#i have no idea if this is what you envisioned while writing the fic but I really hope you like it
wolfiesmoon · 4 months
hey, i wanted to say first that i love ur writing style. Also I wanted to ask (if is not a problem) jade, floyd and leona the prompt “cheek kisses that leave red lipstick stains”
awwww i'm so glad u think so!! i'm not sure if you mean the more silly one or the more serious one but either way i'm very happy 🩷
the reader is gender neutral in essence but they do wear lipstick because it's needed for this fic
jade's is suggestive i suppose????? so watch out for that????
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⋆୨୧˚ Jade Leech
"Interesting choice of lipstick. Not in a bad way, of course." Jade commented upon seeing you.
"I bought it yesterday, but I still have something I have to test out." You tried your best to look innocent and nonchalant.
You've had this lipstick for a while actually, but you still haven't tested if it's transfer proof yet. Jade is the perfect candidate to test that out. Atleast in your humble opinion.
"Oh? And what might that be?" he smiled at you.
"You'll see. Like, literally right now." you mirrored his decievingly innocent smile. After you kiss him, his eyes will probably go wide like they always do when he isn't expecting something. Which just so happens to be one of your favourite expressions of his.
You reached your hands out to him and pulled his face close to yours, then pressed a nice, long kiss on his right cheek. You mirrored it on the left one too, of course. Symmetry always looks nice.
Just like you predicted, he made the exact face you envisioned, with slightly pink cheeks as a bonus.
"Oh. I was... certainly not expecting that." he sounded genuinely surprised, smiling happily at you and showcasing his sharp teeth in the process. Knowing Jade, you honestly don't want to know what he thought you were going to do with that lipstick.
"Aw man, it's not transfer proof." you acted slightly dissapointed, but in reality, you couldn't be more glad that it isn't. Hmmm, it kinda feels nice to catch Jade off guard like that. Maybe you should do it more often.
"You don't realise what you've just done, do you?" his smile quickly turns sinister in a way you can't quite put your finger on. It makes you feel all weird, like you're pray getting cornered.
"Done what?" you laughed nervously.
"I do hope that you are good at hiding bite marks." as he said that, he was already grabbing your wrist and dragging you to god knows where.
"Wait... Jade, where are you taking me? Jade?!"
You have a feeling the lipstick might get smudged by the time you're done.
⋆୨୧˚ Floyd Leech
"I don't wanna talk to you..." Floyd sulked, not looking at you.
"He's been like this for the whole day." Normally, Jade would deal with Floyd's bad mood, but he's been causing even more trouble for the Lounge than usual today and was not very willing to be put in a better mood by his brother, so Jade was forced to employ higher forces to help him out. The higher forces being you, of course.
"Right... Actually, I think I might have an idea on how to solve this." You thought of a certain thing you wanted to for a while now but never had the chance to.
"Is that so?" Jade noticed the mischevious smile on your face, amused at whatever you'll come up with.
"Floyd, come with me." You pulled on his collar, sounding confident and serious.
"I told you, I'm not going to talk to you..." he glared at you, trying to push your hand away.
"There's no talking involved." You pulled harder and he finally let up, silently letting you drag him to a quiet corner of the school.
Because he's still in a bad mood, he hasn't looked your way at all. This also means he hasn't noticed the lipstick.
Suddenly, you grab a hold of his face and press a kiss to his lips before he can protest.
"Oh... oooooooh!" His face brightened up and it seems his mood has instantly improved. Floyd's a surprsingly simple guy sometimes, isn't he?
But, you're not done yet.
You pepper kisses on each of his cheeks without letting him say anything at all. He lets out strange but not entirely unwelcome noises while you're busy decorating his cheeks with kiss marks.
"There. Are you in a better mood now? Because the Mostro Lounge needs you." you looked satisfied with your work and so did Floyd when he got a glance of himself in the mirror.
"Ehhhh, do I really have to? I feel like squeezing you, not going to work. Especially not now that I'm all decorated with your kisses." he looked annoyed at the mention of work, wanting nothing more than to smother you with love and bonecrushing hugs right now.
Seems your plan kinda backfired since he became a little too happy and doesn't seem fond of letting you go anytime soon.
⋆୨୧˚ Leona Kingscholar
It is a bit unusual for you to wear such a bright lipstick color. He brushes it off, thinking you were just in the mood for a bright color or something.
Why should he care what color your lips are, anyways? Does not matter at all.
"Leonaaaa.... come here, kitty kitty~" you called him over jokingly and he glared at you in annoyance which only made you snort harder. But he still came over anyways, so you call it a win.
He looked at you, waiting for you to clarify on what you called him over for. Better be worth his time.
You grabbed a hold of the two braids at the front of his hair and pulled him into a kiss. Though it was a short(er) one since your main targets are his cheeks.
You made sure to thoroughly decorate them with kisses, turning his head left and right to inspect your work and make sure the number was about equal.
"You done?" he tries to sound unbothered, but you immediately see through it. He's definitely really happy about it.
"Yeah. You can go back to napping now." you let him go, and he lingered for a moment, no doubt dissapointed that you actually said yes. But since he didn't want to show it, he returned to his napping spot under the tree and you went back to studying in the library.
"Leeeeeoooonaaaa! Are you here again? Professor Crewel is mad at y- What is that on your face?" Ruggie's scolding session was cut short when he noticed the lipstick marks on Leona's face.
"What are you.... Ugh..." turns out Leona kinda forgot about the fact that lipstick usually leaves marks and that his cheeks were full of 'em this whole time. He groans at the realisation.
Though... they might not be that bad if they were made by you.
"Oh my god, stay still. I gotta take a photo of this. I'm sure your family would be happy to know you're doing well in your love life." Ruggie was about to pull out his phone but was stopped by Leona who swiftly grabbed his wrist. Wait, since when was he standing, anyways?
"Jesus, you scare me sometimes..." Ruggie pushes his phone back in his pocket. "Well, do I go get something to clean your face or what?"
Leona hesitates.
"Yeah, yeah."
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d1xonss · 5 months
Okay so, lately, I have been obssesed with young Daryl. Would you like writing a super fluffy fic where reader teaches Daryl about skincare and at the begining he's like 'why the hell are you putting that in your face?' but then at the end he is helping her in the most delicate manner posible. Like the look of love of this man while taking care of you... he just makes me faint.
Hope you like the idea and keep writing because you are so good! x
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Reader
✧ Era : Pre-apocalypse
✧ Pronouns : she/her
✧ Genre : Fluff
✧ Word Count : 1.8k
AN ~ Yess I love this idea! Thank you so much for requesting it and thank you for all the love on my last oneshot as a whole. I didn’t think a lot of people would like it as much as they did, but all the feedback was so sweet! Again, I tried my best with this one and hopefully I could capture what you envisioned. Hope you enjoy!
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Cleanser, moisturizer, serum, and sunscreen. Those were just the few of many steps when it came to your skincare routine that you had grown accustomed to.
Your skin was something that you were quite proud of, the years of taking care of it diligently were really paying off as it was always smooth and had some kind of a natural glow. You would get compliments here and there and questions about how you always kept your face looking so young and beautiful. And you of course would always give out any advice, products, or tips to others who asked because in all honesty it was just a simple routine.
The light in the bathroom flickered on as you reached your hand out to flip the switch, standing in front of the mirror and pulling your hair back to finally get settled in for the night after what felt like an impossibly long day. Your eyes glanced up to see your face a little more upclose, subconsciously grabbing the makeup remover first to clean all of it off your features.
It wasn’t that often you wore makeup but when you did it was always just something simple. Mascara, blush, filling in your eyebrows. But what really was your favorite part was wearing some type of lipstick or lip gloss on your perfectly plump lips. Your only reason as to why it was your favorite was so at some point in the day, you could pull your boyfriend in for a kiss on the cheek, only to pull back and see the residue of your lips. He however would groan and playfully shoo you away as he wiped his cheek to see whatever color you had on staining his palm. But the small smile playing on his own lips would tell you that he secretly loved it.
You reached up towards your eye to gently remove the mascara from your eyelashes, before discarding the cotton pad in the trashcan below. Then copying the same actions to your eyebrows, you removed any pencil that was left before throwing that cotton away as well. You then briefly rinsed your face with water, before pulling out your drawer full of products to use in a specific order.
The cleanser was always first since your face had to be a little wet, applying it gently all over your skin before leaning back down and rinsing it off completely. Toner came after, dabbing a little product in another cotton pad before dragging it over your face and neck to make sure you didn’t miss any lingering dirt that could still be there. Then it was serum, dripping a little from the dropper over different sections before lightly dragging it out until everything felt even.
It was always this part where you felt your face was especially shiny and glowing, taking a second to look at it glistening in the dim light. Until your eyes lingered to some movement just behind you, seeing Daryl’s figure standing in the doorway as he watched you intently.
You gasped a little at his sudden presence as you weren’t expecting him to be there, laughing a little to yourself as you placed a hand over your heart and turned to face him now. “Jesus,” you breathed, “You scared me half to death.”
His face turned a bit sheepish as that was never his intention, he just simply wanted to watch whatever girly thing you were doing before heading to bed, “Sorry.” he said as he slowly passed through the threshold.
“It’s okay. Just give me a few more minutes and I’ll be done.” you said before turning to face the mirror again.
You half expected him to leave and just wait for you in your shared bedroom, but he didn’t. He placed himself right next to you as his eyes moved towards the mirror as well, but only to watch your movements as you attempted to put on eye cream. He squinted a little as he watched you, thinking silently to himself for what felt like a long while.
As a guy, he never really understood things like this, though he went along with it because it clearly made you happy. But tonight apparently he was full of questions, wanting you to tell him everything about your little potions that sat out on the bathroom counter.
“The hell you puttin on yer face?”
Perhaps that was the wrong thing to just blurt, but he couldn’t help it as genuine confusion filled him seeing as you didn’t need anything like this to be “beautiful.” He always thought you were perfect.
Though you laughed at his bluntness, rubbing in the cream under your eyes as you looked at his face in the mirror, “It’s my skincare routine.” you said simply.
His brows remained furrowed as he was still left in the dark. “I’ve been doing it since before we even got together, Daryl.” you said as your eyes moved to look at your own features.
He hummed a little, more to himself as he thought back to if he had ever seen you do this before like you claimed. Had he really been that dense about it?
“Well, uh…what’re they supposed to do?” he asked.
You smiled as your eyes locked with his again, “They just help keep your skin healthy and clean.” you said as you reached for your moisturizer, your final step, “Why? You wanna try?” you asked playfully.
He scoffed and shook his head as he leaned down a bit on the counter, continuing to watch you with his head in his hands, “Nah, watchin you do it is enough for me.”
You rolled your eyes a bit, though you didn’t push further as you finished rubbing the cream into your cheeks. Though silently you wished Daryl would do something for his skin, you believed that everyone should. The sun was your biggest concern for him. Although you loved his little sunspots all over his face and the slight redness he would sometimes get on his cheeks and nose, you wished he at least wore sunscreen if anything at all. But it was no secret the man was stubborn, but maybe, just maybe, you would be able to convince him.
“Okay,” you said as you finally finished and began putting the products away, “I’ll make you a deal. You don’t have to do face masks with me anymore, if you promise to put on some sunscreen everyday before work.” you wagered.
You watched as his eyes narrowed at you playfully, thinking about his options in his head before finally sighing in defeat and standing back up to his full height, “Alright, fine.” he agreed.
“Yay!” you silently cheered as you leaned forward to wrap your arms around his shoulders, bringing him further into you.
He smiled to himself as he hugged your waist tight, resting his chin on your shoulder. If you asked him, he didn’t need anything to keep his skin “healthy” because he didn’t necessarily care about any of that quite like you did. But he would do just about anything for you, anything to make you happy, and anything to even catch a glimpse of your smile.
Which is why he reluctantly pulled away with a quiet groan, “And I’ll…still do facemasks with ya anyway.” he said almost regrettably.
Your mouth dropped in surprise, “Really?”
“Yeah,” he huffed with a small returning smile, “As long as they make me pretty after, I guess they’re alright.”
You tilted your head a bit to the side as your hand came up to trail your thumb against his cheekbone, “But you’re already pretty.”
“...Not as pretty as you, sweet girl.” he corrected, coming in close to place a kiss on your cheek.
But your hand coming up quickly to stop him is what caused him to be slightly taken aback, “Wait, wait,” you giggled as you kept his face away from yours, “I just finished my skincare, have you learned nothing?” you playfully asked him, “Besides the moisturizer will get on your lips, I don’t think you wanna kiss me there.”
He sighed in faux annoyance as his eyes traveled down a bit, “Well, can I kiss ya here?” he asked as you felt his thumb come up to run along your bottom lip gently.
You smiled with a small nod, “Yes.”
He smirked before finally closing the distance between you two, his lips overlapping yours in a sweet kiss as his hands ran up and down your back slowly. You hummed into his mouth as his lips felt heavenly against your own, feeling him pull away to place one more peck on your parted mouth before fully stepping back.
“Alright, come on now, we gotta get ya to bed for yer beauty sleep.” he teased as he suddenly bent down and grabbed you by your legs, swinging your upper half over his shoulder as he carried you out of the bathroom.
“Daryl!” you cried as you laughed at his sudden fast actions, hearing him let out a chuckle himself as he carried you all the way up the stairs while swaying you back and forth playfully.
After that night Daryl fulfilled his promise, letting you put sunscreen over his cheeks and nose right before he headed off to work each morning to ease your mind. And he still occasionally allowed you to put a face mask on him, seeing how much it brought you joy to have someone to do it with. But also he had to admit, it made his face feel a little softer afterwards.
The only thing that changed in your routine since that night is that Daryl would now always follow you into the bathroom when it was time to put on all your “potions” as he called them. Except he wasn’t the one watching you do all the work, but instead, he applied everything for you. He insisted on it in fact. He always wanted to take care of you and this was no different, in fact he thought it was fun.
It was also fun for you as well as you agreed to his request, sitting yourself up on the counter as he applied everything like you usually would. You had to walk him through the steps the first few times, but after that he was a natural. He was always so delicate as his slightly rough fingertips glided effortlessly across your skin. Your favorite part however, was opening your eyes occasionally to watch his face as it was full of concentration, seeing his tongue slip out a little at times as he focused. You thought it was absolutely adorable.
And every time he was done, without fail, he would always look at you so lovingly it nearly made you melt into a puddle. His eyes so clearly held so much love for you, you found yourself thinking how you had the best man in the entire world. Though you always wanted to know what he was thinking when he stared at you like this, finally one night opening your mouth to ask.
“What?” you voiced a bit playfully as your head tilted to the side.
He shrugged his shoulders as his eyes remained the same, “Nothin…just so beautiful.” he practically whispered.
Your lips stretched into a bashful smile as you couldn’t help but blush. Yeah, best man in the entire world.
~ Thanks for reading!
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honnelander · 8 months
wedding bands
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SURPRISE! 🤗 this is just a quick idea I had and wanted to write…. I still feel a bit weird about this and I might delete this at any point if I want to (just be warned!) if you don’t like real people actor fic, well I’m sorry, then this isn’t for you! please enjoy my other works then! (hate will not be tolerated) sorry, no taglist for this since this is a one-time thing. the picture above is what I envisioned when writing this. enjoy 🤗🫶🏼
word count: 1.3k
pairing: Taz Skylar x reader
summary: Taz wants to marry you.
“Let’s get married.” 
You glanced up from your dinner, a delicious meal that Taz had lovingly prepared for the two of you that night, like he always did, your brows furrowing, staring at him to make sure you heard him right. You were probably looking at him like he was speaking a foreign language. 
“Wait- what?” you asked after a few beats of silence. 
Taz, however, continued eating his meal unbothered, spearing a piece of asparagus with his fork, raising it up towards his mouth. “Let’s get married, tonight,” he repeated in the same casual tone, looking down at his plate, like he was discussing something as simple as the weather. “I mean- I love you, you love me, right?” A small laugh escaped his lips as he turned his gaze towards you, his blue eyes holding a spark of mischief within them, a small smirk dancing on the corner of his lips. “Let’s make this thing official,” he said, putting the food into his mouth. 
“Well- uh,” you started, looking down at your meal, at a loss for words. “Of course I love you,” you said quickly, not wanting him to doubt your affections towards him for even a second. “It’s just...” 
“Sudden?” he asked with his right hand in front of his mouth, fork in hand, voice muffled slightly from the food. 
“Soon,” you said at the same time. 
You both giggled at your answers, realizing you were always in sync with one another no matter what on earth you two were discussing.  
Taz swallowed, reaching for his glass of white wine. “Look, I know it’s sudden and seemingly out of nowhere, but,” he picked up the glass, lifting it up and bringing it to him, “I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and...” he looked at you, his bright eyes scanning your face as he sucked on his teeth for a second with a small smile. “I figured, why not? What’s stopping us?” 
You laughed breathlessly. “Uh, well, for starters, what about time? It takes time to plan a formal wedding.” 
“Who says it has to be formal?” he countered, taking a sip of his wine before placing the glass back on the table. “A wedding doesn’t need to be this big, whole production. It can just be with two people: you and me.” 
“Ok...” you relented slowly, trying to digest the whole situation. You pushed your food around with your fork absentmindedly, resting your head in your propped up hand. “But don’t we need a pastor or something? Or someone who’s ordained? To you know... make things official?” 
He shrugged. “We’ll go down to the courthouse tomorrow, get a judge to sign our certificate.” He picked up his knife to cut another piece of meat. “You know, make it legal and all that.” 
You put your fork down, both of your forearms resting on the table now as you watched him continue to eat. “And our vows?” you asked, trying to stump him. 
Taz continued cutting. “Easy,” he scoffed playfully with a good-natured smile. “We’ll just speak from the heart.” He looked at you, his smile morphing into a smirk. “And I can tell you how much I love you all night, if you know what I mean,” he winked. 
You blushed, averting his suggestive look as you looked to the side as you heard him laugh. You were quiet for a moment, the only sound filling the room was Taz’s silverware hitting against his plate. 
“What would we wear?” 
 “What we have on now,” he replied easily. “No need to get all fancy. We can, uh, save that for our vow renewal in ten years,” he said cheekily, his smile growing, as he quickly raised his eyebrows. 
That roused a laugh out of you, causing you to look back towards the love of your life, meeting his eyes. “Oh, so now we’re already talking about vow renewals?” you giggled. “One thing at a time, Taz.” 
His smile turned tender; his eyes filled with love as he kept looking at you. “What can I say?” he asked softly after a moment. “I’m just excited.” 
As you both held eye contact, you could feel the reality of his proposition become more palpable by the second. Taz was serious, he wanted to marry you.  
And you couldn’t think of any reason why you shouldn’t. You loved him, and he loved you. Taz Skylar was the love of your life and you wanted to spend the rest of your time on this earth with him, however long or short that might be. 
“What about wedding bands?” you asked quietly. 
He broke eye contact, shifting in his seat slightly as he looked to his right. “Yeah, about that- I had a crazy idea, and you don’t have to agree to this if you don’t want to, of course,” he quickly started, moving his hands slightly. 
You raised an eyebrow. “Do what? What’s crazier than a last-minute wedding?” 
Taz breathed out a quick, humorless laugh. “Ha, yeah, so, I was, uh, thinking...” 
