#i have upcoming posts that i actually put a lot of effort in i promise lol
matchalovertrait · 6 months
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snaillock · 4 days
this fandom dry as shitttttt cause why am i barely seeing anyone talk about the new trailer? i know there are people talking about it if you scroll enough through the blue lock tag but for an animanga fan base that just had a season 2 of it’s anime drop? it’s a whole damn desert up in here.
anyways here are my thoughts on the trailer and the upcoming season:
good god blue lock deserved a better studio if i’m being completely honest here.
i really really don’t like the harsh look of the dominant and completely black shadows. i feel like it just does not at all fit with the art style and just clashes weirdly. it just gives off the vibe of them trying something and just going too far with it.
ofc a lot of stuff about the art direction is pretty subjective and everyone can have their own thoughts about it. personally, i don’t enjoy it that much and a lot of the screencaps are pretty unappealing to look at.
also not sure if this is just me but i have always hated is how absurdly lean the characters’ bodies looked in the anime. not completely sure if this is a thing unique to this anime or not. in the manga, they obviously looked fit and athletic but it was still believable that they were teenage athletes that have only really played on a high school/local level. meanwhile the adaptation made it appear like they have 0% body fat and are completely dehydrated. they looked like they were on steroids or some shit. is ego over there sneaking tren into their bloodstreams when they’re sleeping? and it certainly does not look this pet peeve of mine will get any better in season 2.
anyways onto the more positive stuff i’m looking forward to:
one thing i am excited for is isagis final goal in the u-20 match. i love that specific chapter in the series and i do feel like they’ll put a lot of effort into that part since it’s a pretty significant moment. so yeah i do have hopes for that. same with rin’s backstory. based on the little clip of it in the trailer, it does seem promising and i bet they’ll do a good job on that as well since it is a defining moment for his character.
another thing im quite happy about is my pookie sae’s new design. i’m so happy they changed his look to reflect the manga art style improve post-second selection arc. he looks soooo goodddd!
i’m also hella excited for the additional times. i really enjoyed those the first time i watched the anime and definitely was a little sad when i found out they weren’t canon in the actual manga. so i can’t wait to see what they’ll add to the characters this round.
even if the new season does inevitably its noticeable flaws, i bet i still will be extremely hyped when watching just like with season one. this series doesn’t fail to make me feel like a typical sports bro in a bar whenever someone makes a goal. and you bet my ass will be tuning in (🏴‍☠️) each and every week.
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📮 what i learnt in first semester of my master's degree in english literature 📮
friendo, here is what you need to remember for the upcoming months! (also this is applicable to literally any degree you're doing, ive just written it down recently)
put in work. put a lot of effort from your side and it'll be worth it. it'll show, I promise
ask for feedback!!!! ASK FOR FEEDBACK!! it's OK if the profs tear you part (they generally won't!) but keep asking: what could I have done better?
do more grunt work in the beginning: summaries, about the authors, about the eras — it'll save you a lot of time
write practice or mock tests and study using previous year question papers too. write the answers down.
buy/borrow/print all the books you need. ALL OF THEM!!
doing is the most difficult part. the act of actually studying and reading and writing is the most difficult part
but it'll also be the most fun part!
there are 2 kinds of uncomfortable: painful and non-painful. always choose the non-painful uncomfortable option!
when studying historical background, have some examples from the books of that Era as "proof"
doing my best = working towards retaining whatever you need to for how much ever long you need to (I.e for the exam) (didi gave me this definition and im so relieved)
it's not smart work OR hard work, it's smart work AND hard work
these are also things I struggled with. I struggled to define what im having trouble doing (point 6), what is "doing my best" (point 10), if all my studying/reading of books was me being a dumbass who doesn't know smart work (points 1 and 11)
I've literally copy-posted these from my notes because I thought this might help someone out? if nothing, here's my contribution to the studyblr lol
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thatstormygeek · 11 months
Hooray. It's time for all the posts telling people who are not doing a thing that they are somehow even more evil than the people actively working to make things worse. And this is somehow a good, progressive message.
Look, I get it. Voting is a thing we should all do. I have been voting longer than a lot of people on this site have been alive. And I've voted in the vast majority of elections in which I could (yes, I have missed the occasional oddly-timed special election). Believe me when I tell you that the get out the vote messaging has not meaningfully changed in four decades.
For my entire adult life, every big election has been The Most Important World-Changing Election of All Time!!!! (tm)
Are things bad right now? Yes, obviously. Is the upcoming election important? Of course. Is human nature suddenly going to change in a way that makes the same, threadbare Panic! At The Voting Booth line suddenly much more effective? I have my doubts.
If you want to blast out some epic, over-the-top threat against nonvoters, or tell them they are responsible for the actions of people they didn't vote against, it's not like I can stop you. I do wish you would admit (to yourself, if no one else) that your post is more about virtue signaling than actually increasing the percentage of people who go to the polls.
It'll be like "if you don't vote, unfollow me!" And then half the notes are op adding clauses. So if your post isn't aimed at people who are kept from voting by the various barriers thrown up by the system, who is it for? The people who just don't care? Think a lot of those folks are gonna re-examine their actions so they can keep following you? (assuming they'd even do as asked anyway)
And why don't these people care? Did their education fail them? Are they burnt out on the endless election cycle? Do they just not give a shit about other people? Each of those scenarios would call for a different approach, but that would require getting as far as actually talking with nonvoters. And, well, that's hard.
It's much easier to make a self-righteous post about how not voting us the evillest of all evils.
It's also emblematic of how we put the most responsibility for effort on those with the least power. Rather than demanding the Democratic party do more to show people why they should vote blue, folks are out here yelling at people to vote in the hopes that maybe the party will decide to do something that helps them. If we can just get 60 62 64 Dems in the senate. You have to VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO and we'll push them to the left once they win the election but once the election is won we'll tell anyone who dares criticize a Dem that they are the reason things suck and actually everything is good and fine thanks to the Dems but there's an election coming up so we can't risk implying the Democrats aren't perfect and give the GOP ammo so hold your criticism until after this election because it's the most important election of all time and if you don't vote blue you might as well be murdering trans kids yourself but we really promise this time that we'll push them to the left after the election...
So yeah. Vote. It's the most basic way to exercise your voice. But maybe, just maybe, some of you diehard Dem defenders could swivel your cannons 180 degrees and use some of that energy to actually agitate for meaningful change from your party instead of screaming at random individuals about their personal decisions.
Or not. After all, what you're doing has been working so well.
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annabellelupin · 3 years
Perciver (Percy x Oliver) Headcanons
They first met on the train ride to Hogwarts after Percy tripped over Oliver's luggage that he left out in the aisle
After a short argument, Percy went to find an empty compartment, only to find they were none and didn't have much of a choice but sit with Oliver
He was very annoyed to hear that he was more interested in quidditch than actual studies
"I can't wait until I can try out for the quidditch team next year"
"You know there's a lot more to Hogwarts than just quidditch right?"
When the train arrived at the station, Percy was more than happy to leave the compartment and the "annoying quidditch boy" behind
Unfortunately for him, the hat sorted them both into Gryffindor, meaning he would have to deal with and share a dorm with the obnoxious and impulsive jock for the next 7 years
Most of their first year, they completey ignored each other, finding the other extremely annoying
In their second year, Oliver became the Gryffindor quidditch keeper after he did amazingly at tryouts, which Percy wasn't too happy about
He thought that he wasn't taking anything that wasn't quidditch seriously, and he wasn't exactly wrong
Oliver always seemed to insist on putting off homework to practice quidditch
Percy tried to convince Charlie, the current quidditch captain, to kick him off the team multiple different times
"I agree that he should focus more on his studies, but he's the best Keeper Gryffindor has had in years. I can't just kick him off the team. We need him. Maybe you could just try to help him out a bit, you know, encourage him to study more,"
"He'd never listen. He's a complete moron and doesn't care about anything that isnt quidditch,"
"Well you're a complete moron that doesn't care about anything besides your studies but I'd still help you out if you needed it,"
Percy decided not to go Charlie's suggestion to help Oliver out, thinking that it would be a waste of time and continued with his earlier plan to simply ignore him completely
However, half way through third year Mcgonagall offered Percy a chance at some extra credit, and of course he agreed before she even explained what it was all about
She explained to him that Oliver wasn't doing very well in transfiguration and if he continued doing poorly, he would have to be removed from the quidditch team so he could focus more on his studies and when she had discussed the matter with Charlie, he suggested having Percy tutor him
If it wasn't for the fact that he'd hate to go back on his word and disappoint Mcgonagall, he wouldn't have done it at all
Although he didn't hate the idea of tutoring such a moron much less
He tutored him for the rest of third year, and neither of them were too happy about having to associate with the other as much as they did
Fourth Year, Oliver was appointed quidditch captain by Mcgonagall (and just as Charlie had requested)
Percy continued to try his best to ignore him, although it was becoming harder and harder to do since they had most of the same classes
One night a few weeks before the first Gryffindor quidditch match of the season, he found Oliver alone in the Gryffindor common room with rolls of parchment and quills everywhere
"Finally decided to do a bit of studying?" Percy asked in a mocking tone
"No actually. I'm working on strategies for the quidditch game. Not that you'd understand," Oliver retorted as he took out another roll of parchment from his bag
Percy grabbed one of the pieces of parchment paper and examined it closely
After he took a look at a few others, he quickly realized how well Oliver was at strategizing
"These strategies-"
"Let me guess, are terrible and not as good as your brother's?"
"I was going to say genius,"
Oliver quickly looked up at him to try to see if it seemed like he was lying or not
"You really think so?"
"Of course I do, we both know that if i didn't think they were good I'd just tell you,"
"Thanks" Oliver replied awkwardly
"Might I offer a few suggestions,"
"I don't see why not,"
For the rest of the night, the two boys continued to discuss quidditch strategies for the upcoming game
After that night, they started to talk to each other a lot more, slowly realizing the other wasnt so bad after all
Percy even agreed to tutor him once again, as long as he actually tried to put forth the effort
They quickly became friends and often stayed up late into the night, talking about quidditch and exams and helping each other when ever they needed it
Their fifth year was definitely a bit more complicated than that with Percy being busy with prefect duties and Oliver with quidditch
It seemed as if the less time they spent together, the more they both realised how much they actually liked each other
About half way through fifth year, Percy's good friend, Penelope Clearwater, asked him if he was seeing anyone
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Perhaps a boyfriend then?"
"Well what about Wood? You two seemed awfully close last year,"
"He's just a friend"
"Mhm sure he is,"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean just friends, don't look at each other the way you two look at each other,"
Percy thought about what Penelope said a lot over the next few days, slowly becoming more and more confused as to how he felt about Oliver
He also kept thinking about how even if he did like him, there was no way Oliver felt the same- or even liked boys for that matter
It seemed like Oliver had a new girlfriend every few weeks, never sticking with one for long
Percy began ignoring him on accident, and Oliver was quick to notice but chose not to say anything, worried that he had done something to cause Percy to be mad at him
The silence continued between the two for the rest of that school year, and wasnt addressed until the beginning of their sixth year
"Percy, we need to talk,"
"About what?"
"Did- did I do something that upset you last year?"
"Of course not. What would make you say that?"
"Well its just that you kept ignoring me is all,"
"I'm really sorry about, I wasn't meaning to its just-" Percy took a deep breath in and decided to be honest with him "It's just that Penelope suggested that I liked you and then i started thinking about it and slowly realized that what she said was true so I accidentally started ignoring you,"
"Wait, you like me?"
"I know it's stupid and that you don't feel the same,"
"What do you mean? I've had a crush on you since fourth year,"
"I thought I had made it so obvious,"
"I- I never realized once. But if you do like me, then why do you keep dating so many different girls?"
