into the restaurant calling his name. You looked at him with wide eyes and stood quickly. "No! She's not-" Sanji said hurriedly. "How much of my money was spent on this date?" Nami demanded, fire in her eyes. "I'm so sorry! I didn't realise you were-" You attempted to say to the woman, hoping she wouldn't direct her frightening anger at you. "Oh you're gorgeous. Well played cook, didn't think you had it in you." She praised, and then bewildered confusion fell over you. "Oh Nami, your praise is a balm on my heart." You rolled your eyes and folded your arms, raising an expectant eyebrow as you stared at Sanji, waiting for an explanation. "I'm a pirate. She's our navigator, and.. treasurer I suppose." He explained, and you sighed. "So you're not staying." "I can't." Sanji agreed, with a sad smile and nod. "But we're not leaving for another few days. So have fun while you can." Nami said, giving you a wink and Sanji a firm punch before turning to leave the restaurant.
Fun. You could do that.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 9 months
I Wish All Readers a Very Hunter Life Day
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A/N: This is a gift for @captainpains for the @cloneficgiftexchange Life Day Exchange. Prompt (will be in BOLD RED): "I know I love you and all, but you are really making this really hard for me!"
Pairing: Hunter x Reader (Fem; has hair)
Rating: M (minors DNI)
Wordcount: 2K
Warnings and tags: a minor guilt trip; light Life Day angst with a happy ending; Hunter is in his fratboy era; SMUT; hair pulling; oral sex; rough sex; biting; marking; dirty talk; praise kink; glove kink; armor kink; protected PIV (Reader is on space birth control/STI protection); strong language; fluff
Summary: Hunter may be a bit of a Life Day Grinch, but that doesn’t stop him from distracting you when the war threatens to keep you from spending Life Day with your family.
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Hunter didn’t mean to eavesdrop. If anything, you dropped the eave on him. He stalked toward the Marauder, supplies in tow after a successful run to the open-air market on this Maker-forsaken backwater of a planet. As he approached the ship, his enhanced senses meant he couldn’t help overhearing your low, strained voice—or the fact that you were definitely crying.
“I wish I could be there, but there’s just no way,” you said.
“I just don’t want you to miss your nephew’s first Life Day, sweetie.” 
The woman’s voice was unfamiliar, and Hunter slowed down, analyzing the situation.
“I know, Mom…” you sniffled a little bit. “I love you, but you are making this really hard for me. It’s not like I asked to be deployed to an active war zone.”
Hunter stopped in his tracks, frowning. He knew Life Day was coming up, but to be honest, he hadn’t thought much about it. It had always seemed more like a holiday for nat-borns, though he knew some of the regs had started to join in the celebrations since the war had broken out and they’d begun to interact with beings from other cultures.
It all seemed a bit excessive, if he was honest. A whole festival, just to celebrate family? He spent all his time with his brothers. He didn’t need to binge-watch Holomark Life Day flicks and decorate a kriffin’ tree, too—no matter how many times Wrecker asked. 
But still. You were a nat-born, and for the first time, it occurred to him just how much of a strain it must be on you to be plunged into the chaos and peril of the battlefield without even having the comfort of your family close by. You’d never mentioned it, and he had never wondered why until now.
He walked up the ramp of the Marauder, stomping a little harder than necessary to give you ample warning that he was back, and he heard you hurriedly end the comm just before he entered the ship.
“Hey,” you said with a forced smile. “Supply run go okay?”
“Mm-hmm,” he grunted, dropping the crate and kicking off the lid.
“Where’s the rest of the squad?”
“Still out,” he replied, moving closer to you and raising his hand to your chin, tilting your face so he could inspect it. “You’ve been cryin’.”
Your eyes widened, and you pulled away. “No, I haven’t.”
He let you go, ignoring your blatant lie. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Nothing to talk about,” you replied, dumping out the crate and beginning to stash the supplies in a cabinet.
He watched you silently for a moment, then crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall, his gaze fixed on your face. “Wanna forget about it?”
You huffed an impatient laugh through your nose as you continued your work. “Why? Did you buy some kyrf while you were at the market?”
Hunter grimaced at your jab, remembering the particularly horrific after-effects of too many shots of kyrf liquor the last time the squad went to 79’s on shore leave. “That’s not exactly what I had in mind.”
“What, then?” You tossed the last of the supplies into the cabinet, then slammed the door and turned to him.
His dark eyes dropped to your lips. “I could distract you.”
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You stared back at him in silence for a long beat. You couldn’t possibly have heard him right.
“What?” you asked blankly. 
He smirked—damn his stupid, handsome face—and leaned closer to you. You resisted the urge to swallow when he did, knowing he’d hear you. Instead, you put on your grumpiest expression and deflected like a champ.
“I’m not playing sabacc with you again,” you said with a scowl. “You cheat.”
“I just notice your tells. That's not cheating.”
“It is when you have enhanced senses,” you retorted.
“Not like I can turn ‘em off,” he pointed out. “For example, right now, you have a tell.”
You raised your eyebrows but didn’t respond. He reached out and trailed his fingertips up the inside of your wrist, leaning close enough to whisper in your ear.
“Your heart is racing, little one.”
You yanked your wrist away from him. “That’s not funny.”
“I’m not joking.” His gaze filled with an intense heat as he stared into your eyes. His face was close enough that you could feel the warmth radiating from his skin. “The others won’t be back for hours. It’s your call. Tell me to piss off, and I’ll go for a run and never touch you again. Or…”
Your heart hammered in your chest, and you just knew the cocky son of a tube could hear it. Your voice sounded embarrassingly breathless as you echoed, “Or…”
“... or, you could let me take your mind off things.”
You forced yourself to breathe at a normal pace—maybe even too normal; who karking knew? Hunter, that’s who, you thought bitterly. He probably has the whole damned squad’s breathing patterns memorized. You considered his offer, not that it was easy to make a rational decision when he was standing so close to you, smelling goddamned delicious and looking even better. 
Gods, his mouth is just. Right. There.
When you didn’t reply after a few moments, he asked, “I think we’ve been dancing around this long enough, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” you whispered. “I guess we have.”
Duraplast armor made a surprisingly good handle as you grabbed him and pulled him against yourself. Your lips crashed together. His hands cupped your face and his fingers tangled in your hair as teeth and tongues clashed, your bodies coming together in a desperate, frantic embrace. Your hands scrambled and roamed over his armor as you searched for access that you simply couldn’t find.
You growled with frustration, and Hunter laughed quietly as he kissed his way across your jaw and down your throat. “Why the hurry, pretty girl? We’ve got time.”
“You wouldn’t be saying that if you hadn’t gotten laid in as many months as me,” you muttered, fumbling at his crotchplate. “How the kriff does this thing work?!”
A telltale zipping sound alerted you to the fact that Hunter was having significantly more success in getting you out of your flightsuit. He tugged it down your shoulders and let it drop down your body, following its progress with his mouth. He reached your compression bra and yanked it off over your head. You had no idea where it landed as he flung it across the ship, but you hoped it wouldn’t be too hard to locate it later.
That’d be fun to explain to Crosshair, you thought with a slightly horrified shudder.
Any concerns you had about your missing undergarment fled your mind about half a second later. Hunter’s lips closed around your nipple, swirling his tongue as he squeezed and teased your other breast, the rough fabric of his glove providing a shockingly pleasurable abrasion. Your head fell backward to rest against the durasteel wall, a hoarse moan tearing from your throat.
Hunter responded immediately, scraping his teeth across your skin, then smoothing his warm tongue over the bite mark. You shivered at the sensation, and he dropped abruptly to his knees, gripping your ass in both hands as he pulled you hard against his face. His tongue slid into you as his lips pressed over your cunt.
“Oh, fuck,” he murmured. “You’re delicious. And wet, holy kriff. So, so wet—”
Your legs nearly gave out, and you clutched his head for balance.
“Goddamn,” he hissed as your fingers tangled in his hair. “Pull it harder.”
You complied, tugging his hair firmly, and his eyes drifted blissfully closed as he leaned close and breathed in your scent. He flicked his tongue over your clit and back into you again and again, alternating between kissing and licking and sucking on your sensitive skin until your legs trembled. Distantly, you heard a clatter of plastoid on durasteel, and then he stood, spinning you around and pushing you forward to lean against the wall of the ship as he gripped your hips and pressed his knee between your thighs, urging them apart.
“Implant?” he asked hoarsely.
“Y—yes,” you confirmed, forcing your brain to focus on the question.
You felt his cock nudge between your thighs, and then he thrust into you, barely giving you time to adjust. His cuisses were cold as they pressed against your thighs, hard against your soft skin, and his hand snaked around your body to cup your breast as he pulled you upright and backward onto his chest. He held you upright as he thrust into you, and with his other hand, he slid his fingers over your cunt, massaging your clit and pressing against your mound firmly. He was still wearing his gloves, and the fabric felt unbelievable on your skin.
“You like it rough, don’t you, pretty girl?” he growled in your ear. “You like it when I use that perfect little pussy, don’t you, sweet thing?”
“Yes,” you gasped, your breath punching out of your lungs as he thrust particularly hard into you. “Fuck, yes—”
He sank his teeth into your shoulder abruptly, and your words cut off in a scream. He began to work his fingertips in tight, rapid circles over your clit as he kissed over your sore, abused skin. That’s definitely leaving a mark, you thought distantly, as a rush of fresh arousal flooded you.
“That’s right,” he murmured smoothly. “Just like that, good girl. Sweet little doll, taking my cock so well. Gonna come for me?”
“Uh-huh,” you groaned, feeling all the muscles in your center begin to tense.
“Use your words, little one,” he whispered, his breath teasing your neck and ear as his teeth closed softly on your earlobe.
“I am—I’m—FUCK!” You cried out loudly as your orgasm tore through you, pleasure exploding from the base of your spine and bursting through your body.
“That’s it, love,” he said, speeding up his pace. “Feels so good—so fuckin’ perfect, such a good girl—where do you want it, darlin’?”
“Inside,” you gasped.
“You sure?” he asked, his hips stuttering slightly as his hand suddenly clenched harder around your breast.
“Yeah,” you whispered. “Fill me up.”
“Fu—ah, kriff!” he grunted, thrusting hard, and you felt heat flood your cunt as he spilled into you. 
He pressed his hot, open mouth against your neck, sucking hard on your skin as he groaned loudly, clutching you hard against his rigid armor in an almost painfully tight embrace. Slowly, he loosened his grip, reaching out to lean his forearm against the wall in front of you for support.
“You all right?” he panted, kissing your head gently.
“Yeah,” you replied. 
“Armor didn’t hurt?”
“No, it was actually kind of hot,” you replied. “I can’t lie, I was kind of hoping to see how far down your tattoo goes, though.”
He laughed quietly into your hair. “Who said we’re finished? I told you the squad wouldn’t be back for hours.”
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Two weeks later, the Marauder lurched and dropped out of hyperspace. You glanced up from your datapad, curious.
“Are we back to Coruscant already? I thought we wouldn’t arrive until tomorrow.”
“We require an emergency stop for repairs,” Tech replied.
You looked out the viewport and gasped as you recognized a familiar sight. “Tech, this is my home planet!”
“That so?” A quiet, smoky voice sounded from close behind you. You turned to see Hunter leaning against the cockpit doorway, an inscrutable expression on his face.
“Unfortunately, it appears that every part supply shop in the system is closed to observe the final rotation of the Life Day celebration,” Tech said. 
“Shame,” Hunter remarked. “Guess we’ll have to stick around at least until tomorrow.”
You stared at Hunter, and then at Tech, and finally out the viewport at the swirling atmosphere of your homeworld.
“Don’t suppose you know anywhere worth visiting in this system,” Wrecker said with a twinkle in his good eye as he joined you in the cockpit.
Your eyes stung with unexpected tears that you ruthlessly blinked back as you turned to look at your squad, who watched you with varying degrees of interest. Your heart squeezed.
“Yeah,” you replied at last. “How would you boys like to meet my other family?”
Want more Hunter x Reader? Check out this fluffy, slightly sexy first kiss ficlet.
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mymelodymia · 11 months
Hey hun ty for writing my request with the bullying one I love it bby I got another one for you I promise this one's better and pure fluff 💗 so basically our Mikey man works to mf hard he has a younger sister(sorry I like the sister and big brother relationships there cute asf) like 7-8 surprises mike from work she makes him dinner, makes him a cute little bath, to the best ability an 7-8 your old can do lmaoo and idk maybe saves up some of her allowance and gets Mike something super nice and he's not sure how and is probably like "Baby where did you get this??" I don't fucking know but super fluffy and adorable. Ily hun ty! ✌🏽💜
aww, thank you sm for saying that and requesting again!
Best baby sister // Mike Schmidt x young!sister!reader
**not a ship**
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Summary: just fluffy big brother Mike 🥰
Warnings: none :']
Age: 7-8
A/N: "mikey man" very funny 🤭
You sat up in your small bed, you hopped up to say good morning to Mike. He was the only person in the world that mattered to you.
