#i just hate that seeing pretty art is the worst feeling in the world to me now.... the insp hits but immediately i recoil from the impulse
nerice · 1 year
i MISS drawing
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ramayantika · 5 months
I woke up just now but in half asleep summer nap state I will roll for Heermandi
1. I felt that Alamzeb's casting could be better. The girl was pretty but yet I could not feel the budding romantic expressions on her face and body language. Like that sharmana and poetry narration felt very forced.
2. TAJDAR WHY WHY WHY SLB I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU. No spoilers. Tajdar is very charming, amazing voice, very handsome.
3. Okay considering the history of tawaifs I was at times so mad at Alam and was about to hit the phone screen to say woman wake up to reality.
4. Lajjo and Zorawar's story. Why he left her, her addiction and Lajjo's story could have been explored more. You have such a brilliant actress and when SLB is noted for using actors and their character to their greatest potential, I felt he did not not do that with lajjo this time. We only see her enter in sakal ban, she is always drinking and thinking about Zorawar
5. Manisha was brilliant. The ruthlessness, the wit and slyness. And for a tawaif of those times whose existence and power is constantly challenged, by other tawaifs and rivals and then nawabs and British she has to be so clever, cunning and vicious. Yet her feelings for Alam especially by the end (spoiler free) did make me understand her stony heart more.
6. Aditi as Bibbo was charming, graceful and elegant. And goddamn the way she uses her skills to charm henderson so she may help her people to fight against the British.
7. Star villain Fareedan. I was looking forward to her schemes. And it was understandable why she hates Mallikajaan (manisha). The power play, the constant challenging was interesting to watch. Also sonakshi really acted well, both as Fareedan and as Rehana aapa. I won't say much because the way her character changed at a point where mallika was violated (watch the series for that) like it made me get an overview of these women. Women who were wronged since birth, clinging on to their art and performance, carving a distinct identity for themselves and yet having pride over who they are, and despite all the politics, inner enmity and betrayals, they still did not wish the worst to each other and later come together for they all share one pain.
8. The women if heeramandi coming together to fight for the British got me goosebumps. They decide to use all their money and life to fight for the country. Aditi's (bibbo) dialouge ek baar mujrevali nahi mulkvali bannke sochiye and another dialouge which meant that when the country is burning one does not organise lavish gatherings (mujra mushayra)
9. Songs were pretty good. Sakal ban was trending and I loved the other songs too. Reminded me of Pakeezah
10. Sanjeeda Shaikh as Waheeda. Bhai I used to feel so bad for her. She was betrayed everytime. Poor girl wanted power too like her sister but I understand why she wasn't given. Tawaifs cannot be put into a box. They aren't your gentle shy lover girl type women like we see in pakeezah, the lovely shy, sweet, pure sahibjaan. Their world is a golden cage and to survive here is a war fought everyday.
11. Tajdar ka baap kya gadha egoistic aadmi hai
12. End thoughts: aesthetics = 100/10. I was still looking for slb to explore more of their emotions and life and not just their opulence. Summing up everything, heermandi: 7/10
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ot3 · 25 days
A while back there was a post going around about how you shouldn’t rate or leave negative comments in your bookmark tags on ao3 because the author could see it. But it kinda shows a weird discrepancy where the diehard fanfic folk want fanfic to be seen as a legitimate art form but also can’t handle criticism of it because “it’s for fun.” Anyway there’s fanfic I like but don’t think is particularly well done and I don’t think I can ever comment that without getting eaten alive on ao3
To add onto my last ask about criticism on fanfic. I think ultimately any piece of art you put out to the world is going to be criticized no matter what. And as any artist or writer you should probably prepare for that
i definitely agree that anything public is subject to criticism but i dont think that necessarily means it's a free for all. my stance in the case of hobbyist works is that you're allowed to be as critical as you like in your own spaces but if you're somehere where the creator is almost guarantee to see it, that's just kind of a dick move more than anything else. i dont think fanfiction is beyond criticism at all and am in fact constantly bitching about how i also think its almost all bad. but i also don't think its really productive or cathartic in any way to say this to peoples 'faces' so to speak.
i'm not super familiar with the ao3 bookmark system so i don't really know what the etiquette there but maybe its kind of analogous to tumblr tags, in the effect that it's supposed to be Your commentary and Your organization system but also op also has immediate access to it. i definitely don't think you should go around tagging people's art just to rag on it, so i dont think i'm super in favor for doing that in bookmarks either.
its lke if you were someone who doesnt exercise a lot and you got into jogging would you want some sort of Running Expert filming a tiktok directly next to you about how your form could be improved? i don't really think it would matter how constructive or well intentioned they were it would still probably kinda feel like shit. but then on the flipside i think they have a right to go home and post to their #RunningTok or whatever the fuck about how they hate these annoying mistakes beginners always make.
i agree that 'any artist or writer' should be prepared to deal with a level of negative feedback for their work. and the people who turn around and write a post about how fanfiction is important and transformative queer art one moment then follow it up with a post about how if you ever have anything bad to say it you're just being a nasty little hater and need to shut up are ridiculous. The 'let people enjoy things' crowd are easily one of the worst demographics on this website. But i think the level of negative feedback an artist or writer should be prepared to deal with is vastly different in the case of people who are Creating as their profession vs people who are doing it as hobbyists.
the amount of people who think they fanfiction theyre producing is Groundbreaking Literature and deserves to be lauded as such while also demanding no critique are a small but vocal minority. one that pretty much 1:1 overlaps with people who view Fandom as an identity rather than an activity. the rest are like... teens just starting to dabble with narrative writing or people with day jobs who think its fun to do every now and then.
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ghostieyanyan · 8 months
Is it ok if I can ask for a yandere Rollo Flamme? I like the idea of Rollo because he’s already based off a yandere villain so it makes sense. And I think Rolli would like to get close to Yuu cuz they don’t have any magic so they’re seen as ‘pure’ in Rollo’s eyes. Maybe Rollo can be seen trying hard to control his urges at the fireplace or he captured MC and tried to burn them at the stake like in the movie? Your choice.
hehehe... why not just add salt to injure? what if mc has pyrophobia, a fear of fire?
~Let the fire purify you~
Yan!Rollo x Pyrophobia!Mc
Warnings: Fire, burning, kidnapping, anxiety attack, chains, gag, breakdown,
Rollo hated magic... with a passion. A passion that burned so bright that hurricanes, rainstorms, floods, and tsunami together couldn't extinguish this flame of pure hatred.
How does no one sees the danger of magic? How many lives have to be taken in the hand of magic for people to understand this is a problem? He guesses that its one of humanities sin, playing dumb, playing ignorant, until it becomes someone they care about that gets hurt. its always like that... why could people just see things through his lenses BEFORE someone got hurt...
But for now, he just has to do gods work for everyone else, until they see things his ways...
He had a plan. a plan that will solve this problem before it could get worst. The plan to get rid of magic, from one of the most powerful mages in twisted wonderland, to the student "prodigies" of that sick, sinful school, to the townsfolks of Fleur city, to every inch of Twisted wonderland.
With this crazy plan, he'll make, no, he'll force everyone to see how he sees life should be. he didnt care on who got hurt-
he met Night Raven College's gem in the rock, their Perfect. When all the students were introducing themselves, when it was your turn. He swore the world stopped and he would have swore on his life that he saw wings and a halo on you. You looked, spoke, and acted like an angel. you even allow these sinful... beasts... breathe the same air as you. then you have an ACTUAL beast as a familiar. don't tell grim that.
your heart and soul must be made out of pure gold. he has to protect it at all cost. he will use his own body to shield you from magical blast and then some to keep your purity in tact. he will move mountains and redivert lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans for you. Rollo Flamme will make you into his deity that he worships.
All the students decided to split into groups and explore Fleur City, after they got changed.
to say Rollo thought you looked breathe taking in your glorious masquerade outfit was an understatement. he was about to come up to you and compliment you, maybe even starting small talk with you but a certain lizard decided to be the first to do so...
Of course that monster would be charmed by an angel like you. Evil loves to tempt with good.
no matter, he'll just have to see you another time but if he gets too busy..? He'll make time for you.
Rollo lead you into his office, you didn't mind too much because he was telling you all about the school's history and art. it is a really pretty school, it gives very romantic feelings.
when you finally made it into his office, you froze at the doorway at seeing the fire place. Rollo quickly notices and puts out the flame with a very helpful near by bucket. You were grateful that Rollo was very accommodating to your fears.
you thanked him and sat down across from him while Rollo sat in his chair.
"I'm very sorry for asking you to meet me at this ungodly hour but i just needed your input on something and if i didn't ask you, i would have had a sleepless night tossing and turning." Rollo said as he got everything on his desk organized.
