#i keep trying out different hairstyles and outfits and most of them work?? because he's SO PRETTY
beskad · 1 year
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aot men as dads - headcanon!! some 18+!!
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includes: eren, jean, reiner, & levi
i'm still working on some full-fledged one-shots and parts of my series', but i'm nannying for the summer and have BABY FEVER. please enjoy my little headcanons of my fav aot men as dads <3
DISCLAIMER: some of this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor, please do not read below the cut.
ok but eren is such a cringe dad lol
buys himself all of the #1 Dad! merch. he’s got mugs, tshirts, hats, all of it, and all of it went on his credit card.
10000% a girl dad. loves all the little dresses and bows; he puts your daughter’s hair in its first bun, nearly tears up when she points at his matching hairstyle and babbles “like da-da!”
you have to parent eren as much as the children. when you turn the corner into the living room where he’s supposed to be having “quiet time” with your toddler only to find that they’re buried in a pillow fort and eren’s signed his own name in crayon on the wall next to your daughter’s scribblings. “babe, we can just repaint it! she’s being creative.”
loves when you’re pregnant. after your first, eren keeps a calendar on the wall marking off the days until it’s safe for him to fuck you again, fuck a baby right back into you. already has a breeding kink before your first. develops a lactation kink after.
TERRIFIED (and i mean terrified) of hurting your little angel. has absolutely zero concept of “cry it out”; if he hears his baby crying, he’s sprinting into the next room, kissing a nonexistent boo-boo.
refuses to admit it but he has no backbone when it comes to your daughter wanting literally anything. she wants it, she gets it.
favorite thing in the world is matching outfits. favorite. “babe, where’s her green hoodie? i’m wearing mine today for the park!” “of course it matters, we have to match! on that note, where’s yours?”
lets your daughter use his hair to learn how to braid. usually has a few pink hair ties or glittery clips sticking out of it when you come home from a mom’s night out.
really big on your baby getting to see the world. drags you on vacation to any place he can think of, even as you try to explain to him that she can’t form any long term memories yet. “but baby, she’ll have pictures. how many kids in her class can bring a picture of them at the eiffel tower to their first show-and-tell?”
accidentally ruins santa and the tooth fairy for your daughter. cries harder than she does over it.
aggressively vets babysitters. ends up settling for a nursing student in the labor & delivery school who’s the oldest of seven children and probably more knowledgeable about child development than both of you combined, but he’s still suspicious.
wants to watch while you push, watch his baby come into the world. you’ve never seen a sweeter sight than eren in his scrubs, crying while holding your baby girl.
most people picture eren as being the roughhousing dad, but it’s jean, and i will die on this hill.
freaks out every time he drops your first boy while throwing him around like a ragdoll, but he’ll never stop because “listen!! he’s laughing!”. when it comes to the rest of them, he’s experienced enough now to tell the difference between a real booboo and an imagined one, and he simply brushes their little pants off caringly before shouting “now you tackle me!”
jean’s got no gender preference for your first, or the rest of your little brood for that matter. he raises them exactly the same, regardless: tough.
it takes him awhile to get used to the concept of babies’ minds. you’ve walked in on him having full-blown arguments with your shrieking toddlers several times. “what’s not making sense? if you let your goldfish ‘swim’ in the toilet, it dies, simple as that.”
plays “bad cop” for you because you’re terrible at it, but he’s always having to turn around and snicker into his elbow in the middle of scolding because your babies get the same little throbbing forehead vein as you when they’re mad
wants a big family, and gets it. you practically have to drag him to get his balls snipped after your fourth, him reminding you that “it’s reversible!” the entire way there.
the newborn phase is his favorite. he’s rarely home for any longer than ten minutes without scooping your most recent addition into his arms, squishing their little cheeks and marveling at their gurgling noises.
the kids never give him anxiety, but when you’re pregnant??? jean’s a wreck.
“do your feet still hurt, love?” “what do you mean you have indigestion? that could be the baby coming!” “of course we can’t have sex, what if we poke its little head?”
definitely the dad that’s got a delivery bag and a backup bag and an emergency third backup of the backup bag in his car at all times. the first week of your third trimester, he starts watching you suspiciously for any signs of labor, even though this is your fourth together. you think you’ve got it down by now, you tell him, but he won’t listen.
always gets the kids to work together on little surprises for you. every mother’s day they wake you up with breakfast, every valentines day your dining room table is covered in handmade cards, every birthday your kitchen is coated in flour from jean and four little ones attempting to bake
SO HARD to drag him out for a date night. he wants to bring them everywhere: the fancy restaurant, the couples' get away trip
jean's that dad standing in the bar, watching the game, beer in hand, with an occupied baby carrier strapped to his chest
wants to watch during delivery, but he passed out the first go-round, so now he’s content standing up by your head, trying not to turn white as you squeeze his hand hard enough to break.
talks you into just one more on your fourth’s second birthday. “they’re all so big now. don’t you miss it, babe? my baby in your belly? c’mon…” turns out he reversed that vasectomy without telling you
another girl dad. hardcore girl dad.
buys his little princess all number of dresses and barbies, is confused when she’s more interested in the baseballs her classmates have.
accidentally raises the most tomboyish, toughest little girl. still babies her, and she hates it.
cries more than you do on your first date night out when you leave her with your mom. forgets to order his entree at the restaurant because he’s watching the baby monitor app on his phone.
definitely the best at splitting baby duties with you. reiner’s up before you most nights when she wakes, grabbing a bottle and cooing at her lovingly even as she screams. you always try to stay awake to watch him on the baby monitor, though, heart melting as his massive arms rock the tiny bundle back to sleep.
all the neighborhood kids love him because of his size. at every cookout, reiner can’t help on the grill because he’s buried in the grass in a little army of toddlers, led by your daughter, shrieking with joy.
always taking pictures. literally always. unflattering ones when you fall asleep breastfeeding, candids at the zoo, eighteen identical pictures of the lock of hair from her first haircut clogging up his camera roll.
can’t be the bad cop. literally ever. he just can’t say no to his little princess, can’t break her precious little heart by telling her that throwing her food onto the floor is bad.
takes your daughter to mommy & me classes with him
DILF DILF DILF. all the moms in the classes swoon over him and gossip about him when he’s not there; much to your annoyance, reiner never notices, insisting that they’re his “mommy friends”.
always sporting a little bit of glitter on his face or a sticker on his back from your daughter
coming from a fatherless background, reiner nearly kills himself trying to be a constant presence in your daughter’s life (you have to remind him that he has to rest too)
never misses an open house night at school, even if it nearly gets him fired. coaches all of her sports teams. literally almost cries when she makes her first soccer goal. actually does cry when she tells you the boy sitting beside her in class called her his girlfriend. full-blown breakdown on her first day of school, so bad he has to stay home from work.
the absolute BEST through your pregnancy and delivery. always cooking your craving of the week, constant foot and back rubs, stays up all night with you for the three days before the birth when you’re just too swollen and miserable to sleep.
holds your hand through the entire delivery, gets in the doctors’ way when they’re performing checkups because “i’m her father, i need to know what’s going on”
levi never pictured himself as having children, but when your little surprise arrives, blinking up at levi with his own grey, owlish eyes, levi can’t believe he hadn’t thought of it sooner.
very easily irritated with anyone asking questions about your home life.
when his coworkers ask for your newborn’s name, levi simply says “child.” are you two trying again? “why the fuck do you need to know?”
super overprotective. your baby waves at someone in the supermarket, and levi’s leaning down to explain (in words your eight-month-old can’t yet understand) stranger danger.
totally one of those parents that goes half-crazy trying to get their child into the top-notch, snobby preschool in town.
“we’re not wasting his intelligence on the public school”
levi grew up with basically nothing, so he goes all out buying the best baby products on the market. $2,500 strollers, researching “best baby toys for development”, the whole nine yards.
100% spends months trying to get your child to make a game out of picking up his own toys after playtime, but it never works.
has a meal plan for your child to “optimize nutrition” that you have to sneak around to give your baby little chocolates and junk snacks.
“why are there pringles in his playtime bag? they have no nutritional value.”
vets anyone that comes around your child, even other children. “no more playtime with that evan kid. he’s always got a cold or something.”
he’s always been a light sleeper, but once you have your child, levi snores beside them watching kids’ cartoons on the tv like you’ve never seen him, even drooling as his head lolls, arm tucked tight around your little one.
learned everything he could about labor and delivery beforehand
you almost killed him in the delivery room as he explained each medical detail of your labor symptoms to “reassure” you. he finally got the hint when you threatened to decapitate him.
he thinks it’s shameful, but watching you be a mother turns. him. on. 
wants to take you right there when he catches you breastfeeding, watches you read a bedtime story, spin your child around laughing. you’re just so naturally good at it and it makes him love you all the more, all that love going straight between his legs.
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cor-lapis · 9 months
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I decided to have a go at doing my own redesigns because these three are my favourites and I love them very much. further notes + sources under the readmore (warning: lots of text). I did my best with the research, but if there's anything I overlooked, I'd really appreciate people letting me know :)
My main source for Tighnari was this excellent thread, from which I looked up each item of clothing individually. Since djellabas tend to be quite long, and Tighnari needs mobility for forest ranger activities, I figured he would cut and re-hem the lower half. He also has a lot of clothing pieces that are traditionally multicoloured, but to keep his design cohesive I decided to use the same colours across different items, but using a larger palette of colours than I would usually. I like the bright colours on him a lot though!
There are also some minor details I just changed because I wanted to. The flower on his chest is now a nilotpala lotus, because I thought it was nice to include his acension material/the material he asks you to help gather. The dirt stains/scuff marks are because rainforests are muddy and I wanted the design to emphasise Tighnari being very practical and hands-on with his work (see also, the specimen belt).
Finally, I shrunk the magnifying glass on his back (because I'm pretty sure it's meant to be his first magnifying glass toy and that thing is very large for a child to handle) and gave him an undercut because it seemed right. Also, I merged his front and back trailing cloths into a scarf type of thing that he could wrap around his nose and mouth to prevent inhaling spores from mushrooms.
COLLEI my beloved. I had a mild nightmare trying to figure out a specific source culture for her design, but nobody seemed to know specifics and her outfit wasn't matching with any traditional dress I looked up, so in the end decided to keep the overall look the same. Just in case I assigned her something else, but then it turned out I missed her actual inspiration.
Anyway, I made her shoes simpler (no fur, heels, and open toes in the rainforest seemed reasonable to me), and gave her shorts. I liked the green colour because it's pretty unique under a dark dress, and pairs nicely with Nahida's white dress + green undersides. Amber's tie stays, but I made most of her jewellery smaller since it felt a little clunky for a trainee ranger.
Her earring and necklace(?) are allusions to the Evil Eye and the Khmissa/Hamsa, both symbols of protection. Especially considering the fact they're meant to ward off evil, and very common across multiple MENA cultures, it seemed fitting for Collei to have them. Also, she has Eleazar scars, and I used the design for her stockings as inspiration for the combination knee braces (similar to those used for arthritis, since Eleazar also causes stiff limbs and I HC that people affected would probably still need some recovery support)/knee pads (in the case of a fall). I like the idea that Kaveh would have helped make them for her (tangent but the fic Here is the House explores similar ideas; it's really really good, I heavily recommend it). Finally, she has curly hair because I thought it would be cute.
Here's the thread I found for Cyno. The main critique was to do with the eras from which each aspect of his clothing drew inspiration, but I admittedly wouldn't be able to do much about this without a lot of research. One thing I did try and verify was the small strip of cloth on the left of his chest, and I found a few wall murals where the people seem to be wearing similar strips of cloth? (example here; rightmost figure) Therefore, I didn't remove it, but if someone wants to explain Ancient Egyptian clothing history to me I'd be really interested to hear it 6.6
I might iterate on the design in the future, but for now the changes are mostly HC territory. Cyno wearing his hair in locs (a protective hairstyle) makes sense for someone who does a lot of hiking after rogue scholars, and I also gave him quite old and faded top surgery scars because healthcare is canonically free in Sumeru (thanks for that information, al-Haitham)(though tbf Cyno makes bank anyway). I also adjusted the colours a bit, since Genshin tends to use desaturated shades for metallic elements.
I also considered giving Cyno more scars, but figured that it could indicate Hermanubis' presence that someone you'd expect to get injured a lot is relatively scar-free (i.e. some sort of godly healing factor/resistance to damage). However, we know next to nothing about Hermanubis, so Cyno having a lot of scars also makes sense. This paragraph is mostly just a cry for help cyno story quest 2 literally any more elaboration about the nature of Hermanubis' pact and the Temple of Silence.
I wasn't intending to write one when I started the explanations but this got REALLY long so if you made it this far, thank you so so much ToT please check out the links; the threads especially were a great resource, and I'm grateful that people take the time to make them <3 genshin's character design department are cowards but I'm glad I learned some new things through the redesign process
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randomshenaniganery · 9 months
TGCF Donghua
okay so I've been watching this shit since it was released and I'm fully enjoying waiting for the weekly episodes and I wanna rant about it because I love it so much but I do have some minor gripes
Bad chuchu out of the way first
I am not happy with how generic and unoriginal the designs for most of the supporting characters. Like yeah they still look somewhat different but when the pool of named characters will expand it will get harder and harder to tell people apart if they keep on going with this route. Almost everyone suffers from same face syndrome which I know is rampant in current anime I just wished they allowed for at least more dynamic silhouettes, hairstyles, and color palettes. It feels like a more toned down version of the character design in the manhua. Lang Qianqiu in the manhua is so easy to recognize because of his outfit and pei ming looks more like the bastard he is etc. Don't get me started on the design for Kemo, the manhua felt eh I feel like Kemo was too pretty and too slim but in the donghua its just he's a straight up orc idk, i feel like they could've done better. Pei Su looks very generic, I think out of everyone he's the most generic looking of them all. SQX, Ling Wen and Jun Wu are the best designs for the supporting cast and I think Banyue is also okay looking cause you can tell her apart from the rest so far.