"I was trying to make you jealous. I honestly don't even like girls,"
"Wow. I feel so stupid,"
"Me too,"
After that they decided that they wanted to be in a relationship together, but wanted to keep things a secret for the time being
The rest of their sixth year went pretty smoothly, and everything went really well until seventh year
During their seventh year, they weren't able to talk much during the day since both were really busy (Oliver with quidditch and Percy with head boy duties)
They still always tried to make time for each other tho
After losing the match to Hufflepuff, they snuck out of the castle and got some butterbeer and Percy attempted to cheer Oliver up (it did work in the end)
Later on after Gryffindor won the house cup, the two ended up just cuddling and kissing in their dorm room instead of joining the other Gryffindors in the common room party since Percy wasn't fond of all the noise
Once the two left Hogwarts a few weeks later, they both decided to keep in touch by letter and meet up when they could
When the Quidditch world cup was announced, Oliver offered to buy Percy a ticket for the seat next his, but he respectfully declined, already planning to sit with his family
Despite this, they spent a lot of time together while there
Almost immediately after the quidditch match ended, they snuck off together and ended up snogging by a lake not too far from where they were camping
Unfortunately Charlie found them kissing when he went to go look for Percy, and both of them became extremely flustered
"I uhh, we were just, umm, Oliver what were we doing again" Percy stammered, getting redder by the second
"Umm well weren't you just trying my butterbeer chapstick" Oliver replied, not trying to make eye contact with either of them
"Yes of course, and now that I have, I'll just leave" He tried to walk away but Charlie grabbed his arm before he could
"Wait just a minute Perce. I know that you and Oliver are dating,"
"What?? Why didn't you tell me that we were dating Percy?" Oliver lied, trying to act like he had no idea of what's going on
"You're not helping," Percy scolded his boyfriend
"I just saw you snogging him, if you're going to lie to me, at least try to do it well" Charlie mumbled
"I don't mind you two being together, and I promise I won't tell anyone" he added
"Thanks," Percy sighed
"So wait, you're not going to kill me for kissing your little brother?" Oliver asked jokingly
"Of course not" He laughed. "Bill probably would've though,"
"Well I'm just going to go back to camp now. I assume dad's wondering where I am," Percy attempted to walk away again
"One more thing,"
"What is it?"
"I just wanted you know that I think he's a keeper," Charlie laughed loudly
Oliver quickly joined in on the laughter and Percy groaned out of annoyance
I'm just going to leave this off here since its already really long but if you want me to write some more post Hogwarts Perciver hcs or any ship or character hcs, let me know (you can comment on this post if you want me to make more Perciver hcs and tell me through asks or dm for other character hc requests)
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Wonder Egg Priority: What Happened???
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I cannot believe I have to make another one of these, only a few months after my Promised Neverland post, but here we are again.
I never expected Wonder Egg Priority to be perfect; it was an anime original so there was no precedent or already existing storyline like The Promised Neverland had, and there were definitely a few shaky ideas and weird decisions made throughout the first season. But I was willing to overlook that stuff because of the uniqueness of the show as a whole and its bold takes on serious topics. After a lot of interesting new plot points were introduced in the literal last episode of the season, I figured the upcoming special airing at the end of June would answer some of my questions. Boy, was I wrong!
The first red flag was that the entire first half of the ‘special’ was a recap of the first season. I’m not against recaps necessarily, and I think having one a few months after the conclusion of the show wasn’t a bad idea because it’s good to have a refresher on some plot points, but it just made me uneasy that they advertised it as a ‘45 minute special’ when that’s far from the truth. Only 20 minutes or so were actual new material.
And the new material was... bad. Like I said before, I really didn’t have high hopes for this show the way I did for The Promised Neverland. I knew they were trying new things, and I was willing to accept an ending that I didn’t necessarily like, as long as it made sense. Well, it did not make sense, and I definitely did not like it either. All of the main girls felt bland and out of character, and I really hated what they did with Mr. Sawaki especially after the ominous foreshadowing in episode 12. And frankly, it’s not even worth getting into all of the loose ends they didn’t even address at all.
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I don’t know all of the details, but it’s been revealed that Wonder Egg Priority’s studio had been horribly mistreating their staff, which is likely the main contributor to this fizzled out, disappointing finale. Right now, the anime industry is suffering from a lot of the same issues as the gaming industry; overwork of employees is leading to disappointing end results. Obviously the safety and mental health of the workers is the most important thing here, but the fact is the audience doesn’t want this either.
I can speak for most anime fans when I say that we’d much rather stuff take longer to come out than to have to deal with recap episodes and shittier quality animation and writing. Hell, I would’ve waited a whole year if Wonder Egg got a second season or if the special was actually an hour long (and was actually good). When a show deals with this many sensitive and triggering topics, you really need to put time and effort into seeing these storylines through to the end. And it’s really horribly ironic to make a show about suicide awareness and mental health while driving your employees to have breakdowns and health crises as a result of making it.
I know that money is a huge part of this discussion and the reason these animation studios are doing all this stuff is because of money, somehow, but I really hope things are gonna change. I firmly believe that people would be more willing to give their money to studios who treat their employees better.
Anyway, thanks for reading. I’d like to know your thoughts on the finale if you watched it, and if you didn’t... I’d recommend keeping it that way. Hopefully things will change someday, but it’s a shame Wonder Egg Priority had to end like this.
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spices-and-cherries · 4 years
SFW alphabet for James Bond
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As usual, I hope you guys enjoy this one! I have to say that I was more than a bit nervous about writing for James Bond just because of how hardcore the character is. He’s so different than either Benoit or Joe Bang that it’s a bit intimidating. So thank you to everyone who liked the last little headcanon I did for him!
Warnings: mentions of sexual activities and violence
A= Affectionate (How affectionate are they?)
Due to his job, he really does try to be as affectionate as possible to make up for the lost time. He always has an arm around you or is following you around like some lost puppy. It’s cute at first, but then he starts getting in your way just to be a pest. 
B= Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
It probably started like any other of James’ flings with the ever iconic ‘Bond Girls’, but there was something about you that clicked differently. Maybe it was the way you carried yourself, or how you handled things or your constant back-and-forth banter. If you ask James when he fell in love, he wouldn’t know - perhaps when he first set eyes on you?
C= Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He enjoys it from time to time, but he’d rather spend that time doing more rigorous activities if you catch my drift. That being said, he’s more willing to cuddle after an especially harrowing mission.
D= Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’d like to eventually. He moves from place to place so much that it’s like he can’t afford to slow down. 
While his cleaning is sub-par, his cooking is very good. Luckily, he’s tall enough that he can help you out when it’s time to dust or to grab things off of the upper shelves.
E= Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
You’d wake up and he’d just be gone. No note, no nothing. You’d probably figure that he was in a rush for a mission, but after a while, it didn’t seem like that anymore. You’ll eventually put two and two together.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s married to his job, so thoughts of domesticity are more like post-retirement plans than anything else. If he were to propose, it would be absolutely out of the blue and completely unplanned on his part. 
G= Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Super gentle and understanding. He’s always very careful as so not to hurt you on accident. While you may not see it, others can tell from the look on James’ face when he’s around you that he would do anything just to see your smile. 
He can also be pretty sensitive when it comes to emotions - it comes with his training. He’s figured out the signs and tells and know just what to do to make you feel better. 
H= Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He won’t admit it, but he likes back hugs a lot. Regular hugs are fine, but back hugs? Ethereal. It feels nice to be a receiver, even if it’s as simple as a hug. 
I= I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He won’t say it for a long time. He understands the risks his job has, and while at this point he’s too far gone with you, he unconsciously sees the L-word as a promise that he can’t necessarily keep. 
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Maybe not so much jealous as he is possessive. He finds that someone is getting too close for comfort, he’ll butt into the conversation with some witty remark that will likely embarrass them. Then, James will keep you at his side for the rest of the evening, refusing to let you out of his sight. 
K= Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Sometimes they’re slow and sensual and other times, hungry. Either way, things are going to escalate pretty quickly. The first time you gave him a kiss on the cheek he almost took you right then and there. In all honesty, he’s too horny for casual kisses of affection.
L= Little ones (How are they around children?)
He doesn’t have much interest in kids and they often find him intimidating. But if one daring one asks for a piggy-back ride the whole lot will be climbing all over him within seconds. He likes to joke that he feels more tired after being around kids than his missions combined. 
M= Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
Cuddles and sex.
N= Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Cuddles and sex.
O= Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
On the rare occasions that you have heart-to-heart talks, he’ll be somewhat more open about himself. He has so many walls up that he doesn’t even know that half of them exist. It’ll probably be after his retirement that he reveals everything (and even then, baby steps).
P= Patience (How easily angered are they?)
With you, he has all the patience in the world (unless you’re being a tease, in which case, watch out). 
Q= Quizzes (Who much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
His memory is impeccable in every way. He’ll know things about you that you may not even know of yourself. In your opinion one of the sweetest things he’s ever done was buy a couch that you said you liked months ago and personally carried it to your flat. 
R= Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Every single time he returns to you after a mission and sees the look of relief, love, and happiness on your face. 
S= Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Super protective and would rather be killed than to see you stub your toe twice on the same corner. Literally say goodbye to that coffee table, because it won’t be there the next day. He won’t let anything or anyone hurt you - if he can help it - and he will take every precaution to keep you out of enemy sight. 
T= Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
At first, while they were glamourous, you weren’t getting the feeling that the time you spent together was actually a date. Turns out, when it comes to serious relationships, James has little experience to go off of. It will take him a while to start to understand that going on a date doesn’t always have to be full of diamonds and champagne. 
U= Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His abysmal communication skills. He’ll just leave and you won’t know if it was to the grocery store or on a mission. You cannot count the amount of times you had leftovers due to him just disappearing. You did bring it up with him at one point, though, and he has tried to be better about it.
V= Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Because of his years on the job, he’s grown to have a certain amount of appreciation for the finer things in life when he has a choice. Why settle for less when he can easily buy the suits he wants to? That aside, he thinks you’re amazing no matter what you wear. If it’s for a fancy dinner party, James will have some fun picking the perfect ensemble for the evening if you’ll let him.
W= Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
When he’s on the job, he can’t always afford to think about himself, but when his life is in serious danger, your face always flashes before him. On the rare occasions that he can take a breather, your missing presence becomes much more apparent. 
X= Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If and when he can, James will bring back little souvenirs from the places he went during his mission. You now have an interesting assortment of little carved figures, shot glasses, and local candies (to name a few). He tries to get something different or unique every time. Once, someone broke the souvenir James had on him during a chase and sincerely regretted it moments after.
Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wants someone who can hold their own. He enjoys be able to protect you, but he would be more comfortable knowing that you can fight. James isn’t a big fan of blind followers or yes-men. Think for yourself and be yourself (and have an eye for fashion if you can).
Z= Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
He’s a light sleeper - another thing that comes with the job - and that doesn’t change when he’s around you. In fact, it just might be worse because he won’t know what will happen now that he’s with you. Of course, it’s not all that bad because it gives him the opportunity to memorize your features or gather evidence of your snoring. 
I have a couple more things planned for James Bond during the upcoming weekend and some more content for Joe Bang next week! Please feel free to send requests or comment! It’ll make my whole week! :)
- Simpy
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ratonnhhaketon · 3 years
Still Breathing
Read on Ao3 | Next Chapter
Summary: Six months after the defeat of Thanos, the world is still in chaos. The threat of the Flag Smashers combined with the new headstrong Captain America means it's time for Valencia Zicari to help save the world one more time. But, in doing so, she also has to pick up the pieces of a broken relationship.
Warnings: Major TFATWS spoilers, Swearing, Angst, Fluff, Slow-Burn, John Walker (just in general)
A/N: HHH, new fic time! TFATWS has been consuming my brain these past few weeks and it was only a matter of time before I made another oc and wrote for Bucky. I’ve had this in the works since the first episode but I’m super excited to finally be ready to start posting! This fic will be relatively short but I do also plan on doing a prequel fic eventually to further flush out my marvel oc, Valencia Zicari. I apologize that this starts off kinda slow, with just two phone calls at the beginning, but it will pick up a lot in the upcoming chapters. In the meantime if you have any questions or comments about the fic or Val’s story, don’t hesitate to send them my way! Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 1 - Your Number On Speed Dial
Bucky’s eyes shot open, his throat closing and lungs gasping for air. He felt the sweat covering his body, the thin blanket tangled between his legs. The cool metal of his dog tags swung against his chest as he sat up, chest heaving as he sucked in breaths and tried to regain his breathing. He looked around his surroundings, slowly calming down as he noticed he was in his apartment. 
Another goddamn nightmare. 
Realizing he was alone, Bucky instinctively reached up onto the chair next to him for his cellphone. He flipped open the phone, eyes squinting to adjust to the light of the small screen in front of him. He noticed the time, 3:08 am. While he knew that she would more than likely still be up and wouldn’t mind talking, he felt guilty for instinctively reaching out for her this late. Still, he let his hand press accept and after only two rings he heard her familiar voice pick up. 
“Hi Buck,” she said with a smile, exhaustion evident in her voice.
“Hi,” he replied with a hoarse voice, sleep still clinging to his vocal chords. “Shouldn’t you be asleep?” 
“I could ask you the same question,” she said with a small laugh. “But, yeah. Probably. I’ve been working my ass off trying to get in contact with Fury and nothing is working.”
“Not even through the SHIELD lines?”