You walked into the kitchen and was greeted with the smell of bacon, you wrapped your small arms around him. He looked down at you, having not noticed you were there before.
He patted you on the back and returned to cooking. "Hi mike" you giggled, "morning y/n/n. How'd you sleep?" He asked you.
"Good" you answered, "good." He responded
"Thats what I just said" he chuckled at your comment, you were very sassy, of course.
"But i gotta go to work soon, okay?" He said strictly, pointing the spatula at you.
"Uuoohh, but why?" You complained "because, we need money right?" You groaned in response, you ate your breakfast with max instead. (Rude)
there was one hour until Mike got home, you were playing with your dolls when you got the idea.
he works too hard, so you thought to treat him with a little something, you made him a very nutritious meal (microwaved mac n' cheese) and drew him a warm bath, overflowing with bubbles.
You also made a small fort in the living room, facing the tv. When you heard Mike's car pull in the driveway you ran out to him. You opened his door for him, and led him inside by your side.
You ran into the kitchen, passing the living room, Mike saw your fort and pointed at it. "Whats that?" He asked, but was quickly pulled away by you.
"Youre not allowed to see that yet." You said as you dragged him into the kitchen and sat him down. He chuckled as you sat across from him, a fork and knife in both hands, smiling from ear to ear.
You both ate your meals and you led him to the bathroom. He looked down at you, and kneeled down to hug you.
You shut the door and waited in the living room. He eventually emerged from the hall in a comfy sweater and soft pants.
He climed into the fort after you signaled for him too come in. He lied down on his stomach beside you, you both continued to watch cartoons for a while.
You rested your head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arms around you tight.
He pecked you a few times before taking one of the many blankets in the fort and putting it over both of you.
You snuggled into his chest, his warmth comforting you as you listened to his heartbeat, you fell asleep soon after.
The next morning after he left, you went out with max to surprise him, you had been saving up for months to buy him this. You handed the cashier tons of quarters to pay.
You folded it neatly and set it in a small gift bag. When he got home you gave it to him immediately, shoving it in his face.
He took it out carefully as max left to go home. He gasped as he read it. "Do you like it?" You asked as he kept staring at the hoodie that also had the words 'best big bro' on it.
"Do i like it? Of course i do! I like everything you give me!" He said picking you up. "But, how'd you get it baby?"
"Ive been saving up on my allowance! And searching the streets for some loose change" you said in a raspy voice, making a funny face as well.
He put it on and you both ordered a pizza, and you gave the delivery man the last quarter you had as a tip.
You ate three pieces before you complained about being to full. You fell asleep in Mikes lap while he was playing with your hair. He picked you up and tucked you into bed. Placing a kiss to your forehead.
He went to sleep smiling, still wearing the hoodie, of course he wouldn't tell you that he worked at the shop you bought it from and saw you get it for him but, he was still over the moon nonetheless.
@white-wolf-buckaroo //
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mystar-girl57 · 2 years
Hey gurlll, me again 😂 can I ask for a drabble of lo'ak being an absolute mama's boy, like going to the reader crying cuz he knows she'll save him from Jake's scolding and probably give Jake a piece of her mind on 'not to scold my baby boy' and lo'ak being all smug , smirking at neteyam at how he can get away with everything with just a "mama please 🥺" , i just can't seem to get this out of my head 😂😂😂 i live for clingy lo'ak + some lo'ak and reader bonding and Jake being sulky at how lo'ak teases HIM now 😂😂😂
Oh my ewya this boy.
Okay so before you and Jake even get near to making up, before you leave the camp Lo’ak always thought himself to be closer with you than his dad but he was never really open about it. He just knew that he was happy when you could come to his defense when his dad would yell at him in High Camp
Now fast forward to Awa’altu after the battle against Quaritch and you and Jake are starting to heal Lo’ak defiantly becomes more attached to you (and for this Yes, Neteyam is alive.)
Jake would get onto Lo’ak for something like not doing the chores and you would just happen to be coming around the corner. Cue the fake tears.
Lo’ak’s body collided with yours making you stumble backwards. He hugged you tightly starting to “cry”. Instantly you felt concerned and retuned the hug rubbing his back. “Baby, easy, easy.” You tried to soothe, gently pulling away to cup your son’s face. “What’s the matter?” Your voice was so gentle and kind, unaware of what was going on. “Da- Dad, he,” Lo’ak started to get choked up again and your head turned to Jake quickly, a harsh look on your face.
“We talked about this.” You mouthed. Jake opened his mouth in protest but he was unable to find the words, were you seriously buying his son’s ploy?!
And this was neither the first or last time that Lo’ak would come to you crying about something that Jake did making your husband more offended.
“Jake I have had about enough of your behavior! You are constantly berating Lo’ak even Tuk and Kiri are coming to me about it.”
“ExCuSe Me WhAt?!”
Thats right. His own daughters, his little sweethearts have gotten in on it too. They would come to you at random times to tell you that Lo’ak was crying or that Jake was starting stuff and soon the village could you see you grabbing your husband by the ear and dragging him away, it did not matter if he was talking to Tonowari or not.
After a while Jake does start to get back at the kids, esspecially when Lo’ak sends Jake smug looks as he cuddles with his mama when it’s Jake’s “turn” to. Jake just ends up one night getting in bed and laying on top of you nearly crushing you.
“Ma’Jake I cannot breathe!” You gasped from under him as all his weight was now laying on you. Jake simply hummed in response and without you being able to see he smirked at Lo’ak who was pouting. Was it childish? Yes? Did Jake care? No. You were you probably going to pull his ear and call him a skxawng? Probably.
Now the one sibling who did not aid in Lo’ak’s schemes was big brother Neteyam. After the ship incident and him getting shot he (plus the words of his parents) helped him decide to not follow Lo’ak as much anymore. Neteyam though was now a full man on the clan and he would need Lo’ak to help him out sometimes. Caring for the Skimwings or going on hunts, which Lo’ak did want to do in general but because he was being asked to rather than him deciding, he didn’t want to help.
“Mother please tell Lo’ak that it is his turn to feed the Ilus!” Neteyam huffed watching you feed Lepay. Lo’ak let out a groan and turned to you, “Mama please.” You let out a deep sigh, giving your Ilu another fish and turning to Lo’ak and Neteyam. “Look Neteyam just give your bother a hand. Ewya knows the last thing we need is for them to get out.”
While you had no favorites (Tuk) you did try to help and make compromises where it was needed. You were well aware of what Lo’ak was doing to get your attention away from Jake and you would gladly play along. You honestly enjoyed seeing your husband all sulky and annoyed because he knows he can’t fight a child but you do draw the line at it going against the siblings.
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captain19cb97 · 2 years
A Surprise (M) b.c
Getting the chance to come back to Seoul for a couple months to work with your boyfriend's group, you also have the chance to show up without him knowing you're back, and the reunion is better than you hoped it would be.
Pairing: Idol!Chan x Fem!Reader | Older Sister!Reader x Felix
Word Count: 5.2k
Genre: Smut (18 + MDNI) Fluff, Established Relationship, Established Friendship w/SKZ members
Warnings: This story is 90% smut, if you are not 18 or older, please DO NOT INTERACT with this story. Unprotected sex (reader is on birth control, but regardless, be smart and safe! Use protection) Pet names (Baby, my love, love, babygirl, princess) name calling (Whore but affectionately it is unspoken but it's done consensually) Praise, cursing, light choking, casual mention of food.
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You [9:35 p.m.] Min, Jinnie! I'm ready whenever you two are.
You set your phone on the counter after locking it so you could look around the apartment again for a moment. The company had paid to have some of your things shipped out, mostly clothes and things like that, because you refused to let them buy you new clothes, saying that you'd have nowhere for the new things to go once you flew back home. But you did compromise on letting them pay for everyday things, like kitchen utensils and the like, so you could actually inhabit the apartment for the close to 2 month that you’d be staying in it.
The company had asked you to come work with Chan and the guys, being that you were Felix’s older sister, and since they knew about your relationship with Chan, and how amazing of a photographer you were. You were obviously, more than happy to spend so much time with your brother, your boyfriend and the rest of the members, even if you were going to be working for a lot of the time.
It was still 2 months straight, though, and it was about to be the most amount of time that you and Chan have spent together, in person, since before getting together, since you’re living and working in a different country right now.
You stood in the doorway to the master bedroom, marveling at the sight before you. It was beautifully decorated- simple yet cozy- and there wasn't a single thing you could find to complain about as you continued to look around, even after hearing your phone go off from the kitchen counter.
You made your way back over to grab you phone, seeing that the boys had texted you back.
Minhooo [9:39 p.m.] We're on our way, Noona!
Hyunjinnie [9:40 p.m.] I'm so excited!
Little Bro Sunshine [9:40 p.m.] I can't wait to see you!
Jisungie [9:41 p.m.] Bin-Hyung and I will keep Channie-Hyung busy until you're at the dorm. Can't wait to see you either, though, Noona!
Seungminnie [9:43 p.m.] IN-ah looks like he's going to explode, he's so excited.
Innie [9:44 p.m.] I AM excited!
You [9:45 p.m.] I'm excited too, boys! I've missed you all so much
You decided that now would be a good time to text Chan, telling him you were finally home. Halfway through your flight, you'd messaged him- like you'd planned, telling him you'd had a layover for a couple hours somewhere, but that you were going to use that time to get some food and to walk around to kill time and stretch out your legs.
All in the hopes that he wouldn't question why you'd be texting him so much later then when your flight home would've landed already. You were so excited to surprise him, and you were thankful for the guys, for helping you get everything planned out.
You [9:50 p.m.] Hey baby! Finally made it home, but I'm feeling super jetlagged so I'm going to get some more sleep. I'll text you when I get up though, okay? I love you; I hope your day was good! 💕🥰
And after that, you waited for Minho and Hyunjin to knock on the apartment door and for Chan to text you back, which only took a couple minutes.
Chris💙 [9:54 p.m.] Glad to hear that you're home, my love. Okay, sleep well, I love you more xxxx &lt;3<3 I'm going home in a bit to do the same thing.
You [9:55 p.m.] Dream about me then?
Chris💙 [9:55 p.m.] I already do, love
Chris💙 [9:56 p.m.] Get some rest, babygirl. I'll talk to you later?
You [9:56 p.m.] Cheesy boy! Videocall when I get up? If you're not busy.
Chris💙 [9:57 p.m.] Only for you. And I'll never say no.
You [9:57 p.m.] I know 💕 night, baby
Chris💙 [9:58 p.m.] Good night, love &lt;3
After another few minutes, finally loud knocks sounded at the door, and you could barely contain your excitement as you pulled it open to two smiling faces.
You didn't even say hi, just quickly grabbed them both, pulling them in for a tight little group hug as they both laughed at your reaction, but hugged you back just a tightly.
"I've missed you both." You sighed happily, letting them go after a moment.
"We've miss you, too, Noona." Minho smiled at you as Hyunjin nodded.
"Lots," Hyunjin added, hugging you again. "How was the flight?"
You let out a soft sigh, "Not too bad, I slept most of the time knowing that I'd need the rest for the time difference. Honestly, I'm just tired from all the photoshoots I’ve done this last week and a half."
"Looking forward to a few days with nothing to do?" Minho asked with a smile.
You grinned, "Absolutely. After that, it's going to be a busy and long few weeks. But I can't complain when I get to see you guys so much again finally."
The boys smiled, "Well," Minho started, "You could complain, but we all know that we're going to make sure you have no reason to."
"Or have plenty of reasons to." Hyunjin laughed.
You shook your head, rolling your eyes at both of them, "You two are ridiculous."
"And you missed us." Hyunjin pointed out, a wide smile on his face. "But that's a topic for another time, because Changbin-Hyung texted me and they're leaving the studio soon so we need to go."
"Let me grab my things then," You said, spinning around towards the counter only a few steps away from you, glancing back at Minho, "Did Jisung order dinner like we planned?"
He nodded, watching you quickly pull a familiar looking hoodie over your head, "Yeah, it'll get there about the same time as us, if we leave now."
You scoffed playfully, pulling on both shoes, "Alright, alright, come on then." You smiled, making sure you had the key to the apartment in case you couldn't remember the code, before shoving your phone into the pocket of the Chan's hoodie and following them back out the door and down the hall, making sure the apartment door was shut and locked behind you.
The whole drive was spent just talking to them about everything that had been going on since you'd all been together back on their last tour, Chan had finally gotten the chance to spend some time back home with his family after a few years and you'd been so excited for him.
When Felix told you that he was going too, you were even happier, knowing your little brother was getting the chance to go home to be with the rest of your family for a little while, even though you were a little upset that you couldn’t also be there.
The boys told you about the few concerts they'd had since coming back to Seoul, some things that had happened in the studio when they were practicing and just everyday life for all of them- little things that Chan or Felix didn't always have time to tell you when you would talk to either of them.
The closer you got to the dorm, the more excited, and nervous, you became, and they both noticed- even in the dark of the car. Minho glanced at you after he finally parked at the dorm, offering you a small smile, "It's going to be great, Noona. Don't worry too much, okay?"
