#i honestly don't know if this is him but this is a bit too coincidental
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My name is General Aaron Herres. From 2060 to 2066, I served as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest-ranked officer of the United States Armed Forces. The tenure of my command included strategic planning and oversight of Operation: Enduring Victory, a falsehood perpetrated on the civilian populations of the United States and other nations during the last 14 months of life on this planet. Before the Faro Plague, I did my job and did it well. I was bold and decisive, crafty in political maneuvers. It wasn't an accident that I rose to my position and became the commander of the largest mechanized force ever assembled. But to what end? My only lasting achievement was the extinction of life on Earth. And my one redeeming act – if any – was to delay that extinction by days or weeks by throwing more death at it. It is my hope that there will be no need for men like me in the world to come. If you are one of the people of that future world, listening to this message, please know that I am sorry, and that I wish you well. Sincerely, Aaron Herres.
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cosmic-waves7 · 10 months
could u write karma with a s/o that doesn’t get into trouble? Kinda like an opposite like they’re still outgoing but the type to never skip and only wanting straight A’s and are kinda sensitive in contrast to him? (🫶🫶ur writing is so cute idk if you still write for karmaa aaa!!😭)
Note: I will NEVER stop writing for karma 😤😤😤
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He doesn't even really notice you at first.
Another student in class-E, just like any other.
Obviously that is until you managed to score higher than him in maths during exam season.
It started off as a miniature rivalry, very one-sided might I add.
He'd come to you smirking by the end of the next exam with a mark higher than yours only to be surprised when you smile widley and congratulate him.
Every. Single. Time.
You're not supposed to do that, your eyes are supposed to burn with determination and annoyance. You're supposed to snatch that paper from his hands and wipe that stupid smirk off his face.
Clearly not.
Its not even a fake smile, there isn't even a hint of malice in your eyes.
It's almost as if you're happy for him.
You don't even know him, not properly at least.
This really changes perspectives for the assassin so now he's shifted into doing everything in his power for your recognition.
Which doesn't seem to be very hard to gain as he notices that you're a bit popular in class.
Not entirely popular, but if students come up to you they'll only get a sweet greeting every time as if they're a long-time friend of yours.
You're basically Koro-sensei's golden child. Wide sparkling eyes every time you put your hand up in class to you answer his questions, he could weep at how adorable you are.
Everyone comes up to you for anything really.
Help with homework, a quick check in, or just to talk. You're always so easy to talk to, so gentle all the time.
Even Itona will quietly chat with you in a corner.
You're just so...approachable.
In Karma's eyes that's unfair. He needs to catch your attention and now.
Maybe to prove something to himself or just boredom, he doesn't need a reason.
So now he's the one asking for homework help. He can answer the questions in his sleep, you know it too.
He's still gonna play dumb, tap you on the shoulder and muster up his best clueless look.
Even in class, Karma has "coincidentally" managed to switch seats to be your desk partner.
You didn't hear it from me but maybe an octopus-like teacher has something to do with that.
Now that you're basically knee to knee with him in class, this allows karma to charm his way into your every day life.
Constantly stealing away your time with anything he can possibly think of.
He'll do this thing where he just wraps his arms around your shoulders and sultry whine into your ear.
"_____, help me please?"
He'll even throw in a pout.
Nagisa has to pry him off of you.
You don't even ask why he's suddenly around you nearly 24/7, you're just glad to be of help really and though you think he's a bit strange he's quite sweet.
A well known charismatic (possible) sadist, but sweet.
Class trip? He's sitting next to you on the bus.
Getting ice-cream? He already knows your favourite flavour.
Study session? You'll need to work together, being the two top students in class it would only be sensible to partner up for academics. This lead to him coming over a lot and vice versa, need to keep those grades up you know.
Spending the weekend at home? Don't be silly, you're flying to the country of your choice on a whim with a certain red-haired 'friend' of yours.
Having rich absent parents really does come in handy sometimes.
But this whole game is tiring him out.
You've gotten close, yes. He's flustered you plenty, yes. But you haven't confessed to him at all!
It's infuriating.
He wants you to like him at least, because he's teetering on the edge of obsession for you.
Because 'friends' don't hold hands all the time, they don't hug longingly or stay up late thinking of the other.
It'll all click in to place when he just goes red in the face, kisses your cheek once and just spews his feeling out like a flood.
"I like you."
(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ )
Coughing, he'll look away and pretend like nothing happened while trying desperately to renew his previous charm.
Just say you like him back, he's already maxed out on embarrassment.
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blanketbvby · 6 months
A Demon's Guide to Anthropology 1
It baffles me that I haven't seen any of something like this much, at least on Tumblr, so I'm making a mini 5 part series on Mammon (possibly others if someone wants me to) reacting to different human habits and such!
Please don't rush me on this series, though, I'm very busy with both school and providing for my family and will have irregular posting schedules :(
Part 1: RAIN
Word count: 636
Tags: Mammon's POV, use of 'MC' and they/them pronouns, more focused on Mammon's reaction to humans being able to smell rain, brief cursing and brief blood mention, rushed!!
★ ——— —— —
Humans were weird, it was a bit of common knowledge between the realms.
Michael was an asshole, Diavolo laughs a lot, and humans were strange. It was a fact at this rate, anyone— demon, angel, reaper, witch, or otherwise can tell you that much.
Mammon supposes he shouldn't have forgotten it, and honestly he didn't, in the beginning he just didn't care enough to take much note of it, considering MC was still settling down and that shady sorcerer didn't live under the same roof as him.
It took a week for the first thing to be noticed by him. Four days after the pact with MC was made, with not a cloud in the sky, they both were sat in the living room tying their shoes to head off to R.A.D.
Something important to note, Mammon is certain, is that demons had impressive noses.
Sure, not 'smell you from a thousand miles away' type noses, but sniffing out pheromones, blood, and a person's scent was common. Easy, natural.
Even angels were rather impressive with their noses, and honestly most creatures were. Well, he thought it was most creatures, at least. Humans didn't seem to so easily smell these types of things. Though he hadn't been around humans for far too long, that was something he could easily remember.
"C'mon," MC reminded Mammon, standing up.
"We'll be late unless you hurry up."
"Yeah, yeah, 'm comin'," Mammon merely grumbled in response, rolling his eyes and standing up and following the human out.
They make it to the door, opening it, and Mammon squirming his way past MC to step out first. MC, on the other hand, pauses once they're stepped out, eyes narrowed. Of course, Mammon doesn't notice at first as he begins walking.
"Wait," they say, causing Mammon to groan and turn around, looking at them.
"It's gonna rain soon."
Mammon raises a disbelieving eyebrow, deadpan expression turning to the clear sky, then back to the human he accompanied.
"Uh huh. What makes ya say that?"
MC's eyes narrow further.
"I smell it."
It's quiet for a moment, then another, then another, before Mammon bursts into laughter. The kind that leaves anyone heaving and clutching their stomach, knees bent and tears filling your eyes.
"I'm serious!" MC's voice is a little closer, and Mammon looks up to see them holding an umbrella, enchanted to withstand most kinds of dangerous Devildom weather.
Mammon laughs again when he sees them with the umbrella, reminded of the absurdity of such a situation.
A human smelling the weather? Smelling the rain? He couldn't help the cackling that he devolved into, howling away at the humor of such an outlandish claim.
MC whacked him over the head with the umbrella, and though it didn't hurt, he still jokingly replied with an 'ow' before standing on shaking knees. He glared playfully, and the mortal stuck their tongue out with a glare in response.
Heading to R.A.D., the topic of MC supposedly smelling rain was dropped, the two parting to their separate classes, and Mammon eventually forgetting all about it thanks to being entangled with his brothers, witches demanding debts be paid, and complaints being had about his kleptomania.
When he met up with MC for lunch, he noticed them shooting a knowing glance towards Solomon, the other human exchange student, who also coincidentally had an umbrella. It was bizarre, and the way that the occasional student glanced at them made it clear nobody else understood why the humans needed umbrellas.
Until school ended and many people were burdened with the troubles of rain, both humans having predicted the occurrence.
Mammon couldn't wrap his head around it, but after three more instances of this occurring, made sure not to underestimate the humans and their weather-predicting snouts.
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thephantomsdream · 2 months
So I just have this idea in mind about a meet-cute with our dearest John.
[Notes: I am writing this at work, and it is raining, and no, I have no costumers, and yes, it is self-indulgent because why not. We're just vibing and dumping cute stuff with some spell-checking, but I could've missed something so I do apologize for that. No use of Y/N or Reader in this one.]
Imagine it's raining where you are right now and you work dealing with customers somehow, yeah? Anyway, John is in the city for work, as always, and he coincidentally entered your workplace. He's smitten, not gonna lie. I see him as the type of man to know, you know? Hell, he'll look at you and you'll also feel the want too, the way he's seizing you up, almost as he is planning how to slowly kiss you. I swear you can feel his warm and rugged hands running over your body, but you have to act professional because he's hot and you're most likely looking too much into things.
But you're actually not, yeah? He smiles at you, a little small smile, blue eyes flicking between your eyes and lips. And god, he fucking looks into your soul. If you have time to talk to him, he'll definitely ask you about yourself while telling you some things about himself, vague but enough to satisfy curiosity. It's also raining, meaning you don't have many costumers, so the conversation goes and he runs it smoothly. It's effortless, the way he talks to you and makes you comfortable. Yes, definitely, you can tell he's flirting with you, but contrary to some younger men, he's calm, he's not pushy, although he is a little in your space. Just a little intense, and you can tell he's like that all the time. Close enough for you to smell his cologne, close enough to hear his voice rasp as he finishes his sentences as he's a little bit distracted by your lips. When you notice and smile, he does too, naturally, happy to get a good reaction out of you.
But everything stops when he gets a message. His lips purse and he grunts, shoving the phone in his pocket and smiling at you, disappointment in his eyes. He sees you get busy as a client walks in, a little sad he has to leave and can't even say goodbye properly, but he reaches for something in his pocket.
"I insist. You said you didn't grab one when you left home, yeah? Take it, love." He says, pushing his damp umbrella in your hand. It was velvety and sturdy, and his hand brushed yours in the right way. Not too much, but enough to get an idea of how warm he was.
"John, really, you don't have to do this. How will you go back?" You'd question.