"hehe, its alright. I just happen to have a restless night myself.. but i don't mind the company."
"oh my that sounds awful. what seems to be troubling you?"
It was really hard to tell someone you only just recently met that you had a "bad feeling" about something and how so far, in twisted wonderland, its always comes true...
"well.. i think... maybe, its just the 'sleeping at a new place' feeling and I'm just not getting use to it. but I'm sure its fine. heh.."
Rollo seemed satisfied with that answer and continues, by leaning towards you on the desk.
"i know i asked you about this before, but id like to discuss it with you more in depth... hmm?"
since Rollo put out the fire place, there was only a small lamp on the desk to shine light in the room. you kind of wished that the fire place was still lit... cause everything in this scenario was telling you to run and never look back..
"o-okay..? what would you like to know..?"
Rollo smiled and leaned back into his chair.
"as a magicless student in a full school of magical.. mages, aren't you scared they might... turn and hurt you..?"
the way he worded that made you feel more unnerved.. you trusted your friends in Night Raven College. Even the ones that did try to hurt you, they still came to your defense and help and protected you when you needed them.. you trusted them with your life and having this man tell you "you shouldn't because they can use magic" was... laughable...
"no.. because they've earn my trust and I've earn theirs..!"
Rollo's face darkened as you stood up from the chair you were sitting in.
"I'm sorry Rollo. Thank you for your hospitality but i have to go."
you start walking to the door but stopped.
"with however you feel about magic, i wont sit down and let you disrespect them just because they possess a special ability and i don't. It doesn't make them less of a person. Magic or no magic."
you walked to the door but before you could even touch the doorknob, you feel a body press against your back, pinning you against the door. you couldn't even move, much less move the door.
"I'm sorry my sweet angel~... i guess.. I'll just have to show you myself then~"
you see a quick purple blur and then tightness around your throat. Rollo was using his signature purple and gold handkerchief to strangle you! you tried to struggle. you tired to jab your elbow into his chest but his uniform was too thick for it to do any good.
You started to feel light headed then everything you saw was slowly turning black. the last thing you saw was Rollo, and the insanity in his eyes.
you had so many questions...
why you? was it because you don't have magic so you were "easy"? aren't there other people in twisted wonderland without magic? you just happened to go to a school "for" magic users so of course you'll see it a lot.
what's so bad about magic? ya it almost killed you here and there but it also almost killed either the user or other people around you.. but afterwards everything would have been fine. Plus you didn't blame the magic for those situations. you couldn't even say you blamed the user. some deserved the blame.. but not everyone..
how did you get here..? probably from your big mouth, you should have been smart when you were talking to Rollo. he was already giving you weird vibes and you just had to make it worst
you had more questions but you knew none of them would get answered..
you started to slowly open your eyes..
where are you..? what's this sound..? why cant you move..?
you slowly looked around, you remember this place... Rollo showed you, with your friends. the big bell, the bell of Solace. you noticed that you were alone though..
you looked around some more, you looked out from where you sat on the floor. it was dark out but with an orange hue... was the sun rising..? what's going on?
you went to take a step, to look out but something stopped you. a cold hand..? no..? a chain?!
if you weren't fully awake then, now you are! the chain was short, at least 2 feet long from the floor, it was attached to both your ankles. you could only go so far out.
what happened?! what's going on?!?
you started breathing heavily, tears started to form. you felt so confused, so lost. someone, anyone, please hel-
"oh my dear! you're awake."
your blood became ice, you looked up to see an uncomfortably happy Rollo.. he had a basket of breads and fruits.
"i was so worried that you'll never wake up. I'm very happy you did~"
with a heavy chest, you spoke.
"what's going on, Rollo!? Why are we here? why am i-?"
"oh within time my dear angel~ we just have to wait for those flowers to do their miracles. in the meantime, eat. you've been sleeping for a while and-"
"flowers..? what are you-...? Rollo...."
you took a deep breathe to try to settle your nerves.
"Please, Rollo... I'm scared. please tell me what's going on."
he looks at you and sighed, placing the basket down on a near by table. He then walked over to you and sat beside you, motioning you to come closer to him.
You did. you don't really have a choice right now..
"I'm making our perfect little world my love~ our paradise~"
you looked at the man like he was crazy. he was, at this point. But he continues.
"the Crimson flowers, the one that looks like fire, the flowers i shown you when you toured the city, they have the ability to take a mage's magic until they are just magicless people.. like you."
you stared at him but he kept smiling.
"magicless.. like me..?"
"yes my dear, then everyone in this world would have to understand magic is like a poisonous weed that has to be pulled out. or it'll spread to the other crops."
you just stared. you couldn't bare to keep looking at him so you turned to look at anything else..
magicless like you... no.. this isn't right. this cant happened!
Rollo thought the conversation was over and sat up to get the basket.
"Before this started, i made sure to get some food. i thought you'll be hungry so-"
Rollo froze. he was facing the backet and didn't turn around.
"excuse me..?"
you stood up, leaning against the wall, as best as you could. You knew your big mouth was gonna put you in a tough situation again but- what were you suppose to do?
"you, Rollo Flamme, are a monster."
he slowly turned to you, his eyes screamed murder. even if your body is shaking, from fear, from anxiety, from anger, maybe all of them at once's, but you kept your eye contact with Rollo.
You knew a comment like that will hurt him. you knew you couldn't physically harm him but you just wanted to hurt him like he planned to do the same to everyone you cared for..
the silence was deafening.
Rollo took some slow steps to you and leaned down to your level.
"take. that. back."
"no. cause i didn't say anything wrong.."
you hear Rollo take a deep breath and he quickly snaked his hand to grab the nape of your neck. you let out a gasp, from the sudden movement. he straighten his posture and brought you to his eye level.
"it's seems that those... mages.. have filled you with their poison. I'll just have to purify you myself. don't say i didn't warn you, my angel.."
he dragged you to a window and made you look outside. the entire city was filled with those flowers but... the looks of those flowers... made it look like you were in the middle of a raging firestorm. you felt your stomach drop. you felt cold shivers, and you didn't even realized that tears were falling. when you looked more, you noticed that the "fire" was slowly climbing the tower you were in.
you were about to let out a blood curdling scream but you were stopped by Rollo tying that purple handkerchief into a makeshift gag for you.
After that, he threw you, face down into the ground. Your body was shivering from fear so intensely, to the point that it feels like you lost complete control over your body. you couldn't even fight back when Rollo tied your hands together.
"i, really, am sorry for this my sweet angel~ but i have to get rid of the poison that those mages put in you... you have to be purified."
Rollo walked off and came back holding a fireplace poker. it was glowing red and you could see smoke coming off of it. where he got that, you didn't know but your attempt to get away from him was met with a wall against your back.
you felt your head spin, you were trembling to no return, the hot tears wouldn't stop, and the makeshift gag he put on you was now soak with tears, saliva, and snot.
Rollo kept walking towards you, in an agonizing slow pace.
"don't worry, my angel love~ after this, all will be forgiven~"
when he went to grab your face, he-
those are.. familiar voices.. you know those voices..
"tch.. i suppose your punishment will have to wait my love. apparently, ill have to finish these pesky mages off myself."
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ryuichirou · 12 days
I apologize if it is too personal but how do you deal with "antishipper" and the way they make callout posts and harassment campaigns against you ? It’s legitimately so scary and it makes me hesitant of posting my own art
Anon! I am very sorry you are going through this horrible feeling of hesitation and anxiety; knowing that people get targeted like that could not only stop you from posting, but stop you from creating altogether, and this is the worst part about this whole thing.
It’s not too personal, and I don’t mind talking about it at all. I’ve talked about our position and our relationship with fandom policing a bunch of times already, so I’m sorry if I’m repeating myself.
I used to be worried about posting certain stuff too. Well, when I was a teen/in my early 20s I wasn’t worried about anything: we had so much juicy stuff posted here lol But then the nsfw ban happened, and the social climate of this app and internet in general started shifting, the first stories about people driven to end their lives because of the hate they received started to come out, and we stopped posting completely. It wasn’t a huge loss to us back then, and this situation wasn’t the only reason why we stopped, but still, it clearly became much more difficult to just appear out of nowhere, throw problematic stuff in your blog and run away again.
I vividly remember us wanting to post my Shingeki no Kyojin drawings and comics based on our AUs and stuff, but not knowing what to do with Ereri – there was no way for us to be “unproblematic” (which was never a concern to us, we just didn’t want to get tons of hate lol) and still post Eren with a man twice his age. So we started posting them without a tag, starting with a drawing that wasn’t too shippy, and then miraculously the world didn’t end. That made us bolder, and we started to post them openly, and posted them for almost two years pretty regularly, alongside some of our other problematic ships + problematic themes. Of course we did get hate, we got a lot of hate while we were posting SnK stuff from all kinds of people, but what we also got a lot of people who found our content refreshing and interesting, even if it was weird and uncomfortable at times.
