#i hate adding tags??
shayyprasad · 6 months
midnight sugar | peter parker
tw: none. mentions of sex? dirty jokes? tony? there's a bit angst... if you squint. mostly fluff, because i need this for my mental health- (668 words)
summary: you can't sleep, so it's only right to pull peter into this. at least you've made a memory you'll never forget.
you rolled around in your bed, now finding comfort with your head dangling off the end of the bed, hair flopping around. insomnia was getting the best of you, and there was nothing to be done. you knew peter was at the avenger's tower, and the urge to pull him into this mess was irresistible.
so you did what any girlfriend would do.
hey petey
are you sleeping
well now that i've texted you i know ur awake
and that's ur fault for having the world's loudest ringtone
meet me in the tower kitchen
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
oml y/n ily but wth r u dpoing at 3 in thw moning
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
i also lobe u ans evry part of u but i dnt feel uo to habing sex in the kithcen at 3 in he morning
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
where teh hell u go
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
fck fine im cumming
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
shit i ment comig
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
do u expect me to b abl to tyep at 3:32
he huffed quietly and tossed his phone onto the dresser. normally he'd be at home with aunt may, but he had a late shift and just decided to stay here, too lazy to make the swing back. peter stumbled out of the room, into the elevator, and onto the 7th floor. he tried not to wince too bad as he walked in the kitchen that conveniently had all the lights on.
"y/n?" he asked in a raspy voice, one the you obviously found attractive.
"angel," he murmured, leaning against the counter, "what on earth are you doing?"
peter woke up a bit more when he saw your beautiful figure, coated in... flour? there was some in your hair and on your nose. you were wearing nothing but one of his sweatshirts, and no shorts, at least none that he could see.
not that he was looking or anything.
"baking! i was thinking, like, cake," you grinned, still stirring the batter.
"i- okay," he shrugged, remembering it was best not to question these things. peter figured you were having one of those nights, and the best thing he could do was to be there for you, even if it meant participating in these antics. he made his way over to his love, snaking his arms around your waist and burying his nose in your neck.
"mmm... you smell good, pretty girl."
"thank you, pretty boy. now help me! chocolate or vanilla?"
"chocolate, duh."
"i figured."
he pulled away, but didn't leave the embrace, "if you knew, why'd you ask?" he snorted.
"courtesy. also, i need more milk."
"what do we say when we want something?" peter teased.
"please let me have the white liquid, you kinky bastard."
he groaned loudly, and begrudgingly went to retrieve the item. "you're so dirty, y/nnnn."
"don't act as if you aren't horny 90% of the time."
"hey- i-... that's not true!" he spluttered out.
the two of you spent the rest of the night giggling and making messes, enjoying a semi-burnt chocolate cake. it was nothing but wholesome when the avengers walked into a doughy mess, and you two curled up in each other, snoring quietly with plates and spoons on the side.
"as long as parker wasn't fucking my daughter, i don't care. cute, though," tony snickered.
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wkr-47 · 9 days
How all you people? Do u like Slenderman?
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nerdybluephoenix · 6 months
Alien: Why do you do that? What does it mean?
Human: Do what?
Alien: The verbal sound. "Um" and "Uh"
Human: Oh! Well, sometimes when I'm trying speak, I need to a moment to process. It's a pause while I think.
Alien: Why don't you just say nothing when you pause?
Human: Oh! Um...
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fvckinnefor · 9 months
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viorhysealberia · 4 months
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kiisaes · 15 days
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I'm literally ill
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sickkonline · 10 months
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ooooh *clenches fists* i hate them so super much
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ihatebrainstorm · 11 months
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"The Caduceus. Commonly mixed up with the Rod of Asclepius."
Guys I think it'd be really funny if Pharma and Ratchet had the same voice
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thetisming · 16 days
amatonormativity: a romantic partner should be the most important person in EVERYONE'S life
NOT amatonormativity: MY romantic partner is the most important person in MY life, but i understand this is not the same for other people
allosexnormativity: EVERYONE should have sex and sex is something EVERYONE needs/wants/should want
NOT allosexnormativity: I PERSONALLY enjoy sex and love having sex because it makes ME feel good, but other people dont feel the same and that's okay
platonormativity: having friends is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs/has/should have friends
NOT platonormativity: having friends is important to ME and I PERSONALLY love having friends, but there are people who dont and theres nothing wrong with that
faminormativity (is that the word?): family is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs to have their family
NOT faminormativity: family is important to ME and I PERSONALLY need my family with me, but other people dont feel the same and i understand that
lovenormativity (again, not sure if this is a word): EVERYBODY feels love and there's something wrong wiith you if you dont
NOT lovenormativity: I PERSONALLY feel love and love people, but not everyone does and that's completely okay!
NOT amatonormativity: i dont have friends/have any desire to have friends, i am happy with other relationships/no relationships at all
NOT platonormativity: i dont have any desire to be in a romantic relationships, and i am happy with my platonic relationships
NOT allosexnormativity: i like hooking up with people and having one night stands or friends with benefits
NOT faminormativity: i care about my family deeply and am close with family members
NOT lovenormativity: i feel love for people i care about
it's not normative to personally enjoy something, so long as you respect that other people simply arent like you and aren't going to like the same things as you. taking down normativity is a two way street, allos and aspecs need to do it. support your local aros, aces, apls, afams and other aspecs today! remember to challange all normativities, and to not enforce other normativity by saying how bullshit other normativities are!
nothing is universal. romance is not universal. sex is not universal. friendship is not universal. family is not universal. love is not universal. nothing is universal.
