#i just moved tho so i'll stay here for at least a few years but! sth to think about!
unenomainen · 2 years
I think i am going to move to a smaller, less expensive city at some point For Real
0 notes
puhpandas · 11 months
Rabbit Burrow
(5180 words) part 2 (1 found here)
Tony Becker, one year after surviving the attack from GGY, tracks down Gregory post-SB. But he has to get through Vanessa and Freddy before he can get to Gregory.
Its only after Tony has run through the interaction with Vanessa ten times over that he realizes she never told him how she knows Gregory.
He'd been nothing but restless since she left. His eyes have been darting to and from the digital clock on the end table on the other side of arm of the couch, and his brain has been so scattered, all he can focus on is the awaiting reunion.
The baking show has long since switched to a new episode since he last checked the TV. Tony's worried that at this point, his fingers will start bleeding if he keeps picking at them like this.
The only saving grace in a long chunk of nothing-but-anticipation is when Tony's phone buzzes at 6:01pm, right when he had started to gather his thoughts and began plan out the reunion in his head like remembering a speech.
Ellis: dude where r u????
Ellis: yr mom said u arent home and she keeps asking me if ur with me and where u r
All Tony does is sigh. He cant even find it in him to feel bad that his Mom and Grandma are probably worried. All he can think about is how his arms are shaking and his stomach feels floaty.
He types back with thumbs that have peeling skin on the edge of the fingernails.
Tony: Remember how I covered for you that one time?
Tony: I need you to cover for me. If you need to tell her that I'm with you and I'm staying over do that. I just need any excuse.
Ellis: yea i remember but why?
Ellis: if a guy covers for u u can at least tell him what the deal is
Tony: I'm doing something really important. I can't tell you all the details yet.
Tony: I just need you to trust me. Please. It'll help me out a lot, Ellis.
Tony: I promise I'll make it up to you next time you need something.
Ellis: dude didnt know it was that important
Ellis: dont worry then. u know i can tell a mean lie when i need to
Tony: Dude thanks. That's a big relief. It wont be in vain.
Ellis: my services will not be for free tho
Ellis: i will need something in return
Tony: What do you want?
Ellis: for u to buy me a cookie next time i see u at lunch
Tony finds it in him to roll his eyes at that. He smiles a bit, and right as he goes to send back I'll buy you two, Freddy Fazbear makes some sort of clunking sound.
Its enough to make his already fluttery heart clench and himself almost fly off of the couch. He jerks and yelps and can only stare Freddy Fazbears black eyelids phwip open, and his pupils glow..
They're blank, though, like they're on but Freddy himself isnt. His body whirs and shifts slowly, as if running a diagnostic, and after his ears wiggle, theres a clear difference.
Tony just sits rigid as a board with eyes wide as saucers as Freddy doesnt notice him right away. He just takes the jump cables off of his ears and sets them on the carpet, and moves his torso to face the window.
Which Tony is blocking. Since hes on the couch sitting directly next to the animatronic.
Theres a staring contest with a distinct lack of breathing for all but a few moments, before the small black plastic pieces that are Freddys eyebrows tilt downwards.
"Wait wait wait!" Tony holds out his hands, but Freddy doesnt get off the couch and attack him like his fears. Freddys eyes dont leave his once, and it reminds him too much of those few times Freddy would stare him down and be hot on his heels in the Pizzaplex during the GGY debacle.
Freddy pauses, not even so much as twitching as he burns an LED hole into him. Tony tries to get over the unease and stutters out, "Um, Vanessa trusts me. I talked to her. She told me to stay here."
For a fleeting moment, Tony believes he somehow said the wrong thing and that Freddy is now going to grab him and beat him into a pulp like he feared back at the Pizzaplex all that time ago. But during the rigid silence, the glow in Freddys eyes flickers for half a second, and some sort of beeping sound emits from a hidden speaker.
"I have just contacted her." Freddy finally breaks the tension, and Tony sighs at how his voice does not sound aggressive. In fact, Freddy hadn't spoken at all when Tony had been afraid of him last year. "You are telling the truth... my apologies."
"Theres no issue." Tony manages when Freddy looks so undoubtedly apologetic theres no doubt that he's not genuine. He scratches the back of his neck. "...I guess I wouldnt be too keen on a stranger being in my house when I wake up either."
"Yes," Freddy nods, and his ears bob at the motion. Theres a split second of silence where the baking show Tony hasn't caught a single second of is the only noise in the room. "so that begs the question; why are you here?"
Tony jerks. "What?"
"You are a stranger in my house, like you said." Freddy points out, not unkindly. "I would appreciate knowing why. Even if you already went over it with Vanessa."
"Oh. Well. I dont know what all Vanessa told you, but... I'm here for Gregory."
Freddy doesnt immediately turn distrustful or wary like Vanessa had. Probably because he already knows Tony is a friend. "She said you were an old friend of his." Freddy confirms. His "So, you are the boy Gregory talks to much about."
Tony doesnt really know how to respond to that. He grabs a fold of fabric from the arm of his jacket in-between his fingers. "Uh...yeah."
"I'm sure you've already talked to Vanessa. So I wont beat around the bush." Freddy says. "But Gregory has tried so hard to remember you."
Tony brows furrow. "...She said he has dreams sometimes. And that's how he knows I-- we exist."
"Yes." Freddy nods."But she probably did not tell you that he tries to figure out what reminded him of you, so he can continue to keep dreaming."
Tony's eyes widen, and he picks at his fingers. No. Vanessa did not mention that. She said nothing about Gregory actively searching for Tony around his life to see him in his dreams.
Freddys LED eyes dim, and his ears and eyelids droop in a clear sign of upset. "It breaks my heart. To see Gregory try to gather the broken pieces of his memories." His eyes stare at the couch cushion below them, before they dart up to look him in the eye. "You were obviously very important to him, if he searches like this."
"He is to me too." Is all Tony can manage. He's suddenly getting a sense adjacent to deja vu.
"Its clear that he is." Freddy is still looking him in the eye, but somehow, Tony feels like he's smiling at him. "If you came all this way to see him."
And he really did come a long way, didnt he? He took a bus to a different county. He spent hours and hours scouring the internet for any mention of Greg after he suddenly up and went missing as soon by the time Tony had recovered enough to look for him.
Greg has searched too, apparently. Tony cant help but be aware of. Even after losing his memories.
"What is your name?" Freddy suddenly asks him.
"Tony Becker." Tony answers easily. "I guess he doesnt remember my name, huh?"
"No. But he has tried. Believe me when I say that." Freddy says. "He wants to know more about his life before what happened more than anything."
"...You think he'll be happy to see me?"
"There is no doubt, Tony Becker."
The last time he had seen Greg, it was in a dusty back room with a knife in his back.
But despite that, it isnt what Tony thinks when he thinks Greg. When he thinks of Greg, he thinks of the sleepovers and the days Greg would show up at school one day with his hair different lengths. He thinks about how He, Greg, and Ellis would Vs. eachother on the air hockey machine. He thinks about the stories they'd come up with in creative writing.
When he thinks of that afternoon at the Pizzaplex, he doesnt think Greg. He thinks GGY. Maybe its that first inkling of separation that got him here.
Theres been a stretch of silence while Tony soaked it in. The rain outside has slowed, and the sun peeking through the gray clouds shines through the window, white lines on the coffee table like the blinds are a stencil.
"But the truth is... I do not think Vanessa feels the same." Freddy suddenly says. "She wants to protect him from the awful memories. I do not have to deal with them like she does, but I assume they... that they haunt her."
His ears droop. "I believe that she does not want Gregory to have to as well."
"So shes trying to keep them from him?" Tony asks, a brow raised. "But that's his choice, isn't it?"
"That is how I feel." Freddy agrees, looking at him again. It's starting to become less uncomfortable. "Listen, Tony Becker. I may not know for sure, but I feel that Vanessa is afraid to let you near Gregory. Seeing you will make him remember so much."
His mind immediately jumps to a thousand implications at that."If shes scared, what does that mean?" He asks. "She'll make me leave? She'll change her mind?"
"I do not think so." Freddy assures. "But my point is that she has been trying for so long to keep Gregorys memories under wraps. It is not with malice, but this is why I ask you this."
"Gregory has long since chosen to remember, even if Vanessa does not want him to." Freddy says havent left his once, and Tony doesnt look away, either. Freddys pupils suddenly appear brighter in a way when he speaks again, "To keep them from him after he has already made his choice would be cruel. Which is why I would like you to help him, Tony Becker."
Tony hasnt forgotten how Greg fought for him that day at the Pizzaplex. He hasnt forgotten how all that mattered was Tony escaping. Not if Greg would get in trouble. Not if something would happen to him.
Gregory has, though. Greg has forgotten a lot of things.
But if seeing Tony in danger that fateful afternoon made him remember himself enough to fight, and win against mind control?
Tony can fight for Greg's memories, too. Even if it takes another year.
"He deserves to remember his old life." Freddy says. "Vanessa has told me that his parents are dead. Any life he had before is nothing but a faint memory." He hums, melancholy. "But it's one I want him to remember."
Me too Tony almost says. Because all Tony has wanted throughout this last year is his friend back.
"Greg was one of my best friends." Tony says quietly, eyes downcast. He counts the threads in the couch cushion. "I want him to remember me and Ellis and... everything. It's why I'm here."
"I have not been able to help him, no matter how much I've wanted to." Freddy responds, sounding sad. "But I am glad you are here. Now Gregory truly has a chance of obtaining what hes been chasing for so long."
"Me too." Tony replies, not knowing which exactly hes responding too.
"So," Freddy pauses. "what do you say?"
"I'll do it." Tony responds immediately. "But... I just have to ask. Why do you trust me so much? Vanessa wouldnt even tell me anything until I answered her riddles."
Freddy hums. "It is exactly as you said." Freddy answers. "You earned Vanessa's trust. So in turn you have earned my trust. I trust Vanessa to trust you."
Tony doesnt respond, for a moment, just taking that in.
The amount of faith you have in someone to trust them that much. To know you can rely on them. To have no doubt...
Tony glances at the hallway he can see just over the back of the couch and down the hall into the room with the slightly open door, with the pens and pencils and bed and desk, and wonders how tightly wound the people in this house are with eachother.
"...Then I'll return the favor." Tony smiles. "You're friends of Greg's, and, well... I was friends with him, once upon an time. And he still seems to think so." He holds out a hand. "Any friend of Greg's is a friend of mine."
Freddys ears wiggle, and his eyelids come up in a way that make him look overjoyed. "Any friend of Gregory's is a friend of mine." Freddy repeats, shaking Tony's hand. "We are in this together, now. We will have to be there for Gregory if he remembers not so great things."
"And for the great things." Tony smiles, going over the few months worth of memories of their three amigos friendship he has in his head. "Its worth it, I think."
After all, if Tony's found a way to seperate killer Greg with his Greg, then he thinks Gregory probably can as well.
"I'm glad we have that settled." Freddys ears wiggle, and his eyes do that dimming thing again for half a second. "Because Vanessa has just contacted me and let me know that she is almost back with Gregory."
He makes some sort of choking noise. Theres a thousand things on the tip of Tony's tongue in seconds. His eyes blow wide as saucers, and he twists his back to look at the clock that reads 6:34.
He immediately feels like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on his head. He stutters, trying to gather his thoughts, and eventually gets out "How long?!"
"Soon." Freddy smiles. "It wont be long, now. It seems all the work you've done has paid off."
Tony cant find it in him to move his mouth after that. Just too rigid. It feels like theres electricity buzzing up his skin and a wildfire in his chest. It feels like he cold start floating like a balloon at any moment.
He doesnt respond to Freddy, after that. He just twists his body to face the front door (his back twinges. maybe he shouldn't slouch over his laptop and desk so much) and waits.
A few minutes is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Not really when its put up against the year he's taken to track Greg down. But its somehow more agonizing waiting now when he knows Greg is in arms reach, instead of it being uncertain if he'd ever see him again.
It's not uncertain, now. Is the thing. Greg is on his way, and Tony, for once, doesn't even know what to think. All he can do is sit there and be clammy and impatient.
Freddy chuckles. Tony ignores it. He burns a hole into the front door just across the living room, only hearing his own jumbled thoughts and roaring in his ears over the baking show on the TV.
Its Winter right now. So by 6:45, all the light outside has darkened into pitch blackness. The residential street lights outside the apartments make the raindrops on the window glow. The TV is still going in the background.
Freddy is as still as he is, joining him in watching the door as restless as a bored puppy. Listening to the ventilation inside of Freddys inner workings is the only thing that reminds Tony to breathe.
After multiple agonizing minutes, Tony jerks when the slam of a car door is heard distantly outside the window.
"Are you ready, Tony Becker?" Freddy breaks the silence. Looking back at Freddy is the first time Tony looks away from the door. "We do not know how much he will remember at first. It may be messy. It may not."
Messy is definitely a word he would use to describe a lot of the things that have happened, here. So he just nods, a tilt of his head. "I'm ready."
"He is ready, too." replies Freddy.
And that's all that's said until the doorknob begins to rattle.