We weren’t the only people who shipped Ereri (let’s ignore my petty thoughts about the difference between Ereri and Rivaere for now), and we weren’t the only people in Twst fandom who liked Shroudcest, which is another ship that we were super hesitant about posting or even mentioning at first. But with all the hate around I was so certain the world was going to end the moment we post them, and that didn’t happen. The end of the world never happens, but what does happen is that people either get introduced to a fun new dynamic and get invested, or get happy that someone finally posts for the ship they were too afraid to post for. Somehow, when you see some other person being ballsy, you don’t feel as scared anymore – it happened to us with other people’s posts too. Yes, I still say this even though it spawns a bunch of callout posts and harassment, as it did with us. Were we cancelled? Yeah, somewhat. There’s so much you can say about an acc that states “problematic stuff, 18+”, right? I was super relieved and happy, actually, that a lot of people left/blocked us just because they’re the people I’d never want to interact with my art.
I’ve been yapping for a long time already lol so I’ll give you some pieces of advice instead… These are things that legitimately help us.
Surround yourself with people who support you – if not you personally, then at least your ideas (i.e. other proshippers). Luckily, nowadays it’s easier to find them… But also, having a friend who you can vent about these things to helps a lot! It’s cheesy but it’s a fact: when you’re not alone, it’s not as scary.
Always ignore comments/asks from antis and block them on sight, block anonymous asks too. Even if you really want to sass them, it’s much more effective to ignore them: when you give them attention, it invites more engagement from them.
Block people you get bad vibes from. Block those who like or comment bad takes or support harassment of others, block all of their alt accounts. It’s tedious and takes time, but it really helps to keep you hidden from them, at least to some degree. I look up Shroudcest sometimes just to block new people. They try to make fun of me for that, but who cares if it works? You can’t block everyone, but these people usually flock together and it’s usually just a bunch of friends, so taking several posts on these topics from people from the fandom and blocking everyone involved will obliterate the majority of harassers.
In terms of your safety, having multiple accounts in case you main one gets mass-reported helps + I would advice to keep irl stuff away from your fandom stuff just in case.
This is going to sound stupid, but please keep in mind that this isn’t about you. These people are very miserable and not very smart. Even if they try to paint you like a bad person, they don’t know anything about you, so don’t let their judgment affect how you feel about yourself. This is exactly what they want – to have power over you.
Stay strong and take care of yourself, i.e. lock your acc and/or take a break if you feel overwhelmed. Don’t worry, it will pass: it’s very rare for these clowns to keep focus on one person for a long period of time; they have like 5 different dramas per day. There are some absolutely batshit crazy rapid assholes who won’t leave an artist alone for years, but those are super rare and special cases altogether, I don’t think you need to be worried about those.
Keep in mind which fandom you want to do this with, btw. It’s usually okay for the most part, but if the fandom is just a bunch of kids, it’s more likely not worth it or deserves an empty account, at least. Twst is surprisingly good despite anything it might look like! Thanks to Yana being a shotacon and a creator of Kuroshitsuji, I guess. There are many great and supportive people in the twst fandom, it’s been a pleasure to be here, even though, once again, it’s the first fandom where I got a bunch of callout posts and nasty stuff in my ask (SnK fandom usually harassed me for other things).
TL;DR: it is scary, and you could easily get callout posts about yourself, but guess what, you also get to be yourself. Because realistically, callout posts can’t stop you from creating art. They want you to believe that they have power over you, but this isn’t true. Your life online won’t end after some random callout post – mine didn’t. They also don’t understand that each consequent callout post affects the person being called out even less. We do have a minor panic attack for the first hour or so, and it does involve more extra blocking, but mostly it just sours our mood for the day and drops our morale. I still draw, though, out of spite a little lol Oh, and do try to report these types of posts if you get them, there’s nothing wrong with that.
People had been persecuted for their art and ideas for centuries, so what happens now is really nothing new. Without diving into specifics, there are way worse things they could do than writing callouts, but they aren’t super likely to do those. Luckily.
Take care of yourself, but also please don’t doubt yourself; when it comes to your art being way too fun for lovers of censorship to handle, you’re in a very good company. I’m referring to all the artist and writers of this world btw and not just me and Katsu lol but us as well!
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aingeal98 · 9 months
I have like. Two versions of Damian Wayne in my head. I think it's a consequence of getting to know and love him via Morrison's run on him and then wanting to know more, doing research into his mother's side, and being horrified by how racist the retcons made were. It didn't really change how much I enjoy Damian in any significant way, because I liked him for his dynamic with the batfamily and how entertaining he is as Robin. It's just that when it comes to anything deeper than that, about what motivates him, what he internalized growing up, the impact his childhood abuse had on him, anything to do with Ras or Talia really... A lot of writers fail so badly at making it compelling and instead just make me cringe and want them never to touch the al Ghuls again. And so we end up with two Damians:
Damian Wayne aka the Damian I love: Most easily described as an in-character, well written Damian with a solid backstory. Robin Son of Batman and his Robin run both pull this off pretty well. They don't downplay the horror of his childhood but they don't cross over into cartoonish territory either, and they allow Damian to have complicated thoughts and feelings about what he did and what was done to him. You can see how his abuse shaped him without it being shoved hamfistedly down your throat, and I don't come away thinking "I have to ignore all of this no matter how important it is to his character because logically Ras and/or Talia would not fucking do that". Also he's hilarious and makes me root for him whether he's insulting his enemies or electrocuting Jason or dying for the fifth/sixth time. Like that's my son and I can write a million words on his mentality and how it's changed and his opinions on his parental figures and his character development and how he'd interact with x or y character and-
And the second Damian, aka the Woobie Damian. The one you get where hack writers want to give him a sad backstory to justify how Edgy and Badass and Damaged he is and write the most cartoonishly over the top evil Ras and Talia possible. Most recent example I can think of is Tom King saying Ras locked Damian in a box with no water for a week because he didn't tie his shoelaces right. Or Morrison's Talia murdering her own son. Or how SuperSons wrote Talia. And look, it's not that I won't accept horribly, ridiculously evil villains. My favourite character's dad abused her in more extreme ways than even the worst al Ghul writer could come up with. It's that these are characters with already established personalities and traits. Unless they are being mind controlled they would not act like that and do these things. Just like how Bruce Wayne wouldn't lock Dick in a cave and feed him rats. There are ways you can show the impact of growing up in a cult and raised by an evil grandfather and being told repeatedly that you are destined to lead them all into a better world and trained in the art of killing a man. And these writers fail miserably at pulling any of that off. It's as shallow and boring as "You know why I'm mean to you all the time? Because my family taught me love is a weakness. I said mean things to you and stabbed you but my grandfather used to beat me for showing kindness to animals. Don't you feel sorry for me now?"
It sucks. I hate it. Anything with that Damian in it, I automatically filter out of my personal canon. The only way I can think of making it good is if it's like the "Slice the Baby Saturday" meme, where Damian is just bullshitting to see how much he can get away with and deliberately testing his family with stereotypes. But unfortunately those writers are dead serious about Ras making Damian climb up a whole mountain with no safety gear even if he falls and breaks his arm or dies. Because that is definitely something you would do with your one and only heir. They're literally two minutes away from saying Ras gave Damian a puppy and then told Talia to kill it in front of him.
