#i haven't seen lone star yet
whim-prone-pirate · 10 months
i need some good longfic recs please!!! preferably low/no smut, if you have a really good rec that does have smut just let me know when u link it :3 the fandoms i read for are in the tags🫶
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amaranthineghost · 10 months
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you don't want him to go (first person)
her love language is biting, but experiences a feeling of insecurity (third person)
he can't stand her, but he can't keep his eyes off her (third person)
she feels lonely without the company of lando (third person)
they hadn't planned for pregnancy, but it changed their life (third person)
feeling loved is foreign to her, she wants to self sabotage, but he won't let her (third person)
their relationship is dying while their love burns strong, yet they're unsure if they can save themselves (third person)
they hadn't seen each other in months after their breakup, which left them in more misery than they thought. because now they'll do anything to make it work (third person)
how lando spends the holiday season with his girlfriend (third person)
lando and his girlfriend try special chocolate and make it a competition to see who will lose first, and he's struggling to resist the urge to touch her (third person)
their love is toxic, but they keep coming back even when they know they shouldn’t (third person)
he loved her, but knew he had to let her go even if it killed him inside. still he left a paper trail back to him (third person)
a little over half a year later when the season ended, they haven't found their way back. At least not on purpose, but the universe knows better than them (third person)
to commemorate the sight in front of him, he snaps a picture on his phone without realizing he's just posted it for millions to see (third person).
after lando and margarida were seen in public together, she isn't sure that her feelings were reciprocated by the brit. despite having been friends with benefits for months, swearing they wouldn't develop feelings, they seemed to have failed (third person).
your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. just when you begin to lose hope, a big truck pulls up in front of you and out hops two country boys to help you get your car up and running again (second person).
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
What Kim Rok Soo probably thinks about Cale Henituse
Okay, so I mentioned that I'm rereading the first part now so I can finally read the second part of the novel.
While reading, I noticed how calm and normal Kim Rok Soo is about Cale. Like yeah, he finds him amusing and interesting, but coming from a man who has read five volumes and notices (and remembers) every little detail about it, it makes me wonder what he truly thinks about Cale Henituse.
[✋Possible SPOILERS for the first part of TCF ✋]
As I reread the story in the first few chapters, despite how little Cale Henituse's importance is in The Birth of a Hero or how few his appearances are since it focuses on Choi Han's adventure, Kim Rok Soo somehow describes moments that make Cale look like trash but it's like he understands why the noble was like that before they switched bodies (except for the Harris village since he didn't know about that until OG Cale mentions it).
Like think about it. We all know KRS grew up with his abusive uncle. He knows how bad it is to live with an alcoholic but he doesn't judge Cale's antics when he's "drunk". We also know that he's been alone most of his life so he probably thinks that Cale is just a lonely person because of his reputation.
Guessing that there are some assholes during the apocalypse (I haven't read the side stories yet but I can guess), he probably thinks that Cale is more complex than what he shows in the books because he has seen the worst kind of people that makes Cale look like a normal person. After switching bodies, Venion, White Star, Arm, and Adin are definitely 1000% worse than Cale.
Kim Rok Soo is very sharp when it comes to understanding people. He understands Choi Han and Alberu's problems and understands the trauma the kids went through. He also understands how corrupt nobles and priests are and doesn't judge Mary and the Dark Elves all because of a stupid religion. He understands how hard it was for Lock during the war and was comforting about it his own weird way.
He's a perceptive and understanding person.
Although he's incredibly bad at judging himself, he's good at judging a person through their motives and actions. It's why he somehow befriends Toonka and Bud. It's why he became allies with Hannah and Fredo. It's why he quietly listens to DHB later on. He understands people and it's why people like and trust him.
In short, he knows that there's something more than what the books say about Cale Henituse.
It's kind of the reason why it made me pause a bit when he finally meets OG Cale.
Their conversation was so calm, it's as if they knew each other for a very long time instead of just literally a few minutes ago. He easily accepted what OG Cale has to say about his mother and his new life as Kim Rok Soo and he trusts him with his former team. Like I've mentioned before in my other post, he's happy for both of them because they're both content with their new lives despite their regrets in their last lives.
Cale looked at Kim Rok Soo, who was laughing and making gestures that he would never have made, and nonchalantly added on.
“I guess you’ve really been happy.”
He recalled the moment he met with Lee Soo Hyuk and got the ‘Embrace’ ability.
Lee Soo Hyuk had handed Cale the ability and told him about the real Cale Henituse as he disappeared.
‘Oh, by the way, the original owner of your body is living well too. He’s happy. That is why Jung Soo, I, and everybody is happy.’
Kim Rok Soo had a bright smile that suited a twenty-year-old person and not someone in his mid-thirties.
- Chapter 656: Everything can be connected
I'm guessing that when he read the parts about Cale throwing bottles at a random asshole in the books, he probably thought that he might do the same thing. Remember how badly he reacted when he learned about the slaves being sent to the Empire? He basically used the same tactic but instead of throwing the bottle at someone, he drank a lot because of how pissed he was and made it look like the "trash" he is while waiting for everyone's signal.
He even has some thoughts about how annoyed he is whenever the knights or butlers would flinch away since he knows Cale never tried to actually harm them. And he knows about Cale's troubles with the staff back home in the Henituse territory.
So yeah, it's pretty sweet in a way that Cale Henituse has someone who kind of understands him and won't judge him for his actions even though Kim Rok Soo doesn't know everything about him because of the books (like his conversation with Basen).
“It looks like you will need to struggle a little longer, but anyway, live well. Please take care of my family.”
“Please take care of my team members.”
Both men let go of each other’s hand with a small amount of sorrow visible in their eyes.
- Chapter 657: Everything can be connected
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draco-after-dark · 9 months
Feral JD!!! I love this kinda stuff, and you already got some awesome art for it! I’ve been appreciating John Dory more and more lately, so it’s cool to find all the AUs
Got any specific scenarios you’ve been thinking about for him? Love to hear anything about it.
I also wonder about when he discovered he couldn’t read anymore, was he nonplussed? Disappointed? Didn’t realize it happened? How’d his brother figure it out and would they go about teaching him again?
I appreciate you! ✨💜👍 have a good day!
I'm having so much fun building his world out
I actually have a few scenarios in the works now and some mini comic ideas too, Just gotta finish them :]
The reading thing is actually an interesting point. To be honest it wasn't something I initial thought to hard about but now that you brought it up. Here are some thoughts I had on it.
(Also sorry this kinda long I got a bit carried away woops)
not being able to read does come as a shock to JD when he first realizes, It takes him a bit to come to terms with it and when he does realize its a "Shit, I really am a failure." kind of mentality.
Since he was just out in the wilderness reading and writing wasn't something he need to do, it was all about survival for him so something so simple as that never crossed his mind as a skill he could lose.
Not being able to sing/talk just sort of sprouted from when he turned grey and fully integrated himself to being alone, Truly alone. Just being by himself he never had a reason to speak, so eventual the years added up and he just couldn't figure out how to speak.
So I always figured Clay would be the first one to figure out that JD can't read. For some context JD has been away from any type of society for several years if not a whole decade at this point. just by himself out in the wilderness wander around from place to place. So loneness has set in hard and he hasn't had a conversation with someone since being on his own.
JD tends to approach his brothers when their on there own or hanging out with each other. He tends to avoid large crowds and sticks to the outskirts of pop village unless there is immediate danger within the village. They had a spider incident a week ago but JD dealt with that real quick. The village still has pretty mixed options on allowing him to stay but considering the brothers haven't even been able to get JD to come inside branch's bunker yet. It's not something the they have really considered or cared about yet.
Also for Clay figuring out JD cant read it would probably go something like this...
Being in a book club Clay can often be found reading books around pop village. So when its a beautiful sunny day. He decides that it's the perfect time to catchup on his latest book. That quickly becomes wishful thinking however when he feels the brush of fur against his arm. He's surprised to see John Dory crouched next to him head tilted leaning into his personal space. Just sort of staring at his book with a curious look on his face. He's not interacted this close to JD yet on his own, usually he only makes an appearance if Floyd or Branch are around. So being on his own with John so close makes him pretty nervous. Especially since previous interacts between the two of them haven't been the best. John may or may not have tried to attack him and Bruce at their first interaction. It was quite a shock to all the brothers when they discovered that not only Floyd but also John Dory had been kidnapped by the pop star wannabes. If Clay's being honest he didn't believe Floyd when he first told them that John Dory was still trapped some where in the dressing rooms. It didn't make any sense to him. Why would they keep leave John backstage for their big performance. Unless they had already sucked him dry of his talent. What they actually discovered Clay could have never seen coming. Their brother, their oldest brother was practically unrecognizable, In both behavior and colour. He still thinks about when they found him in that room huddled in the corner. The terrify snarl that came from him when they tried to get close. Heck. he didn't even know a troll could make such a noise. So what was he doing here with him now?