I am super disappointed in Qi Rong's reveal because it doesn't feel as impactful in the book. In the book the reveal of him looking like Xie Lian was so dramatic to me I was like oh my god is that his brother? A twin? a doppelganger? And then Qi Rong just kinda looks like that, tbh his voice actor and his clothes are fine I think they fit. It's just weird how he suffers from same face syndrome. If they made everyone look less like each other making Qi Rong look like Xie Lian would have been so impactful and a really cool cliffhanger but they couldn't do that because even fucking Lang Qianqiu kinda looks like Xie Lian with lighter hair. Also the Fang xin design is alright on the clothes but the mask gives off a bit cheap however I get that it can't be super detailed and it still does its job so I can handwave that small pet peeve.
Also censorship we couldn't get Xie Lian falling on Hua Cheng's lap and so them trying to make up for that was super awkward LMAO, they could have solved this by making SQX fall right on Hua Cheng's chair so that they could justify why Xie Lian grabbed Hua Cheng and throws him but they didn't... and it's so awkward...
I think it was like Episode 2 of s2 that the animation feels weird, Mu Qing's face felt off to me idk what was going on it just felt like something went down but the next episode it was perfectly fine anyway.
Something the manhua didn't have was Fu Yao and Nan Feng looking a bit like each other, that was so fucking funny and it's a great display of how much they hate each other and live rent free in each other's heads ong. I love that detail the donghua did I think that's smart.
The voice actors are so great in both dubs they're doing amazing (I haven't listened to the jp dub) I have no complaints I love their work
ONE of my favorite things about the donghua is being able to see Hua Cheng's expressions even when Xie Lian is doing something in the book so he wouldn't notice. I love seeing how pleased he is every time someone points out the intimacy with him and Xie Lian. Like in season 1 when Fu Yao is shocked/horrified that Xie Lian shared a bed with Hua Cheng, San Lang puts a hand on his chin and looks so fucking smug and happy. This happens a couple times in s2 as well someone will be like oh that's weird you're so like this with Hua Cheng and he becomes a smug cat it's great.
Another one I enjoy is during the beginning of the banyue arc when Xie Lian reveals to Fu Yao and Nan Feng that he's used to sleeping in squalor the camera goes to Nan Feng not revealing his face but clearly showing his guilt over what Xie Lian reveals. That's good shit.
Lan Chang picking a fight off screen, also cool, love seeing her. I like that she looks inconspicuous so for someone who doesn't know shit about tgcf they will not see *that* shit coming.
ALSO the men look kinda generic if they're not the mls but the girls are all gorgeous???? like the woman who was Hua Cheng's speaker, the girl who led Xie Lian further into the gambling den, XUAN JI, Banyue all the girls are unique without being so ostentatious and I love them. If you put them beside each other they all look like they're own thing but still on theme. From clothes, to hairstyle and colors it's easy to tell and that's good design. I also include SQX's female form cause she's gorgeous too.
The donghua I think adds to stuff I haven't read I'm not sure if this is because I have a bad memory but I don't recall reading a flashback of Lang Qianqiu and the failed robbery. But the message of that entire section was so fucking good. The way that what Lang Qianqiu said about 'maybe he shouldn't have intervened' and the sound effects UGh. It's so good, i love how the book tackles the morality of everything, breaking down Lang Qianqiu's firm positivity and believing in humanity but still promoting being kind and considerate through Xie Lian. This theme still carries on in the show and I think they're doing a great job.
GOD THE MUSIC in the donghua is so fucking good, I love it. The songs, the meanings, the beat it's all perfect I can't say anything more.
even though i'm disappointed in the character design choices the donghua is very solid, I love it a lot. It does come off as very expositiony sometimes but I think that's very prevalent in Chinese Wuxia and Xianxia. Probably weird for people who aren't used to the genre but to anyone who's seen something like it, it's not unbearable and it's kinda necessary because of how the book is written. Waiting for wednesday patiently whilst i draw huahua
There are so many fun details the Donghua adds that shows that they know the story and where it's going as well hinting at character stuff, it's so fun to spot those. Like Xie Lian's reaction to Hua Cheng biting the bun made me wanna claw my face that shit was good af.
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Well, since you're asking...
Space Barbie is back! (except not in space lol)
To share how my characters turned out in that other game I need to give some context about why they look like that.
So, the game I tried is Soul Calibur VI, and since it's a fighting game I'm not sure how good they are with customization in general. Some aspects were more limited here than in SWTOR (like facial customization, amount of hairstyles and clothes), while other aspects were better (range of colors, more detailed body customization, goddamn heights aren't tied to body types). It was lots of fun to play with the options given in SC (especially outfits), so here's what I managed to do with my SWTOR characters in this game.
Buckle up, we're in for a long ride.
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The first character I tried to make in SC was Auletta (not surprising, she's often the first when I try different character makers). Initially I wanted to recreate her look as close to SWTOR as possible, but quickly realized that it would be hard and aimed to just make her look good and have a similar vibe to the original. I think it turned out pretty good.
Also, while she is the first to be recreated here, this look is not. At first I attempted to create a version of Auletta that comes up much later in my headcanons for the characters (and doesn't even exist in SWTOR yet).
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(SWTOR outfit is not final, I just needed to compare with the dark side corruption showing)
At some point she becomes the Empress of the Sith Empire, which prompts an outfit change, and after that the effects of the dark side start showing through in her appearance (though I'm still not sure why now and not earlier). This is where I had a bit of trouble - the outfit I came up with isn't perfect (though still nice looking) because there are some parts that can't be removed or recolored, and there are no alternatives that look as good. So I would remove the fire ornaments on the chestpiece and flowers on the lower part, but add some other patterns to keep the outfit more interesting than pure black clothes.
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The most difficult part of making Shailla in SC was facial tattoos (still not sure if they look good enough, but it's probably not going to get better). Finding clothes for her was relatively easy, especially the first outfit. It's supposed to resemble one of Shailla's Jedi robes, and I kinda like the SC version more (just a bit). The second outfit isn't really supposed to resemble anything, I just put it together bc I liked the way it looks, but if we are to compare it to anything, it would be her clothes during the Eternal Throne drama. Maybe.
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When making Raen, there were so many outfits to choose from that I decided to not do that and ended up with clothing that fits her vibe (even if it looks pretty different).
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Kind of followed the same path with Airistan - instead of copying one of her armors, I put together an outfit that resembles her overall. Plus I think that dark blue colors fit her well, yet in SWTOR I can't work with it because the dye system is lacking.
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So far Jett had the most revisions of her armor - I tried 2 or 3 outfits before settling down with this one. Armor in particular is difficult to work with bc it's easy to make it look weird or bad, that's why I had to change hers a couple of times.
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When it comes to chiss characters, their eyes in SC look different from SWTOR simply bc there is no option to remove iris and pupil, you can only color it the same as the sclera, in this case both red.
Xaele's outfit is, once again, is less resembling of any particular clothing from SWTOR and more fitting the overall vibe of the character.
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Zabraks by far are the most difficult to replicate in this game due to their horns and tattoos - you have to pick the horns as equipment and move and color them manually, and there aren't enough tattoo options to resemble the originals.
I was definitely lazy to replicate Vintu's tattoos properly, so maybe I'll change them later, but for now this is how he turned out. The armor is alright though, I think it resembles him just fine.
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When it came to Imely, I wanted to emphasize the difference in her appearance compared to other chiss. To do that, I intentionally made her eyes darker and skin less saturated (saturation goes from 0 to 9, hers is 1, while other chiss characters have saturation from 6 to 9).
This is where the lack of hairstyles also became a problem - Imely is supposed to have curly hair, but nothing in SC fit that (and I barely managed to do Shailla's hair, bc she's also supposed to have curly hair, but at least she usually ties or braids it, while Imely often lets it loose). In the end I just gave her a braid.
The first outfit is kind of a mesh of her clothing as a Sith (and it just looks nice by itself, still one of my favorites), and the second one is supposed to resemble her Outlander outfit (I like that I could make the scarf purple, she would definitely keep something of this color).
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Nevanor was a bit of pain to replicate. Pretty sure choosing his hairstyle alone gave me a headache (and the first one is still meh, but that's how hard it is to find something fitting for him). The second outfit had to be revisited twice before I felt like it's good enough. His fighting style was a nightmare to figure out (but that's a topic for another post). But it's worth it because now he's among my favorite recreations.
The first outfit is modeled after one of Nevanor's Jedi clothing, and the second one - after his outfit as the Alliance Commander.
And that's not even all of the characters, I just can't add more than 30 images in one post, so there will be another.
Bonus (as a treat for reading this far):
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I also made Valkorion!
Yeah, of all SWTOR characters I could go for, I went for him.
But that's mostly because I learned that you can put characters from creation in a fight against each other, and I wanted to see Valky lose fights again and again.
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starsmuserainbow · 1 year
Headcanons - older Starlight
So, I’m not really sure where to write this under, but, here are some thoughts I have about how Starlight will be once she’s older. Which is not a thing that I’ll probably be doing as verse or anything or at least I don’t plan to just as I copy this over from her blog, but I wanted to write down a few thoughts.
If I were to give any ref to at least somewhat a character looking like how I might imagine her to look, the one that a quick search through a database gave me would be Blue Angel (/Blue Gal or Blue Maiden, which i think are pretty much the same only with a little different hairstyles and outfits? Don’t ask me idk yugioh at all -- all of them work pretty much) from Yugioh, though of course with the usual edits I’d have to do for haircolor, skincolor, probably eyecolor too.
She doesn’t grow as tall as tamaraneans usually are, which annoys her to no end especially when being compared to, or interacting with, any other tamaranean - especially Moonshot because she keeps a kinda occasionally-meeting-and-moreorless-disliking-one-another connection up with him (assuming she keeps staying on Earth or returns there after leaving for another bit of time)
She’s also staying rather flat chest-wise, which isn’t really much of a problem for her though, she finds it easier that way.
She likes the dark type of blue a lot (I would say royal blue maybe, though some of the pic results I get for it are a bit too dark, take the blue of these shoes here as somewhat the color I mean) and often has at least one part of her attire in that color, though she will still - and always - keep wearing a mix of all colors and keep as rainbow-y as possible.
Her haircolor and style change frequently, she tries out new colors almost weekly and can - thanks to her energy - make them vanish within moments when she got enough of them, and she’s often wearing two long pigtails when not trying out something new.
Starlight has by now either accepted to never find out what her other half is or she managed to learn it through something - but she’s definitely not searching anymore. And Earth has been the planet that, during all her travels, made her feel at home the most, which is why she chose to stay there.
She’s still not out for heroing nor doing bad, she’s just trying to live a more or less average life (with slight advantages like that she can just fly somewhere or easily lift a couch or car or whatever out of the way if needed).
She’s not doing anything at all to hide her abilities or that she isn’t earthen, she is proud of who she is and doesn’t hesitate to admit to it - even if that has before occasionally meant some trouble when people thought she’d be a good subject for experiments or the likes.
She isn’t as strongly disliking Starfire or any of the royal siblings anymore; they aren’t exactly close friends or anything but she by now has more understanding for their actions, even if it still feels like they left Tamaran without any care for it.
For a very short while, she had actually been kinda into Wildfire after he helped her with something - she quickly distanced herself again though after learning/realizing who he was
By now she is old enough to earn money, and ever since she can do so she’s basically hopping to any and all fields of work, trying out things but after a while longing for something else than the routine that set in and quitting her job to get a new one.
Outside of actual work, she also every now and then sells a few things she made, or at least colored, herself, and since she does a pretty well job with those, it’s giving a nice bit of money too.
While she has a home - not a tree - by now, she isn’t often there. Starlight likes to be around and meet people or experience events, so she’s often looking for some of these things instead of being home. Or occasionally she might even be off-planet, too; Earth isn’t always enough for her to keep to it. Besides, her all-time favourite snack comes from another planet and whenever her stock runs out, she needs to go and get a new batch.
Speaking of her home, you can bet that it’s very colorful - perhaps not from the outside since there’d be an owner of the building to be against that maybe, but at the very least on the inside. Her walls are definitely painted in various colors, there’ll always be brushes along with color for it standing in corners of the rooms in case she feels like a part of the wall needs a new color, a lot of the colors both standing ready in buckets and on the wall are glittery too; and her furniture and textile home-stuff will be as much colored as well. Also she will have a good batch of things with inspirational or funny quotes on it, because she likes those.
She’s using rollerskates (or blades, I can never remember which is which) like all the time by now, there aren’t many shoes she has that don’t have rolls below them. And for those that don’t, she also has boards that she can tie any shoe onto if she wants to use that pair but with rolls.
She tries as many things as possible of Earth, but while she has also tried those, she never understood the use of smoking, drinking or drugs. That’s probably because they don’t actually work, or not as much, on her as they do for humans, but Starlight isn’t really aware of that; all she knows is that she tried and saw absolutely nothing useful in it.
She still can’t really cook much, it just feels like a tedious thing to do and it’s much easier to go out and get food or even get it delivered.
If she ever finds a work that she sticks with that isn't just jumping between things, it'll either be Idol (singer, star, you know what I mean), some form of Internet Celebrity, or Fashion Maker (mostly, taking things and customzing them).