Hyunjin put his hand on your shoulder before you guys got out, "Yeah, Channie-Hyung isn't going to know what to do when he sees you."
"All I know is that I'm definitely going to cry." You mumbled, climbing out of the car, "How much time do we have?"
Hyunjin unlocked his phone, "Hannie said they just left the company, so we have like 15 minutes or so."
You nodded, following behind them into the building, "I'm so excited to see the rest of the boys."
"Yongbok-ah's been freaking out most of the day, he barely slept last night." Minho mentioned as you guys stepped off the elevator finally.
You cooed softly, "Yeah, he'd been texting me nonstop until my flight boarded about how excited he was. I missed my little brother." You smiled as they stopped in front of the dorm and Hyunjin put the code in before turning the handle. He smiled down at you before he slowly pushed the door open for you, motioning for you to go first.
There was a loud gasp as you stepped through the doorway, "She's here!" You heard Innie yell before three sets of arms engulfed you into a tight hug.
You giggled, squirming a little to get your arms free to hug them back, "Hi, boys!"
Felix laughed, "I can't believe you're actually here!" he exclaimed.
"I missed you, Noona." Innie grinned.
Seungmin smiled widely, "Took you long enough." He joked softly.
You managed to get your arms free, and touching each of them as you smiled happily, "I missed you guys, too." You told them before you all pulled apart from one another before you grabbed Felix for a long hug. “I missed you.” You whispered, feeling your eyes sting slightly as you hugged him.
It had been a long time since you guys had been together and since you and Felix have always been so close, it’s been hard being apart this long.
He immediately relaxed against you, hugging you just as tightly, as he sighed softly, “I missed you, too, Noona. I’m so happy you’re back.”
10 minutes or so later, you were firmly planted on the center cushion of the couch, facing the front door and watching Hyunjin accept the takeout boxes from the delivery guy with a smile and a soft 'thank you' bow before closing the door and facing the rest of you with a smile.
"Food's here, now we just need the star of the show." He joked, taking the bags into the kitchen.
"Han just texted me," Minho looked up at you, "Changbin-ah just parked, so they'll be up in a minute."
You let out an excited but shaky breath, "Oh, man, I'm weirdly nervous." you admitted softly.
Felix dropped his head to your shoulder and let out a soft chuckle, "That's okay, Noona! This is how Channie-Hyung was in LA before you got there."
You grinned at him, tightening your hand around his for a quick second, "Really?"
Seungmin nodded, "Oh yeah. He couldn't sit still, from the second we got back to the hotel until he ran out of the room to meet you at the elevator."
You grinned at the memory of that night, at how excited you had been to see Chan standing outside those doors when they opened. You hoped that's how he'd feel now.
Minho looked at the boys, "Okay, they left Channie-Hyung in the lobby, so they're coming in in a second and then he'll be up after that, so we should go hide in the kitchen." He looked at you as they all started getting up and walking away from the living room, "Ready?"
You took a deep breath and nodded, "Ready."
He smiled just as the door burst open with two panting boys who quickly looked around the room for you before they ran at you for a quick hug.
"He's almost up here, we waited by the elevator until he got on." Changbin said quickly, letting you out of the hug.
"He must have found it weird that you two just left him like that." You chuckled softly, watching them head for the kitchen too.
Han shook his head, "We were messing around before that to make it look more real. Changbin-Hyung 'chased' after me for smacking his hat off outside the car." He explained.
You just let out a quiet laugh, "You guys really went all out for this, huh?" You asked softly.
They both smiled at you as you stood from the couch to stand a little ways away from the door for when Chan opened it. "For you guys? Yeah! And we'd do it again." Han grinned.
Minho grabbed his arm, "Sentimentality later, he should be at the door in a minute." he whispered, tugging Han into the kitchen with him.
You just shook your head and spun around, keeping your eyes on the door until you heard the handle starting to turn and your heart began beating so fast, you were worried it would beat out of your chest as the door was slowly pushed open.
"You know," Chan's voice started before he had even put a foot through the doorway, "You two are lucky that there wasn't anyone in the lobby, to see you guys being-" He stopped talking, his eyes landing on your pair of shoes by the door as he stepped inside, before his eyes slowly landed on your figure in the middle of the living room, the rest of his sentence slowly falling from his lips. "Like that.."
It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop as you smiled at him. "Surprise." you whispered finally.
Already, you could feel your eyes stinging with tears as his mouth dropped open slightly as you stared at each other for a solid 10 seconds before he launched himself at you. Dropping everything he had been holding in his hands to the floor before his arms wrapped around your body, tightly, pulling you into his chest until your feet were off the ground.
He buried his face in your neck, breathing deeply as he somehow pulled you closer to him- not fully believing that you were there, that you were in his arms again as he heard you let out a soft cry into his shoulder where you had buried your face, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, and your legs around his waist.
"You're here. You're really here." He breathed out, a few tears dropping from his face onto the fabric of the hoodie adorning your body. "I can't believe you're actually here." he whispered, cupping your tear-streaked cheek as you nodded slowly.
It was so nice to be home.
"I'm really here." You whispered back before he quickly blanketed your lips with his before you both pulled away again, hugging each other tightly as you finally put your feet back on the floor.
He took your face in both of his hands, his vision slightly blurred from happy tears as he smiled down at you, "You lied to me." You let out a tearful laugh and nodded, he sighed, leaning down to kiss you again, his lips brushing yours lightly, "I missed you so fucking much."
You eagerly kissed him back again, fisting the fabric of his jacket at his waist, "I missed you, too." you mumbled, pressing your forehead to his once you'd both pulled away.
As soon as the boys realized you guys were done kissing- Han had peeked his head out the kitchen doorway to double check- they all quickly emerged into the living room again, cheering loudly like the dorks they are, for you both.
Chan looked at them, a mix of bewilderment and pure surprise on his face as the realization hit him, why they'd all been the way they had been since the day before, "You guys knew?"
"We helped plan this." Seungmin answered him, a proud smile on his lips.
Chan glared playfully at Felix, “You! You knew too?”
Felix couldn't stand still, bouncing happily on his feet, "Oh, it was torture having to keep this a secret from you, Hyung." He breathed, "But so totally worth it!"
Chan felt you lace your fingers with his, making him look down at you, "Definitely worth it." You grinned up at him.
A couple hours later, after you’d all eaten and enjoyed just spending the time together, you and Chan got ready to leave for the night. The boys had told him that he had the next few days off, to just enjoy spending time with you before you and Felix spent a day or two together, before your busy schedules really started.
Chan looked down at you and nodded gently, before turning to look back at the guys, "If you guys need anything, just text me. Or her."
"Chan, they know." You giggled, offering the boys a smile, shouldering your purse finally. "Either or though, doesn't matter."
Minho shook his head, "We'll be fine for a few days. Just like when you went home, hyung. Now get out of here and spend some time together."
He smiled wide, nodding in response, "Thank you, guys. Really. We'll see you in a couple days, I guess."
You grinned, throwing a smile back at Felix then the rest of the boys, "See you guys this weekend, don't do anything I wouldn't do."
Han laughed, "Knowing you, Noona, that's not a lot."
You faked a hurt expression as you pulled open the front door, "Wow, Ji, just wow. I mean, you're right but still, damn." You sighed playfully, "Don't do anything that will get you in trouble." You offered instead, smiling back at them, "Better?"
Chan let out a soft sigh, "I'm worried about what you talk about with them." He joked, taking your hand in his, "Have a good few days, boys."
You giggled at him, rolling your eyes playfully, "Nothing bad, obviously." You looked back at the rest of them, "Bye, boys! Goodnight."
Finally, after hearing them all bid you goodnight and goodbye, you and Chan disappeared through the front door and down the hall, enjoying the soft silence that had enveloped you both as you made it down to his car.
"Princess." He grinned, opening your door for you before quickly throwing his backpack into the backseat.
You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head as you slid into the seat, "Thank you."
He chuckled, rounding the car himself, after making sure you were in the car and your door was shut. After a minute or so, he'd put his music on low, and grabbed your hand in his, pulling it up to his lips, "I still can't believe you're actually here." he whispered again, lips grazing your knuckles.
You smiled, leaning over to kiss his lips. Keeping your hand on his cheek as you slowly pulled away, "I hope it was a good surprise."
He nodded quickly, touching his forehead to yours for a moment, "You know how much I've missed you; I couldn't be happier right now."
You pecked his lips again before settling back in your seat fully, "Neither could I."
He grinned over at you, squeezing your hand once before finally pulling away from the dorm and onto the road to your apartment, following the gps that you’d put into the dash when you first got in the car.
The drive was quiet, comfortable, and your hand never left his until you both were getting out of the car a couple minutes later. You waited at the front of the car for him to grab his bag from the backseat, and it was only then that you realized he didn't have his laptop. Which you pointed out as much when you guys got into the elevator.
"If I have the days off, and I have you, I don't need my laptop." He answered with a smile, "I'd rather spend all this time with just you, and not worry about working on anything."
You could feel the warmth of his words spreading through your body as you made it to your apartment door, "As much as I adore that sentimentality, baby, what are you going to do when you can't sleep and want something to do?"
You felt his chest against your back as you went to open the door, stopping when you felt his lips graze your ear, "Why would I want my laptop, when I can just do you, instead?"
Your breath hitched and your barely turned your head to look up at him. Seeing that cocky, smug grin on his lips didn't help the sudden want growing within you, "You're shameless." You said weakly.
His smug look only worsened as he finished opening the door behind you, "When it comes to you? Yeah." He muttered, gently pushing you inside the apartment, keeping your gaze as you both moved, before shutting the door with his foot.
You pulled him closer to you, not even bothering to properly put your things down before you pulled his lips down to yours in a heated kiss, moaning softly at the feel of his hands on your ass as he pulled you closer to him too.
It was a miracle that neither of you crashed into anything as you led him down the hall and into the bedroom, clothes trailing behind you after being haphazardly pulled from your bodies. Lips and hands barely left each other's skin as Chan laid you on your back on the bed, moving to hover above you, a lovesick grin on his face the second he looked down at you.
"I don't know how I got so lucky to be with someone as beautiful as you." He whispered, cupping your cheek lightly.
You flushed under his gaze and words, diverting your eyes from his, "You know damn well I think that same thing about you." You mumbled, meeting his eyes again and reaching up to cup his cheek too.
Chan grinned, turning his head to press a soft kiss to your palm, "6 months is way too long without you. I'm going to show you how much I missed you, my love." he whispered, leaning down to capture your lips with his.
You nodded just barely, relishing in the way he was already running his hands softly over your body, "Show me." You pleaded gently, arching your back as his hand found purchase between your legs.
He trailed his lips down your neck, lavishing your skin in unspoken confessions as he rocked his hips into yours- limbs tangled, wrapped around each other as you both steadily found yourselves closer to the edge.
You gasped, feeling him thrust deeper, but keeping the same pace, "J-just like that, baby, fuck yes."
He grunted above you, watching your face scrunch up in pleasure as you clenched around him again, "You're so good to me, love," He panted in your ear, "So fucking good to me."
You whined, throwing your head back into the mattress as you clenched around him and dragged your nails down his back, "You're the one doing all the work, baby." You hissed, feeling his lips latch around your nipple. "I should be telling you how good you are to me."
He chuckled, barely lifting his head to fully gaze up at you, "The sounds you're making are telling me enough, babygirl." He grinned smugly, lapping his tongue around the perked bud again.
You arched your back at the feeling, eyes closing as you sighed in pleasure before pulling his face up to yours, both of your hands on his cheeks as you met his eyes, "I love you," You panted softly, your lips grazing his, "Ruin me, baby. I want more. Please?"
He closed the space between your lips, grunting into your mouth as he hoisted your leg over his hip, his fingers digging into the flush on the back of your thigh, "You want more, huh? I'll give you more, babygirl."
If you thought you were rushing towards an orgasm before, you had no idea what you were truly in for. Chan braced himself with one hand on the bed up by your head, the other still tightly holding your thigh as he picked up his pace, moaning at the feeling of you clenching around him again as you moaned out loudly at the change in pace.
"This what you wanted, huh? You wanted me to fuck you instead of make love to you?" He let out a dry chuckle, bowing his head a little, and watching his cock disappearing inside you. "Do you want me to fuck you like you're a whore? My little whore?"
"Yes!" You cried, hands gripping the sheet beneath you as you squeezed your eyes shut, "Fuck, baby, yes. 'm your whore, I-I wanna be your whore."
He quickly pulled out, leaving you gasping and confused until he roughly grabbing your waist, "On your hands and knees then, babygirl. Whores don't get to look at me when I fuck them."
You had to keep yourself from moaning at his words as you did as he told you, dropping onto your forearms as he gripping your ass with both hands, squeezing and spreading your cheeks a few times, before you felt the tip of his cock at your entrance again.
You had no idea where this sudden change came from. The few times you guys have had sex since getting together, sure he'd fucked you, but, God, not like this. Not that you were complaining, you'd gotten a taste of this Chan on the many, steamy phone and videocalls over the long months, but this was different- this was first-hand, and you were living for it.