She sighed, a hand coming up to rub at her temples. “I’ve tried, but he’s ‘on vacation’ and is only taking messages if they’re life or death.” 
“I mean, shouldn’t he be able to make an exception for you? Given, y’know..”
“Unfortunately I lost the ‘you’re my adoptive daughter’ privilege when I decided to grow up and join the Avengers.” Bucky chuckled in response, his nightmare finally starting to fade from the back of his mind. “I’m just.. worried about Wanda. The whole situation still isn’t sitting right with me, especially since any information has been classified and no one at all can access it.”
“Val,” Bucky said quietly, his metal hand coming up to rub against the chain hanging around his neck. “When was the last time you took a break?” 
He heard an audible sigh over the phone and a pause before she spoke up. “Not since half of the world disappeared.” 
“Well, how about this. Thursday, you finally put all of that aside for a few hours and we can grab lunch. I’ll buy.” 
She thought it over for a moment, Bucky’s breath hitching in his throat in the few seconds it took before she spoke up. “Yeah, that sounds nice. We can go to that sushi place you used to take me to.” 
“Sounds perfect, doll. I’ll see you then. Now go get some rest.” 
“You too, old man.” 
Valencia stood in the common room of the compound, a scowl present on her face as she watched the tv. John Walker’s Good Morning America interview was playing at a low volume. She hadn’t even met the man yet and already hated him. Partly because of how he talked about Steve without knowing the first thing about him, and partly because every journalist in the state of New York had been contacting her in an attempt to interview her about the new Captain America. Pulling her eyes away from the screen, she noticed her phone vibrating to announce an incoming call. She answered, a smile tugging at her lips for the first time in the past day. “Hey Bucky.”
“Hi,” he said shortly. She could feel the anger in his voice. “Have you seen the news?”
“Absolutely,” she replied, her scowl returning to her face. “Everyone has been bothering me about it for the past day. I had to tell Pepper that if one more reporter asked to take a statement from me I’d throw someone out of a window.”
“Jeez. Little harsh, don’t ya think?” 
“Probably,” she said with a small laugh. 
“Hey, have you talked to Sam recently?”
“Yeah, I was just talking to him earlier before you called. He was telling me about having to go to Munich today, something about the Flag Smashers? I don’t know, he didn’t really give me a lot of information.” 
“No, that's great. Thanks, doll. See you Thursday.” 
“Alright, Buck. See you then.” 
Any normal person would be astonished by the amount of trouble one person could get into in the span of 18 hours. But, in terms of being an Avenger, it’s just a normal Wednesday. Especially when it’s Sam and Bucky’s fault. But, Valencia still found a way to be freaking out when Pepper rushed into her room, shoving a phone into her face to announce that Bucky had a warrant out for his arrest. And had subsequently ended up in a Baltimore jail. 
In under an hour she had flown down to the city and found the facility Bucky was being held in. She pulled open the door to the jail, eyes quickly scanning the crowd of people before landing on Bucky’s literal partner in crime. 
She made a beeline straight for the dark haired man. “You want to explain to me what’s going on here, Sam Wilson?” Eyes narrowed, lips pulled into a tight line.
Upon seeing her he pushed himself out of his chair. “Val! How ya’ been? You been doing okay?”
“Oh cut the shit, Sam. You better have a good explanation for why I found out that Bucky not only had a warrant out for his arrest, but then ended up in a Baltimore jail leaving me to haul ass down here to figure out what in the hell is happening.” 
“First, I need you to calm down. Promise me you won’t freak out?” 
She glared at him. “Are you-” 
“Val,” he said in a stern tone. 
She let out a huff before nodding. “Alright, fine. I’m calm.”
“He helped me with that mission in Munich I told you about and then wanted to introduce me to someone in Baltimore. And he may have missed his therapy appointment in the process.”
“He missed-!” Val immediately yelled out, voice louder than anticipated, which drew the attention of the people around them. Sam put an arm around her shoulder and led the two of them over towards an unoccupied side of the room. “Sam, are you serious? He’s been doing so well! He put in so much effort to make sure he made the appointments and you let him go with you?”
“First of all, I told him repeatedly that I didn’t want him coming, but you know how stubborn he is.”
She let out a defeated sigh and dropped her hands to her sides. “So what do we do now?” 
“Well lucky for you they’re actually releasing him.” 
Before Val could reply she was cut off by the sound of heels clicking before a familiar voice spoke near them. “Sam. I’ve heard a lot about you.” She reached out to shake his hand. “I’m Dr. Raynor. I’m James’s therapist. It’s good to see you again, Valencia.” 
Val gave her a smile. “Good to see you too, doc.”
“So nice to meet you. You two already know each other?”
“I took Bucky to the first few of his appointments to make sure that he would, y’know, actually go. But that was before..” she waved a hand in the air, “everything.” 
Sam nodded. “Well thank you, Dr. Raynor, for getting him out.”
“Oh, that wasn’t me.” 
From across the room a booming voice spoke up, instantly grabbing their attention. “Christina!” The three of them all turned in unison and were met with none other than the new Captain America himself, taking pictures with a bunch of fans. “It’s great to see you again.” 
“You’ve got to be kidding me. You know him?” Sam spoke up with a frustrated sigh. 
“Yeah, we did some field ops back in the day.” 
“I heard you were working with Bucky, so I thought I’d step in.” Val watched as he approached the group, her arms instinctively crossing over her chest. “Miss Zicari, it’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve been trying to reach out for a formal introduction for several days now.”
“It’s Agent, actually. And unlike you I’ve had a lot of other pressing matters that required my attention.” 
“Right. Well, anyway. Bucky’s not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer.”
“We haven’t finished our work. Who authorized this?”
“Um,” John used both hands to gesture up towards himself. “He’s too valuable of an asset to have tied up.” 
Val’s attention went from John to the sound of a metal door closing behind her. Her head turned towards the sound and she was met with none other than a familiar set of blue eyes side-eyeing the blonde man in front of her. She felt the corner of her mouth turn up in a half-smile as his head turned and saw hers. Almost instantly the token frown he wore at all times faded and turned into his own partial smile. She walked over to him, her arms finding their way around his neck subconsciously. “Hey, Buck,” she breathed as his arms wove around her middle, pulling their bodies flush together. 
“Hey to you too,” he said with a small laugh. “Pepper finally let you leave the compound?” 
She pulled away to look at him. “Less her letting me leave and more so her immediately getting me a flight and shoving me out the door when she found out you got arrested.”
“Alright lovebirds, break it up.” Dr. Raynor said from behind them. Val’s arms dropped to her side and before she had the chance to correct her, the woman spoke up again. “James, condition of your release, session now.” Bucky let out an audible groan, rolling his eyes slightly, to which Val couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. “You too, Sam.”
“That’s okay, I’ll be out here with Val.”
“That wasn’t a request.” 
She pulled her phone from the pocket of her leather jacket and noticed an incoming call. “Just go, I’ll be outside. I gotta take this anyway.” Val walked outside of the jailhouse, sliding a thumb across the screen to answer the call in the process. She partially paid attention to what Pepper was telling her as the new Captain America walked past her, obviously checking her out with a side-eye as she leaned against the chipped bricks. Her eyes narrowed at him as he turned to steal another glance her way before turning her eyes away and down the opposite side of the road. 
“Yeah, he’s okay… no, I don’t know the specifics of how it works out with the pardon... I’ll keep you updated, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be back any time soon. I kinda feel like I’ll be joining the idiots on whatever they plan on doing next… Alright, I will. Keep me updated on the whole Westview situation and tell Morgan to stop stealing the snacks from my room. Oh, haha. Take care, Pepper.”  
As she hung up the phone she saw the door next to her swing open with a visibly angry Sam walking out of it. Bucky trudged out a few seconds later, looking angry but more upset than the man in front of him. As the door started to close behind him he saw Val and walked over to her.
“Do you think Steve was wrong about me?” She could tell he was fighting back tears by the way his voice cracked at the end.
Her hands cupped his face. “Bucky, no, absolutely not. Why would you say that?”
He looked away, not able to look her in the eye. After all the nights they spent together, her talking him down from a nightmare, reassuring him and chasing the negative thoughts away, he couldn’t admit that part of him still felt that same way. “It.. doesn’t matter.”
“If it’s making you this upset, then yes it does.” 
He let out a huff as her thumb began to lightly rub against the stubble on his cheek. “Sam shouldn’t have given up the shield.” 
“I know, Buck, I know. But there’s nothing we can do now, so let’s just try to figure out what’s happening with..” she lifted a hand from his face and used it to make vague gestures around them. “Everything right now.” 
The loud siren from a police cruiser halted their conversation, the sound making Val physically jump. She looked towards the source of the sound and scowled. This asshole again. “Gentlemen,” John’s eyes scanned Val’s figure quickly before adding, “and lady. Good to see you again.” Begrudgingly, she followed Sam and Bucky’s lead and walked towards the blonde haired man and his sidekick. “Look, if we divide ourselves we don’t stand a chance, you guys know that.” 
Sam crossed his arms over his chest. “So what do you got?”
“Should she be hearing this?” John gestured to Val. 
She scoffed. “I’m on board now, so out with it.” 
“Alright. Well the leader’s name is Karli Morgenthau. We’ve been targeting civilians that have been helping Karli move from place to place. They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe. We think that she's taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps.”
“Well there’s been hundreds of those put up across the planet since The Blip,” Valencia interjected. “So I guess you’ll have to look real hard.”
“Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?” John shot back, annoyance prevalent in his voice.
“Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?” Bucky spoke up, patience quickly being stretched thin.
“No, we don’t know, Bucky,” Walker’s voice rose dramatically. “It’s only a matter of time before we find out.” 
Bucky cocked his head to the side, eyes narrowing at the man in front of him. “Things are really tense for you, aren’t they Walker?” Val rested a gentle hand against Bucky’s chest, holding him back as a reminder not to do anything irrational- although she definitely wanted him to. 
Sam approached the super soldier, putting a hand in the air to further make him back off. “Take it easy. Look, Walker’s right. It is imperative that we find them and stop them. But you guys have rules of engagement and all kinds of authorizations you have to get. We're free agents. We're more.. flexible. So it wouldn't make sense for us to work with you.” 
The trio started to walk off before Walker stood up from the cruiser and spoke. “A word of advice, then.” The three of them turned to look at him once again. “Stay the hell out of my way.” 
Knowing that it wasn’t worth it to get a final word in, Sam put a hand on either of their shoulders and pushed them to keep walking away. Once they were a reasonable distance down the street, Val turned to Bucky and noticed he was deep in thought. “What’s on your mind, Buck?” she asked with a hand coming up to rest on his shoulder. 
“Well, I know what we have to do. When Isaiah said “my people”...” he trailed off, still staring ahead. 
“Oh, don’t take that to heart. That’s not what he meant-” Sam tried to correct him before Bucky cut him off. 
“No, he meant HYDRA.” He paused for a moment, feet coming to a stop as he looked between the pair next to him. “HYDRA used to be my people.” 
“Bucky,” Val spoke up cautiously.”
Sam scoffed. “Not a chance.” 
“Walker doesn’t have any leads.” 
“I know where you’re going with this, no.”
“He knows all of HYDRA’s secrets. Don’t you remember Siberia.” 
“Oh, you cannot be serious,” Val said as she dragged a tired hand over her face. 
“So you’re just gonna sit in a room with this guy?” 
Bucky hesitated for a moment, obviously not thinking about his idea that much ahead of time. “Y-yes.” 
Val sighed, shaking her head slightly. “Out of all your ideas, this has got to be the dumbest.” She looked at Sam, who shrugged his shoulders and nodded. “Fine. Let’s go see Zemo.”
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ptitelidio · 3 years
Part 2 ½:
 Part 2 here: https://ptitelidio.tumblr.com/post/656547814999031808/rivetra-theories
Summary: the scene takes place two weeks ago from the 1st part when Petra was chosen to receive the jaw titan by Captain Levi Ackerman himself. Things will get tough when she has to meet Reiner Braun for the next raid over Paradis, a soldier she knew some years ago.
 Involving: Petra Ral, Levi Ackerman, Theo Magath, Piek inger, Colt Grice, Reiner Braun and Ziek Jäger.
Italic font = flashback
Point of view: Petra’s
 The trains stops as we get off and Gabi is already overexcited about the upcoming events –Willy Tybur’s speech. I approached her with a warm smile and patted her head.
           “How are you doing, young candidate?” I asked her
           “Oh that’s you, Petra isn’t it? Nice to meet ya. I heard you got the jaw titan, what a lucky woman…”
           “Yes, that’s correct. And I heard a lot about you, apparently you want to get the armor one?”