"Nonsense, I have my coworkers waiting for me close-by and afterwards I won't need it anymore." He did say he'd have to leave the city, showing no sign of wanting to ask you about... anything, really. No number, no proper full name, no social media. Maybe it was just meant to be a very pleasant conversation with just a costumer. It didn't help that you couldn't bring yourself to ask either.
You accept bashfully, smiling at him when he seemed relieved and happy to have you take his small gift. You then wished him a good journey to wherever he's heading. And good luck with everything.
It did look like the man wanted to say more than a simple "Thank you, dove." but he stopped himself with a nod then headed out. Basically rushed, honestly. It did throw you off, how interested he was and just how fast it suddently finished.
Rain stopped not long after and you didn't need the umbrella that day, ending up at home, put away somewhere safe. At least you got a good quality umbrella out of this ordeal, yet you couldn't stop thinking about him.
That story now behind, spring came full force and the rain did not come back until almost three months later.
Weather app lied, it seems, as you glanced outside the store and saw zero rain, and you sighed, having carried your (new and fancy) umbrella around with you all this time. As your eyes studied the outside scenery, someone walked through the front door and you already plastered your "Welcome, dearest costumer" smile when it faltered a little in surprise as you recognized the man that entered rushing in the store. Of course you would, as if you stopped thinking about him. As of today, you were slowly starting to think less about the mysterious John, having to accept that he was just passing by and that you were a little encounter in his busy life. But he was here. In your store. Again. Looking for something. Or someone...
Rushing through the door, almost out of breath, he scanned his surroundings in a milisecond to spot you already watching him. The relief was prominent on his features, making you feel excited? He looked relieved to see you, then he immediately looked a little hesitant, unsure. As if his legs brought him there before he could think it through, although it didn't take long for him to smile at you.
"Been a while, yeah?" God, his voice was even better slightly breathless.
You eagerly get to talking again, his chest puffed and his back stood straighter when you easily told him that of course you remember him because how could you not, really? Conversation was just a tad awkward, him searching in your eyes for something while trying to play it cool.
He pointed out the entrance with a small nod of his head and smiled as you both watched a few shy droplets of water finally hit the dry floor, seconds later it starting a downfall. His eyes locked back onto your face and he asked a simple "I trust the umbrella's been handy?" and to that you smile, explaining how you never got to use it but coincidentally, it was now hanging out in the back with your purse, since finally it was supposed to rain again (Weather App redeemed). To that he just looks at you, expression morphing from shock, to relief to amusement.
He had this way of commanding a room, having people wait for him to react and this would be the first time you'd notice a quirk of his as you yourself held your breath, seeing he was about to say something. He'd take a sharp breath, tilt his head and take a small step forward when he was going to say something intense, something from the bottom of his heart and guts.
"Would I be a fool to ask you on a date, love?" He'd swoop the the rug under your feet with that and continue. "Because I was a fool once to try to act subtle and I almost missed my chance." He laughs at something, something that will turn into a light-hearted joke between you.
As you stutter a yes, you also ask him what he meant. You weren't an idiot, he was interested few months back, but he never made a move, not even a subtle one, just rushed out. Just like that. Poof.
Funny, huh? How he slipped his number on a small piece of paper in the umbrella, thinking it would be cute for it to fall out as you open it. Also, he didn't want to bother you anymore at work, specially since you already had some costumers and he already took so much of your time. (They could've waited, but whatever. Ugh, that mindful dumbass.)
The first time you made him stutter was exactly after he explained that to you, as you raised a brow at him and asked. "What if I used the umbrella in a rush, in pouring rain and I'd never see the piece of paper fall?" It was indeed a question he surely asked himself afterwards a couple of thousands of times in the dead of the night, berating himself for it, yet he still didn't have a good answer for that, hence the stutter and the absolutely fucking adorable shade of pink painting his cheeks for a couple of seconds there.
The way John sees it is that he spent two months waiting for a message, a call, anything. He sometimes couldn't attend his phone but made sure that the number he gave you was always available, even if he couldn't answer immediately. Hell, he even pulled through missions faster to come back to base and look at the device and be greeted with disappointment. It took him a few weeks to accept that you weren't going to contact him and acceptance started to hit, although John can't really let it go before thinking of all the what-ifs imaginable (after some more weeks of sulking silently), so of course he checked the weather in your area after he left you. And of course he saw that in fact it did not rain again, yet he couldn't be sure if it rained that same day, and if it did, how much. Records weren't that clear in your specific area.
He needed to know if you found the paper or not. It was all he had to know. John Price was left stumped and in need of answers. Answers he came to get because John Price knew the moment he saw you that it would be too good to let go.
You had to check yourself, it didn't matter that it was at work with him there. You went back, grabbed the umbrella and opened it, and surely enough, with his observant eyes studying every single one of your movements as he followed right behind, you watched in fascination as a small piece of paper fell swaying side to side in its descend, as if mocking you.
"I'd love to hear from you again. Call me anytime. John."
As you'd tell this story to anyone who asked you two how you met, you'd roll your eyes at John any single time. He called it fate, said the wait was worth it to see you watch that paper fall out of the umbrella, meanwhile you ways end up calling him an idiot. Lovingly. For such a bright man, he was indeed an idiot. Your idiot thought. (In his defense, it was the only time he ever attempted subtleties with you, learing his lesson and all.) One thing for sure? The story never ceased to bring a smile on your face.
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What's One Night With A Different Knight
Pairing: Jake Lockley x Reader & Marc Spector x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: very brief mention of abuse; not towards the reader just as an idea but besides that I think it's safe here- there's some bickering at the end but otherwise a... relatively cute fic
Genre: very much fluff
Summary: When Marc coincidentally overhears you telling your friend you might dump Jake he steps in to help
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Jake Lockley. He's been your boyfriend for about 3 months now although at this point you're not too sure he'll keep that title much longer. It's not that Jake mistreats you or anything but, he can be cold, distant. Sometimes it feels as if he's not there even when he's with you, which honestly isn't saying much because these days he's hardly with you anyway. This thing between you, it's new, and you want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he's going through something he's not ready to share with you because of how new things are. That you can understand, and you don't necessarily want to give up on your relationship if all of this is because he's having a hard time, especially because he was so kind and charming when you met. Although, 'he was so kind when we met' is the beginning of too many stories that end with bruises, restraining orders, arrests, death. So you won't put too much weight in 'he was kind and charming when you met'. You don't want to believe that Jake would ever hurt you but you still don't know him well, and you can only ignore so many warning signs. The more you mull it over the more you think it's time to end things. You just want to figure out the best way to do so.
"El I think I'm gonna break up with him." You mutter to your friend as you walk back from dinner together, the summer nights being perfect for it.
"Jake? I thought you really liked him!"
"I do. Or- I did. These days there's not enough of him around to like. That's the problem." You sigh. "I know he has a life, I mean, so do I but the bottom line is that Lockley isn't putting in effort and I refuse to be the only one that cares in this relationship."
"Maybe you should talk to him about it?"
"Maybe. It's just that it's only been a couple of months, if he's already falling off like this so soon I mean, it seems like he can't be bothered." You shrug.
"I think you should talk to him if you see a future with him in any capacity. But I know you don't have patience for being treated like an option."
"Correct, I don't. I won't prioritize someone who won't prioritize me. I'll think about it though. I just- I'm not going to beg him to be invested in our relationship that's all."
You had no way of knowing that, coincidentally, not Jake but one who shares his body heard a good bit of this conversation. While Jake hadn't told you about his secrets, between Moonknight and his fractured mind, it didn't take Marc and Steven long to find out about you. Considering how little he fronts, it was easy for them to solve the mystery that had him showing up more often. You. They obviously didn't know you personally but they knew enough about you. Marc had particularly taken an interest in you and while Steven would never admit it, because you weren't his girlfriend, part of him liked you a little bit too. They'd both like you to stick around but Marc, unlike Steven, is willing to cross lines if it means keeping you around. Which is why the night after hearing you vent to your dear friend, he's strolling coolly to your apartment with a bouquet of flowers. He knocks on the door with all the confidence in the world, smiling kindly when you open the door, even when he sees the confused look on your face.
"Jake? What are you doing here?" You ask. Marc reveals the flowers from behind his back.
"Now I would've got your favorites but forgive me I'm not sure what they are. I do however know flowers and put together some that show what I feel about you. Blue salvias, morning glories, forget me nots, and a collection of carnations and camellias." Marc says.
"I'm not personally well versed in flowers so I'm not sure what any of them mean but thank you." You chuckle. "And what's up with your voice?"
"I thought it'd be fun to do an accent." He shrugs.
"Oh? Should I do one too?"
"Nah, I love your voice too much." He winks.
"How cute. Did you, really come all this way just to drop off some flowers though?" You ask.
"No. So you'll have to look up their meanings later, I'm actually hoping you can spare a couple hours of your evening for a date. I thought I'd surprise you."
"A date? I'm hardly dressed for a date."
"Well you could wear a paper bag and still be the most gorgeous person in any room we entered, but I'm a patient man, go ahead and get ready. I'll wait."
"Give me 15 minutes." You say ushering him into your apartment.
"Take your time mi amor." Marc says, throwing the endearment in to appear more like Jake.
Marc??? Where are we? Marc sighs at the voice in his head, he'd hoped that both alters would be blocked for most of the evening.
"Jake babe, where are we going?" You call down the hall.
"It's a surprise princessa!" 
"I mean I know, I really just need the dress code."
"Casual is fine, although you'd look perfect in anything."
"So charming this evening." You muse.
Marc rushes into the bathroom and turns on the faucet, glaring at the mirror.
"Yes I know who it is Steven thank you."
"I'm thinking that Jake is about to lose her and I have no interest in letting that happen."
So what's your plan?! To tell her the truth about us?
"No! At least, not tonight. Tonight is just about showing her what she deserves."
That is absolutely mad. Not to mention a betrayal of trust, both hers and Jake's. She thinks you're someone else Marc.
"Yeah, that's kind of the point."
So you're just going to pretend to be him indefinitely?
"No, she's this close to breaking up with Jake so- I'm proving he's not a shit partner."
Right, so that when he fails to deliver after this she'll dump him quicker.
"I'm trying to save their relationship not ruin it!"
You realize if Jake ever tells her about us and she finds out about this she will probably be pissed off
"That's fine because if I don't do this they probably won't even last long enough for Jake to tell her about us."
You've lost your mind Marc, you cannot pretend to be Jake anymore than you could pretend to be me or I could pretend to be either of you
"For a couple of hours, I absolutely can actually."