So basically when I say that I love Damian and he's my favourite male Robin, know that woobie Damian is not a part of this conversation. Real Damian I would kill for. A writer puts woobie Damian in front of me and says his mom stabbed him I say let him bleed out so I won't have to endure comics about him anymore.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 months
Following the latest Megahex story on Instagram and feeling so perplexed by people in the comments talking about how cute the characters look and how sweet they are to each other, as if it's not a series that is explicitly about the worst people alive, whose intense toxicity is mitigated by Simon Hanselmann's vivid psychological understanding of these types. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to genuinely like these guys or think that their relationships are anything but pathologically destructive. You're invited to relate to them insofar as what's wrong with them is a cartoon magnification of what's wrong with a lot of people; I'm certain that Megahex is not supposed to be comforting or validating in any way shape or form. This is totally a manifestation of this kind of fandom-poisoning where you automatically interpret everything as an adorable romance tinged with infantile eroticism, and you're either blind to or not at all interested in what the author is actually trying very hard to say. I had the same feeling the other day when Tumblr radar was showing this piece of fan art from The Bear where everybody was smiling and being lovey dovey and looking extremely kawaii; I thought, yeah that show does suggest that the characters still have some decency and love inside of them, but every single episode is about how the only way they're able to interact with the world is through emotional violence and substance abuse. Like if you want to watch a really snuggly show about cuddly friends, I would probably recommend almost anything but The Bear. I get all reactive about the fandom pathology because I think it keeps people from really enjoying and appreciating storytelling or practically any kind of thoughtful art, if the only reason you read or watch anything is to say "Well the characters can be cute if I remove them from the narrative and transplant them into a world where all they do is hug and smooch in a way that I can jack off to without feeling too unwholesome." I mean I guess it's none of my business if people hate fiction and filmmaking and they're just foraging for source material for their weirdly babyfied porn. And it's probably my own fault for continuously returning to a place where I'm extremely likely to see that material without even trying, even if I'm trying NOT to. I suppose the bottom line is that people have every bit as much right to make and enjoy that stuff as I have to complain about it. Re: "Let people enjoy things," if I actually had the ability to stop people from enjoying things, the world might look very different, but fortunately for everyone else, I do not hold that power.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Hi I'm new and I enjoy your assassination classroom fanfic
If request are open
Can you pls do isogai, karma and nagisa with a celebrity s/o
Please feel free to ignore this
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Isogai, Karma, Nagisa ]
[ Assassination Classroom / Anatsu Kyoshitsu ]
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I was thinking, If you were a celebrity for what would you like to be recognized? In my case, aside for my writing I would love to be in the music world or in the field of science making Tesla proud =D
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Yuma Isogai
Isogai is a really caring and loving person and he knows better than anyone else that a status doesn't define you as a person, so he doesn't pay much attention on you being a celebrity, he does admire you a lot and respect what you do but he isn't going to treat you different as he will be if you weren't a celebrity
Also, he knows how hard you had work to get to where you are today so he never minimize it or just brush it off and more than once he had told you how much he admires you for it
Isogai will be really worried about you for the pressure of being a celebrity, he almost become your caregiver to make sure you don't overwork yourself or have unhealthy habits, he tries not to if it upsed or bother you but he just can't help it, is just part of him be so caring
Again, he admires you a lot, it doesn't matter too much what you do, either arts, sports or even academics he is really proud of you, he even rant proudly of you every chance he has (even if you get embarrassed or get shy you can't stop him from doing it)
He gets really invested in what you do, celebrate all your victories/achievements, comfort you if something something goes wrong or you lose, always compliment you and thanks your hard work. In his free time Isogai will start to search more about what you do
He can't go to all the presentations/competitions you have but he tries to, and he always ask to your friends if they want to go too (specially when he can't go)
If you do something like sports or art he will talk about you a lot to his siblings (because that is what could be the most interesting for a little child), and he will love for you to visit them too (he wont force you though)
He doesn't really get jealous for the fans but he get wary and protective if he sees someone getting not too friendly or invasive (if you actually have a bodyguard he get more worried about you because that means that you had been in danger, right?). He will help you whenever he can with that kind of situation, but even if he has an assassin training he always tries to solve the problems without violence
Isogai isn't really insecure, but since he is poor and goes to the worst group of the school (doesn't matter if you go to 3-E class too) he from time to time wonder if your relationship is good for your reputation, he loves you with all his heart and he will hate to cause you problems
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Karma Akane
Even when Karma finds what you do pretty interesting he isn't going to treat you different from his other friends, and almost the only time he brings up that you are a celebrity is to tease you. He never say it directly or out loud, but he really admire you and wants to know everything he can about whatever you do
Although, since Karma is pretty prideful if you do something that involve academics or sports he will take it as a challenge, sometimes he even directly challenge you. If is something about arts he just enjoy what you do
He loves to be with you whenever you practice or work, but he is always annoying you, teasing you whenever you fail or make an error, and when you get it done well he sometimes says that he wasn't paying attention or congratulate you, however he feels in that moment, but whenever you are in competition/presentation he gets a more serious, all his jokes and teasing can wait for later and just wish you luck not like you need it he says
When you are in a competition or even if you have a rival he will playfuly ask you if you want for him to take care of them (It's a joke but if you want it's not a joke), or start paying a little more attention to them and will tell you their weaknesses if you want, normally he just do it jokinly but if you really want to have that advantage he will do it (for a price of course)
He won't admitted to not even to himself but he is jealous whenever you are with your fans, from both sides because your are getting a lot of attentiona and because you are putting all your attention to others, still he normally don't step in unless someone cross the limits. And, even when he doesn't accept his jealousy you can tell for how he demand attention and affection after, or for how he is saying bad comments about the fans
Actually he start to get a role like your bodyguard, manager and even trainer, he gets so into what you do without having to ask him and he isn't planning to let you alone either, he will let you if you need time alone but you aren't going to be get away from him, he is just really happy to be with you and want to make sure you don't fall in a trap of someone who just wants to take advantage of you
Speaking of, if you already have an employee, like a bodyguard or a manager he will be messing with them all the time (specially the bodyguard), and you can't stop him either, also if he notice that they are planning something that could harm you or directly against you he won't just let it happen, depending on how harmful it could be to you he will just threaten the person or directly tell you
He isn't insecure at all so he doesn't really doubt your relationship even if you are a celebrity, but will respect your wish if you prefer to don't show much of your relationship
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Nagisa Shiota
Nagisa doesn't think much of himself and he is already a little flustered for being in a relationship with you, but you being a celebrity make him even more flustered and flattered
He from time to time doubt himself, wondering if he is being a good boyfriend for you or if he isn't just bringing you problems, heck he even wonder if he deserve to be your boyfriend but no matter how much he doubt himself you always comfort him even without knowing it
Nagisa is really interested on what you do and he will try to learn more about it, for example if is a sport he will try to learn the rules and about matches, is if about music he will try to learn more about the rhythms and genres, or if is plastic arts he will try to appreciate more and pay more attention on your work, he really want to get more into on what you do (if you let him)
He is shy to just go to your presentation/competition, doubting if it would be a good idea just go, but everytime you invite him over to it (even if is just practice or when you're working) he always go, and he is always so excited to see you develop in your discipline (if you point it out he will be embarrased about it)
Also, Nagisa is really caring so he is always looking after your well-being, making sure you don't overwork yourself, that you take some breaks from time to time and that you are eating properly, he just want you to don't forget to take of yourself but if you don't (or don't seem to care much about yourself) he will get strict with you and force you to get more healthy habits
He is surprised for seen so much people excited to see you (even if there aren't a lot it still surprise him), he doesn't really get jealous for the fans but he gets a little uncomfortable whenever they get a little too excited and want to be too close to you
Also, he tries to don't distrust people but he is really observant so if he ever sees someone trying to do something weird against you he gets protective and confront that person inmediatly, his assassin training is of help in this situation and he does it almost unconsciously
For being a celebrity is probably that will be a little more easy that his mother accept you or comment that he had made right on getting such an amazing partner, especially if you are focused on sports or academics, but if is something more like arts she will be a little sharp with her words, not really thinking that is something beneficial but without wanting to offend you directly (in the case that is after Nagisa had confronted her she won't say much)
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artisticmenace · 6 days
Hii!! I keep forgetting but I always wanted to ask! On your intro page(?) it mentioned a project of yours called ‘those days’?
I’m REEEEAAALLY interested on learning more about it!!! Lore drop?
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so basically Those Days is a comic that i am currently making. its about two guys, Scott and Rodney who are both 58 and live in the midwest(because i do). Scotts sister Deb has just passed away so his great nephew, Danny comes down. The story is them telling him(and this chick named Candy, which im still figuring out how to introduce) about their life and how they met. I have over fifty issues written, but none released because after a while, it was kind of a chore, and i wasn't sure if anyone was interested! so THANK YOU SOOOOO MMUCH for asking about it!
Scott is based off of those "bad" kids that are actually really nice and are sort of vigilantes. Rodney is an easy bullying victim and even though he could totally do something about it, he doesnt.
this is very much a story about people and what they are and how your initial judgment is not always the correct assumption. its also very much how the key word in the last part of that is ALWAYS. its about life.
ill leave some character intros under the cut i case you want those too bc i could blab all day about them. scott and rodney may or may not be my sons. my boys. there will be art too. probably silly art. mostly the main group of characters. not their families though because i have barely drawn them(character design is tricky)
if you want to see all my silly drawings, they'll be tagged #those days comic or with the characters full name. but yeah THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT THAT!!! I HAVE MOTIVATION NOW!!!! ok character rant under the more heeeheee
This is Scott
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Scott has quite possibly the worst rbf ever and he looks like a scary mean guy. he steals his moms makeup because he can and he wears black eyeshadow 24/7. in reality, hes very nice and also has depression. hes a male MANIPULATED and has 6 semi terrible ex gfs. he is sort of homophobic at the beginning which is important to his lore. but even being a sad son of a bitch he can still beat the hell out of someone with a baseball bat. which leads to my next point. hes an adrenaline junkie. another design thing im slowly figuring out is simplifying his tattoos. theyre all on his torso and theyre all flowers. he loves flowers.
