#i just think it'd be so hilariously chaotic
yeonban · 6 months
The man, the myth, the legend, who inspired some of my takes for Tobias' rapid rise to opulence:
"During the early stages of World War II, Pujol decided that he must make a contribution "for the good of humanity" by helping Britain, which was at the time Germany's only adversary. He approached the British Embassy in Madrid three different times, but they showed no interest in employing him as a spy. Therefore, he resolved to establish himself as a German agent before approaching the British again to offer his services as a double-agent.
Pujol created an identity as a fanatically pro-Nazi Spanish government official who could travel to London on official business; he also obtained a fake Spanish diplomatic passport by fooling a printer into thinking Pujol worked for the Spanish embassy in Lisbon. His instructions were to move to Britain and recruit a network of British agents. He moved instead to Lisbon; – using a tourist's guide to Britain, reference books and magazines from the Lisbon Public Library, and newsreel reports he saw in cinemas – created seemingly credible reports that appeared to come from London. He claimed to be travelling around Britain and submitted his travel expenses based on fares listed in a British railway guide.
During this time he created an extensive network of fictitious sub-agents living in different parts of Britain. His reports were intercepted by the British Ultra communications interceptions programme, and seemed so credible that the British counter-intelligence service MI5 launched a full-scale spy hunt. The British had become aware that someone had been misinforming the Germans, and realised the value of this after the Kriegsmarine wasted resources attempting to hunt down a non-existent convoy reported to them by Pujol.
Pujol wrote 315 letters, averaging 2,000 words, addressed to a post-office box in Lisbon supplied by the Germans. His fictitious spy network was so efficient and verbose that his German handlers were overwhelmed and made no further attempts to recruit any additional spies in the UK. The information supplied to German intelligence was a mixture of complete fiction, genuine information of little military value, and valuable military intelligence artificially delayed.
For radio communication, he needed the strongest hand encryption the Germans had. The Germans provided him with this system, which was in turn supplied to the codebreakers at Bletchley Park. His encrypted messages were to be received in Madrid, manually decrypted, and re-encrypted with an Enigma machine for retransmission to Berlin. Having both the original text and the Enigma-encoded intercept of it, the codebreakers had the best possible source material.
On occasion, he had to invent reasons why his agents had failed to report easily available information that the Germans would eventually know about. For example, he reported that his (fabricated) Liverpool agent had fallen ill just before a major fleet movement from that port, and so was unable to report the event. To support this story, the agent eventually "died" and an obituary was placed in the local newspaper as further evidence to convince the Germans. The Germans were also persuaded to pay a pension to the agent's (also fabricated) widow. The Germans paid Pujol US$340,000 over the course of the war to support his network of agents, which at one point totaled 27 fabricated characters."
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sunderwight · 3 months
Thinking about how lucky it is that Shen Qingqiu (SY version) never gave Luo Binghe the wrong impression that he wanted a harem.
Like imagine they've having a conversation and Shen Qingqiu makes some offhanded comment about a harem is all well and good, but he thinks it should definitely be of a manageable size, hint hint, with individuals who get along harmoniously and support their primary spouse, hint hint, and marrying almost everyone you hook up with is just bad form because it's inevitably going to cause friction and it'd be nearly impossible to properly look after that many extra spouses, hint hint.
Luo Binghe picks up on the hints but draws the entirely incorrect conclusions. Combined with his previous inquiries into what kinds of women his shizun likes (SQQ, not wanting to ever be seen as LBH's potential romantic rival and eager to free himself of the original's lecherous reputation: I have no interest in any women whatsoever!) and some subtle inquiries about when a person should settle down (SQQ, with unexamined anxiety at the prospect of his dear disciple heading out into the world: not too soon! a man should establish himself well and figure out what he likes first, and take his time!), Luo Binghe concludes that his master has been biding his time and is building up to constructing a reasonably-sized harem of malewives.
Because apparently, Shizun believes that a man in a position of significant power should inevitably want such things. And disciple Binghe isn't thinking of "a position of significant power" as "effective god-emperor of the whole world", his current ideas of such things are more along the lines of "peak lord" really. Also why should Shen Qingqiu make so many comments about how Luo Binghe must surely be anxious to start taking lovers or daydreaming about having a billion wives unless he just thinks that's the standard for everyone? Because that's what he wants?
It was chaotic enough when just one of these guys was bracing himself for the inevitable harem-building, but if Binghe also expected he was going to have to supply Shen Qingqiu with a stable of other men, hoo boy. Binghe telling himself that he's fine with it. As long as he's first wife, Shizun can have others. Getting particularly vicious towards new guys Shen Qingqiu meets, like okay he's resigned himself to Liu Qingge, and probably maybe also Yue Qingyuan, and in those cases definitely having to fight them tooth and nail for primary spouse position (his plan is to become the undisputed master of the domestic sphere and thereby outrank them on that front, even if he can't beat their peak lord credentials), but anyone else is someone he can potentially chase off and Shizun will still have his reasonably-sized harem. If Gongyi Xiao wants into the harem he's going to have to earn it, and he's getting bottom of the pecking order!
Binghe, after they finally get together, trying to have frank discussions about the inevitable harem. Shen Qingqiu putting on a brave face because he, of course, thinks Binghe's talking about his own harem. Getting confused as to why Liu Qingge is suddenly factoring into the conversation. Then reaching entirely the wrong conclusion because oh right, Binghe is gay now and Liu Qingge is extremely pretty. Makes sense! Definitely not what Binghe means but it makes sense!