0 notes
martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.48--Episodes 9-10
I have watched through S5E10; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for those further behind than I am.
—Merida was serving some looks in this episode! The coronation dress was *everything* and the battle gear? Sublime. Leather, chain mail, and the clan tartan all put together makes for one gorgeous outfit. Plus, she had some of her hair braided. V cool.
—I can’t believe Mulan hung out with Merida for so long and didn’t become ✨knife wife✨! She has got to find a nice girl to have a happy ending with by the end of the show or I will be terribly disappointed.
—I did not need every Dark One in my life, thank you very much. They can all just shuttle right back to where they came from.
—I can’t believe Merlin’s actually dead. I didn’t expect that.
—Hook and Emma are being incredibly depressing right now. I need some evidence that Hook still loves her way deep down, or I’m gonna cry. And the worst part is that he’s justified in being mad at her, but what she did is understandable. I can’t really blame either of them completely, so I don’t know who do be mad at. I don’t like being confused.
—I guess Lancelot didn’t get cursed. Which is cool, because if he’s not cursed he’s probably also not dead.
—Did I know that his mom is the Lady of the Lake? I can’t remember if that comes from the original Arthurian legends or not, cause I’ve heard several different Lady of the Lake stories and I don’t remember any of them very well.
—Good to know that Rumple can hold his own in a sword fight. And the fact that he didn’t kill Hook, even though he jolly well could’ve, just proves that he’s not bad anymore.
—Now that he’s joined Regina in the ex-bad club, he’s learned that the first thing to happen to someone after going nice is a *major ouchie*. In his case, that would be Belle dumping him.
—I’ve got split feelings on that, tbh. I really really do need Rumple to have a happy ending. But he tried to get that before truly reforming, which is out of the sequential order, and according to Regina’s example the real thing takes a while after going nice. And while I have enjoyed Rumbelle, I’m not sure I could ever believe them together again. I would be quicker to accept their breakup if Belle wasn’t literally the only thing that makes Rumple happy. The thing is, as hard as it is for me to come to grips with, Rumple has been hard on Belle in the past. But he’s finally the person Belle always wanted him to be, and if she doesn’t want to try to make it work now, then she never will. I guess the gist is, I understand why Belle doesn’t want to get back together with him (even if it makes me sad), but what I care about most is Rumple getting a happy ending. And that doesn’t mean I want Belle run over to get it—the reality is, I don’t care who it’s with unless the pairing doesn’t make sense. I just need Rumple to get his happy ending.
—I swear, if the writers’ definition of happy ending is Rumple dying at the end of the show and us getting a five-second long scene of him reuniting with Bae in the afterlife, I will not recover. Ever.
—I love that the sons of the other three clans stood behind Merida during her quest for the helm. It’s fresher and more welcome than if they had tried to plot against her.
—Having Arthur and Zelena working together was painful. They are two of the most annoying characters in the entire show and putting them in the same space only amplifies their obnoxiousness.
—Cool that Red is still alive, I guess. I stopped thinking about her because she basically hasn’t existed for several seasons, so I don’t quite care, but maybe she’ll lead Mulan to her lady love.
—Seriously, I can’t believe it wasn’t Merida. Missed opportunity.
—Is Rumple going to keep Excalibur? I kind of hope so, because if it can’t control Hook, then it’s literally just a symbol of his heroism.
—I love Merida’s mom’s hairstyle. I’m really glad that transferred over, because it’s really pretty.
—In this show, that one clan son is actually pretty handsome. I wanna say Macintosh? Whichever clan is the one with the gorgeous blue paint, that’s the one. Nary a one of those boys was truly handsome in the movie, and Dengwal still isn’t, but both of the other two are actually pretty good-looking.
—Merida should get a bear-fur cloak. That’s the only thing that could make her ensemble cooler.
—Actually, her regular dress is pretty cool on its own. The way the separate pieces, like the forearm and upper arm, and held together with thick threads, but not entirely attached, is very practical for shooting a bow and arrow. Much more give than a solid dress.
—The stuff where the current Dark One can see the past Dark Ones is very Dax-like. Yk, that episode where Joran starts haunting Jadzia. That was one of my favorites.
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marblemoovt · 2 years
A Promise - Mondo Owada/Reader
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: None, just good ol’ fluff
You and Mondo go on a date for your anniversary. You're confident that your gift will be better than his, but oh boy does he prove you wrong.
--------------------- "You got a problem with riding behind me?" He questioned in his usual rough manner of speaking, but years spent together with Mondo made it easy to discern his underlying concern.
"It's not that. I just want to try something different for once, feel the wind blow through my hair properly. That hairstyle of yours acts as a piledriver through the wind." You tease him, watching his face twitch in irritation.
"A man's gotta have a  hairstyle befitting of his status." He puffs out his chest proudly, obviously hinting towards his imminent role as the leader of the best biker gang in Japan.
"Just because you're going to be the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader doesn't justify why your hair looks like an ear of corn." You prop your arm up on the sofa armrest, grinning at him.
"Y'know, if we weren't a thing, my fist would  be greetin' your face right now." He huffs and plops down onto the seat next to you, silently sulking.
I am currently posting a few of my old works from Wattpad onto ao3, and now tumblr! Keep in mind that most of these are probably a couple of years old. And while they might make me cringe, as old writing tends to do, I don't think I'll ever rewrite any of them due to sheer laziness. I hope you enjoy reading these tho!
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You rummage around your wardrobe, looking for an outfit for your date with Mondo. The rev of a motorcycle engine attracts your attention. You peer out the window to see Mondo leaning against his bike across the street from your house. Today for your date, Mondo brought his bike with a sidecar as per your request. Initially, he was offended that you didn't want to ride behind him like usual. 
"You got a problem with riding behind me?" He questioned in his usual rough manner of speaking, but years spent together with Mondo made it easy to discern his underlying concern.
"It's not that. I just want to try something different for once, feel the wind blow through my hair properly. That hairstyle of yours acts as a piledriver through the wind." You tease him, watching his face twitch in irritation. 
"A man's gotta have a  hairstyle befitting of his status." He puffs out his chest proudly, obviously hinting towards his imminent role as the leader of the best biker gang in Japan. 
"Just because you're going to be the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader doesn't justify why your hair looks like an ear of corn." You prop your arm up on the sofa armrest, grinning at him.
"Y'know, if we weren't a thing, my fist would  be greetin' your face right now." He huffs and plops down onto the seat next to you, silently sulking.
"I know for a fact you would never lay a hand on me." You state in a matter of fact tone. He gives you a sidelong glance and raises a brow.
"Oh yeah? And how can you be so sure about that?" He asks. You lean back into the sofa and shrug.
"Because your mother would kill you before you could lay a hand on me." You answer in a confident tone. "Besides, you wouldn't be able to land a hit on me anyway." Before Mondo can retort you cut him off. "I learned from the best after all, didn't I?" Unable to respond to that, he pulls you into his lap.
"Shut up and cuddle me." He huffs out, burying his face into your neck due to embarrassment. "Don't think I can't hear ya laughin'. I can feel your body jerkin' as you're tryin' to hold it in, so if you're gonna laugh just get it over with." The quiet quivering of your muscles turns into a burst of full force laughter as you absolutely lose your shit.
"For someone with your appearance, you're quite soft." You lean back into his arms and smile, bringing a hand up to caress his face. He nips your fingers in retaliation and grumbles to himself.
"I'm not soft, I'm strong! Strong, strong, stro-" You cut him off before he goes on another tangent about his strength.
"Yeah, yeah. You're my big, strong Mondo. The most badass biker out there." You assure him, kissing his cheek to cool off his flaming face. Successfully silencing him, the two of you remain on the sofa until the rest of the gang stumbles in on your act of PDA, which results in Mondo suddenly implementing a training day, ordering everyone to go through his rigorous exercise plan. You bite your tongue and decide it would be better to not point out that his face looks red from embarrassment and not anger, not wanting to inflict a harsher punishment on the innocent gang members. Not even Daiya could save them from Mondo's wrath. 
~~~~~flashback end~~~~~
"Oi, babe! Snap out of it and get your cute butt over here!" Mondo shouts impatiently. His voice brings you out of your daydream and you lean against the window ledge.
"I'll be down there in a minute, I just need to change first!" You shout in reply, turning away to pick your favourite outfit, a set of clothes that you 'borrowed' from Mondo and didn't bother returning.
"Well if you're gonna make me wait, the least you can do is to show me something worthwhile!" He yells, the smug grin evident in his tone. You decide to humour him and start slowly changing in front of the window. A glance outside shows a stunned Mondo, his eyes locked onto your figure. You blow him a kiss before quickly closing the curtains, hearing Mondo exclaim various profanities. 
Since Mondo's wardrobe consisted mainly of his A-shirt, overcoat, baggy pants, and loafers,  everything else was free real estate for you. Taking one of the few t-shirts he owned, you slip it on. The Crazy Diamonds logo was printed on the front and the scent of his cologne mixed with motor oil still lingered on the fabric. Due to Mondo's bulky frame, his clothes always looked wayyyyyy too big on you. Although he'll never admit it, he thinks it's cute when you wear his clothes. In a sense, it makes him feel stronger because of the need to protect you when he sees how small you look in his clothes.
Since it was a date, you decide to wear a nicer pair of jeans that hugged your body and a comfortable pair of shoes. Of course, you couldn't leave the house without your long overcoat that showed you were a part of the Crazy Diamonds. You grin when you think back to how you got it. 
Mondo had awkwardly handed you the overcoat when he asked you out. Stumbling over his words until he got frustrated and finally asked you out, unintentionally raising his voice. He was afraid that he might have scared you off with his brash way of asking you out, but you happily accepted his offer and the overcoat. On the inside of the collar was Mondo's poor attempt at embroidery. Yes, the big, macho man himself took the time to sit down and attempt to sew for you. In uneven lines were the words 'My Diamond ♡' stitched lovingly by Mondo.
You put on the overcoat and admire your reflection, the gold chain attached to the one side of your collar jangles with your movements. Mondo had asked before why you decided to use an obnoxiously large gold chain, but you only shook your head and said "good grief." Exiting your room, you notice Mondo waiting down the stairs for you. Hoisting yourself up onto the railing, you begin sliding down with your arms open. Seeing that you have no intention of stopping yourself, Mondo rushes towards the stairs and catches you before you can crash yourself into the wall.
"What the fuck, babe?! You could've gotten yourself seriously hurt." He scolds you, frantically searching for any injuries that might have been inflicted from your reckless stunt. You give him a chaste kiss on the lips and flick his forehead lightly.
"How can I possibly get hurt when I have my wonderful boyfriend here to keep me safe?"  You say, clinging onto him. He narrows his eyes at you, tightening his hold on your waist.
"Y'know,  you'd be dead without me watchin' your back. All that stupid shit you do, I'm surprised ya ain't afraid to do it again." He shakes his head with a 'tsk' and carries you to his bike.
"Hearing that from you, I'll take that as a compliment." You say happily,  kissing his cheek to provoke a reaction. He falters slightly in his steps but you pretend to not notice.
"Like hell that was a compliment. I'm just tellin' ya how it is without any of that flowery bullshit people like to use." He scoffs, turning his face away from you. You nearly melt in his arms from how adorable his awkwardness is. You give the poor boy a break and lean into his body, inhaling the familiar scent you've grown to love. Once the two of you reach the bike, Mondo gently sets you down into the sidecar but you refuse to let go of him. "Nooooo, I wanna sit behind you." You pout. He clicks his tongue and sets you onto your usual spot.
"Then what was the fuckin' point me of bringing my hog with a sidecar? Ya ain't one to change your mind so suddenly, so what's botherin' ya?" He takes a step back to observe you, and suddenly his face twists in anger. "Wait, do I hafta beat the shit out of someone?! Just tell me their name, I'll beat them into a bloody pulp with my bare fists!" Riling himself up, he demonstrates by bringing his fists up and showing off a punch or two. You laugh and shake your head, gently pushing his arms down.
"The sidecar's for a surprise later. You'll see." You wink and pat the seat in front of you, beckoning him to get on. Mondo shrugs his shoulders and gets on his bike, allowing you to wrap your arms around his torso. He coughs and looks back at you, halting your actions. You were nonchalantly feeling his abs through his shirt but the fun was cut short and you had to make do with hugging him. You use your left foot to hit the kickstand as Mondo revs the engine, speeding the two of you off towards your date.
Despite being the weekend, the roads were oddly quiet and there were barely any other vehicles. Mondo shouts, "so where in Downtown is our date exactly?!", trying to project his voice through the wind. You hum absentmindedly and tell him it's a surprise. Reaching your destination, you pull out a handkerchief from your overcoat pocket and use it as a blindfold. "Goddamn it, babe. I swear if this ends up like the last time you blindfolded me, I'm never gonna let you hear the end of it." He says, begrudgingly following your lead.
"Come on, you ended up enjoying it. You even asked me if we could do it again sometime." You teased, to which he flushes a dark red in response. 
"Fuckin' shut up." He grumbles, obviously embarrassed but you could tell that he was reminiscing of that time. Taking his dreamy state to your advantage, you quickly lead him into the shop. The cacophony of barks and various animal noises brings him back to reality. "No. Fucking. Way." He yanks the blindfold off and sees that you're not there anymore. "Babe?! Where are you hiding?!" He walks down a couple of aisles, and when he turns the corner, he sees you standing there with a little Maltese puppy.