           “I’m the worthiest candidate for the armor titan, I made a lot of efforts lately.”
           “I see… and… by any chance, are you related to Reiner? I mean both of you are named Braun”
           “Actually he’s my cousin. I know I’m lucky to have a warrior among my family. Do you know him?”
           “Ah.. not really I only heard some things about him that’s all…”
 For the mission to success, it was imperative that I stayed as far as I could from Reiner Braun. Even though we never talked face to face when he was a soldier, he might have seen me somewhere. People usually say that it’s hard to not notice me because of my ginger hair.
And with Eren somewhere in Marley… he could screw it all up.
             “Miss Ral, let’s go,” Captain Levi waved his hand at me.
           “I’m coming.”
 I caught up with the distance between us, then he put his hand on my back so that I hurry up.
           “Are we far from M. Braun and M. Jäger?” I asked
           “We have only a little more to walk.”
 I noticed Pieck’s smile as Colt reminded her some old moments with Reiner, naturally she seems to know him much more than I do.
 Anyways... I have to find an excuse to avoid that meeting… but what? I have to find a way or else…
             “Hey, take this.” Captain Levi threw a bunch of keys and asked me to bring some plans he left in his room.”
          “Look. The apartment is just there. I need you to bring us the plans for the raid. You’ll find them in the second drawer of my desk,” he said as he pointed out a large grey-brick building.
 As if my prayers had been answered, I went there as fast as I could. I however had something to do before going there. Hanji and I were supposed to meet today to give them a briefing. I made sure to bring a cape to hide among the crowd.
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  After a little while, Hanji finally showed up covering their eyes with the edge of their hat.
            “Aaah Petra it’s nice to see you again,” they said with joy.
          “Me too, it’s been a while!”
          “Is everything going well? You’re not in trouble?”
          “Don’t worry, I’m not. I managed to avoid a meeting with Reiner Braun, oddly the captain of my team asked me to bring some plans. He could have done it himself…”
          “Yes it’s weird… you should keep an eye on him. And you talked about plans?”
          “That’s right, apparently it’s about a raid they plan to make over Paradis.”
          “Ugh… we have to act fast. Do you know who’s in charge of the assault?”
          “No nobody is aware of this but the higher ups. But I bet M. Jäger has something to do with this. I didn’t meet him for the moment, but he seems to be a very important figure.”
          “You may meet him in any case. You have to.”
          “I know, I’ll be careful.”
          “Then if you don’t mind, let’s get those plans”
          “Did you find them?” Hanji asked
          “That’s weird… he told me they were in the second drawer but it’s empty.”
          “He might have forgotten or lost them, he’s probably messy just like me” they laughed
          “No that’s not possible. He’s very caring about cleanliness. Look at his room.”
          “You’re right… then… do you think he might have fooled you?”
          “What do you mean?”
 Hanji started turning around and mumbling some unintelligible things
          “If that’s the case… he might have… but why is he…”
          “We have to get out of here right now.”
          “Ugh? Why?”
          “Trust me, there’s something odd.”
 But before we could leave the room, we heard someone’s footsteps getting louder.
            “Let’s hide on the roof” they said pointing out the steel stairs.
 Someone entered without knocking… which means it’s the Captain. Why is he here?
          “Stay behind me Petra, I’m watching who enters”
          “That might be Captain Levi” I whispered to Hanji
          “No it’s not him.”
          “How could you be so sure? You never saw him”
          “What’s the point of searching the flat for someone if they know they are already here? Moreover, he’s not only looking for someone but he’s thoroughly looking for you. Which means someone said to him that you were coming. Probably your captain himself as he gave you the keys.”
          “Why would he even suspect me? If I ever wanted to steal the plans, I would be uncovered as soon as he would notice it. I’ve not been among them for a long time.”
          “You’re right, then the only reason for that man to be here is that he and your captain suspected that you would show the plans to someone before giving them to him.”
          “Then the mission is doomed Hanji.. I’m sorry…”
          “Don’t be, I never said he knew who you were. He might suspect you but don’t forget that Marleyans have a lot of enemies. Besides, anyone would get those plans as our little island is full of scarce and valuable resources.”
 Hanji was right as ever; she was not our commander for nothing.
          “Oh… it’s not really related but I discovered that his last n…” I began
          “Wait, wait! Someone else’s coming.”
 Hanji couldn’t see the second person as they didn’t enter the room, but the man seemed to be arguing with the other.
             “Hanji let me see who it is.”
 As I bend over the roof, I immediately recognize his back. It’s Commander Magath. What the heck is going on?
            “Hanji, he’s the Commander of the warriors. Do you think he and Captain Levi were cahoots?”
          “By any chance, is he named Theo?”
          “Yes that’s correct. How do you know?”
          “Look at the other side of the key.”
          “Theo Magath; 106. I see… it’s his room. Wait, do.. do they live together?!”
          “Shh, keep quiet Petra. You have to discover it, go and see where your Captain is and tell him you found an empty drawer. If he ask, tell him there was nobody with you but you saw Magath entering AFTER you came but you didn’t say something to him as you noticed his name on the key.”
 The man finally went out and as he walked down the street, but he was not alone, Captain Levi was the second person.
          “No need to look for him, he’s there anyways Hanji…”
 Point of view: Levi’s
  When we arrived at the meeting point, Ziek and Reiner were already here. Pieck and Colt hugged Reiner and saluted Ziek.
             “What’s up shortie?” Ziek teased me
           “What’s with that look, jackass?”
           “The plans, where are they?”
           “I sent one of my subordinate to get them.”
           “Why’s that?”
           “Don’t discuss the orders, Eldian” Theo comes to us hands in pocket.
 Ziek’s attitude switches to an obedient little puppy, he salutes Theo and keeps quiet.
             “I’m coming back in a minute I have something to check, don’t wait for me,” he continues.
  Theo asked me a favor before we got off the train, he asked me to give the keys of my room to Petra so he would ask her some questions in a quiet place, just to be sure she’s not involved with spying. The thing is, she should have found the plans for long so why is she not coming back?
            “Hey shortie, you’re coming?”
             “Hey Pieck, don’t you think M. Magath was acting strange just now?” Colt said
           “Yes I noticed too but don’t be noisy.”
           “You think he’s acting weird? Colt, do you remember that time when he asked me what my secret technique was to wipe my ass.” Ziek said laughing “Joke apart, the weirdest thing is that he’s actually keeping the plans in one of his pockets”
           “Wait what?!” I said
           “What? You didn’t notice?”
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           “Just go, I’m coming back with my subordinate”
            “Ah, Levi you’re there. Your subordinate, Petra, she’s not there.” Theo said to me as I reach the front foor of my flat.
          “What are you doing, Theo? Did you take the plans to get her to confess that she stole them?”
          “So you noticed. Well, it’s the best way to uncover her if she’s guilty.”
          “But she’s not. I already told you I’m not sure she’s a spy.”
          “But what if she was an Eldian, she could have gotten the plans and vanished.”
          “I don’t think she’s that stupid.”
          “Okay, well then where is she now? She was supposed to get in.”
          “I don’t know..”
          “You know, all I want is honoring the promise I made to your mother years ago.”
          “I don’t need you to protect me, Theo. I’m not a kid anymore.”
          “Anyway, let’s join the others.”
          “But what if she’s lost? She may have been in the wrong place or met another Marleyan that roughed her up?”
          “Oh Levi please, don’t be stupid. Nobody would hurt her; she has a red armband. Come on, we made the others wait too long.”
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friendlydaydreamer · 3 years
(Was gonna post some fluffy SamBucky content but it somehow turned into angst🙈)
Bucky can’t stop thinking about Sam
He’s been head over heels in love with him for months. Over the course of those months there’s been plenty of opportunities to say something, but every time he gets close to doing so his brain supplies him with all the reasons as to why he shouldn’t do it.
Sam can do better. There’s no way he’ll feel the same way about you. You don’t even know if he swings that way. Having Sam’s friendship is more than enough.  
Bucky continues to have this discussion with himself until he suddenly wakes up one day thinking ‘f*ck this.’ He needs to tell Sam how he feels.
For his own sanity.
The next day Bucky texts him. He knows Sam will be in New York today, so he asks him if he wants to grab lunch.
The conversation at the café is lighthearted and fun.
For a minute it seems like the stars are aligning.
A waitress even writes her phone number on a napkin for Sam, making no effort to be subtle about it, but when she walks away Sam grins and tells him that she’s not his type.
Bucky feels that tiny flicker of hope in his chest get bigger.
For a moment Bucky’s so caught up in his own head that he doesn’t notice that Sam’s still talking to him.
Sam rolls his eyes at the confused look on Bucky's face.
‘I said I’ve got a date on Saturday’.
To make matters worse Sam corrects himself. It’s actually his second date.
With the same guy.
Bucky’s quite sure that what Sam just said is one of the most soul crushing things he’s heard in a long time.
 Sam explains that they met a few weeks ago when Rhodey, Joaquin and Sam had gone out for drinks after everybody, including Bucky, had finished another successful mission.
 Bucky still remembered the quick flash of disappointment that crossed Sam’s face when he told him that he didn’t feel like going out that day. He’d made sure to promise that he would join them next time.
Everything after that was kind of a blur of ‘I’m happy for you’ and ‘can’t wait to meet the guy.’
The thing that hurt more than anything else though, was the clear happiness that seemed to radiate from Sam when he taked about his upcoming date.
Sam has had to deal with a lot of shit that he didn’t deserve, and Bucky knew that at one point in time Sam probably viewed Bucky as a big part of said ‘shit’.
Now it looked like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Sam’s smile was brighter, more genuine.
That smile is part of the reason as to why Bucky lets go of that flicker of hope he’d felt today.
Still, there’s nothing he can do about the sudden jealousy that washes over him like a tidal wave.
He wants Sam all to himself.
But giving over to that feeling meant putting his own happiness above Sam’s.
That was not an option. He couldn’t be selfish with Sam.
That’s why Bucky tries his best to look like he's not dying inside throughout the rest of their lunch.
Later, when they say goodbye, Bucky’s pretty sure his grin is about as convicing as Walker’s homemade shield if the sudden searching look on Sam’s face is anything to go by. After that Bucky’s quick to reassure Sam that everything’s fine.
For the rest of the day he keeps telling himself that same lie.
It's not until much later when he's trying to sleep that Bucky can't pretend any longer.
He's not fine.
Honestly, nowadays he can't even look at Sam without a constant echo in the back of his head.
The voice that keeps repeating the same three little words.
I love you.
I love you. 
I love you. 
32 notes · View notes
imaginesandideas · 4 years
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roughly 4k words, originally posted on my A3O account. a late summer memoir; NSFW. reblogs, comments, suggestions and all kinds of support are more than welcome ✨
[whispers] y’all should really play Hozier’s “Work song” or “NFWMB” for this one 🖤
It’s been a tough couple weeks. Well, months. And it’s especially hard cause you’re living together, you’re married and yet you’re passing each other by. Not willingly for goodness sake, but you’ve been barely finding time for each other lately and it’s killing you. He’s not dealing great with it either, but he keeps the facade to avoid worrying you more. He’s learnt that at work obviously. The same work that has been keeping him away from you for so long.
You’re not better though. Everything has changed after you finally got your degree. The studying was hell, you were mostly tired and overworked. But Flip? He was by your side through highs and lows and was always super supportive. If not for him you probably wouldn’t have done it at all.
But after that you were met with another bunch of obstacles. Cause despite your earnest efforts, finding a decent job in the Colorado Springs area was a rather difficult task.
You went through successive stages of education but it never meant that someone would be willing to give you a chance. And again Flip was the most supportive husband - he would drive you to your interviews insisting that it’s „no big deal” and that he won’t be late for work, cause the work will wait for him anyway. You found his presence by your side in those moments  extremely comforting. As you were driving around town he would reach out for your hand to hold it and place a kiss at the back of it. Such a simple gesture but for you it meant more than words. You knew that it was an affirmation, it was him reminding you that you’re strong, that you’re capable and that no matter what happens he’ll be there. For you and with you.
And you simply couldn’t help but glance at him lovingly as he was entirely focused on the road, making sure you get there safe and on time.
 And finally, after many unsuccessful attempts, you got the job. It wasn’t a job of your dreams, but it was good for a start. You were earning enough to support your household budget and to take some of the worries off Flip’s shoulders. It was the independence you’ve been seeking, but it also meant that you’d have to get used to your lives continuously not coinciding.