Actually this would be a hilarious way for bingliushen OT3 to happen. Just a complete comedy of errors where bingqiu are both trying to secure Liu Qingge for each other without ever concretely establishing that either of them wants him, even though they think they have.
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finsterwalds · 6 months
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Thinking about better call saul if the action took place in france just because I wanted to see them in cunty robes lmao. More thoughts under the cut!
Obviously the action and the whole premise of bcs/brba wouldn't work in france (legal system aside, the whole cartel and walter white storyline would have to suffer major changes due to social security and the mexican cartel well. not existing here stricto sensu). But let's talk about the real Important Stuff : their names
I think Howard Hamlin would work well as Edouard Hamelin. He looses the cool HH initials yes, but it works really well as a genuine french name imo, and Howard/Edouard are pretty close phonetically
Chuck could still be called Charles without any realism issue, but he'd be nicknamed Charlie rather than Chuck because that's what a french person would go for... nicknames don't work the same, yeah
Kimberly Wexler and James McGill, I have no idea lmao. James when translated becomes Jacques, but it's such a boomerish uncool name that I cannot resolve myself to call my boy like that. It's also one generation too old. Jimmy being born in '60 could technically be called Jacques, but it'd be old-fashioned, as it's a name mostly given to the kids of the decade that came before him. McGill is an irish name, so something funny could be making Jimmy a breton with a funky last name like Gall/LeGall ? That's hilarious to me. But who knows.
Saul Goodman is a pun, so this is even harder for me to conceptualize. Saul's marketing would definitely not work in france at all, as no one would realistically hire a lawyer with a puny name and such chaotic displays (+ I think ads for legal démarchage are illegal mind you). However, let's have a crack at it. It would have to be a pun based off an expression similar to "it's all good man", or implying something positive and familiar... I need to think on that one.
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radioisntdead · 4 months
alastor x sleepy Reader? Thank u ^_^
Good evening my dear! No idea what you wanted so I'm going with headcanons!
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Sleepy reader headcanons
Warnings: none other then The reader has wings because in my sleep deprived brain think being wrapped with wings is just so cozy and warm, also bat coded, I am writing this while sleep deprived because I got motivation for some reason, this is short also this is bordering on chaotic.
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Both you and Alastor have horrible sleeping habits, but whereas he stays up for multiple days in a row then crashes horribly you take power naps, like five minute "naps" throughout the day in random places
like in my other sleepy reader headcanons [I think??] Reader takes cat naps in weird spaces, I imagine you sleep upside down like a bat, [unrelated but hear me out on a bat reader, like is that NOT ADORABLE]
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Lil' adorable creature of the night. This is just me spreading bat propaganda, bat-ganda I swear if bat-ganda is an actual word that doesn't mean something with literal bats I'm biting someone chomp chomp bith
Anyways, Alastor often finds you sleeping hanging upside down on the chandelier, door frames, anything that dangles,
I imagine you've probably slipped a few times and he's had to catch you because high place and it'd be such a shame for his favorite you, to get injured!
I imagine you have a tendency to fall asleep on him.
Dude has definitely moved out of the way as you toppled over asleep causing you to fall on the floor.
He finds it hilarious.
Sometimes he'll let you snooze on his shoulder or lap especially during broadcasts.
I imagine when Alastor inevitably crashes from sleep exhaustion you take the chance to get proper sleep,
You have a built-in blanket, it's the wings.
Either you wrap both you and Alastor in your wings like a joint cocoon, or he just straight up has one of your wings over him like a blanket as y'all nap.
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I can't draw Alastor, stupid haircut deer man
I imagine since Alastor hates being touched by the majority of people, you're in the very short list of people that are allowed to touch him, that bring said I hope you wake up before him in the wing cocoon because if not broski is just trapped there, as snug as a bug in a rug, or as snug as a deer in a wing cocoon.
I imagine the wing cocoon is warm but not melty warm like hot chocolate warm.
Very nice place to nap, wings comfy.
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Good evening folks! Hope you enjoyed, someone KNOCK ME OUT WITH A BAGUETTE PLEASE, as per usual thank you for tuning on in!
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icedragonlizard · 10 months
What if dream friends had dialogue in Star Allies?
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I suppose it could've been a lot of unnecessary work for HAL to do, but I still think it could be highly fun and imaginative to think about.
How cool would it be if the game's plot actually acknowledged the existence of the dream friends? The things they'd say in-game, etc...
I think it would be especially fun to think about what all the different dream friends might saying during the mage sister fights. Like, y'know, the points of the game where there's dialogue. What they all might say to the mage sisters in response to their words....
... I'm not going to go over what I think every dream friend would say in these moments, but I think I'd like to focus on ones such as Susie, Magolor, Marx, Taranza and Daroach. Why these ones in particular? Because I think they'd probably be the more entertaining ones in what they'd have to say in their dialogue during the mage battles.
How funny would it be that Marx and Magolor just troll the shit out of the mages? How funny would it be that Susie acts condescending when talking to them? How funny would it be that Taranza joke-flirts with them, he doesn't actually mean it as he's just doing it to get them riled up? How funny would it be that Daroach tells them to watch out before he steals from them? This stuff is fanfiction-worthy! Heck, this might be the biggest reason why I might attempt my adaptation of Star Allies into a fanfiction in the future, although I've got many other fics planned beforehand so it'd be a long while.