All that Tony manages is a strangled gasp before he's bolting off the couch, almost tripping over Freddys legs. His converse slide on the laminate wood, and he stands there. In perfect view of the door.
His legs feel cold and his chest airy as he watches. He waits for movement, and cant help the tremble in his hands when the deadbolt unlocks. He can hear voices. Only because hes straining his ears, but he can hear a high pitched voice muffled and faint behind the door.
The doorknob rattles, and Tony watches as the deadbolt unlocks from the inside. His heart stutters in his chest when he hears voices outside, and he can pinpoint one of the pitches as Greg's.
"Come on, Vanessa. Were home. Now tell me what the suprise is!"
"I think you'll want to see it for yourself, Greg."
"Its inside? Well what could it possibly be if you wont even give me a hint--"
The knob twists, and the door creaks open. Its steady and agonizingalmost as if it's in slow motion.
And there he is.
Theres the pale skin and short stature and blue clothes. Tony isnt breathing when he just looks, and sees the boy he'd been searching for so long right in front of him.
He has raindrops in his chocolate brown hair. Greg doesnt look away from Vanessa while he walks in, at first, but Vanessa looks away from Gregory. She meets his eyes, and Tony doesnt have it in him to dissect what the look could mean.
All he cares about is how Greg follows her gaze.
He stops in his tracks, his mud stained Pizzaplex brand sneakers planting him firmly in place.
It's like everything else falls away when Greg meets his eyes. Huge, amber eyes that grow as wide as saucers when they see him. Theres a dark jagged scar wrapped around his cheek that makes it to his nose that wasnt there before.
The silence is deafening, as they just stand there and stare at eachother. Tony thinks he isnt breathing. Theres electricity shooting up his spine. His fingers twitch and tremble. Greg just stares, mouth agape.
Tony's own twitches, and he smacks his lips together, testing if he can still speak at all. His legs are rooted to the ground as he says, just above a whisper, "Greg."
Greg's face shifts ever so slightly, and it's only now Tony realizes his eyes are a bit faraway. Like he's...
Remembering something.
In an instant, they dart and blink, and Greg is looking at him again.
Tony dares to break through the water by taking a step. He never tears his eyes away from Gregory's own.
At some point, Vanessa moved away from the door and somewhere else in the house.
Which means the coast is clear when Tony takes a step, and then another, and Greg is meeting him in the middle.
Hes almost sprinting when they crash into eachother like waves. Immediately, Tony wraps his arms around Greg tight, and Greg clutches back just as desperately.
"Tony." Gregory says breathlessly. Tony can feel Greg's hair brush against his cheek and his hands ball up his jacket. "Its you. That's your name. You're the..."
"The one you've been dreaming about?" Tony chuckles, and to his suprise, it's a little wet. His legs ache from pushing himself into the hug so much, but he ignores it. "Yeah. Me and Ellis. Your friends."
"Tony and Ellis." Greg repeats, and Tony could cry at how it's the same voice in all of his memories. A few things are different; Gregory's face has changed a bit, and so has his hair and clothes. But all of the things that made him Greg back then are still here.
"I--" Greg stutters. "I tried so hard to remember anything about you. I was gonna track you down, I hope you know. Cause you're the only things I remember about..."
"I know, Greg." Tony replies. Greg pulls away from the hug, and Tony still has a grip on his shoulders. "They told me everything."
He jerks his head towards Freddy and Vanessa, and when Greg looks over at him, Freddys ears wiggle and Vanessa does a small little wave.
"Some suprise." Gregory chuckles, wiping at his dry eyes. "Jeez, its just-- I just remembered so much. Just by seeing you, and--"
Greg's eyes turn a little misty as he looks in Tony's own. "We were friends." He says. "And I forgot you for so long."
"It wasnt your fault." Tony smiles slightly. Greg still has to look up at him a bit, like he did last time Tony saw him. "Freddy and Vanessa told me you tried your best to remember us."
Gregory nods, glancing over at them. "I did." He says. "I wanted to know what triggered the first dream so bad. But... I never figured it out."
"I guess it doesn't matter now." Tony says. "I'm right here in front of you, and you remember now. Ellis'll be really glad to see you, too."
Gregory chuckles. "I missed him." He says. "I missed you, too."
"Me too." Tony replies, and it doesn't feel like those two words can encapsulate how much Tony has felt the past year. "Ellis really missed you as well. He still is. You don't know what happened to him when you went missing."
Gregory ducks his head, eyes downcast. "I wish I did."
Tony eyes Freddy from the corner of his eye, and he nods. Tony looks back towards Greg. "I can tell you some stuff, if you want. Vanessa said something reminded you of me one day." He smiles. "I can try to help remind you of stuff enough to remember more."
Gregory's head shoots up, and to Tony's suprise, tears gather in his eyes. As quick as they come, he ducks his head, using the sleeve of his navy jacket to wipe them away. "Yeah." He sniffs. "That'd be great."
"I'm glad you guys reunited." Vanessa pipes up to their left. "But, Gregory, I think you should go take a breather. I wanna talk to Tony anyway."
Greg doesnt answer for a second, but eventually he nods, smiling at Tony as he peels himself away. Tony takes note of how the tooth Gregory had been missing last year is still gone.
Tony watches him go, and his eyes dont leave his back until the door to his room shuts.
"Kid," Vanessa grabs his attention. She gestures to sit down on the couch, and he moves over, sitting in-between Freddy and her. "that went well. Really well."
Tony just nods, not able to shake the trembling in his fingers and the floaty feeling in his chest.
"It doesnt seem like he remembered anything bad." Vanessa points out. "He couldnt have. He wouldn't be so calm if he did, trust me."
Tony remembers Freddys words about how Vanessa grapples with the things shes done, so he does. He nods again, and Vanessa smiles. "So that's good. Listen, kid. If you can somehow have Gregory remember his old life without any of the mind control murder stuff, that would be the best case scenario."
Freddy whirs and straightens out a but, opening his mouth to speak, but he stops at the last second. "It wouldnt be unfair to Gregory if he wasnt remembering anything good, Fred." Vanessa points out.
"That is true." Freddy agrees. "There is no point in Gregory remembering anything harmful to him if avoidable. Vanessa knows that better than anyone."
Tony opens his mouth to speak, but pauses.
Not remember anything bad? As in he wouldnt be able to remember that day at the Pizzaplex?
How Greg had put himself on the line and fought for Tony's life? How he'd succeeded? How Tony always desperately wanted to see Greg again just to talk about it?
Words get caught in his throat, but he pushes them down and shoves his feelings aside. He just nods. "I'll do my best."
"Thanks." Vanessa says, and she sounds more relieved than Tony's ever heard anyone. She puts a hand on his shoulder, offering him a smile. "Really. Thank you, kid. I'd do anything for Gregory to never have to remember the same things I do."
Tony just nods again, finding that for the first time in his life, he has no words to say. "Yeah."
"I am sure you're dying to catch up with Gregory." Freddy smiles. "Go on, Tony Becker. We will give you both space."
Tony smiles, shooting up and shimmying past Freddys legs in-between the coffee table towards the hall. "Okay. Sure." He only lingers for another moment to say "Thanks!"
Its jet black outside when Tony passes a window, and by the time he makes it to Greg's room, the only light available is a small table lamp on the desk with paper strewn about. Greg sits on his bed, deep in thought, before snapping out of it when Tony walks in.
"Hey." Gregory smiles, and Tony grins back when he shuts the door behind him. He cant help how his eyes wander about the room, taking in every detail as he moves further into the room. His backpack is tossed on the floor beside his bed, and theres comic pages and drawings thumbtacked up across every wall. Theres a corkboard with blocky letters written on paper sheets scattered around, and his bedsheets have constellations on them.
Tony's eyes linger on the desk, where there are multiple comics covering every inch, some half-finished and some fully colored.
"You would draw comics when we were friends, too." Tony says, making his way over and peering at all of the different drawings. "I'd call them graphic novels. I'd write the story and you'd draw."
"I think I had a dream about that." Greg says. "We'd go in your room and brainstorm, right?"
"Yeah." Tony smiles. He looks at the dates scribbles in the corners of them all, and notices that most of them are recent.
"Its one of the only dreams I had." Gregory says. "It... it would make me so mad because it never went any different. And it had been the only indication you even existed for so long." He chuckles without humor. "The other dreams weren't much different, but, well, I was never really able to figure out how to trigger a new dream."
As he keeps looking, some of the older comics, like the ones on the walls and the underneath the piles of recent ones have dates from a few months ago.
It's like a tiny lightbulb goes off above his head. He turns to Gregory, asking "Do you remember when you had the first dream?"
Gregory pauses for a moment. "Yeah." He says. "It was a few months ago. The first dream I had was about us drawing comics in your room."
Tony smiles, finding the earliest date to be near October last year. Its February now. "Did you ever think the thing that triggered that memory was drawing a comic?"
Tony watches as the gears turn in Greg's head. Hes silent for a moment, before muttering, "No. I didnt."
Tony looks at the window on the wall by Greg's bed and watches as raindrops drip down the screen on the other side. Crickets are chirping faintly, and he can hear Freddy and Vanessa's voices muffled behind the door.
The days events catch up to him, and right as the first inkling of tiredness creep up on him, he says "So how about we try to make a comic together like the dream? Maybe it'll bring back some new memories."
Gregory is silent for a moment, and Tony watches as his eyes widen, and a grin gradually stretches across his face. "Okay." He says. "Yeah. Let's do it."
So it's in Greg's room, instead of Tony's, where they hunker down for the night and squish next to eachother on the same chair at the same desk and brainstorm a comic. Tony makes a point of calling it a graphic novel like he used to, because Greg would always say something about it, and unsurprisingly, this time is no different.
The only light is from Gregory's small table lamp shoved to the very corner to make room for more papers, and it's only when they have everything ready does Greg finally ask about the story.
"You said you'd write the story and I'd draw." Gregory says. His shoulder is pressed up against Tony's on the chair and his voice is loud in his ear. "So what's the story?"
Tony hums for a second, jumbled thoughts and ideas running course in his mind, then he gets an idea.
He grins slowly as it dawns on him. He glances over at Greg.
"You always liked nonfiction better, right?" Gregory says, voice up an octave like a question. "Real life stuff."
"Yeah." Tony confirms. "This is a real story."
"So tell me." Greg smiles, leaning back to get a good view of Tony. Tony himself does the same, and Greg is doing one of those lopsided smiles that shows off his missing tooth. "And I'll start drawing the panels."
Its only after theyve hunkered down does Tony really let himself revel in the fact that he found Greg, and he's here and okay. It may not be perfect, since Tony never really will be able to speak to that Gregory that saved him that day and thank him, but its content. Tony has his friend back, and he can't ask for any more.
He's long since decided on a story when he finally tells Gregory. He smiles softly, before saying,
"This story is about a kid named Gregory, who once hacked the school PA speakers and started beatboxing."
Ellis: um so how long will i have to keep this up???
Ellis: would be nice to know
Tony: I dont know how long I'll be gone.
Tony: I'll buy you as many cookies as you want for this.
Ellis: we will negotiate when you come back
Ellis: for now ill uphold my end of the deal mr. becker
Tony: I'll uphold mine early.
Tony sent an image
Image ID: A boy with short dark brown hair and a green jacket angling the camera so by his head is a boy with pale skin and chocolate brown hair. The boy with dark hair is smiling and the boy with brown hair is looking suprised at the camera.
Ellis is typing...
ao3 link
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chevvy-yates · 9 months
WIP Wednesday Whenever
Got tagged by @elvenbeard! ich danke mal wieder! <3
Thought a lot this week and I set myself a goal for 2024: to be more structured with content for CP77 so I do not loose my passion for it. First I made a decision to only boot my laptop when:
I have an actual idea in mind I desperately want to vp. This used to be the case at the start of the year but along the way it seems I've lost it and instead only piled up my ideas …
in order of finishing a chapter for the 2078 story as some vp is to be added to support the written text (my friend and I share the vp work here too).
if I get asked directly by a modder to take shots for mods.
I just want to play the game ffs (which is rare in itself).
Don't want to force myself anymore to boot up the game each weekend, so that I have some content to post and keep up with this fast living fandom, as it produces vp and mods it feels like close to mass production.
I want to share quality in my content and not end up in just doing quantity. Which means I have to learn to stay more focused on what I want to create in the first place and one after another. This includes get less distracted which includs less browsing my dash and also be less on discord (servers).
So if you really want me to see your content:
a. tag me directly in your post (I do not mind being tagged!) b. send me a link via dm/discord c. use the tag: #chevvy-yates as I will follow this tag from now on.
Hope you understand my own problem and respect my decision, but I have to change something. The least I want is having you think I do not like your content anymore or I do ignore you. If you feel like I do, feel free to tell me about it! Sometimes I do not notice it myself.