You moaned at the feeling of him rubbing his tip up and down your folds, wiggling your hips slightly in anticipation, "Please?" You begged, turning to look at him over your shoulder.
He put his hand on the middle of your back, pushing your chest further into the mattress, "You'll get it, babygirl. Behave."
And as he finished saying the words, he slowly pushed back into you, bottoming out before pulling out again just as slowly, listening to you gasp at the difference in angle.
As much as you both liked being able to look in each other's eyes, grabbing each other's faces to pull the other into heated, deep kisses during sex, this angle was making him hit every spot within you, and he knew it too, just from how you were crying out, and burying your face into the sheets as you clenched tightly around him, pulling him deeper.
You could feel the burn in your knees from the prolonged stance as you pushed back against him with every hard thrust. You could feel his fingers digging into your hips as he pulled you backwards into him each time, too. And listening to him let out low, deep groans as he fucked into you was quickly sending you headlong into an orgasm you knew was going to hit you hard.
You could feel it as he pulled you up and back into his chest, bucking up into you as he wrapped an arm across your chest, the other falling between your legs as his rubbed rough figured 8's onto your clit- the overstimulation making it harder for you not to fall limp on the bed, and had it not been for Chan's arms, you would've.
One of your hands gripped around his wrist on the arm across your body, taking his hand and moving it to the base of your neck, the other reaching behind you both, around the back of his neck as he continued to thrust, panting heavily into your neck.
"Are you close?" he grunted, enjoying the feeling of your body pressed tightly against his as your hand fell to his ass, grabbing a handful.
You nodded quickly, dropping your head back onto his shoulder, "So close, baby, I'm so close." You whimpered as he gently tightened his hand around your throat, as the knot in your stomach quickly tightened. "Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
Chan's hips faltered for a moment, feeling you clench around him before he picked up the same pace, letting your throat go and grabbing your chin to make you look at him. "Cum for me then, babygirl." He demanded, "You've been such a good girl for me- my pretty little whore." He brushed your lips with his as your walls tightened around him again.
You cried out, letting him silence the sound with his mouth on yours as you finally came, ears ringing as the pleasure overtook you as he continued roughly thrusting into you, letting you ride it out until his hips stopped and he spilled inside you only moments later, panting heavily as he let go of your jaw and pulled his hand from your core.
He held you against his chest as you both tried to catch your breaths, bodies sticky with sweat from the heat between you both.
You felt his lips at the base of your neck after brushing your hair to the side, "You okay?" He asked, adjusting you both as he pulled out.
You whimpered softly at the oversensitivity, but nodded, "Perfect, you?" You asked, turning to look at him as he stood from the bed.
He grinned down at you, a tired expression on his face, "Never been better."
You barely huffed a chuckle, slowly moving to put your feet on the floor to stand too. "Shower?"
Chan didn't reply, only held his hand out to you, helping you stand on wobbly feet before following you to the bathroom. He looked at you, an amused look in his eyes as you stood slightly unsteadily as you turned the shower on, waiting for the water to get hot. "You sure you're doing okay?" He teased.
You glanced back at him, splashing a small handful of water towards him as you stuck your tongue out at him. "I'm probably going to be a little sore in the morning, but yeah, I'm fine."
He nodded as you turned back around, his eyes shamelessly raking over the naked expanse of your body as you paid him no mind. His heart felt full, having you home with him again, and even though the distance was tough and sometimes painfully hard, in this moment, he felt like it was worth it.
He hadn't realized that you'd finally turned back to look at him, ready to tell him the shower was ready. You caught his eyes, your brows pinching together in question as he just stared at you still.
"What?" You asked finally, the word spoken so softly, it was almost drowned out by the stream of water behind you.
He took the two steps between you both, hand coming to rest gently on your waist and smiled down at you- a look of pure love and adoration in his eyes as you tilted your head up to look him in the eyes. "I’m just so happy you’re home again. I love you." Was all he offered in response before he gently pressed his lips down to yours in a chaste kiss.
You sighed into the kiss, smiling as you both pulled away, "And I love you. Not to ruin your sappy love moment though, but can we get into the shower now? I, uhm, have your cum coming down my thighs." You said softly, cheeks slightly darkening before Chan let out a quiet laugh and nodded, letting you go before slapping your ass as you climbed into the shower.
You yelped at the sudden contact, spinning to playfully glare at him as he followed behind you, pulling the shower curtain closed, "Really?"
“It was right there,” He sent you a cheeky grin and shrugged just barely, "Couldn't resist."
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thebibutterflyao3 · 10 months
Day 12 - Prompt: Locket @jegulus-microfic December Daily Series - 585 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
Regulus cringed when Pandora’s picture appeared on his phone screen. He had purposefully relied on texts to satisfy her curiosity thus far. If she asked the right questions, he would have to confess to his crush, but face to face, she would read him like a book. With a deep breath, he braced himself and accepted the call.
“Put it away, Evan,” Pandora said through clenched teeth. She was distracted.
Her brother retorted, “Where? I don’t have a frame yet.”
“I don’t care if you stick it in a locket or your pocket. I don’t want to see it.”
“Hey, that rhymed!”
“I swear to god, if-oh! Hi Reg.” Her voice changed so swiftly that Regulus was left stunned.
He shook himself clear, then offered a bewildered smile. “Hello to you too. What’s the problem?”
“My brother’s new boyfriend,” she said, blue eyes widening manically, “I’m sick of hearing about him.”
“He’s so fit, Reg. Look!” Evan insisted, shoving his hand in Pandora’s face.
The photo was a pixelated blur as Pandora swatted at his hand and shoved him away. For a few seconds, the screen went black. Pandora returned with a furious expression on her face. He forgot that the Rosiers were “sibling bonding” over winter hols too.
“I’m going to murder him, Reg. If you come home right now, you could save me from a homicide charge, but if you wait another week, I can’t guarantee anything.”
He chuckled as he settled against the pillows on his bed. “Don’t murder Evan, he’s fun at parties.”
“You don’t even go to parties! Why don’t I buy a train ticket and ship him to you?”
“No, thank you. He and Sirius are a little too similar.”
“True, but he would be out of my hair and your problem,” she said with a sigh, rubbing at her forehead. “I need a vacation from this vacation already.”
Regulus nodded. As pleased as he was to spend time with Sirius, he and James were driving him mad.
“So, how’s Sirius?”
“Fine. He’s still pushy, of course, but he’s making an effort.”
“Good. Speaking of Sirius…” Pandora leaned out of frame, then reappeared with her tablet. After a couple of taps at the screen, she held it up. “Who’s this bloke with you two?”
As soon as he saw the shot Effie had taken outside of the inn, he knew why she called. Regulus groaned, “How did you get that picture?”
“Your brother posted it yesterday.”
“Of course he did.”
“He’s fit. Is he taken, or can I have a crack at him?” she teased, clearly enjoying herself. “I assume he’s either straight or your brother already claimed him.”
“He’s Sirius’s best friend. All I know is I’ve heard him toss ‘bi’ around when they’re taunting each other.”
Pandora trilled excitedly. “Lucky you! Bi boys are fun.”
“Oh no, I’ve already alienated him.”
“I know, I know.”
She leaned closer with the phone in both hands as her voice went low and conspiratorial, “Listen. You be nice to bi-boy and get you a cheeky snog, or I’ll ship myself out there to sort you out.”
“I did try, but he’s…infuriating!”
“Try harder.”
“Panda, it’s a lost cause.”
“You’d better find it,” she said, then hung up.
Regulus threw his head back into the pillows. He could predict how badly this would go. Pandora wouldn’t let him get away with turning James into a puzzle to solve. She would definitely come out here and meddle. It was her specialty.
Next Part>>>
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
He's such a flirt and a annoying heartrender | Tolya Yul Baatar x reader
Summary: You would deny to yourself and to others that you had your heart placed for a certian heartrender, but why did your heart flutter whenever Tolya would throw in some flirtatous comments?
Requested? Yes: Hey there! I just read your latest Nikolai x Reader fiction and... oh my! So cute, loved it. I was wondering if you could do something similar, but with Tolya?
Warnings: none.
Pairing: Tolya Yul Baatar x Lantsov! reader
request rules | navi  | new masterlist
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''Come on, just admit it already,''
You heard Tamar's voice from behind and you snapped your head in surprise. ''Admit what?'' You asked with a frown on your face as the wind blew on your face.
''That you like my brother,'' Tamar responded bluntly, making you scoff out loudly. ''I do not like him,'' You replied with an offensive voice as she stood next to you and looked out at the sea.
''Really? Then why are your heart beating fast when I say his name?'' Tamar asked smugly. You paused for a moment before letting out a scowl at her.
''For the last time, I don't like him,'' You responded. ''Tell me why you don't like my brother? Is it because of his like for poetry?'' Tamar asked and leaned over the deck and looked at her brother who was talking to your brother at the ship.
Ever since you had seen the twins entering your ship, you couldn't help to find Tolya slightly attractive. He was kind, funny, and different.
''I don't mind the poetry,'' You muttered and followed her gaze. ''He's annoying, annoingly,'' You remarked.
''And he's a flirt,'' You replied, making Tamar laugh out slightly. You glared at the woman before turning yoru gaze back to Tolya. Tolya noticed that someone was looking at him before his gaze met your eyes.
He smirked before he flirtatious winked his eye toward you. You, however, just glared in response. You didn't miss the smug look on Tamar's face next to you.
''Is he always like that?'' You asked her. ''Not with anyone else,'' Tamar responded. ''He's just like that with you only,'' Tamar spoke with a grin on her face. Then, just then, you noticed that he walked towards you and Tamar.
''Oh no, he's coming towards us,'' You panicked and turning to Tamar.
''What do I do?'' You asked. ''Just be your normal self?'' Tamar replied before greeting her brother. ''Take a picture, it will last longer, sweetheart,'' You heard Tolya comment. You looked at him.
''I know that you like my good looking looks already,'' Tolya commented and you scoffed. ''In your dreams,'' You remarked.
''Believe me, you're always in my dreams, sweetheart,'' Tolya replied and you glared at him. ''Stop calling me that,'' You snapped at him, and Tolya chuckled.
''Calling you what, Sweetheart?''
''Stop calling me sweetheart!''
''Sorry, I can't do that, sweetheart,''
''Oh, you are insufferable, aren't you,'' You snapped with frusteration before you stormed away and shook your head. Tolya snickered with a smug look on his face when he saw you storming away. He made a mentall note to buy you something to apologixe for calling you sweetheart later.
He turned around and saw the look that Tamar gave him. ''What?'' He asked her.
''You guys are gross,''
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When Solomon Is The Only One To Never Forget About MC's Blindness
This was my first time getting submitted a request that didn't came from the ask box and it confused me a bit because I didn't know how it worked but hey, here it is! Also, the type of blindness wasn't specified, so I just went in with total blindness in mind? Anyway, thanks for the request!
➺ Now, usually he's very attentive to MC's condition and is always making accommodations for them. Sometimes though, he still lets it slip.
➺ Today was one of those days, Lucifer, MC, and Solomon were working on a class project together, and without thinking, the eldest asked MC for the pen near their side of the table.
➺ The realization hit when Solomon called out his name, making him look up from his papers and at the situation at hand.
➺ Lucifer cleared his throat, trying not to make his embarrassment visible. "My apologies, that was careless of me." He grabs the pen himself, failing to hide his blush as Solomon chuckles and MC smiles, finding amusement in what had happened.
➺ Damn sorcerer, giving him more reasons to hate him... ( he's so bitter )
➺ As much as I love Mammon, I have to be honest, he'd probably be one forgetting it the most. It's in the most harmless moments though, so it's not much of a bother.
➺ This time MC was in the living room, discussing something with Solomon and Satan. Mid-conversation, Mammon slammed the door open, excitement clear in his face as he threw the newest edition of a fashion magazine on the table in front of MC.
➺ "Look who's on the front cover of the Devildom's most famous magazine, yer first man Mammon!"
➺ He was met with awkward silence and immediately realized his mistake upon looking at everyone's faces. Fuck, he did it again.
➺ Immediately goes beet red while everyone laughs. No matter how many times it happens, it never gets less embarrassing...
➺ He clowns on Mammon for forgetting about MC's blindness all the time, but has had plenty of embarrassing moments where he did the same thing too.
➺ "And this is the character!" He has a big smile on his face as he shows MC the screen of his phone, presenting them with the character in question.
➺ Cue him freezing in place as he's met with a little chuckle from MC. He wants to die from embarrassment, to melt away and disappear from existence completely. Why????
➺ "A-Ahaha, sorry for that...!" He looks away trying to hide his face and the sorcerer, who was there beside him the entire time, can't help but let out a laugh.
➺ "Pff, why are you hiding your face? MC can't see you!" Solomon, stop, you're killing him!
➺ Out of the brothers he's the one who tends to forget it the least, still, it happens sometimes.