But still! There could be endless potential when thinking about this.
Let me demonstrate an example. First, let's look at the part where the game first introduces Flamberge, and she's really angry.
"HEY, YOU! Stubby little...pink thing! Yes, YOU! I have a buuuurning question for you! You're the one who was so rude to sweet Francisca, aren't you?! Don't you dare try to deny it!"
"Ohohohohohohoho! We sure put that crazy blue lady in her place! What are you gonna do about it? Throw a temper tantrum? Go so berserk that you lose control and we can easily beat you?"
Wanna guess who said that? Hahahaha... the purple text probably made it obvious. In this interpretation, it's Marx who said that. There's no way he wouldn't just totally mock them and rub it in their faces. At the very least in my interpretation of Marx, it'd be like him to do that.
And by the way, I'm one that actually headcanons Marx becoming friends with the mage sisters post-HiAD because he loves how chaotic they are, and loves that they're willing to join him in doing insane shit (especially Francisca). But during Star Allies when the mages were the enemy? I bet he totally mocked the shit out of them!
Magolor, too. Here's a good example of Magolor having dialogue against one of the mages:
"Bonjam. I am Zan Partizanne, the eldest of the three generals of magic."
"Woah... Zan what? I didn't hear that thoroughly! I think I'll call you Zan Parmesan Cheese, though!"
".... I absolutely HATE that you ended up getting my name more right than a lot of other fools have."
It'd be hilarious to see a lot of dream friends trying to say her name. All the different ways they could say it wrong.
Here's a Taranza example:
"This must be the fiery flames of fate at work! Ooooh yeaaaah! My flames and I are fully stoked now!"
"Golly, you're really hot, good ma'am!" with a trollish look on his face.
"... Excuse me? EXCUSE ME?"
"Hahahahahaha! Am I making you overheat too much, fool?"
I think Taranza deserves to be depicted as silly sometimes.
A Daroach example:
"We wish to assemble the dark Jamba Heart pieces that were scattered across the universe."
"Woah... you want them all? That's a big bummer! What if I want to steal some of them? Maybe I'll still do it out of spite, teehee!"
I hate the limited amount of colors allowed for tumblr posts. To make it clear, for this example, the blue text is Francisca while the red text is Daroach. While, of course, Flamberge was the red text in the examples with Marx and Taranza, while Magolor was the blue text in the example with Zan.
And now, let me demonstrate a couple examples with Susie. I think she'd delightfully fire off on them like the feisty cheeky woman she is.
"I shall now turn this pink ball of nice into a frozen block of ice!"
"No you won't. This 'pink ball of nice' is a force of pure destruction, and you're going to defrost by daring to harm the universe with all of this insolent nonsense. You must be destroyed!"
"... Very well. But I won't go down without a fight, so you best watch out that you all might become ice sculptures this time. I can more than make sure of it!"
"We will more than make sure to obliterate you, just like the rest of your barbaric cult! Let's put her in her place, Pinky!"
Susie example with Zan:
"I did not expect you to survive your visit to Jambastion."
"You thought that would've gotten us? Pfft! We've all been through worse than that. You're going to have to try harder than that if you really want to eliminate us for good."
"Really, you survived worse? Well, that doesn't matter, because your luck has run out."
"No. Your luck has run out. We're going to exterminate all of you like the savages you are!"
This works out well with my interpretation that Susie's Japanese SA pause description containing the words "exterminate the savages!" is referring to the Jambastion cult when they were still the enemy. I headcanon that she's slowly in the process of unpacking baggage, and "savages" is just a thing she calls people she views as enemies.
And uh... to be honest, the cult kind of deserved to be called words like that during Star Allies when they were threatening everything.
I've done a lot of examples of a few dream friends having dialogue during the mage battles. But what about when confronting Hyness?
I think all the dream friends would be horrified at the moments that Hyness knocks Zan out of the way, weaponize all three mage sisters' bodies in his second phase of the fight, and then sacrificing them and himself to Void Termina. It would make them just flabbergasted.
Although I bet Marx would probably laugh at how unhinged he is.
"It seems... we do not have enough energy... to revive our Dark Lord... Must we... allow ourselves... to fall... into oblivion?"
"Yes, you should do that!"
"No no no no no!"
"Yes yes yes yes yes!"
"*goes on his giant unhinged rant*"
"*laughs hysterically* Look at you go off! It's hilarious!"
Marx is just... lmao.
Sorry that I don't have examples with every dream friend having dialogue in this post. But you get the general idea! Perhaps if you have ideas as to what the other dream friends could say in these moments, feel free to mention them in the notes!
Although I'll leave you here with a King Dedede example, just cuz:
"For what you've done, I'll scorch you to such a degree that... that... even tasty, toasty marshmallows will seem like ice cubes compared to you!"
"You ain't gonna be scorchin' any of us, ya hot fiery slimeball! We'll put you in your place like we did to the blue look-a-like of ya!"
Hahaha... ha... I interpret southern accent Dedede. Sue me.
Thanks for reading the post if you did! Let me know about more ideas of dream friend dialogue you have in the notes. I'd be curious what else you think in this broad, interesting concept.
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sapphickocho · 1 year
What if, instead of Amane finding Muichiro and Yuichiro, Kokushibo finds the twins first?