"Jake? Where'd you go?" Your voice halts their conversation and Marc turns off the sink, swinging open the bathroom door to greet you with a smile.
"Apologies hermosa, I'm here." He says.
"Well, let's go on this surprise date of yours." You say  You've put on a pair of jeans and a mesh sweater over a crop top for the evening, something comfortable but cute since you still don't know where you're going.
"Yes, let's." Marc offers his arm to you and you loop yours through it as you exit your apartment.
"Will you tell me where we're heading now?" You ask him while he leads you through the streets of town.
"I will not, but I'm sure you'll guess before we get there." He says.
"How on earth would I be able to guess before we get there?" You frown.
"Listen closely amor." He says and you allow yourself to take in the sounds of summer evenings. There are people talking, and walking, everywhere, but after a moment you hear faint music, not like the kind playing in restaurants that you pass. It's- carnival music? You can hear the sounds of laughter and screams and the almost obnoxious chimes carnival games are known for and just as you piece it together you just barely pick up the smell of overpriced fair food.
"Are we going to a carnival?" You ask with an excited gasp and though Marc doesn't answer he smiles in a way that tells you you've guessed correctly. Just then you turn a corner and are suddenly met with so many bright lights you're tempted to close your eyes for a moment.
"Surprise." Marc says quietly as you approach.
"I didn't even know there was a carnival in town! This is so cool!" You say beaming at him.
"I thought you'd like it." He smiles softly.
"I love it. Thank you." You tell him.
"Anything for you." He says and he means that. He's not sure Jake would say it but- he feels that way. In this moment, watching you take in the carnival with childlike wonder. He would do anything for you. He's sure of it.
"What should we do first?!" You ask him excitedly.
"Whatever you want, it's your surprise. We can do it all, ride every ride, play every game, eat everything from every stall, win every prize they've got, we can just walk around, we can ride the same ride a hundred times if you want. I'll do whatever makes you happiest." Marc says and you smile so sweetly he's sure his heart is fit to fly out of his chest and into your hands.
"Let's start with the swing carousel." You say pointing out the ride.
"Of course." He nods leading you both to the line. He's quiet as you make your way to the front and onto the ride but he holds your hand even after you're sat in your swings waiting for the ride to start. After a few moments, the ride lifts into the air and begins spinning in large circles, taking all of you with it. Marc watches you as you happily look around at the rest of the carnival from the vantage point this ride gives you. There's a childlike wonder to your happiness that when he's looking at you he feels at peace like every problem he's ever had is dissolving. It's a feeling he wants to hold onto. When the ride ends you and Marc take turns picking what order to hit the others in. Honestly, he'd let you decide every step he takes if you wanted to, but you insist that he have some say in the evening.
"I didn't take you for the carnival type Jake." You say after you've ridden most everything there is to ride here. The use of Jake's name is like a bucket of cold water in Marc's face and he has to remind himself not to react outwardly.
"I don't know that I'd say I am actually but I am the make you happy type, cariño." Marc says kissing your cheek.
"You're so cute tonight." You giggle. "We have to ride the ferris wheel before we go." You point at the large brightly lit up wheel.
"Alright but before that let's play one of these games, yeah? Tell me what prize you want and I'll win it for you." Marc says.
"You don't have to do that Jake." You shake your head.
"I want to. Go on, pick a prize." Marc tells you. You look at the different games around the carnival and your eyes eventually catch on a stuffed raccoon. It's big with blue eyes and paws and ears and feet and it's hanging over one of those impossible ringtoss games.
"Do you think you could win one of those raccoon toys?" You ask, pointing at it.
"Easy." He nods.
"Well the bottle ring toss is notoriously hard usually. Don't take it too seriously." You tell him as he walks up to the booth with you.
"Trust me princessa, I've got this." Marc winks at you before buying his rings from the attendant who looks extremely bored.
"Alright." You laugh.
"Watch this." He turns slightly to the side and tosses the rings in rapid succession, making every throw with surprising accuracy.
"Wow." You say.
"Told you it'd be easy." Marc says throwing his arm around you. He points at the stuffed raccoon you wanted and the game attendant pulls it down with a shocked congratulations.
"Thank you Jake." You say kissing his cheek.
"Of course amor. To the Ferris wheel now, yes?"
"Yes! Let's go!" You smile, clutching the raccoon closely. Your Ferris wheel ride is peacefully quiet and when you eventually return to the ground, Marc walks you back to your apartment. You chat idly as you walk, catching up about how you've been since you last saw each other and before you know it, you're at your apartment door.
"I had an amazing time tonight." Marc says.
"Me too. I dunno what's up with you tonight but, I like you like this." You say with a small smile.
"Yeah? Me too." He smiles. You place a hand on his shoulder to lean up and kiss his cheek shyly.
"Text when you get home, okay?" You say.
"Of course amor." He nods.
"Goodnight Jake." You say softly.
"Goodnight mi vida." He breathes out as you step into your apartment. You almost don't want to close your door because it means the night is over but you do and Marc leaves, whistling happily to himself as he was back to their flat. It's not until he makes it all the way back that a voice rings in his head.
If we didn't share a body hermano I would kill you right now.
Marc looks at the nearest reflective surface to see Jake glaring at him.
That was my girlfriend! What the hell are you doing?!
"Hey, if not for what I did tonight she'd probably be your ex girlfriend by morning. She was ready to dump you just the other night. You should be thanking me." Marc says.
Marc, that's Jake's life. It's not your place to meddle, we agreed to let each other have our things. You overstepped seriously. 
This time it's Steven who steps in, gentle but scolding.
"I just saved his relationship. That girl deserves better, all I did was show it to her."
Not only have you fundamentally destroyed the trust of their relationship but you've set an expectation you don't even know if Jake can maintain! At best you've strung her along and at worst you have to maintain this lie which can only lead to a million other problems because when you eventually start to care for her and hearing her call you Jake starts driving you crazy and you're tempted to tell her the truth you won't be able to because at that point you'll be in so deep that she'll never speak to either of you again if you do tell her.
"I gave her exactly what kind of relationship she should have, now Jake either has to step up or lose her for good."
And when he doesn't fill this weird bar you've set up because he's not you, then what? Because she was about to dump him until you stepped in, right? 
First of all who said I couldn't fill it?!
"If you can be that for her why haven't you?"
It's none of your business Marc
Case in point. He's not gonna do what you did. You've just created this unnecessary contradicting person for her and there was literally no reason for that.
"Whatever, she deserved a nice night."
You're ignoring the part where she is MY girlfriend and you had no right to take her out! Just because she doesn't know there's more than one of us doesn't mean it's okay to take advantage of that!
"If she's your girlfriend. Treat her well and we won't have this problem."
The only problem is you meddling
"God you two are such nags. I saved your relationship tonight Jake. I won't apologize for it because you're lucky you can still call her your girlfriend right now." Marc rolls his eyes and walks away from the mirror and their conversation. Yeah maybe he should've left well enough alone but you deserve nice things and even if it means you leave Jake for not being enough, at least you should know that someone will give you everything you deserve.
Meanwhile, after you've showered and changed you look up the meaning of those flowers he brought you, the blue salvias mean 'I think of you', and morning glories mean 'affection', forget me nots are self explanatory, the different colored carnations mean everything from my heart aches to I'll never forget you and the various camellias have meanings of longing and other dramatic declarations of love, at least according to a website you found. It's a very thoughtful collection of flowers, more emotionally expressive than Jake has been for most of your relationship but it's something that warms your heart as you lay in bed thinking about your date. An absolutely perfect date.
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lovelypham · 1 month
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ʬʬ prompt:where you were invited to your best friend's birthday party only to realize how jealous you'd get when seeing him with others girls,little did you know he felt the same way about you ✎wc:458 ✩⡱pairing:non-idol!bestfriend!jake X fem!reader ˳೫˚∗warnings: jealousy,fluff,kissing,confessing, mildly suggestive
╰┈➤song recommendation:Eyes don't lie-Isabel LaRosa ✩⡱
As you watched Jake,your best friend for more than 5 years who was also coincidentally your crush for the past 6 months,effortlessly indulge in yet another conversation with a girl at the bar, a sigh escaped your lips Despite knowing it was his own party and you didn't have any excuse to limit him from talking to girls,a feeling of jealousy tugged at your heart strings.
hesitantly agreeing to come after Jake quite literally begged you, you found yourself tucked away in a corner, sipping your probably ninth drink of the night,while shooting daggers in his direction. Laughter and music filled the air, and while everyone was having a good time you weren't.
When another girl got a bit too comfy with Jake, you decided to escape to the peace the unoccupied pool outside provided. The summer breeze messed up your hair, and the alcohol in your system blurred your thoughts as you stared into the night sky.
Suddenly, Jake showed up beside you, his presence bringing you both comfort and nervousness. "hey__" he murmured, his voice low while saying your name. "you seem a little distant. everything okay?"
You hesitated, caught off guard by the way he knew you so well "yeah, I'm fine," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant"I just needed to get some air I felt suffocated inside"you replied in an awkward tone
Jake leaned in closer, his eyes searching yours in way that made your heart beats race. "Are you sure?" he whispered, his breath warm against your freezing skin.
You swallowed a lump, feeling exposed under his gaze. "honestly, I'm just... feeling a little sick," your voice carrying uncertainty
A smirk tugged at the corners of Jake's lips as he leaned even closer, his lips touching your earlobe. "so you're not jealous,huh?" he murmured, his voice sending shivers down your spine you gasped and then quickly denied his allegations saying "what are you talking about jake?" . he said one thing "Eyes don't lie,baby"
Your breath hitched as Jake's words sent a jolt of electricity through you. Before you could respond, he closed the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a heartwarming kiss. It felt like the world around you faded away, leaving only the burn of his touch and the pounding of your heart
After you pulled away, both of you breathless he sighed and said"i was only talking to so many girls because I wanted to forget about you, we always promised ourselves to never date or catch feelings for eachother, because we believed it'll ruin our friendship"
you looked to your right to catch a glimpse of his face only to find out he was already staring at you
you took his hands in yours and layed them on your lap and with a comforting smile you told him "that's what i told my self too jaeyun, but love can't be hidden like any other emotion ,I've had a crush on you for as long ask i can remember and I always shrugged it off but I can't handle seeing you like this anymore" he then tightened his grip around your hands and replied with" do you wanna maybe be my girlfriend? " you quickly said"yes! omg of course jae" you then kissed him again but unlike the first kiss this one was hurried but still as meaningful as the first one
you suddenly heard loud cheering and screams, only to realize your friends have been watching the whole thing from the start
(note: this is my first time writing an actual fic so please go easy on me😭😭, I'll gladly take any constructive criticism of any kind just no hate💗)
this is all fiction and not meant to represent any mentioned idols as they are in real life
©lovelypham works 2024
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imdead770 · 3 months
curtis sister!reader hcs?
