#i honestly thought it was a new tumblr update and was ready to accept it djskjdks
homuncvlus · 10 months
I think you got shadowbanned you're still following me but I tumblr doesn't show you in the list
Oh I was wondering why I can't message anyone
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loverontheleft · 1 year
Hey Cece I’m really struggling with accepting the end of Panic! and letting go of Brendon. I just can’t seem to move on from feeling heartbroken over it. Do you have any advice?
Short answer: I don’t, because I’m in the same boat.
Long answer: You may or may not know this; I talked about it more when I first returned to tumblr, but my fiancé left me after five years together.
Now, with Brendon? I honestly feel the way I did back then. My heart actually aches and my stomach twists when I think about Brendon and the reality of things. I feel sick, and yet I’m still searching for news and updates.
People close to me have said that revising my work is just perpetuating the fantasy, just me clinging to an ideal, refusing to accept things as they are, and they’re right. I’m heartbroken, but I’m also not prepared to fully lose him, not prepared to completely grieve.
There’s so much else in my life right now that occupies the “grief” box. I can’t add Brendon to that. I still need the idea of him to get me through it all. The grief box doesn’t contain my fiancé, for what it’s worth. When he left, it took about three weeks for me to stop dry-heave sobbing on my best friend’s couch. Then I got angry, realized how much damage he did in five years, and finally one day I thought about him and it just…didn’t hurt the way it had the day before. I’m still unpacking it all though. I don’t miss him, I don’t miss the man I thought he was, and I don’t miss the relationship, but I’m still processing the long-term impact of it.
Brendon leaving hurts the same, but it is not at all the same (obviously). On the emotional side, there’s no justifiable anger, there’s no trauma to unpack. There’s just loss. My best guess is that, for me, this will be a long process that fully begins once the tour is over and there’s no promise of new content. It will continue to hurt, but the hurt will dull and fade as time goes on. When I was a child, our family cat was content in my arms, dozing, until our German shepherd came barreling into the room. As the cat jumped from my arms, he scratched my chest so hard that in addition to the cut and blood, there was a pretty bad bruise. The bruise faded over time, but there’s a scar. I can trace it with my fingers and feel no physical pain, but the memory of pain is there.
So, to conclude: I’m letting myself cling to fantasy and ideals, letting myself just be hurt. I’m telling myself that when my brain is ready to fully grieve and let the bruise fade, it will. For now, I’m not ready, and that’s got to be okay because it’s the truth of my circumstances. I’m hurt and I’m heartbroken; I need to sit with that pain and I need to hide in the fantasies I’ve built. I doubt it’s healthy, but it’s what I can do.
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thegoldfiles · 2 years
hey there! sorry if this kinda is a bit random to ask, but I've been following you guys for a while and keeping up to date with your posts! ^^ I've found it all very informative and helpful, even though I'm still a fan of Mobox's content. I like seeing all sides of these situations, and I'm curious if you will ever be willing to accept the idea of new mods anytime in the future? if so, I'd like to apply and help with the cause ^^ I've been a fan of Mobox since at least when he first started doing FNAF content around 2015 or so, and I feel like I could be rather helpful in contributing towards anything potentially important. I just kinda thought to ask, because part of me just really wants to be helpful with all this and I think it's good y'all are spreading the message and informing people of very important details involving his actions and works, if it ever becomes a possibility I'd be delighted to help ^^
It's not random at all, don't worry about it! :o
Honestly, I'm not sure if we would ever accept any new mods at the moment. But, it's not because of you or anyone else, it's mostly because a lot of the time the work of this blog barely exceeds that of two people, and adding a third person wouldn't really be necessary at the present time! Cagney is really good at keeping an eye on anything that is updated and we haven't really been swamped with anything that would require too much outside help. As well as this, Cagney and I are friends outside of this blog and we know who each other are outside of our mod identities. We are still hesitant to reveal this information so anyone who we would add onto the blog would probably have to find out (because of how tumblr's group blogs work) and we're not sure if we're ready for that yet. BUT! I'm actually about to go into full-time university and there is a possibility (not 100% though, we will just have to see) that I won't be able to help with the blog as much anymore. If that happens, we would be delighted for some more help and we would likely make a post about it if anyone is interested! New perspectives would also be very helpful, so just keep an eye out in a few months or so. But thank you for asking regardless and thank you for following the blog! :) - mod springtrap
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unpretty · 3 years
astielle ch 28 spoiler ask dump~~
anonymous asked:
Tauril-form is puberty, because that's when his voice changes. Abysscale-form is college-age because that's when he goes to his first orgy.
anonymous asked:
You called Abysscale-form college-age (which does not preclude teenage sexscapades given the ages that go to college) and that tracks with how I think of Tauril-form as going through puberty (because of the voice-change). But if Tauril is the horny teenager that's kind of sad. Because as Minnow has pointed out many times That Dick Will Kill.
not each other, it won't!! although i imagine taurils sleeping with each other would have the bro-iest vibe. very bill and ted. taurils also have Options with people who aren't giant bull centaurs, it's just awkward is all. fortunately for everyone taurils are actually adults and are not full of hormones, they just have zero impulse control and when they like someone they want to impress them and spend time with them and it doesn't necessarily occur to them to get their dicks involved in the situation (karzarul's mind was elsewhere the first time he was a tauril)
anonymous asked:
When Violet said monsters make the best mercenaries and throw the best parties I didn't think about it, but the fact that all the impyrs came into being with swordsmanship skills equal to Lynette probably had something to do with the former. Even if ten isn't that many, THEY COME BACK. (Eventually. In, like, a month.) And the others probably learned from Lynette, even if they died. Lynette's unintentional teaching, back again.
they learned from the best murdering them repeatedly
anonymous asked:
When Ari is repopulating, and he skips Black Drakonis, he says "Makes sense." But he's surprised when Violet points out that Black Drakonis is missing, so it sounds like he at least had a theory/assumption at the time for why she was skipped, but it doesn't match with the new information.
he initially just assumed that black drakonis had managed to avoid being killed the whole time, which made sense because she's a big dragon and she can just fly away if someone is trying to murder her. but generally if a bigass monster is alive someone is going to see it, especially her, because she likes finding population centers to try to guard.
anonymous asked:
"It also occurred to him that trying to get Minnow to act like she lived in a society since they were young may have negatively impacted his sense of what constituted an acceptable thing to say to a person while his dick was out." Is just HILARIOUS.
anonymous asked:
Honestly I can relate to Leonas cause just last week I was like 'I keep falling asleep in class maybe I should develop a caffeine addiction' and one of my friends was like 'pls eat more food' so I started to actually have breakfast and an after work snack and I magically stopped falling asleep in class
anonymous asked:
Minnow's hips don't lie, but castle ruins are strangely deceptive.
everyone who wasn't following along when astielleblogging intersected with kink taxonomy hell is going to be so confused if/when minnow finally gets stuck somewhere
@9ofspades asked:
Ari is my favorite again and I want him to have actual eternity to be happy with his poly soulmate throuple together. And also his big monster family. Also I think he's wrong about what the core of the Heir and Hero are - both of them have, deep in the core of their souls, the fact that they are Monsterfuckers.
for the record i have a post in my drafts with all of your readalong asks and i still haven't decided what to do with them but i enjoyed them IMMENSELY
anonymous asked:
>looking for food >ask the cook if their food is earthy or wet >she doesn't understand >pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is earthy and what is wet >she laughs and says "it's good food sir" >buy some food >its wet
@ivylaughed asked:
I love the tumblr meme references in Astielle. The guards bringing their own knives; there being an infinite variety of brassica oleracea; the fucking chocolate guy. I'm half-waiting for a children's hospital/color theory reference. Thank you for the easter eggs.
i'm glad someone read 'chocolate birdhouse' and immediately thought THAT FUCKING CHOCOLATE GUY AGAIN ashjasd
anonymous asked:
I just wanted to say that as a plant nerd and forager I deeply appreciated Minnow's surprisingly accurate botany lesson.
unfortunately all the books that leonas gave minnow are still at her house and so she cannot cite sources for the existence of hemlock, queen anne's lace, and giant hogweed
anonymous asked:
“I think you overestimate people’s willingness to admit when things don’t make sense to them," lmao Minnow has a point
will the two men she is with learn from this and start admitting when they don't know things they think they should and are confused? absolutely not.
anonymous asked:
XD Ari hears "Kavid" and immediately attempts a strategic retreat.
anonymous asked:
“‘you should get dressed’ is a complete sentence.” Is making me laugh.
it's probably for the best because if he actually had known all three of them were out there it would have taken him like an hour to get ready and he would have had at least one breakdown about how none of his outfits were good enough and it was all nari's fault
anonymous asked:
Kavid: I will be happy to HAVE YOU ALL *lascivious eyebrow wiggle* at my earliest convenience.
anonymous asked:
"he gets smaller" "in this weather who doesn't?" KITTY PLZZZ
anonymous asked:
I can't decide whether I love or hate Kavid - I have a very Specific idea in mind for his voice, though I admittedly can't figure out where I'm pulling it from. He is an Excellent character though. Lovely chapter as always :D
anonymous asked:
Before, I was entertained by Kavid. Now I love him.
anonymous asked:
Kitty, Kraven and Kavid have similar speech patterns on purpose, right??? Right?????
i was honestly imagining some kind of nonsense faux-european what-country-is-this-even-from hollywood accent but imagining that he has sounded extremely russian this whole time is extremely funny
@rose-and-bones asked:
SHE HAS A TYPE aghfgstjs
minnow having a thing for obnoxiously pretty men who think they're great aka self-recognition through the other (horny)
@speakingintothevoid asked:
“You are,” Leonas said, “an egotistical, self-important fop.” “Ye-e-es,” Kavid said without shame. “She has a type, does Starlight.” I! LOVE!! IT!!! Makes me almost think of Violet and Karzarul - our point of view character being faced with a version of themselves who are more comfortable in their own skin and our boys not knowing why that annoys them
@keleviel asked:
I rescind my earlier mild disdain, Kavid is great. Is he actually The Greatest Of Bards, or is that just more showmanship?
he rocks about as hard as you can rock on a lyre, which is probably harder than you'd think (especially if you brought a lot of drummers) (which he does)
anonymous asked:
Jakshahshsh every time a new astielle chapter comes out i read it at least twice. Kavid i love you. Leonas i love you also you fucked up lil man. And karzarul the seat. And minnow the mischievous. and just. poor nari. existing in the same world as minnow and her all-powerful boyfriends and also kavid. nari needs a raise
she really does
anonymous asked:
Bruce in Office Meeting and Leonas grabbing the wine when Kavid starts talking about Imperials solidarity.
anonymous asked:
"You would like to compare notes?""Always." Brilliant. Leonas to a t. Loving this interlude with kavid. Snuggly tipsy leonas is a treat. kavids talk of how the weather makes all of us smaller had me cackling. Also this batshit imperial conspiracy is gr8
anonymous asked:
I am suddenly much less comfortable about Leonas performing medical experiments on Minnow, though no fault of his own. :(
@mooseman13579 asked:
Leonas finding out about the weird sun empire truther stuff: haha I'm in danger
the real unanswered question is how much of this is news and how much of it is stuff he already knew and assumed was normal
@thegayknee asked:
Holy shit this is it, isnt it. This is how they fix karzarul's reputation and expose Leland. With the power of Kavid
anonymous asked:
Karzarul's Questlog: "Work on our Image" updated, The Tale of Hollow Monsters delivered to bard.
anonymous asked:
just how many of her lovers is minnow going to recruit into her questing party
she should probably be swapping people out to keep their levels consistent but instead she just keeps karzarul and leonas as her companions for every single quest
@flying-butter asked:
"Details! I need details!" "The king sucks." This is every conversation with any of the trio. Minnow likely knows how to complete half of Ari's quests and Leonas the other half, but no one talks about anything without prompting.
minnow just assumes that everyone knows what she knows because she can't possibly be the brains of the operation and meanwhile karzarul and leonas are both busy having shame
anonymous asked:
i was so excited for the lore drop but the moment Leonas sat in Karzarul's lap my brain just shut off
@themaidenisdeath asked:
oh yes, as we all know, "all business" and "taciturn" are the first words that come to mind when we think of Minnow. It reminded me of when she met Karzarul and he told her she was particularly chatty for hero. Sorry Kavid, you're just neither a Sweet, Considerate Monster with a Dick of Steel And Tentacles To Match™ nor a Twink Prince With Silky Hair, Dom Tendencies And Weird Dietary Beliefs™
@halfdeadfriedrice asked:
"what Hero business?" / "I'm the Hero. All my business is Hero business." You tell em Minnow! And then it turns out to be Quest relevant after all; all business is Hero business Also kavid's last night's makeup and messy convertible couch covered in laundry with half-empty wine bottles on the floor is THEE most visually resonant, I feel like I am visiting a college friend
leonas got very lucky that there weren't any cigarette butts floating in that wine because in his mood he might have just drank it anyway
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thesoulspulse · 3 years
Reconcile (Good Vlad AU ~ Oneshot)
It happened in early winter, that's all he could tell because of the first signs of snowfall outside of the window next to his bed at the hospital. Vlad had been there for, what, a month or so? Kept in isolation from everyone apart from a couple of doctors and nurses. Honestly, it was entirely possible Vlad had been there for longer for all he knew since every day blurred into the next after the accident.