☾ A Tokito Traitor Au ☀
What if Kokushibo heard whispers of his descendants whereabouts and is interested to see where his family line has gone, and to see if he should end it once and for all. However when he arrives at their house, he finds Yuichiro on the brink of death and Muichiro who is holding his own against a demon. Impressed by his skills, Kokushibo effectively kills the demon and saves Yuichiro before he looses too much blood. He is very much intrigued by them, and Muichiro sees him as their savior figure which gives him an opening to properly manipulate them.
At first he want to turn them into demons immediately, since they do not seem threatened by his appearance. He even convinces them that being a demon is better then being human and that the demon that attacked them were not representative all demons and that demons like him did not eat human flesh because he was one of the chosen strong ones, uncorrupted. Yuichiro especially falls for that because therefore his arm can regenerate and he can protect his brother forever. However after Muichiro mentions Amane, and her offering them to join the demonslayer corps, Kokushibo decides to train them as slayers to infiltrate the corps as spies. By then both of the twins live with Kokushibo and see him as a second father figure, almost completely trusting him. Sadly the twins will not learn mist breathing, but instead Kokushibo trains them in moon breathing. Muichiro is able to master it, while Yuichiro struggles with only one arm, and instead creates a form known as eclipse breathing that works only for his body.
Muzan allows them to kill as many demons as they want to enter the final selection because he sees them as expendable, despite absolutely despising Kokushiobo's new set of twins. especially Muichiro, who reminds him too much of Yoriichri. Meanwhile Kokushibo is drawn to them because they subconsciously also remind him of his twin brother, even though he would never admit it. I do not think they would be able to become hashira, or at least not in less then six months like the original canon because Muichiro does not have his rage from his brother dying and Yuichiro, well, does not have his arm which is hard the adjust too, so they would be part of the kamaboko squad. Still they succeed to sabotaging many of the corps missions, causing the lives of many slayers.
Muichiro cant help but feel guilty, but he is loyal to Kokushibo (not Muzan, just him.) and the reward for trading information is that Kokushibo will give his blood so they can become demons like him. However in truth, unlike Yuichiro, he has no desire to become a demon. Soon he makes friends in the corps, with the other hashira and his fellow peers like Tanjiro and Genya. Soon, he begins to have a moral dilemma for betraying his friends. Therefore, Muichro begins to see the lies that Kokushibo has spun and is suddenly torn between two sides of people that he cares for.
I mean I just love the idea of bad guys becoming accidental parents. I think it'd be interesting to see how different they'd become due to not only being raised by a demon, but one who's morals were from 300 so years ago. old timey Tokito twins, would be kinda funny.
And imagine if they get invited to uppermoon meeting? Imagine how chaotic that would would be?
Akaza: Listen, you guys are too young for this. Kokushibo is not good with kids. Blink twice if you need help and I will get you both out of here.
Muichiro and Yuichiro: *continues to stare at him unnervingly without breaking contact*
Douma: Awww how cute Kokushibo I didnt know you had kids. They even have your eyes! who is the mother-
Koku: No
Kokushibo holding both of the twins upside down: I'm a single mother now
I just think all the uppermoons would be glorified babysitters for them and I cant help but think it would be hilarious seeing them all interact.
those two fighting some high-up demon, which obviously takes a while, only for the two to randomly stop cuz "dad said to be home by 10 or dinner will get cold". Just Kokushibo, being known as the worst father playing the role of father AGAIN.
Kokushibo to the twins: I am your great great great great great ancestor so just call me dad.
We just know the twins would talk shit about all the upper moons to there FACES and wont give two shits because that was just how they were raised. But not kokushibo-he could ground them.
(Anyway this Au has been consuming my mind lately so expect a fanfic coming out soon)
I mean Muichiro wont be the only one having a dilemma, what happens when Kokushkibos apathy starts to crack-and he begins to care for the twins?
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etinceelle · 8 months
Okay so, something funny to bring up: Yang absolutely CANNOT be smooth on purpose when deliberately flirting with Blake. She can only be smooth when she doesn't realize she's flirting.
What do you want to bet that it's genetic and Ruby has the EXACT same issue?
Is it just because I think Ruby being unable to string a coherent sentence together while trying to flirt with Penny is adorable? Maybe. But also I just think it'd be hilarious to see Ruby absolutely fall flat on her face when trying to be romantic ON PURPOSE but saying REALLY heartfelt and deeply romantic things when she's not even trying.
I can totally see it for both of them, they seem to be so clumsy when it comes to romantic contexts, that would work so well omg
I love how these too sisters are like strong chaotic and badass gremlins, but when they're trying to flirt or be romantic they would just end up falling on their partner or break stuff or say stupid things lol.
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dudewhy3 · 1 day
4 and 27 for the writer's ask game 🤗
Hi Myrtle! Thank you for the ask! 💛
4. a story idea you haven't written yet
Oho, do i have plenty of those! One of them is an AruAni medical drama, sort of like Grey's Anatomy but with aot characters. The 104th are doing their internship at the same hospital. Annie's the daughter of the acclaimed doctor Leonhart, and she bonds with Eren over the 'perks' of having fathers with such powerful names in their domains. It's through him that she meets Armin who- lo and behold- is renting out his late grandfather's house. And since she desperately needs to get out of her father's house, it's the perfect opening. And it sort of develops from there-- they start falling for one another, they're a great team at work, they quarrel at home because they have different tabiets and so on and so forth.