You didn’t even realize when 6-hour shifts have turned into 10 hours. And then those 10 hours turned into a lot of paperwork you’d do during the weekends. But that’s okay, you thought, Flip was also busy at the station or going on missions so you couldn’t really be mad at yourself for doing all this extra work, right? And it was also pretty rewarding cause soon enough you got promoted and had even more complicated tasks to execute. It also came with bigger money, but all of a sudden you realized that you don’t even have the time to go and spend it on something.
Soon enough it dawned to you how little time together with Flip you were actually getting and the thought itself made you feel sick. Cause if you were to count all the moments you two had for each other during the week, it would have to be all the hours asleep and alarming amount of rushed goodbyes and kisses as you pass each other by in the hallway of your home.
Passing each other by - that’s what you were actually doing and it was driving you insane. But what could you do, you were trapped between the current project and all the upcoming ones. You were trapped between Flip’s and your own work schedule. Separated by the obligations that lay with your shoulders.
„That’s wonderful, I’m so proud of you!” His voice is heavy with exhaustion but you can sense that he’s smiling as you’re talking on the phone.
The manager position was more than you could’ve dreamed of, especially after such a long time in your current job, but the offer was so generous and unexpected that it took you a moment to process it. But first, you needed to call Flip. Partially because you wanted to know his opinion but also just so you could hear his voice.
„Well I have yet to agree but yeah I’m pretty excited.” You smile to yourself. „I mean, it’s a big step and I’ll have to get used to the new workplace but yeah…”
„You’ll do great baby. You’ll handle it like a fighter, I’m sure of it.” He’s really so proud of you and no distance could ever hide it. You can practically see his eyes shining with pride. „I love you.”
You sigh sadly.
„I love you too baby.”
„… and miss you.” He adds in a hushed tone.
„I know, I do too, you have no idea how much.” Suddenly you feel glad that you got to talk now, during your break with none of your coworkers around. It’s not like you’re ashamed or anything but you just don’t want people gossiping about the state of your marriage or you in general. It’s your moment, one out of very few you get to spend with your husband, even if it’s on the phone. And you’re just sad, your voice almost breaks as you’re speaking. „I know it’s probably just all the work and stress but I think I’m going crazy sometimes.”
„That bad?” He chuckles and you roll your eyes but you know he’s only teasing. „I know baby, I’m sorry, it’s my fault. All this paperwork from the last case got us locked up here for days. Even Ron had enough of it and left earlier today. Promised he’ll be back tomorrow morning but I wouldn’t bet my money on it.”
You nod mindlessly. Gnawing on your bottom lip you decide to take your shot.
„How much of it do you guys have left?”
„The case data? Uhh, for at least a day or two I think. Why?” You smirk but keep your voice on the same note.
„I might be wrong but I remember that chief once mentioned that you still have that overdue leave?”
He pauses for a moment, most likely trying to recall that conversation but soon enough he’s back on the line.
„Yeah I think there was something. I’ll ask him again but I believe there was a week or two.”
„Okay so, uhm, how about you get the paperwork done and we both take some time off? Just you and me, no work, no phonecalls, no distractions.” At this point you can barely hide the excitement in your voice and you don’t even care. This may be your last chance so you just hope he agrees.
„God yes, that’d be perfect!” He smiles widely and you can’t help but smile too. „What about your new job though?”
„I’ll handle that, don’t worry.”
„That’s my girl.” The smile he has at that moment will stay with him for the rest of the day, he has no doubt about it.
 Time flies when you’ve got loads of work and things to look forward to. Those days flied by like a rocket and there you are, all giddy and excited as you walk towards your home. You decided to buy some groceries on the way and grab your order of italian takeaway from that restaurant you used to visit quite often when you were still only dating. Despite the tiredness and the overwhelming heat of the day you try to keep your mood uplift, the thought of well deserved time off with your husband is making all the work worth it. Cause he is worth, and you know that both of you deserve this more than ever.
The late-summer sun is setting low over the city and the woods and you stop in your tracks to catch that last glimpse of golden light. Who would’ve thought that one day you’d miss small things like this - slowly walking home, admiring the view. But you promise yourself to care more from now on. It’s a brand new chapter of your life and you decide not to waste a single moment that’s worth remembering. And you want to remember this, remember this day.
You set your purchase on the kitchen counter and drop your bag on the couch. Flip did not set the hour precisely but you guessed that he’ll be late, the usual.
After you put the food in the fridge - you specifically ordered pasta to be semi-raw so you could reheat it at home when the right time comes - you grab the bottle of leftover wine that you intentionally didn’t finish the last time. Now that you’ve got a couple days off it won’t matter if it’s not the weekend yet, you’re starting yours early. Besides, it should help you relax a bit, loosen tense muscles. And that icy liquid just feels so right as it reaches your tongue, perfect for a hot evening like this one. With a glass in one hand you step out on the porch but the air is still way too heavy with heat and you return inside.
After yet another sip you set the glass on the table and choose to change into something more comfortable. Ideally something thin, cause even back inside the air was pretty humid. Barefoot, you step inside your wardrobe and the coolness of it makes you close your eyes in bliss. The summers here were great, you loved the sun and the nature flourishing, but if you could trade one thing it would have to be the heat, especially during the night.
By the time you come into your bedroom you don’t even know what time it is, you’re too drowsy to care. Maybe you’d just wait in here, lay on these silky sheets you just recently bought for the summertime sleeps. You’ll keep one eye open in case if he comes back soon. You won’t fall asleep no way. No way…
 Jolting awake you notice that the light is turned off, the whole room is dark and aired but still pretty humid as if someone left the window open. And it’s almost completely silent, except for the steady breathing beside you. There’s warmth spreading over your waist where his arm rests protectively and you smile. Once your vision accommodates to the darkness you see his sprawled out form, so pale in the night shades of your bedroom. He even got rid of the tank top he’s normally wearing to bed and you assume he must have felt just as hot as you.
You also realize that you must have fallen asleep before he even came back, cause you can’t seem to remember anything after changing your clothes in the wardrobe.
His embrace feels better than anything else in the world and you wish you could’ve stayed like that forever but your throat feels so dry that you decide to gently slip out. It’s no surprise that you still feel dizzy as you stand up, suddenly remembering the alcohol and the fatigue of workday. As quietly and carefully as possible you sneak out of the bed and then out of the bedroom, leaving Flip alone underneath the sheets.
One glass of water isn’t enough so you pour yourself another one. It’s been hours since dusk yet the air feels so heavy and hot as if during the day. Your skin feels sticky, like it’s covered in some sort of sweet syrup.
„You minx.”
His raspy voice coming from behind startles you at first, but his hands swiftly sneak around your waist before you get a word out. And you don’t even mind the warmth radiating off his body onto your back, engulfing you as he closes the distance between you both, that closeness is almost relieving. You haven’t been this close in a very long time.
„I thought you were asleep.” You say softly as you reach out to caress his face and he nuzzles his cheek into the crease between your shoulder and neck, kissing along your tense muscles.
„Can’t sleep without you. I need to know where you are.” He mumbles and you smile.
 It’s true, even when away on a mission or an investigation - he always calls. He knows when you’ll be back from work and wants to make sure you got home safe. That’s the protective side of his that you’ve learnt to adore, even if one could consider it an annoying trait.
With his vast work experience, the things he’s seen over the years but also the love he had for you from the very first day, he couldn’t just simply overlook your safety. You were that one string keeping him grounded and sane thorough all the madness in his life, he wouldn’t have forgiven himself if he’d lost you. It was almost like a ritual at this point. Him calling you from the station before you head for bed, sometimes you calling him at the hotel when you know his workday on a mission is over. Not only does it calm both of you down, it’s also a chance to have that much needed time to talk about ordinary things.
„I’m sorry I fell asleep on you. I had some wine, I don’t even remember when I passed out…”
„It’s okay. You work so hard, you deserve some rest.” His voice is soothing in your ears, almost as soothing as his soft lips traveling up along your pulse point. „And I was tired too.”
„Was? Past tense?” You whisper chuckling and his grasp on you tightens, he’s pulling you in even closer almost inhaling you whole. His hands run up your sides, gently cupping your breasts before they retreat, then climb up again, this time underneath your shirt. Ever so slowly, teasingly his fingertips dance over your skin, over your slowly hardening nipples. And despite his bodily warmth it still sends shiver down your back. 
He whispers but it feels like a thunder echoing along your neck.
„You already know.”
Your bodies move in unison as you turn around to face him. His face glows of late summer sweat in the dim light and it only accentuates his rough features, from cheekbones to jaw. He gives you a few seconds, enough to get a good look at his shadow-toned figure - arms,  thighs, collarbones, stomach and that strong chest - at your Flip, before he pulls you in once again. This time his hands are even greedier, his movements are more desperate. But you’re right there to reciprocate, bringing your own needy hands to his dark, sweat-tangled locks. And when his lips finally meet with yours it’s like breathing. It’s natural, it feels necessary. It’s like magic but better, cause there’s nothing realer than this.
„I missed you. So so much. I missed this.” He whispers in between kisses hastily. His voice is hushed but deep, like in a tantric prayer. Like a spell.
„Flip.” You call out quietly, a whisper echoing in the darkness. He hoists you up, you watch his arms flex in the corner of your eyes, hands clutching on your thighs for dear life as he places you ever so gently on the counter. Safe yet so close to the edge.
His movements are sensually slow, so different from the way you’ve remembered him. With lips parted you let him kiss away the tension from your shoulders, arms, neck, wrists…
„Let me.” He half asks half states as he sinks low on his knees. Your eyelids grow heavy with each touch of his plump, warm lips on your ankles, calves, below your knees, along your thighs. „My love, my queen.”
You don’t remember him him like this and you’re hypnotized. He’s like a drug flowing through your veins, heating you from underneath the skin. Like he’s controlling your whole body, its motions, you.
„Baby please.” You’re begging. Flip likes that, a lot.
„Say it again.” It’s the depth of his voice, the booming of it that wakes you up from this trance you’ve been stuck in. And he’s looking at you with those cinnamon-spiced honey eyes of his. The eyes that are now locked with your own hazy gaze.
He kisses your ankle without even looking away and it’s like fire burning you from underneath and that icy breath tingling on your skin.
„Please.” A whine.
It comes out nearly a whimper, but he’s relentless, his face stoical like a cliff. Proud, patient, waiting.
He’s tempting you, testing you as if it is the devil himself kneeling beneath your feet. Encouragingly grazing his fangs along the luscious skin of your thighs. Awaiting your surrender. Your submission.
„Say it like you mean it.”
Your heart is shaking in anticipation. It feels so wrong and yet you give in.
„Phillip, please. I need you.”
And he bites in, sucks in, leaves blooming marks like petals scattered around a bouquet of fresh wild peonies.
He devours you entirely, completely. Trembling, you’re losing control, in fact you’re giving it away, right into his eager hands, lips, hungry eyes.
 By the time his mouth reaches your clit you’re already blissed out, encouraging him with the motion of your hips, quietly gasping, begging for air, begging for more. Begging for no air at all.
It’s like you’re breaking apart, your body and mind conflicted yet something, someone, keeps them tied together, seals them with each caress. Your nerves are tingling but at the same time are so numb, like he’s crawled inside you, slick as a snake. He’s controlling you, the rhythm of your breathing, of your heart.
And your heart feels like a volcano, hot and ready to explode from your heaving chest.
„Y-yes, there, please.”
Your slick and his spit are one. Your inhales are synchronized with his lips. Perfect harmony, only it’s not quiet, it’s loud on his tongue, loud as the gasps leaving your mouth and even louder in your brain.
With your vision clouded you gaze down and that’s when it hits you.
Your limbs involuntarily shake, wave after wave crashing over you and within seconds you can barely breathe. Your mind is filled with light, like sun setting over beach, the sounds  of ocean rustling. You’re divided, both here and out there, not even sure which one is which cause all of these sensations feel so real.
There’s this immense hot heaviness climbing up your torso. It covers your ribs, moves swiftly over your cleavage, rests below your breast, on your heart. His hand reaching out to touch you even more. So gentle and loving yet so delightfully demanding.
„Yours.” You whisper even though he doesn’t question it verbally. It’s in the air and you just repeat it like echo, like a mantra.
Fingers dig into the counter, seeking support. He knows you’re almost there, he can feel it through your uncontrolled trembling, your spasming cunt. And so he catches you, holds you grounded, holds your thighs firmly apart with his strong hands. Somehow it doesn’t even matter that it’s the middle of a hot night, it doesn’t matter where did your underwear go, if the sun is about to hit your faces within the next few minutes, cause all you care about is him. And you keep chanting his name with that haunting promise.
„Yours Flip, yours. Yours.”