"Happy 3rd anniversary, Mondo! " You speak in a baby voice, waving the puppy's paw at him. The little ball of fluff was snoozing happily in your arms, sporting a cute motorcycle helmet with the Crazy Diamonds emblem on it. You peek out from behind the puppy to see Mondo frozen on the spot. His body remains rigid until a few tears trickle down from the corners of his eyes and you can see how difficult it is for him to keep himself from bursting into tears. "Oh, baby." You walk up towards him and use your free arm to embrace him
His knees buckle and he sinks to the ground, sitting there on the floor while crying quietly into your shoulder. You stroke his back in comfort, wiping his tears, careful to not smudge his eyeliner. "You remembered about Chuck," he said hoarsely, sniffling between sobs. The sleeping puppy awakens and glances up at Mondo, standing up on its hind legs to lick the salty tears that are streaming down his face. "Man, I gotta say. Dogs are the fuckin' best." He starts to chuckle as the puppy lets out a tiny bark. "That's right, kid. You'll be the mascot for our gang. I'll teach you how to fetch the newspaper every morning and you can even ride the sidecar during my nightly rides." He pauses and flashes you a knowing smirk. "Is this why you wanted me to bring the sidecar today?"
You stroke the puppy's soft fur and nod with a smile. "I know how much you miss Chuck, so I thought that maybe it was time to get another dog. Plus, you know I've always wanted one but my parents would never let me, so you could say I also have selfish reasons for getting you a puppy," you answer. Mondo opens his mouth but then closes it abruptly. He grabs your chin and pulls your face towards him, pressing his lips against yours. Pleasantly surprised, you move your mouth in sync with his. He pulls away, but not before nibbling on your bottom lip.
"Thank you. I can't tell ya how much this means to me." A smile spreads across his face and Mondo's expression softens.  He scoops up the puppy before helping you up from the floor. "C'mon, we gotta pick up some stuff for this little guy! He's gonna need a collar, a leash, some food, and-" You can see Mondo's excitement growing and drag him to the dog section before he can say another word. Together, the two of you decide on a collar and matching leash. Mondo went to go pick up some toys and treats while you were in charge of the bed and food. Browsing through the assortment of beds, you decide on one of those fluffy donut ones and grabbed a bag of puppy kibble.
Pushing the shopping cart, you head off in search of Mondo, finding him kneeling in front of a wall of puppy toys. You quietly push the cart towards him and can hear him consulting with the puppy on what kind of toys it prefers. "What do you think, kid? Are you more of a squeaky toy or a plush kinda dog?" Mondo asks, a toy in each hand. The puppy barks and does a little spin. "You're right, better go with both." He nods in agreement, shoving the toys under his arm as he grabs the bags of treats next to him on the floor. "Alright, time to go find your other parent." The puppy notices you before Mondo does and runs excitedly towards you, circling your legs. You bend down to pick up the puppy and an embarrassed Mondo walks up to you. "You didn't see shit." He tells you, looking away to hide his blushing face. 
"Wasn't going to say anything." You say, putting your hands up in defence as well as you could with the puppy in your arms. "You know, you make a good dad." You state, placing the puppy in the cart. The puppy immediately makes his way towards the dog bed and flops down in comfort. Mondo clicks his tongue, a clear indicator that he's too flustered to say anything. Much to your surprise, he manages to reciprocate your teasing.
"Of course I'd make a good dad. What kinda man would I be if I couldn't protect ya, much less our kid? Besides, this is just practice for the real thing, y'know? Once we have a baby, I'll show ya just how good at parentin' I am." His response was confident at first, but as he continued, his face grew redder by the sentence. You laugh and lace your fingers with his, holding hands as you make your way to the self-checkout. 
"You do know that taking care of a baby is a lot different than a puppy or a gang, right?" You ask, quirking a brow. Mondo grins and looks directly into your eyes.
"I take good care of you, don't I?" Your eyes nearly bug out of your head, and you don't know whether to feel flustered or offended. In an attempt to steer the conversation away from yourself, you decide to ask Mondo a question about something that's been on your mind.
"Did you decide on a name yet?" You ask, watching Mondo ponder in thought. "What about Chip?" You suggest, spouting the first name that comes to your mind. Mondo scrunches his nose as if you've brought spoilt milk near him.
"Nah. We need a strong name, something that strikes fear in the hearts of the other gangs." He responds seriously, so seriously that you almost lose your composure. A small giggle slips between your lips. The thought of a little Maltese scaring a biker gang was amusing, to say the least. "I'm being serious here, babe! Look into his eyes and  don't tell me you can't see the strength and bravery that shines deep within 'em."  You look towards the floofy dog and notice it looking at you with a derpy expression, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth.
"Mhmm. He looks really strong, just like his dad."  You agree, looking around for your wallet but Mondo hands you his. "Thanks," you tell him and suggest another name. "What about Kaiser? It means emperor in German, certainly a strong name too." Mondo stares at the puppy and mumbles the name over a few times as you pay for the dog supplies.
"Yes! Your name is now Kaiser!" He exclaims, holding up Kaiser. He leans over to kiss your temple. "Sometimes I forget your mind is as strong as your body." You smack his arm lightly and glare half-heartedly. Kaiser lets out a little howl as if agreeing to his new name. "Atta boy! Let the world know who's boss." Mondo praises, having a proud dad moment.
"Hey, Mondo? What did you get for me as an anniversary present?" You casually ask, packing away the dog supplies in cloth bags that you brought because you have enough common sense to be an economical shopper. Mondo rubs his neck and sighs.
"Well, fuck. It sure as hell ain't as good as what ya got me. Compared to yours, my gift looks like a sad pile of shit." He admits, fidgeting with something in his pocket. You open your mouth to protest but he speaks again.  "I'll give it to ya once we're outside, alright?" You nod and take Kaiser to the bike while Mondo carries the bags. He places the bed into the sidecar and you place Kaiser down onto the bed. The leftover space is used to keep the bags full of supplies.
"Soooooo, what did you get me?" You asked excitedly, eager to see what Mondo came up with.  He pulls out something from his pocket but uses his other hand to cover it up.  You attempt to open up his hands but he quickly pulls away.
"No!" He shouts. "I mean, wait." He says, quietly this time. He bites his lips and glances nervously at you. "Look, I know we've been together for a while and... and I did make a promise to you as a man that I would love you for as long as I'm breathin'." He sighs, struggling to find the right words. "What I'm tryin' ta say is that I love you. I know I ain't good at showin' my feelings, but you're the only person who truly makes me feel strong. Happy anniversary my Little Diamond." He uncovers the mysterious object in his hands, revealing it to be a wood carving of a Diamond encircled by a dragon. "I asked my bro Taka what kinda stuff girls like, but it turns out he doesn't know a single thing when it comes to romance. I ended up asking my big bro instead and he told me to make something with my own two hands. He said you would prefer a gift that was handmade by me."
"Holy shit! You made this, Mondo?!" You exclaim in surprise, gently taking the wooden sculpture to examine it. You notice that the top of the diamond is engraved with your initials along with Mondo's. Your vision becomes blurry and the tears slip down your face before you're even aware of it. "I love it!" You glomp him in a hug, laughing, filled to the brim with happiness. 
"That diamond represents you cause you're my Diamond, and that dragon is me." He pulls away from the hug and takes your hands in his. "I wanna make another promise to you and I want you to do the same." You nod, eyes focused solely on Mondo. He smiles kindly and cups your face in his hands. "Stay with me. Promise to stay by my side."  You stare in awe at his words, your heart ramming itself against your ribcage. "Daiya says he's gonna retire soon and wants me to take over. Once I become the leader of the gang, I want you there beside me. I hate to admit it, but I'm not as strong as I say. I need someone to say it to my face if I fuck up. So whaddya say?" He finishes, purple irises staring into yours.
Overwhelmed with a myriad of emotions, you put your hand over his, which still held your face, and nodded. "Of course I will you big idiot. How can I say no when you ask me like that?" You chuckle, burning the memory into your mind. Mondo grins upon hearing your answer, kissing the corners of your eyes to stop the flood of tears. He continues the trail of kisses down your cheeks and to the corners of your smile. You two share a passionate kiss full of warmth and salt. For a man with such a crass mouth, his lips were soft and sent butterflies to your stomach. Kaiser's small barks break the two of you apart. Staring into each other's eyes for a moment, you both break out into a fit of laughter, the warm kind that comes from the pit of your stomach.
"Shall we head back? My hog's just beggin' to be taken for a joyride, and Kaiser seems eager for a walk." He says, getting onto his bike and offering you his hand. You wiggle your eyebrows and grin.
"I wouldn't mind riding your hog all night." You attempt to tease him, but it seems like the confession gave Mondo a boost of confidence. 
"You strike me as a person who has never been satisfied. Consider it done." He smirks, revving the engine and speeding off in the direction of his house. 
Let's just say that after Kaiser's walk, Mondo kept his word and left you very satisfied that evening. When his mother and Daiya teased you two about the noises last night, you had to pin the blame on Kaiser.
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
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I'll start with the J man questions then! Cause I'm fascinated by your opinions on fashion and hairstyles while I understand nada of fashion. 🤣
What is your ranking of your favorite outfits of Jade Leech? Any hairstyle or outfit you WANT to see Jade in?
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Truth be told, I enjoy all most of Jade’s outfits adhuahbsdlasa so this will probably be less of a ranking and more of me analyzing each design and/or screeching about what I like best about each one. (DBIHLVskjgdvksad I’LL TRY TO KEEP IT TOGETHER AND ACTUALLY MAKE SMART COMMENTS I SWEAR I WILL)
***WARNING: I do go in depth about card designs yet to be released to the TWST En server, so please be warned that there ARE spoilers beneath the cut!***
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Intense J word simping below, you have been warned.
R -- School Uniform
A simple but effective ensemble, a standardized outfit for all NRC students (but, as I have mentioned previously, how a character chooses to wear standardized clothing/little nuances and unique flourishes can tell us a lot about the wearer’s personality). He really comes across as a polite and well-put together individual just going by his pose and how impeccable his uniform is.
You’ll also notice that he buttons up his blazer and wears gloves that conceal the entirety of his hands. THIS IS ACTUALLY QUITE SIGNIFICANT IN TERMS OF INTUITIVE CHARACTER DESIGN, because if you think about Jade, he is very secretive about himself and rarely clarifies the few details about himself that he DOES share. Thus, it would make sense that he covers up as much as possible in the clothes he wears the most frequently--it’s a reflection of how he dislikes having his own privacy disturbed or invaded.
This is just speculation on my end, but... Considering the fact that Jade enjoys raising terrariums for the joy of having power and control over a small world wow, god complex much, I would not be shocked to learn that the gloves are a subtle way of “talking down” to others (as in, implying that they’re so beneath him he wouldn’t want to touch them with his bare hands). However, the gloves may also just be a practical thing (as Jade is often doing “dirty work”; the gloves could help in reducing obvious grime or friction in whatever task Jade is asked to perform).
R -- PE Uniform
Another standardized set of clothes, this one optimized for exercise. Now, the PE Uniforms aren’t worn much differently across the cast of NRC boys, so I’ll be focusing on Jade’s pose/parts that my eyes are drawn to when I look at the card and the general look of the PE Uniform.
Firstly, I have to say that I appreciate the Octavinelle lavender on Jade (especially since the PE Uniform otherwise looks like prison yard clothing). Because of how soft it is, when that purple is paired with Jade’s deceptively gentle face... IT GIVES THE FALSE IMPRESSION THAT HE’S KIND 😂 
Another thing that I appreciate is that the tracksuit is just baggy enough to be practical for exercise and not like... skintight or too baggy. A fault of many gacha games is that form is prioritized over function (for example, female warriors may be scantily clad despite this being a realistic detriment to them in combat), because this is what will sell and rake in the cash (depending on the target demographic). I like that TWST has, in general, taken both form and function into account when designing clothes instead of skewing it hard to one over to other.
One big noticeable difference for Jade is that he has forgone his earring, which makes sense bcjsbsjs since it could get in the way of exercising. The same holds true for his later SR, Beans Camo, which also counts as athletic wear.
The stars of the show here are the waist and the neck/clavicle area. In the School Uniform, Jade is wearing his blazer over his waist, so it’s not as pronounced. Furthermore, he has his undershirt and tie done up so well that you don’t get a good view of that general area. BLESS PE UNIFORM JADE FOR GENEROUSLY SHOWING HIS CLAVICLE OFF LOOK AT HOW NICE IT IS FHLADBUAFYOFVAEYVFQEVUFQEIAVHLAFDVIDGSVOFABAFDIH
R -- Apple Boa
I will admit that (because this is the newest design) I am not as attached to this one as I am with the others. However, the Apple Boa is adorable in its own right and it deserves recognition for that!
The color they chose for Jade is really nice; I’m glad they didn’t choose a green-blue, as it may have blended with his hair color and made him look like an amorphous blob with a random black stripe or something. The fluffy trim, apple pompom on his hat, and knit all contribute to a very cozy and fuzzy feeling. It’s nice that they suited Jade up to handle the cold weather despite him already being so used to it (since the Coral Sea is freezing)!
The highlight is definitely his expression. He’s so excited to finally have his turn experiencing the mountains in a story event................................. but there’s still a slight curve to his smile, so you know you’ve got to stay wary around him.
SR -- Labwear
... Anyway.