Vlad couldn't feel it though, the cold, because these days his skin always felt either unnaturally chilly or feverishly hot to the touch. The only constant Vlad could feel was pain. The morphine helped ease that pain a little bit, but all that was left to feel after that was this cold numbness. And since the doctors thought he had been exposed to radiation of some kind -which to be fair they weren't wrong- no one has been allowed to see him after he was admitted there.
But still, Vlad had hoped his friends would come see him eventually. And more importantly, he wanted the chance to give Jack a piece of his mind! That...that traitor knew the portal experiment was unstable and potentially dangerous and yet he still pressed the-
“Excuse me, are you awake Mr. Masters? You have a visitor,” a nurse called after knocking on the door and poking her head inside.
At first Vlad was happy that he had a visitor, hoping it would be Maddie so he could get these feelings off his chest about how angry he was at Jack...but as soon as he saw the large silhouette waiting outside the door he knew there was only one person that would have come here to see him who had such a wide girth. It was Jack. But he wasn't ready to see him, not yet, not when all Vlad could think about is how his best friend had almost killed him...
Turning his head away Vlad finally muttered, “Sorry, I'm not feeling well. Please tell them to come back lat-ER!”
Vlad grunted the last word of that sentence as Jack burst into the room, tears rolling down his cheeks as the man called him by that ridiculous nickname of Vladdy he insists on using. Normally Vlad could shrug it off, but right now the nickname felt insulting somehow as if Jack was making light of what happened the last time they saw each other. Either way it's a good thing Maddie actually was there and managed to help the nurse pry him off, reminding Jack that Vlad's in the hospital as a patient so giving him a bear hug wasn't the best idea.
Regardless, Jack looked at Vlad's bandaged face and sobbed, “I'm so sorry V-man. We tried to come sooner but they wouldn't let us in! We were so worried about you!”
Nodding, Maddie put a supportive hand on Jack's shoulder and continued awkwardly. “He's right, as soon as we recovered from the shock of what had happened to you we immediately went looking for you but you had already collapsed somewhere. Jack was heartbroken and didn't understand what went wrong with the portal. I tried to find out too but it was no use, whatever happened fried the wiring and-”
Cutting herself off as soon as she realized she was going off on a tangent when their friend's well-being was much more important, Maddie dropped her hand from Jack's shoulder and asked with a sad smile, “How're you feeling? Have they been taking good care of you? I tried to explain your condition to the doctor but...they didn't believe me about it being related to ectoplasmic energy.”
“Why would they? As far as they're concerned ghosts don't exist,” Vlad replied with a guarded expression, unwilling to admit he tried to do the exact same thing only for his arguments to be thoroughly dismissed since he's not a doctor. “As for the rest they're...doing the best they can I suppose.”
An awkward silence filled the room since none of them knew what to say after that, but then, Jack spoke up and said, “Vladdy? Um, I know it's a bit squished but I made this for you. It's...my way of saying sorry for everything. I should have listened to you and Mads when you told me to stop.”
Reaching into one of the many pockets of his jumpsuit which according to Jack was handed down to him by his grandfather and designed after an outfit one of his ghost-hunting ancestors wore, he handed Vlad what appeared to be a misshapen block of homemade fudge. The gesture might not have seemed like a big deal to anyone else, but for Jack who absolutely loved the stuff and couldn't help himself from eating almost all of it himself in one sitting whenever he made or bought it, however, the fact that Jack was sharing an entire serving of it just for Vlad really was his way of showing his sincerity. Similarly, Maddie reached into her bag and pulled out a couple of her ghost folklore books for him to read since she figured Vlad must have been bored laying in bed all day.
Vlad was at a loss for words because he had almost given up hope that they'd ever come visit him, hope that Jack would own up to his mistakes for once and apologize. But since he did, Vlad couldn't stay mad. He wanted to, but couldn't, not since this forgetful yet earnest man had gone out of his way to finally come see him. The same goes for Maddie, Vlad was sure she felt guilty too for not stopping Jack in time since she's always been the more careful of the two when it comes to their experiments...
Accepting their gifts but resisting the urge to wipe the tears from his eyes since his face still hurt, Vlad held them in his lap and sniffled, “Thank you. Thank you both for coming. I...was afraid you had abandoned me.”
“Come on V-man, give me a little credit,” Jack smiled, gently punching Vlad's shoulder. “You're my best friend! I know I can be careless and stupid sometimes, but friends have to stick together through thick and thin don't they? We'll get through this together and then maybe we can try again with the ghost portal. We were so close!”
Grimacing at the thought of going anywhere near that portal again, Vlad was relieved when Maddie interjected and said, “Jack, don't forget that it's our fault this happened so before any of that we need to make sure Vlad's going to be ok. We don't know what that portal did to him and the doctors are only going to be able to help him so much. The best thing we can do for him is go back to square one and find out what we did wrong so it doesn't happen again.”
“Shoot, you're right. I'm sorry,” Jack apologized, looking dejected. “Don't worry Vladdy, I'll make this all up to you I promise! And we'll visit more too!”
Smiling weakly more because it hurt to move his face too much, Vlad nodded, “I'd like that.”
Soon after that, before Maddie could comment on anything else the nurse shooed them out so they could get Vlad ready for his next check up. But as soon as he was alone again Vlad reached over to set the fudge and books on the desk next to him when they unexpectedly slipped through his fingers. Blinking in confusion but brushing it off as clumsiness, he sighed and swung his feet over the bed so he could bend down to pick them up again. This time though, when he reached for them again they didn't just slip through his fingers as a figure of speech...they LITERALLY passed through them! Alarmed Vlad recoiled from both objects, his heart racing when he mustered the courage to look at his hands only to find they were translucent.
Realizing his sudden spike in heart activity would alert the hospital staff Vlad concentrated as hard as he could to restore his fingers to a solid state again. It took some effort but thankfully he managed to pull it off. It was in that moment though that Vlad realized, for better or worse, his relationship with Jack and Maddie would never be the same again...
And neither would he.
Note: I normally don’t write fully-fledged story content on tumblr apart from headcanon ideas or sharing updates about new chapters for my fanfics, but since I had started this oneshot before my Good Vlad AU started to really kick off and wasn’t that far along I adapted it into a special oneshot about Jack and Maddie coming to see Vlad at the hospital after the accident. I always wondered why they never did and usually assumed Vlad turned them away himself (mostly Jack) along with the doctors and his friends eventually move on and kind of forgot about him for all those years.
Either way, I wanted to see what could have happened if they managed to fix things with Vlad sooner while still on somewhat good terms before that sense of abandonment and resentment for Jack could take root in Vlad’s heart. Hopefully that comes across here in this little story snippet! I might post this on my actual fanfiction account later but for now, it’s here for you guys especially!
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
Hey. I'm sorry. So. Your post about sunseekerknight is really long and it seems out of date. I thought everything had been resolved and she promised to make amends but this all started back around again and it sounds like your issue isn't solved. Can you update me real quick? Sorry.
Thanks for being polite and coming to me. I’ll try to summarize things to the best of ability while also noting this is kinda a clusterfuck. It got long, so it’s under a cut.
In March 2020, I commissioned @sunseekerknight (I’m blocked so I can’t actually @ her) to do a Tarot Card commission of my Inquisitor for $80. I sent the money via PayPal friends and family as she requested which is something I no longer do for artists, even though I’d done it before with no problems. 
The main post goes over my initial experience really well - the repeated attempts at contact and missed deadlines. This post was made on June 18, 2020 and blew up. I informed Ada that day I was making the post and she told me she’d be doing so as well. 
I’d already filed the PayPal claim which was ultimately denied because I’d sent the money via friends and family, despite SSK’s assurances she’d help me resolve it in my favor. 
I didn’t hear from SSK after this and I didn’t contact her. My father passed away on June 20th and I was busy dealing with the personal fallout of that (he’d been in the hospital the whole month of June as it was) so my priorities swung towards processing my own grief and planning what happens next. 
On July 10th, my PayPal claim was denied. I forwarded the claim to SSK with the following message:
I want to inform you that PayPal has indicated, due to the way you asked me to send the funds (friends and family), they are unable to provide any sort of refund based on their policies. It is your responsibility to make the refund.
Because of the history of fraud I've uncovered, I will be pursuing this further. I am, in particular, asking PayPal to mark this account as one used for fraudulent transactions and scamming money before closing it. My hope is that this account is in your real name and that getting this account marked for fraud has real consequences you have to live with.
I honestly didn’t expect to hear from SSK again, but I did on July 12th: 
Oh, I see. Now the difficult situation has become even more difficult. I'm sorry to say this, but, as I said earlier, I had only two offers for people affected by my actions - a PayPal dispute or finished art. And since PayPal is useless in this situation, all I can offer you - is art. I’m still ready to finish your commission because I don't want you to be left with nothing. I would like to return the money, really, but it will take time and I don't know how much, considering the current situation on Tumblr. I still want to resolve this issue peacefully, despite what is happening now. I know that you don't trust me, and I understand this, as well as the fact that you are disappointed, angry, etc., but still I want to do at least something so as not to leave the situation as it is now. But if this is your final decision, then okay, I understand and accept it.
This message struck me as victim blaming. I am, after all, responsible for the situation on Tumblr which means she can’t get commissions. I reacted with some venom and my tone is not great here, but I do ask you to understand the frame of mind I was in here on July 13th: 
I don't think it's fair to claim that PayPal is being unhelpful in this situation when it is you who are refusing to refund money for a service that was purchased and not completed. I think it would make me feel better if you started phrasing the "situation" in a way that took responsibility for it. Such as: "I cannot refund the money to you myself, because I spent it before delivering what you paid for, and I cannot get your dispute resolved through PayPal because I asked you to send the payment a specific way that precludes disputes." 
I also feel hurt that immediately after I sent my email on Friday, you blocked me from Tumblr and turned all your social media accounts private. I can't think of why you would do this when you claim to still want to resolve this and when I have been more than kind. I find it difficult to believe that you didn't know what my review would cause - it sounds to me like this is something that has been brewing for awhile. Frankly, I'm amazed it took three years. I would also appreciate if, instead of blaming the "situation" on Tumblr for your inability to receive new commissions, you began taking responsibility for that as well. May I suggest: "My actions in the past three years have harmed many people and they are angry about it with good cause. Because I have damaged my reputation to a great extent, I will probably not receive many, if any, people willing to pay me money for commissions." 
I fully expect to receive nothing from you: art or my money returned. When speaking with PayPal on Friday, they advised the only way to shut your PayPal account down is if I file a criminal complaint with the IC3, which is the US's Internet Crimes division of the FBI. I did so and sent them the screenshots I have of all our conversations, your posts on Tumblr, and links to the posts of other people who publicly came out regarding the same behavior they experienced. I'm uncertain I can withdraw my complaints from both PayPal and the IC3, and if I could I don't think I would. I'm sure this isn't something that is high priority for them, but I assume eventually they will contact you to discuss your actions. The way I see it, you have three options at this point in time:
Find some way to issue a refund to me, and any other customers you've wronged. If I am contacted by investigators, I will say a refund was eventually issued in my case. 
Deliver the art you promised to me, and any other customers. If I am contacted by investigators, I will say a product was eventually delivered in my case. 
Continue to ignore what you've done and hope that no real consequences come of it. 
As to the art, I don't want it anymore. It has been tainted by this awful experience and I will not enjoy it. I will, however, accept it if you choose to do it to lessen whatever consequences you may end up facing because, truly, I'd rather you learn from this than end up with financial or legal consequences that are even more burdensome. 
Honestly. I never expected to hear from SSK again. But I did because this is the drama that never ends. On July 20th: 
I must apologize for the long silence. Sorry, I just got home from an unexpected vacation with my family, and I followed the advice of my parents and friends - spend these days away from work and the Internet to feel better. As I said, I understand you. You sound reasonable and you are totally right - it is my responsibility for that. And I'm trying to work it out, even if these are rather strange ways. And it wasn't about you personally. This was part of another problem with a friend I was trying to protect, and I followed the advice to keep the accounts private during the "war" and block some people on the tumblr during this time to avoid any collisions. But still, I was available for correspondence via email, and now all my accounts are again freely available. I know how it looks like, especially for you, when you have really been more than kind to me, and I cannot apologize enough to somehow change and improve this situation. I just fucked up on all fronts and I admit it. And I see, yes. I don't mind returning your art or money, it's just a matter of time. These are not days, these are weeks or months, and it is solely a matter of your patience. If you do not mind waiting, then I will try to return the money to you, since you no longer want art for obvious reasons. I understand and accept it, and it's okay. If you're willing to wait, I'll keep you informed of the refund situation and will do it as soon as I can.
You’ll note earlier I told you I can’t tag SSK cause I’m blocked. I’ve never been unblocked since July despite her saying she would. This is also the last email I got from SSK. I’ve had no communication since to my knowledge.