(idk dude, with the gang or just with the curtis')
The Outsiders x Curtis Sister!Reader
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Authors Note - I don't know exactly what you meant, so I'm just winging it. Enjoy! Ps: I did the whole gang, so some of these are platonic (because their you're siblings, duh) P.P.S: You're Sodas twin, it's just easier and you're in a better age range. Yeah.
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Darry Curtis -
Since Darry is more laid back on Soda, I think he'd be laid back with you, too. Only difference is he's way more protective of you. Only thing is he has no idea what to do with you since you're female. He tries, though. Like if some guy broke your he'd beat their ass. Anytime a new partner comes he gives them the dad-style lecture. Pretty much the ideal big brother.
Sodapop Curtis -
Well you are twins, so it's only logical you're close. If I'm being honest people have probably thought you two were dating. Like you're both hot as hell. So everything someone asks you both are like 'Ew, we're literally siblings.' You two are basically joined at the hip. Not like matching outfits close, you two have different lives, but you and Soda tell each other everything. Since you both have middle child problems, it makes sense. Basically you 2 are besties.
Ponyboy Curtis -
Literally talks to you about everything. Girls? He comes to you. School? He comes to you. You're like the one big sibling he can open up to. Somethings he tells Soda, others he tells you. He finds comfort in you since you kind of remind him of mom. No one else sees it, but he does. You two argue, he's your little brother, it's only logical. Mostly about really stupid shit like he ate the last piece of chocolate cake pr something. But despite that you two are really close. Yahoo.
Dallas Winston-
Since he comes to the Curtis house a lot, he sees you a lot. And since your Sodapop's twin, you're hot as hell. You can see where this is going. The gang caught on whenever Dal would start inviting you to hang out with them. Or if you'd leave and he coincidentally had to go meet Buck at the same time. Anyways you're dating, he treats you as nice as Dallas Winston can. Darry hates it. Of all the nice boys you could've dated you picked the one most likely to break your heart. He's caught Dal sneaking in at least 5 times. Anyways Dal treats you pretty well, so eventually Darry treats him like he used to. It takes a while, though. A lot of glares.
Johnny Cade -
He met you whenever you wandered into the kitchen for something. The whole gang waved like you were a normal occurrence, so Johnny went with the crowd and waved back. He almost fell off the arm of the couch when you smiled and waved back at him. Honestly, your siblings were all for this. Johnny's the sweetest thing alive, he's your best option. Heck, Soda probably set you two up. Once you two started dating Darry didn't really care. It's Johnny, he had no reason to threaten him with a loaded shotgun. Johnny still gets nervous around Darry, though. Plus one time Pony walked in on you two kissing and it was awkward for them for like 4 weeks. Other then that it's like you aren't even a Curtis sibling.
Two-Bit Mathews -
He met you whenever you came out to hang out with the gang since you got bored of studying. He cracked some jokes like he usually does, but once he realized you thought he was funny, he made a scary amount of jokes, even for him. The gang noticed it, Darry was already like 'fuck no'. He's practically an alcoholic, you're too good for him. Somehow he pulled you, and Darry isn't as protective, but he still glares. Like if Two-Bit invites you to a party, somehow Darry pops out of thin air and glares. It's scary. But eventually it just becomes normally and everyone's okay with it. Anytime Two makes a dirty joke Darry silently threatens him with his life, though.
Steve Randle -
You came over to DX one time to ask Soda what he wanted for dinner. Instead you were met with Steve, who had no idea you were Soda's twin sister, and started hitting on you. Eventually Soda, you two talk, Steve connects the dots. He doesn't care though, he keeps flirting with you everything he sees you. Eventually you two start dating. Soda thinks it's weird, like his best friend is literally dating his female self. Steve didn't see it, though. Darry isn't too strict, I mean sure Steve's a dumbass but he doubts he'd hurt you. So no one really cares except Soda. He'll never see you or Steve the same.
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robertdowneyjjr · 7 months
hey, so. funny thing.
@whinysteve and i have been going insane for like two days because we couldn't find this one fic we really liked, and we both remembered reading it not so long ago but somehow neither of us could recall how it ended? and we kept saying that it's so GOOD and how the heck did it just disappear? well, after hours of losing my mind going through my ao3 history, the steve/tony tag with various keywords, the findingstony blog... it. it hit me that i can't find it because it doesn't exist. because it was the soulmates au idea you posted like two weeks ago where their words only show up after they've met their soulmate.
i thought you might find this amusing. 😩 (i do, but i also need to lie down for a bit because i will never know how steve fixed that mess)
hahahaha omg liv if this is your way of peer pressuring me into writing the whole fic i might actually do it??? because your ask has got me thinking about what would happen next.
that said, steve still hasn't figured out how to fix this mess. i'm very sorry about this.
(stonyclunks soulmates au part one here)
having been rescued by SHIELD, news of steve's recovery was immediately delivered to howard stark who, while not as involved with SHIELD as he used to be, still receives weekly reports as one of its co-founders.
he'd gone home that night and brought it up in the middle of cutting his steak. coincidentally, tony had been visiting that day and stayed for dinner, so he found out about captain america's miraculous resurrection before the general public did, and honestly, he had enough of hearing about how great this guy was growing up. he really didn't need to keep hearing about it as an adult after he'd finally worked through his issues with his dad and his obsession with a (not quite) dead war hero.
so after howard's announcement, tony politely requested howard refrain from talking about this guy with him.
"i know he's your friend, and you'll probably be spending a bit of time with him now that he's been found, and i'm really happy for you, but i think it would be better for our relationship if we could talk about literally anything but him," he'd said.
and, well. howard was trying. he knew he wasn't the best dad and he also wanted to do right by maria, who spent so many years torn between her son and her husband while trying to mend their relationship. they were finally in a relatively good place with each other which made maria happy. and to be frank, howard had actually come to really enjoy tony's company whenever he was home. he was quite happy too. so he agreed. they don't talk about steve and howard doesn't ask tony to meet steve.
that very night, tony made sure 'captain america' and 'steve rogers' were muted in all his news feeds and social channels.
he literally doesn't know a single thing about the man besides what he learned in his childhood, which he's blocked out. it's a peaceful two years of blissful ignorance.
fast forward to now, tony's packing up his suitcase and getting ready to check out of his hotel when he sees a text from his mom in their family group chat.
seems he's not quite the perfect role model you always made him out to be, howard 🤡, her message reads.
what follows is a link to an instagram post, and from the message preview he can see that it's steve rogers' profile, and under normal circumstances he wouldn't even bother clicking the link.
but 1) maria usually never brings up the man in tony's presence either, and 2) her comment made him laugh. so color tony intrigued.
he taps the link and sees the post. it's a picture of a coffee cup from the place he was at a week ago. the one where he got body slammed by his mysterious dick of a soulmate and unfairly yelled at for it.
he reads the caption and his legs give out under him.
i don't even know if you'll see this, but all i can do is hope. i'm sorry for the words that have made their mark on you. i know i don't deserve it, but i'm hoping you could give me a second chance. i won't yell at you this time, i promise. yours, a fucking asshole
one week ago, captain america was barely even a blip on tony's radar and that's how he preferred it. now, steve rogers is tony's mysterious dick of a soulmate.
what the fuck even is his life.
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Blue Exorcist Chapter 145: Notes
In this chapter, the exorcists are preparing to enter Satan's maze to either bind or destroy his heart. (honestly binding it is the only way to go, or Assiah is done. Lightning should know better!)
The kids might have had a good night's sleep but the Enpeira is weakening, and eventually, Satan's dark magic will destroy them. The adult exorcists and Mephisto spent the night on strategy and they came up with an elaborate plan, with Lightning taking the lead.
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Mephisto makes a model to show the entire chess board to his players. But he's not doing well, his body is weakening at an advanced rate, worse than all the others. But is he dying? Or is his power being used elsewhere and he's playing possum? I have ideas...we know he has some sort of agreement with Shura that we don't know about. Shura is nowhere to be seen in this entire chapter, not even in the background drawings. Weird.
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Just to note, like the powers of Nemu Takara, Mephisto uses toys as his conjuring of choice. This is like this version of Legoland.
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We also have this exorcist that looks a bit like Iblis, but I'm sure Mephisto would know if his sister was amongst them in disguise. Most demon kings have human family thanks to the section 13 experiments, maybe this woman is a descendent? The one next to her looks a bit like a clone Samael too.
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As the exorcists are sectioned off into different teams, Yukio offers to help Rin scale the blue flames wall. Yukio admits that both he and Rin are immune to blue flames. Once Lightning hears this, he completely geeks out. Because of course, Lightning is interested in all things regarding human/demon relationships, possessions, clones and demon-eaters. Pretty much all ways that humans and demons can coexist and share powers. And humans like Yukio have never happened.
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In other side narratives.
Shiemi still thinks she's going to die and refuses to tell Rin that she loves him. Kamiki is on her team, and won't give up on her.
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Between Kamiki and Amaimon I think Shiemi is in good hands with two fierce guardians. If she lives she promises to ask Rin on a date. I think Shiemi has made the right choice, distractions right now, will not lead them to victory.
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And yes, it's the end of the world but teenagers will be teenagers. And young love is such a distraction.
Yukio notices Rin thinking deeply by himself. Yukio, being a deep thinker himself is worried that his brother is still having deep concerns about Satan and the complex relationship between his demon and human sides. But nah, Rin's thinking about girls.
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Plus Rin's crush, is coincidentally also Yukio's crush which annoys Yukio when he mentions his "love issues" And once again the boys are competing with each other. These two are fucking exhausting, will they actually work together climbing the wall, who knows. At least it will be entertaining. Part of me hopes Amaimon breaks the love triangle. Then maybe the boys will get along.
As they prepare to leave for the mission they lock the refrigerators behind them, preventing anything from coming and returning to True Cross. This is probably why Angel is separated from this group in the future. He lives because he isn't there.
Let's hope the future we were shown was wrong and they are able to change it this time around.