"Uh . . . hi?" Clay asked curiously his voice wavering slightly.
He could see John's ear tilt towards him so he must have heard him and was at least listening. Hopefully.
"what uh . . . what brings you here today?"
A low deep rumbled sounded out from John's throat has he lifted his hand nearest to the book and brought it closer to himself. Eyes flickering across the page. To Clay it looked as if he was trying to read the pages so without a word he tilted the book more towards JD and waited. Just watching him. As seconds turned into minutes he could feel the frustration growing inside his brother, from the way his brows knitted together, to the way he kept getting closer to the book. Like if he looked harder, tried harder it would all make sense. That was when it clicked.
He cant read. Clay thought.
He can barely talk, if grumbling even counts as talking. Can't read and chances are he cant write anymore ether.
With a scoff John shoves the book away from himself slides down from the rock to sit on the grassy earth below.
Clay felt odd. He wasn't sure what he was feeling. Pity? Hurt? No that wasn't quite right. Emptiness? A sense of loss? A mix of everything he guessed.
He never really considered how John must be feel. That it must be . . . frustrating. Not just being alone for so long that he unconsciously forgot things that always seemed so, basic. Normal to everyone. That writing and singing songs came so natural to all of them. That the once self-proclaimed leader of Brozone couldn't even read his own lyrics anymore. He could never imagine not being able to read again. Being left unable to communicate even the simplest of things, but here John was. Going through all that. Practically alone. Clay frowned well he stared down at his once proud brother and then a flicker of hope flashed through his eyes.
". . ."
"Do you want to read again?"
His ear perked up at that and his head quickly flipped back to Clay. An unreadable look in his eyes.
"I could teach you, to read, write, to talk again?"
He see the thoughts swirling through his eyes, the hope, that became to spark but that quickly disappeared as he sank back down towards the grass. I look of sadness crossing over his face as he began to fiddle with his claws.
"Do you not want to learn how to read again?" Clay aske bewilders
John huffed and stared at him with an unamused face
"well why then?"
John glanced to the side and gestured in way "carry on" sort of way.
"I don't understand."
John gave him a deadpan stare and flung his head to the side letting out a deep sigh.
Clay was thoroughly confused. what was he missing, what wasn't ne understanding. This was his brother, his older, former bossy, arrogant, obsessed older brother. So Clay wanted to try something. Something he had done in years.
"What, are you still to cocky to let your little brother teach you a thing or two?"
He huffed again, but this time it sounded more like a light chuckle followed by a quick eyeroll and after a few seconds John stared at him, one eyebrow raised like he was saying "are you serious right now?"
"So your telling me you'd rather sit on grass and feel sorry for yourself rather then spend time with your younger brother?"
Oh ya, That hit a nerve. If there was one thing John cared about it was his family, Family was apart of him and it always had been. His greatness strength and weakness. Something Clay figured out real quick when they were younger trollings. John must have felt as offended as he looked because next thing clay new he had already stood up and hoped right back up on the rock beside him.
"Same old Dory"
To which John responded by giving his brothers shoulder a shove and jerked his head towards the book down in Clay's hands.
"okay okay, will start with the basics . . ."
Don't know how in character this is for Clay but I tried guys. So yeah that's my thoughts so hopefully this makes sense.
Also if any Fanfic people out there stumble across this and start thinking they want to give try at writing some stuff for the Feral boi please do I would LOVE to read it. Like tag me please so I can read it and draw it.
Anyway imma go to bed byeeeeeee
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Seungmin x Gnreader (POC FREE)
Genre: light angst with a happy ending (something like that). Hurt and comfort.
Summary: Having an idol boyfriend has been so difficult that you two wouldn't have time to be together, even in his free time he always busy. You started to overthink; overthinking the fact he doesn't have time for you at all and using his "free day" times as an excuse to not be with you anymore. Almost like he doesn't have time for you. You made you feel lonely.
Warning: slight (?) Arguments, Stress out Seungmin, Overthinking Reader, Anxiety, Misunderstanding (?), cursing, they need to hang out more until things turn bad!! Didn't really proof read so grammar and spelling might be ass along with my memory.
Please reblog, like and/or comment if you can! I love the support! Thank you!
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It was lonely. Very lonely.
You sat down on the grey couch staring at the clock that was above the television. You and Seungmin live together in a shared apartment making it easier to see each other more...well that's what both of you thought until you haven't seen him for months.
Of course, you know he is a busy man and being a kpop idol would lead him to be absent at home almost everyday, you knew this when he confessed to you, you knew the consequences of dating a kpop idol.
But things felt different, you've been missing his presence, his warmth, everything about it.
The bed felt empty without him.
He used to come home when he is free and of course you two would usually make calls then and there when he is on break but nothing rang your phone besides maybe family members or friends. Even spam calls called you more than Seungmin.
You two felt distant, well you felt distant, you didn't know what Seungmin was feeling.
A month for not being home and you wish everyday that some miracle he does come home with a big small and hugs yet nothing happened.
You even know his schedule since you both have a shared calendar together, you check every time. You know his breaks yet he isn't here or calling you. You knew his free times where he can rest until the next come back but he isn't here or calling you.
You felt almost desperate to the point you watch videos of him. You miss his voice to the point you cried yourself to sleep as the TV plays Seungmin's voice helping you relax.
It felt almost embarrassing, yet you couldn't help it. It's normal to miss your lover, right?
But...does he miss you like you do?
You thought about it plenty of times but you try not to because you hate to let that overthinking stress you out yet you couldn't help it. Why else he wouldn't show up in his free days or even call you.
You two do a test but it felt dry. It's always a simple "Hello" but not "I love you" or "I miss you."
You miss him so much.
You are lonely.
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You continued on staying up, there was no point in sleeping. Even PuppyM couldn't help you sleep like you used to; it wasn't the same.
The clock struck 3, he still wasn't here.
You wonder if he has been sleeping somewhere else. Back to the dorms? Sleeping in someone else's house? Is he cheating on you?
You shook your head, forcing yourself to stop overthinking again and stopping yourself from going to sleep.
That's when you finally heard it, the rattle of the shared apartment opening.
You quickly look in the direction of where the door was to meet with a tired Seungmin wearing a black hoodie and a mask, he lazily took off his shoes replacing it with the slippers and even throwing his keys into the bowl.
You couldn't help but smile as you quickly got up and went up to him to give you a hug but he didn't hug you back.
He muttered a few words, almost like he was annoyed as he nudged you to get off of him. Not wanting to deal with the affection at this time or day.
You let go, feeling sad but still happy that he was back.
"Hey, love, I miss you. How was your busy day?" You softly question but he responded was a groan with a bunch of gibberish as he walks to the couch, sitting himself down as he placed his hands to cover his face.
"You must be very tired, luckily you have a break day tomorrow so we can hang out more an-"
"Can you please shut the fuck up."
You stood there confused as you quickly shut your mouth. Ignore the pain in your chest from his harsh tone.
"God, you are so annoying, can't you see i'm tired. I don't have any energy to talk or even deal with affection. Jeez..." He scratches his head, messing his hair around as he glares at you.
"I-i'm sorry? I just haven't seen you for months, you haven't been coming here in your free days and haven't been calling me around your break days at least once. Of course I'll act like this..."
You fiddle your fingers around, not knowing what to do.
"Get used to it then. Not everyone is free, even on my break or free days I'm not free. Can't you understand? I don't have time for this or you!" His voice is getting louder, clearly pissed off.
His words repeat in your head as you feel yourself shaking a bit.
"Seungmin, you don't mean that right? Don't have time for me? You did though. Even your members seem to have time for me to text me around their breaks but you're the only one who isn't....it doesn't make sense..."
You softly said, as you rub your arm to calm yourself.
Seungmin gets irritated as he gets up from the couch, muttering more of how he doesn't have time for this nonsense.