At this point in time I was tired. Really tired. It was bad news I got this email exactly a month after my father passed because I just didn’t want to do it anymore. This is my second to last email to SSK in response also on July 20th: 
Please feel free to do what you need to do to manage the situation. For my part, I have said and done all I can. I have asked for a refund for a service you have been unable to provide in a reasonable time frame, and thus you are legally obligated to return my money in the same reasonable time frame. That time frame has passed already.
When I am contacted by authorities about this matter in response to my complaints, I will tell them you have promised refunds but have not delivered. The only thing you could do to change this answer is to issue a refund before I am contacted.
This exchange is draining and unhelpful for me. I ask that you please do not contact me again until you are ready to issue a refund. 
On September 25th, I was informed SSK had successfully opened commissions on Twitter and Instagram. This spurred me to send one final email: 
I've been informed you recently reopened commissions to buy yourself something and met your goal, even though you only advertised on Twitter and Instagram. 
I would like to remind you that I'm still owed a refund AND you shouldn't spend that commission money until you deliver on that art. Please do not rip and entire new group of people off. 
There are other people, in the notes of the original post, who can attest to terrible experiences similar to mine. In particular, @starsandskies, @vorchagirl, and @charlatron have all come forward to talk about what she’s done and their experiences. Her pattern seems to be to open commissions, deliver a few, have the rest dragged out of her, and then to not do other ones. I drew the short straw this time. 
I don’t know if she’s reading this - if she is, at this point all I really want is an apology, a list of people who are waiting for art/refunds from her, and a plan as to how she’s going to make it right. If she doesn’t do those things, I suspect I’m going to keep getting dragged back into this cluster for awhile to talk about my experiences. 
If you’re waiting for artwork Non, open PayPal disputes and file complaints if you need to. The sooner the better. 
93 notes · View notes
ontowanderlust · 3 years
How to say I love you (5)
A/N:  Look, I don’t intend to change what’s written below and just above the story itself. You guys have to bear with this long ass introduction every time. On some unrelated news, first story of 2021! Whoop! Watch me as I update this one next year. lmao no. I’ll try my best to write the next prompt. Oh and as far as I know, this one serves as an AU since S2 is released. 
Stay safe people!
Special thanks to:  @grimpower-s .  My super duper proofreader! My beta! You are simply the best person to ever exist! Thanks for putting up with my mushroom tendencies! Pop pop!
One of the reasons why I haven’t posted this was because of the sucky title. Let me know if you guys have better ideas. The other reason was   just I’m too lazy to post this. My betas knew that I had a name written here but I had to revert to second person since… this is tumblr.   (Though, the last name is predetermined already, don’t fight me on   this.) Let me know if this sucks or if you guys like it.
Also some reminders:
Five is eighteen in this fic
The apocalypse had already happened
(Spoiler) They are sent back in time
And  there are some of the 43 involved in this fic- there are 16 actually. Find them all and hit me in my asks if you knew the reference of the names.
Alternatively: 7 times he confessed and the 1 time she accepted his confession / 8 ways to say I Love You
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Prompt: This prompt is brought to you by R. McKinley (you write beautifully, may I just say) and @chickenshit​‘s photo edit. I did say that I’m gonna write something about this, right?
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Despite her being great at nearly everything, hearing is not one of them. (Which her whole family can attest to. Either because they had to repeat themselves for her to hear them or they had to shout to gain her attention.)
When Five first noticed that trait of hers, he had theorised that she liked to practice selective hearing whenever she's around people, in which she debunked and confessed that she just liked to crank the volume of her earphones up to its maximum capacity. 
When asked why, she would simply shrug and playfully say that it's easier to keep people away from her. (Five thinks she just liked internalising the songs she listened to... just like his brother, Klaus, much to his dismay)
Regardless of her quite near deafness, she still liked using earphones whenever she felt like it. Several people had already tried to rid her bad habit by giving her speakers on some occasions but she insisted on using earphones whenever she listened to music. Much louder that way, she would often say. 
And so, it wasn't a surprise for him to hear faint harmonies of trumpets and cellos as he rounded up the corner of her family's mansion, finding himself witnessing what seemed to be a private moment for her. 
Now, having grown up under the tutelage of one Reginald Hargreeves- the most stubborn and strict father in the entire universe and maybe even in some parallel and alternate realities too- Five never had the luxury of appreciating the mundane things people speak of. 
It was always training, enhancing his abilities and missions for him. 
And then, there's that apocalypse mishap. 
In the end, he couldn't understand what 'mundane' meant. 
...until now. 
There, in the middle of the kitchen she stood, looking as radiant as always- what with her hair thrown lazily in a low ponytail, her eyes still laced with remnants of sleep, and her clothes as ruffled as can be, dancing along to the music in her ears. 
Looking at her now, he would've had a hard time telling that she had snuck out in the dead of the night, her inner demons getting the best of her and now here she was, dancing without a care in the world.
Why was he here anyway?
Oh yeah, he needed to speak with that brazen older brother of hers. 
He needed to talk to Jack- he really, really needed to talk to her brother- however, for some reason it felt like his feet were glued on the spot, his eyes never leaving her figure as if he was entranced by a fae dancing by the morning light. 
Just as he became in tuned with her presence, he knew that this girl had developed a keen sense of his whereabouts because the next thing he knew, he was being pulled towards her- where on earth did this unnecessary strength come from?- and tugged him into some weird poorly choreographed dance moves. 
He knew that with her upbringing, she excelled in social dancing, the same way Reginald had painstakingly ingrained social dancing upon him and his siblings so why did it feel like she's been born with two left feet instead?
He had to admit, social dancing is something he has adequate skills in but dancing in general had never been his strong suit and yet, having been pulled into an impromptu dance party, he found himself not hating it. 
It felt silly- him dancing to a faint and almost non-existent music in the middle of someone else's kitchen but seeing her smiling at him, mouthing the words to the song, and satisfied with him dancing along with her, made everything feel less silly. 
He didn't know what prompted the feeling- was it her radiant smile? Or the way she closed her eyes as her face morphed into the appropriate emotion to the song she was mouthing to, or the stray melody that would leave her mouth unintentionally or maybe... just the way the situation all felt so raw- so candid to him. 
He just felt the need- the overpowering emotion taking over his system. It's not like she's gonna hear the words, right? Afterall, she's as deaf as she could be.
"I love you,"
There was a sharp intake of breath- one that never came from him but rather from the girl in front of him, her feet skidded slightly from the miscalculated momentum from the sudden halting of her movements, her mouth slightly agape while he scrambled to catch her should she fall. 
He couldn't have gotten a better timing, as soon as the words left his lips, the faint music he had been hearing disappeared all of the sudden- a sign that her performance had come to an end. 
Grimacing, he let out a residual laugh- one that could be mistaken from his stolen breath. "-r shirt. Is it new?" he added hastily though they both knew it was too late, stumbling on the words and he wasn't quick enough to salvage his embarrassment. 
Silence engulfed them as she reached out, closing her phone and effectively putting the playlist into pause, tilting her head at him with a smirk playing upon her lips.
"I never thought I'd see the day where dear little Five Hargreeves complimenting my shirt," she drawled slowly, eyes sweeping over him. "Seriously?"
She's giving him an out- another chance to compose himself and deny what had been uttered in a moment's weakness. 
"I love you," the words came out slow as if he was readying himself to whatever cover he would be spitting out. "For not stomping on my feet like a savage person." he tried taking on a slightly chiding tone, hoping this time, it would be believable than the first one. 
Pathetic, he wanted to scoff. He's been saying this phrase for what? Five times now and yet, this girl couldn't even take a hint. Honestly, is it that hard to believe?
Or maybe he's not trying hard enough?
She simply stared at him- her eyes seemingly searching for answers, baring his soul easily despite the walls he had built around him. 
She let out a laugh. "Gosh, you're hopeless," she stated, reaching for the extra mug she had prepared. "Jack's waiting for you in the backyard." she waved at him, pointing him to where her brother is. 
As he took his leave, he couldn't help but feel a slight pang of remorse.  I love you, he wanted to repeat. I love you so much. 
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inthewild-flowers · 4 years
fic masterlist!
This is a masterlist of all my fics. Most of them can be found on AO3, although there is a Tumblr Drabble section at the end.
I’ll be updating this every time I post a new fic/finish posting a multi chapter fic. Enjoy!
Weak In The Knees
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Word Count: 575
Summary: Kind of just a whole lot of Wolfstar fluff. There's dancing involved.
Other: Maybe a muggle au?? I’m not entirely sure tbh, pretty cute if I do say so myself, the title comes from the Serena Ryder song weak in the knees.
Bright Yellow Ducks
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): James Potter/Lily Evans, background Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Word Count: 2114
Summary: Lily works at a corner store, and one day the Marauders walk in on a quest for ice cream.
Other: Muggle au, I’m pretty sure it was based on a post I saw but I wrote it a few years ago so I’m honestly not sure
Earth Angel
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Word Count: 674
Summary: I love fics where Remus is just an absolute angel, so here’s my version of that. Sirius has a crush on the cute guy who works at the bakery in his neighbourhood and finally get a chance to talk to him.
Other: Remus works at a bakery au, I wrote this after reading The London Underground Book Of Love by Children_of_the_Shadows on AO3 (absolutely would recommend, it’s amazing) and it’s probably one of my favourite fics I’ve written, the title is from the song Earth Angel by The Penguins
Gilderoy Lockhart Is A Dick (But His Dickery Has Some Interesting Consequences)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, background James Potter/Lily Evans
Word Count: 2699
Summary: When Remus finds out Gilderoy is cheating on him, the next thing he has to do is find out who he's cheating with. And if that person happens to be Sirius Black, well, Remus is okay with that. Based off of the joke me and my sister have about Legend of Korra: both of Mako's girlfriends leave him for each other.
Other: Muggle au, funny, crack fic, way more sex jokes than I usually write but it fits with the whole vibe of this fic
Text Me
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Word Count: 566
Summary: Written for girlwithacrown’s finish this fic challenge. My take on the second half of “Remus is a bookstore owner and Sirius comes in looking for a book during coronavirus lockdown” (might wanna read her first half tho lol).
Other: Here is @girlwithacrown ‘s first half of the fic, and here is her collection with the other fics that people wrote for their own versions of the second half!
Padfoot Won’t Leave
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Word Count: 2453
Summary: At the end of Harry's third year, Remus and Sirius have a plan to get Harry away from the Dursleys.
Other: crack fic, I tried my best to make it funny, someone sent a post to the wolf star games 2020 discord that said that there aren't enough “Sirius makes himself at home at the Dursley’s house because there’s nothing they can do to make him leave” fics and then we as a group decided to fix that. Here’s the collection of fics we wrote for it! :)
Rooftop Ramblings
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Word Count: 526
Summary: Aziraphale and Crowley share a cigarette on a rooftop, and wish that things could be different.
Other: pining, the whole plot is literally just pining, written for a dtiys based on this art by @whiteleyfoster
yoga (sirius’s way)
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 1043
Summary: Remus decides to start doing yoga to get some exercise during quarantine, and naturally, Sirius wants to try as well.
Other: Quarantine fic!!, domestic fluff, inspired by this art by @gaeilgelupin
two bros, going on a brocation, five feet apart cause they’re not gay
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 1927
Summary: In which Sirius takes Remus on a surprise Christmas vacation
Other: Christmas fic!!, so much fluff, :))
🎶 Remus is a swearwolf 🎶
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius, James/Lily/Regulus
Word Count: 2694
Summary: Regulus sighed. “Come on, Sirius, let’s get you off this thing and then you’ll feel better.” They pried Sirius’s hands off the bar and helped him out of the rollercoaster, where he stood for a moment on shaky legs, clutching Regulus’s arm.“I’m going to get some mint chocolate,” he declared once his legs had regained some of their strength, “and then we’re going to the haunted house and I’m getting my revenge.”
Other: A sequel to ice ice baby by @pan-and-ready-to-stan, 90% banter, a LOT of swearing, fluff
would it kill you if we kissed
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 1741
Summary: Sirius leaned his head against the window and let his eyes flutter shut. Maybe if he slept, some of the horrible things would go away. Maybe if he slept, he would wake up to find that he was just on a normal road trip with one of his best friends. Maybe if he slept, he could forget the reason he was here at all.
Other: hurt/comfort, and also getting together!! bc I love get together fics :)
(i thought) i knew you 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 1432
Summary: Sometimes Sirius thinks that he might be okay. That maybe he’ll make it through this. He’s broken up with people before, hasn’t he? He’s been heartbroken before, and he’s always made it through. He’s survived so many things in his life that it seems silly that this would be the thing to break him.
Other: oh boy is there angst, that’s it that’s the fic just angst, there is a hopeful ending though??, there’s some super vague sort of references to self harm but it doesn’t like. happen
Got It
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 2859
Summary: Remus pushed down the butterflies in his stomach and accepted the vape when Sirius offered it, inhaling deeply and pointedly not thinking about how Sirius’s lips had been there just moments before. This was the closest Remus would ever get to kissing him. No, he told himself sternly, don’t think about that. It didn’t work. It never did.