Jade is one of the few TWST boys that actually wears his lab uniform the correct way (he’s even wearing his safety goggles, bless him), and for that alone, he gets bonus points. LIKE HE’S BEING WAY MORE SAFE THAN THE TWO SCIENCE CLUB MEMBERS ARE, AND THAT’S SAYING SOMETHING, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY’RE DEALING WITH MAGIC SHIT IN THE LAB. The one thing I would recommend to Jade is to find some way to tie back his loose black stripe of hair, because that could become a safety hazard. Same goes for his dangly earring, that could get caught in something. Other than that, he’s fiiiine in more ways than one.
The petri dish in his hand is cute, but he should realistically be putting that on a table to reduce the chances of him dropping it or contaminating the sample with his hot eel breath. ashdbasiydasidb NOT MUCH ELSE I CAN SAY ABOUT THIS OTHER THAN I WAS GROWING MY OWN BACTERIA BABIES WHEN I FIRST SAW THIS CARD ART SO I FEEL A SPIRITUAL CONNECTION TO IT ASHUDBASYIASODIABDBIADB JADE LET’S RAISE BACTERIA BABIES TOGETHER
The Groovy art is ajdsnbasbifaoyvfyfwaoiyfsaiafsyafsafs cute............ OTL It’s not often when we get to see the “soft” side of Jade, so even if it’s not a gaze that’s directed at us/the player, I’m happy to see him happy with his beloved mushrooms.............................. His cheek is nice and squishy lookin’, like mochi... asdhlvuadkeafafvufa AND I KEEP STARING AT HIS LIPS FIYAFYAEOYAEIFDLIADBFAD BUT ANYWAY.
SR -- Ceremonial Robes
Of all the pre-Groovy art SR backgrounds, I like the Mirror Chamber the most. Sure, it’s dark, but I like the dim lighting and how it pairs well with the chandelier and the other dangly decorations suspending from the ceiling. It matches the Ceremonial Robes vibes quite well. 
SPEAKING OF THE CEREMONIAL ROBES, Jade wears them so well 😭 The sash accentuates his waist (even if it is covered for the most part), and we even get a flash of his thighs adbiasbiaffofialbifia which must be pretty strong from all the mountain trekking he does for club. His pose suits him too--it’s very cat-like and coy with the curled fingers and the slight smirk (smirk is more obvious in the Groovy). It lends Jade an air of mystery, but you can also see from the pose that he is very closed off and guarded. Again, this may be a nod to his preference to keep his privacy. DBIHLbdabilyfaildis HIS MOUTH/LIPS ON THIS CARD ART IS JUST TOP TIER I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH SDHABSIDIFAIYEFVYPIB;AFPYWABFUPBFA I JUST WANT TOA LSHFAYFQYAIFLFIAB;OFLIADBFIAF TOUYCH ASDHADBIAISS AT THE RIS K OF DYING
In the Groovy, we get a better look at his eye makeup. Something you’ll notice across all the Ceremonial Robes cards is that the eye makeup is EXTREMELY heavy, usually a smoky eye. This, paired with the robes, makes them look like members of a cult-- On Jade, it looks good because it emphasizes the shape of his (usually) narrow eyes. Actually, the Ceremonial Robes eye makeup makes him look way more sinister (given the right expression) than his Dorm Uniform makeup.
SR -- Beans Camo
That outfit is SO UGLY but because it’s Jade wearing it, he makes it look good and I have to accept it 😭 I’m not a fan of camo print to begin with, but Beans Camo somehow made camo worse by making it BRIGHT and with questionable kidney bean-like blotches. AND THE WEAPONS FOR THE EVENT LOOK SO RIDICULOUS, SO IT ONLY MAKES THE BEANS CAMO LOOK GOOFIER THAN IT ALREADY IS.
What I do enjoy is the black undershirt and pants; mostly because they don’t have a ton going on to distract your eyes. They hug and conform to the shape of his body well adhgvkuqfqygoefvyqevfial;illdbfna and I can stare at those or his gloves if I ever get sick of that camo (which, trust me, I will). I think the beret is also pretty cute, even if it is useless and probably more of a hinderance than a help in the fight (though maybe that’s a part of the camoflauge magic the teachers supposedly infused the clothes with).
While the Groovy is dynamic, I would have preferred something that gave a better shot (pun intended) of the black of the outfit and not the bright camo ahlbfuada but that’s just a personal preference thing, I guess.
THIS IS THE CARD THAT MADE THE FANDOM GO BUCK WILD AND START MASS PRODUCING A SLEW OF JADE ASS FAN ART which I’m thankful for, don’t get me wrong BUT LIKE??????????????????? When I look at this card, I don’t exactly see anything worth foaming at the mouth about (and I already foam at the mouth on a regular basis for Jade)??? Like... it’s just a normal butt, everyone has a butt, it’s nothing to write home about. I swear I’ve gone insane or something, because every Non-Twstie I ask about this agrees with me, but every Twstie I’ve spoken to tells me I’m just in denial about the EEL ASS--
SR -- Master Chef
*wipes drool from mouth*
This is probably one of my favorite Jade cards!! Again, that Octavinelle lavender paints him as deceptively kind here, and you can tell from how he ties his apron that he’s skilled in the kitchen (experienced chefs know to not tie in a ribbon because it’s a potential fire hazard). ALSO THE DORITO BODY THE DORITO BOD THE EXPOSED FOREARMS THE EXPOSED FOREARMRMMMSSMMDFDABHLDVUAFIYADYFVAIYDVFBUA;FIBHLVOACBIILABAC BADBHILAIFLIADFLDABLIHADFBDFHFDAIBIFNOUAHFBVOADIFBAIBDFIPHAD
... Anyway, I really enjoy his expression. Very serene, very peaceful, very calm just like me. The one thing I would change (much like in his Labwear) is to remove the earring and tie back the black hair for safety reasons no, this is not an excuse for me to see Jade tuck his black strand behind his ear idk what you mean. Mmmm and the way he’s carefully handing his spatula he makes flipping Krabby Patties look sexy again 👌
Side note, I took out a ruler and held it to my screen to measure the width of his body in the Groovy art and JADE IS SO MUCH MORE THICK THAN I THOUGH HE’D BE?????? LIKE PLEASE, IS HE SEAFOOD OR IS HE BEEF DON’T LIE TO ME LIKE THIS TWST
SSR -- Dorm Uniform
Alright, here’s the big one.
RIGHT AWAY, I gotta say the set/background is gorgeous. I love how the ceiling decorations spiral down in elegant coils and glow in the colors of an aurora....................and the shell phonograph is also a nice touch!! You can even see Floyd and Azul in the shot (would have been cool if they made one cohesive picture if you put their three dorm card artworks next to each other but alas, missed opportunity)! BUT THE MAIN DISH IS OBVIOUSLY JADE SO..................................
Like in his School Uniform, you can see that he keeps himself well-concealed for the Mostro Lounge’s hours of business. The hat is a nice addition to his outfit, and the colors are subdued but go well together and don’t overwhelm you. Jade has exchanged his black gloves for white ones with what I lovingly call a “butt crack window” for a circle of his palm to peek through which is just top tier 👌 (The best thing about a character that’s almost always covered up is that the instant you see, like, their exposed ankle or the slightest bit of skin, it gets me going BArKBSRalRbArKBARKBqRKbArKKKkKKbArKBarKakBjafaagLakNshecejwjwjBARK—)
... This may be a controversial opinion, but Jade’s Dorm Uniform Groovy is not only my least favorite artwork for Jade, but it’s probably also my least favorite artwork in the entire game, PERIOD. I dislike it so much, in fact, that it’s a common joke in my friend circles that “Dorm Jade is missing his Groovy art”/we just pretend it doesn’t exist.
Like... I feel like I’m expected to readily accept ALL Jade related things because he’s my favorite character, but honestly?? If something has Jade slapped onto it, it’ll make me critique it MUCH harsher 😂 And that’s definitely the case for this Groovy. It isn’t... “bad”, per say, but it’s a disappointment to me after the initial art was so nice.
The angle they chose for his face was EXTREMELY unflattering, and I feel like Vil takes up a good chunk of the frame (thus fighting with Jade for the spotlight). The subject of the scene was also just... not to my tastes? I get why it appeals to certain people, but helping someone into shoes is literally one of the least appealing things I can think of because all it reminds me of is helping your kid sibling get ready for preschool. I don’t know, for all the things Jade was helping Vil with in the vignettes, I REALLY feel like they could have chosen something better to illustrate as the Groovy 💦 THE MAIN THING THAT MESSES WITH ME IS HIS FACE THOUGH 😭 JADE USUALLY HAS SUCH A PRETTY FACE BUT IT LOOKS SO OFF-PUTTING AND UNCANNY VALLEY THERE???? THAT AIN’T CUTE, J LEECH.........................
SSR -- Scary Outfit
There’s a lot of components to this one, so let’s break it down one by one! (Hats off to the devs for putting a creative twist on the concept of a mummy costume; most mummy costumes just equate to skintight bandages and almost nothing else in terms of additional accessories).
FIRSTLY???? I’m super digging (yes, pun also intended) the graveyard background and the ghostly blueish tone to the whole piece 😳 The spooky vibes are impeccable dhsvsjsvjw BUT WHO CARES ABOUT THAT WHEN WE HAVE A HOT MUMMY MAN
The bandages on the hat and serving as fhe skirt/coattails really flow well, and since they’re a light material they lend a dynamic feel to the outfit, whether the wearer is standing still or movie, or whether it’s just the autumn breeze batting them around. (Oddly enough, Jade removes his earring for Halloween chsvsjsbjde bUT NOT FoR LAB OR foR COOKING??????!) The little bone bowtie in the hat is comedic and corny but cute kxbdjsvdjeje it grew on me over time!
This outfit has a LOT of belts and straps to it (which is typically a look I really dislike), but it actually pairs quite well with the monochromatic color scheme. With such a simple color palette, it doesn’t clash with all the buckles and other accessories that tie the look together. (I usually don’t comment on pants but ckdbjsbdjs the amount of buckles on that pair is insane, it looks like it would take an eternity to put on and take off djdvsjsbsjdbjs) Also, as I mentioned in my review of the Beans Camo art, I enjoy Jade in clothing that fits his form well and we pretty much got that for Scary Outfit too 😭 with the addition of whatever weird things he has strapped to his chest dbdbsgvwuwjdkdbdh WHATEVER IT STILL LOOKS GOOD
I already really liked the clothes, but the pose makes it all the better chisvshsvshe It really OTL shows off his nice thighs fbjsbsjebej AND THEM YOU GOT THE DARK SMIRK PAiRED WiTHE THE WAY HEmS JUST............ tiGHTLY GRiPPING ONTo THAT BAmDAgE???? WHat FOR, SIR?????? PUT THAT DOWM BefORE YOu SmACk SoMeoNE?????????? <- absolutely whipped
OH WND THEn Yhe GROOVY ThE fUVki g GROOVY???????? 😭 I love that TWST does a lot of unconventional things with its events, including some of the Halloween Groovies. Most games would cbjsbsjsjs use uncap art as a chance for traditionally fanservice (idk, like douse J word in fruit punch so he gets all wet and sticky and we can see his clothes cling to him), but NAHHHH, TWST devs just came for our throats and tried to genuinely terrify us. It’s refreshing to see, sjdbjsbsjs and I was so hype when I got to see an unhinged Jade card for the first time (this was before the SR Master Chef release).
bcisbsjsjsjs I THINK IT’S FUNNY THaT the lighting even in the Groovy is very soft and pastel-y yet it’s there illuminating his scary face 😂 Here, we can see all the elements of his costume really coming together to make for one unified “mummy” look; the “bone” bandages falling apart, all the belts trying to hold his “decaying” body together, the “flesh” beneath the bone turning black from rot... And, of course, his crazed expression 😳 Love that one eye’s more open than the other, it makes me feel like he’s super getting into scaring others and he’s finally letting loose, going all out, having a real scream of fun himself....................................
IT’S SO MUCH FUN THAT YOU CAN??? SEE SO MUCH DETAIL THAT YOU CAN LITERALLY COUNT EVERY TOoTH IN hiS gAPiNG MOUTH........................ IN FACT, when his Halloween card first released, my rot was so immense that I had a prolonged argument with a friend about how many teeth were in Jade’s mouth 😳
SSR -- Birthday Boy
The only things worth nothing on his outfit are the colors of the sash and the ribbon being different (but not unexpected, given the colors differed on the other boys) and the lapel pin. It’s a cute little mushroom!! HBFIFBABDAOGUDBAID It’s very cute and suits him. I find it interesting that the mushroom is so round and cute looking when Jade is very... well, decidedly NOT that (at least not his TRUE personality). And, as expected, he’s buttoned up properly and all.
He looks kind of slim compared to other artworks in his Groovy, but I think that’s because his arm is blocking off the view of some of his body. This Groovy artwork also shows us Jade looking surprised, which drastically alters his eye shape, making it come off as more of what we would consider a “typical” eye shape. It almost makes him look like a totally new character ifiasdasbdasodiladbasod I also like that the Groovy shows him having a tender moment of just goofing around with Floyd <3 Very wholesome, but the picture doesn’t make as much sense if you don’t also have Birthday Boy Floyd’s Groovy. They really tell a story when put together!
SSR -- Union Birthday
Honestly, I prefer the Birthday Boy standard art to the Union Birthday standard art. One massive gripe I have with the Union Birthdays is that ALL of the boys wear their clothes the same way. This was not the case for Birthday Boys (for example, you’d have more laidback characters with their shirts slightly undone/unbuttoned), and I’m not sure why they removed that small aspect of uniqueness for the Union Birthdays. This isn’t really a change that affects Jade (because let’s be real, he’d probably be wearing it properly anyway), but I just wanted to make note of that because it DID end up affecting Floyd, and it was so weird to see that.