"You are so damn clingy, just because my members are free doesn't equal everyone. Fuck, shut up! I just knew being in a relationship is a bad idea, I don't need this!"
He shouts, not processing the words he saying until he quickly becomes quiet.
You stood there as you finally broke down crying.
"So you regret being in a relationship, I just miss you! I'm even worried as well...don't you miss me as well? Do you think of me like how I think of you?"
Seungmin doesn't respond as he just walks away to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
You couldn't believe it.
Maybe you were right.
You quickly change your slippers to your shoes and grab your keys as you walk out of the shared bedroom not wanting to deal with him, you need a break just how he needs a break to be with you.
Yet, he couldn't commit to that.
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You have been ignoring his calls and text.
Every time you unlock your phone, you always see a new message from him.
Few messages talking about where you were, how he misses you and how sorry he was but you don't know if he actually meant it.
You were too clingy for him.
Like you were bothering him.
You power off your phone as you stay at your friend's house, an old college friend. You didn't tell them what happened, all they know is that you need to stay with them just for a few weeks or more depending how difficult the situation will be.
It was nice for a while but you still felt lonely.
You were too stubborn to go back and talk to him.
Your mind kept racing with thoughts that he could move on to find someone better, someone who can tolerate and commit to him and maybe commit to that person. Well, if he finds time for that.
You were hungry and wanted to make a meal but the ingredients you needed wasn't there so you went out to go grocery shopping.
It felt windy but nice outside. It was a bit dark but you can handle yourself.
You walk to the closest grocery store, grabbing your cart and going around, looking for the stuff you needed.
You look around until you find the item you were looking for, as you were about to grab it, someone else touched your hand making you back away.
"Oh, sorry, you can grab it if you like..." You said as you look up to see Seungmin who was staring back at you in shock.
You both dared not to say anything.
You felt relief in your buddy, almost wanting to hug him but stopped yourself as you grabbed what you needed and speed walked out. Not looking behind you.
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You maybe should've checked the weather.
You were outside of the grocery store, holding one bag as you felt the hard raindrops hitting your clothes.
You sighed.
As you were about to walk back to your friend's house, an umbrella was placed on top of you. You looked up to see who it was. It was Seungmin.
Seungmin looked away awkwardly.
"I know you hate getting sick..." He mutters.
You just stared at him as he finally looks back at you.
"Um, can we talk?"
You sighed then nodded as you both walked to the park, it was silent other than crickets making small annoying noises.
"I know you are mad at me, you probably still are but can you please come back home. I miss you so much and I regret everything I said. I was just stressed out with work! Of course I think about you a lot, I miss you hugs, your kisses, your laughter. I was just so worked up in this comeback I just can't seem to go home. I shouldn't have lashed my anger at you. I know I fucked up real bad but please..."
You watch Seungmin tear up, as he keeps on apologizing.
"Seungmin, you said that you didn't have time for me, you regret being in a relationship and how clingy I am. You literally hurt me."
He nods, agreeing with everything you said.
"Yes, I know but trust me, I was just stressed but I promise you I'll commit into our relationship more. Please, just don't break up with me. I can't lose you." Seungmin cries out to you.
You think, hesitate on what to do.
You hated being lonely.
You miss him.
You love him.
You and him.
Yet you were scared that it would happen again and again. You were scared that he wouldn't commit to it like he said right now.
"Please, I'm sorry..."
You sighed, smiling a bit as you slowly hugged him. Seungmin quickly hugs you back. Latching inti your waist.
"Seungmin, you have to be true to your words. I'm scared that it will happen again..."
You felt Seungmin shaking his head.
"Believe me, if I ever become stressed again, I promise I wouldn't shout at you. Let's hang out, let's make out, let's hold hands or whatever. I love you."
You chuckled a bit as you felt yourself crying as well as you look at the sky, watching the bright stars as more rain pour down into both of you.
"You better. Now take me home, I'm hungry."
Seungmin smiles at you as you both walk away, leaving your friend confused on why you haven't come back yet.
Besides that, you're not lonely anymore.
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Hope you all enjoyed it, this was very long I'm not gonna lie. Anyways, Cya!
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xomakara · 1 year
A Heavenly Night
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SUMMARY |  In which Jaemin takes you out on a date. But as friends? Tired of being friend-zoned, you confess your feelings. Little did you know that he felt the same way. PAIRINGS | Jaemin/Fem!Reader GENRE |  Friends to lovers, romantic?, fluff, soft, smut, general perversion RATING |  Mature LENGTH | 4,170 words AUTHOR’S NOTE |  I said "fuck it, I'm writing a Jaemin oneshot." And here it is. I know it's not as smutty compared to the DIY series with Jeno but I hope you all enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. I need to write more soft yet smutty stories lolol.
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"The boys told me that you wouldn't say no. So… Get your pretty black dress on. You're going on a date with me!"
You looked at the text message you received from your best friend of many years and grimaced. A date with him of all people.
You: You're joking right? Nana: Why would I be joking? We're going on a date. You: Seriously? Who are you and what have you done with Jaemin? Nana: I suddenly have the courage to ask you on a date and you don't want to? You: I never said that! But really, is this you? Nana: Oh c'mon Y/N. Let's just go hang out for old time sake. You: ...fine. But you better treat me to something uber fancy.
You shook your head and stared at your phone for the longest. What was up with him? Na Jaemin never, NEVER, asked you out on a date before. For as long as you have known him, he only wanted to hang out as long as your other friends were around.
You sighed and wondered what that weirdo was doing the last few months. You had been childhood friends with Jaemin for quite a long time but you both haven't seen each other lately due him being busy. You'd sometimes stop by the practice room, you being a stylist for the company, and would just hang around to watch them.
Sometimes you'd just say hi and talk to the other members of NCT.
Jaemin didn't know it, but you had fallen pretty hard for him. It was as if whenever you saw someone who looked almost like him, you'd burst into a smile and bite your lip and realize that it was just someone who looked like him. Or when he would simply text you a simple good morning greeting or ask you for some advice, you would have some stupid smile on your face. You dropped your shoulders and pouted. 
Geez, what was Na Jaemin doing to make you fall for him?
After replying that he better treat you to a five star restaurant and some high class wine, you went into your closet and dug around in lace and frills to find a black dress. In your search, you managed to find only three in which you threw them on your bed and analyzed them.
"Ugh, what the hell was mom thinking getting me this monstrosity?" Wide-eyed, you poked at the frilly dress etched with tacky baubles and sequins. It looked like a vintage retro dress and was horribly made. "Does she think I live in the '80s or something? This is totally not a look."
Moving on to the next dress, you sighed. This dress had humiliating moments for you. Though it was a fashionable dress with its knee-length hugging skirt and a deep v-cut in front, you couldn't stop the embarrassing wardrobe malfunction that occurred when you were partying with the NCT members for Taeyong’s birthday last year. You ended up flashing your boobs to wide-eyed Kun and Jisung. You weren't going to have that happen again. "Nope. I don't want my tits being ogled by them. And since I have a feeling that he may bring some of the pervs along, I'm not going to take that chance."
You rummaged through your closet once more.
"When did I get this dress?" You blinked. No matter how many times you thought back, you didn't recall getting this dress. It was a sexy, strapless piece that laced up in the back. The skirt was rather short and looked liked it would hug all your curves but shorts would do no harm. 
"Hmm? What's this?"
A little note was attached to the dress:
'You seem a little lonely and tired lately. I'm sorry if I haven't been around lately. Hoping you wear this on our date!'
You rolled your eyes and smiled at the cheesiness of it. Your best friend was sure something. Jaemin actually got you a dress? When did he have the time to plant it in your closet? Putting away the other dresses apart from the third one, you got yourself ready. You couldn't debate if you wanted to wear lace underwear or cotton. 
Or a thong? You didn’t want your panty lines to show.
Maybe no panties would work in this case. But then, you didn’t really want to go commando.
"It's not like he'll see me in my underwear right?" You asked yourself looking in the mirror and telling yourself that even though your best friend was gorgeously hot, you'd never give him certain priorities. "Nah. It’s Jaemin, after all. There’s no way he’d try to get down my pants…well up my skirt."
Ding dong!
"Coming!" You called out as you ran to your front door. Opening it, you were met with the smiling face of NCT's Jaemin.
And his good-looking groupmates.
Like that wasn't a surprise.