“What if we got our wedding bands tattooed?” he quickly asked, like ripping off a band-aid, his shoulders becoming stiff as he braced for your response. A couple of quiet seconds ticked by, feeling like hours to him. “Now I know it’s crazy and all, but-” 
“I love it,” you said, quieting him instantly. 
He exhaled slightly, letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding in. His shoulders relaxed as his trepid eyes found yours. “You do?” 
You nodded, your eyes watering as you looked at him with a closed lip smile. “Yeah,” you answered, your voice breaking slightly. “I love it. It’s perfect.” 
You always wanted to have a matching tattoo with him, both of you floating around the idea but never actually pulling the trigger, and what could be a better matching tattoo with him than a wedding band? 
He laughed quietly, a wide smile of happiness and relief overtaking his face and crinkling the corners of his eyes.
“Yeah?” he asked breathlessly. His eyes started to mirror yours, unshed tears pricking at the corners. This was serious now; this was for real. He was going to marry you.  
And he doesn’t ever remember being this happy before. 
“G-good,” he said, his throat feeling thick suddenly. “There’s a shop not too far away, open late. We can go now.” 
You nodded and blinked, a few tears escaping your eyes and rolling down your cheeks as you tried not to cry. “Ok,” you whispered. 
“Ok?” he repeated in the same soft voice, his eyes full of wonder. 
“Yeah. Ok.” 
Taz let out a breath, his smile as wide as can be, a tear rolling down his cheek. He looked down for a second, placing his utensils on the table before standing up and making his way around the table towards you. 
“Now, there’s only one question I have left for you,” he started, clearing his throat. He came to your left, getting down on one knee as he pulled out an engagement ring from his pocket. “Now I had this all ready to go, in case you didn’t like the tattoo idea,” he said, causing both of you to laugh tearfully.  
You put a hand over your mouth, swallowing thickly, the tears spilling over your cheeks quickly. 
He looked up, the most tender smile on his face, a look of pure, unfiltered love in his eyes. “Y/n, I love you, with all my heart. You are the love of my life and I can’t imagine doing this thing called ‘life’ without you,” his crooked smile deepened. “Will you do me the honor of a lifetime by becoming my wife? Y/n, will you marry me?” 
You nodded quickly. “Y-yes. Yes of course I will,” you answered, letting out a cry of happiness as you practically tackled him in a hug. “I love you,” you cried into his neck as he wrapped his arms around you. 
He laughed, enveloping you in a hug as he kissed the top of your head. “And I love you.” 
You pulled away from him slightly to look up at him and saw a tear roll down his cheek. “Now and forever,” you whispered. 
“Always,” he said before closing the gap and kissing you. 
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sturniololoco · 5 months
could you write a sturniolo sister fic where matt gets a girlfriend and the sister is the closest with matt but the girlfriend is horrible to the sister and when she tries to tell matt he doesn’t believe her and they get into some kind of argument until matt hears his gf say something to the sister?
Sister In Law Gone Wrong
Sturniolo Little sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: language, an annoying bitch?
Note: I'm so sorry if your name is Brittney btw
Moving in with my brothers was exciting, but hard. especially when I found out Matt has a girlfriend.
In my eyes, no one deserves them. I always envisioned my brother's girlfriends, or boyfriends for Nick's sake, to be just as kind as my brothers are.
But Matt's Girlfriend was an absolute bitch. And I haven't even been there for three days.
It was my third day in my new home. My brothers have been helping me unpack all my stuff for the past couple of days, and we were finally finished.
I was so excited to be done because Matt promised me that we would go play putt-putt at his new favorite spot in L.A.
I was getting ready to go, throwing on some cargo jeans and a cropped sweater. I walked downstairs and Chris walked over to me, giving me a spin, saying,
"Damn sis! you look bad!"
I playfully hit him on the shoulder and covered my red face as Nick and Matt began hyping me up with Chris.
I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Matt. I was about to ask him when we were about to go when the front door opened and hells began clicking up our steps.
Matt's girlfriend, Brittney, walks into the room.
She walked in like she owned the place, throwing her purse on the table and laying across Matt's lap, covering half the couch.
"Are you ready to go or what?" She asks Matt, sassily, while pulling out her phone, opening Snapchat, taking a selfie with her tongue out, and then posting it to her story.
"Uh, we're going somewhere?" Matt replies, looking as though he has no idea what she's talking about.
"You're taking me to dinner, I'm hungry," Brittney says. "You will take me, right Matty?" She says, giving him a pout and taking in a baby voice.
"Uh, I mean yeah sure. Lemme get me keys." Matt looks at me guiltily as he makes his way to the kitchen, grabbing his keys. He quietly mouths I'm sorry to me as he walks down the stairs, following Brittney.
I give him the most reassuring half-smile I could muster before he's gone, and I hear his car pull away. I feel the tears well up in my eyes and emotion stabbing at the back of my throat.
But I quickly try to wipe them away as Chris comes and sits next to me. But to my surprise, he pulls me into a hug and says,
"I know kiddo. It's ok if you're upset, I would be too."
I press my forehead into his chest as he cradles my head, willing the tears not to come, but a few slip out. I pull away from Chris's embrace.
"I'm fine! I'm good, really! As long as Matts is happy I'm happy." I say, trying to move off the subject before my disappointment settles in even more.
Chris nods, giving me a sad smile as he stands up.
"Hey why don't I order pizza and we can play Monopoly?" Nick says, trying to lighten the mood. I nod, smiling. Might as well make fun out of a crappy situation I thought to myself.
After about 2 hours of monopoly, three slices of pizza, and a bowl of ice cream later, I was getting tired. I yawned and stood up, telling my brothers, that I was heading to bed.
"Sweet dreams kid," Chris says, ruffling my hair as I hug him goodnight. I then walk over to Nick and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"'Night!" He says.
"Oh, when Matt comes in, could you tell him goodnight for me?" I ask my brothers before going upstairs. They glance sadly at each other, then say they would. So I walked upstairs to get some rest.
Chris's POV
About 30 minutes after SLS/N went to bed, Matt walked up the stairs, throwing his keys on the table, and then flopping down on the couch.
"Wow. Nice of you to join us, especially when the one person who wanted to hang out with you has already gone to bed! Brother of the year right there!" Nick says sarcastically, saying exactly what I was thinking.
Matt rolls his eyes, and mumbles,
"Relax, I'll make it up to her" Matt gets up and walks to his room and shuts the door. I look at Nick and we both sigh in defeat.
I'm awake early the next day, around 8:00. None of my brothers are awake yet, so I decide to cook breakfast. I get out our mini waffle maker and the Bisquick. I also decide to make some bacon and sausage.
Not long after I start cooking, I hear the front door creek open, and foot straps come from the stairs. I turn to see Brittney.
What a great way to start my morning.
She struts into the kitchen and takes a waffle off the stack, then digs through the fridge for the syrup.
"Is this keto-friendly?" She asks me.
I shake my head saying,
"Um, it's Bisquick."
She rolls her eyes sits down and begins to eat. She eats nearly the whole thing before pushing her plate away and saying,
"What the fuck is this shit? you think people will actually eat this?" She laughs at the disappointed look on my face.
"I can make you something else if you like," I say, being way too nice to someone I want to slap across the face. Before she can answer, Matt walks into the kitchen, looking sleepy and disheveled.
"Oh good you're awake. Can we pwease go get Starbucks Matty? She says in a baby voice. Matt nods and she practically skips to the car, leaving her dirty dish on the table.
Matt walks over and gives me a hug. He must have noticed something was wrong because he said,
"You okay? Your eyes are lookin' watery."
I look down and say,
"Have you noticed that your girlfriend is a little mean" But I instantly regret saying that.
"SLS/N! How could you say that! Just because the attention isn't on you anymore doesn't mean you get to say that about her!" H says, raising his voice, which he never does.
He spins around and walks out the front door, leaving me there in the kitchen. The tears well up in my eyes as I began to clean up breakfast, throwing away all the waffles I already made.
I didn't want to be by myself this morning, especially after the breakfast flop. I walk downstairs to Chris's room.
The door is cracked and dim light is coming from inside. I knock lightly.
"Come in," I hear Chrls's morning voice say. I enter the room to see him lying in his bed watching his phone. I walk over and crawl into bed next to him, snuggling into his side. He notices something is wrong the minute I lay down.
"Alright, spill it, kid." He demands
I told him everything that happened this morning.
Matt's POV
I get into the driver's seat, flustered due to my argument with SLS/N. I hear Brittney sigh, and I look over at her.
"Why are you in a mood?" She asks, giving me a pout. I run my fingers through my hair, and say,
"My sister is just being a little difficult is all."
I hear her scoff and let out a low chuckle. I look over at her confused.
"Yeah, no shit. She's such a little brat. And she can't even make a waffle right." She keeps scrolling through her phone as if she doesn't even realize what she's saying to me, SLS/N's brother.
"What the fuck did you just say?" I asked, feeling stupid for not believing SLS/N.
"You heard me, I said she's a brat." She replies, popping the gum in her mouth.
This was a new feeling for me. I've never felt so upset or mad. I remember all the times I let SLS/N down because of some stupid girl. I'm such an idiot.
"Get out of my car," I say through gritted teeth.
"What- but- Matty, baby c'mon, you know I didn't mean that!" She struggles to correct herself, but it's too late. The damage has already been done.
"Get. Out. Of. My. Car." I say, one last time. She flings her car door open and runs to her car, speeding out of the driveway. I quickly run back inside, trying desperately to come up with a solution to make it up to SLS/N.
Still snuggled into Chris's side, I heard the front door open again and footsteps walking closer.
Matt peeks his head inside Chris's room, where we are. He clears his throat and says,
"Hey, um Chris, do you mind if I talk to SLS/N for a second?"
Chris looks at me and I nod. He stands up and brushes past Matt while he walks out of the room, mumbling,
"Don't fuck this up."
Matt walks over and sits next to me.
"I...I'm sorry. I should have listened to you over Brittney. I was stupid to think that my little sister would ever do that and I was wrong." He starts tearing up a little at the end of his apology.
However, I was happy that I had my Matt back again. I quickly give him a hug, knocking him back onto the bed. We giggle and laugh as we wrestle.
"And if it's okay with you, I'd like to make it up to you. How does putt-putt sound kid?" H asks, a smile playing on his lips.
"Yay!" I shout, standing up and jumping up and down on the bed, only to be tackled again by Matt.
That night Matt and I went on a little brother-sister date. We went Putt-putting, and Matt won both rounds of course. Then we went to get ice cream before heading home.
We laughed and danced to music in the car, happy in each other's company again.
Guys! School got canceled again tomorrow! I'll try and post some extra for you this weekend and finish some requests!
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kimsohn · 1 year
in each other's arms
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pairing . roommates! mingi x gn reader about . 3k+ words, fluff warnings . i have an unhealthy obsession with writing when i’m sleep-deprived take this as you will. i also don’t write long fics so i’m super sorry in advance. reader has a thing for mingi’s arms (who doesn’t), there is cursing involved, slight mentions of alcohol, reader calls mingi annoying and stupid a couple of times but it’s endearingly, this is not proofread yolo
synopsis . you don’t understand why your roommate is suddenly afraid of the dark, but maybe offering him space to sleep next to you wasn’t the worst idea you’ve ever had. note . wrote this for a secret santa fic and decided to post here as well! i don't really stan ateez but writing this has definitely made me some sort of mingi stan 😭 also this was inspired by this episode of curious george, not crucial to understand the fic but definitely helpful
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You’re not quite sure how your roommate grew so accustomed to watching Curious George episodes every night, but it’s become a, to put simply, very distracting routine.
Returning home from work to find Mingi, part-time barista and your personal full-time teddy bear, watching a TV show wasn’t uncommon. Heck, customer service jobs were so horrible that even you would settle in front of the screen for the remainder of the day. You’d often walk in on a new Netflix series and even indulge in them with him, humming soundtracks while you both made dinner together or fall asleep cuddling to the end credits of each episode.
It was all fine until he found a Curious George playlist on YouTube with all 15 seasons, and being a nonsensically endearing child at heart, he’d made it his personal mission to cycle through all of them. Initially, it was nostalgic for you too, but after one too many times of seeing the stupid monkey and his yellow-adorned caretaker, you’d opt to crash in your banana-less bed after dinner instead.
Nights often end like this one, with you drifting into slumber and the glaring light of the TV screen peeking into your room underneath the door. Neither of you was that bothered by the change in routine anyway; you got more sleep and he got his screen time. Being roommates, understanding each other was key in your relationship, and although things were slightly different, the silent compromise was enough to keep the peace between you.
Or at least, it was enough until you hear three knocks on your bedroom door and a slight knob turn.
“Y/N? Are you awake?”
The whisper takes a while to register in your half-asleep state, and at the realization of his scared tone, you force yourself to shift into a sitting position before responding.
“Mingi? What’s wrong?”
He tiptoes into the room, turning on the light. The bright contrast from your previously dark room makes your eyes close instinctively, your pupils adjusting to Mingi’s blurry figure.
“Promise you won’t think I’m stupid?” he asks, an attentive gaze in his eyes.
The comment makes you laugh as you patted your bed, beckoning him onto the soft surface.
“You’ve been stupid to me, dumbass. Just tell me what’s wrong.”
He shuffles on the pillows, leaning in closer to whisper to you despite no one else being in the house.
“I think there are monsters in my room.”
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“Okay, let me get this straight. You watched a Curious George episode about him seeing shadow monsters in his room, and now you think they’re in your room too?”
You can see the pout on his face intensify as he turns all the lights on while walking to his room. You knew the episode he was talking about, the one where the monkey started envisioning oddly shaped shadows as monsters only to later learn they were just figments of his imagination, but you didn’t think it would affect your roommate that badly.
“No! Don’t turn on the light,” he exclaims as you screw open his doorknob, despite the rest of the house being engulfed in light because of his phobia.
“Why not?” you question, watching the door creak open and stepping into the room, pulling him along with you so he won’t run away.
“Look,” he points at an oddly shaped lump, “you can’t tell me that isn’t some evil slug out to get me.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s just—”
“And over there,” he beckons to a tall, conical structure, “that is literally an evil Christmas tree. I’m 100% sure we’re about to die.”
You sigh as you flick on the lights, your suspicions being confirmed.
“Did you even think to turn on the light? These so-called ‘monsters’ are just your pile of dirty laundry that I’ve been begging you to wash and your coat rack that I still can’t comprehend being in this room and not the doorway.”
“You’re right but,” he moves to turn off the light again, “why do they look so different in the dark? They’re shapeshifting! I’m not insane Y/N, just trust me.”
At this point, you’re too mentally and physically exhausted to even care about his antics. In some other period of time, you would’ve indulged his nightmares, but right now it’s far past your bedtime and the only thing on your mind is a long, relaxing sleep.
“Fine. You can sleep in my room tonight. I don’t have stupid coat racks or dirty laundry in my room for you to be scared of, and we can turn on the little night light I still have from third grade. Got it?”
You pretend not to notice the silent cheer he lets out behind your back as you make the trek back to your part of the building, killing the lights as you go. Mingi keeps an arm on your shoulder, and you notice he keeps his gaze on the wall beside him to avoid any potential shapeshifters in the living room.
After a thorough inspection of your room, Mingi deduces that there are indeed no shadow monsters. By then you’re already half asleep, curling into the right side so his hunk of a body has room.
“You sure this is okay?” he questions, stretching his arms and yawning.
Your tired gaze glazes over the ripples of his lean muscles illuminated by your snowman night light before answering with a nod, and you grumble when he flops on the bed and steals too much of your blanket.
“C’mere,” he voices, making grabby hands, “I miss cuddling with you.”
You make the meanest face possible and flip over to the other side, turning away from his seemingly shocked face.
“Wake me up for cuddles when you stop acting like a baby and grow a pair.”
And as you drift into slumber, despite your warnings you still feel the soft weight of his arm curl around your torso, sending you into the sweetest dreams full of fantastical butterflies.
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The next night, Mingi is knocking at your door again, albeit a couple of hours earlier than yesterday. He doesn’t even have to speak before you’re glaring at him, hands crossed in annoyance.
“I’m not letting you sleep here again. You stole too much of my blanket last time.”
You don’t mention to him that you had the best sleep of your life.
“That’s why I brought a blanket!” he exclaims, holding up his polka-dot fuzzy bedspread, “I also brought some popcorn so we can watch a movie on your shitty computer.”
Screw him for being thoughtful, and screw him for wearing the same brand of tank top that he did yesterday. Were his muscles always this prominent, or was it your nightlight making you see things?
“Shitty computer?” you repeat, threatening to close the door in his face.
“No! No… I think you misheard. I love your classic, old computer.”
His grin intensifies as you let him in, snapping the nightlight on and setting up the movie on your computer that is indeed shitty. The overheating of the device makes you turn away from his knowing smirk, and as the starting scenes flash across the blue light screen, you reach for the popcorn, only for him to move it out of your reach.
“Can we cuddle now at least? I meant it when I said I missed it.”
You don’t say anything in response, keeping your eyes trained on the screen, but your hand does reach over to grab a kernel, giving him the green light to wrap an arm around your shoulder. You know that if you refused, he would bring up the embarrassing fact of how you woke up curled into his arm, and you weren’t really in the mood to fight a blush on your cheeks.
“You know, I don’t understand why you’re still scared of the dark when Curious George clearly overcomes his fear at the end of the episode.”
“He does?”
You turn to look at him, confused.
“Did you not finish the episode?”
“I haven’t touched the show since the beginning of that episode. I’m scarred.”
You still believe that this is some sort of sick prank Mingi has been playing on you because there’s no way a 23-year-old man would be this frightened over a figment of his imagination. However, it means you don’t have to bear the stupid ape’s squeaky voice as you fall asleep, so you take the win.
“You know you can’t keep sleeping in my room like this. Why don’t you just clear your room so you won’t be afraid anymore?”
“I like the organized chaos.”
“Oh yeah? The organized chaos that shapeshifts into your worst nightmares?”
“So they do shapeshift! See Y/N, I’m not crazy.”
He is crazy, but the way his arm feels around your shoulder is enough to make you stay quiet as you shovel popcorn into your mouth and watch the movie blur before your eyes.
You awake to find yourself in the same position, and although your head is awkwardly and painfully resting in the crook of Mingi’s shoulder, you find that you once again have garnered a good night’s sleep.
Although you can only see the side of his face, his frame is so beautiful that you can’t help but melt into a puddle of nothingness. The sunlight peeking in from the gaps of your blinds illuminates his face in rays so perfectly, and you have the urge to brush his orange-stained hair behind his ears to gain a better view.
Mingi has always been breathtakingly beautiful. You met him a couple of years ago in college, bonding over the uncertainty of where your future would take you. Ending up together in this small yet comfortable apartment together was something you hadn’t expected, but something you’re learning not to take for granted. His silly quirks and endearing behavior are like a magnet, and it’s hard to not have feelings for someone whom you’re so domestic with every day, but you both are busy with your own lives and have never had time to properly explore those feelings.
Falling asleep in each other’s arms is the closest form of intimacy you’ve shared with him, and you’ve learned to cherish and be grateful for it.
Knowing that both of you are bound to end up with a crick in your necks if you stay in this position any longer, you slowly shake him awake, pushing away your thoughts as you feel him stir underneath your palm.