Other: texting, fluff fluff fluffity fluff, getting together, written for marauders pride fanzine
in a cottage on a cliffside
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Word Count: 2865
Summary: “Are you cold?” Remus asked. “I’ve got another blanket somewhere…” he trailed off, looking at Sirius expectantly. Sirius shook his head.
“I’m fine.” he smiled again, then took another sip of his tea. He made the same face as before. It was adorable.
“Why are you here?” Remus asked. Sirius blinked at him.
“I wanted to see you.
Other: this was a birthday present for a friend, its fluff and a bit of pining and just generally soft :)) also a get together fic
The Year Remus Lupin Made Friends
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Word Count: 3546
Summary: James was sixteen years old, and it was summertime. Sirius and Pete were staying with him, Pete for a week, Sirius for the whole summer and hopefully every holiday after it too. James wanted to play quidditch, but the risk of being seen by muggles was too high, and his parents wouldn’t allow it. James was also very stubborn. His parents should have known to keep a closer eye on the boys, but some things can’t be helped. Here is what happened:
Other: written for a discord server secret santa. very marauders friendship focused, but also wolfstar at the end :))
In the dark and in the dusty sunlight
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Word Count: 1099
Summary: “I thought we were past such formalities, Lord Lupin.”“Indeed we are, Sirius, but it did feel right in the moment. You know,” Remus gave him an appraising look, and Sirius shivered, “you look rather like a painting, lying there like that.”“My dear Remus, we know very well that I am a work of art.”Remus laughed. “Yes, that has been well established.” He took off his hat and placed it on a table, then crossed over to the windows. “May I?” he asked, gesturing to the curtains.
yall its gay historical pining thats it thats the summary
Other: its just,,,, a period drama. thats it. I wrote a scene from a period drama just for the pining.
Multi Chapter Fics
Love At First Hot Chocolate
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, background James Potter/Lily Evans
Chapter/Word Count: 5 chapters, 5069 words
Summary: 18 year old Remus Lupin works at Starbucks. He hates it. He hates that he has to talk to people and be nice. He hates making coffee (although he doesn't mind the hot chocolate). But one day, Sirius Black walks in. For Remus, it's love at first sight. But does Sirius feel the same way?
Other: Muggle au, sort of a coffeeshop au in that they meet at a coffeeshop but otherwise it’s not it there much, fluff, might have been inspired by a post I saw a few years ago about Remus working at a coffeeshop and always getting Sirius’s name wrong?? But again, I wrote this a few years ago and don’t really remember lol
I Hope That I Don’t Fall In Love With You
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans
Chapter/Word count: 2 chapters, 1431 words
Summary: James is getting married, and Sirius worries that he won't get to see his best friend anymore. One night, he vents his feelings to a cute stranger at a pub, who happens to be in a similar situation.
Other: Muggle au, title from the Tom Waits song I Hope That I Don’t Fall In Love With You
If You Want To Buy Me Flowers
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Chapter/Word Count: 3 chapters, 1499 words
Summary: Remus owns a flower shop. Sirius is breaking up with his boyfriend using flower language.
Other: Muggle au, Remus is a florist au, inspired by a post I saw about flower meanings, title from the song Two Princes by Spin Doctor
Don’t Shoot The Messenger
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, James Potter/Lily Evans, Alice (I don’t know her last name)/Frank Longbottom
Chapter/Word Count: 16 chapters, 13,192 words
Summary: Ever since his first year at Hogwarts, Remus Lupin has been exchanging messages with someone on a bathroom stall. Neither of them know who the other one is, and now that they're graduating soon, they want to find out.
Other: Muggle au, modern au, Remus isn't part of the Marauders au, a bit of texting
Love Through The Ages
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, some vague background James Potter/Lily Evans
Chapter/Word Count: 4 chapters, 2213 words
Summary: Remus finds a love letter that Sirius wrote to him two centuries previously and never sent.
Other: They’re vampires au, I guess technically muggle au??, fluff, love letters, confessions, inspired by this post by @kayvsworld
“No, Sirius, tying the stems of flowers together will NOT make a flower crown”
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Chapter/Word Count: 4/4 chapters, 4247 words
Summary: In which Sirius can’t make a flower crown, Remus thinks Sirius might be flirting, and James has no clue what’s going on.
Other: so much fluff, oblivious James, inspired by this art that I love a lot by @girlwithacrown
Hogwarts, 1993
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (this may change, I don’t have the fic planned out at all, so it could end up with a G rating, but I’ve rated it T just to be safe)
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Chapter/Word Count: 7/? chapters, 7248 words as of October 4 2020
Summary: When Sirius escapes Azkaban and goes to Hogwarts, instead of lurking around as the Grim like a FOOL, he decides to seek help from an old friend.
Other: I don't have any warnings for this one yet, but I’ll put them in if necessary. I’ll be posting the chapters as I write them, and I’ll try to make sure it doesn’t take too long.
the doc was called halloween babeyy
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, James Potter/Lily Evans
Chapter/Word Count: 6 chapters, 1240 words
Summary: a self indulgent halloween fic with pumpkin shenanigans, meet cutes, and texting. 
“They’re battle scars,” Remus repeated. “And you can’t call him just ‘pumpkin’ anymore, his official title is the PumpKing and he requires it to be used at all times.” Remus finished carving out the last scar, and picked up the sharpie to draw the outline of a crown near the top of the pumpkin. One he was satisfied, he picked up his knife and started cutting along the lines.“In that case,” James said, “Mine’s the PumPeasant and he looks like this because of a childhood disease.”
Other: ‘tis all fluff :))
a very (in)effective seduction
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Chapter/Word Count: 10/? chapters, 9557 words
Summary: In which Sirius decides that it's time to seduce Moony. Yes, he has a list
Other: written for girlwithacrown and kidovna’s blissember chirstmas prompts! get together, fluff, etc.
Note: I will finish this eventually, but I was struggling a lot with writing it, so it may take some time. I do have it sort of planned out, and once I have the motivation to write it again it shouldn’t take too long to finish :))
dreaming of you
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, Dorcas Meadowes/Marlene McKinnon
Chapter/Word Count: 6/? chapters, 4932 words
 french bitch: I have arrived
french bitch: paris has gained a resident and he is magnificent
sweet sweet moony: paris is usually referred to as she
french bitch: HOW DARE
Jimmy: he does have a point tho
or: Sirius is in france on his study abroad year, remus is pining, and James and Peter are enjoying the chaos
Other: texting, fluff, theres eventually gonna be wolfstar and dorlene and either jily or jegulily I haven’t decided yet
You Hold The Key To My Heart
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, James Potter/Lily Evans/Regulus Black
Chapter/Word Count: 38 chapters, 26 049 words
Summary: Sirius threw himself on his bed, not caring about how he must be wrinkling his clothes. In fact, he relished the idea. At least his parents would have a reason to be angry with him today. He stayed there, thinking about soft curls and a sweet face that he barely caught a glimpse of, until the sun was shining directly through his window and James arrived to help him dress for dinner.
Or, a victorian au in which Remus is a gardener, Sirius is a dramatic rich kid, and they fall in love.
Other: I wrote this for the 2020 wolfstar games. it’s mainly fluff, but I also got to indulge my love of historical things which was amazing :D
Dan’s cute & short wolfstar fics with no plot that make them happy to write :)
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Number of works: 4
Complete: No
Works in the series:
Goodnight Moony - Remus doesn’t want to go to bed. Sirius thinks Remus should go to bed. 201 words.
Snow - It’s literally just Remus and Sirius enjoying the snow, that’s it, that’s the fic, please enjoy. 124 words.
I Just Called To Say I love You - Sirius calls Remus the night before a big exam. 174 words.
Lupin Can’t Sing - Please read the title to the tune of “lupin can’t sing, lupin can’t sing, lupin cannot sing!” from AVPS. Remus is drunk and trying really really hard at karaoke. 409 words.
Ruby Tuesday - Remus and Sirius cuddle and listen to Ruby Tuesday. It's very cute, if I do say so myself. 259 words.
HP Pride Month 2020!!
Rating: General Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, Lily Evans/James Potter
Number of works: 4
Complete: Yes
Other: All the fics in this series were written for @girlwithacrown ‘s HP pride month prompts, and you can find other fics written for those prompts in her collection on AO3!
Works in the series:
Coming Out - Remus and Sirius decide to tell their friends they're dating. 1035 words.
Flag - Sirius and James make unique additions to their pride flags, and at the pride parade they see two other people with matching flags. 1126 words.
Family - Sirius runs away from home. 898 words.
Healing - Remus's dog gets hurt, and the vet is way hotter than Remus was prepared for. Sirius may or may not have Ted from Schitt's Creek vibes. It was mostly unintentional. 1012 words.
Working Title: Summertime
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans
Number of Works: 2
Complete: No
Works in the series:
Forgiveness & Friendship - The summer after sixth year (and The Prank, you know which one. The one with Snape. And Remus.), Sirius shows up on James's doorstep. 13 chapters, 4437 words
Mischief & Matchmaking - The marauders (+ Lily) are spending a few weeks at James’s house, and oh boy is there a lot of sexual tension there. Peter decides to do something about it. Featuring: shenanigans and three separate tropes cause why not. 17/17 chapters and 6772 words.
dan?? writing angst?? it’s more likely than you’d think
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Number of Works: 3
Complete: No
Works in the series:
stardust is easily lost - He kisses him because he loves him, because loving Sirius is a habit he’s never been able to break, not in school when he thought loving Sirius would kill him, and not now when he thinks that Sirius might kill them all. It keeps him up at night sometimes.
cascade - Teaching at Hogwarts is equal parts wonderful and miserable. He loves his students, but some days he looks at them and he sees himself, happy and carefree, with his best friends at his side. Those days are the hardest.
the death of a star - And sometimes, Sirius almost seems like his old self again. Sometimes, his mischievous grin that Remus remembers all too well will appear on his face, and he’ll lean over and whisper a snide comment in Remus’s ear, and Remus will have to try to stifle a laugh.
Other: yall this is angst, there is major character death, its A Lot, theyre also down in the Tumblr drabbles section & their titles are all variations of “angst babeyyy”
dan is a) yearning and b) obsessed with dorlene and bookstores
Rating: General Audiences and Teen and Up Audiences
Ship(s): Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
Number of Works: 3
Complete: No
Works in the series:
1. Walking In a Winter Wonderland – As they skated, Marlene couldn’t take her eyes off of Dorcas. She knew that they were holding a conversation somehow or other––about Dorcas’s job at the bookstore, she was fairly certain––but her brain was on autopilot as she watched the lights dance across Dorcas’s face, lighting up the night like miniature stars.
2. adventures pertaining to love actually (and also shrek) – The woman shook her head solemnly, but a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “You absolutely cannot.”They grinned at each other for a moment, then the woman’s eyes flicked up to the clock on the wall and she swore. “I’ve got to go. It was nice talking to you! And you’ll have to tell me what you think of that movie if you watch it!”“I will!” Dorcas called after her, and the woman waved as she hurried out the door.Well. She sure hoped that Love Actually was on Netflix. (note: this one is set before the first fic in the series)
3. it can't be hard to find a present right?? (wrong) – “What’cha got there?” Frank flopped into the chair beside Dorcas and took a sip of his coffee, eyeing the mess of yarn on her lap with curiosity.
“It’s not weird to make her a scarf, is it?”
“...to make who a scarf?”
“You know exactly who I’m talking about.”
Other: yeah im just being generally fluffy and self indulgent here, enjoy! :))
Tumblr Drabbles
“It’s three in the morning” - jegulus
“This is the opposite of what I told you to do!” - wolfstar
“Do you have a ride home?” - wolfstar
“Come cuddle” - wolfstar
“I am home” - dorlene
“I’m getting married? Since when were you choosing my future spouse?” - wolfstar
“Another bad date?” - jily
James and Remus being very very chaotic bros
24 hour diner au - wolfstar
they have the same favourite chair - wolfstar
Sirius loses Remus’s present (and James helps him look) – wolfstar
when she wears YOUR flannel shirt - dorlene
when you can’t choose just one snuggly blanket so you wrap up in all of them - the marauders
angst babeyyyyyyyyy - first war wolfstar
2 angst 2 babeyyyyyyyyy - poa wolfstar
angst babeyyyy 3.0 - ootp sorta wolfstar
high school/college minifest day 1: back to school - wolfstar
high school/college minifest day 2: detention - wolfstar
remus has whipped cream on his face and sirius canNOT handle it - wolfstar
hufflepuff remus who makes friends with the marauders - wolfstar
dorcas is hurt and marlene is taking care of her - dorlene
remus is a lil shit (back hugs prompt) - wolfstar
just friends booty shorts - James and sirius
night at the museum au - wolfstar and jily
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The State of this Blog (It’s Moving!)
Hello all my lovely sinners! I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe during this Global Pandemic. Since a lot of us have plenty of time on our hands currently, and many may be hoping to escape with some fanfiction, I thought that this would be a good time to FINALLY get everyone up to date with the future of this blog and yours truly, Admin Ryou.