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a lot of the time im trying to figure out how to draw him better tbh. Rodney has a prey animal stare. and he behaves much the same. hes pretty chubby but hes also fairly strong. he is very much a victim of child abuse but instead of becoming a bully, he just kinda gives up. he doesnt really have motivations outside of survival and hes not sure why. in fact, the primary reason he stuck around scott after meeting him was because scott believed him immediately after he said he didnt do something and made him feel safe. under the surface of being a prey animal, hes also incredibly angry. angry about a lot.
i dont draw her a lot...
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Lucy is scotts lesbian ex gf and best friend ever. she kind of pushes them together because she knows too much. shes incredibly easy to talk to and people would confess to basically anything to her. design wise she also has a terrible rbf and DONT BE FOOLED!!! SCOTT STOLE HER LOOK WITH THE EYESHADOW!!! she also has lots of tattoos and actually gave scott all of his.
JORDAN AND DIANE (theyre kind of a set)
again. barely draw them and diane has had a few revisions.
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diane and jordan are very much gay and in love. diane's family is like. the only immigrant family for miles. shes very nice but fairly cynical. shes very used to the notion that she has to find her way in the world and that if she doesnt fight, she wont survive. jordan is anxious as hell and dianes sister HATES her because she knows that jordan is a lesbian and is in love with diane. jordan also doesnt know why or how shes alive.
edward! ive only drawn him once.
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eddie is lucys adopted brother. hes brilliant and silly. also gay as hell. idk if youve realized but almost none of these people are straight. edward isnt a very developed character because he is very much a supporting static character.
clyde and parker
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clyde and parker are the two main members of scotts gang. its not really a gang but it might as well be. they dont really become important until the whole 1992 thing. youll find out. clyde was scotts best friend for a long time before he started hanging out with rodney. they have some very complicated history. diversity win! clyde finds out that he, too, is bisexual and gets with eddie! i dont know if ill wver bring that up in comic.
so thats basically the main cast of characters youll see in the comic. THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!! SORRY I YAPPED SO MUCH HAHA.
the comic will be release on a separate blog called @thosedayscomic there isnt really much on there except a mini comic that takes place around 1996, scott and rodneys thirties. its just scott getting home from work and going to sleep haha.
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silver-slates · 9 months
My thoughts on Disney's Wish (Spoilers)
Let me preface this by saying that I haven't heard all of the negative things that have been circling around the movie, but I've heard more than a few things that painted a pretty grim picture of the movie before I went to see it. I was going in expecting something akin to Strange World going in, which I really didn't like (and that's coming from someone who likes unique worldbuilding.)
After I left the theater yesterday, my thoughts were just, "This is the worst Disney movie of 2023?" I really didn't have any issues with it at all, and even if I usually tend to have a more positive outlook on movies I watch in comparison to others, I just have to say that this was NOT a terrible movie. Disney has had a LOT of blunders in 2023, but I can't say that this was one of them. I know that a lot of people out there might disagree with me or even hate me, but Wish made me feel something that I don't feel very often: magic.
It's hard for me to know what specifically to talk about since I don't know about all the criticisms the movie's gotten, though I do know about a few. The first one that sticks out to me is the movie's art style, and how some people have called it ugly and even unfinished looking. But... I honestly don't get it. Nothing strikes me as unfinished, and I never found the art style to be irritating. It was something new, and I thought it was fine. It uses shading and colors that are a bit flatter than some of their previous works, but I saw that as it being a sort of in-between of the 2D look of the classics and the 3D look of the newer movies. There was probably only one time where I noticed something was slightly off, and that was where Asha is waving around some flags at the beginning and having no motion blur or smear frames on it looked a little awkward. I can also understand how some of the shots can feel a bit flat, but once again that's something that makes it feel similar to the 2D classics.
Up next, I heard some things about some of the characters being trash. The main two I heard about were Asha and King Magnifico. Some of the main things I heard concerning Asha was that she's dorky and silly to a fault, and what I have to say to that is that although she's pretty silly at the beginning of the movie and sometimes it can be a bit embarrassing to watch, that's just Asha being Asha before the adventure kicks off. As the story progressed, I thought that she learned to be more serious over time as she learned the truth about the wishes and Magnifico and what she really wanted to do, and most of her antics after that point are mostly concerning the actions of other characters. I never felt like she was silly in places where it was inappropriate, and I actually ended up liking her a lot. As for Magnifico, I haven't heard anything specific about him other than the fact that he's supposedly the worst Disney villain of all time. But... I just don't see it. His motivations are believable (according to my standards), he's shown to be a narcissist who doesn't truly listen to other people's criticisms, and him turning from a king who wants to maintain order while very rarely giving people what they want into a power hungry madman who wants nothing more than for his subjects to bend to his will and lick his boots feels in character for him and it had the right setup. I thought that the supporting characters were all good as well, but my least favorite was probably Valentino. He was alright and he did his job, but he really felt like more of a gimmick than anything else.
The next thing I want to talk about is the music. I don't know if anybody's had a lot of bad things to say about it, but I thought the songs were great. After Encanto I was wondering what they'd have in store for this movie, because although Encanto had some banger songs there were one or two that I didn't really like. Not so for Wish though, because I liked every last song that was in the movie. I'm... not really sure what else to say here.
I heard about there being a few cameos in the movie as well, and I picked up on a lot of them as I watched it. But the references feel tasteful, not overblown and obvious, and something you'll really only notice if you're looking for it (except for the Peter Pan reference maybe, but that's just one.)
One last thing I want to talk about is how I've seen some people calling the film's main source of conflict something that makes Asha a bad person. Basically, they say that her mission goes against Magnifico's warnings of what could happen if everybody is allowed to keep their wishes and that there could be some serious consequences that she's too headstrong to consider. But... they address all these points in the movie. Even if someone's wish turns out to be a rotten one, you can always try to step in and make sure it doesn't get too out of hand.
And I think those are all the things I had to say concerning Wish. I personally feel like it paid some good tribute to the animated classics with its story and familiar themes, and it was a good way to celebrate 100 years of the Walt Disney company, though I'm well aware that there are plenty who disagree. If there are some things that I didn't cover or consider please let me know, and I'd like to hear what you all have to say about the movie as well.
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saintqueer · 11 months
I'm sorry you got harassed again just from a simple post with a (imo pretty valid) opinion. If that person is the same that answered your post by reblogging and repplying on their blog with unnecessary hate (apparently queer but a solo louie) then it's the one I just blocked. I love to currate my experience in this fandom. Anyway I just wanted to say, I used to love your posts in this fandom! I lost track of your blog and thought you'd disappeard. I'm glad to see you're still on Tumblr and enjoying other fandoms. I'm well aware of how toxic this fandom can get (between the hets, the solos often queer themselves but hating on queer larries and more, to many groups to count tbh, louis' attitude on social media ect), especially when you dare to voice an opinion, which I'm mostly don't lol. I'm staying for the art, the fics, the great memes and ofc the music and the people. You're "y'all" made me think 'I Hope she still got good times and friends out if it. I made some great friends in the larries bunch myself. Anyway sorry for the rant, I lost track of what was my point here. Just was happy to see you pop on my dash through a mutual and wanted to say so I guess?? So once again thank you for the fun times I had reading your posts back in the days; have a great time out here, enjoying your favs fandoms, you do you! Sending love xx
so i was trying to avoid posting any anons regarding prev fandom discourse but i opened this one and read it through and it was just so amazing i had to respond, not just in tags 🥹🥹
of course, it's lovely to hear that you liked my posts on fandom back in the day etc but what really got me was when you wanted to make sure i still got good times and friends out of it, that nearly made me cry
because YEAH I FUCKING DID 🥺😩🥺🥹🥲
blue ( @wastelandbabyblue ) is literally one of the coolest people i've ever known while also being one of the kindest and funniest. id literally kill to meet her one day in person. i still keep up with brenda and several others i met in her og discord, some of which are the only remaining 1d fandom blogs i still follow here - they are so kind and funny and i still talk to them occasionally in a fandom discord i stayed in because i didn't want to lose touch with them.
and 🥹🥹🥹
i met 8 of who i would consider my closest friends in the whole world through fandom. through the most insane wild and unruly fandom discord drama, i literally located my found family: wedo, nino, iza, katja, olia, hanis, chloe, and su
we talk everyday still even though we live all over the world and we talk about nearly everything except fandom nowadays and they've helped me survive living day to day through some of the worst moments of my life. i don't know what i'd do if i didn't have them in my life
last night, i had a bit of a shame spiral thinking about all the time energy money i devoted to the 1d fandom. i felt embarrassed for being so loud about something that ended in so much disappointment. it wasn't fun and i know it was probably triggered by being involved in some discussions i hadn't been in so long
so when i opened this ask, anon, it reminded me so much that whatever was lost from that time, so much more was gained. the embarrassment of remembering dancing around like a fool with a rainbow flag for someone who couldn't even say something as simple as "look at all those colors" pales in comparison to the lifelong friendship i gained with these 8 beautiful women all across the globe
nothing will ever compare to the people i met and the way they feel closer to family than any of my blood ever felt
i'm glad that you found so much goodness as well and thank you for reminding me that it was all worth it for what i got
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beeflibeef · 3 months
I was wondering, who would you think be an ideal partner for Idate? That boy needs a whole lot of love for all the crap he deals with, also I wanted to say I LOVE your art! You definitely inspire me to draw and I really am happy to still see active members in the okegom community!