Enough of that — now back to a bit content:
I'll post this boy again tomorrow 🤍
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and once I am able to push the button he will be back with lightning:
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I reworked these two spotify covers for my two hc radio stations:
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they look like this now:
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Decided to place Ry's face into them bc they are made for him anyways. At first my intention was to stay more casual but didn't like the simplicity of pic + station icon/logo. Even tho I liked the concept with the chain boots a lot I've felt it doesn't have a reference to 'hell' and 'tech' as soon as I went to make the cover for my chrome chamber Rave playlist. Which lets me come to the next thing I sat down for a few days. I made a cover and moodboards for Hell Bunker/Chrome Chamber Rave:
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a part of the Ryder oneshot I'm also still on:
His thumb keeps browsing his phone like it has its own life and a long moment later Ry catches himself now browsing his contact list. He didn’t want to call anyone specifically, also not around this time. He just keeps randomly scrolling the alphabet until he arrives at ‘T’. A smile steals onto his lips as he reads the same name, he spoke aloud prior, on his screen and pictures rush through his slightly tipsy mind. Long gone memories of his first clubbing experiences in Berlin. Back then he always had to be home around midnight. Both his legs still have some post-response to the last song he was raving to in the underground, making it impossible for him to sit quiet at all so he jumps up into a standing position and yells “I rave as fucking long as I want to—” There’s a long pause until he continues low “—like you always wished for me, Tommy …” Saying his first love’s name aloud for a second time now makes his smile on his dark contoured lips fade quickly. It’s the moment where Ryder senses that, after nearly 10 years, he still misses him. His thumb has already pressed the contact number and his hand moves up to hold the phone onto his ear. Ryder doesn’t think about his movements at all, his mind just froze in the moment as he moves mechanically. Only when hears the ‘Connection unavailable,’ it pulls him back from wherever he has been to. His right arm falls back into a hanging position, leaving him just standing there in the street. Deine Nummer ist seit jeher noch gleich, doch unter dieser scheiß Nummer werd’ ich dich nie wieder erreichen, wanders through Ry’s mind. Denn da wo du bist, geht keiner ran. Da ist kein Empfang. Ry’s phone is not the phone he used to have back then but he never cared about deleting any numbers at all and so they moved to the next phone and the next one after that and so on.
I tag all that recently reblogged me and those who come to my mind rn: @wraithsoutlaws, @therealnightcity, @dreamskug, @caer-oswin, @ @alphanight-vp, @kdval, @kittenchrissy, @gloryride, @rosapexa, @wanderingaldecaldo, @aggravateddurian, @streetkid-named-desire @imaginarycyberpunk2023, @pinkyjulien, @medtech-mara, @heywoodvirgin, @genocidalfetus, @ouroboros-hideout, @aggravateddurian, @ne0n-rust, @a-pirate, @breezypunk @peaches-n-screem, @jaymber, @lokiina, @shivsghost, @miss--river, @t0tentanz, @cyberpunkaddict, @cinnamon-mey, @spicyraeman, @fereldanwench @86maylin and @morganlefaye79 – also everyone who likes to do a WIP Wesdnesday/Whenever and as always and no pressure! I tagged more this time just to make sure u got notice of my decision in 'general' and that I intend to use my name as a tag now
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BPP, am really really interested to read your thoughts on Seven!
Ask 2: Hey bpp, can i be honest?? Ive been checked out of the fandom but still keep track of any music releases. So i didnt know abt any rumors abt 7. Imagine me being kind of disappointed that it’s another english song from jk when i watched the mv😅 it feels like his most promoted songs since last year has been all eng song… idk i wanted & expted something diff… i didnt like l&r, dreamers and now 7… it’s back to back lol. Tbf i didnt like My You too and thats in korean. At least not enough to listen!again after the first listen.
Im happy that still with you is finally on spotify tho. I’ll still be waiting excited for his album whenever it comes out. Hopefully ill find something i like in it!!
[BPP Note: Both asks above were sent before my "I don't like it..." post. The asks posted below were sent afterwards.]
Ask 3:
Same here
All the hype didn't matched with the song
1. rest members songs had so much depth and substance to it while this was the cliche boy chasing a girl song. Like we always dont need deep songs but the quality could be so much better. This was like just another pop song.
I think I'll put this on same level as BAD DECISIONS. But for bad decisions, atleast the chorus was staying on my mind while for this nothing was catchy enough for us to humm. Just because it's JK it will get hype but otherwise it's so generic. I think I liked LEFT and RIGHT way better than Seven. Even the rap portion felt so unnecessary and boring.
2. MV was kinda nice because of the production but concept was too shallow, the stalking and chasing was so outdated. In my country we have like 9293928843837 MVs in this same concept that not many make the same theme songs again.
3. The choreography. We haven't seen the full version. But for tiktok they do the highlight portions if that's so mediocre idk how rest will be. It was again giving the same mediocre showing off choreography and for me backdancers ruined it with their awkward moves.
4. they wanted this song to be played everywhere around the world. But there was nothing catchy enough to attract gp or go viral on tiktok, even if we sped it up. The only way to make everyone listen is to shove it down their throat but doing payola. But idk if investing in payola is worthy for the song. I also doubt the longietivity, as for me it was boring after 2 listens. I'll rather listen Like Crazy or wildflower or closer 20 times than listening this once.
5. I HOPE he'll bring something fresh to the table for his album and don't involve this mediocre producers who uses the same formula and same superstar persona to make a song successful. He is so much talented to sing a song which is so rich in melody and lyrics. And he can produce way better songs by himself.
Prolly a 4/10 for me
Ask 4: troye sivan's rush (which also came out last night) is exactly what I wish Seven was. I don't mean that in a 'I expect the things JK to make to be gay' way just in the way it's a fun, very danceable, sexy summer song that doesn't pull its punches. Something about seven feels too run through a commercial sanitizer a few times, even with the explicit lyrics.
Hi Anon(s),
Jungkook likes to fuck.
Rather, Andrew Watt likes to fuck and thinks Jungkook can relate.
JK has been talking about wanting to show more mature and explicit sides of himself for a good long while now. So I’m glad he’s finally gotten to do that, confirming for us why he keeps getting noise complaints from his neighbours since the mattresses all over his apartment don't help.
BTS has made songs explicitly referring to sex before (though it's been mostly the rapline doing so). So it's nothing new but I guess it's cool JK gets to share with us that he too has sex.
The question I posed to my friends immediately after watching the MV is, “Do you know who's been doing A&R for BigHit since 2020? I really need to know who is doing A&R for BigHit in America because they’ve been doing an appalling job lately. I'm starting to wonder if it's an inside job cause this song is kinda ass.”
That was me ~11 hours ago.
I didn’t like the song.
I’ve streamed Seven about 20 times since then I think, took a break from the song for a few hours, watched his GMA performance, caught a few minutes of the Wlive, then listened to it again just before writing this post and…
I still don’t like it.
Jungkook did a good job on the song, Latto's verse wasn't terrible, and while the song itself isn’t bad… the song isn’t good either.
It’s painfully, and at this point it’s a pattern so I have to add, predictably, mediocre.
Reserving judgement for the album, but Anons, I agree with you for the most part. The suits at BigHit are trying but they are woefully out of touch with the reasons BTS blew up in the West in the first place. I don't even feel like spending any energy doing a review or even trying to explain what I mean. So I'll just ramble on for a bit but try to keep it brief.
I have to give BigHit some credit because I can see what they're going for here. Andrew Watt is a very celebrated producer in the US, he won the Grammy award for Producer of the Year in 2021, he's got A listers in his portfolio. So, he's not a cheap name to book and I can see why the suits at BigHit thought he's the genius to gift them a song clinically designed for American radio.
But that pandejo phoned it in. There isn't a lick of creativity to be found anywhere in all 3 minutes and five seconds.
It reminds me of VIBE by Jimin and Taeyang, as the closest analog to the vague dissatisfaction morphing into annoyance and then pragmatic rationalization I experienced in that same sequence when listening to it the first few times.
The song is disappointing because we've all heard it before. Too many times, and we're bored of it. We've heard JK sing this sort of song for years, as covers mostly. So on one hand, while I guess it's nice JK gets to have an American summer JB-reject pop tune of his own, it's not good enough to be the track that introduces him to the world as a solo artist.
It's fine for any white, blonde, blue-eyed heartthrob that can ride on a pretty face and implicit bias to rack up accolades, it's not good enough for Jungkook.
And BigHit needs to start using whatever leverage a US$10.6 billion market capitalization buys you in Hollywood, to insist for songs that are at least as good as the songs made by BTS members and produced by their in-house team. It's a waste of money and everybody's time to fly a battalion to LA just to record 2014's summer hit in 2023.
In my opinion.
Still With You > Stay Alive > My Time > Stay > Left & Right > My You > Dreamers > Seven
All that said, I can't ignore JK has a taste for songs like this, and it's not his fault the song is shit (he didn't write, compose or produce it), so technically he shouldn't be punished for it. And the song is made for radio, while it's not my personal taste a lot of people really like the song (one of my friends likes Seven the most out of all the BTS releases so far), and it will catch on with some support. So, ARMY will support it including me, just to a lesser degree than I've done so far. Fingers crossed JJK1 has something solid on it.
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rjschoicesstuff · 3 months
AU that I wanna do more with (Cas and Gabe are also in their late 30s/early 40s here but I no longer like the designs I came up with so I'm not posting those lol)
I'll redesign Ripley too, but only a bit like I just think she'd have more tattoo's by the time she's 38.
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More below
Ngl before I started playing ID I expected to not enjoy it at all, it's so funny now cause I'm hooked obv. But usually I prefer stories with characters who are at least in their 20s + a bunch of other reasons too but that's not v relevant here.
But I definitely do run into stuff I don't like due to their ages, so I like the idea of an au where they are a lot older.
I feel like here she could stay human and stay with Cas and Gabe without it becoming too weird regarding their ages. Like in my other au where Ripley is still 19, but stays human she breaks up with Cas and Gabe after a few years.
And like I do loveee the trope of an aging mortal x immortal person and them staying together until the end and as the mortal gets older. But not when the immortal is permanently 18 or 19.
She'd have recently gotten out of a long-term relationship and moves away to Crimson Beech, feeling like she just needs to get away from everything and everyone for a while and feeling regret over sticking with her ex for so long and now she wasted all those years. I imagine it'd be a lot more slow-burn between her and Cas and Gabe but also the whole love triangle situation would maybe be less messy? Maybe also takes a lot longer before she finds out about the Vampire Stuff.
And then there's an AU inside the AU where I throw a baby into the whole thing too cause why not amirite 👍
I still have to develop it all more tho, obviously
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chayscribbles · 11 months
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ october 2023
words written: my writing tracker spreadsheet says 21 543 but a lot of that was just rewriting The Gemini Heist in preparation for nano so does that really count
projects worked on: The Gemini Heist
proudest accomplishment: i was actually able to make a decision about what to do for nano weeks before november and i haven't changed my mind yet, although there are still 12 hours before november so who knows, really
sooooooooo i don't remember if i mentioned it yet but Andromeda Rogue is on a bit of a hold at the moment because editing was making me miserable and i think i need some time to step back. sorry to anyone who wanted to see it published sooner than later but i was struggling lmao.
anyways, i'll be doing gemini heist for nano!
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
i'm gonna try to get the shittiest draft of this wip done for nano because it's been dragging on for sooooo long (i've had the idea simmering in my head since spring 2022 and started drafting in summer 2022) and i feel like if i don't just dew it i'll never get anywhere with it.
also because the longer it stays in that nebulous unwritten state the more i tweak with it and the most likely it is to break. i think i've broken it a few times already and had to restart lmao. if that makes sense.
anyways i'm hoping to at least get the general structure of the story down by writing the shittiest draft imaginable, an at least taht way i have something concrete to build on.
i did cheat a bit in october tho and rewrote the beginning chapters of gemini heist that i'd already written. partly to get back into the feel of this wip and partly to fix some stuff that simply didn't work anymore after nearly a year of tweaking, and it was driving me insane to know those discrepancies existed.
because it's halloween and because this update is kinda short, here's a treat: a slightly longer excerpt! this is before Illiana joins the Sirens on their mission, and she is not having a good time.
[Illiana] yanked on the handle. The door opened, and she stumbled into her musty-smelling motel room. Two plasma shots greeted her. Illiana dropped to the floor just in time to avoid getting the top of her hood singed. She blindly flung out her arm towards the silhouette standing over her bed. Heat pooled in her palm, exploding into a gust of violet light that struck her attacker in the thigh.  But they were not to be deterred. Charging at her with barely a limp, they thrust a weapon— they were moving too fast for Illiana to be able to make out what kind of weapon it was exactly— and fired again. This time, Illiana aimed for their hand, reaching out with her power, creating a brilliant arc that wrapped itself around their wrist. With a flex of her fingers, she tugged at the light like a cord as hard as she could.  The assailant stumbled forward and bumped their head on the corner of the scuffed up dresser. They let out a high pitched yowl, the weapon falling to the floor with a clatter.  Illiana was only able to catch a glimpse of the symbol stamped on the blaster’s side before she kicked it under the bed and out of her attacker’s reach, but it was enough for her to recognize the diamond crest of the House of Dyonas’ special guard.  Up until that moment, Illiana had been operating on an automatic fight response, but upon seeing the symbol, panic shot through her body. Disarming them was completely pointless, she realized.  The attacker proved it a second later as they slammed a glowing purple fist into Illiana’s chest. For an agonising moment, her ribs and lungs and heart felt like they were both blazing hot and freezing cold at once. It took a monumental effort to take in a single breath, as if a giant invisible hand were wrapped around her, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing. Through the haze in her mind, she managed to focus her own energy into her chest and explode it around her like a bomb, releasing her from their grasp. By Fiolsgadd, Illiana thought wildly, stumbling backwards into the doorway once the suffocating feeling passed and she could gasp for air. Kalen’s fiolsridder have found me.