Maybe Armin is like the O'Malley of his year- very awkward, underestimated, the butt of each joke... proves himself worthy by performing heart surgery in an elevator during a blackout. Levi could be their attending- who they mistake for a janitor at first because he was dusting a shelf when they first met. Erwin is the chief of surgery, also a general surgeon, and he keeps getting these crazy ideas for investments and possible procedures- which are, of course, encouraged by Hange the cardio surgeon and very much frowned upon by Levi. Hange takes a special interest in Annie because of her father's legacy. Levi hates all their guts. Eren tries to get to his good side by getting closer to his niece Mikasa, which proves to be futile. I just think it'd be hilarious to hear Bailey's speech out of Levi's mouth- "Don't bother sucking up to me, I already I already hate you." Hilarious!! Maybe at some point he'd take a week off and the group would get Shadis assigned as their resident- which doesn't end well; catching Sasha stuffing her face with chips during rounds is the last drop for him.
Maybe Annie told her father she's moving in with her boyfriend (ahem *Armin* ahem) to get him off her back and then they'd have to fake a relationship in front of the old man. Maybe they actually start acting like a couple all the time and don't even realize it until Hitch jokingly points out that they're like an old married couple.
The possibilities are endless!! Had I known more on the medical part of things, I'd probably actually write the thing lmao ;-;
27. your favorite part of the writing process
Outlining!! Now, before i outline i usually vomit all the ideas i have into a document, however they might come to me- chaotic, all over the place... The outlining part is when it all starts making sense. And i just love putting stuff in order and watching how my silly ideas start taking a shape, tying together to form a coherent thing that breathes on its own.
Thank you once again for asking! I had such a blast answering these haha, and i'm sorry it took so long for me to get around to it ;-;
ask game in question
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volturissideslut · 2 years
I love your writing so much and I don't want to overflow you with writing so just a small thing. Volturi gaurd/kings with a (gn) mate that is *feral* I mean they RADIATE florida person energy. Just absolute chaos. I think it'd be hilarious. But please have a good day and don't feel pressured to write this at all.
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 (𝖘𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖊)
Okay so we're going to ignore the fact that I said I'm back then proceeded to disappear but my trial exams are on Monday and my mum just got out of the hospital so... perfect time to write, right? enjoy. also this request has been sat in my inbox for over a month so apologies to whoever requested and to those who are waiting still
He may be greatly amused
He may think you are the most chaotic and destructive person to ever have walked the earth
And he may think that you are basically a walking, talking, living, breathing shot of straight up suger mixed with adrenaline with a pinch of dumb
bit he is also concerned
heavily concerned
like he's afraid to take his eyes off you because the last time he did you somehow climbed to the roof, used a vine as a rope and - with a glass of apple juice in hand - pretended to be some "sparrow" character he'd never heard of???
the vine promptly snapped and you were hospitalised for about a week
but I digress
he concerned and greatly amused
for the sake of it, I'm gonna say his gift doesn't work on you but he can see the look in your eye
and it scared him
but man it excites him
will go along with your plans sometimes but eventually realises it's about to go too far and has to rein you in
baby is so stressed
you want to go outside? oh. can we please go later instead? come cuddle me for now <- marcus
he loves you
but you exhaust him
don't get me wring you are the best thing that has ever happened to him and he is much more lively now that your around to the point nobody even gives it a second glance when he's re dying laughing his head off
but please
he can't have another competition about who can jump the highest on the trampoline he bought you last week
you've already done it 499 times
and no this isn't a challenge to try beat him again
the 500th time is not the charm
I cannot see him with a mate like this
not now and not ever
he cannot handle it
you will be the death of him - and he means like dead dead this time
he did find one thing you can bond over
you just do it wayyyyy more dramatically
you know them videos that used to circulate tiktok about the hanging bucket filled with pait that you swing over a massive canvas? yeah that
but even then it gets old pretty quickly considering you have an eternity so... Good luck?
Just a mini aside here... never apologise for flooding me with requests I genuinely love reading them and getting them makes me feel appreciated and like this Fandom is still alive ❤️
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ask-the-royal-absol · 3 months
Oops, all legends AU. What legendary Pokémon would our dashing Prime be?
(This one definitely made me think lol
We've got to assume that none of the current legendaries exist and it'll only be the main cast that are legendaries. I'm also counting mythicals as legendaries too.
1. So, after considering every single legendary Pokémon, I'd have to say they'd probably be a hoopa. Bound version (unbound would be a nightmare). Travelling around tormenting other legendary Pokémon. They would be a chaotic bastard. I just feel it'd be fitting of them. I could have said chien-pao to fit with the typing and colour scheme but a chaotic Hoopa running around insulting legendaries because they can hoop their way to them sounds more fun. Sounds very Destino.
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2. Felix is Yveltal. With his close relation to death, it'd make sense for him. A chilled, laid back Yveltal that tries to stop his best friend from pissing off every legendary possible. Also hilarious because the both of them would swap types lol I'd imagine Hope being an Urshifu. Undecided on which one.
3. Would there be a prophecy? Possibly. Though it would potentially be 6 different Pokémon and Destino has been tasked with bringing them all together. Destino hates this. They want to be a part of the prophecy instead. They try to do everything they can to weave their way into the prophecy. Felix definitely helps to stop this from happening.
4. Destino's powers were sealed away because they were just too strong. Unbound Destino almost brought the world to ruin. They believed they were the strongest Pokémon and could take what they want. An ego on a hoopa is just too strong. It was only when some legendary Pokémon came together (including Yveltal!Felix) to seal their powers away. Felix actually has the prison bottle locked safe away. Felix kinda wants to make them a better Pokémon before trusting them with that power again. Hoopa!Destino originally became friends with Felix to get the prison bottle but now just likes him.