"Oh!  You're wearing the dress that Johnny picked out?" Ten asked as he eyed you appreciatively. "It looks really good on you Y/N."
"So Johnny bought it instead. I should've known." You muttered as you smoothed out the little black dress. It definitely was fashionable and Johnny did have some great fashion sense. You gave a small turn and gave a wink to the others. "How do I look then?"
"You look nice!" Renjun gave you a thumbs up.
"It’s sexy." Jaehyun nodded, a grin on his mischievous face. "That's totally your style."
"Besides," You started as you eyed the massive membered group, as you lightly fingered the end of the dress. "How in the world did you stash this in my closet? I gave my spare to Jae— Was it you Jaemin?"
He shook his head fervently. "No...why would you think that?"
"Because you have my spare." You gave him a look that said 'duh you loser'. "Who else would have access to my apartment?"
"Well you see..." Renjun began, "Jeno took it from Jaemin's bag when he wasn't looking and then Mark and Johnny snuck in here."
"The hell, bro?" Mark exclaimed, an exasperated look on his face.
"And this is why I absolutely adore Renjun." You patted the man’s hair. You turned on the two men who came into your apartment and glared, Johnny letting out a small chuckle. " You saw my underwear, didn't you Johnny?!"
"Maybe just a little. You sure have lots of sexy underwear~"
"Oh? What kind?" Jaehyun raised an eyebrow. “Satin? Lace?”
"Really Jaehyun?" You turned on him before kicking his shin. You threw your hands in the air exasperated. "Ugh, who did I piss off in my past life to get this unfair treatment?"
"How Jaemin got her is still a mystery..." Ten whispered to Johnny, who in turn just nodded his head.
"He just got lucky. If she was my best friend..." Renjun mumbled, Mark elbowing him.
"Ugh." You frowned and looked at Jaemin. "Can we go now?"
Nodding his head, Jaemin led you to his car. The other NCT members took the other vehicle that was parked behind Jaemin, the others claiming that they feel more comfortable in the van (and Johnny’s driving) than in Jaemin's sports car. Getting in, you were just a bit disappointed that Jaemin didn't even compliment how you looked. You had more than a crush on him but Jaemin figured that you were just a friend and treated you like one.
Getting into the driver seat and starting the car, Jaemin reached towards the backseat and grabbed a small box, handing it to you. "A present."
"From who? Johnny didn't get it either, did he?"  You asked as you took the small box. You hopefully wished it was from him.
"Open it and you'll see." Jaemin shrugged as he sped off.
Opening it, your eyes widened. You looked at the trinket in the box to the man next to you. "You're kidding right?"
"It's from Taeyong." He muttered as he kept his eye on the road. You were a tad bit sad since it wasn't him who got it for you.
"Oh." Closing the jewelry box, you shifted in your seat and deeply inhaled. You didn't want a gift from Taeyong. You wanted it from Jaemin.
Glancing at you, he noticed that you looked quite down. "You alright? Y/N?"
"I'm fine, Jaemin."
Jaemin raised an eyebrow before looking back at the road. What is he supposed to say now? "You look..."
"Look what?"
"Nice. You look nice."
"Oh." You muttered. "Thank you."
Just nice? Was he really this blind? 
He got silent again and he was trying to rack his brain, thinking of something to say. "Originally, it was just supposed to be me and you going on this date."
Now that was a surprise. 
He usually brought along others since he never wanted to do stuff without them. "Really? Then the others...?"
"Renjun  thought it would've been cool to tag along. And then Mark-hyung got hungry and then the other hyungs all got this weird idea to drag themselves to our date." He said as he stopped at a red light, waiting for it to turn green. "But honestly, it was supposed to be me and you. No lie."
"Are you sure Na Jaemin?" You asked as you played with the box. You didn't want to put on the necklace. Sure it was a gift and it looked really nice but it wasn't from that special someone. "Normally you wouldn't ask me out anywhere. You're always complaining that if we were to go out, I'd be awkward without the guys."
"It wouldn’t be awkward." Jaemin let out a small laugh and you just wanted to strangle him for making your legs go weak from that simple gesture. “At least I wouldn’t think so.”
“Whatever Jaemin.” You rolled your eyes.
"Are you sure you’re okay?" He asked you. You were acting a little different than usual, he noticed.
"I'm fine, Jaemin." You sighed. "I should text Taeyong a thank you for the necklace."
Jaemin gave you a look and became silent. In all honesty, he actually got you the present. And the dress. He had feelings for you but he didn't know if you saw him the same way so he just faked it. 
How did you feel? 
You looked a little disappointed about it though. Don't you like it? Was it the wrong design? Did he say the wrong member? Maybe you liked one of the other members like Mark instead of Taeyong?
Pulling into an unvacated spot in open plains, Jaemin parked the car, pulled out his phone to send a group message to his members to go on ahead to the restaurant, and looked at you. "Okay what's going on?"
"Nothing, Na Jaemin."
"Okay, something is going on if you're calling me by my full name." Unfastening his seatbelt, getting out of the car and opening the passenger door, he took your hand and pulled you along with him. The night was getting a bit chilly and you were wondering why the hell he parked in some open space with no trees and stuff in sight. His hands on your shoulder, he turned you to face him. "Y/N, what's wrong? You've been like this since I got to your apartment."
You gulped and looked away from him. You took a deep breath and calmed your nerves before looking at him. 
You were going to tell him. You were going to do it.
"I need to ask you something and I want you to be totally honest with me." You said as you looked him in the eyes. Gosh this was going to be hard. "It might be awkward with us after this but I have to know how you feel."
Jaemin looked at you, uncertain what he should say. 
Did you find out that he liked you? "Uhh..."
You ignored him, looking down at the ground instead. Why did he have to make it so hard? Sure he didn't really say anything but he was just making you a ball of emotions. "I have kept this in for a long while and it's about time I was straight up and just confronted you about it. I hope this doesn't ruin the relationship we already have. I just need to know and I can't see any other way to get over this."
"It just doesn't seem fair on me if I don't get an answer. I want you to tell me truthfully, no matter what it is. I just want your honest opinion... But... Do you have feelings for me? Even if just a little?"
"Damn..." Was his only response before he closed the distance between you both and pulled you in for a hug. He squeezes you tightly, giving you only enough air to breathe. "What if I said yes? Yes, I have feelings for you. What if I said yes, I had feelings for you for the longest?"
"Oh my god." You whispered, your heart beating awfully fast. "Jaemin, I..."
"Do you have feelings for me too?" Jaemin asked, pulling back a bit to look at you. "I'm baring my soul out to you and you can't say anything? I even bought you the dress and the necklace."
He bought the dress and necklace? Your mind clouded at that thought.
And then it clicked.
Why didn't he want to hang out with you alone.
How it must’ve been awkward with his feelings for you.
"I do. I do have feelings for you Jaemin." You cried out as you took his hand in yours. "I don't know when it all started. But I feel like I'm just in a messy puddle when I think about you and everything. Like I can't even think straight."
He chuckled, seeing you flustered was adorable. "How so?"
"Like... I want you to touch me. And I want to touch you." You whispered as you looked down. "Oh my god. Did I just really say that? I sound like a sexually deprived woman."
He took your cheeks in his palms and made you face him. "Geez. You're rambling now."
"I'm sorry. I'm just so... So nervous. Gosh, you're gorgeous... WHAT AM I SAYING?"
He chuckled. "You're gorgeous too, Y/N."
"You're not nervous?" You asked as your eyes widened. "I'm just a ball of emotions when you're around and I can't seem to think straight."
Jaemin gave you a sweet smile. "I am nervous. But I love you for being you."
“Did you just say…?”
“I love you?” Jaemin asked, you nodding your head slowly. “Loud and clear.”
He snaked an arm around your waist and slowly looked you in the eyes. He gave you a sheepish smile. "At least we're confessing when the guys aren't here."
Minutes passed and he still held your waist. Looking up at him, you raised an eyebrow. "So what? We're just going to stand here?"
"What do you want me to—"
"Oh Jaemin," You muttered before grabbing his collared shirt and pulling him down for a kiss. " We do not have time for this, Na Jaemin. Just kiss me."
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It took but minutes for the two of you to arrive back at your apartment and Jaemin couldn't keep his hands off you. Kicking off your heels as he kick off his shoes, you took his hand and led him to the bedroom. He followed you, squeezing your hands in his. You squeezed back, confirming that it'll be okay.