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And technically, Lightning secretly doesn't want Angel to come back to the front and become a vessel for Lucifer. Sealing Angel away is the best thing for him, it keeps him safe. Even though Lighting isn't an emotional guy, i think after years of working with Angel, he does consider him his friend.
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And as our brave team departs for battle, after a badass war cry, they ride out on.....bouncy horses.
It may be the end, but least Mephisto still has a sense of humour.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 27 days
Black Sun, Shadow Moon
I don't have time to clean up my theories yet, but a while back I referenced that Kamen Rider Black's backstory is nearly identical to Sanji.
The quick summary of it is that Kamen Rider Black has an adopted brother who coincidentally has the same birthday as him, they both got experimented on to give them powers, but only the hero was able to escape. He has powers but still has a human heart. His brother lost his humanity, and became something like an "evil Kamen Rider". They got almost all the same mods, exoskeleton, power ups, etc. Except the brainwashed brother is stronger.
Basically kind of like Sanji and his bros, especially because despite being not blood related, having the same birthday almost makes them "like twins".
You can see the longer summary here, and pardon the rest of the post, it's super messy and incoherent. You can ignore the theory half of it honestly, just read the Kamen Rider part for context.
Anyway, my point is, while thinking of black and red being opposites I just remembered that it's connected to that Kamen Rider theory that I had. Kamen Rider Black was originally meant to be "Black Sun", but when he escaped he just used a different term (Kamen Rider Black) as his "hero name". His brother's name as the "evil Rider" is "Shadow Moon" as I wrote in the title.
Those names to me sounded like "solar eclipse" and "lunar eclipse" to me, and wouldn't you know, the science of it fits the Germa colours. A lunar eclipse makes the moon turn red, which people call "blood moon". A solar eclipse has the appearance of "the sun turning black".
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I identify Ichiji as the lunar eclipse/Shadow Moon counterpart because of various thematic elements, but mainly because of this Japanese philosophy I mentioned, about red and black being opposites.
Not to mention in the Navagraha (the big circle with the 8 smaller circles around it), a symbol that is prevalently used in One Piece, the two eclipse "stars" Rahu and Ketu were originally one body that was split in half.
Again this "fits the science" in a way. Sanji and his brothers are identical quadruplets. It's somewhat a stretch, but you can say that identical multiplets are "one body" (zygote) that split into "multiple bodies" (embryos).
So, anyway, I have been holding a theory that Germa is connected to moon symbolism, and this just further adds to it. It's why I connect them to Wano, which also has very strong moon symbolism. It's all still a bit sporadic and too many what if, but anyway.
In Sanji's case the "sun" half of his eclipse image is Sora, but that's for later discussion I guess. I made reference to it here and there, but still hasn't pinned down where I want to go with it.
It'll be a while before I'm able to clean up the sun-moon theory properly, so that's why I'll just throw this out there for now.
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How to Write a Gojo x Reader?
My sister one day just woke up and chose violence: "hey how would you write a Gojo x Reader?"
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So let me get something straight: I take Gege's words pretty seriously when they say: Gojo wouldn't be loyal. So she's (my lil sis) just here to mess with my head.
That being said: I did come out of it with something. I'll share my process at the end. MasterList here !! SPOILERS For anyone who hasn't seen JJK0 or Season 2: Hidden Inventory!!
You work in a second-hand bookstore - cafe. The cafe owner got married to the bookstore owner and they just made it into a combo thing. It's in an area they walk by often enough? Like post missions and school and stuff they just walk by normally.
It's most likely Nanami, Geto, or Ieri that drives the party into the bookstore. Though in Nanami's case I think it's more Haibara noticed he seemed interested in the place and suggested it to everyone.
You're younger than they are by at least a year. Gojo definitely calls you a kid. "What the heck are they doing employing a kid?"
When Gojo buys something from the store, "this kid's going to be taking your money now."
"Cheeky brat."
"Takes one to know one," you make a face at him.
"Where's the manager?" Gojo makes a show of leaning down from his human-skyscraper height. "I want to complain about the horrible customer service."
"Now now Satoru, don't bully the store clerk," yeah you definitely like the guy with the bangs more.
You'd like to say you don't see much of them after that, but Nanami and Geto, and therefor Gojo by extension, show up a few more times to the bookstore and cafe. You get along well with Geto and Nanami, and argue a lot with Gojo.
You do deal with a lot of second hand books though, so some books that come in have curses on them. Coincidentally, it's when the Jujutsu Tech students are all busy that these cursed books come in and the different curses start festering and growing. They become enough of a problem that "accidents" start happening. You still go to work daily though, because you've miraculously managed to not be a victim of any of it.
Though you did have mysterious scratches and bruises and you don't know how you got them.
No fatalities, but some really close calls. Like a bookshelf almost crushing a few people.
When Gojo and Geto hear about these incidents when they get back from a mission, they're like: hold up we know that place. They choose to go personally and are almost alarmed by how bad it was. Sensing the presence of sorcerers the curse gets violent and that's when you develop the ability to see curses too.
Gojo doesn't have the time to teach some kid about these curses, so Geto is the one to comfort you after experiencing what you did. He starts checking up on you regularly (with Gojo in tow) after that experience with how shaken you were. He's very sweet, and you're young, so you develop a bit of a crush on the dark-haired boy.
Let it be known Gojo picks up on it immediately and starts tagging along just to antagonize and tease you.
Things change drastically after they fail their mission with Riko.
While they're both shaken up, Geto is still Geto, so he feels duty bound to check in with you. You asking both him and Gojo for curse self-defense advice, helps him a bit. That being said, when he's lost and drifting about, you do feel it on a subconscious level. Your conscious brain doesn't catch up fast enough unfortunately. You are, as Gojo, put it a kid.
Given Gojo's Six-Eyes, he's actually the one who first figures out what you can do. Geto's the one who does most of the instructing because Gojo's not the best at it.
You're a weird kind of normalcy. You're not a sorcerer, and they don't advise you to be one, but you can understand what they do to a certain extent. As a result the three of you kinda bond over all sorts of things.
After Geto snaps and Gojo is looking for him, he comes by the bookstore, concerned about you, though you were almost a sorcerer at this point. He honestly feels relieved to see you.
"Is everything alright?" You can feel it in your gut that something is terribly wrong. "Sugu-kun came by the other day and you weren't with him."
"Suguru came by?"
"Yeah, he came by to say goodbye, because his mission was going to send him away for a very long time."
Gojo's shock is visible on his face, "did he do anything to you?"
"No?" You frown at him. "Sugu-kun would never."
Gojo looks so torn by those words and you're so confused by what's happening, but Gojo just leaves without saying a thing.
After his falling out with his best friend, he avoids the bookstore for a bit...until his feet take him there one day.
"Satoru!" You look at him with so much concern. "You're still alive!"
"Hah?" He sneers. "Of course I'm still alive! I'm the strongest!"
"Yeah, yeah," you roll your eyes, "so um, have you heard anything from Sugu-kun, is he okay?"
"Is there anything new on the cafe menu?" You're taken aback by how he doesn't even answer your question.
Again on a subconscious level you know something's wrong, but you're struggling to put it together. So you just tell him about the new sweet that you really like that's been added. Then reiterate your question for him to respond to. He ignores you again and goes and buys one for him and one for you.
You've barely taken a bite into the treat when he speaks up, "Suguru's a curse user now."
You look so surprised.
"That's the mission, he was talking about," Gojo takes a bite of his own sweet, but his expression is sour.
Gojo continues to frequent that bookshop you work at, probably chasing the memories of the time when it was the three of you. You opened up to him more after what happened with Suguru. That being said, your tongue only got sharper with time, and so did your sass.
By the time you were in your last year of high school, you had each other's numbers and talked regularly.
"Well would you look at that squirt?" He'd tease. "You're going to join the adult world soon, but you're still as tiny as a kid."
"Everyone's tiny in comparison to you Mr. Tokyo Tower," you roll your eyes, "how is the weather up where you're at? I get the feeling the difference in altitude is affecting your ability to think."
As you both grow into adulthood, Gojo, given he makes much more money than you, starts insisting you meet up in expensive places he knows you can't afford to flaunt his wealth in your face. He is inviting you to treat you though.
The first time he pulled this on you, he went about gaslighting convincing you that the fancy decor didn't mean anything, and that the place was perfectly within the budget on a university student...until the bill showed up and you panic. He laughed so hard, it disturbed the other patrons, and even brought tears to his eyes, heck his abdominal muscles were sore. He paid for the whole thing afterwards, don't worry.
He couldn't get you to meet him at any place he picked for a while after that.
"My job pays really well, what's the problem with me treating a friend?"
"Well this friend can't repay this kindness so easily and feels bad about letting you have something against her."
"Eh?" He looks kinda pouty. "You really think I'd really be that petty?"
"You are."
"I'm here being generous and treating you to fancy foods you can only dream of tasting and you're being so mean."
"You've just proven my point, Satoru," you sigh, "I don't want to be a friend that only takes without giving back."
He's more amused that affronted by all that. He wasn't exactly trying to put you in his debt.
"Would you consider becoming a jujutsu sorcerer then?" He hums aloud. "You could repay me that way."
"Weren't you the one wailing about how I'm pretty mediocre and weak?" You questioned. "Wouldn't I just die on the job?"
"Ah good point," he teases.
You throw him a dirty look.
"Then," he looks at you intensely, "when I ask you for a favor, don't deny me."
"Depends on the favor Satoru," you're careful with your answer.
"Then at least, make sure I'm very high on your priority list," he says flippantly, "after all you're super lucky that I even give you any of my attention."
"Oh yeah," you sarcastically reply, but you're smiling, "thank you so much for gracing my insignificant self with your great presence."
You both laugh at that.
You do try to give back in some way. You accompany him, you give him teaching advice where you can. You celebrate his birthdays. You let him talk about Suguru. You didn't judge him after he told you he'd killed Suguru. You mourned him together. You said the things you thought he was thinking aloud for him. You didn't attack him when he feigned indifference. You did push him a bit. You tried not to flinch when he blew up in your face though. You stood there like an anchor, but he could see the tremors you held back, and you couldn't keep your tears contained.
You were terrified of him in that moment. You stayed because you wanted to be a good friend. He walked away without a word when he was done.
You accepted his invite a week later, he treated you to a fancy sweets place again. He was back to his usual self then, joking and poking and everything. This was his way of apologizing without apologizing really.