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odd-chips · 8 days
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(Tents fingers) So I've had a very indulgent Lethal Company OC concept on the mind for a while, and now that I've drawn it, of course it's spiraled into a 80+ panel comic HILJKFD
Employee names are tentative right now, but they go by Cap'n, Kid (shortie, actual name is Scoot), Skeets (tall one, short for Skeeter) and Mav (wide one, goes by that or Maverick). Genders are also tentative, but I'm warming up to the idea of them all being women with Kid being the only boy!
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Value keys for the comic are under the cut, along with some story beats/thumbnails and the uncensored version of Cap'n's injuries from the attack! (It's sketchy, but it is drawn gore so be warned!)
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faerygardens · 10 months
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There are more tallulah & tommy fics on ao3 than there are pac & mike fics
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toypretend · 9 months
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twitter really liked this, so i’ll post it here too :))
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vampyrobot · 2 years
Everyone always dogging on glowflies (rightfully) but nobody ever talk about how griller wave is just complete horse shit. The grillers themselves aren’t the problem, it’s the fact that they piss out 5,767,354,796,499 smallfry in 0.000002 seconds. So you have to avoid the big ass grill disposing an illegal amount of toxic waste into the environment and also 5 billion blood thirsty toddlers with plastic spoons
||This post is about Splatoon 3||
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starry-bi-sky · 28 days
how do you clone a fey? that's trick question; and fey love those!
@the-navistar-carol (<333) brought up a good point while I was talking about my changeling danny au with her -- Dani! How would she exist in this au? Danny's a changeling - a fae. How would Dani, a clone of him, be created? How do you make a fey? Not through any means that Vlad is doing; you can't make a fey through unnatural means, considering the Fair Folk are nature. And Vlad's not a fey himself -- he's a halfa, even if he could make a fey, it's not in his best interest too. He's a powerful ghost, but even the weakest fae can overpower the strongest ghost. He won't want a clone of Daniel to be more powerful than him.
(In a three tier hierarchy it goes Ancients -> Fae/Mythos -> Ghosts. They all live in the Infinite Realms, but on different Planes. The fae live above the Ghost Zone in the Fey Wild, while the Mythos live beside the Wilds or down in the ghost zone depending on where they are. Places like the Frozone, the Athens Acropolis, and other such large islands climb throughout all three Planes.)
(While Ghosts can travel into the Fey Wild, its generally advised against as the ectoplasm tends to manifest differently there due to close contact magic. It can make it rather disorientating for a ghost, and as human spirits, the Fae living there would jump them faster than they could blink. So unless you're willing to play mind games with 'steal thy name eat thy face' fae, most ghosts keep out of the way of the Wilds. Fey can travel down into the Ghost Zone, they just don't bother.)
That's of course, not taking into account if Vlad even knows Danny's a fae himself. Vlad doesn't ring me as someone who really cares much about ghost culture or the going ons of the GZ. He might be aware that fae exist, but the moment he realizes he can't use them for personal gain he just doesn't bother with them. The risk is greater than the reward, and he'd rather not get eaten. But lets assume he's aware by now that Danny is fey, and has to take that into account while cloning him.
So, how does Dani exist? Good question! Honestly; i'm not sure. She might not exist at all, or if she does, she's more halfa than fey. Vlad would need a lot of human dna and ectoplasm to balance out all that fae magic. He manages to steal DNA from Jack and Maddie to do it, and since Jack's fey ancestry is very dormant its much easier to use alongside Danny's DNA.
In turn, it results in a little girl whose more human-ghost hybrid than clone. With that little extra boost in fey magic making her not a fey, but still relatively powerful. Dani is less of a clone and more of a lab-grown little sister. It's a rather tedious, complex process that has Vlad tearing his hair out trying to figure out. But he does eventually figure it out.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc crossover#changeling danny au#danielle fenton#danny phantom#still no mention of DPXDC yet so i'm adding the DP tags if thats alright lmao#how do you clone a fey? trick question! you can't. you can only make something that's not-quite fey but has ties to them.#dani's fey ancestry is an ounce of water compared to the bucket of everything else. which is more than the drop in the pond compared to jac#but not quite as powerful as changeling daniel. whose more fey than human at this rate. which is very fun to think about in terms of#his rogues haha. imagine going into the human realm about to cause chaos only to come face to face with a baby fey. a changeling.#i'd simply pass away a second time. where is your parent. human raised or otherwise?? are they nearby??? shit i thought fey hated urban#cities. what are YOU doing here baby man. im going to get eaten holy fuck. that's so many teeth.#. oh. oh you think you're a ghost. hm. hmhm. i can work with that. lets just. make sure you keep thinking that okay :) great :))#like jumpscare dude. i just saw my afterlife flash before my eyes. hello unsupervised fey child. holy fuck are you teeny tiny.#vlad probably uses some of his own dna to get the halfa effect so really dani's more of a lab grown *half* sister. Danny's gonna end up#stealing her anyways in the end. his sister now :). non-human danny my beloved#catch me using fey and fae interchangeably. my bad#some food for thought sorry if its hard to understand.#steal thy name. eat thy face fey
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thenonbinarydetective · 2 months
some of the things people say about Damian on here are fucking disgusting
I don't care if he's fictional, I would never say these things about a child
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the-casbah-way · 11 months
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been having brutus thoughts recently
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