So it’s probably coming as a surprise to nobody that this blog is dead, and honestly has been for a while. You know how it goes, Admin goes away to college, doesn’t have time for fanfiction anymore and when I’m finally ready to make my return, I find that Tumblr just isn’t what it used to be. It is obviously no longer welcoming to the NSFW and Queer communities that the damn site owes pretty much all of it’s success to, so yeah, suffice it to say I’m pretty done. With Tumblr that is! Have no fear, I’m still alive and sinning!
Currently I’m working on moving ALL of the content I wrote for this blog onto AO3 - and holy crap is that a monster of  a project. I have over 300 PAGES of content from this blog! Not bad if I do say so myself lol. I’m not sure if I’ll be accepting any more requests any time soon, but I definitely am finishing up the ones that have been sitting in my inbox for the last two years and posting them on AO3, I feel like that’s only fair. I’ll also be posting new fanfiction there - mainly for My Hero Academia - my current shounen obsession - but I do have some fics in the works for Yu-Gi-Oh! And Yu Yu Hakusho as well. 
Like I said though, the great Tumblr migration of my work is going to be a HUGE project that probably won’t be apparent right away, so please consider following me on Twitter in the meantime! I’m doing a lot of NSFW fan-art there but it’s also the best place to interact with me and when I do eventually open up requests again - it’ll definitely be through Twitter rather than AO3. It’s also where I’ll be posting updates on the Tumblr migration and some fun headcanons so if you want to stay up to date with my content or stay in touch with me, head over to Twitter! 
Again, it’s mostly My Hero Academia content right now, but I’m always down to draw some sexy boys from the Sports and Shounen series that have such a special place in my heart, I’m super open to art suggestions right now, and I’d really love to make my hiatus up to all of you loyal sinners by drawing some of your requests!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sugoi_and_spice
AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/users/AttackonBakura/pseuds/AttackonBakura (This is currently very empty lol)
I owe so much to this blog and to all of you amazing people who have followed and supported it over the years. While I’m sad that the glory days of Tumblr are over, this is by no means the end for my fan content and hopefully, not the end of my days sinning with all of you! I hope to see you all over on Twitter. Much love!
-Admin Ryou 
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purplejellosg1 · 4 years
27: Boxes, Sam/Jack
Prompt: Boxes, requested by both @joyhargraves on Twitter and @writingherhope on Tumblr. If either of you want to send another prompt since you shared this one, feel free.
Boxes, boxes, everywhere.
Moving house had never been one of her favourite things to do. Sam supposed she should be used to it by now; her childhood had been spent moving around to fit her father's assignments. She knew her Mom hadn't enjoyed that facet of the life of an Air Force wife, but she'd put a brave face on it and accepted it as necessary in order to be with the man she loved and keep their young family together.
As an officer herself, she'd grown used to living with a view to never really settling in one place. While she'd been based in DC, she'd been hoping for a reassignment back to Colorado Springs and some of the boxes she'd taken with her instead of leaving them in storage had remained untouched. Getting to head back to the Stargate project had been her dream, and getting to stay long enough to buy a house of her own was everything she'd never thought she'd have. In fact, she'd waited until two years into the SGC to put down a deposit on her own place, moving out of military housing into a bungalow that was well and truly hers.
In all honestly, she'd thought that would be it. The end of the boxes. Even when she'd gotten engaged to Pete, she hadn't given much thought to moving out of her home. It was one of the reasons his buying a place without discussing it with her had blindsided her – and when she'd imagined lugging boxes around from her bungalow to the house he'd chosen, she'd realised she couldn't do it.
Didn't want to do it.
The house was perfect, really, everything she'd described to him during the early days of their relationship.
It'd been the man that was the problem.
She'd resigned herself to moving again after her assignment to Nevada, but she hadn't minded that time. The boxes she'd packed had gone to one of either two places; some had gone with her to the small apartment she was renting out, the others had gone into storage at General O'Neill's house.
Jack's house.
Their house, albeit unofficially.
They'd decided the best thing to do was to rent out hers, and store both of their belongings in his larger home, which also meant they had somewhere to stay when their duties required them to be at the SGC.
Their teammates didn't understand it at first, not even when Sam moved back to the Springs to retake her position on SG-1. They thought it weird that the couple were unofficially a couple, and still spent more time apart than they did together.
And now she was packing again, preparing to leave the house she'd started to think of as home even if it only truly felt like it when Jack could be there with her, heading off to Atlantis, where she'd not only be in a different state but in a different galaxy.
Sometimes, she questioned her life choices. Sometimes, she wondered if her father had been lying when he said she could have it all.
“You all set?” Jack stood in the doorway of their room, hands in his pockets. He’d wanted to see her off as it were, so she’d opted to be transported to the ship in Earth’s orbit from the comfort of their home rather than the SGC with the rest of the new personnel heading to Atlantis. It meant they could say their goodbyes without any prying gazes, meant their relationship could stay just theirs - with a few exceptions - for a little bit longer.
“I’m all packed, not sure if I’m ready.” She finished sealing the last box, one she would be leaving under the safekeeping of the SF’s who would be checking on the house while neither of them were in town.
 “You’ll do great, Sam.” He moved to take her in his arms, sighing when she all but melted against him. “I wish you could have half as much confidence in yourself as I do.”
“Confidence isn’t really the issue,” she admitted, lifting her head to accept a short, soft kiss. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too,” he replied immediately, leaning in to kiss her a little longer. “But we’ll keep in touch, and either I’ll come to you or you can come visit me. I’ll need regular debriefings you know. Gotta keep updated on what’s going on in the Pegasus galaxy, too.”
She smiled but it didn’t last long; they both knew her reports would be delivered by video over a data burst and that trips back and forth were going to be few and far between. 
Her watched beeped, signalling it was time. They pulled apart after a final kiss, reluctantly putting enough distance between them to ensure he wouldn’t be caught in the transporter.
Jack gave her the lopsided grin she’d come to know and love, his hands going back to his pockets. “Stay safe, Carter.”
“You too, Sir.” She smiled though her eyes were suspiciously bright.  A flash of light, and she was gone. # Post-Atlantis Boxes. More boxes. For two people who were kept busy by their jobs, they’d somehow managed to accumulate a hell of a lot of stuff.
Still, Jack found himself whistling as he cut the tape sealing one of the boxes, rummaging around inside it before deciding its contents wouldn’t be needed in the immediate future so could be set aside for later.
There was no rush, no rush at all.
And that thought had him grinning as he reached for another box, and the grin was still on his face when Sam walked in with yet another box in her arms.
“What’s so funny?” She asked as she walked past him to set the box down on the kitchen table. “Unpacking isn’t usually something to smile about.”
“Packing isn’t,” he corrected, abandoning the boxes in front of him to get closer to her. He took her in his arms, turning her from the cardboard she’d been about to open and kissed her thoroughly before she could question it. “Unpacking, Mrs O’Neill, is much more fun.”
She grinned back at him, the same dopey smile he knew was on his face. “That’s Mrs Carter-O’Neill to you,” she said, lifting her arms to wrap them around his shoulders.
They’d been married for all of three days, opting to do so as soon as she’d returned from her stint commanding the Hammond and he’d demanded - and received - a transfer of office to the SGC. Neither wanted to waste any more time, deciding it was long overdue for them to make their relationship official.
Having tied the knot, they’d decided it was time they finally cleared out the spare room and garage, clearing out the boxes they’d amassed over the years while they sorted through those he’d brought with him from his flat in DC.
“C’mon, fly boy,” Sam murmured a few moments later, drawing back when he went to kiss her again. “The sooner this is done, the sooner we can celebrate.”
“Celebrate what?” He asked, reluctantly letting her go so they could set about clearing at least some of the spaces in the house. 
Her smile was blinding, her eyes bright. “Finally having it all.”
Jack grinned, understanding the reference. Finally was right indeed.
I couldn’t end it on an angsty note, so needed to keep going till there was a happy ending. Hope that's okay! :)
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stargazerinmoksha · 4 years
how do you stop the suicidal thoughts? i’m drowning in my saddens. I just need everything to stop
i think you should look into something calming like meditation, reading a book at your favorite place, listening to your favorite songs while walking outside during spring, keep a journal and update yourself about what’s new with yourself, pay attention to your thoughts and really ask yourself what’s bothering you, in truth, we live during a time where we’re all “connected” but this constant connectedness that we feel can at times being overwhelming and it makes us feel right home with a disconnection with our true selves and i’ve honestly been dealing with this for years and i’m finally coming to terms with it. you want to know the craziest thing i’ve realized as of late? everyone can leave and you will be ultimately alone when you just got off from work and everyone may be asleep, but you know who’s always there for you? yourself. you are always there. with your happy. with your sadness. with your depression. with whatever it is that’s ailing you or making you joyful. and in truth? what better thing to do than to build something good for yourself by yourself? i came to this very question a few days ago— why do we dread loneliness and aloneness so often? is it such a bad thing? i ask myself this and maybe it’s something primal within us that makes us chase after love or a high that’s akin to doing drugs. what better way to love someone than to start within? i’ve been having a close look at my very essence and trying to understand why we have a need to be wanted to be needed from everything, but ourselves at times and like that’s what i came up with. if you have your own back and you know yourself well know, who can really hurt you? i don’t know the seriousness or the degree of your depression and maybe even if i told you that i understood, you’d still feel misplaced and misunderstood, but if it’s of any comfort or solace to you— i believe in your transformation from a cocoon to this wonderful and rare menelaus blue morpho butterfly. a color of sadness and the sky, but it’s also ocean deep at times. you don’t have to have all of the answers and maybe that’s exactly what life is— realizing that sometimes we won’t have all of it figured out, maybe we’re just swamped with a fuck load of questions. maybe life is just one huge piece of art that’s always in a constant state of change. you are a work in progress and darling, is that really such a bad thing? you have to accept some things about yourself. the other day i questioned the reality of my own happiness and what i came up with was odd. if you decide to smile during the most trivial and difficult forms adversity— no one can truly harm you. your life may be shit now, but your attitude doesn’t have to be. so when i told my lover that i wanted to get back together and she told me, maybe we’re not ready, maybe we’re still learning about ourselves, maybe this is where we’re supposed to be at— i understood that she cared about us individually just as much as she does about us together and that meant the world to me. i don’t know how badly your heart is hurting and i don’t know you— but i do know that everything you are feeling right now? it’s just a passing thought. thoughts of suicide can linger, but you don’t have to let them stay. is it not your mind? then own that shit. we’re constantly being distracted by everything and nowadays, we have a thousand options to choose from that we’re numb to choice and instead decide to be indecisive. you can choose to let these suicidal thoughts run your life, or you can proceed to make your mind yours and only yours. i know, it sounds like a crock of shit, but until you want to get better and truly try to figure out what it is that’s bothering you— you won’t beat this. but i know that you want to get better, why else would you be messaging a dead poetry blog on tumblr for advice? don’t sell yourself short and just believe in the process of healing your own problems. no one can do that for you. no amount of drugs can get you high enough to fix it. no amount of sex can fuck the depression out of you. well maybe, but still. just keep going.
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dragonindigo245 · 5 years
Project [Redacted]
Heyo!!! This is a WIP story I'm doing with the amazing @pawton-meowity! Hope you enjoy! The odd numbered chapters will be posted on their Tumblr while the even ones will be on mine. Feel free to request to be added to the tag list for updates! Thanks! 💚🖤💚
Tw: Tramatic flashbacks
Chapter 4: P.O.V of Virgil
“I have just the thing for you.” I felt the inside of my hoodie pocket with a smile creeping across my face. Logan raised an eyebrow as I pulled out what they would probably assume to be a bracelet.
“I have a few extra of these. They hide your powers from detectors at the cost of nullifying them. As long as they don’t know your face then they won’t know it’s you they’re after. Course you’ll probably have to wear long sleeves to hide them because the uh.. ‘burn brothers’ know what they are. You’re alright Princey but Logan and Patton need to wear a hoodie or something.” When I explained this, Patton sucked in a large breath of air and fiddled with his hands.
“Ah well… that’s a problem… you see I’m in nursing school so we kinda… ya know… need our sleeves up sometimes.”
Well shit. This is going to be harder than I thought. I pondered for a few moments debating over to risk it and have him wear the nullifier unless he was doing hands on stuff or to have him go without until I can build him one to go somewhere else than his wrist. Course life isn’t just simple enough to let us get away with this. Of fucking course it isn’t.
“Language Virge!! My my, your mind is like the plague!” Remus said amused.
Gee thanks Remus. Totally needed that.
“You’re welcome! Seriously though! Nasty boy... I love it!” I rolled my eyes at this and decided to go with the first option.
“Alright Pat, just take off the nullifier when you need to do something like that. Otherwise it needs to stay on. That goes for you too, Logan. Do NOT take it off unless you need to hide it. If you take it off then you can and will be spotted. You’ll be surprised how they can find you.”
Patton and Logan both nodded in agreement. Thankfully they were easier to work with than Princey. I stood up and walked across the room to the dresser I had full of gadgets. Agh I can never remember which drawer they’re in. Nope that one's teleporters… weaponry… there we go. I pulled an extra nullifier out and closed the drawer. Patton received the one I had in my hoodie pocket while Logan got the one from the dresser.