Thank you for your question, it's very interesting to think about
I never thought about whom Idate would date, in the au especially
I don't know about canon version of him, concerning the version with 'angsty lore' I think the worst match would be someone who resembles his family. Which means that anyone who is not like his family would be a good match. Which ironically means that he shouldn't date anyone who is a lot like himself, or someone who'd remind him about his family ("you're a violent guy, you're bloodthirsty, you're stuck up, you're xenophobic" etc)
please dont take this seriously, my thoughts change a lot and it was my current opinion (as of today)
also I wanted to say I LOVE your art! You definitely inspire me to draw and I really am happy to still see active members in the okegom community!
Thank you very much
Satadate (Satanick x Idate)
In my mind, Idate and Satanick are really good together but I don't personally see them as a romantic pair, i dont know why, maybe it didnt click with me. They can hang out together and have fun, they are also very tolerant and lax with each other. Idate is very patient with Satanick's emotions and sensitiveness, and orca doesn't get upset at his outbursts. And Satanick doesnt mind Idate keeping things to himself. I imagine if they were together, they'd be so lax with each other like a couple where both let their s/o date other people. Satanick's brain is on fire 24/7 and Idate is calmer and more organized (Idate is disorganized and unfocused but it's nowhere near as bad as Satanick's lack of focus). Plus Satanick is really active and very very artistic, he likes various things, so Idate could be introduced to new stuff that Satanick gets into.
9/10, I dont know why i dont ship it, maybe because this looks like BFF dynamic to me
Idarock (Idate and Rock)
Childhood friends is a nice dynamic, I suppose. In my head I liked to headcanon that Idate used to be shyer and less confident and Rock used to be mischievous and active, and Rock's attitude rubbed off on him (I know in canon it was different though). The ship asks are cute and maybe that rubbed off on me and how i see them. Rock being frustrated and annoyed with Idate would feel bad for me personally but I believe Idate is fine with that. As long as Rock just has an attitude and not being actually disgusted with Idate it's a solid match. 9/10
Bonus: them knowing about each other more than others would be an interesting addition to the dynamic between them
Shirodate (Shirogane x Idate)
I wont talk about canon version of this pair-. In non-canon verse, I feel like... it would be a bit awkward, and maybe a slow burn? Shirogane is anxious and tends to assume things about people, plus he is sulky in a way that Idate wouldn't tolerate as much as he'd tolerate Rock's attitude. Idate enjoys being feared but there are times when he's sensitive about it and him being treated with fear would upset him. In a universe where Shirogane tries to protect him i think the ship is cute, but in a verse where Shiro is just fearful of him it'd be bitter between them. 6/10 for the "scared and distrustful shiro x i-hate-being-seen-as-a-monster Idate", and 8/10 for "must-protect-idate Shirogane and can-snap-everyone-in-half Idate"
...i thought about it, and i think, for the soft angst potential, I like them together. Two predator animals, one is terrified of the world, and the other is seen as a terror by the world. There is some melancholic potential here. it's cheesy and overdone but i like thinking about it
Rocmate (Rocma and Idate)
*clears throat* In the universe where Idate has baggage, them together would look awkward to me. Rocma is pretty cold and doesn't show what she feels, and Idate is not the type to spray his energy on others, so they'd just peacefully coexist. They would be a powerful duo who'd rip and tear to save the other, but other than that there would be not much, they'd look like an arranged couple that does their marriage duty but doesn't get lovey and i personally am okay with it, ; 7/10 because I haven't thought enough ideas about this ship tbh, maybe I'll see more in it
I thought more about it , and I think a power duo is good. And Rocma softening toward someone who she'd never think she'd like is endearing. Two scary people growing softer and nicer toward one another is a fine dynamic
Tatsudate (Tatsumiya and Idate)
The pair would be so good and peaceful that I can't say much about it, 9/10. I'm only not sure if it'd work bc i feel Idate wouldn't want to live in the blue sea town, unless Tatsumiya is okay with him travelling around and visiting sometimes. Nagi would be better off with Tatsumiya, but I don't know how to feel about breaking the uncle-niece duo apart.. Darn, I imagined a whole scenario where Idate and Tatsumiya had a whole wedding in a blue sea town near the castle and how pretty it'd look, and I admit the idea of Idate and Tatsumiya being an actual married couple and it being a huge surprise for anyone who learns about it, is fun.
..now I feel bad for Tatsumiya because she'd be a married oarfish who stays at her home and her husband is almost never home. But then again, she values her people above anything else so it's endearing to imagine that Idate respects that
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autumnbrambleagain · 7 months
edit: rant edited to reflect how Snoot Game treats gender identity b/c i hadn't really done more than look at a few convos about it
I'm GBH, Goodbye Volcano High got like, the worst fucking shake
Disclaimer, I haven't played it (there is a very special irony in this that i'll get into in a bit), but I've watched people on youtube play it, and I think it's. Fine? It's fine. But everything surrounding this game, everything that happened to and around it, it's fucking wild. I've never seen a game get such a poor serve-up on the tennis court before.
It gets put up on the big console premier along huge AAA budget games. That's rough. A small intimate-scale VN about the end of the world as a metaphor for growing up and leaving highschool and changing and also a non-metaphor for the world ending as itself a metaphor for the new generation entering into what feels like an absolutely hopeless, pointless future (spoilers: the future is pretty fucking dire (the present is already fucking bad))?
Those are some rough themes! That isn't doomchief and master slayer punching guys! And not to denigrate doomchief! These are some ROUGH themes and the trust that those themes will be handled WELL isn't something you want to give out so readily! Those are themes that are easy to fuck up! Fair! But still. Oof!
To have your relatively small scale game put up as a launch title alongside mass-consumption AAA games. Ouch.
I'll admit: the art style was pretty rough, it's really rough on first look. I made fun of it too.
Then it comes out the MC is enby, that it deals with queer themes, and 4chan-esque folk go nuts over it. Snoot Game comes out which, apparently, seemingly, actually not bad! A lot more ironic but with serious themes handled, apparently earnestly, and it's overall... good!? Even some critical accounts suggest it isn't, at least, bad? Whichever: it comes out faster than GVH does, so it now has a parody-competitor dealing with the same themes, but not just as a JOKE but actually putting effort into it too. Like. That's the thing. Snoot Game DEALS with strong themes of growing up, of becoming a person, it DEALS with the themes GVH is saying it will deal with... and it uses the characters to do it too.
And it does it, by some accounts, WELL.
Granted Snoot Game is from 4chan and apparently I'm now reading one of the themes is Fang accepting they're a woman and they were just being enby to try and be different, and while it seems like it DOES handle it very seriously, and like, the game seems to penalize you for being shitty about their gender, and like, detransitioning IS a thing! I don't want to give TOO much trust to a 4chan-derived game either. I'm literally enby, but I also wasn't always enby, but like. Having a game where the message of "you were only trans because you were pressured into being different", it's, ehhhhhhhh not great no!
TBH without going through Snoot Game I can't really speak about it but Snoot Game overall isn't the main point, the main point is:
Some people are already now primed with associations and expectations, you already have a doppleganger as your competitor. OUCH.
So like.
Pretty rough.
And while Snoot Game, from the compressed summaries of it I've seen, seems to actually have honest heart and love in it in its final form, a lot of people just seem to be along for the hate-ride against GVH at this point because "eww the alphabet rainbow furries."
And then the writer has to step down because they found out she's into child por--wait, it was just 3d animations? That someone else made? That she was watching and criticizing as part of an article on how dumb video game porn is?