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
gemini heist taglist:
@florraisons @akindofmagictoo @cream-and-tea @nicola-writes @memento-morri-writes @antique-symbolism @rose-bookblood @afoolandathief @pepperdee @avi-why @zonnemaagd @chazzawrites @analogued @enchanted-lightning-aes @innocentlymacabre @kahvilahuhut @celestepens @cilly-the-writer @extra-magichours @onomatopiya @outpost51
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zalrb · 1 year
the summer i turned pretty 2x06 review -- no, i swear, tho, conrad was just sad...
Episode 6, the episode anons have wanted me to watch.
"I don't know I'm kind of happy here" after one day. THE MAGIC OF COUSINS.
"I know things are not great right now but it's always darkest before the dawn, right?" Why make him speak in cliches?
Cam Cameron WHY. ARE YOU HERE?
I like how Belly could've just said "We should throw a party" but because we're supposed to understand the closeness of these families through dialogue alone she has to say it in a roundabout way so she can talk about a memory of her mom and Susannah that Conrad and Jeremiah should already know if it's like they all grew up together 3 months out of the year.
This zen conversation with Steven and Conrad is legit like the first real conversation I've witnessed on this show.
This volleyball conversation is so forced.
"Your subconscious brain takes you there" You can just say subconscious, Jere. Who wrote this.
Oh look, ANOTHER taylor swift song. jesus christ.
I think I got a few requests to do a vid to this song and I remember just not getting over "is it chill that you're in my head?" because I thought it sounded like when you go to the thesaurus and look up synonyms for "cool".
They're both trickling their hands in the water, are their fingers going to touch and it's going to be ELECTRICITY?
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But this is her I FEEL THE ELECTRICITY face
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You know, we can't even consistently stay here
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at marginal almost kind of chemistry
"I'll come too!" Taylor's "Uh huh" is the only time I've marginally liked her.
You can't scoff at him calling her his muse with your cliched valedictorian speech, Steven.
"Wooooooow, your I.D. didn't work Mr. Herbertson??" "Fuck off, at least I have one" oh my god, a moment between them that ACTUALLY sounded genuine. I am amazed. It will most likely die of loneliness.
And Jumper laughing then pointing at the sign is legitimately the only funny moment I've seen throughout this entire season.
She doesn't even sound sincere.
i am laughing so hard, this is the first time i've read rap on this show and it's because SHE'S SO GANGSTER SHE GOT THE BOOZE BECAUSE SHE'S BELLY.
Conrad asserting his dominance after Belly got Jeremiah a drink but not him one by drinking from Belly's straw is actually pretty funny though. It would be better if Belly wasn't so ... herself.
I love that Skye and Cam Cameron are the ship I care about the most (and I'm using the word 'care' SO loosely).
"The sacred emergency Amex??" It went back to being phony.
I can't deal with more Taylor and Steven.
And she'll put the boa around him because this show loves cliches.
And Jeremiah will see because this show loves cliches.
"Belly, you don't have to apologize for that" she kind of does though. She was kind of completely terrible.
Girl, you can shrug and shake your head all you want, it doesn't compensate for a lack of emotion in your face or voice.
And he's blinking trying to find his well of emotion and that shit is dry, my friend.
It's not like he was kissing Aubrey, it's not even like they were hugging, he had his head in her lap and you can say "teenager" all you want but this is ridiculous.
This is also the closest they've come to executing what they want with these two and it's still not done well but when he says "Aubrey was just the one who found me I wish it was you" I can at least say I believe that.
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There we go.
So I'm guessing she's supposed to have this cosmic, soulful, reach into each other's soul connection with Conrad and a fun, chemistry-filled familiarity with Jeremiah. I've just seen both things done properly so this is just very big shrug.
I was going to say something about the 'how to kiss' conversation but then I was like, lol there are too many youths on my blog. So, moving on.
"I always hated when Mom made us take these pictures but it's like she knew we'd want them later" yes, Jeremiah, that's the purpose of a picture. He would annoy me less if they stopped giving him asinine lines.
"Looking at you mooning over Conrad" "That was a LONG time ago" how long ago was this break up, Belly?
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she's saying the same thing twice. That's just called moving on. What it should be is "mourning your past and moving on in the present" or "remembering your past and moving on in the present" or "celebrating your past and moving on in the present" or "appreciating your past and moving on in the present". WHO. WROTE. THIS.
So Jere is Dean and Conrad is Jess, which anon essentially told me. Except Conrad is nowhere near as bad as Jess. He is just a boy who's been sad. LMAO.
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she needs to be stopped.
"I don't want to talk about Conrad, he really hurt you" BY BEING SAD?
"You don't need to hurt yourself to get my attention" that was almost hot but he lacks the conviction necessary for me to be like ... sir ... and they don't actually have the i-need-to-jump-your-bones tension they need to have
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"Just don't fucking break her heart again." He was quiet at prom. I...
OK so I'm really on neither side here because I don't care but there is a bit of a difference between Conrad telling Jere to suck it up and let him be with Belly, which was insensitive, and Jeremiah about to make out with his brother's ex girlfriend in public.
"When things aren't perfect instead of trying to fix it, he decides to throw it away" but we literally never see him do that?? Like he leaves Brown to go to the house to stop the sale, he's like Liam or whoever, he got a judge to let him access the trust, let's do that. Jeremiah did you think of anything you could do to help save this house except bring flowers to Julia, which failed, or did you just go let's not give up every time reality hit? Because even the "let's get Syke on our side" plan was Belly's? Idk dude, you're talking a big game for a character who I've seen be effectively useless??
"When shit got tough, he couldn't handle it and he dropped you", he literally said he couldn't go to back to the prom and Belly was like LET'S BREAK UP THEN and then he tried to be like wait that's not what I mean and Belly refused to listen?
I ... WHAT?
See, this isn't a blowup. This is a very contained, very quiet fight and this is when it's supposed to be a dirty OH SHIT fight. We should get a version of this, GET IN HIS FACE JERE
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rail up on him
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be specific
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don't be afraid to have a fight! Not to mention I can't believe this fight because like 98% of the things he's accusing Conrad of, I don't think Conrad actually did, that would make him too much an active character. He is literally just a guy who's been sad.
And I know they hinted that Jeremiah has to deal with stuff because he was putting together Susannah's receipts or whatever but this is when juxtaposition would work where we see him see her wither away, we see him give her ice chips, we see him take care of her and Conrad is with Belly or at school.
Belly, why are YOU drunk? omg, at least Marissa's drama was FUN.
"I'm not leaving you, Belly." "But you already did!" I mean DID HE? And he also explained WHAT happened with Aubrey?
Someone said Conrad is like a ticking time bomb but what happens when he explodes because I haven't seen it. I've just seen him be sad.
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Belly, you are actually a ridiculous person
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If they really wanted me to believe that Conrad was slipping away little by little throughout their relationship then they can't just leave that up to prom and a voiceover. I needed to see him actively shut her out, I needed to see her actively try to talk to him and him refusing to let her in. I needed to see him be Jess. Otherwise, this is RIDICULOUS.
Oh good, you know what I needed now? Another Taylor Swift song.
And then Belly turns around and kisses/chooses Jeremiah after this? BRO. WHY DO EITHER OF YOU LIKE HER?
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atztranspm · 1 year
San PM 5 : 07/24/23
What are you doing customers
I ate chicken
My belly is full
Hello *in english*
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I'm lying down
Drowsy drowsy
These days, I'm really into playing Zelda: the kingdom of tears
I'm working hard
It's so much fun
Animal crossing as well
I dont think I can
I think I'll be too immersed in it
I'm getting ready to do a voice pop (live)
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(Back at it again with the live description)
He started off with a jjajjan! Which was super cute, he was looking at the comments and said we had a good reaction and he wondered if we could hear him right (he started and ended a live cuz I don't think people could hear him)
He noticed the delay in comments but didn't mind it much.
He said this was going to be a voice only live and asked what everyone was doing
He started humming a song he said it was from the sound track howls moving castle "merry go round"
He said the comments were really fast so he was struggling to read them but managed to catch a few here and there. He answered a couple questions and someone asked about waterbomb (it's on my birthday can you believe, I won't be living another year after that)
He said that they were in the middle of preparing for water bomb and that it is going to be so much fun. He also teased a little saying he isn't going to be taking an clothes of and that he might just show up in a padded jacket (I'll scream)
He spoke about their recent concert and preformance and said that he had so much fun and he enjoyed preforming
Someone asked about a future comeback, like when the next one was and he said he didn't know but even if he did, he wouldn't be able to say cuz he get in trouble
He said that it is night time for him and many atiny should be getting to bed so he sang a little lullaby (at least I think it was, it was a slow cute song) then he said it was time for us to sleep or catch up on sleep. He said that even if we are all in different time zones, that we should have a good night's sleep (I really needed thos btw, I haven't slept proper sleep in a while)
Someone had asked if he was tired and he said yes but stayed up to do a live since many atinys were starting off their day. He said hwaiting to those waking up (he also sang BSS:fighting which made my little caratiny heart almost stop) he wished us strength through our day and told us to cheer up
He said he spoke to his dad a little before when he was working out and his dad said that he should rest on days like this, but san said he liked to at least work out so the day meant something and wasn't wasted. (So apparently san worked out before going to the dorms to rest, wild)
Then he said good night
"I love you 3000"
"You did well today"
Then he did the little count down to 5 and ended the live
(I'm sleep deprived and this live made me slightly delusional but he is just so cute)
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sourslices · 1 year
i love my unsolved au SO MUCH.
so im going to shout some more stuff abt it into the void!
first, some stuff abt konoha:
there are three main areas,
konoha city: the area where all the snobby rich people live — basically the neighborhood for the elite. this is where sasuke lives, (among all the other nrt chrs that belong to clans in canon). families that live here are huge and come from old money
konoha underground: the area full of poor and homeless people. there are parts full of shady areas but they are a few tight-knit communities. the underground is BRUTAL... it's like predator and prey in here. you need to be careful with who you trust — because once you do trust someone, your life depends on it. a lot of orphaned children form groups to take care of each other and some of the workers try to look out for them too, but it's hard when you've gotta look after yourself too. anyway, you won't see someone from the k.ug hesitate to punch someone's face if they try smth with a kid... while the people of k.c will only turn a blind eye. d.d is a mixed crowd. anyway, naruto lived here.
downtown district: this is actually the in-between, and like i said, it's the mixed area. think of k.ug as the red light district, k.c is the rich neighbourhood and d.d. is the part of the city that's filled with barely adequate apartment buildings and small houses, a shit ton of markets and other establishments. there are people who are incredibly rich (new money, still barely enough to make k.c) and there are also people who are struggling to make ends meet and are )( close to finding themselves in k.ug. sakura grew up here.
ill update these areas as i go — this is simply just a few drafted ideas abt the city. i'll straighten it out after organising other ideas
moving onto chara stuff:
naruto: lived on the streets for a few years until hrz took him in. he's very familiar with the underground of konoha and could probably map out the sewers... if he could draw a map in the first place. anyway, he's a very street-smart kid (unlike me) with a bubbly yet (kinda) snarky personality. gets riled up pretty easily and argues with ssk and sai a lot — has a surprisingly optimistic look on life. he doesn't really understand all of skr's rants abt the cool robotics stuff but he likes to help her out and test the equipment for her.
when he was very young, nrt found a furry companion that's actually a fox demon. surprise surprise its the kyuubi. which is also why people were terrified of him even tho he was p young... kid was pretty isolated, but he tries to gloss over it ("at least i was able to stay away from the wrong crowd," he'd say)
sakura: growing up, skr's parents weren't really around, so she learned to both take care and entertain herself. developed a rather apathetic persona due to her childhood + years of bullying she faced — which went beyond just teasing abt her forehead ( which she was still bullied abt, also why she never got rid of her bangs in this au!) — she ended up spending most of her time either in the library or experimenting with shit in her room. she's a complete NERD btw!
sometimes she would set out to explore the markets, which is how she ended up meeting nrt because he found her on the outskirts of the d.d. girlie eventually becoming the apprentice of some cool inventor (don't ask how) and started building cool stuff. she lost her arm in an accident and built herself a prosthetic with the help of her mentor — it has a lot of cool functions added to it! btw, she's pretty adept at faking emotions, it's kinda scary... despite the fact i mentioned her being an apathetic kid, her apathy is really just a mask for her actual emotions. she can be a passionate kid once you actually get to know her... tho the only people she cares abt is the people she's friends with
sasuke: wooo this boy does not know how to emote besides being angry and rude. though he was a very cute and cheerful kid, sasuke grew up developing a sharp temper and a cruel tongue due to the environment he was raised in. his family, despite not physically neglecting him like sakura's parents, were emotionally absent. the only person that was rlly around for him eventually became too busy to hang around him (itachi). ssk thinks he can remember someone else along with his brother. someone who smiled all the time, someone who'd laugh loudly when ssk did smth. (said someone was... drumroll pls!.... shisui!!!!!) but the memories are pretty blurry because ssk was very young.