“Keep alert. The nullifier can only do so much. There are other ways of finding you they can exploit. Do not use technology to talk about your powers unless you’re in need of help. Do not talk to anyone you do not trust about your powers. And above all do not use your powers outside of the forest or your rooms. They have eyes everywhere.” Patton nodded slowly and slightly spooked.
“What… what do we do if we get found out? I don’t want another… Logan incident. I’m sure none of us want to get… s-shot at.” This poor kid really shouldn’t be in this mess of all people. He looked ready to crumble.
“If you’re found out we’ll drop whatever we are doing and come to your location but… if you are found out then you’re either going to get captured or you’re going to have to hide for the rest of your life.” Patton winced and pulled his legs to his chest. Logan, on the other hand, seemed deep in thought but otherwise unphased. He was evidently hard to scare.
The room sat in an uncomfortable silence (minus Remus humming) for a little while. I was frankly shocked more over Roman keeping his mouth shut for so long. Well that can be used to lighten the mood at least.
“No witty comment from Disney Wince? Finally coming to grips with the reality of our situation?” I moved over to my original spot on the couch and watched Roman try to form a sentence.
“I… Can I ask… no scratch that. I-” Remus cut in, highly energetic but clearly a bit frazzled.
“Oooo! You wanna know what would happen if any of you three got captured? Well first they-” Thankfully Dee shut Remus down real quick by holding a finger up to Remus’s mouth. Thank god, I don’t want to think about that.
“Virgil Nimbus… age 21… how the hell did this kid get in here?”
“He snuck in to free some of our subjects. He almost got subjects D3D31T and R3M7 out. Luckily we got one of our men to shoot him before he did any real damage. He should be waking up soon.”
“Good. We needed more participants.”
“Ah there he is! Hello Virgil. We have a lot to discuss. For starters… how did you get in here? Don’t bother trying to fight, our truth serum is very good at its job.”
“I… I disguised myself as one of the soldiers.”
“Mhm… well we can’t have that happening anymore. Prepare the machines!!! Don’t worry Virgil. After some time you’ll learn to accept this. Some results even showed patients growing numb to it if they’re lucky.”
Can’t think. Stupid drug thing. What’s happening?
“Attach ‘em to him and be sure it’s not so high he blacks out immediately. There’s a point to this and we mustn’t let it go to waste.”
Strapped. Can’t move.
“Don’t bother to fight it Virgil. You’ll be mostly immobile for the whole session.”
Weird things. Attaching to me.
“We’re ready to begin.”
“Good, on my mark. Three… two… one… begin.”
“Agh sorry. I know I shouldn’t ask that out of nowhere… I mean… was it bad? I don’t want my friends to get hurt or have an unfortunate demise.” Roman attempted to correct himself, the words bringing me back to the present as I stifled a gasp. Remus shoved Deceit’s hand away and waved him off.
“Ehhhh they won’t kill ya unless you threaten their lives! Don’t exclude yourself though! They would gladly take you in if they knew you were working with supes! Look at Virgey here!” Remus placed a hand on my arm which made me flinch probably more than he was expecting. He immediately removed his arm and shot me an apologetic look before perking back up like normal. His apologies weren’t exactly the best but at least he cared… as best as he could anyways.
My mind tuned the conversation out to jumbled noises. I just couldn’t deal with anything so… extra right now. I inserted random song lyrics into my head to get my mind off of this. Thankfully I had a few songs memorized and shuffled through those to drown out my other intrusive thoughts.
Hey edgelord, sorry to intrude on your thoughts (not really) but they’re talking about how they’ve missed a class and are working their way towards the whole “we gotta go” sentence.
“I’m probably in a decent amount of trouble myself. We should consider leaving… wherever we are to head back. Thank you for your hospitality, you three. I would like to inquire how we make our way back.” Logan pushed. I stretched and turned to the nerd. “We’re on campus. We actually go to your college ourselves. It isn’t hard to figure out where exactly we are.”
Princey stood up dramatically and bowed. “Well then we bid you good tidings weirdos. We shall grant you our phone numbers and depart!” I rolled my eyes and smirked.
“Wow. I thought you couldn’t get more extra but boy was I wrong. You surprise me by being an annoying, spoiled kid.”
Roman made a noise that could only be described as an offended drama queen half gasp, half screech. Honestly I don’t even know how his vocal cords allow him to do that. “EXCUSE me? Annoying?!? Kid?!? How dare you! I am neither of those! Just because you have your fancy gadgets and knowledge on the comic book villains doesn’t mean you can undermine my glory, Cruella De Vile!”
“Notice how he didn’t say he wasn’t spoiled…” Logan mumbled under his breath.
“Did you insult me, Specs or are you siding with the honorable Roman?”
“Guys! Stop fighting! Come on!” Patton intervened. “Let’s just be friends and get prepared to leave! We already missed choir practice and I need to get ready for my final class! You all do too!”
Roman sighed and said something inaudible, most likely an apology. “Let’s just hand over our numbers and get outta here. I don’t think I can be in the same room as Captain Shook and still have enough edgy nicknames left.” I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.
“Yeah yeah, you just wanna leave because I can knock you and your ego down a few notches.” I pulled up my phone number, ignoring Princey and his new offended noises. I handed him my phone and he whipped his out while glaring at me. Yeah that’s about what I expected. He finally handed my phone back and shoved his in a pocket.
“I added Patton and Logan in already. You can text me their numbers later.” Roman hiked a thumb in Dee and Remus’s direction on his usage of the word ‘their,’ before turning back to his friends, “Come on you two. Thanks for backing me up LOGAN.” Logan didn’t indulge Roman by saying anything and instead helped Patton off the couch.
“Thank you so much everyone! It was nice to meet you all! I just wish we could have met under better conditions!” Patton said cheerfully. Everyone said their goodbyes and left the three of us like I preferred. Nobody but the ones I could trust.
“Greetings Virgil! How are we today?”
“Ah. That is a beautiful silence. Maybe today will be the day you can get your special abilities! Wouldn’t that be exciting?”
“Well not exciting for you I suppose but you’ve learned that by now. Do you have anything to say before we begin?”
“I didn’t think so. Proceed as normal.”
Hey. Virgil. Snap out of it buddo.
“Wait… please… I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Excellent. Cancel that last order. A willing subject is a loyal subject. Isn’t that right Virgil?”
Virge! Hey! Damn it, get out of your head.
“Now then. The real fun begins. Get him strapped down and prepare for trial number one.”
I jolted out of my thoughts to find myself on the floor with Dee crouching down to me. Didn’t know how I ended up here but I didn’t particularly want to know.
“Thank you Remus.” Dee said to where I assume Remus was. Dee moved to sit next to me and wrap an arm around my shoulder. I wasn’t not grateful for that but something made me flinch away. Dee recoiled his arm immediately with an apology.
We sat quietly before Dee turned to me with a serious expression. “Virgil. You should talk to us about this. You haven’t told us anything that we can use to help you. We know they’re-”
“It’s fine.”
“You’re on the floor.”
I shrugged and pulled my knees up to my chest. “It’s still fine. I can handle it.”
Dee glared but didn’t push farther. Instead he pushed the subject to a different one. “You know… with an extra three that does mean…”
“No. No way. We are not doing that.”
“I’m just saying it’s an option.”
“We’re not going to put them in danger like that. You saw what they would do to them. They’re scared enough as is.”
“And if we don’t take the chance you know they’ll get caught. They all do.”
“They won’t stand a chance fighting them either. They aren’t experienced in fighting obviously.”
“Virgil… Is this really even about them or are you just afraid?”
“I’m NOT afraid. I’m over that.”
“Just think about it.”
Dee stood up and took a worried glance at me again before leaving the room. I was alone again with nobody but my thoughts.
“Hey… You’re the one who tried to free us that one night.”
“I have a plan to release everyone in here. It won’t be simple but we can do it. Are you in?”
“Look… I know they are… intimidating but we can get out of here. My names-”
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plazaswanboats · 5 years
Update + DCP Tag
I originally wrote this back at the end of June and then didn’t post it for some reason, but I wanted to do a quick update (for all 0 of my readers, so really just for future me looking back on this time of my life) since I move to Florida in just over a day! Packing has been hectic, but I think I’m almost done. I also extended my departure date and fell into the large group of people who were given January 23 instead of January 30. And since itineraries came out this week, I’m thrilled to be able to say I’m working in my absolute favorite place, Future World. I was one of those terribly sad people who didn’t receive their itinerary on time, but getting my dream location absolutely made it worth the wait, and I’m so excited to find out what pavilion I’ll be working in.
In addition, because I was really bored and sick of all the waiting when I originally drafted this post a month ago, I thought I’d do the DCP tag just for fun. I know it’s a vlogger thing or whatever, and I usually don’t even watch those videos when I’m looking through a channel, but I love talking about myself and I found a list of the questions people apparently use so I figured I’d just do it in text form instead!
1) How did you hear about the program? I’ve known about the DCP since high school. I probably found out about it via Tumblr; I remember I used to follow a blog called disneylens that has since disappeared and the girl who ran it was on her program. At the time, I was a little more involved in the circle of Disney Tumblrs and they had networks of current CPs/CMs so it was easy to learn more about the program. I was definitely fascinated and became pretty familiar with the application process years before I actually applied. But back then I really worried that my hearing loss would make the DCP very difficult for me, so I was never sure if I’d go for it once I got to college.
2) How was the interview process? I found it to be pretty easy! I went into way more detail in my last post about my application experience, but to quickly sum up, I worried most about the WBI. I did a ton of research on both the WBI and PI, and tried to remember that these were my chances to show Disney why they should hire me so I would be more excited than nervous. I’m not usually the most confident person, but I never seriously thought I wouldn’t get in. It was only until after my acceptance that I started to see how complicated applying is for some people.
3) Where were you when you found out? To be really honest, I think I was casually checking my email in the bathroom as I was getting ready to leave for class. I saw the acceptance email, and with minutes to spare before I had to walk across campus, hurriedly opened up my laptop to check my offer letter and find out my role. I did end up making it to class on time, but it was definitely an interesting experience having to put my excitement on hold for three hours to participate in that week’s discussion.
4) What is your role? Preferred roles? My top choice was Attractions, and I was really excited to get it. The fact that I’m working in my favorite park makes it even better. My other top roles were Merchandise and Photopass. I figured the former could be pretty fun with a lot of interesting potential locations, and I’ve been pretty passionate about photography for the better part of a decade now. In retrospect, I also wish I’d listed Custodial higher, since people always say it’s so much fun.
5) How did you find your roommates? How many do you want? I ended up going random. I was looking, albeit not as hard as I could have been. I don’t really relate to a lot of the posts on the FB groups, and I feel pretty different than a lot of the people posting in terms of my interests, so I was often hesitant to reach out for fear of feeling like the odd one out in the eventual roommate situation. I did get my top choice of complex, and I’m just going to be optimistic about meeting new people since there’s no guarantee the person you link with is anything like they say they are anyway!
6) What are you going to miss while on the program? College! I just graduated in May, and I miss my home so much. It’s going to be so tough being so far away and not even being able to go to one game this fall to see my band friends, as well as missing my first Rivalry after graduation. I also miss giving campus tours so much more than I expected to. I will miss NJ a bit, but more than anything, I’m going to miss my college experience, especially in the fall, which has always been my favorite season to be on campus.
7) What’s your favorite Disney park? EPCOT Center! I say that specifically because current Epcot doesn’t really cut it, but I still list it as my favorite. I love 80s EPCOT so much, with its incredible lineup of attractions. I love what the park was and what it still could be (but perhaps not entirely what it is right now). Some of my most treasured childhood memories are eating purple bread in Wonders of Life, walking World Showcase barefoot after a thunderstorm, and watching Tapestry of Nations. I love Illuminations more than life itself, and Figment is my number one character. Most of my favorite attractions are in that park, even in their current forms. I still love Epcot despite its tragic slide towards Magic Kingdom 2.0. Nights in the park are the one place I feel most at peace and at home. And now I get to work there and experience it from a whole new perspective. :’)
8) First thing you want to do when you get there? I’m heading down early and going to Epcot and Magic Kingdom the weekend before check in! So I plan on getting an “I’m Celebrating” button for the weekend and hopefully making a beeline for my home, the Imagination pavilion. As far as being an actual CP, I fully intend on going to Epcot after Traditions even if I have to go alone. MK fireworks just don’t do it for me and I want my first park as a CM to be my favorite one and my home park. And Illuminations raised me so, to me, there’s no contest as to what I’m doing that night. Also, the DCP bloggers without taste have clued me in that sometimes it can be hard to make HEA after Traditions, so good thing the superior fireworks show goes off an hour later! (Which will really come in handy considering I have afternoon Traditions...)
9) What is number one on your bucket list? Honestly, I’ve tried to make a bucket list and it’s been incredibly hard. I’m lucky to have grown up going anywhere from one to three times a year since 1999, and I’ve done just about everything I would want to. However, I think I’d really like to do Dapper Day. I’ve been slowly getting more comfortable presenting how I really want to and revamping my wardrobe so I actually don’t mind getting dressed up as much anymore, and the idea of getting to wear dapper masculine clothes and take pictures in the parks sounds like a fun experience.