Oh. See, there's a difference between "the author is an active pedophile" and "the author watched a Harry Potter porn animation to write an article on the concept of video game porn," but in our modern era there's really never a distinction. Drawing something bad is the same as doing it in real life. Looking at it at all is the same as doing it in real life. If you see a woman's ankle on the street, make sure to head immediately to confession or God will judge you for the rape you have committed in your heart.
We live in such a media-literacy dead-end zone that people are calling the original Lolita book child porn. We live in such a media-literacy dead-end timeline that people are saying the only media that should be permitted to exist is happy comfort fluff where nothing bad ever happens because if you make bad things happen in fiction it means you're an evil villain :3 i'm not an evil villain, though, i don't watch bad media!
So of course it's fine to ruin careers because that's not EVIL. I didn't look at the BAD media so I CAN'T be evil. So you know, we have this modern purity pandemic of people thinking they're heroes for getting people to kill themselves because they drew or wrote "the wrong kind of thing" and are therefore EVIL and we're in a post-DnD world the cultural well got poisoned by DnD's secular take on evangelical protestantism's absolute morality of saved-vs-nonsaved. You're Lawful Good, you know you're Lawful Good. Whatever you to do Chaotic Evil people? That's fine. You can do whatever you want to them. You're Good.
Anyway, then it gets delayed to remove all her influence from the game, because at this point, even admitting you know what sex is online seems to be enough to ruin anything you touch tbh. Humanity's doing great, btw.
Like I can find twitter posts of her apologizing for "hurting people" by having seen harry potter porn. Your species is insane, just btb.
GVH finally comes out quietly and everyone's so fucking. MAD at this game. Hardcore 4chan whateverfolk hate it because there's queers and highschoolers. Other people dislike it because Snoot Game already came out and now GVH feels like fanfiction of THAT to them. They already met these characters, enjoyed them written like they were in Snoot Game, so how they come off in GVH feels worse. And you know, sure! That's a rough fucking shake when a fanfiction comes out before your actual release and it's good! For others it's tainted because a ""sex perver"" had worked on it. For others the art style and that it premiered alongside big name AAA games as a launch title was enough to slot it firmly in the derision zone. For some, because the queer community cannot NOT devour its own tail, it's doing queerness wRONG (Fang's parents MISGENDER and DEADNAME them!!! you can't put that in a game that deals with gender as a theme!!!!)
And then you have people who don't care about ANY of that, who are upset that everyone dies in the end and "your choices didn't matter", despite your choices affecting your relationships with the other characters. Granted? Sure! More actual endings beyond the end-of-the-world concert would be great! But comparing it to Mass Effect 3 where NOTHING mattered because the Reapers destroy everything and you pick one option at the end and their implied consequences before like 4 different changes to the ending came out to retcon "oh yeah everyone in the galaxy is stranded, everyone probably dies anyway, you accomplished nothing everyone's still dead" ? ?
The world's ending. That's the point. It's what you do with the time left that seems to be the point? Yeah? No? I'm not saying it HIT that theme well, and I'm not saying it actually failed at it either. I honestly think it did FINE. The criticism i keep seeing is "everyone died so nothing mattered." Buddy. Buddy. YOU ARE GOING TO DIE. Please do not let that convince you that nothing you ever did mattered.
Among all that it came out buggy, apparently, and the music minigame isn't like. Super. Good. Doesn't matter too much if you do well or not. Not greatly designed? So you know. The game also has just general internal problems too mechanically, so people without a dog in the race just don't enjoy playing it? Like, the art style was all on the creators, like, it's... it's not GREAT I'll be real! It's really weird. It's humans in those latex dolphin masks the memes weren't off base even i was laughing at it and groaning at yet another piece of media whose theme was "leaving highschool is like the world ending"
but like.
GVH isn't like. I dont' think this is some great amazing the best game ever. The art style's grown on me but in the way where you learn to ignore how it looks. But like, I see people complaining it's too whiny--wait, the characters aren't depressed ENOUGH about the world ending--honestly, honestly,
I think I like it? I haven't played it but I've watched it and I think I like it. I'm not like, this is probably the last day in a while I'll ever even think about the game, it isn't going to stick with me for years and years, it didnt' make a big impact on me--but I liked it well enough???
At this point, my default assumption at this point is if someone strongly openly firmly dislikes this game it's not at all for any good reasons--or rather, that it's not on the value of the game in-and-of-itself. This poor game was saddled with all this WEIGHT on top of it. Can you even dig it clear of this external context and examine the game itself for what it is anymore?
I'm writing all these words and like. I haven't PLAYED it i've just watched other people play it. I'm not even BIG into the game it's like... it's okay!
But oh my god I cannot get over what a fucking. BAD serve-up the game had leading to its release and just beyond. Oof. Ouch. God. That's real rough, buddy. I have never seen something get this POOR a serve. What an absolute rough, ravage, unfair birth for a thing into the world!
I think if the game congealed out of the aether (and maybe with a more... better art direction?) it'd be fondly remembered in small quantities?
Instead it's just... the actual game itself is just BURIED under all this mess.
It's fucking fascinating to me, honestly. It's far more fascinating what happened to this game than the game itself at this point, and that, too, isn't very fair to the poor game. I, too, am here not to talk about the game, to care about the game, to have anything to say about the game. I am PART of this problem I'm talking about. Instead of addressing the game I'm talking about the context that was built around it.
I'm here because I remembered the drama, looked into all the drama, then went to watch the game and, after seeing ALL of that, EVERYthing I read through to get to the game itself, actually seeing the game was just... like... for this? All of that, for this?
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popculturebuffet · 3 months
Next up for Cartoon Network era of shows, who is your favorite character from each of the mid-late 2010s Dimensional era (shame they didn't get the best treatment and exposure on the channel, being the point when Cartoon Network was overplaying Teen Titans Go and pushing most other shows to the side) shows you've seen like: We Bare Bears, The Powerpuff Girls 2016, Mighty Magiswords, Ben 10 2017, OK KO Let's Be Heroes, Apple & Onion, Craig of the Creek, and Summer Camp Island?
We Bare Bears: Ice Bear though I loved them all. And as for thoughts, I really need to go back and watch all of this show as it was really good. Relaly solid. I think I just was in that hole of "If the status quo dosen't change I dont like it" which is still mostly true, it is kinda annoying to have a series long arc of someone wants to get a girlfriend with panda and not.. doing anything with that. But it's very clearly mostly slice of life shenanigans. ALso seems to have ended well
PPG: SIlico as he seems neat.. but I watched maybe one episode of this. I wasn't intrested, everything I heard was bad and looking back it seems half assed.
Mighty Magiswords: Yet another one from this era (and the last) I need to go back to, a true classic. Character wise I love Porhias for his voice and whole vibe. Though Vambre's legs will always have a place in my heart... moving on.
Ben 10 Reboot: Kevin having a bootleg omnitrix. This one I didn't see much of and while I may watch it some day for completions sake... it seems mid. Not as messy as ultimate or omniverse with some growth and really intresting ideas, but not nearly as intresting as the og or alien force seasons 1 and 2. It's firmly in the middle: trying hard to be funnier, inoffensive, but as bad as omniverse could get in it's worst moments... it had ambition. 2016 takes a much needed fresh start and just kinda... does a weaker version of the first show without the charm or real stakes or neat jack kirby-esque art style.
OK KO Let's Be Heroes: It's like asking me to pick my children you monster. But i'd have to go with Professor Venemous. He's a compelling villian, and while I feel we coudl've gotten more post shadowy figure takeover out of him (and may give him just that some day), he's an intresting villian whose bisexual as hell, clever and whose motivatoin and history with characters is great. The cast as a whole is though as this is the best show of the bunch here, though it has close compettition and you can probably guess who. It's fun, has well done character arcs, great action at a time Cartoon Network hated doing acction scnees (it's why SU got the shit end of the stick for a while and why this show ultimately did not last) and ended on one hell of a final episode (The actual climax is mixed but still pretty good given the time constraints). An all time classic and one of the best show's cn's put out and certainly one of my faviorites.
Apple and Onion: Onion, though ti's bittersweet given the whole Grahm Lihean thing. God dammit richard. A great show I wish i'd watched more of, really sweet and chill and like most of these as you pointed out , given the short end of the stick for teen titans not for me.
Craig of the Creek: Another all time faviorite and one I need to watch more of including the full story arc. But what i've seen of the story arc is excellent and the show as a whole is great, the recess successor I didn't know I wanted. It's still largely i'ts own thing but it's hard not ot see "Kids in their own elabroate clicks with terriotirY" and not think recess, but going way bigger than it's more grounded cousin. It's still clear most fantasy stuff is just the kids imaginations, but it dosen't hold back a fantastic show with a stacked roster of characters, a truly great world that just gets better and better, and a lot of nice character growth and moments. I'm not ready for it to end and boo HBO MAx for not wanting one of thier most succesful shows to go on. Favorite is JP. Eaisly. he's the boy.