If only you could see these honey eyes as they drown in the sound of your voice, the eyes that can’t speak but still reflect his love for you - selfless, filled with adoration and respect. In his eyes you’re a statue, carved and perfected thorough the years, and now he’s bringing it to life.
Your body goes tense one more time, from head to toes, from the crown of your head and along your spine. He slows down, he wants it to last, he wants to feast on you for the rest of his days and even more, but he needs you to be fed.
And gods, he’s feeding you with everything he has, with the twirls of his tongue, with his own spit sticking to your sweat covered body, the tiny bites and that gloriously filthy loud sucking.
 It’s your arms that give in first and you lean back on the counter covered in sweaty bliss. His hands that kept your your thighs apart loosen the pressure, though you’re fairly sure of the bruising that will come out of it. The beauty of pleasure and pain.
Slowly he pushes himself up from his knees. And- fuck, he’s so in love with you he would propose to you the very next day if only that didn’t already belong to the past.
That’s when your eyes open. You catch him staring but he’s staring at you the way no other person ever did. Not like a prize, a plaything, no, he’s fucking mesmerized. All he sees is a goddess and the look in his eyes, his face says it all. It’s that tiny smirk on his stupid-beautiful face that cracks your heart open. You wonder how dare he tongue-fuck you into oblivion just to be so puppy looking seconds later. It’s like he’s testing you again.
„I fucking love you, y’know that right.”
„Phillip Zimmerman, how dare you. I should be the one saying that right now.” You chuckle but soon enough he gently grabs you, sitting you upright, his arms wrap around your waist yet again, eyes glossy with love. You’re speechless cause it feels like falling in love for the first time, this moment, him holding you close like this. You know this, you two have been like this in the past but you thought you’ve lost it somewhere along the way. Life can be rough, can be painful and sometimes just utterly normal, boring even. But here you are, gazing at each other longingly, maybe more in love than ever before because it’s no puppy love anymore, it’s a full-grown one.
His eyes follow the lines he draws with his fingers along your cheekbone, cheek, jaw before stopping at your chin. And he stares. Stares into your eyes.
He’s thinking how perfect you are, your face carved with determination, struggles but also beauty, and this immense love. He’s thinking how fortune must have helped his blind senses in catching you. And how he never wants to let you go.
He’s so lost in thought and so you take over finishing the sentence he meant to make. You seal the confession with your own lips, deepening it, making the words mean something beyond their definition.
With your eyes closed your hands glide over his face. You feel the softness of his skin, but also each of the tiny scars, the moles, the small imperfections that make Flip the person you know. Your person.
Your lips detach and you already miss their fullness, you miss the way they belong together.
„I meant that, you vixen.” He exclaims half-teasingly, but you know he’s sincere. You know him well enough to recognize it, so you just smile.
„I know. And I do love you too, so much. I really missed us.” As you speak he cups your face yet again but allows you to continue, not wanting to interrupt your thoughts. You were always better with words than him. „And I’m so proud of us, super-proud of you. How you grew over the years, how you’ve gotten better at everything you were already great at. And, like, grateful. For everything you do, for being so supportive and for being there for me an-”
„You better cut this sugary bullshit or you’ll make me so soft ’m not gonna be able to fuck you later.”
„Cutting it right now!” You pretty much cry it out and he chuckles flashing that full-blown smile of his, the one that’s reserved only for you.
„Good girl.” He says and you half-expect him to run off with you to the bedroom, but instead he kisses your forehead and pulls your arms over his shoulders. „But first, sleep.”
„What? No, no nonono. Babe, Flip, no, put me down. I can’t leave you hanging like this, let me-”
„No. Sleep. We need some more sleep first. Besides - I caught that small yawn you did 5 minutes ago, and you tried to freakin’ hide it from me so you’re not getting away with this one.”
„I promise, we’ll catch up after a nap. Look, we woke up in the middle of the night and now it’s almost dawn.”
His words make your head spin in direction of window and you can’t believe he’s right as the first beams of sunlight hit your eyes. And of course you yawn on the spot, cause he’s really just has all the points.
 So you just nuzzle your head in the crook of his marble neck as he carefully hoists you up. You stay there, wrapped in his love through the finishing moments of night, and through couple more hours as both of your bodies rest covered in silky sheets, with limbs tangled together, breathing steady. Even when the air gets humid again covering your bodies with another layer of sweat, you don’t mind. You’re no longer against the heat, not if it’s the heat he covers you with, not if it’s the heat of you together.
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
saint.|| soobin (2.3)🌪
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🖤┊𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔱 . ೄྀ࿐ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙/𝖆𝖚 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙; 2803
“some funny shit is going on and I don’t like it”. michael mentions to the guys in the bathroom. they’d all been in there from skipping their last class of the day. 
“what do you mean?”. kevin asks, putting a lighter to his cigarette. 
“soobin and that girl”. michael continued. 
“what about them?”. beomgyu continued drawing on the bathroom wall. he thought his picture was coming out great. 
“he set this whole shit up with mia and he kind of dissed us for that bitch. I think he’s lowkey plotting”. michael says in the sea of scoffs from the other guys. 
“now why the fuck would he do that?”. seongjun questions, nudging kevin to give him the pack of cigarettes. 
“think about it. he’s not even responding to group messages anymore. he started this shit and had us thinking this was a group effort and he left. all he cares about is that stupid ass girl”.michael trails off getting kind of annoyed.
“she has to be giving him the best pussy in the world”. kevin snarls blowing a thick cloud of white smoke form his lips. 
“who that girl? hell no. she’s a saint. she’s not giving him shit”. beomgyu assures. 
“then what the fuck is he so obsessed with her for?”. michael questions. 
“we don’t fucking know michael. if he doesn’t want to be down with us then fuck it”. seongjun adds.
“just delete the last group chat and we can make a new one with just us”. kevin suggests. 
michael nods while leaning on the bathroom sink. that was a good idea of course. but what he wondered most was why he was losing his best friend to some girl. especially since before she came along, they were practically doing everything together.
it was pretty fake if you asked him. It pissed him off. he needed to do something about it. and quick. 
with the help of you, mia safely made her way into her parents car after school. you told them about the situation and they were sympathetic that they had no clue as to how their daughter been feeling. you were relieved that they would now be more aware of her just in case something else happened again. 
and you hoped nothing else happened again because after all, you told soobin to tell his friends to quit it. it’s cruel with their doing to mia, and they’re just lucky mia was too afraid to call the cops on them. with exam season approaching though you knew your days were going to be long and difficult soon. you hated that exam season was in the same season as daylight savings time. which means that not only your days will be long but you will be more tired due the sky growing dark faster. you were already drowning in homework your teachers gave to prepare you, and the last thing you wanted was to be bothered. 
you shut your locker door only to see olivia standing behind it with a pouty expression you jumped a bit. “what are you doing?”. you asked. she took her hand and patted your shoulder sympathetically. “I’m so sorry that happened to you”. she apologized. 
“what are you talking about?”.
“you didn’t know?”.
“know what?”. 
“it’s about soobin”. 
you crossed your arms, becoming more serious. 
“what about soobin?”. she pouted her lips again. 
“you must not have social media?”. you shook your head no. she flashes her phone in your face. you saw kevin’s name written in bold and a status underneath it, 
“It’s crazy how dudes will turn fake over a bitch especially when he was bragging about mia howard sucking his dick not too long ago #CSB”.
at first read you blinked. “how are you so sure that’s about him?”. olivia smiles cheekily. 
“everyone knows that CSB stands for choi soobin. and who else in kevin’s friend group associated themselves with mia as much as soobin?”. 
you bit the inside of her cheek, thinking it about it. you didn’t want to get angry but you couldn’t help it. your cheek started to grow up hot and you hadn’t noticed a tear slipped from underneath your eye until olivia patted your shoulder again, pretending to feel sorry for you as she laughed and walked away. 
you couldn’t believe soobin would do something like that. you two weren’t dating but, you two had something special. 
or at least that’s just what you thought. 
“hey mama you ready to go?”. soobin approached you from behind. you stood in place, unclenching and clenching your fists. you didn’t want to lash out on him. you didn’t know the truth. but god it broke your heart just thinking about it.
“mama?”. he says again, this time coming around and looking at you. he lifted your chin with his head. your eyes rimmed with tears. and his heart immediately broke. 
“what’s the matter?”. 
“is it true soobin?”. 
soobin made a confused expression. 
“is what true?”. 
“check kevin’s status”. soobin gave a weird gaze before he pulled out his phone to see. he typed kevin’s username in the search bar before clicking on his profile and reading his posts. soobin became angry. fake? and why would he expose him on social media? and most importantly, how did you find out about it?
these questions floated around his head and you let them while you walked away. it was time for you to go home and study anyways. it was bad enough history is going to eat your report card you couldn’t afford for the other grades to do the same thing. soobin chases after you of course. 
“you didn’t even give me a chance to answer”. 
“I know the answer soobin. it’s yes. your answer is always yes”. 
he caught up to you and stepped in front of you. you didn’t even want to look at him. 
“can you please talk to me?”. he begged, and there he goes acting like a puppy again.
“what is there to talk about? why do I have to find out new things about you every single day?”. 
“that happened before I realized how much I liked you. you have to understand that”.
you stared up at him and your tears wouldn’t stop flowing. he used this moment to start speaking again. 
“know that the way I feel about you right now I’d never do any of that shit. I never want to see you like this. broken and crying over some dumb ass shit that I did when I thought I had real friends”.soobin admitted with hurt in his eyes. you sniffled, trying to calm your heart rate. 
“did you make her do it or did she do it on her own?”. 
“she did it on her own”. 
“why were you bragging about it to kevin?”. 
“because that was the kind of person I was and I am sorry. I really am and I’m trying to be a better person”. 
you sniffled a little more and soobin wasted no time approaching you to swipe your tears away with his thumb. he cups your cheek, 
“don’t cry mama okay?”. 
you sighed. coming down from your emotions. 
“it’s hard not to cry when you hear stuff like that about someone you have something with”. he pulled you into his chest. 
“do you want to come over my house today?”. 
“I have to study. and aren’t your parents home?”. 
“you can study at my house. and yes they’re home”.
you pulled away and looked up at him. 
“have they been beating you?”. soobin shrugs. 
“yeah but it’s okay. they won’t hit me if you’re there”.
you knew this would be a stretch. but you never know something until you try it. 
“do you want to ...come to my house?”. you offered, not sure how your parents would act. you weren’t expecting soobin’s eyes to light up the way they did. you rolled your eyes and laughed. 
“yes I’d love that”.
it was weird with soobin following you to your doorstep. you were so used to him staying behind in his car and waving at you before he drove off. but to actually have following you into your house? wow. 
“my house isn’t as big and luxurious as yours so I hope you’re not expecting anything extravagant”. you confirmed while unlocking the door with your key. 
“I don’t care about what your house looks like”. soobin assures. the both of you walked into your open living room and kitchen. your mother happened to be in the kitchen cooking and you hadn’t even known she was going to be home as early as she was. she turned around to grab a seasoning behind her and locked eyes with not only you, but that tall boy behind you as well. 
“hey baby. who do you have with you?”. 
she didn’t even looked mad or anything. just concerned which surprised you. you sucked up your pride and brought soobin further into your home. you took a deep breath while your mother waited for you to speak. 
“mom this is Choi Soobin”. 
soobin reached over and grabbed your mother’s hand and kisses the back of it like he was her knight and shining armor or something. you wanted to laugh but you knew he was trying to be friendly, and your mother was way too flustered to stop him. 
“like the choi’s? you’re their son?”. 
“yes ma’am. it’s a pleasure to meet you”. soobin answers. your mother had a shocked expression on her face. 
“and you miss lady? what is he doing here?”. she smirks. she expected that out of you. you know, the boyfriends. the dating. the teenage life. she just never wanted you to go too far and ruin your life. 
“well he’s--”
“her boyfriend”. soobin finishes and smiles shortly after. your mother’s eyes expanded. not in a freaky like scary way but she was just so shocked to see her daughter growing up. but you were just as shocked as her with soobin’s answer you just couldn’t show it. 
“boyfriend?”. she repeats. 
“yes. I’m sorry that we’re meeting so late. coming from a religious family myself it’s hard to know how our parents are going to act with these types of things but--I hope you can accept our relationship. your daughter means a lot to me”. 
“hm. any sex?”. she asks.
the both of you shake your heads no way too quick for your liking. 
“of course not”.
“he’s just here to study for our upcoming exams mom. nothing more than that. I promise”.  
“hm, fine. I’ll be keeping an eye on you two alright? study hard and don’t fail those exams or there will be punishment for you”. you nod, grabbing soobin’s hand so that you could lead him to your room. 