5. There would probably be a point where Destino is able to get the prison bottle and restore their powers. It'd then lead to a toss up between them using their powers for their own selfish desires or whether to use them for others.)
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Danganronpa if it worked like Stick of Truth
Apollo: South Park au! Clown: OMG it's like a small town au but INSANE Apollo: It's just a chaotic mess Clown: It really would One direction it could could be it's just danganronpa, but they're kids now, but also half of canon "game" is just them making things up Like play pretend! But the bears real Apollo: Who'd be who? I think Shuichi might be Kyle or Stan lmao. Maki might be Craig Oooo like stick of truth style? Clown: Yeah!! Exactly!! Also hmm, Kenny's Miu! Because that's funny Kiibo is butters Cause he gets bullied all the time I do not wanna make kokichi cartman I will cry aksbdkdh I wanna say shuichi could be Stan because of the depression lmao Junko can be cartman/hj If shuichis Stan would that make ouma wendy???
Apollo: Oh god does this mean he gets puked on? Clown: I FORGOR ABOUT THAT OH NOOOO Shuichi feels butterflies in his tummy and thinks he may be dying Danganronpa being a game all the local kids play is just, really fun. Like how in stick of truth they had the main classes and their leaders. They can have something similiar! (Am I saying this so ouma can keep child version of dice?? Yeah) There's a despair and hope side run by junko and Makoto respectively, maybe Tho I don't know what the goal of the game would be? Also hajime going "I have every skill actually" is so funny
Apollo: Probably who can out do each other in dramatics. It'd probably be a murder mystery probably where Junko pulls random people aside and assigns them killer and victim and they have to kill/die in a certain timeframe. Junko would help organize the clues and stuff and they'd hold the trials after. Also, imagine if Izuru was Hajime's twin who's like a prodigy or whatever but didn't want to play so Hajime just went I'll be talented enough for the both of us! Clown: Ouma dramatic recreation of his very serious death in the middle of the street gets interrupted by a car driving by so they scramble to wait on the sidewalk before returning to wailing dramatically Apollo: He finds fake blood and covers himself in it before putting like a bit of metal or something over himself but hears a honk and just throws the metal off and rushes to the side of the road, 'bleeding out' The town is so used to their antics that they don't even blink at the sight of Kokichi covered in blood Clown: Kaitos pulling him along like "go! Gogogogo!!" Shuichi's uncle is letting them use his garage as Shuichi's "ultimate lab" The adults are lowkey invested in the story line ajdvskbdk
Apollo: DICE gets in with planning deaths and stuff because they find it hilarious to watch everyone pretending to be dead/executed. They eventually get banned after everyone realised that Kokichi might be getting clues from them as to who the killer is "How am I meant to be the Ultimate Supreme Leader if you've banned my gang??? " Clown: Ouma keeps complaining saying it was totally fair because one of his skills is sleuthing. So of course he needed info!! "Fine!! They're in JAIL actually!! The reason so many of hajimes classmates survived is because he kept finding "revives" (a bear shaped cookie, or something) and just passed them out to his class He ran out before he could give one to chiaki… Apollo: Yes! Loser is finding all the boosts and is just handing them out Rip Chiaki Kokichi sulks for awhile until one of DICE tell him to grow up and cause hell for them 'Chapter 4.3' freaked everyone out because none of them expected Gonta and Kokichi to team up and kill Miu
Clown: YEAAHH, shuichis frantically flipping through the "rulebook" a spiral notebook junko gave them. "Is this allowed?? Is this allowed???" Their parents are watching from the kitchen window as they witness ouma and gonta put on the act of their goddamn toddler lives Apollo: They're so proud Shuichi panicked and told Kokichi he'd be alone after the trial and started apologizing almost in tears afterwards Clown: Kokichi was holding back his own tear tbh lmao Apollo: Shuichi was just panicking and wanted to seem cool by playing along with everyone. The second it was done, he run after Kokichi to apologize and tell him he didn't mean it Clown: Ouma sniffling and going "we're enemies right now." Meanwhile shuichis just [crying cat emoji] Apollo: DICE is not pleased but allow him to continue playing. Shuichi almost has a breakdown at Kokichi's death because he briefly forgets how dramatic the guy is and thought he went over the top with his death because of what he said Clown: THE CHILDHOOD ANGST His depressive episode when kaito was kidnapped?? That's him sniveling and going "I dont wanna play anymore" while everyone tries to convince him to keep going
Apollo: Kokichi huffs and gives Kaito his phone so he and Shuichi can talk when it's dark. Kaito isn't that shocked to see that Kokichi's room is an utter mess. He is a bit confused and possibly lowkey concerned when he sees the 'evidence' he's hoarded Clown: He's really going all out for the game akshdjhd His "lab" where shuichi finds evidence of previous killing games is a tent in his backyard OMG he's dramatically writing his "this is not a will" note with kaito behind him as he gets really into character Apollo: Kaito is concerned ™ with how in character Kokichi can be but at the same time is slightly jealous in awe because he wants to be like that. Sure he can play into the whole hero thing but the flu is making it hard to keep in character. Kokichi was the one to convince him to use it for the game. Mikan isn't happy because Kaito needs rest to recover quickly but here he is, working out each night before his grandparents call him home and fighting Kokichi He gave his grandparents puppy dog eyes and they let him play as long as he doesn't overdo it Clown: He didn't wanna miss out on the game!! His goatee is a piece of paper he taped to his chin To look "cooler" Apollo: Kokichi keeps trying to steal it as a 'joke', saying he can just draw one for you! Kaito naturally does not trust him Clown: Oumas trying to sharpie his face man They have a sleepover for chapter 5 and he finally succeeds Apollo: The real reason Kaito agreed to kill him /hj