“Mingi, wake up. You’re going to kill me with your complaints if you wake up with sore limbs.”
“I like sleeping in your arms,” he grumbles, and it’s a little too obvious how your heart constrains at the words.
“I know, but I promise you’d feel much better if you slept properly on the bed. I’ll reward you with an amazing breakfast, I promise.”
The mention of food has him relaxing in your arms, and you move so that he’s sleeping normally against the pillow. The thoughts of waking up next to him and cooking breakfast for him are all very normal, but they’re so domestic that it has your early-morning mind go haywire at the implications.
You tell your brain to shut up and get off the bed to make breakfast before Mingi cusses you out.
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Mingi appears in your bed the next day, the day after that, and many more days after that. At this point, your room has now become a shared room, and Mingi has become a prominent figure in your sheets. Hell, your pillows have even started to smell like him, and you don’t know whether you find it annoying or endearing.
A smaller part of your brain, one that you choose to push aside, fears that you’ve grown too attached to this routine. Sure, before Mingi’s monkey infatuation you’ve woken up next to each other on an occasional morning, arms sore from accommodating each other on the sofa, but you’ve never continuously spent nights with him in the same space regularly like this. Now that the routine has become more frequent, the atmosphere has gone from friendly to something else, and you don’t particularly know if you want to uncover it yet.
Besides, sleeping in the same bed is normal for roommates… right?
“Y/N, sleeping in the same bed with an attractive bachelor that just so happens to be your roommate is definitely not normal.”
Okay, so San agrees to disagree.
“I’m being serious,” he says, shaking you by the shoulder, “you’re going to end up catching feelings, and it’ll either end up with you heartbroken and apartment-less or you getting a new boyfriend. There is a fifty-fifty chance. Don’t risk it.”
You turn to look at Mingi across the room, dressed up in a silk shirt and slacks. His hair is styled in that annoying not-so-styled-but-still-styled manner, and it makes you want to run your fingers through it. Badly. Seeing him sleeveless in the mornings is bad enough, but seeing him cleaned up at a mutual friend’s birthday party makes you want to go feral.
“You should’ve given me that warning before he started sleeping next to me,” you mumble under your breath, but unfortunately San is perceptive, and nothing escapes his ears.
“Great. I can’t believe you already have feelings for him. You’re done for at this point. What is he even so scared of anyway that has him crying in your arms every night?”
You explain the details with a frown on your face, not wanting to mull over any possible rejection you might get from Mingi.
“Oh,” San starts.
“That changes everything.”
You stare at San with a perplexed gaze, prompting him to elaborate.
“Look, Mingi is stupid, but do you really think he’s that stupid? Come on Y/N, even if he was scared of the dark, he would’ve gotten over it in three days.”
You hit him on the shoulder, causing him to yelp.
“Don’t play with me San,” you berate, watching him clutch the area you just hit, “why else would he be sleeping in my room if he wasn’t scared?”
“The same reason you started having feelings for him! Because you both enjoy waking up next to each other and being together. He likes you Y/N.”
The words drift around in your brain, and you process them for a couple of seconds before glaring at San.
“If he liked me, he would’ve told me.”
“That’s what you think. But do you really know him that well if you couldn’t even figure out the reason he’s been sleeping next to you? What if he’s just scared to tell you?”
San has a point, but you don’t want to admit it. As you watch Mingi beckon you over to try some food on the counter and likely force you to shovel down a disgusting combination of food, you and San share a mutual glance to stop talking about the topic.
However, as you walk over, you can’t help your brain from overanalyzing everything that shouldn’t be. The way he smiles too brightly at you, the way he holds your arm gently as he tugs you over, and the way he keeps you hydrated throughout the night make your head spin. Everything normal suddenly seemed different, and you didn’t know if the change was welcome or not.
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Later that night, when you and Mingi return exhausted to your apartment, your brain feels more tired than ever. You’ve never been much of a thinker, but currently, your head feels worse than a hangover, and you don’t want to mull over anything drastic. Keeping your distance from the guy who supposedly has feelings for you back is harder than it seems, but you’re not in the mood to confront him right now.
However, Mingi has other plans. He sits you by the bed, helping you take off your jacket and accessories and untying your shoes. You realize that he’s picked up on your exhaustion, and you feel extremely guilty for wanting to push him away mere seconds ago. He is so charming at this very moment, and you feel nothing but enamored for the love you’ve received from him tonight and all the time you’ve spent together.
The words are flowing out of your mouth before you can even stop yourself.
“Do you like me?”
He stops mid-shoelace, looking up at you. You realize how awkward and uncomfortable of a position this is for him, but it’s too late to turn back now.
“Did it take you this long to notice?”
You feel like you’re being shoved underwater. The world hazes before your eyes, and the words are muffled as they enter your ears.
He laughs, and the loss of your senses makes you realize how beautiful of a sound it really is.
“You’ve always called me stupid, but I think you’re the one that’s actually stupid here. I’ve liked you for a while now, silly. Why do you think I help you make dinner when I hate cooking?”
‘Oh’ is the only word floating in your head right now.
“So, the Curious George thing was fake?”
“Kind of. I was a little scared the first night, not going to lie, but after finding out how much I missed sleeping next to you, I figured I’d use it to my advantage. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t figure out or kick me out sooner.”
He sees you bury your head in your hands, too shocked to internalize anything right now.
“Hey,” he says, holding your shoulder, “you don’t need to say anything right now. I know it’s probably a lot to take in, and I know you’re probably exhausted after that party. Just sleep on it, okay? We can talk later.”
He finishes untying your laces and gets up to leave, but you pull on his shirt, stopping him in his tracks.
“Don’t go,” you whisper, “I like it when you’re here.”
He smiles so gently, so so gently that you want to stare at him forever.
“Alright, I’ll stay,” he whispers back, despite no one else being in the house, “do you want me to continue sleeping next to you?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out after a pause.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
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dresshistorynerd · 3 months
Hi! I just read your analysis of the P&P 2005 costumes. I'm currently in the process of researching Regency-period fashion for fic purposes; I'm writing a f/f story in a slightly alternate Regency world in which on top of regular marriages, parents (especially in the higher classes) could and did arrange for gay marriages for those of their children who wouldn't inherit - the principle being that the parents could set these couples up with a part of the estate that, upon those couple's death, would revert back to the estate to be inherited onwards, and thus not mess with an entailed estate all that much.
Anyway, long story short, my thought was that in these marriages, there would *still* be a masculine and feminine role, just independent of gender - and there would be according fashions. So, for example, a man's three-piece suit for a woman who took the masculine role in a f/f marriage, just cut towards the female figure, and perhaps with other nods towards the wearer's gender too, and similar for a man who took the feminine role in a m/m marriage.
I just wanted to reach out and see what you think of this and see if you'd have as much fun thinking about this as I have!
Thank you for your message, this honestly sounds really cool!! I think it's very interesting idea to come up with reasoning how arranged same sex marriage would work in a Regency class and land ownership system. I absolutely had so much fun thinking about this, maybe too much fun because look at how long this post is :'D You are entirely free to ignore all of this, I just had a lot of ideas, since your story has such an interesting premise. If you any of this catches your fancy, use it however you like!
I think it makes sense that in a very patriarchal and gender essentialist Regency society the couple would be expected to perform heterosexuality even while literally being in a gay marriage. What you described, men's clothing fitted to women's undergarments, is basically what costumes for breeches roles were usually in theater, roles for female actors, usually as a young leading boy. (Reverse roles, male actors playing female characters, usually elder/motherly roles, were just as common.) Another approach could be to use the women's silhouette, skirt with empire waist, but otherwise the clothing is similar to men's fashion. While most women's Regency styles were particularly strongly contrasted with men's styles, there was quite a lot of masculine styles too, which might work for that purpose.
I think the approach that would make most sense depends on how you want the gnc people seen and understood in the althis society of your story. In Regency society cross-dressing, women wearing pants and men wearing skirts, was seen as stepping into the other gender role. Cross-dressing was not acceptable outside theater, and people who did it needed to be stealth. So if you vision them taking the role of the opposite gender fully and not just in their relationship - living as the opposite gender and treated like that gender (for example the gnc women are allowed men's education and gnc men are not etc.) - I think it makes more sense that they would be using similar clothing as the costumes of the cross-dressing roles in theater. In that specific position it would then become acceptable to cross-dress. But if you envision them more in the societal positions of their own/assigned gender, and just embodying some opposite gender roles, especially in their marriage, I think it might make more sense for them to use the basic silhouettes of the fashion of their gender but in style the opposite gender.
So if you're interested, here's some historical styles and some additional ideas that could work as inspiration.
Before Renaissance men and women's fashions were not separate, but they started drifting apart when wearing skirts became unacceptable for men (which I have a whole long post about). However, very quickly women's fashion started to take influence from men's fashion for certain styles. Riding habit was the first one of these masculine styles for women. It originated from 17th century as men's clothing but with a skirt. From very early on men's military uniforms were a huge influence. A distinctive feature compared to other styles is the long trail so when the woman sits on the horse, her legs are not too exposed. Here's some regency examples. First example is from mid 1797-98. The bodice is exactly in the style of men's fashion of the period. Second is from 1808 in a very militaristic style.
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Redingote or pelisse was a long walking dress often in the masculine styles of the riding habit. It was adapted from riding habit to fashionable day wear for outdoors in 1780s. It started as very masculine in line with riding habits, but in 1800s styles without the masculine elements also appeared. Though masculine and military styles were still common. Here's first a redingote from 1800, which follows masculine fashion of the day very closely. The second is from 1810s and has collar from men's fashion and detailing and color are loose references to military styles. The third one is quite military inspired redingote from 1814. It has long train and was probably for carriage rides.
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Spencer was a very short casual jacket, modelled after men's fashion again. It became fashionable in 1790s and in the following decades it gained many variations, some not at all masculine in style, and some for formal usage too. Here's very masculine styles as examples, first is from c. 1799, second from c. 1815.
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One last trend I'll mention is very short hair imitating Roman men's hairstyles, which became very fashionable for men after the French Revolution, but very similar hair for women became a trend in late 1790s. It was a bold style but for couple of decades it was very popular. I think the woman in the first example above is growing out her Titus cut. There's a little tuft on top of her head, which makes it look like her hair isn't long enough for a bun but secured at the back anyway. Here's couple of actual examples. First is from early 1800s, specific date unknown, showing a slightly longer than usual version of the style. Second is from around the same time, 1798-1805, displaying very well how hair was cut to imitate side burns, which were fashionable for men. The third example from 1809 has the typical cut, where it's very short in the back of the head and little longer and curled in the front.
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Many Regency sapphics did favour these styles, since they were acceptable ways to present in a more masculine manner. Anne Lister, perhaps the most famous Regency lesbian, presented very masculinely in her portraits. Below her outfit looks like a redingote in this 1822 painting. An infamous upper class Irish sapphic couple, Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby, lived together for decades in Whales. Here's an illustrations of them from 1818 in their older age wearing masculine redingotes and sporting Titus hairstyles.
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I think in a society where gnc queer people are part of the system, they might have their own slightly different dress codes. For the gnc women/afab people I'm thinking their evening dress might have redingote or spence or perhaps open robe in style of men's evening wear which was black with white cravat (second image below). The open robe could be something like the first image below but fully black, tailored, with large lapels, high collars in the white chemisette and white cravat.
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Men's gnc fashion is much harder problem since femininity in men was much less (and still very much seems to be) accepted than masculinity in women. I think it's the old patriarchal superiority of masculinity issue (even if women shouldn't break gender roles at least they are "upgrading", while men would be "downgrading"). I think it might be interesting thought to take inspiration from the styles previous to French Revolution. Regency men's fashion (all Regency fashion really) was result of the French Revolution. I talk more about it in this post, but previously manhood and womanhood had only really been fully available for the upper classes and they were based mostly on displays of wealth. The revolutionaries rejected the aristocratic gender construction and instead created their own. It was based less on class and more on the gender (and racial, but we won't have the time to touch on that here) divide. Aristocratic gender expressions were deemed decadent and the bad kind of feminine. (French Revolution may not have been the origins of the Madonna-whore complex, but they certainly cemented it to the public conscience.) That's how men's Regency fashion was stripped out of colour, detailing and luxurious materials, the overt displays of wealth. New masculine styles were all about evoking militarism, country side and practicality of a working man. Most of it was aesthetic and the class structure remained, but altered heavier in the lines of gender and race/ethnicity. To show you how the fashion was seen, here's couple of satirical cartoons both from 1787 literally calling men wearing the more courtly flamboyant styles women. (First source, second source.)
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It's not entirely unrealistic that the outdated fashions would remain along the new styles. Courts were resistant to change (especially since the change had anti-monarchist implications) and upheld the outdated dress codes, so court suits were very much continuation of the fashion prior to the revolution (though court suits too started to become increasingly subdued by the 1820s). Here's examples from 1805 and 1813.
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In an alternative historical world like this, I think the pre-revolution styles might have kept on and evolved as a more feminine version of the more general men's fashion. Since masculinity had been tied with rural areas and working class, I think the gnc men's style wouldn't have lapels or turned down collars, which originated from working class clothing, but upward collars like in the 18th century dress coats and Regency court suits (maybe downward collars in informal coats, but not lapels). Maybe they would keep on with the long hairstyles where they tie up their hair with a ribbon, though I don't think they would keep powdering the hair as it went out of fashion for women too. Instead they might style the front of the hair similar to women by cutting hair shorter in the front (basically a mullet) and curling the front of it to frame the face. I don't think they would be wearing the loose trousers, which were very strongly working class till the beginning of 1800s, when they started to be accepted as informal wear for upper class men. Though I think pantaloons would become informal part of feminine men's fashion after general men's fashion would start accepting them as formal wear around 1810s. Here's some examples from 1780s, which could be used as inspiration. First is from 1785-1790, second is from 1788 and the third is from c. 1770.
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Dress coats were used still in the Regency era not just in court suits but also in morning dress. The cut and silhouette of men's fashion changed after the 1780s, most significantly with the shorter waistcoats. Here's couple of morning riding dresses (they have riding boots) from 1801 and 1806. I envision the feminine men's style as using the fashionable cuts and silhouette of the day, but combining them with the less structured and finer fabrics, patterns, colours and embelishments of pre-revolution styles. In evening wear I think they could wear white, like women, or at least light colours.
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Okay, here's finally all my ideas, I had much more of them than I initially thought! It was so much fun to think about an alternative history like this, so thank you very much for your ask! I hope you found this fun or interesting to read at least, but please take my ideas as just my opinion and if any of it contradicts your vision, just ignore it. It's fiction and an alternative universe in addition so you can follow history just as much or little as you like.
Basically, your story sounds very cool, and I wish you good writing!
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humanbug · 1 year
Okay idea.Reader who is in a famous band and is kinda known as the womaniser or slut of the group talks about being a munch in an interview but then follows it up with how no guy or girl she’s ever been with has ate her out and then Ellie watching the interview and making it her mission to be the first.Your fics are always groundbreaking btw 😘
AHHGHDGFGT this literally is such a good idea WHAT!!! i HAD to make a lil mood board for it because it was such a creative idea like!! obv a mood board was needed. this was so much longer than intended but i just kept writing. enjoy!!!! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
| NSFW 18+ MDNI |
warning(s): SMUT, oral!reader receiving, mention of alcohol/drinking, mention of weed/smoking, these bitches gay
This is the kind of music I envisioned the band singing ♫꒰・◡・๑꒱ Left Hand Free by alt-J Don’t Hate Me by Lola Young Christmas Kids by Roar Night Shift by Lucy Dacus (Reader) Breezeblocks by alt-J Sex, Drugs, Etc. by Beach Weather All These Things That I’ve Done by The Killers
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You would never get quite used to the brightness of a studio during an interview. There were an excessive amount of lights facing you guys and they all seemed to radiate heat. You could feel the sweat dripping down your back as you tried your best to focus on the questions being asked. You were being interviewed by some magazine and so far the questions were not revolutionary.
Your lead singer, Oliver, was currently answering a question about how your band came together. The answer is not anything crazy, you had all met in college and realized you all had a passion for music. And about two years later you had released two albums and were currently planning to go on tour. You glance down at your nails realizing you desperately needed to get them done, the gel polish chipping. Your head whips up at the interviewer saying your name.
“So we’ve heard that you have a bit of a reputation with your fans. Now I don’t know if you’re one to kiss and tell but we’ve gotta ask the question everybody’s been dying to know. Is it true you’ve…spent quality time with several of your fans?”, she asks with a knowing smile. Everyone in the band laughs at her question, all knowing the reputation that you had. 
You laugh with an upside-down smile and shake your head at her bold question, “Well…quality time is sure one way to put it. I like to show my fans how much I appreciate their support! Sure, maybe there’s a specific way I show that appreciation, but I haven’t had any complaints yet!”
The interviewer chuckles at your sugar-coated response, “I see and your fans show their appreciation back?”. This interviewer is ballsy! Well…she asked! You might as well tell!
“This kind of appreciation is more of a…one-way street kind of thing.”, you laugh with a shy smile, “You know! They see our shows and buy our merch and I…deal with the bruises on my knees as a show of my appreciation!”. Fuck it! Ask a ballsy question, and get a ballsy answer!
Noah, your drummer, finds your response hysterical and throws his head back in laughter. The interviewer blushes and nods her head while laughing and says something along the lines of, “Well, I did ask!”, she moves on to her next question which is directed at Bea, who plays the keyboard. You daydream the rest of the interview, nodding every so often but you mostly let your mind wander.
“God Ellie! Another?”
“What!? It’s been like…an hour since the last!”, she exclaims as she licks the thin paper and seals the joint. 
Dina rolls her eyes and turns her attention back to the video she’s been watching. Ellie glances over and sees she’s watching some interview. 
“Who’s that? They look edgy.”, she snorts a laugh, finding herself so funny.
“They’re the band I’ve only told you about hundreds of times. I’m seeing them in concert tonight. Which you would remember if you didn’t have stupid weed brain all the time!”, she rants with a pointed look at Ellie, who has a joint hanging from her lips. 
Ellie rolls her eyes and leans over to watch the interview clip. 
‘...and I…deal with the bruises on my knees…’
“Wait, rewind it. Who the fuck is that?” Ellie scoots closer, suddenly very interested in the interview. 
Dina tells her your name and that you played the bass guitar and rewinds the video to the interviewer asking about how much you slept around and you basically admitting what a munch you were but Ellie found it very interesting how you had told her it was a ‘one-way street kind of thing’. 
“Do you think they’re still tickets on sale for tonight?” Ellie mumbles casually, opening her phone and typing your band name into Google. 
“Probably not for tonight but I bought two for me and Jesse but he had to do something for his mom last minute. So I have an extra! Why’re you suddenly interested anyway?”, she looks at Ellie with a skeptical look. Dina had been trying to get Ellie to listen to your music for months. 
Ellie tries to play it cool, shrugging her shoulders and taking a pull from her joint, “I dunno, guess they just look cool.”
Dina hums and looks at Ellie with squinted eyes, not convinced, but shrugs her shoulders. Happy she doesn’t have to go to the concert alone. 
Slipping your earpieces in you roll your neck and shake the anxiety out of your limbs. The sound of the crowd fills you with adrenaline and you peek out from the curtain. It was a sold-out show tonight, you guys were performing in your hometown and knew the crowd would have an amazing energy. Oliver being the lead singer was always the one to go on stage first, followed by Luna the backup singer, then Noah the drummer, then Bea who played the keyboard, and finally you who played the bass guitar and when needed acoustic guitar. 