You knew better than to feel special to Satoru though.
You were only ever friends. After all, the one you'd had a crush on was Suguru. You wouldn't deny that Satoru was a beautiful specimen though.
But as a beautiful specimen, he was more interested in people who came close to his beauty. Which was why you were often his "women-expert". You did a shit job of it according to him.
"Satoru," you said it in such an exasperated tone, "each person is different."
"But there are some things that are shared over all!"
"Yeah, we want to feel loved and appreciated," you responded, digging into the parfait he'd gotten you, "but that's common to men too."
He clicked his tongue at you.
"If you want to properly pursue a lady, you need to closely listen to what she's saying."
He'll show you the texts they'd exchanged with absolutely no regard to your sanity. It's absurd what you're seeing. It's also hilarious how bad he is at this. Gross as what you were seeing was.
"It feels like neither one of you is serious," you leaned back, kinda disturbed by you'd seen.
"I'm not looking for anything serious."
"Then why are you asking me for advice?"
"It felt like fun."
"Why do I put up with you?"
"Because I feed you."
"So I'm a stray?"
"Hehe pretty much."
You laugh for a moment, "if you really believe that I only hang around you because you treat me, I'll punch you."
"Go ahead, I won't feel a thing."
"Fair point," you thought about it for a moment, "I'll have to figure out a different way to show you how upset I am with you thinking I don't value you as a friend."
You're not Suguru...but you're still his friend.
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I'm tired so I'm stopping here. If you want to see more please let me know. I did have some ideas for the Shibuya arc.
So for the thought process: I felt like with Gojo it's either a one and done or it's just angst. You don't get a happy ending this guy. It'd get messy...Gojo is lonely. Look at how he's frantically and desperately trying to collect and train more strong sorcerers. I think he could have feelings for a person, but he'd be the one to be guarded and stuff them down. He's the strongest after all.
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forgottenfourr · 10 months
i saw you in a dream - university smau
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chapter twenty - ticking time bomb
a/n: the next chapter is ALREADY OUT! i hope you enjoy the longer update :)
yn's pov:
it's such a defeating feeling when you realize your friends are avoiding you. especially when you know just why they're avoiding you.
they think you're crazy.
ever since you told them about what was going on, the dreams, jeongin. it seems as if they've been blatantly avoiding being around you. even seungmin and beomgyu who you live with.
you don't blame them honestly. to them, it probably seems like you're a ticking time bomb about to go off at any moment without warning.
which in all honesty, you aren't sure if they're too far off about that conclusion.
if you weren't insane already, you are certainly driving yourself to it.
if you aren't stuck doing work for your classes or at work, you're spending your time trying to figure out what the fuck the dreams are. how they're possible.
at least once a day you find yourself online looking for answers anywhere you can. trying to find people who have had the same thing happen to them, or at least a similar enough experience to your own that you feel a slight bit better about yourself.
you've found little to nothing, as expected. mostly just studies here and there about lucid dreaming with the occasional person going on about soulmates.
soulmates, yeah? funny.
you often try to convince yourself that whatever had been happening was just some weird way of lucid dreaming. like you weren't aware you were lucid dreaming but somehow you actually were.
and that makes sense in a way. a very small and stupid way, but a way nonetheless.
but what still doesn't make sense is jeongin. why is he always there? and how is it even possible that you both coincidentally came up with the same guitar melody? and even if it was lucid dreaming, how did everything feel so unnaturally real?
that's what has got you so disoriented. there is no way these dreams took place in someone else's subconscious at the same time they took place in yours.
but even with all of the research you've done, you keep coming back to that impossible conclusion.
some helpless part of yourself wants to believe the soulmate claims. just so you can say that's what it is and move on.
but it's ridiculous to even entertain the thought. soulmates aren't real. that you knew for sure.
plus for all you know jeongin doesn't actually have these dreams as well and you could just be a random person who sent him cryptid texts that he is now slightly terrified of.
god, what were you thinking when you texted him. what did you expect? for him to reply like "oh my god yes the dreams. i have them too. also, i am madly in love with you."
comical really.
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Hello! Hope you're doing well hope you dont mind this request- Not sure if you've done this but may I request the om brothers reacting to a slow learner mc?;;
I am one slow learner aha-
Thank you in advance and do take your time!
the brothers with a slow learner
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includes: the brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list
a/n: thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy it!! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come drop by! i don't bite lol.
please reblog <33333
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➳ lucifer realizes the issue fairly early on. after all, he is in charge of monitoring your task progress, so he knows that the, ah, relative lack of it isn’t because you didn’t try. not wanting to embarrass you, he doesn’t bring it up directly, but instead reworks the talk plan to try and make it more manageable for you. he also casually slides in offers for help and makes sure you’re aware that you’re more than welcome to sit in on any of his sessions with his brothers. overall, you seem to do a lot better and he’s glad that he can facilitate the best experience for you possible.
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➳ mammon is glad he’s not the only one! oftentimes, he feels like he falls behind his brothers and it’s definitely a sore spot, so to find someone else with similar issues is such a weight off his back. you work together on a lot of things, helping each other where possible, and it makes asking for help a lot less scary as he doesn’t have to worry as much about coming off as stupid or like he’s not trying. you also do a lot to help him, dismantling those assumptions about him in other people’s eyes.
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➳ levi isn’t the most studious, but tends to pick up on things quickly, which is the opposite of you, as you spend a lot of time with your books but need more time to synthesize and understand the content. eventually, he asks you about it, trying to explain he doesn’t mean any harm and just wants to help, which leads to you feeling more comfortable coming to him and asking questions. he also helps you find trustworthy study sites as all of the human-world ones you used to use were no longer applicable.
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➳ satan didn’t really pay enough attention to notice the info until you come to him on your own accord, explaining how you’re having trouble with the new material, especially since you’re missing so much of the background those who have been at rad for a long time have. it becomes common for him to pass along his notes and annotations for you, as well as for him to proofread your papers, which honestly he really enjoys, as your human perspective is quite insightful even without all of the demon background. additionally, he uses you for knowledge too, asking you all sorts of things about the human realm shamelessly.
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➳ asmo isn’t the fastest learner either, but he usually tries to keep that under wraps, studying in secret when others think he’s in his room messing with his clothes and makeup or going to the library when he tells his brothers he's going out on the town. you find him out quickly, coincidentally at the library when he’s there late one night, and before you know it, you two have regular study sessions. you help him be more open about where he needs help, something that’s truly a blessing even if it’s a little shameful to admit at first.
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➳ beel doesn’t really study. he probably should, but hey, his grades are decent and he’d much rather hit the gym or restaurants around town. but he sees how hard you work and not only brings you snacks and a much-needed smile when you start to stress spiral but also pulls you away to go on a walk or get your blood pumping, which you find actually helps you a lot. he also (eventually) gets convinced to start studying more which helps his grades get a bit better and also allows you two to spend time together, which is a tradeoff he’s willing to make.
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➳ belphie doesn’t really study either, and unlike been, his grades are not decent. they are abysmal. part of it is that he missed a lot of content when he was up in the attic and is now pretty far behind, but also he’s not motivated, especially since he really couldn’t care less. he also likes how angry it makes lucifer. after a few failed attempts to get him to study and put more effort in, you leave him be, but the guilt starts to eat at him when he goes to sleep in your bed with you bent over your desk and wakes up with you passed out with your face in your book, and attends some study sessions with you and beel.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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0anonnymouslyours0 · 2 years
boat trip - joseph quinn
warnings/description: this was requested by @kellysimagines - tysm for requesting im honestly rlly excited. desc: reader and joe have been together since st4 shooting and no that they are promoting st4 they are together but don't have much time with each other so the reader decides to rent a boat because he always wanted to do that in brazil and the reader surprises him with it and when they are back to the hotel he is very grateful for her and they make love? :) josephquinn x female!reader , unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) , soft sex , p in v , praise kink??? , kissing , fluffy stuff (overall this is really cute)
joe and you had met filming season 4, where you played eddies love interest. you immediately became enamored with each other, every morning you would get to set earlier then needed so you could talk to him, and also watch him transform into eddie. everyone on set had teased you two about it, telling you to hurry up and date. finally he ended up asking you out. coincidentally, it was the same time that you were filming the scenes were eddie and y/c/n first started dating.
when filming wrapped up, you saw each other a lot, but when the press tours began you hardly saw him. you were both really excited to go to brazil together, travel being something you always wanted to do. but you found you got no time, except for at night, but you were always too tired to actually spend any time together.
so when you checked your schedules and found out you had an entire free day, you decided you would surprise him. he always talked about going on a boat tour along the coast of brazil, something about how clear the water would be and how beautiful it would be. you went online and booked a nice looking boat, not too fancy. you found a small pier to meet, which hopefully wouldn't attract to much paparazzi.
joseph fell down down onto the bed, he had just arrived home from yet another press conference. you lay down next to him, turning on your side to face him.
"how was your day?"
"it was ok. how was yours sweetheart?"
"ok. you know how we have day off tomorrow?"
"i've got a surprise for us. i think you'll really like it."
"thanks love, i'm sure i will, can't wait." he said, smiling, as he leaned into kiss your forehead. he pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"can we just lay here for a bit?" he asked.
"of course." you said, nuzzling your head into his chest.
the next day, you packed a bag with some food, drinks and towels.
"hey joe!" you called across the room.
"yeah babe?"
"ready to go?"
"yep! coming!"
he came out of the bathroom, grabbing the keys out of the bowl. he wore a white shirt and shorts, hair messy. you leaned up ruffling his hair.
"you look cute." you said, smiling.
"you look cute too." he said, kissing your cheek.
when you got to the pier, you covered his eyes quickly.
"okay... we are here!" you said taking your hands off his eyes so he could see the boat.
"it's a boat trip! along the coast!"
he turned to you grinning. he pulled you up of the ground to hug you, placing a kiss on your lips.
"i love it, thank you." he said, placing you back down on the ground.
you were on the deck of the boat, looking out on the water. joe was lying down on the deck, soaking in the sun. you sat down next to him, tapping his shoulder.
"do you like it?"
"i love it. thank you. this is perfect. your perfect."
you grinned, laying down next to him.
you spent the last couple of hours enjoying the view and eating the food you packed. at one point he jumped off the deck into the ocean, which was so clear it might have been glass. you squealed as you jumped in too. he swam over, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist.