“that goes for you too choi soobin!”. your mother yelled after you making the both of you laugh. soobin loved your room. he loved how fluffy and pink your pillows and blankets were. he loved the knick knacks that you kept at your study desk. he loved the picture of your family that hung on the wall, just beside your crucifix. most importantly though he loved how innocent your room looked. like something from a movie. He hops on your bed and watches you set up your things at your study desk. he thought you were the cutest when you’re doing something you obviously loved. you kick your shoes off and glare at him. 
“what are you doing? you’re not going to study?”. 
“well I really don’t know how to study”. 
“you’ve never studied before?”. 
soobin shakes his head. 
“my parents beat me for getting bad grades but they never encourage me to do good. they never show that they have any expectations from me. so I never learned”. you frowned. 
“well, my mom is expecting you to do good now. so now you have a reason. she’ll really put you on punishment”. you laugh and soobin smiles. you bring your notebook and textbook over to where he was sitting. 
“so usually the way I study is I go over what we went over in class. I’ll read the textbook and write down the important information--”.
“why do you have to read the whole thing?”. 
“because when you are actively reading it you want to internalize the information, not memorize it. memorizing isn’t good for exams. you want to make sure you remember of course, but exams don’t ask for facts. they ask for the how, why, when, and put your perspective into question”. 
“so i’d have to tell them what I think?”. 
“yes exactly, based upon the information of course. but you have to know the information well”. 
“can’t I just say one thing that has to do with the topic and babble off? I don’t know if i’ll be able to think too critically”. 
“that’s why you internalize information. you’ll always have an opinion that way”. 
soobin thinks for a moment. “huh?”. 
“for instance. abraham lincoln. he issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free slaves on september 22nd, 1862. this is a fact. and it’s also something i memorized. now if I get a question on my exam that asks me something like, How did the Emancipation Proclamation open the door for black soldiers? you wouldn’t know how to answer it right? because you are focused on memorizing facts instead of internalizing the event and knowing the how he did this, why he did this, what did intend by doing this, and how did this affect others. do you know what I mean?”.
soobin stared with his jaw hanging low. 
“how the hell are you so smart?”. 
you couldn’t help but laugh. you hoped he was listening though. 
“do you get it?”. 
“yes ma’am. but I do have a question”. 
“is it bad to fall in love with your teacher?”. soobin smiles knowing your cheeks were on fire. 
“stop it”. you point playfully in his face. he grabs you by your thighs and makes you straddle his lap, 
“make me”, he smirks. you became nervous but of course you didn’t want him to know that. 
“soobin--we have to study”. you pleaded, when really you didn’t want him to stop at all. 
“have you ever had a hickey before?”. he whispers in the small space that separated his face from yours. you shook your head no. he brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“do you want one?”. your fingers toy with your pleated skirt and you hesitantly nod. “all you have to do is suck the skin really hard, and maybe bite it a little for a more dramatic mark. like this”-- 
he reaches his lips up pressing them onto your neck and you forgot how delicate his lips were. he tongue kisses it all over peppering it with his mouth. your arms wrapped around his neck for support. he chooses a spot and starts sucking it gradually. he sinks his teeth into your skin but it didn’t hurt like you thought it would. your eyes began to close as he picks another spot and does it all over again. his wet lips always uncaged your butterflies. 
you whine as his hands travel down to your waist. he licks another spot before tongue kissing it. he sucks this one just as he did the others and you couldn’t believe the pleasure you were feeling from a kiss alone. “you like it?”. he whispers into the crook of your neck you mutter and yes, an invitation for him to keep going. 
you bit your lips and threw your head back giving him more access to your skin, which he definitely took advantage of. by the time he was finished you attached your lips to his neck in exchange, trying to copy his movements. he was stunned. he was going to tell you that you didn’t have to return the favor but your lips made his adrenaline rush. you were feeling needy on his lap like this. you rock your hips gently against his growing boner and soobin hisses. you were biting and kissing all the right places and he couldn’t remember the last time he’s gotten a hickey. 
“am i doing it okay?”. you ask innocently, “yes”. soobin answers prior to catching your lips and pushing his own against yours instead. without hesitation his tongue wandered your mouth and you rock down on him even harder, loving the friction you received. he laid back on your bed leaving you on top of him. his hands brushed against your thighs going higher and higher with each stroke.soon he was rubbing your ass while you were tongue kissing him back like the needy girl you were. 
“dinner is ready guys! soobin you are more than welcome to join us!”. your mother yelled from downstairs. the both of you sat up quickly and it dawned on you that you were really just about to have sex.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! music idol au (seijoh and shiratorizawa vers.)
hello hello! now for the groups with seijoh and shiratorizawa! if you like this why not check out music idol au karasuno vers.
okay so basically this is now the entertainment company for the groups FALCON and KING
okay but yes
they're one of the biggest names in the country and their groups have been around for quite some time
washijo is CEO
they're known to be very hard to get into because all of their idols are trained to be polished at whatever they do
but all of their releases are top quality
so lets get into the groups !!
KING - seijoh
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okay so KING has 8 members and most of their comeback concepts are pretty bubblegum pop and boy-next-door
our leader for this group is oikawa of course
he's also wanted to be an idol for so long and trained really hard for it
• he managed to pass the auditions but his trainee years were hard on him because of all the expectations and work
luckily he befriended iwa who was also a struggling trainee
they spent years helping each other out and leaning on each other for support until their debut came
oikawa's the all-around vocalist, visual, and dancer so he's almost always in the center
the kind who nails all the notes while busting out the hardest dance moves
he's also multilingual because he wants to talk to a variety of his fans
everything he does seems so natural but in reality he practices so hard that iwa has to drag him to bed
iwa's our main rapper and main dancer of the group
his audition tape of him dancing was a bit embarassing because he was wearing a godzilla sweater and his hair was gelled up
everyone likes to bring it out from time to time
his fans also like sending him anything godzilla
his rapping is pOWERFUL and he can also beatbox really well
he also leads the dance breaks in performances
everyone thought he was scary until oikawa accidentally called him iwa-chan in a radio show and now everyone calls him iwa-chan
while oikawa is the leader, iwa is the one who manages everyone and makes sure no one gets lost when they go to awards shows
matsukawa and hanamaki were trainees that came in later and they became friends because they were roommates
hanamaki saw matsukawa taping printed out pictures of memes on the wall beside his bed and immediately knew they would be friends for life
and they were
they're notorious for sneaking food into their dorms and also picking on oikawa
they're kind of like an inseparable duo especially since hanamaki is on vocals and matsukawa is on rap
they have a lot of onstage moments and fans love how playful they are
they kind of improvise a bit sometimes when it comes to dance moves which makes washijo want to pull his hair out but fans like it so :/
they're the oldest members but they still call iwa and oikawa 'mom and dad'
they like doing weird shit to hanamaki's hair and taking videos of it 
the ‘what’s a contract? never heard of it’ duo basically 
yahaba's like the resident beautiful guy apart from oikawa
his voice is really melodious and he's often the one harmonizing with the high part
also sUCH a fLIRT
camera: *is directed at him*
yahaba: *blows a kiss*
matsuhana try to get him into their pranks on oikawa but he's too much of a goody two shoes
likes to film his skincare routine for the fans
secretly oikawa’s favorite junior
kyoutani auditioned for CROWN because he thought they were forming a hip-hop group or something edgy but no he was put into KING and he has to be around softies
he was desperate to get kicked out at first until iwa convinced him that he could still keep his look
they gave up on making him smile or look bright on cameras and said that if he's going to glare at least make it sexy
only listens to iwa and always stands next to iwa during award shows 
kindaichi and kunimi are their most treasured juniors and they'll do anything to protect them
both of them are vocalists and even though they don't often sing the melodies or hit the high notes, they're great harmonizing
actually knew of kageyama back in their auditioning days and were lowkey jealous of him
kindaichi is the sweetest junior he's always the one giving the members water and making sure they're alright
kunimi just silently observes the entire time and barely says anything but he'll often approach iwa for pointers when it comes to dancing
they were super young when they debuted and attended high school together in between practice
their seniors surprised them by coming to their graduation and even performing at the ceremony
both of them aren't as good as their fellow members yet but kindaichi works hard to be able to earn a few more lines in their songs
kunimi doesn't show much effort but he secretly likes to learn songwriting and music production because his dream is for KING to perform one of his songs
FALCON - shiratorizawa
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another group that debuted about a year or two before KING
it is a POWERHOUSE of talent
also pretty much the OG group for most fans that inspired other upcoming groups
a lot of their concepts are centered around a mature gentleman image
idk what im saying but i'd compare them to super junior pretty much
they also do a lot of edgy concepts
ushijima's the leader of the group plus main rapper
he was actually inspired to become a rapper after watching another idol's performance
tbh he never expected to debut with a group but he had grown attached to some of his fellow trainees
he's also really talented at writing and producing songs
super stoic, even in front of the camera, but fans love his attempts at humor
tendou's like their main dancer and rapper
when he was younger people said his dancing looked weird because tendou could do those really cool, almost jerky movements
when washijo saw his audition tape he was like 'hmm we could use that'
thats because FALCON is super big on choreography, especially the ones that look like all the members are creating this huge other thing just by using movement
tendou pretty much leads the dance breaks all the time and he looks super serious and intense
he likes saying the most random, funny things during interviews
sometimes you'll catch him dancing by himself when they’re just waiting for results in award shows
so many conspiracy videos as to whether or not tendou has joints
now we have our shirabu kenjiro
this boy is like a prodigy he was destined to be recruited by CROWN and to end up in FALCON
the more i spell out these names the more i see how absurd they all look i'm sorry
tendou likes to call him his 'beloved junior'
he's as serious as ushiwaka is but with sASS
is known for sassing out interviewers and show hosts when he can tell that they're making up bullshit and now everyone's scared of him
he's main vocals and visuals
his voice is like a really nice baritone and he's very powerful with his singing that people don't question whether or not he lipsyncs
actually gets the most lines in their group
he likes to challenge the limits of his contract and even cut his own bangs and that's why they're Like That
he ended up getting chewed out by washijo for it
ya boi semisemi is out here being a dAncE gOD
he can learn choreography really quickly and in variety shows the hosts always challenge him to learn another group's choreo by looking at it once
so far he has not lost
everyone in his team cheers him on
also basically the group's main choreographer. he'll lowkey get mad at someone who forgot the choreo but teach them anyway
interacting with fans makes him so happy and soft he treasures every letter he receives and likes giving out gifts during fanmeets
he keeps his room really neat and likes to display the presents he receives from fans
also main vocalist in the group but just gets a line or two
his real skill though are opening dance performances during music award shows
he, tendou, and goshiki slay every opening performance and its amazing
reon is the last main rapper of the group and basically The Mom of the group
he's the one calming everyone down and checking up with people before they perform
his rapping sounds really smooth and very close to how he speaks normally so he shines most in the b-side tracks of their album
he had a lot of struggles passing auditions because most companies would discriminate because of appearance but washijo saw a lot of potential in him
he likes to speak out about the discrimination in terms of appearance in the music industry
everyone in FALCON supports him
lastly we have goshiki the precious little maknae of the group
everyone dotes on him because he was a skinny child when he debuted with the group
goshiki's like the legendary maknae who could do pretty much anything
he's main vocalist, dancer, and visuals
when he started out he was always super active and full of initative as a trainee
he trained super hard just to debut with FALCON because he looks up to ushijima
like shirabu, he gets a ton of lines and sings a lot during the chorus
when he graduated everyone from FALCON attended and he treated them all too lunch
after every comeback tendou's jus like 'our little baby goshiki is growing up'
i basically wrote him as jungkook from bts didn't i?
additional hc’s for funsies
oikawa was actually supposed to debut much earlier with FALCON but he had grown attached to his fellow trainees (iwa and matsuhana) and wanted to be in a group with them
FALCON and KING have a small rivalry ongoing to see who can get the most views in one day during every comeback video that the members do all these crazy things to get their fans to stream their comebacks
one of them was matsuhana promising to release a rare picture of kyoutani smiling 
FALCON has Boardgame Fridays where they just play boardgames all night and it’s super fun and precious because goshiki gets super competitive
also all of his seniors tried to get him drunk after his graduation and goshiki did in fact get drunk and ended up spilling some secrets about how shirabu cuts his bangs on instagram live
FALCON and KING love having dance-off sessions with each other and the music they always choose is ‘Crazy in Love’ from the White Chicks movie
the reon and semi have a mukbang series on instagram live and sometimes yahaba and kindaichi join in
ushijima allegedly wrote and produced a song about the joy of farming but washijo rejected it from appearing on the album because it was weird but thanks to tendou spilling about it, fans demanded to hear the song and ushijima performed it in one of their concerts
kunimi also wrote a song about that was supposedly about a loving a bad boy despite being a nice girl and when people asked what his inspiration was he just said ‘kyouhaba’ 
haikyuu!! music idol au series: karasuno vers., seijoh and shiratorizawa vers., nekoma and fukurodani vers.