anyway, ssk struggles a lot with pressure and expectations etc etc. he's still a good fighter tho, and means well most of the time. the others learn to read in between the lines when it comes to him. sasuke actually saw nrt in some rich people gala, when the blonde boy was under hrz's wing (p.s.: nrt ended up running away because he vehemently disliked being a charity case) — nrt actually started disliking him from this point even tho ssk had 0 opinion abt him — but they didn't actually meet until their teens. also! ssk has pretty frail health, which he did eventually overcome... but he still needs that mask which u see in his chara design!!!
sai: sai is a part of something called ROOT — designed abt danzo and orochi and built by kabuto, there might've been days when sai understood humans a little more when he lived alongside a boy called shin who told him about a boy with a different name who sai was designed after. anyway, shin d-worded and sai was left alone and guided by danzo.
sai does not understand humans and emotions. his curiousity is piqued when he observes the others' behaviours and its up to skr ssk and nrt to guide him on that subject. skr is immensely curious abt sai's programming and fiddles with his parts a lot — he lets her. they find certain commands in the coding and skr is faced with a challenge as she tries to help sai escape ROOT's clutches in his programming.
other stuff i want to mention:
naruto found kyuubi the fox when he was very little, too young to remember his age. they've been buddies ever since... even if kyuubi hisses at like. everyone including him.
naruto was taking in by hiruzen when he was nine. he ran away a few days later. hrz couldn't find take him back in ever again. (kyuubi never trusted hrz which is why he basically ran away, even from nrt. nrt trusts the fox's instincts which is why he leaves!!)
a few days before hrz, nrt met sakura who was exploring different areas and writing stuff into her journal. they talked abt all kinds of stuff, tho skr did most of the talking and nrt just listened. even those skr cld be weird, nrt really liked the girl and thought she was cute. plus kyuubi liked her enough — and when nrt ran away and found kyuubi with skr in their "special spot", he decided to become best friends with her!!! yay!!!!
("zephyr this is not how friendships work-" HUSH. they're NINE.)
ssk meets skr and nrt when theyre thirteen. it happens when skr's parents meet with ssk's parents and the two kids are brought along. the thing goes south but the two kids do end up conversing because skr is curious abt the uchiha manor and asks a lot of questions. ssk finds it annoying but he answers it anyway.
a few weeks later he runs away from home. skr and nrt stumble upon him while "exploring".
they become friends, eventually and slowly. ssk also ends up going back home. (he doesn't stay there forever tho so... yeah!)
heres the thing abt their families...
for naruto, he idealises parents. he doesn't know what they're actually like because he's never had any, and the only family he has is one of his choice instead of his blood.
for sakura, she knows all parents are different through observation and conversations. sakura's parents were pretty apathetic with her and their business trips only became longer and more frequent. she was raised by a governor who eventually moved away and skr never saw them again. sakura's parents basically dont know who she is because they were barely around to find out — and they find themselves faced with an intelligent, sharp-witted girl who has not even an ounce of love for them. the only times they talk is when they argue.
for sasuke, he thinks he can remember a loving mother and a caring brother and maybe even a cheerful cousin. however, his mother passed away and so did his cousin in an accident only ssk survived. his father remarried and his brother became too busy and ssk was left all alone in a cold home and a vast "family"
for sai, he might've had a brother once. he lost him anyway.
he still doesn't know how to feel about it.
ill come up with more stuff later on... omg cant wait
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izzy-b-hands · 8 months
fanfic asks! 5, 8, and 14
Ella!!! Thank you for asking 🫂🫂
Putting this under a cut because I am a wordy motherfucker as ever and This Got Long, I'm So Sorry💖
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Oh god. So Many fkldsjaflkdsjfa. I'll stop at twoish here, but pls know that if y'all want more for other fandoms, I can add to this post with more lmaoo, I love sharing these.
-There was one for LOTR that still sticks in my brain years since first having it: Sam suddenly leaving the Shire and wandering aimlessly, but refusing to settle anywhere.
Over the course of it, he would get help/care/concern from wherever he stopped with whoever remained in each location, but he would refuse to stay for more than a few days or accept more than like. Bare bones food/medical care/etc, leading to literally everyone he meets and of course his family and friends still in the Shire to go to Frodo to beg, plead with him.
One last adventure, because their grand adventure to save the world and destroy the ring changed Sam too, even if he never showed it as much. Don't let him go where no one else can follow, and bring him home.
Whether Frodo would or not was the bit that made me shelve the idea, bc I figured a lot of fans would not enjoy the potential avenue I was leaning towards, that he might hesitate only in that he isn't sure he can handle the journey himself.
That, and realising that the way my brain wanted to write it, it might well end with Frodo and Sam realising neither of them can bare to go back, and deciding to wander together until they'd either die or find elves sailing willing to take them to the Undying Lands.
-There's a whole bundle of Saints Row ideas, mostly Gat/Aisha/Boss and all fairly heavy in being AUs where Aisha lives and things go slightly differently for Gat in SR 3 &4 (I'd keep the aliens tho lmao, I want Aisha to get to go to space too dang it!!)
A lot of Gat realising that he keeps nearly losing the people closest to him that give him reason to live (Aisha and the Boss, tho of course the rest of the Saints as well to a slightly lesser extent), but that he doesn't know how to be anything else for them. He's a living weapon many a time, and is genuinely happy that way, but knows that it puts them in danger because he tends to always escalate things, even when later he can admit maybe shooting a motherfucker in the face over a Costco discount was actually not the best way to solve that issue. However, ultimately, The Boss can't seem to live any other way either, and he's accepted that he's at his happiest when he has both of them in his life, so he can't just up and cut with Aisha to a random suburb and leave the Boss behind. And Aisha, despite her contempt for a lot of it, during one of their Big Talks would admit that even if she dislikes what they do, she does enjoy the lifestyle and knows Boss and Gat would be losing their minds trying to adjust to any other life.
On that note, that's also a fic idea I'll probably never write for them lol, where they go straight and move away to somewhere entirely new with Gat and the Boss having to get actual 8-5 jobs (and maybe something remote for Aisha bc I know it would still be risky for her to ever leave the house but. Goddamn let her do something!! Talk to some other ppl!!!) and just. It's not going to last and they know it won't, all three of them, but they're also three of the stubbornest fucking people alive so. When it ends, it'll go up in flames for everyone around them until they're living in a way they find satisfying again.
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
Somehow too many and not enough at the same time. That is, I'm having a lot of percolating ideas for new things and ways to continue current drafts for a few different fandoms, but none of it is making it down onto paper (without being deleted two minutes later at least lol.)
That said, a couple draft examples:
-an OFMD S2 fix it gentlebeard POV, Stede specifically, wherein the crew comes to visit and be their first official guests and it's...a lot for them. They both already feel the place isn't fixed up enough and then the crew comes in all jovial and essentially as one big happy polycule w/arms full of loot (actually gifts for Ed & Stede that are indeed looted, but my two lil goofballs gotta have their emotional moments before they get that info and realise that the crew isn't just trying to show off & make them feel shit for staying on land.)
This one is actually done and ends happily w/some actual communication between everyone involved, but it sits unpublished bc I think it might be too saccharine (also every time I dare to write for Ed/Stede I get shouted at even if they claim they liked it so. not exactly eager to court that reaction again even if I have anon off on everything lmao)
-May have already talked abt this in prior days but, a Frenchie/Ed s2 au in which Frenchie convinces Ed to let everyone else go, so long as Frenchie agrees to stay with him as his new first mate (read: his new Izzy bc while Izzy is v alive in this, he's also hidden away until Ed and Frenchie leave the Revenge lol.)
I haven't decided on a final avenue yet for this, but right now have been playing w/: Frenchie & Ed operating as a two man wrecking crew while they gather new crew and a new ship, meanwhile Jim, Archie, Fang, and Izzy are working to find Stede and everyone else to tell them how Frenchie has essentially given himself a suicide mission, and even if they agreed to it so they could initially get away, they sure as fuck aren't going to let him or Ed die as a result of all of this. Cut to them having some silly fumbling reunion (literal list of ideas for this, they're all not great, trust me when I say this bit needs more work yet lol), then following the trail of blood, bodies, and tears to find Frenchie and Ed. Who, during all of this, are actually having some meaningful and approaching healthier conversations abt their traumas and have gotten closer during them. A lot closer. Very close. And it's not an issue of monogamy; they make clear at the start with each other that this might not have any legs outside of their current situation, and they both know that Stede probably won't care, and they've both been fucking Izzy so they know he definitely doesn't care (and has told them as much more than once after noticing them Noticing each other.) Their fear is that it will, and that what they both want isn't compatible (Frenchie knows they can't sail forever, but he'd rather die at sea. Ed, after struggling with it, admits that he's still not entirely sure if land or sea is best for him. But he does feel like he has to choose one over the other.) And what the fuck are they gonna do then? Because if that's the case and it ends what they have on every level, that'll mark yet another failure for them in both of their brains, and they're both entirely too fragile for that to happen, it'll be the crack that shatters Ed and splits the Box of Trauma in Frenchie's brain even wider open. But they do have love for each other, and can't ignore that either.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Oh man. I'm gonna be selfish and give myself two bc I can't decide for sure between them and the first one is entirely too selfish a choice on its own on top of that but
Dancer and/or All For Myself (even tho it isn't finished, I know, I know!!! I always want it badly to be finished. That's still my game plan for this one, I swear!)
Like, Taron probably wants nothing to do with the Kingsman stuff anymore, absolutely valid. But my god seeing Dancer as a full movie or extended series or something would be amazing. It's not everyone's cup of tea for many reasons and I understand why, but I worked so hard on that lil fucker. I'm so proud of it. It's one of the few that I think, if I got the opportunity, I could edit and change up enough to sell as just above direct to dvd level movie script. I can't describe how it felt writing it; it was a particular feeling and magic I have not recaptured since writing this fucking fic lmao (still chasing it tho!)
The second one is just because I like seeing Con and Samba together and they seem to have fun and both enjoy the concept of rizzy so like. If in some universe where incredibly unlikely things actually happen, they came to me and asked for finished script version of AFM, y'all would not see me for ages bc I would lock myself down until I had it done. I'm talking living off of red bull and edibles and whatever snacks I remember to cram in my face-fueled writing, coming out the other end in need of a shower, actual food, sleep, but holding a beautifully shining script. I've done it before, and I would happily do it again for them lol. Plus, it would involve filming locally, and I just think that would be cool to do, to showcase the area. Lots of very cool and pretty filming locations, beach days...idk, I'd be happy to come along for every day of it and just do shit to help out. Pay me if you can/want, but I'm just happy to be there to see the process.
Thank you again for asking, as you can tell I had a good time and it was lovely to get to gush abt all of this for a bit!!!
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im-a-goddamn-cat · 2 years
in all seriousness tho: i've been scared to mention this for a while bc this is so awkward but remember a few months ago when i wanted to try going by Felix instead but then changed my mind bc i decided i was more comfortable with my birthname and being cis? well, i was WRONG. i am not. i think i'm gonna try going by Felix again. and as for gender/pronouns... idk. my gender(s) is always fluxuating/changing. and my pronoun preference seems to always change too, so i'll just say i'm okay with any pronouns bc well, it is true.
definitely not gonna try coming out to my parents again tho (learned that lesson the hard way...) at least while i still live with them. i do have ideas of how i would like, want to transition, i have for years, but idk if i'm brave enough to actually pursue them tho, i might end up staying closeted forever... but i got a few years to think that over tho bc i wouldn't be able to do any of that until i move outta here lol.
okay i'm rambling but yeah, just wanted to let y'all know about the name and stuff. btw idk if i really consider "Shannon" a deadname. wouldn't bother me if someone messed up and used that name by accident.
but yeah, tldr my name Felix and any pronouns okay 👍
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anandasamsara · 2 years
Hi, hello, im alive and back after a long while with no updates
Still don't have a job, but at the very least the lands mom owned were sold. We invested the money to try and buy a house. It's gonna take a long while yet.
Dad's health took a turn downside. It's probably cancer, which we all already knew, but yeah. He has an appointment with the oncologist in december to see what exactly we have to do. But. His morals also took the same turn. He's not working bc of a medical leave, but he's been dealing with everything terribly. He's decided he doesn't want to stay with mom anymore, he's been a jerk to her these last few months, and im suspicious that he has someone else. Don't have the courage to bring it up tho, mom's not the best but no one deserves this and it isn't supposed to be my problem anyway. So. Not touching that.
Mom's doing some treatments too, so she's been not awful lately. We had an 180 here. Im worried about her, bur can't help more than with company.