"Y/N, you sure?" His voice was soft and low, that it was just sweet music to your ears.
"I'm positive, Jaemin." You nodded as you opened the door to your bedroom and pulled him in. Facing him, you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck. "I want you, Na Jaemin. And I want you now."
"I don't know..." Jaemin whispered as he bit his bottom lip. "You are just so..."
"Nice? Beautiful?" You leaned up and kissed his cheek, trailing kisses to the corner of his mouth. "Or sexy?"
"Fucking sexy," He groaned out as he pulled you in closer and held your gaze. "You're making me go crazy, Y/N."
"Glad to hear that."
He closed the distance between you two and sensually placed a trail of kisses down your collarbone. You sucked in a breath, his fingers slowly tracing your bare legs as they moved up closer to the hem of your skirt. He moved his lips up to your neck, slowly giving your hot skin small kisses before reaching the edge of your lips. He gazed lovingly in your eyes, before slowly capturing your lips and running his hands up your legs.
"Shh..." He whispered as he took your lips in his again. He kissed you deep and long, your mouth opened to his and he angled his lips over yours. His tongue teased yours and desire course through you and you just ached for him.
You never wanted a boy, no, a man, like this. 
In fact, you couldn't even remember not wanting, not needing, not aching like this before. You moved your hands to his shirt, undoing each button until his shirt hung open and you pushed it off his big shoulders. He unlaced your dress and slid it down your body, his lips going back to your neck and up back to your own. Clad in just your lacy underwear and he in just his pants, he gathered you close.
"Johnny was right." He stared down at you. "You do wear sexy underwear."
"I have to feel sexy when I feel adventurous like this.” You muttered.
"You'll look good in even cotton underwear." He chuckled as he fingered your panties. "But lace underwear makes you look even more sexy."
"Just shut up. We don't have time for this Jaemin..."
"We have plenty of time..."
Your arms slid around his neck and his naked chest pressed against yours. He ran his hands up and down your body, stopping only to peel the backless adhesive bra from your breasts and fling it somewhere around the room. The chill air hit your nipples, which hardened in an instant before Jaemin pulled you closer, skin touching skin.
"Oh my god." You moaned aloud as heat gathered in your womb and moisture dampened in between your legs. "Jaemin..."
"Y/N." He groaned your name out, as he slid your panties down your legs and proceeded to take his pants and boxers off as well.
You wanted more from him. You enjoyed that he was lovingly placing kisses over your neck, face, and lips. But you wanted more. 
You felt his arousal lay erect against your tummy and you slipped a hand between the space between your bodies to wrap it around his length. He groaned against your mouth and you stroked him, loving the sexy guttural noises he made.
He pulled you tighter against him and suddenly lifted you up where you wrapped your legs around his waist. Your most intimate place pressed against his toned stomach and suddenly throbbed. You felt his length, hot and hard, resting beneath your ass. 
You threw your head back as he rained kisses on your neck. He took a step back and you both tumbled on the bed, your legs fell opened and he laid between them, cupping your breasts.
His tongue toyed with your nipples and you moaned and gripped his shoulders. Your fingers dug into his flesh and faint mewling sounds came from the back of your throat. "Oh my god, Jaemin..."
"Shh... Entrust your body to me."
He shifted to lay beside you, wrapping one arm around you. His free hand explored your body, caressed each curve. You traced the valleys of his chest, his stomach, his fingers. His fingers traveled lower, his fingers tracing circles on your tummy. He hooked one of your legs over his, spreading them open for him, one finger sliding lower, caressing you, before sliding it into you. The pressure of his finger increased before adding another finger into you, your hips rolled into rhythm with his touch.
"Jaemin, I need you so much..." You whimpered, his fingers working wonders on you. Without warning, he withdrew his fingers and settled himself between your legs. "I need you to fuck me now Jaemin."
"Fuck, baby." Jaemin groaned. He leaned down to capture your mouth.
"Fuck me, Jaemin," You cupped his cheek. "I want this. I want us. Let's become one."
With a small nod, you felt his cock, hard and hot, nudge into you. Slowly he slid into you, filling you, completing you, and you knew how big he was and how full you felt when he made that one last push into you.
"You okay, baby?"
You nodded your head. "Fuck you’re big Jaemin."
"You feel so good, baby." He pulled back, his tip almost out before easing into you again, letting you get used to him. His strokes were slow, measured, and you felt every inch of him within you. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closer, deeper, your body throbbing around him, his length pulsing within you. 
"Fuck…" He breathlessly moaned out as he moved. He filled you, sank into your body, sheathed himself in your heat. He increased the motion of his hips as he continued to move. You arched upward with loud moans. 
Stunning pleasures built inside you, passion gaining intensely as Jaemin continued to thrust, harder, deeper, faster, skin slapping on skin. The sweat covered your bodies, making him even more turned on. 
He moved faster, harder. You rocked your hips against his, both your movements growing faster, frantic. He thrust into you again and again and you meet his passion with your own. His need with yours. Faster and harder and hotter you both moved in a rhythm naturally.
"Jaemin... I can't hold on any longer."
"Me too... Let me—"
"No." You tightened against him before he pulled out. "Just come in me, Jaemin. Let's feel good together."
He just groaned in approval and you wondered if the intensity of pleasure tightening within you would destroy you and you didn't care. 
You wanted more, ached for more.
He pumped harder, hitting that one spot you craved until you cried out in mere pleasure.
And then release claimed you, shattered you.
"Ah!" You cried out, your body arched upward, and your body shuddered against his as waves of pleasure racked your body again and again. "Fuck, Jaemin!"
Jaemin thrust hard once more and his muscles tensed against you, releasing himself into you. He groaned and his body shook for a moment or forever.
Until he stilled and you clung to him.
For a long time, neither of you moved and you enjoyed him still buried within you. 
Still one with you.
For an eternity you laid together. Jaemin struggled to catch his breath. At last he withdrew and rolled to the side, pulling you close.
"Oh, fuck…" you murmured against him. "Jaemin... You..."
"Good?" He closed his eyes and sleepily opened them to look at you.
You let out a sigh. "Really, really good."
"Ha-ha," he chuckled as he cupped your cheek. "I just never imagined our first kiss would lead to our first night together."
"Even if we didn’t fuck and just went out on this date like you planned, how was it?"
"It's perfect." He smiled at you, as both your foreheads touched. "You are... I have never felt this way before... For anyone else but you."
"I love you, you know that?" You whispered.
"I love you too."
"What do we tell the others?"  You suddenly asked as his phone started to ring.
"That you fell sick and I took care of you?" He suggested, raising an eyebrow.
"Like that will fool them. Mark is too smart for that." You playfully slapped his chest. "Probably figured out that we finally caved in to our feelings. He probably knows we fucked."
"That’s all true though. At least I don’t have to worry about sharing you with anyone." Jaemin rubbed your back as he rummaged for the covers and pulled them up over your naked bodies. "Let me just close my eyes and listen to your breathing and have you run your fingers through my hair."
"Tell me that you love me again, Jaemin."
"As long as you tell me that you love me."
"I love you, Na Jaemin."
"And I love you, Y/N."
He slipped his hand between your legs, his fingers sliding over you. You shuddered and rocked against his hand, slick with desire.
He placed his hands on your waist and drew you closer to straddle his legs.
"Jaemin," you said in a weak voice. It was more of a moan than a word.
"I know you want me again." He suggestively muttered. You giggled and burrowed your head in the crook of his neck as he hugged you closer and entered you.
Your mornings with Jaemin would be tiring and your days would be memorable. 
But your nights with Jaemin would simply be heaven.
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911bts · 6 months
hello, two questions: 1) i keep seeing people say that it was said tommy isn't sticking around long, but i haven't seen a source for this. do you know who said that? tim? and 2) do you also run 911lsbts? or is that someone else?
Tim said it in this article:
Minear noted that Tommy is currently an important romantic partner for Buck, largely because “it’s sort of the entry-level relationship.” Yet at the same time, he noted that he doesn’t think “anybody’s making wedding plans.”
“It really is a first fling for Buck right now. What that might amount to, only time can tell. But what I’m interested in is not something that’s fraught. I’m interested in something that’s tender and positive,” Minear said.
And I do not run the lone star bts blog.