Speaking of Union Birthdays in general, though? Not a fan. I would be fine with it if it were just the formal elements (bowtie, vest, dress shirt, etc.), but the letterman jacket ruins it all for me. In my opinion, it clashes terribly and adds too many complicated elements and designs to art that already has WAY too much going on in the comic book style background. (Admittedly, I’m also biased against the jacket because it reminds me of stereotypical high school movie jocks being comedically evil for no reason... and I really dislike that trope.)
ON THE PLUS SIDE, WE GET A GOOD LOOK AT J WORD’S TINY TINY TINY WAIST IN HIS UNION BIRTHDAY ART, THAT’S SOMETHING AT LEAST. As usual, his expression is also on point I hate how he’s staring right at you, and I like the little Mountain Lovers Club patch~
The Groovy for this card, though??? SO GOOD, I MUCH PREFER IT TO THE BIRTHDAY BOY GROOVY ASDIAIDADKJABDADSIABIDBPAFOADSIFF It’s another brief moment where we get to see Jade genuinely smile AND WITH HIS TEETH OUT THIS TIME asdhbasdas He so rarely smiles like that while actually enjoying himself and having fun with his peers, looking all messy................................ HE DESERVES THE WORLD SBFHUHAUDFBADFIAPODAIFPAPIBVFSIBDC
Cards I like both the standard artwork AND the Groovy: Labwear, Ceremonial Robes, Master Chef, Scary Outfit
Cards I like only the standard artwork: School Uniform, PE Uniform, Apple Boa, Dorm Uniform, Birthday Boy
Cards I like only the Groovy: Union Birthday
Cards I like only because it’s Jade wearing the clothes and not someone else: Beans Camo
What I want to see in the future:
Pajamas (sleepover event?)
More suits (I don’t care what the excuse is, just stuff Jade into a suit. Multiple suits. ALL OF THE SUITS. Could be prince or butler or an idol or literally anything.)
Eel form (specifically as a playable card)
Jade with his (contra)bass (maybe in a music-themed event)
Jade promoting gambling (casino dealer, bunny ears, something along those lines)
POMEFIORE UNIFORM JADE (dorm swap event?)
JADE DRESSED LIKE FLOYD (like maybe the twins decide to swap lives for a day because they’re bored)
BARTENDER JADE BARTENDER JADE (serving non-alcoholic drinks, of course)
Dorm Leader Jade sorry not sorry Azul
Jade but just as a blanket burrito
Jade with slicked back hair
Jade with black hair tucked behind his ear
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romiantic · 3 years
𝐚𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬/𝐨
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this includes eren, levi, armin, connie, and jean
reading: black!fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: decided to bring this back while I’m redoing my page so don’t mind
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━ 𝗘𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗝𝗮𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗿
Y’all would definitely a power couple, the ones that rule the internet
You know those cute ones you find on Pinterest? That would be y’all, definitely De’arra and Ken vibes
Eren would be such a teaser, he would tease you like all the time, and definitely a tickler no matter how many times you tell him to stop
Every time you feel insecure about trying new colors or different hair styles, he’s gonna always convince you to do it
You would literally debate on big chopping your hair and he’ll convince you to go for it cause why? You’ll look beautiful no matter what
I feel his favorite old movie would be boyz in the hood
Randomly, he would scream that “RICKY!!” line like all the time
Eren would definitely let you braid his hair or let you try cute styles you find
Oh and you would do the style on yourself just to match and take pics, POWER COUPLE TINGZ 🥰
Eren would not take wash day seriously for his life 😭 mf would add either too much or too little of deep shampoo or keep splashing water around the shower, meanwhile you’re trying to deep condition your hair
Don’t worry, he’ll apologize after you beat his ass (you barely won though)
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━ 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗶 𝗔𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻
Y’all would definitely be one of those rich couples
You know those rich aunties that are living their best life in bora bora while sipping mimosa? That’s y’all
You and Levi would live in like a mid-size mansion or a beautiful penthouse that has a nice view
Y’all bed is nothing but fine black or royal blue silk
All you two both know is Chanel, Dolce and Gabana, Prada, Givenchy, Armani, the list goes on
You two don’t know the broke life, y’all wouldn’t even dare to touch or enter the Gucci store
Only the fanciest restaurants for the fanciest couples
Wash days would turn into a bubble bath with you laying on Levi’s chest and him washing your hair for you while you’re sipping wine and ranting on about anything
I KNOW Levi be giving some bomb ass scalp massages, feel like his fingers were sent from Heaven
Now when it comes to actually getting your hair done, he’s running background checks and doing the utmost to make sure your hair tech isn’t a scam
Let someone talk about his beautiful wife, him AND your security guards are beating their ass
Now if y’all had a kid, WHEW CHILE 🚶🏾‍♀️
I feel like the world would try levi and give him a bad ass baybay kid (hopefully y’all know what I’m talking about 😭) or a prissy kid with his attitude
Either way, the kid is getting their ass whooped from either you or him
Now don’t get me wrong, he would be very overprotective of his kid and only accept THE FINEST for his kid
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━ 𝗔𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁
You two would be those cute aesthetic couples, more so on the soft boy/indie vibes
You guys would have picnics dates like allll the time, of course, you don’t mind since this gives the chance to appreciate and learn more about one another
Everyday Armin would give you a fun fact he learned about us black folks, sometimes the fact would even shock you
Armin would definitely be a fan of the Black Panther Party
Wash days would just be him helping you and soft music playing in the background
Armin would take the time to do deep research about our culture
Your family would love him so much, he would always get snatched up by either your baby cousins or aunties every time you bring him to the cookout
Every time you get your hair or nails done, he’s always there next to you, chatting up a storm
The girlies in the salon shoot a glare cause of course they’re mad they didn’t bag a loving boyfriend like Armin
If he’s not there, he’s FaceTiming you or asking for pics in the end
Sometimes he’ll go above and beyond and wear outfits to match your new do and take pics
Every time you’ll feel down or not yourself, he would buy you small gifts like flowers or your favorite food to make it better
If that doesn’t work, he’ll let you sit or lay on his lap and listen to you rant, even if it’s about the most trivial thing
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━ 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿
You two would be those goofy couples that roast each other all the time
You would say a minor thing like his shirt is inside out and he’ll joke about something about you, now y’all going back and forth till one of y’all almost die from laughing
You ever wonder why your bonnets go missing? It’s because of your boyfriend
The mf would walk around the house wearing it likes it’s nothing and misplace it
Until one day you catch him wearing it
You: Connie why are you wearing my bonnet?
Connie: They’re cute and I think I look good with them *insert lightskin face*
You: Boy give me my shit back, no wonder I keep losing them
Your biggest hype man EVER no matter what
You could just be washing the dishes in an oversized t-shirt, shorts, and a bonnet and he’ll hype you up
He just loves seeing your beautiful face 🥰
Now when you get your hair and nails done, he’s definitely showing you off, especially on Instagram
He’s taking multiple pics and multiple stories like a photographer and you’re out here feeling good about yourself
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━ 𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗞𝗶𝗿𝘀𝗰𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗶𝗻
Y’all would a chill couple, those couples that just mind their business and love each other
Every once in a while you guys would update social media, barely though
You two definitely do y’all skincare routine together and take cute pictures
Super indecisive whenever you ask him what color or hairstyle you should try next
At first, he would be nervous to ask you to help wash your hair but washed over it and decided to ask you, of course, you said yes
Just like Levi, Jean definitely gives one of the best scalp massages EVER
Except his massages would send you to sleep and you’re just laying on his chest, lightly snoring, while his fingers work magic
I feel like he would talk about having a kid of his own a lot. He would be so happy to have a mini mixed him running around (not to the point where he’s fetishizing though)
Dates with him would mostly consist of something chill like visiting an aquarium or staying home and watching movies
Jean would definitely have thousands upon thousands of questions if you were to show him a black movie though (especially a tyler perry one)
At this point, you would have to tell him to write his questions down so he wouldn’t interrupt
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shoutout to anon cause this was my first ever request
decided to bring it back while I’m redoing my page
not to brag but it was my second biggest post also
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰 𝟓:𝟔 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗄𝗎𝗌𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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neon-ufo · 3 years
so, say someone already has a good design for their character. but, it's a bit too... "normal". what suggestions would you give to make a character's design a big more out there, but not so much that the design becomes too complex?
I think what makes a good character design, aside from the basics such as shapes and silhouettes (when dealing with a cast of characters), is having several core details that remain unchanged, while everything else can fluctuate.
If there's one part of a character's design that's immediately recognizable, then you're on a good way to making a good character design. A good way to know if you got there is to try to draw your character in the most minimal, simple style you can, and see if they are still recognizable. Look no further than Araki's quick character sketches to see what I mean.
For some examples with my OCs.. with Barbi, I think the specific messy spiky shape of her hair, the axes on her shirt and the white collar and sleeves of the crop top give her a pretty distinct look
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King can wear a lot of different outfits but still remains recognizable because of his extremely distinct hairstyle. I also always have a specific aesthetic in mind when designing clothes for him, so every time I give him a new outfit it seems believable that it's something he would wear. (Pinning down your character's fashion sense is really helpful if you want to design more outfits for them and keep them unified across the board)
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Luv has been drawn in many different ways, but because the core elements of his design (fire hair, heart mask & striped legs) always stick around, he stays recognizable in pretty much every style
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Giving a character design some minor but distinct detail that goes beyond the predictable (shirt print or necklace would count as 'predictable') can quickly elevate it from 'normal' to a bit more 'out there', as you put it. Weird hairstyles, hair accessories, earrings, beads, brooches or badges in unusual places on clothes, patterns, stitches or rips, skin being shown in an interesting way, unusual materials (fur, see-through, fishnet..) in unusual places - just one or two of things like these can help a design to become really interesting!
You see a LOT of that sort of designing in jojo.
My favourite design in jojo is Giorno who's a perfect example of how what was initially a pretty boring suit was turned into a gorgeous design. A lot of what makes his design work so well is really just small and very simple details; the hair, the ladybugs, the heart chest opening. An aspect I personally also love very much is the checkerboard pattern on the back of his jacket, it adds a little extra flair for when the character is drawn from behind.
Jotaro is much the same, with the most iconic parts of his design being the hat-hair, the badges on his hat, the chain and the long flowing jacket. An interesting aspect of Jotaro is also how his silhouette remains the same across all of his appearances in other parts, keeping him immediately recognizable, because the core parts of his design always return.
I think that a few good interesting details make a much more interesting, memorable and striking design than a ton of super detailed parts.
I really hope this was helpful!! <3
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charmixpower · 2 years
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🐉 Bloomy hairstyles explained 🐉
Ok so Bloom's whole style comes off as girl next door or very childish to me. Her s1 civilian being the best of her girl next door vibes, with her s3 Eraylon dress being the biggest example of the childish ones. I really like that when she dresses up her style veers childish, ad this as it provides some really interesting perspective of how she views her new life, as essentially living out her childhood dreams, and I wanted to keep true to that when doing her hair styles. There is only one distinctly elegant hairstyle because I absolutely love the look of it, and someone definitely convinced her not to do anything weird with their hair for once event.
On to my thoughts for each drawing
Classic Bloom: I didn't wanna just draw Bloom with her hair down, because it felt kinda lame. Especially bc then I'd have to aqueous to everyone just having their hair down which is no fun. Tecna can't put her hair up, Musa never wears her hair down so it's kinda an event I need to include, and I can't make excuses to myself for not including Stella with her hair down. So I was determined to keep everyone else as interesting as possible so I didn't get bored lol, but now I'm kinda in love with it?? Not only is it a convenient excuse to never draw whatever was wrong with her hair in s1, but it also kinda fits the bullied girl trying not to attract attention vibe that I want early seasons Bloom to have. It's growing on me quickly. Bonus preview of the s1 Bloom outfit redesign, none of these people wear jackets and as someone who constantly wears hoodies and jackets I'm fixing that
Alfea Bloom: Ok so this is how I imagine Stella would try to style hair hair at least once, because Bloom is kinda a fashion disaster and Stella must help her lol, and Bloom growing attached to it because it looks really cute on her. At this point she isn't trying to bury herself in the sand anymore to avoid being annoyed more for being the weird fairy girl. I think it's a cute feminine and fun change to her base hairstyle that isnt just fucking with her bangs in increasingly annoying ways, or putting her hair up in something more intense and just not Bloom's style. I'm looking at you 24/7 high ponytail Bloom. Save that shit for when she's out doing stuff. You can't convince me she'd wear that as her usual hairstyle. I think this is peek girl next door Bloom hair. Down hair, but make it cuter
Back to school: I gave her little low pigtails!! They're so cute!!! Imma be real with you the way they styled her bangs with the headband on gave me more of Bloom's childish style, which makes sense because she did it for an event. So I wanted to lean in a little bit on that without making her look silly in any way, and I settled on low pigtails for the day. I think they look adorable and work with the outfit without looking overly kiddish like the outfit with the headband looked at first but without like ditching the enegry entirely. Also those are probably my favorite Bloom earrings I've drawn her in. I can and can't imagine her wearing them daily, but they're super cute
Adventure: High ponytail Bloom where she belongs. Specifically outside hiking and shit. Anyways this outfit is a mix of the school explorer outfits and my most beloved s4 camping outfits. I think she looks super cute but there isn't much to talk about except for the fact I was kinda mad I couldn't include the red form the s4 outfit
Cozy Bloom: low pigtail braids, based off her s3 pajamas. She looks cute, she looks cozy, and Flora absolutely put those braids in for her. Btw that's supposed to be a cropped hoodie, you just can't tell because she's also cropped XD. Also I didn't wanna keep Bloom out of different shades of blue but she definitely looks better in cyan
Gardening Bloom: This is just the s4 painting outfit, but more realistic than wearing white to get dirty. Seriously what?? Anyways I'm imagining her helping her mother with her flower job, or helping Flora deal with her plants in this outfit. Braided bc oh my god are you not worried about getting paint in your hair? Which technically doesn't apply anymore, but Flora's plants have grabby hands, it's better this way
Eraklyon Bloom: Ah the empire flower dress. You are one of the ugliest outfits from early Winx, and I love you so dearly. You are such a interesting way to get some character insight, and I just appreciate that Bloom is a weird girl down to her bones. Anyways I didn't touch her hair all that much aside from not making it obnoxiously long, giving her a hair clip instead of a headband, and giving her a hair tie without flowers. Seriously how fucking long is her hair supposed to BE in the original??? I'm pretty sure mine is a little unrealistically long compared to how hair works, but it's much better than the show. I really didn't understand how her bun worked, so I moved it to lower down on her hair. Also I thought the headband was bit much but idk if I regret changing that one or not. I just added the hairclip bc I thought it was cuter but hmmmm
Gala attendee: This whole outfit doesn't really feel Bloomy to me but it does feel like something she'd make an appearance in, so I'm chalking that up to her not dressing herself but having some creative control over her outfit. I actually wanted to make it the same shade of Bloom from the picture above but they were so close together that it looked weird, and purple didn't look right so I settled on red. Having her hair up and away from her outfit definitely made things nicer
Princess Bloom: ah yes the flower princess outfit. Would any of the other Winx wear those monstrosities? Maybe Flora on a really bad fashion day. Would Bloom wear it? YES! DID YOU SEE HER ERAKLYON OUTFIT???? SHE'S A DISASTER!!! I didn't include the flowers themselves because the placement and design were too ugly even for me, who loves it when Winx gets tacky and ugly in a fun way, but I did keep the awful hair because I think she'd like it. It's sooo horrible and you can't convince me she wouldn't willingly put herself in this outfit, you can't
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
for the prompt thing: NMJ letting NHS pick his clothes. Whether it's for a special event (conference? Wedding?) or just regular clothes is up to you.