➺ The first time is when he comes back from the kitchen to his room, and finds Solomon and MC there. Solomon, who at the moment, was flipping through a very old family album with embarrassing baby pictures that Satan had no wish to let anyone see.
➺ "Don't show that to MC!" He's exclaims louder than intended, his face burning red.
➺ And he gets even redder when he realizes. Fuck, Solomon is not letting him live this down, is he?
➺ "I don't think you need to worry about that." Solomon grins at him teasingly. This man should be thankful that he's immortal, otherwise...
➺ The three of them are out shipping, and Asmo finds himself in a dilemma, unsure of what clothes to buy for MC.
➺ "Ooh, what's your favorite color? That'll make it easier to pick!" Asmo glances at MC expectantly, smiling at them.
➺ ......
➺ "MC doesn't have a favorite color, Asmo." Solomon answers with a polite smile. He's still confused. "They can't see the colors, Asmo..."
➺ Oh! "Whoops! Right, so sorry hun!" He laughs it off, finding the situation funny himself. He's probably one of the only ones who don't get embarrassed about it.
Beelzebub & Belphegor
➺ It's rare that these two ever forget about MC's blindness. It happens though when they're at Hell's Kitchen with MC and Solomon.
➺ After picking what he wants to order, Belphie mindlessly passes the menu to MC and goes to lay his head on the table, yawning.
➺ It's that moment of comical silence again, and MC and Solomon exchange a glance, both holding back laughs. "Belphie..."
➺ The Avatar of Sloth lifts his head to look at the others. "Oh, sorry MC... I didn't mean to do that." He smiles at them apologetically but sends Solomon a glare as soon as they look away from him.
➺ "Here, I'll read it for you." Beel kindly offers, taking the menu from MC's hands. He doesn't really get bothered with Solomon, much like Asmo.
➺ The only one who never forgets, and who teases the others to oblivion when they do. Oh, it makes them so bitter, specially when Solomon brags about it.
➺ He's such a gentleman with MC, and is always taking precautions to make their stay in the Devildom easier. And he's so very glad that they are this comfortable relying on him, after all, he truly loves them.
➺ That closeness he has with MC though? The warm smiles and sincere "thank you"s he receives from them whenever he's helping them with something they can't do on their own? Yeah, they only make the others jealous, so terribly jealous.
➺ Solomon lives for it though, sending the others knowing grins every chance he gets.
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classicschronicles · 2 months
Hi lovelies,
I feel like I’ve just returned from ‘buying the milk’. I’m sorry I disappeared for *checks notes* 11 months, but it’s been a hectic year. I feel like if I get into it I’ll sound like an AO3 author, so here are some very quick highlights- I have just finished my first year studying Classics at university, I qualified as a fitness instructor (which is a side quest nobody asked for), I’ve become a theatre kid again, and I finally watched Game of Thrones. Studying Classics at uni is basically telling everyone that you study Classics at uni and then getting one of two reactions- “What is that? What kind of job are you going to et with that?”. To which I have no response, because honestly I’m not sure. Or the ever famous- “Oh like The Secret History?”. To which I cry inside because it is nothing like The Secret History. It is actually reading so much Thucydides that he becomes your sleep paralysis demon, and having to translate so much Caesar and Cicero that your daydreams become wishing you were in the Theatre of Pompey on March 15th 44 BC… for no particular reason. And also crying at 3am whilst you try to delude yourself into thinking that this is so dark academia core (spoiler- it’s not). All that being said- this has actually been one of the best years of my life and I am so happy I get to study what I love.
Anyways, I feel like we’re missing the most important part- and that is of course Game of Thrones. Guys. I have a crush on Jaime Lannister. HEAR ME OUT! I can fix him! I promise. I just need one chance. But also, I would fight him because why did he do my girl Brienne like that. Anyone who makes her cry can fight me fr. You know what made me cry though- Shireen Baratheon. What the fuck was that. And Ser Davaos’ finding out and his whole “I loved that girl like she was my own”. BAWLED. Anyways, it might surprise you to know that her death was actually based on a very famous greek myth- the myth of Iphigenia. So that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
Iphigenia’s story finds its beginnings in another myth entirely- the myth of Agamemnon and the Deer. Quick fun fact- the movie ‘Killing of A Sacred Deer’ is actually based loosely on this. The story goes that Agamemnon, out hunting one day, killed a deer belonging to the Goddess Artemis. This angered Artemis, not least because the deer was pregnant and Agamemnon’s little hunting accident killed both the mother and the baby.
Fast forward to some time later, Agamemnon launches a thousand ships to save his sister-in-law Helen from the Trojans at the behest of his brother Menelaus, and also the whole blood oath situation. The Spartans and the Mycenaeans make camp at the island of Aulis whilst they wait for the rest of the fleet to arrive, only to find that when they are ready to set sail once more, they cannot leave the island. There is not wind to push their ships, the air hot and heavy and remarkably still. This goes on for quite some time. Eventually Agamemnon consults the priest Calchas who tells him that the Gods (Artemis) are angry with him and demand a sacrifice. More specifically, the sacrifice of a virgin. This is also where some accounts differ- some claim that it could be any female virgin, some say that it had to be Agamemnon’s eldest daughter. In all honesty, I think the latter is probably more accurate because of the level of hesitation he shows before he makes his final decision. If he could sacrifice any virgin I don’t really think he would care.
Anyways, he obviously cant just write to his wife and say “hey babe can you please ship our eldest daughter over, I want to sacrifice her xoxo”. So he instead he comes out with an altogether more devious plan, and that is to tell his wife that the Prince Achilles wishes to marry Iphigenia before they sail for Troy. Both Iphigenia and Clytemnestra are of course overjoyed that she should marry ‘the best of the Greeks’ and she comes to Aulis where the army wait for her.
This is where it starts to break my heart a bit. On the morning of Iphigenia’s wedding day, Clytemnestra dresses her daughter and prepares her. She, of course, does not know that she is preparing her child for death. Her fathers men come to her tent and escort her and her mother to the alter. However, she never gets to say her vows because as soon as she steps onto the platform, they cut her throat and spill her blood as an offering to Artemis. Her mother is of course beside herself with shock and grief, but her husband does little to comfort her, telling her only that Artemis is appeased, and with the return of the wind he is leaving for Troy.
Euripides’ Iphigenia at Aulis, differs from this account and tells the story that on the morning of her supposed wedding, Iphigenia was aware of her fathers plan to sacrifice her and accepts with stoicism and all the bravery of a child put in an impossible position. He writes the following, heartbreaking, lines:
Iphigenia- “If only I could sing like Orpheus, father! Orpheus, who could charm even the heartless rocks into following him! If I could use such a voice and have everyone charmed, have them convinced to agree with me and follow me, then I would use that voice. But I have no such skill. The only voice I have, father, my only skill, is in my tears and, here, father, I’m giving them to you! I’m giving you my tears! I’m giving you all I have! She leans before him and embraces his knees Here, father, here is the body of a suppliant! Here is the body that your wife has given birth to. I wrap its limbs around your knees and beg you: Please father, do not cut off my life short. Let me enjoy the sweet light of day and do not force me to enter the world beneath the earth. I’m your first one, father! The first one to call you father, the first one you called daughter. Me, father! I was the first to play on your knees, the first one of your children to enjoy your love and the first one to give you a child’s love. Remember, father? You used to ask me, “I wonder, my darling, will I get to see you married one day, married and settled happily in your husband’s home, your life ever blossoming, making me proud of you?” And I’d touch your chin, my father, hang from your beard, father, like I’m doing now and say, “and what about you, father, will I get to see you, father, an old man, visiting me at my house, ready for me to repay you for your hard work in raising me?” No, you don’t remember these words, father. I do but you don’t! You’ve forgotten them and so, now, you want to kill me. Please, father! Please, in the name of Pelops and of Atreus who is your father, I beg you! Please don’t do it! And I beg you also for my mother’s sake, the woman who laboured to bring me to life, the woman who is being tortured even now. I beg you, father! What does my life have to do with the marriage of Paris and Helen father? Why has their marriage brought about my death, father? Agamemnon turns away. She continues despondently. Come, then, father, turn to me and give me a final kiss. A kiss to remember you by in the underworld, since my words have not convinced you. Agamemnon does not move. She goes over to her mother and takes baby Orestes in her arms. She swings him, sadly, gently back and forth and leans over him as she speaks to him What a weak little helper you are, my tiny brother! Won’t you cry with me, Orestes? Come on, won’t you beg your father not to kill your big sister? Come on, Orestes, even babies know when there’s trouble around! Ha! See, father? Orestes is begging you, too! Begging you by his silence. Do you not care about me any more? Spare my young life, father. Spare me! Here! Look here, father! Here are the two of us, one’s a baby, the other a grown up girl, a brother and a sister, both your children, begging you, by your beard, pleading with you… She turns and looks sadly around her, then up at the sun. That! Up there is my final argument. That light, this light all around us, will cut all other arguments to pieces. This light is the sweetest thing that can fill the eyes! The world beneath the earth is a world of nothing. Only fools would pray to go down there. I’d rather live a life full of misery than die a hero’s death!
If that doesn’t make you cry I don’t know what will. And then to top it off he follows it up 200 lines later this this tear jerker:
“C- What report shall I give to your sisters?
I-Do not dress them either in black garments.
C-Is there any word of love from you I should give the girls?
I-Bid them farewell; and make sure you bring up Orestes as a man!
C-You look at him for the last time- hold him tight!
I-(holding Orestes close): Darling boy, you helped you dear sister as much as you could!
I-Who will come to take me there before they drag me by the hair?
C-I will be at your side…
I-No, not you- that would not be right!
C-…holding on to your clothes!
I-Mother, oblige me in this: stay here! This is the nobler course for me and for you. Let one of my father’s attendants here escort to Artemis’ meadow where I shall be sacrificed.
(Iphigenia begins to move away from a crying Clytemnestra)
C-O my child, are you going?
I-Yes, and never shall I come back.
C-You will leave your mother?
I-Yes, as you see, we do not deserve this.
C-Wait- don’t abandon me!
I-I forbid you to shed tears. (C sinks to the ground)”.
In every version you read, however, sacrificing his daughter is not a choice that Agamemnon takes lightly. He is torn between sacrificing his daughter and angering his wife- but winning glory for the Greeks, or saving his daughter, but abandoning his men. As a father, he made the wrong choice, but as a king some would argue that he did what was expected of him.
I do like, however, in Euripides’ version the character of Achilles. He is adamant that he will not be privy to the murder of Iphigenia. He tries so very hard to save her and to offer comfort to Clytemnestra and genuinely I think that this might be one of the loveliest most favourable depictions of him.
This myth then gives way to part of the Oresteia trilogy and many many retellings of her Iphigenia’s story- every single one of which always make me want to cry. I can’t explain what it is- I know that the whole point of tragedy is that build up and release of emotion but no tragedy has every made me actually sad other than Iphigenia at Aulis.
Anyways, you can imagine my absolute horror when I watched S5 EP9 and saw Shireen tied to the alter, literally gave myself whiplash with how quickly I tried to look away from the screen.
I would say I hope you enjoyed reading about Iphigenia, but if you did you’re an absolute psycho! The two translations I used are from PoetryInTranlsation and Penguin’s 2005 edition “The Bacchae and Other Plays”. Hopefully, now that I’ve posted again I’ll try and be more regular with it and I hope you all have a lovely lovely week <33
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veryace-ficrecs · 7 months
Valentines Day Fic Recs
Happy valentines day! this list will be fics focused around or on valentines day! Enjoy!
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
One Piece
waiting by tinyjet7 - Rated G
zoro watches sanji hand out treats to everyone but him.
Ship to Sea, Lock to Key by 8ball - Rated G
“I want to buy the cook a restaurant.”
Ted Lasso
Take My Whole Life Too by ItsClydeBitches - Rated G
Ted Lasso was the kind of man who taught NSYNC choreography for a going away party and bent his players into impossible positions just to say “Hi, Boss!” in the morning. He’d organized fearsome bets over darts, baked heavenly biscuits on the regular, and had requested at least two boxes from Nate Shelley’s niece, one of which still sat on a shelf in his office, despite the betrayal. Ted was also a passionate believer in what he referred to as “rom-communism,” all the trappings included. In retrospect, Trent should have known he’d go all out for Valentine’s Day.
Take Another Little Pizza My Heart by Phreakycat - Rated T
In which Buck helps Christopher with his Valentines for school, and discovers some things about himself. OR Buck is oblivious, but Eddie loves him anyway.
be my valentine by coupe_de_foudre - Rated G
“What sort of stupid joke is this, Buck?” Buck gapes, holding his hands up in mock-surrender. “Hey, I didn’t do this! I was driving.” (or Christopher gets sick of his dad and Buck being oblivious idiots and decides to help them out)
Stranger Things
Be My Valentine? by Sharpbutsoft (BuckysButt) - Rated T
“Aren’t you sick of me, yet?” Eddie asks, joint dangling precariously between two fingers. He’s stretched out on the floor of his bedroom. It’s this ritual he and Steve have been sharing for months now. Light some incense, order pizza, share a joint or three and give voice to the half-formed thoughts swirling round their heads. Eddie’s been balancing on the precipice of this conversation for longer than he’d care to admit. Exposing himself, pushing a boundary he knows better than to break.  This thing with Steve, this delicate relationship, if you could even call it that. It still feels new, fresh. Fragile. And Eddie’s not known for handling these things with care. Smash first, ask questions later. 