And what about me, you ask? Well, as every unemployed adult with close to zero work experience after being fired from my last job, i decided to invest in something, anything, to feel a bit like im not useless. So i bought a cutting plotter machine thingy to start a print shop that also makes stickers. Will have my first few orders in the next couple of weeks as im starting the business during the most busy art times of the year. There's at least 10 artists already planning on working with me, and 3 big artists alleys coming up, followed by a few smaller ones. But, i was stupid and bought the wrong sticker paper for my printer and just realized it yesterday. Now i gotta wait until Monday to see if i can return it and get the right paper, which im not sure its gonna work, so i might need to spend another 300brl (about 60usd) that i hadn't planned on spending. I even considered opening commissions again, but my head isnt in the right place for that yet. Gonna have to move some funds around, hopefully I'll still have money to try out for my specialization in medieval history next month. Bc even if it's being offered at a public university, it's still paid. Go figure.
Anyways, that's update done i guess, fingers crossed that the business go well enough to pay back the machine too bc that was painful. Financially painful.
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September 21st, 2024 - Spring
Warning: Absurdly long entry.
+ ° . ๑・° ⊹ . + ° . ๑・° ⊹ . + ° . ๑・° ⊹ . +
Here's a little recap of yesterday and today.
Friday morning. I went to school because they were making a little celebration for the beginning of spring and Students Day. I really wanted a sandwich and chocolate cake. Turns out everything had been sold before. Fuck.
At least I had a great conversation E. She's really cool. I don't know if I can call her a friend, but I like talking to her.
For the Friday night I have to give some context. Here in my town, the graduating students build a huge wooden snowman in August and burn it the night before spring.
Also, the classes before them (mine) run around them while they burn the poor snowman, which was... decent. A little small.
Does it sound quite satanic? Because it is... kinda.
And then after all that happens, everyone stays there to party.
Surprisingly, I had fun. A lot of fun. Y disappeared, so I stayed with E all the time. She somehow made me be a bit more open and hang out with her friends. Thanks, girl, you saved me.
Actually, I don't know how many of those people were real friends. At some point I walked with her and two other girls, and it turns out that she didn't even know them. I separated from E for a little while and sat down with a 13-year-old who had to leave after a while. So I stayed alone for a little bit. It was weird.
I also walked with this other two people and E to a shop at the city centre, and I helped them by hiding a bottle of alcohol in my backpack lol
That thing was... okay. I could feel it burning my chest, but it wasn't as gross as I thought it would be.
I didn't dance a lot tho. I really didn't know what to do. It was kinda awkward. But I did move a bit.
For some reason it ended earlier than we expected. E and I sat down outside a little bit and she and her mother walked with me on my way home.
I changed to my rags, brushed my teeth and washed the dishes, even though I was fucking dead. I was walking around as if I was lame because my feet hurt like hell.
On Saturday morning I woke up and realized that I contradicted myself and lied. I wasn't with E all the time lol
I had a little headache tho. Hangover, I guess. I have no idea.
I hung out with E and some new buddies. The party continues during the day. But before that we bought the limited edition Oreo-flavoured Coca Cola. It's incredible, we loved it. We wanted Coca-Cola-flavoured Oreos but we couldn't find them.
And this time I drank more than yesterday. At some point I accepted sangria from some guy from another school. I didn't even know him. But it was quite tasty.
I don't even know why I did it. A few weeks ago I would've declined everything, but today I wanted to be like them. And I liked it.
The whole thing ended at 6 PM, and I walked with E to a café and bought milkshakes. We yapped and yapped and laughed and it was amazing.
Y told her about my whole... situation with him. It was so embarrassing. But she said she could arrange something to go out together so I can talk to him. It would be nice, I don't know. Right now I don't care about what I'm doing, as long as it doesn't kill me.
I came home at 8 PM and stayed in bed for a while. I got up to charge my phone and animatedly danced to Soda Stereo. I stopped because I had to write this, and because I started to question my actions and start to believe I'm drunk.
I don't know how that feels, so I'm not sure. But I feel this little warmth on my face and my head feels light sometimes. Well, as long as my mother doesn't notice it.
And that's all! That's why I didn't post anything last night.
I feel a bit older now. I finally did what I was supposed to, and I enjoyed it (strangely). I'm really happy. I had a great day and I even made a new friend. Those other guys were cool, too. I don't know if I'll ever see them again - I hope so.
Tomorrow it's going to rain. A lot. So I'll just stay at home and relax for a bit. I need to recover from this (even though it wasn't really a big deal?).
I think I'll cook some pasta. Just to have dinner now and go to sleep as soon as possible.
Also, I think I smell smoke. I swear I didn't smoke anything, I was surrounded by people with cigarettes.
Last night I didn't know how many of them were tobacco. At least one of them wasn't, I'm sure about that.
I should have a shower. Is it too late for that?
Anyway, I gotta go now.
Rest well - I definitely will.
And happy spring.
+ ° . ๑・° ⊹ . + ° . ๑・° ⊹ . + ° . ๑・° ⊹ . +
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s2ep1 the collector
there was so much wrong with this one. so much like jenny nicholson, i'm making a list to keep on track
hawkmoth being hawkmoth
master fu making a mistake and losing everything
hawkmoth akumatizing himself
ladybug's comment about gabriel agreste having a son
i guess they're kinda all interwoven, but those are the main points i want to hit. i'll start with the last one bc it's the easiest.
why did ladybug say that he had a son, as if she hadn't been to the agreste household before and called adrien by his name. the writers really were like, "continuity? who's she? don't know her."
i think the whole idea of hawkmoth is a lot like how the writer/director approached the book of henry (the movie). as analyzed by dan olsen (folding ideas on youtube), he mentions that the writer wrote the script with the knowledge that henry was going to die and his mom was going to (almost) go through with his plans if he did. which is a bad starting point, bc up until henry is hospitalized, we're supposed to believe this 12 year old is going to go into a gun shop and buy a sniper rifle.
and it's the same idea with hawkmoth. it feels very much like the creator of ml needed a villain, and designed hawkmoth without actually understanding what the butterfly miraculous does when it's not in the wrong hands. like he designed the villain before deciding that the butterfly was also going to be a miraculous. or like he was still deciding what miraculous to include.
and the reason i say this is 1) it sure seems like hawkmoth just being a thing was something master fu was prepared for, even tho he didn't have any basis in it. like maybe you could argue he should assume it would end up in the wrong hands, but how would he know what that would look like? and that's also just a baseless assumption. 2) the whole explanation of how master fu lost the peakcock and butterfly miraculous.
he says he made a mistake when he was younger (and i believe he's supposed to be like 100 or smth right?? or am i mixing that up? it's probably been a good 40 or so years since his screw up at least), and i'm hard-pressed to believe he and gabriel are the same age. but he says that that mistake is what led him to lose the tome and the two miraculous. but then makes a wild leap of logic into thinking that whoever possessed the tome must also possess the missing miraculous and be hawkmoth? like please walk me through that logic, it doesn't make sense!
the writers didn't even add an in extra--it was probably sold or changed hands a lot, but whoever possess it now may well be hawkmoth. tho i suppose that leaves a plot hole by itself bc how can you guarantee that all three items stay together if it's changed hands a few times. but i feel like that's easier to swallow than that giant leap from "i lost these things" to "so anyone who has them is hawkmoth."
not to mention, again, if all three items did change hands a lot before gabriel found them, how did he find them together. i mean maybe the seller sold them as set, but if he hadn't, how would master fu have known that anyone would know that they're holding a miraculous. unless the kwamis come out of them unwillingly?
i'm tying myself into knots and getting all jumbled up here on what if's, so i'm going to move on. i still do think master fu expecting the butterfly ending up in the wrong hands and knowing what that looks like is weird from a writing standpoint. it just, again, makes it feel like hawkmoth was a villain first and a miraculous second. or at the very least, was always a villain and never a good guy.
i think the writers use master fu being young and still in training as an excuse for way too many things (i did watch s2 but i only remember very few things, unlike s1, bc in s1 i actually enjoyed the show. by the time s2 came out, the fans were getting antsy and salty). and they do it in this episode bc when marinette says gabriel got akumatized and so that exonerates him/crosses him off the suspect list and master fu just accepts that is crazy to me.
bc you'd think master fu knowing as much as he does about the miraculous, he'd also know that the butterfly miraculous holder can posses themself with their own butterflies. surely, the powers of the miraculous are the first think you'd learn as a guardian!
and while i think it's a fine convention to use, i'm only criticizing it here bc the writers are bad and lazy, as evidenced by the first season.
i do like the implication is that emilie is a bad lady who stole the miraculous and broke the peacock one tho. i support women's wrongs.
i also really love that gabriel's english va slightly lowers his voice when he's hawkmoth.
and it's hilarious to me that the artists literally changed gabriel's entire face shape when he's hawkmoth lol.
also racism and chinese mysticism. unfortunately, i believe we're going to get a lot of that this season. and i'm going to never stop sounding like a broken record.
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Jeff A New Killer
by Auraborealis03 The last of the FF.NET dive. I Couldn't read this one. i'll add stuff later. Not canon tho.
CW// the common stuff, i'l add this later
Click below to read the original unedited story
Hello and welcome! This is my first time ever publishing any of my stories so I have decided to publish at least one and see what happens. This story is an Origin remake story of the famous Creepypasta, Jeff the Killer! This is my version of how Jeff came to be. Everything is going to be different and no, Slenderman ain't involved. I apologize if it doesn't make sense towards the end, I was rushing to get it done lmao. Enjoy the story and reviews would be nice too.
When a new family moved to a new neighborhood in Maine, everything changed in the year of 2013. Jeffrey, who is 14 years old, looks out his window from his new bedroom. Boxes that are open still laid on the floor, showing the last bit of things he has. He watched people walk around the streets as the yard sales were seen in other people's homes. He moved his black hair away from his face as his brown eyes continued to look over people's yards. Liu, Jeffrey's older brother, stood by the doorway of his room.
"You doing alright?" He asks, concern was heard in his tone of voice. Jeffrey mumbled a yeah and continued to look out the window. Liu rolled his eyes and walked over, sitting at the foot of his brother's bed.
"I understand you didn't want to move out from our old place," Liu sighed before wrapping his arms around Jeff to hug him. "But we needed to move because well… This place is better and quieter. And Mom already loves her new job as an accountant. This is a fresh start. Trust me, everything will be okay."
Jeff didn't respond as he looked away from his window. Liu looked down at Jeff's expression and shook his head. "I'll leave you alone. Call me if you need me, ok? And don't forget to take your Risperidone." He reminds him before the older boy leaves the room.
Jeff sighs before collapsing on his bed. He really didn't want to move here. Ever since his mom got this new job here in Maine, Jeff has been feeling like shit about it.
"Maybe you should run away and move back to New York…" a raspy voice whispered in his ear. Jeff blinked, shaking his head before he got up and walked over to his dresser. Right, he needs his meds, he was getting a real nasty headache from that. If he doesn't, he won't be in the right place. As Jeff takes his pills, he looks over at the window, seeing three boys out the window, walking and laughing loudly. Huh.. they look cool to talk with. Maybe he could talk to them and be normal and not anti-social.
"Jeff, you can't trust these boys. I'm worried that they're just making fun of you." Liu had his arms crossed as he looked down at his brother. Jeff glared at him with an annoyed look. "What, are you saying I can't have friends now? First you tell me to make a few friends and now you don't think that they're being nice to me and just joking around?" Jeff shouts, out of breath already. The walls and his surroundings began to blur.
"That isn't what I'm saying, Jeffrey! I'm just worried that maybe they aren't what you think they are." Liu sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose, "What I'm saying is just.. Please be careful." he finished. Jeff just looks down at his feet, looking confused but also hurt. He couldn't believe what his brother said to him. But perhaps maybe he should be more careful around them as they have been making more and more personal jokes about him more than themselves. Jeff looks back at Liu. Liu's face was blank, empty, like a bunch of paint was smeared so it looked like he had no face at all. Jeff blinks and rubs his eyes before looking back at his brother again. That was weird.. Why did it look like Lui's face was melting? This gave Jeff chills run up his back. Maybe it's his imagination.
Jeff stayed silent before he answered, "okay. I'll be careful." he said. Liu leaves the room without another word. Jeff huffs as soon as Liu left him alone in his room. He growled. He can be friends with whoever he wants! Right? Jeff mumbles to himself before he looks over at his pills. Does he really need them? He sighs before wrapping himself in his blanket, laying down. He can just take them tomorrow. Nothing to worry about. Just close your eyes, and sleep. Sleep was important for the human body. Jeff smiled at the thought of finally having new friends.
Jeff's leg shakes and bounced rapidly as he tries to pay attention to the teacher. He breathed heavily as it felt like it was getting hot in the classroom. Was it always this hot in here? The boy's eyes darted around in the classroom, the teacher's voice draining out. His ears began to ring loudly against his eardrums, making him cover his ears. He winces in pain, tears were making his vision blurry. One of Jeff's 'friends', Eric, looked over at him and raised a brow before poking his arm.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asks. Jeff flinched from the touch and slowly looked over at the kid. "Uh… yeah, yeah, I'm fine." he answered before burying his face in his arms. Of course this would happen, he didn't take his pills this morning, or the day before that. Now it's really messing with his head.