As you walked onto the stage you blew kisses toward the crowd as you approached your guitar. Oliver was riling them up and thanking everyone for coming tonight. You had a different kind of nervous energy buzzing through you tonight because you were debuting a new song tonight and you were the singer of it. You were also very excited because you and the band had planned to go to your favorite bar after the show. 
The energy from the crowd was amazing and you got lost in your music. Your favorite feeling.
You hadn’t even realized that you had captured a certain someone's full attention as you danced and jumped around the stage, playing your guitar like it was your lifeline.  
Ellie felt like an absolute loser waiting by the doors for your band to come out but kept telling herself she’s been standing here for twenty minutes because Dina wanted to say hi to you so bad. She and Dina had shoved their way to the front so they could see you as soon as you came out.
As the door opens Ellie is severely disappointed when it’s not you but the dorky-looking lead singer. The crowd seemed to be thrilled though. They had waited several more minutes when finally you walked out of the door, head thrown back in laughter as you and Luna joked around. The crowd had thinned out allowing Dina to approach you with her poster in hand. 
You smiled brightly when she approached you, eyeing her up and down, maintaining eye contact as she spoke. She had gushed about how she had been a huge fan and this was her first time seeing you in concert. She was cute. Thick dark hair and stunning eyelashes. You kept smiling at her as you signed her poster. 
“We’re going to the Tipsy Bison tonight. You should come with us.”, you told her, taking a step closer, and biting the inside of your cheek. 
She turns around slightly and that’s when you notice her friend. Oh…fuck. You would have some sore ass knees tomorrow but these two were worth it. 
“Els? You up for going to a bar?”, she asks in a hopeful tone. Please say yes, Els.
She catches your eye and you hold eye contact, giving her a flirty smile. You expect her to shy away from your confidence but she glances at you up and down, her eyes returning to yours causing you to falter slightly, eyes widening and heart racing. The fuck? You are so used to being the confident one. Oh, you have to get to know her. 
“Yeah. I’m down.”, she glances at her friend, “You wanna ask Jesse if he wants to come?”Jesse? Who the fuck is Jesse? Was Jesse a fan too? Because Jesus the idea of these two was thrilling but a third person was making you nervous. 
The girl turns back to you, “Oh my god he would love that. Jesse is my boyfriend and he’s a huge fan. He would die if he could meet you guys. Would it be totally weird if I invited him?”
Ohh okay. Alright, she has a boyfriend. Damn. Her green-eyed friend, however? Ah fuck it, the more the merrier. 
“Not weird at all! We’re heading there in the next, like thirty minutes. I’ll see you both there.”, you smile, looking at the green-eyed girl with your best flirty eyes as you step back to regroup with the band.  
You’ve never been a fan of getting drunk, always preferring smoking over drinking. That being said, you did love a good raspberry vodka and Sprite. You were sipping on one as you lean on the bar enjoying the ambiance of your favorite place. Noah sat on your right and was chatting up some girl and Bea was on your left venting to you about how annoying her girlfriend was sometimes. Luna and Oliver were probably hooking up in the bathroom, they think you have no clue but they are not subtle, at all. 
A voice calling your name turns you around and you catch the girls from earlier along with a rather handsome man behind them, assuming this is Jesse. Damn. 
“Hey! I’m so glad you guys could make it!”, you introduce Bea and Noah to them and realize you never caught their names, “I– oh my god I never asked for your names.”
Laughing it off, the girl you first talked to introduces herself as Dina and her green-eyed friend is Ellie. Cute. Dina and Bea start chatting, as do Noah and Jesse.
Leaning on the back of your chair you catch Ellie’s eye, the vodka soda giving you a warm confidence, “So what’d you think of the show?”
Ellie steps closer to you and stuffs her hands into her jean pockets, “It was great. I had never heard of you guys till today but you’re amazing.”, her eyes scan your face as she talks.
“Never? Ouch.”, you jokingly cringe and lean back.
Ellie’s eyes widen and her cheeks flush, “No I mean not– not never I just– Dina showed me some interview, and I–”, she rambles but you cut her off. She’s cute when she’s nervous.  
“I’m joking! Calm down.”, you laugh and lean towards her again, “Which interview?”
Giving you a shy smile she rubs a hand along the back of her neck, “The one for Strings magazine? I think.”
“Oh god. That was an interesting one. I’ve never had an interviewer ask about my sex life before.”, you run a hand across your face as you chuckle.
She laughs at your cringing, “Yeah…can’t say I’d like to talk about my sex life on camera to a stranger. But I bet your answer will make her think twice before asking something like that again.”
“Yeah? You remember my answer?”, smirking at her as you talk.
She steps even closer to you, if you moved your hands they would brush against her, “It’s the reason I asked to come with Dina tonight.”
Your eyebrows raise at her confidence, “Oh? You curious about what all the fuss is about?”, biting your bottom lip and making your eyes look up at her the way you knew drove people crazy.
Ellie hums, “I’m more curious about what you said about it being a ‘one-way street’. Because if I’m not wrong? You mean no one’s ever shown you how much they appreciate you?”, she speaks with a smirk and you feel your face growing warm. This girl…
Your mouth falls open and you stutter, “I mean– I’m not– I’m not like some virgin…but no one’s…ever offered to…do that? I just– I’ve always– I enjoy it! So I figured, might as well.”, you ramble out and you can feel your palms grow sweaty, god you hope you aren’t making an absolute fool out of yourself right now.  
She leans in, her lips ghosting your ear as she whispers, “Anyone who hasn’t offered is a fucking moron.”, pulling her head back she speaks inches away from your face, “Because it was the first fucking thing that crossed my mind when I saw you.”
You swallow hard, eyes glancing down to her lips where they sit in that cocky smirk she wears so well. Ellie stands straight and takes a step back, she bites back a smile at your flustered state. For the first time that night, you’re at a loss for words, mouth opening, and closing as you try to think of something to say. 
Ellie glances down to her pockets, pulling out a thin tube and popping the cap open with her thumb, looking at you and tilting her chin, “You smoke? I’ve got some good shit.”
You mumble a breathy ‘yeah’ and slip off of the bar stool, shooting back the rest of your drink and taking a deep breath before you turn around and follow Ellie out of the bar. 
Your eyes follow the roach that rests in Ellie’s fingers as it makes its way to her lips. God, you could jump her right now. Your eyes are heavy and a lazy smile seems to permanently rest on your lips. Her eyes drift to yours and look you up and down in a way that sends shivers through you. 
Fuck it. You step in front of her and grip the front of her flannel pulling her towards you, pressing your lips to hers. Your lips mesh together messily as the taste of raspberry vodka and weed mingles on your tongue. Her hands rest on either side of your face as you lean your body into hers. 
Ellie pulls back slightly and mumbles in a breathy voice, “Bathroom?”
You stutter as her lips begin to trail down your jaw, “My– our van is parked in the– parking lot. The– the back windows are tinted.”. Ellie mumbles against your skin to take you both there. 
You grab her hand in yours and quickly walk towards the van parked behind the bar. Oh! The others! Fuck! You grab your phone from your back pocket, open your band's group chat, and text them “Do NOT come to the van. OCCUPIED.”. Not waiting for them to make fun of you, you stuff your phone back in your pocket. 
You fumble with your keys and unlock the back doors, you step into the van and close the doors after Ellie steps in, making sure to lock them. You turn around and place your hands on either side of Ellie’s face and press your lips to hers. The sound of your breathy moans and sighs fills the van. Pressing your hands on her shoulders, you both lower to the carpeted floor with your legs straddling her. Your hand threads through her short auburn hair as your lips trace down her jaw and neck. You need to hear her so you give her hair a slight yank causing a quiet whimper to escape. There it is. 
“That was a cute sound.”, you let your lips ghost over hers as you tease her. 
Her cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink and her grip on your hips tightens, “Fuck off…I wanna hear what pretty sounds you can make, yeah?”. You ‘tsk’ and let your hands travel to the button of her jeans, one hand traveling under her shirt and tracing her skin with a feathery touch.
“What if I wanna hear you, huh?”, as you begin to lower her zipper her left-hand grips your wrists, and her right-hand grips your jaw yanking your face so close to hers you can feel her breaths.  
She shushes you as your lips meet with a gentleness that conflicts with the grip she has on your jaw, “Be a good girl for me and let me taste your cunt? Can you do that, baby?”. Her condescending tone turns you into putty and you are at a loss for words so you hum and nod your head. 
Smirking at your pitiful state she lets her hands slide down to your plush thighs, “Lay back for me baby.”
You obey wordlessly, laying back on the soft carpet and leaning on your elbows. Your face is warm and you can feel the familiar coil forming in your lower belly as Ellie places her arms on either side of you sucking harsh red and purple marks on your neck. Ellie places kisses down your chest and your stomach, lifting the bottom of your shirt to kiss your lower stomach, eyes on you the entire time. She unbuttons your jeans and slides them off your legs, cursing as her eyes find the growing wet spot on your panties. 
“All I’ve done is kiss you and you’re this wet for me baby?”, her fingers trace your inner thighs and she mocks you. 
The delicious feeling of lustful embarrassment fills your veins and you bite your bottom lip and nod your head at Ellie. Hooking her fingers in the waistband of your panties she slides them down your legs, tossing them behind her. 
She smirks as she looks up at you, “Tell me what you want baby. C’mon.”
“Fuck Ellie please”, you give your best puppy dog eyes. Her smirk grows and she ghosts her thumb over your clit, not giving it nearly enough attention.
“Please what? Huh? I heard your voice on stage. I know you’ve got it in you, baby. Tell me.”, she chides, thumb pressing onto your clit with more pressure.
“Please please fuck me. Please, Ellie, need you to fuck me.”
“Well since you asked like such a good girl.”, dipping her head down she places her warm mouth on your cunt. The feeling causes you to curse and throw your head back. Ellie devours your cunt like it is her last meal, the coil in your lower belly becoming tighter.
“Fuck. Fuck!”, the sounds filling the van are pornographic. Your head lifts and you glance down the length of your body. Sensing your eyes Ellie raises her eyes to meet yours, her tongue circling your clit perfectly causing your thighs to shake and you can see the mischievous glint in her green eyes. Your lewd moans fill the space. 
You throw your head back again at the feeling of her fingers filling you. A loud whine escapes you when her movement stops abruptly, bringing your head back up, your eyes meet hers and she resumes her movement. Fucking…this girl is unbelievable. The coil in your belly is becoming painful as her fingers curl and stroke the spongy spot that makes your toes curl. Your eyes water when she adds a third finger, stroking all the right places.
The coil finally snaps when she flattens her tongue against your clit, “I’m gonna– Oh my– oh– Fuck!”, your thighs clench as you ride your orgasm out on Ellie’s tongue. Her movements slow and she gently removes her fingers as you drop from your elbows and lay flat on the floor. 
“Holy shit. I don’t think– I’ve ever cum that hard.”, you mumble and cover your face with your arms. Ellie chuckles as she moves above you and pushes your arms away. Her lips gently meet yours, the dizzying sensation of tasting yourself makes your face warm. 
Leaning up on your elbows you raise your chin to look up at her leaning over you, “Have you ever wanted to go on tour with a band?”
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redrose10 · 18 days
Sorry I haven’t been posting. I’m just tired and I don’t have a lot of down time any more so it’s been hard to get anything done.
And to be 100% honest I just haven’t been feeling The Interlude Inn fic I’ve been working on. It’s not going the way I had envisioned so I’m lacking the motivation to continue writing it. I do plan to finish it eventually.
I have been working on something new though that I should be posting soon. I’ve been reading a lot of hybrid fics lately (send recs please) so I’ve been playing with this idea.
It’s a Yoongi black cat hybrid story. I’m going to publish the entire thing in one post (if Tumblr doesn’t freak out) that way I don’t have to worry about chapters and posting updates. I’ll post a small teaser below the cut.
Thank you for everyone’s patience and to those that have reached out I really appreciate you!
Teaser Below for new Yoongi Hybrid Fic
Warning-Teaser contains mentions of violence, guns, assault
“Just thought I’d stop by. Maybe we could go to that diner on Main. Like old times.”, he smiled.
You don’t know if it was the warnings or what, but this definitely didn’t feel like all the old times when Jungkook would show up at your door in the middle of the night wanting to go get chocolate chip pancakes with you while you both told corny jokes and laughed until the waitress finally had to kick you guys out. This felt darker, sinister even. Only made worse when you noticed the piece of black metal clinging to his hip that he tried to hide with his leather jacket. Jungkook had always been against violence especially anything that included weapons. You remembered when he first started training for the agency and had to learn how to assemble and use a gun. He despised it, almost quitting because of it, but he knew it was for the better of the hybrid community. If he really had quit the agency like Namjoon said then he would’ve had to turn in all of his weapons so the fact that he had one on him made your uneasiness all that more prominent.
“Yeah let me go grab my purse!”, you exclaimed trying to get away from him now realizing something was up. He grabbed your hand stopping you from going any further, “No need Y/N. I’ll pay.”
“Oh well at least let me go get dressed. I don’t want to go out looking like such a slob.”, you chuckled quickly bolting up the stairs before he could stop you again.
In your room with the door closed you frantically searched for your phone wanting to call Namjoon or the police or anyone for help.
Finding it lying on the floor you grabbed it quickly searching your contacts. In your frazzled state you failed to hear anyone creep up behind you until it was too late and you felt the cold metal against the warmth of your forehead.
A strong arm pulling you close against a body much bigger than yours.
“Y/N, put the phone down. You don’t want to do that.”, Jungkook growled in your ear.
“Why are you doing this?”, you asked slowly tossing your phone on the bed. “You were against abuse towards hybrids just like me and Namjoon. Now you work with the worst in the business?”, you questioned him.
“Look, I really don’t want to have to hurt you. I still care about you Y/N. That’s the only reason I didn’t just kill you the other night and take Yoongi then. Tell me where he is and I’ll let you go.”
You shook your head, “I don’t know. They took him this morning.”
You could hear him scoff as he pushed the tip of the gun against your forehead a little harder making you flinch in fear.
“Y/N, I won’t ask again. Where did they take Yoongi?”, he shouted.
“A shelter in North Provence. That’s all they told me.”, you spit out.
You cried tears of relief when you felt him pull the gun away before throwing you down on the ground.
“Thanks Love.”, was all he said before sprinting out of your home.
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tj-dragonblade · 4 months
Hi! I'd like to hear something about the fishbowl therapy fic, please!
Ah, this is probably my favorite year-old idea that I really want to write but haven't quite gotten around to. I like the concept, I like the visuals that I've got in head, but so much of the necessary conversations just fizzle when I try to flesh them out. I'm sure I can get it right if I focus on it long enough, though. The long rambly synopsis with a tiny snippet of drafting included:
Sometime after their 2022 reunion, with more frequent meetings etc, Dream finally tells Hob why he missed their 1989 meeting. And Hob is very much Not Okay about it. He has so many feelings - the horror of his friend having been held captive that long, rage on Dream's behalf, self-recrimination that he didn't know, he could have done something if he'd known, and a crushing guilt over every unkind thought he had after 1989 (never mind that he got over them, he still thought them in the first place and his friend was stuck in a glass cage while Hob was wallowing in self-pity and uncharitable assumptions).
But Hob stuffs all his feelings about this down inside, because what kind of friend would he be to make Dream's trauma-sharing all about his own reaction? So he tries very hard to keep his own feelings out of the conversation, aside from some commiserative vindication when Dream confirms that everyone who held him is either dead or dealt with.
But he is Extremely Upset about it all evening, and ends up dreaming about it. Dream catches awareness of his distress, visits the dream. He didn't give Hob specifics in their conversation, 'a glass cage' and 'basement' were the key details and Hob has dreamed up something akin to a zoo exhibit - the cage is rectangular, three glass walls attached to a fourth stone wall, roomy enough to pace about in, a proper semblance of a bed in one corner. Dream watches as Hob stands on the outside, talking to the dream-version of Dream inside the cell - a Dream who still has his clothes, he had not shared that detail with Hob either - and makes himself known after only a moment. Hob is apologetic, he's so sorry he's making this all about himself, but Dream is…pleased, by his distress. 'Pleased' is not quite the word, but it is comforting to know that someone is so upset on his behalf. He takes the place of his dream-self within the cell, urges Hob to continue, to tell him everything he's held back. It's easy to be detached from the memory when the setting is wrong, and he is warmed despite everything at how vehemently Hob insists he would have come, how sorry he is for thinking Dream had chosen to stay away, etc etc. Eventually they are talking about how Dream is coping with it, is he healing from his trauma, and of course he says it does not bother him, but Hob is like 'If I'd spent more than a hundred years cooped up in this -' gesturing at the spacious cage he's envisioned '- I'd be - I'd be something. I wouldn't just be okay about it.' And Dream, feeling peevish and daring, decides to push.
"It was not like this," he says. "You dream it too kind."
Hob blinks at him. "…What?"
"You dream it too kind," Dream repeats. "Shall I show you the truth of it?"
"I…okay," Hob agrees, foreboding and unease in his tone, and Dream shifts the basement around them. With less than a thought he is naked in the suspended glass orb again, the painted stars mocking him from above and the the binding circle a sickly glow beneath him, the dank reaches of the underbelly of Fawney Rig stretching into infinity in every direction. Hob stumbles back a step with a shocked cry, horror flooding his features; he nearly flails backwards into the moat and steps forward again, stumbles to his knees, staring up at Dream with tears flooding his eyes.
"What the fuck—god, Dream—!"
And while he's processing all over again the full depth of the horror that was done to his friend, Dream is feeling something akin to panic creeping over him now that he's here again. He is less okay than he thought he was, the memory is pressing in again, and he focuses on Hob's distress to mitigate his own. There's gotta be a moment of both of them pressing hands to the glass; they get to a point where Hob just sort of spirals into a frenzy of 'gotta get you out, gotta get you out' that feeds Dream's own latent panic that he's definitly not giving in to, never mind that he can't stop repeating 'Free me, Hob, free me' (?) over and over. Hob's scrabbling about for anything that might help him break the glass and shortly dreams up a crowbar; he scrambles to his feet and starts swinging. It's thick glass, and magical etc, and it takes Hob whaling on it quite a lot before it begins to crack, and plenty more hits before it shatters. Whereupon Dream drops to the floor, free, unbothered by the broken glass all around. Hob suddenly has a jacket so that he can take it off and wrap it around Dream, and somewhere in the surging relief of the re-enacted rescue Hob just flings his arms around Dream and kisses him. Dream is taken by surprise, but things are definitely falling into place for him and he kisses back. Hob jerks back, doing a full 'oh shit I kissed him my secret's out I've ruined everything' kind of take; Dream just grabs the front of his shirt and yanks him back down, kisses him again.
There is a little more conversation here in the dream as heat and realization build; then Dream, 'weary of this wretched basement' and wanting Hob to remember all of this, ends the dream and manifests in Hob's bed as Hob wakes. There is sex and conversation to finish it out, Dream finally voicing out loud how much it means that there is someone who would have come for him, who will come to his defense no matter how unnecessary, who thinks he's worth the effort of rescuing.