[Clown went to sleep after that, and it's precisely when I bust in with my character assignments, so late it's no longer fashionable & I don't even have a coffee]
Me: Maki Craig, Miu Tweek would make so much sense actually, both how they used to fight all the time & the later relationship, Shuichi would be Stan for sure, Kokichi can be Kyle [haruruma was an attempt at Kai bait ngl] [about Kiibo as Butters] that I can wholeheartedly agree with no, Wendy is Kaede, duh okay, I am beginning to see the Junko Cartman, but for it to be really him, there needs to me more cringefail element, so I suggest Tsumugi, she has way more delulu [this is probably the only instance I used that word and I won't do it again, but also. I did use that because a character like Cartman can be genuinely delusional, like when it seemed he was just trying to take credit for the gay fish joke, until near the end of the episode when it becomes clear he believes his version of the story & is willing to die for it, it's just one of many examples when he just convinces himself of something so strongly, so I do not mean it lightheartedly] energy and that's a requirement here, we're talking about the most disturbed child on the playground Rantaro should be the french? guy that pisses of Stan because he's close to Wendy Kenny Ryoma would work, he's a tortured soul (I would consider Kenny Kokichi but I don't want to) Kaito really doesn't fit anyone, maybe he could be Clyde? (but honestly that gang would be hard to assign anyone)
Chee: theyre both fucking crying like kids do I can see it in my head, Shu apologizing and Ko just keeps repeating that theyre enemies (hes like half messing w him too) WHSHHS THE FLU IN PLACE OF HIS DISEASE IM FUCKING CRYING I LOVE THIS SO SO MUCH, Kokichi in this au reminds me of how Mysterion takes his superhero act so seriously imagine if Izuru who doesnt wanna join is the one watching out for the cars for them, he had a little chair and calls out to the others when a car comes by also Junko starting this whole huge game probably bc shes bored sounds funny
Apollo: He just has a megaphone and yells in the most bored voice I love Mysterion so much and I can see Kokichi acting sorta like him "Move or not. I don't care if you get squished for real."
Chee: I honestly just want Ko, Shu & Kaede to be Style & Wendy bc theyre my fav trios WHSHHS BUT HONESTLY KOKICHI KENNY IS COOL BUT HMM do we gotta assign them kids ? :0 Me: you know I said Kyle Kokichi for Style reasons what if I said Pip & Damien Kirumaki? Maki is a good fit for Damien, Pip is Pip [maybe it'd be better to pick a due from a different class tho, idk which assignment is better for Maki] the way main cast treats Pip would have to be adjusted but it's not like there's a better fit for Kirumi amongst those children Angie could be that girl that turned out to be a living ad
Clown: LESLIE??? Omg I love that Cartman tsumugi and Kyle kokichi at each other's throats for real
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rubykgrant · 2 years
I think it'd be funny if, when other people from the outside try to comment on the Reds and Blues, and specifically bring up how chaotic and less "impressive" the Reds seem, Wash comes to their defense with amazing ferocity- "Oh, you don't think they're intimidating? You don't think they're clever and lethal? They figured out how to unravel a plan thought up by me and another former Freelancer over a short communication because they just know each other THAT well, and THEN they came up with their own plan that involved running me over with a vehicle after I disarmed their leader, so his weapon wound right back in his hands, and after THAT they got into the big betrayal brawl between me and the same former Freelancer on an ICY CLIFF, gave each other a signal to use a vehicle to win again but in an incredibly creative and unorthodox way, but even when one of them went OVER THE SIDE OF THE CLIFF, he still survived. Every time somebody tries to kill them, they either get thrashed, or if they're lucky, get absorbed into the friend-group. Don't talk trash about the Reds" (it's partially him praising them for their genuine skills, but it's also him trying to create an acceptable reason for getting his Freelancer butt handed to him by the Blood Gulch Clowns. it's also just hilarious that through rumors and misguided reputation, the Blues sound like the team who had the important Alpha and then Epsilon AI, the magic sci-fi sword-key, and keep collecting Freelancers... the truth is, they're ALL clowns, and each impressive in their own ways~)
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
My siblings and I used to create each other in Sims 4. So it was random, for example, I would make my brother how I wanted him to be, even if he wouldn't like it at all, and I made him wear a dress. Then my sister would do the same thing with me. It could be unpredictable, but that's what made it fun. I imagine if the brothers and Mc each other's Sim characters and then played, while others just see and wait for their turn start fighting and reacting, it would be hilarious.
Imagine Satan creating Lucifer's Sim in Sims 4, literally embarrass him or Levi doing the same for Mammon. The brothers wil probably start a fight over to create Mc's Sim. It's an interesting concept, seeing how different characters would create each other's Sims. Pretty sure it'd be a chaotic and amusing experience.
Chaotic indeed!
Some of them would make each other normal, but I think most of them would make each other silly looking. Then just imagine if the game was cursed or something and they all ended up looking the same irl. You know, like how sometimes Levi's games impact reality? Then they'd be really mad lol.