"You should've taken your pills like a good boy, Jeffrey���"
That same sinister raspy voice returned in his ear. "Shut up…" Jeff mumbled in his arms trying to think of something happy in his head, like lollipops or his favorite movie, tumblr, anything good that came into mind.
"You know, everyone hates you. They're just waiting for the right moment to embarrass you and make you look like a fool," the voice hissed in his ear. Jeff groaned as he bites his bottom chapped lip, ignoring the voice.
"They hate you. You're a failure. No one wants you, no one will ever care for you. You're a selfish prick who only cares about himself." it continued as the ringing in his ears grew louder. It caused Jeff to pull at his hair, gritting his teeth. Everyone's chatter in the classroom was all a faint mumble as the voice chants louder and louder, almost screaming at him. "FAILURE, FAILURE! YOU'RE A NOBODY, UGLY TRASH! YOUR MOTHER NEVER EVEN WANTED YOU, YOU FUCKING FAILED ABORTION! "
Jeff abruptly stood up from his desk and slammed his fists against the hardwood of his desk. "SHUT UP!" he screamed. The whole class jumped from the suddenness and stared at him, growing quiet. Jeff was panting heavily, the ringing dying down. He looks over at the students staring at him, blinking. Tears were in his eyes, realizing he had put all the attention on himself. He began to tremble when in his mind, all the kids began to laugh, even the teacher as their skin melts off from their faces. He grabs his bag and dashed out of the classroom. In reality, the students looked concerned and confused as the teacher had gone out to chase after him. But Jeff was nowhere to be seen in the school. But, he was okay when his mother found him curled up on the kitchen floor. Instead, she took him to the hospital for a new prescription of his meds since she found the bottle empty in the trash.
Jeff opens his locker, about to put his books away when a note falls onto the floor. He raised his brow before picking it up and unfolded the note. A bit of glitter got on him as he opened it up. In cursive, it read
"Meet me at the park far behind the school at 3pm. I would love to talk to you privately.
-Stephanie "
Jeff's face heats up as he rereads the note. Stephanie Garzia likes him? But she hardly ever talks to him except for that one time when they worked on a project together. So why would she want to talk to him privately? He grew suspicious of the note, but began to think of this as a good thing. Maybe he could get a girlfriend and please his mom? Yeah, that can be a good thing. He thought no one liked him that way, but it seemed he was wrong.
After the last bell rang throughout the school building, Jeff quickly grabbed his things and went out the double doors, taking his bike and went to the park. He didn't bother telling Liu where he was going, thinking it was going to be a quick conversation. As he arrives, Jeff looks around and waits, trying to look for the one and only Stephanie with her beautiful long brunette hair with red highlight streaks. Unfortunately, instead of seeing Stephanie, Jeff heard snickers and giggles behind him, causing him to jump and turn who it was.
"Wow, the little pussy actually showed up." A boy said with a smirk on his face and hands in his pockets. Two other boys were behind him.
"John? I didn't expect you to be here." Jeff said as a knot feeling in his gut began to grow tight. He waves at the other boys. "Hi Eric, hey Charles!" Jeff greets with a friendly smile. Eric looks at Charles before the two look at him with both disgusted but worried looks on their faces. John walks up to Jeff with an annoyed look before shoving him away.
"You're a real dumbass, you know that?" He said mockingly before crossing his arms, continuing, "did you really think Stephanie actually wrote that note?" Jeff was confused before his eyes widened. How did John know about the note? Unless.. "wait.. so, you wrote that?" He asks, looking disappointed.
"Duh! What, you think Stephanie Garzia would ever like a pussy like you? Get fucking real." John walks closer to the boy.
"You're nothing but a scared piece of shit who has problems. What's wrong? Hearing voices in your head again?" He said in a teasing baby voice. Jeff frowned as his cheeks turned red from embarrassment. He should've trusted his gut and had gone home.
"You're such an idiot. They're right you know, you're nothing."
The voice hissed at him as his ears began to ring again. Jeff began to panic as he shook his head. "No, shut up." He said, giving John a glare before he began to search for something in his pocket. Where were they? He didn't take them this morning, mind as well take them now.
"Looking for these?" John holds up a pill bottle and gives it a shake. Jeff looks at him with disbelief. How did he..? "Hey! Give those back, I need those!" He yelled, leaping towards the boy to get them. John simply moved out of the way with a snicker. "Come on Jeff, you don't need these. Why, these are only for old people. What is it Jeff, are you an old man? That makes you a pedophile if you like Stephanie like that!" John yelled.
Going back and forth, Jeff was desperately trying to get his pills back. He didn't want his mom to scold him for wasting another prescription. John lets out a yawn before moving away from Jeff. "This is getting boring. Look Jeff, just stop taking these pills and you'll feel much better." John simply said before he threw the pills into a lake that wasn't too far from them. Jeff looked behind him and stared at the lake as the water swallowed the pills, never to be seen again.
Now Jeff was angry. He turns his head slowly at John and glares at him angrily. Before the bully had any time to react, Jeff threw a punch at his face. "I needed those! Why did you do that, you asshole!" He yells, sounding upset. John winced from the punch and held his cheek before throwing a punch back. "How dare you.. you never punch Johnathan Peinsmith!" He yelled back, punching Jeff again and sent him to the ground. Jeff couldn't feel any pain yet as he was beginning to see red. But when he got up to get closer to the boy, his body froze up in shock as pain shot up from one spot. It was very painful, like getting shot.
"Wha.." Jeff looks down, only to see John's hand gripping on something tightly and that something was inside the side of his gut. Did he just.. stab him? John was in shock at what he did as blood began to soak Jeff's sweater and on his hand. He was panicking before shaking his head. He quickly took his pocket knife out of Jeff and pushed him back to the ground. "Shit.. shit shit. Eric, Charles! Grab the vodka and matches, quick so we can get out of here!" John yelled as he turned around.
The two boys looked at John and didn't move at all, as they were terrified. Were they really doing this? "John, I don't think we should..-" Eric began but he was cut off by his friend. "No! Don't fucking start, just do what I say so we can get out of here!" John yelled. Charles shook in fear as he reached into his backpack and took out a bottle of vodka. He had to steal it from his parents this morning, though he thought they were going to drink it at John's house today. That wasn't the deal at all..
"Fucking hell you're all slow! Give me that." John impatiently snatches the bottle away from Charles and opens it, beginning to pour it on Jeff who was still on the ground, groaning. But he let out a scream of pain when the vodka touched his wound. John kicked Jeff at his side and growled. "Shut up! This is all your fault." He searches around in his pockets before taking out a packet of matches.
"John come on, I think you're going too far!" Charles spoke out before he received a punch in the arm. "God, you two are sounding like my parents. Just shut the fuck up." John spoke. Suddenly he flinched when he heard a voice.
"Jeff? Where are you?" It was Liu. This meant they were going to get in trouble! "Fuck, it's his brother." John mumbled. He quickly lights a match and glares at Jeff. "Just die already." He said before throwing the match on Jeff. Suddenly, his body bursts into flames that was later followed by screams from the now burning boy.
"Quick, run! Let's get out of here!" John yelled at his friends as they quickly ran away and head towards the woods.
Liu heard screams and saw fire ahead of him. His eyes widened and quickly ran towards the fire. "JEFF!" He screams in panic. In just a quick glance, he saw 3 figures disappearing in the woods. Thinking quickly, he began to throw dirt on Jeff while going back and forth with his water bottle and pouring water on Jeff to kill the flames that were consuming his little brother's body. "Jeff! Jeff roll around in the dirt, roll!" He yells, hoping his hearing wasn't damaged just yet. Jeff heard him and began to roll around despite being in so much pain. Slowly but surely the fire was gone and Jeff was converted in ash and burns. His clothing was burnt and had holes in them or barely clung onto him, mostly his sweater.
Jeff pants heavily as he tries to open his eyes to look at his brother. Liu quickly calls 911 while comforting Jeff in the best way possible without touching him. Jeff slowly slips into unconsciousness from being in so much pain and loss of blood from the stab wound.
It's been about 2 months since the incident. Jeff was still in the hospital, trying to cope with being in a hospital for so long. He was wrapped up in bandages as he was covered in burn scars, his stab wound was sewn shut and healing. He lost most of his hair due to the fire burning it off his scalp. Hes been told that his hair will never grow back but with long treatment, they will be able to restore most of his skin and reduce the amount of burn scars. Jeff was severely depressed about what's been happening, and he just wanted to either go home and mope or die. He wished he had died while he was on fire, as the voices didn't stop screaming at him until he lost consciousness. He didn't hear anymore voices for the most part because a nurse had been keeping track of his medication.
Jeff's mother and Liu had been visiting him, trying their best to cheer Jeff up. Liu had told him that they had caught the boys who did this to him, so he's been speaking to the police here and there to get them to Juvie. This made Jeff feel at peace, knowing that they'd get what they deserved. Especially Johnathan. He hates him so much, he wanted to.. to kill him with his own hands.
For the past couple of weeks, it appears that Jeff's nurse has been forgetting to give him his medication, which is causing Jeff to hear the voice once again as a side effect. There was one night that only made things worse. Jeff was breathing heavily, his fingers tugging hard at his left over hair, his feet digging deep into the sheets as he grunts his teeth. The boy let out a whine as he desperately tried to ignore the voice.
"They're all imposters. Nothing is real, it's all fake and you know it. Do it. Get rid of them all so you can go back to normal." The voice hissed, only growing louder. "Maybe then, you won't be hated. You'll be loved by everyone if you just do what I say."
"No, shut up.. I can't. Please.." Jeff whimpered. His heart rate was speeding up on his heart monitor, causing his doctor to quickly run into the room. "Mr. Woods, can you hear me?" The doctor spoke, assuming Jeff was having a panic attack. But the doctor thought wrong as he quickly fills up a syringe with a little something to calm Jeff down. "Now Jeff, if you can hear me, please stay still so I can give you this sedative." He said calmly.
Jeff looks up at the doctor when he heard him and his eyes widened. In his mind, he saw the mans face melting, looking like it was being smudged away with only creepy white eyes on his face. He heard mumbling coming from the doctor but the more he looks, the more this man becomes a strange lanky black creature, reaching towards him.
"It's going to hurt you, quickly dispose of it." The voice demanded. Jeff screams, believing the voice that he was going to get hurt. The doctor was about to call for assistance, but Jeff jumped up from his bed, grabbed the metal staff holding his liquids and whacked the man on the head. The doctor was then brought to the floor, passed out from the hit. Jeff stares at what he did, but in his head, the world around him was growing worse. Jeff put down the staff and ripped out the small needles that were connected to him and looked around. Where was he again? Was this even the hospital? The walls around him were darker than they were before. When he saw the creature's unconscious body, he realized that others could have heard it. He quickly takes the needle and stabs the creature's neck to keep it from coming back and pushes it under the table. Black ooze began to leave from the neck and over Jeff's hands.
"Those creatures are hideous and dangerous. They all want to kill and use you. Run. Run.. RUN, RUN! " the voice yells in Jeff's ears, making him wince and whine. "Shut up, shut up!" He yells before running out of the room. He runs down the dark hallway, seeing more of those creatures look and stare at him while others attempt to chase after him. He runs faster before getting to a window. He couldn't see any elevators or exits, so he grabs a table and whacks it against the window before it finally breaks and jumps out.
In the real world, some doctors and nurses, even some security tried to get to Jeff to take him down and stabilize him but he was too quick on his feet. After jumping from the second story window, Jeff had ran deep into the woods, ignoring all sounds around him. The cops came to try and find him but couldn't find him anywhere. They even tried his home, but he wasn't there, making his mother and brother worry what had happened to him. Meanwhile, Jeff had hidden deep inside an abandoned sewer tunnel just underneath a small hill behind some bushes and trees. He curls up, holding his knees to his chest as he lets out quiet sobs, wondering what just happened and questioning his existence. He mumbles as he rocks himself, trying to calm his heart down.
"It's gonna be okay. I'm okay, it's going to be okay.. go to sleep, just go to sleep, it'll be okay." He mumbles to himself quietly. The voice slowly began to die down from screaming at him, his ears still ringing slightly as he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.
"Easy.. don't burn it or you'll be eating charcoal, boy." A man says as he sits by the fire, smoking his cigarette. He was a fairly large man, but mostly fit, having a very scruffy beard and green eyes. His red hair was long enough to be in a ponytail.
"Sorry Harold. I won't burn it." A young boy replied to the man named Harold. The boy was covered in burn scars, only wearing a beanie to cover what was left of his hair from his burnt scalp. He wore a hunters vest and a dark green sweater underneath it with some jeans and boots. He also wore fingerless gloves to keep his hands warm. Harold looks over at him and sighs. "You've been with me for about three months now, Jeffrey. You should know how to properly cook deer meat without burning it." He said, taking another puff of his cigarette.