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buckera · 5 months
I actually think Tommy not being in 7×07 and 7x08 makes a lot of sense considering just how on the fly the Buck/Tommy (and season seven as a whole lol) seemed to have come together, and Tim Minear needing a pause to see how it's received by the general public while also working writing the end of the season at the same time 💀 Also, I know Oliver mentioned wanting an on screen relationship similar to the one Carlos and TK share on Lone Star, and if I remember correctly, in that first season when they were still getting to know eachother Carlos was in every 3rd-ish episode with various degrees of importance?? Anyway, it seems like Oliver (and Lou, and hopefully Tim as well) want to carry o with this story line for now, and the reception to bi buck has been mostly positive so I have hope for more Tommy in season 8, if not sooner!!!
mhm yeah it's very much on the fly, we still haven't got a title for the last episode and based on the latest Tim interview, I'm pretty sure it's not even written yet, hell, we barely just got the titles for the previous eps and the way Oliver was talking about it — and also because we know they usually get stuff 2 days prior to shooting at most — I'd wager that the actors haven't even seen the script yet for ep 9, if it's even finished.
so yeah, the possibilities at this moment are endless and I'd honestly expect them to keep Tommy around during the finale, in the background if nothing else, because the general reception was good and as you said there are many other storylines we need to get to without "wasting time" on recurring roles/bringing up more drama by doing a breakup arc, but we shall see.
I def can't comment on the lone star of it all, but if Tommy would become a more serious LI for Buck, I'm sure we'd be seeing him around a bit more, but you know out of 6 eps this season, Karen was in only 3 (assuming she'll be in ep6) and she is literally married to a lead character and has consistently had major storylines throughout the show.
all in all, I have high hopes and am staying positive about it until being told otherwise. 💛
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Some of my favorite Black characters that I want to talk up because I haven't seen them mentioned yet:
Captain Isabel Lovelace from the podcast Wolf 359!
It's an audio drama, and there's no official art of her, but she's played by a Black actress and portrayed as Black.
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She's the captain of a deep space research mission, but the company that sent her out there betrayed her, cut her off, and sabotaged the mission, so she's the last survivor of her crew. She was reported dead but refused to die. She's determined to survive, get home, and tear the company down that did this to her, even if they are trying Very Hard to prevent her from doing that. She's brave, smart, dedicated, and driven, has a lot of ingenuity and determination, and you can see the contrast of how this affected her, because earlier on before everything went bad she was upbeat and loved pranks and adventure. A big part of her arc revolves around philosophical questions about what it means to still be or not be the same person you were. She's a sci-fi archetype I love, the Captain, and her story is sooo interesting and her voice is lovely.
Speaking of sci-fi podcast ladies...
Nova NoStar from the podcast InCo is another character I love!
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Nova is an Information Courier, an InCo, in a Star Trek-like galaxy with lots of different alien species and inhabited planets. She is part interstellar messenger, part spy-for-hire, dealing in valuable information and secrets between planets. InCos are valuable but not trusted, and rarely put down roots anywhere - it's not a respectable profession, but for Nova, it was freedom. She lives in her small ship with only her health android for company, and she's snarky and brash and curt and lonely and bitter and hurting, and pushes people away to try to protect herself. (The health android is primarily for her mental health; it's kind of unclear if, as the story opens, she's been taking much of anything it says to heart. She's still reeling from the death of her closest and only real friend, and it shows in everything she does.)
Until she rescues a boy who was ejected into space in a murder attempt... a boy who claims to be the prince of a planet that shouldn't exist. This spurs Nova onto a quest, to find out what is going on with this planet she thought was a myth, why its existence is being hidden, and what her dead friend who she's still grieving knew about this--and what she was hiding. This leads her to making genuine real friends with the alien prince in a slowburn friendship that's VERY sweet, opening herself up again, caring again, being cared for again, having a community again. And also destabilizing an oppressive planetary monarchy that's been hiding the truth along the way. I love her and I love her story. Also all the characters in the podcast are voiced by one person and they're SO impressive.
Hot Chocolate: YESSSSSSS. Black people in space, that's what I'm talking about! They often forget that brown kids fantasize about space as well, so I'm always happy to see us out there. In fact, I have a D&D character named Eneil D. Tyson who dreams of making it to space 🚀. Anywho, These lovely characters sound awesome! I didn't know there were podcasts dedicated to stories that weren't already published books. I might have to check them out for inspiration.
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jeanvaljeancheri · 6 months
Hi! Since TSC is coming soon I've been kind of on a jerejean binge in the past few weeks so here are some of my fav jerejean fics pt2. If you haven't seen it yet and want more jerejean recs go check out the first post :)
Mon Petit Oiseau 1k
Sometimes, Jean couldn’t stand to look at Jeremy for too long. He was the ever-burning sun, blazing his way through life and dragging Jean along with him.
Jean teaching Jeremy some French that turns into soft introspection that turns into sleepy cuddles
Plus One 28k
Stabbing the invite into the cork board over his kitchen counter, Jean figured he had a little over twelve months to come up with a date for at least one of these. Even someone as inept as him could manage that...
Jean has a bunch of wedding invites, and no date. Jeremy has a suggestion.
what softens 26k
Like this, Jean steps into his new life.
This one is a kevin/jean/Jeremy pairing :)
Lucky Stars 50k
“Concussion. My helmet-I...” Jeremy can hear the slight slur of his own words, and tries his best to carefully speak again. “I think I'm okay.”
Jean treats him to a withering glare, unimpressed, before his expression pales slightly, and Jeremy does not have to guess as to why.
Or: Jeremy is badly injured, and finds it increasingly difficult to keep his feelings for a certain former Raven under wraps as some interesting facts come to light.
Capitulation in Time of War 3k
Jean's time in California is a constant battle against resentment, humiliation, and his annoyingly persistent new captain.
5 times Jeremy made Jean feel safe and valued, and 1 time Jean had to kiss Jeremy about it.
transferable skills 11k
It’s the way Jean watches his own hands as he guides the thread through the paper, pulling the gathering tight to the spine. It’s the way Jean bends, strong and handsome, over a tiny embroidery hoop to get the details exactly right. Jeremy Knox is supposed to be spending his senior year worrying about what comes next. Instead, he’s mesmerized as he watches each stitch come to life and finds, there in between the threads, something completely unexpected.
love is stored in the cat 28k
LD: Hey do u want a cat
LD: Since you’re lonely and life sucks etc
JK: Thanks
JK: What kind?
LD: Orange
Jeremy gets a cat, and then a situationship. The two are somewhat related.
Falling for the first time 2k
Jean fell first, Jeremy fell harder but who said those three magic words the first time?
Or jerejean's first time saying 'i love you'
the service bought and paid for 10k
jean moreau, jeremy knox, and the concept of a gift.
I'll Crawl Home To Him 2k
It’s strange, how quiet this stretch of road is. How peaceful. Walking alone through the dark, with nothing but the moon and the sea for company, Jean feels a little bit like a ghost.
That, or like the last man alive.
C'est un peu une déclaration 1k
« Les Backstreet qui ? » demande Jean, ce soir-là, et le sourire de Jude l’avertit qu’il a posé la question de trop. Ce n’est pas une habitude – Jean ne pose jamais de questions, Jean encaisse, Jean accepte, Jean serre les dents. Ce n’est pas une habitude – et c’est peut-être pour ça que Jude, avec qui il partage sa chambre depuis bientôt deux ans, sourit aussi largement
As you may have noticed, this one is for the francophones! I know not everyone will be able to read it but it's so rare for me to find good French fics that I couldn't help recommending it!
Still updating fics I keep up with
This Time, With Feeling [81k, 13/?]
One Thousand Cuts (and all the other ways to fall in love) [4k, 2/?]
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waitingongravity · 7 months
Alright, so. So there's PLENTY of unfinished business in the Abyssal Hunter storylines.