10) One thing you hope to take away from the program? I think I’d like to be able to leave Disney, whenever that may be, knowing that I made a positive impact on at least one guest. I love reading stories about magical moments and I tend to scroll through the #castcompliment Twitter hashtag whenever I get bored because it makes me happy. I’ve met a lot of cool CMs that I still remember, and hope to pay it forward and be that CM for even just one guest. Also, networking would be nice!
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bexxi · 5 years
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So... I don’t know if any of you guys are still here or even following me. I’ve kind of done a lot with my life since I last updated this. & I’ve finally returned!
So, in terms of my life I’ve recently got to the point that I need to document things more. Life really is too short, and you should always try if you can to look back on all the amazing memories you have made rather than look back to the bad times. Which, let’s face it... looking back on the bad stuff is easier than the good. Therefore, that leads me to now... where I’m going to document my day to day life, things people may not know, things people do know. You might decide to love my updates, you might decide to hate them however, quite honestly this is more for me than you. 🙊
When I came back onto tumblr my bio said I was a 21yo forensic scientist in training... my my my what an ambitious fool I was. This brings me to my first point:
1. I completed my Bachelors in forensic science & graduated with honours. I can officially add these little letters after my last name. BSc (hons). 👩🏻‍🎓
2. I then tried my absolute damndest to get a job within the forensic sector... & failed. Hard. Bad. Big style. So, I thought, hey just any science field would do & landed myself in a great company working my way up from Laboratory Assistant upto Laboraoty Technician. Great move in 3.5 years. In that time I got engaged, rented a house, had a holiday abroad with my then fiancé and we bought our puppy, Ollie. 🐶
3. Choosing a dog, people put so much pressure on this... why? Big or little? Curly or straight? Boy or girl? Black or white? Full colour or markings? Seriously just go and see the damn puppy and make a justified decision or better yet, let them choose you! Myself & Bas (my then fiancé, you’ll hear a lot about him by the way) saw an advert on Boxing Day 2015 about a little scruffy Heinz 57 type of dog up for sale. After debating we decided to contact and see if he was still available. He was! We went to advertise ourselves to him, see if he loved us and if in turn he would accept us as his new mummy and daddy. He curled up in my arms for a snuggle and played with his brothers and sisters afterwards with these crazily long long legs that towered above all of his siblings. Perfection! Utter perfection!! We picked him up ready for his new home within our little family on New Years Day 2016.
4. When we took our first Christmas trip to Holland in 2016, on the ferry coming back home to England after letting Ollie have his midnight pee time, back in our cabin, Bas proposed. Happiest day ever! He presented a glorious ring, of which I happily accepted and from then on, we started to plan our wedding & inform all family members of course!
5. After a while in our little rented home with our puppy dog, both myself & Bas got a bit ambitious and decided to go for different jobs at the same time which resulted in us moving again, and changing jobs. Very stressful period, as previously mentioned we were planning our wedding and moving into jobs that neither of us would know if we enjoyed. Bas’s job was SO different yet mine was similar but allowed me the prospects to progress easier & the work was a hella lot more interesting (& a lot more money... always a bonus!!). So we packed up, moved & rented another property. 🏠
6. At this point we’re pretty settled within the companies we’ve joined, as both being there for roughly a year & both had promotions, we decided to book THE VENUE & go crazy!! Bridezilla enters!! We want the perfect day, we want the perfect flowers, we want the perfect photographs, we want Ollie to be the ring bearer, we want the perfect dress with a special added twist... okay that last point might of only been me. 🙈
7. In the midst of forking out for our wedding, we got hit with the... “Sorry tenants, however we want to sell the property, would you like to buy it?” Obviously our first response was “holy fuck! How could this happen? We don’t have the money! We’re paying for a wedding!! Do we want to be tied to a property? Do we want to be tied to THIS property?” So the house search continued where we made the decision with a little help from the van Os family, to buy our very first home. To which we found the perfect one... just down the road, cheapest around, good prospects, a little bit of a fixer upper but nothing we couldn’t sort. We put in an offer & BAM it was accepted. We’re now home owners! 🏡
8. Our wedding was booked 6 months after we received the keys to our brand new abode. Stress was a understatement. We had to decorate, fund a wedding & Christmas was approaching pretty quickly! When Our dog was then attacked by a nasty staffy. Now, before I get any hate messages I do NOT blame the dog. I blame the owners! Dogs are not born nasty they are bred that way. But irrelevant, my baby boy was viciously attacked! How could somebody let their dog do this? I was holding my baby boy whilst this horrible brat dogs jaws were clamped around my boys throat! I was in bits... my boy was crying and crying and then the owner got his dogs jaws to open and we drove straight to the vets. Ollie was okay... a few cuts, bruise and puncture wounds. Some painkillers and a watchful night & plenty of treats and cuddles was in order. We were lucky! Not many other dog parents come off so lucky. 🍀
9. After a full recovery made from Ollie, we slowly started to decorate our new house and move in. Wedding plans continue. How do you choose who to sit where and why? How are we going to get the whole of my fiancé’s family over from the Netherlands? Mothers of the bride and groom were invaluable in their advice and expertise of directing people. My dad, bless his heart kept me sane the whole time and helped me with the “fuck it” attitude of its our wedding, have it how we like it. So we did. On the 1st February 2019 myself & Bas tied the knot. We’re married. We’re home owners. We’re mummy and daddy to a dog. WERE ADULTING!! & now I have new letters to add to my last name. van Os! I decided to double barrel as I currently am working on some studies of which my name will be presented on these posters/abstracts/papers. & also, I have been a Wilson for 27 years I really didn’t want to give that up however I didn’t want to not take my now husbands name so it was decided I am now: Mrs Rebecca Wilson-van Os. How fancy!! 👰🏻
Now that kind of brings you upto speed, two jobs, 3 houses, graduation, buying a puppy, engagement, marriage, life in general. Hopefully I won’t leave it this long again.
So I leave you with this stunning photo from our wedding, we’re happy, Ollie is happy. Life is good. 👍🏻
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ssweet-perceptionn · 6 years
Instagram and VMAs 2018 - Camren
I am using my unknown tumblr account when I saw a page that says “Update: Lauren deleted pictures with Camila on IG” When I saw that, there’s a familiar pinch that I felt on my heart. Yes, I am fine but whenever I hear or saw something related to the girl who caused so much tears on me, it just breaks me everytime. I was about to distract myself by listening to a song when my mom suddenly knocked on my door.
“Karla, Ariana’s here go talk to her”. My mom said eagerly and I just nodded.
I saw Ari sitting on the couch with her phone, she’s making cute faces. I know she’s updating her fans on Snapchat. I walked to her and she still didn’t notice me until I grabbed her phone.
“Hey! Fck off!” She said with annoyance.
“You came here to my house just so you can do snapchat?” I asked her with my left eyebrow quirked.
“No, well yeah snapchat is always with me but I heard something with Lauren and I know that you need me.” She told me confidently.
“Wow, do I owe you now?” I asked her with a laugh.
“Bigtime Cabello” Ari said while claiming her phone.
  While we’re at my room, Dinah and Normani joined us so we decided to order an extra-large pizza knowing that me and Dinah are pizza lovers.
“Mila, you know that she didn’t mean to do it right?” The thick blonde girl asked me.
“I don’t know what to believe Cheechee” I shook my head as I told her that.
“Come on Mila, we all know that she loves you and there might be a reason why she did that” The dark skinned gorgeous girl comforting me.
“Idk what else to say about Lauren because she’s pretty complicated” Ari added.
It has been two days since Lauren deleted our photos on IG. Dinah told me that she will contact Lauren to know why she did that but I told her that there’s no need for that. Dinah is so determined so she still insisted. I’m all alone here in my room blasting the speakers with “God is a Woman”. I refused to take that song because I feel like it’s a perfect match with Ariana’s voice and it is a bop. I’m currently being drowned in my thoughts when I noticed my phone is ringing and saw Dinah’s caller ID. I immediately turned the volume down to take her call.
“Hey Walz! Chill” she said playfully.
“What? I haven’t said anything yet” I asked while I shook my head though she can’t see me.
“Lauren wants to talk to you and she will be there later, bye!” I didn’t get the chance to say anything at all and Dinah ended the call.
My parents are having dinner plans with Roger and Sofi is with our grandparents. I am all alone tonight and I don’t have any idea if what Dinah said was true. I’m currently at the kitchen making myself a sandwich for dinner when I heard the doorbell rings. I immediately went to see who it is assuming it was the shipment that my parents are expecting but my eyes went wide when I saw the familiar waves and the piercing green eyes.
“Hi” She said smiling at me.
“Uh hey” I hesitantly said.
“Can I come in?” She broke the silence and I realized that we were staring at each other for the past 5 minutes so I motioned for her to come in.
“About the pictures Ca— “I cut her off.
“I get it Lauren; I know you wanted to get rid of me but I didn’t expect that you’ll delete most of our pictures” I let out my frustration.
“Look Camz, you don’t und- “I cut her off again.
“I do understand Lauren, I always do th- “This time, she cut me off
“Will you please shut the fuck up and let me speak?” She asked me with a sigh and I nodded.
“I don’t have any plans on deleting it, these hardcore shippers are leaving comments on our photos everyday. I can’t handle it Camz that’s why I decided to delete most of it because I hate myself not realizing what I’ve lost. I don’t take anything against our shippers but it’s me. It’s me who is always stubborn and denial. I’m sorry for all the pain that I’ve caused to you Camz, I really am. That’s why I’m here and I am glad Dinah talked to me about it and she told me to go after you.” She said with full of sincerity.
“Really? Are you serious?” I asked in confusion because this is overwhelming.
“Yes Camz, I’m serious. I made up my mind since I deleted those because I want us to start anew. Well, not all of it because there’s one photo of us that I left there and, I want to let you know that I still love you, I always will.” The green eyed orbs directed in my eyes with sincerity.
“What about you and Ty?” I asked concerning our career.
“We broke up a month ago. Also, that Matthew was cheating on you!” She furiously said.
“It’s PR Lo, I don’t care if he cheated because he doesn’t matter anyways and, I love you too.” I said meeting her eyes with mine.
“But your reputation Camz? The girl he was dating was so full of it. She’s acting innocent like she’s the only victim. Hell you don’t even have any idea that he was dating someone before this PR started” It is now evident in her eyes that she’s worried.
“I don’t care about what people thinks of me. All I care is my music, my family, my friends, my fans, those who believed in me and specially you.” I assured her. I saw Lauren eyes glisten when I said those words and I meant all of it.
“So, should I post a new camren pic?” Lauren asked with excitement.
“Calm down Jauregui, don’t spill the tea yet. I have to go to VMAs next week and as much as I want the world to know, let’s keep it low this time and I’ll be the one to tell other people.” I said with a bright smile.
Lauren hugged me and she decided to go to a restaurant. I am a little disappointed that she didn’t stay the night because she will have a meeting with her manager to discuss about her album. I am extremely excited for her because she received 2 awards as a solo artist and knowing the fact that she has not released a single yet makes it even more exciting.
This week has been pretty tough because of the nonstop tour but I’m not complaining at all, I love what I do but it’s inevitable not to feel exhausted. Lauren and I are getting better. I don’t know what we are but we both love each other. I wish I can call her my girlfriend because what happened last week was so sudden. Now, I’m getting ready for VMAs and I thank the producers so much because I am not performing so I am one of the audience. I heard my phone rings and I saw the pic of a gorgeous girl so I immediately answered it.
“Hey Babe” the raspy voice said.
“Since when do you call me that?” I asked grinning.
“Well, you’re my girlfriend aren’t you?” She told me and I was caught off guard because I was thinking about that earlier and she answered my thoughts.
“Camz? Sorry, I should not rush things plea- “so I cut her off.
“Lauren babe, you can call me whatever you like. I just didn’t expect that my thoughts are answered immediately” I told her honestly.
“So, you’ve been thinking about me?” and by her tone of voice, it seems like she has a wide grin plastered on her face.
“I can’t get you out of my head Lauren, I guess I am so in love with you all these years” I flirted but meant it wholeheartedly.
“Stop Camz! You’re the one that I should make blushing not the other way around. It’s unfair!” She whined and it makes her cute.
“You will have the time soon babe, I gotta go now and I’ll call you after.” She wished me luck and I headed my way to the event.
The VMAs ended and tonight was so incredible yet there was unexpected that happened. I thought Tiffany Haddish will say compliments about me but it does not satisfy me at all. Yes, I was nominated 5 times and won 2 awards but what she did was inappropriate and I don’t like it at all so I just shook my head with a fake smile. Later on when Nicki defended the girls, Tiffany was speechless and the crowd was crazy. I don’t have time for any beef at all because me and my girls are still in good terms. I’m here in my room right now checking some photos that I took from the show and HOLY CRAP!! Madonna presented the award to me and I just can’t stop myself for fangirling. I am done posting stuffs on my social media when I heard a knock on my door. I got up from bed and opened and I saw Lauren grinning widely and hugged me.
“Hey babe, I missed you” The hoarseness of her voice is evident.
“I missed you too. It’s late why are you here?” I asked concerning her.