It started, he supposed, because of the Nie sect elders.
They didn’t especially like the fact that Nie Huaisang was Nie Mingjue’s heir, nor the fact that he made clear that he wouldn’t take any other, not even when Nie Huaisang continued to prove generally useless in just about every respect. They didn’t like that he couldn’t train the saber the way the others in the sect did, that he was born with poorer muscles and less wind and that no amount of effort would change that, not that he would bother with putting in that effort. They might have accepted Nie Huaisang being weak if he had been scholarly, they could have accepted him being clever if only he’d used it for useful purposes, but instead he was as lazy as a slug, a salted fish that did nothing all day and let others raise him.
It didn’t matter, as far as Nie Mingjue was concerned. His brother was his father’s son, and thus entitled to the birthright to which he had been born every bit as much as Nie Mingjue was.
Nie Mingjue would fight to the death and beyond to preserve that birthright for him.
He’d fought with the elders time and time again about it. They wanted him to adopt some cousin into the main line so that he could be the preferred heir, Nie Mingjue refused absolutely. They wanted him to at least take someone in to start training them up to run a sect, Nie Mingjue redirected them towards learning how to be a good second in command. They pushed him to marry and have children, such that someone else could be named regent while they grew older, citing as an example Lan Qiren and his nephews – Nie Mingjue laughed in their faces.
His power over his sect was not total, or else he’d be able to shut them up directly, but it was enough.
Enough to protect Nie Huaisang this much, at least.
Not that it stopped them from trying, although they’d figured out that they needed to come to it indirectly.
So when the elders started pushing for Nie Mingjue to give Nie Huaisang some duties, insisting that it was customary for the heir to assist the sect leader and hinting that they would try to make something of it if he didn’t, Nie Mingjue knew what they were about. They were expecting Nie Mingjue to think the request was minor and miniscule, a reasonable place to give in and compromise with him; they were expecting him to agree and to assign a task that any normal person could do, and for Nie Huaisang to fail it, and therefore give them an even more solid basis to make something of it.
So instead, Nie Mingjue set his mind to coming up with a task that Nie Huaisang would not fail.
It ended up being clothing.
“You want me to what?” Nie Huaisang asked.
“Pick my clothing,” Nie Mingjue said gruffly. He’d never been good at asking for things for himself and he hated to do it now, especially where he didn’t actually need the help, but Nie Huaisang’s wellbeing always came before anything, much less something as unimportant as Nie Mingjue’s own comfort and desire not to come across as awkward. “Hairstyle, accessories, the whole lot – you know how tricky these little things can be. If I go to visit a poor subsidiary sect, I can’t be dressed too fancy or else I’ll be rubbing it in their faces; if I go to visit the Jin sect, I have to be dressed up to the nines to avoid looking like a poor relation come begging, only I also have to make sure it doesn’t look like I’m trying too hard…”
Nie Huaisang chuckled.
“Anyway, it’s a waste of far too much effort, not to mention my valuable time,” Nie Mingjue concluded, which was even true, in his opinion – although in the normal course of things it wouldn’t be a burden he’d bother removing from his shoulders. “You know most of the other sects by now, either in person or by reputation – you’ve certainly heard enough gossip – so I’ve decided that you can handle picking what the right outfit is for a given situation.”
Nie Huaisang picked at his sleeve. “Does that mean I can buy new outfits?”
Nie Mingjue had expected that question.
“Yes, within reason,” he said, and saw his younger brother’s eyes light up. It would be worth the strain on his personal funds to ensure that Nie Huaisang was interested in the task, and therefore more likely to succeed in it. “Don’t go crazy, all right? I have to wear this stuff.”
“Don’t worry, da-ge! I’ll take care of you!”
Nie Mingjue rolled his eyes, but it ended up working out all right: Nie Huaisang was able to keep his more elaborate flourishes restrained to his own clothing, and Nie Mingjue was impeccably dressed for each and every social event. Even the quality of his clothing went up several degrees, becoming subtly more comfortable while retaining his usual style, looking not terribly different (to his eyes) from before yet also gaining him appreciative looks from his peers.
In the end, even the elders had to begrudgingly admit that Nie Huaisang had done a good job.
Even if it was just clothing.
Nie Mingjue didn’t care.
It might not be much of a victory, but it was Nie Huaisang’s – and that’s what mattered.
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fashion4standusers · 2 years
hi there! do you have any ideas for a "gyaru" kind of character for stardust crusaders? i'm trying to make a feminine oc for the part and am trying to give them that kind of fashionable, girlyish vibe but i can't find much resources aside from the usual loose socks + short skirt, which i find difficult to "jojofy" ;___; thank you so much for your help, and i love your ideas on this blog!!
I'm gonna put everything under a cut for this one because i have a LOT of ideas
I'm not very knowledgeable about gyaru, so I'm working off some very cursory research, but i gotta say, as far as the whole "jojofying an existing aesthetic/subculture" thing goes, I think gyaru lends itself REALLY well to that as-is. Heavy accessorizing, bold makeup, mixing patterns/textures, etc.
One of the classic gyaru outfits is the modified school uniform, which i think would work really well in SDC in particular. I know you said that you want to do more beyond just the baggy socks and short skirt, so lemme explain how i think you could do that.
JoJo LOVES to do that whole "uniform but also not" thing in its character designs (Jotaro, Kakyoin, Kei Nijimura, Pucci, like 90% of the DiU cast) and gyaru fashion already does that. Take a look at how Araki modifies a school uniform to make it more unique in part 3:
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-jacket is worn open, accessorized with unusual belts and a giant chain, hat has unique symbols on it, weird hair/hat symbiote moment, jacket is a bit longer than a standard one
It's really only a few simple edits that make his design unique, and Kakyoin has even LESS going on. So, compare that to how gyaru edits a uniform:
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-baggy cardigan, complex hairstyle, necktie used as a bow, skirt shorter than a standard one, baggy socks that put weight at the bottom of the silhouette
I think the gyaru uniform is already pretty in-line with the spirit of part 3! but in order to make your character's design UNIQUE and different from a typical gyaru look, i'd say accessorizing is the most important factor.
In terms of HOW to edit/accessorize the outfit, i like these examples from the japanese gyaru clothing brand MA*RS (source):
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The things that stand out to me most here are hearts, chains, and especially bows. adding a HUGE bow around the neck would function the same way that Jotaro's jacket chain does-- it's a big obnoxious detail that draws attention and makes her stand out. You can also see these outfits using chain belts, which i think would be another great detail.
I think you could also use shoes as a variation on the baggy socks to make a unique design; in the same way that the socks create a heavy, blocky shape, you could instead use tall boots of some kind. There are LOTS of tall boots in JoJo, so those would be an easy way to ground your design within the universe while still keeping the aesthetic recognizable.
Another important factor is ABSOLUTELY the hair. I mentioned before that Kakyoin's outfit is a pretty normal school uniform, BUT he has a really weird hairstyle that makes him stand out. So, I think you can stray a bit from the typical gyaru hairstyles and use something a bit more unusual instead:
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source unknown / king kong magazine / liquormeat
In a previous post i mentioned my shortlist of "jojo design details you can slap on any character":
Shoes that are attached to the characters pants
Text on clothing (the characters name, initials, their Stands name, etc)
Funky belts
Interesting patterns (not just simple stripes and polka dots, something a little more complicated or irregular)
Face tattoos/face paint/unusual makeup
I think in this case, the most fitting ones are the clothing text, patterns, and makeup. For patterns, you could find or come up with something unique to replace the standard tartan on the skirt.
With all this said, if you DON'T want to use the school uniform idea that i just rambled on and on about, you might want to research a gyaru subgenre known as "amekaji" that's a lot more casual and, for lack of a better word, "tomboy"-ish than the main variety. I think this would make sense for a character doing a lot of traveling, but it may not have the same girly-girl vibes you're looking for.
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The Gyaru Wiki
I will say, SDC's main cast probably has the tamest/most desaturated/most mundane color palette of the whole series next to Phantom Blood, so you might want to consider how their design would mesh (or not mesh) with the Crusaders. The pink and black color palette seems to be pretty prominent in gyaru fashion, particularly in the "agejo" sub-style, but i think if you want the character to blend in with the crusaders, you'd be better off using those colors only as accents while the rest of the outfit uses a fairly "mundane" palette.
Another thing: gyaru is typically associated with the 90s and 2000s, and SDC takes place in the 80s. although it began as early as the 70s (therefore an 80s gyaru is totally plausible!), a lot of the really bold, emblematic gyaru styles didn't fully solidify until the 90s. interpret this how you want-- personally, i think it gives you reason to think outside the box and add details that you might not typically see within the subculture.
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greentrickster · 2 years
Do you think Melli would be interested in the modern fashion, make-up, hairstyles and so on? Perhaps he might bond with Elesa about this.
(I have the hc, that Melli for example made the patterns on his hat and skirt (?) by himself. And look at his long hair!! It's so beautiful! Also his style is amazing as a warden)
(He also kinda reminded me of Wallace, bc he's so pretty, he could be a model)
Anon, you're obviously a psychic type, because you read my mind! Yes, I do think Melli would be very curious about modern fashion, though he'd probably also be quite o////o about it, since it's much more revealing than anything anyone in his time is used to - even the most minimalist outfits worn in the Hisui region have nothing on Elesa! Heck, there's probably a conversation early on where Melli says something to the effect of, "Put some more clothes on, that's indecent!" And Elesa's just about to righteously go off on him, but Ingo steps in with, "Elesa, your body your choice, but he's from several hundred years in the past and the modesty standards were very different, this is sincere culture shock." "Okay, I guess I can go less runway and more street fashion for a bit - there are some cool new looks I've been wanting to try anyway."
Once the communication barrier and proper boundaries are set up, though, and once respect is gained between the two of them, I think they would have a lot of fun bonding over the stuff you mentioned, because I'm totally with you on the idea that he likes to look good! I mentioned in another post that she's probably the one who introduces him to conditioner, which is an Enlightenment to him. And I like the idea that he makes certain pieces of his clothing and also embellishes them himself - I've sort of been thinking along the same lines! Especially because, in the old days (at least in the Western world) part of the buying off the rack expectation was that you got something that fit pretty close, then would take it home and alter it yourself to fit better.
Also, from how it looks, Melli's wearing two upper layers - a hip-length with a hood that has the Diamond Clan symbol on it, with a very short (relatively speaking) kimono-style sort of tunic beneath it, probably either sleeveless or with short sleeves, which is what he's added the Lord Electrode detailing to. Going on, those things on his arms look like bracers or something protective, so his Diamond Clan shirt/hoodie probably has long or crew-length sleeves that go under them partway. I believe he has his hat on over his hood, and then, naturally, there are some close-fitting trousers and the boots.
So, for his modern look, I think he keeps his hat (familiar, and also it would work for modern fashions) and choker (which I think Elesa would adore), Elesa finds him some leggings, a tunic that goes to about mid-thigh, and a hoodie that's longer than usual. Melli then, used to doing his own thing and detailing his own clothes, adds a Lord Electrode to his hoodie's chest (since he's told to maybe not mention the Diamond Clan thing too much, which I'm sure makes Melli very >:O) and, after seeing some modern styles, smaller detailings of his team down one sleeve of the hoodie (which has Elesa probably going, "The trainer in me says this isn't the best strategy, but the model in me adores it").