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daisylincs · 4 years
Author Interview Tag
Tagged By: so, long story short... these tags happened right as I was getting super busy with end-of-the-year-craziness, and I completely didn't see them until I was re-scrolling through all my mentions on Tumblr recently. So the people who initially tagged me have probably forgotten they even did (🤣😬🤦‍♀️) but my my count, they would be: @loved-the-stars-too-fondly, @libbyweasley, @aleksandrachaev, and @everythingirl44. Thank you very much indeed, all of you!! This looks like an absolutely amazing challenge, late as I may be to it.
Name: Lily
Fandom(s): Agents of SHIELD (TV) and Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Where You Post: AO3, and the occasional drabble/prompt fill to Tumblr - which, upon consideration, I should probably collect on AO3 🤔
Most Popular Oneshot: for Spideychelle, and overall too, apparently it's my, my, just how much I missed you, my surprisingly angsty (but with a hopeful ending) ten-years-post-FFH fic for Day 4 of Spideychelle Week.
For AoS, it's time can break your heart, have you begging please which, to be entirely 100% honest with you, I completely forgot I wrote in the first place 🤣🙈 It's post-7x10 angst on... that 7x10 and very spoilery death, with some Dousy hurt/comfort. Apparently, Dousy hurt/comfort is the rage, so... that's cool, I suppose.
Most Popular Multichapter Fic: just a few weeks ago, I would have responded with something like, "multichap? Me? As if 😳😅" But now... well, I'm actually posting my first multi-chapter fic later today, so we'll see how that goes!!
Favourite Story You've Written So Far: oh, gosh, that's a really, really hard one!! I've really, really enjoyed almost everything I've written, so picking is going to be very tough cookies xD
For AoS, I think I'm going to go for take my hand, take my whole life too, which is one of the first few things I wrote, but still holds a very special place in my heart, because I felt that it was a fic I could really be proud of, you know? Plus, it made me feel ridiculously soft and shippy-happy throughout the writing process. Plus plus, it has an absolutely stunning banner created by the amazing @ughfitz, which still touches me a lot, because I'd never had such a beautiful banner made before and askjgddfshhdhh it's just perfect.
I'm also very partial to july second, the birthday fic I wrote for @doctorofaos - because Hunter's point of view, it turns out, is ridiculously fun to write, and I had an absolute ball. The whole arc - a surprise birthday party for Daisy, and some team bonding/family fluff - just really works for me, too.
Another one that has to go on this list is hold out your hand, 'cause friends will be friends, my DaisyMack Soulmates BroTP, because that one is my amazing wife @aleksandrachaev's favourite, and it melts my heart so much to hear how much she likes it. 💜
Then lastly, for Spideychelle, my favourite thing I've written is quintessential spideychelle, no contest - it's a Roommates AU and my birthday gift for @eowima, and all the bonding those two dorks do over Lucifer and fandom in general brings me endless delight.
My Aladdin AU, now when did you last let your heart decide, will also always hold a special place in my heart, because it's the first really long thing I wrote. I put a ton of effort into it, and, well, I still think it's kinda fab.
(also I'm so sorry for the relentless self-plug that turned into, oh my God, apparently I'm just that indecisive and love talking that much. I apologise once again)
Fic You Were Nervous To Post: Aubrey, high-five! Because one of the things I was definitely the most freaked out for was that is good, my first-ever Quakerider fic and birthday gift for @acerobbiereyes. The response to that turned out to be overwhelmingly positive, though, and I have even made promises to venture into Quakerider-land again 🥰
I was also a little stressed for we love you, we love you, and we hope you love we too, which was my first-ever polyship fic - Fitzskimmons and cute notes for the fluff bingo - and something I also dedicated to the amazing @bobbimorseisbisexual. Also the formatting for this thing was HELL, and computers and I do not get along, so I was in cold sweats that it wouldn't work and fail on me completely... but, no, it worked, and the wonderful response to it too, very much melted my heart 🥺💖
How You Choose Your Titles: song lyrics. Almost always song lyrics. And if it's not song lyrics, it's a quote of some kind - it just works for me, and I actually find it fun to go hunt for something that works. Maybe I'm weird, but I actually do love it xD
Do You Outline? absolutely, yes - in fact, a great many of the things in my WIPs folder are solely outlines, or even just the beginnings of outlines. I find that outlines are a really good way to save your ideas if you don't have time to write them out properly, so you can come back months later and be all, "what the hell I'm actually so clever." (or, y'know, occasionally, "what the hell can the earth come swallow me up." But let's go with the cleverness 🤣👌)
In Progress:
... I think it's better that we don't talk about my WIPs folder, which, as most people who know anything about me can tell you, is an utter mess, and more than a little insane. (If you don't believe me, check it out here - I bet you do now, right?)
Out of that monstrosity, I'm currently working on numbers 20, 64, 192 and 174, which would be my Skimmons Hallmark Rom-Com, and fics for my three Secret Santas - Spideychelle, Fitzsimmons, and then one for the AoS Secret Santa whose pairing is, in delightfully SHIELD style, classified until the 24th of December.
Then in the very background, I'm also writing some Pipsy, Fitzsimmons and plat!Diper for the fluff bingo yes which I have still not finished I'm awful I know, and I'm going to make my lateness a liiiitle better by passing them of as gifts for my friends. I do love my friends very much, though, so that's more than fair I think 🥺💜
My Complete AO3: ta!
Do You Accept Prompts? yes, always! I have this plan in the back of my mind of gathering up all the prompt lists I've got saved to my drafts and doing like a masterpost/mass prompt request thing, but I'll leave that for a little later yet, because goodness knows I have enough to finish 🙈 In the meantime, though, if there's anything you'd really like to see me write, I'd be just thrilled to do it for you! It'll definitely take me a couple of months to actually get to it, but if you don't mind the wait, then yes, absolutely, I'm your girl! 💖
Upcoming Work That You're Most Excited About: oooooof, another tough one, but I'm very much looking forward to posting the first chapter of my Skimmons Hallmark Rom-Com, which I'm going to do later today!!
Then there's also my three Secret Santas - though I'm not particularly religious, the idea of a gift fic exchange brings me endless glee and I cannot wait to see what my giftees think! I also can't wait to get my own gifts, too, of course... ;) Oh, it's just going to be so much FUN!!
Tagging: well, everyone did this a couple of weeks months ago, so I'm not actually going to tag anyone - but if you see this and think it's cool, by all means go ahead and say I tagged you! 😍 Also, have a very big virtual hug, all of you, and thank you so much for reading through all my blathering!! 💜💖
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Introduction Post!!!
Hey everyone! I figure that now that I have a Tumblr account, I should introduce myself to my fellow Tumblr users. Because why not??
First of all, I don’t think it’s too hard to ask to not be a douchebag, so don’t be one. Plain and simple. Secondly, I am staying away from politics on this blog, because I (as well as many others) use Tumblr for escapism. I don’t want to bog Tumblr down with real life stuff. 
Okay, now the fun stuff!! :D
Reading - I've been a big reader since I was 2/3 years old. When I was younger, one of the biggest things you could do to piss me off was to not like reading (TBH, it still pisses me off a l’il if people don’t like to read, but I’ve been working on trying not to get as annoyed by it - after all, respect people’s opinions). Have a book rec for me? Want a book rec from me? Let me know! WE COULD FORM A VIRTUAL BOOK CLUB
Musical Theater - in love with Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Heathers, and Six (which is criminally underrated, BTW). I’m kinda mixed on Be More Chill. 
My friends actually deterred me from musical theater because they quoted/sung/talked about Hamilton NON-STOP (I promise I’m not this annoying) - Cut to Hamilton dropping on Disney+, and now I’m Hamiltrash
Dear Evan Hansen was the first musical I actually got obsessed with after reading the novelization.
Saw a “Candy Store” and then “Beautiful” animatic & now I’m part of the Heathers fandom
Heard Annapantsu’s cover of “All You Wanna Do,” thought Six sounded interesting, heard the Aimie Atkinson version, fell in love. Then heard “Don’t Lose Ur Head” on Spotify - Became a hardcore fan after hearing those two songs 
I wanted to like Be More Chill because out of all the musicals, the plot of BMC sounded the most interesting. I like some of the songs (mainly “Be More Chill Pt. 1,” “A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into,” “Michael in the Bathroom,” and “The Smartphone Hour [Rich Set a Fire]”), and everyone’s (both OG Cast & Broadway) vocals are great, but a lot of the songs aren’t doing it for me
Musicals to get into: Beetlejuice, Mean Girls (I enjoy “Meet the Plastics” though), Hadestown
Animation (too bad I can’t draw) - say what you want about Disney not putting in any effort with their movies anymore (live-action remakes and garbage sequels, I’m looking at you), Disney TVA is still as great as ever (and other non-Disney animated shows are obviously great as well) Animated fandoms:
Kim Possible
Phineas & Ferb
Gravity Falls
DuckTales 2017
Tangled: The Series
Mickey Mouse (2013)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Dragon Prince
The Amazing World of Gumball
Wanna get into Hilda, BoJack, She-Ra, & Amphibia
Other TV shows! - currently watching Community (which is like my comfort show) and Middleditch & Schwartz. Also started Anne with an E (it’s better than books, which I already thought were pretty awesome?? That almost never happens??). Wanna get into the Schur-verse as well (Parks & Rec, The Good Place, Brooklyn 99)
Mythology!! - gotta be honest, not a huge fan of Greek (feel like I’m overexposed to it), but Aztec mythology, Incan mythology, Norse mythology, and differing myth systems of Africa/Polynesia/Native Americans? Yes please! And since I’m Hindu, I’ve been raised on lots of Hindu epics & myths, so I’ve got kind of a bias towards Hindu mythology as well. Know any fun myths? Lemme know! Let’s chat!!
Random stuff/misc. - trivia (love Trivia Crack, part of Scholastic Bowl); recently started writing short stories (both fanfic and not fanfic); also Disney (hate the company’s policies, but I still follow literally everything regarding their upcoming projects and find easter eggs/trivia in/about each of their movies); podcasts (listening to The Darkest Timeline with Ken Jeong and Joel McHale - same with the books/myths, if y’all got any more podcast recs for me, let me know!); Among Us; chocolate
Okay, so.
I was gonna do a dislikes section, but that’s no fun. Also, this post is long enough, and it’s a quarter till eleven right now and I have to get ready early tomorrow. So, I’m just gonna post this as it is - I hope you got to know me better! Hopefully I can come back and edit it, lol, because knowing me I definitely forgot a lot of stuff
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buttercupbuck · 4 years
fic writer interview
Tagged by @from-nova @paranoidbean @letitialewiss @madamewriterofwrongs and @tylerhunklin ily guys <33 
Name(s): alicia (gracieli)
Fandom(s): 911 
Where you post: tumblr and ao3
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) Overall/this year: strong are the threads, which makes me happy bc i really enjoyed that one
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) Overall/This Year:  i’ve only got one, so by default it’s in a week 
Favorite story you've written so far: probably in a week! i’m very fond of writing soft boys in meadows, but it’s also been my least favorite in terms of actually having to write and put effort into it, so there’s that 
Fic you were nervous to post: guaranteed - it was the first fic i’d ever written within a decade+ of being an avid fanfic writer, and it was just...so hard. everything felt super stiff and transitions were (and still are) a killer, so yeah 
How do you choose your titles?: always song lyrics/titles
Do you outline?: i’ve only outlined for my longer fics, like in a week or the palm springs au, but i really should just do it for all of them bc it helps a lot 
Complete: on ao3 i have 13 complete rn, but there are still some drabbles from here that i still have to upload 
In-Progress: 5! i really don’t like having too many wips at a time or else it just feels too overwhelming
Coming soon/not yet started: for the 911 christmas calendar event, i’m writing an alternate meeting holiday au for buddie. the rest are also aus, like the palm springs au and mamma mia au 
Prompts?: sure! i can’t really promise anything, but i’m always open to ideas 
Upcoming work you're most excited about: probably the holiday au, or palm springs au! 
tagging: @softboiidiaz @woodchoc-magnum @starlightbuck @agentlemuse @adamngoodbuck @yawnralphio
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