Cupid's One-Shot by DeadEyedGemini - Rated T
When Will Byers calls him up on a Saturday afternoon to invite him to come and play a surprise One-Shot at Gareth's house on Valentine's Day he doesn't really have a reason to say no, it's not like has a date or anything better to do. Imagine his surprise when he showed up to find that not only is Robin Buckley there to play but so is his long-time crush and friend, Steve Harrington. Soon it becomes apparent that everyone seems to be in on some secret that Eddie isn't aware of, but also that this one-shot might have an alternative motive than just being something to do on a Tuesday night.
cherry cordial by ShowMeAHero - Rated E
He’s staring down hard at his phone, scrolling aimlessly through Facebook without reading anything, when someone bumps into him. Whoever it is grabs the pole, their hands brushing against each other’s. Right in his ear, the guy says, “Fucking shit, you’re hot.” Eddie’s head jerks up, startled, and he meets the bright blue eyes of a man at least eight inches taller than him. The guy’s got a pink knit cap tugged down over his head and a spill of curls falling down from it, his glasses fogging up in the warmth of the train car. “What?” Eddie demands.
(un)attached by one_more_offbeat_anthem - Rated G
Three months after Chuck's defeat, Dean is spending his Valentine's Day eating spaghetti and making cards with Jack while his brother goes on a post-hunt vacation. And then Jack asks if he can make a card for Cas.
Bee my Valentine? by your_average_fangirl256 - Rated G
Valentine's Day Fluff.
Dean builds Cas a garden..and Cas proposes in it. There are Pie and Bees too.
Teen Wolf
Candy-Coated Roses by simplyambyy - Rated G
Holidays at work are always a festive time and Valentine’s Day is no exception. The entire building is covered in hearts and flowers while the front desk of every floor has a dish of Hershey’s kisses wrapped in red, pink, and silver foil. Stiles exits the elevator and makes his way towards his cubicle, smiling and murmuring greetings to his favorite co-workers on his way. For some reason, the twenty-six-year-old was in a pretty good mood and it might have to do with the cherry-flavored lollipop he knew was waiting for him at his cubicle. What Stiles isn’t expecting is the pile of roses and lollipops covering his desk space.
Craigslist Valentine by Triangulum - Rated E
The Craigslist ad had been because Peter had been wonderfully, spectacularly drunk. Reservations for the Palm are hard to get, even for someone like Peter, and he's had his name down for eight months. He refuses to waste it. If he hadn't been trashed on expensive pinot noir, he would have considered maybe inviting his best friend, Chris, or taking out a niece or nephew. But no, he'd been three sheets to the wind and decided that he needed to share his Valentine's Day dinner reservations with a random stranger. Or Peter refuses to let good dinner reservations go to waste just because his (ex)girlfriend cheated on him. He drunkenly makes a Craigslist ad to find a date, and Stiles answers.
Labyrinth (1986)
Valentine Revisions by Rayac - Rated M
As part of a cathartic exercise, Sarah is dared to prepare some unusual Valentines for the men of her past. She never planned on the Goblin King actually receiving his or that he would meet her revised expectations. But does he ever.
Star Wars
no place like home by ShowMeAHero - Rated G
“Anything else?” she asks, ringing up his coffees. The ding, ding-ding, ding, ding of the register’s buttons wakes Han up a little bit more. “Yeah,” he says, “I’ll have a pack of, uhh… Whatever’s cheapest.” He taps his blunt nails on the vinyl countertop. “And do you have those little, like— Those little cards kids give each other?” “Like, the little folding ones?” she asks him. “You realize that today is—” “Yeah, I’m aware."
From the Heart by supercalvin - Rated G
In which Arthur gives Merlin gifts. “No.” Morgana shook her head, “No, see you don’t understand.” Morgana took him by the shoulder and pulled him close as if to divulge a secret. “Arthur Pendragon does not give good gifts. He is actually the worst gift-giver in all of England.” “Oh come on, the scarf isn’t that bad.” Merlin said, now kind of insulted for the piece of fabric. “Merlin, the scarf is perfect for you. It’s a good gift. Arthur doesn’t give good gifts.”
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sunnyie-eve · 2 months
16 | Explaining
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: none
Tumblr media
"Good Morning Campers, welcome back to Cut The Cameras Podcast. It's your favorite host Nick Sturniolo." Nick starts off.
"Matt's here, hello everyone."
"Hey Matt, you look good in your retro sweater today." Chris speaks up.
"Retro?" Dani looks at Matt's sweater. She didn't consider it retro.
"Thank you." Matt takes the compliment.
"Yeah, that's very vintage. I think it looks it." Chris says.
"Okay." Matt nods his head not caring all that much.
"Where did you get it? New? Brand new?" Nick asks him, "Did you buy it brand new?" Nick asks more so Matt shh's him.
"He got that vintage I know he did." Chris smiles.
"Brand new." Nick says again.
"Why are y'all so obsessed with a sweater?" Dani asks so confused and lost.
"Matt did you buy it or someone else?" Chris asks him, "Why is it a secret?"
"We're just curious." Nick adds.
"I did," Matt answers.
"Did you pick it because you liked it or was it because someone else might like it?" Chris asks bugging Matt and even Dani.
"Dani liked it." Matt says in a mono tone.
"I said he would look good in it because he likes blue and it would make his eyes pop more. Plus he wanted a sweater." Dani speaks up explaining.
"I'll tell you one thing. I wasn't the first person to wear it." Matt tells the guys then looks at Dani,
"Was I really?" She asks surprised since she thought he had already wore it by the time she wore it.
"Yeah because you were cold." He tells her.
"You had the AC set so low." She pleads her case to him.
"Yeah, but I had so many things and you picked this to wear." He tells her making her jaw drop.
"I didn't pick it! You handed it to me and said you can put this on." She sits up to correct him.
"What? I did not."
"You are such a liar." She laughs at him.
"I'm not listening."
"So much bickering." Chris shakes his head at the two.
"Yep." Nick agrees, "Such an old married couple."
"Whatever, what's our next topic?" Dani asks them, "Also yes, hello, Dani's here." She smiles/
"And Chris too." He adds.
"Here we go... Dani, people want to know why must you make yourself part of our group?" Nick reads off of his phone.
"Not this shit again." Chris huffs, "We already went over this!"
"For on, I'm not trying to be part of the group." Dani starts off, "You guys ask if I want to be apart of things. Like originally, I wasn't going to be on the podcast today. But the three of you asked me to so that's why I'm here."
"I've read that some people try their best to make you stop showing up in things." Chris looks for it on his phone. "I feel like they forget you're used to some hate by being in Sam and Colby videos."
"Especially when they started getting big." Dani states remembering back.
"Like they hated that you were Colby's sister." Chris adds, "It's not like you had a choice in that."
"It's because they didn't believe I was his sister. They thought it was a lie and I was just some girl who liked him and he had a small thing for me."
"That's so weird and uncomfortable for the two of you." Nick makes a face feeling bad.
"Oh, it was super weird. Seeing edits of people shipping you with your brother." Dani shakes her head, "I also grew up with unnecessary hate so you can't scare me off." She adds for the viewers.
"Give it up." Matt speaks up making Nick laugh.
"Like I said last time, she's staying." Chris tells the viewers.
"Oh, I've also been called jobless since I don't have my own place yet." Dani adds laughing.
"You're part of a modeling company..." Matt looks at her.
"It's a very unique company that's very diverse." Nick adds.
"The shortest model is 4'7 and the tallest is 6'10. We have from a size zero to 7X and up. They also let us come up with designs for the clothing brand. I mean, you have to work your way up to get you own line in the brand, which I'm almost there." Dani explains smiling proud of herself.
"You also have that little thing on the side that's in the works." Nick adds.
"That too. It's still a secret." She agrees, "Oh, off topic slightly! And I'm sorry if it makes you guys uncomfortable, but I'm gonna make this clear for some people out there. You know who you are... My boobs are not fake! People think I paid for them. No, I'm just a 4'11 girl with DDs and a descent nice ass, which also isn't fake." Dani looks straight into the cameras, "I'm sorry but I gotta make that clear."
"Trust her!" Nick gets loud with wide eyes, "They're real."
"Nick..." Matt looks at him.
"We were playing around and if they were fake... They would've popped." Nick laughs while Matt and Chris just look at him.
"His elbow landed so hard on my boob I cried it hurt so bad." Dani gives more context to what happened.
"Is that when she didn't talk to you for a whole day?" Chris thinks back.
"He kept apologizing for the whole day." Matt remembers.
"She was so upset." Nick chuckles feeling bad.
"Let my elbow land hard on you nuts. Then you would understand and ignore me too."
After the podcast while Dani was in her Chris pokes his head into her room, "You busy?" He asks her.
"Nope, just listing to music while I type. What up?" She turns to face him as he comes into her room.
"Nothing just bored." He takes a seat on her bed.
"So you came to bug me?" She laughs at him.
"Well, Nick is editing and Matt is playing Fortnite so..." He messes with his hands, "Do you wanna go out?" He asks, "I mean like to the mall and stuff?" He adds quickly.
"I knew what you meant Chris." She can't help but laugh at him as he looked embarrassed, "But yeah I wanna go."
"Great, I'm gonna go get my stuff." He rushes out to go to his room while she gets ready to go.
When she was gone she walks to Matt's room since he was the closest, "Hey," She pokes her head in so he looks over at her, "Chris and I are heading out. We'll be back later."
"Okay, have fun." He gives her a thumbs up, "Wait, where are you guys going?" He asks before she closes the door.
"He wants to go to the mall so I'm taking him." She leaves as Chris comes up his stairs ready to go.
"That's a cute shirt. New?" Chris asks as they get in her car.
"Thanks and yes. Matt bought it for me. Like how I said said the sweater would look on him he did the same with this shirt for me." She explains starting the car so Chris just nods his head.
"He knew exactly what he was doing picking that shirt..." Chris thinks to himself glancing over at her. It was a cherry print buckle lace up cami top that hugged her curves perfectly as she matched it with a jean skirt.
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totallynottinsel · 1 year
Warnings: none. Just some tooth rotting fluff for the soul. and maybe a little angst
Ship: Chreon (+ some Jill x Claire sprinkled in for fun)
Ty to my wonderful mom for this whole idea of the gang getting to have a chill day out for once, she's amazing so all credit goes to her for the prompt (: (i've dragged her into the Chreon cult)
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Finally, with the world saved once again by the skin of everyone’s teeth, there was that silent, open void left over; it was a bit funny how these top tier government agents and so on had a hard time figuring out what to occupy themselves with when not stopping bioterrorists or shooting zombies. Though most of them had gotten used to that same empty space by now. 
After Dylan had been successfully put to a stop, as well as the events on Alcatraz Island settled—the near exhausted group of friends wanted to at least spend a little time all together before each of them had to return to their own set of work again. Yet the question was…what would they do? None could seem to agree on one thing throughout the various ideas and suggestions spat out, though at least someone had a decent choice. Rebecca ended up saying they should simply go out for ice cream, to which they all happily agreed to. Who wouldn’t though?
They all decided to carpool to make the trip easier. “I’m calling shotgun!” Claire exclaimed as she dashed to the side of the car, sitting herself inside right next to her brother, who’d already been the chosen driver—whilst Jill and Rebecca got stuck with the backseats. But at least it wasn’t too squished for the two of them, or so they would think for a good minute. 
“Hey, can I ride with you guys? I’ve kinda lost mine” A low, unsure voice kindly asked the rest of the group, which was quick to catch everyone’s attention. It belonged to Leon of course, who stood just a few feet away from the vehicle, arms crossed as he patiently awaited a response.  
“What happened to your bike?” Chris asked with curiosity towards the other, his arm resting on the rim of the car’s open window. 
“I…don’t really wanna talk about it.” The blond replied in an underlying tone of remorse, his gaze fluttering down to the ground below him, almost in a shameful manner. 
"Not again…" Claire murmured from her side, leaning forward to try and get a better look out her brother's window, not all too surprised by the revolution. Especially seeing who it was coming from.
"What does she mean again? Jesus, how many bikes have you recked?" Jill raised an eyebrow to the topic, staring at the apprehensive man outside the car with a slightly distasteful, yet nonetheless intrigued look on her face. 
"Too many for my liking." Leon mumbled under his breath as it was mixed with the tiniest tinge of annoyance, which was fair in his defense. He made his way over to the car, and slid himself inside the backseat alongside the other two—who were now stuck being squished next to each other. 
"So what I got from that was, is that I get to sit next to the guy who's known for wrecking bikes and or vehicles? Just my luck." She remarked straight back, her tone riddled with sarcasm as she kept on trying to lean far from him, making their limited space even worse no doubt. "Wanna swap seats?" She asked the woman next to her.