"thank you again." he said leaning in to kiss you. your hands cupped his cheeks, as you kissed, in the middle of the water of the coast of brazil.
"you know.." joe said, placing a kiss to your neck. "how grateful i am for you?"
you had arrived back at your hotel an hour ago, and decided to sit outside, to watch the sunset. you were still in you bikini, and joe just in his shorts.
joe pulled you onto his lap, kissing your lips softly. he still tasted salty from the sea. you smiled, it was good to see him in such a good mood.
"you wanna go inside joe?"
you nodded quickly, pressing is lips back to your neck, as you fumbled you way inside. he sat down on the bed, motioning for you to come sit on his lap. you straddled him, smiling.
"you happy?"
"so happy sweetheart."
he leaned back, falling down onto the mattress, your legs to firmly wrapped around his hips. you giggled as you messily reconnected your lips. his hands trailed up from your waist to chest, tugging on the string of your bikini.
"can i?" he said breathlessly. you nodded, helping him take off your top. his hands cupped your breasts as he kissed your collarbone. you moaned as he trailed kisses down along your chest, nipping at the skin. you leaned up from him, hovering your hips over his as you pulled his shorts down. you leaned down, kissing his toned chest. you took of your own bikini bottoms, chucking them across the room somewhere. you were now both bare. in one swift move, he flipped you over, hovering above your body as he kissed from your collarbone up to the bottom of your ear.
"can i?" he whispered.
"yes." you said, trying not to sound to eager.
"switch." he said simply, switching you so you were now on top of him again.
his hands pulled at your hips, pushing them down until you were just above his exposed cock. you sunk down slowly, and he groaned. you didn't more at first, adjusting to the feeling of him inside you. he tapped your hip, signalling for you to move, and you began a slow at a slow pace.
"switch." you said, breathlessly. wordlessly, joseph flipped you so you were under him. you moaned at the new angle, as he continued thrusting into you.
"i'm so lucky to have you." he said, quickening his pace.
"you're so good to me." you moaned in response, barely able to put together a sentence.
he kissed your forehead, something that struck you as quite affectionate.
"i'm so close joe."
"i know sweetheart, me too."
you leaned up, kissing him. his thrusts became sloppier, and the knot that had formed at the pit of your stomach was about to break. a euphoric feeling came over you, as you moaned out his name. he groaned out yours, followed by a string of praises. he pulled out of you, lying down next to you. he pulled you in, reaching down to get a blanket to cover you both.
"i love you." he whispered.
"i love you too."
thx again for the request! feel free to send me requests! <3
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ebonysplendor · 4 months
Mine Review📖
TL;DR: Keith is hot, but Damien is hotter. Damien isn't an option, so Keith kidnaps us. Oh, and we have some waffles. Ayyyyye~
!! Heads up! This one isn't free like the others I've reviewed !!
Game Link: https://yamie-es.itch.io/mine-find-the-story
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Self-Insert, Nameable MC, Yandere LI, 18+ game Spiciness: 5/5 -- Literal sex scene. Nothing too crazy, though, but yeah, we get consensually banged LI Red Flags: 2.5/5 -- Has a temper, murdered someone, trauma boy
Wanna know more? Not if you aren't at least 18. Come on, you know the drill with this. Now, if you ARE at least 18, let's stop wasting time and get into it!
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All righty, so, I'm gonna expose myself a little bit here: Visual novels, especially the raunchy ones, are my guilty pleasure.
Granted, I don't go foaming at the mouth for any and every visual novel, but the gods damn it, if I don't go feral when it's about an unstable man with an ungodly obsession for me, and bless it, don't give me the option to buss it wide open for him in the most sinful way...
Anyways, I was telling you that to say that a really close friend of mine was telling me about this game she had gotten off of itch.io and how it said that it was released but didn't "feel" released. Coincidentally, I knew exactly what game she was talking about, but, not even gonna lie, I never actually played it because, I'm a cheap bitch. That being said, when I ran across it, I was like "Mmmm twelve dollas tho...?" and decided to pass on it. The reason I gravitate more towards the free stuff is because:
1. If I hate it, or it ends up being subpar to me, it doesn't feel like a waste 2. It's not like I'll return to it after playing it to completion. At least, not for a long while because it's not a rogue-lite or procedurally generated game or anything like that where the story is ever changing 3. It's honestly habit at this point for me to look for the free stuff and ignore the stuff I have to kick out cash for 4. Like I mentioned, and frankly, the whole of it is, I'm a cheap bitch
But yeah, so my friend essentially let me download it from her account and play it ... I immediately knew what she meant by it said that it was released but it didn't feel released. To answer your unsaid question, yes, I would've been pissed if I had paid for this game.
Now, that's not to say that the game was bad, because it wasn't, but to me, it was not worth $12, even remotely. At max, I'd say it's worth maybe -- and this is a huge maybe -- $5. Let me explain by giving you a synopsis and my thoughts on the game.
As typical, I'll tell you as much about the game as possible without actually ruining the game itself.
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So, boom.
We are a failed literature student. Lol already a rocky start, but anyways, we've always have had this thing with books, but because of circumstances, we can only read as a hobby now. So, as a book lover, where do we go? The bookstore. While in there, we get some help from the guy who works there; his name is Keith, and Keith is kinda cute.
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Like, yeah, eye bag game is strong, but the bags are Gucci so, what the hell, right? Anyways, everybody say "Suh" to the bae. Suh, bae.
Anyways, so Keith asks us out, and we're like "Sure" because we deadass have nothing better to do, and it's lit. He takes us to this cafe, then we have this cute little moment in the park, and he's just being really sweet and spitting his game. Typical date shenanigans.
Keith takes us home, and we go to bed. When we wake up, we have a splitting headache and...ah, hell no.
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This is not our room...
Naturally, we start panicking a little because...what is going on? One minute, everything was normal, and we went to sleep in our bed, the next, we're in some dank room with concrete floors, brick walls, and no windows. Keith then enters stage left.
He's giving us the whole "I'm doing what's best for you" speech that most yanderes give, and we're just like "Lol piss off", and he...actually respects that? Like, yeah, he got really pissed off about it and snatched us up a little, but like...he didn't really get violent. Like, he actually left us alone. I mean, this wasn't actually the best thing either, though, because now we're just left alone to cry and keep thinking about how we're definitely going to die here. Yep, totally pleasant and positive self-talk that isn't going to make us feel even more helpless and hopeless.
Anyways, Keith comes back, what is assumed to be, hours later. He brings us food, specifically waffles, and is essentially apologizing for losing his temper with us. He asks how we are, and we just tell him that we're tired. This time, he doesn't get upset, and he leaves us to "sleep"; in actuality, we just wanted to be left alone with our thoughts again, but we actually do end up falling asleep.
The next day comes along and so does Keith. He basically tells us that he has breakfast set up upstairs and to come join him. Not having much of a choice, we do, and he has a pretty sugary spread with, like, cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, and this fat jug of orange juice. How does any of this go together? No idea, but we eat, and Keith shows us around the house. We get to his room and...ick.
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In the screenshot, the room is fine, but first off, it smells a lot like the fragrance that we wear, and, apparently, there are pictures of us like...all over his bedroom. Like, if it wasn't obvious from the "all over the bedroom" part, there's so many pictures, it's like, physically uncomfortable. Whatever though, because Keith has a cat, and of course, we had to meet the cat.
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Okay, so I'm going to speed through this a little, so pay attention.
Keith goes to work
We make a gameplan
Gameplan ends up with Keith hurt
We're like "Damn it" because guilt
We help him out
We make "I'm sorry" breakfast for him
Keith goes to work again
He gets us flowers
Keith hits it in missionary
We get cockdrunk (or stockholm, most likely) and tell him that we love him
We walk in on him murdering someone in the middle of the night
What happens next depends on whatever choices we made
The end
Oop-- sorry, went too far lol. Let me back up a bit.
So, after we buss it open for him and slip up and tell this man that we love him, we fall asleep. We wake up in the middle of the night, but Keith is gone. Instead of just rolling over and going back to sleep or simply waiting for him to come back, for plot purposes, we go investigate in an attempt to find where he went. We walk down the hallway, and....yeah, we just kind've see him going ham on this dead body, and we are greeted with this:
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Oh...oh okay. Well, maybe we can just talk to him. I'm sure he has a perfectly rational reason for trying to dismember someone.
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Or not. The answer is very clearly not.
I can't explain the rest, obviously, because it's going to be super spoiler heavy, and I don't want to ruin it just in case you decide to play the game for yourself. Sorry, but it must be done lol. As the yanderes say: I'm doing what's best for you <3
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The game is pretty decent.
I say decent because, me, personally, whenever something costs money, I automatically put it at a higher standard. Not to mention, the fact that this game costs $12, and it's only "decent" is...not good lol. I also see what my friend meant by it's released, but it doesn't feel like it's released, because...it doesn't. It feels very "in development" or in that "Update 0.7" stage versus an actual complete and polished game.
I'm assuming the dev's first language isn't English, which is fine, of course, but once again, considering that it's a $12 game, there is a lot of grammatical errors and some of the sentences just don't flow. The game is pretty short, and there's only 3 endings, not to mention, it's extremely easy to get those 3 different endings. This is because the game itself isn't choice heavy nor does it provide any scenarios to really make choices for. The options that you pick honestly don't matter until the end when you're trying to escape. That, in itself, is not worth $12 to me.
The other reason why the game was giving "it's released, but it doesn't feel like it", is because of what is on the dev's page. Let me explain.
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So, let's just break it down piece by piece, bullet by bullet.
Nameable, gender neutral protag? Check. Five days? Check. Three endings? Check. Solid start.
Keith Voice. This was implemented. Great, but the VA is only for the first day. For $12, we only get one day voice acted? To me, at minimum, the voice acting should've been scattered throughout the entire game with a voice acted line here and a voice acted line there for emphasis or to set the mood or the tone or whatever.
NSFW Scenes and Options for NSFW scene. Somewhat seen because there was a NSFW scene, and it was marked so you could opt out, if you chose to do so. Now, admittedly, this could be me being an absolute degenerate and/or taking things too literal, but it said NSFW sceneS with an "s" and it said optionS, again, with an "s" -- I was under the assumption that there'd be multiple NSFW scenes; there was only one. Again, at minimum, 2 NSFW scenes for $12.