Like I said, I stumble over the conversations somewhat and that makes it easy to let this one languish in the depths of the wip file. All that Hob-pov exposition at the beginning isn't really part of it either, since this will be Dream's pov, but I've got to convey all that via Hob talking to dream-Dream and then actual-Dream in the dream itself. I'll get it all ironed out one day. Hopefully.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hiya! First of all, I hope you're doing well. Second, I absolutely adore your writing! 🥰 I was wondering if you'd be interested in writing a secret family Lady Lesso x Female!Reader fic. Basically R is Lesso's wife and maybe they have a kid/kids as well, but no one knows until one day R comes to the school in search of Lesso (for whatever reason, it's up to you). And then all the students & other teachers are like "wtf you're married??". Pretty much just fluff with a hint of humour? I thank you in advance, should this catch your interest. ☺️
- 🐈‍⬛
Hidden or unnoticed
*Authors note~ I absolutely love the idea of this trope and request and I'm honoured to have a chance to write it for the first time*
Trigger warning~ none?? Stressed out mother r sick baby
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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It was rare that you needed to get a hold of your wife during school hours. You understand that her work is important to her and truly that you'd have your hands full with your twin son and daughter. You always made sure to have some time with her after she returned to you though. Your children would be down for the night and it gave you time to spend devoted to the redhead. Time you very much cherished. That's not to say that Emerson Allen Kai and Marilyn Isadora Nova Lesso didn't get their mama because they did but you were the stay at home parent and that worked well for your little family unit.
However, today you were out of your depth. Mari seemed to have come down with some illness and nothing was soothing her. When she cried she started Emerson off too and you were losing your mind. You remember the deal you made Nora that when the twins were born, if you ever became overwhelmed you were to find her. Your ability to teleport yourself and others made it easy enough to adhere too. So that's why you bundled up Mari in a beautiful violet swaddle and balanced Emer on your hip before envisioning your wife's office.
Leonora was startled by a high pitch cry coming from her daughter as you and the children suddenly appeared in her office. The unsuspecting Clarissa and Emma startled by the appearance and how rough your appearance was. Why on earth would a stranger pop into her office carrying two infants? Especially when she hardly looked put together. She had to be brave to risk Leonora's wrath. What the two women were not expecting was for the redhead Dean to immediately hurry and take the little boy off your hip.
"Nora" you whimpered feeling like you wanted to tear your hair out, "I don't know what to do she won't stop crying, I can't bring her fever down. Help me" you pleaded the desperation soaking every word. Emerson was placed on the floor where he happily babbled trying to hold himself up into a sitting position. She then took Mari off you and gently rocked her whispering words of reassurance to the infant and you. You stood there helplessly just watching as she soothed your daughter. Her magic glue creating a cooling sensation that she stroked all over her cheeks and forehead.
"Y/n my love come here" she commanded you gently causing your eyes to flicker to Emer who was happily blowing bubbles at Clarissa and Emma giving them his signature cheeky smile that you were so sure he got from your Nora. You collapsed into her side carful of your daughter and began to sob. You felt like you'd failed Marilyn but Leonora seemed to have the gift of soothing her so she must be better than you right? Guilt knowing you carried the twins yet you seemed to not do anything right now.
Marilyn now sleeping Clarissa could see the stranger wasn't much of a stranger so offered to hold the infant while she comforted you. "Thank you, I'd like to hold my wife " she murmured handing over Mari so gently that it was almost as if she'd break.  "Wife?" Emma not so whispered to Clarissa, the shock of knowing Leonora married and no one knew clearly written all over her face.
For some unknown reason your temper seemed to flare and your wife had to hold you tight to her front. "Dove no. She doesn't mean it nastily calm down my love " she whispered pressing kisses into your hair. You could feel the anger and tension fading away until your son cried. It appeared he was rather in tune with your emotions so you immediately came to scoop the crying baby up and rock him gently. "Shh baby boy momma is okay I promise it's okay shhh" perhaps it was the calming whispers of your voice or maybe your heart beating beneath him but he was soon soothed.
Leonora took Mari from Clarissa and came to stand near you, looking like a perfect family in a picture while you were so wrapped up in the comfort of your wife and children you didn't notice the other women slipping from the room to give you all some privacy and not disturb the babies. They'd find Leonora later and try to find out why she didn't tell them. But for now you could just soak up needing your wife to help you get through this difficult day.
Word count~ 895
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Regulus Black AU
Request:  i dnt rlly have a fleshed-out idea on this nasty request but what abt a smut fic on regulus but he's a priest. ik its insane but i thought of regulus black/paul atreides wearing the clerical collar thing and oh my god he looks so hot
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: Mature- smut, religious smut fic
AO3 Link
A/n: I left his open where I could possibly write future parts if there is any interest. 
Everything that Regulus ever did was for a reason…at least that was what he told himself. Growing up as the second son in a home where he was obviously unwanted had led Regulus into thinking that nothing happened by chance. Everything was planned. Everything happened for a reason. Sometimes the reasons weren’t always 100% clear but a reason was, nonetheless, there.
That was what led Regulus to become a priest. It seemed completely illogical at first but after a few years, Regulus felt as if he had made the best choice for himself. He no longer dealt with his horrible parents. For once, he was part of something good. Regulus also, for the first time, felt as though he belonged.
It didn’t take long to get used to the “lifestyle.” In no time at all Regulus fit into the priesthood perfectly. He enjoyed the rigid schedule, the church's various affairs, and the need to feel wanted. Sometimes the feeling “wanted” part involved listening to people’s rather concerning sins they committed or lonely elderly widows who cared too much about their herd of cats. Regulus learned to push his once sarcastic and easily annoyed ways aside and learned to have more empathy for the poor widows. Sometimes as simple as “there there” was all the poor women needed.
All of that changed one Sunday during the month of May. It was a typical Sunday mass. A typical Sunday where Regulus sat listening to his superior read the day’s message. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as Regulus’ eyes scanned the congregation before him. Regulus had quickly learned who were regulars and who only turned up when they had done something and were in need of God’s forgiveness. For the most part, everyone seemed to be there…and then Regulus’ eyes landed on…you. The new face…The face that had been plaguing Regulus’ dreams for the past 2 weeks…the face that Regulus envisioned running his hands over before kissing the plump lips that had begged for his attention…the fact that he could throw away everything for.
Regulus quickly looked down at his lap before muttering a quick prayer for forgiveness. Human or not, he wasn’t supposed to look at a woman like this. He wasn’t supposed to think of a woman like this. Regulus had pledged his life for something greater. Now here he was acting like even more of a sinner than someone who slept with multiple women a week.
This isn’t supposed to happen. I’m not supposed to be lusting after a woman.
Regulus swallowed his thoughts before bravely looking up at you again.
Father, she is beautiful.
Regulus once again quickly chastised himself for that thought. While he was free to admire his father’s creations that didn’t mean he was supposed to be thinking about having you beneath him.
Until you turned up 2 weeks before, Regulus had always assumed that he was asexual. He had never had much of an interest in sex. In fact, it seemed repulsive to Regulus…then you showed up. You showed up with your parents in a soft light blue dress and bashed the sexual desire right into him.
You had come to visit your parents for a few weeks, from what Regulus had gathered. Your parents were what Regulus considered “A+ Catholics.” They were the type that showed up from whatever even the church had. Both husband and wife were kind, thoughtful, “normal” people. You were the daughter that moved to the US to become a ballerina. Now here you are causing Regulus internal chaos.
All of that led to Regulus’ current predicament…he stood hidden in the shadows watching you. You had come to drop off a box of clothing donations at your mother’s request and Regulus was the guy that had to talk to you.
Over the years, Regulus had learned to put his shy nature to the side and talk to people without much difficulty. That wasn’t the case today, however. Today, Regulus had no idea how to talk, how to think, or what to do. He knew that he would have to face you eventually but for the moment he was fine being in the shadows.
“How am I supposed to talk to the girl that is making me wake up with a raging hard-on? How am I supposed to not focus on her lips, her breasts, her hips…anything… Father, forgive me.”
Regulus silently thought before telling himself to get a grip. You were just a woman and soon enough you would probably be back on your way home. Regulus could forget these feelings…until the next visit. Hopefully, by then, Regulus could have better control of his mind.
Taking a breath, Regulus pushed himself out of the shadows and moved to where you stood.
“You must be Y/n.”
Regulus said in a smooth soft tone. You turned to face him with a kind smile.
“Yes, my mother asked me to drop these things off…father….”
“Black…my name is Regulus Black.”
You again gave him a smile. The young priest before you was definitely pleasing to look at. Pleasing wasn’t even a good enough word. He was downright breathtaking! You swallowed looking him over in hopes that he didn't catch you doing so. Everything about him was perfectly polished…from his perfect curls to his without a wrinkle uniform down to his perfect hands…
Fuck, he is too pretty to be a priest.
You didn’t take back that thought. This man could get any woman that he wanted yet here he was in a position where he couldn't actually do anything…damn shame. You should have been embarrassed or felt bad about these rather unholy thoughts but you weren't.
You replied, keeping your eyes on his. Regulus was quiet a moment as he tried to think of something to say. Staring at your lips or your perfect legs wasn’t going to be helping him any.
“Is your grandmother well? Your mother had mentioned that she was off-color last week.”
Regulus asked. Asking about your grandmother seemed to be the safe option.
“She is feeling much better. Apparently it was a bit of a cold. Mother called me acting as if she was on death’s doorstep and ordered me to come home. Grandmother tends to do this a few times a year. I think she looks for a reason to get everyone in the house.”
A small smile played on Regulus’ lips.
“Your grandmother is amusing. So where are you visiting from again?”
“Las Vegas.”
You replied. Regulus nodded.
“That’s right. Your mother says that you are a ballerina.”
You slightly chuckled at that one. Your mother wished that you were a ballerina.
“Not exactly. That’s what my mother wants me to be. That was what got me to America but I didn’t stick with it. I’m a showgirl.”
Sweet merciful crap!
That was the only thought that Regulus could get through his mind. He couldn't even get a word out. You were a showgirl…probably half-naked at any given time…All Regulus could envision was you dressed in a skimpy bodysuit and high heels.
Father, help me.
“I perform in a casino on the strip. I’m not an exotic dancer or anything. I’m my mother’s disappointment.”
You replied as a soft blush came over your cheeks. Regulus quickly forced himself to start talking.
“No judgment, whatsoever…I’m my mother’s disappointment also so I understand.”
You seemed genuinely surprised with his reaction and Regulus had to congratulate himself on now totally blowing it.
“You’re the first that hasn’t said something judgmental about it. My parents are totally embarrassed.”
“Sometimes parents, even meaning well, don’t have all of the right answers or solutions.”
Regulus said, softly. You brushed a strand of hair from your face sending your sweet scent right in Regulus’ direction. It only took one breath for him to be love drunk from your scent alone.
“You are definitely right about that one.”
20 minutes later, the two of you were still quietly talking. Had the situation been different and he was actually “available” you had the feeling that you would have had the offer of a date…which you would have accepted. You liked Regulus already. Everything about him seemed “perfect.” It wasn’t only his looks but his soft voice and kind demeanor. He was shy…shy and decent.
A decent guy wasn’t something that you came across often. You were used to the kind of guy that made lewd comments to you on your body. Regulus, even though he was looking, didn't go that far. You knew a lot of his was probably because of what he was. He probably had no interest whatsoever. You were just the daughter of a member of the church.
And then it happened…neither Regulus nor yourself was sure who initiated it but the two of you were kissing. This kiss was different from any other kiss that you had shared with someone else. This kiss felt...forbidden, wrong, yet so right at the same time. You sighed as Regulus slowly slipped his tongue into your mouth.
Where did a priest learn to kiss like this?
You thought, savoring the moment until Regulus snapped back into reality and stepped away.
His face instantly went scarlet. Regulus was in an internal panic for a moment. He kissed you! He kissed you as a man was supposed to kiss his wife. Regulus kissed you and he was NEVER supposed to do that.
“I am so sorry…I don’t know what came over me.”
Regulus stammered. He wondered, for a moment, if he were dreaming. Would this be just another dream where you vanished not long after the kiss and he woke up aching?
When you didn’t vanish and he didn't wake up, Regulus knew that he was awake and he had, in fact, kissed you.
“I am in trouble.”
He thought before your soft voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“It's okay…I mean, I’m not complaining. I’m only curious where you learned to kiss like that?”
Regulus shifted uncomfortable a few times before speaking again.
“I had kissed a few girls before I became a priest. Apparently I haven’t forgotten that skill. We shouldn’t be doing this.”
Regulus said. You watched him with a small smile. Your eyes were gently fluttering between his face down to the obviously noticeable hard on in his black pants.
“You don’t seem to want to stop.”
You commented. Regulus closed his eyes before speaking.
“No, I don’t want to but I have a job…a promise I made…I have a purpose.”
Regulus was relived when you didn’t torture him any further. In fact, you seemed almost too understanding.
“As you, father. This has been interesting.”
You replied before moving to leave but was stopped the moment Regulus spun you around and pushed you against the wall. Soft hands locked around your wrists as he raised them above your head.
“Don’t go. You have been teasing me for the past two weeks. Don’t you realize how hard it is to say no?”
Regulus murmured against her lips. He had gone back in for a kiss but decided to savor the moment. From your sweet scent to feeling your body pressed against his, Regulus wanted to make this moment last as long as he possibly could.
“You don’t have to say no. I know you aren’t supposed to do this but what’s one little mess up? We all make them…priest or man on the street…everyone sins.”
You replied, watching the frown on Regulus’ face. He didn’t reply for a moment before standing back up straight. Glancing over his shoulder, Regulus made sure that no one was watching the two of you. He was thankful there was no one but knew that this needed to be taken someplace more “secluded.”
“Come with me.”
Regulus ordered before wrapping his hand around your wrist. He guided you to a quiet office off of the church sanctuary and locked the door as soon as you were inside. Once satisfied that the two of you were indeed alone, Regulus pulled your body back against his.
“You’re right, everyone messes up but I’m not supposed to mess up like this.”
You slipped your hand down to wrap back around his and pulled it up to your clothed breast. Regulus didn’t move at first but after you cleared your throat his hand tightened.
“Something tells me that you want this sin, Father.”
You commented, in a seductive tone. Regulus chuckled before continuing to grope your breast through your dress.
“I suppose that I do.”
He replied, giving you the initiative to continue. You stood on your tiptoes to press a soft kiss to his lips. Kissing your way down his jawline to his neck, you stopped at the collar of his shirt.
“Shall we stop and forget this never happened?”
You asked. Regulus frantically shook his head.
“Don’t stop.”
He whimpered. You stroked one hand down his chest. Stopping at his belt buckle, your eyes rolled back to his, as if asking permission.
“Keep going.”
Regulus ordered, wondering where this sudden surge of bravery came from. Your hand went back to his shirt and gently undid each button. Regulus shrugged his shirt off as your arms wrapped around his neck. He closed his eyes and savored each kiss that you peppered down his chest.
Is this how a woman is supposed to really make a man feel? Is this really so forbidden?
Regulus thought. He could definitely get used to this. The feeling of your hot lips on his skin was indescribable. This was the best feeling that Regulus had ever had…physical attention…this was heaven!
Regulus’ eyes snapped open the moment that you stopped touching him. His mouth dropped when he realized that you were on your knees before him. Your eyes were locked on his face as you moved to cup his erection. When Regulus’ body pulsed under your touch, you couldn’t help the little smirk that formed on your face. It hadn’t taken long at all for your own desire to come roaring back. You sighed feeling the lewd thoughts come right back to your mind.
Damn, he feels huge!
It had been so long since you had actually slept with someone. You were as desperate as Regulus appeared to be for some physical affection. The wetness was starting to slip from your pussy and down your thighs
Regulus quickly reached down and unbuckled his belt. You weren’t moving fast enough for his growing desperation.
“Don’t stop.”
He said, softly. Regulus moved to kick his pants off leaving the only layer of clothing preventing you from getting your hot lips on him was his thin boxers. You didn’t wait a moment longer before pulling the hem of his boxers down and his cock sprang free.
He is huge!
You thought looking at the size of Regulus’ cock. Regulus groaned when you wrapped a hand around his shaft.
“I’ll make you feel good.”
You said in a lust-filled tone before wrapping your mouth around his cock. Regulus’ head fell backward as your tongue drifted over the head and down to the vein on the underside. What you were doing with that sweet yet sinful tongue of yours was enough to make him moan.
You wanted to take more of Regulus into your mouth but were stopped when Regulus reached down and gently pulled you back to your feet.
"Lust is one of the cardinal sins, and now you've made me lust for you. I have wanted you from the moment that you first stepped foot into this church. Now I’m taking what I want…and I don’t care what anyone says. Take your dress off, love.”
You didn’t have to be told twice. Regulus kept his eyes on you as you gently slid your pale pink dress off. The lust once again started flowing through him as the swells of your breasts came to light followed by your bare pussy.
She’s not wearing any knickers!
Regulus’ mouth dropped at that thought. Your bare pussy was one of the most beautiful sights that the young man had ever seen. Forget the immaculate cathedrals and Vatican City…nope, it was your naked body!
“May I touch you?”
Regulus asked. Forget the fact that you had just given him a blow job, he wanted to make damn sure that you wanted him before he even thought of touching you.
“You may.”
You replied, waiting only a moment before Regulus quickly stepped forward. His right hand reached up to cup your breast. His long fingers teased and tweaked your nipples before going back to greedily cupping the whole thing. You sighed enjoying each teasing motion until Regulus picked you up and placed you on the table to your left.
Regulus swallowed before going back in for another small kiss then moved down to your breast. Never in a million years did Regulus ever think that he would be sucking on a woman’s breasts IN THE CHURCH of all places yet here he was. His tongue traced over each dusty bud before gently nibbling. Your body jumped slightly as Regulus went back to suckling.
You had become aware of Regulus’ cock nudging your clit with each of his movements.
“Are you thinking of what you want me to do to you?”
Regulus asked, looking up from his place. Where his sudden surge of bravery and bedroom wisdom came from, he did not know but he was thankful for it.
You nodded, feeling the heat spread through your body. The thought of Regulus’ long, thick cock filling you up with no mercy made you ache even more. He would indeed stretch you and you longed for it. You longed for his cock stretching your tight cunt until you were made just for him. Every sinful thought made you wetter and wetter, and the warm ache was becoming insatiable.
"Do you want me to touch you?"
Regulus asked, his voice deepening.
“Yes, Father.”
You cooed, making Regulus tremble. He chuckled before running a single finger down your wet slit. Regulus swallowed as he watched your juices seep from your body. He gently spread your legs, biting his lip, as your soaking fold spread. Your clit was glistening in the warm lights of the room.
“You’re so wet. All of this from a little making out and a blow job?”
You could only nod a moment before recovering.
“Looking at you caused this too. You’re so handsome…and that body…enough to make me a whore in church.”
Regulus chuckled.
“I suppose that we have something in common”
Regulus moved to kneel between your legs. His gray eyes were now hyper-focused on your wet cunt.
“I want you to kiss me there.”
You said, hoping it sounded more like an order. Something told you that this was Regulus’ first time. As much as you wanted to be in control, you decided to let him call the shots. He deserved a good memory to think back on in the coming days. Regulus licked his lips before moving forward. He placed his tongue on your opening and licked teasingly up to your clit. You gasped under him wanting to buck your hips.