"I'll pass." Rebecca gladly declined, knowing fully well she wasn't about to be the human shield in case the curse of the vehicle wrecker was real all along. 
"Don't worry, we'll get you a new one, again. It's no big deal." Chris didn't hesitate one bit to put up an offer towards the other man, his usual warm and inviting smile coming across his face as he started up the car, one hand leisurely placed on the wheel.
"You don't have to do that, Chris—really. I can get my own this time, eventually…" He denied the gracious offer with hesitance; it wouldn't be the first time he's said no, yet came home to a snazzy new bike regardless. 
"He just likes finding any excuse to buy you things." Claire couldn't help but comment with a grin towards the two, shifting to look back at Leon, who rightfully was trying to avoid direct eye contact. Even if everyone was staring at him with intrigue. "You know he'll get it for you no matter what you say or do." He sank right into his seat after hearing that. 
"Are you going to pick or just stand there?" Chris asked with a gentle sigh, waiting for Jill to finally order whatever flavor of ice cream she was so deeply contemplating for what seemed like years. At this rate, she'd been holding up the line of impatient kids—whilst Claire and Rebecca had no issues ordering and taking a seat outside the place.  
"Give me a break! It's been awhile since I ordered anything, let alone ice cream." She gave a snappy response before eventually making her decision out of the bajillion flavors this place had, and was glad to leave the devilish gazes of all those kids waiting for their daily sugar intake. 
"Did you order anything yet?" Chris directed his attention back to the silent man standing off to the side, seeming a bit fazed out—as if he'd been distracted this entire time, which might've been true. 
"Huh–? Oh, yeah… I'll just have whatever you're having, I'm not really that hungry." Leon merely shrugged his shoulders, stuffing his hands down into the pockets of his leather jacket, having his laid back demeanor as always. 
"You sure?" The older wanted to confirm, though a hint of concern was noticeable in his voice towards the other. 
"Yeah, like I said, I'm not super hungry or anything…but if I do I'll just steal some from yours." He at least had a half smile going, which was better than nothing at all, but something still felt a bit off. 
The two men returned back outside within no time, ice cream in hand as the sun was shining, people out and about, no blood curdling screams of terror. Or big tyrants stomping around. All in all it was…well, a normal, average day, by anyone else's standards. But for this group of pals in particular? This was like a dream.
"Looks like we've been ditched." Leon snarkily remarked at the supposed other three friends who'd left before them, now nowhere in sight. So…that left the both of them, alone once again to either sit in cricket filled silence as they stood on the sidewalk, or attempt at striking up a decent conversation. What the hell would they even talk about at this point? That was always the question when this scene played out, with no mission to swiftly coordinate with one another, or battle to face. Though in all honesty, neither one totally hated the silence—it was almost nice of sorts to just be in each other's company, no words needed.
"You doing okay?" Chris finally spoke up after at least five minutes of just head nodding and gestures of acknowledgement, having already taken notice of the other's odd quietness, and how he kept on resting his eyes nearly the whole time. "You've been pretty quiet all morning." 
"I'm fine, just real tired. I barely got any sleep last night…actually, scratch that, I haven't got any sleep all damn week. I guess it's catching up to me." The fatigued blond rubbed his drowsy eyes with his hand, leaning his back against the concrete wall next to the store. "I can't seem to figure out how to stop having nightmares, and I feel like I've tried everything, you know?" 
"Yeah, I do." Chris gave a weary nod in return; he definitely had similar experiences with dreams throughout his entire life, though he wasn't sure if his were as frequent, and as bad as Leon's. He's heard about them in detail before, and it didn't sound like a pleasant sight to see. He also wasn't an expert when it came to comforting people, so he gently leaned his cup of ice cream towards the other, offering it up with a kindhearted smile. 
Leon let a short chuckle go as he spotted the ice cream, decided to accept the treat, even if it wasn't a flavor he preferred—he didn't mind at all if it was coming from Chris. He pulled out one of the plastic spoons that sat in the side of it, and popped a spoon full into his mouth, pleasantly surprised by it. 
"You'll always have my shoulder to lean on, just know that." The older said whilst taking a bite of his own, happy to have seen his offer of ice cream be taken up. 
"Good, 'cause I'm beat." Leon didn't hesitate much to carefully rest his sleepy head on the side of the other's shoulder, not exactly being able to reach the top due to their slight height difference. He obviously chose to take the Chris's words more literally than figuratively—but hey, the man was exhausted, so what's the harm in it? 
The two decided to stay there, taking in the scenery; sounds of speedy cars rushing by, or the sounds of distant voices and footsteps. It was honestly quite relaxing, and with how tired Leon already was, he was struggling to even keep his eyes open as he took a long awaited rest—which no doubt wouldn't be happening if Chris wasn't here. They made each other feel safe enough to put their guards down for once. It was sort of like having a big fuzzy blanket you could hide yourself under, and you felt as if nobody could touch you. 
"Hey, Chris?" 
"You really don't have to get me a new bike." 
"I want to." 
Leon sighed in defeat, eyes still closed, knowing there was no way he'd win this argument. 
"Maybe Claire was right when she said I use it as an excuse to buy you things, but it's also an excuse to get to see you. Without having to fight bioterrorist's in the same day."  It was true, he was always looking for little ways to try and see or talk to the agent away from anything work related, and it'd become painfully obvious to everyone around that he was trying so hard to spend time with him, well—to everyone but Leon. 
“All you have to do is ask, y’know? It’s no trouble if you ever wanna call me up and hang around, or something. No need to spend your entire life savings on me, Redfield.” He mentally cursed at his own words after some thought over them, wondering if ‘hanging around’ was the right thing to suggest, should he have recommended going out to dinner? Or perhaps another group activity? He was unsure, and the room was a bit hard to read…so, all he could really do was hope for the best. 
“I might just take you up on that, then.” Well, Chris definitely seemed up for it, so…at least he was doing something right. 
"That's a keeper." Claire said with a smile of her own as she snapped a good photo of the two men from round the street corner, knowing it was a rare sight they were ever that close in a public setting—and she couldn't wait to see the look on her brother's face once she showed it to him later. 
"How have neither of them asked each other out?" Rebecca asked with absolute disbelief, shaking her head as she finished off her scoop of ice cream.
"Honestly, I thought Leon would be making moves left and right on him, but I realized he talks a bigger game than he's actually got. And that's just based off a few days knowing him." Jill summed it up fairly well as she watched the two, arms crossed with a small smile before she moved her gaze to the other women beside her. "You Redfields are awful at flirting too." 
"She's got a point, I've been around those two long enough to get the feeling that Chris…isn't necessarily great at flirting…" Rebecca chimed in with reluctance. 
"Hey, we're not awful flirters! I can do it just as well as anyone else, and maybe Chris…struggles, but he gets there." Claire defended the both of them with confidence in her voice, one she'd soon come to regret as she attempted trying to come up with a flirt, or pickup line, yet—she found herself stuck with infuriated embarrassment by the end of it. 
"Alright, stop— look, this is how you do it." Jill set her empty cup of melted ice cream down onto the ground, rolling her shoulders back as she stepped a few feet away, then turned around and walked up to the younger Redfield again, who was still speechless. "Hey, wanna go out some time, beautiful?" 
In all honesty, it wasn't that great of a line, and really shouldn't work on anyone. Yet the way Jill said those words—the way she walked with absolute confidence, and her voice was as smooth as ever—it lit something inside Claire that she suddenly couldn't explain, and all she could say was…
"Uh, sure–?" She uttered out with a mix of confusion, surprise, and…an interesting dose of excitement. 
"Great." Jill accepted it, and was content with her work for the day enough to begin walking back—with a flabbergasted Claire and semi entertained Rebecca following—towards the two men who were practically in their own little world—which would soon come to a speedy crash. "Is he asleep…?" She asked in a low voice. 
The sound of Jill's harsh, sudden questioning was enough to jolt Leon awake from his relaxed and peaceful state, swiftly leaving his claimed spot on Chris's shoulder and very quickly deciding to pretend as if that was the last thing he was doing. And totally was not taking an extremely enjoyable nap on his quote on quote ‘friend's’ arm. Yet now he just looked plain freaked out instead of cool and collected. "Where the hell did you all come from–?"
"We were hanging around the corner, just to let you two have some quality time to yourselves.” Rebecca answered with her usual soft tone,  though it was as clear as day she was in on whatever the three of them were conspiring over there. “Well, until Jill had something to say to you, I believe."
Chris audibly sighed, a bit bitter by the fact his moment was abruptly interrupted, but tried in his best efforts to keep calm about it, just for the 50\50 chance that whatever she had to say was important in some way, shape or form.
“What is it?”
“I asked your sister out, and she said sure.” Blunt as ever.
“You what?”
The silence had gotten so thick, you could cut it with a knife. And that soon faded into mindless staring—just waiting for someone to awkwardly cough, or say any sentence at all. Nobody was entirely sure if this was all a planned joke or quite literal. 
“Jill what do you mean? Don’t walk away!” He threw his hands up in utter confusion as he chased after her down the sidewalk, itching to get a straighter answer and much needed context he clearly missed, whilst Rebecca kept on telling them not to banter so close to the busy road. Far too many times.
Leon didn’t give many words to the whole ordeal, and instead chose to simply watch in saddened disappointment as Chris left his side; he had a blatant frown as he put his hands back in his pockets, returning to the same state he’d been in all morning within the blink of an eye. Although he did have one question that took him a bit aback, out of everything that went down. 
“I didn’t know you…well, you know, were into women–?” He tilted his head towards Claire with uncertainty to his own question, even if they’d been close friends for years now—new information still seemed to pop up out of the blue. 
“I didn’t know you were into my brother.” She didn’t even have to look back at him to get her point across, and held back a large smile while doing so. She’d noticed his sudden spring of dismay the moment Chris walked off right away, of course, and couldn’t help but comment on it if no one else would. 
The blond didn’t deny her accusation by any means, and simply took a stand by her side, a chuckle escaping his lips as they watched the other three repartee all across the street, a true sight for sore eyes getting to see them have a bit of fun. 
“I don’t think he knows either.”
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cheerscoops · 10 months
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ship: Jonathan Byers/Eddie Munson wc: 1.8k A/N: This one was suggested by my favorite @sherifftillman <3 I take the two freak boys and I squish. Hopefully they (and the minor background ship) live up to everyone's expectations!
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“Hey Byers! Wait up!”
Jonathan stopped walking to his next class and turned to find Eddie Munson of all people racing towards him.
“I have a proposition for you,” he said once he’d caught up to Jonathan. “A job opportunity really.”
“What kind of job opportunity?” He was always looking to make a little more money around the holidays, and if the job wasn’t anything illegal, he’d seriously consider the extra work.
“So, as I’m sure you’re aware, I’m the frontman for a pretty spectacular band known as Corroded Coffin, and me and the guys were hoping to do a little something special for our fans this year. Granted, there are maybe five of them total, but still. They deserve a little something special as a token of appreciation for supporting us. Anyway, we wanted to send out a special Christmas card to our friends this year. Maybe include a flier about some upcoming shows in it? It’s still very much in the planning stages. All we know is that we want a really great photo of the whole band to go on the front of the card. That’s where you come in.”
“You want me to shoot your Christmas card?”
“Well, yeah. We don’t want an amateur with a disposable camera doing this. We want it to look good, and as far as I’m concerned, you’re the most talented photographer any of us knows. Maybe the most talented in all of Hawkins. I mean those photos you had in the school art show last year? Magazine worthy. Especially the one of that fort in the woods. It looked seriously haunted in the coolest way possible. Way better than anything anyone else submitted.”
Jonathan was touched. He knew most people only knew him as that freak with the camera, and he’d be lying if he hadn’t assumed that was why Eddie was asking when he first mentioned the card. But Eddie actually knew his work and appreciated it. He wasn’t asked just because he had a camera. He was asked because he had vision.
“How much does the job pay?” he asked.
“We’re not exactly rolling in it right now. Shocking, I know. But we talked about it and pulled our money. We can buy you a roll of film for the project so you don’t have to waste any of your own on us, and then we think we can reasonably afford to pay you for your time with twenty bucks and dinner at Benny’s afterwards. I know it’s not a lot, but it would mean a lot to us if you’d consider it. Plus, you can use the photos you take for any assignment or art show you might have coming up. And, come on.” Eddie gestured to himself. “If this handsome face is in your work, you’ll win all the top prizes for sure."
Eddie was right that it wasn’t a lot, but it was enough that it would make a difference in the quality of the gifts that Jonathan was able to get his mom and brother for Christmas. And if he didn’t have to use his own film, it was a net gain no matter what.
“So, say I agree to do this,” he started. “And I’m not agreeing just yet, but say that I do. What kinds of photos are you looking for?”
“Maybe something goofy and posed with all of us? Or artsy if you prefer. And then maybe a couple photos of us actually playing? We’ve got a Santa hat and some elf hats we were thinking of wearing since this is for a Christmas thing, but wearing them isn’t a deal breaker if you think the pictures would look better without them. Totally willing to defer to the real artistic genius here. I just want the pictures to look good, and you’re the only person I trust to make it happen.”