Jeff rolls his eyes as he flips the meat over its other side on the skillet, being careful of the grease that jumps out on him here and there. It was true.. it's been three months ever since Harold found him sleeping in that abandoned sewer tunnel, wearing a hospital gown, covered in blood stains and mud. He couldn't remember what happened or how it happened. He didn't even remember his own family. All he knew was that his name was Jeff. He hasn't heard the voices in awhile, but they would pop up here and there to tell him horrible things, but he's kept that away from Harold.
Harold was going to turn him into the authorities, but instead decided to keep him as his own son since he was in trouble with the authorities as well. So, he's been taking care of Jeff ever since. Jeff's burn scars had been slowly fading but they were still there, especially on his face. Harold had to get rid of every mirror in his home because everytime Jeff looked at his reflection, he would go into an episode and try to kill either him or himself, wrecking the place so he's been careful. Jeff was wondering what his face looks like while cleaning it up but Harold would always clean his face for him. He even wondered if his real family was even looking for him.. he was starting to remember a bit-
"Hey hey, careful you're burning it!" Harold yells at Jeff as he quickly takes the fork from Jeff to flip the meat over once more. Jeff blinked as he didn't realize he was spacing out. "Sorry.. having an off day today.." he says as he looks down, resting his chin on his hand. "I think I'm beginning to remember my family, Harold." Jeff mentions. Harold paused after moving the skillet away from the fire pit and looked at him. The bear of a man seemed a bit.. disappointed. "Are you sure? If you're serious about this then.. we're gonna have to get you packed up." He said. Jeff began to think long and hard. He can see something coming to the back of his mind, a name forming. He starts to concentrate, closing his eyes.
"Liu.. Liu Woods." He mentions. Harold splits the meat and puts one half on a plate, handing it to Jeff. The boy happily takes it as he's been hungry for awhile. "Liu, eh? Interesting name." Harold says. The two were silent as they ate their dinner before Harold glanced at Jeff, clearing his throat. "Tomorrow morning, we can start searching for anyone named Liu Woods. Sound good?" He suggests. Jeff shrugs his shoulders as he finishes eating. He puts the plate down before getting up off the log he was sitting on and stretches. "I guess. I'm gonna turn in early." He replies before stuffing his hands in his pockets, walking inside the cabin not far from their fire pit. Harold shakes his head and grumbles. He was going to miss that boy. That damn crazy boy.
Jeff was trembling as he stared at what he had done. Knife in hand and covered in blood. He could feel his stomach churning, about to throw up as his vision blurs from his tears. On the hardwood floor laid Harold's body, his chest facing the floor while several stab wounds could be seen on his back, blood slowly oozing out from the deep wounds. Jeff can't calm his heart down as his mind races. His ears began to ring, the voice coming back again.
"He was worthless. He was about to call the cops you know, be lucky I saved you. After all, now that he's gone.. you can look in the mirror." It told him. Jeff swallowed hard as he shakily looked at his hands. He killed a man.. he felt as though this feeling was familiar, like he's done it before. He can feel his body moving without wanting to move. But, instead of resisting, he accepts it. Jeff slowly walks out from the living room and into what was once Harold's bedroom. There, he saw a singular mirror above a dresser. He walks towards it and turns on the light to see better and what he saw, almost made him break down.
"Look at yourself, Jeff. Look good and clear. You're fucking ugly, no one will love you like that. But, if you smile, maybe people will tolerate you." It says to him. Jeff stares at his reflection, lifting up his shaky hand with the knife and looks closely. He took the blade of the kitchen knife and began to dig deep at the corner of his mouth. From there, his screams of pain and agony were heard from inside the cabin, but muffled from within the walls. After he had carved a smile on his face, it took Jeff time to recollect his thoughts and stop sobbing. He looks in the mirror, seeing a bloody mess on his face, but he can see he was smiling. It took hours for Jeff to realize he has lost a lot of blood from carving his face, but not enough to get him to pass out. "What am I doing.. gotta clean.." he mumbles as his cheeks were throbbing in pain. He puts the knife down and began to clean his face, cleaning off the now dry blood before bandaging up his face to keep the deep cuts from getting infected. He looked at the mirror again and didn't like how he looked now without his 'smile'. He looks down and began to clean up his hands and the knife, being careful to not cut himself.
After some deep thinking, Jeff was beginning to think that the voice in his head was actually his own. These were his thoughts.. memories began to flood back to him, thinking how he came to be. He remembered as a little boy, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia after talking to himself and telling his mom and therapist that a voice was telling him to do things that didn't seem like normal children would do. Like for instance, killing their family cat, almost jumping out their 8 story apartment building, or even just fighting another boy his age for no reason. But it seems as though the more Jeff started to think, the more he figured he doesn't have a mental illness. These were his thoughts. He was beginning to hate society more and more to the point he broke a small dresser from kicking into it anymore. No wonder he was so fucked, those medications kept him from having his own thoughts. Jeff came to the conclusion that those who have wronged him deserve to die. Including his own mother.. his whole life was hell because of that bitch and those around her. But how can he kill her without being noticed? As soon as he thought of that, Jeff turned his head to a mask that Harold was making for him for his birthday. An idea comes to Jeff as he walks towards the mask and grabs some paint. Perfect.
After killing his mother but leaving his brother alone, Jeffrey went on a killing spree. As summer rolled around, Jeff attacked a family of 3, all while they were asleep around 2 in the morning. Each family he killed during the year, the worse he's gotten, mentally. It appears now his killings are more gruesome at night. Instead of just stabbing or slicing their throat, he waits until they're awake, disturbed by his presence before stabbing their stomachs and leaving their intestines hanging from their beds. Now the year is 2021, and the police still had no lead on where to find Jeff at all. It almost appears he just vanishes from the scene without any evidence to track him down.
One of the survivors of Jeff, managed to tell the police what exactly happened that night on April 12th, around 11pm. The killer would whisper in the victim's ear "I'm sorry" before the following "go to sleep." The victim described Jeff to be wearing a mask that was painted to just be a smile with sharp teeth and holes for his eyes to look through. He wears a dark green sweater with a brown vest, fingerless gloves and black jeans. He wore heavy boots to kick down his victims anytime they tried to get up and call for help. The victim told police that they managed to kick the mask off, only to see a face covered in burn scars and a scar that formed a smile on his cheeks that reached from ear to ear.
During those 7 long years, Jeff had killed over a thousand people, still no sign of him from police. Of course, the death count still continues to rise until December 20th, 2022. There were no more killings, no more bodies and despair.
Alongside the road on highway 99 of Rhode Island, laid Jeff's body. He had multiple stab wounds made from himself all over his body, his sides and his neck. The weapon used to kill all those people, was found resting in his hand, still covered with fresh blood. He was pronounced dead to the public, taking his last breath around 4 in the afternoon, December 21st 2022.
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Colby and y/n are best friends and are alone in the house. Someone breaks in and Colby protects her, which makes y/n run in his arms and kiss him when everything is settled
If You Weren't Here
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Colby puts his plate in the sink and grabs a water bottle from the fridge, before sitting back at the kitchen table. I take one more bite of food and copy his action, but instead of water, i take the already opened bottle of champagne from the night before.
"Oooh, spoiling yourself, i like it", Colby chuckles when i take a sip of the alcohol from the glass. I smile at him.
"It's the least i deserve after a whole week of taking care of your house while you were gone. Did you meet any beautiful ghosts? Just so i know if my work here is worth it", we laugh and i hug him from behind his chair, my head on his shoulder. He puts a hand on my wrist and we zone out for a bit, taking in the moment. "I missed you, Colbs"
"I missed you too, kiddo. It feels good to be back.", he smiles up at me and i scrunch my nose, pinching his cheeks. Whoever sees us might think we're dating, but it's actually how our friendship works. Since we've met, the constant teasing between us drew us closer and i'm here for it. We went together to prom, we were each other's new years eve kiss when we were 15, all of this for fun and, as friends, we've done all the crazy things together. Colby was the first to always find out if i have a problem, he was even the first one to find out about my first ever boyfriend. Hell, he was even the first one to meet him before i took him to my parents. Same way with him and his unsuccessful relationships. At some point, i was really surprised we hung out with the same girl from the day before. Long story short, Colby and i have always had each other's backs, no matter the situation; he even took me with them in LA when they moved.
"I'm gonna go upstairs and work on my project. If you want, you can come stay in my room.", i offer while exiting the kitchen
"I still have to edit for the channel. I'll come by when i take a break tho. We talk like we're not in the same house either way", he rolls his eyes and i roll mine too
"Sorry for being needy for your attention and presence", i show him the middle finger before going up the stairs in my room
"Can you be needy for something else too?", Colby's right behind me and i feel a wide smirk appearing on his face. I fake gasp and continue my way to the bedroom
"Robert, your naughtiness is unbearable", i say in a British accent and we both laugh at my poor attempt, but at least i can still make him laugh after so many years of me being around him. He pulls me into a hug right before he enters his room. "Chill, it's not like we're in the same house anyway", i mock him and Colby chuckles. After an eternity, i finally get to my room and start working on a college project.
A few hours go by and when i'm close to finish my assignment, a loud noise is heard from downstairs and then the shattering of glass sends goosebumps all over my body. I stumble to get to the door, afraid that Colby might have hurt himself. As i'm about to exit the room in a heartbeat, i see Colby in the doorframe, probably thinking the same thing i did, that something happened to me. i walk fast by his side and hug him, both relieved that nothing happened to either of us. Our faces are both white, as we hear loud boots stepping on the living room floor.
"Stay behind me", Colby whispers and moves me behind his back. I grab him by the waist.
"No..", i say worried and stop him in his tracks, my voice shaky and my hands visibly shaking on his body. He turns around fast and grabs my hands in his, kissing them. My cheeks heat up, but a wave of emotions hits me and i struggle not to cry or panic even more. My head is filled with thoughts about all the things that can happen to Colby if something goes wrong. "I don't want anything to happen to you, Colby.", i whisper again when he starts walking down the stairs, holding one of my hands in his.
"Everything's gonna be ok, ok?", he looks back at me and i manage to nod my head, squeezing his hand. "Just in case, i love you"
"No, you don't. Please shut up."
We walk past the glass doors that lead to the pool and garden, one of the glass door being shattered to the ground, pieces of glass everywhere, reaching us on the small hallway towards the living room. Right before the corner, we see an average size man, dressed in all black, looking for a way to take the TV off the wall.
"That's not yours man", Colby speaks loudly, my heart sinking in my stomach, scared of what's gonna happen next. The man turns to us in a second and he starts walking fast towards us. Colby pushes me somewhere down the hallway. "Call 911", and rushes to punch the man in the face as hard as he can. I take my phone out, thankful to be addicted to carrying it everwhere with me. I say the address twice to make sure they got it right and asked for the police. As i want to try and help Colby out with the robber, i see the man hitting him hard in the stomach, causing him to drop in one knee from the pain. I hurry to push him on the floor and i'm lucky enough to have enough force to get him on the ground. I kick him twice in the knees and i feel Colby's arms around me, taking me away from the man who was already trying to get up. "Please go outside, you can't have anything happen because of me", his eyes and the tone of his voice beg me to get out of there, but i shake my head.
"So cute", the robber's thick voice is heard and he almost punches Colby in the face again
"On your knees! Now!", a man screams from behind me and Colby is quick to take me further from the living room, both of us going outside with the other policeman who entered the house.
We give our statements, turns out this man tried to break into our house twice more, based on our security cameras. The police leaves the house, the robber cuffed in the backseat of their car, looking defeated. I turn around to see Colby looking at the shattered glass door, shaking his head.
"Who's gonna fix this door at 6PM? We can't sleep without a door. Someone got inside the house WITH A DOOR, imagine without one. Let alone the stray cats-"
"They're gonna get inside-"
"Colby!", i say his name a little louder
"What", he turns around to face me. I five into the feeling of the moment and run straight to him, jumping in his arms. He holds me so tight that i feel out of breath, his heart beating very fast because of all the emotions he's feeling at once. "Fuck, i'm so happy you don't have a scratch on your skin", he whispers and tightens the grip even more. I pull away from him gently and when i meet his red eyes, i cup his face and smash my lips on his. The sudden contact between us feels weird, yet very awaited. His hands run down my back and stop on the small of my back, pulling me towards his body. His hungry lips brush against mine, teeth biting on my bottom lip.
"I love you, too, Colby. I always did, but now i know how i loved you.", i confess and i see his eyes sparkling. "Never do this again. I don't know what i would've done if i lost you", i bury my head in his chest, my emotions getting a hold of me, tears leaving stains on his t-shirt.
"That's the same reason i protected you.", he kisses the top of my head. oh fuck, God, y/n, i love you so much", Colby chuckles. "It feels so good saying it", I chuckle at his words and look up to kiss him again.
"I never thought i needed this again", i hug him one more time
"Yeah, same", Colby's wide smile lights up the whole house and i shake my head, smiling incontrollably. "Wait till my mom finds out, she's gonna be the happiest"
"Same", i laugh. "But, for real, let's fix this"
"Oh, yeah. We don't want no cat babies tomorrow on the couch"
"i hope alive babies, tho"
"Yeah, those too"
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