In regards to how Elesa's doing with all this, I think she enjoys the heck out of how willing to listen and interested Melli is in this side of her job. Like, Skyla likes to look good, but she and Elesa have very different looks, and the twins also have some very powerful looks, but they never deviate from said looks, because it's them. Which, fine, also their bodies and their choices, but you know Elesa occasionally sees some new fashion trend that would look so good on one of her friends and cries a little inside because they'll never wear it.
In contrast, Melli likes looking his best at all times and finds high fashion interesting (when it's not too revealing for him), and he's probably experimented a little with Hisui-era make-up for festivals and other such special events, so he's okay with letting Elesa go to town a little with the eye shadow and the contouring. And Elesa's probably curious to hear about the techniques he's used to using, if only in a historical anthropology sort of way in regards to getting to learn about the roots of one of the key parts of her industry. Though this also leads to a very firm conversation where Elesa gives Melli a list of things he has to promise her to never use again, seriously, please, you have such nice skin, never put anything lead-based on it again, for me.
One thing I think they wouldn't be able to agree on fashion-wise, however, is boots. Because tell me there's a single warden in Hisui who wouldn't see a pair of modern hiking boots and experience love at first sight. Melli's of the opinion that they could be prettier, yes, because his own boots are pretty awesome, but modern high-fashion shoes...? He probably tries on one pair, makes the most derisive face in the world, and spends an hour breaking down all the ways these shoes would break you out on the mountain.
(looks up Wallace) Melli's used to men sometimes showing more skin than women (ex: Gaeric), but I think he would find Wallace's way of doing it very intimidating, also in a o////o sort of way. Though it probably makes Elesa feel better to see Melli react with a "That feels very indecent" to a picture of Wallace the same way he did to her - helps drive home that this is really just a cultural thing.
Thanks for the ask!
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
You Call It A Mess, We Call It Baking
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Tons of fluff
Summary: A friendly argument via Discord leads to a baking session. Said baking session leads to a kitchen looking like it was the victim of a tornado. The lesson here is: don’t leave Corpse and Y/N in the kitchen together.
Requested by Anon, thank you so much for your request, hope I captured what you wanted well and I hope you enjoy reading it.
Corpse’s POV
I’ve been sitting in a Discord call with Y/N for about three years now, keeping her company as she’s editing some footage Sean sent her earlier. In the meantime, I’m reviewing the recently submitted stories by my viewers, reading some lines I find funny or downright terrifying to her.
“When I went in the kitchen to check on the cake, it was already out of the oven, a sticky note next to it on the counter that read: ‘smells nice’. My blood ran cold.“ I read the eerie sentence that is suggesting one of my most frightening scenarios - a stalker getting inside your house. I get chills just imagining what was probably going on in the sender’s head when they saw that.
“Jeez, it’s been so long since I’ve cooked something other than omelet.“ I hear Y/N reply absentmindedly, completely neglecting the fear factor of what’s going on in the story.
“Good job missing the point.” I chuckle, my eyes continuing to scan the email until my brain actually comprehends what she said, “Wait, you mean to tell me you have baked anything ever?! No offense, Y/N, but I was honestly doubting your ability to make an omelet as well. In all the years we’ve been friends I can’t remember you ever not saying ‘I hade takeout’ when I asked you what you had for dinner.” 
The scoff that comes through my headphones is the most adorable thing ever. She’s one to easily take a joke and never get offended by anything, but I know how heated she can get with her sarcasm. If I’m being honest, I’m always here for it. 
“There are many things you don’t know about me, Corpsy. A girl’s gotta have some aces up her sleeve.“ I can just imagine the narrowing of here eyes and the tilting of her head as she says that. She has a very specific way of expressing her thoughts. When we first met I accidentally made the comparison to one of those children’s books that have pictures, stories and small buttons for audio. That comparison has stuck with me and I look back at it very often. To fully catch her point, you don’t just listen to her. No, no, no. You focus on every change in her face and body. The way she looks away during certain parts of her speech, the way her voice plays with several different tones at once. Her posture while speaking. Just like those books - you don’t just listen to the audio, you look at the pictures and read the text.
“Well you know how much I like playing poker, why don’t you come over and throw those aces down.“ The last thing you should ever give Y/N is a challenge. She won’t only homerun it, but will never let you forget it either. When we met she was a girl with self esteem in the negatives, so seeing her brag about her achievements to me always brings me joy.
The details I’ve listed are pretty in-depth, aren’t they? That’s because I don’t want to let anything slip when it comes to her. This realization hit me early in our friendship and it was only like two years in that I finally connected the dots - this investment in her of mine was not simple nor platonic. Come to think of it, I reckon it never was.
“No way, I’m not changing out of my pajamas just to come to your house.” She laughs, once again making me picture her full body reaction to her statement.
I smirk, knowing I’m about to bring out my main weapon, “Oh come on, I’ve seen you in pajamas countless times. You can just admit you don’t wanna embarrass yourself. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
I can sense her fuming even though she’s like two miles away. “I’ll be there in 15.”
She hangs up before getting the chance to hear me lose control of the laughter I’ve been suppressing. 
Man, I love this girl.
Y/N’s POV 
“It’s on.“ I say as soon as the door in front of me swings open to reveal the smug smirking face of my bestfriend. The foundation of my tough, unbothered act is shaken up by the outburst of butterflies in my stomach which occurs every time I see him. I can never look at this man and not turn at least a little red in the cheeks. 
It’s been long since I self-diagnosed with the malicious ‘falling for someone who would never reciprocate my feelings’ illness. I’ve been living with it for a while. What medication do I take? Dating other guys. One bad relationship after another, scolding myself that every one of them has been a desperate attempt to get him to change his gaze on me from ‘best friend’ to something more. Hell, I don’t even know how to define that ‘something more’. I once even tried to admit my feelings, but I was so vague and so incoherent that I didn’t understand myself, so how was he supposed to grasp my downright sad excuse of a confession. 
“No ‘hello’, no nothing?“ He moves aside to let me in. I walk right past him with a sassy flip of my hair to mask the nervousness of being aware that his eyes were on me, “Rude.“ He murmured with an obvious smile in his tone.
He looks as cute as ever, black sweatpants and a black tee, hair messy as though he has just rolled out of bed. I can say with the upmost certainty that he’s the only one who can pull of that hairstyle.
I hide mine as I throw on the apron that’s hanging by his fridge, ready to take over his kitchen and put those aces of mine to use. I can’t help but furrow my brows when I see him enter the kitchen behind me and lean against the counter. That’s when I notice the counter is lined with all the ingredients I’ll need for the cake I had in mind. 
“OK, what do we do first?“ he claps his hands together, straightening his posture as he gives me a expectant look.
It takes all my brain cells to prevent me from freezing up completely. I’m not usually like this, mind you, I’m a lot better at keeping what’s going on inside my head camouflaged. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I don’t have much time to dwell on that. If I do, he’ll pick up on it right away.
“Um, we are not gonna do anything. I will be here baking, and you will remain outside the kitchen until I’m done. If you need something, ask and I’ll bring it to you. I can’t have you sabotaging my project, impostor.” I narrow my eyes at him like he’s the most dangerous of threats. And he is, for my mental sanity.
He fakes a hurt expression, clearly fighting to the best of his ability to hide how much he’s enjoying messing with me. “We’ve known each other for five years, Y/N. Don’t you trust me?”
I lean over the counter to where we’re about two feet apart and whisper, “Not. Even. A. Little. Bit.”
He smiles, “You’re just trying to get away with making this cake by watching a YouTube tutorial. Admit it, you can’t even crack an egg properly.” His eyes are now as narrowed as mine as we stare each other down at a proximity that’s rapidly raising my body temperature and heartbeat. It’s not fair. I’m a mess around him so he automatically has the upper hand.
As expected, I give in, “You better not mess around though.”
After I force him to give me several different oaths, we start. I’m working on the batter, he’s working on the frosting. We decided to decorate it with crimson and dark purple frosting. We’re both really pick about the color shades so he’s currently struggling to get the crimson perfect. 
“Let’s make it a layer cake.“ He suggests out of the blue, “Two layers, nothing crazy.“
I think it over for a moment or two before shrugging, “OK, but then you better grab a bowl and help me with the second layer. You know how to make the batter, right?”
He confirms that he does and walks out of my line of sight. I hear him open the fridge as I whisk the eggs I have cracked with the sugar. 
“You want something to drink?“ He asks while rummaging through the fridge.
I decline, try to focus on the recipe that I have somehow memorized to the smallest of details. As I’m reciting the it silently to make sure I didn’t skip any steps with the batter, I feel something cold run down my back causing me to scream.
“What the fuck was that?!“ I turn around and glare at him just as the ice cube slips out from under my hoodie and falls to the floor. The fucker’s laughing whole heartedly, not giving a damn that he just gave me a mini heart attack. Mainly cause I thought it was a roach or something, and he know I hate bugs.
“You do realize how boiling red you are, right? You look like a lobster. I thought you needed something to cool you down.“
Instead of being annoyed, I do a full 180 and decide to play his game, “Yeah, I know...” I trail off, reaching my hand back towards the bowl of flour. Grabbing a a handful of the white powder I throw it at him before he can even catch on. Needless, to say, his outfit and hair aren’t so black anymore. “Ah, I knew your hair would look good with snowflakes in it, but you can never be too sure.”
“This means war, Y/N.” His smile is borderline malicious, getting me excited for what’s to come. 
Him and I have always had these so called wars, but never like you’d imagine. We are silent, strategic, subtle. Neither of us knows when the other will attack until it’s too late. That’s why instead of going for a counter-attack right away, he heads to complete his mission of making the batter for the second layer.
All is quiet except the noises of the utensils clinking together every now and then. I keep a close watch on him out of the corner of my eye and I notice no sus behavior. That is until I see him take a spoonful of his batter and eat it. I whirl around at the speed of a gust of wind, eyes wide, “Do you want to fuck up your guts.” He ignores me as he takes another spoonful, bringing it close to his mouth. This time, I grab onto his arm causing the contents of the spoon to spill on my hoodie.
I roll my eyes, unbothered by the brown stain that by some miracle missed the apron and fell on my grey hoodie, “Don’t. Eat. The. Batter. Copy?“
“Paste.“ He nods, smirking with pride as he puts the spoon aside.
I sigh and return to my side of the kitchen, focusing on the next task: poring the batter into the circular baking tray which he, for some reason, has two of. He repeats the task soon after me and we put the two trays in the oven. I help him with the frosting, getting the shades close enough to what we had in mind. 
After about five minutes of the crusts baking, a wonderful smell spreads throughout the kitchen. At this point, all we have to do is wait for the oven to signal that our cinnamon crust is ready to be taken out, wait for it to cool down and then frost the cake.
“It smells really good.“ He comments, turning his head to look at me.
I’m sitting atop the kitchen counter and Corpse is standing next to me. This is the only time him and I are at approximately the same height. The realization brings a thought to my mind, one that makes me feel like an evil mastermind.
“Hey, remember earlier when you said I couldn’t crack an egg properly?“ He hums affirmatively, “Well...“
The carton of eggs is within arm’s reach. I grab an egg, chip it off the side of the counter and crack it apart above his head, its contents coating his hair. “How’s that for a proper egg crack?” I ask victoriously.
He lets out a surprised sound, something between a gasp and a laugh. Shaking his head to get the yoke to fall down, he says amusedly: “I don’t know...you tell me.”
Too late for me to do anything. There’s milk all over me.
The malicious smile on his face is replicated on mine and now it’s really on. However, as we reach for the items meant to be out weapons, the oven dings.
Frosting the cake goes about as well as you expect: there’s more frosting on us than the cake itself.
“Let’s make amends, please. I’m so not looking forward to taking three showers tonight.“ I say, raising a white napkin and waving it around.
“Fair enough.“ He shrugs and we shake hands.
As I’m about to pull my hand back, he holds onto it, making me look up at him. Our eyes lock and I suddenly regain that same shakiness and vulnerability I always have around him. It never leaves me, I just manage to ignore it. The sound of my panic is muffled by the sound of my heart thumping the loudest it has ever. 
Expectedly, he is the bold one who makes the first and final move. The move to end one era of us and start another. His lips touch mine and all fades. It’s just him and I. The friends who were never just friends. The cowards who suck at dealing with emotions. The fearful little kids that are afraid of rejection because we both mean so much to each other, to the point of suffering to prevent the possibility of losing one another.
We embrace who we are, finally admitting that friends is not what we are meant to remain forever.
The kiss might’ve been brief, but the meaning it carries makes it the most valuable moment of my life. One I’ll cherish forever. Something in his eyes tells me he will too. That’s all I need. That’s all we need. No words are necessary.
Suddenly, our bubble bursts as a result of his ringing phone. He lets go of one of my hands and takes his phone from the counter.
“It’s Dave”, he smiles, picking up the call and turning to get me in the camera frame. “Hey Dave, look who’s here with me.“
I wave at the camera and at the baffled face of Dave. “Hi!”
“What, in the name of God, is that mess?“ He raises both his eyebrows as his eyes scan us and the kitchen behind us.
“You call it a mess, we call it baking.“ Corpse and I look at each other and smile, blushing as red as the streak in Dave’s hair.
“Am I missing something here? Did I call at a bad time?“ He asks, still struggling to rationalize what he is seeing.
“Yeah, you actually did. I’ll call you back.“ Corpse dead-ass hangs up on him, putting his phone away before turning to me, “We have more important matters at the moment.“
He kisses me again, this time more confidently. His arms wrap around me and prep me up on the counter, insinuating that this kiss won’t be as short as the last.
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