“Can’t I congratulate my girlfriend personally? Can’t I visit my girlfriend late at night? Can’t I love you as much as I want?” with her words, I can feel the heat on my cheeks and now she’s grinning so wide knowing that it is obvious that I’m blushing.
“We’re even now Lauren.” I said while I cover my cheeks with my both hands.
“I know, you got me earlier so it’s my turn. And don’t hide your red cheeks, it’s cute” she said while laughing.
“Stop, I’m worried about us. What if people can’t accept us? What if they judge us? What about our career? What if I messed everything up?” I am so distressed and asked her.
“Ssshh baby, don’t think of those things. You know they already love us right? Put your worries aside. We won’t know if we won’t try. I know I am mostly the reason why you’re anxious because I was so scared before but let me catch you Camz. I’ll always catch you and you always have me. I love you so much” Lauren leaned in and now her soft lips met mine. It was a slow kiss with gentleness and all I can feel is love. I pulled back from the kiss to give our lungs air.
“Thanks Lauren, you know I love you more. I hope everything will work out” She hugged me and Lauren suddenly grabbed my phone and took a picture with me, her arms on my shoulder and she placed a kiss on my cheek. She took 3 minutes with my phone and when I got it, I saw my account on IG, Lauren posted our pic using my account and tagged herself with the caption: “She’s only mine. It’s real – L xoxo”.
  --OMG please forgive me guys. I didn’t proofread so I apologize if there’s any error with my grammar or any typos. I'm so bored rn so bear with me. Let me know your thoughts!!! Lol or not.
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dontcheckthis-blog · 6 years
Blood by Blood [20]
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EXO Vampire!AU/Werewolf!AU
Summary: Huáng Jié (黃 杰) is a human turned vampire by a Pureblood. After that incident, she is presumed dead since three days. When she wakes up, she is sucked into a new yet darker world to which she never wanted a part in.
Warnings: Blood, gore, mature content, dark subjects, if you are disturbed by such then do not read this. Further warnings will be added as the story progresses.
Because of the new update with Tumblr, it may appear with some greek characters and what not, it will look normal if it is expanded.
Part 19 - Part 21
I’ll do it.....
She walks out of hiding, catching their attention. “Do what?” She asks, her voice slightly shaking as she looks at Yixing with a serious yet fearful expression. “Yixing-“ Yixing cuts her off, standing up from his seat. “I’m doing this for you, for the both of you.” He says, sternly.
“What are you going to do?” Her words, biting through her gritted teeth as she asks him again, her eyes a strong, pale blue color as she lifts her head up to meet his eyes. He remains calm in his place, exhaling through his nose as he speaks again to her. “I won’t tell you, because I know that you’ll try and stop me. You won’t accept it.”
A sudden pain in her chest causes her to fall on her knees, shocking the others as they rush to her aid. “Jie-yah!” Sehun yells, holding her up and supporting her head. He looks at Yixing for help who was already trying to use his abilities, even though......
“Hyung, she’s-“
“I know, I’m trying to heal her. It’s not-“ Yixing stops his sentence, sensing something inside of her. And hearing that familiar voice ringing through his mind as he tries to heal her. Hearing a laughter.
You can’t escape from me......
Leave her alone, Luhan! She doesn’t deserve this!
Oh, I’m not the one who turned her in the first place......
....ahh....it’s already starting......you should prepare yourself....hahaha......
Luhan! Don’t fucking hurt her! If you-
Feeling a churn in her stomach, she turns to her side, pushing Sehun away slightly before coughing and vomiting blood on the ground, a pool of it spreading away and into the creaking floor as she coughs more and more, the metallic taste stuck in her mouth and dry throat. The atmosphere now didn’t feel good, the heavy air masked with a strong smell of rotting blood. Her chest tightening as she kept going, she tries to stop herself but it was no use, it was only making it worse if she fought back. Supporting herself with one hand on the ground, she breathes heavily.
“Lay her down, now!” She hears a blocked voice, her ears ringing as she tries to make out what they are saying, she feels herself being put down, a hand placed softly on her stomach as she hears Yixings’ voice in her head, slightly soothing her and closing her eyes shut from exhaustion.
This will hurt, Jie-yah.....sleep.....
And with that, an immense pain courses through her spine, her breath got cut off. Arching her back as she struggles for air before easing herself and coughing again, hand reaching to her throat. She could feel it. Hunger. She’s hungry. Her fangs potruding from her mouth as she looks at Yixing with a pained expression and he knew what she needed, she didn’t have to say it. He bits his wrist, inflicting a wound and letting the blood gush out. Letting his wrist down to her mouth as she grabs it and feeds from him, sucking the blood off as much as she could to satisfy her pained thirst. The blood going down her dry throat, easing her and relaxing her body as she continues to feed from him.
After feeding, she lets go, wiping her mouth off and looking down to the ground.
“Found them~”
“What’s next, hyung?”
“Next, we take them apart.”
“Cruel, aren’t you?”
“You should know that, how is your heart?”
“Fine but still hurts like shit,”
“She knew her ways then.”
“Should we move now?”
“Hmm.....maybe distract those three, she’s mine. Get those three out and I’ll take her myself.”
“You’re really obsessed with her, hyung.”
“Obsessed? Hmm, I guess you could say that but I’d prefer intrigued. There are some similarities to her, don’t you see it?”
“I do see it, but she’s more stubborn and more.....well with words, I’d say.”
“Oh, I’ve noticed that. Very well with words, I wonder if she’ll be a nice feel....”
“Hyung, honestly you only care about that? Aish...”
“I can leave some room for you if you’d like?”
“No thanks, maybe if I want to relieve myself since it is mating season after all. We should thank Yixing hyung for turning her at this time.”
“I do agree on that. What interests me now is that who will be doing it?”
“Ahh, I see. That you mean, hyung?”
“Yes, that one. Hmm.......seems Yixing is ready to risk himself for her.”
“He does....love her...a lot....”
“Sehun too, but he is accepting.”
“Yes, I know. But deep inside....”
“He wants her as well.”
A knock on the door catches their attention as another one of their packmates came inside. “Hyung, are we going to use the wolves?”
He shakes his head. “No, besides,” he gestures outside. “I think we’ve found them.”
“Then what is the plan?”
“Kill that werewolf off but leave him and Yixing, I’ll take her myself, she’s mine. I’ll let you do whatever you want with the both of them. Oh and even if you feed off from my feeder, that will be pointless. Do as you like.”
“Yes, hyung.”
“Now then, shall we begin?”
Her chest tightens. She clutches to it gently, trying to calm herself. But they needed to go now, she could feel a sense of uneasiness already. They are no longer safe here, they have to go. Now.
Her expression turns into a slightly scared one, Tao notices and sits beside her, leaning close to whisper to her. “What’s wrong?” Jie turns to him. “We have to go now.” She says, sternly to him, continuing on. “I have a bad feeling, we have to go now. We’re not safe here anymore, I feel like they’re coming in now.” Tao feels a familiar scent hit through his nostrils. She’s right. They need to move now. He nods, standing up and moving to the others.
“Guys, we have to move now.” He states, catching their attention. Yixing agrees, nodding and standing up. “I can feel it too, we have to go now.” Sehun swallows a saliva, standing up as well, his fist clenched together. Nervous, not exactly knowing what to do. His concern for the others, only growing more and more. What will happen then? What if they get caught? Will he and Jie be sacrificed when they’ve been caught? His thoughts were cut off as Yixing rubs his arm comfortingly. He gives him a reassuring smile. “Sehun-ah, they won’t get you and Jie. I promise you.” Sehun slowly nods, looking at him yet still unsure. “B-but....what if they....do?” Yixings’ eyes then darkened. “I’ll make sure that they’ll have to pay.”
“We have to go now, before-“
“Shit! They’re here,” Jie states, all of them turning to her. Looking at them with a serious expression worn on her face. “We have to go now! I can hear him-“ an ache in her head stops her, falling to her knees in pain as the ringing sounds continues to slow her down. She could hear his voice, echoing through her head.
Hahaha......Jie-yah~.......come play with me.....why don’t we play a little game where I get to rip you apart hmm?
She knew that voice. Huh, of course she does since she was the one to almost end him and his wound could not stop bleeding for days.
Fuck you.....I’ll just have to stab you in the same place again....
Awww.....you don’t want to have fun with me? I’ll make it a slow and pleasurable process for you~
You are a fucking sick bastard.....did you know that?
Still having a lovely mouth, hmm? Maybe you can taste mine someday~
Baekhyun.....I will....kill you....for good
Hahaha.....good luck with that, Jie-yah. Especially since we are just behind you......
All of a sudden, her oxygen is cut off. Gasping for air as she was flung to the wall and kept there, unable to move and struggling. Her eyes a pale blue as she looks to her attacker who had crimson eyes shining through her. “B-Baekhyun....” she stutters out, holding his arm.
Baekhyun gives her a smile. That same smile she remembered when he first met her, clear in her mind. “Jie-yah~ you look really tasty right now, especially with just this clothing of yours~ maybe I should rip it off to taste you fully~ hmm?”
She looks at him with a glare, her eyes glaring through him. It didn’t help, all it did was send such sensation through his spine, making him let out a content sigh seeing her like this. She grits her teeth, knowing it wasn’t effective on him. “You only need me, right? Let them go....Let them...go...” Baekhyun lets out a dark chuckle, glancing at the back him and seeing the others kept down by the other feeders. They didn’t even know, too quick. Too fast.
He looks at her again. “Do you know what happens to the process of becoming The Bride?” He leans closer to her, licking his lips. “One Pureblood and one feeder has to.....fuck her....and then...” she closes her eyes in disgust, swallowing a saliva and struggling to get out of his hold. No...no....let her out. Don’t fucking......
Jongdae sighs, holding Sehun on the ground and pushing his hand more on his throat, applying more pressure and making Sehun more in pain, trying to stop him. “Honestly, Baekhyun-ah. If you want to be the one to do that, then do it now. We don’t have much time here, or you wait until Luhan hyung comes in, you know he wants her.” Baekhyun sighs, remembering what Luhan had said earlier. “Right.....ah fuck, well then....might as well keep her but let me get one taste.” Turning to Jongdae who just sighed and ushered him to just be careful.
Baekhyun gives her a smirk before leaning to her, eyes glancing at her lips and immediately, she knew. “....glad you’re not the first then...” she mutters, making him chuckle. “That’s a shame.” Hearing that, then feeling his lips against hers, moving and syncing with hers as she tries to fight him off. Filled with anger, she couldn’r move away from him, she knew it wasn’t effective. And a slight pain in her lips caught her, she flinches slightly. He was tasting her, damn it. Fuck. He pulls away, licking the sides of his lips. And then......
She feels herself slowly getting exhausted, her consciousness slowly slipping away. She struggles to male herself stay away but for some reason, she couldn’t. Fuck, he did it. Shit. This isn’t good.
The only last thing she saw was a glimpse of him smirking and then Sehun screaming for her in the background as she slowly falls into a deep sleep, falling to the ground.
“Well done.”
“Was it okay that I tasted her, hyung?”
“It’s fine since you wanted to also feel, doesn’t she taste good?”
“She does. When will you do it?”
“Hmm....we’ll have to take care of those three first, put them inside that room and chain them up. Put one wolf too or more if necessary.”
“We’ll do it, hyung. Can’t wait.”
“Indeed, she’ll a fitful for this.”
Waking up to the smell of blood was not a good thing for her. Because the first thing she sees is him, standing by the bed with a bloodied hand. Fear creeps into her as she moves herself away from him, her back hitting the headboard and she couldn’t escape. She couldn’t save herself anymore, as this is the room that renders them of their abilities. No windows. The Red Moon. Invisible to the both of them but even so, he still is stronger than her. Pureblood. Breathing unevenly as she sees him walking towards her and his crimson eyes glowing.
“You know what is next, I’m sure Baekhyun has been very informative with it. Considering he’s excited to do his part as well after mine.”
“Get away....from me.”
It made him chuckle darkly. Luhan sits by her. “You know, your precious friends are just by the next room. Suffering in pain. Do you know why?” He leans closer to her ear, playing slightly with the strand of her hair. “Because of you...”
Her eyes widen. He smirks as he continues. “Because of you, they are about to experience a fate worse than death, because of you, they ended up in this situation. You’re doing them a favor if you submit yourself to me and......the sacrifice...may be stopped then.”
Because of her......
Because of her......
Because of her, Yixing is suffering more as their bond is broken. Because of her, Sehun is in pain and barely surviving. Because of her, Tao will be.......
Luhan tilts his head, smirking slightly, looking at her. “That is correct. I’ll let them go if and only if..... you surrender yourself to me and let me do whatever as I please to you....you wouldn’t let your dear maker die, now would you, Jie-yah?”
He plays again with a strand of her hair. “And especially Sehun, you’ve already made him suffer by not accepting his feelings for you. This will be a payment and I’ll let them go, you have my word.” She looks at him, she couldn’t read him. Was he lying or manipulating her? But it hit her. All of this happened because of her. Because of her..... they’ll suffer. Sehun.....Yixing....Tao
She couldn’t do it. Let them go and stay here. She’ll do it for them. Maybe it will suffice his needs then.
“Let them go and I’ll stay....please....”
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