The idea of creative control was enticing enough to seal the deal for him.
“Alright. I’m in. When and where do you need me?”
“We haven’t settled on a specific day or time yet, but probably sometime this weekend. I’ll talk to the guys at lunch and let you know the plan before the end of the day though. I owe you my life for this. Seriously.”
With that, Eddie was racing off down the hall leaving Jonathan to try and come up with a way to make heavy metal Christmas cards into something appropriate for any of his photography class assignments.
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That Saturday afternoon, Jonathan met up with the guys outside of the Hideout. The plan was to do posed photos outside and then go inside to take a few pictures of them playing. As long as they stayed focused on getting the shots they wanted, they'd be done in time for that promised dinner at Benny's.
He didn't think it would take too long, but then again, he didn't really know what working with Eddie would be like. The guy was all over him, and it was more than a little distraction. Eddie just had so many questions about his process, and he wanted to look through the camera and get an idea of what Jonathan was seeing. Or, if he wasn't asking questions, he was touching him. Adjusting a twisted camera strap, placing a hand on Jonathan's back as he leaned in the eye the proposed shot, poking at him to get his attention, grabbing at his arm to pull him over to any place he thought they could get a good photo. If Jonathan didn't know any better, he would've thought that Eddie was into him.
“Come on, Eddie,” he said as he tried to get him to pose properly for what he thought might be their last shot. “Quit it with whatever that brooding, tortured artist look is. You said you wanted something goofy, not sexy.”
“So you think I'm sexy?” Eddie asked, quirking an eyebrow.
Jonathan could feel his face burning.
“Just let me take the picture.”
He snapped a couple more photos in quick succession before putting the lens cap back on his camera.
“I think I got everything you guys wanted out here. Let's take a ten minute break, and then we can set up for the performance shots.”
Jonathan headed inside for a moment alone, but he'd barely sat down before Gareth was joining him at his table.
“You know we didn't need to hire you for this, right?” he started. “Jeff's parents own that hobby shop downtown, and his mom would have lent us a camera for free if we promised not to smash it. A fancy one with a timer so we wouldn't have even needed a photographer to get this done.”
“If that's the case, why am I here?”
“You haven't figured it out yet?”
“Figured out what?”
“You really have no idea. He's about as subtle as a heart attack, and you still don't know.”
“Can you please fill me in so I can make even a little bit of sense of what you're saying?”
“Eddie wanted you to do this so he'd have an excuse to spend time with you and get to know you a little better.”
“And he was willing to pay me twenty bucks for the opportunity?”
“Well, yeah. When he's that into someone, he loses all sense of logic and reason. Even more so than usual.”
Jonathan was stunned speechless. Eddie was into him? Suddenly all of his badgering made sense, and when he really stopped to think about it, the badgering wasn't unwelcome. If he wasn't in the middle of lining up a shot, he could see himself enjoying what was apparently Eddie's attempt at flirting.
“So, why doesn't he just ask me out? It would probably be cheaper than paying me to be your band's personal photographer.”
“He's afraid that you'd say no which I think is stupid because it's obvious how much he gets under your skin.”
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Dude. Your entire face looked like a tomato after you accidentally called him sexy. Pretty sure that was your subconscious telling you that you're into him, too.”
Jonathan didn't know what to say. Before he'd asked him to do this, he didn't realize Eddie even knew who he was, and now he was facing the very real possibility that he could maybe be into Eddie, too.
“Look," Gareth started. "You don't have to say anything to me or him or anybody. But, if you wanted, I could make something happen. All I ask is that you do a small favor for me.”
“Name it.”
“Put in a good word for me with Nancy?” he asked. “I find her beautiful and terrifying.”
“I'll see what I can do.”
Gareth stood up from his seat and smiled at Jonathan.
“It's been a pleasure doing business with you.”
Their break ended shortly after that, and Jonatham took a series of photos of them playing through two different songs so he could get a variety of different angles for each member of the band. Once he figured he'd gotten everything he needed, he motioned for the band to stop.
“I'm pretty sure I just used up the last of the film you guys brought, so we can call it here. I'll develop everything when I have access to the photo lab on Monday and get the prints to you as soon as possible.”
“We're done?” Eddie sounded more than a little disappointed and he crossed over to where Jonathan was loading his camera back into his bag.
“I think so. But I remember being promised dinner at Benny's as part of my payment, so we could head there now if you want.”
“Definitely. We just need to load up our stuff, and then we can all head out.”
“Actually, the guys and I have a thing,” Gareth said. “And we can't get out of it, so you guys are gonna have to go by yourselves.”
“What thing?” Jeff asked. “We don't have a-”
He was cut off from finishing his sentence by Gareth smacking his arm and pointedly looking back and forth between him and where Eddie was standing with Jonathan.
“Oh! Right!” Jeff said after the realization hit. “That thing. So sad we can't make it.”
“You crazy kids have fun without us!” Gareth said as he ushered the other two bandmates out of the bar.
“I'm going to kill him,” Eddie muttered under his breath, making Jonathan huff out a laugh.
“No, you're not.”
“Oh, but I am. I'm already drafting up posters advertising our need for a new drummer.”
“Go easy on him. He just did you a massive favor.”
Eddie crossed his arms over his chest.
“How do you figure?”
“He just got you a date with the guy you've been shamelessly flirting with all day.”
Eddie's jaw dropped. He definitely wasn't expecting that response from him.
“I'm pretty sure the guys just left without loading their stuff into the van, so pick your jaw off the floor and let me help you get that taken care of. Then you can flirt with me some more.”
Eddie changed his mind. He wasn't killing Gareth. He was gonna owe him for the rest of his life for helping him earn a date with Jonathan Byers.
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breitzbachbea · 10 months
Drabble #83
When you're a little bit out of the age range intended for Legoland Billund, you have to make your own adult fun.
Drabble Collection on Ao3 Ship: DenNor (+ Friends) Human AU/Organized Crime AU
As far as dates went, Lukas couldn’t explain. Sure, it wasn’t exactly a date, since they had their four friends at tow. And it was at Legoland Billund, but the last time he had seen Mathias had been at the fishery of Freyja’s older brother in Iceland. Any time spent together that wasn’t strictly for work reasons was precious and hard to come by these months.
“We’ll go into the haunted house, first thing,” Mathias had promised him last night unprompted. “I think you’ll like that.”
“Hoping that I’ll jump into your arms?” Lukas had asked with a raised eyebrow and the hint of a smile on his lips.
“Psssht.” Mathias snorted. “I just know you like the vibe. But you can of course jump into my arms, should something scare you.”
Right now, Mathias showed him a catalogue of the customizeable minifigure parts one could buy at the store here. He had circled the latest pieces he wanted for his collection.
Out of the corner of his eyes and at the edge of his hearing, he caught a conversation between the rest.
“Don’t you think that we‘re all a little … too old for this?” Ráfi asked.
“Oh Ráfi, relaaax,” Freja said with a smile. “It’s fine to have fun.”
“It’s good even!” Frej backed his sister up. “Not every single day in life has to be spent doing something ‘worthwhile’. A day of kicking back is healthy!” Lukas didn’t know who showed more skin between the two on this summer day.
“I can have fun, thank you very much,” Ráfi said with a small smile. “I didn’t know you like it that much.”
“It’s the best place to pick up single parents,” Freja said and Ráfi’s face fell.
“Wait, is that why you kept going on that dragon ride?”
Lukas looked to Mathias, who was still flipping through the book to find a particular hairstyle piece. The sun brought the freckles in his face out.
“Of course it is!” Freja chuckled and Frej grinned.
“It’s like it is with hunting – you’ve got to know what an animal likes, got to know what personality you’re looking for,” Frej said. “The dads with the primary school kids are about the best, but the safest bets with moms are when they’ve got at least one teenager in there – “
“I’ve grasped the concept, thank you.” Ráfi looked to Trygve. “And you? Enjoying people watching?”
“Immensely.” They looked at them, eyes hidden behind their sunglasses. “But I know that you like a spot of friendly competition, so let’s find a place that engages that, hm?”
Ráfi smiled at their friendly smile.
“Hey Mads!” Freja called. “You’re coming with us?”
“The both of you,” Frej added while his sister rolled her eyes.
“Huh?” Mathias looked up from the catalogue. “What’s up?”
“Are you two coming with us?” Trygve asked. “Not sure where we’re going yet, but I’m in a mood for a friendly competition.”
“Oh! Cool!” Mads said and looked at Lukas. “I mean …”
“Is this about the Haunted House thing?” he asked him.
“Oh, wanted to go to the haunted house?” Frej asked. “For some dark magic?”
“You can go without us,” Ráfi said and pointedly ignored his comment, as did Lukas. “And we’ll meet later again.”
“But it’s the most fun with everyone!” Freja argued. “We can do one of the pirate things, us against the Norwegians. Doesn’t that sound fun, Mads?”
“Or we can try other teams!” Frej said.
“I mean, it does.” Mathias laughed but looked to Lukas again. “But … I’ve kind of made a promise last night about doing something with Lukas …”
“You’ve sat around the entire morning in the café, I’m sure he can survive not being at your side for fifteen minutes,” Freja said and spared Lukas a sweet, but completely joyless smile.
And no matter how much telling Mathias that the Haunted House thing really wasn’t this big of a deal would play into her hands, he wasn’t playing her game in the first place. And it wasn’t a big deal.
“Isn’t there a thing where you can build your own boat?” Trygve asked, a frown between their brows – what peaked through the blonde curls anyways.
“Dunno?” Frej said.
“Yeah!” Mathias had lit up. “It’s over in the Polar Land, if you mean the one where you build a boat and then race others.”
“I think I mean that one,” Trygve replied.
“You want to play that against Mister Masterbuilder over there?” Freja asked, with a look of disbelief that her brother mirrored.
“I mean, at least that’s a challenge,” Lukas said and glanced at Mathias for a second, to see if the other picked up the compliment.
The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile at Mathias’ beam that tried – and failed – to fake some humility on top of it.
“Of course not!” Trygve replied. “Mathias, you’re not coming. That’s no fair competition and I quite like fair competition.”
Ráfi couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh, do you now?”
“Certainly, you know me! So, you can’t come, Mathias. Terribly sorry, maybe later.”
“And I don’t think it’s much fun for you to watch,” Ráfi said. “Nor very fair if you came along and helped someone, either.”
“I … I suppose?” Mathias said.
“It’s fine,” Lukas said and grabbed Mathias’ hand. “I’m taking him to the Haunted House while you do that. No big deal.”
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magicrainbowkitties · 11 months
Aight so I know this is the absolute LEAST concerning thing about the Palestinian genocide right now (which, I've probably forgotten to mention in my own words till now:
BUT. In light of them asking us out west to boycott several specific companies, the one in particular I wanna talk about is SodaStream.
Because uh. I'm gonna be so fuckin fr right now cause I thought those guys had gone outta business. Like. My parents bought one cause of the stupid fuckin commercials from when it first came out (admittedly, I asked them to, because I was maybe 7 or 8, and "ooooh at-home soda machine sounds coooooool"), and we all fuckin hated it. And not even like the one part was bad and I grew to like it later, no we ALL (me, my parents, and my brother) tried it multiple times with multiple different flavors of those fuckin pint bottles of syrup you had to buy from like Bed Bath And Beyond or something, and it was all fucking NASTY. It tasted like if sewage waste was in a lead-lined shipping container on the same transport as a can of whatever soda.
We dispised the loathsome thing, to the point where that fuckin soda machine vanished into the ether sometime between us moving and the last time we saw one of those shitty syrups on the shelves. And the latter was well over 7 years ago I think (idk time is hard), so I honestly have no clue in the world where that piece of filth ended up. Nor have I seen anything with a SodaStream logo on it for the last forever.
Like. It's literally the same thing as the fucking Juicero, just for soda. And also like the Juicero, you can't find the bottles of syrup for it literally anywhere, so I assumed that it took the route of Juicero (which is to say, directly into the business void, never to be seen again). The fact it's apparently still around is crazy enough, but the fact they have enough money to be such a powerful influence that Palestinian people are like "hey stop buying from these guys, they're actively making things worse for us" is straight-up mind-boggling to me.
Maybe it's just my ass being firmly planted under a rock, but if anybody would like to let me know where these peddlers of gross have been hiding/exactly why they're being boycotted (not to say I won't or that everyone shouldn't, by the by! Just asking if anyone knows some context plz and thank u), that'd be really cool!
Anyhow uh I'm sorry this one was long and rambling, I've been sick all weekend and time is a meaningless soup rn. Take care, and if somehow someone from Palestine ends up seeing this... I see you, I love you, and I'm so, so sorry for everything being done to you and your people. Know that there are millions upon millions of people all over the world crying out for your justice and for your lives, and that those people refuse to leave you to suffer alone so long as we can help it. I hope my little rant at least made you smile a little, and I wish you every ounce of whatever strength you need to get through this. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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