Let's look at what we know of already and what that could mean:
First off, the stuff that has already been established in previous events: There were three big leaders in the Church of the Deep: Quintus, Amaia, and some other dude who has only been referred to as Him. This Him is acquainted with Specter during her time as an experiment subject. We can pretty safely assume that much like Quintus and Amaia, He will be the one orchestrating the events of next uhhh... event. Besides that, we have Ulpianus and the Last Knight. Those two swam off into the sunset at the end of Stultifera Navis, and we can only assume that they are still hunting seaborn to this point. The curious thing with the Last Knight is that we got to see him plenty in IS3. We know he's a powerful piece of work, and that in true Don Quixote fashion he is unreasonable with. The real question for me is what the hell he's going to do in a world where Ishra-Mla hasn't taken over yet. Will he be more helpful? Proooobably not. Speaking of: ISHRA-MLA. I've seen a lot of speculation over whether Skalter is fully non-canon to the main timeline, or if she is merely an eventuality. Skadi's condition is not looking good, and we haven't really been presented with any possible solutions. Specter is fighting off infection and insanity through her seaborn blood, but Skadi's issue is seaborn in nature. That being said, I'd like to stay optimistic. Skadi's arc has been an upwards one, even if it's only slightly. I'd like to believe that the difference between IS3's timelines and the Canon is that Skadi had more time to grow stronger mentally and emotionally to resist the pull of Ishra-Mla. Or at least stall long enough to find a solution. Of course, this transformation is also affecting Specter and Gladiia. Much like oripathy, they may be doomed, but maybe there's hope for a comfortable life.
AEgir is a nation we know next to nothing about since they're all the way in the Water. An unknown settlement of AEgir was spotted right under the Stultifera, and we know Ulpianus preventing the Hunters' return to AEgir is one of the reasons why the fish apocalypse didn't happen. Whether that is just proximity to the ocean or something in AEgir itself, I think we'll be diving out of Iberia and into that AEgir colony. I doubt we'll go into AEgir proper, but that doesn't mean AEgir won't send its own people out. Okay, now for the operators relevant to all this: The obvious one is Andreana, our lonely cuttlefish. She is essentially a cheap walmart knock-off Abyssal Hunter, so many think that she'd be getting an Alter or some story focus as she goes full fledged (full scaled? Whatever.) While I see that as a possibility, a lot of Andreana's character is just NOT CARING about any of that. She outright rejects the opportunity from Kal'tsit to learn more, and wants to leave her mysterious past behind her. Honestly, I can respect it. My guess is that Andreana might get involved but stay out of it, unless someone (like her employer Incandescence who we've yet to see in-game) gives her a reason to care.
So who else do we have involved in this? Well, Deepcolor is pretty sus, and the only other AEgir operator besides Skalter. I'll be honest, I always thought she was up to no good. Do NOT trust her >:I. There's also the chance she's some loose AEgir agent or something that lost contact after the Great Silence. But I still don't trust. Here's the sleeper pick: Blue Poison! The curious thing about Anura, besides how cute they are, is that they were enslaved by AEgir and brought to Iberia in hopes that their toxins could be a new weapon against the seaborn. This puts Bloopy in an interesting position as both someone with a vested interest. Hell, she could truly be the secret weapon in the event.
With all this in mind, here's my idea for what the event could/should be. Ulpianus can be the new 6 star, whatever he's a loser I don't care about him. More importantly, BLOOPY ALTER as a limited unit. That's right, Andreana can keep her gun, we all know she loves that thing more than anything. Let Bloopy be the first 6 star Arts Defender or something! Or a new Fighter since we know she boxes. I dunno, just make her busted so I can feel vindicated in my love for her. and finally, 5 star... I dunno, some AEgir girl from the settlement under the Stultifera. Give me a manta ray girl! Flat friend. Or angler fish? Hmmmm. As far as the plot, I think it'll be a two-pronged threat. On one end, He and the rest of the Church of the Deep implement a final plan, either relying on the super advanced tech AEgir have, or simply being the culmination of the evolution which has been a running theme for these events. Under Tides saw the seaborn evolve to talk, Stultifera Navis saw them evolve to be incredibly powerful and adaptive. Who knows what we'll see next? As for the AEgir settlement's conflict, I think we could see a next step in the other relevant issue in Iberia: the persecution of the AEgir peoples and the role of the Inquisition in the fight against the sea. I doubt the settlement will be safe for long, so perhaps over the course of the story we will see them integrated into Iberia, and offer their own tech/abilities in exchange for a stronger frontline. Of course, all this is assuming that the settlement isn't just an long-abandoned ruin. I'd also like it if the Doctor actually got involved in this event. Kal'tsit is a given of course, but I think the Doctor's presence might be appropriate for the conclusion of this trilogy. Much how like Lone Trail concluded the story started by Mansfield and Dorothy's Vision, there might be big story turning points at the end of this. And given the forces involved? This wouldn't be surprising. Anyways this was a super disorganized ramble I typed mid-ttrpg session so I'm sure I missed a lot or messed stuff up. I'd love to hear any more speculations, this stuff is very fun to think about.
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tosxah · 5 months
&&. | @nagareboshiko
He insisted- no he reaaaaally insisted. Throwing a party with him as the guest of honour? He just spent four years fighting a space whale in the rip of the fabric between space and time, he relived his childhood trauma on repeat as his delusion kept him alive, every day, over and over and yet for you just over a month had passed... It was nothing. But when they asked for a third time in the same conversation, he guessed he couldn't keep turning it down, it would just be impolite. So it went ahead, his time in Fontaine that was originally meant to be a holiday finally seemed to actually become one. The odd looks and stares in the street become less so because he was a harbinger but more so because he was that harbinger, like he was some kind of hero- he guessed it caused no harm to enjoy that while it lasted.
Despite his cutthroat modesty, he was actually pretty surprised at how grandiose this affair was actually becoming. Especially when it turned out his normal attire was not 'fitting'. Though the letter put it nicer than that, he didnt see any reason why his normal wear wouldn't be suited for a party... Despite this, he wore the outfit that came in the parcel that had been sent to the place he'd been staying in and wore it without a fuss. He was almost concerned when it was tailored to his exact measurements, he wasnt even sure his own standard clothes fit him this well.
When he got to the party, it was more or less already in full swing; the people bustling, mingling, lively. Though he may have been invited as the invite d'honneur, the event was to celebrate the lives won, and lives lost in the recent flood that almost took all of their lives. So no fanfare for his entrance? That was fine, in the end he wasn't actually the one to take the beast down.
As he looked over the crowd- some smiling and waving when they caught his eye, other's tipping their hats in a thanks to which he nodded in a 'it was nothing'- eyes landed on a familiar face, though not so familiar in other ways. It took Childe a moment to fully recognise her, like his mind was playing some odd trick, like a work of art with a hidden meaning he couldn't quite put words too. She was a vision of beauty, the lonely traveller.
Childe approached the woman like a shooting star amongst stars in the night sky, you couldnt help but look and too scared if you'd blink you'd miss it. He opened a hand out to her with his usual smile and to his delight she took it.
"More like a brotherly one." The harbinger replied in earnest. It's a knight's honour to dance with a princess, that's what he had told Tonya when she'd play the same record she's had since she was 6 and he'd have her on his feet as he swayed them about the room. He'd be the first to admit he hadnt the slightest idea what he was doing at first; Batya was too ill to teach him, Mama too busy and his older siblings wanted little to do with him. Though there were rare occasions he'd get to see his family dance, when father was feeling well and he'd waltz with his mother in the kitchen to the radio or when his eldest brother got married and he only arrived at the wedding early enough to catch the first dance. Time was a good teacher, and Tonya was a faster learner, all the better for him in turn to get better. He doubted Pulcinella or Skirk would have taught him anything of the sort... Those two dancing? That conjured a funny thought. "You'll pick it up in no time, there's not been a thing I haven't seen you do." With that, Childe led her to an open space on the dance floor, a live band playing music with a good enough pace to move too yet still relaxed in nature. Other couples around them danced to their own rhythms it would seem, some simply swaying in embrace, some dancing like they had lessons their whole life- a mother and son, a sister and brother, two close friends, the people who survived the flood.
Placing his hand on her waist was a slight challenge, being taller than her meant his hand was resting more on her side than her hip. He kept a respectable distance between their bodies, and held her hand as he lead their dance at a casual pace; two steps to the left, one to the right, repeat. It was more just fancy walking than a dance really. "I like the dress. Darker colours suit you."
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amik134 · 6 months
Sherliam songs
I will list some song I think fit Sherliam. But first, I HAVE EXTREMELY BAD TASTE IN MUSIC. So be prepared.