Regulus, meanwhile, was savoring the taste of your juices on his tongue. Moving to suck your clip into his mouth, Regulus slowly pushed two fingers inside. He didn’t want to but his mind went back to the porn that he had watched as a teen. Shamefully, he didn't find it at all appealing then but now…he tried to remember the moves the men in the film used on the women.
When you cried out and your ships bucked upward, Regulus knew that he was doing something right. It only took a few more licks and you were spamming. Your tight pussy clenched around his fingers. You cried out as an orgasm began to rip its way through you. Regulus quickly pulled out his fingers and replaced them with his tongue. He lapped up your juices as if he were a dying man that had found an oasis in a desert. Your pussy wouldn't stop convulsing as he lavished your body with more and more attention.
Moving to his feet, Regulus looked down at you with lust-filled gray eyes. His pupils were blown as he took his cock in one hand and rubbed it over your clit. You gave him a nod before spreading your legs wider.
“Please fuck me.”
Regulus waited a moment before gently shoving his entire cock inside in one thrust. The both of you moaned together at the delicious stretch and burn caused by his cock splitting you open. Regulus started to thrust inside, faster than before, making your breasts bounce each time. The sound of skin slapping together filled the room as Regulus moved to once again hold your hands over your head.
The two of you moaned and whispered little reassurances of just how good this felt. Each movement of his cock made your core ache.
“I’m close.”
Regulus moaned against your mouth. He knew that he wouldn’t last long. Never having sex before made him realize that he had no control over his orgasm. He would come inside of you a lot faster than he wanted to.
“Come, I need to come too.”
You gasped as Regulus’ thrusts began to get sloppy. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath as your orgasm tore through you. Your cunt began to spam around Regulus’ cock pushing him over the edge. His cock jerked before spurting rope after rope of thick cum deep into your pussy.
Neither of you moved for a moment. You were the first to make a move. Reaching up, you pulled Regulus back down for a lazy kiss. He smiled against your mouth, enjoying the feeling of his half-hard cock still being lodged in your body.
“That was amazing.”
You whispered. Regulus moved to say something but stopped suddenly when he heard someone calling his name. The two of you froze for a moment before quickly dressing. Regulus turned his attention back to you.
“Take the second door and take a right, that will get you out of here without anyone noticing.”
You nodded before quickly putting your shoes back on. Turning your attention back to Regulus, you stroked a finger down the bridge of his nose as the door handle began to turn.
“Thank you, Father.”
You whispered before rushing out of the room.
The next morning, you walked back into the church. You were hoping for another repeat of the previous day's events. Maybe this time, it could end with a little more cuddling and a lot less hurrying out.
Regulus looked up when you stepped into the sanctuary where he was quietly getting this ready for the next service. When he didn’t smile or let any emotion come across his face, your heart began to pound. Something about the look on his face made your heart pound.
He greeted you with a formal tone. It wasn’t the tone of the man that you had made love with the day before.
“Regulus…It's good to see you…I was wondering if you would…”
Regulus held a hand up.
“Yesterday shouldn’t have happened. It was a mistake and I should have never given into that temptation.”
Regulus felt instantly guilty at the stunned expression on your face. He never wanted to hurt you but he felt as if he had to.
“You seemed to feel differently yesterday.”
You replied, feeling a surge of annoyance come through you.
“Yesterday I was tempted and gave into a sin that I promised to never commit. I’m sorry, Y/n but I have worked too hard to throw everything away for a showgirl. You must understand that I am a priest not some boy toy for you. Perhaps you should…”
You held a hand up.
“You’ve made your feelings clear.”
You didn’t wait to give Regulus a second to talk before turning and walking from the church without another word. Maybe you were foolish for hoping that something would come from this. You were foolish for thinking that maybe Regulus would be more than just a priest…maybe it could have been love? Would you ask Regulus to give everything up based on one day of passion-filled romance? No, but what if it could work out?
Not now….
You thought before disappearing down a busy street and out of sight.
@amelie-black @justfinishthis @jessyballet @knreidy1 @georgeweasleydumbhoe @criminalyetminimal @jsjcue @ell0ra-br3kk3r @livshifts @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @golddustwomann @siriuslyceleste @bxcndd @stelleduarte @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @rogue-nyx88 @i-love-scott-mccall @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @f4iryluvy @buttercup-beeee @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @quinis @haroldpotterson @yousmellllikecaca @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @padf00ts-l0ver @rubyroscoe1 @lucasfilms77 @spideyxalmighty @dumybitch @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @melaninnbarbie @marichromatic @lostarc24 @un-lovesherself @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @li0nh34rt @tas898 @untoldshortsofthefandoms @deanwherescas @shitfaceddaniel-blog @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @mycuddlycorner
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bri-in-ur-attic · 24 days
Someday, Our Fascinations Will Align
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Do you remember the moment you fell in love? The moment when you were the only two people in the world. That splendid, magical moment when all your sadness was forgotten.
I dedicate this to @engardeitsme <333 we share an unhealthy amount of love for the B.R.B, she also did an amazing fan casting of these idiots which is how i envisioned the brotherhood and is also writing a fic series of the battle maniac!! 100% recommend it
Heads up: kidnapping but (Name) vibes w it, typical black rabbit brotherhood violence, perspective changes, this is a long fic like over 7k so prepare yourselves
pairing is battle maniac x fem!reader , but there are implications of P x reader
longest fic I’ve ever written and its for a bunch of assholes that were punching bags for P *sigh*
“Hopping around Elysion Boulevard doing God knows what and in the end, getting yourself hurt! Like seriously you’re running my medic supplies dry!” 
“Quit your yammering the black market will provide you more.” 
Most people shrivel at just the mention of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, yet here you were scolding the one who was infamous for putting unfortunate souls in the Liar's Coffin 
It was a simple negotiation really, in exchange for your medical knowledge and treating their wounds, considering they live life on the edge, you were sworn with protection from the Brotherhood without paying the dumb fee.
And by negotiation it went more like you were kidnapped against your own will after the brotherhood tried to rob you but deemed you more useful by keeping you by their side
For a bunch of criminals, you could tell they care for each other’s well being and soon enough, they grew accustomed to you. The brotherhood was amused by your gutsy attitude and feistiness as if you weren’t surrounded by dangerous criminals, amusement turned into respect which then turned into kindling a fondness towards you 
The Eldest, Cyrus would tease about small you were compared to him and often annoy you by holding things above your head
Buckethead was the one abusing the microphone constantly, for an oddball, he had quite an elegant name, Oswald. You liked to call him Oz for short to which he had taken a liking to, it sounds similar to odd funnily 
The baby of the group was Bonnie being merely 16 years old, at first you had no idea that there was a sister in the Black Rabbit Brotherhood as the name speaks for itself let alone one being this young. She was quite touchy by wrapping her arms around you and constantly wanting your attention by whining about the tiniest scratches she gets and wanting immediate medical attention 
And finally, the one who was currently at your mercy was the battle maniac of the group, if you were being honest all siblings were battle maniacs but whatever
You would always butt heads with him at any chance you got as he always gave the best responses to your remarks, he was simply fun to argue with
“For God’s sake go easy on tightening those bandages, my arm's ‘bout to bust!” 
“Awww is poor bunny about to cry cuz he can’t handle a bit of pressure?”
“Shut up, just do your damn job.” 
“Shame that these bandages and medicines are wasted on you.” With a huff, you finish wrapping his arm  
“Oh and it’s not a waste to use 'em on Bonnie’s paper cuts?” 
“Any injury no matter how miniscule it might seem isn’t worth not treating, one cut can turn into a nasty infection.”
Finishing wrapping the bandages you pat on his shoulder firmly
“Done, Rojo.” he winces
The brother with the red scarf hadn’t revealed his name and identity to you while the others have unconcealed themselves to you, he was a tough nut to crack compared to the others. Heck you found the Eldest to be more approachable than him 
And so you nick-named him Rojo (Ro-ho) because of his red scarf 
”Stop calling me that.”
”Oh? You don’t like Rojo? Then what would you like me to call you? How does Bun-Bun sound?”
”Call me that and you’ll be fed to those monstrous freaks.”
After washing your hands, you grab a rack with a sigh
”Look, I gotta call you something, Rojo is the best I could think of unless you spare me the trouble and give me your damn name.”
His masked face directs to you, seemingly in deep thought and then looks down on the floor 
”Elyas.” he let out begrudgingly 
”Elyas ..” you repeated in a soft tone testing how his name rolled off your tongue 
”That wasn’t so hard now was it Elyas ?” With a cheeky grin you walk out of the room 
Elyas watches your figure get out of his range of sight and takes off his rabbit mask running his hand through his dark waves 
“That woman is gonna be the death of me..”
It had been about a month of being ‘held hostage’ by the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, overtime they let you have more freedom such as wandering through the Malum district as long as one of them was accompanying you, quite restrictive freedom but you have no combat abilities so this didn't bother you all that much as the brothers and sister pretty much acted as bodyguards
Now that the Malum District officially had a doctor, the Brotherhood originally wanted to charge those who seeked you for medical attention but you gave them an earful before they could
Today you were meeting with the Robinson family and the one escorting you was Elyas , who recently trusted you with his name
The walk was quiet and a bit tense, if in different circumstances it would look as if the the two of you were on a awkward first date due to the close proximity and stiffness 
Up ahead seeing the Robinson’s small run-down house up ahead, Elyas leaned his back against the neighboring houses 
“Hurry up, make it no longer than 10 minutes.”
”Oh what a pity, I was hoping to bake a pie with the Robinsons today.” you say sarcastically and knock on the Robinson’s door 
Civilians nearby peeped their heads out, seeing the poor doctor being held captive by the ruthless Black Rabbit Brotherhood, the residents viewed you highly for aiding the District with daily check-ups 
“That poor girl, God knows what those ruffians make her go through..” one of the civilians say
Seeing the Battle Maniac glance up in their directions, the neighbors duck their heads away 
You knock on the door and call out for the Robinsons
“Mrs. Robinson? It’s me, (Name).”
And it didn’t take long for the aged woman to open the door, her gaunt features welcome you
“Oh Doctor (Name), it is very good to see you, please come in.”
Closing the door after you come in, Mrs. Robinson leads you to her husband, who looked in better condition than the last time you saw him, the Robinson children also greet you while the oldest nods his head with a small smile 
“The echinacea tea did wonders to me. I can't thank you enough Miss (Name).”Mr. Robinson says with weak smile
“It was my pleasure, I’m glad you have been making progress to a full recovery. I was going to check on your health but it seems your immune system is doing all the work and my visitation is unnecessary.”
“Oh hush dear you are always welcome in our humble abode, you have always been very kind to us, do please stay for a little longer will you?” Mrs. Robinson directed her hand towards the living room  
“Ah I wish I could, but I’m afraid my time here is limited for I have an invisible lengthy chain on my ankle.”
“That hooligan from the brotherhood is it? Honestly I send my condolences to you for dealing with those bad men.”
“I can hold my own against them. They cannot be tamed, but they can be reasoned with.”
“I see, well good luck out there dearie, please take care of yourself too.” 
“Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, best of wishes to you and your family.” With a small bow you make your way to the door
“E-excuse me, Miss (Name)?”
The eldest of the Robinson children was Finlay, though he was barely a child as he was in his young adulthood 
Now having your attention, Finlay grasps his hands together 
“If you don’t mind, may we talk for a bit?”
“Hm, I suppose I have a few minutes to spare but do make it quick, the rabbit who’s acting as my esquire isn’t known for having patience.”
With a deep breath, the fair-headed boy looks at you with a deep gaze that is laced with worry
“I hate to see you go off with the evil brotherhood, surely there must be something we can do to help you.”
With a sad smile, you shake your head
“I very much appreciate your concern Finn, but I accepted my fate and I swear on my life that I am ok. Besides, who will provide you all with check-ups if I escape this dreaded town?”
Finlay’s expression hardens “Then you don’t have to escape, hide in our home and we can take care of you just like how you’ve taken care of us.”
“Finn..please don’t risk your family’s lives and your own for me.”
“But I would risk my life for you! Because I-”
“Alright, time's up!” 
The door violently burst open revealing Elyas 
Upon seeing you and Finlay, something in Elyas cracked as he approaches Finlay in a threatening way and grabs him by the collar of his shirt 
“So you’ve been extending the doctor’s session eh? I'm afraid you're gonna have a fee for that, blondie.”
“S-sir please I’m sorry! W-we don’t have anything to give you! We're barely getting by after this month's fee!”
You immediately grab Elyas’ arm and attempt to pull him away from Finlay 
“Cut it out! I was about to leave anyway!”
“This piss-haired rat got greedy and reached over the time limit, now he has to pay the price.”
You get between the boys and with all your might push Elyas’ chest away from Finlay, while doing so, Elyas’ puppet string accidentally pricks your cheek but the minor injury barely bothered you
“Stop! It was only for a few minutes, let it go!” 
Elyas looked at you and you hear the crinkling of his gloves due to his fists clenching 
Letting out a sigh of relief you look back at Finlay who still looked like he had the heavens scared out of him
“You will no longer visit this house.”
You look back at Elyas with wide eyes and before you can protest he grabs your arm and pulls you out of the Robinson's household 
“Wait a minute!..Elyas!”
With a panicked look, you look back to the house and see a distraught Finlay reaching his hand out 
“Please just stop for a moment!”
Ripping your arm from Elyas’ iron grip you rub the area and glare at him
“What has gotten into you? I know you’re a jackass but you really have crossed the line this time!”
“That beggar boy was the one crossing the line by wasting our time.”
With a sigh, you stay silent briefly
“You know.. you were a hypocrite when you called him greedy when all you and your siblings do is suck up all my time like a bunch of mosquitos.”
Now it was Elyas’ turn to stay silent, he turns to you and looks down at the small gash on your cheek
He approaches you slowly and grabs a hold of his red scarf, ripping it. He then daps the blood off that was on the plump of your cheek 
You felt almost every negative emotion under the sun towards Elyas, fear, anger, frustration and even amusement 
This was the first he made you flustered, you’ve been in close positions with Elyas before but it was when he needed treatment. Now he was willing to be this close to you to do a quite sensual gesture  
“What are you doing?…”
Elyas lets a scoff ”You said it yourself, any injury no matter how miniscule it might seem isn’t worth not treating, one cut can turn into a nasty infection.”
With a small hum, Elyas continues to treat the cut on your cheek ”Sorry.” His apology was quick and blunt but there was a hint of sincerity in it 
”It’s.. whatever I’ll treat it myself when we get back.” 
Backing away from you, Elyas’ hand hovers over your cheek and feel his finger brushing over your injury 
You look up to meet his eyes that were concealed behind his rabbit mask, sometimes you wonder how these guys could see through those atrocious masks 
Desperately wanting to see what he was thinking, you gaze into the eyeholes of Elyas’ mask, to see what the hues of his eyes were and if they even held light
You wanted to see his humanity
Immediately he withdraws his hand away from you and makes a quick turn to continue his way 
“Let’s go.” 
Recovering from what just occurred, you slowly make your way behind Elyas
”I’m still gonna visit the Robinsons.” 
“You won’t be a mile radius near that shithole when I’m around.”
”So what you’re saying is as long as you're not breathing down on my neck I can visit them?”
”What I’m saying is if I see you interact with that scrawny piece of shit, no treatment will ever be able to cure what I’ll do to him.” 
It felt like Cyrus slammed his greatsword on him when Elyas realized what he had just said, visibly stiffening but regained composure  
Then it hit you, Elyas was jealous 
This new found discovery both appalled and terrified you 
He was the equivalent of a school boy who was crushing that just happened to have violent tendencies towards his rivals, it seems you won’t be visiting the Robinsons for a while for Finlay’s sake
You couldn’t but help feel bad for the poor boy, his feelings towards you was obvious but you never really saw him that way, sure you thought he was adorable and very kind but he just was never really your type unfortunately 
But Elyas?..
The both of you didn’t quite have a pleasant start and to this day you had lingering feelings of resentment towards him and his siblings
Despite that, your fondness for them grew more than your grudge 
After all they guaranteed you safety when you weren’t even sure if Hotel Krat could be a place to seek refuge and for better or for worse there was never a dull day with the brotherhood. You weren't just surviving, you were living
And the somewhat intimate moment you just shared with Elyas and how he and his siblings aid each other is enough for you to believe that the brotherhood has a soul that was tainted due to the result of evolving in a harsh environment 
Hiding your smile, you follow Elyas towards the Red Lobster 
Oswald and Bonnie were present, hanging out and having some downtime
”We’re back, but I’m gonna head back to headquarters real quick, don’t you knuckleheads plan something idiotic when I’m gone.”
Oswald only waves his hand dismissively and Bonnie sticks her tongue out at Elyas 
“How was your trip (Name)?” Bonnie asks in a cheerful tone
”Phew it was quite something, I’ll tell you that.” You place your hands on your hips and bounce on your feet making eye contact with Bonnie with a nervous smile 
“Speaking of trips, I call the shots on taking our doc through Malum next week! I haven’t done errands with her in a long while!”
”Hey! It’s my turn to hang out with (Name)! I thought we were following the pattern!” Bonnie complains and lightly shoves Oswald 
“Since when did we ever agree to that? It’s whoever gets to her first the one going little sis!”
With an audible pout, Bonnie sits back down on her seat
”Not fair! (Name) please tell him off!” Bonnie drags out your name
”No can do Bon, first come first serve.” You say with a cheesy grin
”I’ll beat you to her Oswald! You’ll see!”
”Oh really? Well that’s a shame ‘cause I already got to her!”
Oswald dashes from his seat and grabs you by the waist hoisting you over his shoulder 
“Oz! This is very unnecessary!” trying to hide your grin but fail as you grab onto his shoulders 
“Hold on tight doc!~”
Bonnie jumps from her seat and dashes towards Oswald who was now carrying you 
The two siblings laugh hysterically chasing each other while you cling on to dear life to Oswald’s shirt and join in on the laughter
“What did I say about planning something idiotic while I’m gone?”
Elyas voice suddenly echoed throughout the room causing the siblings to stop 
“Ahh lighten up brother, we were just having a little fun!”
”Not much fun anymore when you’re dizzy! Now put me down Oz!”
“Alright alright down you go doc.” 
Setting you down with ease, Oswald then wipes off invisible dust off of you
“There you go all in one piece.” 
“Quit touching her. Now scram, Cyrus asked for you and Bonnie back in headquarters.”
”Huh? What for?”
Elyas simply shrugs
Oswald let out a loud groan ”It better be good, c’mon Bonnie.”
”Watch my cheesecake for me (Name)!” Bonnie then scurries out of the room right behind Oswald 
“Hey, what did Cyrus ask them for?” 
“Nothin’ I was jesting.” 
You shoot Elyas a blank stare 
“Don't give me that look, I don't want to deal with their annoying asses when I play this.” 
Elyas held up a record and walks over to the gramophone 
Once he plays the record, an elegant sound of a violin plays along with an accordion that harmonizes with each other
The gramophone changes the setting of the rundown tavern of the Red Lobster into a more elegant atmosphere, both you and Elyas lean against the bar table. The sound of the singer’s rich voice singing in a language you somewhat understood
“Say Elyas, do you comprehend French?” 