They'd definitely have a big ole fight over who gets to make MC. Of they might fight about having theirs made by MC instead of one of their brothers. Either way there will be an argument lol.
Though can't Sims get married in the game? (It's been a long time since I've played a version of it...)
I'm just imagining them all getting into it over who's Sim gets to marry MC's Sim. In the end, MC is like nobody gets to marry my Sim! Or they create an entirely separate one that they just make up lol. Even better if it's one of the side characters. MC's like I'm gonna make a Solomon Sim and marry him!
Ahhh the possibilities.
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red-hibiscus · 7 months
Finally finished Playboyy and I still don't know what to think of it
I'll start by saying that I freely drop shows with no hesitation. The fact that I stuck with it shows that somehow it captured my attention.
I think Playboyy had a good concept in mind and I did like some of the characters and couple dynamics. It had some good reveals that left me going "OH!! So thats how it is". The cinematography at some points was honestly pretty damn good and there were some beautiful shots. So as much as people hate on it, Playboyy isn't devoid of some kind of quality. It's not the meaningless show some people imagine it being.
However, it felt unorganized/messy and there is the question of how many sex scenes and couples are too much. I'm down with chaotic shows and large casts that's chill. But it led the show to be difficult to follow for me. I'm absolutely shit with names and 7 ships is way too much for my brain to follow. I think the show did an alright job at giving everyone some kind of personality, but part of me wishes there was more space for learning more about the individual characters.
I'm 100% fine with sex scene, explicit sex scenes even. I knew going into the show that it'd be told through lots of sex scenes. But I think it could have flowed a touch better. Maybe have the plot embedded into the sex scenes better (no clue how). Instead it felt like 10 minutes of mystery solving to keep the plot going and suddenly they're fucking in cosplay like some kinky sex jumpscare. Hilarious to me, but it threw me off. Maybe they wanted the chaotic hard to follow vibes, but I do not have the concentration and memory.
I think it's really cool that they had separate storylines with all the couples and they had then interconnected the way that they did. Whether it be connecting individual characters to each other in ways you didn't think they'd be connected, or couples as a unit. Though I think if they had the first big reveal (after the plot really started kicking) around episode 8(??) a bit earlier.... or had the plot going hard a bit earlier that would've kept more people into the show. Cause by the time the plot got more obviously complex, most of the people who were eventually gonna drop the show had already dropped it. Largely because they weren't feeling the plot. They felt like the plot was going in and out of existence (and tbh that kinda was the vibe sometimes).
In conclusion: Definitely has potential and good ideas, but it ultimately fumbled them a bit.
I want to clarify that I DID like it. It's not a horrible show and did some things really well. I appreciate the stories they were trying to tell so much. My brain just lost focus some times... so certain aspects could've been done better.
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brownfrogs · 1 year
I think it'd be freaking hilarious if Hanzo brought Cole gifts from his missions that were increasingly silly, especially things like bags or clothes or phone cases that he'd display on his person ALL THE TIME - at first they were just jokes but Cole loved them and proudly wore them, so Hanzo just keeps finding sillier and sillier vaguely cowboy-themed stuff for him just to see how far he can push it but Cole always loves them no matter how ridiculous they are and wears them, Morrison eventually going to Hanzo and being like "We have standards here and he was already pushing them to begin with, please stop." And of course, Hanzo immediately goes and finds the most over the top, ridiculous cowboy themed anything he can find and gives it to Cole as a 'fuck you'. Gabriel is probably just pinching the bridge of his nose in the background while Genji, Diva and Lucio are probably cheering the whole thing on and even subtly directing Hanzo to new things for Cole.
He finds the perfect item in a vintage store. A hideously bedazzled western shirt with a chaotic paisley design and obnoxiously long fringed chaps that goes perfect with a leather thong.
Of course the whole room erupts in chaos when Cole comes dressed in that for karaoke night. It’s quite the performance of “Any Man of Mine” where half of them are egging him on like Hana, Genji, and Lúcio. While the other half are just shaking their heads like Gabriel and Jack. And there’s just Hanzo, dying from laughter, the one where you’re in tears and can hardly breathe kind. It’s an absolutely memorable moment that many still bring up today.
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rudjedet · 2 years
Maybe Seth's animal is an animal that does exist but nobody from that area had actually seen one but it was described to them. Like if you hadnt ever seen a giraffe but you had to draw what you think it looks like?
Ancient Egyptians weren't like medieval monks drawing an animal from a country they've never visited. We can reasonably assume that they knew the animals native to their areas since we have all these other animals that we can identify from tomb paintings or even their hieroglyphic counterparts. If the ancient Egyptians can take 1.5 cm on an entire tomb relief to carve this little grasshopper,
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if they can paint a pair of geese so accurately detailed that millennia later we can recognise them as a now-extinct species by their feather markings, then it'd be a bit of a stretch to consider that for just this single divine representation of a known chaotic force they grabbed an animal no one else except this one guy had ever seen (and then no one else ever saw that animal throughout Egyptian history, either).
The Seth animal is just weird, a bit of an anomaly like Seth himself is, and that's fine. We'll likely never know for certain what he is/what parts of existing animals (if any) were donated to this particular form of his. The Seth animal is, simply put, a Seth animal.
Though I will say the idea that an ancient Egyptian from way back in Dynastic history ended up in like Australia or something and came back having seen all this weird animal shit is hilarious. New theory: the Seth animal is actually a badly drawn kangaroo.
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