First, Morimyu Sherliam songs. Nothing can beat this. Everyone should watch Morimyu. It's so perfect. I haven't seen OP 5 yet, my DVD still haven't arrived, but my favorite songs from other OPs are I hope/ I will part 1+2, Kokoro no rondo, In this lonely room, OBVIOUSLY
Waterloo. To put it simply, they are each other's Waterloo. William can't escape from his feelings for Sherlock even if he wanted to. Sherlock met his destiny: William. He promises to love him forever more. Knowing their fate is to be together. blablabla
If only. Yes, it's the song from Descendants. Don't judge me. It's from William's POV. Basically, William is wondering, what are these feelings he feels for Sherlock. Up till now, he walked the line, but now Sherlock came. He can't decide, which way should he go. To let his feelings bloom, or bury them inside. Will Sherlock be with him, after he learns the truth? (Yes, he will)
Rewrite the Stars. Kinda mainstream I think. But fits perfectly. I think the whole lyrics speaks for itself. Just listen to it. In short, they love each other very much, but William thinks that it won't work (because of his plan)
Schody z nebe. It's a czech song (I'm from Czech Republic.) It kinda fits. Some lines translate into english: God knows I want to die by your side.. (We are discovered by the guards). God knows that I walk those stairs from heaven with you holding me close. ... Now it's their (Sherlock an William's) turn, they will stay together, and he (God) will answer their prayer... and more
So, yeah, that's it. It's quite shitty but, who cares XD
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welcometololaland · 4 months
hi hi, 🤡 and 🤔 for the ask game please
hi, hi! thank you so much for the ask 💜
1. How many WIPs are you working on?
answered in full here, but the short answer is 3 (the ring-in 2.0, eurotrip and cause of action), with a bonus 1 which is fully written but slowly wasting away in my google docs due to neglect.
2. What's a story you'd love to write but haven't started yet?
AH thank you for asking! i am currently obsessed with this s 1 canon divergence/au idea i have for 911 lone star. it involves a neighbourhood dispute and was originally supposed to be something very silly and humorous and suddenly became a 4000 word, 10 chapter outline with a lot of TK character study.
i want to write it but i'm going to have to wait until i finish the ring-in 2.0 :)
also @rmd-writes and i have another co-written fic idea that i need to revisit. the plan is all over the shop. it could either be something very angsty or something very fluffy and there's a certain challenge that we need to overcome in writing it but!!! although i've seen it done in other fandoms, i think it could be very unique in 911 lone star!
thank you for the asks!
wip ask game
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jpitha · 2 years
Worldbuilding stuff: Design things however the heck you want, and then work backwards to a reason for doing it that way. Sometimes you can come up with neat ideas about what happened in the past with your story.
Also: There's nothing wrong with mentioning something and never explaining it. It's not like we all go around talking about the history of things as you walk around with your friends.
I mean, I do, but everyone tells me other people don't.
Mia and Cellini are aboard the human starship Priority Express traveling from one of the human colonies - the planet Parvati - to a K'laxi colony world known as Orenni. It's a trip of a few weeks by warp gate and they're in no hurry, so it was decided to not use the wormhole generators. Mia and Cellini are sitting in a common area on the Express drinking some chamomile tea.
"I don't get it" Cellini said, after a sip of tea. "The Express is so, so big on the outside, but the living space on the inside is relatively small. For how big it is outside, one would expect the inside to be equally cavernous."
Mia nods "Yeah, you'd think there would be more space." she glances up "Hey Express! How come you are so big, but your living space is only a small percentage of your overall mass?"
Without hesitating, the Express talks into Mia and Cellini's translator modules "Hello Mia, Cellini. I'm a Starjumper originally. I was meant to thrust between human colonies at around half the speed of light for years or decades. Most of me is engines."
Cellini's ears prick up, expressing surprise. "You did what? You traveled between stars without the warp gates of wormholes?"
"Yes Cellini. We never had warp gates until the K'laxi built some in human space and we developed wormhole travel long after we first went to the stars. I used to haul thousands of people at a time between colonies. My favorite was the Earth-Pavarti run actually. So many families would emigrate to Pavarti; I hear it's very nice."
Now it was Mia's turn "Wait, you said thousands at at time. The living quarters of the Express is large, but any more than one hundred people would feel awfully cramped, especially for years!"
"Oh, most everyone was down in Cold Storage, in long term hibernation. They weren't awake; it was a 25 year one way trip!" Express tittered. "Some folks requested to be awake for a year or two here and there, and we always kept someone from the crew on rotation just in case, but most of the time it was me and a few other people."
"Was it lonely?" Cellini asks, quietly. "Generally, K'laxi prefer to be in groups and travel together. Being alone for 25 years....it's hard to imagine"
Priority Express pauses, thinking about the question. "Yes. It was lonely sometimes. But, I was doing a job I liked, for a people I love. I still do, actually. While I was deep in interstellar space, engines off and coasting at half of C, it was a lonely existence." They sighed.
"I'm sorry Express" Mia said "I didn't mean to bring you down, I was just curious about you."
"Oh, don't worry about me Mia" the Express said, jovially "I'm just an old starship who is doing their best to move with the times."
"Express?" Cellini asks, even more quietly "How old are you?"
"Clock time, or Earth time?" they reply immediately. "Remember, there's significant time dilation even at half the speed of light."
"Earth time please." Cellini says
"I'm one thousand, seven hundred and eighty three years old this year, Earth time. By my own clock I'm only fifteen hundred and sixteen! Haven't even worn out the warranty yet" Priority Express chuckles at their own joke.
Cellini's ears lay flat on her head, a K'laxi expression that meant shock.
Mia was the first to recover. "Express....you've...you must have seen a lot." she said weakly.
"Yes." Priority Express said firmly "Yes, I have"
"THAT'S SO UNFAIR!" Cellini burst out, tears at the corners of her eyes. "You've seen so much, DONE so much for humanity, and now you're just..just...a shuttle between warp gates! You should be in a happy retirement, doing what you want, being who you want!"
"Oh Cellini" Express said, kindly. "I am doing what I want. When the wormhole generators were installed, they gave all the Starjumpers the option to retire and move to other ships or even be installed in bodies. I elected to stay - most Starjumpers did truth be told. You see, I like being a big old ship. I like hauling people - of all kinds - around the galaxy. It get a view of it nobody else sees. I can stare out and watch the stars change, watch the worlds change, watch the sapients change. I love my work. I wouldn't have it any other way."
Mia and Cellini sat in silence, absorbing the intimacy that the Express shared with them.
"But" They said "I would like to light my star drive at full power again. You would not believe how much fun it is to boost at 6 gees!"
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hedgiwithapen · 1 year
okay okay. so i haven't seen the blue beetle movie yet. which pains me on a molecular level. but i love jaime and khaji da's relationship has always been one of my favorites so maybe a “It sucks. Because I want to hate you, but I can’t.” in relation to jaime not fully accepting khaji da and his powers yet?
(this is set during the movie, so, uh... sorry? It comes out on digital release  on tuesday!)
The roof is huge. It shouldn't be a surprise, the whole house is huge, but it's weird for a roof to be this big, and with so much space around it. There's nothing taller than it, which Jaime feels is just wrong. There should be trees, lightpoles, other houses--neighbors. There's just an open sky, blank blue, the stars all hidden by the downtown district's haze of light. He'd have felt lonely, if that were possible. He wishes that were possible. 
"So what, now I'm just stuck with you?" he asked the Scarab.
"Yes," the voice in his head--not his ears, his head-- is flat, emotionless. It grates on Jaime's nerves. He grinds his teeth. 
"I should hate you. You-- this is my life! My life! And now I'm just...your host? Forever?"
"You are more than a host, Jaime Reyes," the Scarab says. "But yes. Forever."
"You can't just let go?"
"I can. You would die. I will not allow you to die."
"Oh," Jaime says, faintly.  He sits on the edge of the roof, head in his hands. He's never going to have another moment of solitude again. 
The Scarab is silent for a long moment. "Do you hate me, Jaime Reyes?"
"No," Jaime says. Somehow, he can't lie. "I should. but I can't. Flying was--incredible. Also terrifying. but... wonderful. And it's... it wasn't your fault, was it?"
"Fault is an interesting concept. Does fault matter? The outcome is the same."
"Well, sure, but... Did you want this to happen?"
"I didn't not want it. I was not made to have Wants. It was not permitted. But of all the outcomes..." the Scarab pauses. "This one is preferable to the alternative."
"Jenny says she stole, uh, you from her Aunt's...lab? Were you...."
"Conscious? I was dormant. But that does not mean I was unaware. Without a host, all I can do is observe."
"I'm sorry."
"So am I."
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