He only shakes his head “I never knew what the hell the guy was saying, I just like how it sounds.”
“From my limited French knowledge, what I’m getting at is that the singer is longing to meet his departed lover..”
Concentrating on the singer’s words you close your eyes 
“You will come back
Halfway through the song there was a solo 
“And..listen to my heart,
I will wait for you
Even if my heart hurts..
So that you can hear my words
I will wait for you..
I will wait for you..”
The record meets its end as the accordion slows down fading away bringing you back to the dreary tavern 
“Since when did you understand French? "
"I'm not quite fully fluent in it, the Monad Charity House taught some classes."
"You went to that Charity House?"
With a nod of your head you continue, then grabbing the chain of your necklace, you show Elyas your graduation necklace that was hidden under your blouse 
"Yup, I grew up in the Charity house and wanted to become an Alchemist at first but I couldn’t read alchemical equations for the life of me. However I liked science enough to pursue the medical field."
“I see, glad you didn't join those egotistical smartasses.”
”Heh, I suppose so, I didn’t even like them all that much if I’m being honest.” You look at Elyas “Seeing how you and your siblings ar-were Stalkers, were you all in the Charity House as well?” 
Elyas notices your slip up and crosses his arms “Nope, the four of us grew up in the alleys, the Sweepers in our area taught us since we were young.” 
“Oh, it must’ve been rough growing up in such a place.”
“But it’s what made us strong and outlived the other weak fools. We survived this far, and we will continue to do so together as a family.”
Turning your head away from Elyas you chuckle softly
“What’s so funny?” Elyas asked in a condescending tone 
All this time, you believed the Puppet Frenzy and the Petrification disease brought the worst out of humanity, from those who exploited Krat’s vulnerable position and ransacking homes, to survivors who were now in a dog eat world where the strong live and are victorious while the weak can only hope for a quick death 
There were countless times when the Brotherhood made it clear they couldn’t give a rat’s ass about fighting with honor, as former Sweeper Stalkers it was in their psyche to survive and win, simply that. But there were cracks to their rough exterior, their love of family for one another. 
The reason the Black Rabbit Brotherhood lived this long was their camaraderie and sticking together as a family. 
And most recently there was another Achilles heel to their bruteness, you.
The feeble yet firm doctor who doesn’t carry a sword but a stethoscope and briefcase full of instruments to life. Unlike the brotherhood, gentle and merciful 
“It’s just, you four are a group of delinquents with disregard for others, but I find it quite endearing that you all got each others’ backs. You all understood you were stronger together.” 
“Oh? Getting all sappy on us now, are we?”
“Quiet you, I still don’t like how you treat the poor civilians here and would find an escape route at any given chance.” you didn’t quite mean that last part, but you wanted to get a reaction from Elyas to get back at him
And it seems to have worked too well as Elyas stayed silent and motionless with his teasing disappearing in an instant 
“Would you.. actually?..”The tone of his voice almost makes you feel bad, the desperation and worrying riddled in his words
Caught off guard by Elyas’ question you stutter out “Uh-Uhm yeah..I would.”
You side eye Elyas to get a glimpse of him, he faces the floor, silent
“Hey.. I was jesting.” a callback to when Elyas repeated your words 
His head suddenly turns to you, you expected him to implode on you but instead your ears were met with a light chuckle
“God…you really are a pain in the ass.”
Looking towards Elyas you also let out a soft chuckle, then you glance down on his hand that was draped on the table, there was this urge to get close to him, to feel a connection 
You already suspected he has some type of attraction towards you, and may you be damned for reciprocating them 
Slowly, your hand itches closer to Elyas’ hand. Once the tips of your fingers meet, you feel his fingers flinching, taking this as a sign he didn’t want to be touched, you pull your hand back slowly
There was a sudden pressure on your hand and the feeling of leather'
You look down to see Elyas’ hand on yours but he refuses to meet your eyes 
Instead you feel him squeezing lightly
“Hey Elyas you lying asshole! Cyrus said he didn’t fucking ask for us!” Oswald's eccentric accent breaks the peace
Immediately the both of you retract your hands 
“You just lied to steal (Name) away from us didn’t you?” Bonnie jumps down from the level rail and tugs on your arm “C’mon let’s get away from these dumb dumbs!” 
As Bonnie drags you away, Oswald and Cyrus walk up to Elyas
“Ha! If you wanted some alone time with doc, you ‘coulda just said something!” Oswald teases 
“Shut up.”
Cyrus laughs and slams his large hand on Elyas’ back making him let out a groan
“Ah good evening Miss (Name)! What can I get for you?” The black market merchant greets you
“Say you wouldn’t happen to have some records on you would you?”
“Is that even a question worth asking? Of course!” He then pulls out a crate full of records 
“Feel free to look through this mess and pick the one you want.”
Kneeling down, you browse through the records looking for a certain one 
“Nope..nope..not this one…found it!”
Pulling out your desired record, you pull it towards your face, admiring the beautiful artwork that decorated it
“Oh? Fascination? Now that’s a classic!” 
“An oldie but a goldie. Here’s the ergo.”
“Thank you very much, oh and you’re aware that it’s the instrumental version right?”
“Quite aware, I weirdly prefer this version.”
“To each their own I guess. Well I hope you enjoy it and have a pleasant night.” The merchant tips his hat
“Thank you, good night to you too.”
You walk back where the gramophone that Elyas played earlier was. Taking out Elyas’ record gently placing it away and slipping in yours 
Resting your head on the table, you close your eyes and let the music immerse you in a different reality
It sounded as if the violin was singing, synchronizing with the backing instruments, perfectly capturing the beautiful feeling of falling in love
“You’re up late.”
Your eyes stay shut briefly and let out a deep exhale
Pushing yourself off the table, you look up to where Elyas was, you could make out his figure but couldn’t see his face where his mask usually was
On closer inspection, you noticed that his shadow lacked the silhouette of the rabbit ears his mask had
“Come now, don't be shy, I won’t run if your face is ugly.”
This might just be the first time you’ll see Elyas without his mask, the anticipation was killing you
Realizing Elyas hasn’t yet moved from his spot, you had an idea 
You turned around with your back now facing him 
“Come down when you’re ready, I’ll wait all night, I certainly won’t mind listening to this for hours.”
Then you hear Elyas’ footsteps descending down the stairs, with each step he takes it makes your heart beat faster
Just what could he look like? Masculine, feminine or a mix of both? But you have a hard time imagining a feminine face for Elyas
A gloveless hand rests your waist, while another grabs your hand, twirling you around and you meet face to face with the face you longed to see
Messy raven hair was the first sight in your field of vision 
Elyas perhaps has the most beautiful blue eyes you’ve ever seen, it wasn’t the type of blue that pierced into your soul, rather it was a calming blue, his eyes reminded you of the romantic evening nights that was once common in Krat’s skies. Elyas had quite a pale complexion, making the dark circles under his eyes more prominent. The bridge of his nose had a scar kissed on it, his appearance was almost exactly how you expected him to be, rugged but quite pleasing on the eyes, dare you say it, handsome. 
What somewhat surprised you was how young Elyas looked, he looked like a man barely in his early 20’s. At the prime of young adulthood, around the same age as you.
You’ve seen how the other members of the black rabbit brotherhood looked like, they all possessed unruly jet black hair and a birthmark somewhere etched on their faces. Elyas had a few beauty marks patched on his face, from under his cheek, chin, even one near his nose. You’re enticed to caress the moles and the scars on his face
“With the way you’re eyeing me, I can’t tell if you’re eating me up or about to run off with your tail between your legs.” 
Ignoring his teasing, you continue to gaze at him
“It’s just, you’re so beautiful…”
Elyas’ eyes widen, his face reddening and he lets out a small chortle
“You’re quite the beauty yourself, doctor.”
Bashfully, you lower your head, and lightly smack Elyas’ chest
“Hey, don’t you get shy on me now.” gripping your chin to lift your face up
Wordlessly, Elyas then guides you to the center of the floor, hand firmly on your waist still 
You stare at the decomposing wooden floor of the Red Lobster, in this moment, you momentarily forget about the dire situation around you, the disease, the frenzy, none of it mattered in this one moment. You look up to the source of your escape from reality, he looks down at you with the same amount of longing 
Everytime Elyas’ foot moves forward, yours moves back, when he leads you toward the left you follow his footing, coordinating with his movements causing the both of you to form a slow dance 
Your hand rests on his shoulder while the other is held by Elyas’, now lacking the gloves
His hands were rough, almost having a sandpaper-like feeling, years of brawling in the rigorous culture of the alleys left him with textured palms
Elyas’ gaze turns into an ambivalent expression, him two months ago would laugh at his current self for being vulnerable and soft towards the flimsy doctor. For years Elyas’ heart conditioned itself to lock itself away from tender emotions such as love, it only had room for his family, but somehow you happened to make your way into his heart and heal what the world had done to him. What one hell of a doctor you were. 
Elyas never was bothered by the fact he’s put a few people six feet underground in the past, leaving his hands stained with blood. Guilt now had a hold on him. Not for the ones slain by him, but for now tainting you, a doctor who dedicated her life to saving lives now associating herself with death himself.  
As soon as the music reached its’ climax, Elyas grabs your waist and lifts you up in the air, spinning you around and gently setting you back down leaving you in a brief daze 
As the music reaches the end, Elyas dips you down 
Slowly bring you back up, his hands still hold you, as if he wished for this moment to never end
Meeting Elyas’ eyes, your hand that was on his shoulder moves up to to cup his face and he closes his eyes, indulging in your warmth 
Soft and docile, you felt exactly how Elyas imagined
Would…your lips feel the same?
Opening his eyes, Elyas keeps them lidded as he glances down at your lips
Understanding what he was asking of you, you give him the most love-struck grin and close your eyes, leaning forward 
Like magnets, your lips pull in towards Elyas’
Bliss would be an blatant understatement, nothing could ever comprehend the overabundance of emotions you were feeling, both negative and positive 
Each movement of your lips with Elyas’ sent adrenaline of excitement and a sense of freedom, sharing saliva with a parlous man like Elyas would be considered unorthodox, but who is left in Krat to judge you?
As time went on, more and more residents succumbed to the Petrification disease and more mutated monsters infested the district, ever since the Alchemists promised a so-called cure to the disease, Krat’s problems seemed to have worsened, those damned Alchemists had done something horrific to those refugees in the Cathedral.
You knew those Alchemists were suspicious from the start, this only worsens your disdain towards them
Much to your dismay the brotherhood refused to let you out in the district anymore, leaving whatever surviving residents to tend to themselves 
You couldn’t help but feel hopeless couped up in headquarters, surely there were those who have yet to succumbed to the Petrification disease that is need of medical care
Cleaning and organizing your medical tools, you hear Elyas approaching near you, he takes off his mask
Your relationship with Elyas reached a new degree, it has no label yet but the feelings are there and real. And so you just let it happen and see how it goes from there
“That frown has been common on your face these days.” Elyas says as he grabs and raises your chin, 
With a tight smile, you grab his hand on your chin and intertwine them with yours
“You know why I’ve been getting frown wrinkles.”
His eyebrows furrow “And you know why we don’t want you going out there, the world is going to hell, it’s too dangerous.”
You sigh and break eye contact, but keep your hands connected 
Stroking your cheek, Elyas leans closer to your face “You worry too much, let’s just look after each other now eh?” 
Calloused hands grab your cheek to direct your face towards him, Elyas leans forward to capture your lips in a soft kiss to which you return 
The newfound connection you’ve made with Elyas is yet to be revealed to his siblings, but you assume at this point they’ve connected the dots by now with how insistent Elyas is to be close in your presence and they bite their tongues to avoid his retribution 
Pulling away, Elyas hovers over your face 
“There’s an intruder in the District, stay in headquarters until we deal with this pest.”
Your eyebrows downturn “Intruder? Is it another Stalker?”
”Not sure, but he does wield a weapon and has competent skills with it.” Elyas stares off in space deep in thought “So stay put, will you?” Looking at you with a hardened but pleading look
With a sigh you nod 
“Thank you.” With one more quick kiss, Elyas slowly parts from you and heads out the door, “We won’t take long.” 
As you watch him leave, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread, no one outside Malum has ever made it far into the District due to the immense number of carcass monsters increasing 
But it gave you a sense of hope?
Who would be bold enough to infiltrate the den of the notorious Black Rabbit Brotherhood unless they had a motive to put them in their place. For the longest time, you thought humanity lost its willpower and strength, God knows what’s happening to the world outside of Krat. Despite your affections for the Brotherhood, you can’t help but respect the one who has the guts to face them. And it’ll be a shame if Krat’s last spark of hope gets snuffed out.
With a determined look, you go against Elyas’ wish. Grabbing a cloak and a small messenger bag, you make your way up to the roof
The Malum District was the embodiment of misery and despair, P never thought that he'd ever miss the Puppets that he once loathed and wished to eradicate 
Any sight of puppets would be a welcoming sight compared to these monstrous sights 
As he makes his way through the streets, P notices writing on the walls
‘The Angel of Malum, Doctor (Name) where are you? Please we need you!’
‘Damn the Brotherhood for taking away our Angel!’ 
‘Prayers for the Angel of Malum, our beacon of hope’
This (Name) person must’ve be an important figure in the Malum with how many memorials he’s seen for this doctor 
While observing the walls, there was a sudden groan heard from one of the houses
Raising his weapon, P stalks closer to the source of the sound
Heading inside, a gold-haired man was the first thing he sees, tainted with the blue of the disease 
“W-who are you?.. (Name)..?”
The slouching human lifts his head up looking up at P, his deathly pale blue face had a look of hope that fell immediately 
“Oh… you’re not her…they’re still holding her captive... If she’s even alive...”
”Who?” P asks
”She was our angel (Name)…she gave comfort and aided to those in need of care…until the brotherhood took her away…” The blonde man lets out a violent cough ”Mister…you must save her if she's still alive and well…those awful Black Rabbit Brotherhood caged her up in their hideout…my final wish is for her to be liberated…”
Contemplating, P then nods  
“Haha…thank you…oh and if you see (Name) tell her that I, Finlay… love…”
Before the man could finish his sentence, death came for him first, his confession forever lost 
Stepping outside the house, P continues his way
*chirp* “Geez..poor guy, looks like he was the only survivor in his family judging from the other corpses inside the house..”
There was a sudden clamping on his leg
”Ha! It’s funny seeing ‘em all flustered!”
He looks up to see a girl with a rabbit mask
”Hey…the idiot’s actually a looker…” she then jumps back and retreats 
P struggled to get the trap off his leg, each time he squirms it bites harder into his leg 
“Oh my goodness, I’ll come down and help you!” 
His head suddenly swings up, a woman in a hooded cloak gets down from the roof and rushes towards him
“How in the..how are you not bleeding?” The woman looks at P with confusion and curiosity “Are you… a puppet?”
Staring into the woman’s eyes, P nods his head, the hooded woman then had a look of reluctance before sighing
“Well alright then…let’s get you out of this bear trap.” She then presses on the springs, making the jaws of the trap lower. Feeling the pressure going away from his leg, P closes his eyes and lets out a sigh of relief. Opening his eyes, he looked at the lady who helped him. Up close she was quite pretty
She then offers her hand to him with a gentle smile, “Can you stand? That is quite a nasty trap you fell in.” 
He grabs her smaller palms and with her help gets back up
*chirp* “Excuse me Miss if you don’t mind me asking, but just why are you helping my pal here? Considering people don’t treat puppets too well these days.” 
“What the- did your bottom just talk??” The lady looks around P, looking for where the voice came from
*chirp* “Down here! I’m his guide, Gemini!” P grabs the lamp from his belt and raises Gemini towards the woman 
“Oh.. interesting..” She looks at the lamp with intrigue, looking from the lamp and now to P “Well the reason I came to your aid, I get this feeling that you’re special.” 
She continues, “The moment I heard you made it into Malum pass those awful creatures, something inside me just ruptured, like fireworks.” The lady then looks up at the dreary sky with a bittersweet smile “It was a feeling I hadn’t had in such a long time, hope.” 
She looks back at P, her hopeful smile doesn’t falter. “I have no idea why, but I just have this gut feeling that you’re important, so please beware, the Brotherhood is wanting to put you under the ground.”  Despite finishing her sentence, the kind lady had her lips in a tight line, almost as if she still had something to say
“If you do fight the Brotherhood…please refrain from killing them.”
*chirp* “I hate to be that guy but they're the ones who came after us first! If push comes to shove, we just might have to!”  
A sigh of disappointment escapes from her lips. “Then please spare them for my sake, like some sort of favor.” She then gives a friendly smile “I'm (Name) by the way.” 
“Doctor (Name)?” Hearing the beautiful boy talk for the first time surprises (Name)
“Yes... But not so much anymore, my patients have been limited to the Brotherhood these days.”
*chirp* “Well maybe that’s another darn good reason we need to get rid of them! They’re practically holding you captive!” 
“I-it’s not necessarily like that!” (Name)’s hands rest on her forehead “maybe at first it sorta was but not so much anymore!”
P’s face gave away that he still wasn’t too satisfied with her response
“Come with me.” P says as he raises his hand towards (Name) and she stares at his mechanical arm 
“Such a straightforward boy aren't you?” (Name) giggles but then shakes her head “I care too much for the Brotherhood now, but I believe they need to be humbled from time to time.”
Reaching inside her bag, (Name) pulls out three pulse cells
“Here, a fight is inevitable and you best be prepared, but I once again beg of you to not kill them, maybe a good whooping will do.” 
Graciously accepting the pulse cells, P looks at (Name) and nods 
Holding her hands to her chest (Name) smile gratefully at P “Thank you strong one. Once you liberate this city, I'll deal with the Black Rabbit Brotherhood.”  
(Name) slowly steps away from P and makes her way back up climbing back up to the roof 
As P watches her disappear, he looks at the pulse cells given to him by the first person who’s ever shown him kindness outside the Hotel, 
He firmly grasps the items, humanity is still worth fighting for 
Managing to make it back in headquarters with no one noticing the doctor’s absence,  in the nick of time the Black Rabbit Brotherhood were anticipating the intruder as the Eldest hauls the Liar’s coffin on his broad shoulders
The Rabbits were on the hunt
(Name) peeks out the window upon hearing the loud eruption on the front gate, humanity’s last hope crashes into the Black Rabbit Brotherhood’s lair
The four criminal siblings march toward, the one leading the group looks back at headquarters one last time, inside someone precious to him resides in it
“Bring it on, you ain’t seen nothing like my brother.” 
“The toy is mine! Mine! Root for me brothers!” 
“Argh no! Knock him out bro!”
”C’mon, you played nice with the others! Don’t you wanna play with me, mister puppet?” 
“So this is Geppetto’s puppet huh? Gotta admit: he knows what he’s doing.” 
One by one, you watch as each of the brotherhood get overpowered by the puppet you met earlier, it seems he was keeping up with his promise of not maiming them
Cyrus was holding his ground for longer 
Finally, Elyas jumps down, facing the puppet 
“We don’t get extra points for fighting fair. Survive and win, that simple.”