Summer Camp Island: I"ve barely seen any of it I hear it's great and once again they screwed it over badly.
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bunniesssstuff · 4 months
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summary Getting stuck in a mystery world with all your ex crush and the boy of your dreams aka your current crush
pairing enhypen x reader
warnings none for this chapter
genre romance
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Chapter 2 : Unlucky In Love
You hate Monday, I mean who doesn't! Waking up in the morning is the worst and when you can't enjoy the Sunday because of all the homework and the assignments your teacher asked you to do is even more worse. But then you didn't hate school , you didn't love it either.
You took a deep breath and then entered your classroom. You have gotten familiar with your classmates in the last 2 months and you made a lot of friends. There were 3 girls in your class, who became your close friends, Kang Seoyun, Kim Hayun and Yang Nari.
Though you love your new friends a lot, it didn't stop you from missing Sunoo like crazy, you missed his company a lot, even though you both texted each other everyday, you still felt incomplete.
"Y/n! Come sit with me!" Seoyun shouted. You nodded immediately and took the seat beside her.
"Did you do the math homework?" Hayun asked.
"Yeah, it was pretty easy tho" You gave her your copy.
"I'm just dumb I guess" Hayun was scanning through your copy looking impressed.
Soon the class begins, first literature, then Art, then Mathematics.
"I hope everyone has completed their homework, if you haven't, please get up and go out of my class" Mr.Kim said.
"I hate Mr.Kim so much" Seoyun whispered into your ear. You agreed with her.
"Miss Song Yn and Mr.Park Sunghoon , why don't you do the equations on the board? Let's see how fast you can solve the equations?"
Sunghoon and Jay are from the same friend group and it seems that they are pretty close, they always stick together. Jay is a member of the school football team whereas Sunghoon is in the Basketball team. So practice is the only time then they are not together (yes u might third wheel later)
You got up from your seat. And Sunghoon is one of the Class toppers. Fuck. You are so doomed. You got up from your seat, took a chalk and started analysing the equation. Sunghoon did the same. You started solving the equation and peeked at what Sunghoon was doing, he hasn't even started yet! You will definitely complete it faster than him.
" Sir I have completed the equation! " Sunghoon said.
What the HELL!! how did he solve it do fast, you are only half way way done.
"Well done Sunghoon, you always reach my expectations!" Mr. Kim patted Sunghoon on the back.
"I'm done too!" You huddled back to your seat.
The class got over soon.
It was lunch after a few classes, hallways were filled with hungry students.
"I want tteokbokki!" You said looking at today's lunch menu.
"They are serving chocolate cake for dessert?!?" Seoyun eyes lit up as she saw her favourite food on the menu. She loves chocolate cake, who doesn't?
"Oh my god Oh my god!! Best day ever!!! " Nari exclaimed.
You turned around to see Park Sunghoon, THE PARK SUNGOON waving at you. Weird.
" Yeah?"
"Will you come to see today's Basketball match? It's after school"
"Of course I know it's after school and I don't think I will be able to attend it"
"You should come!! It's gonna be so fun!"
"I'll try"
You did go to see the basketball match and it was pretty fun. And you tried something you never thought you would.
And that was just the start of the chaotic friendship of you, Sunghoon ( and Jay , he is basically third wheeling).
Sunghoon just couldn't leave you, he followed you everywhere, LITERALLY EVERYWHERE. And you loved his company, even though you said you didn't. You also got used to Jay accompanying you and Sunghoon. It made you move on from Sunoo and you fell for Sunghoon.
Then came 9th grade and you needed to tell Sunghoon your feelings and you did and he rejected you kindly saying that he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now but that didn't ruin your friendship, you two grew even more close, and you kinda moved on from him. No you didn't. Sunoo's absence was killing you but now you rarely texted eachother.
Then came two new students Lee Heeseung and Nishimura Riki, Niki for short but only his close ones called him that.
Lee Heeseung was just so perfect!! You dream boyfriend. (Your new crush) You and him had a few conversations and you were over the moon. (Sunghoon wasn't really happy with you simping over a new guy but he said nothing)
You and Heeseung talked to eachother almost everyday but then a rumour started about Heeseung having a crush on some gurl from your class. Your heart broke AGAIN. You need to move on again and Sunghoon was beyond happy.
Then you decided to never fall for a guy that easily, You were unsuccessful. you stuck to your plan of not falling in love for a few months but then Jay got a little too attractive for you. He was a gentleman, he can cook, he plays guitar, he can sing, he has the face of a Greek god and an attractive jaw line, what else could a girl ask for. How does he not have a girlfriend? You fell for him hard and that's how 9th grade ended , you said simping over Jay , Jay being clueless and Sunghoon being jealous.
4 months into 10th grade and you found out that Jay does have a girlfriend. Sunghoon said that her name is Aroura and Jay met her during his trip to New York. You asked Jay and it was true. You were unlucky in love ig.
Seoyun, Hayun and Nari were slowly getting tired of this situation they decided to set you up with Jungwon on a blind date. Yang jungwon was your classmate, he was pretty and popular, known for his kind personality and charming cat-like face.
The date was going well , you were enjoying it. A LOT.
"Yn I'm sorry" Jungwon started. Oh no.
" I was kinda forced by Seoyun to go on a date with you. Don't get me wrong! You're amazing and pretty but I don't think I'm ready for a relationship" He got up and left. You sat there heartbroken. AGAIN. You were definitely unlucky in love.
Seoyun was angry. You were crying. Nari was feeding you ice cream and Hayun was making ramyeon for you. You called Sunghoon and told him everything,he comforted you and told you he was coming to your place to watch a movie with you and get you a little distracted.
Soon holidays started, you decided you don't need a boy to be happy.
Weeks before school reopens you decide to go to the park for some fresh air. Just as you were enjoying the nature, noticed Sum Jaeyun aka Jake, your classmate, playing with little kids. He must be good with kids. Just like that you fell for him.
You spend the rest of the holidays simping over him.
Later you found out that Sunoo is going to join Decelis High.
Sunoo and Sunghoon became close friends. Sunghoon assured you that he would never leave you. Sunoo and you also started to talk again.
Just like that 10th grade also added and you successfully moved on from Jake in 11th grade. Your new crush is Nishimura Riki,he is in the basketball team with Sunghoon, your prince charming.
Have you finally found your soulmate?
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cleopheanne · 16 days
Would yall jump me if I rant on here ??
It's just so difficult right now 😪
First off I freaking hate medschool, worst week of my life, I didn't made one friend and my whole friend group just splash so I can't even see them in class anymore I know it seems childish but I litteraly came back to my childhood where I was alone all the fucking time.
First I wouldn't care about this if my mother didn't died she was my whole life, yes maybe she was a very austere woman but she was my best friend it just fucking hurt to not see her anymore, I just miss her so bad, she used to protect me a lot and she had the same character as me so I feel like maybe that's why we use to argue so much also because I was a rude and moody teenager but just when I started to mature and reconcialate with her she left me and I just feel like there is nobody in the world who will see me and understand like she did and that's okay because this is place only a mother could have. She gave me structure because she knew of my elusive character, she thaught me a lot about all kinds of subjects, and I held her opinion highly, Anyway I litteraly behaved as an extension of my mother for majority of my childhood and I can't even realize this, that she is truly gone and will never comeback and I don't even have the time to process this. Now this catastrophe made me realize that I have a strong dislike for superficial connections, now that she is gone and people saying that they are my friends not even taking this in consideration makes me realize that I need to make to cut a couple of people off like it's just so disrespectful to her for me to be out here making it seem as nothing is weird when I don't even feel alive anymore...
Anyways I'm forced to stay with some family friends because first off I don't live I'm my country of origin and my dad went to bury my mom while I can't attend the funeral because everybody knows that she pretty much died because of witchcraft I know seems wild but my family history is that wild anyway I just am so tired of always having to give to people and I just want a fresh start and forget about these damn friends anyways
Also, Grief is a very weird experience despite of the fact that I went through it multiple times I just feel like shit when I catch myself breaking in tears because I still didn't realize that my mother is gone. Do you have any books or movies that I could read/watch in relation to grief to face my pain ? Art is the only way that I most of time process emotions
Also for this astro posts you might notice that I don't really feel comfortable right now to post since my studies are very demanding and I don't feel right so when I'll actually find my right foot I will comeback with even more interesting pieces !
Anyways this was just a rant if you read it thank you I just needed to get this of my chest !
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