More mini-games, scenarios, and easter eggs. Guys, I have played this game up, down, left, right, and sideways. I have mixed and matched my responses. One of the mini games they're referring to, that I won't ruin, I did every possible way, but it ends up with the same results, which got confirmed by a comment on the page. As for the scenarios, what scenarios? There were very little choices to make, and the choices that you do make aren't really that hard to make because they very clearly point to a specific ending. I just...guys, for $12...?
Grammar errors. I'm not one to talk because I know that, as a native English speaker, my reviews are all over the place with petty grammar mistakes but .... they might need to revisit this point. It wasn't bad, but there was definitely some awkward sentences here and there and some minor to moderate grammar errors. That being said, quite frankly, the grammar errors being fixed shouldn't have been a future plan. That 1012% should've been a basic requirement and priority before releasing it for twelve dollars. I'm sorry, I know I mentioned the money thing like fifty times, but it's like, if you're going to charge people money, at least do the bare minimum of spell checking, correcting grammar, and having sentences that flow well. I totally understand that people are human and mistakes happen and English isn't everyone's first language ... but you're releasing it for people's money. The economy (in the U.S.) is literal shit, and someone spent $12 on a game where something like fixing grammar errors was an afterthought. That's just ... not okay to me.
Contrary to the bitching criticism, the game really is pretty solid. The concept is there, and I really like the animations that they implemented. Like, during the part that I didn't tell you about because it would've spoiled it, the animation really brought the scene together, and it paired well with the (I guess it could be considered a) mini game. That was honestly my favorite thing about it but...it still is not worth the money to me, at least not $12. $1 - $5? Sure, I could see that, but twelve? That's kind've steep for this game, especially when you don't even know who Damien is unless you go a specific route. Lol, yeah. He was mentioned in the TL;DR but you forgot about him, didn't you? I didn't. He just isn't present in the route that I was telling you about until the end, and he kinda just...randomly shows up. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think he's pretty hot, like look.
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See? Pretty damned attractive dude.
But in that specific route that I walked you through? He's literally just a random dude that we apparently knew for a long time; it just wasn't explained in that particular route. Again, for $12. Yeah, no... I'd give it like $2, maybe $3, but only because the animations were pretty solid, we got to tango in the sheets with Keith, and Damien is pretty damn cute.
Put it this way: Where Winter Crows Go wasn't choice heavy nor had too many choices to make, had few lines voice acted, and didn't have any animations. To me, it was significantly better than this VN, and the suggested price was $6. Again, that game was significantly better, and it was only $6. Technically, it was free! The dev was just suggesting a donation/price of $6. This one is charging $12. Wild.
Anyways, to finally wrap all of this up and to stop bitching about the price of the game, um...I honestly don't recommend it. I know I said I was going to stop bitching about the price, but just one more time! If the game was free, then yeah, I'd say still give it a shot, but unless you have the disposable income or are super unbothered to the point where it's like "Meh, it's only $12. It's okay if it's bad. It's not a big deal", I wouldn't suggest getting this game. I hate to say that it'd be a waste, but...it'd be a waste. The game, to me, is overpriced and is just not worth the money. It's a solid game, and it isn't bad by any means like Killswitch, but I definitely wouldn't have paid money for this.
Okay, for realsies this time, I think I've bitched enough about the price of this game and the quality for said price. If you'd still like to give this game a try, by all means, go for it! I'll even drop the link for the game right here! Drop a comment on the dev's page if you think that I was trippin', and I overly criticized this game! Give them that ever warm "Great job!" and provide them that reassurance to keep making games! Shit, I think they should keep making games, too! Like I said, it wasn't a bad game! Not the best game out there, but definitely not the worst, and I'd 100% recommend it if it was free! The dev definitely has the talent, I just feel that their craft has to be tweaked a bit more before they can charge $12 for it.
Okay, okay, all right, I know, I'm shutting up about the $12 now! I swear! That was the last time!
But kaykay! That's all from me this go around! Remember! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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shoto-chann · 7 months
Hiii!! I honestly love your fics so much!! If you have time, please consider writing lee todoroki with ler ojiro! (Just like your tumblr-wallpaper hehe). I love the intense tickles (just like what you did with bakugou and jiro, it was beyond awesome)!! Thank you so much in advance (P.S. please no foot tickles)
Thanks! I appreciate this so much! And don't worry, there will be no foot tickles here :)
Being A Kid Again
My Hero Academia
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Summary: Todoroki wonders why Ojiro acts so happy and childish all the time in the dorms, and Ojiro shows him why he does and why Todoroki should as well
Todoroki was scrolling through his photos, trying to figure out which photo he wanted to make his lockscreen. He's been at this for two hours, and he's made no progress at all. He had been thinking of just taking another photo, but he wasn't sure what kind of photo he wanted to have. "Damn it, I didn't think finding a photo would be this hard." He said with a frustrated tone. The whole entire reason he couldn't find a perfect photo is because he has nothing but business photos. He only kept pictures of homework and notes on his phone. He didn't have a single photo of him or his friends on his phone. He wanted to have one, but he didn't understand why anyone would do that. He'd have to ask one of his friends.
Turns out, Todoroki didn't need to get up because coincidentally, someone knocked on his door. He looked up from his phone. "Come in." The door opened, and Ojiro walked in, a huge smile on his face. "Hi, Todoroki." "Hey, Ojiro." Ojiro closed the door behind him and sat in a chair next to his friend. Todoroki couldn't help but notice the smile plastered on Ojiro's face. "What's with the huge smile?" "Oh, it's nothing. I just pranked Sero earlier, and I couldn't stop laughing. His reaction was priceless." Ojiro started laughing again. "Here, I have the video." He showed Todoroki the video of Sero's reaction of the prank. "You scared him with a blanket, a mask, and a fake knife?" Todoroki asked. "Yeheah." "You dressed up as Ghostface to scare Sero?" Ojiro only nodded and laughed again. "Hohow are you not laughing? That was hilarious." Todoroki only shrugged. "Seems a little childish." Ojiro composed himself after a minutes of laughing and looked at Todoroki.
"Childish? What do you mean?" "That prank was a bit childish, and to think that someone fell for it...it's just weird." Ojiro tilted his head. "So? What's wrong with being a bit childish? We're still kids ourselves, so we should live like one, shouldn't we?" Todoroki thought this was a good point. They were hero students in training, but they were kids overall. But still...
"That's true, but we're in a professional environment." "Since when has that stopped us? Kaminari acts like a child all the time, Midoriya loves showing his childish side every day, and even Bakugo has shown a softer side a few times." That statement made Todoroki skeptical. "Bakugo? Having a softer side? I don't believe that." "It's true. Just ask Jirou." Ojiro scooted closer to Todoroki. "Look, we both know we're kids, and we have to live life as much as we can. It's okay to be a kid every once in a while." Todoroki only shrugged. "I guess." Ojiro raised an eyebrow and grinned. "You don't sound convinced, Todoroki." Todoroki knew that tone too well. He knew Ojiro picked up that tone from Midoriya. "Ojiro, don't even think about it." "Think about what?" Ojiro asked as if he wasn't planning anything. "I'm not thinking of anything, Todoroki." "I know you are. You have that look in your eye." Ojiro only chuckled. "You're crazy, Todoroki." Todoroki scooted away to the edge of the bed, ready to run. "Ojiro, don't do it. I swear, if you even think of ti-hahahaha!" Ojiro didn't let him finish as he used his tail to lightly tickle his left side. Todoroki jolted to the right, only for Ojiro to lightly tickle his right side. "Ohohojiroho!" "Yeeees?" Todoroki fell backwards on his bed and tried to cover his sides, but Ojiro just pinned his hands above his head using his tail. He used his hands to start full on tickling his sides and tummy. Todoroki laughed and squirmed in place, trying to make the tickles less intense for him. "Whahat the hehehell, Ohojirohoho?!" "What? I'm a kid, remember? I'm just living like a kid, kinda like how you should be." He responded as he sped up the tickling. "Thihihis ihihisn't ahahaprohopriahate!" "Wow, you're starting to sound like Iida." Ojiro teases.
Todoroki tried kicking Ojiro, but Ojiro just pushed his feet away and sat on them. "That wasn't very nice, Peppermint." He smirked and made his way to Shoto's ribs, increasing the peppermint's cute laugh. Shoto just wiggled and wiggled in place as Ojiro's fingers tickled every inch of his rib cage. "Stahahap! Ohohojiro!" "Hmm...only if you agree to stop acting like an adult all the time." "Buhuhut-" Todoroki was cut short when he felt Ojiro's fingers on his palms. "FINE! I PROHOHOHOMISE! I PROHOHOMISE!" Ojiro laughed at Todoroki's immediate response. "It was just getting good too." He playfully whined. But Ojiro stopped as he promised to let Todoroki breathe. He knew Todoroki didn't like being tickled for too long, and he didn't wanna go overboard with the tickling. The half and half hero took some deep breaths for a few minutes, a wide smile plastered on his face.
"Now was that really so hard?" Ojiro teased. "Shut up" Todoroki said, playfully pushing Ojiro, his smile never leaving. "Although, I will admit...that was pretty fun." Shoto said after a bit. "I'm glad to hear that. Now do you understand why it's important to be a kid sometimes?" "Yeah. I do. I completely forgot what I had on my mind before all that happened." Just then, Todoroki's phone dinged. He checked it and saw it was a message from Iida.
Iida: Todoroki, can you and whoever else is in your room keep it down? People do not need to hear all of that noise while they are trying to study. Please and thank you. -Tenya Iida
Todoroki chuckled. Then he checked his lockscreen and remembered what he wanted to do, a frown slowly removing his smile. Ojiro caught note of this and tilted his head curiosly. "Is everything okay, Sho?" "Yeah. It's just I remembered I wanted to change my lockscreen earlier and wanted to ask someone for suggestions." Hearing this made Ojiro smile. "Ohoh, I have just the thing for you."
Ojiro and Shoto spent the rest of the day taking funny pictures together and with their other friends. They also played funny pranks on each of their friends (including Iida, who had later tickled them for disturbing his studies). After the day ended, Todoroki went through his new photos of today, finally realizing why people have pictures of their friends and funny moments. After careful consideration, Todoroki ended up choosing a photo for his lockscreen: the photo of him and Ojiro tickling each other like the kids that they are.
*Sorry this story is so short. I'm trying to catch up with all the asks people have sent me, so they may not be as good as they were in the past. But I will try my best to make them great stories
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥 shoto-chann 🔥❄️ out
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