Elyas lasted longer than his other siblings, but you started to see cracks in his battle stance, he too was no match for Geppetto’s puppet 
“You’re no Bastard, nor Sweeper. Those moves of yours…”
As you watch Elyas retreat away from the battle after a nasty hit, you notice him limping a bit. That set off all the alarms in your head. Grabbing your medical bag, you dash outside to his aid
Pushing the door with all your might, your outburst grabs Elyas’ attention who was on his knee, grabbing on the left of his side 
“(Name)? What are you doing out here?! Get back inside!” You ignore his demands and rush next to him
”Quiet Elyas, you’re injured! Where does it most hurt?”
Reluctantly, Elyas looks down to his side, letting out a groan 
You take off his mask and hood,  revealing his pained expression “Breathing..hurts..”
Looking at his face that was induced with anguish increased your worry tenfold. Both of your hands grab his face in a gentle cradle and slowly Elyas succumbed to your touch, closing his eyes and breathing slowly
You now had a prang of remorse and regret, was it a good idea to help Geppetto’s puppet? You hadn’t meant for the brotherhood to get seriously hurt, at worst you expected bruises and maybe minor cuts but Elyas was showing symptoms of broken ribs 
You turn around and see Oswald and Bonnie who are kneeling with fatigue. Geppetto’s puppet and Cyrus were still battling, you had to stop this madness before it gets worse 
“Rest here.” As you get up, Elyas looks at you like you’ve grown 10 heads, he yells for you to stop, but you ignore them 
Right as P parried the Eldest brother’s blow, he staggers, giving him an open to attack
With a look with intent to kill, he raises his weapon for a deathly blow 
“STOP!” The doctor P met earlier gets between him and the Eldest with arms wide open, immediately he halts
”Please, don’t kill them.. you’ve won, fair and square..” P notices on how much the girl was shaking
On que, the Eldest falls on the ground passing out due to exhaustion
”Brother!” The other siblings run to the Eldest’s collapsed body
As Oswald and Bonnie ran over to Cyrus, they look to you for confirmation 
Immediately you get beside Cyrus and put your ear on his chest, desperate to hear any signs of life 
Thump thump
You let out an exhale that you held in for too long, “He’s gonna be alright..”
Bonnie gasps in relief as Oswald embraces his sister 
Rising from Cyrus’ chest, you feel a hand on your shoulder, Elyas who’s hand was still on his side looks at you with gratitude and enamorment, he then looks at the puppet, face immediately souring 
You grab his arm and shake your head, “Please, just let him go. It’s not worth it.” Elyas looks at you with a strife look before sighing and glancing back at the puppet.
“There’s a passage to the Krat Hotel inside, we better not see your face again, now fuck off.” 
The beautiful puppet gives you one last look before heading inside the headquarters, you give him an assuring smile and watch him leave, perhaps you’ll see him again one day
“What’s the deal with you and Geppetto’s puppet eh?” Elyas asks in a skeptical tone and a raised eyebrow, clearly irritated
Your eyes roll 
It had been about over a week since the Black Brotherhood’s defeat against the puppet, a humiliating defeat, but they all survived in the end
Cyrus had made a full recovery, Bonnie and Oswald had very minor injuries but Elyas was still healing from his broken ribs
The skies of Krat started to heal as well as the gloomy gray clouds started to dissipate, the majestic blue skies was returning along with heaven’s beacon 
Sitting on the roof of headquarters, a bittersweet smile creeps on the doctor’s face, it had been so long since she felt the sun kiss her skin
“Never thought you could ever be more beautiful until now, that sun does you justice, love” Elyas joins his beloved on her leisure on the roof
“Elyas you need to be resting!” she scolds him but he brushes her off
“Oh shut up, can I not gaze at the sun with my lady?” Elyas sits down next to (Name) and she gives in to his wishes. His arm wraps around her waist and pulls her close as she rests her hand on his chest
The pair admire the skies in comfortable silence until (Name) speaks up
“To think I met you in grim circumstances and I embrace you as if I knew you for years, have I gone crazy?”
Elyas snickers “You know you love me, as do I with ardent.” His windows to the world gaze into hers, they were each other’s worlds
“I’ll admit that I can’t help it, I really do love you.”
Elyas leans his forehead on (Name)’s and makes a vow
“(Name), one day, we all will get outta this shithole. And when we do, we can start over, maybe we can live like a real couple. I promise to get you out of here and give you a life you deserve.” Elyas’ words touch deeply in (Name)'s heart, somehow falling for him even more
“And Elyas, I pledge to stay by your side no matter what the world throws at us.”
They lean in for a kiss, it was as tender and passionate as any other they shared 
The world around them was in chaos, but they knew they would be ok as long as they were together.
A/N: *SCREAMS IN AGONY* that was the longest fic ive ever written phew you deserve the world for reading all that cuz it was like over 7k words , but tbh i have mixed feelings over how i wrote the ending, its kinda shit imo
but once again thank you so much for reading, it actually means sm <3333
my friend who knows French helped with translations on the lyrics to Someday so shout out to him lmao
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nodirectionhome-ao3 · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @kay-elle-cee, @alittlebitofeverything23, and @isahorcrux !!! This is such a fun one. :)
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends
Kindly Stopped for Me: Chapter 33. Lily lives AU, where Lily falls into a coma on Halloween 1981 and wakes up at the end of GoF. Lots of angst and family feels.
The Joker and The Queen: Chapter 3. A Jily fake-dating fic. Shenanigans abound. An "Idiots in Love" kind of story.
James Lives AU (Title TBA): Outline & Chapter 1. Basically a James version of Kindly Stopped for Me. James survives Halloween 1981 in a way that I will not spoil for you, and wakes up later on when Harry is a teenager.
Forever is the Sweetest Con: Short multi-chapter. Jily as con artists who fall in love while trying to con each other.
Fragile Little Flame: A post-war Hinny fic! Most likely a one-shot, but we'll see what happens.
(I’m not including the KSFM Missing Moments that I’m working on in this, since I don’t post them on AO3, but just know that I haven’t forgotten them!!!)
Upcoming Scenes, Events, Details
I've been making some minor changes to my outline for KSFM, so the exact numbers may change, but looking at it from a birds-eye view—Chapters 35 and 39 are two of the angstiest chapters in the entire fic😅 So...in preparation for that...I'm giving you all a slight break from the heaviness of this fic with chapters 33 and 34. I'm hoping it won't feel like a crazy tone switch after the previous two chapters, but I'm excited! Chapter 33 is a bit of a transition chapter (setting up some important things!) so maybe won't be the most exciting thing to read. But it will include Lily watching Harry in a Gryffindor Quidditch match for the first time and the gang celebrating Sirius’s 36th birthday!🎂🎂🎂 So hopefully you all will enjoy that!! And then Chapter 34 will be a Harry POV and will feature some good old-fashioned teenage romance drama😅
Chapter 3 of The Joker and The Queen has taken soooo long to write because it's something I sort of have to be in the right mindset for. (I still don't have a full outline for it because I posted the first chapter impulsively before I really thought about the plot very much lol) But I'm hoping it will be worth the wait!! The chapter will feature Lily meeting Fleamont and Euphemia (and possibly some Potter extended family members too) for the first time. I've never written James's parents before, so I'm excited!
Oh man, oh man. What can I say about the James lives au?? I'm currently drafting multiple vague outline ideas as I work through the timeline that I want it to take place in. But, despite what I've said previously, I'm finding myself starting to lean towards setting it in the OotP universe after all. (but no promises yet!) I'm staying kind of vague about the plot of this since it's still very much under consideration, but I'll just say that Peter's betrayal and its ramifications will be a major focus. The betrayal will happen slightly differently than it does in canon (as some of you have already guessed!), and I expect it to be devastating😈
Forever is the Sweetest Con is a fic that has been percolating in my brain for a WHILE now. I haven't officially outlined it yet, but I already made the banner so it's officially happening! It will be canon divergent, and I'm excited to explore the cat-and-mouse dynamic that I envision when I think about this one.
Fragile Little Flame is a fic inspired by Taylor Swift's "I Know Places" and is also one that I already have a banner and title for, but no outline. It'll be a post-war Hinny fic (I've been wanting to return to writing them!) and will take place in the 19 years between the end of DH and the epilogue. I haven't really thought about the plot in detail yet, but it probably won't be epilogue-compliant. Harry will (probably) be a Quidditch player rather than an Auror, and the fic will explore Harry and Ginny recovering from the war and rebuilding their relationship amongst the chaos of both grief and fame.
Apologies if you've already been tagged! But here's a no-pressure tag to: @suzyq31 @nena-96 @uncertainwallflower @turanga4 @takearisk-ao3 @annasghosts @practicecourts
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nomsfaultau · 2 months
thank you so much for writing mandatory family reunion. i just reread it for the eighth time. i think im going to dedicate my life to life to reading your other sbi fics until you update again. also; do you have any tips for committing to fics and not leaving them half-finished?
ahhhh that’s so sweet glad you enjoyed! As for writing fics, having it be your special interest really helps. But for more general advice on finishing:
-Don’t stick to just one story. Which seems counter intuitive! But inevitably you’re going to hit a snag in one story. So instead of stopping writing at all, switch projects. Writing involves a whole bunch of thinking, and stuff needs time to percolate in the back of your head. But having a small project to work on in the mean time keeps you engaged in the writing process, gives you practice, makes you feel like you’re making progress, and allows time to work out the other story. I personally have 1-2 main projects, Fault and MFR, and then rotate a couple back burner stories that I work on whenever I get inspiration and fully expect to have very slow progress and possibly never finish. Short stories, one shots, hell even just writing little one off scenes that don’t go anywhere. It’s a way to keep writing fun and thus you’re more likely to continue working on the stuff you’re trying to complete. Don’t feel bad if there’s breaks between working on your main project. Writing involves a lot of thinking and it takes time to do that.
-Devoting time to do that thinking also significantly helps. When you’re falling asleep can be a good time to rotate stories in your head. Could also be if you’re walking from place to place, or brushing your teeth, or other little gaps in the day. Even if you’re not physically writing, it’s still part of the process and can make it easier when you actually sit down to write because you know what scene you’re most excited to work on. Also, talking over your story idea with a friend is a great way to stay motivated if you can get over the mortifying ordeal of being known. You can bounce ideas off them, and other people’s investment in a project can be a great motivator to finish. Like legit a single ao3 comment once stopped me from my plan to abandon a fic. Reminding yourself why you (and other people) like the story makes it easier to want to continue.
-Keeping a rough outline of what you envision for the story can give you a road map to how close to done you are and where to go next. Just like you can hop between projects, I find jumping around the plot time line to write what scene I’m most interested in atm keeps me going instead of writing everything in order. Though, all writers have different degrees of plot planning, so that depends on your style.
-Art! I’m an artist, and while writing definitely fuels what I draw, I find doodling cool scenes I want to write really inspires me to keep going. This sorta falls under the same category of continuing to think about the story and motivating you to finish. -I found keeping a writing journal has improved how I view my writing. Basically, I’ll jot down a bullet point list of scenes worked on that week/month. Writing is a very slow process, so seeing a timeline of actual progression on a story makes it feel like I’m actually getting more out of my head and onto paper. I also jot down what ideas for scenes I came up with since that’s also part of writing, and might include a chill no stakes writing goal for that period, like work on X or Y project, or a particular scene. Sometimes my goal is just ‘write at least one sentence’. I give it lots of leeway, and accept that the muse may just be somewhere else that week. And if the goal isn’t met, no sweat! Life can get busy at times and it’s more important that you aren’t beating yourself up if it’s been awhile since you last touched a project. Forcing yourself to write a scene that isn’t ready won’t result in a good scene or an happy writer. Switch projects, give yourself time to think about it, take care of yourself, etc.
And, legitimately, don’t be afraid to abandon a piece. Maybe you’ll come back to it, maybe you won’t. It can feel disheartening to feel like you can’t seem to finish a project, but unfinished pieces also do a lot for you: they hone your craft, allow you a creative outlet, give you scenes that could potentially be reworked for later pieces, and most importantly were hopefully fun to write! Story crafting is a hobby that should bring you joy, not frustration and shame.
Like, I have stories that will never see the light of day and are just so I can have fun and poke it with a stick occasionally. I’m 100% confident in saying that every author will have tenfold the number of unfinished wips compared to complete works. That’s just part of the creative process: exploring different worlds to find the one you want to write.
Perhaps a fic might never get finished, but in the wise words of Technoblade: “if you enjoy it, it’s not time wasted, no?”
(Now, I think he was talking about murdering people, but the point still stands.)
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WIP Weekend
Weekly WIP update
I've mainly been focussing on my Steddie Big Bang fic this week, wrapping up chapter 2 and re-reading what I have so far. I've been suffering from bitchy brain syndrome all week with regard to this project, thinking everything I wrote was crap, but I guess that's mainly due to being unable to share my ideas. Revising what I've already written has actually helped a little, because I do quite like how it's coming together. I'll prepare my summary and excerpt next, then go back to working on chapter 3 of The King's Gift.
8 out of 29 prompts from my 1k follower celebration are filled, with a new one hopefully dropping over the weekend.
Send me an emoji and I'll write and share three sentences from that project. (Steddie Big Bang snippets will be blurred, as I'm not allowed to disclose anything yet.)
🏰The King's Gift
❓Steddie Big Bang fic 2024
🥳1k follower celebration ficlets
Snippet from 🥳
(CW nudity, explicit sexual content)
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Eddie thought he knew what pain was. 
He was chomped on by a flock of feral demon bats while fully conscious. He wouldn’t wish that experience on his worst enemy, and trust him, he has a lot of enemies, what with half the town still convinced he’s a devil-worshiping, cheerleader-murdering psychopath. 
Eddie also thought he knew humiliation. 
Hell, he needed help peeing in those first few weeks in the hospital. His dick has been touched by more people than he is comfortable admitting - and isn’t that something for a chronically bitchless, triple-senior D&D nerd?
Point is, if anyone had asked before today, Eddie would’ve boldly claimed there was nothing in the pain and humiliation department strong enough to make him even bat an eyelash. 
Turns out he was wrong. 
“Fuuuck,” he whines, hands white-knuckling the bedsheets. His head, heavy from craning his neck, thuds back into the pillow. “What the hell is taking so long? Take it off, take it off, take it-” 
“I’m trying, okay?” Steve snaps. He has stopped laughing, which … okay, Eddie appreciates he’s taking this seriously, but he absolutely does not like that brow furrow. That's Steve Harrington's trademark ‘we're royally fucked but I'm gonna keep it together to not freak anyone out’ brow furrow. “The damn knot won't come loose.” 
He tugs at said knot as if to demonstrate, and Eddie almost jerks off the bed as a jolt of pain zaps from the base of his cock all the way up his spine. 
“Jesus fuck, be careful!” he barks, but Steve stays unimpressed. 
“Hold still,” he scolds, voice deep and stern. One large hand grips Eddie’s knee and pushes his thighs further apart. It's very close to how Eddie envisioned this going, and his cock gives a treacherous little twitch. “Don't know why you thought this was a good idea.” 
“I told you,” Eddie hisses through another bout of pain. “It was supposed to be a surprise. I wanted to do something special for our anniversary.” 
Steve gives him a look. 
“So you put a bow around your dick.”
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dramioneasks · 3 months
Hello! Do you have recommendations for fics where Draco holds Hermione in captivity but to protect her or because he secretly loves her (he doesn’t want to hurt her) ? I really loved “The auction” and “Fire” by sycadelex. Thank out in advance for all recs! ^^
Secrets and Masks - Emerald_Slytherin - E, 75 chapters, Words: 465,554 - 9 years after the battle of Hogwarts, the war still rages on and everyone is much changed since their days at Hogwarts. Hermione is the most lethal soldier in The Order, spending her days on rescue missions to free captured Muggleborn slaves and fight on the front line. For years, she’s been meeting in secret with a spy within Voldemort’s ranks to exchange information. But, when she’s captured and made prisoner at Malfoy Manor,  of all the dark and evil ways she’d envisioned Malfoy would torture her, she never quite imagined anything this horrific. (I just wanted to make it abundantly clear that I was originally inspired to write this fic after I read the masterpiece that is Manacled, so I would like to thank SenLinYu for her amazing work! The memory searching aspect of  Manacled is what inspired me, and although I have adapted that, (and also made Draco head Death Eater, because… ya know… we all love it when he’s Voldemort’s right hand man 😅😉), Secrets and Masks will be a very very different fic all together.)
Captured - HiraethsHome - M, 44 chapters, Words: 175,704 - Hermione will do anything to save those she loves, including giving herself over to the Death Eaters as prisoner. But when Draco abducts her in an effort to bait Harry Potter and return to the Dark Lord’s good graces, they’re both surprised to find that while neither can give the other what they want, maybe they’ll be able to find what they need.
Resolve by MeropeReads - E, 42 chapters, Words: 175,309  - Harry Potter is dead. Hermione finds herself once again taken prisoner at Malfoy Manor- only this time, the young heir could not stand by and do nothing. Acting on impulse, Draco hides Hermione within the manor under the nose of the other death eaters. Keeping her as his secret, he struggles to find a way to help her escape without getting them both killed, and she plots to find a way to take down the death eaters from within. Slow(ish) burn Dramione taking place right after Harry loses the final battle of Hogwarts. I hope this story finds it way to people who love the couple as much as I do, and to people who are giving Dramione a chance for the first time. Thank you for reading!
Malfoy Manor gone wrong By: Miamii - T, 43 chapters, Words: 119,682 - Dobby’s rescue mission wasn’t as successful as one hoped. Ron can’t free Hermione before the Dark Lord arrives and has to flee without her. Hermione is left at Malfoy Manor with the Dark Lord and his absurd ideas of punishment for the Malfoys for Potters escape. This story follows the storyline of the book up till chapter “Malfoy Manor” in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Left Behind by Lifespassion - M, WIP - When the chandelier crashes down at the Malfoy mansion Dobby apparates without one member of the group: Hermione. Suddenly Draco finds himself doing things he never imagined just to try and keep her alive. “What if?” scenario SLOW-BURN DRAMIONE. Dark-edged love story. Rated M: Full trigger warning Within. (UNDER REViSION)
Manor of Conception by psiphifan - E, 25 chapters - For not identifying Harry, Ron and Hermione at the manor when they are kidnapped by snatchers, Malfoy must serve his punishment in the strangest of ways. This shame will forever haunt him and the Malfoy name forever. The new relationship that develops is not what anyone expects, however.WARNING: Detailed depiction of rape in the second chapter. Please do not read if this bothers you. You have been warned (I hate to say it, but it’s been categorized as such.)
Broken Chainsby Leave it at that - M, 16 chapters - After Ron and Harry fail to rescue her from Bellatrix, Hermione is trapped in Malfoy Manor. Now she has to face Voldemort alone, but is she completely alone? Suddenly she is bonded to Draco. Then Draco and Hermione wind up somewhere they never imagined they’d be- bonded for life. Set during DH. EWE.
I Need You by DarkEyedDreamer - E, WIP - Hermione was unable to escape Malfoy Manor, and it seems the Death Eaters have a very specific plan for her to end the war. Until then, she’s left in Draco’s care. But the Death Eater himself is a little wary towards his cause, and Hermione is very convincing.
Blood Red By: Fluticorns - T, 29 chapters - When the golden trio is taken to The Malfoy Manor they make a desperate escape, forcing them to leave Hermione behind. After almost a month will Draco decide to save her or send her back to the dungeon? A Dramione! DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Harry Potter. You can check my wallet I have all of ten dollars to my name.
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